#eventually she shouts him icecream
liminal-space-lesbian · 11 months
Loser II
Pairing: Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
Summary: You try to take some time apart from Enid to sort through your feelings and maybe get over your crush. After all, Enid was happy in her relationship. Right?
Warnings: swearing, confessions, crying, anxiety attack, angst
Words: 2,276
Part One // Part Three // Part Four
You tried to follow Yoko's advice, truly. However, Enid was ever present in your thoughts. Just at the edges of your mind during your classes, floating to the forefront of your mind when you tried to sleep at night. You tried to stop thinking about her, but every time you saw her in the halls your heart would skip a beat, your eyes would linger on her. You avoided her to the best of your ability and it helped a bit. The ache in your chest was reminder enough though.
Perhaps your avoidance of her attributed to the fact you were oblivious to her and Ajax's growing relationship conflicts. He was being his usual oblivious self and it was making Enid feel uncared for; unloved. His excuse of "not knowing" Enid didn't wear silver jewelry, that she didn't like roses, or that she hated dark chocolate only held up for so long. After they'd been dating for so long Enid got sick of reminding him. These were simple things you were supposed to remember about somebody, especially somebody you were supposed to love.
She kept telling him how his actions made her feel, so he'd apologize and promise to do better. She'd be placated for a while, Ajax's behavior improving for a week or so until he'd simply go back to his old ways. He was too preoccupied with getting high with his friends and playing hooky to put the adequate amount of effort into his relationship. To him, it was just casual dating.
Eventually Enid got fed up and broke up with him, spending the next few days crying to Yoko, eating icecream, and watching reruns of Glee. You were oblivious to this for nearly a week, too busy moping and self isolating in hopes you'd get over Enid to even notice.
That is, until you were hanging out with Yoko by the lake and studying, when she casually mentioned how she felt bad for Enid, but was happy to see her feeling better.
"What? What's going on with Enid?" You asked, worry sparking in your stomach at the thought of something bad happening to Enid or possibly one of her family members. Yoko gave you a side eye, looking suspicious.
"You don't know? I'm shocked, I thought you'd throw a party at the news." She said drily as she lowered her sunglasses to eye you with an unimpressed look.
"What?" You pressed, leaning forward, growing nervous at how she was acting. 'Why would I be excited over something that was hurting Enid? Unless...' You felt a flicker of hope somewhere deep in your chest.
"Enid broke up with Ajax last week. She got sick of him flaking on her and not paying attention to her interests." Yoko said with a dismissive wave, leaning back against the trunk of an oak tree as she looked back down at her book.
"What?" You nearly shouted in shock, your heart feeling as if it stopped entirely in your chest at the news. You were elated, but a feeling of guilt and something else settled in your stomach. Yes you were excited at the aspect of being able to actually date Enid, however some part of you felt guilty. You were practically praying on her relationships downfall, and even though now you have the chance to treat her the way she deserves, it is also painful to break up with someone. You'd never wish pain upon Enid, despite all your complaints about their relationship before.
Also, a feeling of something akin to disgust rose within you. You felt... predatory for your thoughts. You were such a loser- such a creep- for waiting on Enid's breakup to try and sweep her off of her feet. It made you feel gross and dirty.
"Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't know? Y'know, with your whole obsession with her and all. How did you really not know?" Yoko inquires, shooting you a curious look. You shrugged, looking down at your hands that were absentmindedly plucking grass.
"I mean, I was taking your advice and trying to distance myself from her, so I've been kinda... avoiding her? I mean I was trying to get over her I guess." You say lamely, shrugging halfheartedly as you lean back on your palms and look up at the leaves above your head.
"And how is that going?" Yoko asked sarcastically. You shot her a glare before sighing, blushing slightly.
"No luck. It's like she owns my thoughts or something." You say, slightly irritated at Enid's hold on you, even though she didn't have the slightest romantic inclination towards you.
"Hm... Well now's your chance I guess." Yoko said simply, raising her eyebrows as she continued looking down at her book. You shot her a look.
"C'mon you know that's not fair. I'm not gonna just swoop in like a vulture the second she breaks up with him. Plus it's not healthy to jump from one relationship to another, she should take some time to herself to get over it first." You say quietly as you begin braiding blades of grass together.
"You're right, but even if you're not pursuing a relationship with her she still needs support right now. She isn't dumb, she's noticed you avoiding her." Your heart dropped in your chest at her words, anxiety flooding your system, "If there's any time she needs a friend it's now." Yoko finishes, giving you a pointed look. Another flash of guilt swamped your system. 'I'm such a dick. Of course she'd notice I'm avoiding her! And when she's going through a breakup too? That's when she needs friends most, and I'm just absent because I can't handle my stupid crush?' You mentally berate yourself.
"You're right, I've been an asshole. I'm gonna talk to her." You say, more to yourself than to Yoko as you get to your feet and brush off your clothes, picking up your bag.
"Goodluck." Yoko says with a dismissive wave, a small smile curving at her lips as you head towards Enid's dorm. Your pace was quick and you felt anxiety flood your veins as you walked. Should you get her a gift of some sort? Is that creepy? Would it seem weird to just show up out of nowhere? Your anxious thoughts came to a halt when you realized you were stood outside of Enid's dorm. You wiped your sweaty palms on your pants, taking a deep breath before knocking.
A few moments later Enid was opening the door, a look of surprise briefly gracing her features. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. her eyes were red rimmed and her cheeks were shiny from old tears; it was obvious she had been crying. You felt guilty for thinking she looked so pretty, her eyelashes damp with as her blue eyes glittered with unshed tears.
"Oh, hi." She said awkardly, looking a bit hesitant at your sudden appearance after avoiding her for the past few weeks.
"Uh- hi. I heard about," you paused, swallowing nervously, "I heard about you and Ajax. I just came to say I'm really sorry. I know you thought he was gonna be the one, and I know breakups are tough. Just- if you need me for anything I'm here." You say, your tone slightly shaky with nerves, but earnest nonetheless. Enid stared at you a moment before stepping back and inviting you into her dorm.
"Thank you... you can come in. I kinda just- I could use somebody to talk to I guess." Enid murmurs, her tone uncharacteristically quiet. Your heart ached to see her so down. You followed her into the dorm and hesitantly sat on the edge of her bed. She crawled back under the covers, hugging a stuffed bear to her chest as she sniffled.
"I just don't get why he couldn't just listen. I'd tell him stuff he did bothered me or made me feel like he didn't care but he'd just keep doing it. It's not like I was asking for a lot, right?" Enid asked softly, her tone uncertain as she wipes her eyes and glances down at you. You scoot closer to her, absentmindedly brushing a damp piece of hair off her cheek. Your fingers brushed hers and she quickly grasped your hand in hers. You fought the way your pulse raced, stamping down on butterflies. You knew Enid was touchy with everyone, you weren't special.
"No, of course not. It's not a lot to ask to want your boyfriend to listen to you, and care about you, and care to learn your interests." You reassure her, squeezing her hand as she blinked up at you. She nodded slightly, her gaze drifting off to the side once more.
"You're right." She whispered, the room lapsing into a comfortable silence as you sat next to her, rubbing the back of her hand with your thumb. Part of you felt gross, like you were somehow taking advantage of the situation by holding her hand and feeling a flutter in your chest. As if you were preying on her moment of weakness to grant yourself some satisfaction from physical touch. Guilt gnawed at you as you looked down at her, wondering if you even being here was somehow wrong.
"Why were you avoiding me?" Enid asks in a small voice, her eyes peeking up at you over the edge of her comforter. You blinked at her, taken aback by her words. You honestly didn't think she would even notice your absence. You never felt as if she really even saw you.
"I wasn't-" You began, but as your eyes met her glossy, vulnerable gaze you let out a resigned sigh. "I was just... I was struggling with something and I needed some space." You say, trying to be as vague as possible. Enid's brow furrowed as she sat up, bringing her body closer to yours, causing you to feel a blush rise to your ears as you ignored the way your stomach swooped.
"What do you mean? Is everything okay?" She asked, and you felt crushing guilt at the way she looked at you. 'What type of person am I? Making her feel bad for me when she's the one going through a breakup? I ignore her and then show up at her dorm demanding her comfort?' You mentally berated yourself, swallowing nervously as you looked at your lap.
"Yeah! No, don't even worry about me it's actually really stupid. I'm sorry for just kinda ghosting you like that. You don't deserve it." You mumble, your gaze meeting hers for a moment before you were forced to look away, her gaze too intense. "I would have come sooner if I had known about what happened with you and Ajax, but Yoko just told me today so... I came as soon as I knew." You whispered, feeling shame burn at your ears.
"I mean, it's not stupid if it's bothering you so much." Enid says, her voice gentle as she takes your free hand in hers, running her thumb over the backs of them. You felt guilt crush your insides. Enid was so good. She was so warm and soft and loving and you didn't deserve her kindness. After you spend days and nights praying on her relationships downfall just so you'd get a chance. If she knew she surely wouldn't want to even talk to you anymore.
"It's- It's really selfish of me." You whispered, your heart racing as you realized you might confess to her right now. It'd be the worst timing, with her fresh out of a relationship. You'd seem like such a predator, waiting to pounce the second she was single again. Which you suppose is what you are, so why not enlighten her and let her make the decision herself?
"I just... Seeing you and Ajax together was... hard for me. It was really getting to me so I needed to take some time away to try and... sort through my feelings." You manage to choke out, heart pounding as you stare firmly at Enid's comforter. There's a tense silence as Enid's hands still in yours.
"Did you- do you like Ajax?" She asks, sounding confused and slightly hurt. Your gaze snaps to hers in panic as she pulls her hands out of yours.
"No! No I do not like Ajax. Quite the opposite really." You blurt out, giving a nervous chuckle as you desperately search her gaze, trying to convey that you did not have feelings for her ex boyfriend. Her brows furrowed in confusion for a moment.
"Then what-" It was like a switch flipped in her mind as her eyes widened and her jaw slackened in surprise. "Oh." Was all she said, blinking owlishly at you. You gulped, unable to read her expression.
"I know- I'm sorry. I can't help it, I tried getting over it and just ignoring it but seeing you with him and seeing the way he was treating you- God this makes me sound like such an asshole." You blurt out, your pulse racing so fast you felt lightheaded. You stand up, heading towards the door, your mind spinning as you can only imagine what she thinks of you now.
"I'm sorry- I'll just go. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even come here. I didn't mean to- I just-" You stammer as you fumble with the doorknob.
"Wait-" Enid tries, standing up to head after you but you cut her off.
"I'm sorry, just forget about it." You say, opening the door and leaving her dorm, shutting the door behind you as you practically run to Yoko's room.
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therealpontius · 1 year
Are you dunn yet?
This is the only other series ive done, ive wrote a few chapters but i abandoned the end so i hope i can pick it up again.
Warnings: drug misuse
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It was a normal saturday. You woke up at 7, got changed, watched the news then headed to aldi for your weekly shopping. You were only 23 but acted 53.
When you parked your car you headed for the shop getting milk, soup, veg, fruit and eventually icecream incase of surprise periods or down days.
"Oh piss off" you heard from behind you, making you turn round. A group of 5 men stood, looking at a bag of potatoes , they all looked around your age. One of the boys noticed you had turned around, he was shirtless with patchwork tattoos and a shaved head "hey, lady. Sure potatoes where the first food to grow in space?" The five men turned to look at you, waiting for your response. Unfortunately you knew the answer "yeah...?" The group of men look at each other "bull shit, steve-o payed her to say that. Im calling it" a smaller man with curly hair spoke to the rest "i can confirm he didnt" you laughed as you walked to go pick up your icecream. Aldi only done one you liked and that was cheeky monkey, if you didnt get it it was the end of the world.
You managed to spot it but it was on the top shelf, shit. "Okay ill jump" you whispered under your breath. Didnt work "just stand on your tiptoes" you encourage yourself. Didnt work. You look around, no ones there. "AASAHDHWJEJE" screaming into your hands in frustration "hello? Everything alright?" You freeze in horror and embarrassment as someone tapped your sholder from behind, you slowly turn round and it was one of the men from earlier, curly blonde hair and was probably around 6ft with beautiful eyes, he noticed you staring at himFor too long "hello? Lady?" You snapped out of it "um yes sorry im fine" you turned round again to hide your red face "well alright" his voice faded.
Once he had gone you continued trying to reach it when you felt an arm brush pass yours and grab the ice cream, you turn round to face who it was when you realise how close he is, practically hugging you close . Sure enough it was the beautiful stranger "here you go, im getting one aswell anyways" you raise your eyebrow since youve never heard anyone else actually liking it "you like this one?" He nods "its the only good one" a laugh escapes your lips as you relate to him, you took the cold ice cream and thank him going to walk off "hey lady wait one more thing!" You turn round and see him writing his number onto a bingo ticket, he gives you the paper and mouths "call me" before walking off. Strange.
After buying your items and walking out the shop, you took the number out your pocket
"845 747-" "hey watch where your going!" The older man you bumped into shouted and you noticed you had dropped the paper "sorry!" You chased the pink bingo paper in the middle of the carpark, everyones eyes where on you as you ran -ass in the air- after a soaking wet bingo paper but looked away once you had finally caught it
You checked  the number incase it had been damaged, it had, the black ink on your hands and smudged down "shit!" You exclaim earning a "cover your ears Tommy, she clearly isnt one with god" from an elder woman near by.
The sky got dark and you still held the peice of paper in your hand. Sitting on the couch, tv on in the background and the plasticity paper slotted between your fingers as if it had been cemented. No matter how hard you tried you couldnt make sense of it
"And for tonights bingo! Number one.... 45 Number two... 12...."
Wait. You look at the bingo ticket again.
'45  12  66   70  06'
"Number three 66"
"Number four 70"
"And for the last number of the night..... six!!!"
You jump up and celebrate as if you where sat with your friends, fists flung in the air and the pure look of joy on your face. "Fuck it" you say calling your friends "fancy a drink?"
5 friends and 5 excuses later you where left alone, the joy of wining far gone. Might aswell go drinking yourself?
You arive at a small pub to have a few ciders and go home, no intention of getting shit faced. The bar desk was sticky, it stank of beer and peanuts "hello lady, what can i do you for?" The bartender, jamie asked. He was a nice man, quite old and could not remember names for the life of him "just two cans of cider please jamie" he nodded and walked to get you your cans.
"Hey potato lady!" Your hopes got high, you turned feeling your face already blushed "hey! Oh.. hey" it was the guy with the shaved head and he sat with a girl with medium curly hair that had her face down onto the table, probably too drunk to stay awake. "What you doing here all alone?" You shrugged "didnt have anyone to come with" jamie placed your cider cans down and took in the change you had placed beforehand "thankyou my love" you nodded him off as you lifed your cans to the table the man was sitting at.
As you sat down you realised how drunk or high or whatever the man was, was. "The names o, steve-o" you tried to hide your cringe as much as you could, his face resembling a smoulder "my names y/n, nice to meet you" you put out your hand for him to shake but he couldnt manage to touch it, his hand swinging and swiping at anything but your hand "whos your lady friend?" You point to the strangely muscular woman who lay in her arms, raising your eyebrows. He goes silent and his eyes searched your face before a husky laughed escaped his lips "what? Is it your sister?" His laugh only grew stronger waking up the woma- wait "dude what" oh shes a man...
"Potato lady thinks your a girl!" The man looked around confused at who this 'potato lady' is "im so sorry!" You laughed out an apology making him smile too, his smile much more friendlier than
steve-os "hello mrs potato, my names chris. Now steve if you wouldnt mind im really sleepy" steve-o wiped the tears from his eyes and patted chris on the back .
"So back to business" he brought his nose up to a tissue and inhaled causing you to look at him in disgust.  He just looked you up and down "now my friend, ryan, was telling us he scored with a hottie and gave her his number. Why didnt you call him? I mean like.. like..." he zoned out and lay back in his chair leaving you to look around, confused. "Steve-o? Steve-o?" You nudged him and he sat up "what dude?" He looked more pissed "take my number and give it to ryan" he pulled out his phone and started stairing at it like it was changing shape "what the fuck dude, you do it" you slowly type your number into his phone and return it to him.
When you finally headed home you could barley sleep thinking about how eventful today had been...
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buginateacup · 3 years
Its hot as fuck and I’ve successfully done 7 loads of washing today but I also realised I cant put the Vetinari conversation in Tea With Topsy where I originally planned so I had to write another chapter instead. So here’s an early look at something that’s not going to happen for months
Roxanne was trying to hurry from downtown back to the office after what she thought was going to be a quick soundbite interview after lunch turned into a three hour investigation into how the fuck the southern suburbs municipal office lost the deeds to half a dozen high value properties, four of which were up for redevelopment.
