#excited to learn more about your new oc eventually !!
hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ yandere! batfam + dc heroes x yandere! alien! reader (ft. ocs of mine, and other dc characters)
synopsis: you weren’t as innocent and benevolent as they thought you were, but that just makes things all the more exciting
tw/cw: dddne, reader is yan (platonic for this part, romantic for future parts(diff people). yandere themes, general violence, torture, sadist reader, incest (one-sided/not reader n it’s a brief mention so it’s not a main part of the story oh god-). reader is half based on jingliu/jingyuan from honkai star rail + laezel from bg3 worldbuilding. and there’s also a bit of malenia/miquella inspirations. reader has a background. reader’s alieness is explored/talked about. op! reader. wish fulfillment.
in short this was an oc insert of mine that i reconfigured for you guys to read. not your thing? scroll past thenks.
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YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THE KINDEST, MOST LOVING PERSON THE BAT-FAMILY EVER KNEW. You were so gracious with your benevolence that each and every vigilante took it upon themselves to take care of you at all moments lest you fall into unsafe situations or the hands of people who would ruthlessly take advantage of you.
Eventually, they forgot the fact that you were the sibling of the notoriously violent DAYBREAK, a vigilante that could be easily called a villain or terrorist instead if it weren’t for his close affiliation and friendship with the old Teen Titans crew when he was younger. He helped once in a while, but only if it meant he had free rein to cause carnage.
“This is useless, they won’t fess up.” Jason grunted as he fumbled around with his weapons, all broken after the battle just moments prior. Aliens and their abilities always made him feel so small in the grand scheme of things, and especially when they completely obliterated his entire arsenal.
Tim groaned, his back ached from the amount of times he was flung away towards whatever wall or ally the enemy wanted him to go to. He was used to being man-handled and even enjoyed that once in a while, but not in that way. “Aren’t they one of your kind? Cant you like… I don’t know…”
Your brother huffed, a pout on his pretty features. Quite similar to yours. Yet, he doesn’t spare the rest a glance. His eyes were trained solely on a restraining spell he managed to conjure as a last ditch attempt to stop the fight before it got . . . irreversible. Usually he’d just disintegrate whatever or whoever even looked at him wrong but even this titan-like intruder was proving to be a pain in the ass. “I can’t believe you, doesn’t mean we’re the same kind or whatever that means that—“
“He’ll be lucky to be even considered as one of us, filthy —“ The massive form spoke. Its metal like body clanging as it struggled in the spell’s area of effect. A soldier from your home planet, not as well trained as your brother — but he was brimming with aetherial ardor. A sort of magic source your people used.
“Okay, that’s it.” [Brother’s Name] groaned, summoning the last piece of his strength to open up a terminal. “Hey mooncake, need ya to do something for me.”
“No, we aren’t letting [Y/N] anywhere near this one. They could get seriously hurt. We were barely even able to—“ Dick held him by the shoulder, only to get burned by your brother’s leaking ardorial energy.
“Relax. Besides I’m not in your team. I don’t have to follow orders from you.”
“Daybr—“ Rachel, her cape almost completely burnt and tattered opened her mouth to admonish him.
But the sound of your sweet voice (more like hoarse, and half awake) silenced them all, “What do you need help with this time?”
“[L/N] don’t listen, go back to sleep, beloved.” Damian moved in from behind, learning from Dick’s mistake and instead using his blade to warn [Brother’s Name].
But if anything, that made the man more excited to annoy the “demonspawn”.
“Oh, mooncake you can’t believe who I stumbled upon today! Smile for the camera why don’t you?”
[Brother’s Name] flipped the terminal to show your face.
“You’re . . . General [Y/—“
And then flipped it back, showing his injured body. “He hurt me real bad. Look.”
Your face does not move nor your voice waver,
“Come back to the base.”
“No.” Black Canary, Dinah, slammed her hands on the table. She couldn’t believe this. It was already bad that they allowed you to be involved in their line of work, now they were letting you come face to face with a being that almost wiped an entire team of experience fighters? What were they thinking?
“That . . . thing is dangerous. We cannot allow this to continue!” Arthur concurred. He saw the state of your brother. A civilian like you had no business with something so dangerous.
“Unfortunately I have to say no to your refusal as well.” You calmly responded, “This situation is under the jurisdiction of the Fleet. It is only right that Daybreak and I deal with it.”
“Father you can’t possibly allow them.” Damian gripped your shoulder as he pleaded with Bruce. He had known you the longest next to Tim. You were barely able to hold your own as a normal student. Not that he was looking down on you, but if you couldn’t even fight for yourself in conversation, how could he let you be around that monster?
Bruce closed his eyes in deep contemplation. He studied your kind comprehensively. He did so for every vigilante and villain alike (Contingencies were his specialty) From how your magic system worked, to how society and customs were like. A lot of his knowledge came from Clark, who had also done his fair share of investigative work into your background.
He of all people in this line of work knew how dangerous you and [Brother’s Name] can be. He had done his calculations based off of what Daybreak could do. But curiosity drove him further.
“But the whole league will be watching you, alongside the Young Justice and Teen Titans.”
“Sheesh, overkill much?” Daybreak, now plain [Brother’s Name] in a bunch of casts, piped up.
You nodded, quite honestly just aching to get out from this stuffy room already. “That is fine.”
Before you left, you head swiveled to take one last look at your sibling, building up whatever emotions you needed to see the job through, “Get some rest, brother.”
“Are you kidding? I gotta watch this.” Your brother laughed in earnest, almost-too-wholesome-for-him manner. You managed to understand why as his eyes scanned the people in the room.
He wanted to see them react to your true nature.
Your form finally disappeared from his sight as his eyes finally settled on another image of you glued atop a folder. “What are those?” He pouts to gesture at the objects, too injured to move his limbs.
“Files on [Y/N] and the being.” Bruce answered, opening up the screens for the cameras to the interrogation room.
[Brother’s Name] knows you’d give him a sermon for using his powers while he was already banged up but he had no choice. His arms were too broken to open up the folder after all. “You guys work quick.” He commented as the papers levitated and flipped through itself.
His eyes scanned the typewritten document swiftly, smile growing by the moment, “Pffft — kind hearted soul? Who wrote this?”
“It was compiled by me, but our sources vary from vigilante to civilians.” Clark mumbled. As one of the only other aliens, and people who could feel aetherial arbor. He felt your presence, your anger leaking earlier. It was heavy, as if the world was suddenly placed upon his shoulders. Yet he felt no fear for his own safety, only yours.
The gigantic door before you slid open revealing the enemy the vigilantes struggled to subdue earlier.
The soldier stood upright, sensing your presence. The rumors were true it would seem. Many wouldn’t be able to spot it, a testament to whatever you did to conceal your prowess, but they immediately recognized the magnitude of your ardor practically oozing around you.
He was expecting your anger. He knew of your protective nature towards your brother.
“My apologies.” But you didn’t. Instead you began nursing their injuries, repairing their armor, and even initiating casual conversation. “It must have been a long journey. I can’t help but resent whoever sent you here.”
“Your Excellency! I came of my own volition.”
“Oh? But judging from your armor you must be one of the knights.”
“Yes, 512th Squadron of the Imperial Army.”
“Of course, my eldest brother’s . . . “ Your fought to keep your hands from clenching. A gentle smile on your features remained unshaken even by the sudden revelation.
“Y-yes, your Excellency. It took many jumps for me to get here on my own.”
“Alone? What did you wish to come here for?”
“I-I wished to meet you but those Earthlings wouldn’t let me.”
“Mm. And so you fought them. As is right for one of our kind.” You brought out a handkerchief and wiped down your hands after finishing the task at hand. Then you took a seat in front of them.
“You understand! Of course.”
“Actually I came here to bid you to return. The Emperor misses you dearly and wishes to see you.”
“Do you know why he does?”
You looked down. Voice soft, relaxed shoulders, a solemn tone, and a tremble to add on top. “My brother. He wishes to have a child with me. To use my powers in the form of a future heir to the throne.”
“I am not quite ready to have a child yet.” Nor were you interested with being a babymaker for that tyrant. But that wasn’t an appropriate excuse in the grand scheme of things.
“I understand! Your Excellency is quite young and even then, you have saved countless of lives. You deserve only to do as wish and nothing less.” The soldier slammed the floor in front of it. “Besides, his Majesty had already taken so many concubines I’m sure an heir wouldn’t be needed anytime soon.”
You nodded. A moment or two of silence for your mind to recollect everything that has been said before you execute what you came here for in the first place. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “How incompetent must the new Imperial General be at the moment?”
“Information is the most valuable asset to any sort of battle. As a general I kept a tight leash on it. Lest it spilled and caused unnecessary ruckus.” My knights were drilled, put through fire and blood, wiped clean before they were thrown back into hell again. And most importantly they were taught to sew their mouth shut or die. You, you just spilled everything I needed to know the moment I showed that I cared.”
“Your Excellency, I —“
“I was only going to punish you for trespassing. A measly act of destroying your Aetherial Helix.” “But in all honesty, I might be doing that brother Emperor of mine a favor by going . . . further.”
“N-no, you wouldn’t, you’re—!” The soldier was about to defend you even in its dying moments. But as it truly recounted all that has been told about you from its peers and seniors, it realizes one truly fatal fact.
You were never known for benevolence.
“Please! I did this all for you! I only wanted you back as my General!”
“Let this be a lesson.”
“No, please ! I- I - I beg of you—“
You looked up to the ceiling, beyond it — the stars and the infinite darkness you once called your home.
“And so I’ll continue to wield your blade, until I cut the stars from sky. I will protect you even from the gods I serve.”
You chant. The blood on your hands once again becoming too visible and distracting.
“Thank you for your service, soldier.” You deeply bow your head to the disintegrating corpse beneath you. Allowing the fallen's drained life essence to cover your forehead. [Brother Name] smiles. To others it may seem to have been a sign of respect — but to your kind, you were simply absorbing the spoils of battle. Taking in the dead and disgraced's remaining imprint on this world.
“My deepest apologies for the mess and time it took. The matter has been dealt with.” You returned. The blood, having dripped down your face, had dried and turned dark.
“I hope this has not soured your view on me.”
“Not at all . . .” Tim was the first to speak at your return. His fingers unconsciously replaying the footage of your . . . execution. Millions of questions already shot across his head as he was eager to probe you on them one way or another.
If anything it only made their obsession with you worse.
“Let me be your sinner, brother. This oath I shall never forsake.”
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kylejsugarman · 3 months
hey I lurk for your Breaking Bad content. please give me all of your Jesse in Alaska/recovery headcanons. I need it like I need air.
jesse in alaska.......where do i even begin 😔 im going to avoid lingering too much on my alaska oc's and that little world (tldr for newcomers: jesse gets to haines, starts working at a repair/custom shop called carvings owned by sheila, and befriends and falls in love with the local vet demi who is raising her niece baby) just because there are Plenty of those posts and i want to focus more on jesse himself
this is one ive talked about before, but its just so precious to me, and thats jesse getting into cooking. at first, him learning how to do it is out of pure necessity. the canned food that ed left him only lasts for a few weeks and the prepackaged stuff at the store is all queasily redolent of the "treats" (<- meager sustenance) that were dropped into his cage, so he picks up a box of dry pasta and looks at the recipe for chicken penne printed on the box. it has all the steps, the ingredients. he was always good at following a recipe. jesse dutifully buys the stuff and what begins as him robotically following the text later on in his small, dim kitchen starts to feel. Good. there's no harsh fumes or chemical burns. he doesnt have to measure the garlic down to a hundredth of a gram. he has a recipe to follow—something to guide him—but nothing awful is going to happen if he experiments a little. if he deviates. and he isn't making poison. he's making something Good. for so, so long, jesse only Destroyed and when he did create, it was poison. now he gets to do what he wants. he gets to make good. that chicken penne is the first thing he eats in weeks that actually has flavor—or maybe he's letting himself Taste again. jesse starts cooking more and more, using those supermarket recipes and eventually recipes that he prints off from the public library computers, and even once it becomes a part of his daily routine, he never loses that weird excitement for it. there's the satisfaction of successfully executing a task even with his memory issues and adhd, but also the excitement of realizing over and over that he can do what he wants.
