#except for the one kid that took a different class i teach last semester and she already heard this rant before
g0blinwitch · 11 months
Guys holy shit I accidentally caused my last class to get cancelled.
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(Story is kind of long so its under the cut)
So basically I'm an art major, and one of the required classes I have to take to graduate is a figure drawing class. This is reasonable enough. The teacher(whom I will refer to as Mr. F) for said class however, is a bit of a wack job. The first two weeks of class he had us draw on rolling carts that we had to hunch down in order to use instead of the easels stands that where in the room and what a majority of the chairs in class where designed for. I ended up talking to some of the other kids in the class about him, and we ended up bonding mainly over hating his class and anime. They will be known as M(most vocal about their dislike for the class/the teacher), J(chill dude), and A(Arguably the best artist in the class). They all tended to sit together in a group, and even if I couldn't sit next to them due to the limited room size/size of the easels, we still got along and talked in class(Even if most of the time I didn't get to jump in the conversation until we took a break due to being halfway across the room most of the time)while doing the work, and would occasionally show each other stuff on our phones. Yesterday, we began work on our Charcoal unit, and A was ranting about how "he doesn't fucking teach us anything"(he wasn't really being loud or raising his voice that much),and how he was upset at the lack of directions with how to use a new material. A had been excited to learn how to/use charcoal in particular. Keep all of this in mind.
Today in class as we're all setting up, he tells us all to take out a gray piece of paper that(supposedly) came in a $200 art kit we had to get or assemble ourselves at the start of the school year(although most students just bought the kit). There is immediate confusion. No one(except for one person who assembled the kit on their own), had the paper he was talking about. "It's fine, you can go down to the school store and buy a piece for $3.75" Two students(whom I will refer to as PB and J) leave to buy the paper while everyone else is still in the room, looking for the piece of paper. Since I can admittedly be a bit cheap at times, I asked him if we would gets points taken off of our sketch if we used a regular(white) piece of paper. He instead calls me over to look at the list with him so he can show me that the paper is on the list of materials included in the kit. He does not answer my question on whether or not we will gets points taken off of the assignment. I'm talking with M, J, and A about how it's bullshit that the school store is charging $3.75 for a single piece of paper, and A says that he's upset because he just payed for his classes next semester/that he just payed all this money. J tries to bring up how in another class, a student had not gotten a different part of the kit, so it's possible that the store who makes the kit simply forgot to put it in(even if that wouldn't explain how the entire class didn't have the paper), but Mr. F dismisses him, saying that it must have come in our kit, but if we needed to we could just go to the school store. I ask him what was the date of the list he was using, as the store could've gotten a list from a previous year. He says it's from June, and insists that it's the list that the store got. PB and J come back. A single sheet of paper costs $4.00. The class only becomes more upset with the news, and I ask him if the paper will be used for the final. When he says yes, the class calms down, as it kind of justifies spending $4 on a piece of paper now. Apparently, this causes him to fucking snap.
He starts going off about how we're "paying for the classes" and how "you're wasting your money to just talk in class" and at this point he's just facing the M J and A cluster, particularly A. "I ' don't fucking teach anything?' well that's because you don't give the class your attention! If you don't like how I'm teaching, leave!" A tries to say that he does do the work, but Mr. F cuts him off and keeps talking about how he only helps students who actually do their work(keep in mind that we all talk in class, and it's not just A). A packs up and leaves the class. Mr. F responds with "Good example of what you should do if you don't like my class. Does anyone else want to follow his example?" When no body moves, he keeps ranting, eventually turning to M to rant about how they don't do their work. When they try to defend themselves, saying that they usually are doing the work and that they only took two breaks recently due to a migrane, Mr. F cuts them off and keeps talking. Eventually, he suggests that we all take a breather until 1:27(Class has only been in session for 20 minutes max at this point), and now I might be shit at picking up cues, but the one cue I can usually tell is when there's an opening to leave. So I left to go to the school store to buy the stupid $4 paper, and on the way back to class I bump into J and M who where on their way to the school store. We start talking about what just happened because, holy shit, and PB and J bump into us with another student from our class, and we're all talking about it, when I see two other students from our class with their backpacs on, leaving. I'm naturally confused, as technically class doesn't end until 3:20, and the two of them don't seem like the type to just walk out, so I asked them what was going on. Apparently, the teacher had just given up on class for the day and said that if we wanted to we could leave and class would pick back up normally on monday. Now we're all like "holy shit" and eventually our little group splits up, with M and J leaving to actually get the paper and PB and J/me leaving to get our stuff so we can leave. When I walk in, Mr. F apologizes to me saying that he "knows that A, M, and J are [my] crew" and I'm like "ok" but like I'm not the one he should be apologizing to. It's them. So anyway how has your day been-
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jupiterbyrd · 2 years
The other day I had the "the months on the calendar are wrong" conversation I have with my students every semester.
I like to point out this info
Sept means 7 but September is the 9th month
Oct means 8 but October is the 10th month
Nov means 9 but November is the 11th month
Dec means 10 but December is the 12th month
And yes even though I'm a math teacher and not a history teacher I did explain that it's because of July and August being named after Julius and Augustus Caesar, which messed up the months
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eideticmemory · 4 years
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Description: I was messaged saying: “If you don’t write a young Matthew enemies to lovers fic featuring an obsession with sucking on boobs then what’s the point 😔.” So, here it is, folks! The ultimate College!Matthew fic.
PART 1! - for Sara [@bravadostyles], the ultimate muse. 
Empire State of Mind - Jay Z.
Animals - Maroon 5.
Dopamine - Børns.
Word Count: 4,731.
Rating: M.
Warning/Includes: Sexual intercourse, recreational drug use, a bit of angst.
Spring, Freshman Year. 
Tisch School of the Arts,
New York University.
New York City. 
“You’ve got that face on,” Claire said. 
“What face is that, Claire?”
“Your trademark ready-to-go-home face,” she giggled. “You tired?”
“Just a little,” you whispered, head resting on her shoulder, feet hanging off the bed. “Had a long day at rehearsal.” 
“Ah,” she nodded. “Well, if you wanna go, we can go. I’ll walk you home.”
“No,” you shook your head, and placed your hand on her arm. “It’s fine. I’m having a good time.” 
Soft music played through the small speakers on Jonathan’s desk, mixing in with the chatter of your friends. Everyone sat in different spaces around the room, some on the desk, some on John’s bed, and you and Claire rested on his roommate’s bed. Open solo cups of beer were scattered amongst the room. It was calm, chill, and then the door swung open.
“Yoooooo!” The entering voice rang, instantly earning a happy response from Johnathan, who hopped off his bed and ran towards the entrance. 
“Gube!” John exclaimed, arms open wide to embrace his friend. He always got a little touchy-feely when he was tipsy. “Where the hell you been, man?”
“Consider my good time ruined,” you murmured to Claire.
“Be nice, [y/n],” she responded, patting your leg. “Everyone’s having a nice time, don’t start anything.”
“Me? Me? I don’t start anything, I never start anything. It’s him who starts it. That di—“
“Hey, [y/n],” Matthew greeted, taking a seat beside John. “Hey, Claire.”
“Hey, Gube,” Claire smiled. She gave you a gentle nudge with her elbow. 
You rolled your eyes, “Hi, Matthew,” you reluctantly replied, refusing to make eye contact. 
“Aw, c’mon, that’s all I get?” Matthew teased. “What’s wrong, sleeping beauty? You tired?” 
“Oh, you have no idea,” you told him, finally looking over at him. He wore a white polo, paired with a busted pair of jeans and white converse with his mismatched socks poking out. On his chest sat his trademark gold chain, the medallion set in the center of his sternum. 
“Might be past your bedtime,” he shrugged. “Really. Might be better if you just left.” 
“Me?” You scoffed. “Why don’t you leave? We were perfectly fine before you got here.”
“Oh, God,” someone groaned. “Here they go.”
“John wants me here. I’m a little more fun than someone who falls asleep mid-conversation, so I can see why.”
“Matthew, why are you talking to me? Can you just pretend,” you waved your arms around. “Pretend there’s a wall here.” 
“Don’t mind her,” Claire interjected. “She’s crabby because she hasn’t started editing her project yet.” 
You gasped, “Why would you just announce that, Claire? I didn’t wanna be reminded of that.” 
“[y/n], you’re gonna be fucked if you don’t get that shit done. It’s due next week.” Another friend told you. 
You groaned, “Yes. I know that. But I’ve been killing myself practicing for the show every night. And when I finally sat down to start editing, I didn’t know how to work the damn software!” 
“You don’t know how to work EasyEdit?”
“No,” you sighed. “I missed class that day. I tried to learn on YouTube, and that confused me even more. So, I have since then given up.”
“Hm,” John hummed. “You know who’s really good with EasyEdit?”
“Gube,” John answered. This prompted Matthew to lift his head up at astronomical speed, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “He taught me how to use it. He could help you, [y/n].”
“John...” Claire said. 
“What, Claire?” John replied. “[y/n] needs help and Gube can help. I’m just saying.” 
You cut your eyes over to Matthew, who was watching you, but he quickly turned away when you made eye contact. 
“You’re not clever,” Claire shook her head. “You’re nosey is what you are.” 
“Nosey?” You pipped, tapping Claire’s arm. “What do you mean nosey?” 
“I mean, if you and Gube just...” John said. “I’m gonna say it - fucked - one good time, the two of you could get over this whole rivalry already.”
“And stop arguing all the damn time,” someone added. “The shit’s annoying.”
Your jaw had been dropped since the word ‘fucked’ was uttered. You looked up at Claire who gave you a sympathetic smile. 
“I-“ You stuttered. “I...never say that again, John! Ever. Ew!”
“Ew?” Matthew exclaimed. “You’d be lucky if I tossed you a bone.”
Your jaw dropped even lower, stunned by Matthew’s words. “You arrogant son of a bitch,” you muttered. “And this is who you want me to allow near my final project?” You directed at John. 
“Hey, if you don’t wanna fuck me, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?” Matthew taunted, biting his lip and tilting his head. 
“No. I don’t wanna fuck you! I also don’t want to spend any more time with you than I absolutely have to. So I will learn EasyEdit by myself.” 
“Okay,” Matthew shrugged. “You’re not gonna figure that shit out in time, but fine, princess. Be stubborn.” 
You rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head in annoyance. 
“[y/n], let Gube help,” Claire said. “You’re gonna drive yourself insane with that and the show coming up, plus finals? Just this once.”
You looked over at Matthew, instantly getting angry again. Hate is a strong word. It’s a very, very strong word. And you’d never use it against anybody. Ever. Except Matthew Gubler. That may sound a bit dramatic, so to clear up any confusion, here’s a composite list of every asshole, dick, bastard, bitch-ass move he’s made in one semester:
1. Broke your editing equipment trying to do magic tricks in class.
2. Didn’t apologize.
3. Called your last documentary “uninspired, dry, a little like a lullaby.”
4. Took the last spot for an internship over Christmas break. 
5. Which he knew you wanted.
6. Refused to partner with you on a final project because “you can’t even get to class everyday.”
7. In front of everyone because he’s a jackass.
8. Told you that you were insane for majoring in film making AND ballet. 
9. Proceeded to tell you that you look better in a leotard than a suit.
10. Fucked your roommate.
11. While you were in the room.
12. Insisted that Wes Craven is a better horror director than Tim Burton? Is he dumb?
13. Calls you ballerina barbie, short stack, princess, anything other than your actual name. 
14. Won’t drop dead. 
And, because you’re not going to let anyone treat you that way, here’s a list of things you’ve done in retaliation: 
1. “Accidentally” stepped on his canvas. 
2. 3 times.
3. Uploaded a video of you calling him a dick in place of his documentary. 
4. Yes, he did play it for the class on accident.
5. Told him you didn’t want to be his partner anyway since he walks around stoned 24/7. 
6. Laughed. 
7. Told him he’d be a good ballerina. His tiny dick would fit perfectly in a leotard. 
8. Fucked his friend. While said friend was supposed to help Matthew with his project. 
9. Told him none of Edgar Allan Poe’s work was actually interesting enough for screen time. (He almost passed out, he got so mad.)
10. Told him his mismatch socks were dumb. 
11. Consistently call him asshole, dick, jackass, or just Matthew. All synonyms.
12. Refuse to let him mess with you. 
So, the idea of him helping you with your project, coming into your room, bothering you for hours on end, was a ridiculous thought. You should punch John for even mentioning it. Except. It wasn’t a bad idea. 
“Hey, pants stay on,” Matthew said, giving you a smirk. “Boy Scouts honor.” 
Everyone was looking at you. It made you queasy. Annoyed. Angry. And you couldn’t take it. So, you sighed heavily and cut your eyes towards Matthew. “Fine,” you grimaced. “Fine. Monday night. You will teach me how to use EasyEdit. And then we can all drop this.” 
“Ah, success,” John cheered. “I’m not worried, though. Look at [y/n], she’s so innocent. She looks like she belongs on top of a Christmas tree. She does ballet for crying out loud. I doubt fucking is on her to-do list.”
“And on that note,” you pushed yourself off the bed. “I’m going to my room. Goodnight.” 
Your room was just down the hall, and you showered, changed, brushed your teeth and got into bed in all of 30 minutes. Just about to fall asleep, you were disturbed by the sound of keys jingling in the door. Sloppy footsteps stumbled into the room, accompanied by silly giggles.
Thinking you were asleep, your roommate admired your sleeping frame, “Awwww,” she cooed. “Precious, precious, [y/n].” She walked over to you and rubbed your shoulder. 
“You’re crazy to not wanna fuck Matthew,” she whispered, chuckling. “You don’t know what you’re missing, kid.”
And you stayed still, silent, pretended to snore. All while Claire crawled into her bed. 
When Monday rolled around, you spent the entire day with a chip on your shoulder. Claire kissed the top of your head and insisted you’d be fine, that your project would be done by the end of the night and you’d be grateful for Matthew’s help. But she knew that was a  dead cause in her heart of hearts. You both knew it’d be a miracle if Matthew and you made it through 15 minutes of editing. 
When she left to go to a friend’s place, you changed into pajama pants, combined with a cozy cropped button sweater. You sat at your desk, and waited. You’d told Matthew to arrive at 7. 
He got there at 7:59.
By then, you were laying in bed, pissed and upset that you’d actually been convinced to give Matthew a chance. He knocked on the door, and you answered with an attitude. “Go home, Matthew.” 
“Don’t be like that, short stack,” he sighed, following you as you stomped into the room. “I got caught up. I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah? What’d you get caught up with? A gram?” You spit. 
He laughed, “Haha, so funny. No, I was not getting high. I was working on my own project. That I finished. Ahead of time. Can you relate, [y/n]?” 
“Get out of my room,” you scoffed. “I asked you for one thing. One. And you couldn't even do that. You knew how important this project was to me, and you didn’t give a fuck. I wasted time waiting for you that I could’ve been working or rehearsing! I—Are you listening?” 
Matthew’s eyes had been concentrated solely on your chest, “Are you wearing a bra?” He asked. 
You took a step back, stunned, blinking rapidly as you searched around the room. “I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m just trying to find where the hell that came from?” 
“It came from that itty bitty shirt you’re wearing,” he replied with a shrug. “Doesn’t really leave much to the imagination.” 
“Stop staring at my tits!” You shouted, face turning red. “God, Matthew, I can’t stand to look at you right now. Just, leave. Please.” 
He did not stop staring at your tits. Not for a very long time. But when he did, he had this look in his eyes. Like a wire had snapped. And he kissed you. Cupped your face in his hands, pulled you close, and kissed you. You pressed your hands against his chest, face contorting in shock and confusion. 
You pushed him away, lips retracting with a sharp smacking noise. Saliva dripped from your lips, and you stood there, huffing and puffing like the two of you had just run a mile. “What the hell was that?” You snapped, your fingertips lightly touching your bottom lip. 
He didn’t reply. He was just as speechless as you were. Speechless, and confused, and out of breath, and so, so pretty. He was so pretty. Has he always been that pretty? 
You grabbed onto the hem of his shirt and pulled him back in, pressing your lips together in an aggressive collision. Matthew’s hand gripped onto your hair, his body pushing itself against yours in an eager attempt to get as close to you as possible. His other hand made its way to your waist, gripping onto your skin so hard, his nails left marks. Both his hands began to snake down your body, landing on the back of your thighs. 
Very suddenly, Matthew scooped you up in his arms, yanking your feet off of the ground. You let out a breathy ‘oof’ as you found yourself perched in his grasp, your legs wrapped around his torso, your hands on his shoulders. He supported your weight so easily, all while sliding his tongue into your mouth. 
He carried you over to your bed, where he abruptly dropped you onto the mattress, and looked down at you with a lustful grin. Standing beside the bed, he leaned in as if he was going to kiss you — slowly, with his hands reaching out to touch your body — but he didn’t. Instead, he placed his hands on your ribs and pushed your sweater up, over your breasts to reveal your chest. 
“I knew it,” he whispered. “I knew you weren’t wearing a bra.” 
Your breath caught in your throat, before you released it shakily. His lips wrapped around your nipple, wetting it with his tongue and applying light suction. A soft moan left your mouth, and you gripped onto his hair in ecstasy. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He sucked harder, to the point of pain, just to hear you make some noise. Any noise. When one nipple began to pulse between his lips, he moved to the other, leaving a trail of love bites between them. 
The heat between your legs was suffocating, and you rubbed your thighs together for some relief. Matthew noticed this, and proceeded to stick his hands down your pants, fingers sliding underneath the band of your underwear. He smirked at how soaked you were already and rubbed your clit as he licked a trail up to your neck. You tightened your thighs around his hand, gasping at the friction and pulling at the bedsheets. 
The sound caused Matthew to take in a sharp breath of air. His cock was pressed against the zipper of his jeans, and was getting to the point that it was excruciating. So, as he massaged your nerve, he undid his pants and pushed them down his legs. 
He nibbled on your ear, and as you gave him a quiet moan, your eyes flickered down to look between your bodies. Flushed, and horny, and suddenly so desperate, you grabbed onto Matthew’s large erection and pressed the tip against your clit. 
He grunted and pulled back to stare you in the eye, a sly grin creeping onto his face. He laughed, “I knew it. I fucking knew it. Innocent? Innocent, my ass.” 
As you rolled your eyes at him, he kissed your lips softly, hands holding onto your thighs. You positioned his cock at your entranced and allowed him to press into you. He stood up straight, watching his cock disappear inside you, slowly, steadily, before he suddenly slammed into you. The sound of skin colliding on skin mixed in with your and Matthew’s moans, and he watched your head roll back in pleasure. 
He licked his lips, smirking. And he did it again. And again. And again. Pulling out all the way and pushing back into you. Hard. The sensation struck your chest, and elicited vulnerable moans from you every time he pounded you. Matthew instantly began to speed his hips up, nails digging into your thighs as he pressed your legs open for him. His used all his strength to fuck you, your head knocking into the wall with every thrust. It was sloppy and messy and you couldn’t stop whimpering. Your eyes were screwed shut, and when you opened them again, the first thing you noticed with his chain. The gold medallion dangled in your face, Matthew’s lips pressed against your cheek. 
Absentmindedly, you tangled your fingers in the chain, tugging on it as your volume increased. “Fuck,” you muttered. “Oh, fuck.” 
He brought his hand up to your face, placing his thumb on your bottom lip. “Open your mouth,” he ordered, quietly, softly. And you did it without thinking. His thumb slid into your mouth, twirling around your tongue and stifling your moans. 
He removed his hand and placed his thumb on your clit, wetting the skin with your own saliva. You let out a loud yelp at the new sensation, and a bubble instantly formed in your stomach. 
Oh, no, not Matthew, you thought. Don’t let it be Matthew. 
But with his cock and his hips and the way he kissed your neck and rubbed your sensitive nerve all at once. You came, you came with a fit of pornographic moans, trembling and writhing around on the bed. 
And it was Matthew — the first guy to make you come. Ever. 
He licked his lips as he watched you come undone beneath him, proud of himself — to the point of cockiness. Giving you a few more forceful pumps, he pulled out of you and released himself onto your chest, watching the fluid cover the hickies he’d left there. 
He looked angelic on top of you, moaning, panting, swearing under his breath. But the moment he finished, he stepped back, fastened his pants and walked away. You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching him in a daze. 
Matthew logged onto your computer, pressed a few buttons and then closed the laptop shut. Then he left. 
However, the next day he sent you an email. Your project. Fully and perfectly edited. 
Okay. So, that happened. They said it would happen and it happened. Didn’t necessarily make you hate Matthew any less, but it happened. It was good. You hated to admit it. And it was all you could think about. You couldn’t even touch yourself or hold your pillow without thinking of Matthew. It was bad. 
