#except for Nero Kyrie <3
jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Create a crossover! What is Devil May Cry crossing over with? How does it work? How do the characters from each world interact with the characters from the other?
Look, ya'll see my username, u know I'm gonna go with Pokémon.
specifically I'm thinking about pokemon naturally existing within the human realm, and demons are almost entirely separate from them. So all of the human characters have pokemon partners, with some exceptions.
All of the Spardas have a pseudo-legendary, and Dante specifically has Tyranitar. I wanted this line specifically because this species is known for causing a lot of damage, but have also been shown to be very sweet and protective if need be. It really fits Dante's 'don't come near me, I'm dangerous' mindset until Patty climbs all over it and it utterly adores her. It's also a hugger, so much so that Dante actively lets himself get poked to Hell because it looks sad.
As for Vergil, I'm going with the Salamence line. It's a very interesting line, having a goal-driven lizard eventually achieve that goal in the final stage. Vergil would have a hard time working with his partner, especially in 3 (where it would be a Bagon), because demons don't have pokemon partners. He leaves Bagon with Dante when he falls into Hell, thinking that the pokemon would not be able to survive there. It would stay with Dante for decades after that, until finally reuniting with Vergil as a Shelgon in DMC 5. It would take a bit, but it would eventually evolve after the boys got back from hell. Dante will forever lord the fact that his partner fully evolved before Vergil's (until Salamence smacks him with a Dragon Claw. Vergil approved.)
Nero would definitely have the Dragapult line! A dragon type (like Salamence) that has a large focus on family in its design whist also being completely unique from most other pseudos? Yeah, it's chock full of Nero vibes. The Dragapult evolution definitely only happened at the end of DMC 5, becuase the image of a Dragapult and DT Nero fighting with Silver Bullet in the bg is so fuckin sick. Also he was a Dreepy during DMC 4 and u need to know that he loved to sit on Nero's head or in his hoodie.
Patty next because propaganda. This one's up for grabs, but I think her first partner was a Dratini! Specifically one that kept showing up in the DMC office until Dante shoved it into Patty's arms. She's a Dragonair now, and often flies around the office just to annoy Dante. Also, shoutout to Patty for being the only human to get a pseudo because she's Dante's kid.
Trish didn't have a partner at first, since she was a demon. After going off on her own for a while, she ran into a Wattrel that kept using her motorcycle's wind to glide in the air. She found the little thing tenacious, and now there's a Kilowattrel half the size of Lady that perches in the DMC office rafters. It's high speed nature complements her fighting style rather well, along with the electricity.
Lady's partner is an extremely violent Scolipede. She really big and very venomous, so most regular people steer clear of her. She is also very tsundere, but actually doesn't mind when Dante or Trish are around. Lady takes great care of her, and often rides her in during jobs. Most people would tell you that's a horrible idea, but DMC employees are not normal people. Also Vergil was shot by one of her needles in DMC 3 when she was a Venipede, and now they are locked in a bitter rivalry. Lady thinks this is hilarious.
Nico is very happy with her Riolu partner, even if it was a gift from her dad when it was an egg. She doted on it very often, and even forced Rock to help her make a special egg warmer. When it did hatch, it quickly shared her interest in the art of metalworking and gunsmithing. Nowadays, he's Nico's assistant. He hasn't evolved yet, but Nico doesn't mind. He will when he's ready.
Kyrie's partner is a Sylveon, and a very caring one at that. Loves the kids, Kyrie, and Nero. Was an Eevee during DMC 4, and refused to leave Nero's side after Kyrie was kidnapped. Because of that, she is actually incredibly strong, so much so that Salamence was immediate put on edge when they met.
Some quick ones! Eva gave Sparda a Dieno when they met, and it was a very affectionate Hydregion during the boys' youth. Eva herself had a Alolan Ninetales, who was very protective of the boys and the baby pseudos. Both of these Pokemon are actually still alive in a rehabilitation center, although the boys don't know that rn. Morrison has an old Stoutland who can surprisingly handle battle quite well. Nina's partner is a very majestic and battle worn Kingdra, who is currently enjoying retirement. V did not have any pokemon, but he does talk about one he regrets leaving behind in the past....
And... that all their main partners! They actually have other pokemon as well, but these were just their first ones. As an example, Dante also has a Houndoom that he befriended in DMC 3 (as a Houndour) that knows a lot of bite moves. Why? King Cerberus rep for the mutual Coverage. Elemental coverage.
Thanks again DMC Questions anon! I really enjoyed this ask, even if I did flex my pokemon knowledge a bit please ask me questions I will write an essay to answer u-
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dollivication · 19 days
🍓non's ask about nero n church girl user is a lil funny to me bc thats just...him and kyrie...we went so insane we looped back round to canon...
kyrie is a cutiepie though...id have a threesome w her and nero ngl i think theyd team up to tease you,,,☢️non isnt talking about gore its a miracle!!
THIS FLOORED ME I HAD TO LOOK BACK… I FUCKING GIGGLED SO HARD YOURE SO RIGTHT it was like a soft reset.. it probably won’t even be the first time either LFMAO
THEY WOULD!!!!!! and they’d tease you in their own way methinks.. nero would certainly be more brash about it whereas kyrie would probably be laik… more gentler to the point her treatment is enough to get you all shy and pliant and shtuff :3
they are two ends of the spectrum that never fail to fluster yew… which they are veryyy aware of!!! and they combine it to make yew mushy !!!
kyrie putting your head in her lap, velvety thighs substituting a pillow as she holds one of your hands, whispering to you about how perfect you look and taking nero like it’s no problem >.<!! she can’t help but giggle at how you tear up ….yu are just so adorable…. >.<
nero who just won’t stop bullying his cock into you!! grunting and whimpering about you feeling soooo tight around his dick!! he’s very vulgar about it i fear..
they’re laik… the devil and angel on your shoulders except they both wanna freak you terribly so LHELPTHH
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ohbutwheresyourheart · 10 months
dante and/or the whole dmc 5 crew for the blorbo meme? :)
oh ho HO thank you for this, I love the DMC gang and don't talk about them enough
disclaimer/note to begin with: they all have pretty privelege and they all need to stop being put in situations, because that's just who they all are as people/chew toys of fate
second disclaimer: I made this post while drinking a big old bottle of beer so if this commentary goes off the rails the further you go down the post then that's why
also I'm putting these under a cut bc this got really long
first up: dante!!!
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fewer boxes crossed off than I was expecting but when I sat down and thought about it there were some I couldn't justify, e.g. in my heart I want to believe I can fix him and he needs me but let's be real the only thing that ever had the power to fix Dante is getting his bro back </3
also I say most fandom takes are incorrect bc my main contact with the DMC fandom was back in the day where it was very common to portray Dante as this LOL SO RANDOM horndog (i.e. as if his projected persona was his... actual deep-seated personality) and I am a depression Dante truther. not sure what the current fandom mentality on Dante is, if things have moved on then disregard
next up: nero!!!
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gonna be honest, I wasn't too fussed about Nero until DMC 5 and then he quickly leapfrogged into my heart because oh my god this poor, poor, POOR kid. born to be the straight man in a universe of wackos. trying SO HARD to keep this mess of a family on track but if you push him so help him sparda he WILL turn this car around.
I need more Nero. I need more Nero and Kyrie, specifically. I need to see them just living their average everyday lives where Nero slops his way home covered in demon guts and sluices off then puts a load of laundry on and helps Kyrie with dinner.
also hahahahahaa definitely nothing in there about growing up feeling like an outcast so thoroughly one might as well have had a fucked up demon appendage, nope, nothing like that!!!
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I have a thing for pasty ass dark haired skinny twink vaguely feeble romantic poet creatures okay even though I would get so frustrated the tenth time I asked him a simple question and he replied with a blake quote
but also HE WAS HIS OWN PERSON he was REAL he was ALIVE and now he's NOT because he WASN'T VERGIL, he was HIMSELF, he was HUMAN, and now he's GONE but also he lives on but also V as an individual is GONE but they'll still see glimmers and hints of him in Vergil and be reminded of him but but but (bites fingers and screeches)
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okay so all of my years of fangirling aside I have to be upfront that if I ever met Vergil I would want to tear his smug disdainful face apart with my bare hands in a matter of minutes
HOWEVER in the realm of fandom, the only reason he ranks lower than V is because V exudes that high fructose twink timothee chalamet energy
I cannot fix him. he does not need me. and yet. whomst among the ranks of Vergil fancreatures has not sat up late at night in their early/mid-teens frantically typing barely-disguised self-insert fanfic where we DO fix him, where we are the ONLY ones who can fix him, where we are the Eva to his Sparda, washing away the sins of his past and anointing him with love?
Vergil is the most anti-hero of all time. he has it all. he's a genocidal maniac, except maybe he isn't because maybe the qliphoth was going to grow there anyway and he just got in on the demonic gentrification scheme at the right moment. he literally has an unspeakably tormented and tortured past.
he has mommy issues. he has daddy issues. he has brother issues. he has son issues. he's a weeaboo. he loves poetry. he hates you, both generally and specifically. he has the hauteur and arrogance of christian fifty shades. underneath it all he just wants desperately to be loved and protected. his idea of bonding is a no-holes-barred beatdown.
he has an extremely weird obsession with his brother, whom he hates, but loves, but hates, but loves, but hates, but wants to spend forever with, but hates, but would kill anyone if they tried to hurt him. literally every bad thing he's ever done originally stemmed from the need to be strong enough to protect what he cares about (DANTE) because he can't go through losing his family again.
i love him <3
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
So the battle against Sanctus (yeah that's his name though I believe it's never mentioned in the game proper) is uh...a bit problematic
The basic concept is sound: destroy his shield and then wail on him, use those two flying things to propel yourself to him
It's the second phase that's shit, because after destroying his shield you then have very, VERY little time to actually hit him before he retreats back into the Savior, and he spends his shieldless time running away from you and it is an absolute BITCH to catch up to him before he goes nope! Especially with those two gizmos randomly attacking you and, worst of all, screwing up your lock on by taking precedence.
Granted I'm not doing myself any favors by having Turbo Mode on, but stil this ain't the best boss battle in the world
But that's not what I wanted to talk here, no I wanted to talk about this game's plot
What little there is of it anyway
Ok let's finally rip the bandaid off: this game is rushed
Very rushed
Or at the very least it must've had a very problematic development
I don't believe it was ever officially confirmed by any developer but it's pretty obvious to see, especially in the next levels oh BOY just you wait for those!
But even just by looking at the story you can tell that this thing was rushed because...there's almost nothing here!
Nero's story up until now has just been about him going from point A to B just...reacting to stuff and having little agency overall
Despite being the big newcomer and fundemental protagonist of this game the story never tells us much of....anything about him
What's his deal? How did he get that demon arm? How did he and Kyrie meet? What's the deal with Credo? How did he enroll into the Order of the Sword?
Kyrie has all the depth of tissue paper here, just there to be the cute anime girlfriend that gets kidnapped
The game seems to act like I'm supposed to care about Credo dying but I know NOTHING about his relationship with Nero except that he's kind of a stern asshole to him and was going to help a madman conquer the world
Why is Sanctus so fucking boring and generic?
How did Agnus get a hold of Vergil's Yamato when the last time we saw it he had it with him when he tried challenging Mundus in the Demon World?
What the hell is Dante doing off screen throughout most of this game?
Nero himself has very little going for him character wise here except for being a bit of a punk and screaming Kyrie's name a whole lot. The general criticism towards him before DMC5 I believe was that he's just diet Dante and...yeah he kind of is. He does have a certain sense of insecurity and inadequacy that leads him to want to use the Yamato's power to save Kyrie and begrudgingly accepts his demonic side to do so, which subtly harkens back to Vergil, but the game itself doesn't focus much on this aspect of him
Dante himself, as you'll see, is just there for the ride and really doesn't have anything to do except clean up the mess Nero left behind. At least he's very entertaining because...well he's Dante but he's by no means this game's protagonist.
Here's the thing: this game's writer, Bingo Morihashi, who also wrote DMC2 and 3, years later released a novelisation of DMC4's plot in 2 volumes, essentially being the story that he would have liked to write but couldn't
Now I've never read it myself but from what I know it fixes almost everything:
we get Nero and Kyrie's backstory: Nero was found as a baby at the doors of an orphanage wrapped in a black cloack, which is where he got his name from
He was often bullied by other kids for having been abandoned by his parents but Kyrie and her family, who visited the orphanage often, were always kind to him, which is why he loves Kyrie so much
Kyrie herself gets more depth: for example after the events of this game she inspires the people of Fortuna to rebuild and she and Nero start working at the orphanage where the latter used to live. They buy an apartment together and I believe they even take some of the orphanage kids to live with them.
Dante gets more focus
It's a much more complete story and the novel itself is...mostly canon, some scenes play out differently from the game but the general info is later referenced in other materials, including DMC5
The DMC4 that could've been...
But in the meantime: Nero's out of the picture for now, so this means that uncle Dante has to step up and fix this mess
Too bad that the REAL mess is just about to start...
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mrsegbert · 3 years
Scrimblo fandom thing: Devil May Cry AND Castlevania.
Ty!! :D
Devil May Cry
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): VERGIL!!!!! VERGIE!!! BAGEL MY BELOVED!!!!! I wuv him sm <333
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): babby versions of the Sparda bros. I like thinking about what life was life like before they lost they're parents and each other ;;×;; and!! Dante getting adopted by Tony Redgrave and being Luka's big bro
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Trish!!! She deserves more love! She's so complex and her story is so interesting and there's so much to explore when in regards to her character and relationships with the others
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Sparda and Eva!! I love them,, and it's funny because a lot of stuff in dmc revolves around them/their relationship/ what happened to them and how it affected their children
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Vergil/Nelo. Everyone Vergil hurt and killed on his quest for power and also great hair and fashion all deserved it and I don't care. Plus he's been through a lot he deserves to kill as a treat 💚
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Kyrie (reason: it'd be funny. Plus she got in the way of Nico/Nero/Kat so?? Justified)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Mundus!! >:) Except in aus where I ship him with Sparda and Eva
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): DRACULA!!!! MY VAMPO HUBBAND 💖💞💕💓💞💚💕💞💞
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): hmmmmm. Isaac! He is perfect and did nothing wrong <3 And Sypha! She has scrunkly energy
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Also Isaac? Not so much in the show but more in regards to fandom I think
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Lisa!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Drac again 💚💚💚 I'd call myself a Drac apologist but that implies he has something to apologize for
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Carmilla, Lenore, Hector
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): CARMILLA. And Death, but Trevor already sent him to superhell
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blackrose343 · 4 years
Hopeless - Chapter 3: The Search
Warnings: Gore and Language
Devil May Cry - V x Gender Neutral Reader
Fanfic summary:  You have been kidnapped by a Soul Snatcher clan that used to reside within Red Grave. They’re torturing you for more information about the one who helped you kill their leader. While being held captive you begin to think about how to escape, how this all started, and if someone will find you. Then again, what would happen if you escape?
Hopeless Masterlist
Present Day
V grew more irritable and anxious as days passed. V asked Trish and Lady to keep an eye out for you when they went on missions. Kyrie offered to keep an eye on things in Fortuna. V had Vegril search the Underworld. Dante and Nero chose to stay with V. Not only to help search for you but to also keep him sane. V was distressed and more so each time anyone told him they had nothing to report. The only good thing to V was that your death wasn’t all over the news. 
Morrison casually waltzed in as the group returned from today’s mission. Dante’s eyes darted to the envelope he was holding. Morrison with an envelope meant one thing: Devil May Cry has a mission. Morrison explained the mission would be taking place where the Qliphoth once stood. Ever since Urizen was defeated, the government had the whole area on lockdown. They were gathering samples and studying what remained. Someone within the government hired Devil May Cry to eliminate the demons attacking the scientists.
Dante took the envelope from Morrison only to find a couple hundred bucks. Before Dante could ask, Morrison put up his hands. Majority of the money went to Dante’s debts (bills, bets he lost, payments owed to the others). Dante sulked in his chair, partially disappointed his pay wasn’t bigger. He knew this would happen but he wouldn’t mind having some extra cash once in a while. Dante already knew Nero would want in on this. He decided to ask V since he didn’t believe he searched that area yet. “V, want tag along?”
