#everything stays but it still changes I guess
clangenrising · 18 hours
Month 16 - Greenleaf
When Aldertail had volunteered to go herb gathering with him, Oddstripe had been delighted but he had definitely expected her to get tired and lose interest by this point. The day was hot but there was a nice breeze and, as they meandered the territory looking for patches that hadn’t already been harvested, Oddstripe couldn’t help but smile. 
“Y’know, I’d really love to find some thyme or juniper,” he said, hopping over a stone in his path. 
“What do those do?” Aldertail asked, carefully picking her way after him. Her legs were the best he’d ever seen them. There was almost no redness and the fur had nearly grown back in. Oddstripe was so proud.
“Thyme is very calming and juniper berries are just all around useful. On top of being calming, they soothe belly aches, help with coughs, and they can even treat aching joints when mixed with the proper herbs. I’d love to get some for Sagetooth.” 
Aldertail’s ears pressed back briefly. “Mm, would that help?”
“Oh, yes,” Oddstripe nodded. “When she isn’t suffering from her aches, she’s really, actually very kind. It can just be hard for her to stay that way when she’s in a lot of pain.” 
“I guess,” Aldertail shrugged. “I feel like you don’t just start being mean to people though, if that makes sense.” 
“I get what you mean,” said Oddstripe, “but something you have to remember is that your body and your mind aren’t two separate entities. They’re both you and they influence each other.” Aldertail winced in an attempt to seem less skeptical. Oddstripe laughed a little and tried to think of a better way to explain. “Oh, for example, when your mind starts to run wild, you feel sick to your stomach right?”
“Yeah,” Aldertail nodded. 
“So that’s your mind influencing your body!” Oddstripe grinned. “But the inverse is also possible. Like, if you’re very scared, we do those deep breaths and the act of calming your body calms your mind.” Aldertail hummed thoughtfully. “So when Sagetooth’s body aches it makes it harder for her to control the way she speaks to people. You’re right that it doesn’t make her something she isn’t but it’s also not entirely her choice. Even I can get snappy when I’m stressed or ill.” 
“Really?” Aldertail didn’t seem convinced. “I can’t picture you snappy.” 
Oddstripe blushed and laughed as he replied, “Oh, that’s very sweet of you.”
“It’s true,” she said. “You’ve only ever been kind and gentle.” 
“Well, I’ve been lucky that I’ve never felt ill enough to snap at you,” he said, full of pride. 
“Mm,” Aldertail chewed her lip. “So where would we find juniper berries?” 
“Hmm,” Oddstripe scrunched up his face in thought. “I know a place they’ll definitely be but its a bit of a distance. Would you still want to come along?” 
“Of course!” she nodded vigorously. “I like learning about medicine.” 
“Really?” asked Oddstripe. 
“Mhm,” nodded Aldertail. “It’s so… powerful. I can’t imagine being able to do what you do.” 
“Oh, it’s really not that hard to learn,” Oddstripe said, changing course. “I’ll show you.”
As they made their way towards the juniper bushes, Oddstripe went over all of the basics he could think of. Healing was something he was intensely passionate about and Aldertail indulged him in his ramblings for the entirety of their walk. Oddstripe couldn’t remember the last time someone had let him ramble like this. It felt amazing. 
They crossed the eastern border and Oddstripe assured Aldertail that everything would be alright. Eventually, the grass petered out and the earth beneath their paws turned to dry, sunbaked mud patterned with cracks and ridges. Oddstripe smiled at the feeling of it under his paws. It had been too long since he’d stepped foot in the desert and he had missed it. They passed little burrows and scurrying lizards and dry looking shrubs and then finally came across the big juniper bush.
“Tada!” Oddstripe declared, unfurling his tail towards the cloudless sky. 
“This is a juniper bush?” Aldertail asked, glancing around its leaves as if something would jump out. 
“Mhm!” he purred. “The berries near the bottom are usually gone because creatures eat them but we can jump up and snag a few branches to take home. Maybe we could even plant one closer to the territories.”
“That would be a good idea,” Aldertail squirmed. “I don’t like this place.” 
“Really?” asked Oddstripe, tilting his head.
