#everyone shut up it’s the queen’s birthday
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skipper1331 · 7 months
Reputation // Alexia Putellas
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a/n: based off this request.
Alexia Putellas.
La reina.
Queen of football.
Fan favorite - everybody’s favorite.
It was simple: Alexia doesn’t get rejected.
Or so everyone thought. While in fact, Alexia was asked out often, she was usually the one who would decline the offer. Most of them not interested in her as a person but as the media girl.
Yet that didn‘t stop her from having fun, very fun nights.
Alexia Putellas had a reputation - the fuck girl.
Which is why everybody warned you about her.
"Keep your distance"
"She‘s no good"
"She has a reputation"
"A teammate nothing more"
Alexia’s eyes follow you as you entered the gym.
You looked good, the barca gear made you glow.
"Don‘t even think about it" Lucy warned, stepping in front of Alexia. Lucy’s eyes narrowed as she glared at la reina. The midfielder looked confused before a smirk grew on her face, realizing what the defender meant. "I‘m warning you, Alexia. Do not dare" the english growled.
"I‘m not doing anything" she grinned, eyes back on you as she watched you talking to Patri.
Lucy was aware of Alexias bad reputation and she knew that the sunshine you were, it was most likely for Alexia to shoot her shot. But Lucy would be damned if she didn‘t try to stop it.
The defender and you always had a close relationship, you had played together at City and for the lionesses. Lucy had to protect you. There was no bad cell in your body, you were a ray of sunshine - smiley, sweet and positive. She’d never forgive herself if anything happens to you.
"Enjoying Barcelona?" a voice asked, a hand touching your back before they sat down. Alexia.
The team was out in a restaurant as they celebrated Fridos birthday.
"It‘s nice here" you answered. The older woman chuckled, "here" handing you a drink.
"Oh, I don‘t dri-" you tried to explain before the midfielder cut you off, "it‘s water" she smiled, scooting closer.
What both of you failed to notice was the glare that Lucy sent Alexia, the way her eyes burnt holes in the captains head. Yet what Lucy failed to notice was the blush that started to cover your cheeks, Alexias gaze wandering over your features. "Tell me about yourself, y/n" she smiled softly, sipping on her own drink.
The night was about to start.
"When did you leave last night?" Lucy asked as she walked beside you towards the pitch.
"I don‘t know, actually. I left with Ale" you replied.
Lucy stopped in her tracks, grabbing your wrist, "what did you say?!"
"She drove me home"
"That‘s it?"
"That‘s it" you confirmed.
"Stay away from her, she‘s not the girl you think she is"
Again something you had heard more than once before.
"Hey" the Catalonian greeted, pressing a kiss to your cheek. In respond, you blushed furiously, shyly looking to the ground as the girl giggled at your behavior. "You look pretty" she flirted, eyeing you up and down. Something about the way the Barca outfits hugged your body made her heart race, skin tingle and mind spin with thoughts of what she wanted to do with you.
"Thank you. You look also nice" you smiled. The simple smile you sent Alexia made heart her burst with emotion. She wanted to make you smile everyday.
Just as she was about to ask what you‘re going later, a certain English defender called your name.
"I have to go" you stated, walking to Lucy. The captain growled, Lucy was getting on her last nerve.
In the bus, you starred out of the window as you waited for your bus buddy.
you loved the bus, something about the rides and the bonding made it so special. While you weren‘t one of the louder ones, you loved to observe everybody on the bus.
In the front, coach and staff, talking and analyzing.
In the middle the quieter ones, the ones who enjoy reading, studying or sleeping.
And in the back, the extroverts, the ones who would never shut up and couldn‘t sit still.
It surprised you when you felt a different presence next to you, not the one who it was usually. A familiar scent hit your nostrils, a scent you learned to like, a scent that made you inhale sharply.
"Hola" Alexia greeted, slumping down in the seat next to you. You looked around, searching for your bus buddy who was sitting next to Alexia’s bus buddy, shrugging her shoulders at your questioning look. "What are you doing here?" you asked rather harshly.
Alexia gulped, "do you not want me here?"
"N-no. I- um" nervously you scratched the back of your neck, "you usually don‘t sit next to me" you smiled shyly.
"But now I want to" she explained, her eyes searching for any sign of discomfort. There was none. "I watched the movie you recommended"
"Did you like it? Who‘s your favorite character?" question after question left your mouth. Each one la reina answered happily. She loved talking to you, how passionate you got and how interested you seemed to be in whatever other people said.
Alexia couldn’t stay away from you.
Not when you smiled at her, the way you do.
Not when you laughed, the way you do.
Not when you just existed.
Her mind was consumed by the thoughts of you. Everything you did made her heart race.
Alexia Putellas, la reina, the queen of football, was falling you.
And even though she was known for her fun nights and had a bad reputation because of that, ever since you had entered her life it stopped. She didn‘t look nor acknowledge other women, she only had eyes for you.
Movie night at Patri‘s.
You arrived exhausted, eyes already heavy as you took a seat on the bean bag. The team was gathered around the living room, the curtains closed as snacks were standing on the coffee table. You didn‘t know why you were so tired, you just were. It didn‘t take long for your eyes to fully close. As your body started to lean down, almost falling off the bean bag, Alexia reacted without a second thought. Quickly, she left her seat on the couch and kneeled next to you. Instead of your head falling against the floor, it fell against her chest. The girls were too occupied by the movie to even notice the change - besides Lucy. The English woman watched the scene in front of her, Alexia scooping your small figure up and positioning the two of you on the bean bag, her arms securely around you, your head resting against her chest as she looked down at you, a loving smile across her features.
For once, Lucy didn‘t glare at the midfielder but had a small smile on her face. Maybe Alexia was indeed not the person who she thought she was.
Barcelona was facing Athletic Bilbao and while you were in the starting eleven, Alexia rested on the bench.
The game didn’t start the way she wanted it to - too much chaos. It didn‘t ease her nerves either that every time you had the ball, you were smashed to the ground a second after. It made her mad actually, furios even. In her mother tongue she started to curse, at first it was just an angry whisper until it turned into mad shouting. What the fuck was wrong with that ref?! Was he blind?
"Calm down, he already warned you" Lucy told her firmly, pulling her back to her seat. "She‘s getting hurt!" the midfielder huffed, crossing her arms.
"I know" it took every inch of self-control in her body not to join Alexia‘s shouting.
The Catalonian looked at Lucy, eyes so full of helplessness, "this is personal" she whispered.
With raised brows, Lucy questioned Alexia‘s statement. What was personal? How? "Look at number 6. We have, um, history?"
"You fucked her?"
"And she wanted more but you didn‘t even remember her name?"
Lucy turned away, her gaze back on the pitch - observing
"She is different" Alexia whispered, "I don‘t know. My heart is- so incredibly happy by just seeing her smile. I want to make her smile. I think I’m in love-"
Just as Alexia was about to admit her love for you, something she had never done nor felt before, Lucy and the whole bench jumped from their seats, yelling furiously.
Harsh tackle.
Your ankle connecting with cleats. Cleats who belonged to number 6.
Your body was shaking violently while you clutched your ankle, crying. The girls on the field tried their best to comfort you, medics already examining your foot. Nervously Lucy and Alexia walked along the sidelines, biting their nails. Even though anger flashed through their bodies, their one priority was your well-being and it didn‘t look like you were feeling well, not at all. The decision was clear: you‘re coming off. Mariona and Marta supported you as you hobbled with tear stained cheeks off the field, where Alexia and Lucy immediately took over their part.
Thankfully, it wasn‘t something too serious. The medics gave you a boot and crutches, so you wouldn‘t injure your foot any further on your way back to Barcelona.
Relief washed over the teams body as they saw you back with them, smiling. That tackle looked harsh and nothing but a yellow card was shown. "Should‘ve been a red" some of the girls grumbled as you joined their huddle before they swarmed out, interacting with fans.
"Little one, how are you feeling?" the English defender asked, looking at you skeptically. "I‘m alright, just need to rest" you stated.
Alexia watched you from afar while she talked to one of the medics. She had to know everything - down to the detail. She addressed it as captain duties, what was best for her team but in reality, she needed to know for her sake. Were you alright? When will your recovery start? How will your treatment look like? Will you be back for the el Classico (not because she wanted your talent too rushed back on the field but because she knew how much the el Classico meant to you.) Alexia asked every question that popped up in her mind and even though the medic was annoyed because most of her questions were already answered, just a little bit differently explained, he was happy that she cared for you so deeply.
Though when a third person entered your conversation with Lucy, she became alert, her latest question long forgotten. "What the fuck" she growled, marching over to where you were, arm snuggling around your waist as she glared at number 6. you gasped slightly at the cold yet gentle touch around your back.
"Alexia" the woman said, to which Alexia only gave a nod.
"Can I talk to you for a minute in private?" number 6 asked you nicely, ignoring the murderous glare Alexia sent her, who was joined by Lucy‘s glare. "Sure" you replied, walking out of earshot.
"Lo siento" she started, gesturing to your boot, "I didn’t mean to" she apologized sincerely, "how bad is it?"
La reina was going crazy - why the fuck was she standing so close to you? Even worse, touching your arm! Jealousy filled her body, a deep frown displayed on her face. It only deepened when you started giggling with the enemy.
"Are you not going to do something about it?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms.
"I absolutely will!" when number 6 pressed a kiss to your cheek, the midfielder lost it. Within seconds she was by your side, shielding you from the other woman who was way too close to you. "You can go now!" she growled, intimidating number 6.
She left.
She wouldn‘t risk it to fight la reina.
"Hey! I was talking to her" you grumbled.
"She was kissing you!"
"She apologized"
"By kissing you?!" her voice level raised, fingers resting at the bridge of her nose.
Everything started getting too much for Alexia, why was she so angry? why couldn’t she control her emotions? She always could! Why not now?!
"I have to go"
As quickly as she had appeared, she disappeared again.
Alexia avoided you on the way back to Barcelona. Like she used to she sat with her friends in the back, your bus buddy next to you. La reina seemed to have forgotten you existed, occupied by other things - though that wasn‘t true at all. For the midfielder there was no one else existing but you.
She felt the urge to sit next to you, explain herself and to wash that stupid kiss off your cheek - to pepper her own kisses all over your face. She did none of it, she just watched you in silence while the girls talked and talked and talked.
The bus arrived in Barcelona hours later, it was already dark outside, only a few cars left on the road. Every girl was eager to get out of the bus and go home, the day has been long and everybody was exhausted.
You were standing in the bus, waiting for everybody to get out, Alexia behind you. Occasionally, her hand would brush against yours as you waited for the girls in front of you to exit the bus. Your breath hitched when you felt Alexia’s pinky intertwine with yours - you didn‘t turn to her, your gaze fixed on Mapi‘s back. The only reaction she got was the blush that arose on your cheeks which you quickly covered with coughing. "You alright?" Mapi asked, holding her arm out to help you down the stairs as your crutches were safely stored away near the suitcases. "Yeah, thank you" you smiled.
With sad eyes, Ale watched you leave.
"How is your ankle?" the Catalonian asked, watching you walk out of the physio room.
"It‘s good. I don‘t have to rest anymore" you replied sweetly, happy to be able to train with the team again. "that‘s great" the captain stated, following your steps to the changing room. She wanted to say so much yet no words left her mouth. The effect you had on her was something she never experienced before. It wasn‘t just your smile or laugh that made her heart race, every time she was near you her knees went weak, her palms got sweaty and she became a nervous wreck.
The el Classico win felt euphoric. A 5-0 win, wow. Barca had destroyed Real and the team couldn‘t be happier.
It was an unspoken rule for the team to celebrate after winning against Real Madrid. Which is why the team met at their local club, all of the girls dressed up, ready to eat, drink and dance.
You considered not to go - you weren‘t the type of person who enjoyed going out much but then again, dressing up, eating and little bit of dancing didn’t sound too bad, did it?
That‘s how you found yourself in the filled club, friends and strangers around you. You sat next to Patri and Pina, talking about something when Alexia joined the table again. She looked breathtaking, her outfit hugged her body perfectly - everybody was drooling, including you.
Throughout the night numerous people asked her to dance or for her number, each time she would decline politely, searching for your eyes shortly after. She wanted to talk to you, so desperately.
As another woman appeared who started talking to Alexia, even laughing with her, you left the table, "I’m getting something to drink, does anybody want something?" you asked.
Making your way over to the bar, you took a seat on one of the bar stools, "one water, vodka on ice, a martini and mojito, please" you ordered.
Alexia watched you like hawk, the rather abrupt leaving and the quick steps catching her attention.
She wanted to follow you, she really wanted to - she didn‘t.
You came back with all of the wished drinks, walking past la reina and the girl she was talking to.
"Let‘s dance!" Ona suddenly yelled, grabbing your wrist and pulling you on the dance floor, the girl already more than just tipsy. Nonetheless, you accepted her dragging you to the dance floor, arms around your neck as she danced. "Arms around my waist, chica!" you did as she wished, not having a clue about dancing but happily doing whatever the younger girl requested. It was her first derby win, let the girl celebrate.
La reina didn‘t enjoy that at all. Seeing the young defenders arms all over you and the close dancing made her burst with emotion. That should be her. She should be dancing with you. Nobody should talk to her besides you.
It should be you and her.
"Fuck it" walking over to you, the midfielders arms snuggled around your waist, pulling you against her front as you left Ona‘s touch completely. "Can I steal her for a moment?" Alexia asked in her mother tongue, smiling nicely at her national teammate who nodded, continuing her dancing.
"You look so beautiful, mi amor" she whispered in your ear. You looked at her with wide eyes, frowning.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"You‘re-" you cut yourself off, not knowing what to say, "Just- leave me alone" left your lips. Wiggling out of her grasp, you walked towards the exit, Alexia close behind. Outside the club, she gently grabbed your wrist, "what do you mean with that?"
"Leave me alone! What game are you playing, hm?!"
"Don‘t you think I know about your little reputation? Barcelonas star footballer loves to fuck random girls" you gritted through your teeth, hidden feelings bubbling up.
"I‘ve been warned about you. And I ignored each warning because you were so nice and caring." you told her, the captain taking back by your sudden outburst, "I don‘t want to be part of your stupid reputation!"
"Stop talking" the midfielder stopped you, face stern, "fuck, do you think I‘d use you?!"
"I don’t know what to think! In one second you‘re getting mad at me because someone kissed my cheek, then you ignore me and then you‘re so lovely, just to talk to some woman again! You‘re so confusing!"
"I haven’t looked at other women since you joined Barca! You‘re the only person I want to look at!" she inhaled sharply before she dropped your hands, resting her forehead against yours, "I don’t want to be confusing" her hands found their place on your waist.
"Are you going home with that woman?"
It was the question that had bothered you the whole night, you just had to know. "No, of course not. She‘s a friend from Alba. I haven’t- you know, not since you‘re here." la reina admitted, "I‘m in love with you and this is all so new, I don’t know how to do this but I’m willing to learn."
You stared at her, was this real? Your heart was racing, breath hitching at the slightest movement of Alexia’s hands, her breath fanning - so close to you.
Taking a step back, you left her embrace. This was too much - you couldn’t think straight. You wanted to believe her, you really did but you had to protect yourself. You couldn’t be one of her flings. It would hurt too much, to see her and knowing what you‘ve done.
"I‘m sorry, Alexia"
you left without turning back.
You felt your heart hammer in your chest, already regretting your choice, the sad look on Alexia’s face haunting you.
Her eyes followed you until you were out of sight. She felt numb. She sat down on the nearest bench, head resting in her hands as she tried to contain herself.
She wanted to cry, she wanted to go home, she wanted to hide under duvet the rest of her life. She embarrassed herself and that wasn‘t who she was.
She was Alexia Putellas.
La reina.
Queen of football.
Fan favorite - everybody’s favorite, just not your favorite.
From all the names she‘d been called, your favorite would have been the best - the greatest honor, actually.
"Hey, are you alright?" a thick english accent asked, sitting down next to her.
"Sí! Sí, I’m good, i‘m good" she rushed out as she looked up, wiping away the tears that had left her eyes just seconds ago. "What‘s happened?" Lucy asked.
"She- she rejected me" Ale whispered, shoulders sagging - exhaustion written over her features.
The defender was silent for a few minutes, letting Alexia calm down and gather her thoughts.
"You know, you can’t blame her" Lucy explained, "your reputation isn‘t the best"
"I don’t blame her. It just hurts so much"
the english woman laid her arm around the midfielders shoulder, trying to comfort her. Lucy knew you liked her but you feared that you‘d be a someone on her list. Also, she knew how awful it felt to get rejected. "She‘s scared"
"Of me?"
"Of your past"
The Catalonian gulped, why had she been so stupid? Why did she build up a reputation? She hated herself for it. All she wanted was you. You weren‘t like the girls whose namens she couldn‘t even remember. You were so, so much more.
She remembered everything you once told her.
She remembered the way you like your coffee and tea.
She remembered your favorite book, movie and show.
She remembered your stories.
She knew which flowers you liked.
She knew that you didn‘t like drinking.
She knew every detail about the things you told her.
"She‘s special" the Barcelona captain stated, firm with her words as she spoke facts.
"Show her."
Over the next few weeks, Ale did what Lucy told her to. She showed you how much she respected you, bought you flowers and did little things. She‘d tie your shoes, she‘d refill your glass, and so on. She did everything in her power to make you realize that she was worth a chance - that her past didn’t define her. And that she won‘t continue this path.
"How are you feeling about the win and the teams performance?" the interviewer asked Alexia who smiled politely at the lady.
"The team performed great, we played very well. We created a lot of chances which we ultimately took advantage of" she replied.
The interview continued like that, analyzing the game, talking about the impact the subs brought with them and the things the team could’ve done better.
It seemed like a normal interview until it took a turn, much to Alexia’s dislike.
"You haven’t been seen with any girls lately - what‘s happened to this version of yourself?"
Unfortunately for the interviewer, you were in earshot. Your body filled with rage. How can someone be this inappropriate? In an instant you marched over, your hips pushing Alexia slightly out of the camera angle, arm protectively around her waist. "This interview is ended" you stated sternly. You weren’t a media person at all, never knowing what to say, more of a private person - that question was enough for you to throw everything overboard. This was nothing but disrespectful.
You grabbed Alexia’s hand, about to pull her fully away from the media as she instead stepped back in.
"That version fell in love"
with that being said, she let you drag her away into the tunnel.
You grumbled something to yourself, angry about the fact that the lady had the audacity to ask something like that, "why did you answer that? You gave her so much satisfaction by answering!"
"Stop pacing around, please" gently she grabbed your wrists, frowning as the scowl didn’t leave your features.
"It was the right thing to do" she answered calmly while her index finger tried to erase the wrinkle between your brows.
"No- she-"
"I am in love with you and i want everyone to know that," she stated, "I‘m not that person anymore!"
You inhaled, closing your eyes as you relaxed in her close proximity.
"I know you‘re not"
"One chance, that‘s all i ask for" she pleaded, her hand cupping your cheek.
Both of you smiled shyly with cheeks crimson red.
Alexia stood next to the door, waiting for you to exit the Barcelona facility.
Finally, when she saw you leaving the building, she pushed herself off the wall and quickly slipped her hand into yours, "hi" she smiled, teeth showing as you matched her smile. "I was thinking… um, would you like to go out? With me? On a date?" She had been nervous all day long, wanting to ask the question.
Your smile grew wide, "I’d love to!"
"great!" the captain beamed, "I’ll pick you up" she left your touch, happily walking towards her car before realizing something. Hurriedly, she made her way back to you, "tonight, 6pm, i mean"
She was Alexia Putellas.
La reina.
Queen of football.
Fan favorite - everybody’s favorite.
"Amor, say it." she whined, pressing multiple kisses over your face. You wiggled in her grasp as she straddled your waist, your giggles filling the room - heaven for her ears.
The captain looked down at you, a mischief smirk making its way on her face.
"Don‘t you dare, Ale!" you laughed, but it was too late - the tickle fight broke out. It was obvious that your girlfriend was winning, no chance for you to win as she had you pinned down on the couch.
"Say it, mi amor"
"only if i get a kiss…" you grinned.
Within seconds Alexia leaned down, pecking your lips.
giggling, you added, "…or two"
she leaned back down, pecking your lips once more. "or three or four or five" you sing-sang, laughing at the midfielders playful glare. After multiple added kisses, Ale had enough. She cupped your cheeks, lips pressing against your own with a gentle force. The air was knocked out of your lungs. Her thumb caressed your cheeks and you couldn‘t help but smile into the kiss as she kissed you with so much love and appreciation.
"you’re my favorite"
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kaleidohscopic · 2 months
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PAIRING: baekhyun x female reader SUMMARY: a weekend up at the beach house might just be enough to make you crack and come clean about your little (big, fat) crush. alternatively, park chanyeol is possibly the worst wingman ever. GENRE: friends to lovers! au, crush! baekhyun, romance, fluff, a pinch of angst, pining, humour WARNINGS: swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension!!, slightly suggestive, reader and baekhyun are both kind of clueless tbh WORD COUNT: 9.4k NOTE: happy birthday baekhyun!! thought it would be fitting to start off this blog with a fic for bbh on his birthday. this was supposed to be a 4-5k piece of fluff but somehow it ended up being double that and a lot more serious than i originally intended (oops?). kinda nervy posting such a long fic for the first time ever so feedback is most certainly welcome and i hope you enjoy!
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“You definitely rigged this.”
Chanyeol only rewarded you with a shit-eating grin.
The scrap of paper couldn’t weigh more than a few grams, but in your hands, they felt like the barbell plates at the gym that he could never leave alone. Especially since a certain someone was also holding another scrap of paper with ‘ground floor twin room’ hastily scrawled across it.
You shook your head vehemently, fixing the tall boy with a dagger-like stare that he seemed completely unfazed by. “I demand a redraw.”
“Which is not going to happen,” was his gleeful response. “We all agreed — no take-backs before picking.” The hat that you had all drawn out of, now empty, was tossed on the coffee table as everyone else began to move their bags into their freshly chosen rooms. Somewhere down the hallway, Jongin tripped over the wheels of his suitcase, his pained groan and Kyungsoo’s laughter bouncing against the walls of the AirBnb.
“Besides,” Chanyeol continued, hand coming up to ruffle your hair, “if I had actually rigged it, you should be thanking me. I’d be doing you a favour.” He gestured towards Baekhyun, who was busying himself with packing his hoodie back into his duffle bag, hopefully oblivious to the fact that the two of you were conspiring about him less than three metres away. 
