#evie Holloway
artist-fan146 · 9 days
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Felt like drawing the gals!
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ehilikeshoney · 5 months
Yes, I’m still alive
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bananachipfantasy · 4 months
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Extra!!! Mini genderbend.
Hello, I'll leave you this little thing before I go on vacation. I may not upload any drawings until next Wednesday. Hope you like it!!!
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babyzassou26 · 1 year
the lil sillies as animals because im bored af
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nomnomdiary · 8 months
Concordian Flying Squad in Realistic
made using Bing AI images *OMG I'm so obsessed with it lol*
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Arthur Wright
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Constance Wood (my OC/player 😁✌️)
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Isaac Bontemps
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Maddie O'Malley
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Richard Wells
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Viola Pemberton
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Charles Dupont
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Evie Holloway
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Rose Zhao
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Diego del Lobo
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yutopia-eleftheria · 7 months
Criminal Case Inkember 2023
Day 16/30 : Evie Holloway (Read)
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Cozy moment for our sweet girl Evie.
She loves to read, so it's no surprise to see her reading a book in her free time.
I wonder what book she is reading though.
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trulyatessfan · 7 months
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Inkember 2023 Day 16 to 19: Evie Holloway (Read), Isaac Bontemps (Fear), Giulietta Cappechi (Dance) and Rita Estevez (Weapon)
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astra-galaxie · 15 days
Hello again! Do you have any modern day Flying Squad (MOTP) headcannons? No pressure!
It seems that my Mysteries of The Past skills are being tested! Modern-day headcanons for the Flying Squad… Hmm…🤔 Good question! Here’s what I have for if the Flying Squad existed in the present timeline!
He still uses his crutches but is also an ambulatory wheelchair user. Like his crutches, Jason customized his boyfriend’s wheelchair to fit his style. He also made Argo interchangeable wheel covers to match his outfits, holidays, and other occasions
He loves doing underwater photography. He takes some of the most beautiful pictures of life under the sea
Would dress very androgynously. To Argo, clothing does not have a gender. If he likes how they look on him and they make him comfortable, he’ll wear them
Would have a secret YouTube account where he does covers of songs. He never shows his face on camera, but those close to him know about the account and are subscribed to it
She was a party girl in high school to rebel against her mother. She toned down after joining the police academy, but she still loves a good party from time to time
Her mother STILL tries to set her up with men. She even once went as far as making Maddie accounts on multiple dating apps until Maddie learned of her meddling and made her delete them
Since travelling is more accessible, unlike in her original timeline, Maddie can visit her extended family in Ireland and, therefore, also has a basic understanding of Gaelic
She is still a major car person and knows a lot about mechanics. She’s also competed in racing events and is a fan of Lily Karam
He is a chess champion and competed in The World Chess Championship. He didn’t win, but he placed high on the scoreboard
He returns to New Orleans every year to celebrate Mardi Gras with his family and visit his brother’s grave
He collects and carves pipes. Even though he quit smoking in this timeline, he’s always admired the elegance of a smoking pipe and enjoys carving it. He sells them at craft fairs after he’s accumulated enough
He tried Equine Therapy to get over his phobia of horses. It wasn’t completely successful, but he can at least be near relaxed horses without having a panic attack
He used to be a professional classical violinist before becoming a police officer. Is a member of the local orchestra alongside Dick
He is friends with other Police Chiefs like Samual King, Andrea Marquez and Diane Parker
He is still considered “a sophisticated gentleman” by his friends and coworkers. (Some call him a boring old-fashioned snob.) But despite his gentlemanly persona, Arthur isn’t narrow-minded. He is an avid supporter of human rights and people being themselves, even if he might not understand some identities
He is a tea expert. He has an extensive collection and can find the perfect blend for even the biggest anti-tea drinkers
With the advances in science compared to the late 19th century, his self-experimenting would be even crazier. If he and Lars Douglas were to meet, chaos (and explosions) would be sure to follow!
He still goes by the nickname “Dick” because he feels it represents him better than others like Rick. Also, it annoys Arthur, and that’s always a positive
He volunteers at the local children’s hospital. When it comes to entertaining children to help them temporarily forget their pain, Dick knows the best jokes, pranks and magic tricks!
