#even dysmorphia
multiversegideons · 10 months
Having body image issues can really hurt those around you, and I really try to keep it under control knowing that. Of course, I don’t always succeed in that. It’s one of my biggest flaws, and I hate the hurt its caused to others in my life.
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ultimatedirk · 1 year
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'and i was so young when i behaved 25. yet now, i've found i've grown into a tall child.'
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housecow · 4 months
Girl please stop romanticizing obesity, it will literally kill you eventually (and I know it’s not the first time someone says it to you). Like are you even ok? Romanticizing being immobile & being humiliated on the street? Why would you even aspire to this? For some attention of questionable men on this app? Girl they don’t deserve you. This message comes from a place of concern, it is not intended as an insult. You said you want a career in the future, maybe focus on that, I’m not sure how possible it is do all that while being immobile or having whatever condition.
omfg 😭 i apologize for writing little stories to get myself off, i guess?? lmfao. i have a fetish. i state clearly in my bio that this is what to expect. sorry im horny posting anonymously on tumblr.com ???? stop being weird when u don’t even belong in these spaces
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athina-blaine · 4 months
kabru's relationship with his eyes makes for suuuuuch a fantastic trans allegory (an aspect of your body alienating you from your community, being compelled to understand the perspective of someone who also has a complicated relationship with their body in the hopes that you'll better understand your own, people straight up misunderstanding biology) it makes me kind of insane because now I feel like I can't dig into any complicated feelings he might have about his body in relation to his gender without feeling like im just ... double dipping?? like fifjpejgh ryoko kui straight up already told that story in a way that exquisitely fucks??
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badbugbotblood · 10 days
Mini conspiracy to do with lrt actually because this has been rotting my brain. The timeline doesn't necessarily make sense because there is like a small ocean of time between the unplugging of TurboTime and Turbo's incursion into Sugar Rush, BUT HEAR ME OUT!
So we know that the visual design, vocal flair and body language of King Candy is HEAVILY inspired by Disney's Mad Hatter from their original animated Alice in Wonderland (1951). The resemblance is extremely deliberate. The hair, the high collar, the iconic lisp, the presentation.
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But if we look at King Candy's visual design when compared to the other human avatars of SUGAR RUSH, our little faux monarch here does NOT STYLISTICALLY MATCH UP!
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The racers of Sugar Rush are very clearly emulating a typical cutesy Japanese 'chibi' style. Round heads, big eyes, little noses, and legs that (while not so long as to be anatomically realistic) fit the proportions of their bodies. Their outfits are sleek and their silhouettes are quite thin.
King Candy does not follow this same design philosophy at all (and it's for this reason that I also personally believe that King Candy's appearance as a whole was a fabrication of Turbo's, rather than an unfinished NPC character whose model he commandeered).
I think an interesting in-universe explanation for King Candy's appearance could come from another game. One which Turbo would have known well.
After all, TurboTime had had a neighbor in Fix-It Felix Jr.
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While their design language definitely does not line up 1:1, I see more of Felix in King Candy's appearance than I do the likeness of any Sugar Rush avatar. There are some commonalities in the facial proportions of King Candy and Fix-It Felix. Their heads are taller, eyes are smaller, and their mouths are wider. And then there is the nose, which is to me and my delulu brain the most obvious visual similarity between these two.
I think King Candy's short little legs could be explained by him taking the stature of the average Nicelander NPC and blending those proportions in just a little bit, while relying mostly on his memory of Felix' appearance for reference as to how his new face should look.
(I also think that Turbo blending a little Nicelander NPC into his KC design would explain KC being shorter than Felix even though he took a bunch of more specific design cues from him.)
So. Say you're a societal pariah after doing something seriously taboo, and you need to blend in with a group of newly-arrived strangers in order to avoid being caught and punished for your misdeeds. There's not much time, and you need to get your affairs in order before anyone realizes what you're doing.
I think that, with his take-over of Sugar Rush being an extremely time-sensitive ordeal, Turbo had very little chance to devise the perfect disguise. So he cheated just a bit, took inspiration from a place that was familiar to him.
His own appearance, ghoulish and grey, dressed in blazing red over stark white, that would never fly in such a whimsical world. But he once knew a cast of characters with designs that all the Players found appealing at that time, and he fell back on that knowledge to craft his royal façade. All he knew for sure was that his avatar had to be cute, colorful and coherent.