jesse thinks he's "done" with drugs when he gets to alaska purely because he hasn't been able to use and doesnt have immediate access to anything stronger than alcohol or tobacco, but he quickly realizes that he does not have any other kind of coping mechanism ready to deploy or way to sufficiently distract himself once he's physically and mentally well enough to Be Aware. alcohol doesnt seem to "work" fast enough. he thinks over and over about hiring a sex worker or finding a bar somewhere so he can have sex with and fall asleep next to a warm, living body. he drives for hours and sometimes hits the brakes hard on the icy road when theres no one else out there, letting himself skid uncontrollably and hoping he crashes. he wants to start a fight with a stranger. he wants to hug a stranger. and he does end up using drugs again, several times. i mean he's a severely traumatized addict arriving in a new location with zero support. it's not a failure, it's not irreversible backsliding: it's just the reality of what being in this terrifying, vulnerable situation would be like for jesse. for a long time, he sees these relapses as signs of weakness and that Certain People were right about him being a pathetic junkie with no will or value, but as he starts meeting people and finding new ways to be happy and getting the right treatment for his various issues and sometimes even sitting in NA church basement meetings because he just needs to be Understood, jesse comes around to the idea that addiction is not a moral failing and sees his life as worthy enough to safely and healthily preserve.
lightning round!! jesse decides once he arrives to grow his hair and facial hair out some to look less like his old mugshot, but also because as soon as the cold winter air touches his shaved head, he basically reverts to spongebob and patrick duct-taping fur off of sandy to survive in her dome during winter. he stops to stare in awe at eagles and whales and moose even after years and years of living in alaska. his sense of smell is nearly totally destroyed from cooking without protection, but he still always buys lemon scented soap and cleaning stuff because lemon was his aunt ginny's favorite scent. he reads up on a lot of first-aid on the public library computers, sometimes out of a sense of frantic compulsion or guilt, sometimes out of legitimate curiosity. when he drives home from doctors appointments or NA meetings, he plays the music in his car so loud that his seat shakes. the people of haines know that mr driscoll can be a little cagey and will flinch at the sound of his own laugh, but they also know that he brakes for animals and carves beautiful gadrooning and buys ten of whatever the kids are selling to raise money for the band or their scout troop. and they like him quite a bit :)
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Not sure if this was asked before but... how do you get your *passion* back for writing - or any old hobbies at all? Maybe bc of ADHD, but I used to hyperfixate on writing, reading and other things. They were my world. Now, when I actually have time to write... my interest is meh. Mild. Barely exists. But I'm still interested. Just not passionate. My heart doesn't flutter at new OC ideas anymore - or ships. Or family dynamics. I'm bored... what gives?
ADHD: Interested in Writing, But Not Passionate
I really struggled with this. Mainly, because I have a hard time wrapping my head around, "My interest barely exists but I'm still interested." I can't make sense of that.
I've written three different versions of an answer, none of which I liked in the end, because I think the long and the short of it is this: you can be interested in writing generally, but stuck on a WIP or unable to get started generally. And there are all sorts of reasons why you can be stuck on a WIP or unable to get started generally (including executive dysfunction... thanks, ADHD!) However, at the end of the day, if writing was a hyperfixation for you, that may be all it ever was. Even if some part of you is still "interested."
Which brings me to a story from answer attempt #2, which I think is still worth sharing. Years ago, I hyperfixated for weeks on a particular historical topic. I couldn't get enough. I read about it, watched documentaries about it, subscribed to magazines about it, fell down topic-related rabbit holes for hours at a time. My brain needed to understand every single thing there was to know about the topic, which was troublesome because everything about this topic isn't known... even by those who study it.
One day, my attention shifted to something else, but I never really lost the "interest" in this topic. My ears still perk when I hear something about it. I still skim articles about it when they come up on social media. I would probably pause in my channel surfing if I happened on a documentary about it. But my interest isn't the same. It's not enough for me to dive in to the extent that I did when it was a hyperfixation. And this was tested by the fact that not long ago, I visited a museum with a whole wing dedicated to this topic. And I knew it was a big deal that I was there, and that hyperfixated me would have blown a gasket out of sheer joy, but I just wasn't able to engage with the exhibits the way I wanted to or felt I should. I was looking at the artifacts and absorbing the words on the exhibition labels, but I wasn't feeling anything about it. It all fell flat. Which was kind of depressing, to be honest.
So, I'm telling that story because I think there's a very real possibility that may be what's happening for you with writing. It may just be a hyperfixation that still interests you in some way, but which can never really inspire that same level of interest you once had--unless you become hyperfixated on it again, but there's no way to force that. And there's no way to know for sure if that's what's going on except to try some of the things suggested in the links below to see if you can troubleshoot a cause or kick start your motivation. If not, it may just be something you did once and may come back to again eventually. ♥
Guide: Filling Your Creative Well Guide: How to Rekindle Your Motivation to Write Getting Excited About Your Story Again Getting Unstuck: Motivation Beyond Mood Boards & Playlists 5 Reasons You Lost Interest in Your WIP, Plus Fixes! Feeling Unmotivated with WIP
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere Queen xenomorph with scientist! darling who's work is like studying nest and xenomorph in general?
Of course! Concept as not specified. I gave the Queen a name for fun, I should make Xenomorph OCs-
Yandere! Xenomorph Queen with Scientist! Darling
Short Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Murder, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Forced affection, Drool.
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Humanity feels they should study Xenomorphs to understand how to combat them better.
Which meant studying their behavior in hives and alone.
That's how the Queen met you, through bulletproof glass.
She was set upon her egg sac, watching you while you jot down notes.
You studied everything about her.
How she reproduced, her drones' behavior, her herself.
Eventually when she sees those shutters open, you standing there and ready to study...
She grows comfortable, excited even.
She's seen other scientists before, although you...
You talk to her.
"Doing okay in there?"
"You've been working pretty hard with those eggs...."
"That must be such a small space-"
"I wonder if you understand me...."
In a way, yes... yes she can.
She listens intently to your words despite not entirely understanding the care or curiosity in them.
Her arms are folded in front of her, listening to you through the window.
Your voice sounds wonderful... so soothing and intrigued by her.
You'll notice when you speak and jot down notes, the Queen makes chitters and coos.
As if she was trying to talk with you.
She may be just an experiment, marked by a simple number, yet you can see intelligence in these creatures.
"Specimen 17, you've matured well. You already have a colony of your own."
At her name, the Queen squeals, a sound rather high pitched.
You'd think it's her being happy, but you never understood these creatures that well.
Whenever those shutters close over the glass of the enclosure, Subject 17 as you called her would whine.
She loved her scientist...
She wanted her scientist...!
She'd be behaved for the most part.
Although, you noticed one day she acted... different.
She was quieter, hissing in newfound anticipation.
"Subject 17...? Are you unwell?"
She tilts her head, still exhibiting strange behavior.
"I'll... be right back, 17...."
You go to leave, but there's a sickening tear noise along with a screech in pain.
The Queen had released herself from her egg sac....
Resonating screeches from the Queen and her drones ring out in the chamber.
The Queen stares at you and you shut the metal shutters.
Crashing and screeching was heard on the other side as the Queen bashes around.
She hits the shutters repeatedly before tearing holes into the facility.
Yearning fueled her rampage.
Don't you dare deprive her of your comfort!
You run, screaming how 17 had escaped.
All the while, her drones flood the facility while she tramples through.
She can make a new egg sac later, in a new and bigger nest...
One where you join her side.
Screeches echo through the area.
Cries for you to come back, ones you can't understand.
In a rampage, the Queen tramples and spears many other humans.
None of them were you...
Where were you!?
She wanted to hear your voice, she wondered if you'd enjoy getting closer to her....
You wanted to learn about her, right?
Then you can learn more about her now!
She only calms when she hears your voice, screams and pleas to stop.
She stops in front of her drones, four of them holding you down.
A strangely gentle coo leaves the Queen, leaning down to sniff you softly.
You even smell wonderful.
"17! Please! I... don't want to die.... You can't even hear me, can you?"
The Queen chitters, tail swaying before reaching out to grab you.
Having little control of what she does, you stay limp in her skeletal grasp.
Her drones chitter at their mother before scanning the area for more humans.
You flinch when the Queen presses her face against your chest, mouth closed.
You hesitantly touch the smooth crest of her head, earning a content sight of sorts.
"Come on, girl... let me go-"
A loud hiss comes from the Queen, drool coating your chest before she pulls away.
Her two smaller arms keep you strapped to her like a baby harness as she turns around.
With a hissing screech, she calls her children to her side.
It's time to leave, there's no need to be here now...
She has her scientist, it's time to take you home.
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baby-fics · 10 months
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CG! Vampire Coven All together🩷🩶💚 CW: Panic Attacks, Negative Regression (minor mentions of both)
🩷Mona, Alexei, and Frances are not familiar with age regression, so most likely you would be met with confusion when they find a paci or teether in your bag, but no malice. Just love and wanting to understand.
🩶 They've been alive for varying levels of time, so age is more of a construct at this point. So then finding out that you go to the safe, child-like parts of life, it makes sense to them. They just need to learn what childhood is for themselves again when learning to help you in your regression.
💚 Maybe your regression at first was watching cartoons and coloring stick figures with a paci in your mouth, no- now that your coven knows they're taking you to zoos, museums, toy stores, parks, anywhere.
🩷They would probably help you lean into those child like behaviors, getting excited and stimming at an aquarium exhibit. Teaching you to bring back the behaviors that were trained out of you, and in turn they re-learn that whimsical innocence they lost decades ago.
🩶They will get good at knowing your little tells eventually. Maybe your voice gets higher, you sway and rock on your feet, your eyes and body wander absently, you fidget more, etc. They know your tells, and they will always subtly encourage you and make you feel safe to slip around them.
💚Frances is always encouraging his brave baby to explore. If his baby wants to climb and run, he'll be there to catch you and always there to kiss your boo-boos. Being an adventurous baby is difficult work!
🩷 Mona is always making you giggle by covering your face in endless kisses. She has a dedicated spot for you in her studio, where she can work on her designs and see her sweet baby curled up on the cushions with a stuffie.
🩶 Alexei is quiet and enjoys hearing what stories and plotlines you have for your dolls or stuffies. He's crafty, you'll always have a snack while you play and if you need something new for your dolls he'll make it, you only need to ask.
💚 Alexei loves to hold you in a blanket fort while you color and likes when you ask him what colors you should use (even if you don't use his suggestions)
🩷 Speaking of pillow forts, they are a staple in the covens home. They litter the house in different rooms, hardly do you spend time in your bed and them in theirs. Why do that when you can have a cozy makeshift den that's protected and cozy and safe on all sides??
🩶Age regression is not always pretty, sometimes it's hiding away wherever you can and staying still and quiet so the scary things can't get you. But it doesn't matter if you scratch or bite at them, they understand. They will not leave, they will offer space, but they will not abandon you- even when your problems are not pretty or easy.
💚 They are not easy either, there's a reason these three relics of differing times came together. Just because your problems aren't easy, doesn't mean they aren't worth it.
Hope y'all enjoyed! I will not stop writing about these three, they're going in the same monster OC vault as Noor lol (Mona, Alexei, and Frances have my heart btw. Idc if nobody cares for them, if they have zero fans I'm dead.)
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ash5monster01 · 7 months
Goes On Chapter Six
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: 18+, depression, mentions of suicide, heavy topics, eventual smut, slow burn romance, fluff, gender themes/stereotypes.
Summary: Against his best efforts Charlie has to start at a new preparatory school after the tragic events that took place at Welton. The very events that led to the loss of his best friend and getting expelled in the first place. He has no plans to make friends let alone get close to anyone ever again. That is until he meets Evelyn and her interesting group of friends. No matter how hard he tries to push them away he finds it to be impossible. So he caves and in the end learns that life can still be enjoyable even if it feels like everyone is against you.
word count: 2.4k
Five ←→ Seven
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Ridge Academy, NY
As much as Charlie hated attending planning committee meetings, he found himself showing up every single time, not wanting to disappoint Evelyn. He knew he had already disappointed her enough during his time here and she was genuinely just trying to be a good friend to him. The least he could do was attend the meetings to a club she cared very much about. So even though the last thing he wanted to do on a Friday afternoon after a long week of classes, was attend this meeting, he started the journey there anyway.
“Hey” Evelyn grins widely at him when he enters the room and Charlie quickly notices how she’s the only one here, hands feverishly working as she ties goodie bags with hearts all over them.
“Where is everyone?” he asks, confused why even though he’s about two minutes late, Evelyn is the only one sitting here doing stuff.
“Oh no one showed. That’s normal. Everyone fizzles out after a while. People always love planning until it comes down to the actual work” Evelyn says with a sigh, hands still moving a mile a minute as she places an assortment of candy in each bag and ties it off. This should be their classmate Sarah’s job considering she suggested goodie bags at the first meeting.
“You’re the easy credit club then huh?” Charlie asks, noticing how she fights off a sad look on her face.
“Sadly and since I love it too much I continue to let it go instead of risk losing my club” she mutters under her breath and Charlie sighs as he moves to sit next to her. Evelyn’s hands don’t stop until Charlie’s lands on her own.
“When you asked me to help you plan the dance you really meant it, didn’t you?” he asks and Evelyn finally gives up her busy work considering she needed enough goodie bags for the entirety of the Junior and Senior class.
