#excuses dyslexia
theskeletongames · 2 years
Trying to get back into writing.
I’m still horrible at it.
What is the difference between “Has been” “Was” and “Is” for the character coming across something that was decorated in the past but she is just discovering it and describing it to the reader through first person.
exe ( The couch has been perfectly wrapped in wrapping paper, along with bows arching each cushion along the back. ) Google to the rescue:
The difference between “has been” and “was” is that “has been” is used in the present perfect continuous tense whereas “was” is used in the past continuous tense. They are used for two different tenses and for two different times, present and past.
What the fuck does any of this mean, tell me using normal words! I’m a math person! AHHHHHHHH!
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usaigi · 3 months
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a-map-of-gays · 2 years
The idea of trans!Wylan is amazing because I love trans people but also it means that this conversation happened
Wylan: Hey dad I think I'm a boy
Van Eck: Cool son
Wylan: Also I can't read
Van Eck: I'm disowning you
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5am, Lakehouse
Inspired by V Black's delivery of "...to hold you" in ep1.12 (like their talent just Takes.Me.Out.Every.Time) & by my cat needing to be closer than physics will allow before she'll sleep
The sunlight bounced from the lake playing across Sebastian's skin. Angelo watched the patterns form and dissipate. He watched as the sun gently wash through Sebastian's hair, creating an array of colours before running off again.
Sebastian twitched as he fought against something in his sleep, a dream? A memory perhaps? Nothing good.
Angelo reached out; pausing. An unseen moment of hesitation.
A rush of warmth and affection radiated out from the point of contact and flooded through him. Angelo closed his eyes, allowing himself this.
Angelo pulled him closer to his chest.
He could feel the warmth of Sebastian's back along his forearm and the softness of his hair between his fingers.
Pulling him closer.
Sebastian's hair brushed his cheek as his forehead pressed against Angelo's neck. Angelo could feel his heart reaching though it's cage attempting to hold Sebastian itself.
Angelo could feel Sebastian's breath from parted lips cross his collar bone. Slowing with each exhale, the tension previously held ebbing with each sigh. An arresting surrender.
Sebastian shifted against Angelo, he felt an arm drape across his side and a hand against his back. It was Angelo's turn for his breath to hitch as his heart fall away somewhere within.
Angelo closed his eyes against time and wished this moment could be an eternity.
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tasteofyourblood · 1 month
oftentimes when ppl mess up the pronunciation of a non-eurocentric name it's bcuz they do not care enough to actually LOOK at the name and put more than 2 seconds thought into how it might be pronounced, its not annoying bcuz it was mispronounced it's annoying bcuz it shows a lack of respect
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dynamitekansai · 8 months
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A queen on a quest to reclaim the Women's Championship is forced to bow down to The Genius of the Sky (with a little help from her friends ringside) who successfully maintains her reign, but Charlotte isn't alone either as The EST of WWE makes her return to take control of the damage. WWE SMACKDOWN (October 20, 2023)
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somedaytakethetime · 6 months
I have a sort of sad song stuck in my head, it's a older-ish song, sort of sad-ish but.. I was thinking about the concept of it and I thought that maybe I can spin that into something happier and more hopeful that doesn't involve parting and separating but more to come actually? Let's see 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you care: I'll Breathe Again by Sara Bareilles
Notes and warnings: none? The whole thing is snippets of barely descriptive moments, it's all very mild and mostly about the feels, just looking back on memories if you will. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😭
Word count: 1 681 words
The little crack in the wood brings back another memory. A happy night, you were celebrating a win. Something sizzling on the stove, old pop rock echoing through the kitchen walls as you were spun around and tugged back in. Your laughter melted together as he kissed it into your neck, your giggles making him laugh harder. The rumbling in his chest pressed to yours, making you feel happy and warm inside. Soft and slow kisses exchanged as you clung one handed to him, both of his hands wrapping around your waist like vines and locking you together. Your glass spills out some more as he jostles and lifts you, the small startled squeak has him laughing, "You're so silly! Look at what you've made me do now..", he just places you back down and sets you free, smiles proudly, "I didn't do anything, babe, you spilled that all on your own..", he winks when you narrow your eyes at him, smack his chest playfully as he walks back to go mind dinner. You place the glass precariously on the edge of the counter, don't notice how close it is to falling as you mindlessly reach out for the cloth to clean up the mess. Neither notices the glass as his hand, searching for the spatula, knocks it off accidentally. It falls quickly, he reaches to catch it, 'you don't catch falling dangerous items' echoes in his head, his mother's voice warning him when he was a small child and tried to catch a falling knife, he reaches for you instead and pulls you back. Away from where the glass would have shattered on your sock-clad foot. You both watch the heavy glass break into pieces on the pristine wood floor. You'd discover, after cleaning up all the shards, that it left a permanent crack. He never bothered to have it fixed, "It'll always represent this happy night." is what he used to say.
