#everyone say thank you op!!!
ladymorghul · 2 years
Sorry to hear you’ve been dealing with fandom nonsense. That sucks.
 I saw that post you made about how you’re tired of depressing (but interesting, no hate from me!) Alicent meta so here are some fluffy headcanons. I personally do not subscribe to the belief that her life was all doom and gloom. I’m sure she’s had moments of happiness shared with her babies and even moments of peace with herself despite everything because she deserves it 👏.
(Sorry for any typos and awkward wording btw, I’m typing while walking 🙃)
I imagine Helaena as someone who’s a bit of a wanderer. She likes to explore the castle and gardens. Even when she’s with her family, she’ll wander off when something catches her attention. The guards had a hard time keeping track of her when she was a little baby because she used to squeeze into the smallest of places.
Aemond was a bit more shy and reserved. Even when he wanted to explore, he couldn’t bring himself to go off alone or without permission. Sometimes he managed to pester Aegon into accompanying him, other times he’d follow Helaena around. When the bullying began, he was desperate to find somewhere he could be at peace and made himself at home in the library. Every now and then he would pick out a book for Alicent to read to him later that day. 
Daeron (the daring) was a runner, sprinting towards whatever caught his attention. Sometimes he’d join Helaena in her adventures, other times he would trail behind Aemond and Criston, asking all sorts of questions. At this point I imagine Aegon’s relationship with Helaena and Aemond is starting to fray, so Daeron’s unconditional love and enthusiasm is wholly welcomed. 
Aegon was a pretty happy baby before his siblings came along and the jealousy grew and his father started ignoring him. Whenever he wanted to explore, he wanted to do it with his mother.
A cute headcanon of mine is that Alicent and her brothers used to make paper boats and release them into the water. (I too headcanon that Alicent wore blue because it was her mother’s house colors but also because she saw the sea everyday back in Oldtown and idk, maybe she likes looking at the water and the color blue.) Alicent used to build paper boats with Aegon. It was his favorite activity, even after she started drawing their allies’ house sigils on the sails and quiz him on them. 
This got so long, sorry!
i. love. every. single. one. of. these.
and they're all so true and canon because this is how i see them too!!!
i can totally imagine helaena squeezing into some thight space and some poor kingsguard looking for her desperately until he hears a sneeze or a giggle. he can't be mad at the cutest toddler in the red keep tho!
and so true about daeron being a sprinter. both the handmaidens, the kingsguard and alicent would have trouble getting ahold of him once he sees something that sparks his interest.
also also also aegon was definitely that baby that would just show *anything* to alicent and say "mommy look"
in fact even in canon we see baby aegon try to get viserys' attention
i also definitely agree that alicent's life wasn't always doom and gloom. of course there was always a shadow looming, but i like to imagine she got some good moments of genuine happiness with her babies
truly thank you for sending these, they are everything!!!
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ato-dato · 2 months
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Post-timeskip fem usopp!!!
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z0mbiefrank · 1 year
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Gerard Way at Sydney 2 via Sophayre
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livelaughloveluffy · 2 months
literally nobody: "hey, what are you thinking about rn?"
me: "oh......nothing..."
what i'm thinking about:
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braisedhoney · 1 year
obligatory ask for Dance Macabre for Dan Phantom ur welcome
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dan… you’re wearing white! you gotta watch out or it’ll stain :(
link to the color palette post
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tea-cat-arts · 30 days
Fuck it, I'm still salty Su She made it past the first round in the official poll
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nxnamikento · 6 months
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flaphack · 2 days
im watching buffy and angel is pissing me off i’m so glad dungeons and daddies kill david boreanaz
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whirlybirdwhat · 1 month
i just found out bnha ended through one piece cover art and subsequently have fallen down a rabbit hole so poll
context i watched the anime up to where bakugou got kidnapped but stopped caring when i was in like hs and before i discovered my One True Love One Piece and then just checked in with the manga every once in a while to see what was up so i know some major plot points and the ending which hurt my soul so i need to figure out what the fuck happened in between all that so i can analyze it for funsies instead of subjecting My Beloved to my thoughts about this and various other medias that she has no understanding of
anyway. thoughts? no nuance answer u get two choices
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snoopysnose · 2 years
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Janine Teagues in every episode
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lunalucykat · 3 months
what's your favorite thing about your favorite character?
