#everything else feels like it's dragging
sapphixxx · 2 months
I've become such an extremely specific type of pervert after doing so much woodworking that I'm catching myself zooming in to see what type of hinges are on the cabinets in this Yuri manga
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uhhhitsme · 5 days
im so normal about post-canon chimera curtwen. this fic isnt long at all youre delusional.
shout out to the love of my life @snarky-wallflower for betaing this monstrosity! i have no idea why she did it, but she did, and i adore her for it
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
Alicent after her husband damns her children, the ones he forced onto her, the ones she carried and birthed and loved and spent her whole life protecting. after he leaves her, dying a pathetic death, leaving her and her children alone in the world, even more than he had before. after her children are robbed from her, meeting fates promised to them at birth, ones she tried so hard to change. after being left to roam an empty keep, the sounds of her children's antics now long gone. after hearing her own cries echo in the septs, but never reaching the gods, rattling the walls of her chambers, yet falling on deaf ears. Alicent after she decides she will be king, in her eldest's stead, she will weild her own sword in place of her most trusted friend and closest son, she will fill the world with her words like her daughter had, she will take revenge as she sees fit as her youngest had:
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tastycitrus · 7 months
the main batman comic and detective comics are so disconnected from each other plotwise that gotham war trying to claim that they’re happening concurrently paints a hilarious picture of the situation
bruce drives off at the end of gotham war and immediately goes back to being possessed by an azmer demon and captured by orghams to be hanged
tim makes a big deal about him always working to save bruce, yet when bruce is literally about to be hanged he’s nowhere to be found
and this isn't even getting into the batman and robin comic which features damian moving in with bruce and having father-son bonding time even though gotham war had bruce abandoning damian and in the end driving off by himself after telling dick that he and barbara are now the new parents of the mostly adult batfam
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dayurno · 2 months
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#i will warn you only once: tsc spoilers#literally just finished it as i am drafting this its 5am where i live#so you may be subjected to some nonsense#that all being said i have thoughts.and feelings#the kevin was lovely and tasted delicious! jean defending him at every turn even when he swears to hell and back he'll kick his ass#the kevjean was surprising i was only half expecting that#the dog metaphors i have to say i need this one cashed in. nora run me my check#im joking of course dont quote me on it#jean taking kevins promise to the end and living on it is seriously so. well.#'be careful with him' 'take kevin's name out of your ignorant mouth' 'you promised me'#also kevin getting called the court's queen had me tender and on my back oml#jean's relationship with the trojans is sweet and he is very interesting and complicated#a character with many moving parts im sure#there were a few things i did not care for#namely jeremy and the trojans felt remarkably flat to me bar lucas (by far the most interesting) and catalina on occasion#i didnt quite enjoy jeremy's pov and felt like he spent perhaps way too much time worrying over jean? if that makes sense#i wish he had some more complexity to him or really anything to catch a hook on#all we know is hes attractive and smiley and gets along terribly with his family#so much of his character is sucked out by jean he didnt feel like much more than a plot device to me#which i wouldnt mind if jeremy wasnt the literal main character alongside jean#i was living for everything jean thought but had to drag myself through jeremy's pov if im honest#uuuuh what else. neil! funny. deranged. i have to love him#andrew couldnt give less of a fuck about jean which is funny as all fuck#two bugs placed in the same habitat ignoring each other#the thing with elodie i thought was complicated. i wish we knew some more about her or that shed been mentioned a little earlier#but im assuming thats a topic to be revisited#uuuuuuuh yeah so thats most of it. i think my first thought and the one that sticked out the most to me is that the book felt remarkably#pedestrian#not necessarily in a bad way#it lacked to me one of the main appeals of aftg which were the numerous interesting side characters
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opens-up-4-nobody · 4 months
