#explain yourselves 911 show
thebiggerbear · 5 months
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is someone going to tell them or...?
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jedinerd27 · 1 year
The Devil-Spider Is in the Code Part 1/?
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Miguel O’Hara X Fem! Spidey! Reader
You are the one and only Arachne, the newest hero of Hell's kitchen. Well, in you're dimension anyway.
In your Free time, you're a hacker, trying to bring down companies like Alchemax, Oscorp, and Stark Industries. Exposing them of corruption and their inhumane experiments.
You've recently have been recruited to the Spider-Society. Now surrounded by echos of your dead brother and other unique faces, You are gaining new tricks every day.
Yet, the only annoyance is Miguel O'Hara. The grumpy man doesn't seem to like you, and you have no idea as to why. You're doing your best to catch Anomalies and protect the Multi-Verse. So what if there are no Variants of yourself?
Multiple parts
Word Count:2,151
Cross posted on my AO3
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 Alright. Let’s get this out of the way.
Inter-dimensional Travel was something you’re older brother had theorized. He would explain it to you in long drawn-out personal lectures. Too bad you never understood it and would play Minecraft on your Phone when he would start, never noticing how your eyes would become glassy, staring at your screen.
He was the science geek. He spoke out against Alchemax and Oscorp so many times. Leading him to be flagged and blocked from multiple positions at other smaller companies. All he was doing was advocating for more humane experiments, no careless dumping of hazardous waste, and the black market deals the companies were making.
He was the true hero.             You were just his gal in the chair, his personal hacker. Getting him the information he needed to give to lawyers and news outlets. Showing the world what corrupt experiments were going on. Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson became the biggest legal defense you and Peter had. It was just a bonus that Matt taught you both how to defend yourselves, and was the legal Guardian after Aunt May and Uncle Ben’s death.
That was the case until the accident. Oscorp released a small little critter into your shared apartment one night. Hoping the little spider would spin its little web down onto your brother, poisoning him with the genetically modified venom.
The Spider bit you instead. And the enhanced venom? Sure it gave you a seizure, and you were driven to the hospital as your brother panicked. But it didn’t kill you.
That’s when the head of Oscorp decided a hitman was the solution.
It happened a few days after your release from the hospital The only family you had left. Taken from the world by the very people he spoke out against.
The rain started the same time your tears hit the ground.
“Peter, please, don’t sleep” You cry out clutching him to you. Thunder clapping all around you as the gunman runs down the alley. You think you heard Foggy yelling after Matt, before calling 911. “Please, Pete. Don’t Die! Don’t die!”
Matt’s footfalls as he ran down the alley, perusing the man.
“It’s okay bug, It’s going to be fine lil’bug” He mumbled out with a smile. And then he shut his eyes.
The cry you let you shattered you. A dark abyss opened up inside of you, fury inside you was born.
 As Foggy tried to pull you away from his body, and the Red and blue flashing lights approached, you saw nothing but red down the alley. When Matt returned with bloody knuckles and a black eye. The cops didn’t question him.
You took on your brother’s unfinished work, but with the addition of your new found powers. Anger fueled you for a long time, until you came to the realization, your brother was never angry with the world, He was disappointed. He wanted it to be a better place. Safer.
You had to continue fighting for what he wanted. You had to become his legacy.
No matter how hard you got hit, you hit harder. If you were going to go down, you weren’t going alone. You are not going to stop, not until Ospcorp, Alchemax, Stark industries, and others are held responsible.
Thank God that Matt continued to take care of you. He helped you grow into the powers.  
One Day your ginger Guardian took you up to the apartment building rooftop.
“Why do I need this on?” You pointed to the blindfold he had put on you. Technically it was your winter scarf, but it was tied around your head.
“For this!” Matt said somewhere on the rooftop.
Pins and needles ran up you back and you ducked.
THWACK! The sound of rubber hitting brick rang out. A tennis ball hits the Roof entrance in front of you.
“What the hell Matt?”
            KAWCHUNK!! KAWCHUNK!!
            TH same sensation ran up you on your left, and then your right, taking a step back you miss the next KAWCHUNK!! That was in front of you.
            A tennis ball thwacks you in the stomach.
            “Kid, you’ve got this sense,” Mat speaks as another Tennis ball is fired Causing you to bend your back, falling to your knees in a quick motion. “And I’m testing it out.”
            The prickles form in the back of your head. Sliding to the Right, a woosh of the tennis ball goes whirling past.
            “SO you thought getting hitting me with Tennis balls is okay?”
            “You’re dodging most of them” One hits you in the rib. “That doesn’t sound good.”
            “How are you doing this?”
            “The same way you’re dodging the chew toys”
            There is a click of a button. The whirling of 5 machines catches your ear, You’re whole body gets that sensation. You leap up as all of them fire. All five tennis balls hit each other in unison.
            “I taught you how to throw a punch, the least I can do is make sure you know how to dodge.” He smirks but you only look at the Red lensed glasses. The same shade that was on his knuckles that rainy night
            He Gave you batons and old pieces of armor. Vanbraces and shoulder pads, Greaves that went over the combat boots you always wore.
            He offered a helmet as well.
            “That’s never going to fit me.”
            “Would you prefer a bike helmet?”
             “I’d prefer it if I can make my own adjustments and touches.”
In the end, a red hoodie covered in various light armor bits and pocket pouches. You took your inspiration of the spider and your old sewing machine and ran with it.
            Blue LED Wires were sewn into the hood under black thread. The vanbraces got integrated with tech. Project a holographic Computer, stolen from Alchemax, easy for you to hack things without needing a physical computer. You had rewritten the software and the code, making it unique and unable to be tracked.
            “What are you going to call yourself?” Matt asks, fingers tracing over the hoodie, your handy work made a small smile appear on his face. This was him beaming with Pride.
            “Arachne” You didn’t even think about it. “I will be Arachne.”
Then you met the others. The Spider society.
Well, not all of them at first.
You just got out of college, graduating top of your Computer Engineer and Computer Science class. No job yet though Especially after it was revealed that you were the sister of the Annoyance that was once Peter Parker.
You going to blackmail us?
Thanks, but no thanks, we don’t need out dirty laundry to be aired out
Sure, they were right though. You were going to leak all their secrets out. Their software was used to spy on people in their homes, breaking their contract that had mentioned they would not do that. It helped that your guardian made sure you also got a minor in pre-law.
For the past 7 years, you were the one and only Arachne. The Crime Fighting vigilante, new to the scene, but taking over when Matt finally agreed it was time to hang up his horns.
The patrol was pretty quite that night, until that glitching Lizard started rampaging down the street.
“what the?” This definitely was not Dr. Cadence Conners. “Hey, Lizard Fella, DROP THE TRASHCAN!”
Landing on a light post, above the scaly humanoid, he stared up at you.
“Glowy Spidey?” His eyes slitted, as his long tongue licked his snout.
“Uh… kinda. Listen buddy why don’t-“
He threw the trash can at you. Causing you to let go of the lamppost.
“Okay, want to play dirty, let us play dirty.” Landing on the street, lucky no civilians around, you pulled out your batons and clicked the safety button. Electricity sprang alive to the metal and you charged.
Claws swiped left and light. Dodging and weaving, you manage to land a blow in the center of his chest.
ZAAP! And down he went. With a loud THUD and the whole ground around you shook.
“All in the days work” You chucked before you pulled out a hologram to call the authorities. That was until… he glitched. Green turning to purple, shapes surrounding him. Then he was back to normal. “The hell is going on in hell’s kitchen?”
“Oh, that’s where we are. I knew I was right, Ghostie!” A voice called from above you… and your froze.
No, no. It can’t be. That can’t be, but it sounds exactly like-
“Peter?” Your do a 180, staring up at the other lamp post.
There was a man squatting on top of another lamppost, just like how you do. The proper pouncing stance.
He stood in a skin-tight suit, the webbing of the suit was close to yours, and the same shade of red, with a pink bath robe on top with.. a baby Bjorn?
A slender woman was holding on to the post of it, leaning forward. Also in a skin tight suit. White with pink and black accents. Converse shoes on. Her hood was similar to yours, without the glowing blue LED.
“Uh, I take it you know me.. I mean my voice?” He swings down with a.. web-shooter. What?
He pulls of his mask and.
“I buried you.” Comes tumbling out. You pull him in for a bear hug. “How? How are you alive? And… why do you look so much older?”
He did, more wrinkles, and streaks of fading brown hair. He was… off. He wasn’t the same Peter.
“Oh… here’s the thing.” His face drops. And he pulls away. “I’m not your Peter. I’m from another Dimension. I’m a variant of…what was your peter to you?”
The woman swing down next to him, and delightful glee echos out. A baby was clutching not her shoulders. A toddler.
“Woah, hey mayday why don’t” Peter was cut off as the baby swung over and promptly sat herself down into the bjorn.
The woman took her mask off and…
“Oh, she knows both of us..” Peter sighed.
“When did you get an eyebrow piercing!” Your brother’s best friend from high school left town shortly after the funeral. She.. she looked younger. And her hair was slightly pink. “Wait… another dimension? No.. but..” As you fumble over the right words. They stare at you.
“You” pointing to Peter. “You’re not my brother.”
“Brother?” They both asked as the child giggled out and the swung over to you. Mayday.
“Mayday? After Aunt May?” Your eyes widen. This can’t be real. Your brother was dead, you didn’t have Gwen’s contact info, and you knew she would never get an eyebrow piercing. Hell, a second lobe was a BIG if for her. “Different dimensions? Is this… is this about this multiverse theory?”
            “It is Kid. “
“You… My brother talked about it a lot. He was into theoretical science, physics. He wanted to do that.”
“I’m sorry you lost him” Gwen speaks.
Staring down at the little girl in your arms, your eyes start to water.
Her joyful face drops and then she puts her tiny arms around your neck. A gentle squeeze.
Your brother deserved this life to have a kid, but never got it. Why not? This Peter got it.
“Why are you here.” You say as you gently hug the girl closer.
“For lizard over there.”
“A different version of Cadence Connors?”
“Yep.” Peter said. “We’re a part of a group of other People like us.”
“Spiders” Gwen simply explained taking a closer step. “But you’re gear…”
“I’m Arachne.” Extending a hand she shook it. “Daredevil taught me. He just retired.”
“Matt Murdock?” Peter’s Raises an eyebrow. Familiarity Rang aloud.
“Wait, Murderdock?” Gwen is taken aback at that. Fear raising her voice
“Wait, what? No, Matt doesn’t Kill. I don’t kill” You let go as the girl swings up to the lamppost above. “Sure, we hurt… and sometimes it’s a hospital visit for the other, but we don’t kill.”
“Woah, calm down the broth fo you” Better extend his hands as he tried to catch his daughter. ‘This is just another example of how the multiverse works.”
“And this multiverse has holes in it? Letting random rouges just fall through.”
“Essentially yes, and we” pointing to him and Gwen as Mayday was hanging of his bicep. “Are a part of a group that helps the ones that fall through back to their reality. Unfortunately, they don’t come willingly.”
You stare down at the Lizard.
“How many do you have? Currently, in this group?”
“Uh, twenty. Why?”
“How many multiverses are there?”
“Uh well one. If you mean dimensions… billions. Maybe Infinite.”
A smirk crosses your lips as you clicked your batons. Folding into one another they became the size of two pens. Putting the back in a pouch you smile up at the three newcomers.
“Need an extra Spider?”
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princessconsuela120 · 2 months
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Chapter twenty-five: Motion Sickness—❃
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: foul language, everything with teotfw and with euphoria
Authors note: Enjoy guys! All rights reserved to the show the end of the f*cking world. This is the last chapter guys!! Meet Me At Our Spot will be up again soon, thank you guys for reading this wild ride!!
I don’t know how I knew, I just did. Something didn’t feel right. That’s how I found the phone, with 911 dialed on it.
“I killed him.” I spoke into the phone, walking out with a shotgun pointed at Leslie.
“I killed him. She didn't do anything. Stay where you are. He called 911.” I explained, making Alyssa’s face drop.
“Baby? Baby, listen to me. I'm trying to protect you.”
“You fucker!” She shouted, stabbing a knife into his leg as he screamed in pain.
“Police!” An officer said, walking in. She looked kind, I felt bad that we were inevitability going to give her a hard time.
“You actually in the police?” Alyssa asked, making her nod.
“Yes! Can you stop pointing that at me, please?” She asked, making me lower the gun. “An armed unit's on its way. Okay, look. We haven't got long.”
“What is going on?” Alyssa asked, a worri3d look on her fce as she hid behind me.
“I want to help you, all right? Listen.”
“We need to go.” Alyssa said, making the officer infront of us sigh, standing infront of the door.
“No. Can't let you do that. You can't keep running. You can't. It's better that you hand yourselves in now, willingly, to me, and I can help you sort out a manslaughter plea.”
“Please, can you move?” I asked, my voice the weakest its been, seeing as i was extremely terrified of what could happen to us.
“No, you have to stop. Especially you, Fezco. You're 18 now.”
“What?” Alyssa said, turning to me with a sad expression.
“Happy birthday, by the way.”
“What, today? You're eighteenth? Why didn't you say anything? I would've got you a present.”
I shrugged, niot entirely sure what to say. She was the bst present i could have gotten.
“I saw your brother yesterday. He told me about your parents. He showed me the picture of you two.”
“Is he angry with me?” I asked, knowing the boy tended to get mad when i did dumd stuff.
“No, he's worried. Your mum's worried, too.”
Alyssa rolled her eyes. I could tell she didnt miss her mom, but maybeshe did she just didnt want ti admit to having feelings.
