#show him dead frogs and cool rocks
trashiiking · 10 months
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deadghosy · 4 months
Ive just been reading your Lucifer big sister headcanons, and thier so so so so good, i love how you wrote it🥰. What about Lucifer with a little sister? Any thoughts? How different would he treat her? Maybe she fell at the same time as him and Lucifer blames himself for leading his sister down the same path as him. I can seen him being a protective older brother because come on their in hell surrounded by sinners its got to be stressful even tho she isnt weak what so ever but Lucifer can help but baby his sweet little sister.
(Obviously no pressure to write this)
Have a nice day 😁👋
As a younger sibling, I was gonna make this as I made the elder sister! So I’m glad you asked this as I can’t help but love to make this version. 🦆 sorry if it’s long, I just had fun making this🔥
Prompt: you are the younger sister of Lucifer Morningstar who fell along her older brother.
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Dead ass you fell on top of Lucifer when you both fell from heaven.
“Groannsss….GET OFF!” Lucifer yells pushing you off him. You huffed getting off him as you dust yourself.
I headcannon reader to have a slight rebellious attitude sometimes like Adam but she’s not as terrible.
Like reader has a shirt that says “kiss my ass” with a kiss mark on the shirt as she puts up a rock gesture 🤟
Lucifer found your shirt and burned it, he can’t have his baby sister have such an inappropriate shirt!
He put his hand to your face to keep you away as he burned it. It was a funny sight as you huffed kicking him in his nuts as he groaned falling face first to the ground.
I also headcannon that reader is the reason why Charlie had a emo phase as reader kinda has a different aesthetic than Lucifer.
But on a serious note, Lucifer was kinda scared when you fell with him as he puts his hand through his hair watching you sleep. He couldn’t believe he brought his baby sister with him on his down fall. He knew he influenced you as you looked up to him more than the other angels. It was like if you were his child, his baby.
But he tucks you in bed as you were sprawled out in your bed snoring loudly. He chuckles kissing your head and leaving your room as he closes your door with a slight sad look.
Back to the funny sibling things, you are definitely the one who sneaks in the kitchen to take his leftovers for payback. After Lucifer walks out of his workshop tired and hungry.
You basically told him to take care of himself more. He walked in the kitchen to find his leftovers gone. So you could tell what happened next.
“Y/NNNNN!” You heard a fierce yell as you had shoved the food down your mouth and ran as you heard a loud flapping of wings behind you. “WHEN I CATCH YOU, YOU BETTER PRAY!”
It’s was so cartoony at how Lucifer chases you while you ran for you life. You have wings but he flys better than you so it’s no use.
He caught you, making you cook dinner for a month as you groan while he smirks patting a duck like a mafia man. “And you better wash the dishes too-” “NOW YOU ASKIN' TOOO MUCHHH!”
But soon the sinners came and made the freedom Lucifer gave them, turn into pure hell as you watch worried at the stress your older brother had. Lucifer tries to smile to show you it’s not affecting him, but it is.
He soon makes you stay all time in the palace, scared for your safety as you stay in your room worried at how isolated he soon becomes. Charlie would walk around babbling about you as she kept your company. You smile at your cute niece giving her boops to her nose.
I also headcannon you and Lucifer are like secret twins as you both hyper fixate about a lot of things like [favorite thing] as he hyper fixates on ducks and gives you his ducks to show off how cool he is as your older brother.
But also I can see reader being shorter than Lucifer, like to his shoulder as Lucifer blinks like a frog as you smile with an evil gremlin ready to stab someone.
But now for some overprotective brother headcannons.
You know how Lucifer when to see Charlie at her hotel, you joined wearing basically a female version of Lucifer’s outfit. But you wore shades to off your ✨coolness✨
Alastor was irritated at your louder personality but you also had a charming aura around you like how Lucifer has his prideful smile. Alastor smirks down at you as you are shorter than Lucifer, he kisses your hand with made you just stand there with a dotted blank expression.
Immediately Lucifer picks you up like a doll as he growls at Alastor like a dog ready to chump his hand off. He knew the radio demon just wanted to piss him off, so the whole time you were in the hotel with him. He always has you close and behind him from the radio demon.
Now if it was a sinner trying to court you, they better hope you don’t snitch like the young sibling you are. Cause ohhhh boy! Lucifer is teleporting to their house to give them nightmares. Maybe even killing them if they made you uncomfortable.
Heaven and hell agrees you are a cutie, demon or angel. Cause in heaven there were angels trying to court you but your brother was always behind you looking stern as he puff his chest trying to see if they suit you best.
Like literally he scares people off as you stand there minding your business.
“I feel a disturbance in the air…” Lucifer says as he was reading a book but pulls the curtains to see an angel trying to court you with their wings.
Immediately you’re being teleported to your room confused as a duck poofs in your hand.
“What the fuckkkk….” You say confused
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soupbabe · 1 year
My Ocs in the Summer
I absolutely stole this idea from @rottent33th and @devil-doll13, I thought summertime headcanons were cute and I wanted to share how my ocs would be in the hotter months <3
Tagging: @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @frostcorpsclub, @bugginbeetlew
Hunter King
- do you even have to ask if the summer camp slasher guy enjoys summer 🤨
- Of course he does
- Hunter soaks up the sun like a sponge, he spends so much time outside that by the end of the year he has freckles and a new tan
- He loves going to the lake to swim, especially if there's others around
- He likes showing off and he loves the attention he gets from others when he's doing tricks off of big rocks
- Summer is the biggest time he's out killing too
- A lot more people are outside camping and wandering, y'know
- He was practically forced to go cold turkey in winter, he's itching for another kill
Magnolia Sinclair
- I fear this could be a hot take but: I don't think Maggie likes summer all too much
- It gets unbearably hot, there's humidity, and mosquitos are just attracted to her
- Not to mention there's a yearly debate over who has to scrape dead bugs off of the sticky, kinda melted walls of the House of Wax
- However: she's absolutely enamored with summer nights
- She loves hearing the frogs and crickets, she loves seeing lightning bugs light up in the air !!
- She isn't the most active in summertime tbh
-She does a lot of hiking and nature stuff in the spring when all the animals are just now defrosting and the weather is still reasonable
- Summers with Sinclairs in general are pretty docile, but I imagine they still have special days where they go out to a lake/river to cool down or spend the evening by the grill
Carolyn Gray
- I think Carolyn welcomes summer with open arms
- She enjoys the extra daylight, she prepares and switches her wardrobe to cooler clothes the moment it turns 70° out
- Simply unbothered and just here to enjoy summer breezes
- Nothing is more relaxing than sitting outside with an iced tea it's what she lives for
- I've mentioned it a couple of times but Carolyn loves fish
- Summer is for crouching by a creek just to watch small fish and crawfish and nothing else
- Carolyn would leave in the early morning to go to creeks/rivers with her camera and will probably return in the late evening
- It brings her so much peace that she wishes she could live in the woods for forever
Emil Müller
- Oh he burns
- And he burns bad
- Emil has sunscreen, but he's so forgetful of his chest and arms
- That being said he's also not a big fan of summer, it's all too stuffy
- He'll wear his hair up and shed his favorite jacket, but the heat still makes him agitated
- He's only happy when he's inside with a fan in front of his face and ice cream in his hand
- Emil can be an absolute recluse, he's only going out because he needs to go to work or get groceries that's it
- The only good aspect Emil enjoys the storms and rain that come along with summer, he could watch the rain fall and listen to thunder all day long
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thevexmortuarycrash · 2 months
Dear Diary: Dead Gods
The goddesses body is polluted, trashed and disrespect. violated. Gods once praised fo thei permanence, they now rot.
Esther sits at the mountains front, bag on their back. Many have climbed her -the mountain, not Esther- they scramblie up her to show they are more than it. Esther climbed to her summit numerous times despite their young age. Locals didn't care for customes outside their tribe. not like the otsders would find outher mountains unlike ours.
       The job is simple, clean the mountain, entertain old men, those filthy tourists showed the goddess no respect, they touched her, polluted her, even now, we've noticed that our waters that have been pure are now becoming noxious, babies dying when mothers try to ween them off milk to water... tourists will whine and whine that the goddess is cold, and cry over a frozen hand after touching her body.
 Disrepectful, thats really all i can say about it, its not like we go to their mountains and temples poking and littering around!
The sunsets and the godesses torn body exhales a cool mist of subzero frost, despite the cold, she lets thrive with the fruit and vegetables thats available only thanks to our mistress, beloved, goddess. She towers over us, protects us from the worst of storms.
Esther picks up the gear beside them and a large black trashbag, and begin to climb.
First steps few step and the snow under my feet give away please let this trip go well, please.. I climb higher and higher, and i make it to the solid-ish ground. I walk to the path, fresh white snow on the mountain glitters blindingly.
My dad knitted me gloves last Mockingsday, they were wool dyed green and yellow (like those pretty tropical frogs I want to see when im older) These gloves help me keep my grip, and remind me of him when I go climbling. He's never approved of it -climbing, I mean-, he wanted priests and priesstes to climb like the good old days then they got lazy. Only a few of us pray to our godess. Sometimes her dead face feels almost.. judgemental... when the priests try to preach for money.
My hand slips for a second, quickley grabbing the icy rocks, I regain my bearings and clear my mind...
Left hand, Right hand.
Right foot, left foot.
Left hand, Right hand.
In all my years, Marisol never told me if I should use my dominant hand to hold my gear or... not to... Marisol was very religious, when I was younger, but now I'm older and still very religious, Marisol has lost faith... Sometimes I wonder if me praying every day would even lead me anywhere, Elders say Marisol will get scolded by the goddess when she dies; But tourists tell me our goddess is dead already as they try to make me come with them to their cities, where the scaffolding is so high falling is immediate death. 
The air gets thinner and i quickly latch a rope to sturdy rock, I let go and let myself hang as I put on an oxygen mask (I probably shouldn't trust a rope with my life, but I have faith the goddess wouldn't me fall)
I attach the oxygen tank to my belt, and continue to the summit, and thats where I see it: Trash... tons of it. I pick up as much as i can as I work my way up.
I make it to the summit and see a wasteland of trash... I feel sick as I clean the summit. I read some of the labels on food stuff, I can barely pronounce half the ingredients on it (I don't believe thats good..) I doubt that these ingredients are from the earth or animals. I mean i don't know much about other foods outside my diet.
I at one point I find a can labeled "Caviar"... I sigh and toss it. Its not even finished.
I finish the job and send the trash down the trash chute, and I sit down at the summit, the sunset turning the sky into oranges and pinks.
Tommorow my dad is sending to my aunts (because my aunt said i'd get higher education) in the city... I don't want to go. Tonight will be the last day I'll see snow, Marisol immediately came back after she went the city, she was so scared that night she came back... I think that was the night she lost faith...
I don't want to go, I'll have to get needles in my skin, I wont be able to pray infront the godess, I'll have to have a child, I wont see dad...
I open my bag and pull out the book my dad got for me on his trip to meet some leader for something.
Beautiful pictures of green frogs lazily sitting on leaves, Other with their frog friends, some with turtles trying to eat foods much bigger than themselves.
I can almost feel the warmth from the pages....
The poor girl, Esther deserved much better.. hm. I wonder how she could've died, she was wearing everything she shouldve... right?
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🩹 random modern hcs just for fun
meeks has a ceiling fan with worms on a string taped on it and they just spin right round baby right round like a record baby right round
he had to get pitts to get them up there
charlie has one of those monster energy can guns on his wall
todd has a frog blanket in his bed, it's green with white dots and there's a little frog head sticking out from the egde of the blanket
neil has an entire wall of his room all written up. it started out with him and charlie writing on it with a posca marker and then as the friend group formed everyone started adding in
knox knows how to write in calligraphy but his real handwriting is illegible
charlie and cameron will randomly start watching shows together in their dorm and they have an unspoken rule to never watch those shows during the holidays without each other
neil and todd have a porcelain doll in their room?? no one knows who it originally belonged to or how it even ended up there but charlie calls her loretta and says she's "an advocate for girls at welton"
she eventually ends up in the cave as an honorary member of the dead poets society
knox loves scented candles
todd has a poster of the church at auvers by van gogh on his wall and meeks has one of café terrace at night
pitts has a record player in his room even though all of his music is already on his phone
he has about eight billion vinyls but always just replays the same four ones
meeks burns a lot of candles but not because he likes the candles themselves like knox, he just thinks fire looks cool
and he likes to do his homework in candlelight for the aesthetic
charlie has definitely actually fought someone in a dennys parking lot at least once
cameron loves to take naps but never has time for them, so you can find him asleep literally anywhere. on the train. in the cave. during a 5 minute car ride. on a bench when he's out with the dps. literally anywhere, this boy could fall asleep on a bed of rocks.
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COSMIC - S1:E3; Chapter Three, Holly, Jolly - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘠/𝘯, 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭. 𝘈 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳.
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WARNINGS: Mentions of [lots of] blood, use of the 'f' word literally ONCE, uhh, I think that's it?
|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
El sits on the floor of Mike's basement, back to the couch. Candy wrappers and crumbs were scattered around a finished puzzle of a beautiful green forest. The strange plastic ship, floating in the air in front of her. It suddenly drops to the ground as her attention is brought to the Supercomm on the couch. She picks up the device and clicks it on, bored with the static that comes from the other end, she soon abandons the device and stands up.
She walks up the steps, eager to explore the house more. When she reaches the top of the steps, she cautiously peeks around the corner. When she decides no one is home and the coast is clear, she continues to explore the house.
With the house to herself, she had more time to linger, and appreciate and explore. It was fascinating to her, and yet it made her sad. Could she have had a life like this? She didn't know what to think when she admired every object, every picture on the wall. There was one in particular that caught her eye.
It was a small photograph, but you could tell it was important. It was another picture of Mike and his friends. Only, they were younger. They were playing and splashing around in the water, a lake it looked like, surrounded by beautiful green trees. Each of them had an arm wrapped around each other forming a line, and their pants were rolled up to their knees.
The young boy on the very left had messy black hair, who El immediately recognized as Mike. He was smiling brightly at her from the picture. A young Lucas to his right, who wore a rather proud grin. Dustin was looking at the two, more specifically Lucas; he had been laughing when the photo was taken.
Will, she believed his name was, had one scrawny arm draped loosely around Dustin, however, he had his full attention on a very cheery looking Y/n who stood proudly showing off a very small frog to the camera. He had daisies on his head, tangled in his hair, and a gleaming smile showed off a missing tooth. He was holding the frog so delicately.
But it wasn't Y/n, or even Mike that caught her eye. It was the way Will was looking at Y/n. His eyes held a certain fondness and appreciation, his smile warm and genuine. El tilted her head ever so slightly, thinking. Something deep inside her was gnawing at her, a feeling that was foreign to her. Shaking her head, she moved on to the rest of the living room.
She went back to the funny chair Mike had shown her and took a seat. She reached over and pulled on the lever, sending her back and forth as it kicked her feet out. She looked around curiously as the chair rocked her back and forth.
El noticed the weird device on the table beside her and picked it up. It was a strange curved thing attached by a curly wire. It had many buttons, every one of them had a number on them. It let out a strange noise, barely audible from the top. She brought it up to her ear to listen to the endless monotone hum. Not knowing what else to do she mimicked the tone, just for fun before putting it back.
She stood up from the chair and sat herself down on her knees in front of the TV. Curious, she ran her fingers down the side until she felt the button and pressed it. A brief crackle of static rang out and as soon as it came on it was replaced with the voice of an older man, the screen lit up in front of her.
"...was occupying a large part of Lebanon. Today, Syria has become a home for-"
El pressed another button.
The moving picture on the screen changed, where many bright flashes of color dance across the screen. A fake man with yellow hair held a sword as he exclaimed.
"I have the power!"
"...gift that will last forever. From the Harmony Treasures' collection-"
A beautiful melody came from the TV set and El's eyes widened in surprise.
"On the beach and in the sun"
El froze. She recognized the rolling tin can that appeared on the TV. Her breathing began to quicken as she fought the memories back.
The all too familiar humming and beeping of the machines echoed off of the cold, isolating walls. Eleven sat at the same table, with the same camera facing the same window with the same adults who watch her and study her. Nothing was new, and she feared nothing ever would be. All she wants is to go this over with. Wanting to get the damn wires off of her head.
Yet, she sat still, compliant, unmoving. Never taking her eyes off of Papa as she watched him hand the clipboard to one of the men and give her a nod of his head. She turned her head and attention to the small Coke drink. Her eyes bore into the empty can and she concentrated.
Her head shook ever so slightly as she focused, straining. It was difficult, but she was able to do it. The can caved into itself with a loud 'crack' and it wasn't until the monitors stopped did she realize how loud they had been. She looked back to Papa, looking for his approval.
He stood unmoving, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. She felt her nose run damp, a warm liquid oozed from her nose. She blinked, confused and slowly brought her hand up to her upper lip, realizing she was bleeding. She looked to Papa, expectantly. He only smiled a cold empty grin.
"Coke is it! Coke is it!"
