#even if someone did have a crush on him he'd just end up drowning in De Nile
mintaikk · 4 months
When they were teens, Blitzø was definetly the type of guy to complain thst no one had a crush on him while Fizz, currently crushing on Blitzø, just sat there looking at him like this
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ihrtsevyn · 6 months
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GENRE fluff, headcanons, idol au, slightly suggestive.
SYNOPSIS what your idol life would be like dating ni-ki :)
WARNINGS slightly suggestive but nothing sexual considering he's still a minor as am i, a bit of angst, talks of insecurities, mainly fluff :)
PAIRING nishimura riki x gender neutral!reader
WC 3.3k
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You first met at GDA (Golden Disc Awards). Your group was on a constant uprise since the moment you debuted. Everyone in the KPOP industry knew your group, it'd be impossible not to after being featured on the cover of multiple magazines, constantly being front row at fashion shows, as well as being the face of countless brands.
Niki knew of your group but never really had the time or interest to look more into it until your performance.
He was truly mesmerized by you when you popped on the big screen for your mini solo. Your visual, and your voice, enchanted him like no other. His lips would slightly part while his unwavering gaze softened whenever you appeared even if it was for just a split second.
And once the dance break started an unknowing smile would appear on his face. although barely noticeable, it still surprised his members as they're so used to him remaining stoic throughout performances.
Your performance ended much quicker than he'd like, he felt as if he was stuck in this euphoric like state watching you move and having it end so abruptly covered him in unmistakable dread. Still he didn't hesitate to stand up from his seat and give applause with everyone else once the lights dimmed.
Once everyone cleared the stage and the announcers were back to keep the crowd entertained, niki's eyes darted amongst the rows of seats where other idols resided, patiently waiting to see you again.
Niki watched as your group got closer, bowing to your higher-ups and smiling while waving to your close friends. He along with his members stood up to reciprocate your bows. Niki's eyes laser-focused on yours hoping you'd make eye-contact with him, which you did.
It was only for a split second but in that moment he felt his heart skip a beat, your warm smile along with your shimmering eyes made him feel like he was walking on air. He could feel the breath leave his lungs as you passed by him, it's as if your gaze casted a spell on him making his legs stiff and feet glued to the ground.
He didn't even realize that everyone around him sat back in their seats and had averted their attention back to the stage. Well, not until Jake pulled him down by his wrist.
"something catch your eye?" "or more so, someone?"
His members teasing him completely flew in one ear and out the other, he wanted to just drown out all of his surroundings and focus on you but he knew how certain fans could get and instead decided on training his eyes back to where they should be.
Throughout the evening his eyes would drift back to the back of your head, being ever so pleased when you'd slightly tilt your head enough so he could see your smile. It was obvious he had taken a liking to you, so with the help of his hyungs during the commercial break they pushed him over to your direction.
He smoothed out his blazer before standing up straighter and making his way towards you. One of your members noticed him coming before you did, nudging you discreetly before tilting their head in his direction with raised eyebrows.
You looked over to find him making his way over, his eyes pointed at you only, making you freeze momentarily before standing out of your seat.
— it's not obvious just in passing but to his members and yours it's extremely evident of his unrelenting crush on you.
— he's very attentive to you. if you're ever on a variety show together he'll do his best to keep a respectful distance but his attention will barely stray away from you.
— a small smile will creep up on his face as he watches you tell a funny story with such excitement. his eyes will follow you across the room as you hit one of the hosts across the head with one of those giant red hammers. and he'll cover his face with a shy grin when you're forced to do aegyo, laughing as he finds you so adorable while you're cringing at your own overbearing forced cuteness.
— he likes to do dance practices together. teaching you their new choreography step by step. laughing at your demise whenever you trip over your own feet or freeze in the middle of the choreo.
— he actually enjoys whenever you mess up, it gives him an excuse to get closer to you and 'fix' your mistakes.
— he'll come up behind you, towering over you as he moves your arms and hands along with his. he'll lean in, whispering in your ear with one of his arms around your waist.. "make sure to keep your core firm." while resting his hand over your abdomen.
— he'll suddenly detach himself with a teasing smirk, feeling accomplished at making you flustered. "alright, ready to redo it again?" he'll ask as if he didn't make the largest swarm of butterflies thrash around throughout your body.
— he'll follow close by you. he'll either hover over your shoulder to see what you're doing on your phone, or just linger by to be around you. but most of the time it's done unintentionally because of how naturally drawn to you he is.
— throws away inkigayo sandwiches. if he ever overhears an idol saying they're gonna give you one of those sandwiches, he's very quick to interfere. it's petty, yes and a bit toxic of him to block his peers from interacting with you but he just doesn't want to have to compete for your attention, especially if it's with another male.
— buys you small trinkets. he'll off-handedly give you a keychain with pochacco on it and say it reminded him of you. he's always quick to avert his gaze during these small moments, shoving his hands in his jacket pocket while anxiously waiting for your response.
— he'll always bite back a smile at your excited rambles as you talk about how you were "just thinking about sanrio" before attaching the keychain to your bookbag.
— anytime he sees you flaunting around his gifts in public or a new dispatch photo showing you wearing it he'll feel a sense of pride swell in his chest. he's even watched clips of your lives where you'll read out a question asking "where'd you get that cute bracelet?" watching with pure adoration as you fidget with the bracelet before one of your soft shy smiles appears on your face. "my friend gave it to me :)."
— practices your choreography. during late hours into the day after he's done all of the practice for his group's choreo, he'll stay back and practice yours.
— he'll deny any and all teasing if one of his members catches him humming your groups song, specifically your chorus while softly mimicking your movements during his regular day to day.
— he'll even surprise you during one of your bi-weekly dance practices together. getting flustered and hiding his face at your loud claps and boisterous cheers as he finishes off the dance perfectly.
— sends you tik toks. sometimes it's core videos of you and he'll attach a laughing emoji or a comment saying "ur so weird", other times it'll be a cute video of your assigned animal doing something goofy and he'll send it saying "you."
— there has been a handful of times where he'll randomly stumble across an edit of yours. he never scrolls pass them, always watching them in full and maybe even a few times again before silently saving them into a private folder on his tik tok saves, never to see the light of day or anyone else's eyes.
— truly doesn't realize how down bad he is until he's up at 2am, smiling with a toothy grin and lightly laughing at an edit of you to twice's 'look at me'. "so cute..." he'd murmur before scrolling up and quickly back down to watch the edit again and again and again...
— describes you as his ideal type. whenever asked about his ideal type or celebrity crush he'll always describe your physical features and characteristics and might even name a celebrity that has your type of likeness.
— a shy smile will be on his face while he avoids eye-contact with the interviewer, the only thing popping up in his head are fantasies of you. your hair, your eyes, your lips. all things niki's attracted to. while, most girls are excited to hear the list of attributes that they think align with their features, none of them will ever truly match up to you in his eyes.
— wants you to like him. if you describe your ideal type and it doesn't exactly align with who niki is, he'll get a bit sulky.
— he won't do much to change his appearance because he likes the way he looks, the most he'll do is add a bit more color into his wardrobe if that's something you're into. if you like a lot of jewelry, he'll add on a few more rings and bracelets. but other than that niki won't do much to change who he is, he'll just try to find a way to shift your romantic interest into more of who he is.
— if he sees you eyeing his necklaces or if you compliment his style in any way he'll genuinely be overjoyed. whatever jacket you liked on him, he'll start to wear it more. you liked his hair being part a certain way? he'll post a bed or mirror selca on weverse with his hair just to your liking. you liked his skull ring? you'll see it adorning his finger more often than any other piece of jewelry, it now being noticeable in nearly every photo he takes. if you weren't so oblivious you'd see him fishing for your attention more than anyone else and realize he likes you just as much as you like him.
— compliments that sound like scolding. the way he compliments you almost sounds like he's annoyed or angry with you.
— if you ever feel the slightest bit insecure of your appearance he's very quick to shut down any and all self-deprecating thoughts, and loudly. saying phrases like...
— "ya! what are you talking about? you'd pull it off so well."
— "shut up, you know you look good."
— is a relentless tease. he genuinely will never let up with his teasing but it's nearly unbearable when he's in the crushing stage. he'll laugh in your face and start mocking you if you stumble over your words, he'll find memes of you where you look unflattering and spam them to your inbox when he misses you but doesn't feel like saying it verbally. if you ever have a moment where you forget choreo on stage or your voice cracks he'll send the clip to you or mock you right in your face.
— if he ever feels like he might've gone too far with his taunts he'll dial it down a few notches and hold off on teasing you for a while.
— he likes seeing you annoyed at him because you always sport a cute pout on your face that makes his heart flutter. he never wants to push you pass your limits and have you actually become upset at his antics or distance yourself away from him.
— if anything he full on encourages you to tease him back. he believes you'll have a stronger bond with each other if you're comfortable enough to make certain jokes about each other together.
— he's so nervous to ask you out. he really likes you, as a friend and as a romantic partner so he's extremely irritable throughout the entire process. he knows that this question could change your relationship for the better or for the worse and that just makes things so much more nerve-wracking.
— he planned on asking you out at one of your dance practices together. just you and him, no other choreographer, no other teammates to bug you both, just the two of you. alone. together.
— he's so much quieter throughout the practice, so you can tell he has something prodding at his mind. he's jumpier and has been repeatedly rubbing his palms on his sweatpants.
— after confronting him halfway through the practice niki will just blurt out his feelings for you in quick jumbled rambles. quietly asking after his tangent "will you- or do you maybe wanna go out with me?" all while fiddling with the long sleeves of his jacket.
— of course you said yes, which made him ecstatic. shy giggles and playful smiles were sent to each other throughout the rest of the practice before you finally decided to wrap up for the night.
— a small innocent hug to seal your departure away from each other made his heart nearly beat out of his chest and the butterflies in his stomach to reach down to his toes and to the base of his throat. he was barely successful at containing all of his excitement until he got back to the dorms.
— his hyungs already know what happened by the wide grin on his face and bounce in his step when he re-enters the dorm.
— niki had a date! and possibly a significant other :)
— it took quite some time for you to plan your date because of you misaligned schedules but after a few stressful days of running rampant and trying to figure out a proper time, the both of you decided on a nice movie night at his dorm.
— he's so displeased that he's unable to take you on a normal cute date because of dispatch and saesangs possibly ratting you guys out, but you're quick to reassure him and let him know you're happy to do anything with him, which relieves him quite a lot. ( he silently promises to you and himself that he'll take you on a real extravagant fancy date one day. )
— engenes have noticed an uptick in niki's mood. he seems happier, more playful, and more feral than he's usually been in recent activities.
— and it's all because of you!
— now that you're together, he can't go a day without speaking to you. on his breaks he'll spam your inbox non-stop until you reply. management had to confiscate your phone one time because it kept buzzing during an interview.
— his texts usually consisting of 'hey' 'imu' ' :D :D :D' '*photo attachment of two cats* us' 'tell ___ hyung/noona i said hi' 'i saw ur weverse post.' 'u look ugly today 😒' 'jk jk jk' 'pls don't kill me'
— bursts out laughing randomly. he does it a lot, especially on live and it's usually because he haphazardly remembered an inside joke between the two of you.
