#even if it's long distance fuck it idc anymore
the-dance-of-italy · 2 years
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upgradebitch · 11 months
#i’ve never hated being a broke bitch more than now i just got an offer for this gawjus place w this cool person and its over my budget i wa#want to bang my head against a wall sigh#literally why do i search for love like this#this could’ve been great really great i cannot i was this close to signing something else aswell WHY#to be close to ppl my age w my interests and have a relationship that lasts is that asking too much what if i never see them again#am i being delusional i think so but idc my heart hurts things never work out the way i plan ugh#but atleast i will be leaving the shithole i’m in rn#it could’ve been great#i can get more great things although not now and it feels like a fresh wound rn i’m just starved for love ok i need a hug i’m so serious#it was in the PERFECT AREA TOO#it’s okay it’s okay atleast it’s still london and not a town in essex where u cannot get a taxi unless u want to wait 3 hours#count your blessings girl call down#shit i’m sad i’m so childish fuck#literally i just want a solid circle of companions and maybe that wouldn’t guarantee it and maybe where i’m going can be the path to my happ#happiness but i’ve been miserable for too long idk if i can even be loved because i will just fee like i’m tainting them#everyone in my life is held at a safe distance and i don’t want that anymore i want someone CLOSE who doesn’t get repulsed or bored ha#this interaction has sent me plummeting into the depths of hell i feel ridiculous#my chest hurts so much
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Steve chetead on you but Bucky's there to show you what love really is.
Steve x reader -> Bucky x reader
Mention of cheating
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Part 2
1 month later
Bucky and I have sleepovers and cuddle sessions almost every night and besides that he speaks to me. He talks about the 40s all day long. It's cute. He started trying to catch up with the movies, books, music and fashion. We spend a lot of time together now and it's great. We cook together every day, we have weekly movie nights and weekends are for therapy sessions with each other, which, idk how much it helps him other then getting things off his chest.
Steve is still gone. He hasn't called me in 3 weeks now. I text him everyday and he replies maybe once a week or only if it's something about his buddy.
"Hey y/n! Tell me you don't have plans for tonight pls pls!"
"Haha . I don't but why?"
"I wanna watch Ice age! Really really bad and i know it s not Friday yet but please please please can we watch it?"
He's adorable. No wait. I can't think that. I have a boyfriend.
"Y/n? You ok?"
"Oh um yeah. I just zoomed out for a sec. And yes we can watch it. I love ice age"
"Are sure you're ok? Look i know I'm a little hard to deal most times and really sore if I'm being to clingy or smth like that. You can say no. It's cool. you're already doing so much for me"
"Hey none of that. I like hanging out with you and i do love ice age. It s just.... Today's the day Steve and i made it official and it's just a bit hard. I feel like we just drifted apart and I've done everything i could to get us back up but it doesn't seem to work.... I've just been thinking about our relationship and it feels like he doesn't want to be with me. I'm sorry i should tell you all of this"
"Why do you think that?"
"Pffffff! He has been cold and distant for months. I can't remember the last time he as much as hugged me.... He is gone most of the time and when he's here he's out. Comes home very late and bolts out after breakfast. He ignores my calls and only texts me back when he want something. I called him this morning. He declined my call. So i texted him i still haven't gotten any reply. Just seen. It hurts. Because i don't know what's happening. Why he acts this way. Idk if i did something to upset him or of he just lost interest. Maybe there's someone else...."
I didn't even realize I'm crying until he wiped off some tears off my cheeks.
"I know Steve. He wouldn't cheat on you, ok? And I've seen you with him. You take care off him and I've seen the way you look at him. You're beautiful and kind, you're sweet and caring and you put up with both of us which is just wow. My point is he has no reason to lose interest in you. He works a lot and it's a very stressful job so maybe he s distance come from not wanting to take it out on you. Talk to him. I'm sure he will explain everything." He hugs me.
Damn i miss hugs.
"I can't talk to someone who ignores me Buck.. let's watch the movie. I'll make popcorn "
While I was in the kitchen Bucky called Steve.
Did Steve become a woman? Wtf is this?
"Um hi? Who is this? I'm Sharon. Steves girlfriend. Who s this?"
"Put him on the phone right now!"
"Hey Buck"
"Buck just calm down ok. Are you good? Why did you call?'
"Oh I'm calm. And I'm ok. I'm perfect actually. You know why? Because your girlfriend is taking care of my perky ass. You know? Y/n. In case you forget which girlfriend I'm talking about. And i guess it doesn't matter why i called anymore. Have fun you asshole "
"Wait. Come on man. "
"I'll called because y/n just cried in MY arms because if YOU. Because of what at ass you've been. But it's pointless to talk to you about it. Obviously you don't care. Have fun with your whore"
"Are you gonna tell her?"
" No. You are. I'll give you 24h to end things. Idc what you tell her. "
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. 24h or I'll tell her the truth and help her burn your shit"
Call ends.
He got the bed ready and put the movie on.
7h later.
I was asleep next to him. Bucky couldn't sleep tho.
Bucky mind:
Why would he do this?
She's funny and interesting
She gorgeous and hot
She is the sweetest person I've ever met and she makes amazing pasta
She's taken care off him like no one ever will
She loved him
She trusted him
What are you doing Steve? What happened to you?
When I woke up breakfast was ready and Bucky waiting for me in the kitchen with the biggest smile on his face
"Morning doll"
That's new. Pet names?
"What are your plans for today?"
"Actually my plans are yours too. I've spoken to Fury earlier and he wants us to start training the new recruits. Or. He wants you to make sure i dont go berserk and kill one."
"I'll go change ,call Steve and then I'm good to go."
"Yeah he texted me to call him"
"He did huh?"
I nodded and went to my room.
"Let's see if you answer."
Part 3
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agent-grey-fics · 1 year
Holy fucking shit I’m so annoyed with my ex. Like I had this on and off thing with a guy for almost 5 (!!) years, I know that I’m stupid for keeping it going for that long. Anyway, we kinda grew apart but kept in touch through socials and hooked up now and then. I was head over heels in love with him ‘cause my traumatic ass didn’t know any better. Fast forward to me finding the tiniest bit of self respect and banning him from my life for a solid 2 years during the pandemic, trying to move on. (Even explaining to him why I need him out of my life and he agreeing with me and saying I should have done it sooner ‘cause he treated me terribly. He did, believe me. All my friends actually hate him because he was awful to me and emotionally manipulated and abused me for so long. For example, he would often tell me that no one else would ever love me cause I wasn’t pretty enough, calling me a whore when he was high or drunk and stuff like that )
I had 2 good years of quarantining with my dorm mates, living life away from my hometown, then life slowly starts again and me and my friends (from my hometown) start to hang out and go to parties again. Surprise, I see him at those parties ‘cause my friends are kinda his friends. Well, we all went to high school together but they were originally my friends so yeah more his acquaintances. Me not wanting to be a bitch, I don’t make a big deal of it that he tags along and I’m being polite, giving him a small smile whenever he joins but keeping my distances.
He had send me follow/friend requests on fb and insta as well so I was like ‘yeah why not, we can be civil’. BUT then he fucking starts ignoring me at those parties whiles he stands next to me, like not reacting to my attempts to smalltalk, just giving me an off look and taking to the person next to me. Like dude, you literally walked up to our group and choose to stand next to me, if you don’t wanna talk to me go stand somewhere else?
Whiles he ignores me irl, he starts liking all my insta pics, commenting on my stories etc. My drunk ass one night send him a ‘you up’ text, big fucking mistake, he wasn’t in town btw so nothing happened but the whole night he kept texting me saying that he always loved me and that he just never knew how to show it and that changed for the better. Then he start texting me things like ‘we should date gain’, ‘let me take you out’, ‘let us try again’.Stuff like that and I know it’s my fucking fault cause I bootycalled him but I told him the day after like ‘I’m sorry, that wasn’t fair I’m not looking for anything else. Apologies, won’t happen again’. But he keeps asking me out and I keep declining ‘cause I don’t want to see him one on one. I wake up one morning a couple of days later to a notification on my phone that he deletete a bunch of text that he had sent me. And he texted ‘I said some vulnerable things that I don’t want you to use against me’ LIKE YOU SHITHEAD YOURE THE ONE WHO LITERALLY DID THAT FOR AS LONG AS WE WERE DOING WHATEVER WE WERE DOING. IM IN LITERAL THERAPY BECAUSE I DONT TRUST MEN ANYMORE BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID AND I WANTED TO BE DECENT AND NOT MEAN AND LET YOU IN MY LIFE AGAIN AND THEN YOU ACT LIKE A FUCKING BABY?