Crazy ask tbh!! Cause this gives me free rein to talk about any favorite character in anything and that's so many options!!!
(Also I've been sat here staring at this question in my inbox for a week cause I was like, who do I even choose??? lol)
After a long and hard deliberation I said, Fuck it! Might as well pick the characters that I have been rotating in my head for the past few months. Sorry I'm gonna be a little One Piece lover for a minute because legit the storylines are SO good and I love SO many of the characters!
I'm gonna give love to the ASL brothers because I love each and every one of them so much (even though I haven't even met Sabo, but I know about him, so it's chill lol)
One Piece spoilers below if you care, also I anticipate this getting absurdly long lmao
Like, I am actually sorry how long this got, cause I went off on some tangents. But if you give me a platform to talk about One Piece I am Going to TALK about One Piece (and, I think, get off prompt way too often.) That being said, I am still REALLY sorry about the WALL of text. You don't have to - nor should you - read this whole thing. orz
Ah, yes. The Age, Sex, Location brothers (lmao I feel like this joke shows my age cause I would make this joke, but TJ would make the joke as: the Am.erican Sign Language Brothers.)
This is definitely more than you asked for because you asked what is your favorite thing about your favorite character, but I'm doing things about characters, so... sorry lol!
Sibling characters are so important to me in general, and any group of siblings are usually gonna be some of my favorites (e.g. Sand Siblings from Naruto.) I have two older siblings and one younger so that might contribute to why, but I usually love the dynamics. And I love these guys all separately and as a package deal.
Ace- TBH what's not to love about Ace? He is the epitome of cool! Everybody wants to be him (or maybe I'm just projecting, but GOD he's so cool!) He is Literally The Cool Older Brother, and I love that for him. He also sort of has the cowboy look too, so that gives him bonus points lol!
Something I really love about Ace is that he loves so fiercely and it's obvious in everything he does. It's the way he's protective over Luffy and makes sure he gives his baby brother some way to find him again if he ever needs. But it's also the way he freaks out when he realizes said baby brother comes to rescue him when he's in a dire situation. He definitely has eldest child vibes in that regard; giving help but not accepting help. It feels like a very eldest sibling thing to do. It's also the way he adamantly refuses to call his biological father his dad, and insists that his father is Whitebeard because he was the man who took him in and cared for him as his son. He literally states it to the world. He loves Whitebeard and won't let anybody tell him that he's not his father.
He is literally all about his family. And that feels stupid to say cause this whole show is about found/ forged families, but Ace wears his heart on his sleeve and isn't afraid to show just how much he loves his family, not only in his actions and words, but also in the things he wears. He's so sentimental that he keeps all of his most precious people with him in some sort of memento. (Some of these are more canonical than others, but most of them you can read a certain way and it makes sense, so bear with me).
The most obvious (and canon) is his back tattoo which is Whitebeard's symbol. He literally calls it his pride and displays it as such. That's his father, and he is happy to show it off. (I don't know if these next few are canonically correct, but the vast majority of fans agree on their symbolism connecting to his other family members.) The red beads around his hat and necklace are the same as the ones his foster mom, Dadan, wears, so they're likely a memento to remember her by. The next one I think has a lot of legitimacy to it, because for some reason I think some people still don't believe it, but the X'd out S in his arm tattoo ASCE is to remember Sabo by. (Textual evidence for this is the "what if" cover story Oda drew where the brothers were never separated and in that scenario Ace's arm tattoo it literally just written as ACE.) The X through the S I think has a double meaning because when he got it Sabo was presumed dead so it could be crossed out because his younger brother was gone, but also the X through the S could be because that was Sabo's mark. Like, it was his jolly roger when he set out to sea. Some people also like to say the little buttons on Ace's hat resemble a goggle-like appearance to mimic Sabo's goggles on his top hat, which I think is cute, but maybe not as legitimate lol. That just leaves Luffy. I'm not gonna lie, there's not a lot on his design that points specifically to Luffy, probably because he was confident he'd see him around. But if we wanna stretch we could say maybe his hat symbolizes Luffy (and probably Sabo too). He got a hat so he could join his little brothers' cool hat club lmao!!