Key word trying. It was another blazing summer day and there was no shade for the next four blocks to the bus stop.
It was hot enough that even Hal had fucked off early to take the van back to the station as Brad needed a cameraman at the waterpark and not even an hour alone with Roxanne in peak hour traffic was enough to dissuade him from "babes in bikinis"
Roxanne felt a little sorry for all the parents at the Toddler's and Tot's new pool opening, but not enough to correct him. She shifted her laptop bag to her other shoulder and forced herself to keep walking.
A rolling hum pulled up and followed her on the wrong side of the road, "You're going to get burnt again," Megamind called conversationally through the open window, steering with one hand, the other propped casually on the door of the invisible car. Roxanne grabbed gratefully at the edge of the door frame, 
"Emergency kidnapping?" she asked hopefully, leaning gratefully into the blast of cold air coming from the car.
"Absolutely not,"
"No," he slowed to an almost stop and reached behind him, a crack appeared in the view of the street behind him, "But I'll give you a lift, get in."
Roxanne gripped the edge of the crack, pulling open the rear door to throw herself in onto cool leather upholstery, "Oh thank god. I live here now" she groaned as he took off again. She glanced at the high collar blocking her view of his face, "How have you not melted?"
Megamind chuckled and twisted his watch. The collar and mantle dissolved and a pair of large vertical oval sunglasses appeared on his nose. He was in a black t-shirt with chunky silver zips running from the collar to the sleeves to allow it to slip over his head, short black driving gloves barely ran past his wrists.
"Nice arms," she noted. Wonder what they taste like? Seventeen year old Roxanne added silently.
Shut up you.
"They are useful, yes," Megamind agreed lazily.
Roxanne sat up to lean over into the front seat and look at her unexpected chauffeur, "Can I get in the front?"
"And run the risk of you pressing the fusion rocket button? I think not Miss Ritchi,"
"There's a fusion rocket?" she asked curiously, arms still hooked over the back of the front seat.
Megamind swapped hands on the steering wheel and put his hand over her face to shove her onto the back seat, "Sit down and put your seatbelt on."
"Why? Your not wearing one."
"I'm the bad guy. Its do as I say, not as I do. Now hold on."
Roxanne buckled up then laughed as he cut between two lanes and sped through a red light, just avoiding a turning truck. "What happened to this city would be utopia if they just did the reasonable thing"
"I was being reasonable. I didn't hit anybody."
"You ran a red light!"
"So? It's not like the cameras can catch me. I'm doing all this work to improve my city. The least they can do is get out of my way."
Roxanne rolled her eyes and peeled her shirt away from her undershirt, "Why has this summer been so gross?" she griped, "Speaking of, you should get them to plant trees down Fenton Road, its awful along there."
"Tell the flying menace to do it. Its the kind of photo op he'd love to feature in."
"Don't think you could compete?" she teased. 
He eyed her through the rear view mirror, "I know what your doing."
"Is it working?"
"Damn," Roxanne unbuttoned her short sleeved white shirt and shrugged it off her shoulders, revealing a thin white tank clinging damply to her skin.
Gloved hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, "Miss Ritchi what are you doing?"
"Relax, I'm just trying not to die of heatstroke." she laid the sweat soaked shirt over her bag and stretched on the back seat, glorying in the cold air.
"It might take a while to get you back to the office, I can't get through the roadworks on Twenty Second like this,"
"There's roadworks on twenty second?"
"There are supposed to be. Its too hot so they left half the road dug up and diverted all the traffic through a single lane.
"Oh. Good thing you caught me before I got to the bus then." Roxanne checked her phone and groaned at the forecast that ranged from firey pits of hell to literal volcanic explosion to why god why? "Why is the city an oven?"
"Well you see there's this thing called a virgin sacrifice, or in more modern terms, a Damsel. Who is supposed to scream and plead for mercy from the great evil threatening the land so that it is appeased and allows another year of bountiful harvests and clearly Miss Ritchi, you are not holding up your end of the bargain."
Roxanne flipped a finger skyward, "Hey sun, fuck off."
Megamind laughed and made a sharp left, "I have something I need to collect on the way" he said, turning towards the docks near the industrial district, "If I ask nicely will you stay in the car and not touch anything or do I need to hit you with the spray?"
"Will you leave the aircon on?"
"I can,"
"I'll be good," she promised dreamily, basking in the cool flow of air.
"I doubt it," Megamind slowed to a stop and got out, "I'll be five minutes," he said sliding the keys into his pocket, black jeans in this weather, brave alien. "Behave," he locked the car behind him.
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my ultimate guide to thiam fic !!
( as a new teen wolf stan )
the classic post war, long ass (multi chapter) fic !!with great development that genuinely made me laugh out loud, they have the best friendship in this & i love it very much. ( like theo teaches liam to drive and i just *happy sobs* ) a fundamental in thiam fanfiction !! all stans have probably already read it but if you haven’t this is in fact a threat ,, go show this vv iconic story some love !!
Airplanes - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: After the Anuk-ite and the hunters are dealt with Liam needs a break. Cue Theo and a road trip that Liam should know better than to think will be peaceful.
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, 43/43 Chapters, Words: 236,875 (236k)
okay okay so this one is also post 6B !! but ,, now we introduce fighting monroe & the hunters again ,, so we get the boys & a new mission !! so if you like an intresting plot 11/10 would recommend !! just to be clear this ISN’T complete ,, if that turns you off i understand but definitely give this one a read !! it litterally have theo doing crossword puzzles & fighting zombies
Vacancy Signs - LovelyLittleGrim
Summary: Theo and Liam are in Manhattan negotiating a pack allyship when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. Now, the two of them have to find their way back to Beacon Hills without getting eaten by zombies or killing one another.
Rated: Explicit, Graphic Description of Violence, Not Completed, 15/17 Chapters, Words: 89,605 (89k)
Royalty AU !! I REPEAT ROYALTY AU !! a fantastic au where i stan their moms more than i stan them !! genuinely so good at the childhood rivals to lovers trope !! i’m genuinely obsessed with this one. has made me cry more than once ,, hurts in a good way <3 the ending is just *chefs kiss* also one of the tags is genuinely: # theo and liam make bad choices for over 130k straight !! if that doesn’t sound appealing i don’t know what does !!
Artificial Love - songbvrd
Summary: Prince Theo and Prince Liam are forced to spend every Summer together from age five onwards. They hate each other, and usually find ways to make each other miserable as much as possible in their six weeks together. But when they're reunited because of intended unions as adults, things change. They're both supposed to be married to noble women, but neither of them is as interested in anyone else as they are with their childhood rival.
Rated: Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, Chapters: 32/32, Words: 172,935 (172k)
so if you are in the mood for a crack fic that’s not explicitally a crack fic this is for you !! okay so i’m really hit or miss with AU’s ,, sometimes i feel like they don’t quite capture the characters right but this story have the BEST dramatic liam i have ever seen in my life !! basically they all live in the same apartment building & it’s fantastic !! i saw this one floating around a lot but the summary didn’t really unrest me until i have it a shot !! so go read it rn !! also nolan & brett are genuinely fantastic and make me wheeze ,, LIKE ACTUALLY VERBALLY LAUGHING !! all i’m gonna say is that my fav characters are scott & the beetles but that won’t make actual sense until you read it !!
The Neighbors Song - TheodoreR
Summary: “I always hear you singing on your balcony every morning, but suddenly you’ve stopped?”
Or the one where Theo annoys Liam every morning with his awful singing until he doesn’t anymore and Liam is even more annoyed. Liam hates every single thing about his mornings -the fact that they happen in the morning alone is enough. The thing Liam hates the most about his mornings though is the terrible voice of the guy who lives below him. He can’t sing for shit and Liam tried to politely let him understand that by throwing flour and water on his balcony, and also by shouting it to him, you can’t sing for shit!, and then by writing it into a note he proceeded to attach to his door, but this Raeken guy just keeps doing it, every single morning, like a fucking rooster. Liam did nothing to deserve this. He probably didn’t do anything to deserve better either to be fair, he doesn’t expect to open his window and be welcomed by some angelic voice singing him good morning, he’d just be happy with nothing. Silence. That’s something Liam can appreciate in mornings. Just some bark from his dog and the sound of his misery and that’s it. But no, god forbid the new guy lets him have that.
Rated: Explicit, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Wanrings, Completed, 8/8 Chapters, Words: 42,814 (42k)
me: i’m not a big fan of AU’s ,, proceeds to talk about ANOTHER au… OKAY BUT THIS ONE !! it’s not complete but the author has been updating regularly ,, vv slow burn !! but in a REALLY intresting way !! i lOVE LIAM IN THIS SO MUCH ,, he is such a diaster of a person and it’s wonderful !! they have a great dynamic & i’m sucker for general puppy pack content ( and erica reyes being a badass ) !! also theo plays lacrosse in this & i really like it ahhhhh ,, also liam is just being an artic monkeys stan the whole time & theo is like *que confused repressed gay noises*
Inglorious Roommates - honeyscape
Summary: A roommate is defined as “a person with whom one shares a room.”
Theo would say a roommate was more along the lines of, “The person who's the bane of his existence. The weirdo that sleeps for days. The spaz that exercises at 3am. The guy with a revolving door of annoying friends. An insufferable human being that Theo has no control over living in his room.”
Example: Theo hates his roommate Liam.
okay okay i hate myself but i have another WIP for y’all !! this one is jUST FANTASTIC. i’m genuinely so upset it’s most likely not going to updated again *incoherent screaming ensues*. for this story ,, it’s very theo-centric bUT thats bc it ends right before liam becomes a concrete member of the story !! ANYWAY: basic plot = theo & acquiring not one but two children ,, so #dad theo but he is still crusty & homeless and i love him very much. it’s just so GOOD !! just read if you want to experience my fav theo coming out story & him etching high school musical
Look who's talking - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: Theo had been labeled many things in his life. Evil, failure, monster. He'd never thought Father would be one of those things but as he looked across the table to a six year old with blue smears of bubble gum icecream across her face trying to coax the first words out of her sister. Finger jabbing towards Theo's face as she repeated 'Daddy' again and again he couldn't bring himself to dispute the label.
(Theo accidentally adopts two young werewolves)
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Not Completed, Chapters: 16/?, Words: 48740 ( 48k )
so here me out: post-canon ( poetry like angst ) summer get away !! just the boys doing cute little domestic things together whilst pining !! theo’s guilt in this is just so powerful & aGjffkgkkfkvkdlv !! i think it’s so interesting to see how they interact in this one, it’s just very heart warming !! and it features one of my favorite niche teen wolf tropes of theo being great with like seven year old girls- it’s just so good ,, very much a wonderful little one shot that just makes your heart happy.
(next time i see you you'll show me) a hundred different ways to say the same things - cherrysprite
Summary: “...You deserve good things,” Liam says eventually. He makes sure not to look at Theo even though he can feel his eyes turn on him. Somehow he can already tell that Theo doesn’t believe him.
Liam instantly makes that the goal of this summer - making Theo believe him.
Rating: Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 28875 ( 28k )
okay so this next section of fic recs is a bit different !!
two of my favorite authors !! and a compilation of fics i’ve read by them both !!
for context: these two have written some genuinely gorgeous fics, like pure poetry, they explore the real gritty & scary side of our boys relationship in such a wonderful way. they’ve both used some of my favorite tropes & i love them very much !!
whenever i need something soothing but so genuinely intresting & enticing these are my go to !! ( also they both write a lot of good nolan angst & some vv good fics with hayden )
go check out:
as well as fallingforboys
here are some of my favorite fics by them ~
darling i want you here in my arms (kiss the pain away, i know you can) - fallingforboys
even before you touched me, i belonged to you (all you had to do was look at me) - fallingforboys
memories linger like tattoo scars (but your touch on my skin is just as permanent) - fallingforboys
skin, bones, a stolen heart, and an ugly creature lurking underneath -fallingforboys
i don't know how to breathe in the place i called home - fallingforboys
whisper your gossamer truths into the shadow, maybe you'll find the answers you're searching for - fallingforboys
between the mountains and the valley we built a monument to our regret - eneiryu
cracked the hinges of the cage and waited for you - eneiryu
okay and finally: since i am a self centered whore
my own fic: an rendition of the # elevator scene
it’s basically my version of post canon if we did get the kiss in the elevator. we got a classic liam pov in which he is has 12/10 for extreme bi diaster energy even whilst being shot at !! so go him ig…
Fuck Off, Fuck This & Fuck It! - nefelibata_peach
Summary: Liam thought to himself heart rate climbing, they were bound to be dead by morning. So he thought with everything but his brain and he kissed him.
Where Liam Dunbar is very confused, slightly traumatized, and just a bit scared but hey, aren't they all! Bad decisions ensue as two boys fight in a war they never did sign up for.
Rating: Teen and Up, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 3558 ( 3k )
335 notes · View notes
honeymilkk00 · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys: You Flinch
yooooo so my first post on tumblr,,, kinda scary but here goes nothing. if the characters are too ooc i apologise but it’s because this is my first time writing a haikyuu one shot. also i’m fucking obsessed with angst to comfort hmu with some good ones (hopefully i haven’t read them). also pleaseeeee this isn’t an attack on the reader, you all are so fucking gorgeous. i’m trying to write this angst with my personal insecurities in mind so it can be more realistic. remember to drink water and eat 3 meals a day.
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Recently, you had noticed a strain in your and Tanaka’s relationship. Of course, you were always pretty self-conscious in the relationship- he always hung out with Kiyoko when he went to practise and spoke about her like she was a goddess.
That didn’t mean you didn’t like Kiyoko. In fact, you looked up to her a lot, heeding her advice every time she spoke to you. But, who wouldn’t be insecure? Kiyoko was everything you were not. She was smart, she was pretty, she was organised, and she had a great personality to go with it. Sometimes, you’d sit thinking that maybe Tanaka would be happier with her. 
And today was one of those days. It was lunch and, as usual, Tanaka was at practise. You didn’t mind and grew pretty accustomed to it, often sitting to the side of the sports hall, watching and cheering. You were happy that your boyfriend had such a deep interest in something. 
As you sat next to the coach, taking small bites out of an apple, you noticed Tanaka’s wondering gaze. Following his eyes, you frowned slightly when you noticed him staring at Kiyoko with a small blush on his face. An uneasy feeling in your gut made you stop eating, just watching. When Tanaka walked over to her and tucked her hair behind her ear after helping her pick up spare balls, you felt bile rise in your throat. Suffocating. It felt like suffocating as you watched your boyfriend touch and blush around your friend whilst right in front of you. 
Biting your lip nervously, you packed away your lunch and stood up. There was still 10 minutes left of lunch. If Tanaka asked, you could’ve dismissed it as simply wanting to get to class early. Nodding to Coach Ukai and Daichi, you swiftly exited the sports hall and walked to your next lesson.
Somehow, you had avoided Tanaka for the rest of the day. You knew you were probably overreacting, but the way he looked at her with such a loving gaze made you feel sick. He didn’t even look at you with that much compassion, and you were his girlfriend. 
So, you slung your backpack over your shoulders and made your way home. Normally, you would walk with your boyfriend, but not today. It was silent without Tanaka making small comments here and there and laughing. Insecure thoughts filled your mind, and, with no one to distract you from them, you listened.
You listened to every single thought that crossed your mind.
Why were you not pretty enough?
Why did Tanaka love Kiyoko more than he loved you?
Why were you so petty?
Why were you running away instead of talking to him?
Why were you not good enough?
You swallowed the bile that slowly rose in your throat and looked down at your hands that clenched together.
Just get over it. You can’t be better than her. 
A hand placed on your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts. Swiftly, you head diverted to look at whoever touched you right in the eyes. 
“Hey, you’ve been ignoring me since lunch. Did something happen? Why are you walking home without me?” Tanaka let go of your shoulder and raised a curious brow at you.
You weren’t ready to talk to him yet.
Forcing a smile, you looked down at your hands instead of his gaze-his piercing gaze that left you weak and helpless. “Nothing is wrong,” you started, pausing for a second to recollect your thoughts. “I just wanted to get to class quickly after lunch... And I was walking home by myself because I have a lot of homework to do.” You lied smoothly, but of course, Tanaka saw through it.
Narrowing his eyes slightly, Tanaka sighed and tilted his head, “are you going to tell your boyfriend the truth or continue to lie straight to my face? We’re partners- a team- you’re meant to trust me and communicate. Wasn’t it you who said that was important?” His voice gradually got louder with every sentence, his patience wearing thin. 
