#yes special oils for my blade
She is over here trying to tell me she has to play mama may i
From the texts she sends she already seems very accepting of it.
As a good husband, I accept they need feminine compassion. And as their husband I reserve the right to reserve all extra honey for all.
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fatkish · 6 months
Request for the Pro Heroes x child reader
Character(s): Hawks and/or Endeavor (yes I'm giving this man a chance to be a good person)
Prompt: Abandoned nonbinary reader with a Phoenix quirk (wings and fire) and everyone thinks they'll be a Villain because of how hot the reader's fire can burn. Phoenixes in Japan are seen as goddesses. (Reader was originally abandoned for coming out at nonbinary but the deal was sealed when the reader accidentally burned a house down)
Thank you so much for your request. I’m so excited since this is my first official request. I already had an idea for a phoenix quirk so I hope you don’t mind that I used it here. I hope you enjoy this story and that it helps you.
Hawks and Endeavor x Phoenix Quirk Child Reader
Reader was 13 when they were found by Hawks and Endeavor
The reader’s mother had an endurance and adaptability quirk that allowed her to change her body to better fit her environment. For example: if the reader’s mother was stuck in the desert, her body would change to allow her to store excess water similar to how a camel does. Or if bullets were fired at her, she could thicken her skin and produce osteoderms (these are the small bone like plates that cover the crocodilian species’s backs)
The reader’s father had a weak heat quirk and could grow sharp feathers from his arms and shoulders.
Their parents were very traditional and strict. Having been a late bloomer was already causing strain on their relationship with their parents.
The reader developed their quirk late at the age of 10. The reader has retractable wings that are covered in specialized feathers. The Primary and Secondary feathers are sharp and resemble blades, these feathers harden after they fully develop. The Primary and Secondary Coverts are hard and sharp at the tips. When the tips of the Coverts rub or strike each other it creates a spark.
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Each feather has microscopic holes along the Calamus and a gland beneath the follicle that secretes an Ethanol based, oil-like substance that covers their skin protecting it from the flames but also acting as a fuel. This oil is similar to Bakugou’s nitroglycerin sweat as they both produce more, the hotter they get. (Ethanol burns at an extremely high temperature but is invisible to the naked eye, you won’t know its there until you’re right next to it) The holes allow for the oil to cover the feathers.
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Due to their Mother’s endurance quirk, the reader’s body is unaffected by the flames they produce. The reader’s body sweat has a natural cooling effect as well as burn soothing and healing properties. This is how they are not burned by the flames. (The reader has to maintain a healthy hydration and drink lots of water because they are easily susceptible to dehydration)
Due to the reader’s quirk their body is naturally androgynous as they don’t have feminine curves or broad shoulders. The reader is short (5’2, sorry if you’re taller) and has a lighter than average body fat percentage to allow for easier flight. (Reader would most likely have a small penis like appendage to make urinating easier as well as a Cloaca. It’s also possible that reader could change their bodies physiology similar to how frogs can change their genders)
Due to the reader’s late development of a quirk as well as their androgynous appearance, they were seen as a freak and were bullied and shunned by their peers.
At age 12 the other kids around them began puberty and as their peers’s bodies began to change and developed they began to question themselves and eventually came to the conclusion that they were nonbinary.
One night their parents sat the reader down and began to discuss the reader’s appearance and how they needed to change in order to fit into society. Since the reader would have a harder time developing fat and couldn’t change the bone structure of their hips, their parents decided that the reader would be a male.
Their parents told them that they were to start working out and building up muscles to create a more masculine appearance. They began telling them about all the things they would have to change and even suggested drastic measures like surgery or hormone treatments to make them look more masculine.
The reader tried to explain to their parents how they felt and how they didn’t want to do all that stuff but they wouldn’t listen.
Eventually the stress became too much as the reader’s wings sprouted and their feathers naturally created a spark that ignited them. As the situation quickly became more complicated and stressful the reader accidentally bumped into a curtain, lighting it on fire, causing it to quickly grow and spread.
As their parents were shouting at them and their house went up in flames, they couldn’t deal with the stressful situation and flew off into the night sky, leaving their small town and flying far away to were they would discover in the morning to be Kyushu
After being ostracized and shunned for basically their entire life, the reader didn’t have much faith in society. Eventually they saw a news report about their hometown. Their parents claimed that their house was destroyed by a villain and blamed the reader for it, completely ignoring the fact of them being their child. The news showed a blurry picture of the reader that was taken by someone.
Due to the blurriness of the image as well as the reader having not really shown anyone their quirk, they weren’t easily identified. However, the news gave a short description of the reader and advised the public to keep an eye out for them and to alert the authorities should they spot the reader.
Realizing that they had no food, money, shelter or family and fearing being seen as a villain and being put in prison, should they ask for help, the reader decided that they had no other choice but to focus on survival.
2 months had gone by with the reader being homeless and barely scraping by. They had found an abandoned building in the less populated and more industrial area of the city and had created a small living space. They had gathered things that people had thrown away like tattered or stained clothes, old bedding, thrown out area rugs and other soft things that people had thrown away and wouldn’t realize were missing. They created a makeshift nest that made them feel safe
They had resorted to dumpster diving in order to find food and water and refused to pick pocket or steal purses. They didn’t want to do things that would make the accusations of them being a villain, true. This led to them being malnourished and having lost a lot of weight and having an emaciated and boney appearance
Hawks and Endeavor had been working together to capture a group of robbers who had been committing a string of robberies but kept getting away. Earlier in the day, the pair had apprehended and caught the group, but two of the seven had managed to escape and fled.
The robbers fled and hid in an abandoned building and planned to lay low and wait for the chance to escape the city, unaware of the red feather stuck and hidden in one of their hoods.
Hawks and Endeavor gathered the police and their sidekicks and had them surround the area near the building. The plan was to wait for the two villains to feel safe and let their guard down, then Hawks and Endeavor would storm the building, if they tried to flee, they would be caught by their sidekicks.
Using a few feathers to scope out the area and get an idea of the perpetrators positions, Hawks sent feathers into the building and relayed the information to Endeavor
Upon sensing a third body inside the building Hawks was going to tell Enji about it but felt someone grab his feather
Realizing that the element of surprise might no longer be on their side, Hawks alerted Endeavor. Inside the building, the robbers had finally noticed the reader and started to attack them when the reader summoned their wings and began to defend themselves
Since it was nighttime, the reader’s flames were emitting a blue glow similar to Dabi’s flames. Thinking that Dabi was in the building, Hawks and Endeavor rushed into the building only to quickly duck as one the robbers was sent flying over their heads from a strong wind
Using his feathers, Hawks was able to knock out the distracted robber and carry them both outside where the police quickly restrained and arrested them
Inside the building, Endeavor and Hawks had turned their attention to the reader. Upon realizing that the reader was just a kid, Hawks tried to tell them to stand down and stop their quirk. His feathers could sense the reader’s heartbeat, telling him that they were obviously scared.
When the reader tells them that they are unable to control the flames and that their wings secrete Ethanol to fuel them Endeavor is reminded of His first born son’s death
Having been living on the streets, the reader was unable to stay sufficiently hydrated and thus quickly ran out of protective sweat, causing the reader to begin being burnt
Hearing the kid’s screams of pain, Endeavor snapped out of his thoughts and quickly instructed Hawks to grab flame repressing foam from the the fire department and use his feathers to dump it on the reader
After following his instructions, the flames were quickly put out. Endeavor went over to the reader and carefully began to help them clean off the foam as he began to check the reader’s burns. Hawks took the moment to survey their surroundings and found the reader’s nest and realized that the reader was living here
Once the reader is calmed down and retracts their wings, Hawks asks about why the reader, a child, is living in an abandoned building
Fearing their situation but knowing that lying would only worsen their situation, the reader begins to explain their situation, telling the heroes what happened and why they are living here
As the police began to search the area and start to finish up their business there, Endeavor and Hawks both realize that the reader shouldn’t be returned to their parent’s custody but that placing them in the foster system would be bad due to their inability to control their relatively new quirk.
Due to developing their quirk later than others, the reader wasn’t given the same counseling and guidance that people normally get. Endeavor, having seen the reader’s potential as well as hoping to spare them the same fate that took his son, decided to become the reader’s legal guardian. Hawks, having plenty of experience with his wings and feeling a kinship with the reader, decides to become a mentor/older brother/fun uncle figure to the reader
Endeavor takes the reader to his home and has them get settled in.
Endeavor may seem grumpy and unapproachable but the reader quickly grows on him as Enji develops a soft spot for the reader.
Enji tries to teach the reader how to control their flames but is constantly reminded of how he trained his children and worries that the reader will hate him
Eventually Hawks is able to teach the reader to control their flames when he tries to have the reader cook chicken with them. Hawks originally intended it as a joke but Endeavor saw the accidental genius and decided that it was a good idea. Hawks just wanted some chicken
The reader has a tendency to build nests as a result of their father’s side of the family having mostly bird related quirks. One day Enji comes home from patrol to see the reader has built a giant nest in his living room. The reader is sitting in the nest in front of the TV. Hawks walks into the room with popcorn, snacks and drinks. After much convincing, Enji finally agrees to sit with them and watch a movie
Half way through the movie the reader falls asleep and snuggles up to Enji’s side. Wrapping an arm around them, Enji lets them sleep as he realizes how much he’s missed out on with his other kids. It’s at this moment that Enji promises himself and the reader that he’ll be better and that he’ll cherish these small moments
Hawks and Enji don’t care about the reader’s appearance, they understand that their quirk just makes their body different from others and they accept it.
Hawks will often visit the reader and they’ll preen each other’s wings. Hawks likes to make spa days out of this. He’ll take them to a bath house or bring bath salts to them. After relaxing in the bath he’ll either have a masseur give them both massages or they’ll massage each other. After that they’ll both take turns inspecting the other’s wings removing old or damaged feathers, combing the feathers, etc. after that Hawks will do face masks with the reader and basically anything that he can use as an excuse to relax
Overall, the reader is an irreplaceable part of Enji and Hawks’s lives now
I hope you enjoyed this.
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sophswritingthings · 8 months
IMAGINE BEING A MECHANIC THAT SPECIALIZES IN MOTORCYCLES! so mizu comes in to get her engine checked or smth and readers the mechanic kinda scenario
pairing: modern au!mizu x fem!motorcycle mechanic!reader
warning(s): none
a/n: UGHHH YES????
word count: 500 words / 2,774 characters 
(divider by @saradika-graphics)
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you were bent down on your knees, your hair tied up into a ponytail—motor oil covering your hands. you sighed, wiping the sweat dripping from your forehead with the back of your hand.
you rolled your head up as someone strolled into your shop.
“hey, uh, just give me a minute and I can be right with you,” you murmured, getting a glance at her.
jesus, she was beautiful.
“no worries,” she nodded at you, leaning her bike up against the doorway. she looked you up and down, “been busy, today?“
you chuckled, “hah, yeah. bit busy,” you shrugged, standing up, “so, what’s up with it? not working right, or?”
“engines been fidgety,” she shrugged, “just wanted to come and get it checked?”
“oh, yeah. absolutely,” you smile, rolling up your sleeves and walking toward the bike. you rolled it into the slot, kneeling down beside it.
“so…” the woman murmured, glancing away, “what’s your name?”
“(y/n),” you smiled at her. was she trying to make small talk with you? hah. cute. “and yours?”
“mizu,” she responded, fidgeting with her sleeves. you could see the tattoos slipping out from under her clothes, “how long you been workin’ here?”
“I own the place, actually. my dad passed it down to me,” you smiled, “but I guess I’ve been “working” here since I was around fifteen.”
“so you know your stuff,” she leant against the wall, looking down at you.
“I’d say I do, yes,” you chuckled. “and what about you? what do you do?”
“tattoo artist,” she rolled up her sleeves, catching your attention as she showed off the sleeve down her right arm, “had most of them before I was even eighteen.”
you smiled, “really, now? but of a rebel as a kid, I take it.”
“I didn’t have a parent always hovering over me,” she glanced away, “so I could really get whatever I wanted, done. long as I had some adults permission.”
“.. did.. something happen to your parents?” you question, as your hands work with the bike in front of you, “sorry if that’s a bit… invasive.”
“It’s fine, I don’t mind telling people,” she shrugged, “my father was a runaway; and my mother didn’t want the role of a single mother. she gave me up for adoption. i have an adopted father— he’s a blade smith.”
“I see,” you gave her a reassuring smile, “you seem to have grown into a well adjusted woman despite it, though.”
she chuckled, returning your smile, “I wouldn’t say well adjusted, but sure.”
you laughed, standing up straight, “engines all good,” you nodded to her. 
she nodded back, “thank you,” she murmured, grabbing her bike and beginning to turn out of the shop and into the street.
“hey!” you called out to her. she turned around rather quickly, “you wanna go out for lunch, sometime? or just coffee, or—“
she chuckled, “I’d like that.”
“er, um, friday then?” you cocked your head, feeling yourself blushing, a little bit.
“sounds great.”
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missamyrisa2 · 5 days
I may have been being bratty and belly flaunting today. And that may have caused my ler to call me out as a belly flaunter and threatened "I'm going to make a glory hole for that belly to get all the attention it can handle." So now I'm punished thinking about my chubby little tummy exposed and helpless like interactive wall art!
Ooooohh you soooo neeeed a totallll exhibition of your gloriousssss belllyyyy my tickle punk ~! Soooo brattyy mmhmm so stubborn. Yesss you neeeeeed to be exhibited uhhuhh that's the only way you're gonna learn so we have to put you in the displayyyy yes we doooo with that gorgeoussss flufffyyy tum making a delightful delectably delicious 3D displayyyyy ~ and ooh yesss I have velvet curtains to put over your belly before the reveal. Mmmhh don't get tooo giggly now, save your energy dear, you have quite a grand display to put on for allll our amazing patrons, our lovers of fine bellyyyy art~ and you seee this is an interactive exhibit ~ I'll part those soft curtains from your twitchyyyyy squishhhyyy belllyyy and let them rest on the sides, give you a niceee grazing tickle to keep you warmed up while I unroll allll the brushesss and set out the paints and the oilssssss but of course we can't have our artful excited patrons starting with a dusty canvassss nooooo so I'm gonna have my art prep crew shuffle in and nonchalantly work their fluffyyy dusters over that tum. Biggg swisshyyy dusters fluffing from the outset, working over your curvessss ~ yess you can giggle and bounce alll you like. Those straps keep you firmly in our little velvet displayyyy ~ and the detail brushessss going over your waistttt and in and out of your navel and up to your lower ribssss gonna make you allll clean and smooothhh for the excited bunch. Oooh they're already dipping their brushesss in the precoat oil, readyyy to get you allll shinyyyyyy for the special tinglyyy paint ~ yesss, the dripping teasing brushessss coverring you in swirling elegant patterns, all their chuckles and comments about that fluffyyyy tum, that amazinggggg squishyyyy cute bellyyyy ~ it just has squishes for dayssss and it's sooo cute the way it twitches and quakes with alll the painting. Oooh it looks like they're making your beautiful tummyyyyy into a field of flowerssss ~ alll those individual blades of grasssss on your lower abdomen and sidesssss such lovely greeensssss as the stems are going in with brisk strokesssss the dainty petals carefulllyyy sketched. Yesss giggle it up, my artful attendees can't be deterred nooooo and just make all those sounds now ~ yesss fall apart. I'll come back and fluff your hair and rub the back of your neck and trace my nails on your back to meet alllll those ticklyyyy tickly sensations ~ and maybe a little playful ticklyyy on your tush just for funnn ~ ahhh but I mustttt seee the glorious artwork in progresssss ~ oooh just gorgeoussss I know you feeel it alll ~ mmhmm snorting is fine toooo. It's not every day we get to put a teasyyyy punk in their place by making them a gigglyyy helpless piece of tickle art mmhmm ~ and I'll just give this piece my kissssyyy of approval, I alwayssss leave a nice kisssyyy print right on my canvasessss and ooh yesss muuahh sometimes three or four muuah muahhhh ~ <3
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vibratingskull · 8 months
A step in the right direction
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Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Tags : fluff, domesticity, date, first kiss, reader is disabled
You have a full week to enjoy Thrawn presence before going back to work, what will you do ?
FemaleReader x Thrawn
You wake up to an empty bed. You blink and yawn, stretching your spine. You lay your hand on Thrawn’s side of the bed, it’s cold. He’s been up for a long time already. You yawn again and pass on your fluffy dressing gown, open the shutter to let light enter the bedroom and head to your living room.
You find Thrawn sleeping on the couch.
You don’t know why he didn’t stay in bed with you. Maybe he felt a bit ill… Also it is quite exceptional for him to sleep this late. You tug on the plaid to cover up his shoulders and kiss his cheek, enamored by the picture. His face is so relaxed like that, he looks like a true angel. You nuzzle your nose with his cheek and his eyes opens instantly, well awakened.
“Good morning, mister.” You caress a strand of hair out of his face.
“Good morning, cha’cah.” He responds with a soft tone, caressing your cheek with his knuckles. “Did you sleep well?”
No you didn’t. Even if you didn’t have a nightmare this night it doesn’t mean you didn’t have a bad dream about your trauma.
“Quite well.” You lie to not worry him.
He looks at you straight in the eyes with an indecipherable expression.
“Really?” He insists.
“Yes!” You smile for him, a broad, large smile.
He doesn’t believe you, but doesn’t insist more, leaving you your privacy.
“And you?” You divert the discussion to him, “Why sleep on the sofa when we have a fluffy mattress?”
“It was too hot for me.”
“You felt uncomfortable? You want to get rid of one of the covers?”
“Do not worry about that, Cha’cah.” He raises his head to kiss your cheek tenderly. “Let us enjoy breakfast together?” He proposes.
You prepare caff while he’s cutting a loaf of soft white bread for you. He doesn’t consume white bread, too unhealthy and not enough nutrients. You look at him taking out a portion of Spira salmon for himself and you get more and more distressed at how he’s prepping it.
