#everything costs making me think about how I think about the gods and I tbh don’t like it!!!
melly-clinica · 8 months
Oh man…. OH MAN
Idk what they put in this music but it makes me want to sob
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istanchan · 1 month
The reason I love 4 minutes and this especially showed in episode 5, is just how authentic and multi faceted all the characters are.
Each character is going through a unique situation and handles it differently. Even if I don’t personally agree with the decisions they make the way the show frames the characters allows me to emphasize with them.
Nan’s storyline absolutely broke my heart in episode 5. And because we saw everything she went through, we as an audience are able to understand her anger at Tyme for completely abandoning all that they’ve worked for.
And on the other hand I completely understand Tyme and why he backs out of the revenge plan. His grandmother is his whole world and to have her life threatened, of course he would back down. Also his anger towards Great in the dream scene is totally justifiable.
And that brings us to Great. His emotions are so so real. The show is mostly in his perspective but also since he’s an unreliable narrator I think his point of view is hard to understand. But I feel like this episode really fleshed him out more. He stands up to Korn, he stands up to his Dad. And oh my god the scene with his mother broke me. I don’t feel smart enough to analyze the timeline stuff so that’s why I still have mixed opinions about his character. But I love him so so much and would die for him!!
Great’s mother is a very interesting character as well. Do I understand her…yes. But at the same time, living a better life at the cost of other people’s lives will never work out.
I could also write a whole essay about Korn. He is such a well written character. He obviously cares about Great but he has so much weight on his shoulders. I didn’t expect to like him so much. Maybe it’s the oldest sibling in me that sees a part of myself in his suffering!!
Anyways since Tonkla and Win weren’t really in episode 5 I’ll leave them (I’m also tired it’s 2 am) BUT I love them.
Tbh the only totally irredeemable characters are probably Title because he’s just annoying and a piece of shit, Great’s dad for obvious reasons, and SaMarn the guy that works at the gambling center.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
X-Men 97 Episode 9 Thoughts
Ooff, I have some very complicated feelings about all of this. But unsurprisingly I have a lot to say about Rogue...
When I read that Beau DeMayo's favorite comic book was X-Men #25 I figured two things were going to happen -- that they'd get Magneto to pull out Wolverine's adamantium and that Rogue would play the Colossus role of going with Magneto.
And, the more I think about it -- this entire season was crafted to get to that moment - the moment of Magneto pulling out Wolverine's adamantium. It just feels like everything was written around one dude's past traumas. And I mean, while I'm not happy with the guy - I do get how you end up doing that with fiction.
Shame that X-Men #24 wasn't his favorite. We'd be having a whole different discussion...
I understand how we got here. I understand Rogue's grief and her in story decision making (mostly). I understand what the writers were going for. But, my god, it just sucks. It sucks that they did this to her. It sucks that this show needs to compress so much into so little time that there's no real time to let the show breathe and form organically. It sucks that they've isolated her as a character so that the grief would consume her so that we'd get to this point.
Rogue dreaming about feeling Remy and waking up only for Nightcrawler to tell her it isn't real broke me. Rogue in that trench coat broke me. Rogue deciding to go with Magneto so she could play the Colossus role -- and the fact that Remy died so she could get there - makes me angry.
It's not about love triangle shenanigans, I'm glad that that's really not a part of it. But they did the whole triangle for her to have it make /more/ sense that she'd do it. Because sans that, she wouldn't have. It was written purposely so she'd be in a mental state where it narratively does make (some) sense that she'd go with Magneto.
And I just... thanks, I hate it.
But also, I don't know where we go from here? The X-Men beat Bastion in the finale. Yay? At what cost? They've clearly set up Onslaught, which, yeah, okay, let's do that mess. But character wise... where do we go from here? What do you do with Rogue's character now?
I mean, there are some answers. I don't really love any of them for her.
X-Men, despite all the darkness, always was about hope. And I'm wondering where the hope in this series is. Because despite grand standing speeches from Xavier, I don't see it. If the finale can't give us any of that, then I don't see a reason to go on watching. Which really does break my heart :(
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Some other things:
I do kind of love Rogue's non-reaction to the fact that Magneto is alive. it's just so glossed over. Due to the time compression, the writing of this show, while it has moments, isn't as even as people make it out to be.
I do kind of wonder if we'll get a scene with Rogue standing at Remy's grave, only for him to not be in it.
I'm glad Storm is back, she's the only character (along with Nightcrawler) that I really care about in this mess. (Obvs beyond Rogue)
I'm sad Storm didn't have any reaction to Remy's death though.
I did like the little Storm and Jean moment - such a good friendship, so sad that we only saw two minutes of it the entire season.
I feel like this show misses the mark on women... were there any in the writer's room??
...did they really just kill off Jean again? *sigh* (There's no body though...)
The blue and gold teams thing made me laugh for some reason. Oh, they're just pushing so hard to make things happen only for it to feel hollow.
Idk, I just feel meh about everything else, tbh.
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
zolu or frobin for the ship thing!!
zolu: they make me mentally, physically, and spiritually ill. they're one of my favorite ships if not my favorite ship of all one piece. actually heavily surprised they aren't more popular, but i'm glad opla is kind of changing that. anyway- i've been shipping them since day 1. zoro's devotion to luffy is something i will never get tired of. the fact that he does not believe in any god canonically but the way he follows luffy is so easy to compare to religious imagery makes me weak in the knees and wanting to curl up and cry. zoro is luffy's anchor and the one that guides him when he's lost, and luffy is the one that saved zoro from a life of loneliness and gave him the chance to follow a dream he would have never fulfilled if he had continued on his own. luffy is, kind of literally, his sun. and i'm not even talking about moon/sun dynamics. i don't even consider them to be that specific trope. luffy is literally his sun and god and best friend and boyfriend and captain and everything. if you ask zoro what is luffy for him? his everything. that silly rubber guy? his captain. his sun. his moon. his stars. his dream. also!!! people never talk about luffy's pov when it comes to zolu, and it makes me so so so mad!!!! because his perception of zoro is so beautiful. luffy trusts him with his whole soul and would leave the crew on his bare hands if he needed to. zoro's his first mate. that's a captain's heart, man. luffy might be the captain but he's emotional and irrational, and he listens to what zoro has to say. their silent communication makes me want to bang my head against the concrete floor. luffy relies on him and zoro lets his guard down when it comes to luffy. they're so in love, whether you see it romantically or platonically... i love that they're so clingy and silly and so so so powerful together. if something happened to the other their worlds would literally be completely ruined. their love literally goes beyond romantic and platonic. they're the perfect definition of queer platonic. honestly, i'm not fond of luffy in sexual situations but when it comes to zolu it's just so easy to picture them being so so intimate... i'm gonna cry writing this they're so dear to me.
