#existential crisis ensues.....
milaghoul · 1 year
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This is taking way longer than I want it to, but considering how much more I gotta do and how long it’s definitely gonna take me, I throw this wip into the void 🤙
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tinypebs · 2 months
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I had a thought for once. 😨 Existential crisis ensues.
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heljay · 2 months
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Guess who inflicted @tf-bigbang this year with Space Catholics :D
I was paired with @cao-the-dreamer for "Heaven is empty, and all the gods are here" - a StarRest fic featuring reconciliations, a faith-induced existential crisis, and American Westerns!
Always a delight to draw Space Frollo and his beautiful racist Miss Liberty (as Cao called him lmfao). In spite of the Robot Tetris that ensues. :'3 I went in on the detail for it, as you can tell by the goddamn cape...
Was great to be paired with Cao though! I'll be reblogging this with the fic link once it's up! ;3
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writing-for-life · 5 months
Dream’s Therapist
I have prepared for today’s session with going over previous notes. I decided to carefully delve deeper into the topic of the client’s own perceived emotional detachment that is so visibly not the case (he feels very clearly, even if he occasionally pretends he doesn’t. We have made some progress in last week’s session that I would like to build on).
The client is on time again (well, slightly early). When he comes into my office, the coat stays on this time. I don’t engage in small talk, as it seems his perceived preference.
DT: How has the thinking and journaling gone since last week? How have you been feeling over all?
Dream (He sits straight as an arrow and doesn’t look at me): I don't feel. I exist. Emotions are for mortals.
DT (I admit to myself that I am a tad disappointed. For him. I thought we were making progress, but it seems we are back to square one): I see. Have you been journaling, as suggested?
Dream (I notice a sigh I can only interpret as dejected): Yes. I did peruse the infernal book. “Dear Diary, a star died. It was mildly annoying.”
DT (I cannot help but think there is more to this than meets the eye and proceed with caution): I guess annoyance is a feeling?
Dream (I notice his stare is even more vacant than usual): I don't feel. The star had unresolved issues.
DT (I notice he projects and is trying to deflect at the same time): We are not talking about the star’s issues though, are we? We are talking about whatever has been going on with you, either over the past week or in general.
Dream: Not today. (The way he purses his lips is reminiscent of someone who has sucked on a lemon, and I get the feeling today’s session will be… difficult. I decide to change tack and revisit the topic dreams and nightmares since he opened, and lightened, up about them the last time.)
DT: Is there anything else you would rather talk about? Your nightmares? Your dreams?
Dream: I don't dream. I weave tapestries of existential dread.
DT (It’s really going backwards now): And what do these tapestries tell you?
Dream (I notice he crosses one leg over the other and leans back in his chair. Not without also crossing his arms in front of his chest): That my thread count is impeccable.
DT (I notice extreme defensiveness and decide on a different course of action): Are you open to trying an exercise?
Dream (I notice the eye-roll): If I must.
DT: There are no “musts” in here. You either decide to give it a shot or you don’t.
Dream (And there is the exhale through his nose): Fine.
DT: Okay. I’d like you to get comfortable in your chair…
Dream (I notice he moves around on his sitbones a bit): Your chairs are not very conducive to comfort.
DT (The chairs are actually very comfortable. He just decided they’re not comfortable for him because he doesn’t want them to be): Get as comfortable as possible then. (I notice some further shuffling, and when he finally settles, his legs are not crossed anymore. His arms, however, stay firmly crossed in front of his chest). If it’s comfortable for you, close your eyes.
Dream: What if it is not?
DT: In that case, keep them open. (I notice he keeps on staring at me, so I decide to just proceed): I’d like you to bring up a kitten playing with a ball of yarn in your mind.
Dream (He actually snorts. I am briefly confused at the unexpected display of amusement. He blinks slowly.): Really?
DT (I mirror his blink): Really.
Dream (He unexpectedly closes his eyes. A brief silence ensues): I can see it. The kitten's existential crisis is palpable.
DT: What else do you sense or feel?
Dream (I notice he opens his eyes and just stares at me. Again…) I feel nothing. Perhaps the kitten should consider therapy, not I.
DT (I decide to call things by their name): What do you think makes you avoid being vulnerable? Around anyone, but specifically around me? (He looks at the paperweight on my desk. I ignore it. The silence lasts for three minutes.) You don’t have to be here if you prefer not to, but you are taking these sessions for a reason. Can you verbalise that reason for me again? (I notice he mumbles something indistinguishable while looking at his boots.) Pardon?
Dream (He looks out the window, clearly avoiding eye-contact, and raises his voice ever so slightly.) I feel uninspired.
DT (I withstand the temptation to point out that he just admitted he feels): And would you like any type of support with feeling more inspired again, or do you think you will be able to solve the issue yourself?
Dream (He looks at me again. Barely. With a dipped chin and through his lashes.): I might appreciate your… expertise.
DT: The delusional one?
Dream (I notice he smiles. A small smile, but it is the first one that is clearly identifiable as such): That, too.
DT: Okay, then let’s keep going and dig a bit deeper. Without deflection and changing the topic—do you think you can do that?
Dream (I notice the smile disappears): I might try.
DT (I nod towards the paperweight): Can you try to pick it up? (He picks it up hesitantly.) No, I said, “Can you try to pick it up.” (He puts it down again and looks confused.) Try again. (He lifts it once more and holds on to it this time.) So did you try, or did you pick it up?
Dream (I notice his eyebrows are knotted so tightly I start to feel sorry for him.): I picked it up?
DT: Right. There is doing or not doing. There is no “trying”. You do something, or you don’t. You trust me or you don’t. Both is fine. You do it, or you don’t. You stop to deflect to get out of discomfort, or you don’t. You pick up the paperweight, or you don’t. It’s always your choice, but it’s a choice you make.
Dream (I notice he stares at me, then the paperweight): I… chose to pick up the weight, and I shall hold on to it for a while.
DT: Good. Let's keep going then. Tell me about your relationships.
Dream (I notice his eyes darting at me quicker than the speed of light. I also notice the paperweight moves in his hands. The silence lasts for seven minutes. He holds on to the paperweight very tightly for a moment and then begins to speak): I had relationships of a romantic nature. To hold on to them has proven to be impossible.
DT: Any idea as to why?
Dream (I notice his voice is very quiet): Because my… feelings (he looks at me briefly before he turns his attention to the paperweight again) are complicated, and they tend to scatter like cosmic dust.
DT: I’ve noticed you like to speak in metaphor…
Dream: As do you.
DT: Do I?
Dream: Sometimes.
DT: And does speaking like that, or being spoken to that way, make things easier for you?
Dream: Yes and no.
DT: Explain the no.
Dream: Perhaps I… would appreciate a more direct approach. But it makes me uncomfortable nonetheless.