— secret touches. he loves to initiate small signs of affection in public. it gives him a bit of a thrill knowing there's so many cameras and people watching but none of them know what's happening between the two of you.
— he'll softly graze a hand on your back when moving past you on stage with other idols, winks at you when you make a split second of eye-contact, briefly caresses your hand with his when passing by each other backstage.
— he loves laughing at your flustered reaction after he does something bold. like when you were filming a tik tok together for your latest comeback.
— your group gathered together around the camera with enhypen on the other side, you and niki pushed to the far back.
— the whole time you couldn't focus on whatever your leader had been explaining enthusiastically to the camera because niki's hand that was resting on your lower-back had traveled down to your butt, ever so lightly patting it with a steady rhythm.
— you nearly forgot your lines when it became your turn to talk and had to focus on not stumbling over your lines. you could see the smirk on niki's face out of the corner of your eye but didn't say anything until the cameras were off and your managers were occupied.
— physical affection. if you're in his vicinity he needs to be touching you in some kind of way. he's not one to be physically affectionate in public or even around the members, but he'll still try to initiate some type of contact with you.
— in public spaces it'll be minuscule acts of affection, so small that no one would even blink an eye at you two. his knee barely leaning against yours as you sit next to each other, or his elbow just barely touching the skin of your arm when he stands next to you.
— when the two of you are around your members and no one else he's a bit more touchy. resting his head on top of yours, fiddling with your clothes, entangling his legs with yours when you're sat on the same couch, and maybe even a small kiss on the cheek if he's feeling bold enough.
— when the two of you are alone he can't keep his hands off of you. you two rarely ever get moments alone so when you do you make the most of it.
— he'll lay his entire body on top of you and stay there even if you plead with him to get off because you feel like you're being crushed. he'll just ignore your cries and nuzzle his head further into the crook of your neck. good luck trying to escape.
— is obsessed with the size difference between you two. loves to compare hand sizes, bending the tips of his fingers over the tops of yours. in dance practice he'll gaze at your smaller figure next to his in the big mirrors and just smile to himself.
— whenever you wear any article of clothing that is oversized it makes his heart melt, he'd much rather prefer you wear his clothing tho.
— he'll take off-guard pictures of you drowning in his clothes and just keep them for his eyes only. looking at the pics whenever he starts missing you.
— collects your photocards. he was hooked after being gifted a signed mini album from your leader where he just so happened to pull your photocard. he gave away all of the inclusions that didn't include you to his other members but kept whatever had your face on it.
— now the both of you exchange albums after every comeback and unbox them in-front of each other.
— truly getting excited when you pull each other's photocards and extremely sulky when you pull someone else's. ( i fully believe at some point he has snatched a sunoo photocard from your hands with his teeth. )
— self-care days. those rare days where you two cuddle up in matching pajamas in one or the other dorms with junk food surrounding you have created the best memories for the two of you.
— after long days constantly working with very limited bits of sleep, you two deserve to just spend time together, and the way you two do it is by doing nothing with each other.
— painting each other's nails, wearing face masks, gossiping together, and cuddling up together under a mountain of blankets while a random variety show plays in the background.
— those are the times where he's the most affectionate. nudging his nose against yours as a silent plead for a kiss, and once he does get what he wants he'll be reluctant to let go. always going back for more and lingering longer than the last.
— supportive. whenever your group wins an award he's one of the first people to stand up while clapping, biting back the cheesiest grin while he watches your eyes gloss up in shock.
— he likes to promote your groups music, if you ever come out with a solo he'll slyly mention it by posting a list of songs he's been listening to, yours standing proudly at the top of the list.
all in all he truly loves you, and can't wait for the day you two reveal your relationship to the public and he no longer has to hide his overbearing adoration for you. <3
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a/n: i yapped a lot in this so i had to shorten it down lol sorry. HTGTG CHAPTER THREE (and possibly 4) WILL BE POSTED TMMRW <3 !!
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 10 months
Can Jay read me to sleep pls? Family holidays mean I need comfort
Same. This fucking blows. Here's not that, but some Jason anyway.
"Stephanie," Dick said taking a head count of the assembled ladies in the party, "where is Y/N? We seem to be missing one particularly charming beauty-"
"Is she not-" Stephanie looked around the crush and bit her lip, "Oh dear."
Dick traded looks with Tim as Cass glanced at Jason who's Jaw had tensed as he scanned the crowd. "What happened?"
"She must have stepped away for a moment. She said she wasn't feeling well and Miss Vivian and Mr. Graham- you know how very proud they are of their library-"
Jason felt his heart kick up a notch. The Library. Right next to the room where a bunch of lecherous old fools and idiotic young dandies would be drowning their common sense and their manners at the gaming tables with appalling amounts of alcohol. And you were by yourself?
That would never do. Before he could think, or even grab one of his sisters to drag with him, he's gone. Not entirely sure how or why he feels like you need to be protected but. Hell if he's going to let some old codger ruin you and then make you out to be a scheming little harlot.
He wound his way up the stairs and through the hall, forcing himself not to run. But the relief that washed over him when he realized you were still alone- it was short-lived.
"Y/N?" he called softly. The room was dim but for a the moon and the streetlamp's light coming through the window. "Are you-"
"I'm quite alright, I just- I'm sorry, Mr. Todd. I'll rejoin the party in a moment."
Jason edged closer the the sound of your voice, leaving the door ajar and took a deep breath. You didn't sound alright. You sounded desperately unhappy. And it needled. "Jason," he corrected, gently.
"I-I don't think-"
"I think," he said, forcing himself to keep his tone light as he worked toward your voice, "That my sisters will never stop scolding me if I don't give you permission to just call me Jason." You'd tucked yourself in a dark little corner, obviously intending to have a little cry, a sulk, or maybe just... a moment's peace but. He couldn't feel bad about interrupting you.
Not when you looked so much like a painting. Three weeks since he'd seen you. And all he could think about was how lovely you would look with a garnet necklace. And some less gentlemanly part of his brain added 'and nothing else'. Making him grateful for the darkness in the room so you couldn't see him blush.
"If you're sure-"
"Quite sure," he said, kneeling in front of your chair and offering a fresh handkerchief. "Don't cry, wildflower," he said, "Whatever it is-"
"It seems like every time we talk all I do is cry or faint," you murmur.
"Sometimes you make very funny jokes," he said. "Did someone ruin your slippers? Do I need to send Stephanie after them?"
"No I-" You break off and shake your head, "It's not serious. I shouldn't trouble you with it I just. I guess I'm being foolish-"
Before he could stop himself Jason gripped your free hand and bent his head to kiss it, "If you were being foolish you'd be crying in front of everyone and causing a scene," he said. He didn't add that you were foolish to be alone. Not now. Not when he was so close and the room was so quiet you hardly needed to do more than whisper. "Tell me?"
"I-it's going to sound so terrible."
"I promise it won't." Last night he'd tracked a murder suspect. And the night before he'd had to question a grieving widow.
"I- my Aunt and Uncle have decided that I'm to pay them back for my room and board. Which means that at the end of this Season I'll have no money and I just- what else is there?"
And when you start to cry in earnest, hiding your face in your hands, trying to make yourself smaller for comfort, Jason feels his heart twist. "Don't cry," he pleaded. "What else is there? Wildflower-" He stopped and pulled your hands from your face, tilting your chin up carefully and as he wiped your face, he couldn;t help it.
The air was thick. So heavy and full of the scent of your perfume that if he didn't do something- anything- Before he knew it his lips were claiming yours.
Not as tenderly as he wanted. Or as chastely. But when you squeak in surprise and then... melt. He can't stop. He just can't. You taste exactly as good as you smell. And your lips- like ripe, sweet fruit. All he can do is keep going.
And it's not untl he hears a crash that anything else registers at all.
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shadykazama · 4 months
Did you get a request? It's headcanons for Haarlep, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor accidentally confessing to their gender neutral crush who likes them too. Thanks!
Sure thing! Sorry I took so long 🥲
Haarlep, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor accidently confessing...
Haarlep ❤️‍🔥
Was it even an accident? He's very calculated, wins every game he plays- at least in HIS eyes he wins and that's all that matters~
After you come to the house of hope and Raphael is dead, Haarlep goes back to his old master, Mephistopheles. But an archdevil like that rarely has need for an Incubus like him, so he's mostly free to play.
He uses your glamour often, but it's simply not the same as tasting your flesh himself.
He'd visit you every now and then, to get a "refreshment" on you, since you were so very sought after by his hellish clientele.
But one night in the midst of a mind numbing session, he let's slip, "Oh little mouse, if I could take you back to the hells and feast from you each night, I would~"
You'd both pause, and he'd make a perfectly surprised expression, complete with wide eyes and a hand covering his open mouth. His tail curled up deviously.
Whether his exaggerated expression was to cover up his own surprise or the fact that he'd planned to say it all along- you'll never know, but suffice to say the course of your relationship became much more... intense after that.
Dammon 💙
After the savior of Baldur's Gate told everyone who'd been supplying their gear on their adventures, Dammon was flooded with work!
He honestly couldn't thank you enough- but at the same time, there was a part of him that missed being your go-to. He rarely saw you these days, too collapsed with work to see you for long whenever you'd drop by.
But as fate would have it, he'd gotten a break on the very same day you'd decided to drop by.
Despite the promise of work, Dammon's eyes lit up upon seeing you, and he quickly wiped the sweat from his brow to greet you properly.
He was shocked to find however, that you hadn't come to ask anything of him. Rather, you'd remembered from one of your conversations that he'd said he loves the smell of a certain rare flower. That it would become more potent in the heat of his shop, and drown out the smell of iron and sweat. Aaand you'd just so happened to come across a few on your latest journey.
He'd laugh as he took them from you, holding them to his nose to take in the smell.
"Ah just as lovely as I remember, but not half as lovely as you, I'm afraid..."
Just as soon as the words left his lips, his cheeks lit up brighter than his furnace.
Despite your surprise, you still manage an endeared smile, he ends up scattering to apologize but you cut him off with a kiss.
Rolan 💜
Getting saved by you was starting to get old
You were just some stupid adventurer!
Some stupid, reckless, brave, incredibly hot adventurer.
So when his newly found position as the owner of Sorcerer's Sundries was threatened by some idiot who opened an entire wall of cursed tomes...
He shouldn't have been surprised that you showed up.
You were either messing with him or had some divine luck of being wherever someone needed help- ESPECIALLY when it was him. You were there on each of the worst days of his life recently, like some haunting good luck charm.
He grimaced as he watched you. This would take hours to clean up- but at least the entire building wasn't destroyed.
And here you came, sauntering up with that shit eating smirk to proclaim how lucky he was that you were dropping by today for a specific book.
And 'ohh he could give it to you for free as a reward~'
He couldn't roll his eyes harder, but he also couldn't help the smile that played his lips at your dramatic antics.
He didn't know what compelled him, but he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on your lips, pulling back with a victorious smirk and a blush on his cheeks.
"There's your reward, hero~ You can pay for the book."
