#even if donating doesn’t feel like enough it gets someone THAT much closer to escaping
starlooove · 1 month
Why are people surprised that Zionists are being abhorrent at these protests and then sayin they’re victims. Ig surprised isn’t the right word but people keep pointing out ‘this doesn’t make sense’ like it’s a fallacy in a discord debate like this is just how racism has always been
#sometimes I feel like no matter how much I donate or speak its not enough#but my hopelessness and depression do nothing for Palestinians either#even if I cry it’s not helping at all#even if donating doesn’t feel like enough it gets someone THAT much closer to escaping#but Im so so sick of this#specifically the way people keep trying to give Zionists the benefit of the doubt#like i understand calling out the hypocrisy but white people genuinely seem baffled that they victimize themselves and say they’re afraid#whilst doing heinous shit#that’s not new behavior#trying to educate Zionists does nothing my focus is always going to be on the Palestinian people and how I can help as materially as#possible#actually bad wording education isn’t useless#i just think approaching most Zionists in a humanizing way doesn’t help#trying to start on common ground and coax them to you#that works for ignorant people these people are cruel not stupid#These Justifications that we know are terrible and barbaric make sense to them bc the victims are brown#like it seems like y’all wanna avoid that point so bad and keep speaking on class or other shit#the root of the matter is that they can piss on graves and say they’re scared because that’s the narrative around brown people#it always has been to them! to a lot of you!#i know it’s not conflating to draw comparisons between oppressions but not in the mindspace for that so I’ll just say#for all the white people confused about the ‘logic’ there just take a look at history#recent history even like the way they treat us is not new this is just on such a wide violent scale yall finally cant ignore it anymore#i hope everyone gets what they fucking deserve from this#i hope every martyr can rest easily and that every single soldier and bystander involved in this fucking rots and burns
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parvulous-writings · 11 months
Hobie Brown SFW alphabet
Warnings:Mild  ATSV spoilers(?)
Notes:  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist! Original character list - please request for these too!   If you’d like to support me more, consider donating to my kofi! I’d appreciate it loads!!  
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Not my gif
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Hobie doesn’t give what could be considered normal affection; he prefers to just spend time with you, over the usual displays of physical affection - though he does put his arm around you when he feels the moment calls for it. He’ll also gift you little things - a pin he found, a cool keyring that made him think of you. Penguin-pebbling and quality time are his biggest love languages. He also likes to share his favourite bands and music with you - he has tried to teach you how to play guitar before, but that was dropped because of how much being Spider-Man gets in the way of it all. One of his other main love-languages is touch - he loves sharing hugs, playfully punching you on the shoulder, and all things similar. 
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
He's the jokester, the one people either absolutely love or absolutely hate being around. He always makes jokes - usually at other people's expense, particularly if they embody or are a part of something he doesn't agree with in one way or another. (such as Miguel).
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hobie loves late night cuddles - like up on building roofs, on fire-escapes, water-towers; basically any place that isn’t public, or considered “normal”, like the sofa or bed. He likes the feeling of being “free” from everything else, even if it’s only for a moment.  He likes you to lay on him, so he can wrap his arms around you- he won’t admit it, but he likes being that layer of protection for you, as it were. 
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?)
Honestly? Not really. Hobie isn’t too keen on settling down - he thinks just being partners is settled enough for him. He doesn’t normally cook, either - either he’ll get fast food, or he’ll pick at someone else’s plate - unless you cook for him, of course. That’s just the kind of life he’s comfortable with right now, he has no qualms with it. 
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d probably say one line about how he thinks “this thing”  between you won’t work out, and then he’ll likely  ghost you. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but also letting you down easy 
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?)  
Much like domestic - he’s not really fussed on getting engaged. He does love you - truly, he does - but not only is it a part of a system of life he doesn’t agree with, he acknowledges just being as close to him as you are can be dangerous for you; he loves a fast paced and chaotic life, but he’s still Spider-Man, and he doesn’t want people to die. 
G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?)
Sometimes Hobie can be gentle; that side of him is buried deep underneath his outward personality of the anarchist. He shows it  in his own special way.  A lot of the time he does come off as a  bit brash, but he will hush himself to give you some room to speak and say what you need, should you need to. 
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?)
He likes side hugs - he loves to be able to put his arm around your  shoulders and tug you closer to him when he  feels like it. His hugs are a little bit different from his cuddles,  being that they start earlier, in your friendship, and even when you are dating, they’re still rooted in that  starting friendship.  Hobie is quite a physical person when it comes to affection, as mentioned, so hugs are very important to him. 
I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?)
It takes Hobie a long time - and he says it sparingly too. The phrase means quite a lot to him - another way he commits himself to you. He kind of prefers phrases like “’Preciate you,” Or “thanks for puttin’ up with me.” - and these will only pop up at certain times, too. 
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Hobie is fairly laid back - and very open about his boundaries. If he agrees to a more open, or polyamorous relationship, he’s not going to get jealous at all. He’s not exactly the type to. 
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Hobie’s kisses can be anything from slow, passionate and sensual, to  quick pecks. It’s all dependant on what the moment is  like - you’re rushing off to do something? Quick pecks on your face are called for! You’ve got some time to yourselves, just the  two of you? He’s definitely going to take his time with you - and he doesn’t even care if anyone sees you. 
L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Hobie’s like the fun uncle/cousin figure every kid dreams of in their life. No rules, barely any guidelines, and always rocking out to whatever music is on. He won’t just listen to punk-rock - whatever the kid(s) want to listen to, he’ll jam out to that as well!  (Even if it’s the most pop song ever, he’ll do his best)  Though, he’s not exactly a great influence for someone who wants to live and operate in an ordinary, capitalist society. He’s rather vocal about his disagreement with the regime, and that may rub off on the child. 
M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?)
Hobie likes to start off his morning with a drink - what that drink is, changes every morning. Could be tea, could be coffee, hell, it could even be an energy drink. He doesn’t believe in consistency, so no two mornings are ever the same with him. 
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Hobie likes to stay up late - he claims it’s to do with being a night-owl, but the actual reason is that his sleep schedule has been so ruined by being Spider-Man that it’s now snow-balled into acute insomnia. So, be prepared to just vibe with him, or spend at least an hour trying to coax him to sleep. 
O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?)
Whenever you prompt  him to. Hobie doesn’t exactly  feel the need to hide anything, should you ask about it, but he’s not going just dump everything onto you without warning - he may be an anarchist but he knows better than that. Unless something genuinely bothers him, he keeps quiet until asked. 
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It depends on what’s trying his patience. If it’s you, for instance, he’s got an almost endless amount of patience. But if it’s someone who gets on his nerves, or that his values don’t align with, his fuse  is a little shorter. He doesn’t lash out when he gets angry - he just  becomes a bit more sarcastic than normal. 
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?)
Quite a bit - though you may have to bring something up multiple times for it to really stick with him. He may get  confused on dates a  couple times, but he’ll remember your birthday eventually. But if you tell him your favourite song, or band? He’ll never  forget it, not ever. 
R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)
It wasn’t too long after he told you he was Spider-Man - well, actually you had figured it out. You were both laying on top of a water-tower on an apartment building, elevated and isolated from most of the world. Neither of you were talking, but you were sharing headphones with one another, listening to a playlist the pair of you had put together, a perfect blend of yours and his music. 
S - Security (How protective are they?)
Pretty protective - if he knows you’re definitely in danger,  that  is. If he knows you can handle yourself, he gives you space, but if he knows that you need help, he’s there in a flash, no questions asked. You say the word, and he’s right there to help you out, no matter what. 
T - Try (How much effort do they put in?)
He puts in as much effort as you do - to him, a relationship like this is almost like an equal thing. It’s a sort of mutual agreement between the two of you, to him, so if you’re willing to make any effort in the relationship, then so is he!
U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?)
Hobie makes a lot of jokes. A lot, of jokes. The only problem with this is, it’s sometimes hard to tell what is a joke, and what isn’t. His deadpan delivering is great in some situations, pulling a laugh from many. But during more serious conversations, it’s harder to tell if he’s  being serious or not.  
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not particularly “concerned”  in the most common sense, but he does take care of himself, particularly of his hair. He’s got his little routines - it’s less for vanity’s sake, and more for health reasons. 
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He probably wouldn’t really  touch on it with anyone - but yes. The only real noticeable changes with him would be that he’d be a bit quieter for a while, and make a few less jokes. He just doesn’t really feel himself for a while. 
X - Xtra (Random HC)
He has two musicals that he likes. (one more so than the other) He never admits this to anyone. These are: Matilda (his favourite), and Les Miserables (he only really likes one part of the prologue, and the last act, but he still finds it enjoyable). He only admitted it to you because you found bootleg copies of them amongst his admittedly rather large bootleg and pirated stash. 
Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?)
Someone who - no matter what- feels the need to debate politics with him. He’s fine with debating politics - it’s a major part of his views and beliefs, but it’s more if that’s the only thing they’ll speak to him about. He likes other things too- he has other opinions, not just political ones. 
Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)  
Hobie typically falls asleep around 2AM, and sleeps for about 4 hours. He may not sleep for long, but he’s a very deep sleeper - almost nothing can wake him. He also snores - particularly when he’s been asleep for more than an hour. 
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Pairing: Sam Wilson x reader
Summary: What happens after it’s announced that John Walker’s the new Captain America.
Warnings: none; a bit suggestive at the end? This is my first time writing for Sam so if it’s a bit meh, I’m sorry, I tried😭 Lots of dialogue!!
A/n: This is a bit of a short one, but I hope you like it:) I know this isn’t how he found out in TFAWS but ya know :D Also hate the character NOT the actor, don’t hate on Wyatt Russell😤
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“Look, here’s the thing, uh, I’m—I’m not Tony Stark. I’m not Dr. Banner. Okay? I don’t have the flashiest gadgets, I don’t have super strength. But what I do have—is guts.”
John Walker’s voice bounces off the walls of the cozy Louisiana apartment you and Sam shared. With the saved money you both had, you guys managed to purchase a decent apartment. Being two of the known remaining Avengers, your landlord was quite flexible with rent. Having the two of you in his building was like having built in security.
The apartment was just right for you and Sam. There was a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. You both didn’t need much. As long as you had each other, you were both satisfied. Besides, with Sam working with the Air Force on missions, you managed to get roped into following along—which meant you two weren’t always home.
The morning sun shined through the window of your living room, reflecting onto one of the white walls across from it. The sun created an orangey yellow hue to fill the room, radiating the warmth and cozy aura of a sunny Louisiana morning. Though compared to the domestic and calming aura, Sam was the complete opposite. You couldn’t see his facial expressions but the way his shoulders tensed from behind was enough to tell you that he was upset.
After a week (I’m honestly not sure) of donating Steve’s shield to the Smithsonian, it’s been revealed that the government has taken the shield and handed it to some—in your eyes—Steve Rogers wannabe. As someone who’s worked alongside Steve and consider him as family, it angered you to see some random man parade around the world with Steve’s shield and title. This Walker dude has no clue of the responsibility and value that comes with the shield—like seriously using halftime of a football game as an opportunity to pull a PR stunt as Captain America? He’s literally just America’s mascot.
Though you were bubbling with anger, you couldn’t imagine how your boyfriend felt. Steve gave him the shield, passed down the role of Captain America to him and sent him off to fulfill the duties he couldn’t do anymore. Yes, Sam made a promise, but after dabbling with the thought of becoming the new Captain America he decided to give it up. You weren’t going to question him, it was his choice and you understood why he made it. Nobody could fill Steve’s shoes.
You turn the stove off, deciding to check on Sam instead of continuing breakfast. The clip of John Walker was still playing on the tv when you enter the living room. You get a glimpse of his face, betrayal filled his eyes as he glowered at the tv screen. You carefully make your way towards him, settling beside him on the couch. He glances at you before shoving his head in his hand.
“Sam...” You wrap an arm around his back, your palm feeling the tension build between his shoulders.
“He trusted me with the shield.” He began, his voice low. “He trusted me with it and now it’s in the hands of—whoever this person is.” He gestures to the tv that showed John Walker speaking to a blonde interviewer.
“Steve believed in me to carry on his legacy and I just threw it away because I was being selfish.” He fumed, his tone raising. He shot off the couch and moved to pace around the living room. You sigh, giving him a moment to get his thoughts together. You patiently waited for him to calm down, watching him mutter sentences to himself under his breath.
Slowly, you get up from the couch and approach him. Deciding to stand in the way of his path, he comes to a halt. The conflicted expression on his face softens at the sight of you.
“Listen,” You start, arms snaking around his torso while his hands naturally grip onto your hips. “You didn’t know the government was going to go behind your back and deem someone else as Captain America. None of us were expecting this to happen. You can’t beat yourself up for something you didn’t have control of.”
Sam breathes out and tries to move out of your arms. Betrayal and guilt consumed his body.
“That’s the thing, (y/n). If I hadn’t given up the shield in the first place, we wouldn’t even be in this situation right now. I had control of all of this, even if I didn’t know about their hidden agenda.” He bursted out, brows furrowing together in frustration. You tighten your arms around him.
Sam defeatedly lowers his head, “This whole thing is so much more than me being blindsided by the government. I promised Steve that I’ll do my best. He trusted me and in return I broke my promise to him. I let Steve down.” He confessed. Silence filled the room, the only sounds heard were the quiet murmurs coming from the tv.
You were the first to speak. “Steve made mistakes too you know? Besides being a super soldier and all, it’s what made him relatable to everyone. Before he became Captain America, he was just like us. Humans who wanted to do good for the world and bring peace to its chaos.” Your words caught Sam’s attention, although he was a bit confused to where you were going with them.
You continued, “Like almost every human in the world, he learned from those mistakes. Yes, you may have had control of the current situation we’re in, but that doesn’t contradict the fact that you had no knowledge of what was happening behind the scenes. Steve chose to give you the shield for a reason, Sam. He knew that if something were to go wrong, you would be there in an instant to make it right.”
You shifted closer to him and cradled his jaw with both of your hands. “You gave up the shield and now it’s in the hands of the wrong man. I know you’ve always said that it feels like it belongs to someone else. But would you rather it be in the hands of someone like John Walker or in the hands of someone Steve believes in? Are you gonna sit here and feel guilty about it or are you going to get up and make things right?”
Sam’s eyes bore into yours. Conflict flashes in his dark orbs, his jaw clenches, and his hands resting on your hips gripped onto your skin tightly.
“We’re gonna get his shield back.” He proclaimed.
A small smile forms on your lips, “One way or another.” You confirm.
“You know, you’re getting good at that whole speech thing.” Sam remarks, pulling you closer to him. That infamous toothy grin of his taking over his features.
You chuckle letting your hands venture on the expanse of his chest before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Well I learned from the best. If there’s one thing I learned from Steve it’d have to be his way with words.” You shrugged. Sam hummed in response.
“If I’m gonna be getting that shield back, I’m gonna be needing some help on those speeches.” He says, a suggestive tone to his sentence.
You smirked, amusingly shaking your head at him. “Good think I know plenty of ways to get you to talk.” Sam takes that as his cue to connect his lips with yours. His eager hands wander your body as he leads you towards the couch.
Before things can escalate, you pull away and place a finger in between your and Sam’s lips.
“Not now hotshot, we’ve got a mission in a bit and we still need to stop by Sarah’s before we leave.” Sam doesn’t get the chance to object since you’ve already pushed him off of you. Your hips swayed as you made your way back into the kitchen to continue cooking breakfast.
He stutters at first but chases after you going on about how much of a tease you were and how unfair it was to him and his needs.
“I told you I had plenty of ways to get you to talk.” You smirk, innocently shrugging at him.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
What is something you can say to they boys to break them, like something so mean and hurtful that they may cry?
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As punishment for making me sad I’m doing this to the sweethearts
Warning: this is dark, like darling hates the yans and doesn’t care about their feelings at all.
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You and mateo don’t like to fight, things get heated and he does t quite know how to dial it down once he get to that point. The argument was pretty dumb, you two couldn’t even remember why you were mad.
“You always do this!” You snapped out, your angry tone making him twitch lightly the noise making his head spin..he couldn’t handle yelling, it reminded him of his childhood.
“What do I do wrong? I love you! I worship the ground you walk on but it’s never enough!” He hissed out with a shaky bitter laugh “I-it’s like you hate me..” he whispers out lowly.
“I do hate you! I hate your stupid spotted face! I wouldn’t be so angry all the time if i was dating someone smart but instead I get you! You’re so stupid and dumb and ugly!” your anger startled him.
Mateo was silent as he looked at his arms in utter horror, the sight of the pale splotches all over his body made tears run down his face, you thought he was stupid..everyone thought he was stupid.
Mateo did the only thing that made him feel better..sob his eyes out now scratching at the blotches, blood dripping down his arms. “What the hell are you doing?!” You snapped out in annoyance.
“I-if I carve them out then you won’t hate me, r-right?! If I just carve them out then I’ll stop being ugly?!” He hissed out with a whimper as he dropped onto his knees suddenly biting and clawing at his skin
“I hate myself, stupid stupid stupid!” He sobbed out, suddenly letting out loud wailing of sorrow as he banged his head on the ground “stop..being..stupid!” He snapped out with each hit, the sickening cracking noise startling you.
Angering Hikaru was an easy job, simply talk back and an argument is crafted but this time was different. You were done cowering in fear, he hurts you so many times that it was time for payback.
“Damn it, piggy I’m talking to you! Stop fucking ignoring me!” He snapped out before gripping your arm, yanking you closer only for you to slap his hand off utter disgust in your eyes.
“Maybe if you weren’t an annoying little shit you parents wouldn’t have whored you out when you were just a toddler!” You snapped out, Hikaru tensed up body shaking as he stared at you in shock.
“W-what..” he whispers out softly, the anger that was once in his voice replaced with a soft hurt tone. “The only thing you’re useful for is being a quick fuck! It’s not like anyone will actually love you, so why don’t you go and do the only thing you’re good at, leave me the hell alone while you’re at it” you sneered out.
There was a few seconds of silence before a soft sniffle escaped Hikaru who now held his head down in shame. All those filthy feelings he felt before came rushing back to him.
“I-I’m only good for..” he whispers out before starting to cry, Hikaru was someone who prides himself in not sobbing but here he was crying “I-is that all I’m really good for?! B-being a whore?!” He hissed out.
All that modeling work he’s done was to put his own name out there but none of that mattered, all he would ever be known for was a dirty whore..the utter thought drove Hikaru insane.
Yuuji and Yuuta:
You wanted them to hurt, like how they always hurt you. You knew exactly where to hit and how hard to hit it. “Come on, you have to eat..p-please” Yuuta begged out as he tried feeding you. You were extra bratty so they had to tie you up, something that happened quite often. You were silent, making Yuuta sigh as he untied you “here, now will you eat?”
“You’ll never be a real boy yknow..” you whispered out to him, that single statement making Yuuta freeze up..eyes wide as he stared at you in shock “wait..h-huh?” He said lowly with a forced smile “is this a joke or-”
“You’re just a girl playing dress up, a little girl who is still scared of her family” you said coldly as you rubbed your wrists. “S-stop, that’s not true..I’m a boy, a-a strong guy! So just stop it” Yuuta snapped out, body shaking as you stepped towards him with no fear.
“No matter what you say, you still have that slight feminine figure, girly face, and of course the obvious..the parts of a girl. You’ll never actually be a boy.”
Yuuta felt his chest tighten up, he hasn’t felt dysphoria in years but that horrible feeling made him wheeze as your words drilled into his head. His hands went straight to his chest, they were gone but for some reason it’s almost as if he could still feel them there..not enough. He didn’t feel masculine at all.
“No, n-no no no you’re wrong, I-I’m a..I’m a..” Yuuta couldn’t even say it without starting to cry, his head was starting to hurt as he panicked. “I-I need…Y-Yuuji!” Yuuta sobbed out, it was only a matter of seconds til the younger twin came rushing to his aid. “Woah! Hey, Y-Yuuta?! What’s wrong, are you hurt?” Yuuji hissed out as he hugged his brother close to his chest.
“I-it’s back! I-it’s back, I-I can’t take it. I’m a boy right?! I-I’m a boy..n-not a girl..” Yuuta was an utter mess, sobbing and shaking as he clinged to Yuuji’s shirt. “Of course you are! You are the strongest guy I know, so please..stop crying” Yuuji whispers out, angry tears in his eyes as he glared your way.
“What the fuck did you do to my Yuuta!?”
“Please stop screaming..” yuki whispers out lowly as he looked away, flinching at every time your voice raised. “I can’t handle you screaming..” he added out as he glanced your way. You were screaming at him about something..the moment you started to yell he completely forget what you were mad at and was just focused on getting you to stop.
“Stop giving me those puppy dog eyes as if you are so damn innocent and pure! You have a rotting demon in you you, you can never be good! All you do is destroy and ruin thing!”
Your words made yuki shudder, eyes wide as he processed your words. “Demon..?” He whispers out with a shaky sigh, how could you be so cruel?! Yuki hugged himself, a low laugh escaping him which quickly turned into soft sobs that only got louder the more hurt he became.
Of course, he was a demon how could he forget that..he wasn’t supposed to be born! Yuki, who was now on his knees sobbing his eyes out bowed at your feet.
“K-kill me, im begging you” he said softly now looking up at you with the most distraught expression. “Im a lowly demon not worthy of living, j-just a filthy abomination” he hissed out as he looked at his hands. The reason he loved drawing and doing tattoos was cause he adored the thought of creating art..but if you deem him a demon it must be so.
Rin was someone who usually laughed instead of cried, but you knew exactly where to push to get him to sob and break. “Are you trying to make me mad? Pfft silly thing that won’t work” Rin cooed out with a laugh as he watched you only get angrier.
“God you are so fucking childish! That’s why I’m glad I cheated!” You snapped out, making him pause his laughing his expression faltering “h-huh?” He said with a forced grin, your statement surprising him. “Your brother is a way better lover than you anyways, in all aspects” you sneered out.
“H-hey if you are trying to make me mad, it’s working so just stop.”
“What part are you not getting!? I don’t love you, I won’t ever love you so just leave me alone already!” You snapped out angrily, there were a few seconds of silence before rin flashed a grin “wowww~ someone’s grumpy! I’ll let you get some air but afterwards we’re talking bout this okay??” He cheers out before walking off.
A sniffling escaped him as he walked off, now covering his mouth with his hand as tears ran down his cheeks, the thought of you with ren in the most intimate ways made both rage and sorrow filling his body..he wanted to puke.
Salem didn’t really focus on your insults too much since they were surface level. He would shrug it off and continue to be his normal wild self, that was until you two really got into it.
“This is why no one wanted you! Why every person who got close to you gave you away! Who would ever choose you!” Your angry remark made Salem flinch, now biting at his fingers that he was sucking on before.
He was silent now chewing on his hand as he thought about what you said..it was true. His mother, Hikaru, you, who would ever want him? Salem let blood drip down his chain as he tried to contain himself but laughter escaped him, he calmly walked to the nearest wall now slamming his head against it.
He hated these thoughts, he wanted to go away. He just wanted all these gross feelings to go away already, he hated thinking..so if he hit his head a few more times he wouldn’t have to think and feel anymore. His laughter only for more crazed yet sad as he slammed his head against the wall over and over. “Go..away, go away…” he cried out over and over as tears streamed down his face.
“You need to calm down, you’re getting worked up here!” Zeke snapped as he eyed you worriedly. You two were fighting and you were getting a little too angry, he was worried about saying something he didn’t mean.
“You are so fucking gullible! Do you have any balls or something!? You try to play the nice guy but it wasn’t prince who killed all those people! It was all you! Just you! And I’m starting to think you liked it! So stop pretending to be good and so damn innocent”
Zeke tensed up, taking a step back as your words hit him. “W-why the fuck would you say that?!” He hissed out, that wasn’t true..he wasn’t bad. He was a good guy! He went to protests he donates to charities, he’s sweet and loving he does all he can to be a good person! Even still with all that the memories of that night are still so fresh.
“I-I’m a good guy..I’m a good person” he said softly as tears ran down his face, a shaky laugh escaping him “I’m a good person I’m a good person I’m a good person” he whispers out again and again, now looking to you for comfort “I’m a good person right?!” He said with a devastating expression.
“No, you’re not. You are a horrible awful person, worse than prince” You said shrarply, the final nail in the coffin.
Zeke gulped as he felt an overwhelming sarrow, more tears and cries coming from him. “N-no no no no..y-you’re wrong..so wrong” he sobbed out, the mixture of laughing and crying coming from him
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
“I’m done. I’m done trying so hard only for you to never even look in my direction.”
With Marcus Pike? Maybe BFFs to lovers because I want it to end happy? Thank you 🙏
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Love of his life
Pairing: Marcus Pike x best friend!Female Reader
Characters: Marcus Pike,
Setting: five years after the last episode Marcus was in.
Rating: PG:13
Warnings: 2,774
Summary: Conversation overheard leads to feelings of regret at the chance not taken. Will he take that risk and go for who he wants or let it slide away just like the past?
