everydayafghanistan · 2 years
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A father and son waiting outside Mirwais Hospital in Kandahar city, waiting to meet a new brother or sister. #Kandahar #Afghanistan Photo & Words by Lynzy Billing @lynzybilling. #everydayafghanistan #fathers #afghan #everydayeverywhere #children #photojournalism #health #village #everydaykandahar #humanrights #work #aid #NGO #everydayhealth #everydayasia #reportagespotlight #afghanchildren #hospital #reportagephotography #happiness #womensharecultures #billinglynzy (at Kandahar, Afghanistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvdRBBt_yr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mindfulrelaxing · 2 years
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Who is your top 5 charaters?
Werty's official top 5 husbando list. This usually doesn't change at all.
#5 Juuzou Suzuya
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This boy needs a hug. A really big and warm hug.
By the way, the important question is does Juuzou count as an albino? I only realized it while writing this.
But to the point. I really like Juuzou's backstory and how his "madness and murderousness" are given reasons. Juuzou is just a good character who has experienced hell. Just the kind of character who does "bad" things but who you still want to succeed. Also, he has a really good voice actor.
Juuzou's character is just well executed. And now I know I'm not the only one who likes to poke holes in them skin with a needle.
#4 Kanato Sakamaki
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Kanato is just really relatable. And I don't mean that I carry a teddy bear with me inside which I keep my mother's ashes. I mean asperger traits that Kanato clearly has.
The following asperger traits are taken from the everydayhealth website, the source material can be found here.
Fascination with certain topics, Problems expressing empathy, controlling emotions, or communicating feelings, Tendency to engage in one-sided conversations (about oneself), Lack of common sense
I think these fit the Kanato character well. He doesn't understand sarcasm, is obsessively interested in his "dolls", Not really good at showing empathy or controlling his emotions, can't stand touch and assumes others think the worst of him.
And no, I'm not going to start diagnosing Kanato now. I'm just saying that he has many traits that an Asperger person can identify with.
( Honorable mention to Idia who held the #3 spot for over a year. )
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Ladies, Gentlemen and others Douma is here and he is really hot.
Werty has been a Douma simp since 2020.
Yes Douma Finally made it to this list. I have always liked Douma.
His backstory and character is just really well done. Douma has always been something that interests me. Even at the beginning, when I really hated his desing and eyebrows. But no matter what I did, I always ended up reading Douma fanfiction. I could start watching Hentai and then after half an hour I found myself reading Douma yandere writings. I still don't understand how it happened. I just really love him.
# 2 Leviathan
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I remember at first I hated him too. "Once again someone is making fun of us anime/manga enthusiasts" I thought.
But the more I played the game, the more relatable Leviathan's character felt. I actually didn't even know what an Otaku was until I met him.
Leviathan also has autistic traits and is one of my comfort characters. I have never identified with any character so much. He is also funny and his voice actor does a good job.
#1 Azusa Mukami
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Roses are red, violets are blue i love this masochistic vampire more than i ever can love you.
A poem I would recite to my boyfriend if he ever asked if I loved Azusa more than him. No wonder I'm single.
I have been an Azusa simp since 2018 or 2019.
And let's be clear right away that I like Azusa 100,00 times more than Leviathan. So there's really no competition for the number one spot. The day I say I love a some character more than Azusa I've lost my mind.
I love his personality, his backstory, how he really gets a lot of development throughout the game, and how masochistic he can be in creative ways. Also, the fact that Azusa thinks pain is love is really sweet.
His voice actor does a really good job and I can even listen to the English dub without internal bleeding.
Azusa is love Azusa is life
I guess I have a thing for characters with mental health problems.