I was soooo mad back then. Anyway, couple of weeks pass by and he keeps reacting to my stories and asking questions. This leaves me all confused ‘cause I figured he was done since deleting all these texts. Me being done with his shit choose to ignore him.
Fast forward to last week, I noticed that I lost followers on my socials. Turns out that he unfollowed me, like big deal idc. But then I was wondering just a couple of minutes ago if he unfollowed me or blocked me, so I look for his name in my DM’s on insta AND THIS FUCKER DELETE ALL HIS TEXT SINCE I TURNED HIM DOWN. Like they were still there like a fucking week ago ‘cause he reacted to one of my stories again and I opened it and I remember seeing alle his DM’s.
I get so mad over this, like why you acting like this? I strongly believe that he’s dating someone, like good for him ‘cause we were toxic for each other. But stop acting like a child and like you’re the victim here whiles we both know what fucking happened.
And this whole rant sounds stupid and pathetic, I know that. But he was for real the first guy I ever loved, the only one actually. I even believed that when we both would graduate Uni and work a couple of years and mature that we would find our ways back to each other and end up getting married. I would have taken him back in a heartbeat if he got his act back together. But now he just makes my blood boil by acting so childish and deleting his text and oh my god ughhhh.
I know I’m as much at fault with this whole situation as he is and that ignoring him wasn’t right. But if I tell someone +3 times that I don’t want to date them and they keep trying and texting yeah sorry but then I won’t respond anymore.. but deleting your texts come one dude.
Sorry I just had to let this out.
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the-invisible-queer · 3 hours
I'll understand if you don't answer since you said you don't wanna talk about him but if you're comfortable explaining, is there a particular reason why him hooking up with/potentially dating someone again (at least I think that's what this is about...?) is such an issue for multiple fans? Like is the girl a known bad person or something??? I'm not trying to hate on you or anyone I'm just genuinely confused and feel like I must be missing something. I guess I just don't understand why the Stormi rebound (RIP to that) was fine but being seen with this random girl once is like everyone's final straw lol
This is not an open invitation to discuss this more
I just figured I'd explain so I don't get more asks about it
I will discuss stuff that has been off limits just because it's ALL related
So after this I HOPE we can all put it to rest and move on
I can only speak for MYSELF
But I know Joe girls - and most Jonas stans in general - have a thing with jealousy 🙄
I do think that's part of it because I've seen some unwarranted hate towards her
And of course we get protective of our guys
EYE have nothing against this woman because I know nothing about her
My beef is with HIM specifically
It's fully MY opinion and feelings
I respect he is a grown ass man who can make his own decisions which again is why I didn't want to talk about it because I don't want this to come off as me just bitching
I love him so fucking much it's insane how much I can love a man I've never met
Just like with Stormi I'm not gonna say he's dating this new woman because I respect his privacy and I'm not here to play relationship police
I just don't think jumping from person to person not even a year after he filed for divorce is healthy
Especially because before him and Stormi ended whatever they were he relased those two snippets that did make it seem like he was down bad
And maybe they were unrelated to her
But it is interesting he stopped using them and has since just been pushing "Even Baddies Get Saddies" since the alleged breakup
I do want him to be happy but I'd also like for him to be responsible
Seeing those photos of him with this new woman disappointed me because what is he doing? Having fun sure
But like my guy you're not 25 and single anymore
Priorities are different or at least they should be
And I know it has to do with his fear of being alone but like bro alone ≠ lonely
I'm worried about him
Because TO ME it's giving midlife crisis and he shouldn't be having his midlife crisis for like 15 more years
I want him to be happy and if this woman is making him happy then great but for how long?
Because they way he is and has operated in the past it's not going to go anywhere
And it's borderline sleazy which like as a father of two little girls DO FUCKING BETTER
And maybe I've been looking at him with rose colored glasses and he's been a fucking sleaze the whole time
But I'm just not a fan of what this seems to be the beginning of
And I don't want a front row seat to it
Which is why I need to distance myself
FOR ME it's not this new girl that made me react like this
She has nothing to do with this and I wish her the best like get that dick bestie idc
It's the fact that he wastes no time between relationships and I don't think it's healthy
And bestie don't think Stormi got out unscathed
People were still sending her hate (and a few death threats I saw) AFTER they broke up
So called "fans" gonna hate every woman he's seen with
And it's not fair to any of them
And it's the reason I've mostly stayed out of and away from the fandom except for a few people
When I said Joe girls are mentally unstable I said that from experience AS A JOE GIRL
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spring-cosmos · 4 months
cw: abuse (also excuse my badly written response, I'm bad at organizing my thoughts through text)
I just want to make my stance about Wilbur fucking clear, I don't support him or Lovejoy anymore. Fuck him for hurting the people he claims to love and then downplaying their pain while taking no accountability for his actions.
I looked up to Wilbur for years, he was one of the first cc's I actually got attached to; he was my comfort streamer and made me feel less alone. I became a big supporter of his throughout the pandemic and was always involved in some way with his projects, and I was there since day one of Lovejoy. I'm so mad that he took advantage of being a comfort streamer to mask his manipulative behaviors. I'm so mad he's claimed he's grown as a person, yet these behaviors can be traced for years to the present day. He has not grown, and I hope that now that he's actually being held accountable and facing some form of consequences, he will actually strive to be better.
I'm so proud of Shubble- for talking about what she's been through, and for being able to heal past the trauma that Wilbur has put her through, and I'm even more proud that they have such an amazing support group. I truly wish her the best, and I'm so happy to see that they've been receiving so much support.
I plan on going through my tags at some point and deleting and editing all the posts Wilbur's in, but I have no promises of when this will happen as I have a very busy schedule and it is a lot of posts to go through. I also wanted to clarify that I will still be rbing dsmp posts, as I have long disconnected the cc's from the c's. As always, I will try to keep those tagged for blocking/filtering reasons, however, for those planning on distancing or leaving the fandom, I completely understand if you choose to unfollow me. I refuse to let another jackass ruin something that I have found great comfort in, esp when they've lost any relation to that thing for years.
Anyway support Shelby and other victims of abuse, and if you still choose to support cc!Wilbur- unfollow me, block me, idc, just don't interact with me.
And as a reminder to everyone else, remember to take care of yourselves. It's hard knowing someone you looked up to is an asshole of a human being but obsessing over how you should've seen the signs is not going to help. The thing about abusers is they lie and manipulate and can hurt people without realizing it, and at the end of the day, we do not know Wilbur personally. There was no way we would have been able to see those behaviors as he always presented himself and those behaviors as something else.
I'm not really sure how to end this, I just know I feel so hurt and angry, but I also know this will not be the end of the world. I, and many others, will grow past Wilbur and find new things to take comfort in
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bisluthq · 4 months
Q when someone is interested in u how much do they txt you? I had thing this thing w someone for few months.. We talked everyday. Then got dropped after they ran after someone else… yet they came back to me. Big important notice here we didn’t meet in person yet but will be. They have said many times they want to meet me/see where things go w me, constant watch my snap stories… if I snap msg them they do always respond … they just don’t txt me anymore and rarely initiate… do I just…. Ghost? Or wait till November to meet them? Which they said that’s fine and will wait to meet me then? I always have anxiety thinking they don’t actually like me even tho they reassured me few times to the point of them getting sick of it or annoyed …
I think it’s super dependent on the person and your dynamic. My bf and I don’t text much. We were friends for a while before dating and never really texted much beyond like sending each other memes or B2B/trade film articles and when we started dating sometimes we’d go a few days not talking. It bothered me at first because it was the first time I was dating someone I didn’t speak to every day like I was legit bothered by it and thought he didn’t want to take it seriously lol because we could go multiple days not talking or like one meme each kinda thing and I was like clearly he doesn’t really give a shit which is fine like we’ve all had situationships and whatnot like that’s ok idc but then he’d phone me and ask to meet up and we’d spend like a week together and I’d be like “I need to go home” and he’d be like “seriously????” or like we’d spend an hour on the phone if one of us was traveling for work and I was like “what the fuck does this all even mean???”
