#everyone made fun of me for my band member choices
ryniadora · 1 year
okay so a full 24 hours later I still haven't crawled out of the boyband rabbit hole other than a brief detour into musical theatreland.
Brain please, I beg. I had to go OUTSIDE to get a moment's reprieve.
I'm watching the same SMALL SECTION OF A SONG OVER AND OVER because omg my brain is craving it. It's literally just the same bridge spinning in my brain.
0 notes
I See You, Darling (3)
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[Astarion x reader] As I mentioned in a previous post, this came along surprisingly easier than the last one. The same can’t be said about the quality though maybe– sorry for that. :,DDD|Word count: 2.6k.| 
Content Warnings: Mentions of cooking, handling knives, blood, one sex joke (lol), the normal warnings that you’d associate with the game
Part 2 here!!
Next Part here!!
As an outsider to most of everyone’s problems, you find your place by helping in whatever way you can. Even if that may be at the expense of your own comfort, but at least it’s been fun so far.
Alternatively: Reader can't catch a break from anything, can they?
Being resident camp caretaker was surprising, for lack of a better term. You were away from the stresses of technology, corporate assholes, and disappointing family with your choice to pursue unpractical careers. Instead living the “cottagecore lifestyle” of foraging for food and cooking with a cauldron that those from the digital world claimed to be the best. What they failed to mention were the incessant pests coming in to nibble through rucksacks if you were not careful, and the occasional swarms of ants or flies coming in to nip at your flesh.
The experience was a mixed bag, so it would seem. But the tired smiles that the group would give you when you greet them with a warm and filling meal was always a comfort that you would have.
And it would seem they needed it now more especially than ever.
Your band of misfits planned to venture out and defeat the goblins at their camp in order to aid the tieflings’ journey to Baulder’s Gate. Per your instruction, you convinced the more solipsistic members of the benefits of eradicating the sect. Namely, they wouldn’t hinder you as much in the future if they were taken care of. Hence your plan to slightly increase the amount of portions for supper tonight.
By twilight, you had a good broth steeping in your cauldron. The camp having returned just a few moments prior from an earlier excursion. You were making a pottage that the others have expressed their enjoyment for. A stew of sorts that you had made when you had quite the number of items that would have spoiled before consumption had you not done anything about it. A mixture of fruits and meat, stewed in a consomme of a pig’s head and various mushroom caps. 
This time around, you’ll be using fresher ingredients to hopefully lift their spirits.
As you’re chopping up fruits, you think about all that’s happened to you and possible explanations for why your character suddenly ceased to exist in order to make room for you.  What’s more is that no matter how many nights pass, you never end up waking from your dream. Which you fear is lasting longer than your usual ones.
Your working theory is that whatever force, be it magic or fate, tethering you to this world is also responsible for removing Tav. Astarion claimed that he couldn’t remember the finer details when you had confronted  him. And so you settled with that hypothesis. That like how a thread that unravels opens a seam in a garment, a new thread must be used to darn the cloth together again.
You laugh at the disgustingly poetic analogy you created in your head. You fear that you’re becoming more and more deranged as—
“My, aren’t you busy?” The intrusive voice causes the knife to slip out of your hand a bit, thankfully only cutting off a portion of your index finger’s nail. Your shoulders, that were raised in alarm, release their tension after feeling the sudden chill leave your body.
“Astarion,”  Exasperated, you put the knife down on the cutting board to catch your breath for a while. 
“I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped sneaking up on me when I’m doing something dangerous.”
The high-elf offers a mischievous smile in response. “Very sorry, pet. But it’s hardly my fault when you’ve barely been paying attention to me.” There’s regret in his words, but not in his tone.
Because while perhaps it’s an odd interest, he enjoys hearing the quickened pace of your heart. The pulse getting louder, as it stays that way for longer.
“I’d feel sorry for doing so if you were too, but you’re not.”
You laugh out, breath still shaky but steadying slowly, as you pick up your knife again.
 “I heard you’re part of the encampment that’s finishing off the goblins by midmorn.” Chopping the rest of the fruits, you feel his presence move from behind you to off to your side so you can see him from your peripherals.
“Hm? Yes. Although I would have preferred if we didn’t do this at all. It’s too much work, and the goblins could be entertaining! Killing useful spoils seems like an awful waste.” 
This must be the reason why he approached you, to persuade you to call off the hunt. And his unfading smile supports that thought. When you voice said thought, it earns you a playful scoff.
“Don’t you have anything else on your mind other than the parasite lounging in it?”
The mood is light as you say this, the banter welcomed by you both. 
And as you continue to converse, a few eyes begin to follow the two of you. They’ve never really seen Astarion interact with you for this long, at least not away from your private spaces. And even less without hushed voices. The interlocution is definitely a welcome spectacle to them. 
“On my honor, the only thing on my mind is depraved, carnal lust.” He says, proudly. Gesturing to himself with one hand, and the other held high like he was swearing an oath. 
Your closed mouth drops into frown, eyes wide, and your eyebrows skew upwards. A very undignified, but small, squeak coming from the back of your throat. You swore you heard someone groan in disappointment from far away too.
You know full well that the look of shock that you were sporting was by no means attractive, but the flagrant revelation, though not at all out of character, was shocking to have directed towards you. You’ve been trying to romance the elven vampire with your character, only to end up nowhere. Therefore you are completely unsure if the dialogue he was spewing was completely a figment of your imagination, or is, indeed, canon.
The elf in question has seen this expression of yours before. Quite often, too. And while he doesn’t think it a, “pleasant sight,” it is rather… charming to him. 
Whether it be on purpose or not, people have the tendency to be on guard around him, preserving any twitch and sound that could give them away to themselves. Not that much had ever evaded him before with his naturally cunning behavior. But this clearly unscripted response, with the blatant confusion swimming in your eyes, is a rather refreshing sight to see.
“I see–” you clear your throat to lower your voice back to its normal octave. “Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to uh, bring those thoughts into fruition! Uh–,” You slide the rest of the cut fruits off of your cutting board and into the stew. 
“Is there anything else you wanted to tell me? Something I should know?” You turn to face him. He laughs at first, but then his brows furrow in question, as if he did have something to say and forgot about it or thinks it is no longer an appropriate time to ask. He shakes his head and says something along the lines of, “letting you do all the hard work” and returns to his tent.
But you are not left alone for long as another member of your little ragtag team joins you to ask about dinner. To which you ask them for which meat would be better to toss into it. 
After dinner, your little rapport concerning the plan and new findings with everyone is adjourned. Some thanked you before they left, and others simply walked away. From what you have learned from them, the Archdruid that was taken prisoner by the goblins was named, “Halsin.” He was a topic of interest as they said he might be able to aid you in your search for moonrise and understanding the Mindflayer worms.
Wyll had also approached you alone after dinner and offhandedly mentioned a dead boar being on the road. He had planned to return to camp with it if it could have been useful, but he had claimed that the animal had been unnervingly light. As if half of its weight was no longer there despite seemingly just keeling over for no reason.
You take note of that in one of your many journals, including additional information about the Archdruid and their kind in general. The book appearing more and more like the game’s quest booklet, with the exception of a few crossouts and colored ink to emphasize each quest’s urgency and relevance to finding a cure. When you successfully rescue the druid of the grove, it seems you will have to move out quite soon after, so you fixed up your pack just a bit to make it easier later on.
You look around, everyone seems to be in their respective areas. Doing whatever it is they usually do  with the exception of Astarion. Though he has been known to either sneak off or hide away from time to time in his tent, so you think nothing of it.
You return to the communal chest, tallying up the remaining supplies and inspecting the wares. You sort the tradeable objects in one rucksack and appraise its worth. The chest also has pieces of gold, some that others have placed, and others you picked up and added. You prefer to let the others keep what they think is valuable to them, and only place what they want to share in the vessel. 
If the party’s gold ever runs out, you think that the rucksack is worth a few nights of food when you travel out again. Assured by this knowledge, you placed your writing materials back in, closed the chest, and turned in for the night.
Maybe this time, you’ll wake up. But you also don’t really want to. Not just yet. 
As you slept, you wondered about the longevity of your knowledge of the media. You hadn’t finished the game, and although you’ve accomplished a fair bit of it, you worry about how you will face the events to come. One of the only reasons why you haven’t flinched so much at the terrors that occurred was because you had anticipated them. Braced yourself for the dangers ahead.
You fear what might happen when you no longer have that power at your disposal.
Perhaps it's the worry, perhaps it's the stiff, compact ground that you have yet to be accustomed to sleep on despite the bedroll, or perhaps it's the presence of something suddenly cool that stirs you awake. 
But what you did not expect was Astarion’s face hovering over yours to be the reason. Fangs bared, and ready to bite. Your eyes go wide and you let out a small gasp, hands moving up in a gesture akin to clawing at yourself. 
The elf realizes that you’re awake now and he curses. Moving away as you scramble upright just like you did all those nights ago. The look of genuine fear at the prospect of being bitten is apparent on your face, and he feels almost guilty to be greeted with it.
“Please, I wasn’t going to hurt you— I just needed, well, blood.” He says it in a panic. Worried that you might run off, losing his only sure chance, and possibly enraging the rest of the camp.
In this moment, you realized the error in your ways. Astarion had been hunting nearly every other night in the same area. And if you were progressing through the events like how the game did, he couldn’t have had the time nor energy to venture too far after feeding from most of the creatures in the vicinity.
‘The exsanguinated boar…’ You remember.
“You’ve been feeding on animals for the past few nights, haven’t you?”
“It seems like word got around then.” Although unknowingly, he’s referencing what Wyll delivered to you earlier in the night.
“I’m not some monster, I feed on boars, deer, kobolds– whatever I can get. I’m just too slow right now. And with the damned excursion,” He stops himself, complaining is only doing worse for his condition.
“It’s not enough. I feel so…weak. If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better.” You’re conflicted. You had no problem offering yourself as your character for him to feed on, but even witnessing that through a disconnected screen was enough to make you feel uncomfortable imagining it. You care about him, want to give him what he deserves, but this…
What’s more is that you know what he’s saying is necessary, not at all overstating how dire his need to satiate his hunger is, making it all the more difficult.
He needs to convince you, if he wants to continue on, that is. Without the presence of the illithid, he resorts to more practical means of doing so. Similar to what he did to many.
Noticing the slight tremor of your hands, he takes the chance to slowly kneel down on your bedroll. Closing the distance between you. He takes your hand, now rougher from the work you do, and meets your shaken gaze with his dark eyes.
“Please. I only need a taste, I swear.” He had meant to tell you before dinner, had he not felt the eyes of the others on the two of you. This discovery is not lost on you. He needs you specifically. And you realize it's out of convenience because you’re an expendable resource. If you pass, the group can venture on, but he also still needs you alive for whatever reason. He can’t have the others finding out, not until they trust him. 
He needs you to trust him. And this is the only way you can help him in this moment.
With that, you strengthen your resolve. 
“I…I trust you, Astarion. But no more than what you need.” A dangerous bet, but you hope it would be worth it.
“Really? I–”
 “Can I trust you on that?” The shock on his face fades, and he agrees.
“Let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?” You lay down, preparing yourself to faint during the process and allowing your blood to flow throughout your body. He observes the rapid movement of your eyes as he drapes himself above you. Your sight flitting from anywhere but him and then returning all the same. No doubt that you fear being at his mercy.
He feels almost sorry that you have to do this for him.
So he graces you with what mercy he can give.
The bite is quick. You would have felt the flesh of your neck parting for him, had he not done so. You feel tears prick at your eyes and start to feel the area from your neck and upwards go cold.
A momentary, sharp pain, that lulls to a chilling numbness in what seems like a matter of seconds.
You feel his body start to grow warmer at your expense and you feel satisfied knowing that you could help him.
When he doesn't stop, you start to worry.
Your breath catches in staccato beats, pulse quickening in tandem. You try to stop him, hands coming up to push or tug, but the heavy sensation that washes over you only permits them to find purchase on his form.
You try to speak, but it seems as if the common tongue does not reach him.
Your mind goes into overdrive, all of a sudden it doesn’t feel like a dream anymore and genuine fear courses through your veins.
You need him to stop, and you try to think of more efficient ways of doing so.
But your mind starts slowing as well. The pain has certainly faded, but the presence of the vampire at your throat reminds you in case you’ve forgotten.
As a last ditch effort, you try to use whatever might appeal to him, to break him out of the trance that he was in from finally replenishing himself. 
“Isalhal–” One of the few Elvish words you recalled.
The effort thankfully makes him pull back in shock, stopping him. Your eyes finally close, thankful for the reprieve you're finally granted. You hear a distant, “thank you,” and a more distant “shit” before rest takes over.
You worry about waking up tomorrow.
But for now, you’re thankful that Astarion will be able to fight well.
For himself and for everyone else’s sake.
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, @tiannamortis, @aoirohi, @sarkara211, @jane-3043, @h3110-dar1in9, @h3ll0k1ttyl0ver333, @mimziethealien, @squichymochi, @sharabay, @furblrwurblr, @dork-of-the-universe, @thedevilssinner, @fuckalrighty, @queenofthespacesquids, @perseny, @goldenplutus, @h4nluv, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer, and @auszimbo for asking to be tagged!!
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meiideryz · 4 months
sounds of strings.
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pairing: liu yangyang x reader
length: 2.68k
synopsis: yangyang is a man who would completely back off from people his friends like, but not this one.
tags: alternative universe, rock band au, wayv ensemble, unrequited love, rockstar!yangyang ft. hendery, one-sided attraction, implied pining, house partying, yangyang is head over heels for you consented, drunk kissing, slight heavy make-out session, alcohol consumption, mentions of vulgar/foul words.
note: the plot idea came from my sibling who intended to make this as a xhy social media au to be posted on another platform (if you are interested in reading it, please anticipate later on in twitter!), so i was granted permission to write their favorite part of the plot to see how it would turn out, and here it is!
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yangyang couldn't understand why every person he knows is so drawn to him but not you.
he was that rockstar who played his maroon matted electric guitar in big bars to perform on stage. he was that rockstar that everyone would talk about in broad daylight. he loved the way people would get excited seeing him at his gigs and get asked to take pictures with him. 
but the fact that out of all people, you don't show interest in him in the slightest bit upsets him. 
one of his friends was hosting a party later tonight, and he was asked to perform at their place. yangyang made sure to dress nicely in case you were coming to see him perform. 
when he and his band arrived, you were already there chilling in the backyard; drinking, talking, having fun with your friends. wanting to approach you, he took a step forward with a gentle smile on his face that was completely wiped off as soon as his other band member snaked his arm around your waist. the man holding you closer to an intimate position which led you to place your palms on his chest. 
“hey, beautiful.” 
right, he exactly understood why you never had interest in him. 
he had no choice but to watch hendery spew out sweet words to you. he stared at your reddened cheeks, letting out a nervous breathy laugh while the man before you held you still with a hand on your hip. 
“we’re about to perform, cheer for me?” the way hendery held eye contact with you was long and arousing. yangyang couldn’t handle watching anymore, tearing his eyes away from the scene, leaving the band member alone. 
as he walked towards the set where they were gonna perform, the sound of short breaths coming from his back until a hand grabbed on his shoulders to stop him. 
“why'd you leave me there?” hendery asked, there was laughter in his tone, which made yangyang roll his eyes. he took the maroon electric guitar in his grasp before turning on the amplifier beside him to adjust the sounds. 
“jealous, perhaps?” a question that kept him still in his spot.
yangyang knew he was trying to insinuate things, but he also knew that he wasn't wrong for that. although his friend had his eyes for you, yangyang wanted you, too- despite how impossible it was considering the fact that you were at the brink of being wrapped around hendery’s finger.
“i don't have time for that,” prompted him, his tone sounded harsh and rude, but the latter never questioned. “you know, what i want you to do right now is to get the others. we'll be performing in 10 minutes.” completely deviating from the topic, a sigh left the latter's lips before leaving the guitarist alone in the area to set up the instruments. 
when yangyang performed on stage, he scanned the crowd in search of you because seeing you always left him in excitement, thrill, and motivation. he wanted to impress you so much that during their performance, he turned the volume knob up to blast the sounds of his electric guitar, purposely overpowering the other instruments being showcased by his band mates. they would give him stares, but he didn’t care. 
what matters to yangyang is that everyone would get on their feet and jump to the beat, and there he could see you, just watching the band perform. 
his heart raced, finally getting your attention as you stared at him. it saddened him by how impassive you were, and to fix that, he flashed you a smile before going back to strum his fingers on the strings of the instrument. his charismatic image sparked the performance, causing the people to remarkably cheer for the band that gave him a content look on his face. yangyang grinned when you looked away, as he wondered if your cheeks heated up under the flashing color fairy lights shining and blinking above. 
by the time they were finished, the band got off stage to have their time to rest too. hendery left to get the drinks, ten followed to get the food, and kun thanked the host for letting them perform at their house party. 
the rockstar sat in one of the tables in the corner while the next performing band played a soothing jazz genre in the background. a helmet resting beside his clothed thigh while he thumbed over the motor gloves he was wearing in his hands. he inspected the area, finally looking in your direction at the other side of the yard as he watched you talking to your friends. he was so fixated on you, and wondered why you didn't feel the same.
moments passed after casually having a conversation with kun, his eyes found their way back to the direction where you previously were, only to find no one. 
he looked back at the latter, “hey uhm, i'm going back inside, really need to use the restroom right now.” 
getting the chance to excuse himself, he headed inside the house through the crowd. the pulsating of his heart throbbed from the loud beats coming from the speaker that is somewhere around the room that didn't matter to him. 
walking through the crowds was such a hassle to get to the other room, his voice low and soft as he gently pushed through people. it took him a while to do so, the room was illuminated by led lights so it was hard for him to find the exit area to the next room with such minimal source of light.
once he arrived at the corridor, the roaring sounds of screaming filled the room next to him. of course, hendery's voice can't go unnoticed. yangyang exhaled, walking past the door, not feeling the need to come inside and deal with the latter's drunken state. he then continued to find where the restroom is. it could possibly be upstairs, but he might end up witnessing something that he shouldn't need or might regret seeing. 
avoiding the 2nd floor, he continued searching for an available restroom. when he finally found one, he wasted no second getting inside, instantly reminding himself that he got here with a motorbike, and he couldn't risk getting into an accident from drinking too much. yangyang faced the dirty mirror that was filled with smudges of fingerprints and lipsticks. not that he minded it, it was a party after all, he expected these to happen in a house party.
opening the faucet, he removed the leather gloves from each hand, placing it aside before gathering a normal amount of water in his palms, splashing it to his face to try and sober himself up. he repeated the procedure several more times before wiping his face with a clean towel he found in the drawers. 
as he was about to turn off the faucet, the door beside him swung open. startling the rockstar, he reacted quickly, backing away from the door with a wide-eyed expression. then the look on his face softened, finding you holding onto the doorknob. 
he watched as your legs couldn't hold you up anymore, with one step your body launching forward to the ground. “fuck!” yangyang instinctively held his arms out to catch you, preventing you from falling on the floor. 