“Yeah, say it any louder, why don’t you. And no, that wasn’t an invitation,” you warned, catching the wicked glint in Chanyeol’s eyes. He opened his mouth, as if to make good on your request and let the whole house know, only to choke back a groan at the elbow you shoved into his side. Behave, said the glare that you shot at him. His replying smile was anything but reassuring, before he picked up his bag and headed upstairs.
That was what you got for getting a little too drunk at Jongdae’s housewarming get-together last month and accidentally slipping up about your big, fat, debilitating crush on Baekhyun after the third glass of pinot noir in one night. If it had been anyone else made aware of your juvenile secret, you would probably be feeling a little less uneasy — but it just had to be the one person who couldn’t keep his mouth shut to save his life. Not to mention Park Chanyeol was a terrible wingman, having heard about the ridiculous escapades he put Jongdae through before he finally cuffed his girlfriend. Lucky for you, you were now getting to experience it first-hand.
“I can ask Jongin to swap, if you really don’t want to room with me,” came a soft voice from your right. Baekhyun regarded you with an expectant, if somewhat hesitant expression. 
“No, it’s okay,” you replied, trying your best to mask the panic that was fighting its way into your voice. It would be just your luck, that he would think your reluctance to share a sleeping space with him was because you didn’t like him enough, and not that you liked him a little too much. The slight furrow in his brow seemed to melt away with your words. “I just wanted the big room with the queen bed, but somehow Chanyeol got it. I seriously think he did something to these,” you said, waving your slip of paper that matched the one he was holding.
Come to think of it, you and Baekhyun had also been the last ones to draw out of the hat, since Chanyeol had insisted on going counter-clockwise around the dining table. How he managed to game the room allocations was beyond you, but you were now almost certain that he did.
“It’s good that he’s by himself though. The snoring would drive anyone mad,” Baekhyun mused, and you had to chuckle in agreement. 
“That time he passed out at my place after Saturday drinks…I genuinely thought I’d end up with a murder charge that night.” you said, chest squeezing at the way his eyes crinkled into crescent moons at your words. You busied yourself with your own bag, hoping he wouldn’t see the dumb smile on your face, and be able to tell how pleased you were to have teased a laugh out of him. Laughter was not something he usually withheld — he gave it freely, if not a little too generously — but it always did a funny thing to your heart when you were the cause of it. 
“Definitely can’t have that. Pretty face like yours would not last a day in jail.” With one hand around his own duffle, he draped the free one around your shoulders, letting the warmth of his arm wrap around you as you headed down the corridor to the room you’d be sharing for the weekend.
Having a crush on Baekhyun was no big deal. Probably even normal, if his college days were anything to go by. But what made it so debilitating was things like this — the little comments he’d throw around that could easily be passed off as just friendly flirting if you were so inclined, though you sometimes let yourself imagine his intentions came more from the flirting than the friendly part. He was a generally touchy person too, never missing a chance to pat Kyungsoo’s ass when the opportunity arose, but sometimes the brush of his fingers against the inside of your wrist felt a little too affectionate for two people united solely through friendship, even if you were the only one who internally crossed that line a while ago. It was things like this that made you question, every once in a while, if your feelings were as one-sided as you believed. Most of the time though, you chalked it up to his disposition, his easy-going magnetism, and concluded that whatever signals you thought he was sending were merely due to your overactive imagination running wild with hopes that he felt the same way.
“Dibs left,” he said, plopping down on the twin bed closer to the window. His arms raised above his head in a long, yawning stretch, revealing a thin strip of skin at the waistband of his jeans. Just the sight of it was enough to control your blood, sending a rush of it to your face, and you internally cursed yourself for being so weak to such a small thing. It was obvious you had been alone for way too long. He was too comfortable to notice the flush on your cheeks, eyes shut and enjoying the tension leaving his body after the long drive up.
You sat yourself down carefully on the remaining bed, noting the gap between the two mattresses. Whether you wanted to push them together or against opposite walls of the room, you couldn’t be sure. It was hard to form coherent thoughts when he turned to you with a boyish playfulness that curled the corner of his mouth upwards.
“You’re not going to sleepwalk your way into my bed, are you?” he asked, chin in his hand, a teasing glint in his eyes. You tried hard to catch yourself from choking on your own saliva.
“I’ve been known to kick in my sleep,” was your reply, voice much more nonchalant than you thought you were capable of, given that he had just planted the seed of the two of you sharing a twin mattress that was definitely not big enough to lie down on without touching in at least three different places. The glint in his eyes faded immediately, giving way to thinly-veiled concern at the threat underlying your words.
“I was kidding,” you clarified when he sat up and started to back away from you. “At least, I haven’t done that for fifteen or so years. But you never know, it might come back again tonight, when you’ve finally fallen asleep, and then BAM! Foot to the face. You better sleep with your eyes open, Byun Baekhyun,” you warned, giggling at the realisation dawning over his face before his pretty features settled into mock annoyance.
“You just think you’re so funny, don’t you?” He was on all fours now, making his way towards you with a wolfish grin. In no time, he had crawled over the gap between your two beds and suddenly his fingers were prodding at your ribs. It was a well-planned tickle attack, and one you had no chance of escaping from, since his legs had caged you in and the rest of him was pinning you down. You were helpless against the ambush of his fingers, succumbing to them with gasping giggles, punctuated by desperate pleas for him to stop. He showed no intention of letting up, fingers digging even deeper into your waist.
If you were going to die like this, you thought, at least you’d be dying while lying under him.
“When you two are done canoodling, we’re going to go set up on the beach,” came a voice from the doorway. Baekhyun’s merciless fingers paused, and the two of you looked back to see Chanyeol’s amused face at the foot of your bed, smirking like he knew some big secret that neither of you were privy to. God, you were seriously regretting that third glass at Jongdae’s new apartment last month.
Baekhyun turned back to you, your noses almost touching, and you could feel the air from his exhales fanning against the skin of your cheek. There was a mole just above the corner of his mouth that you don’t think you had ever noticed before. Warmth from his jean-clad legs radiated into your hips and meandered up and down your spine, and suddenly the late summer air around you was becoming sticky and heavier than usual. 
As if just now noticing the proximity you were in, he slowly untangled himself from your limbs, making sure not to crush you in the process. You sat up, still breathless, having just calmed down enough for full inhales again, but so was he, you noted. Surely tickling wasn’t that exertive of an activity? Or maybe you’d put up a better fight than you had thought.
“Don’t forget your towels,” was the last thing Chanyeol said before he ducked out, yelling at Jongin to grab the beach umbrellas, not the rain ones. There were a few seconds just filled with the sounds of your slowing breathing.
“I’m going to go get changed,” Baekhyun said, turning around to dig through his bag for his swim shorts. You couldn’t see his expression, but you could hear the slight tremble in his voice that indicated he hadn’t quite recovered from whatever was afflicting him. “We’ll probably just be setting up the umbrellas, so no rush, just come down when you’re ready.” As he turned around to head towards the bathroom, he flashed you that familiar smile, the one that always resulted in one of your own to mirror his, and set you at ease again. 
“And make sure you bring your sunscreen,” he added, before disappearing down the hallway. You watched him go, throwing yourself back onto the bed with a frustrated groan once you were sure he was out of earshot. Two whole days and nights in this tiny room, in the languid death of summer, with his body just an arm’s length away from yours — you had no idea how much of this you could stomach and emerge with your sanity intact.
This was shaping up to be the longest weekend ever.
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The afternoon sun was unforgiving when you emerged from the house. Though you had thrown on a cover up before leaving, you could feel the heat tingling on the surface of your skin through the thin cotton. From the top of the bushy path leading down to the beach, you could already hear the tell-tale signs of a competition brewing between the boys, even if you couldn’t quite see them yet. A few steps down and you could make out their figures, managing to catch the view of Chanyeol flipping backwards off the jetty before plunging into the water, where the rest of them were bobbing around. Baekhyun’s voice floated above the others the way it always did when he was teasing, liltingly distinguishable, though perhaps that was only because you were now so attuned to it that other voices naturally started to sound more foreign. 
It was hard to pinpoint exactly when he went from Baekhyun, your friend who tended to get a little too rowdy after half a can of beer, to Baekhyun, your friend who made your heart pick up a little faster when you thought of him. One day his hiccuping laugh was teetering on the edge of obnoxiousness, and then all of a sudden it became endearing to hear the raw joy in his voice. If you knew exactly when the switch flipped, maybe you’d be able to retrace your steps and stop yourself from ever setting off down this path to end up where you were now, watching the sunlight glisten against his wet face with an overwhelming affection, wondering what it would be like to be the private audience of his radiant smile everyday.
You set your things down on the sand next to the pile of clothes and towels that were already there, recognising Chanyeol’s hat somewhere in the mix. The beach umbrella that Jongin had set up was already beginning to lurch towards one side, the brim rather close to the ground. Fixing it back in place and digging it into the sand a little deeper, you let out a fond laugh — some things, like the way Jongin used his hands like they weren’t his own, would stand the test of time. 
You had hoped that your friendship with Baekhyun would be one of those things, but the more time you spent casting longing glances his way when he wasn’t looking, the more you weren’t sure if you could ever recover from his rejection if you ever did decide to be honest about your feelings towards him. So you did your best to bury them, content to enjoy his company in the way you were both familiar with, afraid that if they did surface, they’d taint your friendship with something unpleasant and irreversible. If you couldn’t own the sun, at least you could still revel in its warmth.
Satisfied with the position of your towel underneath the shade of the umbrella, you looked back at the water, returning Baekhyun’s sweeping wave with a small one of your own. It was just enough of a distraction for Chanyeol to turn around as well, and Baekhyun seized the opportunity to dunk him, gleefully howling as the taller boy’s head disappeared below the waves. Before Chanyeol could resurface and enact his retaliation, Baekhyun was already making his escape, swimming towards the shore with fearful determination. Chanyeol made to follow, but upon seeing you sitting on the beach with your eyes fixed on Baekhyun’s approaching figure, he thought better of it, turning back around to continue the diving evaluation as Jongin took his turn to leap off the jetty.
With an amused smile, you watched as Baekhyun hurried out of the ocean, wet hair flying in all directions and flicking droplets of seawater across the sand. The water trickled down the planes of his bare torso, and you tried to keep your eyes away from the firmness of his pec, or the flexing movements of his abdominals as he made his way over to you. One thing was for sure — the gym sessions with Chanyeol were paying off. 
When he finally reached you, Baekhyun slumped onto your towel, ignoring your protests for him to stay away, and proceeded to soak you in the remaining water that was still clinging to his body. The skin of his stomach was cool against your calf, and he giggled delightfully at your attempts to push him off to avoid getting more water onto your clothes.
“Stop trying to fight it, you’re going to get wet when you go in anyway,” he said, finally rolling off you.
“I wasn’t planning on going in. I’m scared you’ll try to drown me,” you huffed, lightly flicking some sand onto his shoulder with your toe. He turned back around, chin cradled in his left hand, and flashed you a boyish smile.
“I would never do that,” he said, though the glint in his eyes was anything but convincing. “Besides, what are you going to do at the beach if you’re not getting in the water?”
You picked up the book nestled in between your shoes and waved it at him. “Read, of course.” He regarded the worn paperback with amused disbelief, eyebrows slightly raised. It was only when you flipped the book open to the paperclip you’d been using as a bookmark that he realised you were serious, and let out a scoff that was laced with something akin to fondness.
“You are such a cliche. Pretty girl reading at the beach? Unbelievable, seriously,” he said, before wriggling his head into your stomach, relishing in your shocked squeals as your cover up began to dampen again. His mischief had left a few wet patches on the fabric that were beginning to stick to your body in the uncomfortable fashion of late summer. You reached for the hem, pulling it off not without some struggle, and immediately felt the sun kissing against your bare shoulders. Though you were mostly covered by the shade from the umbrella, the last thing you wanted was a blistering sunburn where the straps of your tote bag usually rested, so you grabbed the sunscreen you had so diligently packed and began applying it on the parts of your skin that were exposed.
Baekhyun had gone uncharacteristically quiet. If you had been paying attention to him instead of so attentively rubbing the cream into the underside of your knee, perhaps you would have noticed the way his eyes lingered on you for a little longer than would have been polite. They followed the path your hands took, from the expanse of skin below your neck, across your stomach, and down the length of your legs.
“Do you want me to do your back?” he blurted, his voice a little more strained than usual. He was wearing an odd expression on his face, something you couldn’t quite place, but it was different from the usual playful one you were most well acquainted with. Nevertheless, you agreed, passing him the tube and turning around so your back was facing him.
His fingers were still cold from the water, and you jumped when they first made contact with your skin. He only laughed, squeezing both hands around your shoulders to hold you still before he got back to work again.
The first graze of his hands across your shoulders was tentative. You could feel the heat of him behind your back, the smell of salt and sun clinging to the air around you. His breaths fanned the skin on the back of your neck, sending goosebumps down your arms and legs despite the thick heat of the afternoon. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything. Slowly, his hands made their way down to your lower back, and it was then that you realised you might be in trouble. His hands pressed against the grooves of your spine, curving ever so slightly around your waist, and if you shivered, he pretended not to feel you tremble in his grasp. 
It was when his fingers slipped underneath the ties of your bikini top that the alarm bells began to go off in your head. His movements were hesitant, fingers stuttering in their dance across your skin before they gingerly pulled the strings aside to spread the sunscreen between the top and bottom halves of your back. It was too much, feeling his warmth, knowing there was only an inch of space between your bare torsos, having his hands on you doing such a thorough job with the task he had assigned to himself. When the tips of his fingers brushed the side of your ribs, just under the edge of the fabric, you couldn’t help the breathy noise that escaped your lips. 
“Actually, I think I left something back at the house,” you said suddenly, words hurriedly running into each other as they tripped over your tongue on the way out of your mouth. Twisting away from his dangerous touch, you bolted to a stand and hoped he’d attribute the pinkness of your cheeks to being outside in the brightness of the afternoon. Your words came out staggered, the slight tremble in your voice betraying the composure you were fighting so hard to maintain. 
Baekhyun’s gaze was careful, if not a little confused. The more his eyes ran over you, the more you were sure that the depth of your feelings towards him were beginning to surface on your face. Another second and he’d be able to tell, he’d figure out the little secret you’d been trying to conceal for the last couple of months. And then you wouldn’t be able to deny its existence anymore. 
So you fled, tossing a rushed promise to be right back over your shoulder before scurrying up the bushy path again. Away from the scrutiny of his eyes, away from the truth you did not want revealed to the world. The ghost of his touch lingered between your shoulder blades and along the ridges of your spine, your body already committing to memory the caress of his skin against yours. You realised then, that it would not be possible to continue living on as usual, now that you knew the taste of his closeness, as fleeting as it may have been.
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“I think you should just go for it.”
Your fingers tightened around the glass at his words. Chanyeol’s tone was light and pragmatic, speaking as if the act of unfurling your heart were nothing more than a decision about whether to have steak or pork belly for dinner. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you scoffed, bringing the bottle to your lips.
“I’m serious though,” he continued, nudging your arm with the lip of his own beer. “I think you should just tell him, and see what he says. And stop expecting the worst. You’ll never know how things could turn out if you never do anything.”
You let your head fall back to lean on the doorframe you were both standing against, gazing out at the patio that had begun to darken following the sunset. Baekhyun and Jongin were placed at opposite ends of the ping pong table that had been wheeled out of the living room after dinner, neither seeming to mind the soft prick of grass at the underside of their bare feet. Whether the game was proceeding well was difficult to deduce, since both were sporting wide grins and rosy cheeks, courtesy of the glasses in their hands — but judging by the cluster of orange balls around Baekhyun’s feet, you had an inkling that victory would not be his. He didn’t seem to mind yet, laughing gleefully as Jongin swung his racquet too hard and launched a ball over the fence. 
“Not everyone is as good as you when it comes to talking about their feelings, you know,” you said, fixing Chanyeol with a knowing look that was halfway between admiration and resentment. If you only had his courage of expression, perhaps you would’ve put an end to your suffering a while ago. Ripped the band-aid off cleanly instead of peeling away at it, day by day, bit by bit, until it was hanging on by the last of its adhesive. You weren’t sure how much longer your resolve could last, if it would even survive this weekend without snapping under the force of your attraction.
He only shrugged. “You can’t get good without actually doing it.” You pondered his words in the short silence that settled while you both took another sip. He was right, of course, you knew that, but it didn’t make hearing it any easier.
“I think… I’m just scared,” you began slowly. Realising you were about to put his advice into action, Chanyeol turned to you with reassuring and patient eyes, waiting. You took a deep breath, swinging the contents of your bottle back and forth, and continued, “I’m scared that if I do tell him, it’s going to change our relationship and then I’ll lose him completely. At least if I don’t say anything, he’s still my friend, and I get to keep being in his life.”
He regarded you for a moment, brows furrowed thoughtfully, as he decided on his next words. It was no easy feat to try on honesty the way you just did, having so carefully avoided it for your entire life, and he was well aware of it. The slight tremble in your hands was a dead giveaway.
“And I think that’s completely understandable,” he finally said. “There’s always going to be a trade-off, no matter what you choose to do. But I guess you have to weigh up which one means more to you, and if you’re willing to take that risk on the chance that it does work out between you two. I’m only telling you what I think you should do. You’re the one who knows your own feelings the best.”
Another silence fell over the two of you again. Your bottle was nearly empty now, the beer inside already lukewarm from being out of the cooler for too long. Jongin let out a cheer as the ball sailed over his head, landing far behind him on the grass and ignoring Baekhyun’s flagrant attempts at contesting the point. Even under the patio lights, he was still so pretty, cheeks pink and glowy, the shape of his mouth so endearing as it settled into a pout. By now, you were used to the longing, and paid it no mind as it filled your chest with a bittersweet warmth.
“Aren’t you two best friends though?” you asked, the thought suddenly occurring to you. “You’re telling me you don’t know anything about how he feels about… whatever is going on?” The look you gave Chanyeol was suspicious, but he stood strong, resisting your prying eyes.
“I wouldn’t be much of a best friend if I went around blabbing to you about his feelings, would I?” was his response, accompanied by an elusive smile. There was something in his words that lingered in your mind, some important detail you felt as if you had overlooked, but his amused expression gave you nothing to hold onto. “You’re both so clueless,” he chuckled after a beat of your thoughtful silence, downing the rest of his drink.
Baekhyun was skipping over now, having officially lost 18-21 to Jongin, who was heartily celebrating his victory with a series of hoots and giggles. He headed straight for you, hair all messed up from running his hands through it during the game, and a rosy flush to his face, though you weren’t sure if that was from the game or the glass that he had left at the ping pong table. When he wrapped his arms around you and buried his head in your shoulder, you knew that it was probably the latter.
“I lost the game,” he whined, petulant and firm against you. His hair tickled your chin, and you could smell the faint scent of his shampoo from his shower after the beach.
“Are you drunk already?” you asked, trying to mask your breathlessness at his proximity with a few giggles. Baekhyun’s affinity for physical contact was the worst — or best, depending on how you looked at it — when he had alcohol in his system, and it didn’t take much to push him past the borders of sobriety. His ache for touch and affection was most often relieved on you, and you always obliged, gladly and readily letting him take whatever it was he wanted.
The tip of his nose brushed back and forth against your skin as he shook his head. “Just a little, tiny bit,” he said, voice muffled, and you felt the warmth of his breath through your t-shirt.
“Where’s the love for your best friend?” Chanyeol teased, the only one amused at the way Baekhyun had dived straight into your arms without even sparing him a glance. 
The boy in your arms didn’t even falter, only snuggling further into you. “You know it’s because she’s my favourite,” he murmured, lips skimming your collarbone ever so softly as he spoke. The panic onset was instantaneous, and you prayed he was too drunk to pick up on the sudden rapid thundering of your heartbeat inside your chest. You tried to look at Chanyeol for help, but he was setting off across the patio, taking up Jongin on his invitation for a match with the promise that he would wipe the floor with the younger boy.
Baekhyun only hummed contentedly, oblivious to the havoc he was wreaking inside you, tightening his hold around you when you made a half-hearted attempt to wriggle out of his arms. His pink lips set into another rounded pout, brows slightly creased as he pulled back to look at you.
“You know you’re my favourite, right?” he asked, trying to be convincing despite the slight slur to his words. You could only nod, letting a small smile twist the corners of your mouth upwards. Whether he realised or meant what he was saying, you weren’t all that concerned, simply happy to bask in the warmth of his full attention knowing it was probably just nonsensical babble brought on by the drink in his belly. It was so much easier to be close to him when he was like this, hazier, and sure to forget most of what he had said the morning afterwards. It didn’t hurt that you were also starting to feel a little blurrier around the edges, the beer from earlier making its way through your system and leaving behind a pleasant fuzziness that made it all the more tempting to come clean about your feelings. But you weren’t quite there yet, and you had no plans to get to that point tonight.
Seemingly satisfied with your answer, he curled back up into you. With your hands around his back, you could feel the steady rhythm of his heart, the comfortingly even beat of it through his rib cage. It was so easy to imagine this was the way it had always been, and would always be, so easy to slip into the fairytale you often found yourself fabricating when your one-sided longing became too much to contain. It would be so nice if you could live in this moment forever, you thought. But was this small pocket of peace worth risking your entire friendship?
“I wish you’d stop running away from me,” he murmured, or at least that’s what you thought he said. It was a little difficult to concentrate when his lips were grazing your skin again, lightly feathering across your neck as the words shaped his mouth on their way out of it. 
And then you felt it, the unmistakable and deliberate press of his lips against your collarbone, the gentle pressure and the slight moisture on your skin from it searing through you like a lit trail of gasoline. This time, he had to have heard the stilted gasp that escaped your mouth.
He lifted his head slowly to look at you again, searching your face with glassy eyes — for what, you weren’t quite sure. The only things you were sure of right now were the fiery burn in your cheeks, and the deafening pounding of your heart that echoed between your ears. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” he said, though his expression was nowhere near as apologetic as his words would have you believe. If anything, his gaze on you was almost daring, waiting to see how you’d respond, if you’d shrink back into yourself like you always did when he got too close and crossed that invisible boundary you only danced around. If you’d run away from him the way he had just said he wished you wouldn’t. Or if you’d let him push you over too, just this once.
Seeing the hesitation in your face, he slowly extricated from you, retracting his limbs and warmth until they hung limply by his sides again. Scratched the back of his head. Let his eyes wander around the patio and settle on anything except for you. 