DT: Discomfort isn’t always a bad thing. If you stay comfortable all the time, nothing changes.
Dream (I notice a sound not unlike a wince): I do not change.
DT: I am aware I asked this before, but why are you here then?
Dream (I notice he turns the paperweight in his hands): Because I feel like the kitten.
DT (I need a hot second to remember): You feel you have an existential crisis?
Dream (He stays quiet for seven minutes again. I wonder if he is actually counting seconds in his head): I might have diversified into a certain sense of ennui. (I notice he smiles briefly, but it actually looks weary.)
DT: Any idea as to why that is? Or what might provide relief? (I notice he stares intently at the paperweight again) Why the paperweight?
Dream (He reflexively puts it back on my desk): It reminds me of things.
DT: Good memories or bad?
Dream: Perhaps both (I notice his eyes disengage, and he vacantly stares out the window again.)
DT: Is it something you wish to talk about?
Dream (He looks at me again): I trust our time is up?
DT: No. But if you feel the need to leave, that’s okay. I’d just like to encourage you to think about whether your ennui is as practised as your avoidance.
Dream (He gets up and looks down at me in a fairly disgruntled way): Perhaps you might reflect whether your persistence is annoying.
DT: Well, you’re not paying me to humour you, are you?
Dream (I notice he seems to think for a second, and inexplicably, his face lightens up. If that’s possible at all, because his expressions hover on the micro-spectrum): Perhaps you do humour me. (I wonder if he is actually smiling again or just looks mildly pissed off.)
DT: I suggest I might be the wrong person if you are looking for entertainment. But if you are committed enough to this, I will use ink in my diary again and see you next week. Same time.
Dream (I notice he definitely smiles this time): If the universe doesn't implode by then. (The smile vanishes as quickly as it has appeared, and I am left mildly concerned he might actually believe that’s a possibility.)
After he has left, I begin to write down further notes. Something catches my eye. It looks like sparkly dust suspended in mid-air. I have a lot of questions…
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skcirthinq · 11 months
This week's bout of... Artistic hyper-fixation is brought to you via "I May Be Invisible ,But I Still Look Good" by @dandylovesturtles .
So, here we go!
This story seems to be (rightly) pretty popular in the fandom, but rundown in case you don't know it: After the kraang, the turtles are turtle-ing and Leo gets his soul cursed outta his body. Shenanigans ensue!
Featuring (in addition to me trying out like. So many different rendering styles) (image 1) The turtles find something upsetting in the alley, and give Leo an existential crisis by demonstrating intangibility.
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(2) Leo uses the power of family to activate his ninpo in order to portal to (3) Arizona! Where there's bonding moments in the sunset.
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And (4) POV you are the villain in the last act.
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Bonus sketches under the cut!
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(5) Raph carries Leo's soulless body out of the alley. (6)Assorted scenes from the fic: Raph hearing Leo after days. Mikey seeing Leo and having a heart-to-heart. Donnie giving shell-rubs on the roof. Leo loses his voice, and is having a real bad time after coming out of spooky cave in Arizona. (7) The sketch of the sunset render from above. (8) Leo had a Real Bad Time in spooky cave, and needed a hand. (9) And when he came out of his extended severe panic attack, he promptly fell through the bed and slammed into the floor. (10) REINFORCEMENTS! Casey Sr. needs to test out whether Leo really is invisible and intangible.
The story is real close to ending, so it's a great time to read it! Go!
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six-eyed-samurai · 2 months
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Basically this was based off art by @sm0lb3tch (so credits again to them) and here we're going to make ObaMitsu canon, give the Kamado siblings new parents, give Muzan an aneurysm trying to find Nezuko when her whole family is a bunch of Hashira and as you can probably guess - deep breath - FOUND FAMILY TROPE.
Obviously in order for Obanai and Mitsuri to be the ones saving Tanjiro and Nezuko that fateful day we'd need to have them on the mission instead of Giyuu. For the sake of this theory Kagaya has assigned Mitsuri to accompany Giyuu, causing a very jealous and fuming Obanai to request (demand) to go in Tomioka’s place instead. Whether or not Kagaya is actually a shipper is up to you, but for whatever reason he says yes and Obanai proceeds to leave for the mission with Mitsuri a day or two earlier because he doesn't want Giyuu to argue with the decision when he finds out (he wouldn't) and wants some extra time with a certain pink haired crush. Mitsuri doesn't mind, she's more than happy a dear friend is accompanying her, after all!
When they reach the village Mitsuri’s a little embarrassed that she ordered so many helpings that the ramen store owner had to go out and buy more charcoal for the stove from the seller outside and Obanai's rather put out that the inn is too full for the both of them, not wanting Mitsuri to go camp out in the cold like she had suggested. Even more put out, in fact, with all the attention she's showering the charcoal seller, gushing about how he reminds her of her own brother and how hardworking he was to be doing this for his family - some idiot kid named Tanjiro something. At this point Obanai is having an existential crisis torn between disliking Tanjiro because Mitsuri's so nice to him (even feeding him a bite like in the Hashira Training Arc) and being nice to Tanjiro as well because whatever makes Mitsuri happy, makes him a happy camper. So he just settles for cold indifference.
(Yes, Tanjiro knows he's mad but doesn't realize that Obanai is mad AT HIM).
Anyways when Mitsuri expresses their problem of having nowhere to stay Tanjiro excitedly chirps that his family would be more than happy to have them over. Mitsuri, not wanting to be a bother, tries to refuse but Tanjiro insists so they compromise by letting her pay.
Then Obanai insists on paying but anyways-
We all know what happens from here so I won't go into too many details lest I bore you (small note that Tanjiro does not stay at his neighbour’s house this time and the timing is a little different to fit) but even Obanai felt terrible when they arrived and Tanjiro found his family shredded and dead. Since none of them realized Nezuko was a demon, Mitsuri helped Tanjiro begin carrying her down the mountain in order to seek help.
However the moment the truth was revealed Obanai immediately wanted to kill Nezuko despite Tanjiro’s pleas. Chaos ensues as is canon until an unsure-on-what-to-do Mitsuri finally succeeds in separating them when Nezuko suddenly defends her elder brother.
Mitsuri pleads for Obanai to reconsider, backed up by Tanjiro who says there's another demon's scent in the house so it wasn't Nezuko, at the very least take Nezuko to Oyakata-sama? If it was anyone else Obanai would have probably shoved aside to stab the demon, but since it was Mitsuri asking after all and as much as he hated to admit it he knew what it was like to have your entire family killed in such a bloody manner - so he agreed and we all know how the Hashira meeting went down.
