#every lafayette scene
luckyricochet · 5 months
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"Why do you have so many names?" "Comment?" "Names. Joseph, Paul—names." "Oui, oui. Alors. So many before me, they make dead in battle. And so ma mère, she want me have protection of heaven. And so, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier." "What do I call you then?" "Gilbert."
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wings-of-flying · 10 months
if i had any video editing skills i would be making a chip and lizzie being siblings compilation RIGHT NOW
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kottkrig · 7 months
Loathing the undead is understandably common in WoW lore + the RP scene and I desperately want to interact with undead-hating characters in ways that aren't just spewing insults back and forth, I want the TENSION
Brother Lafayette, 5'4" bag of bones and chronically anxious, looking up at the 7ft 250lbs Night Elf sentinel who looks like she wants to cleave every Forsaken in half:
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spectres-fulcrum · 8 months
ALSO! I started Duty and Inclination, a published Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens romance novel that is wonderfully historically accurate and is feat. the Washington military family and I love it to bits. The only complaints I have is I've noticed a couple grammar issues but legit everything else is fantastic
The romance is fantastic. Like every bit one up the last scene. I think I really have to love the earliest parts the most though
Hamilton spending days/weeks wondering Lauren's true hair color and is so shocked-even though it was SO coming- the night after they discussed that Laurens cannot keep powdering his hair forever Laurens comes down with unpowdered hair and is just like. Amazed by the color. Honey hair.
Honestly I had never considered the romantic possibility of unpowdered hair but it was amazing pre feelings realization tension and I just. Top 5 romantic things
Also Hamilton finding John's art and not realizing it and the way it leads to their first kiss and it's all okay. God I loved it. \
The dance lessons!
Stolen moments and kisses and touches and wait Dress fits them
John telling Alexander to call him Jack when Alexander is sick and they're talking about St Croix! Alexander saying all his struggles back there was preferable to losing "My Sweet" when John had the musket wound!
The final birthday gift!
I just love them
Also also also also when Laurens first arrives to the encampment the sentries tell him Washington's tent is very French at the current moment... I grinned cause, yeah, we know he loves Lafayette(And sure enough Lafayette was in the tent)
The family though!!!! Horsegirlie Meade! Teasing Tilghman for destroying stuff! The way everyone hates Reed but loves and adores and supports each other! Washington insisting they do dinner together almost every night for a family activity! He and Lafayette worrying over how worried John was for Hamilton!
The morning Hamilton changed tried to change Laurens bandages but Meade took over for him babying John and being too slow and then Fitzgerald was awake and Tilghman slept on and Hammie was just like Oh, good morning :D to John and Tilghman groans, like that woke him and Meade laughed, Fitz scolded him, and John just looks at the sunlight in Hammie's hair and it's all golden.
Favorite Fitzgerald line: "Happy Birthday, Laurens. Have a war." Truer words were never spoken
I'm about to start Ch 10, Lady Washington Comes To Valley Forge and I'm super excited cause in this house we ship George Washington/Lafayette AND love Martha(and cry over her daughter and love the fact that she and George didn't hide their disabled daughter(Well technically his stepdaughter but the marriage happened when Patsy was two so she was basically his daughter) away when her seizures started or at any point, encouraging her to live a normal life until she died during a seizure.) So I hope that Martha brings a lot of fun.
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zzzaru · 1 year
hamilton mcyt au. (hc and empires)
Hamilton: Grian Aaron Burr: Doc Eliza: Scar Angelica: Bdubs Peggy: Jimmy Laurens: Keralis Hercules: Cleo Lafayette: Lizzie Washington: Xisuma Phillip: Yeuri (he is my oc! he is the mumscarian fankid) King George: Oli Jefferson: Ren Madison: Martyn Maria: Mumbo
this of course is all a show, they're all acting, this isnt real but its very funny to think about!!! and of course their friends are all watching the show.
xisuma was trying his HARDEST not to break down laughing during right-hand man. especially when grian was screaming, "WHAT?!" after every line.
scar's favorite song to sing was "helpless". he was just so happy when he was singing it
joel was SO confused when lizzie started rapping. he's never heard his wife rap in his life. he absolutely loves it tho
lizzie absolutely loved being lafayette
jimmy originally auditioned to be the king, but the others decided they literally just couldnt see him as the 'villain'.
ren is literally perfect as jefferson lemme tell u this rn
mumbo was trying his absolute hardest not to laugh during his scenes. HE CAN'T HELP IT OKAY
grian was absolutely fucking losing his shit during mumbo's scenes as maria. he was laughing his ass off (not that he didn't love the dress. grian actually liked it, it was just.. mumbo's acting. it was so unlike mumbo it was uncanny and hilarious.