You looked back at him and opened your mouth, before closing it. Of course, trust and communication is key in relationships but... Your eyes glanced up at Tanaka. Opening your mouth again, you spoke, “It’s just...” You started and licked your lips, taking a deep breath, “You seem to be close with Kiyoko. Very close..” You whispered the last bit, but he still caught it. 
Clenching his fists, Tanaka frowned, “well excuse me, but she’s been my friend longer than I’ve dated you. I don’t see why it’s an issues now.” His voice was firm and loud, making you shrink into yourself.
“I get that, I do. But you can’t just get all close like blushing and tucking her hair behind her ear when you’re in a relationship.” You tried to reason with him. Yes, you know they were friends longer than you and Tanaka had been in a relationship and you respected that. That was why you never mentioned anything before. 
Tanaka made a ‘tch’ sound and took in a deep breath, glaring down at you. Like this, he looked like an alpha- strong, in charge, dominant. In normal circumstances, you might’ve blushed or even squirmed, but in this situation, all you felt was your fight or flight impulse going crazy. “Well I’m sorry, but just because you’re insecure about yourself doesn’t mean you can be a selfish bitch! Grow up (Y/n)!”
That was what made you snap.
“Excuse me!? Tanaka, you told me to communicate and so I did, but when I do my opinions and feelings are immediately shut down!? I’m not saying you can’t be friends with Kiyoko! You can! Just please don’t keep touching her intimately because it makes me think you’d rather be with her!” You shouted back.
Letting out a deep growl, Tanaka leaned over you with a menacing glare and quickly lifted his hand, which made you flinch violently and close your eyes tightly, lifting you arms to shield yourself. 
Snapping out of his rage, Tanaka’s eyes widened.
You flinched. You flinched at him.
Did you seriously think he was going to hit you? 
Taking a shaky breath, he gently placed a hand on your cheek, which made you flinch more and slowly open your eyes to look into his. Your eyes held nothing but pure fear. You couldn’t help it- Tanaka was big, strong and intimidating. Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes.
“Please don’t look at me like that, baby.. I’m sorry.. I’ll never hit you.” Tanaka whispered softly and pulled you in for a gentle hug. “I’m so sorry I scared you like that..” He murmured lightly.
Shakily, you took a breath, letting your tears slip down your cheeks. “Ngh.. ‘M sorry I annoyed you Tana...” You whispered softly, crying into his shoulder. “’M just... Scared. Kiyoko is beautiful and has the best personality and I’m just... Me.” You admitted, finally calming down when you realised that Tanaka would never ever hurt you, no matter how much you angered him.
Tanaka’s eyes softened and he gently stroke your hair. “Exactly. You’re you. That’s why I love you, baby.” He whispered gently and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
Slowly, you leaned into his touch more, “Okay...”
Tanaka sighed gently, “I didn’t realise I was being too touchy with her, but I’ll stop for you baby. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled weakly back.
“Icecream?” He asked.
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You always knew volleyball was his passion. It was his everything, and you respected that. 
Still though, when you became his girlfriend, you thought that maybe you’d at least tie with volleyball in importance. However, you soon realised three months into the relationship that what you believed didn’t seem to be the case. In fact, it seemed as if you were more of a chore for Ushijima than something he enjoyed spending his time on. 
Eventually, it all got too much.
You watched him practise from the side-lines, frowning since he barely even glanced at you, let alone said hello. Of course, you didn’t mind. He was focused on practising, so it would make sense if he didn’t acknowledge you.
Ushijima paused his practise to get a small drink and you took this opportunity to encourage him and drop off his lunch since he had a tendency to forget his. “Ushi, you’re doing so-” You started, but was soon cut off by your blunt lover.
“(Y/N), can’t you see I’m focusing right now? I’ll talk later, but right now volleyball is all that matters. You’re irrelevant right now.” He retorted swiftly, before shrugging you off and going back to practise his spikes. 
Biting your lip slightly, you swallowed thickly and looked down at your feet in shame. Those words hurt, even if they weren’t the most aggressive. Maybe he did only see you as a burden. The thought made you shiver and deepen your frown. The last thing you wanted was to hold your boyfriend back, even if it hurt you. Taking one last glance at Ushijima, you set his lunch down by his bottle and turned away, hiding the tears in your eyes by looking at the ground. 
It felt as if someone was squeezing your heart in your chest, and a lump soon formed in your throat. You choked on a sob and headed home, turning off your phone completely. 
Once you had reached the comfort of your house, you collapsed on your bed and sobbed silently into a pillow, curling tightly into a small ball. 
You were unsure as to how long you had been crying for, but you soon awoke from a slumber when you felt the bed dip and a large arm wrap around your waist. Biting your lip, you turned your head to come face to face with Ushiwaka. “Ushi...” You whispered quietly.
“My love, you have been crying. Your eyes are red and puffy.” He stated and frowned lightly. “What happened?” The male gently brushed his thumb against your hip, caressing it tenderly.
Tensing up, you sat up and pushed his hand away lightly. “Ushijima..” You started and looked down, clenching your fists together. “Is volleyball really that important to you..?” You whispered out, barely loud enough for him to hear.
The brute frowned and also sat up, narrowing his eyes slightly, “(Y/N), why are you so annoyed over my passion?” He asked and let out a scoff. “What, are you jealous of a ball? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?” Ushijima’s voice raised slightly, but he soon shut up when he noticed you flinch and sink deeper into the bed. 
You avoided eye contact from your lover and gripped the sheets tightly in your hand, “’M sorry..” You whispered out as tears filled your vision. “Maybe I am being ridiculous.. I just think that...” You choked on a sob. “That you’d be better off with someone else. All I seem to do is hold you back from doing what you love. ‘M just a pain..” Hurt filled your voice and you swallowed thickly.
Ushijima’s eyes widened slightly and he frowned, gently taking your hands into his large ones. “Darling... You are all I want. I am sorry if those comments I said earlier made you feel insecure, but I truly do care for you. You are the only person I want in my life.” Gently, he placed his forehead on yours and kissed away your tears. “You are anything but a pain, my love.”
Looking into your boyfriend’s eyes, you smiled lightly and pressed your lips against his delicately. “You’re forgiven, Ushi..”
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brelione · 4 years
4 times the pogues interupt you and JJ+ the 1 time you get to be alone.
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Request:Hi!! Could I please request a fic with JJ? I was thinking “4 times the pogues interupt JJ and y/n’s alone time. And the 1 time they get to be alone. Maybe some smut if you are comfortable with that❤️ I hope this request make sense haha❤️❤️
Warnings:Smut,not proof read.
It had taken JJ a year and two months to finally get you to like him.Flirting with you at parties, making sure not to look in the direction of any other girl and stealing you candy bars.
You began to see him everywhere, at the beach where you went to collect seashells,sometimes coming up next to you and asking if he could help you collect them.He would show up at the coffee shop you worked at, a big grin on his face when you’d roll your eyes.
That eye roll eventually turned into an equally as happy grin, preparing his iced coffee for him before he even ordered it.You were a kook which meant he had to work extra hard.You werent one of the rude, stuck up kooks that were disgusted by pogues.
That was what originally made him so attracted to you.It wasnt until six months of not hooking up with any tourons, only talking about you that the pogues realized how serious he was and decided to help him out on his mission to get you to like him.
They didnt exactly like you,mainly because you were a kook but at the end of the day they really just wanted to see him happy.If another boy was flirting with you John.B would come up and start talking to the boy,most likely knowing him.JJ would then swoop in,offering you a gummy worm and asking how you were.
And now that he had finally got you he wanted to enjoy every moment he had with you.It took three months of the two of you dating for The Pogues to finally like you.It wasnt you yourself that Kiara didnt like, it was the fact that she had walked in on you and JJ.
JJ had you under him, your hands pinned over your head, his lips moving against yours as he grinded against you,trying his best not to start moaning.He chuckled at your quiet moans, kissing your forehead lightly before moving down to your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin and sucking at the flesh.
 “I love you.”He muttered,unbuttoning your cropped,flowy white shirt.You bit your lip as he began to leave kisses down your chest,holding your wrists down with one hand,using the other to unclip your bra and pulling it off of you completely,leaning back to admire you.
 “You’re so pretty, how did I get you?”He asked softly, still not understand.You grinned,slowly pulling your wrists from his grip.He let you, not forcing them to stay there.You leaned up,kissing him. “Because you’re fucking fantastic, even if you are a whore.”You giggled,kissing the tip of his nose.He squinted,pushing you back down.
 “Oh, youre gonna pay for that.”He smirked,licking a stripe down your chest,approaching your underwear. “JJ...please.”You pouted, watching as a smile tugged at his lip. “Its cute when you beg.”He licked his bottom lip,the skin staying between his teeth as he quickly looked you up and down,pulling off his shirt so you two were equal.
He sighed,about to tug on your underwear when Kiara opened the door,freezing when she realised what was going on.JJ threw a blanket over you, shouting for his friend to get out.Kiara closed the door,hand over her mouth. “What?”Pope asked, confused.They had just told her to go see if the two of you wanted to join them when they went surfing, not understand why Kie was so embarrassed. 
“I just saw shit that I never thought id see.”She whispered in disgust.JJ pulled the blanket off of you, laughing. “Oh my god.”You covered your face with your hands, feeling like you were about to cry. “I guess we should see what they want.”He frowned,getting his shirt back on,handing you your bra and shirt. “We’ll finish this later.”He winked at you,stepping out of the room.
Kiara never shut up about that,always finding ways to bring it up. “You guys are so gross.”She laughed, sipping her beer.JJ shrugged, not really caring as he threw his arm over your shoulders, pulling you close to him. “Shut up….”You grumbled,leaning into JJ’s touch. “You guys were going to do it while we were here!That’s so much worse!”She laughed, almost dropping her beer.
You looked down at your boyfriend,able to feel his boner even through yours and his pants, a grin on your face. “You’re so hard.”You leaned down to kiss him,squeezing his jaw. “Of course, pretty girl.You always make me hard.”He replied,his hands wresting on your hips. 
“Do I?”You questioned him,kissing his neck.He nodded,his hands slipping under your shirt and onto your waist,holding you against him.He closed his eyes so he could enjoy the feeling of you against him,your warm hands tugging at the hem of his shirt,pulling it off of him.
You gulped,staring down at his abs.You had seen him in swimsuits and his boxers but looking at him always amazed you.He was built like a renaissance statue or perhaps even a greek god.You pulled off your own shirt,watching his eyes widen and jaw drop.
Your body always amazed him despite seeing it dozens of times.He kissed your collarbones,moving down to your cleavage to leave kisses and hickeys,a smile on his face as he bit at your skin lightly. “You think they’ll hear us?”You asked,suddenly being pushed into the mattress,JJ now on top of you.
He shrugged,kissing you gently. “Just be quiet.”He told you,kissing you rougher this time away,biting at your bottom lip,slipping his tongue in your mouth,tugging lightly at your hair.“God,youre so fucking hot.”He whispered,tugging down your underwear,kneeling at the end of the mattress,beginning the teasing.
Licking a stripe through your fold,moaning when he tasted you.He let you place your hands in his hair,helping him set a good pace,trying to hold back your moans. “So pretty…”he whispered,watching your reaction as he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
You could feel the cold metal of his rings inside of you,the sensation odd but good. “JJ.”You whispered,needing more than just his fingers.He grinned at your eagerness,unzipping his pants.
Everything was fine until Pope burst in the room,screaming in horror before slamming the door,making loud gagging sounds. “Are you serious?”JJ yelled,huffing.You groaned,tired of this happening,hiding yourself under the blankets,allowing Pope to ask the question that he had come to ask in the first place.
 “Um...do you guys want to split a pizza with us?”He asked,embarrassed. “Really?That was the question that was so important?”JJ asked,becoming annoyed with every second that passed.Pope assumed that you guys wanted to split the pizza,closing the door again. 
“Maybe you should just come over my house.”You muttered,running your fingers through his hair.He chuckled,looking up at you. “yeah?You might love me but your rich ass parents dont,didnt they try to set you up with Topper?”He asked,remembering you complaining about it a couple months back.
You sighed, knowing that he was right.You knew that your parents would be gone for the weekend next week,a small grin on your face. “I mean...they’re going to the mainland next weekend.You should come over.”You suggested,watching a smile come across his face. “Next weekend you’re going to have the best night of your life.”He promised,excited.
Later that night after eating some pizza with the pogues you decided to tease JJ a bit.They decided that they wanted to get icecream,the five of you loading into the van to go to the icecream shop.You obviously sat on JJ’s lap as usual,his head on your shoulder,his hand creeping onto your thigh,squeezing lightly.
 “When we get back…”He whispered into your ear,smiling when John.B parked in the icecream shops parking lot,all of you getting out and ordering your icecream.JJ got his usual,a pineapple orange sundae with rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream while you decided on the green tea honey comb cream.
JJ was appalled by it,not understanding why you enjoyed it so much.He felt your hand on his thigh as you talked to Kiara,the two of you talking about the horrors of climate change.He didnt think anything of it at first utnil you began to palm him through his pants,unbuttoning them before pulling down the zipper.
As much as he hated the power you had over him he didnt want you to stop, wanting to see how far you’d go.He watched you eat your icecream,licking some of the melted dessert off the side of it.He shifted, gulping.You probably werent even trying,the thoughts mixed with your hand becoming too much for him when you suddenly pulled away,his eyes widening.
When you guys got back to John.B’s it was pretty dark,Kie,Pope and John.B deciding to have a fire while you and JJ decided to go to bed.He pressed you up against the door,glaring at you. “Why would you tease me?Did you want me to fall apart in front of them?”He asked,clearly upset by your actions.
You grinned,his hands on your shoulders and pushing you to the floor,on your knees. “Please be good to me,princess.”He requested,unbuttoning his pants,letting you tug them down along with his boxers,taking him in your mouth. “shit…”He whimpered,his hands going to the back of your head,his cock shoved half way down your throat,moans coming out of his mouth against his own will,eyes clenched shut as he fucked your mouth.
 “Fuck,you feel so good.”He praised you,trying not to be too rough on you,feeling you gag on his length,tears pricking at your eyes.He loosened his grip,worried that he would accidentally hurt you. “Good girl.”He whispered,his liquids spilling down your throat.
You swallowed it,pulling off of him,taking in deep breaths that you had been deprived of.He pushed you back onto the bed,pulling your shorts off of you,peeling off your panties,about to push into you when there was a knock on the door.His jaw clenched,staring down at you. “Fuck dammit.”He got off of you,getting his boxers on quickly.
 “What?”He called out,watching you hide your lower half under the blanket,scrolling through your phone casually. “Uh….do you wanna come to the fire with us?”He asked you guys, looking between the two of you.JJ shrugged,pulling on a pair of pajama pants,telling POpe you two would be out in a moment,handing you your underwear and shorts. “Cockblocks.”He muttered.
He was becom ing excited for the weekend that your parents would be gone,thinking of all the things he could do to you in one night.You two had never gone past blowjobs,fingering and hit eating you out no matter how often you tried.
He had never even been inside your bedroom before,nervous for a new location.He wasnt sure how often you had had sex or how much dick you could take,sure that it was fine and he’d figure it out that weekend.The morning after the fire he had turned on his side,wrapping an arm around your waist,placing sloppy,wet kisses along your neck,earning a giggle from you. 
“I love you.”He smiled,kissing your cheek.He groaned when John.B knocked on the door,telling you guys it was time to get up and get ready to go on the boat.JJ grinned,remembering what day at was,knowing he’d be able to take his time with you tonight.
The day took forever to pass,both of you becoming more and mor excited as the hours passed,finally getting to the dock that was attached to your backyard. “See you guys on Sunday.”JJ grinned,taking your hand and getting on the dock,seeing the confused looks on his friends faces.
They chose to ignore it,waving by to you guys and going off,creating ripples behind them.You and JJ were giggling quietly,finally getting inside your empty house,seeing three hundred dollars on the kitchen counter for dinner.
He licked his lips,glancing around the large room,seeing two staircases that lead to the same doors.You held his hand,leading him up the stairs,through the first set of doors,down one of three halls to your large bedroom.
The walls were white but covered with posters,photos and canvases,your bed was queen sized and made not too long ago from the looks of it.He saw your desk and your large tv on the wall,your closet and your little tray of plants. “What?”You asked,beginning to take off your shirt only for him to stop you,taking it off himself instead. 
