#exclusive solution
marsreds · 2 months
demons in sousou no frieren:
we do not understand human emotions, we do not feel them, to us it's all a game and even when we try it will inevitably lead to death, destruction and human suffering
also demons in sousou no frieren:
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agnesandhilda · 1 month
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"gojo and itadori have a father/son relationship" gojo isn't even good at being a TEACHER
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
if you think there should be an upper age limit for holding office your politics are based on finding the right people to discriminate against and you're annoying. there are other far better ways to determine if a person is competent enough to hold office
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sonknuxadow · 11 months
please for the love of god tell me im not the only one who doesnt want keanu reeves shadow everywhere i go people are saying it but i dont get it at all and it feels like people are just saying it because hes played "edgy" characters or whatever and they think that that alone means he would be good for shadow
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hey, hey, quick internet fandom ettiquete lesson; X has two hands jokes only vibe if you are talking to someone who is ALSO already talking about how X has two hands. Okay? Okay. It is in fact very rude to go onto other people’s posts where only one set of hands is involved to evangalise about two hands. When seeing ship art/fic of only half your ot3, it is proper ettiquete to simply enjoy the art/fic as it is, and if so inspired create/commission/seek out the ot3 content of your choice. This has been your quick internet fandom lesson, thank you for your time.
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punemy-spotted · 1 year
So, like. Here's the deal.
I'm going to be the first person in line to tell you to write your story, write your catharsis, write your narrative. You deserve to be seen, deserve to show yourself off to the world if that is what you want.
The first person who will read your stories is going to be you, and everyone else is honored and privileged to walk through the world you create and see through your eyes. But that's the fucking point.
POC writers are not writing to exclude — we are writing to include. We are practically begging y'all to see us as people.
Every argument I've seen about why people don't write BIPOC Readers has boiled down to, "well I just don't have the experience" and here's the question I have to ask you: Are you reading the same stories I am?
You want the experience? FUCKING READ IT. Y'all will recommend reading smut to learn to write better smut, so read the stories BIPOC writers are writing to learn how to write inclusively.
All of this pearl-clutching about not wanting to engage in stereotype, not wanting to put forth a false narrative — READ AND REBLOG AND UPLIFT BIPOC VOICES THEN.
The stories are there!!! They are waiting!!! We have always been here. We are in every single fandom you are in.
We aren't even hard to find!!! Y'all are in the inboxes of BIPOC writers way too often to act like we're some sort of ✨rare bird✨ only seen when the astrological conditions are right. All the time y'all spent justifying your lack of inclusivity could have easily been spent reading the fics written by the people whose inboxes you've been filling.
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pirateshelly · 29 days
One of the most baffling/off-putting types of tumblr user to me are the people who dedicate their entire online existence to sniffing out and drawing attention to ~problematic fandom opinions.
Like, what on earth is the intention? What productive end result are you hoping to accomplish by publicly scolding people? How is anyone expected to take that gracefully?
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slug-demon · 10 months
look. proship vs anti-ship is another one of those debates that is treated too black and white for my tastes. i do not consider myself proship and a lot of people who choose to describe themselves as proship make content that makes me deeply uncomfortable and conflicts with my personal moral perception of the world. however i am STRONGLY anti-censorship and i feel like a lot of anti-ship people really do not understand the implications of the stuff they seem to want. like i hate to say it but i like ao3 because you can host just about anything there. you never have to worry about 'sensitive' topics being banned unjustly. and like, you can't really ban a topic all together in most situations because it blocks productive portrayal and discussion around real-life topics which is important. i would rather have uncomfortable and weird fanfic on the site i use than have to worry about the website being bought out or changing management or some shit and starting censoring any mention of 'distasteful' or 'inappropriate' topics. sometimes writing contains rape, incest and other uncomfortable topics in a non-glorifying or productive light and censoring those works would be unfair. also the idea of all art needing to have a purpose or a sort of productivity to it comes from capitalistic ideals about art as a product and not as expression, so i also don't think the gross underage incest rape fic should be censored either. if you start censoring, where will the line be drawn? how will you maintain the line? what will you do if societal and/or popular opinion of what should be allowed changes? it's all deeply rooted in capitalism and exclusion and othering/'i'm better than you' ways of thinking. so i'm not proship or anti ship i'm anti censorship and pro minding my damn business when something unrelated to me makes me uncomfortable. ao3 has tagging. block the tags from your searches. it is that easy.
