#even though you have been practicing with....with how much money you have access to...toys and such
She is over here trying to tell me she has to play mama may i
From the texts she sends she already seems very accepting of it.
As a good husband, I accept they need feminine compassion. And as their husband I reserve the right to reserve all extra honey for all.
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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Growing into the Job, Post 350: That was Then, This is Now, p2
“G-Gianna?” I asked Aubrey from my spot a foot off the floor, held aloft in Morgan’s strong hands, my bright colored shoes from the kids’ department dangling helplessly, “Wants to talk to me?” I gulped, trying my best to look dignified. Not an easy task. “N-now?”
I acted surprised, but I’d known this was coming. I’d had reports to complete, a bunch of data from the study to sign off on. It’d been tasked to me quite a while ago. As little as I actually really did for this thing, this clinical trial, Evolution relied on me and my authority to keep things on schedule. At least as far as my own paperwork was concerned, and this report had been due last night. 
“Yeah, she says now,” Aubrey replied, a funny look on her face as she  processed the scene in front of her eyes; the broadly smiling Uber-Amazon Morgan holding her shrunken boss like a toy, a boss that didn’t weigh very much, at that. Aubrey bit her lower lip before continuing. “And she sounds a little annoyed.”
“I am a little annoyed,” came a new woman’s voice, clear as day, from the speakers of my desktop computer. 
What the?? Looking to my left I saw, onscreen, the videochat window already open. There she was, Gianna, remotely controlling my computer. She was here with us already, sort of. I thought I’d told Marisela to fix that, not allow her access to- 
“Hi Morgan,” Gianna spoke, obviously able to see us as she remotely greeted the enormous blonde before me, “Can you put him in his chair so we can have a little talk?”
Next thing I knew I was being plopped behind my desk, butt-in-chair, facing the screen and an obviously nonplussed Gianna Albertini, Study Coordinator for Evolution Pharmaceuticals She was my liaison to the company and the face/ - holy crap look at her tits - chest behind all the money the practice was being infused with for its participation. She was young, she tended to be flippant about this whole project and my involvement, and she didn’t look happy.
After dropping me down into my seat, Morgan had stepped away, her big, long legs quickly getting her to the other side of my desk on her way to the door.
“Morgan, wait,”
Gianna’s voice stopped the big woman in her tracks. It spoke through my computer speakers, “maybe you can stay in the room with us as we chat.”
Morgan turned, with a smile, towering over my desk behind the terminal screen. “I can be doing that, yes,” she answered, with more than a small bit of excitement in her voice. Her smile widened, obviously enthused by the tone this conversation was taking. Even her teeth were big. I could see it already: she was looking forward to a dressing-down. Mine. A man’s at the hands of a woman with authority
Gianna regarded me through the camera. Her brow was crooked; she was not smiling. “Good morning, Doctor,” she spoke, “It’s been a bit since we last touched base, huh?” Though her tone was flat, I could see a glint of light in her eye as she regarded me even through our low resolution screens. She cocked her head. “You look hungry…and skinny.” she said, “Did you eat anything today?”
“N-no, I-” I actually hadn’t.
“Have one of those protein bars you keep in your desk,” she said, plainly. And then paused, waiting for me to act.
What the f-..? How did she know that? I thought, even as I found myself doing exactly as she’d suggested, opening the top drawer of my desk and pulling out a fruit-and-nut protein bar. Breakfast would probably be smart.
“You need the help to unwrap?” Morgan asked, from her looming position over my desk.
“No I-I got it,” I answered, peeling through the foil that - god help me - did give me more of a challenge than it should.
I took a bite. I’d thrown a few of these in here just last week but it still tasted old and stale, almost like the cardboard box they came in. A glass of milk might make it taste better, I couldn’t help but think.
“So, okay,” I began, between a few forced chews. I looked back at the screen trying my best to keep my eyes off her tits. “How long is this going to take?” I asked, “I have patients to get to.”
Gianna didn’t like that. “No, you don’t. I’ve had the staff move your morning patients to Morgan and Vida, because you’ll need the time for the report,” she said. She paused. “And, I don’t like your tone,” she added.
To that, I admit I bristled. Who was this woman, thinking she can run my day, my practice, my time with patients?! If you, dear reader, haven’t gathered it by this point, I was more than a little resistant to participating in this clinical trial to begin with. I was a little weirded out by the whole situation. Yes, the money was good for us - we actually needed it, with my reduced production - but I was not going to allow myself to be scolded by a corporate floozy behind a video chat screen. I was, however, smart enough not to say exactly what was on my mind…but I came exceedingly close. “Well, thanks for thinking of us, Gianna, but I have patient care as  my first priori-”
“I’m going to have to ask you to call me Ms. Albertini from now on….,” she broke in, her body language shifting onscreen - She set her shoulders and thrust out her ungodly chest - in a clear move  to show me who exactly was in charge. “...and I’m this close to demoting you from the principal investigator on this study and naming one of our girls instead.”
Okay, that was the last straw.
“What?!” I blurted, shocked by her boldness.
“You are late with the reports I needed from you, again. I’d given you plenty of time, and you’ve had more than enough warnings,” she laid into me, “I’ve tried to make this as easy for you as possible, because I know you have certain limits-”
“Limits?!?” I exclaimed, taken aback again by her attitude, her belittling of me. I know now, and I think I even kinda knew it then: that I was acting up, lashing out a bit irrationally. I think I felt the need to exert myself in some way, after all the humiliations and submissiveness I was starting to realize comprised my entire weekend. So it was here, I guess, that I was putting my foot down. “I’m perfectly capable of filling out the spreadsheets you need.” I started again, “I’m a busy person and this is-...this is just data entry. I frankly just need to find the time t-”
“Frankly you’re proving yourself to be just like other men,” she cut in, “and showing yourself incapable of the work.”
“Oh my god…!” I groaned, as I was vaguely aware of Morgan leaning a bit forward, over my desk. My hands shot up in impotent rage, but instead of jumping in with a defense of my beleaguered gender, my eyes suddenly drifted into Morgan’s massive, plump cleavage. Woof. A guy could get lost in there…
Morgan began to giggle, a deep and throaty chuckle as my anger began to slip through the cracks of my skull and I became lost in the vast swells of her chest.
Gianna took the opportunity - no doubt seeing my eyes dart upward - to lecture me on my sex’s many recent failings. Yes, yes, I knew that earlier this year women had become the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers, like Giana here, were now women too. All her bosses, the executives at the pharmaceutical company certainly were too, I was sure. She told me that for every two men who got their college degree this year, three women would be doing the same. The statistics regarding the graduate and professional degrees were even more dramatic. What do you think the workforce will look like soon? she asked me, Do you think society won't change because of this? For years, decades, generations, women’s progress had been cast as a struggle for equality. “But what if we know now that equality shouldn’t be the end point?” she asked me, as the blonde giantess Morgan continued to keep me tempted  by her big Hungarian bosom. “What if modern society is simply better suited for women like me and Morgan, and Melissa and Olivia and Lakshmi and all the others, to dominate it? To run the lives of flawed, frail men like you?” 
My heart was pounding. Was it fear or, god help me, was I turned on?
Men had been the dominant sex since, well, the dawn of forever. It was called ‘mankind’ for a reason, right? But I knew that, for the first time in human history, that was all changing - and it seemed to be doing so with shocking speed. Cultural and economic changes always reinforce each other, so - yes, like Gianna said - society was certainly going to be different with more and more women becoming the breadwinners, the business leaders, the politicians and even the clergy. Home life was also certainly going to change. With more husbands becoming  dependent on their wives, if there was a ‘Battle of the Sexes’ imminent, like so many were predicting, would they be forced to 'bend the knee' to the so-called superior gender. What would happen to what we considered democracy? What we considered America?
And, it wasn’t just here in the US. The global economy was evolving in new, unexpected ways as well. Many countries were seeing the historical preference for having male children begin to erode. Gianna began talking about  using new advances in medical technology to purposefully alter the birthrates of each sex. She wasn’t just talking about doing it abroad, but here at home as well. The thought made me squirm. Was I outraged? Disturbed? Excited? I didn’t know.. I was far too captivated by Morgan’s chest to understand even my own feelings.
“Oh my god, just look at you,” Gianna said, finally calling me out as I stared blankly forward clearly hypnotized by Morgan’s massive tits. She smirked with a knowing smile that mirrored Morgan’s own. “This is totally going to be how it happens, you know, ‘The End of Men’. You’re all just going to give in to your pathetic male urges and slowly fade away into our cleavages. Battle of the Sexes? We won’t have to fight you at all.”
“F-fight?” I said, confused. I was - I really was! - trying to be angry, trying to resist. But I knew I was instead coming across as pathetic and weak. I clearly, obviously, didn’t really care about my position here, my authority. I only cared about how fucking hot this was though inside my logical side wanted to be enraged and rebel. I was turned on more and more every moment, with every belittling comment Gianna lobbed my way. Regardless of what I said, it was obvious that I was exactly where they wanted me. They knew I would fall into line. Maybe I already had.
Gianna, though, had worked herself into an animated fervor, and she was very obviously still pissed. “I can’t wait, I really can’t,” she began again, “for this study to be fucking done with so I can get out of quarantine and get a hive of my own!”
What? What was she talking about?
“I want to start flexing,” she continued, now sounding like she was talking to herself as much as she was addressing me or anyone else. “I’m a fucking queen and all I have to show for it so far are these enormous tits.”
“wh-what do you m-?” I asked, obtusely. I really had no idea, dear reader, what was going on.
“Oh, don’t pretend you don’t realize,” she pressed on, speaking over me, “how every girl around you has been busting through their bras, just to give you more to look at? Even me. Even just being on these fucking video chats with you has done this…”
At that, onscreen, Gianna turned in profile, pressed forth her shockingly big chest, and nearly gave me an aneurysm. 
“It’s you, you little fucker, you little boob monkey,” she chastised, turning back to the camera, “You’re the one doing this to us.”
“Wh-what??” I stammered, more confused than ever. Is this woman crazy? What’s she talking about??
She continued on her rant, speaking quickly, in heat. “Yep I was assigned to you and surprise surprise what makes me best at getting you to do what I need?” At that, she cupped her hands under her giant breasts and lifted them, bouncing them up and down, flesh quivering above her neckline. “These. You’re the one male I’m allowed to talk to and I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. We knew you were a tit-obsessed freak. I just can’t believe I’m so fucking attracted to you now, either. You’re fucking perfect, so small and weak.”
I was sputtering, confused, still trying to be angry and definitely weirded out by the delusions of this woman, but finding it hard - god help me - to argue back when a set of tits like that just told me I was cute. But, I knew I needed to somehow get this meeting out of its bizarre tailspin and was about to speak up again when Gianna asked for the blond behemoth again. 
“Morgan, sweetie, can you pull his desk out of the way?” she queried, “Just make sure he can still see his computer.”
“Of course,” Morgan answered and then suddenly - sweet lord - with the ease of someone pulling the sheets off the bed she’d yanked my desk back away from me, just enough so, now that she’d stepped back around, she had room to squeeze in, crouch down between my legs and with one hand on each of my knees spread my legs. And she had, yes, repositioned my screen so Gianna could watch this whole thing and - more importantly for her, I think - I could see her. 
“I obviously need you to imprint on me a bit,” Gianna explained through the speakers, adjusting her low-cut blouse and my view of her tits as Morgan looked up into my eyes and seemed ready to just pull the thin fabric of my scrub pants off me. With the same strength she’d shown with my desk, my pants could come off like tissue paper. I knew I’d be in her mouth in seconds. Morgan smiled, grabbed the fabric of my scrubs at my thighs, and slowly started to tear them away when suddenly we were interrupted.  
“Knock knock,Sweetie,” an angelic voice came from the doorway, “I’ve got you your milk…”
thanks to RiF again for his help editing and inspiring.
Here there be more:
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
so where is the dividing line between pulp weaponry and superhero gadgetry? Is it just a matter of gas guns, grappling hooks,regular guns, etc not being as wacky batterangs or trick arrows?
I think the dividing line just comes down to branding and the visual aspect of it. There's not really much of a basic difference between how Doc Savage fights crime with gadgets and how Batman fights crime with gadgets, besides Batman’s themed branding and Doc specifically being more tethered to practicality and pseudo-scientific/scientifically-plausible inner workings than a comic book superhero gadget usually is.
There is the fact also that comic book superheroes were always more built from the get-go to sell toys, which makes it a sound decision to invest in giving your characters different toys than those the other characters have, which is a lot easier when you base that toy around your character's unique aesthetic that you also had to make unique in order to make them visually stand out, which was less of a consideration in print medium where the covers had to be more visually evocative than the protagonists. I know people use “toyetic” as an insult and I’m really not doing that here, it’s just a basic fact of their makeup. They were much, much more suited to sell decoder rings and costumes and etc, and branch out into other kinds of accessible and identifiable merch, than most of the pulp guys ever really could have been.
We don’t really tend to think of pulp heroes having “gadgets” other than assorted guns because most of them didn’t have gadgets with those combat purposes, since that’s what the guns and fistcuffs were usually for and most of the weird weaponry went to the villains. But disguise kits are gadgets, weird rings are gadgets, weird cars and autogyros are gadgets, smoke bombs and cane swords are gadgets, and etc.
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For a specific point, I’m gonna bring up The Shadow’s yellow boomerang from Lingo. It is as textbook gadget as it gets and has been said by some to be the inspiration for the Batarang, which I don’t believe because it functions nothing like a Batarang, but anyway: It’s described as this fairly clunky cross-shaped yellow boomerang that The Shadow tosses around some big stone griffon heads to help set up a zipline, it being colored yellow so that he can see it in the dark and follow it’s trajectory accordingly. It’s not that much more logical, or less wacky, than Green Arrow shooting zipline arrows and you could argue it makes even less sense, but you can see how, if this was a comic book concept, The Shadow would probably be using some sleeker, black-colored gadget to zip around buildings without all the set-up it has to make it believable, or if somebody had the idea of giving The Shadow a boomerang, it would probably be some Castlevania flying guillotine monstrosity to better fit The Shadow’s spooky image instead of something more practical.
Speaking of weird Shadow gadgetry, did I ever tell you guys that The Shadow invented a weird kind of clock that expands his perception of time/slows down the seconds so that he’s able to control the speed/pace of his own work? I mean, is that a gadget? I don’t know what else you could call it, it’s even described as if he’s able to put time on pause, and it’s not even a one-time thing or the only time he’s displayed some kind of weird timing / time-based skill (like in The Money Master where he’s able to crack safes by adjusting his timing and becoming a “human stopwatch”, that’s the story’s phrasing not mine)
An observer would not have believed that those indications on the outer circle of the dial were mere seconds. It seemed as though The Shadow, even when engaged upon the routine procedure of summarizing the reports from his agents, could hold back time in its passage. He was a being who dealt in split seconds when he worked! - The Red Blot
Instead of hands, it showed marked circles which registered the passage of seconds, minutes and hours. Each second seemed to pause as though waiting The Shadow's order. - Death Clew
It’s not that there aren’t cool or unique or visually interesting gadgets or tools to work with, it’s that it’s harder to translate the weird and cool ones they do have into the kind of toyland warfare superheroes, and Batman specifically who is the baseline for superhero gadgetry, thrive in, also not helped by the fact that so many of these were rarely seen and never got to hang around and become iconic parts of their characters, even when they absolutely should.
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This is something that’s been phased out more as the pulp heroes started having to become more visually distinct to survive and made the jump to comics and film, with guys like The Green Hornet and The Phantom being particularly successful examples of that kind of superhero-esque branding, applied to pulp weirdos who shoot lightning or green drugs at people, or have a family tradition of punching skull markings into pirates. I think this is a positive development and I think it should be more common place, even if you do start to get a little tired of just guns and rings constantly.
I do want more things like, yes, that weird self-hypnotizing clock that gives The Shadow some kind of enhanced time awareness/distortion that he uses to get investigative work done faster and more efficiently (there’s a part in The Red Blot that states the clock is turned off when he can take things at a slower pace, which means it’s not something he can use constantly Allard what the fuck have you done to yourself). I’ll always be in favor of embracing the further weirdness these guys have in them.
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I saw that video about the bunny bag. She puts in a phone (an already thin item, doesn't even have a phone case so good luck if yours does), a wallet (looks like one of those skinny wallets and even then it looks empty/mostly empty), business cards (not only is that yet another super thin item, she didn't put in many either, looks like it was maybe 20 cards max), lip gloss (crammed down the side, good luck getting that back out without taking out everything else first), and keys (shoved on top, now you can't access ANYTHING without having to take out and potentially lose your keys. After shoving those few small/thin things in there, you can even see her struggle to zip it closed because it's that far overstuffed with literally 5 small things.
All that video does is prove what's been said before, that the bag is super impractical. If it's just holding your phone and a few credit cards for a quick trip to the corner store it might be fine, because you can get a carabiner clip to hook your keys to the strap. But it's way too small for that much stuff. Just because the stuff she has in the video can be crammed in there doesn't mean it's a useful bag. If your phone goes off, you have to dump out all of the contents just to answer it, and then re-cram everything back in. Not a practical or productive way to go along with your day.
Guarantee that the only sales she gets on it are parents getting it for their kids, because like you said, it looks exactly like a toy bag you would give a kid. Put a few dollars in there so when their parents go shopping they can pretend to be a grownup and pay for their own candy. The design on the front just adds to the look of it being a bag for children. Which I guess is fine for her if it means she earns money, but she could probably earn more if she stopped marketing the bag as being for adults and just lean in to it being a kid's bag.
I'd argue you can't even clip your keys to the strap if you already have something inside, that's a fucking spaghetti noodle being used as a bag strap, it's not going to take much to break it. I can agree with you that not only does the video perfectly showcase how pathetically small that bag is as she desperately tries to cram wafer-thin junk in there while saying it has lots of room, it's more than likely being bought as a child's playtime bag. She's never going to market it as a child's bag, though, remember this is the person that dresses in an elderly woman's ugliest clothes while acting like a child playing pretend at being a magical forest fairy all day and proudly talks about other people talking about her playing pretend all day while being oblivious to how socially inept she looks and sounds, she's not going to think her toy bag is actually going to be given to a child as most people think is the intent.
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lightvixxen · 2 years
I just put it in one big post so I’m not spamming you 🙊
I’ve been thinking about Mistress Chrissy moving way away Hawkins with her pet after high school.
Spending weeks isolating and training her pet to be in subspace 24/7. Training pets body to be so sensitive and responsive, making pet so obedient.Spending all her parents money on cute little outfits, lingerie, and sex toys for her little pet.
Getting deeper into the kinks you share and discovering new ones
Pain kink
Pet play
A24/7 dynamic
Total power exchange
She buys you a day collar, and bondage collar to wear at home, along with bondage cuffs for your wrists and ankles so she can get you tied up and helpless any time she wants.