Especially, given the fact that after the whole situation, he decided not to talk to you. At all. Not in class, not while hanging out with friends, not even to pick a fight. Complete and utter radio silence. He looked at you enough though. Not while you were looking at him, of course. So, as far as you knew, you were far off of his mind. But life had to go on. You had to focus on school, and on top of that, you were due to perform in NYU’s production of Swan Lake in less than two weeks. 
You landed the main role of Odette, meaning for the next two weeks, you had to eat, sleep, breathe ballet. You practiced for hours on end, barely saw your friends, which gave you a good break from seeing Matthew. 
Opening night rolled around and you were so nervous, you thought you might puke. Only a freshman, it was a miracle you landed the role in the first place, which meant your performance tonight was a make or break moment. Claire could tell you were sick to your stomach and tried to distract you by taking a bunch of pictures on her phone.
“Smile, pretty girl!” She beamed, the flashing going off in your face as you posed. “[y/n], you’re gonna kill it! I’m so excited! Aren’t you excited?”
“Yeah...” you whispered. “Deathly excited.”
“Aw, poor baby,” she swung her arm around your shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna be front  and center, cheering you on. Just focus on me, okay?” 
You smiled and nodded, taking in a deep breath. “Okay.” 
Your body was on autopilot out on stage. The movements you’d practiced everyday, for hours and hours on end, just flowed. The lighting in the audience was dark, but you could just barely make out Claire’s figure under the soft hue. 
It wasn’t until the finale, when you stood ready for your closing performance, that the lights switched to their full intensity and you noticed a hand resting on Claire’s shoulder. An arm resting behind her head. Someone whispering in her ear, making her laugh. 
He was here. He was here and he was with Claire. He was with Claire and he was watching you. And it made your stomach feel weird. But then the music kicked up. So, you had to go. You fell into your dance, your rhythm and for some reason, you could not stop staring at Matthew. 
Every twirl, you made him your focal point. Looking at him again, and again, and again. Until the lights went out. 
Supporting ballerinas cheered you on as you walked offstage, throwing flowers at your feet and giving you applause. Your instructor marched right up to you, kissed both sides of your face and embraced you. It was a wonderful feeling, but right then, you were drained, emotionally, mentally, physically, you needed some rest. 
You locked yourself away in your dressing room, taking a seat in the mirror and beginning to remove your tights. Pressing a makeup wipe to your skin, you jumped, startled by a knock on the door. You rose from your seat and walked to the entrance casually, expecting Claire to greet you. 

But you froze, as soon as you opened the door. Eyes glazing over the person in front you, your breath caught in your throat. “Matthew.” 
“Hey,” he smiled. He looked you up and down — your naked legs, your breasts poking through the thin material of the leotard. “You...you were amazing tonight.” 
“Thank you,” you whispered. “Bye.”
You attempted to close the door on him, but his put his elbow against the frame, stopping it in motion. “Whoa,” he exclaimed, pushing his way into the room. “What the hell is your problem?” He closed the door behind him.
“My problem is that I’m very tired, and still need to change, and greet everyone waiting for me. So, I don’t have time for this.”
“Time for what?” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
You ducked your head down, “Nothing. Nothing. You need to leave.”
“Hey, hey, hey, ballerina barbie,” he mocked. “What’s your deal?”
“I don’t have a deal! I have nothing to say to you Matthew. Same way you have nothing to say to me.” You scrunched up your face in a frown.
“I...” he paused, laughing under his breath. “I never said I didn’t have something to tell you. In fact, I’ve been meaning to tell you something.” 
You looked up at him — the gel in his hair, his black button down shirt flowing over his belt buckle, his dark eyes, his lips and the way they were pouting just a little. And like a magnet, you found yourself being pulled towards him. You jumped into his arms, hands on his face, and connecting your lips, mouths open, tongues touching. 
Matthew held you up, moaning against your lips. “Mm,” you hummed. “Wait, what if someone comes in?” 
Matthew thought quickly, hiking you up in his arms and shoving your back against the door. “Well, now they can’t get in, can they?” He mumbled, leaving kisses along your neck.
Your jaw dropped and you started to undo his belt, freeing his cock from his pants. He grunted against your skin as you stroked him, your head leaned back against the door, your chest heaving. You used your other hand to pull your leotard to the side, revealing your throbbing core. 
Matthew smirked, letting you guide his dick to your entrance, and pushed his way into you swiftly. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in his neck to keep yourself quiet. His thrusts were quick, rough, messy. He was much more vocal this time, making no effort to stay silent.
“Fuck,” he moaned in your ear. “F-fuck, I forgot how good your pussy is. Fuck.”
The feeling was mutual. For the past month, you’d be wondering what the hell about Matthew had you so stuck. So fixated on him. And this was it. He filled you up perfectly, could manhandle you however he wanted, and always, always made sure you came. 
He fucked you harder when he noticed your orgasm nearing — your quickened breaths, frequent moans and whines, and your legs tightening against his torso. “Oh, my God,” you whimpered. 
“Shit, are you gonna come?” He asked. “Good.”
Breathless, speechless, you stared into his eyes helplessly as your body began to crumble. All power left your body and you held onto his shirt for dear life. He gave you a small smile, and flipped his hair out of his face, looking down at his cock. He could pinpoint the exact stroke that did it. The one that sent you into a state of euphoria, sent your eyes rolling back, your body into intense shock. 
You let out a long and weakened sigh as the wave washed over you, and Matthew continued to plow into you like nothing was happening. 
“It’s so cool how your pussy tightens up when you come,” he chuckled. “It’s hot.” 
You rolled your eyes at the sound of his voice, clawing at the back of his neck. His breathing became ragged and hoarse, and he had to pull out of you before he came. He jerked himself off until he exploded onto your clothing. And with you being dressed in all black, his stains stood out perfectly on your costume. 
This time, he gave you a kiss on the cheek before he left.
The week after that was finals week. And neither of you could be bothered to reach out. Despite the not-so-subtle confession of bitterness and the very intense orgasms you shared, you and Matthew simply went back to not talking. Your friends thought it was strange, even commented that they missed the bickering. The two of you shrugged in response. 
Most of your dorm room was in boxes by the time you finished your last final exam. Claire was slower to pack up than you were, considering she only lived an hour away, but she applauded you for your determination. The day Claire did start packing was the day before you left for the summer. The two of you spent the day getting everything cleared out, cleaned, squared away.
While the two of you sat on your bed, watching Netflix, a knock sounded from your door. Claire hopped up and headed towards the entrance, opening it with a grand smile. “Gube!” She shouted, instantly opening her arms for a hug. Matthew wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, carrying her into the room with a smile.
 “Are you about to leave?” She asked him, holding onto his arms as he placed her feet back on the ground. 
“Yeah, my mom’s here. So, I wanted to stop by and say goodbye,” he nodded. 
“Aw, Gube, you softie,” she giggled. “[y/n], come say bye.”
“I can say bye from right here, Claire,” you replied. She gave you a look, and you felt compelled to get off the bed. So you did, you approached them, “Bye, Matthew.” 
“Bye, shortcake,” he laughed. “Bye, Claire.” He pulled your roommate into another hug, while you stood there, crossing your arms in annoyance. 
Matthew peeked at you over Claire’s shoulder. One hand rubbed her back and the other reached out to you, holding a small note.
Your eyes went wide as you looked at him, then the note, then Claire. You ripped the paper from his hand, and stuffed it into your pocket right away. He smirked at you, and turned his attention back to Claire. 
“Hey,” he said to her. “Come back to my place, I want everyone there to show my mom I actually have friends.” 
Claire chuckled and nodded, “Okay,” she shrugged. “Let’s go. [y/n], you coming?”
“Uh, no,” you shook your head. “I’m gonna keep packing, but I’ll text you later.”
“Okay,” Claire smiled, and she let Matthew whisk her away. 
You sighed, and as soon as the door closed, you pulled the crumpled piece of paper from your pocket. You opened it up to reveal — not a meaningful message, not even a few words. Just one string of numbers, writing in his handwriting:
[PART 2.]
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gukyi · 4 years
21st century love | jjk
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summary: you and fellow film student jeon jungkook have been clashing heads all semester in your realistic fiction and 21st century film class, because jungkook thinks that rom-coms are meant to express the beauty of love, and you think that they’re ploys by hollywood to tell people that they can achieve love by engaging in consumerism. but when you’re assigned to create your own stereotypical romantic comedy short film, jungkook takes it upon himself to show you just how attainable love can really be. 
{enemies to lovers!au, college!au}
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader genre: fluff word count: 1k warnings: none a/n: thank you to @ggukcangetit​ for commissioning me for this piece!! this is from my fic titles ask game, and honestly if i had the time i would 100% turn this into a full fic. who knows, maybe one day i will!!!
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You love your Realistic Fiction and 21st Century Film professor as much as the next student, but she is an evil person. An evil person who paired you up with none other than Jeon Jungkook for the final project—a project worth fifty (fifty!) percent of your grade—on purpose. What on earth was she thinking? Did she think it would be fun for you? Did she think it would be a learning experience? Or maybe she just enjoys watching her students crash and burn, watch them slowly lose their minds as they are forced to endure modern-day hell: a group project.
The fact of the matter is, out of all of the students in your sixty-person lecture, Jeon Jungkook is the last person you’d want to be paired up for this project. You’d even be more willing to work with the sleazy kid in the back who comes to every class hungover as hell and sleeps through the entire ninety-minute period. At least you would find out good places to get drunk. 
You don’t even give Jeon Jungkook the satisfaction of entering his contact into your phone—leaving it as a random number because you already see his stupid name as a comment on all of your discussion board posts anyway. As if raising his hand to rebuke you in class on a daily basis isn’t enough. 
You didn’t take Realistic Fiction and 21st Century Film just so you could sit around watching 500 Days of Summer and She’s the Man all day long. You took it because 21st century film, at least in your eyes, has become so manufactured, so cookie cutter, the same plotline and carbon copy characters, and you were curious to see if any historians and movie buffs had the same jaded outlook as you. But it seems that you sit on one end of the spectrum, and Jeon Jungkook, hopeless romantic and grossly optimistic, sits on the other. 
The safest place for the two of you to meet is a group study room on the second floor of the main library on campus, one where you can lock the door so no eavesdropping ears can hear you, and one where you have a strict time limit of an hour and thirty minutes before another person comes along to kick you out. 
You and Jeon Jungkook reach the room at the same time, coming from opposite entrances so you can glare at each other with every step you take. 
“So nice to see you,” Jungkook says, too cheerful, as you reach out to open the door. 
“Mmm,” you mumble in response as you enter the group study room, flinging your backpack onto the floor by your chair with a thud as you take a seat. 
Jungkook, not at all outwardly discouraged by your clear disdain for him, rallies on. “So, what were you thinking for the project? Oh, wait, let me guess: a social commentary on the consumerist ideals that underline every modern movie and encourage the pursuit of an empty dream by abandoning concrete career and personal goals in favor of romantic fulfillment.”
You frown at him, even though that’s exactly what you were thinking of doing. 
“You know that romantic comedies are supposed to be fun, right?” Jungkook says with a raise of his eyebrows. 
“They’re not that fun to me,” you comment snidely. 
“That’s because you’re a stick in the mud who takes everything way too seriously,” Jungkook replies. “Have you ever even been in a relationship?”
“That’s none of your business,” you tell him firmly. “Besides, you asking that is exactly my point. Not everything has to be about finding love and searching for your soulmate or whatever bullshit like that. Some people don’t really care that much.”
“You don’t have to abandon all of your life goals just to find love, you know,” Jungkook says pointedly. “It doesn’t have to be the most important thing in your life for you to even care about it a little.”
“Romantic comedies are propaganda made by modern Hollywood to turn relationships into manufactured goods made specifically for our mass consumption,” you say with a scowl. “They have nothing to do with what love really is.”
“Well,” Jungkook says with his arms crossed over his chest, “then what do you think love really is?”
You frown at him. “Does it matter?”
“Yes,” Jungkook says like it’s obvious. “This project is about filming a short romantic comedy, about people falling in love with each other. How do you expect me to do that if we don’t reach a mutual agreement on what love is?”
You scoff. “There is no way in hell I am going to agree with you on anything concerning love.” Jeon Jungkook flutters from one person to the next like a butterfly desperate for a lasting relationship full of commitment and love. Every week he’s dating somebody new. And yet, still, he keeps looking. Pretty soon he’ll run out of people on campus to talk to. He is the last person you would ever take relationship advice from. 
“Then what are we supposed to do, huh?” He says with an eyebrow raised. “We have a month to make a movie that’s fifty percent of our grade.”
“The social commentary is still on the table,” you point out. Sure, it’s not at all a romantic comedy, but it’s about them, which is good enough in your book. Besides, your professor has been teaching you the entire semester, hasn’t she? She should know by now not to expect some cushy lovey-dovey story about two people who were destined to be with each other and can overcome all obstacles with their love. 
What on earth she was thinking when she paired you up with Jungkook, you suppose you’ll never know. 
“You’re such a Negative Nancy,” Jungkook comments with a roll of his eyes. “All you ever do is talk about how consumerism strips away our personalities and how manufactured Hollywood movies are and how people are just cogs in the wheel of capitalism. You don’t even stop to look around at all the positives of our society. Like true love, like the joy that people bring each other. You’re just filled with gloom and doom.”
“Then what are you going to do about it?” You challenge. Sure, Jungkook hit the nail on the head, but that doesn’t mean that he’s any better. Disillusioned people are dangerous. They dream about things instead of doing them. They block out all of the problems with the world in favor of an impossible utopian society where you want for nothing. 
You remember high school literature. The realists and the romanticists never got along. 
It doesn’t seem that much has changed. 
“Just you wait,” Jungkook says, wringing his hands together before he turns on you, staring you down with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Let’s do something like Love, Actually. A bunch of different love stories weaved together, except less depressing and sexist.” Your brows are furrowed in worry at the look of determination on his face. “And you’re going to see how beautiful love really is. How happy it makes people feel.”
You scoff in disbelief. Your professor has been trying to convince you of the beauty of love ever since you went to her first office hours at the beginning of the semester. What makes Jungkook so sure he can do this in the month you have left?
“Yeah, and how do you plan on doing that?” You prompt him. 
Jungkook grins. “One of those love stories will be ours.”
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↳ links are broken, but don’t forget i’m still taking commissions!
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annazverina · 4 years
2020 Letter to the World
In 2015, I began writing annual Letters to the World to reflect on what I learned during the year. I shared my first one publicly in 2018, and since then I discuss certain topics that were relevant during the year and what they taught me. Enjoy.
I typically don’t start writing my annual Letter to the World until October or November at the earliest, but this year has already been a huge whirlwind for the entire world. I started writing this in April and edited it until the day it was posted. At that point, we had been in isolation for a month. A few weeks later, yet another revolution sparked within the United States. As soon as the riots and protests started, I knew this would be the hardest letter I’ve ever written. 
This year I will discuss coronavirus, racism, social media, and the importance of face to face communication. 
Around the time I finished writing last year’s letter, a new illness was taking over Wuhan, China. This new, mysterious strain of coronavirus was infecting people left and right. But like any other American, I didn’t worry about it, though I kept track of it on Twitter. I remember the time when there were only 600 cases, and it hadn’t spread outside of Wuhan yet. Man, those were the days. It’s amazing how much the world changed within a month, a week, and a few days. 
A month before isolation, my friends and I drove down to San Antonio for the TMEA convention. Tens of thousands of music educators in the same building. At that same time, San Antonio had its first cases of COVID-19. Less than a month later, SXSW was cancelled. That’s when I realized that this was becoming a big deal. The same day the WHO declared the pandemic, my university announced it was moving to online instruction for what would eventually be the rest 2020. My first day of quarantine was 14 March. I began vlogging occasionally to document the experience. 
I barely left the house during quarantine. For the first five months, the only reasons I left were to go walking, move out of the dorm, or to pick up food. My family took a trip to Colorado right before I left for school, which was our first time eating at a restaurant in 150 days. None of my family or our friends officially tested positive. At school, my roommate did, which led to a two week isolation for me. It really bothered me that those who could stay home weren’t. I get that the United States was founded with freedom in mind (even though we’re not free yet), but I don’t understand why people weren’t willing to give up a little bit of freedom and wear a piece of cloth on their face. Sometimes, you have to give up freedom for the sake of the big picture. I learned that many Americans don’t understand that. The United States shut down too late and reopened too early. Those above us care too much about money. The economy is important, but so are people. Human lives matter, including Black lives.
We all know what happened.
Every January in elementary school, we learned about the Civil Rights Movement. However, they did not mention that racism was still an ongoing problem. They implied that it was a thing of the past. God, I wish it was. I don’t think it ever will be, but the things we can do to eliminate it as much as possible are promoting anti-racism and teaching those who come after us that no matter where someone comes from, they can’t form any opinions about them until they know what’s in their heart. 
That entire week after the murder was very overwhelming. It made me wonder what kind of families racist people grew up in to think that it’s okay to not be good to everyone. I live my life with one thing in mind all the time: be good to myself and others. And I think everyone else, regardless of socioeconomic background, race, religion, whatever, should do the same. And we must teach those who come after to follow those footsteps.
There was never a class in school dedicated to being good citizens. They just yelled at the students doing bad things to stop, but never explained why it was bad, nor did they tell them how to be better. Common human decency is something that should be taught K-12, and I honestly think it’s more important than STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). We cannot force the students to rely on their parents for something like this, because some parents are uneducated, some are not good people, some suck at parenting, and way too many children in the world don’t even have parents. Schools are the ones that need to teach kids how to be good… all the way through. 
WE MUST BE THE CHANGE. Those currently in power appear to not be doing anything, so those who want change must RISE UP. For us civilians, signing petitions and donating is great, and being good, like I mentioned above, is also something we should do. We must change our behavior for the better. We cannot rely on other people to do stuff for us. We must do it ourselves. Change is not a process that can happen over night. So far it’s taken decades/centuries of work, but someday we will be there. Even if we don’t live to see it, the work we do now will help our future descendants. 
After George Floyd’s murder and the explosion of social media, I was super overwhelmed with everything I was reading. I decided to take the month of June off of Twitter, and man, I’m glad I did. Social media in general is a toxic place to be, and cutting out Twitter and Facebook was healthy for me. In terms of toxicity, Twitter and Facebook, in my opinion, are the worst platforms. On Twitter, it’s hard to control what you see in your feed. Most of the tweets in my feed are from people I don’t follow. They’re tweets I never signed up to see, and they flood my feed with posts that sometimes feel like propaganda. Sometimes I feel like celebrities are worshipped like a deity. I often feel like I’m not allowed to have my own personal beliefs on Twitter, rather I have to conform to what the loudmouthed users believe. If I don’t, I’m racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc. Facebook is similar, but most of the people I follow are my friends or family, so I can’t unfollow them.
Surprisingly, I like Instagram. Reposting is very uncommon, and posting more than once a day is unofficially considered spam, therefore people have to put all their politics into one single post, which I can scroll past and never see again. You never see posts from people you don’t follow, (except for the occasional advert) and overall I think people use it mostly to share photos of their lives. Most of the flaws that come from Instagram are the people who use it, but it’s easy to avoid them. 
My brother shared some statistics with me recently. Only about 10 percent of Twitter users tweet on a normal basis. About 40 percent of people in the United States have a Twitter account. With that in mind, theoretically, the loud mouthed Twitter users only make up about 4 percent of the U.S. population. Or… something like that. I don’t know how accurate these statistics are, nor do I know where my brother got them from. Regardless, social media does not represent everyone in the world. Not even close.
The nice thing about living in a world of social media is being able to keep in touch with friends and family while quarantined. This whole quarantine process made me ever so grateful for face to face meetings. Some people believe no one will ever want to work again once everything ends. That’s not true. I think most people like working. Being able to leave the house every day and do something, even if it’s something you don’t like, is what keeps us sane. When it came time to return to school, I was initially really mad due to COVID. I ended up being okay with it. My school did a fantastic job at keeping COVID cases down for the entire semester (we only had an average of 20 cases a week, compared to some schools who had hundreds). Not only that, but I was able to see my family away from home again. Even though we wore masks and social distanced most of the time, things felt somewhat normal. 
If you are the kind of person who could care less if you see your friends and coworkers in person, don’t forget that most people don’t feel that way. It’s hard to have group conversations on Zoom. You certainly can’t have a party where multiple conversations happen. Don’t assume everyone feels the same way about something. Let people have their social gatherings when it’s acceptable again, and don’t belittle people who feel different from you.
Everyone must do the right thing… all the time. Even when no one is watching. It’s our job to develop the habit of being good to ourselves and to others regardless. If we do that, we’ll be able to go back to a normal-ish life sooner. Lin-Manuel Miranda called America a “great unfinished symphony” in Hamilton. America, you great unfinished symphony, we still have unfinished business to take care of. The change we need won’t come tomorrow. The amount of work we have before we reach the double bar line will take generations to get to. We cannot allow a repeat sign. We must start today. May 2021 be a year of healing.