“I’m going to see if Kyungsoo needs any help with cleaning up,” he said quietly, not waiting for your response as he headed back into the house. The drink had made his gait unsteady, and you felt him sway against the doorframe as he brushed past you. A chilling unease began to settle in the pit of your stomach as you watched him go, the shape of his back getting smaller and smaller as he was swallowed by the light of the living room. 
Try as you might, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted, and that there was a possibility it had not been in the direction you had hoped for.
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Perhaps the second glass of wine had been a little overambitious, you realised, staring up at the ceiling of your shared bedroom. Kyungsoo had been so excited about the 2012 Shiraz he had brought from home, pouring you a full glass with an enthusiasm he didn’t often display. You couldn’t say no, and you didn’t protest when he refilled it a short while later. If he noticed the faster-than-usual speed with which you drained its contents, he did not show it. Whilst alcohol tended to put people to sleep, it had the opposite effect on you, dangling sleep in front of you like a carrot you could never get a hold of easily, or for long. That second glass of wine was the reason you were lying in bed, not soundly asleep like you wished, but keenly aware of every breath and every movement from the other occupant of the room, only an arm’s length away from you.
Baekhyun had spent most of the night with Chanyeol out on the patio, drinking and laughing under the generous light of the moon. Even if he wasn’t purposely avoiding you, you felt his absence from your side sorely. He didn’t say much during the wind down for bed either, only asking if you wanted the curtains fully shut, to which you gave an affirmative. Still, a sliver of moonlight speared through the gap between them, illuminating the room just enough that if you turned your head to the side, you could make out the outline of his body beneath the covers and acquaint yourself with the familiar curve of his nose.
It was only fair that the wine, having taken your sleep, offered something in return to mark an honourable trade. That something manifested itself in the restlessness of your mouth, which battled against the remaining rationality of your mind. Loose-lipped and anxious, you dug your nails into the palm of your hand, willing the war inside your head to approach a ceasefire. You did not want to make a fool of yourself in the intimacy of this small room. 
However, your resolve could not last for long, corroded by the hours spent without his presence, without the familiar warmth of his touch, without his little comments meant only for you as he pointed out something silly or poked fun at Jongin’s whining. Barely above a whisper, you called out his name, letting your voice permeate the darkness. It was loud enough that he’d hear it above the silence, but soft enough that he could ignore it if he so wished, and you’d attribute his ignorance to the deepness of sleep.
There was a second of silence, which he followed with an answering hum and a shuffle of his legs on the mattress. He was awake, and he was waiting for you to speak.
“Are you mad at me?” you asked the ceiling. 
“No, I’m not mad at you,” was his reply, accompanied by a quiet sigh. He was conversing with the ceiling too, just as reluctant to face you.
Your hands twisted the sheets in dissatisfaction. The even tone of his voice indicated truth, but his answer didn’t explain why he had spent the whole night outside without calling for you even once, when he usually couldn’t last half an hour without pressing into your side and tickling your shoulder to grab your attention. 
“Then what?” you probed, cringing at the whiny edge to your voice. 
He was quiet for a while, letting your words hang in the air, that for a moment you thought he wouldn’t speak, that your brief conversation had already come to an end, and you’d be left with unanswered questions as bedside companions for the night. There was another rustling from his side of the room as he settled himself under the covers.
“Sometimes, I think I want too much from you,” he finally said. He was quiet, but you heard every word with the clarity as if they had been projected through a stereo system. “And you can’t give me everything I want, but that’s not your fault. It’s an indication of my own greed and selfishness more than anything else.”
You kicked around at your sheets to signal your unrest at his words. “I don’t think you are greedy or selfish. At all. At least not with me.” If anything, you were the selfish one, wanting all his smiles and touches for yourself, wanting the entire spectrum of his existence to only ever be shown to you. Your generosity only ever came to light when it was in service of him, gladly letting him take your attention, your time, allocating space in your mind for him and him only. 
Baekhyun only laughed a soft and short laugh at your reply, the sound so different from the usual one filled with boisterous joy that you had grown the most used to. You heard him turn over in his bed to face you. In the quiet darkness of the room, the focus of his gaze flooded over you, and the intensity of it was so blinding you didn’t dare to look away from the smoothness of the ceiling, fearing you’d smoulder into ash the moment you locked eyes with him.
“You know that you are a really important person to me. You know that, right?” he asked, eyes searing into you with the force of a thousand suns. “I mean, everyone else is also important because they’re my friends, but you’re different — you are a special person to me. I don’t see you the way I see Chanyeol, or Jongin, or anyone else.” 
His words were still tinged with the slight slur of the beer from out on the patio, but you could feel the delicate care with which they were chosen and spoken. Something was different about tonight. You could taste it in the thick air between the two of you, feel it in the wire-taut tension stretching across the gap between your two twin beds. Your fingers dug into the comforter, willing the turbulence in your chest to subside.
He paused and took a deep breath, as if bracing himself against something devastating. “I don’t want the same things with them as I do with you.”
You held your breath until you felt the pain of deprivation in your chest.
“But I’ve made peace with the fact that what I want from you, and the way I feel about you, are things I’ll have to carry with me. They’re things I have to bear the weight of alone. I don’t — I would never want you to be uncomfortable, or see me differently.” There was a slight catch in his voice at the end.
You didn’t even know if your lungs were still working while you listened to him speak. There was a surrealness to the night, as if everything had been covered in a blanket of haze and everything that was transpiring was the product of a fever-induced dream, existing on an alternate timeline.
Baekhyun… it didn’t even feel right thinking it.
Baekhyun had feelings for you? And he had convinced himself it was one-sided?
“It’s pretty selfish, isn’t it? Asking you to act like things between us won’t change after everything I just said,” he laughed, but there was little humour in the sound. You finally turned your head to look at him, the wry curve of his mouth catching the moonlight as he gazed at you. He was smiling, the shape of it meant to comfort you, but he could not hide the sadness weaved into the downturn of his eyes. He had always been braver than you, perhaps not in the aspect of riding roller-coasters, but certainly in his ability to be honest and open about his emotions, regardless of whether they were good or bad. 
It was your turn to be brave now, and shed your own fear to meet him where he stood.
“I’ve been seeing you differently for a while now,” you admitted, turning under the sheets to fully face him. You were grateful for the darkness, hoping that it would conceal the heat creeping up your neck and face, painting your cheeks with a hot blush that accompanied the start of your confession. His brows furrowed slightly as he tried to process your words, confusion settling in the crease between them. You held yourself back from reaching out to smooth them over.
“What do you mean?”
“What makes you think you’re the only one who feels this way?” you asked instead, leaving his question unanswered. There was a tremble in your voice as you spoke, and you were sure he heard it above the quiet of your bedroom. It was the closest you could get to telling him without actually telling him about the silent battle that had been raging in your head for the last few months. 
This was it, you thought. He had to know now.
“Am I not?”
The weight of his stare pressed against you, drawing you to him with the tangible pull of gravity. The eyes that roamed your face had replaced their previous confusion with questioning, and a glimmer of something akin to hope. He had never looked more beautiful and devastating than he did right now. You felt the light of dawn breaking over your skin, a promise of something new and good sure to follow. Its warmth simmered within you, staving off the chill of the late summer night with a heat that had you pushing off your covers in a hurried frenzy and rising to sit on the edge of your bed, toes just grazing the floorboards beneath you. Would you still have had the same nerve to face him in the daylight, rough and exposed without the lulling comfort of darkness? Would he still look at you, unpolished and flawed in the clarity of the sun, the same way, with the reverence of man at the sight of an angel? 
Baekhyun mirrored you and sat up on his own bed, slowly, as if not wanting to spook you, fearing you’d run off and retreat back into the confined familiarity of your own head. His knees knocked against yours in the small space between your two mattresses. You jolted at the feeling of his skin on yours, having gone without it for so long that the mere touch was like the first drop of water after emerging from the desert. He made to move away, trying to shuffle across the length of the bed, but stilled at the hand you placed just over his knee, willing him to stay put. Surely, he could feel the beat of your heart thrumming through your fingertips.
It was your turn to be brave now.
Fueled by the second glass of Shiraz and the muted encouragement of darkness, before you could second guess yourself and overthink every possible negative outcome of what you were about to do, you closed your eyes and leant towards him. Slowly, inch by inch, until your journey ended with the soft, tentative press of your lips against his. It was short and chaste, nothing more than a gentle pressure, and you pulled back when you felt his lips part in surprise.
“Does that answer your question?” you whispered, heart in your throat. 
There it was. You had gone and done it. 
His eyes were closed, and in the dim moonlight peeking through the curtain, you could almost make out each of his eyelashes, fluttering dark and soft against the smooth skin of his cheek. For a few seconds, the room was filled only with the sounds of your breathing as you waited for his reaction, for the consequences of your actions and what that meant for your friendship with him. 
Then you heard it — his soft laugh, coloured with appreciative disbelief, and felt the air of it caress your face. The corners of his mouth curved upwards into a small, pleased smile. His eyes blinked open slowly, taking you in with a hunger that had desire curling in the pit of your stomach.
“You are just so…” he began, but you never found out just exactly what you were. He was already pulling you back into him, slotting his mouth against yours like they were always made to fit perfectly together. This time, the kiss was anything but chaste, the sheer force of it enough to scorch your insides down to your bones. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush towards him, and your knees parted around his thighs to adjust to the new position. Your own hands found purchase in the softness of the hair at the nape of his neck, desperate for something to anchor yourself to, in fear that the realisation of this moment would somehow make it slip away.
This was what it felt like to stand unafraid and bare in the light of unbridled wanting, to consume and be consumed by a ravenous appetite with no propensity for satiety. When his hands slipped past the hem of your sleep tank, fingertips grazing across the skin of your lower back, you were sure you could erupt into flames. He swallowed the breathy noise that escaped your lips, tongue brushing against yours as he claimed your mouth with his own. 
This was what it felt like to hold the sun in the palm of your hand.
When you broke apart to catch your breaths, his eyes were bright, lips plump and swollen, chest heaving beneath your hands. Somehow, you had ended up back on his bed, his head against the pillows, hands under your shirt and keeping you close to him with an unforgiving hold. He was gazing up at you with a devotion that made your heart swell even more than it did pulling oxygen back into your lungs.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a really long time,” he admitted, hiding his head into the crook of your shoulder. You felt his abashed smile against your skin and wondered how it could be possible that you had contained all of this, the longing, the yearning, inside you for so long.
“How long?” you asked, hearing the smile in your own voice.
“Since Chanyeol’s birthday, when you wore that brown sweater with the little bow on the back.”
Last year, Chanyeol had gotten everyone together at his place for a nice dinner and wine followed by a binge watch of all the Iron Man movies in one sitting. It was all going according to plan until a quarter of the way into the third one, when he began snoring at his own birthday gathering. The bowl of popcorn was sliding out of his hands and sure to make a buttery mess all over the rug, and that’s when the rest of you decided to turn the television off and call it a night. Sehun and Jongin tasked themselves with getting the birthday boy into bed, and likely collapsed onto it with him immediately after, while Baekhyun had offered you the couch, assuring you he’d be fine with the blankets on the floor. At the time, you hadn’t thought much of it. As chaotic as he could be, Baekhyun was nothing if not kind, and you had been grateful that his kindness had always extended to you over the three years you had known each other.
“But that was more than half a year ago. Why didn’t you say something sooner?” 
His fingers prodded into your sides, eliciting a few choked giggles from you. “I didn’t know how you’d react. You know you’re not the most expressive person on the planet,” he said dryly. “Or the most observant. I literally frenched your collarbone and you’re telling me you didn’t realise I liked you more than as a friend?”
“Okay, well when you put it like that,” you huffed, feeling the vibrations of his laugh through his chest. “But you really didn’t know I had feelings for you? Chanyeol never said anything?”
His movements stilled, leaning back into the pillows so he could lock eyes with you again. “You talk to Chanyeol about me?” he asked, to which you nodded sheepishly. “Since when?”
“Last month, Jongdae’s housewarming. He fished it out of me after dinner,” you sighed, picturing his smug grin under the lights of Jongdae’s fancy new kitchen when you realised that you had slipped up and let him in on your little secret. 
“But I talk to him about you.”
You looked at each other for another beat, realisation breaking over the both of you, before dissolving into another fit of disbelieving giggles. Maybe Park Chanyeol did know how to keep his mouth shut after all.
“So he’s a terrible wingman, is what I’m getting out of this whole thing,” Baekhyun chuckled, rolling you over so you were now lying on your side, face to face with him. He planted a slow, sweet kiss on your lips, taking his time to acquaint himself with the shape and taste of your mouth, and you felt the contentment of his smile against you. “I can’t believe we could have gotten together a month ago. Some best friend he is.”
“Gotten together?” you echoed, one eyebrow raised in feigned dispute, delighting in the way his sweet mouth settled into the pout that you adored.
“You mean to tell me that you don’t want to be with me after your tongue was all up in my mouth?”
You pushed his face away, groaning, “Gross, don’t say it like that.” He, however, had different plans, hooking a calf behind your knees and tugging you back into him, before weaving the other leg in between your own.
“You know you like it,” he murmured into your neck, squeezing his arms around you just in case you’d disappear if he didn’t hold on tight enough. One hand traced absent-minded circles over the grooves of your spine as he breathed you in, warm and familiar against your chest. 
Yes, you thought, you’d risk any and everything for this exact moment. It was worth all the doubt and heartache, all the time spent replaying those moments in your head, unsure of the meaning behind his actions. You could be sure of it now.
“I do,” you agreed, threading your fingers through the softness of his hair. “I probably more than like you,” you added, tilting his face upwards to steal another kiss, giddy and chest swelling with affection. Perhaps you weren’t quite yet ready for that other four letter word, but you had no doubt you would be one day, and soon. He was all too willing to comply, letting his mouth mould against yours with the poise and patience of a saint. 
“I probably more than like you too,” he replied, punctuating his confession with one final kiss to the tip of your nose. It was enough for the serene smile on your face to persist, even past the arrival of sleep.
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“I knew it.”
You cracked one eye open, trying to adjust to the light flooding in through the open door to your room. Chanyeol stood at the foot of your bed, grinning from ear to ear with what could only be described as a look of triumph as he took in the scene before him. The boy next to you stirred lightly, digging his face deeper into the pillow, reluctant to leave the realm of the sleeping. Chanyeol was not in the least sympathetic to his friend’s struggles, striding over to the window and pulling back the curtains with a clang. You winced as the full force of the morning sun barged in, and Baekhyun let out a soft noise of displeasure at the intrusion.
“I fucking knew it,” Chanyeol said again, quickly bringing you to your senses as you registered the weight of another body on top of your own. You made to remove yourself from him, fighting the flush creeping up your neck and face, but it was an effort which proved futile as he only tightened the arm around your waist, loath to let you go. 
“Can you be quiet? You’re going to wake the whole house,” you hushed, finally succeeding in untangling your legs from Baekhyun’s, feeling the loss of his warmth immediately.
“They’re already up. I came to call you for breakfast,” Chanyeol replied, the grin seemingly stuck to his face. “Which actually reminds me,” he began, before sticking his head out of the doorway to holler, “You better pay up, Jongin. And you too, Kyungsoo!”
“You bet on us?” came the groggy voice from the pillows behind you.
“What the hell, Chanyeol? I thought you said you didn’t go around blabbing about his feelings!” you exclaimed, indignant.
“To you. I never said anything about telling anyone else,” was his reply, smug and victorious at having outsmarted you.
Kyungsoo appeared in the doorway, donning a flour-covered apron, as if to confirm for himself that he was in fact a debtor to the taller boy. “Even if he didn’t say anything, it wasn’t all that hard to figure out,” he said lightly, surveying the room with curiosity and paying no mind to the shock painted on your face. How had everybody known about your now not-so-secret crush on Baekhyun except for the man himself? “Anyways, I only said that it would be unlikely to happen over this weekend, not that it was impossible. So Jongin is the only loser. Now come for pancakes.” And with that, he headed back towards his bowl of batter on the kitchen counter, chuckling at the sound of Jongin’s complaints against fulfilling his end of the wager.
Baekhyun, having somewhat freed himself from the clutches of sleep, rose to a sitting position and shot a drowsy scowl at his friend. “You’re kind of an asshole, you know that right?”
But even the expletive could not put a damper on Chanyeol’s mood, his smile never slipping. “You two should honestly be thanking me,” he said, to which you also shot him a glare. “Also, I’m happy for you and everything, but can you please keep the PDA to a minimum in front of the rest of us? I will lock you out of the house if you don’t.”
Baekhyun turned to you, the creases of the frown on his face slowly but surely smoothing out as he took you in, cheeks puffy and hair a mess from having just woken up. He had seen you in worse states, and definitely in better states, but none of that seemed to matter as he regarded you with nothing but fondness in his eyes. You were sure that your expression mirrored his, affection spreading throughout your entire body, reaching even the tips of your fingers and toes, at the sight of his tousled bed head, the sleepy droop of his eyes, the sweet pinkness of his lips. 
The sun was yours. There was no feasible way to stop the smile from blooming across your entire face.
“No promises.”
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natriae · 3 months
part 2 of this since silly bear's birthday is soon
Several years later
By now your sure Kiyoomi has a dog pile of children on him. Tonight is your daughter's 1st birthday, as well as Kiyoomi's. Loe and behold all the children flocked to your unsuspecting husband's lap while he watched a US volleyball game. As well your adult child Atsumu.
By now you're use to the sight of Kiyoomi trying to push the setter's legs off of him as he holds his daughter in his opposite arm. Kaia's already five running round your living room giggling as the big samoyed dog chases her. Her brother now eight holds on to his mother's leg while she talks to Bokuto's sisters. Mei's birthday was a big event or so she thought since her little brain told her all these people were her friend's not her dad's.
The large man sits on the couch with Osamu's two year old twins resting their heads on each of his thighs. Their binkys bob in rhythm while they dream. Atsumu's 3 year old some how ended up on behind Kiyoomi's head leaning on the wall while he pulls at the dark curls. Kaia's lost interest in the puppy and walks over so Kiyoomi's left arm now holds her to his side. Mei not leaving his other arm.
If you told highschool Kiyoomi he'd be a child whisper by his thirties and enjoy it. He'd assume he must have gotten a pretty harsh concussion, but all is well in Sakusa Kiyoomi's brain.
"Mei this one's for daddy. Your cake is next," the little girl crys in her papa's arms. It's her birthday why can't she blow out the candles? Her arms begin to flap against her sides as she tries to get up from Kiyoomi's lap, but Kiyoomi's quick in wrapping his arms around his daughter.
"sing it fast," he says while he holds his squirming and squealing baby close to his chest. He quickly blows out the candles before Mei's superhuman baby strength allows her to break free. The little girl screams as her little eyes begin to cry more. She's gonna be a drama queen for sure. Wonder which parent she got that from?
You quickly bring in her cake with a big number one candle on it and she immediately quiets down. She twists in Kiyoomi's arms trying to get closer. Everyone laughs at the baby's antics and her scrunched up face. She huffs and puffs as Kiyoomi sets her down to sit on the table.
When the lights go out her hands clasp together and her eyes close. Maybe you shouldn't have taken her to the shrine recently. When the singing finally comes to an end the baby girl blows out her candles and joyfully laughs enjoying every moment of attention.
Thank god today was successful. Only one hissy fit and no scratching, at least it's a win for you. Walking back from walking out the last guests you find Kiyoomi back on the couch this time only one baby rests on him. Mei's little hands are balled up into fists while she lays on her dad's chest. Her eyes shut and her binky bobbing lightly.
"today was a long day for her," you say sitting on the floor next to Kiyoomi's lying form. He huffs out a small laugh and looks down at his babygirl. "she didn't leave your side once! I'm a little jealous Kiy," you finish looking into his eyes.
"hey, it's not my fault i'm really comfortable," he says softly rubbing his hands along his baby's back lulling her into a deeper sleep.
"you're not wrong," you respond, leaning down to leave a kiss on his lips. "happy birthday Kiyoomi,"
"thank you, my love"
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read more of the good omens book. i am in love with crowley. go away.
This is exactly why I was petrified of the bloody book. It's going to make the brainrot irredeemably deep. Entire bodyrot, in fact. Even Tommy (yes I named my haematoma Tommy, and he's trans, so he's a he/himatoma) will succumb to the rot.
Aziraphale, you silly, silly, adorable little prissy motherfucker. What a bastard.
Sister Mary Loquacious making up her mind to have an orgasm gives a whole new subtext to my thirst for her during the rewatch of episode one.
Anathema carries a foot-long bread knife with her. Queen shit.
Warlock's birthday party omg. Aziraphale looking at Crowley desperately for help and Crowley pointedly refusing to meet his gaze because he's cringing from second-hand embarrassment and staring out of the window. I read that bit when I got out of the X-ray for Tommy and it made me smile on a very shit day.
Right mumbled Crowley suddenly feeling very alone.
Okay but ngl Crowley was entirely right? He turned the paintball guns to real guns, but the humans continued to shoot each other even after they realised the switch. Not his fault.
Oh Lord, heal this bike. So it was from the book, too.
Aziraphale being like let's get the fuck outta here before the police come coz I'll morally have to assist them with enquiries is so babygirl of him for real. You little bastard, you.
I love Aziraphale. Crowley makes a man faint from fear and Aziraphale isn't all that pissed because he's salty about the man ruining his expensive shirt. Oh, Aziraphale.
So attracted to War in an awful way. It makes so much sense how attractive in an awful way she is.
Pouring one out for Mr and Mrs Threlfall of 9, The Elms, Paignton.
"Right," mumbled Crowley, suddenly feeling very alone.
Slightly desperate italics is a phrase I didn't know I needed in my life but during my inevitable next war with fucking typefaces, I will definitely use. Fuck I had design work to do for my mum. AH WELL, CROWLEY, CROWLEY, CROWLEY.
In response to watch out for that pedestrian, Crowley says It's on the street, it knows the risks it's taking! Crowley supports it/its pronouns, pass it on.
Where do you live my dear? Aziraphale oozed. OOZED. OMG.
Everyday, my-homoerotic-tension-and-love-hate-relationship-with-my-copy-of-this-book's a-getting stronger... WHY MUST THAT LINE HURT ME SO MUCH.
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aylasology · 3 months
Rocket Queen
A guitar solo and the finishing touches.
warnings : smut!! Fingering and oral. Using cocaine. Reader gets fucked in a recording studio 😭
notes : jeez this was long. This is a part of my rockstar!Robin x groupie!reader universe btw! Check her out here :) Here's my birthday treat from me to you 🫶
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Heels tap on the hardwood floor as you watch her sing. Her hands shoved in the pockets of her flare jeans, blue eyes tinted red as her heart shaped glasses slip on the bridge of her nose. Robin Buckley is a rockstar in the flesh - and she is in her element.