“i got you, i got you.” he repeated, assuring you in an embrace where you nuzzled yourself in his chest, letting out a laugh as your hands were placed around his shoulders. he heard you slur, telling him how good he was at playing the guitar, following with how good he was with his fingers. yangyang felt like his mind was going blank, hearing some very vulgar words you were whispering to him that he wouldn't even dare to think about.
you really were that drunk. 
yangyang's cheeks heated up, shifting in his position to hold you properly in his arms. “god, what have you been drinking this whole time?” 
“red juice,” you beamed in between hiccups and sniffles. because of the proximity, yangyang couldn't help but feel his heart race at how close you were to him. you were really pretty up close and he wished he could just stare at you for how long he wanted— but you needed help right now and gaping at you wasn’t the best option in this situation.
“hey, let’s get you sober up, okay?” his arms moved down to your thighs, holding it firmly before lifting you up to place you on the restroom counter. your hands never parted away from his neck, instead, you interlock your hands together as you keep clinging onto him, making it harder for yangyang to actually help you.
“look, i’m trying to help you here,” he sighed, his hands going up to clasp around your wrists, trying to pull it down. “your friends might also be looking for you.”
“i don’t care.” you responded, following with a hiccup leaving your lips. “i’m here with you, and that’s all that matters.”
even if yangyang wanted to believe that, you were drunk. he knew what you were like towards him if you weren’t wasted at all with all that drinking. he did wish that there was more to what you stated, as some people said that one’s true feelings unveil when they’re under the influence.
“y-you’re drunk, you don't mean that.” he tried to pull your arms away from him for the second time, only for you to pull him closer.
yangyang's breath hitched, finding himself entangled in an embrace with his face inches to yours, the invitation of your lips tempting him to close the gap.
he composed himself, his arms caging in between your body as his palms rested on the counter to balance himself. as much as the desire was kicking in, he wouldn't do such a thing to you especially of how intoxicated you were, your vulnerability lay bare before him.
“come on, i need to help you and you need to help yourself. we’ve been here for god knows how long and people might start looking for—”
a pair of lips brushed against his. his completely blown pupils dilating at the action as the way you slid your tongue against his bottom lip melted him entirely, his soul leaving his body at that very moment.
yangyang was a nervous trainwreck at this point, not sure whether to push you away or to reciprocate. no matter how much he wanted you so bad, he wouldn’t want to be in conflict with someone who also liked you, especially hendery. he was a man who would completely back off from people his friends like, but not this one. the drummer had already expressed to the rest of the band that he liked you for too long, yet how he craved for your flavored chapstick smearing over his lips, your mouth driving him insane, and shared breaths between kisses was something he yearned for in every way.
he had fallen hook, line, and sinker.
fuck it, hendery won’t know.
it didn't take long before yangyang returned the kiss. he fluttered his eyes closed as he matched the pace of your lips while his hands traveling to grip the sides of your hips to hold you still. he wasn't so sure anymore if he was still sober, but one thing he is certain is how much he felt drunk from the make-out session.
the air around him turned hot, and somehow your hands were now on his hair, tugging it lightly, pulling him closer. his nails digging into the cloth covering your skin. how he wanted to get that thing away, but he eventually didn't as he just wanted to concentrate on your lips over his.
it was merely a perfect mold to his. both lips moved with such passion and hunger for each other as your tongue slipped into his mouth with ease, causing the rockstar to let out a breathy moan.
he felt his heart thumping against his ribs and your chest the more you tried to close the gap between you. the rhythm of both lips turned sloppy, messy, and fiery, craning his neck to deepen the kiss. yangyang knew that once he broke the kiss, he would never get to feel your lips on his again— yet his lungs were screaming at him, begging and seeking for air.
yangyang's chest heaved up and down, finally abandoning your lips to catch his own breath. his sweaty forehead covered in his bangs rested against yours, completely worn out and drained while his hot breath fanned over your mouth.
“you know, you and i are going to regret this when we wake up tomorrow.” he mumbled through exhales. you laughed in return, and it was such a pleasant sound for the rockstar.
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an hour passed by and everyone soon left the party, including you. yangyang carried his things to the truck of kun’s car along with the other instruments and equipment. he gave a double pat on the shiny steel of the vehicle. “there you go, take care of roxanne for me.”
kun scrunched his nose up at the name, an eyebrow raised while looking at him. “roxanne?”
“my guitar.”
“...right.” kun's gaze went back to the front window of his car, the key that was inside the ignition key was pulled back out after he had started the engine. yangyang could see hendery and ten's sleeping silhouette in the backseat through the tinted windows, tired after all the performing, eating, and drinking.
“where were you a while ago? i was looking for you after i found out you've been gone for too long,” the former questioned, which made the latter feel a lump in his throat. 
“sorry,” he apologized, “i went up to the balcony to use some stig.”
“oh, well...are you coming with us?” kun asked, hands gripped on the stirring wheel. yangyang refused, waving his hands at him and indicating the three to leave without the rockstar. “i came with my motorbike, i'd be fine alone.” signaling them to go, kun made no second thoughts before driving away from the party, leaving him alone with his motorcycle just around the corner.
he walked back into the backyard where he found his friend and other people cleaning up the area, picking up the used cups and plates on the grass. his hand grasped onto the helmet that he left a while ago during the party as he carefully placed it on his head, adjusting the helmet so that it wasn't too loose nor too tight to wear.
“i’ll get going, thank you!” he yelled out, calling his friend's attention, to which the latter smiled, acting out a salute gesture to acknowledge his presence and bid farewell.
yangyang set his foot out to leave the house, and there he saw his motorcycle at the side that awaited him. he made sure to look at the road before crossing, not wanting to run into some vehicles like he did last time.
the keys in his pants jingled as he took it out, inserting it into the ignition to start the engine of his motorbike. he ensured that his extra helmet was inside the storage under his seat before hopping on, and once he did, he left the area.
he crashed into his bed by the time he arrived at his apartment, and when he woke up this morning, his head throbbed from the massive hangover he had last night. he found himself tucked with the velvet covers of his mattress, his throat dry and itchy, and the oppressive force of his headache squeezing his head tightly.
his phone that was on the nightstand next to him was filled with notifications of messages from his friends. he was met with a video clip that was sent to him and some screenshots of people commenting under the video that was uploaded in a social media platform.
then his heart dropped, watching the video of you and hendery kissing each other at the party last night.
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skzoologist · 11 months
It was a bit(e) of a mistake
word count: ~1.3k
genre: crack
warnings: none
summary: Filming their Halloween special was always a hazard for Bae, now more than ever.
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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This day of the year came again, something that Bae both looked forward to and dreaded at the same time.
Because his band members were notorious for teasing him more than usual, forcing the poor makeup artists to hurry and try to cover up his heated up skin, before the situation got so bad it would become straight up impossible. The poor staff members were all familiar with it, learning to enjoy it more than anything, if their amused smiles and laughter were anything to go by. And through it all, Bae couldn’t do anything, his only choice was to silently accept it and try to shoot their Halloween special video for their beloved fans, hoping that his cheeks only looked like they had too much blush applied to.
He tried in the past, but it didn’t work. All it got him was a firm place in SKZ meme compilations, something that wasn’t exactly his aim, to be quite honest.
“What do you think we’ll be dressed up as this year?” - Seungmin asked from beside him, breaking Bae out of his stupor. “Well, probably not something we already were in the past, so I’m curious too.” - Jeongin replied, sipping on some caffeinated drink he found in their break room. “I hope it’s vampires, that one was fun.” - Felix added in as he entered the room, plopping right next to their maknae and immediately clinging to him. “Oh my god, you’re right, we should be vampires again! The fans loved it, didn’t they, Bae hyung?” - Jisung excitedly said, wiggling his eyebrows at the mentioned male.
Bae, of course, silently shook his head in denial, even though his mind instantly relayed to him the clips of all the videos STAY made, some cool, some… on the more questionable side. His skin already started darkening, something his very ‘kind’ friends pointed out to him gleefully.
“I agree with Jisung, the stylists did a really great job.” - it was Minho this time, a devious grin already forming on his lips. “Of course you do, you couldn’t keep your hands away from him in those black leather pants.” - that expression of Chan’s was frighteningly starting to look like the one Minho had, making Bae do a double-take. “Please, as if you were any different.” - Hyunjin said as he rolled his eyes, his lanky form draped over Felix as he was watching the boy’s phone. “Says the pot to the kettle.” “Yah!”
In the blink of an eye a playfight broke out between the three, everyone else watching it, even though they were just as guilty as the participants. It was a miracle in itself that Changbin hadn’t joined in, opting to instead continue snacking in their limited breaktime. Jisung somehow managed to avoid it all, quietly standing back and enjoying the show while sipping on his own chosen beverage. Based on his dangerously rising energy levels, it had to have been coffee, adding to Bae’s increasingly worsening stress levels.
“Can we have ONE occasion where you guys aren’t flirting, teasing and just straight up grabbing at each other?” - Bae muttered out into his own hands that rested on his face, only the ones sitting next to him hearing it.
While he didn’t get a vocal answer, something he didn’t really hope to get -he wasn’t that naive-, Felix just sympathetically patted his back in a fruitless chase of comfort.
Soon they were whisked away, their stylists moulding them to the image in their heads, turning them into the idols their fans knew and loved. Bae always loved it, obediently sitting in the chair and letting the professionals work away on him, covering up any imperfections and painting on his skin. His long hair always got the same treatment, sometimes even having two people work on it at the same time. This time the dark strands were hanging free, some taken to be braided and clipped to stay in place.
He felt like a work of art himself.
A very miserable work of art.
He truly couldn’t help the deep sigh that resonated from his chest, the notion not at all new to him. His red eyes followed the excited form of the others joyfully darting around the room they were soon to be filming in, somehow even Chan joining them, instead of trying to wrestle the others into his hold to calm them down. Bae dreaded fully stepping into the room, knowing fully well what was about to happen once he did so.
The stylists thankfully crafted a less daring outfit for him this time, granting him that classy, old time vampire look with a hint of that usual kpop industry shine. His skin was fully covered up, nothing to bashfully try and hide, yet his neck was delightfully peeking out, two little painted on red dots revealed in the right angle.
Of course, this didn’t stop the others from flustering him the moment they noticed him, latching onto his rigid form every chance they could get. No matter how hard Bae was trying to act unaffected, to dodge them and their hands, his mask was starting to crack. It didn’t help that Minho was using the short moments when Bae was distracted to do what he was the best at: hunting butts. Even his little discipline, Seungmin, joined in, causing Bae to have a smaller brain aneurysm.
He didn’t think it could ever get worse, until he felt a presence behind his back, sharp pain in his neck following it close behind. A strangled little shout left his lips, sounding more surprised than anything.
Bae didn’t know what to think, as he stood there, silent, just like the perpetrator, all the while the others were laughing so hard, he was becoming slightly concerned for their well-being. But soon his brain rebooted, his eyes darting to the side, discovering dark strands of hair and round cheeks. 
A dangerous idea popped into his head, the taste of revenge too sweet to think of the consequences. Thus, he turned around, caging the mischievous little quokka in his hold and he bit, his two fake, elongated teeth sinking deeper than the others into his prey’s flesh.
A small sound took Bae’s attention away, his head urgently tearing away from Jisung’s neck and looking at him with wide eyes.
“Did you just fucking moan?!” - his voice was raised, something that didn’t happen a lot. “Hey man, I don’t kinkshame you.” - it was all the reply he got before his face shifted, his arms holding the man in his hold the furthest away from him he could.
Laughter bounced around the room, accompanied by thuds as some people fell down from the force of it. Some members were trying to form sentences, but failed as no word that left their mouths made sense. Even the staff members joined in, some desperately trying to hide their laughter, some entirely giving up on the impossible task.
“Holy s-shit, I, I have never seen, I-, Bae hyung look so disgusted, and, and h-he lives with Gymracha!” - it was Felix’s deep voice that succeeded first, riddled with laughter and wheezing, his lungs desperately trying to gather in air.
Seungmin and Jeongin were quick to agree, doubling over again, joined by the resident cat and weasel. All the while the mentioned members looked at the young aussie offended, but the memory of what just happened replayed in their minds once again and took their attention away, blessing them with another bout of laughter.
“I am giving you up for adoption, Jisung.” “Wh- wait, wait, Hyung, I’m sorry, please come back!”
As Jisung went out to chase after Bae, the others scraped themselves together, watching them with joy still swimming in their eyes.
“Now I wish I did it sooner.” “Me too Seungmin, me too.” - it was Felix who replied, but it was clear they were all thinking it.
“I guess I’m giving you all up for adoption then, bye.” “Wait, naur, Bae come back–”
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dreamingofep · 2 years
Strangers in the Crowd
(Elvis/Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No, just another one of my delusional fantasies.
Prompt: You and your best friend are on are annual girls trip and go to see Elvis at the International. Little did you know this would be a show you’ll never forget. [Fem!Reader ]
TW: Smuttt, cussing, fingering (f. receiving) teasing/tension, virgin reader, unprotected p in v, oral.
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)
Word Count: 8.1k
A/N: Hi lovlies. Hope you enjoy this new fic! I LOVE 70s Elvis in Vegas and couldn’t help but wonder if he would have a little fling with someone in his audience. Im incapable of writing a short fic I guess so sorry that it’s so long hahaha. Feel free to message me or comment what you think! Thanks for all the love. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or goofs.
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The Vegas lights blinded you with all their glittery and colorful beauty. You had never been here before and this small little city in the desert excited you. You and your best friend were on your annual girls trip and this year you decided to go all out and do a three-day trip here. You and Cicily were also celebrating your 25th birthday together as it was only 3 days apart from one another. You both had never left Austin and were so excited to make a road trip to Vegas.
You both were fresh out of breakups and were ready to have some fun. Your ex was a selfish asshole and only wanted to use you for your body. You never let him get that far and couldn’t stand how he would treat you regardless. It only lasted a month but you knew a girls trip was in order a forget all about any college boy problems.
On the first day there, you both hit the shops and bought some new outfits and a really special one to go and see Elvis Presley at the International Hotel tonight. You both were so excited to see him live. You had heard all the rave reviews of his latest Vegas engagement and Cicily had a cousin who worked for the hotel who could get you two some tickets to the midnight show. They were booths in the middle of the showroom so you thought it would be a pretty good seat to see everything.
You both wait in line to get into the theater and the excited hum of the room made you so anxious in the best of ways. You’ve never seen him live and tonight was the time.
You both get ushered to your booth and you order drinks for yourselves. Two cosmopolitans were your drinks of choice and the buzz in the air was electric. Everyone was rushing to their seats with hound dogs and pictures of Elvis in their hands. A lot of the girls were giddy with excitement and you couldn’t help but look the same. You glance over at Cicily and it looks like she’s on the brink of screaming.
The house lights go down and applause breaks out as the golden curtain starts to rise. The lights dance on the shimmering fabric and it is mesmerizing. The band starts to play and you get chills running down your arms. The bass is loud and heavy and feels like it's rattling in your chest.
Then you see it. This tall, ethereal-looking man steps from the wings of the stage and captures the audience in the palm of his hand. The most contagious-looking smile forms across his face and he shakes his head and looks down at the floor, then back up. You’re smiling like an idiot and screaming with the rest of the crowd. His tan skin gleamed underneath the white jumpsuit he had on with mesh chains connecting on each side of the low cut V. You look over at Cicily and she has tears in her eyes she’s so happy.
You have to pinch yourself… you’re in the same room as Elvis Presley.
The Elvis Presley.
The King of Rock and Roll.
The man that caused riots in the 50s and now fourteen years later, he’s back for more.
His long legs get him to the microphone quickly as one of his band members helps him put his guitar strap on around his neck. He still has an ear-to-ear grin on his face and pulls the microphone stand to him as he stretches out his right leg as the left is shaking in place.
“We’ll that’s all right mama…that’s all right with you…”
The sound of his voice filling the large showroom is causing everyone to thrill with excitement and clap along to the beat of the song. He is filled with nervous energy but it is only fueling him further.
You hug her tight as both of your eyes are glued to the stage.
She nudges you as he is talking to the audience, “Isn’t he something?! Oh my god, he’s just on fire up there!”
You nod your head as you look back at the stage. He starts stuttering and making fun of himself and folding over and laughing. And good lord his laugh is the most contagious thing you’ve ever heard. You feel a grin form across your face as you listen to him stutter and giggle at himself. He still has that boyish charm but the sexual charisma drips off of him like thick sweet honey.
And what you would give to have a taste…
Cicily bumps your shoulder and breaks you out of your daydream.
“Did you know that he walks through the crowd and kisses the girls? My cousin says he does It every show,” she says giddily. You can’t help but giggle and blush at the idea of his lips touching yours. Lord, it makes you weak just thinking about it.
“My first movie ladies and gentlemen was Love Me Tender, I’d like to sing it for you,” you hear his smooth baritone voice fill the speakers and turn your attention to the stage again. He starts the song off slowly, kissing a few girls that are by the stage. Then he goes down the steps of the stage and says hello to more people.
The crowd starts to gather around him as he tries to make his way through the showroom. He places soft kisses on the women coming up to him or anyone else he sees in his eye-line.
He starts getting closer to your booth and a huge surge of nerves fills your entire body.
Could there be a chance?
Would he see you?
Would he give you a kiss?
Screams fill the air as he gets closer to your booth and you feel your heart drop into your stomach. He was distractingly beautiful the closer he was to you. All you could do was stare at the way he commanded the room and how he took the time to look at everyone with a smile.