“Yeah, it’s too open,” she shuddered. “Let’s hurry up and go home.” 
“Alright,” he frowned worriedly. He’d never considered that someone might not enjoy being able to see the world stretch out endlessly around them. He bunched his legs underneath him and sprang into the bush, but failed to grab onto any of the branches. “Mousedung. Let me try again.” 
He jumped again, this time snagging a branch in his teeth, and his weight pulled it down to a place where Aldertail could help him snap it off. He handed the branch over to her and tried again. The leaves rattled as he fell through them, this time taking another two tries before he caught another branch in his claws. It nearly slipped and he had to scramble to clamp his jaws down around it, smearing berry juice all over his muzzle. 
“Are you okay?” asked Aldertail. 
“Uh huh,” he said awkwardly. “‘Ah you ‘reah ih?” 
“Oh, right! Sorry!” Aldertail hurried forward to start chewing through the branch.
“S’alrigh’,” he chuckled, feeling silly. She met his eyes and flushed pink, quickly averting her gaze to focus on her work. He laughed again. She was such a sweetheart. 
A voice startled them both. “You shouldn’t be out here.” 
Aldertail squeaked and flattened herself against the ground. Oddstripe tried to turn around but struggled to do so without letting go of the branch which didn’t occur to him at all. The cat who had spoken, thankfully, stepped to the side into his view. She was a plain looking grey tabby with bright, golden eyes, and she was watching them with an expression that read to Oddstripe as professional. 
“Oh, sahhy,” he tried to say around the branch in his teeth. 
A small smile poked at the edges of the stranger’s lips and she glanced carefully at Aldertail before asking, “Would you like a paw?”
“Mm!” Oddstripe grinned and nodded clumsily. “Mhm!”
The stranger chuckled softly, dropping her gaze to her paws for a moment, before she stepped up and swatted the branch where Aldertail had been chewing it. The force of the blow was enough to snap it and Oddstripe stumbled away as the rest of the branch sprang noisily back into place. Aldertail squeaked again, and scrunched herself closer to his side. 
He laid his tail over her back, dropped the branch, and then licked his muzzle before speaking. “Thank you! I really appreciate the help. My name’s Oddstripe, what’s yours.” 
“Oscar,” the she-cat smiled with a polite dip of her head. “I’m glad to be of assistance but I really must urge you to leave this place.” 
“Oh?” asked Oddstripe, ears perking. “What for?” 
“This is coyote territory,” she said, scanning the area with a sharp gaze. “You aren’t safe here.” 
“Oh, I didn’t realize the coyotes had come so far west,” Oddstripe said. 
“You live here?” asked Oscar, brow furrowing. 
“No, no, but I used to live near here,” he said. “Now I’m out in the grasslands.” 
“I see,” Oscar nodded. “Well, I must insist you return home, for your own safety.” 
“We will, thank you,” smiled Oddstripe.
Oscar glanced around again and said, “Should you require an escort, I would be happy to oblige.” 
“I don’t think it would hurt,” Oddstripe said. “Aldertail, honey, is that alright with you?” Aldertail simply shrugged, eyes wide enough to show the whites. 
Oddstripe’s ears drooped in pity. “Oh, you poor thing. Here, let’s head back to camp.” He licked her cheek and helped her stand, then handed her one of the juniper sprigs to carry. Having something in her mouth would keep her occupied, he thought. Picking up his own branch, he glanced at Oscar and said, “It’s just this way.” 
“I follow your lead,” she deferred with a bow of the head. Oddstripe blushed, a silly little flutter dancing in his stomach. Something about her seemed right out of a story. He’d never felt that way before. 
Shrugging it off, he led the way, tail wrapped around Aldertail’s leg reassuringly. She stayed close to his side, ears flat against her skull, and Oscar stayed on the opposite side of him, at least two tail lengths away. Oddstripe wanted to walk closer but the distance was probably best for Aldertail. How considerate of their new companion, he thought. 
“So, Oscar,” he asked, able to speak around the sprig this time, “why are you out here in coyote country?” 
“I’m patrolling,” she said. “I look for creatures like you and give them the warning.” 