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une-sanz-pluis · 4 months
Hi, what exactly did the royal charter excluding the Beaufort family from the throne say?
Hi! So in February 1407, John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset requested that the act legitimatising him and his siblings be confirmed by Letters Patent, which he duly received. At the same time, the royal charter that legitimised the Beauforts was modified by the insertion of the words excepta dignitate regali ("except to royal dignity"). I believe the royal charter is in the Parliament Rolls of Medieval England which I don't have access to but a 19th century historian published a transcription:
Be it remembered, that on Tuesday the fifteenth day of Parliament, the Chancellor, by the King's command, declared how our Holy Father the Pope had, in reverence of the most excellent person of the King, and of his honorable uncle the Duke of Guyenne and of Lancaster, and of his blood, enabled and legitimatized Sir John de Beauford, his brothers and his sister, and that therefore our Lord the King as entire Sovereign of his Realm of England, for the honour of his blood, wills, and hath of his full royal power enabled and of his own proper authority made the said John, his said brothers and sister, muliers, and also pronounced and published the ability and legitimatization according to the form of the King's charter thereof made. The which charter was read in full Parliament and delivered to the said Duke, father of the said John, and his said brothers and sister, the tenor of which charter ensueth. Richard by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to our most dear cousins the noble men, John the Knight, Henry the Clerk, Thomas 'Domicello,' and to our beloved the noble woman Joan Beaufond 'Domicelle,' the most dear relatives of our uncle the noble John Duke of Lancaster, born our lieges, greeting, and the favour of our royal majesty. Whilst internally considering how incessantly and with what honours we are graced by the very useful and sincere affection of our aforesaid uncle, and by the wisdom of his counsel, we think it proper and fit that, for the sake of his merits, and in contemplation of his favors, we should enrich you (who are endowed by nature with great probity and honesty of life and behaviour, and are begotten of royal blood, and by the divine gift are adorned with many virtues,) with the strength of our royal prerogative of favour and grace. Hence it is, that, yielding to the entreaties of our said uncle your father, we do, in the fullness of our royal power and by the assent of Parliament, by the tenor of these presents empower you, who as it is asserted suffer from the want of birthright, (notwithstanding such defect, which, and the qualities thereof, we take to be in these presents sufficiently expressed) to be raised, promoted, elected, assume, and be admitted to all honours, dignities, [except to the royal dignity] pre-eminencies, estates, degrees and offices public and private whatsoever, as well perpetual as temporal, and feodal and noble, by whatsoever names they may be designated, whether they be Duchies, Principalities, Earldoms, Baronies or other fees, and whether they depend or are holden of us mediately or immediately, and to receive, retain, bear, and exercise the same as freely and lawfully as if ye were born in lawful matrimony, and you and every of you do restore and legitimatize : any statutes or customs of our realm of England to the contraiy thereof made or observed (which we consider to be herein fully expressed) in anywise notwithstanding. (Source: Samuel Bentley, Excerpta Historica, Or Illustrations of English History (1831))
Wars of the Roses historians generally credit this addition to Henry IV, historians of Henry IV to Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury who was no Beaufort fan and in a powerful position during this time due to Henry IV's illness.
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disabilityhorizons · 1 year
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Bed wedge mattress lifter - Solid Oak
Beautiful functional sustainable bed wedge for tucking in sheets and covers. Designed to last for many lifetimes – Created by the Disability Horizons Shop!
Save your back by using our solid oak Bed Wedge mattress lifter to help tuck in sheets and bedding when making the bed
Made in a workshop in Newark-on-Trent, UK – The Bed Wedge mattress lifter is built to last using solid oak and every purchase supports British manufacturing.
