#exo cbx fluff
avianyuh · 6 months
Dating Baekhyun
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Would constantly be singing
Around the house
In the car
You'd hear him singing while he was taking a shower
And you never complain because...have you HEARD that man sing?
Baekhyun make you laugh all of the time
Not very serious
The type to crack jokes if you were venting to him about a bad day
Especially if you started to cry
I think he'd be a great hugger
Gives the warmest, safest feeling hugs
Just a total sweetheart all around
Constantly cooks for you
He loves to eat so he'd love cooking with you and for you
Baekhyun would love to go out to eat or get takeout
Always wants to try new places
Plays video games with you
If that's what you like to do in your free time, that's how you'd spend your weekends
You'd be each other's support systems.
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Dunno why but I get he sense he'd be a 'sub'
Like he just seems like a really soft person, doesn't seem like the bossy type lmao
Here's my proof:
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Is this the face of a dom?
I don't think so
ALL of the affection and attention that could possibly be given...WILL be given
Will be shy after
Like I mentioned earlier, he will crack jokes during and after
A/N: Sorry this was kind of short, still feeling a bit blocked. I have another month of classes and have some exams coming up so posts might be a bit behind. I'll probably be back up and running by May. BUT that doesn't mean I won't be posting. I'll probably do more of these BF posts since they're quick to write and you guys seem to like them.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
[Idols After Dark] The Darks Side of Byun Baek Hyun (EXO)
You can see this as a reversed version of usual appreciation posts where fans describe all the good and positive sites of their favourite idols. However, nobody in the world is perfect, am I right? And according to famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung we should accept, embrace and bring to light all our negative and dark sites as well because they only become dangerous for us if they stay hidden within our souls. And to honour this great man I decided to bring to the light some of the more negative aspects of an idol's personality to appreciate them in a way.  
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Are you excited? Are you curious? Are you outraged because idols have no flaws at all? Let's see!
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Disclaimer: I have never met any of the idols or celebrities in person, I don't know them in any other way than what is publicly known about them and probably even less because I'm constantly busy and I didn't read everything about them. This whole post is based on my pure speculation, it was made for entertainment purposes and I have to put it clear it has nothing to do with real people. It's all just a mere fiction, please don't take any of it seriously. You have every right to disagree with anything written in this text and I welcome all kinds of constructive and respectful criticism, please feel free to express your opinions in the comments or request inbox. All I ask is to keep it civil and decent. I thank  all of you in advance! 
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Byun Baekhyun is a very talented and popular artist. He’s celebrated success as a member and vocal of EXO, same as in his solo career. He’s well respected and deserves to be admired by all means. However, nobody is perfect and the same applies to Baekhyun.
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Many fans know about Baekhyun’s playfulness and high energy with which he approaches his life. Taken to extreme, he might become inconsistent and unpredictable which can be problematic when dealing with serious issues. Sometimes he can become irresponsible when the matter at hand doesn’t seem exciting enough for him. He can easily grow impatient and drop projects simply because he loses interest. Baekhyun is a positive person but he might have tendencies to carelessness and treating things lightly.
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Baekhyun is known for being a ray of sunshine but sometimes he might slip into laziness when his tasks seem dull. He will avoid them and ignore them because he’s not interested and he will hope somebody else will take care of them. Even when initially enthusiastic and eager about something, he can lose the drive quickly sometimes when the project loses its charm to him. Anything that’s predictable and dull makes Baekhyun bored and uninterested. He doesn’t like to be part of the crowd when it comes to his style but at the same time he wants to be popular and loved by others which pushes him towards following the common taste. This disbalance and friction might make him feel guilty or ashamed whenever he gives in to the common taste. The fact he has tendencies towards materialism, wanting beautiful and trendy things, living a luxurious life, only make it more difficult for him to resist the temptation of following the crowd.
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While Baekhyun can easily pick up on the moods of others and become a mood maker, his own feelings and emotions are way harder for him to read. He might have problems understanding himself which inevitably transfers into his impression that he’s actually misunderstood by others, that nobody can truly get what he thinks and feels. While he might not like to admit it, Baekhyun is very emotional and sometimes he might get blinded by his feelings and make haste decisions in the heat of the moment which he might regret later on. Sometimes he doesn’t think things through properly and get disappointed and frustrated when the outcome is not as he imagined. In general, Baekhyun has tendencies to fire up easily. He’s got quite a temper and can get infuriated when things are not going the way he wanted them to do. The fact he’s slightly confused by his own emotions and feelings can lead to struggling making decisions. If he’s not rushing into something due to his fiery mood, he can get stuck on one pesky issue for ages.
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It’s no surprise that keeping up with Baekhyun can be difficult. He can act erratically and unpredictably, you never know what will catch his interest or upset him. Honestly, he doesn’t really know either most of the time. Baekhyun is living fast and he can get really irritated by people who take a long time to act or beat around the bush in discussion. He’s likely to prefer direct and plainly speaking people around him. It’s also safer that way because Baekhyun can suffer from fear of betrayal and honest people are less likely to lie to him or manipulate him. He might sometimes get an impression he’s got bad luck, slipping into gloominess when he believes nothing goes well in his life but only until the moment when something new excites him. However dealing with his bad mood can be a lot to handle for the people around him.
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Talking about his relationships, Baekhyun can fall in love easily. However, he truly dislikes being pushed in love or towards commitment. It’s not recommended to rush Baekhyun when it comes to romance. He’s a carefree person and will enjoy all the fun and sweetness of dating but can truly struggle to commit to a serious relationship due to his previously mentioned fear of betrayal. While Baekhyun loves a good heated dispute with his lover (or in general, really), sometimes he can slip into domestic strife and arguments which are way less fun. It can create a tense atmosphere, which is hard to get over for many days to come, especially because it feels uncomfortable and Baekhyun will prefer to ignore it rather than work on a solution.
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All in all, Baekhyun is a fantastic man to have around… as long as he’s in a good mood. The best of artists are, however, often sensitive and emotional people, it’s a part of their greatness.
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baekxytocin · 2 years
100 Days My Prince - Part 1
Part 1 – 100 Days Left, Dear Bad Prosecutor
D.O. and Reader
‘He wants to improve himself, before coming back home’
383 words
“You know, it's quite strange how other people can see him on the street while I can't see him on a daily basis. He's not going to the camp, he can just go home, but he insisted on staying in the camp. Do you know why?” You wonder and keep wondering.
“People saw him on the street because he does social work as well. Plus, I guess he wanted to make full use of the remaining 100 days, perfecting himself before seeing you. He wants to improve himself, before coming back home" D.O. tries to console you.
“Perfect? I don't want a perfect person, I want someone who has a lot of flaws so that we can work together, improve together, and then become one, one couple, one household. Like you guys. We Are One, EXO. No?” You are still in doubt about what he said.
He chuckles. “I agree with you. But don't worry. Let him be for now. In my opinion, when we let him work and improve himself, giving him space and time, he will be more appreciative of it. Try not to worry too much. Positive thinking" you finally see the truth behind his words.
“By the way….”
You are in shock at how close he is to you at the moment. “What are you doing?”
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“Can I like you too? I mean, well…. We still have 100 days to go. He doesn’t have to know” his smirk surprised you, and you know what he wants, but you remain your composure.
“I’m not sure what you mean here. Are you trying to practice your line for your new drama? I’m in. What line do you need me to be? The other prosecutor? The hacker? The investigator? The villain? Who?” you acted along while grinning.
He scoffs. “Unbelievable. So, you think I am really a bad prosecutor?”
“Well, depends.”
He scoffs again. “Forget what you hear just now. See you again, I’m going home” D.O. ended the conversation before excusing himself home.
“Yeah, I suppose that's still correct. D.O. is right. I shouldn't cling unto him too much. Need some alone time too…. I just hope he calls or at least, leaves a message; silence makes me nervous and anxious" you talk to yourself before continuing to do other work.
To be continued….
Uploaded on: 28th October 2022
Note: I may not be uploading as a daily countdown, but I'll try.
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reiderwriter · 10 months
Musical Milestone Masterlist 🎶
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Thank you to everyone who participated in my small weekend challenge! It was a lot of fun writing these small drabbles! Like I said in the announcement post, in the New Year, I'll be doing some more Song Fics with reader interactions, so if you didn't get to request this time, don't fret! ❤️
Fluff ♡ || Smut ◇ || Angst ♤
More Than A Woman by Bee Gees ◇
Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray ♡♧
Kill Bill by SZA ◇
What It Is (Block Boy)(feat. Kodak Black) by Doechii ◇
Marry You by SHINee ◇
Time Lapse by NCT 127 ◇
Back 2 U (AM 01:27) by NCT 127 ♧
Good Boy Gone Bad by TXT ◇
Only One For Me by BTOB ◇
Cupid (Twin ver.) by Fifty-Fifty ♡
Anti Romantic by TXT ♧◇
Try Again by Jaehyun and D.ear ◇
Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift ◇
Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter ◇
Movie Star by CIX ◇
As It Was by Harry Styles (covered by Seungkwan of Seventeen) ◇
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic cover by Sleeping At Last ♡
Blooming Day by EXO CBX ♡
I hope you liked all the fics ❤️ Happy Reading! ✨️
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
BLOOMING DAY (s.hanbin)
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sung hanbin x f!reader
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synopsis . . . never in his life hanbin would have expected to be rejected by anyone or anything. so, the day you rejected him with flowers, asking him to pay 12$ for the said rejection, he kind of lost it. alternatively, sung hanbin trying to make you fall in love with him after you broke his heart (and his perfect love record).
featuring . . . zerobaseone members, some kep1er members, some boys planet trainees
genre . . . (sm)au, college au, fluff, my broken sense of humor, mf who just wants to sell flower x mf who can't accept rejection to lovers ig.....
warnings . . . none for the moment, will be added if there's anything!!
status . . . starting on the first of june 2023.
taglist open <3 (if you want me to add you, send an ask so i can make sure i saw it!!) . . . @cherriegyu @kpoprhia @vhshyk @hikyeom @mins-fins @juyomiao @dwcljh @invuwrld @beomibeom @sulkygyu @lycheae @huipinkhair @luvseok1e @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @harus-simp @zhounauts @jiaant11 @articxari @jebiwon @mashihope @taerrrrrae @ilovechanhee @ahnneyong @seok02 @honghongbri @justemalove @mposkyje @zhanghaoed @ihrtgw @partiallyderived @hanbinzfile @aesthetic-aryavartik @shentlngz @gyujaehyun
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profiles 1 | 2 | 3
teaser . . .
