#betrayal of her former mate.
ryderdire · 1 year
I don’t know as much as i should about warriors to make this post but . I really like the idea of an au where one of mapleshades kits survives and become firestars grandparent or smth because imagine her finding out about leafpool and seeing ashfur go to starclan would she protect her great grandkids would she even know. so many thoughts
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starryevermore · 5 months
my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand ✧ azriel
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
pairing: azriel x vanserra!fem!reader
summary: azriel tries to fix the mess he made. you almost let him. 
word count: 4,529
warnings?: angst city™ bitch, dual povs, threats of death, traumatic childbirth, azriel begging for forgiveness, open ending, there will be no other parts to this, not proofread
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As the only daughter of Autumn, your relationship with your brothers was quite different than their relationships with each other. You were no threat to the throne. A female could never be High Lord. Yet, that did not let you free from Beron’s iron tight grip on his family and their perception by Prythian. The only thing a female was good for was marrying well and producing children. If you ever proved yourself to be an embarrassment to the Vanserra family, you learned the limitless bounds of the former High Lord’s wrath. Your brothers would be there to help mend you, offering comfort in the best ways they could. It wasn’t much, but it meant a lot to you. 
It damn near broke your heart when you realized you had to leave them behind to be with your mate. Beron would never—ever—allow you to be mated to an Illyrian brute. Knowing that your brothers would only be hurt if you told them, you decided that Eris was the best option in confiding your plan to run. Together, you left a note saying that you were leaving to be with your mate and he helped you cross Autumn’s border. You prayed to the Mother that Beron was not too cruel to him, or your other brothers, when he discovered your disappearance. You knew you would likely not see them again, and you hoped they might forgive you for that. Then everything Under the Mountain happened—you were trapped in Velaris for fifty years, all too aware that you would never find out if they did. 
That was the one blessing, you supposed, of returning to the Autumn Court all these decades later. With Beron gone and Eris as High Lord, it was easy to fall back in with your family. Though Eris was ready to march down to the Night Court and burn Azriel where he stood, and your other brothers were ready to follow, things calmed down in the end. The rage still simmered, hovering just below the surface. All it would take was one wrong move by the Night Court and any alliances Eris had previously forged would go up in smoke.
Despite your request for no further correspondence, the Night Court continued to periodically reach out to you. Mostly Feyre because she had been your friend, but occasionally Rhys who would inquire about the status of your pregnancy. Though he never said it outright, you knew it was to find out if your babe had wings. His motives, you were unsure. Was it out of concern for your wellbeing? You recalled how panicked he had been during Feyre’s pregnancy. Perhaps he was worried about you for your sake. A larger part of you thought it was out of concern for his brother. That if your babe had wings, then it would mean you would surely die. And if you were to die, could you find it in your heart to let your mate be by your side one last time? Your skin itched at the thought of Azriel anywhere near your babe. 
Truthfully, you didn’t know. Whenever your healer, a kind elderly fae named Brigid, would ask if you wanted to know, you would always decline. You didn’t want to experience your pregnancy knowing there was an expiration date. You wanted to live it, to enjoy it. Because Nesta could not bargain with the Cauldron any longer. Not even her, in all her power, could save you. You would rather spend your final days healing from Azriel’s betrayal and preparing for the birth of your child than worry about the inevitable. 
Besides, you were worried that the loyal shadow wound up wrist would run to Azriel at the first sign of harm to you. 
Eris was not fond of that choice. He was certain that he could find a way to save your life should it come down to it. You were less convinced. But he was a prideful male, and you had learned long ago to not get in the way of a male’s ego. If he wanted to be delusional, so be it. That didn’t mean you had to feed into those delusions. 
Today, however, was a day of celebration. The Fall Equinox had come and so the Forest House was alive with fae from across the courts. The Night Court wasn’t present—hadn’t even been extended an invitation, if Eris was to be believed. You admired his loyalty to you, but you knew the Night Court was not an enemy to be made. To be their ally was to be protected. In a land still wrought from the effects of Amarantha and the King of Hybern, it would be too costly to be making enemies of a court so powerful. 
You ignored those concerns today, trying to focus on the festivities. It was hard to enjoy them. You were at the end of your pregnancy. Brigid had warned against your attendance, arguing that you needed to rest. But you were stubborn like your brothers. If you wanted one more night of revelry, you should have it. 
That was, ultimately, your downfall. 
You were dancing with one of your brothers, Crispin. Or, at the very least, dancing the best you could. You were sure it looked pathetic—a far cry from the elegance Beron beat into you. You were having too much fun to care. So much fun, you almost missed the pain shooting through. 
You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips. Crispin froze, extending his arms out to help steady you. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Do you need to sit?”
“The babe—there’s something wrong with the babe,” you manage, keeling over from the pain.
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“Give me one godsdamned reason not to gut you where you stand.”
Azriel barely glanced up at the male in his house. It was only a matter of time, he mused, before one of your brothers came for him. For some reason, Lucien hadn’t been particularly high on the list he made, ranking the likelihood of each brother to come breaking down the door. Mostly because Lucien spent most of his time in the mortal lands, far away from news of what Azriel had done. But, eventually, all word gets out. 
“Because I deserve a more painful death than gutting me would provide.”
Lucien’s hand wound itself in Azriel’s hair, yanking it back. A blade pressed against his throat. “Damned right you do. She was always too fucking good for you.”
“I know.”
“Do you know how many males would kill for a mate as kind as her? Do you know how many males begged Beron for her hand? You are lucky she ever spared you the time of day,” Lucien hissed. 
Again, Azriel said, “I know.”
And he did. Mother above, he did. Every day of the last nine months, Azriel had been kicking himself for treating you the way he did. How had he misread all of the signs? Why did he let his anxieties, his worries of not being good enough for you, cloud his judgment? Azriel found himself wishing he could turn back time, stop himself from ruining the best thing he ever had. 
Now, he was left in the dark. His friends scarcely spoke to him. Ever since Feyre and Rhys learned of his accusations, word spread among the Inner Circle. Cassian looked at him like he didn’t even know his brother. Mor sneered the first time she saw him. Amren hadn’t said a word to him. And Nesta…He was sure she was going to rip his wings off and throw him off the House of Wind. Even Elain looked at him as if he were a monster. Sometimes, though, Feyre would fill him in on the few replies you sent to her letters. And if he asked pathetically enough, Rhys would send you inquiries about your wellbeing. Those never got a reply. 
Azriel almost wished he had a mission to go on to distract himself. To able to take his pain out on another helpless soul. But Rhys had barred him from his work. A punishment for his actions, Azriel was sure. Rhysand would never call it that. Always said something about giving Azriel time to reflect. But Azriel was tired of reflecting. Reflection wouldn’t undo what he did. Reflection wouldn’t bring you back. 
“You’re a pathetic excuse for a male,” Lucien spat. “Hybern should have killed you. It would have spared the rest of us from your waste of a life.”
He squeezed his eyes shut. It would have killed you, he was sure, if he had died. But at least you would know he loved you. At least you wouldn’t be aching because your mate proved he didn’t trust you. You wouldn’t have your babe, but at least you could be assured that Azriel would never accuse you of infidelity. 
“Have you seen her?” Azriel croaked. 
Lucien released his hold on Azriel’s hair. He fell forward, but didn’t turn to face the male. He could hear Lucien’s snarl as he said, “Color me surprised when I return from the mortal lands to learn from Elain that you cast my sister aside, made her leave her home, because you refused to listen to her. You’re lucky that Eris answered my letter with haste, explaining she was safe in Autumn. Consider yourself even luckier that the High Lord made me wait to come here before I got that answer. Do you have any idea how far she had to travel on foot? You made a pregnant female—your mate—travel through Winter alone.”
Azriel held back his sob. 
“A farmer had to be the one to bring her to Forest House. She would have died if not for his kindness.” Lucien’s hand curled around Azriel’s throat, his nails digging in. “Their blood would have been on your hands if they did.”
“I-I didn’t think—”
“No, you didn’t—”
Hurt,a shadow whispered. Azriel’s head snapped up. He wrenched himself out of Lucien’s death grip, searching for the shadow he hadn’t seen in months. Most of the others had stuck around, hissing their disapproval in his ear. But he knew one had gone missing, prayed to the Mother that it was making sure you were safe when he couldn’t. Come quick.
“What?” Azriel breathed out. No. No. It couldn’t mean you. You were safe, in Autumn. You were under your brothers’ protection. No harm should ever befall you there. None…Unless—
She’s hurt. The babe is stuck. Come—quick.
Azriel jumped out of his seat, moving faster than he had in months. This couldn’t be. The babe didn’t have wings. Surely, if the babe had wings, you would have told Rhysand. You would have told someone. Unless, you didn’t know. He had to get to you. He had to see you. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“She’s gone into labor,” he managed. The room felt like it was spinning. Was he about to lose you forever? No. No, he couldn’t handle that. He could handle you alive, hating him forever. But to lose you like this…For you to not know how deeply sorry he was, he couldn’t live with that. He would sooner follow you in death than live in a world without you. “The babe has wings.”
Lucien’s eyes narrowed. “They’ll kill you if you go. They’ll make me look like mercy.”
“I-I need to get Madja. She has experience with this. I need to give her a shot.” Azriel sniffed, praying the tears wouldn’t fall. Not now. “Even if she never lets me see the babe, I need to do everything in my power to give them a chance to live.”
Azriel half-expected Lucien to drive his dagger into his heart. Instead, his lip curled. “Go. Before I change my mind. I’ll warn my brothers of your arrival. They will welcome Madja’s help. But whatever they decide to do with you, I will not interfere.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m not doing this for you.”
“I know. But…thank you.”
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Your screams do not sound like your own. It sounded like, felt like, it was coming from someone else. Nothing about this, truthfully, felt like it was happening to you. You were vaguely aware of your mother on your right side, Eris on your left. Brigid was between your legs, trying to help the babe into a proper birthing position. Somewhere beyond the closed, oak door you could hear your brothers Crispin and Heath shouting at someone. Oh, you hoped they were terrorizing the servants. 
“You’re alright, my love,” your mother was saying as she stroked your hair, “you’re doing so well.”
Your scream was your only response. Fuck. You had never experienced pain quite like this before. Not even Beron’s flames compared to this. It was a miracle you hadn’t passed out yet. Though, the thought of shutting your eyes and closing out the rest of the world was quite tempting. No. You needed to stay strong. If not for yourself, then for your babe. You had to give her a fighting chance. 
Her. You were so certain your babe was a female. Brigid had never told you, because you had never asked. If you had known, the gender or the status of wings, you would want to tell Azriel. It would be the one thing, you were certain, that would break your resolve. You weren’t sure if you ever wanted the shadowsinger back into your life, but…Well, he had always want a babe that looked just like you. A little princess to dote on. To show how to fly. 
Another scream ripped through you. It felt like your soul was being torn out. Like sharp talons raked down your body, gripping at your essence, ready to take you back to the Mother. You wouldn’t go back. Not until your babe was born. After that…If the Mother wanted you, she could take you. Your babe would be in safe hands with your family. 
Desperately, you tried to search out for the shadow that not left your side in nine months. It had become a source of comfort. Its cold nature soothed the flames of Autumn burning inside of you. It reminded you of home. But when your eyes flicked to your wrist, then down your arm, it was gone. How long had it been gone? Why did it abandon you when you finally needed it? Where did it—
Something slammed against the oaken door. 
Eris’s head snapped up to glare at the wood. “What in the Cauldron is happening out there?” he hissed. 
“Go, check,” your mother said. “We need to keep this room as calm as possible. If your brothers are picking fights out there, then they’ll only make it worse. She cannot afford any unwarranted stress.”
Eris gave a tight nod and stepped away from your side. He didn’t even make it halfway across the room before the door slammed open, the wood splintering. A body hit the floor. Your vision was too blurred to make out who, or the person who stepped over him, approaching your bed. That is, until she was close enough for you to recognize the all-too-familiar face. 
“Madja?” you managed. “How—”
“He brought me here,” she said, stepping in between your legs. Brigid made room for you, taking the opportunity to move away to grab some fresh towels. Madja tutted at the sight of you, then got to work. 
“I don’t want him here!” The words tumbled out before you could stop them. 
You barely caught Madja glancing over to the fallen figure. In the haze, you finally recognized the wings. Azriel. He was here. Your breath caught. That was why the shadow had left you. It had gone to find him. Was it out of loyalty to its master? Or was it out of concern for you? A little shadow escaped from Azriel, speeding back to you. The cold thing stroked your face, as if to comfort you, to apologize for leaving you alone. 
Azriel’s head lifted. You were grateful you couldn’t see the hurt in his eyes. Crispin and Heath each grabbed an arm, dragging your mate back up to his feet. Though you all knew he could easily fight them off, he didn’t make a single move. Purple was already beginning to blossom on his exposed bits of skin. Had that been why you heard your brother’s shouting? 
Too pained to stand the look of him, you focused back on Madja. “Better or worse than Feyre?” Your voice was tight. It took every bit of your energy to not roar in pain. 
“The babe is starting to come out, but her wings are stuck,” she said. “We’ll have to break bones to get her out.”
“Mine or hers?” you nearly cried. 
“Both.” Madja glanced up at you. She masked her sorrow well, but you saw through it. You knew the next thing she was going to say, and you knew your answer, too. “I don’t know that I can save you both.”
“Her. Save her.”
“NO!” Azriel shouted. 
You barely processed Eris’s body slamming into Azriel. He let out a low groan at the contact. If you weren’t already in so much pain, you would have been able to feel how much that hurt through the bond. You wondered how much Azriel could feel. For the last nine months, you had kept your end closed. But after going into labor, it took too much effort to push him away. 
“You are the last godsdamned person who gets to make decisions about her,” Eris hissed. “You’re lucky I don’t throw you in the fucking dungeon—”
“I already gave him the whole speech, brother.”
Lucien? How did he get here? How did he know? 