Zevlor 🧡
He'd left them. Gods he couldn't believe it.
In his own stupor of glory he'd left his people to the absolute's mercy.
How many died? He wondered, as he made his way out of the mind flayer colony.
He'd been saved, but did he deserve it? It didn't matter- he had people to protect right now and this time he wouldn't fail.
He greeted his people with relief- and with shame. His apologies could be endless, but what he did he could never forgive himself for.
"Zevlor?" A voice called out softly amongst the crowd.
His head tilted up in recognition, hope bubbling anxiously in his chest.
And there he saw you. His heart soared, and then sank all at once.
Out of everyone he'd meant to protect- everyone he'd failed, you were the one that stood at the forefront of his mind.
His head hung in shame as he greeted you, but he was met with no sharp words, nor disappointment. Rather, warm arms that drew him in close.
You were crying, he could tell from the way your body rocked against his, and you squeezed him like you weren't sure he was real. "You're alive."
Zevlor's heart melted as he embraced you, drawing you back to dry your tears. "I'm so sorry, my love."
Your face lit up at the name, and you squeezed him closer once more.
"Never stop calling me that, and we'll call it even."
Sorry if zevlor's seems lackluster 😅 I don't know much about him, but I tried to do him justice. Anyway, I hope you liked it 🫶
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arsenicflame · 2 months
The thing about Jack's Izzy is that he was never supposed to be Jack's Izzy. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, to teach Ed and Sam a lesson, to escape their constant tugging at him to decide who he was going with. He'd been beginning to feel more like their favourite toy, a pawn in their endless stupid fight, than a person whose opinion they actually cared about. He tells them he hasn't decided, that he doesn't want to decide, but it goes over their heads every time, too focused on "winning" him.
So when it comes to it, after Hornigold's gone, after they've won, and they're asking him again before he's even had chance to clean the blood from his sword, let alone his hands, he just blurts out "Jack"
To say everyone's shocked is an understatement. Sam and Ed's shocked "What's?" are only drowned out by Jack’s own. It's not like he hasn't known the whole time he was never in the running, he hadn't even asked Izzy because he knew he'd just laugh in his face. He loved Izzy just as much as they did, but it was never the same for Izzy. He never had the drive of Sam & Ed, the passion, the potential. He was Calico Jack, too stupid, too immature, too much of a drunk to be a worthy captain. (never mind that Izzy had always seen through that cover, seen the way he used the act to keep himself safe, seen that he was never really as drunk as he acted, seen the way he played people to get what he wanted. It didn't matter. He wasn't Ed or Sam, and that's all that really mattered in the end)
Izzy sits firm in his split second decision, telling them that he's fed up with all this bullshit, and Jack's the only one who listens to him, so he's going with him. Jack's not stupid enough to question Izzy further, so they take one of Hornigold's fleet & a handful of crew who hold no loyalty to the other boys, and set sail before it has a chance to turn into another mutiny.
The thing is, Izzy never really intended to stay. His plan was to leave with Jack for a month or so, fucking around achieving nothing while his boys got their heads out of their asses, then go back once hes actually had space to make a decision, to decide who he wants to be, free of anyone else's expectations. Only, having Izzy there to impress makes Jack pull his act together fast. He's desperate to prove he's worthy of Izzy's time, cutting back on all the dicking around and making a genuine effort to be a worthy Captain for him. He's not perfect by any means, but they're actually doing ok.
And for Izzy, it's like someone's lifted a weight off of his shoulders. He hadn't realised it until he was away, but being with Sam & Ed had felt crushing towards the end, both of them expecting so much from him, wanting him to be someone who wasn't quite him, wanting him to help them build a legend. And maybe he wanted that, maybe he would love it in another life, but it's also nice to not have expectations. Jack never wants him to be anything other than himself, and it's been pretty nice, learning who Izzy Hands is. He thinks he might like the guy.
So it goes from there. A month passes and Izzy makes no mention of meeting up with the others. Then two, then three, and before long he's forgetting that he ever seriously planned to leave. He stays, and they make it work, together. It's not perfect, it was never going to be, but they have something that makes them both happy. And that's enough.
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allyricas · 1 year
Moving On pt. 1
a follow up to Steve's Mixtape Part 2
includes: pining, gay steve harrington, stobin supremacy and oblivious eddie munson word count: 2,995 (whoops)
It's been two weeks since Steve made a complete and total fool of himself in front of his friend Eddie Munson. His apparently straight friend. The straight friend that Steve confessed his big, gay love for only to be rejected. The look on Eddie's face had been haunting Steve's every waking moment. Disgust. Horror.  
"Man, I'm not... I'm not gay. I don't like you that way." 
His mixtape was currently playing loud enough to drown out any thoughts. Steve's head dangled off the edge of his bed. He figured maybe he'd eventually pass out from the lack of oxygen and forget all about this whole ordeal. Well except for the being gay part because Steve is gay. One hundred percent homosexual.
He realizes how that must look from the outside. How could Steve 'the hair' Harrington possibly be gay? He was a bonafide ladies' man. He'd slept with plenty of girls. Hell, hadn't he been in love with Nancy Wheeler. And that's the thing, he did sleep with plenty of girls and he absolutely loved Nancy. Always would.  
Note the lack of 'in love with' in that sentence because he'd realized his feelings for Nancy were all tangled up in confusion. He knew he was supposed to find a pretty girl and eventually get married. Be miserable like his parents. He truly did care for Nance. She was beautiful and smart, but she never gave him butterflies. Never made him feel like he'd die if he couldn't kiss her or touch her. He'd been performing. Funny enough, Nancy had seen through him and they broke up over spilled drinks and cruel words. Bullshit.  
Hey, she was right though. It was bullshit because it wasn't girls that set him on fire. It wasn't soft curves and delicate touches that made him crazy. He was just exceptionally good at suppressing those feelings. His father would kill him for being one of those people. That was one of the nicer ways his dad liked to talk about people he didn't understand. There was so much internalized hatred that he had to work through and he was. He'd been making steps.  
Robin made all the difference in the world. When she'd tearfully come out to him on that dirty mall bathroom floor, Steve felt his whole world shift. He wasn't ready to say anything about his own situation, but he knew he wasn't alone anymore. Cue the end of the world, again, and suddenly it clicks for Steve. He could have died and he'd never come out and lived an authentic life. Never accepted himself all because his dad is a bigoted dick. All because society had decided that some love is wrong. So, Steve decides then and there: fuck that. Fuck his father and fuck society. Steve was gay. And he came out to Robin in the middle of the goddamn apocalypse. All she'd said was 'I'm so proud of you dingus." and gave him a hug.  
So yes, Robbie knew all about the crush. They'd sit and talk all about every little thing Eddie would say to Steve. Even Robin had been so sure that Eddie was flirting and interested. She'd encouraged Steve to go for it. Steve had been sure too. All the cutesy nicknames and the way Eddie was always in his personal space. The constant touching. Was Eddie like that with everyone and Steve was just stupid?  
As Steve let himself get dizzier and dizzier and Air Supply sang about being all out of love and being lost without someone, Robin was letting herself into his house with her spare key. He figured she'd be there eventually and found he didn't have the energy to even care if she saw him this way. His hair was a mess, he'd been wearing the same pajamas for days. Takeout containers were strewn around his bedroom.  
"Steven Elizabeth, I am going to burn this goddamn tape! Holy shit, you are a mess." Robin yelled; her tone was judgmental but her face was filled with pity. He hated it.  
"I am wallowing. I'm a fucking mess." Steve shrugged, attempting to sit up. Robin ejected the tape, putting in her pocket. Steve made grabby hands but she quickly evaded him. "Also, my name isn't Steven Elizabeth." 
"Enough of this, Steve. I know it hurts. I probably know more than anyone. It's why I never make a move on Vickie. What if it goes wrong and then she knows about me and rejects me and then I'll be a social pariah and we won't even be friends." Robin rambled as Steve glared.  
"Thank you, Rob. So helpful. Rejected. Check. Pariah. Check. Lost a friend. Fucking check." Steve cries.  
"Sorry, I just get it. It will be okay though. As soon as I graduate, we should get the fuck out of this town. Go somewhere else. Indy. Chicago. A city where we can somewhat live openly. We can meet other gays and fall in love and move on from our tragic straight crushes."  
Steve considers her words. Leave Hawkins. The kids will be sophomores next year. Indy isn't so far away that he couldn't come back if something happens. He's been saving money for the past year and a half. He has his trust fund. He doesn't have to stay.  
"We'd get a shitty apartment and a cat. Find our favorite coffee shop. I could do whatever I want. Hell, I want to go to cosmetology school. I think I'd be really good at doing hair and shit. We could breathe away from this place. There's no freedom here, is there?" Steve said it all in rush, like he couldn't believe he was admitting it all out loud.  
"Let's fucking do it, Stevie. You would be amazing at that. You literally fix my hair on a regular basis. Let's go live our gay lives somewhere besides this shit hole. You can let go of Eddie and I can let go of Vickie. We can start over. No more shitty parents and closets." 
"Yeah, babe. Time to start making plans!" For the first time in weeks, months even, Steve felt hope stirring inside of him. He knows it's gonna be hard to tell Dustin and the others. He's not even sure if he should tell Eddie, but he will. He wishes things were different and that he could ask Eddie to come with them. Go back to the moment before he ruined everything and just be friends again.  
Maybe he could do that one day. Maybe leaving Hawkins for the city would put these feelings into perspective. The immense, overwhelming love he feels for Eddie would soften in a new setting and Steve could move on. Find a nice guy that he was compatible with and fall in love. He hopes that Eddie will at least be happy for him and Robin.  
He tells his parents when they stop in for the weekend. About moving, not about cosmetology or being gay. Says he's applying to a community college in Indy and is going to live with Robin. Allows his parents to make their own assumptions as does Robin when she shares that Steve is moving with her. If their parents think they're dating, it's not the worst thing. It gets his dad off his case at the very least.  
He tells Dustin first. Dustin's response surprises him. Dustin tells him "It's about goddamn time you get of this town. you better call me all the time though." Steve promises to set up the phone first thing and ring him. The others react similarly. Happy for him, but sad he's going. He knows he's gonna miss them like crazy.  
He's still working up to calling Eddie. It's been three weeks and he hasn't heard a word from him. What he doesn't account for is the kids telling him before he gets a chance. It’s a humid Sunday afternoon and he and Robin are lounging by the pool, a pitcher of margaritas next to them. It’s halfway gone and they’d been heavy on the tequila. They’re delightfully tipsy.
Robin graduates next week. Then their packing up the beamer and finally going to visit Indy and find an apartment and jobs, hopefully. The sun is hot on Steve’s skin as he contemplates getting in the pool to cool off when he feels a shadow over him.  
“Rob, what the fuck. You’re blocking my sun.” Steve whines without even opening his eyes. 
“Uh huh, you’re blocking mine dingus.” She laughs in response. Both steadily heading out of the region of tipsy.  
Steve opens his eyes and Eddie Munson is standing over him. Arms crossed and his mouth in a tight line like he’s pissed. He isn’t even sure how the fuck he got into his backyard, but he is not prepared for this today. He doesn’t want to ruin the perfect vibe of this lazy Sunday afternoon with his best friend. He waits for Eddie to say something, but he just glares.  