Suddenly, your eyes meet and you gasp at those electric blue eyes. They pierce into you and hold you there. You feel like time had slowed down for you two. In this brief moment, it was just you two and not the other thousands of people screaming his name fighting to get his attention. He gently pushes through the few people in front of him and stands right before you.
A small smirk forms on the corners of his mouth and he places his hand on your cheek. Blood rushes to them and you move in closer to him.
“Come here, lil’ mama,” he says and leans in to kiss you.
His lips meet yours and you move your hand to his face too. The softness of his lips feels perfect on yours and he pulls away and has a gorgeous smile on his face. Before turning away, he winks and moves into the crowd almost consuming him. Your whole body is in shock. There are no words that can form in your head other than, “holy shit.”
You place both of your hands over your mouth to cover your complete shock. Cicily tugs at your arm and is screaming over and over at you, “what just happened!? Oh my god was that real!?”
You are at a loss for words. Nothing could make this trip more perfect than what just happened. Elvis makes his way back onto the stage to finish the song. The crowd starts to sit back down and you are buzzing with excitement still. Never in a million years did you think this would happen.
“Am I dreaming!? Holy shit… that was amazing…” you trail off in a daze.
“Was it like you dreamed it?”
“Even better, god what I would give for another…” you stop yourself as Cicily grabs your hand with a sly look on her face.
“You don’t have enough balls to go get another…” she giggles.
You look back up to the stage and he’s taking a second to drink some water. Every angle of this man is perfect and the way that jumpsuit looks astonishing on him just makes your mouth water. The feeling of his plump lips replays over and over and over again in your head and you start to blush just thinking about having another kiss from him.
“You wanna put money on that?”
You get up from the booth and make your way to the front tables. You squeeze through the people’s chairs and get to the ledge of the stage. Elvis turns around and sets down his water on the table next to one of the guitar players as he sees you leaning your arms on the stage and looking up at him. You rest your chin on your arms and give him your most pleading eyes.
“Well now, what do we have here,” he chuckles into the microphone.
You smile a big smile at him and motion him to come closer to you with your finger.
He slowly moves closer, taking his sweet time, almost teasing you.
“You want another kiss so you can sit down, is that the idea?” he teases, his feet right near your arms.
You nod your head yes and can’t help but bite your lip. You feel this rush of boldness and reach out and touch his calf. He gets a grin from this gesture and kneels down on one knee for you.
“Well come here baby,” he coos into the microphone. The crowd goes crazy and you feel your heart racing out of your chest. You get on your tippy toes as you try to reach him. He pulls the microphone away from his mouth and places his hand on your face yet again. He gives you a sly grin and shakes his head.
“You naughty girl,” he whispers as he leans in for a kiss. Your cheeks flush red at the sound of his words but also how passionate the kiss felt. There was so much energy flowing through him and you loved the way his lips felt on you. You squeeze his calf slightly as he is about to break the kiss. You smile up at him and bite your lip. He shakes his head and goes in for another wet kiss and you can’t help a small airy moan escape your lips.
“Thank you,” you mouthed at him and let go of his leg. You shoot him an ear-to-ear smile and he gets off his knees and stands back up.
“Lord have mercy,” he chuckles back into the mic as the audience continues to egg him on. You feel your head spinning and the loudness of the room only gets worse. You take a deep breath and try to go back to your seat. Other girls were trying to get to the stage too but Elvis wasn’t paying any attention to them. He went back for another drink of water and the band start to play the next song.
You finally reach the booth and Cicily’s mouth is agape and her eyes are blown wide.
“Pay up,” you snicker and hold out your hand.
She continues to have that shocked expression on her face and you burst out into laughter.
“You’re insane! I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” You nod your head at her and look back at the stage.
“Well, when’s the next time that’s gonna happen?! The worst he could have said was no. I have nothing to lose we’re leaving in two days, might as well take some memories with us back home,” you say as you realize everything that has happened in these last 20 minutes. Shock and awe are all you can see and so happy that this has happened.
You turn your attention to him on stage and you could swear he’s looking at you, and only you. There are so many songs that he does that sound incredible. He brings a new life to them and there's so much passion in his voice. He’s up there doing what he loves to do and it shines through.
“Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, you’ve been a fantastic audience,” he says humbly as he goes to drink some water. “There’s a song I did in Blue Hawaii, and I’d like to sing it, especially for you,” the first notes of the song ring out on the piano and the heavy sound of the drums follow as he starts Can’t Help Falling in Love.
It’s one of your favorite songs he’s ever done and it always lifts your spirits. His voice rings out beautifully with the rest of his backup singers and you can feel the tears well up in your eyes.
This last hour and a half was surreal and one you’ll never forget. And to end with this song in particular, you know he’s singing it to you, the fans. His love for the fans was something that no other artist had. That’s what made him so special.
A taller man with brunette hair starts to make his way to your table and you look over at Tasha uncomfortably. He greets you both with a smile and you wait for what he’s doing at your table.
“Hi ladies, I’m Jerry. I work with Elvis,” he said trying to talk over the loudspeakers. “We were wondering if you both wanted to come to the after-party tonight for Elvis?”
You shoot Cicily a look and you swear she has stars in her eyes.
“Yes, we’d love to!” You both say at the same time. Jerry laughs at your excitement.
“Alright sounds good, follow me and I’ll escort you both up,”
Your heart raced with excitement and anticipation for what was going to happen next. A party with Elvis!? This has to be some sort of dream you swear.
You all exit the showroom and head through the lobby. Through the hall of elevators, you get in the last one on the right and Jerry holds the door open for your two and makes sure no one is following you. He inserts a key into the panel that gives access to the penthouse floors.
You get up to the top floors and turn the corner to the first doors where you see two big guys blocking the doors. They nod at Jerry and open the door for him. He lets you two in the doors first where there is a lot of people already in the suite with drinks in their hand. The view of the Vegas strip was in the distance, sparkling with all the luster of stars.
You both get yourself glasses of champagne and find an open sofa seat you both share. Your body fills with nerves getting to be so close to him again.
Suddenly a hush falls over the room and this intense amount of energy makes your arm hair stand up.
Above the crowd stands the tall man in his all-white jumpsuit. His hair was wet with sweat and his tan chest glistened.
You stand up, wanting to be seen in the crowd of people yet again. Everyone starts to congratulate him on a wonderful show. He shakes the hands of anyone who reaches out to him and smiles the most gorgeous-looking smile you had ever seen.
Suddenly, his eyes look up at yours as you are staying back from the rest of the group.
He starts walking over and turns to look over at Cicily. She and Jerry are in the midst of a conversation and watch as he leans in and places a kiss on her lips. You cover your face to hide any sounds that might come out of your mouth and quietly giggle.
No one is going to believe the trip you two are having…
By the time you glance back over at Elvis, he’s standing right in front of you, looming over your small frame as you stare deep into those eyes.
“Well, what a great surprise seeing you here. Did you come back for more?’ He teases as he brushes your hair behind your ear. You can’t help but blush at his words and want to play his little game.
“Oh I don’t know about all that, it seems you have enough girls in this suite to keep you busy for a few hours. I don’t think you’ll have time for me,” you say coyly. You normally never act so cocky and sure of yourself, but something about this man made you crazy being so close to him.
“The only one I see that I want to pay any attention to is right in front of me darlin'. What’s your name?”
“Y/n, nothing special.”
“Oh no, I like the sound of that. It suits you. Beautiful and sexy,” he teases.
Your breathing hitches and you have no idea what to say to him. Almost as reading you thought, he leans down and kisses you right on the lips. This time it's different. He’s not putting on an act. There’s no audience necessary that is egging him on to kiss you. He places his hand on the small of your back and slowly pushes you into his strong frame.
You sigh into him loving the feeling of your body touching his. You put your hands on his chest, feeling his soft chest hair on your fingertips.
“Do you need anything darlin’? I need to go take a shower and I’ll come back out to the party.”
“Some more kisses, but I’ll be fine for a little,” you blush and shoot him a sly grin up at him.
“Oh I was right, I do have a naughty girl,” he grins devilishly, “Go enjoy the party. I promise I’ll come find ya.” He winks and starts to walk off to the next room attached to this suite. Your heart flutters at the slightest thing he does. You’ll be lucky to make it back home alive in one piece by the time this night ends.
You look over at Cicily again and she’s still all eyes for Jerry and you smile to yourself.
You try to mingle in with the rest of the guests but your mind keeps wondering when Elvis is coming back out. You wanted to talk to him more, be next to him, and most importantly, you want him to kiss you more.
Minutes go by and you see Elvis through the crowd dressed in a blue button-up, making his electric eyes pop even more, and a pair of black slacks. This man dressed to the nines no matter the occasion and the confidence just dripped off of him. He made his rounds throughout the room making small talk to anyone who came up to him.
Your heart was racing the entire time watching him, just waiting for your turn next. You were sitting on the sofa next to the windows, taking in this breathtaking view when you felt that familiar chill run down your body. You turn to look up at Elvis looking at you. His eyes tracing every inch of your body, looking at you ravenously.
“You like what you see hmm?” You say sheepishly.
He kneels down on one knee in front of you, just as he did on the stage, and leans in to whisper.
“I think I found what was missing to make this a perfect view.”
You feel your cheeks begin to redden. “Oh? You think so?”
“I do honey. I’d love to take you right up against that window and make the whole town watch.”
Your heart stops at the sound of his words. You feel your wetness pool at the sound of his words and you cross your legs, your pussy starting to have this needy feeling.
“Why don’t we go into the other room so we can talk more privately,” he says.
You two sneak into the connecting room and he closes the door behind you two. It’s another large living room type of setup with a bar and a piano by the window. You get lost in the beauty of the interior and the gold accents everywhere. He gently grabs your hand and takes you out of the front door and into the room across the hall. When he opens the door, the scent of him fills your nose and makes your mouth water. You hadn’t been around him very long, but the way you love the way he smells is so comforting but also so intoxicating.
There’s a large king-sized bed that consumed the middle of the room, and another grand-sized piano by the window.
You feel his hands wrap around your waist and he turns you to face him.
“That little stunt you pulled out there was a bold one. What made you think to do that?”
“Hmm, I just liked our first kiss so much, I needed another. Couldn’t sit down until I got it,” you say bluntly.
“I’m so glad you did. You were the one that stood out the most to me tonight honey. I couldn’t get enough.” The tension in the room is thick and your body wants him more than anything and it scares you.
You reach up and grab the collar of his shirt, making him get closer to you as you plant a long wet kiss. You feel a low grumble in his chest as you slip your tongue into his mouth. You gasp at the sensations running through your body. You feel the wetness in your panties pool more and you are unsure what to do about it. He carefully slides his hand down the arch of your back and pushes your torso into his. You gasp at the feeling of his erection starting to form. Part of you wants to ravage him right there, but the other part of you is timid and shy. A bolt of nerves raced through your body as it hits you he might want a bit more than just kissing tonight…
But you love the feeling of him against you. The way his hands grope and squeeze your body makes you a complete mess. His hands drift up, as he slides the straps of your dress off your shoulders. Your breathing quickens and you stare up at him, unsure of what to do next.
His fingertips lightly brush the top of your breast and you gasp at the sensation.
“You look so beautiful, mama. Can I see the rest of ya?” He asks so innocently. The boyish smile he has as he looks over your body. Like it’s the first time he’s ever seen a woman this close.
His gaze is intimidating. You really don’t know what he expects of you but he’s Elvis Presley. He’s surely been with countless women and his expectations are astronomically high when it comes to sex.
Nerves continue to wrack your body almost causing you to shake. Your voice is quiet and unsure, “Elvis, I don’t know. I don’t think you want to do this with me….” The concern lights up his eyes.
“Honey, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. You don’t have to do anything. But what did you mean by that? Why wouldn’t I want to do anything with you? You’re gorgeous baby,” he says with a smile.
“I umm… I know I’m not what you’re used to. I’m not sure about…” you trail off, your cheeks burning red.
His eyebrows squint together in concern.
“Baby, you don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll take real good care of you I promise. I want to give you more,” he places a soft kiss on your lips and you feel your body aches for him to do everything he’s promising you.
But you break the kiss and muster up the courage.
“Elvis I, umm, I’m a virgin. I’ve never been with a man. Ever. I have no idea how to please you and I don’t want this to be something that’s terrible for you. You’re better off finding another girl in that room to have fun with tonight,” your voice soft and weak. You feel so embarrassed about what you had to confess and the insecurities are running off of you like water.
He looks at you stoically, trying to find the right thing to say. He goes to sit on the edge of the bed and reaches out his hand for yours. You cautiously move toward him and he looks deep into your eyes.
“Darlin’ that’s nothing to be ashamed of. You have no reason to feel bad about it. Not with me at least. If you’re not ready to do anything, that’s fine,” he says softly and thinks for a bit. “Can I ask why it’s never happened? I just thought a gorgeous girl like you, you’d have men throwing themselves at ya,” he quips cutely.
You chuckle at his cheeky comment, “No one’s been worth it. I just didn’t feel the same when it came to having sex with someone and wasn’t just going to do it because they wanted it.”
“I understand darlin’. I’m sorry you’ve felt like that with a man,” he says softly.
Your head spins as this whole situation feels unreal. You have this undeniable need to have him which is crazy to you considering you have never had a man.
“But you’re different, I can tell. I want you, so bad Elvis. Every part of me wants you but I don’t know what you expect of me.”
“You don’t need to do anything darlin’. I’ll take care of you and make you feel so good. I can teach you things, if you want…”
“Yes, teach me… teach me how to make you feel good too. What do you like, please tell me,” you plead.
His eyes start to look aflame, he bites his bottom lip and places a tiny kiss on your cheek down to your neck.
“Mmm, okay dear,” he whispers in your ear.
You take a sharp breath in, loving the way his lips ignite you and all the new sensations that come with it.
“Can I teach you how to suck me off? Would you like me in your mouth?” He asks with lust rolling off his words causing your pussy to clench.
You slowly nod your head yes and he goes on to kiss you again on the lips, slipping his tongue in and groaning.
The idea of his cock in you has you filled with anticipation and need. You had only ever grinded on a few guys in the past over their pants but this was different. Something about Elvis’ commanding presence told you that he was going to fuck you senseless and you were going to love it.
He carefully placed one of your hands on his upper thigh where you can feel his forming erection run down his leg.
You gasp at the feeling and how large he is.
“See whatcha doin’ to me, making me so hard. This is gonna be inside you making you feel so good.” He moans as he feels you start to rub the length of him. The friction of his pants against it is driving him crazy. He trails kisses up and down your neck, nipping at times the soft sensitive flesh making you moan.
He leans you back, so he can get better access to your breasts. He kisses and sucks at them, making popping sounds each time he lets go. You feel the rush of wetness go into your panties and the throbbing sensation overtaking your core.
You carefully pull down the fabric of the top of your dress, exposing yourself to him. He groans when he sees what you’re doing and takes his large hands and places them firmly on you. You watch as he squeezes them, applying little pressure at first, then squeezes them harder causing you to moan and your head to fall back. He lifts one of your breasts and puts your nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking the sensitive bud.
You gasp, shocked by the way he uses his mouth on you. The more he sucks and licks them, the worse the throbbing becomes in between your legs. You can’t help but push his head more into your breasts wanting him to ravage them more.
You rub his fully formed erection and try to get his pants off of him but he stops you.
“Oh are you ready baby? You want this?” He quips.
You nod your head, “yes, tell me what you like. I want to make you feel good,” you beg.
“Take off your dress for me, let me see you.” You pull down the rest of your dress and stand before him just in your panties. One by one, you undo the buttons on his shirt as you feel his eyes take in the sight before him.
Your hands shake slightly as you get to unbutton his pants and slowly pull down the zipper. You slide down the waist band of his slacks and to your surprise he’s not wearing any underwear, you watch as his large cock spring free from his pants.
You stare and bite your lip. You had no idea what to expect, but you were not expecting this. His cock was longer, and thicker than you expected and the way his veins running along his shaft made your mouth water by just looking at it. Your hands trail down his chest and graze over his length. He hisses at the contact and squeezes your arm.
You’ve never seen a man naked before, but you know this was as perfect as they come.
“Get on your knees for me baby,” he says gently as he sits back down on the bed, spreading his legs wide, looking like the definition of temptation. You kneel in between his legs, wanting to touch all of him so badly but wait for his instructions.
He picks up your hand and wraps it around his shaft. The length of him is warm and there is a clear fluid coming out of the head. He grabs your other hand and has you cup his rather large, heavy-hanging balls.
“What I’d like you to do for me, is just rub me in your hand, back and forth, then lick the head of my cock. Nice and slow like this,” he moves his hand on top of yours and you watch as his foreskin almost envelops his red, leaking head, and pull it back to see more of his protruding veins in his shaft. He has you gently squeeze his balls in your hand, causing his hips to move and dry hump into you. After a few strokes, he lets go of your hands and watches you. You love the small, airy sounds he makes as you put a little more pressure on it. His hips gently roll as he enjoys your hand working his cock.
“Now open your mouth for me, honey. Nice and wide and let me feel you.” You keep stoking him and do as he says. You open your mouth and he slowly guides the tip of his cock into your mouth. The hot heat touches your tongue and you moan. You wrap your lips around his head and suck.
A deep guttural growl comes out of him and you start to suck. This unbeknownst primal instinct takes over you and the smell of him fills your nose making you moan with him in your mouth.
“Oh yes, just like that mama. Just like that. Use your tongue a bit too. Lick and suck on me.” He groans out. You look up at his face looking so pleasured by this. His mouth is open in awe and watching you intently as you suck and stroke his cock.
You start to use your tongue licking and swirling around his head while sucking him.
You get more excited and decide to put more of him inside your mouth, doing the same motions he told you to. He gasps as you take more of him hungrily. You keep watching him as his eyes pop open and he lets out a loud moan. You test out what gets him going the most. You suck his tip, swirling your tongue around his swollen head, and squeeze his balls more making him buck his hips off the bed.
“Oh mama yes, that’s so good. Let me move in and out of your mouth now,” he moans hungrily and grabs a fist full of hair in his hand. You love the way he’s sounding. The way he’s getting off because of you is the most addicting sound and you want to take in more of his cock.
You place your hands on the tops of his thighs and he pushes his hips slightly, having you take in more of his length. You feel his head hit the back of your throat and you sputter and gag around him. He pulls his cock from your throat, making sure you’re okay, and watch as you claw at his thighs, ready for more.