“Yeah, right.” Aluyssa replied sarcastically, causing the officer to sigh.
“She is. Your stepdad's a nasty prick isn't he?”
“What'll happen to us if we do what you say?” i asked, making alyssa nod in agreement.
“Nothing too bad. If you let me help you.”
“Yeah, right.” Leslie snorted, making Alyssa turn to him angrily.
“Don't lie to them. They'll lock you up and throw away the key.” Leslie explained, making the officer furrow her eyebrows at him.
“Mr. Miller, that's actually not the case.”
“They will. Don't listen to her.”
“You called the police, Leslie!” Alyssa shouted, making Leslie raise his arms on defense. I noticed how she called him Leslie, I knew it hurt her she couldn’t call him dad.
“Whoa! I'm trying to protect you. From him.”
“Oh, really? It wasn't for the reward? How much?” Alyssa raised an eyebrow at him, chewing on her lip nervously as she did. I noticed the little things she did now, that’s what you do when you love someone.
“Look, you didn't kill anybody, did you?”
“He's right.” I said, goddamn he was so right.
“I'll go with you. I'll hand myself in.” 
LWhat? No way!l Alyssa grabbed onto my arm and I swear my heart left my body.
“Listen, sweetheart, take it from someone who knows. You take after your mum. You have shit taste in men. Take the opportunity to get rid of this one.” She didn’t let him finish, instead kicked his leg hard, causing Leslie to scream in pain. “ Argh! What is wrong with you?”
“You want to know what's wrong with me, yeah?” She asked, letting out an angry huff of air. “You. You are. You don't care about me. You don't give the tiniest shit–“
“Course I care. Of course I give a shit–“
“You shouldn't just make people if you're going to abandon them because they think they've done something wrong their whole lives.” Alyssa cried, holding onto my hand for support.
“Don't give me that victim shit, Alyssa. We can all do that. "I'm anorexic because I was adopted." "I cheat on women because I wasn't breastfed." Everyone has a reason for how they behave.”
“What's yours then?” I asked, glaring at Leslie.
“Why are you such a prick?”
“I love you so much.” Alyssa said, turning to me with a soft smile. I couldn’t help the blush that crept onto my cheeks.
“You know what? He's right. But I didn't come looking for you. Right? I kept away. I thought it would be best if you forgot all about me.”
“We haven't really got time–“
“Just give me a second. Why did you send me the cards, then? For my birthday. Did you even send them?” Leslie pressed his lips together nervously, making Alyssa mouth drop open. “Oh, my God, was it my mum?”
“She shouldn't have done it. It's really irresponsible.” Leslie hissed, making Alyssa run her hands through her hair.
“I feel like I'm going mad.”
“Hey! To be mad in a deranged–“
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Stop quoting yourself!” She yelled, turning to the officer, her hand still in mine. “Will we go to prison if we hand ourselves in? Or juvenile? Will we?”
“Look, yes, possibly.”
“We wouldn't go to the same place?”
“No, but the thing–“
Alyssa sighed, grabbing the gun from me.
“I'm sorry.”
And then she knocked her out, and grabbed the keys to the boat, and once again we were running from something.
“Come on, Fezco, we have to go now!”
“Say that I kidnapped you.” I said quickly, turning to Alyssa. I had been hoping to protect her but I know with how stubborn she was it was no use.
“Yeah. Tell them that I did it all. Then you'll be Okay. Nothing will happen to you.” 
“No. No way. We're going together. Come on!”
This had to have been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. 
“I'm sorry.”
So I hit her, and then I ran. I tan faster than I had ever ran in my life. Faster and further, and I kept running until the oxygen in my lungs felt like too much, and even then I still ran.
“What the fuck are you doing? Fezco! No!” Alyssa shouted after me, now being held back by the police who fired shots after me. “No! Get off me!”
I've just turned 18. And I think I understand what people mean to each other.
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sehyix · 2 years
February 9, 2023
I am going into this day knowing that there is a huge weight in my heart and my mind. My guardian angel's birthday is today, and seeing as he's my angel, he's no longer sharing space with us on Earth. I share this because of the location of this dream. It's his hometown, an area that I wish I could live in but couldn't afford without striking it rich. That house that we were driving towards in the last dream? It's in this one now. I live in it with my partner. It's a gorgeous modern house. Glass paneled walls, black frame molding, beautifully tiled flooring and stone pillars. To the side of it is a detached garage to match, with a beautiful luxury vehicle inside. It resembles a showroom and is certainly out of my budget. Across the street, a new set of neighbors move in. This dream spans a few days, as my partner and I are aware of new neighbors and have watched them moving in across the way for a couple days now. We decide not to disturb you all so that you can make yourselves comfortable first and foremost. On the third or fourth morning of you living there, our friend and neighbor walks up to me. My morning ritual with my partner is to tidy up our front yard area, brew some tea and drink it outside to enjoy the sunrise. My partner's gone back inside to take a call when my neighbor walks up to me with you and a woman I don't recognize.
He tells me that you're the new neighbors that moved in a few days ago and we all make small talk. I know the woman lives with you, but I think it was more of a work situation and she was your translator assistant, than anything else. You shyly grin at me when my eyes land on you and I smile at you as you're introduced to me. They tell me that you've all been settling in and observing us and were fascinated with the house. "It's beautiful!" she tells me excitedly and I offer you all a tour.
As I explain the house design and what we do for a living that gives us the budget to afford it, your ears and nose are pink. They tell me that you too, also have quite a formidable job back in your country, and were a fan of the house. I acknowledge it and congratulate you on your success, and your lips disappear behind your teeth for a moment. I can tell what's happening faster than they can, and boy, do you have a deep crush on me. Your hands creep into your pockets and you nod politely at me through the language barrier. We have a bit of exchange in regards to the house and decor and all. You're flirting with me as you compliment everything. The lighting, the furniture, the car, the color scheme, etc. Man, can you flirt!
The alarm goes off as we make our way over to the garage to look at the car. They tell me you have a thing for fine, luxury vehicles. As I get ready for work and replay this dream in my head, I think to myself, of course he's into luxury vehicles. His collection of cars so far has been impressive! A week later, you'll subtly show off your newest addition - a silver Porsche 911 Turbo S with cream colored light interior. Did you know that yellow was my favorite color because your seat belts match it. Did you know that this looks strikingly similar to the car of the first dream?
0 notes
thewolfcatcher · 2 years
For those who watched The Califat
I may seem the devil's lawyer here, but I hope I will make my point. I hope I am a bridge of different cultures here, I use to have unusual thoughts.
These people, terrorists, they actually have a legitimate reason to fight. You say they are religious fundamentalists, I call their fight the Revolt of the Holiness.
There never was a democracy in USA. What they have is a brainwashing power ruled by wizards, people that actually climb in the witchcraft ladder of 666 masonic levels. (It's actually 333 levels of magic mysteries, but you understand me. It's the mark of the Beast we are fighting, the Great Babilon from the Book of Revelation. And that's the reason it didn't ended by now.).
This satanic power rule the world through sin. They produce artists like lady gaga and Ariana Grande, sexual symbols of sex freedom, in order to take holiness away from American and Afghanistan kids. They put sin down the world's mouth, brainwashing them to love the American democracy that never was a democracy, in order to protect freedom of speech, that never existed in American soil.
Religious fundamentalists from Afghanistan, Iraq, are simply revolted by the brainwashing imposition of sin perpetrated by USA, and their colonial economic imperium.
The religious from Arab countries actually have a right to want to rule their own country with their own cultural ways of government, that would be the Quran.
Unfortunately the Quran does not respect common Human Rights. But the Muslim claim to free their countries from American imperialism and American ways of government is very legitimate.
America never cared about Iraq or Afghanistan. They are an evil empire. Plus, they destroyed these countries in order to counter terrorism after 9 11. But the terrorism was in USA First place. You called 911 in America and nobody came for you. (Portugal burned this summer at the hands of Fahrenheit 666 firemen. Think for yourselves).
I hope to explain to Occidentals that I prefer to wear an Arab burka and veil other than be a musician that must sell their own body in order to succeed in a musical career.
I will never show my body in a videoclip and I will do everything in my hands to protect children from our century to watch those exhibition of sin in the screen and Industrial Culture.
When normal people, mostly holy and religious people from these Arab countries revolt and become terrorists, they are reactionary of the American wizard economical imperialism and brainwashing imposition of sin in their kid's vulnerable minds.
Malala fought to have an education. The Taliban didn't let her study.
I didn't have an education because my teachers were mason wizards under the brainwashing sinful society of the masonic New order. I couldn't have a college degree because I was too holy to sleep with my teachers to get one. They denyed my cello graduation scholarship AND blocked all kind of honest job I could get. Thus I almost starved prior to giving up my college degree. Months after that, reading Fernando Pessoa's autobiographic notes I understood the same happened to him, what provoked the holiness revolts in the Christian Occidental world today.
I want to counter terrorism inviting Occidental women to wear veil. I want to preach holiness in the Occidental world as a diplomatic solution for terrorism.
I think the manifestations of freedom by Iranian women, whom I admire, are very brave and legitimate. I am in the same fight, but in other front. I too fight for women's freedom. Freedom from sinful slavery by elite masonic men that owns the industry and all the jobs (hello, there).
It seems I am the first Occidental to fight in this front. Je ne suis pas Charlie. I respect different cultures than mine. Americans and occidentals doesn't understand Arab culture, or any other culture.
Long life to Arab Scholars, and American Scholars. We desperately need them both.
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on 11x06
I had to come back to type this after the episode. I was gonna wait to post until more people are active but everyone’s safety is more important than notes. This was really hard for me to watch. It took me two hours because I kept needing a break. It’s a tough one yall. It’s heartbreaking and really brought out issues I didn’t know I was still dealing with until I reacted so badly to some stuff. Take care of yourselves and I’m here if you need to talk. I’ll have timestamps for major tws in another post coming right after this. I just gotta go back and get the end of those scenes. I only go the time they started.
Okay. So. There’s some trigger warnings that I’ve reblogged earlier. This recap WILL have thoughts about those triggers. If you think you’ll be triggered just message me or send me an ask and I’ll give you the non triggering recap. Stay safe please.
Kev and v intro. They’re having sex behind the bar
I’m extremely nervous for some reason I might not be able to get through this
Bike heist!!
Mickey is unimpressed
Lip telling Mickey what to do yes please
Fucking Mickey omg
Again Mickey is unimpressed
Lip :(
Frank is falling the chick he’s boning Monica
Not sure that’s her real name
Wait yeah it is
Frank??? Has to get to work???
Wait her name isn’t Monica
Oh shut now I get what’s happening
“Can I speak to Pope Francis please” LIAM 😭
Poor baby
Lip cooking breakfast. Hot.
I forgot about camis baby
I actually beep bad for lip and Tami
We already heard this argument with Mickey and Ian get new material writers
Yeah don’t tell Carl that traitor
HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!
Poor Liam he’s terrified
“I was hoping the fucker would just die” :(
Shut up Debbie
Mickey is beautiful
Leave Mickey out of it debbie goddamn
I cant fucking stand her
Frank just observing his kids and smiling
Same frank
“And the smartest” lol
Someone save Liam
“I want Sandy”
We all do kid
Fucking manipulative little I CANT STAND DEBBIE
Sandy deserves better
I hate the Milkovichs!!!!
How did smart sensitive sweet beautiful loving Mickey come from this disgusting family????
My heart hurts so him
“Homo sexy” dear god
Mickey is too good he deserves so much better
I love him so much
Let him be happy
Mickey has the biggest heart
They’re actually talking and not fighting
You’re so funny and smart and beautiful don’t forget that baby
And no one is fazed lmao
“He’s actually my uncle and my dad” I fucking hate this show
I forgot Carl makes legit money now
Wtf kinda school is this
This is so fucked up
The twins are so adorable
“You guys” I hate that but also she’s acknowledging Mickey as “hers” and he’s family :(
Okay this horrifying comment
I hate that it’s just nonchalant
Debbie just keeps talking.
Let’s move on
Mickeys face when she says “butt naked”lmao
“Talk to you for a minute?”
“Yes. Please”
Mickey is unimpressed by lip once again and I’m smiling
They love each other they’re secretly best friends ITS A FACT
“Blue like my balls” fucking frank lol
They’re going in on Frank’s storyline now
Boss Mickey at it again
Terry’s home
The way his face falls im sick
My heart is racing
Mickeys face is breaking my heart
Great now I’m crying
Mickey got emotional
Ian sensed it and touched his neck all fucking sweet
Okay I had to take a little break because I started crying
I love him too much
Fucking Noel is so damn good
My heart is fucking breaking
“Frank’s not a homophobic psychopath who tortured you for years”
Please Mickey deserves better
I don’t wanna hear any Ian slander either.
In this house we protect my son and my son in law I will fight you
“Let’s get the fuck outta here. Lip you coming?” 😭
That was so hard to watch yall. I’m not gonna lie to you. My parents weren’t half as shitty as terry but growing up feeling unloved your whole life fucks you up anyway and that brought out some emotions and feelings I didn’t realize I still dealt with. I had to pause for a good while and cry.