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masterlist . . .
day one
day two
day three
day four
day five
day six
day seven
day eight
day nine
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byuntrash101 · 1 year
exo masterlist
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disclaimer: everything is smut, mdni. everything is idol x fem!reader
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✲ byun baekhyun
INCUBUS: COMING OF AGE 🍭| 10.1k - 2 parts
it’s true… you’re in love with your boss: the brilliant doctor park chanyeol. one night you’re woken up by his sweet kisses and bites… This should be a dream come true right? Then why does something feels off about him? ↳ SMUT | DomIncubus!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU
PARAPHILIA| 30k - 9 parts
1 man; 9 kinks. In each chapter you and your boyfriend Baekhyun explore a new layer of kink. ↳ SMUT; ANGST; FLUFF | HardDom!Baekhyun; Sub!Baekhyun x Reader | EstablishedRelationship!AU; one shot collection
BAEKHYUNIE, DON'T LEAVE ME | 35k - 6 parts
Don't trust anything in this story. Don't trust the cute bright cover, don't trust the handsome playful flirty barista and do not trust the cute innocent timid girl. ↳ SMUT; ANGST | Dom!Baekhyun x Reader | Mafia!AU, Yandere!AU; action; series
DEAL WITH IT | 10.6k - 2 parts
Who would have known that a little discipline was all your selfish fuckboy ex needed to turn into the most obedient little puppy? ↳ SMUT; ANGST | FuckBoy!Sub!Baekhyun x Dom!Reader | Ex!AU, Revenge!AU; two shot
Working at KBS is fun and exciting especially when EXO-CBX is having their debut stage. ↳ SMUT | Dom!Baekhyun x Reader | Idol!AU; one shot
When Baekhyun comes home very late from work his mood can be described with three words: tired, tipsy and horny. ↳ SMUT | GentleDom!Baekhyun x Brat!Reader | EstablishedRelationship!AU, one shot
Even if it’s a lie, you love the way he looks at you when he says “I love you”. ↳ SMUT; ANGST | Switch!Baekhyun x Reader | Ex!AU, AbusiveRelationship!AU, one shot
TRUMP CARD🍭 | 4.9k
It’s game night with the boys and like often you decide to tag along with your boyfriend Baekhyun. But when money and alcohol is involved, the only thing missing is sex. ↳ SMUT; | Dom!Baekhyun; Dom!Chanyeol x Reader | Relationship!AU
"I know your sense of honour forbids you to withdraw your parole. I know you will quietly sit in the corner and clench your fists while I fuck your girlfriend senseless." ↳ SMUT; ANGST | HardDom!Baëkhyun; HardDom!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU, SuperPower!AU, Obsession!AU, X-EXO, one shot
Everything is boring when you’re an immortal being like Baekhyun. But that is about to change when the other Six of the Seven Sins talk to him about an unbreakable righteous and virtous girl that was just ordained nun… Wouldn’t make God himself a cuckold be the greastest achievement yet for the Sin of Lust ? ↳ SMUT | DomSinOfLust!Baekhyun; x Nun!Reader | Fantasy!AU, one shot
THE HEIR | 4.5k
Deseperate times call for deseperate measures when your Kingdom still needs an heir. ↳ SMUT | Sub!Servant!Baekhyun x Dom!Queen!Reader | Royalty!AU; Western Europe Renaissance Period, one shot
4AM IN JUNE| 2.1k | pride 2021 🏳️‍🌈
Transitioning is hard. But your amazing boyfriend has been there every single step of the way. But… what if somehow… He’s had enough of you? ↳ SMUT; FLUFF | SoftDom!Baekhyun x FTMTrans!Reader | Domestic!AU, slice of life, one shot
FOREVER HOME | 7.5k | halloween 2021 🎃
You’re all alone, tired and broken by a fate that keeps trying to bring you to your knees. But you somehow find comfort in the lonely middle aged man living next door. Can Mr Byun resurrect your shallow and empty soul? ↳ SMUT; ANGST | DomSupernaturalCreature!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU, horror, gore, NON CON, one shot
Collection of requested drabbles revolving around zodiac dynamics to celebrate the 350 follower milestone (i luv u guys) ↳ SMUT; FLUFF | ZodiacSign!Exo x ZodiacSign!Reader | Domestic!AU, slice of life, drabble collection
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cloudbersoo · 1 year
easy for you to say|sung hanbin
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synopsis: what happens when bloom dance academy's golden boy sung hanbin needs a new duet partner and y/n is the only one available? 
or; will y/n be able to fall in love with dance again? perhaps they'll fall for someone in the process.
tags: sung hanbin x gn!reader, dancer au, fluff, attempt at angst, insecure reader, miscommunication, happy ending, featuring: zb1 matthew and jiwoong, twice momo, exo kai, itzy yeji, ryujin and chaeryeong!!
word count: 5.4k
a/n: this whole fic was inspired by the ‘i like that’ dance hanbin recreated on weekly idol. i’ve never been more attracted to a man in my life, so here is a very self indulgent fic i wrote!! also this is barely proofread, so sorry for any grammar mistakes! hihi enjoy
my playlist while writing: easy for you to say & bleach by 5sos, sugarcoat (natty solo) by kiss of life, thanks to by woodz, blooming day by exo-cbx, anywhere but home by seulgi
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i. that’s not good
every dancer has their bad days. but when those bad days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months, suddenly your entire dance season has been nothing but awful. that’s how your previous season went, and this year hasn’t been any different either. you weren’t chosen for any of the small groups this year for any competition. you didn’t even dare to dream of a solo, even when you had one just a few years ago.
you used to be at the top, one of the coaches favourites. you’ve danced at bloom dance academy since you were three, and had gained a good reputation at the studio over the years. though, now that seems so far in the past. you were in a deep slump, one that you couldn’t get out of no matter how much you practiced. you think you’d do anything to love dancing again the way you used to. 
you were currently at the studio, waiting for the full group rehearsal to start, while one of the small groups was going over their dance with coach momo. you were sitting in a corner alone, while others were socialising or going through other dances on their own. your eyes were completely fixated on one particular dancer, one that probably made you more insecure than any other – sung hanbin.
hanbin was basically your complete opposite. he only started dancing in middle school, and joined bloom dance academy only last season. everyone around him loved him, and rightfully so, as hanbin was truly amazing. his body control and facial expressions were something you could only dream of right now. his skills didn’t come out of nowhere though, everyone knew how hard he worked. and unlike you, his hard work paid off.
looking at hanbin made you feel horrible about yourself, but you couldn’t look away. he was so mesmerising to you, the way he carried himself through choreography, and how he helped those around him. you were in too deep thought to notice a couple of your teammates approaching you. it took for one of them to speak for you to finally notice your friends. “y/n, did you hear about yeji?” your teammate matthew asked you as he sat down next to you. 
“no i haven’t, did something happen?” you responded, finally taking your eyes off of hanbin. you noticed besides matthew, chaeryeong and ryujin had approached you. “she injured her knee really badly at practice yesterday, she’s still at the doctors, they’re trying to figure out what’s wrong” chaeryeong opened up, clearly worried for her friend. injuries at this point of the season were the worst, but they happen every time. last year jiwoong dislocated his elbow a week before competition and all formations had to be redone.
“that doesn’t sound too good” you said, taking a sip from your water bottle. yeji won’t recover in time for the competition in four weeks, you assumed. not only will you have to redo all the formations for the full group performance and for her small group, your team will need a new female soloist and a duet partner for hanbin as well. “yeah, she’s out” ryujin confirmed your suspicions. “momo asked me for the solo, but i don’t think i can do it” she continued, brushing her hand through her hair. 
“i feel so bad for yeji, but at least there's a little more time than last year” matthew said in an attempt to lighten the mood. his comment did get a few chuckles out of you. 
after a moment of silence, ryujin spoke once again. “how about you y/n? could you do the solo?” ryujin asked a question that almost made you laugh. “coach would never even consider me, and… i don’t even have anything ready” you replied lowering your head in shame. it was true though, you were probably the last person momo would consider as yeji’s replacement for anything.
“okay guys! let’s start going over the new formations!” your coach declared, clapping her hands to get the whole room's attention.
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ii. y/n coming to the rescue!
you were exhausted, just like everyone else in the room. your coach had said “one more time” at least ten times tonight, but finally practice had officially come to an end. today’s rehearsal had gladly eased most people's minds from yeji’s injury. however, you could only worry about your own performance, as today’s practice had barely helped you improve at all. you were packing your stuff, as you heard your coach calling your name. “hey y/n, could i talk to you for a second?” momo asked.
your mind could only think of the worst. momo was going to tell you that you’re cut from the full group completely, because you can’t get your shit together. it made sense, today’s new formations were going to look better with one less dancer, and obviously you were the first in line to go. you tried to hide your nervousness, answering her with a hum. you stuffed the last of your things into your bag and walked to your coach. “yeah, is this about the full group?” you went straight to the point.
“actually no” she started, sitting down on a chair. you were relieved, but only partly, as you had no idea where the conversation was going. “it’s about yeji’s and hanbin’s duet” momo continued, your coach visibly stressed. you could only imagine what had been going through her head the past 24 hours since yeji’s injury. she let out a loud sigh. “y/n i know you’ve had quite rough year, but i think it could be a great challenge for you”
“what do you mean? sorry coach, i’m not following” you questioned. she couldn't possibly be offering you a spot in a duet, let alone one with hanbin.
“you should do the duet with hanbin, i think you could handle it” momo said hopefully. she took your hands into hers, looking at you with pleading eyes. it was almost working, but something in you couldn't agree to it. you couldn’t possibly handle the duet, not when someone else could do a much better job than you. “i don’t know momo…” you responded.
“hanbin! please convince her to do the duet with you” momo suddenly said, her eyes leaving yours. while your talk with the coach, you had failed to notice the presence of hanbin behind you. you freed yourself from momo’s hold as you turned around to see the boy. “i just think someone else would be a much better match for the duet, i’ve seen it myself” you tried to reason.