Word count:
Notes: Written for the lovely @hnt-escape asking for the prompt “I’m done. I’m done trying so hard only for you to never even look in my direction.” Will be in bold in the story. I hope you enjoy sweetie.
Tag List:
Forever tags: @chickensarentcheap @jedi-mando
Pedro Pascal tags: @evyiione
Staring into the caramel colored liquid ceramic mug warming your hands, thoughts clouded by a certain brown eyed man and how to handle the feelings you’ve harbored since grade school.
“Trying to divine this weeks lotta numbers from you coffee sweetie?” Soothing southern accented voice breaks through the fog smile in the sweet lilt.
Head snapping up to look towards the blonde, grin firmly in place over her ruby lips, “I wish, would donate at least half to research the antiquities we have that no one’s cataloged yet.”
“Wow devoted,” chuckling, walking over to the Keurig k-cup spinner to pluck the last Colombian dark roast pod. “What or should I say who’s on that gorgeous your mind that’s got your brow furrowed deeper than the Mariana Trench?”
Not wishing to discuss your thoughts right now, you deflect to ask, “Those things waste so much Donna and bad for the environment. Why don’t you just buy the bulk grounds?”
“Great way to keep from answering the true question,” baby blues lock, sincerity written deep and meaningful. Knowing she’s only trying to help having confided many times your dilemma those feelings you’ve held on to for so long brings about. “I don’t know why you haven’t told him sugar I mean you came to DC…”
“For this job Donna, Marcus turned up later… not much later,” last few words muttered into cooling coffee you try to hide behind while taking a sip. “I didn’t upheave my life for a man,” not sure who you’re trying to convince more yourself or Donna.
Established in your position at the museum a month before Marcus’s transfer and at the time he’s heavily invested with one Teresa Lisbon. Memories flood through like film reel before your eyes. Of that very night he comes to you heartbroken bags in hand with no one beside him and no real place to go. Promising yourself to shove your feelings aside and help him get back on steady legs. Even letting him stay till his place became ready to move in.
Loud snort greets your ears, breaking you from memory lane. “You keep telling yourself that and while you’re at it keeping him friend zoned when your clearly in love with him does neither one of you any good. He ain’t gonna wait around forever sugar trust me on that one,” hurt coloring her tone speaking volumes of her own pain. She looks away to watch the final drops of coffee land in her mug. You know exactly why she’s not looking at your right now, the hurt she tries to hide behind the bubbly personality. Fixing her coffee up just the way she likes to hide her own pain she’s shared a few times.
“How,” licking your lips slowly, mug placed beside you on the counter to clasp your hands in front of you. “I’m not even sure how or where to start Donna. He’s my best friend knows me inside and out I don’t…”
“Do you love him?” Simple question with no easy answer as grey blue eyes land on and pierce you with their intensity.
“I…” wringing those hands her question chases thoughts around your head. Finally giving the heart answer, “I love him, just unsure if he loves me in the same way. I don’t know if I’m strong enough to change the dynamics of our relationship and loose what we have for a what if.”
“Oh sweetheart I know it’s not easy to bank on what if’s but trust me when I say that man loves you in ways I’ve never seen and I’ve seen a lot.” Giving you a teasing wink then sobering, “Why do ya think I haven’t tried to snag him up myself?”
“Cause he’s not your type?” Joke sounding stupid to your own ears, glaze dropping to your shoes. “What if… what if I’m not his type? I mean you’ve seen the women he’s gone out with before. I’m hardly in the same league.”
“No your in a league of your own sugar.” Head nodding in understanding Donna comes over resting a hand on your bicep giving a gentle squeeze. “Compensating maybe even trying to replace the one he truly wants sweetheart. Don’t let a good man slip away especially since you love him.”
“I do, he’s,” head shaking at a loss for words to describe Marcus. “Amazing and sweet, the kind of man that’s so easy to love and care for. I’m lost truly without him.” Happy tears blur your vision for a moment thinking about him. How he’s always at your side just when you need him without notice at times. Sixth sense when you need those late night pancakes from the best diner in town. Watching old movies after a crappy break up, snuggled together with popcorn and beer, snacks of all kinds. Snap shot of his face filters across your vision, “I’m gonna tell him in fact,” glancing down at your watch finding end of day fast approaching. “Would you close down for me Donna I need to tell him now before loosing my nerve.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice sugar go get your man,” nodding towards the doorway you start for, coffee long forgotten in favor of someone more sweeter. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”
“There’s things you wouldn’t do?” Cheeky grin highlighting your features, the sound of crinkling plastic reaching your ears so you look down. Frown replacing the smile at finding a small bouquet of blue tipped carnations laying on the ground. Bending to scoop up the beautiful flowers knowing only one man would’ve brought these. “Shit,” curse flying from your mouth while your feet start to eat up the distance towards the back doors bouquet held firmly in your grasp.
Missing Donna yelling about your keys and belongings, to not forget about the storm rumbling in the background. Wide smile forming watching you go hoping you’ll catch Marcus just in time.
While you pray with each step taken you’ll catch him in time to explain. Thoughts running rampant wondering what he heard and didn’t. If the reason for the dropped flowers has to do with the fact he thinks you love someone else. That last thought spurs you on into a run, thankful for the flats you wore today instead of customary heels you normally wear. Eating up the distance you burst through the back doors into a curtain of rain meeting your eyes as more curses fly from your lips. You pause eyes narrowing through the gloom looking for Marcus’s car, his back, hair surely plastered to against his head. Something to point you in the right direction. At the right moment a flash of lighting illuminating the darken skies, makes you jump but press on determined to find him. While stepping out into the pouring rain, clothes soaked through low rumblings of thunder taking your calls out for Marcus away with the howling wind.
Tears form and slide down cool cheeks, still franticly looking around but coming up empty till you catch the flash of grey out of your periphery. Whipping around you head in the direction calling out his name praying there’s a break in the rain so your voice carries to his ears.
And for a moment that one split second he catches a sound other than the storm raging around him. Sweet desperate voice calling out his name, giving him pause in dragging footsteps. Looking around but seeing nothing but the driving rain, drops soaking his suit and blurring his vision. Before turning to resume his path the voice calls out again, nearer and stronger than the last time.
His doubts cloud the mind, accusing him of hearing things the wind brings from other parts of the parking lot. Till a vision dressed in black slacks, creamy silk blouse, hair and clothes plasters to your body appears in front of him. Hand raised in the vain attempt to keep the rain from your face as you search for him.
Eyes lock surprised deep chocolate orbs meet the relief in yours, “You’re gonna get sick sweetheart go back inside.”
“No,” single word yelled out as you near Marcus, gripping his bicep and moving closer to speak into his ear. Warm breath making him shiver despite the cold rain trying to drown the both of you. “Why’d you leave?”
“Saw you busy didn’t want…” shaking your head Marcus swallows catching sight of the flowers in your free hand.
“You dropped these why?” Hurt lacing the tone in your voice as you bring the small plastic wrapped bundle up between you. “Thank you.”
Eyes dart between the flowers and your eyes unsure how to answer your question as so many of his own chase around his mind. Wanting the truth Marcus gather’s his courage to ask, “Do you love him?”
Confusion coats your veins, drawing up your brows with the same emotion till it clicks. “Yes, very much in fact you just doesn’t know it.”
“I’m done,” pain etched into his voice heart aching behind its prison of bone and flesh. Misunderstanding the look in your eyes and the words your spoke. “I’m done trying so hard only for you to never even look in my direction. I just can’t do it anymore it’s so much worse than any of the other.” Taking two steps back from your touch that sears the skin under heavy suit jacket and starch white cotton dress shirt. Gaze dropping to concrete unable to look into your eyes a second longer knowing he’s lost the chance. Internally cursing himself for waiting so long, letting other’s in his heart when the one woman he’s wanted all along stood by him through all life’s ups and downs.
Frowning at the loss of touch, his words sinking in you step forward he matches with one back. “Marcus,” soft achingly tender voice reaches out towards him. Heard now the rain has slowed to light drizzle. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to tell you I love you? Not as a brother or best friend, but in love with you.”
“What?” Single word choked off on a gasp, eyes reaching your smiling orbs trying to find the jest. Only seeing genuine love backed by worry and fear that he doesn’t truly have the same feelings. “You never told me.”
“You didn’t tell me either Pike so we’re kinda in the same boat,” carefully reaching out for his nearest hand tugging him back towards you. “So many times I’d try to tell you, to explain, to see if there’s a chance for us. Every time someone else got my shot. I gave up almost for good this time.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Moving closer, warm palm coming up to cup your cheek from apple to jawline. Thump brushing slowly over soft delicate skin drowning in your eyes as you rubbing your cheek into his large palm. “Never would’ve guess you felt the same way.”
Not sure how to answer the first question, so you joke instead. “Not only good at picking out a fake piece of art but putting on a good show.” Trying to infuse a little lightheartedness into the tense moment. “Gonna call Oscar see if they’ll give me one of those little golden guys for my performance. Not Ingrid Bergman worthy but I can hold my own,” nervous little laugh leaving your lips that Marcus brushes his thumb over the bottom lip. Stuck dumb by the action breath shallow before held while trying to depict the emotions running through those sweet brown eyes. “Say some Marcus.”
The tremor in your voice shakes the shocked cobwebs from his mind to focus his thoughts. Picking up that you haven’t answered his first question, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Which time?” Breathy sigh leaving your mouth as you try to gather the right words. “Not to mention your my best friend Marcus I didn’t want to fuck that up especially if you didn’t feel the same way,” taking a breath fresh rain mixes with the warm subtle cologne Marcus wears. “Couldn’t risk loosing you and changing our relationship for a what if.”
“And now?” Cupping the other side of your face, keeping your chin tilted upward, eyes searching the depths of yours. Finding the peace he’s missed out on with everyone who came before. Home written in your embrace, sweet light flora scent wrapping around his senses reminding him of just who he needs.
Swallowing, pink tongue coming out to wet your lips, a path he follows with rapt attention. “I recently became enlightened by a good friend reminding me sometimes you need to take those chances.” Both arms wrap around his neck, flowers still clutched tightly, free hand carding through rain soaked strands at the back of his head. Blunt nails scratching gently over Marcus’s neck receiving a shiver that vibrates through your body and has nothing to do with the cool air or wet clothing.
“And you want to take that leap with me?” Inching closer with barely a millimeter’s breath between your lips. Eyes still wide open assuring each other and finally showing the truth and need.
“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful love affair,” cheeky smile splitting your face at the crinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes. Knowing full well you’ve gotten the quote wrong on purpose.
“Here’s looking at you kid,” deepened voice sending tingles of excitement racing down your spine. Slightest brush of his chapped lips to yours bringing a sigh and parting your mouth that’s captured and devoured.
Angling your head just right as he licks into your sweet coffee tasting mouth mixing the minty freshness of his. Low groan whispers between your lips, which moves and changes. Nibbling his bottom lip, slipping your tongue over the bruised skin to sooth before sliding back into the warm cavern of his delectable mouth. Dreams having no merit on the real kiss that makes your toes curl a moan of your own existing to join with the groan he’s let loose. Air becoming much needed and you part to rest foreheads together.
“I love you to have for a long time,” admitting his feelings frees a part of him held back for so long. “I’m sorry for all the missed opportunities but if you’ll let me I’ll make them all up to you.”
“Start by taking me home to change then out for pancakes,” bright smile blooming over your lips that press into his. Unable to stop yourself from giving another tender kiss while wrapping your arms around his shoulders tighter. “And kisses lots more kisses,” mumbling the words into his mouth while initiating another kiss for emphasis.
Only breaking when someone clears their throat you both turn to see Donna standing there with your purse in hand. “No making out in the parking lot you two take it home,” grinning extending your purse towards you. “Just remember don’t do anything I would,” before turning to start back towards the museum. “Congratulations by the way took y’all long enough.”
“There’s things you’d do I wouldn’t Donna,” you call after her shaking your head before looking back up at Marcus. Catching the look burning in his eyes, “I’m guessing pancakes won’t happen tonight huh?”
Soft smirk slides over those kiss swollen lips, “Later but right now I have other plans.” Tugging you against his chest for one last deep drugging kiss that leaves you weak kneed and panting.
“Care to share those plans?” Snuggling into his arms as you both head the last short distance to his car.
Opening then crowding you into the corner of the door hands braced on either side to lean in placing a soft chase kiss to your cheek. “Making up for all the missed time and then later,” pausing to brush his lips over your ear. Whispering the last words with gentle puffs of air floating across your skin. “I’ll make you those pancakes and lick the syrup from your lips afterwards and any other place you’ll let me.”
“Only if you’ll let me return the flavor,” mischievous smile stretching across your lips, ducking under his arms to slide into the car. Finding him still standing there, you tug on his jacket gaining his attention.
Darken eyes meet yours, “I’ll even paint you like one of my French girls,” sending you a playful wink while closing the car door and running around to the drivers side. Marcus slides in, key slipping into ignition, simple flick of his wrist the car flares to life and he’s backing out heading for home and a new start filled with promise.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 15]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, softdom!seungcheol, blowjob, cum swallowing, restraints/blindfold, daddy!kink, dirty talk, v little hair pulling, orgasm control, squirting, sex toys 😗💕 hope y’all are having a good weekend! As you can see, with this chapter comes the decided amount of chapters 😭 which means! cherry bomb ends on jan. 1st! 😭😭😭 I’m sad about it but!! excited to start the new year with some new projects too!! and I promise it won't be the last of this au either (I'll upload and talk abt a new schedule when it gets closer to time)💕💕 Thank you, as always, for your support with Cherry Bomb and I’m glad some of us have had pavlovian responses when we hear the term now LOOOL😩💕 Enjoy ch15 and have a great weekend! see u tomorrow for the last intro post! 💕🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - x - x - x - x - x 
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Seungcheol takes it as a blessing that he doesn’t work on the weekends.
You do your camshow on Friday and upload prerecorded content on Saturday which leaves two whole days of relaxation that the two of you enjoy.
But Monday comes quicker than you anticipate and Seungcheol drops you off to work before he heads back to the roller rink; ignoring the multitudes of texts it seems Jeongguk is sending.
I’ll be at work in 30 minutes, he thinks.
“I’ll be back to pick you up after work, baby!”
You nod back, blowing Seungcheol a kiss through the window before you turn to leave.
Seungcheol’s phone rings 3 more times, brows furrowed.
‘It can wait.’
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“Hyung, we’re in trouble… Maybe?”
Jeongguk’s big puppy eyes stare back at the older male and he can already feel the blood draining from his face at the potential reasons that the younger male would even say that. “Um… is---is this pertaining to why you tried calling like 14 times?” Jeongguk nods, tugging on Seungcheol’s shirt and pulling him in closer.
“Before you say anything… Namjoon-hyung didn’t find out, did he?”
“Find out about what?”
“That I… cam… I don’t want to get fired because I--”
Jeongguk rolls his eyes, “Listen, I’m gonna be real, I don’t think he cares. The problem is… remember that dude that came in? A couple weeks ago. Lookin’ for a job.”
Seungcheol nods slowly; trying to remember the male’s name. “Seok--something, right?” Jeongguk nods.
“Apparently, he came back, and at the right time too. Namjoon hired his ass on the spot and he starts tomorrow. I heard from Seokjin.” Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s features as he stares and waits for Jeongguk to continue. “... And? How is that trouble for us?”
Jeongguk lets out an over dramatic sigh, hands on Seungcheol’s shoulders. “Nevermind, I forgot you’re making bank on those videos. I was gonna say, we might get a pay cut! Or maybe Joon-hyung’s trying to replace us but I guess that’s not a ‘you’ problem.”
Seungcheol laughs under his breath, shaking his head before patting Jeongguk’s hands.
“You’ll be okay. I don’t think anyone is coming for your concession stand job.”
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The next day when Seungcheol makes it to work, he can’t help but have a weird feeling in his gut.
Much like the time when he first met Jun, there’s an indescribable feeling bubbling up in his body that he can’t seem to shake off once he arrives at the roller rink and the sight of Jeongguk with the new employee doesn’t help to settle the feeling at all.
Just before he can make his escape, the younger male waves him over; a cheery smile plastered on his face when Seungcheol starts walking over.
“Hyung! It’s the new employee!”
So much for panicking about being replaced, Jeongguk.
Seungcheol smiles at the other male, introducing himself swiftly before extending a hand to shake. “Ah! I remember you! I’m Seokmin! I’m the same age as Jeongguk!” Seungcheol’s lips part as he nods in understanding; that had been why Jeongguk seemed so okay with it all of a sudden.
Seokmin’s eyes form crescents when he smiles and Seungcheol takes a second to do a once over of the other male; noting the pins tacked to his denim jacket. His eyes hone in on a specific one, narrowing once he realized what it was.
It’d been a while ago now, but when you’d hit 5k subscribers to your camming channel, you had made only three of the same pin, which you had raffled and only gave to three winners.
By nature, Seungcheol was one of them, and the other two were ‘xcaliburDK’ and ‘gentleman_josh95’. Seungcheol could deduce from usernames alone that this wasn’t ‘Josh’ so it only left one option left; albeit Seokmin didn’t add up to the username either.
“Hyung? Hyung, are you okay? You’re spacing out.” Jeongguk waves a hand in the elder’s face as Seungcheol shakes himself from his thoughts.
He’d just have to figure it out later.
Although, he can already feel the groan spilling from his lips.
Why was everyone popping up now?
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When he picks you up from work, later that afternoon, he can already tell something is off about you too.
You slink into the passenger’s seat of his car, quiet and a little jittery. “You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He comments, watching as you fumble with the seatbelt.
“Yeah it’s just… Can we talk about it when we get home? I think I’m still recovering from the weird experience I had earlier.”
Nodding, Seungcheol reaches over, placing his palm in yours in a means of comforting you; even just a little.
“Guess we both have had weird days, huh?”
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You can’t thank Seungcheol enough for how patient he is.
He doesn’t say a word in the car and lets you have your quiet, cool down time before you get home.
But when the lock slides into place and you finally plop down onto the bed, you know it’s finally time to have the talk that you knew was brewing.
“I met another one of my regulars at the diner today.” You mumble; beating Seungcheol to the punch of him asking.
“Weird, I think I ran into one of your regulars at the roller rink today too. He works there now, by the way.”
The two of you share an awkward laugh as Seungcheol lays down next to you; neither of you bothering to change out of your outside clothes as you bask in the oddly similar occurrences. “Wouldn’t happen to be ‘universe_WZ’ would it? He came by the diner earlier, ‘just passing through town’ he said. It was so weird though, y’know? Him and Jun kinda got along ‘cause apparently they’re born in the same year.” You smile at the memory, despite how odd it was at first. “He was quiet and Jun is very much not. I think he bailed earlier than he wanted ‘cause his ear was getting talked off. But he asked me for an autograph on the way out and some old lady stared at me. It was just… a little weird.”
Seungcheol laughs; somewhat glad that your experience hadn’t been as bad as he was expecting.
“How ‘bout you, ‘Cheol? What was that about him working with you?”
The male groans, sliding a hand down his features. “It was… somethin’ else.” You turn on your side to face him, raising a brow.
“Couldn’t be that bad, could it?”
Seungcheol laughs, but only in the way he knows that the next words out of his mouth will sound ridiculous, even to you.
“I’m not going to say who it is because I don’t want you to be extra weirded out. He’s an okay guy, very diligent about his work. But let’s just say I caught a glimpse of his wallpaper, which was you by the way. And when I asked him, ‘hey, is that your girlfriend?’, the fucker lied and said yes!”
It takes a second before you’re letting out a boisterous laugh; tears springing to your eyes at the hilarious encounter Seungcheol had experienced.
“You’re not mad!?” He comments, eyes wide as saucers as he watches you curl up in laughter. “I thought you’d be mad!” You wipe a tear from your eye, catching your breath before you turn back to Seungcheol who watches you in confusion.
“No way, that’s fuckin’ hilarious! And let’s be real, probably not the first time someone’s lied about me being their girlfriend, right? But I--he doesn’t know, does he? That you’re… y’know, ‘dom.cheol’?” Seungcheol blushes, cheeks blooming a pale pink when he thinks about it.
Would his voice be enough to give it away?
“I don’t… know? He didn’t say anything but neither did I, honestly. It was just… weird. And now I work with him so that’ll be fun. Can’t wait for him to tell me how cute his girlfriend is.” He grumbles.
“Awww, is widdol Swungcheol jealous?” You blink cutely back at him; a teasing smirk on your lips when you see him narrowing his eyes back at you.
“Watch it, brat. You know I can punish you at any time, right?”
“Try me, then~”
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Seungcheol mentally logs into his brain and waits until your Wednesday show before he makes a move.
He brings his favorite silk ties from his closet and places them on the bed while you get changed; a sly smirk on his face.
“‘Okay, ‘Cheol I’m--whoa.” You bite your lip when you step out and see the array of ties and the vibrator already sitting on the bed. “Um… I take it that these are part of the show tonight?” You end with a shy giggle; body already warm at the way Seungcheol looks at you.
“Mmhmm. For the ‘lil jealous comment you made. What was it that you said? ‘Try me, then’?” He grins in a way that you know you’re screwed and you saunter up to him in hopes of maybe pacifying him a little.
“Too late to say that I take it back?”
“Waaaay too late, baby. Now, let’s get started.”
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chwenon has donated $50
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
artist8hao has donated $75
artist8hao: she’s so pretty with her hands tied behind her back like that
angelhan: shibari next time???
universe_WZ: she’d be so pretty all tied up
universe_WZ: rly nice seeing u btw ;)
therealchan99: where tf are all of u seeing her!?!?? I need to go out more im lackin bro
alphagyu97: its the way u walk into every set up for me
Seungcheol chuckles under his breath, reading the comments with his hand tangled in your hair and your arms tied behind your back as you work your mouth up and down on his cock.
Before the show had even started, he had quickly rearranged the setup so that the camera was angled down towards the space in front of the bed instead of where it usually faced which was on top of the bed. You were a little confused at first when he had nodded and told you to start your camshow from the rug placed underneath you but it soon made sense when he had tied your arms behind your back and made you suck him off with your knees digging into the rug and a silk tie tied into a bow around your eyes to prevent you from seeing.
“Shibari, huh? Ooh, wouldn’t it be a treat for your viewers if you did a show where you were all tied up? I’d have to start it for you, or maybe they’d like to watch the process and see how quickly I can get you to fall apart.” Seungcheol pauses; hips canting up slightly into your mouth as you swallow and gag around him. “We can make it an extra long camshow… Maybe a pay-per-view situation. They can watch you squirm and cum all night long while I keep a vibrator pressed against your clit until your cute body is trembling.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head even if Seungcheol can’t see it and you moan around his cock when you feel him throbbing in your mouth.
The sound of donations and comments is all you can go off of with your back towards the camera and your vision taken away; noting that the viewers must’ve liked the idea.
j__min has donated $150
j__min: popping in to say if u need help buying ropes, i know a guy ;)
alphagyu97: wait is this rly happening
alphagyu97: i’ll clear my schedule gentleman_josh95: yea same
xcaliburDK: i just started a new job i cant have any sick days plz… at least reupload it for me 😭😭
Seungcheol smirks when he reads that particular comment; fingertips massaging your skull when he hears you whining. “I know, baby. You wanna be fucked, huh? It isn’t nice being teased, right? So now you know how I feel~” In a blink of an eye, ‘xcaliburDK’s comment is buried and Seungcheol is thankful that you didn’t see it. He’d just have to keep it a secret for now while he played along and listened to what else Seokmin had to say about his so-called ‘girlfriend’.
You rub your thighs together; already feeling the slickness on them from how wet you already were and how long you’d been teasing and sucking his cock.
“Fuck, I could cum down your pretty ‘lil throat and then make you work for my cock. Drag your punishment out even longer than your viewers would see.” You moan around his cock in response and Seungcheol can only take it as a whiny ‘no’ before he’s pulling you off of him by the hair; soft sputters and coughs spilling from your wet lips as you catch your breath.
“But I think you’ve earned your orgasm, hmm? What do you say, princess?”
Your throat feels hoarse and your body feel obscenely hot at the way Seungcheol doesn’t seem to want to take off your restraints just yet. “Y-yes, daddy I--I want to c-cum… pl--please.”
tangerine_kwan: ahhh shes so cute
tangerine_kwan: petition for baby pink ties next time i think they suit her
sleepy_wonu: if that shibari show is happening, yes
“We’ll talk about it later, although I don’t think she’ll be opposed to it~” You furrow your brows; wondering what Seungcheok was referring to. 
You’d ask later.
Seungcheol tugs you slightly by your hair, urging you up as you slowly stand on shaky legs. You let him take the reins as he unties your arms and repositions you until you’re bent over the edge of the bed; left leg folded atop the bedsheets while your right leg keeps you upright. He keeps your blindfold on but lets you keep your arms loose; which you find out fairly quickly, is for good reason.