I think I better clear up some points here, so because we have no very convincing letter from Lawyer Urokodaki to back Nezuko up we'll have Mitsuri testify that despite Obanai attacking her Nezuko made no attempt to eat him and only did a little to protect Tanjiro as well as a very grudging witness of a Serpent Pillar and why am I writing this like a court case-
Here's another important factor to how Nezuko gets off. In canon everyone dislikes (some of them at any rate) Giyuu and were very eager to have him punished and Nezuko killed, but here we have Mitsuri and Obanai as the defendants- uh, Hashira involved. Mitsuri is popular, so I feel like this would make everyone else more sympathetic to letting Nezuko live or just consider it. Obanai, not as much, but seeing how as Sanemi was the main aggressor in the canon events, I imagine he’d be pretty reluctant to throw his friend to the wolves as much as he hates demons. Also the journey to the Ubuyashiki House and summoning all Hashira would’ve taken time: time that would prove that Nezuko sleeps instead of consuming humans.
So, Nezuko and Tanjiro get off but Kagaya requests that they both become slayers to prove themselves and yadda yadda yadda. The catch is, he’s assigning Mitsuri and Obanai to do it.
(Once again we know not if Kagaya is secretly a shipper, but he said it was because a Hashira would be able to protect them both better and I don’t think any cultivator would want them.)
Mitsuri is ecstatic! Having the Kamado siblings live with her in the Love Estate is like having her younger siblings around again! You best believe this woman is treating them to six course meals (she eats twelve), shopping trips and really loves it when they come into her room for a sleepover to the point Nezuko and Tanjiro are faking reasons to just go in. A few “nightmares”, nothing much~~
Obanai, on the other hand…he’s definitely pissed off. Extremely so. But he wouldn’t disobey Kagaya and so grudgingly agrees to train Tanjiro. He’s as harsh as he was in canon, but I think at some point Obanai isn’t going to stay petty and jealous forever, and eventually warm up to Tanjiro and Nezuko’s sunny nature, probably after realizing Mitsuri just sees Tanjiro as a brother, Nezuko isn’t stealing ALL her attention, they could still hang out together alone and those precious moments he got to spend with Mitsuri a lot more.
”Aw, Obanai, that’s so sweet of you!” Mitsuri clapped her hands together, beaming at him. “I had no idea you cared about Nezuko so much!”
“…yeah, well, don’t mention it.” Thankfully his bandages covered his reddening face as he put away the wooden swords. What was Mitsuri so excited about? All he had done was to drape his haori on the sleeping demon when she suddenly dozed off in the midst of watching yet another brutal training session between him and her brother - a brother who was now being forced to run twenty laps around the Estate for even mentioning his actions.
“I know, but I can’t help it! You’re really a softie inside no matter what you say to Tanjiro!”
“What? Since when?!”
Mitsuri laughed at Obanai’s shocked expression. “Like yesterday! Tanjiro’s food was cold but he didn’t want to make a fuss at the restaurant but you went and demanded another plate, or when Nezuko shrunk and hid in my house you came over just to help us find her. Then it turned out she got stuck in one of the cupboards and you helped dig her out. Plus you’re always so nice to me too, like when you got me the socks, or offer to pay every time we go out to eat-”
“Okay! Okay! I get it, please stop, Kanroji…” Kaburamaru hissed reassuringly as Obanai quickly turned away from Mitsuri to hide his red face.
“You can call me Mitsuri, you know?” Mitsuri suddenly yanked him into a crushing hug excitedly, oblivious to Obanai’s flustered state. “Kyaaaaaaah! I’m so glad Oyakata-sama assigned us both together to train and take care of Tanjiro and Nezuko! I’ve gotten to spend so much time with my favorite Hashira - uh, wait, that’s Shinobu…so male Hashira! - and you’re actually really good with kids! I think you’ll be an amazing dad if we ever have our own kids one day!”
Well, you can pretty much guess how they got together after that.
Because I’m a human and at the end of the day I’m lazy I will not elaborate and instead let your imagination run wild with how exactly they officially confessed after that night, broke it to the Kamado siblings and the rest of the Hashira and the messy details I can’t think of right now. I will, however, talk a bit more on how it changes the storyline.
Obanai eventually moves into Mitsuri’s Estate, shortly before the Final Selection (they celebrate with pancakes when Tanjiro comes back safely by the way; Obanai had a hell of a day trying to calm Mitsuri after she couldn’t stop crying worried that Tanjiro would be eaten. Now that I think of it, this might cause them both to go lodge a complaint on how the Final Selection is being run, because how exactly sending kids off to certain doom constitute as teaching? They should’ve done some other tests, one where they could monitor and guide where they did wrong and y’know, NOT MAKE ANOTHER GIYUU? (Sorry, I’m getting off track)).
There won’t be much variation for the beginning of the storyline, save for the fact Tanjiro and Nezuko have a home to return to in between for Mitsuri to cheer that they made it back and spoil while Obanai berates them for taking so long and fixes their ruined haori (I have like this idea that Obanai struggles with love language so he mainly sticks to small gestures like gifts revolving around clothes because you’ll use them every day and I dunno, if he was stuck in that cage in a house full of women he might’ve picked up a bit of sewing and figure out how to fix the holes in his loved ones’ haori?) as well as Tanjiro’s relationships with the Hashira change:
Obanai and Mitsuri aside, a major difference would be Giyuu. Tanjiro would not be developing a bond with him in this theory and honestly I feel like he would be the one to heavily advise against allowing Nezuko to live, therefore creating an enemy in Tanjiro. It doesn’t really help that’s he’s a loner whose words really don’t make sense to anyone and Obanai hates his guts, so it’ll take longer for Tanjiro to crack open his backstory and he would probably treat Giyuu like how he behaved to Sanemi in the Training Arc - “It’s okay! I don’t acknowledge you either since you didn’t want Nezuko to live.”
I’ll just skim through the rest of the Hashira before we move on. Shinobu, Rengoku, Sanemi and Muichiro would be a heck lot closer to Tanjiro and Nezuko since the four of them are on good terms with their adoptive parents, hence the Kamados would be seeing Shinobu a lot more often, cry harder at Rengoku’s death, soften Sanemi (perhaps fix his relationship with Genya?) and transform Muichiro into the silly boy we love earlier.
Do note, however, in this theory Tanjiro has mastered not one but TWO Breathing Styles and I’m sure he would then pick up Total Concentration Breathing a lot faster, so he’s definitely even more powerful in this universe. The same would apply for Nezuko, though in the sense that her physical prowess is better having been trained by two Hashira because even Mitsuri and Obanai can’t do anything about Blood Demon Art. Although, at the end of the storyline Tanjiro still learns Sun Breathing/Hinokami Kagura.
Another thing to be noted is that while I said MUCH variation that doesn’t mean there won’t be any subtle ones in Mitsuri and Obanai’s behavior and personality. I can’t really think of much for Mitsuri, other than the fact she’ll be more motherly and stuff, and probably really ecstatic that she’s finally achieved her dream of finding someone who’ll love her unconditionally and a family. I can see Tanjiro and Nezuko being really popular with her siblings as well.