“no! i think you’d be perfect!” hanbin said, which felt like an exaggeration to you. truthfully, you’d love to do a duet with someone so amazing as hanbin, you would be dumb not to, but your insecurities were holding you back. the duet was difficult, and with the little time you had, you weren’t sure if you could pick it up. few years ago it would’ve been easy, but now you weren’t so sure. “c’mon y/n, i need you” he begged. 
“you don’t have any other dances besides the full group, so you’ll have enough time to rehearse” momo added. you looked at both of them, the two of them looking at you hopefully. while you still didn't quite understand why they were so determined to get you to do the duet, you were beginning to yield to them.
“well, when would we start then?” you asked carefully. your words made both of them squeal out of joy. hanbin wrapped his hands around you and squished you into a hug. “thank you thank you thank you” he rejoiced, spinning you around in the air. you weren’t sure if this was going to work, but having people who believed in you definitely helped.
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iii. cries and confessions
the duet was not going well, at least not as well as it should be at this point. you had rehearsed for almost a week with hanbin, and while you had picked up some of the choreography, most of it was still not clicking for you. hanbin had been more than patient with you, but his patience wasn’t getting you that far.
you groaned out of frustration for the thirtieth time in the past hour. you were having difficulty with your footwork for a fast part in the choreography, and no matter how many times hanbin went slowly over it, you were not getting the timing right. “y/n it’s okay, you’ll get it eventually” he tried comforting you once again. you sighed, wiping the sweat off your forehead. “no hanbin, i’m not getting it” you snapped back, your words coming out much harsher than you intended. “i’m sorry, i just- i hate that i can’t seem to get anything right” you apologised, covering your face with your hands out of embarrassment. 
“do you wanna talk about it?” he asked carefully. you’ve been asked this question many times over the past two years. your teammates, momo, your parents, even the studio head, jongin had asked you if you needed to talk about whatever mental block you were going through. but you never did, because there wasn’t anything to talk about, at least that’s how you felt, and you told hanbin that. “you sure? i mean there’s clearly something going on… i get it if you don’t want to talk to me about it, but i’m here for you if you need me” he responded to you.
“what would you even know? you joined the studio after my good days” you mumbled, choosing to sit down onto the dance floor, not expecting hanbin to hear you. the boy sat down next to you, sitting close to you, your shoulders almost touching. the close proximity shouldn’t have made your heart race the way it did, at least not after dancing so close to each other for hours to an end for the past week.
“i saw your solo couple years ago at a competition, and i thought you were amazing” he confessed. hanbin was looking at you delicately, his words filled with sincerity. you never thought someone so skilled and awesome dancer like hanbin would ever say something like that to you. “you’re pretty much the reason i'm here, at bloom” he continued, his words making you speechless. “i mean, if the studio had someone as cool as you, the teachers must be something too” hanbin kept rambling, getting slightly shy over his confession, his cheeks flushed. 
hanbin’s confession made you feel appreciated and sad at the same time. your eyesight was getting blurry from the tears that were about to break through. “well, that was me few years ago” you started, trying your hardest not to start crying in front of him. you locked eyes with him and he was looking at you with sorrowness. “and this is me now, someone that can barely keep up with everyone” your voice cracked, tears finally sliding down your cheeks. 
hanbin didn’t say anything after that. he wrapped his hand around shoulders, lowering your head to rest on his chest. he just held you as you sobbed. it was slightly uncomfortable, the two of you were still sweaty from practice, but you couldn’t care about that for now. you were starting to calm down as hanbin stroked your arm up and down. you brought your hands to wipe out your tears, apologising to the boy for drenching his shirt even more. “i’m just wasting our time by crying like this” you said.
“it’s okay y/n, you know, sometimes letting your emotions out can help you to move on” hanbin claimed, smiling softly at you. letting go of your shoulder, he brushed some of your hair behind your ear. “should we end practice for today? i could drive you home if you’d like” the boy suggested.
“i think i’d rather walk and cool down a little, but thanks” you gave hanbin a weak smile and started getting up. he seemed to take your word, as he got up as well and started cleaning up the practice room with you. the room was filled with comfortable silence, and you were glad you had someone like hanbin to rely on.
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iv. nothing happened!
after your heart to heart with hanbin, rehearsals had started to go much smoother. some days were better than others, but at least you weren’t pouring out your frustration onto him. aside from a few lifts, you two had finished the whole choreography, and you felt good about it. even momo was pleased with your work, after you had shown her your progress. while the duet was still far from perfect, you and hanbin were confident you could do well at the competition. 
hanbin had also become more friendly with you over the past few weeks. he always greeted you with a hug, asked how you were doing, and kept insisting on driving you home after you were done, which was something you could no longer deny. he’d come up to you during practice if he ever noticed you frustrated, cheering you up and giving you much needed advice, while also offering to refill your water bottle. thanks to hanbin, you were slowly starting to enjoy dance again, and you think you’ll be forever grateful to him for that.
it was late friday night, only you and hanbin were left at the studio. hanbin had convinced you to stay for another hour to practice one of the lifts for your duet. while you thought it would be safer to practice with momo around, hanbin assured you he wouldn’t let you get hurt. so there you were, forty minutes later, probably at your hundred attempt of the lift. you had never been the best at any tricks or lifts, and at this point you didn’t think you'd ever quite get them.
however, hanbin was determined to get the lift right before you went home. “it’s not that hard y/n” he said, his hands on both sides of your hips. there was no hint of impatience in his voice, while he looked at you with such care. “easy for you to say, mr. i’m perfect at everything” you teased, getting a laugh out of him.
“hey! none of that!” he scolded you with a pout. “just trust me, i’m gonna catch you no matter what, okay?” he continued, squeezing your hips for reassurance. you only nodded, and on the count of three, hanbin lifted you in the air again. everything was going well, until you felt one of your hands slip, and the next moment you were laying on top of habin on the floor.
his hands were tightly wrapped around your body, and you could feel his heart beating fast into his chest. hanbin’s face was mere centimetres away from yours. “oh my god! are you okay?” you worried, trying to get off of him, but his grip only tightened. the act made you stop in your tracks, your cheeks warming up. “h-hanbin” you stuttered, now worried the boy had hit his head or something. 
“see? i said i wasn’t going to let you hit the floor” he only laughed. sighing out of relief, you brushed his bangs out of the way of his eyes. hanbin looked beautiful, even when he was all worn out from the hours of practice. you’ve always thought so, but now seeing it up close you were certain about it. he smiled at you, showing off his famous whisker dimples. you smiled back, as your hands laid against his chest. you noticed his eyes travelling down your face, to your lips, and at that moment you couldn’t stop yourself from hesitantly leaning into him. 
“oh sorry, didn’t know you guys were still here” you heard a voice coming from the door. being snapped back to reality, hanbin finally let go of you. you standed up and helped hanbin to do the same, the two of you now recognizing the person that had entered the room as jiwoong. “did i interrupt something?” his voice was filled with amusement. 
“no not at all, we were just about to finish” hanbin’s whole face and neck hued the colour pink, as he spitted out the biggest lie of his life.
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v. flirting 101
you couldn’t stop thinking about hanbin all weekend, how the two of you almost kissed if only jiwoong hadn’t interrupted you. when did you even start liking him? 
while you could’ve just texted him, you never found the right thing to send. what were you supposed to say to him? you thought about asking for advice from some of your teammates but eventually decided against it, knowing they wouldn’t have anything smart to say. you could almost hear chaeryeong’s teasing words just thinking about it. 
you had yet to find time to rehearse your duet together, as hanbin needed time to practice his solo. you had tried to talk to him multiple times, but snitched out last second each time, claiming that it was only because you couldn’t bother him at the moment. in reality, you felt nervous around him. you don’t remember the last time you’ve felt this way towards someone, let alone almost kissed someone.
you had stayed at the studio after practice to help momo with your team’s costumes for the competition. it seemed that you struggled with saying no when someone asks for your help. it was late again, the studio nearly empty, when you were finally ready to go home. walking towards the exit, you noticed one of the practice rooms was still in use. curiosity getting the best of you, you decided to take a look at who was still practicing at the late hour. in the room was hanbin, rehearsing alone again. 
hanbin was fully focused on the music, his body hitting every beat of the song. the way he moved was captivating to you, like he was putting some type of spell on you. it wasn’t that surprising that you fell for him so easily. you thought hanbin was the most beautiful when he was in his element, when he danced.
he was too concentrated to notice you at the door. as the song came to an end, he was completely out of breath. you couldn’t help but to clap, finally revealing yourself to the boy. the act made hanbin burst out of his own bubble, seeing you in the mirror first, giving you a tired smile before turning around. “that was amazing” you praised the boy as you fully stepped into the room.
“thank you” hanbin shyly responded, walking towards his stuff and taking a towel to wipe the sweat out of his face. you went up to him and offered him his water bottle. he smiled at you before speaking up again, “what are you still doing here this late?” his voice was filled with worry, but he was still glad to see you regardless.
“you should worry about yourself” you replied, your comment getting a small chuckle out of him. hanbin seemed tired, his eyes sleepy and hair all over the place. he must’ve had a lot of pressure on him, when so many people were counting on him to do well. you took a step closer to the boy, reaching up to fix his hair. “you’re doing great hanbin” you felt the need to reassure him, his face finally relaxing from your touch. after a while of playing with his hair, you lowered your hand to his cheek, wiping the last of sweat that was left. 
“i didn’t take you for a touchy person” hanbin said teasingly, making you quickly retreat your hand from his face. your cheeks started to warm up from embarrassment. was this how you acted when you liked someone? you made an attempt at hiding by turning your face away. the boy in front of you just giggled, mumbling about how cute you were being. 
“do you have time tomorrow? to practice our duet i mean” you asked, trying to change the subject. 
“hmm, let me think about that” hanbin pretended to think about your question for a while. “yes! but only on one condition” he said with a mischievous smile. his behaviour made you suspicious, you had yet to get used to hanbin’s playful side. hanbin took your confused face as a sign to continue, “when we win with our duet, i can take you on a date”
his straightfulness caught you off guard, but you couldn’t hold back the smile that broke into your face. knowing there were mutual feelings between the two of you gave you butterflies in your stomach. there was a hint of nervousness in hanbin, so you didn’t want to keep him waiting for an answer for too long. “if we win” you said, emphasising the word if.