You walk around, softly touching every empty space now. There's light flooding in from everywhere. The echoes are so loud now. You pause in front of the window and watch the leaves be tossed around in the grass outside. The wind playing it's very own game. You can see him, right there, on the exact spot close by the big tree. Laughing and tossing himself to the floor as he tries to catch all the balls kicked at him at the same time. Giggles from several small children filling the air as they merrily target their favourite player. The sounds of his family's voices all around you, indoors and outdoors, chatting in that rapid fire way of theirs. Everyone inspecting curiously this new house he's just gotten, approving of every detail. A strong hand rests on your shoulder, warm and familiar in way. You look up and his father smiles down at you softly. It's sometimes eerie how similar they are, their hands especially. "This is the happiest he's been in years.", your throat constricts as you look back at him, smiling and rolling on the soft grass under a dogpile of happy children. All his wee cousins, nephews and nieces. All these little kids that in a way also resemble him so heavily. You feel your heart stammer. He's been through a lot, had so many ups and downs. It makes you want to cry seeing him happy, you wish you could freeze this moment, everyone so happy and excited for new beginnings. "Thank you.", you look up again, confused, "Thank you for being there for him. Thank you for loving my son. He deserves that.", emotion chokes you again as you smile and nod. You don't need to say it, his family knows it. You love him so much, you'd do anything to keep him happy. Moving away was.. a big change. Scary even. You'd never been alone before. So far away from everything you know.. from everyone you love.. daunting to think that you're alone. A hand softly taking yours breaks you out of your daze. The way he smiles so lovingly, eyes soft and tender, reminds you that you're not alone.
It's his house. That's how you'll always remember it. It offended him every single time you said 'your house' but it was. You never meant it in a poor light. It comforted you to call it his house. His space. His safety and protection. He allowed you into it. Accepted you and welcomed you into his space. Made room for you. Bought you things, melded both you and him together in one space. But it was his. He bought the house because of the transfer, he was going to move away yet again.. even further and further from you this time. Putting space and several countries between you both. Dating long distance was hell before, but it would be even worse after this move. It was a big step. When he asked you wondered if it wasn't moving too fast, you'd been dating for less than a year. "I know what I want, I know what my future looks like. It has you in it. There's no other options for me.", he said it so self assuredly, so full of confidence. This was real to him, this was it. So you believed him, took his hand and leaped off the cliff along with him. Tears, doubt and fear filled your move. You were so afraid he'd tire of you, that things wouldn't work out, it hurt to leave all you loved and knew behind for this new and foreign place. But he held you, loved you, listened and supported you through it all. In this exact house. His house. Where he made room for you to place your clothes next to his. In the drawers that are gone now. Where your books lived alongside his on the shelves. On the empty shelves in front of you. Your blankets were folded on top of his on the couch. The same one you're touching right now. The couch you spend so many hours in. Cuddled up watching TV. Napping together. Doing.. other things that are best left unmentioned.. This was the spot. Where you'd walk in at times, back from the shops, to find him napping on his days off. And you'd sneak onto the couch and cuddle up to him. Would feel his sleepy body turning, arms wrapping around you and pulling you closer even while deep asleep. You became co-dependent. Each other's pillar. The only person the other trusted and relied on. You were all alone together. You never managed to make friends here, it was hard to connect to others when you couldn't understand them. He struggled just as much. Malicious people worked alongside him, making everything hard to deal with. Friction, resentment, anger.. it all built up inside him. Inside you too. And it finally got to be too much. You've always known that everything that starts has to end some day, you just didn't expect it to end so soon.