Anyway I wound up talking to my bestie about it (actually the friend he’s now a bit weird about because her and I did fuck and I didn’t disclose) and she was saying like her and I can go a couple months not speaking to one another but if we ever need each other we pick up the phone and we’ll do holidays and stuff together and if our families come to town we do stuff all together like we’re VERY close but yup she’s right we do go 2 months at a time with no communication beyond insta story likes. So she said that and I was like “that’s actually true and you’re like the love of my life and this is some random dude so why am I even stressing” and idk I’ve just accepted he’s not big into texting. We live together so I see him every day lol but when we travel we’ll talk probably every second day and send like a meme a day to make sure we’re both still alive. (Pertinent because I’ve traveled into a war zone while we’ve been together fucking Slava Ukrayine but yeah I went lol as I should and he stayed like as he should and I did send memes to make sure he knew I have not been drafted or killed like once a day maybe and we spoke every couple of days and he kept being like “what’re the sirens?” and I was like “‘nah it’s the Russians but don’t stress if i go down it’s in my flat not in the weird basement situation no one is in” - idk if it’s all Ukrainians btw but Odessa people are weird as shit lol? What’s wrong with us?? Anyway.
I think given you’ve not met in person though there’s a different dynamic there. My only long distance experience was ummm how do I say this ummm not good lol so I think if the vibe is fading just via text/talking like let the person go. But like maybe when you’re in the same place and you do get to meet up that might be cool idk your life.
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digifag · 2 years
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images of thought…..
#nothing bad but like. Knowing things is always so …….#like. revealing my ex ds/mp past for this. i see so many popular posts circulated and im like.#‘oh. theyre a ds//mp account.’ and just. no one else knows or bothers to check 😭#its not too incredibly often?? but its often enough ill be like omg haha funny post :) and then i see the url and im like ah. i cant rb-#-this in good faith anymore.#like its just so …… idk#and im tempted to say shit sometimes but then im like. hm.#worst fucking phase ive ever had. owning a singular het/lia shirt at one point that said make pasta not war wasnt nearly as bad as that shit#the way streamers are treated and chat behaves and how streamers set like the bare minimum for boundaries and people will literally-#-STREAM SNIPE IRL STREAMS. AND THE STREAMERS ARENT LIKE ‘haha thats weird as fuck!’ no theyre like ‘ok well take a pic with u’#LIKE????#people have literally been like omg we saw u were here and drove an hour down to see u ^_^ and ppl will just?? be fine with that??????#like oh my god please make the distance between creator and audience bigger jesus fucking christ#thank god i was sane enough to never get into or even like dr**m but like. he just says the worst fucking shit. and has awful fucking fans#t/mmy needs to have someone to tell him to stop making certain jokes like dude. u cant just drop the e from slave and say ur not making-#-a joke abt some1 being a/your slave.#idk if ive ever seen a single fan have smth like ‘im critical of ds/mp’ on their carrd or whatever like. once.#they just mindlessly consume shit just because its funny.#idc what ppl say abt lore its kinda bland as shit and drags on so fucking long. minecraft rp + facecams is so fucking boring too like.#this has strayed from my original thoughts um. whatever#i hate ds/mp and ds/mp fans and i hope they explode <3#the cats meow
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hewwooo! This ask just came into my mind and I wanted to share. So Yuuji has a girlfriend that is a civilian and at first Sukuna is annoyed by her but as time passed he starts to take a like on her since she's always so nice to him despite him being a curse. And he's just so confused about his feelings because him being the king of curses falling for a weakling? Ridiculous. I want to read your interpretation of this idc if its hcs or scenario. Do whatever you like❤
hi my love!! i really hope you like this!! i made it into headcanons so i can go over a larger span of time more smoothly, so i hope that’s okay!
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i’m getting so many sukuna requests hell yes 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
okay so let’s make it that you’re yuuji’s gf from before he ate sukuna’s finger ( yeah btw wtf is up with your bf ??? )
he called you as soon as they’d announced the death of his grandpa, because it had felt like you were the last family he had left. seriously you’re his whole world
you’re there when megumi starts explaining stuff about how this finger’s super dangerous and people will die you and yuuji are like 😃✋🏼 wha 
but also so unbothered bc he can’t be serious
turns out he is serious laugh out loud
yuuji makes you go home as you’re at the school gate and you’re like mf what??? no???? i’m not leaving you?? 
he ends up making you wait and then he just never comes back
megumi explains everything to you 
but again you’re like 😃✋🏼 pause wtf 
you keep texting him and calling him and he’s not responding you’d be angry at him if you weren’t so fucking worried 
and so eventually he finds you again 
after eating sukuna’s second finger (again, what the fuck sir) 
now megumi had told you he was now like ? possessed ? by a curse? it sounded like gibberish to you tbh and it was the last thing you were thinking about when you finally saw him again
all that mattered was that he was okay and alive and in your arms 
you’ve never hugged him tighter tbh 
so anyways ! yuuji does not want you to meet sukuna 
like ever 
but when he meets you one day really frustrated from a mission, you ask him about it, and he just vents out everything to you. he tells you how the responsibility can be so overwhelming sometimes, and how sukuna can be so infuriating and you can’t imagine what it must be like having this guy in your head 
and then you just go 
“can i meet him?” 
at first he’s like absolutely not ma’am are u insane 
but then you convince him, telling him you trust him and reminding him he has control 
so he shifts 
you really were expecting something horrendous like seriously you were anticipating fainting from fear 
he’s just your bf 
with a rougher edge 
you like instantly relax 
even if this guy’s expressions are nothing like yuuji’s, you remind yourself that it’s still yuuji inside, no matter what 
“i like your — tats?” 
what do you even say to a curse??? 
he’s scowling at you so much you might piss yourself but you just repeat constantly that he can’t hurt you 
“you disgust me,” he spits out
yuuji shifts back so quick, and just groups you on his arms 
“that wasn’t me, i swear,” he says to you and you have to calm him down and tell him it’s okay !!  it’s not his fault the guy’s an ass 
now! yuuji’s pretty comfortable with your level of physical affection 
in fact, he loves it so much. it’s one of his favorite things about you. 
so he’s always welcoming an embrace from his favorite person in the world, but it’s so hard to ignore sukuna’s words in his mind repeatedly saying how this is so revolting 
he tries his best to pay him no attention 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and a mouth appear somewhere on yuuji’s body and it’ll say “get ur hands off my vessel human!” and ngl
it always makes you laugh
like how comical is that
eventually, over time, the hugs are 
kinda nice, sukuna realizes 
like he’s a thousand year old cursed spirit
he’s not really gotten any affection yk 
like ever 
and it’s not that he ever wanted it
but being with you
or well, him possessing yuuji and yuuji being with you and you being with him through transitive property (thank you grade 7 math)  
it really like softens him
a little bit 
like the tiniest bit 
some part of him, he probably thinks it’s yuuji and not even him and that he’s just confused but really some part of him grows to anticipate the hugs 
and when you kiss yuuji 
your mouth feels so good he wants to feel it for himself 
it’s like angering him how you’re growing onto him, so he asks yuuji to shift them 
and they do shift
you’re a little surprised bc yuuji gave u like a 3 sec warning before those familiar markings appeared on his skin
“i never thought i’d see you again,” you admit. 
and he just kisses you 
like full on the mouth 
no warning
you pull him back in shock, and rest a hand on his shoulder to keep a distance between you two
“i don’t know where this is coming from but it doesn’t feel right, sukuna.” 
and you’re just
you’re just so nice
why are you so nice???