You nod your head at him and take more of him in your mouth. You never thought giving head would be a thing you’d like, but watching him enjoy it so much was one of the hottest things you’ve ever experienced.
He continues to moan and tighten the grip on your hair. You move with him and he fills your mouth with his hot length. You try to relax your throat to not gag on him as much but he continues to plunge his cock down your throat, letting you breathe, then putting it back down your throat. He pulls out of you, pulling you from your hair and you let out a soft cry.
“Oh, honey you did so good. Making me feel so good. I could fuck that throat all night, but I need to take care of you now,” he teases and helps you get off your knees. He picks you up and places you on the bed with the pillows underneath your head and back.
He looks like he’s about to eat you alive and you wait patiently.
“How’s my honey doing? Are you feeling okay?” He says as he opens your legs wide for him. Your heart beats wildly out of your chest and feel more wetness pool.
“I need you. I’m throbbing and it won’t go away.” You plead and try to close your legs, hoping some sort of friction would help.
But he doesn’t let you and continues to keep them open, both of his hands on your knees. Looking at your soaked panties, he starts to trail his hand down to your panty line.
“I’m gonna touch you, honey. Making sure you’re all ready for me.” He growls when he feels the wetness that has seeped through the lace fabric. You jump at the friction and he tears them off in one quick motion.
His eyes grow wide as he looks at the wetness leaking out of you. He takes two fingers and slowly rubs your clit, causing an electric shock through your body.
“Oh fuck! What are you…,” your question fades as you moan loudly instead. He runs those two fingers up and down your folds, spreading your wetness and driving you mad. You arch your back and push into his fingers causing a mess in between your legs.
He smiles at the state you’re in, needy and horny, just how he wants you to stay.
“Have you ever played with yourself, honey? You ever put your fingers inside yourself?” He asks innocently.
You blush and have to look away, “I’ve played with myself a few times but umm, I’ve never put my fingers inside myself.” You say shyly. The idea never really popped into your head til now. Wanting Elvis’ fingers inside you sounded like a sin that was so delicious. You were so attracted to the idea.
“Hmm, I see baby. Have you ever made yourself cum?”
Your face turns another shade of red and quickly shake your head no, not wanting to see the reaction on his face.
“Well, I’ll teach you, honey. Make you feel so good. You are very needy tonight… you need something to fill you. Let me finger you and get you ready to take my cock,” he coos. You whine and try to move his hand down lower where the throbbing is growing.
He slowly takes his index finger and puts it in your weeping hole. You had never been penetrated by someone and the feeling of his long finger inside you is overwhelming. His long, slender finger reaches deep inside you while staying firmly taught around him. You buck your hips up into him and cry out.
“Mmm fuck you’re so tight for me baby. I don’t know if you’re ready for my cock.” He teases.
“Make me ready… I want you to fuck me with more than just your fingers,” you beg and buck your hips into him more.
“Oh you fucking naughty girl,” he moans as he pumps his finger in and out of you watching as you are writhing on the bed. You can’t control the sounds that are coming out of your mouth and love the way he’s reaching parts of you that had never been explored. He curls and prods them to your never before touched walls and you swear you’re going to pass out. He enters another finger and you feel this coil in your belly tighten exponentially. He starts to move them faster and curls his fingers up into your walls. Your vision goes blurry for a second, being consumed by the pleasure he is giving you with his skilled fingers. Your walls begin to flutter and he smirks at this, pumping them faster.
“Oh, I love the way this pussy feels. Do you think you’re ready for me? Ready to take all this cock inside ya?” You realize he loves to tease as he says this and look down as he has his cock in his hand, slowly jerking it off while looking down hungrily at your leaking cunt.
You squeeze your eyes shut and let out a frustrated cry.
“Please Elvis,” he pulls his fingers out of you and places them in his mouth, moaning when he tastes your sweet honey. He licks them clean and grabs the back of your thighs to adjust your body. He has you wrap your legs around his waist and you cling onto his shoulders. He jerks his cock in his hand and teases your entrance with just the tip. Every last nerve in your body is on edge and you claw at his arms in anticipation.
“Just relax mama. I’ve got you. It might hurt a little since your cherry hasn’t been popped but I promise it’s gonna feel so good after.” He coos and places sultry kisses on your lips. You moan, ready for him to give you anything he wants.
He’s gentle, and slowly pushes the first few inches of his cock inside you. The way he is stretching you causes you to gasp. He’s so much bigger than you expected and your body doesn’t know what to do.
You cry out his name as he sets this slow, but insistent pace. He grabs one of your breasts in his large hand and squeezes and pinches your nipples in between your fingers. You moan more with the mix of pain and pleasure coursing through your body.
He put more inside you and you feel this sharp pain inside you and you wince. Tears well in your eyes as you try to take him. You cry out as he moves in and out of you carefully. He sees the pain you’re in and holds you tighter.
“Doing so good baby,” he caresses you.
He keeps you there locked with him, caressing your face and looking at you as if you were the only thing that mattered. Everything about this felt so natural. The nerves that were filling your body moments ago were slowly dissipating and you were just enjoying the moment with him inside you. He thrusts his hips, putting the last few inches inside you and you let out a loud moan. He keeps still as he enjoys seeing you like the way he’s making you feel.
“Such a good girl for me baby. Doing so good. Your cherry popped. It’s gonna feel so good now,” he says as you look down at his long length moving in and out of you. You see some light spotting of your blood around his shaft but the pleasure starts to build the more he’s moving. You watch as he rubs your clit and pushes the rest of his cock inside you again. You feel his balls hit your ass and he doesn’t move as he lets you adjust to the size of him.
“Oh fuck Elvis, you’re killing me holy fuck.” You cry out, gasping for breath.
“Mmm, yea baby? You like how this big cock fills you up?”
You claw at his back, needing him to move and help this never-ending pulsating in your core.
“God, yes I love it. Please give me more,” he nods his head and smiles down at you.
He begins to move his hips and the pain has disappeared. Nothing but pleasure is running through your veins. He moves with more rhythm as he bucks and swirls his hips into you. He places his thumb over your clit and starts to work at it.
Your eyes roll back and let the feeling of what he’s giving you take over your body.
“So goddamn tight for me baby. Taking this cock so well,” he grunts over you as he starts to fuck you faster.
You can’t stop the noises that are coming out of you, loving every second of how he’s fucking you and making you come apart on his cock. The sounds of your skin slapping against his and the wet noises coming from your pussy were driving you both crazy.
Your walls flutter and your whole body tenses. There’s panic in your eyes and Elvis knows it by the look on your face.
“It’s okay darlin I got you. You’re gonna come for me,” he commands and looks deep in your eyes. “I feel you ready to come apart all over me.”
Your whole body tenses and the heat of the orgasm washes over you over and over again. You scream out his name as your walls squeeze his girth. Your nails leave red marks down his back and he only fucks you harder. He lets out a deep, primal growl as he fucks you through your orgasm. You relish in the way this feels and can’t believe you’ve never even given yourself this feeling!
“Mmm fuck, such a good girl. Your pussy feels so good. Keep coming for me,” he pleads as his thumb works faster on your clit.
Your body feels like it’s never felt before. Feeling so light yet so on edge with the way his cock is filling you up and stretching you out. You watch as he lifts your hips up and continues to pound into you.
Taking this new position makes it feel completely different and love the way he’s hitting this particular part inside of you that makes you feel like you can cum all over again on him.
By the look on his face, he is loving every second of this. The way he bites his lower lip and the way sweat has formed on the sides of his temples. You watch as you see the veins on his neck pop out as he fucks you to the hilt.
His rhythm starts to become more sporadic and his eyebrows furrow as he tries to hold on a bit longer. You love the way he’s taking you and can’t get enough of how he fills you up. Your coil in your belly tightens gets again and you let your second orgasm take over your entire body. He groans loudly as you cum on him, squeezing the base of his cock.
“Ah hell, mama. I love it when you cum on me. I’m so close. Where’d you want me to cum?” He agonizingly says through his teeth.
Your brain races, fuzzy from your high of orgasm and unsure what to say. This has never happened before for you and weren't sure exactly what an orgasm would be like for him.
“I want you back in my mouth please Elvis,” you whine breathlessly.
He pulls out of you quickly and you groan at feeling so empty. Your arousal pools out of you and onto the comforter.
He re-adjusts your body by lifting you up underneath your arms and sits you up. He stands up on his knees and puts his cock in front of your lips. He takes his hand and jerks himself in front of you, placing his free hand on the back of your head.
“Open that mouth for me, baby, I’m gonna fill this mouth up,” your heart beats uncontrollably and you grab the back of his thighs, preparing yourself for whatever he is going to give you.
He leans his head back and his mouth opens as you feel hot, salty spurts of his cum land on your tongue and the back of your throat. He places more of his cock in your mouth and you lick the base of it, causing him to moan your name loudly.
“Oh fuck, oh god mama yes take this cock baby,” he groans in ecstasy. Your mouth fills with his cum and waits for him to come down from his high. You had never had this happen before so you don’t know what to do with his load.
He pulls out of your mouth, breathless from it all, and watches you with your mouth open for him, seeing the milky white substance coating your mouth.
“Such a good girl baby. Time to swallow,” he taps your chin and you close your mouth. You look up at him and swallow in one big gulp. The taste of his salty, thick load coated your throat and you have to swallow a few times to fully clear your throat.
He looks down at you pleased, looking at how you’re breathless too and your mascara running down your face.
“Mmm, such a hungry slut you are,” you groan, leaning down to kiss you. You moan into his mouth as he nips your bottom lip.
“Did you like that baby? Did I make you feel good?” He caresses your face, wiping the black streaks from your face.
“That was… incredible… I had no idea what to expect but it wasn’t that,” you say exasperated.
He has that cocky grin on his face you’ve seen so many times in pictures come to life and you wanted to wipe it right off of him.
“We’ll good darlin', that’s what I wanted for your first time,” he says tenderly and places a few soft kisses on your lips.
He gets off the bed and goes to grab you a towel. He gently rubs the wetness and blood off of you and himself. The way he is so tender yet so dominating throws you for a loop but you just sit back and enjoy the moment.
“Did you want to go back to the party? We can stay here, it’s completely up to you,” he asks as he hands you your dress.
“I wouldn’t mind going back to the party and having some food. I’m kinda hungry,” you say cutely. You start to get up off the bed and it suddenly hits you. Elvis ripped your panties off of you… you’re going to have to walk back into that party without any on.
“Elvis, how am I supposed to go back out there without any panties on! You completely ruined them!” You snicker.
He laughs at your disgruntled state.
“Correction darlin’, you ruined your panties, I just took them off of ya to help that needy pussy of yours,” he teases. “And besides, I like you better without them. You’ll just have to behave and not soak through your dress for the rest of the night,” he sneers as he grabs you by his hips and pushes you into him. A small groan escapes you and smile up at him.
“You wanna put money on that?” you wink at him.
Tagging 💖
@powerofelvis @plasticfantasticl0ver @burninlovebutlerr @ab4eva @cryingabtab @returntoelvis @kendralavon7 @peaceloveelvis @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @woundmetender @thatbanditqueen @kaitaesupremacy @eliseinmemphis @alyssaraen @18lkpeters @lookingforrainbows @presleysdarling @marriedtopresley @presleyenterprise @missmaywemeetagain @succsessions @yagirlalexx
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preciadosbass · 1 month
11/8/24 [PARAGRAPH 3 & 4!!! — draft from sunday. key & significant photo/s at end]
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woke up at 10:20 and made myself breakfast. i ate it outside with boris in the sun and tried my best to be productive while being on my phone [e.g, make a fursona/oc/journal entry etc.] but failed miserably. i just scrolled on tiktok and saved a few videos i could use for outfit inspiration. i went back inside after 30+ minutes, got dressed [skinless shirt, dark cargo jorts + matching bracelets consisting of spiked cuffs and band bracelets, motorbike socks] and looked up a couple can tab bracelet tutorials. i know that i don’t have enough for the particular design i want to make, but i’m getting there. my dad’s sister, my aunt, has multiple pepsis a day and has been collecting can tabs for me.
i went back next door with my sister after giving up on the bracelet for the moment and saying goodbye to boris. when i arrived i just sat on my own while my sister went on the swings. a group of girls my age walked past and laughed at me and after a few minutes i got called over with the other kids to make a keyring. i honestly much preferred that but i think the staff thought i was a part of the actual camp anyways so i don’t think i had much choice either way. i picked out a star shaped template and a blue floral sticker to go on it. i stuck it on, but couldn’t cut around the star completely — so i put it in my bag for another time at home where i can use one of those tiny knives to carve all the imperfections out.
once id done i went back over to the bouncy castle. this time round, only 8 people were allowed on it at a time and this younger girl was being really bratty about it, as in acting like she owned the place, which was odd, because yesterday it was fine and nothing bad happened. but kids are just like that. she kept on going around to people and launching herself onto them, she also decided to boot me over and over again on my bruised shin which was fun 😭. i tried telling her we don’t even know eachother and ive just been sitting there but she didn’t care. she kicked me and almost everyone else off using her sister that was my age so i got off and just sat beside it while people watching.
the same member of staff from the keyrings sat next to me and just exclaimed ‘panic! at the disco?’ — reffering to my panic! band bracelet. i nodded and she started speaking about liking that type of music too. more when she was younger, but she’s still into it, she said. she took out her phone and started asking me if i’ve been to see any live bands. i told her about me seeing the mcr + fall out boy tributes, pierce the veil, cavalera conspiracy, and my upcoming concerts. [slipknot, falling in reverse, possibly the tributes again but idk was its the day before fir]. she started speaking about how she has family in scotland and therefor goes to festivals there a lot and then casually says she’s seen fall out boy 4+ TIMES??? i literally could’ve curled up and died right there and then after hearing that come out of her mouth.
she also spoke to me about seeing slipknot 20 years ago, and then she showed me one of her friends instagram pages. then she came out with that that friend, has another friend, who is the sibling of someone from PIERCE THE VEIL?? WHAT THE FUCK. i was so taken aback but she unfortunately couldn’t remember what their name was because they were told years ago now — and she couldn’t find pictures of them together despite trying as the friend is a concert photographer and it’s importable to sort through the thousands of photos.
i out of interest asked if she’d seen linkin park and she said she did at milton keynes in 2008?? with jayZ?? RAAA. i got told that everyone was leaving in 30 minutes so i stayed speaking to her until people started loading themselves onto their coach and i set off for home. it was really cool speaking to that woman and its a shame i’ll probably never see her again or get to know any more info. although it was awesome meeting someone like me that was quite a lot older. when i got home i fussed boris on the driveway and had a 20 minute nap before leaving for my other aunts house [6pm]. i said goodbye to boris, and on the way to the car, my dad showed me this injured butterfly. it was a shame because it looked so young. i held it and then placed it onto a bush before leaving. [photo at end]
since the concert, i’ve been listening to the setlist on repeat. so i obviously did even more on the way to my aunts, although the drive is really short. once i got there i stayed in the living room for a bit and greeted the family of mine that was there. there was only my grandad, his fiancé, my aunt + uncle, and one of my cousins girlfriends there. that cousin in question is on holiday, the other moved out, and the other also moved out. i didn’t really know what to speak about and my parents sparked a conversation between the others anyway so i went to see what my sister was up to. she was playing fnaf security breach so i watched her.
i had my phone out ready to record her getting jumpscared and i caught a video of her doing exactly that over moondrop. i’m surprised that i’ve never watched anyone play security breach before even though i was really excited when it came out. i don’t usually watch my sister play stuff unless it’s the last of us/the evil within/silent hill at 8:30 i stopped watching jay and went for a walk with my mum, dad, aunt, + grandads fiancé. [+ archie and my aunts dog, charlie.] we couldn’t be too long because charlie has bad diabetes and can’t do much now. we came across one of my aunts friends on our way, she accidentally called me he and didn’t correct herself which made me feel SO euphoric considering i’m not out.
she spoke about lifeguarding or something and once done, we went round to this field i used to always play in as a kid. i went in the park to spark some nostalgia and my dad pushed me on a swing for the first time since i was like 7. we walked for about 40 minutes. once i got back to my aunts i went on pinterest to look at some diys. i saved a photo example of how to make a can tab bracelet, a cardboard minecraft sword, a cardboard coffin shelf, a little fairy/elf house thing made up of pebbles, a cardboard direction sign, a bottlecap tortoise, and a number of other things i dont know how to explain. after i couldnt seem to find anything else, i watched my sister play fnaf a bit more. we had to leave so i stopped and got ready for home at 12.
i don’t really remember what i did when i got home, but it would’ve been the same as always. maybe a small nap, then obviously questions about boris, then i say goodnight to boris. i went to sleep at 3.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, archie/my family’s dog
have a good day/night O_o
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atrwriting · 1 year
chapter eleven: the wolf and the dragon (modern!gangleader!aemond x barowner!you)
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as always, warnings: no smut, violence/murder towards a minor, domestic violence, aemond's a dickhead and aegon is hungry and annoying
...chapter eleven:
jace’s band wasn’t the only band that advertised that they wanted a few gigs at your bar.
‘iron clad’ was a five piece band of thirty-something-year-old men that needed to blow some steam off after their 9-5. their age meant they played a fewer older songs, but songs everyone knew and wanted to sing along to. your booths were filled, your bar counter was packed, and there were times where you had a line out the door just because of this band.
and one of the band members was elias strong.
the son of your main distributor and cousin of the late harwin strong. elias strong had dark, curly hair that reached the tips of his ears. his smile was bright and fun, and always put you at ease when the crowd matched his energy. he was the frontman because of his charisma, and it was well deserved. he demanded a crowd not like he was entitled to it, but because he earned every interested and entertained listener.
it was a night like any other… ‘iron clad’ was approaching the end of their set, and you were about to announce last call. the band had done a blues theme for the evening, and there was nothing like anything by robert johnson that didn’t put you in a good, focused mood.
you brought waters up to the band, and handed elias his drink last.
“great show, man,” you began. “crowd’s loving it.”
“thanks.” he smiled. “i want you to sing this next one with me.”
you were taken aback by his request, slapping a playful hand on his shoulder. “i supply the drinks, you keep this crowd entertained.”
he shook his head with a laugh. “i know you’ve got a good voice.”
you shook your head shyly. “you’re sweet, but…”
“come on,” he urged. “what about ‘that’s all right’?”
your eyes widened at his song choice, catching you off guard. “that’s one of my favorite songs.”
he laughed. “i knew you had good taste, darlin’.”
he immediately began strumming on his guitar, and suddenly everyone in the room stopped and turned towards the beginning set. every eye was on the band… and now also you.