“Yeah, it just was nice to know that maybe someone would actually stick around the whole time” she says, a forlorn look painting her face, and Charlie smiles softly. Five months ago he more than likely would’ve attended Evelyn’s club for the easy credit but now he genuinely just wanted to help.
“Well let’s do this, you fill em, I tie em?” Charlie suggests and the grin the cracks along her face is all the confirmation he needs as Evelyn scoops candy into a bag and passes it his way.
“I’m sure you really regret joining my club now” she says after about three bags and Charlie just laughs.
“I wouldn’t say that. You’re one of the few people in this school I can stand and do not get all excited. Someone just can’t learn boundaries” he tells her but the wide smile is all he needs to see to know that she has already taken it to heart. He smiles back until an image of Neil comes to mind and that smile quickly leaves as he turns to tie another bag.
“You do any clubs at your old school or just sports?” she questions, not noticing the change in his demeanor and Charlie feels his heart sink.
“School newspaper, service club, and-” he wants to say it. He wants to say it so badly. It sits on the tip of his tongue and urges it way out but even the thought of it reminds him of everything he was given and everything he had lost. Learning you had free will came with discovering you’re never as free as you think.
“What? Can’t remember?” Evelyn teases and Charlie reminds himself to not be upset with her. She doesn’t know, he made it that way. No one here knew what he had been through. How four months had changed the direction of his life completely.
“Something like that, at Welton everything was serious. The dean would meet with every single one of us to assign extracurriculars ‘based on merit and desire’ and if you missed a practice, a meeting, it was instant demerits. He could assign you or unassign you whenever he felt. It made the things that were supposed to be fun, suffocating” Charlie says, thinking of all the ways that entire school suffocated him until it stomped his lungs out. In fact, he was pretty sure he hadn’t had a real deep breath since then.
“That’s awful. My meetings aren’t even required and people still don’t show anyway. Yet I suppose if we had harsher rules put in place maybe we’d have a higher graduate success rate” and she’s right. Yet it doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. These schools are taking away kids free will, their desire to pursue the things in life they love. All it does is give schools more Ivy League graduates and the world heartless robots. Like his father.
“The school would have a higher success rate. The question is, would you?” Evelyn doesn’t entirely know what he means so she lets the words sink. In a way it really doesn’t affect her how many successful graduates the school has. It would only matter if she was successful and even then, would she even want to go to college?
“What’re your friends like. You know, back at Welton?” and the question catches Charlie off guard, almost whiplashing him from the change in conversation. Yet he doesn’t let it hurt him like it should.
“They’re the best. All of them. Knox is empathetic, the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. He met a girl once and knew she was the one. Went all the way to her school just to recite a poem he wrote about her while she had another boyfriend. He just knows, about everyone he meets” Charlie says, an unknown smile covering his face.
“That’s so sweet” Evelyn coos and Charlie chuckles remembering how crazy Knox was for the very girl he is dating now.
“Then there is Steven, we call him Meeks. He’s wicked smart, like smarter than anyone you know. He knew Latin fluently by the time he was ten and he would do anything I said. He’s so loyal, helped me with my homework every night” Charlie says, recalling all the times he nearly failed if it wasn’t for the help of his red headed friend.
“And Gerard Pitts, taller than a sky scraper and ignorant all the same. Clueless about life and love and yet somehow he was really damn good at it” Charlie says, daring a glance at Evelyn who soaks up each of his words as she scoops more candy into bags.
“And there’s Todd, he started at Welton in the Fall and I’ve never seen a guy trip over more words in my life. He is so shy, and so quiet, but so passionate. I always thought people who were shy had nothing to say, but turns out they just have too much, they can’t decide what comes out first” Charlie says with a hearty laugh because of how true it was. Todd surprised him, he surprised everyone.
“And Neil-” Charlie’s mouth shuts hard and fast, tears burn at the back of his eyes. He had gotten so caught up, reminiscing on his friends and the good times. For a split second he had forgot. Forgot that his very best friend had died.
“You okay?” Evelyn asks, confused at his abrupt stop and Charlie takes a moment to swallow the regret that sits in his throat. He basks in that fleeting moment of what it felt like to think Neil was still here. He takes the opportunity to still feel it.
“Yeah, Neil is my best friend. Since my very first day at Welton when I was ten years old. He was my first roommate and we’ve been inseparable since” the words sit heavy on his chest because it turns out they were no longer together and Charlie never could’ve imagined the day. “He would do anything for anyone, even if he just met them. Kindest guy I know. He’s probably the only reason I didn’t get expelled sooner. He is always so good at keeping me in line. Accepting of everyone and everything, I always wished I could be like that”
"You're like that" Evelyn says, surprising him and acting as if the words she just uttered weren’t as serious as they were.
“All I’ve done is push you away since I got here” Charlie countered, unsure how she would even see him as accepting.
“Yeah but that doesn’t mean you don’t accept me for who I am. Trust me, I could tell. Girls my age have never liked me because I was different. I’m outgoing and I never care what people think, I say what I’m thinking all the time. I never had a real friend until Violet. You may not want to be friends with me Charlie but I know it’s not because you don’t like me” she explains and Charlie suddenly realizes Evelyn was a very lonely person. He’d never seen her with anyone but the group and even then she seemed closer to Nate than Violet. It was the first time he realized someone could be lonely even with friends.
“I like you Evelyn, very much” Charlie admits and he knows he’s going to regret it when a cocky grin creeps across the girls features. He knows some witty response is sitting on her lips but before she can say it and embarrass him further, the door swings open.
“Hey!” Laurie is quick to greet them, whipping the door closed behind her and turning the lock.
“Someone looks distressed” Charlie muttered, eyeing the girl whose wild eyes glance out the small window at the door. When she quickly dodges out the way both Evelyn and Charlie giggle at her behavior.
“Nick Harrison is trying to ask me to the dance” she finally informs them both and Evelyn is the only one to laugh since Charlie doesn’t even know who Nick is.
“Just tell him no Laur, he’s gonna have to get over this crush soon enough” Evelyn says, picturing the 5’4” boy with wide rimmed glasses and persistent runny nose from allergies. He was sweet but determined and Laurie had been his conquest for years.
“I don’t want to break his heart and I heard Jay Adam’s wanted to ask me too and if that little rascal beats him to it, I’ll be humiliated” Laurie says walking towards the table and Evelyn giggles again, imagining the tall and handsome football star beside little Nick Harrison.
“Okay well Laurie, hear me out. If Jay doesn’t ask just take Nick. He has good intentions and a good heart, you might even have fun” and suddenly Charlie is attracted to the girl beside him even more.
“Listen, I’m not promising anything but maybe. I’ll just have to avoid him until then” Laurie says, moving to glance back out the window and Evelyn just shook her head.
“Good luck then” she offered her blonde friend and Laurie turned to grin at them both as she fixed her bag on her shoulder.
“Thank you, see you” and she was blowing a kiss and sneaking back out the door into the hallway that must be clear of Nick now.
“So this whole bring a date to the dance thing is a big deal, huh?” Charlie asked, now alone with the beautiful girl again.
“For the Valentines dance, yeah. It’s kind of like announcing to the school who you’re with, have a crush on, and so on. Exactly why it’s my goal to make it perfect” she explained, a soft smile on her face that suggested the very dance was the kind of thing a girl wanted to get asked too. Dreamed of getting asked too. If Charlie was the same guy he was five months ago it would be this very dance he’d take opportunity to find the hottest date too.
“That’s cool, kind of sweet actually” Charlie said, looking away from the girl as he tied the few goodie bags he had yet to catch up on and Evelyn took a moment to really look at the boy. She could see there was so much more bubbling under the surface, just begging to come out.
“Yeah, it can be. If you get asked at least” and Charlie realized that this suggests Evelyn had never been asked to the dance. He looks up to meet her eyes and as much as she smiles he still sees the sadness that resides there. The longing for someone to actually want her exactly the way she is.
“What’re you doing after this?” Charlie suddenly blurts and Evelyn finds her heart pounding from the sudden question.
“Nothing, probably homework since Violet will be out with Marty” she says and Charlie smiles a different smile than she has ever seen on him. This was a smile of a boy who simply just liked a girl and wanted to get to know her better. A confident boy just dying to come out.
“Let’s get dinner, I haven’t really left campus since I got here. It’ll be fun, my treat” and Evelyn can’t help the smile that crosses her face because for the entirety of his time here all she has wanted is Charlie to spend time with her and now here he was asking her to do something non school related.
“Okay, sounds fun” she agrees and Charlie nods and starts back on tying the bags in front of him but Evelyn no longer cared about completing the goodie bags because she was going to hang out with Charlie Dalton. Finally.
When the bags were finally completed the pair collected their things and started their walk off campus. In search of a restaurant amongst the small town, no lull in conversation the entire way, and Evelyn vaguely wondered where this Charlie had been the whole time. Outgoing and fun Charlie would could make her laugh and was so passionate about everything around him. It made her wonder the very thing that could cause a boy so full of life like this to cut himself off from the world. Yet she never asked out loud despite wanting to, because she wasn’t quite ready to scare him off just yet. So they ate dinner together and got to know each other all while Charlie debated if he should even ask her to the dance at all.
Neither of them knowing Nate sat outside Evelyn’s door with a dozen roses waiting for her to get back so he could ask her to the dance himself.
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voraciousvore · 8 months
Candy and the Beanstalk
I wanted to write something light and silly and fluffy, since I've been writing so many dreadfully dark stories lately, so I put my OCs Candy Caramello and Martin Maneater into a classic beanstalk story. No actual vore in this one, just cute g/t fluff and some mild sfw romance. Enjoy (I hope)! :3
Word Count: 3.9k
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They came from the sky, draped in remnants of clouds. Nobody knew how, or whence, or what they were, other than the fact that they vaguely resembled beans—beans with an exotic iridescent sheen, pulsing with a rainbow parade of luminescence. Upon their initial discovery, in a fallow dirt field, they drew considerable attention and curiosity. As obvious magical objects, they fetched a high price among buyers eager to discover their secrets. 
Unfortunately, these buyers were soon disappointed to find that their fortunes had been wasted. Not a single person could get the beans to grow, nor could they extract any magical properties. The kaleidoscope of lights that displayed on their smooth surfaces gradually faded to a dull, lackluster brownish green, just like any other bean, with only the occasional spark of light to betray their original appearance. The mysterious beans from the sky soon faded into obscurity as people lost interest, deemed nothing more than a hoax or scam. 
Out in the countryside, far away from the hustle and bustle of major townships, lived a humble peasant girl by the name of Candy Caramello. She was a very sweet and pretty girl, blessed with lovely blue eyes and long blonde hair, but she was also as dumb as a box of rocks. She lived with her parents on the family farm and worked as a milkmaid, with big milkers of her own to match. Regrettably, she wasn’t good for much else beyond the simplest tasks, especially with how clumsy and accident-prone she tended to be, so her parents didn’t have high hopes for her. She spent her days daydreaming about boys as she milked the cows and fed the animals. 
One day, one of the older cows stopped producing milk. Candy brought this unfortunate news up to her mother. “Mom, the cow’s broken. Her udder’s all shriveled up.” 
“Well, the cow’s of no use to us anymore. Take it to the market to sell it for its meat and hide,” her mother ordered. 
“Really? Me?” Candy replied with surprise, twirling strands of her lustrous golden hair around her fingers. She usually wasn’t assigned much responsibility. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? She’s bound it muck it up,” her father whispered. Mrs. Caramello shushed him and sent her daughter on her way. 
“She’s got to learn eventually,” her mom sighed, once she was out of earshot. “We can’t treat her like a baby forever.” 
Candy skipped along the dirt path to town, excited for a new adventure as she led the cow by a rope. Her blue eyes sparkled with joy as she beheld the scenery: undulating fields of grain, majestic old oak trees, fresh green grass, fluffy white clouds glowing with sunshine. She walked over a stone bridge and watched fish dart around in the sparkling waters of the river below. The cow impatiently pulled on the rope to hurry her along. 
She entered the market, and was immediately distracted by all the new sights and sounds and people. Stalls lined the streets bursting with fruits and vegetables, colorful textiles, hand-crafted goods, and a wide array of exotic baubles and trinkets. Candy forgot about selling the cow as she browsed goods that she had no money to buy. 
“Hey, you! Wench!” a gravelly voice called from the entrance to a dark, deserted alley off to the side. 
“Hmmm?” Candy turned her head and walked toward the sketchy area, oblivious to the potential danger. 
“Is that cow for sale? How much?” the voice rasped. A shadowy figure, cloaked in midnight blue garments, crept out of the shade from the brick walls that hemmed in both sides of the narrow passage. He was a lean, tall man with a sickly mien. 