“Nothing.”He answered,kissing you gently.He backed you up,pinning you to your bed,knowing that you probably wouldnt be up for a good couple of hours.He placed delicate kisses down your neck,pausing to pull off his own shirt.
He went slow,glad he could finally take time to enjoy the experience,knowing the pogues wouldnt walk in this time. “How far have you gone?”He asked,realizing he had never asked before. “Ive done it once or twice...never good though.”You admitted.
He grinned,unbuttoning your pants. “I’ll be good.”He started by sucking on you clit,hearing your moans.He was determined to make you finish at least once tonight,pushing his fingers inside of you,moving them quick.
Your moans were loud,not holding back now that the two of you were completely alone.He grinned,continuing to suck on you,curling his finger inside of you before adding another,commenting on how absolutely soaked you were. 
“Good girl.”He whispered,feeling you clench around his fingers,your fluids leaking out all over his fingers,a satisfied smile at his face now that he accomplished his goal,setting a new one for himself,licking his fingers clean.
 “JJ-please,I cant wait any longer.Please,just fuck me.”You whimpered desperately,feeding his confidence.He was quick to pull down his pants and boxers,just as desperate as you were. “Are you ready?”He asked,his elbows on either side of your head,lining himself up with your entrance.You nodded,trying not to look down,knowing you’d moan at the sight.
He kissed your forehead,pushing into you and reaching spots that had never been touched before.Your nails dug into his back,scratching angry red lines. “You okay?”He asked,realizing how deep your scratches went.
You nodded,urging him to keep going.He pulled out half way before plunging back into you,fingertips pushing into your hips,probably going to leave bruises the next day.You moaned with every thrust,his thumb rolling over your clit,making figure eights,biting his lip at the sounds of your loud moans,trying not to cum before you.
 “Gonna cum for me?”He asked,pouting when you shook your head. “Cant.”You answered,not quite there yet but you could feel yourself getting close.He chuckled,speeding up,grabbing the head board,his knuckles turning white by how hard he was gripping it,feeling you clench around him,moaning at the feeling. 
“You’re so good.”He praised you,continuing his thrusts but you werent complaining,still wanting more. He came inside of you,the wetness of both your fluids only making him go faster,grunting as he tried his best to hit your g spot every time,obsessed with the way you felt. “So tight….I wish I had come over sooner.”He kissed you again,gentle and soft unlike his thrusts.
 “I love you.”You bit down on his collarbone,making him smile. “Love you too.”He replied,thrusting into you one more time before you came undone for the third time that night,him following close behind you. “Round two later?”He asked,laying down next to you.
@nas-marie-loves-u​ @28cnn​ @sexytholland​  @yuxsh06​   @ifilwtmfc​  @cherryobx​ @poguestarkey​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​  @poguestyleskye​ @judayyyw​  @sunwardsss @meaganjm​ @sarcasticsagittarius1998​ @jj-fic-recs​ @homophobicclownmoviestan​ @jj-iz-bae​ @natalie-kate-98​ @negativity4you​ @nxsmss​ @ofmaybankheart​ @broken-jj​ @joshy-obx​  @curroptbunnie​ @outerbnx-stiles​ @angelreyesgirl100  @hannahhh-marie​ @outerbongs​  @copper-boom​  @httpstarkey​ @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl​  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee​  @on-socks-off​  @abbiesthings​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless
If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.If you’d like to be tagged in all Kelce content coment with a “>” and if youd like to be tagged in all Topper content comment with a “%”.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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riordanuniverse · 4 years
Percy and Estelle Sibling Headcanons🥺
When Sally and Paul are busy, Percy happily volunteers to pick up or drop off Estelle from/to school.
Sometimes when he picks her up, he blasts the radio loud enough for everyone to hear. Estelle gets embarrassed and annoyed so she looks down. Eventually she gives in and has epic singing/dance off’s with Percy
When Percy picks Estelle up from school, he rolls the window down and shouts her name numerous times, even if she’s with her friend group.
If he sees her with a boy he isn’t too protective. But as soon as they walk away he gets close and whispers: “What’s his name? Is he nice?”
Percy let’s Estelle sit in the passenger seat, even when Sally clearly says not to because Sally allows it.
When Estelle has had a bad day, Percy sits outside her bedroom door and talks to her, unless she lets him in.
Their spot is an icecream parlor that they are well known at. The worker knows their usual order, and has it ready for them sometimes.
When Estelle is young, and Sally is busy, Percy tries his best to get Estelle ready, but he has hard times doing her hair. Eventually he gets it done—after calling Annabeth to come and help him.
When Estelle needs to go to bed, she asks him to tell her about his adventures on quests. Percy ends up laying in bed with her, telling her about Camp Half-Blood, and all the places he’s seen for hours. Sometimes when Percy is telling his stories, he doesn’t realize that she’s already fallen asleep. So he tiptoes his way out the room, doing his very best to make no noise.
Percy was the one to teach Estelle how to swim. Percy uses his powers to make sure he wins every splash-off. When they go to the local pool, Percy usually gets mistaken as Estelle’s father and the ladies often flirt with him and think he’s a young, single father to an adorable little girl. But when Annabeth tags along, she LETS THOSE GIRLS KNOW THAT PERCY IS HER MAN. HER. MAN.
When Estelle gets older and she wants to get into makeup, Percy is her test model. She always manages to snap a picture. “ESTELLE GIVE ME THAT—“ Percy always says.
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sinerelynarnia · 4 years
Fighters To Lovers (1)
~Aaron Pevensie, the sibling who stayed in Narnia, the one who’d rather fight in a war and die with honor then sit in school and learn about a war without fighting in one, infected with a curse, causing her to live forever, becoming the burden to herself and never loving again
Word Count- 1653
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I roamed around the castle that still stood, on a good day, smiling at the animals who walked around, and making my way down to the kitchen.
“Princess Aaron,” I voice behind me caused me to jump, I turned around and looked at a short dwarf named Nubbles said standing in the kitchen. “You’ve been requests by the centers for a meeting, they’d like to talk about Telmarine and what the rumors are about,”
“It’s Aaron, i’m no princess,” I chuckled grabbing the ice cream out of the freezing and turning back around. “but yes i’ll be there, thank you,” I smiled walking passed him and back up to my room.
“Aaron!” Nubbles called out chasing me. “The rumors are getting worse!” I stopped walking and turned on my heel. “The queen is pregnant, this’ll start a war if things get to out of hand, you need to say great things, keep your people under control,” 
“I understand Nubbles,” I huffed shaking my head. “Peter was better at than I ever was, if there will be a war then so be it, i’ll be fighting alongside my people!” I shouted getting angry and turning back on, jogging up the stairs to my room and shutting the door.
“Princess Aaron of Narnia, the noble warrior,” A familiar voice was heard, Aslan stood in the middle of my room.
“Oh dear how i’ve missed you!” I yelled placing my icecream down and running, wrapping my hands around his mane and hugging him tightly. “Tell me what to do, i’m not my siblings,” I whispered.
“Aaron, you know what to do,” Aslan whispered in my ear. “You're a warrior, but you also see yourself as a burden, you do what your heart feels right, not your head, you’re your own,”
“But Aslan,” I mumbled letting him go, he was gone in a blink of a eye. “I hate when you do that,” I huffed standing back up from the ground. “But your right, your always right you are,” I tossed my icecream back onto my dresser, knowing that someone would come to deal with it later. Pulling out a long blue corset and dress to match.
“I could do your hair Princess Aaron,” One of my maids Liana said, quickly picking up the ice cream, sooner then I thought. “Aaron, sorry it’s just a change, we all forgot sometimes,” She chuckled.
“If you’d like to do my hair, i’ve had a change in heart, i’ll change some things around here, make it better you suppose?” I asked turning around, drapping my clothes over my arm.
“I suppose you should start with that dress, not your color,” Liana chuckled handing the icecream off to another maid and walked over, opening up my closet. “This one will do you just right,” She said turning around, holding a golden corset matching a golden dress. 
“That was a gift from Peter,” I chuckled replacing the dress in my hand with the one Liana had just picked out. “Thank you, i’ll just take a moment,” I said walking into my dressing room and stripping down to just my undergarments. “Do really think Telmarine will start a war, over some misly prince?” I asked Liana, tying my corset, having to much practice with it and learning to have done it myself.
“The rumours have said so, from what i’ve heard it’ll start a rampage in their own kingdom, it’s unbearable there, i’m glad you’ve got things under control here cause every knows their just a mess,” Liana said back making me chuckle.
“How do I look?” I asked walking out of my dressing room and spinning around. “I think I might have tied the corset I bit to tight, but other then that it still fits just as wonderful, just as when they were here,” I smiled, Liana grabbed me and started untying my dress and corset, redoing my work.
“You do look wonderful, breathtaking, any prince would be lucky to have you if you’d just let them,” Liana said making me a bit annoyed. “You’ll have to give them a change eventually, if the king and queen don’t come back, you know what’ll happen,” 
“I know what’ll happen, I’ll have to become Queen, i’m not meant to become queen though,” I huffed, Liana grabbed me stabbing me as I moved around. “I’m a fighter, I fight in wars, I protect Narnia, I don’t rule Narnia, i’m not my siblings,”
“There is rummage outside of Narnia Princess Aaron!” Ruining the moment a fellow guardsman barging into the room, shouting out the news. “You’ve requests i’d tell you if anything has happened, your horse is ready when you are,” He said walking back out.
“The meeting can wait, i’m a fighting remember,” I chuckled putting my hand on Lianas shoulder then quickly walking away, picking the sides of my dress up and running down the stairs, catching up with the guardsmen. “What's going on?” I asked following him and letting me dress hang loose.
“Scavengers and wild animals are roaming around the outskirts of Narnia dearest,” Reepicheep said jumping onto my shoulder. “Long time no see my princess,” 
“Reepicheep,” I chimpled pulling him down into my hands. “Go on forward and check it out i’ll be right with you,” I calmly said.
“Fine princess, like always,” He chuckled jumping down onto the floor and running off. 
“Come on now, i’m ready for action, born ready,” I chuckled jumping onto my white steed and taking off, Reepicheep was long gone and I was followed by two guards at my side. “This is the life i’m talking about, the life worth fighting for,” I shouted raising my hands in the air. “The life I was born to be in!”
“Princess, what are you going to do about Telmarine, rumors spread quickly across kingdoms, the queen is ready to give birth at any moment,” A guardsmen shimmed up as we slowed down to the outskirts of Narnia, just valleys away from Telmarine.
 “There is nothing here my princess,” Reepicheep said climbing up my leg and standing infront of me. “I’ve checked the trees and all, not a sign of any scavengers and wild animals,” 
“What did the report say you two?” I asked looking side to side at the guardsmen. “Get down!” I shouted undoing my Stirrups and falling to the ground, a watched as both my guardsmen were knocked down with force.
“I need to get you out of here princess, it’s a ambush!” Reepicheep shouted jumping down and picking up my hand. “Get up, we need to go now, their coming!”
“Okay okay, just let me think!” I shouted jumping back up and wrapping myself on top of the horse, Reepicheep jumping infront. “Get going, to the valleys!” I shouted tapping the side of the house.
“Are you insane!?” Reepicheep shouted as arrows flew across our heads, landing on the nearby trees. “Your gonna trap them?” He asked.
“Yes, i’m not gonna let scavengers into our kingdom, I can handle it, go back, please,” I pleaded hanging onto the strains tighter as we jumped through the air. “Get my guards back to the kingdom, I promise I can make it back on my own,”
“Princess,” I ignored his pleading, unable to think of a better plan.
“I’m sorry but I must do what I can!” I shouted picking Reepicheep up by his tail and tossing him into a bush. “I’ll be back!” I shouted going downwards into the valleys.
“Stop and we’ll consider killing you quickly,” I heard the Scavengers called out, I smirked stopping my sted and turning around.
“Scavengers are not welcome in Narnia, leave now or forever regret what you’ll make me do!” I shouted at the deformed creatures that stood infront of me. I jumped off my horse, hitting it lightly, sending him back up the hill. “Fine, you leave me no choice,” I smirked taking form and swinging my sword out.
“Kill her, and leave no remains!” A tall skinning headed man shouted, two men walked towards me and I smiled keeping my stance and smirking, letting my heart beat out.
“Kill her,” I mocked stepping forward, swinging my sword, the sound of metal hitting metal wrong. “You wanna bet,” I chuckled swinging my sword, clashing along one of the mens face, quickly turning around, flicking my eyebrows up. I flung my sword forward, puncturing his shoulder and lifting my leg up, as the knights say it’s very unlady like, kicking the man and watching him fall down into the valley water.
“I’m up for more of a challenge, if you’d like sent me a whole army,” I joked winking my eyes. “Was that not entertaining enough?” I asked smirking.
“No but this will be!” The man I had slashed shouted, not reacting quick enough I had felt his blade puncture my stomach, I looked down at the blaid that went right through my stomach and left bloodys.
“This won’t last very long,” I mumbled gripping onto my stomach and falling to the ground. “This was a gift you git!” I shouted weakly kicking his legs, causing him to fumble down in the water.
“Leave her, the Telmarines are coming over here, go!” The leader said, I huffed to myself rolling over and grabbing my sword, holding it in hand. 
“Bloody hell,” I mumbled letting go of my stomach and looking down, my wound was healed and the strain of blood laid on my dress. “Peter would be angry wouldn’t he,” I chuckled getting up with strength and watching a black horse throat my way. “Who are you?” I whispered sprinting into the trees and watching.
“Princess, you nearly gave my a heart attack, never ever do that again,” Reepicheep shouted jumping onto my shoulder. “Are you okay?” He asked not looking at the boy but me.
“I’m fine, come on you found my horse haven’t you?” I asked turning around, my steed laid infront of us eating the grass. “Come on, Scavengers may be the least of my problems,” I groaned hopping onto my horse and bringing myself back to the kingdom.
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kl4us4 · 5 years
AHOY (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Request: Hi do you wanna bless the world with a steve harrington x reader where you're dustin's older sister and y'all are on a mission (like in s3 for example) and you slowly fall in love with each other and dustin annoys you with it?😅 or make a hc instead of all the little things/habits steve loves about you. Thank you🙈❤
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You push the door open to Scoops Ahoy, stumbling back when Erica and her friends storm out. You give her a look of shock as you gesture for her and her friends to walk out. Erica looks up at you, her brown eyes analyzing you and your new clothes. 
“Here for Steve?” She interrogates, holding her icecream in one hand and resting her other hand on her hip. 
“Yes.” You respond, “He is my best friend.”
She just gives you a smirk before shrugging up at you and turning to follow her waiting friends. Shaking your head, you let out a sigh as you walk to the counter. Unbeknown to you, Robin spots you, eyes widening before she turns back to the back room and calls out for Steve.
He’s quick to run out to the front room, hands crossed over the embarrassing uniform that you’ve laughed at him for a thousand times. “Ahoy, Y/N!” He exclaims, giving you a smirk as you laugh at him. 
“Is it protocol to say that every time?” You ask him, as he leads you to a vacant table, leaving Robin to fend for herself. 
“Ha. Ha.” He lets out a sarcastic laugh, leaning back in the booth. “Did you bring it?” He now gives you a serious look.
“I brought it.” You confirm. Pulling out the small book from your back pocket, you place it on the table. Steve grins, his hand moving to grab the book but you slide it away from him. “Not so fast, Harrington.” You state, leaning your elbows on the table and giving him a serious look.
Steve narrows his eyes at you, crossing his arms as he leans forward on the table, closer to you. “Are you going to make me bargain for it, Y/N?” He asks, his voice low.
You tilt your head at him, a small smirk on your lips. “Maybe.” You admit, holding the book up in the air and looking at it. When you lean back and flick through the book, Steve almost sighs at the loss of closeness. “Beginners English to Russian translation... What could you possibly need this for?”
Steve shrugs, his confident facade dropping. “Translating...” He mumbles, “Russian.”
You fire back, “For what?”
“My... cousin is Russian.”
“Boy or girl?” You ask.
“G-boy.” He answers.
“G-boy?” You repeat, raising an eyebrow at him. It’s kind of fun seeing him squirm for an answer under your intimidating glance, especially after how confident he was two seconds ago.
 Steve pauses, looking into your eyes before answering with confidence. But as quick as he answers, you’re there with another question. “Boy.”
“St...an. Stanis.” Steve nods, looking at you closely and examining if you’ve fallen for it or not. 
God, he’s bad at this. He literally almost said his own name. You throw the book on the table, giving him a nod and a fake smile. “Okay, cool!”
His eyes light up. “Really?”