“she’s been taking care of y’all all night, and now i need y’all to take care of her,” elias spoke into the mic, restrumming the introduction. “who wants to hear this little lady sing?”
your cheeks went red when the crowd roared. you sent a polite wave and tried to step down from the raised platform, but the people below you wouldn’t budge.
“give the people what they want, darlin’,” elias spoke into the microphone once more.
anger was burning in your veins, but your smile was playful. you stared at elias with a heavy, and weary gaze, but there was only encouragement in his eyes. he looked so perfect and happy you would’ve joked and said his teeth actually twinkled. you grabbed the microphone.
elias started the song over, and you tapped along to the beat. it was an easy tune, meant for voices of all kind. elias started singing, and you joined.
well, that’s all right mama
that’s all right with you
that’s all right mama, just any way you do
well, that’s all right
that’s all right
that’s all right now, mama, any way you do
the music behind you was infectious. it was so difficult to not give into the magic that was blues music and let it course through your veins and play off your tongue. your muscles didn’t feel tight or scared, but free because blues music made everyone feel free from their troubles. it was what you needed, and damn anyone that thought you weren’t going to revel in the sound of something so freeing.
well, mama she done told me
papa done told me too
son, that girl you foolin’ with just ain’t no good for you
well, that’s all right
that’s all right
that’s all right now, mama, any way you do
when the song ended, you shyly placed the microphone back in its stand and thanked elias. you were smiling from ear to ear, and as was he. as the other band mates continued to play their instruments to finish the song, elias reached out to grab you by the belt loop and playfully yank you closer to him. he wrapped one hand around your waist, and planted the biggest, most grateful kiss on the cheek you had ever experienced. you laughed against his warm, strong, and most of all — safe feeling embrace, intoxicated by the passion of it all. you playfully batted his hands away, and the crowd parted for you as you walked off stage.
damn flirt.
“give it up for the best mixologist around!”
the crowd roared, and soon they were into their next song. you walked back behind the bar smiling, and for once felt like life could be bleak, but there were moments like that that would always keep you on your toes.
* * *
after the show, the band left and you let your staff go home early. you needed the quiet of closing alone, especially after your show you had put on. you were still buzzing from the adrenaline, and rode that high like a fucking dragon. you hummed along to more blues tunes as you washed dishes in the back and let most of your worries settle in the back of your mind.
there was always tomorrow to worry.
unless they show up at your back door. literally.
you heard your back door unlatch, and immediately thought it was one of your employees coming back in to retrieve one of their belongings. that was until you realized who it was — or, more like who they were.
lucerys velaryon stumbled into your back door and fell into one of your preparation counters. you were stunned to see him, immediately flipping around in place to ask him what he was doing here after hours and only being a year away from being able to legally drink.
“luke, what—“
that’s when you saw aemond.
he came crashing through the back door and immediately went straight for the younger boy. his large hands grasped the fabric of the younger boy’s coat, and threw him back into the metal counter. the boy’s back was smashed into the metal, causing a groan to release from his lips.
“what would your mother say, if she caught you here, nephew?” aemond seethed, his teeth grit. “huh? her precious boy?”
luke was struggling against his uncle’s hold, trying to break free. strangled gasps left his lips as every muscle in his face scrunched together. that only seemed to fuel the pleasure and anger on aemond’s face.
“i won’t fight you,” luke grit out.
“your eye,” aemond barked. “as payment for mine. i’m sure my mother would like that as a gift.”
you darted for aemond and pushed him off of luke with all of your might. aemond was thrown back in surprise, searching for the person who he didn’t see before.
“get the fuck off of him!” you forced yourself in front of luke, standing between the two men.
the element of surprise may have been on your side, but you knew you had no plan at hand for what could happen next. you had never seen aemond like this. anger leaked from every pore, vein, and fucking nerve ending in his body as he glared at you with bared teeth. you sucked in a sharp breath at the sight, but you stood your ground.
“luke, you need to go,” you snapped. “now!”
the boy immediately ducked behind you and went for the door leading into the bar. aemond lunged for his path, but you stood in the way like a barricade. you tried to throw aemond back with all of your might, but he was much stronger and much for angry than you thought and planned for.
he struggled to get around you, but you grabbed him by the waist and let your body fall dead to the floor. you took aemond with you, as his emotions caused him to be so unbalanced that he couldn’t subdue you. both of your limbs were flailing as you struggled to hold him to the ground — fuck, you were trying to do anything to give luke a head start or to call his mom. anything to keep this kid away from his beast of an uncle.
“stop it, aemond!” you screeched. “not in my fucking bar! he’s a fucking kid!”
you tried to climb on top of him, struggling to pin him down with your knees to keep his body cemented under your weight. your attempt was futile, though — because aemond easily threw you off of him and into the wall behind you.
your head smacked off of the cement like it was nothing. your vision immediately went hazy, and it became so hard to concentrate. pitiful breaths left your lips, and you tried to get up, but you couldn’t. you needed to save luke… you… needed to…
and that’s when you felt a large hand wrap around your throat and push you back against the wall. a strangled gasp left your mouth once more before you forced your eyes open.
“if you ever get in my way again, i will burn you and this bar to the fucking ground,” he growled.
you tried to hold him to you — anything to keep him from going after the kid — but he cast you aside like you were nothing. you fell to the cement floor in a heap and let your eyes drift closed.
* * *
you woke up in your apartment on your couch with an excruciating headache. the lights were dim in your apartment, but even those were too bright. you immediately covered your eyes with your hand, but the sudden movement caused nausea to rise within your stomach. you groaned.
“you’re concussed.”
that voice. that fucking voice.
“die slow,” you mumbled.
“don’t get smart with me,” aemond warned, somewhere in the corner of the room. “you intruded on family business.”
“actually, i think you intruded in on my business.”
“our agreement was that i am free to use your facilities as i please after business hours. do you wish to annul the agreement?”
“the agreement was also contingent on the verbal clause that you respected me,” you seethed. “a concussion definitely voids it, dumbass.”
he was silent, but you heard him swallow thickly. when he didn’t have a response, it was just as worrisome as when you didn’t have a response because he always had a response.
“you hurt a kid, aemond,” you spat. “you targaryens have your own messed up shit that i refuse to get involved in, but when you touch a kid in front of me, i will get in your face.”
“he’s not a kid,” aemond retorted. “he’s barely four years my junior.”
you sighed angrily, dismissing him. “it doesn’t negate the fact that he looks like a kid while you’re a fucking animal. i can’t even fucking see straight.”
“i need your help.”
you laughed, even though it hurt. “die, aemond. die.”
he swallowed once more. “you don’t mean that.”
you were in so much pain and consumed by frustration you almost began to cry. “no, but i do want you to get the fuck out of here.”
“unfortunately, he can’t,” a voice from the kitchen called, rummaging through your fridge. “aemond has to add another clause to the contract.”
“aegon?” you called softly. “come here.”
the blonde sighed and walked over from the kitchen. your own hand was laid across your eyes, and the other reached out to him. you don’t know why you did it, but you were so in desperate need of comfort that you just needed to know someone was there. he was hesitant, but he took his fingers in your own and held you gently.
“aemond needs to stay here for a few days,” aegon stated.
“gods no,” you spat.
“there’s been an accident,” aegon barely whispered.
“what kind?” you asked, rolling into the couch.
“luke… he’s…. he’s dead.”
before you could really swallow the information, you gasped out a meek, “h-how?”
“it wasn’t aemond’s fault,” aegon began. “luke took off in his car, aemond might’ve followed on his bike but… luke’s a bad driver. he tried to run aemond off the road and swerved into the other lane while aemond skidded across the road. luke had a head on collision with another car.”
"that's... that's.... that's horrible." you swallowed. “but i’m missing the point where it’s necessary for him to stay here.”
“it’s not necessarily safer, because daemon will definitely come looking for him at some point…” he trailed off. “but the bar is closed on mondays and tuesdays. daemon thinks he’s basically an employee, so hopefully he doesn’t think he’ll come around. it’ll buy us some time.”
“they know it was aemond?”
“yes… tire marks suggested a motorcycle was near the accident.”
“seven hells,” you sighed, almost crying. "aemond -- how could you be -- so fucking --"
aegon let go of your hand and placed a hesitant hand on your head, combing your hair slightly. you froze at the gesture, but soon succumbed to the warm touch of the brother. it was nice to feel cared for, especially when your body and mind felt so broken.
that fucking kid. that poor, fucking kid.
you could’ve cried for him if your head didn’t feel like it was swimming.
“i’ll be back soon,” he stated softly. “you both need to rest.”
and you fell asleep.
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mrooops · 2 months
Hi! Coming at you from my ancient blog that i made like a decade ago. I am the owner of confesspinkfloyd and I just wanted to say that I’m not stopping the political confessions because I don’t want to see any negativity towards Roger anymore. If that was the case, I wouldn’t post any negative confessions towards Roger to begin with. He has shitty political opinions, except about Israel and Palestine. I stopped because I suffer from depression and it was affecting my mental health. It brings a toll on me when any of the bands political affiliations show up in my inbox. I was willing to post when it was so few, but now that’s all that seems to take up my inbox, it takes a negative toll on my well being. The way I worded my post last night, I was tired. I would love to have a civil discussion so if you’d like, I can give you the blog I’m posting from. If not, then I completely understand.
i'm sorry, i didn't know about your mental health and stuff and i never tried to accuse you of anything. for the most part, you are doing an almost divine job in putting up with these negotiations between me and the anons.
i know that to many of you i may seem incredibly negative when i say anything about roger, but the truth is that i don't judge anyone for roger being your favorite member. and god no, i don't want you to ever change your mind about loving him. look, i draw him myself from time to time, he has really interesting facial features. i want to say that i was unhappy that everyone started writing that they were tired and they were annoyed by this, because this is very similar to the statements of people who are “tired” of someone else’s war because it exhausts them. it exhausts us also. but we live in it. and we have no other choice because no one talks about it anymore. and over the last 20 years, pink floyd have become very political and you can't tear that part of them away.
in general, it’s funny, i only made about a small part of these confessions and, apparently, some decided to pick them up too, but since my blog is the only one who talks about this quite publicly and often responds to these confessions, it’s not surprising that everyone thinks about me.
but what's more important to say is that i don't want it to look like i'm arguing with you or judging you for anything. i want to apologize for the fact that we all dragged you into this unpleasant situation and made you feel this way. i thought that you closed your political confessions because you just wanted to have fun and political stuff just annoyed you because it's not funny, i didn’t think that it would be related to your health. it would be a wise decision to close the political confessions now because everyone needs to cool down a bit.
yeah and i'm not a complete asshole, like many of you might think, i'm just brutally honest with you and i can be angry sometimes like anybody.
remember, your mental health is more important than roger waters and the things he says, so take care.
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aequitas-if · 2 years
sorry if this is long, but here are a few questions from the ask games! (i just love all your characters so much, answer for whoever you would like!)
From the wholesome oc ask: 1, 6, and 14?
1. What is their go-to comfort food?
6. What is their favourite music genre? If they don’t have one, what’s their favourite song?
14. Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
From ✧ OC Asks Part II ✧, 9, 17, and 20?
9. What is their main love language?
17. How many hours of sleep does your OC get on average?
20. What AU would they belong in the best?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
and 46. have they taught themselves any skills just for fun?
also, loved the character profiles and the demo prologue prologue was great, i loved how you introduced everyone! looking forward to whatever you do next :D
I’m so glad you’re liking my characters and enjoyed the (short) demo so far! Thanks for your kind words 😊.
Now onto the questions!
These are pretty short questions and I’m feeling pretty generous today so I’ll do all the characters for each question.
1.) What is their go-to comfort food?
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: Homemade Mac n Cheese!
Jasper: All of them. Speedster metabolism. Grilled Cheese
Zoe: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rowan: A cheeseburger from a convenience store near his apartment
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice-cream
Leon: Any homemade food made by his mom
Juniper: Brownies
Nora: Not really a food but Hot Chocolate
Sebastian: Some fancy dessert like strawberry tarts 😭
2.)What is their favorite music genre? If they don’t have one, what’s their favourite song?
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: Classical
Jasper: Pop Rock
Zoe: “Lay All Your Love on Me”
Rowan: Rock
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: “I Want You” by Mitski
Leon: “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen
Juniper: Pop Music
Nora: Instrumentals
Sebastian: Classical
3.)Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: “Trying is the most important thing anybody can do.”
Jasper: “Live life to the fullest.”
Zoe: “Remember to always be kind.”
Rowan: “The world is shitty. Suck it up.”
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: “Live your life and fuck shit up!”
Leon: “Why are you like this?”
Leon: “Try your best…?”
Juniper: “Always remember people’s names! You might not think it’s important but it always comes in handy when you least expect!”
Nora: “…be nice to others.”
Sebastian: “Don’t get attached to stuff.”
4.) What is their main love language?
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: Acts of service
Jasper: Quality Time
Zoe: Physical Touch
Rowan: Acts of Service
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: Quality Time
Leon: Quality Time
Juniper: Physical Touch
Nora: Words of affirmation
Sebastian: Acts of service
How many hours of sleep does your OC get on average?
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: A solid 8 hours.
Jasper: Depends if he has a project at work at not! Usually around 7-8 hours but if he has a project it drops down to like 3 hours.
Zoe: 4 hours but she doesn’t need as much sleep as humans!
Rowan: Like 4 hours? Probably why he’s so pissy all the time tbh. Someone help this man.
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: Vesper doesn’t sleep. (Like a solid 4 hours on a good day. Someone help this child).
Leon: Around 7 hours! He’s been sleeping a lot less though since getting his powers.
Juniper: Like 8 or 9 hours.
Nora: Like 5 because she usually lays awake at night rethinking all her life choices.
Sebastian: Around 6 hours.
What AU would they belong in the best?
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: Fantasy could be fun with her!
Jasper: Dystopian AU could be interesting with Jasper.
Zoe: Another one who would be cool to see in a fantasy AU.
Rowan: Band AU.
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: I could see Vesper in any AU tbh.
Leon: Sci-Fi AU (is that one?)
Juniper: Hunger Games AU
Nora: Paranormal AU
Sebastian: Apocalypse AU
what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: The inspiration behind her was literally just strong women characters that I admire. So Donna Troy, Oracle, Momo Yaoyorozu, etc.
The first thing I decided about her was that she was going to be second in command of Aequitas!
Jasper: The inspiration behind him was comedic relief/best friend characters! The first thing I decided about him was that he was going to have superspeed.
Zoe: I was inspired by a bunch of different alien characters tbh. Which considering that I bet you can guess what the first thing I decided about her was…
Rowan: I was inspired by Roy Harper from Young Justice! The first thing I decided about him was actually his powers!
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: Hmm I was inspired by a lot a of things for Vesper. Mostly *spoilers*. The first thing I decided about them was their name.
Leon: I was inspired by characters like Jamie Reyes, Peter Parker, Tim Drake, and Izuku Midoriya. Basically characters that are new to being heroes. The first thing I decided about him was that he was going to be the one who finds out about V-*spoiler alert*!
Juniper: Honestly I had just wanted a normal teen who made pop culture references (Leon’s normal but he’s kinda out of touch with that stuff). The first thing I decided about her were her powers!
Nora: I don’t actually remember what inspired me for Nora! Maybe characters like Violet from the Incredibles or Suneater from MHA? The first thing I decided about her was her name!
Sebastian: I was inspired by a character in a fanfic I was reading ngl. Then I rewatched some of the DCAU and remembered how much I loved characters like Damian Wayne. It was kinda like fate.
The first thing I decided about him was his backstory.
A random fact about them
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: She prefers tea to coffee.
Jasper: He only learned to drive because he couldn’t explain how he got to places to quickly without having a car.
Zoe: She made a scrapbook for every year that the team was together.
Rowan: He has a motorcycle.
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: They read fanfiction.
Leon: His favorite hero used to be Momentum (Jasper).
Juniper: She has an old Aequitas poster on her wall.
Nora: She plays piano.
Sebastian: He knows how to ballroom dance.
Have they taught themselves any skills just for fun?
Original Aequitas Members
Alex: She doesn’t learn skills just for fun. All of her skills are ones she considers necessary to know.
Jasper: He taught himself Morse code so he could communicate with MC when he was bored during team meetings (didn’t really think that through considering MC was, you know, the leader).
Zoe: She taught herself how to bake!
Rowan: He taught himself how to play the drums.
Sidekick Squad
Vesper: They taught themself how to play violin for fun.
Leon: He taught himself how to skateboard.
Juniper: She taught herself how to photoshop. Although she would say that it’s a necessary skill in this day and age.
Nora: She’s teaching herself to knit!
Sebastian: Another one who considers all the skills he knows to be absolutely necessary.
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thingsareswinging · 1 month
Okay, so hear me out; I’ve been playing Mass Effect again, now that the Legendary Edition has all the good mods, and I’ve finally figured out why everyone criticises ME3 for ‘having no player agency’.
Because, on paper, it does! In both the Tuchanka and Rannoch arcs, there’s a substantial range of outcomes, from the disastrous to triumphant, and getting the ‘best’ outcome for both of those requires the player to not only make specific choices and meet certain goals within ME3, but also within ME2 (I don’t offhand remember if either of them have requirements in ME1, but it is not outside the realm of possibility). To get the geth and quarians to reconcile you have to have completed two optional missions in ME2, one with a specific outcome, have passed a charisma check in ME2, then complete two optional missions in ME3, one with a specific outcome, and then you have to pass another charisma check. This is, on paper, a high bar to clear to get the good ending.
But I’m almost certain the vast majority of players will have got this outcome kind of easily, because every optional objective you have to complete is, frankly, the most obviously optimal way to play the games. In ME2 you naturally will want to get the good ending to Tali’s sidequest, you will naturally want to do all the sidequests, you will want to pass all the charisma checks. Every barrier to entry for the best endings is locked behind just playing the games thoroughly and not letting your friends die.