“Thrawn, I do not think this is a good way to prepare fish, you're cross-contaminating every utensil.”
He looks at you with what you think is surprise in his eyes.
“This is how I always did.”
You frown in disbelief.
“Nobody ever told you it was dangerous?”
“I rarely cook with someone else present.”
“Do you usually cook? Like at all?”
“I prefer going to the mess halls or wardroom or eating the dishes the droids prepared for me.”
You shake your head, sympathetic. Apparently he is as clueless in the kitchen than in politics.
“Let me help.” 
You cut the flesh of the salmon in manageable quarters, and spread oil in a dish.
“First you're gonna cover the salmon quarters with butter and add a pinch of salt.”
He obeys as you grate a lemon over a bowl. His movements are swift and precise even if you realize he doesn’t know what he’s doing. You gave him the lemon.
“Now add the juice and the zest.” 
You take out some dill that you wash thoroughly.
“I remember your cutting skills being impeccable, mince that finely with this shallot.” 
And he does succeed, his blade techniques are immaculate. You cut lemons that you put on each quarter while Thrawn adds some crushed garlic and oil as you instructed him to.
“And now you let them cook in the oven. See? It wasn’t so bad.”
“Thank you, cooking is not one of my fields of expertise.” He wipes his hands with a dish towel. “You are more experienced than I am.”
“Not so much, I just learned a dozen of recipes by heart and play with them. That is nothing special.”
You remain standing against the counter when he takes your hand to pull you in his embrace. You hug him tight as he presses you against his warm body. He is so tall and broad, he could suffocate you without thinking about it, but his hugs are always so infinitely tender…
You sigh of contentment, head resting against his chest as he kisses the top of your head, listening to his beating heart. He is so muscular, it is criminal.
“I didn’t imagine you this affectionate.” You let out in a satisfied sigh.
“Does it displease you?”
“Absolutely not.” You hug him tighter “Keep going like that.” 
His hands caress your back and circle your shoulders in a chaste manner, cradling you gently. But your mind wanders elsewhere, being pressed against such a body awakes your desires and you can’t help but think about how thin your pajamas are, how warmth travels from his skin to yours, how you want him to devour you in one go. He’s such an athletic man, his stamina must be unmatched, it makes you drool just thinking about it.
“Thrawn…” You moan and you feel him tensing up under your touch, you part slightly from him to open your dressing gown “I am so hot suddenly, you want to… help me out?” you mewl.
He smiles lightly and closes back your gown, much to your dismay.
“Do not worry, cha’cah. Everything is okay.”
You try to reach his lips and he stops you, pressing his hand on your mouth. You growl in response.
“Not now, cha’cah. Let me do it my way, I want it to be perfect.” He licks the tip of your nose, and you hear a faint purr starting.
He presses you back against him and you feel the vibration of his purr through the tender flesh of your cheek.
“Promise?” You ask, full of doubt.
“I promise you, cha’cah. You will not have to wait long still.”
“How long?” You press, at the end of your patience and on the verge of explosion.
“My, my, are you not an impatient one?” He lowly chuckles.
“I have been waiting for you for ten years.” You deadass respond.
“I know.”
“You… You knew?” 
“Of course.”
You look at him with eyes round like saucers and embarrassment settling in.
“You think I did not notice how warm you get standing next to me? That I never noticed how you crossed your legs in a desperate attempt to calm down your burning core? How squeamish you became when talking to me? Do you think I am blind?” He murmurs in your ears, licking the outer shell with the tip of his warm tongue.
You gasp feeling the warm wet limb caressing your sensitive skin.
“You think I was unconscious when you tried to kiss me in the library?” he keeps teasing you.
You feel your whole body burning with desire and your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“You were awake?!” you choke.
“I was.” He blows at your ear, his hand slowly going down your body, “You did well to stop in time.”
“Or… Or what?” all your words crash in your mouth.
“Or I would not have been accountable for my actions.”
Does… Does that mean that he would have had you on the table like that or that he would have manhandled you to stop you?
“Me… Meaning?”
“Do not fret about it, cha’cah. You stopped just in time, and that was for the best for both of us.” He nibbles your ear.
“Okay…” You say a bit relieved and a bit afraid.
He keeps playing with your ear, teasing you as he chuckles and you can’t refrain your yelps under his touch.
“So… When you proposed we sleep in the same bed, you were playing with me?”
“No. I would not have disrespected you like that. It was just the most practical solution.” He caresses his fingers through your hair.
“But if you knew, why not come to me sooner? Why wait ten years?”
“You were too young for me.”
You pout at the revelation, frowning your eyebrows and pursing your lips.
“Do not look at me like that, cha’cah. You were barely 20 when I was already 40, I needed you to mature and grow, to flourish into the great woman you are today.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t count me as a possibility because I was “too young”.” You wince
“Nobody was a possibility at that time.”
“And now?”
“Now there is only you.” He kisses your closed eyelids.
His hand caresses your lower back, ever so slightly sliding the tip of his fingers past the hem of your little short. You inhale sharply at the sensation of his warm palm against your colder skin.
“Thrawn…” You moan again as his other hand slides under your shirt to caress your back.
“Mmh?” He murmurs, eyes closed as he rests his chin on the top of your head.
“I want you.” You confess.
“Me too, cha’cah.” He kisses your forehead and tugs on your shirt to reclothe your properly “But I should not get your hopes up.”
He kisses your forehead one last time and parts from you to take out the salmon out of the oven, leaving you arms dangling, mouth agape and craving for more.
“Breakfast is ready.” He announces and he starts serving the quarters.
You sit down, body boiling and mind bubbling. You eat little mouthfuls, hands trembling, you were so close to have him but he cockblocked you last second. 
Two times!
He takes a bite and his pupils widen instantly.
“This is delicious.” 
“I am happy you like it.” You try to smile through your distress.
You both remain silent for the rest of the meal but under the table he slides his feet to caress yours. Your bite almost fell out of your fork as he plays footsie with you with the sternest expression, completely unbothered.
You finish your meal as best you can trying not to flush furiously.
“Do you have something planned for today?” He asks you out of the blue.
“Hum, not especially. It was supposed to be a slow day today.”
“Good. I will be taking you shopping this afternoon.” He says standing up to clear the table.
“For what occasion?” You ask, surprised.
“I am taking you to the Pinnacle tonight. I have a table reserved for us two.” He casually explains.
Your last bite took a wrong turn.
“The Pinnacle? But you have to wait more than ten months to have a table booked here!”
“Do you think I came to see you unprepared?” He raises his eyebrow like it was obvious “We are booked for 20h.” He kisses your temple and leaves you to take a shower.
You await your turn, legs dangling off the bed, squirming like a little girl. A dinner at the Pinnacle? As a first date? He really goes strong! You giggle to yourself, excited like a child, you feel like 16 again. You let yourself lay down on the bed, listening to the water running next door and realize that there is only a thin wall separating you from his mighty naked body. Instantly your imagination starts running wild, remembering the time you spied on him at the waterfall and how good he looked at the lake with only his boxers on. You bite your lower lips, you’re way to horny for your own good.
With devious hopes you knock on the door and he invites you to enter the bathroom, you open the door in a swift movement and are immediately disappointed.
He’s already fully clothed.
“A problem?” He asks innocently.
“No.” You pout, better chance next time.
He put on a white chemise, a waistcoat and black pants, one of his three civilian outfits. You realize he’s applying his red eyeliner under his eyes. You observe the very meticulous brush actions on his blue skin. You’re absolutely fascinated.
“You want to help me?” He asks gently.
“I can?” you’re surprised and caught unaware.
He hands you the brush and the pigment and takes a chair to sit as you delicately manipulate the brush to adorn his beautiful face. You hold your breath, careful to not make a clumsy movement and ruin the make up. He lets you do, fully trusting you with his eyes closed, you trace the lines of his favorite pattern under his lower eyelids, trying to replicate it the best you can. 
You’re so close to one another, you feel his breath on your chin and he must feel your on his closed eyelids. You gently hold his cheek to prevent him from moving, feeling the warmth spreading through your palm.
“It’s almost finished.”
“You can add some modifications if you want.” He tells you softly.
“I can?”
“Of course, you really progressed with your makeup techniques these last few years. I will be your canvas for today, be creative.”
“If I do it, you will do mine?” You propose.
“As you wish.”
You add scrolls and dots of red with the brush and a gradient burgundy eyeshadow that melt in the marvelous blue of his skin and outline it all with some golden eyeliner, giving him a sharp look.
He takes the time to observe himself in the mirror, looking at every angle.
“It is successful.”
“You like it?” you ask full of hopes.
“I do.” He confirms “Take your shower and I will paint your visage.” He tells you with a soft smile.
You undress and enter the shower, and immediately scream in pain. Thrawn comes back running, knocking at the door.
“Cha’cah? Is everything alright?”
You open the door violently, shaking.
“What kind of shower do you take?! It is scorching hot, I burned my entire body!” You fulminate, still feeling the bite of the boiling water on your skin.
He passes his hand under the water without wincing.
“Is it? I find it quite relaxing.” He seems confused.
“Relaxing?!” You repeat astonished “This water is well over 60°!”
“I am sorry, I will remember it.”
No taking showers after Thrawn, noted! He looks in your direction and immediately looks away like he is embarrassed.
“Could you please put on your nightgown instead of simply hiding behind that thin towel?” He makes the conscious effort not to look at you.
You look down at yourself, realizing you're just holding the towel in front of you, barely hiding your bare body before his eyes. You were so taken by surprise you didn’t cover yourself better.
“Out, mister!” You order, indicating the door.
He silently exits the bathroom and you take a nice, COLD shower. 
You dress up and let him enter back to do your makeup. You could fall asleep under his gentle brush strokes, it’s like a facial massage. You give him total control, letting him have his fun as he did to you. You relax under his warm, careful hands.
“There. What do you think?”
You turn to the mirror and gasp. That is not how you do your makeup at all, it is a totally different technique but the result is so… Exotic.
“Oh wow.” You let out, approaching your face to the glass.
“I tried to match our makeup.” He explains.
“I love it, actually.” You admit, admiring your profile. “When did you learn all those techniques?”
“We use makeup to express our affiliation to a family early on in our life.” He informs, tidying the makeup case. “Shall we go?” He turns to you with sparkling eyes.
You take his hand and head to the department stores of Coruscant.
You quickly found THE dress. You saw it in a shop window on a mannequin and dragged Thrawn into the boutique. This is a marvelous long, velvety dark green dress that hides your mechanical legs, which the other dress didn’t. With off, flared shoulders and a twirl of fabric drawing scrolls and roses on the skirt you can’t help but twirl in front of the mirror while Thrawn refuses an nth glass of champagne proposed by the employees.  You pull on the skirt to observe your legs. They are only practical and crude, not at all made for a fancy setting and you’re afraid they might spoil your fun. You know they allow you to walk again but you can’t help but hate them a bit.
“Do you like this dress?” Thrawn asks, slouching on a sofa like a king.
“Yes! It is beautiful! I love it!” 
You take the tag and choke at the price. It’s worth more than 5 months of your paycheck. 
“A problem?”
“Yes, the price. I don’t have the salary for it” You wince.
You take a final look at you in the mirror, appreciating how it hugs your forms and accentuate your complexion. Too bad…
“You are not paying that.” He simply says.
You turn to him, outraged.
“Thrawn, I won’t let you pay for that dress, it’s unaffordable!”
“Not for me.” And like that he summons an employee with the snap of a finger. “We will take that dress, do you have any set of jewels that would accord with it?”
“Thrawn!” You say, choked and embarrassed.
“Of course, sir.” The employee bows “I will show you our jewelry. Right this way.”
You’re being ushed back to the changing room with a female employe to help you dress and undress, she meticulously folds the dress and put it in a velour box and hand it to you with a broad smile.
You join back Thrawn observing the shiny jewels, listening to the advice of the employee, giving him the different carat of each piece. You take him by the arm and drag him to the side.
“ Thrawn, what are you doing?”
“I am paying you a dress you love?” He responds equally confused.
“Thrawn, this dress and those jewellery are prohibitively expensive! You can’t be serious?”
“I am always serious.” He drily answers “Why you do not want me to pay for you?”
“Because… Because…” Your mouth suddenly dries.
“Does it remind you of him?” He tilts his head.
You dig your nails in your palms, uneasy. Nather used to buy things he loved, not really caring for your comfort or taste.
“In a sense… Yes.” You let out in a shaky breath.
“Then what if I buy them on credit?” He holds his chin thinking.
“I pay for you today, and you will repay me in the future. Would it be more comfortable for you?”
That… could work…
“I… Yes. I would prefer that.”
He delicately holds your chin and kisses your forehead.
“Let us choose those jewels, then.”
He brought you back to the jewel stall and helps you choose diamonds you truly like. It makes you feel dizzy to wear something so pricey, what if you broke them or lose them somewhere? 
You finally settle for an orichalk necklace that mimics a grapevine with little shiny diamonds as flowers here and there and a pair of chandelier earrings. You don’t even ask the price, it’s better for your heart to wait a bit.
Next stop is finding a costume for Thrawn and it is proven more difficult, no stores can accommodate his stature, it’s always too short or too tight and uncomfortable While he chooses and tries different ones you're tapping away on your comlink to find the next boutique. You’re going back to him when you localized a tailor down the road while an employee that just took his measurements embarrassedly admits they don’t have his size.
“We’ll have more chances at the next one.” You cheer him up. “We’ll have to exit the department store tho.”
“I am not worried.” He simply says, gentlemanly carrying your bags.
“It’s a little boutique but surely they would have more choice, those are artisanal costumes they should accommodate a wider range of bodies and… Thrawn?” You look where he standed to realize he’s not here anymore.
You turn back on your track and find him looking at a shop window. As you approach you realize it’s a wedding boutique, displaying their wedding dresses. His face is stern and calm but his gaze his fixed on the white fabric.
“You… Want to enter?” You ask, a bit shyly.
“No. That would be premature.” He shakes his head.
You look at the beautiful dresses. A glimpse into the store lets you see happy couples trying on the dresses and costumes, you hear laughter and joy. 
You feel his hand sliding in yours and intertwining your fingers.
“Shall we go?” He asks 
You nod with a smile and you walk out hand in hand. You’re on a little fluffy cloud. You press yourself against him and squeeze his hand as you feel lighter and lighter, giggling like a little girl.
“Why are you laughing?” He asks, genuinely curious.
“Nothing. I am just happy to be with you.” You broadly smile.
He squeezes back your hand in a dignified silence and you reach the little boutique.
It is a charming little room with false wood packed full with clothes and fabrics of all sorts. 
“What do you might want?” the Mirialan tailor asks behind his counter, working on a vest.
“I am searching for a tail coat.” Thrawn explains.
“And several civilian outfits.” You add, taking out a waistcoat off a shelf.
They both look at you, Thrawn with questions in his eyes, he only searched for a costume but you feel like this boutique could finally complete his wardrobe.
The old man stands up with his tape measure.
“Let’s see what we are working with.”
While Thrawn gots his measurement taken for the nth time today you rummage through the shelfs, hangers and mannequin.
“You are quite tall and large sir, I see why you had trouble finding a costume to your measure.” The tailor comments, unphased.
“You have something for him?” you ask.
“Oh…” You lower your shoulders, disappointed.
“I will need to do some touch up on my costumes. You’re lucky I am quite quick at it.”
“So you can do something for us?” You inquire full of hopes.
“Yes. But searching a costume for the same day is a stupid idea.” He berates.
“We are busy people.” Thrawn explains.
“That’s what they all say, and who do they come crying to after? Me.”  The tailor grumbles, “Choose your costumes, I will touch them up.”
You have fun having Thrawn trying on chemises and vests, you try different fabrics, different colors, different shades.
“Is the buttons to your liking?” The tailor asks.
“Yes?” You respond unsure “They’re just buttons…”
“That’s where you’re wrong lil’miss” He chastises you very seriously “Buttons make or break the entire character of a costume, you have to harmonize them with the fabric, the shades, whether or not you wear rings… You don’t happen to wear rings, do you?” He turns to Thrawn.
“No I do not.”
“So those are not the correct ones.” 
He opens a very, very large drawer with a complete collection of different types of buttons.
“Oh I like those ones!” you indicate.
“I am gonna make the call if you don’t mind.” He responds, grumpy.
This man doesn't like to be told how to do his job visibly. You go back to Thrawn who’s looking for different pants.
“Find something that tickles your fancy?” 
“You are darn lucky I had hems to each of my pieces!” The tailor shouts from the other side of the workshop.
You pout, looking in his direction before showing your finding to Thrawn. You tried to add some pastel colors to his wardrobe but he isn’t as keen as you.
“Try it on again.” The tailor comes back with the black tail-coat.
“Already?” You ask dumbfounded?
“You think I am some kind of newbie?”
Thrawn reappears with the tail coat, suiting him perfectly. For all his bad behaviors this tailors really know his work. It's really impressive.
“Woaw.” You let out.
“Do you like it?” Thrawn asks you, observing himself in the mirrors.
“I mean… You have such a figure in this. Do you like it?”
“It seems proper to me.” He flattens the black vest on his gray waistcoat.
The buttons the tailor choosed are, indeed, better.
“Try those ones.” He gives Thrawn black costume shoes. “You know how to accord those?”
“The belt?” Thrawn answers.
“Indeed, remember: the belt with the shoes, the tie or the scarf with the clutch and never, and I mean NEVER more than 3 colors or tone on tone. If you follow those rules you should be good.”
“They didn’t tell us that at the department store.” You think out loud.
“Of course they didn’t. They burn your eyes with glitters and gold but they don’t even know the first thing about tailoring.” He grumps, tidying the clothes you didn’t choose.
You exchange a glance with Thrawn, this man takes his art very, very seriously.