“Ummm… what’s your best offer?” Candy inquired. She had no idea how much she was supposed to sell the cow for. 
“I have something that might interest you…” A gnarled hand emerged from the folds of the cloak, holding a small drawstring bag full of small lumps. “Magic beans!” He opened the bag and pulled out a bean to show her. To Candy’s amazement, the bean flickered with light. 
“Magic?” Candy’s eyes gleamed. “What do they do?” 
The mysterious individual hesitated, as if not anticipating the question. “Uh… they’ll make you rich! Fabulously rich!” Candy looked at the stranger blankly. Money was fine and dandy, but not what her heart truly desired. Sensing her apathy, he changed tactics. “Or… they’ll help you find true love!” 
Candy, being the hopeless romantic that she was, lit up. “Really? All that for a cow? Why? How?” 
“Erm, don’t worry about that. Just, uh… follow your heart and look to the heavens and you’ll have your answer!” 
Candy agreed to the deal, and traded the cow for the beans. As she left, the stranger muttered under his breath, too quiet to hear, “What a fool… those beans are useless…” 
On her way home, Candy pawed through the bag and examined the beans. None of them had that special spark or sheen that she witnessed earlier, but she wasn’t deterred. She believed in the magic with all her heart. She couldn’t wait to plant them and see what would happen. Would they bloom with fantastic buds, opening to reveal a handsome prince? She nearly squealed with joy at the thought. She entered her cottage home just as the sun was beginning to set, bathing the landscape in orange twilight. 
“Mom, Dad, look what I got for the cow!” Candy proclaimed, holding up the sack of beans triumphantly in her hand. 
“What’s that? Gold coins?” Mr. Caramello asked. 
“No, even better! I got beans! Magic beans!” Candy poured the beans into her hand so they could see. Her parents stared dumbly at the dull pile. 
“Please… tell me you’re joking,” her mother uttered in disbelief. Candy gave a slight shake of her head, clueless. “Candy, you clod! You traded an entire cow for a handful of beans?” 
She snatched all the beans out of Candy’s hand and threw them out the window. “Empty-headed simpleton! You got scammed! You wasted a perfectly good cow!” 
“I told you this would happen,” her father muttered. Mrs. Caramello elbowed him hard in the side, making him grunt. Candy hung her head, dejected. She wanted to shrivel into the floorboards and disappear. She tried her hardest to please her folks, but somehow she always messed everything up. Her best was never good enough for them. She fought back tears. 
“Ugh, just get out of my sight,” her mother said with a disgusted wave of her hand. Candy turned around with a despondent slouch and obeyed, dragging her feet out the door.   
“Don’t you think you’re being too hard on her, dear?” Mr. Caramello murmured, once Candy was out of earshot. “She can’t help it that she’s so stupid.” 
“I’m just sick of her being such an airhead! She needs to get her head out of the clouds and grow up!” Mrs. Caramello spat back with frustration. 
Outside, Candy walked over to the beans scattered in the soil and plopped down on her knees. Sniffling, she scooped the beans up into her hands with some crumbs of dirt and gazed down at them sadly. They didn’t glow, stubbornly insisting on remaining a bland monochrome green. She poked her fingers in the dirt and scooped out a hole, then planted the beans and tucked them in with a pat of her hands. She kept her hands in place, sitting in the dirt as the sun sank below the horizon, quenching its fire into the earth. Her remaining energy died with the light. 
With a laborious sigh, Candy went back inside the house, avoiding her parents and laying down in her bed to sleep. A trickle of melancholy dribbled into her core as she huddled on her side and stared at the wall. She was desperate to please; at the end of the day, she just wanted to be loved and held. She wanted a caring man, big and warm, to wrap his arms around her and tell her that she wasn’t useless. She wanted to feel precious and special, beloved and cherished, rather than being such a worthless disappointment. Candy shivered, pulling the bedsheets up to her chin, and fell asleep. 
Little did she know that the beans, hidden beneath layers of earth, were radiating multicolored flashes. They had awakened from their long-dormant state with a burst of fire. Candy’s sweet touch had brought them to life. Like Arthur pulling Excalibur from the stone, Candy had something special that the magical beans patiently sought.  
While she slept, a fresh green sprout emerged from the ground and reached for the sky, twisting and looping in a rapid ascension. Tendrils swirled in spirals and springs around each other as they lengthened and expanded in scale. Leaves grew from tender buds into magnificent foliage large enough to lay on like a mattress. The stalk thickened and swelled, transforming from a thin vine to a pillar to a massive verdant structure, broader and taller than the biggest redwood trees. 
Candy woke up early, as was her habit, to let out the chickens and milk the cows. When she walked out the door into a dark shadow, she turned around to behold the gigantic beanstalk towering above her, above the house and surrounding countryside, impossibly tall, so high up that she couldn’t even see the top as it disappeared into the cloud layer. She stood there and gaped in astonishment, not believing her eyes. She wondered if she was still dreaming as she slowly stepped up to the plant and placed her palm on its glorious green surface. It was real. The magic was real. 
She craned her head back to gaze up into the sky. The words of the bean seller popped into her head. Follow your heart and look to the heavens. When she initially heard those words, she thought he meant to pray for divine intervention, or have faith or strength of spirit. Now, however, the words took on a whole new meaning. Clearly, she was supposed to literally ascend to the sky, via the magical bridge created expressly for her. 
The task before her was daunting, but Candy was firm with resolve. She dreamed, in her most honeyed fantasies, of finding true love. The ceaseless desire burned in her so strongly that she feared she would turn to ash if it were not satiated. She didn’t know what could possibly be in the sky that would aid her in her quest, but she was determined to find out. She took a deep breath to steady herself before beginning her journey. She gripped a coiled vine in her hand and started to climb. 
At first, scaling the beanstalk was fun, reminiscent of a joyful childhood climbing trees. As the time stretched on, though, Candy’s optimism waned and her muscles began to ache. The labor became arduous. As the atmosphere thinned with the great height, the air chilled and the wind bit through her light clothes. The verdurous shoots of the beanstalk were soft and feathery in some parts, hard and sharp in others, digging into the skin on her hands. Whenever she grew weary, she rested on one of the many giant leaves. She didn’t want to stay in one place for too long, though, since she still had a long way to climb. 
Candy considered giving up, but at some point she realized it would be just as hard to return to the ground far below. The distance was dizzying; Candy was just grateful she wasn’t afraid of heights. The beanstalk occasionally swayed in the breeze, making her cling with a death grip to the leafy vines until the stalk steadied again. When she needed a distraction, she admired the view. She could see for miles around. The farmland below, from such a grand height, looked flat, since none of the objects below could compare to the colossal twisting tower. 
Candy entered the cloud layer, where the air was moist and frigid. The initial wisps of cloud thickened into heavy white puffs that produced dark shade. Candy was tempted to curl up when the cold ice particles surrounded her, and her hands met crusts of ice on the foliage, but she forced herself to continue. Finally, she emerged from the cloud layer, back into the brilliant sunshine. 
Her eyes just about boggled out of her head when she surveyed the cloudscape around her. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t an entire alternate world up in the clouds. There were trees, and flowers, and a garden, and even a charming cottage close by. Candy cautiously tested the surface of the clouds and was surprised to find them pleasantly firm beneath her feet, like solid earth. She hopped off the beanstalk, stretched her weary arms, and headed towards the nearby cottage. 
She immediately discerned that something was amiss as she grasped the true nature of her surroundings. The grass was tall, easily as tall as she was, and the flowers towered over her head. The trees stretched up into infinity, their branches and leaves fading into the blinding mist higher up. Candy gawked over a fallen acorn as big around as a barrel of ale as she walked past it. The cottage at first glance appeared close, since it was such an immense building, but was actually quite far away.  
Candy faltered as she recognized just how shockingly huge everything was, especially the house. Who could possibly be large enough to inhabit such a vast structure? Fear flooded her heart, yet her curiosity and desire ultimately won out. She believed in the magic of the beans, even more so as she beheld such impossible, remarkable sights. She felt, in her heart, she was destined to come here—as the bean seller had promised her, to find love. 
She cautiously approached the cottage, marveling at the inconceivable scale of it all. Up close, the house was so large that she couldn’t take it all in at once. She stumbled over some pits in the ground, failing to notice that the ridges taken as a whole formed a giant bootprint. She reached the door, which stretched hundreds of feet above her head, and gazed up at it in wonder. There was no way she’d be able to open it on her own, but she was small enough to crawl underneath it, through the gap between the door and the floor. She slipped inside, her heart racing. 
The inside of the domicile would be rather average-looking, if not for the size. Candy found herself on a huge, scratchy welcome mat that nearly matched the square footage of her cow barn back home. She stepped over the threshold and onto a boundless stone floor. As she walked forward, with her diminutive shoes clicking on the stone, a tremendous masculine voice boomed from somewhere inside the house. 
Candy stopped dead in her tracks at the enormous voice. The loud sound was followed up by a substantial thud, then another, and another, which Candy recognized as the rhythm of giant footsteps. 
The steps rapidly approached, nearly knocking Candy over with how much they vibrated the floor. Her heart jumped into her throat. Logically, she knew she ought to run, but she was petrified in place. 
The source of the disruption made his appearance, rounding a doorframe into the room. He was a giant man, hundreds of feet tall, with stormy gray eyes, short dark hair, and a sturdy build. He thundered toward little Candy, who was too stunned to move. 
His boot slammed down next to her. At her height, she wasn’t even tall enough to reach his ankle. He kneeled down, looming over her. 
“I smell the blood of an Englishman!”  
Candy gasped as a gigantic hand, with fingers thicker and longer than her entire body, overshadowed her. She finally snapped out of her paralytic state and turned to run, but she had no chance of escape as the fingers closed around her in a fist. She watched the floor drop away below as she was lifted up to the giant’s face so he could get a better look at her. 
“Er... Englishwoman,” the giant corrected himself, once he was able to see her closer. Candy gazed up at his huge face, into his soft gray eyes. He had a prominent nose, full lips, and a forest of stubble around his mouth and chin. Other than his size, he didn’t look menacing or evil. As a matter of fact, Candy found him to be strikingly handsome. Perhaps even the most handsome man she had ever seen—the kind she fantasized about all day while she milked the cows, when she imagined her perfect man. 
“Hmmm, I’m in the mood for a sandwich,” the giant rumbled to himself, standing up with the tiny woman in his fist. Candy wasn’t really listening to what he was saying. She was spellbound. She felt her face warm up with him so close, so huge, all around her. His fingers wrapped around her body as warmly as she pictured the arms of her fictional lover last night. Was this the man she was supposed to meet? Her true love? Sure, he was enormous, and not quite what she had expected, but true love conquers all, right? 
The giant, oblivious to her thoughts, got out some slices of bread, meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and condiments, and started prepping his sandwich. Humans weren’t common up in the sky, and he hadn’t eaten one in a long time, so he was looking forward to a rare treat. He thought it odd that she wasn’t struggling in his fist or pleading for her life, as humans normally did when he threatened to eat them. Maybe she was too frightened. She was shaking a bit, after all. 
Candy rested her elbows on his finger and held her chin in her hands with a dreamy gaze. “What’s your name?” she asked. 
The giant was confused by the question, and her placid demeanor, but dutifully replied, “Martin. Martin Maneater.” He paused midway through spreading sauce on his bread. “What about you?” Why am I asking this girl her name, when I’m just going to eat her anyway? To be polite? 
She giggled, her face flushing at the attention. “Oh, I’m Candy. Candy Caramello! It’s lovely to meet you!” Martin blinked, increasingly baffled as he looked down at her. She wasn’t afraid of him at all. In fact, she had a rapturous look that was enthusiastic enough to make him blush. A woman had never looked at him quite like that before. And gosh, she was pretty cute too… just his type: blonde, blue-eyed, busty, and completely adorable. 
“Um…” Martin suddenly found himself tongue-tied. What was wrong with him? He was supposed to eat her, not fawn over her! And yet… and yet… his heart was singing in his chest with a thrumming rapid enough to make him lightheaded. He abandoned his sandwich and sat down in a chair at the dining room table, loosening his grip on the little lady since she apparently wasn’t going to bolt. 
With his mind drawing a blank, he asked the first question that popped into his head. “How did you get here, Candy?”  
“Oh! I planted some magic beans and climbed a giant beanstalk! It was amazing!!” Candy chirped as she twisted a strand of golden hair around her finger. She caressed Martin’s giant finger with her other hand, reveling in how warm and soft his skin felt on hers. Martin blushed again at the physical contact. He liked it more than he cared to admit. 
“Ah, the beans… that makes sense…” Martin muttered. “They only grow for special people, you know…” 
“Is that so?” Candy said in a seductive tone, batting her eyes at him. Martin’s heart jumped as she twirled playfully in his loose fingers. 
