#even though her own actions lead too the kits thing
ryderdire · 1 year
I don’t know as much as i should about warriors to make this post but . I really like the idea of an au where one of mapleshades kits survives and become firestars grandparent or smth because imagine her finding out about leafpool and seeing ashfur go to starclan would she protect her great grandkids would she even know. so many thoughts
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never-ending-fanfic · 11 months
Thought about this last night
Kallus being fresh to the Rebellion and all the events of the days in Zero Hour and after just mix in him, he's barely holding it together but is very determined to seem like he's doing okay.
And then he makes himself some drink, maybe tea instead of caf for once, in the Ghost's kitchen and one move too much and the mug goes crashing to the ground.
And for a moment time stops for Kallus because, stars, he just broke something belonging to the Spectres. As if him already destroying so much by being discovered and leading Thrawn to the Chopper Base wasn't enough, he just broke something again and his heartbeat speeds, his breath his shaky, he then proceeds to fall to his knees and try to pick up the broken pieces, to clean up and he cuts his hand when he hears steps and suddenly he looks up and there's Hera.
Maybe Rex is with her, equally surprised to see Kallus on the kitchen floor. They stand there for a while and Kallus feels like the ground opened beneath him, because now they know he broke it. They can see it clear as day and though Kallus didn't even think about lying to them about it, but it's too much that they saw it for their own eyes.
"I'm sorry" he says, his voice is shaky and his words are interrupted by his attempts at a deeper breath, but he just can't seem to properly calm down as he looks up at them and they look down at him. He feels pain in his hands increase and doesn't realise that he's gripping the pieces tightly, stabbing the sharp edges of the destroyed mug into his hands, drawing blood. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to- I'm sorry..."
Hera finally kneels to get to his level and the first thing she does is reach out her hands and takes Kallus'. Carefully, she picks out the shards and let's them fall to the floor. Kallus' hand is bloody and the cuts sting.
Rex offers to clean up while Hera helps Kallus up and leads him to the common room, sits him down and gets the med kit.
He's so stunned by her actions that his initial panic is forgotten. He stares wide-eyed as she tends to the cuts and wraps his hand in a bandage.
He can't fathom why on the stars would she help him and not be angry that he broke her property. It's too much for him, the care Zeb is insistent on giving him, the welcome he recieved in the Rebellion and now he doesn't even get in trouble for making a mistake.
And he breaks
That's it ♥️
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cherryxsapphic · 1 year
𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘭𝘺𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘧𝘸 𝘢𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘵 🍰
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Okay so this is my first time doing this, so sorry if she's a bit ooc, because I only watched Wednesday once LMAO 💗
Hope you enjoy <3
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Miss Marilyn Thornhill Is the most affectionate person on earth. Like literally she's always touching you no matter what, whether it’s a hand on your shoulder as she’s passing by or a hand on the small of your back leading you somewhere. Also be prepared for the onslaught of flowers heading your way because Miss Marilyn does not hold back, every single flower picked out with utmost care, each representing you in every way, prepared in a lovely bouquet and with a personal love note attached.
“You’re a red rose, piercing my heart with your enduring love.”
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Literally the embodiment of a mom friend!! She is always there for you, also she is incredibly sweet, always always there to listen to your troubles and or help you with any problems even if it seems impossible on your end. Also I feel like Marilyn would be one of those friends that has like a big purse that's filled with a first aid kit, a nutri-grain bar, you name it! Also you'll most likely become friends when you mention your interest in her plants, because those things are her babies literally.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Baby girl is touch starved so she literally adores cuddling or anything that involves being close to you. Marilyn would most likely want to be the big spoon, because she just loves the idea of holding you close in her arms. but she also doesn't mind being a little spoon, especially on stressful days. To be honest she will literally snuggle/cuddle you anywhere and once she's comfy in whatever position she prefers, girly pop is gone (AKA fast asleep) nothing will wake her unless you move.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Honestly, yes, Marilyn would at some point. She likes the idea of a life with you, and considering her family broke apart leaving her alone, the thought is comforting. Marilyn is… decent at cooking, to say the least. She can whip up simple meals, though it takes her a while to adjust to cooking for another person, having been on her own for so long. Cleaning is another story, she's a bit of an airhead and will track in mud from outside when she's gardening. Her notes will be occasionally scattered, because she's always getting interrupted by somebody or something. But she'll make it up, she usually tidies after herself, or she'll look at her mess with a sheepish smile, then proceed to clean it up.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
You and Marilyn's break up would be absolutely tragic, you wouldn't even know why it happened, the only thing that you would know is that your heart got shattered into a million pieces. But little did you know Marilyn only broke up with you for your safety because she couldn't bear the thought of you finding out her true identity and actions.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
At the beginning of the relationship, Marilyn is basically already committed. she'll do anything for you, anything you want, she'll do her best to make it happen. And the thought of marriage probably crosses her mind quite often. But though she wants it, she also wants to make sure it's something you'd like as well. She's not one to rush things if it feels too soon for you, but after a year or 2, maybe 3! Of dating she's going to wanna start looking for rings.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Once again Miss Marilyn Thornhill is the most affectionate and understanding person you would ever meet, this woman would never hurt you in any way and if she did, Marilyn would literally do anything to make up for it. Your emotional and physical needs will be catered for by this woman, she always treats you in such a gentle way almost like you're like glass, like you would simply disappear if she touched you any harder.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Ugh she loves hugs, she absolutely adores hugging you and pulling you close to her warm body. Marilyn always has you in a strong but gentle grip whenever she pulls you in for a hug and you wish that she would never let go, her hugs being so addictive they leave you in a trance sometime. Next up Marilyn is actually quite partial to hugging you from behind especially if you're busy doing something like cooking or miscellaneous things.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I feel like "I love you" crossed Marilyn's mind first but I think she was too shy to admit it, because she wasn't entirely sure if you even loved her, but once you do admit it, Marilyn pulls you into a sweet kiss and gazes lovingly into your eyes before saying it back. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Marilyn loves you, she trusts you of course, it's other people she's going to glare down if they're getting a little too comfortable around you. She admittedly gets jealous quite easily, and when she does she has a habit of glaring at the person. Will act passive aggressive towards them, and most likely has an arm wrapped protectively around your waist the whole entire time. Then once y'all get home it's a long night of marking you, reminding everyone that you belong to her.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
It depends on her mood, really. Usually they're short and sweet, however that can easily change into rough and needy ones. She likes pecking your cheek if she's in a rush, however when she's holding you from behind, she'll kiss the nape of your neck. She personally likes when you kiss her anywhere, but adores forehead kisses and you kissing her lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Marilyn has a lot of patience, she's a teacher, it comes with the territory. But that's to high school students, with younger children, she's still patient but a little unsure of how you're actually supposed to handle them. Will put her precious plants high, because she does know while children are curious things, they like to grab things. But she does listen to things they're talking about, sometimes asking little questions y'know. "She's a little confused but she's got the spirit" sums it up pretty well I think. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
It depends on the day, if she has to work or not. But most mornings it involves both of y'all curled up together underneath the sheets lazily kissing each other and whispering sweet nothings to each other before having to get up for work. On days off though Marilyn likes to surprise you with breakfast in bed, it's a simple breakfast but it still puts a smile on your face especially when she smiles back. Also during breakfast in bed she takes great pride in spoon feeding you! If you're into that.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Sometimes y'all like to sit back and relax on the couch and watch whatever is on, but Marilyn doesn't really pay attention half the time, too busy staring at your pretty face. Also you're most likely curled up in her lap while watching a movie also and of course since she's very comfy you always fall asleep, when Marilyn notices though she'll smile, gently tucking a stray hair behind your ear enjoying your warm body against hers.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It's kind of a slow process with her, she'll tell you everything you need to know but she also has some secrets that are well kept hidden.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This was mentioned before but Marilyn has patience, a lot of it. She doesn't get angry easily, especially towards you. But she has her days where Weems or maybe one of the other faculty members will do something and it'll tick her off. She doesn't come home angry, but she'll be annoyed. When she's back with you, she's going on about what happened. Literally just stroke her hair while she's laying in your lap and she's already feeling better. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She's actually really attentive to things you mention about yourself. And things you really don't know about yourself, she's a bit of a stalker. Like, you could mention something you don't expect her to remember, but she will. usually, if not something will jot her memory. If she sees something that revolves around your likes, best believe she's taking a picture and showing you too. or buying it. probably buying it. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Marilyn's favorite moment in the relationship would most definitely be your first kiss. It's not to be corny, but everything felt right the first time she had her lips against yours. she likes to say it was her confirmation that you were her other half. but she's also fond of the memory of her smiling and giggling like a middle school girl texting her crush afterwards. It's just one of those core memories for her. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Oh this woman is hella protective, this woman may seem sweet and innocent with her dorky glasses but if anyone hurts her partner she wouldn't be afraid to kill a bitch, but at the same time it takes a lot for her to get to that murder spree point, cuz she's actually pretty calm and normally half the time her main priority is her partner and making sure that they're okay before she does anything else.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Marilyn gives her all, she wants her partner to be the happiest person in the world, and just like her unlimited memory about all your favorite things that even you don't understand how she figured that out, she would never forget about anniversaries or birthdays or anything, she's the type of person to light up candles throw some rose petals around make dinner you know and all you gotta do is just enjoy it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) 
I wouldn't really consider this ugly but she is quite insecure and she most likely has abandonment issues because of her family history so she gets a little too overprotective and jealous frequently but that's only because of fear of losing you, which you comfort her every time she gets this way.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Marilyn isn't really too concerned with her looks or image. She's Nevermore's normie botany teacher, but! She does enjoy styling simple clothing to make it look pretty. Especially for dates or dinners with you, it's her dress up sessions. But most of the time she prefers comfy clothes or her iconic blue jumpsuit and red boots. Because she mainly works with plants and she doesn't want to get her good clothes dirty.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You're Marilyn's whole world basically, a day without you has her feeling incomplete. If she gets off of work earlier than you, she's sitting and waiting for you to come home. And God forbid anything bad or horrible happened to you, she'd be a wreck as well. Your being and existence means more to her than her own.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Sometimes she places her glasses on top of her head and she forgets about them and literally starts panicking until you tell her that they're literally on top of her head. Also she has such a sweet tooth there's a high chance that you'll see her at weathervane with a piece of cake alongside her matcha latte. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
She's not a fan of bullies at all or Pranksters. Especially that scene at the rave'n where everyone got covered in red paint, the poor girl was traumatized!
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She basically takes off her little bit of makeup and gets into some cozy clothes, before joining you in bed and let me tell you this woman is like the best person to sleep with because she's very warm. Also Marilyn always has to be touching you especially in bed once she's curled up comfortably, you won't be moving anytime soon and plus why would you want to. But if you so happened to not be cuddling for some odd reason you will wake up with her arms wrapped around you.
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I hope y'all enjoyed!! 🧸
Permanent tag: @donnas-dollface @thisgirlnamedblusy @whereismyhat5678 @peachpringle 🥰
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toasterdrake · 2 months
For the ship questions, 2 in Pre Relationship, 8 in general, 3 in love, and 1 in Domestic Life :D
sorry for taking so long to answer, my cat decided right then was the perfect time to show up w a pheasant chick so i had to deal w that 😭
2. What was their first impression of each other?
robin was blessed with an inborn Cool factor. she first shows up on main street, s2ep1, and fends off rexy (tfw animals behave like animals). sammy found this very impressive, especially as someone who knows how difficult it is to handle large animals, domestic or otherwise. yaz is a little swayed but ultimately thinks it was foolish to put herself in front of a t-rex like that and just hope.
robin, on the other hand, is too flooded with relief that she's not abandoned alone on isla nublar to take much stock of everyone individually, though at first she thinks of sammy as naïve and weak for being impressed with an action she hadn't really processed. this changes quickly. yaz stands out for her athleticism - robin engages with sports in her own way as a motorcyclist, so that's the first stand-out thing she clocks.
8. Who takes the lead in social situations? How are they around each other's friends?
robin will take the lead if she knows the situation she's dealing with, but mostly sammy takes charge of things as the resident extrovert. she's always happy for a chance to talk to someone new and finds some way of befriending them over a commonality. robin has a lot of friends in the motocross world. usually she attends events alone but if yaz/sammy go along:
sammy will get talking to them right away; she's a little overly bosterious because she feels challenged by robin having other support systems, but we all know she's friendly at heart so they get along great.
yaz largely is only open around people she knows well already, so she doesn't talk much around them, but she enjoys seeing how well robin feeds off their energy and will listen to/watch them from the sidelines.
outside of the camp fam both sammy and yaz have friends in their own circles. robin gets along fine with them but she has no interest in getting particularly close unless they share an interest of hers.
3. Who uses the cheesy pick-up lines, or does corny gestures?
robin has a MONOPOLY on pick-up lines. she's a chronic flirter and will drop lines on anyone whether she wants to or not. it just leaves her mouth and she has to face the consequences.
corny gestures are more sammy's forte. she's a hopeless romantic at heart, and is very lucky to have parents who work to keep their romance alive as role models. she spent her childhood watching romance movies and assisting her siblings in wooing romantic prospects, and puts that training to good use on her own partners.
1. When they move in together, who gets the most say in decorations? What do they each have to have in the house?
the only stable place available (chances are yaz would get kicked out of uni accomodation even on the island once graduating and would have to at least change the contract. i hc she lived w sammy before moving to wyoming anyway) is sammy's ranch. robin doesn't have anywhere to call her own - if she's not on the road she might visit her babbo or a friend, camp fam or otherwise, but mostly she just camps wherever. so, as the owner and the person who has spent her entire life there, sammy has the most say on decorating.
because she travels so much, robin only has the essentials and a few trinkets, and she's not in the business of clutter, so her presence in the house isn't massively notable. once she gets custody of a shed that is her bike domain first and foremost, though. she kits it out with everything she could ever dream of needing for them.
yaz leaves her athletic trophies and what-have-you at her mother's house. she likes taking the others on ikea trips and has an interest in restoring antique furniture/decorations. she has a somewhat more obscure, thrift-esque style but it manages not to stick out sorely in an old ranch house.
sammy is all about live, laugh, love and its various branches, as we know ♡ she also loves having memories of beloved animals around - from pictures to bones. she keeps a lot of heirlooms and will go to great lengths to maintain old blankets etc in good condtion.
ship questions redux
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
Cannot wait for Kit to absolutely lay into sorsha. Perhaps Sorsha will be one of/the first ones to hear that Kit remembers things? and how maybe if she hadn't been so adamant on keeping her in the image of perfect but spiritually dead for a year she wouldn't feel so lost now?
Bit of a tangent: I know we're all very furious with sorsha (rightfully so! I mean damn!) but I also think her POV is so fascinating and the way it's touched on in the show is fascinating too. There's certainly implied generational maternal trauma. In the show, Sorsha has never had a positive maternal figure and her parenting (and all her decisions as queen) in the show is both well-intentioned but also lead by bone-deep fear as a result. She cages all the children she's responsible for without realizing it: Kit (the marriage, the restrictions), Airk (never encouraging him to expect more), Elora (hiding her away), and even Jade (giving her a home while cutting off her identity). And leading by fear lets you become susceptible to promoting your own self interest for the wrong reasons. The original movie (and also probably the show in future installments) focused on healing a lost maternal/nurturing/compassionate bond in all it's characters.
This fic is quite different and there may not be ample time for a full reconciliation, but I think it's interesting looking at Sorsha's perspective by what I said above, how letting yourself be driven by fear promotes selfish acts even if unintended. Sorsha finally had a relationship with her daughter again that wasn't torturous after being cut off from her for over a year, and was also likely truly terrified of something awful happening to her again. She does want to see kit happy but also doesn't know how to exist in that world (the authentic expression of love when seeing kit cut her hair again proves this) and is scared of the rejection again. This obviously doesn't justify her actions whatsoever, but it's so easy to see how that mindset allowed her to continue to keep kit isolated when doctor's overly cautious suggestions played into her weakness.
Apologies for the long ask! I don't know if we'll see a full reconciliation or if kit will ever forgive her in this fic (she totally doesn't have to) but I'm very excited to see how it all plays out! I hope at the very least sorsha is resigned to acceptance after realizing the extent to which she messed up!
I think this is a really well-thought-out, in-depth analysis of Sorsha and everyone should take the time to read the above. It's super interesting especially in the context of the show.
Regarding Armouriam Sorsha, I've tried to include similar emotional situations to what we get of her in the movie/show. Her maternal trauma is briefly referenced, and we do see her doing what she thinks is best for Kit. We've seen her make selfish decisions for Kit, but we've also seen that she really does love Kit (see: haircut scene)
The real Sorsha showdown will happen in chapter 10, and it's not going to be the full throw-down brawl I think some people are expecting. Though Kit's definitely going to yell.
And though I haven't shared exactly what happened to him yet, we also know that Madmartigan died while Kit was fairly young, leaving Sorsha a single mother with a demanding job and no familial support (or friends, but you'll learn more about that in chapter 11). Kit and Airk are really all she has in life. She lost her husband, she almost lost her daughter, of course she's going to make selfish decisions to keep what she can of her family.
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
yandere!EraserMic x Reader
Mic skips a couple of steps and brings their darling home earlier than planned.
18+ only
tw: mention of blood, kidnapping, restraints
Hizashi felt panic bubble up his throat as he aggressively ran his fingers through his hair. This wasn't good, he wasn't good. He fumbled around trying to pull out his phone so he could message Shota.