“How the fuck did you even get in here, Munson?” Robin asks. If she sounds a bit meaner than usual, that’s her prerogative. She had to watch Steve cry over this guy for weeks. And that’s not counting all the pining prior to his disastrous love confession. She’d listened to that goddamn mixtape more times than she could count. 
“I rang the doorbell for like 10 minutes. I climbed the fence.” Eddie shrugs like it was a totally normal thing to do.  
“Well, what do you want? Want a margarita?” Steve asks, unsure of what to say or do, not with Eddie glaring down at him like he’s a speck of dirt on the bottom of his shoe. Fuck. Eddie fucking hates him.  
Eddie huffs. Steve is half expecting him to stomp his feet. It is not cute. Steve will not cave to these thoughts. Eddie Munson throwing a temper tantrum is not adorable like a puppy trying to act like a vicious dog.  
“I had to find out from the gremlins that you’re fucking leaving. You and Buckley are moving to Indy, apparently soon. Were you going to tell me or just leave?” Eddie finally asks. He looks angrier than Steve has ever seen him which makes him angry. The sheer audacity of this man to sit here and yell at him after ignoring him for weeks.  
“How dare you sit there and yell at him. Get out.” Robin responds. She’s visibly angry. “You have a lot of nerve to come here yelling at Steve like he did anything wrong!” 
“I didn’t do anything wrong either. Harrington's the one who had to make shit awkward. I still thought we were close enough friends that you guys would tell me you're leaving. Would you have left without saying goodbye?”  
“I was going to tell you, but I wasn’t sure you wanted to hear from me. You made your feelings very clear. And hey, no hard feelings. We can be friends, of course. I would have told you.” Steve felt the words spill out of him like he had no control over it. He hated to see the hurt look on Eddie’s face. He couldn’t stand being the cause of that for one second. “Can we just let it go. Pretend it never happened and go back to the way things were? Please?” 
“Dude, back to before I knew you were in love with me? I don’t think I can just forget that, but I do still want to be friends.” 
“I am moving on, it won’t be long before this unfortunate crush is just a shitty memory, yeah?” Steve joked despite the way his heart was breaking apart in his chest. He felt Robin squeeze his hand. God, he fucking loved her. “I’m sure I'll meet some cute guy in Indy and you won’t have to worry about a thing man.” 
“Right... a shitty memory. That’s. Of course, I'm sure you will meet someone.” Eddie replied, sounding like he was about freak out again. Couldn't even acknowledge that Steve would be meeting a guy. Eddie sat down next to Robin and pulled out a joint. Lit it up without a word and took a few hits before passing it over.  
Steve couldn’t take the tense energy that Eddie had brought so he plunged into the pool and let himself sink to the bottom. Be friends with Eddie like his heart didn’t ache every time he even thought about him. Be friends with the man he was head over heels in love with. He wasn’t sure he could do it. He knew it wasn’t fair to stop being friends with Eddie over this, but it hurt so much.
He finally swam up to the top and looked over at him and Robin bitching at each other lightly. She liked Eddie well enough, but never understood Steve’s infatuation. She’d made that very clear. So, she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind to him on any number of things. She was currently berating him for smoking. She’d plucked a cigarette out of his mouth and thrown it in the pool. Gross. Eddie was bemoaning the loss of his cigarette while Rob laughed and told him smoking was cancerous.  
It was gross, yes, but also fucking sexy when Eddie did it. He listened and occasionally threw in a bitchy reply of his own, but could barely follow along. All he could think about was the trip to Indy. The desperate need to escape this damn town and a certain metalhead in it. It would be a lot easier to move on when he only had to see Eddie whenever he visited home. Out of sight, out of mind was the plan for Steve. He climbed out of the pool and noticed the way Eddie wouldn’t even look at him until he had his towel wrapped around him. Idiot.  
“So, you’re going to University of Indiana, right Buck? What are you going to do Steve-O?” Eddie asked, honestly curious about their plans.  
“Yeah, I’ve got a scholarship for band.”  
“I’m going to cosmetology school. I want to do hair.” Steve replied. He was done giving a shit about what anyone thought of him or his interests. He knew people often thought ‘beauty school’ was too feminine. It was too gay. Not good enough for a Harrington boy who’d always excelled in sports. But fuck everyone, because he knows this is the right thing for him. 
“Shit, really? I reckon you’ll be good at that. They called you ‘The Hair’ in school. I mean, damn you managed to have nice hair during the end of the world. Makes sense.” Eddie smiled over at him and Steve felt his heart skip a beat. Goddamnit. 
“Thanks, man.” Steve replied softly. He felt embarrassed by the way Eddie was looking at him like he truly saw him. “Always thought you’d head off to the city somewhere the moment you were done with high school. You have any big plans?”  
“Shit, Jeff, Gareth and I are planning on moving together. It’s tentative right now. Grant might come, might be stuck going to school closer to home. Uh, Jeff and Gar are going to U of I. So, we’ll be in Indy too. Maybe, if it all works out. I mean, I’m not sure about leaving my uncle...the old man swears he’ll be fine. Tells me to get the fuck out of this town every time the topic comes up.” Eddie was stammering, clearly nervous to share this info with Steve and Robin.  
Steve felt his stomach drop but he pushed away the dread. Indianapolis was big enough that he’d probably never run into Eddie unless it was on purpose. It’d be nice to still see him occasionally. Eddie deserved to get out of this town, too. He’d never be accepted here. Always seen as the satanist, murder regardless of how many times the news and police declared him innocent of all charges. He sees the way people give Eddie dirty looks everywhere he goes. He’d even had his tires slashed and murderer written on his van in spray paint.
Yeah, it didn't matter how hard it would be for Steve to know Eddie was nearby. Eddie deserved to be free too. Robin’s quiet, simply sitting next to Steve holding his hand tightly. Her support clear, but letting Steve decide how to reply to this news. Eddie was hiding behind his hair. Not cute. Not adorable. Nope. 
  “That’s awesome. Your uncle is totally right. Run and don’t look back. This town is full of assholes who think the worst of you and you deserve a fresh start man. At least this way, we can still hang out sometimes, right?” Steve smiled. He pushed down all his negative feelings so that he could support his friend in this moment.  Eddie smiles back at Steve and it feels like the world makes sense.  
“Thanks, man. I gotta go talk to the guys. Make some plans, I guess. Figure out how to tell the kids. I’ll see you guys later.” Eddie walks over to the fence like he’s going to climb it.  
“Just unlock the gate man, don’t climb the fence for fuck’s sake.” Steve laughed and Eddie flipped him off as he scrambled over the fence in protest. Idiot. Steve hates the way it feels affectionate.  
He feels Robin’s eyes on him. Shakes his head signaling his inability to discuss it right now. He was absolutely fucked. His fresh start away from Eddie wasn’t going to be such a fresh start after all. Maybe they’d never see each other. Maybe Eddie would find some metalhead girl and make metalhead babies that listen to metal lullabies and that would be enough for Steve to move the fuck on.  
For now, sitting by the pool with his best friend, knowing in a month or so, he’d be out of Hawkins and in the city. Where he might get to meet other gay guys. Might meet a guy who wants him back. It feels like enough to take a little bit of the heartache away.  
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
How would each of the ROs react if they heard their assigned song (crush stage)?
This got a lil long (can you tell today was a coding day?)
Is this the end of the moment/ Or just a beautiful unfolding of a love that will never be or maybe be?
He takes a breath. He doesn't pay attention to lyrics, usually. For him it's the sound, a way to drown out the world, his thoughts, anything. But it sticks to his chest, a deep longing he'd promised to never speak out loud. To take your hand and run. Does he really exist, in space your not in?
He exhales. The thoughts are shoved aside again. He changes the song.
Aquí estoy a tu lado/
Y espero aquí sentado hasta el final
He vaguely recognizes the song. It's something one of his older cousins used to listen to. The moodiness of the instruments, paired with the declaration of love the song is about, fills up a specific space in his heart. He's also been seen as the sun, but maybe you are, too. If only to him. If it's you, he thinks, everything will be ok.
He gives a soft smile, and let's the song play.
Taking my time to be perfectly honest/ I can't explain all the reasons I'm stuck in love
She doesn't automatically associate the song with herself. It's a cute song, something to listen to while she works. She keeps her head down, typing away, headphones in. Stuck in love? An image of you flashes across her mind. Her hand stills for a moment. Is she? Truly?
She shakes her head, not wanting to let her thoughts drift. She has to focus for now.
I wish I was/ Brave enough to love you
They've never done well with people, or feelings. Their solitude meant more to them then a connection outside of it. You, who exist outside the world as well, yet still entrenched in it's chaos, makes them hesitate. They stand on the edge, lingering on the space between.
They groan and lean back. What are they doing? It's just a song. It isn't that deep.
I hate your touch, I hate your mouth/ I can't stand every single word that falls out/ But you're all that I've been dreaming of
He changes the song immediately. It isn't his vibe, and it's easy to move on. Even only half played, a flash of your face crosses his mind. Of all the people to have an ounce of feelings towards, the source of his current problems, wasn't ideal. Still, as much as he wanted to turn away at first, he can't. He'd rather deal with your problems then not have you around at all.
He presses his lips together, and ignores the implications of that.
Was it me you wanted when you said/ You wanted something more than what you knew
Music is a novelty sometimes, and they have a fondness for dissecting it sometimes. This one, though, it's hard for their thoughts not to stray towards you. The two of you shared thoughts and sights and lungs. Their is no joy in the circumstances between you, but how can they feel sorrow when it's the reason you two found each other?
They close their eyes, and pray for a flicker of hope.
Obligatory joke bonus since I mentioned it: F!???
I could be a better boyfriend than him/ I could do the shit that he never did/ Up all night, I won't quit
"Hey MC, you know what this song reminds me of?"
"That [RO] sucks and you deserve someone better. Like me-"
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sarnai4 · 5 months
Deranged Attraction
I think it's a shame that we only saw Dagur and Mala go from fighting to being in love because I would have LOVED seeing what flirting Dagur looked like. That then made me think of other people flirting with Dagur. It just is amusing me way too much, so I have to share. You have the different Dagurs and I'm convinced they all would have such varied responses.
You have younger Dagur before he's actually a villain. I feel like he wouldn't know he's being flirted with (if his idea of fun was being drowned/drowning someone, I can't imagine how he'd process someone getting flustered around him.). I'd feel so bad for whoever that crusher was because it would be pointless. This Dagur could probably even be asked out and he'd just wonder why he would want to do that when he could be tormenting dragons instead: "Want to go get something to eat with me tomorrow?" "I'm going to be alone hunting dragons." "I can come too." "Then I wouldn't be doing it ALONE, would I? 🤨"
Younger and villain Dagur might be more aware of this since he already knows that he can interpret things very incorrectly with people. So, instead of thinking all those batted eyes are allergies, maybe they're supposed to be romantic. This doesn't mean there's any more hope for romance. He's angry at everyone now, so he'd just take it out on the poor soul. Dagur would probably only keep this Viking alive because it's fun to have an attack dummy: "You're inviting me over 😍?!" "Yeah, I can't throw knives at myself😈."