V was reading Creatures of the Occult and How to Summon Them hoping to find something he may have missed. He went deep in thought with Dante’s invitation, debating if that area was worth searching. After defeating Carmilla, it appeared all the other Soul Snatchers within her clan fled. Ever since he hasn’t seen a single Soul Snatcher in Red Grave. Would any of the Soul Snatchers stick around? V was unsure. His worry for you along with lack of sleep was affecting his judgement. As V opened his lips to answer, Vergil appeared. “I have an inkling of where (Y/N) is. They may be hidden somewhere within the area where the Qliphoth was.”
“If they were there, wouldn’t someone have found them sooner?” Nero wondered.
“Not if they’re killing whoever ventures too close to their hideout….We should get going.” V knew this bait to lure him to the Soul Snatchers. He didn’t care. All he wanted was to find you. 
You couldn’t tell how much time has passed since you’ve been captured. A day could have passed yet it felt like eternity. Day and night didn’t exist to you any more. Your prison’s light was on at all times. You attempted to sleep whenever you could. Majority of the time your captors would wake you with torture. Whether it was a slap, punch or stab. You were thankful when you were able to get an hour's sleep.
Ever since your torture began you pleaded for it to end. Until now, you thought no one could hear your silent pleas. Yet for some reason you knew the end was coming. “How” was the question. Would they just kill you? Would your body give up from the torture? Would you reveal everything you know about V? No, you couldn’t do that. The reason was because your torture would worsen. You would be tortured with the guilt of ratting out the only person you ever became close with. You would never forgive yourself if you betrayed V.
You hung in the air taking deep breaths. You needed to calm yourself. To keep your sanity. You wanted more than anything to ignore the pain and suffering inflicted upon you. You could feel every strike, every punch. Hell, your stab wounds felt as if they were made seconds ago. You needed to focus your energy on escaping. Even if death was the only option. 
You wouldn’t deny you were afraid of dying. But you knew you danced with death more times than you should have. If death was the only way out, you would gladly welcome it. Although you did not want to die in this shit prison. Which meant you had to get the fuck out of here before death made its way to you.
You closed your eyes to block out your surroundings. At first you heard the buzzing of the lights above you. As you focused more, you could hear a muffled conversation. They were talking about planting a seed to lure who they suspected to you. They never said a name so it was a safe bet they still had no idea V helped you. They intended to lure him by revealing where they were located. Someone joined in saying they believed Vergil Sparda got word of their location. A small piece of relief for you. The possibility of you leaving was plausible. 
A soldier was finding a place to take a piss. Stealthy a Soul Snatcher crept up to him. The Soul Snatcher latched itself onto the soldier's throat sucking the soul out of him. The soldier screamed as he attempted to get the Soul Snatcher off him. His screams faded as the Soul Snatcher fed. It fled as everyone gathered to see what was going on. Dante, Nero, Vergil and V, along with other military personnel, arrived at the scene. The soldiers immediately accused Devil May Cry of murdering the soldier. 
Dante was (miserably) explaining to the military they had nothing to do with the soldier's death. V knew Nero would be able to help Dante so he made his way to the body. V asked Nero for his phone so he could use the flashlight function. The body didn't appear to have any wounds. V pushed the head to the side then saw it: puncture wounds along the throat. V had no doubt that a Soul Snatcher got him.
"A v-vampire attacked him?" V sighed as he pinched his nose. He should have expected someone uneducated would automatically guess "vampire". He quickly explained that it was a Soul Snatcher that attacked him. V knew he couldn't waste even a second with petty stuff. If Soul Snatchers were going after the military then you wouldn't have much time left. That is if you haven't run out of any. V shook his head not wanting to think about being too late.
Vergil was searching the area with Shadow. Nothing. Not even a damned footprint. V sighed with irritation. He needed to clearly think about what he had to do. He knew he couldn't do it around the bumbling idiots. "Where did most of the attacks occur?"
"Over there. More attacks happen the closer we get to where the weird tree was."
V commanded Griffon to fly ahead of him hoping he would find something. V hastily passed the soldier sticking to Griffon's trail. Something within V was telling him you were near. As long as he had this feeling he was not going to stop until he found you.
Dante and Nero (failed) to coordinate who would go where. It didn't help that they didn't notice V left without them. Nero got into a small argument with Vergil for not stopping V. Vergil just went after V to avoid the argument. If anyone knew how V would act in a situation like this, it was Vergil. 
"You could have waited until we came up with a plan...except I know you well enough." Vergil shot V a cocky smirk. V ignored Vergil.
You began to focus on yourself and your surroundings. You knew your ribs were cracked. You weren't positive if you could use your legs. You had no idea how long it's been since you actually used them. The most movement you got we're swaying them back and forth. You were lucky they decided not to keep you blindfolded the majority of the time.
You couldn't hear too much outside. The window was rarely open. More than likely this room was soundproof so no one heard you. You heard the Soul Snatchers’ frustration with you. Of course they were also threatening and insulting you. Those didn't matter, you needed to focus your hearing on what your captors' conversation was about. To listen for what could possibly be beyond the room you were prisoned in.
Your eyes snapped open when you heard something tap the window. Tears of joy ran down your face. It was Griffon, the most annoying fucking bird you ever met. But fuck that! You were instantly filled with hope...then embarrassment. You wanted to cover your wounded body. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this. You wiped your tears along your arm. You shot a small smile at Griffon, then mouthed "go". 
Your face was composed when the guard came in. Griffon automatically flew away making his way to V. The guard rushed over to you then pulled you by the hair. He pulled your head so far back you were gazing at him. His face was filled with rage. "Who the fuck does the bird belong to?"
"You’ll find out soon.” You were instantly knocked out by guard.
V and Vergil weren’t having any luck finding you. All they saw were dust covered abandoned buildings. Cats and other animals fighting for food in the allies. Few intact corpses here and there. V ignored all of it. He made sure to stay close to Griffon except Griffon soon flew too far away. Shadow went after him. V wasn’t sure if they went further ahead because they found something or if something found them.
"V! I found them! They're not too far from here. You gotta hurry. Things are about to get uglier." V’s widened from panic. “Uglier”? What torture did they put you through? He couldn’t spare any time to think about what you’ve been through. V and Vergil closely followed Griffon. Vergil unsheathed Yamato preparing for an ambush. V was ready to kill each and every Soul Snatcher he encountered. But was he ready to see what they have done to you?
One Year Ago
Nero called to discuss his and V's plans for when they met up. You didn't want to sit around and do nothing. You needed to find the target and soon. You invested more time than you wanted tracking the damned thing. At this point you may be losing better paying missions by choosing to complete this one.
You searched below the occult store where the altar used to be. The altar got shattered when you and V were attacked. Pieces of it were scattered everywhere. There wasn't anything worth investigating. You made your way to where the Soul Snatcher came from. Low and behold, there was a door down the hall. It was difficult to find even with your flashlight. Gun drawn you opened the door. Lower class demons were lurking beyond the door. Children's corpses, along with Soul Snatchers', laid sporadically on the floor. Their dulled lifeless eyes stared at you and beyond. Clothing and flesh were trapped between the demons' fangs. Blood ran down their jaws into the already formed puddles. “Of fucking course.”
The demons switched their attention to you, a fresh meal. You shot one in the head before it could make a move. The other you nicked. You jumped out of the way realizing you underestimated it's speed. You landed two shots in it's chest as you hid behind a pillar. You could hear it looking for you. A few more shots you took then hid. It sounded like the demon hit the floor. You knew your magazine was empty. So you put the gun in its holster then unsheathed your katana. You gave the demon a good stab to the heart, then proceeded to search the area. Your only achievement was finding a list of more possible locations. You cursed at yourself as you made your way back to V.
You and V searched another abandoned area and below. The building had nothing of interest. Below was a whole different story. Another altar greeted you. Before this mission you only saw them in movies. Now, you’re seeing more than you ever imagined under Red Grave. You were concerned about a giant cult hiding in Red Grave. Then again, if the cult consisted of humans, they’d be dead or run away if they were smart. Nothing special about the props. The altar itself had symbols carved into it. You took a couple pictures with your cracked phone hoping the book would have some information about them.
V was tapping his cane along the walls. Metallic rings against the walls were all that could be heard. Unwelcomed shivers ran down your spine. V froze stopping his tapping. Both of you heard a slight crack. Too soon after another crack, then rumbling from above. Was the building about to fucking collapse?! You both instantly ran. Up the stars, out the building then onwards. You stopped when you believed you were a safe distance away.
A giant sinkhole engulfed the building. You were beyond pissed. Every time you get closer to your target, something has to fuck you over. You made your way over to the sinkhole. You had to check if there was a path beyond the altar. A tap from the handle of V’s cane stopped you. Shadow manifested ahead of you then made her way to the sinkhole. You took a seat on the bench next to V. Waiting. For what, you had no fucking idea.
Before you heard the rumbling of buildings collapsing. Now complete silence. It was agonizing. You tried to keep your mind focused on your mission. You found more corpses recently except they weren’t drained by the Qliphoth roots. These corpses had punctures on their throats. It was evident your target was still in Red Grave yet you had no idea if the corpses were killed by your target or others within its clan. Honestly, you had no idea how big the clan was. Did they all survive during this time? Just thinking about the damned target irritated you. You were so close. Too bad yo kept getting pushed further back.
V’s head gently laid on your shoulder. He was taking a nap again. V resting and taking naps more frequently than when you met concerned you. This didn’t occur too often but too much for your liking. Was what the Soul Snatcher said true? Is V starting to die because he only has half of his soul? The thought upset you. He was probably the only person you ever got close to. He listens to you, shows interest in what you do and helps you when you need it. You weren’t sure if it was because of the partnership. If it was, you were happy to be with someone who cares even if it was only for a bit longer. 
You petted his hair while pushing a few of his black locks out of his face. He looked troubled. You didn’t think he was having a nightmare. Maybe he was dreaming of something bothering him. Your mind drifted to V. He found out everything he needed a while ago. You knew he stayed with you to hold up his end of the deal. You didn’t want him to die before accomplishing his goal because he was stuck helping you. For his sake, you had to tell V you no longer needed his help. So he could rest properly before going up against Urizen. You just had to figure out how without upsetting him.
Shadow returned with a mangled Soul Snatcher corpse. She placed the corpse in front of you. Gently you woke V by moving your shoulder. He looked at you with his emerald eyes questioning what happened. You tilted your head at the corpse before you. V sat up then examined the corpse with you. Claw marks, bite marks, missing limbs. The marks looked fresh. Too fresh. Did the Soul Snatchers become so desperate for food they ate their own clan? Maybe a herd of demons got them? Only one way to find out.
Shadow led you, V and Griffon to where she found the corpse. You wished she had the ability to talk instead of Griffon. You didn’t want V wasting his energy for nothing. The putrid scent of rotting corpses and who knows what else sucker punched your nose. You instantly covered it cursing it wasn’t helping. Piles of fly covered corpses made of adults, children, demons and Soul Snatchers, dried up blood, scattered limbs littered the area. You almost thought you were in an abandoned slaughterhouse. You wished you found what you needed below the occult store. You couldn’t waste any time so you sucked it up and got to work.
“Hey, why don’t you zap these flies away? They’re getting in my way.” You were fed up with the flies flying into your face. One almost made its way up your nostril. Your annoyance with the flies would affect your work. You would find the quickest excuse to leave. Which you knew better than to do.
“What do I look like? A fucking bug zapper!?” Your bickering went on until Griffon swallowed a fly. If he was going to eat, he wanted something a hell of a lot better than a fucking fly. Griffon sent small sparks of lightning throughout the area. Zapping the flies one by one. To damn bad they were endless.
V found a note within one of the disgusting piles. He kept it since you would probably make it more illegible than it already is. You and Shadow were mostly covered in blood, sweat, and corpse juice. You don’t know how but you managed to not barf. You were impressed V was able to keep a composed facade the whole time. You couldn’t stand being here any longer so you decided to call it. Griffon was the first to leave bitching about how gross the place was. You were irked. The fucker didn’t search through the fucking corpses. He just did the one job you gave him: zap the flies.
You felt somewhat refreshed after getting cleaned up. You sat next to V while drying your hair with a towel. You could tell V was having trouble reading the note. He stared intensely at the note. You took the note from his hand recognizing the language: Enochian. If you remembered correctly it’s a dead language once spoken by demons. Very few creatures fluently speak it. You stared at the note wishing it would literally spell out (in English) what it said. You tried to remember what you learned about the language. Griffon flew onto V’s shoulder ready to jeer at you. V gripped Griffon’s beak shut not wanting him to interrupt you. 
“They’re hiding somewhere at the opposite end of town. But what fucking clues where left to reveal their exact location?” V faced your phone to you. He was showing you the symbols you took pictures of. You gave V a baffled look unsure how symbols for a ritual would lead you to your target.
“I’ve noticed a few of these symbols at the other locations we searched. I thought the same as you at first. Then it became clear these symbols were directions. Follow the directions from and you’ll find your target.” Lucky for you the previous owner of Creatures of the Occult and How to Summon Them left basically every detail of their findings in the book. V already saved the page explaining the symbols for you. You honestly believed you would find your target soon.
The mini celebration you started in your head soon vanished. You had to convince V to stay behind. You knew he would be persistent. You thought making him stay behind would anger him. You knew V never wanted to be seen as weak or helpless. Except he needs what strength he has for his goal. V helped you more than enough. You couldn’t think of any good possible outcome from doing what you had to so fuck it. You mustered what courage you could then got V’s attention. 
“Um, V?” V looked at you with his concerned filled emerald eyes. Your nerves were starting to take over. You tried to be still the best you could. (You never understood how you had no problem killing demons and other creatures yet had difficulty telling someone something they don’t want to hear.) “Why don’t you stay behind? You know, plan some more about how to defeat Urizen.”
“Nero and I have discussed what we needed to do.” 
“Oh...then maybe you want to get some more rest before meeting up with Nero?” V’s eyes darkened with anger and annoyance. You could see V putting together what you were trying to avoid saying. You bit your lip and cursed at yourself.
“I believe our deal was you help me gather information in exchange for helping you find the Soul Snatcher. Until then, there is no time to rest.” V left you to go to bed. Shadow and Griffon followed him. You were paralyzed by V’s harsh tone and his fury. You sat staring at the Qliphoth glowing red. The night approaching complemented the Qliphoth. You weren’t sure what to do. Empusas flew here and there searching for food. They were too far away so they never noticed you. Screams and cries could be heard. All too soon did they vanish.
You got up from the bench more than sure you V would be asleep. You gathered everything you needed except the book. Soft echoes could be heard as you made your way to V. V was sleeping to the sound of Griffon sleep talking. You giggled at Griffon’s argument about him deserving the greatest meal on earth. From the sound of it he was arguing with a chef and maybe V. Shadow was staring right at you the entire time you made your way to the book. You were thankful she wasn’t trying to stop you and didn’t wake V. You grabbed the book. You gave V one last kiss on his forehead which softened his sleeping expression. You gave Shadow a good scratch behind her ears. Silently, you closed the door, then continued your search.
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queenmuzz · 4 years
Siren’s Song
If his father found out where Nero had gone, all alone, he’d drag the finling’s tail back and lock him somewhere in the depths of the ocean.  His dad, (and mom, to a lesser extent) tried their best to keep him from the danger of humans, but by the Dawnfather, he was almost thirteen migrations old, and finlings his age were allowed to go where they wanted, within reason.  Besides , he thought as he flexed his fist, his soul weapon had fully materialized, he could defend himself from practically anything.  Only two weeks ago, his entire right arm had changed into a beautiful scaly claw that glimmered silvery blue and red. His parents seemed relieved more that his newly developed weapon was permanently bonded with him, than the fact that he’d gotten one earlier than usual.  It meant he didn’t ever have to worry about ever getting separated from it, a fate worse than death.
Even then, The only two reasons he had managed to get closer to the shoreline was that he was supposed to be with his uncle, who was supposed to be teaching him how to hunt with his new arm, but with the promise of picking up a human trinket for him, Dante had left him to his own devices, while his uncle went on a hunt for something called ‘pizza’. His uncle was weird.
Another reason Nero had gotten so close to the shoreline, was because his dad seemed to think this area, despite the human settlements, was safer than most areas.  This island, this Fortuna…. It didn’t have the large fishing tankers other places did, only the easily dodgible small fishing boats.  And unlike other sandy banks where the dry land met their home, there were few humans wearing those tiny strips of cloths that provided little protection.  When they rarely showed up, they were covered head to their stubbly legs in clothing.  And they almost never went into the water.  