frobin: i want them to adopt me so damn much. my parents. mom and dad. i usually hate it when people use family labels when it comes to found family, because the point of found family is that they're not a conventional family but they love each other even more deeply than a blood related one does. however, this is my exception because i really really really think they give married vibes and i want them as my parents. their dynamic is so good!! perhaps it's just the fact that their arcs are basically the same one and they're the main characters of water 7/enies lobby (along with our dear god usopp. shout out to my boyfriend out there!!) but their backstories and dynamic are sooooo satisfactory and angsty and domestic to watch (yes, all at the same time). robin's personality is gentle and sweet but also kind of dark and satiric, with a lot of pain behind from her past. franky, on the other hand, is a big, funny, eccentric and extremely adorable guy with an emotional touch and a lot of energy. at first it's just "big funny guy x sweet gentle girl" but in reality is "big funny guy that always takes care of everyone with a smile on his face and is extremely protective of the one he loves x sweet gentle girl that is learning how to enjoy life and will protect her new family at all costs". it's not just the angst and hurt/comfort of it all, though! i love the fact that she's satiric and dark and he's just- he's just fucking scared of her sometimes. and tbh if you're not scared of your hot, goth, intelligent wife, what's the point? you know that meme of will smith showing off his wife? that's literally them. robin does anything and he's there supporting her. franky does anything and she's there saying "that idiot right there is my husband *tiny giggle*". anyway, basically they're very gentle and domestic and i wish my parents loved me the way they would please please franky and robin kiss get married and then adopt me plea-
TL;TR: i love both ships a lot! 10/10 <3
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Finally got around to watching some post-embargo vids and I have some now updated Veilguard thoughts.
Stuff I liked:
Character creator is a standout as always. This has consistently been the strong point of Bioware's games in the last 10 years so no surprises there. The pronoun and other gender-related options are a welcome addition.
Companions all seem great. I'm sad we haven't got more Davrin or Bellara content yet, since those are the two I'm most interested in learning about. Their initial introduction in that terrible cinematic trailer didn't do these guys any favours, but seeing them in gameplay footage gives a much better impression of them. It's also exciting to see more companion-on-companion interactions and relationships.
I was put off by the voice acting in the 10 minute gameplay reveal months ago, but what I've heard so far has been much better.
Main menu looks pretty.
As an ME fan, I'm pro dialogue wheel; it's unfortunate that Inquisition turned that whole mechanic into a massive drip. This is less a thing I notice but something I hope, that this game's dialogue wheel will have a more DA2 or ME1 vibe.
Hngnggn vfjddjgfnbhn oooowowo o cloaks.
Stuff I didn't like:
The art style is not redeeming itself. Wolfheart made a very insightful point that it might be a holdover from when Veilguard was going to be a live service multiplayer game, and it definitely does give that impression. Everything is still incredibly smooth and it's clear there was a lot of effort put into making things "nice" looking. It's giving very "everyone's beautiful but no one is horny" to me. I'm on the haters' side with the Qunari; where are their textures?
On that note, oh my god. The UI and the VFX. This must have also been a result of live service elements. As someone who hates playing late-game mages in Origins because all of the VFX gives me a headache this game looks actively hostile. Does literally every single ability require flashing neon lights? Why does the UI look like a World of Warcraft meme? Why does every single interactive object glow? Wolfheart noted that even after turning everything off, a bunch of VFX elements were still present, which is tremendously disappointing. Bioware can miss me with this cocomelon for adults visual style; I just do not need all of these annoying tricks to try and keep my attention.
Also on the UI - idk man. Remember when fantasy games weren't embarrassed about looking fantasy? Remember when all of Origins menus opened up in a little book with parchment pages? Character selection took place in a little castle? I just don't get this Thing Bioware has had since 2 to make DA's game UI look cool and slick by taking all the fun out of its visual elements. I've heard it before but I've got to agree, Veilguard's UI looks like a mobile game. And again, it's so busy it's 100% gonna give me headaches.
The combat is.... I won't call it "bad". I just hate it. See above for one of the reasons why. I think I could write a whole essay on how discomfiting it is. The very very clear push (likely from EA) to have the game resemble big name titles like Breath of the Wild and God of War has taken the game in the direction of just kind of a generic hack and slash; at least DA2 married its action elements with its party mechanics and has its own unique voice. There's something in particular that sets my teeth on edge tbh. I'm watching gameplay of warriors and rogues in combat and they're pretty much indistinguishable from mages. Teleporting, fire and lightning flying about in basic attacks, just a ton of stuff that makes me cringe to look at. There's a complete lack of class fantasy there for me - why would I want to play a warrior that isn't just a big guy with a big sword? Is this a result of story elements? Why is my low level rogue demolishing entire groups of enemies ala Dynasty Warriors? In a world where the distinction between a magic person and a non-magic person is incredibly important, could cost you your life, watching a rogue shoot lightning out of their knives makes me groan. Are Bioware's efforts to make the player feel like the coolest specialist person that ever lived going to be addressed in-game? We'll have to see.
Lack of control over your own companions ala Mass Effect. I don't wanna talk about it it's too depressing.
I've noted this in the past but obviously the tonal departure from low/dark fantasy to classic high fantasy. The character backgrounds for the Rooks pretty much lock you into playing a good guy, which is a huge shame. Even if you want to pick a faction that is canonically shady or morally neutral AT BEST like the Crows, they make sure to tell you that the other Crows don't like you because you're just that good-hearted. In a faction like the Grey Wardens, notorious for taking in criminals of all stripes, you spend your background saving helpless villagers. What are the options going to be like for people who want to play morally grey or potentially evil Rooks? It's starting to look like Bioware isn't going to give you a much wiggle room to define your character out of what they need you to be.
Lip flap looks like a very mixed bag. Maybe it's just the footage but voices and mouths look out of sync.
Can't make a post without reminding everyone that Bioware isn't our friend; they've fired half the people who worked on this game and greedy producers like EA don't deserve our money.
Update: Only just came across this but phasing out inventory management? Yeah welcome back Mass Effect trilogy :/
Neutral opinions:
Other shit like the Darkspawn and overall mob designs have been a problem since DA2 so I don't see the point in rehashing it here, other than to say that I can't wait for the "DLC with the good Darkspawn designs in it" this time around.