The buzzing of the vibrator makes you bite your bottom lip and soon enough, Seungcheol places the toy in your clammy hand.
“You’re gonna slide your hand under your body and keep that vibrator pressed against your clit while I fuck you. And you’re not allowed to cum unless I say so. Am I understood, baby?” You feel Seungcheol teasing you as he slides his cock through your soaking folds before circling the tip around your entrance.
“I expect a response when I ask you a question, sweetheart.”
“Y--yes, daddy, I--ah!”
Seungcheol grins as he slides his cock into your tight cunt; watching as you slowly sandwich your arm between your body and the bed sheets to place the vibrator against your clit. You cry out, a mess of sharp whines and jumbled words spilling off your lips with the combination of Seungcheol’s thrusts and the vibrations on your clit.
“Ngh, d--daddy! Fuck me m-more!”
Your other hand digs into the sheets, fingers tight around the fabric as Seungcheol fucks you from behind. He knows your body like the back of his hand and he quickly already has you on the verge of an orgasm despite only having started fucking you, moments prior.
“Don’t cum, princess~” Teasingly, he alternates from quick snaps of his hips that have his cock slamming into your g-spot to slow thrusts that have you remembering every groove and vein of his cock when he pulls out. And when he fucks you like this, it’s easy to forget the camera was even on and that people were watching; if not for the constant pinging of comments and donations that mix in with your moans, Seungcheol’s harsh breaths and the sound of the vibrator against your clit.
hoshi_tiger_xx: hmm but shes obv being punished and we all kno good girls dont get creampies
therealchan99: ur right,,, where should he cum then?
kitty_junjun: my votes on her tits
kitty_junjun has donated $75
sleepy_wonu: maybe all over her back and then post the pics in the private room
xcaliburDK: or raffle them!! I want them
chwenon: ooo cum in her mouth but dont let her swallow
chwenon: then u can raffle those pics or sth
Neither you nor Seungcheol are even paying attention to the comments that fly past on the screen and the only thing Seungcheol even turns slightly for, is to check to make sure he’s still properly out of frame.
He can already feel you tightening up around him and with the vibrator on your clit, he knows for a fact you won’t last much longer before you’re cumming.
“Hmm, princess, I can feel you getting so tight around me. Bet you wanna cum already, huh?”
“D-daddy, I dunno, ah, how--how much longer I can h-hold off…” You mumble; already feeling the tension in your body ready to snap at any second.
“Be a good girl. I said you earned your orgasm but you need to be patient.” You nod to the best of your ability; head feeling heavy and fuzzy as you try to stave off your orgasm for a little longer. “Y--yes, daddy…” He slows down his thrusts in order to help you a little and the soft praises that fall from his lips have the warmth blooming in your chest.
But it doesn’t last long because despite Seungcheol’s valiant efforts, you’re already too close to cumming to stop yourself when you feel the pressure building up too fast.
“Oh, d-daddy, I---I can’t, I---I can’t, I have, ah, to---to c-cum! Fuh--fuck, ‘m s--sorry!”
Seungcheol can’t even manage a word in before he feels his cock being forced out of your pussy and the wetness that squirts all over his cock and lower half. Loud cries and whines are all you can manage in the thrums of pleasure and the grip you have on the vibrator only tightens as you grind against the toy to ride out your high.
Seungcheol takes the time to wrap a hand around his cock as he strokes himself; body turned halfway towards the laptop to see what everyone was saying.
hoshi_tiger_xx: uh ohhh pretty baby came without permission
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
hoshi_tiger_xx: donation for squirting tho
alphagyu97: ugh look at her cute lil hole begging to be filled up
angelhan: bet she’s feeling empty rn huh
Your soft mewls have Seungcheol turning back to face you; eyes trained on your twitching body when the pleasure starts to ebb away and the overstimulation from the vibrator starts to bite. “Daddy… the---the, mmh, toy…”
“You can turn it off, sweetheart.” His tone is clipped and you already know you’re in for it once you manage to find the switch on the silicone toy. You turn it off and slide your hand from underneath you; palms flat against the sheets as you sniffle.
“I--I’m really s-sorry, I--I couldn’t--”
“I want you on your knees again, princess.”
Nodding shakily, you ease your bent leg down as you maneuver yourself onto your knees; hands already searching for Seungcheol before you hear his small ‘ah, ah, ah’s.  “Hands behind your back and tongue out, baby.” You follow his orders as you clasp your hands behind your back and diligently open your mouth and stick your tongue out as far as you can.
He brings his cock towards your face, tapping his cock head against your tongue before he starts to jerk himself off over your mouth and face. “I gotta hand it to you, princess. At least you apologized.” Seungcheol laughs under his breath, “But next time though? I won’t even let you have my cock.”
You whimper in return, brows furrowed under the silk tie.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum all over this pretty face.” His grip on his cock tightens and he thrusts into his palm quicker as he chases his high. “Don’t worry. I’ll take pretty pictures of your cum stained face.”
Seungcheol groans as he feels the coil in his body snapping and not a second later do you feel warm rivulets of cum hitting your cheeks and your tongue. Some of it manages to catch on the silk tie as you moan. The donations and comments pour in like water as Seungcheol continues to cover your face in cum and for the umpteeth time, you’re reassured that this was a path that worked out for you.
It was so silly that you’d thought of quitting camming earlier. 
Although, you never brought it up to Seungcheol.
In actuality, there were quite a few things that you’d never brought up to Seungcheol.
“Fuck…” He mutters from above you and it’s enough to bring you out of your thoughts as you hold still. Seungcheol takes the hint, using a sticky cum covered hand to reach for his phone to snap pictures of you; he’d just clean it up later.
“Say cheese~” He laughs, taking a couple photos before tossing his phone onto the bed as you draw your tongue back into your mouth and swallow down the warm salty substance that managed to hit your tongue.
Seungcheol helps you up from the floor, pouting when he sees how red your knees have gotten. “Hmm, think I need to take care of my princess after this.” He helps take your blindfold off and you’re quick to blink the fogginess away as  you try to focus on Seungcheol’s face before peering over to the laptop’s screen.
Your cheeks burn hot at the cum that still stains your cheeks when you see  yourself but the comments that flood in calling you pretty make you giggle.
“Ooookay. I think daddy is gonna get all cleaned up and I’ll wrap up here?” You check in with Seungcheol, who shoots you a nod and a small thumbs up before slinking completely out of the camera’s view.
“Okay guys, now what were you all talking about while I was on my knees?”
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You get out of the shower feeling refreshed; tossing on a loose shirt before skipping out of the bathroom.
Seungcheol is cozied up on the sofa, waiting on the food that the two of you had ordered right after you ended your show. “‘Cheollie~” He turns to you as you plop down next to him and he’s quick to wrap an arm around your shoulders as he tugs you into his side.
“Feeling better?”
“Mmhmm~ A ‘lil sleepy but I can go for that food and then sleep.”
The two of you share a laugh, eyes focused on the movie that plays on the TV. “Say…” You start, “Someone asked a good question in the comments after you stepped out.” You gulp; palms a little clammy.
You just had to know.
“Yeah? Was it about the shibari camshow again?”
“No, actually…” You take a deep breath, telling yourself it’d be okay regardless of what he said.
“Seungcheol, am I your girlfriend?”
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357 notes · View notes
Dialogue prompt: Shieldshock (duh) and "You weren't supposed to see/hear that" (whichever version speaks to the muse more)
Whoo baby this is late but I went with “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”  Hope you enjoy, bb.  Regrettably the overtly sexy stuff is only mentioned
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Darcy did her best to stifle the flush burning its way up her neck, diverting her eyes from Steve Rogers marching his handsome heroic ass into the latest Stark Industries company party.
“He wasn’t even supposed to be here,” Darcy hissed, and brought her glass of champagne up to her lips, draining it.  “The last time I saw him, he said he wasn’t coming…”
But there he was, in all his tall glass of Captain glory.  Not unnoticed by many of Darcy’s coworkers, men and women alike, who weren’t even trying to hide the lust in their eyes as he made his way through the glass doors from the hallway into the event space. 
Not that Darcy could blame them. He looked damn good in a suit.  Looked damn good out of one, too, the last time she’d shoved his dress slacks down his thighs on her couch so she could take him in her mouth, make him lose control with his huge sexy hands in her hair and her name hoarse in his throat.
That was beside the point, though. The point of avoiding her famous fuck buddy in public was, well, 1) to protect his Super Duper Hero Complex by preventing her from being used against him by supervillains, 2) to keep the fuck buddy dynamic on a professional, non-work-involved basis, and 3) perhaps most importantly, to keep either of them from catching dreaded fuck buddy feelings. Any kind of public interaction lent toward making them feel obligated to each other, and that was something Darcy’d proclaimed absolutely not happening when they’d agreed to this.  No strings attached sex was fun, as long as they kept their passions strictly below the belt.
“I mean,” Jane started, as she always did, to remind her best friend of how stupid she thought the whole arrangement was, “it’s not like you’ll burst into flames if he says hello to you in front of other people.  That’s kind of...acting like a human being?  The last time I checked?”
If it was possible, Darcy blushed harder, not watching him be accosted by Tony near the bar.  “I don’t know, it’s possible I might spontaneously combust if he even fucking smiles at me in public...when we’re alone I can do whatever the fuck I want, but here…”
“You’re a whole-ass baby, you know that?” Jane deadpanned, hunting for the cherry at the bottom of her drink with the tip of her straw.  “Just be casual.  Like you are for the debriefing meetings.”
This was different, Darcy wanted to huff, knowing that she would sound like a whole-ass baby if she did.  Being casual with the person she rang for casual sex in their workplace, in the moment, was one thing.  They were still technically at work, sure, but this was a party - she was supposed to enjoy herself.
It was hard to enjoy herself in the same room as Steve Rogers without his lips on some part of her.
“I have...a problem,” she admitted slowly, her champagne glass far too empty for her liking.  Jane, meanwhile, wore an expression somewhere between unsurprised and unimpressed.  “I think I want to be exclusive.”
“Are you not already?”  The incredulity in her best friend’s voice was clear, but Jane propped a hand on her hip anyway to add to the effect.  “I haven’t heard about any of your Tinder escapades lately, and from what Thor’s told me, Steve doesn’t really have his eye on anyone else…”
“Just because we haven’t been fucking anyone else doesn’t mean he wants to be with me, too.”  He was closer now, shaking hands with some fundraiser coordinator Tony had invited; God, every bone in Steve’s body seemed more warm and genuine than the last.  “If I talk to him in public I’m going to want to kiss him in public, and that...crosses a line I don’t know that he’s cool with.”
“There’s this magnificent thing I’ve read about,” Jane said, her PhD voice in full effect, “called having a fucking conversation, Darcy.  I love you with my whole entire heart, don’t get me wrong, but I think if you just talked to him...you wouldn’t be on the fence with all this anxiety.”
That was easy for Jane to say.  The best sex of her life had wanted her pretty much the moment he’d laid eyes on her, had done his best to make up for his absences in the time they were able to spend together, and Jane’s heart, though preceded always by her big, sexy brain, lived on her sleeve.  She and Thor sorted things out without much fuss.
Darcy had known she was several leagues below Steve when they met, and had made an idiot out of herself walking directly into his giant rock-hard chest with an entire tray of coffee that splattered on his Very American uniform.  God only knew why he’d agreed to be her bang buddy a month or so later, but she had a distinct feeling it had more to do with what lay on top of her chest rather than the dumb dorky heart that beat under it.
He was making rounds, coming closer, so she changed the subject quickly, Jane performing her mightiest eye-roll while Darcy rattled off something inane about some singer who’d donated to the literacy foundation Tony and Pepper were heading.
“I heard Pepper wants to get Lady Gaga to perform at the ribbon-cutting,” Jane added helpfully, glancing into her emptied glass.  “Sounds pretty cool.”
“She was the one who got Weezer for tonight.”
Darcy’s heart stammered in her chest at the voice that had contributed that delightful tidbit of conversation, and the tall, muscular, suited body that accompanied it.  Steve’s smile glinted from under his perfectly trimmed beard, the velvet blue of his jacket and pants doing absolutely nothing for the growing whirlpool of want in Darcy’s stomach.  Christ almighty.
“Was she?” Jane prompted, looking, to her best friend’s dismay, like a cat with a mouthful of canary.  “Darcy loves Weezer, you know.”
Was this it?  Was she dead?  Had the gala all been some elaborate ruse planned by Stark Industries to murder her fucking dead on the spot in front of the hottest man she’d ever met?
If this was it, Darcy mused, at least she looked really fucking good.
“I didn’t know that,” Steve said, and now he was making eye contact with her, that knowing smile on his lips that could only be held by someone in his exact position.
“They were actually my first concert.”  She swallowed, her throat dry.  “Right after ‘Pork and Beans’ came out.  I was in college and I wore...way too much eyeliner, but in fairness I think I was in the majority there.”
Jesus Christ, stop fucking talking.
Jane smirked at the empty champagne flute in her hand.  “Here, I’m out, too, let me get you another one.”
Against her better judgment, Darcy surrendered the glass with only a furtive version of the eye-daggers she wanted to send her best friend.  Jane sent her a sly wink before tailing it toward the bar.
“Weezer.”  She swallowed again, doing her best not to notice the way his tongue dashed out across his lower lip, his eyes boring down into hers through those stupid long eyelashes.  “When do they come on?”
“You haven’t been seeing anyone else.”  It wasn’t a question, he was smiling a stupid cocky half-smile that she thought stupidly would look much better between her thighs.  “What was it Jane said…’no Tinder escapades’ - was that it?”
It felt like the blood had drained from her body.  “You...weren’t supposed to hear that.”
He stuck his huge hands in his pockets, gathering himself up to his fullest height.  Fuck, he was so big.  She couldn’t get enough of it.  “Well...you’re both right about something.  I’m not seeing anyone else either, and kissing in public could definitely cross a line.”
Great.  If the mortification wasn’t enough, now her heart felt like it had dropped into her stomach.  “Yeah?”
He stepped forward, his hand sliding to her favorite place, the small of her back with his pinkie just brushing into her ass.  When they were alone, this always felt like him laying his claim, showing her where she belonged, where he belonged.  But they weren’t alone.  Not even close.
“Yeah,” he murmured, dropping his lips to hers, slotting their mouths together.  Her eyes flew shut of their own accord, melting into him, the smell of his pine soap and fresh linens filling her nose.  Steve kissed like he fucked, like he did anything: full of passion, vigor, life.
For a moment, Darcy forgot they were in the middle of a gala, lost in his warm body pressing up against her, but when she brought her hands to his collar he pulled away slowly, releasing her bottom lip from between his teeth with a sly smile.
“Now that that’s out of the way,” he whispered, his nose still halfway touching hers, “you wanna dance to some Weezer with me, Darcy?”
She closed her eyes again, a tiny laugh escaping her in a short breath.  “Yeah, I’ll dance to some Weezer.”
130 notes · View notes
dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Unfinished Business ~ Part Six
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WARNINGS: Mentions of mafia, strong language, murder, blood
PAIRING: Bang Chan X Reader
DESCRIPTION: Part six of nine of my new Bang Chan series. 
You’re taken hostage but one of Seoul’s leading mafia families Bang Chan but he doesn’t take you because he wants to fake a marriage or make you fall for him in 365 days no…He wants to use you for his own personal gain. To take over another family but when you try to escape things take a turn for the worst and you learn Chan isn’t one to be messed with.(Please I suck at describing stuff)
THEMES: TW || Chapter includes mentioned of being touched inappropriately by a stranger, Smut will be included in a later chapter so this is a fic for a mature audience, Chan x Fem!Reader, Self insert
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"Wake up sleepyhead," You groaned, shoving whoever was waking you up away from you, hitting them in the face.
"Five more minutes." A rough tug sat you up and you came face to face with Changbin, who was holding a plate in one hand and you in the other.
"Chan isn't here. Eat and then do whatever it is that you do when he isn't here." You looked down at the food on the plate and decided within seconds that you weren't hungry for whatever that was. It didn't look appetising and you didn't trust Changbin as far as you could throw him.
"Where's Jisung? I thought it was his shift this morning." You mumbled taking the plate and leaving it on the bedside table. Changbin didn't care if you ate it or not, he didn't really care for you at all, so he watched you walk around the bedroom trying to figure out what your plan was.
"Are you planning your escape today?" You stared at him and raised your eyebrow, as if he could think you'd run after what Chan did.
"No, I was thinking of cleaning. You guys are pigs." He lunged at you and you smirked at him, you weren't afraid of him or anyone else in this place. They wouldn't kill you because of how Chan acted around you, they held nothing over you which meant you had some kind of leverage.
"I'm going for a shower and then I'm cleaning the house." You rolled your eyes at him and walked into the ensuite bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind you. It's not as though you could escape through the tiny window and it wasn't like you had anywhere to go. Your ankle was doing better though which was great, one less thing to have to worry about when you did inevitably escape from Chan.
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The front door had banged open, you looked up from the floor you were cleaning to see who it was that had made such a loud entrance,
"You have a date tonight." You stared at Felix as he spoke to you, as though you had some kind of idea as to what he was talking about.
"To whom are you referring?" He held up two tickets to a charity ball and you stared at them, black tie and ball gown were expected. There was going to be auctions held to donate money to charity. It was a charity ball that donated to the nursing home you used to work at, they held the party once or twice a year for benefactors to make generous donations.
"Chan's going to that?" You questioned. You'd served there a couple of years ago when you wanted to volunteer and the place was beautiful, it was right in Seoul centre in one of the biggest, most expensive hotels ever. Felix nodded his head,
"Like he does every year. Donates a large sum to them every year as well as auction things off. He donates throughout the year though through anonymous donations." You stared at Felix as he told you what Chan did for them, it surprised you you'd only ever heard of the bad things that Chan did for his money, not with it.
"Stealing from the rich to give to the poor? Sounds too much like Robin hood for me." Felix chuckled and shook his head at you, he could see something was going on inside your head. Like a battle with yourself that you weren't going to admit to losing just yet, he was brilliant at reading people and to him, you were an open book.
"I can't go. I have nothing to wear." You went back to cleaning the dishes you'd collected from all over the house and that's when Felix pulled out a wallet.
"That's why I have money, Jisung and Changbin will be following along with us to make sure you don't try anything." You glanced over at your shoulder, Changbin wasn't looking too happy about going with you on the field trip.
"Why not someone else?" You took the washing up gloves off your hands and walked over to the towels. They all knew about your dislike for Changbin since neither of you was trying to hide it, drying your hands and turning back to Felix.
"No one else is free...It'll be fun. I'll help you find something and then I'll get us all a tie to match your dress." Your version of fun seemed different from Felix's. You'd rather stay at home in your bed all day rather than shopping for the perfect dress and shoes.
"Let's go-"
"Don't I have to change first?" You remembered Chan's surprise when you wanted to go out in the jeans you'd been painting in. But Felix was fine with you coming in the leggings and oversized shirt they'd gotten you, it wasn't like he was trying to show you off to everyone.
"Not that's fine. Let's go, we don't want to be late tonight."
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The shopping trip hadn't been a total drag like you'd thought it would be, Changbin managed to pretend to be happy to be there. Jisung and Felix were like the brothers you always wanted except way better than you had imagined them to be. It was so nice to be out of the house and joking around with them so much you'd almost forgotten who they were.
"I feel stupid," You said, as you stared yourself in the mirror. Felix was in your bedroom wearing an all-black suit, along with a red tie to match your dress. Chan wanted you all to match so people would know you were all together at the party, that way no one would mess with you. Chan had only gotten back an hour ago and had spent his entire time back locking his office complaining about something to Minho. You'd heard him shouting from inside of the bathroom when you were getting ready but you couldn't understand a word of it, it was all too muffled through the walls to understand anything. He'd been shouting at Minho about how Namjoon was going to be at the party, he never made appearances at things like that which was both good and bad news.
"Chan's downstairs now, the car is here." You sighed and came out of the bathroom nervously playing with your fingers as you waited for them to see you again. The red silk gown was floor length with a split at the front left side coming up to your mid-thigh.
"Whoa." You stared at Felix and shook your head at him, he was the one that had picked the dress out and saw you try it on.
"You saw it before."
"That was before the hair and makeup, you look...whoa." Your makeup had been done by someone in the mall along with your hair. You shook your head at him again and went over to the mirror to look at yourself. It felt like you were playing dress up as a kid all over again, the dress cost more than anything you would ever be able to afford in this lifetime or the next and it had an A-line flow with a backless detail. It was something you never would have worn before, but were wearing now because you had to look your best for the evening.
"Chan's gonna-"
"Chan's gonna what - oh my god," Seungmin gasped as he walked into the room, he'd come to see what was taking so long but he was shocked by how you looked as well.
"Boys," You scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes and heading down the staircase. You could hear Chan ranting about something to the rest of the boys, doubling their security and watching him all night. He didn't care if they were tired or not, they weren't to have their eyes off the ball for even a moment there was too much at risk.
"Are you even listening? This is more important than all the other times we've been to these things. We have someone important to protect now- Are you even listening to me?" Jisung pointed over his shoulder at you, and Chan turned around to see you standing there with a small shy smile on your face. Chan’s jaw dropped as he stared at you, you looked incredible and he couldn't believe you were standing there so awkwardly. Someone that looked like you should have been walking tall and high with their head held high, and he was going to make sure he could help you do that. He was going to make you confident and feel like the beautiful girl you were. All thoughts about what he was talking to his men about were gone as you came closer to him. He took your hand in his and kissed the top of it, placing it back down at your hip and you felt a flutter in your heart as he stared at you. No one had ever looked at you like that before, it was nerve-wracking but at the same time, it made you feel warm inside, safe and that you weren't alone.
"The car," Changbin said, having no time to waste on this stupid moment Chan seemed to be having with you. They were all on edge for the night and were now protecting you and Chan while you were at the event together.
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"Is everything okay?" You asked, as you sat in the back of Chan's car together Jeongin was driving with Seungmin by his side. The car in front of you had Felix and Minho inside and the last car behind you carried Hyunjin, Jisung and Changbin, you were being watched from angles. The same thing, matching cars and number plates in case any of you were followed it would be easy enough to confuse them. He was going to make sure nothing happened to you.
"Everything is fine." He lied, looking out of the window. He didn't feel like he could lie while looking you in the eyes. Right now he was having a hard time keeping his hands to himself, because you weren't his to touch he didn't want to make you uncomfortable by putting his hands on you,
"At the party, I'm going to introduce you as my fiancé...go along with it." You nodded and he slipped off a ring from his pinky finger. Turning to look at you as he slid it onto your ring finger, it was the perfect fit.
"Is there a reason we're faking that I'm your fiancé?" Chan nodded and turned to you trying to make it seem like he wasn't lying through his teeth right now.
"The man from the store?" Chan nodded again,
"I realise that I'm not in your eyes but what I do I do for the good of people and Namjoon...Let's just say he has his own selfish reasons for what he and his crew do. Killing for fun, killing for the sake of killing-" You felt fear ripple through your body and Chan could see that so he stopped talking about it. Namjoon was well known everywhere, everyone had heard of Namjoon and if they hadn't they were either stupid or didn't live in Seoul.
"So I have a target on my back because he saw us together the other day?" This was Chan's idea in the first place, he shouldn't be feeling guilty about this but he was. The plan was to lure Namjoon out, but since the day you spent alone together he'd been having second thoughts about the entire thing. He figured being seen by Namjoon would bring him out of hiding and have him admit that he killed Chan's wife. The bonus would be having him scare you so much you would be too terrified to leave Chan's side, so now why was he feeling so guilty for doing it? All he wanted to do was make you stay with him forever, he would be the one to protect you.
"I promise to look after you, he won't ever hurt you." You could tell by the way he was holding your hands, squeezing them and staring into your eyes that he was sincere. Which was what scared you. He was closer to believing that you actually liked him, while you were now stuck with staying with him forever or being on the run from two big mafia leaders who would both want you dead.
"Why do you come to these events?" You asked, trying to change the subject to anything else.  You could avoid the feeling of being scared if you just put it off long enough.
"I have my reasons," He linked your hands together as he sat in the back of the car. He didn't know how to act around you, you were being so nice to him lately and he didn't want to do anything to change that.
"Do I have to be scared about being out with you?" You questioned, your mind wandering back to Namjoon who was going to be at the event.
"No. I promised I would never let anything happen to you and I meant it." He squeezed your hand. You felt somewhat comforted by it, knowing that he was starting to fall for you hard enough to want to protect you. But then your mind went back to Changbin's threat and your conflicting heart. You could already feel yourself feeling sorry for him, clearly whatever had happened with his wife was affecting him badly. Maybe he was just that good guy that got pushed too far. One half of you was wanting to stay with him, but your brain was still on fire battling the thought about him doing what he did to Mrs Lu and the story your ditzy barmaid had told you. That chan had been the one to kill her, anyone with more than three brain cells could tell he hadn't though, that the story of him killing his wife was complete bullshit.