Still, it wouldn’t hurt to be careful.  The legends spoke of how dangerous humans could be, especially when you encountered them on their own domain. The rules were simple:
Never let yourself be seen by them.
Never accept a gift from them.
And most importantly:
   3. Never promise a human anything.
You can also read it on Ao3 HERE
Humans were a strange people, with inexplicable powers that were said to compel or even worse, bind Merfolk to them.  How many tales had his father sang to him about foolish mermen and maids suffering captivity and death because they didn’t understand the danger they were courting by encountering humans?
Well , Nero thought, as he slowly got closer to the shoreline, the tide went out for them, but I’m different.   Besides, he had his new weapon, he’d be perfectly fine.  Already he had perfected his hunting using a manifestation of his claws to shoot out and either spear, or grab a fish, before yanking it back to be devoured.  A group of Cordina swam a tail’s length away from him, and he effortlessly yanked one of them, and with pride, he began to take a bite of its belly.  He wasn’t old enough to swallow them whole, but probably by his next migration, he should be…
Mid bite he heard it.  A beautiful sound that reminded him of the haunting choral singing of the whales of the North.  Except this was higher pitched, came from only one throat instead of many, and strangely enough… it sounded like it came from above the surface?  
Resisting the urge to give in to curiosity and break the surface, he compromised by slowly following the entrancing song from beneath the waves.  It couldn’t be far, sounds in the air didn’t carry as far as they did in water, and sure enough, within a few strokes of his fins, he found the source, a lone wooden dock jutting out over the water.
Or rather, WHO was on it.
Nero had been told by his father that singing was something only Merfolk and the warm blooded fish of the sea could do.  If humans could sing, he explained, they would have to stand right next to each other in order to hear, and their songs couldn’t possibly convey the depths that his people’s songs could.
And yet, this human… this… girl… (She seemed about his age, and his mom had explained that human children had different names for gender) sang so sweetly, it almost felt like she was luring him in with magic.  
But it couldn’t be magic, since he still had the wits to remain hidden, to check for danger, before settling underneath the creaking wood of the dock.  Even so, her voice was so beautiful, he risked silently breaching the surface to hear her more clearly.
He didn’t know why she was singing.  She was apparently alone, so she wasn’t telling a tale, and she was far too young to be singing for a mate.  Tidemother have mercy, he couldn’t even understand the words.  Something about  ‘darkness’ ‘wind’ and… a ‘garden’?  That was a strange word.  Maybe his uncle or mother would know.
But in the end, it didn’t matter as he listened, his claws embedded into the slippery post to stabilize him.  Whatever she was singing, it was beautiful.
And, as he risked a peek through the planks, she was as beautiful as the song she sang.  Her clothing was whiter than seafoam, brighter than the icebergs that floated from the south, with lines of what seemed to be glittering sunlight etched into it.   But that wasn’t the most stunning thing.  Her hair was a vibrant shade between coral red and earth brown, a colour he’d never seen in all of his travels.  And her eyes!  For a moment, he thought they were seaweed green, but then they flashed into dark sand brown, so rapidly, he wasn’t even sure they were different colours, or just a melding of them.  He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.  His father had told him most humans were brutes with harsh voices, but he hadn’t said all of them were. Maybe his dad was wrong, that humans weren’t the monsters the tales said they were.  Or maybe, this one human was an exception, a pearl in an oyster.  
She slowly stopped her singing and with a beautiful smile, she pushed her hair back to form it into a tail of some sort, revealing her creamy skin with reddish speckles (did humans have scales?  He’d have to ask his mom about that, she was really knowledgeable about that stuff) and sighed happily while basking in the son.
“Oh!”  She yelled out, and Nero froze.  Had she seen him, or somehow sensed him?  He clung to the post, quickly calculating paths of escape.  
Instead, he heard a tinkle, a Thud! and a Plop!, as something hit the dock, before slipping through the crack between planks and fell into the water, to sink straight to the bottom.  He could only get a small glimpse as it plummeted down, but it sparkled, like a falling star.
“Nononono!” the girl yelped, and above him, he heard her scrambling, and her head popped down over the side, obviously trying to locate that glittering trinket.  
Nero was totally not terrified.  Not at all.  Sure, this was the closest he’d ever been to a human, and he stilled his breath, she was so close she could probably hear his heart pounding.  All she had to do is look in his general direction, and he’d be spotted. It was only her intense gaze to the sea bed below that saved him.  He couldn’t even flee, because any movement he made would undoubtedly attract her attention.  So, he clung to the post, silently praying for both the Dawnfather and Tidemother to protect him.
The only upside to his situation was that he had an even closer look at the girl.  She was so pretty, and hadn’t been for the fact she had legs, she could have been indistinguishable from one of his people.  But even so, there was an expression on her face that hurt him deeply, a deep sorrow.  Whatever had fallen into the water, it had been very precious to her.
“KYRIE!”  A voice called out from the shore, and the girl's attention swung over to the source, allowing Nero a moment of reprieve, “I told you not to get your dress dirty!  The ceremony is happening very soon!”
Rapid footsteps clattered as an older woman, who bore a resemblance to the girl strode up.  “I’ve been looking all over for you, have you been here all this time?”
“I-I-wanted to practice my singing here, mama.” “You know you don’t always  have to come here alone dear, everyone loves your singing!” “Yeah,”  she didn’t sound convinced.  Did she think her singing was bad?  Nero scoffed at the idea.
“Well, it’s time for your performance,” the older woman wiped off traces of dirt off her daughter’s dress, before gasping, “Where’s your new necklace!?”
“It… fell off my neck,” the girl admitted, hanging her head, “the clasp unlocked and it fell…” she glanced down to the water below.
“Oh Kyrie....” the woman was disappointed, yet not angry. “Your papa and I just got that for you...you need to be more careful with your possessions.”  She glanced over the edge of the dock, and Nero had yet another flash of panic.  Thankfully, she didn’t spend much time scanning the water.  “Ah well, there’s no time to retrieve it.  Your father and Credo will have to look for it tomorrow morning, it shouldn’t go far. Now,” she patted her daughter’s head, “let’s be on our way, your singing will delight everyone!”
Nero didn’t move for what seemed like an eternity, even when the two humans were gone, in the small chance that this was a feint, a trap.  Because that glittering fallen star, that...necklace that glittered in the sand, like an anglerfish’s lure.  But, there were no signs of any other humans laying in wait for him, so cautiously, he made his way towards the sparkly item. Despite it shining like the Dawnfather, it wasn’t hot, in fact it was cool to the touch.  But it glimmered and sparkled like his father’s amulet, it even had a little red gem in the middle.  But the lady was wrong, the way the water moved around here, it would be washed away by tomorrow, or buried by the shifting sands.  Nero had a conundrum:  He could either let it get washed away, lost to the sands of time....
Or he could grab it.  But it belonged to the girl, and the rules about accepting gifts from humans...what if it put a terrible curse on him?
But , he reasoned, it’s not really a gift.   He was merely retrieving it, and he’d give it right back to her… maybe he’d put it on the dock.  
His fingers caressed the shiny metal, as reflective as his father’s blade. No, he couldn’t just leave it here, some bird, or some other human would pick it up for themselves.  Nero couldn’t have that.  He’d just have to hold onto it until he saw her again at the docks.  She apparently hung out here to sing.  Yeah, he’d find her, figure out a way to leave it nearby, and hope she noticed it without noticing him.  Simple plan, really.
The necklace glistened once more in the sunlight, before suddenly with a golden flash, disappeared into his scaly claws.  So his soul weapon could do that too... interesting.  At least his uncle (and dad) wouldn’t be on his tailfins about the trinket he had.  It would be hard to explain how he had gotten a hold of something like this.
“Heya guppy!” his uncle met him a good distance from the shore, ruffling his hair, “you got anything cool?”  
Nero pretended to be annoyed, “Nah, sorry. But,” he scratched the bridge of his nose, “can we come back tomorrow?  I think I heard some of the humans talking about a ‘pizza party’ on the beach tomorrow?  Maybe we could…”
His uncle’s grin widened, “Oh yeah!  We can do that!  I knew you’d pull through!”
Nero almost felt bad for lying...almost.  But his dad would never let him get so close to the shore unaccompanied, and his uncle was the only one who trusted him to go by himself.  He'd just give it to her tomorrow.  Besides, how hard could it be?
It was much harder than Nero had thought.  Finding Kyrie was incredibly simple, she had a very set schedule, spending hours in the morning just singing, or ‘practicing her scales’ as she put it, her voice ascending and descending like the waves.  And he’d hide under the dock to listen, entranced by everything.  He almost was tempted to sing along to the songs she sang, if it wasn’t for the fact he’d be caught for sure.  Sometimes, her parents would come to call her home, or her older brother, but usually it was just her...and him.
But every time he felt he should give back the necklace, he felt… he couldn’t.  And it wasn’t magic, he was certain of it by now.  Honestly, the more he observed her, and the others, the more he was certain that humans couldn’t EVEN do magic.  They were just a slower, weaker, more clumsy version of merfolk, who couldn’t even breathe underwater.
But Kyrie… there was something about her.  Nero wanted to be near her at all  times, and holding onto that necklace seemed to be the only way he could do that.  So, every time when she was called home, he’d promise himself that tomorrow would be the day he’d give it back.  
Unfortunately, that day never came.  “Wait, what do you mean we have to go?” Nero tried to stop his father from swimming off.  He still had plans for the day.
“It’s time, the shoal is on the move to the north,” his father gruffly said, “we’ve wasted enough time on whatever you and your uncle have been up to, if we wait any longer, we’ll spend far too much time chasing instead of hunting.  Tell your mother we must be on our way.”
“But…” Nero still hadn’t given back the necklace.  And now, he might never get another chance to.
His father’s furrowed brow softened as he placed a hand on his shoulder, “Nero,” he spoke softly with misplaced understanding, “I know you’ve enjoyed your new found freedom in this area, it’s why I have put off the migration for as long as possible, I wanted to see my son happy and free in a safe area. But,” the sternness returned, “the Ways must be followed, we must move on.  You understand that, right?”
He was right of course, already the Cordina shoals were slim, and Nero was lucky if he found one on his own per day, and he didn’t relish the thought of eating kelp as a replacement.  (A trait apparently passed down from his father, who detested the stuff)  But still…
“Do not worry” his father patted his head softly, “We will return.  We always do.”  
It was an attempt to reassure him, in his father’s awkward way, but still...Nero hoped that she would keep to her pattern as he did his.  He’d have to get it to her next time on their migration.  It would be easy.
It wasn’t easy.  Eager as he was to see her again the next time they followed the shoal to the balmy shallows of Fortuna, he still couldn’t give up the necklace.  She still stood at the end of the dock at the same time each day, singing not only the same songs as before, but more complex ones as well.  She’d gotten taller, and dare he say it, even more beautiful.  But still, even with multiple opportunities, he couldn’t part with it.  It was like keeping a piece of her with him, and when he took it out of his clawed arm, just the caressing of it calmed him down when he failed miserably at hunting, or when he had an argument with his parents about how independent he was allowed to be.  And so, by the time they had to move on, he still carried it.  There was always the next migration....
He told himself that after the first one, then the second, then the third…
They were approaching Fortuna for the fourth time since he had first met (no...that was the wrong word, but how else could he describe it without sounding like he was hunting her?) and after a particularly aggravating hunt where his uncle constantly ribbed him about ‘If you’re that bad at hunting, maybe you should stick to kelp, guppy’ , Nero had found a secluded shelter to calm down.  He was a krill’s whisker away from punching that smirk off his uncle’s face, and the last thing he wanted to happen is to give his father a reason to restrict his movements, especially as they approached the island.  He rolled his shoulder, and out came the necklace, pristine as the day it fell into the water.  He smiled gently as his fingers traced the shape, like bird wings, that enclosed the brilliant gem.  If he closed his eyes, he could swear he heard her voice.  Perhaps she has another new song?
“Ah, there you are!” His mother’s voice snuck up on him, giving him no time to hide the necklace without looking suspicious. “When Dante said you stormed out of the hunting party at the speed of a sailfish, I was a little worried you’d get yourself in trouble.”   She drifted down towards him, a makeshift satchel made of salvaged cloth from the surface world at her side.  No doubt it was full of shellfish, her favourite food.  She wasn’t as quick at hunting as his father, his uncle, or to be honest, any of the other merfolk, and Nero always worried that she had been injured early on in her life, something that put her at a disadvantage.  But she was always cheerful, and found other ways to contribute to the hunt.
“It’s just…”
“Dante...I know… trust me... sometimes I wish a jellyfish would sting him on the tongue, just to shut him up for a while. But,” she sat down beside him, and began prying open one of the clams with her soul weapon, a small pearlescent knife, and offered him the contents. “ He thinks he means well, he just doesn’t realize he’s swimming against the current.”
He gratefully took it and slurped down the contents.  His mom was always able to mediate between the three mermen, she’d find a way to make his uncle apologize, and things would be back to normal...for a while at least.
“Oh… that’s beautiful Nero! Where did you find that?”  Too late he realized that by grabbing the shell, he’d inadvertently revealed his prized possession.
Parrotfish Sand! He thought, Welp, time to fib a little.
He put on a convincing smile.  “Oh this?  It’s beautiful, isn’t it?  I found it while investigating an old shipwreck a while back!”  Yeah, that was believable.  His dad was more permissive about him going down into the depths than into the shallows.
Unfortunately, the doubtful look on his mother’s face shattered the illusion, “Oh really?  If it came from an old shipwreck it would have had more corrosion on the brass clasp, to the point where only the pendant should still have a possibility of retaining its shine.  That is, if the jewelry had a high enough percentage of gold.  If not, it would have been just as corrode d.”
Nero was stunned.  How had she known he was lying?
“It’s where the water and the salt…” she paused as if she was trying to find the right words, “well, simply put, they change the metal into something different, and often weaker.  Human metal of course, not the metal of our soul-weapons.  It’s why some shipwrecks at the bottom of the sea are all brown,and fall apart just by brushing up against it.  Some metals, like gold, are resistant, some not at all.”
“How..how do you know that? About human stuff?”  
She smiled softly at him, “Nero...I suppose it’s time I told you that once…” she looked up at the dappled surface, the flickering sunbeams shining down on them, “Once, I was one of them.”
Nero choked on the last of the clam he was slurping up.  Maybe he hadn’t heard his mom right.  There’s no way that his dad of all merfolk would have fallen for...a human?  Maybe his dad didn’t know…?
“I’d hoped that your father would have explained our ‘unique’ family situation earlier on...but…” she sighed… “well, if he won’t take the first step-I mean, first stroke.  I guess I should.  Yes, I used to be human, and yes both your father and uncle knew about me.”
“But-” Nero was at a loss for words.  True, his mom always seemed a bit ‘different’ than the other merfolk, but he’d never really minded.  She was a wonderful mother, why should he care?  “How?”
“Magic I suppose, it’s hard for me to wrap my mind around, and I’ve had over a decade and a half to try to make sense of it.”
It still didn’t make sense to Nero.  Of all the mermen to settle down with a ...human? “Dad hates humans!” he blurted out without thinking, “He always reminds me how dangerous they can be, that I should never talk to one, or be seen by one.” Instantly, he felt the urge to slap himself for such an insensitive statement.
His mother looked sad, but not because of what he had said, “I… understand where your father’s coming from, he’s had...an unpleasant history with humankind, it’s tainted his views.  One day he may tell you about it, when he’s ready  But,” she stroked his cheek,   “even he understands humans aren’t all bad, there are some that are ignorant about what happens past their shorelines, and others that are willing to take a chance to dive beneath the waves, so to speak.  I was one of the latter, and it still took me the better part of a migration to gain his trust and love.  I suppose he tries to tell you those stories to keep the risk of you getting hurt as low as possible but,” she looked down at the necklace, “it seems that our family’s obsession with the surface still runs in the blood.  So…” she smiled, “spill the beans, (her penchant for weird turn of phrases suddenly made a whole lot more sense), who’s the lucky human?  I won’t say a word to anyone else about this.”
“It’s...it’s a girl.  Her name is Kyrie...and she likes to sit on the docks and sing in Fortuna.”
“Awww, how sweet!  How did you two meet?”
“Sh-she hasn’t actually met me yet” , he must have turned as red as a snapper by now, “ I just sit under the docks and listen to her singing.”