She only calls you pet in private, or by other pet names, and chooses a new one you go by and that she calls you in public as a means to keep you in subspace and remind you that you’re nothing but her pet
She has cameras set up in every room because you’re the amateur porn queens. The only thing she allows pet to watch is your porn, and you two love fucking and watching your porn. She makes you edge yourself several times a day. If you’re home, it’s always to the porn you’ve made.
She gets your tongue, nipples, and hood pierced. She holds your hand, pets your head, and whispers what a good pet you are and how much mistress loves you while you’re getting them done. She loves making you climb stairs and having you walk by crossing your legs in front of each other because you’re practically doubling over, legs shaking from the jewelry stimulating you
Part of your morning routines is having her beat your tits, ass, and cunt with her hair brush. She won’t stop until she puts her hairbrush inside you and you’re so wet it slides out.
Whenever either of you are stressed, or just needy, you’ll slide onto the others lap and play with their tits. This always ends in making out and tribbing.
Chrissy has realized she’s not into dick, but is determined to make you a size queen. Buying bigger and bigger toys for your holes, then having you take them down your throat after you cum on them. You just look so cute whimpering and crying around them as she pushes them deeper. Loves seeing you with a belly bulge and hearing you scream and cum when she pushes down on it.
You get so used to calling her mistress and only mistress sometimes you start to in public. So being the dumb pet you are, she allows you to call her mistress in private and missy in public. Silly pet can’t even say Chrissy! How cute!
She buys and picks out all your outfits, all easy access, what you eat and when, how you work out and when, she controls everything. If you’re doing chores, it has to be in the slutty French maid uniform, or in an apron and heels, but otherwise naked.
Being far away from home and as out as you could be in the 80s it’s absolutely thrilling that you can walk hand in hand together sometimes. The first time you kissed her cheek in public you thought you were going to pass out! That night was the first time you gave her a hickie and you were so proud! Though she kept having to remind you to ttake it easy. She thought you were going to take revenge for all the hickies she gave you in high school.
And yessss finally being able to be in a 24/7 dynamic!! finally going into your proper training!!! All the stuff in school was so mild compared to your training cause now she gets to see you in the outfits 24/7<3 And all the kinks get found out one by one...She called you "Just a dumb fucking pet, so puss drunk she can't think of anything else" and oops dumbification unlocked. she slapped you ONE time and you looked her straight in the eyes and said "Harder, do it harder please." Others were already slightly open...she could just get her confirmation on them <3
Pet in private and bun/pup/kit in public!!! whichever one is your favorite! AND ALSO THE PORN ONE HHHHHHHH YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!! She just wants to show everyone how obedient and submissive she's made you!!! showing off all the progress she's made with making you a size queen as well!! Showing off all the pretty outfits she puts you in before ruining it!!
Omgggg the piercing one...y e s they make you soooo much more sensitive and they feel good for her!!!! (she also may or may not have gotten some matching ones...she can't have ALL the fun<3)
lmao its getting wayy to long so divide lmao anyway
HAVING YOU SOOO TRAINED YOU CAN ONLY CALL HER BY HER TITLEEEE HHHH its just a force of habit :( you can't help it!!!
Her picking out all your outfits...she totally trashed your ENTIRE wardrobe (except all the stuff she had already bought you) out after graduation...also her controlling all your finances. Want something? gotta ask permission. Want your card? Gotta ask mistress. THE CHORES ONE YESSSS she has to be able to take you where and whenever in the house<3
theres so much but not enough time hhbsbbsbjllslfld
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finsterhund · 1 year
I found a story where the narrator starts off by describing his uncle as "probably on the spectrum" that goes into detail about how he's weird and reclusive and doesn't like talking with his family only then for his special interest he poured all his love and care into coming to life and killing him with his last words being how much he saw the error of his ways and wished he could have spent more time with people (and evidently been less neurodivergent) and the narrator going on about how if he just spent more time with people and less time isolated with his creepy old special interest he wouldn't have died. And the narrator ending the story with a "be careful having obsessions because you don't know what they'll do to you" ass "the moral of the story is" segment and man neurotypicals really do just fucking hate us for existing huh. How meanspirited do you have to be to think that way? It's like a completely taken seriously made for the purpose of revenge "my trains" (lemon demon) ass scenario where the story really does feel like it was only written for the purpose of getting revenge on your relative who builds models by literally having it where somebody is killed by theirs with no rhyme or reason as to why. Nevermind the complete lack of narrative logic of why something you cared for and treated with love would come to life and murder you in the first place. No reasoning was given beyond "the narrative is punishing him for having a hobby in a way that isn't societally approved" like logically if this thing was alive it only thrived because the dude laboured over it and by killing him it guaranteed itself to languish and rot and suffer and ultimately be destroyed. Makes no sense. Just left a bad taste in my mouth. It's the polar opposite of that cute comic I saw a while back where someone finds a haunted doll and as they laboriously restore it the toy feels loved and as a result doesn't harm their new owner.
Idk maybe I'm just reading too far into this but it really came off as a "fuck you for devoting your life to a weird hobby instead of making yourself available to other people in a neurotypical way" and that sucked.
Also an aside but it frustrated me when the narrator was like "oh these models aren't really around anymore, they've fallen out of fashion for being creepy and dated" as if the problem isn't that the neurodivergent people who'd love nothing more than to pursue these hobbies can't because their status as "lesser than" in our capitalist wageslave society making them exploited and unemployable means they're a group less likely to be able to afford these hobbies in the first place and less likely to have the space, time, resources, accessibility to pursue them as their contemporaries/elders did decades ago. If you have the space you're a "recluse" for spending time there, if you don't you're a "hoarder" for trying to pursue these hobbies in the tiny little boxes afforded to you. No I'm not bitter that one of my many childhood dreams after visiting Miniature World is impossible because I don't even have a fucking basement of my own that I can set up a little model town in why do you fucking ask?
Idk maybe there's another perspective of what happened in this universe where the uncle has an entire online friend circle catered around his hobby and the evil paranormal shit happened because of a bitter family member casting some curse and it turns out the narrator of the canonical story is full of shit and it's a classic case of wildly unreliable narrator. That would be funny in a very morbid ass way. Like,
Narrator: my mom cared so much for him and tried to keep him in her life even though he kept pushing everyone away
Uncle, on his Usenet board: my sister keeps mocking me for spending my money I earn as an adult on my models and acting like she's our mother. She's had our entire childhood to practice being cruel about the things I care about without overtly coming across as abusive and she gaslights me when I try to confront her about it what do I do?
TrainBoy64: She's trying to hurt you but knows better than to do it in a way that will make her look like the asshole. Try "grey rock" like I mentioned last week. Nobody deserves your time or commitment even if they're related to you.
Uncle: thanks man. Wanna see the new conductor I painted?
TrainBoy64: sure thing just remember to keep the photos under 200kb this time. My bandwidth sucks.
Narrator: my uncle freaked the fuck out when I accidentally damaged one of his models
Uncle, online: hey guys, today my sister brought her kids over and I tried to explain to them how these things are delicate and they need to be careful because they're not toys but my nephew directly disobeyed me and damaged my favourite building. I got upset and started crying and my sister yelled at me and said how her kids were more mature than I am but I thought I very clearly explained everything. I still feel bad though because I want to encourage kids to get into the hobby and don't want to stop them from visiting if they still want to.
TrainBoy64: your sister probably talks about your models to her kids as if they're toys and speaks down about you around them. I know it hurts but try to remember that it's their mom's fault, not theirs. If you want to keep inviting them over maybe try setting some ground rules until they're a bit older or make a cheaper area just for them to play with.
The uncle: thanks. I love my nephew and it makes me so happy when he visits. I just wish he was a bit more careful.
TrainBoy64: that will come with time. Remember when you told me how you accidentally ruined your first model plane when you were 11? Maybe he felt just as bad as you did but was better at hiding his emotions.
The narrator: after my uncle went missing my mom did everything she could to get law enforcement to take the case seriously and she was very upset
(the mother feels an extreme amount of guilt for pushing her brother away just as much as he "pushed her away" and it took him fucking dying for her to realize this. Or, alternatively, the guilt at her using dark magic to "teach him a lesson" and accidentally killing him in the process is absolutely fucking eating her up inside)
Idk. That's what I'm going with now. Made me feel a little bit better about the whole thing.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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iwaizumi was... overwhelmed, to say the least.
the past few days had been such a whirlwind of change that hajime could barely properly process, much less appropriately react to it all, so he behaved much like a zombie, saying yes when prompted, signing papers when told, and packing up what was his entire life for the past 11 months.
wow. iwaizumi collapsed on his bed as he scanned his now barren bedroom. he’d been here for almost a year and yet, all his belongings were in boxes within a couple of days.
hajime couldn’t keep the disbelieving chuckle from escaping his chest as he leaned back on his bed, dark brown eyes trained on the ceiling.
it felt like he’d spent such a large chunk of his life trapped in this house, under the foot of the woman who he thought he’d marry but in reality, he’d been in little leagues longer than he’d been in love.
iwaizumi scoffed and rolled his eyes. yeah, “in love”. it’d been about a week since his whole life started to unravel and he had hardly seen, let alone spoken to meiko throughout that entire time.
over text, she’d sworn up and down that she loved and cared about him but as she passed by him packing his things a few days ago, she’d barely spared him a second glance.
hajime wasn’t going to lie. it hurt. he’d opened his heart up to her, something he didn’t do easily, and she’d taken his trust and used it to twist him into her weapon.
he always believed he was stronger than this — he’d never forget his mother telling him so when he was younger. he had fallen and scraped his knee yet he refused to cry to keep from upsetting his mom. iwaizumi existed to live up to what his mother thought of him but here he was, completely enveloped in meiko’s shit, doing her dirty work and following her bidding like some mutt.
god, toorū was right. he really was her bitch.
“i could hear you thinking from down the hall, iwa-chan.” speak of the devil...
oikawa stood at his doorway, leaning against the frame with a posture that seemed relaxed at first glance but if you looked a little closer, you’d notice the tenseness in his shoulders and the tightness of his smile.
hajime quickly sat up on his bed before motioning for his old friend to enter. “uh, yeah,” he began, his voice cracking a little from disuse, “i have a lot to think about.”
the light haired brunette let out an understanding hum before wandering into the room, sharp observant eyes darting to look at all the empty walls. “looks like you’re all packed.”
“pretty much,” iwaizumi nodded before the room fell into an awkward silence, the two childhood friends completely avoiding one another’s eyes.
“look, i-“
“iwa-chan, i’m-“
they both paused for a moment before bursting into laughter, the sound carrying into the hall and throughout the house.
hajime wiped a few stray tears from his eyes, shaking his head at their awkwardness. “you first, shittykawa.”
toorū gasped in halfhearted mock offense before quickly sobering up, training iwaizumi with a completely serious look. “i’m sorry and before you go on some bullshit, self sacrificing rant, you’re not the only one to blame for what happened to our friendship.”
he sighed while making his way to iwaizumi’s bed, sitting down gently beside him. “i should’ve known better, okay? i shouldn’t have let my jealousy and insecurities get in between us but i guess i got swept up in the attention, yknow? meiko is actually charming when she wants to be.”
iwaizumi nodded in agreement, knowing all too well how compelling meiko could be. the room fell into a more comfortable silence as both boys escaped into their thoughts, questions about the future of their friendship flitting throughout their minds.
“oh!” oikawa was pulled out of his own head at hajime’s exclamation, his eyes moving to observe his friend dig through his pockets to procure a thick white envelope. “here. i’d like you to give this yn.”
all toorū could do was nod, his brain short circuiting at the sight of iwaizumi’s apparent kindness to the woman he tormented for so long. “uh, what’s in it?” he ventured to ask, his soft hands toying with the sealed envelope flap.
a soft chuckle came from across the bed. “don’t be so nosy toorū, just give it to her, yeah?” oikawa rolled his eyes but obliged, the bed creaking as he stood to his feet.
“so... this is it, huh?” it was like the reality of the situation was just now sinking in — they hadn’t been close in a while but iwaizumi was still his best friend and he wasn’t quite ready to let him go.
they’d been through so much together, practically growing up together and now, they’d only see each other on holidays, if even then, and then he’d never be invited to hajime’s wedding as his best man as they’d planned and he also wouldn’t be the coolest uncle/godfather of iwa’s children and—
“fuck no,” hajime scoffed with a bright grin on his face. “thought you were gonna annoy me til the end of time shittykawa. don’t tell me you’re quitting your job now.”
the hidden meaning behind iwaizumi’s words brought tears to oikawa’s eyes and before he could stop himself, he launched his body into iwa’s arms. hajime hesitated, his hands stuttering at toorū’s sides as though he’d forgotten how to hug but the feeling passed, his arms winding around his friend’s lithe waist.
“‘m gonna miss you hajime,” oikawa’s voice came out as a broken whimper, his arms tightening around his shoulders.
iwaizumi hummed instead of responding, too afraid of his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. they stood there for a moment but the honk of the moving truck outside signaled the both of them of their limited time.
hurriedly, oikawa wiped the tears off his cheeks before waving awkwardly at iwaizumi as he left the room with a friendly, “don’t be a stranger.”
and then he was gone.
toorū finally allowed himself to collapse into sobs on his best friends empty bed, his palms pressing into his eyes as he sat there and just let himself feel.
apparently, he wasn’t crying very quietly because it took only a few moments for you to find him, your soft footsteps alerting him to your presence. oikawa scrambled to wipe away what he knew was an unattractive mixture of tears and snot as you got closer.
you were one of the last people he wanted to see him like this.
“hey,” you whispered, standing a few feet away from him. “um, i know this is probably a bad time but i just wanted to thank you for apologizing? back at the awards show?”
toorū sniffed as he looked up at you with confusion written on his face. “what? you shouldn’t thank me for apologizing. ‘s common courtesy.”
you laughed softly, nodding in agreement. “well, not always. so, thank you.” finished with your piece and not too keen on lingering where you weren’t wanted, you moved towards the door but were swiftly stopped before you got there.
“um, here. it’s from iwa-chan.” you gaped at the thick envelope oikawa was handing you before taking it and opening it, a low curse falling from your lips.
inside the package was a dense wad of cash, more money than you’d seen in months. accompanied with it was a letter, written in beautifully loopy handwriting.
you shut it quickly before oikawa could see, stuffing the envelope deep within your pocket where you could access it alone in the depths of your room.
“do you wanna come eat? last i heard, bokuto and tsumu were doing a cooking competition and i’m sure it’ll be fun to watch.” you were severely thrown off by the money and letter but you were determined to show toorū that you’d accepted his apology and were on your way to making amends.
he gave you a shy nod and trailed behind you to the kitchen, the loud sounds of fire and screaming coming from down the hall. you wanted to focus on the fun and merriment but the envelope was practically burning a hole in your pocket.
later that night, you finally got the chance to open the letter and read it, your former manager’s words bringing tears to your eyes.
dear yn,
i’m probably the last person you expected to hear from. you probably didn’t want to hear from me at all if i’m being honest and i don’t blame you. i know there is nothing i can say that could make up for what i’ve done to you but i’d like to try.
i’m sorry. those words don’t nearly express in and of themselves how truly remorseful i am but they needed to be said. there’s no excuse for how i treated you — not meiko, not my stress, absolutely nothing.
you deserved my common decency and respect and i didn’t give that to you. instead, i abused my position and made your life hell. i’ll never forgive myself for that.
uh, i bet you’re wondering what the money is? i promise i’m not trying to pay you off, it’s just all the money i’ve denied you since you moved here. i have a lot of wrongs to right and this is one of them.
sorry, i’m not very good with words but i just wanted you to know that i’m very sorry for everything that i’ve done. and i’m in no place to make demands or anything but i just wanted to ask if you’d keep an eye on oikawa for me.
he’s strong but he’s also vulnerable. he might be a pain in my ass but he’s my best friend and since i can’t keep him from drowning, i was wondering if you’d do that - not for me but for him.
anyways, this letter is shit but i suppose you get the gist. use the money for whatever you want and if you’re as unselfish as i’ve heard, you don’t owe me anything. you don’t owe me money, kindness, or forgiveness.
take care of yourself,
iwaizumi hajime
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℗ poker face
so... this is it
series masterlist
an - soooo m back :D hopefully this is the last of my mini hiatuses!! this chapter sucked to write but i’m not mad at how it turned out?? pls let me know how i did skjdkd don’t forget to feed me <3333
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@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
3K notes · View notes
angry-geese · 3 years
Risotto Nero x Reader
Warnings: nsfw / mdni. shameless smut, shower sex, oral (fem and masc receiving), fingering, handjobs, praise kink, unprotected sex, creampie, biting. lots of fluff. afab reader. fem pronouns, risotto calls the reader a good girl like once
a/n: a soft, self indulgent smut fic with Risotto
Word Count: 2k
The job went well. It's not often you can say such a thing. It's a rare, but welcome day when nothing goes wrong. Risotto suggested going out to dinner to celebrate. Food sounded nice, but you were far too tired to get ready for a nice restaurant. You settled on takeout.
He insisted on heading straight home. Any paperwork you can get done tomorrow. The hideout isn't going to burn down if left alone for one night. Well, not as long as someone responsible is around. Prosciutto is probably there. If not him, then Sorbet and Gelato are.
Over the past few years, the small apartment is what you two have called home. Rent was cheap, not to mention there weren't many neighbors. While Risotto may have been fine with sleeping at the hideout, you weren't.
You can hardly pull Risotto away from work. This was a rare, but welcome occasion.
The hot water feels nice as it pours over your sore muscles, turning varying shades of red as it rolls off your body, staining the bottom of the tub. It's not yours. Most of it anyway. Baths don't get blood out. Not a lot does. Showers are a bit better, but you’ve gotten used to tossing out a lot of clothes because of the stains.
"Hey Ris," you call out, "you comin' in or not?"
Momentarily the curtain pulls aside. Cold air rushes in, goosebumps raise along your exposed skin. He tosses aside the last of his clothes, joining you.
You give him a once-over for any injuries. Some blood is dried to his hands, though he looks mostly uninjured. He's too tall for the both of you to fit in the tub at the same time, so taking a bath together is out of the question. When you buy a home together—someday—you'll get a tub big enough.
"C'mere." You say. "I feel bad making you stand in the cold."
You take his much larger hands in yours, inspecting them for any wounds. He watches as your eyes scan up and down his body. Aside from a few scrapes, he's unharmed.
He practically has to kneel so you can wash his hair. A few, pleased sounding grunts leave him as you work the shampoo into his scalp. It smells like you, he notes. Your nails are getting a bit long, and feel nice against his skin. His shoulders tense as your hands work lower, working the knots out of his shoulders.
"Lean back so I'm not waterboarding you," you say, carding your fingers through his hair.
He has to duck to fit under the shower head. The one at the hideout isn't nearly as short, but there’s no shower curtain, not to mention Illuso who has little regard for personal space, and a penchant for appearing out of mirrors. Maybe the next hit will give you two enough money to look for a house. He could really use a bigger bathroom. And a bigger bed. There’s nothing wrong with the one you have now, but he wants one where he can sprawl out a bit more.
