rawrambles · 10 months
Reasons _____ is not good for me:
1. Punched me in the fucking face
2. Continued to abuse me after “calming down”
3. Wouldn’t let me leave
4. Used my past addiction against me
5. Thinks I’m cheating if I give a homie a ride
6. Will beat me up for liking a guys picture/ giving a guy a ride / saying someone like a celebrity is attractive
7. Doesn’t support my goals if it means his own life is compromised
8. Didn’t push me to go back to counseling
9. Threatens suicide if I don’t stay
10. Has obvious anger/ abusive issues and tendencies
11. We end up fighting every time we go somewhere
12. Takes my personal issues personally
13. Could never open up about certain things to him
14. Is not the person I thought he was
15. Manipulative and controlling and very good at hiding it
16. Pursued me while I was with living with _____
17. Moves too fast despite when I say I want to take it slow
18. Smashed a table over my head
19. Just fucking sucks as a person
“If you have to make the list, it’s already over.”
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raze-animus · 2 years
your hair was silk
between my calloused fingers
your skin was warm
against my cold hands
your smiling lips were my happiness
pressed to mine, it was perfection
your words were poison
swallowed by my hungry ears
your stare was petrifying
meeting my desperate gaze
your face became sickening
avoiding the sight, i still threw up
(we change so fast)
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bluebellfarmer · 2 years
My ex and I broke up a couple days ago (it didn’t even hit a month lmao) and they added me to their close friends list on Instagram (which they never use) just to post “I don’t date often, but when I do I date the wrong ones”… calm down there buddy, we had a talking stage due in about 2 months and now you’ve bumped it up to 6.
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elfuegointerior · 26 days
Soñé que visitaba a mi ex en la casa donde vivíamos juntos. En el baño, que en la vida real no podría tenerlo porque no colinda con ningún otro edificio, había un pasadizo secreto. Estábamos con todas las 'Plastics' (sus amigos), y tras pasar la primera compuerta cubierta de azulejos, había un tipo de vestidor secreto. Dentro de este, había otra compuerta secreta que daba a un pasillo que, tras unos pocos metros, salía a través de otra puerta al pasillo de un lujoso hotel, y de ahí llegábamos a un gran comedor de un restaurante donde se celebraba una importante fiesta.
I dreamt I was visiting my ex at the house we used to live together. In the bathroom, which in real life couldn't have it because it doesn't adjoin any other building, there was a secret passage. We were with all the 'Plastics' (his friends), and after passing through the first door covered in tiles, we found a kind of secret dressing room. Inside it, there was another secret door that led to a corridor that, after a few meters, exited through another door into the hallway of a luxurious hotel, and from there we reached the large dining room of a restaurant where a party was being held.
Posible interpretación: Este sueño podría reflejar tu exploración de aspectos ocultos o no resueltos de tu relación pasada. El uso de pasadizos y compuertas secretas puede simbolizar descubrimientos inesperados o revelaciones sobre tu pasado. La transición de un ambiente familiar a un espacio público y lujoso como un hotel y un restaurante podría indicar tu deseo de moverte de situaciones personales privadas a situaciones más abiertas y posiblemente más gratificantes. La presencia de las 'Plastics' y la fiesta podría representar cómo percibes la vida social de tu ex y cómo se relaciona con tus propias experiencias o sentimientos de exclusión o inclusión.
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tvictori · 8 months
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tarotenerjisi · 8 months
Aklındaki Kişi Son Görüşmenizden Sonra Ne Düşündü Ne Hissetti? Tarot Yorumu
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metagibon · 1 year
Pac-Man's Kitchen Quest: How Did His 'Wakka Wakka' Cooking Attract a Surprising Guest In a bustling kitchen, Pacman grooved to the catchy beats of "Pac-Man Phonk" while chopping goods. In a hilarious twist, he playfully envisioned his ex-partner as a mischievous veil-wearing rat. The kitchen transformed into a comical "Ratatouille" adventure, and Pacman couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter! 🎶😄 And so began his wacky kitchen escapades! =============================== You like RPGs? Maybe it's time to finally try RAID: Shadow Legends -  fantasy-themed, turn-based role-playing game. New e patch: New Boss, Accessory Ascension, new Faction Crypt, and more! Play RAID on iOS, Android and PC  =============================== I craft memes and music gags My Patreon My TikTok My Inst Original NFT memes  ===============================
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womensecretinfo · 2 years
Long Term Relationship Break Up and Get Back Together
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Long term relationship break up and get back together is not a simple story because it can be challenging—but also rewarding. When a relationship ends, it cannot be easy to come to terms with the fact that it is time to move on. It is possible to rekindle your relationship if you and your partner recognize the difficulties in your relationship and take a break to evaluate your feelings. This article discusses the dynamics of long-term relationships breaking up and reuniting, the dynamics at work, and the steps you and your partner can take to make a virtual relationship work again. Read the full article
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loneliness99 · 2 years
Written in 2019 about a past lover… guess I still have not gotten over it 4 years later
I got a question for you.