“But you have her necklace.”
“Yeah, she dropped it about four migrations back, and...well, I wanted to give it back...but…”   ah well, he might as well come clean about it.  Perhaps his mother would understand.  “Everytime I do, I get the weirdest feeling, like I’m giving up a part of myself.” He scratched his nose, “You probably think I’m being dumb as driftwood, eh?”
“Not at all,” his mom said, surprisingly “the heart is a strange and stubborn thing, that makes us do things that we really don’t understand, but,” she smiled, “don’t be like myself and your father and deny your feelings, because you don’t know what the next wave will bring.”   She pulled him close to give him a kiss on the forehead.  “Just promise me that you be careful, alright?  I want you to be happy, AND safe.”
Kyrie was there, sitting on the dock, just like always.  Unfortunately, that was the only thing that was the same.  Instead of her brilliant white clothes, she wore a dress of deep black, like the depths of the ocean.  And instead of singing, she remained silent, not even humming a tune.  And worst of all, her beautiful smile, the thing that only the Dawnfather could compare to in brilliance, had vanished.  Instead, she sat, her legs dangling over the edge, staring out to the horizon, not moving.  Her beautiful eyes had lost their vibrancy, like dead seaweed, and her skin had gone pale, and sickly, like a bloated dead fish.  Strange, there was wetness on her cheeks, that dribbled down before landing in her lap.  Nero wasn’t sure what had happened to her.  Was she ill?  Hurt?  All he knew, it caused his heart to constrict, and that he’d do ANYTHING to bring back her smile.
Steady footsteps on the worn wood caused him to dart back to his hiding spot under the dock.   He knew the gait, even if he didn’t see him very often. Credo strode down, but slowed as he approached the young woman at the end.  He was also dressed oddly, his usual white and gold outfit replaced with a dour black, quite similar to his sister’s.  Was there something going on, a sort of celebration?
“Kyrie…” he spoke softly, as if he didn’t wish to disturb her, but was forced to.  “I was beginning to worry when you didn’t come home after school today.”
There was no response, her eyes still locked on the horizon.
“It’s getting late, and the funeral is early tomorrow.  You and I need our rest for what’s going to be a long day.  The entire family will be coming over… Aunt Lisandra will be taking care of the food preparations, and- ”
“I can’t..” her voice sounded raspy, rough like a shark's skin, “I can’t go home...because mom should be there, taking the poppy seed buns out of the oven, and dad should be there in his study, putting the final touches on that painting he was working on…. But there won’t be the smell of bread in the kitchen, and that painting will always be unfinished.... Because they aren’t ever coming home again....”
Nero was perplexed.  What did they mean by never seeing each other again?  Even if humans couldn’t swim, they could travel anywhere in the world, they could even fly in those metal bird things he would see sometimes up in the sky.
“I know…” Credo answered soberly, “I miss them too…” he placed a hand on her shoulder, before crouching down, “but I know, wherever their spirits have gone, that they would want us to persevere, to remember them, but move forward.”
Only then, did it hit Nero with the force of a tidal wave: Kyrie wasn’t ill, or hurt...well, not in the physical sense.  She was mourning for the dead.  Dawnfather strike him down, what an idiot he was!
“It’s going to be difficult,” the older man conceded, “but you don’t have to bear the burden alone.” “I know…” came the response, a little less soulless, but still with grief.
“If you don’t feel like it, you don’t have to sing at the service.  I don’t want you to feel unnecessary pain, just because some of our relatives desire a show,” her brother muttered darkly.
“No, I need to do this,” she argued back, “not for great uncle Lorenzo, or anyone.  Just for me.”
“If that’s what you desire…”
“Yes.  I just…” she sighed, “I just need some time alone for a bit more.  I promise I’ll be home in an hour or two.”
“Are you sure?” “Credo…” she smiled at her brother, sadly, but with more sincerity, “I’ll be fine.  Don’t worry about me.  But,” her smile lost some of the grief, “thank you for everything.”
Nero stayed still for quite a while after the man had departed, ruminating on what he had heard.  He hadn’t had to deal with the pain she had dealt with, but his father had, and it was obvious that his grandparents’ deaths had affected him.  If there was a way to ease her pain, a way of healing the absence in her heart.
The necklace!  
He looked at it in his clawed hand.  He’d expected the usual reluctance to give it up yet again, but not this time.  This time she needed it more than he could ever.   The only issue was how to give it to her.  He couldn’t just  swim up and plop it in her hand, nor could he attempt to throw it up onto the dock, where there was a good chance it would  just bounce off and back into the water, attracting her unwanted attention.
He looked at the glistening jewelry in his softly glowing clawws, and realized the answer was in the palm of his hand….literally.  All he had to do was find the correct position, speed, and angle...it was just like spearing a fish.
Swimming far enough to get a good angle, but deep enough to not be noticed, he clenched the amulet in his hand one last time, took a mental deep breath and with a force of will, his spectral hand shot out of the water, almost silently, and with precise control, dropped the necklace on the dock with just the barest of noise, enough to get her attention, before it retracted back to himself, and he quickly returned to his hiding spot.
“Oh!” Kyrie had heard the clatter, and turned almost too quickly, a second sooner, and he would have been caught.  But her eyes were immediately drawn to the necklace, glittering in the light of the evening Dawnfather, as she gingerly scooped it up.
“How in the…” she slowly caressed it in her hands, no doubt trying to figure out if it was the same one she had lost all those migrations ago.  Nero swallowed as he peeked through the crack in the wood, getting as close as he dared.  She closed her dull eyes as she clasped the necklace in her hands, pulling it close to her forehead.  After a few moments of silence, her eyes opened, not quite back to their beautiful state, but much more clear, and on her lips, a small smile.  
“Thank you…” she spoke quietly, and Nero froze.  For some reason he was certain she was speaking to him.  But that was impossible!  He had made sure that he was completely undetectable!  She hadn’t ever given an indication that she had noticed his presence.  Maybe she was just speaking to the spirits of her parents or something.
But it didn’t matter, as she began to sing, a song he hadn’t ever heard before, a song full of grief, and yet hope.
Quando sono solo sogno all'orizzonte e mancan le parole
Sì lo so che non c'è luce in una stanza quando manca il sole
Se non ci sei tu con me, con me
Su le finestre
Mostra a tutti il mio cuore che hai acceso
Chiudi dentro me la luce che
Hai incontrato per strada
Time to say goodbye
Paesi che non ho mai
Veduto e vissuto con te
Adesso sì, li vivrò, con te partirò
Su navi per mari che, io lo so
No, no, non esistono più
It's time to say goodbye
And even though Nero couldn’t make out most of what she was singing, it still gave him a feeling of peace
It was the next migration, his seventeenth, when Nero finally broke the last rule.  He was doing his typical thing, hovering under the dock, relaxing to the soothing music that Kyrie sang.  She looked healthier, happier, and more at ease.  The loss of her parents undoubtedly still had affected her, but she had grown from it.  He was happy as well, hoping his action, as little and delayed as it was, had brought her some comfort.
So lost in her melodious voice, he didn’t even notice her slowly lower herself down, and with a sundenness  that would have caught a dolphin off guard, poked her head underneath the dock.
“Hello there!”
His instincts screamed that he needed to flee, that he was in an extreme amount of danger right now.  His muscles spasmed, and instantly he began to calculate on whether it would be safer to dive down and then out, a slower but safer way, or risk making a mad dash from the docks, putting as much distance between her and him.  Then never, ever, EVER come back.   He’d played far too long in the low tide, now he was in danger of being beached, metaphorically speaking.
“Wait!”  Her voice called out, and against his better judgement, he paused, “Don’t go, please? I’m not going to hurt you.  I just…” she paused as she tried to think of what to say, “want to thank you.”
He froze.  He hadn’t expected that.
“Thank me?”  Her eyes lit up brilliantly at his response.
“You CAN talk!  I’m so glad!  I always worried that you didn’t speak our language.” Her smile grew in delight as she pulled herself back up.  Nero floated there, momentarily at a loss what to do.  Should he make a swim for it?  She hadn’t made a move to attack him, in fact, she was giving him an opening to escape.  But what if it was a trap?  He shook his head.  The way she spoke, it seemed like she had known he was there for a while, possibly for multiple migrations.  So, slowly, and with more than a little wariness, he swam from underneath the dock and popped up in front of her.  The delight on her face was infectious, and that smile, Dawnfather be praised, that smile was for him, solely for him.
“Thank me?” He repeated, confused as he looked around, still worried he would be spotted.  But aside from a few fishing vessels on the horizon, there was no one but her.
“For everything…” she explained, as her hand went to her throat, playing with her necklace,.  “Every year around this time, when I’d come to the docks, I swore I felt someone watching me, supporting me, like a guardian angel.”
Nero had no clue what she was talking about,  but he wouldn’t interrupt her.  Her singing was beautiful, but now, her speaking to him, directly, was pure bliss.  If this had been a trap, he would have been a stunned fish right now, easily hooked.  But nothing happened.
“But unlike an angel...it didn’t come from above, it came from below…the water.  It was you.”  Her toes grazed the surface of the water, and she was so close, she could have reached out and touched him, but she didn’t.  Not that he would have minded…
Her eyes went down to the necklace between her fingers.  “In the darkest moment of my life, you gave me something precious.  The necklace, yes… but,” she looked back at him.  “Whenever I couldn’t sleep, when I felt like I was falling into despair, I would hold onto this and would feel a sense of peace, like the rise and fall of waves, of seagulls, the songs of whales.  It was so comforting…  That was you, wasn’t it?”
He didn’t know what to say.  He hadn’t intended it, but perhaps keeping it so close to himself for all those migrations had some residual effect.  
“Uh....yeah.”  It wasn’t a lie, but he wanted to slap himself with his own fins on how stupid he sounded.  “I-I’m sorry I didn’t give it to you sooner, I-”
She laughed, and Nero felt tingles everywhere in response.  “It’s okay, I’m glad it was safe with you.  So,” she leaned forward, getting even closer, and Nero lost himself in her eyes.  If she wanted to, she could reach out and touch him, and he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it (not that he would want to), “Can I have your name?”
Somehow, his mouth was able to work, and he didn’t even stutter…
“Nero...my name’s Nero”
For what seemed like ages, he and Kyrie talked.  She told him all about the surface world, from how they managed to stay sane despite living in the same place for migrations at a time, to her family, (he decided not to pry into her parents), to why she sang.  It stunned him that not all humans enjoyed singing, how in the watery depths were they supposed to pass on knowledge to their children?
But he kept his questions to himself, and when she cautiously asked about him and his people, he felt comfortable to tell her about his family, and merfolk in general.  She never pressed for more details, but she asked how long he would remain in Fortuna.
“It’s about one cycle of the Tidemother, the shoal moves out, so we gotta follow it, or else we’ll be stuck eating kelp”  He couldn’t help it, he gagged at the thought.  “We should be heading out when she hides Her face.”
Kyrie’s face fell a little bit.  “Oh, that means you’ll be heading out pretty soon.”
“Yeah…” he agreed, and for the briefest of moments, the thought of him staying in Fortuna for the rest of the migration, eating nothing but kelp didn’t seem that bad.  But explaining why he didn’t want to leave this island to his father… not so appetizing.  “But guess what, I’ll be back to see you on the next migration!  And I won’t hide under the dock this time!”
“You promise?”
There was a slight pause, as Nero recalled something he’d heard innumerable times
Never promise a human anything.
To the depths with that… he thought, and smiled at the young woman, the one that had unwittingly lured him in, and captured his heart.
“I promise”
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shianhygge-imagines · 5 years
{R} [DMC Reactions] S/O Sacrifice Scramble
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AN: No, thank you! For supporting my angsty ass during my days of procrastination and getting my life together, lmao! That is an interesting idea! So... let’s take the same scenarios from the original reaction post... and just replace the s/o with another character’s s/o! :3
Let’s be honest... it’s not gonna be a happy affair! And given how the DMC universe is... it’s highly likely something like this would happen.
|Link to Original S/O Sacrifice|
|Masterlist Link|
Gets saved by Vergil’s S/O
He’d needed an expert with him on a job when it happened. His usual carelessness had gotten a loved one killed. 
Dante cried in agony as your head rolled away, remembering how he’d promised his older brother that he’d bring you back safe and sound. 
How Vergil had promised Dante a slow painful death if anything happened to you. How Dante had agreed that if anything happened, he would let Vergil kill him. 
He didn’t know what to do, going into a full blown demonic rage and butchering the demon that killed you. 
All he could think to do after was to bring your body back to Vergil. 
The moment Dante returned, the roar of his motorcycle the telltale sign of his return, Vergil had practically flown through the shop front doors. His face didn’t show it, but his heart leapt in joy at your return, longing to hold you in his arms after a time apart.  
Upon seeing only Dante standing in the dark, tears in his eyes and a white bundle in his arms, Vergil paused, his mind quickly connecting two and two together. “Y/N?” Vergil asked for you, his lips twitching to fight a frown. When Dante only met his twin’s eyes and tearfully looked away, Vergil took a step back. “No.” He denied, eyes shifting to stare at the human sized bundle in Dante’s arms, “She can’t have…” 
“I’m sorry, Vergil.” Dante tried to apologize, but his brother practically snarled in denial. 
But little by little, Vergil’s mask crumbled when a hand fell out of the bundle. Your hand. Your wedding ring. You. Unmoving.
A sob escaped Vergil’s lips before he could stop it, and his legs suddenly gave way as he could only stare in despair. You’d loved him during his darkest time, and gotten him through it. And you were dead. 
Was this karma for all the harm that he’d done in the past? Was this the world taking its revenge against him for nearly bringing the end of humanity two times?You were supposed to be his redemption. His salvation. That you were gone… did that mean he was damned for all eternity? That he was destined to stand alone forever.
He’d wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but now that was a distant dream.
Get’s saved by Dante’s S/O
“Gah! Fecking hell, Vergil!” You screamed, practically diving into the swarm that your brother-in-law had sprinted into. From behind, you could hear Dante calling for you to let Vergil do his thing. But from his position on the cliff below, he couldn’t see the number of demons that awaited his twin.
They’d finally started to have some semblance of a non-toxic relationship again, and you were damned if you would just let Vergil get himself killed.
Dante had only just gotten his brother back, and it made you happy that the brothers had started to mend their relationship. If anything were to happen to either brother, you were sure that their relationship would have been set back by a great deal. And with how much you loved Dante, you couldn’t allow anything to happen to the only surviving member of his family.
That was why you threw yourself in front of a fireball, suffering through burns in order to protect a man that was usually frigid in demeanor despite his turning over a new leaf. And the pain was unbearable, your skin melting and clothes burning. You were only able to verify that Vergil was unharmed before you collapsed into his arms unconscious.
Vergil knew that he was a class A jerk to you, so he was surprised that you, someone who only held a small fraction of demonic blood, would throw yourself in the way of an attack that might have left him incapacitated, but not too severely injured.
He caught your falling body as it fell in front of him, surprise flickering on his face for a brief moment before he schooled his expression.
The demon that had burned you so badly shook in fear at the icy malice on Vergil’s face after he’d laid you on the ground and covered your damaged body with his coat.
“Y/N is precious to someone important to me. I hope you’re ready to suffer through a slow and painful death.” Vergil hissed, unsheathing the Yamato with a deadly ring of metal.
After the demon had been dealt with, Vergil calmly picked your body up from the ground, noting that you were still alive. With the still unsheathed Yamato, Vergil quickly opened a portal back to Devil May Cry, where he gave Dante the scare of his life by immediately barking out instructions on how to treat your wounds.
After you had been treated and left to rest, Vergil would break the news to Dante like ripping off a band aid. “She saved me from an attack.” Vergil saw the punch coming at him, but didn’t move, letting his younger twin land a strike to his face.
“Next time, you better be the one looking after her.” Dante growled, clenching and unclenching his fist, beyond furious that Vergil had been so negligent as to let you get hurt.
Knowing that there would be a next time because of your stubbornness, Vergil nodded. “Next time, I’ll look after her.”
Get’s saved by V’s S/O
As loathe as Nero was to have to take you along on a hunt, he didn’t quite have the balls to defy you when it was your fiance’s life on the line
A few days prior, several demons had appeared to attack V, vowing revenge on the Sons of Sparda, blah blah blah, like you hadn’t heard that reason half a million times.