“so it’s a date?” his wide smile matched yours. you nodded as confirmation, and before you knew it, hanbin quickly embraced you in his arms. you laughed how gross and sweaty he was, as he leaned back to look at you, with a pout on his lips.
“let’s go home then, i’ll drive you.”
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vi. heartbreaks
your heart dropped the moment you saw yeji walk into the studio, her knee seemingly fine. everyone was shocked to see her going into jongin’s office. it was one week before the competition, and no one knew what yeji’s return could mean for the team. were jongin and momo going to let her dance? what could that mean for you and hanbin’s duet? you couldn’t hear their conversation where you were, and the suspense was killing you. 
deciding you could no longer sit around waiting, you went over to the office door to eavesdrop. “we finally got the formation to work for the full group! we can’t just go and change them all over again for you!” momo’s voice said, notably worked up by yeji’s sudden appearance. yeji kept on pleading for the two to let her come, as she didn’t want to miss the competition, “then at least let me do the rest!”
“i don’t think it’d be fair for the others, ryujin has worked hard on the solo” jongin tried to explain. 
“i already talked with everyone! ryujin, hanbin, they’re all okay with it!” yeji claimed. 
hearing hanbin’s name mentioned made you freeze on your spot. your insecurities were starting to creep in again, your mind filled up with questions. did hanbin rather do the duet yeji instead? when did they even talk about it together? it hadn’t even been twelve hours since you last saw him. 
maybe hanbin was relieved after hearing that yeji was okay. he had a much bigger chance to win with her than with you. maybe this whole time you’ve just been one big project to him, while he waited for yeji to get better.
you thought you were already over all this, being the second choice – but no, you weren’t even an option at this point. the past weeks have been the first time in years when you’ve felt great when you danced. you felt like you had finally improved, able to move on from your slump. you must’ve been just a joke to him, to everyone. tears were falling down your cheeks, your chest feeling too tight to breathe. 
“there you are y/n!” you heard a very familiar voice calling you, but you couldn’t even move to see him. hanbin sounded out of breath as he finally approached you. “i was looking for you, there’s something i need to tell you” he continued, putting his hand on your shoulder. his touch finally made you shift, as you moved out of the boy's touch, you saw his concerned face. you could only watch him for a second, before you knew you had to get out of there. 
“good luck with that duet” you said before taking your leave.
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vii. making up and making …out?
since getting cut off from the duet, you've been avoiding hanbin like plague all week. he had tried to talk to you multiple times, but you ran off each time. you’ve tried to distract yourself by practicing on your own, and offering to help chaeryeong, matthew and jiwoong with their trio. it only helped you for awhile, because most times hanbin would show up and try to explain himself. you don’t know how many times you’ve told him to just focus on the competition instead of running after you.
you weren’t really mad at him, it wasn’t his fault that yeji came back. deep down you knew he probably had an explanation for everything, he wouldn’t have tried to talk to you otherwise. after calming down you could no longer blame yeji for losing your duet either, you would’ve likely done the same thing if you were her. she worked hard too, even to the point of injuring herself. you were mostly just mad at yourself, embarrassed how you’ve handled the whole thing, and letting your insecurities get the best of you again. 
it was the last day of competition, and you were sitting in the audience, as you didn’t have any dances left. there was a small break between the small group category and the solos. your team did well, however, you could tell something was off with hanbin as he danced. it wasn’t something the judges could notice, but you knew hanbin, and something was clearly off. you were worried, but you didn’t think it would be a good idea to talk to him right now, as he was somewhere probably getting ready for his solo. 
“hi, can i sit with you?” you were surprised to see yeji out here in the audience, let alone approaching you of all people. you nodded as a response, and she sat down next to you. there was an awkward silence between the two of you. you thought about what you should say to her, if you were even supposed to. both of you sat stiff, looking everywhere but each other. “shouldn’t you be getting ready for your solo?” you tried testing the waters.
“i’m not doing it” she replied, her hands gripping the corners of her chair, as she looked down to her legs. it quickly got quiet again, neither of you saying anything. you wondered if yeji’s knee wasn’t as fine as she made it seem or if something else was going on. yeji didn’t let you think for long as she finally spoke again, “i couldn’t take it away from ryujin…”
“but you could take it from me?” your words coming out of your mouth more harshly than you intended. regretting what you said, you shook your head, telling yeji to forget what you just said.
“no y/n, i should’ve asked you first, i’m sorry” she interrupted you. “i just- i was so excited to dance again… too excited even, i failed to notice that hanbin would’ve much rather danced with you. but you know him, he’s too nice to say anything” yeji explained, the last bit making you both chuckle. you were glad yeji apologised to you, even when you were never angry with her in the first place.
“do you really think that? that he would’ve rather danced with me?” you asked, wanting to believe what she said, you just needed some more reassurance. 
“obviously! i might not have been around when the two of you got closer but i’ve heard some stories from jiwoong and chaeryeong” she teased, nudging your shoulder. your cheeks blushed, as you figured yeji was referring to the night jiwoong had caught you two almost kissing at the studio. “i bet he’s already halfway through choreographing your duet for next season” she continued. yeji’s words made you feel shy and giddy, they gave you the sudden urge to see him, to talk to him.
“i think i should go find him” you stood up from your seat, looking around for the fastest route to your team’s dressing room. yeji gave you an encouraging push, telling you to hurry before he needs to go up on stage.
you ended up finding hanbin before you even got to the dressing room. you found him warming up close to the stage, already in his costume. he noticed you coming right away, giving you a small smile and a wave. saying your hello’s, you stopped awkwardly few steps away from him. “how are you feeling?” you asked carefully, not sure how he’d react to you suddenly showing up.
“i’m okay, just a little nervous” he answered quietly, continuing his stretching. you just stood there, awkwardly, not knowing what to say. you didn’t really plan ahead when you suddenly decided to find him. hanbin got up, now fully looking at you, but he didn’t say anything like you hoped he would. the two of you just stared at one another, neither knowing what to say. you could no longer bear the silence, so you finally spoke, “i’m sorry.”
“no, i’m sorry, i should’ve talked to you” hanbin took your hands to his, holding onto them like his life depended on it. his eyes were sorrowful, all this must have pained him the past week, and it was mostly your fault.
“i mean you tried to…” you reminded him, hoping that he would stop blaming himself. he let out an airy laugh, a smile finally breaking to his face. announcement could be heard in the background, telling everyone that the solo category would be starting in a few minutes, and you could see hanbin tense up. 
“you’re going to kill it, don’t worry” you reassured him, deciding to embrace the boy in a hug. he wrapped his arms around in a second, squeezing you tight. “you think so?” he mumbled next to your ear.
“hanbin, let’s go!” you could hear jongin yell from a distance. you took a look at hanbin, not quite ready to let go yet. “yes, and i’ll be right here watching” you said, with one more thing in your mind that you thought would help him. you looked around your surroundings, hoping that jongin wouldn’t be looking, before doing something you should’ve done weeks ago. you leaned in and kissed the boy, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
hanbin kissed you back after a moment of shock, and you could feel him smile against your lips. parting ways, the two of you now giggling like little kids. “I’ll be back” he let go of you, starting to walk towards jongin, who had an amused smile on his face. 
to put it simply, hanbin had never danced as well as he did then, and he was sure it was all thanks to you.
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viii. lets dance
“are your eyes closed?” hanbin asked you for the fifth time, as he was moving you towards his surprise. it had been a few days since the competition, and today hanbin had been acting really suspicious. you were informed by matthew that you should stay at the studio after practice, and he left without telling you why. your questions were finally answered, when hanbin started dragging you out of the dressing room, putting his hands in front of your eyes. 
“yes, you’ve made sure of it” you answered, acting bothered by his antics. “okay okay, but no lurking!” he said excitingly, helping you to get over a higher threshold. you could tell you had entered one of the practice rooms, but you had no idea what hanbin had planned. you two stopped walking, and hanbin finally let you open your eyes, “you can open now!”
once you did open them, you wouldn't believe what laid in front your eyes. the entire room was decorated with fairy lights all over the room. the view was beautiful, and you were in complete awe. you never thought hanbin would do something like this. “hanbin…” you were completely speechless. 
“shh, that’s not all” he said, as a familiar song started playing from the speakers. you turned to hanbin as you recognized the song, it was the song for your duet. he smiled at you, offering you his hand. “dance with me”  he said quietly. you took his hand without hesitation, and he pulled you into the middle of the dance floor. you started dancing the choreography, the room filling up with laugh and giggles. 
dancing with hanbin just felt right. it made you feel at ease, moves coming easily to you as the two of you spinned around the dance floor. you never wanted this moment to end, that’s how much you were enjoying it. for a long time you haven’t enjoyed dance as much as you did right now, with hanbin. and suddenly it hit you – you loved dancing again. 
…and maybe you loved hanbin too.
- end
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“y/n, will you be my duet partner?”
“only if you’ll be my boyfriend as well”
“i like this deal”
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writerblue275 · 10 months
Songs that make me think of each Heartsteel member [and Alune] (with minimal explanation).
Inspiration: One of the things I do to inspire myself while writing is listen to music. I’ve always been musical (piano, viola, and singing) and music can really set my mood/make me think of a scenario. Occasionally when I’m just listening to music in my car, a song pops up and I’m like…"Oh that makes me think of (enter character here)!"
Genre: ?? I have absolutely no clue how to classify this?? Mood music??? Headcanon inspiration??
Category: I guess fluff, but some of these songs are indirectly or directly suggestive/explicit so 😬. But nothing explicit actually in this post.
Tw: None for this post besides swearing, but again some of these songs are directly or indirectly suggestive/explicit so listen at your own discretion. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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(Each person gets at least 2 songs. Sett and Kayn get three because it's my post that's why. 😂)
“Thnks fr th Mmrs” - Fall Out Boy (Lmao if you think I wouldn’t have some emo/alt for Phel on this list, you’re sorely mistaken.)