When I played ME3 one of my complaints was that too often it felt like a Roland Emmerich film- everyone important survived, everyone was optimistic and banded together, nothing was grim. But there’s a swirling mass of horror in that game that I just never saw because, not to brag, I didn’t get Wrex killed, and I assume you didn’t either. The game can change in some quite significant ways, but every really difficult choice can be wriggled out of if you’ve kept enough of your friends alive, and it’s not that difficult to keep all of your friends alive.
I think if these games were made today, in a post-Witch3r world, there might be some situations which would be objectively better if some party members didn’t survive. Do I think this would be better? I don’t think so, honestly. I make fun but there’s a reason people like Roland Emmerich movies, and in a weird way I think the experience of ME3 is enhanced by knowing that there’s a version of Wrex’s story that ends with Shepard profoundly betraying him and gunning him down in a space car park.
Also downloading the mod that turns the Crucible into an I Win button and turns the Citadel DLC into a fun messaround post-war romp, that enhances ME3 as well.
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little-bunny-in-space · 9 months
FNAF Friend Oc's!
Hi everyone! Mostly disregard this post, but I've been working on a FNAF oc project- I've created some OC's inspired by my friends, myself and my partners. It's a fun little thing because I love coming up with characters, why not make some that reminds you of your friends?
This concept uses personality traits and the likes and dislikes of my friends, myself or my partner, and turns them into their own OC... This is very unfinished and needs work. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. This first one is a Security Breach OC.
I'm also missing art, and don't have the skills to draw! If anyone has any ideas, or even wants to draw something, please do!
Ferox is a brand-new animitronic. After the loss of Bonnie bunny, that left an empty space in the Fazbear band for a drummer. The children at the pizzaplex kept asking inquisitively about where the missing band member went, if he was hurt, or if he was ever coming back.
The employees are made to tell the children "While Bonnie Bun is taking a quick vacation, their friend Ferox will take his place."
Ferox is a tall, imposing animatronic, with the body type of a Madagascan Fossa. With golden eyes, plush mahogany fur and a long tail, the rare animal type is intruiging to children.
However, much like his mammalian counterpart, the animatronic himself is more elusive and solitary than the other animatronics. He prefers to be behind his drum set or in his room. With autographs and dealing with the kids, he tends to hide to himself on the side of the stage.
He doesn't interact much with the other animatronics much either. He'll make small talk- but the other Glamrocks are just too loud. He will however stay after hours with DJ Music man, as he makes great climbing practice and, despite the gigantic speakers, is much gentler than the others.
That being said, Fazbear entertainment found a use for this brand new, unique animitronic- backup security. While a human security guard may make a mistake, or fall asleep, machinery doesn't take breaks. Or require payment.
-Ferox was actually a test subject for Fazbear Entertainments new plush form animatronic. With soft rubber pawpads and cloth coat, not only was Ferox built to be soft and cuddly for children, but quiet and stealthy when scaling the tall beams of the Pizzaplex. The only downside- the cloth coat is less durable than the other animatronics hard plastic and metal exoskeletons. That being said, Ferox is extremely light compared to the other animatronics, making him faster, quieter and more dexterous than the other, heavier animatronics.
In the wild, the Fossa is an excellent climber. It's wrists turn an entire 180, and with semi-retractable claws, the fossa can scale trees, both up or down. Fazbear entertainment used this concept for an animatronic that could climb, to watch and entertain children, getting scared children down safely from rock walls and the jungle gyms, and to find and catch any intruders in the Pizzaplex after hours.
While semi sharp claws were an interesting design choice for Fazbear Entertainments brand new character, they justified this with Ferox's double security feature, and an extra grip of both intruders and scared children. The same goes for Ferox's sharp teeth.
With Ferox's security feature, he was equipped with an extra set of video recorders in his eyes. This feature was implemented as a way to keep lawsuits away (with the animatronic being able to see the children, even through crowds) and as a way to find and prosecute after-hours intruders. Ferox is also a built in audio mixer- employees use his programming to play the music at the pizzaplex. As Ferox performs or moves with a crowd, with an audio system moving with them, makes the bands performances even more immersive. This also serves as a backup in case any instruments or animatronics have an audio malfunction. This also comes in handy as a backup audio system and a way to distract or lure intruders in the pizzaplex.
Ferox's programming as the drummer of the band autmatically gives him a way to keep perfect time and rhythm with whatever song the band is playing. Fazbear Entertainment also uses this as a way to detect footstep rhythms of intruders, and to detect hearbeat rhythms of scared, frightened, or children running too fast.
Ferox's Rhythm Games
Rock Climbing Wall
DJ Music Man Performances
Ferox's Rhythm Games-
See if you can keepp in time! Match Ferox's drumming patterns and rhythm for tickets at the prize counter. See how long you can keep up!
Rock Climbing Wall-
See if you can climb as fast as a fossa with Ferox's climbing wall!
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chorusfm · 1 year
Rank It All! Or Did I Just Create a Monster?
If there’s one thing we like to do around here, it’s rank things. From our End of the Year lists to the countless albums/sports/food rankings in the forums, it’s just a tradition at this point. When the conversation dies down, break out a ranking. The other night, I was lying in bed thinking about the “bias sorter” going around Tumblr in 2018. It originated, I believe, as a way for people to rank their favorite K-pop bands. I’d been using it for the past few years to start my end of the year album rankings. It’s an excellent way to review a list and decide what you like more: A or B. But the problem is that it’s a pain to use. You need to enter each item individually, click enter, after each one, and then go through the ranking process. And after you’re done, there’s no good way to do it again without manually re-entering all those items. I started wondering if I could put something together that would let me input any size list of things I wanted, and then it could present them to me one at a time to pick from and give me a final ranking. I tossed together a proof of concept using a modified version of the original1 Tumblr code, and I pretty quickly had something that worked. I took my first draft and tossed it together with the basic Chorus bootstrap stylesheet. Then, because I wanted to see if it would work and didn’t have much time to dedicate to this project, I threw all the code at Chat-GPT and told it what I wanted to change and how I wanted it to work. After about an hour of fixing up the AI code, I had a viable prototype that did 95% of what I wanted it to do. It starts with a big text box; you put in your list of items you want to rank, you click rank, you rank, and then you get the results. I then wanted two other features. After you rank, I wanted a quick button to copy the ranking to your clipboard so you can share it. And then I wanted a share button that would share the list of items you just ranked so someone else could rank the same list as you. This took a little bit of extra work, but it makes this whole thing much more fun. Because now not only can you rank anything, but you can quickly rank: * Blink-182 albums * Yellowcard albums * Fall Out Boy albums * Taylor Swift albums * Butch Walker albums * Andrew McMahon albums * Jimmy Eat World albums * Thrice albums * Motion City Soundtrack albums * Bruce Springsteen albums * Green Day albums And that’s just a tiny sampling of what the community has created in the past few hours. What I like about this feature is how easy it is to spin up and share a new list. And then how fast you can go through even a relatively large number of items. (Pro-Tip: On a desktop computer, you can use the left and right arrow keys to make your choices faster without clicking the buttons.) The page is designed, like Chorus, to load as quickly as possible and be lightweight. And none of the information entered into the box is saved to any database. This is the first version, and I still have some bug fixes and other tweaks to make, but I wanted to share it with everyone to get more people using it and see if any issues pop up. Please let me know if you see or encounter any bugs in the comments. Happy ranking!2 The Main Screen Putting in Your List Making Your Picks The Results --- * Best I can find, I believe this is the original author.↩ * Funny aside: While I made this to help make ranking my end-of-the-year lists easier when I have a bunch of items to sort, after showing it to Hannah, she came up with another use: us deciding what we want to watch next. Toss in a list of options, we both rank what sounds best and compare. I bet it would help with dinner choices, too.↩ --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/features/articles/rank-it-all-or-did-i-just-create-a-monster/
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
mmmmmm your yandere monty hcs got me brain rotting 😭. can i request another yandere monty with a sweet, naive/stupid/oblivious (whatever word you favor) reader? and can they be a older sibling who was watching their younger sibling for their birthday? and could it be a short fic? if not thats ok! do whatever you feel most comfy with :).
(btw, ty for actually answering requests!)
Similar to the concept I just made about Monty 😊 Sure, I'll make a short scenario for you, based off the concept I did. I'm so sorry that I don't get to everyones....
You're old enough to take your sibling to the Pizzaplex by yourself. Again, with all my FNAF fics, Animatronic or android, doesn't matter.
Birthday Treasure
Yandere! Montgomery Gator Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Manipulation, Bribing, Kidnapping, Implied violence, Robot becoming sentient, Sadism.
Tumblr media
Nothing made you happier than seeing your sibling bounce up and down in excitement. A small smile graces your lips as you guided them into the Pizzaplex.
"Calm down a little!" You chuckle, paying the entry fee for both of you. "Where to first?"
"I wanna meet the band!" They squeal, you sighing softly at their energy.
The Pizzaplex was massive. You were impressed and your sibling must've been even more amazed. You were almost dragged to the atrium by your sibling, who craved food and fun.
You decided to take your younger sibling to the place as a surprise gift for their birthday. So far you could tell you made a good choice. To keep track of activities you pull out a pamphlet.
"Huh...Fazer Blast, Monty Golf...there's Go-Karts?" You hum to yourself, surprised at the amount of activities.
"Look look!" Your sibling excitedly shouts. You look up from the pamphlet to see the robotic band roaming the atrium from table to table.
"I see!" You laugh, looking around the food court. "How about we get some food and head to a table before we plan what to do?"
Your sibling agrees before picking where to eat. While you wait and fidget with your wallet, you notice one of the band members walking closer.
It was the one that was based off a gator. You felt nervous for a moment, looking away to see where your sibling picked to go. Maybe they wanted to meet this one?
"Heya there! I'm Monty, show's about to start~ Are you going to be taking a seat?" The voice of the gator booms. You look at the taller bot before clearing your throat.
"Hey! I am, yes... I'm just getting food for...." You gesture to your sibling to come over, who upon seeing Monty, bounds over. "The birthday boy/girl!"
Monty watches the scene between you two, your sibling giggling and clinging to you. A smirk grows on Monty's face.
"Oh~? A birthday kid, eh?"Monty hums, kneeling down to meet your sibling. "Hey, Kid! You excited for the show?"
Your sibling excitedly nods, Monty chuckling.
"Good! Cheer for me, will ya?" Monty's smile is bright, revealing sharp teeth. His gaze then shifts to you. "You should cheer for me, too, alright~?"
You snort softly, nodding. You then ruffle your sibling's hair.
"Sure, Monty." You smile, watching the gator walk away. You adored the personality they programmed into these robots already....
You then kneel down towards your sibling, still seeing them utterly awestruck.
"So, what did you want to eat, birthday boy/girl~?"
The band was great, your sibling doing just as Monty had asked them. You were invested in the pamphlet to plan what to do next before your sibling tugged on your sleeve.
"Cheer!" They smile, you can't help but comply and put the pamphlet down. You cheer for the gator with your sibling for a bit before going back to eating your meal.
Cake was given awhile ago as you requested. Your sibling still had traces of frosting on their face. With a sigh you pass them a napkin.
"The current show looks like it's ending, let's get cleaned up before doing something else, okay?" You ask, your sibling getting excited again.
It wasn't long before the robotic band began roaming again. It surprised you when Monty made a beeline for your table.
"How's that? Impressive, huh? I heard you both cheering from the stage!" Monty laughs, eying you and your sibling. You give a polite smile.
"Yup! It was worth it. I was just picking where to go next...." You trail off, surprised when the bot takes the pamphlet and opens it.
"Hm...how about I personally take you around? I can swing us by Monty Golf! Just a heads up, I'd win~ But...I'll go easy on ya. Y'know, for the little kid's sake?" Monty offers, flipping down his glasses towards you. A smug smirk was on his face.
"I mean...If you're allowed to-" You mumble, Monty pleased by your answer despite it being meek.
"Come on, kid! Let's go have some fun!" Monty encourages your sibling to follow, you following them both.
It made you happy that your sibling was having a wonderful day, but Monty concerned you a bit. The robot was awfully close to you both...it made you wonder.
It wasn't like you were any sort of V.I.P, either....
"Hey! You coming? It'd be a shame if you missed out...." Monty questions, feigning a saddened tone. Your sibling looked towards you in worry.
"Coming! I was just lost in thought."
The bot almost looked like he was studying you before nodding, escorting you both to play some golf.
You couldn't find them.... The day was going great, and just when it was time to leave, they were gone!?
You were playing and everything, then parted ways as you needed to get something. You came back to your sibling gone.
Quickly you alerted the security that a child was missing, but it was so close to closing time. You spent so long looking for them... what were you going to tell their parents!?
You refused to leave until you found them. Resulting in the lights going out and the shutters closing the building off. The place was huge, they probably thought you left.
You call their name out over and over, scared they were taken or got injured somewhere....
The halls were dark except for the few neon lights that were on. You weren't sure what to do!
The doors were locked...
Your sibling was missing...
Your parents must be worried sick!
You flinch when you hear a laugh. It sounded deep, robotic, malicious.
"You're too sweet, dear~"
Monty's voice....
"You're willing to stay after hours here to find the kid? I knew you would... you seemed like the type!"
"What kind of game are you playing!? Where are they!"
There's footsteps, slow and heavy like a predator stalking their prey. Monty was a robot...what kind of programming did he have? What was going on?
"Safe. I thought you'd stay if I hid them. They think we're playing hide and seek, when really I was just luring you closer to me!"
You step back, seeing red eyes gleaming towards you. Monty's glasses were tilted down, grinning wide with pointed teeth.
"I wanted to play a little more, you look fun to break~ I couldn't just let you leave! The kid'll be fine, for now, let's play a little game of our own."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing...
"This is...insane!"
Monty laughs again.
"You could say that. For now, enough with the talk, I want to play with my new favorite toy."
Monty's close now but you keep your distance.
"How about we play a little game of chase, rockstar~!"
You notice him lunge teasingly, you flinch.
"Let's rock and roll~!"
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h-stylesimagines · 3 years
Hi friend! I have an idea for a one shot, maybe a enemies to lovers with a Crew Reader and Harry during Love on Tour? And everyone is rooting for them, with some angst in between but a lot of fluff 🥰🥰🥰
Hello! Thank you for my first request ^_^ Enemies to lovers is one of my favorite tropes, so this is going to be fun! I'm sorry if this isn't very good. It's my first attempt at writing anything, so please go easy on me! I hope I stuck with the theme you were looking for.
Harry x Crew!Member Reader - This will take place during his LA shows where they're in Reader's hometown.
Warnings: None, just fluffy cuteness.