Opening scene gives me huge Mass Effect vibes; the bar fight and the music in that scene felt very "Lair of the Shadow Broker", which I guess is a compliment.
Varric still not dead yet. Kill that old man!
Ultimately, I'm putting in prediction now that Veilguard is going to go the DA2 route of having a decent and well-loved story, but with massive issues regarding its gameplay and aesthetic that players will just have to get over in order to enjoy the game.
I'm not gonna be buying on release - first time that's been the case for a Dragon Age game since Origins; the current plan is to wait until the Christmas sales, which gives plenty of time for the fandom to either assuage my fears or implode cos the game is shit. Either that or the Solavellan content is so crisp and juicy I'll have to learn to pirate.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 5 months
Hey ho, have you seen The Creator (2023) yet? Unsubtly about US imperialism, but also really moving, aesthetically stunning (Greig Fraser as DP, oh yeah) and John David Washington killing it in the main role. I was surprised by how much there was to love. xoxo
I fucking LOVED The Creator and kept trying to write something about it here but never managed to collect my thoughts. But yeah what a fucking movie, oh my god. I feel like it kind of got buried by lack of publicity but tbh I am not that surprised because it's one of those movies with politics that make you think how the fuck did they get away with making this.
Gareth Edwards, like Villeneuve, is a director I've been paying attention to for a while now, ever since his 2010 movie Monsters, which was a really impressive low-budget sci-fi with effects that just looked seamless and interesting things to say about borders and the human cost of militarized responses to disastrous events.
And then he did Rogue One and pulled off something very impressive, which is to take one of the most famous sci-fi weapons of our era--the Death Star, a metaphor for nuclear weapons so iconic it has become a symbol in itself--and made it actually fucking scary for the first time in the history of the franchise. And he did it by turning the camera around.
Because the thing is that before this point, we had only ever seen the Death Star from the point of view of the people firing it. The idea of a planet-destroying weapon is intellectually horrifying but we didn't really ever feel it. Because for that we need to see the weapon from the point of view of its victims. It's such a simple but radical shift in perspective, and I feel like Gareth Edwards took that idea from Rogue One and then made it into a whole movie with The Creator.
The Creator, for those unfamiliar with the premise, is about a near-future counterinsurgency war in which the US military is hunting down various forms of AI/android/robot beings. It also features a space-based super-weapon that is eerily beautiful but goddamn fucking terrifying. It was mostly shot in southeast Asia and heavily evokes Vietnam War imagery (as the ending of Rogue One did as well); it is probably about as close to "Vietnam War movie but you're rooting for the Vietnamese" as it is possible to make in the American studio system. The protagonist is still an American soldier (who defects and "goes native" fairly early in the movie) but making him a Black disabled veteran was certainly a Choice. And yes it's John David Washington and he's great in it.
It feels facetious to say The Creator is Reverse Terminator, because it's much richer than that, but it's also kind of fucking true. For the entire movie, the characters are just running for their lives from the implacable and overwhelming destructive force of the US military which is just crushing everything in its path.
The movie does a lot of things that you simply do not see in most American war movies, but the one that stands out to me the most is that in every scene of war violence there are civilians, including children, fucking everywhere. It really threw into relief for me how often American war-action movies create these empty video game environments for soldiers to run around in, where any actual people who might live in the place where the war is happening are at best props and at worst completely absent. (Alex Garland's Civil War, in addition to being terrible in every other conceivable way, is a particularly bad offender at this.) The Creator does what really should be the bare minimum of taking time to showing that these are people whose homes and lives are being destroyed and it is shocking how novel it seems. (There's a line that plays in my head all the time where one of the AI characters says something to the effect of, "Do you know what will happen to the humans when we win this war? Nothing. We simply want to live.") I will also say that this made it a very intense watch in late October 2023 in particular, but it is fiction so we get a very satisfying and cathartic ending. And yes it is an absolutely gorgeous movie, the VFX are mind-blowing, and I found it quite moving.
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mot-hesbian · 4 months
I'm back on my Lily bs, especially with my headcanons
Ttpd is so Lily, Blair, and Jenny coded (some Serena but I feel like she's Evernights in a way I can't explain)
Here is my list from The Anthology
Fortnight- it's Dair, I have literally nothing else to say
The Tortured Poets Department- this is either post breakup derena or maybe dair
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys: controversial take: this isn't 🪑. The vibes are wrong, it's Lily and William during their marriage (if you've read my fics you know what I mean by that. I have many feelings about them.)
Down Bad: Rufly??? Dair??? Serenate vibes??? 🪑???? Jagnes??? Who knows? It fits them all so well
So Long, London: it's 🪑. That's it. She tried so hard to hold on but he kept drifting away.
"You say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it, my white knuckle dying grip holding onto your quiet resentment. And my friends say it isn't right to be scared, everyday of a live affair, every breath feels like rarest air, and you're not sure if he wants to be there"
"You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days"
"you swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? I died on the alter waiting for the proof"
But Daddy I Love Him: Rufly, pure and simple.
"I'm running with my dress unbuttoned, screaming but Daddy I love him"
"I'll tell you something right now, I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to I've more second of all this bitching and moaning"
"I'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace"
"there's a lot of people in town that I bestow upon my fastest smile, scandal does funny things to pride but brings Lovers closer"
"now I'm dancing in my dress in the sun... I'm his lady, and oh my God you should see your faces. Time, doesn't it give some perspective? And no, you can't come to the wedding."
Fresh Out The Slammer: the 🪑 and Louis to Dair pipeline. She knows who her first call will be to. And so do we.
Florida: I saw someone say this song is Ivy and Lola, and yeah, that's them if they had a decent storyline. Also, Jagnes. Jenny and Lily. Serena. Blair would never go near Florida outside of spring break.
Guilty As Sin?: I saw an edit of Rufly to this song and now all I can think of when I listen to it is them is season 1 (pre hook up) and season 2 (pre relationship). Lily and Serena's talk in season 1, the Thanksgiving episodes, the winter dance episode, the whole PI bs, everything with Allison tbh
"what if he's written "mine" on my upper thigh, only in my mind"
"without ever touching his skin, how can I be guilty as sin?"
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me?: It's Jenny.
"I am what I am cuz you trained me"
"you caged me then called me crazy" "I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?"
"I was tame, I was gentle til the circus life made me mean, don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth"
"I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street, crash your party like a record scratch as I shriek "who's afraid of little old me?" You should be"
"At all costs keep your good name" "Is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one more joke"
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can): 🪑
"the smoke cloud billowed out his mouth like a freight train through a small town. The jokes he told across the bar were revolting and far too loud."