-Sho, when are you getting home???
Probably in a few hours...-
Shaking, the blonde continued:
-I brought her home
Hizashi was convinced he'd burn a whole in the rug with his pacing. Staring at his phone screen it looked like Shota was responding, then it stopped, started, stopped, and started. Finally after what felt like forever he got a simple reply:
I'll be home in 15 -
"Mic, what did you do?" Aizawa sighed. The grumpy man intended to scold his partner but he couldn't bring himself to do so when Mic was so close to a full on panic attack.
"She agreed to meet up with her ex, he was talking about getting back together and I panicked."
Aizawa sighed; he understood where his partner was coming from. Even though Hazashi had abandoned their plan to wait, he was no longer surprised by Mic's actions. There was an understanding between the pair as the atmosphere softened.
Mic lead him down the basement stairs, instead of using the overhead light there was already a dull glow from nightlight that allowed the Pro Heroes to see well enough. On the bed in front of them the comforter rose and fell along with the breath of their darling.
"She should be asleep for another hour or two," Mic whispered. "I only cuffed one wrist to the bed, I figured without her quirk she won't be too troublesome."
Aizawa lovingly rolled his eyes. His partner was such a softy. Nodding in agreement he moved the blanket aside to see the clunky metal quirk-cancelling cuff encircling her ankle. The two had plenty of equipment from their jobs that allowed them to make a "safe" space for their girl.
The couple had stumbled across you on accident; you worked at the new cat cafe that opened near their home. The two quickly became regulars and you snagged their hearts when you recognized them as cafe regulars. They went every Sunday, you had their orders memorized and even told them which cats seemed to miss them the most. Hizashi fell hard and fast. It wasn't until Aizawa found you crying in the ally after one of your shifts that your fate was sealed. You told him that one of the cats ran out of the cafe earlier that day got hit by a car. Learning about the death of a cat wasn't the only thing breaking his heart.
When he got home that evening he told Hizashi. They both agreed that you needed to be protected, shielded from the pain of reality, and never subjected to cat-death-by-car ever again. Essentially they baby proofed their home for you. Anything dangerous (from silverware to chemicals) was locked away. Eraserhead installed cameras throughout the house that streamed to both of their phones. The windows were locked and shatter resistant and they even installed a top of the line security system.
Then came the stalking, both kept tabs on you - in their minds they both casual about it. Aizawa even visited you (broke in) one night to bug your phone. This was how the learned about your ex. The breakup was amicable enough that you two occasionally checked in on each other. After all, you had been together from middle school all the way through your teens. The two of you just wanted and were ready for different things.
Sure enough, two hours later they could hear your faint scream travel up from the basement. Mic had taken care of the acoustics, of course. He made sure that not a peep could be heard from outside of the house; even before you were in the picture this was in place for his quirk. Between each floor of their house he also added sound minimizing flooring and installation. They needed to be able to hear you but also maintain their sanity.
"M-mr. Yamada? Mr Aizawa?"
Your wide eyes were filled to the brim with tears. As Mic sat on the edge of the bed you withdrew as far as you could from him.
Aizawa seemed more conscientious of your space; instead he knelt in front of the bed so he was at least on your level.
He was the first to speak, "There's no need to scream, y/n, you're safe here. It's just Zashi and I."
The tears finally spilled over. You tried asking them to let you go, that you wouldn't say anything. You told them you had work this evening (even if you didn't) and that they'd know something was wrong if you didn't show up. What made it worse was that the men just kept nodding, taking in every plea you made.
Finally Mic cut you off, "You don't have to worry about work anymore, me and Sho are gonna take care of you, it'll be great. We won't have to wait a whole week to spend time together."
"You can't," You hiccupped, "this is illegal. Once they find out you'll be in trouble."
It was as if they didn't hear you. Mic just kept rambling about what you three could do together and how perfect everything was and how you'd love living with them.
Aizawa on the other hand sighed and indicated to Mic that he should get off the bed. "It's a lot to take in right now, new environments can be scary. You should get some more rest, Zashi gave you a pretty strong sedative."
That explained the pounding in your head. You didn't bother to keep yelling as the ascended the stairs. Instead you focused on not crying. You kept telling yourself that now wasn't the time for tears. You needed to get away from your abductors. You had never been in handcuffs before, you tried pulling against the bed frame in hopes that something would give way. As you expected, nothing really happened. The cuff was secured tightly around your wrist and with every pull came a dull pain in your hand. There wasn't anything useful within your reach.
After crying on the bed for what felt like an eternity you were all out of tears. You thought back to a movie you saw last summer, this detective was cuffed to a furnace and he pulled his hand free. However, that guy definitely lost the flesh on his hand and probably broke something. Your stomach churned at the thought. Then your mind wandered to terrible things the men could do to you. What if they were cannibals? Or wanted to sell your organs on the black market? Weighing the pros and cons you began to pull violently away from the bedpost. The metal dug into your skin and you couldn't help but scream. Hopefully your captors wouldn't come until you were free. There was a small window at the very top of the adjacent wall maybe you could squeeze through.
The searing pain became too much and you stopped to collect yourself. There were already gashes along the base of your wrist and blood coated the handcuffs. You stifled a cry as you resumed your work. You let out a blood-curdling scream when you felt a pop. Instead of freedom, you felt even more trapped. Your thumb looks wrong and looked like it was caught half way in the handcuff and halfway out. Movies make everything seem so much easier.
Light poured in as the door to the basement opened. Panicking you concealed the evidence under the blanket. Both of your hands and parts of your clothes were painted with blood.
"Hey kitten," Aizawa cooed. "We brought you some water. Are you feeling any better."
It was Mic who noticed first. You flinched as his hands cupped your face, his thumb ran along your cheek and you felt something slick.
His voice was rushed and panicked, "Sweet girl, this is blood. Shota come here, y/n is bleeding."
The blonde man handles your face and neck trying to find the source of the bleeding.
You pulled the blanket tighter, "I'm okay, please let me go."
Then Aizawa noticed the specks of blood on the sheets. He tugged at the blankets until you couldn't hold on any more. You were really only holding on with one good hand. You couldn't recall seeing that much emotion on his face in the past.
"Mic go get the first aid kit, now," Eraser's voice was strained and quiet but it sent the other man scattering up the stairs. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the cuff. Instinctively your cradled the hand to your chest, crying for the umph-teenth time that day. The scruffy man pulled you on to his lap, cradling your head to his chest like you would a child.
"You're okay, Mic's gonna get the first aid kit and we're gonna get you all taken care of."
When it came to flight or fight involving direct confrontation, you chose the third option: freeze. You focus on your breathing as the man continued to soothe you. You could hear Mic nearly throw himself down the stairs as he made his was back to your side.
Mic was gentle with your wound, after cleaning the blood off the cuts were visibly deep but not as bad as it seemed. Aizawa told him that it looked like your thumb was dislocated and that he would fix it once the bleeding stopped.
As Hizashi continued to apply pressure you were able to hear him sniffling as he held back tears of his own. Aizawa reached over to comfort Mic as he continued his fawning over you, "You're safe, everything's okay now. We should've known that you would get scared, all by yourself down here. We won't leave you alone again, especially while you're adjusting to your new home."
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americxn · 3 years
The Evans + neck kisses 💜💜
headcanons for: kit walker, kyle spencer, jimmy darling, james patrick march, rory monahan, kai anderson (pre-cult, cult and prison), mr. gallant
warnings: NSFW, neck kissing, biting, hickeys, mentions of penetration/oral, swearing 
kit walker
Kit adores both giving and receiving neck kisses.
He’s overly generous when it comes to pressing random kisses to the side of your neck throughout the day, knowing exactly what the small gesture does to you and chuckling as you bat him away with a playful glare.
You’re able to read his mood through the manner with which he attaches his lips to your skin, your body relaxing fully into his touch upon contact, the tentative scrape of his teeth against your skin pulling a shudder from you. Kit always notices the impact of his actions, smirking against your skin and attacking your flesh with more persistence; he is equally as attentive during sex, your moans only growing with fervour as the softness of his lips provides a perfect contrast to the sweet pressure of his cock thrusting leisurely in and out of you.
kyle spencer
Kyle isn’t really too bothered about giving you neck kisses. He’ll press a few quick ones to the side of your neck but there are many other places that he would rather be kissing and so he doesn’t waste much time on your neck before moving onto other areas.
He is into hickeys though, sucking them around the base of your throat, along your collarbones and across the sloping planes of your chest, enjoying the small noises that his careful ministrations pull from you.
Franken Kyle would immediately get hard when you kiss all over his neck, especially when you suck and bite on the spot beneath his jaw; he gets so hard immediately, melting into the warm wetness of your lips against his skin. Adores being marked by you, savouring the sharp pain of your teeth sucking bruises onto him, and loves the way they look afterwards.
Always begs you to give him more marks during foreplay and you can never find the strength within you to deny him, not when the small whimpers you’re able to draw from him with your lips are so pretty to your ears. 
jimmy darling
Jimmy goes through phases of wanting to spend all day with his lips attached to your neck, wanting nothing more than for you to waste away the hours tasting his own skin, or completely abandoning the notion of neck kisses and going straight to fucking.
They’re a huge turn on for Jimmy though and anytime your lips stray even remotely close to his neck, your warm breath fanning onto his skin, it’s guaranteed that his cock will be buried in you within a matter of minutes.
Because you’re both performers, visible hickeys can be problematic; the others at the show take the unending piss out of the both of you when the small purple marks appear on either of your bodies, Elsa losing her shit and lecturing the both of you about the importance of professionalism.
When Jimmy is in the mood to grace the column of your throat with kisses, he’s gentle and thorough, tracing the tendons in your neck with hot, wet patterns, reducing you to breathlessness and neediness before he satisfies you with his fingers, tongue and cock.
james patrick march
James is more familiar with the skin of your neck than the back of his own hand and nothing gives him more pleasure than to dine on your sensitive skin for as long as he pleases, relishing in the noises his skilful ministrations pull from you.
He always rips off his own shirt whenever he is given the privilege of having full access to your neck, shuddering in delighted gratification when you walk your fingers up and down his scar littered spine, running your nails across the pronounced planes of his back whilst your breathing becomes laboured as he kisses, licks and bites the entire surface of your throat, each trail of your fingertips adding to the steadily growing hardness of his cock.
It is the definition of intimacy for James to have you surrender your neck to him, trembling in exultation as he works his mouth on your skin, scraping his teeth and flicking his tongue across the hot skin beneath his lips until you’re beginning him for more.
James doesn’t often permit you to subject the overly sensitive skin of his neck to the same treatment, jerking away from you the moment your lips brush against his skin with a bit too much persistence, shivering and shying away from your touch. He prefers you to be rougher with his skin, his mouth parting slightly if you use your teeth on him, biting forcefully and bringing dull red marks up onto his pale skin.
(also the big ass slice across his throat kinda gets in the way)
rory monahan
Rory definitely prefers to be on the receiving end of neck kisses and literally melts into your touch the moment your hot lips come into contact with his skin.
His hands come to tangle in your hair as soon as you begin giving the sensitive skin of his throat attention, his chin lifting to give you better access.
With Rory, it doesn’t take long before he becomes feverish with need, gripping your hips from your position astride him and forcing you up, moving you so that your knees are braced on either side of his head before returning the favour, your hands now coming to tangle in his roots as he feasts upon you, either taking you into his mouth or licking you with as much fervour as you licked up and down the column of his throat.
pre-cult kai anderson
Loves giving your neck attention with his mouth but is often too timid to initiate it. Knowing this, you are generous in your encouragement, taking his head gently in your hands and leading his face to the crook of your throat, offering him hushed praises as he works the soft skin of your neck with his warm lips.
He steadily gains more confidence, much to your delight as the gentleness with which he attends to your neck sends a flurry of excitement fluttering through you.
Although he adores your lips on his skin, becoming instantly engorged, the stimulation can be overwhelming at times, especially when you use your teeth to mark his skin. You know his boundaries and you know how much he loves being granted full access to your neck and both of you are more than happy to indulge to each other’s needs.
cult kai anderson
Kai will only kiss your neck if you ask for it, enjoying the way that your eyes avert his when you finally give in and request his lips on your skin, forcing you to beg before providing you with what you want. 
He can be rough, using his teeth and biting hard enough to bruise, or he can be dizzyingly gentle, running his tongue softly across your throat and tenderly pressing his warm lips to your skin; there’s rarely any in between and you can never gauge which mood he is in until he shows you.
He’s very into hickeys, not only because of the noises he coaxes from you whilst sucking them onto your skin, but also because he likes you to display them at cult meetings, painting the underside of your jaw with them and watching with delight as the cult members eyes immediately flick to the marks when you enter the room.
prison kai anderson (the best kai anderson)
He secretly loves when you attend to his neck and covertly aches to feel your hot lips and tongue on his skin. Although he would never ask for it, you oblige him occasionally, usually when he’s generous enough to let you ride him, leaning over his body and attacking his neck as he thrusts up into you from underneath.
Hickeys aren’t really his thing, he dislikes the way the marks linger and feels as if they make him look submissive, which isn’t true. You’re occasionally able to sneak some onto his hips bones however, and he hisses in pleasure when you do, gripping onto the back of your head and forcing your mouth further onto his skin. 
He is very attentive when it comes to having his lips on your skin, sucking and biting a sizeable collection of marks onto your neck and collarbones, biting down on your skin hard enough to break flesh, stopping only when you yelp out in pain, releasing his firm hold on your skin and licking softly over the hurt in contrasting tenderness.
malcolm gallant
Gallant takes his sweet time with your neck, dining on the supple dip at the hollow of your throat, licking at the bump of your adam’s apple at nipping at the soft flesh at the underside of your jaw.
Only when he’s reduced you to a panting mess beneath him will he progress down the planes of your body, lower and lower as you buck your hips into the hand he has cruelly rested on your hardening bulge, eventually granting you with the pleasure he made you so desperate for, following through with his hot mouth.
He gets equally as riled up when you get a turn at attaching your lips to his neck, knowing the exact spot that makes him whimper: the tender spot where his neck meets the slope of his shoulder.
It becomes a sort of competition, to see which one of you would be the first to become sated under the touch of the other’s lips, one of you smiling in victory against the skin they attended to as the other submits to the tongue licking intoxicating stripes up their skin.
taglist: @kitwalker02 @three-eyed-snail @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove @undeadcortez @kitwalker64 @samsassinparvismagna @xmaximoffic @divineruler @liandav @tatesweaterweather @evanmybeloved @tatelangdonsupremacist @ikkleroniekins (dm to be added or removed <3)
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + kugisaki nobara + gojo satoru + nitta akari from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of violence + mention of curses + EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 22 may
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 3.5k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but….
↳ previous episode : the origin of blind obedience 2
↳ barista’s notes : so here we are for the final episode of season one of jujutsu kaisen for my series, it’s been a long journey since i started this in early feburary and now it is late may ʕ ꆤ ᴥ ꆤʔ wow times does go really fast, doesn’t it? well, i hope you enjoy this cup of special classic black coffee and prepare for the jujutsu strolls that are going to be coming soon when you ask for a bit of milk in your coffee ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only.
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’.
Hakufuku : 10:19-10:32
2.5. for the ‘cursed spells’/kidos (bleach) i will link this video here and tell you the time stamp to check out what i am intending to show - remember i add a few twist here and there by adding the katana to link with Y/N’s cursed technique : hopefully this video is slightly better…
3. if you are confused on anything, please don’t hesitate to message me since i know this whole thing is so confusing.
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“Here you go, you’ll need this”
Turning his head to look up, Fushiguro quickly noticed someone standing over him with their hand stretched out in front of him leading his eyes to peer down, only to notice a bandage wrap within the palm of their hands causing him to turn away as if he was looking away in disgust.
“Here you go, you’ll need this, you drag,” you repeated with the insult causing an irk to appear on Fushiguro’s forehead before turning to look at you with an annoyed expression present on his face.
“Go away, I don’t need it,” Fushiguro mentioned with some hint of annoyance and irritation within his tone causing the same irk to appear on your forehead as you then turned your head to look at the pile of beaten bodies that were behind him - an unsightly common sight since you enrolled into Saitama Urami East Junior High.
Sighing out loud, you suddenly grabbed the back of Fushiguro’s collar and began dragging him across the floor towards the bench that was close by (much to Fushiguro’s annoyance) and threw his body slight causing his upper shoulder area to hit the wooden side of the bench which lead him to hiss in pain.
“I don’t need it~ well sounds like you do,” you teased in a nonchalant manner causing Fushiguro to give you a sharp glare only to see that you had no reaction to it. Reaching into your blazer pocket, you took out a box of painkillers with some plasters in different sizes and a small pot of ointment before placing them on the outdoor bench.
“Don’t bother your sister too much...okay?” you rhetorically asked your classmate before turning back to walk away from the situation since you knew Fushiguro was going to question you on your knowledge about his sister even though he - on the outside - never really took the time to appreciate her or showed that he cared.
“What a drag,” you commented with another sigh before stretching your arms down to release the act that was slowly creeping its way to your shoulders as some students began to exit out of the school building to eat their lunch causing them to notice you as you gave them a little wave.