The Symbolism on this boy goes WILD!!! He LITERALLY wears his heart on his sleeve, or back, or around his neck, or his arm, or his head lol!
I also love that he's also susceptible to sibling dumbassery. I'm talking about that shit where you're polite and respectable towards peers and shit, but the moment you're around your siblings you revert to little gremlin mode. Cause Ace met all the Strawhats and was like "Hello, yes, nice to meet you. I am Luffy's respectable older brother, thank you so much for taking care of him all this time, I know he's a lot to handle :)" But when he was alone with Luffy literally 5 minutes ago he was like "What's up fucker? Wanna arm wrestle you little bitch baby?" It's hilarious. I love it.
Also his character design is hot! What can I say? lol! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sabo- I am actually insane about Sabo and it makes no sense cause I haven't even met the dude yet! Like, I'm looking for some excuse to change my icon to him but it's going to be like at least 3 whole arcs until I meet him so idk lol (that probably won't stop me lmao! Sanji's days are numbered lol)
So I haven't technically met Sabo yet, but I do know a bit about him (because my brain decided to snatch him up into my "3 more of these little blonde bitches club [consists of Sanji, Sabo, and Rosinante/Corazon (WHOM I ALSO HAVEN'T MET BUT I LOVE HIM)]" and now I know more about him than I did like 4 months ago) so I'll talk about what I do know.
Erm, it's him being the middle child (as a middle child myself I heavily fuck with middle children characters.) As a kid he looks mostly well-adjusted and like, the peacekeeper of the three, but as a young adult he looks literally so unhinged, and that's the middle child experience babeeeyyyyyyyyy!!! (I'm only half kidding lol)
I also headcannon him as aroace. It's so easy to do that with any of Oda's characters tbh because he doesn't really focus on romance (which I'm thrilled about, because it means he's most likely not gonna do that thing that every mangaka does that everyone fucking hates which is to pair off characters who have no chemistry together or never interacted in canon, but they get married in the end just because he needs everyone to end up with someone and have a family in order to continue the story, but with the kids this time! I am literally looking at Naruto. Cause when the fuck did Choji and Karui ever interact? Literally never. Also, God. Don't EVEN get me started with Sasuke and Sakura.) ANYWAY!!!!! The way Oda writes his story makes it easy to headcannon characters as aroace, and I do with Sabo at least cause I'm also aroace and he's one of my favies, so.... rejoice! Aroace be upon ye! :) Idk, he just gives the vibe :) Also it's funny to make the joke that they're all "Ace."
He's also got that steampunk drip. Love that for him. Go whiteboy, go! Not only does he dress like he's smart, but I'm almost CERTAIN he IS the smartest of the three brothers. I mean like, he probably has similar qualities about him that he shares with Ace and Luffy in terms of general dumbassery, but he definitely gives the vibe that he Knows what the fuck he's doing. Probably helps that I'm pretty sure he was the only one of the three that received a proper education lol. But I love the potential for the duality of him ping-ponging between being really smart and doing something really dumb and reckless.
I think Sabo was the softer of the older brothers. Like, Ace wanted to check in on Luffy and make sure he was okay and everything, but also he and Luffy seemed rougher towards each other (literally arm wrestling upon first meeting again after 3 years of not seeing each other.) Sabo gives the vibe that instead of armwrestling upon seeing each other, he would instead give hugs. I LOVE soft interactions with siblings just as much as I love interactions with them roasting the shit out of each other, and I think Sabo brings the softness needed. I mean, had he and Ace interacted in their early 20s I think there would definitely be sibling ribbing, but I guess I'll never know that for sure :) :) :) I'd've loved to see it though! :) :) :)
But at least Sabo can be soft and baby the baby brother. And you know what? Luffy deserves hugs! And I'm sure Sabo does too! And hell! Throw Ace in there too! He also deserves hugs!