"Thank you." You whispered, looking out of the window nervously as you thought about the event. It was highly publicised meaning someone was going to get your photograph of you sitting there.
"Did you mean it?" You questioned quickly, he hummed at you and turned to stare at your face wondering what you were talking about.
"Did I mean what?"
"About taking me to see my grandfather?" He could tell by the look on your face that you were excited about the thought of it. But you were doing your best to stay calm about it and so he nodded at you. It could be a reward for you if you were good tonight while you were out with him.
"I'll take you if you behave tonight." You smiled shyly at him and nodded, promising you would be good. You'd promised not to try and get away and you meant it.
"Then let's get to it. Maybe get a nice photo to give to him?" Chan asked you, as he looked at the photographers outside the hotel. You nodded and the door opened, flashing lights started to blind you and you held onto Chan as he helped you out of the car.
"How do you deal with this?" You giggled, looking at him as he walked with you side by side. He linked his arm around your waist and smiled down at you trying to look good for the cameras. He paused at the bottom of the steps, a red carpet had been laid out and people were screaming questions at everyone who was walking there. It was like Chan was some kind of famous celebrity and people wanted to interview him.
"I smile and get on with it, I never liked this side of my life. They glorify the things I do and it's wrong, even if I do this all for the right reasons it makes it look good when it's not." You stared up at him as you walked towards the doors, lost in your own world as if the rest of the world melted away as you stared into his eyes. But he kept his head forward trying to focus on not falling over.
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The evening was going admirably. You were in the middle of a huge event hall in the hotel, the walls were all white with marble columns to keep up the extremely high ceilings. The boys and you were all at the second-floor bar that looked down over at the rest of the party,
"Y/n?" You turned, to see a man around 6'0 smiling at you and coming over to you. You were standing at the bar while Chan went to stand beside someone and talk. The man was wearing a black suit with a blue tie on, you'd never seen him before so you had no idea how he knew your name. Jisung was supposed to be watching you but he was on his phone, you didn't blame him though it must have been boring watching someone all night.
"Hello." You greeted coldly, looking to try and get Jisung's attention but it wasn't going to work. Changbin was nowhere to be seen and Hyunjin was in the bathroom. You were starting to panic when the man reached for your hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing it gently, looking at the ring on your finger but he didn't care about it.
"May I have a dance? I'm Clarke."
"No, I don't think my fiancé would like that." You were trying to come up with some excuse to get away from him, but Chan's back was to you as he spoke to someone about a donation he was making to them. You didn't know how to get him to turn around without screaming his name, and causing a scene not something you wanted to do in such a nice place.
"I'm sure he won't mind one dance." He pulled you over towards the staircase that led down to the bottom floor. Your heart began to pound, if the boys looked up to see you missing it would be bad news for you, but if Chan looked and saw you with another man it would be bad news for him.
"My fiancé really wouldn't like this, he's-"
"He's an idiot by letting you stand alone and giving you such a cheap-looking metal ring." His hand landed on your waist. Your eyes locked onto the back of Chan's head, hoping that somehow he would feel the stare and turn around.
"Please let me go." You begged him, but his hand slipped down to your waist while his other grabbed onto your ass squeezing it softly. He trailed his hand to your thigh so you slapped him across the face, the room was so packed no one noticed. So you began rushing over to Jisung, he was the closest one to you and the nicest one out of them all. Your hand gripped onto his bicep as you pleaded for him to help you,
"Help." You whispered, he looked at your panicked face and then saw a man coming over to you holding his face with a red mark across his cheek.
"You slapped him?" You nodded, explaining that he started touching you and you had to get away.
"You little whore, dressing like this and expecting not to be touched?!" You whimpered, as the man began storming towards you. Jisung took control of the situation quickly,
"Chan!" Chan turned around and saw the worried look on your face and then the man. He was livid, he stormed to your sight and took your face in his hands turning it side to side to look at you. The man stopped as he realised it was Chan that you were with and not someone else, he began begging for them not to hurt him but Changbin grabbed onto his arms.
"You okay? Did he hurt you?" You shook your head and Chan turned around to punch the man who'd grabbed you the way he did,
"Changbin, take him back to the house and put him up in the basement I'm not through with him." He ran his hands through his black hair. You noticed curls starting to form as he pulled it from the styling gel, you never knew he had curly hair. It was something you were trying to focus on to keep you calm.
"You sure you're okay? Did he hurt you at all?"
"No, I'm fine. He just grabbed my ass and my-" He went to follow Changbin out of the hotel, wanting to kill him for even thinking about touching you. You grabbed onto his hand,
"Don't leave me please." You urged him and he stared down at your hand on his wrist. He felt his heart begin to pick up and he nodded at you, even if he did feel like it was his fault for leaving you alone when he promised he wouldn't.
"Fine. Let's go and have a drink." You followed him towards the bar and ordered a scotch, he did the same and looked at you. He could tell that the fact that the man touching you was bothering you. You were scared, having someone touch you like that in such a public place, you had no idea what could have happened if he'd gotten you down the stairs.
"You promised to watch me, you promised. What if that was Namjoon that got hold of me?" He shook his head at you. He cupped your cheek in his hands running his thumb over your skin trying to calm you down.
"I took my eyes away for two seconds, it's not my fault you're so beautiful that everyone wants you. I promise he'll get what's coming to him. No one will hurt you or touch you." You realised what he meant by that and you stared at him,
"You're going to kill him..." It was a statement rather than a question, about what he was or wasn't going to do. But he heard your voice crack and he stared at you wanting to search for any signs that you didn't want him to, but all he could see was the sign of you being okay with it.
"Yes." He answered blandly, but he didn't care, no scumbag should get away with touching people that clearly asked him to stop.
"Good. Make him pay for it." He liked this side of you, you had no idea where it was coming from but you wanted the man to pay for what he'd done to you. It always happened in the bar you used to work in, sleazy men would touch whoever they wanted and get away with it and you were sick of it. It was about time that somebody took care of it.
"I'll make sure he does." He promised, kissing your cheek and then looking around for the time,
"We have time for a dance before the auctioning starts." He took your hand, you downed the drink of scotch, following him to the staircase to head down for a dance together.
Both of you lost in your world as Namjoon watched from across the room, he asked his right-hand man for the information they had gathered on you. It was strange how you'd seemingly come from nowhere and were now being announced as Chan's fiancé. They told him about your family history, your grandmother using his money and dying leaving bills unpaid. He smirked watching you being waltzed around by Chan, he had a plan now. Chan's hand was placed on your waist, while his other hand held onto yours, slowly leading you along the floor swaying back and forth with you.
"You look great tonight, by the way, I don't know if I mentioned that." You laughed at Chan and nodded at him, even though you didn't believe what he was saying.
"You didn't have to, the boys did it for you. Apparently, I'm 'whoa'." He chuckled and nodded in agreement with them.
"They're right. You look gorgeous." You could feel your cheeks heating up as he complimented you,
"Dip." He said, you stared up at him as he dipped you down and smiled at you. A camera flash went off capturing the happy moment making you both momentarily blind.
"Look at the happy couple." You both stood up to see Namjoon staring at you,
"Y/n Y/l/n, and Bang Chan...surprising couple." You cleared your throat and Chan wrapped his arm around your waist, he knew Namjoon would have gotten to know everything about you by now.
"Can I see the ring?" You didn't have a chance to decline, Namjoon just took your hand in his and stared down at the small silver band around your finger.
"Huh. Seems simple for someone like Chan to give you." Chan didn't have time to say anything,
"I asked for something simple, inexpensive to prove how much I wanted Chan for Chan and not who he was and his money." Namjoon nodded along and looked at Chan.
"May I dance with her?" Chan stepped aside willingly, not wanting to disobey Namjoon and cause a scene. He watched as Namjoon began to dance with you in the same way Chan had been doing before.
"I know he took you against your will, do you want to get out of here?" You stared up at Namjoon as he stared off behind you, trying not to make it look obvious about what he was talking about.
"He didn't take me against my will, I went with him. I love him." You seemed so convincing you almost believed yourself, Namjoon stared down at you shocked that the words had even left your mouth.
"Love him? My dear, that almost sounded convincing to me. You barely know the man, you've been with him less than a week." He kissed your forehead and brought you into a hug,
"You better watch out my love, as soon as he turns his back, you're mine just like his ex. I'll assume he told you the horror story but be warned, I will kill you just like I did to her...Paint his living room a nice shade of red again." He left you alone and you stood staring at the back of his head, Chan frowned coming over to you.
"What's wrong? Did he hurt you? Say something?" You turned to look up at Chan and he stared down at you, you looked terrified, more terrified than the night he'd killed Mrs Lu.
"H-He said I have to watch out before you turn your back and I end up just like your ex." Chan's hand on your hip tightened and you whimpered moving away from his grasp.
"What does that mean? What happened?" He looked around and shouted Seungmin and Jeongin over. It gave him the confirmation he'd been using you for, but now his blood ran cold at the thought of Namjoon threatening you. It wasn't just Chan using you for information anymore, he liked you a lot and now you were in real danger
"Give them the money, bid on the weekend away, I need to take her home. Namjoon threatened her." His hands were on your arm and he was rushing you out of the hall and towards the exit of the building,
"Smile and look happy, if Namjoon knows he's scared you he wins." You nodded and started smiling up at him, he took your hand in his and sighed.
"Come here," He bent down to pick you up bridal style and you squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck and staring into his eyes.
"What are you doing?" You asked, looking into his eyes and nowhere else as the cameras flashed at you both running to the car.
"You move too slowly in those heels. I have to get you home where I can keep you safe." He sat you in the car and told Felix to drive fast and not stop for anything.
"What happened with your ex...Is he going to get me?" You panicked and he linked your hand in his.
"I'll tell you everything, I promise, but right now you need to get home and get you safe. I'm not going to let you die okay." He kissed your cheek and you laid your head on his shoulder, staring at the back of Felix's head as you drove to the house.
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"You'll be fine here, no one can get in here, it's all secure," Chan said as he stood in your door, you were laid in the bed dressed in an oversized shirt and some shorts. You hadn't stopped shaking since the moment you left the hotel and he still hadn't told you what happened with his ex. Just that she was dead and it was Namjoon's fault. You were more scared of Namjoon than you ever had been of Chan,
"Get some sleep, we'll talk in the morning. Seungmin is right outside if you need him." You nodded at him and he turned to leave the room without another word.
"Goodnight." You called out and he nodded at you, saying it back before leaving the room quietly, shutting the door behind him.
You laid there for an hour while you listened to the wind and rain outside, the thunder started and you wanted to cry. Thunderstorms used to make you calm but tonight it seemed to make everything scarier, like in a horror movie. Every sound made you think it was someone trying to break into the mansion, specifically your bedroom. You got out of the bed and snuck out of the door, Seungmin was asleep so you could sneak out of the door without being heard. You tapped on the bedroom door belonging to Chan but there was no response, you were about to turn back when thunder clapped so loudly you jumped. Rushing into the room the door banged, he jumped up and pointed a gun at you thinking you were an intruder,
"Chan!" You held up your hands to make him see that you were free of any weapon, and that you weren't going to hurt him, but you let out a whimper as he kept it tracked on you,
"I'm sorry." You whispered, turning to stare at him. He was wearing a black t-shirt and some shorts, he shook his head and stared at you, panicked that something was wrong.
"I'm sorry! Did you hear something?" He questioned you, he got up from the bed to get closer to you.
"No, no." You whispered, shaking your head and looking around his room, it was the one room you hadn't been in yet.
"Do you want me to put the gun away?" You nodded frantically, slowly lowering your hands down now that he knew who it was in his bedroom this late at night.
"Yes please." He took the gun and put it away in the drawer beside his bed and cleared his throat, rubbing the back of your head as you got closer to him.
"What's wrong?" He sat down on the bed and you walked into the room sitting down beside him.
"I'm scared, he said he'd kill me, Chan." You admitted and he sighed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and drawing you closer to him,
"What if he gets me?"
"I won't let it happen. I won't let him anywhere near you, you're mine and I'm going to protect you." He repeated, pulling you to lay down on the bed with him. He spooned you and began tracing patterns into your skin as a way of trying to calm you down. You let the 'you're mine' comment pass, it felt nice for him to say that to you right now, it was something you needed to hear.
"I promise." He kissed your shoulder blade and you closed your eyes, feeling safe and protected around him enough to fall asleep for the first time all night.
"Get some sleep. I promise to protect you." He kissed your shoulder again and you hummed, shuffling back towards him wanting him to hold you closer. But you turned around to face him instead, deciding now would be a good time to question him since you weren't tired.
"Aren't you scared of him?" He shook his head and ran his hand over your cheek, tracing his thumb along your skin as he stared into your eyes. He had to be strong to you even if it meant telling you he wasn't scared when he was.
"He holds no power over me, I don't care about him but if he comes anywhere near you-" Your hand on his cheek calmed him down, you could see him growing more and more agitated, but he was shocked that you'd touched him like this. All the other times you seemed to move away but you were willing, getting close to him and touching him willingly.
"Thank you for protecting me, not just with Namjoon but with that guy at the party." He nodded, the guy had been locked in the basement the moment the boys got him home and Chan was planning on dealing with him in the morning.
"Anything for you." You looked at him, your eyes glancing from his to his lips trying to fight back the feeling of wanting to kiss him but it was hard. You close your eyes and leant in and he leant down pressing his lips against yours. As soon as he kissed you the world fell away, it was all slow and soft something you'd never thought would happen to you, it felt like it was something from the books you'd read as a teenager. It was comforting and his hand fell away from your face and to your hip, dragging your body closer to him so there was no space between you any more. You could feel his heart beating against your chest as he brought you closer, pulling away and running his thumb along your bottom lip.
"Do it again," You begged him to kiss you one more time, your mind blank as your heart took over your actions. He pressed his lips against yours, the world falling away in an instant, but this time the kiss was hot and full of passion. His tongue ran along the seam of your lips and you parted them for him wanting nothing more than to make out with him all night. The kiss was sloppy and you could taste the scotch you'd both been drinking that night. You wrapped your arm around his neck and he chuckled, pulling away from you not wanting to take things too far too soon.
"Enough for one night," He placed a gentle kiss on your lips again to satisfy you and you shifted on the bed, laying your head on his chest to fall asleep while listening to his heartbeat. He laid on his back looking at the ceiling while he listened to your breathing trying to make it the focus of his thoughts. As long as you were still breathing he had something to fight for, something to stop him going after Namjoon right away and coming up with some kind of plan. For you it felt safe right next to him, it was strange and didn't make sense in your head but your heart was telling you it felt right to be there with him no matter what he'd done. The kiss had been too good for you to ignore the chemistry between you both. He kissed the top of your head as your eyes got too heavy to keep them open any longer, and you stopped fighting to keep them open, drifting away into the best night's sleep you or Chan had ever had in the longest time.
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Tagline: My fantastic and wonderful editor I would be nowhere without! @moonprincessdiviniation​ @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @calling-dips-on-j-hope​ @hugs4chan​ @ncitythoughts​ @inseonqt​ @cloudsgathering​ @atletino​ @mischiefmakerliesmith5​ @freckledquokka @happygirl327​
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Not yet [Remus Lupin x Reader]
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Title: Not yet Pairing: Remus Lupin x Black sister!Slytherin!Reader Word count: 1.8k Published: 24 August, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Notes: I wrote this little fic because Dee [ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ ] and I were brainstorming at 4am in the morning and I just couldn't get this idea out of my head ^^ Summary: You have been hiding your relationship with Remus from your brother, Sirius for the past year, fearing to lose the love of your life.
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
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Being Sirius and Regulus' sister was anything but easy. You were always stuck between their feuds and acted as a peace maker. As a Slytherin you got less of your mother's constant nagging, but being one to oppose their views provided you with enough grief from them.
You were sitting in the Gryffindor common room, listening to your older brother and his friends planning their newest prank. Your eyes gazed over to Remus, who was seated beside you on the sofa, his attention completely given to the conversation.
The boy has stolen your heart long ago and he was well aware of it. You have been hiding your relationship from Sirius for about a year now, but you were still too scared to say anything. You knew they were best friends and you didn't want them to argue, let alone fight about your relationship. You wanted to show off Remus as your boyfriend, you wanted to scream to the world that he belonged to you. Your love for him was beyond what you could ever imagine and it hurt to not be able to tell others how much the sweet boy meant to you.
You watched as the corner of his eyes crinkled, whilst laughing at his friends' silly ideas. You couldn't take your eyes off his lips turning into a grin as he shook his head disapprovingly, when James offered you up to be the bait in their newest prank.
"Wait what?" You turned to the boy with a deep frown between your brows as you realised what the conversation was about.
"Oh, so you are here. I wasn't sure if you could hear us. You were rather concentrated on staring at Moony." He chuckled. You felt your face heat up and you were more than certain that you were blushing wildly.
"No, I was not." You let your head drop forward as you played with your hands awkwardly.
"Oh, yes you were. You were almost drooling." Peter joined in with a grin across his face.
"Oh hush, I was just lost in my thoughts." You attempted to lie, but your brother knew you better. He shook his head with a questioningly raised brow.
"I don't think so. Hey, Moony, I think Y/N fancies you." Sirius laughed at his comment, which earned a growling sound to leave your lungs.
"And what would you do if I did?" You asked your brother and for the first time, they all fell silent. You could feel Remus' questioning gaze on you, trying to figure out if you were just testing the waters or you really were to reveal your relationship.
Sirius' face seemed more disturbed, almost angered for some reason and that was exactly what you were scared of.
"Do you?" He asked in a warning tone, but you didn't reply. His brows furrowed, hoping for the silence to mean otherwise. "And you?" Sirius turned to Remus, who's face wasn't happy anymore. His expression was steel, no emotions displayed.
"Okay, let's change the subject." James tried to ease the tension.
"Not now, Prongs. I want to hear them out." He waved his friend off, whilst keeping his stare on your pair.
"Even if I had feelings for Remus, you wouldn't be the one I would share them with," You stood up abruptly.
"You are my sister and Remus is my best friend. I'm quite certain I have the right to know." He huffed, his tone clearly annoyed. You shook your head and scoffed at his demanding tone. That response was exactly why you felt the need to hide your love for Remus. You had a sense that your brother would be surely unhappy with your relationship and you weren't ready to give up Remus.
Yes, you knew if Sirius was to oppose your love, you would leave Remus in a heartbeat. You loved him endlessly, he was your everything and exactly because of that, you knew how much Remus needed his friends. You would never stand between them. The thought of you being separated from Remus broke your heart. You didn't even realise when a teardrop rolled down your face.
You left your dumbfounded brother behind and started off through the corridors to head to your own house. You were not ready to lose Remus. Not yet.
You felt a grip around your wrist and as you turned around, your eyes met two beautiful eyes full of sadness.
"Remus?" You questioned. He pulled you into his chest, embracing you, hiding his face in your hair. You could feel his breath on your neck sending shivers down your skin, causing goosebumps to appear.
"Sweetheart, please don't cry." He hushed you, cupping your face, removing the escaped tears with the tip of his thumbs. "We will sort this out." He attempted to calm you down in a reassuring tone. You never told him about the real reason why you felt the need to hide your relationship. "Let's just tell him. We don't need to hide it anymore. We have been together for over a year. He will understand it's not just a fling." He tried to convince you, but you just shook your head.
"No. I can't." You replied as a loud sob left your lungs.
"Why? What are we waiting for?" He furrowed his brows as you hid yourself further in his chest, wanting to feel his warmness against you. "Sweetheart, talk to me." He pulled your face out of his chest, tilting your face upwards to look up at him.
"I'm not ready to lose you yet." You sniffled. His eyes widened in surprise, unable to understand your way of thinking.
"Why would you?" He frowned, his head tilted.
"I'm sure Sirius wouldn't want us to be together and I would never stand between your friendship. I love you too much to see you suffer." With a swift movement you removed the tears staining your cheeks.
"I don't plan on leaving you, even if he is opposed to our relationship. He will come around, Y/N. He doesn't have a choice." He tried to argue your point, but you just shook your head for the hundredth time that day.
"And until then? You would lose a friend, someone who has been beside you since your first day of school. You would lose someone who has been supporting you through your hardships. You would lose your best friend. I don't want to carry that weight." You removed your eyes from his and sobbed into his chest.
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"Darling, you need to stop seeing things that way. Sirius is my best friend and I expect him to understand that my love for you is real. I have loved you for years and finally you are mine. I am not planning on letting you go, nor am I planning on leaving you. If that knob head of a brother of yours is incapable of understanding that, then I will hammer it into his stupid head." Remus chuckled painfully as he kissed the top of your head.
"He understands." You heard a familiar voice and you immediately jumped back, a few steps away from Remus.
"How much have you heard?" You asked, heaving a shaky breath as your brother's face stayed emotionless.
"Since Remus caught you, everything." He replied. Your tears started falling faster, your vision completely blurred out. You weren't ready. You needed more time with Remus. You couldn't lose him just yet. Maybe just a few weeks, even just a few days. You couldn't let go of him. Not yet.
"I am so sorry Sirius. I know you are angry and I didn't plan to hide it for so long, but I'm not ready to lose him just yet. Please don't be mad at him." You were almost begging Sirius. A deep frown took over his forehead as he stepped closer, pulling you into a hug. You sobbed uncontrollably, heaviness still sitting on your shoulder, waiting for a reply.
"I love you, but you really are daft." He scoffed with a little chuckle leaving his lungs. You pulled out of his embrace, looking up into his grey eyes, searching for reassurance, that his words meant hope for you. "Am I really that bad of a brother?" He asked, his gaze wandering between your eyes.
"No, of course not." You shook your head quickly.
"Then why would you think of me like some kind of a monster, who doesn't let his sister be happy?" He raised a brow and you could feel yourself shrink under his heavy gaze.
"You always hated my boyfriends." You replied sheepishly.
"Because they didn't deserve you. But I know Remus like the back of my hand. I know he would take care of you better than anyone. Hell, better than me." He huffed with a small smile.
"So you are not mad?" You asked, waiting for a confirmation.
"Oh, I am." He replied and you could feel your heart sink deeper in sorrow. "I am mad, because you decided to hide it from me. Both my sister and my best friend have been lying to me for a whole year. That doesn't sit well with me." He shook his head, disapproving your behaviour.
"But you are not opposing us then." You questioned.
"Not at all. I am happy for you." He smiled sweetly and finally your tears stopped and a large, cheerful smile took over your face. "But you will have to make it up to me. You have been lying far too long." He shrugged as he let you go and pushed you into Remus's arms. "If you don't mind, I will be leaving, because I am certainly not interested in my best friend snogging my sister." He grimaced as he turned his back and walked away with a rather large grin across his face, which you couldn't see.
You turned to Remus, this time a happy smile displayed on your face as you gazed over your lover, carving his handsome features into your memory.
"You see, everything is just fine. You should give a bit more credit to your brother." Remus chuckled as he leaned down to you, giving you a tiny peck on your lips.
"I guess, you are right. I feel relieved." You grinned as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss, feeling lighter than ever.  
Tags: @inkhearthes​​​ @bonziandfonzi​​​ @hufflefluff-writer​​​ @fific7​​​ @haphazardhufflepuff​​​​​​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​​​ @kalimagik​​​​​​ @accio-rogers​​​ @peachesandpinks​​​ @harrypotter289​ 
Notes: If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like and/or reblog the chapter. Thank you :) 
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barkkletshunt · 3 years
Those Worth Fighting For Part four
Have you ever seen a fic update so fast? Four updates in two days?
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part five 
Part six
Part seven
Part eight 
“While I like the idea of them having a red, green, and gold colour scheme going on, don’t you think it would have too much of a christmas theme and take away from the magic of their wedding?” Marinette sat on the same couch as Felix did, across from Kagami and Adrien who, despite their careful appearances, looked frazzled. 
“But those are our favourite colours,” Adrien tried, but Felix held his hand up to stop his cousin.
“Your wedding is in late spring, if you think for a moment that christmas colours are appropriate for that time of year then you need to hand over your fathers fashion industry to me right now.” Felix sipped at his now cold cup of coffee. “If anything, we could do red and gold and have green accents if we used things like leaves and give it a more rustic feel.”
“But that wouldn’t go well with their general aesthetic. They need to look like a king and queen, not a cottagecore couple.” Marinette countered. “I think we could go with a green, gold, and cream theme. That way they both get one of their favourites while keeping with the posh style. Either way, no matter what gold has to be a part of it. That I will not budge on.”
“If we made Adrien’s tie green it would bring out his eyes more.” Felix hummed, looking over at his co-planner. “You have good tastes, Marinette.”
“Why thank you, Felix, your tastes aren’t so bad yourself.” She said back. 
The two planners had successfully gotten their way with the wedding with everything they had put forth. Marinette’s ideas were either on point with Felix’s or close to it so the planning was going a lot easier than either of them had expected. Both had spent enough time with the bride and groom to know their likes and dislikes and due to their fashion background they knew what they were doing. 