“No.” Quickly, you grab the book from the table, standing and heading for the door as Steve rushes behind you.
“Wait, wait, wait!” He pulls you back by your arm, causing you to look at his gentle hand, “I need that book.”
“Why?” You inquire, giving him a plain look, “And don’t lie to me. Even Eleven knows friends don’t lie.”
He pauses, hearing that dreaded word. Friends. It hasn’t been easy coming to terms that he was in love with his best friend... it took a lot of thinking and talking to Robin. Honestly, Steve never realised how perfect you two were together until after he graduated high school. It took leaving the pressures of King Steve for him to realise he’d be happy if you were the only person in his life. 
“Yeah, alright.” Steve eventually sighs, letting go of your arm, “Well, it is for translating Russian but... Shit, Dustin would kill me if I told you.” He lets out a small laugh before seeing your expression.
“What have you gotten my brother in to now?” You question him, “And why am I out of the loop?”
“Hey, love birds!” Robin shouts, ignoring Steves wide, angry eyes at the term, “Once you have the book, can you do your job, so that I can do mine?” Robin speaks up, shouting across the counter to you. 
“Good to see you again, Robin.” You smile at her, waving a hand. Steve gazes at you fondly, admiring how pretty you look when you’re happy. When you glance up at him, he just laughs awkwardly and shakes his head at Robins comment. “How are you doing?” You ask her as she makes her way to the two of you.
She crosses her arms, a tired expression on her face, “Busy. Russian broadcasts don’t translate themselves.”
“Wha- Russian Broadcasts?” 
“Steve, you told her?!” Dustin appears at the foot of the table, his arms raised as he glares at his friend. “We had a plan!”
“What plan?” You narrow your eyes at Steve. Robin stands there looking at the ground awkwardly.
“Robin told her, I’m an innocent bystander!” Steve defends himself, raising his hands as he points to Robin who just stands there idly before stealing the book and heading to the counter as more customers come in. 
Dustin's eyes drift towards yours as you stare at Steve, eyebrows raised incredulously. Attempting to escape his sister's wrath, he tries to head for the door. “Sit. Now.” You order him. Steve watches you in anticipation, hanging on to your every word, glance, and expression, “You too. Sit down." He does as told, the two boys sit in the booth and you take a seat beside Steve. “Spill.”
“Never.” Your brother says, making you glare at him and Steve steps in.
“You know his walkie talkie thing?” He asks you, moving closer to you in the booth as he lowers his voice. 
“Yeah, annoying as shit and old as dirt.” You nod, ignoring Dustin as he tells you it’s the best thing to ever happen to him.
Steve ignores him too, leaning just a little closer and you frown at him. “Your brother intercepted a Russian-”
“A secret Russian-”
“A - sorry, yeah - Secret Russian Communication,” Steve whispers to you before moving away. There’s a long pause. The two boys await your response with big grins. 
“So?” You ask. Their faces fall.
“So?” Your brother repeats, giving you a look of disbelief, “It’s the communists! We have a chance to figure out what they’re saying, what if we could be heroes, save Hawkins... save America!” When you just stare at him, he turns to Steve, “Told you she wouldn’t get it.”
“Get it?” You repeat, “I get it, I just don’t think a little boy and a... sailor can do much about Communists.”
“Little?” Dustin gasps.
“Sailor?” Steve raises his eyebrows, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat, “I’m clearly a captain.”
“Y/N,” Dustin announces, “This could lead to something big!”
“Which is why you decided to keep this a secret from me?” You wonder, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, like you haven’t kept secrets from me!” Dustin rolls his eyes, earning a confused look from you.
“What are you talking about, Dustin?” You frown at your brother who is getting on your last nerves. 
“Don’t act dumb!” He points a finger at you which you slap away.
“What?” You almost laugh at his childishness.
“You keep secrets from me and Mom!”
“Dustin,” you announce, a smile on your face, “I’m so good at keeping secrets you wouldn’t know if I were keeping any secrets because that’s how good at keeping secrets I am!” You tell him.
“You threw up at our doorstep when you were coming home late at night two weeks ago and you said you had food poisoning from studying at Tammy’s house, but I know for a fact that it was because you were drinking at Steve‘s secret party!” Dustin blurts out. Silence follows. 
You face Steve, waiting for him to look you in the eyes. What else has he told your brother about you? “Thanks.” You smile angrily.
Steve mouths a ‘sorry’ as Dustin continues. “Unless you want Mom to know about that then I suggest you help us, okay?”
Thinking it over, you remember how mad your mom got last time you lied to her about studying with Steve when in reality you went to Carol’s party. And it was such a bust too, boring as shit, definitely not worth being grounded over. If she knows you were drinking, with Steve no less, she’d forbid you from ever seeing him - or the sun - again. 
“Did Camp No Friends teach you how to be so manipulative?” You ask your little brother, watching him as he stands from the booth.
Dustin just lets out a fake laugh, standing from the table and heading to the back room of Scoops. 
“My bad.” Steve tells you, giving you an apologetic smile, “It must’ve slipped.”
“Mhmm, I guess it must have.” You respond, turning to him as you both sit in the booth, “Luckily he doesn’t know about Tommy H’s party, right? Would be a shame if someone-”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Steve holds back a laugh, incredulous that you’d bring that night up, “Dustin would hate me if he knew I kissed his sister.”
You nod up at him, trying so hard to ignore how close his lips are to yours. “Yeah, he would.” You smile, raising your eyebrows mischievously. 
“Alright!” Steve tilts his head at you, pouting his lips, “I’m sorry for not being able to keep my mouth shut.”
“And for getting overly friendly when I’m drunk.” He jokes, making you both laugh before together.
You and Steve follow Dustin to the back room of Scoops, where a very displeased Robin complains about how she had to close the shop on her own because Steve was ‘too busy making goo-goo eyes at Y/N.’
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And now, here you all are. Plus Erica. Looking into a weird metal box. Steve opens it slowly and you all watch with curiosity as cold air flows out of it. “What the hell?” You remark.
“It’s definitely not Chinese food.” Steve states, looking back to the rest of the group, “Maybe you guys should, you know, stand back.” Gently placing his hand on your arm, Steve gives you a serious look before he pulls you behind him. Dustin protests. Loudly. 
“No.” Dustin shakes his head, looking into the box as he stands beside Steve.
The older boy pushes his little friend back slightly, “Seriously, come on, step back.” 
“No,” Dustin repeats, looking up at Steve with a serious expression, “If you die, I die.”
You watch the interaction, letting out a big sigh before stepping from behind Steve, who turns to you. “Not you too, come on, just-”
“You die, he dies, I die.” You shrug, giving Steve a nod before sending a small smile your brother's way. Dustin remains serious, giving you a curt nod back as if he’s some kind of US soldier. You and Steve both share another look before you give him a reassuring nod, mouthing ‘It’s okay’ to him.
 “Okay,” Steve mutters back, looking back to the cold metal. A few noises click as Steve opens the cylinder, pulling it out to reveal... “What the hell?” You and Steve both exclaim in unison.
“What is that?” Robin asks, eyeing the bright green liquid. 
Suddenly, the room shakes, making you grip onto your little brother's shoulders. “Did the room just shake?” Dustin asks, looking to you with wide eyes.
“No, no, no, I’m sure it’s all... fine.” You tell him, looking back to Steve with a less than convincing expression. 
“Booby traps.” Whispers Erica, her face full of fear. It’s a new look for her. The room shakes again. Your head snaps towards Dustin, whose eyes are even wider than they were two seconds ago. 
“You know what?” Announces Robin, moving to Steve and taking the vile from his hand, “Let’s just grab that. And go.” Dustin springs to action, moving to the buttons while you watch as Steve puts the container back. 
Steve turns to you, placing a hand on your shoulder, “You okay?” 
Trying to hide a smile, you shrug, “Yeah, I’m-”
“Which one do I press, erica?” Dustin calls out, his voice filled with anxiety at the fact that none of the buttons is working.
“Just press the damn button, nerd.” She shouts back as Robin places the vile inside her backpack.
“I’m pressing the button!” Dustin exclaims, making erica begin to shout louder. Robin then joins in on the shouting, causing Steve to sigh and examine the panel. The room shakes again, this time a red wall comes down, shielding you all from the exit. 
“What the hell did you do now?” You curse, rushing to see the panel of buttons, some lit some not. More noises. You look around, your heart speeding up as you wait for something else to happen. 
Suddenly, all at once, the elevator begins a descent into God knows where. Robin begins screaming, everyone clings to whatever they can. For Steve, that means you. He wraps his arms around you out of instinct, holding you close to his chest as the wind whips around the elevator. Your hand holds Dustin's as you fall together. 
“Shit, shit, shit!” You curse, squeezing your eyes shut as your free hand grips onto Steve’s shirt. You can barely hear him but you know he’s saying words of comfort as he holds you, trying to steady you two when the elevator suddenly stops. The air is knocked out of your lungs as everyone crashes to the ground. You land beside Steve, one leg over his. Grunting as you sit up, you look around for your brother, whose hand you lost amidst the crash. "Dustin!” You call out, ignoring the pain in your head, “Are you alright?”
“Perfect!” He grunts in frustration, standing up and immediately heading for the still closed door.
“Is everyone okay?” You shout, sighing with relief when you hear a string of yes, “Ugh, thank God.” You throw your head back, closing your eyes for a moment as you catch your breath.
Steve sits up slowly, placing a hand on your thigh to balance himself. He looks down at you, breathing quickly as you lay down. Steve places a hand on yours, “Why do we always get ourselves into situations like this?” He mumbles, eyebrows furrowed as he frowns and rolls his shoulder back and forth. 
“Shit,” you sit up to look at him, “Are you hurt?” Steve just shakes his head but you know he’s lying as he stands up, holding his hands out for you to take. He helps you stand and one of his hand lingers on yours. “Are you sure you’re okay?” you ask him, giving him a harsh look, “I know when you’re lying.”
A small smile makes it’s way to Steve’s lips as he gazes at you, slowly nodding. “As long as you’re alright, I’m alright.”
You look down, knowing your cheeks are probably turning red. “You must’ve hit your head pretty hard.” You smile up at him, raising your eyebrows at his demeanour. 
Steve stands still for a moment, shaking his head before looking up at you. “No, not at all.” He mumbles before gently placing both hands on either side of your face. You feel your cheeks heat up even warmer but you lean into his touch anyways. “Y/N?”
“I, um-”
“Is this really the right time, guys?” Robin inquires, looking between the two of you. “Trust me, I want this to happen more than anyone. More than Steve, even, just so I don’t have to hear him talk about you every shift. But we‘re about to die in an elevator.”
You both pull away from each other and you immediately look to the floor, not meeting Steve or anyone's eyes whatsoever. “Yeah, you’re right,” Steve mutters, shaking his head slightly. He leans towards you, pressing a kiss to your cheek before turning to the group, “So, now what?”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars VII (Harry Potter xFem!Oc)
A/N: Mel’s had a day and she’s ready to finish it.
Words: 2,482
Warnings: None!
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Chapter Seven: The Sorting Ceremony.
Hagrid received all the first years, leading them to a different road than the one the older students were taking.
The path was dark and cold, Mel stayed close to her friends, trying to avoid the freezing air passing through. They were all quiet, nervous.
Hagrid told them Hogwarts was close and as they gave a few steps forward, Mel gasped in unison with most of the kids around her, the castle was better than any of the things she had imagined:
At the very top of the mountain, Hogwarts stood proud, ready for the new school year.
No matter what house they'd put her in, or the type of student she would become, as long as she could stay in that castle she would be happy.
Mel wasn't fond of the dark, so when they climbed inside the boats and sat in groups of four, she convinced Harry to sit next to her so she could hold his hand whenever she felt nervous. Harry acted like he wasn't happy about it, but once they pass through the dark tunnel under the castle, it was him the one who reached for her hand. She smiled smugly but decided to not say a word after they left the boats.
Hagrid found Neville's toad when they landed, and a flight of stairs later, finally gathered at the front door of the castle, they were ready to enter the school.
Hagrid knocked on the door three times loudly, a witch opened it: She looked like a very strict woman, it made her feel the silly and urgent need of fixing her hair and robes before speaking to her.
"The firs'-years, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid.
"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here."
The woman led them inside to a small chamber in front of where the older students were, Mel couldn't believe this was her home for the next few months. McGonagall gave them a short explanation of the sorting ceremony, about the houses, and told them to fix themselves before entering the Great Hall since the sorting would be in front of the rest of the school.
Mel brushed her hair with her fingers and fixed her robes as best she could. She was anxious, what if they sent her to Slytherin?
A flash of light passed in front of her, many children gasped in awe as they lifted their heads and watched the ghosts around them. Ghosts! You could add that to the list of things Mel couldn't wait to read about during her stay at Hogwarts.
The Professor came back and guided them towards the Great Hall, she asked them to form a line a so they did, the young girl felt her hands sweating and getting colder at the same time, she could hardly breathe.
Then the doors opened: She saw a beautiful room with a marvelous night sky as the ceiling. It wasn't the real sky, it was a spell, or so she heard Hermione whisper to the girl beside her. McGonagall guided them to the very end of the room, right in front of the teachers and students, she put and old hat on top of a stool.
Taking her by surprise, the hat started singing.
It sang about the Houses and Mel rolled her eyes in annoyance. She understood that they were important, but this was only making her more nervous. She wished she didn't have to hear about how she needed to be something so specific to belong in each house.
She felt interested in learning and sharing knowledge, but she was also loyal and patient... most of the time, anyway. She recalled when she threw that cake to Dudley, so maybe that was a bit Slytherin-like? She got what she wanted that time... or maybe that was cunning, like Gryffindors...
It made her head spin, she decided that she would sit and wait to be sorted, it was no use to worry about something that she couldn't control.
And so the sorting began, she watched and clapped as the kids sat there a few seconds until the hat shouted their houses to everyone in the room. After Bulstrode got sorted into Slytherin, she heard her name.
"Dumbledore, Mel!"
She heard the people whispering as she reached for the stool.
"I heard her grandfather is a lunatic"
"Maybe she is, too..."
"That Dumbledore girl could get away with anything, is not fair!"
"I bet she's just a pretty face..."
Mel clenched her fists but kept her mouth shut, she had made a promise and she wasn't planning on breaking it. More importantly, if the students really thought that she was going to have it easy because of her Family's name, then she would prove them all wrong. She would surpass everyone, be the best at everything.
The hat covered her eyes as she kept trying to control her temper.
'Dumbledore Girl,' She thought with annoyance, 'I'm much more than a last-name or a pretty face! I can kick their butts anytime in anything they want. And I'll do it the right way. I'm not scared'
"You'll need a whole lot of friends who won't get scared with confrontations then, I can tell you'll be a handful sometimes, a bit too naive if you're not careful, but you'll always fight for what's fair..." A voice said in her head, it was the hat! "I know exactly where you need to be... GRYFFINDOR!"
Mel took the hat off with joy, running towards the table that burst in a loud round of applause and excitement. She sat in front of Lavender, the first Gryffindor to be selected that night. Percy Weasley leaned towards her a shook her hand.
"Congratulations Mel, you must be proud! Same house as Professor Dumbledore..."
She peeked over to the Teachers table and locked eyes with Dumbledore, he kindly raised his glass to her and smiled.
Proud indeed.
Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnigan, and Neville Longbottom were also sorted in Gryffindor and sat in front and next to Mel, she had to wait what it felt like decades for Harry. When it finally happened, the room went silent.
In retrospective, Harry got sorted rather quickly, he barely waited a few seconds. For her right at that moment, it felt like everything was going painfully slow.
Suddenly, the hat announced 'GRYFFINDOR' and her table cheered so loudly, for a moment it felt like it was going to break in half. Harry got to the table and she waited until everyone around got the chance to welcome him, then she stood up from her seat and quietly joined her friend at the edge of the table.
She gave him a small smile and patted his hand lovingly as if saying 'Good job!'
It was Ron's turn now: Gryffindor, like the rest of his brothers. Mel and Harry made sure to clap as loudly as the rest. He sat next to Mel, sighing heavily.
"You'll feel better in a moment," Mel put a hand on his shoulder, "at least now we can actually be awful together, in the same House!"
Ron let out a weak laugh at the same moment that Dumbledore stood up in his place.
"Welcome!" He said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"
Mel gulped, maybe people weren't entirely mistaken when they said he was a little mad.
"Is he – a bit mad?" Harry asked beside her.
"Mad?" Percy answered airily before she could reply, "He's a genius! Best wizard in the world! But he is a bit mad, yes. Potatoes, Harry?"