He's also part of the Revolutionary Army, that much I know for sure, so he is absolutely out there doing some much needed shit (Luffy also does liberation every now and then, but he doesn't exactly go out of his way to do it like the R.A. does, he more happens upon it as he goes lol) And we've already met some cool-ass R.A. members (IVA!!!), so he's in good company. Also - side tangent - but Luffy adopted him as his brother, Garp adopted him as his grandson, and Dragon essentially adopted him as a son, so all I'm sayin' is..... Monkey D. Sabo?????? (eyes emoji) [I'm on desktop so I can't do emojis]
Anyway! Can't wait to meet Sabo! Can't wait to see him be absolutely baller!! Can't wait for him to see Luffy again!!! Can't wait to find more reasons to love him than the bare minimum I know about him!!!!
Luffy- Luffy is literally The best MC of any shōnen anime ever and nothing can change my mind about that. I have watched nearly 500 episodes of One Piece and Luffy is one of my top favorite characters, and that says something cause the MC's are usually never even close to my top favorites. Ever.
Like, I watched all 720 episodes of Naruto, and Team 7 (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura) are some of my least favorite guys in the show, I'm not gonna lie!! Like, I don't hate Naruto or Sakura, but because of their obsession with Sasuke (worst character, sorry Sasuke stans) it makes them SO boring to me. (I could so easily rant about Naruto, but this isn't about him lol, but I'm just sayin' you hit Shippuden and he gets real dull. And just to compare- 500 episodes of Naruto counts the first 220 from the original and then 280 of Shippuden so 500 in is a little over halfway through Shippuden, so I was basically over Naruto as an MC by then. ANYWAY! Enough about him!)
There's so much to love about Luffy. He comes out of the gate being Iconic as fuck in episode 1 and he STAYS that way! He stays that way but he also grows, but even after character growth moments he stays the same goofy guy in the end and I love that! He has a death grip around embodying joyous whimsy. It probably helps that he starts his journey already knowing who he is and what he wants. There is little in the way of self-doubt, and I love the confidence he has in himself and his dream and in others.
I also love that sometimes he's a little rude-ass! Okay, well he's blunt, so sometimes he comes off as rude, but it's funny as fuck. I also love that he displays many AuDHD symptoms, it makes him feel more relatable in some ways.
He's also just so emotionally intelligent. I mean, can he read the room most of the time? Not to save his goddamn life! But is he a great judge of character? Always. He is a ride or die homie! He often feels overly optimistic, but he's also so realistic in those tougher situations or decisions he has to make and I appreciate that kind of depth in a character, and it's SO important for an MC to have those traits! He knows when it's okay to be silly and when he HAS to be serious. And he doesn't mind relying on his friends!!! I see so many main characters insisting they can do something on their own, but Luffy admits time and time again that he DOES need to rely on his friends because they have skills he doesn't! He lifts others up and values them for the qualities they don't always see in themselves! I love him so much.
HE IS ASEXUAL!!! Like it's actually been very heavily implied and there is contextual evidence for it in canon. For example: he has these interactions with Boa Hancock whose Devil Fruit power turns horny people to stone (yeah), and when she tried using it on Luffy LITERALLY nothing happens to him. Aro/Ace King!!! (Again, I'm also aroace so that's why this scores big points with me!) Luffy will never go to horny jail, and good for him!
I also think there is a subtle but noticeable shift in his behavior when his brothers are around (well I can only really use Ace as an example here). But in a different way than Ace, because Luffy is the baby. Like Ace goes gremlin mode, and I think Luffy slips a bit into baby mode. It's harder to see the difference because Luffy is always kind of silly, but when Ace was around he feels a little more like he's clinging to his brother in a way. And to be fair Ace sort of lets him. Like in Alabasta before Luffy realized Ace was there, he was doing his damndest to use the one braincell he has to think through his predicament when encountering Smoker, even if it meant just running away from a fight he probably wanted to have but knew he couldn't win so he didn't engage. But the moment Ace stepped in and told Luffy not to worry about Smoker he was kind of like "oh yippie! :) Okay! Yayyy! <3" and just did what big bro said.