Azriel ignored your brothers. To Madja, he pleaded, “Give her a chance—both of them a chance.”
Eris’s fist landed square on Azriel’s jaw. “Don’t even look in her fucking direction.”
“All of you, out!” your mother shouted. The males all froze in place. “What did I say about removing unnecessary stress? Eris, take him to the library and let him stay there until this is over. The rest of you, make yourselves useful.”
Your attention turned back to Madja, ignoring the sulking males, as her cold hand touched your knee. “We have to make a decision, dear.”
From the corner of your eye, you watched as Azriel stiffened. He wouldn’t be pleased with you, you were sure. And perhaps it was cruel to subject him to the cold pain of losing a mate. But that was mercy compared to what he did to you. 
To Madja, you said, “Do what you must.”
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Azriel stared at the oak doors of the library. Eris and Lucien had been left at his guards while Crispin and Heath disappeared to gather more supplies for Madja and Brigid. He paid them and their snarls no mind. Nothing could distract him from your wails of pain echoing through Forest House. Every inch of him, every fiber of his being, called for him to go to you. To be by your side. It was only your words that kept him still. 
“I don’t want him here!”
Five words was all it took for you to rip Azriel’s heart out. How you did it so succinctly, struck him right to the core, when it took an illogical rant from him to break yours was a mystery to him. Worse yet, Azriel wasn’t sure you were even aware of what you were saying. You looked like you were barely processing Madja’s appearance. Did you truly want him gone? 
Visions of your near-lifeless eyes looking at him flashed through his mind. He was going to lose you today. Was it a kinder fate for you to die than live in a world with him? Would things be different if he hadn’t fucked things up so spectacularly? Azriel imagined you in your shared home, your family—the Inner Circle—surrounding you. Love for you would be in the air, not contempt for him. Would that have been enough to save you? 
He shook his head. He was being ridiculous. Your family—the Vanserras—loved you, too. Perhaps more than the Inner Circle. While his family was content to ignore his existence, yours was willing to strike him down where he stood for even deigning to show his face in Autumn. He was sure Crispin and Heath would have actually killed him if they hadn’t drove his body through the door first.
Azriel flinched as another scream ripped down the halls. 
“Don’t act like this is painful to you,” Eris snarled. 
Azriel managed to lift a glare to him. “I can feel everything she does. If she is hurting, so am I.”
“That mattered little to you when you accused her of being a whore,” Lucien said. 
“And I will regret to the day I die. I will spend the rest of my days atoning for what I did.” Azriel lifted his chin. “But would killing me save her?”
Eris stepped closer to him. “Don’t even pretend to care about her. Where have you been these last nine months? Where were you when her morning sickness left her unable to leave the bed for days, unable to keep anything down? When she would go to Brigid for updates on the babe? When she couldn’t even pick out things for a nursery because the perfect one was left behind in the Night Court?”
He jerked like he had been slapped. Sometimes, he could still feel the sting of Feyre hitting him. Until today, she had been the only one brave enough to hurt him for what he did. Azriel would take every beating, though, if it meant you would live. 
Azriel opened his mouth to respond, but fell short. Silence rung through Forest House. Your screams—they had stopped. The cries of a babe did not fill their place. He tugged desperately at the bond, hoping to feel your pull. Nothing. There was nothing. 
No, he couldn’t lose you. 
Against his better judgment, Azriel fled from the library. He raced down the hall, the eldest and youngest Vanserra hot on his heels. He needed to see you. He needed to know that you still lived. Perhaps you were asleep. Birth was exhausting. Azriel remembered Feyre slept for hours after having Nyx. Perhaps you were doing the same. But then why wasn’t the babe crying? 
The door was ajar when he reached it. It took little effort to push it open, to open himself to the scene on the other side. On the far side of the room, Madja and Brigid had the babe. A beautiful little girl. His beautiful little girl. Azriel’s eyes flicked back to you. Your mother was covering your body with a blanket. Were you truly sleeping? No, you were too still, even by fae standards. Your chest didn’t rise. Your eyelids didn’t flutter.
Azriel’s gaze fell to your limp hand hanging from the edge of the bed. He sank to his knees, reaching for it. He half-expected Eris or Lucien to rip him away, to throw back back over the border. But no one touched him. 
“Let him mourn,” he heard your mother say. 
“He doesn’t deserve it.” Whether that was Eris or Lucien, he wasn’t sure. 
“It matters little what he deserves now.”
You couldn’t be gone. You couldn’t be. Somewhere beyond, a faint cry rang through the room. A weight lifted off his chest. At least the babe survived. At least Madja managed that. But…None of that mattered if you weren’t here, too. None of it mattered if you couldn’t hold her. 
A hand touched his shoulder. He lifted his head to stare up at your mother. “Her name is Bronwyn.”
“Thank you,” he whispered. 
“We’re going to take her to a wet nurse. But…you may stay for as long as you like. Ignore my sons. They are in pain, too.”
“Thank you,” he said again. 
Silence filled the room again. Azriel was certain he was alone again, until he heard padding of footsteps along the wooden floor. He didn’t have to look up to know it was Madja. 
“She could still live. It is not…It is not the worst birth I have seen. I have seen weaker women pull through from more horrible circumstances.”
“Why do you tell me this?”
“We believe, when people are in this state of limbo, they can still our world. Talk to her. You might be able to pull her back.”
“She wouldn’t come back for me.”
“Then why did she nearly tell her mother to come get you?” Madja patted his shoulder. “Food for thought. Do as you wish, Spymaster. I will be back to check on her later.”
Azriel did not move for three days and three nights. Despite what Madja had said, he couldn’t find any words to share with you. Everything felt wrong. What was he supposed to say? Apologies would scarcely suffice. Should he beg? It was tempting, but he wasn’t sure his pathetic snifflings would return you, either. 
Every so often, your mother would come in, Bronwyn in her arms. She would lay the babe on your chest and coo about how much she was growing already. Lucien would come in to tell you about what he had been doing in the mortal lands. Eris was rant about the politics of being a newly minted High Lord. Heath would talk about the latest book he had read. Crispin came once—sobbed about how he should have realized what was happening, should have gotten you help sooner. 
Everyone else had something to say. Something more moving, more earth-shattering, than whatever grovel he would wretch up. 
But on the fourth morning, as the morning sunlight began to stream onto you, he lifted himself from his knees. There was just enough space beside you that he could curl up to. It cramped his wings, but he was willing to ignore the pain. 
“I should have cherished you,” he whispered. His throat was tight. “I should have trusted you. I do, trust you I mean. Before you, I never knew unconditional love. Even through the last few centuries together, it still boggled my mind that you could look at me and find something worth loving. When I came home that day, I was so scared that you had finally found something better. It will never excuse what I did.”
He reached up, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “Come back, my wildfire. Not for me. I could spend the rest of my life making up for that mistake, but it would never be enough to warrant your forgiveness. But your family…They shouldn’t be hurt because of what I did. Come back for them. Come back for Bronwyn. Come back, and you will never have to see me again unless you so wish it. Just…live.”
Azriel’s eyes squeezed shut. He felt wetness drip down his face, onto your soft skin where his face was pressed. “Please, live.”
Your eyes opened. 
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utterlyotterlyx · 4 months
The Fox and The Fawn
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High Lord Eris x Rhys!Sister!Reader x Azriel
Part Eleven
Summary - Azriel grapples with the weight of his guilt whilst you receive a visitor, and in Autumn, a meeting changes the entire trajectory of your fate.
Warnings - trauma, ptsd, betrayal, morally grey antics, friendship fluff, depression, thoughts of death, some hope (finally!)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten
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There was a little nagging voice in his head, perhaps the shadow that adored you the most, telling him that he had allowed it to go too far.
Azriel lay atop the cream comforter of the bedspread that belonged to the woman he truly thought he would spend the rest of his life with if her brother would allow it. The pillows still held the faint smell of her, currents of the most intoxicating scent he had ever encountered flowing through him with every medial turn of the head.
He couldn't be there when Rhys took you, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from unsheathing the murderous tool that you often likened to a toothpick to get a rise out of him.
The bargain tattoo strained and withered around his bicep, contracting the muscle and making him regret every single choice he had made that got him to where he was. Laying on your bed, ready to tear the pillows apart just so he could hold the feathers drenched in the scent of you.
Nesta had left to follow you into a world of the unknown because of her unwavering loyalty to you, so had Elain and Lucien; Cassian was a mere shell of his former glory, Mor rarely spoke to anyone and often locked herself away with Amren, and Feyre, well, Azriel hadn't seen Feyre in a couple of weeks, nor Nyx.
Feyre had moved herself and Nyx to the House of Wind to escape Rhys, to put some space between them just in case one of them did something they would most probably regret. The night Rhys had taken you to The Prison was the night he permanently moved back into the River House, Feyre couldn't allow Nyx to grow up with the example of hatred that ran through his fathers veins.
The Prison.
Azriel could almost picture it. The cell lined with onyx stone to contain you, he could almost smell your fear and sadness, he could almost hear your heart cleaving into a thousand pieces. The Prison was a horrid place made for horrid creatures, and you certainly were not one of them. It was all his fault, he shouldn't have told Rhys that he witnessed Tamlin and Helion enter the Autumn Court, but if he hid it and Rhys found out then his entire façade would be blown and you would never get the chance to be free.
Scratches lined the palms and backs of his hands, some fully healed and others freshly scabbed over from his incessant self-mutilation brought on by his guilt. Azriel could only imagine how broken you were, that awful hum that you sang into the night still haunted his nightmares to the point where he refused to sleep, he refused to find comfort when you were on the verge of giving up entirely.
It was odd, how Autumn had moulded itself into your bones, your scent now tinged with hints of pine and mulled wine, of warm rain on the sun-kissed grass. It made him wonder how blind Rhys truly was if he couldn't tell that his sister had found her mate, and that that mate was none other than Eris Vanserra. It was obvious, the longing glances beyond the window, the void lingering in your eyes, the way your hand would occasionally drift over your heart like something was pulling at it.
The continent was safe from war thanks to your sacrifice, but you hadn't done it for the continent, you had done it for your family. A family that no longer had a place for him.
Azriel had told himself that it was fine, he couldn't blame you for hating him if you did, he deserved it, but that wouldn't stop him from doing what he needed to do.
It was silly of Nesta to believe that he hadn't seen what she had seen that day Under The Mountain, he had allowed her to think that she had found the book when they had split up, knowing that she would smuggle the tome back into Velaris and hide it. That evil was better hidden by her than it ever would be by him. Though, Azriel didn't account for Nesta hiding it so well; he had practically turned her room upside down looking for it to no avail. All he had found were a few of her raunchy novels that she usually never let out of her sight, but she had left them all behind when she had left the Night Court to join your side.
Azriel wished he had done the same, maybe things would have been different between the two of you if he had.
But you needed someone on the inside, even if it did feel like all of the odds were against you.
Rhys was stupid enough to believe it much to Azriel's pallid joy, the High Lord had no one to turn to, the rest of his Inner Circle had labelled his actions as monstrous to his face and refused to aid him further. Azriel was all he had left, and he was clinging to the Shadowsinger like the last patch of snow to the earth just before the Spring sun inhaled it.
It was too risky to tell you, everything you felt had to be real, Rhys' attention was solely on you and your behaviour and if that changed even a little bit then you would not survive his wrath, not when you had no power to protect yourself with.
Whisperings behind closed doors told Azriel what he already knew, that his family was frantically hatching a plan to get you out of Velaris and back into the safety of the Autumn Court. No matter the cost. And, in his own way, Azriel would make sure that they succeeded.
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Maniacal laughter haunted what little sleep the island had tried to gift to you.
That along with the faint dripping of rain was all you could hear, the inner voice that usually caressed your mind had left long ago, and you weren't sure if it would ever return. The prisoners were relishing in the demise of the Princess of Velaris, cooing and taunting you every moment they could, and when one would fall to slumber, another one would take its place.
How you hadn't gone mad yet was beyond you.
It was you who had locked many off the vile residents of the putrid place away, and now you were one of them. Straining against the stone, you pushed yourself upright, your back hitting the glacial wall of the cell you had no choice but to call home; you shivered at the contact and attempted to wrap your thinned fingers around the blanket to contain some warmth within your decaying body, but it was pointless.
The altar taunted you, the rare stripes of moonlight pouring upon it like it was some holy artifact that you should be worshipping. A part of you had to admire Rhys' gall attempt to break you, forcing you to dwell in the same room as a thing that had ruined your life, that had stripped you of a fundamental aspect of your humanity. Looking at the glistening stone altar, you struggled to remember why people had been so afraid of you, you struggled to remember the mother tongue of your fury on the battlefield and the sultry wit that would fill the halls.
Hugging your knees to your chest, you let out a defeated sob, the pain throbbing at your limbs, threatening to allow the foundations to consume you if you didn't move. The queen within you had dimmed, leaving the weakest part of you on show for the continent to see, not that anyone would ever come for you there.
Poor little fawn. The cutest thing we have ever seen. Such a shame, to be a monster.
The little fawn is trapped. The little fawn will die here.
No one will come for her.
Raising you gaze to the ceiling, you allowed the tears to fall. If you were going to die then it would be worth it, to protect those who had risked everything to stand by your side, to protect those who had showed you love in the face of uncertainty and evil. Resting your head against the wall, you felt yourself succumbing to the words that had been chanted to you through the nights, your heart clenching at the little name that had always given you butterflies.
Your mind drifted, and you could almost see him. In your visions, Eris was happy, strolling through the forests with Willow in tow weaving between his legs and sunlight illuminating that gods-crafted face. You wondered if he had heard your song, if it had reached the depths of Autumn to tell him that you were still alive. Had Gwyn done as you asked? Did Eris know anything about your torture?