El quickly pushed the first button, shutting the TV off. Breathing heavily, she stood up and made her way to the basement.
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
My back was beginning to hurt from hunching over for so long, but nevertheless, I continued looking. Lucas needs ammo for his wrist rocket, so naturally, the four of us were currently scouring the schoolyard for rocks.
"How about this one?" Mike asks, walking up to Dustin.
Dustin examines the rock Mike handed to him.
"Too big for the sling." He shrugs, tossing the rock to the grass. "So, do you think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-Men, or do you think she acquired them, like... like Green Lantern?"
"She's not a superhero. She's a weirdo." Lucas says as he searches for that.
"You don't know that," I mumble, Lucas, however, doesn't hear me.
"Why does that matter? The X-Men are weirdos." Mike adds.
Lucas turns to Mike, agitated. "If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?"
I roll my eyes, and straighten up, stretching out my back.
"What are you talking about?" Mike sighs.
"Mike, seriously?"
"You look at her all, like... 'Hi, El! El! El! El! I love you so much!'" Lucas teases, grabbing Mike in for a hug before getting down on one knee. "'Would you marry me?' I'm telling you, man, you're just as bad as Will!" He stood back up when he said the last-
"What?" I asked, completely thrown off.
The boys freeze, Lucas especially. Lucas excluded, the boys all look at me with awkward smiles on their faces. Dustin chuckles and gives a still frozen Lucas a few pats on the arm.
"Good job, man. Real smooth."
"Guys, what is going on?" I asked exasperated, crossing my arms.
"Shit," Lucas whispers, closing his eyes.
Mike wears a triumphant grin on his face and looks expectantly at Lucas.
"Yeah, Lucas. Tell him."
Lucas sighs, and stiffly turns around, his change of attitude dramatic. He looks around once or twice before growing stern with me.
"You, and Will?" He suggests.
"What about us? What does that have to do with- Oh come on... You can't be serious. He does not like me."
"Literally everyone knows he is totally in love with you." He scoffs.
I scoff in return. "Love? Don't you think you're being a little dramatic? Not to mention, ridiculous?"
"Am I wrong?" He turns to the boys, who hesitantly shrug.
He turns back to me, a look screaming 'There you have it.'
"That doesn't prove anything! We're best friends! So what if we're close?"
He laughs. "Yeah, just as close as Nancy and Steve! And you're no better. You just haven't realized it yet."
"W-What? W-what ar- No!" My words are caught in my throat and I felt my cheeks begin to burn.
'No, I don't!'
It takes moments for me to recover. "Okay, let's say you're right. Let's say he does love me. How can you know for sure, huh? It's not like he told you!"
"Uhh, yeah! Might as well have. He didn't deny it!"
My heart stops, and I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach.
'Will? And me?'
"Look what we have here!"
'Oh, God. Not now.'
I roll my eyes and before I can stop myself I speak. "What do you want, Troll?"
My eyes widen at my sudden boldness but I remain confident. I stare down the two boys who have been bullying us for as long as we've attended this school.
"You better watch your mouth, freak-"
"Back off!" Dustin yells, cutting him off.
Troy looks over to Dustin, looking prepared to throw more insults at my brother but something changes his mind and he cools off. A smug smile tugs at his lips.
"Or what?" Troy spits.
Dustin falls silent, and Troy continues.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. What are you losers doing back here anyway?"
"Probably looking for their missing friend." Troy's goon laughs.
Anger begins to take over and my blood starts to boil.
"That's not funny. It's serious. He's in danger." Dustin immediately cuts in.
"I hate to break it to you, Toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says."
'Where's that damn rock?'
"He said he was probably killed by some other queer."
I feel a lurch in my chest, and I can practically feel my vision going red.
"Come on. Just ignore them." Mike soothes, not only to me but to Dustin and Lucas as well.
He's right. I need to get out of here. I storm off, ready to shove him in the shoulder as I pass but suddenly I feel something catch my foot and I fall to the ground. A sudden wave of searing pain explodes on my chin when I hit the ground.
Dazed and confused, I push myself up enough to see a large, rather bloody rock just inches from my face.
I groan, rolling over on my back, I hear laughing and frantic footsteps.
"Y/n!" Dustin and Mike run over to me, Lucas storms up to Troy.
Dustin and Mike each grab an arm and help me sit up. I hesitantly bring a hand up to my chin and I hiss in pain. I look at my fingers and they are absolutely covered in blood.
'Holy crap.'
I groan and look to Lucas worried. He stands firm and tall, right up in Troy's face.
"Leave us. The fuck. Alone." He says through clenched teeth.
My eyes triple in size, surprised by Lucas's actions.
Troy and his friend laugh and walk away. Repeating Lucas in a mocking voice.
"You okay Y/n?" He reaches out his hand.
I gladly take it. However, I get a little lightheaded as I stand. "Shit, that's a lot of blood."
I look down and I see splots of blood already sprinkling my shirt.
'Great. This will be easy to explain to mom.'
"You still have that first aid kit?"
I close my eyes, sighing.
"Crap. No. I left it at Mike's." I sigh.
"We better get you to the nurse's office then."
"No, I-I'm fine." I sigh, wincing at the pain.
"Are you sure? You're bleeding, like a lot." Mike says.
"Yeah, I'm good. As long as I stop the bleeding, I'll be fine.. My body has always been able to heal quicker than most, anyways."
"He's right. I've seen it."
I offer a small smile. "Well, I at least better go get a tissue or something. I'll be right back." I say.
The boys nod, and I head off to the bathroom. My mind wanders back to what Lucas was telling me earlier, and the weird feeling in my stomach returns...
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intothesunset · 3 years
assorted zeke and erwin headcanons
had (and wore) a sock monkey hat religiously as a child
zeke would live on a canal and be neighbors w erwin
drinks pickle juice and screws the lids on jars as tightly as possible. deliberately puts stuff at a height that people can’t reach it
would be absolutely devastated by the death of harambe to the point that he hung a picture of him on his wall and tried to draw jt but it turned out like shit and he hung up the shitty drawing anyways. both the drawing and the picture were on printer paper and thumb tacked to the wall an awkward distance from the other and are the only thing hanging on the walls of his bare apartment.
would come up to you and be like “look at this cool rock i found” and you’d open your hand but it would never be a cool rock. it would always be something cool or something like a wet cheeto with dog hair stuck to it. some items have been a dead bug, a tiny origami crane, and a live frog/green lizard
zeke would be too stubborn to leave his house if florida for a hurricane even if it was a cat 5 (i can’t decide if he’d have a sailboat or a house.)
would live on a sailboat at least partially and travel around on it
intentionally weird to tourists
would like catching frogs/lizards and showing them to people
was a scooter kid
some form of a hippie in a modern au
has a huge shoplifting problem. he takes shit and puts it in his pocket without you even noticing until you get back to the car and he pulls half the store out of his pockets. he’d be extremely nonchalant and calm about it too, treating it like it’s no big deal to walk out of a store with $500 worth of things in your pockets
would have a v bottom boat and live in florida beside zeke
i feel like he could catch seagulls at the beach
would make full on video essays about conspiracy theories
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 10- These Are Strange Times
Summary: Could something positive be truly on the horizon? With the random intrusion of though-to-be-dead Scott Lang at the Avengers Facility, your hope for seeing Bucky again may have yet to be a possibility.
Warning: yeah nothing enjoy the ride
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-Five years since the Blip-
Throwing on a dark sleeveless top, you suddenly feel the overwhelming urge to sneeze which evidently causes your little furry companion to startle at the unexpected noise. The furry tigress lets out a meow of protest that pulls forth a humored snicker from you, while the little beast sends you an annoyed look.
Recovering her bearings in a flash, she walks across the short wooden dresser like a model strutting on the runway, her thick mane of mahogany and dark chocolate fur glossy and adequately brushed to perfection, just how your spoiled Main Coon, Silver, likes it.
She purrs happily as she begins playing with Bucky’s dog tags that lay across the small dresser top.
“What are you do..? Oh give me that you little shit.” Silver ignores you until she’s rudely lifted and placed firmly on the carpeted floor before you snatch up the valuable memorabilia. Placing it around your neck where it belongs then glancing down to give her a casual shrug, “Don’t give me that look Silv, I bought you a cool bird feathered cat toy like three days ago. What happened to that?” Silver meows, running her head against your worn out old boots as you smile, “Guess it’s as good as dead huh, you little beast. Now you staying or coming with me to find Nat?” Nothing but purrs of affection.
You lean down to gently rub her head before standing up fully and heading for the door, Silver hot on your heels. Soon you’re both traveling down the hallway until you finally reach the large study. Natasha’s on a conference call with Carol, Rodney, Okoye, and the last two guardians of the galaxy, Rocket and Nebula. And by the looks of it, nothing new has been reported. How disappointing.
Soon they all log off, leaving Natasha alone with Rodney who stays to give Nat a little insight into Barton’s violent whereabouts from the last couple years since he’s been rouge. Apparently he took out a whole cartel in Mexico, so he’s been busy. Definitely not keeping up with those group therapy sessions Steve makes you go to to help cope with the loss. Not that you’ve actually been that consistent with them if we’re being real here.
Quickly enough, Rodney logs out, leaving a tearfully conflicted Natasha as she slouches in her comfy swivel chair. Head in her hands as she holds back the waterfall that threatens to spill within her. You take a step forward, leaning casually against a steel rimmed display area for random nick-nacks. “I’d join you in the fun, but I’m limiting my crying sessions between 1 and 2 in the morning on Tuesdays. So, uh....I brought Silver.” You smile, pointing a finger down to your loyal companion, “Well I guess she brought herself but you know.”
Natasha breaks out into a reluctant grin, genuinely happy to have a bit of positive company within her gloom, “And you didn’t even want her to begin with.” Laughs the red head, “Now I never see one without the other.”
You nod with an almost shy smile, “Yeah, she’s alright.” 
You hear soft movement making its way through the hallway behind you just as Silver meows when Steve casually saunters into the room, coming to stand next to your side as the furry beast paws at his shoes, “What are you here for? Doing some laundry?” You tease at the tall blonde.
Steve smiles at your little jab since he’s not usually always present, doing Captain America stuff and whatnot, “Just here to see some friends.”
Natasha chuckles through glossy eyes, “Well clearly your friends are doing just fine.” Steve knowingly nods paired with a small smile, both you and Natasha look relatively well kept and functional as usual. It’s just, there’s a palpable pain and hidden darkness that always appears to simmer lowly on the surface. Just enough for a skilled eye like Steve’s to notice.
“Exactly.” You add, wandering over to sit cross legged on Natasha’s desk as Steve moves to lean against the display, “But if you’re here to tell us to look on the bright side...”
“I’m gonna hit you in the head with this peanut butter sandwich.” Finishes Natasha with a pursued lipped grin as the 90 year old nods. “Um, right. Force of habit.” Admits Steve, pushing himself off the surface to find a seat next to you and directly across from Natasha. 
The three of you keep to a mutual silence for a long moment until he finally speaks, “You know,” Starts Steve thoughtfully, “I keep telling everybody they should move on...and grow. Some do.” He pauses for a moment as you frown, Natasha looking elsewhere as Steve finally continues, “But not us.”
She shakes her head, “If we move on, who does this?”
“Maybe it doesn’t need to be done.” Suggests Steve, he means well of course, but maybe he’s right after all, its been five fucking years with absolutely nothing to make for it. Nothing of any significant progress or even a possible way to fix what's happened. 
Natasha blinks through bleary eyes of saddened green while you pet Silver’s furry mane, refusing to give in to that notion, “No.” You whisper softly, causing them to look at you, “We can’t, it wouldn’t be right...at least,” You let out a gentle sigh, “at least not for me....before all of this, before I met all of you. I had nothing.” You admit thoughtfully, “Not a soul in the world who gave a damn whether I lived or died. Then I found Bucky, then I found this. This.....family. And because of it, I’m better off now then I was ten years ago.”
They keep a respectful silence as your breaths become shaky, teary eyes now trained onto Silver’s little ears, “And I know they’re gone now, believe me I fucking know it, but I’m still trying to be better.” Natasha nods in deep understanding, a couple stray tears falling down her cheeks as Steve crosses his arms.
“I think we all need to get a life.” He muses, his tone light as he tries to pull you two back from the edge of grief. You give him a friendly nudge at his annoying brotherliness, “You first.” He chuckles as you throw him a playful glare while Natasha checks an incoming call.
“Oh, hi! Hello! Is anyone home?” Speaks a man frantically from one of the security cameras, an orange van behind him, “This is, uh, Scott Lang. We met a few years ago at the airport.....in Germany?” Now you’ve got his attention.
“What the fuck?” You mutter in bewilderment at the blue tinged image of Scott as Steve and Nat share a confused glance, the three of you quickly rising to your feet while Scott keeps talking about who he is, how he got here, and what he’s learned about the world so far.
“Is this an old message?” Wonders Steve as he studies the image of Scott who’s still waving his hands up at the security camera.
“It’s the front gate.” Replies Natasha with a hopeful smile.
All you came here to do was shoot the shit with Natasha and maybe make some actual dinner, but here you are, laying across the study’s plush couch as Scott rambles on and on about the quantum realm. Whatever that happens to actually be, you’ve never heard of anything like that before, but then again you didn’t know aliens existed at one point. So perhaps anything's possible.
Silver brushes her fluffy head across your fingers as they dangle over the couches edge while Scott keeps at his long-winded tellings of how he got there, what it was like, that he’s been technically gone for only five hours, and now he thinks there’s a way to enter this new plane of existence and travel to a fresh alternate reality. Like through a time machine type deal, or whatever he’s on about.
Apparently he means one before Thanos. But it honestly sounds like a load of horseshit and gibberish coming from a desperate man refusing to acknowledge that this is the new shit reality. There’s no fucking way that’s even goddamn possible, right? No way. 
Drifting back out of your doubtful thoughts, you swiftly move yourself into a seated position as Scott begins to self doubt. Head lowering as he mumbles about how crazy that it. You start chuckling as he throws you an almost embarrassed look. “Scott.” You speak to gather his attention, “Nat gets emails from a raccoon. Your idea is admittedly a bit nuts, but nothings that crazy anymore considering all the wild shit I’ve witnessed in the past six years. So I don’t know, maybe there’s a way.”
Scott flashes a hopeful smile as his brows furrow in thought, uncertainty seeping right back into him, “So, uh...who do we talk to about this?”
“Stark! Miss us?” You shout at Tony as he holds Morgan in his left arm, an Ironman helmet grasped firmly in the right. He gives the four of you a less then enthusiastic nod of acknowledgment before wordlessly turning around and taking a step up onto the wooden porch.
You give Steve a shrug, “He misses us I can tell.”
Soon Tony let’s Morgan go off to play with you as you opt in to be the babysitter slash distraction from the grownups who are currently discussing if time travel and gathering the stones for ourselves is even a possibility, or even a palpable option that can be done. You skillfully listen to everything they’re saying as the little Stark shows off her array of multiple plant-life assortments picked from the local greenery.
“So I got this cone from that tree over there and then I put a frog in a glass but dad said I had to let him go so I did.” Babbles on the five year old as you entertain her constant musings.
You raise a brow, knowing her shenanigans all too well, “Is he in the garden?”
She mischievously smirks, sneakily peaking over at Tony who’s seated up on the porch, before giving you a nod, “Yeah. I made him a little house from some flat rocks I found too. I named him Froggo.”
You chuckle, “Oh really, Froggo? I like it, has a nice ring to it.” She nods in delight before walking into her tiny tent to retrieve something new as you catch either Scott or Steve saying something about a time heist, what the hell are they going on about now?
“Y/N! Look at this!” Calls Morgan excitedly while bursting out of the tent to run on short legs over to you who’s seated comfortably in the grass, “I got a cool rock from the lake but I didn’t get to show you last time cause you left early.”
Raising your brows in surprise, though you don’t exactly feel as thrilled as she is, you make sure she knows you care, “Woah! A cool rock from the lake, why Morgan I gotta see this.”
“Look.” She hands you a dull grey rock with a tiny fossil shell indentation on it, “It’s from the dinosaurs.”
Examining the small round object, you nod, “Next thing you know I’ll come back to a whole dinosaur excavation site. Impressive Professor Grant, I’m thoroughly amazed.”
She giggles in excitement, “Y/N I know what that means now.” You give her an inquiring look as she smiles proudly, “That’s from Jurassic Park.”
“And your dad let you watch that, with the big Trex eating the goat and everything?” You tease before handing her the prized object, “Next thing I know you’re going to have a whole dinosaur skeleton in your house.”
“Yeah that would be cool. Thanks ninja turtle.” Cackles Morgan as she hugs her rock, smiling brightly as you throw her a puzzled look before joining in on the laughter. “Okay, now you’ve lost me kid, I can’t say I have any idea what you’re talking about.”
She shrugs innocently, “Dad told me to call you that.” Clearly not understanding what she just called you either. A ninja turtle? The fuck is a ninja turtle?
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” You muse before looking up to the four of them getting closer to a heated discussion, “Alright Morgs let’s go save your dad before he decides never to invite us back for dinner again.” You add, quickly rising to your feet as she laughs before racing past you, on a beeline for Tony.