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You didn't know what it was about Harry, but you couldn't help but feel like he did things to get under your skin. The way he was always mocking you or making weird faces at you when he passed you in the hallway at different venues, but sometimes you really wanted to smother him with a pillow. Just for a second. It was never ill-willed, you knew. He just liked messing with you because you were an easy target. You were fun to get a rise out of, so of course he loved playing with you. And as annoying as it was, deep deep down, in the way back of your subconscious, you didn't mind it in the least bit. Of course, you didn't let him get away with all that just because he was Harry Styles, or because he was kind of your boss, you served it back just as hard. Firing back with sarcastic comments or making faces at him in return, sometimes feeling like his existence was solely to drive you insane. But you weren't going to let that affect you right now. You had been on tour with him and his band for about three months now and you were finally back in your hometown of Los Angeles, excited to spend three days close to home. Night one went on with a bang, and as usual, it was incredible. There was no denying that Harry knew how to put on a show. You had kept an eye on him before you joined his crew for Love On Tour, since the beginning of his solo career basically, and you were always impressed with his showmanship and how well he connected with his audience. It's what set him apart from most musicians, you thought. But you would never tell him that. You knew it would go straight to his head and make his ego explode. Night two at The Forum was underway and you were helping get things ready for the show that was going to start in about two hours. You worked in wardrobe and helped him get ready each night. Standing at the clothes rack, you attended to the outfit that he would wear that night, getting it ready for him to put on. A full black sequined shirt and pants set with matching shoes and black suspenders. Envisioning what it would look like on stage, sparkling in the stage lights made you giddy inside, you couldn't wait to see him shine. In the outfit.. that you chose. "Ok, I'm ready for you, Harry," you called to him, making eye contact with him through the mirror as he eventually made his way over. "You're ready, are you?" A smirk lingered at the corner of his lips as he stopped behind you. You rolled your eyes at him and gave a sarcastic laugh as you turned to face him, handing him the sequined shirt first. "Just strip." You instantly regretted your choice of words. "Don't have to ask me twice," his dimpled grin lit up his face as he undid his robe and letting it fall to the floor, leaving him in his underwear. After doing 38 shows with him, you were a pro at not looking phased when he was nearly naked in front of you. You ignored his comment and waited for him to take the shirt before letting your hand drop to your side. After a few seconds, you reached over and grabbed the pants and handed them over once he was ready for them. Looking him over and helping him straighten out the shirt once his pants were fastened, you smoothed out the collar before sliding your hands down his chest, getting rid of the non-existent wrinkles. "Nearly perfect," you looked up at him and scrunched your nose, a playful expression that he secretly loved. "Gotta add the finishing touches," he extended his arm over you to grab the suspenders, his gaze staying on you longer than was necessary before fixing them to where his hand was going. You could have sworn you heard someone mumble, 'just kiss already', but you ignored it, pushing it aside as just your imagination. You and Harry were both oblivious to most of the chatter that went on when you two weren't around by the rest of the band and crew, betting on when you would finally accept the infatuation that was painfully obviously there. You were taken out of your trance when you heard your name being called. Clearing your throat, you turned your head
to the door to see one of the security guards standing there. "Shane arrived and is waiting for you," he informed you. "Oh, yes! Thank you so much!" You exclaimed, excited to see your best friend. You had forgotten that you had invited him to the show so you could catch up afterword since you hadn't seen or really talked to him since you had been on tour. Turning back to Harry, you noticed that his expression had fallen a bit, but he was quick to play it off. "Is it ok if I go meet him? You just need your shoes and you're good to go." Harry finished placing the suspenders on, adjusting the waistline of his pants and gave a light shrug. "Yeah, of course. I'm sure I can manage the rest without you." He smiled, nudging his shoulder towards the door. You thanked him and darted off to meet your friend, leaving Harry standing there watching as you disappeared from the room. "Don't worry Harry, it won't be forever." Mitch teased from the back of the room, getting some chuckles from the rest of the band. "Oh, shut it," Harry turned, giving him a playful smirk. There was a hint of... something.. in the pit of Harry's stomach. He knew it wasn't nerves, and he didn't want to enlighten the thought of it being jealousy, because it definitely wasn't that. It was something else that he couldn't pinpoint yet. He wasn't going to worry about it now, though. He had a show to get ready for. *
You and Shane were standing in the back of the arena by box seating where you two were watching the show ( I don't know what that section is called where his guests stand to watch!!). Harry had been on stage for about 30 minutes so far and the arena was roaring. You were in a space of euphoria. You had your best friend beside you, being able to catch up and just take a night to relax and actually enjoy the show, even singing along to the words that you always joked to Harry that you didn't know. Your arm was draped around Shane's waist as you both swayed to the music. Harry stood on the extended stage closest to you singing Falling. He couldn't help looking over at you throughout the show, watching you with someone else. Someone he had never heard you mention before. He tore his gaze away from you and finished up the song, relieved that he at least had a good distraction to get his mind off you. Perhaps jealousy was the right word. It was definitely jealousy. The hour and a half seemed to pass too quickly and Harry was saying goodbye to his audience, sending out kisses and thank you's, waving to his fans before running off the stage and heading back to his dressing room. Soon you and Shane followed, and you were finally being able to introduce him to the rest of the crew. You all lingered a bit after the show, getting everything packed up. Harry was usually one of the first to leave, but he lingered as well, making conversation with Shane and scoping him out. "So, how long have you and Y/n known each other?" Despite his feelings, he was still as polite as usual. "We've known each other for about 9 years. We went to school together." Harry just nodded. "Have you two ever dated?" He jumped right in. "Harry," you lightly scolded, embarrassed by the question, but he just shrugged. "What? It's a harmless question, I'm just curious." "No, we never dated," Shane answered, exchanging glances with you. It was another 20 minutes of awkward conversation before Shane finally decided to head out. You gave him a big hug and said your goodbyes before waving him off. You glared at Harry as you walked back over to him, shaking your head slightly as you went back to getting your things together. "I can't believe you." "What?" Harry let out a slight chuckle, genuinely confused at what the problem was. "You're usually the best one at making people feel welcome, but he couldn't get out of here fast enough. What was with those questions?" You turned to look at him. "They were regular questions, I don't know what you want me to say." "They weren't regular questions, you were prying. Why does it matter to you what our dating history is?" A smirk curled at the end of his lips at that. "So there is a dating history." You rolled your eyes. "No, Harry, there isn't. Why does it matter so much to you?" You asked again, turning to look at him. He stood in the middle of the room, his gaze stuck on you like he was trying to read you. Eventually he looked down and let out another light chuckle. "You know, you're obliviousness is usually quite endearing, but right now it's really frustrating." He turned now, going to his bag to pack up the last of his things before zipping it back up. You were the one to laugh now, your whole body turning to face him. "Oh, I'm the one being frustrating, am I? Not you being weird or interrogating my best friend for no reason. What's gotten into you tonight, I don't understand." "It's nothing, let's just drop it." "No. Nope, you opened this can of worms, we're going to address it," you took the few strides to cross the room and gently pulled at his arm to get him to turn to you. "Start talking." It was definitely the wrong moment to notice just how much he towered over you. The wrong moment to take notice on how the fabric of his shirt moved over his bare chest as he breathed in and out, you almost felt like you could hear his heart beating beneath it. Your gaze went back to his eyes, his remarkable green eyes that always seemed to render you
speechless when he stared at you with such intensity like he was now. His brows were stitched together, his mouth slightly open as he struggled to find something to say. "Well?" Your tone was uncontrolled now; nearly a whisper. "How can you not know?" He asked, finally. "What?" Now it was a whisper. You wanted to be sure you heard him right before potentially making an idiot out of yourself. "How can you not know?" He repeated. He seemed closer to you now, his body shifting slightly as his hands brushed against yours, his fingers ever-so-softly reaching for yours, aching to intertwine them. A breath escaped your mouth as your head dropped, your eyes closing as you tried to process what was happening. Almost afraid to open them in case this was all in your head. "Have I read into things wrong? Did I make a mistake?" "No.." you answered quickly. Opening your eyes, but not daring to look up at him. You kept them focused on one of the sparrows on his chest that peaked from beneath his shirt. "I just.. I didn't think anything would... or could happen," it was difficult for you to focus on what you were saying, his left hand finally gripping yours more firmly. His right hand came up to your face, his thumb gently resting under your chin to lift your face so you would look at him. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, and before you could fully process what was going on, you felt the space between you close as he leaned in to kiss your lips softly. They felt like feathers at first, until you kissed him back. The whole world had disappeared and it felt like the floor had fallen from under you. It took you a long moment to realize that his lips weren't touching yours anymore, and you slowly opened your eyes. They traced the outline of his chin before you finally met his gaze. And reality crashed hard around you when the sound of snickering and hushed whispers sounded behind Harry. Your gaze went to the rest of the band, who had been there THE WHOLE TIME. Your face flushed red and you covered it in embarrassment, hiding from the grins everyone had on their faces. "Shit," Harry laughed, his hands coming up to your wrists as he pulled your hands away from your face. "I completely forgot they were there," he laughed again. You looked at his face, deep dimples gracing his features. "There's always an audience." You laughed, feeling the heat dissipate. Harry placed a kiss on your forehead before turning to grab his bag. "Can we get out of here now, go somewhere more private?" "Yes, please." You smiled, quickly grabbing your things and walking out with him. The rest of the group could be heard talking in the room. "I called it," You heard Mitch's voice. "You all heard me call it, right?." Their voices drowned out the farther you got away. You smiled to yourself, glancing over at Harry as you both exited the building.
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sopebubbles · 3 years
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Banner by @memphisfaith
Synopsis: 15 year old Kim Yn has her fair share of poor choices and bad days. She used to get through them with her brother, Namjoon, and their friends, Yoongi and Hobi. When they dismiss her dream, she's determined to make her voice heard and prove her resilience. Luckily she meets a few new friends a long the way that help her become bulletproof.
Genre: social media au with written parts mixed in, high school au, heavy angst, a teensy bit of fake dating
Kim Yn × ?????
Themes: coming of age, girl power, unrequited love, underground rap line vs. punk band vocal line, toxic relationships
Warnings: mentions of past self harm, mentions of sex (no depictions of sex since all characters are minors), depitctions of anxiety/panic attacks, under age use of drugs and alcohol, just an enormous amount of angst.
Status: complete
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Look below the cut for more author notes than anyone ever asked for.
Bulletproof Heart
❣ teaser
🎤 Intros: D-Town Boyz + Yn
🎸 Intros: Bulletproof
Arc I
❣one: yn has left the chat
❣two: anti account
❣three: look it up babyboy
❣four: I was born this way
❣five: the feeling is mutual
❣six: potato tomato
❣seven: aww but you love it
❣eight: what's the truth Tae?
❣nine: have fun
❣ten: war of hormone ✏
❣eleven: what am I forgetting
❣twelve: making her moves
❣thirteen: a tough one
❣fourteen: bulletproof yn
❣fifteen: a thing?
❣sixteen: don't bother
❣seventeen: I'm with you ✏
❣eighteen: THE LINK YN
❣nineteen: don't be nervous
❣twenty: give it to me ✏
❣bonus: bulletproof birthday
Arc II
❣twenty-one: three conditions
❣twenty-two: I remember +✏
❣twenty-three: kool kids
❣twenty-four: a date +✏
❣twenty-five: friends for now
❣twenty-six: watch his back
❣twenty-seven: your bf jimin?
❣twenty-eight: collaboration +✏
❣twenty-nine: no party +✏
❣thirty: a deal +✏
❣thirty-one: better for him
❣thirty-two: a regular thing
❣thirty-three: I love you ❤
❣thirty-four: we're not waiting +✏
❣thirty-five: everything is fine +✏
❣Bonus: School Yard by JHope and Heart
❣thirty-six: mental health day
❣thirty-seven: follow your heart
❣thirty-eight: a fourth option ✏
❣thirty-nine: called it
❣forty: good kisser
❣forty-one: gonna regret it +✏
❣forty-two: crashing your date
❣forty-three: you're totally 🥵 +✏
❣forty-four: Neanderthal brain +✏
❣forty-five: guilty
❣forty-six: left out
❣forty-seven: get back here!!!
❣forty-eight: it's what I want
❣forty-nine: MY hope
❣fifty: where you belong ✏
❣fifty-one: producer Yn
❣fifty-two: something new
❣fifty-three: 👀👀👀
❣fifty-four: we need therapy
❣fifty-five: let's be Bulletproof
❣fifty-six: the end +✏
❣bonus: one year
🎄 Bulletproof Christmas Special
Author notes:
Yn's theme song is:
Itzy's Yeji is used as a face claim for Yn simply for aesthetic purposes. Some other random pictures may be used for outfits etc. The character of Yn and her musical style are in no way related to the idol and no other members of itzy will appear
Photos of OT7 from 2013-15 approximately will also be featured bc that's closest to the age they are in the story
Everyone is a musician but I don't consider this to be "idolverse" at least not for now
Members of NTC will appear in name only bc I get tired of coming up with names and that's like 57 names for the taking.
This story takes place in Daegu but it's mostly American teen culture 🤷🏻‍♀️
I love yoongi so much and I'm so sorry idk why he has to be such an ass but if you need some fluffy Yoongi go read The Sea Without You lmao. I promise next au I'll make him more likeable. 🤪
I'm not creative enough to make a banner for this so if anyone has those skills and wants to lend them hmu the lovely @memphisfaith made my beautiful banner. Please support their work!
If for some reason my blog disappears there posts have all been reblogged on @jinkooktae
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Falling like the stars✨
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Luke and Y/N never got to be a thing. Whatever they had ended abruptly when she settled on someone with far more status than the aspiring guitarist. Months later, now single, Luke entangles her in a scheme to make Sunset Curve more popular. The only thing she needs to do is fake date him for 2 weeks.
Songs used: Holy Ground by Taylor Swift, Loved You First by One Direction and Falling Like The Stars by James Arthur.
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High school is a world by itself. It has its own system and everyone moves through it. It is something that although it is not discussed, everyone knows. Including the three members of Sunset Curve, who are lying in the yard trying to find a solution to their latest problem.
"We need more people to support our music. If we can't get this little school to support us, how are we going to fill clubs or sign with a label?” Reggie wonders aloud to himself, no matter how hard they try, they can't get the Los Feliz student body to listen to their band.
“We should have thought about it before, Reg. Now we're just the problem kids who most likely won't finish school. Why would they come to see us at those seedy little clubs when they can go show off at football games.” Luke stands up suddenly after Alex words, one of those huge smiles that comes out when he has a really bad idea on his face.
“Well it seems that the solution is easy, boys. We have to make them see us on the same level as those jocks.”
“Oh yeah, and how are we going to do that, genius?” Alex fiddles with his hands as he rests his head on Reggie, both tired of not being able to come even close to fulfilling their dream.
Luke points to the nearest post, on which there are at least 5 posters to support the homecoming king and queen.
“Really? Do you think someone would vote for you? Before all those star athletes who also have a cheerleader to back them up? You basically have just us and I don't think I can do one of those tricks.”
“We’ll think of something. Winning that stupid thing would put us directly in the top of the pyramid. We’ll find a way, we always do.” Before anyone can respond, some screaming and commotion can be heard.
“Savannah is accusing Y/N to mess with her man! Run, they are in the hall!" students mention as they start running to watch the discussion.
“Oh god, Y/N. I’ll better go and see if I can help her somehow.” Alex gets up and Reggie begins to follow him, but not before turning to make sure Luke is following too. The guitarist makes an irritated face but ends up walking behind his friends.
From the moment they enter the main hall they can hear the screeches of probably the most popular girl in school, Savannah Miller. One of those typical unbearable girls who for some reason always reach the top of the elite in schools despite treating everyone badly.
Y/N Y/L is on the other side of the discussion, she looks calm and even bored. The first thing Luke digests from Savannah's words is that she thinks Y/N was making out with her idiot of a boyfriend during third period. What's interesting about the situation is that Diego cheated on Y/N with Savannah maybe a week and a half ago and had been dating her ever since.
But that's not Y/N's style, no matter how angry she is.
Luke knows her well enough, or so he wants to believe. She was always good friends with Alex and Reggie, and her relationship with them remained strong over the years despite how unstable and fleeting her relationship with the guitarist was.
He's never going to admit how deeply he felt for her. How much it screwed him up that just when he finally began to believe they could be something else, she completely walked away from his life so she could date the man that would end up cheating on her just because he looked more promising at the time. Rich, popular, the quarterback of the football team, the ‘perfect guy’ she said to the boys.
But hey, that's past.
Luke looks up to meet Y/N's eyes on him. In the moment she realizes she was caught, she sneakily turns to Alex, who is just inches from the guitarist and smiles at him.
“Are you actually smiling? You think this is funny?” The girl looks furious, but she's smart enough not to make this a battle of strength.
“I already told you, Savannah. It wasn’t me.”
“I can count, Y/N. Neither you nor Diego were in class."
And that’s when it hits him. The possibility of getting to the top of the pyramid in front of him. Because maybe Y/N is not the most popular, but it is undoubtedly one of the most loved by everyone. Intelligent, caring, beautiful, talented. And she certainly has the status after dating Diego Hernandez for one semester. No one had managed more than 3 months with him and the guitarist thinks that was a good sign that that idiot is not a good idea but well, it wasn’t his choice.
Luke begins to walk towards the center of the circle, Alex tries to stop him but cannot catch his arm in time. Both girls turn to see him surprised, but neither says anything.
"You can go find culprits elsewhere, Y/N was busy with me at the time. You can ask whoever you want and they'll tell you that I wasn't in class during third period either."
Of course, he wasn't there because the trio got into Reggie's old truck to get some hotdogs but no one has to know that.
His hand goes to take her firmly by the hip, just like all those nights that now only remain as memories. He is looking at every inch of her face, searching for her reaction, and is surprised by the naturalness with which the girl accepts the gesture. As if his hand belongs there. And maybe, just maybe, it does.
“Do you really want me to believe this?” Savannah asks, clearly annoyed.
“Y/N and Patterson? There’s just no way in hell. C’mon babe, he’s just pathetic, you could do better.” Diego says out loud as he approaches the scene in the middle of Y/N and Savannah.
There's something about the disgruntled way they both said it that makes Luke want to prove that a girl like her could want him. He doesn’t know how to distinguish if it is pride or insecurity but at the moment he is not interested.
He's barely going to open his mouth to defend himself when Y/N starts talking. "No. You can speak as badly as you want of me but you're not going to bring Luke into this."
Luke lets go of her so he can step back a few inches and see her from a better angle. She’s definitely not calm anymore. Her face looks altered and she is undoubtedly in protective mode. She turns to see him when she feels his hand leave her body but he offers her his hand and she intertwines it between her fingers without hesitation. At this rate she is taking control of the situation so he is going to let her continue and try to achieve his goal along the way.
“I know you need a partner to have any hope of winning the crown, but choosing Patterson is a desperate move.”
And that’s his cue. "If my baby wants that crown I will get it for her. It's that easy.”
“What? I do-” At that moment Luke panics and pulls her by the hand that they have intertwined and with the other holds her face while bringing their lips together. When he reacts to what he is doing he is afraid that Y/N will push him in front of everyone but to his surprise she kisses him back instantly, releasing his hand to bring him closer to the neck.
The kiss is passionate and almost desperate, but it only lasts a few seconds since a voice brings them back.
"This feels like deja vu." Reggie whispers to Alex, they both walked during the discussion towards the circle and are so close that Luke and Y/N heard him clearly.
“Well, we already clarified that she was not with your boyfriend so, I’ll take my girl. It was a pleasure, we should repeat this another day... said no one ever." Luke takes her hand and leads her to the nearest empty living room, Reggie and Alex locking the door behind him.
“What the hell was that crown bullshit? Why did you even cover for me? What are you up to? At least tell me is fun... or that includes you shirtless.” She jokes, a cheeky smile spreads in Luke’s face.
“I need a favor and thought you’ll appreciate an alibi.” She raises her eyebrow in reflex.
“Why would I help you, Lucas?” Luke can only think of how she makes a name as simple and boring as Lucas sound so sexy when she says it. Is incredible.
“Cut the act, beautiful. We both know you've never been able to resist me.” Y/N laughs amused at the boy’s sassiness. She won't admit it but she missed his eyes on her. She missed the way he uses that cocky stupid voice that melts her when he wants something. How he gets closer with each sentence, or his lips on her mouth.
Before she can counter attack, Alex stands in front of the guitarist raising his hands. “I know he’s an idiot, but we really need your help, Y/N. If we want Sunset Curve to gain popularity we have to start here, and this is our last year. Gaining popularity among the elite of the school would help us a lot.”
“We are getting desparate.” Reggie adds, a sad smile on his face.
“And pretending I made out with Luke in third period and getting to be homecoming dance queen and king helps you... why?”
“That crown is literally a test of popularity and status. It would put Luke on the same level as the popular kids like Savannah and Diego. People would be more interested in Sunset Curve after that. For now, for them we are only three good for nothing that one day will not appear around here again. You heard yourself that those two didn't think Luke was good enough."
Her face flushes with anger as soon as she remembers the contemptuous tone of voice they used to refer to Luke. If they hadn't been in the middle of the hall, she probably would have said a lot more than she did. That single comment is enough to make her decide, so without thinking Y/N asks “What do you need me to do?”
“Just play perfect couple with Luke until homecoming dance. Then you are queen and king, Sunset Curve gets the fans we deserve, you get to laugh at Savannah’s face and you can separate next day if you want to.”
“I’m not sure If someone is going to believe it.” She blurts out loud as she glances at the guitarist.
“Oh please, you know each others mouth better than your own names.” Reggie says without thinking, Luke snorted with laughter and Y/N blushes like crazy.
“Yeah, and you used to spend a lot of time together too, two weeks shouldn’t be that hard.” Alex tries to recover the seriousness of the situation to close the deal.
“Okay then. If I can help Sunset Curve and get that smirk of superiority off Savannah's face then sounds good to me. Are you willing to date me, Patterson?”
Their eyes meet again and without a sign of hesitation her now officially boyfriend for the next two weeks, answers.
“Beautiful, you have no idea.”