Though his back is to you, he feels your eyes drift down his body. You look at him in a way nobody has before. It both terrifies, and comforts him. Most eyes fill with fear when they gaze upon him. Yours never did. Even as you first showed up to the hideout, wide-eyed and frightened, telling him you had just been assigned to the hitman team, you never saw him as anything but good.
Each passing job, each day that goes by, he finds himself falling more hopelessly in love.
Your touch drifts across his back, working the soap over his skin. You’re shameless in how you admire the planes of muscle, and his well-toned arms. In public you’re rather reserved, it's only behind closed doors that you let your affections show. Risotto values the peace of solace, and most of all privacy. The two of you become entirely different people when no longer confined to a certain appearance. Very few things fluster him the way you do. He stiffens as your hands work particularly low, your fingers ghosting across the sensitive skin of his thighs.
Your intentions seem innocent enough until your hand wraps around his half-hardened cock.
A noise resembling that of surprise leaves him, followed by a weak: "the food-"
"We've got twenty minutes." You say. "It'll be fine."
His pupils shrink down to pinpricks. You have to stand on the tips of your toes to give him a kiss. Just a quick peck. He pulls you back to deepen the kiss, nibbling on your bottom lip until you allow the slick muscle of his tongue to explore your mouth. A strand of saliva connects your lips when you pull away.
He watches you with wide eyes as you give his cock a few pumps, sinking to your knees. The tiles of the shower can't be comfortable, but they don't seem to bother you. You lick a stripe up the underside of his cock from base to tip. The kitten licks you place against the head only serves to make him stiffen, and let out a few pleased grunts. It becomes a game, trying to get him to unravel entirely.
He’s too big to bottom out in your mouth. The man is quite literally huge, it's only fitting his cock would match. The hairs towards the base are the same silver as his head, and neatly trimmed. You hollow out your cheeks, pumping what you can't fit in your mouth with your hands. A mix of saliva and precum drips down your chin.
“Fuck-” He’s cut off mid-sentence by his own moan. “You feel so good. You’re so beautiful.”
Risotto can't tear his eyes away from the way the suds cling to your form, how the water collects and drips off every curve of your body, how your breasts jiggle with each movement of your head. It's rare he’s so shameless with his affections. Even behind closed doors he was rather reserved. Love such as the way you love is foreign to him. You’re never shy in the way you love him. It's not that he doesn't like it—it's quite the opposite—but in a way he’s terrified.
“There- tesoro,” His hands bury in your hair, tugging gently. “Like that. You take me so well.”
You pick up the pace a bit, pumping his cock faster. One of your hands slips between your legs, toying with your already-wet cunt. He pulls you off, an audible pop echoes through the bathroom as your lips release his cock.
Shower sex is a bit hazardous. He's too worried about you slipping. Still, he falls to his knees, his large hands ghosting down your sides. He leaves a trail of wet, open mouth kisses down your stomach, licking a stripe from your bellybutton to your mound. His tongue briefly dips between your folds.
He presses kitten licks to your clit, his touch achingly gentle. You angle your hips to give him better access. He latches onto the bundle of nerves, lapping and sucking desperately, rolling his tongue over the small bud. Your fingers bury in his wet hair, guiding him to where you need him most. The wet, lewd noises of his tongue can barely be heard over the shower and your own moans. Risotto’s name spills past your lips like a prayer. His ring and middle finger press into you. They pump in and out of you slowly at first, hooking and stroking against your g-spot.
His gaze drifts up your body, admiring every dip and curve. He takes you in like a man starved and given his first meal in weeks. You grind down against his face as you near your release. Steam coils off his back in ribbons, floating off and dissipating in the humid bathroom air.
Risotto pulls away, a wet smack echoing through the bathroom. There's a dark, needy look in his eyes, which are already hazy with lust. His cheeks are flushed; either with need, or from the hot air.
“Keep looking at me like that,” he says, running his tongue over his bottom lip, “and you won't be able to walk right for a week, tesoro.”
You let out a squeak as he hauls you into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist. Your arms loop around his shoulders, your fingers lacing together behind his back. He mutters a weak "I've got you" into the crook of your neck.
The head of his cock is slick with precum. It presses into you slowly, filling you inch by inch. The stretch stings a bit, though with the prep it hardly hurts at all. He was always terrified of hurting you when you first got together. Sometimes he still is. You constantly have to remind him that you're tough, and you'll survive a little manhandling.
He groans as he bottoms out, muttering a weak "good girl" into your ear. You feel so impossibly full. His fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs so hard you think they'll bruise. Not that you mind. Risotto gives you a moment to adjust to his size, although it's not needed.
“Please,” you say, your voice weak.
A dark laugh leaves him, coming from low in his chest. “Please what?”
“Fuck me,”
The heat that pools low in your stomach is undeniable. Risotto’s touch leaves you with an aching need you’ve never been able to replicate. Many nights when he was away on a job you would try to recreate his skilled touch. Always to no avail. Your hands never compare to the real thing.
Being so at his mercy is intoxicating. There's an odd, weightless feeling as he fucks into you. His hips meet yours in unrelenting thrusts. The sound of skin slapping on skin echoes through the bathroom, just barely drowned out by your collective moans, and the rushing of the shower. The angle allows him to hit deep, his cock curving in a way that makes your toes curl. His teeth sink into the junction where your neck meets your shoulders, leaving a faint, crescent-shaped indent. Tension builds in your stomach like a coil being wound tight.
You fit around him like a glove, your warm, wet cunt clenching around him in a way that threatens to make him cum on the spot. Nothing feels quite as good as the way you do. Before he never had much of a sex drive. It was something he had gone most of his adult life without. But upon meeting you, finally feeling your touch, he can never seem to get enough.
His own release creeps up on him far sooner than he expected, though you don't look to be far behind him. You're flushed from your forehead to your chest, blush dusting the tips of your nose and ears. Your moans—mixed with various curses and praises—echo through the room. His thrusts grow sloppy as he nears his own orgasm, his hips rocking against you in short, needy thrusts.
What sends him over the edge is the way your nails dig into his back, raking up the hard planes of muscle. Hot ropes of his cum spill into your unprotected womb.
His hand moves down to toy with your clit, working circles around the bundle of nerves. Your skin feels feverishly warm against his. He thrusts until the coil in your stomach snaps and you cry out, your legs tightening around his waist. You ride out your orgasm on his cock, his thrusts slowing.
He pulls out slowly so as to not make too much of a mess. Your arms remain around his shoulders to steady yourself. Shamelessly he leans back to admire his work. The sight of his cum dripping down your thighs is enough to make him want a second round. He likes taking his time with you, but he’ll never pass up on a quickie.
Risotto looks at you with such adoration that it makes your chest swell with affection. The kiss he pulls you into is uncharacteristically soft, but driven by need. His hands move to cup your cheeks, brushing your wet hair out of your face. It's another moment before he’s hauling you into his arms, heading for your shared room.
The moment is only disrupted by a knock on the door.
322 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, sex toys, shibari, dom!seungcheol, dirty talk, overstimulation/forced orgasms, squirting, degradation, name calling, daddy!kink, gags! 😍💕 ✨HAPPY NEW YEAR!!✨ Here’s to more fun fics in 2021! I can’t believe this is our last chapter though omg 😭 It’s been suuuuch a journey and a privilege to write this little series out! I’ve honestly thought about a camgirl/boy series for like, over a year now, and I’m glad I finally did it! I completed one of my goals! 🥺💕 2020 was definitely a wild one, but I want to thank you all so fuckin’ much for supporting me and stickin’ it out with me all year! Here’s to more in the coming year!💕 Also I was proofreading this at the dining table last night thinking my roommate wouldn’t come out of their room but they did(while I was making dinner and my hands were dirty so I couldnt close my laptop ☠️) and they walked past my laptop and now I’m convinced they saw my fucking smut fic right in the open so yes my little mini-break next week is MUCH needed cause I am ✨embarrassed✨ 🤣 I’ll still do my inbox roundup tomorrow and probably answer a bunch of small thirst posts ‘n stuff throughout the week but there won’t be any drabbles! For now, enjoy chapter 20 🥺, have a safe weekend, and remember that I love you~ ❤️🍒💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 COMPLETE
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Seungcheol wakes up much earlier than you do the next morning; pressing a kiss to your forehead as you groan and snuggle deeper into your pillow.
“Baby, I need to go run some errands for a little bit, okay? Just keep sleeping, you don’t need to get up yet. But, I made breakfast and put it in the microwave for you when you decide to get up later.”
His voice is muffled and you can barely understand what he’s saying but you nod; a soft sigh on your lips when you drift back into dreamland. He takes his time getting ready, checking his phone notifications as he gets dressed and places a note on the nightstand knowing that you didn’t catch a single word he said.
‘Hey, did you get everything I asked for?’
Jimin🧍🏻: of course, who do you think I am? Jeongguk?
Jimin🧍🏻: and btw, i’m just giving you a crash course okay? We don’t really have a ton of time
Jimin🧍🏻: did you watch those tutorial videos I sent you?
‘Yeah, I did some practice on my breaks, but I guess you can tell me if I’m doing anything wrong.’
Jimin🧍🏻: okee, i’ll be waiting. Don’t get here too late!
‘I’ll be otw soon. Thanks again, Jimin.’
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“Ow--damn, okay, you don’t need to tug on it so much!”
“Sorry, I’ll be careful! And why are we practicing on you anyway?! Couldn’t you just have shown me pictures or something?”
“How else will you learn if not on an actual body? It doesn’t work the same way, Seungcheol.” Jimin pauses, checking himself in the mirror. “Also, keep in mind she does have boobs so just… go slow, okay? It’s not gonna sit like this on her.”
Seungcheol blushes a crimson red; biting the inside of his cheek at how amateur he was at this.
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Seungcheol is gone for a lot longer than you anticipate and although he replies quickly to your texts, you can’t help but be curious about where he’d gone and what he was doing.
Especially knowing that the two of you had to film tonight and knowing that everything was up to Seungcheol.
A shiver rolls down your body at the thought and you quickly try to shake off the nerves that seem to slowly invade your body when your mind starts to wander.
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure…”
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“I’m home!”
“Where have you--oh, that’s… a b-big box? Um, should I be concerned...”
Seungcheol grins, shrugging as he sets it onto the kitchen counter. “Just some supplies for tonight. I had to go pick them up from a friend but I had to make sure everything was right.” He notices the way you can’t seem to take your eyes off of the box; eyes twinkling when he makes his way towards you.
He tilts your head up to meet his in a searing kiss, lips easing into a smile when you wrap your arms around his neck and melt under his touch. You moan against his lips just before he pulls away; staring dreamily at him while his hands start to roam over your clothed body.
“We have a long night ahead of us, sweetheart. Let’s pamper you a little before then, hmm?”
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j__min: ??? where’s the loverboy
j__min has donated $200
angelhan has donated $75
therealchan99 has donated $50
xcaliburDK has donated $75
xcaliburDK: is that the sybian? Haven’t seen that in a looong while
You bite your lip and nod, somewhat shy as you sit alone in front of the camera. “Seungcheol’s still… setting up but he told me to start! I’m a little nervous, to be honest…” Your eyes flit to Seungcheol who rummages through the box in the kitchen and from the angle you’re sat in, you can’t see a single thing he takes out.
Earlier, he’d cooked you your favorite meal and even took the time to give you a full body massage before the two of you cuddled on the sofa and watched a movie. To you, it seemed a little too suspiciously tame and you only found yourself more nervous when he made you drink two glasses of water and ever so quietly announced it was time to start getting ready for the camshow.
“He’s being so suspicious! He was even gone for a few hours earlier today…” You mumble; brows furrowed at the camera before checking the comments.
It still amazed you every time with how much money you and Seungcheol made from the camshows and videos and it made you feel even better knowing that everyone loved the chemistry the two of you had together. There were a lot of video requests and ideas mixed in with the comments at any given time and you were definitely ready to pitch some to Seungcheol now that you’d rebranded your channel to be a couple’s channel instead.
“Almost done, sweetheart!”
gc__koo: he told me to watch cuz he was being suspicious with me too 
gc__koo has donated $50
alphagyu97: what is he even plotting
alphagyu97: i am excited to see the sybian again tho ngl
artist8hao: pretty baby gonna squirt for us again?
universe_WZ: hell fuckin yea let us see how fuckin wrecked you get on that machine
You feel your pussy clench around emptiness at their comments; already feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter with the anticipation.
Movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention and Seungcheol walks towards the bed with a wide smile and the same box in hand. “Ready?” You can only nod back slowly, watching as he dumps the contents of the box right next to your body.
gc__koo: oy
chwenon: oh shit
sleepy_wonu: oh baby, you’re in for it now
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
Your entire body fills with warmth as you look over the various objects; unsure of where to really look first. “I, um--”
A stack of red ropes sits next to a small bullet vibrator that sits next to a ball gag that sits next to a pair of EMT shears and your eyes immediately flit up to Seungcheol who only smirks back at your shocked expression. “I had some other toys I wanted to use but I figured I should go easy on you, y’know? Since you showed me some mercy last night.”
Nodding, you reach out towards the ropes, touching them shyly. “Why red?”
“Thought they’d be on theme for you, babygirl.”
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Seungcheol takes his time; remembering Jimin’s words when he tugs the ropes around your wrists.
“Colour, babygirl?”
“G-green… daddy…”
He nods, sitting up on his knees behind you as you sit on the sybian and face the camera. You bite your lip, somewhat embarrassed that you were already soaking the toy underneath you as Seungcheol worked to bind your arms behind you.
“D--daddy, where did you l-learn this?” You whisper, somewhat curious if this had anything to do with why he was gone for so long earlier in the day.
“Mm, daddy’s friend Jimin was kind enough to help me get the tools and teach me a few tricks to make sure I kept my babygirl safe. Wasn’t that kind of him?” You nod gently, gulping when you shift atop the machine slightly in hopes of relieving some of the growing sexual tension in your body. “Why don’t you thank him properly, sweetheart?”
Your hazy eyes make eye contact with the camera, head tilted slightly. “T-thank you, J-Jimin… for--for helping daddy…”
j__min: omg a shoutout ive made it
kitty_junjun: we never thought we’d see the day
tangerine_kwan: and here we all thought you were gonna be the bad guy huh
hoshi_tiger_xx: like when u only see previews of the book online but the rest of it is different ykwim
Seungcheol makes sure your arms are bound snug enough but not too tight; leaning away slightly to admire his rope work. “Feeling okay so far, babygirl?”
Nodding, you whine back slightly. “Y-yes, daddy… But… my--my pussy wants s-something…” He laughs in return, readjusting so that he’s sitting on your side this time to give himself easier access to start the rest of the bindings.
“Is that so? You’re gonna have to be a little more patient this time ‘cause daddy’s not done yet.” He starts working on the rest of the harness; going slow and checking in with you often to make sure none of the ropes were digging into your skin or making you uncomfortable. “You’ll have to forgive me a little though, I’m admittedly a ‘lil inexperienced so our pretty babygirl is only going to be tied up in this pretty harness for tonight.”
gentleman_josh95: the fact u even took the time to learn just for her
gentleman_josh95 has donated $100
artist8hao: seriously, the dedication
kitty_junjun: we stan a man who knows safety and etiquette 
Comments of reassurance and donations flood in at Seungcheol’s small apology and although the two of you are in your own world; you can tell from just the amount of pings coming from your laptop that they all seemed to be encouraging him.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as Seungcheol continues to move around you on the bed to finish the harness and a smile graces his lips when he starts to secure the last knots in the back. He can’t help but mentally pat himself on the back at how neatly he’d done it for his first time.
“There. All done, baby.”
Your eyes flit to the laptop’s screen to see yourself; cheeks hot when you see how fucked out you already look and he hadn’t even touched you properly or turned on the machine.
The star harness Seungcheol had tied looks pretty with red ropes and you can’t hide your smile at how good it looks on you too either. “Ah, daddy made it really p-pretty… Thank you.”
This time, Seungcheol nods, letting you admire yourself as he silently reaches for the small remote for the sybian, switching it on.
Your entire body lurches forward as soon as the vibrations attack your clit and you immediately find yourself moaning and grinding down onto the machine as he gives you some relief.  
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Now let’s really have some fun, huh?”
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You need to cum.
“Awww, is my pretty baby drooling? Does it feel that good on your sensitive ‘lil clit?” He teases, smoothing down your hair as you cry around the ball gag in your mouth; drool seeping out from the side of your lips when he raises the vibrations a setting higher.
You don’t know how many times he’d played with the settings and edged you by now, but all you do know is that the urge to cum only grows stronger as you grind against the machine, soaking it with your wetness as you chase the pleasure building up in your body again.  
Surely cumming was okay, right? He never said you couldn’t.
You whimper around the ball gag, eyes fluttering shut when the tension in your body snaps in the blink of an eye and your thighs clamp down onto the sides of the machine. Throwing your head back, you moan against the gag and ride out your high as Seungcheol watches you from the side.
“Mm, bet that felt good, huh? But I know you want something in that greedy ‘lil cunt of yours, don’t you? You want daddy’s cock slamming into your tight ‘lil hole ‘til it’s full of my cum, right, sweetheart?” He licks his lips, turning off the sybian as you slump forward.
universe_WZ: shit shes so sensitive
chwenon: especially with her arms bound like that i bet she’s on cloud nine rn
gentleman_josh95: her cute lil head is probably all fuzzy already from all the sensations
therealchan99 has donated $100
gc__koo has donated $75
j__min has donated $150
All you can do is whimper and nod; teary eyes blinking back at Seungcheol as he smirks and leans in towards you.
“Mmm, you’ll get what you want eventually. But for now, you’re gonna cum again.”
He turns the sybian back on, licking his lips when he sees your body tensing again. It was always easier to get you to cum a second time and his point is proven when you mewl around the ball gag a few minutes later; chest heaving in stuttered breaths as you try to shy away from the toy still vibrating against your overly sensitive clit when you’re quickly thrown into another orgasm.
“You always cum for daddy so easily, don’t you, babygirl?”
Your head feels fuzzy after already cumming twice in such a short span of time but you nod, head lolling to the side as Seungcheol finally turns the sybian off for good.
Seungcheol gives you a second to catch your breath before he’s scooting in and fiddling with the clasps at the back of your head to take the ball gag off.
A thread of saliva connects your lips to the gag and you whimper at how good it feels to be able to actually speak again. “D-daddy…” Drool drips from your mouth as your lead lolls forward and Seungcheol is quick to bring a hand up to keep your head up as he looks into your lust filled eyes.
“Colour, sweetheart?”
“Still g-green…” He nods back, checking to make sure none of the ropes had shifted. “Would you like some water before we continue, baby?”
“Yes, daddy…”
He fetches you a glass of water, tilting it against your lips as you down the entire glass and you find yourself a little surprised at how needed it was. “Thank you, d-daddy…”
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Ready to keep going?”