Lightweight – Weighs just 400g!
The inclined wedge design separates and lifts the mattress as it slides in, reducing strain on your body when twisting and lifting a mattress to tuck in the sheet. 
The curved handle design allows you to grip the Bed Wedge mattress lifter at a natural wrist position providing greater comfort, strength and transfer of energy.
The level ledge holds the mattress in a raised position, alleviating pressure toonour spine and leaving both hands free to make the bed.
Scroll down to read more.
Today's thicker, heavier mattresses can make changing the sheets and making a bed not only challenging but also painful.
With the Bed Wedge mattress lifter, you can make your bed independently and with ease, protect your back and avoid the stress of lifting heavy mattresses.
Made from solid oak in a workshop here in Newark-on-Trent, the Bed Wedge mattress lifter is stylish and built to last a lifetime.
With an angled, ergonomic design it effortlessly lifts the mattress as the device is inserted between the mattress and box spring.
The mattress is then held safely in an elevated position on the ledge giving ample working room to tuck in sheets, blankets and other bedding.
The product is light and easy to use, at just 400g. Take control and make your bed with ease!
Elevate Your Comfort: Why the 'Bed Wedge' Wooden Mattress Lifter is the Ultimate Bedroom Accessory
Ever struggled with the task of lifting a heavy mattress to tuck in your sheets? Or perhaps you've sought a way to make your bed look neat without straining your back? If either of these scenarios sounds familiar, the 'Bed Wedge' wooden mattress lifter could be the game-changer you've been seeking.
What is the 'Bed Wedge' Wooden Mattress Lifter?
The 'Bed Wedge' wooden mattress lifter is a simple yet ingenious invention designed to lift and hold your mattress, easing the process of changing sheets and lifting your mattress. It's a household tool that marries convenience, practicality, and aesthetics.
Why Choose the 'Bed Wedge' Wooden Mattress Lifter?
1. Enhanced Durability and Strength
The 'Bed Wedge' is crafted from high-quality oak wood known for its strength and durability. It can support your mattress without any issues, and with proper care, this lifter can last for a lifetime, making it a cost-effective solution.
2. Eases Physical Strain
Making the bed, especially tucking in sheets, can be a strenuous task that puts unnecessary strain on your back. By raising the height of the mattress, the 'Bed Wedge' minimizes the need to bend over as much, thus reducing strain on your back and making the chore of making your bed much less physically taxing.
3. Superior to Plastic Alternatives
While plastic mattress lifters are available on the market, they cannot compare to the 'Bed Wedge'. Plastic lifters may be cheaper, but they lack the durability, aesthetics, and eco-friendliness of our wooden lifters. The 'Bed Wedge' is a superior choice for those who value quality and sustainability.
4. Eco-Friendly Choice
The 'Bed Wedge' wooden mattress lifter is an environmentally friendly choice. Wood is a natural, renewable resource, and by choosing the 'Bed Wedge', you're reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future.
5. Aesthetics and Versatility
The 'Bed Wedge' comes in a beautiful real oak finish. Its natural and elegant aesthetic can blend seamlessly with any room décor, if it is left by the bedside it doesn't look ugly like the blue plastic ones.
The 'Bed Wedge' wooden mattress lifter is more than just a practical tool; it's an investment in your comfort, health, and the aesthetics of your bedroom. If you're looking to make your bed-making tasks easier, reduce physical strain, and add a stylish touch to your bedroom, the 'Bed Wedge' is the perfect solution. It also makes an ideal gift for anyone who takes pride in a neatly tucked-in bed!