He’s written several papers on his experiments and a few books. He also writes a popular murder mystery series that is praised for its accuracy thanks to his work as a coroner and consulting Viola and Rose
She would still be an actress in plays but had minor roles in movies and TV shows when she was younger. Also dabbled in voice acting
She owns some luxury items like jewelry and purses but also loves thrift hunting for hidden gems. She customizes some of her finds to fit her style better, but most she keeps in their original condition and simply mixes and matches/accessories to make new outfits
Instead of finding out by accident, Viola’s parents told her the truth about her biological father when they thought she was old enough to understand why they lied to her. Viola was hurt and confused by the confession, but she learned to forgive them for the secrecy and didn’t seek out her biological father, unlike in the original timeline
She is working on developing her own line of makeup and perfumes. Her teammates give her feedback on the products, and some model the makeup for her to see how they look on different skin tones
Her prosthetic arm would be more advanced and have secret features. But it would maintain its robotic look since Rose thinks it looks cooler than a more realistic one
She still has a rat named Ratsputin. She’s always been a fan of “weird” pets and is more drawn to them compared to “traditional” pets since most people shun them
She’s a gambler and loves visiting Paradise City to gamble at the casinos. She’s met and gambled against Frank and Karen Knight on countless occasions, and the three became gambling buddies
She’s met other weapons experts like Jonah Karam, Rita Estevez, and Jacob Arrow due to her underground work (therefore, she knows the supernatural exists but keeps it a secret)
In high school and college, she worked a summer job at the library
She and Nicolas loved dressing up in twin-themed costumes for Halloween
Diego gave Evie her first Lesbian pride flag and took her to her first pride parade. She was too scared and shy to go before, but Diego managed to convince her to give it a try. Evie had a blast and couldn't wait for the next one!
Like Dick, Evie writes books of various genres (romance, mystery, fantasy, etc.), but unlike him, she does so under a pseudonym. She also writes fanfiction online
Would be an engineer but invent new/strange things on the side
He’s always up to date on the latest technology. He might not be classified as a tech expert, but he still knows his way around a computer!
While he loves modern technology, he also collects vintage and retro tech. His favourites are video game consoles and music players
Not sure what his connection to Armand and Alessia would be… Maybe a cousin? Or possibly Alessia’s brother?
Runs an anonymous art blog on Tumblr and also has accounts on other sites like Instagram and Patreon
Would still be a thief but wouldn't steal art for his own collection since he wants art history to be preserved
Attends annual pride parades and festivals. He drags the Squad along to them and makes sure everyone dresses the part
Similar to Argo, clothing does not have a gender to Diego. He’ll wear what makes him comfortable, confident, and good-looking, even if it's not considered “masculine”
I think that’s all I have for now for modern-day headcanons for the Flying Squad! This was fun to do since I got to bring the Squad into the same timeline as the other teams! I always wonder what it would have been like if we met the Flying Squad at some point during Travel in Time and got to interact with them instead of just “reading” about their adventures in Mysteries of The Past…
Thank you for the ask!
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katrinahood · 7 months
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Inkember Day 16: Evie Holloway (Read)
Just what could Evie be reading right now?
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cc-incorrect-tweets · 1 month
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lucero-is-here · 1 year
You review the tape recording in your hands, as the camera turns on to show a familiar looking library…in the shadows, a figure suddenly appears, slowly getting bigger and closer as they neared the camera. A white haired man in a dark blue suit with a blue, starry cravat grabbed the camera and positioned it so it showed his
“Ladies, gentlemen and folks! It’s headcanon time! Presenting! Drum roll please~! Evie, aka Evelyn Holloway!”
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Now let’s get to her.
- she’s gay. (Bisexual).
- she needs help getting books on really high shelves sometimes. Katherine helps her sometimes, but if she’s alone, she will just get a ladder, or climb the bookshelf
- when she first joined the Concordian Flying Squad, she chatted with Arthur for a really long time- since they both knew a lot, they had a lot too talk about.
- she can go on and on about a book she likes. Katherine listens to her all the time and it’s really really sweet-
- she’s trying to learn how to use weapons. Rose helps her sometimes, but sometimes accidents happens.
- flexible- flexible as hell.
- best friends with Diego. They hang out a lot-
- she likes flowers a lot! She thinks they are really nice. She likes sunflowers and daisies the most.
- she is kind of scared of Richard and Rose. She was a witness of the both of their schemes and plans, and is forever scarred. She would be happy if they were close friends (or even lovers), but also fears what will happen to the Flying Squad and humanity if they were lovers or close friends.
- both her and her brother are gay and they both know it. They are always laughing at each other about it and it’s funny.