Leave Sandy alone debbie
Terry is disgusting
Okay the homophobic language he uses is definitely triggering so I’ll time stamp that too
Debbie you selfish bitch
Everyone leaving terry outside it’s a yes from me
I honestly can’t concentrate on the other scenes now I’m sorry y’all
I try to cover everyone’s scenes but it’s hard for me today
I’m not okay
Liam is too innocent poor kid
We need more scenes
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They’re besties
Mickey is beautiful
he really hasn’t called him Philip the entire episode wtf
Ignoring Debbie
Now I want fries
Carl is cringy
Mickey drove them home and pulled a gun
Honestly again another heartbreaking scene
Ian’s trying to make him stop
Terry is disgusting and also a coward but we’ve been knew
Noel is the most amazing
Mickey gets teary but doesn’t cry bc I cried enough for the both of us
He’s the strongest bravest ever and I’m so proud of him
I need a hug
My heart hurts so much y’all
I just want him to be happy
I’m a fucking mess
I can’t handle Lip being emotional too
Oh I thought lip wanted to sell the house for himself only but at least they all get their share
Horrible music choice
I wanna tuck Mickey in with his favorite tv show on(911) make him his favorite food to eat in bed and not let anyone but Ian around him for a good 72 hours
The way Ian is looking at him
“Would you take care of me if I was paralyzed?”
“....yeah. Yeah”
“Top you whenever I wanted” “asshole”
His smile is back that’s all I need in life
“That was big of you” “he’s an asshole...I wanna be better than that”
Ian’s like “back of the head? Gotta grab and hold my boy”
V spitting truth
I want terry to fucking suffer
Don’t do it frank
“Nah” LMAO
Frank loves his son in law
Sandy I love you
I need to hold her
No debbie I LOVE HER
Carl scene was so awful I feel so bad for him this girl is a fucking psycho
That was an actual rape scene what the fuck
Mickey making frank laugh
Debbie explaining? Really?
I hate her
“How long is this gonna take? I’m fucking starving Lip” WHY WONT YOU CALL HIM PHILIP
“We could get on with our lives” well that hurt more than it should’ve
It’s really the end soon huh? 😢
According to captions Ian says “we’re in”
Frank reads his diagnosis
Carl goes to report his rape
That took me nearly two hours to watch. Yeah I usually pause to type but I had to take long breaks after the hard scenes. It was a really hard episode to watch. A lot darker than it has been. I’m not really okay right now. It was emotional but a really good episode overall.
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rubix-writings · 4 years
Punisher Pt. 4
Fourth part of Punisher. This is a Chicago PD/Fire imagine with an original character. I don’t own any of the plot points or characters from the show. Also, it doesn’t follow any particular season or sequence in the shows.
Series Summary: Josephine (Jo) never expected to find support and pure love when she left Los Angeles. She ran away to Chicago and was content with living an insignificant, hidden life. But everything changes when she walks into Molly’s to get a job.
Josephine (OC) x Jay Halstead
The italicized lines are internal thoughts of the character.
Warnings: language, mentions of drinking, blood, mentions of violence/attack, long (!)
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“Jo, can you get that order ready? I have to go do inventory in the back,” Hermann asks. His silver eyeglasses are perched on the bridge of his nose, the reflection of the paperwork on his clipboard plays across his lenses. I nod and start to pour a few glasses of wine to take over to the table in the back corner. A few weeks passed since my first day and Hermann and Stella have started to trust with a lot more responsibility around the bar. It’s been great getting closer with the regulars and I’ve even stopped by the firehouse to have lunch with everyone a few times. I pick up some empties on my way back to the bar and start to wash the used glasses. It was a pretty quiet night and the crowd has only thinned out as the night went on. 
“Hey Jo, how’s loverboy?” Emily insinuated. I met Emily and Silvie during one of my first shifts and they really latched onto Jay’s and my relationship, or lack thereof. We ended up having a few drinks after my shift on the same day Jay dropped me off at Molly’s. The way I feel when I’m with Jay is new, something I’ve never experienced before. When Jay is around I feel….. Safe. It’s like I can fully be myself, there are no eggshells to tiptoe around. 
“He’s at the table near the door, why don’t you go ask him?” I ask. 
“Oh please, you must have noticed how Jay likes to hang around Molly’s, but really only during your shifts,” Emily whispers.
“And how he’ll stay late on the nights you’re closing up,” Silvie lowers her voice to match Emily’s. I pause cleaning and lean onto the bartop in front of them.
“You guys just described yourselves,” I whisper back. 
“That’s not true, we are here… an average amount,” Emily fights back, but not really believing it. Silvie says nothing, but I can tell by the way her eyes are moving that she’s trying to do the math. I smirk and say nothing. They’re not wrong about the amount of time Jay spends at the bar. Sometimes he comes in with a few members of the Intelligence Unit or with Will, but he always spends time at the bar to talk. And then there are the times he’s come in alone and sat on the same stool all night to ensure his spot is saved. But I’ve tried to not think about it if I’m being completely honest. A part of me feels like I’m crossing a line I’ll never be able to step back, I’m supposed to be hidden, flying below the radar. I’ve really tried, people have offered to hang out on my days off or grab drinks and I always turn them down. I could never live with myself if any of these people got hurt because of me. I keep telling myself that I have everything exactly how I want it, but that is a big fat lie and I have no interest in fixing it. 
“Hey Jo, can I close out?” the breath in my lungs immediately dissipates. Jay really is punch you in the gut kind of beautiful. 
“Yeah, course,” I move further down the bar to the register. “How’s Will doing these days?”
“He’s good, the long shifts are killing him, but other than that he’s good.”
“Well maybe you shouldn't keep him out this late,” he smirks and hands me his credit card.
“Yeah, probably shouldn’t. He’s just being a good brother,” I hand Jay his receipts to sign. 
“Will you come around tomorrow?” Really smooth, that didn’t sound too eager at all.
“Can’t sadly, I pulled the short straw of late shift patrol.”
“Wow, how’d you get so lucky?” He hands me back the signed copy. 
“It’s a gift I guess. At least I’ll be with Adam, you remember him right?” Adam Ruzek, probably one of the tallest men I’ve ever seen. It’s hard to forget him since he acts like a teenage boy trapped in a man’s body. I smile and nod at Jay’s question. “Yeah, so at least I’ll have someone to talk to.”
“How are him and Kim doing, still on the outs?”
“Yeah. Hey don’t let me regret spilling that to you,” he taps his knuckles on the wooden bartop. 
“First, I’m offended. I’m an excellent secret keeper. Second, maybe it should be harder than a couple of beers for a detective to start disclosing secrets,” I shrug. 
“It’s called confiding actually.”
“Oh is that right,” I smile.
“Yes. I’m sorry, I have to go. I’ll see you around Jo,” Jay starts backing away towards the front door. 
“Bye Jay.”
Is it too serious to tell him to stay safe? The words were on the tip of my tongue, ready to be dropped, but it never came. I look to the girls at the other end of the bar who give me a look of victory from Jay’s and my interaction. I simply roll my eyes and get back to work. 
My eyes are barely staying open as I park my car in front of my apartment building. That’s right, I have a car. A real shitty one to match my apartment. It does provide some comfort knowing that it’ll never get broken into. The frigid air does very little to wake me up, my body is deeply craving sleep. Between the double shift today and the closing shifts the nights before, I haven’t gotten enough sleep to say the least. My feet slowly trudge up the creaking stairs, for some reason someone years ago thought it would be a good idea to paint them white, but never did any touch ups and just left it to chip and fade over time. The ceiling in my apartment was “fixed” a week ago, but by the looks of it I wouldn’t be surprised if it dropped again. 
“Time for sleep,” I smile lazily. I plug my phone in to charge and go to the closet to hang up my coat. My bed has never looked so inviting, hell my water ruined coach looks like a good place to sleep right about now. I start to brush my teeth when I hear a muffled yell. I pause and wait for it to reoccur, but after a few seconds I start to believe it’s my tired mind playing tricks. 
“Help….please,” it’s so faint that if you weren’t looking for it you’d miss the outcry. A loud crash follows which causes the adrenaline to course through my veins and bolt out of my apartment. A woman lays in the hallway, I look to the stairs and the vibrant blood clashes with the white stairs and banister. She groans and tries to move.
“Hey, don’t move,” I say as softly as I can. I take off the hoodie that I always wear under my coat and start to push it under her head as a makeshift pillow. Her eyes flutter closed, but she doesn’t try to move anymore. I start to get up from my knees and her hand quickly snatches my forearm.
“Please don’t leave me,” her voice is hoarse. This is the first time I really look at her face that’s covered in blood and cuts. Her eyes are hollow and tired. I look down to her hand that’s also covered in blood, there’re cuts across her knuckles. She fought back. 
“I’ll be right back, I just need to get my phone. Just relax, you’re safe,” I had no place to tell her how to feel, but once she loosens her grip I take full advantage and run to my phone to call 911. As I’m explaining the events to the dispatcher I take the rolls of gauze and first aid kit from my apartment with me to the hallway. 
“What’s your name?” My voice is calm, I start to try and wrap the injuries bleeding the most. 
“Eve,” her voice faint and weak. 
“Hi Eve, I’m Jo. You’re not alone okay? I’m not leaving you,” she nods slightly keeping her eyes closed. “The police are coming.” Once I finish wrapping the wounds on her face, I start to look over the rest of her body to see if anything needs immediate attention. Her upper arm was slashed and she was stabbed in the leg which is basically gushing. They might’ve nicked the artery. As fast as I can without putting her in too much pain I wrap up her arm and start pilling on copious amounts of gauze to her leg wound. The bright red liquid stains the used gauze and my hands as it can’t be stopped by the gauze alone. I start to undo my belt and wrap it above the wound.
“Eve, this is going to hurt, but I need you to stay still so I can stop the bleeding okay?” she groans in response. Her skin is almost as pale as the white wooden floor. I leave her for one last time to get a wooden spoon from my kitchen. I start the tourniquet and try to push away Eve’s cries of pain. “I know, I’m sorry,” she doesn’t respond. Once the tourniquet is in place I get more gauze to put pressure on the wound. 
“Police! Call Out!” I’ve never felt so relieved to hear those words.
“Up here! Hurry!” I shout back. 
“Holy shit.”
“Jo?” My head snaps up to Jay’s face. 
“Jay, help her,” my exhaustion slowly defeating the adrenaline in my body. 
“I got this Jo,” Adam moves to put pressure on the leg wound. I slide back to lean against the wall.
“Jo, what happened?” Jay’s face directly in front of mine. I’ve never seen his eyes this close up before, there’s so many blues thrown together.
“I heard her yell for help, I think she fell down the stairs,” Jay follows my gaze to the stained stairs behind him. “Her name is Eve,” he nods and pulls away to talk into his radio. 
“Eve, Eve, can you hear my sweetheart?” Adam yells to Eve, she winces in response. “The ambulance should be here in a minute, just hold on okay?” Eve’s eyes flutter open and frantically look for me. 
“Hey, I’m right here. I’m not leaving,” I walk and practically collapse on the other side of her. Her bloody hand finds mine like it’s her only lifeline. 
“Ruzek, I’m going to clear the rest of the building. Jo stay with Adam,” normally I would fight and tell Jay to not go alone, but my body is gradually fading. 
“We’re good man, go,” Adam urges. “Jo, you okay there darling?” his voice sounds morphed in my mind. 
“Yeah I’m fine,” Adam reaches for his radio, I watch him talk but nothing comes out of his mouth. I shake my head to try and get my mind straight. 
“Up here guys!” Adam yells back. “Eve, the medics are here, you’re gonna be okay.”
“What do we got?” One medic asks, Adam takes it upon himself to explain the prior events as best as he can from the information I gave him earlier. I release Eve’s hand and move so the medics can help her, she seems to understand because Eve doesn’t fight me moving away. It felt like an out of body experience watching them try and save Eve. 
“There’s a blood trail leading a few floors up, went into the apartment it started from but it’s empty. Cars are on their way to secure the scene,” Jay is back, but I don’t look at him. “Hey Jo, why don’t you sit down?” Jay grabs my arms and gently leads me to a clean stair to sit. “What’s the ETA on that second ambulance?”
“Two minutes,” one medic answers while removing my sweatshirt from under Eve’s head to get her on the back board. 
“Second ambulance?” I ask.
“Yeah, just to check you out really quick. You might be going into shock,” Jay responds softly.
“I’m fine, just really tired,” my voice is barely above a whisper.
“Just in case, okay? Here,” Jay takes off his CPD bomber jacket and wraps it around my shoulders. 
“Jay give us a hand,” Adam calls while grabbing hold of one side the back board that holds Eve. 
“Yeah. Stay right here, I’ll be right back,” Jay rubs my back before getting up from the stair and helping get Eve down the stairs to the ambulance. I rest my head against the wall as my body enters full crash mode. I just want to sleep. “Jo, come on let’s go get you checked out,” Jay helps put my arms through the correct holes of his jacket and leads me down the steps to outside.
The steel of the ambulance is cold against my butt. A woman with red hair and bright green eyes starts taking my vitals. The blue and red lights of the cop cars light up the entire street. People are bringing a ton of equipment into my apartment building, whoever was sleeping in the building isn’t anymore. 
“Well everything looks good. Her body is crashing from all the adrenaline, so she’ll need some good rest, but other than that she’s fine,” the medic tells Jay. 
“Thanks Terry,” Jay replies before taking a seat next to me. He hands me a water bottle, I accept it with my blood stained hand. I should be acting more freaked out about the blood, but I’m too tired to lie. 
“You did a great job in there. You a nurse or something?” Terry asks me.
“Um, no,” I leave it at that. Like I said, I’m too tired to lie. A guy that’s mildly balding with a thick beard appears from around the corner of the ambulance. He has a massive camera balanced around his neck. 
“I need to take photos,” he says plainly. 
“Photos?” I ask confused. 
“C’mon man, can’t you give her a second to breathe?” Jay defends.