cleo had so much fun playing hercules. like imagine cleo rapping, "LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS AND HORSES". just imagine her rapping hercules' whole entire bit from aaron burr sir.
imagine jimmy singing "daddy said to be home by sundown!!". i just find that so funny
AND imagine scar singing "burn". grian felt a little bit personally attacked by that. ((double life COUGHCOUGH))
bdubs had fin playing angelica. he got to sing "congratulations"!! he had fun doing that.
during 'satisfied', etho kinda felt personally attacked
since yeuri really is scar's and grian's child, "stay alive (reprise)" honestly almost made the two of them cry
anyway yeah
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peculiarparasol · 4 months
My Hamilton Review
So I had the ability to go see Hamilton in Dallas recently and oh god, it was lovely! Everyone was wonderful and a few interesting takes in this production really stood out to me in the most lovely ways!
The cast I saw was:
Hamilton- Blaine Alden Krauss
Burr- Deon'te Goodman
Eliza- Kendyl Sayuri Yokoyama
Angelica- Lencia Kebede
Peggy/Maria- Milika Cheree
Lafayette/Jefferson- Jared Howelton
Laurens/Phillip- Tyler Fauntleroy
Mulligan/Madison-Eddie Ortega
Washington-Carvens Lissaint
King George-Paul Louis Lessard
Okay, right out the gate, a lot of the cast had more R&B voices, including Hamilton and I genuinely loved this. Washington and Angelica had the most beautiful control when it came to their voices and it was just gorgeous to hear them every time they were singing. And Lissaint as Washington had some booming growl to his voice that just absolutely grabbed and held onto your focus during Right Hand Man and just the most perfect soul like riffs during History Has Its Eyes On You and of course One Last Time.
The biggest differences in character portrayal were Hamilton and Burr, but I really liked these takes.
Krauss played Hamilton as angry. And I don't mean like quick to anger, but really has angry moments with everyone in his life, including anger towards Eliza when she explains she wrote to Washington that she was pregnant but not Alexander. But it also created some beautiful 'calm down' moments as well. When Washington calls him back, he plays Alexander as hesitant to leave Eliza while she's pregnant, even bends down to kiss her belly before he leaves. Just a beautiful touch. He played young, scrappy, playful Hamilton so well, I wondered if he'd sell the older version in Act 2 and he really did, he slides into it slowly. Makes his voice quieter, more gravelly as the descent starts and it's just so beautiful the way he progresses.
Goodman plays Burr as reserved, but you can feel this constantly simmering resentment towards Hamilton the whole way. This is less charismatic than Leslie plays him, but again, it works for Goodman's portrayal. He still gets loud during the right parts, goes full tilt during The Room Where It Happens . But his anger, his emotions are cagey, like you are waiting for the last straw to break the camels back and its goooooooood when he finally snaps in Obedient Servant. He makes you wait for that moment all musical and it delivers in the last two confrontation songs.
Howelton also has a slightly different portrayal of Jefferson. He has the same physicality and charm that Daveed has, but he has this wonderful deep gravel to his voice that made him sound older, and he leaned more into the limp in What'd I Miss? Daveed always seemed like his Jefferson was around the same age as Hamilton, but Howelton acts and sounds like he is the appropriate decade older and it really works, I constantly thought he was looking at Alexander like a yappy puppy he had to deal with and I really loved it.
Lessard as King George chewed on every song and scene he was in and I giggled at parts of the songs I've never reacted to before. XD He was a delight and we all cheered every time he returned to stage. I would love to see this man as the King every time if I could!
Goofy Notes:
EVERYONE besides Washington and Angelica are shorter than Hamilton in this production. I about wheezed when Jefferson and Hamilton square up in the first Cabinet Battle and Jefferson had to crane his neck to look up at a fucking smirking Hamilton, who had to look down at him. It was like a hilarious au reality and it made me giggle every time they stood close enough to notice. Eliza also only came to Hamilton's shoulder and he had to bend fully at the waist to kiss or hug her, but that man dipped her like a fairy tale prince to kiss her in Helpless. I bought that man loved her!
Stage Direction Differences:
The most differences in stage direction all happen in Take A Break, and I ate up this entire song because it was so different. It's all about the same till we get to the first 'take a break'. Hamilton buries the letter from Angelica. Not just covers it, he pulls various papers and opens a book to start writing in ontop of it, boy knows he is doing wrong in the letters. He's adorably affectionate with Phillip, softly affectionate with Eliza's plea for him to go with them.