  Material : Solid Oak. http://disability-health-shop.myshopify.com/products/bed-wedge-mattress-lifter-solid-oak
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soldiertransgender · 1 year
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why the fuck does it look like that
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chaos-of-the-wilds · 7 months
love when people say "women and afabs" about some shit that does not apply if you have been on testosterone for more then a year
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thebigshoutout · 5 months
The importance of Good Website design and its impact on people and profits in 2024
The Importance of Effective Website Design on Business Success | The Big Shoutout
In today’s digital-first world, a business’s website often serves as the front door to its brand, greeting potential clients before any human interaction takes place. The quality of this greeting can set the tone for all subsequent business relationships. At The Big Shoutout, we understand that good website design transcends mere aesthetics—it acts as a crucial catalyst in influencing user…
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apotelesmaa · 1 year
Objectively yes five pebbles deserves most of the blame for every problem in rain world but I think seven red suns does not get near enough flack for knowing five pebbles wanted nothing more than to end it all, knowing he shared resources with moon, knowing 5P trusted and looked up to him and STILL choosing to send him the information on the very risky plan to die that requires constantly utilizing every drop of water at your disposal and requires complete perfection in execution to avoid giving yourself super turbo mega cancer. & then going Omg I can’t believe five pebbles has done this :( why is he so mad at me now :( my iterator in Christ you literally gave him step by step instructions on how to ruin his life and accidentally kill his sister what did you think was going to happen.
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lindwurmkai · 10 months
sometimes i imprint on specific subgenres or "flavours" of stories and go slightly insane trying to find more of exactly this
which, funnily enough, happened twice in a very short time recently, so now i am desperately looking for two completely different types of sci-fi but only those two specific kinds. 🤷🏻‍♂️
one story was time to orbit: unknown. it's about humanity's first attempts at colonising planets outside of our solar system, using relatively realistic, near(ish)-future technology. most of the weird shit that happens turns out to be human-caused. aliens are only an abstract concern in the sense that characters worry about reaching their destination and finding unexpected life there.
then there's the southern reach trilogy. its entire premise is that Weird Shit is happening on earth and it's probably aliens. science is discussed mostly in the context of scientists having no idea what the fuck is going on, and there is a certain cosmic horror vibe to it all. things, including people, are being transformed in some way. coherent communication with the invasive entity is not possible.
now, these are completely different things and i've been oscillating between wanting one or the other. but at some point i realised
the expanse series is somehow, incredibly, a perfect mix of both. it's got humans venturing into space in shitty spinning ships, living in shitty colonies or research facilities on moons and asteroids. they're not even venturing outside our solar system yet - but then the probably-alien cosmic horror weirdness begins. it even involves things and people being transformed, too! and in the end it opens up possibilities regarding interstellar space colonisation. but watch out
i think i may have one unread expanse book left in my collection and there's another i haven't bought yet. since i struggled to determine if i had already read that one book or not, i may be due for a reread of the entire series - this is where i'm stuck, because my brain demands new stories but i know i'd be super confused if i just tried to continue where i left off. i'm sure i'd enjoy the reread! b-but,,
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tronmike82 · 10 months
I firmly believe that the two-state solution is the most viable option for ending the Israel-Palestine conflict, and this is my version of it.
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(I don’t know how to make it smaller.)
the line I have drawn -in addition to extending the Gaza Strip to include Ashdod and Ashkelon- represents a hypothetical border between a portion the Southern District that is to be given to Palestine in order to link Gaza to the West Bank, and a portion that is to remain a part of Israel.
I propose this because I firmly believe that dividing Palestine into separate unconnected parts, that one must pass through Israel in order to travel between them, has only caused problems for both countries, and only giving a central portion of the district to Palestine -and thus cutting off the southernmost portion of Israel- would only invert the problem, not solve it.
Note, while it is not shown here, I also feel that the Golan Heights must be returned to Syria.
Additionally; the border does not have to be exactly as drawn here, and instead must be laid down in such a way as to displace as few people as possible.
However before any of this can be done; the current war between Israel and Hamas must end.
I admit; I do not know how to do this. However; I do not believe that Israel’s actions are even close to being effective at attaining that goal.
For lack of any other way to conclude this; I will say that while I will never support Hamas -they have been nothing but a malignant influence, not just on Gaza; but the entire Levant.- I also consider Israel’s actions over the last several weeks to be completely unacceptable.
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