- since both her and her brother are short, if someone messes with them, they team up. Evie gets onto carried by her brother, who then gives Evie enough height to personally punch the person in the face. THEY DO IT IN THE MOST DRAMATIC WAYS TOO-
- Evie pushed her brother (Nicholas) into a lake once. He got back at her by pushing her into a swimming pool.
- her brother and her are so dramatic- they do the most dramatic things before laughing about it.
- She admires Charles a lot- she thinks he’s really cool and really wants to be friends with him! And they do become friends! Just they aren’t that close that you can consider them really close friends.
- she gives Katherine sunflowers, daisies and roses when they bang out. It’s really really sweet-
- she is extremely stealthy and will sneak up behind you without warning, grab you and jumpscare you.
- she somehow has the strength to lift at least 20 books at a time, and the strength to grab someone from behind by the waist, lift them into the air, and run away at full speed.
- high heeled boots.
- bad spice tolerance you can’t change my mind.
- she lost her temper at someone once and proceeded to punch them in the face in front of the entire flying squad. Rose and Richard were cheering, and the rest of them looked so shocked-
That’s all-
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nadiastanyamin · 9 months
may we hear some of your cc headcanons?
I'll do my favorite character from each game!
Grimsbourgh: Cathy turner
- pink is not the first color she dyed her hair...it was also blue , purple , red , green and she even had black hair for a while ! She switched her hair color and style so many times ,people gave her the nickname "chameleon cathy"
- she has a collection of postcards from every place she ever visited
- her favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla
- she likes the smell of rain
- her favorite season is fall
- she's a huge fan of Paramore, helstorm and against the current
Pacific bay: Andrea marquez
- she loves cooking , its relaxing for her
- she sleeps with a weighted blanket on
- she is originally from Mexico
- she was married , but her husband cheated on her and they divorced
- she has a tattoo on her shoulder
- she likes the color blue
- if she wasn't a police officer, she would've been a teacher
Save the world: Marina Romanova
- she has ADHD
- her favorite TV show is the nanny
- between the events of after save the world and the beginning of travel in time , she and jonah got married and had two kids named Elani and Konstantine
- she has a cat named Duchess
- she loves to read in her free time , her favorite books are "1984" by George Orwell, " Doctor zhivago" by Boris Pasternak and "The Time: Night" by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya
- she's super good in trivia games
- she's an atheist
- her love language is physical touch
- she always has earphones with her no matter what
- loves Turkish TV shows , her favorite is "magnificent century "
MOTP: Evie Holloway
- she's British
- has the longest hair you will ever see
- her favorite fruit is strawberries
- like to create paper collage in her free time
- agetha Christie, Mary Shelly, Jane Austin and Charlotte Bronte are her favorite authors
- she's such an introvert, the only people that can get her out of her library are Diego and Kathrine
- she and Isaac are surprisingly besties
- she looks at Charlie like a father figure
The conspiracy: mia loukas
- she's half Colombian
- she always dreamed of becoming a cop
- loves knitting
- writes poetry
- the therapist friend
- listens to lady gaga and dolly Parton
- her guilty pleasure is reality dating shows
- has read Harry Potter, like , a million times
Travel in time : Kai Malano
- besties with Marina , they watch telenovelas together
- has 5 other siblings
- his parents own a restaurant back in Hawaii
- fell in love with zara , and then with Theo
- is the definition of "gentle giant"
- loves going to the beach ,especially surfing
- has a sweet tooth , and a serious one.
- listens to old music all the time
- is dyslexic
Supernatural investigations: Ben shepherd
- a cinnamon roll , precious baby who needs to be protected at all costs
- makes the team laugh all the time
- gives the best hugs
- makes the best cup of tea you ever had
- can cook really good
- will beat a bitch if needed
- has glasses
- owns the cutest bear onesie ever
- love to explore new traditions and cultures
And last but not least...
City of Romance: Nadia Ben Yamin
- she's Moroccan
- she's Jewish!
- the mom friend of the team
- when you get to know her , you discover a lot about her
- gives the best advices
- considers Lea bonnet as her "daughter"
- really into fashion
- used to be a teacher
- she knows how to saw
- has a tattoo of a fairy on her back
- lived in Canada for a while in her 20's
- very protective of her teammates
That's it! Hope you liked it!
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ehilikeshoney · 8 months
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Kinda surprised nobody requested at least one of these three either
Also, newish artstyle because of tiredness & lazyness :)
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coffe-beanie · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about how Evie and Katherine were probably given the “and they were roomates” treatment by cc universe historians...
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chelleinyy · 1 year
Just a normal day at the airship
Based on my personal hc for Diego
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