Then there's older villain Dagur. He's going to make the most of someone who has a crush on him. He'll charm this Viking so much and have a new minion. He probably doesn't even like whoever this is, but he'll use the devotion to his advantage as much as he'd like. He's slightly nicer than his younger counterpart just because he knows he won't get the same loyalty he wants otherwise. If the crusher ever becomes a liability, Dagur has an ax ready: "So, we'll really get married?" "Of course😘! As my betrothal gift, all you need to do is get me the Dragon Eye."
Finally, there's older good Dagur. I feel like this would be adorable. He's a bit of a combination. He doesn't immediately know someone's flirting, but he figures it out. He just doesn't think anyone would have a crush on him, so it seems out of the realm of possibility to him. After he realizes what's going on, there are options. If the feelings aren't returned, he'll probably try to nicely let the Viking down. I can see him accidentally not doing this as nicely as he thinks he is and then feeling bad. If the feelings are returned, there will be some very awkward flirting back. I can see him blushing a lot (like he did sometimes with Mala) and rambling. It normally ends with a nervous smile, then a strategic retreat to not make the situation more ridiculous than he just did: "It's come to my attention that you don't think of me as just a friend. Since I'm trying to be more honest, I wanted to let you know that those feelings aren't returned and I'm not attracted to you at all. 😄 Honesty's the best! I feel amazing now!" "😭" "😦" Or "🤔😃You and Strykie have something in common. You're both hot. 😳I mean, his fire is and you are. Not him on his own. You don't remind me of a dragon😅. Of course, you're both tough, so maybe you ARE like a dragon, but only if you want to be! I won't judge. Can't either. I've done way too many messed up things to call you out. Not that you're messed up... it's just that I am.😅🤪😶🏃‍♂️"
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Fallout 4 companions reaction to crushing on sole who despite being a playboy who sleeps with mostly any man or women attractive are dense to see their interested in them and sees them only as buddies as a result
MacCready would be very annoyed by it, and he'd make his annoyance known, He'd bitch at them for ditching him for some random hookup for the thousandth time, but he always hid his anger under the guise of teasing. He's actually pretty annoyed, though. I mean, would it kill them to just go to a bar and drink a beer with him? He normally wouldn't care who his boss was screwing, but his feelings for them would complicate things...even though he knows he has no right to feel that way he still feels himself getting more and more agitated every time they flirt up a stranger. He would find himself putting more and more ungodly amounts of alcohol on his tab whenever they would disappear and numbing the sting of rejection until he'd inevitably drink so much he'd blackout.
Hancock wasn't shy when it came to flirting, and he had been flirting with sole since the very beginning and when they just laughed his advances off he just assumed they were the more quiet and reserved type, and took it as a challenge. Well, apparently, that couldn't be further from the truth. They were in the third rail, flirting up a stranger at the bar. His bar. Hancock knew he wasn't exactly easy on the eyes, and by no means was he God's gift to the commonwealth, but it did hurt that they didn't even give him a chance, especially when he didn't just want a quick hookup from them, but actually had caught feeling.. He knew he had no right to feel the way he did, Hell, he was known for getting around himself but a little voice in the back of his head kept on nagging that it was because he was a ghoul, and if he still had a set of smoothskin things would be different... He'd do everything he could to drown the voice out, emptying canister after canister of jet, but he still couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't good enough for them.
She'd ball her fists and grit her teeth every time she saw a stranger getting too close, logically she knew she didn't have any room to judge them, was she annoyed that all her flirting was lost on them? Yeah, but she knows you can't force someone to feel something. If there's one thing Cait values its freedom, and she would never want to take that from someone like it had been taken from her so Cait would just make herself scarce when they were flirting with someone so her anger couldn't get the best of her
He'd give sole a whole lecture on how unsafe it is to be alone and venerable with someone you barely know, especially in the wastes. Danse really wouldn't be consciously aware that it may be his own feelings causing him to feel that way, and would genuinely belive he was looking out for his friends safety even if the pit in his stomach and burning in his chest said otherwise.
She watches the people sole flirts with very closely. She's curious to see what they all have in common (if anything) making mental notes on their similarities and differences, she'd tell herself it was just research, but the very detailed list of soles favorite attributes lying in front of her said otherwise
Deacon had never been a jealous guy. With Barbara, he never had to worry, and since then, he'd never cared enough to be jealous, so it's safe to say this was a first for him, and it was absolutely infuriating. He'd watch them flirt up another random stranger and despite himself he'd tense up, abandoning his usual poker face, though if sole noticed they didn't seem to care as they got up to leave with yet another of their countless hookups. Deacon would end up distancing himself from sole for two reasons, 1. Because he can't let shit like this get to him, he's a railroad agent for fucks sake and 2. it hurt to much to be around them. He'd take more jobs from hq, and for the first time in a while, he'd find himself drowning his troubles in alcohol.
Piper has had a few crushes before, so she was used to the feelings, but what she wasn't used to was how goddamn inferior it made her feel every time she saw them with someone else. They were friends after all and she knew she had no right to be jealous, but all she wanted was for them to look at her the way they looked at all the random people at bars or at settlements. Even if it was just for a second... she wanted to know how it felt to have their undivided attention and adoration. To be theirs even if it was temporary.
Nick would always give sole the same line, "Just be safe kid". They'd always role their eyes as they walked away from him, but he'd always be stuck worrying... not everyone had the best intentions out in the wastes and when you're as infamous as sole that puts a target on your back. Maybe it was just all the cases he'd work that made him so cynical, but then again, that nagging feeling in his chest was a pretty dead give away that maybe it was more than cynicism keeping him up at night....
Preston wouldn't say anything to them at all. He cared about sole a lot, and all he wanted was for them to be happy, even if that wasn't with him. It hurt a lot, but he was used to pain, and for sole, he'd endure anything
He would hate it. The people of the commonwealth were vile and undeserving of even a second of soles time. He hated how much time they gave strangers when they could be doing important work for the institute. He'd have a firm talk with them about where their priorities lied. He wouldn't even be able to process that maybe his own feelings were what was clouding his judgment.
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canisonicscrewyou · 1 month
Hiiiii hiii I keep talking about it so here's an excerpt of a scene from the beginning-middle of The Fic between Rory!Master and Amy after he 'kidnaps' her (read: begs Amy to pleaseplease come inside of his TARDIS before the Doctor got back) because I'm very very normal about both of them.
Timeline Context: I'm writing Rory!Master as having regenerated directly after Missy. Timeline Fuckery.
"You know, Amy, there was one brief day in 2009 where practically everyone in the world was me. You- you were me. Huh. I guess- I guess Rory was me, too. Before. You were 20. Rory was also 20, but he'd only been around for 13 years... Do you remember what it felt like? — Nah, you wouldn't. It's fine..." he scoffed it off immediately, but still maintained a serious lack of eye contact with Amy Pond. "I don't really either..."
Amy had been trailing around the TARDIS console. This was the Master. This was who the Doctor warned her to be careful with. And while there was some fear, she was looking at him with what could only be described as pitiful concern. "What.. What did you do?"
"Stopped the world. Stopped the whole, entire world..." his voice trails, and then, slowly the Master's hands drum against the console. Four times. Then another four in quick succession before he turns back to Amy. "We could do that."
They could run off together.
If he had planned this all out, if this was some grand Master plan like the Doctor thought, this would have been easier.
He would've gotten Rory to open the watch after Prisoner Zero. After the Doctor left again. It could have been better that way. It could have been brilliant, that way. Him and Amy Pond and a Universe to try and burn thrice over and a Doctor to crush twice as hard.
"I could... I could run for Prime Minister again..."
"- What did you-" — "No. No, not that at all. Or I bet I could use Fleshkind to... Or we could go back to Leadworth, and we... I- We could get in with the Silence, he barely even knows about them yet but I do, he'd be so surprised... Or— Cybermen! Again. Or.."
As the Master goes on, Amy flags around him. Her arms crossed and head tilted. He was rambling, sure. A bit like a madman. (From what she'd seen, most things Time Lords said were mad, though, to be fair.) But one who seemed to have no idea what he was talking about. He looked like Rory whenever she caught him in a lie. He looked like Rory, panicky and eyes unfocused and unable to stop talking... Then again, he just looked.. like.. Rory...
"..... Either way I.. I barely ever try taking someone else along with me. He does it all the time. I mean, ha, look how well it works for him. Well- it works out fine for him. Eugh - You lot on the other hand... But- still-"
"Master. What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about..You could be queen of a galaxy twice over." He turned to look at her, and reached an awkward, choppy hand to take her wrist in what was supposed to be a bold, intimidating grasp. "I could show you galaxies fall and burn, Amy, or at least..a few planets.." the Master started strong, and ended fumbley as he cleared his throat and tried to avoid the fact that she looked amused. And she was. She was curious, and she was amused. The Master felt like he was drowning. "... You don't have to do everything his.. way. It isn't always the most correct. Sometimes it's just what makes him feel best. But he won't admit it."
Amy scoffed, and tugged her hand back towards herself with ease, even if the Master's hand followed with it. "... Are you trying to steal me, Master?" she asks softly.
"Is it working?" He asks far too quickly, and in some cases one might say it was timid.
"It's- well- it's a bit fucked up, I'll give you that.. I'm taking my hand back. Thanks." She says, and gently pries the Master's hand off her wrist, and places it back at his side.
There's a brief but enduring silence that lingers between the two as he stares at her dumbly, wide eyed, trying to find the way in. He needed this. Hell. He needed something. "... Have you ever wanted to kill Kovarian?" He asked to her stunned silence. And continued to it. "I mean, really, you must. Rory did. Ohh, Rory so did, and that wasn't even me, I swear..."
"... Just because I would want it doesn't make it right or what I actually... want.." Amy finally settled on. She put more distance between the two of them. "Is that really it? Is that what you're going for?"
"I mean, no, but letting her live doesn't make some part of the situation alright. It certainly wouldn't hurt, really. I mean, hell, Amy. Your fucking -daughter-. O--" Our daughter, he almost said. Not only would that not be received well, but it didn't... feel... right. He didn't feel any sort of connection to Melody or River, did he?
Well- maybe MISSY did. They'd met once before. River couldn't have known, could she? Did she ever? Was she a far better actor than he fathomed, or something?
He was getting off track.
"... As someone who's, against all odds, been a parent before. If someone snatched my child right out of my womb, I would stop at nothing to see them experience immense pain and regret, before the light cuts out of their stupid half-dead eyes."
She inhales. Sharp. "Let me get one thing straight." Amy starts. "You. Have no idea what I could possibly feel about Demons Run and Melody and- and let alone the right to try and use my own daughter as some kind of bargaining chip. Do you not think I'd see that?" She snapped, arms crossed as she looked back at him, and he looked away, briefly. But Amy paused, and her own fingers drummed against her arm. ..........
