#exactly one person has read anything and what they read was 12 tones with a big old primer document next to it
mybworlds · 2 days
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status: ongoing
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: your life is full of 'must'. You live with your overprotective mother who controls every aspect of your life. You have a dream, to write romance novels, but love - real love - you haven't found yet. Your mother has even decided what you must do in your free time: play music. One day, however, when you go to your music teacher's house, you will have an unexpected encounter and from that day on things change…
Before to start. . . Please take your time to read 'cause it's quite lenghty. 📖
rating: 18+ explicit (minors, DNI)
Thanks @vase-of-lilies for the banner and thanks @saradika-graphics for the divider.
Taglist: @harriedandharassed
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The weekend - end with Joel unfortunately came to an end. The enchantment is over and everything is back exactly as it was. Or almost, Joel, the night before the two of you went back to your lives, gave you a small set of keys.
"If you want to come here and write, you can. With or without me. There's an important part of you here and it's right that, when you want to, you come. Feel free to do." he told you "If you want to run away and seek refuge, you can do it here."
You are in your room lying on your bed with the small wooden guitar he carved for you a long ago clutched in one hand and the keys to his house in the other. You clutch them tightly to your heart as if to feel Joel close to you. You miss him already.
This makes you realize one thing: there's no longer a place for Jack in your life or in your heart. You want to be with Joel. You want him to be a part of you, you want everyone to know that you don't care that he's older than you, but that you love him. Yes, you love him.
You can't do without him.
Your phone rings.
It's Jack.
"I haven't heard from you once." he says.
"Well, you too." you reply in an icy tone.
"Would you like to talk about what happened a few nights ago?" he asks you.
The truth is that you don't care. You don't want someone like him next to you, someone who makes you feel bad, who doesn't support you, who doesn't understand you. No, thank you.
"There's nothing to say," you reply in the same tone.
"So … are we okay?" he asks.
"No, maybe I wasn't clear. Jack. . . I'm sorry, but I don't want a person who doesn't support me, who doesn't understand what's important to me," you answer.
For a moment you feel like the phone line has gone dead, then he resumes "So, we don't want to see each other again?"
"No." you reply flatly "Bye Jack, have a nice life." you add and then cut off the call.
Your heart beats fast in your chest. You feel as if freed from a burden.
Maybe you were too hard on Jack, but you don’t want continue leading him on, it’s not fair. You don't love him. You never had.
Now you can be with Joel.
But how can you see him if he is no longer in town now?
Simple, you look for something that might convince your mother to let you leave for a few days. You look for an idea, anything to get away, but at the moment you can't think of anything.
You fall asleep looking for an idea.
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Your life flows quietly, you go to work at the bar, when you come back you practice your chords, you very rarely go to church with your mother hoping to get some ideas on how you can reach Joel. The man who teaches these classes sees you and approaches you with a big smile. He's a great speaker, has great language property, and you are not surprised that your mother is fascinated by him, but you fear that he is yet another foothold your mother is looking for in the course of her life. The man, a fellow named Mark, will be a few years older than your mother, tells you that he's glad you are there with them, that you too therefore are seeking the salvation of your soul and that only through prayer can this happen.
You lower your head, you don't want to burst out laughing in his face, you don't believe in this, you never had and you won't start now. Everything you hear only increase this your total belief. You are not like your mother who believes whatever she is told. No.
"Boo," your mother says, "have you seen how interesting these classes are?"
Of course.
"Yes, you right. You know, I've been thinking about going deeper," you begin. Your mother's eyes sparkle, she thinks she convinced you and converted you to all this. Not at all.
"You could go for a prayer retreat with Mark and his group." she offers enthusiastically "If I could, I would go too, but I have to work."
You take advantage of it.
"Mom, actually I'd like to go with my friend Kristen and her prayer group, you know, she's also attending. Her group is in the small town near ours, I know they are leaving next week for a prayer retreat, maybe I can go with her so I would have her company."
Kristen is the friend your mother always liked the most, she always saw her as a proper young person, judicious, polite, charitable, in short a perfect friend and girl.
"Fine. But you'll have to let me know then what you think, though, and then next time you and I will go with Mark's group."
Now you just need to let Kristen know.
"We'll talk." you say with a small smile "Would you like a pizza? Shall we eat it at the diner?"
"All right." she replies, taking you under her arm.
The evening unfolds as quietly as possible, you don't talk much, you just make a few sporadic comments about the pizza, the place, the meeting you attended, but nothing more.
Fortunately Joel calls when you returned by now and your mother is in bed. You check to see if you can talk freely and realize that she is soundly asleep. Joel tells you about his day, but more than anything he asks if you have been to his house, he wants to know if you are writing, if you are doing everything to pursue your dream, but you tell him you are going tomorrow.
"I miss you," you tell him, "I wish you were here," you add.
"I can't move, honey." he tells you in a regretful tone "We may not see each other not earlier than three weeks, it's gonna be complicated days for me."
"For me too, Miller. I'll. . ." you stop, you were about to tell him I love you, but then you reconsider, you don't know if your feeling is mutual, and what if he replies he doesn't feel the same way for you? You don't think you can stand such a response from him.
"You, what?" he encourages you, you swallow, afraid, you close your eyes "Baby, are you there?"
"Yes." you answer "I'm very tired, sorry. . ."
"No, no, 's okay. Go to sleep, I wish you good night, baby. A kiss, I hope whatever you dream will come true sooner or later." he says before to hang up the phone.
You will surely dream about him, his dark eyes, his plushy lips smiling at you and kissing you softly, his messy hair falling on his forehead, his arms caging the sides of your face, you dream about him with one hand cupping your face and with the other moving a strand of your hair and smiling at you. You see him on top of you whispering sweet, reassuring words in that sweet, warm voice of his, your hands in his hair as you press yourself against him. His hand along your bare chest, his large hand caressing your breasts, thumb and forefinger teasing first one nipple and then the other. Your breath breaks. His bulge pushing against your inner thigh, your breaths getting shorter and shorter, you almost feel him stroking you with a finger first to taste your intimacy then slowly sinking inside you, inch by inch. You gasp. It feels so good, the rhythm he's giving with his finger that breaks your breath, he then strokes you rhythmically with two fingers, filling you all the way, you swallow squeezing your eyes shut and clutching your sheets in a fist. You mumble his name, bite your lower lip. You feel the blood boil in your veins as he continues to pump in a relentless rhythm inside you, then your mouth opens wide in a dull moan, your lips trembling.
You open your eyes, he's not here, but your imagination brought you into his arms to come violently.
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Being in his house without him causes you a strange grip, you feel like you are in a beautiful soulless place. You feel empty, you just look around as if you almost feel a presence around you. You feel ridiculous thinking about this. After all, it's not the first time you've come here, of course it's the first time you're alone here, but you've been with him so many times. There's nothing to be afraid of.
"You recognize this place?" you ask Joel, sending him a message with a photograph of you sitting on his couch.
You turn on the computer he gave you and write, write, write. The words come out spontaneously, effortlessly, when you lift your head from the computer you realize it is almost evening. You stretch, turn off the pc, drink a glass of water, go to the bathroom and then leave.
Joel hasn't answered you, that's not like him, who knows maybe he's just really busy, you tell yourself.
As you're on your way home, you contact Kristen, you absolutely must warn her of your idea: you explain your plan and she tells you that she also has to actually go to a prayer meeting and she has to go to the very town where Joel is working. You explain that you are going to pretend to join them, but that you are actually going to Joel, you want to see him.
You check your phone, but Joel has not answered or displayed yet. You decide to call him, but his phone just rings. That's weird. You text him, but nothing, he doesn't answer or call you. You think about many things, then you decide that since he doesn't answer you, you need to leave, you need to see him now more than ever.
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Convincing your mother was as easy as a glass of water, she wanted to talk to Kristen of course who confirmed your prayer meetings, provided many details of arrival and departure, and you, to reassure your mother, promised to call her as soon as you arrived, in the afternoon and evening. You prepare your small luggage and, since your mother won't let you drive, you leave with Kristen. The only problem is that Joel doesn't know you are coming and you don't know where to look for him.
Someone says that doing surprises is never a good thing because you inevitably get surprises, you try to chase that thought away, you don't want to believe that you are the one getting the surprise. You check your phone, Joel hasn't been in touch or answered your texts for almost twenty-four hours, and on the one hand it agitates you, but on the other it leads you to think that maybe he's just really busy.
While you're thinking that you've been foolish in leaving like that without informing him of your arrival, you remember the name of the company he works at and so your field of inquiry narrows; you're not alone, luckily you're accompanied by Kristen and a friend of hers, a guy named Xavier, a tall, muscular, blue-eyed, black-haired handsome guy. You think he's there with you because he cares about your friend, but this is your own thought, you may be wrong.
The places you see are one shabbier than the next, fortunately Xavier is with the two of you. When you arrive at another construction site, you realize you're in the right place, you ask for Joel and at that moment you are approached by a chick all dirty with a chipped protective helmet, she says your name, you turn around "D' you know me?" you ask her puzzled.
"It's like I know you, Joel talks about you all the time. You're here for him, aren't you?" her expression tense, focused "Come with me." she tells you, turning her back to the three of you.
"Uhm, can you wait for me? I'll let you know right away," you tell them.
When you turn around, you see the woman waiting for you with her hands in her uniform pockets, then noticing that you are joining her, she continues. She urges you to be careful several times, climbing flights of semi-dangerous stairs, when you almost reach the top, your heart in your throat with fear, but the idea of seeing him urges you on.
"Don't be frightened, dunno how much he's told you," she says as if you know what she's talking about "It's less worse than it looks." she stops on the landing "He's over there, he fell pretty bad, but other than a few cuts and bruises, he's okay."
You furrow your brow, the woman talks about it almost as if she said he scraped his knee, as if it were obvious. Well, maybe it is, but not to you.
"Didn't he tell you, did he?" she asks noticing your worried expression "You stubborn fool." she says in a sigh "Come." she adds giving you a little pat on your arm.
You follow her worriedly to a semi-closed door, "Wait." she tells you, then enters.
Your heart is pounding in your chest, that's why he didn't write or call you, but when did this happen? Yesterday? Last night? This morning? It doesn't matter when, but how he is, you hope with all your heart that nothing serious happened to him and that it's just a few scratches like the ones you've also seen before.
The door opens, the woman's eyes are downcast as she comes out, then she raises them to you, "He's in a bad mood, but I think with you he's…well, we gave him a painkiller." she tells you as she walks past you.
"But how did that happen?" you ask stopping her.
"That stubborn fellow last night at five o'clock had to knock off, but he wanted to finish a job upstairs at all costs, so he stayed with four other unconscious men like him until eight o'clock. By that time it's dark up here, very dark in spite of the lights, he slipped along with some equipment on the ramp leading upstairs." you pale "The cuts are mostly superficial, except for one on his side. A couple of friends working in the ER stitched him up."
"He needs to be taken to the hospital," you say seriously concerned.
She smiles bitterly and shakes her head "Since that episode happened to his daughter, Miller hasn't set foot in a hospital." the woman looks at you as if she has let a secret slip.
"What happened to his daughter?" you ask her hoping she will talk, but she shakes her head and replies "I can't be the one to tell you about it, he has to. If you're as important to him as it seems. . . well, he'll talk to you about it sooner or later." you lower your gaze "Now go to him."
You swallow, then turn away from the woman and enter, the room is semi-dark and cold, there are dozens of cabinets along two walls and then at the back a window through which only faint glimpses of light enter and a worn sofa on which Joel is lying. You leave your bag at the doorway dropping it and hurry next to him from the side, his face is swollen, you can clearly make out a cut at the level of his left cheekbone and lower lip, his arms are covered with large bloodstained bandages and his work uniform is half-open revealing a gauze on his side below which you imagine are the stitches the woman told you about.
You very gently caress the contour of his face, his face twitching in a small grimace perhaps from pain perhaps from discomfort you don't know, he opens his eyes and when he sees you he hints a pale smile "Is it the painkillers or are you really here?"
"Joel. . ." you tell him in a whisper moving closer to his face "I'm here."
"My beautiful. . . wonderful. . . writer" he mumbles raising an arm toward your face, when his hand brushes your face and then moves your hair you have chills, you place your hand on his, you feel it warm and ruined under your fingers "'m fine." he adds "Don't be impressed, I've been worse."
"Is that why you don't want me to see you naked?" you ask smiling and causing him to smile back.
"Guessed." he replies closing his eyes, for a while you don't speak again, you think he has fallen asleep, but then he says, "I missed feeling your breath against my skin."
"I missed you." you confess, squeezing his hand a little tighter and placing a kiss on the back of his hand "If something happened to you. . ." the words choke in your throat.
"'m right here, honey. 'm not going anywhere." he tells you reassuringly and stroking your cheek with his fingertips in a slow and extremely gentle gesture.
You place your head suddenly between arm and shoulder and he barely jerks, "Sorry!" you exclaim, but he holds you down "No, 's okay, just take it easy. Come on." he tells you moving a little further into the couch. You remain lying on that small and uncomfortable couch, you don't dare to move for fear of hurting him, he's the one looking for your hand, which he occasionally squeezes, but without making a sound. You wonder if he squeezes it to reassure you or because he feels pain.
It's your cell phone vibrating, interrupting that almost perfect silence, Kristen. You completely forgot about her! You reassure her that everything is fine and that you are with Joel; then, she reminds you to call your mother and tells you she is leaving.
Joel just turns his face toward yours, "You here alone?"
"No," you answer, shaking your head, "I'm with Kristen. She was waiting for me downstairs, you know, afraid that it wasn't the right construction site or that you weren't here," you explain to him.
"If you want to go with your friend, go. I think I'll stay a little longer like this and then go home. Join me later if you want." he tells you in a slightly dizzy voice.
"No." you tell him, "I came for you. If you want me, I'll stay with you," you tell him, looking at him.
He opens and closes his eyes, pulls you gently toward him making your head rest in the crook of his neck, "I want you all the time." he tells you "You know, I've been thinking about you all the time lately. There's not a moment in my day when my thoughts don't go to you." you lift your face slightly toward him "I have three words on the tip of my tongue, but dunno if it's fair to tell you." he adds before breathing deeply.
Your heart pounding in your chest, you close your eyes and inhale his scent.
"I have them too, from the bottom of my heart," you whisper, holding you to him and closing your eyes.
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When Joel feels better, the two of you with Tess drive him home. You've reclined the passenger seat to make him lie down or almost lie down, you're sitting in the middle in the back seat. Tess doesn't talk much, she just casts brief glances at you from the rearview mirror and occasionally glances toward Joel who, however, does not look at you or at her.
The little house Joel rented here is much smaller than the one he has in town. In fact, it has a kitchenette, a bedroom and a bathroom. You help him shed his overalls, although he initially rebelled at being treated like he's ill, but you insisted. You sit him down on the worn-out couch in the kitchen and there for the first time you see his completely naked torso and it's huge, but what strikes you most besides his mighty are the many old and new cuts and scars that decorate his arms, his shoulder blades, his back. You are tempted to caress them all, but not now. You try to wash him as best you can without getting too close to the area where the stitches are. Your eyes constantly cross, when he sees you uncertain he reassures you with a look or a nod.
Once finished, you help him put on a clean T-shirt and invite him to stay there while you prepare a plate of pasta with some tomato sauce, again he rebels initially, but in the face of your firm tone he can only surrender. You hand him the plate by sitting next to him, eating in silence. From time to time he lays his head back against the backrest and closes his eyes holding his breath, "Does it hurt?" he shakes his head, but the expression on his face says otherwise "What can I do?" you ask him.
He turns to you, "You're here." he tells you causing you to miss a beat and smile. You enjoy each other's company, he would like to lean toward you and kiss you, but the stitches are pulling and he must not strain. You accompany him to bed, where he wears only a T-shirt and a pair of dark boxers. You swallow, if he wasn't like this. . .
You stop that thought from your mind, "Come." he says, inviting you to join him. You are wearing a shirt from a few years ago now ruined and three sizes larger, it's so big that it almost reaches your knee. You wear only that one to sleep in and briefs.
You lie down next to him, he's on his back, you can see him in the semi-darkness of the room, "Who was that woman at the construction site?" you ask, turning to him and gently laying a hand on his chest.
"Tess, a pain in the ass, but she's the only friend I have. The only one who has known me for years. She's a tough cookie."
"I saw. She seems cool," you say.
He nods, then turns to you, "Did you go to my place to write?"
"Once. I wrote. A lot. But without you, it's not the same." you say making squiggles on his chest with your index finger "I would have wanted you around, maybe hugging me and taking a look at what I was writing." you confide, he turns back to you "Next time.'' he tells you, giving you a kiss on your lips.
He takes your hand that was lying on his chest and squeezes it tightly intertwining his fingers with yours, he then runs his fingers down to your forearm and then looking you in the eyes he says "Come." you look at him puzzled "Come on me, I want to kiss you properly." he adds.
Your heart is pounding, you don't know how or, rather, you have a vague idea, but you don't know if it's right. He holds your hand as he guides you by making you lie completely on him. You feel even smaller in this position on him.
"If you have pain or discomfort, tell me," you tell him referring to the stitches, he shakes his head softly and then pulls you closer to him.
You are face to face, Joel barely leans toward you and captures your lips in a kiss that takes your breath away. You think back to how sick you were without him, you think back to the fear you had when you learned he was hurt, as Joel slips a hand through your hair crushing you even more against him.
I love you, you'd like to say, you'd like to let him know, as you too plunge your hands into his hair and your breaths grow shorter and shorter and merge into each other.
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His arms held you close to him all night, you did nothing but exchange long caresses, glances and kisses. And that was enough for you. You wake up with your head on his chest, your hair partly on his chest and partly on your shoulders, you raise your head slowly and look at Joel's face. His lips parted, his hair tousled - and it's partly your fault too - a serene expression on his face, his wrinkles barely noticeable. The grazes and bruises clash so much with his handsome face.
You gently stroke his forehead to check that he doesn't have a fever or any other problems; thankfully, everything is fine. He's breathing normally and doing well. You check that the stitches are still intact, once you are satisfied that all is well, you caress his face, his features, you feel under your fingers his unshaven beard, caress in a gesture entirely new to you his neck, his Adam's apple. You see him wrinkle his nose and furrow his brow, then slowly open his eyes finding your eyes at once, you smile at him and he smiles back.
"G' morning." you say smily.
"'Morning." he says with his voice still slurred from sleep "How long have you been awake?"
"A little while." you reply, giving him a kiss on his sternum.
"And what were ya doing?" he asks looking at you with his dark brown eyes.
"I was watching you. Sorry. . . maybe that's creepy for you. . ." you are about to say, but he smiles so you stop.
"Remember when we slept together at my house?" you nod "I watched you sleep, too. You were like a magnet, I couldn't stop doing it." he continues cupping your cheek, you close your eyes for a moment surrendering to his touch and feeling your heart beating fast "You were. . . you're beautiful." he says gently stroking your lower lip with his thumb.
"I wish. . ." you are about to say something you never thought you would have the courage to say out loud considering your lack of knowledge on the subject, in fact to tell the truth you thought you would only ever write it down in your stories and instead. . .
"Would you like to?" he urges you, stroking your hair.
"I would like to. . ." you bite your lower lip softly "I'd like to make love with you." you say all in one breath, now you would like to hide from his huge dark eyes that seem to want to read you inside, you see him swallow and then he caresses the contour of your face with a finger "Sorry, maybe. . . uhm. . . you don't want to, you don't. . ." you don't know how to continue.
"Who told you I don't want to?" he tells you wrinkling his forehead.
You look at him incredulously almost, blinking several times unable to comment on his answer.
"I just don't think you're ready yet."
"I am." you reply, trying to sound firm and tame that unfamiliar fire inside you.
"We should wait a little longer. I don't want you to have even more pain than necessary." he says moving a strand of hair behind your ear "Y' know it's going to hurt the first time, right?" you nod "I don't want you to feel even more pain because I didn't prepare you properly." he adds.
You lower your gaze for a second, "By prepare well. . . what exactly do you mean?" you ask, showing him once again your inexperience.
"When I feel better, we'll talk about it," he replies.
Interrupting that almost awkward moment there's your phone vibrating.
MOM, it appears on the screen.
Shit, you totally forgot.
"Hello?" you say snapping to your phone answering immediately.
"Weren't you supposed to call me as soon as you got here, were you?" she scolds you.
"Sorry, you're right, while we got the room and then settled in, the meetings. . . sorry." you look toward Joel who scrutinizes you with an indecipherable look.
"Is Kristen with you?" she asks.
"She went downstairs, we have a meeting soon and she went to get croissants before to start, I just got out of the shower."
"All right. So, I won't keep you, have a good day. Call me tonight."
"Alright, bye." you say interrupting the call and placing your cell phone on the bedside table.
You sigh and then turn your gaze to Joel, who stares thoughtfully at the ceiling, you stroke his arm and he looks back at you "You had to tell more lies." it's not a question, it's a statement, and his tone of voice is very, very bitter.
"I didn't tell her about-"
"Us?" he asks you "She asked about you and John though!" he retorts, returning to staring at the ceiling with a disappointed, regretful air "Right?" he adds, turning back to you.
"I only told her about Jack because it would have been more acceptable to her," you tell him, but then you regret what you said because you told him that he's no good.
He looks at you, his expression is full of pain "Got it," he only says, but you don't think he understood what you really wanted to say "Can you help me up?" he says, you want to tell him no, but his tone doesn't admit any other answer but yes.
You get up from the bed and go to his side, put your hands on his shoulder blades as he, too, clutches your forearms to give himself that push he needs to sit up; you feel against your hair his warm breath get short, "How's it going sitting up?" you ask him.
"Fine." he answers you, but his tone is icy; he's angry about what you said.
You kneel down in front of him, "Joel," you say laying a hand on his knee, "I'm sorry if you misunderstood, but I didn't mean that you're not good enough. I didn't mean that, sorry if I misspoke. You are everything to me. I've had a lot of firsts with you, you're the only one I trust completely, I've never slept with anyone, I've never allowed anyone to touch me, I've never allowed anyone to get into my heart." you tell him looking straight into his eyes hoping this time not to be misunderstood.
He says nothing, looking down at you with his huge dark eyes, his breath short from the exertion he has just made, "If I should get too much," he says, but you shush him by stepping even closer and telling him, "I don't want to hear it, it won't happen."
"If it should," he resumes, "I want you to tell me and I won't see you again, I won't look for you, I won't put you in a position to lie to be with me, but to be with that other guy. . ."
"Joel," you interrupt him again, "I broke up with Jack. I don't want to be with him, I don't want him. There's only you." you tell him, feeling his breath stop for a moment as well.
"I can't be mad at you," he admits, stroking your lower lip again with a finger "Come," he says making you sit on his lap, "The truth is you drive me crazy." he tells you slipping a hand through your hair making your face come closer to his "I wish you were happy away from me, but I don't want you to go away. I'm so selfish. . ."
You kiss him fleetingly on the lips, "I don't want to be away from you. Got it?" you ask him sinking your hands into his curls, resting your forehead against his causing your breaths to mingle, "Please don't doubt how you feel about me," you tell him, "Because I have no doubt."
He captures your lips in a passionate kiss, your tongues dancing madly and your breaths growing shorter and shorter. He pushes you toward him, slipping his large, warm hands under your T-shirt and sitting you on his intimacy only covered by his boxers.
You never want to break this kiss, but you both need to catch your breath.
He caresses your arms, then looks long into your eyes as if to ask your permission, you nod giving him your silent consent, and he slips his hands under your T-shirt lifting it up and slipping it off with your help. You remain with your torso completely naked on him, feeling exposed and vulnerable, but it feels so erotic, so beautiful, more beautiful than you ever thought.
You thought that feeling his gaze on your chest, on you, would make you strongly uncomfortable, you thought you would even freeze, and instead in a rush, which you didn't think you had, you bring his hands to your bare breasts. You both groan at that contact, "Can I kiss it?" he asks you without breaking eye contact, "Yes." you reply in a trembling voice.
Feeling his lips on your nipple makes you gasp and at the same time close your eyes, you let yourself go completely to his caresses. Feeling his unshaven beard there, his hot breath, his tongue licking you gently and his lips sucking gently your breast, lead you to moan and gently bite your lower lip. You press his head against your chest, perhaps hurting him, but it is a sensation that sends you completely out of the ordinary.
"I'd stay kissing your breast for hours, 's perfect. You are perfect." he tells you, moving from one breast to the other with a little pop.