“i love yuuji, so much, and even though you’re sharing a body you’re still a whole other person. it feels wrong.” 
god why are you so good? it’s infuriating???? 
yuuji shifts back, starts apologizing again like the first time
“you have to stop apologizing for something someone else did, babe.” 
when he’s alone with sukuna that night he’s like dude, dude, bro, my man — we gotta talk boundaries bc wtf
sukuna just goes “not fair u get to kiss her” 
like yeah??? she’s my girlfriend tf ???? 
so sukuna resorts to watching (or feeling) from the sidelines again
as he grows more and more affectionate towards you 
until he’s just as protective over you as yuuji is
until he realizes that 
what yhe fuck
maybe he has feelings for you because, one of the main things about you is that the two times you’ve encountered him, you’ve never treated him like a curse. even if being treated human was once considered belittling to him, having you dote on him like that, speak to him as softly
it made his brain go brrrr 
so he asks yuuji one day, “can i kiss your gf” 
like that’s something you just casually ask
took a lotta convincing but eventually yuuji says “if she says yes then okay” 
it takes like 
90 minutes for both you and yuuji to decide that you’re okay with it. sukuna’s like fuck it ion wanna anymore lmfao
but anyways 
yuuji shifts into him 
he doesn’t even wait the impatient mf 
he just kisses you so suddenly, cupping your neck and tugging at your hair like damn how long has he been wanting to do this
clearly way longer than even he thought 
after that yuuji doesn’t exactly share you, but yeah he’ll let sukuna kiss you every now and then
sukuna’s still not fully accepting of his feelings towards you, but he learns to appreciate you
especially your kindness towards him and yuuji, and the tenderness of your touch 
he never would’ve seen it coming when he awoke in this teenage boy’s body, but he can admit that you’re definitely an added benefit
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sunookkii · 3 years
hii can i get an E2L with jake please <3
YESSS!! Thank you so much for requesting,, I really hope you like it 😋
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Jake Sim x Reader
Genre : enemies to lovers
Warnings : some swear words here and there.. a little scene where main character almost gets assaulted at night
Word Count : 2.4K
Requested : yess <3
(Warning : It kind of sucks, I’m not really sure if this is e2l PLEASE I TRIED MY BEST ANYWAYS)
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❀ You and Jake were enemies since birth, you two supposedly hated each other’s guts since diapers. It didn’t help that your parents were really good childhood friends and would always hang out together forcing you and Jake to try and get along. Though it didn’t work.. Jake would always picked on you, weather it was calling you stupid nicknames, tripping you making you fall and land on your face or bothering you every time he had a chance. You were always his main target. To him your reaction to his mean jokes were always so entertaining. You absolutely hated him, how cocky he was, how annoying he was, how handsome, charming he was, and how he was always better than you at everything. And the list goes on.
“I hate history why do we even need to learn it” you thought to yourself. Tapping your pencil back and forth not paying attention to the lesson that was taught on the board. Out of no where you feel pieces of paper being thrown at you from behind,,,, it was from Jake. You thought that he would stop throwing pieces of paper at you after awhile but oh you were wrong. Jake laughing silently to himself thought he was sooo funny. He kept throwing pieces of paper at you until you finally had enough, you turned your body facing him and started giving him a whole lecture forgetting that there was a lesson being taught right at this very moment.
You yelled at him a bit too loud causing the teacher to hear,,”Ms. l/n and Mr. Sim OFFICE NOW!”
You groaned at your teachers words, this is all Jakes fault, if he hadn’t bothered you, you two wouldn’t have been in trouble. At this point all the teachers knew you weren’t really fond of Jake, because every week you two would always be in detention together after school.
J: “This is your fault” you turn around to look at Jake, furious, body filled with hatred and anger
Y/n: “ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU WERE THE ONE THROWING PAPER AT ME, (you breathe in and out trying to calm yourself down) if you hadn’t thrown those stupid pieces of paper i could’ve been at home right now.”
J: “woah woah calm down..” he said, that didn’t help one bit
You decided to ignore him this once because there really is no winning when arguing with him. You two finally arrive at the principals office waiting for yet again another detention slip.
P: “I heard that there was a bit of a ruckus, during history class? Care to explain why you used such vulgar language during school?”
Y/n: “it wasn’t my fault sir, Jake was bothering me and wouldn’t stop.”
P: “Mr. Sim is that true?”
J: “no sir I was simply minding my own business, until she started yelling at me for no reason.” He lied through his teeth,
Y/n: “SIR HE’S LYING” you pointed at the boy smirking at you knowing what he just did.
P: “well it seems to me that there’s a little bit of a problem and someone is lying. Whoever is telling the truth can be excused from detention”
J and y/n : “sir I’M telling the truth”
P: “Well since no one is stepping up I guess I’ll have to put both of you into detention, here is the detention slip for both of you. Remember after school until 5, if you miss it you’ll get detention for the whole week. Got it?!
Y/n: “*sigh, yes sir”
Y/n’s POV :
The bell rung indicating that school was over, well not for me at least. I still have to show up for detention since well you know... I arrived at the detention room that read room 206. Walking towards an empty desk, I sat on it and lied my head down.
J: “so how was your dayy :)” knowing that this was all his fault he had the audacity to ask me how my day was??
Y/n: “shut up.”
J: “ooh someone’s grumpy cuz they got detention” he laughs annoyingly at me.
Y/n: “you’re in detention too idiot.”
J: “at least I’m not alone stupid” he rolls his eyes moving away and pushing back his dark brown fluffy hair,,
Why was that kind of attractive? Wtf why am I thinking like that get out of my head!
❀ The bell finally rung and we were dismissed, it felt like ages~
Walking towards the the exit I see myself accidentally walking besides Jake. I quickly realized and distanced myself, the sky outside was pitch black. Forgetting that I’m terrified of the dark I quickly walk home by myself so I don’t have to be outside any longer. As I was walking towards the direction of my house I sense someone following me, my pace got faster as I was scared what could happen this late at night. I ran quicker and quicker then all of a sudden I feel someone grabbing my wrist hugging me pushing me towards the corner of a house. I try and let out a loud scream right before they cover my mouth with their hand. I open my eyes only to see Jake.
J: “boo!”
I push him off, why is he holding me in his arms like that?
Y/n: “wtf Jake! Why are you following me?” I said kind of mad that he scared me thinking I was being followed.
J: “some guy was following you when you left school and I didn’t want anything to happen to you so I kinda followed you home..”
Y/n: “oh well you can go now... I don’t need your help..” feeling a little bit awkward that he kind of cared..
J: “are you stupid or something?” He said angrily “you should take better care of yourself! The man could’ve done something to you if I hadn’t been there!”
I had no words to say, how could someone I hate so much care for me? I guess he isn’t bad after all.. but my stubborn self obviously had to snap back,
❀ ❀ ❀
I’m not gonna lie to you I kind of regret saying that to him, it’s not really fun walking home alone when it’s pitch black outside. It was all silent walking home untill I heard something walking towards me, I assumed it was Jake so I turned around getting ready to yell at him, but to my luck it was a random man who came walking up towards me, he came over touching my waist giving me a creepy look, making me feel uncomfortable.
Stranger: “hey baby girl you look beautiful tonight, you want to come over to my house? We can have lots of fun” He winks creepily at me. Does he not know I’m a minor?? Gross.
Y/n: “get away from me!” I tell him as I walk faster pushing him off of me, he quickly grabbed my wrist and started touching me “you’re not going anywhere!”
I start to panic, not knowing what to do, I wish Jake was here I thought to myself as I’m about to cry feeling hopeless not knowing what I could do. Suddenly I hear something running towards me, a tall figure with dark brown hair, is it Jake? The familiar figure punched the creepy man leading him to fall on the ground groaning. He grabed my wrist “lets run!” He held my hand tight as we were running, his hand was soft and fit perfectly in mine.
J: “are you okay” he looks at my scared face holding my cheeks in his palms. I nod feeling a hard lump in my throat as I soon burst out crying tears. “It’s okay, it’s okay I’m here you don’t have to be scared anymore” he held me tight in his arms. Embracing me, his arms and chest were so warm something I really needed. Never in a million years did I think I’d be hugging my enemy like this. I continue crying in his chest as he strokes my hair in reassurance that I’m safe. “Y/n you’re so stupid, you could’ve gotten seriously hurt.”
y/n: “I’m sorry” I continue crying
He walked me home safely still holding my hand, I look at him weirdly looking at him then looking back at our intertwined hands.
J: “oh right.. sorry”
Y/n: “how did you know I was in danger?”
J: “oh well it’s kind of silly actually, I was mad at you so I decided to do a mean prank to get you scared, but then that’s when I heard you scream so I ran up to you”
Y/n: “oh, well thanks for helping me I guess...” I said looking down at my fingers feeling ashamed.
J: “uhm anyways I’m gonna go home now.. gn loser” he said before he ran off putting his hood back on.
“Goodnight” I whisper, thankful that jake was there with me that night.
❀ The next day of school I went to my assigned seat which was in front of Jake. Then suddenly a non familiar boy comes inside the class, was he new?
T: “Class! Listen up.. we have a new student attending our school, and I would like for you to pay attention as he’s about to introduce himself.”
S: “Hi! My name is Sunoo Kim! Please take good care of me :)”
Who’s this new guys Sunoo he’s kind of cute....
T: “Sunoo you can sit next to y/n over there, y/n please raise up your hand so he knows who you are!”