".... Okay." The Master finally relents to the silence and to the harsh, unyielding glare of Amy Pond as he turns away from it for a moment before spinning back to her. "Okay, I know, okay. But... You could still.. stay. We could be... It could be —" it could be good? "- it - it I mean it could be. Bad. For you. If you try to leave anyways." He fluffed up. Straightened his shoulders and tilted his chin up as he looked at her in an attempt to be tall.
"- I never even — who said I was letting you leave. This is a kidnapping and I am kidnapping you, Amy Pond. You aren't doing anything about it. Neither is the Doctor." The Master said, arms crossed, chest puffed and weight rocking onto his toes in front of her as he tried to catch them both back up to the reality of what this situation was supposed to be.
And Amy, arms crossed, eyes sparkling, grinned something fierce back at the Master.
She assessed the situation long ago: and it was that she probably could have walked out that TARDIS door ages ago and he wouldn't have done shit about it. She'd be getting back to the Doctor just fine, eventually.
"... I think I'll stay right here for now." "Than-- Hm. Good. That's a- a smart decision. Very wise. Let's go, Ms. Pond."
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kibikikou · 1 year
Fuck it. Detroit: Become Human TMA fear entity alignments. I've been rotating them in my head for so long and need to get them out now
Connor: Eye/Web. Yeah he's officially known as the deviant 'hunter' but to me he seems to pursue knowledge about the deviants above hunting them. After going deviant himself he gets even a whiff of the fears? He'd absolutely fall deep into chasing after any scrap of knowledge he can learn about them to his own detriment. But also that first interrogation scene?? Pure Web manipulation baby. I see him falling in with the Eye and pursuit of knowledge more, but he could easily go Web if he leans into those manipulation tactics too hard
RK900/Nines: Hunt. Okay so we don't know too much about Nines except that he's more military geared and better than Connor in every way. But while I see Connor leaning away from combat in his alignment, I see Nines leaning into it. But not in a bloodthirsty Slaughter way, but in a 'I will do anything to accomplish my mission' way that could easily slip into an enjoyment of the thrill of the chase just before mission complete once deviated, allowing the Hunt to slip on and take over
Bonus: RK80060: Web. In the 'Sixty survives' AUs, I feel Connor would lean into his Eye tendencies, and Sixty would be the one to go Web. Manipulating Hank into going with him by pretending to be his Connor? That's Web shit right there. Plus the monologuing? We all know Web avatars live for the drama just look at Anabelle
Markus: Desolation. Okay so this alignment comes from the violence routes of the game. Nuking the city? Desolation. I mean, he can set himself on fire for his cause in one of his bad endings, that's pure Desolation material right there nothing more needed.
Bonus: Markus: Buried. So this one is more of a stretch, but I feel Markus could wind up either a victim of or aligned with the Buried in some of his pacifist 'bad' endings. Specifically if all his companions, maybe excluding North, die and he's left to be the leader of the revolution nearly alone. Remember, the Buried isn't just claustrophobia, it's also fearing being crushed by debt, expectations of others, anything that can contribute to that 'I'm drowning/being crushed by the circumstances of my life' which would fit very well in those specific endings.
North: Slaughter. Was there any question about this? Yeah her violent tendencies are quashed in the pacifist route, but the violent route? It would be so easy for the Slaughter to come in and take over through her anger and violence. In these routes Markus would be taken by the Desolation, and his choices aligning with that would only fuel the Slaughter in her more. We stan a trigger happy queen
Ralph: Corruption. I waffled between Corruption and Stranger for him, but Corruption won. He lives in an abandoned, presumably moldy house, and he tried to serve Alice a rat to eat. I could see him easily falling for the same song of family and home that Prentiss fell for in the podcast. The damaged parts of him could become filled with mold, holding him together and visually signifying his alignment the way the worm holes did for Prentiss.
The Jerrys: Stranger. The way they're all the same and almost operate as a hivemind along with being androids just screams Stranger. They look human, but they're behavior is just off enough to raise warnings in humans. And when more of them start appearing? That's a tasty fear snack right there
Zlatko's creations: Spiral. While at first I was tempted to classify them as Stranger, they're too inhuman to be so. Stranger avatars have always been to the left of human, activating the feeling of the uncanny valley. The creations are straight up inhuman looking, and if they choose to lean into that, they could go from 'weird inhuman looking androids' to 'wtf am I looking at someone help me please I don't understand' would be pure Spiral baby
Amanda: Web. Sure she's just an ai handler for Connor, but the way she uses praise and disappointment to get Connor to do what Cyberlife wants? That's all Web manipulation
Hank: Lonely. Moving away from the androids, we've got poor lonely Hank. He has no one truly left in his life, his family gone, his coworkers think he's a joke at best, or despise him at worst. The people at the bar and food truck probably just tolerate him for his money. Sumo is the only one that cares for him and that he cares about. Until Connor comes along, but if Connor goes the machine route and does a bunch in the process? Well that's got to fuck Hank up even more and only serve to drive him deeper into his loneliness, until it's the only thing left in him
Gavin- realistic: Hunt/slaughter. All we see of Gavin's character is a hot headed bully who does anything to get what he wants. Based on his incredibly shallow character, and the fact he's a cop, he'd either fall in with the Hunt or Slaughter, depending on if he follows the chase after criminals, and then more, or follows his more violent tendencies. But you want to know what my mind has conjured up for him? The Vast. I don't really have any justification, other than I think he'd have so much fun throwing people off buildings into an endless sky. But if I had to give something, he's worked hard and stepped on so many toes to get where he's at, he'd be afraid to fall off the career ladder, so to speak. But he still wants to climb higher and higher. So rather than it being a literal ladder over an endless void, it's a metaphorical one. But mostly my brain has gotten stuck on Vast for Gavin for some reason and won't let it go, despite it not fitting his canon character very well.
That's all I have. If a character isn't listed here, it's because the game didn't show enough negative character traits for them for me to make a judgement on the alignment. The only exception is Kamski, who I want to tentatively place as Web, but can't be certain on that
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lounaticm · 7 months
🍄 (yes I did this on purpose)
🍬 (yes I am enabling you)
🩷(not on the list just wanted to spread some love 😊)
🍓- How did you get into writing fanfiction? --- I kind of just... have always been doing so. From the moment I first started adoring certain shows or movies or books as a kid, I've been writing fanfiction. In fact, it took a very long time for me to even learn the term 'fanfiction' and realize "Oh. That's what this is. Neat!" (I believe I was very early teens when I first saw the term online.) From the moment I first started writing stories (which came about very shortly after I first learned how to write at all) there was only a short year or two time where I wasn't writing fanfiction. (Hell, my mom still has those short, one page stories I'd write back then. I don't know if it was simply a typo on my part or if I was just really morbid, but they almost always ended with 'And they died.'😂)
🍄- Share a headcanon for one of your favorite ships or pairings. --- (lol, of course you did. And for that, I'm going to give more than one heh~)
Well, I'm not sure if I've stated so here or not (I know I've certainly shared with my best friend over Discord) but I imagine the DA and Damien pretty much fell in love at first sight. And my rendition of the DA doesn't believe in love at first sight lol, yet still got steamrolled with it anyways, realizing what the feeling was just two hours after they met - but being in denial of it being anything more than a crush for months after. Clearly, Love At First Sight took offense to the disbelief lol
Damien's cane and mayor ribbon were a gift from the DA upon winning the election. The ribbon was just a cheeky joke, there was no thought or intent that Damien would go on to actually wear it beyond a few hours after having it pinned to his suit in congratulations by a grinning DA once news arrived that he'd won. Yet, he went on to wear it all the time - regardless of what few people moaned and complained that he was 'bragging' or the like. It came from his Little Monster, so of course he was going to keep wearing it.
As for the cane, it has a sword inside - but only Damien's close friends and family know of it. The DA gave it to him as a covert means of self-defense (though he never had any need to use it) as Damien learned swordsmanship growing up for fun. (Yeah, I'm not the first person to imagine that Damien's cane is a sword cane, I know. In fact, I used to not care for the idea, but it quickly grew on me lol)
🍬- Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character. --- (Oh, I LOVE being enabled to talk about this ssfvsfvsfvf thank you! I don't know if this is actually unpopular, or simply not spoken of/depicted as much, but)
Dark is NOT evil, cruel, cold, or manipulative.
He is miserable and depressed and drowning in guilt over what happened to the DA (regardless of the fault not being his) and wants revenge on the Actor - though he's quickly lost most drive to actually track the bastard down.
Not once has he ever harmed the viewer character. He's been cryptic, yes, and a little creepy in Date (though I take that portrayal with a grain of salt these days, as he wasn't properly developed as a character yet, it being his first canonical appearance and all) but on that same point, he showed to care more about the viewer's feelings over having shot someone than Mark did. If you listen to his dialogue (or read a transcript) when he and Mark are trying to convince us who to shoot, nothing he says is a lie. In Heist, he seemed only to want to wake the viewer up to the nature of what was going on, stuck in the Actor's games. He nudged us in the right direction with the clues to be found at each ending.
And with the inclusion of the implications given at the end of ISWM, he may have set the entire string of events of AHWM in motion deliberately to get a chance to speak with us to try to help us. Why else would he very likely seemingly attach the warp crystal to that box, which we would then after go to try to steal? Why else would he then simply pull us aside - separate us from Mark - and speak to us, rather than use the opportunity to try to get revenge on the Actor, who was right there?
Being the "villain" has never been his goal.
☁️- What made you choose your username? --- Okay, so. My mom gave me the nickname 'Lou' when I was in my mid-teens. There's no basis upon my name at all for why she did so. Even she doesn't know why she gave me the nickname. (She's just rather silly like that lol) At first I hated it, asked her not to call me that, but it just kept happening and I realized that it would undoubtedly continue to happen - not maliciously, mind you - so I kinda just gave in and had the thought of 'oh, I could make it into a different spelling of the word 'lunatic'.' cause, yeah, edgy teen lol. And I became very fond of it, making it my username across many websites and accounts. I always pair it with either the number 13 or letter 'm', cause 13 is my favorite number and 'm' is the first letter of my birth name lol
Oh boy, I get rambly. 😂😅 And you are entirely too sweet. 🥺😊 Thank you so much for sending in all the asks that you do, I really appreciate it.
Tagging @kiwibubbles5 because I figure you'll wanna see me rant about our boy lol... again...
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innytoes · 1 year
Fuck AI ABO prompts: I stole your sweater because it smells like you and it makes me feel safe for the Alex or Julie ship of your choice (or both) because we all want to steal their sweaters.
¿Porque no los dos? I decided to make it the Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, but A/B/O. Polyphantoms Polypack? Plus bonus college au.
The problem with having as large of a pack as they did was that Alex was almost always missing his hoodie. He got it, okay? Sometimes you needed comfort and stealing someone's clothes was the best way to feel like you were getting a hug when there was nobody around.
He'd actually been on a pretty good streak, he'd been able to wear his own hoodie for three whole days before it went missing. It didn't help that they all had each other's dorm room keys, so he couldn't even narrow down the thief.
He debated throwing in the group chat that he wanted his hoodie back, but then he'd have to explain why, and he really didn't want to talk about his bad day just yet. Class had been awful, he'd been called on and of course it was the only question he hadn't been able to fill in, so he'd stammered and squeaked and answered wrong, and everyone stared at him and someone in the back laughed and he just wanted to curl up and disappear for a little while.
