#even my career advisor was at first like i thought supportive of me getting into print making or whatever
dokyeomini · 1 year
all my co-workers are so fucking nice fr 🥹🩷
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melodraca · 8 months
Hey! I saw in one of your posts, in the tags, that you were an English major. I'm going to college soon, and I was wondering if you had any advice on picking out your major. What do you like about majoring in English, and what exactly do English majors do? Thank you!
First of all, congrats! That's really exciting! I really hope you enjoy your time in college! Second, this is gonna be a bit long, so I apologize in advance o7
I'm honestly not sure how helpful this is, but for the longest time I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I actually enrolled in university as a mature student a good 5-ish years after I graduated high school. I was so tired of school-related stress (and the way that the public school system functioned in general) that I was honestly considering not even going to post-secondary. I bounced between different potential majors, although I couldn't help but feel tired just thinking about them, like I would be going to school out of obligation or societal expectation rather than genuine passion.
When I came back around to the idea years later, I started poking around my local university's website. As I was going through, reading everything over, and clicking through different subjects, I realized that I was actually really feeling excited about school for the first time... pretty much ever. Because I realized that I had the chance to do things at my own pace, with a focus on subjects that I actually liked, rather than what my family expected would get me a traditionally "good job."
I narrowed my major down to a choice between English and creative writing, but I ultimately went with English. As much as I love creative writing, I prefer doing it as a hobby. It's the same with art for me: getting too serious with it made me feel less passionate and creative (to be fair though, I did take two first year creative writing classes as electives and I am genuinely proud of the stuff I wrote for them!)
With English, I could do my favourite thing in the world: overthinking literature and talking ad nauseam about the media I like. I love rambling, and writing essays is pretty much just organized info-dumping. I also wanted to learn more about history and culture, especially the way that they influence and are influenced by the works of literature, film, etc. of the times. In my experience so far, English classes have mostly consisted of reading or watching a bunch of texts, analyzing them & picking them apart, discussing said texts with my peers, and comparing/contextualizing them with each other. It's way more fun for me than it probably sounds to most people haha
Side note: I'm also taking biology as a minor (specifically with a focus on zoology because I love animals). The contrast between using the more creative and writerly side of my brain, and the more logical sciencey and side works well for me.
I'm still not super career focused, though I have certainly thought about it. I'm on disability support right now, so thankfully I'm fortunate enough to not need to juggle work and school. Ideally, I would love it if my degree landed me a stable job that doesn't make me feel miserable or put the same strain on me that retail and food service do. But I'm kinda just going with the flow for now.
Anyways, that's all to say: look over all of your options and narrow it down to the ones that draw your interest and passion the most. Consider what you want out of school, explore the potential career options that each subject could bring if that's your goal, and generally go with what makes you feel the best.
I know most schools have exploratory courses and academic advisors that can help you figure out what you want to do, so I would definitely look into that! Oh, and look into the required classes for each subject too! It personally helped me organize and prepare for everything I would need to do so that I was less blind-sighted by, as an example, my mandatory statistics class for my biology minor (I'm DEFINITELY not a math person)
Good luck, and I'm sorry again for how long this got! I wish you the best :D
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english-ext-2 · 2 years
thank u for responding to my ask! here’s the thing - i’m almost done with my first mw draft and i’m a bit stuck and my literature review is due next wednesday and i do need my teacher to at least LOOK at my mw before i hand the lit review in… and he said “i’m not reading that for you”, which i thought was absolutely weird. i’m not going to lie, i’m not doing as well as i thought in this course. i didn’t get the mark i expected for viva voce despite following all the criteria and trying really hard and when i asked my teacher why i’ve gotten the mark and what i can do to improve next time, he blubbered on for ten minutes without coming up with a coherent response. i’m a bit worried, but i don’t want to drop the course just because my teacher isn’t treating me fairly. what should i do?
(also, if i’m being honest, i am a talented writer. i’ve received multiple awards and consistent FULL MARKS in all my previous assessments, both external and internal. my grades dropped by almost 200% when i’ve encountered this teacher. am i really capable for ext2 leveled writing? or has my previous achievements been an illusion to my capability all along?)
I think in the case of your lit review, it's worth asking another English teacher (if you trust them) to look it over. Going forward, you may need to speak to your grade advisor / counsellor / a trusted teacher for advice tailored to your situation. Admittedly I have not been a high school student in almost a decade and welfare support can vary wildly between schools, but there should be at least one point of contact who can speak to academic matters. In my school our careers advisor used to give advice on subject and university selection, and was very seasoned at navigating the perennial landmine of advising students on picking up and dropping HSC subjects (especially in relation to the impact on their ATAR).
My own instinct as regards your situation is to agree; dropping a course you enjoy and have a talent for just because you are being snubbed by one teacher is likely to be detrimental to your mental health. I don't think his indifference/apathy/outright hostility to your MW is a reflection on your level of ability or talent. Evidently, other teachers - internal and external - think highly of you, and I would take the opinion of the majority over this one teacher. My position is that even if he personally disliked your work, his role requires that he teach rather than punish, and offer constructive criticism at the very least.
I really hope you're able to get the advice you need and make the rest of your EE2 experience a positive one :)
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Little rant, please ignore, don’t reblog.
So, I have been diligently applying for jobs for, not an exaggeration, two and a half years. I spent five years working on a PhD because I thought that might help me with achieving my career goals. I poured my heart and soul into it, I wrote good papers, I published one of them, I took advantage of all the teaching opportunities available to me. I did the work, is what I'm saying. It has been very frustrating and humiliating to find that after all of that work, not only can I not get hired in my chosen field, it seems I can’t get hired AT ALL. 
I applied to well over 200 jobs, a few every week for, as I said, two and a half years. I wasn’t super picky, just tried to find things that I was interested in and were within my, not inconsiderable, skillset. Academic jobs, museum jobs (I did museum work before starting my PhD, so I actually have experience, I’m not just showing up with the “I have a PhD, I can do any job” attitude that people applying for alt-ac type jobs often get accused of having), clerical jobs, academic support jobs, policy and research jobs, part time, entry level. Whatever I could find that I thought I had about 80 percent of the asked for experience. I had a few things that I didn’t want: 1. I didn’t want to take a job that involved my husband and I keeping separate residences for a prolonged period (what is the point of getting married if I can’t live with my partner, what is the point of a job if I have to spend an excessive amount of my salary paying rent twice.) 2. No war crimes (I’m a military historian, I’m not going to go apply for a company supplying weapons to warlords in Africa). 3. Not the police (See number 2, war crimes abroad or war crimes at home, you use pepper spray on protesters and it’s a no from me, dog.) 4. No call centres (I have anxiety, and telephones are a major trigger, aside from these being terrible jobs generally, I'd have had a panic attack the first day). 5. I didn’t want the same job I had before I went and did my degree, I have more experience, so I want career progression. I think these are fairly reasonable asks.
Over the course of the past 30 months I have had a grand total of 3 interviews. A resounding indictment of the state of the job market and the lie of ‘transferrable skills’ put forward by academia, in my humble opinion.I asked the university for job support and followed their application advice. I have rewritten my CV 14 times, and tailored every single cover letter to the jobs I applied for, no boilerplate stuff, because obviously, if I wasn’t getting hired, it was my fault for just not saying the right magic words. The job incantation.
Friday of last week, I applied for a policy advisor job that was posted on LinkedIn, it involved posting my CV on a searchable interface. In the days since, I have been contacted by no less than 6 agencies begging me to work as a substitute secondary school teacher, no word from the policy position I ACTUALLY applied for. This is so fucking frustrating, because part-time teacher is the job I held immediately after graduating with my BA. I was an after-school art teacher/lunch lady, got paid shit, got treated like worse, and I fucking hated it. It’s been a decade and I have significantly more subject knowledge and experience now, and I DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH CHILDREN. Or, more accurately, I don’t want to work with unhinged parents. 
I‘m tired y’all. I’m taking the job.
After all, it’s the only one I’ve been offered in over two years. But I am so fucking frustrated. I put in so much effort to try to develop a career and I am back at the same place I was ten years ago. Actually worse, because the pay isn’t even as good as what I got at 22. And more than that, this is a job that they’ll literally hire anyone with a pulse and no history of pedophilia. The industry is desperate after people left the profession over pressures from the pandemic. There are scheduled teacher strikes in the upcoming months (am I going to be used as a strike breaker? Because fuck that.). 
Anyway, I know that I can put this on my CV and take the pay check and fuck off when I find something better. But I am just so tired and frustrated and humiliated and disillusioned. Like, I know the world doesn't actually operate as a true meritocracy, but I did kind of believe that hard work and intelligence would result in *something*, slightly better pay than I earned with just a BA, at the very least.
And the agencies keep calling me, and sending me texts, and emails. I’ve taken my CV down already because like I said, I’m taking the job. But it feels at this point like I’m being hounded and bullied. “No one will hire you to do anything else!” “This is your only choice.” “We’ll keep calling until you give in.”
I know all of this makes me sound like an entitled bitch. But again, I also feel like I put in so. much. work. and I wanted it to be worth *something*.
Side dish of extra humiliation. My husband, who is also a PhD, applied for one (1) academic teaching position. He was rejected, but the job search committee sent him emails and called him to beg him to apply for another position they had just posted and which they thought he would be a better fit for. He got hired as a full time university lecturer TWO YEARS ago. He hasn’t even finished his PhD. Extra cherry on top, he hates his job and wants out. I would give my left arm to have the job he has. 
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Supposed Leftists cannibalizing themselves instead of aiming their fangs at the right wing frankly just makes me think they harm out of fear towards an evil they see as too powerful to fight against, and thus turn against people they see as easier and weaker to hurt, even if it's their own side.
It's entirely possible. As I have said in all my other posts, there are a lot of contributing factors. What I really want to know, however, is when the bulk of leftist political critique switched to "hysterical, nonsensical, personal slanders coupled with unprovable and inaccurate broad-brush generalizations designed to make the Democrats look as bad as possible." Truly, there's a way to criticize your allies accurately and helpfully without just giving into Cloud Cuckoo Leftist Land, but that doesn't play as well in the distorted environment of social media, where pithy one-liners and out-of-context quotes go viral faster and reaffirm one's own sense of superior morality. But it does nothing, and doesn't address anything that's wrong. It sure as hell makes them worse, though.
Like. Here's food for thought: I personally feel that at least thus far (although it's already showing signs of changing, because y'know Democrats LISTEN TO SUGGESTIONS and alter their behavior accordingly), Joe Biden himself has MASSIVELY misjudged his personal, initial response to the situation. He gave a speech which was nice and said the right things, but mainly contained boilerplate platitudes with very few actual policy specifications as to things he personally, as chief executive, would order done, aside from promising a vague "whole of government" response. And even that is not to say that nothing was done; it was just that Biden himself, as the president and most visible Democratic elected leader, missed a critical moment to assertively seize hold of the discussion and shape it accordingly. The next raft of headlines we got were all about things Biden DIDN'T want to do: he opposed ending the filibuster to codify Roe, he didn't want to expand the court, he didn't want to order federal buildings in red states to provide abortion services, he didn't want to circumvent the Hyde Amendment, etc etc etc. This was because, apparently, Biden and his top policy advisors feared that this was "too polarizing" and drastic a response, and might undermine public confidence in institutions such as, whaddya know, SCOTUS.
This is because Biden is an old-school politician who has spent his entire career working within the usual confines of American democratic institutions, and his first instinct is still to trust them and think that they will operate as designed. The fact that they've completely gone off the rails, and that SCOTUS has been hijacked with extremists, is still a difficult thing for him to understand, and he's tending to underwhelming and insufficient responses as a result. However, a) SCOTUS has already lost legitimacy in the public's eyes (barely one-third of Americans trust it -- I think the exact number was like 37% at last polling, but I can't be sure) and b) ABORTION IS NOT A FRINGE ISSUE! Biden likewise has spent his career in the "don't discuss abortion" nineties-Democrat mindset, where it wasn't really a winning issue and the talking point was that abortions should be "safe, legal, and rare." But SIXTY PERCENT OF ALL AMERICANS oppose overturning Roe, including 67% of women. This is not something that Biden needs to tiptoe around. He needs to seize that ready-made bulwark of support and show that he is ready to lead on the issue, rather than be dragged along by progressive female Democrats.
Likewise, there were reports that Biden has nominated an anti-abortion lawyer for a federal judgeship in Kentucky, apparently as part of a deal with McConnell to get him to drop GOP opposition to future administrative and judicial nominees. The timing on this was terrible, the optics were equally bad, and he got (somewhat deservedly) bashed for it. However, Biden has already gotten a huge amount of incredibly diverse and progressive judicial nominees confirmed and seated, since he learned from the mistakes of the Obama years and Rahm "I don't give a shit about judges" Emanuel. Likewise, the absolute dregs of the Republican Senate, aka Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, have been auto-blocking every single one of Biden's lower-level appointees, including hundreds of Department of State and Defense employees and other critical government-functionary posts. They have no reason to do this aside from being performative asswipes who want to show that they're not cooperating with anything Biden wants to do, no matter how small. It has already caused difficulties in things like, say, responding to the Ukraine war and other foreign-policy issues where Biden is enjoying some success, such as his drive to reunite and expand NATO (now that Sweden and Finland are almost certain to join).