Then Angelica shows up, and it's not the soft/nervous 'hi' Lin does. It's a giddy 'hiiii' and arms spread wide with 'gimme' hand gestures before Angelica even gets to him, wraps her up in his arms, etc. The back and forth between Eliza, Angelica and Alexander is very playful after that as well. During the 'tell this man/tell my wife' exchange, they stage Angelica in between Eliza and Alexander, having the married couple do a playful game of telephone with the eldest Schuyler. Alexander even taps Angelica on the shoulder before the 'Angelica tell my wife' line. It's fun and dangerous. Another change is how Alexander responds to the sisters making their final plea for him to go with them. Lin has Alexander panic pull away from Angelica first. Krauss lets that anger/frustration show here instead. He snaps at them, emphasizing the losing his job line here and storms away. I really loved this scene. It boths leans heavy into the playful family and the emotional affair between Angelica and Alexander.
I might have thrown in my lot for some Lucky Seats to see this cast again before they leave...no shame!
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dyscomancer · 5 months
This is a little out of left field, kinda off brand for me and specific to my area, but still. A very, very good person and critical figure in our local music scene was taken from us yesterday. This is really, really devastating for our city.
When these kinds of things happen I like to try and echo the voice of the departed as much as I can. So like if anyone is interested in broadening your musical horizons or hearing what music from my section of the world sounds like, it'd make me happy if y'all pulled up Feufollet's music and let his memory just exist a bit beyond our little corner of the swamp, at least for a bit. Would mean a lot
We often joke that Lafayette has 100 musicians but only 10 bands because everyone plays with each other. He was emblematic of that. Every person who has ever picked up an instrument in this city has an experience with this guy
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nordleuchten · 1 year
Hey there! :) Do you happen to know what was Lafayette's opinion on Robespierre as a person and/or as a member of the National Assembly? Did he left any declaration in his memoirs? As far as I know, their different political views led them sometimes into arguments and slanders.
Have a nice day!
Dear @faxelange,
in short, they were not on the best of terms – not at all. The disfavour was mutual as neither Robespierre liked La Fayette nor did La Fayette liked Robespierre.
Despite this, there is not nearly as much commentary on Robespierre in La Fayette’s letters and Memoirs as one might expect. The references that are made are mostly general statements about Robespierre and not specific about their relationship. Generally speaking, La Fayette wrote in his Memoirs about what he thought valuable for his readers and important to mention. I think he judged his disagreements with Robespierre and Robespierre in general, at the point of him writing his Memoirs (1830s), as simply no longer important. It would be easier to give a detailed description of Robespierre’s opinion of La Fayette than the other way around since we have many statements by Robespierre.
The relationship between Robespierre and La Fayette was during the first years of the Revolution civil, or better, nonexistent. Things changed when La Fayette wrote on June 16, 1791 a lengthy letter to the Legislative Assembly, criticizing political groups as a potential thread to the constitution and the stability of France – the jacobins were here his primary target.
Although he railed against factionalism of all varieties, the Jacobins were his primary target. “Organized like a separate empire … blindly controlled by a few ambitious leaders,” the Jacobins were, as he put it, a “sect,” a “distinct corporation in the middle of the French people, whose powers they usurp by subjugating their representatives.” Read into the record two days later and republished in newspapers of every political stripe, the letter generated heated debate.
Laura Auricchio, The Marquis – Lafayette Reconsidered, Vintage Books, New York, 2015, p. 258.
Two days later during a meeting of the jacobins, Robespierre stated:
Strike down Lafayette and the nation is saved.
Laura Auricchio, The Marquis – Lafayette Reconsidered, Vintage Books, New York, 2015, p. 259.
Things went downhill rather quickly after that.
In La Fayette memoirs there are two mentioning’s of Robespierre, both are rather indirect, as they detail public attacks of La Fayette’s character that Robespierre had some connection with.
It would occupy too much space to detail all the hostilities of the anarchists against Lafayette; their defamations in the Patriot and the Chronicle were pushed to the most insane excess. Robespierre attacked him at the jacobins, first requiring that he should not be called upon to prove what he advanced. The club itself formally denounced him at the bar of the assembly, by the mouth of Collot d’Herbois. Some members of this faction alleged as proofs of his criminality certain letters, which, when read, were received with patriotic applause.
Marquis de La Fayette, Memoirs, Correspondences and Manuscripts of General Lafayette, Vol. 3, Craighead and Allen, New York, 1837, pp. 336-337.
We can see very clearly in this passage that La Fayette’s problem was not with Robespierre alone and while this excerpt gives seemingly more insight into Robespierre’s opinion of La Fayette, the way the event is retold also tells us a lot about La Fayette’s opinion.