“I’ll send you your touched up clothes in two weeks.” He informs, folding the tail coat in a small briefcase and putting the waked shoes in a box. He hands you a large bag and pretty much shoos you out of the boutique.
“Well, that was an experience.”
“You think? I think I appreciate this man.” Thrawn responds deadpan. “But he was right, finding a costume for the same day was risky.”
“Well, we got one. And you look absolutely gorgeous in it, so I’m not complaining.” You rise to kiss his cheek.
You feel him shiver at the contact of your lips and a low purr starts.
“I love when you purr. This is soooo… Adorable.” You nuzzle your nose to his cheek.
“Glad you appreciate this quirk of mine.” He takes your hand and guides you back to your ship.
Thrawn gallantly opens the flying car’s door to you and extends his hand for you to take support, you’re in no heels so you don’t need to but you still take his hand. He escorts you under the shining lights of the Pinnacle, everything is golden and sparkly and you can hear classical music coming from the dining rooms inside. You walk on the marble floor, trying not to slip on your long dress concealing your hideous mechanical legs. All around you the guests are as prestigious as Thrawn, you recognize Governors, Ambassadors, Moffs and you’re almost afraid you’ll cross paths with Tarkin. The footman guides you two to your table and the decadence starts. They brought you different entree and side dishes to start with numerous types of exotic breads.
How are you supposed to eat a full course dinner with so many plates? You’re only at the first entrees and you’re already practically full. You try your best to keep your manners in check to not shock anyone around you while Thrawn is more relaxed, his naturally elegant manners are surely not a problem for him.
“I think I am already full.” You sigh when you see another entree of vegetables is brought to your table.
“I told you not to eat too much at noon.” Thrawn grins slightly, taking a sip of water from his crystal glass.
“I was under the impression that the chic restaurants’ portions were ridiculously small.”
“You have been proven wrong.”
He keeps to plain water while you indulge in pricey champagne and wines, but knowing the place it must be pure source water of some mountain somewhere. You observe the dining room you’re in, it imitates the rococo style of some former human empire you don’t really know much about, Thrawn knows however and you let him narrate every style choices of the architecture and its cultural meaning. Him who’s usually so silent speaks so much when it comes to art and you gladly shut up and listen to his deep melodic voice explaining to you why the crystals of the chandelier are of such color and not another one. You eat all his words up, asking questions to keep him going and he gladly answers, serving you long tirades as you eat your expensive seafood.
The room is circular with a dance floor at the center, circled by the dinner tables. The musicians are on a balcony, presiding over the dining room. The floor is a waxed, shiny wooden floor supporting different white stone columns. The walls are white with golden moldings and decorations of  nymphs and fauns.
The food is delicious, rich and creamy, melting on your tongue. You almost moan of pleasure at each bite. This is so good!
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Thrawn asks softly.
“This is a delicious soiree, Thrawn. Thank you so much.” You smile brightly at him.
“My pleasure.” 
Finally the main courses are coming, the dinner finally advances.
The waiters brought you your dish under a cloche for the reveal. They come in perfect synchrony and rise up the cloche.
Your smile dies down and your stomach sinks immediately.
You feel a cold sweat down your spine and nausea rise.
Not meat.
Everything but that.
Since that revelation…
“I said no meat for us.” Thrawn immediately warns the waiters with an icy cold tone. “Send it back immediately.” The tone calls for no discussion and the waiters turn back with the dishes in their hands, apologizing profusely.
One of the butlers sees you sending back the plates and comes checking in.
“Is everything alright Sir and Ma’am?”
You just take your napkin to your mouth, holding your stomach uncomfortably.
“No.” Thrawn answers darkly, “I specifically asked for no meat dishes for me and my fiance when I reserved and one still managed to find its way to us.”
“I am truly sorry Sir, it is intolerable. I will castigate my teams as they deserve. Maybe another bottle of wine free of charge would appease you?” He commercially proposes.
“I need fresh water…” You weakly inform.
“Of course, Ma’am. Right away.” And like that, he is gone.
Thrawn extends his open hand to you. You weakly meet him with yours, trembling.
“Are you alright, Cha’cah?” He gently asks, with worry in his eyes.
“I… I think it will pass.” You say as the malaise slowly dissipates.
You can’t touch meat since that day… You can’t even smell it without being violently sick.
“I am sorry, do you want some fresh air on the patio?”
“No… No, it’s good.” You deeply breath in and out, searching for another subject to take your mind off of it “Say, what does “cha’cah”means? It isn’t the first time I hear you say it.”
“Well, “ He smiles enigmatically, caressing your finger with his “In cheuhn it means “beloved” or “most dear”.” 
You feel your cheeks heating up instantly, you almost want to hide your face behind the menu.
“Does it displease you?” He tilts his head.
“No! No at all.” You reassure him. “It is… It’s an honor for me to be called such by you.” You say embarrassed and heart puffing up with love.
He leans over to gallantly kiss your hand. You feel your heart on the verge of explosion.
“I am glad.”
“Can I give you a pet name too?”
“Of course, I would be honored.”
“I would be most touched.”
“It sounds sweet to my ears with your voice.” He caresses your hand fondly.
The butler comes back with a jug full of water and ice and a second one with an expensive red wine bottle.
“Would this appease the worries we caused you?”
Thrawn takes the bottle to check it.
“It is acceptable.” He just responds, keeping them on their toes for what they’ve done to you “Bring me some fruit juice, I am tired of water.”
The butlers bow down and leave you for your dinner.
Red fish is brought to you with a creamy herbal sauce. You eat slower to not upset your sensitive stomach and you still feel yourself trembling a bit. Thrawn serves you another champagne glass when his juice reach your table.
“I would like to raise toast.” He announce to you.
“Oh!” You take your glass in hand, “In what honor?”
“Yours. I did not have the time to congratulate you for your recent promotion.”
That’s right! 
Your promotion to Commander.
You were so excited to see Thrawn for a week you completely forgot about that.
“Is that why you asked for juice?” You cheekily ask.
“I was not envisioning myself raising a toast with plain water.” He humbly confesses “I am happy to be able to celebrate it at your side tonight, cha’cah. My congratulations, you deserve it.”
You clink your crystal glasses and take a sip.
“Would you offer me this dance?” He asks standing up.
Your sip almost goes the wrong way.
“I… Right now? Here?”
“Yes.” He looks you in the eyes, resoluted.
“Its just… I only managed to walk with those legs, I’m not sure I can…”
“A good thing is the man who leads, then. Take support on me, Cha’cah, I will hold you firmly.”
You take his hand after hesitation and you walk to the center of the room, where other couples are already dancing. He places his hand firmly on your lower back, pressing you against him and takes your hand gently in his.
“We are not supposed to be this close.” You remind him with a side smile.
“What if I want you that close to me?” He responds without missing a beat and starts waltzing with you in his arms.
You twirl in your deep green dress like wings, a bit unsure of your legs at first but you quickly find your rhythm and dance with all your soul with him.
“Thrawn! You’ve been practicing?” You realize suddenly.
You remember the Academy ball, he managed to save his face for one dance but the way was long and tortuous, but now he seems so much more at ease, sure of his steps and not fighting against you.
“I asked Commodore Faro to help me.” He reveals.
You can’t help but laugh imagining them both trying to dance in Thrawn’s office, Karyn must have had so much difficulty to bring him to such a level.
“Well, she did a really great job. You are a fine dancer now.”
“Thank you.” He slightly bows his head to the compliment, “You still have it yourself.”
You dance, wrapped in the melody, feeling the warmth of his body against yours, eyes fixed on his face.
“Why such a blissful smile?” He asks, maybe a bit embarrassed to be fixed that close?
“You’re just so gorgeous.” You say unembarrassed, “And that tail coat suits you so well. You are such a handsome man I sometimes wonder how you can be real and how I managed to have you.”
He lets out a humble chuckle.
“Thank you for all those compliments. I ask myself the same questions about you.”
You feel your cheeks burning again and you press your cheek against his chest to hide your face from his gaze.
You keep turning, waltzing among the other couples, close to each other. You focus yourself on his beating heart like a soothing melody.
And finally the waltz ends.
“Follow me to the balcony.” He murmurs in your ear.
The night is fresh and the balcony is empty of people but full of flowers and plants. You caress one leaf with the tip of your finger as Thrawn closes the glass door behind you.
You turn to him with a little smile, awaiting fo him to speak his mind. He comes close to you and kisses your hand delicately again, his other hand comes caressing your cheek, you can’t help but lean into his palm with a contented smile.
“(Y/n)(F/n), I love you.” He says so low you barely hear him.
He presses his forehead to yours, still caressing your cheek.
“Do I have the permission to kiss you?” He asks.
Your heart skip a beat and your stomach ties itself in knots.
Your first kiss, finally.
“Do I?” He repeats at your silence.
“Yes!” You exclaim with joy and and excitation “Yes you have it!”
“Close your eyes, please.”
You close them immediately and lick your lips, ravenous, excited like a child.
“I am going to kiss you now.” He murmurs, holding both of your cheeks.
You feel his breath on your lips then an incredibly tender sensation and warmth as your lips finally meet. The kiss is soft, light, overflowing with love but you feel real fireworks in your stomach. His thumbs gently caress your cheeks and you hear yourself growling for more. You feel his lips stretch in a small smile and a faint purr starts. You circle his shoulders with your arm and hold the back of his head to deepen the kiss. He obliges and the soft kiss becomes something more, something ravenous and full of desires. You feel his hands sneaking their way in your back, pressing you together to his hot body. The purr is now loud and echoes in the night. You hungrily respond to his kiss, parting your lips for him to enter. He gently bites down your lower lips before kissing you again, entering your mouth to meet your tongue, hugging and dancing with it.
He reluctantly parts with you when he feels you panting for air, by reflex you try to follow his lips as he moves away to not end the kiss but he stops you in your track with a peck on the tip of your nose. You pant heavily, eyes darken with lust and desire and the feeling to be deprived of a tasty candy.
“There will be more.” He promises you to calm you down.
You damn well hope there will be more kisses!
But for now he gently holds you close on that fancy balcony, cradled by the sweet music and the laugh of the guests and for the first time in months you finally feel truly at peace.
The kisses are hungry and heavy, robbing you both of your breath. You don’t know how but he manages to open the door of the apartment without stopping to kiss you. You enter, almost tripping on one another and the door closes back to give you intimacy.
You deeply growl, burying your nails in his vest, almost tearing the expensive fabric apart. You suddenly push him down the sofa and he lends with a “oof.”. you don’t leave him time to ask questions, you straddle his laps and embrace him with your arms.
“Eager, are you not?” He manages to mock between your kisses.
“You have no idea.” You answer darkly, filled with a dark energy.
You dishevel his black blue hair, biting down his lips harshly. By instinct you start humping his thighs and moan against his lips. You feel his burning red gaze on you, embolding you.
“Do you like how I kiss you?” You ask between two kisses.
“Yes. Very much so.” He breathes in response.
He takes a fistful of your hair while grabbing your butt. You moan against his mouth, letting your hands travel south to his belt. You try to unfasten it,clumsy with your haste, shaking with excitement, but his hands come to seize yours, immobilizing them.
You look at him without understanding.
“No, Cha’cah.” He simply says “Not tonight.”
You lower your shoulders, clearly disappointed.
“Oh… Did I do something?” You worry.
“No.” He shakes his head and kisses your cheek. “This is me. I am the only one at fault.”
He keeps peppering your face with peck as you register that he just served you the bullshit “it’s not you it’s me.” excuse.
So you definitely did something. 
You must have.
But what?
Away from your inner turmoil, Thrawn captures your lips again for a softer kiss.
“Hold me close, cha’cah.” He murmurs in your ear.
So you hug him tight as he kisses your neck, his hands on your back, cradling you.
But you can’t help thoughts spinning in your head.
He sighs.
Tonight again he can’t bear to sleep next to you.
He feels his body tensing up and his muscles rolling under his skin. His breath is short and his heart pounds in his chest. He gives a side glance at your asleep self, face relaxed and breath deep as you sleep soundly.
He must get out of this bed, of this bedroom.
The kiss was a bad idea, he regrets it now. He takes a very needed cold shower and heads to the living room and lays down the sofa for another night again.
Away from you.
He sighs again, much more at ease and comfortable and finally drifts off to sleep.
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@bluechiss @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo, @germie2037
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moodymelanist · 11 months
"If there's anything you want to see feel free to drop it in my ask box", you said on AO3, and did you think I would pass up this opportunity?
I'm actually leaving most of it to your imagination; I'm only asking you to please, p l e a s e write some soft and kinky Nessian stuff with emphasis on Cassian's curly hair, the eyebrow scar, you know what I mean 👀
Thank you so much in advance!
for you? anything 🩷 hope this scratches your itch!!
also there’s only a few days left in the month so I’m gonna try to get through what I can until then. if there’s a prompt you want to see now’s the time to send it!
Nesta shifted to make herself more comfortable, looking down at the broad expanse of her boyfriend’s back as she straddled him. “You still green, baby?”
“So fucking green,” Cassian replied, his voice a little muffled by the pillow he was laying on. “I’m ready.”
The two of them had always enjoyed things rough, and it had been a natural extension to look into all the different ways they could get each other off with a side of pain. Cassian had been the one to ask Nesta about trying this particular kink, and Nesta had risen to the occasion without missing a beat.
She’d ordered special candles off Etsy, spread out a large plastic sheet over their bedroom floor, and gotten some oil to help with cleanup. All she needed to do now was light the candle and get things started.
“I have to rub you down a little first, okay?” Nesta said, reaching for the little bottle of jojoba oil and pouring some onto her hands.
“Like that’s a hardship,” Cassian replied, teasing.
She smacked his back lightly, spreading a little of the oil onto his skin. “Idiot. Let me do my thing.”
“Yes ma’am,” he responded with a little chuckle. His amusement quickly faded as she started rubbing her hands across his back, both of them enjoying her skin on his. “That feels nice, sweetheart.”
“Enjoy it while you can,” she told him with a huff of laughter.
“As long as you’re involved, I’ll always enjoy it,” he answered.
Nesta just fondly rolled her eyes and kept rubbing oil into his back. She loved seeing him spread out and comfortable for her like this — the muscles of his back gleaming in the low light, the sounds of his contented breathing. She even reached up and gently massaged his scalp, thoroughly enjoying the way his pretty curls felt sliding across her fingers.
He was so beautiful it made her ache sometimes.
“You’re gonna put me to sleep, Nes,” Cassian mumbled after a few minutes. “Feels too good.”
“I’m glad you’re relaxed,” Nesta replied sweetly, reaching for the hand towel she’d stashed nearby. She quickly wiped her hands clean and grabbed for the candle instead. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” he answered.
“Okay. Don’t move.”
Nesta carefully held the candle and poured a tiny amount onto her own arm to test the temperature, hissing at the slight burn. It quickly melted into a much more subtle heat, and her hiss faded into a shaky exhale. It felt so much better than she’d been expecting; maybe Cassian had been onto something after all when he’d asked her to do this to him.
The temperature of the wax was just right, and Cassian was practically vibrating with anticipation under her, so Nesta decided to finally give him what he wanted. He was only wearing a pair of boxer briefs while she was in a sports bra and matching shorts, so she made sure to carefully angle the candle away from herself before she poured a small amount onto his right shoulder blade.
The effect was instantaneous. Cassian inhaled sharply as the wax cooled on his skin, a deep shudder running through him. “Fuck.”
“How did that feel?” Nesta asked, rubbing soothing circles into the small of his back.
“So good,” Cassian answered immediately. The wax had dried quickly, leaving a little red circle on his skin as a tangible reminder of what she’d done. “Keep going.”
His wish was her command. She poured another little red dot, this time on his left shoulder blade, and thoroughly enjoyed the way his breath hitched when the wax hit his skin. “Looks like someone’s enjoying themselves.”
“You have no idea,” he groaned, his body shifting under her as he made himself more comfortable. “Don’t stop.”
Nesta kept going, experimenting with where and how much wax she dripped onto his skin at once. By the time she’d covered a fair amount of his back, Cassian was panting and actively rocking his hips against the floor for some kind of relief.
“I bet you could come from this,” Nesta mused, thinking out loud.
To her delight, Cassian furiously nodded his head up and down. “I can do it, I can, I just need—”
“You just need a little help,” she finished smoothly. She loved seeing him get like this, all desperate and begging for her. “I think I can do that.”
“Please,” he said, groaning as she ran her nails down a sliver of bare skin.
“Turn over,” she told him. She shifted off his back and held the candle far out of the way so he could turn over without any problems, a stab of arousal hitting her as her eyes trailed over him.
Cassian looked… God, how was she supposed to focus like this? His eyes looked nearly black in the low light, his skin gleaming with a mixture of sweat and whatever oil had spilled over from his back, and all his attention was wholly focused on her. He looked like something out of her wildest fantasies, especially with his hair fanned out across the pillow and the way his chest was heaving for breath.
She was going to devour him.
Nesta somehow managed to get more oil on his chest and stomach without causing an accident, and then she was straddling him again. His cock was hard and insistent against her, and she took a second to collect herself before she reached for the candle. She couldn’t let herself get distracted by how badly she wanted to sink down and ride him like her life depended on it; she was a woman with a mission, and she intended to finish it.
“Ready?” Nesta asked.
“Yeah, yes — ah!” Cassian answered, cutting himself off with a little gasp as she poured a drop of the candle onto his stomach. He jerked upwards and ground his cock against her and the look on his face was so delightfully shocked that Nesta had to fight the urge to kiss it off him. “Oh.”
She smirked down at him, more than pleased with his reaction. “That enough for you?”
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me,” he said, panting. He reached up and grabbed her hips so he could have as much contact as possible. “Just don’t stop.”
She rolled her hips against him and pulled another groan out of him. “I got you, baby.”