You choose to stay out of the conversation and instead wait for Steve, Natasha, and Scott to start walking back towards the car. You lean against the metal as Steve round the corner before catching your eye as he goes down the three steps, “Are we banished from the castle? I was kinda hoping not cause I actually like Pepper’s cooking.”
Steve smiles, “No. He’s not gonna help us is all.”
“Damn that’s shitty.” You retort with a tinge of genuine disappointment, you don’t completely believe this shit is even possible. But dammit if you don’t want them to at least try for all it’s worth. “So what now? I’m guessing you bastards aren’t gonna let this go anytime soon. And cause Tony’s out for the count, we obviously need some different brain power.”
Steve nods while walking closer to the car, “We wanna do this right. So, yeah, we’re gonna need a really big brain.”
Scott turns from Steve to point a thumb in Tony’s general direction, face a mask of confused puzzlement, “Bigger then his?”
After a less then pleasant adventure to some cozy little diner in New Jersey where the four of you were subjected to Banner in his weird Hulkness body or whatever the hell he is now. Turns out he was most definitely on board for this time traveling experimentation. Of course he was, the weirdo takes fucking selfies with children nowadays. 
So here you five are now, in the giant glass and metal garage of the Avengers Facility getting things ready for whatever nonsense is about to take place next. The back of Scott’s orange van closed for the moment, keeping hidden some reactor core thing behind its doors. Scott in some safety quantum realm suit while Banner and Natasha stand behind a large intricate assembly of high tech equipment in preparation for the events to hopefully follow.
You keep an amused yet genuinely curious stance off to the side as Bruce gives you a thumbs up, nodding, you face Scott who’s walking over to the van. “Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one everybody! Scott get that bitch open!” You shout with a small bout of rare enthusiasm while he opens up the doors.
“Emergency generators are on standby.” Announces Steve as he walks into view from behind some large plastic containers covered in safety rope.
Banner nods, “Good, because if we blow the grid, I don’t wanna lose, uh..” He points a green thumb at Scott who’s getting his helmet ready, “Tiny here in the 1950’s.”
Scott’s head snaps up in an instant, “Excuse me?” He worries.
Natasha smiles while looking down at her touch pad, “He’s kidding.” She sing songs before shaking her head up at Banner, “You can’t say things like that.”
Banner turns around to face a fearful Scott as you snort at the small bout of humor that you did happen to find rather amusing. Then again, you’re not the labs guinea pig, so instead you casually shrug while giving Scott a half persuasive grin and a thumbs up of reassurance, “Bad joke.” You add as Bruce nervously laughs, “Yeah, it was a bad joke.”
Scott nods apprehensively before turning to walk over to the reactor, appearing to believe the two of you, “You were kidding, right?” Asks Natasha as you raise a brow at Bruce in question. Albeit a smidge doubtful he actually one-hundred percent knows what he’s doing.
“I have no idea.” Whisper yells Banner, confirming your suspicions, “We’re talking about time travel here. Either it’s all a joke, or none of it is.” Explains Bruce, suddenly smiling as he lifts his attention back over to Scott, “We’re good!” He shouts with a positive thumbs up of that prominently famous green.
“Oh we’re so fucked.” You mutter humorously while Natasha shares an uncertain look with you.
“Get your helmet on.” States Banner as Scott does just that, “Scott, I’m gonna send you back a week...let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?”
Scott smiles brightly, waving him off with confidence, “Perfectly not confusing.” He muses with an almost annoyingly positive expression.
“Good luck Scott. You got this.” Encourages Steve while Scott grins proudly. “You’re right. I do, Captain America.” Then just like that’s he’s gone, sucked into the reactor like a crumb into a vacuum cleaner.
“On a count of three..” Begins Banner, “Three, two, one.” Bruce flips some switches as the machine whirs before a second later and there’s Scott. In the body of a teen. “Uh, guys? This doesn’t feel right.” Worries teen Scott as his brows furrow in confusion, clearly not aware of how he looks. This just got interesting.
“What’s going on?” Questions Steve as Bruce urgently flicks more switches. “Who is that?” Wonders Natasha as you snort at teen Scott, snickering at how absolutely ridiculous your life is becoming and the weird shit you’re adding to the list.
“Oh my god he looks so innocent, like before the world hurt him.” You muse as Natasha’s brows raise in bewilderment, giving you a side glance as she focuses back on the person in question. “Is that, Scott?”
“Yes, it’s Scott!” Protests the sassy little 14 year old before whoosh and he’s gone once again while Banner squats down out of view to mess with some more buttons. A hot second later Scott’s back, this time looking significantly different.
“Oh, my back!” Complains the short wrinkly 80 year old man, Steve sending the back of Bruce a troubled look, “What is this?”
“Hold on a second. Could I get a little space guys.”
Steve hastily jogs around Bruce as he makes his way over to you and Nat, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you bring him back?”
“I’m working on it.” Mumbles Banner with underlying urgency as he flicks more switches in hopes of getting a better result, whoosh, and Scott’s gone again before reappearing as a...
“It’s a baby.” Deadpans Steve in astonishment.
You burst with laughter, “It’s Scott! Let’s just keep him this way so we don’t have to hear him ramble about how amazing you are, Captain America.” You tease playfully as Steve throws you a what-the-fuck kinda expression. “Y/N! He’s a baby!”
“He‘ll grow.” Adds Bruce as you shrug in agreement. Crossing your arms as you study baby Scott, “Steve you can change the diapers.”
“Bring Scott back.” Urges Steve as he ignores you and Banners amusement of the situation.
“Alright fine.” Chides Bruce, “When I say kill the power, kill the power.”
Natasha rushes past you while mumbling, “Oh, my God.” As you await for Bruce’s fantastic technological skills.
“And....kill it!” Natasha turns the breaker switch downwards and a moment later Scott’s back, this time fully Scott. Whether that’s good or not is debatable.
He stands there, arms open and face twisted in confusion, “Somebody peed my pants. But I don’t know if it was baby me or old me.......Or just...me me.” Speculates Scott as you snort in amusement.
“It was probably just you.”
He sends you an unsure look that’s half offended yet he can’t exactly counter that claim considering he’s just jumped between three different age groups of himself. Bruce claps his hands together before spreading his arms out wide in excitement, “Time travel!” He shouts enthusiastically as Steve shakes his head before turning to walk elsewhere, “What?” Wonders Bruce, “I see this as an absolute win. 
In the following weeks after Banner’s half-successful attempt at legitimate time travel, Tony and Rocket have been toiling away tirelessly on Starks actual time machine since he’s agreed to help fix the mess that Thanos left behind. The Avengers base has honestly never been busier; with Tony, Banner, and Rocket working on the giant machine. Everyone else is going about their business helping when needed and hoping for good news.
So here you are now, in the middle of the night with all light sources retired for the evening, hanging out in the kitchen with a bowl of watermelon chunks in your hand, and greatly enjoying the recently rare peace and quiet. Though soon your silent midnight snacking is disrupted when the sounds of human feet padding on tile reaches your ears from down the hallway. Dammit.
The lights flicker on in an instant, blinding your vision for a brief moment before they adjust accordingly to find the blue eyes of Steve, he yelps in surprise, hand holding his chest as he relaxes once more when he realizes it’s just you. Then he does a double take, considering you’re seated crossed legged on the counter with a bowl of watermelon, “Uh, hey there Y/N.”
You nod, awkwardly taking a bite out of your snack, “Steve.”
He raises a curious brow, deciding to step farther into the large kitchen area, “Huh, never seen anyone eat watermelon like that before, but I respect it.” Says the blonde, nodding towards the chopsticks held in your right hand.
“Yeah. Less of a mess.” He nods before taking a Gatorade out of the fridge, “Mind if I sit?”
“Go for it.” He nods before promptly seating himself next to the marble table. “So, eating in the dark? Your inner night owl keeping you from sleeping again?”
You shrug, “I can kinda see in the dark so....yeah, a bit of a night owl.” You admit with a growing frown, not sure why you suddenly feel so down in the dumbs again, “....guess I haven’t really slept well for some time now....well, now since I think about it actually, I probably don’t get as much sleep as your average person.”
“I get that, yeah....I know what you mean.” Lightly chuckles Steve in understanding, taking a small moment of silence to let his mind think of something to sway the atmosphere away from an awkward tension. Parting his eyes away from his clasped hands, he looks up to meet your stoic gaze, “You think all this is possible? I mean they’ve made some real progress and I guess Tony really knows what he’s doing. Still after all this time I can’t help but find it amazing.”
Pursing your lips together in thought, you let a small sigh emit from your parted lips before answering, “I hope so, cause if not. Well, guess that would be as expected.” You admit with a frown, “Maybe that’s just how it’s supposed to go....a fitting punishment for my lengthy list of crimes. I guess that’s fair.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” Counters Steve as he sends you a sympathetic look, “What happened to you isn’t your fault, neither is what they made you do, or everything Thanos did to the universe....”
“Yeah, guess you’re probably right....it’s just...just so difficult to move on you know? From all of it, everything swirling in my head, and even though it’s been five fucking years now. I still think of that shit, even worse, I still think of Bucky every single day, I miss him.....I just, I miss all of them.” You admit sadly, setting your snack down as Steve takes a moment to reflect on his own losses.
Suddenly his lips curl into a humored smile as he shakes his head, eyes looking down at the table before they connect with your curious ones, “God he was so different back in the 40’s....Y/N you wouldn’t believe the stuff we got up to, jeesh, the stuff he got up to.” Chuckles Steve as you raise an intrigued brow. 
“Alright Rogers care to elaborate?” You press with a growing smile at the thought of Bucky and learning more about him, “Bucky never told me a whole lot about that time. Considering he’ll probably never get the chance, I think I’d like to learn more about him and what shit you people did back then.”
“Aren’t you from the 1950′s?” Inquires Steve with a humored grin as you wave him off.
“Yeah, yeah, I was a baby back then I don’t remember what happened okay,” You explain, “I was born in 53 alright, and let’s not forget I didn’t exactly have a normal childhood.”
Steve nods, “Right. Fair point.....Okay so..” He laughs, “There was this one time and if you knew me back in the day, of course I was getting in an unsolicited scuffle with some boys who thought it was funny to argue with the paperboy.”
Raising a brow, you begin to smile as his eyes light up, “An unsolicited scuffle?” You muse, “Or is this when skinny Steve got his ass kicked by a couple of mangy dogs?”
“Dogs. Yeah that’s probably more fitting, well you know, of course I had to step in and do something.”
“As expected.” You quickly add as he continues.
“Which I did. And let me tell you they were not a fan. Those assholes ran me for two blocks till I got cornered in some market when who would you know it.....Bucky was there, taking some cute strawberry blonde out for a date while he got groceries for his mom.” Chuckles Steve, blue eyes shimmering with the humorous memories coming back to him about his old friend.
You heart subconsciously swells with the thought of Bucky, “Clever man. Sweet talk your girl while doing something useful.”
“Exactly. I would have gotten a bloody nose if he hadn’t thrown a tomato right at the biggest guys head. That thing coated his hair like red paint, then...” Steve balls his fist as he presses it against his mouth to try and keep himself from losing it with laughter, “...then, his friend turned around and smack! Another tomato right in his face.”
Snickering in amusement, you run a hand down the side of your face at the vivid image forming in your head, “oh Bucky..”
“It was pretty damn accurate too. The other guy booked it down the sidewalk before Buck could get him. Then when he started walking towards us, the other guys took off like a couple of scared birds....fortunately leaving me with no bruises that day.” Says Steve proudly, no doubt thinking fondly on that old memory, “Then of course he told me I gotta be more careful and all that stuff, I said I was fine and he want back to shopping with that girl......huh, don’t think I ever saw her again, well....at least with him.”
“Don’t blame her, he sounded like a real ladies man back in the day, she probably got too jealous.” You joke with a small brow wiggle before your smile lessens again, God you miss him so fucking much, “Thanks Steve.....he seemed, so different. It’s just when I knew him, when I first met him that is, Bucky was very different.”
Steve’s face looses it’s once vibrant glow, he keeps a steady gaze set on you now, knowing your time with him was such a chilling contrast to Bucky in the 40’s. You sigh, “I think I would have liked to see that version of Bucky just once, but I liked the Bucky I got after everything we went through.....after everything’s that’s happened. Maybe 40’s Bucky wouldn’t even look in my direction, I’d probably scare the socks off of him anyways.”
Steve shakes his head, “No way Y/N, you’d have him wrapped around your finger so fast, not a doubt in my mind he’d do anything for you in a heartbeat. That’s just who he was, a player yes, but a kind one who treated everyone with respect through that famous charm of his.....and you, you’d have caught his attention in an instant.”
Looking down at your hands, you raise the corner of your lips into a small half grin at the thought of Sergeant Barnes losing it all to the dangerous vixen that is no doubt yourself, now that’s an interesting thought indeed. Bucky in the 40′s, how about that.
“Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not....but I know one thing. That I’m glad to have even known him at all, he was...so special and he didn’t even know it.” You pause for a moment, lips pursing together as you think fondly of your past lover. Steve keeps silent, studying your disheartened features as you gather your words, “So if, if they can somehow do this....if it’s even actually possible to get those fucking stones again. I’ll do whatever it takes, Steve.”
Whatever it takes.
Tagged:  @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes​ @mischiefmanaged71 @jckie94​  @iamasimpingh0e
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yatsuyuu · 3 years
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there are some things that come with being Oikawa's partner, I believe. marvelous things. stuff that is so perfect and weird but ordinary that no one could possibly ever describe and explain and define and illustrate no matter how hard they try.
but that's okay, because not all things can be arranged and altered and adjusted into a string of letters and words. 
for example, there's no way to tell that loving him is like opening a fresh leatherbound book and sniffing and snuffing the smell of the pages, nose filled with a pleasantly musty and earthy scent, or that you’ve started enjoying waiting for him to finish practice - just outside the gym - underneath a sheet of rain just as much as a child would enjoy fresh ice cream and fruit.
most people think of words like “great,” “amazing,” “spectacular,” when the time comes for them to describe life with their partner, but remember that this is Oikawa we’re talking about - so, obviously, words like that would be too silly and simple to describe a day, or an hour, or even a minute of loving Oikawa. loving him is watching him dance shamelessly and wiggling your hips to the music despite how utterly horrible he moves (sometimes). loving him is patiently showing him how you like your tea or coffee - add more water, less sugar, hold the milk, now, we need that later - and having this warm fuzzy feeling when he only finishes beverages you make since “they’re delicious when you make it.”
it’s running to and fro to places hurriedly because he accidentally fell asleep on your arm after being too tired from the night before. watching him practice how to laugh and sneeze “so that I look cool” (his own words) and telling him to stop trying to make eerie eye contact with the mirror. walking down to the beach and paddling at the frills the waves make as they bubble at the sand. chasing him around the house when he decides to play tag - he plays it violently, with passion - and giggling along to his squeals of happiness as he ducks over the sofa, scurries under the drawer, takes a sharp left and the fridge. feeling your face flush a deep red as you feel warm arms wrap around your side as he exclaims, “I got you!”
it’s leaping oil. shrieking at the movie in terror and getting kicked out of the cinema. comparing who has thicker milk mustaches. fizzing soda. taking turns hiding the keys in weird and odd places. snuggling closer to you and saying “but I really just wanted make sure you weren’t dead” as he places his head just over your heart. glistening metal. funk rock on wednesdays. rating hotels on TripAdvisor. calling him different types of frog species because he looked like a frog in his volleyball jersey.
loving him is a lot of things, but it’s nothing you haven’t experienced.
