#even tho I never cleaned it up properly lol
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warriorwhiskers · 2 months
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working on getting my side blogs updated and organized since my brain has decided that tumblr is a Good social media again 💀 ill make an official pinned post for this blog soon but for now i wanted to share my icon with y'all <3
dis guy is my warriors-sona: sleepyspark!!
made with this picrew: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/254030
(info beneath the cut)
his name is sleepyspark, and he's a cis tomcat (he/him but they/them is also fine)!!
he's only a few moons older than the typical apprentice (young adult of an unspecified age).
he is aroace and has lots of friends and a few platonic partnerships of sorts here and there.
he's shorter than the average tomcat and lithe because he doesn't eat much (his clanmates usually have to remind him or sit down with him to ensure he gets food. he drinks plenty of water tho! and he totally chews on grass lol)
his ears can be flopped or pointy, usually one of each.
he has a naturally short tail, not quite a nub but still much shorter than regular, more like a bob.
he has a scar on his nose/muzzle from a dog attack when he was a kitten that healed nicely but left a prominent scar. he was very self-conscious about it as a kitten, but he likes how it looks now!
he has a small scar on the left corner of his bottom lip which he accidentally gave himself while itching a scratch bc he is silly.
his back is crooked, making his shoulders lopsided (left shoulder is higher than his right) which causes him to walk sort of funny. his left shoulder has chronic pain that flares up particularly badly in the cold.
he is partially deaf in his left ear due to nerve damage as a kitten. standing near his left side or calling to him from the left is not recommended since he either won't hear you or will misunderstand what he manages to hear.
he was born and raised in riverclan and loves it there, but he often goes and hangs around twoleg places for attention. most of the clan knows about it, but he's a pretty well-liked cat and the scoldings don't seen to do much so they leave him be. he sometimes brings home toys and twoleg things (and food if he can) which helps keep the clan more neutral about it so long as he still pulls his weight around the camp which he does. they do nag him to make sure the other clans don't see him there out of reputation preservation, but he's pretty much the clans' silly guy so no one cares that much. (the two legs probably named him "silly" too lmao)
he's friendly with any cats he meets whether they be clan cats, kittypets, loners, or even rogues. in fact, he's not even limited to cats; he is also friendly with twolegs, dogs, cows, horses, and would definitely try to befriend even a fox or badger. there are obviously communication barriers, so it's not like... the same as the friendships he has with other cats. he's just Like That.
he goes along on patrols to help where he can and keep spirits and moods high, and he is known to notice details that other cats might not always catch which makes up for his lack of hunting and fighting abilities while out and about. aside from mediating and serving as a sort of clan therapist, he also plays with and watches the kits, allows apprentices to practice battle moves or healing on him, and generally performs apprentice duties like helping clean up around the camp (nests, walls, dens, herbs, etc) and working with the elders. the elders are particularly fond of him since he is very mellow, patient, attentive, and chatty.
he's always been a laid-back, chatty kittycat who sucks at hunting, fighting, memorizing herbs, swimming (he's technically a "dry-paw" bc although he doesnt mind getting wet and likes water, he can't swim and is scared to learn properly, so he never goes out past the shallows), fulfilling tasks/orders (has TERRIBLE adhd and is also a hypersomniac), and just most things in general so it was only natural he became a mediator (and THAT he is pretty dang good at!!) he was initially training to be a medicine cat, but it just wasn't his calling. he and his clan are very pleased with his position now. he has also been referred to as a "camp cat", "nursery king/tom", "camp keeper", and "permapprentice". (think of him almost as an "omega" type role.)
ill add more info if i think of it, and ill link his toyhou.se profile once i get around to making it. but yeah! here i am! :3
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dirtyoldmanhole · 9 months
@/damoselcastel was kind enough to show me a bunch of the FE:Fates visual works artbook pages the other day!
and because i am continuing to be .... brain rotted (lol) ... grabbed a copy since there was more than a few relevant pages/official artworks, and wanted to have a high res/color corrected version of these pages for art refs to slap on my reference boards! if i'm looking at them every day now for the past three months they better be accurate!!!
anyway! it came TODAY!!! :D :D pakidge
god dang this thing is THICK, now this is what i call a proper artbook! a little hard to see here but you can see by both the front and the spine that it's a chonker -- the two tellius artbooks combined are thicker but they're also a bit smaller elsewhere.
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rest is under the cut b/c it's me promptly going feral :P
(and seeing who's on the spine ahhh!!! honestly that's really cool and super appropriate given his subtle plot/character relevance?! super fucking cool to keep seeing nintendo nod at him in symbolically relevant places, but not too overtly )
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stone cold, swear to you, straight up didn't intend that but this was literally me irl then:
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(also HE GETS A WHOLE SPREAD???? and a turnaround?!!!!!! even freaking corrin's nohr noble design gets like an EIGHTH of the page
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gunter gets treated SO WELL in this artbook i'm on the floor trying not to sob like i'm sixteen again and begging for any zihark scraps
also this is so much more high res than what's on my reference board the nitpicky artist in me is literally crying for joy about FINALLY HAVING A HIGH RES REFERENCEEEEEEEEEEE
also what the fuck the architecture is so cool???????????
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for real tho i remember my first conquest playthrough my jaw was on the FLOOR being genuinely amazed at how cool the worldbuilding was especially on the nohrian side with the gothic vibe and y'all don't know how useful this is going to be to replicate nohrian motifs in all of my drawings/probable comics/doujinshi/etc.
[foams at mouth]
this artbook also covers EVERYTHING
like there's a healthy amount of character work , but there's also enemy designs (always thought fate's enemy designs were unusually kickass, like some of these folks could be outright characters themselves), the architecture stuff above....
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my room lines....
sorry for shitty blurriness it's just me vibrating in excitement lmao i'll upload it in the high res chunk
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hellooooo sir~~~~
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(you knew i was going to be posting that shot >:D )
his possession CGI gets a full fucking page too ajlsjsjkskjhhjshjg
HE GETS TREATED SO GOOD HERE Y'ALL, SO MANY FULL PAGES???????????? is this what it's like to be brain rotted over a major character i will never know the feeling lul
(there's actually at least two other gunter fullbody artworks in here, those have already been scanned/uploaded properly by others so i won't post 'em here unless y'all want em!
and then lastly!
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to finish it off, god this cover progress is so cool, kozaki knows what he's doing.
and i'm pretty sure gunter's linework gets changed halfway through, his expression's somewhat different than on the final! and i'll be posting that along with the other high res/cleaned up scans! just need to figure out if my scanner's gonna do a better job than my phone or vice versa.
[tries to stay composed] [fails]
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
Hey I had a request, but I'm not sure if you write for Luffy,,. If not, feel free to ignore this! I had an idea where Luffy has a s/o who has a devil that gives them 9 lives (kinda like a cat lol). When she joins the crew she has already lost 7, and soon after she loses her 8th, everyone learns about it and are deeply upset about the amount of times she has died. Anyways I was hoping that you could write some fluff where Luffy comforts the reader soon after learning about it.
ohhh so you wanna break everyone’s heart? ;_; i got u, tho, don’t worry ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა 
1.2k words, fem reader, sfw (i guess), 18+ mdni, feat. brief violence (gun mention, etc.), talks of death, a little more morbid than i meant for it to be but nothing wild; there's a bit of fluff if you pretend hard enough, and angst lots of it.