Ever since that day, Fushiguro couldn’t help but begin to notice you slightly from the corner of his eyes as each day went by. At first, you sort of blended into the crowd in the sea of uniforms that was travelling around in the hallway, seeming to not want any attention from the teachers nor the students alike yet you seemed to somehow attract them leading you to offer the same small smile that he had somewhat gotten used to.
On the other hand, Fushiguro couldn’t help but get slightly annoyed at how your name was being called by the second, it was always “Y/N” this or “Y/N” that since you hated your last name being called. As in a matter of fact, he didn’t even have any acknowledgement or a hint of a clue of what your last name was at all. However, when you would say your name in your own tone, Fushiguro slowly began to notice how he then wouldn't get irritated causing a wave of confusion to hit him every time he would wonder why.
“Y/N, aren’t you going to participate in the elections for the student council, the teachers have nominated you?” one female student asked in a light tone causing Fushiguro to peak slightly over his arm as he was taking a nap for this lunch break, only to see you holding a book with a few other female students surrounding you.
“Nah, it’s such a drag...I don’t like taking responsibility for things,” you commented softly as you placed your thumb over the last word you were reading to keep a hold of your place causing the students around you to become confused before asking more questions causing some of your answers to perplex the erratic haired boy himself.
“I’m not good at organising things”
“I don’t have the time”
“I don’t like helping people”
“Liar,” Fushiguro muttered under his breath before closing his eyes again to fall into a quick nap while repeating the last words you had said to the students around you. 
“I don’t like helping people”
If you really didn’t like helping people, then why did you help him a few weeks ago? As well as leaving some first aid kit items on his table at the end of lunch to restock shall he say? Sure, you had helped other people here and there from letting them copy your notes to little study sessions during lunch to help the other person concentrate but he was wondering why you would help a delinquent like him...but further yet, why didn’t you ask for anything in return.
“Y/N, I found you,” someone shouted, causing Fushiguro’s ears to spike up once he knew the familiar tone to the voice that decided to enter the conversation.
“I wanted to apologise for Megumi’s behaviour for the past weeks and wanted to pay you back for the medical items you had given him,” Tsumiki informed you causing Fushiguro to slowly open his eyes again to see Tsumiki’s arm outstretched with some cash within her palm while you looked down on at with a hint of disappointment in your face.
“Don’t bother your sister too much...okay?”
Placing your bookmark on the page you were on, you gently placed it down before folding Tsumiki’s fingers over the money she was kindly offering you as payment, leading her to give you a surprising expression since, with that action, she instantly knew you were declining.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to repay me...Just take care of him, okay?” you mentioned with a soft tone before smiling up at your senior leading Fushiguro’s curiosity about you to heighten up even further than it was at the beginning.
“I don’t like helping people”
Walking in the school hallways, Fushiguro couldn’t help but notice how the gloomy and mundane weather was reflecting everyone’s mood as it seemed as if everyone had a lack of energy this morning and to be honest, he couldn’t blame them one single bit.
It was the day after, Tsumiki decided to attempt the test of courage at Yasohachi Bridge causing her to become cursed as she fell into a sudden coma causing guilt to begin eating him almost wholly as he took each step in the hallway. 
From what he recalled, Gojo had mentioned that Tsumiki was somewhat saved by a cursed technique leading her to not become physically injured at the attempt of jumping off, yet that didn’t save her from the curse that fell upon her since the lingering reverse cursed energy that was surrounding her body wasn’t enough or effective on her and the other students that decided to tag along with her leading him to wonder who was the person that tried to save his sister and her friends from that night.
Suddenly, Fushiguro heard something drop from behind causing him to turn his body completely, only to discover a fallen student leading him to widen his eyes on the sight before crouching down to check the pulse of the person only to discover that they were fine, as he then processed to turn his head to the side where more students from the classroom beside him began to drop one by one leading him to become more panicked since this was just the day after Tsumiki’s curse.
Unexpatantly, Fushiguro heard someone beginning to run towards his direction causing him to turn his head once again, only to find you running towards him with a somewhat worried expression on your face as you began to look at each classroom to see all the students within them passed out.
“Fushiguro!” you shouted in a panic leading him to quickly stand up on his feet as he reached out to you so he could rush you out of the school building to get you to Gojo to ensure your safety. If you were able to help him multiple times, maybe this time he could help you as his repayment.
Grabbing your hand, Fushiguro turned to his feet to begin running but for some reason, you weren’t running with him due to the halt of his movements when trying to pull you towards the exit of the school.
“Y/N, what are you doing? We got to run!” Fushiguro shouted in anger as he turned his head to face you eye to eye, only to come into eye contact with dark but glowing purple eyes causing his body to slowly become limp as his vision began to become gradually disorientated as an illusion of purple cherry blossoms began to fall around the both of you.
Suddenly, Fushiguro began to lose his footing causing his body to quickly fall, only for you to catch him in your arms as you slowly lowered yourself to make sure his body didn’t harshly hit the floor due to any injuries he had gained from yesterday’s fight as you laid him on his side.
“Sorry, Fushiguro,” you whispered with a hint of regret before rapidly standing back up to run the other way which seemed towards the school’s computer’s system leading him slowly turn his head as he struggled to reach out towards your direction before the same arm dropped completely while his mind began to grow blank while your figure steadily disappeared from his sights while his memories of you began to gradually fade as he tried to maintain them with such difficulty.
“You’ve been reading those books for quite some time, you know”
Turning your head away from the book placed upon your lap, you discovered Gojo in front of you with a teasing smile on his face as his body was leaning on the side of the doorway he had entered from.
“Well, there are quite a few to go through,” you muttered as you turned your head to the other side to see two piles of stacked up books that were somewhat in equal height right now with one pile of the books that you needed to read while the other was the books you had finished reading during the past weeks since you had moved into the Gojo’s clan estate.
From what you could recall the day you stepped foot into Gojo’s house, he had surprisingly guided you into a room that was filled with bookshelves that had books comfortably sitting in its place causing your eyes to widen at the sight only for him to inform you that all that books had belonged in your name.
“All of them belong to me?” you remembered asking leading your adoptive father to giggle slightly at your confused and flustered state as you began to roam around the pathway the bookshelves had given you, only to land on a particular shelf that had books written from your clan to which seemed to be addressed to you.
“I see you found the books, your mother was really smart to lock them and make sure you’re the only person who could read them,” Gojo mentioned to you when he had found you staring at them leading you to turn to him with a perplexed expression only for him to further explain that whenever he tried to touch the weathered spine of the book he would feel an invisible barrier blocking his movements and even when he attempted to use his infinity, there was no use.
However, when it was you, it just seemed like a normal book due to how easily you pull gently and carefully pull it out of the shelf and open it, only for Gojo to comment that all he could see what blank pages yet sense the linger cursed energy that was coming through the paper-based artefact. While on the other hand, you were able to view the elegant black brush strokes gracing the paper which was slightly confusing since you weren’t able to fully comprehend the poetic and outdated Japanese due to how influential the Chinese language was during the Heian era.
“I can’t believe you are technically older than me~” Gojo teased while wiping a fake tear from the corner of his eye, causing you to immediately snap out of your daydream to fully turn to him with a completely annoyed expression painted on your face.
“I DIDN’T AGE ONCE DURING MY SEALING, YOU DRAG!” you screamed in irritation causing the servant who was coming to serve you some tea to stumble slightly before regaining her balance as she let out a sigh of relief, leading you to deeply apologise to her before rushing up to your feet to help her on carrying the wooden, circular tea tray that she was holding on for you.
“I wish I got to see you grow into the woman that you are by the time you are reading this, but may you bloom into the sorcerer that you dream to be” - Your mother.
Slowly, from the loud shouting that was going on, you began to groan in annoyance while opening your eyes to find Itadori and Kugisaki kneeling in front of you with panicked expressions residing in their faces before steadily turning into relief once they noticed that you were smiling at them.
“Good job,” you whispered to them before resting your head back on the tree you were leaning on causing them to smile brightly back at you before high-fiving each other as they shouted on how relief they were as they already had a fright when they discovered Fushiguro laying on their ground before trying to find you.
“Did you collect the finger?” you questioned your classmates leading them to all freeze in a panic since they didn’t expect you to know about the issue with the special curse that was lingering within the domain that you were all previously in. As a matter of fact, you had already sensed it a few moments ago as well those three years back when you were in middle school.
“Ah...about that...Itadori ate it…” Fushiguro muttered in embarrassment, causing you to look at him with a blank stare before turning your head towards Itadori, who was now looking at you with a ‘trying to be innocent’ expression on his face as he scratched his cheek with his index finger.
“Sorry, Gojo...It was an accident,” Itadori stuttered in a light tone, while you continued to give him the blank expression before hitting his head with the handle of your katana causing him to hold the area while wincing in pain as you began to stand up on your feet.
Due to the sudden shouting, everyone head’s to shot up to find Nitta screaming at you and your classmates from above while waving her fist in such an erratic way, trying to emphasise her anger to all of you at this current moment in time.
“What have you four been doing? You wouldn’t answer my calls!” Nitta yelled, causing her voice to echo throughout the entire area causing you to wonder if anyone had turned on their lights due to the loud interruptions from their sleep.
“Oh, Nitta-san,” Itadori called out in surprise as he stared up at the irritated woman.
“She’s lost it,” Kugisaki mentioned, as she too was observing the shouting fit that all four of you were enduring right now.
“Well, shall we go home?” Itadori asked as he turned around to face you, leading the other two first-years to turn to look at you as well causing your eyebrows to raise up
‘Ah...I guess I did think about running away for a second....’
“Yeah, let’s go home,” you answered back before beginning to walk forward leaving Itadori and Kugisaki to talk about having Spendud Sushi as dinner while Nitta was continuing to yell at all four of you from above.
“I know as time passes, the more the Earth will push its fangs upon your shoulder and it’s completely my fault and I deeply apologise from the bottom of my heart. I knew the day that I was blessed with you that I desired nothing more than to give you the easiest route away from all the troubles the Zenin clan had put on us, away from the Jujutsu world and away from the loneliness that you will come face to face once I and your father are gone. I adore you with all my heart and want nothing more than your heart to be blessed with trust, happiness and comfort. Wherever you are, just know that I will always look after you, no matter how long I have to wait, I will always be the mother that I wished I could be for you” - Your mother.
“Why did you leave?”
Turning your head to the side, you found Fushiguro standing on the wooden terrace that you were sitting on with a stern look on his face while you just blinked at him before turning your head to face the garden with a book laying upon your lap as you tried a way to figure out how to bring up the topic that you tried to avoid since coming into acquaintance with the shikigami sorcerer.
“What do you mean?” you asked before closing the book in such a gentle manner, worried that you could damage more than it already was - even if it was such in a good condition after enduring itself for 1000 years.
“Why did you leave? Why did you erase my memory? Why did you go?” Fushiguro queried once again, as he decided to take a seat next to you causing anyone who would see both of you and Fushiguro to notice the contrast in your outfits. At this current moment in time, you were wearing a simple yukata due to being at Gojo’s estate - it was common/courtesy to wear traditional clothing - while Fushiguo was wearing a white jumper with what seemed to be black joggers along with some trainers causing you to come to the assumption that he had either can to talk to you or train with Gojo again like he did last time.
“I’m sorry Fushiguro...but I had to do it,” you answered before grabbing the cup of tea that was sitting right beside you as you then took a sip of the warm drink leading some of your nerves to calm down as you also took a deep breath.
“Why didn’t you stay?” Fushiguro questioned again in a low tone while staring down at the ground trying to compose himself as more memories of you began to steadily flow in.
“It was too risky,” you answered again as you continued to stare at the garden that was blooming in front of you before turning your head to look at your classmate, who seemed to be in deep thought about the response you had just given him.
“I never got to repay you back from the kindness you had given me,” Fushiguro mentioned as he turned his head up to look at you, only to make eye contact leading the memories of your technique to come into his mind.
“I don’t need a repayment, I just did what I wanted to help you,” you replied back as you placed your cup down onto the wooden tray before laying your upper body down on the terrace while your legs were handing off to the side causing your hair to splay across the wooden platform the both of you were sitting on right now.
“But you don’t like helping people,” Fushiguro quickly mentioned as he turned his head to face you, causing your eyes to move from the sky above you to the boy that was now looking at you with a somewhat small smile planted upon his face causing you to remember the conversation that you had with him and Kugisaki about not telling Itadori the reason why numerous amount of cursed fingers that have been popping up recently - making you come to the realisation that he was technically asking you and Kugisaki to help him keep the guilt away from the vessel of Sukuna himself.
“Yeah...I don’t like helping people,” you answered with the same smile as he was presenting you, causing a light giggle to arise from the both of you.
‘I’ll recommend them for a promotion later...’
“Whoever you fall for the sky for, my dear. I wish you nothing but the world’s blessing to fall upon the two of you. May all the flowers that come to bloom will bring you grace and tenderness that you deserve, the same feelings that I wish I could provide to you as a mother like how the sun gives you its warmth” - Your mother.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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saffronique · 3 years
I Read Leopardstar's Honor So You Don't Have To: A Review (Not Spoiler Free)
Oh Leopardstar. A cat who has long divided the fanbase as a leader beloved by some and despised by others. After years of waiting (for some) she was finally given her own super edition. In a word it was... underwhelming.
The book opens during Leopardstar's kithood days. The first scene is adorably heartwarming- readers are treated to Leopardkit and her denmates playing the warriors version of hide and seek, and there are some absolutely adorable moments here, such as Crookedjaw helping Leopardkit escape the seeker by whisking her away on his back, and Mudfur doting on his daughter. The scene takes a sharp turn when Skykit, one of Leopardkit's denmates, lures her away from the group to shove her head underwater and berate her for giving away Skykit's hiding place in the last round of hide and seek. Skykit's actions are startlingly cruel here, as she tells Leopardkit that she's a rotten kit that killed her own mother and that she is doomed to the dark forest like all the other murderers. This understandably disturbs and traumatizes Leopardkit, and when she speaks to her father about it, Mudfur reassures her that she is good, and that Brightsky came to him in a dream to say that Leopardkit will one day save RiverClan. Leopardkit latches on to this dream, and the book follows her through relatively disjointed moments in her life as she tries to live up to her destiny.
The pacing of the book is an absolute nightmare. We don't spend long enough in any one part of Leopardstar's life to see her have any meaningful interactions with other cats, and thus the majority of the relationships she has seem surface level at best, forced at worse, with Whiteclaw being a notable exception. She spends maybe 3 chapters as a kit, 3 as an apprentice, 3 as a warrior, 2 as a mentor, and so on. As a result, we don't actually get the opportunity to see Leopardstar learning or struggling in a meaningful way at any point. We're TOLD she's a hard worker, that she's dedicated and loyal, but the book gives you little chance to actually see it. The book slows down long enough to force an almost love story with Frogtail, which Leopardstar ultimately gives up on to focus on her work, but then a few chapters later Frogtail is dead and it's back to jumping around through her life.
The book really suffers from a lack of side characters and relationships to help things feel connected. The only real through line is this silly dream from Mudfur-not even an official prophecy- that Leopardstar focuses on to the exclusion of all else. Compare this to Crookedstar's Promise and Bluestar's Prophecy- while both books feature a greater destiny that the characters focus on throughout the book, they are given the chance to develop meaningful relationships that last for large chunks of the book. Bluestar has her relationship with her sister and her rivalry with Thistleclaw, and even her friendship with Thrushpelt, all of which allow her story to feel genuine and naturally lend themselves to interesting subplots. Crookedstar has his relationship with Mapleshade, his romance with Willowbreeze, his desire to prove himself to his mother- again, all things that make him feel like a well rounded, multifaceted character. Leopardstar has her dream, and ONLY her dream. None of her friendships last more than a few chapters before the other character is killed off. Her most meaningful relationship, with her apprentice and adopted son Whiteclaw, has the potential to round out Leopardstar's character, but Whiteclaw's fate has been predetermined. We all know he's going to die in the gorge because we see it happen in Fire and Ice. After Whiteclaw's death, Leopardstar briefly has a compelling relationship with Silverstream after she discovers her relationship with Graystripe. Silverstream and Leopardstar have opposing priorities of love and duty, and the interactions between them are an interesting insight into both characters. Silverstream actively rebukes Leopardstar's mindset and challenges her priorities, something that would have been invaluable in making Leopardstar's choice to join Tigerstar seem more consequential. But Silverstream too is doomed to die, and by the time the book reaches its climax, Mudfur is the only cat left to challenge Leopardstar's choices. Instead of letting the rift between father and daughter build, Leopardstar has no problem simply banishing her father and medicine cat for disagreeing with her. No one that she cares about is left to challenge her for her decisions, and thus there are no real stakes to the choices she makes. Sure, Stonefur dies and its awful, but the book doesn't bother to develop any real friendship or camaraderie between the two, so it doesn't feel as impactful as it should. The book concludes with Leopardstar understanding that she's wrong and Mudfur convincing her that she's going to save the Clan from the disaster she helped create. At the very least, Leopardstar seems to understand the problems with this and points out that it's not really her saving the Clans, its Firestar. This is completely true, as she has no role in Tigerstar's downfall and no role in stopping Scourge. The best that can be said for Leopardstar is that she doesn't get in the way of Firestar here.
She faces no real struggles aside from her father's doubt as to her ability to lead, a dynamic already witnessed between Brambleberry and Crookedstar and done much better.