For Obanai there’s a much bigger gap, as he’ll definitely mellow out and be less snarky. You know those gruff, serious dads who don’t show emotions or love easily but if you make a dumb crayon drawing from kindergarten he hasn’t taken it down from the fridge since and if some bully even implied you’re stupid they’re a goner because he’s there? Something like that for Obanai, I guess. Basically he’d be a lot less sarcastic and cutting with others and not as jealous because he knows Mitsuri is his and well…he’s not gonna admit it but he’s actually very touched when Tanjiro said he’s really glad he’s his new dad (Uncle Sanemi and Godbrother Muichiro anyone-).
BUT BUT BUT the big difference arrives on Mount Natagumo: home of Rui.
Instead of Giyuu and Shinobu arriving it’s ObaMitsu because what parent doesn’t worry about their kids, especially when they hear it’s a Lower Moon. So in this case it’s Mitsuri off to go save Zenitsu with Nezuko, whom Tanjiro had ordered to go help their surrogate mom navigate the crazy mountain and find Spider Sister, although Mitsuri is going to kill her with a lot more compassion…and leave Tanjiro to attempt to get Obanai off from stepping on the remains of Rui.
Okay, serious question, do you think Obanai would stomp on them more to be petty-
Back to the storyline, this time round the reason Tanjiro and Nezuko are taken to yet another Hashira meeting is due to being able to celebrate the success of having finally slain one of the Twelve Kizuki. They still will go to the Butterfly Mansion, of course, most probably because their adoptive parents have missions of their own and honestly do you really trust them to be your doctor?
Anyways, aside from the little differences like it’s Mitsuri who brings her adoptive kids to the Swordsmith Village and Obanai going to the Entertainment District to go pick up his kids it’s all yadda yadda yadda, so we can pretty much guess what happens next, therefore I’ll jump straight to the two endings/outcomes that would be changed because of this theory. Depending on your mood today you can read the Bad Ending or jump straight to the Good Ending and don’t say I didn’t warn you <333 (I gotta go hide before you hunt me for the Bad Ending, ta!).
Notice how not once did I say that Obanai and Mitsuri ever got married though?
Bwhahaha. Now I am. And you’re not going to like it.
Obanai had the ring (helped picked out by Nezuko). He had the plans (dinner made by Tanjiro; Shinobu would be babysitting the kids that night). He wanted it to be memorable when he would finally ask Mitsuri to allow him the privilege of becoming a Kanroji and probably officiate the adoption of Tanjiro and Nezuko.
But it all got shoved aside when they had to do the Hashira Training. Obanai slowly regrets waiting that long, but while he’s not an optimistic person in general he hopes that afterwards he’ll get the chance when everything is so perfectly in order. Of course Muzan took one look and thought “absolutely not” - and deposits them all into the Infinity Castle.
So it’s only in their dying moments that Obanai confesses. He can’t even put a ring on her, because she’s lost her arms.
Mitsuri said yes and asks if they’re reborn would he still marry her?
He says yes. At least they die happy. Unable to be pulled apart even in their last moments.
(Tanjiro and Nezuko ensure to carve a love poem into their headstones and bury them in wedding clothes, so at least they can be together in death.)
Now that Obanai and Mitsuri have SOMETHING to live here they’ll live on in this theory. Mitsuri armless and Obanai totally blind, but hey, with diligent kids like Tanjiro and Nezuko they would be well taken care of no matter what, rebuilding their family slowly.
Eventually Obanai and Mitsuri are blessed with their own kids! Five, if I remember what happened in canon, so because I’m self-indulgent let’s simultaneously rebuild the Kamado family and combine the OC children I originally made for them. Nezuko’s delighted to receive two twin younger sisters and a baby one, spending majority of her time with them doing their hair or just playing dolls (Zenitsu steaming mad because they keep stealing her attention and don’t like him). Tanjiro feels like he’s got his own siblings back again with the Kanroji’s two rowdy boys who often beg him to teach them swordsmanship and perform the Hinokami Kagura. Does Obanai gift them all tiny snakelings? Absolutely. Does any of them inherit Mitsuri’s hair? One or two, but Mitsuri’s sakura mochi is a family recipe now (I’d like to think Kotetsu somehow managed to forge a pair of mechanical arms for her).
Oh, imagine Mitsuri and Obanai at Tanjiro/Kanao and Nezuko/Zenitsu’s weddings! Mitsuri would be amazing mother-in-law for anyone and you bet your ass that she helped plan the best wedding possible for them, welcoming Kanao and Zenitsu happily into the family and perhaps being a little embarrassing for the newlyweds because she’s asking when they plan to have children or a honeymoon - sorry, she can’t help it, she’s just so excited! Obanai dislikes Zenitsu INTENSELY (he dislikes all boys near his girls, but Zenitsu the most funny enough) and makes it VERY known with glares and snide remarks; he likes Kanao better though, so he’d probably tell Tanjiro to treat her right or he’ll give him a walloping blind or not.
(exhales, clears throat, reminds myself that other people are watching) So I hope YOU cried, because I did. And I’m not totally cruel, alright! So for funsies here’s an extra snippet in which Mitsuri and Obanai reincarnate as the godparents of Tanjiro and Nezuko’s descendants:
“Are you-” The man ran his hand through his already unruly ponytail again. “Are you actually stupid? You better be. You have to be. You can’t possibly not be.”
“I’M SORRY! I REALLY AM! I DIDN’T MEAN TO POUR IN SALT INSTEAD OF SUGAR! TOKO, HELP ME!” Yoshiteru was a snotty, emotional mess as always, even more highly strung when faced with his godfather Obanai’s cold rage…especially after he made a mess of himself as usual.
��I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE STILL ASKING ME FOR HELP AFTER THAT!” Toko smacked her brother upside on the hand. “Don’t even associate with me right now! The cake must be disgusting, and Tojuro can only distract Sumihiko for so long before he comes to the restaurant!”
Obanai pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out another exasperated sigh. “We’re going to have to start all over again; Yoshiteru, get out of the kitchen and if I see you so much as pop your head by the door or so help me-”
“Hey, hey, Obanai, you don’t have to be so harsh! It was a genuine mistake after all!”
The pink-haired woman pulled her husband into a quick hug, pressing a quick peck to his temple that left him tomato red under his face mask. Kanata followed from behind, holding a tray of fresh baked goods and obviously bewildered by what was happening.
“Mitsuri - I told you I could handle this - you need to rest-”
“What, sit back and do nothing for my godson’s birthday?” Mitsuri pouted, rubbing her swollen belly. “I’m sure baby wants to help as well!”
“SEE? IT’S NOT SO BAD!” Yoshiteru hollered, desperately trying to escape his sister’s glowering. “Tojuro’s good, he’ll probably keep Sumihiko occupied for a really long time!”