Her tall frame stands by a microphone. Her voice has a rasp in it, a strong low voice that no one could compete with.
"I'm a sexual innuendo in this burned out paradise, if you turn me on to anything you better turn me on tonight."
Her eyes shoot to you. A shit-eating smirk on her face as she kept singing. You could remember how she wrote this song so vividly. On her bed, you sprawled naked underneath the sheets as she lay next to you with a pen and a notebook in hand. Tapping to a melody she hummed quietly. The notebook was on a blank page, scribbles and crossed out words on the other side.
Robin was convinced that this next album was going to be a hit. She was convinced that her vocals, and the band's distinct sound is gonna take them somewhere. She was strong in her belief and you couldn't help but believe it too.
You don't know what it was about her that made her so magnetic. It was something beyond looks, something beyond that voice that made you let her toy you around and use you. Maybe it was the thrill? The thrill of getting caught and getting outed? The thrill of finally getting touched by a woman? You couldn't lay a finger on it.
Their guitarist, Eddie Munson, started playing his riff, fingers fast in its movement as it moved against the fretboard. Stiff in her movement however, Robin's eyes squeezed shut, a serious look on her face as if she was deep in thought. You knew what this look meant, the look that said something was wrong. Something didn't align to whatever artistic sound she had in mind.
"Eddie wait."
Eddie stopped playing. A resounding, rather pissed off "what?" Slipping from his lips. Robin's eyes wandered in thought, eyes wandering to you. She looked you up and down, eyes wandering on the tiny skirt you've decided to wear. A thought comes to mind.
"Uh, just keep playing actually..."
After recording, a pair of hands snake from behind your waist, tugging onto the fabric of your shirt. Robin.
"Hey sweetheart..." She cooed, peppering kisses on the skin of your neck. "I can just eat you up.." she murmured in between the kisses. Robin always seemed so drunk in love when it came to you. You were never sure if it was love, but you were sure of one thing : you aroused her.
"Robin..." you chuckled as she had turned you to face her, pulling you in the recording booth. Everyone had dispersed out of the studio by now, the room suddenly so chilly and quiet.
"Shh, sweetheart..." She cooed. "Need something from you really quickly..." She murmured, pressing your back against a beat up leather couch, pushing a microphone next to you. "Gonna need a quick little fix 'fore I ask for a favor m'kay?"
A little nod was all it took for her to lay you down completely, pulling out a small plastic bag with white powder in it - cocaine. She lifts your shirt up, a small but demanding "bite" grunts out of her lips. Quick to obey, you bit the fabric of the shirt to keep it up.
She adjusts herself, straddling your hips as she sat on you, eyes hungry as she took in the sight of your body. The curve of your hips, the swell of your breasts, your already erect nipples. Of course you didn't wear a bra.
She rips the plastic to form a little hole, cocaine on your belly and all the way up the middle of your breasts. You could hear her groan, the sight of you enough for her to completely ravish you.
"So pretty this way...just a pretty little thing for me to use..."
She bends down, pressing a kiss on your skin before sniffing down the powder. A hand on the curve of your hips, words slipping out of her mouth every time she'd sit up to just look at you.
"Such a perfect little slut....you gonna let me abuse you, honey?"
"Such a good girl for me...god, you're perfect."
And as a small trail is left in between the perfect globes of your breasts, her tongue prods out of her mouth, licking the skin and the cocaine off of it. Her eyes stare up at you, needy eyes that could tell everything she wanted to do to you.
"Robin..." You could only whimper, mouth waiting and cunt soaked in anticipation. The heat inside your skirt boiling.
She leans closer to your face. "I know, princess, I know..." She cooed, before pressing her tongue onto yours. The taste of cocaine landed on your tongue, a hand kneading one of your breasts and the other cupped onto your face.
Her kisses seemed eager, and they felt as though they were waiting for a reaction. And when she gains that soft moan from you, she pulls away, a string of saliva connecting each other's tongue.
"Gonna need more from you, sweetheart..." She groaned. She pulls away from your body, ordering you to sit up. She pulls your skirt down, a smirk on her lips as she feels your panties soaked.
"All this for me?" She teased, fingers tracing circles on the wet patch, your legs shaking in anticipation.
"Robin..." You cried, an awkward blush on your plump cheeks.
"Oh so you're blushing now too? Fuck sweetheart, you're just so cute..."
"Robin!" You groaned, absolutely having enough of the teasing. A chuckle erupts from her lips as she pulled the panties off. Her hands gripped onto your ankles, holding your legs up as her finger pushes in deep, slow strokes. A moan slipping from your lips.
"There she is..." She hummed, a chuckle slips from her lips as she watched your face contort in pleasure. She adds another finger, her pace moving quicker as she spreads your legs wider. "Gonna need you real loud for me sweetheart..."
Without waiting for a response, she pushes your legs further, you moan softly in pain, but she's fucking you too good for you to want it to stop. "Feel good sweetheart?"
"Fuck..." You cry out. "Yes..fuck...yes..." You moaned as you lay your head against the arm rest of the couch. A plethora of moans and cries falling from your lips as she spread your folds open.
And as a familiar, twisting knot forms in your stomach, her fingers pull away. A soft, but reassuring "We're not done yet..." hums from her lips.
She adjusted herself, keeping your legs spread open as she kissed your thighs and stomach. And before you could complain on how much of a tease she was, she dipped lower. Licking your sensitive clit before moving inside your folds immediately.
You moaned against the sensation. Robin's tongue was warm and eager and sloppy and it was perfect against you. It found and abused nerve endings, unbridled pleasure taking over your being.
Your fingers grasp onto her hair, hips bucking against her mouth as your slick and her spit seemed to drip on her chin and onto the couch. Your moans came out in hurried grunts. Your thighs squeeze her face, as suffocating as it was she didn't care - she felt as though she could happily die like this, head in between your thighs and a mouth lapping up pussy. Your pussy. Your moans continued to sound desperate, a slight crack in them and a rasp that only Robin could recognize. Robin was the only person who touched you like this.
The knot in your stomach comes undone, sticky fluids of your release all over her lips and cheek. She pulled away, letting you watch her swallow it all down. She leans close to your face, kissing your cheek. "You did so good, sweetheart..."
Before you could say anything, your body is instantly hit with exhaustion. Pretty eyes of yours fluttering shut as you lay there with a pillow on your head and another on your hand. A chuckle slips from Robin's lips.
"I'll let you rest, m'kay? I'll be here when you wake up."
And she was there in the studio once you woke up, tampering with the audio of their recording session from earlier. You could hear her play it, legs wobbly as you stood up and walked over to her.
You could hear the guitar solo in full blast, though another sound seemed to be playing alongside it. The sound of what could be considered as lips smacking together in a kiss, which then lead to needy and desperate moans. The moans held a crack in them, a rasp that bubbled from the throat. Desperate and loud, and...wait...
"Robin, was that...?"
"Yes sweetheart, that was you." She replied with a cocky smile, lifting your hand up to her lips. "You always told me how much you wanted to be a muse..." She muttered before kissing the skin.
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loki-cees-all · 7 months
For the celebration, what would Loki do if he realized your birthday was coming up but you were sad about getting older? Or being alone on that day?
The Distraction {Avengers!Loki x Avengers!Reader}
Cee's Loki Fic Masterlist / Cee and K's Glorious Birthday Bash Celebration Prompt List / AO3 Link
Pairing : (hints of) Avengers!Loki x Avengers!Reader
Summary : Another year, another birthday. All you want to do is not think about it too much, so Loki comes up with a helpful distraction.
W/c : 1.5k words
Content/Warnings : Fluff, a smidgeon of angst, Loki & reader friendship, hints that it could be something more
Author's Note : Apologies this took so long, @queen-paladin. Hope you enjoy it! <3
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⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
“So, what are your plans for this evening?” 
Bruce’s question had caught you off guard. Zoning out a while ago, you were only brought back to the reality of the Avengers conference room once you felt everyone’s gaze upon you. The meeting hadn’t started yet, and apparently the conversation had shifted to the subject of your birthday during the wait, much to your own chagrin. 
“Climbing a mountain? Wrangling a wild lion? Threesome? Stop me when I’m getting warm,” Tony offered without looking up from his cell phone; even while not paying attention, he still needed to make the most entertaining guess possible.
Clint laughed as he twirled a pen between his fingers. “Angling for an invite?”
“Well, surely she’ll be reflecting on her triumphs and accomplishments over the past year. Isn’t that what mortals do on their birthdays?” Thor mumbled through a mouthful of several donuts. His question was a genuine one, and so was his smile; and he meant no harm, but it still made you shift uncomfortably in your seat. 
“Only if Lady Gaga is the third,” Tony replied to Clint with a smirk. The conversation was already spiraling wildly out of control, and your throat was starting to dry up. 
“Leave her be,” Natasha interrupted, sensing your discomfort from across the table. “You guys aren’t cool enough to hear about her birthday plans anyway…” 
As you brought the coffee cup to your lips, Natasha shot you a wink, and you were grateful for the save. Truthfully, you hated your birthday and therefore had nothing on the agenda…other than your definitely exciting plans of catching some much-needed shut-eye and trying not to think too much about anything. 
“Whatever her plans are, she’s definitely earned it. And we all wish you the happiest of birthdays,” Steve smiled reassuringly before clearing his throat to begin the meeting. 
As he went on and on about intel reports and reminders about the importance of collateral damage mitigation, one pair of eyes continued to linger on you - soft, thoughtful, curious. He hadn’t said much during the previous conversation, but then again, he never did. 
Instead, Loki preferred to study and listen, to learn whatever he could in the silence of everything left unsaid. And once the meeting finally adjourned, you silently retreated to your private quarters, eager for the silence where no one would expect you to say anything. 
The evening snow had cocooned the city in a blanket of chilled warmth, cozy and elegant and quiet. There were no sirens and emergencies that night; it was so cold outside that even villains and criminals couldn’t be bothered to stir up trouble. 
Snuggled up tight in your bed inside Stark Tower with your phone on silent mode, you drifted in and out of consciousness - thinking about everything that had passed you by, dreaming about what you’d never be able to accomplish. You had made it to the Avengers Team, an impressive feat to be sure, but how long would that last?
Would you ever feel like you’d made it in a building surrounded by Gods and geniuses, miracles and champions? Would you ever find love? Did Avengers ever get a happy ending? Probably not…
The knuckles of a careful hand tapped on your door, rousing you from your thoughts. It was late - almost midnight, minutes away from not having to think about your birthday for another year. 
Begrudgingly, you extracted yourself from the warm blankets and trudged to the door of your private quarters. The air was frigid and sharp, and you shivered as you brushed the hair out of your eyes and looked through the peephole. 
Loki waited on the other side of the door, standing tall and regal, yet casual and sincere, all at the same time. And despite the late hour, or maybe even because of it, he looked even more beautiful than usual. 
You had no idea why he was here; you hadn’t spent much time with him outside the confines of missions, but you always wished that was different. When he did speak up, he was clever and funny, and he seemed to be at least somewhat amused by you too. But he preferred seclusion, and so did you. 
Swallowing hard, you scrambled to smooth out your wrinkled pajamas and comb your fingers through your messy hair, trying to appear at least somewhat put together as you pulled open the door. 
“Apologies for the late intrusion, but…could I have a moment of your time?” he greeted, smiling an infuriating combination of charm and consideration. 
You nodded and tried to ignore the butterflies in your belly as you stepped aside to let him in. “Yeah, of course. Sorry, I just got back from the, um…” 
Loki followed you inside, his hands placed casually in his pockets as he looked curiously around your room. But his gaze returned to you as your voice trailed off, waiting patiently for you to continue. 
“From the, um…place with the…” you trailed off again, trying to come up with an interesting thing you had done that night. Loki arched an eyebrow and an amused smile crept across his face as he watched you try to come up with a believable lie. 
Sighing heavily and resigning to admit the truth, you collapsed down on the couch. “I didn’t go anywhere tonight. I really hate my birthday.” 
Loki chuckled and sat down carefully next to you. “Yes, I’d gathered as much. It seems like birthdays are a mixed bag for humans…” 
“Yeah, they really are…” you replied quietly, staring at your fingers as they pressed and fidgeted with one another. “Is it the same way with Asgardian birthdays?” 
Loki shifted on the couch to lean back and cross his legs. “Well, we don’t really have a concept of birthdays where I’m from. After the first thousand or so, I’d imagine that they’d probably become incredibly…tedious,” he answered thoughtfully. 
“Yeah, that makes sense…” 
Silence descended upon you both, and you realized it was the first time you’d ever been alone with him. He smelled like an ancient forest and the spices of a distant land. It was comforting, and suddenly you couldn’t remember why you’d never invited him over before. 
“So what is it about your special day that’s left you so melancholy?” 
You laughed and shook your head as you leaned back too, staring up at the ceiling overhead. “You’re the God of Lies, and from what I’ve gathered, a quick study on humanity. So why don’t you tell me?” 
“Well, from my thorough interrogations of other humans…” Loki smiled teasingly before letting out a deep breath. “I’d wager it has to do with the passage of time. The reminder of your own mortality. The pressures that society places on you to have the best day ever. When in reality, it’s just…another day one needs to make it through.” 
You turned to look at him, and he met your gaze. His green eyes were beautiful, sparkling even in the low light of your quarters. “Mmm. You really are a quick study…” 
“Well, I do what I can…” Loki hummed in response. His lips parted as if he wanted to say something else, and your breath hitched; but instead, he turned his head to look out the window. 
Returning your attention to your hands, you tried not to think about what he was going to say, or what it meant that he was here. That you were alone together. That he was…trying to comfort you, in his own way. 
“It’s a pity to waste all that…” he murmured absentmindedly as he pulled the curtains aside. 
The snow was starting to pile up outside, and the sky was filled with fluttering sheets of crisp white, effortlessly dimming the lights of the city and making you feel like you two were the only ones left in the world. “Shall we go and have what you humans call a snowball fight?” 
You laughed incredulously. “The God of Mischief wants to spend the last few minutes of my birthday having a snowball fight?” 
Loki turned back to you with a playful grin on his face. It was intoxicating and delightful. “Why not? You seem like you could use a distraction. And what is mischief if not a distraction?” 
You couldn’t help but smile, the biggest one you’d had all day. Loki returned your smile in earnest as he stood up, ready to go. He held his hand out for you to take it, and you couldn’t believe the blessing he was offering. 
“Okay - but no magic. I am just a weak mortal, and it is still technically my birthday…” you teased, accepting his helping hand. 
Loki laughed with a warm smile. “Agreed, I won’t use any magic. Wouldn’t want to humiliate you on your birthday, now would I?”
You really didn’t care whether you won or lost the upcoming fight. All that mattered was that you had a distraction - and Loki was the perfect one. 
⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
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alexfromjersey · 9 months
𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓼 & 𝓕𝓪𝓷 𝓓𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓼
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: jah submits a demo. jenna gets questioned by hudson. fans start to piece things together
warnings: mature language
a/n: I want to quit my job 🙂. I wish we got paid to write fanfiction. I walked 14,987 steps in one single shift
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Series Masterlist
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@ghostridingwhip: aggressive for wat tho?
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@modernbussywhip: SSSHHHHHH I HAVE NEW INFO BOUT JAH'S MYSTERY GIRL! I have two potential candidates and please note that one of them is a little bit of a surprise
@highondatgreen: i thought it was clear that I'm Jah's girl
@ghostridingwhip: @highondatgreen whatever u smoke...slide some over here
@ghostridingwhip: @modernbussywhip who are the candidates 👀
@modernbussywhip: ALRIGHT CLASS IS IN SESSION. Now like I said i have two candidates but it could be more cuz we all know Jah is a hoe...a respectable one tho but i digress.
@modernbussywhip: CANDIDATE NUMERO UNO: Stacey Vernon, a popular social media influencer on TikTok. She has a twin sister Diana and with Davis, they all attended school together (as she has mentioned in a TikTok video). They were together at Stacey's birthday party not too long ago and even though Jah shut the rumors down of them being together...we never know when it comes to Shiesty.
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@fnthechat: geeeeezzzzz if this Jah's girl....
@behindthespecialk: I love jah but there's no way jah bagged her
@shiestylover: @behindthespecialk: whoa whoa not u doubting my girl's ability to bag bad bitches. you must not seen her roster 😏
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@behindthespecialk: HOW?!?! @sheistylover
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@shiestylover: she just built like that 😏
@modernbussywhip: LMAOOO while we can admire the untouchable rizz Jah has later....we should move on to candidate numero dos because this one...is a little out there but plausible.
@modernbussywhip: CANDIDATE NUMERO DOS: we all know her, we all love her and it's Miss Jenna Ortega. Now now now before everyone start think pieces just look at my evidence ok come come....evidence number one back when the Scream 6 premiere happened Jah accompanied Davis to it. I'm 95% sure that's where they first met because Jah didn't go to Canada while Davis was filming Scream 6. 1/4
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@modernbussywhip: we all saw jenna appear in Jah's vlog...the eye contact, the sexual tension, everything was there between them. But fast forward a couple of hours later, a fan posted a pic with jenna who was at a restaurant and in the pic u can see a tattooed arm and it's the same tattoos Jah has! 2/4
@modernbussywhip: CONTINUE TO WALK WITH ME! Fast forward more, they follow each other on Instagram and as a jenna fan also...that girl avoids that app like the bubonic plague EXCEPT for when Jah posts...every single post of jah has a jenna like...i don't think jenna even likes her mother's posts so for her to only be on Instagram liking Jah's posts....my spidey senses are tingling 3/4
@modernbussywhip: ALMOST DONE! now we always mess with jah on her Reddit so lately it's been nothing but pics and edits of jenna on it...NOT ONCE has she told anyone to stop sending pics and edits of jenna. AND every time she looks at one...her eyes lights up and she starts to smile and blush! Plus after the Met Gala, Jenna stayed in New York...why did she stay in New York?? Jenna's from Cali across the fucking country and she was seen around the Bronx area....YALL NOT FOOLING ME! 4/4
@fnthechat: if jah managed to bag the baddiest scream queen in existence...imma need her to write a book about how to generate THAT much rizz
@ghostridingwhip: fr...that's like level 100 rizz...past Duke Dennis level of rizz
"Man this is the fucking FIFTH studio I called today and none of them got availability tonight" You groaned out of frustration.
"Why you wait until the last minute to call these studios?" Delyse questioned.
"Well I just signed up for the contest. It was a spur of the moment thing I didn’t really think it through." You said.
Delyse hummed in response and turned her attention back to the food on the stove.
"We can see if Kenny still got his home studio. I think he still live on 33rd" Davis said.
"Bet let's go. We'll be back Ma" You said to your mother and left with Davis.
"You got a song you gonna record?" Davis asked.
"Yeah I wrote it a long time ago. I made the beat and everything" You smiled.
Soon the two of you made it to Kenny's house. You walk into the building and climb up the three flights of stairs, remembering that his elevator never worked. You got to his door and knocked on it.
You waited patiently and slightly out of breath. You knocked again, "Yo Kenny it's me Jah."
Suddenly, the door was ripped opened and a furious looking woman stood there with a crying baby on her hip.
"Uh is Kenny here?" You asked.
The woman laughed sadistically, "Of course you're looking for Kenny. Kenny left four months ago with a skank from Brooklyn."
You and Davis looked at each other stuck on what to say.
"Um...you don't happen to still have his studio equipment?" You asked carefully.
"Nope. I burned it. I burned everything of his" The woman replied.
"Okay thanks" You both gave her a small smile and walked away from Kenny's former apartment. The two of you left the building with you feeling utterly defeated.
"What the fuck am I gonna do? I have to submit this demo by 11:59 tonight" You sighed.
"Don't stress bruh we gon' figure something out. Trust" Davis reassured you. You nodded and took a deep breath in to calm your body down.
London, England
1:23 am
Jenna had just got to her temporary home after a long day of filming. She was exhausted and was glad she had the day off so she can rest properly. She pulled her shoes off and placed her purse on the table.
Just as she was about to sit on the couch, a knock is at her door.
She internally screams before she walks to the door and opens it to reveal Hudson.
Jenna sighed, "What do you want Hudson?"
"I...just wanted to check in on you. I know you've been working hard which could be harmful to the baby" Hudson said nervously.
"Now you care about me and my baby" Jenna said and raised her eyebrow in suspicious at the boy.
"I always cared about you Jenna. If I didn't I wouldn't be here right now" Hudson replied.
"If you cared about me you wouldn't have told my family about me being pregnant. That wasn't something someone who cared about me would do" Jenna said and crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're right. I shouldn't have done that, it wasn't my place to do that and I sincerely apologize" Hudson said.
Jenna hummed in response, not really believing his words.
Hudson sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "I truly am sorry and I regret doing it. I just...I just wanted to check on you after everything that happened with Neil on the plane."
At the mention of the male, Jenna tensed. She was doing good with pushing him out of her thoughts. Instead, choosing to focus on her filming. She couldn't and won't let him control her...not anymore. She deserved to be happy.
"I'm fine. I'll handle it" Jenna lied.
Hudson opened his mouth to say something but decided against it after seeing the look on her face.
"Okay...I'll uh...see you tomorrow" Hudson said and walked away from her door. Jenna shut the door after he left and sat on her couch. She was stressed and that wasn't good for her or the baby...she needed to relieve some stress.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
i need help
NYC 🩵:
with 👀
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
im stressed
NYC 🩵:
well taking deep breaths and meditating i heard is a good source of stress relief
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
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NYC 🩵:
was that not the right thing to do?
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Hollywood 🤰🏻:
NYC 🩵:
ah shit
i know what u want
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🤤🤤🤤 vegan food looks bomb don't ya agree
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
I hate you with everything in me 😂
NYC 🩵:
💀💀💀 wym? wat i do? is that not right also?!?
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you know that's not what i want
NYC 🩵:
what u want then
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you know
NYC 🩵:
i dont know ms ortega
not a mind reader
use your words
A chill went through Jenna's body as she read the message, imagining you actually saying those words to her...under different circumstances.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
don't say that
it makes it harder when you say things like that
NYC 🩵:
ain't it like almost 2 am or something over there
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
NYC 🩵:
nice try
go to sleep
goodnight my honey bunches of oats 😘🥰
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you're annoying 😒
Jenna groaned and placed her phone down next to her. She needed to eat, shower, and sleep. But before she could even attempt to start, her phone dinged again. She grabbed it and opened the message from you, she took a sharp inhale of air.