Did you really want to break up with her or was that just you trying to hurt me. Be honest.
Ur a dick
It hurts me so much to love you
I never knew how much I loved you until I lost you
I was told to move on and to focus and love myself.. how can I do that when I can’t stop loving you..
Fucking asshole
Everytime you break me I break you
I start building my walls back and here you come knocking them down like a tornado
I want so bad to be rid of you but I can’t
I know you will never see this so fuck it
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thecommunalfoolboy · 2 years
How come whenever you call exes out on their bullshit they go “No I’m not in the wrong because this” and then what they say is 10x worse and also proves your point
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nathansflug · 2 years
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„Die Phase nach einer Trennung ist ein guter Moment, um innezuhalten und mit folgenden Fragen sowohl zurück als auch in die Zukunft zu blicken. Was habe ich in dieser Beziehung und während der Trennung über mich selbst erfahren? Hat diese Beziehung oder dieser Partner neue Seiten in mir anklingen lassen oder war ich so, wie in anderen Beziehungen auch? Gibt es Konflikte, die sich in dieser und vielleicht auch in vorherigen Beziehungen immer wiederholen? Was haben diese Konflikte mit mir zu tun? An wen erinnert ich mein Partner in solch einer Konfliktsituation und wie erwachsen fühle und verhalte ich mich? Welche Rolle nehme ich in Partnerschaften ein und welche Rolle haben meine Partner? Ändern sich diese Rollen oder bleiben sie immer gleich? Welche Rolle wäre mir in der nächsten Beziehung lieber? Welche persönlichen Entwicklungen wurden mir in der letzten Beziehung ermöglicht und welche wurden verhindert? Welche meiner Defizite konnten durch den Expartner kompensiert werden? Habe ich Sehnsüchte, die niemand erfüllen kann oder suche ich mir für meine Bedürfnisse unpassende Partner aus? Was vermisse ich aus meiner letzten Beziehung und was möchte ähnlich wieder erleben? Was soll sich in meiner nächsten Beziehung auf gar keinen Fall wiederholen? Was kann ich dazu beitragen, dass meine nächste Beziehung glücklich(er) verläuft?“ [S. 316]
— „Liebe machen : wie Beziehungen wirklich gelingen“ von Sandra Konrad, 2015
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tambourineophelia · 5 months
Man, reading some things Swifties say about the Tour or their favourite love songs is just so sad. I know Taylor's art is very intertwined with her personal life, and I get you feel very close to her because of it, but you are also allowed to enjoy the things she made (for you!!) independently of her.
When she reassesses her relationship to songs she wrote about an expartner, that doesn't mean she didn't mean those things back then, and even if she didn't! You can interpret those words new for your own situation! They're yours, your relationship to this song is not hers, it's your own! So please, if "Lover" describes how you feel about your love, play it at your wedding, I'm sure Taylor would be delighted.
And the other thing I've seen a lot is people feeling bad about going to/enjoying the tour when Taylor was secretly heartbroken. I'm sure it would break her heart to hear THAT. First of all, she probably enjoys playing a whole lot - sure it's work, but it's also the love of tens of thousands of people coming back at her. So you should reframe it as being there for her when she needed it. And then it's probably also nice to step out of your sadness and your hurt, put on a glitter body suit and get on with it. And finally, she played these shows for you to enjoy! She wanted to make it "the best night of your lives", don't feel guilty she succeeded! Her work is to make you happy and I am sure she's overjoyed she could give you all of that, even when she was not at her best (and it seems she also got to work through a lot of feelings on this tour, which might have helped as well.)
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withascaleandafeather · 4 months
Haven't seen u around for a while, and since you've been having trouble with ur expartner (i think), i hope you and Maverick are doing alright ❤️
Thank you for thinking about us. Maverick is still being Maverick. He still says the most jaw dropping things at least threw times a day.
We took in some rescue cats. One of them was pregnant. So now we're dealing with rescue kittens. The neighbors were calling the mom Peanut, so the babies got named Butter and Biscuit.
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Smt i always imagine is our soft subby boys meeting an expartner and hearing about what your relationship was like with your former sub and its a completely different dynamic from the one you have with him and!!! I could write a thesis on why i think there are very specific categories they all fall into!