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it is said that there’s nothing worse than death — the absolute silence of it, the uncertainty behind the darkness, the surreal reality that awaits you on the other side. life has never meant much to you, and you consume your devil fruit with vigor and a blatant disregard for whatever powers it may or may not bring you. at first you don’t feel much different — you also don’t believe what you’ve read about it. if life is taken, it cannot be returned, you know that;  you’ve seen it time and time again. 
but here you are, still alive, even after receiving fatal wounds; your first death is more annoying than frightful. everything around you slows down, the only sounds are of your heart slowing, the loud beats growing softer with each passing second. there’s yelling above your head, but you can barely make out the words; you’ve lost vision, you feel light, surprisingly. it all feels so peaceful — eerily so, at that. and just right when you think that, yes, this is the end — a shock to your system restarts your heart, slaps your brain awake, makes your lungs function all over again.
you gasp, hands going to your throat as you blink yourself awake. just minutes ago, you were dying — dead, actually. and now you’re… alive? it feels like a shitty dream; your body aches from the stab wound, but you’re still whole. when you take yourself to a doctor in town, they urge you to go to a hospital, but you decline, asking for them to patch you up so you can get back to your life.
by the time you get home, you recall that you noticed a series of dark tally marks on your wrist, stamped like a tattoo; they appeared right after you at the devil fruit, confusing you because there were nine in total, but now that you look at them, there are only eight left. strange. very, very strange.
again, you don’t question it. until you die a second time. gunshot wound — nasty business, makes coming back that much more painful, but when you do you’re cursing whoever tried to take you out, pissed that you’ve lost another life again. your third death is rather pathetic, and slightly comedic. you accidentally trip and hit your head against a large rock, further pissing you off when you notice another tally mark disappear from your wrist.
“damn it,” you say out loud, running your hands down your face as the wound on the back of your head starts to close, painfully, the blood coagulating, caking into your thick, dark hair. a mess, it’s all so messy — takes a while to clean it off properly. you remind yourself to be more careful, to try to be more aware of your surroundings. you develop a fighting style that suits you — start running daily, build your speed and stamina, you get faster, sturdier, and do your best to not die.
except, the life of a pirate is always to have their lives on the line, and you have plenty to spare.
until you don’t, that is.
it takes years, but you eventually lose four more lives; each death taking longer for you to come back to life. it’s not out of a disregard for your own well-being, it’s just that you’ve gotten so used to it that it becomes a crutch of sorts. a terrible habit to have, when you have so few left.
but, the moment you meet him all of that changes. suddenly, you do your best to stay alive for as long as you can, do your best not to throw yourself into danger, do your best not to upset the person who ignited your desire to keep on fighting — and if you fight, it means you’re still alive, right? he takes to you right away, liking your energy, your personality, and your laugh even more so. he thinks you have such a peculiar outlook on life, and you think he’s too eager to seize the day, too eager to get involved in dangerous things. but you can’t deny him; you can’t help but follow up each time, wanting to siphon even a sliver of the positivity he exudes.
you can’t help but think that maybe you’ve gone about this all wrong, that maybe you should’ve been more careful; because now, now you’re struggling with the truth of the matter: you don’t have much time left at the rate you’re going.
the eighth time you die devastates the entire crew; they blame themselves for not getting to you in time, for not properly preparing you for their style of fighting, for not making sure you were okay enough to do this sort of battle. it’s chopper who solemnly announces the time of death, it’s brook who plays a sad song to commemorate your time with them — short, sweet, yet somber. before anyone can say anything else, you feel that familiar rush of air fill you; rolling onto your side, heart thundering inside your chest, punishing you for your slip up. when you finally gain your wits, you see everyone watching you in shock.
luffy’s expression — the disbelief and shock, the sorrow, the anger, the relief — guts you, so you look elsewhere. he’s at your side faster than you can react, checking over your body, hands touching your face.
“how are you alive?” he asks in a rush, voice cracking, desperate for some explanation that will make this make sense, “what is going on?”
your throat constricts, tears welling in your eyes, you manage to pry yourself away from him and glance down at your wrist. unfortunately for you, luffy doesn’t miss a beat. he meant to ask you the meaning behind your tattoo before, but now that he sees that one of the tally marks is gone. a sense of dread pools into the pit of his stomach, and, again, he calmly asks, “y/n…what is going on?”
“it’s a funny story, actually,” you start, the laugh you let out is hollow, devoid of your usual warmth and mirth. the story is shorter than you mean for it to be; you give them the bare details, and when you’re done, you expect someone to say something. but they don’t. everyone watches you, the pity in their eyes unbearable, but you endure it. this is your fault, anyway; you should’ve been honest from the start, but fear of rejection made you hesitate.
in hindsight you realize just how stupid that assumption was, as your crew mates vocalize their resolve to make sure you hold on to the remainder of that life. it is precious, after all.
the sentiment is enough to have you crying profusely, even after luffy pulls you to him, even after he wraps his arms around you, even after he places gentle kisses on your face, mouth moving as he tells you things that make your heart beat harder than necessary. luffy’s resolve, his assurance, his tenderness — it’s all too much; but you take it anyway. you’re greedy enough that you want to make a promise to stay alive, that you don’t want to lose this — his affection, your newfound family, the adventure that awaits you out on the sea. 
and, for the first time in a long time, you feel a little hopeful.
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nijigasakilove · 8 days
“A present, even tho you’re homeless” LMAOO why she gotta cook Livia like that
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NAHH the doll having Livia real pubes is insane(where can I buy it). Livia so 🐶 💔 but I love her to bits. It feels like a new chapter in everyone’s lives is finally starting with Sara properly relieving Livia of her duty as servant.
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Sosuke and Sara aquarium daddy daughter date was so cute and I love how mind blown Sara was about conveyer built sushi. I’ve never been but I wanna take my mom one day since she loves sushi. The found family trope is one of my faves and we had some good ones this season, these two are right there at the top!
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Brenda and her assistant trying to help each other win the same guy unbeknownst to each other will never not be hilarious 😭 I wonder how they’ll eventually find out? Maybe they both go to present their presents to sosuke and it’s just a big commotion lol. Always good seeing a Valentine’s chocolate making episode!
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Suzuki sensei finally back in the show. Man he cleans up nice, hard to believe this the same dude who was sleeping on a cardboard mattress in the first couple episodes. Him turning Livia life into a LN but her not making any money off it is kinda crazy. Hopefully he invites her in as an assistant or consultant at some point
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In the meantime, next week is the final episode and the preview looks like it’s gonna be a blast, plus Livia and the band are done with their debut song. I’ll be sad, but still can not wait! Good to have Haganai author back in the anime mix.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Aqua time :D I’m watching H’s vod
The calm before the storm is worse, 100% agree. The event is amazing but the wait before and after the end are such low lows
H and Dave just vibing :))
“False is here too?! Surely something must’ve been scheduled” I love H so much
“It’s been 1,217 days since I’ve won MCC, but who’s counting?” “… You?” I think I’ve seen a grand total of one Dave Krtzyy video but between finding out they’re nonbinary, this joke, and the raw vibes??? I love him
Talking about how the npc cat is thick AND smarter than all of them combined is killing me
Dave saying they hope sands of time “will do from my enemy to my lover” 😭
False is so funny she doesn’t get enough credit
Parkour Tag
Cub cracked????
False did such a good job hunting we need to talk about it
I got so startled by Beky getting H I slammed my elbow into my desk lol
Rocket Spleef
Dave Krtzy having banger opinions left and right, good for them
He really is just saying stuff and all of its iconic, from “the rare true democracy” to “channel your inner elytra”
People taking the time to type during rocket spleef will never not be funny to me
Everyone hitting Jimmy is so Jimmy of him
False top 5 :))
Dave top 10 after getting 35th??? We love that improvement
Phil is never not an icon
Unfortunate minecraft physics, rip
H and Dave being 19th and 20th is so funny because I was like “buddies :D” and H said “I’m beating you, suck it”
H affectionately bullying Dave is my new favorite thing, actually
Sands of Time
“I uh don’t have the best track record at uh…. being good at sands of time” Dave 😭
“Hi HBomb!!” from H and his teammates is so sweet
I love the calm vibes, no frantic strategizing, just clarifying and communicating
“Dave I’m gonna be pestering and annoying the hell out of you” “As you should” I love them
H: “Has anyone seen the blue pathway” also H: *is currently in the blue pathway* my streamer’s oblivious /lh
False 9th and everyone hyping her up :D
Sky Battle
I love skybattle I swear but I was zoned out like the entire time
H killing Sniff :( my boys :((
Dave was so sad when they fell, it’s okay dude <333
Good plays in round 3!!!