Due to having been a part of Vergil, V’s continued existence was sustained through absorbing demonic energy, much to your surprise and confusion on how that would work in the first place.
During the attack, V had been alone except for his demon contracts, Shadow, Griffon, and Nightmare. Normally, this wouldn’t have been much of a challenge for the four of them, but V had been severely weakened after Vergil ‘resurrected.’
Not only did the attacking demons manage to severely wound V, they had also taken it upon themselves to steal V’s demonic power. The only thing sustaining V was his contracts with Shadow and Nightmare. Griffon had decided to forge a contract with you in order to help. Now, you and Nero were racing against the clock to kill the demon that housed V’s power.
Despite not having an upraising involving combat, you held your own whenever demons appeared, brandishing V’s cane and a rifle borrowed from Lady.
“A Bride on a Mission” Griffon had called you after you struck down a demon with no mercy.
Despite being able to hold your own, you were under no illusion that you could kill the demon that had assaulted your fiance and left him for dead. So, when you saw Nero getting backed into a corner, still reluctant to use his Devil Trigger, you commanded Griffon to give you a boost, sending you soaring towards Nero.
Though you stuck the landing wrong, earning you a twisted ankle, you’d managed to blast through part of the horde. You didn’t get to celebrate your victory much, when you felt the painful end of a horn dig into your stomach and send you tumbling backwards.
“Y/N!” Nero cried out in alarm.
Now, normally, you tried not to curse... but laying on your back with a hole in your abdomen, you couldn’t help but let out a swear, “Fuck!”
The demon that had stolen your fiance’s power had come out to play, and you were pretty much down for the count. Nevertheless, you propped yourself up on an elbow and aimed with your rifle. “Heh, I’m not dead yet, you fucker.”
Nero, meanwhile, had finally started to take the fight seriously, blasting through the rest of the demon horde before advancing on the bastardization of a bull demon that had attacked you when he wasn’t looking. “Hey! Do you know how much trouble I’m in now that you’ve poked a hole into my friend’s fiance?!”
The banter was a front. Nero was scared shitless that he’d have to bury another friend and break the news to V... who might just find a way to kill him for not looking after you.
Activating his Devil Trigger for the sake of killing the beast, Nero followed the battle up with picking up the crystallized demonic energy embedded in the bull demon’s horn before using his Devil Trigger to get you to a hospital.
Somehow, between getting checked into the hospital, and waking up from surgery, Griffon had left you to return to V, who found out about what had happened and immediately brought himself to the hospital to yell at Nero and look after you.
When you woke up, V sat in a chair beside your bed, one hand holding yours and another holding a book. Seeing you awake, V set the book down and gently chided you after making sure you were okay. “Please, Y/N... Don’t do that again. I couldn’t bear it if I lost you.”
Get’s saved by Nero’s S/O
For the sake of this request, we’ll say that Nero’s S/O is different from Kyrie (even if it’s the canon pairing >.>, The reason why I have to clarify... well, that’s a story for another time)
V had long since retired from hunting demons, instead, investing his newly mortal life in learning about the world with the help of you, Nero, and Kyrie.
He was only a month old when he’d assisted in defeating Urizen, and had barely grasps the basic human mannerisms and fundamentals. Like the use of money, or the fact that a bullet to the head would kill him, or your personal favorite, that he had to consume food for survival. Truly, when Nero first introduced you to V, you thought him to be a child.
Though, the first thing you did after meeting him had been to take him clothes shopping. Sure, it was summer, but once the colder seasons rolled in, you were sure that V would need proper shirts instead of... the trench coat corset thing? You’re amazed the thing didn’t come apart during his battles.
There were a few times that V was forced to fight demons, either to absorb their demonic energy in order to extend his life, or to beat off random assaults from demons that swear revenge upon the Sons of Sparda. These times were increasingly annoying for the young man, as he’d long since separated himself from Vergil.
Most of the times that he’d get attacked were during his walks in the streets of Fortuna. It was a beautiful town with old architecture, so V often found himself observing the towering structures.
One day, you decided to accompany V on one of his strolls, taking a sketchbook along just in case you found another spot to stop and sketch while V took his time looking at the building designs.
It is unfortunate, then, that while the two of you were doing just that, Shadow popped out of the ground beneath you, growling in warning as several demons decided to claw out of the ground around you.
Despite having V, Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare with you, your group was quickly overwhelmed by attacks from all sides. You’d never had to fight in your life, and by not having a weapon on you, you were just a burdening presence. That didn’t stop you from calling out enemy presence in the street and slapping bitches with your sketchbook, mind you. You were unprepared and untrained, but damn it you weren’t going to be a useless damsel.
This was foolhardy of you, taking on demons despite the fact that V probably had it all handled... especially the fact that V had asked you to stay back from the demons. You didn’t listen to your fiance’s friend, and so when you’d taken a shot at one of the downed demons, raising an arm up to slap the mofo, you suddenly felt pain, and heard a thump to the floor. The blood that trickled down your arm brought your attention to the fact that you were now missing your non dominant hand.
“Fucking hell!” you screamed, wanting to panic and flail around as V quickly took care of the remaining demons before hobbling on unsteady feat towards you, unbuckling his belt to tie it around your bleeding arm.
“Y/N...” V called your name as he applied the make shift tourniquet, “Y/N, which way is the hospital? We need to get you to the hospital soon, or you really will lose your arm.”
The two of you sprinted with as much haste as possible to the hospital, you trying not to scream in panic, and V, trying not to imagine your fiance’s ire as he held your severed arm.
The minute you entered the surgery room, Nero arrived on scene at the hospital, and practically accosted V, “What the hell, V! Y/N’s not a demon hunter! You’re supposed to protect them!”
V, already feeling guilty for being unable to protect you, winced and responded with a calm voice, “I should have had Shadow escort them away, that was my mistake. But your fiance is as stubborn as you, Nero. They wanted to help... and now they may lose their arm... or not. You did regrow your arm after all.”
Brain running a mile a minute and having already decided that he should now at the very least teach you some basic defense, Nero growled, “That’s not a normal thing humans can do, V. I know you’re still getting used to being a real boy and all, but...” Nero simply sighed tiredly. “Just... make sure you watch their back when you’re with them, okay? We were lucky that they’re not half dead.”
Hours later, your arm was reattached, but you made stump jokes that made Nero simultaneously want to kiss you and slam his face in the wall.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
Devil May Cry playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons Headcanons
I'm back once more with another DMC playing ACNH headcanons based on my chat fic, 💙 Chat Buddies 💙!
This is, once again, dedicated to the one who started this trend of headcanons. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought of ever writing this. So, thank you so much to my friend, @beyond-the-mirror . And also, belated happy birthday, dearie! I hope you like this.💙💙💙
Also tagging the lovely @evilwvergil . I hope you like the little Vergil screenshots and I hope these make you smile. Also, @dreaming-gamer may find this funny and entertaining, hehe.💙💙💙
Part 2: Vergil
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*How he found out about the game: Vergil could never understand kids these days. And his son, Nero, is not an exception. One day, just like Dante, he saw his son playing ACNH on his Switch, and at first he didn't mind it. But, then, when he got back home and saw (Y/N) playing the same game on her Switch and having so much fun with it, he came up with a small idea. Vergil is not very vocal about this but, he really wanted to be close to his son after being separated from him for so long. He wanted to understand him. He wanted to bond with him and be accepted as his family. And he is willing to play this foolish game with him so he could have a bridge towards Nero's heart. He'll do whatever it takes to win his son's heart and trust. He told (Y/N) about his little plan, and she agreed to help him.
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*How he got the game: Acquiring money for a new gaming console is not a hard task for Vergil. After a few Devil Hunting commissions, he and (Y/N) were able to buy a Switch for Vergil, and the first game he installed? ACNH, of course ( although that sounds hilarious coming from the man of motivation, himself ). (Y/N) helped him plant fruit trees and flowers by visiting his humble island he simply named, Infinity ( based on one of William Blake's poems ).
*He never time travelled ( insert coughing Dante noises here ) despite knowing it would make things easier for him, and strived with hours and hours of gameplay, in between his Devil Hunting missions, to reach the glorious 5 - star rating. And, as expected of the eldest son of Sparda, he was able to reach it ( insert crying Dante noises here ).
*The reason for all that hard work? He wanted his island to be perfect and in top shape when he finally ask his son to visit. And he didn't disappoint. At first, Nero found it strange for Vergil to be indulging in such an activity but, then, he realized the ulterior motive of this. Like his father, Nero wasn't very vocal about his affections but, he truly appreciated the gesture and effort that Vergil has done. He felt so happy to bond with his father in his own little way. And so, father and son have found another way to spend time together, even if they're miles apart most of the time. They joined Bug Offs and Fishing Tourneys together, shared furniture and diys, Nero even helped Vergil set his own secret place in the island just to surprise (Y/N). (Y/N) appreciated the little gesture and found it cute and endearing, although the very obvious engagement ring that Vergil placed on the setup went way past her head, much to his and Nero's confusion of her utter denseness.
*Now, when it comes to Bug Offs and Fishing Tourneys, Vergil is very, very competitive. He worked and concentrated so hard to earn points just to get those three trophies. And his Happy Home Academy rating is no exception. He likes to flaunt all his trophies and event achievements. He even placed them in the library he spent so many days to set up to let others know that the eldest son of Sparda could never be defeated, even in a game such as ACNH. Not that Dante could best him at this, not at all ( for the record, Dante did quite good during the Bug Off and the Fishing Tourney. He was just too lazy to accumulate those points and only redeemed whatever prize he could get. Not to mention he's having a hard time getting his HHA points past the 100k mark, so, no. Dante is no match for Vergil this time ).
*Vergil is also very organized. His house is the epitome of perfection. His island is so neat and tidy and well - coordinated, using rustic items and little to no custom pathing. He also loves terraforming. There is something in terraforming that makes Vergil very excited. The thought of shaping his own island all by himself gets him going every time, and seeing his work at the end of the day gives him a feeling of satisfaction and achievement. This is good, yes, but barely anyone could disturb him when he's in what Nero calls his, God State.
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*Vergil considers it as an act of benevolence when, one day, out of the blue, he insisted on visiting Dante's island and simply dropped, without a word, a complete set of furniture for his brother's pizzeria, all wrapped nicely. This included stalls with custom pizza signs ( because he knew Dante is too lazy to do one ), a neon sign post ( because he knew Dante loves these so much ), a set of diner chairs and tables, some condiments, a menu chalkboard, a hand mixer, an ice shaver ( for the strawberry sundae ), a soft serve lamp, and a hearth for the pizza. When Dante bugged Vergil and asked him why, he simply answered, "For you, scum", to which, Dante replied with, "Aww, Love ya, bro! Ur the best<3<3<3". Vergil didn't say anything else and just left.
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*Vergil has no favorite villager. In fact, he can't seem to remember their names and only refer to them as, "Chicken", "Wolf", "Rat", or "Cub". He does seem to remember the name of only one villager, and that is Kyle ( only because Dante begged Vergil again and again to let go of Kyle because he's his dreamie. Vergil, of course, refused, and only said, "If you want it, then you'll have to take it." Pff,... ). Vergil doesn't even call the npcs by their real names! I.e.: Tom Nook = The Capitalist Raccoon, Isabelle = The Dog With The Missing Sock, Timmy = The Small Raccoon, Tommy = The Other Small Racoon, Mabel = Female Sonic ( don't ask ), Sable = Snob Hedgehog, Label = Fashionable Hedgehog, Blathers = Griffon, Celeste = Griffon's Sister, Flick = The Goth Chameleon, CJ = Justin Beaver ( again, don't ask ), Saharah = The Camel, Lief = The Land Hippie, Pascal = The Sea Hippie, Harvey = The Loner Hippie, Gulliver / Gullivarrr = Another Griffon, and Kicks = The Skunk.
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*Vergil considers his Sushi Bar as the second best attraction of his island ( the first one being his secret date spot with (Y/N) ). Other than that, he has a café, an outdoor library, and some places that are still works in progress ( he's diligently waiting for all the latest updates like Nero ).
Part 3: Nero and Kyrie coming soon!
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dreaming-gamer · 4 years
DMC Week day 5: Hurt, Heal, Happiness – Nico & V
This work is lightly tied to my day 2 & 3, but can also be read as a standalone fic. Hope you enjoy!
No warnings, just fluff ahoy, no shipping.
V turned carefully in his bed for what felt like the thousandth time and yet only 10 minutes had passed since he last laid eyes on the clock. This was not a phenomenon he was too familiar with. Pushing forward while having slept too little had been common in his life, but not staying awake when he had the opportunity to sleep.
Shadow was curled up by his feet, a warm lump of fur, he didn’t know how many times his feet had brushed against her every time he needed to move. And yet V couldn’t tell why he felt this need, why he simply couldn’t just fall asleep as he was supposed to. Night reigned outside, cloaking the room in darkness, except for the lamp in the hall that Kyrie always made sure was on, in case any of the boys woke up. The youngest supposedly feared the dark, even asked V to check under his bed for monsters once, instead of Kyrie or Nero. V had checked, assured him it was nothing to be afraid of, when Griffon had chimed in with a helpful “The real monsters are outside!” With the bird banned from the children's bedtime stories from now on, it took about 15 more minutes for the child to calm down. Said bird was currently sprawled out over the other pillow, snoozing soundly.
It surely wasn’t the idea of monsters under the bed that kept V awake, he had been tired throughout the day, but now any sense of heaviness in his eyelids was just gone.
Finally, he gave up, letting out a sigh as he lifted his legs over the edge of the bed. The motions sent a feeling of ache through the bruises decorating his body, but the arm sling kept his arm where it should. It didn’t hurt as badly anymore, the red swelling having died down along with most of the pain, but Kyrie insisted he kept taking pain relievers so he could rest easier. Bless her warm soul, V could see why Nero got along well with her.
Shadow moved as V got up from the bed, leaving her spot to join him. Perhaps a cup of tea or simply a change of room would make him more inclined to sleep in a little while.
“Hihi, fry...” Griffon half snickered in his sleep, his master shaking his head with a smirk. What did a nightmare even dream of? Perhaps he should ask in the morning. His feline familiar and his cane supporting his slow steps, V made his way towards the kitchen.
The lamp on the hallway table lit up just enough for him to not step on one of the toys that the kids always seemed to leave loitering about. Shadow grabbed it in her mouth, moving it to the box of toys with her tail standing up straight up. She enjoyed order, he had learned and keeping an eye on the little ones was her forte, whenever V didn’t need her immediate assistance.
A picture was put up on the hallway wall, of a younger Nero and Kyrie, along with the children even younger than they were now. Kyrie was smiling, Nero looking a tad defiant into the camera, as if he’d dare the photographer to lay a hand on Kyrie or any of the kids. V got the feeling the Nero in the photos were much angrier than the one he knew and that said something. With interest, V’s green eyes continued to take in details, spotting the beginnings of a drawing on the wallpaper behind Kyrie’s white dresser.
There were just signs of a living family everywhere he looked and though V had been reluctant to impose upon them like that, they had still allowed him to stay, while he searched for a home of his own. He envisioned himself having a library, just a quiet space to read between missions because sometimes that was severely lacking in this house, with three lively children.
A kitchen such as Kyrie’s, old but cozy with a small walk-in pantry truly didn’t sound so bad, even though his expertise in the kitchen was certainly nothing to brag about. Kyrie had taken it upon herself to show him some of the basics and V found her teachings much more helpful than the occasional recipes he did try to follow.
As he opened up a cupboard, the smell of tea drifted towards him, a selection of flavors on display, perhaps chamomile would allow him to wind down enough for some sleep. Being limited to only one hand was making itself known now, as he had to do every step one at a time. As he moved to start the electric kettle, setting it in the sink to start the water, he was surprised to hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Was he not the only one having trouble sleeping? At first, he suspected one of the children as Kyle had a tendency to wake up during the night and head for Nero and Kyrie’s room, but the footsteps were not light enough.
“Oh-hee, I didn’t take you for the nightsnack kinda guy V.” A cheerful voice suddenly said, followed by a yawn as Nico stepped into the kitchen, dressed in a light top and pajama pants. Her black hair was exceptionally wavy, not put up in a ponytail or held back by the plaited hairband for once. It was unusual to see her like that, but V found it to suit her.
“I would not say that I am.” He admitted with a small smirk. “I was just thinking of having some tea. Would you like some?”