"J - Joel… please…" you find yourself pleading without even knowing exactly what the next step to take is, your vision blurs, you press yourself harder against him making your intimacies cling together as well, he gasps "Touch me." you say, he pulls his face away from your chest and you, in a bold move, get up from him slipping off your briefs and sit back down on him, on his now clearly evident prominence.
"You drive me crazy." he tells you taking a long moment to observe you, you are completely naked on top of him while he's still wearing his now bulky T-shirt and boxers.
"Take me." you tell him, bringing his hands to your hips.
He smiles as if you have said something particularly funny, "What?" you ask him blinking.
"What have you done with the sweet version of you?" he asks you barely clasping his hands on your hips, you smile at him giving him a kiss first on his lips and then moving down his neck, feeling him hold his breath.
"I'm still the same." you answer him between kisses "Sweet and insecure, but other times I know what I want and you know thanks to who?" you add going up to his chin giving him a very light bite "Thanks to you." you resume looking into his eyes.
"If I could move freely…" he tells you as a small grimace appears on his face, causing him to furrow his brow.
"What would you do?" you ask, looking at him with eyes full of curiosity and lust.
He swallows, moves a strand of your hair and then with his hands descends back down to your intimacy, wraps it completely in his hand and caresses your outer lips with a finger. You hold your breath tightening your grip on his shoulders, you look into his eyes as if seeking safety, he kisses the tip of your nose as he continues that exhausting caress. Your intimacy throbs, you feel yourself on fire as he continues those movements with a slow cadence making you want to be filled completely by his big finger.
"Joel…" you moan, pressing even harder against his chest eager for more clutch.
Finally, oh finally, his finger sinks inside you, inch by inch, it's a sensation that makes you hold your breath, but you deeply desired, he stays still for a while then slowly begins to pump in and out, the rhythm makes you moan and close your eyes. After a while he stops and you, with blurred vision, look at him puzzled, "Now I will insert another finger, if you have pain tell me and I will stop."
A second finger? It will never go in, or will it?
He must have noticed the bewilderment on your face because he reassures you, "Don't worry, I'll go very slowly. I won't do anything that will hurt you, okay?" you nod, "You tell me if you want me to stop, though," he reiterates.
A second finger enters you very, very slowly, sinking even more slowly than the first in your throbbing cunt. You feel your walls almost give way to his passage, you groan and close your eyes, it feels. . . strange, but so. . . you are at a loss for words. It's even better than you could have thought!
With the palm of his hand he rubs your clit sending more discharges of pure lust all along your body, you moan shamelessly rubbing yourself against him, "Joel. . . oh. . ." you can't speak, he lays his other hand at the base of your back stroking you with slow gestures, "I'm going to. . . I'm going to. . ."
"'s okay, just let go." his words are enough, his fingers continuing to move in and out of you at an ever-increasing pace, his hand caressing you is enough to make you close your eyes and let out a long resounding moan.
You let go, abandoning your head on his shoulder as he continues to pump gently still in and out of you, then he pulls his fingers away from you and you feel his hands encircling you and moving closer to your torso and then placing a kiss between your shoulder and your neck, "'s okay." he says then giving you another kiss on your neck and moving your hair causing you to shiver.
When you open your eyes again, you notice how visibly aroused he is, how his arousal is. . . big, very big, you have chills. You want to make love with him, but he will never fit that inside you.
He lays a kiss on your forehead, then you look up and meet his eyes, "We were fighting. . . and then. . ." he says with a smile, a smile you return, "then you realized the reason was futile." you complete. He nods, "You are. . ." he sighs noisily "so important to me, to my life, to my heart." he admits, caressing your face and scrutinizing you for a long time. You press yourself against him wrapping your arms around his neck, he groans. You sat on him completely, you also jerk and lower your gaze, "No." he says almost interpreting your look.
"Why don't you want me to touch you like you do with me?" you ask him intentionally settling better on him causing him to close his eyes and part his lips.
"I think you've already had another first for today. Let's take it slow." he says, "We'll do that too, honey, I promise." he says stroking your bare back in a slow motion that makes you close your eyes.
"I'd like to make you feel as good as you did me," you tell him looking into his eyes, "I don't want to touch you if you don't want to, but now it's your turn. You can't just worry about me, tell me what to do."
"It's… not…" he's about to complain, but you move a little awkwardly on his shaft and he finds himself swallowing, "it's. . . not necessary. . ."
"Joel!" you call back to him, "Really, tell me what to do." you add, this time intentionally touching his intimacy with yours.
"Fuck. . ." he groans closing his eyes, sighing noisily. He places his hands on your hips and moves you back and forth on his bulge, you both moan at that clutch, "Oh, fuck," he groans again gasping as you place your hands on his shoulders continuing to rub against him, "That's so. . . oh, baby, I. . ." his expression is tense, the vein on his neck clearly visible.
"Joel. . . don't stop." you moan as you move closer to him and give him kisses along the vein on his neck, you feel him gasp, move you on him a few more times and then he lets out a long resounding moan that deliciously fills your ears and leads you to encircle his neck with your arms as you too feel you have experienced a second orgasm just in rubbing against his manhood.
You stay like that against each other for a while longer, then you shift and slip on your briefs again, feel his burning gaze follow you, look up and meet his eyes, slip your T-shirt back on and put on a pair of shorts trying to ignore that almost clutching feeling at the pit of your stomach.
"You hungry?" you ask him.
He nods.
"Pancakes? Or ham and eggs?" you offer him.
"Coffee." he replies with a relaxed expression painted on his face.
"You can't have breakfast with just coffee, you know what happens? You get annoying." you look at him with an amused look making him visibly relax "Do you want to wash up first? Shall I give you a hand?"
He looks at you amused, "Nice try."
You blush, "I'm serious. . . I didn't mean anything."
"Then why are ya all flushed?" he asks relaxing completely.
"Because … I'm not used to these allusions, I always hated 'em. Gina, my friend, makes constant allusions to sex, and it always makes me uncomfortable." you confide to him.
"Why?" he asks cocking his head to one side with a small grimace twitching his face.
You sit down next to him, "I always saw sex as something awkward, strange. . . maybe because I didn't know my body, maybe because I never shared a truly intimate moment with another person, and maybe because I looked at sex as something deeply intimate and not to be talked about like that." you confide again "Do you think I'm strange?" you ask turning to him.
"Not at all. I'm a lucky old man." he says "Not everyone approaches sex immediately."
You nod, "Well, would you rather wash first - no innuendo - and then eat?"
"Okay, will you help me?" he asks looking to his side.
"Does it hurt?" you ask as you stand up and help him to his feet.
"A little, I think the painkillers wore off by now," he replies.
"Lean on me," you tell him, encircling his waist with your arm; he smiles at you, "Don't worry."
You help him get to the bathroom, then take off his T-shirt revealing himself in his might, he reveals to you once again his broad torso full of old and new scars and you again stand almost open-mouthed, you are very attracted to that strip of dark hair disappearing into his boxers. You look away feeling yourself flaming again.
"May I ask how you fell and what you were doing in the dark?" you ask as you wash his shoulders paying attention to the recent cuts and bruises present.
"Tess…" he replies with a sigh, shaking his head "she never shuts up." shortly after he adds "I heard that if we didn't complete the work on at least the upstairs by the beginning of next week, we won't going to get paid and I want to get paid because I busted my back on that fucking construction site!" he blurts out "And instead I put my foot wrong and fell with those tools. I'm an old fool." he exclaims with a sigh.
"You're not at all, you wanted to get paid for the hard work! But even if they don't have to pay you this job, though, you'll find another one," you tell him, passing the sponge between his neck and shoulders.
He shakes his head, "I don't know, the truth is maybe I should stop giving myself over to these things and do something else, even though this is what I am." he concludes by lowering his head.
"Joel," you say stopping washing him and squatting down next to him "don't talk like that about yourself, you're 47 years old it's true, but that doesn't mean you have to quit, it's true yours is a dangerous job, but you can still do it. Maybe not open construction sites, you could renovate single-story houses, you could do something a little less dangerous." you tell him abandoning the sponge and stroking his face "Look at me, please" he finally looks up "You're fine like this, you're perfect like this. It happens to everyone to fail, but if for every failure we said I'm not good enough I'd better give up, well we wouldn't live anymore!"
His formerly sad eyes become sweet and serene again, he reaches out a hand to you and caresses one cheek, this contact makes you close your eyes, you surrender to him, as always, whenever you are with him.
"You're sweet, I've always said so."
You smile looking into his eyes, "We need each other, did you see?"
He nods, "I'm taking your advice. Will you take one from me?" you look at him questioningly, "I read that there's in Seattle a contest for new writers, entries are due in June, why don't you sign up?"
A contest for new writers? Oh, it's always been your dream to sign up for a literary contest, but Seattle is so far away. . . so far away from him.
"I know that look," he says making you look up at him, "you don't have to say yes or no right away, think about it. I'd like to know and see you accomplished. I'd like to see a picture of you everywhere that says writer of the year." he says smiley and making you smile "Or maybe see you win the Pulitzer Prize." he adds making you smile nervously as your vision blurs "I don't want you to stay in that ugly, dreary little town, you have so much potential. It would be a shame to waste it over there in a bar or even in a library, I have nothing against people who do those jobs," he tells you, cupping your face and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs, "but I wouldn't want you to do that forever. You have a unique mind, you're brilliant, you're smart, you're too much to be confined only to yourself." you're crying, you can't hold back the tears anymore "Maybe someday someone might come and make some documentary about you and who knows they'll do some interviews around and they'll interview me too and I'll say I know her, I met the wonderful woman who's driving everybody crazy."
"Stop it," you tell him sobbing and hiding your face in your hands.
He calls you gently pulling you to him to hug you, you hide your face in the crook of his neck heedless of getting wet yourself. He holds you tightly to him, his hands caress your back, "'s okay, honey, 's okay." he says kissing your forehead, your cheek, your neck, your lips.
The truth is, you don't want to fulfill your dream if you know you have to leave him.
You surrender into his kisses, into his strong arms holding you to him trying to push that thought away as much as possible because, for you, it's not acceptable.
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A/N Thank you for your support, for your likes and reblog, thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging and leaving comments 🫶 if you don't like it don't be rude and keep going. 😉 Please remember English is not my first language, so please be merciful! 🙏 The girl in the gif has the purpose to represent the situation only 🙂
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hearts4hughes · 1 year
12. “because she’s totally whipped over ___” with jack please?
whipped - jack hughes
jack hughes x fem! reader
100 followers celly !!
warnings: swearing, one mention of nsfw, but no actual nsfw
notes: this took me so long to write for no reason. i apologize for any mess ups in the writing. i did not proofread this. enjoy reading lovies!
gif is not mine
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“uno!” trevor yells out, causing everyone to huff in frustration.
“that’s the tenth fucking time you’ve won!” jack exclaims, throwing his cards onto the ground.
“he’s cheating! how many times do i have to tell you guys this?” i say in an annoyed tone.
what once started as a night we were supposed to go out and get drunk, came to a halt when trevor found a deck of uno cards in a random desk around my apartment. however, that was three hours ago. now, quinn, trevor, luke, jack, and i, all stay sprawled out on my living room floor- probably on our twentieth game of uno.
“i’m sick of this bullshit!” luke dramatically rolls back from his sitting position, into a laying one. i giggle, hitting his head playfully, causing him to flip me off.
“oh, you’re sick of ‘this bullshit’? i’ve won almost every game, and every single time i’m accused of cheating!” trevor whines acting like his a victim of some sort.
“maybe that’s because you are cheating, zegras.” i widen my eyes, pointing at him. i’ve known trevor since i was ten, and there is no fucking way he is winning all these games without some sort of cheating.
“hey!” trevor yells in his defense. he looks around the room for someone to help him out, until his eyes land on quinn, “help me out over here, quinny.”
“don’t bring me into this.” quinn laughs, unproblematic as always.
“whatever, i’m going to grab some water.” standing up, i excuse myself, needing a desperate break from everyone for a moment.
walking into my kitchen, i grab a glass of water and check my phone.
from lola: how’s everything going over there?
i smile, looking at the text i received from my best friend.
to lola: pretty good. we didn’t end up going out, trevor found uno and we’ve been playing that ever since
from lola: is jack over?
my eyes widen at the last message. i gulp before beginning to reply.
to lola: yes, but what does that have to do with anything?
jack hughes has been my crush since we met. our families grew up together, so it wasn’t very surprising when i became great friends with the hughes. i mean what is there not to like about jack?! he’s adorable, completely insane at hockey, and he has a great personality. that’s like winning the lottery of men!
from lola: you know exactly what it has to do with
from lola: this is your fucking chance! make a move on him or something. put those flirting skills to work bae
to lola: are you insane or something? make a move on him now? both his brothers and his best friend are here too!!!!!
from lola: so what? at least you’ll have witnesses for when you retell the story to your children!!!!
before i can type my response, a familiar voice brings me back to reality.
“there you are!” jack beams, startling me and almost causing the glass to fall right out of my hand. “oh sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you, cutie.”
did he just call me cutie?
my heart flutters at the nickname and jack begins to move closer to me. “no it’s ok, just didn’t see you.” i couldn’t be more nervous right now as he is now barely a couple inches away from me.
“where’d you go? i missed you in there.” he admits as a devilish smirk tugs at his lips.
what the fuck.
someone pinch me so i can wake up.
nervously, i begin laughing it off. “yeah, uh, i just went to get some, uh… water.” i can barely say the sentence- my throat just getting dryer and dryer.
“you’re adorable. the boys wanted to play truth or shot. you in?”
i excitedly nod, putting my phone in my back pocket as jack grabs my hand, leading me into the living room. right as we enter the room, we see quinn with a bottle of schnapps, pouring the beverage into various shot glasses. jack sits down, tugging at my hand so i sit next to him.
“who volunteers to go first?” quinn asks, setting the bottle on the coffee table. luke raises his hand, pulling a loud cheer out of all of us as quinn passes him the shot glass.
“ok, moosey,” trevor begins, thinking of something to ask him.
“ask him about the magazine!” i yell out and everyone barks out a loud laugh- except for luke. he sits there with a flushed and embarrassed expression, dreading the question.
“moosey, that one summer when y/n bought that magazine with the hot brunette in the bikini,” trevor pauses, hyping us up, “did you or did you not steal the magazine to help you perform certain activities?”
“oh, fuck you!” luke throws his hands up, a big smile is spread across his face in embarrassment.
we all erupt in laughs and yells waiting for luke to answer. i look over to jack, who is laughing hysterically. he catches me staring and winks, putting his arm around me. my face turns basically maroon at the small gesture. i try to relax under his hold, but i can barely considering how close he is to me.
“answer the question!” jack yells, converting everyone’s eyes over to us. as they examine our current position, all their eyebrows furrow, but it’s short lived considering we all want luke to answer us.
“fine,” luke begins, pulling everyone’s focus back over to him, “i did steal it, but-”
he’s cut off by all of us yelling ‘we knew it!’ and ‘that’s disgusting!’. being pressed against jack’s chest, i feels vibrations from his laughter, causing my laughs to come to a small halt- only being able to focus on jack.
“but!” luke yells over our laughs, pulling me back into reality. “she was fine as fuck. don’t blame me!”
“i do blame you because i really wanted the swim suit she was wearing!” i say, in both disgust and laughter.
luke rolls his eyes, passing the shot over to me, indicating it’s my turn.
“y/n’s turn!” quinn yells, still on an adrenaline high as the room dies down. i roll my eyes, accepting the drink from luke’s hands, awaiting my question.
“my turn to ask the questions.” luke smiles deviously. “remember our friend, tommy?”
i nod, wondering where this question is going.
“did you or did you not have a crush on him?”
all the boys, once again, erupt with screams and laughs. however, when i turn back slightly to look at jack. his posture is now tense, instead of relaxed, and his eyes are filled with jealousy. nonetheless, he still lets out a fake laugh, fooling everyone else, but me.
to be completely honest, their friend tommy, was really hot. i wasn’t completely infatuated with him, but i definitely had a little crush on him. however, noticing how tense and jealous jack got from that question alone, makes me not want to answer it at all.
without another thought, i reach for the tiny glass, tossing it back. as the alcohol burns down my throat i make a face in disgust.
“booooooo!” trevor starts and luke and quinn begin to join in.
“sorry, but i am not answering that.” i shrug.
jack doesn’t say anything, he only continues to tense behind me.
uh oh.
“c’mon, admit it,” trevor says, “you definitely had a little something for him.” he moves his shoulders suggestively and i only roll my eyes in return.
“it’s not surprising if she didn’t.” quinn mumbles, turning everyone’s attention to him. i furrow my brows, what is he getting on with? he seems to notice us staring and raises his eye brows, “don’t try to act like you don’t know what i mean.”
“will you stop with this cryptic and mysterious shit?” jack finally speaks up. everyone nods their heads in agreement, waiting for quinn to further explain.
“yeah, why wouldn’t y/n not like tommy?” luke chimes in.
“because she’s totally whipped over jack!” he finally blurts out. my eyes go wide and my mouth drops.
the whole room goes quiet and all eyes are on jack and i. however, his hold around me does not change.
“wha-” i try to get out, looking back at jack who wears a proud smirk. “i’m not- well i don’t-”
“y/n,” trevor interrupts, “just kiss him already, this is tiring.”
i can’t even react before jack turns me around, his lips landing on mine.
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 ao3
Eddie wakes again, and it’s a soft, gradual departure from sleep. When his eyelids eventually co-operate enough to stay open, he finds that Steve is already awake; the curtains are open, sunlight streaming across the bed.
“Hi,” Steve says, smiling, and it’s genuine—but Eddie’s getting familiar with knowing how to look closer. He’s sat up a little straighter again, a rigid line to his shoulders—and Eddie has a faint memory, suddenly, of Steve on the bench at a basketball game, waiting on tenterhooks to be called up.
“What’s up?” Eddie asks. When he swings his legs round, feet hitting the floor, he realises that the couch has been pulled back from Steve’s bed, frowns a little.
“Not much. They were just checking my lungs and stuff, ran some tests.”
Eddie can see the evidence of that now as Steve moves back the sheets slightly: his upper torso has a series of little marks, presumably where stickers and wires once were.
“They had to, uh, move you so they had enough room. Just kinda pushed the couch back,” Steve continues.
Eddie’s eyebrows raise, a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment. “I slept through that?”
Steve laughs. He sounds fond. “Oh, yeah. You were, like, solid gone, dude.”
“You should’ve—”
“Nope,” Steve interrupts firmly. “You needed the rest. Plus, um, I kinda demanded that they didn’t wake you up. Thought it was the least they could do.”
“Well, m’sorry I missed that,” Eddie says, and through the sudden warmth in his chest, he adds, “You gave ‘em a Harrington glare, didn’t you?”
Steve laughs again, bemused. “A what?”
“Come on, man, don’t you know your own legends?”
“You know, your evil eye.”
“Saying basically the same thing doesn’t actually explain anything, y’know.”
“Don’t be all coy now, you made it damn clear when you were pissed at someone.”
“Like when?”
Eddie points upwards accusingly, as if plucking the memory from the air. “English, last period. When that sub—”
“Oh, him. He was an ass.”
“I thought you were gonna turn him to stone. You gave some pretty good inspiration for a basilisk in one of my campaigns.”
Steve gives a baffled smile. “I don’t know if I should be flattered or insulted.”
“Anyway, he was being a douchebag, making Rebecca read out loud; he knew she hated—”
“I kinda thought you liked her,” Eddie says thoughtfully. “You made me lose a bet on the prom couples.”
Steve snorts. “What is it with you and—never mind. No, I didn’t—it just wasn’t right, how he treated her. That was all.”
His gaze goes a bit distant as he speaks, his hand rubbing absent-mindedly at one of the more vivid marks, right on his breastbone.
“Hey, you uh—the tests went fine, right?”
“Oh, sorry, I forgot I’d—yeah, aced them,” Steve says, and though his tone is flippant it’s also, thankfully, not sarcastic. He nods to the door, to the corridor outside. “Think they sorta want me to just go at this point.”
“They said that?” Eddie says, remarkably keeps his voice even.
“I mean, not exactly in words. They’re not like—you know, normal doctors or whatever. They’re involved in all this,” Steve gestures vaguely, “shit. S’not like it’s personal. Guess I’d want it to be all over, too, if I was in their shoes.”
Eddie just looks at him for a moment. He doesn’t know how to say you’re not a fucking inconvenience for people to be over and done with—knows that if he even gets close to something as bald as that, Steve will not really hear him.
So instead he says, “Is it too late for breakfast—shit, yeah. Uh, I can offer you the vending machine’s finest, à la carte?”
Steve grins. “Gimme anything with chocolate and you’d be my hero, man.”
It’s only when Eddie reaches the vending machine that he realises he doesn’t have any more change on him. He curses under his breath, wonders if he can yield any candy bars with a well-timed kick—but before he can even lift his foot, the machine whirs with no prompting, and deposits a pile of candy into the slot.
Nonplussed but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Eddie bends down to take the haul, then spots a familiar reflection in the glass.
“Hey! What the—what’re you doing here?” he says, watching as El grins and wipes surreptitiously underneath her nose.
“Visiting,” she says simply, and that’s when Eddie notices Jim Hopper right behind her.
“Yeah, there’s some stuff we’ve gotta straighten out,” he says mildly.
It’s striking, to see him up close. There’s things Eddie never noticed in his bird’s eye view of him in the parking lot: how thin he is, his hair so closely shaven that it just serves to make his face look even more gaunt.
Hopper ruffles El’s hair. “Had to bring one of the kids with me or there’d be a damn mutiny.” But his hand lingers on El’s head, and Eddie can tell that it’s more than that—like he wants to keep her close.
Maybe it’s the fact that the guy’s clearly been through some shit that Eddie doesn’t stumble too badly over how Hopper is chatting to him like it’s normal.
“Uh, I can, uh, take you to Steve’s floor?”
“That’d be great, kid. Saves Joyce from murdering that poor girl on reception.”
Hopper whistles, raises his hand—and then Joyce Byers is hurrying over, and she clutches Eddie’s hand, squeezes like he’s a dear family friend.
“Oh, Eddie, sweetie, thank God we—this way? None of our calls were getting through, god, you won’t believe the trouble we—now if we can find a damn doctor who actually knows, I’ll—”
“Um,” Eddie says, voice a little strained—his mind stuck on both Eddie and sweetie. “I’ve not actually—they’re being pretty elusive.”
Hopper smiles grimly. “Oh, we’ll find them.”
They must be a magic duo, because they’ve been on Steve’s floor for barely a second before both Hopper and Joyce are slipping into an office room, jaws set. The door shuts.
One beat, and then Eddie hears the muffled, thrumming cadence of raised voices.
El shrugs. “They will be a while,” she declares. “Let’s go see Steve.”
Steve’s jaw drops when El walks through the door.
“You’re gonna catch flies, Harrington,” Eddie says—but he only says it because Steve looks, for just a moment, overwhelmed.
It works, gives Steve just enough time to rally.
“Shut up, Munson.” He rolls his eyes at El as if to say can you believe this guy?
She giggles, then goes over to the bed and wraps her arms around Steve in a gentle hug.
He pulls her closer, brings a hand up to stroke her hair, and his face falls a little, as if he’s had a sad realisation. Then he gives himself a shake and murmurs, heartfelt, “You’re goddamn amazing, El. Thank you. Thank you.”
El shakes her head, draws back. “I only got you a little way there. You brought yourself back, Steve.”
Steve gives a fragile smile—looks like he’s trying his hardest to ward off tears.
”And what am I, the furniture?” Eddie says.
Steve snorts, blinks, and his answering grin is strong. “Oh, I suppose you did something,” he sighs dramatically, and he nudges El. “Shall we give him that?”
“No,” El says dryly, and Steve cackles. “Come on, then, catch me up! You blow my house up yet?”
El smiles. “Not yet. I like your movies. I want to go to a thrift store, to try and find something like Liesl’s dress.”
“Oh, the pink one?” Steve asks, and when El nods he says warmly, “Yeah, that’ll suit you.”
While they talk, Eddie starts to place all the candy on the bedside table. It’s a carefully curated selection from the pile El had initiated—chocolate bars Eddie thinks Steve will like: 3 Musketeers and U-No Bars.
Steve catches his eye, mouths, “Hero,” and winks.