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hgsn-moved · 3 years
switching to computer so i can type this up real quick anyways heres my more or less complete perception of jojo so far im on like episode 7
dio's dad "saved" jojo's dad so there was like a debt thing and then dio's dad died so he went to live with jojo and fucking hated him for reasons unknown. also erina is there. the joestar manor mansion thing has the stone mask thing in it because umm they're rich and they do what they want. jojo studies it because he has nothing better to do with his time?
dio hates his dad for being a jackass so he decides the best revenge is to kill jojo's dad i guess. so he poisons him slowly over time which jojo is suspicious about but cant do anything because dio has everyone in a charismatic death vice or something
anyways dio figures out that the mask can like go WHA-CHA and GET people if they're wearing it when it gets blood on it and THEN he figures out that it can turn people into zombies and or vampires. so hes like ok cool awesome and kills jojos dad and turns himself into a vampire because he is SICK of being mortal. or something. also jfc i forgot how much strain this puts on my wrists im sorry for being a fast typist im so sorry
anyway dio is like im gonna make your life hell JUST FOR BECAUSE and jojo is like nooooo im so pure of heart though and dio just laughs because hes evil....
also i forgot speedwagon is there he has knives in his hat and we love him.
anyways jojo spends a few days in the hospital and then he like goes on a walk or something and meets zeppelin who jabs him right in the diaphram instantly healing his arm because hes just that good at jabbing. also dio has been spotted somewhere which is weird because that guy should definitely be dead but whatever.
anyway zeppelin is like hey do you wanna learn how to breath really cool and jojo is like you know i do old man and then zeppelin teaches him how to punch frogs without hurting them.
their bag with all their money gets stolen by a kid whose name i forgot so zeppelin tiptoes across the water all hohohohohoho like some kind of gay person and then jojo punches the mountain so good that the kid has to give the money back. and then dio shows up and does a gay little pose on a big rock and hes like im gonna turn everyone into zombies slash vampires JUST FOR BECAUSE and jojos like no you fucking dont and zeppeli tries to punch him also i just realized ive been calling him zeppelin. sorry zeppeli but im not going back and editing this. anyway he tries to punch dio and dio is like ok well guess what you stupid freak i have full control over my whole body so i just froze my whole fucking arm while holding your hand. and then jojo is like what the fuck and starts fighting dio while speedwagon gently cradles zeppeli's frostbitten arm to his warm bare chest muscles . as you do.
and dio is like well fucking guess what stupid freak the second i can uhhh raise people from the dead and these two zompies would like a word with youuuuuu anyways im out PEACE so dio leaves them to fight uhhhh buford and zarkon which isnt going very well because they were very good warriors when they were alive and one or both of them can also suck the blood out of people with his hair. as you do. so one of them traps jojo in like a barn slash jail ? that was just like sitting there and hes like ok well im gonna fucking GET you now and jojo's like naurrrrrrr and then the kid whose name i cant remember is like im going to remember that time my sister slapped me and its going to give me unbelievable courage so he like sneaks into the barn and opens the door from the inside . and thats where im at right now.
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derivativealigner · 3 years
Well I haven’t watched sp all the way through for about a decade now, so I thought it was time
Sometimes I wonder how accurate the fandom is when it comes to how we interpret the characters. Like, why is Stan a football star so often in fanfic and why’s Kyle always the smart one? So I thought I’d rewatch the show and make notes along the way to see where the source of all these interpretations is. I also wanted to see if I could get some fun info to analyze, but season 1 is pretty sparse in that regard so there’s not too much of that in this post, but I’ll make a post for all the other seasons too as I watch them
In summary, it’s established in season 1 already that Stan’s a star quarterback and an animal lover, Kyle’s an A+ student, and Kenny is poor and knows a lot about sex and doesn’t have many qualms about doing crazy shit. Cartman is a bit weird since he’s mostly just a naive brat in this season, but he and Kyle have a mildly antagonistic friendship already
I have all my notes under this cut. They include a bunch of small details and other observations. I also listed every Kenny death just because
Ike has freckles
Cartman says “Weak!” and “You guys” and “Seriously” a lot from the start, also “Kickass!” He doesn’t say weak or kickass much in the later seasons iirc
Stan says “Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here” three times in this season but they dropped that catchphrase pretty quickly
Bebe got named in episode 2
Stan’s been an animal lover since s01e03 Volcano since he won’t shoot a bunny or anything else. He does shoot Scuzzlebutt at the end though
Cartman’s a pathological liar but in a childish way
Randy got named in s01e03 Volcano (and it only got worse from there)
The mayor went to Princeton
South Park is next to Mt. Evanson
Kenny will literally drink gasoline
Stan’s a star quarterback in 3rd grade
Clyde’s voice is wrong as hell in S01E04 Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Boat Ride and he has a dog, Rex
Garrison says Kyle is an A+ kid
Shelly seriously abuses Stan, punching him, throwing him, maiming him with a lawnmower
Cartman had a pot-bellied pig called Fluffy
Cartman’s mom smokes crack and has sex with strange men
Dr. Mephesto is probably a Buddhist since he says “Thank Buddha” instead of “Thank God”
Clyde’s voice gets kind of fixed in S01E06
A guy called Mr. McCormick is killed in a protest, launched and splattered against a network building. He doesn’t look like Kenny’s dad though
Zombie Clyde attacks Bebe, rude
Wendy gave her costume contest prize (2 tons of candy) to hungry children in Nairobi
Cartman’s mom is on the cover of Crack Whore magazine. “Back do’ ho… Five on one action!” is the headline
Cartman genuinely cries at Kenny’s grave after the whole zombie thing but gets over it because of candy
Stan knows his mom’s credit card number and has no problem using it to adopt an Ethiopian child (the boys wanted a watch that came with the adoption, they weren’t doing it to be nice)
Cartman calls Stan a vas deference, Stan doesn’t know what that is so Kenny says “Dude, it’s a pipe for your peepee” (according to a transcript). Kenny sure knows male anatomy
Kyle sniffs Kenny after Cartman asks why poor people smell like sour milk and Garrison says “idk eric they just do”
Cartman thinks poor people should die and decrease the surplus population
When the boys get Starvin’ Marvin delivered to them, Cartman says “Hey mom, we found an Ethiopian, can we keep him?” and his mom says “Sure, hun.” She rarely says no to Cartman
Kenny’s dad is an alcoholic who drinks scotch according to Cartman. I mean, Mr. McCormick is seen drinking in multiple episodes and has a hat that says SCOTCH so it’s probably true
Kenny’s family says grace
Craig’s first appearance is S01E09. Also, S01E09 is the first time Kenny doesn’t die (Coincidence? I THINK yeah but it’s still fun)
Clyde got named in S01E10
Clyde and Bebe both spit on Pip’s face, friendship goals <3
Cartman and Kyle have their first fight at Cartman’s birthday party because Kyle didn’t give the right gift. Cartman slaps his face and  screams “I hate you! I want you to die! Die!” while on top of Kyle who’s not really fighting back
Satan throws a fight with Jesus after everyone except Satan bet that Jesus would lose, which leads to Satan winning everyone’s money. Mr. Garrison says “What a mean thing to do!” and Jimbo says “He is a jerk!” and I thought it was quite a laugh so I wrote it down
In S01E11 Tom’s Rhinoplasty Bebe and Wendy are sitting in the swings together and generally appear together throughout the episode, then Bebe gives Wendy a makeover so they’re bffs obviously <3
Craig first appears in the classroom, though not sitting down, in S01E11
Wendy’s not happy about Ms. Ellen taking Stan away from her, she says “Don’t fuck with me! Stay away from my man, bitch, or I’ll whoop your sorry ho ass back to last year!”
Kenny gives Ms. Ellen a scrumptious looking sausage as a valentine’s gift and giggles deviously. Wendy’s gift to Ms. Ellen is a dead animal
Even Kenny doesn’t know what a lesbian is
Wendy’s grandma died in S01E11
Wendy gets Ms. Ellen killed by hiring the Iraqi government (?) to put her in a rocket and shoot it into the sun, then she and Bebe have a pool party (very cool, they wear sunglasses 😎) and watch the rocket hit the sun
Cartman and Pip play a game of kicking each other in the nuts until someone falls. Cartman calls it “Roshambo”
Kenny has a sack of marbles
The boys aren’t fans of Barbra Streisand, but Stan is a fan of the Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway (he’s not a quarterback anymore, he’s an American football executive and the president of football operations for the Denver Broncos of the NFL according to wikipedia.)
Officer Barbrady is a fan of Fiona Apple (who was 20 at the time and had only one album released called Tidal)
Ned knows how to pilot a helicopter
Kyle’s mom is a fan of Streisand unlike literally everyone else, she even gets an autograph from Mecha Streisand
The boys are fans of Robert Smith, the lead singer of The Cure. Stan says “Robert Smith is the greatest person that ever lived!” and Kyle says “Disintegration is the best album ever!” and Cartman says “Robert Smith kicks ass!” and Kenny’s dead so he doesn’t get to have an opinion
Cartman has tea parties with his toys: Polly Prissypants, Clyde frog, Peter Panda, and a dragon called Rumpertumskin
Kyle wants to make fun of Cartman for the tea party but Stan stops him because he’s concerned that Cartman needs help
Craig is in front of the school counselor’s office in S01E13
A young miss Cartman drinks like a motherfucker at the 12th annual drunken barn dance where Cartman was supposedly conceived
Stan lets Cartman borrow his bike like a good friend
Garrison wanted to have a threesome with Chef and Cartman’s mom. I don’t know why I’m making a note of this but uh… yeah.
Cartman’s mom has had sex with everyone at this bar that Garrison’s drinking at, including principle Victoria, the mayor, Father Maxi, and Jesus (and maybe Kenny’s dad since he’s at the bar but the camera doesn’t pan to him when Garrison says they’ve all slept with Liane). Later Gerald Broflovski is a possible father to Eric, so he fucked her too. Also Mr. Mephesto and his friend Kevin, that little guy, are candidates along with a lot of other people, including the 1989 Denver Broncos (and Mr. Tenorman is included in that later)
Cartman doesn’t make fun of Kyle for being Jewish much at all in this season even though the Christmas episode is all about Kyle not celebrating
Clyde and Token appear very early on and Clyde has always been in the classroom (along with Bebe, Red, Kevin Stoley, Wendy, and Pip and uhh DogPoo too I think). Craig appears later in the season and Tweek’s not in season 1 at all, so Craig’s gang isn’t really a thing yet
And here’s a list of the ways Kenny died in this season. He dies in every episode except episode 9, and he dies twice in episodes 2 and 3. Altogether he dies 14 times
S01E01 Killed after alien shoots him, cows stampede over him, then cop runs him over which finally actually kills him
S01E02 Killed in a play by a falling teepee, then a second time shot by Garrison which sends him in the air and he gets impaled on a flagpole on the way down
S01E03 Killed by a volcano rock that burns him then rolls on him but he’s alive again in the end but gets shot by Ned’s gun that he drops and it accidentally goes off
S01E04 Gets his arms and head torn off in an American football game
S01E05 Stan’s clone punches Kenny into a microwave where he gets cooked alive
S01E06 Death touches Kenny
S01E07 Kenny gets crushed by a Russian space station and turns into a zombie because he gets Worcestershire sauce in his veins, then Kyle chainsaws zombie Kenny in half, then zombie Kenny rises from his grave and is crushed by a statue and a plane
S01E08 Kenny is killed by a bunch of turkeys. His eye gets plucked out. It’s dark blue
S01E10 After Kenny gets turned into a duck-billed platypus, Jimbo and Ned shoot him
S01E11 Ms. Ellen throws a sword through Kenny’s face
S01E12 While Mecha Streisand and a giant robot Leonard Maltin fight, Kenny plays with a tetherball and gets the rope wrapped around his neck and it strangles him
S01E13 Kenny gets stuck on a go kart and it drags him around but stops and he’s still alive! Too bad the go kart stops on train tracks and a train runs him over. Stan’s grandpa sends a video of the event to America’s Stupidest Home Videos and wins $10,000
If you read all that, first of all hello. I’m not new to the fandom even though this is the first thing I’ve posted on this tumblr blog. I’ve been writing a fanfic called Caffetamine though so I’m not a complete non-entity. Anyway, I’ll watch season 2 soon and post my notes on that too probably.
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masterwords · 3 years
Soaked Clean Through
Summary: Set sometime post- 100, Hotch is arrested for murder in his hometown. The team has to dive into Hotch's personal life to try and prove his innocence and find the real killer. (Semi - AU inspired by Profiler, Profiled. References to Ashes and Dust and In Name and Blood are made.)
Warnings: murder, child abuse, jail, abusive cops, cheating, divorce, grief, depression
Pairings: None
Words: 6.7k
72 hours.  They couldn't hold him for longer than 72 hours without making an arrest, he knew that.  It didn't change the fact that he was sitting alone in an interrogation room that smelled like pine sol and coffee with a sickening undercurrent of vomit.  People threw up in these rooms often.  Nerves, mostly.  But maybe the smell had something to do with it – there was no hiding that acrid, bile smell.  There were places on the floor that it had eaten the finish away.  Aaron sat stoic, hands folded on the table, eyes trained straight ahead.  He hadn't done anything wrong, and of course he knew that, but they didn't.  He wouldn't be giving them a show.  
“The name Mark Baron ring a bell?” the detective, a man named Henry, asked.  Aaron sighed.  They both knew it did.  Henry and Aaron grew up with Mark, it was a small town, everyone knew everyone.  Mark and Aaron had been a grade above Henry, but they all hung around in the same feral pack as children and grew apart as teenagers, even became rivals.  Mark and Aaron had been rivals in everything – track, wrestling, grades, dating.  They were evenly matched in nearly all things, even had similar family structures, each with a younger sibling (Mark with a sister, Aaron a brother) and a prominent father (Mark's father was a doctor, Aaron's a lawyer).  They were born to be best friends or rivals.  They were tied to one another by the kind of childhood destiny you just couldn't ignore.  Mark had been a better looking young boy, with long wispy blonde hair and striking blue eyes, that kind of angelic face that everyone loved and fawned over while Aaron, with his dark hair and eyes and his sharp features made people think he was always up to something.  That couldn't have been further from the truth, but adults always had their minds made up about the two of them.  Aaron would take the fall for trouble Mark caused.  It didn't bother him for years, he could handle it.  By high school, though, it had caught up to them and Aaron would no longer allow himself to take the licks, he stood up for himself, and Mark didn't like that.  
“Don't play games with me, Henry,” Aaron said, his voice cool, collected. Henry smiled.  
“So then you'll know why you're here?”
“Not a clue.  I haven't spoken to Baron in years.”
“No?” Henry smiled.  It made Aaron feel sick.  “Mark was found dead in the woods last night, shot in the back.  When exactly did you get into town, Hotchner?”  Aaron stared at him, his eyes dead cold.  He thought of Mark, dead in the woods, and it made his stomach turn. They hadn't been friends in years, but when you're that close with someone as a child, it never really goes away.  He closed his eyes, thought of Mark's pale blonde hair that always fell wispy like rain into his eyes, got stuck in the mess of food or mud on his cheeks, the way he'd always catch the frogs or turtles and hand them to Aaron because he hated to get into the water, hated the way the slimy rocks and crawdads felt on his feet.  Mark who always had an adventure up his sleeve – a pirate treasure map, hand scrawled, with real buried treasure at the end of it, or a blueprint he'd drawn up to make a hideout for their gang.  He always provided Aaron with an escape from real life.  When he opened his eyes again, he steadied himself, and swallowed the feelings of loss down hard.    
“I got here yesterday, around lunch time.  I went straight to my mother's house, because it was too early to check in at the motel. I'm staying at the Starlight Inn, room 4.  I checked in around 6pm and was there until you knocked on my door.”  
“Convenient,” Henry muttered, leaning forward on the table.  Aaron didn't blink. “Can anyone vouch for you being in your hotel room?”
“No.” He had nothing to hide, and nothing to gain by scrambling or lying. “You don't have enough to arrest me, and I can sit here for 72 hours without a problem.  I am sorry that Mark is dead, we may not have been friends anymore but that doesn't mean I killed him. If you let me call my team, they can help you find the person that did do this...or you can hold me here, and spend all of your time trying to break me down.  You might even succeed, but because I didn't kill Mark, it won't bring you any closer to justice.”  
Henry regarded Aaron suspiciously for a moment and smiled.  It was not a nice smile, it was the kind that sent a shiver down your spine. “I'll call your team for you.”
By the time Dave was in the room, Aaron was exhausted and cold.  At least three other officers had cycled through, asking him a barrage of questions that he'd already answered, each time receiving the same answers.  They assumed he'd memorized every detail of his testimony, never really considering that it was simply the truth and he had no reason to lie.  Dave looked at him sadly, hating every second of seeing such a man as Aaron Hotchner in this situation, after devoting his life and giving everything up for the protection of others.  
“Aaron,” Dave said softly, sitting across the table from his friend.  “Why do they think you did it?  Everyone in this station is absolutely convinced it couldn't have been anyone but you.”
“I don't know,” Aaron replied, looking only at Dave.  He could smell Dave's cologne, that sweet cherry tobacco and clove smell that made him feel intoxicated.  He desperately wanted to wrap himself in Dave’s arms and breathe it in, to feel comfort right now in this cold, musty room.  “Mark and I were good friends when we were little, and I went away to boarding school for a couple of years – when I came back, he acted like we were enemies.  High school was a series of competitions between the two of us, it was mostly friendly but there were a few times that it came to blows.  I was scrappier than he was, I had...more to prove.  More anger maybe.  The last fight we had was right after my father was diagnosed with lung cancer...I beat him in the 400 meter dash, he ran up behind me and shoved me into the stack of hurdles on the track.  I got up and jumped on him, the coaches had to tear us apart, bloody and full of teenage rage.  They didn't allow us to be in the same sports after that.”
“And you haven't seen him since high school?”
“No, not really.  In passing maybe but that’s it.” Aaron didn't feel the need to elaborate – that he didn't come back here often, if he could help it.  Every few years he and Sean would come to visit their mother, but he would avoid everyone and everything.  Aaron always stayed at the Starlight Inn, right outside of town, to make sure he didn't have to stay in the thick of that place.  He hadn't maintained friendships with anyone, he barely even spoke to his own mother or brother.  Haley had been the only thing he took with him when he walked away, and he could feel the resentment in the faces of people he saw when he came back.     