They were unstoppable, not that Kagami and Adrien even tried. They saw the fire that was lit behind their companions' eyes and knew better, and it wasn’t like they didn’t like anything their friends had said. In fact, the more the two spoke the more excited Kagami and Adrien felt about the upcoming event. 
“Why don’t we make the groomsmen wear gold ties, just so that Adriens tie doesn’t fade in with the rest of them.” Marinette rambled, showing Felix the designs she had tucked away in her portfolio that she refused to show Kagami. “If you wear green too your eyes will stand out and Adrien is supposed to be the one people are paying attention to.”
“Should the bridesmaids wear green then? If that dress design is anything to go by we don’t want Kagami to blend in with the other girls.” Felix hummed, sliding closer to Marinette without thinking about it. “Can’t have you stealing the show from the bride, you know.”
Marinette’s face grew warm at the compliment, even if it did match her unintentional flirting moments earlier. The added proximity didn’t help, but she could pull herself together. This was Felix, after all, and despite how nice he had been that evening she still needed to see more of him before passing a proper judgement on him. 
The two planners missed the looks between the future Mr. and Mrs Agreste. 
“Well, after the akuma attack today I feel exhausted. I think I shall turn in tonight, since the two of you have it covered.” Kagami said as she stood from her seat. 
“Did you want me to make you a coffee?” Adrien asked innocently enough, but was immediately shut down.
“No, if I have a coffee now I won’t sleep.” Kagami raised her brow at her fiance, wondering if he had caught her drift yet. “And you have business to take care of in the morning. Let’s leave the planning to these two, shall we?”
The blonde man abruptly stood up, realizing what she was getting at. “Oh, oh! Yeah! Of course! They don’t really need our input for any of this stuff anyways, and I’m definitely beat after that sentimonster. We should go to bed.”
The owners of the house bid their goodnights and quickly escaped from the room, leaving Marinette and Felix sitting there dumbfounded. 
“Have, have they always been that obvious in their plans?” Felix finally asked, breaking the silence that had stretched on after their friend's departure. 
Marinette shook her head, “I have only seen them like that once when they were trying to plan a surprise birthday party for me.”
“And how well did that go for them?”
“Adrien ordered the cake from my parents bakery over the phone, but didn’t realize that I was the one taking his order.” Marinette recalled the look of horror on Adrien’s face when he had come to pick the cake up the day prior, and had begged Marinette not to tell Kagami he blew it. “For someone so smart he can be really oblivious, you know.”
“I did live with him for two years, I am well aware of how he can be.” Felix snorted. He shifted positions so he was facing towards Marinette. “I think it actually turned me into a better person, to be honest.”
“What do you mean?” Marinette mirrored his position on the couch. Adrien was an open book to her, she could ask him anything about himself and he’d answer her, and when she asked about his time in England he never said much about it. She couldn’t miss hearing about it from a second party, though. Especially when her friend was the cause of someone becoming a better person.
“Well, as I’m sure you are aware I was a terrible teenager.” Felix started.
“What? You? The man who deleted my love confession and mocked our friends?” Marinette jokingly pushed his shoulder. “I don’t believe it.”
Felix grinned, “I know, I know. I’m such a saint now. I wasn’t sure if you had even recognized me at first.”
“It was a bit difficult without those devil horns you used to wear.”
“Oh those? Those were natural. Grew them myself. Kind of miss them, actually.” 
The two laughed for a moment, enjoying their friendly banter that seemed to come so easily to them. 
“Okay,” Marinette giggled, “tell me how our sweet sunshine child managed to change the demon known as Felix.”
“Well, when he first moved in I was sent into a whirlwind of emotion.” Felix started, “I was still angry that Adrien had abandoned me when my father had died because his father wouldn’t let him call or text us, but I also knew how terrible it was to lose a father even if it was only to a lifetime imprisonment. I had so much baggage that I took it out on him. I think I made the first few weeks of his stay with us hell.”
The blonde man shifted, no longer wanting to look her in the eye as he confessed to his crimes. It didn’t take a trained psychoanalyst to see the regret he felt coming out and causing him to fidget. 
“It was when he transferred into my school and started to get bullied that I changed my tune.” Marinette was shocked. Adrien was so loveable and kind, how could anyone have bullied him? Then it donned on her. He was a terrorist's son. “People would shove notes in his locker with butterflies on it, or draw on his desk, and he’d just smile and say that they must have been doing it because of his fathers fashion symbol being a butterfly. Perhaps he wasn’t oblivious to it, but purposefully ignorant. No one would want to believe their father was the supervillian of Paris after all.”
“It was then that I decided to switch my targets from my cousin to those bullying him, and oh was I ever brutal. I had a few of them expelled for harassment, some I actually got physical with since they assumed I was Adrien. Either way, it was my school and I wasn’t going to let anyone insult my cousin. That was my job.” Felix’s brows pulled together. “It was the fights that got Adrien to step in. He reminded me that the emotions of people were complicated things, and that they were acting out more out of fear than actual hatred towards him. He told me what he actually needed wasn’t another bodyguard, but someone to lead his PR campaign.” 
Marinette remembered when Adrien’s image in the media had changed the first time, when he went from brilliant model to the heir to Hawkmoth's legacy. It had taken almost another full year of Adrien working harder than he ever had before to show the world that he wasn’t a monster, and it still took a live interview from Ladybug herself to convince the rest of the public that there was no way Adrien was involved in any of his fathers crimes nor was he a holder of a miraculous. It had been a wild ride from start to finish, but all considering it only took two whole years to get Adrien back in the world's good graces when the sunshine boy didn’t think he’d ever be able to live it down. 
“I spearheaded Adrien’s redemption. We donated to so many relief funds, I used our similar appearances to go onto talk shows to give a more calculated interviews. I did everything in my power to make people realize how inherently good Adrien is, and it worked.” Felix let out a long breath before turning a kind smile towards her. “But by the time all of that was done I had changed. I had become a person Adrien was proud of, and now I am here planning his wedding with his best friend. Whom, might I add, he talked about almost as much as he did his own girlfriend.”
“Now if you could have told me that, say, five years ago I would have been ecstatic.” Marinette set her portfolio down on the coffee table as she remembered how intense her crush for Adrien used to be. “But I am long over my crush on Adrien.”
“I am sorry about that, by the way.”
“Hm?” Marinette tilted her head to the side, not sure what he was talking about.
“Deleting your confession.” He explained. “It was wrong of me. I was jealous and petty and I’m sorry.”
Marinette wasn’t angry anymore, even if she wanted to be. Felix wasn’t the same as he was all those years ago and neither was she. It was silly for her to hold onto all that anger when he had changed himself so completely. 
“I am, however, not sorry you didn’t end up with my cousin.” He grinned. “Now I might have a chance.”
Maybe not so completely.
“In your dreams, devil boy!”
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College AU Week 1 Day 2 - Javier Pena
A/N: Day 2 of the January AU challenge and 300 follower celebration! I had so much fun writing this one and if you want a second smutty part I could be persuaded to do it. Thank you for every reblog, comment, and like. :) 
Pairing: Javier Pena x female reader 
Warning: 18 + (language, mentions of drug/alcohol use, reader has an ex boyfriend) 
My Masterlist 
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My friend dragged me to this party, and I just saw my ex quick make out with me. 
Javier readjusted the tie in the mirror again for the twelfth time before ripping it off and opening up the top three buttons of the shirt. Tugging on his trusty leather jacket over the shirt and holstering his gun. Javier spent his life working as an on-campus security guard at the local University. Breaking up parties with underage drinking, busting students for narcotics use, and making sure they felt safe on campus. He took great pride in his job, and the pay wasn't awful. Although as he's gotten older over the last few years, he felt something was missing from his life. 
He joined some of the dating sites and apps that his buddy Steve, a history professor, suggested. Steve had met his wife, Connie, on one of the sites, and they seemed happy with their new baby girl Olivia so why not. It was a disaster. The dates were dull and expensive, each of them expecting him to dish out for them. He still slept with all of them, but nothing lasted for more than an evening of fun. It was cheaper and easier to pick someone up in a bar than find a relationship with someone. 
The newest guard at the station Daniel Van Ness had begged him to get out of the faculty party he had been assigned. Javier hated them just as much as the recruit, but by now, he had a few friends on the faculty, and it wouldn't be a total bore. He just needed to make sure no students crashed the party and that anyone who drank too much got home safe and not behind the wheel. It wasn't the most ideal event, but every dollar he made went back into the house fund. Javier had the goal of buying a house this year, and he was so close to making his goal. 
Across town, you readjusted the straps on your purple dress for the twelfth time. Faculty events were the bane of your existence. As a literature professor and the classics, you'd much rather spend the evening with a glass of whiskey, comfy couch, and a book. Instead, your friend Tata decided it would be fun if you tagged along this year. 
You hated events like these, but the President of the University insisted on these events to raise funds for the school. Although with the outrageous amount of money they collect from students and the way they badger former students for donations, the school should be rolling in the dough. 
Tata's husband was in commerce and owned a large shipping company across town. Tata ran the daycare the University used to teach students about business and childcare. She was one of the sweetest women you'd ever met, even if her husband did kind of give you the creeps. 
Your phone chimes and you smile at the party emojis from Tata and reply back that your on the way. Grabbing your black lace shawl and tossing it over your shoulders and your purse, plopping in your phone and heading for the party. Who knows, maybe it would all turn out for the better? 
Who the hell ever told you to be so optimistic? It's basically asking for trouble. The party was in full swing when you arrived. Well, as full swing as a party full of academics can be. The DJ was trying to play music people could dance to, but only a few were actually dancing, and it was mostly couples. Tata sees you instantly, and you almost groan at how effortless she looks. She's smaller than most people in the room, with cute shoulder-length brown hair that curls at the ends and a strapless purple dress with a thin see-through shawl around her shoulders. 
"You made it," she squeals and pulls you into a hug. 
You can't help but smile at her enthusiasm and return the hug, "Did you ever doubt me?" 
"Of absolutely! If I hadn't threatened to come and drag you out of that apartment, you wouldn't be here. But I am very glad you here, now Pablo owes me money, he bet against you." She grins and pinches her fingers together. 
"You and your husband had a bet to see if I would come to the faculty party?" You laugh, and she takes a sip, nodding. 
"Yes, the business has been a little slow lately, and you know my husband is always planning what's next. I needed something to keep his mind on me." 
You loved Tata, but her husband was really an asshole; you could smell the fake from a mile away. You see the bar and tell Tata you're going to get a drink, but she's already off like a butterfly floating around the room. You make your way over to the bar, order a whiskey on the rocks and take a small sip turning around the room and scoping out the scene. 
Your eyes lock in on the movement in the corner. From the shadows emerges, someone new from the usual faculty crowd. He's tall and broad as hell in a black leather jacket thrown over a light blue button-up the top three buttons undone exposing his chest, tucked into dark wash jeans. You observe the holster around his waist tucked under the coat and the badge. He must be campus security, and it's almost like he can feel your eyes on him. He looks up from the shadows, and your eyes meet. 
Holy fuck. 
His eyes captivate you and suck you in like the swirling vortex of a tornado. Sucking you in deeper and deeper into his soul. It's electric. You see his lips curve up in a small smile, and his mustache rises, and all you can imagine is how it would feel against your lips if you kissed him. He takes a step in your direction, and you move a step closer before someone is shouting your name. You freeze and turn, looking at the door, mouth agape. 
Your ex-boyfriend Roberto Ramos is striding over to you wearing tan dress pants and a blue and white striped polo. You grimace, looking back over towards the handsome stranger and then back at Poison. Tata's little nickname she came up with after you broke up and realized how honestly much of a scumbag he was. You make the split decision, and place down your drink and walk quickly over to the guard. He raises one eyebrow as you race over to him. 
You throw your arms around his neck, and he places his on your waist. "Save me, please," you whisper, looking at him with wide eyes, "that's my ex over there, and I really want him to leave me alone. If it looks like we're here together, he won't approach." 
"That one?" he nods, and you try to look over the corner of your eye and see Poison freeze watching you. You shake a yes and smile at the guard. "Seems like a fascinating guy," he deadpans, and you laugh, making him smile down at you. "What do you need me to do? Get rid of him? He's just staring at us." He whispers conspiratorially, grinning at you. 
"Kiss me," the words are out of your mouth before you can think, "make out with me, and he will leave me alone." His smile drops, and he looks between your eyes and lips before nodding. His head drops, and he tentatively connects his lips with your own. He presses once then twice, taking a step closer to you and running his fingers up your neck and dipping your head back, deepening the kiss. 
You gasp and grasp the lapels of his leather jacket, his arms winding around your shoulders and pulling you even closer, no space between you. His tongue swipes across your bottom lip, and you open, feeling him lick inside your mouth. His tongue tangling up with your own. You moan lowly, and he takes a step further into the shadows and into the hallway away from the party. Your back connects with the wall, and you let out a small grunt before you run your fingers through his hair and tug gently. He groans and pushes a knee between your legs spreading them—your panties rubbing against the fabric of his jeans. The feeling between your legs is enough to snap you back to reality. 
"Wait," you pull away panting, he drops his head to your shoulder, letting out hurried breaths before he slowly raises his eyes, resting his forehead against yours. 
"Too much?" he asks, nervously chuckling. 
"Not enough, to be honest," you look into his eyes and smile. "That was...fucking amazing, but we shouldn't really have sex across the hall from a faculty party." 
His cute little eyebrow raises again, "Oh, is that where this was headed? I thought you just needed me to escape your ex?" 
You laugh, "Well, if he doesn't get the hint now, I think I may need to file a restraining order." 
"I can help you with that if you need it," you smile and kiss him again, loving the feel of his mustache brushing against your lip. 
"I don't think he will be a problem anymore, but...maybe I am a little nervous about going home right now, ya know, in case he shows up…" 
"Well, we can't have that. Would you like to maybe spend the night over at my place?" You match his smile and nod, "for safety, right?" 
"Oh yeah, for safety," you take his hand, and he intertwines your fingers. 
"I need to stay till the end of the party for work," he looks down at his watch, "we got about two hours. Do you think you can make it that long?" 
"Can I stay near you?" he nods, and raises your intertwined hands to his lips, and kisses your knuckles. 
"On one condition," he teases, "you have to tell me your name." You laugh, letting him know your name, and he smiles, telling you his. Javier Pena. The name rolls off your tongue, and he groans before kissing you again. "This is going to be the longest two hours of my life." 
"Well, if you make it through this party, I can tell you the after-party will be much for enjoyable." He moans, and his eyes darken. 
"I can't wait." 
Taglist: @josepedropascal​ @mrschiltoncat​ @mrsparknuts​ @ghostwiththemostbitch​ @zannemes​ @oldstuffnewstuff​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @heythere-mel​ @justanotherblonde23​ @artsymaddie​ @anetteaneta​ @lunarthoughts​ @aellynera​ @lucifer-​ @houseofthirst​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @chicken-ona-stick​ 
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Alright, first things first. Since I was asked so kindly by that other anon the other day, I shall give some more Ragvindr/Alberich sibling content. This won’t be the only content I submit tonight, but I’ll number asks that go together separately.
So, first off, I would like to just put it out there that it’s no coincidence that this particular darling is so especially naive, stupid, innocent, and vulnerable to becoming the perfect prey for a yandere. Oh no. You were raised with that outcome in mind. That’s right, it’s due to the way daddy Crepus raised you when you were young, raised all his kids really. He looked at his sons, both bio and adopted and just knew they would grow into fine yanderes and trained and guided them as such, but you, you could never. From the minute he first held you (whether that be when you were born or when he first adopted you) he knew you were too sweet to be anything other than the perfect little darling. So he raised you to be oblivious and affectionate, to not know how to do much other than basic cooking and household chores, to not question things too much, to rely heavily on him and your brothers. It was all to prepare you for your future yandere (which he secretly hoped would be one of his sons, and thus he may or may not have planted some ideas into their heads about that before he died; reinforcing in them how sweet and innocent their little sib is, how they need to be protected from the world, for her own good, how any other man would simply corrupt them or be unable to care for them properly, the way they deserve to be cared for, how only they were worthy of having their sib’s perfection)
Now picture this, you are Diluc’s bio sib, but leave the Winery after Crepus dies. Maybe you go with Kaeya specifically, maybe you don’t, maybe you just didn’t want to be alone in the Winery while Diluc went on his years long quest for vengeance. Either way, you don’t live there anymore, and while it kills him that he abandoned you and thus ceded ground on winning you over to Kaeya, there’s not much he can do at this point. Meanwhile, even though you don’t live with Kaeya, (haven’t yet been kidnapped by him) you did indeed grow closer to him while Diluc was gone. Close enough that he feels completely comfortable asking you to come with him to some big party for some important holiday in Mondstadt which is being hosted in the Knights of Favonius HQ, as it’s the only building big enough. You’re so innocent you think he merely invited you as his sib rather than the date he truly intended it as but he’s willing to allow you the misconception for a little while longer. He knows that soon there will be no room for doubt, or refusal, of his intentions. Of course in your daily letter to Diluc (one of his many conditions for allowing you to continue living off of the winery grounds) you mention the party and Kaeya’s invitation. Jealousy burns within him when he reads that. He doesn’t know what exactly Kaeya’s planning, but he knows that traitorous bastard will ruin you. So even though he dislikes parties and loathes the knights, he resolves to go, to protect you. In the meantime he starts looking into things he can do to bring you back home with him where you belong.
Time-skip to the day of the party. You show up with Kaeya and you’re having a good time even though you’re hanging off his arm nearly the entire time because you don’t know most of these people. You apologize to him that you’re keeping him from enjoying the party, but like the good big brother he is, Kaeya replies that he doesn’t mind at all and in fact couldn’t fully enjoy himself if he didn’t know you were safe, and the only way he can confirm that is if you are right next to him at all times. “After all, you never know where danger could be lurking, can’t be too careful.” He says with a grin. Meanwhile, Diluc is in the corner of the room lurking, gritting his teeth as he watches this snake with his oblivious sib on his arm, unaware of the danger they’re in. You don’t realize Diluc is there, he never told you he would be and you know your brother hates parties so you had no reason to think he’d be there. Kaeya however knew the other was there from the moment that you two arrived and is absolutely loving the fury and jealousy he can see on his face. He dances with you, hugs you, wipes a bit of food off your face, all the while making sure to remain in clear view of Diluc so he can taunt the other with your closeness. But then someone comes up to Kaeya, telling him he’s needed for some urgent Knights business. He sighs but then guides you over to a corner (the one opposite from Diluc’s unbeknownst to you) and hands you a drink. Telling you to just sit here and drink that and don’t move, he’ll be right back.
(1/3) 💌 anon
From here we have 2 different routes. I’ll start with Diluc’s. Even though Kaeya told you to just sit and drink your beverage, you've already finished it and you’re bored. Surely exploring and mingling can’t be too bad so long as you stay within the party room right? So you put your now empty drink down and start to wander around the party. It doesn’t take you long to spot a very familiar shock of red hair and quickly go over to the other corner to greet Diluc. He smiles slightly as he sees you approach. He was about to go over to you himself, but it seems you’ve come to him willingly and saved him the trouble. ‘What a good sibling you are.’ he thinks to himself as you finally reach him and give him a bright smile, saying how pleasantly surprised you are to see him. You chatter to him about the party and how much fun you’re having, so distracted by your story telling that you don’t realize he’s subtly leading you away from the party hall and towards the back entrance of the Knights HQ. Right by the entrance he turns to you and says, “It’s awfully late. You’re normally in bed by this time aren’t you? I know this is way past the bedtime you used to keep back home.” You didn’t realize until he said it, but come to think of it, you are rather tired. “I’ll take you home then.” You start saying about how you don’t want to trouble him and how you should at least wait for Kaeya before leaving so he doesn’t wonder where you are, but you barely get through half your sentence before you fall into your brothers arms, fast asleep. When you come to, you're tucked into what you recognize to be Diluc’s bed back at the winery. He’s sitting at his desk a few feet away from you, and turns when he hears you wake. Your memory is a bit fuzzy, but Diluc tells you that you fell asleep while he was taking you home yesterday so he simply carried you the rest of the way back. You thank him but question why he didn’t simply take you back to your apartment in Mondstadt, when that was certainly closer than the winery. At this he gets up and comes to sit next to you on the bed, gathering your hands in his. “That’s not your home anymore. It never was. It was always here at the Dawn Winery. And it always will be.” He says gently. You’re about to question what he means by that when he continues. “I was looking through Father’s old papers the other day and found something interesting. I didn’t realize it at first, because this paper wasn’t filed with the rest of his will, but upon his death he left complete, total, indefinite custody of you, to me. Meaning, I have been entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of you, forever. And as your older brother, protector, and primary caretaker, I don’t think that it is a good idea for you to continue living in Mondstadt. You’ll be moving back into the Winery with me so I can watch over you, as Father wished.” You try to protest but he simply shushes you and kisses your forehead before getting up and walking to the door. “I know it is a sudden change but I promise you’ll soon come to see that it’s for your own good. Now, I have some important errands to run. You just stay here and rest and try to adjust, alright? If you’re good and don’t try to escape while I’m gone I’ll ask Adelinde to make your favorite for dinner.” And with that he exits the room, locking the door behind him. As he walks down the hall he thinks of all the things he has to do today. He needs to bring all of your things back from your apartment, buy you some new, more suitable clothes, start trying to get those anti-incest marriage laws repealed (a well placed donation or two to the right people should get the ball rolling on that front), and then thank Kaeya for drugging your drink last night. It really saved him a lot of trouble.
Now for Kaeya’s route. Obedient thing that you are, you don’t think to question or disobey your brother’s order. Yes you’re a bit bored, but just thinking about how worried Kaeya would be if he came back and you were missing has you staying in place, just watching the crowd and sipping your drink as asked. (Unbeknownst to you, Diluc attempts to approach you at this point but is mysteriously blocked by some of his business partners who desperately need to talk to him). As you sit though, you find yourself growing sleepier and sleepier. You close your eyes, only intending to rest them for a few moments, but when you open them again, you’re resting on a bed in a completely different room that you do not recognize. Suddenly the door opens and in walks Kaeya who smiles at finding you awake, before closing the door behind him. “Well good morning sunshine!” He teases before his expression changes slightly, gaze tinged with concern. “Do you remember what happened last night?” You try to recall, but doing so makes your head hurt, so you tell him no. He walks over to sit next to you on the bed and promptly wraps his arm around your shoulders, his free hand grabbing one of yours. “Well apparently you weren’t paying close enough attention to your drink sweetheart. An agent of the Fatui snuck into the party last night. They recognized you and drugged your drink when you weren’t looking, intent on kidnapping you to use as blackmail against Diluc and I. I came back to you barely conscious, about to be escorted out of the party by that shady agent. We of course arrested them, but we thought that it would be safer for you if we brought you to my apartment here in head quarters. It’s certainly better protected than your apartment and we didn’t want to risk them trying again.” You don’t remember any of the events described, but Kaeya has no reason to lie to you. You’re obviously horrified at what almost happened and begin simultaneously thanking your brother profusely for saving you and also apologizing for the trouble. He chuckles “Any amount of trouble is worth it if it means you’re here safe in my arms.”
But then his face drops into a minute frown. “I am a bit disappointed in you though. I thought you could be trusted to look after yourself for a little while, but clearly that is not the case.” The disappointment in his voice has you fidgeting and ready to start frantically apologizing again, but he cuts you off before you can. “I’m not mad. This happened partially because of my mistake. I should have known this would happen. You’re just not responsible enough to take care of yourself. You need a man to take care of you. That’s why Father left you in my care in the first place.” You ask him what he means by that and he sighs. “Well, in his will Father left not only full and indefinite custody and responsibility for you, but also your hand in marriage, to me. I wasn’t going to claim either of those things, as I thought you should be given a chance at independence. But as last night showed, clearly you aren’t capable of that, so I’m going to fix my mistake and do what I should have done years ago and take care of you properly.” You start trying to protest but Kaeya’s grip on your shoulder tightened and the increased intensity of his gaze shut you up. “Now now, are you really going to try and fight me on this? I gave you a chance at self-sufficiency. It’s not my fault that you couldn’t handle it, now is it? I know this is upsetting but I promise it’s for the best. You trust Father don’t you? And you trust Big Brother Kaeya? Then trust our judgement and just listen and obey me ok? I promise if you do that, everything will be alright.” He plants a kiss on your cheek, then gets up and heads to the door. “Now I have some things to take care of, so just sit tight. When I get back, we can start looking through some catalogues for wedding dress styles you like.” He says with a bright smile, before closing the door behind him. As soon as he knows for certain he’s out of earshot of the door, Kaeya laughs to himself. His plan went off without a hitch. He’ll have to go thank Albedo for that drug later and he can’t forget to visit Diluc. The expression of pure rage on his face when his older brother saw him taking their precious little sib to his room was absolutely delicious. ‘Wonder how spectacular it will be when he receives his wedding invitation?’ He thinks idly to himself as he exits his private wing of headquarters.