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randomly-a-fan · 4 months
Carnation into Deception
[Two Days Before Valentines Day]
Malon came home from school when she went to her parents. "Mommy, may I have $2.00 for school?" Malon asked. Jason turned back when he heard that Malon needed money. "Sure, what's it for? candy, juice from the vending machine?" MJ asked. "Each girl in class buys a carnation pin to give to a boy they liked for Valentines Day, while the guys buy a long stem rose for the girl they liked, the proceeds goes to The Red Cross." Malon explained. Jason didn't like the idea of Malon giving a boy a carnation, especially if there's a chance that the boy she gives the flower to, ends up liking her; as a father, it's natural for him to not trust a boy, especially at his daughter's age, which is 12. Unless, she gives a carnation to Archie, since he's quite fond of Pennywise's son, since they've been friends when they were much younger, but would HE give Malon a long stem rose? he hopes so.
Archie came home from school as well, and he went to ask his mom for some money. "Mom, may I have $2.00?" Archie asked. "For what sweetie?" Aquarius asked. "It's for Valentines Day; me and the other school boys buy a long stem rose and give it to a girl they liked, the proceeds goes to The Red Cross." Archie explained. Then he heard Pennywise laughing. "Oooh, looks like someone has a crush! Who is she?" Pennywise asked. "Dad... No..." Archie gave his dad a stare. Pennywise was reading his son's mind and sensed something. "Who's this Gabby you're thinking of?" Pennywise asked in confusion. "Gabby? I thought you were giving a rose to Malon." Aquarius said in shock. "Both of you, please, it's no big deal!" Archie scolded before he barges out of the kitchen and into his room.
Pennywise smirked as his son left with humiliation before he turned to Aquarius. "Where's Kandy?" Pennywise asked with a smile. Aquarius dropped her dishes in the dish water and looked behind her to see the booster seat is empty. "Oh no, not again... Kandy, you better not try to leap out and scare me again!" Aquarius called out. Kandy reached an age where she can climb on walls like a spider; she turned her head in a-hundred-and eighty-degree angle and was going to pounce on her mom, until Pennywise caught her. "Gotcha!" Pennywise laughed. "You know better than to scare the crap out of your mother; that's daddy's job." Pennywise said to his little girl.
[Two Days Later: Valentine's Day]
Jason was taking Malon over to a destination where everyone has a Valentine's Party and hand out carnations and roses. Once Malon was at the party, Jason was stalking to see if Malon has a secret someone that he doesn't know about. "Hiya, Jason!" Jason jumped when he heard Pennywise right beside him. "Don't do that! What are you doing here?" Jason asked in his head. "I'm curious to find out who my son is giving the rose to; I'm assuming that it'd be this Gabby chick, since she's been in his mind for a while." Pennywise explained. "I take that you're watching to see who your daughter is giving the carnation to?" Pennywise read Jason's mind. Jason rolled his eyes as he knew that he can't hide anything from a creep that can read minds, so what's the point on lying to Pennywise if he knew exactly what he's thinking?
Meanwhile, every student was gathered and got their flowers. Malon was looking for Archie, since he's the only valentine for her, since he's the only friend who is a boy that she hangs out a lot, since Justin moved away to another State with his dad, so Archie is the only one.
While Malon looks around to look for him, Archie was waiting impatiently to purchase a rose. "Hi Archie..." Archie's spine tingled after hearing that annoying voice. "Hey Gabby..." Archie responded in an annoyed tone. "Getting a rose for somebody?" Gabby has Down Syndrome so she doesn't fully get the fact about personal space. "Aren't you getting a carnation for some guy?" Archie asked while not making eye contact. "I've already had, I was waiting for you to get your rose so we can exchange them together." Gabby answered.
Archie knew that Gabby has too much expectations and that she doesn't get the hint that he's not into her, or does he want her for a friend. "Yeah... I don't think so... I'm getting a rose for someone else, sorry..." Archie apologized before he purchased his rose and then quickly walked passed her. Gabby really wanted to get a rose this Valentine's Day, but no boy ever gives her one, so she tends to cry with tears. Archie was very annoyed and wanted her to stop, so, he had no choice. "Gabby... If I give you this rose, will you stop crying?" Archie asked in a serious tone. Gabby squealed as she wrapped her arms around him.
Malon was on her way to find Archie, until she saw Gabby from behind. "Ah man, not her again! She always gets needy on Valentine's Day." She said in her mind. "At least she's got a rose from someone." Malon added in her head. When she saw that it was Archie that gave her the rose, she was shocked. "Bye Archie!" Gabby exclaimed after she let him go and ran off happily. Archie grinded his teeth with anger as his eyes are turning red, that is until he saw Malon with a broken-hearted expression on her face. "Malon... This isn't what it looks like..." Archie tried to explain. Malon noticed a carnation that Gabby gave him, she looked at her carnation pin and then Archie. "I guess there's no room for this carnation to stick it to your heart." Malon said as she walked away and into the crowd. "Malon wait, just a minute!" Archie called out as he's trying to get past the crowd of students.
Pennywise and Jason saw their kids in a serious loophole, Malon felt hurt, and Archie felt hurt for hurting Malon. Jason thought of a solution. "What if we do something to fix this? we'll take our kids to dinner and they can make up... Nothing sexual though!" Jason suggested in his head. Pennywise looked over at Jason with a grin. "I like it... Now I understand why Archie was so angry the other day whenever I mentioned the name Gabby, she's been stalking my son like as if she's a space demon like me." Pennywise chuckled at the thought. "I gotta say, Gabby does look rather creepy-- OW!" Jason smacked Pennywise in the head for saying something awful about the girl with Down Syndrome. "My wife supports people like Gabby, and I don't want to hear any of that crap like that again, understand!?" Jason snapped. "Right, right... Down Syndrome is like Autism, I get it... Sorry..." Pennywise apologized.
Later that night, Pennywise takes his son to a destination that Jason thought of. Jason is taking Malon over to a destination where he thought would be a great place for Malon and Archie to eat at. Apparently, the destination was Pizza Castle, which is no longer appealing to Malon or Archie anymore; since they're now teenagers, they can no longer play.
Pennywise was staring at Jason unamused once they've met and seated. "Seriously... Pizza Castle? Our kids are not kids anymore, do I have to remind you?" Pennywise complained. "Dad, it's no big deal, they make the best pizzas." Archie explained to his dad. "But the pizza you liked to order is off the kids menu; what's it called again? Pizza Puppy." Pennywise remembered. "Yeah, because they add candy-coated chocolate for the eyes." Archie explained as he remembered.
Jason looked over at Malon and saw her looking down disappointed. "What's the point of coming to this place? I'm twelve years old and you have to be ten to order off the kids menu; I love their Kitty Cat Pizza. It's the only pizza where they add the licorice for the whiskers." Malon said sadly. Jason rubbed his daughter's back to calm her nerves. "Jason just said that the reason we brought you kids here is that so you two can have some time together at you guy's favorite pizza joint that you two loved so much as kids." Pennywise translated. "So, once you two place your order, Jason and I will move to another table while you two make up." Pennywise added. Jason looked over at Pennywise with his arms crossed. "Oh yeah, no kissing!" Pennywise warned. Both Archie and Malon stared at each other in disgust at the fact of the two of them kissing. "That's something we can keep our words for you." Archie answered.
As Malon and Archie got their order, and their dads sat at a different table, they were quiet for a moment until Archie spoke. "Malon... You know I was actually going to give you a rose, right? Gabby just assumes that I'm giving her the rose." Archie explained calmly. "Yeah... I figured that... Gabby is usually a drama queen and thought she can get things her way by crying... I'm sorry you have to go through with her." Malon said. "Me too... But you have to admit that she's been acting like a fool with other people, the way how she squints her eyes or how she smiles funny..." Archie went on.
Before, Malon find it amusing, but remembering what her mom told her about people with Down Syndrome is like Autism, which is what her mom has, she decided to step up. "Archie... Don't make fun of Gabby; it's not her fault that she has Down Syndrome; I've talked to my mom about Gabby, she told me that I need to stop criticizing her for her mental disorder that she was born with; she even told me that kids with Down Syndrome have to go through multiple surgeries for their hearts." Malon explained. Archie was shocked to what he just heard. "Dang... I didn't know that they have to go through that, I can't imagine myself getting a deadly surgery for my heart, that would be scary." Archie realized. "You know... Hearing that now, I feel like I need to give her a chance whenever I see her, and not be a jerk." Archie added. Malon smiled as she nodded. "I'll be doing the same thing, she's in my classroom, so I can be a friend to Gabby when she needs it, she has been through a lot in school, with all the bullying and back talk, just thinking about it makes me sick." Malon admits.
Jason was smiling when he sees Archie and Malon making up, non-sexual anyway. "Huh, that was fast, I didn't think they would make up this quickly... Well, I guess our work here is done." Pennywise smiled at Jason cheerfully. Jason nodded in agreement, even though they didn't do much of anything except just watch.
When the pizzas finally came, Malon and Archie share a pizza pie, which is meat-lovers. "You probably don't know this, but my mom is Canadian, and her favorite kind of pizza is known as Canadian; it's got pepperoni, mushrooms and bacon on it." Malon explained as she eats her slice. "Huh... I don't know anything about Canada, what's it like there?" Archie asked. Malon shrugs as she doesn't know the answer. "I was born somewhere in America, so I don't really know, my mom told me that some places in Canada is safer than the U.S. You should ask her sometime." Malon suggested. "I think I will, I've always had a thought about moving to Canada in the future." Archie replied. "Me too... For when I attend the University." Malon smiled.
Pennywise and Jason were eating their pizza, which is jalapeño. Pennywise likes adding eyeballs to his pizza, in secret from other humans of course. Jason wasn't uncomfortable with Pennywise's taste; he's been killing trespassers so gruesomely that he's been immune to gross stuff.
So, this Valentine's Day may be unusual, but the good thing for Jason, is that Malon doesn't have a boyfriend in the end.
The End
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crimzoncrow · 11 months
ty for tagging me @mamawasatesttube !! <3
1. are you named after anyone? Not really! My middle name is my mom’s mom’s mom’s name (I think? Might be another generation back), but my first name isn’t for anyone.
2. when was the last time you cried? Almost exactly twenty four hours ago, I was having one of my bimonthly identity crises <3
3. do you have kids? Unless we’re counting friends barely younger than me who’ve declared me their mother, absolutely not lol
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? It depends on who I’m with! I guess not really? I use it a lot more when I’m upset about something or joking about something I don’t like I think, I just realized
5. what sports do you play/have you played? I used to play soccer, when I was little! Like, elementary school. I guess I also did gymnastics when I was even younger but it wasn’t sport-y gymnastics
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people? Depends on how we first interact! Online it’s typically typing style, formality, and tone. Helps me figure out how I should respond, if I interact with them
7. what’s your eye color? Brown!
8. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings!!! Scary movies give me really bad paranoia lol. Sometimes I can avoid it by pointing out mistakes or production details I notice, but then I’m not really… watching the scary movie as a scary movie anymore. I’m also just a sucker for a good happy ending!!!
9. any special talents? Hey look at how hard I can hyperfocus *crochets for 17 hours straight no breaks*. More seriously though, none that I really know of? I guess I’m kind of flexible but that’s more of a my joints really suck thing than a talent thing
10. where were you born? New Jersey, gotta keep up my mom’s family’s tradition of having some Jersey in them even if they were raised elsewhere (It’s like… kind of strange LOL. They’re literally all over the place but we’ve all got some tie to nj somehow?? I think I know one single person in the entirety of my moms family who wasn’t born in nj or spent the majority of their life there, and it’s bc their parent moved before they got them).
11. what are your hobbies? Drawing, writing, crochet (apparently?? that ones still kinda new to me even if it’s ,, been a few months lol), reading, uhhhh. I’m sure there’s more they come and go
12. do you have any pets? NO I WISH I DID im screaming and sobbing i cannot at the moment but as soon as i can i WILL
13. how tall are you? 5’ 4” ish? I thought I was just under 5’ 5” the second to last time I checked but last time I went to the doctor they said I was like 5’ 3.75” or something so it’s very confusing to me 😔😔 Most of the people I’ve spoken to think the 5’4” is most accurate tho
14. favorite subject? Uhh art? That feels like a copout lol. Overall, probably english? English, art, sciences in general… I can also like history? I don’t have anything against math either?? Most of the time whether or not I like a subject has more to do w whether I associate them w good or bad teachers I’ve had LOL
15. dream job? MAN i have NO IDEA . Ive been agonizing over this so bad . My current goal for career is just “something where I can do something I love and make things that make people happy”, probably in the arts, but you know that’s . Not really very specific lol. And also I’m just interested in other things too!!! If I were going to a different college there’s a super huge chance I’d be looking at stuff w/ linguistics more. Idk!! A job I like that’s stable and secure and also I can make enough money to do hobbies I like and spend time with friends!!! Whatever that is, if I can ever find it!!!!
i am so very terrible at tagging people so if someone sees this and wants to do it just say i tagged you <33 this was very fun!!
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gerec · 2 years
Au-gust 2022
Master List of Ficlets Here
12. Mob
Pairing(s): Erik/Shaw Warnings: Age difference, Sebastian Shaw existing
I decided to write a crime/mob au instead of the prompt 'Candyman' :D
Erik closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, hands clammy as Azazel knocks on the office door. It’s almost midnight and the Hellfire Club is packed, music and laughter floating up from the main level through the wooden floors. All the club staff and most of the men are downstairs working or enjoying the entertainment; all except for Mr. Shaw who’s waiting to see him.
“Come in.”
Azazel pats him on the shoulder with a friendly grin, then turns and makes his way back down the stairs. Pulling the thin jacket tighter around his shoulders, he makes one last attempt to fix his collar and straighten his tie, before twisting the knob and stepping into Mr. Shaw’s office. 
“Sir. You…wanted to see me?”
The man in question is seated behind the polished oak desk, his tie loosened and suit jacket slung over the back of his leather chair. With his sleeves rolled up and reading glasses perched on his nose, he could be mistaken for a banker or an accountant poring over his books. But Erik knows better – has seen it with his own eyes; Sebastian Shaw is the most dangerous and powerful man in New York.
“Erik! Come in! Please sit.” Mr. Shaw offers a genial smile, and moves to the front of the desk as Erik takes a seat. His expression turns sorrowful as he gives Erik’s shoulder a sympathetic squeeze, and Erik’s eyes prickle when he adds, “I’m truly sorry for your loss, son. Your mother was a wonderful woman and an exemplary employee. If there’s anything I can do for you, you only need to ask.”
Mama had worked for Mr. Shaw for five years, before cancer took her unexpectedly in only three short months. Though she kept Erik in the dark about what exactly she did for Shaw, he knew enough to understand that it wasn’t entirely legal. Mama excelled at numbers and worked on Mr. Shaw’s finances, helping with the running of his business empire. An empire that includes high-profile nightclubs and luxury hotels and casinos, and other various ‘interests’ that are strictly off the books.
Erik swallows nervously and shakes his head. “You’ve already done so much for us, paying for Mama’s hospital bills and the funeral. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
“None of that.” Mr. Shaw gives him another reassuring squeeze, his hand moving from his shoulder to clasp the back of his neck. The warm weight of it grounds Erik like an anchor in a storm, and he almost sighs out loud as the tension slowly drains from his body. “My people are my responsibility, Erik. And I always take care of my own.”
This close, with Mr. Shaw standing protectively above him, Erik feels a calm he hasn’t experienced since they got Mama’s prognosis from Dr. Abrams. It’s been just he two of them for as long as Erik can remember, and he’s floundering and afraid, uncertain of everything without her love and steady presence at his side. He doesn’t even know what will happen with school, or how he’s going to pay the rent; the tiny nest egg his Mama left him won’t even last through the end of the year.
Something of his turmoil must show on his face because Mr. Shaw pulls back and gives him a reassuring smile. “Erik,” he says, tone soft and patient as he’s never heard it before, the half dozen times he’s seen the man in person over the years. “How would you feel about coming to work for me? Here at the club? You can live here and earn a salary…take some time to decide where you want to go to college?”
“Oh.” The offer is unexpected, given how much Mr. Shaw has already done for them the past few months. “What…what kind of work, Sir?”
“You can work for Emma, doing odd jobs here at the Club. I’m sure she could use another bus boy or…” He gives Erik a long, assessing look, making him struggle not to squirm in his chair. “Given your rather unique and powerful mutation, she could probably use you on security.”
Erik has met the Hellfire’s General Manager only twice, and doesn’t have much of an impression of her beyond her obvious physical attributes. Not that Erik thinks about her that way, no matter how stunningly gorgeous she happens to be; she’s cold and intimidating and better admired from a distance. 
“I…ah. Yes,” he stutters, because Mr. Shaw is leaning very close – close enough for Erik’s nose to notice the spicy allure of the man’s expensive cologne – and staring at him with unnerving intensity. He’s not…frightened exactly, no matter the man’s fearsome reputation, though something about him does make Erik’s cheeks heat and his stomach flutter. “Thank you, Sir. I appreciate the opportunity very much. I won’t let you down.” 
Mr. Shaw smiles. “My boy, you could never let me down.”
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kushielsmercy · 1 year
Shiel's Unsolicited Book Review #3:
The Sparrow by Mary Dorio Russel
Overall score: Both 6/10 and 12/10 simultaneously. It's complicated.
TLDR; Hard sci-fi fans stay away. Folks with complicated feels about religion, linguistics nerds, anthropology lovers, and everyone who admires snappy dialogue and lines that will stick with you for a long time, come on in.
This one also comes with some fairly big content warnings (dm me if you want more info) and a few bits are...well obviously written in the 1990s and in ways we wouldn't say are cool to talk about people and experiences today. I think there's a lot TO like about the book despite that, but there is room for criticism. The parts that fall short hurt me more because of high how the rest soared.
Pros: So we've got Jesuits in space. Don't think about it too hard. What we've really got is an incredibly poignant story about the complexity of humanity and the feeling that there has to be more. The necessity of asking questions and the fuzzy line that connects intent from result. And, at the end of the day, the connections that bind us.
You would think that these big themes would make a pretentious and dry book, but they are delivered from such human characters that you can't help but think yes, yes, I've asked myself too (just me?). It's not an adventure book, if you're someone who values plot over character development this isn't the book for you. But - I mean I'm not in fandom to not obsess over the beauty of people who know each other well just...being...with each other. I personally loved the pacing until...
Cons: ...well, until the end. This is where the 6/10 comes in. Now I was curious and looked up some reviews on this after I finished, and seems like opinions are fairly split on the conclusion. I found the pace to suddenly sprint when before it had walked, and the tone shifted from asking question to giving the reader solutions. Also, as a reader you knows things are going to go to shit from page #1, but, the way they do... it's not BAD (as a reader, it's sure bad to our squad) exactly, it's just a divergence from what I saw to be the most important (and my most loved) themes of the book. It was...unexpected...I'll give it that. It ends both worse and tidier than it should, and in (in my opinion) those are the wrong way round. That's probably confusing, but I'm trying not to spoil anything and I promise that if you read it it'll make sense.
Final verdict: This one will stay with me for a while. Even though I didn't think the ending didn't quite fit, it wasn't so egregious as to ruin everything prior. And boy, was everything prior something. This one was a punch in the gut, in a good way? It's definitely a specific taste, but it was my specific taste. And look, I write fanfic. I can just rewrite the last 100 pages in my mind.
Shiel's Unsolicited Book Review's Masterpost
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miniwolfsbane · 2 years
Been working on my superhero game (in Dreams for PS4) for the past few days. Just watching a tutorial for a character selection screen and it's not as intimidating as I thought. (But making a single-player RPG is no walk in the park either.)
I've really overwhelmed myself and I bulldozed through it, starting with making characters instead of making cut-scenes or the setting first. (Though you do need characters for a cut-scene.) It's been a lot of fun, but I ended up making 42 different colors of eyes for my female characters. (Limiting it to "only" 11 or 12 body types and like 8 different skin tones. 10 or so if you count the two or three non-human faces I want to make.) Originally I wasn't going to release the game to be remix-able (letting other people mess with it), but if it's possible to turn that feature on/off, I might just leave it on. I want to see other people make powers and add to it, doing what I can't. I have to remember that I'm only one person and I'm NOT going to create this game in weeks. I've been working on it since 2020 and it's going take LOTS of TIME and PATIENCE!!
That is to say nothing of my mostly secret project, which I'm trying to work on a lot more just to get it done. I still don't know if the idea itself is compatible with Dreams and it won't turn out exactly how I envisioned, thanks to the small limitation of having no gadget for players to input their own text, but that's life. (This is also a big hang-up for my superhero game, but I'll just work around it I suppose? Might just have to make a random name generator or something if I can.)
Also, getting some inspiration from a well-known choices mobile game. I decided if characters can't be inherently shy or outgoing (There's probably A WAY, but it might be too time-consuming or use a lot of in-game gadgets (known as Logic). I'll just make the dialogue text that. A bit disappointing I can't make it have voice actors, but it'll be nostalgic? Because before games got all realistic, us 90s kids played those types of games on 8-bit Nintendo or whatever.
I just hope making cut scenes won't be that hard because I have an idea for an opening scene that will be cute and simple, not overwhelming. (If I didn't have so many IRL responsibilities, I'm sure I could make it more impressive, but I'm still working out character details.) Trying not to spoil anything for anyone either, (assuming the game will reach completion and be released!) but I have made knock-offs of some of my favorite characters. I don't have the hutzpa to make them look just like said character and certain companies are VERY protective of their intellectual Properties, so semi-bootlegs it is then. I know like everyone in Dreams makes well-known characters, but I don't want any company giving me a cease and desist letter or having something I worked mega hard on shut- down in one fell swoop because I used an owned character. Make it your own, like Lauren Faust did with MLP, and you're golden. ^_^ (Most times? IDK, I'm guessing.) Who knows, maybe if no one has come down on other people I'd be safe, but I'd rather not risk it after the hours and literal years I've put into this thing.
Okay, thanks for reading my rambling.
Also, some of my favorite tutorial creators for Dreams (Will link these later):
NeonTheCoder - YouTube
Dreams with LadylexUK
Lucid Stew
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hit me Baby, One more Time (Wrestler Loki x Female Reader)
Read chapter 40 here
Chapter 41
Summary : There's nothing he would ever want more than to protect his birdy, even if it's from your own people. Family can turn on you, who could have understood that better than him?
Warning : 18+, Smut, Sex, Soft smut, Foul language, loki doesn't hold back, thoughts of violence, toxic parenting, bad parenting, emotional dependency.
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As soon as Loki reached Cleveland, he gave you a call, he had to hear from you before he confronts your mother. He had no idea what he'd find once he finds your mom but he knew for a fact that your mom deliberately tried to hurt you and he can't let anyone hurt you like that ever again. He won't fail again.
"Hey little baby" he smiled as he heard your soft voice. 
"You never call me that, what's the special occasion?" He chuckled as he got inside the cab, he was going straight to your mom's boutique, he already had the address 
"Well for one I mish you" you mumbled in your cute little voice, he just wanted to teleport to you somehow and kiss the life out of you. If he lived in a perfect world, that's exactly what he would do. That's what he would have been able to do.
"I miss you little thing, did you eat?" 
"Yessss mister" 
"Mmm did you walk today?" 
"Yes daddy" you giggled innocently but the term made the blood rush straight to his cock. He has never gone so long without sex, even though you weren't his, he solely wanted to be yours since he brought you back into the house he got for you two. 
"Oh baby" he muttered under his breath as he thought about you.
"You said something?" You asked him so he snapped out of his filthy thoughts.
"No darling, umm can I ask you a personal question?" He asked as he realized that he had almost reached his location.
"Ofcourse, anything" you felt anxious as he said that.
"How's the relationship between your mom and dad" the sudden change in the tone of his voice worried you but you didn't want to overthink.
"It's good, school sweethearts and all, they married really young. I think I have told you that before, she was just 19 when I was born" you told him and he realized that your mother is just 44, just 12 years older than him.
"Mmhhmm" he mumbled mindlessly  as he thought about it. Could your mother be jealous of the life you're building on your own? He didn't want to think too highly of himself as he knew that your mother hated his guts, but he remembered telling you that your mom really liked Jack. Like really liked Jack.
"Something wrong? What's going on?" You asked him as his silence worried you.
"Nothing just wanted to know you better birdy" he told you the half lie. He didn't want to, but he had to.
"Mmm I love you baby" you mumbled softly and that made him smile. He loves to hear that.
"I love you little thing, I'll see you soon okay? I'll be little busy today so text me if you need me, I'm right here, I'll Call you as soon as I could" He told you and then he hung up as he reached your mother's boutique. It was a small shop, nothing too fancy but she was getting some work done in there. As soon as he went inside he glared at her, she looked at him as if she had seen a ghost of a dead relative.