Before you could even think of a scenario that could bring you some hope, a quiet scuffle of feet sounded at the mouth of the hallway where your chamber lay. The sound was followed by a sweep of fabric against the floor, and your interest was captured by it. You shakily rose to your feet, leveraging your withering weight against the stone until you could find your footing. Firelight flickered, growing brighter with each passing moment, and you waited before the enchanted barred gate for the owner to make themselves known.
The silhouette was Rhys', that was undeniable, but as you watched him, you saw him shrink a few inches, you saw his usually short tamed hair grow and pour over his shoulders, and you watched as his entire body morphed into another entirely. The firelight from the torch illuminated her face, revealing ethereal beauty and the pale blue-grey eyes that you had always admired, "Feyre," you weren't sure if she heard the utter of her name from the broken cracks in your voice.
You sank to your knees in front of her and she followed suit, placing the torch against the wall and crawling to the bars of the cell, her bottom lip wobbling as she took in the sight of you. Matted hair, ashen skin streaked with tears, weary eyes with no fire or spark, chapped and bloodied lips, "I'm so sorry, y/n. I'm so sorry," her fingers reached through the bars, the pads of them massaging warmth into your cheeks, "We're trying, alright? We're trying to find a way to get you out of here."
"He'll kill you," hatred flickered in her eyes but it wasn't something she hadn't thought of already, "Feyre, you can't."
Feyre's nostrils flared, water pooled at her bottom lids and you leant into her palm, it being the first innocently warm thing you had felt, "None of us deserve you, y/n. We have all been complicit in this one way or another. and I am not the only one who can't stand to watch this anymore," sensing your wavering life, Feyre added, "You have to hold on. Your family is waiting for you. Nesta and Elain are waiting for you. Eris is waiting for you."
"You have faced things no one ever should, and it makes me sick to know that your family has done this, that we have done this to you. Even if it's the last thing I do, I will get you out of this, y/n. We all will. I need you to hold on for a little longer, alright?"
The stone collar growled in retaliation, burning into your flesh for entertaining the words and you visibly winced, "I don't think that I can."
"You must," Feyre's words exuded those of a High Lady, though she would never pull rank on you, she grasped your face in her hands and removed the matted hair from your face, "Gwyn has sent word, we are orchestrating a High Lord's meeting, then, you will be free. You have to hold on, otherwise it'll have all been for nothing and you are too strong for that. If you are going to die then it'll be when you're old surrounded by everyone who has ever loved you, not in this gods forsaken prison. Do you hear me?"
Feyre was holding back her tears, she had never seen anyone so broken, so close to allowing the darkness to swallow them whole to escape the torment they had faced. The resentment she held toward Rhys was palpable, it was rife within the creases on her forehead and in the deep hued bags beneath her eyes.
"How is Nyx?" You had often thought of the babe, if he even remembered who you were, if he missed you at all, if he had any idea what was going on around him.
Feyre smiled sadly, her fingers caressing your rough skin, "He misses his aunt, very much."
"He does?"
Feyre hummed in confirmation, her head tilted to the side, eyes peering down at your hunched over form like she had just found a wounded doe in a clearing, writhing in a bed of autumn leaves, "I have to go, before this place realises that I'm not Rhys and alerts him," her hand withdrew from your face and a whimper fell from your lips at the sudden cold that coiled around you, "I'll come back, I don't know when but I will, I promise," a dark spot pooled at Feyre's right, looming in the corner of the opening, it wasn't prominent enough for Feyre to notice it, but you were attuned to the darkness, you'd notice an anomaly anywhere.
The High Lady rose to her feet, clasping the torch between her trembling fingers and tightening her cloak around her frame. All you could do was stare up at her, "Remember, remember that you were born to make the world shake at your fingertips. Don't let him ruin you."
And with that, Feyre turned away, leaving you slumped against the confinements of the gates, morphing back into the image of her husband once she was far away enough that it wouldn't scare you.
Feyre had contorted into Rhys, just like she had Tarquin before the war, even her scent morphed into his. The footsteps fell heavy against the stone, the firelight reflecting off of the dampened walls as she stalked through the prison, winding through the halls and finding herself being grateful for the lack of chortles sent her way by the prisoners, but also finding herself yearning to return to you.
A cool breeze drifted through the hall, telling Feyre that the entrance was only around the corner, and soon she'd be back at the House of Wind with her little Nyx working with her family on the plan to free you. Though, as soon as she turned the corner, she halted, she straightened her posture and felt dread settle into her chest at the flash of blue that greeted her.
Azriel stood before her, no doubt seeing right through the body she wore, his fists and jaw were clenched and his eyes burned into her, "I have to that admit that I'm impressed, Feyre. Impersonating Rhys to sneak into this place to see her." The darkness curled around him as it always had and would, his siphons were glowering in the slick corridor, bouncing off the glistening walls wet by the most recent downpour.
Shifting to her original form, Feyre became comfortable with the possibility of hurting Azriel, after the hand he had dealt in your suffering, "I did it with Tarquin, it was easy," Feyre's fists clenched, the hem of her cloak drowning in the puddle behind her, "Are you going to lock me up as well, Az?"
Azriel stepped forward into the scope of the firelight, his eyes softened and shoulders lax, "No. I was coming to see her as well."
"You have no right," Feyre spat, her stance shifting as a blockade to prevent him from delving further, "You're the reason why she's here."
"I know that," Azriel admitted, knowing that nothing he could say could change that fact, "Do you think that I wanted to? Feyre, Rhys has lost his mind, someone needed to be on the inside, to be trusted enough to know what he has planned. None of you would be able to do it, so I had to, and I couldn't tell a soul of it, not if I wanted her to get out of this court alive."
"What are you talking about?"
Azriel ran a hand over his face in frustration and sighed, "Who do you think tipped Gwyn off to go into the River House?"
Feyre stuttered before the realisation hit her, "It was you. You've been playing double agent this entire time."
"I promised her that I would always look out for her, that I would protect her," he felt the bargain tattoo purr in reply, "If I had truly hurt y/n then I'd be dead, from my own guilt or from the consequence of breaking the bargain," his gaze flickered behind Feyre, like he was expecting you to round the corner, "I'll never be able to forgive myself for what I've aided, and I don't expect you or her to either. Gwyn will deliver the message to Eris and Nesta, they're meeting with Tamlin and Helion to tell them of what has happened here, one of them will call a High Lord's meeting. That's our chance to set her free. Tell the others to prepare themselves, it isn't going to be easy."
None of it was going to be easy, to defy the High Lord of the Night Court was an act of treason, they could all be wiped from the earth for it but it was a reality that they would all welcome if it meant that you had a real chance to live. Not just survive, but live a life that deserved you.
Azriel took a step forward, "Feyre," he coaxed his High Lady from her thoughts, "I need you to do this, for her, for all of us."
"I will," her voice lingered, "But you can't see her, she'll crumble if she sees you. You've broken her heart and thus her sanity, her mind will shatter if she sees you and we need her to hang on."
Everything within him was telling him to ignore her, even his shadows were screaming at the notion of not being able to be near you, they had always yearned for you, sought you out at every moment. Their entire spirit had dulled since the night you had left, like they were the first to know that you had denounced your place and title, they had curled down his spine and shuddered at the loss, and only became frantic the moment you had been dragged back into Velaris wearing those awful collars.
Azriel inhaled deeply, staring ahead at the pitch black hallway before resting his gaze on Feyre and offering his arm, "Let's get you out of here, we both have work to do."
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Tamlin had always found a certain solace when visiting the Autumn Court, there was something about it that comforted him; he always thought it was the way the sun would kiss the browning leaves that had fell upon the grass, or that unique warmth spreading across the land like a blanket and weaving between the trees, breathing life into everything that it touched.
The High Lord of Spring had been surprised when he had received the note from Lucien, a twin to the one sent for Helion, but as soon as he saw the mention of you, Tamlin instantly agreed to the request to descend upon the Autumn Court. Though, what surprised him more was that he had been invited to the private residence of Fir Manor for the meeting, which meant that the matter was too important to speak of in a fortress of deceptive ears.
Fir Manor was a truly beautiful estate, towering oak beams encased by vines and delicate flowers, pale brickwork and a thatched but sturdy roof, large windows that oozed comfort, and gardens littered with fountains and the faint chipper of birds as they soared from branch to branch. Stones clashed beneath his feet, the sound alerting the inhabitants of the home to his presence; he wasn't exactly late, but by the faint scent of musk and petrichor Tamlin knew that Helion was already in the confinements of the manor.
The door opened as Tamlin stepped onto the porch, drinking in the wicker chairs facing outward to the pond, a blanket draped across the back that told him that it was someone's favourite spot. Nesta appeared before him, she seemed unphased by his presence, but her eyes were thankful and full of relief, "Tamlin," she greeted in monotone, she wouldn't forget what he had done to Feyre, but if he could help you then she could certainly forgive him for it.
"Nesta," Tamlin greeted with equal tone, wary of Lady Death in all of her glory. Nesta was poised, her shoulders straightened as she observed him; she stepped to the side so that he may be able enter, and he angled past her.
The interior was just as charming as the exterior, a log fire burned at the centre of the far wall, exposed wooden beams loomed overhead that connected to the coffee hued walls littered with golden embellishments; the seating area was rooted in place, large feather cushions sat atop plush red wine seating, and an array of artworks kissed the walls.
A faint scent clung to the air, one that Tamlin immediately recognised as yours, but it was a whisper on the atmosphere, like the home was clutching onto it, trying to inhale it into its bones so that an aspect of you might live with it for eternity. "Tamlin. Thank you for coming," Eris spoke from by the fire.
Noting his dishevelled appearance, Tamlin frowned, speckles of mud splayed up his riding boots, no doubt from a hasty morning ride through the forest. Eris' hair was messy and eyes weary and full of worry, the amber whisky hue dimming with every wrenching thought that shook through his mind.
Something was very off about the High Lord, and Tamlin couldn't quite put it together. He took the seat beside Helion, greeting him with the same pallid politeness before moving his gaze over to Lucien who nodded stiffly in his direction.
Tamlin returned the action and then allowed his eyes to wander about the room, noting all of its inhabitants, and then finding himself thinking of you and the intoxicating scent he often thought of. It was no secret that Tamlin held some form of affection toward you, he, like Eris, had grown up around you, seeing you grow and flourish into the impressive woman that you had become.
"Where is y/n? The note mentioned her, I thought she'd be here."
Eris visibly tensed at the question, squeezing his eyes shut and sighing before crossing the small space between the fire and the closest armchair and finding comfort within it, "Rhys has her."
The High Lord of Day frowned and moved from his lax position on the seat, leaning forward and examining the ire within the Autumn male, "What is that supposed to mean?"
Much like Tamlin did, Helion also thought very fondly of you, he enjoyed the wit and sass that radiated from you as well as the way you carried yourself, dangerously sultry yet elegant. Helion had asked Rhys for your hand multiple times, believing that you would make the finest High Lady, and his patience wavering each time he was shot down. Though, that didn't halt Helion from seeking you out at every dinner party or ball, he enjoyed your company greatly, as much as he enjoyed that beautifully knowledgeable mind you kept under lock and key.
"The day of your birthday, y/n found out that Rhys had sought to lock her away in Velaris for her entire life simply because she was more powerful than him, because her power threatened his position. Rhys used her to do his bidding, to be the terrifying monster of Velaris, he used her to threaten his enemies, but she was never able to leave the court without supervision. Rhys made y/n into a prisoner and she didn't even realise it," Eris recounted the knowledge as well as the pain in your face the moment you had figured out what he had done, "That night, y/n denounced her home and title and joined me here, Nesta, Elain and Lucien followed soon after."
"Rhys found her at the boarder to Winter whilst she was exploring, didn't realise how far she had strayed," Eris shook his head softly and inhaled deeply before he continued on, "He threatened us, he told her that he would kill us all if she didn't return, using the eons old Night Court tradition that an unmated female was the property of her family until they decided who to bestow her hand to."
Eris dragged his thumb over his bottom lip, trying to remember the way yours melted into his and the way they tasted on his tongue. It was difficult to ignore the bond that had opened within him, every inch of his essence was begging him to infiltrate the Night Court and save you, but his mind knew how dangerous that would be; if Rhys even caught one whiff of him then he would commit any manner of gut-wrenching acts upon you.
"And she's there now?" Helion enquired, the gold of his headpiece reflecting in the sunlight, scattering a glow across the ceiling, "Do we know if she is alive?"
The mere thought of you six feet underground made fury blaze within him, it was clear by how his entire body clenched, "We believe that she is, but we have no way of knowing," Nesta spoke for him from her seat to his side, "Rhys would have punished her for defecting, how, we don't know but we do know that he wouldn't have allowed her to continue on with her old life there. All of our contacts in the Night Court have been silent, there have been little to no whisperings of her, the only thing they know is that she has been said to be sick and is on strict orders to rest."
A blatant lie.
Throughout the entire display of information, Tamlin couldn't keep his eyes off of Eris, noting the way he shuffled in his seat and how his fingers would occasionally drift over his chest. Not needing to listen to Nesta for another moment longer, Tamlin cut through her words, "If you want our help then you will tell us the truth."
Eris' orbs burned, sticking to Tamlin with anguish before moving to Nesta, Eris nodded curtly and only once, a silent permission to divulge whatever it was that they were hiding. Nesta sighed, "There is a demon living within y/n. Amarantha placed it there the night she stole her wings Under The Mountain, she wanted to use y/n as a host, and if not y/n then the first child she could produce," Helion inhaled sharply, not expecting anything of the sort to ever be spoken in his lifetime. "That's not all," her voice drifted off but she didn't look to Eris, it was important that Tamlin and Helion knew everything, "Rhys also removed memories from both Eris and y/n, of the time they spent together throughout the years, of the love they shared."
A secret love that no one should have known of, but someone had sold you both out.
Helion's eyes drifted closed as he attempted to process the information. There was a demon living inside of the woman he admired. Rhys had taken you as a prisoner. Rhys had removed all memories of you and Eris from one another's minds. You and Eris loved one another. "You're her mate, aren't you?"