You take one last look around. The brightness has dimmed now. The sky has turned, no longer bright and sunny as the clouds have overtaken and filled everything with grey. You can see the wind get angrier outside, a flurry of leaves being tossed roughly upwards and drifting away. It's going to rain. Fitting, you think. It's fitting to leave this place in a flurry of mixed feelings. The good and bad, hand in hand, as life is meant to be. The house feels so cold and soulless now. There's no warmth, no laughter, no joy left in this place. All the sweet and loving memories will leave with you, you refuse to leave them behind. It was his house before, now it's just a house. He made it what it was but without him in it this is just an empty shell. "Are you ready, love?", you turn around startled. You didn't hear him walk back in. "Did I take too long? I'm sorry.", he shakes his head, a soft smile lifts the corners of his mouth, "I'd wait for you all year if that's how long it took you.", he holds his hand out, offering it up and waiting for you to take it when you're ready. One last look around. One last moment to be flooded with all the memories you've made together in this space. You reach out to take his hand, his fingers wrap around yours and pull you closer. Tug you into his body. He holds you tightly, takes one last look around too. A flurry of emotions stirs in his chest. There's a ring burning a whole in his pocket, he's had it for months now. It's not the right time, but it soon will be. This place was never meant to be home, and he wants you away from it all. He wraps his arms tighter, protectively, places a soft kiss on your head, cups your face when you look at him and kisses you. Soft. Slow. One long, deep kiss. You sigh when he pulls away, feeling lighter than you've had in years. You're going back. Not back to where he'd been before. Not back to where you came from. Back to where he belongs. You pray it'll be the last time. That he'll be loved. Cherished. Treated like family by all. He'll fit in, he has to, he has always fit in. It's where he belongs. He's excited for it. Hasn't stopped talking about it since he was told. Has several plans but he's only disclosed that you're looking for a house as soon as you land, he's booked appointments, you'll stay with his parents as you search. They're eager to have him back after so many years. You're eager too. Hope blooms in your soul for what's to come, his smile widens and he says so softly, "Are you ready to go home?". You mirror him, nod softly and let yourself be lead away from this empty shell. If you're together, you'll always be ready to go home.
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briillicnt · 7 months
/ just a small reminder, i do have dyslexia so, sometimes i may mess up a bit on replies. i have gotten myself into the habit of proofreading everything and then going over it with docs to ensure it's all right. but sometimes i do slip and there may be some errors here and there. i will not get offended if you point it out to me, as long as you're nice about it of course, cause people at work are not nice about it at all. 🙄 but yeah! i do have this listed in my rules page too but, i figured i would make a post too. :)
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aibidil · 2 years
Me watching these press tour interviews of Jamie Campbell Bower absolutely incapable of sitting still, wearing tons of rings with which to incessantly fidget, revealing he's dyslexic, displaying artistic excellence in multiple genres, and touching/commenting with unmatched impulsivity:
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akamikazae · 1 year
Your most recent drawing of Akami, Kakashi and Sasuke is so cute! Love Akami’s outfit!! She looks great in the hues of the Sharingan
Out of curiosity, do Akami’s eyes glow in the dark? As far as I am aware, most reptiles don’t have tapetum lucidum so I assume she would not but I am very curious about her snake resembling ocular design! (I can’t help but say again I love Akami’s design)
Also since she has vertical pupils would they expand (atleast slightly more) in the dark, or perhaps depending her emotional state?
I am by no means an animal expert nor any form of expert in this context XD just an admirer for all the effort and talent you gifted us with!