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bethhxrmon · 4 years
do flowers exist at night? -chapter thirteen
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Chapter Thirteen: Picking Up the Pieces
Pairing: Steve Harrington x OC
Chapter Summary: With school back for the spring semester, Steve and Annie aren’t exactly thrilled. Though, there are some surprises in store for both of them.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Swearing, trauma, slight violence?
A/N: Hey, hope y’all are doing well and enjoy this chapter! Not gonna lie, I don’t feel super confident about it, but hopefully it’s good. If you enjoy this part, you can find the other chapters here.
The thought of going back to school made Annie want to throw up more than she cared to admit. It wasn't something she even thought about admitting to anyone. No one needed to know that. All of her reasons were silly in the first place.
She couldn't just avoid everyone who tormented her for the rest of her life. That wasn't how the world worked. It didn't matter what those people did. There wasn't a school she could transfer to instead.
Even if she could, how could she ever convince her mom? It had been over two months since everything happened. If she explained everything now, then she would have to explain why she waited so long. That was what kept her from vocalizing how much everything bothered her. A part of her wanted to say something, but how could she explain it?
It was exactly what Steve told her all those months ago, she couldn't tell anyone anything otherwise she would lose everything. She had too much to lose. Sure, it took some time, but she had a boyfriend and friends and her mom. If she wanted to explain herself, it wouldn't paint her or Steve in a good light. Not once Billy decided to say something about them trying to keep him from getting his step-sister. She knew that if she ever tried to say something, he would point out that she tried to cut his throat.
If she had, maybe this wouldn't be such a huge issue. Though, she knew that she would have a whole other can of worms to unpack. That didn't mean it never crossed her mind. 
Still, the first day of the spring semester started whether she wanted it or not. Time persisted no matter how hard she tried to cling onto to moments she spent with Steve or the kids. None of that time was spent explaining her feelings.
Upon reaching the school, Annie almost expected her locker to be graffitied again. Not that she used it after the incident. Sometimes her back hurt from carrying around textbooks, but she refused to even approach it even after the janitor painted over it. Thankfully, there wasn't anything like that to be found. No one even blinked an eye upon seeing her holding hands with Steve. Anything that dealt with them was old news.
Regardless of all the good signs, no sigh of relief was breathed until almost the end of the day. When people talked to her, it was about school. Better than that, in theater class, it was all about the spring musical.
She had been a week too late to try out for the fall play, but now she was right on time to audition for Chicago. The teacher had to have gotten the idea from the Tonys last summer. Not that Annie was going to complain about that. It was a good musical, and she already knew which part she wanted.
Maybe this really could be her year.
Once the last bell of the day rang, Annie rushed to Steve's locker. He was getting some of his things, stiffening up when he felt Annie wrap his arms around him before relaxing. A laugh left his mouth and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
"Hey, are you good to wait until practice gets done?" he asked.
She grinned, "More than good. I'll miss you, though."
"It's just an hour," he said, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, and? Do you realize how much can happen in an hour?"
"Good point, you got me there," he leaned down to press a quick kiss to her lips, "Wish me luck!"
With that, Steve was rushing down the hall. She figured he wanted to get there early so maybe he would look better compared to Billy. Not that she thought it was a contest. Of course, she didn't get a chance to tell him that.
Steve was her ride home, so she went to the library to pass the time. The plan was to figure out what song to audition with. She had so much work to do. Not having anything to work with earlier, she felt like she was definitely out of practice. Still, Hawkins High wasn't a huge school and the theater department was no exception. In a town like this, she was sure she could get the part she wanted.
The small library was nice in its own quaint way. It was quiet. She spent a good chunk of her first couple weeks sitting in a chair next to one of the windows. There wasn't much of a view, but she could see the clouds outside. If only it would rain instead of snow. Maybe that would be the case in a few months.
Annie stared out the window, spaced out for a few moments. There wasn't anything to stare at. Sure, she could see the middle school, but that wasn't worth staring at. That was until she noticed Lucas. He probably got out late for one reason or another.
There wasn't much to think of it until she saw Billy. Wasn't he supposed to be somewhere else? She pushed away the thought, suddenly paying too much attention. Billy was walking towards Lucas and suddenly grabbing him by the shirt.
Before she could even comprehend what was happening, her hand gripped her backpack and she was rushing out of the library. She shoved her way out of the small exit in that part of the building.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" she asked, swallowing any urge that told her to run and hide.
Billy rolled his eyes, "I'm teaching a lesson."
"Lesson's over, let Lucas go."
"When I'm finished."
"I'm saying that you're finished," she said, her voice wavering slightly.
If something happened, could Lucas do anything? No one would be able to stop Billy. Still, she wasn't about to let this kid get hurt. Could she do something with her powers?
He let go of Lucas and turned to Annie, "What're you gonna do about it?"
"I-" she felt the lump in her throat as he approached her, "I'll..."
He stood right in front of her, "You'll what?"
All she could smell were cigarettes and his cologne and it was like she was on the floor of the Byers' living room all over again. Except this time nothing was pinning her to the ground. Nothing was holding her back and she kneed him before hitting him with her backpack.
"Woah, stop right there!" the librarian exclaimed, rushing out to all three of them.
She dropped the backpack and looked at the ground, not even noticing Jonathan followed her out.
"You're both lucky I don't give you any worse than detention. But I don't want to deal with the principal or your parents," the woman said.
Detention with Billy? That couldn't happen. Her head snapped up and she opened her mouth. There were a million things she wanted to say, but not one of them came out. Just a look of pure betrayal.
"I don't understand what the issue is. You're getting off easy. Both of you are," the librarian repeated.
Jonathan cleared his throat, "Can I um... can I say something?"
"What is it?"
He swallowed, "Um... m-mo-motherfucker."
Annie's look of betrayal quickly turned into a disbelieving laugh. The librarian looked just as shocked as she ended up handing out three detention slips. Billy retreated right after that, but Jonathan and Lucas stayed.
"Um... thanks?" she said.
Jonathan shrugged, "No problem... I don't know what the deal is there, but you don't need to worry about being alone with him."
"Right, thanks for that. Seriously."
He nodded, "Don't mention it. I'll see you Saturday."
There was an awkward pause, and Jonathan turned to go. She never gave him much thought. A part of her wanted to hold a grudge because of everything with Steve, but she didn't think that she had a reason to anymore. Not that it was ever anything serious.
"Annie," Lucas said, getting her attention, "You good?"
She nodded, "Yeah, yep, I'm fine."
"You didn't have to do any of that, you know."
"No, I did. I couldn't just- I couldn't let him hurt you."
"But he scares you."
Annie opened her mouth to contradict him, but why should she? He was right about that. Doing anything like she had was because she didn't think it through.
She could only shrug.
"I know what he did that night was wrong. With you, I mean..."
"You saw that?"
"We all did. I didn't know what to do."
She put a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay. You shouldn't have to know what to do for that situation. Max took care of it, though, and we're all okay now."
"You got some good hits in, you know."
"Did I?"
Lucas nodded, "I don't think he expected you to start swinging that bag around. I know I didn't, it's okay if you're scared of him. I am too."
"I'd do it again, you know. I know there aren't a lot of people like us. Not that I know everything about you, but I get not totally fitting in because of your skin color."
"Didn't notice."
Annie shot him a look and laughed, "All I'm saying is, I sorta get being the only non white kid in a group. I mean, that's my entire family life."
"Is it bad that I wish the others would notice?" Lucas asked.
"No, I don't think so. Ignoring the obvious just feels disingenuous."
He nodded, "Yeah, I just wish they'd just say there's a difference and realize it's not a bad thing."
"I know what you mean. Sometimes my parents tried too hard to make me feel normal or something like that."
"Oh yeah, you got adopted... that must suck."
She shook her head, "Not as much as you'd think, actually. I don't know who my bio parents are, but I'm sure my life's better with my mom than it is with whoever they are or were or something like that."
"You don't wanna know who they are?"
She shrugged, "If someone handed me their names today, that would be interesting. I don't see the point in searching for something that I already have."
"That makes sense," Lucas said, "Wait! Before I go, I think I found something of yours."
He dug through his backpack a little bit before finding a knife. Not just a knife, but the same one she lost that night.
Lucas handed it to her, "I meant to give this to you a bit ago, but I kept forgetting. I thought you might want it."
"Thanks... yeah, I was wondering about it."
"It was under the Byers' couch. I know you haven't been there after all that stuff. Which makes sense, but I thought you'd want it."
Annie nodded, putting the knife in her pocket, "Yeah, seriously, thanks you, Lucas."
"Anytime. I'll see you later," he said, walking back to where his bike was chained up. 
That left Annie on her own again, but this time it was easier for her to focus on the task she originally tried to accomplish. She sat in the library for the next half hour that she had to wait as Steve was at practice. Once the musical started up again, she knew that waiting around wouldn't be an issue. Steve would probably even have to wait on her sometimes.
Once Steve's practice was over, he was quick to embrace her. A part of her wanted to push him off, figuring he'd be all sweaty, but she ended up pulling him closer when he actually smelled like his shampoo. She pecked his lips, grinning.
"I'm assuming it was a good practice?" she asked, holding his hand as they walked to his car.
He nodded, "It was great! Hargrove walked in and he seemed like he got beat up, but it wasn't anything too obvious. He was late too, so the coach didn't mess with my spot too much."
"Um... Steve?"
"I kinda hit him with my backpack a few times."
Steve blinked, "Are you crazy?"
"He was trying to hurt Lucas. So... we've got detention together, but Jonathan came in and called the librarian a motherfucker so you can figure what that's looking like."
He laughed, "Wait, Jonathan did that?!"
"You should've seen the look on the old lady's face! And everyone's face, probably. Jonathan looked surprised too."
Steve leaned over to kiss the top of her head as he unlocked the car, "So I don't need to get myself involved?"
"No, I can handle this," she insisted, "You know I can."
He got into the car and sighed, "Right, yeah, you can do this. It's just a few hours, right?"
"Yeah, I got this. And worst case scenario I just, well, I do something shocking," she said, closing the passenger door.
Steve rolled his eyes, "Again with the electricity puns."
"What, no one's gonna figure it out," she said, reaching to his hand again, "Seriously, it's not gonna be a problem."
He nodded, "You're right, you know what you're doing."
Taglist: @dungeons-and-demodogs​ @nxncywheeler​ @ilovebucketbarnes​
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multikpopwriter · 5 years
Dating In The Modern World | n.y
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pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x female OC
genre: fluff, angst, frat boy au, college au
warnings: none
words: 2.4k
prompt: Yuta desperately needed an extra subject in order to meet the minimum required subject for this semester. He ends up enrolling in this weird class that made its students experience relationship activities and analyze them first hand. The only problem was the girl that was partnered with him was not the type of girl he would ever date. (inspired by Love Playlist, a Korean web drama)
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"Hey, have you heard about that course, love in the modern world?" Yuta asked Taeil who was sitting on the couch with Taeha on the opposite side.
 "oh" Taeha was the one who reacts. "A friend of mine took that course a few semesters back"
 "How was it?" Yuta sits beside Taeil, who was absolutely bothered by Yuta's presence bothering their alone time together before Taeyong could come and interupt it.
 "She told me that it doesn't require a lot of time, I heard she just passed a paper at the end of the semester" Taeha tells him as Taeil sat beside Taeha. "And she got a decent grade after"
 "Well I guess it isn't that bad" Yuta stands up and gives a little smirk towards Taeil. "I'll head back up to my room, don't want to bother you love birds" Yuta shakes his head as Taeil shamelessly placed his head on Taeha's shoulder and Taeha tries to hide her blushing face from Yuta.
Yuta leaves the frat house the next day hoping and expecting a chill lecture, but he was sitting in class as the lecturer mentions coupling of random people together. They were coupled together according to the survey of their preferred gender which he took when he enrolled in class that day.
 "Nakamoto Yuta" the lecturer calls his name out and he pauses, he fixes his stuff and even sits up straight. He really wants to drop this subject, but he has already paid for the course and the hassle of refunding is running in his mind. "And Kim Soyoung" once the lecturer mentions the name, the girl sitting a few seats in front of him raises her hand and she turns around to look for him.
 Yuta has never really encountered Soyoung, but he could already tell that she was the type of girl who he would never like or even befriend. Although she doesn't smell bad, but she looked very disorganizes almost homeboy like. Her hair's a mess and from the looks of it her bag was too.
 "Hi, can I sit beside you" the way she spoke was also very kind.
 Yuta only nods his head.
 "I'm Soyoung, I'm from the art department" she pulls out her hand and Yuta look at it for a good few seconds.
 "I'm Yuta from the business department" he pulls his hand out hesitantly, but Soyoung took the lead and shakes his hand. Yuta takes her hand and began to look the other way. He takes a deep breath obviously showing his dissatisfaction.
 "Okay, for your first homework, go on a date with your partner and find out five facts about them. Each individual should send a compiled video of the facts that they got from their partner" the lecturer shows the rubrics on the screen. "But you aren't allowed to directly get these facts out of this person, you should indirectly find out about it"
 Yuta writes everything down on his notebook before turning to glance at his partner, who was writing the notes down on her phone. He sighs. He was told this class was easy.
 The class quickly ended after giving out the information for their project. "Yuta" Soyoung calls the guy's attention before he could even walk away from their seats.
 Yuta turns around and replies with a hum.
 "When will you be free, I'm pretty busy preparing for my final project" she explains, and Yuta looks through his own schedule on his phone.
 "How about this, give me your number and we'll talk about it later. I really need to go" Yuta already opens his app before Soyoung could even say 'yes'.
 "Sure" she takes Yuta's phone and types her number. Before Soyoung could even say good bye, as soon as she returns her phone Yuta runs out of the classroom. Then Soyoung hears how the girls were gushing over Nakamoto Yuta. 'I wish I was his partner' 'I mean he's from NCT so he's probably does well academically, plus, it's a known fact, that every NCT member is a good looking fellow' 'I would die to be in her position'
 The weekend comes around the corner and both Soyoung and Yuta decides that this was the best time the two of them could meet. Yuta was standing outside his car, he parked just outside one of the dormitories of the university. It took a while before Soyoung came out of the dormitory dressed up a bit more than usual. However, Yuta was quick to pin point how late she was.
 "You're late" Yuta rubs his temples.
 "I'm sorry" she bows her head.
 Yuta could only sigh. He opens the door to his car. Soyoung might be the last person he would ever date, but that doesn't excuse being rude to her. "Just get in" he tells her as he noticed she still hasn't raised her head.
 Soyoung looked up surprised to see that Yuta opened the door for her. "You don't have to go out of your way, we're both doing this for the grades" her weak smile towards Yuta hit him differently. Yuta stands there shocked for a few seconds as soon as she closed the door herself.
 "I was just trying to be nice" Yuta mutters to himself as he walked towards the driver's seat.
 The drive to the restaurant was quiet, deathly quiet. They both knew absolutely nothing about each other, but they can't seem to start a conversation with one another. "So..." Yuta tries to start a conversation. "Are you graduating as well?" he asked the most sensitive question.
 "I hope" was her simple reply.
 Then they both fell silent once again. They later arrived in the restaurant without muttering enough words to exchange with one another. The place was rather very chic, it wasn't over the top fancy nor was it just nice interior, the whole place is very chic. In fact, it was easily a very Instagram able place.
 "I love restaurant like this" Soyoung couldn't help but gawk at the beauty of the place. Yuta stops for a second and then he pulls out his phone, "say that again". Yuta puts the phone to her face.
 "I love restaurants like this" she makes a joking face towards Yuta's phone. His heart just began beating very lightly, almost invisible, but it was there. It was small, but it was strong enough to catch his attention. All Soyoung did was jokingly approach his phone camera, but his heart was swayed. Was he always easily swayed like this?
 Then they sat down, silence once again fills the two of them. Once, they've placed their orders Yuta takes his phone out to emptily scroll through twitter. "So, what do you like to do other than studying?" Soyoung pulls out her phone and begins recording Yuta.
 "I do almost everything an NCT member does" Yuta puts down his phone.
 "And what is that?"
 "I sing and dance, I guess" Yuta shrugs and Soyoung captures this moment. She ends the video and puts her phone down.
 "Do all NCT frat members sing and dance?" this was the first time she heard this about this well-known frat house.
 "Some rap instead of singing, others do all three" Yuta folds his arms across his chest and leans back. It wasn't just Yuta who saw that he would never date a girl like Soyoung, Soyoung would never date a guy like Yuta as well. He often acted arrogant, but he has every right to do so, he excelled academically and in sports as well. He seems flawless except his hard to approach personality. In all honesty, if she were to date someone from the same frat house it would most likely be someone like Jungwoo, who was her classmate in a different class.
 "And what do you do with all that talent?" Soyoung decides to put her phone on the side and just record the two of them and just cut out the parts which she needed.
 "We sometimes hold performances, but most of the time we have open lessons and teach kids how to sing, dance and rap. It's one advocacy our frat house holds"
 "Soyoung, how about you? What do you do other than studying?" Yuta returns the question and places his phone just like how Soyoung did with hers.
 "Aside from studying, I draw and paint a lot, even for leisure. Aside from that, I don't think I do anything interesting" Soyoung's empty response caused Yuta to sigh discreetly.
 "I mean other than that--" Yuta sighs, he wanted to directly ask the question, but the rubrics told them to indirectly know about each other. "Are you into music or books or..." he lets the sentence trail off.
 Soyoung pauses, it was easy to read her, and Yuta immediately understood that she knew nothing but painting.
 "You don't have to force yourself" Yuta tells her. Soyoung's thinking expression softens and Yuta's heart beats once again. It was softer, but now, much more impactful. He grabs his chest and slowly looks at her, she still looked the same, but her smile was different. Her smile was soft almost cloud like and then it would feel like it pierces through his heart. What was this feeling?
 "Are you okay?" Soyoung leans in closer as soon as she takes notice that Yuta was clutching onto his chest and his face turning slightly red. Soyoung leans in closer, but Yuta stops her by placing his hand on her forehead, slightly pushing her away.
 "I-I'm fine" he turns his face away from Soyoung.
 "Are you embarrassed of something?" she tilts her head completely oblivious about what was happening with Yuta.
 "No, I'm not! It's just..." Yuta turns his head towards the opposite direction. "You still haven't given me your answer" he tells her without even looking at her in the eye.
 "Oh right" she moves back and nods her head. "I mean, I like idols and stuff as well, but only casually though" she pouts a bit, this was something other than her major that she pays attention to.
 Yuta glances her way and somehow looking at her directly was becoming hard to do. Soyoung is the exact opposite of his type in girls, both in personality and in looks. He has always preferred girls with short hair and was passionate about so many things. Soyoung, who was sitting in front of him, was the opposite of that. Soyoung had long hair that fell to a natural inwards curve and she's only dedicated to painting.
 "Are you just replying that was to have an answer?" Yuta gives her a weird look. Yuta thinks to himself, that she didn't have to force herself to like something she's not into.
 "Honestly, I don't really know a lot of things other than painting" she softly mutters feeling guilty about getting caught by Yuta.
 Yuta bites down his lip, he was getting smitten towards this girl and it was crazy. He can't help but think that he only felt attracted towards her because they were on a date. "Have you dated anyone before?" the question came out of his mouth before he could even process what he asked her.
 Soyoung looks up, she was startled by the question. "I- I haven't" she bows her head after catching her cool.
 The breath Yuta was holding in was suddenly let go. His eyes were stuck on hers, it was like a staring contest, but there was something deeper going on between them. "Yuta, how about you?"
 Yuta bites down his inner cheek. "I have dated a few..." Yuta stops talking when he takes notice that Soyoung's expression changed drastically. "...but I don't think I've ever found someone I wanted to date seriously... yet" he looks her in the eyes when he says that last word.
 "Why did you join NCT?" she immediately asked breaking the eye contact Yuta and her were sharing.
 "There's no specific reason behind it. I was recruited and they offered me a place to stay and the guys are great. Nothing special behind it" he shrugs his shoulders, feeling sort of awkward that Soyoung broke their eye contact.
 "Where do you stay? Are you not in a sorority?"
 Soyoung only smiles. "I'm not, I actually don't live in the campus" Soyoung nods her head, a little habit Yuta took notice of whenever she spoke. "I live with my two brothers in a house just a 15 minute drive outside the university"
 Then the two of them fell silent. Yuta would sometimes stare outside the restaurant and Soyoung would fidget with her hand.
 "Soyoung" Yuta was trying to gain a little bit more courage. He takes a deep breath when Soyoung looks at her. "If someone were to ask you out on a date would you say 'yes'?" he gulps down after saying this sentence a bit too quickly.
 "D-Depends on the person" she stutters. Soyoung's mind was going crazy. Was he trying to ask her out or was there someone else who wanted to ask her out. She silently hoped for it to be the first.