NYC 🩵:
*attachment: 1 image*
It was picture of you in the mirror with your head titled to the side and tongue stretched out your mouth. Your tongue was naturally long, almost reaching to your chin. But what also caught her eyes was your hand placement which was grabbing your genitalia through your gray sweatpants. That's all Jenna needed.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
i take back what i said
You laughed at Jenna's message and fixed yourself before walking out the bathroom. You and Davis got back to your Mother's house defeated from the lack of progress in finding a studio.
You don't know how you were going to finished this demo and submit it in 4 hours.
A knock at the door grabbed your attention, you watched as your mother walks to the door and cracks it open.
"Hey Leon" Delyse smiled brightly at the sight of the man.
"Hey Del, how you doing?" Leon gave her a smile back.
"I'm good just cooking for these clingy kids" Delyse answered and opened the door wider for Leon to see you and Davis.
"Hey Mr. Greenhill" You and Davis simultaneously greeted the older man. Leon chuckled and waved at them.
"Oh I knew I smelled something delicious. Man I missed smelling your cooking reminds me of the old days" Leon flattered.
Delyse let out a little giggle, "Yeah the old days."
The two adults stood in the doorway looking at each other basking in the comfortable silence. Meanwhile, you and Davis looked at each other before looking back at the older adults.
"I...uh just wanted to stop by and say hello. I don't wanna intrude anymore than I already have" Leon smiled at Delyse.
"No, no, no intruding...do you want a plate?" Delyse boldly asked.
It took a moment for Leon to come up with a response but eventually he did, "Uh yeah sure."
The older gentleman walked into the house and Delyse closed the door behind him. Leon pulled off his cap and held it in his hands. He sat next to you at the end of the table.
"How you guys doing?" Leon politely said to you and Davis.
"Eh" You shrugged.
"Eh? Why eh?" Leon questioned.
"Jah signed up for this music competition. Winner gets a five million dollar record deal with Passion Records. The contestants must submit a demo by 11:59 p.m tonight but we haven't found a studio all week" Davis explained.
"And I tried recording it on my phone but the audio is all grainy and hard to hear" You sighed.
"Hmm...can you sing the song you are going to submit?" Leon questioned.
You and Davis glanced at each other again but Davis just shrugged. You scrolled to the notes app and pulled the beat of the song you are going to use.
"Rollin' through with stacks, it's easy, money rainin' down, just like a storm, I got the riches-" You get interrupted by Leon pausing the beat on your phone.
"No" Leon said.
"No? What you mean no? It's a good song" You scoffed.
"Yeah for the early 2015 era when singing about money like that could get you hits. It's 2023 now, people want to hear something different something unique. If I was a judge and I heard that...I would think you're just hopping on the trendy music hoping for yours to be the hit. But you don't realize that everyone is thinking the same thing as you. The only way for you to be looked at twice is if you stand out. Let the lyrics come from within you, come from your heart" Leon explained to you.
Delyse then comes from the kitchen with a plastic bag with aluminum foiled wrapped plates inside.
"Here you go" Delyse smiled and handed Leon the bag.
"Thank you. I really appreciate this Delyse" Leon smiled at her grateful. He stood up from the table and grabbed his cap.
"Once you find those lyrics, come and find me on Southern BLVD but hurry though you got four hours left" Leon said and left the house.
Meanwhile, you sat stuck at the dining room table. Replaying the words Leon said, basically calling your song shit. It stung but deep down you knew he was right. The song didn't feel like you, it felt like a 14 year old wrote it and it wasn't your style.
You glanced at the clock on the wall as you grabbed a pen and paper. 7:48 p.m. Your eyes then glanced down to your phone and an unopened message from Jenna.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you have to be the greatest partner alive 😏
"Have to be..." You muttered to yourself. Instantly, your hand starts to move by itself as you write down the lyrics to your new song.
Let the lyrics come from your heart.
Two hours later, you finally finished and made your way to Southern BLVD with Davis tagging along.
"Why Southern BLVD though? What's here besides crackheads and prostitutes?" Davis commented.
The two of you continued walking down the block until you start to hear the sound of music. The closer you got to the corner, the louder and clearer the music became. It was street drummers and Leon was in the middle of them playing the electric guitar. You and Davis watched in amazement as he kept up with the drummers until they finished their last cord together.
The small amount of people that were gathered applauded them and a couple gave a few dollars before walking away.
"Yo I ain't know you could play the guitar Mr. Greenhill" Davis said.
Leon chuckled, "I'm a man with many talents son." The older male turned to you.
"I'm assuming you got something better with you this time" Leon teased.
You laughed, "Yeah I do. Wrote it from the heart like you said."
"Alright, well you better warm up that voice. You got a song to perform" Leon smiled and patted your back.
"Wait what? Right now? In public?" You questioned.
"Uh yeah. You need to submit that demo in two hours. I checked to see if you submit a live version of your demo and it said you could so get a move on" Leon said and stepped to the side.
"I don't got a beat though I just have the lyrics" You said. You were really trying your hardest not to perform in front of people severely underprepared.
"Don't worry about that" Leon said and placed the guitar over his shoulder.
Leon then played a cord on the guitar, soon the bucket drummer started feeling the vibe and matched the cord Leon was playing. Then you heard someone sweeping from behind you, it surprisingly also matched with everyone. You start to nod your head, feeling the rhythm and you grabbed the beat up microphone from the ground.
Davis pulled out his phone to start recording you.
"Can't wait for you to get home, we ain't got to go nowhere. Airplane on my phone, it can wait til the morning. I can't fathom why you choose me out billions but I'll take it" You sung. You felt your eyes close as you got lost into the music.
Soon, you finished off the song to a large crowd cheering and clapping at your performance.
"I told you let the lyrics come from your heart. You made magic tonight Jah, take pride of your work" Leon educated you.
You nodded at him and walked over to Davis who was fiddling with his phone.
"And submitted" Davis smiled at you as he submitted the demo on the competition website.
"Hard part is over for now. Now we wait" You exhaled deeply.
a/n: if you put a buck in my cup I will shut the fuck up… but you ain’t gotta be a baller to give me a motherfucking dollar…
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu @zaclewiss @yescruzzzzzzz @silentfor @gemz5 @alwaysdangerouschild @onceblinkarmyandmore @melonfruit442 @zataracloud @nepobaby08 @jennasslut @rimaybank @jaewu @j3nc0re @fillthwvoid
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lilirari · 7 months
𐙚 ⋆୨୧˚ A SKY FULL OF STARS ⋆ ˚ ꩜ 。
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𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. summary : lando attends a k-pop concert for the first time and ends up falling in love with a certain member of the group
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. pairing : lando norris x fem! k-pop idol! reader
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. faceclaim : huh yunjin of le sserafim
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. author's note : ah yes, lando norris, my favourite bri'ish papaya boy. i wanted to post this on his birthday but i couldn't get the time to finish it T_T anyways i hope this will at least take everyone's mind off from that clown show earlier today (las vegas gp) for even a second & let's all be grateful that lando's ok :( <3
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liked by yourinstagram, 39saku_chan, lilymhe and 905,127 others
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yourinstagram 🤍
lilymhe my girls !!!!
liked by yourinstagram
user01 ariana what are you doing here
user03 lily's a fearnot and she's met them a couple of times. iirc, she and yn are friends now.
user01 omg i never knew that ??? we stan these queens & their friendship !!!
user05 ahhh they're finally coming to my hometown !!!
user07 i just know they're going to slay like they always do <3
user09 let's gooooooo !!!!!! 🫶
user11 we're getting sour grapes live 🥹🥹🥹
user13 streets are saying that y/n's going to perform a solo song 🤭
user15 yoooo what ??? fr ???
user17 an original or a cover ?
user13 most likely an original 🥹 she has been spending a lot of time in the studio lately.. even her most recent post is of pictures she took while she was in the studio so she's probably working on a new solo song
user17 shut uppppp i can't wait now !!
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alex_albon 5 hours ago | yourinstagram 20 minutes ago
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seen by charles_leclerc, lilymhe, pierregasly and 5,129,383 others
landonorris 📍 bangkok, thailand
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liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, danielricciardo and 7,123,456 others
tagged alex_albon, georgerussell63, lilymhe, carmenmmundt
landonorris hello hello bangkok
view all 500,540 comments
alex_albon lando norizz strikes again
alex_albon maybe i'm not but at least i got enough rizz to pull a girl 🤷🏻‍♂️
landonorris ... i hate you
oscarpiastri looking good, mate 🧡
danielricciardo sorry for not being able to join you guys, mate 😞
landonorris i miss you mate 😢
danielricciardo miss you too. it's during times like this when i feel really bad, y'know. you really need to get yourself a partner, mate. i can't stand seeing you all alone 😭
landonorris working on it ✊
charles_leclerc please find a girl for him there alex_albon
user02 not lando third-wheeling two couples 😭
user04 not the drivers telling lando to get a girlfriend when i'm literally right here
user06 lando doesn't need a girlfriend. he has oscar.
user10 aren't you guys on vacation ? why's george wearing a merc t-shirt 💀
mercedesamgf1 because he's a dedicated and hard-working man. the work grind never stops !!! 🔥💪
carmenmmundt told you everyone would notice georgerussell63 🧍🏻‍♀️
georgerussell63 sorry love 🥲 should've listened to you 😞
user12 if lily attends the le sserafim concert, there's a high chance that lando and y/n might meet 😍
user14 wtf is a le shrimp fin
user16 i get it that y/n and lily are friends but why would lando even attend a k-pop concert ? he doesn't have any interest in k-pop
user18 ^^^^ plus why are you shipping y/n and lando, op.. they don't even know each other.. this is on another level of delusional
user12 mark my words y/n and lando will meet each other at the concert and fall in love
user20 .. this is the real life, not a wattpad fanfiction or a k-drama, weirdo.
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lilymhe 1 hour ago | yourinstagram 30 minutes ago
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seen by alex_albon, carmenmmundt, francisca.cgomes and 1,127,890 others
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liked by lilymhe, landonorris, bbrightvc and 15,129,283 others
tagged 39saku_chan, _chaechae_1, zuhazana, hhh.e_c.v
yourinstagram officially released my new single, 'i ≠ doll' today at the bangkok concert ! go listen to it now ♡ the energy today was insane and i had a great time performing for you all ! love you bangkok <3
view all 1,999,237 comments
_chaechae_1 love u xx
zuhazana 🤍
lilymhe my wife !!!! you did so well today 🥹🫶 i'm so proud
yourinstagram love you wifey !! 🩷
lilymhe are you sure it's only bangkok you love ? 🤭
yourinstagram lily !!! 🫢
user21 what are they talking about...
user69 sus 🧐
winmetawin nice song :)
bbrightvc 🤍
yourinstagram 🤍
dew_jsu 🔥🔥🔥
hirunkit_ ❤️
landonorris it was fun 🫶
yourinstagram aww, i'm glad to hear that ! thanks for attending the concert 🫶
user90 Y/N AND LANDO INTERACTIONS?? this was not on my 2023 bingo card but i love it
user38 she's so gorgeous 😭
user19 her smile 🥹🥹🥹🥹
alex_albon great job as always, y/n ! love your new single !
yourinstagram tysm albono <3
user45 wait if y/n calls alex 'albono' then that means she's as close to him as she is with lily
user66 EXACTLY!! i love how she's slowly making lots of friends with people from the f1 world
georgerussell63 carmen & i had a great time, y/n ! thanks for the backstage passes. it was fun getting to learn the ropes of how you guys perform.
yourinstagram anytime, george ! it was fun getting to know you both ^^
user81 thailand f4 in the likes and comments.. my two worlds are colliding 🥹
user12 AHHH LANDO LIKED AND COMMENTED !!! they love each other !!!ynlando forever ❤️
user38 just because he liked and commented doesn't mean they're a thing...
user50 stop being delusional, op
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liked by alex_albon, georgerussell63, yourinstagram and 8,190,349 others
lando.jpg in my fearnot era (lily forced me to write this caption)
view all 839,193 comments
alex_albon lando's got great taste in music, everyone 🤭
lilymhe lies !! i didn't force you ! you wrote this caption all by yourself 😒
georgerussell63 not a single picture of the rest of us.. i see how it is 👀
yourinstagram 🧡
landonorris 🤍
user99 stop not lando & y/n using each others' favourite/representative heart emojis.. 🥹
user57 y/n and lando in their bestie era
quadrant looking so handsome!
user88 y/n in the first slide of the jpg account.. somethin' is sus here 🤨
user76 right?? he could've put that picture of the girls first but no he decided to put y/n first.. 🧐
user43 guys please let's not get too deep into this it's just a bunch of pictures
maxfewtrell looks like you had a lot of fun, mate 🤭
alexalbon oh he definitely did 🤭
charles_leclerc 🫣
spotify stream le sserafim's songs on spotify, lando!
user50 what's my wife doing in a white man's post
user67 so you're telling me that the first picture, which is literally the best fan taken picture of y/n at the concert, was not taken by y/n's fansites but by a white man???
user86 y/n on lando's jpg account.. never thought i'd live to see a day like this
user94 y/n looks so pretty in the first slide 🫤🫶
user33 i waited 2 years to meet y/n, white man did it in a week
user75 ahhh lando's a fearnot confirmed!!
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, oscarpiastri and 20,107,287 others
yourinstagram been liking the colour 🍊 a lot lately...
view all 2,129,989 comments
lilymhe of course you have 🤭🧡
landonorris it sure is a pretty colour, isn't it? 😁
yourinstagram perhaps 🫣
maxverstappen1 🤨
oscarpiastri 👀
yourinstagram 🤫
maxverstappen1 🧐
user66 max is so nosy 😭
user04 max trying to figure out what's going on with y/n and the mclaren drivers.. he's just like us
charles_leclerc 😶
user57 charles knows something fr
alex_albon why am i not surprised 🤨
yourinstagram look away albono 😬
spotify orange looks so good on you, queen
barbie hi (ginger) barbie 🥰
yourinstagram omg hi barbie!!! 🥹🥹
duolingo wow 🤩
wkorea 아름다운
somsomi0309 my gf 🫶
user06 ain't no way the girl who swore she hated the colour orange like a year back posted this..
user55 EXACTLY!! idk how to react fr
user78 i thought y/n got hacked or sumn 😭
user09 had to do a double take fr
user88 chill guys, everyone's likes & dislikes changes quite frequently ykyk
user37 still then.. this is not the y/n ik 🤨
user67 marry me y/n
lilyzneimer 🧡
yourinstagram 🧡
user97 what if.. y/n and lando...
user73 y/n mclaren wag confirmed?
user30 maybe not a wag but she definitely has connections with mclaren..
user45 omg y/n mclaren collab maybe :0)
user25 GOSH SHE'S SO PRETTY??? 😩😩😩
user88 that one guy she was kissing in bangkok is so lucky fr
mclaren orange mhm? i think we've spotted a papaya fan here 🫵
yourinstagram 🫣🫣🫣
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris, danielricciardo and 23,283,555 others
tagged yourinstagram, landonorris
mclaren thank you yourinstagram for joining us on the paddock this weekend! it was such an honour having you by our side 🧡
ps you're our lucky charm now 🤭
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mclaren stream y/n's & le sserafim's songs everyone!!
f1 the queen of the paddock 🤩
lnfour the best duo!!
quadrant y/n ate and left no crumbs
yourinstagram it's a pleasure to be your lucky charm ^^ thank you for inviting me 🧡
scuderiaferrari we love you y/n! please come visit us next time ❤
williamsracing our garage is always open for you y/n 💙
astonmartinf1 please come to aston martin, y/n we have alonso
redbullracing since everyone's shooting their shot.. we'll give you free merch if you come by our garage next time, y/n 🤭
yourinstagram ooh this is so tempting 😫
mclaren get away red bull y/n belongs to us 🤺🤺
alfaromeostake we'll give you an alfa romeo if you visit us
alphataurif1 our drivers were jamming to your songs all day long!
yourinstagram ahh i saw daniel singing to 'antifragile' in the car 🥹 thank you for playing it through the radio ! 🫶
alpinef1team our drivers & the crew love your music, y/n!
mercedesamgf1 come to mercedes, y/n we have roscoe
yourinstagram oh this convinced me i'm currently omw 🏃‍♀️
mclaren not y/n cheating on us...
yourinstagram anything for roscoe 💁‍♀️
lewishamilton 🤍
haasf1team pretty queen 🥰
user08 y/n going to merc solely for roscoe.. i know my goat
user16 alfa's rizz game is crazy they're offering a whole car to y/n 😭
user24 i'm convinced charles wrote that comment by the ferrari account
oscarpiastri i had a blast this weekend bc of you. loved having you over, y/n 🧡
yourinstagram aww, you're too sweet, pastry :( made my day 🧡
user32 shut up everyone y/n calls oscar 'pastry' :(((( <333
charles_leclerc come to the ferrari garage next time, y/n 🥹
yourinstagram ofc bestie i promise i'll visit you in the next race i attend 🤞
lilymhe orange suits you, wifey 🤭🧡
francisca.cgomes 😘😘
maxverstappen1 it was great to have finally met you, y/n! my friends at mclaren are so lucky to have you! ☺
yourinstagram aww, thanks maxie! it was great to meet you too :D
lilyzneimer 🫶🫶
landonorris hi pretty girl 🫣
yourinstagram hi pretty boy 🫣
user05 since when did these two start calling e/o 'pretty' 🤨🤨
user10 they are so sus istg
user40 y/n and lando... i know what you are 🧐
user48 why are y/n and lando flirting in public bros think about the rest of us
user56 notice how there's not a single hate comment towards y/n? that's my queen, everyone!!
user72 i've been scrolling down for what seems like an eternity now but i still haven't spotted a 'just f1 prioritising celebrities over fans' comment. y/n is officially the oscar piastri of the paddock celebrities
user64 no bc the way everyone's so in love with her.. they're all so real for this
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liked by landonorris, oliviarodrigo, louispartridge_ and 30,127,143 others
tagged landonorris, mclaren, oscarpiastri
yourinstagram thank you for inviting me to the united states gp, mclaren! it was such a wonderful experience and i had so much fun! team papaya forever 🧡 also, chin up, pastry! i know you'll do so much better in mexico <3 and congrats on the p2, lan — you deserve it!
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oscarpiastri thank you y/n 🫶
yourinstagram anytime bestie! you got this!
mclaren we love you y/n!!
yourinstagram love you all too mwah <3
landonorris yoooo i got a slide all to myself on the paddock queen's ig post!!
liked by yourinstagram
landonorris thanks, pretty girl 😁
liked by yourinstagram
landonorris team papaya forever, hmm? 😏
yourinstagram ew shut up and get your ugly emoji away
landonorris never 😏😏😏
yourinstagram i hate you 😒
landonorris you know you love me i know you care 😩
yourinstagram okay justice beaver 🧍‍♀️
user55 justice beaver.. (the office flashbacks)
user45 i love y/n and lando's conversations sm 😭 they're always so entertaining
user78 not ynlando bickering like an old married couple
user67 lan and pastry... i love this trio 🥹
user11 team papaya forever? does this mean you're a mclaren fan, y/n?
yourinstagram ... maybe
user13 screaming crying throwing up y/n's a papaya!!!!
lnfour SLAYYYY
danielricciardo heidi & i love your music, y/n! keep on slaying 😁🧡
scuderiaferrari did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
carmenmmundt 😍😍
maxfewtrell 🧡
savnorris so pretty!!!
riabish it girllll
adam_norris_pure_electric ❤
liked by yourinstagram
olivernorris1 👏👏
flonorris1 gorgeous!
ciscanorris1 🧡🧡🧡
user91 the way the entire norris family is in the comment section??? hello???
user75 not y/n summoning the norris family + lando's bff in her comments 😭
user34 something is going on between the norris' and the y/l/n's
user17 that picture of lando.. he's so cute 😭
user19 smiley lando made my day 🥹 thank you for this picture, y/n
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liked by carlossainz55, joaofelix79, yourinstagram and 15,348,999 others
tagged yourinstagram
landonorris p2 babyyyyyyyyy
all thanks to my lucky charm, y/n 🧡
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mclaren papaya power!!! 🧡
lnfour 🐐🐐🐐
quadrant LFG!!!!
yourinstagram you're welcome 🤭
liked by landonorris
oscarpiastri great race, mate!
carlossainz55 ❤👏
adam_norris_pure_electric 🏆💪
savnorris mila's so proud of her uncle la la !
parishilton 🙌
alex_albon 👀👀
maxfewtrell lesgooooo
mclarenauto p2 for mr norris!!
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— imessage : my bristol boy ☆
y/n : .. lando, did you just reveal our relationship through a twitch stream?
my bristol boy ☆ : i got tricked, y/n 😭
my bristol boy ☆ : i'm so sorry 😞
y/n : you're so silly...
y/n : it's alright, baby, don't worry
y/n : we would've had to reveal it sooner or later anyways
y/n : it's just so funny to me that it was done on a twitch stream 😭
y/n : but yeah, it's all good 👍
my bristol boy ☆ : you're always so understanding ☹️
my bristol boy ☆ : i love you
my bristol boy ☆ : now that our r/s is public, can i please post pictures of my pretty girl now? i want to show you off to the world
y/n : not if i show you off first 🏃‍♀️
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liked by landonorris, tomholland2013, lnfour and 40,887,345 others
tagged landonorris
yourinstagram well, looks like there's nothing left to hide now since the cat's out of the bag. alexa, play agora hills 🧡
view all 8 comments
yourinstagram my manager wants to meet you btw lan
landonorris .. oh no 🏃‍♂️
landonorris i suddenly don't exist anymore
landonorris sorry sweetheart 😅
landonorris I WANNA SHOW YOU OFF
landonorris since we've made our relationship public now, can you please tell the world that i'm actually your favourite driver ?
yourinstagram ok (it's still seb)
landonorris wtf
landonorris no wait the words in parentheses don't exist therefore i am your favourite driver in the whole world
yourinstagram ok you keep on telling yourself that.. 🧍‍♀️
landonorris my stargirl
landonorris you're so pretty
landonorris i love you
yourinstagram i love you too my bristol boy <3
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liked by yourinstagram, philfoden, quadrant and 37,888,979 others
tagged yourinstagram
landonorris showing off my pretty girl to the world 😁
view all 50 comments
landonorris also y/n called me her favourite driver take that sebastianvettel (jk love u)
sebastianvettel haha, that's great lando!
sebastianvettel but i think we all know who the #1 in her heart truly is
yourinstagram it's always been you seb 🫶🫶
landonorris ok i can see that i'm not wanted here 🚶‍♂️
yourinstagram nerd
yourinstagram simp
yourinstagram live laugh love sebastian vettel
liked by sebastianvettel
alex_albon what a simp 🙄
georgerussell63 finally!!