“Creatures?” Oddstripe chuckled but Oscar nodded seriously.
“Yes. Anything I can speak to. Cats, deer, snakes, most birds.”
“Wow!” Oddstripe marveled. “That’s amazing! I didn’t realize you could talk to those kinds of things.” 
“It’s simple if you have a teacher,” said Oscar humbly. 
“It seems most things are,” laughed Oddstripe. 
It wasn’t long before they reached the edge of the grass again. Oscar stopped under a scrubby little tree and said. “I should return to my patrol. Will you be able to get home from here?” 
“Oh, yes,” nodded Oddstripe. “Thank you so much, Oscar, it was lovely to meet you.”
She shook her head. “I’m simply doing my duty.”
“Well, thank you anyway,” said Oddstripe. She smiled, dipped her head in a polite bow, and then turned and bounded back into the desert. Oddstripe watched her go like he was trying to catch every last moment of her before she disappeared forever. Eventually, her shape disappeared into the shimmering edge of the horizon. 
“Oddstripe?” asked Aldertail quietly. 
“Oh,” he blinked and looked down at her. “Yes, dear?” 
“I’d like to go home, is that okay?” 
“Oh, of course it is,” he said, “let’s go home.”
“No, no, that’s alright. Sorry I got distracted.” 
“What was her deal?” Aldertail asked, craning her head to see if she could spot Oscar in the distance.
“I don’t know,” Oddstripe breathed softly, doing the same.
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thatnewweeb · 16 hours
Coming Home | Blue Lock P. 2
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Characters | Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin, Chigiri Hyoma, Kunigami Rensuke, Barou Shoei
CW | None (I guess missing them/you?), pro player AU
A/N | And here it is! Part 2! I only know to the end of the anime thus far, so apologies if anything seems out of character for any manga readers
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Itoshi Sae
Without fail, you are waiting for him at the airport when his plane lands whenever he has to go overseas for games.
When he sees you, he'll put down his bags and open his arms, ready for you to run into him. He'll hug you tightly, waiting for you to loosen your arms around him before he lets go of you, letting you decide how long the hug goes on. This usually leads to hugs lasting ten minutes or more
You'll get through the airport as quickly as possible, holding his hand as you drag him through all the people wanting his attention. Not that he wanted to give his attention to anyone besides you anyway.
You always drive on the way back home, knowing he's typically tired from jetlag. He'll have his hand resting on your thigh, letting himself relax now that he's on his way home with the love of his life.
You'll offer to take his bags inside when you get home, but he never lets you. For the rest of the day, you are not allowed to get out of bed. He wants you there to cuddle him, even if he won't admit it out loud. He doesn't need to, it's obvious.
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Itoshi Rin
Rin asks that you go to the store the day before he arrives back home so that he doesn't have anything to do for the few days after he gets back, just wanting to relax and spend time with the love of his life (aka you).
He likes to get back into routine as soon as possible, so the plan for when he gets back is to cook a meal together. He says that, no matter how nice the food he eats while he's away is, it can never compare to your home cooking.
He'll get home and immediately come into the kitchen. As soon as he sees you, facing towards the counter preparing some ingredients in advance, his arms are around you, squeezing you gently and pressing up against your back.
He will hold you there, not letting you turn around as he nuzzles his face into your neck, giving you numerous kisses there too. Once he lets you go, he'll give you the chance to hug and kiss him before you finish making dinner together.
You'll eat together, and then spend the rest of the night cuddled up together, just enjoying the time you get back together. He may not show it as much as a lot of boyfriends do, but he loves you so much.
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Chigiri Hyoma
You know what he wants to do when he gets home, pretty much every single time.
When he walks in, he'll obviously give you a big hug and plenty of kisses, he missed you and your touch, after all, but he has something specific he likes to do.
After you get his text to let you know he's on his way back from the airport, you get everything ready for a full self care night. For both of you, that includes hair care, skincare, giving each other a massage, along with other activities.
Once his hugs and kisses are done, you shower together then head into the bedroom to give each other massages. After that, you change into the comfortable clothes you laid out for the both of you, then help each other with skin and hair care.