"Your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger, I can fix him. No, really, I can. And only I can."
Loml: Season 1 and 2 Derena
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart: Lily, Jenny, Blair, and a hint of Serena.
"All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting "more". I was grinning like I'm winning, I was hitting my marks, cuz I can do it with a broken heart."
"Cuz I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit. They said "babe, you gotta fake it til you make" and I did."
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived: Lily and William. I'm obsessed with them and the psychological ramifications his existence alone has on her, your honor. Like, I hate him, I hate them, but I'm fascinated by how horrible their relationship is. Also, Eric and William to a degree. Serena never seems to reach this point.
"Was any of it true? Gazing at me starry-eyed in your Jehovah's Witness suit. Who the fuck was that guy?"
"And I don't even want you back, I just want to know, if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal"
"you hung me on your wall, stabbed me with your push pins. In public, showed me off"
"you didn't measure up, in any measure of a man"
"And you'll confess why you did it, and I'll say "good riddance," cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden. I would've died for your sins, instead I just died inside. And you deserve prison but you won't get time"
"You kicked out the stage lights but your still performing"
"and in plain sight you hid, but you are what you did. And I'll forget you but I'll never forgive"
The Alchemy: Lily and Blair in gen tbh, but specifically with Rufus and Dan.
"cuz the sign on your heart says it still belongs to me"
"he jokes that it's heroin but this time with an 'e'"
"what if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag, worst sleep that I ever had, I circled you on a map. I haven't come around in so long, but I'm coming back so strong/to where I belong"
"so when I touch down, call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team. Ditch the clowns, take the crown, cause I'm the one to beat."
Clara Bow: it's the Cece (Clara) to Lily (Stevie) to Blair (Taylor) to Jenny (the new gen) pipeline for me. I can't explain how Cece fits, but she does. (Serena being told all the fresh air bs her entire life can be applied here as well)
"This town is fake, but you're the real thing. Breath of fresh air through the smoke rings. Take the glory, give everything. Promise to be dazzling"
"You look like Clara Bow in this light, remarkable. All your life did you know? You'd be picked like a rose."
"You look like Stevie Nicks in '75, the hair and lips. The crowd goes wild at her fingertips, half moonshine, a full eclipse."
"You look like Taylor Swift in this light, we're loving it. You've got edge she never did, the future's bright. Dazzling"
"the crown is stained, but you're the real queen, flesh and blood amongst war machines. You're the new god we're worshipping. Promise to be... Dazzling"
"Beauty is a beast that roars, down on all fours demanding "more." Only when your girlish glow flickers just so do they let you know, it's hell on earth to be heavenly. Them's the breaks, they don't come gently."
The Black Dog: Lily and William
"and so I watch as you walk into some bar called The Black Dog and pierce new holes in my heart"
"And it hits me, I just don't understand, how you don't miss me. In The Black Dog, when someone plays The Starting Line and you jump up, but she's too young to know this song that was intertwined with the magic fabric of our dreaming. Old habits die screaming."
"And I may never open up the way I did for you. And those best laid plans. You said I needed a brave man and proceeded to play him until I believed it too."
"now I want to sell my house and set fire to all my clothes. And hire a priest to exorcize my demons, even if I die screaming"
"Six weeks of breathing clean air, I still miss the smoke"
"I hope it's shitty, in The Black Dog"
imgonnagetyouback: Lily and William and 🪑, Serena during her one-sided pining for Dan era.
"even if it's handcuffed I'm leaving here with you"
The Albatross: help, it's so Lily coded I can't
"Wise men once said, "Wild winds are death to the messenger," a rose by any other name is a scandal. Cautions issued, he stood shooting the messengers. They tried warning him about her."
"wise men once said "one bad seed kills the garden" "one less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen". Locked me up in towers, but I'd still visit in your dreams, and they tried to warn you about me."
"devils that you know, raise worse hell than a stranger. She's the death you chose, you're in terrible danger."
"cross your thoughtless heart, only liquor anoints you. She's the Albatross, she is here to destroy you"
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus: Serenate or platonic Eric and Jenny works too
"if you want to break my cold, cold heart, just say "I loved you, the way that you were"
"I changed into goddesses, villains and fools, changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules all to outrun my desertion of you and you just watched it."
"could it be enough to just float in your orbit?can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses? Cooler in theory but not if you force it to be, it just didn't happen"
How Did It End?: Blair and Louis, more specifically Blair after the accident
"guess who we ran into at the shop, walking in circles like she was lost"
So High School: Rufly and Eleanor x Cyrus, I will not accept criticism
"I feel so high school when I look at you, cuz look at you"
"and in the blink of a crinkling eye, I'm sinking, our fingers entwined. Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights, tell me 'bout the the first time you saw me. I'll drink what you think, and I'm high from smoking your jokes all damn night, the brink of a wrinkle in time."
I Hate It Here: Lily and Jenny, they chose this life, regardless of how that choice was made, and it made them feel worthless. They both need to escape, they disappear into their different vices to help them cope.
"tell me all your secrets, all you'll ever be is my eternal consolation prize"
"if comfort is a construct, I don't believe in good luck, now I know what's what. I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind, people need a key to get to, the only one is mine"
"I will go to lunar valleys in my mind, when they find a better planet only the gentil survived. I dreamt about it in the dark, the night I felt like I might die"
"I'm lonely, but I'm good. I'm bitter, but I swear I'm fine. I'm save all my romanticism for my inner life, and I'll get lost in purpose. This place made me feel worthless."
thanK you aIMee: Jenny and Blair in high school
"all that time you were throwing punches, I was building something. And I can't forgive the way you made me feel. Screamed "fuck you, Aimee" to the night sky as the blood was gushing. But I can't forget the way you made me heal."
"I built a legacy you can't undo, but when I count the scars there's a moment of truth. That there wouldn't be this, if there wasn't you."
I Look In People's Windows: it's Bart era rufly
"what if your eyes looked up and meet mine one last time"
The Prophecy: Jenny and Blair
Cassandra: I cannot explain it but this is Lily
Peter: Carter and Serena?????? Is that you???? She's Peter
"are you still a mind reader? A natural scene stealer? I've heard great things Peter"
"the goddess of timing, once found us beguiling, Peter was she lying? My ribs say she did"
"lost in the lost boys chapter of your life"
The Bolter: Oh look, new Lily song just dropped. And Serena. To quote @strideofpride it always comes back to mothers and daughters
"with a quite bewitching face. Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless, excellent fun til you get to know her."