“Y-yeah… they only grow for a human of exceptional stock, one that is… especially tasty.” The giant raised a brow, curious to see how the woman would take this information. 
She didn’t skip a beat. “Awww, so you think I’m tasty?” Candy flirted with a wink. The literal meaning of his words seemed to be lost on her. Martin couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“I’m sure you are,” he teased back, running his tongue over his lips.  
Candy’s eyes lingered on his lips longer than he felt comfortable, as he felt himself drooling over her scent. “The bean seller told me I could find true love with the magic of the beans!” she blurted out. Martin raised his eyebrows with surprise.  
“Oh! Uh… hmmm… that’s interesting…” Martin stammered. What was he supposed to say to that? 
“Can I kiss you?!” Candy’s abrupt intensity was shocking. 
Martin reddened. “K-kiss me?” 
“That’s how you find out if someone is your true love! You have to kiss them!” Candy insisted. “That’s how it works in the fairy tales!” 
Martin’s tongue tripped over his words as he became increasingly flustered. He was about to deny her assertion, tell her love didn’t work that way, but… her little face and body, resting in his hand, made his chest swell. He wanted to kiss her, badly. He was lonely, living in the clouds all by himself. He wanted a woman to love, to call his own, and here she was, literally sitting in the palm of his hand, begging for his affection. How could he possibly refuse? 
“O-okay. Sure. Yeah.” His heart pounded in his chest as he raised her up to his lips. He was tempted to scoop her up into his mouth, being the man-eating giant that he was, but he politely refrained and puckered his lips gently. He pressed his plush lips to her tiny body, feeling every soft curve she had to offer. She kissed him back, her touch light and soft. He could feel her excited heartbeat pulsing in her chest. He pinned her down in his palm with rising ardor as he leaned into the sensual kiss. He could even taste her incredible caramel sweetness as his tongue touched her body. She was divine. His entire body burned with a sudden fiery passion that radiated from her touch on his lips all the way down to his toes. 
He could hardly tear himself away when he finished kissing her. He craved more. She lay flat on her back in his palm, hot and slightly soggy, her cheeks red as a rose and her eyes glistening with stars. She looked like a tiny angel. 
“I-I think you’re the one, Martin,” she uttered breathlessly. “That was amazing.” 
“Mmmmm, I agree,” Martin purred, caressing her body tenderly with his finger. He couldn’t believe his luck. He leaned down for another kiss, this one short and sweet but no less passionate. “Who knew a human woman could make me feel this way...” 
Martin cupped her in his hands and took her into his living room. He reclined on the couch and relaxed, holding the tiny woman against his chest. As he drifted off for a nap, he hoped in his heart that this whole encounter wasn’t all just a dream, and the tiny woman in his hands was, in fact, real. Before he closed his eyes, he looked down at her, snuggled up in the curve of his palm on his chest, rocking slightly with every beat of his heart. She was so trusting, already fast asleep in his hand after a long and exhausting day of climbing. 
Maybe true love was real after all. 
Writing Masterpost
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angelofchaos001 · 2 months
Time for my post about my two dumbass OC's, I'll eventually get good enough at hearthians to give them references buuuuuuut not for a while *shrug*
Mild spoilers for the base game and DLC!
@doodlebug091 @mellow-mooon Sorry Lumi but you made the mistake of being into this game, you get to hear all my terrible ideas.
Shale is a young adult hearthian, around the same age as the protagonist is. They always had a unique obsession with space as a hatchling, and wanted to join Outer Wilds Ventures to become a traveler like many others. When they joined the training, they trained alongside a few other hearthians around the same age and expertise.
While in training, Shale heard about the other travelers and the aspirations of their own class, and they developed a fixation on exploring beyond their own solar system. This fixation only grew as they learned more, wondering where the Nomai came from, what it could have been like, and what other life could lie beyond their small system. The Interloper became a major study for them, and was the focus of many small projects. Once finally able to fly, Shale took to the Interloper and dutifully studied everything they could about it, taking careful note of the ghost matter, the ice, and the unreadable Nomai text/tapes. They theorize on where it could have come from and long to know the secrets outside their solar system.
Shale plays the viola in their own small group, comprised of themselves, the protagonist, Schist, Tin, and Bismuth. They have a unique song together that sounds similar to Travelers, but seems more of a second verse to the song rather than an addition to it.
To the hatchling, Shale is kindhearted and gives helpful advice, even if they're a little scatterbrained. They aren't aware of the sun going supernova and the fact that the Interloper is eventually swallowed by it, and hatching could tell them about it for a similar result to giving Chert a crisis. However, the result will be the same: By the time they realize it's going to the sun, it's too late for them to escape the asteroid.
Here's some of the example dialogues I created in my head for them (aka entire conversations). Bold would be the selected dialog option, since I don't think I should cover every idea I had (it'd take a while):
[First Interaction]
Well hey there, hatchling! Glad to see you're finally up in space with the rest of the class. Guess that makes me not the last one, hehe!
>You're not the only one glad about it.
>Well, I can always go back home . . .
Of course you're excited for yourself! I wouldn't expect anything less from you, would I? By the way, did you ever finish getting that translator working? You and Hal had quite the undertaking there!
>Oh, it works!
>It works without exploding, so I'd say that's good.
>More like I did.
Hehe! Hey, I just had a thought! The core of this place has some Nomai tapes in it. There's also a few scattered about, like right in here! You should totally translate them and tell me what they say! I'd love to know.
>Sure can do!
>Maybe . . .
You've gotta tell me what they say!
[Second Interaction]
Hey, hatchling! What do you wanna talk about?
>I found something!
>How can I avoid the ghost matter in the tunnels?
>If the others are in space, where are they?
>Where should I explore here?
>You do realize this place will crash into the sun, right? (<- Only appears after the 1st loop)
Oh, that shouldn't be too hard! Just pull out your signalscope and you'll find them right quick! But . . . I can give you some tips if you don't remember them! Schist said they found some new species they wanted to study on Ash Twin, Bismuth was studying quantum objects in various places, and I believe Tin was grounded for medical reasons.
>What instruments does everyone play again?
>Tin was grounded?
>Alright, thank you!
They sure were! And rightfully so, too! Kept talking about some kind of weird spinning disk they found . . . Personally, I won't believe it until I get some kind of proof it exists.
>Ah. I see.
>And they grounded them for that?
>The Stranger? (<- Only appears if the player has visited The Stranger)
Poor, delusional Tin . . . Though, if whatever they're on about does exist, I wouldn't mind exploring it myself. It's not of hearthian or nomai origin, according to them! It's probably not real, though.
>The Stranger?
It's actually real? Wow . . . now I feel kinda bad about being so harsh on Tin. Maybe I can send a message back to Hornfels to have them ungrounded! It'd be amazing to see for myself! I can only eagerly imagine where it came from . . .
>I found something!
Really? Tell me about it!
>The Nomai explored this place, just like you're doing now, to try and figure out where it came from.
>Turns out this thing was basically just a pressured chamber of ghost matter a long time ago.
>There's a frozen Nomai ship on the surface!
>Actually, nevermind.
Well, that makes some sense, I suppose . . . but the core's kind of . . . exploded? Not much of anything can be densely packed in there.
>I did say it was a long time ago.
>Exactly. It burst and covered everything in ghost matter.
Uh . . . I don't think I have to say that's not good. What happened to the N- Wait. Oh. Oh no.
>Not exactly the best way to go out.
>Yeah . . .
>Remind me why you're choosing to explore this, then?
Don't get sassy with me, hatchling! I did better than you in all my training, that's why I got to fly first! Besides, it's not this thing can explode twice. As long as I avoid the ghost matter still here, I'm okay. I think.
>You do realize this place will crash into the sun, right?
Trust me when I say it won't. Sure, it gets pretty close at times - Close enough to melt the ice to get down here, even! But it won't go directly into the sun. I've been studying it's path since I was a hatchling, just waiting for the day I could get to it.
(Next piece only appears if the previous option was selected and the Interloper is on it's last loop. It replaces the dialogue of the second interaction.)
Hey, is it just me, or are we dangerously close to the sun right now?
>I told you it would crash into the sun!
>It's just you.
WHAT?! Oh, nonononono! No! I've gotta hurry to my ship and get out of here! I don't wanna be burnt to a crisp! Come on, we've gotta move!
>I think we're already too late to leave.
>Don't worry. We're in a time loop.
>But what about your research?
Quick lesson, hatchling: Research is almost never worth your life.
>I think we're already too late to leave.
>Don't worry. We're in a time loop.
Now's not the time for jokes, hatchling! Do I need to have the word sent out for you to be grounded with Tin? You're sounding just like them right now!
If you guys want to hear all my terrible dialogue ideas, maybe they'll get their own separate post with everything. But, for now, moving on!
Schist is an adult hearthian. While never interested in space, they were interested in the biological processes of the world, and loved learned about the plants and animals in the system. After seeing the baby anglerfish exhibit in the museum, they desperately wanted to study it. Upon learning that meant they needed to be an astronaut, they joined the training with a few younger hearthians.
They had no reason to pass the training as well as they did, nor should they have realistically been allowed to fly given their blatant disregard for space travel itself, but Schist joined the ranks of the travelers with a kalimba as their chosen instrument and immediately set off to learn about the anglerfish.
It's a miracle they never died, given all the bad choices they made around such danger. Through studying from afar (and one instance of creating a distraction), they learned about the creature's blindness but acute hearing. Some other things they've learned about the beasts that they should have absolutely died for is this: They don't respond to being touched on a small scale (such as a hearthian placing their hand on them), they defend their eggs valiantly but not the youth, young anglerfish may hang onto bigger anglerfish as a safe means of transportation or catching loose bits of prey (sometimes they latch onto ships as well, getting confused). There is also a massive anglerfish tooth lodged in their ship that they've simply built/repaired/decorated around since they're not getting it out.
No, Schist doesn't know how they were able to do all of this and not get caught for it. But point is anglerfish are their specialty. However, they also research other creatures and plants (that I made up), and notably, have discovered the concept of gender along with some words for it. Here's a small key:
Moons/Mooners: A female creature. (Based on how they noted the creatures with such reproductive parts were more docile and calmer, like a peaceful night with the moon)
Suns/Starunners: A male creature. (The creatures tended to be flashier, brighter, more aggressive and overall more, like a bright sun)
Schist (for sake of my brain hurt trying to think of something better) does have the pronouns she/her and he/him known, only because of some of the few things they knew about the Nomai (and that they had pronouns).
Schist plays the kalimba in their own small group, comprised of themselves, the protagonist, Shale, Tin, and Bismuth. They have a unique song together that sounds similar to Travelers, but seems more of a second verse to the song rather than an addition to it.
Currently, they reside on Ash Twin, studying a new species of terrestrial creature they discovered. They call it a 'Plated Star', or a 'Shelled Star'. (It's a weird mix of turtle and tortoise, I'll draw it later and explain how it survived the ghost matter explosion) Schist believes it to be last of it's kind, though there could be more hiding from them. Notably, Schist can be brought screenshots of different flora and fauna the player has encountered and try to have them identify the specimen. (A lot of plants and animals I made just for this, this is why I can't learn to mod since my ideas spiral out like this)
Just like Shale, here's some example dialogue!
[First Interaction]
Hm? Oh. Good to see your face around here, I guess. How's it going, anyway? Does your translator work?
>Yeah. You probably don't care, though.
>It does, actually! Want me to show you?
Heh. I mean, you're right about that, at least. Nomai never interested me much. I know that's, like, our entire thing out here, so go ahead and fuss at me if you want. But if you could make, like, an animal translator, that'd be pretty cool . . . I guess.
>Why don't you care about an entire species?
>I mean . . . It'd take forever, but I could make one.
>I'm not going to fuss at you, that's Slate's job.
Pff, dang straight it is! Oh gosh, you were not there the night before my launch, all they talked about was how I should be more focused on history and whatever! Personally, the only history I care about is how creatures like us evolved.
[Second Interaction]
Still here? What, got a question for lil' old me?
>I found something!
>Why aren't you exploring Dark Bramble anymore?
>Can you tell me more about this creature in front of you?
>Why don't you care about the Nomai?
>Where can I explore here?
>I don't, actually. Cya.
Ugh, let me count the reasons why. First of all, I've been exploring it for so long I think I could describe the whole thing to a rock and make it understand. Secondly, anglerfish are cool and all, but I'd like to study something a little less deadly for a while.
>Does this have something to do with that tooth in your ship?
>Am I allowed to call you officially obsessed with those things yet?
>Clearly they weren't that deadly, since you're still alive.
Yeah, actually. Was studying a lil' tiny one when it's moon parent came at me. Think she took a good bite out of the vines, mostly, but her tooth got stuck in my ship. Two teeth for the price of one trip!