When you're done with that, you'll cuddle in bed and watch a movie, just happy to be back together after what felt like forever apart.
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Kunigami Rensuke
Whenever he has to go away for a game, he will take you with him if he can. He doesn't want to have to spend time away from you if possible, but that of course can't always happen.
When he finally comes home after you had to stay home, it's late at night. His flight ended up delayed, so he was a lot later than he was meant to be back.
He doesn't expect you to still be awake, he did message you to say that you should go to bed and just welcome him back in the morning, but there was no way you were going to miss out on greeting him at the door.
The second the door was opened, you were running towards him, throwing yourself against his strong body. It was a good thing that he reacted in time and braced himself, or you would have both ended up sprawled on the floor.
"Baby, it's late. You should be asleep!" he scolds, but he can't hide the soft smile on his face as he wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly against him.
He locks the door behind him before picking you up and carrying you to bed, leaving his bags in the entrance to your shared home. Right now, he doesn't care about things like getting organised, he just wants to cuddle and fall asleep with you in his arms again.
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Barou Shoei
You're his immediate priority when he gets home. The first thing he does is open his arms up as he walks inside, knowing that you're bound to be running from wherever you are in the house to throw yourself into his arms.
He'll pick you up the second you're in his arms, holding you tightly as you kiss all over his face, smiling ever so slightly at how cute you are.
Once you've had about five minutes of him just holding you and you kissing him, you will both take his bags into your bedroom and put his things away straight away, not leaving it to do later.
While you're putting his things away together, he'll tell you about how his games went, what he did in his free time, and most importantly how much he missed you.
You usually finish putting everything away quite quickly, so he'll continue talking while cuddling up on the couch together, making up for the missed time. When he's finished talking about his time away, it's then your turn to tell him about what you did while he was away.
This routine is your little ritual for when he gets home.
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shakingparadigm · 1 day
I'm glad we have someone like you in the fandom and that you started a youtube channel too. It feels less lonely I guess! Everything you post (theories,art,informations,jokes) is in my opinion so interesting,creative and detailed. I don't really send asks but I really had to tell you that I appreciate all of this,not what you simply post,but create too! I believe after Alien Stage will end,I will miss your posts about it but I'll have a good time remembering the days before a round was dropped,where we all assembled there to scream in fear (AVENGERS... ASSEMBLE LOL) and I'm sure I'll continue visit even if you'll talk about something else,with Vivinos content here and there if qmeng and the team will post about it etc!
One thing that makes me more conscious about ''IvanTill tragedy'' is that... Ivan loved the idea,the meaning,he had of Till,because he never got to be seen by him,got to express himself and be something for Till,which means getting to really enter Till's world. So I think at some point he asked himself ''What do I love'',which led him to the circle of reasons we deduced from their backstories,reason of the words chosen in the official art,where he says ''shallow feelings''... but they weren't shallow at all... And I think this is so sad,that he could not feel the depth in it,or understand his emotions... It's so sad we don't have a glimpse of Till's pov... Thank you for reading this until the end,I'll silently return in my den :)
Sorry this turned into such a long and awkwardly sentimental post,,,, ;;
Thank you....!!!
I'm really happy that you think of me so nicely, even if my posts and speculations are off the mark... or if the things I make are truthfully not very good. Even if they're mediocre at best, I still put a lot of my heart into them. I've always had a lot of things to say, but I never really opened myself to speaking about them until earlier this year. It feels really nice and comforting to share everything and be responded to with the same level of enthusiasm. I keep repeating myself when giving my thanks, but it's just because I will always be grateful to everyone I've talked to so far. That will never change. Thank you for taking the time to send me an ask! It really means everything to me. Let's focus on enjoying ourselves and anticipating what's to come! Even though Alien Stage is bound to end, we're still only halfway there!
I genuinely would like to thank you for your support. I wouldn't hold it against you if eventually you lost interest in my blog later down the line, but the fact that you'd still want to visit even if I end up switching to other things is so kind. I can't put down everything I'd like to say in a way that sounds coherent, and I undoubtedly am making this a bigger deal than it has to be, but from the bottom of my heart I'd like to thank you and everyone who has been so so kind to me. Truthfully I'm still unsure about whether or not I even deserve it, but I want you to know that I appreciate everything. I remember everything, too. Right down to the first few people who shared their thoughts to me back when I first started this blog!