Mel didn't notice when it happened, but the whole table was packed with food, all types of food, and she wasn't going to miss the chance of trying a bit of everything.
Soon her plate was overflowing with all kinds of things. Mel went for it, hungry as ever.
One thing about her was that she could hardly follow the conversations when she was eating. She'd usually eat quietly until her food was gone, then she'd spend the next half an hour chatting with her mum. Even when Harry was around, not that Harry actually minded since he'd be invested in eating all he could as well.
The food changed to desserts, Mel regretted a bit the decision of eating so much before, cause now she could only pick one thing, otherwise, she would feel too full to have a good night. She chose a glass of icecream with a chocolate eclair.
Now that she was eating something lighter, the girl was able to participate in the chats around her table, except for Hermione and Percy's, it was all about the school lessons. She didn't feel like charging more anxiety to her soul.
She heard about Neville's family and made the mental note of helping him in any way she could, he gave the impression of being soft. Mel knew all about that, she had spent all her childhood protecting Harry from the horrors the Dursleys wanted to force on him so badly through the years.
"Ouch!" Harry jumped on her side, touching his head.
"What's wrong?" Mel asked.
"Nothing?" She frowned, "Glasses, you look pale..."
"Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" He asked Percy, changing the subject.
"Oh, you know Quirrell already, do you? No wonder he's looking so nervous, that's Professor Snape. He teaches Potions, but he doesn't want to – everyone knows he's after Quirrell's job. Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape."
Mel wouldn't trust a man with that type of deathly stare to teach anything dark-related.
Eventually, the desserts disappeared and Dumbledore got up again.
"Ahem – just a few more words now we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. First-years should note that the forest in the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well," He looked over to the Gryffindor table, more specifically, to Fred and George Weasley, "I have also been asked by Mr Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors."
Mel and a few other kids showed disappointment over this rule. How was she going to learn magic if she couldn't practice before and after class?
"Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."
Her stomach sank with the last part, a few kids laughed thinking it was a joke.
"He's not serious," Harry muttered to Percy.
"Must be," Percy replied, "It's odd because he usually gives us a reason why we're not allowed to go somewhere – the forest's full of dangerous beasts, everyone knows that. I do think he might have told us Prefects, at least."
"Let's just stay as far from that corridor as possible," Mel mumbled, shivering at the thought of a painful death.
Before sending them to bed, Dumbledore asked them to sing the school's song. Not many people seemed happy about it. Mel sang quietly, feeling worn out after the day she'd had, and once the Wesley twins finished their own sad tune -which sort of annoyed her, she wanted to sleep!- Dumbledore let them go.
Mel was too tired to start any conversation with her friends, too tired to even gasp or wonder at the sight of Peeves, the school's poltergeist.
The entrance to her common room was behind the portrait of a woman, she wasn't at all surprised when she noticed it moved.
"Password?" She asked.
"Caput Draconis," Replied Percy.
The Prefect directed the kids to their dormitories and Mel silently waved at Ron and Harry, ready to go to bed. However, her roommates thought differently.
Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown sat at the edge of the bed Mel had chosen to sleep in. Staring at her with curiosity, Lavender asked:
"You're a Dumbledore for real?"
"Yes," Mel yawned, "my dad's side..."
"How is Dumbledore as a grandfather?"
"Is he nice all the time? Is he strict with you?"
"Did he give you private lessons before you got your letter?"
"Uh..." Mel found herself unable to answer, she had only heard the first question, "he's not my grandfather, he's my great-uncle"
"That's what he says," Parvati smiled in complicity "but people always said that he treated your father like his son"
"I don't know," Mel felt cornered, "my father died before I could ask him-"
"Well, people also say he didn't know, so it's only Dumbledore who actually knows the truth... have you asked him?"
"I just met him," She replied startled, "and I don't see how any of it should be important"
"It's just that all of us found it puzzling, how he raised a boy that wasn't his, you know?"
"Why would he do that?"
"I think you should go to bed," Hermione appeared at her left, pulling the curtain open, "tomorrow we'll start our lessons and you need to have a full night of sleep. Besides, Mel's life isn't any of your business, is it? You should leave her alone if she doesn't want to talk about it."
Lavender and Parvati glared at Hermione like she had ruined the party but obeyed her anyway. Mel sighed, she pulled the curtain close on her right side so only Hermione could see her.
"Thank you," She whispered.
"I don't like gossip," Hermione frowned, "and those questions were about private matters. I assumed you didn't want to talk about it with strangers."
"I don't even know about it," Mel sighed, "my mum kept everything hidden"
"Well, next time just ignore them," The girl shrugged, "they'll get tired of asking, eventually."
"Thank you," Mel repeated, "we started sort of oddly you and me, back in the train... Do you think we could be friends? It's just, well, I've never had a girl my age to talk to..."
Hermione's expression remained a little grumpy, but she noticed a faint pink on her cheeks when she replied.
"I guess, I could use a friend my age too."
"Brilliant," Mel's smile grew as she watched the girl, "have a good night, Hermione."
"Goodnight, Mel."
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Next Chapter —>
@vampiregirl1797 @tiphareth2018​
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Many Dark Places | Chapter 1
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Pairing: Thor x Reader (Eventual)
Words: 1,363
Warnings: hurt!Reader, trauma/PTSD, references/flashbacks to past torture, emotional and physical hurt/comfort, past and attempted kidnapping, Thor being a darling.
Summary: When cleaning up a camp of dark magicians near the new Asgard, Thor stumbles upon Y/N - the daughter of an Asgardian nobleman, who disappeared before Thor first traveled to Midgard in 2011.
A/N: I started writing this fic pre-Endgame and, as such, it exists in a strange world where they didn't make new Asgard on Earth and also maybe Thanos didn't win? Idk. (Loki's still dead, though. Sorry.)
Betaed by @samsgoddess and @the-soulofdevil
Header by me
Check out Thor's scent!
The raid comes late in the evening.
You can hear the shouts of warriors and the clash of weapons. A deep voice is calling out instructions but you can’t make out any specific words. Just his voice. You can't do anything, really, except kneel in the center of your wagon-cage and try to lift up enough to not irritate the rope burns on your wrists more than you already have. The sounds eventually die down and you can hear distant, muffled conversations accompanied by the tramping of feet around the camp.
The raiders won, you decide sleepily, wondering who they are. Perhaps they're bandits. If so, they'll either keep you as a slave, sell you for cheap, or just kill you. You can’t bring yourself to stifle such a treacherous yearning but nonetheless, part of your heart hopes for the latter.
The lock on the wagon door rattles, startling you from your thoughts and sending your heart racing in a panic. Whoever it is gives up trying to unlock it and you hear the smash of metal against weaker metal. The sound draws an involuntary shudder up your spine and you instinctively try to squirm away.
The door opens, light from torches and the dying fires of your captors spilling into the small space. Silhouetted against the warm light is a huge figure.
“May I take your torch?” he says to a smaller figure that passes, his voice the same timber as the one giving orders earlier. He must be the leader, then. Good. Better to get this over with as soon as possible.
The torch is handed over and the man is lit up, as well as the interior of your wagon. Your stomach knots and you twist your body away before you can stop yourself, a base instinct telling you to cover your nudity despite how normal it's become.
He is handsome, that much you know even after all this time. His strong jaw is bearded and his hair is short, shorn close on the sides and a little longer on the top. He wears armor that seems somewhat familiar to you- in all honesty, all of him seems familiar but your tired and frightened mind can't place him. A long red cape hangs from his broad shoulders and he wields an enormous ax in his other hand.
His eyes go wide when he sees you fully, and he rushes forward to cut your wrists free with a small knife he pulls from his belt. You yank yourself beyond his grasp with a frightened noise, scrambling away until your bare back hits the wall. He steps forward but stops when you try to make yourself seem even smaller. Instead, he crouches- even then he is huge and when he reaches out a hand, you shrink away with a whimper you can't hold back.
The sound seems to startle him and he freezes a second before turning his palm towards you in a placating gesture. Slowly, he sinks back until he sits cross-legged like a child.
“Hello,” he says, his tone soft. In the torchlight, his eyes are warm and endearing. “What's your name?”
What is your name? You stare for a long moment, trying to dredge up memories locked away long ago. They're slow to come but eventually, you find what you're looking for.
“Y/N,” you croak, the word strange on your tongue. Your voice is hoarse from not doing much besides screaming, and it surprises you to find that speaking now hurts. The dark magicians must have liked your screaming, for they never decided to remove your voice as they did to many others who came and went over the years.
“Y/N,” he rumbles, and a tiny part of you likes the way your name rolls off his lips. “Y/N, daughter of Lord Týr, betrothed of Bjǫrn?”
The names are familiar and conjure images of loving smiles and embraces and home, the memories sparking warmth in your chest. You nod.
He smiles at you, sweet and a little boyish. “Do you know who I am?”
You wish you did. His identity is on the tip of your tongue but your mind is sick of digging through the past and refuses to relinquish its hold on the memory. You shake your head.
He doesn't seem hurt. “I suppose it's been many years and I did look a bit different. I am Thor Odinson, King of Asgard.”
Thor. How could you have ever forgotten? He's older- obviously- and there's something in his face beyond age that has changed him- you're not sure what yet. But he is unmistakable.
You curl your arms around your body even tighter, suddenly very aware of your nudity. “My King,” you mouth, digging your fingernails into your biceps hard enough that you're going to find little red marks later.
His smile is kind and welcoming and his hand is still outstretched. “May I come closer?”
You hesitate a moment before giving a small nod. Thor lifts up and scoots a few feet closer as a smaller, more female figure appears in the doorway.
“My King,” she says, silver-grey armor gleaming in the firelight.
Thor throws up a hand to stop her, though. “Not yet, Brunnhilde.”
She huffs, cocking a hip, and you can feel the tense fear creeping through your body again.
“Y/N,” Thor says softly. “Look at me. Don't look at her.”
You turn your eyes back to his face and the tension slips away a little.
“You're shivering,” he observes. “Are you cold?”
Are you? Probably. You weren't paying attention, to be honest.
“Here.” Before you can respond, Thor is unhooking his cape and swinging it around to offer it to you. “You can use this until we can get you something decent.”
You eye the rich fabric a moment before reaching a tentative hand out. Part of you is still afraid it's going to be pulled back, even though you know in your heart that Thor would never be that cruel. As soon as you get a hand on the cape, you dig in and yank it close.
“There you go,” he murmurs, smiling as you cover yourself the best you can in your position. “Better?”
You nod and can feel yourself relax even further.
“Sire, we need to move,” Brunnhilde says, a little impatient.
Thor nods. “We do. Y/N, can you walk?”
You don't want to but it's probably unavoidable, at least for a little while. “Yes,” you whisper, gathering the cape close and beginning to rise. Your feet are covered in tiny cuts, despite the calluses from going barefoot for so long, and you remember too late the damage that was done to your ankle during a particularly brutal punishment yesterday. Said ankle gives out as soon as you put weight on it and you find yourself crumpling with a cry.
Thor is suddenly there, powerful arms encircling your body and supporting you. “No, don't hurt yourself. I'll carry you, if that's alright?”
You nod, fighting the roll of your stomach at his touch. He murmurs soft words, though, as he helps you adjust the cape so it's wrapped around your shoulders and the turmoil in your belly calms.
When you're sufficiently covered, he helps you limp to sit on the edge of the wagon before hopping down himself. Brunnhilde is holding the torch now and Thor is free to loop his arms behind your shoulders and knees and lift you against his chest. You squeak, a little caught off guard even though you knew it would happen, and some bruises protest but you don't voice that. This is considerably better than walking.
“Rest a little,” he encourages as he begins his journey to wherever- you don't particularly care. “We found the dark magicians because they wandered so close to our camp. It's not far. Once there, we'll get you cleaned up, your wounds dressed, some proper clothes, and a place to sleep.”
He continues to speak, both to you and to the warriors who cluster around. His voice rumbles through his chest and into your body, deep and soothing, and you find your eyelids drifting shut.
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Team Forever: @mrswhozeewhatsis @manawhaat @laughing-at-the-darkness @tumbler-tidbits @imsuperawkward @books-and-icecream​ @emoryhemsworth​
Team MDP:
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pinkatron · 5 years
Strange witcher induced dreams
Just had a crazy dream, and since i actually remember it down it goes
I was living with Regis, our house was a mansion, and Yennefer was visiting so was the whole cast and crew. It was about... oh... 100-200 years in the future from where we are now, not so different that it was alien, but there were some fun techologies that were avalible.
We were having a bbq, but it was the tale end of spring and we hadn't gotten the pools ready for swimming yet, minus the hottub. Yennefer and triss went swimming in the big pool anyway, and bitched about it being cold, geralt threw them both into the hot tub. It was a fun night, full of flitting memories and warm feelings. However Regis was pensive, someone was missing, someome important. Eventually when the whole crew drunk themselves into a stupor we went to sleep.
Woke up next to Regis and he was still being pensive, and nervous. Then his assistant called from outside the door that he had to go. He stood up and he was covered head to foot in tattoos. As was I. I helped him dress, told him to have a good day at work and i would be home a bit late cause i was working as well that night, he kissed me and said goodbye. Then i went through and helped the maids clean the house from the bender, eskel and lambert had to leave out early, and triss apparently left out the night previous. I told Geralt and Yennefer they had free run of the house but not to destoy anything, and then i was off to work.
I owned the tattoo shop, and it was confession day. People had realized i was diffrent, and with rumors popping up about vampires and the like i had to let them know i was one. Vampires wern't hidden in this world, most were viewed as a curiosity, and most of us just lived our lives without issues. As i told them i looked up at the TV and Regis was giving a press conference, wearing the same clothes i put on him that morning. He was announcing a new set of nano technology, we had beaten most common illnesses by this point, but the big baddie viruses still existed. Aids and HIV could be brought to a standstill, but they never actually went away, they just lay dormant.
People were living happy lives while sick, but it still wasn't enough. I could feel his nervousness and his shyness and the shake of his breath as he spoke about the technology. This was his baby, somethi g he had been working on for years. I got interupted from watching and realized i had drifted off in the middle of explaining what we were.
I turnred back to my crew and finished up the whole "vampire, don't worry." Which turned into Yes Regis is a vampire.... which then turned into hardy questioning because we were friends with the Mages and witchers. At the end of it, work started, and my small crew was down to tattooing the first clients of the day. There were two booths in the back that were shielded. One was mine, and the other... i looked into it and sighed. It was decorated with goth as fuck everything. But it pinged me with lonlyness.
I tattooed something on someone, not sure what. Kt was on her thigh, and she was dark skinned, and then i sent her on her way, and grabbed the new apprentice we had aquired and told her to come with me cause i was gonna get treats for the shop. She began to pepper me with questions that i actually knew the anwsers to as we walked down the road to an icecream cart.
She wanted to know Regis's past, and i told her he had started out as a medical researcher, then moved up and up, and eventually took over as COO for the small medical research team he headed up. He was noticed and was snipped by a larger conglomerate of medical research companies, and long story short, he was now the CMO of a large conglomerate of medical research and pharmaceutical companies. there has been trouble of course, because the second he became CMO he brought the company back into being private, and in turn bought out the board of directors so he was the only one heading everything, then brought in a new board, and they managed to turn the whole of the medical community right on its face by providing outreach, making things that people needed to live free of cost, and turning to cosmetics to prop the profits to keep the medical end going.
By the end of it i was exausted. I was craving blood. I knew i was because i was looking at the apprentice and really really wishing she would offer me her neck. Instead i ignored it and we arrived at the icecream truck. I was getting ready to order when there was a commotion and i heard my apprentice run off squeeling happily. I thought she had seen a friend.
I heard her shouting "he's here he's back!!!" And i turned and i looked.
It was fucking Dettlaff. He was walking twords me and i dropped whattlever i was holding and i ran to him. I ran my hands across his face, felt his soft shirt under his leather coat, felt the canvas straps of his backpack, and just... this epic wash of relief came over me. I clung to him and he wrapped his arms around me. And stoked my hair.
My ear was pressed against his chest as he began to speak, creating that weird reverberation where it almost sounds like they are spekaing through you. "I am here, i am home. Shhhh. Where is Regis?"
I told him he was annoucing the new drug today and he laughed. I didn't want to let him go. He knew it cause i could feel him in my mind like i could regis. The tattoo booth was his, he was a tattoo artist like me, and he got held up as he was doing a guest spot overseas in europe, where vampires we not quite looked on as kindly. Thats what Regis had been worried about.