“So why would they think you'd harbor a grudge for this long?”
“When you grow up in a small town, and you stay in that small town, things have a way of being stunted.  I haven't thought of Mark Baron in decades, but he probably thought about me every day.  They go to the bar and get piss drunk and talk about their wild high school days.  They all blame me for what happened to Haley.”
“Aaron,” Dave said, his voice hushed.  “These guys want you.  They look like they've done their homework.  How much does the team know about your childhood?”  
“Dave...” Aaron said, a small flash of something that looked like sudden fear in his eyes.  Dave shrugged.  “Nothing.  You're the only one...” For the first time, he felt panic.  Not because he thought he was going to be put away for murder, he trusted that it would work itself out, but in the process he was going to be exposed.  The room swam around him.  
“I'll do my best to intercept what I can.”  
“Thank you,” Aaron said softly, but he didn't feel better.  He hadn't considered just how badly these guys might want to pin this on him. “Mark's father was a doctor.  The only one in town.  My records won't be hard to find.  Dave...”  His eyes were pleading now, but he tried to keep his face solemn, stoic.  He knew they were being watched.  Listened to.  Everyone in town knew Aaron's history, but his team didn't.  He kept his past safeguarded, even from the people who were closest to him.  Especially from them.  
“I said I'll do my best.  I'm not sure I can promise more than that.  We have to get you out of here, that's our top priority.  They said his body was found in the woods, I sent Emily and Reid out there to check out the area.  Morgan and JJ are talking to the victim's family.  I'm staying here to keep an eye on things.  Aaron, we will get you out of here.”
“I know,” Aaron sighed, meeting Dave's eyes, looking a little less calm than when he'd come in.  “I didn't do anything, Dave.  It's my mother's birthday today, Sean and I came to surprise her.   I didn't kill anyone.”
“We will find who did this,” Dave assured him, wishing he could reach out and touch his friend.  Reassure him that they'd get him out.  He looked around the room, the vile smell getting to him now.  
“Will you call Sean and tell him not to wait for me?  Give him some money to take her out somewhere nice, from me.  I'll pay you back when I get out of here.”  
Dave smiled and nodded.  “Of course.”
The morning stretched into afternoon in slow motion.  No one came to see Aaron and he sat at the table, trying to keep himself calm.  Awake.  He was exhausted.  The room was getting colder, uncomfortably cold.  
“You think we don't know what your motive was?  Here's your motive,” came Henry's voice before he was even fully in the room.  He sauntered over to the table and slapped down a photo of Mark Baron with Haley and Jack around a bonfire.  Haley and Mark were side by side, his arm around her shoulders, beers in hand.  They were grinning, she looked so happy.  
“What is this?” Aaron asked, feeling his insides twist.  
“Did you know your little lady was stepping out on you, Hotchner?”  
Aaron felt sick.  He thought about the phone calls to the house, the dead silence on the other end of the line, and then Haley's phone ringing in her purse.  It happened more often than he'd care to admit.  He'd shrugged it off, especially after the divorce, figuring it was probably just her lawyer.   Something had gnawed at him, suspicion, but he would rather choke on it than confront her.  He always just let it go.  
“No,” he said, because it was true.  Nothing to be gained from lying. Henry smiled.  
“She said you were in San Francisco, on a case.  She always came around when you were gone.  Something about fires that time, I didn't really care.  Your life doesn't interest me.  I'm sure a lot of people are impressed but I'm not.  What does impress me is that you put up with your wife's unfaithfulness for years, and now you pretend you had no idea.  Isn't it your job to see these things?”
“Yes,” Aaron said softly, feeling his heart break inside of his chest.  It was hard to breathe.  His features remained stony, lips pressed in a thin line.  
“Didn't your father step out on your mom?  I remember him coming around my back door some nights...you think he had a thing with my mom?  She told me he came by to fix plumbing problems...your dad know how to fix pipes Hotchner?” Henry asked, and Aaron caught hold of his sadness and pushed it down deep, replacing it with anger.  
“Is this about solving a murder or humiliating me?” he asked, scowling. He wouldn't look at the photo again.  Her smile was burned into his mind, how happy she looked, but that wasn't the awful part – it was Jack.  She'd taken their son with her.  He couldn't blame her for wanting someone to give her attention or love or whatever it was that Mark had given her, he'd always worshiped the ground she walked on. He couldn't fault her for searching out the things she needed because he hadn't been giving her any of it, but Jack.  That she'd do it in front of Jack made his veins pump ice and the bile rise in the back of his throat.  While he was sitting with a woman dying in the burn ward, watching a man commit suicide to save people and his cause, while his soul was being shattered into bits and pieces – she was here, with Mark Baron, and she'd brought Jack along for the ride.  He could remember sitting in the SUV with Emily, talking to Haley on the phone, he could hear people in the background but he'd been so preoccupied by the case he didn't think to question it.  And it didn't matter, he'd given her no choice.  It was almost like she was begging him to confront her, to show that it even mattered and he couldn’t even muster it.  
Henry left the room satisfied.  The photo stayed there, on the table.   He was racking his brain now, putting the pieces together.  It was possible he knew and he just didn't want to see it, or think about it, or be upset about it.  When his father was unfaithful, he'd gone chasing him down, only to find out more than he'd wanted – yes, he'd confirmed his father's infidelity, and he'd also uncovered his father's cancer.  It wasn't worth it to know.  He stood up and walked from wall to wall, trying to warm himself up.  
Morgan and JJ were at the Baron house.  It was a large white house, the sort that brings up images of old plantations, set on a sea of emerald. There was no farm land, just grass and trees as far as the eye can see, perfectly manicured.  A kind faced elderly woman answered the door, smiling but sad.  
“Mrs. Baron?  I'm Agent Jennifer Jareau, this is Agent Derek Morgan, we're with the FBI.  We need to ask you some questions about your son.   May we come in?”  JJ was always so good with families.  She had that kind, empathetic nature that made people want to talk, want to be near her.  Morgan hung back and took in the surroundings.  Mrs. Baron invited them in, offered them lemonade, seated them in the parlor.  Mr. Baron sat in a wing back chair, smoking a cigar nearby. The walls were lined with bookcases, full of medical journals and classic novels, old knickknacks, family heirlooms.  It smelled like tobacco and old wood.  
“Mr. Baron?” Morgan asked, extending his hand to the older man who shook it without standing up.  Morgan didn't mind, the man looked old and frail.  “I'm sorry for your loss.”  
“Thank you, Agent,” Mr. Baron said, puffing on his cigar.  Morgan and JJ took their seats on the sofa and gratefully accepted Mrs. Baron's offer of lemonade.  
“Can you tell us if there is anyone you can think of who might have had motive to...” Morgan began, but Mr. Baron shook his head. 
“No. I know they're trying to pin it on that Hotchner boy but he had no cause to do it.  That poor boy's had nothing but devils in his life, my son included, but he wouldn't do this.”  
“He and your son didn't get along?”
Mrs. Baron wiped at her cheeks, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. “Mark and Aaron were so close as boys.  So close.  They made up adventures, spent all summer long splashing in the creek, creating worlds to live in that were far away from here.  Aaron's father was a troubled man, you see, but Mark, he'd bring him here for help.”
JJ and Morgan glanced at each other, both knowing they were stepping into some very private, very dangerous territory.  “I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.”  
“I'm sorry to do this to all of you, he always was so private.  I hope he'll understand why I had to do this.  Here,” Mr. Baron had maneuvered over to his shelves and produced a file the size of a textbook.  “As soon as I heard they'd arrested him, I had this pulled, to protect him.  Didn't want the Sheriff making his way down to my practice with a warrant, he'd only use it against the boy. Henry's always had it out for that Hotchner boy.  You should have it.  Keep it safe.”  
JJ took the file and with some trepidation, opened the front cover. Staring back at her was Aaron's face, he looked to be about ten, with long inky black hair falling down into his eyes and a bruised cheek. He looked scrappy, like just about every little boy she'd ever encountered, but she knew there was no reason for a doctor to have a photo of him if it wasn’t something sinister.  She looked over at Morgan before flipping the page.  Photo after photo, hand scrawled reports. Bruises, stitches, broken bones.  Her hands shook as she turned the pages until finally Morgan reached over and pulled it out of her hands, shutting it and setting it on his lap.  She nodded.  
“Are there any police reports that coincide with your file?” JJ asked, gulping down her sadness.  “Anything they could already have?”
“Cops never got involved,” Mr. Baron said, shaking his head.  “Small towns like this have their own way of dealing with things.  His dad was the town’s lawyer, and a very well respected one at that.  He had a lot of power around here, if you catch my drift.  Lotta people owed him things that kept them quiet when it came to things he did...once or twice, I tried to turn him in but she wouldn’t press charges, and the sheriff wouldn’t even listen to my report.”
“He was always such a sweet boy,” Mrs. Baron said sadly.  “Such good manners, always so polite.  He and Mark were so close.  His family sent him away to boarding school, and things were never the same between he and Mark.  That Brooks girl caused problems for them, too. She liked Aaron, you see, but Mark had been in love with her for years.  I was so sorry to hear of her passing.”
“Did Mark have any enemies, ma'am?” Morgan asked, eager to change the subject.  He felt sick.  
“Oh no,” she said softly, dabbing at her eyes again.  “Not Mark.  He only ever had problems with Aaron.  When Haley came back to visit her parents, she and Mark got to talking at the bar and one thing lead to another...he didn't do it to hurt Aaron, you have to believe that. He'd always loved that girl.”  
JJ flinched.  This was up there with one of the worst days of her life, she'd realized.  She sipped her lemonade.  “So he and Haley...”
“She was so sad and lonely,” Mrs. Baron said softly.  Mr. Baron cut in, his tone clipped, almost mean.
“What she did was wrong, Violet.  There isn't another word for it.  What she did with Mark was wrong and we all know it.”
Morgan sighed.  “So she and Mark were messing around while she was married to Hotch,” he muttered, more to himself than anything else.  He remembered being in Hotch's shoes, being the one in the interrogation room while his team were out digging into every nook and cranny of his existence and it made him feel ill knowing he was now the one doing it.  “This isn't right.”
“I'm sorry?” Mrs. Baron asked.  
“He wouldn't want us to know any of this.  It isn't right.”
“I know...” JJ whispered.  “Is there anything else you can tell us about Mark?  What would he have been doing in the woods at night?”
“He and his friends liked to hunt coyotes and hogs.  It's not illegal to hunt those at night, he was well within his rights to do it.  They'd pitch a tent out in the woods and bring their beers and make a weekend of it.” Mr. Baron offered with a shrug.  “I know how that might sound, but it's what you do out in these parts.”
“Was he with anyone that night?”
“Oh, sure, but no one saw anything.  They've all been questioned.”
“Right...” Morgan said, quietly.  “We should get back.  Thank you for your hospitality.”
The precinct was cold.  Aaron was shivering, pacing back and forth to try and stay warm.  He was exhausted, and his polo shirt and jeans weren't doing much good to keep him comfortable.  When Dave entered again with one of his pullover sweaters, it was a godsend.  
“Thought you might be chilly, so I popped over to your hotel room with the officers.  They ransacked the place but didn't find anything.” Dave said with a small smile, trying to be encouraging.  Aaron pulled the sweater over his head and folded his arms over his chest.  
“Thank you.”  
“What's this?” Dave asked, picking up the photo, eyes darting from it to Aaron and back again.  Aaron looked crushed.  He couldn't hide it.  “Oh.  Oh Aaron.”  
“It's okay,” he said, his first lie of the day.  It wasn't okay, but it was in the past.  The two people in that photo were both dead.  “She deserved to be happy and I wasn't there.”
“No, Aaron.  That's not how it works.  Listen, the sheriff is requesting information on Foyet and Haley's deaths, and I can't get Strauss to block it – he must have some pretty compelling arguments to get that.  I'm going to try and handle what I can.”  
“He doesn't need a compelling argument, she's wanted my badge for years. She'll probably hand deliver the files just to see me sitting in here.”  Dave nodded, he knew Aaron was probably right.  
“He's going to twist what happened to prove you're capable of murder,” Dave said quietly, and Aaron nodded solemnly.  He knew.  It wouldn't take a genius to connect the dots, if they were so inclined.  He'd been cleared of wrongdoing, but he had permanent damage in his hand that reminded him every day of what he'd done and how brutal it had been.  The constant ache in his knuckles, in his joints, told him exactly what he was capable of.  
“I didn't know,” Aaron said, coolly, and Dave cocked his head to the side, questioning.  “I know he's planted a seed of doubt in your mind now too.  I had suspicions over the years, but I didn't know and I certainly had no idea she was seeing Mark.”
“I believe you.”  He meant it.  Of course he did.  He trusted Aaron implicitly.  
“Thanks, Dave.”  Dave gave him the most reassuring smile he could, but he knew Morgan and JJ were on their way back to the station and by the sound of their voices, they'd been given information they hadn't expected.  Dave met them in the conference room and shut the door behind them, knowing he was about to be running damage control.   The looks on their faces told him everything he needed to know in order to proceed.  
“Rossi,” Morgan said, his voice sounding far less confident than usual.  “Did you know?”
“Know what?” Feigning innocence.  It didn't come naturally to him, and the look on Morgan's face said he knew Dave wasn't being truthful.  The three of them sat around the table awkwardly, like they’d never been alone in a room together before.  The air was stifling, stale.  
“The victim's father was the town's doctor,” JJ said, interrupting the men and their stare down.  “He told us about...”
“Is it relevant?” Dave asked, stopping her in her tracks.  She looked stricken.  “To this case, is it relevant?”
“It could be,” Morgan sighed.  “We all know about the cycle of abuse. Rossi, what his dad did to him...”
“He isn't his father.  This information does not leave this room, are we clear?  You've never questioned his motives before, why now?”
“The vic's father said Hotch's dad had a reputation for being a flirt. Leaving his wife home with the kids and seeing some of the single moms around town.  Did Hotch know Haley was messing around with the vic?  For years, his dad said.  She didn't bother to hide it from what I understand, it was well known around here.  I don't know Rossi...”
“What are you saying Morgan?” JJ asked, her eyes wide.  She looked like she was going to be sick.  
“I'm not saying anything,” he muttered.  “They just...they have more of a case than we assumed they would is all.  It seemed pretty cut and dry but now it isn't.”  
“He didn't know,” Dave said softly, folding his hands on the table.  “I believe him.  You should too, he's never given you any reason not to trust him.”
Morgan nodded, and JJ followed suit.  “I know,” JJ said softly, putting her hand over her mouth, like she was going to be sick.  “Rossi, we saw...pictures.”  She set the file on the table and slid it over to Dave who palmed it into his lap but didn't open it.  
“Don't,” Dave warned, shaking his head.  Tears welled up in her eyes.  Morgan slid over toward her and pulled her into a hug.  
“Rossi,” he said, his voice still so thin and solemn.  “It was bad.”
“I know.”  
“The kind of bad that we'd see and think, yeah, it makes sense that they'd turn out this way...makes sense they’d kill someone.”
“I know,” Dave repeated.  “But he didn't.  You know he didn't. These people want to pin something on him, we need to make sure they don't.  We need to stop looking at him and find out who did shoot Baron.”  
Tears fell down JJ's cheeks, splashing into her lap.  “How do I look at him and not see those pictures?  Rossi, they were so awful.”
“Who he is hasn't changed.  He's not the child in those photos.  He went to great lengths to make sure that was in the past.  He knew the odds and he beat them, let's make sure all of his work wasn't in vain.  We need to help him and we need to respect his privacy.”
Back in the interrogation room, Henry was leaning over Aaron.  “I saw what you did to George Foyet. With your bare hands.  Apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it?”  
Aaron looked up at Henry, his eyes narrowed.  “That man killed Haley and was going to kill our son,” Aaron said through gritted teeth.  He felt his lungs seize in his chest, tried to steady his breathing. Henry threw the file down in front of Aaron, letting the photo of Haley dead fall out in front of him.  It slid across the table and Aaron reached out, pressing his palm against it just before it slipped over the edge.  His hands were shaking, these were the images he saw in his nightmares.  The images that woke him in a cold sweat, forced him to rush to the bathroom blindly to vomit night after night.  
“So you say,” Henry leaned close, his breath hot on Aaron's cheek. “But you didn't shoot him.  You beat him to death because you're just like your asshole home wrecking father.”  Aaron stared straight ahead, jaw set, teeth gritted.  He didn't move.  Henry stood up, feigned that he was walking away, and turned on his heel quickly, cracking Aaron in the jaw with a left hook that knocked the man out of his chair.  “You killed my friend, you bastard!”
Dave rushed into the room shouting obscenities, followed by two of the officers who pulled Henry out of the room still fuming.  Crouching beside Aaron, Dave looked at his jaw, his split lip and shook his head.  
“I'm fine,” Aaron muttered, letting Dave help him back up into his chair.  “He's wanted to do that since he put me in here.  It wasn't a surprise.”  One of the officers brought in an ice pack from the break room apologetically and Aaron nodded, smiling.  He couldn't remember the young man's name, but he knew him, he'd been friends with Sean.  Too young for Aaron to hang around with.  Dave reached out and grabbed the photos of Haley and Foyet, slid them back into the file, and tucked the file under his arm.  