Awful editing:
This book suffers from an almost unbelievable lack of care on the part of the editors, with big chunks of text very obviously cut and pasted to different parts of the story without any effort to edit out nonsequitors. The most painful instance of this revolves around Stormpaw and Featherpaw's apprenticeship. In one scene, Leopardstar comments on the fact that Primrosekit and Pikekit will be made apprentices any day (Reedkit is inexplicably absent here, and Perchkit seems to have died offscreen though it is never mentioned) and notes that Stormkit and Featherkit still have their kit fluff and look tiny next to their older denmates. A couple paragraphs later, we see Featherkit and Stormkit being apprenticed to Mistyfoot and Stonefur, in a paragraph that EXPLICITLY STATES that it's the very next day. The other kits have mysteriously been apprenticed already. Boulder and Jaggedtooth of ShadowClan are inexplicably present at the ceremony, despite there being no mention of their arrival at any point and Leopardstar refusing Tigerstar's offer to join their two Clans together the day before. A few pages later (yes, literally just pages later, that's how atrocious the pacing is) we cut to a battle between RiverClan and ThunderClan at the Sunningrocks, where Stonefur and Mistyfoot's parentage is revealed. Leopardstar doesn't actually hear this, but she does overhear them discussing it in the most painfully forced way possible moments later. Leopardstar finds herself absolutely HORRIFIED that she's apprenticed two half-Clan cats to half-Clan mentors.... and then a few chapters later, after forming TigerClan, Tigerstar asks her if she still intends to make Mistyfoot and Stonefur mentors to Featherkit and Stormkit despite their parentage, to which Leopardstar responds that they are still loyal RiverClan warriors. Yes, I'm serious.
Leopardstar's character:
This super edition is nothing but a showcase of the absolute worst aspects of Leopardstar as a character. Throughout the book she is shown as racist, battle hungry, self-centered, foolish, and utterly lacking in compassion or even pity for any Clan other than her own. She is constantly making racist generalizations about cats from other Clans, actively wishes for WindClan's downfall, sides with Tigerstar simply because Fireheart is a kittypet, and, perhaps most disturbingly, tries to murder Fireheart in cold blood because of his kittypet background. This book literally does nothing to endear the reader to Leopardstar, it makes her out to be the most despicable, honorless cat imaginable. And honestly, if you're not a Leopardstar fan, I think that's one of the most compelling things about this book. The desire to see what atrocities Leopardstar would commit next was what kept me interested in the story, honestly it was the only reason I finished it. There was something morbidly fascinating about watching a character so self absorbed and lacking in compassion interact with the world around her. It was enjoyable in a way to see a character so deeply set in the beliefs that the series has repeatedly established as wrong time and time again. Pacing and editing aside, this difference in philosophy is a breath of fresh air after the same recycled plotlines and moral messages that the series has been using for years. This book isn't going to make you like Leopardstar, but it is going to make you love to hate her.
What the book did right:
While there were very few positives to the book, it wasn't completely lacking in value. The book succeeded in developing a deeply meaningful relationship between Whiteclaw and Leopardstar that, thankfully, wasn't a romance. Their mother/son and mentor/apprentice relationship does a good job at setting up Leopardstar's grudge against ThunderClan over Whiteclaw's death as we see it play out in the first arc. Honestly, Leopardstar as a character would have been served far better if this had just been a novella detailing the relationship between these two. That was probably the only real thing of value in the book, honestly. Aside from that, Frogtail and Leopardstar's relationship, while I personally found it completely unnecessary, addressed a topic I've been hoping to see in warriors for a while now-- two characters who love each other but decide that the things they want out of life are mutually incompatible, and part ways amicably. Leafpool x Crowfeather and Bluestar x Oakheart both almost did this, but fell short because it was only ever really one character who decided to end the relationship. Unfortunately, the value in this message is somewhat diminished by the fact that Leopardstar later laments multiple times that she should've given up on her goals and just had kits with Frogtail instead, an absolutely disgusting conclusion that plays into the recurring problem of misogyny in warriors where women aren't allowed to be both mothers and hold a position of power, they have to choose between the two.
All in all, this Super Edition is easily the worst so far in terms of plot, pacing, and writing, but I still found some enjoyment in reading the perspective of such a selfish, cruel protagonist.
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mochikeiji · 4 years
Troublesome Baby
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↠ Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Reader
↠ Warning: SMUT! Slight size kink, nipple play, overstimulation, hint of breeding, Akaashi wanting to make his baby know how pretty she is and how wrong people are about her.
↬ Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: Pissing a delinquent is never a persons choice. And what pisses off Akaashi most was when people picked on you instead of him.
⇢ Day 2: Delinquent
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A person's feelings can be confusing. One minute they're saying they like a good guy who knows how to keep track in time and hs his future planned out and the second they're liking someone whom their parent's had warned them about.
If you like someone who was always up to no good, are you a masochist? They would ask. Are you out of your mind? They would scold. Do you have any idea how this'll affect your life? They would judge.
You'd like to think otherwise of people who wore tattoos, have so many scars, are always picking fights or having that gangsta stance and aura. You prefer to see them as still a human being with a cold outer shell in order to protect themselves from the cruel world, shielding their gentleness deep within.
It was cliche; a bad person getting soft for one person. But that's how it is even in reality. Sometimes, we can only be vulnerable to the ones we trust the most. And the ones we trust the most are the loved ones.
And those who we love, never deserve how they spit at the world.
That's how Akaashi was with you.
Everyone was shock by the time the former first year had a drastic demeanor change. He was timid, reserved back at his first year in highschool. Polite, and what you'd expect to have an astounding school performance. Hey never would've thought that joining the volleyball club would change someone so idly.
They always thought they were a team filled with passionate players who loved to play fair, but it turns out they loved to get rough around games and outside matches.
Roughness was never Akaashi's agenda. But with a stoic facade and built, athletic feature, he fits in perfectly to look like someone you should stay away from. Still, he kept on being the reserved person he was by hiding his wounds underneath his uniform or volleyball jacket. He doesn't admit it outloud, but he was insecure about his beating wounds.
The times where he and the team would go on random beatings after losing a bet or if someone dares to mess with anyone close to them happened often. Now that word was spread that you, sweet little you, happened to be the pretty faced setters girlfriend is targeted by many disgusting comments.
No man would want to tolerate that or will tolerate their beloved pummeled onto the ground. From all the members of the team he was voted to be the most terrifying one, he doesn't stand down from a fight especially for his baby, he wouldn't stop until the person who made a worthless comment about you, the person who would make you look down at yourself, the person who would make you cry is at their mercy.
His delinquent phase soon carried on until he reached his 20s. Even though now he was an editor and his teammates had their own domestic lives and jobs ahead, they kept up with their ways to earn a bit of cash during the night. Minus Bokuto on some occasions due to his volleyball tournaments world wide, it was mostly just him and the former third years. Even the two females had managed to know their ways into the dangers in joining as long as it helped them raise the cash up a bit.
And that leads the scenario now, you cleaning up his wounds again at the peak of 1 am in the morning after a misunderstanding beat down the past hour. He came home more bruised and bloodied than before— that meant they were outnumbered. Usually, it's Bokuto who would bark at the people who would mess with them. He was known to be feared due to his popularity, but inside the group, it's really just Akaashi who was the monster amongst all of them when he was angry.
You didn't know how long you were going to tolerate this. Him always coming back to you with new scars drawing his skin and you patching him up. It was always like this since highschool, but as you grew, people get tougher, bolder. This was too much.
"Keiji, please stop doing this."
Dabbing the cotton on the alcohol a little and tapping his skin gently to avoid stinging him, you were sat on your study chair whilst he was sitting on your shared bed. You were already trying to hold in the dam from breaking as you had been cleaning all his wounds for the past minute, but as you do, they only seem to get bigger and painful for you to bear.
"I don't want you to keep getting hurt."
Finally putting ointments on his arm, he uses his free hand to cup the side of your face, and raises you too look into his eyes. Ones that weren't feral as they were a couple of hours ago.
"They were bad mouthing about you, I wasn't letting that slip."
"But it's fine! People bad mouth about me a lot even before.."
Inside it still stung. To be growing up mocked by society in any way they see flaw in you. You were always an insecure woman up until now, any little words from others can make you into a brawling mess. What more if some threatened you, you'd be a fleeting coward.
Akaashi knew that about you when you began dating. At first he didn't pay mind into it, but the more he got to know what a kind and loving person you were, he realized just how cruel people can be to those with soft hearts. He hated those to the bone, he would never tolerate that kind of person throwing a pile of crap to someone above them.
"I just don't want to keep thinking one day you won't be coming by the door because of this..I'd rather you just stop being like this after years than to get more bruises. I don't care about the money, Keiji, I earn a lot too."
Your trembling figure was obvious, he knew how emotional you get for whenever he gets reckless, and how you over think of the things the people he has placed back in their place said about you. He never liked the fact you tried to be strong for him so many times and not even reaching out for comfort from him.
He cooes softly, moving away the medical kit from your side and hoisting you up from your chair with ease, allowing you to straddle his lap. You were easy for him to carry considering the height difference, thus making him more protective of you seeing as you look like a small child in fear.
Protesting softly at him to put you down since he was just freshly fixed up, Akaashi let's your head fall on his naked shoulder blade with his hand behind your head, giving your hair a slow stroke down to your back.
That's where you started to cry on his skin.
"I don't care about the money that much, I just hate it when someone threatens or mocks you without even having to know you."
He hears you sniffle at his skin, your tears wetting a small patch on it along with your face. He hushes you for a second before patting your bum, indicating he wants to see your face. With head lowered, you pulled away from his shoulder, sniffling down the tears while roughly using your wrist to wipe your eyes.
He grabs one of your wrist as his soften eyes met your red ones. He lowers your hand down to your lap, with your other one following as he was the one to wipe your tears away.
"It hurts me to have them say such things and have you crying like this. You have no idea how far you are from what they say."
The both of you took a small pause, letting him squish your cheeks with his thumbs rubbing underneath your eyes as small, left over tears escaped. Your hands below pressing against his bandaged abdomen, wondering how much trouble he's gone through just for you with a new batch of tears ready to fall.
"You don't cause me trouble, baby. I did this because you didn't deserve it. It was my decision, not yours or anyones. You will never be the reason for my troubles."
He was an observant guy, any little sign of of your body he knows what's going on. He slides your hands up from his abdomen, to his chest and placing them on his shoulders for you to hold onto. Tilting his head a bit to get an angle of your view, he gives you an adoring smile at the sight of your lips slightly pouting out and your eyes wide and glossy.
"You look cute right now."
Blinking away the blurred vision, your heart thumps a little from the way he was looking at you and his small compliment. You loved it when he gave you a lot of assurance and reminders about yourself. Even in times where they seemed unnecessary.
His finger tracing your cheeks to your nose, tapping at the tip making you shut your eyes and crinkle a little. When he groaned at the shift of your hips now snugging against his growing bulge, he quickly places his hands on your hips to hold you in place.
Your eyes popped out, stammering apologies saying you didn't mean to do it on purpose while gripping his shoulders. You hear him sigh out, worried you might've hurt him but soon vanished when you felt his hands sliding down once again to your bum.
"Why don't I show you how pretty you really are?"
He moves from his position. By instinct, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he lays you down on bed and pushes himself up.
"W-wait, your wounds."
"I'm fine, baby, don't worry."
His hands found their way down to your pajama shorts and pulls them down with ease. He let's his shirt that you were wearing on as it only fueled his arousal at the sight of you looking smaller compared to him.
Thighs shaking and biting back a moan when his index finger slid down on your clothed slit, he repeats his actions upwards and downwards until you shortly got the middle part of your panties wet.
"Just enjoy and relax for me." 
You clutched the pillow underneath your head when his finger started to press in your clothed slit, his warmth radiating strongly against your sensitive regions, it made you grind shyly on the finger teasingly trying to intrude your entrance. 
He bites lip at the delicious sight and pulls his fingers away, spreading your legs apart so that he could settle himself on his stomach and his face near your lower lips. Sliding your panties down almost too quickly, he pushes your inner thighs to spread for him, giving him a better view of what his teasings done to your body and blowing cool air on your twitching hole, drooling with more arousal.
He hears a small whimper from you and looks up, you covering your mouth with the back of your hand, and your other fisting the sheets. Giving your inner thighs a kiss to calm you down, he winks at you before repeatinf his early ministrations on your now bare pussy.
"You're so easily aroused."
It came out like a breathy whisper from his lips as he watches his finger slide up and down. The thought of you tight and clenching to nothing makes him want to plunge in immediately.
He hums pleasingly at the sight and slowly inserts his index finger in. You moan out loudly in surprise, hiding your face to side and not wanting to look down thinking you might just cum from the sight. He began pulling his finger out and then pushing it back in, he wiggles a little inside of your hole loving how warm and wet it was, until he inserted a nother finger in to stretch you.
He thrusts both fingers in with a decent pace, not wanting to go fast knowing how sensitive and easily you'll cum. His mouth was watering at the sight of his fingers being swallowed in your small pussy, and leans his face down with his other hand spreading your lips and giving it a small kiss that made your hips jolt up as he began to attack your clit.
"K-keiji! Too good!"
His free hand holds one of your thighs way to keep you spread amd at his mercy. The two fingers inside of you thrusting erratically when you tightened around them, now hearing the sloshing noises and his mouth sucking you to death.
He watches your head move from side to side and your chest heaving from his treatment. He can feel his own cock painfully erect inside his pants and moves bit, moaning against your clit at his boxers friction, and your hands finding their way to his hair and begging him not to stop.
"Keiji! Please, please, don't stop! Please, I'm close!"
His fingers beckoning inside of you knowing what he was now pressing at and flattens his tongue on your pussy before smirking up and saying,
"Go on, pretty girl, cum for me."
Hearing his voice was like a knock out for you as your hips arched up and the grip on his hair tightened. The pads of his fingers pressing and teasing your sweet spot until you were cumming hard for his mouth to take in.
He pumps a few more thrust until your orgasm faded. You whimpered from the additional thrust and grabbed his wrist to stop.
"Too much, Keiji.."
Hungry eyes raking your sweating body and wet folds, his pants getting unbearable at the moment and zips it down immediately along with his boxers, letting his cock free and breathes in the cool air as it hits his cock that made it twitch in need.
How much he wanted to keep eating you out despite being sensitive, but the need to be inside of you caves in as he hovers above your quivering body and attatching his lips with yours. He slips in his tongue to deepen the kiss, grinding his cock against your wet slit as you moaned inside his mouth from the much needed friction and something inside your needy cunt.
But Akaashi wanted to savor the moment, he knows you were a virgin. He's only fingered and eaten you out during the years of relationship. Even though the thought of having his cock a taste of your cunt drives him insane, he wanted to make sure every part of your body was touched, kissed and adored like he promised.
Fingers now tweaking your right nipples as your legs tried to close themselves from now having to be stimulated from your torso, to his hard cock still grinding tantalizing. But his body was in between them, and his mouth was practically eating your whines and mewls for him. Seeing how sensitive you were getting over the little touches he was giving made him moan against your lips. His hand moves to tweak your other untouched nipple and pulled a little, your back arching as he releases his mouth from yours letting you moan loud.
Your back still arched giving him a quick access to suck on your erected nipple, biting softly yet playfully in synch with his pinching on the other nub.
Trying to move away from his mouth and fingers by pushing his head gently, he uses other hand to pin both of your smaller ones above your head and releases your nipple with a pop, shivering from the air.
He stops playing with the other one and moves there to suck on it. His finger moving to the soaked one and pulling it softly. You trashed on his hold as he continued to assault your breast. Not seeing the way his eyes are now getting half lidded at the sight of your teary ones from the amount of pleasure and the sound of your pleading singing in his ears.
"AH! Keiji!! Please— no more!"
But he knows how much you didn't want this to stop. If you really did want to stop, you would've used your safe word. But just smiles at you fondly, letting his finger move from breast to breast and pulling and pinching quickly.
"Mm, I just love," he pulls a little harder on your left nub, but not to painfully for you, "How your body reacts to me." you hear his chuckled laugh when he stops to massage your breast alternatively, leaving you whimpering from how skillful his hands were.
"You're getting cuter and prettier as time goes by."
Shamefully, your walls clenched from his words. He knows judging by how you bit your lip and shutting your eyes and grins at you. He knows how much you loved getting praised and told all the lewd things he wants to do to you.
"You'll be prettier with my cock stuffing inside you, won't you, baby? 
Hands trying to pry his stronger ones away so that you can hold him, hide on his skin and let him ravage you. He does however, using both his hands, he separated your arms and pins them at the side of your head and proceeds to attack your neck.
He cooes at the side of your skin, cock now lubed from his pre cum and yours with the tip just poking on your lower lips impatiently.
"Please..inside, Keiji, please."
Yours legs widened themselves, preparing for what you've both been wanting that evening. He laces his hands on yours, the position you now had more vulnerable for him and he wanted nothing more than to take you and make you feel protected and pleased.
"Tell me if it hurts, okay?"
Lips pressing on your forehead as you relaxed on the sweet sensation, but as seconds went by, your body tensed when he entered the head of his cock in, inching slowly his hard length.
Akaashi's hands gripped yours harder when he feels your cunt fluttering and hugging his member tighter than he expected. His breating becoming ragged so he started leaving trail marks of love bites on your neck to calm the both of you down from the foreign feeling.