“You know the protocol Detective,” there’s no life in his words. I place the water bottle on the ambulance steel and take off Jay’s jacket. The man positions my hands to take photos for evidence. After he’s satisfied with the photos of my hands he starts to circle and take pictures of my clothes, the fact he does it silently makes me uncomfortable. I think Jay feels the same way since he wraps me again in his black jacket and tells the rude man that’s enough. Jay leads me back to my apartment. The building is full of officers and lab techs, the whole place is a crime scene. Jay and I don’t talk till we get inside my apartment. A part of me is embarrassed that he has to see my shitty apartment, but it’s quickly pushed away. 
“Do you know her?” Jay asks.
“No, but I don’t know anyone in this building,” I answer honestly. “I try to keep to myself.” 
“You can wash your hands,” I nod and move to the kitchen to start scrubbing the dried blood from my hands. “Maybe, you shouldn’t stay here tonight.”
“If you’re worried about the noise, I’m way too tired to care. Besides, this building has never been safer with all the cops crawling around,” I try to joke. 
“I have an extra bedroom Jo, it would be no trouble,” he pushes. 
“Thank you, but I’m fine. I promise,” the skin on my hands is just about raw once all the blood is off. I let my hands stay under cold water to try and ease the pain. “Um, will you let me know what you find out about Eve? Let me know if she’s gonna be okay.”
“Yeah. I’ve heard you’re a good secret keeper.”
“Thanks,” I hand him back his jacket. Jay smiles and hesitantly moves toward the door. 
“Before I go, at least take this,” he hands me his business card. “Call me if you don’t feel comfortable staying here, I’ll come pick you up.”
“Okay, yeah,” my fingers run over the raised lettering across the card. Without another word, Jay leaves. I lock the door and make my way to my room to finally get some long overdue sleep. I don’t look at the time, I know that won’t help me. The muffled talking and walking from outside my apartment gradually lull me to a deep sleep. 
A slight vibration slowly brings me out of my nightly slumber. I never plugged my phone in to charge after the events of last night, it’s settled next to me by my pillow. I have three missed calls from Hermann. It’s almost noon, but I’m still tired. I call back Hermann knowing he’s probably freaking out since I haven’t answered.
“Hey kid!” His immense energy brings a smile to my face.
“Hi Hermann, everything okay?” 
“Yeah, we’re good. I heard about last night, how are you?” Of course he did. 
“Yeah I’m good, still trying to wrap my head around it, I guess.”
“Of course. How about when you’re up for it you stop by Molly’s I want to ask you something.” “I can be there in an hour,” Hermann and I exchange our goodbyes. I groan spills out of my lips as I stretch my arms above my head. Once I finally move from my bed, I immediately go to shower, something I probably should’ve done last night. The boiling water feels euphoric against my skin and the steam cleans out my mind. I need to come up with a story with details to explain last night. There’s no way that people won’t push like they did last night, I was given space because of the tragic event. A dull pain flows down my legs as I clean the new bruises on my knees. I didn’t realize how hard I slammed my knees on the hardwood in the hall last night. Once I pull myself from the warm confides of the shower I have to rush to put on jeans and a sweater before being late to meet with Hermann. I don’t have time to blow dry my hair so I throw it up in a bun before grabbing my keys and running to my car. The hallways and stairs are covered in black dust from fingerprinting, it’s surprising how quickly they cleaned everything up. 
Luckily, there’s a free spot not too far from Molly’s. It’s decently full for a Saturday afternoon. The inside heat is slowly thawing my frozen hair and face from the freezing wind. 
“Jo, you want a cup of coffee?” Hermann is the only one behind the bar and I’m very grateful for that. 
“Yes please,” I sit at one of the stools and welcome the hot cup of coffee. 
“How’re you doing?” Hermann comes around the bartop to take the seat next to me. 
“I’m good, still a bit tired if I’m honest.”
“Yeah, what happened last night must’ve really taken it out of you.”
“I didn’t realize that all first responders are such gossips,” I take a sip of the hot coffee. 
“Oh the worst,” he laughs. “I’m not good about beating around the bush so I’ll just go right into it. I have an apartment above my garage. It was meant for my mother-in-law but she had to move into assisted living.”
“That’s - good for you?” I’m confused. 
“I think you should move in there. It’ll -”
“Oh Hermann I don’t think so, I have a place.”
“I know, but it’s a scene of a crime. They still haven’t found the person who did that to that poor girl. You can pay rent if that makes you feel better, and we don’t even have to see each other. It’s that separate from the main house. Look from what Jay said I don’t think it would be good for you to stay there,” Hermann’s eyes grow wide as we realizes he gave away his source. 
“Jay? Was this his idea?” Hermann stutters trying to find a way out of the hole he dug for Jay. “Great, I’ll see you tomorrow Hermann. Thanks for the offer,” I abandon the rest of the coffee and get up to leave Molly’s.
“Hey kid, it may not have been my idea but we would love to have you,” Hermann expresses sincerely. The anger that was boiling inside of me settles at his kind words for a moment.
“Thanks, I’ll let you know,” he nods and makes no effort to stop me from storming out of the bar this time. Once I enter the cold streets I’m met with a few members of the Intelligence Unit including the perpetrator himself, Jay Halstead. I exchange short greetings with each one before they head inside. 
“Hey how are you doing?” Jay says once everyone is gone. 
“Fine. I would ask you the same thing, but you must be tired since you’ve been so busy,” Jay furrows his brows.
“What? What are you talking about Jo?”
“I just had a really interesting conversation with Hermann. About my living situation. That you instigated,” I start to walk towards my car, ready to leave Jay without another word.
“Jo, please. Let me explain -” I spin around so fast it almost makes me dizzy. 
“No. Do you think that shitty apartment in a horrific neighborhood was my first choice? But I’m doing this on my own for once.”
“You don’t have to do this on your own.”
“Yeah well I also don’t need people making my choices for me. Goodbye Jay,” I turn and walk towards my car. Never in my life did I wish I was getting into a Lexus more than right now.
Tags (hopefully I did this right!) - @whit85-blog​
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
Expectation vs Reality - Perf.
Description: You star in a music video with them and film a scene of either an argument or a cute talk but the dialogue is cut out. This is what you see in the music video versus what was actually said/happened during filming. Warnings: None Genre: Fluff
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
EXPECTATION: In the whole music video, you and Jun are pulling the heist of the century and in this particular scene, you are discussing the plan while in the middle of the plan in an elevator.
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REALITY: The map lays out on the few containers that are meant to be switched for the actual boxes you and Jun are after. You and Jun are leaning over it, figuring details but not of the heist, of your dinner plans later on.
“So after we finish here,” You point to a random place on the map, “We have about two hours until our reservation.” You move your finger to the other side of the map, “Will that be enough time for you to get ready?” You ask, glancing up at him.
Jun points to himself, “Me? That’s plenty of time for me. Will it be enough time for you?” He throws the question back at you.
“Of course.” You give him a ‘duh’ look then move your finger in the same pattern as before, “It takes me an hour to get from blah to fab.”
“Well,” Jun nods and rolls up the map. “It takes me 45 minutes.” He states and stuffs the map into his back pocket.
“I don’t believe you.” You tell him as you both face the elevator doors. Seconds later, the elevator doors open and you both rush out with the containers.
EXPECTATION: The scene is you and Hoshi tied up together with chains, accidentally having been caught and are waiting for the rest of your team to rescue you. But in the meantime, shots of the two of you trying to figure out how to possibly save yourselves cut in between shots of the others figuring out a plan to rescue you. So, serious discussions and disappointment after failed attempts.
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REALITY: The night before the shoot, you and Hoshi had discussed how you were going to film the scene. You both decided that you would actually play the parts to get the best acting out of both of you.
So, the next day, you and Hoshi sit back to back on the dusty floor, the chains wrapped comfortably around your torsos, hands just resting behind your backs with a chain intertwining your hands.
“Ow, Hoshi.” You feel a pinch on your thumb, “That’s my hand.”
“Oh, oh sorry.” Hoshi apologizes with a look over his shoulder.
“So, we gotta get out of here.” You glance around the room, setting into character. “How do we do that?” You ask him.
Hoshi also glances around his side, “Well, we could make a run for it.”
“We’re tied together.” You point out, wiggling your hands for emphasis.
“But they didn’t tie our feet.” He says.
“I am not gonna try to get up while my hands are tied to yours.” You tell him with sass.
“So you’d rather just sit here like a duck and wait for the others?” Hoshi questions.
“I mean if it means I don’t hurt myself in the process, yeah!” You answer him.
“Let’s just try it.” He says and begins to push up off your back. It works for like two seconds before your hands are being pulled up uncomfortably with his.
“Ow, ow, ow, hands.” You quickly say to avoid any actual serious injury. Hoshi slides back down and leans his head back on your shoulder.
“We’re screwed, aren’t we?” He asks, staring up at the ceiling.
“We are if you have that attitude.” You tell him, taking on a sudden character change.
EXPECTATION: The scene takes place at a skate park where you and Minghao have gone for a date. Just sitting, chilling on the ledge, and talking. Shots of laughter and smiles flash across the screen. 
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 REALITY: The wind whips through your hair and you fight to keep it behind your ear. Minghao notices and tucks your now loose hair behind your ear but the wind just takes it again making you laugh.
“I think the wind hates me today.” You say, officially giving up on the hair.
“Nah, it’s just overly happy that you’re shooting with me and going a little overboard.” Minghao tells you and sweeps your hair behind your shoulders so it doesn’t blow in your face.
“Aww, then I should thank it.” You look up towards the sky.
“I wouldn’t do that quite yet.” Minghao chuckles as the wind now messes up his hair which he quickly fixes with a shake of his head.
“You know what I find funny?” You look back at him, hands gripping the ledge.
“What?” He asks, leaning back on his hands.
“We’re filming at a skate park, like we know what we’re doing.” You say, a smile playing on your lips, “But neither of us know how to skate.” 
Minghao chuckles, “The life of shooting music videos in the most random places.” 
“Maybe this is a wake up call, telling us to learn!” You clap your hands together and turn towards him. 
Minghao simply raises his hand, shaped like a phone, up to his ear, “Hello? 911?” 
You push his shoulder with a laugh, “We couldn’t be THAT bad.”
“Oh I would.” Minghao explains, joining in with his laughter.
EXPECTATION: The scene shows you sadly walking down the beach, phone in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. Your phone screen continues to light up with texts and calls but you don’t bother to answer them. Dino runs up to you and attempts to cheer you up. 
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REALITY: You were actually supposed to be the one to cheer Dino up but as you were preparing for the scene, you had suggested that Dino should cheer you up and the director immediately loved the idea. Though Dino wasn’t on the same page.
You stand where the director told you to stand and keep your head down until you see Dino’s shoes stop a foot in front of yours. As per directions, you raise your head with the saddest eyes you can manage.
“Why are you sad?” Dino asks you and you silently hand him the letter of rejection from a place called ‘Dino’s Aegyo Master Class.’
Dino pouts reading over it then crumples up the paper and throws it away (in the opposite direction of the water cause it will need to be picked up and thrown away later).
“What are-”
“WHO NEEDS THAT WHEN YOU HAVE ME?” Dino suddenly yells and begins posing in every aegyo way he can think of. “I’m your happy virus! I’m going to make you happy!” He forces a smile and you know he hates it on the inside.
You let a small smile creep onto your face as he continues his antics. 
“I am so gonna kill you later for making me do this.” DIno bounces from side to side, still smiling but his words give a total different meaning. “I hate this. Oh my god, I think I need to wash my mouth out after this.” He continues with the babiest voice you have ever heard him use.
That makes you break out into a smile and the scene is supposed to end here but the director is loving it so much that he keeps the cameras rolling for a few minutes longer.
“When the heck is this over?” Dino questions, spinning around, beginning to run out of aegyo ideas. You double over in laughter as Dino yells to the staff, “Director, I feel like this is longer than what we talked about! Can I be done now?”
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shoutsindwarvish · 3 years
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#i’m starting with a new doctor and i just found out her medical group charges you before they’ll answer an email from you with a question
My Top Posts in 2021
this snl skit is one of the realest depictions of being a gay adult and it’s incredible
33 notes • Posted 2021-02-13 04:27:36 GMT
❗️There’s an election in Minneapolis today (11/2/21)! ❗️
This city was the epicenter for a global movement and has the chance to actually change shit.
This election includes:
The mayor (I cannot stress enough that our current one sucks ass)
All City Council seats (we need progressives to actually pass things)
All Park Board seats (which are especially relevant for the unhoused)
There are also three important charter amendments!!
The “Strong Mayor” amendment to take power from the City Council and give it to the mayor (this is not good)
An amendment to replace the police department with the Department of Public Safety with a focus on decreasing the number of armed responders to 911 calls and increasing oversight to include the City Council (not abolishing the police but god it’s a step in the right direction)
An amendment allowing the City Council to enact rent control ordinances (very important and landlords are very mad)
If you live in Minneapolis, please vote!!! People under 40 tend to not show up for local elections and as a result retired wealthy boomers can hold back the whole city from any type of change.
Here’s how to find out your Ward for City Council and your polling place.
And here’s an excellent thorough voter’s guide that explains everything way better than I could, including the charter amendments.
And here’s another ballot guide by a local author who breaks down who to vote for and why.
If you don’t live in Minneapolis, I’d appreciate if you could signal boost this so that your followers can see it. If I can reach even one Minneapolis voter, it will be worth it.
Polls close at 8!