That being the case, a single district judge in Kentucky is unlikely to do MORE damage to abortion rights in this country than, you know, the fucking entire Supreme Court already did, and while I still don't agree with it (or the timing of it), the fact remains that there is more context for this action than just BIDEN SECRETLY HATES ABORTION AND IS A SENILE HYPOCRITE!!! This is still ultimately reflective on Mitch Fucking McConnell and the moral slime of the GOP caucus: rather than letting the president do his job and fill the ordinary foreign-service and civil servant posts and other completely uncontroversial, non-political appointments, you extort, threaten, and hold them all hostage until the president finally agrees to nominate an anti-abortion judge in your home state, which already has a trigger law that automatically kicked in at the overturn of Roe (though another judge has issued a temporary stay for the time being). And if Senate Democrats fight back and refuse to vote for this asshole, which would be nice if probably not on the cards since it would make McConnell et al even more vindictive, he doesn't get seated anyway!
Anyway, the headline this morning was that Biden is now in favor of getting rid of the filibuster at least in the case of a reproductive-rights carve-out, and 34 Senate Democrats (at last count) are pushing him to make a much more forceful personal response, including the issuance of an executive order or other policy steps. That is the vast majority of the Senate Democratic caucus, and highlights the (gasp, shocking) fact that "the Democrats" aren't a single monolithic entity with a single monolithic policy. Even if Biden himself failed hard at the first hurdle, the Congressional caucus clearly recognizes that there is a serious groundswell of public anger that needs to be responded to, and "vote in November" and tweeting boilerplate platitudes about respecting women's bodily autonomy doesn't cut it as an actual solution. They're also campaigning on this issue, yes, which is the sensible thing to do. But again, there is more to it than that.
In sum: my point is, see what I did here? I criticized Biden for things that were actually his fault and which he could take action to remedy, rather than yelling overheated nonsense about how he's a senile rapist scum of the earth secret Republican etc etc, insisting that "both parties were the same," and blaming the Democrats (and only the Democrats) for the initial action to overturn Roe in the first place. I recognized that different groups of Democrats had made different responses, and placed Biden's own actions in the context of his overall political career, which includes recognizing that an octogenarian centrist Catholic has consistently been so legislatively supportive of abortion and women's rights that it's repeatedly gotten him into trouble with ultra-partisan American Catholic bishops. He also trusts too much in American institutions and can't fully grasp the fact of how badly they have been damaged, hijacked, and already lost public confidence, which limits the range of options that he's willing to consider in response. However, he has showed the ability to listen to criticism from inside his own party and to adjust his thinking, so... that's already far more than a Republican would ever do.
Anyway. Yes. My point here is: You can absolutely criticize Democrats in extensive, constructive, and accurate ways that don't rely on baseless vitriol, social media clout-chasing, and personal insults, and aren't designed to just make yourself, the brave Twitter Keyboard Warrior, look even more Moral in response. However, a lot of them have totally lost the ability to do that, and seem to think that the best political argument is one that rips your actual political allies to shreds as much as possible. Which is, to say the least, unfortunate.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐞" (𝐛. 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; bakugou and you had been dating for so long, but always had to hide it. he hates hiding you, he hates seeing you sad, and you don’t know how much more you can take.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; a little bit of angst at first, but then fluff.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; bc… him.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2.0k
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it had been a long day at your agency, longer than usual at least. a lot of little incidents in your patrol areas, meetings, reports waiting for you to give them a final look. you checked the watch on your desk, almost midnight. by then, only the guards must have been in the building. a long, heavy sigh left your lips. you still had work to do, but the urge to go home was bigger, so after taking your things, you drove home, eager to see your boyfriend. bakugou mananged to get himself the title of number one hero four years after graduation, surpassing even all might himself. seeing him achieve his dreams filled your heart with love and pride, though it still hurt not being able to share those feelings with the world.
on your second year at u.a., katsuki asked you on a date after months of notorious flirting, no one was really surprised, in fact, among your class, everyone was happy because of your influence in the boy. your honey moon period was interrupted a few months later, on what was class a’s last sports festival. as third years already, all the attention was laid on you and your classmates. hundreds of pro heroes expecting to catch the most promising graduates, and your last chance to show you worthy. on every phase, you and bakugou would share knowing glances, secret winks at each other, little reassuring smiles from you and calming head nods from him. with all those cameras making you the center of attention, it wasn’t too hard for people to figure out what was going on between both of you. you ended sixth, only surpassed by uraraka, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya and bakugou, and were really happy with your performance. that same night, after a celebration with all your friends at the dorm, you went into your boyfriend’s room.
he was laying in bed, reading a book, but still reached out to pull you into bed. “mind if i use your computer?” you asked, him humming in agreement, too focused to pay you more attention. first you checked your personal account, when nothing entertainment surge there, you opened your official hero account. as you expected, the festival just endign a few hours ago, the tags were exploding. your face completely change when you started to read.
“so, are we just ignoring the fact that Y/N of all people was making eyes at bakugou the ENTIRE TIME?? keep it in your pants geez”.
“i’m sorry but if you think that bakuy/n thing wasn’t a stunt, you’re wrong”.
“guys. it’s as simple as looking at y/n, and then looking at ✨bakugou✨”.
“yeah it’s a no for me, like ok they’re friends but don’t make it fucking disgusting”.
and you could keep going. most of them were about how someone as great as katsuki could never lay his eyes on you, fewer were about how he was too aggressive and violent for you, and some were just people hating on both of you. tears gather in your eyes, was this what everyone thought? you knew from the beginning the difference between bakugou katsuki and you, who was lucky to even had made it that far, but you didn’t realise just how big the difference was. katsuki immediately felt something was off, so he left his book aside and grabbed your hand.
“i…” was all you managed to say before bursting in tears. bakugou hugged you as fast as he could, whispering softly calming words and leaving small kisses in your head. slowly, he took away the computer to see what made you so upset. blood starting to boil in his veins, his whole self shaking in pure rage. he got up, leaving you in the bed, still a little teary.
“i’m going to kick those losers to the moon, who the fuck are they to say those things? fucking bastards, i’ll shove their words so up thei–” he was walking back and forward in the small space of his room, stopped only when he saw you crying even harder.
“am i really th–that unworthy of you?” the voice crack made his heart break “i know i’m not perfect but i really thought that… that…” bakugou kneeled before you, looking at you dead in the eye. his hands gently reached your wet cheeks.
“don’t say dumb shit, dumbass. you are the most perfect person on this fucking planet, no one, not even youself, can say shit about that, ya’ hear me?” he did his best to calm himself down, knowing that you needed his comfort more than ever.
he took away the laptop before going into bed with you, holding you tightly in his arms. you were still crying, completely unable to get those words out of your mind. you loved katsuki, that you were sure, and he made clear several times that he loved you too, why didn’t people understand that? why it wasn’t enough?.
the next day, aizawa told both of you that in order to keep your mental health, at least until you graduate, to not make it official. he explained how sometimes, pro heroes had to keep their private life in check just to make things a little easier, as unfair as it sounds. so you waited, you graduate and held the impulse of kissing your boyfriend, hugging him, even look at him. it’s okay, only a few more days. katsuki sign a contract for two years with best jeanist, the number three hero at the time. you, on the other hand, had been offered to work with the lurkers, a team conformed by edgeshot, their leader, kamui woods and mt. lady, signing a similar contract to your boyfriend’s. you were overflowed with happiness, your dream had come true, finally you could call yourself a pro hero. you weren’t an intern, you were their equal.
“look, you are a great hero, but you are just starting” edgeshot had call you into his office, the manager of public interactions was next to him, talking to you “i did my research, and i’m going to have to ask you to keep this relationship of yours with ground zero a secret. you have so much potential, you need to leave a good impression or your hardwork would be for nothing.” you looked at your boss, seeing the uncomfortable look on his face. no one liked to ask those things, but sometimes there were sacrifices to be made.
“i have to talk with him first” was all you could say.
it killed you. not being able to love katsuki, to live a secret. most of the time all you wanted to do was scream in the middle of the street, where everyone could hear you. you loved bakugou katsuki, and he loved you, you wanted to spend you whole life with him, without hiding, without lies, without wondering if you were good enough for him. but it couldn’t be. now, four years later, both of you with your own agencies and a steady career, it still couldn’t be. again and again, no matter how many advisors you hired, everyone reached the same conclusion.
katsuki was waiting for you in the couch, watching a movie. instantly, you crawled to his arms, searching for reassurance. at least he was still the same.
“oi, are you okay?” even if his voice came out harshly, you knew he worried.
“i’m tired” you hid your face in his neck, intertwining your legs with his. you didn’t want to cry, but it was impossible to keep all the tears from falling.
“look at me” he said, lifting your face from your chin “what is it?” his eyes creeped inside yours, you hated making him worry, he lived the exact same things you did, but there you were the only one crying.
“i’m tired of this, bakugou” to hear his last name coming from you froze him in his place, what? tired of what? of him? you wanted to break up? “i can’t do it anymore” the way you grabbed his hand gave him confusing signs. “i want to go out with you, to hold your hand in public, i wanna kiss you and hug you whenever i want to, fuck, i want a normal relationship”
oh. it was that. bakugou sighed, a bit relieved. he understood, it was hard on him too, but at the same time, was all both of you knew. your relationship never had a normal phase, he couldn’t even remember the last date you had. how could he miss something he never had? of course, you were different. for some reason, the media had always been harsher on you. if it wasn’t your love life, it was your hero costume, or the way you did your job, how you didn’t have children, that forever tired face you got, they’d always find a new thing to complain. but you had your own fanbase, a lot of people who supported you, not for nothing you were the number four hero. being honest, katsuki didn’t know what to say. he hated seeing you like that, after all those years.
“let’s go out” he talked while getting up from the couch, lifting you with him “put on something comfy, hurry” when he saw you staring blankly at him, he took you from your legs as a bag of potatos “dammit, woman”.
once you got out of your surprise, you did as you were told after your boyfriend left you on the bed. his eyes glowed with a different shine, one that had disappeared a long time ago.
you got in his car, him driving. katsuki seemed happy, and that eased your anxiety. after a while, he parked in the middle of town. despite of the hour, there was a lot of people there, just as he expected.
“we can’t do this” you said, still a bit doubtful.
“of course we can, i’m going out with my girlfriend, i’m going to hold her hand, and i’m going to kiss her whenever the fuck i want, because she’s the baddest bitch out there and doesn’t deserves to be hidden from anyone”.
he said that. your heart raced, your cheeks heated up, what was going on? your belly had a thousand butterflies trying to escape. he said that. for the first time in five years, you kissed him without double thinking. a kiss filled with loved, confidence, feelings you couldn’t even describe.
he got out of the car first and opened your door, reaching out a hand. you were together in this, whatever happened wouldn’t be as bad, because you had him. there wasn’t anything else you needed but bakugou katsuki.
he explained what he planned while driving, you were going to go to every store you wanted, holding hands, sharing kisses. you were going to take pictures and share them with the world. you wanted an ice cream? then both of you would walk the entire tokyo to get you one, not minding the looks, the whispering. this was you and him.
and you did, you spent the most awesome night together, phones exploding with calls of both of you agencies. it didn’t matter.
you ended in a viewpoint, sitting in the back of your car watching the sun rise. a blanket provided the warm lacking from you bodies, even though you were cuddling. every time bakugou was at peace with you, unconsciously started to sing under his breath, in a really low voice. feeling his chest under your skin, his fingers tangled in your head, hearing his deep melodic voice. that’s how you wanted to spend your life.
“marry me” he said, his heart didn’t even race its pace. he was so calm, because he knew that your love was mutual. “c'mon, dumbass, marry me”.
“i love you” was all that left your mouth. he took it as a yes, and he was right. a soft smile curved in his lips, you were his, and he was entirely yours.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
I Got You (Sugawara Koushi x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
Are you taking requests? I was wondering if you could do a smut with sugawara. Like they get a little drunk, and YN sits in Suga’s lap. Then Suga says something like, ”i know we're just friends, so I'm sorry if I get hard.” and then you can finish it however. Thank you so much!
Anonymous said:
Hiiii I justo read tour Tsukishima post! Is just great! Would It be posible to request a scenario with suga and his S/o un which she is a bit "scared" of being intimate with him because her first sexual contacts weren't good. she was sexually harrased when younger and so She is a bit reluctant of intimate Contact or sex being afraid that it just the same she has experienced. Also being afraid if she doesn't do the do with him he Will leave her. And how would he respond to that?
Word Count: 3,124
Warnings: SMUT, mentions of sexual assault, drinking, alcohol, Suga being a fucking precious bean, my shit writing
Summary: It’s been a couple of years since everyone on the volleyball team have been together, one night during a get together you end up having one too many drinks, resulting in Sugawara taking you home and confessing his feelings to you. But a situation from your past might prevent you from reciprocating those feelings. 