A gruff hum filled the void, "Yes. We are also Carranam."
Tamlin had heard of it, once, which told him that such a thing was a rarity, "Carranam," the word rolled off of his tongue, and he knew from the way Helion tensed beside him that he too knew what it meant. A bond that ran deeper than a mating bond, a bond that made the mating bond seem pale in comparison, "Rhys took your memories from one another so that her power couldn't be amplified by you, and then confined her to the Night Court so that she would never find out. A prisoner in her own home."
It was barbaric. To steal your chance of love away from you and confine you to your home court, and then have the gall to spread word of your monstrosity across the continent.
"I can't feel her," Eris strained, doing his best not to choke on the pain of the void dwelling within his soul, "He's done something to her, I know it."
Before them sat a male completely wracked by guilt and worry, who was clearly struggling to sleep, whose entire court was mourning the loss of you. Lucien was right, they couldn't sit by and allow history to paint this image of your demise.
"You're right," a genteel voice drifted from the doorway, the pop of red hair had Nesta rising from her seat almost immediately. The woman removed her hood, her red braid sweeping over her shoulders and blue eyes frantic, "I'm sorry that I couldn't send word, I couldn't trust anyone else with this information."
Nesta crossed the room, "Gwyn, what are you doing here?"
Gwyn was as pallid as a bedsheet drifting in the summer breeze, exhaustion fell from her, "Y/N sent me, and I brought you this," Gwyn presented a book from under her cloak, not just any book, it was the tome Amarantha had written that depicted every single thing that she knew of you, "I came as soon as I could."
"Y/N sent you?"
The woman nodded toward Eris, her lips curling downward, "She did. She asked me to deliver a message," her bottom lip wobbled slightly, "She asked me to tell you that she loves you, all of you," she emphasised, her sight flickering to Elain and Lucien, "She asked me to tell you that no matter what happens to her that there is no place you could go where she wouldn't be with you."
The final words of a woman losing the fight.
Eris stood, "Where is she?"
The tone of his voice made the temperature of the manor rise, and the walls vibrated with it, "Rhys, what he's done - I can't serve anyone like that. I refuse."
Nesta grasped her friends forearms, willing her to focus, "I need you tell us where she is, and what has happened to her, Gwyn. Now."
"Rhys hired someone to manufacture some kind of collars, they've melted into her skin, they've drained her of all of her power and life, she's completely defenceless now. Cassian is trying to help her, so are Mor and Amren, they all know that he's gone mad. I don't think that she can hold on for much longer," Gwyn blinked hard, washing away the images of your thinning body and grey skin from her mind, "Rhys has moved her to the prison, Azriel told him that he saw Tamlin and Helion enter the Autumn Court and he moved her there as punishment."
Nesta dropped Gwyn's arms and stumbled backward, the dread and terror pooling into her gut at the image of you shivering in a cell. Alone and believing that no one was coming for you.
Eris reached into that bond, tugging at it harder and allowed part of himself to travel with it, almost whimpering when it was met by a wall of agony and darkness, pinging back to him like an injured animal searching for comfort.
"Call the meeting," Silence followed Nesta's dangerously low voice, and it only irked her fury more, "Call the fucking meeting," Nesta turned to Helion who had taken the book from Gwyn, he was flitting through the pages, his eyes pouring over every word and rune etched upon the pages. "If you care about her at all, you will do it. If you don't then I will destroy you, Helion. She'll die in there."
It had to be Helion. Rhys would find disrespecting Tamlin too joyous, but he wouldn't dare to show the same disrespect to Helion, not if he wanted their courts to continue their alliance, not if he wanted to avoid an all out war.
Helion's gaze lifted from the tome, his heart rumbling with what lined the pages, "Consider it done," he rose from his seat, his white tunic pooling at his sandalled ankles, "I'm taking this, I think there may be a code in this book which will help us free her of that demon."
The High Lord of Spring also stood, anger coursing through his veins at the revelation that one of the few people who ever truly saw him was locked away and suffering in one of the most inhumane places on the continent. It didn't matter to Tamlin that your mate was Eris, despite the tinge of jealousy that swarmed him that Eris was the one who able to call you his, all that mattered to Tamlin was that you were free and healthy, that you had the choice to be whatever you wanted to be. "It may take a couple of days, please try to be patient. I know that it's a ridiculous ask but we all need to prepare, and give the other High Lords time to respond to the request. We'll need all of them."
Approaching Eris, Tamlin rested a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry that this has happened to you," his words were solemn but he was being truthful, "We will return her to you, and we will do everything that we can to free her from the demon inside of her. I promise you."
Wasting no time, Helion muttered a short farewell, clutching the tome to his chest and winnowing from sight, hurrying to send the request to the High Lords of the continent to ascend upon the Day Court Palace as a matter of urgency.
Moments later, Tamlin also said his goodbyes, strolling from the hearth of the manor toward the boarder where Spring met Autumn, doing his best not to listen to the gut wrenching roar that erupted from Eris the moment he stepped beyond the treeline.
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Author's Note
Breaking my own heart right now 🥺
Also very sorry for the delay, haven’t been very well recently so just been trying to recover 🫶🏻
@mybestfriendmademe @jesskidding3 @rosewood-cafe @fandomarchiveilyd @brujitafantomatico @crazylokonugget @mai-adaptive-dreams @magicstrengthandcourage @acourtofmoonlightandstars @ysmtttty @lilah-asteria @circe143 @xyzmeh @paleidiot @namelesssav @amberlynn98 @acourtofbatboydreams @azrielsmate3 @ivy-34 @mp-littlebit @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @ifonlyiwerefiction @pirana10 @donttellthecats @padbaeamidla @oucereeng @andreperez11 @demonicbusiness @megscabinetofcurios @superspideyparker @julesofvolterra @5onedirection5 @darling006 @coldmermaidhologram @herondale-lightworm
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mogitz · 6 months
Don't think about Lucien Vanserra witnessing the unspeakable: his world crumbling as the love of his life is ripped away from him and murdered right before his eyes. Don't picture his brothers holding him back, making him watch it all - every excruciating detail - as he's powerless to stop it.
Forget the image of him, broken and bleeding, dragging himself to the sanctuary of the Spring Court boundary, barely making it over the line before his knees give out beneath him. Don’t think about the emptiness that surely follows, nor the weight of his grief so heavy it's a wonder he could even stand to make it to safety in the first place. Don’t think about all the times on his journey he just wanted to give up altogether, but pushed on so that Jesminda’s death was not in vain.
Don't think about him having to turn against two of his own brothers, killing them in a twisted act of vengeance that feels nothing like the justice he sought. Resist the thought of him taking weeks, months, (years??) to mourn in solitude because Tamlin, though knowing loss to this magnitude as well, could not possibly navigate the depths of Lucien's grief. Thus, Lucien was left to weather his storm of sorrow and loss the same way Tamlin had weathered his own - alone - hiding away from a world that had taken everything from him
Don’t picture him upon the dawn-kissed roof of the Spring manor, where the dance of pinks and oranges and blues in the sky only seems to deepen his yearning for an Autumn forever lost to him. And don’t think about how in the Spring Court he has found some kind of solace... but never peace. How despite finding a home there, his soul remains restless, wandering, always running from the shadows of his past. Running from his future. Running from himself.
And please don’t think about how Lucien's gratefulness to Tamlin for giving him something close to a family results in a loyalty so profound that he'd walk into hell for him. Which he does - right into Amarantha’s clutches - only to come back less than whole, another piece of him stolen away.
That beauty he was known for? Gone.
Just like everything else.
Don’t imagine Lucien slowly piecing himself back together - inch by painstaking inch. Forget about the way he masters the art of sarcasm and humor, how he wields his wit like a shield to keep others at bay, to convince them, and maybe himself, that he's not hurting as much as he is. That beneath the quips and the easy smiles lies a well of pain and self-doubt so deep it's become part of who he is. That this levity he brings into every room is, in truth, the heaviest thing he carries.
And hey. Don't think about Lucien giving up any hope of being wanted, of being loved again. That his chance at having a mate, a true partner, was as dead as his former lover.
Or how, in a twist that must have amused fate itself, the Cauldron surprises him with a mate in Elain Archeron: his undeniable yet unwilling counterpart. How from nowhere, a bond snaps into place, redefining his destiny and sealing a connection that he'd long since given up on.
And don't think about how when Lucien's eyes meet Elain’s, somewhere beneath all the layers of loss and hurt and betrayal….  a spark of hope dares to ignite once more.
And then absolutely don't let your thoughts wander to his heart being trampled on, again, when he realizes that Elain - like everyone else - doesn’t want him. But at this point he’s not even surprised. It’s just another sharp sting in a lifetime's collection of disappointments and cruel irony. Don't dwell on how he's gotten so used to the taste of rejection and the feeling of being unworthy that he doesn't even think about trying to change her mind about him. Because, what's the point, right? Why bother when history has shown him, time and time again, that even just hoping seems to lead him to more pain?
Don’t think about how despite this, he still seeks her out just enough to show he’s willing to give it a shot if she is. How against his every instinct to protect himself, he keeps himself open to the slightest possibility of her, knowing it just leaves the door open to be hurt. And don't think about how every time Elain shies away from him, every time she looks through him or chooses to keep her distance, it just reinforces  his walls, makes him retreat a little more behind his carefully constructed façade. Because facing that rejection head-on, acknowledging it, would mean admitting to himself that he's still holding onto a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, she could see past the surface. That she could want him, not despite of all he's been through, but because of it. That she could be the one to see him, really see him, and not turn away.
So, yeah, don’t go there. It's easier to laugh it off, to pretend it doesn't matter, than to face the possibility of another door closing in his face. Easier to keep up the act, to be the Lucien everyone expects - charming, sarcastic, unbothered - than to risk showing just how much Elain's avoidance cuts him to the core.
But don’t think about it. 
Because acknowledging that Lucien's humor and charm are just his way of coping? That means seeing the depth of his loneliness, the real Lucien who's been hiding in plain sight, waiting for someone to care enough to look closer. And understanding that? It's realizing that beneath the façade, Lucien's just waiting for someone to prove him wrong, to show him he's worth the risk, worth the love he's convinced himself he doesn't deserve.
And Elain, with her quiet strength and her own hidden depths, might just be the one to see the real Lucien. To challenge the walls he's built around himself, if only he could believe, one more time, that he's worthy of being chosen, of being loved.
But perhaps Mor is right - they aren’t ready. And Lucien’s not sure he’s ready to gamble his heart on hope again. Not yet, anyway.
So, really, don’t think about it—unless you’re ready to root for them, to believe in the kind of love that could be their light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Because Lucien and Elain? They could be something epic, a testament to the power of second chances and the strength of a love that comes when you least expect it but most need it. That their path isn’t just about two people finding love in an unfair world that has taken the things they both hold dear; it’s a journey of coming back to life after being lost in the dark for far too long.
So yeah, just don’t. It’s a lot.
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nightingale2004 · 4 months
Severus Snape as a celebrity singer AU headcanon
Severus got his first guitar from his father, who won it and gave it to Severus (the only nice thing Tobias ever gave his own son)
After he got the guitar, he taught himself how to play it and started performing in the privacy of his own room, then he slowly started playing in the streets and then soon on the stage of bars under the stage name "Severus Prince"
He started earning money as an underground singer, but then CEO Tom Riddle and a few of his colleagues discovered Severus and made him famous in a snap and even helped him with money for school per Severus's request (if the singer thing didn't work out)
Severus's music has a similar vibe to Lana del Ray, Melanie Martinez, NF, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, Bastille, and Billie Eilish
His genres of music would be rock, metal, punk, classical, no doubt some techno, and of course goth
His first year working for Tom Riddle, he was with a band, calling it "The Half-blood Prince." After Severus's high school years, they disbanded
Severus was facing a very toxic environment working for Tom, and he wasn't singing songs that fit Severus. He was even facing depression and self-harm, but he would write in his own little songbook to let it out
Eventually, he left the Riddle company and worked with Dumbledore in his company, where he had more freedom to sing what he wanted instead of what Riddle made him do.
He and Lily were friends but quickly grew apart as they grew up
Lily is one of the managers working for Dumbledore along with her new husband James Potter, who was a former member of a once popular band called "The Marauders" , now he is also a manager to his best friend, former band mate and current big time celebrity Sirius Black
Severus, during his time with Dumbledore and his company, he went on a down low recovery to help himself from what he experienced in his past and from Riddle company
As he recovered, he started singing songs and releasing a bunch of albums that were relatable to a lot of people. (Lost loves, trauma, depression, mental health, abuse, betrayal, fake friends, toxic relationships, etc. He even wrote a song about his mother)
Severus, despite his music, doesn't like the constant attention and still keeps to himself.
He has a rivalry with famous actor and singer, Sirius Black
Severus is known as a very mysterious celebrity. He tends not to give much about his past or what he went through but his fans and haters have their theories
He secretly donates his money to the children of Spinners' end so that they could have a better life and education than he ever had
He eventually reconnects with Lily, and they get somewhat close, but there's still a wall there
Severus was once engaged to Mulciber before he quiet, but weeks after their engagement, Mulciber died due to overdose
Severus is said to have the voice of a siren
He also gives off an Eric Draven vibe
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original-art-stories · 4 months
Merlin Fanfic list>>>
For Want of a Nail by OhThereBigBadWolf. I feel like this is a BAMF! Merlin, though it isn't tagged as such. Either way, it's still a good fic. "Fleeing from Essetir in the bloody beginnings of the Purge, Hunith finds herself on the doorstep of old friends. That's all it takes to untangle the skeins of destiny and weave a new tapestry."
I suppose that I look different (Without the robes and crown) by WingedWolf21. "When Arthur blows the horn of Cathbdhah for the second time, the horn doesn’t just send Uther to the other world. It sends Arthur away as well – to a world where Ygraine never died, the Great Purge never happened, and magic lives freely at court. As do those who practice it."