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aargoev · 10 months
Discover the aargo ev smart mobile app #aargo #carcharging #ev #electricvehicle #india @electricvehicle @carchargerguy57 @everydayhealth @greenmeit
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sawtelghad · 27 days
خبر سار لمرضى كوليسترول الدم.. دراسة جديدة تكشف منافع تناول البيض المدعم، وهذه الكمية الموصى بها https://sawtelghad.net/63815
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mirletaliz · 1 month
8 of the Best Support Organizations for Young Adults With Cancer via @EverydayHealth https://www.everydayhealth.com/cancer/the-best-support-organizations-for-young-adults-with-cancer/
I'm cosigning on this article - all of these are fantastic organizations. I'm personally actively involved with 3 of them!
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storydom88 · 5 months
Bahaya Sering Mengonsumsi Makanan Asin
Jakarta – Mengonsumsi makanan asin terkadang sama halnya dengan mengasup makanan manis, sama-sama bikin ketagihan. Mengutip NYTimes, kata ahli dari Food and Drug Administration (FDA) makanan asin bisa merangsang seseorang untuk makan lebih banyak bahkan saat ia tidak merasa lapar. Alasannya, makanan jenis ini bisa merangsang otak untuk melepaskan dopamin, yaitu neurotransmitter yang berkaitan dengan pusat kesenangan. Namun, apa kamu tahu bahaya makanan asin bagi kesehatan? Terlalu banyak mengasup makanan asin bisa jadi membahayakan fungsi tubuh. Nah, berikut beberapa masalah kesehatan yang bisa ditimbulkan. domino77
Enggak Baik untuk Tulang Bahaya makanan asin dapat menyebabkan masalah pada kesehatan tulang. Melansir Everydayhealth, menurut ahli, garam yang terkandung dalam makanan asin bisa menyebabkan pengeluaran kalsium lewat ginjal. Namun, bukan berarti kamu enggak boleh mengosumsi garam sama sekali. Bila kamu ingin mengonsumsi makanan asin, ada baiknya dibatasi. Menurut rekomendasi para ahli, seseorang sebaiknya enggak mengonsumsi garam lebih dari 2.300 miligram sehari.
Jantung Bekerja Lebih Keras Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di atas, kadar garam yang tinggi dalam tubuh bisa membuat volume darah meningkat. Kalau sudah begitu, mau enggak mau jantung mesti bekerja ekstra keras untuk mengedarkan darah ke seluruh tubuh. Jika hal ini berlangsung terus-menerus, imbasnya bisa meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah.
Penyakit Kardiovaskuler Saat tubuh kelebihan garam, ginjal akan melepaskan lebih banyak air hingga membuat volume darah yang dipompa keluar oleh jantung meningkat. Nah, hal inilah yang membuat jantung harus bekerja lebih keras karena mesti menyuplai darah segar ke tubuh. Menurut sebuah penelitian, orang yang mengidap tekanan darah tinggi yang normal, bisa mendapatan keuntungan secara signifikan bila mengurangi asupan garam mereka. Enggak cuma itu, risiko menderita penyakit kardiovaskular pun turun sampai 25 persen untuk 10 hingga 15 tahun mendatang. Selain itu, kemungkinan mereka meninggal karena penyakit kardiovaskuler pun turun hingga 20 persen.
Tekanan Darah Tinggi Boleh dibilang, makanan asin merupakan musuh dari pengidap tekanan darah tinggi. Pasalnya, asupan garam berlebih dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah. Nah, kamu harus tahu, tekanan darah tinggi ini amat berkaitan dengan penyakit jantung dan stroke. Setengah sendok teh saja bisa menaikkan tekanan sistolik sebesar lima pon, dan tekanan diastolik sebesar tiga poin. Menurut ahli, kandungan garam yang tinggi dalam tubuh bisa mengganggu fungsi ginjal. Oleh sebab itu, garam pun harus dikeluarkan dari tubuh oleh ginjal. Namun, karena natrium sifatnya mengingat banyak air, maka makin tinggi jumlah garam akan membuat volume darah meningkat.