"Wrestler Loki, you're wrestler Loki right?" One of the men fixing her cabinet asked him, Loki raised his eyebrows in response.
"We are huge fans, can we get a picture?" The other one asked and Loki nodded. As soon as they got their picture, y/m/n sent them out for a break.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him and he sat down on one of the chairs she had in her store. 
"Just came to see my girlfriend's mother, I would have informed you but I wanted to surprise you" he smiled and grinned like a cheshire cat, she was getting more nervous by the second. He definitely was there to surprise her.
"Girlfriend? She told me you two broke up" she said to him and he smiled again.
"We did because of a misunderstanding but we are fine now" he told her and she got upset as she got the information. You didn't tell her that you two were back together, it all happened just two days ago.
"Well let's see how long it lasts this time, a man like you can't really make a good partner" she smirked as she said that. 
Loki tilted his head and then he chuckled. The judgemental streak you had was the only thing you inherited from your mother thankfully.
"Bold of you to say that, especially since we both know you're not exactly a good mother yourself" he glared at her as he finished his sentence and she got more livid.
"Get out of my shop, I know everything about you, you're just going to cheat on her and leave her be or worse you'll get her pregnant and ruin her life forever" she crossed her arms, feeling extremely proud of her remark.
"Just like your husband ruined yours?" He chuckled again and she glared at him.
"Excuse me? I'm very happy with my husband" she raised her voice.
"Are you? Or you only married him because he knocked you up?" he smiled as he said that, the look on his face infuriated her further.
"You know everything I thought about you was right, you're nothing but a spoiled criminal arrogant brat, I'll tell her how you behaved with me and she'll leave you again" she smirked as she said that. She did her homework it seems, she probably knew about his past. He didn't think you'd tell her that.
"Ohh That's really sweet, please tell her and while you're onto that, also tell her that you paid her closest friend to hurt her and throw her out of the dance competition" 
He glared at her, feeling satisfied with the way she looked like a dried up raisin all of a sudden. But it also confirmed his suspicions and whatever Mack told him. He knew the truth would hurt you immensely once it comes out.
"Wha..what?? How dare you accuse me of that?" She asked him, her voice trembling as she spoke.
"Couldn't watch your daughter rising to success when you spent your whole life rotting in this small town, being stuck to a man you didn't even want to marry, am I right?" He snickered and she shook her head in frustration.
"I love my husband you asshole" 
"But do you love her?" 
"She's my daughter ofcourse I love her"
"Tch I don't think so" 
"It doesn't matter what you think you giant knucklehead"
"Why did you hurt her like that, she loves you" 
"I didn't hurt her" 
"You are right..you broke her instead, you rendered her unable to walk and dance, you crushed her dreams because you're jealous of her"
"I'm not jealous of her" she yelled as he kept firing up at her with his words.
"Then why did you hurt her like that, tell me" he raised his voice too, he leaned forward to intimidate her and that's when she cracked finally..
"Because I wanted the money you bastard" 
She yelled as she couldn't hear his accusations anymore. 
She sat down on another chair and Loki could see her tearing up, he smiled as he leaned into the back of the chair again, he was utterly confused by the revelation. 
"A man came to my boutique a few weeks ago, offered me a huge sum of money, and told me to bribe Mack and get y/n out of the competition somehow. The shop isn't doing so well, I needed inventory and I was knee deep in debt already. I didn't know she'd get hurt so badly, I never wanted to hurt her" she told him as she sobbed but he didn't want to believe that.
"Never wanted to hurt her? Are you being serious right now woman? Some rando approached you to crush your daughter's lifelong dream and you didn't think twice about it?" He yelled at her and she started sobbing. 
 "I didn't know he'd hurt her leg" 
"You are an awful mother, you always berated her, never encouraged her or supported her dreams but destroying her like this for your selfish gains? You have crossed all the lines, now tell me Who the fuck bribed you to bribe Mack" he asked her as he gritted his teeth, the anger made him want to do something really awful.
"I don't know, he had a mask on, I needed the money, we would lose it all and we needed the money" she weeped but he didn't feel an ounce of sympathy for her.
"Could have just asked her for it, she would have done anything for you. You didn't have to take the bait and hurt your own fucking child. She could have died you selfish moron" he teared up as he thought about that possibility. He wanted to ask more about this mysterious man but your mother was being useless, besides, he had a suspicion as to who this man could be. She didn't retort this time with a snide remark.
"Her father, he knows?" Loki asked her, he was hoping for her answer to be negative, he didn't want you to lose both of your parents, you won't be able to move on from that he knew that.
"No no no he would never agree to this, please don't tell him I'm begging you" 
He sighed in relief and then got up, he couldn't believe this shit anymore and he was getting more and more enraged with every passing moment, he would have hurt her badly and he needed to get out of there before he did something he'd regret. 
"She's my only daughter, and her life choices have always been a disappointment. I only wanted the best for her, but dancing for living? And dating a man like you?" He huffed in disbelief as she still managed to insult you, she never really loved you.
"A man like me?" He chuckled before he continued "You'd rather have her marry someone like Jack and be miserable all her life right?"
"Jack was an amazing man, he had everything a woman would ever want in a man" 
"Then why don't you go fuck him, though I'm assured he'd leave you disappointed just like he left your daughter unsatisfied everytime he fucked her" 
"Shut.. the.. fuck up" she yelled at him, she would have slapped him but she couldn't really reach him even if she would have tried. Her voice came out all screechy as she took her frustration out. He proceeded to walk out but he heard her voice again.
"Please don't tell her, please don't ruin my family, it's not as if she'd take it well, she has no friends or anyone except her family" she sobbed again and he chuckled, he couldn't believe how self absorbed she was. 
"You ruined your family, and I'm not going to break her trust, the truth will hurt her I am sure, but she's not alone anymore, she will always have me, go to hel" 
He took the cab straight towards the airport after he confronted your mother, he needed to get the hell out of there so he could go see you. His heart felt heavy as he thought about how he would tell you this, you trusted Mack, and you definitely trusted your own mother. You won't take this well , he was shattered when he found out about Frigga lying to him all this time, he never understood why she did that, she always talked in riddles and told him that it's for his own good and for some reason he believes in her, she wouldn't want to hurt him on purpose but your mother on the other hand did it for money. She sold your safety and your dreams for a few wads of cash.
After 5 something hours when he reached LA, it was already late at night, Heimdall picked him up from the airport and drove him towards the house. 
"Arrange a meeting with Thor , I want to talk to him" Loki told Heimdall as he stepped out of the car.
"Something wrong?" Heimdall asked him so he shook his head.
As he went inside the house, he went straight for your room, he found you sleeping peacefully on the bed wearing one of his shirts, unaware of the storm waiting to hit you soon, but maybe just maybe he could forget all about it tonight. He walked over and took his shoes and shocks off before he laid next to you, you truly hate that. 
He carefully wrapped his arm around your waist, his eyes glanced over the cast and it angered him more. You shifted in your sleep as you felt the weight of his arm and then you opened your eyes. You gasped as you realized he was there and you were not dreaming like last night. 
"Lokii" you smiled so he got on top of you , he placed his legs on either side of your legs and kissed you softly "I thought you'd come tomorrow" you smiled as you caressed his cheeks.
"I'm here sweet girl" he kissed you again as he spoke so you cupped his cheeks and looked at him
"Goddd I have missed you more than anything" you mumbled softly and he teared up, he have missed you too. More than anything.
"I know..I know, I did too birdy" he moved down and sucked on your neck, a soft moan escaped your lips as you felt him sucking and nibbling on your skin. His hands roamed over your breasts then he trailed his fingers down and placed them under the shirt so he could touch your bare skin.
"Gosh I love you so much" you mumbled as you closed your eyes, your fingers scratched gently over his scalp, it has been too long since you have felt him this close to you, just the mere touch burned you feverishly for him.
"I love you darling, yes I do, oh yes I do" he whispered in your ears, the confession still made you blush, you don't think you'd get used to him saying that anytime soon. You could feel him hardening as he bucked his hips into your heated core.
"Mmmm baby please" you whimpered as his fingers rubbed against your nipples, just caressing softly, he wasn't harsh and he didn't want to be harsh tonight. He wanted to savor you and he wanted to drown you into the pure love he felt for you. He wanted to love you tonight 
"I don't wanna hurt you birdy" he wanted you desperately but he was afraid to touch you like this. He was scared of hurting you.
"You won't, you could never hurt me, please love me baby, I need it"
He pulled his hands out from underneath your shirt and sat up to undress himself quickly as he heard that, your eyes raked over his body shamelessly. He tied his hair up so they wouldn't interfere whenever he wanted to kiss you because he was going to kiss you alot tonight.
"You pretty little thing" he whispered as he leaned down, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled your head up to kiss him again. Then you felt his tongue licking your lips so you allowed him to dive into your warm mouth. His tongue circled while his hands pulled down your panties slowly, he didn't want to hurt you so he ripped them off instead. You gasped as you heard the sound of the fabric ripping in pieces, but he didn't stop there. He ripped his t-shirt that you wore in half too. You'd never not be enamored by the impeccable strength he had.
"I wanted to see you bare but at the same time I want you in my shirt, you look like you belong to me when you're in my clothes" he mumbled and latched his lips on your right nipple, you cried out his name as you felt him sucking softly.
"I do belong to you baby I promise" he smiled as he heard you.
"Yeah you're all mine aren't you sweet thing?" He caresed your head softly with his fingers as he asked, making you purr like a kitten.
"All yours baby, oh god love me please" you begged him, you needed to feel him inside you and you needed him now. You have waited long enough already, you promised to yourself that you'd never do anything to make you both suffer like this ever again.
"Oh I'm going to love you all my life darling, never even have to ask for it," you teared up as you heard his sweet words but your voice died in your throat as he thrusted his hard cock in your wet dripping slick warmth.
"Mmm gossh yess please, give it to me loki.. oh baby" you mumbled incoherently as he thrusted in and out of you slowly, god you wanted to wrap both of your legs around him like always but you couldn't even lift your right leg in lying position, so you crossed your left leg over his waist, and he placed his palm over your right leg as caressed the inside of your thigh softly, he knew how awful the injury makes you feel, he just wanted you to forget all about it. His eyes stayed focused on your face, you had your head thrown back, your eyes kept rolling backwards as he would thrust himself in deeply, touching each and every corner of your walls.
"You're so beautiful you know that?, look at you tiny little thing, so small, so precious my girl.. how did I get so lucky sweetheart..ohh fuck" he moaned as the sensation started to build up, you owned him in the moment, not that you didn't have him wrapped around you anyways but in that particular moment you owned every little inch of him in every little way. He worshipped you like the goddess you are.
"Mmmhm noo I'm lucky baby, couldn't have been luckier than this" You mumbled and cupped his cheeks so  you could kiss him again, his warm panting breaths as he moaned and groaned on top of you felt heavenly. As if you were born to love him like this, as if you existed just so he could love you like this. His hips continued to buck, the sound of his cock moving in and out of you filled your surroundings.
"You're all mine aren't you sweet love?" He asked as he caressed your cheeks and then rubbed your lips, you couldn't help but kiss his fingertips as he rubbed them over n over again. 
"Mmmm yesss oh yess all yours baby, you're mine okayyy?" You asked him or told him. He didn't understand. Your voice came out all whiny, he smiled as he looked at you sucking on his middle finger.
" I am, I promise, I belong here, right inside your warm little pussy, gonna stay here forever..never leaving" he gripped onto the headboard as he increased his thrusts, your moans mixed with his, you got lost in the most passionate sex you have ever had with him. The way he couldn't stop looking at you assured you that he felt the same. 
He never thought that making love would ever feel so satisfying, not just physically but emotionally too, he always used sex as an escape, but now that he pleasured you and you pleasured him purely out of love he felt so free, so giddy, so happy inside. Everything he has never felt before, he felt it all with you. 
"Oh gossh loki baby I'm close, I'm so close" you whispered, your voice sounded so broken and desperate for him, you couldn't get enough of him. You never wanted this to end.
"Ahh I'm close too alright, Take it baby, you wanted love huh? I'm here to give it to you so take it as much as you want, I'm going to love you until you're sick of it, until you're begging me to stop dousing you in all this love I have for you in my cold forbidding heart..cum for me sweetheart let go, soak my cock" 
And you clenched your walls around him as you let go, snugging him tightly around you, his own orgasm filling you up, his familiar cum cooling your insides. Your whole body trembled under him, he quickly grabbed your injured leg with one hand so you wouldn't hurt yourself as you reached your peak. His cock twitched inside you as he rode his orgasm with you, you could feel it, he could feel it too. The sight of you sweaty, and panting underneath him is the prettiest thing he had ever laid his eyes on. He watched your panting breaths getting even slowly.
"Ohh wow" you giggled as you came back to your senses a little. He kissed your forehead, then he kissed the tip of your nose and finally your lips. He wanted to engrave this moment in his head, he wanted to take a mental picture of holding you like this, of being inside you and loving you like this forever because he knew the future wouldn't be so kind to him, he was terrified that this peace and happiness wouldn't last for long. It never really stuck to him for more than a few moments after all. He was scared of being alone but more than that he was scared of losing his birdy again.
"I love you" he teared up as he said that, his voice sounded so afraid so you pulled him closer to hug him tightly. He hid his face between your neck and he felt your lips on his shoulder. 
"Mmm I love you little baby, everything okay?" You caressed his head softly and he hummed in response. 
His heart felt heavy, burdened by the secrets he held. He knew someday it would all come out in the open, not just yours but his too, he knew it would change things between you two probably but he didn't want to think about it tonight. 
Tonight he just wanted to pretend as if he wasn't going to lose you when you discover his truth. Tonight he was going to sleep in your arms, and imagine a sweet life he feared he'd never get to live. A life with you, filled with immense happiness and the purest love one could find. Tonight he just wanted to be your Little baby and for you to be his Birdy. 
Maybe, just maybe, for tonight he could pretend that he'd get his happy ending.
Taglist : @colifower   @karuna11    @vbecker10   @the-wounded-healer05   @hayden429  @lokismfbitch  @limiworld  @12-pm-510   @daddylokisqueen    @lokislovingvalkyrie   @3ddiebrock   @chaotics17   @rat-p1ss    @wheredafandomat   @notmesimpingforanothabritishlad   @lokislittlemoon  @sluttybitchs-world          @dren-whalen   @catalina712           @multifandom-world8          @loving-barnes    @apine7          @midgardianminx           @phantombaby          @snigdha-14          @disneyismyworldforever          @xpixiedevilx          @christineblood          @sarcastically-defensive17          @itshemlock          @howdidurhammergrowchris           @vllowe       @eyesbluelikethetitanic      @kestrelkisses    @lonesomewitchking  @lizzy1313  @bxdassdagger
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
touch me
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spencer reid x reader
Summary: Spencer is incredibly touch-starved and hard on himself since coming home from prison. Luckily, the medical examiner in this small town is really good at reading people, and exactly what he needs.
warnings: mentions of cases, insecurity issues, female reader, smut, blowjobs, riding, praise, emotional hurt/comfort. emotional sex, strangers to lovers, hook-ups,
word count: 5.8k
They had been in New Mexico for almost a week, solving a series of murders that seemed to have no end in sight. There was nothing they could do but go back to their hotels to sleep, hoping there’d be a connection in the morning.
Spencer and JJ were sharing a room as the small town hotel didn’t have accommodations for everyone that was visiting to help with the case. They didn’t mind, it was like a long sleep-over.
They did their own thing, kept their space and Spencer really did enjoy overhearing her on FaceTime with her kids. It was refreshing happiness in the middle of the madness murder sadness and despair they were swallowed by.
When his phone rang at 6 am, just shortly after he returned to his room for a quick rest, he sighed deeply, “Dr. Reid.”
“I’m so sorry to do this to you, but another body dropped and I need you to go to the ME,” Prentiss explained softly down the line. “It’s weirder than the other’s and you’re the only person who would be able to work it out with the examiner.”
“I’m on it,” he replied with a tightlipped smile. He hung up and looked over at JJ, already peacefully asleep on her bed. He closed the door softly on his way out, not wanting to disturb her any further.
At the other end of the hallway, Spencer stood and waited for the elevator. It seemed to be taking forever, everything he was doing lately dragged on and on with no end in sight. He was exhausted, still struggling with his PTSS, just all around not having the best time.
He was in the middle of rubbing the sleep out of his eyes when the elevator opened with an equally tired woman waiting inside. “Hi,” she said before covering her mouth to yawn, “sorry.”
“I get it,” he smiled as he stepped inside. “Lobby?”
“Yes please,” she smiled. “Are you here for the case too?”
“Uh, yes,” he answered softly, “I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, with the FBI.”
“Oh, hi! I’m Dr. Y/N Y/L/N, the medical examiner,” her face lit right up. “Agent Prentiss said you’d be joining me I just didn’t think this quickly.”
She was adorable, bubbly and happy in a way he envied. He missed the feeling of random giddiness, smiling at her as he felt the butterflies swirl in his stomach. “Do you need a ride? I have an SUV from the bureau.”
“Yeah,” her smiled got bigger. “That would be really nice.”
They walked closely together through the lobby and towards the parking structure, he hit the unlock button a few times while trying to figure out which SUV his keys matched to. Finally getting in and watching her climb in the passenger seat.
“Do you know anything yet about the body?” Spencer asked as he turned on the ignition.
“Yeah hold on,” she pulled her iPad out of her bag and started sliding through emails.
“Your tech girl sent me the initial police reports, witness statements and overview,” she began to explain. “Like the others, she’s a 25-year-old female, blond, blue-eyed, athletic.”
“Prentiss said it was a weird one?” Spencer added.
“They think she was embalmed before the unsub staged her,” Y/N added with a tone of disgust on her voice. “Do you have your tech girl’s number?”
“Yeah, hold on,” Spencer dug his phone from his pocket and dialled the number.
“Penelope Garcia, the 8th wonder of the world at your service,” she answered after just one ring. “How are you doing on this fine morning, my fine furry friend?”
“Not so hot,” Spencer replied. “I’m with the ME right now on the way to the body, she has a question for you.”
“Oh hello, ask away.”
Y/N was smiling on the front seat, enjoying the show they put on for her. “Um, hi I was wondering if you could look into anyone in this town buying embalming equipment, or if any has been stolen from the funeral home? This town is so under-resourced already, I don’t know where this guy could get this stuff.”
“Absolutely, I’ll add that to my parameters,” Garcia’s voice was lovely and soft. “I’ll call you back if I find anything!”
“She’s lovely,” Y/N exclaimed as Spencer place his phone back in his pocket.
“Yeah, she is.”
Spencer pulled into the morgue’s parking lot, the lights were all on and the Coroners van was parked by the loading doors. Inside there was just 1 officer, waiting beside a body bag as Spencer and Y/N walked in.
The officer gave them both a quick rundown of the crime scene findings, as well as information about where all the equipment was before leaving them to their work.
“Have you ever examined a body?” Y/N asked Spencer.
He nodded, “I’ve been present during a few, held some organs, but I’ve never done one myself.”
“They’re pretty gnarly,” She scrunched her face and giggled. “Let’s get you all geared up.”
She handed him a hairnet, a white plastic suit, goggles and a mask. “Gloves are on the wall, pick your size.”
He felt like a lunch lady standing beside her, taller than her by almost a foot, dressed in all white with a hairnet. He could tell she was smiling at him under her mask, her eyes gleamed up at him in a way that made his heart melt.
He had to remind himself multiple times that this was nowhere close to the time appropriate to want to flirt with someone. They were about to examine a dead body, and potentially solve a case. There would be time to flirt later.
But he was just so amazed by how she worked, being able to tell everything that was going on by just looking at the body. Making notes on her own and only occasionally explaining things to Spencer. In her own little world, solving the puzzle with expertise.
“The other 4 vics were just strangled and staged, dressed up and left in different areas around town,” she ran the case down more for herself, needing to hear the words to make a connection.
“Yes,” Spencer followed her train of thought, tilting his head as he listened.
“She was murdered, embalmed, staged and sexually assaulted. His MO is completely different and it’s only been 2 days since the last body dropped. I think he’s found his signature,” She explained her thoughts. “His sexual aspect comes out only when they’re dead and cold, we’re dealing with a necrophile.”
“While most serial killers start with small animals before moving on to humans, he started with women and then eventually grew to what he really wanted. That’s what we were missing,” Spencer’s eyes lit up.
“He’s a lot younger than you hypothesized in the original profile,” She added.
“You read it?”
She nodded, “yeah I like to know what you’re looking at to see if I have answers.”
“This is really going to help us,” Spencer smiled, his eyes mimicking hers now.
“I can finish up here if you want to go back to your team? I can get a cab,” She offered. “Go catch this guy.”
“Okay,” Spencer said, backing up from the table and taking his equipment off. Placing them in the hazmat garbage. “Are you sure?”
“Yes Dr. Reid, I’ll be fine,” She laughed. “Can I call you if anything comes up?”
He smiled again, “call me even if something doesn’t.” He dug a contact card out of his pocket and placed it on top of her purse. Waving as he walked out of the room.
He thought about her smile for the rest of the afternoon, leaving his findings with Prentiss before heading back to his room to sleep for a few hours.
He finally found his way back into the police department 5 hours later, coffee in hand as he tried to absorb all the new information. They had a lead, stolen embalming equipment from a funeral home a few towns over was reported 4 days ago.
He stayed back during the apprehension of the suspect. Simmons, Lewis and Rossi were closer and they didn’t think the unsub would be dangerous. No one was missing and he wasn’t expecting them, should be easy to get him to come in for some questions.
Much like the rest of this case, it didn’t go to plan. They found another woman in his home, having to shoot him in the process. Ending the spree, ridding the world of a necrophile. It just didn’t feel like justice was served when another person had to die.
Spencer sat on his bed, calming down slightly from the end of the case. Saving a woman, killing a murderer, it was all a lot to process in such a short time.
JJ was in her bed on the other side of the room, scrolling through Facebook as she looked at photos of her kids. It was a much easier way for her to calm down, remembering that she could go home to pure, unadulterated happiness at the end of a case.
They heard a small knock on the door, Spencer volunteered to answer, opening it only a small amount as he looked out.
“Oh, hi,” surprised to see Y/N behind the door.
“Would you like to come and drink with me?” She asked, holding up a bottle in her hand. “In my room,” she added.
“Yeah, yes um, hold on,” he closed the door on her softly.
“Who’s that?” JJ smirked at him.
“My friend,” he replied quickly, running to the bathroom to look at his hair and fix his shirt. “I’ll be back later.”
He grabbed his wallet, making sure he had a condom first, before opening the door only a small amount to slip out into the hall. Hiding Y/N from JJ as she tried to look out the door.
“Sorry, my co-worker and I are sharing,” he explained.
“It’s okay,” she smiled, heading towards the stairs. “I’m just a floor up, and the elevator takes a million years.”
Spencer held the door for her, watching her head up the stairs as he noticed the bottle in one of her hands and her shoes in the other. She walked up the steps in her socks, exhausted from the day.
“Did you get any sleep?” She asked him softly as she kept climbing the steps.
“A few hours, did you?”
“Yeah,” she laughed, “I woke up just before they called about the body this morning.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to just go to bed? You’ve been working for 12 hours,” Spencer worried for her.
She reached the door for floor 3, pulling it open with the hand she held her shoes in, “Sleep is the for weak.”
He laughed lightly, “do you want me to hold anything?”
“Here,” she handed him the bottle, “thanks.”
She dug the keycard from her pocket as he followed her towards the right door. Excitement bubbled in his chest as she opened the door and welcomed him inside.
It was exactly like his room downstairs, only there was just 1 queen bed and a few couches by the window. She set her things down on the bed, sighing deeply as she sat on the edge.
“Do you have any cups or mugs?” Spencer asked, reminding her that he was holding the alcohol still.
“Yeah, on the bar table over there,” she pointed. “I’m just going to change in the bathroom quickly, you can pour yourself a drink.”
“Okay,” he smiled awkwardly as he crossed the room.
She dug through her suitcase quickly. Spencer saw from the corner of his eye as she took out some shorts and a shirt, not even slightly worried about being so casual in front of a complete stranger.
He inspected the bottle, it was just a cheap scotch, nothing too special. He poured about an inch of the golden liquid into two cups, not a big fan of drinking but tonight he felt a little risky.
She came back looking more refreshed, very cozy, and still breathtakingly beautiful. He hadn’t felt this way about someone in a long time, the tightening in his chest as he wondered where the night was going to go.