Idk how he'd be with Sabo, but I think he'd be even MORE of a baby around him because I feel like Sabo would let him get away with it more than Ace would.
I just like imagining the siblings having fun and doing sibling things together and everyone is happy and alive :) I love them! I I love the potential! I love what we could have haaaaaaaaaaad!!!!
Sorry this is so long. I love One Piece if you couldn't tell. And this could've been WAY longer. I really, really tried to hold back. But, erm, Your Honor, I love One Piece... I know some crimes can never be forgiven -_-'
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thunderon · 1 year
i took my last breath
as the plane crashed
i don’t even think i got to let it out
yellowjackets // batter - lady lamb
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fivedayslater · 1 year
Part 25: Listen to Luffy
Dinner and a Murder: A Mr. Prince Mystery Masterpost
“Okay,” Sanji turns back to Luffy, “What do you know?”
Luffy hums as he presses a finger to his head, “I passed by the study on my way to the library earlier, before I remembered it was locked. I heard Traffy in there yelling at someone.”
Sanji raises a brow. That’s certainly new, “Who?”
“Dunno, didn’t hear them,” he shakes his head, “Just heard Traffy say something like ‘If you don’t, I’ll tell him everything.’”
“Him?” Zoro asks, and Sanji grins at how invested he is in this, “Him who?”
“Dunno,” Luffy shrugs, “It didn’t seem that important, so I went to the library. It was locked, so I went to find Bon-Chan. Then after I found them I found you guys.”
“You seem to have overheard a lot of arguing tonight,” Sanji points out.
“I guess I did,” Luffy answers, a frown cutting across his face, “I didn’t think we were this fighty with each other.” 
“We can’t be happy-go-lucky all the time,” Usopp sighs, “We’re only human after all.”
“But we’re friends. We should be able to get along.” He shakes his head, then points at the two of them, “If you two have a problem with each other, come tell me and we’ll fix it, okay?”
“Got it, Captain,” Zoro assures him with a laugh.
“Uh, yeah,” Sanij blushes, realizing the last thing he has with Zoro is a problem, “Of course.”
“Good,” Luffy nods, apparently satisfied with that.
The door bursts open, and Bon-Chan and Ivankov enter the room.
“Oh, here you are, Mr. Prince,” Bon-Chan says as they gather themself, “I’ve been looking for you. We’ve completed our search of the house.”
“Okay,” Sanji nods as he puffs on his cigarette, “What did you find?”
“I’m sorry to say we found nothing,” they sigh, “None of the windows or doors had been opened, and there was no way for anyone to get in or out undetected. No one was here except for the guests and the staff.”
“I see,” Sanji frowns, the one hope that it was someone from the outside leaving with their statement, “And you searched the whole house? All the floors and all the rooms?”
“Yes,” they nod, “Every nook, cranny, and crack was checked. Also we were finally able to get in touch with the police. They should be here within the hour.”
“Okay,” Sanji nods, “Thank you. Could you gather everyone in the ballroom? I think it’s about time we unravel this mystery.”
“Of course,” Bon-Chan salutes him, and they and Ivankov quickly leave to do as requested.
Sanji has all the clues, all the information he needs to untangle the web before him. He just needs to put everything together.
“You know who did it?” Zoro says, raising an eyebrow as he takes a step closer, “You solved it already?”
“Maybe,” he sighs, releasing a stream of smoke, “We’ll see.”
He points at Usopp and Luffy, “You two should get to the ballroom. I’ll be along shortly.”
“Right, of course,” Usopp says as he takes Luffy’s arm and guides him out of the room.
“What about us?” Zoro asks as they leave, “Are we going to the ballroom too?”
“We are,” Sanji confirms, “We just need to pick up a few things first.”
Once they gather everything, they make their way to the ballroom to find everyone waiting.
“So, Mr. Prince,” Law says from his seat by the window, a searching look on his face as they walk in, “You’ve solved it?”
“That’s what he said,” Luffy says with a smile in his seat next to him as Zoro moves to the drink cart.
“Still, that was so quick,” Usopp chuckles from where he’s standing by the piano, “I expected you to be here all night working on it.”