43 notes • Posted 2021-11-02 13:01:21 GMT
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48 notes • Posted 2021-02-17 17:59:54 GMT
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The CDC just updated their list of high-risk COVID-19 comorbid conditions to include depression and schizophrenia.
This could make you eligible for a booster if you’re already fully vaccinated. Please take care of yourselves, everyone!!
95 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 15:04:01 GMT
i’m researching psychiatrists and one of them has in her bio that she’s “LGBT+ aware” with no elaboration
what in the hell does that even mean
112 notes • Posted 2021-09-12 18:53:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bucciarati-pizza · 5 years
[ Fic ] - Jumpin’ Jack Flash: Chapter 1
me and my jobro @justjuliainc have been developing this AU fic together. it is a slow burn bruabba where Abbacchio remains a cop, his partner lives, and Bruno is a fisherman along with various other character swaps. and well, without saying much more, I hope you all enjoy the start of this bizarre adventure ;))
A blaring police car spun around a corner then ground to a halt at its final destination. The rain made it hard to make anything out.
“I’m searching the north wing, you do south!,” an officer yelled over the sound of crashing thunder and lightning. Two sets of shoes splashed through the mud the police car was now in. “Got it!,” the other replied back, turning on a flashlight. “You think they’re armed?”
The first officer was already pulling the gun from his belt, answering his question.
Then came the screams. Muffled like someone had covered their mouth, but still clear as ever. They echoed throughout the entire building and out into that terrible rain.
A shudder ran down both their spines. Children’s screams. This shabby abandoned looking cement building on the outskirts of town happened to be an orphanage.
They frantically ran towards the double doors.
“No one, over my dead body is getting away with this shit. Not tonight. Not ever.”
The officer that spoke had a fierce glint of gold in his eyes, illuminated by his partner’s flashlight. He wore a shade of lipstick that nearly matched the stormy night sky.
“Abbacchio.” The man turned to the sound of his name. “I second that, with all my heart.” He kicked the door in with a determined grin, his hat tipping slightly to reveal short brown hair. “Let’s put an end to this!”
Abbacchio nodded, barely having the time to reply, “I’m counting on you too, Michele!” before blindly racing up the stairs.
The sound of screaming got louder the closer he got to the top. His heart raced. The police had been investigating a strange series of kidnappings for weeks now, with no trace of the culprit. A 911 call was made from the orphanage just a half hour before now. Yet no other information was disclosed, both Abbacchio and his partner knew deep down inside exactly who it was. The same one responsible for all the recent crimes. And this time, said suspect had gone too far.
The hall seemed to never end. Abbacchio never questioned why the door he needed to burst in as soon as possible was getting further rather than closer away. Maybe it was just his eyes playing tricks on him. He never questioned why the floor beneath his feet seemed to warp into otherworldly shapes when weight was applied. He didn’t look down.
It seemed like forever when he finally made it. Panting, he tried the door and it was unlocked. The crying ceased the instant he opened it. He had a sudden sinking feeling. “Where are they?” The sinking feeling got worse. “Where the hell are they?!” He pointed gun over flashlight across the small room and found nothing but empty beds.
Not even a window was open. Just what was going on?
While searching under beds, Michele ran through the door. “I-I didn’t find a thing. I searched every room on the way here too,” he said wearily. “There’s not a single person in here.”
Abbacchio pulled himself out from the bed he was under. “I don’t understand,” he began, shaking slightly.
“Something bizarre is going on. This is the room most of the screaming came from. They were in here”
We’re too late.
His partner turned his head at another sound. It caused them both to shudder. More desperate screaming filled the dark halls of the orphanage.
They both shared a knowing glance and cautiously started for the source of the noise, covering each other’s backs. It was only two doors down. Once again, it seemed to be getting further. It took a few minutes to reach it. “What’s going on? Is this some kind of madhouse?,” Michele hissed, terrified and confused. He looked down at the floor and gasped.
“No clue, but I’m going in!,” Abbacchio replied as he charged through the door.
“Wait, Abbacchio!”
All he saw was a flash of light before the wind was knocked out of him and he fell to the hard wood floor. He lie there for a few seconds trying desperately to catch his breath, vision blurring. Two bodies tumbled over each other, in the corner of the room, one spitting out rows of curses.
“I’ll fucking kill you! Right here! Agk- I’ll...“
Abbacchio didn’t recognize that voice. Not good! He began to force himself to stand up. A gun went off.
Abbacchio’s heart skipped all it’s beats.
A gun went off and something clanked to the floor.
Abbacchio’s feet moved before his body.
“Michele! Michele!!!”
His partner was hunched over another man, unmoving. A pistol had been slid across the floor. There were bullet holes in the bookshelf in the other corner. Wait.. didn’t that mean..
Michele was only still because he was straining to hold the man’s writs down.
He missed!
“Abbacchio, I’m— sorry I had to push you out of the way so hard. I realized we were being stalked when there was a third shadow on the ground. Somehow, this bastard was behind us and was about to attack you.”
Abbacchio had no words. He panted speechless before them.
“Agh!,” his partner suddenly exclaimed.
“You thought you could catch me that easily?,” the pinned man seethed. He had taken the opportunity to spit in Michele’s eyes. “How do ya like that, eh?” He chuckled maniacally. He nearly got his hands free, when in one swift movement, Abbacchio took over, keeping him held down.
“Cazzo. Don’t dare underestimate us.”
Michele hummed in dissatisfaction once he wiped his eyes, brushing off his jacket. Abbacchio took a moment to look around the room with narrowed eyes.
The thug beneath him was scrawny, yet surprisingly strong, his blonde shoulder length hair tangled into disgusting mats. He looked to be about 30, but was probably a lot younger. He sounded hoarse when he spoke. He managed to kick Abbacchio’s leg hard, trying every mean possible to distract them and escape.
The silver haired cop had enough and roughly put both wrists into handcuffs.
“...Where are they?,” Michele wondered out loud, still looking around.
“Ow! Take it easy on me would ya?! And what the hell do you wanna know?”
Leone gritted his teeth, a growl rising in his throat.
“You know damn well! What happened to whoever was in this room? There.. there was screaming,” he said the last part half to himself.
The man remained silent, glaring between both of them for a second before bursting out laughing.
“You really are stupid, aren’t you! You think I’m the answer? You think you little heroes are doing society a favor by coming here?,” he shook his head, still chuckling while both officers looked on distraught.
“Well, you have no idea what you get yourself into,” he continued voice turning deep and gravely again, “When you stick your nose into places it
doesn’t belong.”
Something about the man’s words gave them both an uneasy feeling about the future. Yet, they couldn’t afford to let it bother them now. The man was eventually taken outside and shoved in the back of the police car. His gun was seized along with him and they would use that too in their upcoming investigation. They were going to get answers.
Neither Michele or Abbacchio really knew what happened that night or even how to explain it.
But a few things were hauntingly certain:
Hundreds of orphaned children had somehow vanished right under their noses.
There were no signs of the caretakers and whoever made the phone call either.
The man they captured wasn’t the ringleader in all of this. If he was, there would’ve been a much bigger show.
Abbacchio’s hands gripped the steering wheel tighter.
And he believed that there were strange forces about.
Both officers jumped slightly when the hand of their chief slammed down on his office desk.
“Pardon?,” Michele asked, taken aback. Abbacchio looked just as confused.
They had been called into Signor Polpo’s office early in the morning to “discuss last night’s endeavor.”
Polpo was a sight to behold. Morbidly obese, he had to have a special chair made just for him to sit in. He towered over practically everyone at nearly 7 feet tall. No one had ever seen him without a hat, even when on a break from duty. His eyes people say, became so void of a soul that the sclera began to turn completely black. No matter what the reason was behind it, this was somehow true. Bright green irises were surrounded by a beady black that made anyone who met his gaze shiver.
Signor Polpo was the kind of man that made Leone’s blood boil.
“Did you not understand what we reported to you?,” Abbacchio asked slowly, tone dark.
The obscenity hummed briefly, looking between the two like they were mere ants beneath him before replying.
“You both became some of the force’s brightest pupils in a very short amount of time. You flew through training as if it were nothing, and I knew right away I could depend on you to... protect the streets of Napoli.”
The chief’s voice boomed throughout the tiny room and he ended that last sentence with a chuckle.
Abbacchio and Michele didn’t like this one bit. What the hell was he getting at?
Polpo’s brows were furrowed.
“You had to go on and pull a stunt like this?!”
Abbacchio’s quick temper was about to show. “Wh-“
“No backup. No means of communication. Going to a useless abandoned orphanage by yourselves only to catch a petty street thug. I simply thought I knew you better.”
Michele got a terrible feeling. Abbacchio saw red.
Polpo didn’t skip a beat. “I think you two are forgetting who decides what you get to look into and when,” he continued pointing a finger right at Leone.
Abbacchio didn’t look up. His fist was clenched at the side of his chair and his jaw was tight.
His partner looked speechless for a few seconds before trying to ask again.
“Abandoned? It.. it was an obvious kidnapping!”
That among various other things.
Abbacchio knew it was no use to bombard the chief with questions when it was already apparent what was going on.
Polpo remained poker-faced.
“I didn’t order you to go there, did I?”
“No, Capo,” replied Michele, looking away.
Abbacchio remained silent, biting his lip to keep from exploding. “They paid him off. He accepted it. They paid him off. The fat fuck is actually in on this,” was all that raced through his head.
“Did. I?,” pressured Polpo, his chair creaking as he leaned closer to Abbacchio’s face. And now he couldn’t even argue.
The officer with short grey hair looked up, his eyes furious but tone neutral when he finally answered.
“...No, Capo.”
Polpo stared at him for a few additional seconds before adding, “Good. I’m glad we can all come to that understanding.”
Abbacchio’s brows twitched. He and Michele had risked their lives continuously for the people. Last night, one or both of them could have died. Came very close, in fact. All the victims of a crime that had yet to be investigated were probably never going to be seen again and any evidence of something gone wrong would be erased. Yet, the whole time, his own chief was in on it? He knew Polpo took bribes and negotiated with criminals. He hated him for that. But this? This was way too far.
The room was dangerously silent.
Polpo narrowed his eyes. “You must understand the certain contradictions that come with this job. It’s how this world works. I expect you to await my command before even putting on your uniforms in the future.” He leaned back in his chair, upturning his long nose. “I’m only looking out for your safety.”
Michele glanced over at Leone. Uh oh.
He knew that look. Wide, twitching eyes. Biting his lip and shaking. If they didn’t get out of Polpo’s office soon, something was going to happen that would end with him beating the shit out of someone. Michele had much to discuss with his partner that wouldn’t dare be brought up in this room.
“Oh and one more thing,” Polpo started with an eerie smile. “You’ll leave this little meeting with your mouths zipped shut. What we just discussed is a secret between you and me. I can trust you... right boys?”
Silent nods.
“Excellent. You’re dismissed.”
Michele bowed customarily. Abbacchio just glared at him, such passion in his ombré eyes that Polpo read it as a warning.
Once the door was shut and their footsteps got further away, Signor Polpo picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a number.
“Send me backup. They’re getting too smart for their own good.”
“FUCK!,” Abbacchio yelled throwing his hat off once he and his partner got onto the street and turned the corner into an alley. “FUCK. FUCK..” He kicked it in frustration, in complete rage by now.
Michele stood there with a hand on his shoulder, not quite sure how he should try to begin to calm him.
“I’M TIRED OF IT. I’M,” his movements slowed and he threw himself against a wall, defeated. “..tired of it.”
He slid down against it, pulling his knees to his chest. Lost and vulnerable.
His partner sighed and bent over to pick up the hat and brush it off before joining Abbacchio against the wall.
“Leo.. it’ll be okay..”
Abbacchio’s gaze remained downwards, staring blankly at the ground between his legs. He hadn’t even registered there was a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“You know what? You know what this feels like, Michele?”
The other officer remained silent for a moment before asking, “What?”
“It feels like we’re in the goddamn mafia.”
Abbacchio looked up.
“I didn’t want to say it. I wanted to push it to the back of my mind. But I can’t... because it’s true.”
Michele took his hat off.
“The way things are going, I have to agree with you... but..”
Abbacchio looked at him hopelessly.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t do something about it, right?”
“I don’t.. know what to do. No one is going to believe us over that pig Polpo. But I can’t let the victims die. I can’t... let these crimes continue to happen while the rest of the force sleeps on it.”
Michele nodded.
“It will be stopped. Don’t ask how, but I know.”
No words were spoken for at least a few minutes.
“Fuck, do I ever need coffee.”
“I doubt anyone will care if we stop at Libeccio before we get grounded.”
Michele smiled, helping his partner up. Abbacchio’s expression lit up. It was the name of his favorite little restaurant and it had been ages since he even stepped foot in it. He brushed himself off and put his hat back on.
“Let’s go.”
Michele did the same.
“That’s the spirit.”
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Active Shooter Preparedness Training
Mass shooting incidents are on the rise and can take place anywhere at any time. The best way for one to safeguard yourselves is by being as prepared as possible for this type of event. Knowledge of appropriate response to an active shooter attack is potentially life saving practice.
 ​Active shooter preparedness has rapidly become a necessity in today’s society. Understanding this information will allow for existing safety and preparedness gaps for all businesses, churches and schools to increase the likelihood of survival rates in the face of an active shooter event. https://www.sczactiveshooter.com Our mission is to provide individuals with the knowledge, tools to cope, and increase their chance of survival during active shooter events. Let us train your team at your places of business, schools, university campuses, places of worship (church) and any other facilities that feel the need to be prepared for an active shooter event. Our goal is to help ease the level of anxiety by giving people an advantage with insights on strategic planning skills that will help individuals be prepared in the event of an active shooter. We know what it takes to make it through. Our program combines not only the countless hours of training and insight of Law Enforcement, but also the real life experience. Let us share our knowledge with Your Team Today!