I burried my nose in his front and i smelled him, and gods its still sticking with me. Iron, blood, freshly tilled earth on a misty morning, spring honeysuckle and jasmine, and then a true and deeply male musk under all that, that smelled of sweat and hard work... he pulled me close and was kissing the top of my head, and wispering about how he was sorry he was held up. Everything was right with the world once again. I didn't want to leave his arms.
The last thing i did before i woke was tell Regis "he is here, he is home..."
And he sent back
"I am on my way home love."
The last thought i had, as i was pulled up from sleep was "yes home, our home, togeather..." and Dettlaff's arms wrapped tight around me.... and then i woke up.
Fuck dreams like this for giving me a glimse at what I'll never have... arghhhhh
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staybystray · 5 years
This Time, I won’t let go: Update #6
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Description: Chan and Y/N were in a happy relationship, that is until Chan left to start his life as an idol. Leaving everything behind, including Y/N, Chan leaves without a word. Years later Y/N visits South Korea without knowing her lost love was there... what’ll happen once they meet again?
Genres: Fluff, angst, crack
Characters: Chan; Main lead, Felix; as Y/N’s friend, and the rest of Stray kids as side characters
This is a collaboration between the two admins, Admin Lia and Admin Lis
The walk to the mall was awkward, but not unpleasant. The atmosphere was just filled with the tension of two that hadn’t seen each other for years.
Y/N passed many shops that were unfamiliar to her - lots of the stores she had grown used to seeing in Australia simply didn’t exist in Korea.
“You don’t happen to know any stores that stock good quality, cheap clothes around my size?” Y/N eventually asking, after spinning around on the spot for so long attempting to find and familiar names.
“What?” Chan yelled at Y/N, failing to hear over the noise of the crowd even though they were barely a foot apart.
The closest they’d been in many years, Y/N thought with no small amount of nostalgia. Y/N wasn’t about to relive memories in the middle of a busy mall, though, and shouted back at Chan about shops.Chan simply shrugged before spinning around and pointing at a random store.
“Fashion, especially girl’s- ladies,” Chan corrected himself, looking up and down at Y/N who had grown quite a bit over the years, “is not one of my good departments.”
“You have good ‘departments?’” Y/N mock asked, putting air quotes around department because it was a strange use of an English word.
“Of course I do,” Chan retorted, pretending to be put out. “Like rapping, composing, leading, eating, not sleeping-”
“Ah, so nothing worthwhile,” Y/N joked. Chan was about to retaliate but Y/N had pulled out a shirt from the rack.
“Now that would look hot,” he said absentmindedly.
“Excuse me?” Y/N blushed even though years seperated their relationship.
“Uh, like-” Chan tried to cover up his mistake and Y/N decided to forgive him.
“Of course it will look hot, it’ll be on me,” Y/N laughed, earning a playful shove from Chan.
Y/N sighed, remembering when they used to tease each other on a daily basis like that.
Y/N tried the shirt on but found the sizing was different to what she was used to. The next size down seemed to fit perfectly, though. It was a simple, well-fitted black top with half-sleeves that outlined Y/N’s figure.
“Well?” Y/N asked impatiently.
Chan snapped out of his daze. He hadn’t been expecting Y/N to look that hot, even if it was a nice top. Y/N had also chosen some simple denim jeans to wear that came to mid-thigh, revealing Y/N’s legs that were previously hidden by long trousers.
“I mean, it looks good,” Chan muttered distractedly.
“Well I’m glad you think so, because I’m not paying.”
“Felix dragged you here and you have no money, yeah, I get it,” Chan said, rolling his eyes. He didn’t really mind buying Y/N’s clothes since they looked that good.
“I promise I’ll get some money from my parents soon,” Y/N said, knowing that relying on your ex-boyfriend’s wallet wasn’t the greatest idea.
Soon, Y/N and Chan had their arms filled with a few more changes of clothes for Y/N. Chan had grudgingly agreed to buying everything as long as it wasn’t too expensive and that Y/N payed it back later. It was fine with paying Chan back because Y/N would’ve felt a bit guilty if she’d destroyed Chan’s credit card. Just a little.
“Ice cream?” Chan asked.
Soon, both of them were happily licking their cones on their way back to the dorm. Y/N had gone with strawberry, something which hadn’t gone unnoticed by Chan.
“You really are the same,” he said, pointing to the pink icecream. Y/N shrugged, content with making sure the icecream didn’t spill on the clothes they just bought. That would be so uncool on their first not-date for years.
But Chan’s head was racing - exactly how much had Y/N changed?
~ Admin Lia
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smokedstorybara · 5 years
The Completely Unrelated Adventures Of Four People Who Had Nothing To Do With Each Other Beforehand
Book One, Chapter One
First Draft
Everyone in Whiteshoal knows Mia Thomson. Or at least, everyone knows about Mia Thomson.
Her ma and pa separated when I was real young cause he had to travel for his job and then several years back Mia’s ma had an accident at the mine and Mia had to go live with her pa. Nobody’s seen her since till the two moved back into town earlier this year.
Everyone says something’s a little off about Mia Thomson and her pa but whatever it is I ain’t seen it yet.
So when Mia Thomson came to class one monday with a big stack of birthday party invitations I made sure to express how thoughtful she was to invite everyone and assure her that I would most definitely be going. Several of our classmates seemed to change their minds about saying anything, which was a right shame.
I turned from my mixing bowl to see my baby sister Lucy standing in the doorway, her eyes huge and staring at the baking sheet I had out and ready for the batter.
“Yep! A friend’s birthday is tomorrow so I’m baking cupcakes for the party!” I turned back to mixing.
There was a long pause before I heard a quiet “Ok.”
I glanced back at Lucy to see her stare had turned to her feet.
As I poured the batter onto the pan I said “I’ll make some extra just for you, how’s that?” I put the first pan into the oven. “We can have them with our Sunday Evening Icecreams!”
When I looked back again Lucy was grinning brightly.
It was a long walk to the Thomson house, especially carrying tupperware full with cupcakes, but it was mighty pleasant. Mia and her pa lived in a pretty Victorian house towards the edge of town, right across the creek that runs around the town and past my house. I coulda just followed the creek right to it if I weren’t concerned about messing up me and Lucy’s gorgeous frosting work.
When I rang the doorbell there was a shout from inside and the sound of someone running to the door. It swung open wildly to a beaming Mia wearing a bright yellow sundress.
“I brought cupcakes!” I lifted the tupperware higher with a big smile.
“Yesss!!!!” Mia grabbed the cupcakes and stepped aside so I could enter. “So far only Viv, Annie, Mackensie, Jorges, and Andres are here but I’m sure more people will come later!”
“More cupcakes for the rest of us.” I heard Vivian say from the other room.
After closing the door behind me, Mia crossed the foyer to the doorway Vivian’s voice had come from. “Do you wanna have the cupcakes now or wait for more people to arrive?” She turned back to look at me.
I shrugged, “Now’s good.”
As we entered what appeared to be a sitting room, though it was filled with enough books for me to question that, our classmate Jorges called out. “Yes! The later you come the less cupcakes you get!”
Mackensie and Annie giggled.
Andres gave me a sharp and desperate look and I went right over and sat next to him. He sighed, sitting back in the plush old sofa.
“I’m glad you agreed to come!” I whispered to him. He looked down at his hands, even though there wasn’t anything interesting there. “I never see you at any kind of social event.”
His gaze snapped back to me, his brow furrowed in the cute way it always did when I’ve missed something he considers obvious.
“Ever considered you don’t see me cause I don’t go? Because I don’t enjoy them?”
I pouted playfully until he sighed again and looked away to grab us cupcakes.
Over on the other couch the girls were pausing from asking Mia about her travels with her pa to take their first bites of the cupcakes. Jorges was already reaching for seconds, his first shoved firmly in his mouth.
Annie came over and sat on the arm of me and Andres’s sofa while Mackensie called Jorges gross over his eating habits.
“Did your ma bake these? They’re really good!” Annie smiled brightly, holding up the half cupcake she had left.
Andres snorted. “Zack’s ma doesn’t bake.” He stated.
“Oh, Ma bakes sometimes,” I corrected him. “Just not cupcakes!”
“Or cake-cakes, or cookies, or anything worth eating really.” Vivian chimed in from the other couch. “Zack does most the cooking and baking in his family.”
The others all turned to me.
“Really?” Mia asked. “Did you make these? You must be a very good baker.”
I smiled and shrugged. “I mostly just bake pizza.”
“You know how to bake pizza?” Jorges gasped, hand coming up to rest flat against his chest. He then turned to Mia. “Whatever the plan was for dinner can we deviate and ask Zack to make pizza?”
Mia’s grin grew. “I’ve got a better idea! Zack, would you be willing to teach us how to make pizza?” she leaned forward with her hands clasped beneath her chin. “It would be the best birthday present ever! Even better than the time Dad took me to the Parthenon.”
I felt Andres slump further back on the sofa beside me and my smile spread to match Mia’s. “Of course. Anythin’ for the Birthday Girl.”
A couple hours, a complete mess of a kitchen, three pizzas, and a number of conversations later Mackensie had to leave, and then Annie and Jorges.
I was getting ready to offer to stay to help clean up since the party seemed to be over when Vivian beat me to it. Of course that didn’t stop me from offering anyway.
In the end even Andres stayed to help. With the four of us it went much faster than it would’ve with just me and Mia.
I was putting the last stack of cleaned dishes away in the bottom cabinet when I noticed something odd.
Now I spend a fair amount of time in kitchens. I really like kitchens. So I know it ain’t exactly normal for a cabinet’s back to not be the kitchen wall.
There was at least half a foot of difference between the back of the cabinet and where the counter met the wall.
Wondering if there was anything there, I placed the dishes on the floor beside me and knocked gently on the back of the cabinet.
It sounded hollow.
“What are you doing?” Vivian leaned against the counter above me.
“I think there might be somethin’ back here.”
Vivian scoffed. “Yeah, it’s called a wall.” she rolled her eyes with a half smile. “Idiot.”
“No, I mean between the back of the cabinet and the kitchen wall. Come down here and listen.” I waited for everyone to gather around me before knocking again. “That sounds hollow doesn’t it?”
Andres stared, his head tilted slightly. “Yeah… it does.” he said slowly. He reached forward and pressed against the back of the cabinet.
“Maybe it’s some kind of secret door!” Mia looked around at all of us “we should get the dishes out so we can check!”
Me and Andres carefully removed all the dishes and put them up on the counter while Mia started investigating the back of the cabinet.
Eventually we heard a small “fwop” and Mia pulled a section of the cabinet wall out into the kitchen.
We all crowded back around the cabinet to see what was hidden behind the false wall, hearts pounding and eyes wide.
It was a small compartment, not much bigger than a shoebox, covered in dust and cobwebs and empty but for one thing leaning upright against the wall.
We stared in total silence at the large old leatherbound book we’d uncovered.
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brelione · 4 years
Secretly Dating Rafe Cameron
Hi love!! Can you do a hc about reader being Sarah’s best friend and dating Rafe secretly? and also make some smut part🤠 thx love your writing 💖💖
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It had all started one Wednesday during your sophomore year.Rafe was a junior at the time and you and Sarah were best friends.You practically lived at her house.It was so hot out that you were sure you were gonna pass out on your walk home, tying your hair up to relieve yourself a bit.Then Rafe’s truck pulled up next to you. “Get in.”He told you, not saying anything else.You were hesitant but eventually obliged, gripping the handle and getting inside, closing the door.His truck was cold and clean, an air freshener hanging from the ceiling and a low voice coming from his radio. “Sarah told me to pick you up.”He explained, resting his arm and driving with one hand.
He purposely missed a few turns, wanting to enjoy his time with you. “You suck at driving.”You laughed, making him grin.He turned the steering wheel slightly, going criss cross across the empty road. “Oh my god-dont do that!You’ll drive into a tree.”You laughed, gripping his arm in the process.He smiled, reaching for your hand, squeezing it lightly. “Sarah would literally kill me if she saw us like this.”He muttered.You raised your eyebrows, not knowing what he meant by that. “She’s got this rule that I cant date you or look in your direction and stuff.”He laughed, shaking his head.You frowned, rubbing his hand lightly.His heart beat was getting quicker, taking in a deep breath.He had had a thing for you since he was around 14.You had been 13, rolling your eyes at him and taking his hat.That was when Sarah had made the rule. “That’s dumb.”You muttered, not thinking about what you were saying.He pulled over, turning to you. “Is it?”He asked.
It didnt take long for you to end up on his lap, hands in his hair as he squeezed your thighs.You pulled away, taking in a deep breath. “We gotta get going, Sarah’s gonna get suspicious.”You told him, biting on your bottom lip before moving over to the passengers seat.He was panting, not used to girls taking control.He tried to fix his hair, reaching into the back seat and grabbing a hat instead, putting it on backwards before continuing the drive.
He texted you everynight, giggling at his phone.He was just lucky that you slept over so much.
He’d sneak kisses when Sarah was busy or in the bathroom, winking at you throughout the day.You’d wait until Sarah was asleep to go into his bedroom.
His hand was over your mouth, whispering in your ear. “We cant have Sarah catching us, can we?”He asked, thrusting into you.He smiled when you moaned against his hand, pulling out almost all the way before pushing back in, tugging at your hair with the other hand.You grinned, getting an idea.You wrapped your legs around his waist, managing to get him under you.He stared up at you with wide eyes, not understanding how you had managed to do that.He went with it, gripping your hips and guiding you along his shaft, letting out low moans and grunts.You placed your hand over his mouth, raising an eyebrow at him. “What?”You asked.
Dates were difficult since you were at Sarah’s most of the time and Rafe got questioned whenever he left the house
But you guys made it work, the two of you sneaking out to go to the beach or to an icecream shop.He loved planning things, picking you up from school on one of the days that Sarah had Environmental club, taking you right to a small hidden beach he had found. “So I heard you’re a good surfer.”He grinned, pulling out a surfboard from the back of his truck.
He made you spend your day trying to teach him how to surface, holding onto your shoulders. “I hate you.”You laughed, hugging him.
He loved sleeping over your house, letting you paint his nails and doing face masks with you.
He loved taking baths together at your house, putting in bathbombs and rubber ducks and laughing as you put bubbles on his head.He loved when you’d put shampoo in the palms of your hands and massage it into his scalp, getting behind his ears and the back of his neck covered in rainbow suds.He laugh when you’d get bubbles on his nose before grabbing a plastic cup and filling it with water, shielding his face as you poured it over his head to rinse away the suds.He’d do the same for you, conditioning the ends and helping you shave when you were feeling particularly lazy.
Eventually Sarah noticed that something strange was happening.Rafe’s hair wasnt gelled back anymore and he seemed all giggly and on cloud nine all the time, smiling at his phone and leaving the room to take phone calls.But she also noticed how different you were acting, wearing your hair down to cover your neck and always grinning at your phone.She didnt know what was going on, only that it was weird.
It wasnt until a month after she had noticed a change that she finally caught you guys.
It was 4:30 in the morning, you and Rafe had snuck down into the kitchen.You were sitting on the counter, legs wrapped around his waist as the two of you shared a pint of ben and jerrys icecream.He grabbed the can of whipped cream, making a small mountain before getting some on his finger, booping you nose. “You’re so mean.”You giggled, unaware of Sarah standing in the doorway. “YOU CANNOT BE FOR SERIOUS!”She shouted, not believing the sight in front of her.
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rmjagonshi · 6 years
Visions of HeartBreak Past
On AO3
It was almost done, Soos was finishing up the last few stitches before they let the thing into the air. If he could pull this off, he might actually get more customers into the Mystery Shack. There might actually be an upside to this ‘Woodstick’ Festival yet. He’d seen the way these kids spent money – heck, some of them were adults not that much younger than him – and with any luck, he might just be able to top off the budget for this month. He was short on the utilities payment by a good three-hundred-bucks. If there was one thing he never counted on, was that his brother’s dumb sci-fi portal mess drove the electricity bills further up the ‘dear god why’ charts. He does kinda feel bad for the kids; he’d had to come up with some lame-ass old man excuse for never turning on the lights or air conditioner during the day. He’d make it up to them…somehow…maybe. He sighed.
If he was gonna pull this off, he was really gonna need to prepare the kids for the eventuality of their entire world upending. But for now, he just needed to advertise. And the balloon was…abso-fucking-lutely not like he had anticipated. It was a fucking horror show, looked nothing like the blueprints and very much like what he saw in the mirror every morning. Although, Soos’s comment that the nose looked like a sausage and that it reminded him of the story that his Abuelita told him about a couple who find a genie and they fight over the wishes and one ends up with a sausage for a nose, kinda made it better. Soos was a good kid – er, man. Man-kid. Stan was sure he didn’t deserve the kindness and loyalty that the man gave him. He was honest enough with himself to admit that he’d used that unwavering loyalty to his advantage a few times.