Hipertrofi Ventrikel Kiri Sebagian orang terkadang memang enggak mengalami hipertensi meski sering mengasup garam dalam jumlah tinggi. Namun, setelah ditelisik lebih jauh, rekam medis menunjukkan bahwa mereka mengalami hipertrofi ventrikel kiri atau pembesaran jaringan otot yang membuat dinding pada ruang pompa utama jantung. Nah, hal inilah yang bisa meningkatkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. domino99
Retensi cairan Retensi cairan sendiri merupakan kondisi kelebihan cairan yang menumpuk di dalam tubuh. Nah, keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh ini diatur oleh oleh natrium. Namun, jika kamu terlalu banyak mengonsumsi garam, maka ginjal akan kesulitan mengeliminasi kelebihan garam. Alhasil, tubuh kamu pun akan menahan cairan, yang terkadang bisa menyebabkan pembengkakan di sekitar jantung.
Mau tahu mengenai bahaya makanan asin lainnya bagi kesehatan? kamu bisa menghubungi dokter melalui aplikasi Halodoc untuk berdiskusi mengenai masalah tersebut. Yuk, download aplikasi Halodoc sekarang juga di App Store dan Google Play. tangan judi rtp
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smartphonegreece · 5 months
Πολύ υψηλά επίπεδα HDL-C, κοινώς «καλής χοληστερόλης», σχετίζονται με αυξημένο κίνδυνο άνοιας σε μεγαλύτερες ηλικίες.
everydayhealth Τα ασυνήθιστα υψηλά επίπεδα HDL-C, κοινώς γνωστά ως «καλή χοληστερόλη», σχετίζονται με αυξημένο κίνδυνο άνοιας στους ηλικιωμένους, σύμφωνα με μελέτη του Πανεπιστημίου Monash. Οι ερευνητές είπαν ότι τα πολύ υψηλά επίπεδα HDL-C που συνδέονται με τον κίνδυνο άνοιας σε αυτή τη μελέτη ήταν ασυνήθιστα και δεν σχετίζονται με τη διατροφή, αλλά πιθανότατα, αντικατοπτρίζουν μια μεταβολική…
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a1newsarticle · 1 year
News flash and also Culture: Real Opinion Content Classification
How does one react while you're reading one thing really interesting? It takes place when you scroll ethnical new media accounts as well as learn one thing genuinely amazing. Everyone automatically receive a imagined, out of in which many people gather many of these data? As to why you realize its hard to get many of these unique information? Definitely, the answer is based on the possibility that someone spreading many of these content articles know the best suited suppliers for getting trending or viral stuff.
If therefore,you wish to know quality suppliers for getting updated advice, fitness posts as well as fantastic data consequently here'verts a page:
Top rated 10 suppliers for getting trending, viral information, data as well as tales about the Net
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Thus, you now know the particular invaluable suppliers for getting trending, viral as well as invaluable equipment that'verts intriquing,notable and different. Experience! News Article
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ayman-wanees · 1 year
فيتامين د يؤثرعلي ميكروبيوم الأمعاء
نقضي الكثير من أيامنا في الداخل، سواء في المدرسة أو العمل أو المنزل، قد يكون من الصعب العثور على الدافع للخروج خاصة في فصل الشتاء، لكن تعريض بشرتك لأشعة الشمس يساعد جسمك على إنتاج فيتامين د الذي تشتد الحاجة إليه ، وغالبًا ما يُشار إلى فيتامين د باسم “فيتامين أشعة الشمس” لأن الأشعة فوق البنفسجية المنبعثة من الشمس تنشط تخليق فيتامين د في الجسم ، وفقا لما نشره موقع everydayhealth   يقول كريس وومان…
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nutrition-class · 1 year
Harvard School of Public Health
How to tell credibility of website:
When looking at a website providing data, it’s more likely a site is credible if they belong to a well known organization-often important to watch out for university sites, government or government approved, well known organizations, etc. The website “Harvard School of Public Health” is established from a well known university with credible scientists and information. EverydayHealth , though it states is looked over by professionals, is an internet brand and not inherently a credible source of scientific information.