Not to mention the longing he felt.
Even before prison, he wasn’t one to spend a lot of nights alone with a beautiful stranger. The added isolation in his life changed him on a fundamental level, he realized just how much he craved contact, and just how much he’s deprived himself over the years from both men and women. He just wanted to be loved properly.
He silently handed her one of the cups, smiling at each other softly as they tapped cups. Taking the whole drink, “oh, yep that was exactly what I needed.” Y/N’s eyes watered as her face scrunched up, coughing a bit.
Spencer felt the same, only being able to hide it a bit better. The burn was nice on his throat, it made him feel alive. “Did you want to order some food or anything or?”
She laughed, “that would be the smart and responsible thing to do.”
“Are you okay?” He asked softly.
She looked up at him, her shoulders dropping as she released the tension in her body. Looking into his eyes with care, it was so different from the way his co-workers looked at him. She didn’t think he was broken, she had to reason to believe he was even damaged.
“Yeah,” she smiled, placing her hand on his chest as she stepped in closer to him. “Do you like mushrooms on pizza?” She giggled, even this close to him with every opportunity to kiss him, she chose to just make him smile. Something that didn’t happen too often lately.
“I do, it’s my favourite topping actually.”
She took his tie in her hands and dragged him to the couch, “I enjoy topping sometimes too.”
She sat down on the couch and looked up at him, waiting for him to sit beside her. Patting the cushion beside herself while he swallowed sharply, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, making her smirk.
“I won’t bite Spencer,” she laughed finally. “I’m sorry if that was too much?”
“No,” he said, sitting down beside her quickly. “No, it’s fine honestly, I’m just not used to it.”
“Too busy with the FBI to find anyone to hit on you?”
He shook his head softly, pushing his hair out of his face. “I uh, I was framed for murder and in prison for 3 months. I haven’t really had a conversation with anyone I don’t work with in a while.”
“Oh,” she didn’t look surprised or scared. “That makes sense.”
“What does?”
“You’re soft,” she leaned in to press her hand against his chest once more, eye level with him now. Seeing his eyes dart from her lips to her eyes every few seconds as he licked his lips. “You don’t look like you want to hurt anyone, but something about your aura is changing. You know how to protect yourself now, and you’re stuck thinking you’re still in danger.”
“How can you tell all that just from looking at me?” He asked softly.
“If I showed up at any other man’s door with a bottle of alcohol and the offer of a night alone, I would have been pushed against that door the second we got here,” she explained. “You respect me, almost a little too much.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” His face was soft and curious and proving her point.
“You see me as a person, but I can tell you’re touch starved. Every time I get close to you, it’s like you don’t want me to move away,” her voice was barely a whisper as she leaned in even closer to him.
She could feel his breath on her face, her nose was close enough to brush against his as she stared at his lips, “but you won’t make the first move. You want to protect me from you.”
He nodded his head lightly before rubbing the tip of his nose against hers and making her smile. He let out a sigh, relaxing his shoulders as she straddled his lap, leaning him back against the couch. He bit the bullet and let his hands rest on her hips, looking at her softly in the hopes it was okay.
“Tell me?” She begged, holding his tie in her hands, running it through her fingers as she waited. “What do you want? What you miss? Let me be that for you,” she begged.
“Anything,” he finally tells her. “Just touch me.”
She loosened his tie, freeing his neck finally. She slowly undoes every single button on his shirt, untucking the hem from his pants as she opens it up.
Her fingers are warm on his skin, but he still gasps at the touch. Her fingers were so soft, like angel kisses as the pads of her fingers traced the skin. Gliding over every freckle, raking through his chest hair, bumping along the barely-there abs.
His thumbs rubbed against her bare thighs, where he held her lightly. “You can touch me too,” she whispered.
His hands travelled up to her waist, he gently pulled her in closer. No longer resting on his legs, but pressed close to his chest. Her hands landed on his shoulders, looking down at him with nothing but pure lust as her breathing hitched.
She cupped his face, gliding her thumbs along his cheeks softly as she stared at his lips. He opened his mouth to breathe, his bottom lip was plump and beautiful and she couldn’t help herself from rubbing her thumb over it.
He kissed her thumbprint before taking it in his mouth, sucking on it softly making her hips buck into his lightly. The suction on her thumb was more erotic than she expected, the feel of his hot mouth, his wet tongue swirling around it before he let her go with a pop.
She accidentally let out a moan that excited him, “like that?”
She immediately felt her heartbeat in her clit, she nodded feverishly. Suddenly at a loss for words, wondering where this Spencer suddenly came from.
“How far are we taking this?” He asked softly. “We can stop and order that pizza at any time?”
There he was, the soft and sweet man that she brought here in the first place. “Pizza is even better after sex,” she couldn’t stop the giggle from erupting from her, even as she bit her lip.
He smiled at her like she was the world. A complete stranger making him feel more than anyone had in the last year. “I’m going to need longer than it takes to deliver a pizza,” he admitted.
“Luckily they’re open late,” she compromised, leaning in and finally kissing him.
It was soft at first, then he pulled her in even closer. She was chest to chest with him as he breathed her in deeply. She melted into his grasp as if he had just stolen her soul right out of her body.
She was his now.
She kept his face in her hands, holding him as he broke the kiss to explore her jaw. Kissing every inch of her neck and chest as she gripped his hair, making him moan as she used her nails to comb through the long locks.
“Does that feel nice?” She cooed, running her nails along his scalp as he tilted his head back.
“My favourite thing,” he explained as he closed his eyes, letting her repeat the same motion again and again.
He looked so peaceful, running his hands over her back and sides softly as she massaged him. She leaned in and kissed his cheeks, the tip of his nose, both eyelids and his forehead.
He wanted her to touch him everywhere, her delicate touch made him feel worthy for once. Every self-hatred of his washed from his body as she explored him with care, care only one would receive if they were a most prized possession.
He felt loved.
It was overwhelming, he didn’t realize a tear had slipped down his cheek until she was wiping it from his skin. Shushing him softly before kissing him quickly on the lips.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, embarrassed.
“It’s okay, what’s on your mind beautiful?” She asked softly as she brushed through his hair once more.
“I just,” he looked in her eyes ever so innocently. “I’m not used to feeling cared for, no one pays attention to me this way.”
“That’s shameful,” she looked utterly perplexed. “Look at you? You’re gorgeous, you’re smart, you’re powerful. You’re kind and lovely and soft?”
“But I’m also weird and too much to handle,” he interjected.
“Not to me,” she corrected him. “this morning you could have said nothing in the elevator, you could have driven by yourself and awkwardly waited till I was finished my work. But you didn’t, you had a conversation with me, you helped me many times, you cared about me making it back here safely and you didn’t even know me. You’re a special kind of person Doctor Reid, and anyone who doesn’t see it is an idiot.”
He pressed his lips together in an awkward smile and furrowed his brow, “do you ever give out parts of yourself to everyone because you know how hard it is to feel appreciated?”
“All the time,” she laughed softly. “But not now.”
“Me either,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
“I’ll make you a deal, you tell me the worst thing you’ve ever done and I’ll tell you mine,” she offered. “Even the playing field.”
“How so?”
“Right now you think I’m super nice and kind right? And I just told you how I feel about you, but you hate yourself and outside of here I hate myself too. Share a secret, we can be fucked up together,” she smiled.
“In order to keep myself safe in prison, I poisoned a batch of heroin and almost killed a lot of people,” he responded without thinking.
“Okay,” she was a little shocked that he gave in so fast. “One time I stabbed a guy who tried to touch me after I pushed him off me twice already. He didn’t die, it barely even went in.”
“Both are technically self-defence,” he shrugged.
“See?” She smiled. “You’re not as bad and scary as you think you are. You’re smart and cunning.”
“Are you sure you’re not a therapist?” He teased her, “because this has been better for me than any therapy appointment I’ve ever gone to.”
She laughed again, kissing him softly. “I think it would be against the rules for your therapist to do this, I guess that’s why some men cheat.”
“How so?” He just liked listening to her speak.
“It’s easier to be open with someone you’ll never see again than it is with your therapist or wife because there are no consequences. They can’t judge you or hold anything against you, they do what you paid them for and they leave,” she explained herself.
“I’d like to see you again,” his voice barely a whisper. “If you’d like that?”
She nodded softly, “maybe I’ll move back to Virginia, finally.”
“Is that where you’re from?”
“Born and raised. I moved to Albuquerque with my girlfriend 5 years ago, and she left me about 2 years ago now,” Y/N explained. “I liked my job too much to move all the way back there and start over.”
“I can put in a good word for you where ever you want,” he offered before he could stop himself from looking too desperate.
“I’ll look into it,” she smiled.
He kissed the centre of her chest again before pulling her into a hug. Hearing her heart beating in her chest softly as she pressed her cheek to the top of his head and rubbed her hand over his back. Soothing him so completely, he felt beyond amazing.
And then she was gone, pulling back from him and standing up. “Wh-?” Before he could even ask, she was lifting her shirt off.
He stared at her breasts, eyes wide and jaw dropped. She walked over to the bar, taking another shot before she pushed her shorts down and climbed onto the bed. Completely naked in under a minute.
He stood then, pushing the opened shirt off his shoulders and immediately undoing his belt. He took a condom from his wallet before kicking off his shoes, dropping his pants and underwear to the floor and stepping out of them.
She was laying back against the pillows when he crawled over her, resting his naked body against hers ever so slightly. She just smirked as she looked up at him, “hi.”
“Hello,” he whispered.
“What do you want?” She asked.
He kissed her softly on the lips, or at least he planned to. Y/N wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him down against her. Swiping her tongue across his bottom lip, begging to make out with him, finally.
Grabbing and tugging at each other as everything started to heat up, she could feel his erection against her leg as he ground down on her. Sucking on his tongue, lightly making him moan into her mouth.
His hair kept tickling her face, every time she’d push it away it would just fall right back against her skin. She pulled him off by his hair, gasping for air as they stared at each other again.
“Can I be on top?” She asked lightly.
He wrapped his arms under her, holding her close as he rolled over. Watching her settle more onto her knees as she sat on his hips. “Better?”
“Much,” she said as she sat up, taking a hairband off her wrist and putting her hair up. Raising her arms in a way that made her tits perk up. He reached up and cupped them, rubbing his thumb lightly across her nipples before giving them a squeeze.
She just laughed as she finished her ponytail, “having fun?”
“Absolutely,” he smiled up at her.
His hands followed the curve of her body, from her boobs to her waist and down over her hips. She was stunning, confident, everything he ever wanted and more.
She found the condom in the sheets, the bright purple packaging making it easy to see. She played with it in her hands, seeing how long it would take before he got desperate, but he never did.
“How long have you had this?” She asked, trying to tease him.
“Not long,” he was honest. “I just got out of prison, remember?”
“So you haven’t had sex since before you went in?” She looked excited.
“No, why?”
She smiled, “so I’m taking your free man’s virginity.”
“I don’t think that’s a thing?”
“It is now,” she giggled before leaning down to kiss him once more.
Trailing kisses down his neck, stopping only to suck a mark near his Adam’s apple. Hearing the sweet little gasps he made every time her tongue came in contact with his skin. She kissed his clavicle, his shoulder and down his chest. Making her way across his abs and over his lower tummy.
He gripped the sheets, not knowing what she had planned or where she was going. Spreading his legs, she kissed his groin, his right hip bone and the inside of his thighs. He couldn’t believe it, the way she explored him so delicately.
She ignored his cock for a while, kissing and sucking at any and all the visible skin she could find. He felt her smile against his thigh then, getting closer and closer before she took his cock in her hand and kissed the base.
He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in, settling into the bed like water filling a glass, he was liquid in her hands. Her mouth was a blessing and she chose him to worship.
“Fuck,” he moaned as she took all of him as far as she could. Dragging her tongue along the shaft as she pulled back up. Swirling her tongue around the tip before taking him all the way in once more.
She pulled off with a pop, sitting up now with his dick still in her hands. She tore the condom open with her teeth, taking the package off and rolling it over him.
His dick bounced back against his stomach when she let go of it, hard enough that it had a mind of its own now. She bit her lip as she lifted herself over him more, setting herself down softly where it laid against him.
The head of his cock brushed her clit as she ground down on him, his hands found her hips once more as he instinctively helped her find a rhythm.
He could feel how wet she was, the way she glided over him so easily. Her breath hitching every time her hips bucked, she was enjoying herself. It made him even more excited. She leaned back down then, kissing his neck once more as she continued to push down on him.
“I need you,” Spencer gasped.
She smiled against his skin, lifting her hips enough for him to line up with her before she started to sink down on it. He watched himself disappear inside of her, feeling the way she took him in like he was always meant to be there.
“Fuck,” she gasped as she sat down fully, her hands resting on Spencer’s stomach as she tried to get used to it all. Listing herself up and down little by little to get the rhythm going again.
Spencer pulled her back in again, arching her back so she could bounce easier. She held him close, tucking her face into the crook of his neck as she started to move faster and faster on him. Hearing his breathing pick up as his grip tightened on her asscheeks.
She kept one hand in his hair as her other hand reached for her clit, pleasuring herself slightly the way she knew she liked it. “Jesus Christ,” she whispered against his skin as she fucked him.
It had never felt like this before, it was so personal for the first time. They worked together perfectly, not having to communicate at all, following the other person’s rhythm like a well-oiled machine with a task.
He felt her everywhere. Her hands in his hair, her lips on his neck. The way her hot breath tickled right under his ear as she tried to catch her breath against him. The way she pulled off him and sucked him back in, again and again, her breasts against his chest and her ass in his hands.
He couldn’t believe it. That a real human being cared about and appreciated him, even after learning his worst secret. She was special and different and everything he needed.
He could feel himself getting closer, wanting to savour every moment with her that he could. His hands roamed her back, over her shoulders and arms. He wanted to touch every single inch of her while he had the chance.
“I’m so close,” she whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek and resting her open mouth against his.
They weren’t kissing, they were panting over each other with their foreheads resting together. Euphoria filling the empty spaces between them as she came, gasping and shaking violently over him.
“Fuck,” he groaned, bending his knees and driving into her a few more times before he finished.
She tugged on his hair then, biting his bottom lip as she felt him twitch inside of her. Letting out the smallest gasps and whimpers as she pulled her hand out from between them and pushed herself off him.
Dropping her body against his, resting her head on his chest as they caught their breath.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her in a hug as he repeatedly kissed the top of her head. “Thank you,” he was still out of breath as he said it.
She smiled, laughing against his skin again as she hugged him back.
He woke up to the sun in his eyes and the feeling of lips against his skin. He blinked as gained consciousness, finding Y/N laying against his chest again. Her face in his heck where she was placing lazy kisses, trying to wake him up nicely.
“Good morning?” His voice was groggy and deep, it made her smile against his skin. A feeling he didn’t realize he missed so much during the night.
“What time is your flight back?”
“10:30, why?” He asked softly, rubbing his hand over her back softly.
She held him tighter, breathing him in deeply as she did so. Not wanting to let him go any time soon, “it’s 9:45.”
“Is it bad I’m hoping there’s a secret serial killer in Albuquerque?”
She laughed again, sitting up this time so she could look at him again. “Maybe I’ll come to visit my parents soon a find a reason to stay in Virginia?”
“I’d like that,” he smiled, pulling her into a kiss. Never wanting it to be the last one.
He waited till the last possible moment to finally peel himself out of her grasp, trying to find all his clothes and belongings from the night before
He kissed her quickly at the door before taking off down the steps and back to the room he was supposed to be sharing with JJ. He knocked on their door lightly, hoping to every god on earth she hadn’t left yet.
She opened the door and just stared at him with her mouth open, “oh my god?” She laughed.
“What?” He asked, completely oblivious to how he looked.
JJ dragged him inside, pulling him towards a mirror and pointing at his reflection. “What happened to you?”
His hair was a mess, he had hickeys all over his neck. His shirt was barely buttoned, definitely not untucked and he didn’t even have his shoes on. “oh.”
“Oh?” JJ couldn’t believe it. “Who is she?”
“Um, the ME from this case,” he explained, scratching the back of his head as he squinted.
JJ just laughed then, “hurry up and look somewhat presentable, pretty boy, the team is going to eat you alive for this.”
Sure enough, when he finally sat in his little corner of the plane with his glasses on and a hickey still visible above his collar, all eyes were on him. No one wanted to ask, they all just made it abundantly clear that they were curious.
Alvez even took a photo to send to Penelope, who sent it to Derek, who texted Reid only 20 minutes into the flight asking who she was. He rolled his eyes and put his phone back in his pocket. About to get really pissed when a second text came in.
555-0623: if you’re still serious about that recommendation, there is a spot available at the DC medical examiner’s office… I’d probably be closer to you than your therapist’s office 💋
He smiled then, saving her number and starting his letter.
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silver-tongued-bby · 3 years
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Pairing: Dom!CEO!Loki x Reader
Summary: After dropping out of grad school and moving back home you expected very little of your summer. That is until you realise your neighbour, Mr. Laufeyson, has other plans. Set in the mid 90s!
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!! This is a Dom!Loki fic - though it's not super bd/sm heavy, it explores themes of voyeurism, dub!con spanking, humiliation and degradation. Sexual acts are described including vaginal fingering, dirty talk, oral sex (f receiving) and sexual intercourse (f/m). Smoking is also described. Please read at your own discretion (hehe see what I did there?).
Words: 5,026
Author's Note: I'm excited to say that this is my first ever submission for a challenge! Specifically it's for @boxofbonesfic's Hot Girl Summer Challenge.
I chose prompt 12 (Home for the Summer) and a slightly edited version of quote 17 ("If I have to tell you again to take that off, you’re not gonna like me sweetheart darling.") then for kinks I chose voyeurism/exhibitionism and degradation though there's a sprinkling of praise kink in there too.
Not sure why when I think of summer I think of mid 90s summers but here we are. This kinda went places I didn't expect, nonetheless I hope you enjoy!
God you were bored.
Stretching out on the lounge chair you sighed, letting your shoulders droop with the long exhale.
“Oh honey, you can’t keep sitting out here in the sun.” Your eyes rolled behind your dark sunglasses, turning towards your stepmother as she came down the stairs from the deck of the house.
“It’ll give you wrinkles dear,” she was standing beside you now, hands on her hips as she stared down at you. She was wearing that ridiculous hat again- the one with the brim as wide as she was tall.
“Carla, darling, we can’t all hide away from life in hopes to look as good as you do.” You lazily gazed at her, sitting up to find your pack of cigarettes on the side table. Taking one out you brought it to your mouth and lit it with your gold plated zippo. You took a long inhale before exhaling right in her face, “when I tell people you’re 53 they can hardly believe it.” Her eyes widened- you’d found her drivers license months ago and held the knowledge of her true age over her since then. You continued, ”my compliments to your doctors. Oh and Botox, kudos to Botox.”
Her little hands formed fists, fake nails pressing tiny neon-pink crescents into her palm.
You laughed, lounging back in the chair as you leisurely took drags off your cigarette. Smiling to yourself as you counted- three, two, one, before Carla shrieked and turned.
“Arthur! Arthur!” She screeched, running back up the stairs to tell your father.
You were a little less bored now, but making Carla’s face turn red could only give you so much satisfaction. You knew your father could care less, they were both about to leave for the Côte D’Azur tomorrow for the rest of the summer, leaving you here alone to “consider the consequences of your actions.” Or however your father had put you dropping out of school after one year of graduate studies in Classics.
He couldn’t help himself from belittling your degree while you were studying, then once you’d decided it wasn’t for you his lectures changed to be about “never giving up” and “seeing something through.” You both knew he simply didn’t want you around- he just couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.
“Now those will definitely give you wrinkles,” you heard a smooth, silky voice coming from behind you that made your heart race. Smiling, you swung your legs over the side of your chair, taking off your sunglasses and snuffing out your cigarette.
“Mr. Laufeyson,” you started, eyeing the lithe figure as he emerged from the shadows. He held his hands in his pockets, his crisp black trousers fit perfectly to his frame. The sleeves of his black dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, exposing the pale skin of his toned forearms. You were well aware of the small scraps of white fabric covering your body, and you enjoyed watching his eyes trace over your skin. You’d lusted after him ever since your father had moved here during your first year of college. You’d met him at one of Carla’s Christmas parties- she invited everyone from the gated community over, including your neighbour, Loki Laufeyson.
“I’m so sorry if my stepmother’s incessant shrieking ruined your afternoon,” you grimaced, taking a sip of the ice cold vodka soda beside you. “Is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?” you asked, your eyes innocently meeting his.
He chuckled. “Oh I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve already thought of something,” he said under his breath loud enough for you to just make out. He strolled towards you and took a seat on the lounge chair beside yours. “I’m actually here to see your Father. He’s asked me to check in on things here while him and Carla are away.”
You rolled your eyes- of course he did. You caught Mr. Laufeyson staring at you as you did that, his expression darkening slightly and his eyebrow raising before he continued. “I am surprised to see you here- last I’d heard you were studying in Europe. Graduate studies in Classics, right?”
“Yeah. It didn’t exactly pan out.” You looked down, cursing yourself for feeling your face grow hot. The last thing you needed was your gorgeous neighbour feeling sorry for you.
“Laufeyson you bastard, you’re late!” Your Father was coming down the stairs, jovial with his greeting.
Loki got up from his seat to meet your father. “Arthur,” he said, shaking his hand. “My apologies, I got held up at the office. It’s been insanity since the new acquisition.”
You tuned out the rest of the business jargon and settled back into your seat, facing the other way. You put your sunglasses back on, wincing once your heard Carla’s shrill voice coming from above.
“Is that Loki Laufeyson? Oh it’s been ages!” she gushed.
“I suppose it has.” You could tell she’d pulled him in for a hug and a kiss on either cheek. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself at the clear discomfort in his voice.
“So I can trust you to keep an eye on the place?” your father chimed in.
“Certainly, although it seems your daughter is perfectly capable of doing so herself.” Mr. Laufeyson rightfully pointed out. You raised an eyebrow, wishing you could see the expression on your dear dad’s face from your position. Mr. Laufeyson was probably the only person in this community that could and would tell your Father that- his annual appearance in Forbes certainly cemented the position.
“You never know with kids, Laufeyson. No matter how old they get you can’t trust them to carry through with something. Just wait until you have one of your own- then you’ll know what I’m talking about." He laughed loudly. You scoffed. Fucking asshole.
“I see. I’ll keep an eye out then.” Mr. Laufeyson said cooly.
“Right well feel free to pop by anytime, we leave tomorrow morning. Here’s the number of my cellular telephone- I always have it on me you know.” Your father was obsessed with his clunky mass of plastic- he brought it everywhere he went, mostly to brag about it to strangers or talk obnoxiously on it to avoid conversations with you or Carla.
“He really does. Even in the bedroom!” Carla giggled, causing you to shudder in disgust.
“Of course, well I should be on my way.” He stepped back over to you. “I suppose I’ll be seeing you around. Here’s my information,” he placed a thick, black and white business card onto the small table beside you. “In case of emergency.”
You pulled your sunglasses down your nose and slid your eyes up his body, biting your lip as you met his stare. “I’ll be sure to remember. See you around, Mr. Laufeyson.”
He considered you for a moment and you thought he was about to say something else before he nodded and turned, heading for the gate.
You settled back in your seat and nestled the headphones of your discman over your ears. You pressed the play button, the beat of Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy” drowning out whatever Carla and your father were arguing about once their guest had left.
It was much later that evening that you finally slipped from your room to find some dinner. The house was dark- you knew your father and Carla had an early flight. Grabbing a wrapped plate from the fridge that the housekeeper had left you you headed to the back deck to eat. You kept the lights off as you watched the dim foamy white of the ocean’s waves hitting the rocks below, finding peace in the sound.
Finishing your meal you were about to head inside when you saw a light come on out of the corner of your eye. From where you were sitting you could see into a room on the top floor of Mr. Laufeyson’s house. Interesting- you’d never seen into this room before, the windows that faced your father’s house were usually shuttered. You laid back and lit a cigarette, choking on the inhale when you saw Mr. Laufeyson emerge, shirtless, his eyes dark and hungry. He was pulling a woman behind him, a blonde, her shirt unbuttoned to expose a lacy red bra. Once he stood at the edge of the bed he turned around to kiss her, his hands moving to the clasp of her bra. Undoing it, he pulled away to slide it down her arms before turning her around and unzipping her skirt, leaving her in just a high waisted red lace thong.