 "What type of person?" Yuta leans in closer, his eyes much more kinder than when they first met.
 Soyoung licks her lips as she slowly moved back to keep the distance between the two of them. She turns her head away from his gaze. "you" was her soft reply.
 "I didn't hear" Yuta leans in closer.
 Soyoung takes a deep breath and turned her head around to face Yuta only to see him with the widest smile on his face. "You heard it" Soyoung hits Yuta's arm.
 "I did" Yuta was trying to hide a smile, but he couldn't. "So, let's say I asked you out next week, just us two without this whole project thing, would you come?"
 "I need to think about it" Soyoung jokes as she bites down her lip.
 Yuta could only smile at her. Soyoung was the last type of person he would ever date, but here he was completely smitten by this girl. He couldn't wait for them to meet again. He couldn't wait for him to know more about her.
 They both gave a small wave to their cameras that was recording the whole thing. It was not time for them to find out about each other more than the five facts that they need for their class.
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snortyport · 4 years
Trapped - JJK Chapter 8
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Summary- Will you be able to fix you’re only help before the sun goes back down?
Rating- PG
Word Count- 2599
Pairing- Jungkook x reader
Warning- nothing I can think of
A/N- Thanks for reading! 
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“Noah, my man!” Kyle says excitedly. He claps his hands together and walks towards the quad.
“I didn’t do anything but open a door,” he mumbles with a small, shy smile on his face, his cheeks reddening under the praise.
“This is great, you guys. Maybe we can actually go home now,” you smile brightly, almost skipping to the quad. “How do we turn this thing on?”
“There should be a key around here somewhere,” Noah says walking around the side of it and looking at the table pushed against the wall. Kyle goes around the other side to look at the table on the opposite side. Both tables are littered with so many different tools you’re not sure how anyone could find anything in here.
You eye the red machine with fascination. You’ve seen new models ripping around town but this one is pretty old looking. It doesn’t have any of the fancy gadgets or extras on it. Everything looks manual, no screen in sight. The red plastic cover is faded and cracked but otherwise it looks totally fine.
Noah continues looking around the small garage but then stops and cocks his head to the side when he gets behind the quad.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
“It… it kind of looks like someone was here,” he answers. You walk around to the back to see what he’s talking about.
There are tools laying behind the quad, which you wouldn’t think too much about, maybe Busby had to leave in a hurry and didn’t have time to put them away. Or he didn’t want to put the tools he’s using away just to take the same ones out again.
What concerns you are the black jacket laid out on the floor and the cans of food discarded around it. It certainly looks like someone was here.
“Do you think it was Busby’s?” Kyle asks from beside you.
“I don’t think so. He wore exclusively plaid and camo. I think him and my dad shopped at the same place,” Noah scoffs.
“Whose is it then?” you ask curiously.
“The bigger question is, why did they leave it and are they coming back?” Noah answers. A shiver runs down your spine at the thought.
Kyle rubs between your shoulders and says, “There’s clearly a lot more of us than them so if they try something, we’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine, Miss YLN,” Noah agrees, looking over his shoulder at you.
“Yeah, of course. I’m not scared,” I’m a little scared. You have a lot of people to look out for so the thought that there’s someone possibly wandering around has you nervous. I’m not losing anyone else.
“Well, we’d better keep looking for tha—Ah there it is!” Noah says, bending down to grab the key. He comes back around beside the quad and puts the key in the ignition.
The quad makes a clicking sound when Noah turns the key. He turns it off and tries again, but it keeps making the same clicking sound.
Your hope slowly drains from you. You don’t know anything about vehicles, but you know that’s not a good sign.
Noah sighs and pulls the key out. Shit.
“Well maybe someone in there will be able to fix it,” he says, nodding towards the cabin.
“One way to find out right?” Kyle asks. He steps away from the quad and walks to the door.
You take one last look at the quad before following Kyle out of the garage. Noah trails behind you and shuts both the garage doors.
“This is our best chance. I’m sure someone has some skill with fixing vehicles,” Kyle says. “And actually, Adam took that mechanic class the school offered last semester.”
“You’re right,” you say, your body feeling lighter again. “He’ll know how to fix…” you trail off and stop walking. Your eyes stuck on a patch of red on the gravel. Kyle follows your eyeline and tenses up.
“Is that?” Noah whispers. Ten metres from the door lays a spot of red and as you look closer, you can see a red path leading into the woods.
“Come on. Let’s go,” you grab both their wrists and pull them to the house. You knock quickly, “It’s us!”
The door swings open revealing Hayley’s relieved face before it morphs into a look of worry. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing. We have good and bad news,” you say, walking into the cabin.
“We found a quad that’ll get us home and get help,” Noah says. Everyone in the cabin share smiles with each other, except Will who looks suspicious.
“What’s the bad news then?” he asks, while still sitting on the chair with Graham and Adam on the couch.
“Well… the quad wouldn’t turn on. It made this clicking sound but that was it,” Kyle says, shrugging his shoulders. “Adam you took that mechanic course, right?” Instead of answering, he continues to silently stare at his feet. “Adam?” he asks again.
Will pushes his shoulder and Adam looks around in alarm. “What? What’s going on?” he asks.
“You ok, bud?” Graham asks him, laying his hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m fine… Uh, what was the question?”
“Didn’t you take a mechanic course last semester?” Kyle asks.
“I did, but I almost failed it,” he looks down at his hands on his lap and his cheeks redden.
“I could probably fix it,”
Everyone turns to look at Hayley with different looks of shock, amazement, and doubt.
“You?” Will asks, his voice laced in cynicism.
“Yes, me,” she huffs. “My dad has been teaching me about cars since I could hold a flashlight in place.”
“Learning is a lot different than doing, though,” Will crosses his arms and rolls his eyes.
“I’ve done stuff too,” she defends.
“Don’t I know it,” he smirks at her.
Her cheeks burn red in either anger or embarrassment, you can’t tell which, but hazarding a guess you’d say it’s a mix of both.
“You’re a pig,” she seethes. She turns away from him and says, “When I got my license, my dad had me do a bunch of stuff in case an emergency happened, so I might be able to fix it.”
“That’s really cool,” Noah tells her, amazement still evident in his voice.
“Thanks,” she gives him a small smile, tipping her head forward so her hair can hide her red face. She’s definitely blushing for a different reason now.
“Well, let’s get back out there then,” you clap your hands, hope bubbling up in your chest again.
“It’s ok to go out there?” she asks, eyeing the door nervously.
“Yeah, it’s all good!” Noah nods his head enthusiastically.
“You’ll protect me if something happens right, Noah?’ Hayley smiles flirtatiously causing Noah’s cheeks to flare the deepest red you’ve seen on him.
“It’s better if I go then. Twiggy Noah wouldn’t be able to save a kitten,” Will grumbles and stands up. He walks over to the door, bumping Noah with his shoulder as he walks by him to get his shoes on.
“I’d take Noah over you any day,” Hayley hisses. She grabs onto Noah’s arm for balance so she can put her shoes on.
“is everyone coming?” you ask the group who are loitering around the room.
“I’d like to stay here,” Lilly says quietly from the dining room table.
“I’ll stay too,” Adam mumbles. Will eyes him up but then looks away from him.
“We’ll watch the kids,” Lilly says, looking towards the hallway where the younger ones are still playing.
“Let’s get going then. The faster we can get that quad fixed, the faster we can go home,” Graham says, coming over and sliding his feet into his shoes too.
“When we get out there… don’t look down the driveway. You don’t want to see,” you warn. Hayley gulps and grabs Noah’s hand. He squeezes her hand back reassuringly, earning them a glare from Will.
You open the door, and everyone files out after you.
“It’s nice to get out of there. It was getting real stuffy in there,” Will says, stretching his arms above his head.
“I thought you didn’t want to leave the cabin after what happened yesterday?” Hayley asks skeptically.
“Well I didn’t, but I was starting to go stir crazy,” he answers. You roll your eyes as you make your way to the shed.
“Just admit you’re a giant baby and was too scared to be the first one out,” Hayley says with fake innocence. You bite your bottom lip to keep from laughing. I’m so happy she’s finally seeing him for who he really is.
You miss Will staring at the bloody patch on the gravel. And the way his lips quirk up in the smallest smile.
You open the door to the garage, and everyone shuffles in and around the quad. Graham whistles and runs his fingers along the side of it.
“What a beauty,” he says in awe.
“Yeah, it’s great,” Will says dully. “Hey, whose jacket it that?” Will points at the jacket still on the floor.
“We don’t know. It was here earlier, and we don’t think it was Busby’s,” Kyle answers.
“And we’re not scared that whose ever that jacket is, isn’t coming back and going to killing us all?” Will asks sarcastically.
“What are they going to do? Take out all of us?” Kyle snaps back. Will narrows his eyes at him and crosses his arms over his chest. He’s really starting to act like a child.
“Well, let me at her,” Hayley says excitedly, ignoring the boy’s standoff.
The sun hastily moves across the sky as Hayley tries different things to fix the stubborn machine. You and the other kids have gone from the cabin to the garage as needed. You made everyone come in for lunch, groans ringing out from everyone enjoying the fresh air.
You let Jeannie play outside, right by the door, after she threw a tantrum. You didn’t have it in you to fight with her so you made her promise to stay by the door in case anything happens. All the older kids swore they’d keep an eye on her when you couldn’t. She tried to get Jamie to come out and play with her, but him and Lilly vehemently refused.
Hayley has been getting more and more frustrated every time something doesn’t pan out. She’s taken the plastic cover off it and checked levels on everything but according to her everything is good. She’s been under it to make sure nothing is out of place.
Noah has kept her company the whole time, staring at her with awe and fascination on his face. When she wiped her cheek and left a black oil stain, his eyes twinkled with affection as he carefully wiped it for her with his thumb, which only caused the mark to smudge even more. You watched fondly as they giggled to themselves over it.
Will and Graham convinced Adam to step outside and they’ve gone off to the edge of the yard to talk. You’ve been watching them closely, something about the situation has you stomach fluttering with concern. Adam doesn’t look happy about whatever Will is saying but Will isn’t backing down, shoving his finger against Adam’s chest and getting in his face to harshly whisper something. Graham looks shocked and taken aback at whatever was said, causing Will to turn on him. He continues to give them a tongue lashing until they both reluctantly nod their heads.
What the hell is that about? Maybe I can get Adam to spill, he’s been different since the attack and might want to get whatever’s been plaguing him off his chest.
You’ve been moving from the garage and helping as much as you can, which isn’t much since you don’t know anything about fixing vehicles, to the house to check on the kids inside. You’ve been trying to do as much as you can to keep your thoughts from going dark.
You’ve chopped wood and brought it inside to the pile, not that you need it since it’s fairly warm inside, especially when everyone is trapped in together. Kyle tried to do it for you saying he’s done it before, so he’ll be able to do it faster and not hurt himself. And you admit it did take you a longer time to do it and you were pretty shaky, but you needed the distraction. Busby must have a fireplace somewhere in the cabin, but you haven’t seen it yet. Maybe in the main bedroom.
You’re so confused as to why no one has come to find you. A bus full of students and a teacher goes missing and no one comes looking? It doesn’t make any sense. Parents must be worried sick. And why haven’t they driven by to go to their homes?
Your mind has been spinning crazy theories all day, like maybe the whole town was abducted by aliens. Or there was a town wide military evacuation and no one could go looking for you.
You’ve even tried playing Jeannie’s games to stop thinking about it. You’re desperate to stop thinking.
“Miss YLN, maybe we should be thinking of getting back inside,” Lilly says from the open door on the cabin, looking up at the darkening sky. “It wasn’t much darker than this yesterday when… when you know.”
As much as you don’t want to be locked in that small prison for another night, you know she’s right. There’s no way you’re losing another person. The sun is starting to sink below the trees, casting long shadows on the ground.
“Ok everyone! It’s getting late,” you yell out, looking from the garage, your eye catching something yellow glinting just beyond the trees, to the boys who are still having a serious talk. “We’d better get ba…” you slowly cut your sentence off, your heart beating faster, your head whipping back to look a few feet beside the garage. Did I just see glowing eyes in the trees? Your gaze scans the trees, but nothing sticks out to you. Whether you saw eyes or not, you want everyone inside. Now. You don’t want to take the chance.
“What’s wrong?” Noah asks you, after closing the door to the garage and coming over, Hayley in tow, eyeing the trees as well.
“I thought I saw eyes, but now I can’t find them. I must just be paranoid and seeing things,” you smile reassuringly at him. “Will, Adam, Graham! Come on!”
Will glares at the two boys, leaning closer to both of them, and saying one more thing to them. You’re not sure what’s going on between them, but you really want to find out. Those boys are usually thick as thieves, but Adam looks ready to push Will in front of a bus. Graham shoves his hands into his jean’s pockets, knocking his shoulder into Will’s as he pushes past him, and keeping his eyes down at his feet as he starts walking over.
Will cocks his head at Adam and glares again before turning around and stalking forward. He stops in his tracks and even from how far he away he is, you can see his face drain of all colour. He raises a shaky hand up, pointing behind you.
“B-behind you,” he forces out.
You hear the crunch of gravel under paw first, and the low growl, deep in the beast’s throat seconds later.
You look over your shoulder, your eyes meeting the same yellow ones from the night before.
Your mind goes blank.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
If you look to your left, you might see a Jungkook sighting coming up.
Thanks for sticking with me!
Tagged: @sugalarity​, @anatron9000​
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lunanightingaleart · 5 years
So Lucky To Have You
This is going to be an Oc x Canon Fanfiction, if you aren’t comfortable with that do not continue reading. Otherwise I hope you enjoy and maybe Heart and Reblog if you wish <3 
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Chapter 1 
“Ah, good evening Miss Violette. Good to see you back.” Bright indigo eyes scanned for the source of who addressed her, only to find a few familiar faces of Beacon. Lillian turned with a friendly smile to her lips. 
“Oobleck, Port! Good to see you two. Still torturing the students around here?” 
“Oh come now, you know our classes are completely necessary for the survival and intellectual growth of our students. Not to mention-” Lillian listened to Oobleck go onto one of his tangents again, politely listening even though her brain had already checked out at this point. It’s a good thing Oobleck wasn’t her teacher when they were kids.
“I was kidding Oob, come on you know I wouldn’t judge you for your teaching. You both do pretty good work as far as I’ve seen anyway.” Pulling her hood down, she ruffled her hair a bit and sighed. 
“I suppose you’ve finished your mission out in Mantle?”
“Oh yeah, yup. All finished with that and ready to be a teacher again. How’s the new students this year?” Truth be told Lillian didn’t wish to speak about her mission, especially since as far as everyone was told it was just some sort of political based mission, nothing too serious. Except it was, and none of them were allowed to know. She continued to speak with the other teachers about the new students, when one of them brought up a familiar name. 
“And then there’s our youngest student to ever join the school. Little Miss Rose.”
“Ah yes, Ruby Rose has shown to have remarkable talent and skill for her age. It’s no wonder Ozpin allowed her to enter Beacon so early.”
“Ruby Rose? You’re talking about Yang’s little sister yes? As in Summer and Tai’s Kid?” Lillian found herself quite shocked to know that she had gotten in. When was the last time she even heard that name? Probably last time she saw Yang and Taiyang, which admittedly was a long time ago. Maybe she should go and visit them on one of her free days. While Oobleck and Port continued to praise their students, Lillian gave them a polite wave before heading off to do her own thing. She would have to tell Oz she was back in town, and she’d probably start class back up by tomorrow knowing him. Opening her scroll while walking through the all too familiar courtyard she noticed she hadn’t gotten any messages. 
“Hm, that’s odd. He usually replies by now.” She mumbles to herself while walking past the mess hall. A sudden commotion got her attention as she turned towards one of the large windows. Inside showed two teams of students having a food fight, a very intense one she might add. Uh oh, Glynda would not like this. Just to make sure she didn’t get absolutely coated in the flying food she watched from the safety of outside. She hummed in thought, watching the students and trying to see if she recognized any of them. For starters, she recognized the fiery hair of Yang who had whole turkeys over her fists. Another student was using a beam from the room with a watermelon attached, the entire fiasco was actually really fun to watch. She smiled to herself watching the kids just have an absolute war in there. Seeing a speeding ball of red Lillian focused on it, finding the red ball was in fact a little Ruby Rose. She’s grown up since the last time she saw her. 
“What on earth is going on in there??” She turned to see Glynda and right behind her Oz, who seemed to be the calmest about the situation. 
“Ah welcome back Lillian. Good to see you.”
“You too Oz, and there’s nothing that bad going on. Just some kids having a food fight.”
“And would you care to tell me as to why you didn’t choose to stop them!?”
“I’m not their teacher, at least not yet. Besides they’re just kids, give them a break.” A very loud bang grabbed our attention, and Glynda ran in. Looking up towards the sky I noticed a flash of yellow and hummed to myself. Eyes beginning to shine much brighter than before, I began to mumble under my breath while focusing on the sky. 
“She’s going to fall right back into the hole already made in the roof and safely on some soft materials made up of the tables Glynda have already fixed. She will be completely unharmed, and in fact laugh it off with her friends.” With a soft flash of her eyes, they went back to normal as the scene she just described happened the moment Yang’s falling form got close enough. 
“I see that still comes in handy.” Oz mentioned with a smile.
“Oh you have no idea. Though admittedly it’s odd having to use it to make sure a student isn’t harmed from their fall at such heights. Usually I just use it to make someone trip or something.” She grinned and offered her hand to Oz who took it and shook it gently.
“It’s good to have you back. Have you by any chance had any contact with Qrow recently?” Her smile faded.
“No, not since the last message he sent out about Her. I’m sure he’s just busy, we’ll surely hear from him soon.” She reassured, gaining a nod before watching the kids inside get scolded by Glynda. Ozpin went inside first to cool Glynda off, and Lillian went inside after.
“Well, that was quite the show. I noticed you all used different foods based off certain weapons along with using your semblances when only necessary. Impressive.” They all stared at this stranger for a minute of silence, only for Yang to suddenly brighten up.
“Holy cow, Miss Lily is that you?”
“The one and only firecracker~” Yang stood and ran over to her, offering a fist bump to which Lillian reciprocated. Doing a small handshake between the two ending with a childish little explosion, everyone still looked quite confused. 
“Yang, do you know her?”
“Oh yeah that’s right. You haven’t really seen her all that much since you were little, huh? Ruby this is Miss Lily. She’s a friend of our dad and uncle Qrow. Plus, she’s actually a teacher at the school.” Ruby’s eyes sparkled as she somewhat zoomed over. 
“You know Dad and uncle Qrow?”
“Sure do, have since we were all in school together.” Lillian couldn’t help but smile watching who was once this tiny spawn of Summer turn into a beautiful young lady of Beacon. She looked so much like her mom it was insane. 
“It’s so nice to see you again Ruby, I haven’t seen you since you were this tall.” She gestured towards her knees, and Ruby giggled. 
“What seriously??? That was forever ago, how come you haven’t come to visit?” 
“Well, being a huntress is pretty serious business. We get super busy with missions and helping those who need it, sometimes you have to sacrifice some personal time. Though…” Looking down at Ruby, Lillian smiled and ruffled her hair. 
“Maybe now that I’m back, maybe I should take some time to revisit old friends. I don’t know…” 
“While that sounds like a fantastic idea, perhaps you should report on your last mission first, Miss Violette?” Glynda reminded Lillian who pouted.
“Yup, that too. And with that, I’m off. It was nice seeing you again Yang, Ruby. I’ll see the rest of you in class tomorrow~!”
“See ya~”
“Bye~!” Following behind Glynda and Oz, Lillian opened up her scroll again with a sigh. 
“Still nothing back from him it seems?” Oz asked, slowing down to Lillian’s pace.
“Yeah, but I’m confident that he’s okay. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.”
“Yes, well...we wouldn’t want anything to come out of you panicking now would we?” Lillian rubbed her arm a bit. 
“It only works if I can see exactly how it could happen. It’s why I don’t ask for the full details of Qrow’s missions. If I were to be the reason he got hurt..” Oz set his hand on her shoulder.
“Not to worry, it’s as you said. You’re confident he is okay. He’ll get back to us when he can…” Walking back to Oz’s office, Lillian took the time to admire the Academy of Beacon with each passing step. She hasn’t been here since the first week of the first semester. Thinking back, she remembered in the beginning of the school semester Oz and Glynda talking about a special case student brought in two years early. She never imagined they had been talking about Ruby. She really has taken after her mother. Plus the fact Qrow had been a teacher at Signal does make complete sense. Once the doors had closed to Oz’s office Lillian watched as he sat down, sipping his coffee. 
“Alright, now you were sent to find a bit of information and maybe have a bit of a…” Oz gestured a bit while holding his coffee. 
“Premonition..?” Lillian nodded and pulled out her scroll, setting it on the table and a bright screen shining a hologram. 
