#evan buckley x eddie diaz
colonoscopys · 3 days
buddie post-tsunami fic I 6k I rated ga I for @911actionforgaza
Instead of sleeping, he hopes to watch the two of them the entire night. The slow rise and fall of their breaths, and the way they toss and turn in the night. He wants to tuck them in again and again, and then press his mouths to their sleepy foreheads and be there, all the time, everyday.
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missmagooglie · 1 day
A Fever That's So Hard To Bear
Chapter 2 of the Babysitter Fic is now up! I hope you guys are ready for a little bit of angst.
Here's a snippet:
“Breaking his– Bobby, he isn't in love with me,” Eddie protests, looking at Bobby incredulously. The tension in his shoulders has them bunching up close to his ears. He’s pretty sure this conversation is having the opposite effect Bobby intended, because now Eddie feels more nervous than ever to go home. “Probably not,” Bobby agrees, “but I'll bet he thinks he is. Do you remember being that age? How big everything felt, because you were feeling it for the first time? This conversation is going to hurt him, and it's going to be uncomfortable as hell for you, but it still needs to happen.” Eddie looks up at the sky, seeing nothing but the blackish-gray smog of the city's light pollution where stars should be. “I don't want to hurt him, Bobby,” he confesses. “He's a good kid. And he's so good with Chris, you know? He's practically part of the family.”
Happy Reading!
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capboobynash · 4 months
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blazinghotfoggynights · 2 months
Can Team Tuck and Team Buddie please agree that both can exist and serve as positive spaces for queer male representation?
I've been thinking. Let me run something by you.
Oliver says he has always felt Buck was a bi-coded character? Right?
Does that mean when TK thought Buck was hitting on him, he was?
If Buck was always bi, but just didn't know it, are we supposed to believe he never flirted with Eddie just because his first kiss was with Tommy?
Was Tommy his bi awakening or was Tommy the embodiment of the attractive traits he has seen in a man he's been falling for over five seasons?
You can like or even love multiple people. Even at the same time! 😮
Believing that Buddie is or should be the endgame does not negate or disrespect Buck's arc with Tommy in any way. I question if Tommy was just a convenient character. He's a safe guy to explore Buck's evolution with. He has a history with members of the 118, but he is not integral to the cast. If it doesn't work out, he is easily explained away. Remember Natalia?
I think it is possible to have a Buck and Tommy centered arc, focused on Buck becoming comfortable with his sexuality and exploring it in a healthy, positive way and still have Buck and Eddie eventually realize they have been each other's person for years. Having both doesn't make the other any less important. How many people have dated others when their eventual life partner was right there? They had no idea they saw that person in that way.
Now that we know Buck is bi, it could lead to different interpretations of scenes:
Buck is looking at Eddie. Tommy is not there and we don't know for sure who Eddie was speaking to.
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2. Look at that smile and his eyes at the end. Buck positively beams and bats his eyes when he realizes Eddie is going to look at him. That's how platonic friends look at each other?
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3. But we can take it all the way back if we have to. Look at Buck when Eddie compliments him.
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3b. Do you know what that reminds me of?
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4. If Buck has subconciously been into guys for a long time, then this scene takes on a whole new context.
Moving closer to the other man? Check.
Eye contact? Check?
Smile and shy head duck? Check.
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*I'd like to state that I have no doubt Edmundo Diaz knew Buck was into him. Look at the reaction.
5. When I'm into someone, you know what I don't talk about? Someone else.
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6. Wow. Look at how Buck looks at Tommy.
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6b. We have never seen that before have we?
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Buck x Tommy and Buck x Eddie can coexist in harmony. Life stories are long and have jumpscares, plot twists, plot holes, etc.
Buck being genuinely attracted to Tommy doesn't mean that all the scenes from the past five seasons that made us all side-eye Evan Buckley didn't happen.
If we never get Buddie, let's just take the win. ABC said, "There are queer men in the world who are masculine, hot, and relatively stable. Let's show that."
Do we really need to talk about how the LGBTQ community was represented on their former network? I could stand on that soapbox and go off for days. Let's just say I know others who also felt some way about it, whether they were straight, queer, or allies.
I am just going to enjoy what is shaping up to be an amazing season. Moving to ABC breathed new life into 911 and I am excited. (Season six? Can we just not talk about it?)
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wackybuddiemewbs · 10 months
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Quoting Buddie things incorrectly
Part 67/???