So I decided to incorporate these two requests together, I hope you guys don’t mind! I also apologize in advance if the writing is terrible😭😭😭 also another note for you guys: IF MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT IS TRIGGERING FOR YOU PLEASE DO NOT READ. SAME IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE ABOUT THE DRINKING. I NEVER WANT ANY OF MY READERS TO FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THIS STUFF MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.  This blog is all about feeling safe and being welcoming. So please do not read if any of those warnings make you uncomfortable. Thank you all for the love and support and I can’t wait to continue writing:)
The team reunion was everything that you thought it would be. 
 Complete chaos.
 It had been several years since you all had graduated from Karasuno, naturally you guys had stayed connected with everyone despite the different lives you all lead now.
 But it was like it had never changed.
 Currently Daichi was yelling at Hinata’s and Kageyama’s rivalry, both deciding to see how many shots they could take.
 Team reunions and alcohol definitely didn’t mix.
 You sat beside Asahi, watching the madness unfold before you, debating on if you should sneak out now.
 “If Tanaka and Noya aren’t careful, Daichi is going to lose his mind on them soon too.” Asahi laughed nervously as he stared at the other chaotic duo causing a scene.
 “The youth these days can’t handle their liquor.” you sighed, shaking your head.
 “You’re drunk too Y/n.” Sugawara said in amusement, taking in your flushed face and slightly dazed expression. “And what youth? They’re only a year younger than us.”
 Well… he got you there. You weren’t super drunk per say, but you were definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol you had consumed. 
 But in your defense, you were also a light weight. 
 “Don’t be rude Suga-kun.” you pouted staring at the grey-haired male. “I’ve had a long day.”
 “And I haven’t?” he teased. Sugawara was a teacher at Karasuno, and the faculty advisor for the volleyball club.
 It suited him; you had thought. Sugawara was always kind and smart, the fact that he had chosen a career where he could display those characteristics was wonderful.
 He was wonderful.
 Out of the entire team, you had remained the closest to him after you all had gone your separate ways.
 That was to be expected though, considering that you two had been close since before high school, childhood friends.
 And let’s be honest, you still harbored an enormous crush on him.
 “- Shut up you two! You’re disturbing the people around you!”
 Daichi was now yelling at Tanaka and Noya, although the people around you consisted of the old volleyball team. 
 More commotion could be heard from Kageyama and Hinata, and then suddenly you found yourself being pulled onto the lap of Sugawara; a volleyball now resting when you had just been.
 You blinked in confusion.
 “Oi! You almost hit Y/n-chan! Where did you guys even get that ball!?” Daichi yelled.
 “Boke! Hinata! Boke!” Kageyama screamed.
 “Maybe you should just sit here for now.” Sugawara murmured next to your ear, his chin resting on the top of your shoulder as he stared at the scene(s) unfolding before you guys.
 “... Yeah.” you finally uttered out. “Were they always this bad?” you asked, thinking back to your days as a Karasuno manager.
 “Definitely.” Sugawara mused. “But maybe we shouldn’t have met up at a place that serves alcohol.”
 “No kidding.” You muttered under your breath, unconsciously shifting in Sugwara’s lap, making yourself more comfortable as you leaned into his strong chest.
 You both were oblivious to the eyes of Kiyoko and Asahi. They smirked slightly at the sight before them.
 Everyone knew of the crush you guys had on each other. It was obvious. But the fact that you guys had never dated, even after high school, baffled them completely.
 Maybe tonight would change that?
 You couldn’t help the laughter that began escaping your lips as the chaos increased, Daichi had all but given up lecturing everyone and now sat beside Ennoshita.
 You were completely unaware of the way that Sugarawa had stiffened underneath you. The hands that were wrapped around your waist carefully began shifting you, so that you weren’t resting directly on his crotch anymore.
 He could feel the slight race of his heart, and - well - the rising in his pants. He prayed that you didn’t notice.
 But it was just Sugarawa’s luck.
 You could feel the heat in your face rising rapidly, your heart beating just a tad quicker as you felt a growing hardness against the curve of your ass.
 “Suga.” you whispered; your mouth felt incredibly dry right now. “Is that -” “I’m sorry Y/n.” he interrupted you. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” he said gently, attempting to move you off of his lap.
 You shook your head, waving him off. “I-It’s okay. Y-You don’t have to move me… unless you want to.”
 Both of you visibly froze at your words. Shit, maybe the liquid courage you had in your system made you too bold.
 “Okay.” he murmured, and carefully tugged you closer now. This caused your bottom to slide against his growing member as he attempted to adjust you comfortably on his lap now.
 Despite the growing tension and nerves between the two of you, you didn’t move. His arms were wrapped around your waist carefully, his chin returning to your shoulder as you guys continued watching your teammates/friends create havoc in the room.
 This felt natural, this felt… right. Being wrapped up in Sugawara’s arms was quite literally heaven on earth for you.
 His body heat felt extremely pleasant, despite how overheated you were feeling. The mouthwatering scent of his cologne filled your nose, you could feel his breath against your cheek as it stirred your hair, and the gentle rising and falling of his chest.
 “Kiyoko-san! Marry me!” Tanaka cried, reaching for the dark-haired female. 
 “Kiyoko-san is gonna marry me!” Noya said, shoving at his friend.
 This time it was Ennoshita that began yelling at them. 
 You could feel the rumble of Sugawara’s chest as he laughed quietly behind you. Unconsciously he pressed his face into your neck to muffle the noise. You gasped softly as you felt soft damp lips gently brush against your neck as he attempted to quiet his laughter.
 But he had heard the soft noise that escaped your mouth, his grip on you tightening just slightly.
 Sugawara couldn’t help but wonder what other noises you could make.
 This was definitely going to be a long night.
 All too soon the night had ended, but you found yourself being accompanied home by Sugawara. 
 He and the team were slightly worried about getting you home safely, considering that you were still a bit drunk, and lived the furthest away.
 But by the time you had gotten home you had sobered up dramatically, now you were just tired.
 “Would you like to come in for a bit?” you asked, gazing up at the male.
 His eyes searched your face for a moment before nodding. 
 Sugawara had been over to your home before, but for some reason it felt different. There was that slight thrill that you shouldn’t have invited him in, the air between you two still held that sexual tension.
 As you sat in the living room together, sipping on the tea you had made, it got worse.
 Should you… confess? Should you say something about earlier? 
 You were a grown ass woman for Christ sake, and you still couldn’t muster up the courage to tell your childhood friend that you’ve been in love with him since you were kids.
 “Y/n.” Sugawara said suddenly, pulling you from your brooding thoughts. He was staring at you seriously, shifting closer to you on the couch.
 “Y-Yes.” you answered back nervously, biting your bottom lip as you stared back. 
 “Can I… can I try something?” He asked softly, gently cupping the side of your face.
 Your lips parted at his sweet touch, nodding softly.
 And then he was kissing you. 
 It was gentle and sweet, his lips incredibly warm and soft as they moved carefully against yours.
 You melted against him, threading your fingers into his hair as the kiss deepened, the softness melting into something extremely passionate.
 You found yourself on your back, Sugawara hovering over your body. You could feel his hands sliding under your shirt, his soft fingers gently trailing upwards on your skin. His touch burned in a pleasant way, it left you breathless and trembling.
 A familiar burn began igniting in the lower pit of your stomach. 
 Until you felt him cup your breast carefully.
 An image you thought you had buried in the deepest pit of your memory came to the forefront of your mind, causing your body to break out in a cold sweat, you flinched hard and began shoving at Sugarawa, feeling trapped underneath his body.
 You yanked yourself away from him, feeling tears sting at the backs of your eyes as you sat up, carefully wrapping your arms around yourself.
 And then you froze, your eyes snapping over to Sugarawa who was staring at you in confusion and worry.
 “Y/n -” “I’m sorry!” you interrupted him, biting down the hysteria as you fought back the painful memories that wanted to invade your mind.
 “For what?” he asked gently, carefully moving closer to you, he gently placed a hand on your shoulder in comfort. “I shouldn’t have gone that far, I’m the one who should be apologizing.”
 You shook your head, wiping at the tears in your eyes. “You don’t need to apologize Suga… It wasn’t your fault.”
 “I find that hard to believe.” he said quietly, carefully moving the hair over your shoulder. “I shouldn’t have forced it, you should’ve told me no if you didn’t feel the same way.” he said, smiling sadly at you. “I should go.”
 Panic overtook your body and you grabbed his hand tightly, preventing him from leaving. “Don’t go!” you cried. “It’s not like that! I... I’ve liked you for a while now Suga. Please don’t go.”
 His eyes widened at your sudden confession, and then softened dramatically as he took in your hysterical form.
 “Well what’s going on. Talk to me.” he murmured, taking your hand in his. His thumb rubbing soothing circles on the top of your hand.
 You could feel your heart racing in fear, if you told him would he leave you? Would he be sickened by you? Knowing that you were broken, tainted. 
 “Hey.” he lifted your chin, forcing your eyes to look at him. His expression was soft and sweet, understanding. “I’m not going anywhere. Talk to me. Let me take care of you.” he breathed, his thumb gently dragging against the bottom of your lip. “You’ve been in my life since we were kids. I’d like you to be in my life more than that now. So please… just talk to me.”
 The sincerity in his voice, in his face, sent warmth throughout your entire being. It sent away the coldness that you felt creeping into your heart.
 “My first boyfriend…” you said quietly after a moment of silence. “He wasn’t… he wasn’t always so nice to me. Of course, no one knew.”
 Sugawara stayed silent. 
 “His touch wasn’t like yours. It wasn’t wanted at all. But it happened…” you trailed off, lips trembling slightly at the memories.
 Sugawara inhaled sharply at your words, anger piercing into his heart. He remembered that boyfriend, he had almost lost his friendship with you because of that guy. The volleyball team almost lost one of their precious managers because of that guy.
 “It was never good… he was so rough and… it always hurt. I -um - I haven’t… been with someone like that since it happened.” you finished, blinking back tears. “But… if it means that you’ll keep liking me… then I don’t mind…” you trailed off.
 Sugawara had never been more upset in his entire life. Just the idea of someone touching you without you wanting them to, hurting you intentionally… he couldn’t even fathom it. Couldn’t even begin to sort out the rage that he felt.
 But this wasn’t about him. This was about you. This was about making sure that you were taken care of, that your needs were being met.
 He carefully tugged you onto his lap, gently cupping your face as he stared at you with such an intensity it left you breathless.
 “Darling, don’t you ever, ever, say that.” he breathed out, the anger in his eyes simmering down to something sad and soft. “I would never put you in a situation where you ever had to feel that… that the only way to keep me is by…” he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment.
 He took a shuddering breath in before opening his eyes and continuing. “I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to do. All I want from this… is to make you feel loved and happy. I’ve waited years to hear that you like me too. And now that I know you feel the same way… I just want to make you happy.” 
 He rested his forehead against yours tenderly, your eyes fluttering shut automatically. 
 “So, we don’t have to do anything that you aren’t ready for yet.” he finished. “But if you do… I can promise you that I will make you feel good… I’ll always make you feel good. Okay?” he asked, his hand gently cupping the back of your neck.
 He stared at you with so much love and adoration, it caused your heart to clench tightly, the fear and worry dissolving from your body and replaced with a feeling of warmth and safety.
 “Suga.” you whispered softly, “I want… I want to try. Please?” 
 He nodded before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss against your lips. The kiss you two began to share never escalated to something that you couldn’t handle, it remained sweet and tender. An unspoken promise of never-ending gentleness.
 Before you knew it, both of your guys’ clothes had found their way to the floor, you had ended up in your bedroom, entangling yourselves on the bed.
 “You’re perfect.” Sugawara breathed, his eyes dancing across your naked body. He was rock hard already, but right now his priority was you. It was always going to be you.
 “Can I touch you?” he asked sweetly, gazing at your face with a loving expression.
 You nodded, swallowing thickly as his fingers began dancing across your skin, to your most intimate area.
 Sugawara watched your expression closely as he trailed his fingers over your mound, brushing softly at the top of your slit. He watched as yours fluttered shut in pleasure, his fingers gently running up and down against your soaked entrance.
 “You’re so wet for me.” He breathed in awe, carefully pushing a finger in. You gasped at the unfamiliar intrusion, but then began to melt. You were actually starting to feel good. 
 It didn’t take long until you were trembling and whimpering in pleasure at his gentle touches. Sugawara cooing to you about how beautiful you were and how well you were doing the entire time.
 Without any warning you began unraveling beneath him, the tight coil in your stomach snapping, you moaned loudly as the pleasure overtook your body. Leaving you a trembling mess as you came down from your high.
 Sugawara couldn’t tear his eyes away. You were fucking beautiful, and the fact that he was able to give you so much pleasure, the fact that he was the first one to ever give that kind of pleasure, well, he had never been more satisfied in his entire life. 
 “Do you want more?” he asked softly. You nodded in a daze, but that previous fire began igniting once more at the thought of Sugawara giving you more.
 “Can we try something?” he asked, his fingers rubbing softly at your hip. 
 “Okay.” you whispered. He tugged your body in a sitting position before laying down beside you. His member standing up painfully tall, aching for attention, for relief.