"then she runs like it's a race, behind her back her best mates laughed and they nicknamed her "the Bolter""
"she's been many places with men of many faces, first their off to the races and she's laughing drawing aces but none of it is changing that the chariot is waiting. Hearts are hers for the breaking, there's escape in escaping."
"all her fucking lives flashed before her eyes, it feels like the time she fell through the ice, then came out alive"
"and at first blush this is fate. When it's all roses, portrait poses, central park lake row boats... That's when she sees the littlest leaks and just knows, she must bolt."
"ended with the slam of a door, then he'll call her a whore, wish he wouldn't be sore but if she was leaving it felt like breathing."
Robin: Eric, this is legit Lily and Serena when literally anything involves Eric
I can't even draw up lines, it's the whole song
The Manuscript: any relationship involving Blair
"all that's left is the manuscript, one last souvenir from my trip to your shores. Now and then I reread the manuscript, but the story isn't mine anymore."
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pommunist · 6 months
I don't wanna say this under my own name because I'm friends with too many Quackity fans, but god, everything about his actions just makes me think that what he cares about is just avoiding legal trouble and protecting his own public image
And maybe also about his friends to be fair
(I mean to his credit, I don't think he cares about money either)
He says he's doing all this for the viewers, but I guess that doesn't include the viewers who care about the French streamers or the French characters
And I don't see any hint of him genuinely caring about the workers. This is not how you treat someone you care about. He keeps implying that he can't talk to anyone because of "leaks" but what the fuck could be so bad about the "leaks" that it justifies this kind of disrespect? Why is this secrecy more important than the needs of the workers?
Nobody's asking him to reveal his biggest secrets to the workers, everyone is just asking for him to TALK to them at least, and hearing them out
He also says he can't talk because he doesn't want to make false promises, then just say that! Again, nobody asked him to promise them a job in the future, we just want him to be honest and respectful! Just tell them directly that you don't know yet and listen to their thoughts on the situation! Ask them how you can alleviate the inconvenience if it's within your means! Just talk to them like they're fellow adults who are capable of having a reasonable conversation! Because they are!
The union mentioned that some of the workers had basically been told by management that they should be grateful to be allowed to work for Quackity Studios and ngl, I wonder if this is not only the view of higher management but of Quackity himself too. That's the question I keep asking myself and not daring to say out loud: does he see the lower level workers as just fans who should be happy they were even allowed to participate at all?
- 🐧
First I never mind anonymous asks so no problem dont worry !
Second I tbh don’t want to assume what Q true intentions really are because heavy speculation isn’t productive and can lead to more stress in general. However I think that we can agree that he isn’t doing it all for the money, given that we’ve always known QSMP was never and problably even supposed to be a profitable thing (just the hosting and translation costs alone point to this).
That said, I do agree that everything that has been done up to this point and since Lea started to reveal things seems to be more damage control and trying to avoid legal issues than actually trying to be fair to the workers. This isn’t even speculation if you consider the sudden firing of Twitter admins and the silent towards all the other admins.
Obviously, when you’re a company or an individual you wanna avoid a lawsuit at all cost. It is a logical business move, morally I don’t agree with that mindset ofc, and I also feel like it’s a misunderstanding of the intentions of most of the admins.
I don’t know any of them personally but none of them, so far, have publicly said they wanted to take the legal route or even sue Qstudios. In fact, most if not all of them have expressed their love of the project and wished for it to continue with better working conditions. Some admins also said they didn’t care about getting paid, that volunteer work was fine if they had done it without the stress and pressure. Side note if it ever comes out that some admins want to take the legal route to make their rights be recognised and be compensated then my full support to them.
As if he is doing all this for preserving his image (i say IF) then what a terrible job he’s doing. I hope I’m making very clear that QSMP and Q’s image with french speakers fans (and non fans, and other French Ccs) is in literal ruins.
Also I feel like there was a genuine wish to add different cultures, I’m talking specifically about the French and BRs here, but an underestimating of the work it takes to actually merge people from different backgrounds and that it goes beyond just putting CCs from all over the world on minecraft with a translator. The fact that there was no FR, PT or KR speaking upper admin at all in the team baffles me to this day.
Worst thing is that we probably only know like a fraction of the overwork, miscommunication and intimidation that went on behind the scenes. Heart aches for all of those who went through it. All the love to them ♥️
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Theory Time..!!!
*insert Conspiracy String Board Meme*
Higgs :
Lets be real....this mofo is going to be Higgs...
We know Higgs saw everything in Amelie and was her proud lil lap dog in the first game
She gave him a false sense of Purpose so in my eyes it makes sense thar after she disappeard with her world destroying duty unfullfilled, that he picks up on that.
"I want to be a god like her, I am the bringer of extincion, I finish what she started"
He Obsesses over Amelie and his pov of her trying to become what he things she was...
We know that Higgs likes to obsess over things (fragile back then, Sam...)
so it makes total sense for me...
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Fitting to his god Motive he rebuilds his old fraction but this time its going to be a Cult
Probably an Doomsday Apocalypse type of Cult with him as religious "godlike" Centerpiece and bringer of destruction yadda yadda...
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Maybe even trying to convince his followers that HE is Amelie
....and i think those two compared pics have something onto him...
Idk Why the name is APAC but the logo for sure gives me some religious and cult like vibes if you leave the official name away
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What does Higgs need to fully capture Amelies being and Life ..?
To fully transform into her Mentally?
A Child of course...
And what child does he know and maybe is the reason all his world destruction plans failed?
How can he make Sam repay what he did to him, How can he revenge Fragile and make them all suffer the best way?
Taking Lou
I dont think lou Dies in that sequence , but gets kidnapped by Higgs...
We can Hear Troy Baker sing Lous Lullaby in the Trailer and tbh ? It gave me an off feeling...., it was lacking warmth....love....and overall heart like the original..
A comment by Tumblr User @headlessstar gave me the final push beliving that higgs took lou as sort of revenge against Sam and co
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A mocking version of that song connecting Sam and his love for his Daughter just makes sense
I Remember a post some way back comparing Elle Fannings mocab Poses to Lou in her pod...wich makes me sure that elle might play a grown up version of Louise..
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Wich would explain Sams visual change because years have gone by on his probably search for his daughter...
If Lou was kidnapped with 2... and grows up at least 15-20 years will pass and our dilf turns into a gilf
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FRAGILE still looks unchanged tho..., but maybe that has something to do why she got her youthfull body back...