S: “Hi!”
Y/n: “Hi I’m y/n, and your Sunoo right?”
S: “yess.”
The cute boy gave me a cute cheeky smile, I could tell we’ll become good friends. Class was over and it was time for lunch, I could tell that Sunoo didn’t have much friends since he’s new, so I asked him to have lunch with me. Sunoo and I talked about everything! It felt like we knew each other for so long, as if we were best friends. Jake passed by us giving us a weird glare. That’s weird I thought, he never usually glared at me like that, well I mean we’re enemies but he usually gives me a stupid teasing smile,, hmm that’s odd maybe he’s just in a bad mood.
School was over and it was time to walk home,
S: “Y/n!! Let’s walk home together, where do you live?”
Y/n: “oh I live near this block,, what about you?”
S: “OH really??!! I live here too, we live close to each other, lets walk home together sometimes!”
He’s so cute, charming and extroverted, we just got to know each other but I feel like we’ve been friends forever, is that weird?
Y/n: ok!
❀ Many weeks have passed and me and Sunoo became really close friends! Though Jake has been acting strange lately..
School ended quickly today,, Sunoo suddenly called out my name
S: “lets wak home together today!”
Y/n: “alright su-“
As I was about to finish my sentance Jake came over and grabed my hand intertwining his into mine.
J: “ahh sorry Sunoo she can’t, y/n’s mom told me to walk her home today.”
R: “ahh ok.. bye y/n I’ll see you next week!”
Y/n: “wait but but!” I wasnt able to finish my sentance since Jake already pulled me to the opposite direction. His hands... were in mine? Why am I feeling all sorts of butterflies in my stomach.. this is new, I never felt this way towards Jake before. It was kind of quiet during the walk home until the tension was broken and Jake said something as he stopped walking.
J: “lets go to the ice cream shop, just you and me.”
Y/n: “dont we hate eachother?”
J: “just shut up and come with me.”
He grabbed my hand forcing me to follow,
Y/n: “okay but you’re paying”
We arrived at the pretty ice cream place which was bright and pretty chilly. Jake went to go order the Ice creams while I looked around since I never been here before.
J: “two chocolate ice creams please”
He’s always been so polite towards everyone but me, his fluffy dark brown hair right about his eyes. He’s so cute.. why am I feeling this way towards him? We’re supposed to hate each other but here I am falling head over heels for Jake? No it can’t be, do I have a crush on him? How did he know I liked chocolate ice cream?We sat down at the near table, the place was super cute, perfect for a date. WAIT IS THIS A DATE?
Y/n: “Jake why did you take me here?”
J: “I needed to tell you something but finish your ice cream first”
Y/n: “oh uhm ok-“
I stool there frozen like a popsicle, did my enemy Jake just confess to me, this seems crazy but I think I like him too.
Y/n: “Jake I like you too..”
J: “iknowyoumightnotlikemebecausethewayItreatedyouwhenwewerekidsbutpleasegivemeachanceisweari’ll-“
Y/n: “JAKE! I said I like you too”
J: “what- really you mean it? You like me back” it was cute seeing him nervous because of me.
Y/n: “yeah I guess you’re not so bad..” I said teasingly
His worried face quickly turned into a big smile, we quickly finished the ice cream and walked outside of the ice cream place side by side. He stoped walking and looked at me.
J: “you have something on your lips” he said pointing
Y/n: “what where” I rubbed my mouth looking for the leftover ice cream”
J: “here” he grabbed my face leaning in for a deep kiss. “There all gone!” he runs away laughing like a little kid.
Y/n: “JAKE SIM I DIDN’T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO STEAL A KISS FROM ME!” I said chasing him, I guess you could say our relationship turned into an enemies to lovers type of thing.
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finnsdead · 2 years
im just gonna rant about random shit and idc if you listen. so my earphones died so i cant listen to music or literally, anything. so imma just gonna write shit.
ex - so my ex is called lucas right, so he broke up with me because he cant do long distance and because he doesnt think hes polyam anymore. so today i was looking thru sc stories and i stumble across his story. and guess what it fucking is. A PARTNER APPLICATION. what a fucking liar. i hate him sm. anyways on to the next topic
another ex who im still 'friends' with - i dont wanna be his friend anymore, why? ill tell ya. 1) hes transphobic, even tho hes trans. like bro?? when he still thought he was cis, he misgendered one of our enby friends, raven. we only knew them online and never ever knew them when they went by she/her, yet my ex said something along the lines of "oh yeah raven, SHES pretty cool" and i was like wait a fucking minute. what. 2) he still tries to get into my love life. when hes my ex... like he told me i should break up with someone, and that "i should tell my other partners if i started dating someone else." when he was referring TO AN EX WHO I STARTED DATING BEFORE HIM?? bc i never mentioned that ex a lot. 3) he constantly tries to get in everyones shit and be friends with people 5+ years older than him. 4) he gets upset way too easily over the tiniest things. like normally that's fine but today he got upset... because i couldnt tell if he wad being serious or not....? so yeah hes fucking annoying.
more of a positive rant; Solitaire. - i really love this book like omfg its so good. im not gonna spoil it omfg. read it if you can.
anyways imma go read nick and charlie one my time and cry for the 3rd time tonight. Bye, love charlie xx
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Six.
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Life is so weird; I feel very weird. I sometimes sit here and think oh my god I am pregnant, I can’t believe at the age of twenty six I am going to be a mother. I’ve always wanted to be a young mother, but I wouldn’t have done it without the right man and Chris is that, he is the love of my life and I feel safe with him, I want a family with him. I am ready for that, but it’s so surreal and my excitement to be a mother, I just can’t wait. I want to hold my baby in my arms already, I feel so complete. I don’t feel drained today, I am very much lively, but I need to be, we are going home finally. I rushed through that last Puma meeting and told them it’s time for me to go home, everything else can be done on Skype and they know it. It’s time for me to rest and get ready to be a mother, spend time with Chris and enjoy this, I want to spend time with Chris. That is my major goal, I want to be involved in his business, I want him to know I care about him and care about what he does. My mother actually mentioned it to me, she said why am I still in London what about your husband, why aren’t you there for him. It’s unfair, I need to spend time with him, and I get where she is coming from and that is what I am going to do when I get back, help him progress in his business. Enough of me, it’s about him. It still makes me smile that he came here for me, I could just tell as much as I missed him he missed me and I love that about him, even though he can be stupid at times. I am so happy, even though he continues to undress me. That reminds me, sex needs to happen but like I find it so weird I don’t know, it needs to happen either way “I packed my suitcase, I come to help you now” I cooed out “you’re adorable, thank you. My feet hurt” I whined, with an added drama with that “then you rest, I can do it” he’s going to throw my clothes in the suitcase, I just know him “are you going to nicely put them in?” I questioned “I can, I can fold?” Nodding my head slowly, I guess I will try and trust him.
Chris is terrible, honestly he threw my things in the suitcase like it was nothing, but I just really couldn’t be bothered to say no to him, he offered so I let him do it, I don’t want to whine too much at him either about it “excited to go back home” walking behind him “mhmm yeah, with you yes. I am glad that we can finally just be a family. It sucks not having you around you know?” Poking my lips out “I know, well you got me now. I will be annoying you lots” grabbing his tee and pulling him back but he’s too strong for me as always “I’ll let you pull me back, what is it” he turned to me “nothing, I just can’t wait to annoy you so much. You’re going to hate me now I’m home” Chris placed his arm around my shoulder “you will never annoy me, I love you too much” I know he does “I just can’t believe that you’re actually pregnant, it’s weird to see you like this. When I see you come out of bed, when you’re just walking around in your own world I am sat there like, wow. This is really us, we are married and having a baby, wild isn’t it?” Chris is having a moment clearly “I know, at first I didn’t have that feeling of wanting to be a mother. I was just thinking of my career then you came into my life and all of a sudden I wanted to settle down, oh yeah. Let me wear your jacket, it is big. I don’t want anyone taking pictures of my bump, you never know at the airport, they love doing random checks. I haven’t said a word about this, so the world is on edge about me” I am going to be wearing baggy clothes for a while now.