The end result definitely doesn't scream Sugar Rush when you really scrutinize it, but it held up for fifteen years. Fifteen wonderful years full of racing and ruling and winning to his heart's content. Turbo was satisfied, maybe even truly happy.
I wonder if part of his apparent surprise during the Big Twist Villain Reveal(tm) came from him not immediately recognizing the ashy grey skin beneath the mask he'd built more than a decade ago. After all, he'd spent right around half of his entire life as the one and only King Candy, the benevolent monarch and best racer of Sugar Rush.
He would have been more than happy to leave his loathsome original avatar behind with the rest of the eight-bit era. It had done him no favors even when he wasn't old news just yet.
How unfortunate for him that the pesky Glitch had different ideas.
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reminding myself that everyone else has a face in this world but yet somehow mine just feels the most wrong & grotesque
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a-polite-melody · 3 months
I hate how much societal fatphobia completely alienates fat people, to the point where some days I barely feel human because the only bodies that media deems acceptable to show are stick thin. Otherwise it’s promoting obesity. Meanwhile I’m over here just wanting to be able to see myself as human but no fucking human gets to be like me without being hidden as far away as possible.
And then you see thin people talking about their body dysmorphia and the exercises they’re walked through to show them that their bodies aren’t actually as big as they think, and that that is supposed to be a good and uplifting thing for anyone with eating disorders or body dysmorphia. And I’m over here, as a fat person in ED recovery who had to make peace with getting more fat on top of already being fat as part of my recovery, recognizing that everyone thinks having to live with my body or one like it is The Worst Possible Thing and everything is tailored to tell them that they’re right to think it’s The Worst Possible Thing, just they’re not that, it’s all good!
I’m so tired.
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rosemaryfuckingwalten · 7 months
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I’m actually getting stomach cramps thinking about them
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valewritessss · 1 month
Every time I see videos about or hear someone say that they think they don’t look good, and I’m just thinking “what the fuck are you taking about” I wonder if anyone thinks that way about me because it really is that we’re blind to our own beauty but not each others
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lupismaris · 1 month
If these cowboy cut jeans don't fit I'm gonna have to schedule like two more therapy sessions aren't I
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digitaldiseas3 · 3 months
it’s so odd hanging around ppl who are terrified of gaining weight. like the other day i was just chilling in this girl’s hotel room while she called her best friend back home and the friend was like “if i ever act like so-and-so, you need to kill me” and this girl was like “deal, and if i ever get fat you need to kill Me” and i was sitting there like WOAH. what???? hello????? oh my god?????
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limbel · 5 months
nice! a customer said something so awful to me today that i spent 10 minutes crying in the bathroom
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baphometsgirlcock · 10 months
ive rambled about this to my friends but i do genuinely find it so funny that dunmesh just randomly is like "by the way this woman has a penis now" as a throwaway detail. her brother has a one-panel crisis in the general vicinity of her newfound anatomy (which is played off more as a joke about him not being ready to have nieces / nephews tbh), and then it never comes up again. falin just Obtains A Dick and there are 0 narrative consequences. there is one panel of fridge humor and then nada. the most casual possible phalloplasty.
Which is fun enough on its own but also. it's a dragon cock. like. she didn't just get a dick, she got like The Dick Of Legend. truly a pioneer in fantasy furry transhumanism.
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ghastigiggles · 2 months
HEY AUNTIEEE!! I have a question (I'm new to this Fandom so bear with me-) doesss Sebastian have a little sisterrr? and if not how do you think he'd act if he did?
As far as I know he doesn't! Or if he does it's never brought up ingame. If he did, it's probably just another one of those things that he thinks about but will never be able to reconcile after what Urbanshade did to him. There'd probably be a longing to see her again, while at the same time knowing that even when he gets out, he never can - how could he make her look at him lile this, after all?
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twopoppies · 10 months
"I wonder how many of these women or nb individuals have been made to feel so awful." This reminded me of a few years ago, pictures of Jennifer Anniston at the beach came out and she had a bit of a belly while sitting down, as one does, and the speculation about a pregnancy was ridiculous at the time. Not too long after we learned about her struggles with infertility and it breaks my heart every time thinking about how terrible it must've been for her
Exactly this. You never know what people are going through. You never know why someone looks the way they do. Don’t comment on it—even if you think you’re giving a compliment. People lose and gain weight because of illness, struggles with mental health, financial struggles, addiction…
And for fuck’s same don’t do it around or to children. Someone once complimented my FOUR YEAR OLD daughter because she’d “slimmed down”.
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skynapple · 1 month
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