The second part is from a letter that La Fayette wrote his wife Adrienne on April 18, 1792:
Parties are at present divided in this manner [the question of war]. Robespierre, Danton, Desmoulins, &c., &c., form the jacobin sink. These puppets are moved behind the scene, and serve the court by disorganizing all things, by exclaiming that we are beaten without resource and by attacking Lafayette, “who has deceived, they say, the people and the court, guided the conduct of the far less culpable M. de Bouillé, and who is more dangerous himself than the aristocracy.” (…) The other party, called the high jacobins, and which supports the present ministry, is composed of Bordelais, the abbé Sièyes, Condorcet, Roederer, &c. These men hate and fear Robespierre, but dare not render themselves unpopular.
Marquis de La Fayette, Memoirs, Correspondences and Manuscripts of General Lafayette, Vol. 3, Craighead and Allen, New York, 1837, pp. 411-412.
Again, La Fayette was not only in disagreement with Robespierre. Today Robespierre is often presented as the one and only embodiment of the Jacobins but there were many more and yes, Robespierre was certainly even back then a prominent and influential member, but La Fayette’s disagreements were with the jacobins as a whole as much as with Robespierre personally.
Perhaps it is easier to dissect La Fayette’s opinion based on what he did not thought about Robespierre. In the letter to his wife that is already quoted above, La Fayette also wrote:
Such is my situation: I belong, as I wrote before to you, to no party except to that of the French nation; but my friends and I will serve whoever will do good, defend liberty and equality, and maintain the constitution by repulsing everything tending to render it aristocratic or republican; and when the national will, expressed by the representatives chosen by nation and by the king, shall tell us that war is inevitable, I will do all that lies in my power to promote its success.
Marquis de La Fayette, Memoirs, Correspondences and Manuscripts of General Lafayette, Vol. 3, Craighead and Allen, New York, 1837, p. 413.
These were the things that La Fayette supported and believed in, this was his agenda. In not agreeing with Robespierre, we can assume that La Fayette felt as if Robespierre did not meet his principles. Another point is raised in this statement:
(…) by repulsing everything tending to render it aristocratic or republican (…).
Robespierre was without a question on the republican side.
This was all quite political but since La Fayette saw political opinions as the expression of underlaying principles, a political disagreement was often, not always though, also a personal disagreement, although things did not usually escalate like they did with Robespierre.
I hope this cleared things up a bit and I hope you have/had a lovely day!
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initiumseries · 1 year
who are your favourite black characters - animated and not animated
Oh fun question. We capitalize Black in this house, and this is absolutely going to show my age but you asked, and I wouldn't say favourite for most, because I don't know that I have a strong attachment to every show but did like them, and you'll probably notice, most of the time they just have to be Black and on a show for me to like them so here we go:
As usual, in no particular order -
Numbuh 5 - Kids Next Door
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I thought she was funny, and she was Black and that's really all it took for me, lol. I based one of my characters off her actually.
Miles Morales
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I feel like this goes without saying.
Goliath - Gargoyles
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LOL this is so funny to me because the VA is BLACK. And Goliath always read to me as Black, and Elisa Maza...anyway lol. It always struck me as deranged that whenever the gargoyles in general, but ESPECIALLY Goliath AND Demona turned human, all of them were always white. Just didn't make any sense even as a kid, and I blame racism. This is probably the only time I'll go up for non-human characters coded as Black and no I won't be arguing about this.
Out of the Box
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This dude held me down after school every day and the song still SLAPS.
Mr. Trick - BTVS
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He is SO unsung but I loved almost every scene he was in.
Lieutenant Van Buren - Law & Order
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The only cop I like. she sued the cops for racism.
Detective Green
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Before he was on that stupid DC show, he was a cop on a better show lmao. See above.
Storm - X-Men & Xmen Evolution
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She's Storm.
Virgil Hawkins - Static Shock
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One day we'll talk about what the fuck is up with all the Black people having electric powers, but today we'll put some respect on Virgil's name.
John Stewart/Green Lantern - Justice League/Unlimited
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The only green lantern I recognize.
Vixen - JLU
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John fumbled her BIG TIME.
Abbie - Sleepy Hollow
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This show fumbled her BIG TIME. Lord release us from the shackles of Black people being cops in shows.
Papa Pope
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He rocked my ENTIRE world off axis when he showed up and read Olivia for filth and then fucked up her white side piece.
Annalise Keating
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She was SO messy, but she should've killed them kids too.
Michaela Pratt
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I had issues with her SL but she was a real one.