You nod, a little bit more energized. “I hope everyone, mmh, l-likes the show so f-far~” Your teary vision prevents you from reading the comments and before you can even make an effort to, Seungcheol is already helping you off of the machine and helping you sit on the bed across from him.
alphagyu97: ugh she looks so fucking good in that harness
angelhan: right? That shade of red looks so good against her skin too
angelhan: so fuckin pretty
tangerine_kwan: pics for the private room later? Plz i beg
Seungcheol takes this time to take off his boxer briefs, cock curving up against his abdomen when he’s fully naked across from you. He wraps a hand around his cock, moaning and spreading the precum down his shaft as you watch. “D’you want this, baby?”
Your lips fall open in a silent moan as you watch Seungcheol jerk himself off and you can’t help but squirm. “Y-yes…”
“Tell me exactly what you want then. Let them hear what a filthy little slut you are for me.” You can’t help but feel miserably empty watching him and despite having already cum twice, you want his cock fucking you open and making you cum again.
“Yes, babygirl?”
“I, ngh, I want d-daddy’s cock… Please? Ah, I--I wanna feel you fucking my--my pussy into the, mmh, s-shape of your c-cock… And I w-want you to c-cum inside my--my slutty little h-hole…”
Seungcheol scoffs, hips shallowly thrusting up into his enclosed fist. “That’s right. You’re just my slutty ‘lil babygirl that lets me use all her tight holes how I please, right? You like it when I cum down your throat and in your pretty ‘lil ass. But we all know you like it best when I cum in your hot ‘lil cunt. Makes you feel all warm and full, doesn’t it? You like it when my cum is dripping out of your spent cunt and sliding down your shaky thighs.” This time you nod furiously as you whine back in response.
“P-please… Can’t wait any--anymore!”
This time, the impatience takes over as you slightly tug on the ropes; whining when they don’t give. “Daddy!”
And this time, he gives in quicker than he anticipates, growling as he reaches for the EMT shears to cut you from the harness. “Don’t let your arms down, no matter how much you want to. You’re going to strain your arms if you move too fast so let me handle it, okay, sweetheart?”
The sudden gentleness in his voice has a giddy warmth pouring over you as you nod and sit still while he cuts at various points of the harness to make the ropes fall loose around your arms and chest. You keep your arms in the same position like he requested and you soon feel his hands roaming your skin and massaging your arms to get the blood flowing again.
“You’re so good for me, baby.” He whispers against your hair, leaning down to kiss your shoulder before he slowly easing your arms down from being folded behind your back.
He continues to massage your arms for a few more minutes before it’s you that’s getting impatient. “Daddy… Can you fuck me now?” Whispering, you slightly turn your body to the side to meet his gentle stare.
Seungcheol laughs under his breath, nodding. “Lay on your back for me, legs spread.”
You follow his orders as you quickly scramble to get into position; legs spread wide for him to situate himself between.
“Mm, your pussy is still so fuckin’ wet. I wanna taste you on my tongue, baby.” Whines spill from your lips as you shake your head ‘no.’
“No! My p-pussy feels empty, I need y-your cock, daddy… ‘n I’m so wet, you can probably, ah, just s-slide your cock in…”
He wraps a hand around his cock just as you wrap your legs around his waist and he guides himself until the head of his cock is right at your entrance.
Neither of you say a word as he slowly starts to sink his cock in; guttural moans on his lips when he meets no resistance and bottoms out in a singular thrust. “Holy fuck, your cunt is so fuckin’ wet. Shit, and so t-tight!” You clench around him, already feeling good with his cock inside of you as you beg him to fuck you hard and fast.
“Ngh, p-please fuck me like--like I’m your, hah, c-cocksleeve… I want it f-fast, daddy!”
He grits his teeth at your words; drawing his hips back before snapping them into you just how you wanted. “Fast, hmm? All you think about in that pretty head of yours is my cock pounding you open, huh? Slamming into you so fuckin’ good, it makes your toes curl when you cum.”
Seungcheol starts a quick pace, already feeling the pleasure building up for himself when you’re reduced to garbled noises and broken cries of his name. The heels of your feet dig into the small of his back as you try to press him in closer and he’s quick to reach for the small bullet vibrator left on the bed next to your body.
“Your body is so fuckin’ sensitive, I can already feel how tight you’re getting around me. So fuckin’ greedy to cum too. Already came twice and you still want more. You’re not satisfied until your whole body is shaking underneath me, huh, sweetheart?” He turns the small toy on, pressing it to your clit as you yelp and let out choked sobs.
“Ah, ngh, d-daddy, my--my clit’s t-too sen--sensitive! I--I can’t--!” Squirming, you feel the pressure building up obscenely quick; bottom lip quivering when he takes one of your free hands and makes you hold the toy to your swollen clit.
“Just a little more, sweetheart. Don’t you wanna cum?”
He angles his thrusts to graze against your g-spot and loud cries of his name leave your lips in a hurried, jumbled mess when he only doubles his pace.
The sound of donations and comments pour in like water and get lost within the ringing in your ears; unable to even warn Seungcheol that you’re about to cum when you feel your entire body starting to lock up underneath him.
Your lips part in a silent scream and your back bows off of the bed, thighs shaking uncontrollably as you cum for the third time. Seungcheol growls, fucking you through it as you squirt all over his lower half.  He finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as you cum, but he feels himself quickly following suit with your warm walls fluttering around his cock.
“Fuck, baby, that’s right. Squirt for me, get me fuckin’ soaked while you cum.” He uses a free hand to make sure you keep the toy pressed to your clit, growling when he starts to unload his cum inside of you. “Mmh, gonna fill your cunt up with what you want, baby.”
A shaky moan leaves your lips as you feel him throbbing inside your pussy; walls clamped down onto him in a vice grip as you ride out the remnants of your orgasm.
“Ah, d-daddy’s cumming suh--so much inside of my p-pussy…”
Whining, you feel Seungcheol’s grip on your hand give way as he rides out his pleasure and you take the opportunity to turn off the small bullet vibrator while he doesn’t notice.
You watch his face contort in pleasure, hips still shallowly thrusting into you as his entire body shivers above you.
“D-daddy’s so h-handsome...” You mumble, cheeks hot when he cracks a smile through the pleasure wracking his body and chuckles under his breath. 
“Thank you, babygirl.” 
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After you end the show, Seungcheol makes sure to cuddle with you on the bed for a little while longer.
“One more glass of water, baby.” You whine in response, pouting up at him before he gets up from the soaked sheets. 
“But I already had a glass! If you have a piss kink just say so, ‘Cheol!”
He lets out a boisterous laugh at your comment, trudging back to the bed from the kitchen with another glass of water for you. “You need to be hydrated, sweetheart. You came three times and we played a little more rough today. I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” 
“Fine, but you didn’t deny my comment.” You snarkily reply, taking the glass from him as you down the water. 
“Don’t make me have to punish you again! I’ll have you know I still need to get you all washed up and change the bed--”
A faint pinging has the two of you turning to the laptop; still on your camming homepage from where you’d checked the revenues from tonight’s show. 
A small [1] sits above your inbox and Seungcheol is quick to turn to you with an eyebrow raised. “I thought you turned off the messaging system on your profile?” 
You tilt your head in confusion, handing him the emptied glass. “I did. The only messages I should get are from, like, the actual system admins or other creator accounts which, I haven’t received any ‘til... now, I guess?”
Seungcheol sets the glass down onto the nightstand before he takes a seat next to you, dragging the laptop closer as you go to check the notification. 
“’Love&Letter Films’? Aren’t they one of the biggest adult film companies?” Mumbling, you click on the message, giving yourself and Seungcheol a second to process the message that stares back at you; a shocked smile on your lips.
I hope this message finds Cherry and Seungcheol well. 
We, at ‘Love&Letter Films’, have really enjoyed the shows and videos from your channel throughout the years and we really have enjoyed watching the growth of your channel and the addition of Seungcheol to it. The dynamics between the two of you are rare in this industry and we’ve yet to see anyone like the two of you in this market. 
The shows from the last two nights have proven that the two of you have the right kind of chemistry to film together for bigger productions and we would love to hire you for a few film productions we have planned in the upcoming weeks as a feeler. Of course, all expenses paid by us if you would kindly take our offer. 
We love the various scenes and roles that the two of you take on with ease and we would love to help propel your careers forward, should you pursue a career in the adult entertainment industry. 
Please don’t hesitate to contact me as I’ve listed my contact information below. I’m excited to hear from the two of you and hope to work with you in the future on many projects.
Kwon Soonyoung, L&L FILMS CEO’
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A weapon of mass financial destruction
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Some things are hard to understand because they're complicated.
Some things are complicated so they'll be hard to understand.
The harder you look at the finance industry, the more evident it becomes that the complexity is deliberate, a means of baffling with bullshit.
Private equity is one of those baffling and mysterious phenomena that only gets worse with scrutiny: how is it possible that a handful of companies are able to borrow vast sums to buy up and then destroy successful businesses? Can that really be their business-model?
"Private Equity at Work," Eileen Appelbaum and Rosemary Batt's 2014 analysis of the social consequences of private equity takeovers. It identifies many destructive PE practices, but singles out one as especially deadly: "club deals."
In a club deal, "two or more PE funds join together to acquire a huge enterprise, and share ownership." The presence of multiple marquee names on the deal (like the Toys R Us acquisition, with Bain, KKR, and Vornado in a single "club") puts billions on tap from lenders.
Club deals' easy access to credit made them hugely popular, constituting 40% of leveraged buyouts in 2004. But the uncritical fortunes showered on club LBOs emboldened a series of increasingly destructive grifts that caused club deals collapse in popularity.
The "save businesses, fuck workers" Trump stimulus sent trillions of Fed dollars sloshing into the finance world, fuelling multiple asset bubbles, from cryptos to single-family dwellings - even a violent trading-card frenzy.
To that list, we can now add Club Deals 2.0, with billions being marshalled by PE alliances who are bidding against one another to acquire Medline America's largest manufacturer/distributor of medical supplies, serving hospitals and doctor's offices.
As Appelbaum writes for The American Prospect, this is cause for alarm. To the PE clubs, Medline is an asset, used to secure debt financing that can be handed out to fund managers and investors. To the rest of us, Medline is a matter of life or death.
To remind us of the awesome destructive power of PE club deals, Appelbaum provides us with a rundown of their terrifying history:
The 2006 $5.4b Tishman Speyer/Blackrock deal to buy Stuyvesant/Cooper Village in order to undo its rent-control status, evict its tenants, and go condo. Tenants organized, and the fund went bankrupt in 2010, dodging the $200m it owed tenants for illegal rent overcharges. Though the fund managers made out fine on that deal, its investment partners weren't so lucky: "the Church of England, the government of Singapore, and three public-employee pension funds in Florida and California, lost a total of $850 million."
The 2007 $48b KKR/TPG/Goldman Sachs buyout of Texas energy giant TXU (AKA Energy Future Holdings). Bankrupt by 2012. PE extracted $538m from the deal, and millions more in "fees" to oversee the company's implosion. Investors lost 95 cents for every dollar they put in.
The 2004 Cerberus/Sun/Lubert-Adler/Klaff buyout of Mervyn's department stores: asset stripped, bankrupt by 2008, liquidated, destroying thousands of jobs and stiffing suppliers, kicking off a wave of knock-on bankruptcies.
The 2006 $30.7b Apollo/TPG buyout of Harrah's (now Caesar's): eliminated much of the 30,000 unionized employee workforce and cut the IPO offering from $17/share to $9 in 2010. Investors lost 40% of their cash.
The 2000 Caxton-Iseman/Sentinel acquisition of Buffets Holdings (Ryan's, Hometown Buffet, Old Country Buffet, Tahoe Joe's, etc). Bankrupt by 2008 after the PE extracted more than $250m. Thousands of jobs gone, forever.
PE firms claim that they are Good at Business in ways that the people who run profitable companies that employ people in good jobs that do things other people value simply are not.
With leveraged buyouts, PE firms borrow billions by putting up the companies they're targeting as collateral (like nonconsensually buying someone else's house by taking out a mortgage that puts their house up as security!).
Credulous lenders - your pension fund, your government, even your church - put up the money, accepting deals in which the key assets of the business are immediately liquidated to pay huge management and special dividend fees to the PE company.
PE rakes in hundreds of millions - even billions - and saddles the company with vast debts whose interest payments drain its profits. Meanwhile, the company is forced to lease back the capital assets the PE company sold off, exposing it to rent shocks and price hikes.
While the PE barons who devised this Excellent Business Strategy charge the company millions more in "management and consulting fees" in exchange for yet more of this species of commercial wisdom.
It's a (terrifying) sign of just how stupid big money has become that club deals are back. A leveraged buyout of Medline puts the whole medical system in jeopardy (raising a question: why didn't antitrust regulators prevent Medline from becoming a single point of failure?).
There is no credible case for PE making Medline a better company. As Appelbaum writes, "it's a highly successful company with no low-hanging fruit in the form of operational, marketing, or business strategy improvements requiring PE’s secret sauce."
Sticking Medline with $10b in leveraged buyout debts and saddling it with millions in payments for "management and consulting" will necessitate massive junk-bond raises and a spiral towards inevitable bankruptcy.
As Appelbaum writes, that doesn't mean that the funds bidding for the company (Advent/Bain/CVC, KKR/Clayton, Blackstone/Hellman) won't make out like (literal) bandits on the deal.
For decades, we've been sold the narrative that wealth is the reward for brilliance, in a concerted effort to overturn Balzac's maxim that "behind every great fortune there is a crime."
We've been told that we're not qualified to comment on finance matters because we don't understand its complexities, the underlying, unquestionable axioms that make it somehow necessary and valorous to destroy productive businesses in the name of capitalism.
We've been told that economic malaise is the result of workers demanding a living wage (especially through unions) and "burdensome regulations" that put the incomprehensible genius of billionaire saviors in shackles, to the detriment of us all.
Reality has finally come for that self-serving myth. At a time in which American union membership is at historic lows, support for unions is at historic highs, and our trust in big business has plummeted:
Starting in 2012, and for first time in half-century the history of the American National Election Studies, public sentiment moved for unions and against business (historically, trust for unions and business rise and fall together).
The latest ANES data shows the most intense divergence ever, with all age groups and political groups hold "record or near-record positive views favoring labor over big business." Republican support of unions, which has grown since 2012, is at an all-time high.
The PRO Act, a landmark pro-union bill, is currently before the Congress, with strong support from the Biden administration. It presents the possibility that public sentiment will turn into public policy, making lasting change to our politics:
Billionaires have always been sterling exemplars of class solidarity. Even when their private equity funds result in wealthy investors losing hundreds of millions of dollars, they stick together and argue for preferential treatment for capital gains and finance deregulation.
Today, we see serious signs of class solidarity among the rest of us, the first in many decades. All it took was decades of hugely destructive financial engineering, a nation brought to the brink of collapse, and a planet on fire, all in the name of "efficiency."
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sedated-love · 4 years
Camboy Bakugo
I’m thinking this is probably going to end up being a two part piece tbh! I’ll see how well this one does and then decide if I continue it or not based on that...So if you wanna see more, make sure to give this post some love so I know! <3 
Hope you guys enjoy! Also if you have any suggestions for what I write in the future, please feel free to leave them in my ask box!
“Don’t tell me you’re getting off on this, pervert”
Bakugo huffed softly, looking back at the camera where his comments were currently going insane over his current situation. He was bent over his bed with his skirt flipped up so the camera could clearly see the small pink butt plug resting prettily between his cheeks. He spread his cheeks more with his hands, giving a better view as he rolled his eyes, acting like his audience were the perverted ones when he was the one filming himself doing such lewd actions.
He started camming a couple of months ago to help pay for his college, but he hadn’t expected to blow up like he had. It had only taken a couple of weeks for him to become one of the top cam boys on the site and he was able to quit his part time job to focus completely on camming. The popularity had taken him by surprise, but he wasn’t exactly complaining. He had come to really enjoy the attention that came with the job. Not to mention it paid extremely well. There were times he would make more money in one night than he would have in two weeks at his part time job.
It was like there was something about his standoffish personality mixed with his looks that had people intoxicated. He found that once he gained a follower, they seemed to always come back for more no matter when he streamed. It was something that fueled his ego and had him become more and more cocky every time the camera turned on.
“Is this what you wanted, asshole?”
He tugged softly on the plug, biting his lip as he could feel the stretch against his entrance every time he did. “Fuck, I bet you were just waiting to watch me play with myself today, weren’t you?” He pulled out the plug, a lewd pop filling the room when he did so which just turned him on even more as he made sure to spread his legs wider so the camera could get a good view of his now empty hole that was practically begging to be filled.
“Since I’m feeling generous, I’ll let whoever the highest bidder pick which toy I use today~”
He hummed softly to himself as he watched the money start pouring in through his comments. He noticed his regulars always made particularly high purchases on nights like this. He had gotten good at figuring out exactly what to say to have them melting right into the palm of his hands and considering the numbers he could see popping up on the screen, it looked like tonight was going to be a good work night.
“Let’s see….”
He got up just to take a closer look at his computer, a soft smirk crossing his lips when he saw ‘ManlyKiri69’ was the person to donate the most money. What kind of username was that anyways? “Alright ManlyKiri, as promised, what toy am I going to be using tonight?” He sat back on his bed, letting the skirt ride up on his thighs as his hard on was prominent under the thin veil of fabric.
He found that he didn’t even have to explain what equipment he had anymore as his regulars seemed to have all of his toys memorized and in all honesty…a lot of his toys were sent to him from his regulars. He could already feel the heat rise to his face when the comment from ManlyKiri came through, deciding his fate. He had honestly never even used the toy or shown it on camera because…well it made him a bit nervous but it quickly became obvious to him that this user must have been the one to send it to him if he knew about it.
“P-Pervert…wanting me to use that, huh?”
He could barely keep the flustered look from his face as he went and grabbed the unopened box the toy came in. It was a dildo, but it was…large. The eight inches in length didn’t bother him but it was the 3-inch girth that had him anxiously rubbing his thighs together, not sure if he could really take all of that without breaking…
He popped open the packaging, pulling the toy out as he sat back on his bed, biting his lip as he watched the excited comments start rolling in as soon as the chosen toy was shown on screen paired with a comment that had his heart pounding in his chest and his face bright red. ‘If you can’t handle it, you can choose something else’. Bakugo could barely believe how cocky this user seemed to be as he huffed softly, his competitive nature getting the best of him as all his anxiety seemed to be wiped away when he read that comment. He wasn’t going to let some horny asshole get the better of him.
“Shut up! I can take your toy and more!”
He scowled softly as he grabbed his lube, thoroughly coating the toy in the slick liquid. He always made sure to stretch himself before his streams so he wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of doing so with an audience but now he was starting to wonder if he shouldn’t have spent a little more time on it today… It was too late now though; he was already determined to prove that asshole that he could take the toy no issues.