“But, you know who did it?” Law asks with a raised brow, “Right?”
“Of course he does,” Zoro snorts as he returns to Sanji’s side and hands him a brandy, “He’s a pretty good detective, if you haven’t noticed. I’m sure he’s got this all figured out.”
Sanji takes the brandy, sparing Zoro a grateful smile before he sits down on Luffy’s other side.
Once everyone is settled, Sanji sets his drink down to light a new cigarette and takes a deep drag, exhaling the smoke slowly to help clear his head.
“Let’s start with what we know,” he says as he starts pacing the room.
“We have had two murders this evening,” he starts, “And the four of you are suspects in at least one of them.”
“But I-” Usopp starts, and is quickly silenced by the glares the other occupants send him.
“After dinner, Ace, Nami, Usopp, and I went to the ballroom. Just before the blackout, Ace and Nami each received a text on their phones, and left. The next time we saw Ace, he was dead.”
He puffs on his cigarette, letting the words sink in around the room as he continues, “At some point between leaving the ballroom and being found dead on the staircase, Ace met with someone in the lounge,” he takes out the bag with the bloody knife in it, and sets it on the table, “and there he was stabbed with Zoro’s knife.”
All eyes turn to Zoro, but he is staring at Sanji, simply waiting for him to continue.
“After we found Ace’s body, we decided to split up,” he says as he continues his pacing, “I went with Zoro to the billiard room, Usopp went with Law to the study, and Nami went with Luffy to the kitchen. However, Usopp never made it to the study, and instead went to the lounge.”
Usopp chuckles nervously, making Law roll his eyes and Zoro shake his head.
“Once in the kitchen, Nami told Luffy to go get the library, which he did. While he was gone, she made her way to the study, where she was killed,” he pulls out the bag with the candlestick in it, and places it next to the knife, “with the candlestick from the lounge.”
He takes a sip from his drink, then continues, “The murderer then dragged her body from the secret passage in the study back into the kitchen, where she was found when Luffy finally returned.”
“So that means…” Usopp asks tentatively, “Whoever killed Nami must have known about the secret passages?”
“That’s the theory,” He sets his drink down and takes a drag from his cigarette, “Luffy knows about them, of course. He owns the house. He had ample time to murder Nami since they were partnered when we split up, and,” he pulls out the straw and places it next to the candlestick, “a piece of his straw hat was found in the study where she was killed. On top of that, he was the only one on the side of the house with the dining room during the blackout. He could have easily killed Ace in the lounge and discarded the knife in the dining room without anyone noticing.”
“So,” Law’s suspicious gaze turns to him, “It was Luffy?”
Sanji puffs on his cigarette before answering, “Knowing about the passages doesn’t automatically make him a murderer, and the straw in the study could have been left before tonight. Besides that, I haven’t been able to uncover a clear motive for him to kill either Ace or Nami.”
“Yeah,” Luffy nods, “It wasn’t me.”
Sanji pulls out the handful of prescription papers, the rope from the conservatory, Nami’s ledgerbook, and the blackmail draft, and places them on the table.
“Law has a motive, at least to kill Nami,” he gestures at the ledger book, “He was in debt to her up to his eyeballs, and had even drafted a blackmail note.” He nods towards that, before pointing his cigarette at the prescription papers, “Also papers from his prescription pad were found in both the lounge and the study. Law said he left the study and went to the hall during the blackout, not too far from the lounge. He could have easily slipped inside to kill Ace.
“He also had plenty of time to kill Nami, since Usopp never met up with him, and Luffy heard him arguing with someone on his way to the library.” His cigarette moves to the rope, “The rope in the conservatory – where Law was before dinner – was found in the kitchen after the murder.”
“Then, you’re saying it was,” Usopp swallows audibly, “Law?”
“Law says he never went farther than the hall during the blackout,” Sanji continues, “Anyone could have thrown out the prescriptions earlier in the evening, and he wasn’t necessarily the one who moved the rope. He also claims he was paying Nami back with secrets, and he has no motive to kill Ace. The blackmail note too is only a draft, and while it is in his handwriting, it doesn’t say who he was planning to send it to – if he even was at all.”