Find more incorrect quotes here.
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evanscrayons · 1 year
eddie: so, chim told me you’ve been ranking the team out of appearance
buck: calm down, twelve
eddie: you can’t- wait, out of what?
buck: ten
eddie: oh
chimney: eddie
eddie: it’s called free speech, chimney. look it up.
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groupielove21 · 19 days
It's crazy to me that Eddie is praying next to Bobby with the prayer book that Bobby himself gave him for the simple fact that it's something so...Eddie.
We have a man who has not believed in anything for years, from whom life has stolen everything, who is even now losing his own son and over the last few months we have seen him having an increasingly complex relationship with religion. And yet, he prays for his friend.
Not because he believes, not because he thinks it can be of any use, but because he knows that is something Bobby would like, for someone to pray for him.
And Buck is right next to him, watching Eddie do this for Bobby, but even though neither of them say it, it's also for Buck.
Because Buck is the guy who likes to fix things and he can't fix Bobby, and he can't pray either, because he doesn't know how to talk to a God he was never shown.
So we have Eddie, the man who considers himself broken and who ruins everything he touches, giving his captain peace and we have Buck, the man who thinks he can fix everything so that he is loved, letting the only person in the world who trusts his life to take on the task of taking care of his adoptive father because he knows that Eddie is going to do it well.
Because Buck may not understand religion, but he understands what it is to have faith in Eddie Diaz.
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3thingsnothidden · 1 month
just saw a clip of the lightning scene and I am now going insane because I just realized we have instances where both eddie and buck are screaming for the other at the top of their lungs and the other can’t hear. in both scenes it is coming from the screams are coming from the deepest parts of them, from their core, like it’s being wrenched out of them by fear by love.
not only that but then they follow it up by trying to do something physically impossible to get to the other - buck tries digging through 40 feet of mud with his hands in an effort to get eddie and eddie tries pulling all of bucks weight up from the ladder with just his upper body strength. idk how I never noticed these parallels in how the scenes play out before
their love for each other is unreal. there are no lengths they wouldn’t go to for the other
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exhuastedpigeon · 3 months
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lay your cards down, down, down
Buddie | Mature | 6.3k
At that moment a few things happened at once that all felt equality important. Buck noticed a black ring on Eddie’s ring finger. Buck felt Eddie’s hard cock pressed against his hip. And Buck saw a matching black ring on his own ring finger. Maybe it was silly to put Eddie’s hard cock at the same level as what looked a lot like wedding rings, but it felt just as important as the other two observations. “Oh,” Eddie’s eyes widened as he spotted the ring on his hand. “I -” “Did we get married?” Buck whispered, voice dripping in panic. “Eddie I-I don’t remember wh-what happened.” Or Buck and Eddie get drunk at Chim's bachelor party and wake up married.
Read on Ao3
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reqvlvs · 26 days
being a buddie stan with eddie as your favorite character is realizing that it feels like nobody ever really cared about buddie, only buck's happiness. despite it being buck and eddie, deep down people only ever really wanted it because it benefited buck, and now that tommy's there, eddie doesn't matter. its going back in fics and realizing that it was only ever really about buck. eddie atoning for his sins and chasing after buck, eddie taking care of buck, eddie getting the shovel talks to never hurt buck, and it was barely the other way around.
idk i like buck and i like this fandom but it just feels like no one ever really cared about eddie. bucktommy (i refuse to call it tevan and bummy is rude) is fine and all that, but its nothing exceptional and regardless of it i still ship buddie and always will. i just wish people care for eddie just a fraction of the way they cared about buck, or that they viewed buddie as an equal relationship (if they even still care about it) but it just doesn't seem that way. it feels like as long as buck is benefited, who he's shipped with doesnt matter, eddie be damned.
this is just my opinion, you don't have to agree, and the opinion might be skewed from the perspective of an eddie stan, it just feels weird now idk. i just wish the appreciation for both characters was more equal but i know that's not how it works. just some thoughts i wanted to share.