“Okay, so a few weeks ago we got a message from Qrow stating and I quote ‘Queen has Pawns’ I can in fact confirm this, as I was able to gain a bit of information on the ones currently taking place here.” Glynda looked to Oz and then to Lillian. 
“Here? They’re already taking action?”
“Yes, it seems she has taken into consideration our dependence on peace. She’s gotten a few recruits here, one of them as we’ve already figured was Torchwick and his goons. But it seems we have a much more...interesting case.” She changed the screen from the text message to a screenshot of the video taken of the attempted robbery months ago. She pointed to the silhouetted figure that attacked with fire.
“We couldn’t identify the one in this shot, and from what we’ve noticed in our criminal files she doesn’t describe anyone we know at all. However from what I’ve noticed, she doesn’t seem to be a lacky of Torchwick. If anything she seems to be protecting the goods more than him. I believe this young lady is actually one of Salem’s closer pawns sent here to keep her recruits in check. Also, just by body type alone it seems this definitely isn’t an adult. This is a younger lady, probably aged closer to our own students.” Glynda crossed her arms and looked at the information. 
“While this is helpful. What exactly are you attempting to imply?”
“That this young lady is probably not their only younger pawn. If they have younger ones here, they can take full advantage of our festival coming up and possibly pretend to be students from other schools. I’m not saying we stop the festival, however I am saying that we need to be at least on guard.”
“And I agree.” Lillian stopped and looked to the door, seeing Ironwood now standing at the door. He looked at Lillian with a gentle smile. 
“Lillian, good to see you.”
“James, didn’t hear you come in. Still playing with those toy soldiers I see.” 
“Haha, very funny.” Ironwood went to greet Oz and Glynda, and Glynda immediately took the time to leave. 
“Well she certainly hasn’t changed.” 
“Well she is Glynda. She hasn’t gotten where she is for changing herself. And with that, I’ll see myself out. Good seeing you James.” 
“Lillian wait, you can stay if you’d like.” James offered, gesturing towards her scroll still on the table.
“You don’t have to stop on my count. Please continue.” Lillian looked to Ozpin who nodded silently. 
“Go on Lillian.” She sighed softly and walked over to Oz. She pointed at her temple for a second, before looking at her scroll.
“I had...a moment while finding information, and I saw a silhouetted pair behind our younger pawn. She seemed to have two others around the same age and all I really saw were silhouettes. One had bright glowing red eyes, another green hair, and the other silver. It seemed two women and a man all of student age, and that’s all I saw. As far as Qrow and his current whereabouts I have no information at all.” Taking her scroll, she looked between the two and nodded.
“I did just get back, so I’m gonna go unpack, rest a little and maybe get prepared for my class tomorrow.”
“Oh that’s right. Yes you brought up a good point. You start teaching again tomorrow, so go and take this time to rest. Thank you.” Lillian left the room and looked to Glynda who leaned against the wall. 
“It’ll be quite troublesome if we can’t find those spies. However I feel that your words might have convinced James to bring more firepower.”
“Convince him or not, Oz can tell him not to. I don’t think making a show of our abilities is wise. This is why I teach the students the way I do. A semblance is powerful, but you shouldn’t become dependent on it. Your weapons and your wit should be your first instinct in a fight. A semblance while it should be honed and able to be controlled, it shouldn’t be used unless completely necessary. Its the same thing with James’ army. If he shows everyone his biggest weapons as a show of power, all that does is give the enemy information. I agree we should be careful, but that does not mean we should scare everyone with large ships and constant robo-guards on duty. Now, I have class tomorrow, and I have had a long journey. I’m going to go rest. Have a good night Glynda.” 
After the excitement had finally died down Lillian took the chance to plop onto her bed and let out a large sigh. Unbuttoning her hood she slipped it off, her long sleeves following it as her arms now reveal several scars across her skin. She then unbuckled her weapons from her wrists and set them on her bed to examine her new scars and bandaged injuries. The last battle she had been part of was a bit problematic, especially on her own. 
“Shit, well could be worse.” She sits on the floor of her room, medical boxes now open and sprawled out around her while she does her best to deal with the wounds now with proper medical materials. While doing so, there a small chime coming from the scroll on her bed. She perks up, glancing over her bed and seeing the familiar profile on her screen. As if her wounds were healed just by the chime, a big smile formed on her face. She dropped the materials and climbed onto her bed, checking the text with full attention. 
“Hey Lily~ How’s my Vixen? Sorry about the late reply, I just got a chance to check. I’m okay, a little scraped up, but alright. Have you gotten back?” A big smile continues to shine across her features as she begins to quickly text back. 
“Hey! I have, are you in a safe spot? The others are worried about you, we haven’t heard from you since that last message. I’m glad you’re okay, I knew you would be, but it doesn’t stop my worrying.” Her heart was pounding with both joy and worry over him. At least he wasn’t hurt, or you know...not hurt a lot. Another chime rung through and her heart continued to pound. 
“Yeah, I’ve found a good place to rest up. As far as I know I wasn’t followed and can talk. Why? Did you miss me that much Vixy? ;) ” Lillian felt her face heat up and slowly typed in his number. Calling him, she rested her head atop her pillow and stared at the ceiling. A few rings chimed through and eventually a click and silence. Then she heard his voice, and her purple eyes sparkled. 
“Guess that’s a yes~ Hey Vixy~” Lillian let out a happy shaky sigh and gripped her scroll tightly.
“Hey~ It’s so good to hear your voice. I felt like I haven’t heard it in forever.” 
“Yeah, honestly it’s a little weird hearing your voice too. I can’t believe it’s been this long. But hey, how was your mission? We were stopped pretty abruptly that last call.” Lillian absentmindedly looked to her now bandaged arms. 
“I’m okay, got a bit scraped up myself, but it could’ve been worse. You didn’t tell me Ruby was in Beacon now. The teachers are praising her for her skills. Looks like you taught her well.” The two continued to chat for at least an hour, relaxing from both of their exciting days and joking around about old and new circumstances. It seems just talking with each other has lightened an unspoken heavy atmosphere around the two. The sun has dropped, and the two continued to speak until a single yawn from Lillian stopped the conversation.
“Getting tired?”
“Yeah, how about you?”
“Ah, I’m alright. You should sleep though, don’t worry. This dusty old crow knows how to take care of himself.”
“Yeah? Well this sleepy Fox knows how stubborn the dusty crow is. You should rest and at least let your aura heal up. Come on like old times, let’s go to bed together.” She heard a chuckle from Qrow over the scroll.
“Really now? You know next time I see you I’m going to hold you up to that~” Lillian giggled and hugged her pillow close. 
“...Hey Qrow? When do you think you’ll be getting home?” There was a silence, before a sigh.
“I’m not sure, not too long I guess. Why? Wish I was there to share a bed with you~?” 
“Come on Qrow be serious, also yes. I really miss you.” Her voice was soft, and she couldn’t help but feel vulnerable.
“Okay okay, I’m sure I’ll be home soon. And I promise when I get home you can keep me there for at least a day.”
“Two Days~”
“You drive a hard bargain, but you’re cute so I’ll say sure.”
“Deal~” Lillian smiled and yawned again. 
“You better rest tonight Qrow, no take backsies.”
“What are you, twelve?”
“Fight me~ Goodnight.” She hears a chuckle once again. 
“Goodnight Lily~” Once the call ended, Lillian turned on her side and let out a soft sigh. Relief overcame her as she finally got to hear from Qrow. Now knowing for a fact he was alright, she let sleep take over and she finally found a good comfortable rest throughout the night. 
Continue To Chapter 2
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666coffeeboi · 5 years
Why Not Both? Ch. 1
Fic Summary:
After not talking to Craig Tucker for so long, since their fake dating days, when they were the best of friends, Tweek finds himself sitting ‘alphabetically” on the first day of their senior year of high school.
Enter Kenny McCormick.
There was no universe where Craig Tucker was looking forward to the first day of his last year of school. It was going to be such a long year this time because it was the last year. Maybe playing again this year would make the time go by more quickly.
He put on his helmet and straddled his motorcycle. Since he was running early, he decided to just take the scenic route. He absolutely adored speeding his way beside the beautiful sunrise on the tiny hill across town. It was always so gorgeous. He loved speeding on his bike.
Once he arrived at the school building he did not want to go into. He didn’t want to deal with stupid South Park kids and more drama. He took off his helmet and put it in the seat thing. Then, he put on his chullo hat over his crazy bed hair that he didn’t really care too much about. Everyone was already trying to get his attention and he’d only just got there. All the guys said hi to him and waved at him before running to get their own schedules. It made him a little happy knowing that his friends were happy to see him.
The one thing that bothered Craig that morning was when he saw he had anatomy first period. He pretty much hated having it first thing and not because it was difficult for him, but because he was positive he would fly by with A’s in this class. It was stuff he already knew all about. Craig was a wiz with most sciences considering he’d been planning on becoming a doctor eventually.
Rushing to grab only his twelfth cup of coffee, Tweek let out a loud groan. He was already running late and it was only the first day of the year of senior year. He shook so much at the thought of how much pressure today would hold that he almost spilled his steaming coffee on himself. He practically ran out of his parents’ shop, having stains even through his apron after he’d taken it off. His parents pretty much had him working every second this summer, mainly in the kind of secret back room mixing the coffee in a big pot thing. Tweek didn’t know if he felt mildly relieved to at least be going back to school, but he knew he would pretty much be working for his parents every day after school until he was eighteen. He had been working there illegally since he was in kindergarten.
Once Tweek had walked the seven blocks to school and found his new years’ schedule, he practically ran into his first class, not wanting to be late. He noticed that, of course, the only seat available was beside the one and only Craig Tucker. Only the guy Tweek had been totally in love with since they’d fake dated way back in kindergarten. He’d gone through an totally angsty unrequited love thing back then because he was in love with Craig and to Craig it was all fake. Now, he was only a little feeling better about the whole thing, but he and Craig hadn’t even shared a class for a few years and now he had to sit beside him as his lab partner this entire semester for anatomy class. He was going to die. Craig would be the death of him. As Tweek avoided eye contact, he sat beside Craig. As far away as he possibly could, which wasn’t very. Craig probably didn’t even remember his name.
“Ack!” He squeaked with a jolting motion at the pressure of sitting so close to Craig Tucker for the first time in so many years.
One could say it was a little bit awkward of a situation for Craig, sitting beside Tweek Tweak in the first time in so many years. They had had that whole fake relationship back in elementary school and Tweek had pretty much been his best friend by the end of it. It’s not that he wasn’t on decent terms with the guy. It’s more that Tweek and he hadn’t even shared any classes for so many years that he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d seen Tweek’s face anywhere beside the hallways.
“Hey, so looks like we’re lab partners this semester, Tweek,” Craig said casually as he cleared his throat and wondered why Tweek was on the edge of the desk, so far away from Craig.
“Y-yeah- I guess s-so- sorry-“ he mumbled a bit, feeling bad that Craig was clearly disappointed to have Tweek as his partner. “We can probably switch if you hate me that much-“
Shocked a bit at Tweek’s response, he felt bad, remembering how extreme Tweek’s low self esteem was. He’d always been that way and Craig had always used to try his best as pretty much his only friend to make him feel better. He remembered that Tweek used to call him his rock.
“Hey, I definitely don’t hate you, Tweek, and you have nothing to apologize for. I don’t mind being your partner, either. It’s been a while since we’ve really talked so it’s kind of nice,” Craig tried to assure the other boy. He gazed cautiously at Tweek, trying not to scare him off. He knew he was pretty forward.
“Th- thank you- ACK-“ he said as his eye twitched. Craig Tucker thought talking to Tweek was nice? That would make him the first person to ever think that, and definitely the first to ever say it out loud. It reminded Tweek of why he’d been in love with him way back when so much. He was so candid and so openly caring. Even if it’d been fake. Tweek honestly wasn’t even sure if Craig had ever been actually gay to begin with.
“Still as twitchy as ever, I see,” Craig teased him softly with a small smile up at him as he casually watched Tweek twitch yet again. It brought back memories back in the time of where the two had been best friends. He would probably always cherish them. He hadn’t thought about all this for some time now since Tweek and he hadn’t spoken since the fake break up thing. After that, for some reason, Tweek hadn’t really been as before and then, they’d just lost contact.
“Ack!” Tweek made another noise and dared to look at Craig’s stunning face that he’d always been fond over and took a swig of coffee, before realizing that his coffee was already gone and pulled at his hair.
Craig smiled a bit to himself. Tweek was definitely as twitchy as he remembered. He remembered perfectly well how much the other boy used to get bullied over it. Kids used to claim he was on drugs and all other kinds of annoying bullshit. Anytime Craig had heard anyone say anything negative about his twitchy friend, he had told them to shut the fuck up. Sometimes, he had ended up fighting them because they didn’t stop. He got detention a lot. He always hated people talking badly about Tweek. It turned him into a protective asshole no one should mess with.
“I-uh- heard that you’re good at science stuff? I kind of suck,” Tweek said as he messed with his hair. He didn’t know why he felt so comfortable talking to Craig just then. It was almost like they’d immediately fallen back into their mold of best friends. He already felt as comfortable as he’d come to be so many years ago. Shit, he’d missed this boy. Back in the days when he’d agreed to fake date Craig, easily becoming each other’s best friend and immediately falling for him. Now, he hadn’t talked to many people outside of his parents for months. He kind of sucked at pretty much every subject and he didn’t exactly have time to study properly at all because of his parents constantly making him work.
“What? Oh, I guess I’m alright with this stuff, yeah. Here, I can try to explain some of the basics? I could try to help you with more stuff later, if you want?” Craig responded as he scooted closer to Tweek to help him with their homework. The shorter boy looked at Tweek a bit too long, thinking of how he’d seemed to be different but similar to all those years ago. His face was different, much more… sculpted? He’d also definitely gotten taller, while Craig was now the shorter of the two. He cleared his throat and looked back down to the book between them so he wouldn’t keep staring awkwardly at Tweek.
“Yeah, so you can just switch partners if you want like I said- I just, uh, I- my parents- don’t have a love of time to do homework..” he stumbled over the words for a while, figuring Craig would leave him. He didn’t want him to do that again. Tweek did find it strangely nice that he could at least feel like how he used to feel when he talked to Craig, except Craig and he had both grown up and did Craig just look at him?
“Dude, I’m not leaving you. It’s fine. I can come over to help you more or I can help you at school. Whatever you prefer,” he told him right before the bell rang.
“Here’s my number. Just in case. For...homework or whatever else,” Craig said as he quickly scratched writing on a piece of paper and handed the ripped paper to Tweek, touching his hand briefly accidentally.
“Ack! No! I don’t want to do that- you don’t h-have to do that- I- sorry- i don’t want you to do to do it all yourself..” Tweek stuttered, not wanting to inconvenience Craig more. Tweek had so missed Craig’s voice and his genuineness. He still loved him and it hurt so much more now. Craig’s voice had grown and was sexier and low now. Did Tweek just think that? He couldn’t help but stare at Craig probably for too long. Fuck. He didn’t want to scare the guy away, he just felt himself coming back into the way they used to be when they dated in kindergarten, it was anything but fake for Tweek even though it definitely was for Craig.
“O-okay, thanks,” he said with a tiny blush he hid. When Craig Tucker gave Tweek his number, smiled at him, and waved, Tweek blushed and smiled awkwardly. Their fingers had touched for too long for Tweek to be okay and not have those butterflies back from so long when he used to touch Craig more. He missed holding his hand. He just had nice hands, okay?
Once Craig walked off, Tweek bit his lip and pulled out his schedule, walking towards his next class. He was at least early this time. He saw that they had Mr. Garrison teaching yet a-fucking-gain and he had put a message on the board that they were all sat alphabetically, which by stupid South Park adults standards that pretty much meant Garrison just labeled all their desks however he wanted. Tweek was searching for his name on the desks and eventually ran into Craig Tucker. Again. How did they go from having no classes together to this?! Tweek got wide eyed and blushing all over again as he sat down at his desk.
While Craig walked to his next class, he couldn’t help think that he felt good about talking to Tweek after so long. It was nice being able to talk to them his dork. He smiled yet again at the thought and then walked through the doors of his class to see that he was sitting next to Tweek.. again.
“Guess we are seat buddies again, huh?” he joked with a small chuckle. It seemed the world wanted these two to rekindle their friendship, he thought. Craig looked up and he met a pair of shaky blue eyes that were looking at him and then away from him.
“Sorry! It was assigned I- I swear!” he said jerkily as he tugged his hair. “Sorry-” He had to admit that he still absolutely adored Craig’s eyes and couldn’t help stare yet again before biting his lip.
“It’s fine, Tweek. Calm down. Really, don’t worry about it. I told you before that it’s good to talk to you again,” he assured him with a small smile.
“You think it’s good to see me?!” Tweek couldn’t seem to control his tongue just then and he had to look away from Craig’s total gorgeousness. He had this hypnotic thing and it totally made Tweek a different person, that was always one of the many reasons he loved him.
“I mean, we haven’t talked forever, so yeah. It’s nice. You haven’t changed very much, have you?” Craig teased him gently with a smirk.
“Sorry! Is that a bad thing, that I- I haven’t changed? You have changed a bit...” Craig has most definitely changed physically. His face was so much more shaped and his entire body was just.. not cute kid Craig who’d stolen Tweek’s heart originally, but now he was basically a man and damn. It was just a good look for Craig. “Except most of your personality is the same. You still make me a little more sane.. like before.. little more calm, I mean.
“It’s not a bad thing,” he said simply before smirking teasingly at the taller boy. He’d missed teasing his old friend. “Oh yeah? I’m glad to make you even kind of sane. How else have I changed then?”
“I mean, you’ve gotten a little taller?” He tried to tease him back a bit. Ugh, he missed talking to Craig. The more Craig spoke to Tweek like it was the most normal thing and like Tweek himself was normal only reminded him of how it used to be with them. They actually did have fun doing the fake dating thing.
“Is that right? Maybe you just shrunk? I hear that happens with age,” he raised a brow at Tweek as he continued to kid with him.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. Guess we’ll have to have someone measure us again,” he actually genuinely laughed with someone for the first time probably since he’d been friends with Craig.
Fuck, he’d forgotten about this guy’s adorable, goofy laugh he’d always had. He’d missed that laugh. It was probably his favorite laugh. It made him smile and remember their childhood. Maybe it’d be nice to get to get to know Tweek as he was now. Maybe they could be friends again. Yeah, that might be nice.
Sadly, as soon as Tweek felt hope at being able to talk more to Craig and feel what Craig had always done to him in his tummy again, the bell rang to signal the beginning of French class. Ugh.
“Well, I have calculus now. You?” Craig sighed with a glanced up to the stupid clock with its stupid loud bells.
“Nope. Guess we have to go now, huh?” Tweek asked with sad puppy dog eyes. Hopefully, they at least had another class or two together later that day.
“Yeah, well, I’m sure we’ll see each other soon especially since we have classes together this semester,” he said a bit hopefully with a smile and wave at Tweek as they gathered their belongings and left.