>How did your ship not break?
Yep! The one in my ship from the big one, and this tiny lucky tooth from the baby! By the way, let me tell you, the babies may be small, but they can still take a good bite into your arm. Keep an eye out if you ever go in there yourself.
>Can you tell me more about this creature in front of you?
Absolutely! I call it a Shelled Star, since, well, it looks kinda like a star when you look at it right, and it's got this really sturdy shell! If you look closely, it even has some very small gills.
>Why would a creature have gills on a desert planet?
>Truly, a creative name you came up with there.
>What does it do?
Hey! Bet you couldn't do much better if I told you to.
>. . . Fine. You win.
. . . I like mine better. Do you have any actual questions for me, or are you just going to keep harassing me?
>Why would a creature have gills on a desert planet?
>What does it do?
>That was all.
Well, I suspect Ash Twin may have once had water on it! . . . Somewhere. Bet you this lil fellow's species was once abundant on this planet, but when the water disappeared, so did the Shelled Stars. I think she's the last of her kind.
>How are you sure it's a 'she'?
>Kind of a far-fetched theory, don'tcha think?
>The poor Shelled Stars.
When you study animals as long as I have, you kinda tell the difference between members of the same species. It's got to do with reproduction, and some physical differences, but really, I just mark them into two groups: The Moons, like this one, and the Suns. I wish I could find a sun Shelled Star to meet her and keep their species alive!
>Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky.
>Sounds kinda lonely, being the last of your kind.
I certainly hope so! Glad you're finally supporting me for once, hatchling.
>I found something!
Really? Like, a plant or an animal or something?
(Option would have the screenshot displayed in the top right corner when hovering over each selection, for now, take placeholder names. Also there's more than this I just dont wanna type everything out)
>Check out this picture! [Anglerfish]
>Check out this picture! [Timber Hearth Trees]
>Check out this picture! [Owlk]
>Check out this picture! [No creature/plant detected]
>Check out this picture! [Picture blurry/too dark to see]
>Well, I guess not.
Wow! An anglerfish! Y'know, this picture seems really sad compared to me having seen them in the flesh. They're so much more imposing and cool that way! Really, I could go on about them for a while.
Got any more?
>Check out this picture! [Timber Hearth Trees]
>Check out this picture! [Owlk]
>Check out this picture! [No creature/plant detected]
>Check out this picture! [Picture blurry/too dark to see]
>Well, I guess not.
I would hope you recognize the cone trees. They're everywhere on Timber Hearth, they're even what your emergency seeds are! Seriously, why am I telling you this? Didn't you pay attention in training?
Got any more?
>Check out this picture! [Owlk]
>Check out this picture! [No creature/plant detected]
>Check out this picture! [Picture blurry/too dark to see]
>Well, I guess not.
Oh wow . . . this is certainly strange. It looks like some mix of . . . well, really, I have no idea what this is. It could be worth further investigating!
Got any more?
>Check out this picture! [No creature/plant detected]
>Check out this picture! [Picture blurry/too dark to see]
>Well, I guess not.
Sorry to break it to you, hatchling, but I don't think this qualifies as a living thing. Kinda cool, though.
Got any more?
>Check out this picture! [Picture blurry/too dark to see]
>Well, I guess not.
I'm begging you, work on your Scout photography skills. I can't tell if this is a cyclone on Giant's Deep or your own hand in the way. Bring me something more legible.
>Well, I guess not.
Then don't waste my time.
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baskingsol · 3 months
The Past meets the Present
pairing: eventual!OC x Geto Suguru X Gojo Satoru
summary: prejjk0 Yuki surprises Todo with a visit from a past student.
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“Done for the day?” Yuki smiles, wiping her brow of sweat.
“At least a water break.” Todo huffs out, groaning as he pulls himself up off the ground. “You seem more excited to beat the shit out of me today, something coming up?”
“Language Todo.” Yuki teases, tossing a bottle of water to the kid. “But I’ve got someone I want you to meet. Former student coming back to show off sort of thing.”
“Former student?” Todo questions between gulps of water. “I thought you said most sorcerers go through the schools.”
“Key word, most,” Yuki explains, checking her phone when a ping comes through. “Some people have to do some roundabout ways to learn. You’re already getting taught earlier than most.”
“So when are they getting here?” Todo glances around the empty training room, listening for approaching footsteps. “Or are you gonna let them come into you beating on a child?”
“Hey, now you wanted to be trained.” Yuki shoots back, finger-pointing accusingly. “Child or not, they know how training goes.”
A slamming of a car door echoes from the main entrance hidden behind the opaque shoji doors. Yuki’s smile widens as the clicking of boots approaches and she waves Todo over to stand next to her, wrapping an arm over the increasingly nervous boy’s shoulders.
“Don’t worry kid,” Yuki laughs, poking Todo’s cheek. “She won’t bite.”
“Not unless you ask nicely.” A voice laughs as the studio doors open, revealing the well-awaited owner.
Todo freezes as a woman enters, long red braid swinging with each step of her boots. Dressed in a cropped red sweater and black leggings, her golden eyes lock onto the new student in front of her, a puff of smoke seeping out from beneath the painted wooden oni mask covering the bottom of her face.
“So you must be Yuki’s new punching bag.” The woman laughs, eyes shooting to Yuki. “I can see you already beaten him in, how’d you manage to give him that scar?”
“Training.” Yuki waves her hand as if to shoo away the question. “This is..”
“Todo Aoi, 14 years old, I like tall women with big boobs.” Todo nearly shouts, bowing to the new woman.
“Well hello, Todo. Quite the introduction.” The woman laughs. “Chibana Yami. 22 years old. Most people call me Yokai, but my friends call me Yami.”
“So don’t call her Yami outside the dojo, kid.” Yuki smiles, shooting Yami a wink. “Not too many friends out there for us.”
Todo stands back up straight now fully taking in Yami. She stood barely shorter than the boy, probably close to 170 centimeters. Her eyes were now much softer than before, dual beauty marks shifting up as if to show her hidden smile.
“What’s your technique, Todo?” Yami asks, crossing her arms. “From what Yuki has told me, you’ve got something fun.”
“Boogie Woogie. I can swap places and things with a clap of my hands.” Todo responds quickly. “Yuki talks about me?”
“Don’t get your mind in a twist kid,” Yuki responds, hand shooting to flick him in the ear. “I was showing off how good of a teacher I am after being out of the teaching game since Yami.”
“And got much better at it too.” Yami teases, winking at Todo.
“Hey, now you turned out great.” Yuki squawks. “I did my best with you, learned a ton to make his training go much smoother.”
“Any idea on grade estimation?” Yami responds.
“Grade 1 at least.” Yuki smiles. “I get all the heavy hitters as my students.”
“Well, good job on you Todo.” Yami praises. “Grade 1 is a serious ranking.”
“Thank you, Yami,” Todo responds, smiling at Yuki. “I’m glad to just have such a powerful teacher.”
“Oh, you two emotional saps.” Yuki teases, punching Todo’s arm. “You’d think I’d have trained you two better than to just parrot praises.”
“We can make fun of you instead if you’d like,” Yami shrugs. “You still keep that ugly little carpet dog Shikigami around, Garuda?”
“Yes, she does,” Todo confirms, quickly side-stepping towards Yami to avoid Yuki’s eventual flick. “It’s only gotten worse looking now since she used it as a bowling ball once.”
“Hey, now that’s no way to speak to your teacher!” Yuki sputters, but the rebuttal falls on deaf ears.
“You like ramen? Let’s hear all about Yuki’s teachings over some noodles.” Yami laughs, beckoning Todo towards the main entrance. “We can compare her teachings. I’ll drive.”
Todo nods, glancing back to see the disbelief etched on Yuki’s face as he follows Yami. Yuki quickly shakes her head, a grin now stretching across her face as she catches up to Todo.
“You’re doing well kid,” Yuki mutters to Todo, shooting him a grin. “I think she likes you already.”
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a/n: working on getting a visual for Yami so I don't gotta describe her again. We're almost up to where she finally meets Gojo/Geto properly.
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scryarchives · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 - 𝐣𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟖
things go better than expected, and jaime has so much more to learn about drea than he realised
masterlist | previous , next !
– pairings: jaime reyes x oc
– warning: fluff, canon divergent, blue beetle movie spoilers
– author’s note: DREA LORE!! was extremely excited to write this chapter hhehe! disclaimer: i’m not of Hispanic or Aztec descent and used a translator for certain terms, so do correct me if im wrong!
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“Ever heard of the galaxy, Cemanahuatlchan?” 
Jaime frowned in confusion, briefly about to open his mouth to ask what Drea meant as Khaji-Da’s voice filled the silence of his thoughts.
“Cemanahuatlchan, also known as ‘Home Universe’ among Alejandra’s people. A neighbouring galaxy of the Milky Way. It consists of approximately the same number of Milky Way planets, eight hundred billion, and more.”
“Actually, I guess I do now?” Jaime smiled unsurely, Drea giggling softly in reply.
“Let me guess, the scarab told you about it, huh?” She queried, Jaime, nodding his head side to side, his smile growing wider guiltily.
“No matter, I’ll tell you more anyway.”
Lifting her left wrist, the half-human tapped on the thin material of one of the matching bracelets on her wrist, the other accessory’s counterpart on her right wrist. As soon as she lifted her finger, a hologram appeared, displaying a map of the galaxy the two young adults were discussing.
With her eyes locked on a singular speck, Drea pinched her fingers, the image enlarging to display a planet, its exterior pattern reminiscent of Jupiter’s. The slight difference was the three bright rings that surrounded it.
“That’s my Mama’s home planet. To her, it’s known as Chantlemauatl, Home Flame,” She hummed, Jaime, watching in awe. 
With another quick tap to her bracelet, the hologram shifted into one of the natives of the planet, feathers adorning their headpieces, gold placed around their necks and arms, and vibrant paint swiped across their faces, more specifically, their eyes.
“But to those who are outsiders and know of its existence, it’s known as Tletlalia. Our culture, our language, it’s reminiscent of your ancient Aztec culture, I think. Even though our home planet birthed my people, the people of Chantlemauatl, the Comonqui, adapted to survive the conditions of our home.
“Our powers evolved as the climates of our planet began to change, and it would turn cooler by the year. It isn’t freezing, but it constantly rains, so to keep ourselves warm, our powers started to change to suit our needs, to benefit my people’s survival.
“Eventually, fire-related powers were one of the most useful powers we grew to have. More accurately, it’s the power of the majority of the population. Occasionally, there are a few variants to the main power, fire creation. Like mine, I have fire creation and fire manipulation. Somewhere in my ancestry, there was a variation, and it caused my mother and I to have both abilities.”
“Cool,” Jaime muttered, a small grin on his face. “What about that material you had? The one you used to fight with against Phantom?”
“Oh, it’s known as tecpatl. It’s a material that’s similar to your obsidian, except that it only hardens to that quality when in contact with flames, usually the flames of the Comonqui,” She grinned, pulling the said feather from her purse. “When not in contact, it’s just like feathers. The floating orbs, however, are called citlaltontli, small stars in English.”
“Are they made of a different material then?”
“Yeah, but they work just like tecpatl, only reacting to Comonqui flames,” She nodded eagerly. “My mother only brought a large pouch full of sand with her when she left home because it only takes a pinch of Tletlalia’s earth and a distinct type of flame to create any of these materials. I’m still learning the ropes to make it.
“In our culture, when a Comonqui is of age to be independent, they can either find their place in society or venture for new places to call home. My Mama, even though she was happy living on Tletlalia, she felt like she was missing something. So she left to find something new, and came to Earth.”
“And then, I’m assuming she met a guy, and then had you?” Jaime questioned while Drea tapped her bracelet a third time, the hologram disappearing.
“What? No, my Mama never had a lover on Earth before she met Amma,” She responded with a look of disbelief.
“Then how?”
“It’s a long, long story,” Drea sighed. “On our home planet, each person’s flame consists of a small trace of their DNA, it’s just a feature of our evolution. It makes it really convenient if there’s ever a crime committed because all it takes is a little DNA scan equivalent. But it’s also how reproduction works, especially with homosexual couples. 
“Usually, for them, there’s a different and distinct kind of flame they both produce which fuses their DNA, but I’m not sure with the whole… er… process of it,” She flushed red, Jaime’s cheeks blooming into a similar shade of dark crimson.
“R-RIGHT, right,” He muttered, ignoring the way his voice cracked slightly. “Wait, isn’t your other mom human?”
“She is, therefore she can’t produce the flame. But my Mama did actually bargain with Bruce Wayne to help fuse their DNA and create me,” Drea casually leaned back in her chair.
“Hold up, your mothers know Bruce Wayne? As in, the Bruce Wayne?” He questioned with widened eyes, his disbelief growing into a smile.