Each mark he gave came with a soft praise, telling you how good you were doing taking his cock perfectly and how beautiful you were breathless underneath him. He told you, you were doing a good job holding in and with that you let out a shaky breath before telling him he can move.
Thrusting out slowly, letting your juice slide freely on his cock before thrusting back in with force, enough for you to choke a moan. His hips taking their pace into what he knows is bearable for a first timer like you, but the way he was clenching his jaw tight indicates how much he wants to have his way and fuck you like he was on a rut. You were so tight and small compared to his impressive length that it was getting painful for him to be in a vice like grip down there.
It was a struggle to take him, but at the back of your head as you feel his cock move in and out of you felt so right, you wondered if it could be more pleasurable as it is. His face was alarming to you so you rubbed your thumb on his hand letting him pause and exhale harshly. He didn't know he was holding back so much to the point he forgot how to breathe.
"Are you okay?"
He panted above you as you stared in daze and in euphoria from being stuffed. Trying to stay grounded, you attempted to grind your hips to rile him up, only for him to growl and thrust in, forcing your hips down with a squeal from your lips.
"Don't do that."
"But you're struggling."
He breathes through his nose, he hates to admit it but he had to hold himself together not to take you like a freak in bed. He reminds himself that tonight was about you and only you. How wrong the words were of the people he's beaten for you.
"It's fine, I don't want to hurt you."
Nuzzling his nose on your cheek, he hums happily on your skin when you press your cheek in reply. As your eyes stared at each other, you knew how gentle your Keiji was with you. You knew he would never hurt you even if he could. He wasn't going to.
"Please Keiji."
Moaning wantonly when your shifted your hips in a good angle for his cock to thrust on, you looked at him with pleading eyes and drooling mouth.
"Please go harder."
Groaning on your skin, he thrusts in suddenly, lettinf your back arch once more as he placed his chin on your chest and licks his lips in hunger.
"You asked for it, baby girl."
The thrusts he was making was now audible inside your room; his balls slapping below your bum, your cunts lewd juices being messed up on both your bodies and your moans slowly becoming screams.
His mouth found their way back on your nipple, biting roughly and licking away the pain followed by a good sucking. Hips never faltering or holding back anymore and engulfs your shaking body.
"Fuckers were so wrong about you, love. Look at you,"
Your mouth was drooling from the side, hair messed up in display on the pillow that made  them look soft and angelic on you, eyes, your hands holding onto him tight with your body jiggling up everytime he thrusts in.
"You look absolutely ravaging."
He lets go of your other hand and places his on the back of your leg, hoisting it up and placing it on his shoulder, letting his cock piston deeper into you and making a mess out of you.
"I can't even move a lot from how small and tight your cunt is."
He laughs breathlessly as he aims to find your sweet spot again. You were trying to pull away from his hold but with your thigh up on his shoudler, you were stuck taking this all in like a good girl.
"I think I may be too lucky to have you in my life."
The tip of his cock was now kissing that spot that made you scream out in the blue, Akaashi cursed when your cunt clenched his raging member as he kept aiming at your precious spot.
"Fuck, do you like that, baby?"
Sobbing for the much needed orgasm, your body gives up and lets the male above you use it to please you both.
"Fuck, my hips can't stop."
He buries himself at the crook of your neck, moaning near your ear, edging you close to your release to the sound of him. He lets out small whimpers and groans, his cock twitching violently inside you with his thrusts losing their rhythm.
"Baby girl."
The heat in your stomach felt different from your previous orgasms. This felt hotter, tighter, and a whole lot messier. But Akaashi showed no mercy and carried on,
"Cum for me, baby."
The freed hand he had a minute ago now being a teasing bastard and rubbed your swollen clit. Pinching and rolling all four of his fingers on, making you scream and thrash. Panting with the thought of dying frkm the immense sex he was giving until the last line made you scream without a sound,
"I'm going to cum inside."
Your eyes rolled sinfully at the last line, your bodh ascending above not hearing Akaashi gasp from the way you came and groan as both his cock and abdomen get soaked from your cum and your stomach filled with his thick load and kept thrusting in a slower pace. Your cunt spasming on his member, milking him dry until you were taking all of his load in.
Exhausted, his body stills and lays a bit above you, not wanting to squish you with his member remaining inside you. Sniffles can be heard coming from you as you calmed down from your high, Akaashi stroking your hand that was still clamped on his and peppered you with small kisses and sweet confessions.
"You did so good."
"That's my baby."
"Always so beautiful even like this."
You other arm came and wrapped themselves on his neck, pulling close to you as you inhaled his masculine scent, anchoring you down back to earth before coming to realization on how damp your bottom was.
Blushing, you buried your head on his neck followed by a laugh from your boyfriend, listening to you blabber multiple apologies.
"I'm sorry!"
"It's okay, I liked it," He captured your lips with kiss, kissing you lovingly and a little longer before pulling away only to give you small pecks repeatedly, "It was sexy."
"You sound so different when you use that word, Keiji.."
"But it's true."
He didn't bother pulling out after you pleaded him not to. Even if it was your first time, it was addicting to have something fill you up to the brim. It made you feel snug and full, and it felt right. Akaashi wasn't complaining on the cock warming, in fact he held you closer to his chest and twirled your hair nonetheless.
"You're really not what they describe you, love," he admires how the dim light from your room manages to create a good lighting that made your skin glow. The hairs that sticked to you forehead after the intimacy you both caught up made you look like a soft baby with eyes looking at him full of love,
"I can't even describe you anymore."
Your eyes trailed down to his wounded torso from his face. Even though he was tainted, Akaashi was sculptured beautifully like no other. But inside you prayed that he wouldn't go home another day with freshly opened wounds just to defend you as you traced your fingertips on each bruise and scar.
He spots on and grabs one of your hands and pulls it in for a kiss on the knuckles, "I promise, I won't make you worry anymore."
Smiling, you snuggled on his chest pleased and full of bliss, feeling his lips kissing the top of your head repeatedly and his arms hugging you closer to his body.
Pressing your cheek on his chest, you looked up to him and asked, with a small tint of blush on your face in embarrassment, "Um..W-why did you you know...In me?"
For a second he blushes as well, but in the end he seemed to be smiling excitedly as you missed the way his eyes glanced somewhere down your stomach.
"So I can have another pretty baby to love."
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storiesbymads · 4 years
FOUR ( 100 ways . )
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100 ways matthew’s told you he loves you before he really tells you—come here. let me fix it.
warnings: blood
wc: 1.1k
add yourself to my taglist + series masterlist
Your heart was racing as Matthew pulled into the driveway. Sure, you’d been nervous when Matt had initially asked you to come down and meet his parents and you’d been a little antsy when you started your three day road trip. But this? You don’t think you could’ve been more nervous for this if you tried.
“What’s wrong?” he asked as he pulled the key out of the ignition.
“What? Nothing’s wrong,” you scoffed out, though there were hundreds of wrong things flittering about in your brain.
“Baby, I know you,” he said softly. “Now, tell me. What’s up.”
You sighed, debating whether or not to spill your guts, “What if they don’t like me?”
“What? What if who—“ he sputtered out. “You mean my parents?”
You nodded in response, dropping your head to gaze at your fingers as you messed with them. Matt’s hands found yours in a second, pulling them into his lap and your eyes up to meet his own.
“They’re gonna love you,” he said. He almost let a, just like I do, slip out before he held his tongue. “How could they not?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. You guessed that it was just the underlying notion that you were meeting the parents and you were supposed to be nervous but you could feel that there was something more underneath the surface. Something deeper that you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“How about I make you a deal, then. We go inside and meet everybody and the second you feel uncomfortable I book us a hotel,” he said. There was a sudden pang at the base of your heart.
“Ok,” you smiled at him.
“Alright,” he said before leaning in to peck a chaste kiss against your lips. You felt yourself calm slightly from the action.
Matt took your hand as he led you to the front door, swiping his thumb across your knuckles in an attempt to ease your nerves. All of your bags were still packed in the trunk of the car in case you decided to go along with Matthew’s backup plan and your arms felt uncomfortably bare as you knocked on the door.
“Matthew!” his mother said, pulling him into a hug as soon as she threw the door open. His hand left yours temporarily to wrap his arms around his mom but it found your waist seconds after they pulled apart.
“And you must be Y/N. It’s lovely to finally meet you, hon,” she said, pulling you into a hug of your own. Your eyes went wide with shock, but only for a second, before you reciprocated the short hug.
“Nice to meet you, too,” you sputtered out, mentally cursing yourself out for making this more uncomfortable for yourself than it needed to be. Turning your head, you saw Matt give you a small wink and a thumbs up before he led you into the house.
“We didn’t know what time you’d be getting here so we already ate, but you can help yourselves to the leftovers in the fridge,” chantal said as she made her way back into the living room. The sound of a random sitcom you couldn’t quite identify met your ears as you stopped in the doorway.
“That’s fine, Mom. We ate on the way,” Matthew said as he trailed you along to the kitchen where he grabbed a beer from the fridge.
It wasn’t long before the two of you were curled up on his parents’ loveseat while everyone caught up.
It was nice in their home. The static of the television hummed in the background as the four of you talked and, surprisingly, you fell into conversation with them easy enough. Matt’s hand on the lower part of your thigh eased you through the beginning of the evening as he rubbed delicate circles into the skin under the throw blanket.
“He really let you cut his hair into those racing stripes?” Keith asked before tipping back the rest of his beer.
“He asked me to do it, actually,” you said with a small giggle, running your finger delicately over the shaven in spots.
“No kidding,” Keith replied with a chuckle of his own.
The conversation continued on for a while until his dad went off into a story about how Matthew had gotten the small scar across his ribs when he was twelve. Matt had even gone as far to pull up his sweatshirt to reveal the white mark just above where his rib cage ended.
“I want to stay,” you whispered into Matthew’s ear after he pulled the material back down and subsequently tucked you back under his arm. After spending about an hour in his home, you couldn’t figure out why you’d been so petrified in the first place. Matthew’s parents made you feel more at home than you had in a long time.
“Yeah?” he asked. He offered you a shy smile as he ran his palm across the expanse of your leg. There was nothing sexual about the action but it had butterflies erupting in your stomach.
The conversation died out in another hour and before you knew it, you and Matthew were unloading his car and lugging your bags up the stairs and into the guest bedroom.
Only for you to trip up the driveway during your last trip of luggage. The knee of your jeans were ripped open and deep red liquid was seeping through the denim.
“Shit,” you hissed as you brought your finger up to prod at the scraped up flesh. From the looks of it, it wasn’t that deep and with the right amount of neosporin and a bandaid you’d be right as rain.
You managed to make it into the house and up the stairs without getting blood on anything, thankfully, and you were gonna just go to the bathroom and handle it all yourself when Matthew quite literally ran you down in the hallway and stopped you.
“Matty, I’m fine. I just tripped on the way in,” you said in an attempt to calm him down. You could already see all the gears turning in his head.
“Come here. Let me fix it,” he sighed after a minute, interlacing your fingers before leading you into the bathroom that was adjoined to the guest bedroom. He sat you on the closed toilet lid before he started digging around in one of the drawers, pulling out an almost miniature first aid kit.
“It really doesn’t need fixing-“
“Let me take care of you,” he said. “Promise I’ll do a good job.
He was slow in his ministrations, making sure to clean up the scrape with a rag before he placed an iron man bandaid over it. He even kissed your knee softly before pulling himself up to eye level with you from where he was kneeling between your legs.
“All better,” he hummed, pressing a kiss to your lips this time.
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quartzwriting · 4 years
Pairing: Mando X Fem!Reader
Description: While on Naboo, Mando catches you in a cute moment with The Child. He cracks a smile underneath his helmet seeing you so happy. It makes him happy too.
Warnings: Non
Word Count: 2.0k
A/N: We stan the tin can man! Contains NO SPOILERS for the new season!
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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Everywhere you look down the street there is something new, beautiful, and amazing. There are vendors set up selling fresh food, all types of supplies, and miscellaneous objects that caught the attention of the child tucked into your arm.  It was a cool day, a soft breeze making you pull your cloak a little closer to yourself and the Child. But the lingering sun was warm on your face, making your love for this place even stronger. There were people, dressed beautifully and smiles on their faces, passing by and doing their own shopping. You felt like you might have been stared at a few times, a woman with a little green baby in a potato sack cradled in her arms, but you did not care too much.
       Naboo was absolutely gorgeous. Everything about this planet made you want to stay here forever. This little town you had landed in made you want to see what the city was like.
       Your stay would not be long though. Mando would be back soon. The little crew of the Razor Crest had to make a stop for a special bounty puck and to gather supplies. He said he had been contacted by someone who wanted him on a job, and only him. With some skepticism, and his loaded weapons strapped to his person, he handed you the Child and said that he would be right back. A little tang of worry was inside your conscience, but you knew Din could take care of himself.
       So it was your job to stock up on the food and medical supplies, maybe get something for yourself, and entertain the baby until he returned. You told him you would stay in this plaza so he knew where to find you. Neither of you had nothing to worry about, so you went about your task.
       The baby was squirming in your arms every time he saw something shiny, heard someone laughing, or spotted something he could get his little grubby hands on and shove in his mouth. To keep him happy while you shopped, you got him something to eat. You got a bag of some type of little colourful fish, the vendor told you it was a delicacy on Naboo. The little guy was slurping a few of them down with happiness.
       You made sure you got things that were missing from the Razor Crest's medical kit and stocked up on food for your upcoming adventures. There were also plenty of things that caught your eye, cute clothes and accessories. You willed yourself to not get anything you could not run in, nice shoes or a dress, because the lifestyle you were currently living did not accommodate it. You settled for a scarf that you wrapped around your neck.
       "What do you think, little one?"
       The green baby cooed up at you. He was smiling with his tiny teeth, making you smile right back at him.
       "I'll take that as a yes."
       After a little more exploring and getting the essentials, you took a seat on the fountain in the middle of the plaza. You scoped around to see if you could find any sign of shiny beskar, but when there was non you decide to relax and patiently wait for him.
       Everything was so nice here, you have never seen so much beauty and activity on your journey so far. This little town you had landed in made you want to see what the city was like.
       The baby squirmed in your arms, he wanted down. You placed him beside you and made sure he did not fall into the fountain. But his giant eyes caught flashes in the clear waters of the fountain. If they were from a fish's scale, the shine of loose credits, or just the reflection, you did not know. But the baby reached over and tried to grab whatever he saw.
       You grabbed the back of his little sack of a robe, “No, you already have fishies. No need to go finding more.”
       He whined as you held him back, his tiny arms flailing over the edge. You did not want him to fall in so you placed him in your lap again. He kept whining. To keep him happy, you reached in your bag and got the rest of his snacks that you bought him. The rustling sound of the bag put a smile on his face. You picked one out and gave it to him.
       While he was busy with that, you reached back in your bag to pull out something for yourself. A bag of fruits you had gotten for you and Din. You took one of the colourful medium sized berries and popped one in your mouth. A sweet and tangy flavour you could get addicted to. Pretty soon, a little cooing made you look down to see the Child watching you eat. He reached up. He wanted one.
       "You just ate and you're still hungry?"
       The little guy never seemed to be full. Always look for something to slurp up. You reached for a berry for him but held it out of his reach. The grabby hands came back, making you giggle. The baby was giggling too, but was getting fussy so his reach turned into something else. You felt the pull of his power on the berry. It floated in the air for a second before you snatched it back.
       "No, not out in the open." You gave it to him. He ate the whole thing in one gulp.
       Din walked out of the tavern and tucked the new bounty puck into a pocket. The suspicious client had offered a lot of credits for this one. The only thing he was worried about what the location, a highly populated planet with up to three trillion people. Certainly a challenge, but the credits were worth it. He really hoped he could rely on the build in tracking on this puck.
       The plaza and market was busy, people of many species and classes mixed about enjoying the nice day. He walked into crowd and looked around, scanning the area to see if he could spot your cloak and the little green baby. Some people avoided him, getting out of his way. He was used to that however. Beskar always stood out, a sign to step aside.
       Soon he heard a familiar laugh in the distance. His height gave him the advantage to see that in the middle of the plaza, on the edge of the fountain, was you and the Child.
      From the distance he was seeing you at, you looked happy. So did the Child. You looked like you were giggling now with the little green baby squirming your lap, reaching up and making grabby hands at something you held above his head.
       In that little moment he saw, he understood why he trusted you with The Child. With knowing his real name.
       A smile appeared across his own face, unseen by those around him.
       He wanted to tell you about how much you made him smile under the helmet. Sometimes he wished you could see him smiling back at you. When your smile, and the Child's smile, made him want to smile too. But he was shy to admit it. And that scared him a little.
       When you heard his familiar heavy footsteps, you looked up to see shiny beskar looking down at you.
       "Good news," His voice came out sharp through his modulator, "the payment is high. This client is desperate. Seems legit."
       "That's good! Where?"
       "We're going to Coruscant."
       "No way!" You were taken aback, "The population is huge, how are you going to find one person on Coruscant?"
       While you both were talking, the baby was reaching up for the Mandalorian. Din picked him up and held him. A little hand wrapped around his thumb, making you melt on the inside.
       "All pucks have trackers, but you're right." Din sighed through his modulator. "The New Republic has control over it right now, but there's still a lot of violence and lingering Imperials on the lower levels. We don't know where we're going on Coruscant, but we'll be coming back here to return the bounty."