“Oh my god, just get out of the kitchen and go help Mom and Dad set up the restaurant for his birthday party or something!” Toko gave him a powerful kick out the door.
“HEY! Aren’t the Agatsuma girls supposed to be sweet and gentle? You’re a monster!”
“A monster who can bake a cake without creating disasters!” Obanai barked.
Mitsuri laughed. Obanai could never get enough of that sound. “You’re going to be a great dad…”
“…thank you…you’ll…you’ll be a great mom…too…”
“Sorry to interrupt Iguro-san fainting again but Tojuro just called and said Sumihiko is coming back,” Kanata said matter-of-factly, shutting off his pinging phone.
Yoshiteru seemed to have awakened Obanai from his near faint. “What did I say about coming back into the kitchen?!”
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kp777 · 1 year
By Kenny Stancil
Common Dreams
Apr 25, 2023
"We need you to deliver the bold ideas that our generation cannot live without—stop the climate crisis, fight for the rights and dignity of immigrants, impose real gun control—and run on a bold platform that will get our generation out to vote."
In response to U.S. President Joe Biden's Tuesday announcement that he is seeking reelection in 2024, four youth-led advocacy groups urged the incumbent to push for progressive priorities during the remainder of his first term and campaign on policies that motivate young voters to cast ballots for him.
In a letter addressed to Biden, March for Our Lives, Gen Z for Change, Sunrise Movement, and United We Dream Action wrote: "If we're going to excite one of the leading voting blocs for Democrats, we need you to deliver the bold ideas that our generation cannot live without—stop the climate crisis, fight for the rights and dignity of immigrants, impose real gun control—and run on a bold platform that will get our generation out to vote."
"As the organizers of millions of young people across the country, we know that in order to secure wins against fascism in the 2024 presidential election, Millennials and Gen Z will have to turn out to vote in full force," the groups argued, sounding the alarm about the dire consequences likely to ensue if the increasingly authoritarian Republican Party takes control of the White House.
"Young people are not just a necessary part of a winning Democratic coalition, but the keystone precondition for Democratic victory... When Democrats energize and mobilize our generations, they win elections. When they don't, they lose."
"Following the results of 2018, 2020, 2022, and most recently the Wisconsin Supreme Court election in 2023, it is clear that young people are not just a necessary part of a winning Democratic coalition, but the keystone precondition for Democratic victory," says the letter. "The equation is simple. When Democrats energize and mobilize our generations, they win elections. When they don't, they lose."
"Going into 2024, our youth coalition is deeply committed to defeating fascist, right-wing extremism and the eventual Republican presidential nominee," the letter continues. "Young people are clear that the runaway extremism of abortion bans, threats to trans students, criminalization of immigrants, and the all-out assault on our climate are existential threats to our generation and generations to come."
However, when the Biden administration makes "bad decisions"—such as approving the Willow oil drilling venture and other fossil fuel projects, entertaining the revival of migrant family detentions, or otherwise "settling for the status quo"—it becomes "harder for us to get young people to the polls," the groups lamented. "That's why we need you to listen and co-govern with us if we're going to be able to mobilize the young voters we need to win."
The organizations implored Biden "to lead with our generation's values and policies at the forefront of your campaign and your next year in office," contending that his 2020 platform was essential to defeating former President Donald Trump—who is seeking the Republican nomination for 2024 despite facing various legal issues—and that progressive policymaking, particularly last summer, inspired the young voters who ultimately minimized the Democratic Party's losses in the 2022 midterms.
In the spring of 2022, "young voters were largely disillusioned with politics and were not excited to vote," states the letter. "That changed once you passed a historic climate bill, passed overdue gun safety legislation, and sought to cancel student loan debt—resulting in the second-highest youth midterm turnout in the past 30 years. Now, more than ever, we cannot abandon this two-part strategy—run on bold ideas young people can rally behind and have significant legislative victories to back them up."
"We urge you to not leave our generation behind as you build your new campaign. Do not take our generation for granted."
"Going into the 2024 presidential election, it is clear that our opponents are getting even more ruthless and extreme," the groups warned. "Across the country we've seen abortion bans, transgender bathroom bans, [and] book bans in schools imposed by Republican extremists. We've seen Republican electeds say they will do nothing to stop gun violence, expel those who disagree with them from office, and attempt to ban educational opportunities and threaten the livelihood of immigrants in our communities. They must be stopped."
"We urge you to not leave our generation behind as you build your new campaign," says the letter. "Do not take our generation for granted."
"We are a generation that grew up through crisis—from watching storms decimate our communities to practicing school shooter drills to living through a global pandemic," the letter adds. "Throughout all of these crises, young people have shown up to demand the transformational change the country needs. We are fighters for a better world. That will not change in 2024."
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Watch Lady Chatterley's Lover (2022) and then Read...
I absolutely loved Lady Chatterley's Lover (2022). I think it was a triumph of the female gaze, Emma Corrin being the Period Piece Pinch Hitter we all need in a post-Keira world, and fucking in the woods.
To be clear, the book is not a romance. It does not end unhappily (more like "to be continued", without any intention of a continuation and clarification) but it's not a romance. The movie, I would argue... is pretty close to being a romance, or just a romance outright. Joely Richardson looks at the camera and goes "this is a love story", and by God, who am I to question Joely Richardson (who also was Lady Chatterley once). It hits many of the classic notes of a historical romance novel--hardcore fucking and immediately having an existential crisis after, "my god, how could this constant unprotected sex I'm having result in a PREGNANCY???", a douchey rich guy who wants to publish his stupid novella.
After watching it, I wanted to go through my rolodex of books and throw up some recommendations for what to read after watching this movie and getting a bit. Interested.
I tried to focus on a) interclass dynamics or b) illicit affairs. Ideally both, but it's more about the vibe than the readalike nature.
The Leopard Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt. In many ways, a Lady Chatterley vibe without the annoying husband and *with* a murder mystery. Our heroine is a wealthy heiress who travels to an estate she recently inherited on her own, employing an experience steward to help her with the business side of things. And with the business side of things. Elizabeth Hoyt writes some of the best sex in the game, and there's a lot of great class conflict in this one.
Waking Up with the Duke by Lorraine Heath. A Lady Chatterley setup but with less class conflict and more *secrets*. The Duke of Ainsley, genteel and well-mannered, still feels real bad for that time he got into a carriage accident with his best friend, which resulted in said friend's permanent impotency. Friend asks Ainsley to pay him back by fucking his wife, Jayne, in order to ensure that she has the baby she's always wanted. Jayne is like "say what now", because she does in fact hold the accident against Ainsley, and Ainsley is all "I COULD NEVER--but if you're like... insisting..." because of course, he has always carried a torch for Jayne. A month of hot, angsty, "don't kiss me on the mouth" cottage sex ensues, and the emotional fallout for these idiots is MAGNIFICENT.