“Yeah,” She shrugged. “They’re a mutual friend of Uncle Cl– I mean, Superman.”
“You know Superman too?!” His jaw dropped, and the female across from him laughed in amusement. 
“I mean, it’s a small pool of humanoid extraterrestrials. Superman just had a little diplomatic convo with my mom, and they hit it off. He actually helped us find our home here,” She pulled her phone out, showing the young Mexican man a selfie of her, her mother and the man in the iconic blue, red and yellow suit.
Jaime’s chestnut eyes widened in excitement, and he took Drea’s phone from her hand gently as she giggled at his enthusiasm. As soon as his eyes were off the image, his eyes locked onto hers, a wide grin still plastered across his face.
“Any chance you could introduce us?” He grinned, Drea’s own smile growing from his good mood.
“Slim chance, but I could definitely give it a shot,” She winked, taking her phone back from him as Jaime’s cheeks warmed slightly, taken aback that she had it in her to wink at him so casually.
She didn’t mean it in that way. Right? Right… 
Before he could let other thoughts plague his head, he let the one thought that preoccupied his mind the whole time finally escape his lips.
“Hey, Drea?” He asked softly, watching the way she turned to face his direction in response.
“Why are you telling me all of this?”
He watched the way she swallowed the lump in her throat, the way her hands darted to keep her phone in her purse, and the way one of her hands instantly rushed to rest at the back of her neck once it was done with handling her device. 
Briefly, for just a short moment, Jaime saw a flash of fear and pain gloss over her light brown eyes, and he was struck with that sense of familiarity.
“Ah, uhm,” She began breathily, nervously fiddling with a few strands of hair, the other hand shoved into her jeans pocket. “Believe it or not, I uh… I don’t trust people easily, even if Milagro has become one of my best friends. It’s been… a long time since I’ve really told anyone who I am or where I’ve come from. And those didn’t… it didn’t go so well.”
She fiddled with her fingers, a soft yet sad smile growing at the memory of Bianca Reyes insisting on calling her ‘Tiá Bianca’, heartwarming in a bittersweet way.
“Your family though, you made me feel welcome. You all have no malicious intent, not a bad bone in any of you. You all made me want to trust you… And I mean, even though we had a rough start, you knew my secret, and I trust that you haven’t told anyone so… why not know each other a bit more before any more assumptions cause more problems?”
A teasing smile replaced her nervous grin, but the lingering emotions remained. Letting out a small, calming smile, Jaime nodded back, chuckling lightly at the joke.
“Yeah, yeah,” He huffed. “I’ve already apologised for it. How’d you know I had the scarab though?”
“I mean, it’s an alien species. And when you’re alien yourself, you get a rough idea of what’s out there. Just because we’re similar to the Aztecs doesn’t mean that we progress at the same speed as them,” She chuckled. “We do have technology there. And it’s pretty advanced, I gotta say.”
“Been there before?”
“Nah, but from the stories I heard from my mom? It sounds a little bit like paradise,” She sighed, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. “She knows about the scarab too, by the way. She just didn’t tell me.”
“You told your mom about the scarab and I?” He frowned, a pang of betrayal shooting through him.
Instantly, Drea’s eyes widened, her hands pulling away from her hair as she waved them, her head shaking from side to side.
“What? No! Never! We made a promise, and I intend to keep it!” She reassured him, Jaime slinking back into the chair. “I just found a few of her old diaries in the attic. I rummaged through after we met. Found a whole bunch of diagrams and entries of the scarab and assumed that she knows of its existence and the extent of its powers.”
“Oh… oh, that kinda makes sense,” Jaime nodded, placing his cheek to rest on his palm, elbow hitched onto the arm of the chair. “Anything info about it that’s related to your history?”
“Oh, loads, but… maybe for another day,” She muttered tiredly. “Maybe when I actually have pictures of them. Forgot to take them when I was in the attic. Was too dark anyways.”
She then turned to face Jaime, eyes glimmering with curiosity and wonder as a small smile returned to her face. The young man across from her almost thought her expression to be cute before brushing the thought aside as nonsense.
“What about you though?” She questioned. “How’d you become the Blue Beetle?”
“Ah… uhm, I guess it’s your turn to buckle up,” He let out an airy laugh, head falling against the back of the chair. 
“And I mean really, listen well, ‘cause it was… a really rough ride.”
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gif by @rob-pattinson
taglist: @mooncleaver @hoshi4k @mymanjaimereyes @asvterias @tinkerbelle05 @littlekidsteve @allthingsvicf
< comment/dm me if you’d like to be on the taglist! >
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korpuskat · 1 year
hi breakup anon again, im just gonna use 🍒 for future asks :)))
eventually hes gonna be like "beloved!!! what do you think of my new designs!! <3" and he shows you his ocs (death weapon designs) and you dont even bat an eye anymore LAWL
jokes aside... hearrr me out.
ive always loved civilian s/o for ramattra. someone who, in the lens of his plans, is totally useless. cant fight for him, cant build for him, has no idea how to ration troops, or plot flanks, or pilot ships. they can do absolutely nothing for his cause. a total liability eating up his resources.
they just... worked a barista job, maybe. sometimes they write music and theyre still flimsy with the instrument theyre learning. they have a favorite color they always wear (just like him!) they have a sparkle in their eye when they see carnival rides, or when they step on a particularly crunchy leaf. normal, boring things to be excited over. normalcy
ramattra never had that. ramattra has wanted to be normal his entire fucking life. but right down to the body he was created in, the world will never let him be normal. he'll never be an average joe to anybody because of what he is, and he hates that more than anything.
so he took the role the world forced him into. but he also fell in love with you... and youre his. and youre in his base, in your own little chamber he crafted just for you. and he gets to pretend hes a normal person, when hes with you. he pretends to himself that, when he walks in there, and you happily gather into his arms, that he's coming home at the end of a normal day, to his loving relationship, and he doesnt need to worry about anything else. he NEEDS you. he'll give you the world and everything in it, and he'll burn the parts you dont want.
"he shows you his ocs" LMAO
aaaAAAH YES I LOVE!! I loveee the idea of being his little respite away from everything else, the one place he can really relax. How can you deny him that when he'll do so much for you?
I have a tendency to make my Reader insert relevant just for simplicity- it feels easier and less... self-indulgent (Which is absurd, I'm already writing about a fictional murderbot loving someone so much he'll temporarily set aside his one major character motivation to secure their affections, why not go all the way?) but I really do have such a soft spot for absolutely no-one Readers. You're just there because he loves you. You would have an entirely different, common, uneventful life if he hadn't fallen for you.
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seeseamonkey · 6 months
I'm super curious about your OC! Could you tell me more about him? I hope I'm using the right pronouns. Sorry if not.
i would love to!!!! (yes, he/him is right! thank u for asking :3)
this is a lot, sorry 😭😭
his name is Alfie, short for Alfalfa. he was born in Ireland in 1899 to a family of 7 (later 10). his parents carried the weight of very recent generational trauma, i.e. the potato famine. the lesson learned is to have as many kids as you can; not to love them, but to guarantee the continuation of the bloodline. anyway you can imagine the kind of shenanigans Alfie got up to with zero supervision LOL
said shenanigans included getting his tail amputated after a big gnarly wound gets infected. that leaves him with an autoimmune disease and a whole charcuterie board of psychological problems (PANDAS). he's about 9 when that happens, and he's about 11 or 12 when he starts getting odd jobs to save up for a ferry ride to New York.
he gets to start over as a weird little boy instead of a weird little girl. he basically lives off of the kindness of strangers, mostly being fellow Irish immigrants. the poor fool barely speaks English so living with those who speak both English and Irish is a big relief for him.
he train hops around the country til he meets some fucked up looking cat (mordecai) that ends up teaching him most of the English he knows in the present day. Alfie ends up following him around and they become dependent on each other and inconveniently inseparable.
im still working out the kinks of his story, but somehow maybe he ends up getting close with Nina McMurray and subsequently Freckle. not Rocky though. he doesn't like Rocky.
Alfie is weird, like.. weird. he doesnt understand nor care to understand societal expectations. he says shit that's weird, or that doesn't make sense to anyone but him. he uses words in the wrong context because they sound right. he disregards the laws of the land, the laws of language, the laws of unspoken etiquette, etc. he's just insufferably neurodivergent LOL he's like a little alien. Mordecai is the only person on the planet that understands him, mostly because Alfie also taught him a lot of Irish, so when he mumbles incoherently Mordecai has to translate it. their stories are intertwined but Alfie is his own little sausage.
there's a lot more about him i have yet to write/draw/think up and there's a lot more that ill be sharing eventually!
im actually super super excited that you asked. i read a lot of Silver's big book and im super inspired by the amount of work and love and care you've put into him. im really really grateful to have people interested in my bizarre boy!!!! im so super excited to interact with you and the rest of the lackadaisy fandom 🥹❤️
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shinyzango · 1 year
Ok OP, tell me all about your OCs. Those little dudes running in your head/( positive joking)
*crashes through the window*
(apologies for taking this long lots has happened in these days)
Most of my OCs exist within their own universe, so I'll try to group them up. Also some images are just sketch as I don't have any recent drawing of them in color. Something I need to fix soon...
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A strong, stoic wanderer with an ancient blood coursing through his veins, commonly known as Dragon Blood, that causes the host to constantly fight against the powerful instincts of a dragon from feeding on their emotions and overtake them. Normally cold and easily irritable, but will show signs of affections after digging deep in his hard shell. Keho was exhiled from his home village when he was little after succombing to his Blood and destroyed half the village as a result of seeing his whole family murdered by a hunter. Since that day, he has lived on his own and away from society in fear of being rejected again or hunted down. This fear eventually turned in coldness and mistrust towards anyone and anything. That is until one day he saves an elven sorceress from a dangerous beast and escorts her through the area, eventually warming up to her and deciding to join her in her travels.
An optimistic, cheerful elven sorceress traveling the world on a journey for knowledge of myths, legends and any forms of magic. Easily excitable by new things and always seeing the bright side of everything. She was born in a renowed village of magic-users, and started her journey at a young age as part of her studies. Great mastery over elemental magic. She's also trying to learn potion brewing, but she's not too skilled with it. Zango always had a great fascination over myths and legends, loving to learn about forgotten stories and mythical things inhabiting the world. One day she ventured in an unfamiliar area after being tricked by a false map and is saved from a dangerous beast by a stranger. She asks if he can escort her out of the area. In that time she tries to talk with him with little result, but eventually she manages to get through his hard shell, and eventually he decides to join her in her travels.
--- As time goes on, Zango and Keho grow closer, leading to Keho opening up about his past and himself for the first time since his exhile, and Zango wanting to learn more about the Dragon Blood in order to help him find a way to control it better.
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Carefree and charismatic, Tempo is a young man wandering the world in a quest to discover all kinds and forms of music. Innate talent with music, he's capable of learning any instrument or dance incredibly fast. He always carries his backpack, carrying his trustworthy staff, a couple instruments to play on the fly and even a formal attire for special events or for the occasional dance session.
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A shy, yet gold-hearted young man cursed into a Nutcracker Doll and needing to journey through his homeworld to break the curse. Skilled clockmaker, he's now forced to fight for his life and protect his companion against the mice. He's very nervous and insecure about his own capabilities, but he still holds a strong sense of justice, always ready to help those in need.
A kind young woman who has been shrunk in size by the Mouse King and now has to journey through the Nutcracker Doll's homeworld to help him break their curses. Training in ice skating and practical in sewing thanks to her hobby of fixing dolls, she tries her best to be of help to her companion despite not having means to defend herself early on. Compassionate and gentle at heart, she always prefers trying to find peaceful solutions by talking things down instead of resorting to drastic actions.
--- You can learn more about Hans and Clara, as well as the other characters in their story, by checking the #TheLastNutcracker tag!
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Fearful, extremely shy cat girl who's been living with a human after being rescued from a life of starvation and slavery. She belongs to a seemingly extinct species of feline-human hybrids. Having grown as a slave and being treated like an animal her entire life, she is greatly scared of anyone getting close to her aside from her rescuer and his friends.
A serious medic who owns a clinic in a small country town. She happily attends to all the townfolks, making sure everyone is healthy. While doing so, she is also secretely developing a formula able to fully heal and reinvigorate anyone with little to no side effects. She's content of her calm life until an outsider arrives at her clinic requesting medical attention. Her life becomes more chaotic the more visits she receives from this mercenary, especially after he brings her a cat person on the brink of death by starvation, agreeing to help her learn about her species.
And that's p much it! Most of them are greatly summarized to not go too in details, while others I've not yet developed their character and/or story too much. Despite that however, I still love each one of them very dearly 💝
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princessofxianle · 7 months
You mentioned/implied in one of your posts that Shen Liang once tried to kill Feng Xin…I have a few questions!