It was almost too easy to reduce him to a shuddering mess from there. The more wax Nesta poured onto his skin, the harder Cassian would thrust against her, and the closer he brought himself to the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, don’t stop,” Cassian begged, grinding hard against her. “Nesta—”
“Yeah?” Nesta poured a few lines of wax onto him, some possessive urge motivating her to paint an N onto his chest. His eyes were a little wild as he cried out and thrusted hard against her. “You’ve been so good for me, Cassian. I want you to come for me.”
She could tell he was teetering on the edge but he wasn’t quite over it yet, so she added, “Come on, I need it, I want to feel you—”
Cassian groaned her name loudly as he finally came, squeezing down hard on Nesta’s hips and rocking up against her. She didn’t stop moving against him until he finally stopped writhing, his breath still coming hard and fast, and she leaned down to press a series of kisses to his face and lips.
“So that’s definitely going on the list,” Nesta said once she’d gotten all the wax off Cassian and cleaned up the living room. They’d showered and she’d bundled him up in some blankets while they waited for their post-sex takeout to arrive.
“I think we’d have a serious problem if it didn’t,” Cassian replied from his pile of blankets, smiling sleepily.
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard | @thatsowlmazing | @avidromancereader | @a-little-disguised | @kale-theteaqueen
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sephirthoughts · 5 months
Father: Verb
Summary: 11 year-old WMD Sephiroth is assigned a new handler/bodyguard, named Vincent Valentine.
(prev chapter linked at bottom)
Chapter 4: Birthday Cake
“Vincent, what’s a birthday?”
Vincent’s oil cloth stopped on the barrel of his gun, and he stared across the workbench at the child who had just cheerfully gutted him. “A birthday is the anniversary of the day of a person’s birth.”
“Well, yes, I had deduced that much,” Sephiroth replied, continuing to polish his katana’s long blade. “But on several occasions, I’ve overheard people saying ‘happy birthday’ to one another. Why should they wish another person happiness on the day of their birth? Why would they even know what day that person was born?”
Vincent felt a headache coming on. “Sephiroth, have you never celebrated your birthday?”
“No. Why should I?” the boy asked, curiously.
“It’s just…it’s a thing people do. Paying special attention to someone on their birthday is a way of showing them that we appreciate and care about them.”
The boy thought about this for a moment. “Do most people know what day they were born?”
“Do you not?”
“Then, how do you know how old you are?”
“By the calendar. When the year changes over, I’m a year older. Isn’t that how everyone does it?”
“In some places, it is, but usually, people count themselves a year older on their birthday, not on the new year.”
“Oh. When is your birthday?”
“October thirteenth.”
“Then I want that to be my birthday, too, so we can celebrate them together,” Sephiroth announced. “Only, I don’t know how, so you have to tell me what to do.”
“October thirteenth is in five days. You sure you’re ready to turn thirteen, in less than a week?”
“It’s not as if I’ll really be older. Besides, you’ll be forty-one. Thirteen doesn’t seem very significant, comparatively.”
“Thanks for pointing out my age, brat,” Vincent said, tossing a wadded up polishing rag at him, which Sephiroth caught.
“It’s not my fault you’re old, old man,” he retorted, throwing the rag back. “So, how do we celebrate our birthdays? I’ve never had one before, so we have to make sure we do everything right.”
“Let’s see. My family always made longevity noodles, for birthdays, so we should do that. We should also have a birthday party. That’s where we exchange gifts, all wrapped up with paper and ribbons, and there are balloons, and most importantly, a birthday cake.”
“What are longevity noodles? Also, what’s a birthday cake?”
Vincent scratched his head. “Um…you know the udon you liked? Longevity noodles are a bit like that, except the whole bowl is filled with one long noodle, that you make by hand. I think the tradition came from my mother’s side of the family. Birthday cake…I don’t think you’ve had anything to compare it to. We’ll go to a bakery in town, tomorrow, and I’ll show you.”
When he stepped off the lift, the next morning, Vincent was greeted by the sound of screaming, and a troop of helmeted Shinra guards dashing by. He looked down the hall, in the direction they were going, just in time to see a man in a white lab coat come flying out of a pair of double doors and slam into the wall with a heavy thud.
He crumpled to the floor like a ragdoll, and didn’t move again. Vincent vanished in a whirl of crimson and reappeared at the scene, well ahead of that troop of guards. The scientist’s neck was broken, but it was difficult to tell if it was the impact that killed him, or the pair of scissors jammed into his trachea.
Just then, there was another scream and a loud crash in the room, and a young boy’s voice shouted, “Get away! Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!”
Vincent stopped the guards, with a raised hand, as they came jogging up. “Secure the area and stand by. Let no one through. I’ll handle the asset.”
“Yes, sir!” the guards saluted, and hurried to carry out his orders, extremely relieved not to have to confront the little monster themselves.
Vincent pushed open the door, and stepped cautiously into the room. Steel trays and various medical instruments had been flung all over the place, the bed was overturned, and a couple of unconscious guards were lying about on the floor.
Sitting against the wall on the left, was a woman in a lab coat, with a very obviously broken leg, and a man, also in a lab coat, clutching one arm to his chest, with one lens of his spectacles shattered, and blood all over his face.
Several guards were aiming air-powered rifles at Sephiroth, who was standing at bay, in a pastel green hospital gown, with tranquilizer darts sticking out of his body in various places.
“Sephiroth,” Vincent said, ignoring everyone else. “Why are you so upset? What happened?”
The boy turned sluggishly and looked at him, with hazy, dilated pupils, which was apparently the extent of the effect on him, of tranquilizers sufficient to take down several elephants.
“Vincent! Th—they tried to cut my hair!” he cried out, piteously. “I begged them not to, but they wouldn’t listen! That woman put something in my IV that made me dizzy. The other one, he had scissors. I told him I don’t like having my head touched! He grabbed my head anyway, and I—I panicked.”
“He was supposed to be sedated!” the man in the lab coat said indignantly, from where he and the woman were huddled. “He just lost it all the sudden and started attacking us! He killed Dr. Irvington!”
“Why the hell were you idiots trying to cut his hair?” Vincent returned. “This was supposed to be a routine physical.”
“It—it’s policy, sir,” the woman explained, apologetically. “All subjects are required to receive hygienic grooming, at the time of their annual health evaluation.”
Vincent’s crimson cloak billowed up behind him, like nightmare wings, as he stepped menacingly toward the two scientists. His eyes flashed gold, and his voice took on a rasping, demonic timbre. “Does he look like he is in need of hygienic grooming? Does he look like an animal in a cage, to you!”
The two had already been trembling and cowering, and now they were also shielding their heads with their arms. “No, sir! We’re so sorry! We made a mistake! We made a mistake! We’ll never do it again!”
“Sephiroth is not your subject,” Vincent growled. “If he tells you not to cut his hair, you do not cut his fucking hair. Guards! Get them out of here!”
The guards stowed their tranq rifles and rushed to assist the injured scientists out the door (and a few even had the wherewithal to drag away the unconscious among their own ranks). When the room was clear, Vincent knelt in front of Sephiroth and plucked out the tranquilizer darts, which he flung away.
Then he took the boy in his arms and hugged him tightly. “That must’ve been frightening, for you. I’m so sorry. I’ll never let them do that to you, again.”
“You’re…not mad at me?” Sephiroth asked, in a weak, slurring voice. “I made a mess and I…I killed that man.”
“Of course I’m not mad at you. This was not your fault, it was theirs. They made a conscious choice to mistreat you, and these are the consequences.”
“Conscious choice…to mistreat me,” Sephiroth murmured, as if he was practicing saying unfamiliar words.
“How’re the sedatives? Wearing off yet?”
“Mm-mm. Still woozy,” he pouted, dropping his head onto Vincent’s shoulder.
Vincent scooped the boy up like a princess, to carry him over to the sink. From the cabinet, he dug out a sleeve of paper cups, one of which he filled with water, and helped Sephiroth drink it, slowly. When his eyes looked clearer and more alert, he set the boy down again.
“Uh. So. I pet your hair a lot, when we’re playing around, but…I didn’t know you didn’t like having your head touched,” Vincent said awkwardly. “I won’t do it anymore, if it bothers you.”
“It’s ok when you do it. I like it,” Sephiroth assured him. Then his expression hardened. “But not other people. No one is allowed to touch me, but you.”
Now that he was sure the boy was alright, Vincent collected Sephiroth’s clothing and boots, from the locker that had been knocked over in the fray, and helped him get dressed.
“I don’t know how good a job I’d do, but if you want, I could try to help cut your hair,” he offered.
Sephiroth shook his head. “I don’t want it cut. I want to grow it long, like yours.”
Vincent definitely almost smiled, at that. “If you’re all better, let’s get out of here. We’re going to the bakery, to order our birthday cake, remember?”
“How could I forget?”
When they exited the examination room, the coroner was present, and the dead scientist was being zipped into a navy-blue bodybag. The unconscious guards and the two injured scientists were nearby, being loaded onto gurneys, by paramedics.
Behind Vincent’s back, Sephiroth shot the man and woman a look of icy contempt, causing them to nearly faint with terror, before he tossed his head and followed Vincent away down the hall.
Later that day, the office of Professor Hojo, head of Shinra’s Science and Research Division, sent out a memo regarding the unfortunate accident in the exam room, this morning, regretting the loss of their colleague, Dr. Irvington, and admonishing the staff to exercise proper caution when operating dangerous laboratory equipment.
No mention was made of Sephiroth’s involvement, but the message was loud and clear: the little silver-haired prince could literally get away with murder. There wasn’t a damn thing anyone was going to do about it.
“Birthday cakes happen to be our specialty!” the pretty blonde woman behind the counter enthused. “Made to order, in whatever flavors you like. Oh, and we have a catalogue to choose from, in case you’re not sure what you want. Let me grab that for you.”
While she went in the back, to retrieve it, Vincent continued to stand there looking dour and out of place, and Sephiroth went to examine the glass case, which was packed with muffins, cookies, breads, and rolls, and a number of other fascinating confections that he’d never seen before.
“Berry tart,” he read aloud. “That looks good. Chocolate croissants…cinnamon buns…profiteroles. Vincent, what are profiteroles?”
“I have no idea,” Vincent said, coming over to squint at the items in the case. “They look like…little bread balls. But they’re covered in chocolate.”
“What’s inside them? Butter?”
“Don’t tell me you two have never tried profiteroles!” the blonde woman chimed, as she reappeared with the catalogue. “Well, we can’t have that. Take a sample, on the house.”
Before they had a chance to agree or object, she’d already skewered two of the golden-brown, cream-filled treats, on toothpicks, and handed them over. Vincent held one stiffly, while Sephiroth bit into the other. His blue-green eyes went wide and he quickly stuffed the whole thing into his mouth.
“That was delicious!” he beamed, when he was finished. “Thank you very much, ma’am!”
“Anything for the handsome little gentleman,” she tittered, glancing sidelong at Vincent. “Such good manners, too. Your mother must’ve taught you well.”
“I don’t have a mother,” Sephiroth replied blithely, as he devoured Vincent’s profiterole. “She died shortly after I was born, and I never met her.”
The young woman laid a hand on her ample bosom and made her very best sympathetic face. “Oh, how dreadful! So, it’s just…you and your father, now?”
“Yes. We’re having a birthday party, for the two of us, since we don’t know anyone else.”
“That is so sweet,” she intoned. “But it’s such a pity to let this fine boy grow up without a mother. Why haven’t you remarried?”
“I haven’t remarried because I was never married, in the first place,” Vincent answered, to the young woman’s discomfiture. “I’d rather not talk about it. Seph, come look at the catalogue and help me choose a cake.”
In the end, Sephiroth chose something called white velvet cake, with strawberry filling, fluffy, white, buttercream frosting, and a ring of glossy, red strawberries on top. Their full names would be quite a challenge to fit on even a much larger cake, so he chose the inscription, ‘Happy Birthday V and S’ to be written in scarlet icing.
The cake was ordered to be picked up on the twelfth, and the two departed directly, much to the disappointment of the flirtatious clerk.
Neither she nor Vincent observed the venomous glance, from a pair of serpentine eyes, that was cast on her, before the beautiful boy followed the handsome man out the door.
“Vincent, why did you call me that?” Sephiroth asked, as they walked down the street.
Vincent had no idea what he was talking about. “Call you what?”
“When we were in the bakery, just now, you called me Seph.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. Parents sometimes refer to their children by shortened versions of their names. It seemed appropriate.”
“Will you…call me that, more?”
Vincent paused and turned around. Sephiroth had stopped dead in his tracks, and was looking up at him, imploringly. His eyes were pink rimmed and his lower lip was trembling.
“It’s just. I don’t have anyone to shorten my name. I don’t have anyone but you. So, if you called me Seph, sometimes, maybe it would feel like I had a f—a father.”
“Of course I will. Anything you want,” Vincent said, pulling the boy into a hug (as he’d been doing far too often, lately).
Sephiroth had grown like a weed, even in the short year they’d been together, and his head was already up to Vincent’s collarbone. That was her height, and as her son’s head rested on Vincent’s chest, memory washed over him like a tidal wave.
He found himself submerged in that one moment, all those years ago, when he embraced her, just like this, and she laid her head on his chest. The first and last time he’d ever touched her.
Sephiroth stiffened suddenly and jerked away, drawing Vincent abruptly from his ruminations. The boy’s blue-green eyes were glaring up at him, with a half-accusing, half-wounded expression.
“Who is Lucrecia?”
“Who…what?” Vincent asked, confused. “Where did you hear that name?”
“You said it, just now,” Sephiroth fired back, with swiftly rising agitation. “You were hugging me and petting my hair, and you said ‘Lucrecia.’ Is she…is she your woman?”
“It’s not what it—”
“You said you didn’t want a woman! You said you would never care about anyone, more than me! You promised!”
“Sephiroth, calm down and listen to me. She is not my woman, ok?”
“Then who is she?” Sephiroth demanded, sounding anything but calm. “Why would you say her name, all soft and sad, like that?”
Vincent sighed. “She was…a friend, a long time ago. That’s all.”
Sephiroth was breathing hard and blinking rapidly, like he had dust in his eyes. Vincent watched his hands warily, for any signs of fire flaring up, but to his surprise, the boy managed to pull out of the tailspin, on his own.
He shook himself and took a deep breath, then looked at Vincent again. “Ok. I’m ok, now. I’m sorry I overreacted. Everyone lies to me, all the time, and I hate it. Everyone except you. You’re the only person I trust, and if I found out you were lying to me, too…there would be nothing true in the world. Nothing I could believe in. So, when I thought you had lied to me, I got a little upset. I apologize.”
Vincent’s soul-crushing guilt very nearly broke him, right there in the street. Only by his literally superhuman will, did he keep a straight face, and force himself to carry on with this hellish charade. “It’s alright. It was just a misunderstanding. We still have to buy the rest of the things for our birthday party. Are you ready?”
“Mm. Ready,” Sephiroth nodded.
Vincent took his hand, and they continued down the street, as if nothing was wrong. But Sephiroth quietly engraved that name on his consciousness.
There was more to this mysterious woman, than Vincent was letting on, and he was going to find out what.
i know masamune is an odachi, but little sephiroth has a katana
longevity noodles are a chinese tradition and yes i hc vincent half chinese or whatever the final fantasy equivalent is no one can prove he’s not
vincent: sephiroth my poor innocent baby what did these mean people do to you are you alright you must have been so scared
dead scientist, two severely injured scientists, and any number of unconscious guards: ...
prev chapter
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anomaly-hivemind · 1 year
Candle Wanker || Wax play w/Reigen Arataka x Fem!Reader
Tags: wax play, massage, vaginal fingering.
Word count: 1111
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You were home from a stressful day at work so after a hot shower I dropped on my bed. Reigen walked into the room half an hour or so, he had his button up shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbow. His tie was already loosen and his belt to dress pants was on the ground. He throws a smile at you and places a kiss on your forehead. Reigen tilts his head as he looks down at your stressed form on the bed. He leaned down on the bed and hugged you.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” he rubbed his hand in a small circle on your back.
“I just had a bit of a stressful day, “ you sigh.
“Would you like me to make your day a bit better.” he said in a low tone.
“Yes please.” nodding your head.
“Well you know what to do gorgeous. “ a smirk started to form on Reigen’s face as you stripped out of your clothes.
He walked over to a draw and pulled out some fancy ‘special’ wax candles and vanilla scented oils. Reigen dropped the oil into his hand until they were slick. His warm hands gripped at your waist in a gently yet firm hand. Pushing his hand up your back and to your shoulders then down your spine.
“Do you want to talk about work?” Reigen’s hand groped at the mound of your ass then back you to your shoulder blades.
“Definitely not.” You sigh, eyes closed.
He lets out a hum and his hand dips down to your thigh. He massaged your caves, cupping the muscle in his strong hands then did the same with your other thigh. He kneaded your ass with his hands. He grabbed a candle and dripped it on the warm wax on your back, as the droplets fell down his spine. A shiver runs over your body and you sigh.
His hand trailed up your inner leg before he flipped you over. He feels his way up your stomach to your chest, his lubed up hand caressing your tits. He placed a kiss on your cheek then went back to putting in the work on your body. Definitely getting wax over the sheets but that was a problem for later.
“You're a real piece of work, I love you. You know that right.” he grabbed another lit candle and dripped its content on to your chest. You jumped a bit, but it wasn't hot enough to hurt. It felt good actually, the warm liquid solidifying on your skin.
“I love you too.” you say in a breathy groan, the warm wax falling on to you making your nibbles harden. Reigen let the candle melt all the way through before putting the wick away. Your body was covered in hardened wax all on your breast and stomach. Even a bit on Your caves and toes which makes you giggle.
His oiled up hands rubbing down your thigh, he rubbing closer and closer to your cunt, which at this point was craving attention. He fingers runs his fingers on the outer parts of your folds. You let out a moan as he teases you with a smirk.