“Sure. Trouble sleeping?” Nico wondered, glancing at what he was doing.
“Yes.” V admitted, some stray water droplets hitting his hand as he turned the faucet on. “You as well?”
“Nah, I’ll probably fall asleep in minutes if I lay down again. After a snack that is. Rice crackers?” She grinned, opening another cupboard and grabbing a colorful plastic package, crackling in her hands. Cheese-flavored was printed on the front.
V gave her a little nod, the electric kettle starting to heat up from the flip of a switch, all they had to do now was wait. Nico pulled out cups for them, setting them on the counter as V leaned himself towards said counter, just for a bit. His muscles ached slightly, but it felt more as if it was because he was stiff from the lack of moving the last week, rather than actual pain.
“Are ya hurtin’?” She wondered, standing beside him. “That’s what’s keeping you from sleeping?”
V wondered if he was seeing concern, behind her red-rimmed glasses.
“No, Kyrie handed me a painkiller before bed. I simply feel as if... I have passed a threshold. Earlier, I was tired but I did not act on it. Right now on the other hand, I should be tired but sleep fails to claim me.”
“Whatcha talking about, can happen to anyone really.” Nico pointed out, her hand slipping to where her belt used to be but stopped when she realized no cigarette was available.
V hummed in thought.
“I admit it to be a new experience. I don’t mind the quiet of the night, but I know I should sleep…”
“Maybe ya just need a hug?” Nico said, tone teasing yet sincere. So sincere in fact that V was unsure of what to answer, straight away. Was that… alright to ask for? He had so little experience with human contact of that kind, yet he could not deny an interest in it.
A laugh slipped out of Nico when he realized his answer was overdue, his gaze upon her probably showing more of his inner thoughts than he meant for it to.
But her laughter wasn’t ill willed, in fact there was just a tone of mirth to it that he had come to associate with Nico.
“It’s not rocket science, come here!”
And then, her arms were around him. Just like that. Warm, careful because of his injured arm but oh so… soothing nonetheless. V carefully maneuvered his other arm over her back, holding on. It felt like she didn’t mind and he liked to return the favor. The sense of warmth, spreading in his chest. Her hair smelled lightly of shampoo with a spicy scent along with just a trace of tobacco and oil.
“Feels nice huh?” She said against him, V didn’t need to see her face to know that she was grinning, her jolly tone said it all.
“Yes. It does.” He spoke softly, holding on for just a little longer. The ache and pain he had faced this time felt so minor, compared to the terrifying feeling of falling apart. And yet this gesture felt like it soothed so much of it. Like the balm Kyrie had helped administer over the healing cracks in his skin, just on a deeper level.
“Thank you… Nico.” A soft vibrating feeling as she let out a light laugh under his hand.
“Anytime, ya hear?” Bubbles assaulted the inside of the electric kettle for a second, until the device shut itself off. “Let’s get that tea ready, we’re moving to the living room.” The mechanic added as she slowly let him go.
“We are…?” V asked, puzzled.
“Yep, I’m gonna show ya a little somethin’.” She told him, grinning from ear to ear. V knew not what she could possibly mean, but the fact that she was willing to spend some more time with him, in the middle of the night when she really could go and sleep some more was very thoughtful. To the point where he didn’t want to ask it of her, but Nico was already moving. She poured hot water into their cups and added the teabags, passing the rice cracker package to V and grabbing the cups herself, leading the way to the living room. V slowly followed, making sure to have his cane make as little noise as possible as he stepped through the hall. Shadow walked beside him, quiet but approving of the fact that Nico had chosen a cup with a black cat on it for V.
Gleaming moonlight touched the wooden surface of the living room table as Nico put down their cups and moved on, crouching by the TV. With a quizzical look, V followed her movements.
“Are you suggesting we watch… TV at this hour?” He asked, puzzled by the idea. Would not the noise wake the rest of the household?
“Uh huh, a Disney movie might just do ya good. Pinocchio sound okay?” Nico looked up, the grin on her face barely visible from the mere amount of light the moon granted them.
“I don’t recognize the title.” He answered truthfully, setting the package on the living room table.
“But ya know Disney?”
“Only that the children seem to enjoy those movies.”
“Hoo boy V, we’ve got something to catch up on here then, whenever ya can’t sleep. Go on, sit!” Nico half ordered him.
Thinking it was probably just for the best to play along for now, V lowered himself onto the couch, moving a toy figure of a… turtle on two legs(?) from one of the cushions, lest he would sit on it.
“Will this not wake the others up?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll keep the sound low!” Nico assured, the TV flaring to life with the push of a button and she came back to the couch, nestling herself down beside him, on his good side and grabbing for the quilts. The warm quilt that Kyrie always used was suddenly put over V, while Nico spread a yellow one over herself, while the movie was starting itself up.
This was certainly not a situation V had imagined himself ending up in, when he had found himself unable to sleep…
“If yer not gonna sleep anyway, might as well do something productive!” Nico stated, tearing a hole in the noisy rice cracker package and offered him a bite.
“Productive might not be the word I would use.” V admitted, but he nevertheless took a cracker.
“Relaxing then. Enjoy yer first look at kids movie history.” Nico said.
And enjoy it V did, sitting alongside a friend in the middle of the night, watching the story of a puppet who wished to be a real boy unfold, between sips of tea and one or two salty crackers and Nico’s commentary. Shadow laid at their feet, keeping them warm.
Slowly, oh so slowly the colorful pictures let his brain relax itself, the narrative turning no less interesting, but the cozy quilt, company and relaxation creeping up on him. Nico’s head rested against his shoulder, a comfortable, anchoring weight. Eyelids finally feeling heavy, V let his head dip, slowly against hers, the sounds of an old animated movie guiding the last of his conscious to a soft sleep.
What awaited Nero and Kyrie when they woke up the next morning was the words of the youngest orphan, being sad he hadn’t been invited to movie night, as well as the sleeping figures of Nico and V, resting against each other and the TV showing the loop of the movie's main menu since hours ago.
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jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Before you read this next question:
I was informed that it would be a good idea for my questions to be answered with a specific tag so if people wish to block it they could. Please tag your answers to any question I send you with "dmc questions anon" and I think that should work.
If you wish to be taken off the list, ask. If somebody wishes to be placed on the list, ask. If your anon asks are off and you wish to participate, just make a post answering the question you see going around.
Remember you do not have to answer every question, so please don't feel pressured to do so.
Please also remember to take as long as you need! Do not rush yourself, this is supposed to be a fun activity and I don't want anyone to feel stressed out by trying to rush to answer questions.
Now onto the actual question:
How would you rank the 5 games in the Devil May Cry series? (By story)
Separately, if you want, how would you rank extended material? (The DMC1 Novel, The DMC3 Mangas, The Anime, The DMC2 Novel, Deadly Fortune, Before the Nightmare, and Visions of V, all of which can be found (along with other stuff) here: https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html)
If you wish, how would you rank all of it together in one big list?
Okay, I'm gonna do everything together, but i will preface this by saying i have a lot more exposure to some things than others, thus I will have varying degrees of 'much to say'.
I'm definitely biased for this (it's the one that got me into the franchise) but I digress.
I just adore the main cast so much u do not understand. So much hype shit happens with em too, it's great. The characters are simultaneously over the top but also very real? Like Dante is the wacky woo-hoo pizza man but also horribly in control of his emotions and how to express them.
The Vergil reveal was so obvious but I dont care. It's good. The depths given to his character through V and Urizen are VERY good.
And NERO- lord everyone in this family has trauma
Also SDT was introduced in this game I'm sorry but no piece of DMC media will be able to top this because of it.
2. DMC 3
is anyone surprised
I love the bois so much, with their stupid catchphrases and horrible family dynamics. it's so weird looking at them like
I was nighteen once. I wasn't like them but I was nighteen.
Also the THEMES once again center around family, especially with the addition of Lady and Arkum. I also love this cast SO MUCH
except arkum fuck arkum all the homies hate arkum
Literally the only reason this is lower than DMC 5 is because no Nero, Trish or Nico. That's it.
3. Visions of V
i haven't talked about him much but I would also gently hold V (and by extension Vergil)
Really I just love this manga because of how much is shown and revealed through it. Everything is really visceral and hits so hard.
Literally everything in this manga stabs u in the feels especially the final shit GOOD LORD
but it really is tied with #4 because it can't really stand by itself? It needs DMC 5 to be whole, in a way.
4. DMC 4
I really wanted to put this above VoV but my DMC 5 bias shown through in the end IM SORRY
also yeah Sanctus as a villian is dogshit, i agree
and some characters REALLY needed more screen time (see: Credo, Angus, KYRIE) but also this game has the Shakespeare scene so....
also I just love Nero and his teen angst can u blame me
But GOD did Kyrie need more screentime
5. Before the Nightmare
Wow the DMC 5 bias strikes again, huh.
IDK man I just love the prequel shit. Like, Nico and Nero meeting is so fucking funny
Also Lucia makes an appearance for the first time since DMC 2 so thats cool
It also expanded the lore on how devil arms work through Balrog which I am SO thankful for.
Also Roc Goldstein exists now and everyone should know about one of the ONLY GOOD DADS in DMC history
Really the only other one I give my full respect to is Sparda, and he died when his kids were like, six. (Dante and Vergil r getting there tho, give em time.)
6. The Anime
Look Patty is the only reason this is so high I love her and if u look at my previous posts u can tell I love her and Dante's father daughter relationship u can pry it out of my cold dead hands
Also the lore with Sparda's apprentices, demon smoners being a thing, and the introduction to Morrison is very nice.
But also Lady was WAY off the mark almost the entire time, and the plot with Patty only really took center stage towards the end so :(
capcom if u put Patty in more shit I will forgive you (maybe)
7. DMC 1 novel
This novel is weird because it was written before almost all of the other shit so Canon often either ignored it or bent over backwards to avoid it until the DMC 5 era
But I like it. All of the new characters r very good and I love them all.
Grues death STILL hits me in the feels so hard.
Dante has lost so many parental figures ya'll
One of the only reasons it's so low is because of Gilver, the fuck
He made NO fucking sense for the longest time until the timeline rewrite and the retcon that he's a Vergil clone.
That fits his character so much more bur looking at him as Vergil makes no fucking sense. Everything about his character contradicts what we know about Vergil, even back with only DMC 3 as a reference.
Despite those issues, i am very happy we are seeing some rep for this book in the games and other media. U do not understand the screech I let out when Grue's daughters were shown years later.
8. DMC 1
is this sacrilegious?
Yeah the gameplay is good and it was a hallmark of its time but also Dante is as stale as cardboard here I'm sorry
Like his plot is the most uniform and overdone revenge plot I have ever seen and his relationship with Trish....
it's funky in this game, let me tell u. Thank whatever higher power exists that they leaned more towards siblings in later installments because I would be pulling my hair out otherwise.
But the quips r also really good and all of the Nelo Angelo stuff is my favorite part of the plot, so I guess that evens out?
This game was a very good launching point for the rest of the series except u know what
Also fuck mundus all the homies hate mundus he sucks
9. Deadly Fortune
Uhhh yeah it's just.... DMC 4 again with some things changed?
Honestly the reason this is so low is because of my preferred way of absorbing story is through video games than manga.
It's okay. Not trash or anything. It's just alright
10. DMC 3 Mangas
They're ... fine? I guess.
Like the first meeting between the twins in YEARS is very good, but also the manga is unfinished and all...
So I'll just leave it at that.
11. DMC 2 Novel
Gonna be honest I've never read this one.
So I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt
12. DMC 2
Yeah remember when I said Dante was cardboard in DMC 1? Yeah now he's silent, emotionless cardboard.
the villian is bad, the location is okay i guess, really the only saving grace for this games story is the concepts it introduces
Demon civil wars? Artificial demons created by people? Those are cool concepts! So cool that one was reused in a much better game, but I digress.
Honestly the story is probably one of the least sacrilege parts of DMC 2, and it still isn't the worst piece of DMC media based on story. That goes to our surprise contender....
13. DMC: Devil May Cry
DMC questions anon did NOT ask for this, but I'm putting it here so that everyone understands that this games story and characters are SO BAD that I'm putting UNDERNEATH DMC 2
But what can I say that hasn't been already stated?
Vergil is so far out of character he's basically an OC and his turn around at the end makes no fucking sense
Donte is an asshole who has functionally abandoned what made Dante likeable in ANY GAME
The plot itself is the most rehashed 'the government is evil and we must resist it' plot EVER
Even the new shit they added for this game doesn't even fucking work well.
Having demons that look like angels be the antagonists is much more interesting that just having angels and having them do NOTHING
Kat is literally the only thing that I don't have a super negative opinion on because she was NEW and I hadn't watched them fuck up a character I love. They just made a mediocre one at best
Needless to say, I utterly despise the plot of this game with my entire being.
Thank you for the question, DMC Questions Anon! I'm sorry I went a bit off script, but I hope it was at least entertaining.
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blooddrop-palace · 4 years
DMC Week 2020
The Tower in Reverse
Day 1: Bone | Blood | Weapon
There is no eternal damnation In the face of Love.
You can try to pull us down, But we will crawl back up from Hell.
The Tower of the Major Arcana Upright: Chaos, Upheaval, Unexpected Change, Disruptive Revelation. Reversed: Disaster Averted, Delay of the Inevitable, Resistance to change.
The Dark Slayer once met a Lady Knight. And thus their fate did change. A tower built from their blind mistakes brought them both to Hell.
But Fate can twist in many ways, and perhaps there’s still a chance: that love will tear down this construct of their own foolishness, and a family shall reunite.
The Man Behind the Devil’s Mask
Day 2: Monster | Cryptid | Demon
Not everything starts off with a bang of fireworks.
Unless said fireworks were supposed to involve some demon blood and guts.
Eva wouldn’t say she got off on the wrong foot with Spencer. Any witch with some common sense would know to be wary of trusting a devil.
Except this devil was one that would make long distance phone calls with a telephone to ask how to save a man from being bitten by a foreign demon, and eat cotton candy while in the middle of investigating the trail on said demon.
Oh, she made no mistake. By the end of the day, a devil was still a devil. But never has she met a devil who would give in to nurturing that came from living among humans.
What is a God, to a Father?
Day 3: Fight | Reunion | Loss
Sometimes, just sometimes, Nero wished that his life could just be simple. That the ever-present wish of knowing where he came from didn’t somehow bite him in the ass.
Kyrie had told him that he always knew which path was right, and which path was wrong.
But sometimes, it wasn’t about the path anymore. It was about the thoughts and feelings he had that he didn’t want to unload, because he thinks that no one deserved to really get the brunt of his weird-and-getting-weirder problems.
Who was going to best understand the absolute frustration he has warring inside him, about how he wanted family, how he cared for family, but so far everything about his family has been traumatic?
This was no burden for any human to shoulder.
But maybe on the one family reunion that wasn’t traumatic, a devil could lend him an ear and shoulder instead.
And a late wish coming true was still a wish come true.
What You Missed, You Can Regain
Day 4: Food | Style | Music
The past is something that can neither be replicated, nor can it be changed. But moving forward, there is always a way to create something new, in order to make up for what was given up.
Just because some things were too late, didn’t mean there weren’t other avenues that can’t make up for it.
And Vergil will find that what is left of his family was bigger than just Dante and (the unexpected) Nero.
He can still find solace and warmth in the people that Dante and Nero both have added to their family.
I Owe You as You Owe Me
Day 5: Hurt | Heal | Happiness
In which Lady is no better than Dante when it comes to communicating, and maybe the two of them ought to take some advice from Vergil: If you want it, you have to take it for yourself.
Or, better yet: speak up and be straightforward.
New things can be scary, and Lady, for all her bravado, might not be as courageous as she seems, when feelings get involved.
In the end, what she owed him was an explanation, and the truth of her feelings. And the only thing he owed her was a response.
Only from there could they move forward, but perhaps Lady could finally live a life where she could say she achieved happiness.
The Warmth From Winter
Day 6: Home | Family | Belonging
“Don’t be difficult. Yes. Because you’re my brother. And I would give the best that I can offer to my kids, okay? And if the best for Snow’s sword training would come from you, then I’d want that for her. For you, even. Imagine, if this entire mess didn’t turn out the way it did. I’m sure you would have wanted to teach Nero how to use the Yamato, wouldn’t you? Could have taught them together. Besides, I wouldn’t have let you refuse.”