💌 anon (4/4) Last of the Ragvindr/alberich sib stuff for tonight but I promise there will be more of this stuff from me at a later date. And this isn't the last of the content from me for tonight either. God this was annoying to send. Hope that you got the whole thing (last few words of the last sentence of the previous ask should have been "safe in my arms")
Hey so uh I just wanna know what did I do to deserve this blessing anon???? This is so thought out and detailed and perfect I??? This is another one of those posts I have to just lay down and take in
PLEASE send in any content you want anon I am!!!! excite!!!
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unsettledink · 3 years
Made For It
Exchange fic for the 2020 Marvel Holidays Secret Santa, hosted by @iloveyou3thousand
My recip was livvibee - Fingers crossed this works for you! I took your ‘anything goes’ and... went with it. Hopefully in a direction that you’re okay with!
Made For It
Word Count: 8100
Summary: Tony has never had the patience to deal with alphas. Too bad that his son just presented as one. But there's no way Tony is ever going to let Peter know how upsetting that is; his kid is still mostly perfect.
It is too bad, right?
(ABO, peter’s 15, also is tony’s bio child, heats/ruts, knotting, dirty talk, referencing mpreg, very dead dove, please heed the warnings)
Link to AO3 at the end
Tony has never had the patience to deal with alphas.
Honestly, he just can’t stand them. Always acting like they know best, don’t worry your pretty little omega head about it. Pushing their way into everything, trying to take over and dismiss Tony as unessential for anything of actual importance. 
Fuck them. Just because Tony’s an omega doesn’t mean he can just be handled like that, doesn’t mean he’s going to put up with it. Being an omega doesn’t mean he wants to be under someone’s thumb like that, and is sure as hell doesn’t mean he needs an alpha. 
There isn’t an alpha out there that actually knows what’s best for him.
Even for Peter— sure, he’d needed an alpha’s sperm for his kid, but he had the resources to go for artificial insemination. The take rate for male omegas is awful, but Tony’s never relied on luck. He has JARVIS. 
Is it strange to have his AI pick out the best possible candidate for Tony’s baby? Maybe. Is it invasive for JARVIS to consider any alpha, whether or not they’ve actually donated? Probably, but the winner had been more than happy enough to provide a sample once Tony had thrown enough money at him, and Tony hadn’t even had to meet him. Had even been willing to sign away all their rights as a mate and a parent for a little extra. 
Does it result in Tony taking on the very first try? Absolutely, and that makes it worth every single penny. Because he gets Peter out of it, gets his wonder, perfect kid. Smart and sweet and stubborn (you take after me so much, Tony’s started telling him when they fight, and it generally makes them both grin). Tony couldn’t ask for a better kid in any way, and he loves Peter more than anything in the world.
And then Peter turns fifteen; presents a few months later, earlier than most of his yearmates. 
As an alpha. 
The first Tony knows of it is when he comes home and smelled… something off. Something viscerally wrong, disgusting. Something that only got worse when he went into the living room and found Peter hunched over on the couch, a little ball of misery. 
“Peter?” Tony says. He’s still supposed to be in school and Tony doesn’t think he got a call about Peter being sent home. “What’s wrong?”
Peter looks up, red eyed, upset. “I’m sorry,” he says,  offering up a piece of paper. “I— it happened at school and the nurse ran the test and it’s— I’m—”
Tony doesn’t need him to say it; he knows what the red header on the test results means. Knows what that smell is now, knows why he feels on edge in his own home. Peter’s an alpha. Peter’s—
Peter’s shaking. “Dad,” he says, “I didn’t— I didn’t mean to! I don’t want to be an alpha! I’m sorry!” He bursts into tears and fuck, it doesn’t matter how awful Peter smells now, Tony can’t just let his baby cry all alone like that.
“Oh kiddo, no,” Tony says, kneeling inf ront of Peter and grabbing his hands. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
“But you hate alphas!” Peter wails. “You hate them so much and now I’m one and— I’m sorry, please Dad, I’m so sorry.”
Fuck, fuck. “I don’t hate you, sweetheart. I could never hate you.” He tugs Peter closer, Peter clinging, sobbing against his shoulder. “It’s not your fault, I know that. I know you didn’t want this, but… it’ll be okay in the end, I promise. You’re going to be okay.”
It’s rough at first. 
After Peter gets through the first stage of his presentation, his scent settles. Grows, into that thick, bitter, sweet scent that clings to the back of Tony’s tongue. It’s awful, and Tony can’t escape it; it’s everywhere in the house, and all over Peter, over everything he touches. 
Peter can’t help it. He knows this, and he’s not going to make his son take blockers just because Tony has a— a thing about alphas. He’ll get used to it. He’d told Peter it wasn’t his fault and it’d be okay, and he’s going to do his damndest to make Peter believe it. 
He’s never going to let Peter know how unpleasant it’s become to even be in the same room as him, much less it next to him, or to hug him and kiss his forehead and treat him just like Tony always has, because Peter is taking this badly. He’s distressingly fragile about this, and Tony’s worried. It’s his own fault, with the way he’s talked about alphas all of Peter’s life, but he’d never thought— well, it doesn’t matter now. He’s just got to try and fix some of the damage he’s done. 
It’s not Peter’s fault he’s not quite so perfect anymore.
So, it’s rough at first, but slowly, things ease. Slowly, Peter’s first rush of scent dies down, mellowing into something not quite as awful. Starts to take the influence of Tony’s, softening a little, becoming more familiar. Not nearly as comfortable to be around as he used to be, but still something Tony finds easier to tolerate.
Slowly, Peter becomes more comfortable with his secondary gender, and Tony— Tony works hard not to think of Peter like that. To not apply those stereotypes—are they, Tony wonders, if they’ve been born out every time he’s dealt with an alpha—to Peter. He loves Peter, and he’s never going to stop loving Peter, no matter he’s become. 
And then Tony has a heat.
Tony doesn’t even think about it; it’s never been a problem before. When Peter was younger, Tony would send him for a long weekend at Uncle Rhodey’s and grit his teeth and suffer through it. Sometimes he broke, when the heat aids weren’t enough and he was so desperate he couldn’t stand it. Would hire a heat companion, the lowest rated alpha they could find, one willing to shut up and take orders.
The need quiets as he gets older, thank god, and it got to the point where he could nearly ignore them. Could just spend a few hours knotting himself once Peter had gone to bed and keep going the rest of the time. Maybe a little more irritable, a little tired, a little achy, but just fine, and Peter knew by then you just be a little more forgiving for those few days. A little kinder, even. 
Had actually been really good about it the last few years. Been cute, actually; had put on Tony’s favorite shows, had tried to cook things Tony especially liked (or order things he did, when the cooking failed spectacularly a few times. He definitely got that from Tony.), had practically bullied him into using the jacuzzi when Tony complained too much once about hurting all over and getting old. Had just… attempted to pamper him a little bit, adorably.
Tony won’t lie; he’s never let an alpha do that for him. He hadn’t wanted to give them ideas. But it’s always been fine for Peter to do it, and it’s been a little comforting. Peter’s just a good kid. 
But this time— 
This time, his heat hits him harder than usual, all the aches and pains and itchy, burning want that he’d thought he’d mostly left behind. This time, when Peter came home from school, Tony knew without seeing him, hearing him. He knew, because the second Peter walked in—
He didn’t smell terrible anymore. 
Fuck, he smelled good, so good, insansely good. The best thing Tony’s ever smelled, and that base part of his brain wants to just bask in it, cover himself in it. Tony freezes in the doorway of the kitchen; he doesn’t even remember getting here. 
He stares at Peter and Peter stares right back, eyes wide and darkening, his scent rising in response to a heat. 
Tony swallows, hard. “Peter,” he says. “I think you should go spend a couple days at Ned’s. Or Rhodey’s, or— or even Nat. Just. Not here.” 
Peter blinks at him, slowly. “I don’t have to,” he says. 
Yes, yes he does. “I want you to,” Tony says, and he knows it’s going to hurt Peter; there it is, that little flinch. Anything he can do to get Peter out of the house is going to be worth it, though, because this— this is not supposed to happen. His body is not supposed to recognize his fucking son as a good potential mate.
“Are you sure?” Peter asks, stepping forward, and Tony shudders, his scent deepening, spreading. Suffocating. 
“Please,” Tony croaks, and Peter nods. Practically flees, and Tony has the horrible realization that Peter might have felt something of the same. 
It’s not a good heat. 
Things get a little awkward. 
They avoid talking about it, completely, but… well. Tony isn’t going to stop having heats, after all. And Peter— Peter is stubborn. So stubborn, like Tony doesn’t know where he got it from, like Tony hasn’t encouraged it. 
Peter loves him and hates to see him hurting. So the next time, when Tony tells him to go— Peter squares his shoulders and says no. 
“Last time,” Peter says, “I came home and you’d barely eaten. You slept for almost the whole day after and you looked awful and you smelled—” he stumbles to a halt, blushes. “You smelled wrong,” he says after a deep breath. “Like you were sick. It— it scared me, Dad. I don’t want to leave you alone like that.”
“I don’t have to be alone,” Tony says. “I can— I can hire a companion.”
Peter frowns, staring down at the floor. Crosses his arms. “You’d hate that,” he says, very small. 
Yeah, Tony would. Has, in the past. It’s better than the alternative though. 
“Please,” Peter says. 
“I just don’t know if it’s a good idea, kiddo,” is the most he can manage without— without saying something heading into dangerous ground.
“It’s not a problem for most people,” Peter mutters, and Tony doesn’t want to be the one to point out that apparently, they aren’t most people. 
He caves. 
It’s an even rougher heat. Oh sure, this time he doesn’t spend the entire time curled up in bed, frantically fucking himself with the largest knot he has and still feeling empty and desperate and abandoned, barely dragging himself to eat or clean up a few times, feeling sick, feverish, the whole time. And Peter’s downright annoying about attempting to take care of him, bringing him food and pestering him about not hiding away the whole time and making Tony take care of himself some more, even if it’s mostly to avoid the shame of Peter seeing him like this. 
But it’s torture, having Peter in the house. It’s torture, having what his brain seems to think is the perfect mate right there and not available, not doing anything. Having to tell himself over and over, in the worst of his heat when he can barely think straight anyway, that he can’t have this alpha. He can’t have Peter. Can’t have his son, fuck.
This is one of the many, many reasons Tony hates alphas. Because they do this bullshit to him, fuck with his head and make him want things, make it so hard to control himself. Make him consider things he never would. 
He wouldn’t. 
This is why he hates alphas, Tony thinks, the heat after that, Peter insisting that it had been fine last time so he’s staying again. This is why, he repeats in his head, making himself wait until Peter’s gone to bed before he fucks himself with his newest aid, larger than all the others, with all the bells and whistles to make it seem like a real alpha’s knot. 
This is fucking why, he tells himself as he comes again and again and again, clenching around it and muffling everything coming out of his mouth in the pillow; because they make him do this, want this. Makes it so easy, so good, to imagine Peter fucking him, knotting him, filling him up and biting him, god, fuck. Makes him moan Peter into his bedding; whisper, hopeless, desperate, please, Peter please, need you.
Because they make him not himself. 
But he’s not going to stop having heats, so he has to— has to just find a way to deal with this, a way that leaves him able to still look Peter in the eye after his heat’s passed. They’re not going to stop.
Worse, so much worse, Peter starts having ruts.
The first one— the first one, Tony hadn’t even smelled. The first one had been an almost instant slide from normal—Peter a little testy and distracted but normal—to full rut, Peter’s scent sharpening, deepening, flooding over Tony strong enough to make his knees go weak, send him sagging against the counter. Peter’s staring at him when Tony looks over, a little glazed, heavy and intent like Tony is some sort of prey, and it’s horrifying to see that expression on his kid’s face. 
Tony freezes, not wanting to set Peter off in any way, and Peter closes his eyes. Inhales, long and deep, scenting Tony, Jesus Christ. 
Opens his eyes, and there’s a flicker, a moment where he seems to realize what is happening, what he’s doing. Freezes too, and then—
He’s gone before Tony has a chance to move, a chance to even call after him, slamming out of the house without taking a single thing with him. Tony sits, shakily, and has a little breakdown. 
He doesn’t know how they’re going to manage this now. What the hell they’re going to do. Fuck, what Peter’s going to feel, when his rut is over.
Rhodey calls a few hours later, just to let him know Peter’s with him, safe and incredibly upset. “He won’t tell me anything,” Rhodey says as Tony clutches his phone, “but… well, he’s in rut, Tony. It’s probably his first, right?” Tony manages a noise that sounds like affirmation. “Right. I’m sure that’s it; they say it’s rough the first time. He can stay until it’s over. He’ll be fine; don’t worry, Tones.”
Too late. 
If he thought things were awkward after his heats, they’re so much more fucking awkward when Peter comes back two days later, rut scent gone. His normal scent nearly scrubbed as well, buried beneath heavily scented soap and— Tony sniffs, carefully, once Peter’s turned his back. His scent is so muted, metallic tinged, just off— he took a blocker. He took a fucking blocker so his scent wouldn’t bother Tony as much.
Tony’s heart nearly breaks. “Peter,” he says. “Baby. Come here a minute.”
Peter’s wary when he walks over, ashamed. Stops, a little too far away. “No,” Tony says, and opens his arms. “Come here.”
“Are you sure?” Peter says, so quiet, and Tony’s heart does break, completely. 
“Oh, kiddo,” he says. “Yes, yes, I’m sure,” and he clings to Peter just as tightly as Peter clings to him. It feels like he hasn’t properly hugged Peter in months.
“I’m sorry,” Peter whispers. “I’m so sorry, Dad, I don’t know what happened. I don’t know why but I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Tony tells him. “It’s okay, it’s not your fault. We’re going to be okay.” He ducks his head, brushing his mouth right over Peter’s scent point. “I don’t want you to take scent blockers,” he says. “They’re not good for you, and you’re not— you don’t need to, Peter. I’m going to be fine without them.”
“I don’t want it to bother you,” Peter says, and Tony shakes his head.
“It doesn’t. It won’t,” he promises. “You’re more important to me than any of that.”
He doesn’t know how he gets through his next couple of heats. 
Peter stays, and stays, and Tony gets used to his scent there, during them. He starts thinking—
You’re not supposed to be ashamed of anything you think during heat, whatever it is, however wrong it is. Everyone knows it turns omegas into someone they aren’t normally, that those things don’t count as real wants. Still, Tony doesn’t think h should ever admit that what he’s started thinking about during his last few heats isn’t just Peter, inside him and under him and filling him up. 
It’s Peter, how Peter— Peter wouldn’t be one of those alphas, would he. Peter’s stubborn and a little pushy sometimes, but he’d never try to take over, never think he’s better than Tony. Never try to push him, manipulate him into doing something he didn’t want. Wouldn’t try to mate him or breed him without Tony’s permission, and would never use him like a mindless fucktoy, a stupid little omega slut. 
No; Peter would be such a soft alpha, so willing and careful with Tony, so easy to control, to direct. So good at taking direction. 
Peter would be—could be—the perfect alpha for Tony. He’d barely need any training to be exactly what Tony wants; after all, he already loves Tony. He already wants Tony. It’s like this is what he was born to be. 
It’s awful, but Tony’s still thinking it during his heats. Is still thinking it outside of his heats, day to day, watching Peter and seeing all the ways in which Peter would be perfect. He already smells like Tony. He already knows exactly what Tony likes. Knows how difficult Tony can be and isn’t bothered by it. And he’s gorgeous, he’s so fucking gorgeous, so tempting. 
He thinks Peter’s watching him a little too.
There’s something wrong about contact between them now. There shouldn’t be, but when they’re curled up together, watching TV; when Peter slides up behind him and hugs him; when Tony leans against his side when he corrects Peter’s work— those touches are off, are too much, too charged. Heavy with a kind of intent that does not belong there. 
Peter doesn’t leave during his next rut. Just stays in his bedroom most of the time, and Tony’s on edge the whole first day despite himself. When Peter emerges every now and then, he follows every move Tony makes, unmistakably hungry. 
Tony should feel hunted, should feel angry and horrified the way he had been the first time Peter looked at him like that. 
Oh, he doesn’t. Stares back at Peter on the second day, challenging. What, that stare says. You want something? Gonna do something about it?
Peter ducks back into his room and hides, but his scent is thicker, coating the inside of Tony’s lungs. He’s not handling this as well as Tony’s managed his heats with Peter in the house. 
Not nearly as good at keeping quiet when he moans Tony’s name either.
The last day— the last day, Tony wakes up and feels sore, heavy. Lies there and thinks, sluggishly, a little too hot, that he really wants to curl up and waste the day on some TV marathon. Really wants to— 
Fuck, he thinks a second later. Oh, fuck; this is… not great.
Peter’s in the hall when Tony comes out of his bedroom. Close, like he was lurking, drawn in by the scent of Tony’s heat, and the scent of Peter, of Peter still in rut, hits Tony so hard he shudders. God, he wants.
“Dad,” Peter says, his voice low, rough. “Dad, this—”
“I know,” Tony says, cutting him off. “I’ll just— I’ll visit Natasha for a few days.”
“No,” and Peter walks—fucking stalks—toward him. Backs him up against the wall, his hands on either side of Tony, trapping him. Tony feels frozen. “I don’t want you to go.”
“That’s just your rut talking,” Tony says. “That’s all.”
Peter shakes his head, slow. “No,” he says. “I’ve heard you, Dad. I know what you want when you’re in heat. I could give it to you.”
Tony swallows, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He should be afraid, he thinks, distantly. He should be worried about what this alpha might do, might try and take, now that he’s got Tony nearly pinned, but— he doesn’t fear Peter. Never will. There’s just… heat, a sharp screaming hunger riding up in him.
“I’ve heard you too, kiddo,” Tony says.
“Dad,” Peter moans, swaying closer, nearly touching him. “Dad, please, please, I want— I know you don’t want an alpha, I know, but I’d be so good. I’d be so, so good for you, I promise.”
It’s too much, too much, and Tony has held out too long. Has stopped being able to beat himself up enough for the things he’s been thinking, for what he wants. “I know,” he says. “I know you’d be so good. Fuck, Peter; you’d be perfect, wouldn’t you. You’d be every last thing I’ve ever wanted in an alpha.”
Peter closes his eyes, letting out a long, shuddering breath. “Let me,” he says, his voice so rough they’re barely words. 
Tony doesn’t even bother to think. “Yes.”
He gets a growl from Peter for that, gets Peter pressing closer and kissing him, his hands all over Tony. Tony hooks his hand around the back of Peter’s neck and pulls him in, holds him there and kisses him deeper, again and again and again. 
“Peter,” he says once Peter’s pulled back a little. “Not here, kiddo. I’m not up for getting knotted anywhere but bed anymore.” Peter moans; yeah, he thought that might catch his attention. He’s still like all alphas in some ways. 
“Why did I even bother getting dressed,” Tony mutters, walking Peter back into his bedroom, shoving him toward the bed. 
Peter’s still watching him, so intently, but a tiny little smile creeps onto his face anyway. “So I could undress you?” he says, and fuck, he’s going to be cute about this. Of course he is; it’s Peter. 
He kisses Peter, hands up under his shirt. “Better get on with it then,” Tony says.
Oh, he’s seen Peter naked plenty of times, across all ages, and he’s sure Peter’s seen him naked a few times too. But this is completely different; this time, they’re looking. This time, they’re touching, and it’s so good, it’s everything Tony’s been wanting for months now, the contact he needs to settle his heat a little. 
They fumble their way onto the bed, tangled up on their sides, Tony’s hand sliding down to Peter’s cock as they kiss, and he loves the way Peter’s breath catches. Peter’s hand curls over Tony’s side, spreads across the curve of his ass, and then hesitates. He presses his fingers down and slips them a little lower, a little closer to Tony’s hole.
“Dad,” Peter says, “can— can I, uh. Before I—” He cuts off with a groan, and it’s adorable. “Oh my god, I’m going to be terrible at this.”
Tony nips at Peter’s lip, at the edge of his chin, teasing. Playful. “You’re going to be perfect,” he says. “And yes. Whatever it is, yes.”
“Fuck,” Peter whispers, and then he’s rubbing his fingers along the cleft of Tony’s ass, right over his hole, spreading around the slick that’s already leakingout. Presses one in slowly, watching Tony, and sure, Tony doesn’t need it but it still feels good to finally have some part of Peter in him. He’s still early enough in his heat that he can let Peter have this without immediately needing more. 
He scrapes his teeth over Peter’s neck, getting a shiver from Peter. “Gonna open me up for your knot?” Tony says, and Peter whimpers. “Come on, kiddo, you can get more than that in there.”
Peter listens, pushing a second finger in so easily, and Tony loves how quick Peter is to obey; how easily, thoughtlessly he does. He’s not going to really challenge Tony in any of this. Is more likely than not going to let him take the lead—ask him to, even—just like he does anytime he runs into something new. He always brings those things to Tony, like he’s certain dad will know what to do. 
His slick is running down Peter’s wrist by the time he’s given in and gone for three, Tony grinding back onto them, his hand slow on Peter’s cock, mouth slow against Peter’s. So sue him if he’s a little distracted. 
“I’m going to need more than that,” Tony says. Pushes Peter over and straddles him, and the way Peter stares up at him is fucking addictive. The way Peter moans when Tony rubs his ass over Peter’s cock, when Tony slides down onto it, is even better.
“Oh fuck,” Peter breathes out. “Dad, you feel so good I can’t even believe it.”
“Feel pretty good yourself, alpha,” and Peter’s fingers dig into his thighs, hard. “You like that, huh?” Peter bites his lip. “Like having an omega all to yourself?”
“Yes,” Peter whispers, and Tony— he was so sure Peter would be good for him, but—
“Do you feel it?” he asks, quieter. “There in the back of your head, looking at me and seeing an omega?” Peter’s breath catches, and Tony settles down on him, grinding slowly. 
“Does it make you want things?” Tony murmurs. “Make you want to just… get me under you, get me pinned and fuck me, make me beg for you knot? Make you want to get your mouth on me, make me bleed and bond me and break me in? Is that what you want, alpha?”
He hopes not, but he has to know before he ends up caught, has to know if the mistake he’s making is just that Peter is his son. Just, he thinks, fuck, just. 
Peter’s staring at him, his hands painfully tight and that dazed, heavy look gone. “No,” Peter whispers. “Dad— no, I don’t. I don’t want— am I going to? Is that what— is that all I can do?” his voice rising, anxious. 
“Oh baby, no,” Tony says, leaning down and kissing him. “Of course not.” Peter’s hands ease on him, and he draws in a shaking breath.
“Good,” he says. “I want— I want other things, not that. I just— I didn’t know, I’ve never—”
“I know,” Tony says. “Aren’t you lucky, getting me for all these firsts.” He raises his ass, starting to ride Peter slow, far slower than he really wants to. “So what do you want, sweetheart?”
Peter shakes his head, without words as twitches under Tony. It’s like getting Peter’s cock in him sets Tony off, brings all that want, that need from his heat back front and center, taking over his brain. “How about this,” Tony says. “This is what you want,” as he fucks down onto Peter, clenches around him. “You want that, want to feel me so tight all around your knot, don’t you,” and Peter groans, his hips jerking up, meeting Tony. “Want to feel me keeping you there, stuck with me.” 
He gets a hand on his cock and Peter’s eyes snap to it, his mouth gaping open as he stares. “You want to be caught by me; you know it’s true,” Tony says. “Want to know I wanted you when I’ve never looked at another alpha.”
“Oh god,” Peter says, “yes, yes, you can catch me, Dad,” and it should sound like the cheesy line it is, like an alpha teasing, pretending they’d hold true to it when they’d been caught good and hard.
It doesn’t. 
Tony’s suddenly desperate for Peter’s knot, the need for it sinking into him and spreading; he presses his hands against Peter’s chest and starts riding him fast and hard, just like he’s wanted to for months. “God, Peter,” he says. “Want you in me, want you to knot me up good.”
“Dad,” Peter whines, “you can’t say that, fuck.”
“No?” Tony says. “I think I can say whatever I want and you’ll love it. And what I want is for you to fill me up, lock so tight not a single drop of come could get past. Come on, kid; show me you can be as good as you promised.”
Peter’s gasping, flushed bright red and thrusting up into Tony frantically. “Gonna,” he manages, and he’s got that glazed, heavy lidded look again, sinking deeper into rut, into the mindless animal hunger of it. 
“Look at you,” Tony says. “Is that all it takes, huh? Telling you how much I want you swelling inside me, stretching me out? All you need to turn into this needy rutting beast?” Peter moans, his fingers leaving bruises on Tony, fucking him hard. “You’re such a slut for an omega hole, aren’t you,” and it’s fucking perfect; he can feel the first swell against his ass, the barest bump of a knot starting.