Thank you for sharing your work with us! It brightens my day :)
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! <33 I just love her complexion in red!! And maybe to match a certain someones vibrant red eye lol I always thought snakes were cool from like an aesthetic pov. But when I made Akami I dug more into them, because I love an excuse to do research, so my very long-winded answer is under the cut
I don’t think they necessarily glow, they way a gators would. Snakes' level of vision varies species to species, and when they tend to hunt, snakes that hunt at night have a little lens that will let more UV light in so they can see better in the dark/low-lighting. I like to think that Akami has that lil lens, so it would probably pick up light a bit better than a human eye would in the dark, so because of that I do try to make em' shine a bit when I draw/write about them. So no lol.
But also it depended who you’d ask . If you asked Kakashi or Sasuke or Gai they’d tell you they were the most beautiful pair of glimmering eyes you'd ever seen . If you asked someone like Tenzo or Genma they’d say her, and her eyes were kinda creepy lol
Orochimaru’s eyes are a bit more of a yellow/green compared to Akami’s, hers are a bit warmer, because her mother's eyes were a soft brown. But I like to think that they do shift colors a bit depending on her mood/mental state. 
There's a type of snake called a ‘mock viper’ that will typically have a more rounded, fuller pupil but when it feels threathened the pupil contracts to become more slitted and scare off predators. So Akami’s pupils would react similarly. Though hers are slitted all the time—if she was very angry, upset, feels threatened they contract like a sharp razor straight line.  And on the other hand if Sasuke were to do something very cute and sweet I imagine they’ll expand and fill out a bit more too--because she loves that lil baby with all her heart. 
But mainly they look a lil glowy because I just think they’re neat! And with all the fancy dojutsu in naruto I thought it would be cool that she had fun eyes—even though theres no real power behind them.
thank you thank you for your very kind ask---I could ramble about my Kami all day lol! it is very sweet of you to say, and I am honored my lil doodles can brighten anyone's day<33 --you give me far too much credit my sweet anon
take care !
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still-the-river-flows · 3 months
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people will really just come out and say anything, huh.
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11fflower11 · 5 months
"Didn't recognised"
I just saw that in an IG Reel.
I don't care if English is not your native language. THIS IS BASIC KNOWLEDGE, BASIC RULES OF GRAMMAR.
If you can't do THAT right, just don't do it at all.
Not to mention that you clearly have internet access, so even if English isn't your mother tongue, you can LOOK IT UP. It'll probably take you less than 5 minutes.
Quit making excuses.
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adaines-furious-feast · 7 months
You can't spell patriotism without riot.
This isn't a political or philosophical take. I just learned how to spell patriotism today.
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threadtalks · 8 months
I think we need to stop associating things that disabilities affect to symptoms of aging.
We associate memory loss with old age. We associate achy joints with old age. We associate tremors with old age. Weakness. Fatigue. Mobility. Dependency.
How are people who are maybe even in their teens supposed to feel when we do that? Is this why I've always felt like turning 40 will be the same as turning 80 for an average person and I'll be near the end of my life span???? Is that??? Is that why???
Never being able to explain to people that I don't think this because I think 40 is old or I have such a bleak look on life and society and the state of the world. Is this the reason??? Because ever since I was about 16 I have been experiencing symptoms that people always say come with old age????
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vancilocs · 1 year
tutor: i mean since his father has trouble reading and it can be hereditary it's pretty clear he has the same issue, we're starting the young prince on some special education early to help him catch up
merope: sounds wonderful, please let us know how to help him at home. right, my love?
merope: ...my love?
fenrir: that was a fucking option?
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vykko · 1 year
I have a deep annoyance when people say I can’t dislike a person who infantilises me bc they don’t know they are being rude (and other things to excuse ableism)
yes I gave actually been told this is a different way but it boiled down to this
like I don’t care that they think they are being nice and good. They aren’t, they are being incredibly ableist and treating me badly off the basis I’m nuerodiverhent
would I not be allowed to be angry if someone is being homophobic to me because they think they are helping
No bc they are being jerks
Because they are in the wrong
my nan and some family still treat me like a baby
but they are family so I’m not supposed to be upset about it, and my nan is apparently just like that bc she’s old
Stop fucking excusing ableism, it’s not ok
like im not responsible for someone else’s feelings, if they are upset by finding out they are being rude
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