Sanji’s eyes dart to Zoro as he reaches into his pocket again, almost asking for his permission. Zoro nods anyway, and Sanji takes a deep breath as he pulls out Blackbeard’s letter, placing it next to the knife.
“Zoro was with me when Nami was killed,” he starts, “but his whereabouts during the blackout are unknown, and Ace was killed with his knife. Law claims he heard Zoro enter the lounge during the blackout, and this letter claims Zoro was involved with someone I’m sure you’re all very familiar with: Blackbeard.”
The collective shudder across the group proves Sanji right.
“It wasn’t Zoro,” Luffy says, then adds, almost hesitantly, “was it?”
Zoro continues to watch Sanji with that steady gaze, trust clear and true in his eye.
Sanji gives him a smile as he grabs his drink from the table and takes a long sip.
“Zoro says he never worked for Blackbeard,” he continues, “He also says he never entered any of the rooms during the blackout, and that Nami had his knife at the time.”
Zoro gives him a small smile as Sanji sets his drink back down.
“And then there’s you,” Sanji says as he points at Usopp.
“M-me?” Usopp gasps as he places a hand on his chest, “I didn’t do it.”
“You were with me during the blackout, so you couldn’t have killed Ace,” he admits, “But it is very suspicious that you didn’t meet up with Law when you were supposed to, leaving you ample time to kill Nami,” he points at the ledger book, “who you were also indebted to.”
“But I didn’t!” He insists, “I never left the lounge until we found her body! And I was paying Nami back, honest!”
Sanji takes a long drag, letting him stew for a moment before relenting, “True, I found no evidence saying you killed Nami, but I’ve found nothing concrete saying you didn’t either.”
Usopp whimpers as he falls back in his seat.
“There’s also one last suspect,” Sanji says as he exhales a puff of smoke, “One that is not here with us.”
“What?” Luffy slams his hands down, hitting Law and Zoro’s thighs and making them wince, “You said the suspects were all of us! Who is it then?”
Sanji digs through his pocket, pulling out the golden bracelet and setting that carefully down next to the knife.
“Nami clearly didn’t kill herself, but she was also missing during the blackout,” he continues, “She said she went to the hall, but Law, who was also in the hall, didn’t notice her there, and Luffy, who had been wandering around the house, heard her in the lounge. Her bracelet was also found by the fireplace there. And,” he taps the letter again, “Blackbeard also claims she was working for him. It’s possible she killed Ace, and someone else killed her.”
The silence that follows his words is deafening. Every eye in the room is on him, waiting with rapt attention for his next move.
“The house has been searched, no one else entered or exited during the blackout.” Sanji sighs, releasing a puff of smoke, “The murderer – or murderers, as the case may be – is one of us.”
The room goes silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
“And?” Usopp asks, “Who did it? Who killed Ace and Nami?”
**A note before you vote**: I know there's a lot, so please read each option carefully to make sure you're picking the one you mean to pick!
Your choices up until now have affected the outcome of the story, and don't worry, it still does here! However the choice you're making isn't who the murderer(s) are (that's already been set), it's who Sanji is accusing. Sanji could be wrong, and whether he is or not may effect the ending you get...
Choose wisely...
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efingcod · 1 year
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Just a reminder that Woods isn't an unfeeling asshole. If you write him that way, uh, fine I guess, I'm not gonna read it. But it's in the damn games that he's not. And ok, I get this is only one scene, but given how brief CoD campaigns are, they pack in quite a lot. Why include this line unless they're trying to say something about Woods' character? Why have him run up to the kid to check if he's all right? (spoilers he's not - RIP kid who's name changes every game)
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Watch it here I even started it at the beginning of the mission for you ⬆️
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smilepebble · 4 months
hi everyone! as ive mentioned a few times both on here and on heropartnerweek, i will be on hiatus for most of this month. im going on a study trip in the middle of the woods and thus won't have any phone service or internet. ill be gone from june 3rd-june 28th. see ya!
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gregtarzandavis · 2 years
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Greg Tarzan Davis spotted at Roberta Armani's LA Cocktail Party
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