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡🧡
lilymhe i can't believe my wife got taken by a guy who goes vroom vroom for a living 😒
yourinstagram don't say that lily i still love you
landonorris your boyfriend also goes vroom vroom for a living
lilymhe what boyfriend? i don't have any boyfriend
alex_albon i'm literally right here 🧍‍♂️
lewishamilton happy for you two 🙌
charles_leclerc 😄❣️
danielricciardo lando norizz is a myth, everyone!
adam_norris_pure_electric happy for you, son 👍❤
maxverstappen1 ❤
carmenmmundt pretty y/n 💓
_chaechae_1 take good care of her, lando!
hhh.e_c.v 💖💖
riabish my girl!!
savnorris mila's favourite auntie 🥺
yourinstagram i will cry savannah
yourinstagram tell her i love her and i miss her :(
savnorris she misses you too! please come visit us again soon
yourinstagram will do! 🥹
maxfewtrell rooting for you both!
mclaren our papaya king & queen 🧡
patriciooward nice!!
lnfour so happy for you 🥹
quadrant we stan!!!
tomholland2013 🤩
f1 our favourite couple!!
yourinstagram i love you my pretty boy
landonorris i love you my pretty girl
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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sunnyangy · 19 days
(any wind breaker writers deserves 🩷🩷🩷and u love ur writing so much!)
Can I request one with Umemiya and reader —already together—but somehow Bofurin members never knew he has a girlfriend? So when reader comes around the school or when they’re helping people they get curious about who this girl is around their leader??
Meeting Fuurin 🍃
- Umemiya 🌱
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Umemiya had a girlfriend. A beautiful and adorable girlfriend that he loved with all of his heart. Yet, somehow, no one knew. No one knew he spent his time with a girl, no one knew he was already taken and happy in his relationship.
So when he arrived by the main entrance, next to a girl, their hands in each other’s and fingers intertwined, all of the eyes turned to them. Every gaze was wide and curious, everyone whispering among them at who this girl could be. She didn’t wear Fuurin’s uniform, and wore more like a normal sweater with some jeans. Some of them recognized one of Umemiya’s weird inscription sweater. Like « grilled beef », those. Umemiya seemed to talk with the girl, a big smile plastered on his face, as he kept laughing and leaning down to tease her.
This girl was you. You worked in Umemiya’s favorite flower shop, making the bouquets. He met you when he came to grab flowers for Kotoha’s birthday, and hasn’t left your side ever since. You were now walking next to him in his school, next to the leader. You kind of felt like a queen with how everyone looked at you. He showed you around a bit before he took you to his office. There, he went over to his speaker and bent down on the desk.
« Hello everybody, members of Bofuurin ! Uhhhh.. Ah yeah, today we’re doing patrols and cleaning around the city ! Keep your usual groups, and we’ll get going in 15 minutes ! Aaalright that’s done, let’s eat »
He said as he then went back towards you and plopped down on the couch, opening his McDonalds bag. He gave you your part, and opened his burger. But quickly, his phone was blowing up.
Hiiragi : Hajime who’s that ??
Sakura : WHO TF IS THAT ??
DiCaprio : why didn’t you tell us ?
Niiireiii <3 : it’s so cuteeee is it your girlfriend ?
Sugishita : *seen*
He laughed a bit and answered quickly, munching on his fries as you snuggled against him and ate your chicken nuggets.
Ume : Yeah ofc it’s my girlfriend, you didn’t know ??
He then put his phone aside again, and kept eating. When your meal was finished, he sighed and looked at you.
« Alright, they’re already gone by now so let’s go together around the city and help the different groups okay ? »
And just like that, you two walked hand in hand again around the city. You went towards every group you saw, helping them to whatever task they got assigned. The students were apparently cautious around you, being very polite, helping you but without approaching too much, by fear that Umemiya would take it as advances towards you. They quickly understood that you were in fact Umemiya’s girlfriend, by how he held your waist, or just always had a hand on you, always needing a bit of physical contact. It was even clearer when he would hug you and spin you around, kissing you while he laughed and rubbed his face against your hair or your shoulder. Almost all of the groups had the same reactions, being cautious but respectful. Butttt there was Sakura. Sakura had troubles around love situations, and was blushing like a tomato when you came with Umemiya. He was shouting at you, and was in fact not very kind. You didn’t really know he was just like that and it wasn’t personal, so you kinda shut off, feeling rejected. Umemiya immediately saw it. And it was the first time they ever saw him be serious with a Fuurin student. He grabbed Sakura’s sleeve, pulling him aside. He looked at him with eyes that made his blood run cold.
« Sakura. I understand that this is the way you are, but don’t. Ever. talk like that again to her. She doesn’t know you like we do. She isn’t in Fuurin’s spirit. Got it ?. »
It’s also the first time they ever saw Sakura surrender to Umemiya. He quickly nodded, keeping his mouth shut as he went back to his task. Umemiya recovered his bubbly and cheerful demeanor, walking back to you and giving you a tight hug, kissing your forehead.
« Alright that was the last one, let’s go home and watch something while eating snacks ! »
And since that day, you became like a part of Fuurin, everyone knew you, and you were the only one around who Sakura was calm. (you were known for that more than being Ume’s gf tbh)
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tysm for your request and your kind comment !! i’m glad people like my writing <3
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just-jordie-things · 8 months
Lissssten. This isn’t exactly a kissing prompt but I loved yours so much I thought of an idea for one? Like sort of??
So like a kiss to shut you up. I was thinking reader is insecure in her relationship doubting Megumi’s feelings for her, she like goes on a tangent and he shuts her up with a kiss ??? I love that trope idk. Just an idea, if you don’t like it that’s totally cool!
oh i firmly believe in the whole opposites make the perfect pair thing <3
and it's the only explanation most people can think of when they realize megumi is dating you. you of all people. the brightest and bubbliest of the social butterflies. you'd be the queen of them if you could tbh.
and megumi doesn't hold that against you, he knew when he met you that your personalities were polar opposites. but he loved that. he loved that you were kind to everyone, that you remembered every birthday and had the perfect present planned months ahead, that your smile could light up a room, that you were so goddamn endearing it was knee-weakening at times.
but you were chatty. and again, he wouldn't hold it against you! it's kinda cute that you want to share your every thought, every dream, every interaction with your boyfriend. you just want to keep him company, he knows that.
but he knows you can't take a hint. so megumi's resorted to other means of having you quiet down. and shutting you up with a kiss just seemed to do the trick everytime.
he's reading and you want to sit in his lap and interrupt every time the plot gets good? a few kisses on your head here and there will keep you content and quiet.
it's time for bed but you've got the zoomies? he's pulling you on top of him and shutting you up with a passionate goodnight kiss. (sometimes you both get carried away but this goes better than planned and you get your zoomies out thru some quick cardio)
you're training and he doesn't even understand how you could be so breathless and still try to carry on a conversation? he'll just put in the extra effort to pin you down and steal a quick kiss. even when you pin him first he still snags one.
megumi believes in shutting you up by kissing you!!!!
also you totally know what he's doing but what are you gonna do about it? complain?
191 notes · View notes
aryxchse · 2 months
I just read your Percy Jackson x daughter of Persephone fic and I really would like to read one for daughter of Hekate.
I mean you still have me questioning my Cabin but for the sake of all those years that I was daughter of Hekate, I would love to read Percy Jackson x daughter of Hekate from you.
casted a spell on me / percy jackson x daughter of hecate! reader.
a / n : my wife y'all 👆🏻
warnings : cursing
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- percy wanted to gift hazel a special crystal for her birthday
- but he never really understood the girl, nor the crystal things
- so which cabin everyone visits when stuff like this happens?
- the hecate cabin.
- you were the only one left in cabin when percy barged in
- while you were cleansing (?) your room
- "hello?"
- "i am so sorry- should i leave? am i intrupting something?"
- you shrugged him off with a laugh, saying that it's not important enough for him to leave
- and he happily stayed
- "you.. know hazel right?"
- "duh, she's my ride or die."
- and everything began like this
- there was 2 weeks until hazel's birthday and percy decided to use that time wisely
- and he was kinda glad that he started working early
- because, he get to spend time with you
- man he's already whipped, look at you doing magical stuff and casting a spell on the boy
- the last part was percy's own delusion but yeah, you could turn him into a pig and he would be thankful
- "you could gift her tarot cards as a bonus, she's interested in those."
- "...show me."
- this boy knows NOTHING
- and when you read his cards he was gasping like a little girl
- hes so amazed by you omg
- you could make up something for the uno cards and he would scream 'this girl fucking rocks!!'
- did i said hes whipped? do i have to??
- anyways back on hazel's birthday gift mission
- since you ran out from hazel's favorite crystals, somehow, you both got the chance to shop outside in the mortal world!!!!
- it was a perfect first date in percy's head
- he's asking you personal questions like which crystal is best for your aura or smth
- sneaky bastard
- you guys shopped together until night and lost your dessert for the week
- but who cares? it was the best date
- people saw percy leave with a different crystal each time after visiting your cabin
- you got this boy wear crystals for lucky charm
- he joked that he only needed you for luck but anyways-
- the mission was complete eventually
- but percy didn't left your side even after hazel's birthday
- you guys are ment to be together now okay?? it says that on your birth chart
- your zodiacs are matching too
- shut up you made him a manifest queen
- he lets you draw symbols on his arms for some reasons you came up with
- hes scared you're really making him obsessed with you, because of the amount of times you're in his head, is embarresing
- and he needed to make you his
- like immediatly
- or else he'll go crazy from his love
- maybe you did cast a spell-
- "i think i learned how to read your cards."
- when he said that in one of his regular visits, you couldn't help but get curious
- did he actually learned that fast?
- so you gave him your cards and picked a few, he started looking at them like he knew something
- it said that something will happen good this week
- but instead, percy said
- "you're in love with a raven haired boy aren't you?"
- you tried so hard not to laugh
- and it was true, so you let him play his game
- "oh my gods! how did you know?"
- he literally smirked
- "i'm a natural pretty."
- he started to look more, and told you to pick two more cards
- you could already see what it meant, but you were curious what he will say
- "hmm, this guy has gorgeous sea green eyes, man you have taste!"
- a snort left your lips but you quickly gathered yourself
- "can you see any initials??"
- "oh totally! the lovers card is upside down so it means p and j."
- you were turning red from holding your laugh at this point, and he started to get a feeling that you figured what he was doing
- no shit sherlock
- "how weird, doesn't that ring any bells to you too? or is it just me?"
- "maybe it's that hot dude called percy jackson?"
- "OHHHH yes!! i knew i remembered that initials from somewhere!!"
- you both burst into laughters
- "my dear student, i see you payed attention to my classes!"
- he laughed at your tease until he finally managed to answer
- "being in love with you helped."
- smooth, jackson. smooth.
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hikarimiyanaga · 5 months
The Queen's Bride (Part 3)
Warnings : Omegaverse. Stark!Reader. Omega!Reader x Alpha!Daenerys Targaryen. Modern!AU.
Taglist : @kelloggs4cereal
Sorry for not updating immediately, holidays are crazy here and I have writer's block.
You come home to Catelyn and Ned Stark waiting for you in the mansion's living room.
"Mother. Father." You greet them. Ned scoffs as you bow respectfully at them.
"You are late." He points out and you clench your fist.
"I apologize for the tardiness, Father." 'Never mind the fact that you literally just called me an hour ago.' You bow and he waves away your apology.
"Your mother has prepared a suit for you in your room. Go change and behave yourself at the gala. Understood?" You nod then bow at him.
"Of course."
"Go." He waves you away and you go up to your room. Thankfully, everyone else is asleep so you go straight to your room and change into the white suit with a gray bowtie. Your house's colors.
You go down and see only Catelyn waiting for you.
"Y/N. You look dashing, daughter." You nod as she pretends to fix your tie.
"Thank you, ma." You smile sadly at her as you pull away. "I'll be going now."
Catelyn can only watch as you go into your car and drive away.
She didn't want this. She didn't even want to disturb your day.
"I'm sorry I couldn't stop him."
You arrive at the gala and sigh. Galas for the nobility of the Westeros Conglomerate are quite common. There's like one every week. But not everyone has to attend. Not you, at least.
"Finally arrived. You are late." Robb greets and you roll your eyes at him.
"Shut up." You punch his shoulder and he grins at you.
"Thank the gods that you arrived." He holds out a glass of champagne and you take it.
"You need saving?" You ask as you down the champagne.
"Desperately. Every mother wants me to marry their daughter." You laugh at that.
"Never mind that most of them are still underage, right?" He glares at you as the both of you go inside.
"Asshole." You just grin in return and was about to get another glass when someone holds your wrist.
"Finally." Your eyes widen as Daenerys smiles at you. "You are late."
"What? I-I didn't know I was-"
"Supposed to attend? I suppose not. But this is an heir's birthday gala." You look at Robb who was just smiling at you.
"We have him." You point at your older brother and Daenerys nods.
"I suppose so. But still, remember the plan?"
"Plan? We have one? You only gave me rules."
"Yeah. But we have one plan." She pulls you closer. Enough that you can smell her scent. You realize that she smells like sandalwood.
"W-what?" She pulls away and fixes your collar.
"We need to convince everyone that we're in love."
"We do?"
"Yes. I don't this to become just another arranged marriage."
"But it is." She smiles at you.
"Yes. But we can pretend that it's not."
"Too many questions, Y/N." You clear your throat and hold out your arm to her. She smiles as she gets your hand and pulls it to her waist instead. "This is better." She explains and you just nod as you blush profusely. You look at Robb who was smirking at you.
"Good luck." He mouths and you flip him off. He laughs as he goes inside the gala.
"Remember. Look at me like you're in love with me."
"Of course. Can I ask just one question?"
"Are you in love?" She smiles at you.
"That's a secret." She then pulls you inside.
You sigh as you get inside the bathroom.
You've been talking to other people for about an hour and you are exhausted. Specially with everyone's snickers and whispers.
"How could a Stark like her have a Targaryen as a fiancé?"
"Isn't she the Omega of the Starks? Did she get lucky?"
"How did Ned convince King Aerys???"
You run a hand through your face and look at the mirror.
"Fuck this gala!" You shout and flinch as a stall opens.
"I agree. Hi, Y/N." Ellaria says and you sigh in relief.
"Ellaria. Is Oberyn around?"
"Yes. He accepted because he wanted free drinks. Why are you here?"
"Ask my Father." You groan as you wash your hands.
"Your father really does control your life, doesn't he?" You glare at her. "How about your training? Does he know?"
"He doesn't. I doubt he'll approve."
"Even though Master Syrio has approved and even recommended you?"
"Yes. Even if fucking Ser Barristan can recommend me, I doubt he'll give a shit."
"Your father is so strict when it comes to you but your brother and sisters has freedom."
"Do they? Do any of us?" You laugh at your own question. "Sometimes I think about running away from all of this."
"Everything." Ellaria sighs at your defeated sigh.
"I am not Oberyn. But there is one thing I know. You are one of the most honorable people here. You have to survive." You smile at her then look at the mirror as she leaves.
"Survive? But I-" You clench your fists. "I want to live."
You come back to the gala and see that Daenerys is charming yet another group of people. You look around and see Robb talking to a woman. You smile as he lights up as she talks.
"Robb has finally taken a liking to a woman, eh?" You shiver and back away. "Don't be like that, Stark. I know that you're friends with Tyrion." You glare at Jaime.
"Exactly. Tyrion. Not you, ass-hat." He chuckles at the insult then looks at you.
"I heard that your fiancé is showing you off."
"Why the fuck do you care?"
"I actually wanted to marry you, you know?" You shiver at that and you clench your fists as you look at him. "I needed you as shield."
"Why because you're fucking your own-" He quickly covers your mouth and you push him away.
"Shut your mouth, Stark!" He dumps his glass on you and you clench your fist at him. "That's right, stay down, fucking dog."
Daenerys comes to your side then glares at Jaime.
"What happened here?" She asks with an angry tone but you stay quiet. You know what the consequences are if you ever messed with an heir. Specially a Lannister one.
"It was an accident, dear princess." Jaime says and you sigh. "She bumped into me and I didn't budge."
"Really?" She asks you and you look away. You stand and Robb is there, ready to punch Jaime. He was growling but you hold him back.
"Robb, stop." You plead. "It was an accident."
"Like hell it is! I saw him!"
"Robb! Stop!" You clench his suit and he looks at you. You were shaking. "It's not worth it." You push him gently. "I'm not worth it." He glares at Jaime as he guides you.
"This is not over, Lannister." Jaime just smiles as you and Robb leave. He escorts you to your car and gets inside.
"What- your car?"
"I can just get it later. Hop inside." You sit inside the passenger side and sigh. You look at the gala and don't even see Daenerys. She didn't even follow to make sure you were okay. Robb drives away and you take off your jacket.
"Why the fuck did you stop me? That asshole deserves a punch."
"And Father will get angry at you?" He flinches at that and you sigh. "It's not worth it."
"But he pushed you!"
"Robb. Stop. I'm begging you." You get a towel from the bag inside your car and dry yourself with it. "Who was the woman you were talking to?"
"Oh. You saw me?" You hum as you get your phone.
"Her name's Talisa. She's a doctor."
"Talisa what?"
"Maegyr. She's from Volantis."
"Ah. She's far from home."
"She is. She said Westeros had the best school for medicine so."
"She came here. And she stayed? Is she okay?" Robb laughs at that.
"She said she really liked the place." You chuckle.
"But not the people, huh?"
"No." You both laugh.
You wake up in your own apartment and pajamas. After you got home was all a blur. You look around and there was a note from Robb.
Text me when you wake up.
You get your phone and see that it's Sunday. Good. No classes.
You groan and stand from your bed. You get your phone and text a quick 'I'm fine' to Robb. You get ready for the day.
As you finish up your shower, you get a text.
It was Daenerys.
Dani : Are you okay? I'm sorry that I couldn't check up last night. Everyone asked me about us.
You : And? What did they ask about?
Dani : Mostly why I was with you.
You : What did you say?
Dani : That it was a secret. This is just a soft launch after all. We need to keep them in suspense.
You : Got you.
Dani : That Lannister talked to me too.
You : What?
Dani : He said that you are hanging out with his brother which is how he knew you.
You : Ah. Yeah. Tyrion. He's a friend.
Dani : Do you like Tyrion?
You raise an eyebrow at her text.
You : What are you talking about?
Dani : He insinuated that the both of you were "special friends".
You : Special because I'm the rare omega and Tyrion's the rare dwarf. I'm gay, Daenerys.
Dani : Oh. Good to know.
You hum as you put down your phone and get yourself some coffee.
You were just lazing around and watching some TV when Jon barges in and looks at you.
"Y/N!" He shouts then hugs you. You push him away and glare at him.
"Personal space, asshole!"
"The date went great!" He ignores your complain. "She was so pretty and cute! We're a match made in heaven!" You glare at him.
"And? Why are you telling me this instead of, I don't know, mating with her?" He blushes and you laugh at him. "Jon Stark! You're a grown ass man! Is the idea of mating with to-" He throws a pillow to your face cuts you off, it was a good thing that you had fast reflexes and you block it with your hand.
"Stop saying that!" You laugh at his blush.
"Seriously? Mating is nothing to be ashamed of, Jon."
"I know that! But I- I-" He groans as he sits besides you.
"You what? Never saw yourself doing it?"
"Technically?" You hum and stand from the couch, you get inside your room and after a few minutes, you come back out with several books in your arms. You settle the books on the coffee table.
"Read up." Jon takes the first book and reads it's title.
'Sex for Dummies.'
"What the fuck?" Despite saying that, he still opens it and reads.
"Planned on giving these to Sansa. Then Arya, and the boys."
"Better me than Father." Jon looks blankly at you.
"Right." He stands from the couch and scoops up the books. "How long can I borrow these for?"
"Two weeks max. Sansa is going to find out her second gender tomorrow."
"What do you think it will be?" You shrug.
"I hope she'll be a beta." Jon nods in agreement and leaves your apartment. You sigh. "I really hope she is."
Thank you for reading!
Message me if you want to be on the taglist!
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blouisparadise · 5 months
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Today we have the fifth part of our short fic rec list! All of the fics on this list are a nice quick read that is less than 10k. If you missed the other parts to this rec list, you can find part one here, part two here, part three here, and part four here. Happy reading!
1) Shut Your Mouth, Baby | Explicit | 3,028 words
While fooling around in a closet at a New Year’s Eve party, Louis can’t seem to keep quiet. All he needs to do is hold off until midnight, when Harry will finally uncover his mouth and let him come at full volume.
2) Heaven In These Sheets | Explicit | 3,557 words
Bunny Hybrid Louis has it out for his boyfriend’s phone.
3) Tide’s Deathless Death | Explicit | 4,350 words
The Red Serpent gleamed in all of her marvellous glory from where she was anchored a meagre few miles away from the land. Her flag waving proudly in the afternoon sun. The image was certainly memorable, of the flag, that is; a serpent coiled viciously around a human heart, fangs sunken into the organ and blood oozing from the very spot. If not for the ship herself, the flag had its own repute of conveying the message that the captain was not to be trifled with. There was no single man who had survived after taking up arms against the captain. Well, there was one man, but including him amongst the hoard of common faces would be a foolishness on the feared-by-all captain’s part. That man currently stood silently staring after the captain, palm curled around the handle of his blade, and teeth clenched in anger. He was certainly going to relieve all the navies of their plight by taking down the captain. At least then, in his relatively newfound life of piracy, he would have done one good deed.
4) Always Tell The Truth | Not Rated | 5,027 words
Harry is Louis’ dentist and getting a wisdom tooth removed shouldn’t be the end of the world.
5) I Knew It From The Start | Explicit | 5,233 words
Louis starts calling Harry ‘daddy’. Consequently, Harry discovers that he has a daddy kink.
6) Spaces Between Us, Hold All Our Secrets | Not Rated | 6,441 words
The thing about Harry is, is that he is the most wonderful guy you´ll ever meet. He is kind, compliments you on things you are usually insecure about, which shows he truly pays attention to who you are as a person. And he befriends everyone. Except Louis.