Ace Race
Merely vibing
H popped off and didn’t even think anything of it, the raw power
Battle Box
Aw don’t love that slump where everyone stops listening to each other. It happens with most teams, it’s not their fault, people just get too in their own heads
False literally said it was their side like three times :(
That round was clean
The final round coming down to Purpled on 2 health vs Dave on 1 was such a good final fight, holy crap
Grid Runners
Best game time :D
They’re improving every round, I love that for them
I don’t think I properly appreciated how fast cyan’s crafting grove was before just now
They slayed waterfall lamps tho
H’s mind, man
I love when people who are historically more withdrawn take charge without hesitation, MCC has done so much for H’s confidence <3
Omg they got first????
“God, our minds are so huge compared to these dorks” “MASSIVE!!”
Own that confidence kings!! Love that for them <33
H is such a cool guy, he’s genuinely enthusiastic about how they’re 2nd without a top 10 individual. He just thinks it’s neat. He’s a top player who doesn’t care about stats but experience, and that’s what makes him the epitome of MCC :)
H saying “if another team goes nutty and gets a massive amount of fruitberries points or whatever then they deserve it, they can take our spot” WHAT DID I JUST SAY?? We stan one (1) cishet white guy here and it’s HBomb94
Dave’s speech <333 I love them
I felt H’s stress there, that was so intense but he popped off
Dave doing an AMAZING speed bridge and then complimenting H’s strat, they’re so supportive I love them sm
“Sorry Dave, I’m gonna lower your points for things like that, cause you could’ve gotten first in that” “No, I do not care about that, I care about that sweet, succulent coin… that was a weird way to describe it”
The new finalist announcement is so suspenseful only to ruin it with a bubble sound effect lol
They’re so excited to get Dave their first win since MCC1 :))
They find it so cool that they got here without any top 10 individuals “purely balanced”
“Last time I was in dodgebolt I was a wee lad […] I was freshly 21, now I’m like 48 or something”
INSTANT he/they on he/they violence by Dave Krtzy lol
Aqua’s accuracy is wild, goodness!!!!
Their coms are so clean
H snatching that arrow!! I don’t even remember that from watching cyan
False calming asserting that she knows what she needs, not them, will never not be iconic
False saying that she’s down next arrow only for all her team to talk over eachother about how she’s got this and they believe in her <3
Dave winning the first events of seasons 1 and 3 my beloved
“False, that was insane, you 1v3’d that” “WHAT THE HECK WAS I DOING??” “You we WINNING, that’s what you were doing, you fool”
“1,217 days, bro” “It’s zero, it’s zero now!!” I love them
This team <33333
The most well-rounded team of all time, I love them.
Or as False puts it: “we weren’t cracked, we were just solid”
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daz4i · 4 months
ok ok rather than make a bunch of annoying vent posts i'm just gonna put everything on my mind all in one post to let it out 🔥 you absolutely do not need to read this, this is honestly so ridiculously long. my brain better feel clean for like at least 2 days after this fr
i knew i was gonna crash after this week and i think this is it 🥲 i was so tense for literally a whole week (even more tbh, bc i was preemptively scared of how much i have to do too) and i think the adrenaline drop kicked in after the peak of this one (aka being in a big social event. haven't been to one of those in literal years)
also. my parents have been sick this week and i think i maybe have contracted it too? 😭 if that is indeed the case it literally kicked in in the last like hour of the event, i was perfectly fine beforehand bc i avoided being in the same closed space as them when i could (aka kept my distance or made sure windows were open around me all the time jic). bc suddenly my whole body hurts like it hasn't in a long while. tho that might be the adrenaline crash too who knows 🥲 ig i'll see how i feel when i wake up
i have not been creative in awhile and i can feel my brain drowning in gunk lol. technically i tried writing songs a couple of times lately but they came out so bad i can't finish them. or anything. and i feel like shit abt failing to create literally anything. and i keep seeing people be creative and make so much or sharing their work fearlessly and it's always so much better than mine too that i'm burning with jealousy that i can't turn off (and can't channel into my own creation bc well. it comes out shitty! so the cycle not only continues but in fact gets worse each time). every time someone tells me i'm good it feels like they're lying to make me feel better or bc they love me so they're. biased and see everything i make as good bc it's me, so i can't count that. every time *i* feel like smth i made is good there's some glaring imperfection i don't know how to iron out so i start hating the whole piece. i don't know how to become better when every time i try to practice i end up wanting to claw my own eyes out as punishment for being so talentless and dumb
(the dumb thing too is. oh my god this is gonna sound so silly but. i try to make myself feel better by solving puzzles or trivia or riddles etc bc these are things i'm usually good at. but lately i can't be proud of myself for succeeding at any of them, and i keep beating myself harder for every time i fail or don't do as well as i used to, bc it feels like i'm failing at the only thing i'm supposed to be good at. also i just generally keep doing stupid things lately esp when it comes to my time management or taking care of my body in various ways, i keep forgetting things which is smth i almost never do, i struggle to get through conversations with others bc i trip over my words or make mistakes constantly, generally i'm just being stupid in various ways)
right now i am. so anxious. about so many things. here let me just make it into a list starting with very small to. probably still small but it feels big to me
1. this is so silly but. i am literally too tired to put small earrings back in after changing them to long one for the party. and i'm scared the holes will close up in my sleep. but this is literally so much work 💔 idk if the holes haven't healed properly or if i'm using the wrong metal so i keep getting infections bc it's been A While (two years. apparently. maybe more??) and they haven't healed yet. like i said a silly thing to get stressed over but i am. very tense
2. i don't know. if the people i knew in the party actually didn't recognize me or if they ignored me on purpose. bc i stood next to some of them while my besties were talking to them too and they didn't even say hi (or like introduced themselves the way others that i didn't know have done). one of them was literally my bestie for a good few months a few years ago and even tho i grew a beard i. don't think i changed THAT much??? also i don't think it's hard to make the connection abt who i am given how tight this community is. someone i haven't talked to since like 2015 bc we had beef recognized me even. so how come they didn't. i met one in a con recently and she did recognize me so. h. did i do something wrong. did someone say smth bad about me. i don't know i don't understand social rules enough to figure it out 😭
3. this is another thing abt that tbh 🥲 while it was very fun and a super cool event, it did remind me very painfully of why my social anxiety is so bad 😭 i felt like i made 10 social errors per minute. i didn't know what to say half the time so i just smiled or laughed and i think that made me seem creepy idk. a lot of people were very nice and i think i did mostly fine with them but also maybe not. idk. i am definitely overthinking things but what if i'm right. it's not that out of the question. i am known to fail social interactions there's a reason why i do my best to avoid them
4. and this is kinda bringing me to a thing i have on my mind a lot recently. bc i'm doing the recovery thing. and a lot of people - friends family and professionals who help me there - tell me i am capable of more than i think or admit. and i get WHY they think that bc i *am* doing a lot compared to the literal nothing i've been up to for years. but i am very much pushing outside my limits, which is why i'm constantly feeling like shit lately i think (not that i was doing great before but. yeah). it probably seems mostly effortless bc i just do them without beating much around the bush but that's only when i mentally prepare myself days or even weeks ahead (for reference, i'm talking about things like. being in public. or taking a bus). or the work i do for projects that... honestly idk how i'm doing that either. i am the laziest person ever and i have no ability to concentrate yet i managed to sit down and do work and do it well and learn text by heart and research and write for hours and ??? it does not feel like myself. but it also kinda does bc i need to very forcefully push myself into it and berate myself for hours until i actually get up to do anything so. it's not smth that comes naturally to me. i don't consider myself capable of things. i'm just very good at pretending i'm unbothered (up until i start crying uncontrollably at least lol) so ppl think i am. unfortunately. bc then they expect me to do more. or they pressure me into it then get disappointed when i can't do it (ig that's the core of it for me... i don't want anyone to develop expectations about me, bc i know i won't be able to meet them, at least not long term. so i insist i can't do anything, bc sometimes - often - i really really can't. i don't wanna be judged by my best. feels false to even call it that tbh. but that's bc it's so rare, it's the best for a reason, the absolute peak i can get to, as pathetic as it is. bc the problem is, when this is already beyond my limits, i literally can't go further, but that's what they want me to do 💔)