The Countess by Sophie Jordan. Not out yet, but put this one on your TBR because there is certainly a married lady discovering her sexuality in the arms of another man (wealthy, but of a different social class) around these parts. Out 3/28/23.
Between the Devil and Desire by Lorraine Heath. For the "this coarse man is lighting my ladylike fires" vibe. Our heroine is a recently widowed duchess with a young son, who comes to find out that--what the fuck--her husband left the guardianship of their child to a man she doesn't even fucking know. The hero grew up on the streets and has risen to become a successful club owner, but is still very much lower class. They move in together, and incredible sexual tension and heightened emotions ensue. TW: discussion of childhood sexual abuse.
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas. This might seem a bit left field at first, but I shall recommend it because a) there is a huge emphasis on class in this novel. Sara is not necessarily a hugely upper class lady, but she is a genteel lady, and Derek Craven's awareness of their social differences and his roughness against her softness is a huge part of their conflict in the first half of the book. B) sexual awakening is very emphasized in Sara's journey. C) Sara does have a boring fucking fiance who's like "Sara, it's okay if we aren't that into each other sexually" while Sara, having just gotten her titties sucked at a party, is like "UHHHHHH NO THAT IS NOT OKAY". D) Much like Oliver Mellors, Derek Craven suffers from "is very smart but sometimes we don't know what he's saying" syndrome.
Duchess by Day, Mistress by Night by Stacy Reid. Our heroine is another widowed duchess with a young son--but this time, she's on the hunt for the governess that ditched in a flash. She hires the coarse, lower class but nonetheless successful fixer in town to help her... And his price ends up being a bit more carnal than monetary. VERY illicit affairs dot mp3.
Notorious Pleasures by Elizabeth Hoyt. No class difference here, but we do have a lot of illicit sneaking around when our heroine begins sleeping with her betrothed's roguish brother--who might just fuck the rigid rule following sensibility right out of her.
Her Night with the Duke by Diana Quincy. A widow has a one night stand with a handsome stranger, only to discover that he's courting her stepdaughter. It's messy, it's angsty, it's hot, and I do believe there are some outdoor activities.
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its-avalon-08 · 8 months
lando norrix x reader part4
part 4 guys <;3 themes- enemies to lovers flirty interactions female Formula1 driver
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Chapter 4 - Laughter and Shadows
The post-race interviews buzzed with the usual whirlwind of questions and soundbites. Max, ever the stoic champion, dispensed his answers with practiced ease. Y/N, however, was a different story. Her playful banter with the reporters had the room in stitches, her genuine humor and quick wit disarming even the most jaded journalists.
"And Y/N," a reporter chimed, "that overtake on Leclerc for P2, absolutely textbook! Were you nervous at all?"
Y/N's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Oh, you know, just the usual pre-overtake existential crisis – should I go inside, outside, fake a pit stop? But then I remembered Charles probably wouldn't appreciate the pit maneuver in Monaco traffic, so inside it was!"
The room erupted in laughter, even Red Bull's resident stoic, Sergio Perez, cracking a smile. Y/N, unable to contain herself, burst into a fit of giggles, grabbing Checo's shoulder for balance. The gesture was casual, friendly, but to Lando, watching from the corner of the media pen, it felt like a branding iron searing his insides.
His jaw clenched, his fists bunched up under the interview table. The playful camaraderie between Y/N and Checo, the ease with which she touched him – it ignited a jealous rage within him that he couldn't explain. He knew Y/N and Checo were just teammates, colleagues, but the sight of them together twisted his gut with an emotion he couldn't name.
Max, meanwhile, watched the entire exchange with a raised eyebrow. He'd noticed Lando's simmering jealousy before, but this… this was a different kind of anger, darker, more possessive. It sent a shiver down his spine, a disquieting premonition of the chaos that might ensue.
"Next question, please?" Y/N's voice cut through the silence, her smile back in place, seemingly oblivious to the storm brewing in Lando's heart.
The interviews resumed, a seemingly innocuous exchange of soundbites and predictions. But beneath the surface, a tension crackled, a silent battle being waged in the shadows of the paddock. Lando's eyes burned with a dark fire, his focus shifting from the interviewer to Y/N and Checo, his smile becoming a strained mask.
Max, sensing the growing animosity, exchanged a wary glance with Y/N. They both knew the season was far from over, and the battle on the track was only a part of the story. The real challenge, the true test, would be navigating the treacherous landscape of jealousy, ambition, and the simmering darkness that threatened to consume them all.
As the media scrum dispersed, Max found Y/N alone, a thoughtful frown etched on her face. "You alright?" he asked, his voice low.
Y/N met his gaze, her smile fading. "I don't know, Maxy," she admitted. "There's something about Lando… it's different this time. I feel like he's changed. And holy fuck, its a little hot, but I/m just confused, what did i do?"
Max nodded, a sudden understanding in his eyes. "He's jealous, Y/N," he said bluntly. "Jealous of Checo stealing your laughs, maybe even something more."
Y/N shivered, a cold unease settling in her stomach. "More?" she echoed.
Max didn't answer, but his silence spoke volumes. The laughter and lightheartedness of the interviews felt miles away, replaced by a chilling premonition of the dangers that lurked beneath the surface. The battle for victory had just begun, and in this game, the stakes were higher than ever.
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doppelneer · 3 months
Yet Another Route Specific Form
I can't help the way I develop stories in my mind is akin to a choose your own adventure game or a twist a plot book. (Anybody out there know what I mean by twist a plot books btw? 👀)
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How did this happen?
Potential idea of what- was both Neer and Reen got violently ripped to peices by something while trying to keep a specific passed out crew member safe from it... Basically, both were on the verge of whatever is the spirit version of death is, and somehow what was left of both of them merged together because of both of their wills desperately wanted to protect that crew member from whatever attacked.
Didn't even notice what happened to themself(s) initially
Existential Crisis Ensues...
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Also these drawings are over a month old I had just discovered I never posted them even though I thought I did!!!!! ToT
I need to improve my organizational skills
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shippingmyworld · 2 months
Not really a writing prompt but I've been thinking about what would happen if tigerghost got their powers temporarily swapped. Let's say Jimmy recently invents a device that can do that and they gets asked to test it, saying it will be like some sort of team exercise. So now it's Manny with the ghost powers and Danny with the El Tigre belt and they have to teach eachother how to use the others powers. Hijinks and better understanding of life in eachother's shoes ensues yadda yadda yadda. I just want your take on that scenario. Heck, I might make art of that if I feel like it but who knows I actually need to practice drawing the first :P
Ohhhh this is a concept I've never thought of before. But the first thing that popped into my head was that Danny would be having an existential crisis about turning his bf into a ghost ("Oh my God, does this mean we killed my boyfriend?"). SpongeBob's gotta calm him down a bit while Jimmy works on reversing the power swap.