7) Outline Of My Sins | Explicit | 6,551 words
Prompt 453: AU where alpha Harry is an art student who is taking a figure drawing class and omega Louis is the nude model. In the many years that Harry has taken art classes, he has never been more hot and bothered than now, having to stare at a beautiful nude omega model for hours.
8) Shouldn’t Cry (But I Love It) | Explicit | 6,586 words
They're roommates. They're quarantined. There's a small problem coming up.
9) Your Name Is Tattooed To The Bottom Of My Heart | Explicit | 6,613 words
Prompt 114: a PWP where Louis gets an arse tattoo with Harry’s name for his birthday.
10) Leave Like The Summer Breeze | Explicit | 6,551 words
When Louis and Zayn are stranded in Alabama, a farmer offers them shelter. He just asks for one thing in return.
11) Smile for the Camera for It Knows Everything, Hollywood Star| Mature | 6,676 words
Prompt 132- The story of Nancy Reagan being called the blowjob queen of Hollywood but it’s Louis.
12) The Writing On the Wall | Explicit | 6,705 words
When BookToker Louis receives a gift basket filled with all his favorite sweets, wines, and stuffed animals alongside the new Harry Styles book, he’s shocked at the story he finds in the pages.
13) Muffins & Cigarettes| Mature | 7,591 words
Louis pouts. “You can’t pout your way into this, Louis”, Harry said as he was fixing his tie, watch and rings glinting against the soft sunlight filtering through the window. “Of course, I can. Watch me.”
14) The Knothead Neighbor| Mature | 8,058 words
Prompt 3: Neighbors AU, preferably ABO! Harry works evenings/nights (maybe like a surgeon something that requires him to be gone for long hours) and has a cat. The cat has a little kitty door at the back so that it can explore and such. Louis just moved next door and the cat seems to always end up at his door. Eventually, Louis lets the cat in, as he’s new and he’s feeling quite lonely. They become fast friends, so much so that the cat prefers to stay with Louis rather than go home. Harry gets concerned that the cat starts to stay out all day/night so he eventually leaves a note attached to the cat’s collar with its name and phone number. Louis texts him telling him he’s his neighbor and not to worry, the cat just likes to hang with him as it might be lonely. Harry gets pissed that this stranger is stealing his cat so he goes to confront Louis and tell him to stop stealing his cat. Of course, as soon as he sees Louis, he falls in love with him and the rest is history. (If ABO could be cute that both Harry and Louis like to cuddle with the cat because it holds the other’s scent)
15) Kiss It Better | Explicit | 8,080 words
Harry shakes his head with a light laugh and leans down to kiss him again which Louis happily accepts even if he is a little confused by the reaction. "Baby, not a night has gone by that I haven't thought about you in my bed, naked, and begging for my cock." Blinking up at him with wide eyes, Louis opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. While they did flirt a lot over the last few weeks, Harry had never said anything like that. It shocks him as much as it turns him on. "News to me." "I won't lie and say I like random hookups or casual sex, but to me this isn't what that is." Louis swallows thickly, unsure of what to say to that but once again Harry gives him an out. "So, If you want we can stay up here and I can show you all the things I've thought about doing to you." Another kiss, quick and sweet. "Or, we can go back downstairs and we'll dance all night."
16) Could Start A Cult | Explicit | 8,750 words
He lowers down the top that Louis is wearing, successfully unclasping his nursing bra as well, letting Louis’ tits bounce at the sudden movement. Harry massages both breasts to stimulate the milk flow, and he can feel his cock hardening inside his pants.
17) Should Be, Meant To Be | Explicit | 9,174 words
Prompt #65: Louis signs up for a Sugar Daddy dating website on a drunken dare. He forgets for a while, until one night he gets a notification for a message request from none other than his really hot (really rich) boss, Harry Styles.
18) Into It | Explicit | 9,197 words
Louis meets Harry. They hit it off.
19) Something To Prove | Explicit | 9,425 words
Louis is the first and only omega to work at Red Valley Medical Center. Despite being more than qualified, he still faces prejudice for his career choice everyday. From patients refusing his treatment to condescending alpha doctors intervening with his work, practicing medicine in Boston is more challenging than Louis had ever thought it would be.
20) Sugar Water | Explicit | 9,454 words
When his most familiar begins to feel all too unfamiliar, Harry finds out what it means to love like real people do.
21) Hook You Up (Charm You Down) | Explicit | 9,600 words
Swiftly, Harry raises his right hand to his head. Bringing two ringed fingers up, he touches the brown hat sitting on his head, tipping it with a raise of eyebrows in the direction of Peter Pan. He punctuates the whole action with his signature smirk. The reaction is almost immediate. Like Harry hoped it’d be. Though he expected the grin he received, he can’t say he directly expected the man to come forward his way. But he surely isn’t going to complain. “Captain! Fancy seeing you there,” Peter Pan says when he reaches Harry’s space. And wow. Seeing it from up close, Niall was right. Face of an angel, totally Harry’s type and all that. 
22) Poppies In May | Mature | 9,603 words
And maybe he deserves it, Louis thinks bitterly. His hand curls around the fence tightly, and he feels like if he lets go he’ll slid onto the cold ground and never fucking get up again. Maybe standing here, staring at Harry’s hunched over, retreating back is what he deserves.
23) Wanna Do Nothing With You | Explicit | 9,606 words
The accident happens in the stupidest way possible. One minute Louis is demonstrating a skateboard trick he’d just learned for Lottie, the next he’s waking up in a hospital. He’s told that he wasn’t unconscious the entire ride, but he has absolutely no recollection of it. One second he’s fucking around in his own garden and the next he’s being assaulted with the strong sterile scent of a hospital. So. There’s that.
24) Hello, My Name is Louis | Explicit | 9,686 words
Louis hurried to hang up the phone and take off his headset, throwing it away as if it was burning hot. He hugged himself by the shoulders and hid his face in his knees, sitting in his desk chair like a swimmer ready to dip into a pool, a pool of embarrassment. Not many people got past "Hello, my name is… " and even fewer engaged in a full conversation with him. And if they did, it usually went better than this.
25) Got It Right Such A Long Time Ago | Explicit | 9,699 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
There are a lot of people Harry might expect to find on his doorstep at three o’clock in the afternoon these days. It could be the delivery man, come to drop off the pair of boots Harry impulsively ordered online last week. It could be one of his neighbors, dropping by to complain about how a party he’d thrown weeks ago had clogged up the street. It could also be any number of his friends in L.A., who stop by unannounced most days to mooch off Harry’s food or whisk him away to try some new yogurt shop.    As a rule, it definitely cannot be Louis Tomlinson, although Harry’s blinked at least three times now, and it’s still Louis standing there, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a duffel bag at his feet.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
Tomorrow Problem (Broadchurch One-Shot)
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Alec Hardy x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open
Summary: Sometimes all you need for a little fun is, like, twelve drinks and a good laugh.
CW: alcohol consumption, super mild smut- smut lite, as Denali calls it, and by smut-lite i mean,, some making out, an ass slap and a nipple flick, copious giggling
Broadchurch Tag List: @clarina04 @kaylinelizabeth4004 @yeethaw13 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Alec does not let loose often. With his job and his working hours, any time was work time. But today, for your birthday, you’d forced him to take some time off and come out drinking with you. 
He’d been awkward at first. Ish. Not wanting to get too drunk or even too tipsy knowing he had to work in the morning. But, as they always do, your puppy eyes wore him down. 
One by one you both knocked back drink after drink until you were both giggling and shouting and slopping half your drinks onto the floor. You’d even managed to convince each other that getting up on stage and singing half the best hits from Queen, Rhianna and Doja Cat was a good idea. Although ‘singing’ probably wasn’t the best word for it. More like… yelling. Or wailing. It depended on the song, really. 
So here you were, about ten? Twelve? Drinks deep and teetering back and forth over the street and the sidewalk. Your sides were splitting from laughter, and even in his drunken state, Alec was doing his best to keep you from keening off to the side and collapsing in a copse of bushes or something. 
“C-Come on, almost home,” Alec grumbled, swinging your hand in his. Only a few more houses to go. Despite the house only being about twenty meters away, it still took the both of you about five minutes to clear. Ridiculous, but understandable. 
You knocked a bin over in the street and the two of you did your best not to fall over giggling as you righted it and tried not to wake everyone up in the neighbourhood. You failed, though, with the exception of Mrs. Blart, who was as deaf as she was unpleasant. 
When you finally made it inside, Alec made a point of pressing you up into the wall, kicking the door shut after several drunken attempts behind him. He had his hands plastered onto your hips, sliding up and down your body, groping and feeling at you as he pressed kiss after sloppy kiss into your skin.
You moaned, followed by yet another bout of giggling as he started urging you towards the stairs. You were tripping up them and laughing at each other, though you couldn’t help the yelp of surprise when he landed a not-so-soft swat to your ass. 
“Alec,” you slurred, looking over your shoulder in mock horror. The man in question just shrugged and urged you further up. You didn’t have many to go. One, two, oh- don’t trip. Three. There. Made it to the top. 
You ambled towards the bedroom, kicking off your shoes and stripping down as you went. Laundry was a tomorrow problem as far as you were concerned. Alec was following along with your lead. Or you assumed he was, based solely on the sound of a clinking belt buckle and what you’re pretty sure is a shoe hitting the wall rather hard. Oops. 
You finally make it to the bedroom, and you collapse onto the bed with relief. Belatedly, you realise that you were tiredly singing an old Ke$ha song, and you titled your head in confusion. 
“What- when did I start doin’ that?” 
Alec shrugged, fighting with the sleeve of his button-up. He flapped his arm around like an angry penguin before you took the cuff for him and he slid his arm out. 
“Dunno. Been a while, though, I think.”
You hum, slouching back onto the bed. You shimmy back onto the mattress properly and prop your head up on your pillow. You yawn and try not to focus on the ceiling as it spins like a very topsy lazy susan. 
“Oh fuck, we’re gonna be so fucked in the morning,” you say, blinking hard to try and steady your vision. This is, of course, pointless as Alec tumbles into bed beside you and sends your world spinning at top speed once again. 
“Mm, you maybe,” he grumbles, reaching over to flick at one of your nipples teasingly. You let out a rather loud ‘oi’ and shove his shoulder. 
“Me maybe? You haven’t seen the state of yourself, mate,” you say, aghast. Alec shrugs. You don’t think he’ll be shrugging in the morning, but that’s for him to discover. You’re sure he will have oodles of fun with that. 
“Wanna- erm- wanna fuck?” Alec asked, slurring his words so much you’re surprised he’s not a professional shot taker. You eye him sceptically. Even if you did go for a cheeky fuck right now, you’re pretty sure you’d both pass out before getting to any of the really good bits. 
“Mm,” you hum back, snuggling closer. Alec wraps his arms around you, and you know he’s already losing himself to sleep. “Maybe ‘nother time,” you yawn, eyes drooping. 
Your last thought before you slip into your dreams is that you probably ought to have put some water and painkillers out for yourselves. Bit like puppies. Making sure the water is out for them. 
Oops. Another tomorrow problem, then.
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alexsoenomel · 1 year
Zippo Lighter (Dean Winchester x Reader fluffy smut)
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Request: Hi 😊 would you do a Dean Winchester imagine where youre secretly having a crush on each other but not admitting it. Then one time Sam is out and you're alone at the motel, so it happens you accidentally walk in the bathroom while Dean takes a shower. You get all flustered but Dean takes the chance to grab you and kiss you and you end up in bed making soft love that night. In the morning Sam finds you cuddling and is just happy you finally got together
Summary: You were born with a very special and powerful gift. This is the story of how you met the Winchesters and fell for the older one. 
Pyrokinesis  /ˌpaɪroʊkɪˈniːsɪs/ —The ability to set objects or people on fire or to supernaturally project fire from one's own being through the concentration of psychic power.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: mentions of rape, abuse and death, AGE GAP (DEAN IS 35 AND THE READER IS 20), sweet and vanilla sex (reader is a virgin)
Word count: 7,505 (OOPS! I got carried away...)
Note: I LIVE FOR MUTURAL PINING OKAY! I put my own little twist to it and the only thing I left out from the request was when Sam finds them together....I kinda wanted a funny ending. Request by @tieddown-withbattleshipchains​
Like/ reblog or both if you like it :)
It was said that being different was, is and will, most of the time, be a bad thing. Why? Probably because people usually didn't understand why someone was different. Sure, there are good human beings in this world, but most of the time, when you hear something filled with hatred it tends to stay with you longer than the good things. That's why you kept things quiet.
You didn't really have good friends and your family died in a fire...a fire you started when you were just a little girl in diapers, crying yourself to sleep. One moment you were crying in your crib for mommy to pick you up and feed you, and the next, everything was on fire....except you. You still didn’t know what exactly happened. That day you became an orphan, depending on others and your home was an orphanage near the house you once lived in. You weren’t happy there whatsoever. You had no friends, the food was awful and the women who were supposed to keep you safe didn’t care and treated you like garbage. No one liked you, no one wanted you…so you decided to run.
The night before your 18th birthday you packed a bag and finally, when everyone went to sleep, at around 3am, you left and never came back. When they finally realized you were gone, they were furious. Of course they tried to look for you, but failed. You were far gone from your city and everything you knew. It was time to start over.
That was two years ago.
Now, at the age of 20, you were content and living your life instead of just surviving. You worked as a janitor in a local high school in Lebanon, Kansas. It wasn’t much but you had your own little place, some money to survive and had a somewhat normal life. You thought you had finally run away from your past, and as far as your outstanding ability went, you decided to shut it down. You didn’t think about it and just for a second it seemed like you had finally moved on. You were even thinking about going to college and finally doing something you loved. Being a janitor wasn’t something you wanted to do for the rest of your life. 
Everything seemed fine, you managed to make some friends at that high school (more like people you were friendly with); some of them were students rushing desperately to graduate and go to college, some of them were even teachers, and for the first time you felt accepted, which was ironic considering you worked in the most judgmental place on Earth.
Who knew everything was about to change one night? You sure didn’t. You were clueless.
At around 1am on a Friday night you were awakened by the sound of the glass shattering. You got up and went to the kitchen only to see a shadow of a man.
“Who the hell are you?” You asked. You weren’t scared, you were angry and that wasn’t good for either one of you.
“Hey there.” The man spoke. His voice sent cold shivers down your spine, and not the good kind. It was the kind that made you sick to your stomach.
“Don’t move.” He said, pulling out a gun. “You’re going to be a very good girl for me tonight.”
You still weren’t terrified. The man had the face of a true monster and you still weren’t scared. He told you he was going to rape you and rob you, and you still didn’t flinch. Instead you were raging with anger. Your jaw was painfully clenched as your hands formed two fists. Slowly you approached him, step by step…
“Don’t fucking move.” He ordered but you didn’t listen.
“You told me to be good, right?” You asked innocently while the muzzle of the gun was on your chest. Slowly you put your palm on it. “I will be good I promise.”
The smell of melted metal filled the room, along with the smoke and…light?
A small beam of light came directly from your palm, intriguing the man to become fixated on it. You, on the other hand, didn’t notice. A few seconds later, the gun muzzle was shut, and the gun became useless.
“What the fuck did you do?” The man asked, as panic started to set in.
You weren’t feeling right. You knew he couldn’t hurt you now but you were still angry. He broke into your home, with the intent to assault you and might try again if you don’t do something. The anger was too much…
“Oh nothing…” You said calmly and pressed your thumb on his chest imagining the fire burning on that exact spot.
The man was confused until he looked down and saw his sweater on fire. He started to panic and tried to find the nearest object to put the fire out. It was useless; he was a dead man from the moment he broke into your apartment.
You stepped back from him and slowly moved your hand up in the air. The fire spread all over him now and he was screaming. That scream of pure agony woke you up. You quickly realized what you had done and it was time to run. No time to get your stuff, you just grabbed your wallet and left. Soon,the whole ground floor, where your apartment was, was on fire…
You didn’t know where to run or where to hide. You didn’t have a car and you wanted to leave town as soon as possible. What happened? What have I done?
Those were the questions you couldn’t get out of your head while running God knows where.You didn’t know where your legs were taking you, but you couldn’t stop running.  It was dark and it felt like every soul was asleep except you. The night seemed so endless and hollow.
Why can’t I just be normal? I want to be normal.
It was probably 7am and you were still on the move. You unknowingly passed the highway and entered the woods you had no knowledge existed in the first place. Eventually you noticed the sun was about to rise and you were exhausted.
Still in shock from previous events, you felt like screaming. Tears were coming down your cheeks and your stomach made the loudest noise letting you know you were hungry. Realizing you were lost, you decided to sit down and rest for a bit. You let your mind slowly drift to sleep as you listened to the sounds surrounding you; birds chirping, wind blowing, branches swinging and…someone running?
You immediately got up, feeling anxious yet again. In your mind it could be a serial killer or a dangerous animal.
Nothing yet again.
You slowly started to panic, feeling like you could burst at any minute and setting everything on fire again scared the living shit out of you.
“Hey.” Someone said behind you.
You turned around, and faster than lightning, from your hand a small ball of fire flew and almost hit the guy who was standing behind you. Luckily, he was fast enough to throw himself on the ground and the fire hit a tree, missing him by a few inches.
“What the hell?” You mumbled and looked at your hand. This was new. You have never done something like this. Imagining where you wanted fire to burn was the only way you could create it.
Sometimes you would lose control (like last night) but you never thought fire could leave your body just like it did now. It was like you were a living, breathing lighter.
“I’m so sorry.” You said. “I’m so fucking sorry. Please don’t tell anyone what you saw. Fuck.” By this point you were having a full blown panic attack in the middle of the woods with a stranger. What a perfect scenario, you thought.
“Hey, first of all I won’t.” The stranger got up and cleaned the dirt off his shorts. He was tall, very tall, with long-ish hair and a pleasant face. By the looks of his clothes he was jogging. Who in their right state of mind jogs in the middle of the woods at 7 o’clock in the morning? Clearly this guy. “Second, how did you do that?”
“I don’t know.” You said wiping tears off your cheek. “I don’t know what’s happening.”
“Okay. This is going to sound crazy but I live in a bunker near these woods with my brother, we deal with this kind of stuff all the time. You’re clearly stressed out and tired, do you want to come with me? We can sort everything out.”
“What? So you have seen stuff like this?” You asked, genuinely surprised by his answer.
“This? No…but I have seen a lot of things people only dream about.”
“You sound like a character from a TV show…or a mental patient.” You said, still questioning whether he was telling the truth.
“Yeah. People usually tend to think I’m crazy.” He smiled.
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“Think about it this way, you can kill me if I try anything.”
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay.”
He seemed genuine and you felt like you could trust him. He was right; you could kill him if you wanted to. Your powers were growing and you could feel it. You didn’t want it, but it was out of your control.
On your way to “the bunker”, you explained to him what happened: the stranger in your home, destroying his gun and killing him…he seemed to believe your every word.  His name was Sam Winchester and he wasn’t lying. He did in fact live with his brother in these woods. It was some sort of a reinforced underground shelter, bunker of some sort;   it screamed men cave but it was cozy and felt like an actual home.
“Hey Sam.”  Someone emerged from the kitchen. A man in a long, gray robe with morning bed hair and coffee in his right hand. “Who’s this?”
“This is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my brother Dean.“ He looked at him and just nodded.”I will explain later. Now do you want to take a shower while I talk to my brother?”
“That would be nice, thank you.” You said.
Sam gave you a towel, a clean shirt and showed you where the guest room was, along with the bathroom. You were still a little anxious and on the edge after everything that had happened the previous night, but strangely enough, you knew everything would be okay in the end. You could trust Sam.
“I’m hungry and I’m not gonna ask anything until I eat my breakfast.” Dean said calmly, looking at his plate of pancakes like he was looking at the most beautiful woman in the world.
“I’m screwed, aren’t I? Sam smiled.
“Oh yeah.”
After 10 minutes of Dean stuffing his face with pancakes and Sam looking at his laptop as usual, you were finally done with the shower and the older brother was ready to ask some questions.
“Okay first of all, why did you let a stranger use my shower?” Dean asked.
“It’s a guest bathroom, Dean.”
“Still…What’s her deal?”
“I ran into her while jogging…she’s…” He didn’t know how to explain it to him because he wasn’t quite sure what he witnessed in the first place.
“What?” Dean was growing impatient, you could hear it in his deep and sharp voice.
“She can create fire.” He finally spat it out. “I found her in the woods scared and alone and she threw a ball of fire at me.”
“And you brought her here?” Dean asked sarcastically.
“I scared her. The fire hit the tree.”
Dean wasn’t pleased with his brother and the decision to bring a complete stranger to their home, but of course, Sam already knew that and still decided to help you. He knew what it was like to feel completely alone, so he wanted to help.
“Still she could have killed you Sam.” Dean yelled.
“But I didn’t mean to.” You said standing behind them with wet hair and face almost red after a hot shower. The shirt Sam gave you was just above your knees but you were still wearing your dirty pajama bottoms.  “I panicked and I’m so sorry Sam.”
“I believe you. Now, let's figure this out.”
You nodded and sat next to Dean while Sam was still searching for something on his laptop. “There it is.” He mumbled and showed you the article. Damn, those journalists were fast. It was about the dead guy in your burnt down apartment. Luckily no one else got hurt or died. You then showed Dean the article.
“You did this?” He asked. His face was a little tense. He was contemplating if he could trust you or not.
“Yeah. Some guy broke in and threatened to rape me. I got mad.”
“Rape you?” He said after checking the screen once more. The guy you killed was a convicted sex offender.
“Yes. He had a gun.” You added.
“Well, it’s safe to say he got what he deserved. “ Dean said.
“Yeah but my life is ruined.” You said looking at your hands. “I could never live a normal life.”
“What do you mean? Where are your parents?” Sam asked.
You couldn’t even look at him and you sure weren’t about to cry. You told them about your parents, the fire, the orphanage and the abuse you endured and how life has been nothing but running and hiding for you. You have been just surviving for the majority of your life. It became exhausting, but once you finally started living, it all seemed too good to be true. Now you knew, it was. You could never have a normal life.
“I didn’t ask for this.” Your voice was trembling as you struggled not to completely fall apart. “I just want to be normal.”  
You couldn’t take it anymore. You were so angry at yourself it made your heart literally hurt. You felt like you were about to have a heart attack or maybe it was just breaking knowing you lost one thing you wanted the most – normalcy. You excused yourself and went to the guest room where you were staying. As soon as you shut the door you started to cry collapsing onto the floor. You suddenly heard Sam’s voice calling your name.
“Yeah?” You asked.
“Can I come in?”