He wondered for a moment how he should position himself. On one hand doggy style would give a perfect view of his hole being stretched wide but he knew just how much his audience seemed to love seeing his face whenever he fucked himself with a toy. He sat on his bed, bringing his legs up so that he had perfect access to his entrance while still sitting up for the camera to see. He used pillows against his back to keep himself propped up as he lined the head of the toy up with his entrance.
Just from pushing the tip against himself, he could already feel how thick it was compared to what he was used to but there was no way he was going to back down now. Not when he had a point to prove. He slowly started to push the toy inside of him, his eyebrows furrowing his and his face twisting in a mix of pain in pleasure as he was stretched so wonderfully by the large dildo.
The pain of being stretched so wide just seemed to lace with the pleasure, making his entire body jerk slightly as he slowly kept sliding the toy in until he managed to take it to the base. His toes curled slightly in pleasure when he finally pushed it all the way in, his entire body feeling so filled to the brim in a way that he had never experienced before.
His normal cocky attitude was no where to be seen as he practically forgot that he was filming all together, now just completely focused on that stinging pleasure that was coursing through him from the huge dildo that should have split him in two yet he took like a grade A whore. He let out soft little whimpers, bucking his hips back as if he was begging for more friction but there was no one else there to give it to him besides himself.
He pulled the dildo all the way out to the tip before slamming it back inside, letting out a soft squeal of pleasure as it forced its way so deep inside of him. His body began trembling ever so slightly in pleasure as the comments started flooding with remarks of the unfamiliar submissive look written all over his face. Bakugo was always usually taking a toy or jerking himself off in his videos but he was best known for his bratty aura…but now he seemed to have broken slightly as he continued thrusting the girthy toy into his slutty hole.
“D-Don’t get too cocky…”
He caught his slip up, trying to put back on his bratty behavior but it was hard when the toy was hitting so deep inside of him with every thrust, making his eyes cross and his tongue hang out every time he hit just right. He normally only gave soft moans and slow thrusts to drag out the stream but right now he couldn’t help but pound the toy inside of him, arching his back in pleasure as a song of loud moans left his lips shamelessly.
He completely forgot his competitive drive from earlier as now the only thing he could think about was chasing his own pleasure. He started thrusting into himself faster, almost as if he didn’t remember that he was filming in the first place. He was normally so actively speaking to his audience, making sure to interact with them and keep them involved in every move he made but now it was taking everything he could just to get out a coherent curse as he absolutely melted under the abuse of the toy.
He never let up for a second, pulling the toy all the way out to the tip only to slam it right back inside, forcing himself to feel just how full he could be with every thrust. He could already feel the familiar heat boiling in his stomach from the rough and fast pace. He normally tried not to cum too fast just to ensure all of his viewers had time to get to his level but all he could think about right now was his own release.
He pushed the toy into himself faster, his arm starting to feel sore from just how brutal of a pace that he set but he couldn’t bring himself to care as he squealed and moaned loudly, his cock throbbing against his stomach. It didn’t take him long before he cumming harshly, his toes curling and his eyes brimming with tears from the pleasure as he coated his own chest with his orgasm.
He couldn’t help but let his body go limp as his vision whitened momentarily from the pleasure, leaving him a panting wrecked mess as he hadn’t even realized the tears that had started streaming down his face until he slowly came down from his high. He whined ever so softly as he pulled the toy out of himself with a lewd ‘pop’ before he sat up to look at the screen, his face flushed dark red in embarrassment when he realized just how carried away he had gotten.
Though nothing could compare him for what he would see on his screen. His viewer count was almost triple the normal amount along with the amount of money he had received and written boldly for him to see at the end of his comments was from RedRiotKiri, another top cammer, which said, ‘let’s collab ;)’.
He didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it earlier because now there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that the ManlyKiri user from before was RedRiotKiri. He just never thought someone so praised in the camming community would ever be watching him but now that he commented on his main account it was obvious…was he planning for this all along? Is that why he bought Bakugo that toy in the first place? He couldn’t help but smirk as he gave his outro before winking softly at the camera, unable to help himself as he gave one final message.
“And Kiri…You wouldn’t be able to handle me~”
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tuffduff · 4 years
Rock Stars Make Bad Boyfriends (Vince Neil x Reader x Slash)
Pairing: Vince Neil x Reader x Slash
Words: 3,170
Request: anon! : “hi again! i’ve got another idea for an imagine so i came right to your blog - hopes that’s okay! i had an idea where the reader kind of has an unofficial thing with Vince Neil but he’s stringing her along - flirting with other girls and such almost in front of the reader’s face - & she ends up meeting slash when gnr and the crue are on tour. slash immediately falls for her & she falls for him too but slash sees how Vince treats her. slash eventually asks her on a date & vince ends up hearing about it & confronting the reader about it. she tells him she really likes slash and she’s done with him and eventually slash and the reader end up dating much to vince’s dismay. thank you so much!”
A/N: Yes, love; that is more than okay!! I love that y’all come to me with these ideas! I love this prompt and I think about this Motley/GNR tour a lot...even if it was short. Turned into a short fic, but hopefully y’all don’t mind that. Hope you’re all doing well!
Taglist: @ubernoxa​ @the--blackdahlia​ @reigns420​ @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker​ @rumoured-whispers​ @dustnbones​
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“Vince?” The blonde kept his head turned away from you as though you hadn’t spoken a word. You felt the scowl on your face deepen as he sent a wave towards the girl working the outdoor bar of the hotel resort pool area. “Vince, are you even listening to me?” This time, your tone must’ve been enough to get his attention as he turned back to you.
“Aw, I’m sorry, baby. What were you saying?” You pushed your tongue against the wall of your mouth trying to summon patience; it’s not like you just spent the better part of the last five minutes trying to tell Vince about your day.
“I was talking about what happened earlier in the gift shop. There was a little girl who didn’t have enough money to buy this key chain, and a little old man bought it for her.”
“Mmm.” Vince’s head had turned again the minute you started talking. You frowned.
“And then the shop blew up. It was a huge explosion.”
“The little girl and old man died.”
“That’s nice. Hey, I’m gonna go get us some more drinks, alright, baby?” Vince stood from his lounge chair without waiting for your reply. “Be right back!”
You sighed a little as you watched him unsurprisingly saunter over to the girl at the bar who was practically licking her lips.
All your girlfriends called you crazy for agreeing to go on tour with a rock star. Well, no; that was misleading. They encouraged going on tour, but expecting serious commitment from a rock star? In your dreams, they said. Rock stars don’t make good boyfriends.
You met Vince only about a month prior, so you knew it was nothing quite serious, but was it wrong for you to hope? You liked Vince. That first night neither of you could stop talking until the early morning hours, his eyes sparkling and unmoving from yours, his hand on your knee. But he was a humongous flirt. You tried not to let it get to you—after all, here you were poolside at a swanky resort in a room you didn’t pay for, going to concerts you didn’t have to buy tickets for. Tradeoffs, you supposed. Even still, you couldn’t help but glance over and over again as Vince stayed longer and longer at the bar. You tried to work on your tan and stay undeterred as you planned your outfit in your head for the show later.
That night, Vince complimented you already three times on the way to the arena, but that was only after he heard Tommy telling you that you were looking “hot as fuck, dude.” You still counted it as a win. Then you scolded yourself; were relationships supposed to be about winning?
You also heard Nikki saying something about how their new opening band would be starting tonight, kicking off this leg of the tour. Guns N’ Roses—you had never heard of them, but the name sounded cool. They must have been good if they were opening for the Crue.
Despite his sweet talking and possessive touch all the way to the arena, Vince soon abandoned you once you actually got there. You brushed it off; you weren’t a child. He did have a show to get ready for—you tried not to notice how many groupies you were already seeing walk by, though. There were more interesting things to see anyways. At least, you were determined to find them.
That turned out, again, to be wishful thinking. You didn’t have complete access to every part of the arena, and really, you felt bad about being in the way of all the crew members. That led to you finding the door outside, to the back of the arena, where you hoped to just find a quiet place for a moment.
It took two tugs with all your strength to actually pull open the heavy doors, but instead of opening a gateway to the outside, another body toppled into you. You let out a startled yelp.
“Oh, thank fuck, man!” You heard a soft voice say in relief. There was so much hair in your face that you couldn’t see behind all the black unruly coils to untangle yourself from this mystery guy. “I went outside just to smoke and like, chill before the show, you know, but the doors fucking locked—” you both finally untangled and you found yourself face to face with, well, still a whole lotta hair.
He had on black leather pants and a denim jacket with black sleeves, along with cowboy boots. You couldn’t see his eyes behind his curls, but you were sure he was staring right at you.
“Woah, uh...” he murmured. His voice never changed from the soft murmur. “I thought you were security or something.” You chuckled and watched as he pushed his hair away from his face, revealing pretty, brown, fascinated eyes that were, indeed, staring right at you. You could feel heat growing in your cheeks, but did your best to stay calm.
“No, just a lost soul.” You joked lightly. He blinked a few times at you, almost dumbfounded. He was adorable.
“What are you looking for?”
“Something fun.” A smile grew on his face at your reply.
“I can show you that. I’m Slash.”
“Slash?” You asked in amazement, and he chuckled.
“Yeah, well, my name’s Saul. But I’ve been called Slash for years.” Saul. Slash.
“Okay, cool. I’m Y/N.” You both exchanged smiles and he jerked his head, waiting to make sure you walked beside him rather than behind him.
He took you to where the rest of his band was gathered and introduced you to an eclectic group, all of whom were nice and chill. Less chaos than Motley, but still had that aura hanging in the air, that they were on the verge of destruction, that they were a gang.
Slash, though soft-spoken, asked you question after question—where you were from, what you normally did for fun, what music you liked as he strummed a guitar mindlessly. You watched his fingers in amazement, how effortless he made the action look. And then came his question, “why are you backstage?”
“Oh, well, I’m with—” Speak of the devil…
“Y/N?” You turned at the sound of the door slamming open and Vince appearing in the door frame. “Where the fuck have you been, I’ve been looking all over for you!”
“I’ve been listening to these guys jam. You guys picked a great opening act.” You replied coolly, and you couldn’t help but notice the way Slash smiled down at his guitar silently.
“Well, you’re supposed to be helping me with my makeup,” Vince didn’t hesitate to cross the room and pull you off the couch you were sitting on by your arm, giving you no chance in the matter. “Or, something more productive. Like putting that pretty mouth of yours to use.” You sent Vince a look and immediately snatched your arm out of his grip. No way were you going to tolerate being disrespected like that in a room full of people.
“If you wanted a sex toy to bring on the road with you, I’m sure you could have had plenty of other girls—that’s not what I am.” You replied, pushing around him and walking out of the room. Vince chased you down the hall.
“Hey! Y/N, wait! Hey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Vince cooed, pulling you to a stop and pressing his lips to your neck. “I just wanted to make sure they knew you were with me; I just get jealous. Especially when you look so fucking good tonight.” You let it go, but you didn’t forget the incident. And you especially didn’t forget the moment later, when you were watching Motley Crue perform from the side of the stage, as a hand gently touched your shoulder. It was Slash.
“Hey...you ever...want...someone...find...” you couldn’t hear him over Mick’s guitar.
“What?” You yelled at him. He laughed before leaning in close to your ear. He had to brush your hair back, and his lips were practically touching your skin.
“If you ever get bored or want to have fun with someone while you’re on tour, come and find me.”
The implication of that almost had you nervous; did all these guys just think you were a road groupie? But, sure enough, Vince ditched you once more at another show and you found yourself knocking on the Guns N’ Roses dressing room door. And there was Slash, answering the door with a smile as though you had known each other for years. “Hey, dude. Check this out, tell me what you think.” He played you a guitar riff he had been working on and waited expectantly to hear your thoughts after. And that was that, you were fast friends.
You weren’t sure how to explain the phenomenon, but you knew it was mutual. Just a special connection; even when you were both still learning about each other, it felt more as if you were remembering. It was like putting on a pair of boots that had already been worn in.
And you knew it was mutual because, according to his bandmates, Slash was pretty shy unless he was drunk. But not with you; he could talk your ear off. Somehow in just a couple weeks, it felt as if you were best friends.
That was an incredible feeling in itself; at this age in life, could you really meet another person out of the blue and grow so close so fast? But beyond that, there were little moments. These moments you quickly grew to live for, these moments made your heart race and your palms sweat.
Moments when you looked over at him, cigarette hanging from his mouth as he focused on the guitar, and you never wanted to kiss a pair of lips more. Moments when you thought maybe, just maybe, Slash felt the same. He would hug you in greeting every time he saw you, but sometimes leave his arm around your waist, effectively holding you to him until he had to let you go. When you would swear you caught him already staring because of how fast he turned his head away.
“Y/N, I can’t wait for you to meet Pandora.”
“Who’s that?” He smiled up at you, his head resting on your lap as it usually did, a guitar resting in his.
“She’s my boa.”
“Your...your snake?”
“She’s the sweetest—she’s gonna love you.”
He wanted you to meet his snake—or, snakes. You laughed, and for some reason, you felt such a wave of affection hit you at just the thought of his existence. You spent more time watching Guns open from the side of the stage than you did watching Motley—you were usually goofing off with Slash at that point. Suddenly, Vince’s continuing disappearances didn’t bother you so much. The only thing that actually did bother you was when Slash would walk you up to your always empty hotel room every evening. The both of you would drag your steps every time and take unnecessary trips to the snack machine, or stand out on the balcony to check out the moon. Just anything to prolong ending the night.
“Empty again,” you joked to Slash as you opened the hotel room door to dark and vacant room. You weren’t even sure why you and Vince kept up the charade anymore—he hadn’t even kissed you in days. At this point, you were riding to the arenas with Slash and his band.
Slash didn’t laugh like you thought he would. He was looking down, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“Can I ask you something and you promise to not get mad?” He asked you. His words were almost rushed, as though he had to gather courage to even say them.
“Yeah, of course you can. What’s up?”
“Do you actually like him? Vince?” He ventured. “I mean, I know you don’t love him, but...”
“How do you know that?” You asked out of curiosity, certainly not out of disagreement. He was right, of course. Slash shrugged a shoulder.
“I would just imagine, you know...if you love someone, you would want to be around them. Tell them things first, eat with them, just kinda look to them first.” You listened to his words, realizing over the past few days you had been doing all of the above with Slash. You had given up trying to tell the nuances of your day to Vince, but Slash listened when you told him how you short circuited the electricity with your blow dryer at the hotel. He laughed at your jokes or when you tripped backstage because he was always watching you. He gave you his jacket when he saw you shiver once, he made sure you got food after the show if you were still hungry. When he was drunk and carefree, he wouldn’t chase after groupies. He would come and find you and fall asleep on your shoulder.
“I don’t love Vince.” You confirmed softly. “Vince...had me fooled into thinking he was someone else. That he cared.”
“Then why are you with him?” You stared back at him, unable to give him an answer.
“I don’t...”
“Let’s go out.” You felt your heart jump.
“We’ve...we’ve been out, though.”
“Y/N, Denny’s after midnight is hardly a date.” He said, though he was fighting a smile; that was a good memory.
“Depends on who you ask,” you chuckled, making him chuckle. “Wait, did you say a date?”
“Well, yeah. That’s what I mean.” He said softly. “Listen, Y/N. I think you’re pretty cool. And I dunno, I’ve never really...like, there’s a lot of pretty girls out there, right? But you’re so fucking beautiful I thought I was seeing things when you opened the door that day. Then, I found out you were with Vince, and I tried to let it go, but I see how he treats you, and it pisses me off. You deserve better. But you just, us, you and I, we click, you know? I know you feel it, right?” You nodded after a moment and felt your heart flip again when he smiled. “So, give it a chance. We have the day off tomorrow. Let’s fucking do something fun—I don’t know, we can go to the fucking zoo! Or go find some concert somewhere or just, go anywhere.”
“...Okay.” You agreed with a smile. He grinned back at you.
“Okay? So like, early afternoon? 4 or something?” You smiled; was he that excited to see you? Your heart hadn’t been this giddy in a long time.
“Yeah, that sounds great with me.”
It was barely 3 in the afternoon and you were towel drying your wet hair, fresh out of the shower, when your hotel room slammed open. Vince appeared for the first time since you’d last seen him before the concert the night before, staring at you with what you could only describe as fury. You stared at him silently.
“Can you fucking tell me why all the Guns N’ Roses guys are hyping up Slash for his big date tonight with Y/N?” He demanded. You looked down, waiting for the shake and guilt to hit you, but it never came.
“Vince, it’s not like we were in love with each other.” You said with quiet bluntness. Vince’s eyes grew wide.
“I brought you on fucking tour with me!”
“And ever since then you’ve left me night in and night out to go and sleep with every groupie that comes your way! We haven’t slept in the same bed in weeks! There are fucking lipstick stains on your neck right now, Vince!” He glanced in the mirror quickly before he cursed under his breath.
“Y/N...it’s just, the way it is, you know? That’s the life we live.”
“You just fuck other girls and have me waiting for you too? That’s the life?”
“Alright, I fucked up. I do care about you, Y/N, baby. I do. I’m trying. I’ll do better.” Vince’s voice was soft and sugary, and he walked over to you, grabbing your hand in his, holding your eyes with his. “Just give me another shot. We’ll have some fun.” This time, his smooth talking did nothing for you; your heart was already taken by someone else. You slipped your hand out of his and silently began gathering up your things.
“What are you doing, Y/N?” Vince laughed as you shoved your clothes in your luggage. “C’mon, baby, just calm down. You’re not even dressed.” You sent him an incredulous look.
“I am more than calm. Goodbye, Vince.”
“Where are you going? Y/N, seriously! Oh, what—are you just gonna jump onto the next rock star? I thought you weren’t a groupie, huh? He just wants to fuck you and then he’ll drop you, just you fucking wait! That’s all we do!”
“No, that’s what you do. You don’t speak for him or me.” You snapped over your shoulder at Vince’s childish yelling. The door slammed behind you and you smirked a little.
You made your way through the hotel in your towel, barefoot and hair dripping, and knocked on the door you knew to be Slash’s. He opened it slowly in confusion, and felt your heart expand at the sight of him already dressed and ready to go much too early—clean hair swept out of his eyes, a flannel that was barely buttoned, and leather pants. He took one look at your bag and towel.
“It’s not 4 yet.” He said, the hint of a smile on his lips.
“Speak for yourself.” You said, fighting the urge to smile back. He leaned against the door frame, now smiling outright. “…You know, I think I just lost my backstage pass.” Slash laughed.
“It’s all good; I’ll sneak you in in my guitar case or some shit. And besides; this leg of the tour is almost over. We only have a few shows with them left. Next month, we’re opening for Alice Cooper.” He paused a little, his voice turning serious. “You know you can come, if you want.”
“I don’t know,” you murmured, looking down. Some of the things Vince had said were sinking in; you didn’t want to be known as just some groupie that jumped from band to band. Slash touched your shoulder in an effort to get you to look at him.