       You've heard a lot about Coruscant, the upper levels were beautiful cities as far as the eye could see. But the lower you went into the planet, the darker and more dangerous it was. But you did not worry, you were safe with Mando and the baby. And you could not wait to see more beautiful planets. And the thought of coming back to Naboo after was exciting.
       "Well then," You smiled up at his helmet while you shouldered your bag again, "let's go!"
       Oh Maker that smile, Din thought.
       You stood up and began to lead the way back, him right behind you with the Child cooing in his arms. It was like the baby knew when it was time for another adventure.
       The two of you made your way back to the Razor Crest. Back through the crowds, the stares continued. But they were stronger stares now that it was not just you and the Child, but now with Mando with you. The image of a Mandalorian, a human woman, and a green baby was odd. A strange little crew. A strange little family.
       He sensed your unease. Catching up beside you, he handed you the baby. It was like once you had him tucked against your chest, your nerves seemed to disappear. For good measure, Din stuck out his elbow. You looked at it, then up to the visor on his helmet, then back down to his elbow. Like you were unsure. Din had not done this before. You wrapped your hand around it, pulling yourself closer to him. He could tell the action made you feel safer. His free hand hovered over his blaster, just for good measure.
       The quick leap into hyperspace was almost complete. You were strapped in your seat in the cockpit, baby in your lap. Din had gone below decks because you insisted he eat something. He said he was not hungry, but you shoved the bag of berries and a package of dried meat into his hands and pushed him out of the cockpit. There was a light chuckling through the modulator that you almost missed as he closed the door.
       The thought of him smiling under that helmet made you blush a little.
       You were excited to see Coruscant. You have never seen huge cities, so the stories you heard about this place made you bounce in your seat. The baby looked like he was feeling the same excitement as you were. Something told you it was going to be better than you could ever imagine.
       Din came back into the cockpit and sat down in the pilot's seat, "We're close."
       The Child gave a little cheer, which made you giggle. He was a smart child and was beginning to understand what you and Din were saying sometimes. He was always ready for adventure too.
       Flicking a few switches and getting ready to steer, Din said "Alright, coming out of hyperspace."
       Then the blurring of stars turning into views of skyscrapers and lights stretching over the dark night of the planet. You and the baby looked out the window with awe. You had never seen something so gorgeous in your life. You thought the small town in Naboo was breathtaking, the outstretching cities of Coruscant was even more of a sight.
       After activating the tracker for the bounty, Din looked over his shoulder at you. He saw your wonder. The wonder in your eyes at every new thing you saw. It never faded, he noticed.
       "Look how pretty it is, baby!" You held him up so he could see better out the window. The Child squealed with delight. "I know! Wonder where we're going." You said to him, voice light yet content while talking to the Child. "What do you think is down there, little one?"
       It made a smile tug at the corners of Din's lips. In that moment he wanted to take you on more adventures and show you more of the galaxy. Just to see that smile more.
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I Melt With You - Bakugou Katsuki
All Parts:
Part 2:
You never end up getting a text from Kirishima.
The following night, when you return from your shift at the hospital, what you find waiting for you instead is a gift basket. It’s filled to the brim with boxes of food, and packets of tea, a few dishtowels, and, surprisingly enough? A job offer.
Thank you for saving one of our own. The attached note reads. Due to your impressive quirk and quick thinking, we’d like to offer you a spot on our medical team. The Hero Public Safety Commission would love to utilize your talents. Call at the number listed for more information. We’ll be waiting.
You think the note sounds a little ominous, if you’re being completely honest. While it’s a nice offer, and one you’ll probably at least ask a few questions about, was the ‘We’ll be waiting’ really a necessary addition to the note? It makes the whole message read as an order, not a suggestion, and that makes your stomach uneasy. 
The knowledge that they know about your quirk sits a little heavy too. You’d always tried to keep a tight lid on your power; only using it when absolutely necessary for as long as you could remember. You didn’t like digging into people’s brains, and you knew that it was an easy power to exploit if left in the wrong hands.
People felt pain for a reason. You knew that better than anybody.
Still, you did end up calling the number, and you did end up accepting the offer. As uncomfortable a reason as it was, the money was undeniable. The local hospital’s salaries just couldn’t compete.
You were quickly reassigned to a hospital in the center of Musutafu, and it was a bit of a culture shock. You’d always lived on the outskirts, and the villian presence there was laughable in comparison to the inner city. Suddenly, you were extremely busy, nearly constantly drowning in work and people who needed your help, but you didn’t mind. You’d always been passionate about being a nurse, and now you felt fulfilled in ways you hadn’t before.
All in all, you considered Bakugou a strange blessing. He might’ve been rude, and violent, and just generally pretty unpleasant when you first met him, but you didn’t hold it against him. If you really thought about it, you were nothing but grateful- well, as grateful as you could be to a guy who bled all over your apartment and then never talked to you again. 
Still, you always wondered if he was alright. As much as you tried to forget about it entirely, you couldn’t wipe that night from your mind. When you took his pain, you were nearly winded by the anger and terror he felt. It was more than just shock, more than just fear over his injuries- it was something lasting, developed, something he’d been struggling with for a long time. A feeling that intense was hard to forget.
It was nearly three months before you saw him again.
Your day had been hectic, as it nearly always was. There had been a villian attack near a residential subdivision, and while the casualties were few, there were innumerous injured civilians. The entire day had been spent rushing between rooms, splinting broken limbs, applying casts, and evaluating for concussions. You were exhausted, nearly dead on your feet, when one of your superiors pulled you away.
“We need your quirk.” She says, tapping her foot impatiently.
“Excuse me?”
“We need your quirk. We’ve got a special guest, and we need it as painless an experience for him as possible. It’s the least we could do for him.” 
“Oh? Um, okay? Who is it?”
She doesn’t answer, just spins on her heels and motions for you to follow. Your superior walks fast, leading you down winding hallways and past operating rooms, all the way down to the small luxury wing. You know what you’re in for now- a hero. 
Your hospital had treated a lot of injured pro-heroes in the past, but you’d never been chosen to help before. You mostly stayed in the general part, assisting with the civilians heroes saved instead of the pro’s themselves. You briefly wondered why you were chosen- you figured whoever it was had to be pretty important if they wanted you to take away his pain entirely.
“Take your time with him, he’s your last patient. I know your shift’s not over, but, trust me, all you’ll want to do is go home after treating him. So be grateful for the time off.” Is all your superior says, pushing you through a door. “ Alright. Good luck.”
Then she shuts the door behind her, leaving you with whatever problem-child she was mentioning- and what a problem-child he is.
One look at blonde hair and red eyes and you realize your earlier assumption was wrong. You weren’t chosen to make his experience as painless as possible- you were chosen to make the hospital’s experience as painless as possible. 
Still, you’ll push through it. You’re tired, but that doesn’t mean Bakugou’s injuries should be ignored. Upon first look, you notice gauze around his forearm and one of his knees. When he turns his head, he’s got a shallow cut spanning across his temple, and of his fingers looks oddly blue and swollen. All things considered, at least it’ll be a quick visit. You’re fairly confident it’s not gonna be anything more than stitches and maybe a finger splint for him.
“Alright, first things first, any other injuries I should know about? Besides the obvious ones, I mean.” You say, pulling over a cart and taking the blood pressure cuff from it. You start taking his vitals, smiling up at him from where he’s sat on top the hospital bed. “Secondly, it’s nice to see you again. I’m glad you’re not unconscious this time.”
“Excuse me? The hell are you on about?”
“Wait, do you not remember me?”
“Nah, ‘m fuckin’ supposed to?” He bristles, his shoulders tensing up. “You a fan of mine or some shit?”
You roll your eyes- you’d always sort of naively hoped he was more pleasant when not gravely injured, but you’re quickly realizing that not’s the case. Bakugou is prickly. Prickly, prickly, prickly.
“No. Not exactly a fan.” You answer him coyly, moving to rinse your hands clean at the sink. You slip on a pair of latex gloves, gather some antiseptic, some gauze, and your stitching kit, and then you turn back to him. “You might not remember it, especially considering your head wound that night, but three months ago you crash landed on my balcony.”
Bakugou blinks, once, twice, and then he’s red in the face and screaming.
“You! Fuckin’ you!” He roars, lips pulled back over his sharp canines. “You were in my goddamn head! Fuckin’ witch.”
“Okay. Well, yeah, you’re technically correct- but that’s not a very nice way to thank me for saving you. And it’s a quirk, not witchcraft.” You reiterate, nearing him with the antiseptic wipes. Bakugou recoils back, slapping your hand away lightly. You’re entirely unimpressed at his actions. “Calm down, I’m not going to use my quirk on you; at least, not without your explicit permission. I’m just here to stitch you up.”
He just huffs, nostrils flaring as he glares down at you.
“Have you ever gotten stitches before?” You ask. 
A part of you is aware the question is kind of dumb, especially considering his career, but you figure you should ask anyway. In your experience, patients generally receive treatment a lot better if you talk them through it.
“Yeah.” He answers. “Not while fuckin’ lucid though.”
 “Alright, that’s fine. We can work with that. But, that means you must not get hurt a lot then, huh?”
“Nah. Never.” 
Bakugou’s voice is proud, and when you look up at him, he’s smirking. You think that expression is only mildly less irritating then his grimace- but, maybe he’ll finally let you take a look at his arm now. You decide to try, your hands nearing the bandages around his forearm, but he smacks you away again.
“Bakugou. Stop. I need to take a look, alright? That’s what you’re here for, so let me do my job. I won’t use my quirk on you, I promise.” You tell him earnestly, holding his gaze steadfastly. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to, alright? I’ve got gloves on and it doesn’t work without skin-to-skin contact. So, could you please calm down for me?”
Bakugou’s eye twitches.
“Fine. But I’m fuckin’ watching you.”
“I’m sure you are.”
“I am.”
“I know. I’m not arguing with you.” You retort calmly.
You point at the cart, sighing in relief when he finally complies to your wishes. He sets his forearm flat on top of it, and you watch him wince slightly. There’s cloth and gauze wrapped around it, blood soaking through the makeshift bandage. You peel the material away gently, revealing a fairly large cut. The wound’s not very deep, thankfully, but it slices almost to the inside of his elbow. It is going to need a fair amount of stitches, but luckily most of the active bleeding seems to have stopped.
“Alright,” You start, catching his gaze. “This doesn’t look too bad, but it might scar.”
“No fuckin’ shit. Dumbass.”
“Bakugou, take a breath for me. I didn’t mean any harm by the comment, okay? I’m just doing my job and being honest with you.”
“I don’t need your fuckin’ honesty.”
“No, maybe not, but you do need me to stitch you up.” You try to keep your voice level, treat him delicately even as he fights you with every breath. It’s challenging work, but no more strenuous than any other difficult patient you’ve ever dealt with. “Alright, so I’m gonna clean around the wound, apply some local anesthetic, and then stitch you up. Sound good?”
“I don’t need the goddamn step by step, I’m not a fuckin’ kid. So just get on with it already.”
“I’m just trying to be accomodating.” You reply with a sigh. You take his forearm gently, working around the wound with an antiseptic wipe. You hear him suck in a breath. “Sorry. I’m sure it probably stings.” 
“Don’t pity me.”
“It’s- I’m not.” You can’t help but sigh in slight frustration. It’s normally a reaction you’d try to cut short, but Bakugou’s being needlessly rude- you think he deserves to hear it. “Look, I was trying to be professional, and normally I’d never say this, but I’m- I’m not being paid to argue with you, alright? I’m just here to fix you up. So, if you’d rather me just stay silent while I do that, that’s perfectly fine. Just say so. I won’t be offended.”
“Good. Shut the fuck up then.”
Irritation flares in your chest, but you do your best to breathe through it. He’s far from the most difficult patient you’ve ever had, but something about his clipped words and guarded expression has you just as annoyed. You think it might be his eyes- the way they seem to always be tracking you, zeroing in on any and all possible flaws. 
Still, you try to ignore his attitude anyways, and it becomes a little easier as you focus back on dressing the wound, finishing up with the antiseptic wipes and moving on to the anesthetic. You almost consider lathering the numbing gel on while it’s still freezing cold, but you quickly decide against letting his bad attitude interfere with your job performance. You don’t want to sink to his idiotic level. 
You’re warming the gel packet in your palm, rubbing to create friction and heat, when he speaks again.
“You can skip that.”
“Yeah. I could. But I won’t- it generally makes the whole process a lot smoother if you can’t feel every stitch.” You say simply, tearing the gel packet open. “Sorry in advance if it’s still cold, I tried to warm it up a bit.”
“I’ll be fuckin’ fine.”
“I’m sure you will. Still though, most people flinch, so I figured I’d warn you anyways.”
Bakugou doesn’t say anything in response, just flares his nostrils as you spread the anesthetic over his arm. True to your words, he does flinch at first, and that only seems to piss him off more. You can’t really see his face from where you’re hunched over his forearm, but you’re sure he’s probably scowling. You wait a few moments for the gel to activate, and then you’re opening your kit and lacing thread through your needle. Thankfully your arm feels steady today, and it’s easy work as you begin stitching up his wound. 
Bakugou’s a pretty good patient. Surprisingly. He breathes quietly through his teeth, fist clenched as he tries so very hard not to admit his discomfort. He actually reminds you a lot of the children you so often treat. 
You find an easy rhythm sewing him up, your fingers gently prodding his arm as you work. You do your best to be delicate, treating him just as gently as you would any other patient- even if he irritated you. When you look up at him, Bakugou just traps his bottom lip between his teeth and creases his eyebrows. Those same red eyes study you again, almost looking right through you. You hold eye contact for as long as you can stand, but under his intense gaze it’s less than a few seconds.
“Alright. Almost done.” You mutter softly, dropping your eyes back down to his arm. You resume your stitching, eyebrows drawn together in concentration. “Thanks for keeping still for me.”
“Yeah. Whatever.” He grumbles, but his voice is a little softer now. He seems almost calmer, none of the bite from earlier coating his words. “Nothin’ special.”
“No, really. I mean it. You wouldn’t believe how much harder it is to treat somebody who’s panicking.”
“It wouldn’t be difficult if you weren’t such a shitty nurse.”
“If you didn’t want to be treated by me, you could’ve asked for somebody else. But you didn’t.” You comment easily, taking the kit’s scissors and cutting the thread. “You really missed your chance- could’ve caused a whole scene, Bakugou.”
“No thanks.”
“Wow, and here I thought you actively enjoyed making as big a scene as possible. Guess not.” You can’t help but tease, smiling slightly. “Or did you just want an excuse to come and bleed all over me again?”
“That’s- no. Shut up. You’re annoying.” Bakugou barks, blushing slightly as he turns his head away. “Fuckin’ witch.” 
“You really shouldn’t call me names when I’m the one treating your wounds.”
“I’ll do whatever the hell I want. And you started it, fuckin’ pryin’ around in my head.” 
“I wasn’t prying.” You tell him, turning away as you grab new gauze and bandages. “I was bringing you out of shock. I’m sure you don’t remember, but you were threatening to blow my entire apartment up.”
“No! I wasn’t! You just wanted to fuckin’-”
“Wanted to what? Help you? Stabilize your condition? Make sure you didn’t die out on my balcony?” You press the gauze carefully over his stitches, making sure none of the sutures catch on the cloth. “Yeah. Guess I did want to do that.” 
“Still shouldn’t a fuckin’ done it.”
“Okay, well I did, and I’m still sorry if it felt invasive. Believe me, I wouldn’t have done it unless it was absolutely necessary.”  You tell him honestly, trying to catch his gaze even as he avoids looking at you. “And, it was months ago, you know? So no point holding a grudge. Especially since I’ll probably be seeing a lot more of you from now on.”
“What, you think I’m gonna get myself killed again? Fat fuckin’ chance. I’m not that fucking weak.”
“Are you always this defensive?” You ask him, wrapping the bandages gently around his arm. “I meant, this hospital’s the main center for relief efforts, alright; so even if you try to avoid me, we’re bound to see each other if you ever end up back here for whatever reason. I wasn’t insinuating that you’d definitely get hurt again.”
“Fuckin’ sounded like it.”
“I didn’t mean for it to.”
“Yeah whatever. Pick up the goddamn pace.” He rolls his eyes, dramatically swinging his hurt leg up onto the table. You’re sure it has to hurt, but Bakugou keeps his pride. He doesn’t even wince. “My leg’s not gonna fix itself. Get the fuck to it already.”
“Okay, alright. You got it.”
Luckily, you don’t have to cut the material of his hero costume away just yet. His pants are already torn, thin, scattered slices exposing his leg all the way to the tops of his thighs. When you take a look at his knee, you’re not pleased with what you find.
Removing the gauze unearths a strange web of metal shards sticking out of his skin. They don’t seem to be stuck worryingly deep, but there’s a lot of them and some of them are quite large. You’re gonna need to pluck them all out, and give stitches for the big ones. Your short visit with Bakugou just got a lot longer.
“Alright. So this is gonna take some time, but the good news is, nothing is actively bleeding on your knee.” You tell him. “So, I’m thinking I’m gonna sew up the cut on your forehead first, alright? Head wounds bleed a lot more. That should be taken care of first.”
“Fuck are you tellin’ me, for? Your job, you do it.”
“Oh- yeah. Sorry.” You apologize. “Guess I’m used to treating kids. Lots of mom’s hanging around and asking questions, you know?”
“No. ‘m not a fuckin’ nurse.”