Instead, he took a deep breath and decided to go with the second best option: steal someone else's comfy clothes. He rifled through Willie's chest of drawers on the other side of the room, but his coziest sweater was missing (probably stolen by Reggie). And Willie had been wearing the cute colour-blocked one. At least he could steal that tomorrow, and it would smell like him.
So Alex grabbed his keys and went down the hall, opening Julie and Flynn's room. They both still had class, but he knocked anyway in case they were skipping. They weren't, and even better, the bright yellow smiley sweater he'd been hoping to find was draped over the end of Julie's bed.
Alex picked it up, holding it to his nose. Julie's calm, flowery Beta scent clung to it, with a few tiny hints of Flynn and Luke as well. Quickly, he shucked off his t-shirt balling it up, and put on the sweater. It was oversized on Julie, but it fit just right for Alex. Like a hug.
In the end, he didn't even make it back to his room. He just curled up on Julie's bed, stealing her ancient mp3-player to drown out his thoughts, the hem of her sweater pressed against his nose, hooked over his chin.
He hadn't even realised he'd been drifting off until he felt two arms wrap around him, someone cuddling against his back. One of the earbuds was plucked out of his ear. "Bad day?" Julie asked, hooking her chin over his shoulder, and he nodded, inhaling. The sweater was nice, but nothing beat an actual Julie hug. He covered her hands with his own, before looking down when he realised they were covered in fabric.
Pink fabric, because Julie was the one who'd apparently stolen his sweater. "You?"
"Had a performance in class today," Julie admitted. Ah Julie always stole one of their clothes when she had to do solos in class. Like a bit of the band was with her. He squirmed, until she eased up and he could turn around and look at her.
"How'd it go?" he asked. She beamed at him.
"I crushed it," she said.
"Knew you would," he said, snuggling back in, wrapping his arms around her. Julie laughed, stealing his missing ear bed and popping it in her own ear, and they settled down together to finish Alex' nap.
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Chapter 2: You Go to My Head
Tumblr media
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Relationship: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Billy Hargrove Lives, Billy Hargrove Redemption, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, POV Steve Harrington, First Meetings, Dreamsharing, Fluff, Billy Hargrove Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Billy Hargrove, Dreams and Nightmares, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Language, Harringrove, Protective Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove and Eddie Munson are friends, everyone is grown up, POV Billy Hargrove
Chapter summary: To Billy's surprise, the man who had occupied his dreams for so long wasn't just another nobody, or one of his normal losers. No, it was Mr. Big.
Author Notes: This wasn't one I thought I'd continue, but thanks to @dragonflylady77 's persuasion, here we are. Who knows where this might lead... Also, some inspiration came from a song again: You Go to My Head by Frank Sinatra *sighs*
Chapter 1 on Tumblr (links to other chapters too) >>
Read on AO3 >>
"Do you mind?" Steve asked, and pointed to the empty chair by Billy's table. "Of course not," Billy said, still smiling, and put the notebook and his phone into his bag that was on the low window sill. Steve put his laptop into his bag, took it with his coats and his coffee, and put them on the chair. Then he donned the suit coat and took his phone from the pocket. "I have to call work. This came so unexpectedly. Just..." he smiled, "Please, don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." Billy looked up at Steve, and his smile widened. "I won't. Not now."
Steve took long strides towards the front door of the shop to make the call outside, and Billy looked after him. When Steve was out, Billy turned to look back at his coffee he didn't feel like drinking anymore. He looked at Steve's laptop bag and the probably very expensive cashmere coat on the chair, and let out a breath biting his lip, and chuckled himself a little. He looked at the front door of the shop again, just to make sure Steve was still there, that he was real. And there he was, walking slowly back and forth in front of the window as he was talking to his phone. Finally he stopped pacing, and looked through the window straight at Billy. He smiled, when he saw Billy looking back, and soon after he ended the call.
"Sorry about that," Steve apologised when he came back, "I had to reorganize some things. My work doesn't often require me to be at the office, but today is...” he sighed. “I can't stay for too long, but I can now, at least for a while." He took the cashmere coat, put the phone into the breast pocket, and put both coats in the hook on the wall behind him.
Steve couldn't believe that the person from his dreams was actually there, sitting right in front of him. He looked Billy in the eyes, smiling, as he sat down. "I didn't expect to find you today," he said, taking his coffee cup in his hands to keep them from shaking. Billy shook his head slightly, and smiled shyly. "Neither did I.”
They looked each other for a while, before Billy laughed again. “I...I guess I'm not exactly your normal dating material.” Steve pursed his lips. “Well...It's been a while from the last time.” “Really?” Billy asked surprised. “You don't strike as someone like that.” “It happened a very long time ago. Before I was in this position.” “Ah, right. So...you're not disappointed?” “No,” Steve shook his head, his smile never faltering even for a moment. “Not disappointed. Surprised a little, yes.”
Steve could drown into Billy's blue eyes. He'd fallen in love with them already with the dreams, and seeing them in front of him, with everything else that was Billy, he couldn't believe his luck. That Billy was actually real.
After another moment of shy silence, Steve asked: “So, how did you find me?” Billy blushed and looked out the window, then took his coffee into his other hand, and looked at the mug. “I...umm...cheated a little. But just a little." He kept his thumb and index finger just a little apart from each other in front of his face. Steve frowned, but the smile didn't leave his face. "How?" "Well..." Billy started, feeling his cheeks burning.
Eddie hopped to sit on the kitchen counter and threw one of the grapes he had in his hand into the air, catching it easily with his mouth. "You saw the dream again?" he asked Billy. "Yeah, I did. You asked me to come tell you if I saw it, and here I am, dumbass," Billy said pouring the rest of the coffee from the brewer into his cup. "You left this thing on yesterday, again, by the way. You're going to burn this place down one of these days." "My brewer, my burnt down apartment," Eddie groaned rolling his eyes. "Hey, I live right next door!" "C'mon, tell me about the dream already!" "Fine! Ugh!" Billy sat down on the couch on the other side of the open kitchen and looked at his coffee, as if it could help him come up with the words describing the dream he'd just woken up from. "This was different. I think it was a restaurant, or a coffee shop, or some shit like that, indoors. I sat by a table, looking out through a window..." He paused blushing, and laughed. "What happened? Come on!" Eddie said impatiently. "I saw his reflection in the window." "Did you see his face?" Eddie asked almost breaking from his seams. "No. But I saw his hair."
"Hair?" Eddie laughed. "Yeah," Billy laughed. "It was kind of wild. Dark brown, a bit longer, but not like mine. And it looked like...like he'd been running his fingers through it way too many times, it was kind of messy.” He paused for a while to ponder. ”I think I've seen it somewhere." Eddie tilted his head his eyes wide. "What?! Where?" "I don't know!" Billy said throwing his empty hand in the air. "I wish I did!" "Ok, ok. So, did you see anything else?" Billy frowned and looked back into the mug in his hand. "I think he was wearing a dress shirt, because he had rolled up sleeves. Oh, and a tie." "That doesn't sound like the losers you usually fall for," Eddie grinned. "Normally you wouldn't even go close to someone like that. Too stiff." Billy rolled his eyes, and flipped him the bird. "Fuck you Munson. It's not your future on the line here." "Not yours either, by the way. It's a dream. You shouldn't invest everything in it. Not before you actually meet the guy. Remember what happened with 'Mr. New York'?" Eddie made quotes in the air. "New York wasn't New York at all. He was a Hicktown," Billy grumbled. "Exactly. You're so hungry for affection that you're willing to take..." "Cut it! I know I'm fucked up, alright?" Billy said annoyed. "But this is different, Ed. The way I feel in the dream...I've never felt like that, ever. It has to mean something."
Eddie sighed and jumped down from the counter grabbing the bowl of grapes with him and walked to sit next to Billy on the couch. "Ok, let's entertain this idea that he's worth all the effort. How are you going to find one brown haired business man out of all that are out there?" "How the fuck should I know!" "Hey, doesn't Tribune have a photobank? You write for them sometimes, you should have access to that." Billy pointed a finger at Eddie. "Now that's a good idea." He set his mug down on the coffee table in front of the couch. "But what are the possibilities of him being someone who's worth having a photo in a photobank though?" Eddie continued almost as if he hadn't heard Billy. "You know, you have an immaculate talent of coming up with great ideas and then shooting them down all at once," Billy said as he got up to leave. Eddie rubbed his face with his hand and then looked up at Billy. "No, but seriously! What if he's just an accountant? It's not like those get to newspapers unless they do something really out there." "It doesn't hurt to check it out," Billy said crossing his arms. "At least then I can tick that off the list." Eddie looked at Billy from the couch, and shook his head. "I haven't seen you this determined about anyone ever." "Anyone hasn't made me feel like this one has." "Yeah. In a dream." Billy didn't say anything, he just stared at his feet. Eddie looked Billy knowingly. "I'm just trying to keep you from getting hurt again. Because guess who is going to be there to help you get over him when that happens, huh? Me. I'm going to be there." "It won't be like that this time," Billy said quietly. "Fine," Eddie sighed, and set the now empty bowl on the coffee table. "I'll go rehearse in the studio. Let me know how the search went."
Billy went back to his apartment, and sat on his couch with his laptop. He logged in the Tribune's photobank, and typed 'business man, brown hair' in the search field just to start somewhere.
Result: 104 347 hits.
He tried different filters; Chicago, different names for companies, etc., but the numbers were still in thousands after that, and none of the photos on the first page were what he was looking for.
He tried to think about the dream and if he'd seen something else in it. "Well, fuck me!" he gasped when he remembered what he'd seen through the window: a street sign.
Result: 1684 hits.
All of the same man, suited to the nines in each one. With a wild brown hair.
Billy slapped his hand on his wide open mouth when he saw the photos. "Motherfucker!" he laughed.
He took the laptop and ran out to the corridor, had to slow down because of his and Eddie's next door neighbour who was nosy as fuck, resumed running when he got to Eddie's door, and finally barged into Eddie's studio.
"You saw him in your dream?” Eddie asked incredulous when Billy showed him the pictures. ”Are you sure you just didn't pick him up to your dream from some news article or some social event where you've been with him?" "I didn't even remember he existed until I saw this, you ass!" Billy exasperated. "So," Eddie chuckled, "just, like, one of the most wanted bachelors in the world, 'Mr. Fortune500'?" "If I remember right, you're on that list too." "That's different. No one knows I'm not actually a bachelor anymore, and I and Chrissy prefer keeping it like that for now." "What the fuck am I going to do now? Stalk him? What if he's not even into men at all? What if he's taken?" Billy huffed. "You said that in the park dream he said something in the lines, uh, what was it..." Eddie rubbed his chin with his hand acting as if he was trying to remember something really hard. "Oh, right, I love you. C'mon. If you're so confident that the dream is real, then it's quite likely he's into men too, right? Or at least he's flexible like that." When Eddie saw Billy's desperate expression, he put his guitar away, and continued with kinder tone: "How did you find him?" "One fucking street sign that was in the dream."