I'm sorry if I seem like a bit of a downer, or if I seem less active lately? Less present or something like that. There's a lot that I've been going through lately (to add on to that my damn house flooded. yikes. currently staying at a friend's right now), and it honestly worries me to think about a lot of things, not to mention all the asks that I haven't been able to answer yet... I'm so sorry. I'll get to them eventually, I promise! They mean a lot to me and I want to do them justice with an answer, but some days I just can't find it in me to put thoughts into words.... once again, I'm so sorry. I don't want to make it seem as though they're a burden or anything, though! It's genuinely the highlight of my day to receive one.
Your perspective on Ivan and Till is worded so wonderfully. It truly is tragic that Ivan views his feelings as shallow, especially when in reality they're so complex and all-encompassing. Someone who loves so fervently and desperately (obssessively) actively denies themselves something as simple as the validation of their own feelings. Ivan viewed so lowly of himself until the very end, believing that he was never able to mean anything to Till (You don't care about me is such a devastating line). Ivan's emotions are complicated on purpose, his character was designed with the intention to confuse. It's stated that only Ivan himself can truly know what he's feeling, but even then he is an unreliable narrator and is too deep in the throes of self-loathing to allow himself any mercy. Constantly at war with himself, even just moments before his demise.
Ivan is described to have the most flawed personality out of his peers ("twisted"). The fact that he hones in on this aspect of himself to the point where he cannot see himself as anything of worth to the people he cares about is so profoundly sad. A flaw within itself, the perfect recipe for self-sabotage.
Till's perspective on Ivan is desperately needed, even if it wouldn't make a difference to the present circumstances. When speaking of Ivan's feelings for Till, VIVINOS mentions that one cannot simply move on from such deep-seated and long lasting emotions in just a short time. Surely Till would share this sentiment, right? Constantly overwhelmed by his own heart, wouldn't Till mull over the feelings that drove Ivan to sacrifice? Wouldn't he dwell on the impact that Ivan has made on his person? What form does Ivan take in Till's memory? One cannot move on from feelings like this so easily, and although Till didn't feel for Ivan in the same way, it's undeniable that he at least felt something.
So far (iirc), the only official statement of Till's feelings towards Ivan is that Till found him strange (and vice-versa, but Ivan was fascinated and attracted to Till's "strangeness" while it seems that Till was... less so...). Although it makes sense that Till is so protective of his true feelings, it would be nice for his thoughts on Ivan to be expanded upon, just for some semblance of closure.
(Sorry if this went off-topic.... or if my answer ended up being off again haha but thank you genuinely for the ask. I appreciate it more than you could ever know).
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awakefor48hours · 9 months
I haven’t bumped anything like the opening to Fionna and Cake in a while. I mean “I’m not really feeling like myself today” superb. Amazing. Love it
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the-casbah-way · 8 months
i'm not doing anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not fucking doing anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just sit and rot and worry and yearn whilst other people are out there living and feeling and breathing and experiencing and still i just do nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#'you're young there's still time' you do not understand#i don't do things because i'm unwell. chronically. it won't ever go away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#that doesn't mean it can't get better i'm sure it will one day#but it will never be what i want it to be#i get so overwhelmed by all the things i'm not doing#i need to stop watching videos and films about people living the lives i want#been procrastinating my hrt shit for ages now even though all i have to do is send two emails and ask my friend for one link#i'm putting off the new tattoos and piercings i want because i always do that and then i get sad that i don't have them yet#i'm putting off my assignments for a degree that i actually enjoy and want to do well in and i do not know why#i'm just WAITING. what am i WAITING FOR. the change is INSIDE OF ME. why am i waiting#i guess i am holding onto safety and predictability because it's the only thing i have control over#i bounce between that and the image of a future me that is completely unattainable#and i tell myself there is no possible middle ground so i just give up#i can't be all the things i want to be. i will never been seen the way i want to be#but that doesn't mean i have to stay stuck like this forever wasting my life feeling miserable about everything#but i still choose to keep doing it every day anyway because i don't know how to stop#is it too much to ask to be a beautiful man who is not technically a man but is perceived as one and gets silly about it#is it too much to ask to be nice and well and attractive and successful#i don't want to be normal. i don't want to be cis. but i would like to be myself in a way that feels right#but i am not brave enough to start doing anything about it
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freudenstein · 2 years
Princess Tutu had a surprisingly great ending. It's almost cathartic for a story that's about stories and endings to stories to have a pretty good ending itself.