Stars Above, Stones Below By Destina. "After the disastrous end of his betrothal to Gwen and the regret of his offer to Princess Mithian, Arthur swears off finding a wife until he's ready to wed. When Merlin offers himself to Arthur as bedmate, Arthur suggests they hand-fast in secret for a single year of mutual pleasure without obligation. As their year together unfolds, and secrets and betrayals unravel around them, Arthur and Merlin learn there is no such thing as uncomplicated pleasure. Everything they thought they knew could change in a single year."
Give the Dragon a Chilli by Supercalvin. Modern with Magic. "Aithusa might have been no bigger than a house cat but she was still a dragon. That meant wings, claws, and her hoard, which in Aithusa’s case included soft pillows, fluffy socks, and much to Merlin’s chagrin, stolen pants. When Merlin found out that his winged ward had stolen a rather considerable pile of clothing for her hoard, he thought that it would be the end of any kind of friendship with his neighbor. But when Merlin met the victim of Aithusa’s burglary, he was pleasantly surprised to find Arthur, a man who had never in his life seen a dragon let alone a burglarizing one, and Cavall, a curious German Shepherd puppy who was quick to befriend the little white dragon. From there, it was only the beginning."
The Student Prince by FayJay. Very famous this one, you probably know it already. Modern with Magic, BAMF!Merlin and Reincarnation. "A Modern-day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love..."
Dew Point by kinase. Modern with magic, BAMF! Merlin "Arthur Pendragon is as popular and successful as a sixth former can be. He hasn’t quite figured out his future yet, but it’s going to be brilliant, he’s certain. At least until some daring stranger on a cool motorcycle topples his world upside down on the first day of school. Modern magical AU".
The Wall of Arthur by supercalvin. ModernAU has no magic, but this is just adorable, I love it. "In a surprisingly good David Attenborough impression, Gwaine said, “Here you see the remarkable mating ritual of the Merlin and the Arthur. Which involves mostly insults and swearing.”
Or: How Merlin and Arthur Met and Why There is a Restroom Wall Dedicated to Arthur’s Ass"
In Love With My Radio by lunchee. ModernAU is funny and sweet. Good fic. "Merlin listens to the radio, Arthur stalks Merlin, Morgana lives to create chaos in Arthur's life, and then everyone goes to McDonalds! Also, love happens.
From the km prompt: Arthur has an anonymous blog/LJ/twitter where he posts about his life, and Merlin follows it RELIGIOUSLY. Arthur starts posting about how he's stalking this amazingly hot guy.
My Significant Bother
Merlin's job as PR junior on the royal account isn't as glamorous as people believe: Most nights, he's saving Arthur, Duke of York and black sheep of the family, from possibly committing monarchy-shattering shenanigans. When tragedy hits and Arthur is now second in line to the throne, the public doesn't react too favorably to the new Prince of Wales.
A solution has to be found and Merlin's contribution is key to the problem: Roped into posing as Arthur's fake boyfriend, he's supposed to make Arthur's popularity levels rise with his steadfast and relatable presence and elevate him from scandalous rake to romantic figure...
For Without You I Am Lost
What if… Throughout the centuries, the magic in Merlin grew? Like, every sorcerer/witch and so on has a limit for growth, yeah? Some level that they reach and that’s it. No more power for you. But Merlin /doesn’t/ since he’s not /with/ magic but instead /is/ magic. So. Like. It grew with him and he learned more and more but he’s all alone, right? Has no Anchor. So he’s doing all he can, spreading the knowledge, educating people on and about magic and for a while it works. Magic is accepted, taught, even revered all over the world. The world prospers. Peace and harmony grows. Yeah, sure, there’s baddies from time to time but in general all is well yeah?
But… All this power that keeps on growing inside. What if it… Starts corrupting him? Like. Unintentionally, bit by bit. He doesn’t even notice that some of his decisions sHOuLd seem… Wrong, maybe..? But.. Power grows and grows and morality blurs for him. After all, he’s all alone. He has no one there for him. He’s always there for the EntiRe PoPulaTion of the WoRLd, but HE’S alone.
So what if… Arthur returns because Albion’s greatest need is to be saved… From Merlin..?
We Begin Again (Series)
*** Absolute fave. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read this series, especially the first two books ***
For many long years Merlin waited.
For the other part of his soul, for the other half of his life. He was born to serve Arthur. So that meant he was also born to wait. Even if it took a thousand years. Even if the wait seemed never to end.
Until one day, suddenly, it did.
When Arthur stumbles from the Lake of Avalon 1,500 years after his death, he finds a world unlike the one he knew. Faced with the loss of everyone he loved, and the threat of impending prophecy, Arthur must learn what it means to be not just a king, but the Once and Future King. Merlin does all he can to guide him, even as he struggles to hide his love for his king, and his fear of losing him again.
Story includes sass, banter, horseplay, & True Love.
In For Keeps
Merlin and Prince Arthur have been in a relationship for a while, unbeknownst to others. Arthur is ready to take the next step and make them official, but Merlin isn’t yet. The restrictions on his life and the mere idea of the lack of privacy seem too much for him to bear.
Separated over Christmas, overworked and overwrought, an accident befalls Arthur.
Cue a worried Merlin racing overnight on a trouble-ridden trip to Scotland on Christmas Eve.
Well, the course of true love never runs smooth...
*** I swear I’ve read these a million times ***
The Pact
The ancient Albion Pact demands that the Prince of Wales must take someone magic born as his soul-bonded consort by the time he is 30 or face death. Before he was a Detective Inspector Warlock, Merlin Emrys was young and in love and made a promise to Prince Arthur -- and now Arthur is calling it in.
The Lonely King
The Prince of Wales at his school. Merlin was sure it was all just a very bad joke. A modern royalty AU.
There Are No Gays In Football
When a deeply-closeted Arthur Pendragon finally earns a spot in Camelot's first XI, he's dead set on breaking records, not one of sport's last taboos. But life, like football, is a funny old game, and sometimes the only way up is out. Especially once he realizes he's arse over tit for the new physio.
A queer Arthurian tale of courage, love, and football.
The Difference of You
It’s not that Arthur Pendragon can’t get girls to fall for him; it’s just that he can’t seem to keep them around. Relationships and Arthur aren't on the same page at all, really, but one day there's Merlin on a bus and then it's different.
But it’s a Good Refrain
Arthur doesn't care much about the popular radio program Dragon's Lonely Hearts until his ex-girlfriend calls in to slag him off and get advice. When he calls in and has an on-air argument with the host, it starts off more than he expected, including meddling friends, over involved fans, and maybe love.
No Matter How Far Away You Roam
“I was wondering if you might come home with me.” Merlin stops mid-rant and stares at him, and then down at his panini again, and back at Arthur. This is a panini of lies and pain. He can tell already.
“For Christmas? I’ve got an uncle and a mother and a sister waiting for me at home, in case you hadn’t remembered, I’m not going home with you just because you’re a workaholic.”
“No, it’s. My mum might be under the impression that we’re a little bit married.”
In which Merlin gets conned into spending Christmas with Arthur's family and pretending to be his husband, because somehow this is his life
Magic Reveal
What I’d have done
It’s set around season 3. It’s mostly Arthur centric and it’s really good. It’s not out of character at all and is a realistic depiction of what could have happened in cannon
These are my bookmarked favorites! I love these magic reveals!
In relief:
The Map of Honor:
By the Sword:
Dying to Return
Turn of the Tide:
 I tried to keep it plot heavy. Most are Arthur/Merlin, but a couple isn't.
Family Tree - Fic starts after defeating Cenred's forces and an army of the dead in the siege during the Tears of Uther Pendragon
Without Song - In which Arthur is envoy to a grieving family, and Merlin rides with him.
So Are They All, All Honourable Men - Merlin gets into a fight with a knight
I've come Too Far To See The End - Morgana finds out Merlin is Emrys.
Onfindan - The aftermath of Athur finding out
The Perfect Scry - Arthur finds out Merlin has magic and Merlin doesn't know he has magic. So Arthur does what any BFF would do: everything he can to keep Merlin from finding out he has magic so he don't freak out.
After Ealdor - There’s a fine line between good and evil, and Merlin wonders if he’s crossed it
Pendragon Red - Camelot is overrun by sorcerers, Uther is dead, and Arthur wonders what the sorcerer want him and Merlin so much for.
They Call Him Emrys - Bring Emrys to the Dark Tower, Morgana demands. Or Gwen will die. Canon AU that diverges in mid S5.
The Best-Laid Plans - A group of mercenaries pose as Knights of Camelot after the disaster of Agravaine and the dragon. They run into Arthur and his Knights.
The Immortal’s Encore series
Believing that he has long since failed in his destiny, an immortal Merlin decides the only way to make things right is to break the barriers of time, rewrite history, and correct his mistakes. Unfortunately, such a task is not so simple in practice. The threads of time are a slippery opponent, and people are not easily made pawns in destiny's game. And perhaps the greatest threat of them all? Merlin himself. A millenium has left him greatly changed. Is he still the man that destiny chose, or will Merlin's return only bring a new doom to Camelot with it?
Not very well known. This is one of the best fanfics I ever read. I’ve checked so many of the classics and most of the most commented, most bookmarked ones, with the most kudos. I’ve accidentally stumbled on this one and since that day I am completely obsessed with it. The best BAMF Merlin I ever read, the writing style is impeccable, the plot is smart and well planned and thought through, characterisations are on point, the consequences are realistic and so complex. I cannot recommend this enough. There are 4 works in the story so far and it’s WIP, but the writer is very productive and disciplined, the updates are happening once or twice a week.
Lay Your Head on The Shoulder of a Good Friend
With Camelot readying for the upcoming gathering of rulers of the Southern Kingdoms to discuss peace, Uther has tasked Arthur with an additional duty: befriend the Prince of Essetir and learn anything he can of King Balinor, and of magic, and of dragons, that might be of interest should the treaty not succeed.
That's easier said than done, as he and Prince Merlin don't exactly hit it off immediately. But, befriending Merlin and learning of magic and life in Essetir leads Arthur down the paths of discovering long held secrets surrounding his own birth, and his mother's ill health, and his father's hatred of all things magic.
Adding even more complications to the mix are rowdy knights, frustrating princesses, a possible traitor in their midst, and an overly-verbose dragon; not to mention the burgeoning and peculiar feelings for his fellow prince that Arthur struggles to put a name to.
I love this fanfic. It’s written by Skitz_phenom, not very well known, but this author is amazing. Incredible BAMF Merlin, Arthur & Merlin are so very well written, she/he written one of the best sexiest and steamiest scenes in Merthur fanfic world. The story is great and touches your heart. Completed.
If you will enjoy this, I highly recommend checking their other works.
N16 writes great magic reveal fanfics (not just)
There are 24 works written by this author. I haven’t read them all, but the ones I’ve checked are great. The theme of so many of N16 fanfic stories is the reveal.
To Kill a Nightmare is one of those. It include BAMF Merlin tag as well. Once again, if you enjoy it, check the other works of this talented author.
These are various lists from different individuals that I saved in a document some time ago.I need to free up space on my computer… However, I'm hesitant to delete them. I'm not familiar with all the blogs mentioned; if you recognize any, please inform me!
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clockwork-ashes · 13 days
Day 3 - Healing | Betrayal
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Note: for day 3 of @erisweekofficial <3 i think maybe the relationship eris has with lucien will begin to heal if they both have the same goal! thank you for reading :)
Summary: Eris is invited by Lucien to the human lands, except he does not know the reason why (one-shot). Read also on Ao3 <3
Eris raised an eyebrow, looking into the glass he held. He swirled the red wine in an elegant gesture, the golden rings on each of his fingers sparkling in the light filtering through the partly closed curtains. 
“It’s not poisoned, is it?” Eris asked, breathing in deeply, making a show of it as he brought the glass closer to his face. He scrunched his nose in distaste at the sharp scent of the human alcohol.
Lucien frowned in response, his voice cold as he spoke. “I think it would take a lot more than just a little poison to kill you, Eris.” There were flames simmering in his russet eye, the golden one clicking and whirring softly.  
Eris struggled not to stare at the scars cutting a wicked path down his brother’s face, the permanent marks a painful reminder of all the ways in which he had failed him. He hummed absently before taking a long drink, nearly emptying the contents of his glass. He had to hold back a cough at the bitter taste, earning the flash of a knowing smile from Jurian. 
The former general sat next to Lucien on the ridiculous pink sofa, his legs taking up an unnecessary amount of space. While Queen Vassa was able to sit on Jurian’s other side, their shoulders touching, Elain Archeron was left with no choice but to sit on the armrest. Eris took note that she had purposefully decided to stay as far from his brother as she could, but he thought it was best not to mention the obvious. 
“Are any of you going to tell me why my presence was requested here tonight?” Eris let flames flare in his amber eyes as they rested on his brother’s mate. When she did not balk from his heavy gaze, he bowed his head in acknowledgment and approval. She pressed her lips together tightly, ignoring what he had said.
Vassa inched forward, pushing herself away from where she was leaning on the couch so that she sat closer to the cushion’s edge. Her attention was on Lucien, who licked at the small scar on his mouth, the action seeming unconscious. 
Elain cleared her throat, breaking the silence briefly, but adding another layer of awkwardness as no one addressed his question. 
“I sincerely doubt you’ve invited me to your home as a social visit,” Eris continued, scanning his surroundings while appearing to be bored. Receiving a letter in Lucien’s handwriting had come as a surprise to him, but the contents were so vague that it made him worry just slightly. “Although it’s always a pleasure seeing you, Lady Elain Archeron of the Night Court,” he purred, almost suggestively as an afterthought.
Lucien’s answering snarl was enough to bring an amused tilt to the Autumn heir’s lips. Elain tensed at the sound, although she said nothing. A dark blush bloomed along her cheekbones, reaching the tips of her pointed ears. 