“Tell me, baby,” Tony asks, “is it better that we’re who we are?”Peter’s staring up at him, hanging on Tony’s every word; Tony leans closer, wants to be sure Peter can hear him over the loud, messy sounds of them fucking. “Do you like it more, knowing you’re going to knot your dad? Gonna come in your dad, breed him?” and he doesn’t need Peter to say anything, not with the way his knot is growing, still sliding in and out of Tony but there’s a little force to it now. 
“I mean, who could possibly know you better,” Tony says. “Or is it more than that, hmm? Do you like knowing that you came from me? Came out of me right where you’re about to come in me?”
Peter jerks so hard, his knot really getting with it now, barely slipping out of him on the next stroke. “Dad,” he gasps. 
“You were always meant for this,” Tony tells him, starting to pant himself. “Meant from the start to be so desperate for me, so needy, just begging for an omega to fuck, to milk you dry,” and it hurts when Peter tries to pull out that time, his knot hitting the point where they’re already stuck together; Peter could come like this—Tony could let him—but it’s not good enough, would just be a waste to have a loose knotting.
“I didn’t even know it,” Tony says, “but I made you to be so fucking filthy, so perverted. I picked the best donor for you, wanted you to be the best you possible could, but you’re even better.” It almost catches, Peter humping against him the limited amount he can, whining pitifully; Tony leans down, pulling on the knot a little, till his face is right over Peter’s. “You need this,” he says, Peter nodding immediately. “Need to be caught so badly, baby. You’re going to wind up being one of those alphas they talk about, that just can’t get enough, can’t ever get enough of being in an omega. It’s going to be so easy to make you knot me again and again, as many times as I want.” 
He laughs suddenly, nearly dizzy with the possibilities that just opened in his mind. Kisses Peter hard, biting his lip. “Think you’ll knock me up?” Tony whispers, pulling back just enough to see Peter’s eyes, wide and dark, shocked. Wanting. “Gonna give me a grandkid to spoil rotten?”
The sound Peter makes at that is incoherent, but the way his knot sinks further into Tony says enough. “Like the thought of that, do you?” Tony says. “Guess we’ll have to keep trying till it works.”
He feels it catch, feels it swell inside him, fucking huge, god. Peter’s got the most perfect alpha cock, the best Tony’s ever had. “That’s it,” he gasps, “fuck, that’s it, kid. Just like that, oh god, you’ve got such a good knot, so hard, ugh!” Feels it twitch as Peter starts to come, as Peter jerks under him, sinking even deeper, settling in and shooting off in Tony. Some distant part of Tony nearly hums with satisfaction. It’s a tight lock, a good breeding; Peter’s going to seed him easily like this. 
That shouldn’t be appealing at all, but it really fucking is, Tony’s cock throbbing in his hand; a few more strokes, another little thought about Peter’s pup, their pup, the best of all possible choices, growing in him, and he’s coming, clenching down hard around Peter’s knot. 
When he sinks down, ass pulling wonderfully at Peter’s knot, Peter wraps his arms around him. Kisses him, slow, messy, pretty fucking out of it, but to be fair, so is Tony. He closes his eyes, shoving his nose into Peter’s neck, mouth over his scent point. Licks at it and Peter moans, turning his own face into the same spot on Tony's neck, breathing hot and humid against it, and Tony wouldn’t say no if Peter bit down right now. 
He won’t because that’s just… not how Peter is, but Tony wouldn’t say no.
Tony squirms on Peter's knot every now and then, unable to help it, needing to remind himself how good it feels, how tight it’s settled. Peter moans every time, clinging tighter. 
“Still okay?” Tony says softly, and Peter tilts his head back, looking at him.
“Yeah,” Peter says, a little slurred, but it looks like he’s hitting a lull in his rut. “I needed you so much, Dad. Wanted you so much. The way you smelled—  I was losing my mind. How could I even look at anyone else when you were there?”
He’s tracing his fingers over Tony's back, slow, mindless circles. “I know you don’t want an alpha,” he says, quieter. “I won’t be all like, super alpha though, I promise.” 
“You’re not an alpha,” Tony tells him. “You’re my alpha.” 
“Fuck,” Peter murmurs, shivering. “Please— I can be your alpha. I can. I will.”
“You will,” Tony says, meaning it, making that commitment without a second thought. “You’re a dream come true, Peter. Perfect, so perfect for me, like no one else ever could be. You’re already mine, already made from me.” 
Peter moans, pressing his face harder into Tony's shoulder. 
They stay like that, drifting a little; it’s a hell of a catch, Peter’s knot not shifting in him even a bit, not shrinking at all. Tony wonders how long it’ll stay. If it’ll be this tight every time. 
He hopes so. Of course his son would do this well too.
It lasts and lasts, and— and Tony’s slipping back into heat, Peter’s knot still just as caught in him as before. God, this is going to be a wild heat. 
“You said,” Tony starts, Peter stirring slightly, “said you’d heard me.” He drags his nails down Peter’s side, slowly, just feeling how he presses up into it. “So were you making sure I heard you? Doing it on purpose?”
“Um,” Peter says. “I— maybe. A little. I mean, I— I didn’t want you to know? I felt so bad about it. But I still… really wanted you to know. Really wanted you to—”
“Wanted me to what?” Tony says, propping himself up a little so he can look at Peter. It might be nearly torture for Peter, but Tony can still get off like this, listening to Peter’s dirty little fantasies. Can still come all over Peter and all around his knot. “What were you thinking when you jacked off and came calling my name?”
“Ohmigod, Dad,” Peter mutters. 
Tony snorts. “Little late to be embarrassed, kiddo.” Twists, clenching at the same time, and Peter groans as his knot gets all that movement. “I wanna hear; entertain me, baby.”
Peter wrinkles his nose, but his arms stay tight around Tony. “I— I was thinking about you—” He takes a deep breath, turning until his face is tucked against Tony’s neck. “Was thinking about you fucking me,” he says, just a little muffled, and that was not quite what Tony was expecting. 
“Yeah?” he says. 
“Yeah,” Peter mumbles. “You— you’d tell me I hadn’t earned the right to knot you yet. That I’d have to work at it, show you how good I could be.”
“Fuck, Peter,” Tony says, squeezing his cock. “How were you supposed to show me that, hmm?”
Peter seems to realize what Tony’s doing then, tucking his head in more and looking down. Reaches down a second later, his fingers brushing over Tony’s, over his cock. “All kinds of ways,” Peter says, wrapping his hand around Tony’s, pressing their fingers between each other’s, slowly stroking Tony’s, using their hands together. “Anything I could think of, Dad. Letting you fuck me anywhere you wanted, any way; blowing you, or sometimes you’d just fuck my face and come all over it,” and Tony groans, hips jerking into their hands and pulling at Peter’s knot in the samemovement. 
“I’d think— I’d think about you tying me up on the bed, to it, telling me alphas couldn’t be trusted,” Peter says, hand moving faster, tighter. “Telling me you’d help me learn, that maybe if I did well enough, you’d ride me like that, still tied up, after you came in me.”
“Jesus,” and it feels so good, this dual sensation, Peter all over him, in him. “You’ve got a filthy mind, baby.” He nips the underside of Peter’s chin, licks it, just barely, and he doesn’t know if Peter will even understand what that means. “I like it, Tony says. “After all, I know where you got it from.” 
Peter huffs out this strangled laugh, his hand tightening around Tony’s cock. Moves faster as he starts talking again, Tony thrusting into it, closer by the moment. “You wouldn’t let me knot you even then,” Peter says. “You’d pull off as soon as I was almost there and make me come like that, play with my knot after until I felt like I was going to cry or pass out or something,” and he probably would. An alpha’s knot is so sensitive, not meant for anything but the warm, soft inside of an omega. 
Tony shudders. “Next time,” he tells Peter, “next time, sweetheart. When—oh, fuck—when I’m not in heat, when I can give you the full attention you should get.” He pants, rocking against Peter, clenching tight around him. “I’ll make you knot like that when I’m not in heat, because you haven't earned that yet, have you. God, I can’t fucking wait, wanna see what you’ve got in me.” 
He’s close, so close, Peter breathing heavy against his neck. “I should— Peter, baby, please.”
“Should what,” Peter whispers.
“Should get you like that,” Tony says, his eyes closing, right on the edge. “Get your knot popped and then compare you to some of my aids. See what you’re closest too and fuck you with that one.”
“Fuck,” Peter says, shaky. “I— I know I’m bigger than most, you’d have to— I don’t know if I could take one that big,” and Tony’s coming, squirming on Peter’s cock and twitching in Peter’s hand. 
Peter’s knot might have gone down a bit, he thinks as he lies on Peter, his brain most static and white noise. Just a few things, circling round and round— wait.
“Bigger than most?” Tony says. “How would you know, huh? You haven’t even seen the size of what I get in me.” 
It’s cute how Peter blushes, avoiding his gaze like he can pretend Tony isn’t there while he’s literally stuck on Peter’s cock. “Uh, I—” He squeezes his eyes shut, the rest coming out in a rush of words. “I snuck in once and found them and maybe played with them a little and that’s how I know.”
“You— you little perv,” Tony says, but it’s delighted. “Shit, Peter. That’s— I wanna say I can’t believe it, but boy can I. So what, you borrowed them for a bit? Or did you get off in my room and do your little comparison there?”
“Ahhh,” Peter moans, so embarrassed, but he brought this on himself. “It— it was when you went off to that conference overnight.” 
“So it was in my bed.”
“Maybe,” Peter says. “But, uh. Yeah. I did that, so I do know that I’m bigger than all of them except the new one, so—”
“Wait,” Tony cuts in. “Wait wait wait. New one? New one? Peter Benjamin Stark, that was not a one time experiment, was it.” Peter’s got his face hidden, an arm thrown over it like that’s any actual protection. “How else would you know that any of them are new, hmmm? Unless you just happened to see what was there before I got it and after.”
He pushes at Peter’s arm until he can see one eye; waits. Peter opens it, eventually, squinting at him. “You sneaky slut,” Tony says. “You went back for more, didn’t you. How many times?” 
Peter shakes his head, his face flaming red. “Too many,” he mumbles. 
Tony opens his mouth, about to demand more details, when Peter’s knot slips. He shudders, feeling it get smaller by the second, sliding out of him and leaving him feeling empty. “Ugh,” he groans, and clings to Peter a little, Peter gasping sharply. 
Oh, he feels gross, god. A hot shower sounds amazing, but that would require standing, and walking, and just in general moving and all of that sounds awful. He sighs against Peter’s collarbone. “So which one was your favorite?”
He nips Peter, lightly, but Peter still jumps. “Which heat aid?” he says. “I know you probably tried them all.” 
“They— uh, I— it’s—” It’s almost painful to listen to like this; Tony takes pity on him.
“I just wanted to find out which one I should use, when I get you knotted on one while you’re still caught in me. That’s all, baby,” Tony says. Grins. “But I can just pick one, if that’s easier.” Peter makes a helpless little sound. “How about the one that expands?” Tony asks. “Or— what about the one with a tube; I could fill it up and make it squirt in you. Could lick it back out of you after, even. What do you think?”
“Daaaaad,” Peter whines. “You— I can’t— oh god, whatever you want, please.”
Tony laughs at him. “You really are a slut for this,” he says, tilting his head up and kissing Peter. “Love you, kiddo.” 
“I’d like any of it,” Peter says. “Anything you wanted from me. Anything at all; I love you too, Dad, so much.”
“I know,” Tony says. God, he knows. This— if Peter hadn’t loved him, maybe he might have been able to hold out longer. 
If Peter hadn’t loved him, this would have gone so much worse. He sure as hell wouldn’t be kissing Peter right now, warm and soft. Wouldn’t be nipping at Peter’s scent point, teasing, pestering him until Peter huffs and squirms away. Wouldn’t have Peter following when Tony rolls off him, flops over again onto his stomach, face buried in his arms. Stretches a little, and Peter’s hands are on him, stroking down his side, over his head. Peter’s mouth is on him, trailing kisses across his shoulders, lingering for a moment at Tony’s scent point, darting out his tongue to taste it. 
Peter’s hand wanders lower, practically groping at Tony’s ass. Not that Tony can blame him for being tempted, but there’s something— he’s not sure it’s entirely sane, the wave of humor that hits him at the thought of it. Maybe just a little hysterical, he decides, and he’s going to blame that completely on his heat. It’s always made him overreact. 
“Can— would it be okay—”
“Peter,” Tony says. “I told you. Yes. Whatever it is, yes. Carte blanche, kiddo.” 
Peter huffs. Mutters to himself, something Tony can’t quite make out, and then, at the end, “Fine.”
Fine what, Tony wonders. Peter’s hands are on his ass, spread across each cheek and pulling him open as Peter shifts on the bed, settling between Tony’s legs; maybe that was it, maybe Peter wanted to look. 
Or not, oh, god, Tony jerking as Peter licks up the cleft of his ass, stopping right before Tony’s hole. Pulls back and licks another line up, a little to the side of that, and it takes Tony entirely too long to realize Peter’s licking up the come that’s dripped down Tony’s ass. Can he be blamed, really, for being a little distracted by the wet, soft heat of his son’s tongue there, of all places?
“Fuck,” Tony gasps. “What the hell, baby, what—”
Peter pulls back, his breath hot against Tony’s skin when he answers. “I was going to ask,” Peter says, just a little sharp. “But noooo—”
“I’m not regretting that,” Tony says. “Just— Jesus, kid!” as Peter presses his mouth against Tony’s hole, licking at it. 
He doesn’t bother with words after that. It’s easier, better, to focus on the feel of Peter’s tongue against his skin, all along his rim and inside, firm and soft and wetter by the second as Tony starts slicking up again; he doesn’t know if Peter’s going to be able to keep up with it. 
So much better to dig his head and his knees into the bed and push up into Peter’s touch, into his mouth. Peter lets him, waits until Tony’s settled in and then keeps him there, his arms hooked around Tony’s thighs, hands on his ass. Buries his face as deep as he can and laps at Tony, eager and fucking hungry. Tony can feel every touch, every breath, every moan Peter makes, and he’s getting pretty noisy himself. “God, Peter,” Tony manages at one point, “where the hell did you learn this?”
Peter barely pulls back enough to answer. “Didn’t,” he says. “I just— wanted to.” Dives back in and Tony groans. 
“You’re filthy, that’s what you are,” Tony tells him. “Fucking nasty, baby. Of course you’re a natural at this, you— oh fuck, right there, kiddo, right— yeah, keep it up.” He’s not sure if he can come from this—hell, if he can even come again so soon—but he’s going to try. 
“It’s— it’s just ingrained in you, isn’t it,” Tony says. “Down to your bones, buried so deep, that you’re a slut,” and Peter moans into Tony’s skin. “Such a slut, such a good fucking slut, hungry for slick; you’re a disgrace of an alpha, you know that?” 
That gets him a huff, and then a hand on his cock. Tony almost tells him no, almost insists on testing this, but it feels so good and he just wants to come. He’s past caring how, just— “Come on kid,” Tony gasps, “come on, show me what you can do.” 
Peter keeps licking after Tony’s come, lighter, softer, but still going even when Tony starts squirming, too sensitive and worn out. “Peter,” he whines. “Baby, ugh, stoppit. I know you’re a slut for slick but enough.” 
There’s one more broad, long swipe of Peter’s tongue and then he’s pulling back. “It’s not my fault you taste good,” Peter says, and Tony laughs. 
Turns a little to look over his shoulder at Peter and doesn’t regret it; Peter’s face is red, his lips even redder, wetness smeared all over his mouth and chin and cheeks. Spit or slick or come, it doesn’t matter. “You think it tastes good because it tastes like you?” he asks, idly, watching Peter lick his lips.
“What,” Peter says, staring down at Tony’s sill spread open ass. “Because it’s my come I’m eating out of you?”
Tony snorts and Peter gives him a confused look. “No, dumbass,” Tony says, Peter scowling, “because you’re half me. More than half, technically.” 
Peter rolls his eyes, actually rolls his eyes, god. “Or maybe you just taste good, Dad,” he says, wiping the back of his hand over his chin.
“Well, come on,” Tony says. Crooks his finger at Peter when he frowns. “Let me have a taste, then.” 
Peter’s mouth drops open, and then he’s crawling up over Tony, making things difficult as Tony tries to turn over at the same time. Kisses him, pressing his tongue into Tony’s mouth, and honestly, Tony doesn’t care what any of it tastes like. Just wants this, Peter’s lips on his. 
“You know,” Peter says when he pulls away. “You’re kind of a slut too, Dad,” and the laugh slips out of Tony before he even thinks about it. 
“Guess it just runs in our genes,” he tells Peter.
“Yeah,” Peter says, nuzzling up to him. “I guess I had to get it from somewhere.” 
“Guess you did,” Tony says, and— maybe no one will ever understand, but this was the right choice. Peter was the right choice, was the alpha he’s been holding out for all this time. 
Of course he’d ended up carrying the perfect alpha for himself. This was always meant to be. 
“Love you, baby,” Tony tells him, soft, almost a whisper against Peter’s skin. 
“Love you, Dad,” Peter whispers back, and that’s what really matters, isn’t it.
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Catching Rain
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Minseok x Reader
Summary: You were more than satisfied with your life. You attended a nice college, had nice friends, a nice boyfriend. That’s what your life was: nice. You weren’t looking for anything more, so what were you to do when this seemingly harmless boy walked into your life and turned your nice little world into one much more dangerous?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I Epilogue
Popcorn ceilings were simultaneously the worst and the best. The crumbs and clusters that fell from above when the upstairs neighbors stomped around or dropped a heavy textbook, shaking the room, were annoying to constantly pick up, especially when they covered the bed. But on mornings like this when you were wide awake at an unfathomable hour, you could stare at the patterns hidden in the ceiling to occupy your mind. You found faces and animals and even the occasional word among the speckles. The game did wonders to occupy your thoughts, letting the time tick by without you constantly checking the hour. However, the nervous churn of your stomach never fully disappeared.
Saturdays were supposed to be fun. A day of relaxation. Even if you were finishing up a project or homework, there was no rush to it. Each step could be taken at a pace that kept you calm and under control. Afterwards, you were free to do whatever your heart felt drawn towards. You could see a movie, take a walk in the park, or even stay cooped up in your dorm to binge the latest TV show. But today would not be one of recreation free from stress. Today, you were meeting up with Minseok. And there was an excitement to that, an anticipation, like you were standing in line to go backstage to meet your favorite band. But there was also a less joyful feeling underneath. Though surely your stomach was empty by now, the nauseated roared on, threatening to overspill. 
Flipping over to your side, you looked over at the other bed in the room. Willa had awoken and sat up, her hair sticking up in all directions like a cartoon. One hand rubbed the sleepiness out of a still closed eye while the other stretched out into the air as far as it would go. A long yawn stopped any other words from escaping so you waited it out. “How long have you been awake?”
You shrugged with your one exposed shoulder. “I don’t know. A while.”
“Yeesh. It’s Saturday. It’s like the holy day of sleeping in.”
You smiled at her exaggeration. “My brain just decided it was done resting.”
“Plans you’re looking forward to, perhaps?”
The question was innocent enough, if a little cheeky. It was Saturday, after all, and you did have the tendency to get so worked up over things that you couldn’t sleep, like a child on Christmas Eve unable to dream in anticipation of the next morning’s surprise. But that didn’t stop the swift panic that made your heart jump. 
“Just a project I really need to get started on,” you lied smoothly as you sat up, turning so your legs now dangled off the edge of the bed. Well, it wasn’t really that much of a lie. But wasn’t it a lie when you omitted part of the truth on purpose? Fingernails digging into the cotton sheets that covered the standard dorm mattress that made your back ache, you contemplated spilling the beans ricocheting in your stomach. You were spared making a decision. 
“Speaking of projects,” Willa yawned. “I’m stuck in another group where I’m sure I’ll be doing most of the work.”
You raised an eyebrow, knowing your friend’s history all too well. “And why do you think you’ll be doing all the work?”
“Because no one seemed interested in what I had to say and trying to get a time to get together was nearly impossible.”
Definite warning signs, but not unusual in a college environment. “Okay. So, make sure you get your work done. Anyone who doesn’t get their part done, take they’re name off of it. No one learns if things come easy and are done for them.”
Willa frowned. “So, you’re saying worry only about myself?”
“Sort of.” You sighed. This was your big issue with group projects. Yes, they were supposed to teach you to work with others (because there wasn’t enough of that in secondary school, apparently) but some professors didn’t care if you tried to get the others to work when they didn’t want or care to and the group suffered for it grade-wise. College in the classroom wasn’t supposed to be about life lessons – it was supposed to be about the material. “Continue to try to get them to cooperate, but if you see after a few times that it’s pointless, drop it. I’m sure someone else in your group will help out, too.”
The pout on Willa’s lips told you that she wasn’t completely on board with your suggestion. “Yeah, okay. I guess I’ll wait it out.”
“Good. In the end, it’s up to you, though.” Jumping out of bed, you headed over to the bathroom you shared with the room next door. After conducting your morning business, you went to the tiny closet and got dressed. “Want to get breakfast?”
“I can’t,” Willa said regretfully. “I’ve got other plans.”
“Okay,” you said, not the least bit hurt. You had offered out of simple politeness. The more time you spent in your friend’s presence, the more tempted you would be to let out the incoherent thoughts that refused to organize themselves in your head. Yanking on a sneaker, you grabbed your keys and bag, waving to Willa as you hurried out the door. 
The student union was nearly deserted. Most who lived on campus were spending this weekend morning logically, which meant the corporate food choices were closed. Thankfully, the university-sponsored coffee shop was open. Already you were being hit with the smells of fresh pastries and dripping espresso. The cashier greeted you with a sleepy smile and waited patiently for you to make a decision. Once that was settled and you’d paid the tab, you walked over to an empty two-person table and sat down. It was only a minute or so later that the barista brought out your coffee and a warm scone. The berries baked within the dough were soft and juicy, leaking onto the surrounding pastry, which in turn soaked up the flavor in an addicting manner. You smiled to yourself with each bite. 
Pulling you out of the bliss, however, was your phone screen lighting up from your peripheral. With a squint, you picked it up and read the message as you chewed. It was from Minseok, once again confirming your ten o’clock meet up time in the library. According to the digital clock located at the top of your screen, you still had about thirty minutes before you needed to head over to the library. You set the phone face down on the table without replying. The thought of seeing him again in a mere few minutes was surging you more awake then the caffeine ever could. But you knew you shouldn’t be feeling this way.
The thing was, nothing was wrong with your relationship with Erik. He was sweet, supportive, caring. He listened and paid attention to you. He was a relationship dream. But it suddenly didn’t feel like enough anymore. Were you simply getting bored? Had you peeked over the fence and seen a greener field? It felt more complicated than that, but you couldn’t put your finger on the cause. Shaking your head, you sat back in the chair and sipped on the cooled off coffee. Maybe you should cancel, make up some excuse that you were sick or that something else had come up. Or maybe you should just tell him the truth that it was a bad idea to spend time with him and his child-like laugh. 
You were absolutely and utterly weak. In a flash, you were picking up your phone and sending a text that you would see him there. You lasted about five more minutes sitting in that shop before you were guzzling down the rest of your breakfast and heading out of the union to the other side of the courtyard where the library sat. It was still early, but it didn’t feel like a bad idea to go ahead and get started – or, at least, look like you’d gotten started. However, you were beaten to the punch. 
Sitting in one of the old donated chairs by the front windows of the library, Minseok flipped slowly through a book, engrossed in its pages. You couldn’t read the title to know what it was about, but the athlete on the front gave you a clue that it might be about soccer. He saw you the second you stepped inside, closing the book and tossing it in his bag. “Hey, you’re early!” The smile spread quickly across his face, letting you know that your arrival well before the allotted time was not discouraged in the slightest. 
A strange, gripping warmth shrouded over you. Like a hug in the middle of a harsh winter, you melted, feeling safe and comforted. An invisible rope made of steel cable was reeling you in closer to Minseok. No saw or knife in the world could sever it, you were sure. Coming here to the library felt like a final choice. Turning back would no longer be an option to you. A dark sea lied before you, but on the horizon, a possible promise of Treasure Island.
“Are you ready?” 
You blinked, having gotten lost in your own metaphor. “Yeah,” you said with a smile. “Ready to learn about math. Yay.” There was absolutely no enthusiasm in your sarcastic cheer, but it made Minseok laugh. The two of you found a round table near the back of the second floor where the reference books were housed. 
“So,” he beamed at you as soon as you were all unpacked, “to finish my thought from last time….”
“Yes! You had an idea!”
“Unless you were able to come up with something you wanted to do?” he offered. You snorted as your reply. He laughed. “I had a feeling.”
“So, then what’s your idea?” you challenged. 
You frowned, confused. “Marketing?” You didn’t see the connection. 
“Yeah.” Looking around, Minseok motioned with his head. “Come on.” You followed him away from the table, through several aisles of books until you came to a small corner where worn and peeling covers gave clues to the context between the pages. The titles you could read talked about marketing statistics and “eye-catching strategies”. Pulling a book off the shelf, he held it out for you to see. 