“I want you to come.” Your heart fluttered again, and threatened to soar out of your chest entirely when he leaned forward and gave you a light and sweet tender peck on the lips—your very first kiss together. He pulled back too quickly, laughing. “You look ridiculous.” You glanced back down at your towel again and laughed. Slash took your bag from your shoulder and stood aside. “You know, I’ve only got one bed in here.”
“That sounds good to me.”
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repentantsky · 3 years
5 Companies That Have Too Much Hype Around Them
Look, we all love our favorite games with a passion, and to an extent that’s fine, but when that passion becomes obsession and that obsession becomes forgetting our own moral compass for the sake of entertainment, it does feel like it’s gone too far. It’s one thing to love what a company releases, it’s completely another to ignore every problem they’ve ever had. Not all of the companies on this list have done horribly un-ethical things, but they’ve at least been anti-consumer, and the fact that people don’t question that enough has led to them sometimes, making horrible mistakes. I am RepentantSky, I love making lists that trash on things that are popular, and these are 5 companies, that have too much hype around them.
5. Nintendo
Already I can hear people getting angry, and in a way I get it. Nintendo is for many people the place where they either begin to play games, or the place they go to keep on playing them when everything else let’s them down, and of course, they put an end to the flipping video game crash of 1983, and no one else will ever be able to claim that from them. That’s all wonderful, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be critical of them. I’ve talked about a number of things they’ve done wrong before, so let me quickly run down the list of some of their anti-consumer practices. They, charge too much for remasters and ports, they don’t drop prices in games, they used to charge for fixing Joy-Cons and now completely deny it’s a problem for legal reasons, despite everyone pretty much having experienced drift, they haven’t been good at getting stock for their items in at least 20 years, and oh yeah, they sell all the content for a remake for $115 on the 3DS, the system and the fans that helped them get by while the Wii U was massively underperforming, all while handing owners of the, at the time, unproven Switch, free content. Nintendo has a tendency to still think like a toy company, and they even used that idea to present the Nintendo Entertainment System as a toy instead of a console when they first game to the West with it, but they aren’t a toy company, their a gaming company that also sells toys, just like everyone else. I get they’ve done amazing things, I own over 150 physical handheld games from them, and a ton of digital games besides, but when they start charging twice what they are worth for SD cards, while releasing games that absolutely won’t fit on the limited space of the Switch, and they simply don’t care when costumers complain, it’s time to at least question their motives.  
4. Bethesda
Boy I used to really rip on this company back when I posted lists on Facebook, but I haven’t done it in a while, so let’s do it again. Bethesda has absolutely spent at least the last 10 years lying to people, Todd Howard, has become famous for it, but I think I might have been the only person who wasn’t shocked when Fallout 76 was the disaster that it was. There were so many things wrong with that game, that I don’t even have time to go over every little thing, but lying, you know the thing that will get another company on this list very soon, was a big thing they did with the game. They promised at one point that they weren’t ever going to charge for items in the game that gave in-game benefits, and they did, allowing ammo and other items to be bought with real money for a time, they promised new, specialized servers if you paid for a yearly service that was way too expensive, and that wasn’t true because people found proof of things missing from what would have been a freshly made, private server, and there’s no excuse for that, games in early access do that correctly, and they aren’t, at least supposedly, even finished yet. I wish I could say that’s all they’ve done, but they also bullied an indie developer over their game Prey, a game they may have bullied the original developer for so they could get cheaper, but we’ll never know because they refused to comment on that when asked, they also refused to update their outdated game engine for years, which caused something they spent over a decade fixing, games releasing with glitches, some of them game breaking. Yet somehow, they have such a fan base that those who love their games will claim the glitches are just part of the charm. That kind of fierce loyalty led to Fallout 76, and even though we make jokes about it even now, the horse DLC from way back in the day, was an indication of everything they’ve done, including trying to charge for mods made for free, meant to be consumed for free, twice. Bethesda is a bad company and they do not care. 
3. Activision/Blizzard
You know one of the worst things Nintendo does that I didn’t really mention directly in the first entry, is limit the amount of time a product is available, instead of just letting it be there for consumption as long as it’s selling (that was what the toy company reference was about if it wasn’t clear). However, Activision/Blizzard are the Kings of doing this, as they not only limited things while they were in control of Destiny 2 to the point where you pretty much had to use real money to get everything, and never mind everything else they did to it, because we’d be here all day going through it all, but they also don’t support games as a service titles long enough for dedicated fans. Crash Team Racing Nitro fueled, is a prime example of this. People weren’t done with that game, and when fans thought for even a split second that an update was going to come to fix an issue, their hype (mine to) was so explosive, it was almost like we were getting a new game, but then nothing happened, because they didn’t care. A lot of companies that do yearly release titles as a service have this problem and nothing exemplified that more for Activision, than Skylanders, a series originally made off the back of Spyro, who didn’t even wait for a year to release new games, as technically between October 21st and November 20th of the year the first game came out, they released three of them, and I’m not even kidding. Two of them, were mobile games! You might have thought I was going to go after Call of Duty, for this, but that horse has been beaten to ground, somehow, more than Skylanders was. They also, for whatever reason, released each expansion on different generations console generations, at different months throughout Fall, like somehow the season of Fall, they needed a release every month, if not two, and so off they went. I didn’t even get into Blizzard, but all I need to say is “Blitzchung” and all the memories will likely come flooding back. There’s also the fact that in two separate years, after gaining massive profits, they dropped hundreds of employees, and hired more than they’d let go, but I guess that doesn’t really matter to some of you, because when they did it this year, with so little warning, most employees found out via the news articles about it, but we all made such a little stink this time around, it didn’t create any media buzz, so I guess that doesn’t matter, you’d all rather play flipping World of Warcraft, like better MMO’s don’t exist. 
2. CD Projekt Red
I know this one comes off a little more fresh in the mind, and they technically only lied about one game, but man, what a series of lies it was. Also, let’s be honest, one major game, does not a great developer always make. CDPR’s previous two Witcher games did exactly what the author of the books thought they would, and that was almost nothing in terms of making a serious impact, and the reason is, they are kind of bad. They aren’t the worst games out there, but there is a good reason why The Witcher 1 and 2 haven’t been ported and/or remastered, despite how important they are to the story of Witcher 3, and that’s because they both suck. Cyperpunk 2077, was in a lot of ways, them just going back to being the developer they were before, the BIG ONE happened. They lied about nearly everything in regards to the game, including how the main platforms where consumers were going to buy it, were actually running well. I made those references to Witcher 1 and  2 for a reason, although if I’m being honest, they actually look better than Cyberpunk did on day 0, and that’s completely unacceptable. The budget for CDPR was basically nothing for Witcher 1 and 2 combined to what Cyberpunk got, but they were so focused on the PC versions because PC ran the game better, somehow (like maybe because they didn’t try with consoles) and they missed glitches that were so bad, the game felt like it was still in beta, if not alpha upon release. The fact that they’ve only released eleven games in twenty-three years, and only two of them didn’t have The Witcher on them, should have told us all we need to know, and yet the game, even after returns, which was another massive screw-job that led to Cyberpunk being removed from the PlayStation store, still sold Sixteen million units, all because of hype, and because apparently, some people don’t care if they’re lied to. Do you want to know what the other game they released is besides a Witcher title? It was flipping Saints Row 2, a fun game, but also one that’s too goofy for it’s own good, and yet suddenly makes Cyberpunk’s release, make sense, because it was all a massive joke, and a parody of good, well running, open world games. CDPR needs to seriously do something, anything different, and never release a game in this poor of a state ever again.
1. Ubisoft
I put Ubisoft at number one for a damn good reason, and that reason is, that everyone seems to hate the company, but loves their games, and I don’t know why. They haven’t been the overall worst company on this list, although they are pretty bad, but the major problem they have, and have had for at least a decade is that none of their games have any identity, they are literally all the same game, with different coats of paint. Sure, an occasional gem sneaks through like Assassin’s Creed IV, but all of the rest of their games have the same visual style (although ACII does seem to be the base for which they create their art let’s be honest), the shooting mechanics they have in all the games that have guns, all feel exactly the same, which is something even Call of Duty manages to avoid most years (guess I took a shot at them anyways) and yet somehow, someway, I keep seeing people getting excited for their releases, and it doesn’t make any sense. Sure, they throw a celebrity actor in from time to time, and the artistic style they use does look pretty cool, but everything is always the same with them, every single time, no matter what it is, and they still keep making money. It doesn’t really make sense either, because a lot of developers do make games that are very similar feeling, see the Life is Strange team or much as well all loved them, Telltale Games, but at least those titles told extremely interesting stories, and developed their mechanics at least a little, which is something most companies do just on principal, but not Ubisoft. They throw out a few Tom Clancy games every time they talk about what their releasing, the Trials and AC games are still mostly a yearly experience, and I’ll say it again, their entire list of releases since at least 2013, the year the previous generation kicked off, have pretty much all been the same. It would be nice if they made more games like Child of Light, but despite the fact that their games will likely never be as popular as Call of Duty, they keep churning out same-y shooters hoping that one day, maybe just one day, they’ll create their own CoD, and it’s just not gonna happen. The saddest part of all is that when they announce something different, something fans have wanted for years, we get The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake, which was literally delayed because fans said they wouldn’t buy it unless some actual effort was put into making it, why is this company so popular that it can keep doing this, someone please explain it to me. 
And that’s my list, can you think of any other companies that are too hyped? Let me know in the notes below, hit me up with a follow if you like my content, and give me a reblog, I’d really appreciate it. Have a wonderful life!  
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Cross My Heart - CH.11
Pairing: Bodyguard!Dean x Reader; Chuck Shurley x Reader
Summary: After opening up a letter, the life as she knows it, changes forever. Her husband hires Dean Winchester to protect her but is Dean really who he said he was? And is her husband really worried about her safety?
Warnings: NSFW, flangst
WC: 2405
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The next day, Y/N wakes up with Dean spooning her from behind. He’s most likely been up for a while already, because she can smell his minty breath, and there’s also a faint smell of coffee in the air.
He must have been up since he texted Chuck, she realizes. 
Chuck’s timeline is coming up. It’s only two days left until the apparent kidnapper is going to kill her when they don’t get the $5 million in ransom money and they both wonder about Chuck’s next move. Of course they don’t know a damn thing. Right now, Chuck doesn’t even know where they are and he hasn’t gotten suspicious yet. What does that really say about her fucked up relationship with her husband. 
Dean drapes his arm around her body, moves closer, his chest flush against her back and she can feel something hard poking at her. It’s definitely not his phone. 
He brushes her hair out of the way, leaves a soft kiss on her skin and nudges his nose against the back of her neck. She feels goosebumps all over her body.
It’s a wonderful way to wake up. She can definitely get used to it. She just wishes the circumstances were a little different.
Dean kisses along her shoulder, the skin that isn’t covered by the wide neckline of his shirt. He leaves his lips there, and mumbles, “Are you going to go back to him?”
It took her a couple of seconds to realize who he meant by him.
She places her hand on his that’s strokes along her stomach, guides his hand further up, until his big palm cups her bare tit. His thumb brushes against her nipple and slowly, they start to peak. He rolls it between his thumb and forefinger, making her arch her back, driving her ass back against his bulge and he coaxes a moan out of her mouth.
“No,” She whispers, “I won’t.”
Dean goes on to kiss the back of her ear and trails his tongue down, seals his lips around her pulse point, sucks it in, “Good,” His hands palms down her body, fingers dipping into her panties, “I’d hate that.”
He’s blunt, says what’s on his mind, and she kind of admires that.
“Yeah?” She huffs out, chuckles a little but she almost chokes on her own saliva when Dean’s hand is deep inside her panties, parting her lips with his ring and index finger to toy at the hood of her clit with his middle finger. 
“Yeah,” He whispers darkly into her ear, the rumble of his voice vibrating in his chest, travels over to her back.
“How much would you hate it?” She teases him, moving her hips back against his bulge some more.
“Super much,” 
Just when she wants to say more, he sinks two fingers into her pussy, making her throw her head back and moan out loud. 
“So goddamn tight,” Dean’s breathing picks up and he noses behind her ear, speaks in a deep whispering tone, “Just fucked you a couple of hours ago, filled you up and you’re still so fucking tight.”
He moves his fingers and she circles her hips, fucking herself on them. 
Dean chuckles when he feels how desperate she is, but instead of letting her fuck herself on his fingers, he takes them out and she whimpers at the loss, but he hooks his fingers in her panties, pulls them down far enough so she can take her legs out of it. 
When she settles back again, Dean has already lowered his pj pants and is holding his hard dick in his hands. She arches her back, sticks her ass out a little, giving him better access and he rubs the head of his thick cock through her slick.
“Dean, please,” She’s practically begging now, wriggles with her ass, pressing it into him.
He lets out a dark chuckle, “So needy,” 
Dean thrusts forward, breaching her hole and pushes himself deeper, his hands on her hips, his mouth sucking at her shoulder to muffle his moans. There’s a throaty sound, logged deep in his chest.
“I could live in you,” He whispers, his hips moving as he fucks her deep and slow, his hand goes between her legs, flickers his fingers against her clit. 
Y/N moans out his name when he makes her come and he groans out at the tight squeeze.
“Such a good girl when you come on my cock, baby,”
God, he whispers things that bring her right to the edge.
She’s so lost in the fucking that she almost didn’t hear the phone ringing.
Dean stops fucking her for a moment, twisting his upper body and reaches out for the phone on his night stand. He doesn’t pick up, instead he wraps his arms back around her, keeps on fucking her deep and kissing the nape of her neck.
“It’s your dick husband,” He whispers, rocking into her just a fraction faster but still as deep, “Should I pick up, huh?”
“N��� no,” She manages to choke out.
He chuckles, his scruff rubbing at her exposed skin, “Maybe I should let you pick up,” He rocks his hips in a circle with his dick deep inside, and it hits all the right spots, “You can tell him that I’m balls deep inside of you, that I fucked you so good last night you came from my cock alone,”
“Dean,” Her hand flies back, finds his scruff and trails them up and into his hair, he kisses her upper arm, her shoulder while his one hand toys with her clit.
“You can tell him that you love it when I fuck you deep, that my cock stretches you wide, that you love it when I come inside. Isn’t that so?”
“Fuck,” She breathes out. 
Of course it is.
She can come from his talking alone, she swears. She’s close again.
“Tell him that I made you come more than he ever had. Because it’s true, ain’t it?”
“Y— yes,” Her pussy flutters when his thumb flickers against the hood of her clit.
“And you can tell him that you’re not coming back,” He picks up his speed, fucks into her harder, a little rougher, “Because you’re mine now, baby, ain’t you? Your pussy’s mine. You’re mine. Tell me that you are. Promise me you’re not going back to him,”
She comes hard, her legs shaking, her pussy convulsing, squeezing him good and Dean comes too, buries his face between her shoulder and neck, groans into it while he pulls her tight against him.
Dean slips out of her with a squelching sound after a while, which makes her cringe. She absolutely hates when he takes it out, it always makes her feel so empty. He tucks himself into his pants, lifts himself up and straddles her, his weight supported by his hand on either side of her face. 
He looks at her with darkened pupils, “‘M sorry if I was out of line,” He lowers his face, kisses her forehead, “It’s not my right to want to hear it from you. You make your own decisions and if it’s not me, I hope it’s someone who appreciates you, because you deserve better. Promise me though,” His voice gets softer, “Promise me that you won’t go back to him.”
Y/N has tears in her eyes. Of course it’s him. She can’t for the life of her imagine someone else. But she can’t say it. Not yet. She’s too confused, too ashamed by what she’s done, even though Chuck’s been doing it for so long already. So instead of telling him this, she smiles through the tears and whispers, “Cross my heart.”
That’s enough for Dean. Enough to make him mirror her smile, and kiss her. Before the kiss could get too heated, Dean pulls back, pecks her nose before he pushes himself off the bed. 
She watches him sit down on the edge of the bed, taking his phone to call Chuck back.
Dean puts him on speaker so she could listen in.
“Mr. Winchester, I sent someone around this morning to check up on you, but nobody was around.”
Dean rubs a hand over his face, “Uh, yeah, we moved, sir. It didn’t seem safe enough anymore.���
“I don’t appreciate you keeping me in the dark.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” Dean says and watches as she gets out of bed and pulls her shirt over her head. She walks to stand before him, naked. 
“So, in two days our kidnapping story will run out of time.”
Dean’s staring at her thighs as she shows him how his cum drips down her legs. He clears his throat audibly before he speaks, “What’s the next move?” His hand reaches out for her, pulls her into his lap, and he wraps his arm around her, holding her close. She can feel his hard bulge and she wonders how he does it. He just fucked her not five minutes ago.
“We wait it out.”
He nuzzles his nose against her cheek, “Yeah, I don’t think it’s safe to bring her back yet, sir.”
“That’s not for you to decide, Mr. Winchester.” Chuck sounds cold on the other end.
“Of course,” Dean mumbles, trailing his lips along her throat. “I just want to be extra careful.”
“I get that. We all want that.”
She almost snorts out a laugh at Chuck’s words and Dean has to cover her mouth with his hand.
“How long have you been at the new safe house?” Chuck asks, and she wonders what it matters.
Dean takes his hands off her mouth and instead holds out two fingers to her lips. She licks at the pads, seals her lips around his digits and Dean coughs to conceal the sound he just made. After his cough, he’s able to answer Chuck.
“We’ve been here since yesterday,” That’s a lie but Dean keeps a straight face, his eyes on her mouth, watching her twirl her tongue around his fingers.
She guesses that Dean has his own plans and doesn’t want Chuck to get suspicious and tell him that they’ve been here since someone tried to kill them.
“Huh,” Chuck huffs out a breath, like he doesn’t believe it. Which only makes him more suspicious, “Okay.”
“Yeah, will that be all, sir?” Dean’s getting impatient, he moves her over his bulge, kisses along the nape of her neck.
“Right, I have a meeting. Tell my wife I said hi.”
“I wi—”
Chuck hangs up before Dean could even finish his word and Dean shuts his phone off, throws it onto the bed and slips his fingers out of her mouth. He brushes them down her throat, painting along her skin with his spit slick fingers. 
“Why can’t he track your phone? He would know where we are, no?” 
“I have an anti tracking device installed.” His lips are on her skin, trailing a path down the side of her neck, teeth nibbling at her skin.
“Oh,” She says, doesn’t know if it was for the anti tracking thing or the good feeling Dean gives her. Probably both.
“Fuck, what are you doing to me,” He whispers, his fingers ghosts over her peaked nipples. He pinches a nipple, rolls it between his fingers, making them harder. “Almost wanted to fuck you while he was on the phone,” 
Dean lets out a growl before standing up with her still in his arms and walks to the nearest wall, pins her against it. He buries his face into the crook of her neck while he holds her up one handed only to rid himself from his pj pants with his other hand. 
“Wanna fuck you again, can I?” He whispers, tongue licking over her sensitive throat.