Maybe now she cannot age annymore at all..
Lou growing up with higgs would also explain Kojimas Marketing poster questioning Elle in big letters " WHO AM I " and Norman asking himself " WHY ME "
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Because of course our big Himbo daddy cant think of anny reason why someone would be after him and i love him for that...
Back to the Poster ...a kidnapped Lou also explains Leas Lettering of " How Come ?" Asking herself how the fuck she could let that happend in the first place
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I think Ds2 is going to be about Lou,
who grew up with higgs in a doomsday cult asking herself who she really is and where she comes from,
Because she feels that she belongs somewhere else...
Fragile trying to make up what she did to Sam...loosing his Daughter and Sam trying to find Lou at all costs..
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I have no Clue what the other actors are about...
How NWR is involved...
What is about Deadman or Heartman...
But i think i Connected the most important Dots so far!!!!
Pls tell me your Opinion on my Brainbarf
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paramountpetrichor · 4 months
Omg omg omg omg omg now that I finally found other sams proshippers IMMA RANT ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE SUN X ALL HIS FAMILY MEMBERS!!!!! Old moon x sun? God tier cause of the power dynamics, moon's possessiveness, how closw they were and toxic their dynamic is it makes me so feral and crazy!!! EARTH X SUN IS EEEEEE I've been shipping them ever since earth was announced!! They are the best brosis ship!! Lunar x Sun is fucking cuuuuuttttteeeee!!! I love their interactions and how hes basically sun's baby brother and I'm so happy I found the proship side cause this entire fandom is ruled by antis🥺
Sun and Old Moon make me CLIMB WALLSSS. istfg you could make a list of how many times those two hit on each other and were all up in eachothers faces!!! the tension they had (and still have tbh) is INSANE. Sun was Old Moon's entire world and he'd protect him at all costs, even if Sun's heart was collateral in the process and that's so fucking UAFAIFAIGA GRR RAH RAH BARK SNARL!!! that one episode where Sun reassured O.M that he wasn't a monster??? i can't say the things that i think they DID TOGETHER after that episode without having to mark this post as mature afskagahaa. and oh my god whenever Sun was on his 'villain arc' right before O.M died, you know they had angry makeout sessions. you know they did. literally impossible for them to keep their hands off eachother even when they're fighting.
SUN AND EARTH ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AGSKQGAJSV they LITERALLY had a canon meet-cute where Earth SAVED SUN FROM SPIRALING DURING THE WORST MOMENT OF HIS LIFE. in ANY other media that'd be the start of the best fucking romance you've EVER seen. and not to mention how often they hang out together??? and how much earth makes sure to reassure sun that he's a good brother????? dear god they so have mutual crushes/feelings and are too nervous to say anything. (or they're already dating and just bad at hiding it lol. whenever they trade daycare shifts they also trade Kisses <3)
REPEATEDLY SLAMMING A CREDIT CARD DOWN AGAINST A TABLE. SUN AND LUNAR ARE SO AJAFAH TOO. i imagine they started bonding a long time ago- back during the og lunar design days. they found solace in the fact that they were both """the dumb one""" and quickly became close over that. not to mention the flirting- i mean "sibling bickering" they do all the time that is so URGHHH /VPOS 🤌🤌🤌 i bet they started being romantic one day whenever they were just gaming together n then lunar offhandedly asked "what if we made out lol. ...for like practice ofc ahahahah." and then after sun spent 5 minutes recovering from that he was like ".....sure...?". cue them repeatedly finding excuses to keep making out everyday until they just Accepted they were brothers who kissed ;3c
and also you didn't mention him but hes Technically a part of the family so may i pitch: sun and solar are so good tooooo. there sm ANGST POTENTIAL over solar (at first lol) not knowing if he sees sun as his own person or just a shadow of his own sun, but then solar starts opening up to sun a bit more n' he catches feelings and he catches feelings hard. hypnotized by the thought of solar just losing control one day and kissing sun w/o asking, and hes about to start rapidly apologizing but then sun kisses him back. aaand now they're making out in the daycare. and the only reason they stop is because someone (earth prolly lol) politely asked them if they wanted a room digisgoaga
UNFORTUNATELY your last statement is right, this fandom is primarily run by antis, but ykw, im gonna do everything in my power to carve out a lil safe proship haven for us """freaks"""! we deserve to have a place where we can make them all kiss, dammit!!!
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booasaur · 1 year
And another anon:
God damn Lioness had me going and then that. I clowned myself.
And another anon:
That was heartbreaking..... Cruz was used, Joe was used too to be very honest, they're all just pawns in The Game. All it will do is exactly like Cruz said, make another generation of terrorists, just because the rich wanted some more money. Aaliyah just sitting there - I wonder what's going on in her mind. I wish they'd been together one last time, if I was Cruz I'd wanted that for myself and Aaliyah was so willing because she wanted it for herself too. It's all so sad and nobody wins. They survived but at what cost? Aaliyah doesn't even know Cruz's real name, just her as Zara, a kind and honest friend. Does she know it was "Zara" that killed her father and fiancé? She will I guess. Is season 2 going to happen and would they continue with the story or just invent a new one? Would Aaliyah hate Cruz? Would Cruz come back to make amends (can she even?) or would she be so guilt-ridden she punishes herself instead?
Haha, yeahhhhh.
First: I was wrong. Have to say that up front, I was wrong about the ending! I really thought there'd be no way Cruz would be escaping at the end while Aaliyah was fine behind, I thought they simply wouldn't be able to resist having her die.
I should probably really do something about my pessimism because at first, I was operating on the assumption that Aaliyah was left alive to be part of next season and since that "creating the next generation of terrorists" line was immediately followed by a jump to Aaliyah putting together the pieces, I was like, oh, she's going to be the next big bad, so they've only delayed her death while also making her a terrorist. Hah, you can imagine how I felt about THAT.
But reading other people's reactions, I guess I only assumed this same set of characters would return and it might be a different mission led by Joe, since Zoe Saldana has indicated she's returning (if there's another season), or just, it could be something still continuing this overall mission...? I dunno, it felt kind of not only complete, but unnecessary? It all felt kind of unnecessary and pointless at the end, so then it's like, what's the point of the show at all? Like you said, third anon, it's just game pieces being moved around, how are we going to take the next thing seriously? Do it or not, it's just dollar signs to some people. Actually, I did admire that a bit, tbh, acknowledging for this particular audience what the war on terror really is, and also how so many US actions actually just create more terrorists.