Billy still felt eery every time he walked into the coffee shop he had for so long seen only in his dreams. He had started to use it as a remote workplace in the hopes that Mr. Fortune500 would stop by there to pick up his morning coffee before going to work, it was in the ground floor of his apartment building afterall.
On this day the shop was empty except few other regulars Billy had gotten to know during the last few weeks. He was trying to come up with ideas for his next book, but all he had on the page of his notebook was random words and smudges from his pen. His phone rang. "So, any luck yet?" Eddie asked. "No. But I'm not giving up. He has to show up one day," Billy said looking out the window. "I guess it doesn't matter where you work from, so why not there." "Yeah. Except that I can't come up with anything, for he's on my mind all the time." Eddie sighed in the other end. "You know what I think, but it's your life." They talked for a while about promos and press releases Billy had promised to write for Corroded Coffin's new album's marketing package. When they were done, Billy ended the call sighing, and looked out through the window - and saw a reflection of the man he'd been looking for in it.
"Ah, yes, being photographed and written about come with the job," Steve sighed. "So, did you check out my net worth and who I'm dating currently, too?" he asked, only half joking, and took a sip of his coffee. Billy's expression turned serious. "No. I would've tried to find you even if you had been a nobody. Someone like me." Steve shook his head. "Don't worry about it, it's not like where I live or those other things are top secret nowadays anyway. I'm just glad you found me.”
They looked at each other in silence for a while, both a little stunned and smiling.
Steve finally broke the silence. “So, what do you say to someone you've known for a while but only in a dream?” “Or someone you've said some things already before you even knew of them?” Billy continued. Steve nodded. “Exactly.” “I don't know," Billy shrugged chuckling. "You start with the basics? What do you do for living? Ok, well, that's kinda obsolete in your case, I think.” “I guess," Steve replied chuckling. "So, what do you do for living?” “I write. Mostly copyrighting, some books. Sometimes for the Tribune. But not news, just some culture reviews and such." To his own horror, Billy started rambling. "I've never written anything about you. I didn't even remember who you were when I started seeing the dreams..." Steve smiled a bit wider. "Billy," he said, and set his hand on Billy's wrist gently brushing it with his thumb. "It's fine. Really. You don't have to explain. I know you're not doing some undercover report, I saw you in my dreams too." Billy felt his cheeks burning again, and he looked down bashfully. "This is pretty fucked up," he said, not bothering to tone himself down. "Two strangers linking up via a dream." "Yeah,” Steve said slowly nodding. ”That is fucked up.”
After a while Steve glanced at his watch. "Listen, I have to go, I have a meeting I can't miss. But let me take you to dinner." Billy chuckled. "Sure, why not.” "Where do you live? I'm asking because you already know where I live, so..." Billy looked at Steve wide eyed. "Uh..." Steve chuckled raising his hands. "I'm just kidding, don't worry!" Billy let out a nervous laugh. Steve put his hand again on Billy's wrist to calm him down. "I'll send a car to pick you up, the driver needs an address.” “Well, I can get there by myself too...” “It's not that. I...I prefer you coming to the restaurant unnoticed. It's not you, it's that people pay attention to things, and,” Steve put his hand on his chest, “while I'm very eager to have a dinner with you, I need to think about the collateral damage. For now that is. You do understand? It's just for now, not for forever.” “Yeah,” Billy nodded, very well understanding the shitshow seeing him with Steve in a romantic setting might cause. “Paparazzi?” Steve nodded, finally smile leaving his face. “Yeah.”
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etherealdemon · 2 years
🖤 + ollie/robyn!
my muse’s initial impression of yours
robyn still remembers when ollie had saved her from drowning when they were kids. she was probably being a little overdramatic, but she really did think she was going to die that day until ollie saved her from the ocean. in robyn's eyes, ollie was her hero and lifesaver. baby robyn basically thought that she owed her life to ollie since she probably wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him. she admired him a lot and was ecstatic when he said that he wanted to be her friend. she would take any opportunity to tell people that ollie was her hero.
my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours
robyn is highkey obsessed with ollie's arms. she will literally take any opportunity to cling on to his arm whenever she can. robyn prefers to hug one of ollie's arms when they're walking around opal cove as opposed to holding his hand. she also loves it whenever ollie envelopes her in a warm hug because it always makes her feel good and safe. robyn genuinely thinks that ollie gives out the best hugs in the world and tbh she probably isn't wrong.
my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours
robyn adores how affectionate ollie is. robyn always feels so loved whenever she's around him. she also loves how adventurous and spontaneous he is. there's never a boring moment with ollie as he always finds a way to make the most tedious things fun. robyn just really likes how ollie always seems to the see the bright side of things, his positive attitude often rubbing off on her.
a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours
robyn realised she cared a lot for ollie from a young age. it was when ollie had stolen the neighbours cat that robyn, and everyone around her, noticed how much she stood up for him. robyn was there when ollie stole the cat, and even helped him sneak it into his bedroom. whenever anyone asked what they were up to, robyn was quick to say that they were just playing hide and seek. she was also very defensive when ollie got caught, telling his mums that it wasn't his fault and he shouldn't be punished. she went through all of this trouble to defend his actions just because she didn't want to see him upset.
something my muse never found the words to say to yours
robyn never found the words to tell ollie that she liked him. as in liked him more than just a friend. since the day they met, robyn has always had a little crush on ollie, but she never realised how serious it was until they reached high school. she would get flustered whenever he'd compliment her, she'd get a little jealous whenever she'd see someone else flirting with him, and her heart would race whenever he was in close proximity. she never admitted her feelings for him when they were still in high school because she didn't know how ollie would react. she didn't want to lose the one person that she cared for the most.
something my muse wishes they had never said to yours
robyn wishes she never asked ollie if he wanted to go to their senior prom together. as friends. she remembers casually asking him when they were hanging out in his room. she was lying down on his floor when she randomly asked him if he wanted to go with her, before panicking and quickly adding 'as friends' to the end of her sentence. she often wonders what would've happened if she had just admitting her feelings for him at that very moment. maybe it could've saved them from an extra couple of years of pining.
something your muse does that makes mine feel safe
robyn always feels safe to swim whenever ollie is around. since she can't swim, she does have a fear of water and usually sits out during beach and pool parties. however, she's always more comfortable and confident whenever ollie is by her side to make sure she doesn't drown. robyn always feels safe whenever ollie is around because she knows that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. she knows this from experience.
something your muse does that makes mine smile
literally anything that ollie does will always make robyn smile. ollie is just so fun to be around that robyn will never have a dull time whenever she's with him. he's always making her laugh, from his jokes to their friendly (and flirty) banter. ollie is the first person robyn will look for whenever she's upset or feeling down since she knows he's the only person that can make her smile in any situation.
something my muse wants to protect yours from
robyn knows how emotional ollie can get sometimes so she always tries her best to protect him from things that might upset him. she's practically been doing this since she was a little kid. she always tries to distract him whenever they come across something that might affect ollie's mood. when ollie got upset that he couldn't see any turtles at the aquarium, robyn basically dragged him around the place until they were able to spot one. she also went home that day and asked her mum if they could buy ollie a plushie of a turtle. she gave the plushie to him when they saw each other at school the next morning.
ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words
robyn's clinginess is how she shows her love. she likes being physically affectionate towards ollie, from giving him hugs, peppering him with kisses, to just simply holding him close whenever she can. her protective nature is also another way that shows her love for ollie. robyn always tries to make sure that ollie is happy. if he's happy, then she's happy too.
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inblazes · 4 months
As Kaeya left Zhongli behind beneath the shadows of the windmill, he tried very, very hard to not suddenly break into a sprint. He has dignity, damn it, and Zhongli will see him walk away from him with grace! He doesn’t need him, and he was very adamant in showing that. Or at least, trying to, if he didn’t trip over his feet from his inebriation.
At least he didn’t fall.
Still, once he knew he was no longer in the older man’s line of view, Kaeya booked it.
He ran, climbing over Mondstadt’s walls (somehow without falling and cracking his skull open) so he doesn’t risk running into Zhongli heading out of the city from the front gates at the same time. It’s crazy what pride and heartbreak can do to someone, even in their drunken stupor.
The wind brushed past him as his feet carried him to the one place he needed to be right now: home. Not his cold and empty apartment where he’d drown in his sorrows alone. No, he needs home.
He needs his big brother.
Admittedly, when Kaeya made it to the doors and began knocking on them incessantly, desperately, he was already a bawling mess. Miss Adelinde and Elzer were completely panicked from these wails as though a banshee came to haunt them and rattle the very foundations of the manor. However, what they found outside was no apparition, but Kaeya. A sad, broken, pitiful Kaeya who’s not once ever cried as hard as he was now since he first arrived at the Winery at the tender age of eight.
He was a blubbering mess as he threw himself into their arms when they began to hover around him fretfully, wondering if he had somehow gotten hurt. If something terrible happened to him. However, he couldn’t tell them anything at all, and just kept crying out for Lulu while slumping and growing heavier and heavier in their hold from sheer exhaustion.
Sleep was something that often evaded the Winery's young master, and tonight was hardly any different. For some reason, he'd been unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong, agitated and restless as he tossed and turned in his bed, desperately grasping for just a few mere hours of rest. In the end, he had to compromise with reading a book, hoping that distracting his thoughts might allow his mind to settle.
Eventually, pure exhaustion did the job for him, as it often had to, and he passed out with reading book in hand--
Only to be awoken by the sensation of falling, and the book clatters to the ground, leaving an unsightly dent in its leather-bound spine. Diluc mutters a curse under his breath, swinging his legs out from the covers to retrieve it, and as he reaches down he becomes aware of the front doors of the winery slamming open and shut.
A great, almighty wailing echoes up through the walls of the manor to reach him, and he freezes, chilled by the sound. Was he still dreaming -- having a nightmare? He tries to blink the sleep out of his eyes and stands in favor of picking up the book, taking slow and careful steps through the dimly-lit space to lurk in the doorway.
He peers out into the hall, red eyes straining to adjust to the brightness of the light, and realizes that the racket belonged to...
He stands at the very top of the staircase, fiery locks spilling loose across his shoulders in a cascade of curls that lay in sharp contrast to the long, pristine white nightgown that swallowed him up.
His body looked comparatively dainty, completely lost among the swathes of fabric and hair -- but it made him no less quick 'pon bare feet as he seemed to glide down the stairs in an instant. It made him no less strong when he plucked his brother up from being half-way off of the ground, hoisting him up in an embrace that was equal parts crushing, yet as certain and as tangible as the ground upon which they stood.
It signified a promise: to be present, always. He wasn't ever about to leave him. Not again.
He didn't ask what was wrong. Didn't need to. Kaeya needed him more than any of that, first and foremost. It was only then, holding him so closely, that he picked up on the smell of alcohol -- and shot a look at both Adelinde and Elzer.
"Addie, Elzer... Could you fetch something to eat and drink for the both of us? Water, preferably."
May as well get himself something to eat, too. He has a feeling that he's going to be awake for a very, very long time.
"I'm here, Kaeya. I'm here."
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