Charles... first of all babygurl charles does not want to meet your former sub, does not even want to acknowledge you had previous relationships. You're his now and he's happy being delusional! If it was known they would be at an event you're going to i think he would be very sneaky and try to find a way you can both avoid it, but if you have to go theres no way hes not going to be there (i hc charles and being very protective, very territorial- he does not want to share!). And charles is trying to avoid them but is so hyperaware of their presence he kind of just ends up glaring at them all night while you have an arm around his waist ... so, like, they have no choice but to approach, charles is drawing attention and its awkward 😭 and okay okay your arm never leaves his waist but you smile and maybe just a small comment is made, idk, charles trying to brag about your dynamic and how much attention you give him, bc! He needs to know! You like charles more! And then your former sub goes oh no ours was really laid back, i didnt need too much and she could have other hobbies 😩 i literaly have no idea, i leave this to your talent to make it more believable, but ! Charles just deflates, everything has been too much and hes so overwhelmed and just tired and then teary, but he doesnt want to leave you and just needs you to know he needs to be at home alone with you in spft pyjamas cuddling - i hc charcles as well as just expecting you to know his every feeling, he knows its good to communicate but you always just seem to know ... so just a little bit when you keep talking even with his shiny eyes looking at you and youre not even looking back hes feeling betrayed?? And he knows its irrational but he cant help it.
You go through the rest of the night with a very sullen and withdrawn charles who wont really talk to you but also wont stop hugging you and god forbid you dont hold his waist (very zendaya and tom holland okay? Have you seen those photos???? BABYGIRL) even if hes sad and just a tiny bit upset with you he still needs you to hold him, or hes just gonna fall apart, and now i leave this to ypu, if you want to answer! Just insecure sad charles needing reassurance, but getting the problem out of him is challenging enough. Ik you can do this justice bestie!! Would love to hear your thoughts. I have ideas for the others as well but i thought it was too much for a single ask 😩
Oh my god I love this. PLEASE PLEASE send me your other ideas!!! Please!!! I need to know all the thoughts!!!! I added mommy kink to this because I think it works really well with the different dynamic aspect?
So firstly, yeah charles is happy to live in delusion! He’s your baby boy and you’re his mommy and it has simply always been that way in his little head. He never ever wants to meet anyone who has been with you before him, because no! He refuses! He’s yours and you’re his and that’s it.
(Sidenote: he gets even more distressed when he meets one of his exes)
And because of Charles being so territorial, he honestly loves going to kink events? Of course it’s always very high class kink events where everyone has to sign NDAs to protect Charles.
He LOVES being on your arm the whole night, letting everyone see what a good boy he is for his mommy. He wears his collar so proudly, clinging to your side the entire evening and just being so happy because so many people come up to you two and no one even thinks of trying to join you two because it’s so clear that you’re together and need no one else and Charles is THRIVING.
You spend a fair amount of the evening with Charles curled up on your lap, receiving a slow handjob and he’s truly living his best life. So many people come to watch but none can touch and even when they make comments or suggestions, Charles always looks to you because you’re his mommy! He’s a good boy, only listening to his mommy.
So after you’ve teased an orgasm out of Charles and he’s all soft and happy in your arms (and trying to get down onto the floor because he’s feeling soft and subby and he must return the favour! Must taste mommy!), you decide it’s time to walk around the room a little and actually greet some people.
Charles is more than happy with that, because he loves being arm Candy. He’s in no state to actually talk much, but he knows you’ll handle that.
That’s when you run into your ex. Charles has heard about the person before, because you’re both very open about who you’ve been with before. Maybe Charles had even seen a picture of them before?
Even normally, Charles would be very unhappy with seeing one of your exes. But at a kink event? When he’s just had an orgasm? Oh no Charlie is VERY upset about this.
He glared at the person, sticking to your side and pouting. At first you think it’s Charles being possessive because you did just make him cum and are now looking at others. So you tighten your grip on his waist, pulling him closer. You expect him to melt into your side as always, cuddling into you and then happily getting his cuddles while you chat to some people.
But that’s not what happened, because Charlie’s is upset! He will not just melt into your arms because an ex sub of yours is right there!
At the same time, your ex sub notices you and comes to say hi. The two of you left on good terms, and you don't mind running into them at all. Charles though? Charles minds. He really really minds.
Charles introduces himself though, prodding announcing that you're his mommy, emphasising the possession because he needs the ex sub to know that you're HIS mommy now.
Only for the ex sub to smile and say, "Oh that's nice, we never really did that dynamic together, preferred more lowkey stuff."
Which just... Charles needs to go home now. He needs to go home right now.
He knows that he should be happy to hear that you havent been anyone else's mommy. But that also means that you havent wanted to be anyone else's mommy. Do you not enjoy it as much as he thought you did? Is he just a burden?
He's too sad and too subby and you must take him home now!!
Except he doesn't voice this, he just forces a laugh and cuddles as close to you as he can, trying to get some comfort. You don't notice anything odd about his behaviour, because you expected him to be quiet and clingy after his orgasm.