“No, you are not.” You breathe out, hardly able to keep the sarcastic tone out of your voice. “Okay, I’m gonna need you to lie back for me.”
He grumbles, but falls back anyways. You sigh in relief, grateful for his acquiescence. You honestly thought you’d have to fight with him about that.
You begin the process all over again- cleaning, applying gel, and then stitching the wound close. Bakugou doesn’t say anything while you work, but he does let his eyes flutter shut. He kept them open at first, staring you down relentlessly, but eventually he doesn’t seem to like all the unintentional eye-contact as you lean over him. You think it’s strange- the way he seems to melt into the hospital bed even as you’re sewing up his forehead. You begin to realize that his day was probably just as long as yours, if not longer.
You fall into an easy rhythm again, and time passes peacefully before you know it.
“You almost done?” He peeks an eye open, voice gravelly when he speaks.
“Yep. Almost. Just one more up here and then we can move on to your knee.”
“You can move on to my knee. I’m not doin’ shit.”
“Oh my,” You mutter under your breath, cutting the thread with your scissors. You clear your throat before speaking again. “So are you always this difficult with the other nurses?”
“No. Only the dipshits who go diggin’ around in my fuckin’ head.”
“Well, I only have to dig when people threaten to blow up my apartment.”
Bakugou doesn’t seem to have a response to that. He just closes his eyes and huffs through his nose, ending the conversation entirely.
That’s fine with you- if he wants to stay quiet, you’re not complaining.
It’s quiet as you begin working on his knee, nothing but the soft metallic clink of your tools and Bakugou’s own breaths. You think it’s a strange sort of calm, but also a little nice too. You’d been worked to the bone all day, rushing and scrambling and giving instructions- it was nice to just sit back and focus on one thing at a time.
You think Bakugou must feel it too, because when you look up at him he’s still lying back. He’s got his head pressed back into the pillow, his uninjured arm thrown over his eyes while the injured one lies across his stomach. His index finger is still blue, but not any more blue than it was when he walked in. You’re not sure how he’s managing to look so relaxed, despite being in what you guessed was a fair amount of pain.
You wonder what kind of day he had that made his hospital visit out to be the most relaxing part. You try not to think about it too long- try not to fit that anger and terror you felt into a make-believe narrative.
“Alright. That around does it for that.” You say softly, wrapping a bandage around his knee. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? With the metal- it doesn’t look like any shrapnel I’ve ever seen before.”
“It’s not.” He drops his hand from across his face, voice deeper and slower than before. Groggy almost. “Fucker had a metal quirk. Shattered a car right next to me.”
“Oh. That really doesn’t sound fun. I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault. Don’t apologize for stupid shit.”
You find that oddly ironic- pretty much your entire job was apologizing and showing understanding for things that weren’t your fault. You decide there and then, without a single shadow of a doubt, Bakugou would make the worst nurse in the world. Far shittier than you, no matter what he said.
“All that’s left now is your finger.” You say, grabbing at his hand gently. “Sorry if this hurts, but I’ve gotta feel and see if it’s broken. I’m fairly sure it’s sprained, but just in case.”
“Wow, no fight? None at all?” You joke, applying as gentle pressure as you could to his finger. “You tired or something?”
Bakugou just nods, letting his eyes shut once more.
Up close again, you notice the circles under his eyes, the paleness of his skin. His face doesn’t even contort as you prod at his finger, and it almost breaks your heart when you realize how high his pain tolerance must be. The only way he’d be able to be even half as calm as he currently was, was if he was getting hurt like that on the regular. Which, you figure, probably comes with the job description in his case- but the thought still flooded you with sympathy anyway.
“All good, just a pretty severe sprain.” You tell him. “Now, metal splint or dressings? Your choice.”
You squint a little bit, at him. You’re pretty sure a metal splint would be easier, and more convenient, but he looks pretty sure in his choice. You shrug, figuring that you did give him the choice for a reason. Maybe he just finds dressings more comfortable.
You dig out an ace bandage from your medical cart, setting it on the hospital bed as Bakugou sits up. He still looks a little tired, breaths slow and even as he looks at you through half-lidded eyes. You figure he must suffering a pretty serious adrenaline crash- if he’s not, then you’re not sure what the attitude change is about. He just looks so calm, so quiet that you almost can’t place him as the same angry guy you’d been faced with earlier. 
You unwind the bandage, taking his hand into yours. His palms are strange, calloused and tough, unnatural heat radiating off of them. It’s a little hard to ignore, but you figure it’s just his quirk, so you press on without comment. You’re pressing his index and middle fingers together, half-way through wrapping the bandage around them when he speaks.
“Too lose. Do it again.”
“It’s not loose, I promise. I know what I’m doing.”
“It’s loose.” He says again, more insistently this time. “Do it again.”
“Okay.” You sigh, figuring that starting over entirely would still somehow take less time than fighting with him. “But just this once, alright? As an apology for ‘digging around’ in your head.” 
Bakugou just nods tightly. 
When you start again, you try a different approach. You’d been trying to avoid touching him earlier, to soothe his worries about your quirk, but you start to think that maybe it caused your splinting to suffer. You decide to just go about it normally this time, grabbing his wrist and flipping it upwards just like you usually would. Bakugou seems to stiffen for a moment, but then he’s huffing a breath and lolling his head forward to his chest. You watch his eyes flutter shut.
You think that’s a strange reaction. You really expected him to put up more of a fuss about your touching him- he doesn’t though, and you take the little win. Chalk it up to just how tired he seems to be.
“There- you’re all done now.” You say quietly, pressing the adhesive side of the bandage into place. “Everything feel good? Need anything else?”
He shakes his head, blinking his eyes open blearily. If you didn’t know any better, you really would’ve thought he’d fallen asleep while you were caring for him. Well, you figure, guess that makes twice now that’s nearly passed out beneath your fingers.
You think that’s pretty funny, but you keep it to yourself. Bakugou seems to be feeling relatively pleasant, and you don’t want to jinx it.
“Alright, so concerning the splint, wear it for at least a few weeks, and then take it from there, alright? And all the stitches are dissolvable except for the ones in your arm. Those ones will need to come out in about a week or so, but that’s a super simple procedure. You could probably get them removed in the med-wing at your complex. No need for a follow-up her-”
“No. I’ll be here.”
“You don’t have to. I can just write up some instructions and send you back, no problem. Really, it’s-’
“I said I’d be here, so I’ll fuckin’ be here.” He grumbles, clearing his throat. Bakugou averts his gaze, turning towards the window to avoid your eyes. “You did the stitches so you take them out. You’re not gonna fuckin’ get away with cuttin’ corners on me.” 
“Yeah. Okay. Whatever you want, I guess.” You say, a bit unsurely. “So I’ll see you in a week or so, alright? Somebody’ll give you a call.”
Bakugou then hops down from the bed, and you wince at the sound of his impact. You’d seen his knee first-hand, and you imagined that it probably hurt a lot to walk on it. He seemed unaffected though, shouldering his weight without fuss and hardly even limping as he walks out. The only sign he’s even slightly in pain, is the grunt that leaves him when he accidentally tries the door handle with his injured hand. 
He’s so quick that you can’t even ask him if he wants crutches or not. The thought hardly even enters your head before he slams the door shut behind him.
taglist:  @fluffyviciousbunny @definitelynottrin @imsuperawkward @i-need-air @ahbeautifulexistence @brennabooz @jazzylove @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @katsuki-bakubabe @sorrythatspussynal @bakugouswh0r3
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outerbankswriting · 4 years
Could it be? (JJ x Reader)
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
Warnings: swearing, angst???
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You considered yourself a lucky person. You were a Kook, you had a loving family and an amazing group of friends who you could also consider your family.
However, your parents were never approving of the extremely close bond you had with your friends since they were Pogues and you were one of the richest families compared to the rest of the Kooks.
You constantly got into heated arguments with your parents defending your friends but at the end of the day you did whatever you want, which usually meant spending every afternoon with your Pogue friends.
The sun was setting and you were spending an amazing time with your friends. Pope and JJ were pretending to fight to “practice” in case any criminals decided to get in the way. Sarah was comfortably staring at the act while being wrapped around John B’s arms and Kiara was also staring at the guys with a disapproving yet a supportive look on her face while you were just smiling at their foolishness.
“Alright so I think Sarah and I are heading back home since it’s getting pretty dark.” John B stood up from his place, helping Sarah get up and holding her hand.
“Just say you’re getting laid instead of coming up with the night bullshit man.” JJ winked at his friend and John B just shook his head, hiding the smile behind his face.
“Oh please JJ.” Sarah sighed but as you made eye contact with her, she grinned at you.
“Leave them alone JJ, it is getting dark and I think I’m leaving too.” You gulped down what was left of your beer and picked up your beach bag.
“I agree with Y/N,” Kie stood up and walked towards Pope, “walk me home?”
“You don’t have to ask.” Pope replied and interlaced his arms with Kie.
“Great, another couple getting some action tonight.” JJ sighed and Kie just gave him a look.
“Sorry dude.” Pope rubbed JJ’s shoulder and Kie immediately punched Pope’s shoulder.
“Stop crying JJ,” you went up to him, “just pick some tourist up like you always do.”
JJ mocked you and you just stuck your tongue out at him.
“She’s not lying bro.” John B added.
“Well maybe I will.” JJ shrug his shoulders and grabbed another beer.
You cleared your throat and waved goodbye at your friends before agreeing on meeting tomorrow morning for breakfast by the beach.
As you walked home you couldn’t get out of your head the thought of JJ getting it on with a stupid tourist girl. 
You knew you had given him the idea but it’s not like he wouldn’t have done it either way. JJ had always been like that. You couldn’t blame him though, he was good looking and funny, any girl would easily fall for his charms and end up on his bed.
What he didn’t know was that you sometimes wished that girl would be you.
Of course no one knew about that, not even Kiara your best friend.
JJ and you have been friends for years and you know what the two of you have is too good and special for it to be ruined by a stupid crush you have on him. You also knew it would never be possible for JJ to think of you in that way. He has always seen you as one of the dudes, or at least that’s what you’ve always thought. He always told you about the girls he slept with and even about his old (but now gone) little crush on Kiara.
You didn’t mind that much though, because at least that had brought you closer to him. JJ’s friendship with you was something he didn’t have with neither John B nor Pope. He trusted you more than the guys and you were always the first person he would run to or tell things to no matter what.
After getting home and taking a long refreshing shower, you sat down on your bed reading your book to distract your thoughts from the fact that all of your friends (especially JJ), but you were getting laid.
You were about to finish a chapter of your book until you heard something hit your window, but you quickly ignored it blaming it on the wind. You got back to reading until multiple knocks on your window made you put down the book and take a look.
As you turned on the flashlight from your phone to see better outside, you saw your blonde friend waving at your window.
You quickly made your way downstairs to let JJ in. You were a little worried since you had no idea what would make him come to your place almost at midnight when he was supposed to be banging some girl.
“I don’t have any condoms.” You joked once you opened the door but the smile on your face faded away as soon as you saw JJ’s face covered in blood and his hand covering his stomach.
“JJ what ev-“
“Shhh!” JJ shushed you. “I don’t want your parents to know I’m here.”
“They’re not even here,” you replied and grabbed his hand to lead him upstairs, “they’ll be gone for the week for some business thing.”
“Oh so you’re home alone?” He managed to wink even with a black eye.
“Oh shut it and tell me what happened.”
“I’m alright,” he smiled, “I just wanted to know if you could let me borrow your phone to call John B and tell him I’m staying with him so I don’t have the unfortunate luck of running into him banging Sarah.”
“What happened to yours?” You asked, not believing he was alright at all.
“It died.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“God Y/N, why are you always so stubborn?” JJ sighed, “My phone died.”
“I don’t care about your phone.”
“Of course you don’t.”
“I care about the blood covering your face.”
JJ looked down on the floor and just shook his head.
“Did you run into Rafe again?” You bit your lips. 
Rafe Cameron was your ex boyfriend and also the worst kind of Kook you could meet. 
He’s always getting into fights with your friends, especially because of the fact that you spend all your time with them while he’s still into you.
“No, not really.”
You looked at JJ as he was trying to speak but then went silent. You grabbed your first aid kit and wiped the blood off his face.
“JJ,” you paused as you gently grabbed his cheek to clean it up, “who did this?”
He stared into your eyes, his were filled with tears which made your heart shrink. You had never seen him look so hurt, so vulnerable.
“My father.” He whispered almost as if he did not want you to hear.
You felt the blood rush to your head. You knew JJ’s father was impulsive and hot-headed since JJ constantly talked about his disagreements with him, but you would’ve never thought the one person who was supposed to protect and take care of him, would beat him up this way.
“Please don’t tell anyone.” His voice trembled and he avoided eye contact with you.
“I won’t.” You replied and finished aiding his face.
You noticed his hand kept pressing over his stomach.
“Take off your shirt.” You demanded.
“Never thought I would hear you say that.” He managed to smirk even with tears in his eyes.
“JJ I’m not playing.” You said seriously and he bit his lip, slowly taking off his shirt as he whimpered in pain.
You saw the multiple purple and red bruises on his stomach and felt sick. Your own eyes filled with tears but you quickly wiped them away to not let JJ know.
“This can’t keep happening.” You were angry.
“I’ll be alright.” He just shrugged.
“No JJ,” you shook your head, “I won’t allow it.”
“Oh yeah?” He chuckled, “What are you going to do? Fight him?”
“Maybe.” You said with a straight face but he just laughed. 
He secretly loved that about you. 
How you were also quick tempered and never afraid to speak your mind and stand your ground, but even though he knew how much you cared about him, he would never allow you to get near his father.
“Can I call John B now?” He sighed.
“Uh? I kinda need a place to sleep that’s not my house.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why you’re staying here with me.”
A/N: would absolutely love to hear your opinions about this!!! let me know if you’re liking it so I can post the second chapter.
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Twenty Two | Another Medium (Part 2 of 4)
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"Hurry, ren. We're gonna be late!"
You smile down at Frisk and watch as they tug at the edge of your shirt to try pulling you along with them.
The door's left open, and even though those meant to pick you up for the event aren't here yet, they still urge you to go outside and wait.
"It's only seven, honey." Your thoughts drift back to your video call and Sans's most recent text message, letting you know half an hour later that he'd be here soon. "We've got a few minutes left." You grab their hand and put a stop to their energy, facing their eyes. "Are you that excited about starting school?"
They nod and grin wide. "Even more, if you're gonna be working there, too!"
Your smile falls as you remember the folder Sans had given you. It had been thrown into the farthest corner of your bookshelf that same day, and you'd been too reluctant to look at it any more ever since. You didn't want to take their kindness and help for granted, just as much as you didn't want to forget about your reasons for learning more about monsters. Your godmother was right in terms of you needing to understand them more, so you've established it upon yourself to bring that up during your first, official date night with the skeleton. Understanding the changes being made to the Underground could aid you with the slim chance of finding a way to either halt or delay it from becoming a big tourist attraction, and you could finally be more clear and upfront about your feelings related to the dream -- even if all of that was easier said than done. Not only had you crossed far too many boundaries with him already, but you were still keeping your dubious relationship with him, all while continuing to be wary of him and everyone else for their past. The subtle but no less irate light to his gaze when having your aunt bring up the the Judgement Hall had been more than sufficient for you to try something -- or at least, assist him and every other monster with that process.
In short, hypocrisy's absorbing you bit by bit, and today's your very first attempt at trying to break free from that. Whether you succeed or not doesn't matter. Giving it a shot, on the contrary, does. Even the slightest amount of closure achieved with your research could help in setting your thoughts straight, and -- perhaps -- to finally stop yourself from comparing monsterkind with Jerry.
To put it this way: you couldn't allow yourself one thing if you were allowing the other to continue happening.
After all, why were you willing to engage in a relationship with someone like Sans, when you were still far from forgiving and much less forgetting Jerry over abandoning Frisk for so many years?
Why were you willing to befriend someone like Alphys, who'd been close to ending up in jail due to the failed experiments made on those of her own kind?
Why were you willing to book a night at Mettaton's hotel, knowing he'd once set Frisk into danger greater than any other monster you knew had -- Undyne being a close second?
Even someone like Papyrus brought harm to them once!
"Ren," Frisk calls out, tugging your hand. "You look angry. Are... Are you okay?"
You nod and let out a breath, composing yourself. "I'm fine, honey."
"Are you still thinking about avenging me?"
Your eyes shoot wide open at that, and you can't avoid suspecting they might have the capability of reading your mind.
Regardless of their word choice, you were -- in a sense -- wanting to avenge them from anyone who'd once caused them harm, be it Jerry, the monsters, or the loud and nosy neighbour from next door wondering why Frisk enjoyed playing with action figures just as much as they did playing with princesses.
Hearing their whine of concern, you snap out of it and look down to see they've let go of your hand, both their arms now outstretched and in wait for your embrace.
"Do you want a hug?"
Your smile returns at that, albeit a bit more melancholic compared to the first time. You get down to their height and pull them in for a hug, sighing when you have them safe in your hold; it feels right to have them close and in your care, no matter how much your mind insists otherwise. The question you brought up back at the Judgement Hall still feels like the most subconscious part of your mind had possessed you, insisting you turn back to how you used to be after Frisk's fall.