 But again, this wasn’t about him. This was about you. Which was why he wanted to do it this way. He wanted you to set the pace, wanted you to take control, wanted you to feel in control of this situation.
 “Ride me.” He breathed gazing at you with half lidded eyes. “I’m all yours.”
 Something deep within your belly twisted pleasantly at his words, and carefully you climbed on top of him, your hands resting on his strong chest as you stabilized yourself. 
 You could feel his cock brushing against your entrance, causing you to gasp loudly at the feeling. His hands rested lightly on your hips as you settled yourself and then you began sinking down on him and -
 Holy Fuck. 
 The stretch that Sugawara provided left you breathless as you sunk all the down, his cock completely engulfed in your velvety walls.
 You sat still as you began to adjust to the size of him, to the new intrusion. Your gaze found Sugawara's face and your tight walls seized up in desperation.
 His eyes were closed shut, his mouth parted in deep pleasure as he felt your walls squeeze him deliciously.
 You were warm, and you were so fucking wet. 
 “You… can… ngh… you can move if you want.” Sugawara groaned out, his eyes fluttering open. He could’ve cum at the mere sight of you, sitting on top of him, looking absolutely sinful with how beautiful you were.
 You started biting your lower lip as you began to move, gliding your hips up and down and - oh. It’s never… it’s never felt like this before. Pleasure began rippling through you as you slid up and down Sugawara’s cock. 
 Soft zaps of pleasure shooting up your spine. Sugarawa’s hands were resting on your hips, helping to guide you up and down. He knew he wasn’t going to last long, not with the sounds escaping your lips and your sweet expression that was twisted in pleasure.
 “I got you.” he breathed out. “I can feel it… just let go. I got you. Cum for me darling.” you were drastically getting tighter and tighter, your body readying yourself for another orgasm.
 So, you did.
 The euphoria that erupted within your body had you gasping for breath, your entire lower body locking down, causing Sugawara to release himself deep inside of you.
 He moaned your name out loudly, carefully bucking his hips up as he spilled into you. 
 You collapsed onto his chest, both of you trying to catch your breath. He gently began pushing your hair to the side, his hands rubbing up and down your back. Sugawara pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head as you murmured his name softly against his neck.
 “Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. Just sleep.” he cooed.
 You could feel your eyes fluttering shut at his warm touch and softly spoken words, you had never been more comfortable, more content, in your entire life until now. 
 You weren’t sure what was going to happen when you woke up, but one thing that you were sure of, was that you were hopelessly in love with Sugawara.
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If you are accepting prompts--how about Sansa and Jon being on opposite sides of a political contest? Prime Minister Rhaegar Targaryen is forced to call a referendum for Northern independence, as demanded by the Northern Nationalists party. He is campaigning in the North for a United Westeros, taking his second wife Lyanna Stark and their son Jon along, toshow how hollow all talk if Northern independence is. However, this means that Jon keeps running into his Stark cousins, particularly Sansa Stark, who accompanies her parents to every debate and campaign rally...
I've been sitting on this for a while (and yes, I do see all the anon prompts, I promise!) and I've sort of been writing this on and off since I got it. The thing is, I have no point of reference for these politics, I'm assuming you wanted something like the Scottish independence movement, which I have almost no knowledge of as I am a dumb American who can barely handle American politics without spiraling into anxiety and depression. So, I've sort of talked around the specifics and hopefully I haven't gotten anything too crazy wrong.
Also, you mention his Stark cousins, but... well, I cannot do modern incest. I can handle them being cousins in olden times where it was acceptable & common (I can't even handle the sibling incest aspect in any time period), but I was writing this modern and that's a hard nope for me. I know it's a fairly predominant part of this fandom and if it's your thing, absolutely have at it! There is no kink shaming in this house. It's just not for me and I couldn't write it, sorry!
Also, as usual, this turned out longer than I intended since these are supposed to be drabbles mostly. But 'drabbles' for me always end up like 2k words
Jon sits in the window seat of the jet, headphones on and turned up. Somewhere behind him, he knows his parents are sitting, likely talking strategy. He knows dad wants him to join in, but Jon's in no mood to talk politics. It's what got him in this situation to begin with.
That stupid reporter. Jon's stupid response.
Jon! How do you feel about Northern Independence?
I say let them.
It's what he believes, honestly – if the North wants independence, why not? The rest of the SK treats them like shit anyway, why not let them break off, like Dorne did? It's not a naming issue – they're still called the Seven Kingdoms despite losing Dorne decades ago, so what if they're technically only six now? Jon knows it's about more than that – it's economics and politics and... well, pride. The SK can't lose another piece of their kingdom – nevermind that piece has been conquered and beaten down multiple times over hundreds of years. Northern Independence isn't a new concept – it's just been met with military resistance every time and stamped out. But they aren't in the middle ages anymore.
For a moment he turns his head to look behind him – to see mom with her head bowed in conversation with dad and something ugly twists in Jon's stomach.
He knows dad only married mom because she got pregnant – because his political career was just taking off and a mistress and bastard would have ruined him. And mom, she'd been so young, she's convinced herself he married her for love. Jon swears that mom used to be different. She used to argue with Rhaegar all the time about politics, he even remembers her bringing up Northern Independence when Jon was just a kid. But over the years she's had to play the perfect wife for him and somewhere along the way it just... stuck. Mom isn't his mom anymore. No, mom is what Rhaegar's political advisors want her to be.
So even though Jon had wanted to protest this trip, there's also a part of him desperately clinging to the hope that when they get North, mom will snap out of it. When she's home, maybe she'll be his mom again.
Especially since the leader of the opposition is an old friend of hers.
Ned Stark.
Dad doesn't react to much, he's a politician to his core, so seeing him get riled anytime Ned Stark is on TV is notable. In fact, there's a rebellious part of Jon that already likes Ned Stark simply for the fact that dad hates him so much. There's more to like than just that, Jon knows – Ned Stark seems like one of those politicians that's doing the job because they want to make a difference. They're rare, nowadays, but Jon's been surrounded by politicians his whole life and he can spot the do-gooders from a mile away.
He thinks it's partly why dad hates it – Ned Stark doesn't use the same underhanded tactics Rhaegar's used to, and from everything Jon's heard, there's nothing to use against Ned. The only skeleton dad's advisors had ever found tucked away in Ned Stark's closet had been that his wife, Catelyn, had originally dated his older brother Brandon, who died in a car accident. They'd begun dating and married shortly after - a minor scandal that hadn't gained any traction, considering they've been married for over twenty years with five children.
Dad was hoping to get somewhere with the youngest daughter, Arya, who always seemed more wild than the rest of her siblings (except maybe the youngest, Rickon). The problem is that she's never done anything really wrong and the North loves her. The oldest son Robb is as perfect a son as any politician could hope for and Jon sometimes wonders if dad would rather have Robb than Jon.
The other two sons are still fairly young and going after them would only make dad look like the bad guy. Then there's Sansa.
Jon remembers her from growing up – not that he'd ever met her, but they're both kids of prominent politicians and he's seen her in photos since she was old enough to walk. A proper lady, he remembers even the southern press naming her. Perfect, just like her older brother.
A hand on his shoulder jolts him out of his thoughts and he turns to see mom, who motions at him to take off his headphones.
“We're landing in a half hour and your father would like to go over your role,” she tells him with a perfect, bland smile. (She hasn't been his mother for a very long time.)
“I know my role,” he says and he can't help the bitter tone to his voice. “Stay quite, don't talk to the press. Pretty easy to remember.”
“And yet you still managed to nearly undermine my entire campaign with one flippant remark,” dad's voice calls over from his seat, low and smooth, though Jon absolutely hears the annoyance underneath it.
“Oh, he's just a child,” mom says, trying to play the peacekeeper like she always does.
“He's twenty, he's hardly a child,” dad starts, but Jon doesn't listen to the rest. He pulls his headphones back over his ears and looks back out the window and tries to pretend he's anywhere else.
By the time they reach Winterfell Castle, Jon is in a bad mood.
Not that he hadn't been before, but he's not allowed his headphones in the limo and so he'd had to listen to dad talk nonstop about his two favorite topics: Jon's failure as a son and how much he hates Ned Stark. And the way mom doesn't even try to defend Ned Stark like she used to infuriates Jon even more.
Jon hates his tuxedo and he hates that they barely had any time between landing and having to get ready for this dinner and he hates that he's going to have to smile and shake hands with a bunch of people who hate him on principle, simply for who his father is. For what his father represents.
When he does step out of the limo, he ignores every photographer and reporter that shouts his name, eager to get any sort of scandal out of him.
He doesn't blame them for this, he's given them enough over the years – not just his apparent support of Northern Independence, but everything else he's done to gain his notoriety. His reputation as a heartbreaker and a playboy that's mostly over-exaggerated, that time he punched a teacher (though to be fair, Thorne deserved it)... Teenage rebellion, they'd written it off as, but he's no longer a teenager and he knows he should grow up and stop doing things to piss off his father at some point.
(His favorite one had been sleeping with that investigative journalist when he was seventeen. She'd been older than him by a good few years and he'd known she was using him to write an article, but he was using her just as much to infuriate his father. His only true regret is that Ygritte's article hadn't done any real lasting damage to Rhaegar's reputation.)
Inside, there aren't any reporters but there are politicians everywhere and that's worse. He does the bare minimum to not cause an issue – he shakes hands and says hello, though he refuses to smile while doing it. They already hate him for being Rhaegar Targaryen's son. They already hate him for being Northern-traitor Lyanna Snow's son.
He keeps an eye on mom to see how she's doing and his heart twists painfully in his chest when he sees her. She has a bright smile on her face and anyone who didn't know her would think she's fine, but Jon can see how pale she is under her makeup. This is the first time she's been back in the North since she married dad and he has a sudden, sharp pang of hatred for Rhaegar – for getting her pregnant, for marrying her, for never letting her go back. For turning her into this.
He can tell the moment Ned Stark enters the room because mom freezes. And sure enough, there he is – beautiful wife at his side, the three adult children with him. Robb, Sansa, Arya. Jon's eyes scan over them – Robb with his perfect hair and smile, an easy way about him that's always come through even on camera. Sansa standing poised and almost too beautiful to believe – Jon's only ever seen her on film and somehow she's even more unreal in person. Arya, who by all accounts hates politics as much as Jon does, stands firmly by her family and Jon gets the sense she only hates the system, not her dad. Not like Jon.
As Jon scans the room, he can see other families here that he recognizes – the Greyjoys, including Robb Stark's best friend Theon. The Manderlys, the Karstarks, the Ryswells, the Boltons, the Mormonts. More families than Jon cares to remember.
There's a sense of someone behind him and he turns just enough to see that dad has come up to stand next to him. For a moment, dad just stands there before turning his head ever so slightly and bringing his mouth close to Jon's ear and he says so low Jon can barely even hear it - “if you do anything to embarrass me tonight, there will be consequences. If you do anything that makes it seem like you support this pathetic independence movement, there will be consequences. Do you understand me?”
Jon feels blind rage that winds so hot in his chest it makes him shake and his vision narrow. He has to close his eyes and take a deep breath before he can answer, and he grits out, “of course.” Dad nods and moves away, putting on his best politician smile as he goes to greet Howland Reed.
Mom shoots him a concerned look, but Jon ignores her. He can feel it building in him – that rebelliousness the press likes to talk about so much. He wants to hurt Rhaegar. For everything – for his mother, for all the people dad's stepped on and hurt. He wants to embarrass him, consequences be damned.
Just as he's thinking this, his eyes catch on copper hair and bright blue eyes.
Sansa Stark.
Darling of the press. Perfect Northern princess.
It takes root in his mind, against his better judgment. What would make Rhaegar more furious than an affair between his son and the daughter of Ned Stark?
Jon can't imagine Sansa would be amenable to the suggestion, not like Ygritte had been – there is no mutually beneficial agreement here. She would never agree to do something that might embarrass her father (and once again, Jon is reminded of the, pun intended, stark difference between his relationship with his father and the Stark children's relationship with Ned. Jon has never even met them in person and he knows this).
So he can't approach her with any sort of offer or plan. No, he'd have to pretend it was real.
He's going to have to seduce Sansa Stark.
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My Rumsfeld and Cheney story.
I am in my late 20s and have been at my job in the White House for several months. Despite my age, I have been handed the task of helping to organize and arrange the administration’s new initiative to expand the humanities in America’s schools. I have an Ivy League education but I know the real reason I have the job. It is because my father has been lifelong friends with the President and is one of his closest advisors.
But being this is Washington, my father has enemies. At the top of the list are Donald Rumsfeld and his acolyte Dick Cheney — notorious for their scheming, ruthlessness and ways to grab power at the expense of others, and they are eyeing up putting a knife in my father’s back.
I am walking down the hallway. There are two things in my mind. The first is career preservation. If my father is forced out by them, then my career goes down the toilet.
But the main reason is because of something I have finally admitted to myself — that they are both incredibly attractive, and I want to submit to them.