Stan gritted his teeth in frustration at his own mind. Everything came back around to that, didn’t it? Everything he did, every time he felt even the tiniest bit of happiness, it all had to circle back and remind him that he was a sad, tired and despicable old man that didn’t deserve the friends and family he had. Hell, until the kids came, he didn’t have any family to call his own. But…maybe, just maybe, after all these years, he could do something right. Be less of a fuck-up. Which brought everything back to the hideous hot-air balloon that he was beginning to doubt was a great idea. He took another look at the blue prints and tried to make sense of the horrid scribbles he had jotted down in the margins when the sound of a lot of hot air being released into the night sky caught his attention.
“Wuh-oh. Mr. Pines. Think we got a problem.” Soos gestured to the ripped seam up near the balloon’s fez. Sure enough, the patchwork fabric they’d used to make the fez was flapping wildly as the hot air trapped in the misshapen balloon escaped with force, threatening to burst adjacent seams with every second. Well, shit. It would take a good hour for Soos to deflate the balloon, repair the damage and get it back up and running. Why is it that everything always had to go wrong? Why couldn’t one of his plans go off without a hitch? Just one? Oy!
“I’m on it Mr. Pines! I’ll have this balloon fixed in a jiffy. Now, what lever turned off the do-hicky again?” Make it two hours until Soos figured out how to fix this. He should probably scope out the venders and see what the young people were spending their money on. I couldn’t hurt to expand the gift shop merchandise to include things his new customers were actually interested in buying.
“Hey, Soos, I’m gonna go walk around, scope out the competition, ya’know. Figure out what these kids are into.” Or he really just needed to walk around and think and didn’t need Soos to pick up on it. As oblivious as the kid was, he always had a knack for knowing when Stan was moping around. It seemed every time, without fail, that he was feeling particularly depressed, he would open the door to see Soos standing there with cookies, or breakfast, or something sweet his grandma had made, or some kind of ‘Boss Appreciation’ gift. While he adored the boy, sometimes, he just needed to stew. He was sixty for Pete’s sake, he was entitled to a few days where he could just be a sad and grumpy old man. He’d earned it.
“Sure, Mr. Pines.” Soos had already started flicking levers and pushing buttons on the engine. Stan shrugged, Soos was the better of the two at figuring out how it worked anyhow. What harm could it do? He turned and walked back to the rows of venders all in pavilion style tents. All the venders were shouting and trying to attract customers, showing off their products and…what was that? Giving out free samples!? And the kids were eating it up! How the heck can they make any money by just giving stuff away? Oh sure, keep the t-shirt and caps for full charge, but give the stickers away for free.
Stickers are where he made most of his money! People were rubes, but some of them were pretty price savvy. Show’em a t-shirt with cheap cloth that will fall apart after five washes and tell’em it’s twenty-five bucks, they’ll laugh in your face and keep their wallets tightly closed. But show them a cheap key chain or sticker and tell them it’s a buck or two, they eat it up. They buy five, one of each variety. Paint one shipment gold and call it “special edition” and charge an extra buck, they buy the whole stock. Have a stack of postcards that got wet and the ink warped during the last storm because the roof leaked? Sell them as prints of a hand painted scape of Gravity Falls and double the price. People were absolutely stupid when it came to money if you just nickel and dimed them with special editions and ‘one of a kinds’.
But he wasn't here to boat to himself about how much better a con-artist he was. He was here to figure out what the young people of today were spending their money on. The further he walked, the more food and drink stalls he came across. Okay, so having a food truck on site might be a good idea. He’d done that with the fair he’d put on at the beginning of the summer. Didn’t he make a lot of money that day? Honestly he can’t remember much – he does the fair every year to replace the county fair that the town can’t pay for anymore, and it breaks even most years – all he remembers is sitting in a dunk tank for the afternoon and bleeding the suckers dry as rube after rube tried their hand at dunking the old creep from the Mystery Shack.
Okay, food truck. He could do that. Have a tiny kitchen where he sold drinks and shitty hot dogs and icecream to the families that come from miles around. Might even call up Susan and see if she had a spare cook and the Greasy Diner can share in the profits.
Or…not. He’d not too keen on calling the resident Crazy Cat Lady again. Especially since she still seemed to want to date him. That was a total disaster. And poor Mabel. She meant well, but he was just, as Wendy had put it, ‘un-fixable’. Heck, Soos had been trying for over a decade and hadn’t gotten anywhere. He was doomed to be alone forever, he supposed. Not that he didn’t deserve it. He’d pushed everyone in his life away. He creeped most women out – most men too for that matter – with his really tired and used pick-up lines. His six hour marriage to Marylin ended with her ducking out of the El Diablo at 75 mph with their ill-gotten casino winnings. He’d really thought he’d been in love. Then again, he’d thought he’d been in love with Carla too. He’d dated her through high-school and when he’d gotten kicked out, they’d tried to go steady for a while. But his constant moping over living in his car and losing his family had pushed her into the arms of a musician. And Ford…
Well, he’d pushed Ford into a swirling vortex of Hell in a fit of rage. His guilt hadn’t let him get a full night’s sleep in thirty years.
And now he was avoiding his feelings by wandering the tents at the Woodstick Festival. Dang it! He really needed to go see a therapist like Soos said. But what was he gonna say; ‘Hey, yeah, so I pushed my brother into a sci-fi portal and have spent the last thirty years trying to teach himself quantum physics and calculus, so he could get him back. Oh, and I may or may not have romantic feelings about said brother.’ Yeah, that would go over well.
Stan sighed. He really was hopeless wasn’t he?
A yell and the sound of a cart of beads being turned over caught his attention as he saw a telltale mop of brown hair and a rainbow sweater dart around the corner. He watched as both Mabel and Dipper cut and weaved through the crowd, a rather pudgy blond man in moderate pursuit. At least, until the prop wings on his back started flapping and Stan got a nagging prickling at the back of his head whenever he encountered something supernatural. His gut reaction, the same one that had kept him from going insane in the last thirty years was to turn around and ignore, repress, and feign ignorance. A slightly more pressing gut reaction was to chase down the offender with a baseball bat for endangering his kids.
I really wasn't even a debate as he found himself darting after the three, watching in only slight horror as he saw the absolutely not supernatural man fly overhead to cut off the kids at the fenceline. Stan caught up just a moment after, quick and practiced fingers taking the bottle of black powder from Mabel’s hand as he came up behind her and tucking it in his jacket. He was braced to punch a hippie in the face to protect his children. Heck, he’d probably punch the hippie anyway.      
“Sorry, kids, but you’ve left me now choice. Visions of Heartbreak Past!”
As the blond hippie raised his bottles of creepy hippy powder to throw at Mable, Stan darted in front of her, grabbing her shoulder and pushing her back to fall to the grass and was coated in the pink and purple smoky haze instead. He inhaled and immediately regretted his need to breathe as he doubled over, hacking so hard he was surprised his dentures hadn’t fallen out. Whatever this guy was using to drug people, it was doing a number on Stan’s lungs. He really was lucky to have quit smoking when the kids showed up. He’d probably have passed out by now if he hadn’t. The residual powder coated his mouth and throat. It tasted of bittersweet hope, and…was that jelly beans? God, he hadn’t had jelly beans since…
Stan froze. He knew that voice. Knew it better than anything else. That voice, that scream that haunted his nightmares.
“Wait, wah?”
“Why is there a pink flavored Grunkle Stan? Hey Love God, what was that supposed to do?”
The ‘Love God’ gaged.
“Ewwww, Man! I knew this bozo was weird. I didn’t think it was this bad.” The twisted face of disgust on the Love Gods face confused the twins, but was completely lost on Stan.
As the smoke cleared, a pink tinged hand extended out to him. A six-fingered hand, wreathed in pink light reaching out to him. When he looked up, it was like looking into a mirror, one that reflected only his best features. His tired, half-blind eyes meet soft pink ones, ones he knew were supposed to be blue so his mind filled in the correct color.
“It’s supposed to show you romances you’ve had and lost. It gets people off my back when they get too suspicious.” Spat ‘Love God’, momentarily recovering from his aborted retching.
Stan heard none of it. Eyes fixated on the phantom in front of him.
“Himself? Huh? Guess it’s not that surprising.”
“But, why would he have ‘lost’ himself? That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Man, you kids have one freaky family.” The ‘Love God’ gulped down something from his belt of potions.
The six fingered hand reached for his own, tugging gently at first before pulling Stan to his feet and interlacing their fingers. A shy smile pulled at that lips he used to catch himself staring at. He knew, logically, that he wasn’t looking into the face of his brother. Stanford was likely older now than his memory allowed. And Stanford wasn’t pink, he knew that. Logically he knew that. But his heart couldn’t take it. The phantom embraced him, twelve fingers digging into his suit jacket.  
“Please…” God, he wanted to. Whatever it was, he would do it. But his mind clouded, his eyes clouded and all he could do was cry.  
He gripped the phantom tightly, the twins watched, even more confused but thankfully silent. The ‘Love God’, true to his name, showed somewhat of a heart and stopped gagging and even frowned in empathy. He barely noticed when the phantom pickpocketed him. The phial was tossed to the ‘Love God’ and the phantom Stanford shot a wicked smile at Stan. One that, while it was supposed to look like betrayal, only shot a bolt of heat down his spine. The ‘Love God’ was right, he was a freak.  
Panicked screams echoed as the night sky lit up orange and red. Stan turned in time to see his would-be advertisement scheme in flames and headed directly for them. Through residual tears, he launched forwards and scooped the twins up and out of the range of the fall out. The ‘Love God’ was not so lucky.  
When the dust cleared and the fire crew crowded in to put out the flames, the kids squirmed their way out of Stan’s grasp and raced back to the spot where the pudgy aspiring musician stood.
“Love God? Are you ok?”
“Please be immortal, please be immortal.”
It was just Stan’s luck that Cupid was invulnerable. He still got a good punch in before the freak got to the stage.
When they found the portal in the hidden basement and everything literally almost turned upside-down, it made sense. When the author of the journals walked out from the glowing blue light and introduced himself, they understood. When Stan told them the stranger was his brother, everything fell into place.
Mable was still struggling to understand what had happened at the Woodstick Festival. Climbing out of bed, Mabel made her way downstairs and out the back door, hearing muttering from the open door to the gift shop.  
She found Stan leaning back into the couch on the back porch, glass bottle in one hand, lit cigar in the other. Eyes red rimmed and blinking slowly at the treeline like he was a million, billion miles away. He was letting he cigar burn down, the ash dropping off the end to land in the ashtray he’d absently left on the side table. She tentatively took the cigar from between his fingers, squashed the lit end into the ashtray to put it out, and climbed up on the couch beside him.
He startled when she took his cigar, but just watched her as she put it out and sat down; not speaking, not accusing, not asking. He knew why she was up, why she’d come looking for him. Ford was still in the basement working on something or other; the clang of metal occasionally reverberating enough to be heard through the floorboards. He settled back, moving to set the bottle down before wrapping an arm around her. She curled up into his side, fingers picking at stray hairs on his dress-shirt – the suit jacket left somewhere inside. She knew they hadn’t hugged, and that Stan would need one. She liked her new Grunkle, he was cool, and super smart, he just, had some anger issues to deal with. But as mad at Stan as he was, he couldn’t hate him, could he? They were twins, like her and Dipper. They could never hate eachother. She felt her Grunkle slump further into the couch.
He really didn’t want to talk. But like pulling out a loose tooth or a splinter, it was the best thing for him.  
“So…the Woodstick Festival?”
Stan flinched. He tilted his head so that the glare from the open door blocked his eyes and withdrew his arm. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but his voice caught in his throat and no sound escaped. After a few seconds, he just gave up, closing his mouth with a click and turning away from her.
The ‘Love God’s’ words had stuck in her head. Not love, ‘romance’. As in, crush, as in stay awake all night thinking about them. But, Grunkle Ford was Stan’s brother. Love God had to have been wrong, maybe he used the wrong powder, or maybe it applied to familial love too. Her head jerked up when she heard Stan’s ragged voice.  
“I…I…understand…if you want to…go home early. I won’t ask you to stay. It wouldn’t be right. Just…all I’m askin’ is that you not tell your parents about that. I don’t care what they think of me, but Ford deserves a chance to know his family. He never got the chance to meet your dad. Shermie told me that they are a lot alike. Probably where Dipper gets it.”
He chuckled to himself. Voice dry and lacking any sense of real warmth. He reached down and took a swig from his bottle, draining it and staring at the label as if it held the cure to his every ailment.
“But he didn’t know. Nothing ever happened. I was all me. I’m the freak. Ford didn’t know, still probably doesn’t know.” His movements were jerky, bottle dropping to the porch as he turned and grasped Mabel by her hand. “Oh God, please…please don’t tell him! I’ll do anything!” He had clasped her hand in both of his. He was pleading with her, just like he’d done back in the basement. Begging her to trust him, begging her to not do this.
She felt scared. Why on Earth would she not tell Grunkle Ford that his brother loved him enough that their falling out broke Stan’s heart? Why would she not tell her parents that, either? Why would it even need to be a secret? Why would Stan call himself a fre…unless……oh. OH! He meant, as in, oh wow! That changed things, didn’t it? He meant it like, he ‘loved’ his brother. He loved Stanford.
Something in her expression must have showed recognition because his eyes filled with shame and he turned away, letting go of her hands and picking at the tear in the couch cushion.  
“You love him. And I mean, like, love love, like lay awake at night thinking about them, love.” It wasn't a question. But all the same, Stan nodded.
She didn’t know what to say. Usually, she’d tell Stan to go tell him, go confess your feelings. They either liked you back, or didn’t. But this was way different than everyday romances. This wasn't even just forbidden love between a snake and a badger or like between Dipper and Wendy. This was taboo. This was all kinds of wrong. What could she say to that? ‘Oh, hey. Grunkle Ford, I know that we just met and all, but did you know your brother is in love with you? No? Well he is, and spent the last thirty years trying to get you back because of it.’ She shook her head. There was no real way to talk this through.
She tried to imagine feeling about Dipper like that. Like, tried to picture Mermando and the feelings she got when thinking about him and tried to put Dipper there. But, she just couldn’t. Every time she pictures his face, all she felt was good natured affection for her bro-bro. He was cute…she guessed. But he didn’t make her heart beat fast like Mermando did.
Grunkle Stan had called himself a ‘freak’, maybe he was right. Loving your brother, wanting to smooch your brother was weird. She understands now why the Love God got so grossed-out when he saw the phantom Grunkle Ford. It was kinda weird and gross, but…well, Stan was a weird, gross, old man, maybe it was ok. He looked so lost now, like he wanted to jump into the Bottomless Pit and not come back.
She would be sad if he did. He would cry and cry and cry until the whole of Gravity Falls was under water. Dipper would cry too, though he would never admit it. And she doesn’t know Grunkle Ford very well, but she’s sure he would cry too.
They had sat in silence for several minutes as Mabel processed what had to be her Grunkle’s greatest secret. With a small smile, she flopped into Stan’s side and did her best to wrap him in the biggest Mabel hug she could.
Stan flinched, jarred by the contact he thought he would never feel again. He shifted his weight on the couch, turning just enough to gather Mabel into his lap and squeeze as tight as she would let him. He buried his face into her soft hair, brown strands absorbing the tears he couldn’t stop.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled into her scalp, gravel voice hardly a whisper. “I’m sorry your uncle is a freak.”
She wanted to tell him that is was going to ok, that he wasn't a freak, and that he wasn't a bad person. But, she just couldn’t…not yet, and maybe not ever. She didn’t know how to feel about this. She loved Stan, yes, and nothing he would ever do would change that, but, this was something she didn’t know how to handle. She just squeezed tighter.
Upstairs, the triangular window was propped open, and a microphone dangled from a string from its ledge. Dipper’s – with oversized headphones over his ears – face was contorted, brows furrowed and chewing nervously on his thumbnail.
Ford leaned against the wall beside the back door just outside of view of anyone looking in from the outside. He’d left his boots downstairs to muffle the sound of his steps. His was was grim, tired, and despondent. Hand absently trailing to the inner pocket of his jacket where he kept the one photo that had kept him going the past three decades. He wondered if it would still carry the same meaning now.
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