“We always have such a nice time when you stop by unannounced,” Jurian interjected before either of them could respond, his statement dripping sarcasm. “Is it so hard to believe we just wanted to drink some wine with you?” 
Eris snorted, looking down his nose at the general. “I’d sooner believe that the world had spun free of its axis.” 
Jurian shrugged, his body language suggesting he cared very little about what the Autumn Court prince believed. Eris had to admit that it was admirable, but if anyone were to ask he would have steadfastly denied it. 
“I wanted to bring you here,” Elain spoke softly, but her voice carried in the small space with a hidden strength. “I needed to speak with you.” 
Eris furrowed his brows, the index finger of his one hand tracing the stitches on his armchair while the other still held his glass of wine. He could think of no reason as to why she would want anything to do with him. He quickly switched his expression to one of courtly arrogance. “You didn’t have to bring me to the human lands, I would have gone to the Hewn City for you, my lady.” 
Perhaps it was the slight connotation of possession that Eris had implied with his words, but he watched as Lucien’s face twisted in anger. In a decision prompted by years of frustration with how their relationship had crumbled, Eris wanted to see how far he had to push the other male before he snapped. He tilted his head just a fraction and clicked his tongue. “That’s hardly any way to treat your favourite brother.” 
As soon as the words had left his mouth, Lucien shifted forward. Jurian threw his arm out, keeping his friend in place. Elain’s dark eyes cautiously flicked between them, but she made no move to intervene. 
“That’s enough,” Vassa declared, sounding every bit like the royal she was. There was an unspoken threat in her gaze as she glared at Eris, unwavering. 
The fingers of Lucien’s hand slowly curled into a fist and Eris paused as he noticed. He briefly wondered if his younger brother was going to hit him, might have even welcomed it. “I think we should speak alone for a bit,” he suggested. 
Lucien’s shoulders tensed in understanding, he almost seemed eager for a fight. 
“No,” Vassa waved her arm, capturing everyone’s attention. “Not happening.”
Jurian placed a comforting hand on the queen’s thigh, nodding. “Something tells me only one of you will be left alive if we leave you alone.”
All the blood had drained from Elain’s pretty face, worry lining her features as she added, “I can’t imagine explaining to the rest of Prythian that we let you kill each other under our roof.” He had not known Elain was living with Lucien and his friends, had been completely unaware that she was no longer in Velaris. 
“All you have to do is say our family name.” Eris faced her, golden flames flaring in his eyes as his lips pulled up into a mockery of a friendly smile. “Such things happen more often than you’d think.” 
Elain’s jaw dropped ever so slightly, even Vassa and Jurian seemed a little shocked by his words. It was as though they had suddenly remembered who was in front of them, had been reminded of his ruthless reputation. Eris could have laughed. They had let a monster into their home and had invited him to sit down for wine. 
Eris turned away from them, looking to Lucien, “I’m going to leave now.” He drained the last of his drink, setting his glass onto the low table and making to stand from his seat. “I’ve wasted enough time being here, I’ll show myself out.” 
No one followed Eris as he walked into the short corridor leading to the foyer. The sound of his boots echoing against the wooden floors created an illusion of the house being much bigger than it actually was. By the time he had made it to the door, his fingers nearly touching the iron handle, he was already thinking about the many different responsibilities he had pushed aside to go to the human lands. He only stopped short of winnowing in a flurry of embers at the sound of a quiet voice behind him.
“Wait.” Elain choked out. “Eris, wait.” 
He breathed out a long sigh, turning sharply to look down at her. She was small compared to him, her hand held out as though she would have grabbed onto his jacket to prevent him from leaving. “Whatever it is, I’m sure—”
“I can help you kill your father.” Elain announced, her statement hanging in the air between them. 
A chill crawled up Eris’s spine as the idea rolled around in his mind. “The Inner Circle has promised to support my bid for the throne.” Even to his own ears, the words seemed empty, intangible. 
“I can help you now,” she insisted, a frustrated edge to her voice. “I know I can, but you need to talk to Lucien, fix whatever is broken between you, and you're going to have to trust me.” 
Before Eris could respond, Elain reached for him, gently holding onto his hand in a gesture that was entirely unguarded. For a moment, the world went dark, the ground pulled from beneath his feet. 
Eris stood next to Lucien, crowns made of leaves dipped in gold rested on both of their heads. There was a dagger, the blade wet with blood, in his hands. 
A bird of flame flew into the sky, cutting a path forward, always forward. Eris moved to follow, his first step heavy as he kicked something. 
When he looked down, a dark trail of scarlet directed his gaze to the decapitated head of the High Lord of the Autumn Court. 
Beron’s dark eyes were open, their depths endless, looking like a bottomless lake. 
Eris felt like he was drowning. 
Elain looked up at him innocently as he jerked away from her. He stumbled clumsily, hitting his back against the door. “What the fuck was that?” Eris breathed as he regained a better sense of his surroundings. 
“The future.” Elain said ominously, offering him a vicious smile, hardly embodying the traits of a sheltered noblewoman. “I’m going to help you and Lucien kill your father.” 
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flaresemily · 1 month
HELLO ❤️. I was wondering if you could do a Killer Peter x reader where the reader is like Peter in regards that she was with him in the 'glory' when they were you and always admired him from afar but could never go to to him. Reader always strive to be strong and was always Peter's partner on mission when they were younger because reader doesn't know that Peter always specifically asked for her to be his partner because she was the only person he trusted and so after Peter's betrayal they hunt down reader too because they thought Peter might show up to save her (but it turns out Peter cut ties with reader after his betrayal ,but before that reader knew about Peter's plan to leave the glory and she wanted to assure him she will always be there to help but Peter instead says some mean stuff to reader like him not needing her and her being a liability to him , that all that stuff they went through together on missions was just teammate stuff and nothing else like him👏being 👏 a👏 jerk to reader)So reader escapes and gets turned young like Peter and enrolls in the high-school Peter and the gang go to. So she is the new hot student everyone is talking about. So when reader enters the class to introduce her self she instantly gets her male classmates attention but she doesn't care. She goes to introduce herself to her new seat mate (who is Peter) and when she gets a good look at his face, her face turns pale with realization. So the entire period she's just silent and nervous but she immediately rushes out after the bell for dismissal releases them. You can take it from there. Oh before I forget it's former friends to lovers but reader is like a former Apostle too.
Peter x Female Reader (Romantic)
Y/n was Peter's partner in every mission like…every mission.
You were a former apostle name [name].
You are also the same age as him and you knew about his plan on leaving the Glory.
So you always supported him in that discussion.
“Peter! Where are you going?” A woman (you) in her late forties asked him. “....Mission” he replied.
“Oh let me uhm…join you!”
She was startled by that.
And thus, she watches him leaving alone.
That was until a few years later (just imagine it okay when Peter is 63) that she found out Peter's betrayal towards the Glory.
They send out someone to execute her.
She successfully avoided it.
There is one thing y/n always wanted to do. And that is…
To watch a movie.
And so she did, before her ‘last moment’ as she says.
‘is this how it feels like to watch a movie…I mean…this is fun right..”
A single tear dropped from her eyes.
As the movie ends, she quickly makes her way out only to feel so…well…how do we say it…ah that's right, healthy.
It's like she was as strong as when she was younger!
‘wait…. younger?’ y/n quickly feel her face and the wrinkles are gone!
She looked down and she saw that her trembling legs were standing straight up like a young woman's legs!
She quickly ran to the nearest toilet and looked at the mirror and she couldn't believe herself. She was as beautiful as she remembers!
“It can't be…”
A few hours later…
She was on her way home, when she saw her house getting burned down. She was shocked! How could the Glory do this to her!
So she set her mind to take revenge!
The school was buzzing with the news of a hot new girl in the school. Peter, who was ‘hanging’ with his ‘gangs’ , heard the rumors.
As the teacher started to introduce the new student. She stepped in the classroom.
And there Peter's eyes widened at the sight. It was his old partner y/n the one who he always wanted to propose but couldn't due to his mission.
“My name is…N/n…n/n l/n”
“N/n you may go sit with Sun-Gu.” The teacher said.
“Yes teacher!” She literally gives the ‘cute eyes’ to the teacher as if playing the innocent girl game.
Making the boys in the classroom all fall for her charm.
As she walks towards Peter's desk/table.
She greeted him with a lovely smile.
“Hello my name is N/n~” she introduced herself.
“...my name is Kim Sun-Gu.”
All the boys ‘boo’ at him for the dried response but y/n just giggles at it.
And there it was…the start of their love story once again.
After school her desk/table was filled with love letters and probably some chocolate too.
While she was ‘gossiping’ she stole some glances towards Peter and somehow they made eye contact before her gaze was interrupted by the two ‘brothers’ that tried to flirt with her.
She only giggles in response to their stupidity.
He was glad for sure.
(The Amusement park one)
“So coach Lee said—-” Yuna's voice was cut off by y/n.
“Oh Yuna! Everyone, what are you doing here” y/n greeted them.
“Ah!! N/n! Hello!” Yuna Wave at her. *They call her n/n I write her as y/n
Y/n chuckle.
Peter could feel his heart beating loudly.
“Anyway, what are you four doing here? Isn't today supposed to be a school day?”
“Yeah you're right” Peter joined in the conversation.
“Then! I shall follow you!”
TIMESKIP AGAIN ( I'm not gonna do where Peter fight the villain cause idk how to explain it)
After they parted away from y/n.
They all decided to go to the haunted house after what Yuna just informed them.
Without noticing y/n was following them.
“Get ready…this is where our real mission begins.”
“What mission?” they were all startled with y/n voice from behind them.
Sadly before they could respond they all were out cold.
Peter woke up and saw that y/n was infront of him. Well…fainted.
While y/n was actually wide awake.
TIMESKIP WHEN PETER FOUND PARK SANGDO (I think that's his name I forgot)
She and Yuna both witness Peter's strength.
Yuna was shocked and mesmerized while y/n felt like she recognized the strength.
Right after they were all safe. She confronts Peter.
“Sun-Gu!! Can we talk?”
“Hm? Sure what is it darl– n/n”
“You are Peter right” she straight up questioned him.
“...what do you mea—”
“It's me! Y/n!”
“I'm sorry but wh—”
“Apostle [name] at your service sir!!” She saluted him.
His eyes widened…only y/n say those things.
“...why…why did you leave? Why the betrayal…” she started to sob.
And he slowly hugged her. “And how.are you so young! Aren't you supposed to be 63?”
“Same like you” he chuckled and hugged her tightly.
“I still won't forgive you!” She remembers something and pushes him away.
“What do you mean?”
“Don't play dumb!! I still remember those words you said to me that day!”
As in cue he remembers those words.
“Peter! Please let me follow you! Please”
She begged him.
It's true she's old but not that old! She is still in her late forties.
“I said no!! You are useless! And only a burden to me!!”
“I-am not!! I can fight well!”
“I…I didn't mean to..” she looked down.
And he scoff at her
“If it wasn't Simon…we would be dead!!”
“I'm sorry”
“Save it! I regret working with you!”
And that's the last thing she heard.
“See!! Remember now!”
“...I'm sorry”
“Save it! I don't want to hear—”
Her words were cut off by Peter kissing her.
She was shocked and dumbfounded.
And she melted into the kiss.
The End~
A little bit of…uh side story?
“Oi! Sun-Gu!! N/n!!” Yuna called out to them.
And they quickly act like nothing happened.
“Come on now coach Lee has called us. Apparently we have a new mission”
“Not again!” Y/n groan.
And Peter just laughed.
“Oh yeah…Yuna…Sun-Gu…can you please tell those 2 to stop giving me love letters and flirting with me.”
Yuna and Peter just look at y/n with a clueless face.
“Yes….they did…”
“I will remind them later” Peter answered while Yuna just nodded her head.
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brief crosshunt thoughts because @wolveria has turned me to the dark side into a crosshunt girlie
so like i think that crosshair and hunter were a thing all throughout their time in the field. maybe it took a few weeks or months to make it official, but there was always something there and the entire squad knew it
then order 66 happened.
crosshair and hunter went to find caleb together, each believing that the other was on their side. hunter saw crosshair take the shot and realized, for the first time in their lives, something had shifted between them.
he tried to brush it off. ignore the feeling. but crosshair kept pushing. “you sure that padawan died when he fell?” “Hunter let that jedi kid escape. or do you want to keep lying to us?”
then they were sent to onderon and hunter knew that the two of them couldn’t go back to the way they were. he remembered the young clone the squad found on kamino and knew he had to save her.
we all know what happened when they went back to kamino. the batch got detained and crosshair got taken away to enhance his chip.
hunter had to have wanted to go find him and get his love back. he probably felt so betrayed when he saw crosshair in the imperial armor. he wanted crosshair to come with them, but in the moment, the best decision for his squad was to leave as soon as possible.
when hunter got taken by the empire towards the end of season one, i wonder if crosshair was hoping they could return to being lovers, just under the empire instead of the republic. they had missed each other more than words could describe. as much as they missed each other, there was a hurt that was just a bit stronger than the loneliness.
at the end of season one, when crosshair once again chose the empire over his squad, his batch mates, his hunter, he probably never expected that he’d see his (now former) love again. hunter probably felt the same way.
they both went their separate ways and had their own adventures.
crosshair thought he might’ve fallen in love again, only to have that comfort brutally ripped from his hands.
hunter focused on finding a place that he (and his squad) belonged in the galaxy.
they had accepted the fact that they’d never see each other again.
until tech found out that crosshair had been taken to tantiss.
after the failed mission to eriadu, tech was killed, omega was taken, and crosshair was seemingly lost as well. all of these factors very obviously took a heavy toll on hunter between seasons 2 and 3.
imagine the shock when crosshair stepped off of the ship that hunter’s daughter omega had just come off of. imagine all of the rage, betrayal, mourning, excitement, everything that came rushing to both of them.
it would take a while, but they were finally given another chance with each other, and they were going to take full advantage of it.
tl;dr: s1 e1 was kinda a crosshunt breakup, s1 e16 was a PROPER crosshunt breakup, s3 e4 they finally got a chance to be together again but really had to work to overcome everything that had separated them
….theres a reason i’m not a fanfic author lol, take my poorly structured word vomit over these gays
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
I can imagine in slow boiled stone egg AU Jiuweihuli is more upset with Macaque than she is with Wukong because 1) she expected him to be more professional 2) he could have injured the baby/induced a miscarriage on Wukong and 3) he's technically wedlocked Wukong
referencing my idea for Jiuweihuli/The Nine-Tailed Vixen in the LMK verses.