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lenjaminmacbuttons · 5 years
Hope you’re doing okay, I know there’s been a lot going on the past couple weeks. 🌈🌈💛💛
thank you for the good vibes anon, i love you and it means a lot to me. however unfortunately now im gonna use this to vent dump exactly how much has been going on the past couple weeks off the top of my head. this is actually pretty far from Everything thats happen but im so tired and dont want to think about any of it anymore
my grandma passed away last week. we were prepared for it and we know she’s at peace in a better place et cetera et cetera, her body was all full of restraints & impediments that she doesnt have to deal with anymore and the next time she’s in a body it’ll be all New And Improved and awesome. i missed so much work in anticipation of this that now i can’t get work off on the day of the funeral, so i can still go to it but i’ll have to go immediately to work right from it and have to pretend everythings fine and dandy and nothings going on.
everyone at work Does know there’s something going on however and the two coworkers i have who are actually like i consider them friends mostly they’re all like Hey Im Here For You Talk About Your Feelings Honestly with me and i. dont. want. to talk about my feelings at work. thats not what work is for and i dont like talking about my feelings anyway and i dont want them to ask anymore
the changes to the handbook and the honor code have completely sunk my heart. i had so much hope up until those hideous ridiculous unfathomably transphobic things they wrote and now i don’t feel like i can trust or have hope in ANYTHING the institution does anymore. ive been up all night going back and forth over whether i want to go to church today. or ever again. it’s not bringing me joy. it’s making me feel anxious and depressed and frustrated and alone. i keep seeing people just on the street or on facebook who are so happy and content with the church and whatever it does and i just…i get struck every single time with this thought of “they don’t care about me. they don’t care about any of these problems. they’re not affected personally by it and so they don’t care.”
and then that makes me feel like such a hypocrite because!!! ive been them too for so long!! what makes this moment so different!!!!! why is this the straw that breaks the camel’s back when the camel should have thrown off the whole burden and run to join its friends at the first strike of the owner’s whip!!!!!!
plus it’s making me feel gross about my mormon memes blogs. idk if i can keep running those anymore.
im failing this semester anyway and i keep getting emails about it. i was planning to take a break from school After this semester but ive missed so much class that i just really can’t go back to any of them so i guess im just dropping out right now. as much as i’d love to participate in all the incredible amazing protests going on right now i really really cant be on campus at all without feeling literally physically ill. and my Hope was to do really well this last semester and then submit mission papers and that way i’d know exactly what next to do with my life until i decide what After, and id be able to Get Out somewhere and travel someplace while still feeling like my life has some semblance of structure and direction. however! HOWEVER!!!!!!!!
i’ve been feeling so, so horrible and so worn down and i dont even know where or what my testimony is anymore. but that’s probably a lot lower on the list of Why I Can’t Serve A Mission, because a. i still don’t trust my Local Bishop enough to talk to him about things The Handbook says to b. i am finding it harder and harder and harder to be perceived as female. i never really have dysphoria about my body or my presentation or anything but like, when people say Sister and Ma’am and Miss and Daughter and Hey Pretty Lady It’s Me Your Relief Society President it’s like…that’s not me. that feels gross. and i wear suits and ties to church, have done so for a while and never get any flak for it, and im gradually working up the nerve to maybe start introducing myself as lev or levi instead of lillie buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut. socially transitioning apparently is not allowed.
not to mention my temple recommend expired ages ago anyway. anxiety about bishops prevented me from ever going in for an interview to renew it. i haven’t visited the temple once since before graduating high school. but every time i see it or think about it i long for it so badly and it hurts so much.
and also like, i get that same kinda horrible regretful longing feeling whenever i hear violin music? because i played violin for a few years and then stopped but i still have the instrument because it was given to me by my grandmother. who played it herself until sickness wouldn’t let her anymore and she entrusted it to me and i Stopped Playing but then i hoped to pick it up enough to at least learn how to play her favorite song and aw wouldn’t that be so nice to play that for her on her violin except i never actually got around to printing out the sheet music or practicing At All. and now she’s gone.
and one of the last things she said to me was that she would love to hear my book since her eyesight was too gone to read it so i said i’d record it as soon as i got the right software/hardware to do that and then i never did that either. also i promised alla yalls that book would be Published Published coming up on four months ago now and i still haven’t done that
i took a pair of safety scissors to my forearms as mentioned in a previous post and surprise surprise, the lines have not healed still, it’s getting warmer outside and thus harder to wear long sleeves, and guess what! a while ago on a separate occasion i complained that i kinda wished my self harm scars looked more like the classic cutter lines and Now They Do!! And I Hate It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a couple nights ago my little sister saw them and so i told her i got attacked by a spider-pawed bear and fortunately my brother Understands and backed me up like “dang what do they teach in schools these days i cant believe youve never heard of the spider-pawed bears that live in the mountains and are totally normal and real”
and steven universe is ending. that’s a thing.
and like….okay. not everything in my emotions right now is bad. some of it is just complicated. one coworker friend i have recently confessed that she’s had a crush on me for several months now. fortunately when she said this i was able to be honest and say that im not super eager for a relationship right now, im not ready in the slightest to settle down or anything, im still hung up on my high school crush and also dealing with issues from my last relationship, and she replied that’s all perfectly fine and she doesn’t have any expectations and she’s great being friends and we can take things at whatever pace is good
except i also now have a date with said high school crush loosely planned for tomorrow and i told this coworker friend about it and she admitted it’s making her a little jealous and then she said jealous is an ugly word and amended it to Insecure and i feel bad about that
but i also like. am really excited for this date. like it’s not really a for sure romantic capital-d Date and that’s fine, but i haven’t seen this friend irl for so long and ive been missing her so much over this past little while that we’ve been internet chatting and that ive been i guess officially falling back in love with her but i also like, i dont know what her deal is romantically right now i don’t want to presume anything but i really really really am itching to see her
work is stressful. it’s only gonna get more so as weather gets warmer. but we’re getting two new managers with loads of experience and glowing reviews next week. i have hope that they’ll makes things a little lighter.
and there’s also. good things. peridot took off her visor for the first time ever in canon and i saved like 50 different gifs of it to my computer cus it rocked my world. sonic has she-ra toys for the kids meals and i managed to snag a tiny inflatable version of the sword. i’m making cosplays of the tres horny boys from the adventure zone and they’re all very exciting and making things makes me very very happy. i’m finding joy in all the fanfictions i’m writing right now and in talking about dungeons & dragons with my brothers and friends. ducknerva is a very beautiful Good Ending version of marahope which makes me happy and taako is a super effective projection outlet. i bought cupcakes today and they were delicious. and when i think about those good things, when i think about any good thing no matter how small, everything else disappears.
whatever happens happens i guess.
she who lives will see.
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lorie1483 · 5 years
The Professor
I'm a professor at Imperial College and I've been teaching here for quite a few years now.
My field of study is Astrophysics.
I also teach a second year's maths class and
basic university levels physics.
I do the latter two because there was a shortage of qualified maths professors and the Dean of admissions asked me to fill in.
Well he asked me but I didn't have a choice really. I was the only one qualified to do the job.
Anyway, long story short I ended up teaching at this school because my initial dreams fell through.
That's right. I didn't aspire to do this job.
I wanted to be a famous rockstar.
My friends Roger, Tim and I were apart of something really special. So I thought.
Unfortunately, Tim decided he wanted to leave and sing with another band.
He said that our current band was holding him back from making it big.
We weren't playing the kinds of gigs he wanted to play and believed that at the rate that we were going we would never make it.
He actually said that to us.
Roger and I were livid at his resignation for us.
It was hurtful and selfish what he did to us and we've never recovered from it since.
Roger and I searched desperately for another replacement but to no avail.
Our band ended up dissolving completely.
And after years of trying and getting older we felt it was pointless to live on a dream.
It wasn't paying the bills. And we both had families to feed.
Thankfully, we had our chosen fields of study to fall back on.
Roger became a successful dentist and I reluctantly became a Doctor/Professor of Astrophysics.
I'm a middle aged man with a family and a decent career.
My life certainly didn't turn out the way I've envisioned.
But that's life right.
Right now, I'm preparing my lesson plan for my second year's maths students.
The Dean of Registrations has just walked in.
"Dr. May. Excuse me Dr. I'm so sorry to bother you, but we have a new student that's just come in to us."
The Dean a nice young woman came in to inform me of a new student. (Great). Like I really need this right now.
"I know it's midterm, but he's coming in as a transfer student. And he needs this class as a credit for this terms semester."
She further explained in detail and I sighed because my lecturing hall was already filled to the max.
"Well as you can see I'm already maxed out with seating. Why didn't they put him in another class of the same course?" I inquired calmly as possible. I was annoyed.
"And I'm sorry Dr. But those classes were filled as well. We've only found this class because the computer said that there was one more opening to be filled.
Hence why we're here. Now I know this is short notice but my hands are tied on this one." She spoke softly.
She further explained the situation and I nodded weakly in defeat.
I suppose I have no choice.
"Well I guess we could make room for one more."
I exclaimed quietly whilst perusing my class. And in doing so I did have one empty seat left at the top right corner.
"They're in luck," I proclaimed resolutely and she smiled in delight. She was grateful that I gave in without an argument.
"Thank you Dr. And he's actually here with me right now. Shall I send him in? She asked me and I nodded saying it was fine.
"Well we're almost finished for today. But sure. Send him in."
I closed my folder when she went outside to bring in my new student.
"Settle down class." I exclaimed to my students.
"We have a new student coming in. He's a transfer student. And I expect everyone to be respectful towards him. Is that understood?" I demanded sternly and everyone nodded in silence.
"Good. He'll be in shortly then."
I have 75 students in my class already.
I suppose one more wouldn't hurt.
And I'm hoping he's a fast learner.
I would hate for him to fall behind so late in the term.
"Yes. Right this way." The Dean had motioned for him to come in.
"This will be your new maths professor for the remainder of the term.
And Dr. May this is your new student Farrokh Bulsara or Freddie as he prefers to be called."
The young man walked in wearing glasses.
He stuck his hand out to me and I shook his hand.
"How do you Sir. I'm sorry I'm coming in midway through your term."
The young man spoke shyly with his head down. He was pretty nervous. I could feel his hand trembling when I shook it.
"Oh no. Don't be sorry. I'll make sure you're brought up to speed in no time.
And I'm sure some of my other students will help you along as well."
I spoke out loudly to my students.
They were chatting amongst each other. And they know I hate that.
"Uh-h yeah. I'll help you get caught up."
One of my students spoke up. And I smiled and nodded in his direction.
"Ah. Mr. Deacon you're too kind. Thank you for volunteering. And I'm sure you'll both get on swimmingly."
I smirked at John and he smiled in return. He's a terrific kid and proficient too.
He's one of my better students.
I then took out last week's lesson plan and handed to Freddie.
"Thank you Sir. I'll do my best to get caught up with the rest of the class."
He smiled warmly as I handed him the folder of notes.
"You can have a seat now. Unfortunately, you have to sit way at the top. It's the only seat I have left. I hope that's not a problem for you."
I pointed towards the seat up top and he nodded shyly.
"Thank you Sir. That seat is perfect actually. It provides a nice view."
He winked and smiled at me and then he walked up towards his seat.
"Very good then. I'm sure we'll get on fine.
Now class where were we?"
I began going through my lesson plan and I felt strange for some reason.
Was this young man flirting with me?
"Ok class. If we could pick up where we've left off.
The Guass Jordan Method.
I need some one to explain to me what processes we use to come up with an Augmented Matrix?
I presented whilst looking out at my class.
John quickly raises his hand to answer the question.
And I knew he would try and answer it first. He always does.
"Yes John. I appreciate you're eagerness. But I'm going to do this in a different way." I exclaimed to John and then I spoke out to the whole class.
"So I thought about it and I figured why not have everyone write it down instead.
This way our new student Freddie won't feel completely put off in front of the class.
You other people should follow in John's lead by the way.
And be more willing in the future. He shouldn't be the only one answering." I further added sternly. I was annoyed to say the least.
"In fact. I want you all to write the exact method down on paper for me right now.
You have 15 minutes to answer it.
And after you've completed this assignment you all could break for lunch. How's that sound?"
I spoke firmly to my students. And they all nodded quickly whilst tackling the problem.
Meanwhile, my new student Freddie seemed a bit nervous and unsure of how to do this problem.
Surely he's learned the basic procedures by now.
"Mr. Bulsara. You seem pensive. Is everything ok? I asked him and he nodded weakly.
"Yes Sir-r. I'm fine." He responded incredulously.
Maybe he hasn't learned any of this yet.
He then proceeded to work on the problem along with the rest of students.
The time was nearly up when I announced it to everyone.
"Alright lads. That's time.
Those of you who didn't finished this please see me after class."
I proclaimed to everyone.
The 15 minutes were up.
Everyone handed their assignment in except for Freddie. He was still working on the problem. Poor lad.
"Right. You all can go. Mr. Bulsara. You have two more minutes to finish. See me after you're done please." I said to him and he nodded.
I dismissed everyone and waited for Freddie to approach me.
"Ah Yes. How are you coming along Freddie?"
I smiled when he approached my desk.
He still seemed nervous when he handed me his paper.
"Uh-h. Well Sir. I did the best that I could."
I looked over his paper and reviewed his answer.
He only answered half of it correctly.
"Ok. Well I see you need some work on proper rowing.
Once you've solved the correct equation the matrix will fall into place. "I explained to him and he looked lost.
"Look it's fine. I'm glad you've tried at least. I could offer you some help. I do private tutoring in the evenings."
I smiled at him and he nodded shyly at the idea.
"It's just that I should know this already. And I feel bad that I've come in so unprepared."
Freddie explained quietly. He looked sad.
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staytheb · 5 years
Like Oh 2.0 - Black Day
Previous Chapter: #KINGJACKSONDAY Word Count: 3,956 Summary: It’s Singles’ Day in South Korea and the girls are hanging out without anyone to bother them.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
the 9th chapter is here. more fillers and story and character build-up and development. well, i think it’s better that way as it would make it better for future chapters. so yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"Food is served!" Melanie announced as she set the last plate of food onto the large cloth where the old coffee table used to be. "When are you going to get a new table, Serena?" Jasmine asked as she dug in first. "I dunno. Haven't really been looking." Serena answered as Jeannie looked at her. "Or is it because you don't really want to buy another one?" "That too." Serena chuckled. "We can go Saturday. We're all free." Melanie suggested. "I'll think about it. Let's just enjoy our Black Day." "Yeah." Jasmine agreed while lifting her cup of soju. "To another year of being single!" "To another year of being single!" The other three followed along as they clinked their cups together before downing the alcohol. "I still can't believe we ditched class to hang out for today although we did the same thing last year." Jeannie commented a moment later with a laugh.
"Today wouldn't be any different like what happened on Tuesday, anyways." Serena commented as her sister shot her a look. "You're supposed to tell me everything with Mark when you go to class." "I'll see him next Tuesday, maybe." Serena remarked before diverting the conversation elsewhere. "So what happened, Jasmine?" "What happened what?" Jasmine looked at the older womanin confusion. "I thought you were going to spend Black Day with that guy who confessed to you on White Day?" "Oh, him. Yeah, no. We're done." "What happened with you and Seungmin?" Melanie asked looking towards Jeannie who just shook her head at not wanting to tell the story. "Let Jas tell you what happened." "Okay." Jasmine said as she placed her bowl down, but then had to shoo Biscuits away. "Biscuits, no."
The toy poodle whined for awhile, but back away when Serena made her a plate with smaller portion and out of the way of the other four and all the food. "Here, Biscuits. Go ahead, Jasmine." "Alright, well, Seungmin and I did go on a few dates, but then like he got possessive all of a sudden." Jasmine began to tell her story. "He even went around telling people that we were boyfriend and girlfriend and other guys to back off as I was with him. Like what the hell? It was so totally weird." "So what did you do?" Melanie asked as Jasmine sighed. "I told him I didn't want to see him anymore." "Did he take it well?" Serena asked this time as Jasmine shook her head. "No, he did not. The guy then went to spread rumors that we were gonna get engage and then marry each other after graduation." "Wow." "No way?" "Yeah, right? Ridiculous." Jeannie commented as Jasmine continued.
"Others believed him and others didn't, but I'm not gonna go around telling them what's true or not. If they wanna believe it, then let them believe. It's honestly so dumb." "Yeah, it is." "Forget about him." "It's whatever." Jasmine then looked at Serena. "What about you?" "What about me?" "Where's your lucky guy?" "I already told you guys. I'll feel sorry for the guy that ends up with me if I get with someone." Serena explained once again. "I don't like cuddling, all that skinship, doing all those couple stuff like interacting in that lovey-dovey manner, and I really like my alone time. Besides, I don't want to put that guy in that kind of position if he's with me where I can't show him all those affections and what not." "Bull." Melanie called out her sister's bluff. "You just don't want to give me nieces and nephews."
"Um, excuse you." Serena shot back while pointing at Biscuits who was now asleep on top of the couch after eating her meal. "She's kinda like your niece." "She doesn't count." Melanie answered with a raised eyebrow while Serena rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well Carson gave you a niece and a nephew and Cameron's going to give you twin nephews in a few months." "They're not even blood-related." Melanie countered as Serena shrugged. "True, but same difference." "Whatever." "Wait, Melanie, what about that Taesuk guy or was it the Kyungtae guy? What about them?" Jasmine asked. "Why not hook up with one of them." "Ugh. Don't mention Kyungtae. He's a creeper. I'll never date him." Melanie shivered. "He's the one that worked at Zion Market, right?" Serena asked as Melanie nodded her head.
"Yeah, did he think I was you?" "Big time." "What happened?" Jeannie asked as Serena explained. "He followed me asking why I wasn't answering him before he actually took a good look at me and apologized. He said that I look like someone he knew." "Well, you guys do look alike at a glance." Jeannie commented as the other pair of sisters roll their eyes. "Unlike you two who are twins." "Fraternal." The twins chorused. "Anyways, you didn't say anything about Taesuk. What about him?" Jasmine asked as Melanie shrugged. "I see him more as a brother, anyways." "Wow you already friend-zoned him?" "He really gives off that big brother type of feeling." "And he thought I was Melanie the other day, too." Serena rolled her eyes as Melanie laughed. "He told me about that where you tripped trying to run away when he called you 'Chaewon', right?"
"I just didn't want another Kyungtae scene okay." "Sounds about right." The younger trio commented as Serena rolled her eyes. "Whatever guys." "Wait, Melanie. Doesn't Taesuk know that you really know who Jeffrey is though?" Jasmine asked Melanie who shook her head. "No he doesn't. He still thinks that I think of JB as Jeffrey who's some random guy." "Wow, that's surprising." Jeannie laughed as she then looked at Serena with a sly look. "Speaking of JB or GOT7 for that matter, I noticed that you're hanging out more with Mark than your own bias." She then looked at Melanie with the same look. "And you're hanging out with JB more than your own bias, too." "Dude, that's true." Jasmine agreed with a chuckle. "Hanging out with your sister's bias instead of your own. How does that feel?" The other pair just shrugged as Melanie spoke up first. "I don't know except that JB looks way better in person than he does in all of the pictures and videos taken of him."
"Well, Mark seems slightly a little annoying than I thought he would be." Serena laughed. "Why?" The other three asked. "I don't know. He reminds me of the boys back home. Like if you're not close to them or whatever, they don't act like stupid little jerks and what not." "Oh, yeah, that. That's true." "Besides, he's always copying off of me." "Then what about the other three in English class?" Jasmine asked curiously. "Doesn't your friend, Ana, not know that you guys are friends?" "Not really." Melanie answered. "She's busy attending anything TVXQ, JYJ, SM-related and other groups she's in to while hanging out with her other English teacher buddies." "Hmm true." Serena agreed as she went back to talking about Jinyoung, Youngjae, and Yugyeom. "Anyways, we keep our knowing of one another on the down-low when we're in class. They also don't bother me as much as Mark does."
"Man, Serena, I wish you still taught someone from SM though. That would be great and I could have gotten signed merchandises and pictures, too." Jasmine whined with a pout. "Yeah, right. Almost all of them attend Korea Kent Foreign High in Kwangjin for their English skills." Serena told the younger woman. "From what I've seen on the wiki page for it." "Then go there and teach then." "Yeah, no. I'm not volunteering to teach again after this semester." "Why? Can't handle all the kids asking you questions?" Jeannie chuckled as Serena shook her head with a wry smile. "I hate talking to them." "Wow." "Hey," Melanie directed at her sister, "Did the GOT7 albums come in yet?" "Yeah, like three weeks ago." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I forgot." "Where are they?" "In my room."
Melanie went to fetch the packages as Jasmine took control of Serena's TV. "Hey, have you guys seen NCT U's music videos for The 7th Sense and Without U, yet?" "No. I haven't. Is it all of them or just a few members? I haven't kept up to date with SM." Serena asked as Jeannie answered. "A few of the members, but it has two sub-units for NCT U for some reason." "I don't know why either, but here. Watch The 7th Sense." Jasmine played the video just as Melanie returned with the large box. "Are you guys watching NCT U's music video?" "Yeah." "Ten has grown up a lot, Serena." "Who's Ten?" Serena asked confused upon hearing the name. "That Thai kid that you liked back in the day. He sang Justin Bieber's Baby song on that Star show." "You mean T-N-T?" "Yeah, but he goes by Ten now."
"Wait a minute. T-N-T is in S-M Entertainment now? Wow, I thought he was still a trainee for Starship as he was supposed to debut in Boyfriend, but then didn't because he didn't want to. He goes by Ten now, I wonder why." "Wait, you guys already knew of him before then?" Jeannie asked surprised. "Yeah. He was part of this Thai singing show called Teen Superstar. He was quite cute back then. I've been waiting for him to debut." "Well, he joined SM back in thousand and thirteen during SM's global audition in Thailand." Jasmine explained. "He actually wasn't a trainee for Starship. He refused." "How do you know?" "The fancafes." Jasmine smiled. "Well, at least he sounds fluid now when he raps in Korean. Before he had the potential, but was a bit choppy." Serena laughed. "Anyways, I'm still waiting for Johnny and Hansol to actually debut." Jasmine informed them. "They're like one of the longest trainees of SM."
When the music video ended Serena took the remote. "I know you're in your SM and NCT U mood, but let's watch this music video because I'm happy they're back and still around after another year." Serena then typed in HISTORY's Queen. "Who are they?" The twins asked as Melanie recognized the group's name. "Are they the one that sang that Die song." "Yeah, Might Just Die. That was released last year and they finally came back a few days ago." "I like how we spend our Black Day just watching K-Pop music videos." Jeannie laughed as the trio agreed. "Best way to passed time with no one to bother us." And when that video ended Jeannie took over. "I know this is like a few weeks old, but this is my jam and on constant replay since it came out." She entered OH MY GIRL's Liar Liar into the search bar. "I don't know the group that well, but it's so catchy."