Greenleaf patriarch & matriarch - Greenleaf
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tbh with you it doesn't really matter what these two people are in, I'm going to watch the fuck out of it.
Lafayette - True Blood
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I feel like this goes without saying. RIP.
Romeo Carter - Student Bodies
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for OBVIOUS reasons.
Jett Jackson - Jett Jackson
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Again, obvious reasons. RIP.
Ashley Banks - Fresh Prince
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I liked her because she was around my age when I was watching the show.
This whole family - Family Matters
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I don't have a favourite. This whole family was Black in a time where there were few Black people on tv much less whole families.
Hobie Brown - Across the Spiderverse
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Obvious reasons.
Chloe - Sabrina the Animated Series
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I feel like I've dug significantly into the archives of my brain. I'm sure there are characters I've missed, but this is what I could remember. Fun! - oh wait no!
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She stole the damn show. I watched for her and Ambrose *only*
Tak & Quellchrist Falconer - Altered Carbon
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This sleeve of Tak specifically.
Michael Burnham - Star Trek Discover
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She acts her ass off in any role so honestly it doesn't matter.
T'Challa - Black Panther
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No I will not expand. Sigh. RIP.
All of them - Black Panther
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Ok I think I'm done. I've reached into the archives of my childhood, and I'm sure there are more I've forgotten, but yeah, here's top of my head. :)
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
what are your 3 favourite scenes/songs/moments in hamilton?
oooh, fun!
it's not easy to pick just three, but i'm gonna try my best! (in no particular order tho, because i truly can't decide)
hurricane: this song is so underrated, i swear to god. it may be super short, but it's also extremely emotional and i love lin's acting here, it makes me cry everytime. also, the line "when my prayers to god were met with indifference, i picked up a pen, i wrote my own deliverance" may be my favourite line from the whole musical (i want to have it tattooed on my forehead lol i love it so much).
yorktown: literally everything about it is just so fucking perfect. the whole song, the energy, the choreography, the "immigrants, we get the job done", the hercules mulligan part, the slow motion when "the world turned upside down", the "freedom for america, freedom for france", and i could go on and on and on... this song is just so fucking perfect in every way and it makes me go insane every single time.
satisfied: the rewind effect at the beginning of the song EXCUSE ME??? i love angelica so much and renee is amazing and her rapping skills are just incredible, also i always cry at this song. and also: "the gossip in new york city is insidious" makes my brain explode every single time.
honorable mention: guns and ships because LAFAYETTE! and my shot because of course.
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luckyricochet · 5 months
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"Américain?" "Yes—oui." "Alors nous serons amis."
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darkangel1791 · 8 months
Have you seen the places in the Vampire Chronicles and other AR books? Did you know you could do it from the comfort of your own blanket burrito? Then check out this video!
I just want to mention a few things that the tour guide doesn't.
Saint Elizabeth's is the place where Lestat laid at the end of Memnoch the Devil.
This tour didn't hit the church that is mentioned most often in regard to Louis and Lestat, the St. Louis Cathedral, 615 Pere Antoine. It is in Jackson Square in the French Quarter. It's the oldest cathedral in North America, built in 1720 so that is the church that most Catholics in New Orleans would have attended for many years, and it's age is why Louis and Lestat were there often, because it was the only one around, and once they are in the 20th century, it has memories. St. Louis Cathedral is sort of open to the public as there are tours there. These are to show you the beautiful artwork, the sculpture, and the history of the building. It is also open for Mass (church services, for thise not familiar with Catholic vernacular), but if you go for Mass, you should sit in a pew and pay attention to the Mass. You are with the congregation who attend every week, this is their church, not a setting from a novel or the set of a television show. If you join a tour however, you can wander a bit, so long as you do not disrupt the rest of the tour. Do not attempt to go up to the altar. That is a sacred space to Catholics, only the priest and others participating in the presentation of the Mass (deacons, readers, acolytes, altar helpers) are allowed there. It would be deeply disturbing to the tour guide and other Catholics on the tour if you would attempt to do this. The Cathedral has it's own website with mass times and some photos of the interior artwork.
Lafayette Cemetery is not owned by the diocese of New Orleans. Professional filming is allowed there. The scenes from the 1994 movie were filmed there. There are tours there which might point out the exact places. But the cemetery mentioned most in the book is St. Louis no. 1. It is the oldest cemetery still in existence in New Orleans. There are cemetery tours which will take you there and show you around. It is open to the public, but I would strongly advise you to go with a tour. The cemetery is large, old, not set out in straight lines, an the tombs are so tall that you cannot look across the cemetery to see the entrance. It is a maze that makes no sense. You will get lost. Probably you will eventually find your way out, but it could be hours, and there will be few, if any, other people in the cemetery who can help you out. Also, at least in the 90s and I assume still today, both Saint Louis No. 1 and No. 2 are popular places for drug deals and other crime, specifically because of the the arrangement of the tombs which makes it easy to go unseen by anyone, especially police. They will purposely stay away from the tours, so that is the safest way for you to see the cemeteries. The cemeteries are not open at night. It is probably fairly easy to find a way in, but it is ten times more dangerous at night. I get the aesthetic, but don't do it.