I see Rumsfeld’s hatchet face of a Secretary. She buzzes. I wait for a few minutes, hearing him laughing on the phone. Finally, he has me sent in as he peers over some files and is writing something on a notepad, not paying me any attention, giving me a terse, “How may I help you? I’m not sure I can be of any service to your program.”
I shiver.
“Well, Mr. Rumsfeld,” I say. He perks up a bit hearing the deference in my voice. “I did not come specifically to ask you that. I came today to tell you...” I gulp. “I came to tell you that I know you are coming after my father. And I want to tell you that I know you are going to push him. And that my full loyalty and allegiance is with you.”
He stops writing and looks up.
“I see,” he says, with no emotion at all. “You see, I know my way around Washington. And this is something that I find highly dubious. Some kind of trick. So, you may go, even though you are correct about your father’s fate.”
I knew he would doubt me. So I have him a file.
“Well, in advance of that, I prepared a briefing document for you. It is a lot of information you may find useful to destroy him. Not that you need my assistance.”
He opens the file, adjusts his glasses, and chuckles.
“Well, I know some of this already. But this... I will say, that this could be useful in making my job that much easier.”
He leans back and steeples his fingers.
“Of course, I still do not quite believe you yet.” He swivels his chair. “Come here now and kneel before me. Denounce your father and your entire family and beg me to accept your loyalty.”
I pace around the desk and get on my knees.
“I denounce my father and an ashamed of my family’s name. Mr. Rumsfeld, Sir. I beg you. Please accept my allegiance to you. I promise I will serve you in any capacity that you wish, Sir.”
He lets out a Cheshire Cat smile and laughs.
“Very good. That is a good boy.” He then stands and beads to his belt. “Now there is one more chance to show your utmost loyalty. If you do this, and do this well... I will allow you the chance to serve me, as you put it.”
His pants and shorts drop with my assistance. He sits back down kingly, and I begin to take him in my mouth. His hand quickly moves to the back of my head, the weight of his Princeton class ring evident, as he steers me at the pace and depth he wants.
“That’s it. You’re starting to prove your worth to me. I assumed you were as worthless as your old man. But I can see what you think of me. Look up at me and tell me you worship me.”
I pant and look up at his smirking face.
“Mr. Rumsfeld, Sir. I worship you like the superior person you are, and have done so since the first time I heard your name, Sir.”
He nods and forced my mouth over his cock again, now gripping my hair snugly and fucking my face. I am moaning as I suck away. Finally, I can hear him gasp a bit. Moaning, and I sense what is coming. He explodes all over my face, and then laughs.
“Let me look at you. The son of my arch-enemy, dripping in my cum.”
I let him look as he smiles at his trophy. Finally, he nods to the tissues, and tells me that I may clean myself up, he will be in touch, and I may take my leave. He then heads right back to his work, paying me no mind.
I head to the door and pause.
“Mr. Rumsfeld, Sir. May I please say something before I leave?”
He looks up, nods, and tells me to be quick.
I walk towards his desk and am opposite it. I kneel once again, and this time cup my hands like I am praying.
“Thank you so much for letting me suck your cock, Sir. I know how lucky I am to be able to breath the same air as you, let alone to know I can pleasure you. I hope I have shown my allegiance to you, Sir.”
He looks at me with a stern and serious gaze, pausing as he does.
“You recognized your place and chose wisely to admit it. You’ll be able to rise up the ranks here so long as you remember that you are beneath me and you live to do as I order. Now you may take your leave.”
It is a few weeks later and he has finally been in touch. 7 pm. That night. His estate.
I arrive promptly. A maid answers the door. I head him laughing, and I am not sure who. The maid tells him that the guest has arrived.
I walk in and am paralyzed with fear. Flanking him to one side is Dick Cheney. To the other is his wife, Lynne.
“Well, there he is! The ambitious young man who will be a big help to us that I told you about.”
Their mouths drop a bit. Dick just stares at me coldly.
“Surely this is a joke,” Lynne says, hoping it is not the case. Rumsfeld tells her it is not, and then directs me to tell them both what I think about my father, especially in comparison to him, and what I wish for out of my life.
“My father is a pathetic excuse of a man and not even fit to shine your shoes, Mr. Rumsfeld, Sir. The only thing I wish for out of life is to be your faithful servant.”
They both stare at me incredulously, although evil grins cross both of their faces. Rumsfeld smiles widely and orders me to tell them what I did to serve him. So I told them how I sucked his cock and was lucky to wear his cum.
“Now, boy. I want you to know something. It is very hard in DC to find people you can trust and actually respect. Dick and Lynne are the only two people alive I call friends and consider as my equals. And that means that you serve them, too. Do you understand that?”
“Yes. I understand that I also serve Mr. and Mrs. Cheney.”
“Oh, let’s see about that,” Lynne says, grinning as she leans back in her chair.
Lynne and I have crossed paths a few times in my past. I am tasked with the humanities project. She is in charge of the agency that issues our humanities grants. She does not like that I am running this program and let me know about this and has done all she can to prevent me from enacting it unless it meets her goals.
I turn to her.
“Now, I told you that you did not deserve the job you have. You probably thought it is because of your age or who your father is. But that’s not the reason why.” She pauses. “Tell me if you agree with me... but the reason why is because you are an idiot.”
I hear Rumsfeld stifle a laugh. But I have no choice, even though I hesitate.
“You’re right. I’m an idiot, Mrs. Cheney.”
She laughs and nods.
“I am so glad that we cleared that up. I am sure that from now on, you will do as I say. I will tell you the programs I support and how much I want them supported financially. You are going to meet with me once a week with a draft of succinct reasons why you now support exactly as I want, which you will then defend to the president. Of course, I know you lack the intellectual capabilities to perform something like that up to my standards, so you can expect me to red mark your work with a pen like a kindergarten teacher.” She smirks. “And I am sure your father will be in the room, too.”
“Now, there is more than just that. One thing I want you to do — anytime you enter my office, you will show me proper respect by kissing my feet. Why don’t you do that now?”
I steel myself, press my lips to her shoes, and then thank her as she laughs as loud as she ever has in her life. She tells me to stand up and then ask her husband what he thinks.
He just smiles at me. Before I can even say anything, he starts to speak.
“I am so glad that you have recognized this about yourself. It is not easy to admit you are inferior. But I have always seen a lot of potential in you.”
He continues to smile.
“It won’t be too long until your father is back home in Wisconsin where he will be buried. Once that happens, and I inherit his job, I am going to have a need for a chief aide. Usually, this job is in an advisory capacity. But for your role, I envision it more fit for your capabilities. Having me coffee ready. Shining my shoes before any important meetings. Not saying anything beyond ‘Yes, Sir,’ and ‘No, Sir,’ unless I tell you to speak beyond that. Any sort of errand or task me or Lynne or Don want, it gets done. Got that?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now, your peers and people who have worked for your father for a very long time are going to see you hold my coat or wipe off my desk for me. What do you think they will say about this?”
“They’ll mock me, Sir.”
“They will. But deep down inside, they are going to be jealous because each and every single last one of them wants to be in the position you find yourself in — dominated by your superiors.” I can see Rumsfeld not in agreement. “Now, you will also perform the same tasks that Don had you do... only I will not be so gentle. And I will also make sure Don keeps you on his calendar as well so you can continue to serve him as well, being that he made you his toy before sharing you.”
“And don’t worry. I will still find the time and ways for you to correct your work so you can try to come up to even half of our level.”
I meekly say “Thank you.”
Rumsfeld stands up, as does Lynne. He slaps me on the back,
“Just think that your epitaph is going to read about how you were the faithful servant to the most powerful three people who ever lived.” He and Lynne head to the door. “Now get on your knees before Dick.”
I do, and he chuckles and heads to his belt.
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mizelophsun11 · 3 years
Mizeloph's Tale Chapter 7
Pairing - It is still General Kirigan x OC Sun Summoner but will eventually switch over to Kaz Brekker x Sun Summoner OC
Summary - Anna is continuing to adjust to her life in the Little Palace and her life and things will continue to pick up once she is presented to the king. She is missing some of the old parts of her life and thinking about it her childhood before crossing the Fold.
Word Count - 2273
Anna had been dressed in a First Army uniform that she knew all too well. What she was not used to was the golden veil that was attached to her hat, she had a hard time seeing through it. Something else that was different was her hair that had been tucked into the hat so it wouldn’t be seen. The idea behind it being that Anna would truly be seen for the first time as the Sun Summoner when she pulled her hat off in front of the king. She and Genya were walking to the courtyard where they would meet General Kirigan. He would take Anna over to the Grand Palace for her to be presented in front of Ravkas monarchy and other important people.
“Can you please explain to me again why I have this veil? I just don’t see what purpose it has” Anna said as she touched the veil
Genya tapped Anna's hand to stop playing with the veil “you look fine”
Anna sighed and stopped touching it “um, so I was wondering, is there any way that I might be able to leave the Little Palace? It wouldn’t be for a long time I swear” Anna was starting to feel the effect of being sealed away in the Little Palace and wanting to just get out and possibly see her friends
“But you have everything here that you might need” Genya knew that there was more than just missing a some items, but it was dangerous for Anna to leave the Little Palace
“Yeah, but there are a few things I wasn’t able to get before I was whisked away to the Little Palace” which was true, she had been dragged to the carriage and taken away before she could even think about what was happening “I could go back, get those items and make sure that I stay safe” she also hoped that getting those things would allow her to see Mal and Alina
“What could be so important that you would want to go back there? Plus, you were attacked on the way here, why would you want to risk that?” Genya thought that maybe if it was truly important maybe something could be done, but Anna’s friends would have to wait to see their friend
“I know it's a huge risk.. But it’s my sketchbook, I’ve always had one since I got to the orphanage.. It’s stupid I know, but it’s really important to me” for Anna drawing was very important to her. With it she was able to make new friends while also thinking about her first friend Kaz. In the orphanage, Anna and Alina would draw pictures that reminded her of the places she and Kaz use to draw in the dirt. Ketterdam was not for someone with artistic talents like Anna, but she remembered Kaz supporting her passion. Anna knew that she could never make a career out of drawing; it was always something she used to just escape. Now that she was in the Little Palace Anna needed a little bit of time to escape.
Genya nodded “It’s not stupid, I will see what I can do, now come this way, we don’t want you to be late to meeting the king” she pulled Anna along
Anna smiled a little and started to blow at the veil still trying to make the best of it “now this is fun, I can’t wait to get this thing off” she kept blowing at it
“Stop that!” Genya laughed at Annas antics
Anna laughed, she was having a good time with Genya, they had gotten along from the beginning and it was really nice. With Genya at her side she felt like she had made her first friend in the Little Palace. She knew that friends were probably hard to come by in the Little Palace with everyone being cold stone serious, but Genya was different and Anna loved it.
“Remember, no one can see you until King Pyotr does, I’ve told you this when I was tucking your hair into your hat” Genya said
“I still don’t understand why, it’s not like other people have already seen me before, I am just the supposed Sun Summoner now” before she was a living myth Anna was just a regular map maker, why was it so important now to cover up what she looked like?
“It’s all ceremonial, the King wants to see you, a humble girl taken from the ranks of his army, as if he is taking credit for you” Genya tried to explain
“Yeah.. but still I feel like I should be wearing a kefta or something, not a cleaned First Army Uniform that has never seen a speck of dust ” Anna said
“You’ll get a Kefta once he has seen your power” Genya knew that this was a lot for Anna and was trying to be there for her
“Yesh, that power that I definitely have a full grasp on..” she said sarcastically, Anna just wanted this demonstration to be over with, she wanted to start training right away
“The important people who will be there are King Pyotr, the Queen, Crown Prince Vasily, and the King’s spiritual advisor, the Apparat. He’s a greasy rat, then there will be other Lords and Ladys there close in the kings court” Genya went on but something grabbed Annas attention
They had walked past a library, Anna stopped for a moment to look inside and see the rows of books. When she had been living at the orphanage Anna would read any book she could get her hands on in order to escape the world she lived in. She had also taken interest in books with illustrations, she always enjoyed the prospect of drawing what she was reading. Another escape she had acquired when Anna was taken to the orphanage, with the drawings came the reading.
“Wait, did I just see a library? Please tell me that is available to us” Anna asked really hoping it would be someplace she could visit
“Everything here is available to all of us, General Kirigan built this palace to be a home for us so we could thrive and not have to always look over our shoulder” Genya knew that it had not always been like this, a palace safe space
Anna nodded “has a Grisha ever escaped?” she joked, not being serious
General Kirigan knew she was joking, but decided to approach “does that mean you are going to make a break for it?”
Anna turned around to see General Kirigan “oh, I didn’t mean to, it was just a joke, sorry” she smiled a little and he smiled back
“It’s alright, I know you are still adjusting to life here, it’s good to laugh a little” he wished that sometimes he could smile more and laugh, but he was always serious and take care of everything, the world was on his shoulders
They walked out to the courtyard that connected the Little Palace and the Grand Palace “The royals paid for a palace that looks like crap?” Anna said without thinking “oh my.. I just said that”
General Kirigan chuckled “I couldn’t agree more, I think that the Grand Palace us the ugliest building I have ever seen”
Anna smiled “well that’s good, otherwise I would be questioning your sanity”
General Kirigan looked at her as they walked “I hope the room was to your liking, did you get some rest?”