“Sit tight.  Prentiss and Reid are following a lead.  Turns out Baron was hunting with some buddies, and one of them hasn't talked yet.”
“Henry said,” Aaron began, but stopped himself.  He understood.  “Right. He's covering for someone.”  
“Bingo. His brother Stephen was out with the group of guys and he hasn't been seen since.  They all said they forgot Stephen was out there when Prentiss asked, said he was so quiet and it was his first time. Slipped their minds.”  Dave rolled his eyes, Aaron just looked down at the table.  He'd always liked Stephen, he was a good kid.  He was big for his age, they'd played football together and the kid could block like no one Aaron had ever seen.  
“There's a tree-house back in the woods, a real house with a roof and everything.  It's passed down from generation to generation of kids, my grandfather helped build it.  A super secret clubhouse for the locals, but sometimes hunters use it too.  It's so deep only locals would ever find it.  If he's hiding, he's there.”
Dave made a few calls, found someone who could take Prentiss and Reid to the location and sent Morgan and JJ to Stephen's house.  It didn't take them long to find him and to find out what had actually happened.  He owned up to it right away and he was a mess.  Just as Rossi had suspected, it was an accident and he'd been so terrified that he'd run.  He had no idea they were holding Aaron, accusing him of murder and he came willingly to confess.  Henry was mortified, but he never apologized to Aaron.  Didn't even look him in the eye when Dave opened up the interrogation room and walked his friend out.  Aaron paused when he saw Stephen, felt terrible for the younger man.  
“Just a moment, Dave,” Aaron whispered, letting his friend walk ahead. He reached into his wallet and produced a business card for a friend in the area.  “Stephen?  Here's the number to a good lawyer.  Tell him I sent you, he'll take care of you.”  
“I'm sorry, Hotchy,” Stephen said, tears in his eyes.  “I shoulda come in straight away.  I panicked.  Mark was my friend, he convinced me to come out that night...god...” He broke down.  Aaron shook his head and patted Stephen on the shoulder.  He didn't have any words of encouragement, nothing to say at all, so he just squeezed a little, patted, and walked toward Dave slowly.  
“Let's get out of here,” Dave said, holding the door open for his friend. Aaron walked out of the station, into the cool evening air.  The team was waiting beside two black SUVs that looked out of place amid the rural setting.  Prentiss and Reid were in the middle of an argument about something no one cared about, and Morgan and JJ were just staring at the ground and the sky, anywhere but at Aaron.  
“It's my mother's birthday,” Aaron muttered, looking at the SUVs that could remove him from this hell.  But he wasn't ready yet.  Wasn't ready to look his team in the eye, wasn't ready to see the looks on their faces after what they'd seen that day.  “I can't leave yet.”  
“Mind if I stick around too?” Dave asked, searching Aaron's face for some level of understanding that Dave didn't think he should be alone.  Aaron hummed and shrugged.  He and Dave said a quick goodbye to the rest of the team and  walked silently down the road toward the motel, it was only about a mile and Aaron just wanted to be out in the open.  JJ had offered to give them a ride, but she could barely look Aaron in the eye and when she finally had, he could see the tears there and it made him wildly uncomfortable.  As they walked through the parking lot, toward his room, Aaron finally found the words.  
“What do they know?” he asked, his voice painfully raw all of a sudden. Dave sucked in a deep breath.  
“JJ and Morgan were given your records from the doctor, they know...everything.  I'm not sure whether Prentiss or Reid have any information.”  
Aaron nodded, balled up his fists at his side but stayed quiet for a long moment.  “Right.”  Silence again as they entered the motel room. Aaron's bag was strewn all over his bed, his toiletries thrown on the floor.  The place looked like Guns n Roses had been staying there. He stood in the mess of his personal belongings, taking in the scene and closed his eyes.  Par for the course, after the last day. Accused of murder, turned inside out in front of his friends, his personal belongings violated.  
“Dave,” Aaron whispered.  “I'm going to take a shower.”  Without waiting for a response, he stepped over the mess on the floor and went straight for the bathroom – a dimly lit, dingy yellow room with a fluorescent light bulb flickering in the ceiling.   The shower was hot, scalding, and beat against his skin hard.  He just stood under the water, letting it melt the day off of him.  When he finished, was ready to face the rest of the day, he stepped out and toweled off, prepared to step back into the clothes he'd already been wearing but instead found that while he'd been in his trance, Dave had set new clothes beside the sink for him.  He smiled for the first time that day.  
“Thank you, Dave,” he said, coming out of the bathroom still towel drying his hair.  Inky black spikes stuck up in haphazard chunks and he mussed it down with his fingertips, looking around the place – Dave had cleaned everything up, packed his bags again, and made some very bitter smelling coffee.   The room was spotless, probably better than when he'd first come in.  
“Thought you could use a win today,” Dave offered, sipping the hot brown acid parading as coffee in his cup.  “I'm sorry about everything.” He didn't know how to say what he really meant.  Sorry you found out that your wife was unfaithful?  Sorry you were suspected of murdering your childhood friend?  Or how about sorry that all of your secrets were just put under the microscope?  
“Thanks,” Aaron replied, sitting at the foot of his bead to put on his socks. “You want to come up to my mom's place with me?  Sean texted and said they brought dessert back, she's putting on some coffee.  She likes coffee...it'll be better than whatever that is you're drinking now.”
Dave nodded, setting the mug of sludge down.  “I'd love to.”  
The drive was quiet, both men sat with the windows down, the cool breeze swirling through the front seat.  Dave stared out the window, taking in the scenery while letting Aaron be alone with his thoughts.  That was the beauty of their friendship, the depth of their love for one another.  It went beyond friendship at times, when they felt the need for more.  There was no talk of commitment, no jealousy, but there were plenty of nights that would otherwise have been very lonely. Dave had already made up his mind that Aaron wouldn't be lonely tonight, and Aaron was appreciative.  The driveway was long and bumpy, but the house looked like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting.  Somehow, knowing what he knew about Aaron's childhood, it was hard to picture this house being a part of that narrative.  The door was wide open, two silhouettes illuminated in the bright interior light.   They didn't wait for Aaron and Dave to get out of the car before rushing toward them, mother first and then Sean wrapping Aaron in hugs.  Sean shook Dave's hand, told him it was nice to see him again, and Aaron introduced his mother.  
“Oh, David, I've heard so much about you it feels like I know you already.” Dave looked over at Aaron who just shrugged and shook his head.  He found it hard to believe that Aaron had said anything at all about him, he wasn't exactly known for his monologues.  
“Happy Birthday, mom,” Aaron said, dropping to the back of the line as they all shuffled inside.  He closed the door behind them and followed to the kitchen where there was a pie and four plates laid out with coffee cups steaming already.  
“I can't believe Henry would think you could hurt Mark like that,” Aaron's mother muttered, slicing up the pie and putting it on plates.
“Can we talk about something else?” Aaron asked, looking down at his hands folded in his lap.  His mother patted him on the shoulder and set his pie before him.  
“I'm sorry sweetie,” she said softly.  “I just can't understand what got into him.”  She peered at his bruised jaw and tsked under her breath.  
“He's an asshole,” Sean muttered.  “I better not see him while I'm here or he'll be running into my fucking fist.”  
“Don't, Sean,” Aaron chided, poking at his pie.  It was peach pie, his favorite – his mother had never cared much for it, but she must have picked it out just for him.  “It's done.  His friend was killed, he needed someone to be mad at...I can take it.”
“I don't give a shit that you can take it,” Sean was getting angry now, raising his voice.  “He's already down at Jimmy's telling everyone you didn't even know about Haley and Mark like that's something to be proud of.  I got a text from Les, he said Henry’s already piss drunk and talking about you. What a prick.”
“It's fine Sean,” Aaron said, trying to keep his voice soft.  “His brother just got arrested for murder.  He can say what he wants about me, he's got bigger problems now.”  Sean shrugged and took a huge bite of pie, chewing noisily.  He was still angry.  Maybe now at Aaron, who was just so willing to roll over and take it.  
“So David, I want to hear all about your books...Aaron tells me you're a novelist?” Aaron's mother said, sliding her chair a little closer to Dave than he'd prefer.  Aaron glanced up at Dave and grinned at the sight. Sean shuddered.  
“God, mom, keep your pants on...” Sean started, but Aaron kicked him under the table.  Sean yelped at the sudden pain in his shin.  
“If you say another word, I will take you outside and see to it that Henry can legitimately pick me up for murder this time.  Understand?” Sean nodded, rubbing at his shin.  He watched as Dave told their mother all about his novels, book tours, all of the excitement of being a published novelist and scowled, leaning over toward Aaron. She had scooted even closer to him and was laying it on thick.  
“You're just gonna let mom flirt with him right in front of us?  Gross.”  Sean was whispering now, leaning close to his brother.  Aaron kicked him again.  
“He can handle himself.”
Sean laughed, shoveling the rest of his pie into his mouth and reaching over to dig into his brother's, which was as yet untouched.  Aaron didn’t stop him.
“Mind your own business,” Dave shot from across the table with a wink before going back to regaling their mother with stories of book signings and crazed fans.  Sean rolled his eyes.  This was the best part of his entire day.
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Alien! Kirishima x Reader: Better With You
Warning: NSFW, ovipositor kink, implications of past abuse (not done by our shark toothed boy)
I recommend checking out some of the other parts to this AU! MY MASTERLIST 
You can enjoy this without it, but reading the other parts might answer some questions you have. :) 
The tornado siren wailed. It’s a sound I’ve heard my entire life, but it’s taken on a completely new meaning. 
Before, we’d run to the middle of the park and take shelter with our neighbors. I remember being little, and hiding under the ground from the violent winds that would tear through our community. 
The piercing sound stirred all the sleeping bodies around, the light flicked on in my neighbors trailer. I watched her shadow hurry and throw things into a bag through her window. She pushed her small son out of the door as they ran to take shelter. 
Everyone in the park jolted awake, panicking and running in fear.
Everyone but me, and my father. 
My father whistled through his nose as he slept. He turned only slightly in that worn down chair, his foot kicking the pile of aluminum cans over, but otherwise completely unconscious. The T.V. was a loud rerun of a crime show, but it suddenly switched over to the emergency broadcast. 
The male anchor spoke with a shaking voice. “Paris is falling.” He swallowed hard. “Please take shelter immediately....” He held the paper holding his cues and set it down before reading the next line. “A craft was spotted over Lexington... may God have mercy on us.” The camera cut to the sound of the emergency alarm. I rushed and shut the T.V. off, my heart pounding. My father didn’t stir, still sleeping like the dead.
This was it, it was finally my turn.
I ran to the front door and opened it slowly, closing it behind me as quietly as possible. I climbed onto our garbage can, using the gutter to stable myself before jumping onto the roof.
I used to sit out here when I was little, breathing air that wasn't heavy with cigarette smoke.
The sky looks different to me now, like the stars were actually thousands of eyes looking down at me. Or that it might actually crack open, spilling thousands of bug like aliens down to the ground like in the movies. Even though people are terrified, cities are going up in flames and families are being separated. The footage they catch of girls being taken, they always go with a smile on their face.
Whatever was coming for me, had to be better than here.
"Wow the sky looks really cool from down here." A male voice startled me, I gasped and stared at an interesting looking soldier stood behind me. He had no shirt on, but a sash going over his chest was decorated with patches and medals. His black pants almost seemed a bit big on him, and one pant leg was tucked into his boots. He had brilliant and striking red hair, sticking out of his head like a spikey rock formation with just as incredible red eyes to match.
His teeth were sharp, but his face was gentle and kind.
He smiled at me and sat down beside me. "I wish I had more time to look around..." My breath was stuck in my chest, my hands were shaking.
Is this... man the alien? He dug in a pouch on his hip and pulled out a clay figurine. "I found this. I just think it looks awesome, it's for you." I didn't reach out to take it, my body feeling frozen with shock. He gently grabbed my wrist and flipped my palm over, placing a little frog statue in my hand. It was warm from him holding it. It must have came from someone's garden in the park. "I-..." The little frogs paint was chipped, but it was cute. "Thank you. I like it." I kind of smiled at him, not entirely sure how I'm supposed to feel. "I was hoping you would! You've probably guessed who I am." He said with a hint of blush on his cheeks like he was shy. "I was surprised to find you out here in the open." He thought for a moment. "Are you alright?"
I looked at him, his face was sweet and filled with concern.
Hot tears stung my eyes and I buried my head between my knees and tried to hold back a sob.
"Hey, hey don't be upset... I promise I'm not here to hurt you." His touch surprised me. His hand pulled my head out of my hands and turned my face to look at him better.
"Your cheek is swollen. Are you injured?"
I said nothing and his eyes narrowed. "Come here, come here everything is okay now..." He stood and helped me stand to my feet. He placed his lips on my cheek and parted his mouth, his spit making a small space sticky and wet.
A pleasant sensation came over my tired body. He pulled me into his arms, lifting my feet off of the ground and holding me bridal style. I laid my head on his chest, feeling warm and comfortable. I closed my eyes and rested on him.
Is this why all that footage from fallen cities had girls with smiling faces? They suspected brain washing. I don't feel brainwashed.
I feel good.
I opened my eyes to look at him and saw that we were somewhere completely different.
We were in some type of hallway. There were a lot of people here, couples walking together. Some girls looked a bit like me, wearing normal clothes. They looked a bit shaken up, and clung onto their accompanying alien tightly. Other girls were human, but something was different. They were smiling brightly, wearing all the same dress but in different colors and patterns.
A lot of them had small pregnant bellies.
He set me down on my feet and took my arm to keep me steady. "Welcome home! The ship is designed to look like a neutral place our humans would enjoy vacationing too."
It did sort of look like a hotel.
He opened a sliding door by placing his palm on the wall and we stepped inside. "You know you're a little quiet, which surprises me. But I'm hoping you'll warm up... you still have what I gave you?"
I held out the little frog and he took it, setting it on a plain white table. "Our first decoration!" He leaned against the table and crossing his arms, making the medals on his sash jingle. "You probably have a lot of questions. I am Captain Kirishima Eijiro. You can just call me Eijiro, but if you don't like that name you can call me something else!" He nervously laughed. "Wait that's weird. Am I blowing this? I feel like I'm messing up."
"I'm Y/N... it's nice to meet you." I stood there awkwardly and looked around the room. It was pretty plain, a small bed in the corner. A kitchen without any utensils. "So you're not going to... kill me?" I asked feeling like my tears might come back.
He looked at me funny. "No not at all. Did you think that and you didn't fight me?" Eijiro's face was very concerned. "How about you take a hot shower and afterwards we get you something to eat."
The bathroom was small, and the shower wasn't too difficult to figure out how to turn on, but I couldn't get the steamy water to shut off. I wrapped myself in a soft towel and just about opened the door when I heard his voice.
"Yes I'm worried about the wellbeing of my mate. Her wellness scan says her brain is imbalanced. I think she's been emotionally injured." He was speaking to someone, I didn't hear another voice. "Yes sir. Thank you your Highness. I'll give her nutrition and treat her with the medical aide you're sending by. I'll give you a report after a few days to see if her conditions improved."
I opened the door and he smiled at me, looking up from a watch on his wrist. "I can't get the shower to turn off." I said quietly. He happily walked into the bathroom and showed me how to work everything. He turned the water off, and showed me how to open the cabinet and get toiletries. "And if you ever just want to relax you can change what oils go into the water. They're good for stress, sleep, and even waking you up in the morning."
I stood there, feeling a bit exposed in my towel. Eijiro tried to discretely look at my body. His eyes darted over me quickly, but he managed to mostly hold eye contact. "I should probably let you get dressed. I have some clothes for you."
Eijiro gave me a red dress to put on. It had pretty flower patterns sewn into it, giving the fabric just a bit of texture. It was lightweight and comfortable like a night gown. "Before we get some food in you, I'm going to offer some first aid okay?" He opened the front door and grabbed a package that was sitting outside. He unwrapped a vial and prepped a syringe.
He sat down beside me. "Things are going to better for you now. I'm going to keep you safe." He kissed my exposed arm, dragging his tongue across my skin and leaving a sticky trail. The saliva sizzled and absorbed into my skin.
My whole body felt warm. My skin erupted in tingles and chills. The needle entering my arm didn't hurt. "That didn't hurt did it?" He rubbed the injection spot tenderly. "No, what was that?"
"Your wellness scan came back showing some light damage to your lungs, as well as some sort of chemical imbalance in your brain. A few injections should clear up any damaged cells and get the hormones flowing correctly."
Could he really be curing my asthma? I've had issues my whole life with breathing. Nobody seemed to care enough to stop smoking in the house, or even roll the windows down in the car while I'm in there.
"You can make my depression go away?" I looked down at my hands. My finger nails are always picked down to the nub.
"If that's what your imbalance is called, yes."