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stormlex · 2 months
Ive seen most people on twitter saying they do not want to wait until season 9 or 10 for Buddie to get together. So that made me curious
Let the people know your thought processes if you would like. I would like to know the thought processes :)
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veryberryjelly · 3 months
almond milk, two sugars
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evan buckley x fem!reader
lyric prompt ; 'i pay attention to things that most people ignore' - all american bitch - olivia rodrigo
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your time at the 188 may not have been very long compared to some of the other firefighters tenure, but it had so far been the best six months of your life.
your hours were adaptable, even if you had regularly worked twelve hour shifts every day.
your coworkers were friendly, so much so that any free time you had, you often spent with them.
whether it was going to the gym with eddie, having dinner with hen or grabbing coffee with buck before or after a shift.
and you loved doing all of that with them.
which was why you always hated cancelling plans on them.
but sometimes it was unavoidable.
which was why you had to message buck that you were running late so you couldn't grab coffee this morning.
your phone hadn't charged so you had no alarm to wake you early enough to grab coffee.
but that also meant that you were uncaffeinated as you hurried into the station for the beginning of your shift.
once you arrived and you saw that there was no urgency for you to rush around, you slowed down, put your things in your locker before climbing the stairs to the kitchen to make yourself a coffee.
you greeted those who were sitting on the couch as you made your way over, going straight for the coffee pot.
as you reached for it you noticed a takeout cup beside it with your name scribbled on the top.
your brows furrowed softly as you picked up the cup, expecting it to be trash that you had forgotten to throw away, but when you found it to be full your brows furrowed softly.
thankfully, the questions you hadn't been able to ask yet were answered when you heard a voice behind you.
"i grabbed you a coffee on my way in."
you turned to find buck stood with an identical cup in his hand, presumably filled with his regular order.
" figured you wouldn't have time this morning and i thought i'd spare us all your decaffeinated wrath "
his words caused a laugh to bubble past your lips.
" thank you, i'm sure the entire team is grateful for your generosity" you joked as you took a sip of the coffee, unable to stop the smile spreading over your face when you realised he had gotten your order right.
" and i am very grateful to not have to drink crap. how do you know my order ?" you hadn't been to coffee with buck often enough for him to know your order so well.
" i pay attention to things that most people ignore. " he explained which just made your smile widen .
" well it is very appreciated, thank you. and i promise i'll be ready to meet tomorrow morning "
there was a brief silence as you picked up your coffee and took another sip, but buck quickly broke it.
" how about we meet tonight instead? "
his question caught you off guard and caused a slight tightening in your chest.
" for, like a date ?" you questioned, wanting to clarify the nature of this meet up.
" yeah, for a date "
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blazinghotfoggynights · 2 months
In my head, Eddie Diaz is one of the pettiest people on the planet. This arc is reinforcing that belief.
No one can convince me this little display:
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is not Eddie consciously, and vengefully, paying Buck back for this little stunt:
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Tell me this face isn't saying, "Oh really? It didn't work out? Such a shame. But...but...I thought Natalia was the first person to actually see you?"
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I've seen this expression at least a thousand times and it is always on the face of someone who is getting revenge, being proven correct when something goes left, or watching someone who did something to hurt them fall on their face when it all goes to hell.
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wackybuddiemewbs · 1 year
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Quoting Buddie things incorrectly
Part 57/???
Find more incorrect quotes here.
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evanscrayons · 1 year
buck: *acting tough* you guys don’t wanna mess with me
eddie: yeah, buck will straight up cry in public, don’t test him
buck: exactly, i will straight up-
buck: *tearing up* eddie why would you say that??
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groupielove21 · 16 days
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The saddest part of this ending is that Christopher became exactly like his parents: a person who runs away from his problems.
Eddie and Shannon did it in their own ways (the army and Los Angeles) and they had to deal with the consequences of their actions for the rest of their lives and they wanted to prevent Christopher from going through that at all costs and they didn't succeed.
Now Christopher is just like his parents, a person who runs away from his problems and doesn't want to talk about them, who breaks things when he gets angry and tries to hurt the person who hurt him even when he loves him.
And the worst of all is that Christopher is also like his other dad.
Christopher just wants to be loved, just like Buck, he just wants people to stop leaving, but people always leave.
So now we have Christopher Diaz, following in the same footsteps as his three parents, running away because he's angry and he's angry because people always leave him.
The difference between Christopher and all of them? It's just that Chris is loved either way.
Christopher has something that neither Eddie, nor Shannon, nor Buck had and it is a home that loves him, where Buck and Eddie are waiting for him to come back, and that even if he doesn't come back, even if he can never forgive his father, his two dads are going to love him for the rest of their lives. Because Christopher is worth being loved, and being waited for as long as necessary.
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