His hand gets even more slick from your arousal, then Reigen moves his hand to your hips. Massaging your skin with a slowness that was starting to frustrate you a bit. You were dripping in cooling wax and your pussy was glistening for his touch. Reigen was going to take his time with you if you don’t say anything out right.
“Baby please don’t tease me today.” you say in a hushed tone.
“You sure hun.” he asked while cheesing.
“Yes, touch me.”
“Well my exprect hands are already doing that. Are you saying you want more?”
“Oh my gosh, you know what I mean.“ you groan and roll your eyes.
“Do i, though.” Reigen laughs, his hands still rubbing your body… just not in the places you wanted him. You have half the mind to glare at him but you don't.
“You know what I mean, “
“Yeah I know.” he snorts and kisses you on the neck, his hand falls and between your legs. Parting your legs opens, for easier access, he runs his hands back to your wet pussy. Reigen dipped his fingers over your slit, he let out a groan.
“So wet already, just from a little massage.” He snickered.
“Shut up”
“Was it the wax?” he leaned over to pick off a strip of hardened wax that had stuck to your stomach, it peeled slowly off your skin.
He takes your silence as an answer and chuckles. He runs his hands back on your folds, his slick fingers rubbed on to your hole teasing it. Reigen’s other hands rubbed over your clit. His other hand went into your entrance, he slid his digit all the way in. he was knuckle deep in your hole, caressing your walls.
He thrusted his finger into you as his other hand pinched and circled your clitoris. You do your best not to squirm in his touch, yet you are failing. Your legs were twitching and moans escaped you every time he would curl his finger in you. He didn't let out his combo attacks on your cunt, you wouldn't last very long from his expert hands.
Your walls clenched around his fingers when he hit your spot, letting out a cry he was making you feel good.
“You Close You close ya close. '' Reigen said with a joking tone, he doesn't stop his movements.
You were close to a climax no matter how unserious your boyfriend is he was good at making you come.
“Well come on now and say it darling, you wouldn’t want me to stop now would you?” he kept thrusting his fingers inside you but the hand on your clit had slowed down to an annoying pace.
“No! Please don't stop.” You said through a whine making your eyebrows twitch, your climbing climax was threatening to fall with his current tempo.
“Alright dearest.” he smiled and went back to his pace.
He thrusted his fingers in you with a harsher pace and he placed more pressure on your clit. You pull closer and closer to coming and your legs start to shake. He flicked your clit making you arch your back.
You let out a moan and Reigen makes work to push you through your orgasm. He whispered loving words to you as you came down from you high, not stopping his movements.
“So are you still stressed?”
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shimmerbeasts · 3 months
What do you think about Raphael? Tell me some devilishly hot gossip.
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"Milady, another letter arrived for you."
Mizora opened her eyes. The Cambion was stretching out and relaxing on a longue in her private chambers. Her skin was gleaming with massage oil. Her wings were draped to the side and her tail lazily curled around her ankle. Sleek, warm hands stopped in their pressing into her shoulder blades and spine. The tiefling threw a tentative look her way, biting his lips as if not sure if he oughta to continue.
In front of the Cambion, stood another Cambion with orange-red skin, black hair and black, Antilope horns. She was dressed in a revealing, yet tastefully cut, black dress and had tipped her body forwards in a graceful bow. Keeping her gaze on the floor, the Cambion offered Mizora the folded-up later.
She plucked it from her hand, and as her servant rose again, Mizora opened up the letter. Not looking at the Cambion, she said: "You may take your leave, Mercedes. As for you" - her red eyes glinted in warning as she peered at the tiefling - "I did not tell you that you could stop."
"My apologies, milady."
As the tiefling returned to the massage, Mizora properly inspected the letter, handed to her. She dimly registered Mercedes exiting her chambers after another brief bow. The Cambion furrowed her brow as she thought over what she could tell Dove that they did not already know. Placing her head onto the back of her hands, Mizora closed her eyes as the tiefling massaged the back of her neck. Eventually, she ordered: "Get out."
The tiefling pulled away and muttered: "Yes, milady."
Mizora rose from her seat as he exited the room. The Cambion stretched her wings and brushed a stray strand of orange hair behind her ear. She picked up the letter and with a snap of her fingers set it on fire. Only then did she bother answering Dove's question:
"Raphael is a Cambion like me. However, just because we share a species does not mean that I like him or think very highly of him. Raphael's unfortunately extremely arrogant, even more arrogant than can be common for a devil. Him, having the House of Hope makes him believe that he is very special. It can be quite tedious, if not frustrating to have to deal with his pompous ass.
"If anything, his high and mighty and noble role, which he so fawns over, falls apart the moment, you actually scrutinise him a bit more. For one, among Cambions, it is fairly common knowledge, thanks to Harleep, that Raphael is very bad at sex. As entertaining as that knowledge is, it is not even the worst part in my opinion.
"Most devils and Cambions alike try to perform a type of role if they want someone to agree to a deal. The more flexible you are in that performance, the better. I personally believe a warlock patron should be fluid and tailor his role individually towards each of his cases. Raphael does not think so. He has picked one role and one role only: He tries to lower your guard by casting himself as the gentlemanly host. Completed with inviting you to a banquet at the House of Hope. It is quite an elaborate ploy, and usually, it works.
"Unfortunately, not everybody is receptive towards that ploy, so the fact that Raphael is not flexible in it, nor his role can lead to problems. For instance, did you know that Raphael is extremely bad at fox hunts? Honestly, put him on the back of a horse and he will fall off it." Mizora couldn't help but giggle at that thought. "It is quite humorous as fox hunts are associated with the aristocracy and kings, and Raphael is such a poor hunter, that he cannot even make use of it. Can you imagine what a damper to his pride that is? He can create the best banquets, he wants, but he will never be able to impress a potential client from the back of a horse or in a hunt. Leave alone that there will be certain types of souls, his role will never allow him access to, like the poor and desolate. He needs someone to be just as arrogant and self-assured or recklessly stupid and desperate to make a deal. And unfortunately, those things will never inspire loyalty in the souls, he has in the afterlife."
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day 29- Nipple play with Colin Shea
416 words
kinktober masterlist
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A/N: Could be nice no?
Don't be shy to reblog, comment or like!
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TW: nipple play use of : ice-cube, clamps, feather, wax. some bondage (his hands are bind to the headboard), hint of blowjob with champagne.
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own
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Ice-cube, candles, clamps, feather, oil, champagne. Strange list for tonight date, but you wanted to try it. Wanted to see the different textures on your and his nipples. Wanted to see him squirm, moans, and get pleasured by this.
You discovered a few weeks back that your sweet Colin was pretty sensitive on his nipples and since then you enjoyed to toy with them during sex or even just little snuggle time, always leaving him flustered and red to the cheeks.
“Really, all of that?”, he asks when he sees you prepare everything.
“Yes, I want to try and looks what you like the most.”
“Why the candle?”
“It’s special ones, for massages too, they’re better for the skin too.”
Colin is naked on the bed, squirming because you just attach his hand to the headboard. “Was it really necessary?”. You smile and nods, putting the ice-cube on his right nipple, Colin hisses, “Warn me!”
“Where’s all the fun after?” you smirk and kiss him.
Then you put the clamp and brush the perking nipple with the ice-cube, colin moans loudly and his cock throbs. “Gosh, baby, that feels weirdly good”, you kiss his chest and nipples and he groans not being able to holds you hair. He loves to hold your hair.
You take the candle and slowly let drop some of the wax, making him groan. Then, you stroke him with the feather and colin can’t stop moaning and squirming, his cock boucing on his lower tummy. “please baby.”
“Please what?”
“touch me.”
“I’m touching you”, you say while resting the ice-cube on his left nipple. The hot and cold sensation make him rolls his eyes back.
You kiss him tenderly and he whimpers in the kiss when you pass the feather on his torso and his nipples. “You’re gonna make me cum.” You smile and take a sip of champagne before going to his throbbing cock and take him half in, while one hand rubs the ice-cube on his left nipple and the other hand strokes the right nipple with the feather. Colin’s back arches hard and you feel him hold his orgasm. “Fuck, the champagne is true….that feels….fuck…I’m gonna cum, please.”
You pull out and swallow. “Come on, make a mess baby.”
He comes without another touch from you, groaning, moaning and panting. You set him free and he holds your waist tightly, burying his face in your breast.
“Next time, I’m the one playing with your nipples.”, he says panting.  
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disqualia · 5 months
I don't want to feel alone in my efforts towards anyone anymore.
I just want someone to go to lengths to do nice things for me because they want to see me smile... like I do for them...
Do you remember when I got you that easel and paints and oil painting starter stuff for valentines? How thoughtful you told me it was?
Do you remember the look on your face when your transformers arrived?
Do you remember how happy you were when I organised a desk to be built to exactly the specifications of next to the bed so you could have your computer in the room and near the window? The day it moved in with your PC and everything? I do haha, it was good..
Remember when I helped you clean and reorganise your space and access your window at your mums place for the first time in like however many years it was? You hadn't seemed so happy with that room... ever tbh aha it was nice.
Do you remember how chuffed you were with your bass guitar? How I asked you what accessories you wanted and everything. How excited you were to play?
Do you remember when I proposed to you? How special you said you felt? You couldn't stop saying it in fact. It was adorable, not going to lie.
I remember them, because even though these things were things I did or acquired for you, they were gifts to me, too, as seeing you so happy all on it own was such a joy for me.
I wish you would have made me feel as special as I know I have made you feel (according to your own words, not assuming) a little more, and gotten cranky at me for trying to be nice or just asking a question or something arbitrary/genuinely inoffensive a little less...
And you've told me of lovely things you've done for others too, and I've seen some of them! So I don't think you're incapable of doing lovely things... and I haven't completely forgotten you have done some things here and there for me, too..
But I hate that I still feel mostly forgotten in this area, and just wish you'd even just surprise me with a picnic now and again, much less an actual grand gesture, that.. well, that I only expect to be seeing in my wildest dreams... I wish aha.. (but hey, please! Prove me wrong! This IS an invitation)
And it hurts that I always have to spell it out to you, too. But I guess I need things spelled out a lot, too, so, fair's fair there I suppose..
Maybe we should both cut each-other some slack in that regard, then.. hm..
Well in the spirit of that; here's some easy tips then:
" P L E A S E
M E"
• • •
It's because you keep saying you'll do these things... Little things, average things, and also bigger things, too, and then... you don't...
Take me on dates, take me to a ball, go opshopping in Fremantle with me, go to Kalamunda with me, play my silly games, teach me yours, get blades to blade with me, go to therapy with me, don't yell at me for asking the same question again, because you know I have memory issues, go skating with me more, propose to me PROPERLY like you promised to when I said yes, nearly two years ago, buy Pokémon SoulSilver back for me, not cheat on me, and these are just /some/ things... just a few things you've said you'd do for me... and theeen - not stuck to any of... Instead.
You build me up...
Just to knock me down...
The other day when I opened up to you about feeling unseen in the basic ways of being a sweet partner and stuff and said I want so badly to get what I am told I will receive at the least, but more importantly long term, to be with someone who puts in the same amount of love and energy into the relationship as I do, because it's so much more fun that way for one thing, and it's easier - for both parties too! If they're working together as one partay -
And I deserve that - you said so yourself.
But if I deserve that, are you trying to give that to me right now?
To be that?
Any of that?
Because you already said you were going to prove it to me the other day and you fucked that up pretty bad, so...
You'd have to do something pretty dang amazing for me to think you care like you say you care right now. Because I just can't trust your words.
Action is all you have to offer me at the moment as you just talk shit, all the time, and don't follow through with it; which makes it just that, shit, and I'm sick of eating it out of your hand like it's candy, because... it's shit!! 🙃
So if you want me to believe you care at all, that you "love me" - if you truly do, and if you really want me to know it, be capable of believing it again, you're going to have to go to some kind of effort to show it so me.. as words won't cut it.
Please... show me what you say means anything to YOU at all, so it CAN mean anything to me.
Rock up in the middle of the night and take me on a drive for maccas or something even, just as a start.
Just, do something spontaneous that shows me you're thinking of me and you actually care about me.
Rock up and throw plastic beads or smth at my window and tell me you just wanted to see me so bad you couldn't help yourself and ask me to meet you outside for a cuddle and a kiss....
If you mean it when you say that you love me... please....
.... show me that you love me.
Show me the truth... please, show me what you believe I deserve.
Please make me feel like I truly matter to you..
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do the Dimitrescus and Donna with a 👨 reader that likes to spoil them.
Broken Truth: Oh - A man who loves to spoil his woman. This will be interesting. *STATIC*, any ideas?
*STATIC*: Wine for Alcina, Rare Books for Bela, A Collection of Torment Devices for Cassandra, New Weapons for Daniela, and Fine Silks & Doll Parts for Donna.
Broken Truth: Thanks. Now, let the words weave together!
[Alcina Dimitrescu - Why One When You Can Have All?]
Delivery Woman: Here's your shipment, Mr. Dimitrescu-[L/N]. If I could just get your signature right here. (Holds out a clipboard with a signature paper on it)
[Y/N] (Takes the clipboard with a smile): Of course. (Places his signature in person cursive writing before handing the clipboard back) Here you go.
Delivery Woman (Takes the clipboard, looks at it, and smiles with a nod): Thank you. (Places her hand on the earpiece to speak to the pilot in the helicopter above her) Set it down gently and unhook the attachment.
[The Delivery Woman & Lord of the Castle watched as the helicopter above them slowly lowered the large crate that was attached by a strong cable to the ground before the castle doors. Once the crate hit the ground, the pilot pushed a button, and the cable detached from the crate. The woman gave the man a handshake before she walked over to the ladder to climb back up and the helicopter flew away as the Lord of the Castle looked at the large crate for a while before he heard the castle door open and his wife, plus his 3 daughters, walked out.]
[Y/N] (Looks at them): There you are, I was just about to come looking for you, Alcina.
Alcina (Walks down the stairs and looked at the large crate - that was taller than her): Darling, what is this large crate.
[Y/N] (Smiles): I'm glad you asked! (Opens the padlock on the side with the key the woman gave him, pushes the large crate door open to see the large crate is filled with smaller packing crates - he takes one & uses a crowbar to open it, revealing...numerous bottles of wine?!)
Alcina (Her eyes lit up as she gasps and reached down to pick up one of the bottles of wine): Darling, is all of this wine?
[Y/N] (Smirks): But of course! Remember that room I was working on? It's your new personal wine room and what's a wine room without wine? Thus, I brought one of each wine in the world!
Alcina (Looks at all the wine then back at her husband): Darling, you didn't need to spend so much. 10 bottles would have been enough.
[Y/N]: Why one when you can have all?
[Bela Dimitrescu - Wise Words For The Wise]
[Y/N] (Talking to a delivery man outside the main door of Castle Dimtirescu - who's pushing a rather large box to the Lover of the Proxy of House Dimitrescu): Thank you.
Delivery Man (Looks at the signed clipboard and tilts his hat to the noble): No problem, Lord [L/N]-Dimitrescu. Thanks for doing business with us.
[The Delivery Man turned on his heel and began to walk down the castle stairs as the Lover of Bela Dimitrescu closed the door and looked at the massive box before him with a smile - his next task: Getting the box up the stairs and to the special room.]
[Elsewhere in the castle: The Blonde-Haired Heiress of House Dimitrescu was looking up and down the castle halls for the man that stole her heart but she was having a hard time finding him. She happened to run into her youngest sister and asked if she had seen the [H/C]-Haired man, the red-haired woman informed her sister that he could be found in the room he bought from Alcina. Raising her eyebrow, Bela dispelled into a cluster of flies and headed in that direction, completely missing the snicker on her youngest sister's face.]
[Upon reaching the floor the room was located on - Bela reformed from the flies that made her and began to glide down the hallway; the closer she got to the room, the sounds of grunting and things being moved around could be heard. She reached for the knob of the room and turned it before pushing it open and her eye widened at the sight - the room was beautiful. The 4 walls that made up the room were replaced with bookshelves and each of those shelves was filled with books. There was a single lounging chair with a footstool and a large reading lamp that was overhead of the chair. On the right of the chair was a small stand with a crystal jar filled with wine and a single glass. The sound of her name being called made her snap from her trance.]
[Y/N] (Sliding the last book in place): Oh, Bela! I wasn't expecting you to find this place so soon. Dani must have spilled the beans.
Bela (Confused): What? Dani knew what you were doing in here? Why did you tell her but not me?
[Y/N] (Raises his eyebrow): It wouldn't have been a surprise if I told you about what I was planning.
Bela: Surprise? (Eyes widen) Wait, this is for me?
[Y/N] (Smiles): Of course it is. I've noticed how much you love to read but you're always interrupted by Cassandra and Daniela's Roughhousing, so I decided to make you your own little space to enjoy your books and filled it with bestsellers from my world!
Bela (Looks around the room with stars in her eyes): All this...for me?
[Y/N] (Walks over to her and places his hands on her shoulders): Wise words for the wise, My Beloved Knowledge Seeker.
[Cassandra Dimitrescu - Which Do You Want To Try First?]
[He knew that his beloved was getting bored with the same methods of torment for the trespassers and tainted maidens of Castle Dimitrescu - A Bored Cassandra made a Pissed-Off [Y/N] & he was going to fix that. How? By giving his lover some new toys to play with and punish people with. He went to the Duke - who seemed to have anything and everything you needed right there in his carriage - and asked the fat man if he had any blueprints for torment devices. Chuckling, the Duke told the man that he came across a man who made blueprints of the torture devices another man made to test the will to live of unworthy people and managed to convince him to part with them for a fair sum of coin. [Y/N] smiled like the Cheshire Cat at this news and offered to buy those plans from Duke right then and there, the fat man smiled and gave the plans to [Y/N] for a discounted price and told him that if he needs metal or tools, he could get those for him if he had the coin - he had the coin and paid it right then and there.]