Eijiro made a meal for me out of a tan powder and some type of hot green liquid. It reminded me of oats, but was very sweet. After eating together in the relative quiet, a sudden drowsiness came over me. He pulled the blanket over my shoulders and tucked me. I was asleep before I could even count to ten.
I rolled over, groggy and still feeling a bit tired. My arms hit something hard, and my eyes shot open. I gasped and almost fell out of the bed at the sight of sleeping Eijiro. He was breathing out of his mouth softly, a bit of drool falling onto his pillow.
I sat up on my elbow and his left arm flopped over me, pulling me back down on the bed with a loud exhale of air leaving my chest. "Hey!"
Kirishima lazily opened one eye before snuggling into my neck. "Good morning Y/N... ready to start the day?"
For some reason I feel a bit more comfortable today. After getting dressed, I had a lot of questions. He explained why I'm here, how the two of us will be living together from now on. "See I don't know how ready I am to start a family." He smiled and put a hand over mine. "I figured we could spend our time on the ship getting to know each other. Our culture is a little different than yours, we usually start a family right away once we find a mate."
I felt a bit of panic rise in my chest. A family? Is that what the rumors meant about the aliens needing DNA? "But I think you could use some time to heal and adjust. What do ya think?"
"I... I don't even know what to say. I feel like I walked into a dream world." It felt too good to be true. There must be more to this I'm not seeing, people aren't whisked away from our troubles to paradise. Maybe I died, and he's really my guardian angel?
"Does that make me your dream guy?" He gave me a wink and I smiled at him.
"So down this way we have all these resteraunts that we can stop by for lunch." Outside of the hotel like halls were more sterile looking, white halls that lead to different sections of the ship. "Before that I thought maybe we could take a look at the gardens." I held his hand while we walked through rows and rows of gorgeous, vibrant flowers. Tree's grew tall and made beautiful shade for us to sit under. We leaned against the cool bark, I rested my head on his shoulder. Kirishima told me stories about Home World and what our lives will look like when we get there.
"I feel like I'm talking a lot. Why don't you tell me about your life on Earth?"
My smile fell and I tried to think of something, anything positive about my child hood. "Well Earth wasn't that interesting. Home World sounds so beautiful and incredible. I mean, no human has any type of power like you do." He held up his hand and flexed, his skin hardening like rock. I giggled and he kissed my cheek.
We spent time like this together, building some type of routine. Wake up together, and then spend the day having fun and eating.
Every night he would give me an injection, and we'd fall asleep holding each other closely.
On my seventh night, I sat up in the dark gasping for air. My heart was pounding against my chest and I let out a terrible choking sob. Kirishima woke up immediately, hopping out of bed and searching the room for some type of threat. The light flicked on and after a few seconds of looking for an attacker he turned back to me and pulled me into his lap. "Y/N what's happening?" His voice was panicked and I tried gulping down air. "I had a nightmare." I pushed my words out with a shaking voice. He grabbed his watch he always wears off of the night stand and put it on. Holding my hand, a holographic screen appeared from the watch. "Your heart rate is rapid, and your endocrine system is pumping a lot of adrenaline." He moved me off of his lap and started digging in the kitchen. He pulled a medical kit out and starting prepping a syringe. "No! No I don't need any medicine." Tears stung my eyes and I took a deep breath. "It's just a panic attack."
He set the med kit down and looked at me strange. "A what?"
"A panic attack. Sometimes I have bad dreams, and they make me freak out." I pushed some of my hair behind my ears and started to settle myself. Usually they last a lot longer than this, but I feel like I have slightly more control than usual.
"What kind of horrible thing in your dreams made you wake up like that?" He sat down beside me and took my hands in his. His hands are callused and warm. I wanted to tell him, tell him anything and everything.
The years and years of living in hell, always being told that I'm nothing and deserve nothing.
"Your injections you've been giving me... they help a lot with-" I took another deep breath. "They help me to not feel like I'm always drowning." He started rubbing my back, just letting me talk. "Does your species have medicine that can make me forget Earth?" My voice cracked and he pulled my head to rest on his shoulder. "I just want to forget everything." I let my walls fall just a bit and cried into his shoulder. "Hey I've got an idea. How about we go for a walk?"
It was dark in the gardens. The artificial sky was lit up with a beautiful display of soft twinkling starry lights. Nobody is around but the two of us.
We laid down in a clearing and just looked up, staring at the beautiful lights like we're stargazing. He let me just enjoy the quiet, holding my hand beside me.
After a little bit he broke the silence.
"You know, I'm a pretty positive guy." He chuckled a bit. "But I'm also a soldier, I've seen a lot of messy and terrible things. Lost organisms that I was supposed to save. Kill organisms because I was ordered too." He spoke seriously, but still managed to have an air of kindness behind his tone. "I think I understand what's going on with you. You've been through war. I can't make the things you've seen and been through go away..." he rolled to his side and touched my face gently. "But I can fill the rest of your life with new memories..." I looked at his face and couldn't help but smile. "And be here for you when the old ones creep back up. You'll never have to go through anything alone again."
I grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him. His eyes were huge with shock, but he leaned into my kiss. He hovered over me, trying to keep his muscular body from pressing down on me too hard. He swirled his tongue past my lips and I shuddered, waves of heat washing over me and pulsing in my core. I gasped and pulled him down on top of me harder, a slight moan leaving the corners of my mouth. He pulled away from me slightly with a nervous laugh. "A-are you alright?"
I kissed his nose. "Your kiss made me lose my breath."
"Well that's because of my spit. It makes you... comfortable." He looked down at me with a smile. "Ready to go back home?"
The next morning I woke up and stared dreamily at Eijiro's face. He looked so much different to me today. His gorgeous face, his toned body. I ran my finger down his chest and my touch caused him to flutter his eyes open. "Good morning baby girl..." He yawned and stretched out his arm. His stretch had him flex all of his muscles and I pushed myself a little closer to him. "Good morning, I was going to hop in the shower..." I tried to lace my voice with lust so he would take the hint that I wanted him to join me. "Okay! While you're showering I'll cook us up some breakfast."
Lightly disappointed I stepped into the bathroom and undressed. I turned the water on and let it run for a moment before wrapping a towel around me. "Eijiro?" I called out and he quickly opened the door and stepped in the steamy shower. "You alright Y/N?" I dropped my towel and stepped in the water. "Oh I'm fine. Could you hand me more body wash?" Eijiro stood stunned for a moment. "Of course I can." He cleared his throat and got into the cabinet. I took the bottle from him and rubbed the soap on myself. "Would you mind washing my back?" I bat my eyelashes at him and he quickly stripped his shorts off and joined me in the water. He slammed his lips against mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pressed my back against the cool tile and his hips pressed against mine. His fingers combed down my back, his nails dragging against my skin and scratching me. I moaned into his mouth. "Please Eijiro... I want you." I whined. He pressed two fingers against my folds and swirled around, feeling my wetness stretch around him. "Are you sure about this Y/N?" I looked down and noticed his member was strange. His member was large, and the tip was rounded and closed off. The veins stood out against his pale skin, because they were maroon instead of a light purple or blue. "Yes please..."
He turned me around and bent me against the wall. I pressed my hands against the glass to steady myself and he backed my hips up to meet him. His tip pushed into my walls, my body eager to meet him. I gasped as he started to move, letting my body adjust slowly at first before gaining speed. His fingers dug into my hips as he groaned while thrusting into me. The bathroom echoing the sound of his body hitting mine. He bounced me off of his pelvis over and over again, I just moaned and cried out his name over and over again. "Eijiro please I'm going to cum-"
"I wanna make you feel so good baby- hold on-" His member shifted in my body, I felt him pulse as something moved through him. He pushed himself against the very tip of my cervix. Something moved up into my body, it felt like a jelly substance for just a moment before dissolving.
I felt fire run down my spine and erupt. I cried out, my orgasm rocking my body. He wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me steady as his cock shifted again. Another dissolving sensation, and then another. I cried out, shaking. My hands fell off of the wall and Ejiro held me close to him, keeping me from slipping in the water. "You alright baby?" I nodded yes, my chest heaving.
We laid snuggled together on the bed for most of the afternoon. He traced shapes on my back, giving me kisses on my head while we talked between naps.
I could get used to this, being touched with such gentleness. "I love you Eijiro." I whispered to him. I snuggled into his chest further. "I love you too Y/N. I always will."
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horrorstreet · 4 years
Wow! I'd your up to it a matchup would be cool. Im a 5'2" female, yeah I'm petite and I'm pansexual! I adore reading, writing, and I'm a bit of a plant mom. I can get a bit excited but I easily mellow out and I pride myself of being a good listener and being able to keep a secret. My friends are like family and I would do anything to keep them happy. I'm a bit of a people pleaser and tend to put other before myself. I love music, any and all types in fact. I also love frogs! The cottage core vibe is everything to me, though I do listen to death metal. Also! I totally understand if you're not up to it (I have my own slasher blog and matchups can get a bit overwhelming.) Keep up the amazing work! I love your blog! :)
Oh my god I have the person for you.... I hope you enjoy. ALSO! Thank you very much for your kind words and I am hoping to improve the more I write! 
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You’ve been matched with Bubba Sawyer ! He is someone I see as one of the softer slashers and here is why I put you two together! 
The biggest thing I see between the two of you that I think would make you two work well together is your love for friends and family and how caring the two of you are. Bubba is knows to be very loyal to his family and would do anything for them and I am a firm believer he would be the same for his significant other. Bubba will go out of your way to protect you. You are his angel and person who brings him the most happiness. No one will lay a finger on you. 
Bubba is a big fan of music and we have seen it in the films. He doesn’t care if it’s country, pop, alternative, rock DOESN’T matter to him. Go ahead and play your death metal. He will watch you dance and join in when he sees how much fun you are having. Teach him how to slow dance and he will want to slow dance to all songs with you. When you are with him, you are going to have to learn to like country music. It’s his favorite and it’s what he was raised hearing all the time. He heard his family play it and heard it over the radio and he can’t stop himself from humming the tune of the song the best he can. 
If you can somehow convince him to move out of his family’s home into a cabin or house of your own, he is leaving the decorating to you. He will see you decorate with plants and brighter warm colors and will start looking for flowers wherever he goes. While coming back home with a dead, decapitated body thrown over his shoulder, he will crouch down to a small patch of flowers and pick the ones he thinks would look the prettiest decorating you hair. He will go searching for frogs after you mentioned over supper that you loved them. If he can’t find any after searching the pond behind the barn on your property you can notice a small hint of disappointment. When he does, he will pick it up carefully, usually having to chase after the hopping creature after it escapes his grasp, and bring it home  to show you before being told softly that he had to let it go. Tell him you’re proud of him and send him on his way and he will be happy for the rest of the night. 
The two of you would make such an adorable couple. 
I hope you liked this. I really like writing for bubba and haven’t done it in awhile. Who did you expect to be matched with? Are you happy with your match? Please let me know! And btw please let me know your blog! I would love to come check it out! 
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COSMIC - S1:E3; Chapter Three, Holly, Jolly - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Gender Neutral!Reader Series
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘠/𝘯, 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭. 𝘈 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳.
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WARNINGS: Mentions of [lots of] blood, and Troy being homophobic
El sits on the floor of Mike's basement, back to the couch. Candy wrappers and crumbs were scattered around a finished puzzle of a beautiful green forest. The strange plastic ship, floating in the air in front of her. It suddenly drops to the ground as her attention is brought to the Supercomm on the couch. She picks up the device and clicks it on, bored with the static that comes from the other end, she soon abandons the device and stands up.
She walks up the steps, eager to explore the house more. When she reaches the top of the steps, she cautiously peeks around the corner. When she decides no one is home and the coast is clear, she continues to explore the house.
With the house to herself, she had more time to linger, and appreciate and explore. It was fascinating to her, and yet it made her sad. Could she have had a life like this? She didn't know what to think when she admired every object, every picture on the wall. There was one in particular that caught her eye.
It was a small photograph, but you could tell it was important. It was another picture of Mike and his friends. Only, they were younger. They were playing and splashing around in the water, a lake it looked like, surrounded by beautiful green trees. Each of them had an arm wrapped around each other forming a line, and their pants were rolled up to their knees.
The young boy on the very left had messy black hair, who El immediately recognized as Mike. He was smiling brightly at her from the picture. A young Lucas to his right, who wore a rather proud grin. Dustin was looking at the two, more specifically Lucas; he had been laughing when the photo was taken.
Will, she believed his name was, had one scrawny arm draped loosely around Dustin, however, he had his full attention on a very cheery looking Y/n who stood proudly showing off a very small frog to the camera. They had daisies on their head, tangled in their hair, and a gleaming smile showed off a missing tooth. They were holding the frog so delicately.
But it wasn't Y/n, or even Mike that caught her eye. It was the way Will was looking at Y/n. His eyes held a certain fondness and appreciation, his smile warm and genuine. El tilted her head ever so slightly, thinking. Something deep inside her was gnawing at her, a feeling that was foreign to her. Shaking her head, she moved on to the rest of the living room.
She went back to the funny chair Mike had shown her and took a seat. She reached over and pulled on the lever, sending her back and forth as it kicked her feet out. She looked around curiously as the chair rocked her back and forth.
El noticed the weird device on the table beside her and picked it up. It was a strange curved thing attached by a curly wire. It had many buttons, every one of them had a number on them. It let out a strange noise, barely audible from the top. She brought it up to her ear to listen to the endless monotone hum. Not knowing what else to do she mimicked the tone, just for fun before putting it back.
She stood up from the chair and sat herself down on her knees in front of the TV. Curious, she ran her fingers down the side until she felt the button and pressed it. A brief crackle of static rang out and as soon as it came on it was replaced with the voice of an older man, the screen lit up in front of her.
"...was occupying a large part of Lebanon. Today, Syria has become a home for-"
El pressed another button.
The moving picture on the screen changed, where many bright flashes of color dance across the screen. A fake man with yellow hair held a sword as he exclaimed.
"I have the power!"
"...gift that will last forever. From the Harmony Treasures' collection-"
A beautiful melody came from the TV set and El's eyes widened in surprise.
"On the beach and in the sun"
El froze. She recognized the rolling tin can that appeared on the TV. Her breathing began to quicken as she fought the memories back.
The all too familiar humming and beeping of the machines echoed off of the cold, isolating walls. Eleven sat at the same table, with the same camera facing the same window with the same adults who watch her and study her. Nothing was new, and she feared nothing ever would be. All she wants is to get this over with. Wanting to get these damn wires off of her head.
Yet, she sat still, compliant, unmoving. Never taking her eyes off of Papa as she watched him hand the clipboard to one of the men and give her a nod of his head. She turned her head and attention to the small Coke drink. Her eyes bore into the empty can and she concentrated.
Her head shook ever so slightly as she focused, straining. It was difficult, but she was able to do it. The can caved into itself with a loud 'crack' and it wasn't until the monitors stopped did she realize how loud they had been. She looked back to Papa, looking for his approval.
He stood unmoving, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. She felt her nose run damp, a warm liquid oozed from her nose. She blinked, confused and slowly brought her hand up to her upper lip, realizing she was bleeding. She looked to Papa, expectantly. He only smiled a cold empty grin.
"Coke is it! Coke is it!"
El quickly pushed the first button, shutting the TV off. Breathing heavily, she stood up and made her way to the basement.
My back was beginning to hurt from hunching over for so long, but nevertheless, I continued looking. Lucas needs ammo for his wrist rocket, so naturally, the four of us were currently scouring the schoolyard for rocks.
"How about this one?" Mike asks, walking up to Dustin.
Dustin examines the rock Mike handed to him.
"Too big for the sling." He shrugs, tossing the rock to the grass. "So, do you think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-Men, or do you think she acquired them, like... like Green Lantern?"
"She's not a superhero. She's a weirdo." Lucas says as he searches for that.
"You don't know that," I mumble, Lucas, however, doesn't hear me.
"Why does that matter? The X-Men are weirdos." Mike adds.
Lucas turns to Mike, agitated. "If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?"
I roll my eyes, and straighten up, stretching out my back.
"What are you talking about?" Mike sighs.
"Mike, seriously?"
"You look at her all, like... 'Hi, El! El! El! El! I love you so much!'" Lucas teases, grabbing Mike in for a hug before getting down on one knee. "'Would you marry me?' I'm telling you, man, you're just as bad as Will!" He stood back up when he said the last—
"What?" I asked, completely thrown off.
The boys freeze, Lucas especially. Lucas excluded, the boys all look at me with awkward smiles on their faces. Dustin chuckles and gives a still frozen Lucas a few pats on the arm.
"Good job, man. Real smooth."
"Guys, what is going on?" I asked exasperated, crossing my arms.
"Shit," Lucas whispers, closing his eyes.
Mike wears a triumphant grin on his face and looks expectantly at Lucas.
"Yeah, Lucas. Tell him."
Lucas sighs, and stiffly turns around, his change of attitude dramatic. He looks around once or twice before growing stern with me.
"You, and Will?" He suggests.
"What about us? What does that have to do with— Oh come on... You can't be serious. He does not like me."