The author is very telling of what information is relevant. The important thing to note is, is the author a blogger that’s simply signed up to the website and creating blog posts, or are they someone with a background on the things they speak on. The majority of “Harvard School of Public Health” is written by people with their PhD who are purposely researching the information. “EverydayHealth” also has verified medical experts checking the posts, however the actual author is a writer for the company rather than a medical expert.
Some vital signs on the credibility of a site is down to the details; are there spelling mistakes? Proper citations? Are there ads throughout the page of an article? A lot of scientific websites have a clean appearance and are very careful to correct grammar and misinformation by citing all their resources and keeping up to date.
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nowartic · 1 year
ماذا يفعل الزوجان في حالة تأخر الإنجاب؟ بعض الفحوصات الضرورية
ماذا يفعل الزوجان في حالة تأخر الإنجاب؟ بعض الفحوصات الضرورية
  بعد مرور السنة الأولى من الزواج بدون إنجاب يبدأ الزوجان في البحث حول الأسباب المؤدية لذلك، والوصول للحل الأمثل لمساعدتهم في الحصول على طفل. ويقدم التقرير المنشور عبر موقع “EVERYDAYHEALTH” أبرز وأهم الفحوصات الطبية التي يجب أن يخضع لها الأزواج في حالة تأخر الإنجاب، ومنها:    -فحوصات للزوج:   – تحليل السائل المنوي الذي من دوره المساعدة  في فحص الحيوانات المنوية من حيث العدد والشكل والكمية،…
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mindfulrelaxing · 2 years
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mahetab0 · 1 year
ما هي الجوارب الضاغطة وهل تستفيد من ارتدائها؟
ما هي الجوارب الضاغطة وهل تستفيد من ارتدائها؟
من الرحلات الطويلة إلى الحمل ومرض السكري، يمكن أن تسبب العديد من الظروف والحالات ألمًا وتورمًا في الساقين والكاحلين والقدمين، لذلك يستخدم الكثيرون الجوارب الضاغطة والملابس المصممة خصيصًا لتمارس ضغطًا لطيفًا لتنشيط الدورة الدموية وتخفيف الشعور بعدم الراحة. وحسب ما ذكره موقع everydayhealth تساعد الملابس الضاغطة على منع تجمع الدم في الأوردة ، وتمنع تجمع السوائل في الساقين ، وتساعد في إعادة الدم في…
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kayanweb1 · 1 year
4 أعراض تكشف إصابتك بالهربس- تعرف عليها
4 أعراض تكشف إصابتك بالهربس- تعرف عليها
04:10 م الثلاثاء 01 نوفمبر 2022 كتبت- هدى عبد الناصر: الهربس هو أحد الأمراض الجلدية التي غالبًا ما تنتقل عن طريق الاتصال الجنسي، ويتطلب ذلك استشارة الطبيب المختص للحصول على أفضل طرق للعلاج دون تفاقم الأعراض. يستعرض “الكونسلتو” في التقرير التالي أبرز أعراض الإصابة بالهربس، وفقًآ لما ذكره موقع “Everydayhealth”. أعراض تكشف إصابتك بالهربس 1- تقرحات أو بثور حول الفم يمكن أن تشير التقرحات والبثور حول…
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beiruttimelb · 2 years
وصفة سحرية لصحة الدماغ.. 8 أغذية لا غنى عنها
وصفة سحرية لصحة الدماغ.. 8 أغذية لا غنى عنها
وتحتوي بعض الأطعمة على مركبات تساعد في الحفاظ على أداء عقلك بشكل جيد، بينما يفتقر البعض الآخر إلى أي من التغذية اللازمة لتعزيز الصحة العقلية. وقد تندهش من بعض الأطعمة التي يمكن أن تساعد في تحسين حالتك الذهنية، والتي يجب إضافتها حتما إلى نظامك الغذائي، بحسب ما يقول موقع “everydayhealth”، الصحي.  الفراولة • بحسب بحث منشور في جامعة RUSH، فإن مركبا في الفراولة يسمى بيلارجونيدين، مفيد جدا لصحة الدماغ،…
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