“Yeah I did, surprisingly, once I was finally able to fall asleep it was probably the best sleep I have had in a while” Anna had gone through so much she had tired herself out, she needed to rest “but now there is this demonstration and I don’t even know how to summon the sun properly.. I am scared that I will fail in front of everyone”
General Kirigan stopped, Anna noticed and faced him, understanding he wanted to have their conversation before entering the Grand Palace. “Remember the promise that I would keep you safe?” Anna nodded, she knew that he would keep his word to her. “During this demonstration, just focus on me and you will be fine, we will get through this together. All of this is for formalities and I promise I will be by your side every step of the way” General Kirigan smiled at her and grasped her hand “we have nothing to fear” Anna felt at ease and her worries had dispersed.
They let go of each others hands and continued on to the Grand Palace “once we sees what you can do then get his blessing, you will remain here to train” General Kirigan said
“His blessing? I know he is the king, but I thought you ruled the Grisha” Anna asked, she knew that there was a lot to learn so she hoped that she wasn’t coming across as stupid
“I only lead the Second Army, the King has the final say in things, but I always make sure that my Grisha have the best and are not held back”
They walked into the Grand Palace, as they walked down the large stairs she looked around at the room filled with people. As Anna and General Kirigan walked to the center of the room, it felt nerve racking, there were so many eyes on her. General Kirigan and Anna both got to the center of the room and bowed to the monarchy. Once everyone was settled in Anna looked over to General Kirigan who nodded to her, she took the hat off allowing her white hair to flow free. The people in the room gasped and began to whisper, the unnatural color catching everyone off guard, this made Anna even more nervous. Eventually everyone became more quiet once the Queen spoke up.
“Your hair color.. I have never seen anything like it before, it’s.. interesting” the Queen said trying to appear as nice
“Thank you, Your Highness” Anna was able to spit out
The Queen continued to look at Anna curiously “what are you?”
Anna was still feeling nervous and looked to General Kirigan pleading for help without saying a word “She is Anna Mizeloph, the Sun Summoner moya tsaritsa and she will change the future. Starting now..”
General Kirigan brought his hands up to call forward the shadows into the room, making it dark. Anna watched as the room was consumed with darkness, she looked to General Kirigan who then faced her.
He gently grasped her hands and put his under hers “now call the sun”
Anna nodded, she brought her hands together beginning to call the light, then she felt General Kirigans hands come under hers and the light moved out completely surrounding the room. She was glowing, feeling every molecule of light and the energy that came with the sun, warmth and power. Anna looked up at General Kirigan and smiled, she felt more like herself than she ever had. In the moment, it felt like it was only them in the room, wanting to get lost in each other but remembering they had an audience. General Kirigan then let go of her hands and the light she had summoned disappeared. Everyone in the room was clapping and cheering, the Sun Summoner had been found and the people could not be happier.
Their transe was broken by the King's standing ovation “Bravo! Bravo! How long will she need?”
“Destroying the Fold will not be easy. She will remain with me in the Little Palace to train.. Undisturbed” General Kirigan wanted to get his point across to the King
The King nodded “Then train her quickly, our wars have been a noble pursuit, but this chatter from the West about becoming a sovereign nation needs to stop. The sooner we are one country again the better”
“Agreed, moi tsar” General Kirigan and Anna bowed and turned around “you were perfect”
Anna smiled “thank you, it felt amazing, I don’t even know where it came from” she was still feeling the joys of using her small science truly for the first time
General Kirigan stopped and looked down at her “it came from everywhere, because you called upon it” he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek “Welcome home, Miss Mizeloph” she blushed a little and smiled watching him walk through the group of Grisha that had gathered around to greet her
One Grisha gave her a hug “it’s such an honor to formally meet you” Anna smiled and saw the Squaller, Zoya approach her
Zoya smiled and hugged Anna “white haired Ketterdam trash” Zoya whispered into her ear
Anna didn’t have enough time to react as Genya grabbed her arm pulling her through
“You are truly one of a kind, the entire country is going to be talking about you now” Genya smiled and pulled her away from the group
Anna walked with Genya back to the Little Palace, she was still in shock, first she had been able to summon the sun. Then after it all, General Kirigan had given her a kiss on the cheek, she touched the place where he had kissed her. She was surprised by it, but it was actually kind of nice, she was feeling so many different emotions. Once they got back to her room there was a blue kefta that had gold embroidering that resembled the spiralling rays of sun. Anna took off her First Army uniform and put her new kefta on, she went over to a mirror and looked at herself, she felt like she finally finding her true home.
Author Note - Thank you everyone who has been reblogging my chapters and leaving comments! I really appreciate everyones support in my story! Please feel free to continue leaving comments if you would like to! Also if anyone would like to please feel free to pm me and if you would like to talk I think that would be amazing!
Tag List - @rika90 @itsemy01 @hotleaf-juice @teatimeforusreaders @benbarnes-supremacy @graciefullygracie @aleksanderwh0r3 @klaudosh @herbatkazmilosica
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echos-lighthouse · 3 years
Ninjago fairy tale AU’s because I can’t sleep
Lloyd: little red riding hood
Zane: Snow White
Echo: Rapunzel
Jay: the little mermaid
Kai: beauty and the beast
Cole: Goldilocks and the three bears
Little green riding hood
This was going to be Kai but Lloyd fit better
Oh my gosh like the fandoms expectations for the green ninja
Lloyd was told by his Uncle Wu to go pick up some tea from Mystake
On his way back, he keeps running into Akita, who’s trying to warn him of danger, but Lloyd can’t understand her
The danger is Harumi is following him. Lloyd doesn’t see her
When Lloyd reaches the monastery, Harumi is there, pretending to tend the place
She says that she’ll take the tea to Wu, and Lloyd is give her the tea, when Akita comes and scares Harumi off
Akita sniffs out Wu and after she finds him, reveals herself as a human
Then they all live happily ever after (except Harumi) the end
Snow White
Zane is the son of the oh so famous Dr. Julien, the royal inventor, but the King (ice elemental from the elemental alliance) takes a liking to Zane, and adopts him when Dr. Julien dies
Now Zane is the prince woo
The King also takes a liking to the ice emperor, but that was a mistake, because he sneakily kills the king and takes the throne for himself
“Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the coldest of them all?”
It’s Zane
So IE tells Vex to go kill Zane, but Vex doesn’t actually know how to kill a nindroid so he just tells him to run into the forest
That’s where Zane meets the 7 dwarves
Hungry (Cole) Chatty (Jay) Confused (teen Wu) Flirty (Kai) Grumpy (Morro) Happy (Echo) and Sleepy (Lloyd)
Later he meets P.I.X.A.L. who immediately catches his heart
The IE finds out that Zane is still alive, and decides that since Vex didn’t help him, he was going to have to kill Zane himself
He disguises himself and goes into the forest
He gives Zane an apple that gives him a fatal virus, but Zane doesn’t realize it’s bad so he dies (wow shocker)
Then the IE falls off a cliff
The 7 dwarves hold a small funeral and invite P.I.X.A.L.
P.I.X.A.L. realizes that Zane isn’t dead dead, so she kisses him and he comes back to life
They go back to the kingdom and Zane is crowned king, and P.I.X.A.L is queen. The dwarves are advisors
Then they all live happily ever after the end
Dr. Julien didn’t want Zane to know he was building a little brother for him, because he was getting sick, and thought he was going to die soon, and he didn’t want Zane to be sad at his brother and his father not being around
So he struck up a deal with Samukai the Skeleton
Samukai would give him a private place to build Echo, and a potion to help him get better if Samukai got to keep Echo
Not having much of an option, Dr. Julien agreed, hoping that Echo and Zane would find each other on their own
Echo was built and Samukai kept him in a lighthouse
Dr. Julien tells Zane of his missing brother
Events of Snow White (seen above) ensue and now Zane is king yay
Morro is a wanted thief and while getting away, he runs into what he thinks is an abandoned lighthouse
Only to find a rusty nindroid
Echo explains he’s always wanted to see the real world but he never got to
Morro sneaks him out and they head to the kingdom to celebrate the king’s birthday
Echo realizes that he’s the king’s brother, and he a Morro go back to ask Samukai questions
Samukai does an exposition dump, and stabs Morro, before Morro simply blows him away
Morro dies but he’s a ghost so it’s okay
They return to the kingdom and Echo FINALLY meets Zane
Morro and Echo start dating
Then they all live happily ever after the end
The Little Mermaid
Jay was always fascinated with little toys he found from human shipwrecks
He would often go on and on about what he thought they were all used for
His father may have been King Cliff, but Jay was practically raised by Ed and Edna, who taught him about the human world
His mom is dead rip
He goes to the surface and finds Nya, who he immediately falls in love with
He stays hidden, but sings Nya a little song
The ship almost wrecks, but Jay saves Nya. She’s barely waking up to his song again before he swims off. She wants to know who that voice was
Jay finds a locket with Nya and her brother in it, and he wants to take it to Nya, so he tells his dad
His dad isn’t happy that Jay fell in love with a human
After another fight with his father, Jay goes off and gets lost, but is found by Nadakhan
Nadakhan says he can make Jay human, all he has to do is wish, and Jay gets 3 wishes total. After the third wish, Nadakhan gets something of Jay’s
Jay’s first wish is to be human, his second is that he won’t be able to speak because he wants to save his 3rd wish
Nadakhan grants Jay’s wishes and Jay goes to learn to become human. He gives the locket to Nya
Nya tells him about her brother’s romantic escapades (see below) but she also tells him that she has to get married soon or she might not be able to support her career in technological advancement
She has her sights (or rather ears) set on the lovely voice she heard that night, but Jay can’t tell her that that was him
They meet Nadakhan who has come to get Jay’s third wish, but Jay won’t use it
Nadakhan says that if Jay doesn’t use his third wish by sundown the next day, he was going to kill Nya
Nadakhan uses magic to sound like Jay, and Nya has to marry him (she’s under a spell)
The next day, Jay still hasn’t made his third wish by sundown and Nya starts dying
Jay wishes her to stay alive, and says even if Nadakhan takes his legs and he never gets to see Nya again, he’ll be fine, just as long as she lives
Nadakhan grants the wish, but the spell on Nya fades away and she falls in love with Jay
I don’t know what to do with Nadakhan, I think I’ll have him just take the boat and leave
Then they all live happily ever after the end
Flirty and the Beast
Kai is the biggest flirt in their village
Everyone knows he’s just a blacksmith who likes fighting, but men and women alike can’t get enough of his flirtatious exploits
Though he’s never actually known what real love is. He also wants to go out on an adventure, but the closest he’s ever gotten was books
One day, Nya wants to take her samurai x project to ninjago city, and Kai tells her to have fun
While Cryptor (literally couldn’t find a better villain please work with me) is trying to get Kai to date him, Kai receives a message from Nya that she’s in trouble
Kai runs off to try and save her and that’s when he finds out that Nya’s been taken prisoner by an anacondrai looking person
She introduces herself as Skylor, and she says she’ll let Nya go if Kai stays with her
Kai agrees and Nya goes back to their village to get help
Nya tells Cryptor about Kai, and he just laughs it off, because Nya’s a women, and all women are crazy, but he decides that if Nya is going crazy, he could hold it against Kai
But he can’t find Kai
Back at Skylor’s mansion castle, Kai gets curious and finds the staff making Skylor a snake
After she scares him, he runs into the woods and is attacked by wolves, but Skylor saves him
They star falling in love after that
Kai asks Skylor if he could visit Nya, and Skylor reluctantly lets him go for good, thinking he might like that most
Kai also tells them of Skylor, finally realizing he loves her, and Cryptor decides to get rid of her, because “if I can’t have Kai, no one can”
They fight
After stopping Cryptor (Nya was able to shut him off) Kai shucking finally kisses Skylor and she turns into a Normal human
Wanting to help Kai go on and adventure, Skylor takes him, and Nya on a trip to visit a beach (queue previous story)
then they live happily ever after the end
Noir locks
Cole never wanted to sing and dance, but he loved watching the lumberjacks
One day he followed them out to a part of the woods he was unfamiliar with
He explores a bit more and finds a house. There seems to be fresh food, he didn’t eat breakfast and was starving, so he sneaks in
There’s cake
After eating the vanilla cake instead of the chocolate or strawberry, Cole decides to take a nap. He woke up super early to catch the lumberjacks, and walking for so long made him exhausted
He finds the most luxurious bed he’s ever slept in
He’s woken up to a high pitched scream
He sees an ivory and gold colored bear and starts screaming too
Two more bears come up the stairs
After they all calm down, the bears introduced themselves as Vania, Seliel, and Kataru
Kataru says his sister is usually here as well but she was out doing something else
Cole asks what the heck is going on and why there were talking bears sleeping in beds and eating cake
Vania explains that her father cursed her and Seliel, and Kataru was just a bear formling
Cole decides to see if he can do anything about it, so Vania leads him to her fathers mine
Cole try’s to reason with Vangelis, but the king won’t have it
Vania explains that Cole needs to shave Vangelis’s beard because that’s where he stores his magic
Cole does, but Vania and Seliel are still bears
Vangelis later explains that his magic is actually from a magic skull and he just tells people that it’s in his beard because he wants to throw them off
Cole tries to steal the skull, and Vangelis catches him and turns Cole into a bear
After fighting Vangelis and ultimately getting the skull, Cole runs off
He takes the skull back to Kataru who destroys it
Vania, Cole and Seliel turn back
Not having any real magic anymore, and just being a horrible person, Vangelis is knocked off the throne and Vania takes over
Then they all live happily ever after the end
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
Hi! :) I was reading your post about SQH in TUT and it got me thinking. Since this version also wrote SVSSS, when he transmigrates does he realize his "dream" was real? Also, you hinted that he recognizes SY as the same person who transmigrated into SQQ, so now I'm wondering if he tells SY that, and how SY would react to learning he's the protagonist of SVSSS in another universe. I just love thinking about how meta this could potentially get, haha.