[For the last 3 months - Alcina told the girls not to go in the cellar because there was 'construction' going on down there. Cassandra was curious because her lover had been working in the cellar for long hours and returned to her covered in oil and rush. On the last week of the 3rd month - [Y/N] treated his girl to a movie marathon of the famous horror-thriller genre 'SAW'. Cassandra was in love with the traps and that just made the man's smile get wider and wider the larger his wife's eyes got.]
[The next morning during breakfast - [Y/N] announced that he was done with the project he was taking care of in the basement and asked Cassandra to come with him to see it; a smirk slithered on Alcina's face as she asked if she and her other 2 daughters could see as well, he said yes. The Dimitrescu Family walked down to the cellar and their eyes lit up as new torment devices laid before them - it was like seeing new presents for Christmas.]
[Y/N] (Looks at Cassandra with a smile on his face): Darling, I've noticed you were getting bored with your constant methods of torment, so I decided you needed some new toys to play with and - yes - these are the same models from the SAW Movies we watched the night before.
Cassandra (Throws her arms around her lover and kisses him): Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is going to be perfect!
[Y/N] (Smiles at Cassandra): Anything and everything for my fire-spark. Now, a question: Which do you want to try first?
[Daniela Dimitrescu - Blade Or Bullet?]
[If there was one thing [Y/N] knew about this red-haired wife it was that she loved weapons; all kinds of weapons. From the shortest of blades to the loudest of guns, any kind of weapon would bring a smile to her face; thus, bring a smile to his face.]
[He was going through this phone one day when he noticed a large collection of weapons was going for auction from the heard of Romania, he signed up and risked every Lei he had for the woman he loved more than life itself. When he ended up winning, he gave the address of the castle - most people knew it as the High Preistess' Village - and was told to wait for 3 to 4 weeks for the collection to be procured and delivered.]
[On the fourth week - Daniela was snuggling with her lover in front of the fire when there was a knock at the castle doors, one of the nearby maids bowed to excuse herself and walked to the door to open it - coming face to face with a man in a strange suit.]
Maid: May I help you?
Strange Man: Yes. Is there are Lady Daniela Dimitrescu & Lord [Y/N]-Dimitrescu here?
Maid (Raises her eyebrow): Yes but what do you want with the Lord and Lady?
Strange Man: I have a package for Lady Daniela Dimitrescu and the package requires Lord [Y/N] [L/N]-Dimitrescu's Signature.
[The Maid raised her eyebrow again before asking the man to wait a moment before closing the door and relaying the message to Daniela and [Y/N] - The former of whom looked confused while the latter had a large smile across his face. The two of them walked out of the castle to meet the man - due to the cold weather, [Y/N] got Dani a very warm coat to keep her safe from the ice. He handed [Y/N] a clipboard and pen for the man to sign the papers and once they were signed, he handed the Lord a stack of papers.]
Stange Man: These are the Proof of Authenticity for each and every one of your purchases, My Lord. (Reaches into his pocket and pulled out a golden key) And here is the key to unlocking your purchases, My Lord.
[Y/N] (Takes the key with a smile): Thank you, Kind Soldier. You are dismissed.
[The Soldier gave the Lord, Lady, and Maid a salute before turning on his heel and walking back to his vehicle where his comrades were waiting for him and drove away.]
Daniela (Looking at the large box that towered over her): Love, what the hell is this box?
[Y/N] (Smirking): Good question. (Hands Dani the key) Why don't you open it and find out?
[Raising her eyebrow - the Youngest of the Dimitrescu Daughters walked over to the large lock and inserted the key to open it, removed it from the loop, and pushed to box open. Her jaw began to fall as they laid upon the most amount of weapons she has ever seen in her life.]
[Y/N]: A Question, Darling: Blade or Bullet? Answer: You never have to choose again because you now own them all.
[Donna Beneviento - More Refined Than The Finest Silks]
Donna (Walking down the stairs - without her veil - looking for her husband but finds her Doll Companion - Angie - fiddling with her 'Father's' phone): Angie, do you know where [Y/N] is?
Angie (Looks up from the phone): He said he had to head into the village to get something from the Duke; he left in a hurry so it must have been important.
Donna (Raised her eyebrow): The Duke?
Angie: Yeah, he got a letter from the Duke saying that the 'package' he ordered had arrived and he dropped his phone and ran out of the house to pick it up.
[Donna was concerned for a moment - not because she thought her husband was up to something, she always knew that she could rely on him to remain faithful to her and only her - but she noticed that he didn't take his short blade for protection. Karl already informed the Lycans to leave him alone but ever since [Y/N] killed the Alpha, the Lycans loved to attack him to see if one of them could take him down to see how would be the next alpha of the pack. Donna's worries melted away when the door opened and her husband walked in with 2 small - enough to fit under his arms - but big - large enough to make it hard for him to carry - boxes under both his arms. He smiled at Donna and he waddled to the table in the dining room and placed the large wooden boxes on the table.]
[Y/N] (Panting): Sorry for not telling you where I was going, when Duke wrote to me to inform me that he had the package, I was too excited.
Donna (Walks over him and places her hand on his chest): That's understandable, My Love, but what was so important about these packages?
[The mad said nothing - only smiled as he became to open the boxes on the right then the box on the left before throwing the lids off and Donna's eyes widened at the contents of the boxes. The first box was filled to the brim with fine rolls of silk in various colors while the 2nd box contained the parts of dolls but made from a very lovely & pale but smooth wood.]
Donna (Looks at her husband): Darling... what is this?
[Y/N]: When I went into town, Duke told me that you were asking him when he would be able to get some new wood to make your doll parts but he didn't have an answer. So I purchased fine silks and parts from another place and asked Duke to pick them up for me.
Donna: But...Why would you do this for me?
[Y/N] (Places his hand on Donna's chin to make her look into his eyes): Because, My Love, you are more refined than the finest silks and there is nothing I won't do for you.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
The Blacksmith Chpt. 1
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Pairing: Dimitrescus x (Fem!)Reader/Daniela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You are a human, a human who is in charge of the armory; polishing, blacksmithing you name it. You are strongly valued by the Dimitrescu family, specifically one that has strawberry-blonde hair. She’d always come visit you whenever you’d be working on a new piece of armor or weapon. 
Warnings: Fight; ends slightly bloody, Fluff at the end
A/N: So, I’m obsessed with armor n such and hearing that there’s an armory when you fight Cassandra.... So, we are making a story about a Blacksmith falling for one of the Dimitrescu daughters!
You wipe the sweat from your forehead as you dip the blade you’ve been working on that Heisenberg had requested into a barrel of water. 
“Is it just hot in here or is that just you?” A familiar voice flirts at you
You place the now cooled blade down onto a table as you turn to see Daniela standing in the doorway, checking you out. You wipe more sweat off your forehead. You notice Daniela giggling.
“What?” You ask
“You got a little something there-” Daniela says, “Here, I’ll get it.”
Daniela takes out a white handkerchief from one of her pockets and wipes your forehead, noticing the black smudge now left on it. Your eyes widen in embarrassment. However you just watch Daniela smell your sweaty scent on her handkerchief.
“You know my sweat is on there right?” You could only ask
“I know,” Daniela moans from your scent left on her handkerchief, “Your scent smells so good.”
You blush at the compliment.
“Oh the little baby is blushing,” Daniela says, “I make everyone blush.”
“Oh- it’s just because-it’s just because it’s hot in here,” You say, trying to play it off
“Sure little baby,” Daniela whispers, “Will I see you for dinner tonight love?” 
You nod, not being able to have any words come out of your mouth. She lets out another giggle and makes her exit however, Heisenberg rolls in before Daniela could make her leave.
“Uncle Heisenberg!” Daniela smiles, hugging him
“How’s my niece doing?” He asks
You watch Daniela take her leave from the armory. However, coming back to reality, you grab the blade you have been working on and present it to him.
“My liege,” You greet Heisenberg, “The end result as of right now. If this is the shape you’re going for, then I’ll hop right onto the final stages of its production.”
Heisenberg requested for a longsword. However, as it had required for you to smelt more metal for the sword itself, you had to use a full armor set to melt it down to the mold of the blade, as much as you had been against the idea. However, Alcina had given the entire armory at your disposal. However, it did not help that you had to use one of your own metals rather than Heisenberg giving you some to make the longsword with. You have made the hilt of the sword when he first commissioned the sword to be made.  
“Your work is as great as ever y/n,” He smiles, “Do what you must, but make sure to have it ready by the same time the day after tomorrow.”
He takes his leave from the armory.
Tomorrow night?! But that’ll mean- I told Lady Daniela that I-... It can’t be helped I guess...
Almost immediately you took the dull blade and went over to the sander to sharpen it and polish it from its outer crust, slowly forgetting your agreement with Daniela about joining her and her family for supper.
At the dinner table, Daniela continuously looked into the seat next to her; empty. She had told her sisters and mother she’d invite the blacksmith to supper however, you were still cooped up in your armory room.
“Dani, you haven’t touched your food at all,” Cassandra states, but quietly, “It’s gonna get cold if you don’t eat it.”
“I’ve asked y/n to join us for dinner,” Daniela sulks, “She’s always so coped up in the armory. I’m kind of getting tired of bringing her food..”
“Heisenberg is really working that poor girl,” Alcina sighs, “That fool... He’s ‘tech-savvy’ they call it? Why couldn’t he just do it himself?”
“Y/n is the best blacksmith, It kind of makes sense why he’d ask for y/n,” Bela states, “That is why we hired her personally as well mother did we not?”
“Oh you are most correct,” Alcina agrees with her eldest daughter, “It’s just she’s been cooped up in there for so long. I’d hate for someone as young as her be burning the midnight oil for one single sword...”
“I’ll go check on her after supper I guess,” Daniea says, shamefully, “I apologize for this mother...”
“There is no need for an apology my daughter,” Alcina reassures her youngest daughter
Daniela just weakly smiles and then goes to dig into the meal that had been prepped in front of her
You didn’t realize how much time has gone by until you hear knocking at the doorframe. 
“Oh, lady Daniela,” You clear your throat, removing your gloves to air out the sweat and then tearing your eyes away from your work to make eye contact with Daniela, “My apologies, I missed supper... Heisenberg needs this new blade done by-”
She puts the plate of food on a nearby table as she begins to walk toward you. You’ve truly felt bad however, you’ve been working on this item for weeks, you couldn’t just simply ‘take a break’ for it.
“There’s one reason why I wanted you to come to supper y/n,” Daniela interrupts you, “You need to get out of here and more importantly- let me see you out of this work outfit of yours..”
You felt your heart pounding in your chest, your throat go dry and your legs becoming jelly. You’ve mostly worn simple ripped skinny jeans, a short-sleeve shirt; the sleeves rolled up to your shoulders and one of those aprons blacksmiths wear while they work with molten metal. You also worn gloves whilst working in the armory, showing off your toned arms from the blacksmithing you do non-stop. 
“I’m no one special my lady,” You sigh, wiping sweat from your forehead again, “I’m just the blacksmith.”
“Whose created all of this amazing armor,” Daniela states, gesturing to the entire room full of armor and weapons
“Coming from a long line of blacksmiths is one perk,” You say, “But, I’m just a human, like every other human in the world.”
You could hear footsteps coming even closer into your direction. A pair of hands are forcefully placed on your shoulder and you’re physically turns into Daniela’s close proximity.
“You listen to me now y/n,” Daniela almost snarls, “You are an amazing Blacksmith. Otherwise my sisters and mother would have had you for supper already. I believe you are one of the greatest people to be working in this castle, consider it to be a privilege to be working so closely to us.”
She leans close to your ear, making you shiver, “To be working so closely to me.”
A shiver is sent down your spine. You needed to burn the midnight oil for this weapon for Heisenberg, should Daniela continue to tease you like this. 
“My my, your heart is beating pretty fast love,” She whispers once more, “You’re welcome...”
You feel a finger trace your jawline, however, you feel a slight pain in your jaw as you look down and felt something wet along down your neck.
“Oh-oopsies,” Daniela says, flirting heavily
“Not funny,” You groan from the pain
“Oh-oh it’s dripping,” She continues to flirt, “I’ll get it.”
You let out a small gasp as you felt the tip of Daniela’s tongue gently run along the blood trail. She traces the blood from the thin skin of your neck to the bone of your jawline. She guides her hands to wrap around her neck. You coil one hand into her hair to keep her steady as you let out yet another gasp.
“Yes, my lovely,” Daniela whispers, “Continue making that music for me...” 
Before you let out another gasp, you push her away form your neck slightly to look at her. You look down at her lips and then back up to her eyes, asking for permission. However, you stop yourself when the both of you heard the Lady Dimitrescu calling for Daniela.
“Curses,” She mumbles under her breath just as her lips were about to crash onto yours, “My my you taste divine. Until next time.”
With hast she makes her exit, turning into a swarm of flies in the process. You sit there, trying to process what just happened. However, you couldn’t linger on the thought any longer as you were just about to start the leatherwork on the hilt before Daniela began distracting you. 
I wouldn’t call it a bad thing if she distracted me though... It was only for a couple of minutes and... It was... Enjoyable...
You couldn’t believe a Dimitrescu daughter had taken a liking to you. You were a simple human from a long line of the finest blacksmiths. Why you? Of all people, you weren’t special. However, someway somehow the youngest Dimitrescu was enticing to you. 
I have no such time for a relationship... Besides... Lady Daniela has many other maidens to choose from... Am I even a choice to be one of their... What was it that they call them? ‘Plaything’? Yeah... Am I? Oh well, but it looks like I have to burn midnight oil again. Nothing that I don’t already experience though...
Your eyes are heavily concentrated on the leather work you’re doing on the handle. However, you could easily feel your eyes grow heavy. But, you knew you couldn’t waste time like you did earlier. 
“Sir Heisenberg won’t be pleased if he catches me passed out at the table,” You sigh
You take a deep breath and shake off your tiredness and continue working on the leather handle.
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By the time you finally finished the handle you take a step back to admire the work you had done
“Not a bad job if I do say so myself,” You smile
 you were sketching out the design for the sheath. The sheath itself will be crafted with the thickest leather. Leather you’d normally use for sheaths; it’s so that the sheath’s won’t tear apart then the sword is sharpened. You’d also press in an intricate design you had crafted earlier when you were taking a break from the leather work.
“I guess I can close my eyes for a couple of minutes while I wait for this to ...” You tell yourself 
Oh how wrong you were.... Unfortunately you didn’t catch it fast enough. By the time you had realized you took more than a couple of minutes, you were fast asleep.
The next morning you could feel a pair of lips on the bone of your cheek. When you opened your eyes you could easily tell it was Daniela.
“Morning sleepy head,” She whispers
She puts the plate of human food right next to you. The aroma of the food gets you to feel more awake. 
“Can I ask you something?” Daniela asks, looking at you with pleading eyes
“Mhm,” You reply with food in your mouth
“I was wondering if you could make me one of those daggers you place on your thigh,” She requests, “But-but if that’s too much right now you could always do it after you finish-”
“I’ll do it,” You answer clearly, “The blade for Heisenberg isn’t due until tomorrow so I’ll be able to do it.”
She squeals of excitement and wraps her arms around you, engulfing you in a tight hug. You hug her back.
The first form of physical affection after awhile... This is nice
She lets go of you, but continues smiling.
“Design is solely up to you,” she says calmly, “I really want you to make it how you want to.”
You nod as Daniela takes the now empty plate from your hands. You watch her walk out from your armory you immediately jump into your closet and pull out a thick gauged metal sheet.
“Since when did you become so jittery in the morning?” A voice asks you
You let out a yelp and drop the sheet metal. You quickly turn your heel to see who it was.
“Lady Bela,” You sigh, re-composing yourself, “You really scared me there. Good lord...”
“I can do more than just scare you,” Bela chuckles, “But Daniela would be at my throat for that so consider yourself lucky.”
You see her forming into her swarm of flies. You couldn’t process what she was doing until she was up in your face.
“You hurt my baby sister, there will be hell to pay, got it?” She says, almost growling
Your throat catches something; thus, you couldn’t form any words. However, you only nod.
“Good,” She says
She dissipates into her swarm and leaves the armory. You just stand in your place for a second before picking the metal sheet back up.
You finally found yourself outside of the armory for once. If it weren’t for Daniela dragging your ass out of there you wouldn’t really be there. However, it was a silent supper for you. You really couldn’t find a way to strike up conversation with the Dimitrescu’s.
“I know you’ve been here a long time y/n, but how are you liking it?” Alcina asks, nervously
“You know, to be honest, It’s a lot nicer than where I used to live,” You smile slightly, “Yeah, I might be having a workload right now but- It’s nothing new to me.”
Alcina sighs in relief. Not knowing how to continue the conversation, you drop your head back down into your plate and continue eating. Alcina had made some arrangements so that the maids and yourself can have nutrients from human food.
After supper, you beeline it back for the armory to start on Daniela’s requested garter dagger. You didn’t have much experience in textiles, so you requested one of the maids who was more experienced in such do it for you. 
“Thanks Amelia,” You say, gently taking the newly sewn garter, “I got everything else. That’s all.”
“Lady Daniela really requested for this?” She asks
“Yeah,” you say, “Interesting though right?”
“That’s one way to put it,” She says, “Be careful.”
“You too.” You say
You wipe sweat off of your forehead as you finally break your concentration on the sharpening blade. Once it had reached a certain sharpness, you begin the polishing stage.
“Finished, and now..” You talk to yourself
Although you’ve never encrusted a weapon with many gems; you only had experience with one gem going on a weapon. However, it was Lady Daniela, so you wanted to make it look like the prettiest dagger in the whole castle, prettier than all the weapons and armor you have created. You take out a special cannister and begin organizing the blue-green gem from all of the other colored gems.
You found yourself outside of Daniela’s chambers however, you weren’t sure if she was even there or out somewhere in the castle. But, you place the weapon down right in front of the bottom of the door and knock as loudly but as gently as possible and you beeline it for the shadows. From a distance, you watch the door open and see Daniela; in a nightgown. It was the first time you’ve seen Daniela without her regular dark robe and hood up in her face. 