#what do you call it when a mind is lacking in depth of m thought? is there a word for that?#because all my mind can do is spin in tiny circles. never push any further. no depth of thought#i cant even carry out this line of thought to completion in my head. i have to write it down like this or else it remains stuck in an eddy#its so frustrating. when my thoughts are pressured i spin so fast it feels like my head might pop but the thoughts never go anywhere#bc they just repeat the same god damn things all thr fucking time. they drag me around in circles. then when im feeling low or even like#normal. my head just feels empty and it freaks me out. i have no intersting thoughts to think. theres nothing behind my eyes#possibly its just my brain on 0cd. but how am i suppose to escape the spiral if its in my own head? i guess im just supposed to changr my#reaction to it. recognize what it is and let it go. but i dont like it#i just want to curl up on a warm tile floor. press myself into a quiet corner and not think anything#in an aquarium or a conservatory. specifically the conservatory in Columbus. i love that place#i went there for my birthday when i was like 12 bc i liked it so much. the botanically gardens and the butterflies and the stained glass#i dunno. i just like it there. ugh. im just tired#god. there was a really cool talk today and im always like im not that inattentive lol but then i cannot for the life of me follow a talk or#read a paper all thr way through. my short term working memory is just a tiny little cup. easy to overfill#so i miss mostly everything. its so frustrating#its all frustrating. whatever. back to the psychiatrist tomorrow. probably up thr lamicta1 dosage#bc im past where i was last time i had a reaction to it 💪#i just wish i wanted to draw. drawing just makes me tired and impatient rn#unrelated
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Mulling over the idea of Kae in the Abyss verse slowly transforming into an Abyss herald or smth bc of the influence of all the Abyssal energy he'd absorbed and used, but instead of simply accepting it; he's utterly terrified and the Instant someone, anyone, finds him partway corrupted, him just Immediately reaching out to them so desperately, pride be damned, and begging them in tears to stay, to not leave him alone, like a child craving solace in the face of thunder-
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//It's about#//The lad who refuses to show his vulnerabilities heckin BREAKING as he loses his humanity#//Bc he CAN'T keep his composure; bc he's realizing just how SCARED he really was all along#//And the consequences/risk he thought he could take for the sake of 'finding a way to save his people' he's realizing are Too Much#//Finally hitting him how much he tried to take on; how damn much was put on his shoulders#//And how ALONE he wound up in the end; in pursuit of a heritage he desperately craved to know; people he was told were his responsibility#//That he OWED it to those people; being one of the last & most willing to 'do right' by them; his life SHOULD mean nothing compared to the#//& as such casting aside everything he knew bc he truly believed it was his burden/task to bear; no one else should be dragged into it#//Distrusting that anyone would take him or his Purpose seriously if he told them of his conflict; or worse; would react so BADLY to his#//Like how his most important person; his Sworn Brother; had half a decade ago#//Or perhaps he'd feared that if he told them; they could talk him OUT of following through with it#//And he'd let it all be; even Knowing the things he does; dreaming and hearing what he does#//Forever holding the guilt nestled deep in his heart until the day he dies#//But would that lifetime of simmering heartache compare to his solitude now? Cold; trembling; terrified beyond anything he's felt before?#//Idk; thinkings thinkings#//He knows not if he will be the same when it's all done. He might ask the person to mercy kill him; might ask them to save him#//Depends on how safe they make him feel; maybe
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clockworkbibliophile · 3 months
iphone photos just put a photo of me from 3 yrs ago into the ‘featured photos’ widget that’s on my phone’s home page, first screen I see when I unlock, so of course I click on it, and oh god i am freaking out so badly i don’t even recognize that person who is that? i feel so far so incredibly distant from that human in the photo how could it have been me? i don’t know who that is at all. she had no idea what was coming. she thought she had it bad. she is an entirely different being living an entirely different life in an entirely different timeline. the person I am today made all the wrong choices. but the girl in the photo still has time. i don’t know her at all anymore. I wish I did.
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lpwrites · 2 years
On Hope
Today's meta, brought to you by a tumblr post:
In case of tl;dr or tumblr not opening links, it boils down to: Hope is a skill you work, not something inherent. I'd like to add (as some people in the tags have, that so is optimism and faith). I personally would tag on kindness as well.
All these traits are seen as soft and naive, but to actually use them and nurture them properly, it takes time and an active involvement. You're not just hopeful, especially in these times. You have to work at it, and it's hard. You're not just kind because you are, you have to actively work to be kind, moreso when the world says you shouldn't.