Can't wait to find out more! Keep up the good work!
(Follow-Up Post to: Part I, Part II)
@the-legend-of-chel 👏👏👏 Luv, good to see you in my Asks! I’m glad to hear that you’re looking forward to finding out more in The Untold Tale! And thanks for your support and encouragement. 💖
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(TUT ch1 - Excerpt)
You’re right. There is a lot of meta potential with older!Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky being the MXTX equivalent in this AU—or, rather, I like to imagine him growing up to be the Stephen King equivalent of modern day China with a prolific portfolio of written works (novels and short stories, and extras). In canon, he churned out a great number of words per chapter and in a speedy amount of time! Do you guys know how miraculous that is, as a writer? I envy him so much! To be able to churn out that much content in a short amount of time, and in a scheduled regimen, is amazing! That’s basically my angle having written this into the prologue of TUT. That’s partially the reason why I wrote ch1. I liked the idea of paying homage to SVSSS and saying that it’s an actual book series in TUT universe that Airplane wrote (as funny as the idea would be, I wasn’t about to let SY be the one to write it, lol, for intellectual property reasons since the PIDW characters belong to Airplane, which would necessitate SY changing names and character appearances if he published what we know as irl SVSSS, so the best I can give SY is saying he wrote his own PIDW fanfic which basically launched his novelist career because he’d realized, hey, I actually have a knack for writing and the ever so spiteful I feel like practically every writer has had this thought before: fine, if I don’t see what I want to read, then I’ll write it myself!)
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(TUT ch1 - Excerpt)
We’re approaching TUT spoiler territory so skip below if you don’t wish to be spoiled.
TUT (Meta) Spoilers
I personally love meta. If I’m to be writing a lovestory to SVSSS, there will be attempts at meta thrown into TUT. And this is one of them:
Airplane did “dream” about canon SVSSS. He basically “dreamt” about his favorite black powder fan, Peerless Cucumber
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changing events of Airplane’s biggest regret Proud Immortal Demon Way. (As a writer, it embarrasses me to read my old writing. So I imagine it could be the same for Airplane.) As an author, Airplane recognized what he dreamt had potential to be a commercial success as a danmei transmigration story so basically every time he woke up, he would write pieces of what he remembers in a dream journal when the memory was fresh in his brain. It also allowed Airplane the opportunity to show his readers through the perspective of SY! Shen Qingqiu what Airplane had originally wanted to write, but integrated in a way that blends seamlessly into the reading experience. He would’ve thought it was a bit weird and strange that his brain dreamt about his past critic—whom he’d considered a small celebrity in the PIDW forums back then—aka his anti-fan-turned-accomplished-novelist in the writing industry, so he felt embarrassed that his unconscious brain must have thought very highly of the man.
So Airplane omitted any mention of Peerless Cucumber from the final draft of SVSSS (if he mentioned both “Shen Yuan” and “Peerless Cucumber,” then even SY would be like, Hey, wait one moment....). This detail will be included in a later chapter, but did you know the name “Shen Yuan” has come up in other works? Let’s ignore the variations on the Chinese written characters for the name “Shen Yuan.” There was the evil older brother character Shen Yuan from The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage, a side character named Shen Yuan from a C-drama (I think he was an old minister?), and there’s even an irl visual artist named Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan (Shen Garden) is also a famous romantic garden in Shaoxing, known for the love story between Lu You and Tang Wan.
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(Shen Yuan Garden - Trip Advisor Review)
Basically “Shen Yuan” in itself is not a particularly uncommon name in China (imo I would not say it’s super popular either). So when SY saw his name mentioned once or twice in Airplane’s SVSSS—aka rebooted PIDW—during his read-through, he was like, Huh, what a strange coincidence. And then dismissed it as circumstantial and thought nothing of seeing his name come up in a cutsleeve novel as the new protagonist, haha. It’s like a book written by Anne Rice; one of the titles coincidentally has the same name as mine. Now, obviously the book and main character is not based or inspired by me; I just coincidentally share the same name. If I see books which have characters with my same first name, generally I like to read them and sometimes even collect them for my bookshelves. Because there’s something just so fun and interesting about seeing your own name in a fictional piece of work.
There’s also meta joke potential about Airplane dreaming of himself being transmigrated into the cannon fodder Shang Qinghua and seeing the romantic miscommunications between the younger version of himself (his self-insert essentially) and the fictional Mobei jūn character. I can certainly say seeing such dreams would make Airplane question his sexuality and awaken something dormant in him, haha. He’d realize he might not be not as straight as he thought he was, if his brain was capable of dreaming of SY!SQQ being crushed on by LBH, and SQH being crushed on by MBJ and essentially following MBJ around calling him “my king” this and “my king” that. He’ll be sweating bullets when he meets this world’s version of MBJ, because Airplane will definitely remember how the younger Self-Insert version of himself acted toward MBJ in the SVSSS world. (It’s the classic “Just because I dreamed about it happening doesn’t mean it’ll happen here, right? ...Right? Cucumber brother, you’re a fortuneteller! Please check our eight characters for me! I have to know my marriage compatibility with Mobei jūn!”)
In a later chapter, there will be the reveal where Airplane tells Shen Yuan that he “dreamt” of a universe where a younger version of Shen Yuan—having choked on mantou (馒头) (paying homage to the donghua) or just being transmigrated in general after raging at a younger ASTTS’s writing (paying homage to the books)—transmigrated into the Shen Qingqiu we know from SVSSS who married Bing mèi. Because I think it will be hilarious when TUT’s SY finds out about the true source of Airplane’s inspiration, and he’ll naturally freak out over the fact that this is the very same Bing gē from Airplane’s Bing-gē vs Bing-mèi extra and that he’s essentially somehow stumbled on the same path as the alternative younger SY!SQQ “from Airplane’s imagination.” I will leave this open to interpretation if this does show up (it’s just an idea I’m playing with) but I might hint that there might be a higher power at play which allowed Airplane a peek into another universe—which manifested as his dreams.
I very much like this dynamic (we might see this exchange, verbatim, in a future chapter in TUT):
SY/ LBH —> He gave him a disdainful gaze.
Airplane cried inwardly at the oppression and the feeling of being wronged.
Haha, none of this is really Airplane’s fault^ though. It’s a fun parallel and if I’m still motivated when we get to the wedding and consummation chapter, we might see an epilogue where SY and Bing gē from TUT meets SY!SQQ and Bing mèi maybe. Because I think it’ll be funny with the two LBHs getting into a shouting/ fighting match about who has the “superior Shen Yuan” while the two SYs just shake their heads at their silly husbands (and potentially TUT’s SY, as the older party, can impart his fortunetelling wisdom and advice to SY!SQQ).
Personally I can’t wait when we get to those chapters, because I know it’ll be entertaining to write, haha. Personally TUT is a fun project because there’s just so much meta potential that can be incorporated and I have a lot of fun imagining the scenarios.
*Note: like always, keep in mind that these are just my current thoughts. Details are subject to change; things aren’t considered official until they show up in the final draft on AO3. :)
The Novelists’ First Impressions
The first impression SY and Airplane will have of each other will be fun. Because in their perspective, written in my notes it’s essentially like:
(Airplane seeing SY):
His first reaction was shock. Shock because the mere mortal he used to be could not conceive so much charisma being emitted by this guy.
This is definitely a man who had put all of his stats into CHARISMA.
(SY seeing Airplane):
He's suspiciously good looking in ways that normal people are not.
Ah, the Cucumberplane friendship in TUT is going to be so much fun. Not only are these two older souls who transmigrated (both are mid-aged in this universe), they’re both accomplished novelists in their own right in the writing industry. Which means with these two being celestial beings, there’s so many clichés we can playfully poke fun at.
It also makes me laugh because imagine being SY, and seeing a guy (mortal!Airplane) who exudes the same energy as these two imperial princes GIFs:
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jessbakescakes · 3 years
I wish you would write a future fic where Josh and Donna kind of argue about future careers and Josh tries to convince Donna he has a whole plan laid out for her future in politics (because I’m convinced he does).
This took forever and I'm so sorry! This was from the 'I wish you'd write a fic where' game that I started over a month ago and then... didn't finish. Anyway. This is a post-series fluffy future Josh/Donna fic.
May 2014
“I think I need a vacation to recover from our vacation,” Donna says, pulling the nearest child-sized duffle bag toward her and unzipping it.
Josh laughs. “Leave that until tomorrow. Seriously.”
“I do feel compelled to at least check to be sure one of the barn kittens didn’t accidentally hitch a ride back with us,” Donna says, employing air quotes around the word ‘accidentally’. “Nora was a little too fascinated by them.”
Josh, Donna, and their three girls spent Memorial Day weekend with the Bartlets on the farm in New Hampshire. It had become a tradition during the first year of the Santos administration, a way for Josh and Donna to get out of the city away from the fireworks and relax on an otherwise difficult weekend. Donna had always welcomed the opportunity to escape for a little while, and she was incredibly grateful that the Bartlets continued to extend the invitation as their family grew.
Abbey and Jed rolled out the red carpet for their honorary granddaughters on this particular weekend. They introduced the girls to the Bartlet Farm barn cat and her kittens, let them play in the sprinklers until they were pruny, and kept them busy while Josh and Donna relaxed. The entire Moss-Lyman clan had a great time, and the weekend came to a close with only a few minor hiccups.
“I checked as I loaded the car,” Josh reassures her. “Nary a kitten crossed state lines.”
“Okay, good,” Donna says, moving the bag back to its place by the wall and leaning her head on Josh’s shoulder. It was a nice weekend, but going anywhere with their three girls always manages to be exhausting somehow.
“I am intrigued by this ‘vacation from a vacation’ business, though,” Josh says, dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
She curls up close to him, closing her eyes. “Well, coming from a man who didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘vacation’ until he was forced to take one, I can understand how the concept is nebulous to you.”
Donna sighs. “I just… I like my job, Josh. I do. But sometimes it’s a lot of… I don’t know. I feel like I’m not making much of a difference.”
“Of course you’re making a difference. But if you feel like you’re not, then it’s time to move on,” Josh says. “Shake things up.”
“We haven’t had this conversation in several years,” Josh starts, “and the last time we did, you tried to convince me that you could get your master’s degree in the one-year accelerated program while working and raising two kids under three.”
She remembers this conversation well. After President Santos lost his re-election bid, she was feeling a bit unsure of what to do next. Being Chief of Staff to the First Lady was an incredible honor, but it took her some time to figure out her next move. She’d finished her bachelor’s degree while she was Chief of Staff, so she eventually decided to get her master’s degree from Georgetown, then took a job with the Women’s Leadership Coalition.
Josh, of course, was incredibly supportive, taking on the duties of primary caregiver while doing some teaching at the adjunct level on the side. He did his best not to offer his opinion on her career moves unless he was asked directly, but sometimes, he had to remind her that she could only do so much. Talking her into pursuing her degree on a part-time rather than full-time basis was one of his smarter ideas.
“Okay, yes, doing it in two years was the better decision, but I ended up graduating when I was, what, seven months pregnant with Leah? I’m a very powerful and capable woman, Josh,” Donna says.
Josh stands up from the couch and pulls a binder off of the bookshelf in the corner. “I have never once doubted that. In fact, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“Thank you.” Donna pauses, watching as Josh flips through the binder. It occurs to her as she watches him leaf through the binder that she has no idea what he’s referring to. “Wait, what do you mean?”
Josh opens the binder and pulls out two sheets of paper. “Each of these pieces of paper contains a timeline for your future in politics.” He taps the page in her left hand. “This one right here is an accelerated version, but I think you could easily manage either one of them.”
She glances down at the pages, a little intimidated by the idea that Josh has planned out her entire career path. Donna can feel the anxiety building as she reads. Words like campaign manager, senior political advisor, and Congresswoman, Wisconsin 2nd stand out in bold font. “Josh? What is this?”
“Which one?”
Donna points to the line that says Congresswoman, Wisconsin 2nd. “This.”