“Oh my god...” Daniela says in awe as she picks up the weapon, “Y/n...”
She tries to look around for you however doesn’t spot you on sight.
“Thank you...” She blushes as she closes the door
You blush a deep red as you turn your back to her door to head back into the armory to try and finish up Heisenberg’s weapon.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Step into the Daylight - Part 12
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Summary: Crafting, whispered declarations, and a newcomer lead to some interesting revelations.
A/N: Thank you guys for being so, so patient and still being excited for me to update. Taglists are open, and as always feedback is welcome! xx
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: general s2 spoilers, and canon divergence (hehehe)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“So I’m going to make that,” you glanced at Cal’s glowing green lightsaber with a furtive point of your hand,  “from this?”
The small Kyber crystal felt pathetic and pointless in your hand as you looked between it and the lightsaber. It seemed like surely the one couldn’t truly come from the other. How was the dinky little crystal going to power up such an advanced weapon?
“Of course,” Cere offered you a kind smile and a warm hand on your back as she ushered you over to the workbench at the back of the Mantis, her ragtag crew’s ship, “all the materials and items you need to craft your own saber are right there. The most important of it all, the key, is the small crystal in your hands. Have faith in it - and yourself -  and you’ll be able to do it.”
“O-on my own?” your eyebrows shot up as she nodded, “how will I know what to do? I’m not dumb...but I don’t see how one equates to the other.”
“You will know,” she insisted, taking a step back and motioning for Cal to join her. Your eyes were wide with worry and concern as you were positive that this was a task you would never be able to complete. Maybe this was all a mad joke, and they were somehow testing you? But then again...surely they couldn’t be. Few things you’d learned about the Jedi and the Force made sense and this was definitely one of them. You were beginning to wonder if anything ever would make sense.
But your instinct, your gut or whatever it was, had gotten you this far. It had kept you, Din, and Grogu safe. Maybe there was something to it after all. Maybe now wasn’t the time to question it. 
“Alright,” you nodded in quiet agreement, “I’ll try my best.”
“We will see you when you’re ready,” with that she turned and left, with Cal close on her heels after he gave you a wave of goodbye. Nodding to yourself you decided that you might as well just try and see where it led you. 
“Okay,” you whispered to yourself as you put the crystal in the center of the bench, “let’s give this a go then.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was several frustrating hours before you emerged from the Mantis, dirt and oil on your face, but more importantly, a giant grin. You quickly found yourself surrounded by several pairs of curious, prying eyes. The most important of all were inky black and accompanied by a happy little coo.
"How did you fare, young one?" Cere asked you as you reached behind your back and slowly pulled out what looked like a black metallic tube, covered in intricate golden designs.
"You tell me," without a moment of hesitation or pause, you ignited the saber and displayed the brilliant, glowing golden beam of light. Before anyone could say anything you wielded it and displayed the other end, showing that you had crafted a dual ended saber, "ta da!"
"Golden," Cal mused as he came closer and studied the saber, impressed by your ability to create such an impressive thing on your first try, "I've only seen one other person with such a color…"
"Should I have chosen a-a different one?" your brows knitted in confusion as you disengage the saber and clipped it onto your belt loop, "is there a way to change it?"
"No," he shook his head in amusement, "the Kyber chooses us and the color. It's nothing on your part."
"Oh...well, I'll take it as a good thing then," you cast a look over at Din and Grogu who were both watching your every move intently. You felt your cheeks warm up under his gaze, but a smile still graced your features, "golden...what does it mean?"
"Balance," he answered simply, "the balance between light and dark."
"O-oh," you swallowed thickly as you realized just how much it meant it, "wow."
"Wow is right," Cere game over and gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze, "you've done well. The art of wielding it is another thing. But you will learn, over time. There is no right - or wrong - way to do it. You'll have to find out what feels right to you."
"Thank you," giving her a nod of reverence, an odd feeling washed over you. It was all done now - your journey of finding your crystal and your building of the saber. This is where you parted ways. It was a lonely idea, a scary one at that, but you knew you'd still have Din and Grogu. That was all you really needed - anything else world work out.
Like it always seemed to.
"I believe this is the parting of the ways," she sounded almost disappointed as you inhaled deeply. Although you hadn't known them long, you felt as though there was a deep bond between your small clan and their crew. Like yourself and Grogu, Cal and Cere, and in some ways Merrin, shared a special bond with you. They were probably some of the only people that knew exactly what you were going through; especially the push and pull between light and dark.
“Indeed,” you slowly made your way over to Din, who gave a small nod of acknowledgment as Grogu reached out for you. Gently taking him in your arms, you kissed the top of his fuzzy head before positioning him so he could see everything, just like he pleased, “where will you go?”
“Wherever we’re needed,” Cal seemed as cryptic as his mentor, but you knew that despite trusting you, it was best for their own interests to kept their whereabouts as secret as possible, “I have not doubt that there are plenty of others just like you and I that are out there, and they’re scared and need help. We’re just going to go around and keep finding them, and helping them. So that way they can hone their own powers, just like you.”
“I’m sure they will be more than thankful for your help,” you said as Grogu cooed in agreement, “just like we are. I hope our paths cross again one day, Cal Kestis.”
“As do I,” he held out his hand and you grabbed it, giving it a firm but gentle shake. The energy that flowed between the two of you was enough to prompt a small sound of surprise from your lips; the force really was a strange, but wonderful thing, “until next time.”
“Until next time,” you repeated as you stood back and rejoined Din. A hand went to your side as he led you close to him. And then you realized - “wait! Jele - what about you? Are you going to come with us?”
For the first time since your reappearance, you really noticed the older woman watching you curiously. She offered you a warm smile, much as the others had done before shaking her head lightly, “unfortunately, our time is over, and I’ve found a new calling. I’m going with them, hopefully to use the skills I have remaining for good use. Just like with you. There’s nothing left for me to teach you, young one. Everything else will come to you in time, you will be ready for when it does.”
“Thank you,” tears pricked at the back of your eyes as you nodded in understanding, “for everything.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for,” she insisted, “everything’s always been within you, everything plays out as it should. Sometimes it just needs a little push in the right direction.”
A playful little grin crossed her features as she glances at you and Din in turn. Your cheeks warmed up at the mere thought of kissing him the previous evening, of finally getting to see him, of the whispered declarations of love, and what it all meant. Clearing your throat, you gazed at your feet awkwardly to hide your warm face, “well, regardless. Thank you. For everything.”
“May the force be with you.”
“And with you.”
The three of you remained there for some time, watching as the others gathered their things and packed up the Mantis to leave. It was strange to watch them leave, it almost felt wrong; they were new friends, fast friends but it felt wrong to see them go so soon. Something told you this wasn’t the last you’d see of them. 
“We should go in,” Din finally said after some time, his voice cracking lightly from how long he had been silent. It wasn’t that he had been worried about you while you were crafting your blade like he had been when you were on your quest for the crystal, but he was...nervous. Din knew you were more than capable of handling yourself, but at the same time he couldn’t help but fret over your safety. He loved you, truly, fully, and completely - he knew that now. Since he’d had the privilege of knowing a life with you, he wasn’t sure he could handle one without you. 
Shivering in response, it was only mere moments before Din had whipped his cape off from his shoulders and placed it around your own. You turned to him with a thankful smile before shaking your head in amusement, “what about you, my love? Now you’re going to be cold.”
“Not terribly if we move inside and warm up the Crest,” he snorted in amusement before moving in the direction of the ship just behind the snowy horizon, “come on, let’s go before we freeze.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was warm inside, the forced air was blasting and making the whole ship more comfortable. It really was the only way to combat the freezing chill of Illum. You’d showered and changed into something more warm and comfortable, and once you’d returned to the small living space, you’d found that Din had tucked Gorgu back into his small hammock. You watched the small green little bean fondly for a moment before gently stroking his ears and the top of his head. 
“Hungry?” you stopped at the sound of the voice that reached your ears. It was familiar and known to you, yes, but there was a part of it that was still more or less unknown. Dropping your hand, you turned and found Din watching you, his brown eyes meeting yours, “I-I made some food.”
“Y-yes,” you nodded, swallowing the lump that had welled up in your throat before walking over to him. Din stood there for a moment as you studied him; but then silently, tentatively, you reached up and cradled his face in your hands. He practically keened into your touch as you traced over his features, before leaning closer to him, the tips of your noses lightly brushing, “is this okay?”
"Yes," his voice was gentle as his warm breath fanned across your face, somehow causing you to lean forward and gently brush your lips against his. Din's hands found purchase on your waist as you breathed him in and familiarized with this - the sheer, wonderful act of intimacy, "may I kiss you?"
"Please," you barely whispered the word before he closed the gap and gently pressed his lips against yours. His touch and taste were intoxicating, despite being so simple and pure. It wasn't much, a few mere seconds passed as you both tested the waters to see how it would go. Not that there was any lingering doubt in your mind that you loved him, but it was all still so new and threatened to send you into an overwhelmed headrush all at once.
There was something so saccharine and sacred about kissing him, about knowing he was yours and you were his, that was too much and not enough at once. Your eyes closed as you rested your forehead against his, lips pulling into a small smile.
"What are you thinking?" you asked softly when you found inquisitive brown eyes searching your face for...something.
"I like this," his cheeks flushed slightly as his fingers danced around your waist, "I've never done this before, let someone see me like this, but I just…"
"Feel like this is right?" you finished as he nodded softly, "I don't know what it is either, Din, but I feel it too. I like to think that...there's a reason you found me and saved me that day. I'm glad you did."
"Even though you tried to fight me off?"
"Even though I tried to fight you off!" you pulled back and laughed, that wonderful sound that made Din's insides flutter happily, "I thought for sure you were going to turn me in. I...couldn't trust you or anyone then."
"And now?"
"I trust you with my life," you promised, "you are my home. You and Grogu."
“I’ve never…” Din paused for a long moment before closing his eyes and gently stealing another kiss from you, lingering against your lips. You were so close, but not close enough; part of you wanted to swallow him whole and keep him as yours forever, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I’ve never loved anyone. Not before…”
“Him?” your voice was soft as you pulled back and cast a fond glance at the sleeping child. Din followed your gaze before training it right back onto you, “I can understand that. I love him too. Have you never...loved another?”
“No,” he admitted, almost shy as he gnawed on his bottom lip, “I’ve had lovers, here and there, but nothing like this. Nothing to where…”
“No one has seen your face,” you concluded as he nodded. Running a hand through his curls, you scratched lightly at his scalp as he choked back a moan at the tender touch, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“Letting me love you,” pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, you couldn’t help but pull him close, “for letting me see you as you are.”
“You have always seen me,” he acknowledged, “just as I am.”
“As you have me,” you grinned at him, “I haven’t either...I’ve never loved anyone before.”
“Never?” he seemed surprised as you nodded at his surprised expression, “I thought...you’re...everything.”
“Not to most people,” you reminded him, “I never had the opportunity or the luxury to allow myself to relax or be...human. No one, not since I was just a small child, has ever loved me or cared so much about me before. Now I have a family, a real family. I must have done something right in some life to find you, Din.”
Unable to find the right words, Din’s hand found your face this time as he pulled you into him and just held you, watching you like you were the reason for every single glittering star in the sky, “Jeele told me that souls that are bound together will always find each other, no matter the time or distance or how hard it is. I’m glad ours found each other.”
“I love you,” he blurted out as you left a warm rush wash all over you. There was something about how he said - so sweet and gentle that left you breathless and in a dreamlike state. Part of you was convinced that none of this was real, surely you couldn’t be deserving of this much love or delicate intimacy. But the touch and feel of his skin on yours, the ecstasy of his kiss was enough to remind you that this was all real. He really did love you.
“I love you,” it was a promise, a tender declaration that set his soul at ease, knowing that you felt the same way about him. How, no matter how crazy or convoluted it seemed, your souls were bonded and had managed to find each other in this lifetime. Brushing your fingers over his patchy scruff, you grinned, but were quickly cut off from saying anything else by rapturous growl of your stomach, “oh.”
“I knew you were hungry,” he chuckled warmly, and Maker, you could easily get used to a lifetime of this, “come on, my little Jedi, the food’s almost ready.”
“Din-” you held onto his hand to stop him from walking away, “I have something to tell you.”
“What is it, Mesh’la?”
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” you tried your best not to butcher his language too much. Judging by the incredulous look on his face, he didn’t mind a bit, “I-I told you I had time to study a lot...my Mando’a is far from good, and you said it to me last night. I hope it’s not too horrible.”
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” he repeated back to you slowly, “you’ve got it down perfectly.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“You’re thinking much too loudly,” you mouthed at him between bites of bread. Din’s eyebrow raised in amusement as he looked and waited for you to repeat yourself. Stuffing the bite down, you offered up a sheepish smile, “what’s on your mind, Din?”
“I was just thinking about...Tython,” he admitted, “I know we should go, we have to go, but I’m...I don’t know if I can part with him. Not yet.”
“You don’t…” you set your fork down and let out a heavy sigh. You knew, you both knew exactly what it meant. A part of you still held onto hope that it wouldn’t come to that. You didn't know a life without your small green bean anymore, and honestly, you weren’t sure if you could face a life without him, “nothing is set in stone, Din. Things could always...change. And if not...you will have fulfilled the duty you were tasked with.”
“It must be selfish of me to want to keep him,” he trained his gaze away from you, but you could see that his eyes were glistening with some tears, “he’s not just some thing. He’s….”
“Family,” you finished, “aliit.”
“Yes,” he agreed, gently resting his hand on top of yours, giving it a gentle squeeze, “just like you.”
“Whatever happens, Din,” you whispered, “this won’t be the last time you see him. I promise you that. You are his father - nothing is going to change that. He knows that, and so do you.”
“What do you think will happen when we go?” he opened and closed his mouth a few times as he blinked back tears.
“I don’t know,” you whispered, “I don’t know if there is a way to know. I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see. I do promise you one thing though.”
“What’s that?” 
“I love you - and I will always love you,” you took his hand and brought it to your lips before pressing a kiss to his palm. “And so will he. I promise you that.”
“I love you both too,” he said after a few moments of peaceful silence, “we should get some rest...we’ll be on Tython soon enough anI want to make sure we’re rested and prepared for...anything.”
“Yes,” you concurred, “you’re right, of course. Come one then, my love, we’ll rest for now.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“So...this is it?” Din sounded skeptical as he looked around the rocky ruins, with Grogu clutched tightly in his arms. You couldn’t help but snort at him in amusement; Grogu seemed to be enjoying himself anyway, “is it...does this look Jedi to you?”
He gently set Grogu down and he toddled over to the small stone pillar in the middle of the ruins. The little one cooed excitedly as he looked between the two of you; Din, studious and bewildered as he looked around, and you, doubled over as you laughed and tried to catch your breath. 
“How does something look Jedi?” you finally choked out as you tried to stop your giggles, “it doesn’t have to look Jedi. It’s about the energy.”
“Okay...well, does it feel Jedi?” he was at your side, gently nudging your ribs as you laughed at him again, “you’re being cruel!”
“I’m sorry,” you were but it was still amusing nonetheless, “it’s just...the energies. Can you feel them? Can you feel the force?”
“I don’t feel anything,” he shrugged lightly, “should I be?”
“I think so...Cal was right. The energies here are very strong,” you closed your eyes for a moment as Din huffed, “it’s alright...Jeele says everyone’s in tune with the force to a certain extent, and that it can be strengthened through practice. I-I’ll teach you, my love. That way you can tell if something looks Jedi.”
“Very funny,” he sighed, his signature trademark sigh as you took his hand and pointed towards Grogu. He was surrounded by a small swarm of bright blue butterflies, giggling as he tried to chase after them, “I didn’t know it was possible to have so much love in your heart for someone else. But now I know...because of the two of you.”
“Come on,” you took his hand in yours, “let’s look around to see if we can find anything. Grogu - you stay here, we’ll be right back.”
You hesitated for a moment before deciding it was okay, and trailed alongside Din. It wasn’t a huge planet, but it was beautiful in its own way, with animals running around. No humans or other creatures seemed to inhabit the place. It was quiet here...peaceful even. 
“I like this,” you said to Din as you walked through a small field of wildflowers, “it’s quiet and calm and you can just...be. I wouldn’t mind living someplace like this one day.”
“Without any intelligent life nearby and completely cut off from everything else?” he teased as you groaned at him. 
"No, shiny dummy," you plopped down into the tall, soft grass. You let out a long sigh and put your hands behind your behind, closing your eyes, "somewhere nice and quiet and with just us. Peaceful. What do you think, Din? Ever thought about the future…?"
With me?
After a few beats of silence, you heard the grass next to you crunch softly before you felt his body lie next to yours. His hand reached out and sought yours; you wasted no time in shifting your arm and letting him take your hand. He laced your fingers together before resting them on his chest.
"Yes," he whispered quietly, "I've thought about it a lot."
"I never thought I would ever want to settle down and not...do what I do," he confessed as his thumb stroked the back of your hand, "I never thought there would be more than what I had. But then I found Grogu and...you. I came to realize that I did want more, I want more than what I had."
"A future…"
"With him and you," you were positive that you could hear him smile at his confession. This was easy and hard at the same time - neither of you had ever imagined there would be this, "I don't want this life, the constant fighting and fleeing anymore. I want...a home, a real home."
"Me too," it was a smitten, gentle declaration, "I still want to help people somehow too."
"We will," he promised, "we'll have it all, Mesh'la."
Unable to stop yourself, you rolled onto your side and on top of him. A small grunt of surprise escaped his lips as his arms went to your waist and your hands went to his helmet.
"May I?" it was a gentle request, but his hands joined yours and the helmet was pushed up to expose his lips, and you wasted no time in kissing him.
You were loath to break away from him, but you were soon left breathless and flushed, about to say something when a loud, booming sound met your ears. The two of you broke away and looked to the ruins where you'd left Grogu. At the giant beam of bright blue light emitting from the center of it, you gasped loudly.