I ended up wanting food, I was hungry, so they stopped at McDonald’s drive thru, I mean we didn’t need too but I wanted it. I am craving their fries for some reason “if this line doesn’t hurry up I am going to scream” I huffed out “girl relax, you have us in this queue for fries, the fuck. You’re lucky we are early” Mel is judging me “whatever, I want them now. Hey, Chris. Have you seen my lock screen picture?” turning my phone to him, he looked over at me. More like dragging his head away from his phone “you like it, don’t I look good though? I look sexy, say it? I am saying it my damn self. Marriage looks good on me” side eyeing Chris, Dennis takes good pictures. He looks so sexy, I had to use it on my lock screen “I was thinking” looking over at Chris, he is so deep in his phone “oi!?” I spat “what?” who is he saying what too “I am sorry, yes?” he is annoyed “what is wrong? Did I do something wrong?” he shook his head “no, just my ex annoying me, here you can read it” he passed me his phone “I have nothing to hide from you Robyn, I promise you” taking his phone “scroll to the top, she has a new number” I was about to ask but he answered me.
Seiko: Married for love or money!???
Chris: Who is this?
Seiko: The ex you left for that bitch! You loved me Chris, you said it with your own mouth! Everything you promised me you did it for her!!!! YOU NEVER WANTED KIDS!
Chris: Delete my number you fucked my friend and had his kid, we squashed this beef Seiko, FOH!
Seiko: Until I see you on the front page of Vogue!? And pregnant too, you liar. You was fucking her and me at the same time, you know what I will be talking! Idc!!!!
Chris: And say what?
Seiko: I have kept your old messages the love you ones asshole, every memory I have kept. I have your dick picture too
Chris: I have a big dick I don’t really care, leave me alone. Leak whatever you want. I love Robyn, you was just … there?
The conversation ended from there “are you kidding me?” What the fuck riled this bitch back up for what!? Block her and ignore her, I have already got this bitch a gag order and she needs to stop before her son and her go hungry. I am not having it, she leaks your shit Chris you tell TJ find a job, I am not feeding his family” I spat, I mean every word too “that is harsh” Chris mumbled “harsh!? She is fucking with my family, so I will fuck with hers. Ok? And why is this bitch texting you, god. I fucking hate women, listen. Block her, if she does leak a thing. You fire TJ and you can say it’s with love from me, no! I am not feeding her son and she talks shit, she will fucking learn” throwing Chris’ phone onto his lap “lioness” Mel said laughing “Chris has a whole team now, he doesn’t need them anyways. That has really annoyed me, trash just in his life. Chris, you can call me harsh, but I am right. You have a team so why is your friends hanging on your balls?” let me calm down “don’t be in my business Robyn ok? Just leave me and mines, she won’t leak shit. I am saying it nicely, stop” pulling a face at him, he is stupid.
Chris and his love for his friends is deep, he won’t speak to me now on the jet. He is sleeping so it’s whatever, what can I say but it angers me. The bitch really thinks she has a hold over us like that, I will kill her if she posts anything about Chris “she doesn’t know I am crazy, I will go there and I will fucking beat her ass, yes Mel I am still on it. I am on it still because how dare she do that, what gave her the right to threaten him. And then you see how he said leave me and mines, those friends were barely there when I was taking care of him, he has a new team. You tell me now Mel, why do people get a new team?” I questioned “when niggas don’t know how to act but let’s keep Barry out of it, my nigga needs a job” I chuckled “well if he gets in my way I will, Tina! Come here” I spat, she text me that she has news but can’t walk her ass over here “I am tired Rihanna” she said in a huff “well why text you have news, spill” Tina dragged her feet over to me “you have some Nominations” letting out an oh “oh really, please do tell” Tina sat next to Mel “Grammy nomination for Best urban contemporary album and best pop/group performance” clapped my hands “woo! I will take that, I am happy with that” I always do like a Grammy “time for you to do a thank you post” rolling my eyes “you are my assistant not my social media manager” Tina is annoying “I am helping you here, shall I just write a little thank you” nodding my head, I can’t be bothered with that.
Landing in LAX is a good feeling, I will be here for the foreseeable time now anyways, I guess I better kiss the jet bye “thank you” Rich took my bag from me, Chris rushed to the SUV. He has a face on with me because I said what I said, I don’t regret any of it. What I said was true, I am not feeding that bitch when she is doing that. Looking down at the caller I.D, my mother is calling. Answering the call as I got into the SUV “hello mother” Rich closed the door behind “how are you? Are you feeling less fatigue now, I worry about you, so please tell me how you are” I cooed out “I feel better mom, weird enough I feel less fatigue, more energy anyways. I feel like I am ready to do a whole performance” I joked “no, you just rest now. Are you home now?” my mother questioned “I am, just got off the jet. You worry too much, do not worry. I promise you that I am doing what you said” I will just say that because she keeps going on “good, just too much distance, too long. He was unwell for a while and he has therapy and you’re where? London, no. You stay with him now and you take care of him, you are a wife first now Robyn” rolling my eyes “mother I get it please, my life isn’t over” she is so old school “you have a husband and child Robyn, independent woman can wait” I chuckled “ok mom, I love you I need to go” time for me to go “you call me later, I mean it” I breathed out “ok mom, bye” disconnecting the call, she is terrible sometimes.
Chris is really quiet with me over his friends and it’s not even funny anymore “you should have sat in the back if you was going to be this quiet with me” I said to him “you just do too much sometimes, I am not that kind of guy to just tell my friends to go with no money, they was there for me” frowning at him “Chris, they are your friends I get it but she is coming at my family. She is threatening to expose you, what are you going to do? Just sit here and take it, is that it? I will come for her family like she is coming for mine, if that means TJ is getting it in the neck then it means it, your loyalty should should be with me Chris remember that” shaking my head at him “Robyn, I promise you now my loyalty to you is higher then what you think, I would drop them. Trust me, I have a lot on my mind right, I don’t like that I may need to get rid of them, ok sorry I snapped but I just have a lot on my mind” he finally can speak “say that to me instead of being quiet with me, no need to apologise I just rather you speak to me. I got angered that she is coming at you like that, I don’t want to argue with you so let’s just get on. Now that I am home, see what I said now that I am here” Robyn chuckled “you want to go back now?” I knew he would say that.
I haven’t really spent any time in this home, what is one night. So I am finally home, this is our home “what is it like now? Being in this home, do you like it?” this home is more Chris then me, I wanted the one with the fountain, much more extravagant but I rather he be comfortable “I love it, I was ok to stay here. The guy that did the security system was amazing, he showed me all the new gadgets. The bed is nice but I do like it, I am sure you will too. There is boxes around though, these are your things, also mine. I don’t know what is my part of the closet and yours, we still have things to do together” he is right we actually do “oh yeah-”I was about to tell him I got nominated for two Grammys but my phone started to ring, Jay Brown of course. Answering the call “hello, I am back in LA by the way” I mentioned “good but I just wanted to say congratulations! Two nominations, I am super happy for you but I do need to speak to you on something” here we go “I am listening and thank you” I added “Grammys, they have asked for you to perform. They want you to perform Stay and also to include you for the Bob Marley tribute, they have reached out to you. I said I will speak to her, it is down to what she would like to do” I groaned out “you know what, that tribute would come up when I am pregnant. I am not sure, by then I will be what six months or maybe five then. Then again it’s nothing big in regards to performance, I will think on it. I will discuss and get back to you” that is the best I can do “and I take that, speak soon” he disconnected the call “I just seen your post, baby. I am happy for you, congratulations” Chris has seen it “thank you poppa” locking my phone, turning in the seat “they want me to perform, I said I will thin on it but I really would like input. I am on the borderline, yes and no. Hide or don’t hide” I am stuck between those things, I want to do it, but I don’t want to do it.
Chris turned his phone to me “what is this?” squinting my eyes “I put you in my page, read what I wrote” seeing the picture first, tilting my head to the side “what was I doing there? Was I laying my head on your lap, I look so peaceful” I chuckled, he really took a picture of me just in my zone watching TV “ok sorry, I am so proud of you Robyn. I treasure every waking moment with you but to see how much you work hard for everything, to see you being awarded for it. You do deserve it baby, two nominations” I cooed out “thank you so much Chris, you think I work hard?” I raised an eyebrow “yeah, on a real. To begin with, I just was like she’s a singer. She can’t be busy; she tours and that is it. But sitting with you and being with you, you work hard, and you’re so hands on with it. But I miss you, I think I can learn from you though. Work hard and then you get to play hard, but I just miss you a lot, I miss you being there for me” nodding my head understanding “I get it and I am here now am I not? You got me now but what should I do about this performance, you tell me? I always like your advice anyways” Chris pulled a face not believing that I do “erm, I would. I don’t know, do it in Rihanna style, you want to do things your way, so I don’t know. Maybe you should go to the Grammys and without any warning, they see you’re pregnant and the day will be about you” I like the sound of that “you maybe right” I think that is good.