5. god. this is also a small thing probably but the accidental lie i mentioned. for context i am giving a lecture abt p5's mythology in the next con, that's the thing i was working on lately. anyway when i signed up i gave background information about myself, and to make myself sound more fitting for the job i said that i learned the topic in [university that specializes in said topic] bc i did - just. 2 classes. that's it. i was telling the truth there, technically (most of my knowledge on the topic comes from independent research, but the classes i took did help with that too, as in i knew where to look for info and things to look out for) (also for reference i'm gonna be fr. i did not finish these classes. social anxiety got to me and i was scared to go to anything outside zoom lessons which weren't an option anymore unfortunately)
ANYWAY when they told me i got in they sent me a "revised" bio which was just what i originally sent them, so i said okay. but now the whole thingie was posted and i can see my bio there and. they said i graduated from [uni] and used language that implies i have a degree in it, probably to make me sound more credible, but it's not true!!!! 😭😭😭 the thing i said was definitely embellishment but it WAS true enough that if asked directly about it i could spin it somehow ("oh i haven't finished yet" "yeah i took a couple of classes when i could to enrich my knowledge") but this. makes it so much harder
chances are i won't be asked bc why would anyone ask abt that. but ever since i started writing the script i was so stressed about people calling me out for being wrong abt info, so i even added a disclaimer of "these are old texts that have many versions that vary according to location or were changed with time uwu if you know a different version of this story that's probably why uwu" and "due to the time constraint i'm giving a very simplified and short version of this topic uwu" bc given that i'm talking a lot abt judaism. to a mainly (or most likely, entirely) jewish audience. it's enough that there is someone who is religious or previously ultra orthodox in the audience that if i make a mistake they could point it out. and then i'll start panicking and lose my train of thought and fuck everything up while i'm already so stressed as is and-
so like i've been super stressed abt all that^ until now but that misinfo in my bio is raising the stakes for me 😭 bc now what if someone who went to this uni and majored in this topic calls me out on never seeing me there. or they can tell the info i'm giving isn't smth that's taught there or isn't the way it's taught there. this is such a specific and unlikely fear but i can't not stress about it because TECHNICALLY it's possible, it COULD happen even if that's not too likely
6. all of this is while i'm also struggling with bureaucracy around that art program i'm signing up to, idk if i'll get in yet or not bc i need some files to be approved and idk if they would, and idk what i'll do if they don't. or what if they do! i'm honestly so scared to start it, idk how i'm gonna go from nothing to waking up early and driving an hour 4 times a week to be active and around people for a few hours. tbh i don't think i can, but also if this gets approved then i have to, so the government's money doesn't get flushed down the toilet bc of me.
7. all this shit has a major impact on my physical health 🥲 not getting into details bc that's def tmi territory but. i'm fighting for my life over a certain stress-caused medical thing for weeks now. only other time i had it was when the war originally started so naturally i was extra stressed then, but like, this is to give you a reference for how majorly stressed i am now. my regular pains are flaring up more often too which makes things harder to handle as well (like, stressing abt not doing enough work, bc i'm literally in too much pain to do anything but lie down. or being scared of the plans i have for the week bc what if these pains catch me when i'm outside or with people. how am i supposed to push through them. what if they catch me when i'm in public and i have to sit down in the middle of the street. what if i'm with people and i'm holding them back from doing smth bc of that. etc etc)
8. ofc all this is happening during the war and i keep seeing things i really don't wanna see from ppl in my country and the west 🥲 and it's like, the mix of guilt over this happening at all, and the frustration over feeling like i have nothing to do about it, and fear about how things are gonna escalate in either direction, and seeing friends from other countries posting things i agree with but can't condone full heartedly bc well. this'll hurt me directly, as selfish as it sounds (tbf, when i say hurt me directly, i'm talking about me and my loved ones' lives being endangered), but also seeing said loved ones talking about things i can't agree with morally, yet can't fully refute either because life is. complicated. i have a lot more to say tbh but i'm too tired to acknowledge every single facet of every single related issue which will open me to a lot of hate so. best to leave it here. unfortunately
idk where to put this. sorry for the sudden topic change. it feels bad to be stressed over that but, there is a guy who i know likes me like a lot. i think i'm like exactly his taste and he's always so excited about seeing or talking to me. one of my besties - or maybe more. idk - really wants us to get together bc tbh it'll probably be good for both of us, and y'all know how desperate i am to be loved lol. but i can't bring myself to like him the way he likes me 💔 he's fun but i have a hard time with one on one interactions so i can't really progress things and tbh, idk if i'm currently in a mindset where i even should, given all that^. also i know for a fact i can't handle an actual relationship, and i'm scared i'll disappoint him or drive him away if i'll be my real unfiltered self, and ik i need to be obsessed with someone to get attached this quickly but i can't force it either. and to put it more directly... i'm perfect for him and his taste, but not the other way around 🥲 (tho tbf idk what my taste even is. i identify as aroace for a reason). i don't wanna string him along but i think i already kind of am 😭 i like him but not as much as he likes me, but what i probably like here even more is the feeling of being liked. and that makes me feel like a dick. i also feel guilty for not liking him the same way ig even tho ik it's stupid bc it's not like i can control it. and yet
so yeah this is. a lot of shit. all at once. both silly and not silly at all. my brain is in constant overload. i get violently suicidal every time i have a moment alone with my thoughts or when i see anything that reminds me of that. bc all this stress makes life feel so impossible - it IS impossible - that i can't handle the thought of it, but half of the things that cause me stress are supposed to be for the purpose of distracting me from how stressful everything is. so. what the fuck am i supposed to do about all that. how am i supposed to live like at all
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3spurrrr · 1 year
Do they shower? Weirdly detailed :)
Yuuji: yes! And suprisingly he IS very particular about his hygiene. Like he does use soap and and a washcloth and makes sure that everything is clean. Lowkey I think he sweats a ton and he is quite socially aware so he wouldn't want to be embarrassed about smelling badly around others and make them feel awkward as well
Megumi: girl he will show you that you actually DONT know how to shower. This man uses some techniques and products you have never even thought of. He also takes frequent baths with cute oils and salts and just soaks cuz it's good for his muscles (he likes the warmth of it cuz he is too shy to ask for a hug)
Nobara: lowkey, I think she showers like twice a week (to each their own) but she never smells bad or has any other problems but I can 100% see her shaming you for not showering like everyday/every other day even though she doesn't do that herself hahahaha average nobara based moment
Also she is a brush teeth, do skincare and solve world hunger, beef with imaginary scenario everything all at once in the shower kinda gal
She does fuck heavily with her skincare and haircare routine tho. Like don't fight her on that shit.
Maki: just. Like. Megumi. Don't ask me why or how. It's purely intuitive and I am right. I can see her carrying a weapon into the shower for sureee, that woman is ALERT
I feel like she takes extra good care of her hair. She probably just uses soap on her face cuz she's just that ❤️❤️ and not that her hair is shit but I feel like she secretly likes to do a hair mask and put some special treatment on that scalp
Inumaki: he does shower. He probably is an average shower person. Doesn't take long. Does clean himself properly tho. Maybe he will forget his ass from time to time. I can see him being a tad bit in the "bruh, that's some gay shit" area of thought and belief hahahaha but if so, it's a short short phase don't worry
Panda: .... he smells like the sun 🌞
Inumaki splashes some water on him from time to time or they'll go to a river/ hot spring place and panda would have the time of his life lol
Todo: I can see him being like megumi and he has way too much self respect to let himself not be clean and tidy at all times. Imagine military man.
Idk why but I can imagine him with such a fruity nice scent. Like todo the type to smell like hello kitty perfume or strawberries and watermelon lmaooo
Gojo: yes. But he likes baths for the same REasOnss as megumi, would never admit it tho. He'd be like: baths take too long bla bla bla, showers are 100 times better and efficient
Gojo.... we know. Stop hiding its okay...
