#experimental vaccine
reality-detective · 2 months
The military personnel were/are the lab rats, but everything has been scripted to end the lives of billions of people. 🤔
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lasseling · 3 months
The Fauci Tape That Won’t Go Away
Joe Rogan refuses to let go of this damning audio tape that Fauci wishes would disappear. When Fauci was confronted to his face on this
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allthoseotherworlds · 7 months
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aressida · 23 days
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Take a moment to really think about what is happening with conditions like Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Bell's Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.
These are not just rare occurrences anymore and it is annoying as they are becoming all too common. And then there is the rise of what some are calling 'turbo cancers, for the past year' where aggressive cancers are showing up suddenly, often in people who seemed perfectly healthy. Even heart diseases are on the rise, affecting younger people who should have had years of good health ahead of them.
As someone who’s spent time digging into what is really going on, especially when it comes to Big Pharma, I cannot help but see a pattern.
These pharmaceutical companies have so much power and influence, and they are not always transparent about the risks their products pose.
What we are seeing now is the fallout from that lack of accountability, and it is something we cannot ignore.
We need to start asking the tough questions and holding these people responsible before more lives are affected.
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negativeohio · 2 months
We made a new song, go check it out! Also, remember to get your shots
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Children were never truly at risk, and the vaccines were never properly tested. Our kids are not guinea pigs.
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creepy-scrawl · 5 months
Well... After all... Pain and sadness. . . At least seeing my dog chewing her paws makes me feel better
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bronzetomatoes · 1 year
Nearly time 2 hit the hay (it is 9pm)
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awesomecooperlove · 2 years
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lasseling · 3 months
Covid-Vaxxed Children 4423% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed
Alarming official government statistics have revealed that children who received Covid mRNA shots are at a massively elevated risk of dying.
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timogsilangan · 3 months
i rlly do not think white global northerners understand how fucking bad the anti sinovac psyop was in context of the philippines and other targeted countries being from the global south, with a history of economic and military intervention and destabilization by the usa specifically.
i live in the philippines and sinovac was the only available vaccine for MONTHS of the pandemic. people were fucking dying and we had no pfizer, no j&j, no astrazeneca, no moderna. sinovac was the ONLY vaccine supply we had. and the supply wasnt even enough for even my small city. we do not have the infrastructure to manufacture our own vaccines and tests. we were entirely reliant on imports from other countries who Did have the capacity to manufacture such things
i got up early for several days straight to go to a pop up walk in vaccination site (were talking there by 7:30am) set up in a fucking public basketball court because it was the only way to get vaccinated, and 3 times i had to go back empty handed so to speak after exposing myself to this massive opportunity for transmission because they fucking ran out of shots and prioritized the elderly and disabled and i didnt have my legal pwd (person with disability) card yet. i had to go to a different barangay (local unit of government) to get my shot MONTHS LATER and only got mine because one of my family was in the local govt and reserved some shots for us.
many filipinos use facebook which is where some of the psyop was conducted because you can use it for free on your phone and it is often where news is disseminated. i know we have that joke about People Believing Anything They See On Facebook but i cannot stress enough that people here get local news from fb the same way you (used to) get news from twitter about shit like localized emergencies and whatnot.
because we are third world, you know that the state of our education system is nothing compared to the states. media and news literacy here is dangerously low and the population is sensitive to mis/disinformation, as can be seen during the 2022 presidential elections where the usa Also interfered lol. i cannot stress enough how much of the population was susceptible to this psyop, especially those in poverty who couldnt afford proper education. hell, even educated people fell for this shit. do you think jhunjhun who didnt finish grade 6 would be able to identify disguised foreign intervention that was in his own language?
we were already recovering from public scrutiny of a different vaccine, a dengue vaccine, which lowered public trust in inoculation. and then the usa goes and does THIS??? i cannot emphasize enough that they are directly responsible for the tens and thousands of unvaccinated covid deaths. they are responsible for my friends having to bury their unvaxxed parents and grandparents at the age of 19. they are responsible for mass death and disability.
but were just a country in the periphery. so who cares about us? our lives are worthless to the usa, which is why they admitted that they did this when they would otherwise "never" to their own population. third worlders arent real people to your government. we are merely statistics and a petri dish for experimentation. so who cares if we die? the real important thing isnt our lives, its that the usa has more control over us than china.
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the reaction of Bill Gates to eradicate humanity with the vaccination.
unfortunately that didn't work.
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truth4ourfreedom · 3 months
The Injection Put into People’s Arms Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a SCHEDULED TOXIN Dr. David Martin explains why the COVID shots are actually bioweapons, not vaccines.
• Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna explicitly described mRNA as an experimental gene therapy in their SEC filings.
• Coronavirus fragments were described as “bio-warfare enabling technology” at a 2005 DARPA conference.
• According to 7 CFR Part 331, the spike protein associated with any modification of coronavirus is classified as a biological weapon.
• The injections instruct the human body to manufacture a scheduled toxin (spike protein).
It's all beginning to make sense after 4 years! I developed heart problems after recieving the Pfizer vaccines and my wife developed a rare heart condition after the Moderna vaccines. We were all snookered into believing that big Pharma and our Big Brother government actually had our best interests in heart when in actuality, we were all subjects in a massive worldwide experiment. Very sad days indeed! Big Pharma cannot be trusted!
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gwiazdaerydanu · 1 year
The Atlantic on COVID shots being in a beta-testing stage (from Livestre...
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reality-detective · 16 days
Just a Reminder 👆
“We can lower the population if we do a really good job with vaccines by about 10-15%” - Bill Gates
Reminder not to take experimental injections pushed on you by those who are on record numerous times advocating for the depopulation of the planet.
It’s really not complicated stuff people. 🤔
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thetruewest · 1 year
Bodily Autonomy Proposal
Bodily Autonomy for All: A Proposed Federal Law to Empower Individuals and Ensure Equality – True West (wordpress.com)
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