Josh laughs. “Oh, yeah. You’re running for Congress in 2024. Sam’s going to be elected President in 2022, so we’ll have to slip you in at midterms to make sure you can boost his numbers in the second half. At least he’ll know he can count on your vote.”
She smiles to herself. Josh has such high hopes for her. He’s been telling her she should run for Congress since they got married, even going so far as to occasionally send her Zillow listings for properties in the Congressional district. But he’s always done it in his Josh-like, half-joking way. She’s never really taken him seriously when he’s suggested it.
For one, she’s not really given much thought to the idea of being the ‘face’ of the political process. She’s always enjoyed the behind the scenes work, and the idea of campaigning on her own behalf sounds daunting at best. The idea of leaving Josh and the girls behind to spend time in Wisconsin without them immediately makes her a little nauseated. “I don’t know how I feel about all of this.”
“About what? Donna, you can do this. You’re so great at it. And you’d be able to make a difference the way you want to.”
There’s something about the idea of Josh’s enthusiasm toward the idea of her advancing in politics that will never get old. The fact that they’re past the days of being boss-and-assistant and nearly seven years into a marriage and almost eight into a partnership where Josh puts her career first is almost unbelievable. “It’s way too early to be talking about any of this,” Donna finally says, handing him the papers.
“It’s almost too late to be talking about this,” Josh counters. “If you’ll look at 2014 on the timeline…”
Donna leans forward and interrupts him with a kiss. When she pulls away, she gently removes one of the papers from his hand and folds it in half. “You can get rid of this one. I’m not going to be President, Josh.”
Josh looks at her for a moment, then lets out a sigh. “Good. I was trying to be supportive there, but I wasn’t so sure about the idea.”
“You don’t think I could be President?” Donna asks, taking the binder from his hands and putting it on the coffee table.
“You could absolutely be President,” Josh says. “That’s the terrifying part.”
Donna leans forward for another kiss, but stops just short of his lips. “I’m a very powerful and capable woman, Josh,” she says before giving him another kiss.
“Don’t I know it.”
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marvelandponder · 2 years
Why'd you choose Psychology for your major? Did you have a specific goal of becoming a therapist?
Aww, that's a sweet question.
I knew I wanted to go into some kind of Arts program, and the university I went to had an Arts and Business Co-op program. Figured the Business side of things would be a practical fallback, and the co-op would give me job experience and help me pay for school (which is very much did).
So, at least where I'm at, you don't have to choose a major until the end of your first year of university. I was debating between three or four areas that really interested me: History, Law, or Psychology (or Sociology). Those were all courses I really enjoyed in high school.
But I settled on Psychology for a few reasons.
1) It should be said that I always intended to do my writing on the side of whatever day job career I got. I just figured that it would be way easier to sustain myself that way and it wouldn't put tons and tons of pressure on myself to be a financially successful writer. Plus, I'd always written after school or work, so I'm kind of used to it!
2) Back in high school, my best friend was suicidally depressed with emotionally abusive parents. Some of the most meaningful experiences I had at the time was supporting them, and I went on to have even more experiences supporting friends through shit, so I figured it could be a meaningful career if I did become a counsellor. I eventually became pretty good at it.
3) Psychology was a super interesting subject to me in high school and in the courses I took in first year!
So, I declared Psychology as my major. And I'm glad I did!
For one of my co-ops, I interned at a counselling office, which was fantastic! But also, did end up showing me that the burnout rate can be really high for counsellors, and I didn't want to go get my Master's only to only be able to practice counselling for 5 years. I knew I would be one of those people who would struggle not to bring it home with me.
So my career shifted when I got my next co-op job and found I really enjoyed working in the university to help students get co-op jobs. Still a helping profession, and I might become a Student Advisor in a few years time which is very similar to a counsellor, so my degree is still useful.
Moral of the story is no one's career path is linear. You learn that again and again the more you talk to people!
If you're choosing a major now or in the future, I would say make a decision that feels the most right at the time, and don't worry if things need to change later. I've known plenty of people who had to change majors or careers entirely! If you're interested in a subject and like the idea of the jobs that could come as a result, that's as good a direction as any to head into. Explore and follow what interests you, even if it's not your Passion in Life at first!
I love psychology so much. Studying it shaped who I am, what I can do, and what I believe in! It also clearly shaped how and what I write! And it ended up getting me a super fulfilling career, even though it's different than what I thought my day job would be. But I started out with a bunch of options that all appealed to me in different ways, you know?
Good luck to anyone choosing a program or a major. Make the best decision that feels good for now, that's all you can do!
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terrm9 · 3 years
Hey...can you write more about tatum and mc about their future together.....I just love them so much...and your stories..too 💖
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Thank you so much for sending these - I hope you do not mind me merging these two asks together. And I am sorry it took me so long!
This is going to be the most random headcanon ever - literally just some random thoughts about L&T’s future thrown together. I still have a lot of things to think about when it comes to their future, because I am focusing mostly on what has been and what is. But there are some ideas, so I will share them happily <3
Lina, Tatum & future
WARNING: there will be a mention of miscarriage in this so please do not read this HC if that’s a trigger for you
After one year at Vancross, Lina knows she will never become a politician. No way. She returns to Rutherland with an idea of what she would like to do and seeing Tatum’s support, she goes for it.
Tatum becomes a security advisor. It’s a safe job and the one he can put his mind to use in. And with Lina back to Rutherland, there is no need to look for anything else.
Lina finishes another school. Takes classes and courses and seminars and in the end, she becomes a social worker. She focuses on kids that grow up by themselves, even though they are not ophrans. Kids in foster care. Kids that do have parents officially but do not have them in reality. She sees herself in those kiddos and she loves her job. As distant and harsh as Lina could seem, a very few things make her as happy as being able to help those kids. They are mostly struggling teenagers and seeing the change she is capable of making in their lives is making her wonder how she could ever even consider politics in the first place.
They move in together after they are both more or less settled - the apartment is small, but it’s theirs. Lina refuses to accept any kind of support from her mother. She has done it all by herself and she will not become dependent at the age of 26. Their home is a little bit messy (because Lina) and full of books and plants and they don’t know how but they managed to fit a treadmill in there, too (because Tatum).
One time, there are some concerns about a foster family one of “Lina’s” kids is in and she is sent for an inspection there. It is supposed to be a routine precaution, but one of the foster parents is drunk and aggresive and attacks Lina when they feel like she is too nosy. It’s nothing life threatening, but in the end, the police has to intervene and Lina does end up with some bruises  and a cut on her cheek - there is no way she can keep that from Tatum. And oh boy, when Tatum finds out. He goes livid. Lina has never seen him that furious. (this point was absolutely not necessary for this HC but it’s a fic idea so I am putting it here:DD)
They are happy. So, so mundanely happy. And Lina thinks that nothing can come between them, ever.
And for such a long time, it seems like nothing truly can.
The question of marriage comes to the surface over the years  - the HC about that is here. They do get married - it’s an extremely small ceremony. Just the two of them, Tatum’s dad (because he wouldn’t forgive them if he was left out of that), two witnesses. Prince Peter is their marriage officiant, because even after all those years, Lina has to admit she does like Dionne and Peter and also because being wed by a prince is kinda cool, especially considering the wedding is the most lowkey thing they have ever attended.
The question of kids lingers through the relationship for all those years - before and after marriage. Tatum does want kid(s). He is a family man and has no issue admiting that. Lina is super confused. She doesn’t hate kids. Part of her even really wants them. But she is so doubtful. So scared. She had never had a mother figure that could show her how the motherhood is done. She never experienced what a normal family looks like. She cannot possibly be a good mother with the way she...is.
Tatum reassures her a lot about it. He doesn’t push her - he would never. He does want children but only if they both want them.
“You work with kids everyday and you are amazing at your job. You would be even more amazing as a mom,” he often smiles at her.
“Those kids are not mine,” Lina always argues back.
“With the way their lives are, you are the closest thing to a mother they have.”
She just huffs and changes topic, always. If she is to have a kid, she must be a good mother. She must do that one thing right. And she has no idea how. Even though she knows Tatum would be an exceptional father and that he would be a good parent for both of them, that’s not an excuse.
Until one day, she finds out she is pregnant. She is shocked. Tatum is delighted. They have been together for almost 10 years and they were always careful and... It doesn’t matter. She is pregnant.
It takes weeks for her to accept what is happening and she is even more shocked to realize that she is excited, too. Not as much as Tatum - nobody would surpass his excitement. But they are happy. Secretly, undoubtedly happy. So sure about each other and about their life.
And then, that life is taken away from them. Lina loses the baby - still in her first trimester, still at the times when nobody else knew about her pregnancy. It was just her and Tatum sharing the happiness and now it’s just the two of them sharing the grief.
Except they are not sharing it. Tatum grieves openly. He wants to talk about it, to find some sort of peace in the strength they radiate together. Lina shuts herself off. She doesn’t want to talk to him, she doesn’t want to talk about the baby. (another fic idea:D I am just putting those here to motivate myself to write them one day)
For so long they believed that nothing could ever come between them, until something did. And they are both lost and hurting and Lina is SO confused, because she didn’t even know if she wants children and now she is missing the one she hadn’t even known?
It takes months for them to get back to their life. They take a break from their routine. They travel a lot and finally, they talk. They grieve together and they heal together.
And when Lina gets pregnant for the second time, they are as scared as they are excited. Tatum is so overprotective it's both adorable and hilarious.
They have twin boys - Alexander and Nikolaos (Alec and Nico) and even though the fear of fucking it all up still lingers, Lina loves being a mother. And she makes sure she is - Tatum is, they both are - always, always there for the boys. She makes sure her sons never feel lonely.
They live a normal life. Calm. Peaceful. There is no grand political career, there are no scandals, there's no spotlight. But it's life filled with so much joy and happinnes, it makes Lina dizzy at times.
Once again, humbly putting my perma taglist here. Feel free to ignore. Proper fics are coming, I promise
@canigetanawwjunk | @mercury84choices | @udishaman | @starrystarrytrouble | @forallthatitsworth | @sophxwithers | @maurine07 | @iemcpbchoices | @jamespotterthefirst | @anntoldst0ries | @custaroonie | @withbeautyandrage | @tsrookie | @k2624 | @choicesaddict5 | @mvalentine | @casey-v | @the-pale-goddess | @gardeningourmet | @uneravine | @quixoticdreamer16 | @utterlyinevitable | @itsjustamesshonestly | @dorisz | @toadfrog26 | @monsoonblooms12 | @drakewalkerfantasy
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jungshookz · 3 years
hey cee, this might be a long post... but I’m a 2nd year student currently majoring in biochem and I recently had a quarter life crisis about my major and potential life career. I feel like I’m not smart or motivated enough to continue stem but I feel like it’s too late to change my major to something else I’ll find more interesting/enjoyable. but what can I do with a biochem major if I don’t plan on grad school?? I feel like I’m already in too deep and idk who I am or what I enjoy the most or what I want to do with my life. I crave creativity but I also like science and the two just don’t intersect??? I also have to choose between stability/making my parents happy and my own happiness. pls do you have any advice or just words of comfort?
okay i can already feel that i have a lot to say so i’m going to put this under keep reading and i apologize right now for the very long response but once my brain gets going it will not stop until all the words i want to say are on the page :D 
in second year i was still bright-eyed and hopeful that i’d get into the creative writing major programme which was why i basically planned the first two years of my university life arounD the creative writing programme and not anything else but i decided to go to see an advisor just to discuss a backup plan in case things didn’t work out (they did not work out) and basically i was like so if i don’t get into the creative writing major can i switch to a literature major or even a HISTORY major and would i still graduate on time with enough credits?? and the advisor said ya you’ll be totally fine even if you switch majors so u have nothing to worry about!!! obviously this is just from my own experience but since you’re still in second year if you end up switching to another major you’ll probably be fine!!! i highly suggest going to see an advisor and planning out different routes :’)) it’s definitely not too late!! 
i totally get how u feel!!! the only reason why i was so sure that i was going to get into creative writing was because i’m.,,. not very good at many things,.., but telling stories was the one thing i thought i was decent at so when i got rejected my plan b immediately went into action and i became a literature major! i’m going into my fourth year next year and i still feel like i’m not at the same level as my peers in terms of being able to properly analyze literature and articulate myself in a way that makes me seem intelligent!! i honestly don’t know what i’m going to do with a literature major / creative writing minor in terms of jobs BUT i think the exciting part about venturing into the unknown is that you get to discover new things about yourself along the way!! (i like to think about it like ur standing in a big empty space and every step u take lights up under your foot and makes a soothing little chime :’)) 
my point is ur still in second year so you have some time to figure it out!!!! and again i really do think going to an advisor is really helpful + sitting down and talking to ur parents would probably be helpful as well! my mom’s convinced herself that i’m going to find myself a job at a lawyer’s office as some kind of secretary and when i asked her how she came to that conclusion she was like well.,,. lawyers need.,., people who read.,,. and ur a literature major who knows how to read,.,., and i was like ?? but at the same time :-)) because at least she’s still being supportive about it :’)) 
i’m reading over my answer now and realizing that 98% of what i said is pretty useless but!!! life is crazy and we’re all just trying to figure it out!!! 
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