Your heart was hammering in your chest. You were transfixed by the scene unfolding in front of you. He flung her on the bed- from your position you could see it all as if it were happening in a room adjacent to yours. Climbing over her he dipped his head to capture her lips once more as he ground against her. Your legs clenched together as you continued to smoke your cigarette, the combined effect of the nicotine and the scene in front of you making your head spin.
His hand trailed down to the red lace covering her heat as he continued to kiss and grind against her. Slipping his fingers in you found you were doing the same to yourself, feeling the hot wet of your arousal. He had pulled away from her now, watching her face intently as her back arched up off of the mattress, her hands clutching his toned arms. He was saying something to her, his eyes going from her face to her heaving breasts as he continued to work his hand inside of her. A flush was blooming on her chest, her mouth open and her eyebrows drawn together. You were moving your hand in time with his, your arousal coating your fingers. His movements became faster as he continued to speak to her, smiling menacingly before her back arched fully off the bed, her hands grasping at him. Withdrawing from the dampened red lace his fingers glistened in the light, wet from her release.
He easily picked her up off the bed, carrying her to the window sill. He roughly pulled her panties down before he undid his trousers then lined himself up at her entrance. He pressed into her, her back flat against the glass and his face visible beside the back of her head, his eyes closed. You imagined how it’d feel, the cool glass against your back, his warm hand firmly gripping your thigh, his strong arms holding your legs open as he fucked you. He began to move inside of her then his eyes opened, staring straight at you in the darkness. Your heart beat faster as you felt yourself blush- surely he couldn’t see you out here, you were shrouded in the dark. You could barely see the outline of your hand as you brought it to your face for another puff. You froze- the cigarette.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you hissed, quickly removing your hand from its position and shakily putting out the cigarette on your dinner plate. Sliding your chair out quietly you chanced one last look towards the window- he was smirking in your direction as he continued to move against the blonde. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as you backed away towards the porch door. You could swear his eyes didn’t leave you once and it sent shudders through you. You made your way back to your room and lay awake for hours, each time you closed your eyes you saw his piercing blue-green stare and filthy smirk.
You must have drifted off at some point since you eventually awoke to silence- an anomaly. You’d usually wake to Carla’s screeching laugh as she spoke on the phone to her friends, or she’d send the housekeeper Marie to wake you. You checked the clock beside you- 9AM. Carla and your father were long gone by now.
You smiled at that, stretching lazily before cranking the radio and dancing around your room as you got ready, the sunlight beaming in through your window. Making your way to the main kitchen you froze, last night coming back to you. The way Mr. Laufeyson had looked out at you as if he were expecting you to be there. Did he leave the blinds open on purpose? You shook your head, no way he’d be that forward. Sure he flirted with you every now and then, but nothing beyond that. You pushed the thought from your mind for the rest of the day.
A week passed quickly, you spent a lot of time with your friends, going shopping, to the beach, or local restaurants. You didn’t spend much time around the house so you hadn’t seen Mr. Laufeyson since the “incident”. On Friday you met up with some friends midday and got a ride to one of their parents’ beach houses. You spent the day there, drinking and laughing as you enjoyed the sun. Your friends dropped you back off at your place at around 7pm, you were pleasantly buzzed but looking forward to a quiet night in.
It was so hot outside you decided to take a dip in the pool. Cranking the radio in the backyard you decided to skinny dip- no one was home anyways. You sighed as your heated skin met the water, cooling instantly. You did a few laps before lazily swimming a backstroke and humming the music on the radio when you saw something coming towards you out of the corner of your eye. Standing upright you saw Mr. Laufeyson walking towards you from the door to the backyard, a smirk playing at his lips. Your heart started beating quickly as you realised the position you were in, remembering his hungry stare from last week. You swam over to the side of the pool to meet him.
“Hi,” he smiled, looking down at you.
You bit your lip and innocently looked up at him. “Hello, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“I’m sorry to intrude.”
“No worries. Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Laufeyson?” you asked, noticing his eyes taking in your body under the water. He definitely knew you were naked. Your thighs clenched together at the thought.
“I was coming to see you about something that happened last week that had me… concerned. I thought I saw someone out on the balcony, late at night. Was that you?”
You felt your cheeks grow hot, your heartbeat picking up to a mile a minute. “What day was this?”
“Last week Friday.” His face was serious as he strolled over to a pool chair, pulling it closer to the side and taking a seat.
“I’m not sure. I don’t think anyone was out there then.” The words came out a lot quicker than you’d meant. You were usually pretty good at lying but something in his voice made you want to tell him the truth, to please him.
He tsked. “I’ve seen you lie better than that. Try again darling.” He sounded bored as he reached for your pack of cigarettes on the side table. He raised an eyebrow in question as he drew out a cigarette. You nodded, nervously biting your lip as he lit it and crossed his legs, leisurely smoking while he stared you down.
“No words, little one?” he teased, smirking down at you. “Did you at least enjoy the show?”
You huffed- this was humiliating. How dare he? You found anger quickly overtaking your initial shock and embarrassment as you made your way to the pool stairs and got out. You raised an eyebrow at him and smiled when the smirk slid off his face at the sight of your naked, wet body. Two can play this game. Walking over to him you grabbed a towel off the chair and wrapped it around yourself.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to imply here,” you grabbed the cigarette from between his long, muscular fingers and took a long drag. “But I didn’t see you last Friday night. And I definitely didn’t see you fucking that blonde-” your eyes widened at your own confession.
He stood to his full height and stepped closer to you, looking down at you once more. You backed up a step, feeling the lounge chair behind you.
“Drop the towel,” he growled, the hungry look in his eyes fully directed at you this time.
“Listen-“ you started to explain yourself.
“Drop. The. Towel.” He enunciated each word with his crisp accent and perfect voice.
“I knew it- I knew you wanted to fuck me.” You smirked at him triumphantly as you took another drag.
“If I have to tell you again to take that off, you’re not gonna like me darling,” he threatened, stepping closer.
“Oh really?” You laughed, taunting him. “And what are you going to do, Mr. Laufeyson?” You blinked innocently at him, enjoying the way the muscles in his jaw clenched.
Suddenly he grabbed your jaw, firmly but not painfully as he brought his face inches from yours, your eyes locked.
“You fucking brat.” He roughly pulled the towel down, exposing your body to the warm air. He pinched the cigarette from your fingers, extinguishing it under his shoe on the concrete. “I’m going to have to teach you some manners, aren’t I?”
Before you could answer he spun you both around and sat on the lounge chair then pulled you over his lap, angling you so your top half rested on the chair, your hips over his. One hand firmly held your lower back in place, the other smoothed over the skin of your ass and you squirmed. His hand came down to spank you, hard. “First lesson- don’t fucking move until I tell you to.” You whined, your face burning.
His hand came down again in the same spot, causing you to hiss and grip the plastic of the chair in one hand and his thigh in the other. “Second lesson- always answer me.”
You were humiliated but you found yourself growing even more wet with each spank. First there was the pain, then a wave of pleasure that intensified when he smoothed his hand over the skin he’d hit.
He gave you another slap, “what did I just say?” He growled, his hand roughly gripping the skin this time.
“T-to always answer you.” Your voice was small as you stuttered, overwhelmed by the way he was making you feel.
“Good girl.” You'd felt a tiny swell of pride at that. “I’m going to spank you three more times. Count them for me.”
“Okay,” you nodded, worried if you didn’t answer he’d add more to the list. His hand came down on your other cheek, hard and fast.
“One,” you counted, taking a deep breath. Before you could forcibly relax your tense muscles his hand had struck your cheek once more, causing you to hiss.
Your finger tips were pressing into his thigh as you let out a breath, the sharp pain receding. “Two,” you licked your lips and tensed in anticipation of the third and final slap.
After a few seconds you relaxed then turned to catch his eye- he was darkly observing you with his jaw clenched. Suddenly he hit the skin once more, this time the hardest, causing you to cry out.
You composed yourself with a quick breath. “Three.”
“Well done, darling.” He was gently running over the sore skin with his large hands. You could feel his erection under you.
“I wish you could see how lovely you looked on my lap, taking your spanking so well.” He dipped his hand between your legs. You sucked in a breath when you felt his fingers brush along your wet slit causing you to writhe on his lap.
“My poor, little thing. You’re dripping,” his voice was pure sin as he brought his glistening fingers up to your face.
He shifted, his strong grip helping you off his lap so you stood before him on shaky legs. You bit your lip, face growing hot as suddenly became fascinated with your fingers, twisting them painfully.
He stood then, and brought his finger under your chin to guide your eyes to his. He wore a satisfied expression, a slight grin at his lips as he took in your naked form.
“Do you think you’ve learnt your lesson darling?” He asked, his eyes mocking yours.
You quickly nodded, feeling fully exposed in front of his fully clothed form.
He licked his lips. “Do you want to go upstairs so I can fuck you?”
Your cheeks burnt as you nodded quickly again.
“Answer me darling,” he dropped his hand from your chin.
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
A slow, filthy grin spread across his face. “Lead the way,” he motioned towards the stairs.
You bent to reach for your towel on the ground. “Ah, ah, no need for that darling.” His words stopped you. You shivered as you stood back up, another wave of heat pulsing through your core.
You tentatively walked up the steep stairs and he followed closely behind. You could feel his gaze on you with each step.
Once up on the patio you looked back at him, his eyes dark with hunger. You gave him a shy smile before leading him inside. You stopped- should you bring him to your bedroom?
Before you could finish your thought he slid up behind you, his hands coming to grip your waist. “Where shall I take you, darling?” He whispered in your ear, his breath making you shiver.
He let go of your waist to circle you, stopping before you. “Do you want me to ruin you on that god awful couch?” He looked over his shoulder to the gaudy floral couch Carla had ordered special from Italy. She wouldn’t let anyone who wasn’t company sit on it in fear of stains.
You smiled at the idea of ruining the couch with Mr. Laufeyson, knowing Carla would lose her mind- even more so if she found out how it got there. “Yes please.”
He pulled you towards it then gently guided you to sit at the edge of it, angling you so you were in one corner. His hands splayed over the skin of your legs, gently pushing them apart. The feeling of the cool air of the house on your slit gave you goosebumps.
He kept his eyes locked with yours as he knelt between your legs before he turned to press a kiss to your thigh close to your knee. He then bit the skin there, earning a sharp inhale from you before he soothed it with his warm tongue.
“Tell me, darling. Did you touch yourself? Did you play with yourself as you watched me?” His velvety voice sent an involuntary shudder through you, his eyes capturing yours.
He nipped at your thigh with his teeth, marring the skin. You yelped then swallowed. “Yes! Yes, I did.”
“Good girl.” He moved to repeat his actions further up the inside of your thigh while he gently ran his fingers up and down your other thigh.
You were trembling while you watched him, each bite a little harder than the last as he got closer to your wet core. His eyes met yours once more then he blew a stream of cold air over your slit, causing you to gasp sharply. He smirked before letting his lips barely graze over your clit, your hips moving slightly before he brought his arm down over them to hold you in place.
He ever so gently pressed a kiss to your clit before gently running his tongue over the sensitive flesh, pulling a moan from you. You could feel your wetness dripping down onto the couch below as he continued to delicately tease you.
“You taste divine, darling. Better than I’d imagined.” You whined at his words- the idea of him alone, picturing what your cunt tasted like brought you to the edge of an orgasm.
He smiled wickedly up at you. “So close already? Poor thing.” Bringing one long finger to your slit he gathered some wetness before pushing it fully within you, forcing a loud moan through your lips.
“It’s okay darling, let go. Give into me. I promise it’ll make you feel so much better,” he hummed against your clit before tenderly sucking on it. He bent his finger within you, hitting something deep that made you cry out. You quickly came, your release squirting around his finger and wetting the couch below.
He kept up his movements as you rode out your high. Once your breath returned to you he pulled away and removed his finger, licking his lips as he wiped your release off his chin.
“Third lesson- good girls always get to cum.” He winked at you with a grin before standing.
He leaned over you, caging you in on the couch before capturing your lips with his. You hummed at the taste of yourself on him, his tongue gliding against yours.
He straightened back up then pulled you up off the couch and guided you to face the other way. He led you so your knees were on the couch, your arms resting against the back of the upholstery. You heard the sound of a zipper before feeling the tip of his hard length slide against your folds. You instinctively arched your back at the feeling, pressing yourself up against him, causing him to groan.
“Such a greedy little brat,” he said, smoothing his hands over the skin of your ass. “You want me to fuck that pretty little cunt, hm?”
“Yes- yes please, Mr. Laufeyson. Please fuck me,” you begged, rubbing yourself on him once more.
With that he thrust into you, holding himself still once he was fully seated within you, giving you a chance to adjust. You’d gasped at the sensation- he was clearly well-endowed and you were thankful he gave you a moment. Willing your muscles to relax you looked back at him before grinding your hips against his.
His eyes were dark with lust, his jaw clenched in a way that made you involuntarily squeeze him as he started to move within you. You were panting as he set a pace, the angle of his thrusts hitting the same spot he’d found quickly before.
You’d turned back around and folded your forearms over the back of the couch, arching yourself against him even more. He growled and picked up his pace, his hand firmly gripping your hip. The angle had you moaning desperately, the feeling of him so deep within you making your fingers and toes numb.
“That’s it darling, take my cock within your needy little cunt. Fuck- I’ve wanted to ruin this tight little pussy for so long. I’ve wanted you for so long,” he rasped out between thrusts and your mind went blank, all you could respond with were desperate moans.
He stopped abruptly and pulled you up before sitting himself on the couch and pulling you over his lap so you were straddling him. He’d unbuttoned his shirt and your mouth went dry at the sight of the musculature under his pale skin. You slid your fingers under the fabric, gripping his firm shoulders as he positioned himself under you.
You moved your hips in a circle over him, enjoying the feel of the very tip of him swirling within you.
“You little tease,” he grinned darkly, running a hand through his hair. “Ride me, darling. Show me what you can do.”
Your cunt clenched at his words and his wicked smirk spread. You took the opportunity to bring yourself down to grind against him, wiping the smug look off his face.
You quickly set a pace as you rode him, his hands on your ass guiding your movements. You were panting as you continued your movements, the angle bringing you close to your finish.
“Are you going to cum, darling?” His voice vibrated through you, and you nodded.
“Yes- fuck, Mr. Laufeyson. You feel so good-“ he continued to guide your movements, moving his head closer to your breast. He brought his mouth around one of your nipples, gently sucking at the nub. You arched into him, moaning at the sensation.
His tongue ran against your skin in his mouth, bringing another moan from you before he sharply bit down on your nipple, pushing you over the edge into another orgasm. You moaned his name over and over as you rode out your high, your nails digging into the skin of his shoulder. As you came back to yourself you felt him twitch within you, filling you as he reached his own finish.
You watched him as he came, mesmerised with his blissful expression, his long eyelashes touching defined cheekbones. His eyes fluttered back open and he gave you a smirk- god help you he was fucking gorgeous.
He gave you a chaste kiss before helping you up, the combined fluids from your finish trickling down your thigh. You were happy to see some hit the couch as you moved off him.
You strolled to the bathroom to clean yourself up and throw on a t-shirt and panties, passing a damp cloth to him once you returned. You pulled a cigarette from the pack you had on the kitchen counter, then headed to the balcony as you lit it up.
You were leaning on the balcony, watching the now dark waves when he joined you. You smiled at him, offering him your cigarette. He took a long drag as you leant on the balcony’s edge.
“So,” you trailed off, not sure what to say.
“That was fun,” he exhaled then smiled at you, his expression mischievous.
“Yeah,” you agreed, relief filling your chest. “I’d love to do it again.”
“Of course darling, we have all summer.” He came behind you, pulling you against his chest as he ducked his head so his lips were beside your ear. ”And you have quite a bit to learn.”
End Notes: Want to read more Loki fics of mine? My masterlist is here.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Consciousness Of Guilt
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Chapter 13
Summary: Andy heads back to the East Coast for a day, leaving a very nervous you behind.
Warnings: Language, adult themes, angst
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
W/C: 5.1k
Consciousness Of Guilt Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 12
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“You have his eyes.”
Andy remembered that line as if it had been spoken to him yesterday. It had sucked all the air from his lungs, the mere thought he could be anything like the scum bag that sat opposite him now behind the thick, Perspex security screen made his skin crawl. 
When he’d walked out of this prison the last time, he’d sworn he would never return. Hell, he’d only gone in the first place because Jacob needed him too. But here he was, once more. And just like before this was because someone needed him. 
With a deep breath, he grit his teeth and reached for the phone set, his eyes locked on those of his father's. 
“You’re welcome,” Billy’s raspy tone spoke before Andy got the chance and he merely glared back, his jaw ticking.
“What exactly am I supposed to be thanking you for?”
“O’Leary told me about the incident on your porch, good job he was there-“
“How the fuck did you find me?”
“You know for someone who’s incredibly smart you’re so fucking stupid. The Yale case, the double homicide? Your face was all over the news.” 
“Fuck you.”
"Is that the way a son should talk to his father?"
“You’re my father in nothing but name.”
"Okay, how ‘bout you cut the shit, asshole. You're here to see me."
 Andy rolled his eyes and looked away as he spoke, “the Drysdales. How did you know they’d be coming for Y/N?”
Andy’s eyes turned back to Billy who looked at him, before he raised his eyebrows, “call it a hunch, as soon as I found out they knew what your little bird had done I figured they’d come calling one way or another.”
“Why didn’t they go to the police?”
“My guess?” Billy looked at him, “money. They want cash. They’re on their asses, and owe some nasty people. Same people that did Linda’s brother over a few years ago.”
“So they’re intending to blackmail her?”
"That's what the canary says."
Andy frowned at the mention of a canary, for it was the same bird type analogy he used when talking to you about the same person.
“Who else has the canary told?”
“No one. They told him to keep his mouth shut. Apparently, in exchange for his information and silence, they were gonna give him a hefty chunk of cash, foot his legal bill, and get some doctor they know to state he’s not of fit mind due to his addiction. Not a bad plan really, had it all worked out he’d have been out in six months and living the highlife…”
“What do you mean had it all worked out.”
“Fate is a fickle thing, ironic at the best of times.” Billy continued, his eyes never leaving Andy’s. “It appears he pissed his cell mate off, they found him with his throat slit this morning. Convenient, for you, don’t you think?”
“Seems that way,” Andy glowered at Billy, knowing full well what he was hinting at. But whether or not it was true, he didn’t want to know. Nor could he afford to be sentimental about morality. He was fighting for your life here, to keep you out of prison.
Lawyers have boundaries, I don’t. Not anymore.
“So he can’t tell anyone shit, and neither will anyone else in here who he was blabbing to.” Billy leaned back on his chair, “but the Drysdales however, they don’t strike me as the type of people who will stop until they get what they want. Wouldn’t be hard to get rid of them either and pass it off as-“
“I'll handle the Drysdales, you do nothing.” Andy cut him off, knowing full well that whilst that would be the easiest solution, burdening you with more guilt would cause you even more pain. He needed to be smart, beat them at their own game. And thanks to what his father had just told him, his original plan about how to do that so far seemed to check out.
"Your girl like the guard dog? I heard she talked to him…”
"No. But it was necessary."
"He's good, loyal. Does the job."
Disgust coiled in his belly as pure hatred filled his veins. Andy knew what he was talking about. And he felt sick. Patz. O'Leary and Patz.
 “Don’t look at me like that,” Billy shook his head, “you didn’t mind him so much when he stopped that dead kids father from shanking Jacob in the-“
“Don’t you dare even say his name.” Andy spat, the blood pounding in his ears. "When this is over, I send your dog home and that's it. You don't call me, you don't send anyone else to my family, you stay the fuck out of it. For good."
"Listen here you mother fucker, I did you a favor. That's twice now, first my grandson and now your new bird. Don't say I didn't fucking care."
“Laurie and Jacob are dead because of what you did,” Andy spat, “so don’t you dare sit there and try and make out like you’re some kind of fucking patron saint.”
"I'm not the one who drove my Range Rover into a fucking turnpike tunnel."
“Fuck you!” Andy yelled, his fist slamming against the desk in front of him as he shook with rage.
"Is that all you got, why don't come on the other side here and show me what you think a real man is!"
“Oh you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” Andy snarled, “you should be careful though, Dad… You don’t look so clever, little peaky round the gills… and I’m not that little kid who used to cower under the table anymore.”
"Oh you're not? Is that why you ran when they were gone? Run and hide? You like being a fucking coward? Your girl has more balls than you, you son of a bitch."
“You’re pathetic,” Andy scoffed, a dry chuckle escaping him. "We're done."
“Finally something we both agree on.”
Andy stood, the chair he was on sliding across the linoleum until it fell over. He was sweating, he was raging angry. He looked at the guard and stormed out of the conference room in which he just held court with his estranged father, sperm donor more like it.
He knew he shouldn’t let him get under his skin the way he did, but he couldn’t help it. But, if he could help it, that would be the last time he ever had to see him. Andy had noticed he looked a lot frailer than the last time he’d seen him, and with any hope, whatever ailment Billy may have been suffering from, would result in a very painful death. 
It took all the strength you had not to stay home for the day after seeing Andy off so early in the morning. You'd driven him into Denver to catch his flight and drove back, clearly with a tail, but it wasn't going to change.
You didn't want to be home, a need to feel safe and secure around people you knew. But you didn't want to endanger anyone nor drag them into the horror you've now relived the last week.
Eva had looked at you, and immediately asked if you were well enough to be in, but you assured her you were merely tired after your alleged ‘sickness’ bug.
 So you sat quietly in your office, the door closed, your phone on 'Do Not Disturb' and a request to the receptionist that if anyone, and you meant anyone were to come to see you in the lobby, you were to be called ahead of time.
It was just approaching lunch when Andy called, and you’d answered before your cell phone had even completed its first shrill.
"Hey," you said tiredly.
You weren't sure to ask how it went or how he was so you kept it simple.
“Hey, Angel. You okay?”
"Yeah, just tired. I came in straight from Denver."
“We’ll make sure you get home early, I can hitch a cab back from the airport.”
"No, it's okay, I'll finish out the day, maybe catch up on some stuff and then head to Denver to get you later."
“Angel, I want you safe, I can't do anything from where I am. Even with that piece of shit nearby. And I don’t want you driving if you’re tired, if anything happened to you-“
"Andy, please," you sighed.
"Y/N," he sighed right back.
"What's going on?"
“I lost two people I love to a car accident, I don’t wanna lose you to one either. Please, baby just…"
You grew silent. "I don't want to go home, Andy."
“Fahk,” you heard his soft curse.
"I'll be fine," you assured. "In fact, would it make you feel better if, maybe instead of going home, I napped here? Or got us a room near the airport?"
He paused and then chuckled, “you know, with those kind of negotiation skills you’d make a great lawyer. Okay, get us a room.”
“So, stupid question but how was it?”
"As I expected," Andy spat. "He's still a piece of shit.”
“Did he tell you why-“
“Yeah, and it’s exactly what we suspected. Money. They intend to blackmail you. But don’t worry, my other hunch appears so far to be checking out so let me do what I need to do and we can talk later.”
You took a deep breath and licked your lips. “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be okay when he’s six foot under.”
 “I’m sorry.” You whispered, “I’m so sorry you had to see him again, and…”
"Stahp," Andy stated firmly. "No. Reverse. Gear."
“Okay.” You sniffed, the tears burning your sore eyes. “I love you.”
"I love you, too. I've got you. Okay?"
“I know.”
"I'll see you soon," Andy said softly.
“Yeah, bye.”
You set your cell down as the call ended and looked around your office. Scooting back from your desk, you walked over to your window. You'd been afraid to glance outside it all day until now.
Your view faced the courtyard, and just across from there you saw that familiar sedan that had been with you for pretty much the past week.
It wasn't a clear image, but you knew the man behind the wheel was a bald, burly man and he was your body guard for the week. It made you sick to know this is what your life had come to, but then again, you'd done this all to yourself and until now, on your own. You knew the idea was absolutely ludicrous, but in your heart you felt you owed Andy an immeasurable debt.
With a loud exhale, you shook your head and sat back down, looking up the number for the airport hotel to make your reservation. You felt better, knowing you didn’t have to go home without Andy, but as you thought about it, your relief faded once more to worry as you realised you were going to have to go home to pack you both a few things. 
You bit your thumbnail before you decided no, you didn’t. You’d go into Denver a bit earlier and grab a few things from the shops. It was stupid, you knew this, but you were past trying to reason with yourself.
Right now, you simply wanted to make it through the day.