"The coloring is so bright though." Jasmine commented as Serena agreed. "True, but it does have a catchy tune. I like it." "Is that Gongchan?" Melanie asked as the twins shrug. "Dunno." "I'm sure it's Gongchan." Serena laughed. "I think they were holding one of his official photocards, but I don't remember from which era. I'm sure they're from the same entertainment." "I see." Melanie took control of the remote next when Liar Liar ended. "My turn. This just came out today." She grinned as she inputted GOT7's Home Run and clicked on the practice video. "Is this one gonna be like Magnetic where they have a dance for it, but don't actually promote it unlike Gimme and Good Tonight where they did promote, but don't have an actual dance practice for it?" Jeannie asked as Serena remembered something. "I think it's the other title, so it should be a follow up one. Departure had a double title track or something."
"Dude, they look good in the baseball shirts." Jasmine complimented the boys. "And in jeans, too." "Ain't gonna lie, but JB looks hella fine with his hair like that and wearing the glasses." Melanie stated next with a laugh. "Mark doesn't look bad either although I can't really see since he and Jackson are wearing caps." Jeannie chuckled as Serena rolled her eyes. "Whatever guys. I'm watching the choreography and ignoring everything else." "You know you're checking them out, Serena." Jeannie teased as Serena smiled. "Maybe." The quartet continued to watch music videos and eat for the rest of the afternoon until Jasmine convinced them to go out and have fun for the night upon Ahri's request. "We didn't do anything last year. Let's just go and see how it is when singles all mingle together and just let loose." Jasmine grinned while wriggling her eyebrows. "It'll be a lot of fun."
The quartet were all dressed and ready to head out with Jasmine already opening the door and keys in hand with her red cardigan slightly off shoulder, but Serena decided otherwise as she lagged behind the others while tugging at the helm of her oversized longsleeve red shirt-like dress. "I'ma stay with Biscuits." "Serena. We're already dressed up and Biscuits will be fine for a few hours alone." Jeannie said while looking over at the older woman and adjusting her leopard print boots. "Ugh, you're always like this." Melanie grumbled a bit annoyed while adjusting her grey cardigan. "I just do, okay." "No way, Serena. We're dressed and we're gonna have fun tonight." Jasmine told her friend as she grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the apartment. "Now you have to come." Serena made a face as Jeannie slightly shouldered her playfully. "Don't worry, Serena. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself in no time." "Yeah, yeah, whatever." The four headed out into the late evening.
Serena and Melanie returned back to the Serena's apartment complex close to two in the morning. Jasmine still wanted to party with Ahri and Jeannie stayed to make sure her sister wouldn't get herself into too much trouble like last time and told the others that they would crash at Ahri's instead. So Serena and Melanie tiredly rode the elevator to the fifth floor and just wanted to crash into their own beds. At first they were just sight-seeing around Cheongdam and could do whatever around there when Jasmine suggested going to Itaewon a few minutes later. When they did arrive in Itaewon the quartet met up with Jasmine's friend, Ahri, who then suggested for all of them to go clubbing. Once there Jasmine had them take shots at any given moment while Ahri kept them at the dance floor to dance away the alcohol. It was tough, but the sisters were able to call it a night after a few hours of the night life.
"Melanie, I'm never clubbing with those two ever again. Actually, I'm just never clubbing again, period. Not my style." Serena groaned as she rubbed her temples as Melanie agreed. "Yeah. They're too much together." "Maybe, but I need water to wash out the taste of alcohol." "Water? More like food, Serena. I'm hungry." "You have the munchies." "Feels like it." "Let's go to Fairy Sweets right now. They're kitchen is still opened until six." "Really? Are you sure?" "Yeah, I always go there for my three AM craving of crispy chicken." "You would, but that sounds bomb right now." "I know. I always get two orders of that." "You would." When the lift arrived to the fifth floor Serena hit the button to take them back down to the lobby, but intercepted the door from closing again. "Ugh, wait. Gotta check on Biscuits, first."
Melanie waited by the elevator as Serena went to check on Biscuits. "Ugh, gotta change the pad." Serena groaned as she did so before cleaning up after the toy poodle and putting the leash on her. "C'mon, Biscuits, let's go." Melanie eyed the dog when she saw her coming with her sister. "Why are you bringing Biscuits?" "Just so she can walk around and not feel lonely either." Serena explained. "Besides, Chloe used to spoil her a lot and I have to make sure to show Biscuits some love." Serena and Biscuits entered the elevator as Melanie hit the lobby button. "Do you think they'll let animals in?" "Yeah. The owners and other workers bring in theirs from time to time." She then looked at the dog. "You're going to like them crispy chicken bites, Biscuits."
When the trio arrived to the lobby's floor they were greeted by seven figures. "Hi." They all greeted one another as the girls stepped out and the boys stepped in. "Where you going?" Jackson asked while leaning a hand against the door so that it wouldn't close on them as Melanie answered. "To eat." "Where?" "Fairy Sweets." "Can we come?" "No." Both sisters replied as they giggled away from the group. "I don't know if that was sarcasm or not." Jackson said as he looked at his fellow members. "I want to go." Yugyeom voiced out with an innocent expression. "A chocolate shake sounds good right now." "But they said no." Youngjae responded. "I still say we go." BamBam grinned. "It's not like we have any early schedules to attend to later today. "But sleep sounds amazing." Mark said as Jaebeom agreed. "Yeah, sleep would be nice." "Let's not bother them tonight." Jinyoung told his members. "Let's just go." Jackson declared. "I'm really thirsty."
The sisters were casually enjoying themselves in the furthest corner of the store with their food and drinks while Biscuits was happily snacking on some chicken bits underneath the table. Melanie was scrolling through her Facebook feed to catch up with family and friends back home. Serena was watching a music video when they heard several tables and chairs scrapping against the floor to be joined with theirs a moment later. "What are you watching, Jyongri noona?" Jackson asked Serena who had paused the video upon hearing the sudden noise. "David Oh's Where Did It All Go Wrong music video. So, um, why are you here?" The older woman's eyes scanned the other members. "Why are all of you here though?" "Jackson said he was thirsty." Mark answered with a small smile. "But he hasn't order anything yet." "I wanted to check in with these two first." Jackson countered as Melanie interjected. "It's like two in the morning. Don't you guys have a schedule later today?"
"No. Not until the late afternoon." Jaebeom answered with a tired smile. "So we're good to hang out for a bit." "Why is there so much of these?" BamBam commented as he ate a crispy chicken bite from one of the bags. "I don't know, but it's good and taste just like chicken." Youngjae said as he also ate a few more pieces. "It is chicken." The sisters replied in unison. "What's this flavor?" Yugyeom asked after drinking Melanie's drink that she had offered the younger male. "It's pistachio and almond." Melanie answered while taking a sip of her drink. "Why are you kids eating all of their food?" Jinyoung slightly scolded them. "If you're hungry, then go and buy your own." "It's fine," Serena assured the younger male. "They remind us of our brothers back home so it's all good. We ordered too much, anyways."
Mark looked at Serena puzzled. "I thought you said it was just you and Chaewon noona?" Melanie responded instead. "It is, but we also grew up with our neighbor's kids and so we just call them our brothers even though we're not the same race." "Oh." All seven let out when Biscuits leaned up to get Serena's attention. "Hmm?" She let out while petting the toy poodle's head. "You done? Alright, let's go." "Where are you going, noona?" Yugyeom asked once he noticed Serena standing up. "Gonna walk the night with Biscuits." "Can I come?" Youngjae asked hopefully as she looked at the male before shifting her gaze over to Jaebeom with a playful smile. "Ask your father." Everyone looked at her confused while Melanie rolled her eyes with a wry laugh. "You're stupid." "Hey, it's kind of true. Anyways, bye."
"Why're you always tryna leave whenever we come by, Jyongri noona?" Jackson asked with a slight pout. "What? No I don't, Jackson." Serena denied with a small grin. "You do it all the time noona." BamBam disagreed. "Since we all met." "Nah, it's not like that." Serena denied once again although she knew what they were saying was the truth. "I'm just busy and have other things to do. That's all." "Liar." Melanie muttered as Serena glared at her which Melanie just wriggled her eyebrows at her sister playfully. "Anyways," Melanie began as a small yawn escaped past her lips. "Let's call it a night. I'm tired and I want to sleep in my bed." She stood up and stretched her limbs. "But what about your food?" Jaebeom asked as he looked at the amount of food that was still on the table that girls barely put a dent in.
"Oh, you guys can have it." Melanie told him with a wave of her hand. "I'm sure you guys will finish it faster than us just taking it home to eat it later." "You're also like Jyongri noona, Chaewon noona." Jackson stated as Melanie looked at him confused. "No we're not." "Yeah huh." "How so?" "You also want to leave us whenever someone else leaves or something." "No, I don't. I actually don't mind hanging out with you guys." "Then why are you leaving?" "Because I want to sleep, Jackson." Melanie chuckled. "I swear Jackson, you're-" Melanie stopped as Jackson waited. "I'm what?" "Dumb." She admitted with a laugh as everyone busted out laughing except for Jackson. "I'm not dumb." "I know, I know. I didn't meant it like that." "Whatever, noona." "Don't be so salty, Jackson." "I'm not."
"Whatever." Melanie dismissed the topic. "Anyways, since Serena already left I'm going, too." "What?" Everyone turned to where Serena had been standing with Biscuits and was no where in sight. "She leaves so quietly and like no one even noticed it." "Ha, she's like a ninja cat." Melanie told them as Mark tilted his head in confusion. "What's a ninja cat?" "Basically what Serena is as she's a mix of both. She walks quietly and you can't hear her footsteps, but when you do notice her presence you kind of get startled from it." "Oh." "Mmhmm. It's what we call her." Melanie looked about at the boys. "Okay, so I'm gonna go and you guys can do you." "Like chill at your place?" BamBam asked with a smile as Melanie shook her head "No. I mean you guys can stay here and chill or go back to your own place." "But you said we can do whatever we want and we wanna hang out with y'all."
"Yeah, no." Melanie clarified as BamBam made a face. "We're already sorry about the table though." Melanie chuckled. "It's not like that, Bam. Unnie and I are gonna passed out when we get home. There's no point in having you guys over to stay up even more later than you need to when you have stuff to do." "Chaewon noona's right guys." Jinyoung agreed. "We need to get home, shower, change, and sleep as much as we can before our schedules." "Alright, then let's just head back home together." Jaebeom ordered as he stood up with the rest of the members in tow. "We're headed in the same direction anyways." "Fine." The younger ones grumbled as Melanie chuckle while muttering to herself as they trudged out of Fairy Sweets Tea Express after taking the food to go. "These kids. What a clingy bunch."
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foxboymyles · 5 years
[ZOLU] Pardon My Imprudence Chp.1
((Note: Hey! I made a One Piece fanfic a while back but never fully published it :) So here it is for anyone to read. I hope you enjoy!))
He doesn't intend to mess up. Usually, it's something that happens in the fault of his obliviousness. If he truly meant to slip and almost cost his life, it was always from his own self-righteousness. In school, it was grades. The only good grades he got in his first week of freshman year were from PE. He was lucky enough to escape with C's, mostly. Even his name, Monkey D. Luffy, was written sloppily and never taught into care. Until his friend, Zoro came around. They met at a frozen yogurt shop, as Zoro explained he was hungry and wanted a snack before he headed to his house where his parental guardian Mihawk was. After the first week of school, Luffy's friend looked bewildered at the grades he kept up. Zoro was a slacker, but he always made his way towards B's. Luffy instantly got C's in his first week of school! Zoro decided to teach him some aspects of math for an hour or two each day since they met at the frozen yogurt shop every day since then.
"You see, it's all easy. This is just a review from last year." Zoro said, calm and collective.
Luffy took a bite of his froyo, pouting and talking with small lips."I didn't even pay attention last year."
Zoro sighed and looked at the teen, a little annoyed but more just disappointed.
"Usopp said you can lie out of homework by pretending you have a stomach ache," Luffy mumbled.
Zoro smiled and questioned in his head Luffy's choice of friends. It seemed like he was the only normal person in the clique they had. There was Nami, who always asked them for a dollar to get chips from the vending machine and asked for 20 dollars when doing Zoro's homework. He didn't ask her to, but she forcefully made him anyways. Then there was Usopp, who lies constantly and attempts, unsuccessfully, to get out of any possible pester in school. After that, there's Chopper, who looks 7 but is actually the same age they are. He's 4'5 and is already in Math 3, even when the first semester always starts with Math 1. His counselor immediately put him in with Grade 10 kids. And lastly, Luffy, who's a flunk in all his classes except for PE. He has a knack for childish things and goofs around at school.
"My brothers try to help me with homework but it always fails..." Luffy continued.
Zoro raised an eyebrow while asking."You have brothers?"
Luffy nodded and put his pencil down."I have 2 brothers in their Senior year."
Luffy explained one to be Ace and another to be Sabo. Ace got a little irritated too fast, but he cares for other people. The irony of it is that he's also a little too confident in himself. Sabo is kind, really smart, and gives Luffy really good advice. He continues to tell Zoro that they don't help him very much because he has a low attention span.
"At least you got through some parts of your homework with me," Zoro commented, after hearing even the brightest of people can't go through any sort of brain training with Luffy.
"Yeah! You're the first person to go through more than 3 problems of my math homework with me."
"Maybe the teacher'll give you SOME credit..." Zoro remarked.
"I bet it won't be that bad!" Luffy said, grinning.
This kid is highly positive, Zoro thought. Just hearing a silver lining like that when he only did 1/10th of his homework is surprising. So they talked, did a few more math problems, and headed off both different ways. Luffy started school the next morning and sufficed a little smile on the teacher's face. Then the teacher continued to tell him to keep on going and to lay off the video games for a little bit. Of course, Luffy never listened.
It's been 2 months. Zoro continues to hang out with Luffy and his friends. The time is almost near for Halloween, and Luffy is excited to dress up. Of course, Zoro never tries to dress up and gives candy out instead. The children laugh sometimes and tell him he didn't have to dress up because he's already scary. The sophomore was used to this. He wasn't really afraid of backlash or anything of that matter. It doesn't help him that he got grade retention and wasn't able to do junior work either. Most kids try not to make fun of him anyway because he has a resting death glare. What's strange to him is his grumpiness floats away when he sees Luffy. His face is still scary, but inside, he'll feel a lot more comfortable.
"Zoro. What did I tell you about wearing dirty clothes?" A low voice called. It was Mihawk, his parent guardian. He adopted Zoro when the boy was 7.
"Right, I'll get a black shirt. Those are better with stains." Zoro said, going up the stairs.
Mihawk followed him with his eyes."Be sure that one is clean!"
"Alright, I get it."
Perona sighed and crossed her arms. "Papa, why does he get to dress all casual?"
"That's just his style. I can't get him to wear anything formal unless we're going somewhere prestigious."
"Hmph. He's a lazy bum, that's also why."
Zoro called from his room out loud."I heard that."
Perona's face grew red in irritation."So what?!? You already know it's true!"
Mihawk lowered his hand as a gesture for them to quiet down.
"Now, now children. There's no need to quarrel right now."
"Papa, I'm gonna be an elegant witch!" Perona said, twirling her dress around.
Mihawk looked at her with uncaring eyes. He nodded and glanced at the slightly opened door, in which was opened by Zoro. He had a suit on with a masquerade mask, his shoes reflected intensely on the marble floor. Mihawk was really confused at what he was wearing.
"So why do you decide now to dress up on Hallows Eve?"
"I'm going to my friend's house. We're going to the fall festival tonight, remember?" Zoro said, nonchalantly.
"I didn't try to remember because it sounded so unbelievably fake, but, as you wish." Mihawk turned to Perona.
She pouted and went downstairs to put the candy outside. Zoro checked on his phone and put it in his back pocket, and was about to leave. Mihawk spoke.
He looked at the teen very seriously.
"The only reason why you're retaking sophomore year is because you need to learn discipline. Procrastination is not the answer for everything. And if you fail this year again, you will not live in this house."
Zoro looked at him with unblinking eyes.
"Do you understand, my boy?"
"Yeah. I get it." He said, no nervousness or strain in his voice.
Mihawk smiled and left to his room.
There was a knock at Luffy's door. He quickly opened it and hugged Zoro tightly.
"Zoro! You came, you really did!"
The teen grunted angrily. "Alright, alright. I know I'm here. Get off already."
Luffy smiled at him warmly. For a second Zoro had this feeling. He couldn't think of it because Luffy pulled him to the couch before he tried to observe his thoughts.
"Sooooo Zoro! These are my brothers! Ace and Sabo!" Luffy said, grinning.
Ace and Sabo were both dressed casually. The only costume piece Ace had was a really creepy looking mask on the side of him. They both had long hair. Ace's was straight jet black and Sabo's was a fairly wavy golden blonde.
Ace smirked."Hi. You're Zoro?"
"Well nice to meet ya."
Ace firmly shook his hand. Afterward, Sabo reached out and shook Zoro's hand as well.
"Glad to meet you!"
Zoro sat down and Luffy tossed him a bag of chips. Zoro tossed them back and shook his head.
"Aw, why not?"
"I'm saving my stomach for the festival."
Luffy smiled."Oh, okay! When are we leaving again?"
"In 10 minutes."
Sabo replied."You can play a few video games with us if you'd like."
"Yeah, sure. We're up for another game." Ace said, fiddling with the controller.
"Okay, I'll play a few rounds," Zoro said as he caught the tossed controller that Ace had gave him.
Luffy sat on the carpet and watched the brightly colored screen for what seemed like seconds to him, until he noticed Zoro stood up, looking at his watch.
"We should go now." He turned to Ace and Sabo. "It was nice meeting you."
"Of course! You're always welcome if you want to hang out." Sabo said, trying to be as polite as he could be.
Luffy skidded out with his scarecrow costume on and grinned at them, shouting a short bye as they went out the door. They walked down the blocks and talked to each other.
"Your brothers are nice. Unless they were doing that just to keep an impression." Zoro said.
Luffy laughed."No, they don't do that! They liked you!"
Zoro sighed."Yeah, yeah. Why are you a scarecrow anyways? You don't scare anyone."
"Ace told me it suits me."
"Maybe he was wrong then," Zoro replied, coldly.
Luffy frowned."No, Ace is usually right about me."
Zoro decided not to respond. They finally got there after a few short conversations. The lights were dim and people gathered around the pumpkin patch and buffet. Luffy ran after the buffet, and Zoro's response was to run after him and tell him angrily to slow down. The boy chomped down pumpkin pies to turkey, as people looked bewildered at the teenager's appetite. They laughed softly and continued eating. Zoro rested his head on his hand and glanced at the boy.
"You sure like eating."
"Who doesn't?" Luffy said, happily.
"People who don't eat," Zoro said, chuckling at his remark. He knew it wasn't funny, but somehow he got a kick from it.
Luffy gasped."Some people don't eat?!?"
Zoro smiled."Sure. There's a lot of people that don't eat. It's in a lot of religions. Fasting. Haven't you learned about that?"
"No!!! Well- maybe I did and didn't pay attention."
Zoro handed the waiter a check and continued to eyeball Luffy's eating. He finally stopped and fell on the grass. He belched and smiled calmly.
"That was like eating in heaven's gate~"
Zoro was still smiling. He felt weird to have been smiling all that time. He doesn't usually smile all that much. But somehow being around Luffy made it felt so comfortable to smile. He lent Luffy a hand as he got back on his feet.
"Here. Pick a pumpkin and we'll carve it at your house when we get back."
"Reeeally?!? Awesome!"
Luffy hurried to the pumpkin patch and tried to find a good pumpkin. Zoro watched him scavenge for a while until the boy put out the smallest pumpkin in front of Zoro's eyes.
"What's this?"
"It's a pumpkin!" Luffy said cheerfully.
"Why'd you pick the smallest one?" Zoro said, looking at all the other ones.
"Well, I just like this one better!" He said.
Zoro smiled warmly and scuffled Luffy's hair. "Come on, let's go."
They started to walk back, slowly but surely.
"Zoro," Luffy said.
"You seem grumpy a lot. What's wrong?" Luffy said, worried.
"That's just my personality. You'll get used to it."
"Right," Luffy said.
They got quiet for a few seconds.
"Zoro, do you ever feel that if you don't do something you'll make everyone angry?" Luffy asked.
"Of course. My father says if I flunk sophomore he'll kick me out."
"Kick you out?" Luffy said, surprised.
Zoro nodded."How about you?"
"Well...I have to fight this one guy."