“Uh-huh,” She doesn’t know why he asks and honestly, she can’t push something coherent past her lips even if she wants to and she pushes her hips down as soon as she feels the blunt head of Dean’s cock nudging against her slick cunt.
“Yeah?” Dean rasps, voice thick with want and he chuckles, lips ghosting over hers.
He kisses her at the same time he pushes in and she gasps into his open mouth while he drinks in the sound she makes.
Y/N grips at his flesh, nails digging in, scraping along his skin and she’s sure that it hurts but he doesn’t care. He breaks the kiss, leaves his forehead on hers as he fucks up and into her, steady, deep, on the right side of painful. 
“Wanted to tell him that you’re not gonna go back to him,” Dean whispers, low and dark, means every word he says, “Wanted to tell him that you’re better off with me. Almost told him that you look so goddamn beautiful when you come, that you’re leaking my cum and you love it.”
He picks up speed and she’s so damn close, even without touching herself. “Dean, please,”
“Tell me, baby. Tell me what you want,”
“Fuck— me, harder, please,”
“Was wondering if he ever saw you like this, if you ever begged for him to fuck you harder,” He chuckles, picking up speed and she throws her head back.
Dean takes the opportunity, licks and sucks at her throat, “Wonder if you come for him so easily. Do you?”
“N— no,” She’s almost out of breath.
“That’s right, because you’re my good girl, ain’tcha?”
Oh god. 
Her whole body shakes around him, her pussy clenches, squeezing at Dean’s dick and he lets out a grunt at the sudden tightness.
“Jesus. Can’t fucking get enough of you.” He kisses her, pumps his hips faster, drilling himself deeper, she’s leaking down there, the cum from the previous fucking drips down the underside of her thighs, leaking into her ass crack. “You’re killing me, baby. There’s no way that I let you go back to him. I’d love to keep you if you’d let me.”
He thrusts harder, begging with every upstroke for her to stay, begging her to promise him not to go back to Chuck.
And she wants to. Wants for him to keep her.
“Yes,” She whimpers and she doesn’t even know if he knows what she means by that. And she says it again, “Yes, yes— yes.”
Dean smiles, kisses her rough and hard, buries himself into her with one last thrust of his hips.
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ᴍᴏʟᴛᴇɴ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴇ | 𝘏𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘺𝘶𝘶!! Hitmen AU! [Kuroo x F!Reader] ɴꜱꜰᴡ
Just a short little drabble with sly boi Kuroo~ ^^
I’m warning you all now, this is-- uhm very very nsfw SKSKSK Idk what my mind was thinking when I wrote this but uh--- yEaH
TW; Choking, Manhandling, Possessive Behavior
» » Admin Ko
»»————- �� ————-««
You couldn’t remember the last time you were left in rather...provocative situation. Normally, whenever Kenma would assign you missions, they were quick and easy. Nothing like the one you currently faced. How you found yourself teamed up with your boss, you probably would never find out. Yet here you are. 
It was supposed to be a simple ‘meeting’ with a client who had not only failed to pay off the debt they owed for purchasing your teams services, but was actively trying to run and hide from the prying golden eyes of your boss. And honestly, you couldn’t blame them. 
Despite being a rather lax and understanding boss, Kuroo showed none of those traits when he was on the field. The movements he made, the words he spoke, and the condescending look in his eyes made anyone freeze if they were placed before the terrifying man. The look of a predator.
“Look, I know you’re rather stupid. What, with running your 2 ‘successful’ businesses and what not. But you’re quite bold in thinking that I wouldn’t see this coming~.” 
A sinister smirk then stretched across the taller man’s face as he kicked the client from the chair down to the floor. A heavy leather boot immediately being pressed into the frightened individual’s chest as your boss leaned forward. 
“And...to think, you’d try to convince one of my teammates to join your pathetic workplace? It’s honestly laughable.”
You froze. It never occurred to you that Kuroo had actually heard the conversation between the client and you. Granted this was a conversation from a previous warning visit. But to hear the harsh and possessive tone laced in his voice sent chills down your spine as you couldn’t help but become a bit flustered at the boss’s attitude. 
Why was he so worked up anyway? As far as you were aware, the others that you worked with had faced similar situations as you. So...why exactly did he have to say something like that? 
Deciding to ignore the way your stomach flipped at the sight of your boss, you went to put a hand on his shoulder in an effort to calm him down. After all, you both still needed to get the money. If not that, then information as to where you and your team could inquire to next about the fees accumulated from this client.
“Boss. Ease up a bit,”
You began, hoping to divert the irritated male’s attention onto you. Though when it looked like it was going to work, the man pinned on the ground just had to speak.
“Glad to see that besides having a nice body, she has an actual brain---”
The words died on the man’s lips as Kuroo added more pressure. His eyes set ablaze as an almost animistic growl escaped his throat. 
“Shut the fuck up.”
An uneasy feeling came over you as you pulled back from the other. A look of wariness crossing your features as Kuroo refused to even spare you a glance. The man beneath him seemed to be suffocating from the pressure of Kuroo’s weight and his piercing stare.
“...Step outside (y/n). I’ll be with you in a moment.”
A promise of a lecture most likely, was the first thought that came to your mind as you gave him a nod before venturing outside. If only it was actually a lecture you’d be receiving. Though of course you couldn’t predict the future. All you could do at the moment, was wish that it would be over soon and you wouldn’t be assigned on another mission with the panther like man.
»»————- ᴛɪᴍᴇ ♔ ꜱᴋɪᴘ ————-««
An irritated sigh, and a quick glance to your watch as you watched another hour of your life go by with you just staring at the discolored and poster ridden wall before you. As far as you were aware, any sort of warning meetings with Kuroo ended within the hour and the money would’ve been retrieved with a call for a clean up crew to be on the way.
Though why was it taking longer than usual? Before you could even begin to theorize what was going on, the door opened and out stepped the man in question. An oddly calm look on his face as he fixed his leather gloves briefly. 
“Did you get the---” Before you could even finish your sentence, you were slammed against the wall. A cry of pain escaping you as you tightly closed your eyes. Your heart began pounding in your chest as you tried to understand the situation before you. Though it was hard to concentrate with the ringing in your head and the sudden breathlessness you felt. Were...were you being choked?
“How many times?”
The words came out fuzzy to you as you let out a breathless, “Wha---?”
“How many times did that piece of shit speak to you like that?!”
Confused, you could only weakly grasp at his arm as you blearily looked up at him. Though again you fell breathless as his eyes seared straight into your soul. Practically burning his mark on it as he kept you pinned to the wall. 
“I-I...B-Boss... K-Kuroo, I can’t---!” 
Your adrenaline was kicking in, your heart hammering against your chest as you felt the coil in your gut tighten as you cursed yourself. This wasn’t the situation to be getting turned on! Yes, your boss looked incredibly hot right now, but you literally were going to die if he couldn’t control his emotions!
Suddenly realizing what he was doing, he let go. Watching your chest heave as you gulped down lungfuls of air. A strange high coming off of you as you shakily met his gaze. His own boring straight into you as he seemed to still want his answer from you. 
Once regaining a sense of clarity, you collected your thoughts as you finally spoke. A slight rasp to your voice as you internally winced at how your voice sounded.
“He...it was every time I visited...sir.”
A sharp click of his tongue and a string of curses came under his breath as he closed his eyes briefly. You stood there, awkwardly waiting as you tried to quell the shake in your legs from the near death experience before you were jolted out of your thoughts when a large hand clamped down onto your wrist. The hold unrelenting as you were suddenly tugged down the alleyway.
Utterly confused, you could only follow him blindly as he didn’t speak the rest of the way towards the now undisclosed location. Within moments, you found yourself in front of a an apartment door. The area where it was being much more higher class than the previous location you had been. Though, before you could even question where you both were the taller male unlocked the door and tugged you in.
Putting two and two together, you realized you were in Kuroo’s apartment. Startled by this, you went to ask him why he brought you here. Instead, you were pinned to his door as his lips were suddenly on yours. 
A messy and dominant aura coming from the male as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Taking advantage of your shocked state to get a much needed fix of your taste before he slowly pulled back. 
“You have no idea how much it pisses me off to hear the girl I fucking love is getting treated like some ditsy whore.”
The words punched into your chest as your cheeks flushed at the words your boss said. He...loves you? Of course you had a crush on him. You were sure any of the rookies who joined the Nekoma team could agree on having a crush on the mischievous leader.
Though for you in particular, you grew to have more of a crush on the taller male after witnessing his personality and his mannerisms towards children and those in need. It warmed your heart that besides being a cruel and unrelenting figure in the dark world you both lived in, he still had a kind heart.
Before you could even think, you took this chance into your own hands as you suddenly grabbed at his jacket. A sharp tug and your lips meshed with his in a messy, yet fiery dance. His hands found their way around your waist before suddenly lifting you up into his arms as you let out a startled gasp.
Once again, taking this little change in your actions, he let his tongue dive into your mouth. Exploring and savoring the addicting taste that was you. You let out a soft groan at his play as you were overwhelmed by him. His scent, his touch, his voice. Everything about him had your body reacting in ways you didn’t think were possible.
The next thing you knew, he was pressing kisses against your neck, his hands roughly holding you up by your thighs as he gave them a nice squeeze. Then suddenly, you were thrown onto his bed. Soft black sheets enveloped your form as you looked up at your boss. A breathless look on your face as you watched with wide eyes as he began to slowly strip. A sort of show as his piercing gold eyes never left your wide (e/c). 
His lust filled voice cut you off as he threw his button down haphazardly onto the floor before crawling towards you. That predatory look in his eyes once again returning as he took in your form beneath him. It was mesmerizing. The way your hair fell against your skin and his sheets. The flushed look that covered your cheeks. The way your eyes held his own in a never ending game of cat and mouse.
You tested the name, your lips playing with the syllables as he let out a groan. The way you said his name sending heat straight down to his already strained pants as you slowly brought your arms up to wrap around his neck. Your fingers toying with his hair as you suddenly dropped a sultry gaze to him.
“I want you to wreck me...make me yours. Prove to me that what you said wasn’t a lie...”
And almost as if a switch was turned on, the man above you ravaged you almost immediately. He dove for your neck, already making claim to the soft skin and leaving his marks wherever accessible. his hands began to claw at your clothes. Roughly tugging and desperately peeling the layers away to touch your skin. To get a feel for you. 
The gasps and moans that escaped your reddened and swollen lips only urged him to explore more of you as your clothes were tossed into a pile on his bedroom floor. Mingling with his own abandoned ones as he continued kissing lower and lower until he was at your dripping entrance. A seductive grin formed on his face as he grabbed your thighs. The feel of his calloused hands sending another wave of heat into you as you grasped at the sheets beneath you.
“F-Fuck TetsuRO!”
A sharp cry came from you as your eyes widened in utter surprise as your boss began to suck and bite at the sensitive and supple skin of your inner thighs. Already you could feel your eyes water at the stimulation as you trembled underneath his hold. 
“Stay still kitten...”
A purr came from the male as his warm breath fanned against your dripping folds. A taunting smirk on his lips as he forced your thighs apart, and the next thing you knew you were crying and begging for release as his tongue delved deep into you. Taunting and teasing every little nook and cranny that he could reach. 
Your noises only fueling him further as he kept you from grinding your hips down against his face as you pleaded for him to stop teasing and to give you that sweet release. Of course that never came as he continued to absolutely decimate you with his tongue. The sweet little spots you had hidden away being prodded and teased at as he relished in your desperate sounds. 
And just when you thought you were about to cum, the ever mischievous male pulled back as you let out a sob of frustration. Your flustered and tear stained face only further prompted him to lean forward and capture your lips into another kiss as you let out a small moan as you tasted not only him but yourself on his tongue. 
The action making you even more embarrassed before you finally decided to take matters into your own hands. If this was the game your boss decided to play. Then so be it. You weren’t going to be the only one to suffer tonight.
Without warning, you pulled him in closer, stealing every breath he took as he let out a low and throaty moan at your sudden boldness. Though the sounds escalated the moment you flipped him onto his back. A victorious grin now on your face as he looked up at you with surprise in those golden irises. 
“I’m not the only one being teased tonight, tiger...”
A seductive smirk graced your features as you fumbled with his pants briefly. His cock straining desperately against the cloth of his boxers before you pulled both layers loose. The pair being lost in the pile of forgotten clothes on the floor as you leaned over to his nightstand. A teasing wink being sent his way as you grabbed one of the condoms he had stashed away. With practiced ease, you slipped the condom on before you positioned yourself over his weeping cock.  His face suddenly becoming flustered, as he attempted to stop you before you slowly worked his tip against your aching folds. A desperate moan coming from the both of you as you struggled to keep him from bucking up and stretching you too quickly. 
Thankfully, you managed to keep his grinding hips down as he let out a breathless string of curses as you continued to ease and work your way onto him. Though the more you did the more shaky and hazy your eyes became as you couldn’t help but let out a wanton moan at how he filled you up. Your walls clenching around him tightly as he let out a sharp curse and a strong buck of his hips.
The action catching you off guard as you squealed. Your hands pressing against his lower abdomen to steady yourself as you gave him a sharp glare. Amused, he let out a breathy chuckle before letting our another colorful string of curses and moans as you began to move. Your body taking the reigns as you began to ride the man beneath you until he was a desperate moaning mess.
Though just as you thought he was about to break, his hands shot towards your own hips as he began to match with your speed. Your flushed cheeks turning even darker as his gaze became practically liquid gold as he watching you bounce on his cock. The both of you nearing your limits as both gold and (e/c) meshed, drowning one another in each other’s hypnotic stares before you both came with a loud moan. 
Suddenly you fell forward, collapsing against the sweaty male beneath you as the musk of sex and sweat filled the room. Groaning, you let your eyes slowly flutter closed as Tetsuro pulled out of you. Giving himself a moment to catch his breath before he turned, lazily wrapping an arm around you as he carefully tugged the messy sheet off and onto the floor before wrapping the both of you in the blanket. His molten stare now basking over your sleeping features as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head before he too succumbed to the exhaustion.
A soft whisper danced into your ear before the both of you finally fell asleep though, and it brought a subconscious smile to you as darkness brought you into it’s soothing embrace.
“...I love you (y/n)...”
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megalony · 4 years
Play the game
This is a murderer! Ben Hardy request that I am going to make into a series, I hope you all like it, feedback is always lovely to have. This is imagine is rather long.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Series taglist: @britneysurvived​
Murderer! Ben masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) is married to a rival club owner and is told to kill Ben to cut the competition. But when she tries to seduce him, things go a bit too far and killing Ben becomes very tricky when feelings get in the way and a game is being played.
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"I'm sorry, you want me to do what?" (Y/n)'s chin tilted down towards her neck causing her to look up at her husband through her lashes with raised brows in a particular manner which she was beginning to become accustomed to looking at him.
Mark had asked her to do a lot of shady things in the two years that they had been married and a lot of the time (Y/n) went along with it and agreed because first and foremost, he wasn't a nice man. She married someone who could kill a person whilst smiling or holding a conversation with someone else so refusing him didn't feel like a very good option. (Y/n) always wanted to make him proud or feel like she deserved to be with someone who was good to her like he was. Now she went along with what he said if she wanted to, she had a voice she wasn't willing to lose.
He liked to push (Y/n), to try and get to her to do things that were on the illegal side and see how far he could push her. It was like a game between them, constantly pushing each other to their limits and (Y/n) was beginning to grow bored of this game now. She didn't marry Mark so she could have someone to test her patience or her conscience or break her morals.
(Y/n) wanted some fun back in her marriage, she wanted to be with someone she actually felt something for and who could both love her and tease her in a relationship that evolved and changed rather than one that came to a stalemate.
"I want you to kill him. Why, too scared?"
A scoff passed through (Y/n)'s lips as she shook her head which tilted back so she could look up at the ceiling. Her hands tightened around the edge of the desk she was perched on and her muscles started to tense and tighten for more reasons than one.
"You want me to kill him? And how do you propose I do that, he knows me I've met him. I can hardly walk up to him and shoot him without anyone knowing who I am. I think all of his men know me by now."
(Y/n) let go of the desk so she could fold her arms over her chest, staring directly at her husband who was still smiling like an idiot who had somehow won a game of high-stake polka.
He wanted her to kill Ben.
Her husband thought that (Y/n) could somehow kill the boss of their rival gang that was trying to fight them for the turf of the town. (Y/n) wasn't ashamed to say that she had married into this business, before she met Mark she walked around the streets oblivious to the fact that there were backstreet deals, killings and dodgy businesses working this town. But when she married Mark she was automatically enlisted onto his side of the business, she was then working in his nightclub that had a backroom which was for the side business of making more money without tax, collecting money from threats and killing people who got in their way.
Marrying Mark was the first time (Y/n) knew anything of Ben Hardy. He owned the boxing club on the other side of town and he was a man that almost everyone seemed to fear for more reasons than one. There was a list longer than (Y/n)'s arm of things Ben had done to people who double-crossed him.
(Y/n) knew that by Ben being killed, it meant Mark could take over and he would be the only business that people would go to for the dodgy money and work they wanted and needed. Likewise, if Ben killed Mark, he would be in charge and no one would dare step out of the lines Ben drew around them.
"You know him, that's the advantage here, honey. If I went anywhere near him they would probably shoot me on sight, but not you. You can get close, you can tease him or mess with him, pretend to leave me and go to his gang or just downright catch him out and kill him because you're sneaky. I don't care how you do it, I just need him gone because I have a deal coming up and if he's gone this deal means we're in with a chance of being at the top."
Mark couldn't get close to Ben because Ben's men knew who worked for Mark and they kept them away from Ben and Ben's club. He didn't want the hassle of Mark being around so killing Ben was near to impossible.
But if (Y/n) pretended to leave Mark and try to get in with Ben or just try to seduce him or catch him out one night when he was alone and kill him, it would be so much easier than Mark having to plan it out and have it traced back to him.
He could see the debate happening in (Y/n)'s eyes when she pushed herself off the desk and wondered if this was worth it. She had killed a few people before and it wasn't something she did lightly. But if she killed Ben that would be it, there would be no competition, there would be no one to get in their way and she would be feared the same as Mark because it would be her who got the kill. She would take out their rival, not Mark. That glory was something (Y/n) could use to her advantage and if she did this then their business would expand.
It was going to take a lot of planning and care and it wouldn't be easy, but (Y/n) might just be able to do this.
"Alright, but it's going to take a few weeks to plan."
(Y/n) had never walked through these doors before, she'd never stepped into this reception or even come close to this boxing club because she knew it was practically forbidden. Once Mark put that wedding ring on her finger, that was it. This area of town was off limits and being close to any of Ben's men was a danger sign. It was like this club was an allergy and (Y/n) had to stay away or suffer an allergic reaction.
The cigarette smoke hit (Y/n) first like an overpowering drug suddenly swarming through her system even though she couldn't see any clouds of smoke from anyone with a lit cigarette.