Oh yesss
Even though the vixen doesn't care for Wukong on a good day (he did break her kit's heart and bonked her on the head with the staff), her attitude flips immediately when she hears about the Egg.
Since she sees a lot of herself in Macaque (a creative demon flung from their place in the Heavens), she immediately goes Beast Mode on him when the news gets to her about the Stone Egg (most likely recounted by the twins). For her perspective, her understudy is inacting betrayals on Wukong that she felt many centuries ago.
*(Macaque, trying to set up for "Shadow Play" when he meets the theatre owner)* Macaque: "Wait... Madam?" Jiuweihuli: "Oh Mihou! My darling! It's so good to see you!!" *(embraces Macaque in a big mom-hug before violently whacking him with her ornamental fan)* Jiuweihuli, speaking in-between hits: "YOU! IDIOT! CUB! Have I not taught you better? You left that poor boy pregnant and alone for how long?!" Macaque, trying to hide from her wrath + also has no idea whats going on: "Eh!? So he is pregnant??" Jiuweihuli, chasing Mac around the lobby like he's a cat: "Everyone knows it!! Sun Wukong himself confirmed it when he was captured by the Spider Queen! My twins were In. The. Room!!" Macaque, trying to defuse the situation: "Jin and Yin? How are the little rascals?" The Twins, blocking off the exits: "Just as mad as our Mum!" "Yeah!" Macaque: "shit."
Jiuweihuli is super insistent that Mac makes it up to Wukong, or at the very least be present in the Egg's life. To her, Mac abandoning his former mate in this state is tantamount to throwing him to the wolves. And she def tosses in a few extra whacks for fighting Wukong while he's in this state, even if Mac didn't know at the time.
Wukong is the most confused, cus he hasn't recieved a kind word from the Vixen in the entire time he's known her. Of course once he realises that the wider demon public assume his Stone egg is of Mac's doing (which SWK figures kinda is), he torments Mac by visiting "Grandmama" at the theatre with all the baby shower stuff PIF has already planned out. Jiuweihuli literally showers the expectant monkey with gifts and supplies for the baby, and has even more she gives to Mac to pass on to Wukong and/or MK (who the vixen suspects is another secret grand-kit of hers).
Macaque secretly keeps a pair of baby shoes the vixen gave him to pass on to Wukong throughout S2 and S3. They're coloured auburn and white like the feet of a baby fox.
It's not just the possible connection to her understudy that makes Jiuweihuli soften to the Monkey King. She remembers when she had the twins; Single, very limited support system, and going through a high-risk pregnancy with the father nowhere in sight. Even when she learns that the Stone Egg was essentially "spawned" by Wukong singularily, she'd still consider herself an honourary grandparent/aunt to the infant.
Also in the au timeline, she deliberately sends the twins + the accountant cousin to follow Macaque during S3 to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. They end up catching up to the Monkie Kid gang to warn them that Mac's very soul/the safety of the Egg is on the line after the twins witness the shadow monkey being tormented by LBD.
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its-the-sa · 1 year
Do you have any Headcanons regarding the Father of Artis Kids? Did he die? Did he abandoned them?
I could see it as a Reason why Arti left her Colony with her pups to beginn with. Either through the feeling of betrayal or being heartbroken about her partners dead. Last thing could also be a reason why Artificer literally exploded amongst the Scavs when her Pups died. Maybe her Partner died due to them as well. Tho considering how the Circle works, it would most likely be former and he just abandoned them.
i do, actually!
in my AU, he was the only slugcat in arti's colony who never treated her like a threat. though he wasn't a fighter at all-- she could have killed him easily, even by accident. but he still never showed any fear of her, and was always kind to her. so she naturally ended up becoming attached to him.
once she had her pups though, things changed.
because i imagine that in slugcat colonies, pups are raised communally. it's only when they're first born that they're cared for exclusively by the mother; once their eyes are open and they start crawling around, they're sort of adopted by everyone and raised together as a group. so everyone in the colony feels responsible for keeping all the pups safe.
of course, arti herself was an exception to this, because she was considered dangerous, she was never allowed near other pups when she was growing up.
so naturally, when she had pups of her own, the tension between her and the rest of her colony skyrocketed. they had been willing to tolerate her as long as she kept a safe distance, but the idea of her having small pups in her care made them VERY nervous. and they were all anxious to get the pups away from her to protect them.
arti reacted by keeping her pups fiercely isolated, even when they got old enough to join the colony's nursery. she didn't want them to be taken away and to grow up fearing her. the more insistent the other slugcats got about 'protecting' her pups, the more viciously arti fought to keep them away.
she got into conflict with her mate about this, too. even though he understood and sympathized with her, he knew it was bad for the pups to be isolated for so long. they needed to be allowed go out and explore and join the colony, and to grow up as proper slugcats. so he regretfully started pressuring arti to let them go, too.
eventually, it got to a point where arti knew that if she didn't give in soon, she would be separated from her pups by force and likely driven out of the colony for good.
so, she decided to take them and flee before that happened.
one night she tried to sneak away with them when everyone was asleep, but her mate knew her too well. he caught her, and tried one last time to stop her from leaving.
and... you can imagine how that went.
by the time the cycle revived him, arti and the pups were long gone, and he never tried to follow them.
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adasknife · 4 months
i am stupid but it's fine. i would've loved seeing ada as a stars member group that works for wesker. like during the spencer mansion, ada is very snarky against wesker, but she always follows his orders. remember the betrayal scene of barry? that but an actual betrayal from wesker and ada from either jill or chris's point of view.
like we don't see see ada in re2, but we read documents of her backstory and why either wesker blackmailed her to do it OR why she is happily following his orders (until either the organization or suddenly having a morality). like jill/chris and ada having a connection of their former bond and such. AHHH!!! like imagine, if in re5, ada is leaving clue for chris to discover that jill is alive. and in re6, he doesn't need leon influence to not attack. despite it not being ada, that's chris former team mate. he still cares for ada.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
His favorite - Kinktober 11
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Summary: He shows everyone you are his favorite...
Rating: Explicit
Kink: Public sex
Square 25 filled for @afgomegaversebingo​: Alpha!Negan
Square 15 filled for @j3bingo former jdmorganomegaverse: True Mates
Pairing: Alpha!Negan x Chubby(Omega)!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, betrayal, blood, gore, characters death, murder, true mates, a/b/o, scenting, possessive Negan, fat shaming, protective Negan, public sex, smut, unprotected sex
Words: 1,8 k
Kinktober 2022 
AFG Omegaverse Bingo masterlist 
JDM Mixed Bingo masterlist 
JDM Omegaverse Bingo masterlist
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A pack protecting you. A pack having your back. That’s what you thought the people you trusted with your life and resources are to you. 
Now you know better. While you kneel on the cold ground you realize, this is a dog-eating-dog world now.
“Would you just look at this,” you flinch as the leader of a pack calling themselves the saviors swings his bat in front of your face. “Your fine friends just sold you to me, sweet little omega. I like me a chubby little thing like you.”
“Boss, do you want to give them a good show?” 
“Wait for it, Simon,” he looks down at you, grinning like the devil. You can’t see it, but his eyes darkened as a tiny sob leaves your lips. “I want to have a closer look at the owner of this fine house and the resources they offered to me.”
“They want to join us,” Simon says. “Do you think they are worthy of joining us?”
You don’t lift your gaze from the ground as the men talk about your house, and the few resources you gathered during your endless trips to the smaller towns close to your home. 
“What do you think, Simon?”
The men chuckle, and joke as you await death. You hold your breath and close your eyes.
This is the end, and you don’t want to see it coming. Tears stream down your face he swings his bat again, and you wait for the pain to come.
“I said, would you just look at this,” oddly the bat doesn’t hit you. “Such a pretty little thing, but she doesn’t listen. Look at me, omega.”
Your head immediately snaps upward, and you look up at the alpha with wide, and fearful eyes.
He looks down at you, brows furrowing as he enjoys the fear in your eyes.
“Negan, we should get going. It’s getting dark, boss.”
“Simon, fuck’s sake. I’m enjoying myself here,” Negan grumbles as he steps closer to you to grab your chin with his gloved fingers. “Omega, mine…do you want to die?”
“No?” you choke out.
“You’re not sure?” he laughs with his full body. “A cute and sweet one, I see. Not like the angry and bitchy omegas I met during my travels through this rotten world.”
You don’t know how to respond to him. He holds your life in his hands, and they are bloody.
“Kill them. But leave the boss, the one coming to you, for me and Lucille,” you swallow thickly as the alpha walks past you and toward the people you considered your pack.
“We want to be Negan,” one of them whimpers as the bat cuts through the air. You scream in terror when Negan hits the man’s skull. Blood splatters all over Negan’s clothes but he doesn’t seem to care. You assume he’s used to it.
“WE WANT TO BE NEGAN!” the rest of your pack screams as Simon and the other men aim their guns toward their heads. “PLEASE!”
“You see,” Negan hits the next man. The man screams in pain and agony as Negan preferred to hit his shoulder, “I don’t like traitors or people ratting the one saving their asses out. You messed with the wrong man.”
“What now boss?”
“Take care of the rest of them, Simon. Make it painful.”
Negan turns his back on your former pack. He carries his baseball bat toward his car, ignoring you on his way. “What about the girl?”
The alpha doesn’t answer. He puts his baseball bat in the back of his truck, taking his time.
“Leave her to me,” you whimper as leaving you to him means getting your skull split by his baseball bat. 
The screams and the scent of the blood of your former pack fill your senses as Negan steps back toward you. He looks down at you on your knees, studying your trembling body.
“Get up,” he takes off his bloody gloves to offer his hand to you. “Don’t let me wait, little chubby kitten.”
Your hand trembles when you place it into his warm palm. “What will you do to me?” you look up at Negan with teary eyes. “Please do it fast. Not with the bat.”
“Oh,” he chuckles as you slowly get up from the ground to stand on unsteady legs. “I got an idea or two, sweetness. Let’s start with bringing you away from here…”
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You end up in his room, wearing his clothes that night. Negan looks you up from head to toe, making sure you didn’t get bitten. At least he tells you so.
The hungry look in his eyes tells a different story. 
“Today, I killed for you omega,” he begins. “I will do it again if I must.” Negan steps closer to cup the back of your neck. “You’re going to stay here.”
“Why what?” 
“Why didn’t you kill me too?”
“I killed them because they betrayed you,” he dips his head to press a surprisingly soft kiss to your temple. “I scented you the moment I got out of my car.”
“I don’t understand,” you watch him look you up and down. Negan licks his lips, ready to pounce on you.
“You’re my true mate,” Negan explains. “Don’t you feel it too? The pull. The need.”
“I should be afraid of you, but I’m not,” you whisper as he takes another step toward you. “You killed people, but you make me feel safe.”
“I’ll keep you safe. Always.”
That night you will end up tangled in each other. Negan won’t let you out of his bed for hours. When you wake in the morning, you’ll be wearing his mark…
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A few months later, … 
You sniffle as the women at the sanctuary make fun of you once again. 
“Just look at that fat cow. I bet Negan only keeps her around to make sure any walker will kill her first and feast on her fat ass.”
“Right. How could he ever get hard for that chubby bitch?” the other woman snickers. “No way he likes to fuck that thing. Negan tries to mess with her. I bet; in a few days, he’ll use Lucille to get rid of her.
You run inside the building and dash toward the room you share with your alpha.
Fat tears roll down your cheeks as you make it inside.
You slam the door shut and press your back to the door, crying bitterly.
“Omega?” Negan is by your side in three long steps. “Y/N, what’s wrong with you? What happened?”
“They…and then…I’m fat…” you choke on your tears as your alpha wraps his arms around your trembling body.
“I need to know what happened, kitten. Tell your alpha who made you cry,” he whispers as you slowly lift your head to meet his worried gaze. “Y/N, tell me what happened.”
“I,” you nod. There is no way you can hide anything from your alpha. You take a deep breath and tell him what the women said about you and your alpha…
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“Negan where are we going?” you whimper as he holds your hand in a tight grip. He mutters under his breath as he watches his men carry a mattress out of the building. 
Simon and the others place the mattress in the middle of the courtyard.
“All done boss.”
Negan guides you toward the mattress. “I want you on hands and knees, kitten. Don’t be shy. Show them all your dripping cunt.”
Your mouth falls open as Negan rips the flimsy negligee he found on one of his trips off of your body. “Would you all just look at those tits and her fucking perfect ass? I love every curve and every stretch mark on my woman.”
“Negan,” whining you kneel on the mattress and do as he says. You lift your ass and spread your legs for everyone to see your cunt. “Please.”
Negan stands in front of you to run his hand over your hair.
“You dared to say my omega doesn’t get me hard?” you gasp as Negan unbuckles his belt. He unzips his pants and shoves them down his legs to reveal his throbbing length.
“See this?” 
Negan points at his erection.
“This is all for my pretty little kitten. My chubby angel,” he growls as one of the women harassing you want to look away. “You won’t look away.”
He snaps his fingers. “Simon, make sure they watch me.”
“Uh-I’m on it boss,” Simon points his gun at the woman. “What do you want to do with them?” He nervously laughs as Negan moves behind you.