The First Street house is the most famous as Anne Rice's house. The Garden District Book Shop used to sell t-shirts with the house on them. It is where not only the family, but the real life Mojo lived! It is also the family home of the Mayfair clan, every witch has lived there.
This is much longer than I thought it would be! Sorry for being so preachy about the Cathedral and the cemeteries!
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theimaginatrix27 · 9 months
I need to talk about Benjamin Sisko
I have been meaning to make this post for a while now, and I have ranted about how much I love this man in the tags of so many posts, but the time has come for me to make my own. Why no, this isn't me practicing what I would say to Avery Brooks about his character and how much I love him in the unlikely event I ever get to speak to the man in question. Why would you even think that?
If you had asked me, even a year ago, which of the three Trek Renaissance captains was my favourite, I'd have told you that I'm bad at picking favourites, that I like Picard, Janeway and Sisko for different reasons, and can't choose between them.
Now, though, I've come to a decision:
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko is in a league of his fucking own.
Don't misunderstand me, I have always liked Sisko, and I have loved him for nearly a decade and a half as of writing this post, but in recent months, as I have revisited Deep Space Nine, I've found my love for him deepening, broadening, flowing more freely, shining more brightly, and gaining momentum.
Because this man is the best Trek Captain. Ever. There is no competition.
I fell in love with Sisko when I first watched Emissary. As I said, I had liked him before then, thought he was pretty cool and all, but after watching that episode, I was in love.
Because you cannot watch the scene where he really has to face his grief, acknowledge that some part of him never left the moment he lost Jennifer, and come out the other side the same person. Especially when you have your own burden of griefs, moments from your past where pieces of you have existed since that trauma first tore them away. I cried with Sisko when I first watched that scene. I've cried with him almost every time I've watched it since. And that performance is so raw, and so beautiful, and this was the fucking pilot. Avery gave it his all!
But of course, there are so many reasons to love this man, and many other DS9 fans have said it better than me, but I will do my best to lay out the big ones:
He is so very strong. Not in the sense that he physically kicks arse (though he absolutely can and does), but that he possesses strength of character. He is able to withstand so much, and still keeps going in the face of ever-increasing odds, and fucking wins.
He is also so very warm and caring and loving. Have you seen this man with his son? Because I have, and I think he beats out every fictional dad I've ever seen anywhere else. And he shares that level of love and warmth with everyone who serves under him, who has ever been his friend, the rest of his family, the world of Bajor, every baby fortunate enough to enter his orbit, the list goes on. I would accept a one-way trip to DS9 and put up with all the shit just to be able to be within the radius of that love.
He adores kids. I have to make this its own point because the man just melts around kids of all ages and it's precious. He's precious. You seen him with babies? He is so soft with them you wish you could be that baby.
He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, and is so very very passionate when he does: I have said it before in tags, but this man does not yell at you when you have fucked up or otherwise aroused his ire. He is loudly passionate, and very articulate with it. He will speak out against injustice, he will meticulously lay out the ways you fucked up, and he will annunciate every word. I have been that passionate about things I believe in. I know how powerful it is to hear it and to do it, and Sisko is a prime example of this kind of passion, for which I cannot help but love him. Sisko's disappointed parent voice would have me in tears if it were ever directed at me, because I would never want to disappoint Captain Sisko.
Man knows how to have fun! Seriously, I love Picard, but easygoing he is not. And I love Janeway, but her idea of fun is Gothic Horror Romance in the holodeck, and I'm sure some people vibe with that, but it's not what most would consider fun. Benjamin Sisko plays baseball. He was the most enthusiastic of the four who had to play the Allamaraine game in Move Along Home (I like that episode, it was fun, Quark broke down sobbing, it was great). He is a genuine delight to spend free time with. He is as far from boring as it is possible to be.
He can cook! And I wish I could just drop in to share every meal he makes! I love my food, and I would dearly love to try his, because it sounds divine. Yes I know that's sort of ironic to say about Sisko given where canon took him, but I'm not taking it back. I've never had Cajun cuisine, but I wanna, just because it's Sisko's specialty. I trust him to feed me well and make the experience an absolute pleasure.