Zoro's eyes widened."Fight? You?"
"Yeah. And the whole school doesn't like him so if I don't win they'll get angry at me. And I'll be angry at myself." Luffy said, hands in his pockets.
"I have a hard time believing you fight people," Zoro said.
"People say that a lot," Luffy mumbled.
Zoro thought about what he said and kept on walking. When they got to the house, Luffy quickly hugged Zoro and told him 'thank you'. He opened the door to let him in. Zoro felt a little confused at what just happened, but entered anyway. His mind was fighting to get the hints. Just that second of Luffy touching him, his smaller frame against his and his chin pressed on to Zoro's shoulder. It was strange what he was feeling. He decided to just ignore it for now.
"You guys are back already?" Ace said.
Luffy nodded, then scurried to the kitchen, where Sabo placed a plastic wrapped pie. Sabo smiled and looked at Zoro kindly.
"I made an extra pie, but I knew Luffy wouldn't have eaten it because of the festival. Would you like to have it?" Sabo asked.
"I'm good. You guys can have it." Zoro shortly answered.
Sabo look surprised but laughed and put it back.
"You're really generous, Roronoa!"
"So are you guys gonna cut this pumpkin or not?" Ace said, a tiny bit impatiently
Zoro came up to the pumpkin with a kitchen knife. He cut around the stem, his movements smooth and precise.
"How are you so good at cutting pumpkins, Zoro?" Luffy asked, watching him.
He continued to cut,"My dad taught me when I was 7." Zoro took off the lid and spoke again,"We're a very Halloween orientated family. We don't fool around with decorating."
He handed Luffy the knife."You can cut things out now."
Luffy grinned and dug the knife in the pumpkin. when he cut out his first eye it was huge because he didn't know how to properly handle the knife, and always worked in straight lines. Zoro grabbed Luffy's hand and positioned in on the knife.
"You have to hold it like this. Try again." Zoro said, after observing Luffy's hand posture.
Luffy carved again. And Zoro was right. He was more accurate with his cutting. The second eye was out, and now Luffy was cutting out the mouth. Luffy was silent when he was carving, but he still had that warm smile on his face. The feeling that pleasured Zoro to be comfortable, and maybe even cracked a smile out of him was there again.
"Done!" Luffy said as the mouthpiece dropped onto the newspaper spread.
Zoro looked at it and laughed. Luffy pouted and pushed it to Zoro.
"Just tell me if you like it or not!" Luffy said, his face red with embarrassment.
Zoro smiled and looked at it."Yeah, I do. Just looks a little goofy."
Luffy grinned and hit him playfully."Halloween is supposed to goofy, isn't it?"
They both smiled and looked at each other for a second. This time, Luffy felt it too. A weird feeling of security. He was wondering where this sense of safe-ness came to mind. Luffy talked hours with Zoro, just discussing things at school.
"Just a question. Is there anyone that makes fun of you at school?" Zoro asked.
Luffy nodded."Bellamy. He's full of 'em self. I just ignore him."
Zoro gave him a blank stare."You have to have somewhere to draw the line."
"Well, he hasn't hurt my friends. If he does anytime soon that's when I'll get involved." Luffy said, a little too serious for his own good.
Zoro looked at his phone and yawned."I better get going. It's almost curfew for me."
Luffy stood up with Zoro and gave him a tight hug. Zoro smiled and put his hand around Luffy's back for a second. Zoro let go and waved goodbye to Sabo and Ace. They waved back until the door shut. Ace grunted and changed the tv's input.
"I hope you don't like the guy." Ace said.
Sabo dishearteningly turned his head to the tv. Luffy looked confused at what Ace was implying.
"What do you mean? He's a good friend!" Luffy said, surprised.
"No, I don't mean it in that way. I mean in a romantic way."
"Oh," Luffy said, shortly and abruptly.
Ace waited for a longer response."What does that mean?"
"I might have felt like that, is all," Luffy said, smiling.
Ace scrambled for words until all he could say was."You've only known him for a month and you think you have feelings for him?"
Sabo decided to get involved and responded to Luffy."That's good, Luffy. You just have to wait and see if you'll still have those feelings, right?"
Luffy nodded and stared at the door for a moment. Ace nagged at Sabo for saying that and shook him around like a fish.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go to bed now," Luffy said.
Ace raised an eyebrow."Now? But it's 9:00 on a Saturday."
"I'm gonna wake up early to hang out with Usopp and Nami, remember?" Luffy said, racing up the stairs.
Sabo tried not to laugh and in result Ace held his anger in and sighed, his eyebrows arched low. Sabo commented on how Luffy could invite more friends. Ace elbowed him and started to laugh as well, giving in to the idea Sabo described.
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How does middle/high school work, what's it like and what's the difference between the two? I really need some help! (I know this is a weird question but I was homeschooled most of my life so I have no idea how middle/high school work and what's it like.)
No problem!
How to Write About Middle School/High Schools
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Middle school and high school are key times within a child’s life.
Gone are the days where they only had one teacher to tell them everything; now they have to change classes and have harder content that they have to study.
There’s more friend drama now that they’re all developing their own identities and their sense of who’s a good person and who’s not, and along with that comes astronomical stress compared to their elementary school years.
There’s also puberty, which sucks, and the beginnings of serious extracurricular activities that require a lot of time and dedication.
*This may vary from school to school*
Middle school = Grades 6-8 (Kids 11 to 13)
High school = Grades 9-12 (Kids 14 to 18)
Since many people have no idea how to write about schools, whether they be homeschooled or have graduated a while ago, here’s a few tips on how to write middle school and high school.
Just a note that I’m going to be describing public schools and not private schools, Also, schools are going to be different across the country; I’m a New Yorker, and my school knowledge and experience can be way different than those of someone who went to school in the south or in the midwest.
“High school” and “middle school” are not capitalized! Only capitalize it when you’re saying the name of the school. (Example: Eldridge Middle School)
1. Know What Grades Take Which Courses (AKA Know All the Technical Stuff)
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Nothing demonstrates complete lack of knowledge about the school system than not knowing the basic technical side of it, such as which grades take which classes. Aside from various exceptions, an eighth grader isn’t going to be taking Physics and a twelfth grader isn’t going to be taking Biology.
Here’s the list of the core classes in middle school and high school:
Social Studies
Foreign Language
These classes are going to be the hardest and the ones that the students stress out the most about.
Grade 6
- English
Read things like The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and Tuck Everlasting
- Math
Multiplication and division
- Science
Basic physics…like, very, very, very basic. Also a bit of chemistry.
-Social Studies
Ancient history
Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Persia, China, India, Renaissance, etc.
- Foreign Language
In my school, we didn’t start a foreign language until seventh grade.
This year is very stressful because it’s the transition from elementary to middle school. They now have things like detention and multiple teachers and changing classes.
Grade 7
- English
Reading books like My Fair Lady, The Miracle Worker, The Pearl, etc.
- Math
Starting to work with “x.”
Percents, statistics, basic algebra.
- Science
Basic biology
- Social Studies
Beginnings of US history. From the Native Americans to the Industrial Revolution.
- Foreign Language
Very basic facts
How to say hi, describe yourself, furniture, food, activities, ask questions, etc.
This is a pretty chill year. You’re all adjusted from last year and have more stable friendships.
Grade 8
Reading books like Call of the Wild, The Outsiders, the White Mountains.
Starting to get into Shakespeare
More in-depth analysis
Equations, find x, etc.
Earth Science
Rocks, weather, space, etc.
-Social Studies
End of US history, from the Industrial Revolution to present day
-Foreign Language
Developing the basics learned in seventh grade.
This year can be hard because students start taking more difficult, high-school level classes.
Grade 9
- English
Reading books like To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Great Expectations, and Romeo and Juliet
Introduction to research papers
- Math
Learning about shapes and how to find the area and sides
Most useless math there is unless you want to build things
- Science
Learning about living things, cells, ecosystems, etc.
- Social Studies
Global History
Beginning of the world to the Renaissance
- Foreign Language
More complex sentence structure. Learn different tenses other than the present tense.
Yikes! This year is incredibly hard; high school is so much more difficult than middle school! There’s an open campus and a lot more freedom, but there’s also a lot more room for error. The first year where the grades start actually counting.
Grade 10
- English
Reading books like Macbeth, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, and Animal Farm.
- Math
Trigonometry/Algebra II
Very difficult Algebra and Trigonometry
- Science
Learning about molecules, elements, formulas, and reactions.
This is the science with the periodic table and mixing stuff that blows up.
- Social Studies
Global History
The Renaissance to present day
- Foreign Language
Learning new tenses other than Past, Present, and Future (Ex: Imperfect, Conditional)
This year is okay. Mostly spent worrying about Junior year.
Grade 11
- English
Reading books like Hamlet, The Great Gatsby, and Farenheit 451
- Math
- Science
Also Yikes
Learn the science of movement
- Social Studies
Complete US History
Advanced Placement US History is abbreviated to APUSH (pronounced ay-push)
- Foreign Language
Same class but hard now
This year is very stressful because it’s the year that counts the most; colleges look mostly at the grades from this year.
Everyone is freaking out and taking AP and SAT and ACT prep classes. A shit-show in its purest form.
Grade 12
- English
Read books like Othello, The Crucible, and The Scarlett Letter
Senior paper
- Math
College course
- Science
AP Biology, Chemistry, or Earth Science 
Students must choose one or the other or an elective science like Marine Biology or Anatomy
- Social Studies
Government and Economics
Two courses that are each only a semester long. You either take one class for the first semester and switch to the other class second semester or switch the classes every other day
- Foreign Language
Nobody even cares anymore
This year is the most fun year of high school; although some colleges do still look at the grades, many students are already committed to college and get a case of “Senioritis” which is when they let their grades slip and take it easy because they don’t have to worry about impressing colleges.
2. Know the Types of Classes
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Depending on their skill level in the area, kids can take a variety of different versions of these core classes. There’s reagents classes, honors classes, and advanced placement (AP) classes.
At least in New York, reagents classes take state-made reagents at the end of the year as a final exam.
Honors classes are basically advanced versions of reagents classes. They teach at a faster pace and go more in-depth into the topics. They, too, take reagents at the end of the year.
AP classes are the hardest of them all. They’re college-level classes and make students eligible to take the AP test. Depending on what score they get on the AP (1-5), they can skip the 101 classes in college.
(Example: If a girl gets a 4 on the Global History AP, she can skip Global History 101 in college)
Junior year is also the year students take the SAT and ACT, huge tests that are very important for college.
Other schools may have other kinds of classes like IB, but this whole list is JUST ACCORDING TO MY EXPERIENCES.
3. Just Know that School Is Not the Worst Place on Earth
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Although there are certain times when school can be the absolute worst thing ever and there are a lot of flaws in the education system, it’s not all downsides!
School is a place where you learn new things, meet new friends, and get to hang out with people you wouldn’t hang out with otherwise.
There are extracurricular activities available for FREE that you can join, and aside from being academic, school sponsors a very nice social climate that is crucial for kids to develop skills in communication and interaction with others.
Of course, high school is also the place where people start getting into serious relationships, which you can research here.
I really hope this helped!
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Holific #2 - theresneverenoughfandoms
(( The next one is for @theresneverenoughfandoms, I love their content and even though we have never spoken I wanted to let them know they are awesome!
Trope: Teachers dating with less than suspecting students.
Pairing: Lamp
Word count: 2,006
    “Mr. Prince? We were wondering, who did you get for the secret Santa today?” One of Roman’s students questioned at the end of class.  Roman let out a light laugh.
    “ Come now, it wouldn't be much of a secret Santa if I spilled the beans, don't you have another class to go to?”   He was putting on his sash for his next lesson, reading Macbeth's father, and being the narrator, a wrinkled sash, simply was not going to cut it.  Plus he had a lot of fun orchestrating his students, teaching the intentions of characters. It also helped he was the drama teacher, so many props, fun fact allow kids to learn and play with fake blood was working so far.   Even if other teachers were less than enthusiastic.
    “ Did you get nurse Hart? Almost everyone ships you guys.”  Roman's expression went immediately from shock, to amusement then to the guttural laughter.  They didn't know?  Tammy, a sophomore with not the biggest interest in drama, seemed taken aback.  
    “ So you guys are all shipping me with Mr. Hart, that is, adorable.” The adult mused lightly, as his student gave him a slightly confused look.  
    “ I said almost. There are a few others that have  been shipped with you.” Roman could die now, his laughter could be considered borderline.   
     “ Oh that's hilarious, Tara, you have to drop those details. The curiosity is killing me.”   Tara looked at him enjoying his laughter, it shouldn't have been that absurd to think people would ship teachers.  What else would they be doing during the more tedious of lessons. Tara shifted a dark curl behind her ear
    “ There are a couple unspoken ships you and Mr. Croft and you and Mr. Sanders.”
    “ Why are they unspoken?”
    “ Well Mr. Sanders is always arguing with you, and  Mr. Croft is…. Mr. Croft, all business, not very emotional, not very romantic  and you are.” Roman could only laugh at that, to him it was all absurd. This could not be happening.   He shook his head and gave a light pat to his students shoulder.
    “ That is… marvelous, anyway get to lunch, when the time comes you'll know who I got.”  With that he sent Tara to lunch and gathered up his empty coffee cup. He had to tell the others.  He dusted off his white shirt and black slacks before shoving his fingers through his hair.
     Ro sauntered to the teachers lounge not trying to rush through the crowd of students.  Reminding them that they had places to be, it was mostly friends too caught up in chit chat.  Others were just students who lingered at their lockers, some made a beeline for the library. He gave a nod to certain students who were walking to the drama room for lunch.  He didn't mind his teaching assistant was in there, and Valerie was fine with them hanging out.
    The young woman was a gift, it helped him be be two places at the same time.  Especially with practice for auditions for the spring play on the way, ‘Grease’.  Valerie and Roman had debated on it for days, only settling on Grease when Roman said it was uplifting for the last of the  winter months, and a good send off for the year.
    Roman let out a little smile As he pulled out a little ball of fabric as he entered the faculty room.   Logan sitting at the table grading papers, his tie loosened. His slicked back hair curling up slightly at the end in the back. The responsible man tapping his pen in his right hand as he read an answer.  His hand grasped desperately around a coffee cup. “ Have you finally realized you put too many open ended questions on that test, specs?”
    “ No, I stand by my choice, I need to know they have a solid comprehension of the material before we proceed with next semester. These are midterms after all..”  Logan said looking up to give Roman his focus. The tests too important to give only half of his attention.
    “ Right well, I don't see how they couldn't, you are the most thorough man I know, you make packets every semester with bluff notes. Then elaborate. Then review, they if they are struggling you still turn around and have correction sessions for half credit.  If they don't understand now they are hopeless.” Roman drawled as he walked to the coffee pot and pouring a cup. Logan sighed and gave a dismissive wave.
    “ As such their understanding of what I teach is my priority. Them knowing the truth, is vital to progress and I don't give a damn what you say I am doing it regardless, now please, I have work to do, Princey.”  Logan responded with a small smirk, he didn't like being disturbed, however Roman, Virgil,and Patton were exceptions. Their frequent distractions kept the stress migraines at bay for the history teacher.
    “ Careful, don't let Pat catch you, no swearing on school grounds Virgil was sitting with a student, each strumming on a ukulele, the purple one in Virgil's hands  his name in black paint on the face, the student's was green, a spare one Virgil kept. Roman shook his head lightly and took a seat on the arm of couch the gloomy music teacher was occupying.    
    “ Right, well we need to discuss secret Santa business.” The theater nerd mentioned as he sipped his coffee.  
    “ Roman I'm busy!” Logan insisted pinching the bridge of his nose.  
    “ Hi busy! I'm dadd-!” Patton cut himself off when he saw the student as he walked into the room with a cookie platter in hand. Logan groaned while Virgil gave a small smirk looking at his student.
    “Andre, practice your this piece over break, don't forget, hard work yields good results have a good one kid.”
    “ Later Virgil!” The teen laughed, standing and making an exit with the uke in hand. Virgil stretched lightly he was glad it was almost break.  
     Roman waited for the boy to leave, once the door shut Roman walked to the closest, “ I am so Excited!  And I have something hilarious to tell you guys.” He set the cup to the side, smiling at how Patton was still flushed in the face.  
     Virgil was the first to saunter over, “ Spill it Ro, I got ten minutes before my bell.”  Roman was stunned that Virgil didn't roll his eyes at him.
     “ People are shipping me with you three, mostly our pastry proficient padre.” Roman laughed as Virgil shook his head.
    “It makes sense the students voted who we did secret Santa for, and we all got each other. Speaking of which your wearing this one.” Virgil spoke while he pulled out a black suit bag, Roman pulled off another one and set it to the side.
      “ They aren't wrong,  Logan this is yours.” Roman smirked excited to see the different colors on his partner.  He laid the suit bag on Logan's work, careful to not hit his coffee. Virgil hooked Roman's bag on the back of his costume.  Roman's hands fly to the back of his collar, “ Virgil please unhook it I don't need my pristine princely attire ruined. “
     “ Ah ah ah, be nice kiddos, this may be a style swap but let's not  ruin things.” Patton interjected as he pulled out Virgil's outfit bag.   
    “ Ah, yes, my pastel poison. Let's get this over with.. “ The gloomy man said before going to change.  Roman burst into an out right guffaw as the surly man let out a cry of dejection after the deafening sound of the zipper.   “ Patton please not this, this ruins my entire aesthetic!”
    “ That is the point surly temple! “ Roman called out with a sigh as Patton removed the bag from his shirt.
    “ Get in another stall and change then! See how you like it! “ Virgil said his voice breaking,Logan tapped Patton gently on the shoulder and held out the last bag  to Patton his own bag in hand as he waltzed into a stall.
     Patton waited patiently for the other's to exit. He smiled hearing the actor cry out in dismay, “ Really Virgil,  you made me the bad guy!”
      “ Oh come on Princey the phantom's masquerade costume was awesome!”
       “ It is purple Virgil! You made me  the bad guy and couldn't keep my red.”
       “ Roman you put me in a white dress shirt with gold embroidery on the shoulders. And red pants, Live with it.”  Logan responded in a seemingly neutral tone, “ And do you want me to go into your bastardized version of a necktie?”  
     “ Now now guys, there was a reason we agreed to this.”. Patton reminded the others with a gentle smile. It grew wider when he saw Virgil step out in beige khakis and a lavender shirt with a light grey sweater around his shoulders.   Patton's squeal of delight startled the music teacher, Patton didn’t care. “ You are so cute!”
    “ No I am a creature of the night! And will be respected as such!”
    “ Surrre you are. “ The youngest of the group beamed before he walked into a stall, excited even as as he revealed the three piece  blue suit. “Lolo you are going to have to show me how to do this necktie thing.”
     “Very give me a moment to sort out my own attire.” Logan said in the same neutral tone.
   “Padre, do remind me why we agreed to this? Oh the cape! It is so soft!” Virgil shook his head in amusement,  only to laugh out right and see Logan leave the stall clothing bag in hand. “ We have proper gifts for each other at home, Ro. We decided to have fun with getting secret Santa gifts for each other.  We agreed on this simply because our students would get a laugh from it.” Logan stated dusting off the white dress shirt, the red tie with gold poinsettias on it and a small black embroidered message that read, 'Property of PH, VS,and RP. '   
   Small enough to go unnoticed by the student's but large enough to make Mr. Croft smile softly to himself. A little reminder he was not alone and he would never be alone again. Though he wished Roman had not put it on the front.  Logan also wished that he had not put him in red skinny jeans, the snug feeling around his legs was somewhat uncomfortable.
    Patton came out in the suit  immediately hugging Logan close, “ This is so much fun and you made me so stylish, I really must put  on a suit more often!” Logan smirked slightly and pulled back to do the youngest's tie.
     Roman came through the stall door with a smirk,  while he did not like the fact he was the villain, he did like the cape and the way the black mask made his lighter brown eyes look sharp. The cape trailed behind him.  “Okay I must admit, it is pretty cool! Ahem! Masquerade! Paper faces on parade! Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you! Masquerade! Every face a different sh-”
   “ Princey, as much as I am glad you are not pissed, I want to watch Phantom  of the Opera tonight, would really like it if you didn't sing it all day.” Virgil muttered, his eyes rolled as the actor let out an indignant huff, but ultimately nodded at the prospect of watching the musical that was  how they met. College..
   “ So shall we go mess with the fans?”  The drama nerd cheered
   “ You mean our students.”  Logan mentioned as he walked back to his seat  to continue grading his papers. Roman shook his head lightly, smiling at the his brainiac of a partner.
   “ Well,  Clearly the theories about us dating and this will surely ignite  their interests now.” Roman boasted with a grin. Logan shook his head with a sigh.
    “ Well, it is just one of those things I suppose, they are children, they would not suspect the four of us to all be together… it is adequate to…. Keep them guessing"
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