“I see… So, I presume you would not be allowing me to refuse this request, either?”
“Damn right I won’t let you. Snow’s also pretty close to Nero, you know. He’s her favorite cousin. Get on my Snowflake’s good side, and she’ll be happy to help you with Nero.”
Dante has a family.
Vergil didn’t think this family could still include him.
His niece decided a good icebreaker was going to be something the Kin of Sparda does best: to cross blades.
Crayon Rainbows After Rain
Day 7: AU | Free Day
Take away the phantastical, the unimaginable, the inexplainable, and the extraordinary…
Would that leave you with a plain, basic, predictable, and mediocre life?
In a world where humanity’s worst enemy is the shadow within themselves, a “normal” life did mean sunshine after rainbows…
For rainbows only come after rain.
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prolestariwrites · 5 years
Tumblr media
Time To Go [3]: Fucking Vergil
Fandom: Devil May Cry Rating: M Characters: Nero, Dante, Vergil, Kyrie, Nico, Trish, Morrison Tags: Mystery, Humor, Missing Person, First Time, Family Drama, Family Bonding, Post-Canon Chapter: 3/9 Chapter [1] [2]
Summary: When Kyrie goes missing, Nero goes on a desperate search to find her. Unfortunately, Dante and Vergil go too. Sparda boys shenanigans, fighting demons, a smattering of family drama, and male bonding (otherwise known as Nero’s worst nightmare). Please check it out below, or you can read on FFNet or AO3. Beta read by @copper-wasp.
Now posted! Chapter 3: Fucking Vergil, in which Vergil gets a hair cut and then tries to explain the birds and the bees to Nero.
Nero’s hand flexes around the holster of his gun as they stand outside of Vergil’s apartment. It feels like every nerve in his body is tense and ready to spring, the coil growing tighter when Dante raps on the door.
“Who is it?” a voice calls from inside.
“It’s me,” Dante says. “Need to ask you about something.”
“No thanks.”
Nero curses and aims his foot at the door jamb, breaking it open with one powerful kick. A moment later he is standing next to Vergil, his revolver pointed at his temple. Vergil glances up from the book he is reading, and he grumbles as he leans forward to grab a bookmark from the table, not even flinching when the barrel presses against his skin. “I said, no thank you.”
“Where is she?” Nero seethes.
Vergil places the book on the table and sits back in his chair. “Where is who?”
“Kyrie. Where is she?”
Nero watches as Vergil glances over at Dante, who has pulled up a stool from the kitchen bar off to the side. The living room is decorated handsomely, if not a bit old fashioned, and Dante nearly knocks over a stained glass lamp as he perches on the seat, catching it just in time. “What is he talking about?” Vergil asks.
“His girl Kyrie is missing. Been gone since this morning.” Dante jerks his chin up. “He thinks you know something.”
Nero grits his teeth as Vergil turns to look at him. He holds the gun steady even though his other hand is trembling, and the barrel now points directly to his forehead. “Why would I know where she is?”
“Because a demon relative of mine took her,” Nero growls. “And the only person that could be is you.”
“Well, you’re wrong.”
“Am I?” Nero cocks the hammer, the click feeling satisfying. “I’ll give you five seconds.”
Vergil gives him an angry look. “Dante, would you do something about this?”
“I told him it probably wasn’t you.”
Vergil whips around, and Nero pushes the gun against the side of his head. “Probably!” he snaps. “What do you mean, probably?”
Dante holds up his hands. “Hey, I defended you.”
“Some defense,” Vergil grumbles. “You probably made it worse. Get out of my apartment.”
“I didn’t even want to come!” 
“Then what are you doing here?”
Dante gestures towards Nero. “His girl is missing. He’s a wreck. If I didn’t tag along he’d probably end up killing someone.”
Nero squeezes the trigger. The shot explodes in the room and he is knocked backward, not by the recoil, but because Vergil has him by the throat. Nero is thrown onto his back as Vergil climbs over him and pins him to the floor. His grip is firm, but not choking, and Nero struggles for a second before realizing he can’t break his hold. Vergil restrains the hand holding the gun to the ground by his forearm, slamming it hard to knock it away. “How dare you,” Vergil growls, and Nero looks up furiously, pleased to see the tips of his hair a bit singed from where he had dodged. “I just had a haircut, and let me tell you, it was not cheap.”
“Let him up, Vergil,” Dante sighs.
“No.” He slams Nero’s arm again, and a bolt of pain goes through his wrist, causing his grip to loosen. Vergil snatches the gun from his hand and straightens up, half sitting on Nero’s leg. “This isn’t a toy, you know,” he scolds, shaking the revolver in demonstration.
“I know you have her,” Nero says. His voice is tight with emotion, and having been so easily disarmed pisses him off. Vergil’s eyes narrow a bit, the ends creasing slightly, and Nero doesn’t know if it is in pity or concern or anger, and that pisses him off even more. 
Vergil presses his lips together and stands. “I don’t have her. I don’t know anything about this.” 
Nero sits up, leaning forward to catch his breath, his arms draped over his knees. The gun comes into view, and he looks up to see Vergil handing it back. He snatches it away, pressing the grip to his forehead now damp with sweat. “She’s gone,” he says harshly. “Kyrie is gone, someone took her and sent me a note not to look for her and…” His chest goes tight and his vision blurs, and Nero can feel his pulse racing. “If you don’t have her then I don’t know where else to look.”
He takes a minute to wait it out, refusing to let any pain or fear take over again. Every moment he spends focusing on that is a moment he’s not focusing on her. When he looks up, he sees Vergil studying him, and Dante looking on with what could best be called mild interest.
Vergil seems like he struggles to say something, until finally he asks, “Did you call the police?”
“They won’t do anything,” Nero mutters.
“Where is this note?”
He looks up at Vergil suspiciously, but the truth is, he is suddenly too tired to argue. Instead he pulls the note from his pocket and holds it up. Vergil takes it and opens the paper carefully, frowning as he reads. “Whoever it is could have been a bit more cryptic,” he mutters sarcastically.
“Any ideas?” Dante asks.
Vergil shakes his head. “Who told you it was a relative?”
“Empath.” Dante sighs. “She’s usually spot on with this stuff.”
Vergil considers for a moment. “And you’re sure she was kidnapped, and didn’t just leave?”
Nero growls and pushes to his feet before snatching back the note. “Yeah, I’m fucking sure. Kyrie wouldn’t ever do that.”
He scowls at Vergil, who gives him a patronizing look. “How can you be so sure? Because you are in love?” he laughs.
“Yeah,” Nero answers sharply. “That’s right.” He bristles, debating whether a punch to the jaw or another shot to the head would wipe that look off Vergil’s face when his cell phone rings suddenly.
Nero yanks it from his pocket, frowning in surprise at the number. “Yeah?” he answers.
“Nero? It’s Trish.”
“Yeah. This isn’t a good time—”
“It’s about Kyrie.”
He sucks in a sharp breath. Dante starts to ask but Nero waves them both away, turning so he can focus on the call. “Do you know where she is?”
“No. But Nico called me looking for Morrison and told me what happened. I have a contact in the demon world that might be able to help you out.”
Nero nods. “Okay. What do I need to do?”
“He frequents a bar out in Clear Point. It’s a three hour drive. Do you know it?”
“No. But I’ll go.” He glances back at the others. “What do you think he knows?”
“Everything. Anything. If someone in the demon world has Kyrie, he’d know.”
“Send me the address.” Nero ends the call and looks at the time. It’s half past nine, which means if he leaves now, he'll be there after midnight. “We gotta go,” he says to Dante.
“Sounds good.” Dante stands and stretches, then nods to Vergil. “You coming?”
“What? No,” Nero says at the same time Vergil replies, “Why would I go?”
Dante looks between them both. “Come on, Vergil. We could use another hand. Plus you look like you could use some fun.”
Vergil huffs a laugh, but Nero narrows his eyes. “Absolutely not. He’s not coming with us.”
Vergil leans over the front console, his arms resting on the back of the seats. “I still don’t see why I couldn’t sit in the front.”
“‘Cause I called shotgun,” Dante grins. “You snooze, you lose, brother.”
Vergil snorts. “I’ve never lost at anything in my life.”
“Except to me.”
“Would you both shut it?” Nero snaps. “We still have plenty of miles left and I’m not listening to this the whole drive.”
Dante glances over. It would seem to a casual observer that Nero is just annoyed at them, but he can tell that the kid is tense. Dangerously tense. His hands grip the wheel of the van so tightly his knuckles are white, his arms and shoulders straining under his leather coat. His face is twisted into a deep scowl, his brows drawn deeply together. He would wager a guess that Nero is ready to snap at the first opportunity, and Dante wonders if they will even make it to the bar.
“What did Trish say again?” he asks.
Nero huffs. “Just what I told you. This guy knows what’s going on in the demon realm. He’ll have heard something if there’s something worth hearing.”
“Sounds suspicious to me,” Vergil says.
“Nobody asked you,” he mutters.
Dante looks back over his shoulder. “Why’s that?”
“The chance of a random demon knowing anything about Kyrie is slim to none,” he says. “He’s not even in the same city. How would he know what is going on in Fortuna?”
“Ah, you know demons,” Dante says. 
“I do, and this doesn’t make sense.” Vergil leans back. 
“You could always leave?” Nero suggests with a fake cheerfulness.
Vergil mutters something under his breath, but Dante glances over at Nero again. There is something that has been nagging him since he saw the note, and he figures now is as good a time as any to ask. He rubs his hand on his head for a second before asking, “How do you know Kyrie didn’t write that note?”
The van swerves for a second before Nero rights it. Dante grabs the overhead bar to steady himself as Vergil gives a shout from the back. “What the hell you doing?” he yells.
“Why would you even ask that?” Nero yells back. “Kyrie didn’t write it!”
“What happened with you two last night?” Dante asks. Nero’s shoulders stiffen and he leans a bit closer. “I can read you like a book, kid.”
“Nothing happened,” Nero hisses.
“Didja fight or something?”
“She getting on your nerves?”
Vergil leans forward again, his face popping into view between them. “Women are hardly worth the trouble. They’re either lying or picky as hell.”
“Fucking hell!” Nero pulls the van over to the side of the highway, stopping in the emergency parking. He yanks the gear shift into park so hard it looks like he could tear it off, and then turns to glare at the two brothers. “Both of you shut the hell up about Kyrie! She didn’t leave me and she didn’t write that letter and nothing happened!”
Dante’s brow draws down. “Nobody said nothing about her leaving you.”
“You did!” Nero argues. “You said she wrote it. That’s what you meant, isn’t it?” He throws out his hand and yells, “So what? You think she just took off and doesn’t want me looking for her?”
Vergil shrugs. “It’s a possibility.”
“No, it’s not.” Nero’s tone is dangerous as he hisses through gritted teeth, “The next person that says something like that about her is going to get my fist in their face, got it? Kyrie did not leave me.”
A tense silence fills the van for several moments. Then quietly, Dante says, “What happened?”
“Nothing! Nothing happened! Nothing…” Nero’s voice twists and he turns around to look out the front window. He pounds his fist on the steering wheel and bows his head. “We… we had sex. Okay? We did it and everything was fine. I thought everything was fine.” Dante winces as he watches Nero struggle to breathe, the air escaping him in a light whine. “She said she loved me. She wouldn’t… she wouldn’t do this.”
“First time, huh?” Dante asks.
Nero gives him a sharp look, but then he nods. “We were waiting. She said she wanted to wait, and I was cool with that, you know? She’s so good and beautiful and… look, I know I don’t deserve her. I know she could do way better than me.” Dante reaches out to give him a reassuring pat on the arm, but Nero shakes him off. “She loves me. She wouldn’t do this.”
The quiet is now uncomfortable, the only sound Nero’s sniffling, and Dante tries to think of what to say. But before he can impart some wisdom, Vergil asks, “Did you get her pregnant?”
“What? No!” Nero cries.
“How do you know?” prods Vergil. “Did you do it right?”
“Do it—what the hell are you talking about?”
Nero glares at him furiously but Vergil shrugs. “I thought that might be why she left. Maybe she doesn’t want a demon child.”
“She doesn’t care about that! And she’s not pregnant. We only did it once,” Nero says furiously.
Vergil gives a chuckle. “That’s all it takes. All it took for you anyway.”
Nero visibly recoils. “Oh my god.”
“I’m surprised Dante doesn’t have a dozen brats running around.” Vergil frowns at Dante, seeming to examine him, and Dante frowns back. “How did you manage to escape the plague that is fatherhood?”
“Well, I…” Dante clears his throat. “Lucky.”
Vergil slides up a bit more and eyes him suspiciously. “Have you even had sex before?”
“Loads of times,” Dante scoffs. “Women love me. Tell him, Nero,” he says, gesturing at the kid. “How much did Lir want me, hm? She was all over me.”
Nero makes a noise of disgust as Vergil snorts. “I’m sure that’s entirely true,” he says, his tone clear that he does not believe that one bit, before turning back to Nero. “You do realize that pleasuring a woman takes more than just some good looks and charm. There are certain places on the body that—”
“I’m not listening to this!” cries Nero.
“Women are delicate creatures but they also have different needs—”
“Would you shut up?”
Dante points to Vergil. “He’s got a point, you should listen.”
“This is my worst nightmare.”
“No, really,” Dante says seriously. “A girl’s first time, she’s gonna be skittish, right? That’s why you gotta put it in real slow, not go straight to pound town.”
Vergil nods. “That’s what I was saying, Dante. If you need some advice, Nero, then I can—”
“For! Fuck’s! Sake!” Nero looks back and forth at them with revulsion. “I don’t need any damn advice from you,” he snaps, pointing at Vergil. Then he points at Dante and growls, “Or you. And if you say that about Kyrie again I’ll rip your head off. You both got it?”
“Yeah,” Dante replies.
“We are just trying to help,” Vergil adds.
“I don’t need your help. And I really don’t fucking need to hear about sex from the two of you. Let’s just get to Clear Point. And nobody talk again. About anything. Ever.” Vergil gives an annoyed huff as he slides into the back again, and Nero throws the van into gear. Before pulling back onto the road, he glances at Dante. “Pound town? Are you twelve?”
“Just telling the truth, kid,” he chuckles, looking back out the window as the lights on the freeway slip by.
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buns-with-a-book · 4 years
2 & 3 with Nero and Nico
“Get over here, you doof.”
Nights between jobs, with only the open highway between them, were boring. Nico was, as usual, hyped on iced coffee from the last convenience store they hit. Nero was leaning back in the chair, window rolled up, perusing his father’s poetry book. 
The Angel that presided 'oer my birth said,  "Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth, Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth.”
Nero wondered how his father resonated with this particular poem, if his ‘All I wanted was to be protected and loved’ thing as V was anything to go by. He knew that feeling well, being an orphan in Fortuna, bullied and called a whore’s son. But he always had Kyrie and Credo.
Vergil...he had nobody like that. Not for the longest time. Except maybe his mother, and even then, he wasn’t sure about that. 
‘This has nothing to do with you. Stand down.’ Even as Vergil spoke, before his assault, he had tried to dissuade Nero from getting between him and his younger brother. He wondered, what if Vergil didn’t know at all? If he did, would he had done the things he did? Rip off his arm? Rend Red Grave City in two with the Qliphoth? Let Cassandra repeatedly leap into harms way? 
“Neeerroo!” Nico called. “Get your head outta your mind, you doof.” Nero sighed and set the book on the top of the dash. 
“You ain’t feeling tired yet?”
“Nah.” Nico took another swig of coffee. “Won’t feel it until morning light.”
“You say that, but the last time you said that you passed out and I had to stop the van from careening into a ditch.” Nero pointed out.
“That was one time!” 
“Could’ve fooled me.” 
“Hmmnf. Cheeky.” She rolled her eyes. “Still thinking about your dad?”
 “It’s a lot to unpack...” He sighed. “And he’s not here so we can unpack it together. And he’s the only one that might know who my mom was.” 
“You gonna try and reunite with her or somethin’?” Nico asked. “Might not end well for you.”
“I just want to know. Alive or dead, now that I know who my father is, now I’m getting curious about my mom.” 
“It’s Cass, ain’t it?” Nico asked. Nero rolled his eyes. “What? She stepped up, even thought you were what, nineteen when you met her?”
“Twenty.” He corrected. “But I’m still curious.” Nico shrugged.
“Welp, have fun with that train of thought.” And with that, silence reigned in the van.
