#expect that next week sometime?
intotheelliwoods · 2 months
Oh yeah, thanks everyone for being patient with me! 2AL is still going to be on hiatus until about mid-may as a warning! 🙏You are all the best!
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tales-of-snaktooth · 3 months
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Welcome, Captain Seaside | Year 287 | Part 1
First (here) | Next
Workin on a comic! As the title says, this will revolve around Seaside's first meeting with the other three matriarchs.
The grump of the hour isn't here yet, but we do have these two bickering!
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meownotgood · 11 months
50,000 words. 50k words of aki sex. five zero zero zero zero. aki sex.
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aqpippin · 1 month
wip wednesday —
grandekofi au where tia and dame have a one year stand. or, where tia and dame are in a relationship, except they’re the only ones who don’t know it (untitled) 🤎
The thing about having a one night stand with the girl your best friend is close friends with and has gatekept from you is that it becomes really fucking important that she never knows.
Because she’d begged her, hadn’t she? She’d said, “literally anyone but Dame, I don’t want to deal with the fallout when it inevitably goes to shit,” to her when Tia had said she’d wanted to kiss someone - a woman - now that she’s absolutely positive she’d be doing it with good intentions and not just because she likes attention and kissing.
She’s pan, and she’s only kissed one girl before, and that felt like something that should change.
She’d picked Dame after Dame loaned her an umbrella leaving the bar one night and Tia had stopped being an antagonistic little shit long enough to say a sincere thank you. And Dame had just said, “get home safely, please,” and really meant it.
She’d picked Dame after not being able to stop thinking about her name tucked away in Dame’s soft, pretty accent, or Dame’s hand on her shoulder, or the way their thighs had pressed together briefly under the table.
She’d picked Dame, and when Dame choked out a surprised sound and asked, “really?” when Tia brought up the idea of kissing, Tia fucking whimpered at the idea that Dame thought kissing her was such a privilege she’d been surprised by it.
Dame is currently pressing her into the mattress and kissing down her neck, and Tia is fucking desperate to ask how long Dame has wanted to do this, but she doesn’t want to take them out of the moment.
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queerstudiesnatural · 14 days
i think my brain should be studied i'm being fr
#surely this isn't normal#my dreams are like a portal to another life#sometimes i dream about the next day in advance#like with full details. and i often plan lessons in my sleep#sometimes i dream up entire stories with full fledged characters and backstories and intricate plot points etc#last night i dreamt up not just one but about ten such episodes#in the same night i also dreamt that i started taking T and had sex with a random girl and then had. a kinky adventure with dean winchester#(i love being ace about also this dream sex was pretty nice!)#i'm not gonna tell all the stories bc we would be here all day but#there were a Lot of different stories in my dream#full stories that all felt like they happened over the course of days or weeks or months or years in some cases#god i met so many different people in one night and they don't even exist#how i am expected to function properly when my head is so full of memories from lives i never lived but also kind of did#i feel like there's a hundred different universes in my memories and they're all from dreams but they all feel super real#like oh yeah remember that time i was part of a forest dwelling society that started gaining powers and we all thought they were#evil powers but it turns out the forest had given us the ability to communicate with it and to fly and to heal#or oh yeah i traveled the world once and then on my way back i had to cheat customs that wanted to charge me an exorbitant amount of money#for my luggage#by jumping down the luggage slide and travelling with the luggage#or oh yeah i was on T once and actually lost my T pills in a swamp but i dug around and ended up finding them#and i started to grow facial hair after like a week#like stoooop that's too many lives to live#every single night i go through another portal and live a whole ass life#rain.stuff#rain.dreams
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sableeira · 1 year
okay but ada dazai is so pretty princess vibe and prison dazai is so cat vibe. pre-dark era dazai is also cat vibe but not in the silly way but in the haunted way. dark era and beast dazai are both bastard vibe but in a tragic way and in the most affectionate way possible. the peak of dazai’s pretty princess vibe was during dead apple.
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mimicteruyo · 11 months
Now that I’m neither half asleep nor out, a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in the Welcome to Gensokyo Zine, and another huge thank you to everyone who has or plans to check it out. I don’t think I’ll ever stop being in awe of what a treasure trove of wonderful fanworks it ended up being.
Also, a truly massive thank you to Yoshi. She was incredible throughout the production cycle and worked insanely hard (the amazing graphics she made for the zine are just the tip of the iceberg). I couldn’t have asked for a better co-mod and there’s 0% chance this zine would ever have been made without her. Special thanks to floops as well for coming in clutch when we discovered just how massive the project was actually going to be and for having really good ace attorney opinions
Have a lovely summer, everyone!
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jittyjames · 3 months
guess who is starting therapy ✨
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woolandcoffee · 5 months
Nothing like starting work at 6:45am to host a 7am webinar (in which my zoom crashed and I had to scramble to get back online thank you very much) only to receive an email at 8am asking whether I needed more time to complete an article that is due today that I am only just now hearing about.
January is going great.
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cyanidas · 5 months
Hope yall are having a good holiday season!
I'm excited for the new year ;w; small update in tags
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dokoni-mo · 6 months
when the part 9 come out ?
soon soon ive started working on it!!
just been visiting a lotta family lately and doin shit yknow how it is
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ghostzvne · 4 months
i’m picking up 40 print copies of my zines on monday afternoon and it’s very surreal to think about
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mildmayfoxe · 10 months
i even piggybacked off my bravery for confronting the medical system to go to the weed store :)
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
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running-in-the-dark · 2 months
I've basically been moving non-stop all day for a week (except Monday when I went to the doctor, and then the antibiotics were mean to me), everything hurts, but hey at least my room is somewhat close to being finished!
now there's just everything else left to do....
I've also had to deal with builders and electricians and a painter and I don't remember who else every day this week. I think I did alright. didn't have a panic attack or anything, it didn't even make me very anxious. so that's good! but I want to be left alone for several months now please 🙃
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chipchopclipclop · 10 months
AND THE STORE IS CLOSED AGAIN, thank you very much everyone !! I'll be sending out the remainder of orders shortly, if you're wondering when ill restock stuff it'll probably be sometime next year... but for now that'll be it !
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