In the Masses Eye.
“What’s this?”
“It’s called old fashioned research.”
You rolled your eyes. “I understand that part. I meant marketing... and this book in particular.”
“I think marketing might be your best angle to go with on this project,” he explained. “There’s a correlation between what people see and what makes them buy a product. A bad picture that isn’t well thought out can deter sales. According to statistics, at least.”
The hinges in your jaw came loose, leaving the bottom half of your mouth hanging open. “How did you come up with that?”
A pink hue flushed on his cheeks. He even seemed to shrink in on himself as his shoulders rose and he leaned up against the shelf. “I like things like this.”
You erupted in giggles, covering your mouth and hiding your face with the book. What was he doing to you? Collecting yourself and searching for a distraction, you pulled a few more books out of their spots and flipped through them without purpose. But soon your eyes caught on to what Minseok was originally saying. Certain pictures stuck out to you, making you stop and take a second look. It was exactly the effect you tried to achieve with your own shots. You smiled, delighted. 
“See what I’m talking about?” Minseok said quietly. He didn’t say it with a cocky tone or snark, just simply inquiring. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Yeah, I do. In fact-” A blaring song rang out from your pocket. “Shoot!” You struggled to pull your phone out, having forgotten to put the ringer on silent. It was Erik calling you. “Hello?”
“Hey, babe!” Erik greeted cheerfully. “I know I said I was going to be busy all day, but we’re taking a break so I thought you might want to grab an early lunch.”
“Oh, um.” You looked up at Minseok. He waited patiently during your conversation, lips sucked in and his gaze set on you. But there was also a tension in his stance that you couldn’t understand. It was only now hitting you that you never had that conversation with Erik. You never told him that you were even doing this extra credit, never mind who was helping you. Right now did not seem like a good time to go into those details. “I… can’t. I’m kind of already knee-deep in this project and if I stop now then I’ll lose traction. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I understand. Maybe we can grab something tomorrow?”
“Um, sure. I’ll let you know.” You hung up without saying goodbye, needing desperately to end the awkward exchange. Quickly turning the ringer to silent, you clumsily shoved the device back in your pocket. An odd tension hung in the air between you and Minseok, neither sure of how to continue the earlier conversation. 
“So, was that your boyfriend?” Minseok finally asked in a quiet tone. He made “boyfriend” sound like a curse word. 
“Erik,” you confirmed with a nod. “He’s an artist. Right now he’s working on the sets for the theatre department.” You weren’t sure why that information needed to be shared, but it was out before you could think. 
Minseok bobbed his head, but you had a feeling he was only half-listening. “You guys been together long?”
“A few years.”
Something along the lines of defeat seemed to glaze over his eyes as they shifted to the floor. You didn’t like seeing him in this state. A pain manifested itself in your chest. You certainly preferred the happier, more enthusiastic Minseok who bounced on his feet in constant excitement and tilted his head to amplify his attention. That constant feeling of guilt had done a one-eighty on you. Now instead of feeling it towards Erik, you felt it for the person in front of you. On their own, your fingers reached out. They hovered in the empty space, unsure of the right move. You longed to caress his face in comfort. But that would be inappropriate; crossing a line that should have been a mile wide. Yet stepping over it seemed as easy as stepping over a shallow creek.
You willed the power to pull back and let your hand drop to your side. Minseok, however, still managed to take some contact, brushing his fingers against the back of your hand as he took the books from you. An electric shiver ran up your spine. When his skin was gone, you almost whimpered. You questioned how well your fingers would fit in the spaces between his own. And if that electricity would go on forever at the prolonged contact. 
“We should get back to the project.”
“Right.” You cleared your throat. Hiding in this back corner was giving your brain ideas and following down paths that were clearly unmarked, dangerous even. 
Back at the table, the two of you worked on the project, bouncing around ideas of how to use the statistics of marketing that the resources gave and applying it to your own photography. A few hours later, you had the full back bone of your project completed. All you needed was to break down the expressions and equations that would back your claims. But your brain was done for the day. However, that didn’t mean you were done with Minseok. 
“You know, I just realized I don’t know much about you,” you said as you packed away your things. 
Minseok shrugged as he gathered up the books to put back in their homes. “I’m not sure if there’s much to know.”
“Everyone has something worth knowing.”
“Touche.” The smile was coming back. Good. Perhaps it was selfish, but you were feeling lighter due to his own lifting mood. “But I don’t know where to start. I mean… I’m a math major-”
“That I already knew,” you laughed.
���Right. Um….”
“Do you live on campus?” you offered as a starting point. 
He shook his head. “No. I live out of town, a ways out. My friends and I live in a farmhouse in the woods.”
“A farmhouse in the woods!” you exclaimed. That sounded like a dream. Or the setting of a YA novel. “How many of you live there?”
“Including me? Twe- Nine.”
You were confused as to why he suddenly changed numbers, but the sad look that was here and gone in his eyes made you think it was best not to ask. “Nine? Wow. Isn’t that crowded?”
“Sometimes. But really, it's more comforting than anything. We’re like brothers so it doesn’t feel as overwhelming as it sounds. Although, sometimes I do really need the quiet.” The Minseok from before the phone call was nearly completely back. The weight was dropping from your shoulders as you saw the tension leave his. 
“Where do you go then? When you need quiet?”
He smirked. “I go for a run. In the woods.”
The wolf from the clearing flashed in your mind, as well as the campers who were attacked. “Isn’t that dangerous?”
Minseok shook his head. “Not for me. I know those trees pretty well.”
You scoffed. Boys and their confidence. 
Standing up and throwing your bag over your shoulder, Minseok walked you out of the library, telling you more about his roommates, mostly about Jongdae, his hot headed best friend. In turn, you told funny stories about you and the shenanigans Willa dragged you into. So lost in the conversation, you stayed standing in the middle of the courtyard. You should have said goodbye, but you kept putting it off, bringing up new subjects to keep talking.
The two of you turned to see a small group of students coming your way, one waving their arm in the air with extreme enthusiasm. Minseok cringed as they came up, scratching the space behind his ear. He gave off the air that being caught like this was the last thing he wanted, even if the scene was innocent enough. 
“You didn’t tell us that you were going to be here today,” the tallest boy said. He had a jolly, lopsided smile and ears that stuck out. 
Minseok shrugged. “I forgot.” His eyes flickered over to you. “Oh, um, guys, this is... (y/n). (y/n), this Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Jongin. They’re some of the friends I live with.”
“Oh!” You lit up at being able to meet a few of the roommates. “Hi! It’s nice to meet you!”
“You, too!” the one who Minseok pointed out as Baekhyun said. He eyed Minseok suspiciously, a sly grin on his face. “We were going to get some lunch. Do you guys want to join us?”
You opened your mouth to accept the invitation, but Minseok beat you. 
“Actually, we were just saying bye.”
You looked at him, confused. Sure, technically you were done working on the project, but you were enjoying this down time after the fact. He hadn’t seem like he wanted to part either. At least, before his friends showed up. 
Jongin seemed to catch on to the contorted expression on your face. “Are you alright?”
It took you a second to absorb his question, but when you did, you slapped on a fake smile. “Yeah, of course. I’ve got to meet up with my boyfriend, but thank you for the invite.”
“Maybe another time.”
“Yeah, maybe. It was nice to meet you, though.” You gave a slightly less enthusiastic expression to Minseok. “Thanks again for your help. I’ll see you later.”
He gave you a small wave. “I’ll see you later.”
You walked away, shoulders drooping. The switch that happened before your eyes made your head hurt, like whiplash. Was Minseok… embarrassed to be seen with you? You didn’t think there was anything particularly shameful about you. But what else would make him not want you around for lunch with the very people he was talking about mere minutes before with joy and laughter? It didn’t make any sense. All you could focus on was the shut down. As you headed for the theatre, you tried to tell yourself that there was no reason to be upset. He was not your close friend. He was merely a… tutor, for lack of a better word. And that’s all he would be, apparently. 
You approached the theatre doors, unsure of where else to go. If you thought your feelings were stirred up this morning, now they felt like they were stumbling off the world’s most twisted roller coaster, unable to even stand on their own. Just how bruised would you be when you finally fell down?
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warmau · 4 years
★ donation request: suburbia summer nights house party!au jaehyun 
the summer night air is too sticky and too sweet for your liking
you had opened your window hoping to chill down your room, but it was even hotter outside than it was inside
even still, you keep the window open and the curtains pushed back, leaning the upper half of your body out to the empty streets of the neighborhood you’ve lived in since you were born
it is quiet - like always
until you hear something rustle below
you look down and your eyes widen, standing in your mothers beloved rose bushes is the familiar face of something - well someone - you’ve also known since you were born
johnny waves at you and from behind his broad shoulders peeks mark lee
“bro, we shouldn’t be here - what if their parents-”
marks paranoid whispering is loud enough that even you hear it, so you bring your finger up to your lips
johnny ignores the younger boys trifling and motions for you to come out
you know your parents are probably either working in the kitchen or watching tv in the living room
there’s no way in hell you’re going to be able to walk out the front door, so your only means of escape are making it down the rickety old water pipe on the side of the house closest to your room
you’ve done it before so you’re not scared or anything - but still, you aren’t exactly sure what those two are up to
you grab your phone and text johnny:
why are you trespassing in my backyard :P
house party @ jaehyuns
you swallow - jung jaehyun - another familiar name
not interested, now go before you get caught and my dad flings a shovel at you or something
mark starts tugging on johnny’s shirt as soon as they both read the message
but johnny stays put
c’mon, don’t you like jaehyun? 
you furrow your eyebrows and glare down at johnny, who just grins up at you with the kind of smile you know means trouble
dude i don’t like jaehyun, im just not in a party mood
fine - can you come for like an hour then? don’t leave me alone with mark you know he doesn’t know how to party
mark jumps back in offense and you shush him from your window as johnny playfully pulls him into a headlock at his side and ruffles his hair
you don’t text back, just slip your phone in your back pocket and look at yourself one last time in your mirror
you’re wearing a t-shirt thats too big with the local fishing shops logo on it and beat up old chucks with doodles on it from two years ago
really, not a party outfit, but you’re going for an hour so you don’t care
you quickly lock your door and slip through the window
johnny gives a little dance of victory as you make your way down that old pipe and lets go of mark to sling his hand over your shoulder
“are we walking to jaehyuns?”
you ask when you’re safely out of earshot of your house but johnny just shakes his head 
“nah, he’s driving us there.”
“he’s w-”
as you turn the corner of the street you see jaehyun’s car
its nothing flashy, but you know its his because its got that dumb handmade sticker of johnny’s garage band name on the bumper and plus he’s got the driver car door open, leaning against it looking-
damnit why does he look good without even trying
you push back the thought and want to throw another glare johnny’s way - but he misses it as he reaches out to take jaehyun’s hand
the two of them bump shoulders and johnny makes a joke about how hard he had to try to convince you to come out
you keep back a little and jump a bit when mark asks
“is everything ok?”
“yeah, just worried my parents might have heard us.”
marks face pales and he climbs into the backseat of the car - you follow him and try not to look at jaehyun
although you feel his eyes move to you past johnny’s shoulder
once you’re all piled in, jaehyun says his house is already half trashed. he left doyoung in charge back there but he knows no one ever listens to him so he expects you’ll all be arriving to a shitshow
you half listen, looking out the window and at the houses of families you know
at least the window of a moving car is much cooler than the cemented window of your bedroom
but the real reason behind your distance is because right now ,,,,, jaehyun is the last person you want to see
it had all started last summer, jaehyun had moved to your town and had befriended johnny instantly
and with johnny’s friendship came your friendship (and mark’s, and practically the whole schools but - you and johnny were joined at the hip so it was different)
but it became quickly and almost embarrassingly obvious that what you and jaehyun felt toward each other was not
what you and johnny felt toward each other
you could easily jump on johnny’s back, have him piggyback you through the huge aisles of the local walmart, you could easily share food with johnny from the same plate, you could easily fall asleep on johnny’s bed as he and mark played video games on the floor 
but with jaehyun - there was a sheepishness 
not because you weren’t best friends but because you saw him and felt nervous 
you saw johnny and felt delight, thats someone you’d be friends with forever
you saw jaehyun and felt a flurry of butterflies swarm around your stomach, thats someone you wanted to kiss
and it was like everyone was waiting for it to happen. everyone was just holding their breath.
some people had even tried to ask jaehyun out, but he had declined and it just solidified the entire towns prediction that you and him would end up being a thing
when he had a chance, he blew it
it had been a house party just like the one you were going to now and you and jaehyun had walked off a little away from all the music and noise
you were wearing those bracelets he’d gifted you and he was toying with one on your hand 
you could have sworn that in that moment you were going to hear the words
“do you want to go out with me?” leave his lips, no matter how coy he was being and how playful this push and pull had been
the flirtatious glances, the midnight texts, the tension of it all had come to this and now
all you were bracing yourself to just say was yes 
when instead he had chuckled and asked,
“can you believe everyone wants us to date?”
you couldn’t read his tone - you’d just blinked at him, was he being for real?
instead of answering him or even acknowledging the awkwardness of the situation 
you’d walked away
you’d pulled the bracelets off your wrist and let them drop to the grass. jaehyun had been confused, grabbing your wrist and asking what was wrong all of a sudden
the last thing you had said to him was
“everything's just a game to you isn’t it?”
there were no words and no more messages after that. you had avoided him like hot fire and had succeeded in dodging all of johnny or marks attempts to make you all hangout together again
you’d agreed to go to this party for an hour because you had planned to just get lost in the crowd before he could spot you and then leave
you didn’t know you’d be stuck in his car, personal damn chauffeur service to his house
you hear the party before you even see it - music blaring from inside and peoples voices like an annoying symphony of shouts and chants
mark gets out first and you try to scramble so you won’t end up somehow alone with jaehyun
nearly pushing poor mark onto the curb 
“im going to go see if uh - whats his name - uh jungwoo is here.”
you make up an excuse before either of the three boys can say a word
you turn the corner, around the pool that you’ve hung out with jaehyun and everyone else at a hundred times and the weird circle of garden gnomes he’s moms put out
you know the layout like its your own house and are happy to see that the wooded part toward the end of his yard is pretty empty - the hammock that you and johnny had helped him tie up a while ago is unoccupied
“thank god”
you plop yourself in it and close your eyes, the sounds are duller out here and you dont have the chance of rubbing shoulders with other drunk teenagers or you know who
your phone buzzes in your back pocket but you dont bother to check it
instead you stare up through the leaves at the bright slice of moon 
how’d i get in this situation?
you lay a hand on your stomach and tap your fingers as you think about how you’re going to kill time 
the noise of giggling passes by you and you assume a couple is going to pass by to fool around in the woods
could have been me and jaehyun if he hadn’t been such a dumba-
you sit up a little and shake your head
you had done such a good job so far. you really hadn’t thought about him at all.
well, well you had thought about him but you just - you weren’t going to coddle yourself into expecting anything ever again
it would just hurt when the day came around and he flat out rejected you
you sink back down and close your eyes - maybe just napping through this dumb party will
“dude they’re so fucking mad at me.”
“nah bro, i bet they’re just tired or something-”
“no johnny, i fucked up.”
you open your eyes and strain a bit at the sound of the voices that are coming closer and closer to your spot
they sound just like-
“what exactly did you do then jaehyun?”
“i said the wrong thing-”
“just said?”
there’s a pause and now you’re sure this is who you think it is
“just said or did you hurt them. jaehyun you’re a cool dude or whatever but if you laid a hand on them-”
the drop of the voice only comes for one person when they’re rallying to get angry
“no johnny, i would never. i just - remember that party a couple months ago. the one at taeyongs.”
“i was going to ask them out, and then i just blanked like they were looking at me and instead of just kissing them i said ‘haha isn’t it funny everyone wants us to date?’ because like im dumb - i dont know i couldnt think!”
a second of silence passes by and then is followed by johnny’s long and relaxed laugh
“you totally did fuck up!”
“i know, and now i dont know how to make it bet-”
johnny and jaehyun’s footsteps are now only a few feet away - in the darkness of the night you’re sure they haven’t noticed the lump of you in the hammock
not until you suddenly feel it tip over as someones shadow looms over
you shout and johnny screams - before stuttering back and bursting into another loud laugh
jaehyun, even though its dark, goes red at the realization
“d-did you hear us?”
you swing your legs out and jump out of the hammock - johnny, who is still laughing at the circumstance, can’t help but back away a little holding himself in a fit
you nod
“yeah i heard and for the record - you were being dumb when you said that to me.”
jaehyun opens his mouth but shuts it because he has no way of protesting it
“but i guess being dumb is kind of part of your charm”
you cross your arms and jaehyun’ shoulders perk up a little
“so you’re not mad at me?”
“i was but, i mean, im a very forgiving person and you can have this second chance to ask me out-”
“yeah just don’t fuck it up jaehyun”
johnny’s voice comes between chuckles before you motion for him to go
he gives you two a thumbs up and leaves, mumbling that he has to tell mark about all this
and as you and jaehyun are alone with the back drop of his house party 
you put your hand out and jaehyun takes it in his
“so, let me try again - instead of everyone saying we should date i want you to know that i want to-”
you lean up and take his face with both hands, pressing your lips to his and finally
freaking finally
kissing jaehyun 
the summer night air is still sticky and sweet and you aren’t a big fan, but the way jaehyun’s lips are a perfect taste makes all of that wash away
his hands circle your own and he picks you up swiftly as your legs wrap around his waist
now this - this is what you had expected months ago, but you don’t mind because its finally happening now
when you and jaehyun return to the packed house 
the whole party stops when johnny screams
and both you and jaehyun go wide eyed
not before you take chase after your best friend - threatening to get him and mark just pats jaehyun’s back like
“looks like you didn’t mess up this time!” 
jaehyun grins and scratches his neck, yeah - looks like he didn’t.
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aleator · 4 years
day 18 - bodyguard au (thor/tony)
Tony’s not used to people trying to kill him. Yeah, he’s a celebrity, but he’s a movie star. He doesn’t do the kinds of things that normally get people killed, even when he ends up starring in a fantastically bad film. But this is different. He’s due to testify in court for a trial that could put several important, big-name industry folks behind bars, and apparently that’s enough to get people trying to kill him.
He’d always thought having a bodyguard in his line of work was kind of cheesy, but there’s a first time for everything, apparently.
The guy he hires looks a little like a hippie but he comes with great recommendations, so Tony hopes those reviews are legit. It’s his life in this guy’s hands, after all. This guy’s very lovely, probably lethal hands. Tony shouldn’t be thinking about those hands as anything other than killing machines. But it’s hard. They’re nice hands.
At first it feels like he’s being followed around everywhere, which he is, so that makes sense. But it’s also really annoying. It’s like he’s hired someone to be his friend but neither of them actually want to be friends. His bodyguard, Thor, is a nice enough guy, but he’s painfully professional. He doesn’t even laugh at Tony’s hilarious jokes.
“Maybe your jokes just aren’t funny,” his agent, Pepper, says after he’s complained to her over the phone for fifteen minutes.
“Not true. They’re hilarious,” Tony reminds her. Even Pepper laughs at some of his jokes sometimes.
“If you hate having a bodyguard so much, why don’t you just go into witness protection or something?” Pepper suggests.
“I can’t do that, I’m in the middle of shooting a movie!” Tony protests. “You’re my agent, you know that.”
“I do know that,” she replies patiently. “But I’d rather you stop shooting a movie than someone shoot you. It’ll be hard to be your agent if you’re dead.”
“Probably wouldn’t stop you.”
“Nobody would blame you if you didn’t turn up to the charity dinner,” she says, which is probably the first time she’s ever told him not to go to an event. “You already donated the money, so we can still publicize that.”
“I’m not going to skip the charity dinner. That’s my first public appearance in weeks.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to have fun bringing your new bodyguard as your plus one.”
Tony sighs and realizes that yes, he’ll probably be stuck with just Thor as his dinner date. But at least he’ll get to be out and about having fun instead of hiding in his home.
At the dinner, people only want to ask him about the attempt on his life. Which sounds exciting, but most of what Tony remembers is the soft sound of a bullet whizzing by and then someone throwing him down onto the ground. It’s not very interesting to talk about. But society types can gossip about anything indefinitely, so he mostly just sits there and lets them prattle on while he nods occasionally.
Eventually he manages to escape and sneaks over to the bar to get himself something stronger than the champagne that came with dinner. As he’s nursing a whiskey a voice behind him says,
“If you want to leave, you can pretend I made you go.”
He startles, embarrassingly so, nearly spilling his drink. “Jeez, you can’t scare a guy who’s got professional killers after him like that!”
Thor steps out from behind him so Tony can see him, looking faintly amused. “My apologies. I thought you knew I was there.”
“Well I did not. Because you are strangely light on your feet for someone so…”
Thor smiles politely at him while he tries to think of a way to finish that sentence, and when he doesn’t come up with anything Thor just carries on with the conversation.
“I mean it, if you’d like to go. I can declare something a security risk,” Thor offers. “So you can save face or whatever you’re worried about.”
It’s a strangely observant and sweet offer, and Tony stares at him. Long enough that Thor shrugs and adds,
“Or not.”
“No! No, actually, that’d be great,” Tony finally says, knocking back the rest of his whiskey in one go and setting aside the glass on the bar so he can stand up. “Uh, oh no, I feel unsafe here in this public location. Bodyguard, help.”
And finally, for the first time, Thor laughs. Actually laughs at some dumb joke that Tony made. Thor’s smile widens as he laughs and Tony just about melts at the sight of it.
After that, Thor starts to soften. He smiles more, laughs at a few more of Tony’s jokes, and Tony feels less weird about having him around. He takes Thor with him whenever he goes out, but nothing perilous ever happens, so he starts to wonder if hiring a bodyguard was just going overboard. Maybe everything will be totally fine…
...were always famous last words.
The bastards try to get him one night as he’s coming out of a crowded nightclub. Nothing looks out of the ordinary to him, but as he’s waiting for someone to pull his car around he’s suddenly being pushed down to the ground. He yelps in alarm until he realizes it’s just Thor, then he shouts again more urgently as he sees blood on him.
The crowd is running and yelling, panicked, and people are trying to dive for cover or call emergency services. Thor is still draped over him, shielding him with his body, but Tony thinks that might be because he’s incapable of moving.
“Thor? Holy shit, Thor,” Tony says with increasing intensity as he shakes Thor’s shoulder. “Hey, buddy! Don’t do this to me.”
At some point in all the commotion the EMTs and cops appear on the scene, sirens blaring, and Tony and Thor are carted away in an ambulance. Tony keeps insisting that he’s fine, they need to worry about Thor, forget about him. Nobody listened, of course, and they ended up taking him to his own hospital room no matter how many times he insisted the blood on his suit wasn’t from him.
They check him over thoroughly, even though Tony’s antsy and restless. He keeps asking about Thor, but they only give him vague answers no matter how many demands he makes. What’s the point of being a famous movie star if nobody’s so awestruck at your presence they listen to everything you say?
Eventually they declare him fit to be released, which he could have told them from the start, and he immediately demands to see Thor. He apparently can’t even do that so he’s stuck waiting even more, feeling sick to his stomach.
He falls asleep in one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs at some point. Pepper had arrived at the hospital sometime earlier, panicking even more than Tony had, insisting he should have gone into witness protection for real and that she’s canceling every plan of his until this trial is over, but she must have taken a Valium or something because she dozes off in the chair next to him eventually too.
Finally a doctor approaches them to let Tony know that Thor is stable and has requested to see him, which they’ll allow as long as he doesn’t excite Thor too much. Tony is up on his feet in a flash, following the doctor to Thor’s hospital room.
Thor is awake and sitting up in bed, which is a good sign. Tony awkwardly enters the room, hands clasped behind his back.
“The bullet didn’t hit any major organs,” Thor offers when Tony doesn’t say anything right away.
“What about minor organs?” Tony asks.
Thor laughs, but he immediately winces and clutches at his side as the action pulls on his stitches. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“Sorry,” Tony says, finally taking a seat in the chair beside Thor’s bed. He debates what to say for a few moments longer, then blurts out,
“I never would’ve hired a bodyguard if I’d thought they would actually die.”
Thor gives him an amused look. “Unfortunately for you, it turns out I happen to like you.”
Rolling his eyes, Tony points out, “You had to do that, I’m paying you.”
“To take a bullet for you? You’re not paying me that much.”
“Oh. Should I be?”
Thor laughs weakly again, settling back against his pillows with a weary sigh. “I did not take the bullet for the money, Stark.”
Finally it starts to click in Tony’s head, and he scoots his chair a little closer, cautiously reaching for Thor’s hand. Thor lets him take it, and they hold hands on the hospital bed.
“You’re okay?” Thor asks, trying to look Tony over without either of them moving.
“Yeah,” Tony says with a warm smile. “Thanks to you.”
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