Her eyes scanned around the unfamiliar club, wondering if she could walk right in and disappear and scour the hallways to try and find Ben. She had part of a plan formed in her head but it wasn't set in stone yet. (Y/n) thought that the easiest way to get close enough to kill Ben was to try and seduce him. If he let her close enough to him to seduce and toy with then it would be very easy to kill him.
The only problem would be that if she did toy with him his workers would most likely know and then if she killed him she would be their number one suspect. But she would cross that bridge when she came to it. She had to make him want her first.
(Y/n) almost gritted her teeth when she noticed the system in front of her. There was a reception desk on her right in the corner and next to the desk was a set of double doors that led into the gym and boxing ring. To get in there a button behind the desk had to be pressed to allow access and she wasn't a member of this club, nor did she think they would just let her waltz right in. She would have to toy with these men too.
"Is he in?"
With the brightest smile she could muster, (Y/n) leaned over the reception desk and folded her arms on the counter, smiling at the stranger sat behind the desk whose eyes went wide when he recognised who she was.
"I- I'm sorry?" He looked like he wanted to reach over and press the panic button under the desk and send the gym into lock-down because (Y/n) had walked in. No one really ever saw her as a threat because she married Mark, they thought she was docile and just Mark's little pet but this man clearly thought she was going to stir up trouble and that made (Y/n) internally happy.
"Ben, is he in today I'm here to see him... that's him in the ring isn't it? Be a sweetheart and buzz me in."
(Y/n) glanced her eyes through the glass doors and her eyes were suddenly drawn to the two men in the ring. One of them was wobbling horribly like he was on his last reserves, but the other man... he was something else entirely. He was bare knuckle fighting, sweat dripping from his frame and making his already curly hair turn into waves that fell in front of his eyes but didn't slow him down at all. He was beating the living daylights out of the other man without seemingly having a scratch on himself and he was captivating to (Y/n).
She had never seen a proper fight or even a warm up match before, Mark was never the fighting kind of man.
Something inside (Y/n) stirred to life as she watched the man she definitely knew to be Ben, fighting like it was his mission in life to kill his opponent. (Y/n) found herself biting her lip for a second as she stared at Ben, wondering what it would be like to be married to him instead. She could watch him fighting anytime she liked, she could cheer him on or try and distract him or make fun out of him and see what he did.
'Stop it.'
Chiding herself, (Y/n) turned her attention back to the bewildered man in front of her and she leaned more onto the counter so he could see just a tiny bit into her clevage before she ticked her head to the door with a smile that made him shiver. She was toying with him because she was good at it, flash a smile that was half sweet and half sinister and men fell at her feet and did as she asked and this man was no different.
He clearly knew he shouldn't let her in but his hand found the buzzer before he could even think and the doors beeped, telling (Y/n) she could now go in. He gave her all the access she needed whilst knowing she was married to the enemy.
What a silly little boy.
"Thanks sweetheart." (Y/n)'s tone was sickly sweet before she opened the door and disappeared into the gym.
It was bigger than what she expected it to be. There was a boxing ring right in the centre of the room with a black foam mat as the floor to soften the blows Ben was now giving his opponent. All around the room there were punch bags hung up from the ceiling like meat hooks, there were racks of boxing gloves and white tape for knuckle fights and there were many different racks with weights dotted around the room. (Y/n) guessed there had to be another room for the actual gym with treadmills and rowing machines and all the other equipment since this was a gym and a boxing club.
Yet again, (Y/n) found herself becoming entranced by the way Ben was fighting. He was brutal, he spared no pain and he held no punches and now his opponent was on the floor, Ben was beating him whilst he was down on the ground.
Being married to him must be so different than being with Mark. Being with Mark was fun at first but then it was predictable, he came home at the same time almost every night, he got into little scraps but nothing serious, he collected debts himself and ran the nightclub and dressed to impress. He was always the same, nothing ever changed.
But Ben had to be different.
He was a boxer, (Y/n) knew that from the beginning, so if she married him she could patch him up. Would he be out all night or home at different times each day? Would he dress differently depending on what he was doing? Did he collect his debts or get others to do it? He seemed like the kind of man who would beat people up for being one day late with their debts and he would clearly hurt people without a care in the world. Would he be an intimidating husband or caring, would be be brass when out but then soft and kind when they were alone?
Would a marriage with Ben be predictable or ever-changing?
Why was (Y/n) even thinking about this, she wasn't here to marry Ben or actually fall for him. She was here to make him fall for her and then kill him. But did she really want to kill him when he seemed so intriguing to her right now? Maybe she could toy with him for a while, play with him and then dispose of him when she'd had her fun?
Mark didn't want her to do anything with Ben but make him want her because they were married after all. But (Y/n) could if she wanted to, she could spark up an affair and make Ben want her that much more and make him love her and then kill him. She could have all the fun she wanted that she didn't get with Mark as long as she didn't fall for Ben in return. If she made sure not to get any feelings for him, she could make this interesting.
Was she really debating an affair simply because her marriage was predictable? (Y/n) always thought that being with Mark was good because she loved him and he wasn't out all night or always in danger or in fights, considering what he did for a living, he had a rather safe life. But his life seemed boring compared to what (Y/n) was sure Ben got up to.
Which was better, safe and predictable or dangerous yet exciting?
(Y/n) tried to shake those thoughts and questions out of her mind as she made her way over to the ring, wondering how long it would take for one of them to notice her or even for the other men practising to notice she was here. When a few men started to notice her presence, (Y/n) smirked and sauntered closer to the ring until she could fold her arms over the rope and lean against it.
She stretched her back out and leaned forward, letting her ass stick out whilst she leaned her head on her arm, looking like she was staring at the fight like she was looking at her crush in the playground.
She could see blood beginning to come from Ben's knuckles despite the white tapped tightly bandaged around them. She could see the other man's face oozing blood and covered in bruises and he looked like he had already passed out from the pain.
"What are you trying to do, win the fight or win his life?" (Y/n) spoke quietly but confidently, making sure her voice was loud enough to catch Ben's attention but quiet enough for no one else to hear. Her tone was sultry and her eyes were narrowed questioningly but her smile showed she was intrigued.
The moment her voice hit his ears (Y/n) could see the effect her presence here was having on him because he pulled his fists back and turned to look at her, his brows furrowing in confusion and his upper lip curled in distaste.
Ben knew who she was just by her face and when he saw her leaning there against the rope he felt his heart flickering in his chest like a wavering flame. Why was Mark Lawrence's wife at Ben's club? What was she up to and what was she after? Had he put her here as some kind of bait to get to Ben or to trap him or cause a scene in his club?
Whatever reason she was here Ben wouldn't have it, he didn't want trouble and he didn't want his rival's wife here because Ben didn't like hurting women unless he really had to and this woman was particularly seductive to look at.
"Who says his life isn't already mine? Now what are you doing in my club?"
Ben took one last look at Darren who was spark out on the floor before he decided the fight was now over. He wiped his bleeding nose with his arm and took a deep breath before he climbed through the rope and jumped down out of the ring. He ran his taped fingers through his sweat-ridden hair, brushing it out of his eyes before he brought his hand to his teeth and ripped through the tape.
He watched (Y/n) pull away from the ring, watching him with a raised brow and a lopsided smile that put Ben on edge. He didn't know why she was here but he had to find out and he had to know what she or her husband were planning because this wasn't normal and he didn't want this to become normal either. She was part of the rivalry so she couldn't be here.
"Am I not welcome here, the boy behind the desk seemed happy to let me in, he didn't even ask for my membership card." (Y/n) watched Ben's lips curl in distaste and his eyes roll. One little look and his men melted into a puddle and caved in, he had to have some words with his men and get some new staff if they were all going to be charmed so easily like this.
"Boys are easily fooled as I'm sure you know all too well, doll. Now I know you don't have a membership here so why don't I walk you out. I don't think that husband of yours would want you here even if you aren't wearing your wedding ring."
Ben didn't know what game (Y/n) was trying to play but he didn't want to play. She wasn't meant to be here and he doubted Mark would want her here either. Nor did Ben know why she wasn't wearing her wedding ring, it was probably to try and pull one over on Ben and his workers and pretend she wasn't married to their rival but he didn't care.
She had to go.
(Y/n) rubbed her right hand over her left hand, feeling where her engagement and wedding rings were both missing. She had taken them off this morning so she could use the excuse that she had left Mark just in case she wanted to play things that way.
She looked up at Ben through her lashes, flashing him a smile that conflicted him because he wanted her to leave but he knew she was trying to win him over.
"Who's going to tell him I was here? I only want to look around, don't tell me you're turning away potential customers? Come on big boy, why don't you show me around instead of show me out?" An air of confidence masked the terror dwelling in (Y/n)'s stomach as she flashed him a sultry smile before taking a few steps closer to him. When there was only a small membrane of space between them, (Y/n) tipped her head back to look up at him.
She could feel his breaths getting deeper and when she dared to reach her hand out and glide her fingertips very lightly over his chest that was drenched in sweat, she felt his heartbeat pulsing through his skin. When her fingers tickled over his stomach his stomach sucked in until it disappeared completely like a pothole in the road and his lips pursed like his control was slipping away and he didn't like it.
Ben's lips parted to say something when he felt (Y/n)'s fingers trying to grasp the waistband of his boxing shorts but before he could even say one word she pulled at the elastic then suddenly let it snap back against his hips. It created a sting that Ben barely felt even though his hips moved in shock.
(Y/n) had to admit that Ben did well not to let the shock take over his otherwise placid expression. He quirked a brow at her, kept his lips in a straight line that made him look almost bored with her as he watched her turn around and head in the direction of the corridor she guessed led to the gym. But (Y/n) got three steps in that direction before she felt a hand slipping into the back pocket of her jeans, pulling her back until she hit a hard chest that was heaving.
"Tell me why you're here and I might consider giving you a tour of the club." She felt Ben's lips hovering against her ear and his fingers curling in her back pocket like he was trying to dig his nails through the fabric and grab a handful of her flesh for himself.
"I'm here on my own in the enemies club without my wedding ring... take a guess why I'm here to see you."
(Y/n) could have sworn she felt Ben's teeth grazing her ear when she spoke before his hand suddenly tensed against her and he was guiding her out of the room like he just realised they were still in public.
(Y/n) knew the moment he pushed her into the corridor that she was in with a shot now.
Was she really going to do this?
The knife resting in (Y/n)'s hand felt like she was holding a ten ton weight that was becoming too heavy for her to keep her fingers curled around the blade. The longer she held the jagged knife the heavier it became until it was almost glued to the mattress it was resting on.
(Y/n) was laid on her side, her knees slightly curled up to her stomach and the knife clutched in her left hand. All she had to do was carefully manoeuvre out of his arms and then turn and thrust. It could all be over in a matter of seconds and she could go back home and be done with Ben forever. She could go back to her boring life that would get much more interesting the moment it was found that Ben was dead. Her and Mark would be in charge, their status in the underground society would be elevated and they would be at the top of the pyramid.
But (Y/n) didn't know if she could.
It had taken her precisely two weeks from the first time entering the club to manage to get herself into Ben's bed. She had seduced him and flirted with him and now she'd gotten him into bed which was her plan and not Mark's. This was what she wanted, she wanted to get him into bed and then kill him and she was so, so close.
But he was different. Ben was different in every way imaginable, he worked a lot of hours that varied from day to day, he was savage and angry and playful and seductive and cheeky and horrid all rolled into one. He made things interesting and fun and he knew when (Y/n) was trying so hard to get him to fuck her and he didn't give in until last night. He lasted two weeks before he finally gave in and he toyed with her just the same.
If (Y/n) killed him now then that would be it, all the fun she was now having would be taken out of her life and things would be different yet the same and she didn't want that. But she had to do this, she couldn't actually fall for Ben or drag this out or carry on this affair because it wouldn't end well and it wasn't the plan.
He had been asleep for an hour now and (Y/n) had spent that hour thinking and panicking and trying to build up the courage she needed to kill him. Mark would keep her safe if Ben's men pointed the finger at her, he could get her ten alibis at once for tonight so she would be safe and he would make sure nothing would happen to her or trace back to her.
Opening her eyes, (Y/n) tried to hold her breath as she very slowly turned around in Ben's arm that was tightly wrapped around her waist. When she was facing him, she didn't know if she could kill him. A knife was quieter than a gun would be and it was so much easier to wield and thrust into his skin. He could bleed out and only the pathologist would know what time he died and there were no nosy neighbours hearing a gunshot this way, even with a silencer, (Y/n) liked a knife better than a gun.
She had the sudden urge to reach out and run her fingers over his cheek and trace his perfect jawline but if she did she was at risk of waking him up and she couldn't kill him if he was awake. He was very quick and he would overpower her too easily. He had to be asleep.
'Please be quick, please don't wake up and be in pain. Stay asleep for me.'
(Y/n) held the end of the blade tighter in her hand, feeling the grooves digging into her skin as she leaned her head back a little so she could try and be quick with the blade. She held her breath in her lungs and tried to push away the tears in her eyes because she knew she had to do this.
"You cheeky bitch."
Terror swarmed through (Y/n)'s whole body like bees rattling through her blood causing her body to shake and her muscles to become paralysed with fear. The tip of the blade barely poked against Ben's chest before his hand clamped around (Y/n)'s wrist like a viper's mouth, his teeth being fangs piercing into her skin to poison her.
He wasn't asleep, he had never been asleep, he had been laying in wait for her to try something on him and now she tried something he pounced on her. Ben wasn't stupid and she should never have underestimated him or have thought she could ever get one over on him.
(Y/n) didn't know whether to try and push the blade forward quickly or retract her hand or to move or stay where she was or even to try and roll out of bed and scramble away for her life. But the moment (Y/n) moved her hand Ben was quicker. He snatched the knife from her fingers before she could blink and stole her breath when he rolled her onto her back and pinned her down beneath him. The blade was pressed against (Y/n)'s neck so harshly that it was already cutting into her skin and drawing blood and Ben's knees were bruisingly pressed into her hips.
His free hand held (Y/n)'s right wrist and pinned it down against the mattress but the look in his eyes was terrifying. He didn't look betrayed or angry or even annoyed, he looked like he was waiting for this to happen and he looked happy. He was enjoying.
"If you plan to kill me you should have come up with something better than that. Did you really think I'd fuck Mark's wife and not be the tiniest bit suspicious of her intentions?"
Ben wasn't stupid. He knew from the moment (Y/n) walked into the club that there had to be a reason she walked in and it couldn't just have been because she left Mark and wanted to join the other side. She seemed so determined to make Ben like and want her and she was so confident and she seemed to fit in perfectly at the club. Ben couldn't help but be suspicious and no matter how much he wanted to sleep with her tonight, he couldn't do that and let his guard down and this was the proof.
"Now, what do I do with you?"
(Y/n)'s eyes narrowed and she did her best to push away the tears she could feel welling up in her eyes when Ben leaned closer and grinned at her like he was going to devour her. He pulled the blade away from her skin only to agonising slowly drag the tip of the blade down her neck just to feel her swallow nervously and when he reached her trachea he pushed the blade against the soft flesh until (Y/n) was sure he'd pierced it through her skin.
"You were willing to fuck me and kill me, don't think I wouldn't do the same doll. I'd quite happily murder you right here in my bed just to see what it would do to Mark. Imagine... finding out his wife cheated on him with his rival and then got killed for the guilty pleasure."
(Y/n) didn't like the way Ben smiled at the thought of Mark finding out (Y/n) had gone so far as to fuck Ben and then he killed her instead of the other way around. It would cripple her husband, she knew that for certain and she also knew Ben would rejoice in causing that pain and he would use it to his advantage to take over Mark's business and crush it to the ground.
"But then again, if I decided not to kill you right now, something tells me you'd hang around and how good would that be? Him finding you sneaking around in my club instead of his?"
"Why would I hang around?"
(Y/n) almost felt an ounce of confidence coming back into her words until she watched Ben sit back on his knees and the tip of the knife started to move again. It went from her trachea, down over her collar bone and disappeared between the valley of her breasts before stopping right over her heart. Ben twirled the knife slowly until he made a small circle over her heart, cutting the top layer of skin but not enough to make it bleed.
He liked the way (Y/n) shivered and tried to lean away from him but she had nowhere to go.
(Y/n) tried her luck in shuffling up until she could sit up in the bed and lean against the headboard and the knife didn't pierce her skin, it stayed where it was but Ben's free hand went to her throat just to make sure she wouldn't try anything.
"Because if I let you live then I'm holding tonight over your head. If you disappear back to him or do anything I don't like, he'll find out you spent the night with me." Ben was trapping her in and he knew it, if she left and tried to forget this happened he would tell Mark. If she tried to kill Ben again or mess with him he would tell Mark but if (Y/n) did stay and hang around Ben and went to his club Mark would eventually find out and it would cause her no end of problems in her marriage and her work.
This didn't seem like it had a good outcome for her, she either died right now or became Ben's puppet. But being his puppet might be a good thing because he couldn't deny that she had something that he liked and if an affair started, she wouldn't be his puppet anymore, she would be his lover. (Y/n) would have power and confidence and authority that way and she would have something new and different rather than plain and boring with Mark.
She would have Ben.
When (Y/n) felt the blade moving away from her heart and tracing up her sternum between her breasts, she took a chance and leaned forward and cupped her hand over Ben's that was around her throat.
"By hanging around do you mean being at your club or do you really mean being in your bed? Unless you're the kind of boss who fucks people at work..."
(Y/n) could feel the blade cutting into her skin and she tensed, trying not to wince as a very small trickle of blood started to form around the knife and slither down her skin. She wasn't sure if Ben was intentionally trying to hurt her or if he was testing her or even not realising he had cut her and was simply focused on what she was saying and the tone she was using. She watched Ben with her heart pounding and her chest heaving from adrenaline and fear that only increased when he tossed the knife somewhere on the floor of the bedroom before he let go of her throat that was beginning to hurt from his tense fingers.
He studied her for a moment like he was sure she was going to try and escape or lunge for the knife but when (Y/n) stayed perfectly still, Ben flashed his teeth in a sinister smile that reminded (Y/n) of a shark. He looked like he was going to strike and bite her like a vampire.
She was sure she heard the word 'sorry' pass through his lips when he noticed the cut he'd made to her chest and she knew he hadn't even realised he'd hurt her. That told (Y/n) her words had the right effect on him and this game was now turning into something entirely different.
(Y/n) shuffled back down the bed until she was laid on her back with Ben hovering over her between her legs like the devil himself had found her. A violent shiver ran down her spine when she felt Ben's ruby red lips pressing to the cut he'd made in her skin like he was apologising again for the mark but the feeling of his lips on her skin stole (Y/n)'s breath away. The thought of Mark didn't even pop into her head like his memory was being washed away with every touch of Ben on her skin. He was a fresh coat of paint replacing the faded colour Mark had created on her skin and she loved it even though she knew she shouldn't.
Ben was different, he was new and he was dangerous, he could have taken her life tonight and he may well have done; but he didn't. (Y/n) didn't kill him like she was supposed to but she was so glad she didn't because this was much better than killing him.
It just made things complicated for everyone.
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