"You don't need to protect me that much!" they say, letting go. "I... I know all the monsters well, so I'd tell you if any one of them's bugging me. You don't need to hate them for my sake, and you don't have to compare them to dad, either." Without a doubt, if humans still had the capability of using magic and spells, you would label them a mind reader. "You should get to know them on your own first, and not just based on who they are to me. Because if that's really all up to me, then the only one I don't really like much is..."
At that, they stop; they bring a finger to their chin and tap it twice, delving deep in their thoughts along the way.
"Huh..." Frisk taps their chin again and their gaze turns furrowed, scrunching up the more they think about it. "I mean, I don't really know if I dislike any of them... I just know I wanna have friends!"
You're compelled -- if not, urged -- to argue against that, though your heart stops you from spilling any of those thoughts out. Still, your mind attempts to push through it. Personal feelings couldn't cloud your judgement, if that meant it could bring harm to your child.
"Even if they-"
Hearing the engine rumbling as Papyrus parks close by the sidewalk is a blessing in and of itself; the aforementioned date night with his brother can't get here any sooner. You need to sort your thoughts out once and for all. Almost half a year of waltzing with the seemingly never-ending issue of Frisk's journey and the bonds they made through it was far too much. If you were slowly making friends with those same people too, then you needed to stop this at once. No matter how much you wanted to avoid said confrontation, that had to be done -- for both CPS and reasons beyond.
"You're right." You huff, bring a hand to your forehead, and go lower to massage the brim of your nose. Not a moment after, you fix your glasses, look back to their side, and form a smile. "Thank you, dear."
• • •
You close your eyes just before the monster presses a damp cotton ball to your wound.
Isopropyl makes it sting immediately, yet you're too busy with your thoughts to care about it that much.
"You okay?" Sans asks, meeting your eyes when you open them. "You've been quiet since we got 'ere."
"I'm okay, but..." You think back to how you greeted him with a wave, right as you did with his brother. While the monster before you didn't seem to mind it, you can't avoid the thought of how you used to be with Jerry. It was easier to be more affectionate back then, and it was easier still greeting him with a kiss -- be it a simple one on the cheek or a quick one on the lips. Now, you can't so much as imagine the prospect of doing that with your new partner without overthinking or feeling stressed about it. "I was wondering if we... if we should maybe keep our relationship private -- f- for now?"
He finishes wrapping the bandages and fixes them tight before replying with, "That's fine with me. Did you watch the video?"
"No, I'm..." You grow short of breath at the thought of how many people have likely seen it by now -- how many times it's been shared, and how many more discussions and heated arguments have revolved around it. "I'm too scared to."
You can't bring yourself to look at him any longer, so his expression falls unknown as he suggests watching it together, a question you answer to with a quiet and mumbled 'sure'.
Sans proceeds with a nod and stores all the items used back into the first aid kit before taking out his phone, settling down in bed, and holding your hand with his free one. "Really sure?" he asks, squeezing it once. You reply with an even quieter 'yes' and watch in silence as he clicks on the link sent by what you assume is several people, based on how Undyne, Brenda, and even the man from the train station -- now his friend and your co-worker -- have messaged him the same information, all three left unread. The one he chooses is farther back and dated with yesterday, this one sent by Jerry.
It plays in an instant and the first thing to appear is Asgore's garden, while murmurs are what compose the audio as the one filming shows himself around a field of trampled flowers, these now a mess of broken pots, thrashed earth, and missing rocks. A few others make him company and engage in small talk, though it ends quickly when one of them shouts for everyone to 'get over here quick'. The group does as told, leading for the cameraman to rush along with them out of the garden and into the Judgement Hall. The audio grows quiet as he ventures further, steps and voices now discreet as he films a fuzzy image of two people sitting at one of the benches laid around, with the exception that one sits on top and has their arms wrapped firm and tight around the other. Multiple people urge the cameraman to approach the scene more, making him show you and Sans kissing, albeit of a blurry quality with how much he has to zoom in so as to not be caught. Even the noise is recorded with how silent everything else is, this one mostly composed of hitched breaths and clothing shuffling against each other as you hug him closer. Thankfully, no kissing noises are recorded, something you assume is due to him having a shapeable skull rather than lips, along with how slow and careful your actions are.
The video ends when the kiss does, and it leaves you in the same silence created right before clicking on it.
Regardless, Sans opens up the page it was posted on to reveal more information about the creator.
'Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this stuff? This is the future that awaits us, if we continue to act as if we can live peacefully with these people. Opposing these changes is necessary, if we wish to keep our normalcy. Casual make outs with a being so far from human shouldn't be the norm of our world', reads the caption.
Below, some of the replies read from ones saying the poster isn't the only one who shares those thoughts, to ones who've taken the time to write an entire paragraph about the situation.
'Absolutely not.'
'No, you're not. This is outright hideous.'
'Click here to see my 👄 HOT 🔥 noods 🍝: www.uhohspaghettios.xd'
'Wow, this is just like 1984.'
'Next thing you know, we'll be the ones living in the Underground.'
'I need eye bleach ASAP!!! 😱'
'Yeah, no. Hard pass on whatever the hell I just watched. Why did you even film this?'
'That skeleman is nothing but a closeted cradle-robber. Anyone who's met (Y/N) knows how naïve and childish they are, and them dating someone like that screams bad news. Forget that he's a monster, people! What's more important here's how he's got a liking for them despite that gap -- both mentally AND physically. He should be ashamed for bringing their reputation even further down with this video. At this point, I have trouble believing they'll ever recover from all this.'
'...Ok, but...... Am I the only one who finds this kinda.................. Hot? 👀💦'
'Of course, even a monster would try to have his way with someone like them. Look at how they're dressed!'
'To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand how wrong this stuff is. The degeneracy infesting the Surface nowadays is extremely subtle, and without a solid knowledge of social sciences, most of the immorality will go over a typical person's head. There's also the skeleton's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation -- his personal philosophy draws heavily from George Orwell literature, for instance. People like us understand this stuff; we have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these social rejects, to realise that they're not just ridiculous -- they say something deep about LIFE and SOCIETY. As a consequence, people who see nothing wrong with this truly ARE idiots -- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the skeleton's existential catchphrase "Genocide is wrong", which itself is a cryptic reference to Er*n Yeag*r from Att*ck on Tit*n. I'm smirking right now, just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as our fight against this backwards evolution unfolds itself on their phone screens. What fools... How I pity anyone who disagrees with you and tries to defend this behaviour. 😂'
At the bottom of it all, a neglected comment reads:
'Not only are you and your companions trespassing in an unsafe location, but your recording shows clear evidence you were damaging former King Asgore Dreemurr's property. You have also chosen to film these people without their knowledge despite them being in a private area, and uploaded the footage to a massive social media platform, as well. This is punishable by law, and I will not hesitate to stand for these people, if they decide to file a lawsuit against you.'
What stands out the most goes beyond the commenter's name, as his profile picture is what captures your attention first, regardless of how well-dressed he appears in the image and how small it is without clicking on it. Sans seems to share the same thought as you, as he clicks on the man's account without thinking twice. It takes some time to load, but when it does, your mouth gapes and you find yourself at a complete loss for words.
'Gerardo "Jerry" Gonzalez Gutierrez del Valle. Family practice lawyer since 20XX. Co-founder of the first Alcohol and Smoking Helpline for monsters. Former quarterback for Ebott U's Football League,' his bio reads.
You're overcome by what feels like an hour of silence before you can process what you've read. The age-old experience of reviewing material from your textbook at three thirty in the morning arrives when you try to read through his profile a second time, then a third. Even his pictures are difficult to process, these a variety of him posing with his co-workers at the newly-opened helpline building, screenshots of his progress with quitting alcohol and his strike of days and months sober, images of him in different suits, and -- last but not least -- a couple of Throwback Thursdays from his glory days, featuring both high school and college memories. It's hard to decide which feeling out of multiple is stronger than the rest, as jealousy combines with the slightest thing you expect out of this discovery: being reminded of the good ol' days. Guilt arrives next when growing aware of your current relationship with the one sitting next to you, even if it's only the thought of how happy you used to be with the man in those pictures before everything went haywire.
"You're... You're seeing this too, right?"
You hear him chuckle and see him agree with a nod, though you can't exactly fall back down to Earth again; were this a dream, you would accept it as such.
"Yeah." The monster looks you over once before adding, "And am I imagining it, or did I catch you smilin' at 'im just now?" He winks.
"So you're telling me you're really not surprised by this, at all?"
You stand up and give your back to him, irked by his assumption despite him being nothing close to serious about it. "But, please don't think I still like him." Your hands turn into fists at the thought of going back with someone like him, no matter his current intentions. "I still haven't forgiven him, and I still..." Bile rises to your throat as your stomach churns wildly. "I still hate him." Then, you take a pause to gather strength. "And maybe that's a strong word, b- but... It's hard for me to forget that's the same man who once accused me for every little thing that wasn't 'normal' with Frisk, from them running away the first time, to them refusing to call him dad -- even when I never prevented them from visiting him, and e- even when he stopped visiting them first." Your chest shakes as you huff. "I... I still dislike him, and I really hate that I remembered good things about him just now."
Your mouth refuses to shut up and makes you continue on with, "So if I still can't forgive him, how can I make a decision for CPS with so many of you and in so short of a time? I still can't decide what to do, no... no matter how much I've learnt about everyone else." Your throat turns dry, and you find it difficult to swallow. "Hell, it was only yesterday I finally gave into one of my doubts. I thought it twice before asking if you wanted to kiss, but it'd been in my mind for a long while before that."
"You're sayin' the kiss was you decidin' to trust me?"
He scoots closer to your side and furrows his gaze.
"Even after that dream, and even though I started it?"
"Y... Yes." You do the same as him and smile. "I trust you, and... And I know the dream's likely just me overthinking this. One thing's spilling the truth when you're drunk, and one thing's getting... too caught up in your fears -- to the point where you have these warped dreams about someone else, no matter how much they mean to you."
His irises soften in their light, and a hint of culpability seems to fall on him. "Then I'm sorry for bringin' your ex into this." You sit back down with him and hold his hand again. "It wasn't right."
"It's okay."
"Doesn't look that way."
Before you know it, you're held by your lower back, pulled close, and brought down in bed.
He stays on top, gaze focused on yours rather than on your lips or anywhere else suggesting something more.
"Have you found that help yet? Counseling, I mean." His gaze remains the same despite having changed topics so abruptly. "How're ya doin', puddin'?"
"Bubbles and Brenda suggested two recently, but I... I still haven't gotten around to calling either one of them."
"Want me to make you company while you try that now? We've got time."
"...Kiss me first, please?"
He lowers more and presses his teeth to your neck.
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more of tauriel’s hellfamily adventures! there’s still a couple of gaps in my conception of this au, which is why these are bullet points and not an actual fic, but i think i’ve got enough to progress the plot, such as it is. certainly got a bunch of anecdotes i think are funny
i’m not even going to bother explaining how tauriel ended up in one of the fëanorians’ boltholes being treated for mild injuries
nothing super serious, but enough that she’s out of action for the rest of the night. the palace is on fire
the bolthole opens, and celegorm (who’s doing first aid) turns his head. his preemptive scowl melts away instantly. ‘hi elrond!’
the former lord of imladris just sighs. ‘please tell me you idiots haven’t abducted tauriel’
legolas has concerns, apparently. he saw celegorm vanish into an alleyway with her slung over his shoulder and immediately started panicking
‘i've talked him into delaying his rescue mission until i had the chance to check that she was safe’ elrond finishes, sounding absolutely exhausted
tauriel confirms that she is doing fine, as much as she can through the concussion. celegorm’s like ‘if he’s so worried about her why doesn’t he just come up here’
elrond disappears, and a few minutes later legolas scrambles inside
he’s glaring at celegorm. celegorm tells him where the first aid kit is, punches him on the arm, compliments his tracking skills in a vaguely threatening manner, and jumps back out to assist with the chaos
legolas collapses by tauriel’s bedside, still clutching his bow. tauriel pats him on the thigh reassuringly
neither of them are surprised elrond knows the fëanorians - they stayed in his place in tol eressëa for a while, dude knows literally everyone - but they don’t really know why
closer to dawn, elrond’s voice drifts up into the hideout. he’s going on this long irritated rant that climaxes in an extremely exasperated ‘valardamnit dad!’
maglor cackles. tauriel’s like ‘huh didn’t know that.’ legolas makes a face like he accidentally swallowed a spider
by this point, tauriel’s known the brothers hellspawn for long enough legolas has been unnervingly close to a kinslayer way more times than he’d like
this is the longest he’s spent in proximity to them by far, but it’s not the only time he’s interacted with them. they seem to like tauriel, and he knows she can take care of herself
but like still
it keeps happening, though. as tauriel further ingratiates herself with these awful awful elves, her two separate social circles keep bleeding into each other
take the time legolas and co visited the aulendili
before they left middle-earth, gimli whipped round every dwarf they knew and assembled several volumes of complaints. they refuse to confirm or deny whether aulë is the maker, but they are determined someone’s gonna hear their grievances
and thus a small wagon train of wood elves head up into the mountains. including tauriel
tauriel offhandedly mentioned the upcoming trip to the twins, and amras was like ‘hey we’ve got family up there!’ a few messages went up and down the funicular, and now gimli and crew have a place to crash up there
they’re put up by some of the fëanorians’ less murderous (if equally loud) relatives. it’s a pretty interesting trip
half the town is redheads. several people still mistake tauriel for a fëanorian. it’s been happening a lot in the wider noldorin territory lately, it’s weird
caranthir stumbles up into town about halfway through their visit. he gets into an extremely long philosophical argument with gimli that somehow ends with a mutual dwarven nod of respect
he also ends up fighting back-to-back with tauriel in one of those debatebrawls so common among the noldor. neither of them is quite sure how it happens
that’s the way it goes, isn’t it. there’s no big official moment when tauriel becomes part of the family
she just grows closer to them over her time in valinor, as they do to her
she merges into their social world. she develops a rapport with maglor’s wife - a first age mountain sinda and a third age forest avar don’t have that much in common, but they are both looking at noldorin culture from the outside. they have so many injokes about ridiculous bling
(it goes the other way too. this childhood friend oc of hers i’m developing - pretty sweet guy, the token sane man in the legolas-tauriel-him trinity - gets along really well with celebrimbor)
this one time tauriel punches a guy out for calling elrond a traitor. it doesn’t matter that he’s like three times her age, he is babey
she gets chewed out by maedhros and tests out new devices for curufin and drops in on nerdanel for tea. even though she doesn’t permanently live in the definitely-not-fëanorian quarter, she has her own personal space in its innermost warren
she’s one of them long before anyone consciously realises it
what causes that realisation is, admittedly, partially the conspiracy theories. if you say something often enough, you’ll start to believe it, and while the tauriel origin stories circulating through the noldorin rumour mill vary a lot in the details they all agree she is a fëanorian
but that’s a gradual long-term thing. it’s one more thread that leads to the moment
because there has to be an inflection point, i think. the fëanorians have plenty of family friends within the ranks of their definitely-not-minions. some are even as close to them as tauriel’s become
something has to happen to show she’s something more. fortunately, as demonstrated by the darkening and the númenorian invasion, no matter how peaceful it seems, history never stops
shit goes down. the exact details i’ll admit i don’t know yet, but at some point some sort of massive crisis rocks all of valinor. it’s during that crisis that tauriel does stuff that makes it blindingly obvious she’s not just on her side, but one of them
what stuff? again, i don’t know yet. i have this mental image of her leading a strike team that’s half definitely-not-minions and half legolas’ people through a burning city to do... something badass, but that’s as specific as i can get atm
what i am certain about, is that throughout the unfolding of the crisis, tauriel is permanently on the fëanorians’ side, just like they’re on hers
it’s one thing to be someone’s friend in bright happy days. it’s another thing to stick by them when everything’s falling to pieces and the whole world is against them. it’s in the depths of this crisis that both parties have the chance to fully prove their worth to each other
that probably wouldn’t be enough on its own, but combined with the friendship and the conspiracy theories and just the general way she is, once the dust settles it’s blazingly clear that tauriel is a daughter of the house of fëanor
there’s a little debate about where exactly she fits on the family tree, but not much. our sample size is admittedly small, but third generation fëanorians tend to have the slightest modicum of common sense? elrond and celebrimbor both have a fair degree of self-awareness and at least a few brain cells
tauriel does not. tauriel is mad, bad, and dangerous to know, just smart enough to understand that her sheer chaoticness is something she can channel but not nearly close to regularly thinking through the consequences of her actions. she’s loud and violent and does whatever she wants whenever she wants without a single thought towards what people will think of her
and more than that, she doesn’t relate to the second generation fëanorians the way the third generation does. she’s their friend and partner-in-crime, not one of their precious perfect must-protect children. she gets jerked around and bullied and does all that stuff right back, and while she doesn’t have a solid place in the second generation’s internal hierarchy yet she would easily slot in
no, tauriel’s a second generation fëanorian, one of fëanor and nerdanel’s horrible children. the fact that fëanor is currently indisposed and unable to provide an opinion on the matter doesn’t seem to bother anyone
she gets inducted into the family in a massive group hug, and from then on out the brothers hellspawn are the siblings hellspawn
her new family doesn’t replace her old one, of course, she has a long talk with elrond wherein she hashes this out. she’s still a silvan of the greenwood
she’s just also the little sister of the most bloodthirsty elves in history
(that sound in the background is legolas screaming)
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