1. I’m really curious as to how Shen Wangxi would react if she knew the full extent as to how Shen Liang’s treated Feng Xin, from the starvation to the beatings and the literal attempted MURDER (that’s dark 😭), which is even sadder because Shen Liang once swore to protect Feng Xin. Shen Wangxi thought he would grow up safe and cared for by his sister, but he didn’t, because his sister was the main threat to him for his entire childhood. How does Shen Wangxi feel about that?
2. How do Mu Qing, Xie Lian, and Xie Lian’s family feel about Feng Xin’s childhood? Does Feng Xin have a better understanding of Mu Qing when he leaves to take care of his mother?
3. Why didn’t Feng Xin’s father ever try to get Shen Liang therapy or any sort of counseling, and what did he do after Shen Liang injured/tried to kill Feng Xin?
This isn’t a question but tbh I kinda hope that Feng Xin never truly forgives Shen Liang for what she did to him. It sounds like she went above and beyond terrorizing him, and all for something that Feng Xin had no choice in…this is a good AU because it makes me feel things lol
Oooooooh look at all these juicy fkn questions, THANK YOU anon! I woke up to this the other day and got very excited to answer these ehe lets gooo...
for reference: meet the OC's (Feng Xin's family)
*alex from the future here, I wrote A LOT I hope you don’t mind… just a warning lol* CARRY ON…
1. How Would Shen Wangxi react to finding out what her daughter did to her son?
Needless to say, I think she would be incredibly disappointed in her daughter, Shen Liang. Regardless, Shen Wangxi is a better woman than I will ever be, and has an insane capability of understanding that is emphasized in her capacity for unconditional love. I haven’t yet talked a lot about Shen Wangxi aside from just being the siblings’ mother, but her entire life has been full of changes that she has taken in stride.
She wanted to cultivate. But instead had a daughter.
She fully intended to raise her on her own, then she met and fell in love with her now husband, Feng Yang, and eventually gave her life for her son.
She has always chased her dreams, but her strength comes from her ability to pursue a new dream without regret or the idea that she “wasted time” in her life, and that’s because she believes that all of her decisions have led her to her next one, and she would not have lived the life she did without doing exactly that and in that specific order.
As I gave a sneak peek earlier, Shen Wangxi will learn about Feng Xin’s childhood when he finds her ghost flame. But more developments to come later (I don’t wanna spoil too many of my reveals lol)
One thing I would like to clarify is that Shen Liang never actually attempts to flat out murder Feng Xin. She is INDEED a bully, physically abusive, even more verbally abusive, and an intelligent pain in the ass one at that. She’s headstrong, resilient, but uncontainable. (And she may or may not possess an incomplete form of teachings from her mothers cultivation days… but it’s 'unknown' to what extent ehe)
(also in a recent idea ive had, Shen Liang is the one who kills Feng Xin’s brand new puppy, but idk if I wanna do that to him… we’ll see…)
2. Xianle Trio Opinions on Feng Xin's childhood?
Feng Xin does not talk about his childhood all that often. Most of the physical abuse he undergoes from Shen Liang happens when he’s very young. The rest he learns to live with as his life is not in danger as he slowly grows older, more independent, and able to fully take care of himself (and later, Xie Lian).
With that said, Feng Xin takes his oaths seriously. He has essentially forfeited any of his inheritance to the Feng Family and is now, in a way, owned by the crown... by Xie Lian.
His past does not matter. Therefore there is no point to bring it up.
Feng Xin does not react any differently to Mu Qing when he decides to depart from the trio in book 4. I mean, Feng Xin can't really empathize with Mu Qing even if he wanted to. He never really had a mother of his own.
Also my babie boi bodyguard (loml) is the king at compartmentalization. He takes his oaths so seriously that he does not understand how someone who “cares” has the capacity to leave. To Feng Xin, at this point in his life, the world is black and white. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Perfect or broken.
Xie Lian, to him, is perfect, and he believes in him with his whole heart.
To Feng Xin, there is still no acceptable excuse to abandon his highness.
There is no need to bring a perfect being down with the cracks on him from his past. His past means nothing now. He is the bodyguard of Taizi Dianxia. No more, no less, and thats exactly how Feng Xin wants it to be… for now.
3. Why didn't Feng Yang get his daughter help?
Short answer? He tried.
But there’s only so much you can do with a sly and capable teenager that has lost her entire world. Her past-self died with her mother, in a sense. She takes it out on the thing closest to her.
Her didi :(
Feng Yang has zero tolerance for this. And that fits given the Feng family longstanding custom of “a man's worth is defined by his ability to protect the things he loves.” A phrase beaten into the heads of every single man to be born with the surname. And no one really knows where the tradition started.
He comes from a historically long line of royal bodyguards (himself included, as he himself used to be a bodyguard for the king, XL’s dad, when he was still a crown prince) so he does discipline her, harshly, in fact, and addresses the issues at hand. He protects his son to the absolute best of his ability. However, she’s still her own young woman. Immature, for sure. But, like her mother, set in her ways. Although said “ways” between them differ.
Feng Yang is a large reason why a lot of the physical abuse Feng Xin endured stopped and never returned. Shen Liang is good at covering her tracks (and it doesn’t help Feng Xin loves her too much to tattle) but Feng Yang is a sharp one as well. He’s an established general for goodness sakes. Minds games, and dispute management is literally his thing. And he’s good at it (the king can attest to that… professionally… ofc)
Additional remarks...
hi again, anon! I feel like this is an odd thing for me to say (but this is also my first round of OCs so I’m still getting used to this) but to me it’s a huge compliment that you have such strong feelings against Shen Liang. Personally, she is one of my favorite literary creations I’ve ever put together and from a writing standpoint I’m really proud of that.
Additionally, my goal is now to make you see her how I see her (I have a lot of character development for her that I haven’t talked about yet bc im not sure how to go about actually presenting this AU thing… like if I want to do this in little posts on tumblr or post in one BIG fic or large collection of fics idk yet). But...
Shen Liang is very much her mother’s daughter. Feng Xin is his father's son. And they both may have more in common than Shen Liang thinks.
Lastly, I’ll leave this little note from my planning notes since these were the concepts that drive the majority of this story.
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And I do love me some good parallels...
OKAY im shutting up now, if you made it this far (I love you) thank you for reading! I think about this AU in my free time, its LITERALLY my fav hobby now…
'til next time
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fritzthehero · 8 months
(My name is Fitz/Flesh/Pixel. I'm 26 and use He/They/It
This is a side blog for Fritz, my OC for Terraria Calamity! Fritz is 32 and uses He/They.
This is mostly to keep track of art, info and can even function as an ask blog! Do whatever you want, the world is your oyster.
This contains an oc ship between the Guide and Fritz.
Here is Fritz's ToyHouse and his Spotify Playlist!
Fritz's story is below. Have fun!
If sending asks, you can send any for AUs or any specific point in time! This blog doesn't follow a timeline. The current AUs are; Modern, Merfolk, Fallen Hero, Brimstone Sorcerer and Angel AU. There's also normal Fritz and Endgame Fritz.)
One day, in the Land of Excitement (A Celebration Seed World), Fritz woke up on the beach with 0 idea who he was or where he was. He only remembered his name.
He went to town and passed out in front of everyone.
Andrew, the Guide, said a hero was to arrive to them that fit Fritz's description.
Fritz started out as a terrible hero. He was bad at fighting, terrified of the small things and didn't work hard during training with Andrew, who was preparing him for the journey ahead.
People lost hope in him and people began to dislike him.
Until the Eye of Cthulhu spawned on the town. Fritz challenged the Eye to defend the town and won, though was badly wounded.
Everyone started to regain their hope in him and Fritz started working harder during training. He started to get cocky as he defeated boss after boss.
Though eventually, Andrew told him he needed to make a great sacrifice to progress and that he was meant to be the sacrifice. Though due to their time training, he has grown to really love Fritz and didn't want to die, pushing aside the prophecy.
The two begin a life together until an accident involving a voodoo demon down in the underworld took place, ultimately killing Andrew and summoning the Wall of Flesh.
After that, Fritz was devastated to learn about Andrew's death, but found he left behind a Friendship Bracelet, which he wore everywhere.
Turns out, the bracelet is a summon item, and it brought back Andrew. Andrew is now a summon item (Or a squire, a minion you can guide) but is about 1 foot tall.
Despite this, Fritz is still very depressed and upset as this just made him feel worse. The air between the two is very tense.
As time goes on, Fritz kills more bosses as the cycle of violence starts to eat away at him. He is practically mad at this point, starting to view the prophecy as a curse and the heroism he must fulfill as a burden.
His depression amplifies and now he has strong suicidal ideation, but keeps going because he knows Terraria is doomed if he dies.
Eventually he fights Calamitas. It is an intense battle that Fritz didn't want Andrew to witness. Calamitas hits him with a powerful blast of Brimstone Magic but he absorbs most of it, creating a white streak in his now longer hair.
When the fight is over, Fritz lets Calamitas move into his and Andrew's home, as they had a spare room.
Calamitas decides to learn a few new spells and tries them out on the tiny Andrew, eventually turning him back to normal Andrew.
Fritz and Andrew properly reunite and they continue their relationship, but Fritz is still highly depressed and a huge mess.
Story will continue as the Calamity mod progresses.
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bnnuy-wabbit · 8 months
Cunospig -> bnnuywabbit
Name's Lago. I'm 22.
My art tag is #feral art tag
I'm prone to note spamming mutuals! I personally love being note spammed. It's a love language. To me.
If you happened to stumble upon this blog, you Must Know that I'm obsessed with many things, such as FNAF and my own OCs as of writing this post!
I'm Brazilian. As in from Brazil. As in Born There and Living There till my eventual demise, possibly. If you also happen to be one of those or adjacent, feel free to hit me up. É nois 🤙
I treat my blog as an open diary sometimes. There'll be cool things about my life and things in excited about and things that make me upset and general life shit. I also talk a lot about my little brothers endeavors because i love him and he's my little creature. If this bothers you, i recommend not following. Also this blog contains adult stuff because im an adult, follow at your own risk and/or pleasure 👍
More info under readmore!! But only if you feel like it.
Other than the aforementioned, i have Many other interests that Can and WILL show up here, like:
My OCs and worldbuilding
Half life and hlvrai
Disco Elysium
Stranger Things
Whump stuff
Literally whatever show and game im currently watching or playing.
I'm also VERY into music. My favorite genres are 00s pop, industrial metal, heavy metal, classic rock, folk and mpb. I love learning more about music and getting to know new music genres. Feel free to pop some in my inbox.
Random info: I use emojis abd smileys unironically. I just love to pepper my texts with some emotion here and there. I promise there's no sarcasm associated to my emojis and smileys. If i send i smiling smiley i Mean It. I also add !!!! To them if I'm particularly excited. Tone tags are confusing to me, I don't use them.
Regarding The Me: I'm queer and weird about it! My gender is completely not my business, it's up to you to gender me haha also I'm an Artist and creator at heart, so i draw a lot, i like sculpting things with clay and foam, i love doing collages, i like playing my guitar and sometimes i write fucked up things for fun because it's Fun, tho i wouldn't call myself a writer. I'm diagnosed audhd. I'm weird and not in a cutesy way sometimes, but at least I'm funny about it i think!
I'm a year one med student with a background in AG/rural sciences (vetmed + fishing) which ig is kinda funny. The funniest thing about me is I'm an honest to god fishing technician. I have a fucking diploma in fishing. I have no idea how or why, it still baffles me!! I have plenty thoughts on the ag/fishing field as a whole and a bit of experience with Some Things. I've worked in a few labs and written and published a few papers and I've wanted to be a Real Scientist when i grew up since i was a kid :)
I'm REALLY shy, but please feel free to send an ask asking for my discord if you'd like to chat. My messages are off for nonmutuals because I grew tired of getting spambots. One thing i MUST state upfront if you'd like to talk to me and be friends: i likely have a personality disorder (avpd, extreme anxiety regarding Connecting to People) but I'm working on it! I'm trying to get better at talking about myself and my interests and socializing, so don't blame yourself if our conversations fall flat. Talking and initiating conversations with people is Hard, but I'm alright at keeping conversations going if you tell me about your likes and dislikes or if you wanna do small talk! My cheat sheet is: Talk to me about your favorite weather, your timezone, what you like learning more about, about your country and culture or your favorite types of music and your favorite bands! Tell me about yourself, please!!! I'm told i can be really cool to talk to if we get to know each other, I'm told I'm a very trusting, agreeable and judgementless individual. I'm eager to make new friends and learn more about people and we'll bond over something, I'm sure 🥰.
I think that's about it.
Updated: 15.may.24
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