#evil osha
oshas-evil-twin · 1 year
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avocadotoast0 · 3 months
The showrunner just confirmed that Qimir wasn’t being manipulative towards Osha; he was sincere and honest with her. He was seducing her purely out of desire.
“the intentional parallel is that they are equals and their relationship is earned through mutual vulnerability, and not intimidation or manipulation” 🤭🤭
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thesecretofronance · 2 months
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acolyte episode 8 footage leaked
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stheresya · 1 month
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Osha glances 👀
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toaverse · 28 days
Couples I wish were written better.
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columboscreens · 6 months
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yippee! (nsfw below the cut) wahoo!
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brainrotcharacters · 2 months
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oshamir where if osha did in fact trigger the lightsaber here, qimir would still have that down bad expression on his face as he literally dies
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started the acolyte for the plot, stayed for the “plot” (qimir)
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 2 months
I am so happy with how this week’s episode went down.
I’ve been so worried that the point of the show was just going to end up being: Sometimes the Jedi are the Bad Guys and maybe the villains have a point! or The witches were Evil and Deserved to be killed!!
Because those would be such boring stories to tell.
We all know the jedi have flaws and that they make mistakes. We don’t need a show to use that as some dramatic reveal. I wouldn’t enjoy star wars as a franchise if the jedi were perfect.
The idea of their innate goodness being exploited and manipulated and used against them has always been really interesting to me. I’ve always believed the jedi as a whole are good and that the problems come from individuals.
That could mean individual jedi who struggle with what being a jedi requires. (Anakin and Sol with their clear struggles with attachment) Jedi who have experienced certain trauma that inevitably affects their decisions. (Anakin, Barriss, Reva, and so many more) Or those who shouldn’t’ve been jedi in the first place (pong krell🤬)
It also means basically anyone else who believes and/or has gone through similar things. (the martez sisters blaming the jedi for their parent’s death, the people of the republic who believed the jedi were responsible for the war etc.)
And of course there are the actual villains who intentionally cause problems.
These things are all unavoidable and thats what makes star wars so compelling to me. The fall of the jedi was the result of Palpatine amplifying these factors to bring forth something that was always going to happen and that nobody could stop.
On the other side, I am so relieved that the witches weren’t revealed as the true villains or something because that would’ve also been so boring, and also kinda dumb.
Introducing this beautiful group of women with their own unique history, culture, and way of using the force…only to turn around and be like
Ha ha nope! The jedi are the only good guys and everyone else is evil!
Yeah I would’ve hated that.
I feel like this episode did a really good job at showing that what happened was a combination of everyone’s fears, biases, and hubris clashing in the worst way imaginable.
Neither the Jedi as a whole, nor the witches were 100% responsible.
The council told the jedi to leave the witches alone but they didn’t listen. The order cannot be blamed only those who were apart of that mission.
You can blame either side for their choices but both sides had their reasons and both sides were neither right nor wrong.
Sol was wrong to prioritize attachment to osha over following orders. But he was right to want what was best for her.
Torbin was wrong to run back and infiltrate their home. But he was made to believe it would mean completing his mission.
Mae was wrong to lock the place down and start a fire. But she just wanted her sister to stay.
Koril was wrong to go straight to violence. But she wanted to keep her children, and her past has led her not to trust.
I could go on and on but I’m getting too lazy to type more.
Basically what I’m saying is I am happy that the show didn’t chose to be fully anti jedi.
And I am happy that the show didn’t introduce a badass GORGEOUS black lesbian witch as the ruler of this coven only to make her a villain for loving her children
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
I think a fundamental misunderstanding of morality is so prevalent in Star Wars discourse and I wish more people would think in complex nuance rather than 'this side is right and if you listen to a single thing the OTHER side says, then you're falling to evilness'.
I don't think Osha listening to Qimir's side of the story and understanding it is 'her seeing she's like this evil person, and so deciding she might as well be evil too!'.
I don't see Qimir as evil. I don't see the jedi as good. So where are we when we analyze character choices?
Fighting for freedom and choice is not inherently evil (see: The Rebel Alliance). You have to dig deeper than 'I don't like the Jedi code' when determining if that person rejecting a super high-control cult is doing so to harm others or simply seek freedom for themselves or the galaxy.
Is it possible to fight against the Jedi for evil reasons? Yeah (see: Palpatine). But that's not the ONLY option.
It feeds into this idea that once you 'identify' the 'good guys' in a situation, you need to back them uncritically and to listen at all to those you're 'identified' as the 'bad guys' means you're falling to corruption and evilness. That's just...a terrible way to 1) engage with media, and 2) engage with the world.
You could have been wrong when you identified the 'good guys'. But if you never listen to the things the 'other' side says, if you dehumanize them to the point where even when they're making valid points, you shut them down simply because 'well, you're the bad guy, so it's physically impossible for you to have any 'right' things to say at all', you stagnate as a person/group and corruption thrives in your ranks and the conflict between you and 'the bad guys' will never end. Not to mention, you miss out on a lot of good philosophy when we're talking about media analysis.