But then you try to walk somewhere else, expecting Charles to come with you but Charles doesn't expect it. So he just kinda stands there and whines?
You take a few steps before realising Charles isnt with you, and when you turn around, you see a sobbing Charles watching you. The poor thing assumed you were leaving him, not that you were simply going somewhere else and expecting him to follow you.
Your heart just breaks, because your little sub is clearly so lost and confused and something has made him so much more upset than he should be.
So you quickly go back to him, pulling him into your arms and apologising for not warning him that you were going to move.
"Mommy," he whines, clinging to you, "mommy.... need mommy."
You hold him tight, kissing his neck and promising him that you're right there, that he has his mommy.
You take him home after that, changing him into comfy clothes and letting him cuddle him into you. You just hold him close, waiting for him to calm down before you ask him anything. You know that if you ask him what happened before he's ready, then he'll only get even more upset.
So you just let him calm down in your arms, keeping him warm and safe and giving him plenty of forehead kisses.
When he's ready, he admits that what really upset him was meeting your old sub, and hearing that you had a much more laid back dynamic with them. You understand then, and your heart just breaks because your subby baby should never ever think that he's too much.
"Things were more laid back with them," you explain, "and yeah I've never had such a serious dynamic before. But I've also never had such a cute babyboy before, and I've never wanted to look after someone like I want to with you before."
"So you... you're happy with me?" he asks you, sniffling a little.
"Of course!" you say, "I love you! You're my baby, yeah?"
He nods then, managing to give you a little smile.
But he'd still rather be delusion though. He belongs to his mommy and his mommy belongs to him.
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arjunasearth · 7 months
it is so freeing to talk to your best friend. She understands me like no other and truly is my soulsister. I am so deeply thankful for her understanding, patience and her not being judgemental no matter what happened to me or what I did / how I behave. It means so so much to have friends like her in my life. I am going through so many processes of healing recently, it's being going on for such a long time.And it will go on and on. It cannot happen overnight. To break open and to release so much hurt also means feeling it , feeling through it so that we can allow it to exit our being as it has entered us and stayed there way too long. Ive locked myself. Ofc, I shared bits and parts about my healing process and the pain I am going through here on tumblr. But what really almost broke me was locking my thoughts and feelings up and judging myself for talking about them with people,especially my closest friends. I felt shame towards myself and it is only now when I started talking about it more openly that I realize how much pain there actually still is and has been stuck, stagnant for too long. It is time for me to let all of this pain go, to release. To share and to be vulnerable. Because being vulnerable is nothing bad at all. It is true strength. Towards my heart and soul. It it the inititation for healing , for feeling and for releasing. Writing has always helped me to release, ofc writing physically in my book helps more than digital writing tbh but it's still a freeing process. It is releasing and sharing deep thoughts and feelings. But I also understood and learned (the hard way) that we are never alone with our pain and hurt, there will always be people who listen if we do not lock ourselves up in our heads / ignore our pain. There are many ways to release for me, first of all, movement. I can let go of burdening energy when I move and come back to my center, vibing with the flow. But talking , being listened to in person and non-judgementally...sisterhood and brotherhood...this is what I truly have been lacking and missing all the time because I felt ashamed, not ready, bad for talking about my pain , my hurt , the abuse I experienced. I think it is a HUGE step to open up and to allow vulnerability in my life. I was so fixated on my expartner and how I can help him feeling, healing , that I almost lost my self and began to numb my feelings and thoughts. And I understand that this has been fundamentally wrong. Because in a way, I ignored my needs.My being and who I was and still am, where I have changed and what I really need in my life. My friends and family brought me back and fully support me in this processes and they have always been there. It was me who turned my back on them, without wanting to hurt them in any way-and they never judged me for that and still don't. I am not someone who is judgemental in any way and yet I realize that I have been so judgemental towards myself instead! This should not be the case. It is never wrong to speak up about how I feel and what hurt and hurts me. Its is my birthright to do so. To share. To communicate. Breaking out of this very toxic patterns in my head (and life) really frees me right now. It is like dropping so much burden, pain and hurt that I carried on my back like a waaay too heavy sack that I have been carrying for too long, for years and even decades of my life. Breaking out hurts but also feels so right, as it is supposed to feel I guess. Also coming more and more back to my journalling practice helps.I am worthy of support, guidance and help. I am worthy to reach out when I am being deeply overwhelmed with my emotions. I am worthy of vulernability, towards myself and others. I am worthy of not being judged in any way as I dont judge others.I am worthy of coming back to my true essence, my inner child , releasing deep pain and hurt.
Blessed Lunar Year Y'all <3
Strong Energies are head.
May we all transition gently into this new lunar cycle.~~
Sending love <3
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