How does this tie to Teen Wolf?
Obviously, it comes down to Scott.
Many, many multiple complaints about Scott being a boring character or a perfect character or an undeveloped character come from the fact that people (incorrectly) believe that Scott has no flaws. Scott's perfect, they say! He's so boring and Neurotypical! (which is another can of worms to open another day)
Perfection is not possible, much less for a teenage character. We have seen Scott fuck up, multiple times, for several different reasons, most coming down to the fact he's an inexperienced teenage boy thrust into a situation he never wanted to be in the first place. He's afraid, he's experiencing things no one could have braced him for, and further affected by the fact that no one explained anything after the fact either.
Despite being actively tormented by several adults (and some teenagers, lookin' at you, Matt and Jackson), Scott doesn't stop being, at his core, kind. He's hopeful! He has HOPE that Jackson can be cured from the Kanima situation in s2, he has HOPE that they can save Stiles from the Nogitsune in s3B.
Out of everyone in Teen Wolf, given the release date and the sentiment surrounding the world when it first came out, I would have not been surprised if Scott had gone from a bright hopeful kid to a cynical, bitter ~adult~, because that was expected. Cynicism was The Thing, the corruption of the innocence of youth or whatever would have fit well, I'm sure, in this niche MTV was trying to carve out.
That's what made Scott so extraordinary, I think. Despite the punches, despite ever reason he had to be bitter and mean and cruel because the world WAS bitter and mean and cruel to him, Scott continued being good. He had hope for people, and gave countless opportunities that would not have been afforded to him by others, because Scott was able to look at things as they were, and hope for something better.
Did he make mistakes along the way? Sure, as a kid then young adult navigating a whole new world that actively wanted him dead, he made mistakes. But even thinking about his choices now, how painfully difficult must it have been for Scott to look at all these people who hurt him, who hurt his friends and his family and his community, and still look for good? To offer kindness to strangers and enemies alike, to ease their pain and give people who were in the same position he was the opportunity to say 'I can't. This isn't for me.'
How many times did Scott have to fight the pain and injustice and anger that would be more than deserved, and swallowed it down because pain and anger and violence are easy! It's an easy reaction and an easy excuse, and likely people (in show) wouldn't have really blamed him because no one ever blamed Stiles for being angry and lashing out because that's what people /do/.
But Scott didn't. He swallowed all of that (a monumental effort on its own) and he returned kindness. He returned hope and optimism and faith that I know he didn't really feel, but what he really felt doesn't affect his actions because his actions speak much louder.
For a teenager with suicidal ideation, who has been constantly beat down by a life he never chose? Scott has tremendous self control, and an enormous capacity for kindness in his heart. It would have been so easy to make him an asshole, we've seen assholes countless of times in media. But strength of character in the face of all that, to say no to the cycle of violence? That is something that is not innate. Scott had to absolutely fight for that every day, and that alone is so endlessly fascinating.
Scott may be boring if all you look at is the surface, but all it says is that you've felt the struggle of being kind in a world that wants you to be cruel.
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copdog1234 · 1 year
Can it be August already??
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todaviia · 9 months
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gourde · 1 year
Just watched the newest Transformers movie and oh my god... It's a good movie it's fun but the Maximals played such a small part of the narrative (Apart from Primal) that it's not even funny. Rhinox literally doesn't even have a LINE. HE SAYS NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!! SO SAD.... Oh well, guess I'll just watch Beastformers again.
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preachersdaughtermp3 · 6 months
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angel can choke obviously but this shot fucks
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essektheylyss · 2 years
🧐 Speculation or theory about the oneshot?
Well, apparently the general plot was confirmed per South American theaters, (I won't mention what it is in case someone is fully looking to be surprised but check that link if you do) but that gets one primary thing on my wishlist out of the way!
Also, I know plenty of people have talked about Essek showing up, but per the finale, he's still at the outpost (and Caleb hasn't even gone to visit, which is suggested to be at least six months to a year after the finale, if not longer), and I doubt he'll be physically around. (He is middle management after all; he can't possibly have that many vacation days xD.)