“Levitating” - Dua Lipa (“I got you, moonlight, you’re my, starlight…”💃)
“Hey Mama!” - EXO-CBX (Did you really think I wouldn’t have Baekhyun for Ez in some way? Yeah fucking right! I associate him with my fav EXO sub-unit song.)
“Hyperfixations” - Catie Turner (I actually had this for Aphelios initially but then I realized it fit Ez WAY BETTER. I LOVE THIS SONG.)
“Met Him Last Night” - Demi Lovato (Feat. Ariana Grande) (All I have to say is listen to the lyrics, especially the first verse through the chorus, and tell me it’s not a fucking POV of meeting Kayn.)
“Gives You Hell” - The All-American Rejects (This is absolutely Kayn’s response to his old band.)
“S&M” - Rihanna (😏 Makes sense with one of my prior ranking/headcanons.)
(I have so many alternate options for Kayn omfg. I really struggled limiting it to only one more for him since I’m not doing that for most others. What does this say about me and my taste in music? 😂)
“Physical” - Dual Lipa (Thought of our gym bro duo and then the lyrics made me think of K’Sante!)
“I’m Not Sorry” DEAN, Eric Bellinger (The confidence in the lyrics and then energy/vibe of the song just SCREAMED K’Sante to me!)
“Confident (Rock Version)” - Demi Lovato (“…I’m the boss right now…” Damn straight Sett is the boss.)
“Watermelon Sugar” - Harry Styles (Again, makes sense with one of my previous rankings/headcanons.😏)
“34 + 35” - Ariana Grande (🫣 LISTEN I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. 😅).
“Black Swan” - BTS (What the lyrics talk about fit really well with Yone’s known backstory before Heartsteel.)
“Home” - Catie Turner (I just think it fits secretly soft and romantic Yone very well!)
EXTRA - Alune (because we love her and she’s a baddie):
“God is a Woman” - Ariana Grande (She sure is, especially when she has to be the manager of Heartsteel and deal with these six. 😂)
“%% (Eung Eung)” - Apink (the vibe of the song fits her well and I like the lyrics with Alune’s vibe too.)
Thanks for reading/vibing. I feel like I might have to do more of these. Maybe make it a series as I realize it's happening with more songs! Music is my biggest inspiration when I write.
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nihyunluvskookie · 1 year
And then I met you
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Pairing: Jeonghan x fem reader × Seungcheol
Synopsis: Falling in love with bestfriend’s ex wasn’t something that Jeonghan planned.
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: mention of pregnancy.
Author’s Note: I didn’t proof read yet 😭 hope you like this chapter, it’s fluff, and yes I doubt myself a lot with fluff 😭
If you want to get tagged, please send me an ask <3
prologue | masterlist | next
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“Cheol” she was smiling, after hearing his voice. She was more than happy to tell him something, that he would be more than happy.
“Want to go to the beach? I’ll pick you up in thirty minutes?”
“Now?” she could feel Cheol’s smile from the screen.
“Okay” she hung up and went to check what to wear, for beach. She found her white cherry print dress, she picked it up without any second thoughts. She changed into that dress and applied light make up. She let her hair down and looked at herself in the mirror.
She wanted to meet Seungcheol and it felt like heavens heard her and decided everything. She was more than happy today. She had to tell Seungcheol about everything, she just knew Seungcheol would be in cloud 9 but somewhere she was hoping for only positive reactions from Seungcheol.
Right after thirty minutes, Seungcheol called Aisha and she went downstairs. She saw Seungcheol leaning on his car and ran into his embrace. “Be careful love” he picked her up, Seungcheol was happy looking at her. Aisha in his embrace is the best feeling for him ever, he never wants to let go of her. He let her down carefully and looked at her beautiful face, “you’re literally glowing, are you that happy to see me?” Aisha nodded and kissed his cheeks.
“Let’s go or else we might never go to that beach” Aisha ran towards the passenger’s seat even before Seungcheol kiss her, “You’re so evil” and he got into his car
The whole ride to the beach, Aisha was wondering how to break this news to Seungcheol, and about his reaction. It was something she was wondering, the chances were fifty-fifty and the fact they have been in relationship for almost five years still makes her wonder. Last time they talked about this, Seungcheol was very positive about it, which was assuring for Aisha.
“what are you thinking so deeply?” Seungcheol asked and she glanced at him, his eyes were focused on the road. “nothing, just wondering how long will it take for us to reach”
He stopped the car at red signal and held her hand, “half an hour more love” she smiled at him, “are you tired?” he asked out of concern. She shook her head in denial.
Seungcheol was also nervous, he was just not showing it.
Seungcheol parked his car and Aisha almost ran towards the beach, the thing which goes unnoticed by Aisha was a big bouquet of roses in backseat, Seungcheol took out the flower bouquet and hid it at back. “Cheol!! Comeee” she literally yelled and he just smiled at her with love.
Seungcheol was just happy looking at her and all the nervousness he was feeling earlier vanished into thin layer, he was no more nervous, he just knew that it would work and they are going to be happy. Seungcheol walked towards her and the moment he was standing infront of her, Aisha noticed Seungcheol was happier.
“Cheol, you look so happy” she touched his face and smiled, it was like Aisha was lost in his eyes full of love, she just wanted to hold him tight and never let go of him.
“you’re so precious to me Cheol” and she smiled, everything felt like it slowed down in her surrounding and it was just them, she was looking at him and she felt at peace, her heartbeats belonged to him only. He was the reason of her smile and heartbeats, he knew it and smiled at her.
Aisha was caressing his cheeks when he suddenly held her hand, “Aisha” she was confused, he suddenly showed her the flower bouquet he was holding and gave it to her. Aisha was surprised, she didn’t expect this. “Seungcheol…” she was lost in words and him. Seungcheol took out the black velvet box from his pockets and Aisha was confused, she couldn’t believe what was happening or maybe she was expecting much more than it could be.
Seungcheol went on his knees and Aisha was surprised, she was unable to say anything to him. “Bringing you here was just an excuse to tell you something precious in your comfort place. I prepared myself so much for this, I was nervous but looking at you made me forget everything. It felt it’s just me and you. I want to keep you happy, I want to be the reason of your smile, I want you to start my day with you and end my night with you, I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. I want you to be by my side. I want a to start a new beginning with you, just with you for us. I want to add happiness in my life with you.” Aisha was feeling overwhelmed.
“Will you marry me?” Cheol took deep breath before speaking and then he smiled at Aisha, everything was hard for her to believe it just felt her whole world just bloomed. She couldn’t process those last four words, this was everything she could ever ask for, Seungcheol asking her officially. Aisha was tearing up slowly because of this feeling.
“Seungcheol…” she trailed off trying to take deep breaths before talking
“Tell me Aisha will you marry me and spend your life with me as my wife?” she nodded, letting the tears fall down, he slid the ring on her finger and she was about to wipe her tears but he pulled her into a big hug and kissed her cheeks.
“Don’t cry, love” he wiped her tears and gave her a quick kiss. Aisha took a deep breath before gathering her thoughts to break this news which she was planning to tell Seungcheol, “Now, it’s my turn to tell you something.” She was in tears and was nervous before she looked at happy smiling Seungcheol, “Seungcheol, I found out today… morning” Seungcheol was waiting for her to complete it patiently. “I’m pregnant… I’m going to be a mom” Aisha looked at Seungcheol as soon as she completed the sentence. There was something in Seungcheol which Aisha couldn’t understand, “Oh my god, what AISHA????? YOU-YOU’RE PREGNANT?” Seungcheol hugged her tightly, “THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE” he hugged her way too tight, “oh, I’m so sorry, I got carried away” he loosen his grip and looked at Aisha’s stomach, “I’m so happy” he lowered down and caressed her belly.
Aisha had tears in her eyes and she cried, Seungcheol got up and looked at her worried, “Don’t cry love” he hugged her again, “I was so worried about telling you about this”
“why were you even worried, love. I am the happiest person alive right now. Let’s get married as soon as possible. I need to tell others, I need to inform my family first.” He laughed, his laugh was enough to make Aisha the happiest.
“You mean so much to me Aisha.”
“You mean the world to me, Seungcheol. I love you so much.”  
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yunarim · 1 year
It's me again, but hear me out:
Chenya asking out his girlfriend for prom that nrc and rsa share, with the help of Trey and Riddle
I'm just so in love with Chenya sorry—
- Reveluv anon
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☆ ͡ ݂ SYNOPSIS : CHENYA asking you out for a prom night held for an event shared with rsa & nrc (with the help of trey and riddle but it turned a little wild)
>。TAGS : fem reader (she/her pronouns), reader is yuu, fluff, crack a little, random allusion to 'feel my rhythm' by red velvet near the end just because it fits, implied features of prom nights are mainly based on the country where i live (they don't really contradict with the most popular ones but since in where i live we've got two prom nights, i decided to entertain you a little with the first one we have which is not even a prom night jdksajl) 🌸。NOTES : where i live, there is a dancing ball happening every year after high-schoolers graduate. students perform different types of dances and everything ends with a waltz they personally arrange during rehearsals. it happens by the end of spring, you can see students dancing everywhere, mainly in the city centre. this is the same for the fic! ~
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>。SONG : blooming day — exo-cbx (actually the whole album itself fits the fic vibe SO well) — W.C : 2.5k
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Chenya was always good at guiding people.
It could be his adorable underclassmen dwarfs getting lost in nrc’s spiral-looking streets during VDC and asking Chenya for help. It also could be senior citizens wondering where a certain building is located now that they live in a city resembling a plastic lxgo constructed dollhouse. Chenya would offer his help to anyone who was in need of that, and sometimes his naturally excellent sense of orientation in space wasn’t limited to directions only. He was also a great guide, helping out people to find a way out from the most difficult situations that happened throughout their lives.
Just like he once did when he first met Ramshackle Prefect from NRC. 
What an interesting otherworldly looking human it was! A little guidance carefully revamped to a riddle (pun intended), as if colorfully wrapped candy from Chenya was enough for Prefect to let a little ‘Ah!’ escape her lips before realization hit her. 
Group chat they had with Trey and Riddle reminded him of Ramshackle dorm Prefect told him about when he was secretly enjoying sweet tarts after the disarray situation that happened to Riddle was resolved. The chat was long ago abandoned like the Ramshackle dorm itself.