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synchronmurmurs · 5 years
Despite my bestest of efforts, like, I’m really REALLY trying super hard, I can’t bring myself to like Kyrie. There’s something that bothers me and blocks me when it comes to her? Like, don’t get me wrong, I’d never get out of my way I write hate about her because that’s what brainless people do -and I for one got a brain- but she’s just? If she was here or not it’s the same to me 😔 Can’t understand where this is rooted but it’s been years at this point sigh. Idk if others can relate
I honestly don’t think that’s your fault, nonnie. I’m probably going out on a limb by saying this, but everybody, and I do mean absolutely everybody in DMC4 (with maybe the exception of Dante himself) were extremely barebones characters. The only reason it’s less of a problem with our buddies like Dante, Trish and Lady, is because we’ve seen… pretty much all they have to offer in terms of character growth already - they’ve plateaued, so to speak. There isn’t anywhere else for them to go (with the exception of Vergil coming back around), so they can sort of… get away with being static. Everybody was kinda just there in DMC4, and a whole lot of that is attributed to the fact that… that’s just how DMC4, and even the series as whole, is. It prioritises style over substance, because it’s a very in-depth, combat-driven experience at its core. Everything else is an ends to the means, and there to drive the game forward. 3 and 5 were the most robust narrative experiences we have ever gotten in this series and even they weren’t perfect sdlkfj.
Kyrie was a plot device. Credo was a plot device (although in terms of gameplay, the best one in the game, and I will fight people about this 🤣). Nero was a half-baked Dante clone. And the only ones we can really blame for this is Capcom themselves, because DMC4 (although this can be said of pretty much every game sans 1 and 5) had a super troubled development cycle. Capcom wanted the game out the door, and that’s why so much of DMC4 just. Feels unfinished. This is why Dante pulls a Lucia and just replays Nero’s missions backwards. This is why you fight every fukken boss in the game (except for Credo, who was ironically the best one), a MINIMUM of two times. This is why Dante sometimes feels a bit out of place in missions that were clearly designed around Nero’s Devil Buster. THIS IS WHY THAT STUPID-ASS DICE BOARD GAME SEGMENT WAS USED TWICE.
TL;DR what I’m saying is, it’s not your fault. 😔😔 Kyrie was admittedly a very bland and cookie-cutter character, she barely had a presence in 4 outside of having Nero call for her every 3 minutes, and she is delegated to having one damn line in 5 - although I can argue that that’s a whole other ballpark, and for a different reason than simply “nobody cares”. You did your best to like her nonnie, and I think we can all appreciate that? And as long as you’re not, you know, as you said, spreading hate about her, you’re totally allowed to dismiss her as you like. We ain’t the fun or the fandom police - you can enjoy this series however you want to, and that’s totally okay too. 💖💖💖
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lygerastia · 5 years
emotional jinx (Nero DMC) - Part 1
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Summary:  You are Nero's childhood friend who disappeared on him one day, leaving him heartbroken and confused: and straight into Kyrie's arms. Now, you have returned--and the demon hunter's world turns around as he remembers his forgotten feelings for you. But he's with Kyrie and... What will he do? And what will you do when Nero believes you like Dante?
Warnings: none
Chapters: 1 / 4 [Completed] 
Part 1. / Part 2.  / Part 3. / Part 4. 
Once upon a time—
You hoped.  
You dreamed of a white picket fence house alongside your loved one, your kids safe from the threat of demons. Back then, you were young and happy and you’ve never faced danger before—before your friend got mixed up in that 'end-of-the-world' type of plot. The world almost got destroyed: but the horror consisted of you losing your loved ones. It changed you completely. You became what you are today: a devil hunter wielding a gun and a sword. A family heirloom. You trained and survived, pairing up with your best friend—and hoped.
Hoped that, one day, Nero would be yours.  
A silly wish, unfulfilled. Nero had his eyes set on another: on Kyrie, the beautiful songstress. You understood why Nero would be attracted to her. You couldn’t even be jealous after seeing her gentle nature—she was too kind for you to hate her. It wasn’t fair to her for you to hate her. She wasn’t at fault here; if Nero preferred her over you, his childhood friend, then so be it.  
Yet you couldn’t get rid of that nagging feeling. You continued loving him, unconditionally. Sometimes, you didn’t even want him: you were fine with just taking care of him from afar. Oftentimes, you wanted him to whisper sweet words in your ears while holding you tight in his arms—and kiss you like you mean the world to him. In moments of weakness, you craved for that affection, crying your heart out when you didn’t get what you wanted. It pained you to see him acting like a puppy around the songstress, but you put on a brave smile and acted as if nothing was wrong. Nero suspected nothing. He was still your friend you could joke around and be close with—until you could take it no longer and moved on.  
Well, more like the world was coming to an end, you lost everything and Nero finally expressed some real interest in Kyrie (or so it seemed). You had to get away. You did. But destiny brought you together when a new threat emerged to destroy your world.  
He was changed, you noticed.  
Luckily, you were also different. One thing never changed: your love for him, which rekindled the moment your eyes set on him.  
They say hope dies last.  You agreed.  
And you were a fool.  
The world was going to shit and here you two were: on top of Nico’s van, enjoying the sunset. The time for reminiscing was gone; you didn’t have much to catch up with. Except that yes—his Devil Trigger has been stolen by some unknown figure. You stared at his robot arm, but it’s not as if you were disgusted by it. You were just used to see him with his usual arm. It was what made Nero Nero. This new one felt unnatural.  
How many uses did it have?  
Brushing these thoughts away, you two spoke, like old times. Just—trivial stuff. Not in your opinion, though. You absorbed everything Nero said, every word, every gesture. His stories were compelling and cool: you just couldn’t wait to meet this Dante. Nero sounded like he admired the guy, in a way. Anyone the white-haired boy held in high regard was ok in your books. You watched him unfold his tale with a smile, but your heart was unsettled. A question kept popping inside your head, itching on your lips to get out.  
Are you and Kyrie…?  
Instead, you focus on another thing that was currently bothering you. “Hey, Nero—” You catch his attention since he was lost in his thoughts, staring in the distance. You knew this stubborn look, mouth set in a flat line, eyebrows furrowed over his beautiful blue optics. As if something was on his mind and he couldn't find a solution to it. What was he thinking about so profound? It made your heart skip a beat, filling in with immense affection.
After all this time, you didn’t forget about him at all—and he matured just fine. You were a fool for believing your feelings would go away.  
They’d only seem to get stronger with longing—the more you stayed away from that cheeky smile, the more he grew on you. You treasured each memory with him, the way his long hair danced around his face whenever there was a breeze, how he laughed, the many times he took care of you and saved you in oh so many ways—like a knight in shining armor. How he held your hand and how he easily told you he’d always protect you, as a friend (was that only your imagination? Maybe).  It hurt, but the good intention was there. For you, it didn’t matter.  
You’d hold onto that promise with obstinance—even if it’s the last thing you do.  
“Yeah?” he doesn’t turn his head to watch you. That worked in your favor since you didn’t think you’d be able to look him in the eye without your cheeks turning red. What you were about to do…
You haven’t done this in a fucking long while. Being close to Nero felt foreign and you didn’t want to overstep your boundaries. One image kept repeating inside your head, though: he hugged the shit out of you when he recognized you, stroking your [h/c] hair and overall being glad to see you. You did your best not to cry, hugging him tight by the waist—you missed him, so so much.  But could you two still go back to what you were before? Two friends having each other’s backs? You forgot how to act casual around him.
But you dare. You gently run your fingers through his now cropped hair, your soul aching. His long white hair was your favorite thing about him—it looked so fluffy and you used to ruffle it, much to his annoyance. Would he still let you do that? Play with his hair? You’ll have to find out; you had plenty of time. You are not going anywhere. You swore that to yourself. Staying away from Nero was punishment—and you realized that you belong by his side, whether he wants it or not. You’ll be his partner till the end.  
You used to work well together.  
Back to the topic at hand, though. Your thoughts were running astray.  
“I like you better with your hair longer,” you said, bold. It wasn’t the moment to cut corners.  
Nero lets out a tired chuckle. He closes his eyes in contempt for a few seconds, enjoying the silence and the way your fingers ran through his short hair. It felt familiar and normal—it made him think of home. Back to those better days when everything was not as fucked up as it was now.  
The young demon hunter answers without thinking, “Kyrie told me it gets in the way.”  
Your heart seizes up, at a loss of words. Your mouth felt dry as you swallow the large lump of uneasiness that formed in your throat. There it was:  Kyrie.  So, she was still present in his life. Of course—why did you believe otherwise? He was in cahoots with her since forever; and she showed him the same love. You deleted that scene from your head, but here it was again now: how you watched them embrace and you stayed there, heartbroken. You knew you had to leave then. You had no place in Nero’s heart—not in the way you wanted.  
You had to say something. The pain numbed your whole body and you couldn’t move; but you had to force the words out: “Are you still together with Kyrie, Nero?”  
It felt suffocating, but you pushed through your disappointment and all of the negative feelings (despair) that surged forward and put on a teasing smile. Years of practice—and you got good with hiding your emotions in front of Nero.  
“Yeah, we’ve in moved together. And she bakes the best apple pies,” he goes on. “Kyrie’s just— perfect.”  
“Aww,” you hate the way your voice breaks. But you can’t act selfishly right now, not when Nero is sporting the most beautiful smile he ever had. The boy was in love and you had to accept that, once and for all. Even if it ached, you had to get over it. “I’m glad you’re happy, Nero. Really. You two make—”  say it, say it, say it  “—a cute couple, I’m sure.”  
Nero shrugs, “Maybe. I don’t care much about what other folks say. I just know that I—” he stops before he can utter the word ‘love’. For what reason—you don’t know. But a shadow passes over his expression, darkening it into some unknown feeling. You want to ask him what’s wrong: was it something about Kyrie that displeased him? You doubted that. Just like he said, Kyrie was a warm loaf of bread spreading kindness all around. You couldn’t believe she was making him unhappy. So you help him cross over this moment, like the good friend that you were.  
“You love her, huh?” As much as it hurt you to say it, there it was. Still—it didn’t seem to cheer him up. “Where’s all that 'Girls Are Stupid’  attitude gone to?”  
He laughs alongside you, but the good disposition quickly vanishes.  
“I’ve changed.”  
You sigh and, in a moment of weakness, you rest your cheek onto his back, cuddling to his body. “We’ve all changed,” you add. You don’t embrace him; you just sit there and lament. Him and Kyrie. Your missed opportunities. What you could’ve been, what you’re not.  You feel the sting of the tears in your eyes and you let a few go before you recompose yourself—and bite your lips till it hurt to stop them from falling. But your body is trembling and he notices immediately:
“You cold?”  
You shake your head, “Just stay like this, ok?”  
You close your eyes in an attempt to control your feelings. But, while being like this, your other senses awaken. Nero’s musky fragrance was as intoxicating as ever. It invaded your nostrils and blinded your perception, reminding you when you two had to share a small couch; that was your try for a sleepover. You were still young—kids just reaching the stage of maturity. It was the perfect time to explore each other, to try new things, to find out what kissing meant. As you two stared at one another, embraced, trying to keep your bodies warm, you felt overwhelmed with emotions. His breath mingled with yours in pure innocent ecstasy, his blue eyes darting toward your lips more often than not. A single move from you and you would’ve changed everything. He wouldn’t have said ‘No’—yet something held you away.  
Even if, sometimes, a tiny hope flared inside of you that maybe— just maybe— he also sympathized you. The gazing, the smiles, the friendly arm punches made you believe he was interested in you: a tiny crush ready to evolve into something more.  
But Nero wasn’t ready for this step either.
Was either of you willing to fuck up your friendship for the unknown? For fleeting and childish feelings that would probably disappear after they’ve crossed the initial curiosity threshold. Neither could do it; they valued their relationship more than this. So they’ve only resorted to breathing each other in, to imagine what it would feel like to match their lips together, and simply stare.    
Nero was the first to fill in the silence that night, asking you, “You won’t leave me, won’t you, [name]?”  
You smiled brightly, telling him wholeheartedly that you won’t. “Not now, not ever.” He believed you—but you forgot about it. You didn’t even think of what you were leaving behind when you left him that day. You just wanted to go clear your mind; Nero didn’t question it, simply let you go away. Honestly, you expected him to come after you, to stop you, to beg you. He did neither. You just disappeared and he had no idea where you’ve went. He never searched for you. Just waited for you to come back—did he ever think about you?  
It didn’t matter. You were here now—and he was more than happy.
Once upon a time—
You were young and you had a chance. And sadly, lost it. Back to the present, reality sank in. Nero was together with Kyrie—and that was fine. You shouldn’t question it: it was just your imagination fooling around when you thought he looked sad.  
‘Get to terms with it, [name].’  
Instead, you had to really  tell him one thing: “I missed you, Nero.”  
His body tenses, then relaxes. There’s anger in his voice when he asks you, “Where you’ve been all this time, then?”  
You can’t tell him the truth, so you lie the best way you could. “I had to get out for a while. I thought you’d understand that.”  
“You didn’t tell me. You just left.” You want to flinch away from his harsh words, but you don’t have the energy. You should’ve seen this coming. “I was worried about you! I thought they—” he chokes, almost with grief. “—I thought the demons got you.”  
“I’m here now, Nero, that’s all that matters.”  
Nero’s body shifts as he turns to face you, blue eyes burning with anger and hurt and longing. “You think that this will fix it all?”
“I’m sorry. Please—” you pleaded him with your eyes and you could see him crumble. His natural stubbornness never lasted long when it came to you. Most of the time, you felt guilty for using it against him; but now was not the time to fight over this. It would probably never be. Your feelings for him were a secret never to be spilled, lest you ruin everything. “Please forgive me, Nero. I never meant to—to hurt you, honest.”  
Your remorseful tone melts his final layer of defense. He grabs your shoulders, torn between smacking some sense into you and embracing you.  
“You’re lucky I missed you too,” he whispers, a softness in his look that he rarely showed. Instantly, you felt your cheeks redden—and was it the sun or did his cheeks darkened too? You shake those thoughts away: that was impossible.  He’s with Kyrie, like always. Nothing changed in this love triangle. You’re the fool who’s after a bigger oblivious fool who was in love with a cinnamon roll.  
You felt like weeping your fate, but before you could cave in, you hear unknown voices in the distance. You both turn toward the source, Nero removing his hands from you quickly. You notice their absence, but say nothing. You understand why he wouldn’t want for people to see you two together; someone might get the wrong idea and tell on him to Kyrie. You didn’t want that kind of trouble. You weren’t here to meddle or collect him as yours. Nero had a free will and Kyrie was his choice. You were here to rekindle an old friendship and be helpful for once. Your training has bear fruit and you were more than glad to show Nero what you know.  
To thwart your negative thoughts away, you examine the newcomers. Two ladies and one white-haired man. They looked tough and that man—he sent a shiver down your spine. He caught your gaze and it felt electrifying. He had a power in him that was magnetic, dragging you into something you weren’t sure you wanted to be a part of. When he saw your curious (and rather intrigued) look, he smirked bashfully. You immediately flush, embarrassed, as if this was your fault. You looked away, focusing on Nero: you’re surprised to see that he was watching you with interest and—
No. It was nothing.  
You smile at him (reassuringly, you hope), and he stands up as a response (not after giving you a rather dirty look). You pout: he had to forgive you. You were here now and you didn’t plan on leaving him again. You’re here to stay—if you had to emphasize that to him or prove it, you’ll gladly do it.  
Until then—
Nero offers you a helping hand so you can follow his lead. When you’re on your feet, he lets go of your hand as if it was filthy. You wipe your palm on your clothes, feeling self-conscious. Were you really that disgusting?  Once again, you ignore the pit in your stomach and put on another teasing smile. This time, it’s contagious and he’s smiling right back at you: he’s honestly missed you and he had no reason to hide it.  
“Are you still my partner?” Nero can’t help but ask and your eyes widen, sparkling with excitement.
“If you’ll have me,” you grin, more than happy to serve him.  
“Cool,” he says back, acting nonchalant when he didn’t feel calm at all. He gestured to the trio—and you couldn’t help but feel excited about what was to come. Your eyes linger—again—on that tall man, who was watching you with interest. You shudder. Clearly, he could make a good first impression. The question was: will he live up to the expectations?  
“C’mon, let me introduce you to Dante.”  
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