 Do any of these questions below spark your desire for active shooter preparedness training?
 1. How anxious are you about the possibility of an active shooter event occurring at your business workplace, school campus, or place of worship?
 2. How prepared do you feel your team is if there was an active shooter event at your    business workplace, school campus, or place of worship?
 3. How important do you think it is to receive active shooter training?
 4. Have you had previous training on active shooter preparedness?
 If so, it’s time to modernize your active shooter knowledge!
 Our Active Shooter Preparedness Presentation for Employees will discuss options on how to react during an active shooter event, provide tools to help survive an active shooter all while providing hope to individuals who feel hopeless.
Our Active Shooter Preparedness Presentation for Management provides insight on how your management team can assist your employees before, during and after an active shooter event.
 During our Strategic Company Walk Though we will personally take your team through your business explaining the possible perspectives of a suspect during an active shooter event. Through this experience, we will show you the deficiencies of a suspect and the advantages of your employees.
 During our On-site Security Inspection, we will reveal areas in your company that have possible weaknesses for security in the event of an active shooter. Then we will provide you with suggestions on how to fix your security issues.
 Our active shooter training model supports the natural human fight or flight instincts. We highlight the three step strategy of run, hide, or fight and how to successfully apply this training in a real life event. In fact, the “run, hide, fight” preparation module is often applied by many first responders.
 One should run as far as they can from the area and contact authorities as soon as they are safe enough to call 911.  If evacuating the vicinity is not an option, one should hide, especially in a place you can either barricade or lock. Finally, when previous safety measures are exhausted, one should be prepared to fight; the way the force is projected can be through the use of items or your body.
 Effectiveness of active shooter training helps ease the level of anxiety and gives a sense of preparedness in the event of a mass shooting attack. We are working towards problem-solving the pervasive issue of mass shootings nationwide. We believe that the continued efforts of these entities may result in solutions that diminish the prevalence of these types of horrific incidents. Furthermore, we mourn with all individuals and families who have lost loved ones to the brutal and senseless attack of mass shootings.
 Come Check us out today! https://www.sczactiveshooter.com
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Active Shooter Preparedness Training
Mass shooting incidents are on the rise and can take place anywhere at any time. The best way for one to safeguard yourselves is by being as prepared as possible for this type of event. Knowledge of appropriate response to an active shooter attack is potentially life saving practice.
 ​Active shooter preparedness has rapidly become a necessity in today’s society. Understanding this information will allow for existing safety and preparedness gaps for all businesses, churches and schools to increase the likelihood of survival rates in the face of an active shooter event. https://www.activeshooterprep.org Our mission is to provide individuals with the knowledge, tools to cope, and increase their chance of survival during active shooter events. Let us train your team at your places of business, schools, university campuses, places of worship (church) and any other facilities that feel the need to be prepared for an active shooter event. Our goal is to help ease the level of anxiety by giving people an advantage with insights on strategic planning skills that will help individuals be prepared in the event of an active shooter. We know what it takes to make it through. Our program combines not only the countless hours of training and insight of Law Enforcement, but also the real life experience. Let us share our knowledge with Your Team Today!
 Do any of these questions below spark your desire for active shooter preparedness training?
 1. How anxious are you about the possibility of an active shooter event occurring at your business workplace, school campus, or place of worship?
 2. How prepared do you feel your team is if there was an active shooter event at your    business workplace, school campus, or place of worship?
 3. How important do you think it is to receive active shooter training?
 4. Have you had previous training on active shooter preparedness?
 If so, it’s time to modernize your active shooter knowledge!
 Our Active Shooter Preparedness Presentation for Employees will discuss options on how to react during an active shooter event, provide tools to help survive an active shooter all while providing hope to individuals who feel hopeless.
Our Active Shooter Preparedness Presentation for Management provides insight on how your management team can assist your employees before, during and after an active shooter event.
 During our Strategic Company Walk Though we will personally take your team through your business explaining the possible perspectives of a suspect during an active shooter event. Through this experience, we will show you the deficiencies of a suspect and the advantages of your employees.
 During our On-site Security Inspection, we will reveal areas in your company that have possible weaknesses for security in the event of an active shooter. Then we will provide you with suggestions on how to fix your security issues.
 Our active shooter training model supports the natural human fight or flight instincts. We highlight the three step strategy of run, hide, or fight and how to successfully apply this training in a real life event. In fact, the “run, hide, fight” preparation module is often applied by many first responders.
 One should run as far as they can from the area and contact authorities as soon as they are safe enough to call 911.  If evacuating the vicinity is not an option, one should hide, especially in a place you can either barricade or lock. Finally, when previous safety measures are exhausted, one should be prepared to fight; the way the force is projected can be through the use of items or your body.
 Effectiveness of active shooter training helps ease the level of anxiety and gives a sense of preparedness in the event of a mass shooting attack. We are working towards problem-solving the pervasive issue of mass shootings nationwide. We believe that the continued efforts of these entities may result in solutions that diminish the prevalence of these types of horrific incidents. Furthermore, we mourn with all individuals and families who have lost loved ones to the brutal and senseless attack of mass shootings.
 Come Check us out today! https://www.activeshooterprep.org
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andremarcusburky · 6 years
Can you do what Travis Konecny is like as a boyfriend? You’re so good at those things I live for them!!!
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it was far from love at first sight
when you first met he had a really bad day and came off as a little rude
it wasn’t intentional but he just didnt have the energy to make an effort to seem interested in talking to you
and you were at a get-together at a friend of yours
and like he was just really distant so you thought he disliked you for whatever reason
and he was a bit of an ass to his friends who just tried to cheer him up
lbh we all have those shitty days 
but your first impression was that he was an ass
so you didnt like him much after that
next time you met he was a lot nicer but you didnt like him (remember?) and you can kind of feel when someone doesnt like you, you feel me?
you werent fighting or bitching or anything but like you werent friends
it took a whole year before things turned around
that friend you had in common who kept bringing you together was having a fourth of july dinner-party-ish thingy
there were games and people were paired up into teams etc
and then you were paired up with tk
which was hella awkward at first
but the both of you are competitive af and desperately want to win so you went for it
at one point you were gonna try to make a human pyramid with two people only
so you guys tried to do a shoulder stand
which was really hard and you fell over a million times before you managed to get it right
and you had so much fun while doing it because it was truly ridiculous
lets remember that this would have had to be kinda physical, like when you fell over he fell with you and you dragged him down on top of you more than once
when you got it right and you came down he scooped you up as a celly and you were both still laughing
you became the champs and won the whole fucking shit
the price was a bottle of champagne which you both shared
and that’s when you became friends
you spend some more time together that night and talked about everything you didnt know about one another
it turned out you had a lot in common
you were just friends for about two months 
met here and there are parties and dinners and what not but never really alone
although you always hung out at these things
and then you ran into each other at a club
he was there with a couple teammates and you with some of your friends
you greeted and everything but they were in a booth that was full and you were too many so you didnt hang out 
you couldn’t help but search for him through the crowd every now and then though
because lets me honest you guys were crushing on each other
and he did the same (while his teammates were chirping him about it because he hadn’t told them about the girl he so obviously liked)
and your friends noticed too and tried to get you to go over to him and stuff but you never did
and then you were dancing and having fun 
until some dude shows up
and starts pestering you 
and he wont fucking take a no
eventually you actually tell him to fuck right off because youre done with his bullshit
he gets hella angry and scary
and out of the blue comes TK
and we all know what TK is like
but like for once he was actually a bit bigger than the asshole so his odds are better than they ever have been before lmao
“you’ll leave her the fuck alone right now”
but this guy was actually really fucking scary and started threatening TK
and there’s a fight
but like he didnt start it it was actually the other guy for the first time ever
Travis actually had a fistfight in a club to defend you
it was scary actually, hockey is one thing but in public? that was something else and it freaked you out a bit
it made the news, he was banned from the club (lmao) and he got into A LOT of trouble because of it
but he never regretted it
when the guards managed to break them up he was obviously kicked out
you followed to make sure he was alright
he was so angry and frustrated and his lip was bruised but the other guy looked way worse
he kept telling you he was alright and that he was just gonna go home but you didnt just wanna leave him like that after he stood up for you
“I cant just let you go after that? maybe we should go to the hospital?”
he laughed at you
“listen I just cant leave you, it would be wrong”
“then come home with me”
oh my
oh my indeed
listen he didnt ask you to have sex with him but like to go home with him to be with him you know? but also like if you wanna have sex its not like he’d ever say no lol
so you got into an uber and went to his place
twenty minutes later you’re in his bathroom and he’s sitting on the edge of his tub while you’re trying to clean his lip
you’re both still a little drunk
and he cant stop himself from staring up at you the entire time
and you obviously notice but you pretend like you dont because you dont know how to act
eventually you meet his eyes though
and he smiles at you 
and you smile back
and here we go guys
here we motherfucking gooooo
he stands up and hovers over you
and you gulp and like suddenly youre a little nervous
he used to be when he was sitting down but now he’s just so fucking determined that youre gonna be his and he’ll make sure that it happens
his hand softly runs by your jawline
grabs your face and leans in
you both close your eyes and your lips meet and wowowowowoowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowooowowowowowowowowoowowowowo
then it tasted like a little blood because he started bleeding again
because you know blood pressure tends to rise when youre having fun
he avoided your eyes and sat down to let you dab away at the blood again
you had the biggest smile on your face
when he finally looked up and met your eyes he started smiling too
so yeah that was that
but like wow it was great
you didnt have sex that night but you slept together and cuddled away
the next day he made you breakfast and things were that good kind of awkward if you know what I mean? like it was a little awkward because you werent drunk anymore but it was a happy excited awkward 
then you had to leave because he had to go hakstol and a bunch of other people so they could yell at him for fighting in a bar
they later had an entire fucking press conference where TK explained why he was fighting and his fanbase actually kinda grew lmao
anyway so two nights after all that happened you called him to see if he wanted to hang out
so he came over
long story short good nice very great sex
and now you’re his girlfriend.
he’s moody sometimes
you fight a little
not really over things but its more like he’s in a mood or being rude which makes you moody and then you start nagging on each other without actually fighting over anything
but you always make up (sex)
when you’re not fighting you guys are power couple #1
you always make each other laugh with the stupidest things and you’re always close and super touchy
meaning cuddly as well
oh he loves to cuddle
if you’re home by yourselves then his arms are around you at least 90% of the time
and he’s always praising you
god whenever you put some outfit together which is everyday because clothes aren’t really optional he’s giving you some comment
“oh my god baby, look at that ass!”
“911 I believe a lioness has escaped the zoo”
listen you guys are best friends
would do anything for each other
when he’s lost a game you put some 90′s rap on in the car and start rapping along because lbh you cant rap and its hilarious
he always laughs and has a good time
god he loves you
oh right the first ‘I love you’
it just slipped out of his mouth
you fell for each other fast
real fast
so it was only a month into the relationship
but you did love one another 
you’d spent the night at his and woke up before him
thirty minutes later he found you in his kitchen making pancakes
“babe you were gonna get breakfast in bed!”
he decided to help you out instead
which ended with him intentionally spilling batter on you
and you had a mini food fight
it all ended when he wrapped you in his arms from behind and you were both laughing and being cute
it was that kind of breathtaking laughter that hurts a little
when you finally calmed down he just sighed and said it without thinking
“god I love you”
and you froze
and he realized what he said
you turned around in his grasp and he looked so fucking scared
so you kissed him so passionately asdfghjklö
“I love you too, T”
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maealbert · 6 years
Hello, Again // Team
AU Characters: Team x OC (Hannah Scott) A/N: When you watch a lot of Criminal Minds and Grey’s Anatomy, your dreams begin to mix those two shows together. So enjoy a crossover. A/N P2: Changed it to a team x oc due to the direction that this has gone down. Master List
tag list: @idkbutspencer @tenaciousarcadeexpert @literallyprentissstwin @cynbx @rawritsmolly @drspencerreider @dontshootmespence @ultrarebelheart
Sixteen hour shift on a Friday night. Friday nights have now become the drunken nights. Idiots go out and drunk. Some drive home, some walk home, some get a cab home. Pretty sure you get the gist of what happens.
Scott was already into the tenth hour of her shift when her stomach began to rumble. “Hungry?” Grey asked from the other side of the counter.
“I can survive.” Scott says as she continues scrolling through one her patient’s medical records.
“Go get something to eat.” Grey says as she closes her chart book. “I’ll handle your patient for the time being.” She walks around the counter as Scott stands up from her chair. “What are you looking for?”
“Whether my patient was given Metformin due to her being diabetic but she’s having weird side effects. Ones that she’s been having for years now. I’m trying to track down where and who she got it from.”
“Well I can handle that and I’ll make sure she isn’t give more of it. I’ll find a sub for it.” Grey responds as she sits down in the chair. “Go eat.”
As she’s headed to the cafeteria, she gets paged to the pit. 911 Blue. (Not a real hospital code, but just roll with it) Instantly she knew a cop was in trouble. Reaching the pit having got herself ready she’s met with her colleagues rushing in a dark haired woman on a gurney. One pumping her chest while another pumped air into her mouth. She saw the bullet wound in the woman’s abdomen, but as they rushed past her she caught a glimpse at the woman’s face.
“Emily?” She questioned.
“You know her?” One of her colleagues called as he continued doing compressions on her chest.