And was renovated just in the same way.
It was September when Chenya first asked for the Prefect's phone number and found out she didn't have a phone in the first place. What a wondrous turn of events! He kept up with newest technologies but also preferred to go to places himself, half-transparent or not. 
Chenya also remembered how Trey asked if he got a crush on magicless Prefect, but Chenya only grinned mysteriously, replying with one of his favorite riddles thereby letting Trey remain confused. 
To Chenya, it was even better. Prefect was a funny and interesting creature. What a joy it was to find out she was quick to catch on the hint he dropped. Not only did she figure out everything so quickly, she even thanked him for giving a hint on how to resolve Riddle’s case in a way he enjoyed the most. 
He sneaked into NRC once after that, finally witnessing the Ramshackle dorm and its self-proclaimed dorm leader… doing laundry on a sunny Sunday morning. 
How sweet of her it was to suggest them having a small tea party held only for the two of them. 
Chenya didn't notice how he started visiting her once in a while until he got spotted by the Headmaster. Sneaking out into NRC became a little problem, and even if he was highly interested in Ramshackle Prefect, he also couldn’t have let teachers and a headmaster know there was a girl in all boys school attending NRC without having a school record. Not mentioning she had that otherworldly aura around her and most certainly was from another dimension was no doubt, too.
He asked her out during VDC. Needless to say it was the most strangest confession ever made in world history (Chenya isn’t sure which world exactly) which got trended on MagiCam for its sweetness and now is a symbol of VDC held this year.
And now Chenya realized that maybe Prefect not having a phone could be a real problem. 
She was okay with Chenya sneaking out to see her but most of the dates they had by now were only his initiative since they couldn’t really contact each other. And now the guide who was excellent in explaining directions or giving advice realized he needs guidance himself.
Now that this year’s high-schoolers graduation was near and RSA with NRC being two the most elite colleges for students to try enrolling, Chenya was extremely busy. He already participated in a similar event with the only difference being that it was held by RSA only. He remembered Riddle sighing in disappointment when he mentioned that NRC headmaster is, how he put it, ‘can be rather greedy at times’, so this year a brand new program was about to be held.
So, according to the program both RSA (mostly RSA—) and NRC headmasters decided on, the main part of the event will be held on NRC territory with RSA’s promotions. Needless to say, Neige's upcoming performance alone was enough to attract a lot of visitors. 
The only problem was finding a partner for a dance ball.
Normally it was high-schoolers who danced around, enjoying their long-awaited escape from school and preparation to college. But of course this year just had to be different, so this time college students must have participated too. And if before they just helped arrange a stage and such, or performed occasionally (which only applied to Niege and Vil actually—), this year every first- and third-year student should have participated. Headmasters said something about first years welcoming their future underclassmen and third-years symbolizing their future graduation and role models to follow. 
It sounded fun. It really was, but Chenya also wanted to ask his girlfriend out to be his partner for the dance ball. 
Trite ways of asking her out were out of question: there’s no way he would casually sneak into Ramshackle and say ‘Hey, there’s a ball coming, want to be my partner?’— NO, that’s too boring! He wasn’t even sure if they would allow her to participate and if she had similar things in her world too. Not to mention Chenya himself was preoccupied with too many things to handle to the point it was only one day left before the event. 
So he came up with another plan and got a trick up his sleeve. 
“Does she knyaw there’s an event coming up?” Chenya asked, floating midair and stealing a cupcake Trey was preparing. No wonder he was part of a student group preparing snacks for people to have while they’re enjoying the ball.
“I don’t believe she’s aware,” Riddle answered, drawing his magic Pen in a scolding way and throwed a quick glance to Chenya, knowing perfectly well he can’t be stopped. “She’s been busy after, ahem… You see…”
Yep, she told him about recent Overblot happened but Chenya just nodded, helping Riddle to escape growing uncomfortable silence. He knew Overblots were dangerous and they should have remained unnoticed by RSA out of all people.
“I believe she can participate though,” Trey said, measuring milk milliliters needed for baking. “I mean, no one will suspect she attends NRC since we can choose partners from other colleges if colleges at all.”
“Seriously, I can just ask Ace and Deuce to find her and call here,” Riddle said, writing something in his notebook. Of course he was the one arranging something.
“Nya-h,” Chenya replied, his tail wiggling, showing how entertaining it was to plan asking his girlfriend out to be his partner. “Don’t, she needs proper rest. After all that happened, nya.”
Riddle blinked at him. It was a mystery how Chenya managed to drop something really reasonable out of nowhere and then continue his tangled charades. 
“Buu~ut, I also want her to rewind a little and have some fun tomorrow, which is why…” Chenya lowered himself to match Riddle’s height. “I need you to help me shape a road to take~”
“Wha–” Trey asked, confused. “What do you even mean by that?”
“Alice should enjoy her adventure, coming all the way through the looking-glass by herself~”
“What in the world do you even mean…”
“What I want to say is,” he snatched one more cupcake, and with that only his head and hand holding the sweet left floating. “Guide my Alice to the right place tomorrow. See nya until then!”
“He’s insane,” Trey sighed. 
“We’re all mad here.”
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You didn’t get the meaning of the “DRINK ME” bottle that suddenly appeared on the nightstand next to your bed. It was suspicious but you couldn’t really care less when you already somehow managed to survive almost a year here.
You’ve noticed it was weirdly noisy today. Everyone looked as if there was a world’s end coming up with what hurry they moved in the halls, as if practicing some sort of… a dance?
You’ve managed to spot Riddle heading your way.
“Just in time,” you realized he looked even more tired than he always was. “Excuse me for the confusion we might cause to you, but…”
“We?” You asked when Trey suddenly appeared behind you and gently put his hands on your shoulders, guiding you to the main street. “Hey, what’s happening?”
“Guys I can walk by myself, thank you very much, but also please elaborate.”
“Do you happen to have a strange-looking bottle by any chance?..”
You nodded when Trey let go of you and you just couldn’t help but follow them. “Yeah, why?”
“Good,” Riddle sighed. “Please drink it right when we arrive at the venue. It’s not poisonous.”
“Venue, you say?..” Somehow you learnt not to question when something they offer you to drink was poisonous or not. 
You’ve been really tired after the recent Overblot and apparently missing something really important.
When you finally made your way to the venue, you noticed how many neatly dressed students were laughing, taking photos and occasionally dancing here and there. You parted your lips, stunned, and couldn’t take your eyes off everything looking so colorful and fun. 
“Now it’s time for you to drink the potion,” Trey advised. “And then… how was it…”
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there,” Riddle replied instead of Trey, and you finally caught a note of something familiar in his words.
“Hey, this way of wording, are you perhaps…”
“You’ll get everything right after,” Trey smiled reassuringly. 
You shrugged your shoulders and decided to give it a try. The potion tasted like something sweet, but not extremely sugary sweet, and you suddenly felt ticklish. One blink, and you realized something happened to your uniform.
“He… he knew what he was doing,” Trey whispered to Riddle and received a nod in return.
“You two,” you giggled, finding yourself in a beautiful dress, so that no one would suspect you study in NRC. “Could have just told me in a normal way and not played charades.”
“And credits go to your bo—”
“Alright, alright,” Riddle interrupted Trey. “Will you obediently follow the plan, Prefect? You can go now. According to the quote, you’ll find the right path yourself.”
“I will,” you smirked. “Though I’m not sure if I’ll do it obediently, as you’ve said. Thanks for guiding me though. See you later?”
“Yes, see you,” Riddle nodded and turned to Trey, resuming conversation with him. “I hope we’ll see her not on the news hot gossip column when we first did during VDC.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of it…”
You proceeded to wander around, occasionally taking photos with high-schoolers or other students who recognized ‘VDC Sweetheart’ in you, asking if it was okay to hang out with you later if your boyfriend would be fine with it. 
Was it kind of a… prom night? You happened to participate in one back in your world, but you never imagined something that grand. Popular Twisted Wonderland songs played everywhere and you even managed to jam to some of them. It’s been a year already since you got transmigrated here, not to mention your boyfriend always would hum a song or two when he dropped by. 
“Ah, my dear Ramshackle Prefect!~” A familiar voice caught you off guard and you noticed Crowley right when you turned around. “My my, why haven’t you told me you’re participating too! What a proactive kid you are, indeed. How wonderful!”
“Excuse me?..” You looked confused but also Crowley happened to ignore that little noise escaping your throat. 
“And with RSA student of all people! You’re truly remarkable, aren’t you? I can already foresee the great future with NRC finally putting RSA in the right pla— ahem, finally two schools getting to know each other’s customs better!”
“... Sure thing,” you smiled slyly. 
“Now come to the stage, they’re going to start soon.”
You dropped a little ‘thank you’ and rushed to the stage Crowley mentioned. Heart performed some spectacular flips right in your chest when you thought of Chenya… being your prom night partner.
You were a little late. Everyone was already standing on the stage with their partners, waiting for music to start and also throwing glances at Chenya, who was suspiciously alone right at the moment. 
A crowd gathered before the stage was trying to suppress you but you mumbled small ‘sorry, excuse me’ while trying to make your way to the stage, and when you finally did, music already started playing.
Pairs started waltzing, following a tenderly lovely rhythm, but you started panicking a little when you couldn’t manage to find Chenya from your position. The stage itself was a very high-placed platform which wasn’t really helpful for you at the moment. 
You thought of just rushing to the stage, maybe embarrassing yourself in the process, but suddenly an outstretched hand appeared before your eyes, and you looked up. 
“Chenya!” You exclaimed, not really noticing how everyone’s attention suddenly switched to you two. 
“Follow my heartbeat, would you be so kind?~”
You giggled when he helped you to get on the stage. One of his hands rested on your shoulder, while the other one went straight to the small of your back, as if guiding you. You noticed some of your friends dancing next to you, their eyes widening in shock when they saw you dressed so beautifully and having the best time of your life, your gaze fixated on Chenya only. 
“Didn’t knyaw you can dance~” Chenya said to you, pressing you a little closer to him. 
“I can say the same thing about you,” you smiled. “Actually come to think of it, it’s not unexpected. You can float so elegantly, it is no surprise your movements are so graceful on the land too.”
