#except for frank
yo no wait-
what if instead of the egg bois sir pentious takes care of dazzle in heaven?
new headcannon, sir pentious and dazzle are buddies, they take care of each other, and you can pry it from my cold dead hands (or until season 2)
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twyz · 1 year
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Frank doesn't understand the concept of dressing down
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trashiiking · 10 months
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shuutingstar · 17 days
what if someone made a sitcom with Camp Half Blood and the whole premise is literally just showing the backgrounds characters while the main characters go save the world or smth.
[camera pans on Drew’s face]
Drew: [looking at her nails indifferently] yeah someone let all the pagasai out of their stables and it’s a chore to fix.
[explosions in the background]
Drew: [unfazed] I’m not saying that I’m helping, by the way. I’ve broken a nail and I’m still in pain.
[Percy is seen battling a cyclops while Annabeth slashes at its feet with her dagger before running off frame]
Drew: I know you must be wondering why I don’t just go to the infirmary, but they’ve been full ever since the stampede — and Connor promised he’d steal me some cute bandaids with pictures on them so I decided to wait it out.
[screams and more explosions and property damage]
Drew: [rolls her eyes] but now Connor’s busy doing something else so I have to wait even longer. maybe I should just go to the infirmary… [walks away from camera]
[camera zooms in on the carnage near the stables where the seven can be seen herding the frightened winged horses back to their stables, while a beat-up cyclops lay unconscious with only its feet in frame]
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nerveslikecobwebs · 11 months
Kind of rare bullets era photos
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bedcorpse · 2 years
my mother is a mikey girl
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Friendship bracelets for all <3
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l-just-want-to-see · 6 months
Let’s talk again about how Hermes tells Percy in TLO that immortals can’t change and then Rick hits us with Bob and Damasen. And then after we’ve cried over “say hello to the sun and stars for me” he hits us with an entire series about people breaking out of the narrative where the protagonist is the god of prophecy.
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Your honor, they’re fruity-
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Fluffy, wholesome, probably the softest shid I’ve drawn in a long long time NDHHDHDH
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ooo fantasy au Poppy oooo there's so much empty space on this, it's killing me
why is there lace? why does she have a neck corset? because she's Gorgeous and I'm the Artist Here. i will always inflict my personal tastes on everyone I draw. pretty bird <3
it's really difficult to put clothes on a bird... stream helped out a bunch with the colors & the leg gear! I imagine that the leather is durable, which is probably the only thing that gets her to traverse less Forgiving terrain. Thornbushes and itchy tallgrass can't hurt her! she's got "boots"! How Does She Secure Them, i hear no one ask. that's what neighbors are for, isn't it? and a skilled beak once she gets the swing of it.
her shawl remains largely the same due to my lack of imagination! i put a lil feather clasp instead of the shawl being tied together to give it a more fantasy-oriented look. i think i succeeded? i like to think so! i imagine that the clasp gives Poppy some stress, though. It's sharp! Ish. it's sharp by her standards!
Poppy's enchanted glasses allow her to "see" injuries and illness, both caused by magical & normal means. this is very helpful in her role as healer, but also extremely stressful - just because she can see issues doesn't mean she automatically knows what they are! to her, a papercut may be misinterpreted by the beginnings of a fatal infection! i like to think that she got tired of needing to hold the glasses in place over her beak and asked if there was a charm to keep them steady. and they confidently had their resident wizard spell them on - oops! the spell was a little too strong! they're now magically superglued on! yeah, those are never coming off.
she also has a magic bag that i imagine was a gift from her family when she left the nest! she'd never directly use it herself - what if she falls in? what if something nasty managed to crawl inside? - but the Neighborhood uses it as collective storage. it can hold a lot! supplies, books, tents, gold, even Julie when she's determined enough!
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yennao · 29 days
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Tossing in my own Johnny Constantine for @ratblazer 's DTIYS. Check them out for more! Their original image is this one here!
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
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pictures of ray taken by frank 🎸🖤
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soggyqun · 5 months
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batz · 1 year
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hi! my names frank and im a 2spirit butch tht draws cartoons!:)
im physically disabled (eds & iih) and bc of the chronic pain stemming from that i’m unable to work a Normal Job. so i rely on commissions to help support myself and get by through the month!
ko-fi: ko-fi.com/franki
more examples of my art!
more commission info/rules!
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thefutureviolents · 1 year
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underyoursnow · 6 months
i love leathermouth lore because they made the pent up homosexual anger album and then a priest told the entire band that this little italian vocalist freak is making them gay and they slip up and went to find god
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