“I’m a mess, better not. Give me a minute!”
“Okay but know one thing. It’s not your fault you were born like this. It doesn’t matter what you are nor what abilities you have, it only matters what you do. It’s your choice. You were a baby when it happened, (Y/N).”
Sam’s words hit you like a damn truck. He was right, you knew he was, but you couldn’t shake off the guilt you felt. You decided to open the door. You wiped your tears and let him in.
“You sure know your way with words, Sam.” You said, forcing a smile on your face.
“That’s because I’ve been there.” He confessed.
“You said you and your brother deal with all kinds of strange stuff, what exactly do you mean? Are there more people like me?”
He told you he will tell you everything if you stop crying and go back to the library.
When you got back to the library, Sam proceeded to tell you stories that you would only read in books or see in movies. He told you he and Dean were hunters, but not the ones you thought. They hunted creatures… supernatural beings.
Stories about actual ghosts, demons and even angels followed. Dean even told you God himself existed…and that Lucifer was a tantrum making man-child which made you chuckle. When you asked them about humans with abilities he told you there were people with telekinesis, but your case was unknown to them.
“Well then…” Disappointment and confusion was all you felt in that moment.  “This sucks.”
“Want a drink?” Dean asked.
“Yes, please.” You said as a thought followed. I’m not old enough to drink.
Dean went and got you the strongest whiskey he could find. When you took a sip, the burning sensation went straight through your throat. It was strong alright and you have never tasted alcohol before. Strangely enough, it tasted good. It made you clench your eyes shut, but it was really good.
“Thank you.”
“Do you think I’m a monster?” You then asked him. Dean was taken aback for a second before he finally answered.
“Nah, you don’t want to kill people, do you?”
“You don’t feed off people?”
“Then you’re good, don’t worry. Besides, I think it’s pretty awesome what you can do.”
You have never heard someone tell you this; then again no one has ever known what you can do. His words rang in your mind as your gaze went to your now half empty glass, wondering how you drank the amount you did.
“Yeah. You’re like a walking, talking Zippo lighter.” Dean’s voice was naturally deep and husky; hearing him call you a walking,talking Zippo lighter sent light shivers all over your body. His lips formed a pout, he seemed to really like his little analogy.
Looking at your right hand, scanning every inch of it, you couldn’t get his words off your mind; a walking, talking Zippo lighter. Something in your mind happened that caused the tip of your index finger to make a small flame, indeed like a lighter. You smiled in shock; this was the first time you actually used your ability, without feeling angry. Rotating your hand you imagined the flame getting bigger, and indeed it became bigger.
“Like this?” You asked.
“Wow.” Dean said clearly impressed while Sam had a look of worry written all over his face.
“(Y/N)…” Sam finally spoke in a whisper. Brows furrowed; his face screamed concern. He was afraid you might slip and lose control, like you did with him. You took that as a sign to stop, so you brought your fingers into a fist and the flame was gone.
“Sorry.” You then mumbled.
“You’re indeed a Zippo lighter.” Dean said and lifted his glass. “Let’s drink to that!”
“Cheers!” You said lifting yours and chugged the rest of the whiskey.  “What am I going to do though?”
One glass of whiskey wasn’t enough for you to forget your whole situation. You had nowhere to go, only a little money in your pocket that will probably last you a month if you skip dinner every night.
“Tell you what, why don’t you stay with us for a while?” Sam said. “This library is filled with books about the supernatural, there must be something about your ability, we just have to find it.”
“Really?” You asked, looking at Dean for approval.
“We don’t usually do this, heck we don’t do this ever, but if Sam trusts you I trust you. But if you do anything stupid we will have a problem. Got it?” Dean said.
“DEAN!” Sam yelled, annoyed because in his eyes, he was basically threatening a child. You were 20, but still apparently a child in his eyes.
“THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!” You got up from your chair and went straight for a hug.
“Oh, okay then…” Dean said as you wrapped your hands around his neck from behind as he was still sitting and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Dean was definitely surprised by your actions and couldn’t hide the smirk on his face. Then you went and hugged Sam. You felt so small due to his height. His body was firm and he smelled like a winter mountain’s air, fresh.  
For the first time in your life you felt safe. These guys just met you and they were willing to take you under their wing and help you find answers to questions that followed you for as long as you have been on this Earth. You couldn’t be more thankful for that.
First few weeks living in the bunker with the brothers was a bit awkward and not for them, but for you. It still kind of was after almost five months of being a part of their lives. Sam became like a brother to you, for the first time in your life you could just let go and tell someone what was bothering you and what was on your mind. He became your best friend.
But Dean on the other hand…
Dean was something else. You found yourself looking at him more and more, but in a way you didn’t understand. It came out of nowhere. The man was gorgeous, no doubt about that, but he also liked rock music, had a weakness for pecan pie and overall was a pretty funny guy with a heart of gold. Of course you couldn’t tell Sam about it, it would make things even more awkward and you definitely couldn’t tell Dean, so you decided to not think about it. Suffer in silence and be dramatic…
You had a pretty good life with them. At first Dean didn’t let you go on hunts with them because he thought you would get hurt, but you took care of that. When a nest of vampires came to your town you made sure to show Dean what you can do. You took down the whole nest with one flame.
“Damn (Y/N)!” He said when he realized the whole nest was dead. It made you blush like a schoolgirl.
Your ability just kept getting stronger. Sam was helping you control it and so far it was working, deep breaths, meditation and surprisingly yoga helped but as far as knowing the origin of your powers… that still remained a mystery. Being an impulsive ass you sometimes had moments when you couldn’t control yourself and lit things on fire. It was a little saddening knowing you might never find an answer where your powers came from but you learned to accept it. So far it was working for you. You were in a good place.
One Monday morning you were eating breakfast with the boys while Sam was on his laptop with a piece of toast in his mouth searching for a case.
“Sam, will you ever eat breakfast without your beloved laptop?” You asked him.
“Nope.” He mumbled.
You looked over at Dean who was looking back at you smiling. He was looking extra good today which made you nervous. Your little crush was still alive and well, tormenting you day and night. You smiled back at him before you heard Sam saying he found a case. Perfect timing, you didn’t want to look for too long and be obvious.
“Where?” Dean asked.
“Los Angeles. Two people dead and one is missing. Eyes burnt.”
“City of angels and dead angels. What an irony.” You said.
“Or demons.” Dean added.
“So are we going?” You then asked.
You were going and you were going right after breakfast. You packed your bags and went within 20 minutes. The ride was going to be long so you packed some snacks, water and beer as well. This was going to be the first LONG drive with the brothers. Almost 24 hours… Sitting in the back seat you couldn’t help but watch Dean as he started the engine and pushed the gas pedal of his Baby. He really loved that car, blasting Led Zeppelin through the speakers, jamming to their music and genuinely being happy.
After a while you put your jacket against the window using it as a pillow and fell asleep. You didn’t get much sleep that night so might as well use the time to nap.
You woke up about two hours later still on the road.
“Good morning.” You heard Dean say.
“Hi (Y/N).” Sam said.
“Hi, are we there yet?” You murmured, still a little sleepy.
They both laughed telling you, you have been asleep for only two hours.
“Damn it.”
The ride was long and exhausting. You listened to Dean’s playlist which you didn’t mind considering you loved classic rock and slept while the older brother was driving. You made a few stops here and there to stretch your legs and have a breath of fresh air before finally arriving in Los Angeles the next day at around 7am. You found a cheap motel and decided to eat and rest for a bit before going to work. The room was relatively small with three beds, a semi clean bathroom and a dining table.  
“Dibs on the shower.” You said.
“I’m next.” Sam said, looking at his brother.
“Ugh fine.” You heard Dean as you closed the door.
After a steamy hot shower you felt like you have just been reborn. Because it was hot as hell (pun intended), you put on a pair of shorts, one of Dean’s old Led Zeppelin shirts you “borrowed” and your worn out boots. When you opened the door Dean’s gaze went straight to you. He was obvious but you didn’t see it. You were too tired and hungry to notice anything.
Dean was lost in you and he was quite confused by it. When he first saw you, he thought you were cute but then when you told him you were 20 he slapped himself mentally. He was 35 and it felt weird.
While he was drinking his beer and Sam was taking a shower, he watched you as you roamed around the room packing your stuff searching for God knows what in those damn shorts before you sat down across from him and opened your small bottle of vodka you bought at the gas station. You looked older than your actual age so buying alcohol was never a problem for you.
“What’s that?” Dean asked.
“You know you’re not old enough to drink?”
“I will be 21 in five months, leave me be.” You smiled and took a sip. Vodka was strong, burning your throat for a few seconds but it felt so good it woke you up instantly. Drinking on an empty stomach wasn’t smart at all and you knew that, but man you needed that little taste. You were a little nervous being alone with Dean.
You didn’t know but he couldn’t stop thinking how hot you were in those shorts and his shirt. “Why the fuck do I have a crush on a chick who's not old enough to drink?”
The next day started at 6am. Dean woke you with a fresh cup of coffee under your nose.
“Good morning princess.”
His sarcastic tone made you roll your eyes before you even opened them. You got up, eyes still closed, hair all over your face, and took a sip of bitter black coffee. It was good enough to make you open your eyes, as you sat on the edge of the bed, processing your existence.
“Where’s Sam?” You said under your breath.
“Went to check out the bodies. Get dressed! We are going in ten minutes!”
“Without breakfast?” You asked knowing damn well Dean would never skip breakfast.
“With breakfast dumbass! We are meeting him at the diner two blocks away.”
“Good.” You simply said and went to the bathroom.
The whole day was a bust. You checked out the bodies but couldn’t locate the source of the killings and with Cas (a badass angel whom you had a pleasure meeting once) not answering his angel phone, you were kinda stuck.
Later that day another body popped up, but no new leads followed. Annoyed, tired and sweaty in the suits you were wearing pretending to be the FBI, you decided to try again tomorrow. Sam decided to go for a walk and clear his head, while Dean was ready to hit the sack. You were hungry so you decided to grab a burger before going back to the motel.
After eating your Five guys you came back to the room, ready for a shower and some sweet dreams. Where's Dean?
Kicking your boots off, you noticed Dean’s suit on his bed and yet again wondered where he was. You took off the blazer and pants, feeling the warm air brush your skin and relief since it was so damn hot. Wrapping a towel around your naked body you opened the bathroom door only to see Dean standing surrounded by steam with a towel around his hips. You have seen him shirtless before, covered in cuts and blood, but shirtless nonetheless and every time you would tell yourself to not stare for too long.
“Holy shit, I’m sorry.” You said and closed the door immediately. You could feel your cheeks burning in embarrassment as you tried to shake the same feeling away. Dean was good at reading people and you had to be careful with your silly little crush. You didn’t want to make things awkward.
Dean opened the door, still wearing only a towel.
“You done?” You refused to look at him. Your eyes were looking at the bathroom door right behind him.
“Yeah.” He said. He was admiring the sight before him. Your locks of hair gently touching your shoulders, white towel wrapped around you, you looked tired and beautiful. I will lose my damn mind.
You just nodded and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. Deep breaths didn't help, your heartbeat was in your throat, while your body felt unfamiliar and tense.
Meanwhile Dean got dressed and went to bed trying desperately to not think about the view he saw minutes ago. He failed.
Great, now I have a boner.
In the bathroom you took your sweet time to really enjoy the shower. You liked steaming hot showers, your philosophy was: if the skin wasn’t red afterwards, the shower wasn't good enough. You've always loved being hot, summer was your favorite holiday, hot coffee was your favorite drink; you sometimes wondered if your ability shaped your whole personality…BUT feeling hot and bothered because of a man was another story. It wasn't any man, it was Dean Winchester. You shook the sweet sinful thoughts of you and him doing the horizontal tango and focused on washing the shampoo from your hair.
After the shower you brushed your teeth and got into an oversized Mötley Crüe shirt you bought a few years ago in a random music store in Kansas. It covered your ass and was perfect for sleeping. Plus it reminded you of the things that once were and bittersweet memories of your almost normal life.
I wonder how his lips taste. God, I really want to bite his perfect little nose.
You shook your head.
No….skin care!
After finishing your skin care, which only consisted of one serum, you stepped out of the bathroom and saw Dean on his phone, pretending to not scan you as you went under the covers.
God, I love that shirt on her.
I should really do something before Sam gets back.
"(Y/N)?" You heard him as you were trying to get comfortable in a shitty motel bed.
She's too young for me.
She doesn't like me.
It's weird.
"Do you still wish to be normal?"
Stupid fucking question.
"Not really, why?"
Dean swallowed nervously, not knowing where to take this conversation.
You were surprised by his question. Why is he asking me this?
"Just wondering, I know how messed up you were when we met."
"You and Sam really helped me accept that part of myself. It's not something I would change." You were lying on your side, facing Dean. Something seemed off about him and you noticed. It felt like secrets were lingering in the air and he refused to say anything. The air was tense. You were nervous.
Maybe I'll get lucky tonight.
You're not in a porn movie (Y/N)! Snap out of it! He probably thinks I'm too young for him?
Should I do something though?
What is he hiding from me?
"Plus, I really like being a walking, talking Zippo lighter." You finally added, reminding him of his little comparison.
He chuckled. "You know, I have one and it's not as badass as you."
You felt your cheeks burning up. You were trying to determine if it was his comment or warm air in the room.
"Yeah well, I'm a collector's item. Unique, I guess." You said and sat up on the edge of the bed. You looked at your left hand before it was engulfed in fire. Dean was watching you closely, hypnotized by the flame. You wanted to try something you have been practicing for a while.
"Open your Zippo, Dean." You told him. He went to the sofa and got his lighter from his jacket. He was only in his boxers but you were too focused on the flame in your hand to fully process.
He opened the silver Zippo he had had for years and before he could say anything you snapped your fingers and a small flame started flying in the air before it settled on the wick.
"Holy shit that's awesome!"  
"Yeah? Been practicing control for a bit."
"Well good job Zippie! This is fucking amazing!" For a second he sounded like an excited child in an amusement park.
You chuckled. Zippie. You liked when he gave you nicknames and occasional terms of endearment like sweetheart or darling. It made your little heart dance.
"I really like that." You said and formed a fist making the whole flame disappear from your hand and his lighter.
"What?" He asked. His voice was deep but something changed. You couldn't put a finger on it but your gut was telling you something good was lingering just around the corner. His face was a dead giveaway. You knew Dean, not long, but long enough to recognise the look he had whenever he wanted to devour a woman alive. You’ve seen it like ten times in the past few months. He was a flirty type.  
His face was relaxed, smoldering eyes burning right through you, occasionally licking his perfect plum lips.
He likes me.
"I like the nickname Zippie." You finally said as you snapped back to reality.
He didn't say anything. He just put his lighter back in the pocket of his leather jacket and sat on your bed.
"Can I tell you something, Zippie?"
"Yeah, you can." You said, your voice struggling not to completely disappear.
"When I say I think you're badass I really mean that. You're really something else…"
Why can't I just tell her?
You smiled. You knew he thought your ability was awesome but to hear him say it was something else. It was from the heart.
"I believe you."
You sat next to him and put your index finger in front of him. A small yellow flame appeared.
"Make a wish!" You said. He wasn't sure why you did that but he knew exactly what to wish for.
I wish you would kiss me back.
Dean closed his eyes and blew the candle that was your finger.
After he did it, you did exactly the same.
I wish you would kiss me.
"What did you wish for?" You said, not noticing how close your faces were.
"This!" And with that Dean closed the gap between you with a soft kiss on your lips. You could taste the hint of mint right away from his toothpaste while your hand went to cup his cheek before you decided to sit on his lap. Your forehead was resting on his when you broke the kiss.
"I wished the same thing." You confessed.
His hand went in your hair as he smiled and kissed you again, this time letting you know he wanted more. He wanted it all.
You moaned into the kiss and you placed your hands on his cheeks, pulling him closer. His kisses were addictive, sweet and with a taste of something you have never experienced before – lust. You’ve kissed a few, you’ve made out with the few, but never actually felt wanted enough to sleep with someone. Until now.
You broke the kiss, panting like you just ran a marathon.
“Sam’s going to kill you, y’know?” You said as his lips drifted to your neck, leaving a small trail of kisses all over.
“Why do you think that?” He was, of course, clueless.
“It’s not like you’re 15 years older than me Dean.” You said sarcastically. “Plus he sees me as his younger sister.”
“Ew gross!” He answered between kisses. “I mean…I thought I’m too old for you but–”
“But nothing.” You cut him off. “It’s not like I’m 16, give me a break! Plus 35 is a perfect age for a man.”
Dean lifted his head up to look at you, his green eyes were sparkling and his lips were smiling. “You think so?”
“Yeah I know so! Sam showed me your old photos when you were in your early 20s. You are aging like fine wine.”
It was true. You and Sam were rummaging through old boxes on a random, rarely free, Sunday when you found old photos of the brothers throughout the years. Dean in his early 20s was an innocent, breathtaking boy with a stunning smile on his face. He would protect you and make sure you were safe, whilst Dean in his early 30s would kill for you and make sure you were far from danger. Dean in his early 30s was tired and wise, body and soul filled with scars, but beauty intact.
Dean’s smile became a smirk. He nodded, accepting the compliment before he kissed you again. His hands went under your shirt, his fingers tracing all over your skin, sending goosebumps all over your body. In response you started to slowly move your hips and grind against him, feeling how hard he already was. It then hit you. You didn’t tell him.
“Dean?” You said breaking the kiss…again.
“I have a thing I forgot to tell you.” You started. You felt nervous even though you didn’t know why. It wasn’t a big deal and you knew that, The only question was how to properly articulate it.
“Spill it!” He looked at you with pure adoration in his eyes, excited about what you would say next. Who knew he was like a puppy when he liked someone.
“You’re going to be my first.” You finally spilled it after a few seconds of silence.
He tilted his head slightly. “You mean your first DILF?”
You sighed and gave him a bitch face. Too much time with Sam was rubbing off on you. “You’re not a father as far as I know, Dean! No, like the first guy I’m gonna sleep with!”
His lips formed a small O when you told him.
“You mean…?”
“Are you sure you want to though?” He then asked, even though he already knew the answer. You trusted him. He trusted you.
“Yeah. Now shut up and kiss me, will ya?”
“Yes ma’am.” He smirked.
This kiss seemed different, needy and filled with lust and adoration. It felt like he was holding everything back until now. It felt like you finally got to taste your favorite wine, so sweet and addictive. You couldn't get enough of it.
You leaned in, urging him to follow you as you fell into the mattress. While you were kissing, you couldn't help but slowly move your hips, grinding against him, feeling how hard he was. It was a brand new feeling. You liked the idea of him getting all hot and bothered because of you. He moaned into the kiss, growing impatient before he took your shirt off, exposing you completely. You thought you were going to be shy and hide your body from him, but something about Dean made you feel comfortable and free.
"You're so beautiful." He said in pure adoration.
"You're making me blush." You said and meant it. His words were meaningful and true. No other person has ever made you believe the things they said. That was why you didn't even bother to go all the way with people you have been seeing. You could read right through them and see their true intentions.
Your hands were roaming freely all over his body. He was all muscles and covered in scars, each one telling a story of his life as a hunter.
He took his time on you, making sure you were comfortable and relaxed for him. His right hand went down to your naked body, feeling every bump and inch of your skin. Your lips parted as you let out a sigh. When he reached the most sensitive spot between your legs his thumb started to rub you in a circular motion while his lips never left your neck. .
“You like that?” He asked between kisses.
The only thing that escaped from your lips was a light: “Aha.”
He took your panties off exposing you completely under him. Soon his boxers followed. When you saw how big he actually was you swallowed nervously wondering how much it would hurt. You knew first times always hurt and it usually sucked, but so far you were enjoying every minute of it. He knew which buttons to push and which places to kiss.
He positioned himself between your legs and slowly entered you. You were holding on to his back, fingers deep in his skin as you gasped in discomfort. It hurt but it wasn’t as bad as you expected.
“Holy shit!” You said under your breath.
“Are you okay?”
He nodded and started to move slowly. It still hurt but after every slow thrust, it hurt a little bit less and less, until the pleasure took over the pain almost completely. He was taking it slow while kissing every inch of your skin he could get his lips on. You were breathing into each other while his thrusts became faster and stronger. You could feel yourself getting warmer and something in the lower part of your stomach. You weren’t sure what it was but you liked it.
“You’re hot!” He noticed, feeling your body temperature rise after every thrust.
“I feel weird!” You whispered into his ear before placing a kiss on his neck. “I think I’m close!”
It felt like a rollercoaster but instead of going up and down; you only went up until you couldn’t take anymore and just crashed. But the thing was your body temperature kept rising and rising until you reached your breaking point. You were both panting, gasping for air, your hands were leaving light scratches on Dean’s back and yet he didn’t even flinch.  
“FUCK!” You moaned, feeling the orgasm pierce through you. Your lips were parted, back slightly arched under Dean, but your eyes changed color – two yellow sparks appeared as you were experiencing your first big O.
“Dean!” His name didn’t leave your lips, just like a cigarette of a smoker.
Dean didn’t stop until you came down from the euphoric high. He watched your eyes go back to your normal color, following your body temperature.
When he stopped moving and collapsed on you, you kissed him on the lips and did what you’ve always wanted to do – you bit his nose.
“Why did you do that?” He smiled in confusion.
“You have a perfect nose and for some reason I’ve always wanted to bite it.” You explained.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
He moved next to you, covered in sweat, wondering what he saw a few moments ago.
“(Y/N), did you feel your temperature rise before you came?”
“Yeah. It was weird and yet it felt amazing.”
“Yeah your eyes also changed color.” He added, thinking how perfect your nickname was. Zippie the human lighter.
“Changed color?”
“Yeah they were yellow, like you had sparks in your eyes.”
“Awesome!” You said and kissed his shoulder. “Sam is still going to kill you though!”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah!”
That night you slept in separate beds since Sam was sharing the room with you. He came back three hours later and by that time you were both fast asleep.
The next morning during breakfast in the nearby diner, between stuffing your face with eggs and bacon, you decided to be a little bit of a dick.
“Sam, I found out something new about myself.”
Sam took a sip of his black coffee. “Really? What?”
Dean was ignoring the whole conversation, eating his pancakes.
“My body temperature rises and my eyes sparkle whenever I have an orgasm!”
Dean choked on his pancakes, while Sam stayed silent in shock before looking at Dean giving him his iconic bitch face.  
“Really, Dean?”
“Zippie, you’re a dick!” He told you.
“Your dick now since you like me that much, handsome!” You winked at him.
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