Scott nods her head. “Hey, you okay?” One of the interns asks as he walks up beside Scott.
“Just a little..” Scott says as she loses her balance.
The intern caught her quickly. “Have you eaten today?” Hhe says bringing Scott over to an empty bed and sitting her down.
“I’m fine, Glasses.” Scotts says as she stands up.
“SCOTT! In here now!” Hunt calls from the trauma room. “We need extra hands!” 
Rushing into the trauma room, Scott was immediately placed by Emily’s head. “What do you need me to do?”
“Keep her awake.”
“That’s it?” Scott said.
Hunt looked up at her. “You know her, so talk to her. Keep her awake.”
“Right, I can do that.” Looking down at Emily, she can see her eyes moving underneath her eyelids. Her eyes slowly began to open. Suddenly she started to move and trying to free herself.
“Hold her down!” Hunt shouts to everyone in the room. “Scott, you have to keep her calm, talk to her!”
“Emily, Emily.” Scott calmly spoke. “Hey, look at me. Keep your eyes on me. You’re going to be just fine.”
“Scott, think you’re up for the OR today?” Hunt says. “I’m gonna need your hands.”
“Yeah, yeah. I got it.” Scott says. Truthfully, working on her close friend wasn’t going to be easy. She looks back down at Emily, her eyes still on Scott. “You’ll be just fine.”
Stepping out of the OR, Scott tears off her surgical hat and sits down on the bench. A hand lays on her back and Hunt sits down next to her. “Hey, you did great in there.” Scotts scoffs shaking her head. “I was so scared.”
“I know it can be scary working on someone you know, especially someone like her.” He says leaning on his knees. “But she’s perfectly fine. You did great. Do you want me to come out with me to talk to her friends?”
“Uh yeah.” She says with a nod of her head. “I can do that.”
JJ paced back and forth in the waiting area. Rossi and Reid stood over by the vending machine. Luke and Matt talked in hushed voices to each other, more like arguing over who would get Emily’s flat screen television if she...well.. Garcia leaned the back of her chair and whacked the two men over the tops of their heads. “Enough of that, you two.” She snaps. “Emily is going to be okay?”
A smile spread across Hannah’s face once she heard Garcia’s voice. “Hannah!” JJ exclaimed as she rushed over to her. The rest of the team followed behind her. “We were praying you’d be here.”
“Perfect timing.” Hannah says with a smile. “Good news, she’s doing just fine. Surgery went well, no complications.”
“Can we see her?” Tara asks, her eyes pleading just like the others. Hannah glances over at Hunt. He pulls her over to the side, taking side glances at the team.
“Owen, she’s asleep. What harm could happen?” Hannah says as she folds her arms across her chest. “Plus my shift was over and it’d be nice if I could catch up with some old friends.”
“I’m not worried about them being in the room, I worried about their own well being.” He says. “Look at them. One’s got bruising which should be checked and then the curly haired one is still bleeding from his forehead.”
“Tell you what, I’ll send them all to get checked at the clinic and then bring them up to one of the Attendings’ lounge. They all rest in there until she wakes up.”
“And what about you? You need to take care of yourself too. You look a little pale.”
Hannah nods her head. “Yeah I need to get something to eat.”
“Good,” he says giving her a smile and patting her shoulder. “I’m gonna head on up to check on your friend. Get her vitals and then she’s all yours.”
Hannah headed back over to the team. Their eyes still pleading to see her. “Before you go see her, I am taking you all to the clinic to be checked and stitched.” She says looking directly at Spencer. “After that, I’m taking you up to one of the lounges to rest yourselves, it’ll be some time before Emily wakes up.” Luke started to protest before getting nudged in side by Garcia. She gave him glare and motioned for him to follow the others.
“What we got here?” Glasses says as he approaches Hannah.
“You’re in here?” She says as she grabs a pair of rubber gloves and shoves them in the pocket of her lab coat.
“Bailey ordered to keep my eyes on things in here.”
“Okay, well you can go and stitch up Dr. Reid over there.” Hannah says pointing to the end of the row of beds.
“I am on it.” Glasses says as he grabs a pair of gloves and rushes over to the Spencer. Before he made it over to the bed, he tripped over his own feet sending himself plummeting to the floor. Groaning and rubbing her forehead, Hannah slips on her gloves and walks over to JJ.
“So, the bruises..” Hannah says as carefully slides up JJ’s shirt sleeve. JJ winces. “Sorry..”
“No, No,” JJ says shaking her head. “Our unsub had a trip wire on the basement stairs and I didn’t see it all. I went to grab the railing and I think I dislocated my shoulder.”
“That’s an easy fix.” Hannah says. “This is gonna hurt a little, but I’ll be sure to give you some pain medication to relieve the pain and I’ll put your arm in a brace.”
“Sounds good.” JJ says.
“Good. Now on the count of three,” Hannah says placing one hand under JJ’s elbow and the other one up by her collar bone. “One.. Two.. Three..” She snaps JJ’s shoulder back into place. “We’re all good. Keep your arm still while I go grab a sling.” Hannah pulls off her gloves and heads over to the supply shelf.
“Clinic’s really buzzing today.” Bailey says as she walks up to Hannah.
“Everyone that’s on a bed is the FBI.”
“Ohhhh.” Bailey says nodding her head. “Fallen agent.”
“She isn’t dead, Bailey.” Hannah says rolling her eyes. “She’s resting after surgery.”
“Well take good care of them. I don’t want the FBI shutting us down.”
“These are my friends, Bailey. Don’t worry. They’ll be well taken care of. Now go, I’ve got this.” She leaves Bailey by the shelf and goes back over to the JJ.
“So how’s Seattle been treating you?” JJ asks as Hannah helps her put the sling on.
“It’s been good. Just wish I could be back in DC.” Hannah replies. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, working here at Grey-Sloan is like a dream.”
“It’s funny how you went from Federal Agent to Doctor.”
“I studied pre-med before the FBI, I wanted to try my hands in the medical field.” Hannah says as she helps JJ off the bed. “I’m heading to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, think you all would want to join?”
“I’m so done for food.” JJ says. “I’ll go grab the others. We can all catch up.”
Laughter filled the hall as Hannah brought the team to the lounge. “I never liked Barnes.” Hannah as she pushes open the lounge door. “She’s lucky I wasn’t there.”
“We do miss having you around.” Rossi says as he sits down on one of the couches.
“You need to come visit sometime.” Garcia says as she sits down at the table.
“How long ago were you with the team?” Tara asks.
“I came in just before Emily did and then left when Emily did..the second time.” Hannah explains. “I took vacation time to visit my sister who lives out here and her husband had a freak accident with the meat grinder. I stitched him with a sewing kit that my sister had in her closet before bringing him into the hospital. I knew the ins and outs of hospital to begin with so I knew what should have been done with him. Hunt was impressed and brought me on.”
“So what do you do here? Exactly?” Spencer asks.
“I’m a general surgeon but I specialize in neurology.”
“Guess studying the brain hasn’t gone away.” JJ says with a slight smirk.
“Yeah well, I got to scrub in on a brain surgery as Amelia Shepherd removed a tumor. I was so intrigued that she took me “under her wing” so to speak.”
“And now you’re an Attending, must be doing something good.” Rossi says.
“Must be.” Hannah says as she pushes off the counter. “Now you all get some rest and I’ll come get you when Emily’s ready.”
“I could use some sleep.” Matt says.
“I’m not denying it.” Luke adds as he lays down on the couch opposite Rossi.
“I’ll send someone with blankets and pillows.” Hannah says as she leaves the room. As she walks past the nurses station she leans over the counter. “Keep people out of that lounge, please. Important people need some rest.”
The nurse nods her head with a smile. “Yeah, no problem.”
“Thank you.”
Stepping out of the Attending “locker room”, more like a step up from that, Hannah pulls your hair out from inside her hoodie and heads down the hallway to the elevator. Karev jumps into the elevator just before the doors shut. “Going home?” He asks as he hits the lobby button.
“No, I’m heading down to my patient’s room.” Hannah replies.
“Ahh, the Fed. How’s she doing?”
“Hunt sent me her vitals earlier and I just went to check her just before I clocked out and I’m just going back hoping to see if she’s awake yet.”
“And what about all the feds up in the lounge?”
“The rest of the team, and my friends.”
“Oh riiight. I knew the curly haired one looked familiar!” Karev laughed. “He’s the one in the photo on your nightstand!”
“So glad you don’t live with Grey anymore.” She says making Karev chuckle. The doors open on the floor she needed. “Tell Joe I said hi. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her today.”
“I will do that.” He says as the doors close.
Walking down the hall, she nods her head at Amelia before quietly entering Emily’s room. Slowly closing the door behind her, she approaches the bed. Emily was still asleep. Hannah looked up at her vitals. Everything was normal and looking good. She heard Emily gasp and she turned her head. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“Whoa, hey. Relax.” Hannah says trying to calm down Emily. “It’s just me, Hannah.”
“Hannah?” Emily says. “You work here?”
Hannah nods her head. “You don’t remember anything before now?”
Emily shakes her head. “The last thing I remember was getting shot and everything went blank after that.”
“So you don’t remember being in the trauma room? You were looking at me.”
“You were there?”
Hannah pulls over a chair and sits down. “Hunt and myself worked alongside each other to get the bullet out of you. Everything went great, no complications.”
“My team.. Where are they?”
“Asleep upstairs in the lounge.” Hannah says. “JJ dislocated her shoulder, Reid needed stitches, Rossi has a few bruised ribs; but other than that, I ordered them to rest a little until you were ready to see them.”
“Your ordered them?”
“Hey, by law, I’m their doctor now so yes, I ordered them.” Hannah says smirking.
Emily smiles. “Can I see them? I want to see them.”
Hannah nods her head. “Yeah, yeah.” She says standing up from the bed. “I’ll be right back.” She exits the room closing the door behind her.
Amelia walks up to her. “Hey, Scott, how’s she doing?”
“Vitals are good, I’m hoping to have her out of here by tomorrow evening. I want to keep an eye on her..ya know.”
“I would too.” She says. “Because I just got her CT scans back.”
“Oh good, can I see?”
“Yeah.” Amelia says as she brings her to one of the exam rooms. “I wanted to do a CT scan after EMTs said she had hit her head after her fall.”
“Explains why you were in the OR.”
Amelia nods her head as she places the scan photos on the light board. “Agent Prentiss’ scan back revealing a mild concussion. Nothing to worry about but I wanted to keep her overnight as well just to monitor her brain waves and make sure she’s stable enough to go home.”
“Follow up with her own doctor would be something she’d have to do when she gets back to DC.” Hannah says as she folds her arms over shoulders. “Looks like we’re on the same page with keeping her overnight.”
“Are you going to stay here as well or go home?” Amelia asks as she takes down the photos.
“Probably stay here. In case something happens, I’ll be here.”
“Good, cause I need to go home and rest. I’ll let Mer know that you won’t be home in the morning for breakfast so she won’t have to rush.” Amelia says before she leaves the exam room.
“I didn’t know that!” Hannah gasps. “When did that happen?”
“Well when Hotch found Scratch at Jack’s soccer game, everything just went downhill from there.” JJ says.
“And then Emily came back on board.” Rossi adds.
“I heard about Spencer’s ordeal with Cat and Lindsey.” Hannah says as she leans over on her knees.
“How so?” Emily asks. “That was supposed to be kept under wraps.”
“Hey, just because I don’t work for the Bureau anymore doesn’t mean I still don’t have my connections.” Hannah says glancing over at Garcia.
The door slides open and Riggs steps into the room. “Hey, Amelia told me you were staying overnight.”
“Need with help with something?” Hannah asks looking up at him.
“Just a consult.”
“What’s it on?”
“A teen came with a gun shot wound to the head and chest. How he survived, I have no idea.”
“Wait..” Spencer says sitting up in his chair. “What does the teen look like?”
“Short black hair, blue eyes, about six feet.” Riggs answers.
The others on the team perked up and looked at each other. “Did you get a name?” Tara asks.
“Yeah, he had his wallet on him.” Riggs says as he lifts up the chart in his hand. “Ronald Rhodes, why?”
“That’s him.” Matt says.
“Your unsub?” Hannah says.
“Yes,” Spencer says as the team stands up from their chairs. “He ran off after getting in a shootout with Emily and myself.”
“Call security and make sure they keep him contained.” Hannah says as she pulls open the sliding. “Let me go change and I’ll meet you down in the OR.”
“He’s gonna require surgery which is why I need your consult.” Riggs says going after her.
“I’m scrubbing in. Amelia and I can work on the bullet in his head while you and whoever else you got works on the chest wound.” Hannah says as she and Riggs rush down the hall to the elevators.
“Wait! Hannah!” JJ yells after them, but it was too late. The elevator doors had already closed. “Dammit.” JJ groans as she stops to catch her breath. Matt catches up to her. “We need to talk to Rhodes after the surgery.”
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So I lied, there will be a part 2. My brain went further than planned :)
If you liked this than please be sure to leave it some love and feedback!
Thank you! :)
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Bull Season 2 Episode 9 "Thanksgiving"
The episode opens at a boxing championship. Bobby Lewis is supposed to throw a fight. He talks to three different people and then goes into the ring.
At first it looks like he’ll do it, but then he actually starts to fight, and he wins. When he gets home, he finds his neighbor’s body in his trunk. His wife calls 911, but he hangs up. They call back.
