4/6/24 1:52am
Have you ever hit that point in your life that you realize it’s going to get worse before it gets better? That is, IF it ever gets better. That point where the only thing you know anymore is survival and you’re just not sure that you want to anymore? Realized you’re a failure in everything so what’s the point in “seeking attention” by attempting suicide. Because you know that you’ll just fail at that too and have to face the world and all the whispers. Realize that once you try to end it that you’ll be unsuccessful and constantly walk into silent rooms that were just filled with chatter. What happens when you finally hit that point? Are you fooling yourself by thinking it will actually get better? That’s what everyone says. “It gets better. It WILL get better.” I’ve been telling myself that for most of my life and there are fleeting moments when a normal, happy life doesn’t feel so unattainable. More often than not I find myself in a room full of people slipping into a fantasy of not having to face the next day and that days catastrophe that awaits. But then I realize that I’m just not that lucky. You see, IF I were to try again I’d just fail like the last 17 times. Each time with more damage and another piece of my soul lost…. They say “It gets better.” I’d just like to know when….
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wordsthatresonate · 4 years
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"You with your precious little smile and those dimples and that hair and oh you don't even fucking realize what you're doing. You've done it so many times, I've lost count. Worst thing is you dont have the slightest clue! You'll sit with some stranger and you'll start some story about how you got that particular scar or why you don't smoke anymore and they wouldn't even realize that they're falling, too mesemerized by that look you get when you're spinning entire galaxies. Or, or- you'd be on one of your feminist rants or defending the queer and they'd be struck by how fucking fierce you are" he surged forward and grabbed her face in his hand, fingers trembling. "Do you even have an inkling of the effect you have on the world around you or are you too busy making your own? You make them want to fall to their knees and worship you. You make them want to he better people, you make them want to be kinder, gentler, sweeter, only because you are. God, do you even know how many hearts you've broken? No, you don't, because they learn to smile through their pain. Because if you knew you hurt them, you'd be devastated, wouldn't you? And that, that is worse than any kind of heartbreak " #apartofthebookillprobableneverwrite#excerptsfromabookillneverwrite #excerpts #passion #passionate #excerptsfromabookthathasyettobewritten #writerscommunity #writersofinstagram #love #romantic #romance #poet #he #she #himandher https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Wsfztpgbe/?igshid=1fywuekp114b8
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I read this amazing story earlier today. It was just like any other story. There was everything and nothing. It was a simple story. But what caught my attention was "Now" and "Then". The whole story revolves around these two words. Such easy words. But the most important two words in that story. So there were two scenarios. One that deals with past and the other with present. But what connect those two scenarios of two easy words was one thing, future. No one knows about it. We can make as much assumptions as we want. We can predict. We can guess. But each time it is filled with doubt. We are not certain. The decision we made in our past affected our present but now going back into the time again and again is just creating a mess for our future. We are stuck in a never ending spiral of "what if". There is this tendency in human beings. We don't like to get compared. Yet still we are comparing ourselves each passing minute with ourselves. Try to accept that the past "You" was different than the present "You" and the future "You" will be different too. Stop comparing "Now" and "Then". Because in doing so we are losing opportunity to make a difference for our future. We are present in our past. Let's not do that. Let's not live in our past. Let's just visit it once in a while but not become a permanent hostage. Let's just live and learn to live our present. Kissa Zaidi, Kairos° June 25th, 2019 05:20 A.M. °Kairos (n.) The perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that created the opportune atmosphere for action, words, or movement. #excerptsfromabookthathasyettobewritten #excerptsofmymind #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #positivewords #randomthoughts #blackandgrey #monotone #monochromaticThoughts #SpilledWords #SpilledInk #thoughtsinwords #spilledthoughts #spilledink📝 Live. Love. Breathe. Peace. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJjR62poDL/?igshid=1kd0wavoh5wfp
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syidadeviante · 5 years
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Halfway into April this month has been an emotional rollercoaster. Things have changed and they will continue changing. The things you look forward to won’t always work out, sometimes changes come faster than you can plan for. . If you told me two weeks ago that I (you) would be here right now, I’d tell you, I highly doubt it. It feels like things have been stagnant for a long time but when changes come, it come all at once. . Things change. You either keep up and work around it, or you get left behind. if you have been feeling stagnant lately, change is good, things will get better, or it will be a learning experience. . . #payformycoffee #aubade #excerptsofmymind #excerptsfromabookthathasyettobewritten https://www.instagram.com/p/BwdLuy3BFRLNTWFXxupkLGiuLA_xWfTuHuLAbs0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5308eujfpqz7