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There is something about relationships that never get to happen that make the heart weigh more, that nostalgia to be stronger, the person more difficult to forget. Luke can't help but remember during the last periods of the day just how good it felt to taste the girl's lips again. Feelings of desire, of familiarity, of belonging. All colliding and going deep into his bones.
He decided a long time ago he didn't do relationships, but if he did, it would have been with her. He was willing to break that rule for her, but she had the final decision and it wasn't him. He accidentally put himself in the perfect situation though. All those what if’s will finally have an answer.
For two weeks he can test what it would have been if Y/N Y/L had chosen him. And when he finally tries the experience he will be free. Free from all the what if’s, free from her, from her memory. And there's also the part of how much the band will benefit. The main objective of doing this, obviously.
The last hour is finally over and Luke sped off toward Reggie's truck. In front of it is Alex already waiting and he can see Reggie and Y/N also walking in the same direction. The four of them regroup and Y/N starts to discuss game plan.
“If we are going to do this, we are going to do it well. There will be a party at Finch's house this Saturday and the three of you are coming with me."
The three members of Sunset Curve make an annoyed face at the words of their friend. "That's exactly why no one supports you. You think you are too cool to hang out with the people but then you want everyone to happily buy your shirts and listen to your music."
“She has a point there.” Alex agrees, and puts his arm around her shoulder.
“Okay, let’s do this. If you all come with me, we can leave early and crash one of those places you usually play. Maybe even have some people of the party to come with us and hear you rock the shit out of that place.” All three smile with bright eyes In response.
“You got yourself a deal, pretty lady.” Reggie says in a flirting tone and winks at her. Luke gives him a light punch on the arm.
"I'll see you on Saturday in my house then, at nine. Goodbye boys." She winks at Luke and walks over to her car, making sure to do a perfect walk because she knows pretty well that the guitarist isn't going to stop watching her until she pulls out of the parking lot.
Luke gives her a perfect smile one last time before Y/N leaves school. These two weeks are going to be weird.
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The four members of the band are in the truck, Bobby decided to get out of school recently but a party and a gig sounds like a rad Saturday. Luke gets out and walks to the door to wait for Y/N to come out. When she finally comes down he feels like all the air is coming out of his lungs.
She's wearing the black Sunset Curve t-shirt that he forgot one of the many times he climbed up to the second floor of the house to see her. A short black skirt and one of his red flannels that he probably left there several months ago as well. Black fishnets stockings which he can't help but imagine ripping out with his teeth, her lips in that tone of red that drives him crazy, and her classic black boots that he hadn't seen since she started dating the cheating idiot.
“Genius huh? Is there anything that says more ‘Luke Patterson’s property’ than this? I don’t think so." She smiles proudly and blushes when she notices Luke's gaze locked on her legs. Fishnets may have been included in the outfit due to a certain weakness that the musician has towards them.
The hair that the guitarist is used to seeing in a perfect bun lately, is now loose and tousled. As rebellious as the day he met her, moving in harmonious tune to the rhythm of Now or Never.
Luke reaches out to to entwine his hand in her hair and whispers slowly into her ear “You look... fucking hell, you are not playing fair, baby.” Lightly biting her lobe when he’s done speaking.
They both linger in a trance for a few seconds, considering whether they should just walk in and lock the door. But before they can decide, the boys that already know this story pretty well and are sick of waiting for them while they flirt, get out of the truck. Reggie carries Y/N like a sack of potatoes and between Bobby and Alex take Luke by the arms, putting them in the vehicle so they can finally get to the lame party and then, the gig.
When they finally arrive, the eyes of almost all the girls go to the members of the band, who are definitely dressed for the occasion. Y/N can't help but notice how most of the cheerleaders wink at her boyfriend. Yeah, it’s not real and will last two weeks, but for now she justs wants to forget that part and enjoy the feeling of him being hers.
So she makes a small, harmless gesture to mark territory and puts her hand in the guitarist's back pocket.
Luke turns to see her, an amused smirk on his face. “Jealousy looks so hot on you, I wouldn't mind if you marked my lips with that red lipstick too."
That statement resonates in Y/N’s head. All the times Diego refused to kiss her so as not to stain himself and even forbade her to use that lipstick that for her was part of her brand returning to her head. Followed quickly by every night Luke came down after finishing playing and instantly attacked her lips with his, caring for nothing more than the feel of their tongues fighting for control.
“Not jealousy, just a quick reminder to everyone. You are all mine tonight.” She puts a little more pressure on the hand in his pocket and stands on her tiptoes to kiss the corner of his lips.
“Dance with me?” She asks innocently while giving him a flirtatious smile.
“With you, always beautiful.” He smiles back, winking charmingly.
His hands find hers and she begins to dance and jump gracefully to the rhythm of the music as he spins her around, both singing the lyrics to each other with unmatched energy, happy to be together.
“Tonight I'm gonna dance, for all that we've been through.” She sings with a determined voice, taking the musician by the hair and bringing their faces closer.
“But I don't wanna dance, If I'm not dancing with you.” Luke returns the verse with the same passion, just inches separating their lips. His beautiful and trained voice tends to sound like a more country vibe when he gets carried away and especially in more pop melodies like this, and honestly drives her crazy.
The fact that the rocker at heart gave in to listen to other genres for her and even remembered the lyrics was enough to melt her heart. The last time she was able to let herself go and sing at the top of her lungs like this was with him, listening to a mix of their favorite songs in his car while going for their favorite icecream. Whatever they had was a lot more deeper than what they are willing to admit.
“Did we really just see Luke sing and dance to a pop-country song?” Reggie asks the band, Alex and Bobby behind him laughing at the guitarist who blushes and kisses his date's forehead. “I am not going to discuss this. I'll go get us something to drink." He winks at her and dissapears into the crowd.
“I’ll go too, be right back.” Bobby announces leaving Y/N with Alex and Reggie, who smirk at her.
“It seems that pretending is easier than you thought.” Alex can't stop smiling, Reggie playfully itches the girl's ribs who grins from ear to ear.
"Everything always fits when I'm with him. I ruined my chance. I'm totally aware, and I'm not expecting anything from him, because I honestly don't deserve it. But I plan to enjoy every second of these two weeks that came from heaven to the fullest.”
“You should explain hi-” Before Reggie can finish speaking, Diego appears behind Y/N and tries to forcefully pull her by the arm.
The guys manage to react quickly and release her arm while stepping in front of her. But right away his teammates get behind him.
“Save yourselves the pain, she is going with me.” Diego says confidently, his face showing arrogance.
“Guys, ple-” She tries to stop them from getting hurt, but both step a little forward, determined to protect her no matter the cost.
“You are not taking her, Diego. But you are more than welcome to try.” Alex's voice sounds cool and calm, but Y/N can see how much his hands are shaking and her heart hurts at the sight.
They are all so into their own business that nobody notices the guitarist's return until his lips collide with his girl, who is surprised for a few seconds but immediately recognizes him and gives him space for his tongue to taste her mouth.
They both lose themselves in the kiss for a few seconds longer than necessary and then slowly separate. Y/N grinning from ear to ear as she tries to wipe some of her lipstick off Luke's mouth. He just smirks, as happy as ever.
"Sorry guys, do you need something?" He plays the innocent card. After that kiss, most of the people at the party are watching the scene, so Diego, who looks furious, chooses to leave without saying anything. Right away they can hear a long restrained breath from Reggie and Alex.
“You are a cocky genius, I'm not sure we could have won that one.”
“I’m not sure? Did you seriously think we had a chance?” Alex asks, clearly anxious after what had just happened.
Y/N stands in front of them and throws herself into their arms, whispering how many thanks she can say in a row. They return the hug and begin to relax in each others arms. Bobby and Luke join in the hug, and Luke whispers his own thanks to his friends.
The band decides that it’s time to go and to their surprise, when they let people know that they are going to play at a small club in the center of the city, some decide to follow them. On the way, Y/N spends her time wiping her lipstick off Luke’s face with some wipes she had in her bag, struggling not to press her lips against his every time he made her an adorable grimace or a flirtatious smile.
“You know the drill, beautiful.” Luke turns to see her directly in the eyes, concern on his face just like every time before.
“Front row, not a second out of your sight, so if I need something better wait for you guys to finish performing to get it. Better safe than sorry." She recites, proud to remember every word.
“Thank you, baby.” He smiles a little more calmly, gives her a light kiss on the cheek and starts to help take out the instruments.
They are only doing a few songs from their repertoire, but the energy they transmit drives everyone in the little club crazy. The Sunset Curve members look at a Luke they haven't seen in a long time. The energy and passion in his voice dedicated entirely to the little woman in the front row who sings with all her strength every word and melody, imitating Luke's guitar solos or Alex's drums with her arms.
The 15 students who decided to attend are close to Y/N, trying to get her attention from time to time but nothing can take her eyes off her friends. Not even she knew how much she had missed seeing them play. The look of maximum happiness on their faces.
The last song is one that the little club seems quite familiar with, but she had never heard it before. So it must have been written in the last six months.
“Had my chances, could've been where he is standing.
That's what hurts the most, girl, I came so close
But now you'll never know. Baby, I loved you first.”
The lyrics leave her breathless. Luke, who had made contact with her practically all night, now seems to avoid her eyes like a plague. She definitely has to ask Alex about this song before getting any ideas.
The four bow and get off the stage, Luke launches immediately for Y/N, some of the girls try to get his attention and even try to grab him by the arm or waist but he remains firm until his hands meet his girl's hip.
“What do you think?” Luke's fingers shaking in the grip on her waist tell her he's nervous. The fact that her opinion of them matters so much to him that it makes him feel insecure makes her heart skip a beat.
“It was amazing as always, rockstar.” A huge smile appears on the guitarist's face, who gently takes her face with his hands and kisses her nose. After all, he has to remember that they are only pretending to date and for now he has no good reason to push his lips against hers. It doesn't matter how much he needs her.
The way home is uneventful, Y/N sleeping in Luke's arms while Alex puts the guitarist's red flannel over her.
“Will they ever stop pretending they're ridiculously in love with each other?” Bobby asks Reggie as he turns his head to see the couple.
“They are both stubborn and allergic to real feelings. Especially love. They are so terrified that they have to sabotage themselves somehow.” Alex answers for Reggie who just nods without taking his eyes off the road.
"Do you really have to talk like I'm not here?" Luke asks, resting his chin delicately on the head of the woman in his arms.
Tonight felt unreal. Felt practically like one of the many dreams he has had with the girl throughout these months. Seeing her in his clothes was enough to make the night special, but without a doubt dancing in her arms, savoring every inch of her mouth and seeing her energetically sing each of his songs to end the night with her in his arms is just perfect. Reggie parks at Y/N’s after dropping Alex and Bobby, and as Luke decides how to get her to bed without waking her she sinks deeper into his chest.
"Carry me to the door hotstuff, I like to be in your sexy arms." Luke lets out a cheeky laugh in surprise, another laugh coming from Reggie.
“She’s so asleep, I can’t. Adorable though.” Luke agrees and takes her bag before walking down with her in his arms and carrying her effortlessly to the door.
“Thank you for tonight. I didn’t think I could ever feel this happy and complete again.” She murmurs in his ear before giving him a sweet peck in the lips and enter the house.
What the two of them took from tonight is that indisputably, they are both still head over heels for each other. But it was like that the first time and it just wasn't enough.
Days go by with the couple being the school's favorite gossip. People talking in the hallways about the special way Luke looks at his girlfriend, comparisons about the dry way Y/N used to be with Diego compared to how she is with the guitarist, always touching him somehow and spending all the time with him as possible, visibly much happier. Some also talking about how good the band sounds and wondering why they hadn't heard it before. Everything going according to plan.
On Thursday afternoon, Luke arranged to pick her up for the two of them to find him something formal enough for the dance. When Y/N opened the door she met his beautiful greenish hazel eyes, and swears that for a second she forgot how to breathe.
She knows this scene. He smiles sweetly at her, takes her hand and opens the door of the car for her. Multiple interesting memories inside this car coming back to her mind. His firm hands on her legs, his tongue testing her mouth, his hot moans after biting his lower lip...
“Beautiful? Whatcha thinking?” Luke's voice brings her back to the present, his hand goes directly to her thigh as all that many midnight drives and without saying anything he plays the girl's favorite album.
That’s it. If she wants a chance with him, she needs to make this right. “I- We really need to talk.” Hearing the tone of her voice, Luke senses what is coming. He was here before. So he turns off the car that hadn't even started to move yet and turns to look at her.
"I know we've been putting it off, but we have to talk about how it all ended, I-"
Luke interrupts her before she can finish, his voice sounds broken, sad, angry. "I really don't want to talk about how you preferred an idiot for whom you don't feel the remotest thing just because he'll get a football scholarship and this perfect future.”
She spends a few seconds processing his words. Did he really say what she thinks he said? "It wasn't like that, Luke."
"I know it looks like I can't compete with him, but I would have done anything for you. And I thought you knew that.”
She doesn't know what to do or say. She was so unconscious, so selfish, so heartless, that she didn't even think about how he could have understood the situation. In how much he must have suffered these months watching her with Diego, believing he wasn’t good enough. Believing that she chose someone who wasn’t him, because he wasn’t good enough.
He stays quiet, examining the girl who seems about to cling to tears. The anger evaporates instantly and he leans into her seat to wrap his arms tightly around her. She starts sobbing, but seems determined to talk.
“R- Remember the night we met? It was the first Sunset Curve presentation. I had just entered the little club, but your voice dragged me to the front row like a magnet. And when I was finally in front of the stage, I knew it. It was you. The butterflies that everyone talks about for the first time in my stomach. I knew I could never feel again something even close to what I was feeling at that moment.
I got carried away in your voice, dancing to the rhythm of the melody and recording every sound in my head. And when I opened my eyes again, yours were staring at me. And I understood that you felt it too. It was me, and you knew it. It was so natural, powerful, magnetic, deep. I loved you since the first day, Luke. How is that not going to scare me?
When the feelings started to get so strong they burned, I knew I had to run. You always made it very clear that relationships were not your thing, I could not continue to wait for something that from the beginning you made it clear you could not give.
Then Diego arrived at the right time to give me an exit, and I took it. I knew he just wanted to have me around to raise his good boy status, and feeling nothing was safer than feeling too much. So I lied. I lied to you, to me, to everyone. And I’m sorry, but I was so scared. I was a coward who should have done things differently.”
When she finally finishes pulling out what she's been saving for months, she pulls away from Luke to see his face. His eyes look crystal clear, his cheeks red. But his beautiful white smile lights up his face.
"Next time you love me so much that you can't bear it, let me know, please? I can step on your foot or sneeze in your face. I was literally going to ask you to be my girlfriend that weekend. I even wrote you a song."
“You were? The one you sang the other night?”
“Okay, I wrote you a lot of songs. Maybe too many. But the one I'm talking about is different. Maybe I'll let you listen to it one day. If you stick around long enough this time.”
She smirks and kiss him lightly on the lips, enjoying the feeling of being able to. He knows he reacted way too chill. But he also understands her feelings. What is the point of reproaching her for something they can no longer change? A bad decision made by a love so immense that it left her blind. He is simply not willing to waste any more time. They are finally going to do things right. Neither of them is going to self-sabotage it this time, and since he doesn't trust it, he'll put Alex and Reggie in charge to make sure.
The night of the dance arrives. Y/N is wearing a beautiful black dress and her classic red lips. Luke tried his best to look fancy and he's wearing a pretty cool suit but in a sleeveless version. His still fake girlfriend couldn't stop smiling when she saw him. Just perfect.
Dancing in his arms, letting him go only once in a while to dance with the other three members of Sunset Curve made the night amazing. The rest of these two weeks they spent it talking, laughing... making out. Enjoying the most of the time they lost. Even completely forgetting why they were faking it in the first place, until they ask the candidates to take the stage.
"And your king are queen are... Y/N Y/L and Diego Hernandez!"
They all turn to see Luke in shock. Just hearing their names together is enough to make him frustrated, but there's not much he can do right now. And that's when he remembers what he asked the boys to play for the king and queen's first dance. Great, now dance they’ll dance to his song together. Just his damn luck. He sabotaged himself again without imagining it.
They are crowned and Diego offers her his hand, not without first throwing a face of superiority to the guitarist. She walks but continues straight until she is in front of her lover.
Luke looks at her strangely, she smiles at him.
“But I don't wanna dance, If I'm not dancing with you. Remember?” She sings happily in his ear, and offers her hand.
“Dance with me?” He looks at her adoringly and takes her hand.
“Always, beautiful.”
They walk to the center of the floor, Alex begins to sing the first verse. Y/N rests her head on Luke's chest, her hands around his neck, as he presses her against him by the hip, wrapping her in his arms. His head bent to sing the song in her ear.
“I swear to God, I can see... you're still the girl in the club.”
Tears of happiness begin to flow from Y/N, the words that she never had the opportunity to know, finally getting revealed. Luke's sweet, soft voice in her ear. The perfect melody and the beautiful voice of Reggie and Alex in the background.
“And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast
We're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love.”
The moment he sings in love, Y/N lifts her head to meet his eyes. He lifts his hands to her cheeks to wipe her tears, gently holding her face to make sure she sees him recite every word.
“And I'm not scared to say those words. With you, I'm safe.
We're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love.”
The second Luke finishes singing, Y/N stands on tiptoe and pushes her lips against his. Tears of happiness continue to fall from her face, wrapped in a passionate, slow, deep kiss. He's all she wants. Her heart chose him since the very first day.
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“I can’t believe one of Luke’s random ideas it's what made them find their way back to each other. Reg, we tried for 6 months and we were never even close. Two weeks ‘pretending’ and bam! they are just fine.”
Both watch the happy couple dance now that they are official.
"You know what they say, Fake it till you make it.” Reggie smirks while watching Luke happily kiss Y/N.
“Fair. At least everything was fixed before we shoved Luke into the pool to see if Y/N would rescue him with a mouth-to-mouth kiss."
“We still could try, you know... for science.”
“Cool. Monday works for me. Do you think that even though he didn't win, we still have a chance to win some more fans?”
Reggie raises his head before answering, a smile appears when he sees the bunch of girls and boys who are spying on them just a few meters away. Probably waiting for them to finish talking to get closer.
“I think Sunset Curve will be just fine too, Alex.”
Thank you for reading✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning , @ghostofmgg, @strangerthanfanfiction713, @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc, @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1
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