He is so very, very progressive. This is a big part of what has deepened my appreciation for him as I have reintegrated myself into the Deep Space Nine fandom. I've always been progressive on some level, but I've grown a hell of a lot over the past decade, and coming back to a show I already loved with the perspective I have now has made me appreciate more of the nuance woven through it. And Sisko is a beacon of progressive ideals! He is always trying! Always open to understanding! Always on the side of the oppressed! And he admits when he fucks up (which isn't often but it happens). We should all strive to be more like Sisko.
I could gush on and on about him all fucking day and not run out of material, but I won't, because I would like this post to go public while some of my Trek friends are still awake.
I will say this before I close, however. I cannot in any way fathom the kind of person who looks at this character, truly one of the most multifaceted to come out of any 90s show, and reduce him to racist stereotypes. If you are one of those people and have somehow found this post, block me. I will never agree with your shortsighted views and it will be better for both of us if we never interact.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, go watch DS9 however you can and give it and its captain the love they so richly deserve.
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crystaltreebee · 2 months
sometimes I’m sitting my my thoughts (unpleasant) and my brain goes: hey remember when you watched AMC’s Turn-
me: oh yea! I that was fun-
brain: remember how you watched it with your dad. All of it. Every single scene.
me: 🫥
like it’s good, and I love me some historical clothing and revolutionary war era America, but uh. 😐 if you know you know.
but hey at least I got to see John Andre get hanged, and Lafayette.
and my dad says he barely remembers it so … (to be fair he was is a lot of pain at the time lol)
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amy-love5 · 1 year
My Thoughts On The Little Mermaid Live Action
I personally loved the movie.
The visual affects were stunning. It made it seem like it was actually taking place underwater, which was the point and they achieved that pretty well.
I personally don’t mind Flounder and Sebastian looking realistic because every other fish is also realistic in the movie, so they fit in and don’t look out of place.
I especially loved the music. I’m a huge fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s work in general, and he did not disappoint and amazed me with his work once again. In my opinion the songs were the most entertaining and enjoyable part of the movie and kept it from being boring.
The songs feel like musical theater songs, I’m not surprised by that because Lin-Manuel Miranda worked on them and he has worked for Broadway musicals before. They sounded fantastic.
The Scuttlebutt didn’t feel so out of place. Out of context it feels weird but with the context not so much. Because Scuttles mostly blabbers in the movie.
The rap wasn’t bad in my opinion.
Also, I found Daveed Diggs’ (he voices Sebastian in the live action) rap at the end of the song to hype up Ariel to get ready to be kinda similar to Daveed Diggs role in Hamilton as Lafayette when he was telling Washington to get his right hand man back for the war. If this was intentional, it felt like a nice reference.
I love how different Halle Bailey is to the original Ariel.
The original Ariel’s Part of Your World song seemed a bit melancholic and Ariel seemed resigned to her fate. Halle Bailey’s Ariel’s Part of Your World song was a combination of frustration and determination. This made the two reprises of the song later on in the film even more powerful. With one being hopeful and the other being sorrowful. I commend Halle Bailey on conveying all those different emotions, she’s an excellent singer and actress.
Unlike the animated film, Ariel doesn't actually go up to the surface until after her fight with her father which is a small but smart change that I liked. Instead of being rebellious because she's a teenager this version of Ariel is frustrated at the fact that she's constantly ignored and controlled and I like that Triton's unreasonable behavior effectively becomes the catalyst for her to go to the surface, I like that irony.
The storm in the beginning of the movie felt almost identical to the animated movie. The effects felt realistic and climactic.
I love how Ariel got a song when she first became a human. It made us see her perspective and understand her better.
Compared to to the animated Ariel, this version of Ariel was less Love Struck. Instead she seems to be more intrigued by Eric in the human world which does feel more realistic. It shows her curiosity for the human world a lot more. Which is a change I liked.
I’m glad they didn’t go for the love at first sight thing for the remake and gave Ariel and Eric time to bond. I loved the chemistry between them.
I personally prefer their bonding time in the live action over the dinner they had in the original, and we still got a “dinglehopper” scene.
Also, I found the way Eric learned Ariel’s name to be adorable.
In the animated film it's kind of a love at first sight moment with Ariel falling for Eric after he talks about looking for his dream girl but in the live action it's more like their kindred spirits both feeling pressured to live up to their family's expectations of them and sharing a desire to explore the world. They understood each other and related to one another without the use of words, which I find adorable.