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tinimetalhead · 8 years
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“Don't fall in love with a writer. His words might be stunning enough to unwittingly lure you in, and his heart might be as pure as they come, but he's got ink in his veins, a fire in his soul, and a maddening mind that never quiets. All he knows of being in love, he has picked up between pages, or from lines of poetry. He will write so much better than he speaks, and always be at a loss for words when they aren't written down, when they matter most. And he'll beat himself up over this...you will look on, helpless to save him from himself, trying to rip the pen from his hand that he's stabbing into his flesh. And those hands will always be ink-stained and paper-cut, touching you like there are words hidden under your skin to draw out, to decipher. He will find the beauty in, and something to love about, anyone and anything...except, too often, himself. When you tell him he’s amazing, he’ll have a running list of why he’s not, compiled over the years and committed to memory, ready for recitation at a moment's notice. He will rejoice when you rejoice, and sob when you sob...then try to cheer you up with corny jokes and self-deprecation until you groan. He will write you a book, without you having to ask...but beware if you purposely shatter his heart, because he has a great memory, a thing for truth, and he will write you out of his system unsparingly .” PS - In other words, don’t fall in love with this writer! 🙂 #excerptsfromabookthathasyettobewritten #wordsbleed #theendofheartache
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Why do I always pick the broken people; and why don’t they ever stay once they’re fixed?
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I miss you...
If you’re listening, I miss you.
I have missed you.
I will always miss you.
When I am driving and see a car like yours I always subconsciously check to see if it’s you.
The reality that it isn’t is painful but it is what it is I guess.
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I Found peace burning in the hell I created; drowning in a sea of sins. Too drunk to give a shit and to fucked up to save myself. And what if I don’t even want to?
AJ blogbatsinthebelfrylove
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Losing you was the thing I feared most. Losing you helped me find myself. Now that I’ve found myself, I don’t know what I was so afraid of losing all those years.
AJ blogbatsinthebelfrylove
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For most people the nights are the hardest.
Going to sleep alone.
Sitting silently in the dark.
I don’t mind the nights much.
I’m great at nights actually.
Maybe that’s because I have my little friends to help me mask it.
For me, the mornings are the hardest.
At night you get to go to sleep.
When it gets to be too much... you can just go to sleep.
But in the morning, you wake up alone.
You look around at the empty room
At the empty side of the bed that she used to sleep on.
You have to look at it.
And every morning that you wake up is just a reminder that she is gone and you are alone.
It wasn’t a dream.
It’s real.
And it hasn’t even begun to hurt yet.
AJ blogbatsinthebelfrylove
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#poetsofinstagram #poetry #poetrycommunity #poems #writersofinstagram #excerptfromabookillneverwrite #excerptsfromabookillneverwrite #excerptsfromabookthathasyettobewritten #excerptsfrommylife
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tinimetalhead · 8 years
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“Why do I write. Well I write, because it allows me to express the words I’m never able to say. I feel as if I write better than I speak. I was good at drawing and painting too, but writing is my own art. It allows me to paint vivid beautiful pictures, by just using words. And I think that’s beautiful. Being able to formulate sentences to make a person feel some sort of way, is a gift. Having the ability to touch someone’s life by just typing on a keyboard, is truly magical to me. Writing helps me get away for a little while, I could create a whole universe just by using my hands and some words. Writing is magical, that’s why I write.” ☺ #excerptsfromabookthathasyettobewritten #writinglife #lovetowrite
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Kindness. A thing this world needs more than anything else. Perhaps even more than love. More than any other thing. Bitterness and brokenness has made us all weak, and we all reek pitiful stench of self loathe and hate. It's important to show kindness in places where it is most unwelcomed. Like that one person you hate, or the one person who hates you. It is important to be kind to those who wrong you. It is important to show kindness to them who hurt you. It is important to be kind to each and every thing this universe has. It is important to be KIND to YOU. It's hard to be kind, but it's harder to be kind with your own self. Start by be kind to you, so that you can be kind to every one and every thing around you. September 26th, 2018 04:05 A.M. KISSA ZAIDI, UNWELCOMED KINDNESS . . . #excerptsfromabookthathasyettobewritten #excerptsofmymind #spilledink #spilledthoughts #spilledwords #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #positivewords #randomthoughts #randomclick #photography #blackandgrey #monotone #monochromatic https://www.instagram.com/p/BoRlZJdH3Dh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e4jvwrdxsdhr
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