It was close to a three hour drive from where Andy had seen his father to where he was meeting Loguidice. He and the ADA were set to meet somewhere private off the beat and he knew just the place. If Blanc was meeting him later in the evening, there was a good chance the place was a hidden gem.
And that's where he would meet Neal.
Nelson's Whiskey Bar was definitely off the beat, dingy and equally just as sketchy but it would do the job.
Neal was already waiting when he arrived, which suited Andy fine. He only had an hour before Blanc was due to turn up so the sooner Neal gave him what he needed, the sooner he could fuck back off.
"Andy," Neal slid from the booth in greeting.
 Andy quickly shook his hand and slipped right into the booth, opposite Neal. “Do you have it?”
Neal slid a large manilla folder across the table, bound with a rubber band. "I hope you find what you're looking for."
“So do I.” Andy placed his hand on the file and pulled it towards him.
“You gonna tell me what hunch you have?” Neal asked.
"No." He shook his head. "I told you, not until I know for sure."
"You gotta give me something here, Andy," Neal pressed.
“No, I don’t.” Andy shook his head. “The less you know the better, if nothing more so that if it does blow up in my face you remain blissfully ignorant.”
Neal sat back with a sigh. "At least your next step?"
“Still the tenacious, annoying little shit I see,” Andy’s lip quirked at the side and Neal snorted.
“You mentioned the doctor so I took the liberty of tracking him down. Soon after that case, he packed up here and left town. He’s practicing privately as a GP now in New York.”
"Good to know," Andy took mental note. "I appreciate this, I do. These people are worse than pieces of shit."
“Tell me about it,” Neal rolled his eyes, “you know, I get you can’t win em all but out of the cases I have lost, that one sticks in my throat the most. The evidence was fucking tight… and that diagnosis blew it all completely outta the water.”
"That's what flags this as bullshit.”
“Something is dirty, and it starts with the Drysdales."
"But, like I said, I won't know if what my gut says is true until I read this file."
“After the case, I did my own little investigation as, like I said, something wasn’t right.” Neal shrugged, “I even talked to Joanna. Didn’t get me very far, she never used Dr Ross in any of her cases. Said she couldn’t stand him. The way he used to leer over his staff members and interns made her skin itch, apparently.”
“Yeah, well his wandering eyes are part of the reason he skipped town, wife caught him in a compromising situation with his secretary. Unfortunately, having an affair doesn’t mean you’re shit at your job.”
"Doesn't make you an upstanding citizen either."
Neal snorted, “What does?” He checked his watch and sighed, “Andy, I’m sorry but I gotta go.”
"I'll call you." Andy nodded.
“Yeah,” Neal nodded as he stood up, “take care, huh?”
 "You too," Andy again gave a firm single nod. "Loguidice..." Neal turned around. "Stop fucking your intern."
Neal flushed red, his mouth dropping open with the manner of a floundering fish, before he turned and made his way quickly out of the door.
With a chuckle and a shake of his head, Andy started thumbing through the case file, a fresh scotch landing at his table.
He skipped straight to the doctor's report, his teeth worrying at his lip. Neal was right, it didn’t make sense. Doctor Ross was one Andy himself had used once or twice before. And he’d used him in those particular cases as he was good. Unflappable.
Andy took a deep breath. Half of him was pleased his hunch was proving right, in that he was now one-hundred percent sure the Drysdale’s had done something to convince him to play their game. What exactly that was, well, he couldn’t quite see that piece, not yet.
But it'd have to wait, as a drawl hit his ears from the bar and he knew his second guest had arrived.
Andy closed the file and looked up to see a man with greying blonde hair in a suit stood at the bar, ordering a drink. The man's eyes fell on Andy, and he stood up, nodding to him.
“Mr Blanc?”
"Mr. Barber, I presume."
“Yeah, hi.” Andy shook his hand and gestured to the booth, “please…”
With a nod Blanc took a seat, the waitress quickly bringing him a drink without ordering.
“So, Mr Barber… what’s the cheese?” Blanc asked as he sipped his drink, eyeing Andy shrewdly. 
"I want to talk about Ransom Drysdale." Andy cut right to it. He had a feeling Blanc wasn't a beat around it type of guy.
“The donut hole in the donut hole,” Blanc leaned back in his seat, “what is it you want to know?”
“My girlfriend mentioned you visited them at the house when she was reported missing.” Andy picked his words carefully, “I was curious as to why, exactly, the fact they had a work connection led you to instantly suspect he may have had something to do with her disappearance.”
"Hugh Drysdale was an interesting young man," Blanc leaned forward, hushing his voice. "Narcissistic, he was a sociopath with psychopathic tendencies. A spoiled, little, rich boy who never grew up to be a man. Always having his mama and daddy bail him out of trouble. He was what I call a King Manipulator."
Andy merely raised his brows, concentrating on keeping his cool. 
"Even when that case was closed, I still followed the family in the news. I read the article your girlfriend wrote. I read the public apology and retraction.”
“So you suspected him, to want what? Revenge for her article?”
"Ultimately, in a way. It didn't settle right with me for some reason. So I followed a hunch."
 "And you showed up."
Blanc nodded. "What was interesting enough was the convincing act Miss Y/L/N had. Like something had been held over her head. There were ticks from her, she probably didn't even know she was doing. Ransom was good, good enough that I couldn't do anything further."
Andy blinked, the nerve in his jaw ticking. “So you just left her there? And didn’t tell anyone?”
"I could do nothing else. She was the one that told me to leave. She was the one who asked for privacy in their relationship. I didn't entirely leave it as such. I spoke to her parents, told them that she seemed alright, in fact quite angry that I had intruded on their little affair. My hands were tied, Mr. Barber. She specifically said she didn't want to be found."
Andy turned away, swallowing back the bile of anger in his throat as he ran his hand over his beard. 
“Mr Barber, can I ask, what is this really about?”
"Linda Thrombey and Richard Drysdale showed up on my porch, looking for Y/N. Threatening her. And it's going to stop."
"How can I help?"
“The Doctor who diagnosed Ransom as not of sound mind-“
“Hooey,” Blanc scoffed and Andy nodded. 
“Indeed. Well, since he worked on this case he skipped town. He’s now in New York. But, the thing is, Doctor Theodore Ross in my past experience has always been a consummate professional…”
“So you think the Drysdale’s paid him.”
“That’s the missing piece to all this,” Andy raised his eyebrow, “and I need you to help me find it.”
"So you're hiring me?"
“I am, yes.”
"Well, then,” Blanc smirked as he fished in his pocket for his note book, “let’s get started."
After his meeting with Blanc, that went well beyond his expectations, Andy grabbed his flight back home to you. It was easy, traveling with nothing more than a small carry-on backpack, you get on, you sit, you fly, you get off and immediately home. Simple as that.
You'd kept your promise and didn't pick him up, but rather got a room at the nearby Westin, a stone's throw from the terminals and waited for him there.
When you heard his key in the lock of the room, having instructed reception to hand it to him, and only him on production of his ID, you jumped off the bed and hastily crossed the carpeted floor of the room to greet him.
He was barely through the door when your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him close.
 He chuckled a little as he dropped his bag and his arms circled you. “Hi, honey.” He whispered into your hair as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
"Hi," you tearfully whispered.
Andy shuffled a little further into the room, shutting the door behind him as you reluctantly let go of him. 
"Are you hungry? I can order us room service." You checked the time, it was late. Andy had been gone all day and across two time zones.
“Starving.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and picked up his bag, tossing it unceremoniously onto a chair by the window.
You padded deeper into the room, the curtains covering your view and sat down at the small table by the window. You looked over the Room Service book and set about ordering him a cheeseburger and fries. You made mention, as you dialed, of a change of clothes for him packed away in the closet.
“Thanks Angel, I’m gonna take a shower then we’ll talk.” Andy assured you as he headed to the closet. He paused as he pulled the department store bag out, and when he looked at you, you shrugged.
“I didn’t want to go home so… I hope it all fits, it’s your size.”
With a sad sigh, Andy stalked the room and kneeled at your feet, "it's going to be okay, I promise." His one hand cupped your cheek while the other rested on the side of your thigh, his thumb rubbing against your bare skin.
“So you keep saying,” you whispered.
"Have I let you down yet?" He wondered.
"No," you replied.
“Then trust me.” He smiled, giving you a quick kiss as he stood up. “I’ll fill you in once I’ve freshened up.”
You nodded and off he went. You wrapped yourself in your arms, your legs perched up on the edge of the chair as you rest your chin at your knees. With a heavy sigh you whispered, "I just want to wake up."
It was something you’d been praying for since this whole thing had kicked off, that you’d wake from this nightmare that had clouded your life.
You bit on your thumb as you anxiously awaited Andy's return. He wasn't in there long. A quick wash and he emerged, a towel around his waist, droplets of water clinging to his skin, steam emitting from his broad shoulders. A knock sounded at the door and you stood, knowing or at least hoping it was just room service, but you couldn't help that churning feeling in your stomach as you walked to the door. Andy grabbed his clothes and popped back into the bathroom, the door cracked just enough to hear anything in the room.
You looked through the peep hole and found that indeed it was only the bellman, bringing up Andy's late night meal. You allowed him in, taking it upon yourself to hand him a generous tip and saw him out.
Shortly after, just as you were shoving a fry in your mouth, Andy emerged from the bathroom dressed in the grey tee and pajama bottoms you’d picked up.
 He chuckled as he caught you and you shrugged, taking another from the plate.
"I hadn't eaten much all day," you admitted shyly.
"Then we'll split it," Andy sat across from you.
"No, I can't stomach it." You waved off his offer, "just picking a couple of these. I'll be fine."
"Honey, you've hardly eaten all week, please," Andy sighed. You shook your head in protest. He knew better than to even push you right now. "Fine."
“I’ll eat breakfast.” You offered, in an attempt to placate him somewhat.
"Deal." He dug in, slowly devouring the juicy burger and after a couple of bites he sat back in his chair, washed his bite down with a water and sighed. “So, after seeing Billy I met with Neal.” He looked at you and you nodded slowly, you already knew who he had been intending to meet. He’d kept no secrets. "I have Ransom's original case file," he saw your breath hitch at the mention of the bastard's name as his eyes floated to his backpack. "Something doesn't add up with the doctor that testified."
"Yeah, that much was clear when I wrote my article." You murmured.
"I've used him too as an expert witness," Andy shook his head. "Interesting character, good at his job. So it made me wonder, how the fuck did he clear that sociopath of his crimes."
You shrugged, “most likely money. I couldn’t say that directly in my article, but…” you bit your lip.
“I know, you told me.” Andy smiled softly, “and I think you’re right. From what I learned today, I’d lay odds he was paid off and if I can prove it, if I can prove that Linda and Richard paid him, you're free, Angel."
You looked at him, his plan slotting into place in your mind. If Andy could find that proof, in effect it was a stalemate between you all. They had something that could ruin you, and you had something that could ruin them. It was corrupt and bent as fuck, but…it might just work. 
"How are you going to do that?"
“Well, Neal said they looked into it, but he will have had his hands tied by how far he could go. Knowing Lynn as I do, she will have told him to leave it once the case was done,” Andy paused before he took your hand, “but Benoit Blanc won’t have that issue.”
“You… you hired Blanc?” You blinked.
“Oh…” you had no words. Whilst your dealings with the southern PI had only been brief, you knew Blanc’s reputation spoke for itself. You couldn’t help the glimmer of hope that sparked in your system as you thought about the fact he would be fighting your corner.
But then another thought popped into your head, and brought it crashing down around you.
“Angel?” Andy noticed the look on your face and you shook your head.
 “If the guy who they caught talks though, I mean if the Drysdale’s can’t give him whatever they promised him then what’s to stop him-“
“He won’t be talking to anyone.” Andy took a deep breath, rubbing his temple with his spare hand. “He’s dead.”
 Your face remained stoic. Your eyes focused on the man in front of you as you tried to process what he'd said. This was all unravelling quite fast and down a deeper, darker road than you'd imagined.
"How?" You barely whispered.
“Billy said he pissed his cell mate off,” Andy replied, his voice even, “a little too much.”
You stood from your chair and began pacing the room, your sweater covered palm over your mouth as you did so, your elbow resting in the crook of your other wrist as that arm wrapped over your chest.
“You don’t believe that any more than I do, do you?” You looked at him and Andy hung his head.
“Honestly? No.”
“Jesus…” you stuttered, “that’s someone else who’s dead because of me!”
You fell to the edge of the bed tearfully, burying your face in your hands. You began to cry. This was far too much and now, the bodies were beginning to pile up. You were a monster, no better than the man who took a better part of your life away, your soul and your heart. You felt sick, low and poorly. What the hell was happening?
“Hey,” Andy rose from his seat and sat besides you, his arm curling over your shoulder, “listen to me. I’m not gonna lose any sleep over any of this, and I know it’s hard but… baby, you gotta deal with it. It’s you or them.”
You couldn't say anything. Words couldn't even form on your tongue to articulate. You just sat there with your head on Andy's shoulder for a good while.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, “but I can’t find it in myself to care about anything but keeping you safe and out of jail.”
"Prison." You said into his shirt.
You sat up, "prison. I'd go to prison for the rest of my life or die in the chair. Jail would be light punishment."
"None of those things are an option, Y/N. Not a single one."
“No buts. If absolute worst comes to worst, there’s mitigating circumstances but it’s not gonna happen. Trust me.” Andy hoped to god his voice sounded convincing.
 "I do, I do trust you. I don't think I've ever trusted anyone outside of my parents more than I trust you." You gave a wet sigh, "I'm just scared, Andy."
“I know.” He kissed your head and pulled you closer to him, “I know you are, and I-“
He stopped dead of admitting he was also petrified of the outcome should he not pull this off. But he couldn’t burden you with that, he had to be strong. Just like he had been for Laurie and Jake.
But unlike back then, failure was not an option. This couldn’t end the same way.
“I’m gonna make sure that this goes away.” He spoke after a little pause. “I promise you.”
He held you for a while, the silence in the room comforting to you both. It allowed his mind to think and yours to calm.
“Come on,” Andy tipped your face up to look at his, kissing you gently, “let’s get some sleep. We’ve been awake almost 20 hours.”
Less than five minutes later both of you were in bed, the half eaten burger now in the hall and the two of you curled into one another. 
Protectively, Andy led against you, his chest molding into your back, his legs securing both of yours gently, his arms around you, his entire body like a protective cocoon. He knew this was how you preferred to sleep as of late, his strength around you able to stave off your nightmares as they'd try to wake you. It was the same dream over and over, each night since Monday.
You would find yourself at the scene of the crime, arrest made and you being toted off in handcuffs. You were in court the next moment, orange jumpsuit adorning your body and none other than the man you loved dearly on the opposite side of aisle telling the judge with a venomous tone that he sought to put you away to the fullest extent of the law, recommending the death penalty for your crimes.
You knew it was all extreme each time you woke, but the mind was a funny thing and seemed to always exaggerate your subconscious. It did it while you were a captive lover and it did it now as you feared for your life a second time in such a short period.
Chapter 14
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johnemulaney · 3 years
John Mulaney: From Scratch in Las Vegas, September 4
Once again, spoilers for the show and what will presumably be in the special. This is about his relapse so tread with caution is that will be an issue for you. However, the tone of his struggle is the same one he used in his past specials so if you didn’t have any issues then, I think you’d be ok with this. Of course, use your own best judgement, friends.
The opener was Seaton Smith. 
He opened with trying to find the rich people in the crowd but acknowledged that they’d go mwrmwmwrw money isn’t everything so then he started talking about golf and went aha I got ya’ll. 
There was a joke about weed being the only Christian drug
He had a bit about when white people are nice, be nervous
He had a bit about there being a black man on the Bachelor and was like America (ABC and Disney+) were not ready for a black man to be fucking a house full of 50 white women. That shit premiered on Tuesday and the Capitol burned on Wednesday.
He also did some crowd work and roasted a couple in the front row for having different answers about kids and she was like I didn’t hear the question and was roasted about how not hearing questions you don’t want to answer is certainly a tactic, often used by drug dealers
He also had a bit about how different child rearing is in Texas versus New York and about how hitting your kids is treated differently, like his dad would have just threatened it whimsically. 
Now on to the Main Event!
The first thing he said was “hiiiiiiiiii” exactly in the tone you think he said it in. he followed that up with a little shrug looking adorable and a little bashful
“It’s him! Mr. Problems. Oh Las Vegas, Oh my god” he then talks about how Vegas is a land of vice and a Choice for him to preform in as a recovering addict. He had a sober buddy and 3 bodyguards with him at all times. 
“And here’s what happened” December 18, 2020, he gets invited to a friends apartment for dinner AND HE’S TWO HOURS LATE because he stopped, coked out of his mind, at SNL for a haircut because he still had his building access badge and he went to the hair department and they were like, he’ll leave faster if we just do this, and then he stopped at his drug dealers. 
He called venmo and cashapp, apps for drug deals and was like what do normal people even use them for. He maxed both out paying for drugs. 
He was the best looking person at his intervention. “Coke skinny, new cut” and the 12 people intervening looked like shit. He looked “tears for fears while they all looked jerry garcia” (I hope you know who those musicians are besties). 
He immediately yelled “Can I go to the bathroom” to you know, dump his drugs because when you walk into that, you know what it is. 
He was not allowed to go (he would be asked if he still needed to pee later and would say “what?”
There were 6 people in NYC and 6 people over zoom in LA because he guesses 6 people couldn’t be bothered to fly in for HIS INTERVENTION
Interventions can go two ways, it can be kind of accusatory and this is how you let us all down, or it can be supportive. Everyone but Nick Kroll got the memo to be supportive.
Nick Kroll went first.
Nick Kroll listed all the ways John was a bad best friend and brother over zoom and John was getting texts during the intervention saying Nick wasn’t supposed to do that and they were all sorry. 
Bill Hader went next. he originally wasn’t going to be able to make it so he had recorded a thing but since he was there, he did it live. (He would eventually send the video to John in rehab, which is not what you want on the way to rehab “awesome, more intervention”)
He tried to derail the intervention, “there’s not enough latinx representation” he said he’d go to any rehab except the one they had picked out for him. This was a star-studded affair and he was mad no one was being funny. 
 Natasha Lyons went next, telling him his life and career is in shambles
So he gets carted off to rehab after this intervention. Don’t let 12 comedians pack your bags for 2 months at rehab. it was bombas socks and iphone chargers. 
A little secret about rehab, you’re not allowed to bring drugs in. You remember how he was late? In his pocket on the way to rehab included: a huge amount of pills, 3g of coke (which was 2g by the time he got there, courtesy of a koala station in a gas station bathroom), and $2000 in cash. He had other plans for the weekend. He was admitted for xanax, coke, perocet, and adderall addiction. Say what you will, but he does not do anything half way.
It’s 4am when he’s sent to detox, he’s been awake for 3 days. 
He also gives a small lesson on how to get drugs. Find the lowest rated doctors on yelp and webmd reviews and go ask for them, they need all the business they can get. You become like Captain Phillips, I am the doctor now. 
Dr. Michael was his shady doctor. He was a first avenue apartment where he would write prescriptions from his kitchenette where his girl Minerva was always asleep. “I didn’t kill my wife Minerva.” But John would ask for his drugs, Dr. Michael would write the script and then ask what he needed it for. Dr. Michael would also make John take his shirt off, always offering a flu shot and going no, shirt all the way off (in case you were wondering how bad this addiction actually was)
The first moral is now you know. The second moral is get vaccinated.
He’s sent to the regular ward the next afternoon and they finally get him to sleep. 
He’s sketched out that doctors have last names at this establishment
He asks for drugs such as klonopin and is taken aback a bit when he doesn’t get them. The doctor is like PA state law says no, and so John suggests they go to a CVS in Jersey to get some. 
His bestie Pete Davidson starts calling that night. Except Pete changes his number every month and a half so John has him send a selfie and saves the new number under some other random name, at this point in time, Pete is saved as Al Pacino. (We get an Al Pacino impression) John is asleep and his nurse sees Al Pacino trying to call him 5 times and so she wakes him up. 
Pete Davidson and John Mulaney did not do drugs together. (The author is lowkey surprised and sad about that, like if Pete was my bestie, we’d make so many poor choices) But Pete was always very supportive of his sobriety. 
John needs recognition so badly, in group when they introduced themselves he said “I’m John M.” and no one cared. So he left a tabloid out with the news of his admittance and his face on it in the rec room on the table. The not being someone was “driving him bananas.” When they talked about what they do for a living and he said I’m a a stand up comedian, someone asked if he made a living that way. He said “yeah ask your daughter” (or your son)
One of the things you do at rehab is break up with your drug dealer.
One of his drug dealers only bought drugs to keep John from buying worse off the streets and only got into the game because John kept asking him for drugs and was his only buyer. That guy was originally a painter and John has no idea how they met. John is the only person to turn an innocent man into a drug dealer. 
Here he did the Baby J is back baby joke. the Park Theater is one of the biggest stages in the world so he did that joke in one pace across the stage and said the stage is that joke long. 
“I am no longer on drugs. It’s very good but also ah---” He’s in a 12 step anonymous group. 
“I need attention, clearly.” After a show you think he would be sated, but no. 
He wants that attention that the kid who’s grandparent died and showed up to school dressed for the funeral and got to sit in the beanbag chair for reading despite it not being his turn, gets. He went on about being willing to let one of the lesser important grandparents die so he could get attention, for quite a while. 
He feels left behind in science, like his C’s and D’s in those classes. All those classes were was putting things on a windowsill for the janitor to throw away. He had a bit about how the fuck people put dinosaurs back together, it’s like getting wayfair furniture without the instructions. 
He also things the moon belongs to America. Like we got there first and when other countries say stuff about the moon he’s like mmmmmmm.
He also had a joke about paying to get into college and like, for white people that’s always how it’s been. 
The show ended with him going over the highlights of that GQ interview that he was so coked out for that he forgot he did it entirely. He has no memory of it at all. He was just called up that day and asked for an interview and you know how coke is the best drug to receive attention on? He just did whatever he wanted with that attention. 
And that was the show.
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt.13 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 1.9 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (12)
Next part (14) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
“Billy has improved. A lot.” Seated on Mrs. Martinez's office, you go over why Billy deserves a good recommendation letter. Half the teachers already agreed, much more because of you than because of him, but that's not the point. “He doesn't get a C since he started, he wants to be a Marine Biologist and he gets straight As on Biology and honestly, he's actually helping me on Chemistry.”
“I've been tracking his progress and I've been impressed with your work. Billy Hargrove is by far the best in the program.” She read some files, putting them down before looking up at you. “I also noticed that you two became very close.”
“Mmm, yeah... W-we're dating.” You stutter, clearing your throat. “But it doesn't change the fact that he's doing great. I mean, Billy does want to go to college and–”
“Don't worry about it. A student's love life isn't my business. I just mentioned it because it was impossible not to notice.” She smiles and you blush even more. “Well, I'll be happy to write him a good recommendation letter. But for the principal, it'll be good if you get some of Billy's friends to make some reports. But we can arrange it immediately if you want. The Principal is in a meeting but I can let you know as soon as he's available if you manage to get some people right now.”
You stand up, smiling. “I can. Thank you so much.” Mrs. Martinez got that urgency of the matter, and you're more than eager to keep that up. “I'll gather some people and whenever you're ready I'll be at the parking lot.”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright.” With another ‘thank you’, you rush outside, walking fast to the parking lot. Billy is leaning against his car, and Nancy and the others are near Steve's car, a couple of feet away.
“Princess of Hawkins number two. Are we going or not?” Steve asks, making Billy notice your presence. “I'm dying for some ice cream.”
“Actually, I need a huge favor from the three of you.” Keeping your voice soft, you walk over to Billy, standing next to him. The stick on his mouth gets your attention, and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Is that my lollipop? That I was saving up?”
“...No.” He mutters, with a half-smile as he takes the candy off his mouth. “Maybe. But we can share.” Billy gives you the lollipop and you roll your eyes, biting back a smile before putting it into your mouth. And for some reason, Billy has that stupid smirk on his face
“That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen,” Steve speaks up, getting your attention.
Looking at him, you shrug your shoulders. “What? I kiss that mouth, you know that, right?”
“And you do a great job doing it,” Billy whispers on your year before taking the candy once again.
“Alright. You, drop it.” With a finger on Billy's face, you take the lollipop from his mouth again. “I have something important to say.” Turning at your friends, you take a deep breath. “Mrs. Martinez agreed on writing a good recommendation letter for Billy. But to convince the Principal to do the same, she needs a couple of students to... Give some reports, you know. As witnesses that my handsome boyfriend is now an amazing student too.”