Weirdly also puts a lot of emphasis on skincare even though we all know that man can just regenerate himself down to an atom and not let any bacteria touch him ever lol
I also think one of his love languages would be to put his fave EXPENSIVE face masks on you lol cutie 💓
Geto: ....mmmmmmmmmm yeeessssss he can wash you too ;))))))))))
Idk I recently started liking geto and anything he does is just shmexy now
He obv showers very thoroughly and is super super keen on cleanliness in general
Shoko: soaks in baths all day with her wine and cig. Regenerates herself to make her skin go back to normal and would go to work (idk why I feel like gojo and shoko would arrive together :) maaan I just want gojo to have some friends lmao I can imagine shoko just picking up gojo everyday while gojo gets some pancakes for breakfast lol)
Nanamin: do I even have to elaborate ? Of course bro DUHHHH
He showers or takes a bath every night. It relaxes his muscles and helps him sleep better.
Also would know a lot about the chemicals in common products so you will only find some niche brand products that are ethically sourced and mostly natural organic. He doesn't like anything he can't pronounce as an ingredient.
Utahime: yeesss. Only bathes tho. Idk why but I feel like she'd be super condescending about the debate between baths and showers. She'd be all like MIMIMIMI, BATHS ARE SO MUCH BETTER FOR YOUR SKIN AND DIRT ACTUALLY COMES OUT OF YOU MIMIMI
She is quite annoying in my eyes sometimes but I still love herrrrr
Takes good care of her skin, nails and hair and frequently gets massages on her body and face. Uses a gua Sha and rollers and shit to promote blood circulation and keep her looking delicious
Choso: my baby Is just there for the baths and he secretly has a bath duckies collection. He doesn't play with them in the bath but he just collects them around him cuz he always gotta play the big brother father figure SOMEWHERE
I think out of all the people he really WOULD wash his ass hahahaha like choso seems so responsible and reliable I'd trust my life into his hands and my ........ nvm 🙂
Mahito: idk if cursed spirits and stuff can have a smell like humans do, I don't think so, so there is no need for him to Shower tbh unlike choso who still has human traits due to being half human.
I'd think that mahito is either FILTHY AND REEKS or is suupperrrr anal about being clean
Toji: *cue shower panel*
Only showers when there is visible dirt on him lol and since he is a killer he showers every damn day multiple times. Not out of will but out of necessity. Just a bar of soap and his big juicy claw hands. I can't see him using a washcloth sorry
Megumi would have to teach him lol
Norithoshi: yes!!! He is also very particular and I feel like he'd be ocd too about his cleanliness. A mix of nanami and megumi. Sometimes he does too much tho and once damaged his skin barrier but nothing shoko couldn't fix and he couldn't learn from hahaha
Sukunaaaa: I'm extra delusional and hedonistic and indulgent when I think about Kuna. Sooo idc what the fuck you have to say or what the evidence suggest. I don't care that he is a cursed spirit thing too, he is SO SO CLEAN and diligent with his cleanliness
He smells so good too. His hair is nice and soft and his skin is to die for. Literally, truly A GOD, A KINGGGG
Let's you paint his nails often and sometimes you draw dumb shit on them and he scolds you for it but doesn't take your designs off hihihihihi
Mid fight smiles cuz he noticed those nails hihihiihiviviivksdjfjsnakka God help me 😭
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medusaveneno · 1 year
✨Trending things/topics on tik tok and my opinion on them✨ lol I’m bored at 1 am and I’m scrolling through tik tok
Hair oiling ( Mielle rosemary oil amla oil ) ~ Every hair texture and especially bleached / colored , chemically damage and heat damage can benefit to hair oiling now it depend of your hair type and the porosity on which or what kind of oil you should use. Mielle oil isn’t the only oil good for your hair and for ppl complaining about it , it’s simply not meant for you. Amla oil is great too but if you don’t like the smell don’t make it trendy and keep your comments to yourself.
Zote soap /dial soap- it’s soap 😐 not that serious to sell out soap
Henna on hair ~ great to use 👌 and very beneficial✅ of used right if you 1000% sure you are never going dye or bleach your hair ( well until it grow out and you cut it off)
Any food sold from a tik tok ( pink sauce sold in Walmart ) ~ STOP BUYING FOOD FROM TIK TOK and the pink sauce still has its inconsistent coloring 🤢 
Tj max , Burlington, Marshall, Ross , etc ~ Y’all are annoying stop shopping there if you can afford or you often buy from regular stores
Chrisean rock is preggors ~ 😳😭 buenoo , good luck
Yt ppl renaming ethnic foods~ 💀😂😭 Google is free bro
Oil pulling- I’ll try it one day 🤷‍♀️ idk tho do feel like holistic remedies can be beneficial
Jenna Ortega - great actress 🥰
Shea butter- love it 💕y’all should mango butter I personally mix it with lotion right out the shower
Shakira new song - love it 😘🤌
Miley’s new song ~ love it too 😘🤌
Bashing scar girl (iykyk)~ WHO GIVES A FUCK??? Like we know let her be
Grwm~ yo I use love grwm when I was younger still do but it use be so chill and relatable. recently out of nowhere some 13 young girl popped in my fyp doing a grwm and omg this younger generation either A) grew up rich or middle class B) being young and relatable has changed and now it’s being 13 about to afford expensive skincare and products / tools.
Soccer players ~ we all know they are attractive we get it
Period (miss use of aave)~ it’s so cringe when ppl do this lmaoo funny how aave is trendy but looked in a negative connotation of a black person uses it.
Bad bunny throwing phones ~ Omg 😳 in my opinion he doesn’t like being treated at a celebrity and or wants to be respect don’t just go up ppl with your phone in their face ask first
Yt ppl learning how to bath properly~ BFFR
Nurses having mental breakdown ( I think that’s just my fyp tho) ~ the health care system in America suck ass and not only is it hard for patients but the workers
 gentrification in nyc ~ bro it’s called the city that don’t sleep for a reason you can’t just complain about every noise you hear move out it’s not as romanticize as you think it is
Gentrification in PR 🇵🇷 : GET OUT GRINGOS 🤬
Yt ppl taking random ethnic goods : it’s giving Christopher Columbus pt 2 
Realistic food candle wax : please stop I’m begging 🧎‍♀️
Benito with that Arizona girl ~ lmaooo good for her Irdc
Anything pregnant and newborn - I’m so scared … terrified even
Fear of aging ~ idk as 23 I’m stuck in between.
Ice spice ~ 🔥🔥 love her
Brad mondo/ butterfly cut ~ give okay tips there’s so many hairstylist better then him btw the butterfly cut is a lot similar to the unicorn cut that manes by Mel made
Cleaning tik tok ~ so satisfying
Cooking tiktok ~🥰😘🤌
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neonpigeons · 2 years
I hate to complain because I feel like the asshole (especially since I'm the only one in the house that doesn't have a job) but it's starting to get annoying that I'm the only one that takes out the garbage, runs/empties the dishwasher, and does laundry (99% of the time). like I understand it's not that hard to do, pretty simple overall, but man. lately I'm also the only one that goes to the store and puts everything away (not a huge task either since only 3 ppl + a dog live here)
TBH the little things start to annoy me more, like my roommate doesn't put a new paper towel roll on the little holder when she finishes it, even tho the new rolls are on a shelf nearby, and I end up clearing the shower drain since it annoys me when it doesn't drain properly. even tho I have VERY short hair and my roommate has thick curly hair. I've waited a couple weeks once to see if she'd do smth about it but she didn't. I also clean the toilet...
I'm not going to pretend I'm the cleanest person. my room is pretty cluttered at the moment (tho not as bad as my roommate's lol). but I've never liked the big chores piling up (my mom's influence for sure). i don't really mind that my dad doesn't do a lot because he's disabled and he's the one paying the mortgage and most other things and he's not that messy.
I'm just tired. my mom leaving this year has shifted all these responsibilities onto me, since I was the only one that ever helped her with these things. I even cooked for a little while but literally nobody ate the leftovers and I got tired of throwing food away so everyone gets to fend for themselves now.
that also reminded me that my roommate never remembers the food she has and leaves food in the fridge for weeks. one time I asked her about it and she was like "oh well that's a few weeks old, I thought you'd throw it away :/" ma'am. I'm not your fucking mother. still took her another week to finally throw it away and put the storage container into the dishwasher.