I breathed out seeing the bedroom, Chris never mentioned that he left the house as it was so the bed covers are just like he left them, slept in “bed is nice isn’t it?” he says this but doesn’t see the mess he left it in “yeah, about that. What happened? And the bathroom, you just left it. I can imagine the rooms are a mess” Chris shrugged “I hate clothes being on the floor Chris pick it up” he always does it, Chris wrapped his arms around my shoulder “I really want sex Robyn” he wants sex and he shows me a mess of a room “and I said soon, to turn me on it would be nice if the bedroom was spotless. The clothes, I thought we had a cleaner come out every week?” I am confused “she does but she didn’t come before I left and I told her nobody would be home so don’t come” men are a mess “fine, but I don’t feel horny Chris. Pick your clothes up, I seen your clothes in the corner of the bathroom too when exactly did the cleaner come?” how can he make this much mess “so she came and then we made the mess again and I told her to not come because I was away” he really expects me to feel horny, he is funny “I have the scan tomorrow you know, I changed the appointment, maybe if you help me clean then tomorrow we can you know” I will bribe him.
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chazisdead · 3 years
-10 Signs I Knew I Was Over Her-
1. I STOPPED CARING IF WE TALKED. This is where I really just felt like there was nothing there anymore. Like she just couldn’t hold a conversation or talk about her day or interests. I honestly don’t even know her that well but we’ve been together for a year and a half and she impacted my life more than any other person has. Grateful for that, but that’s one of the things that made me hold on.
2. SHE NEVER SHOWED/GAVE AFFECTION. So there was really nothing TO miss. Like honestly I can probably count with my fingers how many times we kissed that were memorable. She never kissed goodbye, when I left for work or vice versa, I think she only said ily to me like 4 times after I said it and probably never meant it. So that makes things easier, cause what am i really trying to forget? Idk
3. MOST OF THE RELATIONSHIP WAS LONG DISTANCE. Idk if it falls to that category she lived like 2 hours away and we seen each other often, but I guess that’s where OUR trust issues came in play, I’m not gonna put your past business with boyfriends but they weren’t good to her. Mine either. It’s the primary reason we didn’t know each other too well. Just used the time we had together to have a little date and sleep together. We also met on tinder lol
4. WE BOTH TALKED TO OLD FLINGS. Now I’m not innocent but in my defense unlike hers, I didn’t reach out to these people. I just replied, I mean I didn’t feel anything for Mackenzie anymore so why not? I did say I missed them, like who they were before and they aren’t that anymore. In her eyes she thought I missed her and wanted to be with her, not at all really. Also Kenner only messaged me because of her moody pregnancy phase... idk if anyone knows what that’s like. Maty reached out to the guy she used to fuck not date and in my eyes that’s all she wanted and our relationship wasn’t good enough.
5. WE STOPPED HAVING SEX. Well not completely but everything has been so stressful she just didn’t want to, I’m a guy idk how to explain it, I wanted to but I just didn’t mind if she didn’t want to anymore so that wasn’t there anymore either.
6. I DIDNT CARE IF SHE FOUND SOMEONE NEW. honestly I should have left her alone I didn’t know the guys she talked to she met in dating sites but now t doesn’t affect me. Idc if she moved on and idc what she thinks of me and my girl
7. WE NO LONGER WERE EXCITED TO SEE EACHOTHER. I honestly did not care if I didn’t see her some days and some days I missed her but it wasn’t consistent. She was like a friend I could live without.
8. I BEGAN TAKING INTEREST IN SOMEONE ELSE. Idk she was cute and funny and innocent and she’s nothing like Maty. Jas is like, something else and I knew I was done with Maty for good. She wasn’t what I wanted for a long time.
9. I DO NOT HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER. I really like, I don’t miss her or want to fix whatever damage I did because it was intentional this time around.
10. LIFE FEELS BETTER. Idk if it is or isn’t yet but it has been good to me, sort of. Tbh she just gave me a lot of stress and she made me become another person. No more manipulation or being told everything I do is wrong. I don’t regret what we had but I don’t care if we never talk again.
-I wish it ended this way but she would grow and I had to move on-
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
sanjivani 13.03.20 lb
i’m not doing the whole screenshot thing coz it’s waaaaay too much effort than i can be arsed for this bloody show anymore.
also i read the episode blurb and am already mad af. ugh, let’s just do this and get it the fuck over with.
these ppl actually believe that sid tried to kidnap ishani. sure. the marela thakela dude who just had major brain surgery 2 days ago and hasn’t done jack for god knows how long is suddenly mr. proactive. uh huh.
this fucking shady mama-mami. tf are they getting outta this anyway?????? (i suppose i’d know if i bothered watching the show, but lol naaah, idc.)
sis finally does the right thing and speaks her heart out and is like “yeah actually i’d like to make this relationship work.” der aayi par durust aayi.
ainvayi ka tension ramp up with condition and all.
ugh. honestly. where did all this coffee endorsement get this stupid show. i bet the trps actually went down after they started this bs.
husband is all giddily in love with her and still walking around with holi colours she applied on his face. god i love dudes who are stupidly in love with their wives. 
ishani really needs some kinda deep conditioning treatment coz sis your hair is looking fried as fuckkkkkkkkk. like jeez, at least put some argan oil on it or something?!?!
husband is tooooooo good of a human being. wants to go give his wife’s “kidnapper” his medicines in jail. matlab hadhhhhh hai acchaai ki, sir!
shady mama put an end to that, i guess.
ishani ne kasam kha rakhi hai ki jab bhi shaadi ka joda pehenegi aisi sadddddi hui shakal ke saath hi. teesri baar hai sis, kabhi toh khush hua karo.
ok she’s pulling herself outta it. but kya faayda. *sigh*
lmaooooooooooooo rahil got arrested with sid? for what?????
lol sid asking the police to “just let us go”. sure, that’s how it works. are we sure that tumour was fully removed????
finally dimaag ki batti jali. god i can’t believe how much they ruined this dude’s character.
also damn i got over my crush on namit quick and his voice is really annoying me rn. how tf am i suppose to go back to YPNTKH now?????
lmao these police waale actors reallllll bad.
lol i can’t believe the police dude is getting spooked by this one dude who just got out of brain surgery and has a huge bandage on the back of his head, and the other one is like 4 feet tall. rahil i love you, but being threatening is not something you can do, lol.
ishani idhar abhi bhi dharam sankat mein. ouffffffffffff. 
more nescafe endorsement. bedagarak ho inka. achche khaase show ko 20 min ka coffee ad bana rakha hai.
ok just all round badddddd acting in these scenes with namit and the real/fake police. fwding.
husband is a real good dude and does not deserve to be in this show’s universe. poor guy. this is his purgatory. someone freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee himmmmmmm.
ishani’s spidey senses still tingling for sid. ughhhhhhhhhhhh.
blah blah blah fwding shaadi nonsense. jab honi hi nahi hai toh kaaahe ka time waste.
also the police just literally waltzed into the mandap to do khuspus in nv’s ear. matlab kuchhhhhhhhhh bhi chal raha hai yahan pe.
lo ji sid rahil bhi haazir.
ok truth is all out now.
cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool, ishani ke maa baap ka bhi mami mami only did kaand. for what reason, who tf knows or cares anymore?!?!
ishani’s two boy toys uniting to take down evil mama mami. chalo ji, yeh trope bhi ho gaya.
husband got shot in the hand for his achchaai in trying to save sid. no good deed goes unpunished in tellywood, and thus this man will have to suffer more than anyone else here. 
sid standing like a sulky toddler in one corner. lord the way they ruined this characterrrrrrrrrr. main kabhi maaf nahi karoongi.
i realllllllllly do not care for this dumbass expository conversation. just get it the fuck over with.
lol now both of them are angstily crying over........ their mutual crush on mr singh and his unlimited achchaai?
mr singh is here to talk sense into everyone’s heads, as per usual.
lmaooooooooooooooo @ sid awkwardly standing here listening to this conversation about all this mohabbat mr singh has for ishani.
blah blah blah khatam karo yaaaar, sar phataa jaa raha hai. ‘
ok this took a weird-ish turn and lol i am sid, awkwardly lingering here like “should i go or like... mera yahaan hone ka kuch matlab bhi hai??”
haaan lucky toh hai siddhant. who tf comes out of a coma with a brain tumour and still survives and regains all his motor functions back IMME-FUCKING-DIATELY?????? a “lucky” medical miracle, that’s whom.
blah blah blah, kar diya mr singh ne apni biwi ka kanyadaan uske aashiq ko. no one even bothered to give her time to like sit down and really think about what she wanted to do with her life after all these chaotic revelations. bas passed her over from one man to another like she’s some kinda property. cool. patriarchy zindaabaaad.
that’s the most bhai-behen-ly hug i have ever seen. dupatta phaad ke raakhi baand le isko, behen.
lmao at least kunal got to cheese it up in the last shot. good for him.
ok now fuck this i’m off to watch the new ep of brooklyn nine nine. i deserve it as a reward for sitting through this bullcrap.