#princess tutu#(spoilers) still would have wanted tutu to confess her love to fakir and turn into a speck of light#but thats kinda morbid of me. its defintiely better that she gets to stay alive as her true duck self lol#and the story is in good hands now (fakir's)...i guess????#i really enjoyed the meta themes in this anime. so much relatable stuff for a story writer#so true drosselmayer! your characters do indeed just whatever they feel like sometimes and surprise YOU with where they take the story!!!#im pretty sure fakir has a crush on tutu and he can write stories now so i suppose he could make her a girl somehow xD#altho that would be contradicting what he told her about just existing as yourself....#overall its the perfect ending while remaining internally consistent. fakir was never meant to pick up a sword and would have died in vain#just because the story infected his town. he was always supposed to be a writer and now he is. and ahiru was always supposed to be a duck#so#AND OMG RIGHT THE ED....SO ITS HIS REFLECTION ON THE WATER RIGHT#im glad rue got her happy ending because she deserves it after all the suffering. and i even forgave mytho for being so boring for 80%#of the story. he somehow made up for it in the end#i love fakir the most tho. that character is layered and changed so much throughout the story its insaaane. a sweetheart too 🥺#but i basically liked everybody except mytho LOL i was so frustrated in the kraehe parts because i felt like rue was being done dirty#and i was rooting for rue 😭 plus ahiru of course is so cute and lovable#anyways. super wild. loved how everything had to be dancing and the ''stage-like'' scenes and the music omfg#and the damn cat teacher lmao#As a writer princess tutu spoke to me.... I'm touched by this story; as a writer. It really does things to you on multiple levels like that#fakir can only write if its about ahiru...🥲 is this what its like to have a muse??? is this what i need to finally move#forward as a writer??? 😭😭
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#ay. looking forward to the future when im back in therapy#like i dont feel terrible rn. i dont exactly kno how to describe it. i feel like ive been tossed up onto the shore of a desert island#after a big storm. like im still lying facedown in the sand bc i dont kno what to do when i stand up#i guess im just still sitting in the desolation of 2yrs of burnout and i kno that things need to change but i dont kno#quite how to manage it. bc the thing abt me is that i have ambiguous handwave undiagnosed obsessive compulsive behaviors#and its like every. everything i do is. like its structure to the extreme. i have to do these things because. because why? idk just because#so im like ok i have to change things so i adjust to the change and the structure just becomes rigid again. the cage changes shape but the#volume stays the same. and its hard bc i cant run rn so its like i cant expell my frustration and its a compulsion i cant fulfill and its#constantly in my head. im also just tired. ive been sleeping more than usual and idk y. like i dont feel that depressed but i guess i do#feel bored and pointless bc im just doing computer stuff rn. and i also just feel like my brain is cloudy#like learning is a thing i like to do but im not allowed to spend time reading papers bc i have to draw bc thats the structure#but i want to learn abt those specific topics and i just feel like my brain is full of holes#like its a very specific feeling. like back after i 1st finished my masters i was taking carbon measuments bc thats#like the most useful thing for me to do in tbus lab but it destroys my brain and then my boss was training me in some culture isolation#stuff that i liked a lot and was more aligned with my interests but i hit this wall where my Brain was like ur not allowed to do that#anymore so i make the choice to let the project go and just do what was useful. idk y i did that but i do it all thr time. idk its just hard#when like everything feels so boring and bleak all the time but with this little glimmers of specialness that im not allowed to reach for#ugh. its just the hormones. bc it's becoming very clear i have high and low moods associated with hormone shifts. and the obsessive#compulsive behaviors. those r just ambient but at time exacerbated by the shifts#unrelated#also participating in trivia stuff triggers me feeling dumb lmao but idk i dont usually memorize facts. i usually go for vibes and like what#do u build with what youve learned. like who gives a fuck if u kno a set of facts if u dont do anything with that info#but thats just me being defensive bc i have a foggy brain full of holes
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born-to-lose · 1 year
Missing people and regretting shit o'clock