Anyway, if this is the end of Cruz and Aaliyah's story, that is for SURE heartbreaking. One of the things I've always hated about BYGs it that they aside from a usually undeserved and too-early death for the character, it's also cutting short their story onsreen, and well, this might be another way of doing that. I'm not even sure what'll happen to Aaliyah, her family will blame her and limit her even more, and she was already feeling so trapped and as if nobody cared about her. And the one person who does, who really, really does, she'll think was just using her.
Tbh, I admire Cruz more for not going there that last time even as much as she wanted to, because with everything, that wouldn't have been fair to Aaliyah, to have the woman she slept with just minutes ago killing her dad and running off. In fact, I wonder, with how obvious Cruz was being, if Aaliyah will eventually realize at least some of it was real for her. She'll find out a lot about her, anyway, since Ehsan left it on his computer before running off.
My ultimate feelings about this really depend on how the next season's planned to go. Is this truly it for these two? Then I'm not sure I hate that, if it's left to our imagination what might happen, because I just don't think the Cruz we've seen wouldn't at least try to reach out to her. I could see her nobly staying away if it's what would help Aaliyah, but as it is, Aaliyah's stuck in a pretty tough spot!
But still, this IS better than a BYG to me because story has at least the potential to continue, one way or another. Deaths are so final. This reminds me of the s2 finale and hiatus for The 100, which, ignore what happened in s3, lol, but letting Lexa leave and then the fandom waiting to hear if she'd return. Both still alive, there are a lot of ways to come back from that.
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darkshrimpemotions · 2 years
So to recap:
Prentiss's entire character this season is wrapped up in Being the Boss. We never see her outside of work or hear about anything she has going on outside of work. She doesn't really interact with the team in a friend capacity anymore.
JJ's arc this season has been all about her and Will's relationship adjusting to new things, like them aging and things like illness becoming a problem, time and complacency lulling them into forgetting to spend time together, and theor kids growing up and being far more aware of their jobs and what those jobs entail. Frankly this is the only arc this season that doesn't make me want to eat glass.
Rossi has been robbed of all the warmth and mischief that made him so fun as a character. He's a mean old man, and tbh his character feels like it belongs in a far grittier crime procedural than the one he's in. I'll give credit where it's due and admit that at least in his case there's a reason for the change that makes sense, and Joe Mantegna is absolutely killing every scene where they give him more to do than glare at everything. But it's still pretty shitty of them to write him a whole speech about how he has nothing left when he has a wholeass daughter and grandson out there who presumably still love and miss him.
Tara is possibly the second most egregious character assassination by this mess of a season. Gone is the driven, determined woman who takes no shit from anyone, is fiercely dedicated to her work, and will leave a toxic love interest in the dust without flinching. This Tara's spark has been replaced by the glow of new love, but that glow quickly soured for me when the writers had Tara's girlfriend Rebecca issue an ultimatum Tara couldn't comply with even if she wanted to, and then dump her for things she couldn't actually control. Then, instead of Tara telling her to go fuck herself like she should have done, they had Tara pine after her to the point of neglecting her job and apologize for revealing that Rebecca's whole career was built on arresting and imprisoning the wrong man. OG Tara would have shed deadweight Becky like a bad jacket, but "Evolved" Tara? She doesn't even correct the woman when she pronounces her name wrong!
Luke's character is criminally underutilized this season, though given what's been done to the characters who got attention from the writers, I'm beginning to think I ought to be glad of that. We've learned nothing really new about his character this season except that he and Penelope went on their date, and it was awkward, and they never tried again. Adam is doing the most for us with his facial expressions this season, but even that only twists the knife in context. Which brings me to...
Garcia. Oh my god, Penelope, what have these bastards DONE to you? At first I was excited to see how Penelope had changed, having gained a centered assertiveness that she lacked in the original show while still remaining the ultimately caring, compassionate person we all knew and loved. But then the writers decided that "leaving a job that was ultimately a form of self-harm in the name of heroics" meant "pursuing what feels good at the cost of all else," and in the course of a few episode Penelope went from my all-time favorite member of the BAU to someone I can barely stand to watch. From sleeping with a material witness (something she knows is wrong on multiple levels, as she warned Derek about getting too involved with witnesses and victims' families years ago) and putting the entire BAU at risk, to the frankly callous and cruel way she treats Luke like an afterthought with no feelings to hurt at every turn, the "Evolved" Penelope is a selfish, irresponsible, reckless person that I want far away from the rest of the BAU before she can do them any more damage.
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gontagokuhara · 14 days
Ibuki Asker has returned with a question that is Definitely not related to the plot of the fic in any way concievable.. does the world of Pointy Objects have their own version of Lore Olympus?? if so are any of the gods Aware of it.. Toko is the god of knowledge (if i remember right) so does that mean she would have to know?? that kinda leads into another question ive had but I’ll ask that later.. i think it would be very funny if Toko is just. forced to know everything about this story which most definitely mischaracters all of the gods and considering how messy all of their relationships seem to be with each other i would Love to see how they would be written by someone who knows basically Nothing about the Current Day Drama and instead only knows like. a Handful of old stories about them
this ask ended up being way longer than i thought it would be but i think it would be so funny .. also the new chapter is So Good oh my good i cant wait for the next one 💕💞
imagine my face getting this ask, going “ibuki anon!!”, opening google to identify i reference i don’t immediately recognize and getting violently reminded of the existence of lore olympus
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this is making me giggle actually. i have 0 cultural awareness of lore olympus and only know it from the #Haters but that’s enough for me to get silly OKAY
in pointy objects chihiro is the goddess of knowledge, and touko is the goddess of literature. however this distinction changes nothing about the premise of touko being forced to just Have and Live With the knowledge of any existing LO parallel within the pointy objects universe. i think some funny highlights of this (before syo goddess of wrath tracks the author down and puts them down for being too cringe) would include:
- relationships among the gods are presented as MUCH more heterosexual than reality. and it’s freak shit too. ooc izuru/junko dynamic throws hajime in there as some toxic hatefuck polycule when the two of them would both rather die. kazuichi and sonia’s “coparenting kiibo” drama gets turned into sexual tension when sonia blocked his number well before she ever kidnapped adopted kiibo. despite having comparable strength and potential for destruction as the rest of the big five, makoto gets woobified BAD.