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lovestruckbpd · 4 years
i shared w/ my therapist the other day abt all the shit w/ k and d and how it still affects me to this day despite the worst of it happening a whole year ago, i just explained how it still affects me and how frustrating it is i still always compare myself to d when it shouldnt bother me now that i dont care abt k romantically anymore. my therapist tells me its all bothering me cuz ive never told d or k, and she continued to try to say how it would help despite me trying to fucking explain it wouldnt bc its fucking AT WORK and im not abt to bring up personal shit from a year ago in a work environment!!!!!! its shit im not even suppose to know abt!!! (the stuff that happened between k and d) like! fuck! ok! not to mention its stuff thats so deeply affected me, its not a simple “i liked him but he liked u and i was jealous!” its self hatred and self harm and making bad decisions over feeling like shit bc an fp liked someone else.......it ruined me
so then i tell my therapist how i still like k’s attention and mildly seek it out, whether its actually talking to him or literally just annoying him for An Interaction, positive or sorta negative attention idc rly i just like having interactions. when he was my fp i would be brutally careful what i said to him or near him in fear of bothering him or messing up my words but now i have no filter at all and honestly? its amusing and i like messing w/ it to further distance myself from how emotionally he held me captive before if that makes sense. 
anyways. my therapist said i should try to becomes friends w/ k since i like to talk to him and like his attention and i immediately said no for an assortment of reasons, all she didnt wanna hear cuz she says i always find excuses when she tells me stuff i should do. she was literally like “im not gonna argue w/ u” but uh. im not doing that!!!! 1. k doesnt like mixing work and his outside social life (d was an only exception cuz he was into her, but that is Not the case here) 2. im FINE w/ our current relationship, whatever it is. we have our moments of kinda-friends and i dont mind just sometimes interacting and talking, i will say i get jealous when he talks to others at work but thats just How I Be and talking to him MORE wont fix that. we have a casual work relationship and thats fine. sure my attachment lingering gets frustrating sometimes but fueling the fire wont help me 3. being friends was something i deeply deeply longed for when he was my fp, im not abt to go do that now that hes not my fp? it feels... wrong? off? something like that 
tl;dr: my therapist tried giving me some advice that didnt add up to my needs/wants and she didnt listen to me when i tried explaining why it wouldnt work or make sense, insisting i do it anyways and saying i always find excuses (even if theyre valid ones.)
now im at a loss of what to do cuz ik in our nxt session shes gonna be like wtf here u go again not listening to me again and pulling ur excuses. the fuck. :///??
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carbootsoul · 4 years
things to do in quarantine!
i hadn’t seen a list like this yet and i thought that was kind of odd. we’re all stuck inside the house for who knows how long, which means (as my girlfriend is stressing) we are all going to have to get some fucking hobbies. this list is a bit long so:
-friendship bracelets! embroidery thread works best (i have a lot left over from my brief embroidery stint when i was younger) but i think you could do it with other kinds of string! you can find a lot of patterns here, and they’re all free! my favorites are 1, 2, and 3
-amigurumi, which is making stuffed animals out of crocheting. this doesn’t work great if you don’t have any crochet hooks, but if you’re living with your parents or with any crafty friend, they’re likely to have some. this website has a ton of patterns (i’ve linked the free ones, but they have even more for ~4/5 dollars). personally, i’m really excited abt this plant.
-itch.io games. itch.io has TONS of free games, as long as you have a computer that can handle like, stardew valley, you’ll be able to find something that works. my favorites are butterfly soup, the bird museum, and cheeky chooks, but just browsing through any tag will give you so many things to play. also, if you’re not up for downloading stuff, not only does itch.io have browser games, but you can always come back to coolmathgames.com
-draw some stuff!! on paper with a pencil (a novel idea, i know). here are some idea generators! alternatively, on your computer/tablet. pixilart is a free to use, online pixel art tool, and aseprite is a downloadable tool. aseprite is the best out there, but it’s $15 if you can’t compile it yourself. finally, krtita is an open source alternative to photoshop that works pretty well, imho.
-make a game. i know you can do it. a lot of these game makers aren’t super difficult to use, but require you to sink a few hours into them to figure out what’s going on. perfect for quarentine! whether you’re making a visual novel, a text adventure, a retro gameboy ROM, or just a quiz, it’s a way to kill time and there’s nothing more satisfying than Making Something. 
-start working out- i know it’s intimidating, but you don’t know how much exercise you get just by walking around until you are stagnant in your bed all day. here’s an illustrated guide for workouts designed for transmasc people (i use this!), and here’s an article about working out without equipment. please try to do something. you will feel so much less greasy, even if all you do is stretch and walk around a bit before showering. 
-bake some things! bread is yummy and a classic but unless you’re used to it, it probably won’t work out how you want it to. that doesn’t stop me from trying tho! kneading and mixing are both good ways to get your stress out. i’ve been compulsively making snickerdoodles, too. @butchhousewife has almost a whole blog full of vegetarian recipes that you can browse through.
-waste your time with phone games, too. games aren’t limited to computers and consoles! i bet you thought phone games were just mindless things you did to kill time. well, you thought RIGHT but ALSO WRONG. my favorites are adorable home, seabeard, good pizza great pizza, and dadish. also, download an nds (i use this one. i think it’s like $7 but you can play ace attorney and animal crossing. think of how much those would cost normally) and a gameboy emulator while you’re at it and nab some ROMS. remember, it’s not piracy because these games aren’t available anymore and also fuck capitalism. 
-write fanfiction. idc if you write all the time of if it’s been years or if you’re a “shit writer” i literally Do Not Care. find something a concept you love (50s diners. sitting on roofs and stargazing. lazy mornings with a girl you love.) and write abt the characters you love. post it on AO3 because lets be honest, wattpad is a biiit trash. 
-the useless web. 
-try to stay connected with your friends! this might seem dumb but believe me, we’re social creatures. these next few weeks without any touch are going to SUCK. do what it takes. snap them. facetime. even just a good morning text. maybe get more creative! watch movies together with kast (the rabbit replacement? idk tell me how it works) and videos with rave, play some co-op stardew valley, or new horizons when it comes out. without is an app for long-distance couples, but now ALL couples are long-distance because you can’t leave your house! also whatever the fuck touchroom is. it seems cute. 
-practice all that self-care you never had the time for. clean your room (@unfuckyourhabitat has some tips here). take a bath (or, if you don’t have a bath, sit on the floor of your shower and pretend you are anywhere else). masturbate. online underwear window shop (meundies, adoreme, and aeire are some of my favs) just for the excuse to look at happy women in fancy bras. make yourself some kind of meal and drink water. sit naked in front of a mirror and compliment what you see (or work up to that! you’ve got time).  remember that these weeks will be hard. do your best.
-read!. if you’ve got a stockpile of books-i-need-to-read GREAT. read them. otherwise, read this lesbian erotica that is inexplicably also a cosmopolitan article, or this article about lesbians and also hands. or ebooks on any of these free book websites. or fanfiction (again, linking ao3 because wattpad embodies all the worst parts of my life). if audio is more your thing, this is an article with links to free audiobooks. or try podcasts! i’m a huge proponent of the gay ones. try wtnv, the penumbra podcast, the magnus archives, and wolf 359.
-bonus! likely you will have things you need to do while quarentined, whether it’s homework, things for work, or just brushing your teeth and showering. habitica is a free productivity game that rewards you for finishing those tasks! it’s super cute and it works. 
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