"Literally everyone knows he is totally in love with you." He scoffs.
I scoff in return. "Love? Don't you think you're being a little dramatic? Not to mention, ridiculous?"
"Am I wrong?" He turns to the boys, who hesitantly shrug.
He turns back to me, a look screaming 'There you have it.'
"That doesn't prove anything! We're best friends! So what if we're close?"
He laughs. "Yeah, just as close as Nancy and Steve! And you're no better. You just haven't realized it yet."
"W-What? W-what ar- No!" My words are caught in my throat and I felt my cheeks begin to burn.
'No, I don't!'
It takes moments for me to recover. "Okay, let's say you're right. Let's say he does love me. How can you know for sure, huh? It's not like he told you!"
"Uhh, yeah! Might as well have. He didn't deny it!"
My heart stops, and I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach.
'Will? And me?'
"Look what we have here!"
'Oh, God. Not now.'
I roll my eyes and before I can stop myself I speak. "What do you want, Troll?"
My eyes widen at my sudden boldness but I remain confident. I stare down the two boys who have been bullying us for as long as we've attended this school.
"You better watch your mouth, freak-"
"Back off!" Dustin yells, cutting him off.
Troy looks over to Dustin, looking prepared to throw more insults at my brother but something changes his mind and he cools off. A smug smile tugs at his lips.
"Or what?" Troy spits.
Dustin falls silent, and Troy continues.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. What are you losers doing back here anyway?"
"Probably looking for their missing friend." Troy's goon laughs.
Anger begins to take over and my blood starts to boil.
"That's not funny. It's serious. He's in danger." Dustin immediately cuts in.
"I hate to break it to you, Toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says."
'Where's that damn rock?'
"He said he was probably killed by some other queer."
I feel a lurch in my chest, and I can practically feel my vision going red.
"Come on. Just ignore them." Mike soothes, not only to me but to Dustin and Lucas as well.
He's right. I need to get out of here. I storm off, ready to shove him in the shoulder as I pass but suddenly I feel something catch my foot and I fall to the ground. A sudden wave of searing pain explodes on my chin when I hit the ground.
Dazed and confused, I push myself up enough to see a large, rather bloody rock just inches from my face.
I groan, rolling over on my back, I hear laughing and frantic footsteps.
"Y/n!" Dustin and Mike run over to me, Lucas storms up to Troy.
Dustin and Mike each grab an arm and help me sit up. I hesitantly bring a hand up to my chin and I hiss in pain. I look at my fingers and they are absolutely covered in blood.
'Holy crap.'
I groan and look to Lucas worried. He stands firm and tall, right up in Troy's face.
"Leave us. The fuck. Alone." He says through clenched teeth.
My eyes triple in size, surprised by Lucas's actions.
Troy and his friend laugh and walk away. Repeating Lucas in a mocking voice.
"You okay Y/n?" He reaches out his hand.
I gladly take it. However, I get a little lightheaded as I stand. "Shit, that's a lot of blood."
I look down and I see splots of blood already sprinkling my shirt.
'Great. This will be easy to explain to mom.'
"You still have that first aid kit?"
I close my eyes, sighing.
"Crap. No. I left it at Mike's."
"We better get you to the nurse's office then."
"No, I-I'm fine." I sigh, wincing at the pain.
"Are you sure? You're bleeding, like a lot." Mike says.
"Yeah, I'm good. As long as I stop the bleeding, I'll be fine... My body has always been able to heal quicker than most, anyways."
"They've got a point. I've seen it."
I offer a small smile. "Well, I at least better go get a tissue or something. I'll be right back." I say.
The boys nod, and I head off to the bathroom. My mind wanders back to what Lucas was telling me earlier, and the weird feeling in my stomach returns...
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susiequaz12 · 4 years
Carrot Top- 10: A Lesson
Yes it’s three am. Yes I have to work in the morning. But, I wanted to get this edited and posted, and I got it posted. So woohoo! I was also really excited for this chapter, so even though it’s a tad longer than the other ones, I promise it’ll be worth it cause there’s some good stuff at the end. (I hope it’ll be worth it anyways.)
As always, if you have any questions about the world, powers, characters, or wanted to be added to the tag list, just let me know! Also general disclaimer, I did a bit of research for this. I do not know how accurate any of it is, so bear with me that this is fictional and that I have absolutely zero real medical knowledge of how things work. Thanks!
Tags: @imagination1reality0, @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, and @thehopelessopus
CW: crushing, restraints, panic, strangulation?, unable to breathe, defiant whumpee, possessive whumper, dehumanization, broken bones.
Masterlist can be found here.
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Andrew had gotten used to the shallow breaths. He’d gotten used to the sharp pains that would flare up in his chest every now and then, before dying down to a dull ache. He got used to the thought that Splice wasn’t going to come back and relieve him from this. 
 He couldn’t tell how long it had been since he was left alone. He was nearing the verge of passing out. Of succumbing to sleep and letting his chest fall, no longer struggling to breathe. 
He was so tired. His body exhausted.
But somehow he received a rush of energy as soon as he heard footsteps approaching.
“Well, I’m ready to continue. I had to go finish my dinner of course. It had gotten cold unfortunately.”
When Splice came back, Andrew almost wished that the man would have just left him alone. Then at least he’d be able to suffer in his own embarrassment and pain, instead of showing that vulnerability he clearly felt.
The man stood to the side of Andrew, just barely within his vision.
“So? Any thoughts you’d like to share?” 
Andrew clenched his teeth, and kept his mouth shut.
The man melted into a puddle again, forming another clone like before that wandered off to grab some heavier weights.
“You know, I have plans for you.” 
Andrew stared up at the sky as Splice spoke, trying to drown out his voice. He didn’t really have anywhere else he could look, but at least the clouds were nice. The sun was slowly starting to sink over the horizon, making the air slightly cool, but not enough to be chilly.
The man continued to speak. “These plans could make you something great. That could help you be something better, more powerful, something like me. But they’ll only work if you cooperate. I hope you know it is for your own good. You can’t be successful if you’re rude, and don’t do as your told.” Splice glanced over as his clone came back, with a wheelbarrow full of more rocks and weights. “Ah good, it’s back.” 
Andrew’s eyes grew wide once more as the air was forced out of him when another large rock was placed right on top of his chest. 
Splice walked up to the side of the concrete slab, Andrew tried to look at him through his peripheral vision. 
He began rearranging the rocks and the weights. Most of them had been placed directly on the center of his body, his torso, but Splice began to spread them out.
Andrew didn’t know if that was better, or worse. He could breathe a little easier, for sure,- but the added weight to his arms and legs as they were outstretched away from him seemed to just add injury to insult. 
“You know, there’s something so satisfying about this method of discipline.” Splice stated. “It’s slow.” 
“It’s not discipline, it’s torture.” Andrew groaned.
Splice ignored the comment by placing a large rock atop Andrew’s shoulder before continuing to speak.
“Did you know, that in a slow progression the human body can withstand about 400 pounds per square inch.” He glanced at his clone as he began to place more rocks up and down the boy’s legs. “What would you say we were at by this point?” He looked as if he expected his clone to answer, before responding to himself. “I’d say we’re near 300 pounds by now.” 
Splice bent down to pick up a weight at the same time as his clone, and in a tandem movement, they placed the weights on top of the boy, one on the upper and one on the lower parts of his abdomen. Andrew could literally feel his ribcage and his bones creaking underneath all of the weight. It was getting harder to breathe with each passing second as he tried to find enough release for his chest to expand as he breathed. The clone added smaller weights to the boy’s arms and legs as the man continued speaking once again. 
“With a slow progression of suffering, it lets you sit and stew with your thoughts. You have to deal with the guilt of what you did wrong, and with the thoughts of how you could do better. You’re forced to sit there and feel sorry for what you have done.” Splice moved towards where he could stand directly above Andrew, and stared directly into his face. 
“So carrot top, have you thought about things? Considered anything that you’d like to say?”
But I didn’t do anything wrong.
I shouldn’t have to apologize.
I’ve no need to feel sorry.
Despite the pain coursing through his body, the thoughts running through his brain overpowered what he knew would be the logical thing to say. But he could only think of the words of one man, when he was put in a similar situation as Andrew’s.
So despite the pain, he said it anyways.
“More weight.” 
Splice shook his head. 
“Alright then.” 
Out of the corner of his eye Andrew saw Splice heft up an object from the ground. It wasn’t a normal rock, but a cinder block. A heavy rectangle of not stone, but solid concrete. About three times the size of any previous weights that had been added so far.
“I mentioned that the body can withstand a lot of pressure when added slowly, correct? Well I can’t imagine what it would do with a sudden forty pounds thrown on top. I guess we’ll have to see hmm?” 
As he finished his words, he gripped the edges of the cinderblock in two steady hands, and then swung it over his shoulder before slamming it down into the pile of rocks and weights on top of Andrew’s chest.
There were a few things that could be heard once the cinderblock crashed down. 
First was the thud from the impact and the rattling of the rocks as they jostled around each other in the pile. 
Second, if you were close enough (like in Andrew’s case), you could hear the loud, undeniable cracking of his ribcage. It collapsed inside of him, bones and ribs folding like a paper fan, or cardboard inside of his body. 
And third, barely audible, was the most pathetic, strangled scream, followed by wheezing attempts at breath. 
His breath grated against the sides of his lungs as he tried to force the air through his body. His eyes started glazing over, losing focus and vision, while his torso screamed at him to be relieved from the pain.
The clone seemed to be moving on autopilot as it continued to add smaller weights to Andrew’s legs, and up and down his arms, but the boy could barely feel it. 
“Well, a lot harder now, is it? Reconsidering that apology now, are we?” Splice stated.
That apology. 
Andrew had forgot. 
Amidst all his defiance and struggle, he had nearly forgotten that the whole point of this was to get him to apologize. A minuscule glimmer of hope shined through as he realized that there was a way out of this. A way to breathe again, a way to sleep, a way for Splice to just stop. 
But the thing was, Andrew couldn’t. 
It wasn’t necessarily a matter of his pride and his sense of dignity, but more of a matter that he physically could not apologize.
His lungs barely moved enough to get air through so that he didn’t suffocate, but he couldn’t imagine how difficult it might to get the words to form. All he could focus on was the fact that he was literally being crushed, and that his own ribcage could kill him at any moment by puncturing those vital organs that the very ribcage was meant to protect.
And that’s when the panic set in. 
That’s when Andrew realized that he had no control over what would happen to him anymore. That he had no power to stop it, or to keep himself from dying as his own body turned against him. He’d been in a lot of terrible situations. A lot of pain, and sorrow and bad luck. But not once had he actually thought that he was going to die. 
Until now. 
If the boy already couldn’t breathe, the panic and anxiety that set in made that struggle ten times harder. 
He barely registered that he was still conscious as he heard voices. He barely registered that Splice had been speaking. 
And he barely registered that he had managed to nod his head when Splice asked him if he was sorry. 
And all at once the weight was lifted.
Together, Splice and his clone shoved the board off of Andrew. It slid from the table onto the ground with a heavy thud, all of the rocks and weights tumbling everywhere.
The sudden absence of all of the weight was almost just as painful as having the weight on him in the first place.
Andrew’s chest heaved up into the air as he automatically sucked in deep breaths, soaking in as much oxygen as he could.
And then he was greeted with the most incredible amounts of pain he had ever felt. His heart seemed to stop, his brain stopped working, his lungs screamed. Every single organ and muscle and limb and cell and inch of his body cried out with Andrew as the tears poured uncontrollably down his face.
His attempts at breaths were interrupted by hiccuped sobs, harsh groans, and whimpers of pain. His body was still in a state of panic as every part of him screamed danger. As his mind screamed that he was going to die. 
He was going to die by being crushed by a pile of rocks.
Oh gosh, how was he not dead yet?
Splice quickly registered Andrew’s fear and vulnerability as soon as Andrew felt it. His arms and legs were still tied down to the corners of the table and he laid there, spread out like a frog in an anatomy class, ready to be dissected.
The man reached over and put a hand on the side of Andrew’s face. The boy flinched and let out a sob at the touch. 
“N-no, please, don’t-” Andrew began to murmur. He couldn’t help the pleas that flew from his mouth as he tried anything to avoid any further pain. To avoid any further fear and torment. He felt desperate. He was terrified, and exhausted. Exhausted of fighting, of trying to stay strong, of trying to stay sane.
It was safe to say that Andrew broke. Figuratively, and literally.
Splice’s hand traveled down the side of the boy’s face, going to rest at the base of his neck where the collar sat. He hooked a finger around the metal ring in the center of the leather strip. 
Just that slight tug, not quite harsh enough to pull, was enough to send Andrew into another panic.
“No!” He cried breathlessly. His mouth moved, forming the words he wanted to say, but barely any sound came out of his mouth. “Please- don’t, I- I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I, can’t, I- p-please, no, I’m sorry- please-” 
Splice stood back. He kept his finger around the collar, but stood further back enough to look at the boy. He felt somehow, proud, amused, and satisfied, all at the same time.  
“Wow.” Splice stated. He was breathless. 
The boy was so incredibly vulnerable right now. Like he’d do anything for the sake of avoiding more pain. 
And even though Splice knew he needed to take him to rest and let him be healed, he wanted to take advantage of this vulnerability while he had it. The man kept one hand on the collar and the other went up and ruffled through the boy’s fiery hair. 
“Don’t worry, we’re almost done.” Splice chuckled as Andrew tried to pull away from his touch. 
He wasn’t going to have to hurt him any further, as long as Andrew cooperated. But the boy didn’t need to know that.
“You’ve done well with your manners.” Splice began to say. “You’ve apologized- good. But there’s another lesson that I want to introduce you to, while I have your attention. It’s a simple English lesson, really.”
The man’s grip tightened around Andrew’s curls, and the boy let out a sob, followed by a wheeze and a whine. 
“I’ll introduce it to you today. I expect you to know it well the next time you are asked about it. Understand?” Splice asked.
Andrew responded with a whimper.
“I need to know that you understand what I’ve taught after I’ve given you the lesson. I need you to understand, that you’re no longer your own person anymore. As far as I’m concerned, you never were. You belong to me now.” Splice turned Andrew’s face to look directly into his, forcing the boy’s eyes open. 
“I. Own. You.” 
Andrew choked back a sob, shutting his eyes tight as Splice began to teach.
“In English, there are five different W questions that can be asked. Once you are familiar with them, I expect you to answer them with the most exact accuracy. Every time. Failing to do so will result in punishment of course.”
Splice looked down at Andrew and when the boy didn’t respond, he continued.
“The first is Who- Who do you belong to? The correct answer is me. I control you now, understand?” Splice took Andrew’s silence as understanding, and continued. “Next is what. What are you?” The man’s hand moved from Andrew’s head to below his neck. He began to trace the lines around his chest, feeling where the ribs were cracked or broken. Sensing the painful breaths of each struggled attempt to get air into the broken body. “The answer to ‘what’, is a tool. An object. Something that I get to use how I see fit. Understand?” 
Andrew gasped as a finger pushed into the side of his ribs. His eyes grew wide and he let out another series of shaky sobs, finally managing to nod his head in response to Splice.
“When and Where are next, but they’re pretty simple.” Splice stated. “When, is whenever I want. For the rest of your life. Where, is here.” 
The man grabbed Andrew under the chin, forcing him to tilt his head back to look at him in the face. Andrew’s eyes had begun to droop, drifting off, unfocused. Splice slapped the side of his face a couple times less than gently.
“Stay with me now. We’re almost done.” 
It took all of the boy’s remaining energy to keep his eyes open.
 “And last, is Why. Now I especially want you to understand this one. ” The man gripped underneath the back of the boy’s head, tilting it up to look at him. 
“The answer to ‘why,’ is because you deserve it. It’s because you are worthless. You are only what I say you are, and you deserve everything that will be given to you.” He released the grip on Andrew’s head and placed his hand in the middle of his chest instead, right on top of the boy’s sternum. “Now. Do you understand?” 
Andrew’s body was wracked with pain and sobs as he cried helplessly on the concrete table. He choked on his own voice as he tried to form an answer, but all that he managed to do was squeak out a breathy yes, and nod his head. 
Thankfully, that was a good enough answer for Splice.
“Good. Now I would test you on this right now, but I want to give it time to sink in.” Splice’s hands moved to the bindings that were keeping Andrew’s arms and legs outstretched, carefully releasing them. 
The boy made a feeble attempt to pull his arms back down towards himself, but found that they were exceptionally weaker than he thought they would be. Splice lowered his arms to his sides, as he lay there in his pain, both physical and emotional. 
As Splice sat him up on the table, the boy turned to dead weight in his arms. 
All the jostled movement of his limbs and bones had flared too much pain throughout his body. Andrew’s eyes fluttered before they rolled back into his head and he flopped backwards against the man’s chest. His head fell down towards the ground as Splice slid him off of the table. 
The man scooped the lanky boy up into a carry, his long limbs draping over the man’s arms looking more like a pile of broken branches than a boy.
They walked back into the  building as the sun began to set. 
“Come on carrot top, let’s get you patched up.” 
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