I'm just tired. raising a puppy and trying to keep things from getting super disgusting around here is draining me quite a lot. and my dad gets cranky about the stupidest shit sometimes so I just don't want to leave my room a lot. it's a big reason I'm awake til like 6 am it's the only time I really have peace
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elevatormusic · 9 months
my first reactions with zero context: only friends ep 9
immediately i thought mew was nick
is that ringing on the show or my ears??
oh show thank god
i imagine you don’t remember shit my guy
okay i understand mew being in his boxers but top? why were you cleaning in your boxers lmao
i never liked them together in the first place so this isn’t anymore fun to watch
no you’re not lol
must’ve stood up too fast. sir i think a grandpa could get up faster then you did😭
maybe get out of the pool tho
school again that’s right they go to school
does nobody else use this room except for sand? the only musician here
why’d he swing the door open like that
man i love angry sand so much
i know ray isn’t acting like this? fucking apologize properly for fucks sake
oh we know
man fuck your feelings
sarcastic king
you don’t like it? sand probably doesn’t like feeling like shit all the time because of you but okay
yes punch him
they are so close to each other. i hope they brushed their teeth before this
oh shit oh damn okay well that’s uh yeah well way more close
but weird that y’all are doing this in public in a glass room
back with the recordings boy these dudes are so annoying recording ppl without consent
but also top?? acting like mew is gonna care that ray is making out with sand?? mans does not have feelings for him. we all know this including you. he looks so dumb💀
back at the red room i’ve missed you
yeah you need practice you can’t fuck everyone before taking their pictures
okay but the red room does not do well for the visuals of the actual actors. it’s kinda hurting my eyes
bi rep bi rep bi rep
okay that seems uncomfortable
atom seems like the obsessive type. i could be wrong but that’s the vibes i’m getting from him
look at them going on a little camping retreat to swear off boys
nick said them bitches ain’t never gonna last lmaoo
who just wooed like that and why
you lying piece of shit
*sigh* this dude again
i’m sure he’ll find some way to accuse ray of making him go out again
are we still doing this? when do they break up?
love his shirt
you’re such a liar😭
you’re not even one of the people he loves lol
ew no please someone stop this i beg
kinda yeah
break up break up break up
is that considered a break up?
why are you watching that
dude stop acting like his boyfriend. you were just with yours
sand my king
did you just try to have sex with one dude and get rejected so now you’re going to the one you keep traumatizing?
oh nick you bitch how could you post where y’all were
at least sand knows
dude?? you know he’s like that what??
oh damn yeah actually i’m on boston’s side today besties
why are they talking about pixar😭
nick stop lmao
don’t you’re gonna have to move out
say sike
oh they actually are doing it
oh good lmao but good for them for trying it
first collecting another one
no my guy i don’t think friends actually do that
is that not like invasion of privacy? why is he allowed to just show him where they are?
he also just walked right up in there??
it would be the first time
nick said wait no i’ll save this relationship
also i’m so sorry but did they really look like they were hooking up to him lmao
oh i think you care
are all three of them really gonna fit on that bed?
sand about to commit a double homicide
i’m sorry i’m so bored with them imma have to skip
where did nick go lol did they push him off? and how the fuck did ray get on that side of sand
he’s a good wing man at least
why are they just sitting in water
bitch we know
are y’all still sleeping together tho?
you can’t have two important people when they both don’t want that
that guilty ass look
you notice he didn’t say he likes mew too just that he’s important to him
beautiful *chefs kiss* no notes
that’s the look of “oh shit i might actually lose this guy”
oh is he gonna tell him?
or not
oh god no hate that
no not like a father my guy
ooh right in front of ton’s salad
in front of the guy he’s fucking’s salad
hah he is a bad guy tho
lol he done fucked up
the latter. i’m being so mean to ray today😭
mans is planning their lives out together
orince ass lol
i’m honestly so confused. is ray still planning on staying with mew or not??
we know you’re whipped for each other
interesting tho. that implies he never felt this way towards mew as he does sand
thank god we’re doing this
crying at him saying everyone knows. like yes dude you’re so obvious
me too
does this mean ray will stop being toxic to sand finally
yeah but the difference is sand will call him out on his shit
is this really happening? beautiful lol
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larcenywrites · 1 year
awh man (gender neutral) I LOVE the whole dialogue thingy with Jarvis trying to reconcile Tony and his girl! I'd love to read that if you ever decide to finish the story, no pressure tho!
It’s funny because I did enjoy the idea, but I think the issue was me having trouble properly setting the stage for it? I couldn’t seem to decide exactly where I wanted to go with it and it actually started off as entire different story with cheating scandals and then it became that and I think I was just like- I needed to take a step back until I decided on something but then I never returned 😔 It was also gonna be clean and back then I hadn’t even done anything clean yet lmfao but I might pick it back up if there’s interest and stuff. Honestly there’s tons of drafts of just singular lines of dialogue or story that I never continued on or never could fit anywhere lol
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luvbrie · 2 years
TXT REACTION . . . to you getting braces ?!
PAIRING txt ot5 ( separate ) x gn!reader 
WARNINGS nothing, txt might be a little ooc pretty much just comfort/crack
WORD COUNT 1.2k words — bulletpoint scenario 
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c. yeonjun !!
when you first show him...i think he would laugh NOOO
he immediately reassured you that he's not laughing in a derogatory way
he thinks you just look adorable??? like wow you actually make braces look CUTE
apologizes a lot after the incident 
but yeonjun is yeonjun n he'll start complaining about it because it's harder to kiss you now :,)) 
you think after a while he just learns to live with it... 
he is GENUINELY upset about not being able to kiss you properly 
a whole year and a half (maybe even LONGER too?!) without a kiss? yeonjun's not having it
he'll remind you to floss after every meal so you can get that tooth prison out of your mouth asap!!!
will prop get whiny if u tell him that you forgot or sum LOL 
"my love. do you understand the torture that stupid metal teeth straighter puts me through?? i need that thing off before i go insane and YOU NEED TO PLAY YOUR PART IN IT!!!!" 
overall he is just a simple man who wants to kiss his lover :,) whipped af i swear 
c. soobin !!
doesn't really think much of it tbh 
he visited you after the appointment and he didn't even notice honestly LOL 
kind of good for you? because you were slightly embarrassed ehe 
but when he offered you some chips you declined and he was like ????? but it's ur fav 
and then he remembers 
you nod and give him a big smile to show him your braces
he has this really loving look in his eyes and :,) he just loves you wow
he often forgets about your braces but reminds you to floss and pops into the bathroom whenever you do 
u ask him like ? hey binnie what's up do u need something
he'll give you a back hug and pinches your cheek when you're done with your regular cleaning 
"no, i just think you look cute with your braces. :)" 
just a very supportive boyfriend who loves u very very much !!!!! 
c. beomgyu !!
all he does is tease u istg this man
ofc he knows like not to be too mean but omg does he EVER SHUT UP? 
obviously the answer is no.
though contrary to his present behavior, when you first showed him he lowkey did not care HELP 
he's like "oh cool. how long do you keep them on" 
he didn't really comment on it but gradually he got more used to seeing them so he started teasing you about it more 
ofc he knows never to go too far with his teasing, but if you ever tell him you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable with something he said
he will kiss all over your face n start telling you how perfect you are too him and his little butterfly pecks will NOT stop until you're a giggly, smiling mess 
he'll randomly grab your face (gently, of course) and push your upper lip n start pinching ur cheeks cuz he thinks ur flustered reaction is TOP TIER 
he will absolutely make a ton of "brace yourself" jokes.
despite his relentless teasing, he does not let ANYONE else tease you for ur braces . not even yourself 
you could make a quick comment like "lol my braces look stupid" and he's like
"what the hell. no. what? what are you talking about. you literally look fine. you're gonna be taking them off anyways?? don't talk about yourself like that" 
n you just gotta take it cause it's beomgyu why complain 
k. taehyun !!