“I just have the best partner I could ever ask for,” his tail tickled your wrist when he noticed the song coming to an end. “Say, ready to do another mad thing?”
“For you? Always ready,” you giggled conspiratorially and loosen your grip on his shoulders, almost falling but Chenya was quick to catch you, drawing your hand to his face.
Everyone fell silent for a mere moment with the last song’s note finishing the performance, and Chenya left a little kiss on your knuckles before pressing sweeter one on your lips, welcoming audience’s applauses.
“You guys are so adorable!!”
“Imagine if those two would be idols, they would be so popular!!”
“Chenya, just reveal which college your girlfriend attends!!”
“AWWW VDC Sweetheart being so cute again!!”
You laughed, falling right into Chenya’s embrace. What was the last time you felt so free and happy?..
“Soo~ Would you like to see the other things we prepared? Also don’t think it was your only dance today~”
“Sure thing!” You answered cheerfully, grabbing his hand and guiding him off the stage. “There’s so many things I want to try today!”
Trey and Riddle watched you two running around like two little kids, small smiles plastered on their faces.
“And you expect that Prefect won’t go trending on MagiCam again?” Trey laughed.
“Never in my life was I so wrong.”
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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sooinbloom · 4 months
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genre: fluff, one shot, Chanyeol!AU, EXO!AU, romance
word count: 2,247
theme: established relationship, springtime romance, long distance
warnings: none, just a slightly spicy scene
summary: Park Chanyeol has been dating his long distance girlfriend, Nina, for a two years. Every year he travels to her hometown, Hirosaki, for the cherry blossom festival. This year, he’s going to make the biggest move yet - asking her to marry him.
song that inspired this one shot: be my love by EXO-CBX
requested by: @loeyyuniverse
request fics here (:
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Chanyeol loved springtime in Japan.
That’s almost an understatement, considering that he made an annual pilgrimage to Hirosaki just for the cherry blossom festival. It became a tradition with his best friend, Kyungsoo, when they were in their university days. Of course he enjoyed his time with his dearest friend, walking the park and gazing up at the bright spring blooms on the trees but over time there was another reason he enjoyed coming to this city every year.
Around the fourth annual trip to Japan, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were looking for a café to grab coffee before enjoying the blooms on a brisk Saturday morning. While on the search, he saw the most beautiful girl in a café window, her eyes bright with a warm smile as she took the orders of patrons sitting at a small table. Her hair fell off of her shoulder like a midnight-colored waterfall, her cute nods and smirks stopped him dead in his tracks.
He knew he had to have her. Kyungsoo caught on and immediately dragged his love-stricken best friend in the café. Even with resistance, Kyungsoo managed to get him over the threshold of the café door and inside to see this mysterious girl. It was unusual for Chanyeol to be nervous when talking to girls and Kyungsoo knew it. It was all the more enjoyable to see Chanyeol bumbling around like a nervous teenager while speaking to this girl.
“What’s your name?” Chanyeol stutters.
“Nina.” As soon as her name left her mouth, it engrained itself in Chanyeol’s mind and etched into his heart. It sounded like the breeze when it combed through the air on a bright spring morning just like this one.
Surprisingly, Chanyeol managed to get Nina’s number that day. Ever since, they slowly fell for each other over texts and video calls. For two years, the trip to Japan became another chance to see his love. Being with Nina made Chanyeol feel like he was on fire. It was the only way he could describe it. In every sense of the word, she made him warm. She made him passionate. She made him love her endlessly in all of the ways he never expected to love anyone.
Chanyeol hated it when their romantic rendezvouses would come to an end. He’d keep her close in his arms the night before he had to fly back home, kissing her soft skin and promising not to let another year go by until she was in his arms again. They never intended to be long distance, but they had to because life seemed to hold them at separate pinpoints on a globe. That is, until Chanyeol decided to move the pins much closer than they ever were before.
“This year, my sweet love, will be the last year of missing each other,” he said into his phone as he got undressed from a long day at work. His suitcase lay open as he simultaneously packed for the trip.
“Oh? Why… is that?” Nina replied, amused at the less confident tone in Chanyeol’s voice. It was unusual. He was up to something.
“I transferred to the Japanese headquarters of the company. I’ll be moving to Tokyo.” Chanyeol grins into the phone.
“Are you serious?” She gasps, unable to control her smile.
“I’m serious. You’re opening the café in Tokyo and I miss the chance of waking up to your beautiful smile every morning.”
“Will we still…”
“Don’t worry, my love, we will still meet in Hirosaki this year. I promise. And it’s going to be our favorite trip.”
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The day Chanyeol and Nina reunited at the airport was the ultimate daydream come true, it always was. Nina welcomed him in her usual run-and-pounce greeting she gave him at the airport. Oddly, this time he was alone. Usually, Kyungsoo and his girlfriend, Aria, would tag along on these trips, but Nina surmised that maybe it wasn’t going to happen like usual this year.
Once the greetings and kisses were all but done, Chanyeol hailed a cab and took control of the situation. The couple cuddled in the backseat of the cab, fingers entwined with Nina’s head perched on Chanyeol’s shoulder, something she could only do if they were both sitting down. Being with a man almost an entire foot taller than you had its hits and misses, the novelty at times fell short when it really counted.
“Your castle awaits you, my love.” Chanyeol steps out of the cab and throws his arm toward a small house in the midst of the cherry blossom trees. It was homey, like it was plopped from middle earth.
“Is this for us?” Nina shyly smirks. The moon had already taken its place in the sky, it made the magic of the moment heighten in Nina’s curious eyes.
“Of course, now come on. Let’s settle in.” Chanyeol insists excitedly. Once they walked into their home for the week, the walls embraced them with a cozy atmosphere. The wooden floors creaked under their feet as they moved deeper into the small four walls, dimly lit by soft yellow light that made the place feel like an old classic novel. If Nina didn’t know any better, she felt as though she were transported into another dimension where cottage-core was everyone’s way of life, not just her imagination’s. Chanyeol ducked through the doorways and took note of the seemingly ancient record player in the center of the living room.
His eyes scanned the small stack of records, old big band from the 1940’s was right at the top. It was a necessary amenity he knew he’d need at the perfect moment on their trip.  Once the couple reached the bedroom, he set their luggage on the floor and helplessly gazed into his beloved’s welcoming eyes.
“What do you think?” Chanyeol asked nervously. He craved Nina’s approval, he yearned to see that beautiful smile upturn onto her face. Once Nina gave her nod of approval, and the showing of teeth Chanyeol was banking on, he immediately took her into his arms and brushed his eager lips onto hers. Savoring the moment, he gently lay her down on the bed, slowly sliding her sweater off of her shoulders. Planting kisses on her neck and taking in her scent, sweet nothings fell out of his mouth and onto her ears.
It didn’t take long for the long-distance lovers to get lost in each other, making up for lost time and desperate miles between them. They held each other and collided in kisses and soft touches for what seemed like the entire night. Chanyeol stopped at nothing to make her feel like the only woman in the world. He took her in his arms and melted their bodies together in a collision of sweet and obscene.  
He drank her in with his senses, he had no problem being desolate in her, because with her is where he was found. Chanyeol only hoped that the momentum of their romance would continue to play out tomorrow, because he was about to put all of his cards on the table for her and there was no looking back.
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After lattes and pastries in the morning, Chanyeol set off on his mission to make this the most memorable day for Nina. They wandered Hirosaki, taking in the sights of the cherry blossoms swaying on the tree branches. He held her hand as they walked through her favorite bookstore, allowing her to buy whatever she wanted. There was absolutely no limit when it came to Nina. Anything she wanted; Chanyeol was happy to give it to her.
Cherry blossom petals were in her hair, and he didn’t dare take one of them away from her. He loved her this way, she was so cute in her yellow and white checkered dress that she insisted on wearing today. He kissed her on street corners and proudly had her on his arm, he envisioned his life like this every single day. It had to be this way, its the only way that was right.
He adored how the sun made her shine even more brightly than she already did. The dainty box in his pocket was starting to burn a hole in his pants but it never seemed to be the right time to bring it up. He hoped his anxiety wasn’t so obvious on his face. After they wandered every street and saw every sight to see, the couple went back to their small house amongst the soft cherry blossoms.
“I had the best day today, Yeolie!” Nina beamed up at her amorous lover. He grinned down at her, combing his black hair back with his long fingers. Nina couldn’t help but bite her lip at the way his undercut suited him so well, or how his Rolex gleamed in the light as he tossed his hair back. Suddenly, the mood changed. Chanyeol pulled out a bottle of Cabernet, rummaging the cabinets for wine glasses but he only seemed to find regular, cherry blossom themed glasses with pink stained blooms on the sides that looked like they belonged in his grandmother’s house.
“What are you doing?” Nina giggled.
“Spoiling my princess… With granny cups of wine.” Chanyeol muttered, disappointed in his failed efforts. With a soft hand, Nina brought his chin up so he could look her in the eye.
“You’re so cute.” She sweetly chided. She took her cup and clinked it with Chanyeol’s, his arm now secure around her waist. With a sudden jerk, Chanyeol walked over to the old record player in the living room, putting the needle on the record he spotted last night, a familiar melody filled the air.
“Come here. Dance with me.” Chanyeol smiles, offering his hand to Nina.
“Don’t mind if I do.” She blushed, taking him up on his offer. Nina allowed Chanyeol to lead, as clumsy as he was. She found it charming how he would trip over his two feet when he got nervous. She’d never tell him that she knew how hyper aware he became of every tiny detail when they were together. They swayed gently (and awkwardly) to the big band song she loved so much but could never remember the name of. They finished their wine and kept dancing, the alcohol making them sway a little bit more than normal.
“You still have cherry blossoms in your hair.” Chanyeol whispers, combing her hair back with his fingers. Nina reaches for her hair, but Chanyeol playfully swats her hand away.
“No, leave them. It makes you look like springtime.”
“I’m sorry but that’s the cheesiest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Nina chuckles, Chanyeol just brings her closer.
“You act like I am not the most charming man in the world. You should feel honored.” He cockily states, puffing his chest. Nina playfully pushes Chanyeol’s shoulder, then rests her head against it. The pounding of his heart was evident, but why? She felt him slowly inhale, then exhale. Chanyeol stopped their dancing and took Nina’s hands into his.