It's about actually looking at what people are saying and doing critically, with as little bias as possible, that will help you make your way to 'the truth' of the matter. If you've decided you're going to put on rose-colored glasses when you look at all the decisions made by 'the good guys' and piss-colored glasses for all actions taken by 'the bad guys', then you're going to miss the actual path forward.
Sometimes, NO ONE is 'the good guy' and sometimes, NO ONE is 'the evil guy'. What we CAN do is look at everything, the effects of their actions, their philosophies, and analyze it dispassionately to try to glean some lessons from it. After all, this is a fake world filled with fake people - acknowledging Qimir might have some valid criticisms of the Jedi order isn't putting a dictator in charge of your real-life country. This isn't a life or death situation here, so maybe take a breath and realize it's ok to sympathize and understand characters in fiction who might have done things we consider to be bad.
But it's also correct to say that the way we conceptualize morality in media CAN impact how we interact with our real world. That's why I think it's so important to expose people to the idea that there isn't a clear 'good side' and clear 'bad side' you can neatly separate all people into in a safe environment such as storytelling. You cannot separate real people into 'orcs' or 'hobbits' in the real world and I think a lot of people with their purity politics are forgetting that. Is it easier to dehumanize those who do things that harm others? Yeah. Is that good storytelling to make a clear and irredeemable enemy? It can be! But it's not the ONLY way to tell a story.
Seriously, look into some more 'lit fic' stories and you'll see that the common 'good vs evil' storytelling of fantasy/fantasy adjacent genres isn't the only way to write a compelling and meaningful story. Everyone can have good traits, everyone can have bad traits, and some traits can flip flop depending on the situation. Most importantly, identifying with the antagonist and certain traits they posses DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON!!!!
I guess the tl;dr of this is that it's ok to not be able to identify the 'good guys' or the 'bad guys' - it's ok to look at the characters and say 'boy, this is messy' and leave your moral judgement at that. There's no law that says you have to correctly identify the perfect people in fiction and if you get it wrong, you're punished somehow. Release yourself of that expectation and I think you'll find engaging with media a much more rewarding and eye-opening experience that can help you learn things about yourself and others that you can take into the real world in a non-combative manner.
Black vs White morality is not the only dynamic available in media and it's time we reminded ourselves of that, especially when looking at Star Wars.
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oshas-evil-twin · 2 years
[hi viewers this is very obviously ooc]
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starfishstark · 2 months
oshamir saw the whole “i could fix him” thing and decided that no, actually, they weren’t gonna fix him. they were just going to make each other a whole lot worse. and they did it, hats off babes
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galactic-rhea · 2 months
You know, I keep thinking about the acolyte finale and I the force amnesia thing is...just too over-powered, in the sense that is so extremely useful that the amount of times in which any sith could and should have used it, is endless
And my response to this is that, narratively the thing that would have made the most sense was for Mae to die. I'm all for showing the jedi as flawed or the institution being corrupted, but the dark side is supposed to be...well, dark. From a narrative sense, if they wanted Osha to go on and be evil enough to be the apprentice of a sith as handsome as he might be, the darkest, evilest thing to do in that situation, was to murder her sister. Yes, she did kill Sol and that's evil, but huh, we had a whole deal with Osha feeling anger at her sister and we even had Sol be the one to tell her "There's good in her, the part that loves you" but we have not much indication that Osha really believed that. She shot her before (hesitated but the conflict is there), killing her sister despite knowing Sol lied to her would have : a) Truly shown how the dark side is taking over her. b) Leave no witness and no need to invent a super canon-breaking and extremely OP ability. and c) Big Emotional Impact.
Let's see, somehow the show wanted to be the inverse to usual Star Wars. And usual Star Wars is about love and, redemption, and defeating evil and family. So you had the chance to do just that, just the contrary to that as they alleguelly wanted the show to do, all I'm saying is...you want to do Sith Show? Then go on and be unapologetic about it. Because, from what I have seen in interviews is that, like I said, they didn't want the usual SW, with redemptions and fake-deaths or the usual hero journey.
Mae already did a lot of damage, so from Osha's POV, she could even justify herself with that. Besides, Osha seemed to be completely fine with sith arms guy just after a day, despite all the murders he did in front of her eyes, so I really don't think Osha killing Mae would have felt OOC or against her "going to be evil" arc, at all.
I will keep saying this over and over but it feels so much like there were whole episodes of development missing.
Or then you could just do the political intrigue corruption plot from the inside of the order, because the problem with having "the sith show", is that it would be a bit hard for the writers (but not impossible) to make the jedi have a corruption arc without making it look like justification (especially for this fandom because god lord), but is not impossible at all and it shouldn't be that hard either. My fav scene keeps being the one with Venestra and that Senator, and it only lasted like 2 minutes, whyyyyyyy
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the lord giveth (pacific rim prequel) and the lord taketh away (the acolyte)
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needsmoreknives · 2 months
Osha choking Sol to death as her kyber slowly bleeds red top 5 hottest star wars moments
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