Scrambling to your feet, you held your hand out to help him up, before the two of you ran over to see what the commotion was.
When you reached the ruins, you found nothing around except for Grogu sitting and meditating in the center.
"What's happening?" Din asked in confusion as you realized what was happening.
"Its okay," you put a hand on his arm, "he's reaching out. To see if any other Jedi are listening. There's nothing we can do...we just...wait."
"Okay," he sighed lightly as he let you take his hand and the two of you sat down. It was better than pacing around and worrying; at least this way you could keep an eye on him.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
After a while, there was suddenly silence. And after the loud noise of the beam, it was almost deafening. Grogu waddled over to the two of you, smiling as he reached for Din. Ever the doting father, he easily scooped him up and clutched him to his chest.
"Did you do it, buddy?" he asked quietly as Grogu cooed happily. Reaching over and you stroked his ears, smiling at the small green bean.
"He called out for someone," you confirmed, "we just have to wait now."
"How long?"
"As long as it takes," you leaned back against him and the three of you heaved a collective sigh, "I guess we can relax."
Din nodded in agreement as you suddenly realized just how tired you were. Despite your best efforts, your eyes started to close and before you could fight it, you were dozing off. Din, however, was wide awake and kept his keen eyes open and sweeping the horizon as you and Grogu snoozed.
Even though he thought he was doing a thorough job, the Mandalorian missed one big thing. He almost jumped when a long, thin shadow loomed over him. In his panic, his hand went to the blaster at his side and he prepared to draw it.
"There's no need for that," it was a man's voice that reached his ears as Din looked up, "if I wanted to hurt you, you’d already be dead.”
"Who are you? Are you...the Jedi?"
"I’m Ezra. Ezra Bridger."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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tj-wrote-things · 3 years
𝐀 𝐆𝗼𝗼𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝗼𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐤
𝐧𝐢𝐤𝗼𝐥𝐚𝐢 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬𝗼𝐯 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝗺!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝗼 @itisroe 𝐟𝗼𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝗺𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝗼𝐮𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
𝐀.𝐍: 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 2𝐤 𝐰𝗼𝐫𝐝𝐬. 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐟. 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞. 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝗼𝐲:)
-quick little psa, Nikolai and Reader are both kinda ducks cause they’re hurt and stressed. I DONT THINK it’s okay to invalidate a significant other, however I do believe people say things they don’t mean-
“Yes, Genya, I’ve checked the place cards, and I told Alina to make sure no one was allergic to anything.” You sighed heavily from your place on the lavish fainting chair, reclining to avoid wrinkling your dress. Tamar widened her eyes, and shook her head subtly at you, warning you of the danger that comes with poking the bear.
Genya turned sharply and raised a fiery eyebrow at you, almost daring you to get smart again. “Listen, wiseass, this is my wedding day, and if anything goes wrong, as my Maid of Honor you’re responsible.” She reached into the smooth mahogany surface of the vanity and brandished a particularly sharp looking razor blade. “Got it?” You widened your eyes and rose from the chair, no longer feeling safe.
“I’m gonna go check in with the band,” you mumbled, speed walking straight to the door. Genya nodded curtly. As you wrenched the door open, you came face to face with Alina, holding the thin, cream colored shawl Genya had requested.
“Be careful,” you whispered. “She’s in a mood.” Alina rolled her eyes.
“And it's probably all your fault.” she smiled, letting the door shut behind you. You chuckled to yourself at the thought of getting a rise out of Genya, a woman who had quickly become a sister to you from the moment you arrived at the Little Palace, no matter how many times you pissed her off.
You made it a few paces from the door before you heard a startling shout from the room you just left.
“Make sure they don’t play a polka song!”
“Alright,” you hollered back hoarsely. “Just save that braying voice for your vows!”
Making your way to the parlour room was simple enough, considering you had done it a thousand times before. The hard part was making it past the boys room.
You were all the way at the end of the hall, and yet you could hear the commotion from within David’s room. As you stepped closer and closer, heels clacking on the pristine tiled floor, the garbled noise of grown men arguing became clearer and clearer.
“For saints’ sake David! You look fine!”
“Genya would say my necktie clashes with my haircut!” Another round of groans erupted, and you smiled.
Of every couple in all Os Alta, Genya and David would take the cake when it came to “opposites attract”. You’d always thought they were perfectly paired, with David’s demure nature and Genya’s strongly worded opinions. They balanced one another, and brought out the best in them both.
You thought that you’d get lucky, and be able to walk past the room swiftly without being noticed, but of course, fate was being a real bitch.
Just as your left foot set down in front of their door, it was pulled open abruptly. One moment, you were striding swiftly through an abandoned corridor, and in the next you were being stared down by arguably the one man you could’ve gone all day without seeing.
Nikolai blinked and cleared his throat, and did the one thing you least expected. He grabbed you, not unkindly, by the arm, and hauled you into the room, kicking the door shut behind him.
“Have a look,” he said, pointing to David, who was standing rather awkwardly in the middle of the room, rolling his eyes everytime Mal tried to convince him he looked fine. “Doesn’t David’s tie match perfectly with his hair?” He didn’t even wait for you to respond. “I picked it out myself, so of course he’d look impeccable.”
Your hunger for chaos just couldn't resist. You frowned mockingly, and rested your chin on your fist. “Well, the knot is a little big…” you moved for the mass of garments piling up on David’s bed, and swiftly pulled out another tie. This one was a dark violet color, and perfect for the occasion, for you happened to know that Genya’s wedding bouquet had flowers of the same shade. You looped the fabric around David’s neck after removing the old one, and tied it, not unlike a sister would. “There.” You patted him on the shoulders. “You look great, David.”
You picked up the skirt of your dress as you went to exit, stopping to pat Nikolai on the arm. “Don’t feel bad about the tie, Nikolai. We both know you have trouble seeing a good thing even when it’s right in front of you.” You left without another word, neck bobbing, but head held high.
He knew what you’d been talking about, of course; your failed relationship. You and Nikolai had been together for all of 7 months, before the cares of both of your positions began to take their toll. As king of Ravka, Nikolai was resolute in his decision to be a great ruler above all else, and he honored that decision in full.
He made regular visits to every corner of his country, doing what he could to alleviate the stresses that formed in the aftermath of the war, and oftentimes took you with him, if you could spare the time. He took special care to attend every meeting and listen intently to any conversation that had anything to do with his beloved Ravka, to avoid making the same decisions that cost his father the throne, and his people their security.
You loved it. You loved him, too. His dedication to a land that had been so neglected by his forefathers was something that you revered in your lover, and respected. And he respected your work, too, and all that you did in the name of the Second Army and the throne. The time you spent together was always treasured.
However, he as King and you as General, there was only so much time to be spent together. It had become routine for both parties, night after night to come home to the bedroom, and find the other fast asleep, unyieldingly busy, or just not there. You slept in the same bed, and yet, you both had felt the cold arms of distance more than the arms of the other. It was only a matter of time until either of you reached your breaking point, after all, it was no easy thing to fall asleep and wake up in an empty room, not when you knew the one who shared it was long gone.
He had walked into your room, late at night after a day of meetings and diplomacies. You were sitting, hunched over, bathed in the light of the oil lamp hanging over you, slowly sorting through and filing away the documents detailing the expenses of the Second Army. He had strode over to you, and placed a heavy hand on your shoulder, squeezing slightly.
You hummed in acknowledgement, unwilling to turn away from the paper before you. “What,” he said. “No hello?” You shrugged off his hand as you reached for your pen.
Signing the line at the edge of the page, you responded halfheartedly. “Nik, I’m really busy right now.” You had hoped that your displeasure at the work laid out before you would be conveyed through your words, but it seemed that was not the case. Nikolai, in all his stressed out glory, believed the displeasure was directed at him.
Retracting his hand and moving towards the bed, he muttered, “Saints forbid I be shown a little affection.” You did not intend to hear him, but you couldn’t help  but respond. Not when, just days ago, sitting at the same desk, Nikolai had done the same thing.
“Affection,” you repeated, setting your pen down and leaning back in the chair. “Pray tell, Nikolai, when was the last time you paid me any affection. Or indeed, any attention at all?” Nikolai shook his head, and tugged off his shirt as he readied himself for the night, sighing when he saw your challenging expression. He prattled off his response without a second though.
“I'm the King. You're just a soldier.” You scoffed, and stared at him for a moment, wondering if he would recant, and apologize for all he just insinuated.
He did not. Nikolai crawled onto his side of the bed, his back facing you, and remained silent.
For him to invalidate you, and your work—
“Right,” you said, standing to collect your things. “In that case, I think I’ll stay in the Little Palace tonight. With the other soldiers.” That had been the end of it.
Nikolai’s pride prevented him from approaching you, and your resolve to remain unbroken kept you from approaching him. You knew if you tried to talk about it, it would kill you from the inside out. So that was how it went. You put up with Nikolai, for the sake of your friends, and country, and spoke shortly and when spoken to. Nikolai did likewise.
Until the wedding reception, that is. You’d done your best, really. You really tried to goad Genya and get him assigned to a different table, but of course it wouldn't happen. She’d given you a resolute no, claiming that the Maid of Honor and the Best Man had to sit at the same table and they had to share at least one dance.
You weren't so sure how legit that last claim was, but you didn't have it in you to argue. The lamps dimmed, and the band stopped, making way for the newlyweds to impress the attendees. David was smiling brightly, with one arm wrapped around Genya’s waist as he waltzed them around the floor, only dropping his grin when he gestured to Nikolai to take your hand. Nikolai huffed, and looked at you straight on.
“Genya said we have to dance.” He knocked back his brandy, and stood up, regal as ever, and extended a hand to you. 
You looked up from your own unfinished glass humorlessly. “Well don’t sound so excited.” You caught a narrow glare from Genya as she whirled around the floor. You stood and took his hand, allowing him to lead you to the floor.
You were getting too close.
The intoxicating smell of Nikolai’s cologne was shoving you closer and closer to the edge, let alone the warm feeling of his hand on the small of your back. Deep down you knew that if he moved his hand to your hip, it would be over, and you would drown in shared memories of nights spent in tangled sheets and abandoned alcoves.
You cleared your throat, and allowed your own hands to take their place, one in his hand, and one on his shoulder. With a swell of the music, you were off, onto the dancefloor in a flourish of fake smiles and internal screaming. 
Nikolai glanced down at you, noticing the way you looked at anything but him. “So,” he said. “I have trouble seeing a good thing even when it’s right in front of me.” You didn't say anything, clenching your jaw. “No, no,” he continued. “You’re right, of course. You stood by my side through… everything. The war, my stint as Sturmhond. It was selfish of me. To not have been by your side when you needed me.”
Oh yeah, you thought. Now we’re definitely too close.
You cleared your throat, and patted his bicep twice, signaling him to let you go. “Goodnight,” you muttered, unwilling to let yourself have this conversation. You pulled away, just slightly, before Nikolai tightened his grip on your waist and pulled you in. “Hey-!”
“Just know,” he murmured, looking at you intently, hazel eyes carving through the thick resolve you had fashioned in the weeks you’d been apart. “I always saw you. I never stopped seeing you. Probably never will.” He let go of your waist, and brought one of your hands to his mouth, kissing your knuckle. “And you were the greatest. Know that I’m not ready to give up on us yet.”
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
lavender and blueberries
luna lovegood x fem!reader
summary: you and luna bake together.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: mentions of anxiety, theres mentions of a knife cutting into dough, fluff !
note: request.
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the scent of lavender, it was prominent in the air. 
the faint, feminine scent of hers lingered in the air while you admired idly.
the elegant glow of sapphire and lilac of her aura was gleaming, almost radiating off of her body as she prepared away. the spirituality of her graceful essence was almost intoxicating on how ethereal it was.
on how ethereal she was.
she gleamed in your direction, a small twinkle in her cerulean irises, a dreamy smile illustrious on her shell-pink lips, the glossed over effect present on her lips with a strawberry gloss she had borrowed from you a few months prior.
yet, you would give her everything if you were capable of doing so. 
from anywhere you were, you could smell the tinges of lavender perfume in the ventilation, you could almost distinguish her sapphire and lilac aura around the walls of hogwarts when she was nowhere in sight, and most of all you could relish in the feeling of the smooth flavour of faux strawberry against your lips. 
the small touch of the pad of your finger against your pouted lips was an adamant reminder that you had been daydreaming of her. 
it was a peaceful thursday afternoon, to any other hogwarts student it was a day of anticipation and anxiety for the upcoming weekend so they could have a  lie in after a weeks of school work, the homework by their bed waiting till the last minute to be completed. but today for you and luna was blueberry pie day.
every day of the week was exceptional, like a little sticky note with reminders on what was to happen that day to make it more exclusive then the day previously.
monday’s were for thestrals, one of the most important days of the week for you, and her appreciation for you only bloomed extensively as you accompanied her in things you weren't able to identify, only visualize from her soft spoken descriptions . tuesdays were for cleansing, the idea notable in her tranquil mind to double check there weren’t any nargles floating around her or her friends. wednesday’s were for herbology with neville, anything to do with plants it was significant for her to take care of the blossoming viridescent plants. and thursday’s of course, were for baking.
and so forth, every week had its own specialized day since the pair of you had begun your relationship after distinguishing the feelings mutual for each other had no longer remained platonic. 
the platinum swish of her tresses as she bobbed her head from left to right brought your mind back to focus as your thoughts had been swirling in her idiosyncratic essence. “so, y/n, have you got all the ingredients?” she spoke in a dreamily, and mellow tone while glimpsing at the counter to the disorganized ingredients. it was unidentifiable as to which had been there and which had been missing. 
she spun around to face you, a permanent grin etched up in those desirous lips she had. a small giggle sliding off her tongue before sauntering closer to you while she had partaken notice to your distracted state. unknowing it had been because of her exceptionally alluring self. 
“yes, yes i have. sugar, cornstarch, salt, cinnamon, butter and pie crust?” your tone partially apprehensive in a jumble of disheveled letters whilst you hastily spoke, bringing your palm close to your viewpoint, your eyes adamantly squinting; while you attempted to read the ink streaked onto your palm, in a previous rush from completing homework you had scribbled everything onto your hand from the cook book that was placed sloppily onto the desk in your dormitory. 
“you didn’t have to write it on your hand, dear.” she giggled at your muddled speech after you had clearly stressed upon yourself, in an endeavour to console your tense state she grasped upon your wrist with her dainty fingers, pressing a small kiss to the flesh of your palm, before letting it fall to your waist, and grabbing a few measuring cups with her agile fingers.
she treated things ever so delicately like they had feelings or rather they must be treated with kindness, a prominent trait about the girl, while she was deep in thought of grabbing ingredients with delicacy she glimpsed upon the grey radio player that was sprawled hastily upon the counter.
she grasped onto the small muggle device before spinning the nob for a moment there was a moment of static before the first song began to play,
always be my baby - mariah carey.
“i’ve never heard this song before.” luna commented with a grin at you who had been already gaping upon her joyful figure, the process beginning as you filled a three/fourths ivory cup of granulated sugar and she made work on the cornstarch into a large bowl. 
the way she used her hands was elegant, intricate and tremendously patient, especially with you. she had the patience to await things, the patience to work without fail or absentminded rage, and the patience for creativity to flow her mind with spectacular ideas that not even rowema ravenclaw could ponder no matter how hard she pursued. 
first it was the flour, not without a couple spills from you of course, but ultimately you added the grains of ivory into the bowl. luna’s delicacy took leadership when handling the three tablespoons of cornstarch as well as one/fourths cup of salt. the way her cerulean irises were quaintly looking around was serene and tolerant, but the minute her irises were gazing into you could feel like millions of butterflies had unleashed in your belly, and swarmed around your abdomen ferociously. 
you noticed small things about her irises, the small rings of navy around her irises, the flecks of aquamarine spoke small words to you, because to love her you must hear when she had no words. the jumble of letters that were swirled in her irises full of love and adoration were enough to be heard, and that were only made to be spoken to you. the deep cyan ombré coating her outer pupil was like an art piece that adorned the hands of michelangelo with the finest oil paints he could scoundrel up from the nonpareil paint shops. 
her eyes were like the unrepeatable wings of an utterly divine butterfly. the small distinctive swirls of colour that blended with the fine lines between each other. luna could perceive the spaces between the small lines of life, that’s what made her so significant compared to others.
she had handled the blade with ease when carving small designs onto dough atop of the indigo blend of mashed berries and jam. as the remaining fifty minutes ticked she had clutched upon the planes of your hand feeling the smooth flesh collide against her own pallid skin, similar songs from the era playing when she spun you around in the small kitchen.
some house elves eyeing the sight of two girls dancing and chuckling at their silliness in kitchen. the small elves had smiled at the lovers they had dimly watched before returning to their tasks and minding their business to the work dumbledore had requested. 
the small vibrational bell rung like a minor siren through the small drums of your ears when the pie had completed baking in the oven, luna taking it upon herself to do things the ‘muggle way’ as you had taught her, her correct actions filling her with a small sensational buzz of elation when you sent a glimpse of pride in her direction. 
the things luna was willing to learn for you. 
she slipped off the pair of viridescent oven mitts, abandoning them to the side of the counter while the baked pastry was placed upon a trivet as it had cooled down from the searing heat it had radiated. 
the tinging aroma of lavender and blueberry throughly colliding into the air from the steaming condensation now filling the air as it dashed upon your nostrils all the way to the respire of your lungs.
a unique combination of such beguiling scents.
“pretty good, i think.” you chuckled while looking at the blonde, a smile still adamantly clear on her face while she pleasantly peered towards you; surveying your body language in delight before speaking.
“i think it’s excellent, love.”
taglist: @falling-loki @inglourious-imagines @famdomhideout @hufflepogue @kirascottage @luvvninaz @miraclesoflove @black-like-my-soul @slytherclawbitch
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