Steve bursts into laughter, covering his mouth with one hand as you stare at him. Arms crossed, an eyebrow raised. It takes long seconds until he stops. “What?” He stutters. “You can't possibly think I'll...” As he speaks, Steve looks at the others, and not Nancy or Jonathan seems to find it funny. “Oh, c'mon. I agreed on standing Billy, but I never agreed on giving good reports.”
“Steve, this is important.”
“(Y/N), c'mon. Billy isn't–”
“Billy has good grades now and that's what I'm talking about. You don't have to like him.” Walking over Steve, you touch his shoulder. “You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but we're trying to build our future. And if you find it in your heart to do this for me, I'll be very thankful.”
“God, you're so damn good.” Billy mutters, and you roll your eyes.
“Well...” Stepping back, you smile. “I could also kill Steve. Would you help me hide the body, B?”
“Ridiculous,” Steve mumbles, making you giggle. “Fine, (Y/N). Just because somehow you made a good boyfriend out of this scumbag.”
“I'd take that back if I were you,” Billy says, raising his voice a bit.
“Woah, back down.” It's not the first time the two have incidents like this, and you always have to calm them down. “You guys have to–”
“(Y/N).” Mrs. Martinez calls and you look to your left. She walks fast, smiling. “The Principal will see the students now. But you can't be inside the office for that. They'll be interviewed separately.”
“Alright.” Breathing out, you give Steve a look. “Don't say anything driven by your personal–”
“I won't.” Steve rolls his eyes.
Mrs. Martinez guides the three of them inside the school again, and you follow them, holding hands with Billy. “It'll work.” You tell him.
“It will.” He agrees, with the smile that belongs to you alone.
“Billy boy!” Someone yells and you soon recognize Tommy, with an arm around Carol's shoulders. “Forgot to tell you, buddy. Awesome party tonight at my place.” Tommy smiles and nods at you, and Carol does the same. “My parents aren't home so we'll go hard, all night long and I count on you to set the tone as we like it.” As he speaks, he gives you a weird look. “You don't have to come if you don't want, (Y/N). I know you don't really like it.”
“I'm not going without (Y/N), you know that,” Billy says, and Tommy rolls his eyes.
“C'mon, pal. I planned everything. Wild and dirty, as you like it. I'm sure (Y/N) won't mind you going by yourself, right (Y/N)?”
“I won't. He can–”
“Sorry, guys, I gotta go,” Tommy speaks out, cutting you off. “A lot of things to do. See you there. Bye, my friends.” Waving, both he and Carol walk away.
Billy starts walking again, but you hold his hands, forcing him to stop. “B, I want to go.” You tell him, sighing. These parties aren't your thing, even though you've been to some with Billy. Mostly when it's someone's birthday. But other than that, you've been skipping them. He likes them though, and you don't want to be the one to hold him back. “Let's party and do whatever he meant by wild and dirty.”
Billy giggles, pulling you close. “You have no idea what he meant by that, pretty girl. And you don't have to go, it's alright.”
“No, B. I know you have fun on those things and I really...” You don't want to lie, not to him. So you sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Just go, alright? Have fun with your friends and... I just... I don't want to be the one to keep you from doing stuff you like. You know I'm not... I'm not like you in many, many aspects but–”
“(Y/N), listen.” Billy takes both your hands, looking down at you. “I love you.”
“Shhh. I love when you call me that but listen.” Cupping your cheeks, he places a quick, soft kiss on your lips. “I love you just like that. Good girl, with perfect grades and so damn polite and friendly that sometimes almost kills me of jealously.” He smiles, kissing your nose. “But I wouldn't change a thing about you. Your... Goodness was exactly what made me fall for you. You're... Everything I'm not. And I'm still perplexed that you love me back.”
You're a blushing mess when he's done speaking, eyes locked on his. “A-are you sure?”
“I am.” He nods, smiling. “Why go to some stupid party when I can stay with you?”
“I'll invite you to dinner then... Let's say... Pizza?”
“Pizza.” He agrees.
“Mr. Hargrove.” The teacher calls, and you both look at her. “The Principal wants to talk to you.”
“Right away.” He says, winking at you.
When Billy enters the Principal office, you wait outside, leaning against the wall. To say you're nervous is an understatement. The Principal's letter is the most important, and you know he needs it very much.
“Sweet (Y/N).” A masculine voice calls, and you immediately look to your left, leaving your bag on the floor. It's Tyler, coming from around the corner. “What are you doing here all alone?”
“What are you doing here? Detention again?” Tyler is the only one of Billy's friends you can't stand. You soon figured out he's more like a parasite, sticking close even though people don't really like him. But still, you try not to treat him like the asshole he is. But it doesn't mean you have to answer his questions.
“No, no.” He smiles, a disgusting smile that sends shivers down your spine. Not the good kind of shivers. “I had to leave something on my locker but now... I'm actually happy I got you alone.” Tyler walks over you, standing a bit too close, making you step back. “Now tell me, (Y/N). What are you doing here? ...All alone?” He leans closer, his mouth close to your ear.
You immediately move away, violently pushing his chest. Tyler always gives you this sensation, as if he's trying to get to you somehow. And you hate it. It makes you feel like you're completely naked under his stare. “What do you think you're doing?” You ask, anger flowing out. “Stay the hell away from me, you jerk.”
Tyler laughs. Out loud, mocking you. You're about to curse again him when it happens.
Tyler moves too fast, an arm encircling your waist. His grip is too strong, and it makes you violently collapse against his chest. “I've trying to get you for far too long, sweetie.” He grunts as you start fighting, pushing him away and still trying to understand what the hell is going on. “If Billy can have you, so can I. Or do you think–” He stops suddenly when you succeed to hit him in the ribs.
“LET GO OF ME!” You manage to push out, as loud as you can, your mind yelling for Billy. But before you can say it, call for him, a hand comes to your mouth, and Tyler's free hand starts wandering through your body.
You feel violated, abused already, but it doesn't matter how hard you try, he's stronger than you.
“Sweet (Y/N), let's...” He starts pulling you, and you do try to resist as much as you can. “...Let's find ourselves some nice supply closet and get more... Comfortable? What do you think, huh? Gonna show you how a man–”
“LET GO OF HER!” The scream, the voice that sounds like thunder, makes your whole body relax at the same time Tyler's grip loosens.
The rest is pure chaos.
Billy grabs Tyler and throws him to the ground. Someone pulls you away from the fight, and you soon recognize Nancy. In her embrace, you hide your face in her hair, and she helps as you fix your clothes.
Your mind is mess, and you can't even process what's happening.
The only thing you know is that you're safe now, away from that monster. And Billy is beating him up into a bloody mess.
@multific @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @theodore-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85 @taisab02 @pascal-rascal424 @aleksanderblack @gruffle1 @boomhauer
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Debunking some SS Delusions
Okay so I was reading a post by @carmenserenity123456 and I was amazed by some points a SS fan made to sail her ship, which just showed their poor reading comprehension. But this is in fact a general idea that all SS fans share so, here we go.
1- Because S´+S had a baby that means they love each other. They always argue with us about if we know how babies are made. Of course, babies are made bc of sex -one of the ways nowadays tho-
Saying a couple who has a child is happy and love each other JUST BECAUSE they had that child is a big ass fallacy, and shows poor knowledge about the world. Having a kid can be proof that that couple had sex ( in most cases) but it's not a symbol of happiness at all, not even in anime, not in tv shows, not in movies. Want an example? Gendo Ikari.
2-SS fans try to justify Sakura's poor knowledge about Sasuke past and history, saying that Sasuke's past is just his past, and she "respects" it. Well no, she doesnt even respect it because she is not interested in it. No interest is not the same as showing respect.
And it's important, absolutely important, to know your life's partner past, because that past is what made that person till that day and all those days coming, and that you will spend by your side. Also, learning about someone's past comes with understanding, something SHE WAS NEVER ABLE TO understand Sasuke. So from this point, this ship starts sinking because she never showed a single piece of understanding him. If that was the case, she wouldn't think the only way to "stop" him was killing him or pretending her so-called Love was going to stop his pain and battle against Naruto.
She doesnt know anything about his past, his family, his ideals, ideology, pain, loss, his feelings for Naruto (however you like to call them) and especially she doesn't know ANYTHING about Itachi, or the path he had to go through. Saying Sakura respects Sasuke is a fallacy as big as a house, and saying she just doesnt want to know about his past is a red flag too, from sasuke side who didnt share about his memories with his "wife" and from her not wanting to actually more about the person who is the father of her child, at least.
2- When Sarada stopped Ino from greeting Sasuke, i dont know how they cannot see this. Who in the fuck will tell Sarada about this more than Sakura? Sai, Temari, Shikamaru??? Even her fans to these days still continue on fighting SaiIno for god knows what reason. And also that behaviour from sarada was a copycat from her mother, exactly..
3-That person justifies Sakura behaviour with Sarada, saying Sakura is a human. Of course she is a human, but that's not a way to treat your kid, especially with the great strength she has, she destroyed the damn house. Do you SS peeps think this is okay? If your so hated Hinata does the gentle push to Boruto, i bet your ass you would condemn her, and it's fine. But please. Maybe its acceptable if she slapped Sarada, nonetheless Sarada was asking something absolutely true about her origins. And yes sakura behaviour is human, but human is not the same as justifiable.
Gendo Ikari was also a human, Shou Tucker was also human, and a i can go on.
Justifying Sakura stupid and childish behaviour with her daughter, using -as an abuser- her great strenght just to show superiority and make her child shut up, is human yes, and it's dangerous. Dont use that poor excuse, you fools.
4-Say that Sakura has nothing to show off about getting Sasuke duck because back in the day when they were 12 he SAID TO EVERYONE HOW SMART SHE IS¿¿¿¿¿¿ Okay so this is bad reading comprehension at all, and it's delusion and basically imagining something that didnt happen. I think you know what pannel we are talking about but Sasuke just told to her, he didnt say it out loud, he just said in a tone that she and naruto could hear, that she was good at genjutsu. For example, Rock lee said out loud that he liked Sakura, in front of everyone so they can hear it.
And SS said that, when Ino hugged Sasuke it showed how humble Sakura is, because she could say to Ino she had no chance because Sasuke praised her¿¿¿¿¿¿ If Sasuke actually praised her, she would say it and she would fangirl over the place, she got depressed when he told her to train because she was worse than Naruto, how do you think she would react if he praised her? She is a person who is hungry for any word that comes from Sasuke. So basically she didn't take that as praise or a show of love because in fact IT WASN´T.
And last, "Having a child is a decision" aka means Sasuke and Sakura had sex and made love so they could have Sarada because they love each other so much and a bunch of 699 manga chapters supports them.
No dear, this is not 100% true. You can have a child without expecting it, just come to Latin America, and also that doesn't mean at all child= love. Just go and read some victorian novels, asian dramas, or whatever media, when they have a kid bc of that is what society expects from them.
The Gaiden manga shows how kids can be made bc of an experiment and how they can clone themselves, and how Orochimaru can even "make" children with his lab. A very appropriate theme for a very insecure ship, if Kishimoto wanted them to go lovey-dovey about how they made sarada, then this topic about having kids by almost artificial insemination, wasn't the best move. Also, showing her love-rival actually having her umbilical cord instead of the proper mother, making her love rival assist her, and in fact make the kid actually look like her love-rival (cof cof an uzumaki) is a very bad joke, and If i were and SS i wouldnt be happy at all with this.
And last but no least, Sasuke never said he loved sakura. SS says he said he loves her to sarada. Well no, Sarada actually asked her father if he loves her mother and if they are connected. Sasuke only answered the last part of the question, saying they are connected because of her. And sorry but this is very common divorced-couple behaviour.
If you actually love your couple, you have no problems to say it out loud. He never said those words, not to anyone in canon, and yes I include Naruto here. Someones would say, its not necessary to say i love you because he loves her anyway, well he doesnt even show it. If you dont have the guts to say those words you can demonstrate it, well he never did it, nor in that gaiden even. As for divorced couples, they behave like these ones, some couples just stay this way "together" for the sake of the child. Because in fact, as Sasuke said "We are connected because of you" the only thing that they have in common is that kid, and no a kid is not enough to maintain a couple.
PD: i didnt even have to mention Naruto here lol
PD1: No dont come here NH , I hate your byakugan-soulless princess too.
PD2: I wrote this by my perspective of psychology student, so at least i know what i'm talkng about
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How to Say I Love You
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,582
Warnings: Smut implied.
Summary:  One day, Jay takes it upon himself to be an extra-cute boyfriend. The reason? It takes (y/n) a while to find out.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Posting super late because the day was hard. So, just some more Jay fluff to brighten our days. Hope you like it!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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As soon as you woke up, you felt light kisses being pressed to all of your very exposed skin, and an inevitable smile came to your lips.
“Good morning, princess.” Jay whispered in your ear with a husky voice.
“Good morning for you too, baby.” You answered him while bringing his face closer to yours. On that movement, before you could kiss him, you caught a glance of your bedside clock. “Oh my God, Jay! Look at the time! I thought we’d agreed to get as much sleep as we could after last night!” You quickly reprehended him. “Or have you forgotten that both of us still have to go to work today?” You asked, trying to sound annoyed at him when the most you managed to do was breathe out was a moan, as he nibbed your earlobe.
“Oh, I know how much you like sleeping, babygirl. But I know that there are a few things you’d give up your sleep for.” He stated in a very sexy tone.
“And what exactly makes you think that you’re one of those things?” You teased your boyfriend, hoping he’d respond to it like you thought he would.
“Ah, just a little something,” he teased back while slowly putting his hand between your legs, not even bothering to lift the hem of the shirt you were wearing, “like this.”
“Oh, Jay…” And, just like that, you were completely fine with waking up early.
Throughout the day, you just couldn’t keep the smile off your face, as your boyfriend took it upon himself to be the cutest person in the world. Why? You had no idea. All you knew was that he'd gotten the day off but, since you couldn't the same, he'd decided to go to work nonetheless.
His romantics for no apparent reason started with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a note that read:
“Will you be my lunch date today? *blinking face*
P.S.: 12:00 - 13:00 is all I have. Sorry, doll :(
Meet me at our spot?
⎼ Your bae.”
He used bae. If he wasn’t so cute, and if you didn’t love him so much, you would have cringed at the choice, and he knew it. Ah, that man...
A few hours after that, you went to meet Jay for lunch at your spot ⎼ which was one of the benches along the Riverwalk, where you’d first met ⎼, absolutely decided on calling him out for being so mushy. But, as you walked closer towards him, you could see that your boyfriend was holding a picnic basket in one hand, and a bottle of champagne in the other, and, as corny as that was, you couldn’t help but grin. 
“Drinking on duty now, detective?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him.
“Nope. This one’s without alcohol. And, trust me, you’ll like it.” He told you, a sweet smile on his lips.
“Hum, maybe... But I wouldn’t really mind if it was bad either.” You half-whispered at Jay.
“Oh no?” He asked you with a smirk this time.
“No. The company makes up for anything else.” You said while moving to kiss him.
“Geez, babe, you're such a dork!" He said, making fun of you after the kiss was over.
"Really? That's what you're going with?" You, the dork? Big joke.
"What else can I say if it's the truth?" Jay asked you through his lashes, an innocent expression in-face.
"Look who's talking!" You said while rolling your eyes.
Not long after that, he put an end to your little banter. Saying that he didn't wanna spend another second of the few moments the two of you had until the evening arguing was an understatement. You agreed, even though you knew that both of you secretly enjoyed the bickerings as well as you did everything else.
Later, on that same day, when you were about to leave work, you decided to call your boyfriend.
"Hey, babe." He answered, on the fourth ring, voice letting on some tiredness.
"Hey there, handsome! I'm already leaving work, think I’mma go swim a little. Unless… There's a chance you're getting off a little earlier yourself?" You tried your luck, thinking about making him relax a little before you two left for dinner.
"Uh… Sorry, babe, I don't think I'll be able to." A deep sigh. Something was wrong.
"Jay. Is everything okay?" Another sigh. Shit.
"It's nothing for you to worry about, baby. Just a pain-in-the-ass case we can't seem to solve. When all I wanted to do was be home with you." He confessed.
"Huh. Now, tell me, who's the dork?" You heard his muffled laugh over the phone.
"I am. You know it. I know it. Everyone who knows us knows it." At that, you were the one who giggled. "And, believe me, I bear the title with pride." More laughing, from both of you this time.
"Okay, then… So, um, is there anything I can do? Maybe we cancel that dinner reservation?"
"No! No, not at all! You just… Go do your swimming and don't worry about me, okay?" Jay sounded a bit weird this time, but you brushed it off, thinking that it was just the stress of the day.
"Okay…" You replied, still unconvinced. 
"Alright, I gotta go now. Love you."
"Okay, bye. Love you too. Be safe!"
"Always, baby." With that, he hung up quickly, which he never did ⎼ always dragging the conversations for as long as he could. But, once again, you decided to do what your boyfriend told you to and not worry about it.
It was already a bit into the evening and you were stretching your body to leave the swimming pool, when you saw him. Jay. So you got out and walked over to him.
"Fancy meeting you here, miss (y/l/n)." He greeted innocently.
"Well, this is a surprise. Yet another one. On the same day." You said, just to let him know that his weird behaviors weren't going by unnoticed.
"Ah, you know what they say… Gotta keep the relationship interesting!" Ha, ha. He was up to something. So you just gave him a suspicious look. To which he answered with a huge smile, saying: "What?"
"Nothing. Nothing besides the fact that you're up to something. What is it?"
"Oh. My. God." Jay said emphatically, faking offense. "I'm offended. You think that poorly of me?"
"What do you mean?" You asked him, a bit confused this time.
"You really think that I can't just try and brighten my princess's day?" He said, walking closer to you this time.
"Well, I guess that I wouldn't object to that, but what I'm saying is tha-" Before you could finish your sentence, he was pulling you towards him, pressing your bodies on a tight embrace and kissing you passionately. 
"Oh no, Jay, you should let me go! I'm all wet!" You squeal out as Jay keeps holding you up in the air against his firm abdomen.
"I don't mind." He told you with a shrug of shoulders. "I'm used to having you like this." He, then, whispers in your ear and you can feel his smirk, as he kisses your neck.
"Jay!" You hissed in fake disapproval. "We're in public! You can't be saying these things to me in public!"
"Sorry, baby. But you know that I just can't help myself around you." He tells you, deliberately taking his time. At that, you just throw back your head in laughter. "Besides, it doesn't seem to me like you're feeling all that bothered with my actions…"
"But I am!" You said assertively. But then you remembered your conversation from earlier and asked him, in a softer tone: "Hey, um, how did the case go? Are you still feeling up for the dinner thing?" As soon as the words left your mouth, you watched Jay shift his entire demeanor.
"Yeah! We're definitely still going! And, as I told you before, the case was just a pain in the ass, nothing more." He sounded nervous. Weird. Like he was hiding something.
"Let's just go, okay? Cause we still need to get ready for dinner. I already put your stuff in the duffel bag. My car's right outside." Jay told you quickly, like he didn't wanna give you time to make any conclusions.
"Okay, then…"
“C’mon, (y/n/n)! We’re running late!” You heard your boyfriend shouting for you to come out of your shared bedroom.
“Hey! Don’t you dare to rush me! Not when you’re the reason I’m running late in the first place!” You sharply answered, stepping out into the living room whilst putting your earring on. “Besides, that place we’re going is just too fancy. I need to look perfect.” You added more calmly, only now realizing how Jay was staring at you. “What? Is something wrong?”
“Wha- wrong? No! No!” He quickly assured you and closed the distance between the two of you. “You already look perfect. Every single day.”
“What? Jay, I’m serious!” You pouted, giving him an annoyed glare.
“I am too! You look gorgeous, baby.” He told you with that glorious smile of his. “And, really, there’s just no place on the planet that could make you look any less gorgeous.”
“Okay, now you’re just trying to get me to hurry up!” You accused, hitting him with considerable strength in the chest.
“Ouch! That hurt! And, yes, I am trying to hurry you up! Because we have a reservation!” He yelled at you in response. If it was any other time, you would’ve argued with him, of course. But even you had to admit he was right, you were on the clock.
“Okay, okay! I’m just gonna grab my purse and we’ll go!” You shouted back, already from the bedroom.
After that, the two of you managed to leave your apartment and get to the restaurant on time, due to Jay promising the cab driver a doubled pay if he went faster.
As soon as you arrived, though, you saw it was worth it. You still had no clue of what got in your boyfriend’s head to take you out on this kind of date for no apparent reason like that, especially after everything else he’d already done, but you obviously weren’t about to complain either.
 The maître walked both of you two to a table on the upper floor of the establishment, it had an amazing view of the city and it was a pretty reserved space. So, right after you'd placed your orders and been left alone, you half-squealed at Jay:
"Oh. My. God." Your smile was wide and your eyes were shining. "This place is incredible, babe!" He looked at you with devotion, clearly amused by your reaction.
"I know right? I'm really glad we got to come here." He stated, his whole behavior letting you know that he was just as impressed.
And, like that, the evening flew by and you caught yourself stifling yawn after yawn.
"Baby, you’re not too desperate to go home, are you? Because there's still one thing I wanna show you." Your boyfriend said, pulling you by your hand to get up. Then, he guided you to that part where you'd been able to view most Chicago, earlier in the night.
"Wow," you said, leaning against the balcony to see the details, "this really is great, babe." When you’d walked past this part you wondered about why they hadn't put any tables there, only a small couch, but now you knew. They didn't want to make that space ⎼ that landscape ⎼ prisoner of one couple, or one family, that would most likely stay there the entire night.
"It is." He agreed with you.
"You know, I hadn't brought it up yet, because I thought that you'd eventually tell me on your own, but you've been acting a little weird the whole day. This morning in bed, the flowers, then the picnic lunch, picking me up at swimming, and now this… You didn't sound too good on that call either, and I gotta admit that when you said we were going out for a fancy dinner, I didn't think it'd be here, where it's practically impossible to get a reservation. So, just… Talk to me, Jay."
"(y/n/n)... Would you even believe me if I told you that that's what I've been preparing to do the whole day?" He asked you with a shy smile.
"Will you be mad at me if I say no?" You asked, a bit apprehensively. He just laughed.
"Nah, not really." He told you jokingly. "But I have." He said, more serious this time. “Baby, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” He started telling you.
“Jay-” You whispered nervously, sort of anticipating what was about to happen.
“No, just- just please let me finish. I need you to understand how important you are to me, princess. Hell, I know that words aren’t really my strongest suit, but you deserve to know that you’re my light, my lifeline, my happiness… You’re my everything, (y/n/n). My entire world. And, because of you, now I think that it is actually okay to dream, to hope for a better future, for a future. That’s why I wanna ask you, tonight, to be my future, just like you already are my present.” At that moment you couldn’t keep the tears off of your face anymore, and you would’ve jumped him right then if he hadn’t gotten down on one knee. “Will you marry me, (y/n) (y/l/n)?” He asked you with a timid smile and teary eyes of his own. As you took in the man you loved, kneeled before you, holding an open box with the diamond ring you’d recognized as being his mother’s, you just stood there crying, not managing to say anything. “B- baby? Please say something.” Jay spoke again, letting out a nervous choked laugh. So you forced yourself to answer him.
“Oh m- my God, yes!!” You squealed out.
“Yes?!?” He repeated what you said, still on the ground.
“Of course, yes!!!” You confirmed, pulling him up to kiss you. While at it, your boyfriend, now fiancé, almost dropped the small velvet box he was holding.
“Okay,” he started, chuckling, after the two of you parted a little, “let me put this thing on your finger before you back down!”
“Ha, ha. As if I was going to! You’re only in a hurry because you’re scared you’ll drop your mom’s ring.” You bickered a little, letting him know that you recognized the jewelry, to which he responded with a bright smile, saying:
“It’s your ring now, princess. And, trust me, she’d love you almost as much as I do if she were still here.” He told you, shining eyes meeting yours, as he slipped the stunning piece in your finger.
“Jay.” You breathed out as the tears resurfaced in your eyes. “It is so beautiful…” You told him looking down at the ring you had in-hand. “And… You really mean that?”
“100%, princess. If I’m being honest, there are a lot of times when you actually remind me of her…” He said, tearing up a little.
“Awww, babe...” You said throwing your arms around him again.
And that’s how you two stayed. Just holding each other, under a very starry night in Chicago. More than ready to start walking down that new road together.
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