- when gay couples Are represented they’re all bad lmfao. byakuya & mondo respectively abusing poor sweet innocent easily-manipulated makoto and taka (<- as if everyone doesn’t know it’s makoto and taka that are dogwalking byakuya + mondo 99% of the time). junmikan and sayakan depictions are fanservice bait and gross while other Observably Non-Abusive lesbian relationships are downsized to the background.
- fuck it. po!universe lore olympus equivalent is secretly ghostwritten by junko feeding delusions to an opportunist web artist. acting out all of her fantasies and doing things she knows will piss the others off. the rest of the big five are presented as her doting harem and her rivalry with makoto VASTLY overestimates the reciprocation of junko’s fixation and sexual tension. probably chooses someone she knows will do a dogshit job on purpose tbh that’s funny as fuck
- angie draws fanart once and hajime considers putting his head through a wall while nagito shakily compliments her artistic talents through gritted teeth. supportive dads at all costs (even if hajime has to ritualistically burn miu and kokichi’s [ironically] and kiibo’s [unironically] smuggled in copies)
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vulpixenthusiast · 1 year
I think most of my problems with the wot show are it’s handling of SOME characters and the glaring problem it has with “show don’t tell” it being : All tell and hardly no show, or tell AND show which just becomes redundant.
For the characters part, Liandrin is really starting to get on my last nerves. She’s hardly a character in the books, and tbh, I like the changes made to her. HOWEVER, I feel they are dragging this character and she doesn’t have the depth to keep viewers interested ( and like it’s not a problem for characters to not have depth. Just don’t overdo with them, which I think the shows doing and I honestly see no reason why they are doing it, there are many other underdeveloped, not explored characters in wot). As for Siuan. God almighty there are MANY others, more talented at words than me, out here already dissecting why it’s all WRONG. But I’ll give it my piece of my mind. Back in s01 when she gave her speech to logain, vibes were already off. She said things I’d never picture book siuan saying even if putting on a show. Which was how I let that ordeal pass off. She was just pretending for the hall. Now they decided to come back, and actually sort of adapt her appearance in TGH with Rand and moiraine and. Why. Why would siuan ACTIVELY antogonize Rand?? Her life’s mission was to find, protect and guide the dragon reborn. Why would they do this to the character that even without the one power, aka, depressed, angered, in mourning forever as the show is already depicting, still thinks putting a leash on Rand is NOT the way to go?? Siuan Sanche following tower rules??? WHEN??? Siuans entire thing was that she was an outcast who overcame everything BUT NOT AT THE COST OF WHO SHE WAS. Which was essentially someone who WOULD break tower rules if it meant protecting the world. Just like Moiraine. It’s why elaida organizes a coup to depose her.
As for the tell and no show or tell AND show, it bothers me, for example, how moiraine already knows so much about the forsaken, even though. Everything’s been lost? How is she finding documents saying lanfear was known for being “casually cruel”?? Or worse, now in the next ep, how is she finding evidence that “lews, lanfear and ishamael were inseparable” ?? How does she know so much and how is this information just available? Like. Knowledge is power, if aes sedai know that much abt the forsaken, especially their 2 strongest members, how is it that they’re still this mystical beings according to the SHOW ITSELF? I can’t put it eloquently but do you see why it bothers me? It doesn’t make sense
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I know I've talked about the polygon review ad nauseum but it's what inspired me to buy Bayonetta 3 for myself tbh because absolutely positively no one except for 2 mutuals is ever like. Yeah Bayonetta 2 sucked because Bayonetta was like a side character in her own fucking game and also everything with Balder was bad and a retcon and also more importantly bad and Rosa kind of sucked and was a missed opportunity.
Like I see enough complaints about Bayo 2 gameplay wise and I see enough Loki haters for it to be like, a thing, even if it feels like a minority, but virtually nobody talks about how Bayo 1 is firmly Bayonetta's story (and a fucking good one at that stop talking about how incomprehensible it is) while Bayo 2 is. Extremely male centric? Idk it's still so insane to me that anyone would complain about Viola being too masc while Bayo 2 mostly revolved around Balder's reconned manpain like maybe you should think about why you find masc women more threatening than actually misogynistic men who can't help but say misogynistic things in game ("Your impudence will cost you your life, witch" > men who feel bad about the witch hunts don't say this) (HOW WERE THE WITCH HUNTS AN ACCIDENT FUCK YOU THIS MAKES NO SENSE WHY DOES ROSA GET SPEAKING LINES AND MOST OF THEM ARE ABOUT ABSOLVING BALDER) ("You are no left eye but you may still hand it over like a lady" don't you miss when god was a woman and mostly did Grey DeLisle noises)
Uh anyway Viola feels like she has less screentime than Loki and is certainly less plot relevant (LOKI BEATS THE FINAL BOSS FOR US MOSTLY WHAT DOES VIOLA GET)
Obligatory this is the butchest character y'all can handle etc. Etc.
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lanchang · 8 months
now i never read the extras which i assume detail their established relationship....and its been a while since ive read the book.... but wow what a scenario! really tests the concept of loving someone at their ugliest, the...im more upset about this than other things you have done because it was a wrong done to me, of it all. the way hc might actually feel he needs to go its fine gege 👍 whatever you want in a sunk cost fallacy kinda way (more complex version), the way xl might be frustrated if hc doesnt get mad and MU QING hoho. did he start it & not believe it would happen? despite everything said to the contrary he was doing a little social test and while shocked it went somewhere just didnt backpedal? intrigued‼️
i never actually read the extras other than the birthday one but its so INTRIGUING!!! would hc try to submit to the 🫶 cuck lifestyle? how long until he snapped? would he immediately try to strangle mq? could he even actually retaliate if it meant hurting someone xl cared about? it would just be so interesting for a character as single-mindedly devoted as hc to actually deal with betrayal like would that finally change how he feels about xl? he was prepared to be rejected after the cave of 10000 gods but rejection and betrayal hurt in different ways and now hes actually been with xl.... and how would xl handle it? i think he would feel guilty no matter what hc said about it and yeah would he be hurt if hc said its fine do whatever you want? i think they would both be kind of miserable and im sorry if this makes me sick and twisted but i like that for them 🤭 AND MQ!!! in my mind its a natural progression of him and xl reconnecting in a nice way and then mq getting quietly more and more curious about hl's sex him and pretending it means nothing to him but also testing the waters with xl little by little while fully accepting nothing will ever happen. until it does 😳 and i dont think he would feel that bad about what he did tbh afterall hes not the one in the relationship and he doesnt really like hc soooooo idk i dont think he would WANT xl to be upset but also hes kind of abnormal about things. i just think it would be really messy 🥰
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