Also, I think Taliesin will be playing Kingsley, though it would be funny as hell to make him juggle Kingsley and Cad.
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strozzaprete · 2 years
not to be morbid on main but my life is so strange every day i'm fighting with my inner suicidal child trying to convince her to stay alive out of spite for our enemies
#this entire year ​i've been forced to relive past trauma -> which i'd been able to finally process but it doesn't involve just me#so basically i processed it but my family hasn't and they keep putting the blame on me for everything and guilting me for it#even though i was a literal child. in short the fact that i ''acted out'' by running away from abusive situations was and still is worse#than the actual abusive situations i was put in. as a child.#so like... i can forgive and understand and empathize with my past self at last (instead of feeling suicidal like i did for years)#but if nobody else in my close family circle does then i have to essentially stay strong and remind myself that they're wrong#point is that when i was 11-12 i would react to the emotional and physical abuse by basically putting myself in dangerous situations#and attempting suicide a couple of times lmao. staring at the train tracks every other day#because the fact that they beat me was NORMAL for me (my mom told me that i was 2 the first time my dad hit me)#and they were acting like i was (i quote) ''bipolar'' and mentally ill and acting out out of nowhere and i couldn't fully understand why#i was doing certain things at the time. so i put the entirety of the ''blame'' on myself. and later on my mom would make me feel guilty#about it for a decade to win arguments -> which almost every time start with her gaslighting me until i start crying and yelling so then she#can call me crazy. and she can make ME feel crazy so i won't take her accountable. so she avoids taking responsibility for her actions (past#and present). i finally realized this when i told her that one of the most traumatic events of my life was when she found some smoking#filters in my drawer (she used to go through my stuff all the time) that i was LITERALLY KEEPING FOR A FRIEND and she dragged me out on the#balcony by my hair and beat me. she would beat me in public places all the time to humiliate me. even my school friends remember this#and she said 1) ''it didn't happen'' and 2) ''i don't remember''#so that's that. either i'm crazy and i fabricated the memory out of nowhere... or she's not taking responsibility for her actions.#and like... I KNOW it happened. but i'm very sensitive to gaslighting (as she does this all the time about other things as well)#and sometimes i literally have to hug myself and rock back and forth and essentially try to convince myself i'm not crazy#that's the situation i'm in rn :) cool#thank god the therapist moved my appointment to tomorrow because i'm about to implode or perhaps ask for money in advance to purchase drugs
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pepprs · 1 year
i guess im starting a tradition of double ventposting lol but the last thing i’llsay (maybe) is like… all of that has a caveat which is that my emotional object permanence has been absolutely OBLITERATED by 3 yrs of covid hell and it is really doing a number on me. clearly
#purrs#this manifests in how not normal i am abt reading / responding to messages btw ♥️ i love depriving myself of evidence that i am loved#also somewhat ​relatedly (and i may have already said this but): covid also destroyed something that has always already been hard for me whi#which (ironically given how important it is to the work I do) foresight. i was not su*cidal growing up but i simply couldn’t imagine what li#life would be like after high school. it felt like the show was supposed to be over on graduation day. and everything that’s happened since#then has seemed a little fake to me… and then covid happened and it felt even more fake… and now i graduated college and WORK THERE full#time. and it’s like.. at any given moment i am about 30-40% convinced that the things that are happening to me aren’t actually real or that#they’re not supposed to be happening bc the show ended on may 30 2017. and i don’t think that’s a healthy way to experience the world lol#unreality tw#ask to tag#like ofc my day to day life is real and the week to week stuff is real. but there’s some twilight zone-ness to it. like its happening to#someone else who looks exactly like me butim in her body and not mine and not controlling anything. idk. that’s not the right metaphor its h#hard to explain and im so sleepy. but the best way i can describe it which i keep doing is like a tv show that should be over by now but is#dragging on fro some reason. like we never finished watching it but it’s like the office continuing after michael Scott left. it’s just#weird and wrong and fake and doesn’t feel real. and the fact that it actually is real but i feel that way is a very big problem
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