“I have to tell you something.”
Oh god. He’s breaking up with me. Nina’s mind went in at least six different directions as Chanyeol said those six words.
“Y-you do?”
“Nina… Listen. I…” Chanyeol bends his knees, debating on kneeling or standing. He settles for somewhere in the middle with red cheeks.
“I… Nina…”
“Are you breaking up with me?” Nina blurts, Chanyeol rapidly shakes his head.
“No! Love. Baby. Nina… I just… Why do you have to look at me like that?”
“Like what?!” Nina exclaims, confused by the sudden change in the mood.
“Like that!” Chanyeol motions toward her face.
“What am I supposed to do?!”
“LET ME ASK YOU TO MARRY ME!” Chanyeol blurts, the with wide eyes, covers his mouth. Nina’s jaw drops as Chanyeol turns from her for a moment, then returns to her gaze. He drops to his knee right next to the open window; cherry blossom petals blow into the house and soften the moment.
“Nina. I can’t imagine another year of you on my screen. I fell in love with you in the café down the street two years ago. I want those two years to turn into twelve. Those twelve to twenty. Those twenty to forty and onto forever. I love you more than life itself, and any time I think of spring and see cherry blossoms, I think of you and how you made my life so much brighter. Baby… Will you marry me?”
Chanyeol shakily opens the dainty box that housed Nina’s dream engagement ring, nestled in between a black velvet cushion. The center stone glistened in the low light, a soft cherry blossom pink. Every single moment they shared flashed before her eyes and led up to this very moment, with Chanyeol’s boba eyes begging her for an answer. Nina gets down on her knees with Chanyeol and nods.
“Yes, Yeolie. I’ll marry you.” Nina grins, allowing Chanyeol to slide the ring on her finger. He stands and brings her up into his arms, kissing her lips in fervent need.
“I love you. I love you so much.” Chanyeol whispers in between kisses. This moment was everything he hoped it would be. The cards were on the table, showing two hearts. He remembered to thank Kyungsoo for dragging him into the café that day, because if he didn’t… He wouldn’t be in this moment with the love of his life.
His forever love.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Byun Baekhyun (EXO) - Love is a Battlefield Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: Tarot of the Divine
Spread: Love is a Battlefield
Shining Armour (Their defence tactics) 
Excalibur (Their contra attack tactics) 
Achilles Heel (Their weak spot)
Abracadabra (The spell to crack their resistance) 
Waterloo (How to defeat them)
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Byun Baek Hyun
Stage Name: Baekhyun
Group: EXO / SuperM / Solo
DOB: 06.05.1992
Sun Sign: Taurus
Chinese Sign: Water Monkey
Life Path Number: 5
Masterpost: EXO
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Byun Baek Hyun
Baekhyun (EXO)
Deck: Tarot of the Divine
Spread: Love is a Battlefield
Shining Armour (Their defence tactics) - X The Wheel of Fortune
Once Baekhyun feels like falling in love while it’s not convenient for him, he will overturn his life. He will change his habits and routes in order to avoid meeting his love interest.
Excalibur (Their contra attack tactics) - King of Cups
Baekhyun isn’t really the type to attack back. He’s patient and wise, he prefers to wait. He hopes his feelings will fade away, that his love interest will lose interest in him. Baekhyun might try to play their friend and suggest they focus on someone who could be better for them than him.
Achilles Heel (Their weak spot) - Queen of Cups
We all know Baekie is a softie at heart. When his love interest starts to care for him, nurture him, be nice to him, his heart is melting for them. He can’t resist being tenderly and selflessly loved.
Abracadabra (The spell to crack their resistance) - Page of Cups
Baekhyun is a romantic soul. His love interest will prepare a candlelit dinner, walk with him hand in hand under the stars, kiss his cheek softly, look into his eyes for long minutes… And Baekhyun’s defence is crumbling down like a house of cards.
Waterloo (How to defeat them) - 8 of Swords
Give him a way out of the situation he created by resisting his feelings. Let him know it’s safe to change mind and express his feelings. Set him free from the cycle of denial and accept him with open arms as he confesses his love and adoration.
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baekxytocin · 2 years
100 Days My Prince - Part 88
Part 88 – Love Shot (Side 5 – 13 Minutes Performances)
‘There’s a blessing in disguise.’
480 words
After the EXO members performed Love Shot, the other singers also completed their performances as a whole group, solo and sub-units.
Not long after, the stage goes dark again. After the next group takes place on the stage, the song starts first before the stage goes bright again.
“Wow! The First Snow!” you and your husband cheer, along with fans who cheer louder than you.
You sing along to the song and feel the song as if you are at Christmas again. Your husband takes a brief look at you. He is happy to see you enjoying the concert tonight.
As The First Snow ends, the show resumes with another singer. Right after the singer ends the song, the stage goes dark and now, you could see the familiar light decoration….
“Hubby, why do I feel that the light decoration is similar to your power, light?”
“Because it is my power. Did you just notice it?” and you could only nod at your husband.
“Hahaha, you must have focused on the performance only, you don’t even realise that’s my light power decoration hanging there. And since the light decoration has returned, I believe it’s EXO’s turn to perform again. I wonder what song they perform this time.”
And it turns out it is the sub-unit performance; the EXO-SC, Sehun and Chanyeol. They perform Fly Away first, then Rodeo Station second. Since you have known all of their songs, you easily sing along with them.
“WOW!!!! Suho Oppa sings with them at the Fly Away! That’s so cool!” you are getting excited.
“Who sings the original part? I forgot” your husband implores.
“Gaeko” you swiftly answer him.
Both of you continue to watch until the end of their sub-unit performances.
“It feels like there’s a blessing in disguise” you take a look at your husband. “What do you mean?”
“I am in the military service now. This is the time for EXO-SC to shine. Imagine if I haven’t entered the military yet, or have completed my military services, I’m pretty sure CBX will be the one who dominates the sub-unit part in the most concert performance.”
“Yeah, I feel that too” you seem to agree with your husband. “It seems like there were about 11-13 minutes of their total performances. From Love Shot, The First Snow, Fly Away and Rodeo Station.”
“That’s adequate enough” your husband feels proud. “Since the company has signed many artists, I feel the total time given to perform is fair” he continues.
“That’s great to hear that….” you and your husband smile at each other when there is an incoming text message. You open the message.
Yah! Is that Baekhyun? Come to the backstage now! We want to see him too!!!!
You laugh when your husband asks. “Who is that?”
“Let’s go to the preparation room, hubby. I think the members are really surprised now.”
To be continued….
Uploaded on: 30th January 2023
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cheshiretears · 2 years
[Podfic] Blooming Days
 by yibaek
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Fandom: EXO
Rating: E
Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Kim Jongdae | Chen/Kim Minseok | Xiumin, Byun Baekhyun/Kim Jongdae | Chen, Byun Baekhyun/Kim Minseok | Xiumin, Kim Jongdae | Chen/Kim Minseok | Xiumin
Additional Tags: Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Drinking, Drunken Kissing, Drunken (Consensual) Sex, Frottage, so much frottage, Anxiety Attacks, Crying, Unreliable Narrator, Personal Growth, Masturbation, Musicals, Alternate Universe- College/University, Fluff, Kissing, Drunk Dancing, Past Heartbreak, Texting, Polyamory, Podfic, Audio Format: MP3, Podfic Length: 7-10 Hours
Summary: Baekhyun is in love with his best friend and writes a musical about it. When rehearsals hit, he doesn’t expect to fall for someone else along the way.
Music: Blooming Day by EXO-CBX
Chapter 1: Watch Out: Dropbox (2:07:19 hr | 116.56 MBs)
Chapter 2: Off The Wall: Dropbox  (2:33:20 hr | 140.58 MBs)
Chapter 3: Gentleman: Drive (1:46:10 hr | 97.2 MBs)
Chapter 4: Tornado Spiral: Drive (2:22:54 hr | 135.2 MBs)
Full Fic: AO3 |  Archive (8:09:03 hr | 489.54 MB)
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hyuckles-chuckles · 4 years
i got 1400 followers the other day (thank you!), and i was wondering if y’all would like me to do something special for when i get 1500 followers
when i got 500 or 1000 it was always around my anniversary so i never celebrated it, but since it’s a few months after i was thinking of maybe opening my requests and write some drabbles or something
anyway, that’s it from me, i just want to say thank you again to everyone that’s followed and liked my writings, it really means a lot that i’m gaining followers like this and i don’t mean to say that i’m only concerned with the numbers because this is a hobby of mine and i love writing for y’all y’know i love y’all so much!♥♥♥
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EXO (CBX) - Reaction to You Playing With Their Hair
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Minseok: Min was tired from a long day of practice so when he came home to find you on the couch he laid with his head on your lap. You didn’t mind it, you actually loved it when he did this. Completely unaware you were doing so, you started to run your fingers through his hair. Your parents used to do it to you when you were younger, so it came so naturally. You noticed Minseok’s eyes started to become heavy and that he was having a hard time keeping them open. “If you keep this up Jagi I might fall asleep.” You looked down at him, “Good, you need some rest.” He gave you a smile and then closed his eyes. A few minutes later his breathing slowed and he was fast asleep.
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Baekhyun: Baek was enjoying some free time at your shared apartment. You enjoyed watching him play his videogames so you were sitting with him while he was playing League of Legends. You noticed how his hair looked particularly fluffy today so you reached up to run your fingers through it. It was just as soft as you thought it would be. Your puppy of a boyfriend seemed to enjoy this random gesture and leaned into your hand. “That feels so nice Jagiya, please don’t stop.” You giggled and continued to play with his hair as he focused on his game.
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Jongdae: You were sitting on the couch with Dae sitting on the living room floor in between your legs. He was going over lyrics for one of CBX’s new songs. His honey like voice filled the room and you looked down at him lovingly. You started to play with his hair. He giggled and looked back up at you. “Watcha doin’ Jagi?” You gave him a smirk, “I can stop if you want me to,” and ruffled it one more time. “No need, I like it.” You continued to run your fingers through his hair and he grabbed one of your hands and kissed it gently. He then resumed practicing, satisfied with the affection that he was receiving from you.
As requested. :)
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