#why did i even let it come this far. 7 fucking months and i didn't realize what was going wrong so i could have saved it#i want him back fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck#was thinking of this notebook i filled for him with memories and poetry and quotes and general mushy things and goddamn#why am i crying i just looked at my desk and i don't have the heart to put everything in a box so i don't see it every day when i wake up#i know i can't change it and it's probably over for good now after i fucked some things up extra hard but fuck do i miss him#i wish i could have done something in time before even the thought of breaking up came up#just when i thought for once things are working out for me and it was really fucking good and happy until a week before it ended#guess i just can't be happy. i never could#i was really really willing to talk things out and fix whatever needs to be fixed while staying together#not go separate ways and maybe not so maybe definitely not possibly maybe see if we can try again in the future#which we (spoiler) apparently won't and i kinda came to terms with that but i still wish there was a possibility#or at least i would have liked to know from the beginning and not spend weeks hoping for a reunion and working towards that specifically#while i seem to be the only one with that goal#idk i just wish it had been more thought through and talked about properly so there wouldn't be the misunderstandings we deal with now#and like boundaries for the first two months or so after that but it takes two i guess#disclaimer i'm not bitter or mad at anyone just sad and nostalgic. if the person in question reads this i love you ok that won't change#deleting later but now i need to go back to sleep before i kill myself on a whim#mel talks#depressed bitch posting#i know i know i know i did some shit too that wasn't great and i'm not saying i'm innocent here i'm just so depressed about the situation#it's been seven goddamn weeks it never took me this long to get over anything before
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ironmanstan · 1 year
the dichotomy of man (need to get out of this fuckin house but if i go then i can not see my cats)
#JUST realized this and now i want to kill and explode and throw up#WHAT THE HELL WILL I DO . WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO ABOUT MY FISH ok i can probably take the fish with me#but MAN#thats such a FUCKING HASSLE#ill just stay here this is fine <- tormented by the horrors. ball and chained to familiarity#the gamer speaks uwu#guy who is terminally stressed and sick about change but desperately needs it to live a life#oooo i need to be in a hamster ball everything new can just be out of arms reach and i will be safe and contained forever#no more new experiences and life changes ill cry we should all just die actually so i never have to break out of my shell#sometimes im like im therapized i dont need to go to therapy i am sooo normal and then i say shit like all that n im like nvm#the desperately averse to change braincell is funny like is it the autism. is it the ptsd. probably both#bc i sure did like have a moment of like i should just drop out of school all of this is too much i cant do it anymore#wired in juuust the right way where i can live so much better than i ever have but itll stress me out enough where i still feel the urge#to throw it all away bc it is strange and weird. and then i have to resist that urge constantly bc ill be fully like cidal again if i do th#its so weird actually. oh u have friends? u take meds? u have irls now? strange and unfamiliar and scary get rid of it all <- the insanity#anyway sucks how there isnt a word i can use in place of men/women when im like 'women will x' but for being nonbinary#nonbinary mfs doesnt hit the same . enbies doesnt hit the same either#nonbinaries b like i am free from the horrors and then go down a whole spiral at the very thought of moving out of their nightmare house#vent#i guess oops what did this turn into
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lokh · 2 years
were cramps always this bad. why doesnt everyone who has cramps get paid a million dollars to stay home every time they have cramps
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in a REALLY weird cache error, tumblr decided to revert me back to my previous pfp and bio. Literally have never seen anything like this before. What.
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ihamtmus · 1 year
i will miss him :((((((
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newtness532 · 2 years
its been raining all week and it will be raining all of next week. today was the only day we had sun and it was wasted because she still has her clothes in the washing machine.