Your alpha kneels on the mattress to give your cunt a few kitten licks. He purrs against your heated flesh, making you moan in return. “Alpha.”
“I’m going to show them how much my omega turns me on,” Negan fists his cock as he looks at the women harassing you. “Do you know how good my omega makes me feel? She’s so much more woman than any of you!”
“Negan,” you press your face into the mattress. He growls at your submissive behavior. You know how much Negan loves to go full alpha and control your body.
Negan roughly grips your hips with one hand. “Perfect little omega cunt,” he presses into you, groaning as your body opens only for him like a flower ready to bloom. “She takes me so well.”
Your alpha slowly starts rocking his hips. He easily slides in and out of you, using your slick to fuck into you with long and powerful thrusts.
“Boss…uh,” Simon swallows thickly. He doesn’t want to be a creep, but at the same time, he can’t look away. “Fuck…”
“She’s mine,” Negan holds your hips in a tight grip. His large hands drag you onto his length with every snap of his hips. 
You moan, whine, and curse his name while your alpha has his way with your cunt. 
“That’s right, kitten. It’s your alpha making you feel so good,” he growls as his eyes drop to your pussy stuffed with his cock. “Later I’ll eat that pussy.”
“Alpha, gonna cum.”
The coil in your lower abdomen tightens. Heat spreads through your body and you make the sweetest noises for your alpha as your cunt starts to clench tightly around his thick length.
“Kitten, Y/N,” his hold on your hips becomes bruising when he empties himself inside of you. “Fuck, you feel so good. Every. Fucking. Time.”
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“No one will dare to harass you ever again. If they don’t learn their lesson, I will ban them,” he whispers. You snuggle in his chest and sigh. “How do you feel?”
“Tired. Sore. Satisfied,” he laughs as you mumble against him. “We won’t do this every week now, right?”
“Do what?”
“Have sex in front of everyone.”
“Only for fun, Y/N. Only for fun…”
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Tags in reblog.
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wyrm-clangen · 9 months
🐈 Love it how all the medicine cats so far betrayed the rule to not have children
EHHHHH, betrayal is a strong word. The cats of this valley don't really operate on the same law that canon uses. Healers are fine to have kits, usually so long as there's a relief healer to continue helping the clan.
If you wanted a scale of the clan from the most traditionalist to least traditionalist tho- It would probably be:
HeartClan - (they have the least amount of halfclan kits, the healers are strongly discouraged from mating, outsider relationships are frowned upon)
WingClan (Healers not allowed to have kits, but recent tragedies are spurred the need to open up relations with outsiders.)
WyrmClan (Fairly lax and open to friendly relations, as we know. Even if he had wanted to, Riftstar really didn't think that telling Ferretlily that she couldn't have kits would be a safe choice lmao)
FloodClan (A bunch of good time guys, everyone and anyone is welcome and Velvetstar herself was a former kittypet)
NightingaleClan (Orangestar wants the clan to thrive, and has no qualms about allowing her cats to do whatever they want to achieve that. Before her long reign, under Hollystar, they were much more strict.)
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jupiterwrites99 · 11 months
You're On Your Own, Kid -- 13
Trust Issues
A/N: Short and Sweet to build up for the next one
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“How’d you find me?” She asked hesitantly, she couldn’t hear the others but if he had found her, they must not be too far. It had been five days since she had run from the Uleys cottage, and Sage had no plans on returning. She was trying to find her way back to Josh’s house from memory, though it was taking longer than expected.
“That doesn’t matter right now.” The man grumbled as he crossed his arms. Whether he meant to intimidate her or not, it was certainly working. “You need to come home.”
Sage scoffed, “Yeah, no thanks.”
There was no way she was going back there without a fight, which is exactly what she was prepared to do. Sage had enough self respect to not stick around where she wasn’t wanted and clearly, Sam did not want her in his pack if he was willing to shove her out like a misbehaving dog. The words he had used to describe her echoing in her mind. 
“Do you have any idea what you're putting Paul through right now?” Jacob argued, and her heart sank. Of course she did, she felt all of it. It's not like he cared what she was going through, if he did, she left enough of a trail for him to find her. If he was the one that had run away, she would’ve found him already. It's been five days, and nothing. No sign of her mate.
“He started it! He doesn’t want me…No one wanted me there, so I left. I made it easier for everyone else.” She exclaimed, the more she thought about the more upset she became. Maybe she was a runt after all and that's why Paul didn’t want her. Sage was spiralling and she knew it.
Jacob shook his head in disbelief, “He’s in love with you, Sage.”
“I saw him with your sister.”  The younger wolf pointed out. The image of them looking real cosy with each other crossed her mind. She tried to control the small ripple of betrayal she felt, like it never left her.
“That's what set you off.” A look of realisation hit Jacobs eyes, before taking a step closer to the she wolf, his hand held forward with his palm up. A sign that he wasn’t going to hurt her. “Sage, he doesn’t love Rachel, he never has. Paul broke her heart,  a lot, but she did it to herself by not leaving when he told her to go. “
Sage furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. His explanation lined up with Pauls, but it still didn’t make sense why he went to see his ex, “So why did he go see her then? He told me he had work.”
“I don’t know, you’ll have to ask him that but you are the only thing that he truly cares about. It's time to come back now.” Jacob coaxed, and Sage could feel his desperation, so much so that she wondered if Paul or Sam sent him to find her. He was the one that got her in trouble, maybe they thought he could bring her back by making amends. Though in her mind, they already have. He apologised when he came out to talk to her that night.
“I can’t.”Sage shook her head. She had been a part of a corrupt pack her entire life. One that was quick to banish those who dared to defy the Alpha, or worse. She didn’t want to be subject to that hierarchy again. “I won’t be a part of Sam's pack, not even for Paul.”
“Why not?” Jacob asked. Sage admired his genuine question. The older wolf seemed to be the only one who cared, who even bothered to ask why. Paul and Sam just assumed she wanted to be in their pack because of the imprint, she never asked and now that Sam had shown his true thoughts of the w
Sage shifted uncomfortably, “He said I was dangerous, and I’m not.” She watched as Jacob opened his mouth to speak, and interrupted him quickly, not wanting him to agree with Sam, “That's not me!”
“Sage,” He spoke softly as the tears formed in her eyes. She wasn’t dangerous, not on purpose at least. She knew she needed to control her wolf better, but that was the only thing keeping her sane when everyone turned against her former pack. That's all she has.
Jacob wrapped his arms around the younger girl in a hug and she quickly tried to push him away, not used to the gentle kindness,“No!” She gave up quickly as he held on to her, “I spent my entire life feeling like I didn't belong in my pack, my family. I won’t do it again. I don’t agree with Sam, I won’t follow him.”
“I have a solution.” Jacob told her softly, asking,  “Do you trust me?”
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dramioneasks · 11 months
HP FESTS: Dramione Teratophilia Fest (Part 1)
Dramione Teratophilia Fest 2.0 2023:
Grace Period by TeTe91 - E, WIP - After all the hardships and challenges Hermione had to face during the war, she is left empty-handed. Instead of a reward, she finds herself in a hopeless situation and struggles with the closed door to her previously bright future. Upset with the hand she has been dealt, she no longer sees any reasons to play by the rules, or even be good. Who better to unleash her anger onto than Draco Malfoy.
Coup de Grâce by ChaosAndCrumpets - E, WIP - The only place Hermione Granger finds some semblance of her former self is - inexplicably - in the arms of Draco Malfoy. But something so unnatural is sure to have wider implications. Then people start to die.
A Captured Moment by peachy_V, Roseheira - E, one-shot - Many wolves die having never experienced the love and devotion that can only come from one's true mate. And for the longest time Draco thought his fate would be condemned to a loveless life. Yet here she was, his mate. Conveniently brought to him, tied up like a present, and ready to be claimed by him.
Shadow Pact by Serpent_Sortia - E, WIP - “From Glittering Love to Gilded Betrayal! Golden Girl Heartbroken by Cheating Scandal” Or, what happens when a certain demon offers to help Hermione get revenge on her cheating ex?
Eternity by emmarauren - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger would wait an eternity for Draco Malfoy to love her back. Even if he is eternally a beast.
Bound by Darkness by BlueZeldana - E, WIP - Draco Malfoy had been living alone for years and no one knew he was alive. He was a murderer now, and the magic of his victims ran through his veins making him more and more powerful with each life he took. The only thing he cared about was power. Until a Muggleborn witch stepped into his manor and ruined everything.
Thick as blood by pinkhairandbooks - E, one-shot - You’re a Vampire Slayer and you find out that your soulmate is the Vampire that you are tasked to kill and almost killed you. What now?
The Claiming by Kayka - E, 5 chapters - The men of the Malfoy line have maintained a carefully guarded family secret for generations. Perpetually exhausted Hermione Granger is simply trying to get through her Thursday.
Starve This Sin by belladeexx - E, WIP - An age-old saying: An Angel on your right and the Devil on your left. In this case, Draco Malfoy is the pesky lust demon on the metaphorical left side of every shoulder Hermione interacts with. He's a constant thorn in her wings, albeit an attractive thorn she can't stop dreaming about, but a thorn nonetheless. After all, he's just a harmless demon on his knees begging for a taste of heaven. Who is Hermione to forbid him of it?
messy eater by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger thought she had learned her lessons when it came to seeking food out during her nightly adventures as a newly turned vampire, but it seemed that she really hadn't learned anything. She had been given the title of "messy eater" when it came to her desperation and hunger and always seemingly made a mess of things. Usually, Hermione found that she could clean things up herself after satiating her hunger but it seemed as though that wasn't happening this time. Draco Malfoy, an older vampire who was more expressed with quelling his hunger, was nearby when Hermione needed help with cleaning herself and the crime scene up. He was used to this, his father being the one who originally turned Hermione and introduced her to him. Draco acted as a shadow for Hermione to follow, supposed to protect and show her the ways of the vampires.
My Love, My Moon by Art_emis, magicalmolly - E, one-shot - Hermione is filling in as the substitute Herbology Professor for Neville and hating it. While gathering materials in the Forbidden Forest one night, during the full moon, she's attacked by a werewolf. When she goes to hunt them down and demand that they leave the school grounds she finds out that the werewolf is none other than Draco Malfoy. But he's no ordinary werewolf and his attack has left them connected to one another in an unbearable way.
I See You by art_emissss - T, one-shot - The familiar thrill of the hunt only began to seep into her blood, and her skin itched with anticipation. Or: the one where Hermione miscalculates and gets something out of it.
there's always a straight way to the point by B_LovedHunter - T, one-shot - Hermione becomes an Animagus just in time for the start of her 8th year. Surprise. She's a cat. While roaming Hogwarts, she comes across a very distressed Draco Malfoy. Against her better judgement, she decides to comfort him. It turns out Draco is a cat person. **** “Granger came to find me in the library today.” She stopped purring. He kept stroking her absently. “She said she forgives me. I don’t know how or why, but she does,” He sighed deeply. “I believe her. Maybe you’ll meet her one day. She has a lot of wild hair and she’s a swotty, annoying sort–” WELL. “But she’s good. She’s good, and brilliant. Pretty too. She’s always been all of that, even when she had rather large teeth.” Well. “Don’t worry, love. Not as pretty as you.”
An Abysmal Riptide by Bana_Bhuidseach - M, WIP - To catch a siren one must set sail on a moonless night at the peak of the storm, to capture a siren one must risk meeting death by the relentless sea and its razor sharp rocks, to capture a siren sometimes it means losing ones mind and life in the process and the captain of the ¨Sea Dragon¨is about to find out what that means when he encounters her, the sweetest thing on this side of hell.
When Stars Align by art_emissss, thatblondebitvh - E, WIP - The one where Draco Malfoy fucks around and finds out.
Waiting For The Bite by rapunzerelli, Sophiesstreet - E, one-shot - Members of notoriously rivaled species, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger have only two things in common: a mutual hatred and a soulmate bond they unfortunately share. But when their lives are threatened by lingering followers of Voldemort and their bond forces them to protect each other, they find themselves thanking fate instead of blaming it.
For a Good Time by ymer - E, one-shot - Draco Malfoy finds a mysterious spell that starts as a dream before turning into a nightmare.
By These Fearful Places by ohthedrarry - M, 2 chapters - In his youth, Draco Malfoy had been little more than the disgraced son of an executed Senator. Hunger forced him to teach himself to hunt and risk his mortal life in woods ruled by the gods. Artemis took pity on the young boy and sent a woodland nymph to save him from a mountain lion who stalked him while he slept. Draco returned to that same forest ten years later, a man whose reputation exceeded that of even Odysseus. Fame and fortune gifted to him by his patron goddess no longer satisfied him. He craved the touch of that nymph who’d saved his life – and would risk everything to take it.
Never Let You Go by cauldronofmenace - M, one-shot - Draco is a vampire. Hermione is his prisoner. She has sexy dreams about him and he's happy to make them a reality.
The Sun and Her Shadow by daydreamstory, Ivmaruva - E, WIP - She travels across barren stretches of an eternal night to find him. He waits for her there, on the dark side of the moon.
Blood Moon by NinaBinaBallerina - E, WIP - Under a blood moon, Lycans hunt the forest for their mates. And Draco Malfoy knew just the witch he wanted to sink his teeth into.
You’re Everything a Big, Bad Wolf Could Want by LaLuneMoonstone - E, 2 chapters - A trip into the forbidden forest under the waxing crescent to get herbs for potions plus a new read cloak lands Hermione in a mate situation. Little red riding hood never had to deal with this, or did she?
The Banshee of Biddeford Pond by atomicbombshell - G, one-shot - no summary
La Appel du Vide by CSIsui - E, one-shot - “Flora has always been the most innocent and, at the same time, the most perverse medium for symbolism all throughout history.” Draco once heard in her lecture. “From Georgia O’Keefe to Shakespeare and ancient history, flora has been the favourite when it comes to cheeky sex symbols.” And she was right
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