I loved the market Eric and Ariel went to. The production team made a fantastic job, it really seemed like it could be a marketplace in the kingdom. I also love the choreography, the music and the dance for the place, it seemed very fitting and not out of place.
I also love how we got to see Prince Eric’s side of the story, he even had his own song.
In my opinion him being adopted gives him more character depth, him loosing his parents in a shipwreck gives him more reason to be so drawn to the sea.
When Eric recovered he sends people to look for the girl who saved him and I like that he takes a more active role in finding her in the live action, unlike in the animated movie where he’s just wandering around on a beach. Because of the incident his mother forbids him from sailing again which leads to our first new song of the film wild Uncharted Waters. The lyrics are filled with Maritime references which are a bit obvious which is good in my opinion because it makes the viewer understand them easier. It works for the new direction they've taken with Eric's character. It feels like a heartfelt song, I think Jonah Hauer-King made a great delivery of it.
I also liked how Ariel instantly forgot she had to kiss Eric. It made it seem like their love was even more “impossible” because if she couldn’t kiss Eric she’d turn back into a mermaid and be under Ursula’s control. It also made Ursula even more evil.
Ursula and Triton were actually siblings during the early development of the 1989 film but this dynamic was scrapped, I’m glad we got to see it in the live action.
I think Trident and Ursula being related helps with Ariel’s deal with Ursula.
Because Ariel had never met Ursula, she had just heard what her father said about her. She doesn’t fully believe her father because he also told her people are evil and she saw that to be false with her own eyes when she saw Eric. She was already doubting about what her father thought of “evil”.
She had also just gotten into a big fight with him and her trust for him had decreased.
She was also scared of her and thought about leaving but Ursula successfully manipulated her.
I also think the live action Ursula is pretty good. She’s manipulative and evil, she also has a great voice.
Overall, I think the changes were good changes and fit into the story.
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serenity-lattes · 2 years
Where Stranger Things characters would actually live in Indiana.
If you’re actually from Indiana, this will make sense to you. I live within 40 minutes of where Hawkins supposedly is and these are my hot takes. 
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Hopper: It was mentioned that he was originally from “the big city” and honestly, I think it would be Fort Wayne. Lots of factories there and he just fits, I have no specific reasons. He would definitely avoid the north end, it would be too “metro” for him. 
Murray: South Bend. There is a specific demographic there and that’s where the conspiracy theories would reside. 
The Byers: South side Muncie. Will would be enamored with the children’s museum and there are loads of pretty sceneries for Jon to snap pictures of. Joyce would have her selection of small mom-n-pop shops to work at. 
The Wheelers: Bloomington. Higher class, college town. Nancy and Mike would have all the opportunities they could dream of in this hellscape of a state. 
Steve: Carmel. It’s ritzy and pretty centralized in the state. And holy shit it’s SO NICE but it’s round-about hell. There are no stoplights or stop signs, just round-abouts. I avoid it at all costs, but the Clay Terrace is fun to walk around and shop at. 
Robin: Northern Greenfield. It’s a suburb of Indy, but there’s a little part of the town that’s lower-middle class. Even though the houses are only 45k, they’re pretty decent.
El: Logansport. If you expect something “off” to go on in Indiana, it’ll be in freaking Logansport. When you’re not smelling the awful odors from Tyson’s factory, you get the interesting stories from the state hospital. I think she would be in the more rural part of town, but there are specific spots in the downtown I could picture her in. 
Dustin: Wabash. I know many people from this town and honestly, all the kids have talent. It’s smaller, but it has a Wal-Mart, and there is a great farmer’s market and music/theatre scene. 
The Munsons: Converse. It’s a really small town, but there are really neat places to visit (see Jefferson Street BBQ). But given the reasons above for Dustin, they could easily live there too. 
The Sinclairs: Southern Kokomo. Not the biggest town, not the smallest. It’s quite diverse. And the houses on this side of town are pretty nice! There are pretty ponds and an amazing Japanese steakhouse. HOWEVER!!! Please avoid the north-east end because it’s fucking scary. Every time I’m on that end of town, it’s guaranteed to result in hearing at least one set of “pop-pop-pops”. Give me a Demogorgon any day. 
The Hargrove-Mayfields: This would have been Neil’s plan to move. And what we know about Neil, he’s not a nice or accepting person in any capacity. Elwood, for sure. I’ve had dear friends run out of these because a specific “clan” of people reside there. However, once Billy and Max are old enough to leave, they head for Lafayette. It’s not California, but it’s a nice enough, big enough place to be. 
Bob Newby: He’s so quaint and pleasant, he would be from Jasper. There’s a nice train ride you can do on the weekends during the fall and I can picture him being one of the tour guides on it. 
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