Meanwhile, Mannys having the time of his life being able to fly around and his prank game has never been greater (Jenny and Timmy end up being his victims for most of the day).
And yeah I think Mannys enjoyment of Danny's powers would totally give Danny another perspective and totally convince him to start enjoying himself a little more. Once the powers are swapped back, Danny would totally start parking the others around HQ just to make Manny laugh.
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starplusfourletters · 10 months
I read specter of the past (hand of thrawn book 1)
This turned into a liveblog srry
Me, reading the Thrawn trilogy: Okay obvi Mara/Luke is a slow burn
Me, skipping to the duology set 10 years later: GUYS YOU’RE LOSING DAYLIGHT
Oh no they have a passive aggressive “may the Force be with you” / “good luck” thing oh no I might ship it
Also the small existential crisis that ensues every time I remember Luke is (checks Wookieepedia) THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD. I cannot picture Luke Skywalker a day over 22 I think my brain would explode [actively represses the sequel trilogy]
This book is absolutely crawling with badass female smugglers and I’m living for it
Oooh proto-convor! [two pages later] OH NO PROTO-CONVOR DEATH ☹
Mara Jade, Force sensitive specializing in precognition, former Emperor’s Hand, second-in-command of the most powerful information dealing organization in the galaxy: Runs into a wall and spends the rest of the book knocked out
Lando “Could I Please Get Back to My Day Job It Has Been Two Decades” Calrissian. Just let the man mine in unlikely places it’s all he’s ever wanted
I got way too happy about the implication that the Imperial whose name I've forgotten figured out the tractor beam thing. He solved Science! Good for he!
Loving how everyone’s opinion on Karrde is basically “nice guy; sus that he insists on getting paid, though.” Like yes this is still a capitalist economy and he runs a business with a large number of employees
We interrupt your space fantasy to bring you a “Chicken Fried” music video with clone sleeper agents
Okay everybody place your bets is Car’das a secret brother, secret father, or ex-boyfriend (hype for some Karrde backstory and realizing the extent to which my brain has decided he and Kaz Brekker are the same person is Extensive)
Legit starting to feel sorry for Gilead “Sad Fascist Grandpa” Pellaeon. Somebody give this guy a peace treaty and a hug. Also more and more irked about No Prisoners why did that need a retcon
Really enjoyed the book’s interrogation of the premise “how do we actually make a galactic organization that includes cultures with mutually exclusive legal and ethical codes WITHOUT being fascist.” Felt very Trek. Actually went further toward radical inclusivity than Trek usually does; the Federation does have an element of “you must be this close to 20th-21st century American values to ride” which is its own kind of cultural imperialism and in this essay I will -
I simply cannot get enough of these books’ “protagonist stumbles, Kramer-like, into the Site of Maximal Galactic Importance Du Jour.” I will let you know when it stops being funny to me. Also really like how the villains are starting to learn to use it to their advantage; like yeah it DOES look like a conspiracy when you think about it
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ladygriffith · 5 months
Devilman: The origins of Berserk?
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Devilman is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. The manga focuses on a high school student named Akira Fudo who absorbs the powers of the demon called "Amon" with help of his friend Ryo Asuka in order to battle creatures hidden in human society, thus calling himself the "Devilman" in the process. 
Akira Fudo is a shy teenager who lives in his friend Miki Makimura's house as his parents work abroad.
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One day, Akira's childhood friend Ryo Asuka reveals to him that the Earth is about to be invaded by demons, monstrous beings hibernating for centuries in the ice who are about to resurface. According to Ryo, demons have lived on Earth before the appearance of man, and now they want to claim possession of it.
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The only way to defeat them is to take control of the demons' powers to fight them on equal terms. Ryo then involves his friend in a ritual called the Black Sabbath, an event where numerous demons plan to merge with humans to infiltrate society.
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During the Black Sabbath, Akira merges with Amon, a demon warrior both idolized and feared among his kind for his incredible strength. However, instead of Amon holding control over Akira, the latter's pure soul triumphed over that of Amon, bringing the demon to heel and creating Devilman.
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After fighting out of the Black Sabbath, Akira uses his demon persona to battle multiple enemies hidden in society.
Meanwhile, Ryo journeys back to the mansion where he informed Akira of the world of the demons, and finds an album about his life which states he died years ago in a car accident. During his ensuing existential crisis, Ryo is met by a group of demons led by the demoness Psycho Jenny, who informs him of the reality of his identity. 
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Ryo is Satan, a fallen angel who sympathized with the demons and turned on God for wanting to exterminate them. As part of Satan's plan to lead an all-out war on humanity, he had Psycho Jenny erase his memories and replace them with those of Ryo Asuka until the time when he was ready to begin the war. 
(Anime) Akira falls in love with Miki Makimura, and Devilman is tamed by his desire to protect her. (Beast of Darkness) Devilman resolves to defect from his orders, and from then on fights a slew of opponents sent by Zennon and his Demon Generals.
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During a television broadcast, Ryo reveals the existence of Devilmen to the public but does not differentiate them from demons when he shows footage of Akira's first transformation. This leads to a panic that causes humans to turn on each other worldwide. While Akira confronts Ryo for answers and learns the truth of his former friend's identity, a mob of humans kill Miki and her family for being associated with him.
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With Miki's death, Akira loses faith in humanity before vowing to get revenge on Satan. 
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When asked by Zennon about why he wanted Akira to survive humankind's extinction by becoming a Devilman, Satan implies that the reason is because he loved Akira and wanted to protect him. 
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During their final battle, the Devilmen are wiped out by the demons and Satan kills Akira.
Griffith to Guts: “I will choose the place where you die”
Reflecting on his actions, Satan realizes what he did to humankind was no different from what God did to demons, and as he feels regret, God's angels descend upon the Earth.
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The series was originally ordered by Toei Animation as a toned-down anime version of Nagai's previous manga series, Demon Lord Dante. 
Here, Ryo meets Medusa (like Slan), who takes him into that past using time travel. Medusa reveals Ryo that God is an energy-based monster (Idea of Evil) God wanted Earth inhabitants' bodies.
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smilesatdawnmain · 9 months
Here’s a challenge! I dare you to explain the entire LMK show/lore 😈
... (clears throat)
There was a kid who delivered noodles for his boss/dad.
Kid found a magic stick
Kid ran away from others who wanted stick
Kid's best, Dragon girl, saves kid
Kid, dragon girl, and family go on trip to protect the world
Kid's family is also possible the reincarnations of a story that kid really loves, but we won't touch on that more and only drop hints until season 3
Kid found original owner of stick, a cheeky monkey who caused a LOT of problems in the past
Monkey taught kid how to use stick.