pleaseee when u first tell him ab the braces this man is like "ah. nice" 
then you SHOW him and he starts ....bitching about the color you chose HELP 
it's like a consistent thing tho LIKE even after a month or two he'll keep mentioning it 
u have to physically shut him up by giving him a "gentle" slap to the neck but even then... 😞
he'll prob mention it every now n then after that period but it won't be as bad
there was a time where you guys were having a movie night with just the two of you 
n you were so invested in the movie but taehyun himself just could not get into it. maybe it was the genre (he was never one for sad romances)
but that led to him watching the much, much more interesting beauty in the household, which was you 
the way your eyes were so focused and you leaned in when there was a particularly suspenseful part; the way your hair fell ever so gracefully in front of your eyes only for you to just as gracefully push it back...
it was like he fell in love all over again
it was such a sudden surge of emotion. the fact he could call you his? he considers himself blessed 
it wasn't until he blinked did he find that you were staring  right back at him, tilting your head at his silent admiration 
it took him maybe a second too long to realize what was going on but he didn't look away. he simply said,
"you should've done a different braces color."
h. kai !!
an honest one here tbh 
you'll show him your braces and he'll be like "oh! they look nice on you... *adverting eyes SWEATING nervously looking EVERYWHERE BUT YOU* 
it's not because YOU look ugly ... it's the braces...
he will ABSOLUTELY make that clear though 😭😭 he loves u ok ur adorable pls don't think much of it 
if u ask him for encouragement, he'll be the one that's all "it's okay... they'll be off soon.. they aren't permanent love..." 
if he's feeling particularly playful expect "i feel your pain. i have to look at you like this all the time you know" LMAOO
it's clear that this boy is no fan of your braces 
both of you guys are young so i think he'll let you eat whatever you want tbh, he doesn't feel like he needs to monitor you eating. he thinks it's a tad bit weird actually
unless it's something too squishy/sticky, because he knows that those are rlly hard to clean from your braces 
that being said, i feel like he would have this cupboard in the kitchen of a bunch of your favorite snacks that he's banned you from eating for the time being
he told you that he'll let you eat ALL of those snacks the day your braces come off. but only if you keep away from those same snacks while you have your braces on
everytime you slack off n eat something you're not supposed to, he takes a snack from the cupboard and eats it right in front of you LOL 
it actually does help haha
you bet that once your braces come off, you two will have a late-night picnic in the park, eating all those snacks and eventually leads to you two invading the playground at like 2 a.m 
it's just a vibe. kai is your vibe, as you are his! u two just complete each other. he's just happy to have you. <3
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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oakskull · 2 years
genshin as wof dragons designs I drew by @wings-of-impact ! plus all my brain thoughts about it under the cut
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Links to Mod Anemone's posts: Childe Albedo Ganyu Zhongli Klee
Let's start with Childe! Its the most resent design released by mod Anenome which I Did alter a tiny bit for my brain thoughts. I based the colors off of their drawing but obv it wasn't perfect. I tried to make the tail get lighter in color but I'm not sure if you can really see it all that well lmao. But!! headcannon time!! for Childe as a hybrid I think he's got cold scales like ice wings but like only barely, but it fucks up with his fire, so instead of being able to make flames the closest he can get is like smoke. So mostly it's an intimidation thing, but even if the smoke is Pretty Hot it doesn't do nearly as much damage as fire. Also! about his gauntlet; it was supposed to be black but I forgot to paint part of it and I had already cleaned my desk and put all my stuff away so I just used a silver colored pencil. It is shiny tho!
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Next up! Albedo! He was actually the one i drew last, and it was kind of hard to figure out what little bobble from his og clothes to add. (like how childe has the shoulder cauldron and earring) His main visual characteristics (not lore) to me are his hair, his big boots, and his big Ole coat. None of which dragons really Wear. In the end I gave him his little drawing clipboard and the throat diamond. Also, I think we was probably made with animus magic, and studies it. What happened to his tail? I have no idea, but it probably has something to do with never wanting to hide his imperfections. For the bracelet from Klee, I couldn't decide whether it would be a peice of scrap metal she shaped for him, or a some fireproof fabric, but in the end I never had to decide because you can't see it LMAO. pick your favorite ;)
Now Ganyu! Her little blurb is going to be a bit short, mostly bc she was pretty straight forward to draw and I don't know her well enough to have any headcannons haha. Because I didn't color my sketch of her I couldn't do any horn details to make it look more like Ganyu. I had a similar problem to albedos design, because her notable design thing is just her horns. The bell and the rope on her vision were easy to add as accessories but I'm not sure if they really scream Ganyu.
Zhongli is next! I wanted to give him a nightwing scale pattern but a mudwing body shape to look majestic while giving him little glowing bits thst glow amber. I gave him the shiny scale by the eye to imitate his eyeshadow, and I think he has the power of mind reading but is like, sick of it. So the black part of his earing is the rock that blocks nightwing powers (I can't remember if it has an official name lol) I'm unsure about Anenome's world building for their designs but my thoughts on Archons are either that they are animus for each kingdom and they get their powers how Qibli did from enchanted artifacts (the nosis, the spell would be "whoever holds this gets animus powers" or something) or archons are just leaders, where its no longer a queen only world (or zhongli and venti are just queens, i think they can do it) If the archons are just leaders than animus dragons could be in Khaenri'ah, where they're are killed or cursed by the other dragons for their hubris. OR Celestia is the animus dragons. and how do the Pantala dragons fit in? I have no idea. I'm rambling. this au lives in my head rent free.
Okay last but not least Klee! I added her hat first because she needs it. then I wanted to do her backpack but I hit my first dilemma: dragons don't really wear things on their backs. It inhibits their ability to fly properly. But Klee's comically large backpack is a huge part of her charm for me, so I wanted to add it. I decided on big ole saddle bag type things on her haunches. Okay so, elephant in the room, if you've seen the wings-of-impact post about Kler then you know, she has fire scales! So how can she wear clothes? Well I actually just forgot, but I've decided that Tevat! Pyrrhia is actually cooler and sexier and has fireproof stuff for our resident arsonist. For headcannons, I think she has an unhealthy obsession with those cactus bombs and has to constantly be reminded that she Cannot touch them. She's been trying to make her own bombs with limited success, on account of melting the ingredients and not being allowed near gunpowder.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
please spare more crumbs for the sex slave au with diluc and kaeya's meimei,,
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Thank you for giving me permission to be more depraved this is from forever ago but I'm slowly getting the "forever ago" stuff done lol
I love the concept tho, especially Crepus buying a lil qt and having to teach them how to be good masters bc they’re both dumb clueless boys, bless.
TWs: slavery, implied incest or pseudo-incest, could give vibes as under//age (nothing is specified but I guess it could strike some people that way so I wanna be cautious), noncon/dubcon, mentions of anal, misogynistic, awful depraved and nasty -------------------------------------
God. The arguing. The rivalry. The chaos. Like, with some poly yanderes/owner/master relationships, the two work *together* and focus attention on controlling *you,* but these two are... not like that. They have a lot of rivalry going on half the time.
Now, this could be Crepus buying a slave and basically indoctrinating her as a meimei, but of course, if you actually are one of the boys' bio sis, the one is gonna claim some authenticity - you know, the whole "well she's my real sister, not yours, so I get to fuck her more" kind of thing. The other appeals to "well she's your real sister which makes you worse," and it devolves into arguing back and forth about whether or not the blood relation makes them more or less justified in sticking their dick in you and claiming more rights to meimei's time and attention. Not just to each other either, it's also directed at you -- the whole "hey, I'm your real big brother, so you should spend more time with me than him" kind of thing. It actually can get pretty annoying over time, you have to constantly be soothing not one but TWO egos in desperate need of affirmation. But here I’m going more with the idea of Crepus just buying them a sweet meimei. Diluc's more... patient. He teaches you "touch commands" -- little learned gestures, like a dog. Just the lightest touch on your spine and you know it's a clear message to arch your back, a hand under your chin and thumb pressed against it has you instinctively opening your mouth, a tap to the back of your neck and you kneel. Little gestures that can bend your body and mind with minimal effort. Despite that though, Kaeya is actually the master of The Look™ - the kind that can make you go quiet and apologize in a mere instant when given. But because you know it, expect him to be even harsher if you defy it. Sometimes in your little tantrums you get so mad that you'll have the audacity to ignore that look and keep whining or being a brat which does not end well.