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raksh-writes · 2 years
Ngl, feeling all sorts of miserable about your life, life choices and having existential crisis after existential crisis on a sunday evening seems quite par for the course, but also -- I could really do without it ;_;
please take this adulting thing away, Im weak ;_;
#personal#vent#rant#ugh really having one of Those days#skirting the edge of a breakdown#guess Im getting just real overwhelmed rn#pulled a muscle in my thigh over two weeks ago and I gotta go back to work tomorrow but its still not too great#and Im kinda stuck with working in a warehouse cause that's the first thing that was available when I needed a job#after getting my degree with yeat and half of online classes at home and having no idea what the fuck to do#cant help but wonder if maybe Id be on a better path if I went for a more practical way#pushed myself into IT instead of going by my interests and creative writinf#but then sometimes it feels like the fucking pandemic fucked everything up too#maybe if it didnt hit Id stay in the city where my uni was get my masters degree in smth and would be looking for a nice job rn#but now Im back home in the countryside with just a small town near by and small cities more away#with gas prices sky high and inflation galloping and everything feels so fucked up#I want to change my job but its not like theres manye options and it stressed me so fucking much too#really envy peeps without anxiety and all the other neurodivergent stuff in the way 😣#with still weak wrists from how I fucked them up back in the pandmic even most online jobs I cant do#and now with my thigh as it is... ehh#I know Im kinda doom-scrolling in my own mind - spiraling kinda I guess but fuck#this adulting thing really hits hard sometimes 😣#guess just wanted to throw out thoughts maybe it'll help...
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In alternative news: eyrie now has a fraternal twin <3
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
I wanna post about my recovery + ramble in tags at the same time but I'm not motivated enough to come up with a mediocre yandere post rn , so just know that my life is going?? Somewhat good in terms of romance
#mine#💿#i can only ramble in tags. posts feel too official im shy</3 i feel like tags are less likely to show up on search engines as well...#just forever paranoid about the blog being discovered you know how it goes. personal stuff (proceeds to post it online)#in the general scheme of things im doing alright. tho im currently obsessed with a game instead of a man so idk if that counts#feels like im just waiting for an important event to happen. like ill have a great life changing thing but rn im just in limbo. waiting!#i dont mind it because i take joy in the small things in my day to day life but i feel like i should be doing bigger things. doing more#hell. BEING more. theres lots of cookie cutter paths i could take but none of them fit the mould im making yk. its boring.#on one hand im proud of myself for being able to stay focused on my interests instead of wasting time on a guy who doesnt care abt me#like i still am doing that a Little Bit but its not as detrimental to my daily life as it used to be. like its fine now#on the topic of.. him. we dont really talk much but i feel theres sort of a weird air between us now and he could tell i was in the yanzone#im not too broken up about it because i repeatedly told myself this would happen n i knew it would but everythings okay as it is rn#i still do admire him but not as intensely. the moment he stops hinting at even the possibility he could be interested my attention drops#i want to be everything but at the same time i want to be nothing. i want to be god and the earth and the sun and death and disease.#im working up to being perfect but at the same time i know no such thing exists so meanwhile im just. working up. to SOMETHING#i want everyday of my life to be an adventure. at the same time im much too tired for that. guess thats why i stick with emotional trifles#im not in love with him or anything. its the same as everyone else. like various dials in a lab that i have to keep below 50#or else bad things will happen. like a scientist with anxiety. its like i be insane for a little while and the dial goes down#but any others could easily skyrocket because i find little things i adore about one person and latch onto them!!! like art#i feel im the most socially acptble level of yandere out of them all rn. in insanity specifically tho. in othr aspects im still weird#the power of autism is condemning me from learning proper social skills but by god i am TRYING my hardest n learning new things#i sit around waiting but atleast im building skills while doing it. part of what life is about i guess!#you come for the yandere content and then i just post philosophical rants. a tragedy most awful to those who can relate#but im okay with it as long as these strange lengthy rambles help me recover better!! no problem at all. one day i will be better#tl;dr i havent found love yet but im not miserable either. trying to improve myself through numerous mental quarrels n experience
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