Kid, now hero, often picks fight with "evil rival" Red Boy
Monster of the week montage for a while
The monkey's ex's keep showing up and ruining the kid and monkey's fun. This involves another monkey, a spider, and probably a lion but we'll get to that.
Red boy helps defeat spider. Friendship kind of confirmed?
Ice witch shows up. Witch doesn't like the monkey.
Ice witch not fun
Poor innocent girl gets possessed by witch
Monkey leaves due to witch. He's got an issue with leaving. Doesn't inform kid of the danger
Kid struggles.
Kid really struggles.
Doesn't tell friends and family of struggle. (Might have learned this habit from Monkey)
Witch wants the stick.
Monster of the week filled with witch building her evil scheme
Monkey picks fight with roller blading god child
Monkey "breaks a few eggs to make an omlette" and almost kills himself and roller blading god child to get a magical scroll
Monkey realises kid is in danger from witch
Monkey shows back up but is too late to save stick but saved kid.
Kid, Monkey, Family and friends go on journey to defeat the witch.
Both monkey and kid are week and need time to build power back up
Other monkey, witch's current unwilling puppet, is in hot pursuit.
Kid needs to collect three rings for an abstract super weapon while also avoiding other monkey.
Rings are hidden in strange locations invovling cooking, singing, and having a sleep over with Red Boy
Monkey, is little help during this time.
Monkey not good at communicating. Often an issue.
Monkey has a deep secret about a fourth ring
Opts to wait until last minute to reveal this. Choas ensues
Roller blading god child appears and has a bone to pick with monkey
Other Monkey also appears and beats the snot out of Everyone~
Kid's bestie, dragon girl, gets unimaginable power due to lack of monkey communication.
Dragon girl is fourth ring. Yay~
Dragon girl is abstract super weapon now
Other Monkey is freed from Witch's control, but dragon girl runs off as she is a walking time bomb
Monkey called out for his many mistakes
Monkey leaves in shame to take on witch alone. This is also a mistake.
Kid goes after monkey with roller blading god child
Too late to save monkey.
Monkey becomes puppet to witch and almost kills kid
Roller blading god child sees no break and is pummeled into the ground.... but he's okay...
Red Boy appears and helps dragon Girl with "Some fire trainig~!" and off screen training montage
Kid tracks down dragon girl, accidentally leading possessed monkey to her, and dragon girl is captured.
Kid regroups with family with Red boy at his side.
Family quietly panicking over an existential crisis that they are the reincarnated allies of Monkey from the past
...But there is a witch to focus on so put that to the back burner!
Other Monkey, for some reason a friend now, agrees to save monkey and the world with kid.
This... doesn't go well for other monkey
But Monkey is saved regardless
Red Boy inspires dragon girl and she escapes!
Family unlocks OP "friendship is magic" cinematic final attack
Witch is gone~
Kid is traumatized by Witch's last words.
Kid, trying to live a normal life and not be crushed by his guilt that all these problems are his fault, finds weird scroll.
Monkey gets eaten by scroll and trapped.
Kid's family also gets eaten and trapped.
A lion shows up. Probably another of Monkey's ex's. (unconfirmed)
Lion plays nice guy. Helps with scroll.
Long trip through scroll and the past
Finally talk about family being reincarnated old friends of monkey, but they are their own people now and will not be held down by the past
Kid tormented by shadow version of self/curse of the scroll
Kid questions life and lack of knowledge on his own life
Lion not so nice.
Kid might be a monkey too? (unconfirmed)
Kid and family escape the scroll. Monkey still trapped though.
Lion is a "good guy" that uses backwards logic and goals
Lion frees his criminal friends a bird and a elephant
Elephant is cool, bird not so much
Lion and evil co go to retrieve others and reform the world
Kid leaves to find himself
Kid is sad and going through existential crisis
Dragon girl and family going through training montage
Other monkey finds kid gives backward advice and cheers up kid
Kid saves dragon girl and family
Roller blading god kids down for the count again- give this guy a break
Big Jade god is killed and Lion becomes all powerful
...Also unstable...
Kid goes back into scroll with other monkey to find monkey
Kid witnessing monkey and other monkey break up (Platonic break up... probably....)
Monkey sad.
Kid gives pep talk
Monkey okay now
Monkey officially retrieved!
Battle plan commences. Plan made- surprisingly followed
Lion appears and gets whooped by a cheeky and unconfirmed cheeky monkey first day on the job
Kid, probably- like, definitely a monkey and possible Harbinger of Choas
Lion regrets actions just a little too late
World is saved but at the cost of the lion
Beach celebration to cheer victory! Friends and old enemies all invited!
Other monkey and monkey kind of bonding and reconnecting
Evil outside force mentioned- the monkeys both know something...
are still terrible at communicating
The end~
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In one of the longer posts -likely the Moe ask- I mentioned that sometime later in the series Moe tells Lois she reminds him of the employees at the company, making the connection of her being a robot, and the company and human employees being robotic themselves.
But I thought of a double meaning it could have…
If I have not mentioned it before, Lois is a Lou clone. More specifically, a robot that was present in the robot factory that just roamed around and observed.
Imagine if one of the employees at the company used Moe all the time. She would research stuff pretty much every day. Sometimes she would even fool around just to stay with the computer.
Now imagine Lois pre detective observing this employee and, likely, Moe too. Maybe out of adoration, she eventually wants to become like her.
As I write this I got another idea too: what if this employee doubles as a human detective, and that’s what inspired Lois to get her start too?
After that the events of the shutdown happen, chaos ensues, modern day.
In this version, I think after all those years of observing, Lois literally copied the personality of that employee.
Hence, it leads to the double meaning with Moe’s statement. Not only does her obvious robot nature remind him of the robotic company, but her more “human” edge reminds him of the employee who used to use him all the time.
I chose this (slightly complex) route because I think 1) it’s more compelling than the human turned to robot schtick and 2) even with a lack of pain in her backstory it opens up the door for an existential crisis in the future, her wondering if her entire personality, and eventually her entire self, is a lie. As per usual, The Horrors.
I know I really should polish this but what do you guys think? :)
Tagging @esteebarnes94 @papercutzo and @geuretea, as per usual.
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demigods-posts · 1 year
headcanon that annabeth sleep talks, but instead of random nonsense or cute shit, it'll be the most profound thing anyone has ever said or the most gruesome of threats.
*percy is watching tv while annabeth is asleep next to him*
annabeth, asleep: *starts mumbling*
percy, aware that his girlfriend sleep talks: whatcha thinking of, wise girl?
annabeth, still asleep: every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance.
percy: *existential crisis ensues*
*percy reaches over annabeth and grabs his phone off the nightstand. he accidentally elbows annabeth in the forehead*
percy: shit, my bad
annabeth, dead asleep: if you wake me, i'll rip out your uvula and feed it to you
percy: *afraid for his life*
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