Meimei is what you call free use - any time, anywhere. One of the most important lessons Crepus told you when he first got you/when you were old enough is that you are never to deny the boys any of your holes if they want it. This is just as important for the boys to learn as it is you, he's a big believer in the whole, "if you act like a good proper master, the slave will naturally fall into their role too" sort of thing, so he teaches them to be forceful and dominating, not hesitant to do what they want -- if they're clear on what they want and make known their expectation of your obedience (and the subtle implication of threat of punishments if not complied with), you'll fall into the submissive role you're meant for and naturally want to submit to them like a good little wife-sister-slave.
So, whenever one of them beckons you over, you smile and ask them how you can help. Your brothers work so hard, and it's the least you can do to take care of their needs. Sometimes they just want you to sit on their lap, wrap your arms around them, sit there a while in silence when they're sad, sometimes they want to vent to you about things when they're frustrated, sometimes they want to use you. Of course, the former two usually leads to the last anyway. You're... emotional support pussy. There's important rules and practices to be followed, it's actually rules for all three of you, several apply to them, actually, as Crepus taught you before he died, and it's become second nature for the boys (it works in their benefit, after all). #1. You can never be left alone. There's a lot of reasons for this, but primarily it's in your instinct to get fucked, all you know how to do is take cock, so if you were left alone you may very well go running off and jump onto the first thing with a dick, and they can't have that. So basically you either have to be with one of them, within their sight, or accounted for in some way - there's a couple of installed tethering hooks and the like on the walls  in several areas of the house you can be attached to. But, really, they're not usually necessary, with two very horny males running around you're busy most of the time, even if it's a more passive task. You spend a lot of time sitting on someone's lap, sometimes taking naps throughout the day with whoever decides they're tired at the moment. So, you spend more or less every waking moment with one or both -- well, every sleeping moment too, of course you don't have you own room. You alternate nights between the two just like you were told to. There's not really any task you do alone. Bathing? It's always gotta be with one or the other. Sleeping? Always with one or the other. Even when you're cooking -- because obviously you do that, they wouldn't even know how to, since you've always done it -- one is always standing beside you, talking to you, or sitting a ways over in a chair as they vent about their day. Oh, speaking of that, as aforementioned, you're there for emotional burdens too. When one has had a long day, what would they do if meimei wasn't there for them to vent and whine and complain to? You've always been taught to be a good listener. Don't interrupt. Listen to everything and don't zone out. Don't oppose their actions when they're telling you about their problems, always tell them they were in the right and comfort them. Smile while you listen. That's how you were trained to respond when one of them has some burden to unload on you. Always offer your body to make them happy. That's the last part, and they've never not taken you up on the offer. That being said, sometimes you have to... motivate them. Push a little bit. You see, you're just so sweet that sometimes your brothers might want to just spend the entire day in bed with you. So you have to motivate them to do their actual work. Tell them that if they don't go to work, if they stay in bed all day inside you, how are you supposed to clean the house and make dinner for them? So they sigh and accept you're right and go off to work after all. And, again, the rule is important for them too. You can never run off on your own, but they're also vigilant not to ever leave you alone. When you're first bought, Crepus had to constantly pull them back inside the house when they'd go to another room for something because see, you're leaving her all alone and she's going to go running off and it'll be your fault. So they had to be conditioned to communicate and make sure you were always accounted for, taught how to restrain you properly. If you were left in a room, Crepus would come by to make sure they remembered to lock you inside, would test the tightness of your leash if you were tethered to something, and sigh and chastise if one of them neglected to do it right. #2. No getting off on your own, this is a rule they have to help enforce. It's a waste - you have TWO big brothers, surely one of them is always going to be available and eager, so really, getting yours without either of them involved is pretty selfish, and worthy of punishment if found doing so. If for whatever reason they're all too busy, you have the option of asking permission to ride and grind on their thigh, but no cumming until they're done with their task and are available to properly handle it. Crepus is particularly adamant about this rule, as well as enforcing the same mentality in them, doesn't think it's appropriate for a girl to be so selfishly absorbed with pleasure when she should  be giving it to the men that own her. For one, a girl should be spending all of her time dedicated to serving her masters in some way, and two, they're both needy boys that would be eager to fuck you at any time. So really, masturbating is an act of defiance and will be dealt with as such. #3. No favoritism! There will be times where you may feel mad at one or the other, and sure you have different levels of how much you can tolerate certain behaviors... But, you have to train yourself against that. Meimei should have no limits of what she can tolerate - that's part of your whole purpose. So even when you're mad at one, you can't try to avoid that one and go to the other, you still need to divide your time, energy, and body equally. Don't talk bad about one to the other, don't try to spend more time with one or the other at any time. This also includes pitting them against each other through jealousy, it's a huge no-no. Don't try to make one jealous of the other. If they catch you doing that, sooner or later they'll realize what you're doing, and deal with it, usually harshly, since it's seen as a high-ranking offense. In fact, you really shouldn't be mad, ever. Your big brothers know what's best for you, so if you're mad over a disagreement, you just need to accept that they're right and you're wrong and that you need to submit to their will. Outwardly showing you're upset is bratty behavior, things like pouting or giving them the cold shoulder are punishable offenses. #4. You're also a peacekeeper. Diffuse fights. Both of your big brothers can be... stubborn, prideful individuals. This leads to pretty regular conflict over this and that. It's meimei's job to help with that, calm them down with a smile on your face. Or, if it works better, with some tears and a quivering lip. Please don't fight, you say with watery eyes, sniffling, and well, they can't help but feel bad, they both turn their attention to you rather than to each other and apologize for making you upset.  And if they're having one if their regular it's my turn kind of arguments, your job is to propose the easy solution of sharing. You have more than one hole to fuck, and can easily cuddle one on each side. It should be an obvious solution. Oh, and they fight sometimes over who gets to do what, who spends time with you, but doing different things rather than both wanting to do the same thing. One is sitting at his desk to work and he can't be expected to focus on work without meimei sitting on his lap and cockwarming him of course, but the other says he wants to take a nap and how is he supposed to sleep if he can't rest his head on meimei's tits? There is only so much of her to go around! But they will legit adjust their schedules to make sure they get alone time. And are very nitpicky about it -- wait why do *you* get an extra hour on Tuesday?? If you get that I deserve an extra hour on Thursday -- that sort of thing. You're supposed to be able to propose such ideas. It's your job to come up with solutions that make everyone happy. You can cockwarm one brother while he works and tell the other that hey, if he postpones the nap, you can just ride him until he cums and can sleep right? Things like that. #5 Actually isn't for you, it's for them, regarding punishment. When Crepus got you, the poor boys didn't really know how to go about doing it, so they had to be taught. It's important to be a good master and know how to do so adequately, you know? To not let anger get the better of them and go too far, since sometimes they might get too mad about something. In fact, a good trick, he teaches them, is to just tie you up, and go blow off some steam before coming back to punish you. That way they won't go too far, and you'll have to wait around in fear for a while, which just helps the punishment sink in better. But at the same time, don't go too light. No matter how much you whimper, he says, don't feel pity for her and go lax. It's intentional, it's just your nature to try and fake-cry to try and get out of it. You did something bad, so they shouldn't feel bad about it, even if you cry and squeal. It's the right thing to do. You're supposed to cry, you're supposed to say it hurts and whimper, that just means they're doing it right. But of course, there's some sensitivities to be taught. If they have you bent over a knee, they have to make sure to only hit your ass and the back of your thighs, make sure not to go up too high and hit your back, since that could cause injury. If they're gonna fuck your ass as punishment, make sure to use a certain amount of lube. Things like that, it's important to be good masters, just as much as it is your job to be a good little slave.
And to remember, of course, that meimei is... an inferior little creature. Don't get mad at her just because she's stupid and doesn't understand this or that, that's not her fault. She can't be expected to be smart or responsible, that's their job. But also, don't feel pressured to give her what she wants just because she wants it or anything. And, most importantly, don't start having self-doubt and ever think she might be right about something while they're wrong, because obviously that can't be the case. You might get defiant and try to insist you know better than them, act like you're just as capable of something as they are, or think your opinions matter or something, but in that case, they have a responsibility to remind you of your place.
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