It’s Monday before Thanksgiving and at TAC, everyone is leaving for Thanksgiving. Chunk’s going to Georgia, Marisa’s going to Florida while Kyle’s in China, Danny’s going to see her family, Benny’s flying his into Dallas, and Cable’s not seeing hers. Who doesn’t go see their family on Thanksgiving? Get it together Cable.
Bull is in his office. He’s getting Thanksgiving delivered and Marisa has set up football on the computers. When he walks out, he’s met by the lawyer from Bobby’s trial, Galvin Barry. Over a drink, he explains the situation and twists Bull’s arm into at least meeting him.
It’s now Tuesday. Kyle is at Marisa’s door. He got mugged and Marisa promises to help him.
Bull’s at the prison. Bobby used to be in a gang until he found boxing. He also has two daughters. Bull asks him to tell the story of what happened three times.
He tells the lawyer why. It’s called the False Reiteration Theory. People that make up stories tell them the same way every time they tell it. Truthful people add details as they remember them and so a story is always slightly different. All this to say, Bull believes he’s innocent, but he’s also hiding something.
Cable’s mom calls her, and Cable says she wants to have Thanksgiving with her friends. Seriously, her poor mother.
Benny is at the airport next to a girl who is also going to Dallas. Their flight is delayed.
An ADA that Bull knows is prosecuting the case. She’s snarky and he’s snarky back. Before they go in, Bull warns Barry that he’s underprepared. Barry doesn’t care. He says he needs all the help he can get it.
He moves to strike a juror and the judge won’t let him. He’s run out of strikes. And then he doesn’t listen to Bull, which of course ticks Bull off.
Chunk is talking to a girl, maybe a sister. She wants to go off to NYU, but her mom won’t let her. She wants Chunk to talk some sense into her.
Benny and the girl are asleep. He wakes up and wakes her up. She offers to buy him a drink and he doesn’t think she’s 21. They both show their ID’s.  I know this is played off to be cute and all, but I wasn’t about it. Maybe it’s just because I’m 22 and regularly mistaken for 12. That’s not flirting. That’s my life.
Marisa is on the phone in a hotel. All of her credit cards have been maxed out. Kyle did get his passport though.
It’s now Wednesday. Benny is telling the girl about Puerto Rican Thanksgiving and it’s really sweet.
The prosecution puts a neighbor on the stand that lies about seeing a fight. She’s obviously been paid off by one of the men who told Bobby to throw the fight, but Bull doesn’t know about that. There is a 10- minute recess where he tries to figure it out, but Bobby doesn’t give him anything.
It’s Thanksgiving Day. Marisa is trying to get through to Kyle but can’t. Her accounts have been drained as well.
Benny has a seat on a flight and gives it to the girl in exchange for her phone number. She texts him back. Yay!
Chunk talks to the mom about NYU. She doesn’t budge, and Chunk sees Bull on tv.
Cable is miserable at her Friendsgiving and calls her mom. She’s never going to do that again.
Bull is watching the fight when Danny comes in. She’s brought him a pie and she saw him on tv. When she sees the fight, she starts talking about her dad. He’s a ginger, was a fighter pilot, not violent but loved boxing. He said there was a story in every fight and gets Bull to look for the story in Bobby’s.
Bull wants a private conference with Bobby. He fakes attacking him to prove that he’s a lefty. Bull knows he was supposed to throw the fight and he’s ticked. Bobby knows he’s been framed and he’s given up. Bull hasn’t. He wants to settle it out of court with the only people he can.
Chunk talks to the mom again. He says that she won’t be alone, he’ll be there. She says that the girl doesn’t come to him like he comes to her. Then, brace yourselves, Chunk reveals he’s her father. Besides the fact that I completely wasn’t expecting the gay guy to have a kid, what did she think their relationship was? I thought he was going to see his family? I am very confused.
Bull talks to Mr. Sketchy guy
It’s the Monday after Thanksgiving. Right before closing arguments the ADA dismisses the charges against Bobby. New forensic evidence has been brought to light.
Bobby asks Bull what he did. He essentially made a deal with the devil. They own him, but now as a winner. Bull warns him that one day, they will lose confidence in him and tell him to throw another fight. If he doesn’t do it, they will kill him. Bobby asks how to repay Bull. Bull gives him two things: pay him and never tell anyone what he’s done.
Back at TAC, Marisa lies about being ok. She’s looking for Kyle in all criminal databases.
I got some of those consequences I wanted. Even without that, this was a solid episode. And yes, my favorite part may or may not have been the girl texting Benny back. 8/10.
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wwefangirl69 · 7 years
Double Trouble
Setting this up to be a multi chapter thing.  Bear with the long backstory. It’s worth it. Please no hate mail, this is my first piece. Feedback is appreciated.
Some Language.  Smut. Fluff. SMUUUT. NSFW
3409 words.
You are a creative type, so you have no “real job” holding you down.  You do what you want, when you want.  You’re a musician, but not your typical starving artist type.  Money is no object – you are well off from a life insurance settlement from a husband that died.  You’re in no big hurry to marry again, you are a free spirit and pretty much do what and who you want. Like your favorite Pat Green song,  you are a threadbare gypsy soul.
The guys were in town because there was a house show, and they had RAW to tape.  You had a gig that night, and were not really expecting to see anybody other than the usual round of drunks that try to ply you with drinks in hopes that you’d be easy to take home. Little did they know, you were half Irish and can drink whiskey like a champ!
You know Sheamus and Cesaro from a year ago.  You were on the date from Hell, and Cesaro saved you from it.  It was a date a well-meaning friend had set up.  You weren’t really feeling it the first time you went out with Mark, but you are the Queen of second chances.   You give people more chances than they usually deserve.  Damn your big heart.  Mark was not a wrestling fan, but he got ringside seats for the two of you.  Clearly he wanted to impress you.  Him not being a fan, was kind of the final nail in the coffin in your book (He just made the list!)  You were explaining to him the storylines – who’s a heel, who hated who, etc.  He was bored, and wanted to go back to the hotel in the hopes of getting a piece of ass.  You were having the time of your life, and nowhere near ready to leave, Hell the title match of Lesnar V. Goldberg hadn’t even happened yet.  
You looked at him like he was crazy, and said that you would just catch up with him at the hotel later – you would get a cab back.  You turned back in time to see Kevin Owens finish entering the ring.  Dean Ambrose’s intro music cued up and out he comes! All of a sudden BAM! It goes dark, and you’re seeing red.  You’re seething mad, and in a lot of pain. A hard hit to the side of your face from out of nowhere happened. That motherfucker Mark just PUNCHED YOU in the face!  You fell hard into the big dude next to you.  He was a solid wall of muscle, like Braun Strowman.
Dean saw the whole thing happen, and broke character and jumped the wall and started beating the holy living shit out of Mark. The medics quickly took you to a room backstage to put ice on your eye, and check that shoulder.  No real damage done, they iced your face, gave you a BC Powder and a bottled water, and as a precaution, they taped up your shoulder with kinesio tape just like the kind Cesaro wears.  The medic had you lie down on the bench and rest a bit with the ice on your face.
After a while, you had had enough of this shit, you were bored, the night was screwed, and you were going to hit the bar before you went back to the hotel.  Thank GOD you weren’t sharing a hotel room with that douchebag. You put your Coco Chanel rhinestone dark glasses on to cover up the shiner you just KNOW you are getting, and you begin roaming the halls trying to find the entrance to the parking garage to get the HELL out of there. Only problem is you are a little directionally challenged, you were still a little bit woozy, and to make matters worse, you were a bit lost. You can’t find your ass with both hands in the dark, with a flashlight, AND GPS!
You weren’t seeing too clearly, your bruised eye was watering like a son of a bitch, and you plowed right into Cesaro! You hit with such force, and you were still a bit wobbly on your feet.  He caught your elbow to keep you from landing on your ass. Goosebumps popped up all over, and a pulsing throbbing started between your legs. “Oh my GOD! SHIT! I’m SO sorry!” You stammered.  He smiled radiantly, and you melted.  He was impeccably dressed in a dark Armani suit, and his trademark dark glasses.  He looked good, and smelled like Heaven.  He was wearing your favorite men’s scent, Bulgari. You melted a second time inwardly. “No worries darling. You must be lost to have gotten back here.” He said.  “No, actually I got hit in the face.” You said. He stopped smiling, and genuinely looked concerned. He gently removed your sunglasses to look at the faint bruising on your eye. “So YOU’RE the girl! I heard a beautiful lady got injured by her boyfriend tonight, and Dean stepped in. Dean was talking about it in the locker room. He’s lucky I wasn’t out there.” “He’s NOT my boyfriend!” I snapped. “No? Well then I have a chance.  Come to dinner with me.  I’d enjoy very much the company of a beautiful Lady.” The butterflies are doing flip flops in your stomach at this point.  You smile, and say “I’d love to” He holds his arm out to you, and you take it.
He walks you down the hall, and out to the parking garage, where the valet pulls up to you in a sleek black Porsche 911 Carrera.  Cesaro walks around and opens your door for you, and you sink into the plush leather seats. He takes you not too far away, to a quiet little Italian restaurant, and he pulls in, and tosses the keys to the valet. He walks around to your side and opens your door, holding his hand out to you, helping you out of the car. You blush, and again are filled with a hammering throbbing in your deepest parts. He places his hand in the small of your back possessively, a little too close to your ass, and guides you into the restaurant.  The table is in a dark corner, lit up by the light of many candles. The candlelight shines in your eyes, and reflects in your hair.
Once seated across from you, he reaches across, and gently removes your sunglasses. “I want to see you,” He says. He gently brushes the hair from your eyes, and traces his fingers down your face, under the guise of checking on your eye.  You were thinking of other places that those fingers could be! His eyes darken to pools of molten chocolate in the candlelight as he says to you in a husky whisper “Cosi’ bellou” So beautiful. You have no idea what he said, but you feel yourself getting wet with desire for him.
Over dinner, you talk about places he’s travelled to, places you’d like to go - things he’d like to show you – The Eiffel Tower, The Spanish Steps.  You tell him about your music, and he coaxes you to sing a little for him. He is noticeably impressed.  You discuss Art, literature, poetry, theater, opera and find out you have a lot of things in common.  You definitely agree on coffee after dinner, and you both agree Starbucks is the best! You enjoy a cup of coffee, and share a cannoli.  You got a bit of cream on your lip, and he reaches across and wipes at it with his finger, and sucks on it, never breaking eye contact with you.  
After the tab is paid, he walks you outside, and he slips his suit jacket around your shoulders because the night is brisk. Neither one of you are ready to return to the hotel just yet, so with it being a coastal town, you find yourselves walking hand in hand along the beach in the moonlight.  You couldn’t help but notice how perfectly your hand fits in his, and as if reading your mind, he squeezed your hand before bringing it to your lips for the softest of kisses.  His breath was warm across your knuckles, and he murmured in Italian “Attento, stai rubando il mio cuore.” Careful, you’re stealing my heart.  “What did you say?” You asked him.  “You’re beautiful.” He said, not REALLY telling you how he was feeling at that moment in time.
It was a little after midnight, and you walked with him in the surf where the water lapped the beach, you were laughing at his rolled-up suit pants, and ogling those perfect muscular calves.  You both laughed.  You loved the way his eyes crinkled up at the corners when he smiled.  God, he had a dazzling smile. “He is a God among men” You were thinking to yourself as you openly admired him.  You were so lost in his perfection, you failed to notice that you two had walked all the way out on a long fishing pier, and walked into an abandoned fishing shack to get shelter from the winds, and sea spray.  He put the big rough-hewn locking bar down, and turned to you and smiled warmly. The waves were relatively calm, but the wind had whipped up. There was a little porch with 2 chairs and a table outside at the back, and the view was incredible!  Inside the shack was a table with a coffeepot on it, and a bed, and some linens on the floor.
He closed the distance between you with a couple steps, and slipped his jacket off your shoulders, and draped it on the table.  He also set your purse on the table.   He reached out and took both your hands in his, and he looked into your (your eye color here) eyes and lightly brushed his lips across yours.  His hand moved up to caress your face, and soon found its way to being tangled in your hair.  His kisses became harder, more urgent and needful, his tongue exploring your mouth, sucking your tongue, biting and sucking on your lower lip.  Your lips were bruised from the kisses, and his beard scratched your face raw, but you didn’t care. You wanted him. You wanted this. You could feel his hardness straining against the zipper of his pants. When you took his lower lip in your mouth and sucked on it, he moaned, his brown eyes almost black with lust and desire for you.
In one swooping move, he scooped you up like you weighed nothing, and sat you on the edge of the bed. He knelt on the floor at your feet, and patiently undid your strappy sandals, and set them aside.  He placed a kiss upon each arch before kneading your calves with his strong hands. You arched your back and moaned. He worked your calves all the way up, his fingers probing and spreading your thighs.  You felt yourself getting wetter by the moment for him.  He went under your skirt and palmed your mound and squeezed, then grinned wolfishly up at you and smacked it twice with his palm before he pushed your black lace panties aside, and slid in a finger.  He worked in and out a couple of times before he pulled it out and sucked your sweetness off of it, then slid it back in, this time curling it in a beckoning manner, so he was hitting your sweet spot. He slid a second finger into your wetness, and teased you with a third – stretching your tight hole out.  His thumb flicked your clit mercilessly.  You were SO close to cumming, your walls clenched around his fingers and spasmed.  He pulled his fingers out, and again sucked your sweet cream off of them. He denied you your release.  He was like a cat toying with a mouse, it was much too soon for all that.  
You pouted your displeasure at being denied your release, and he laughed, a deep throaty sound.  He held both your hands over your head in one of his hands, and slid your slinky sundress off, and tossed it in the corner of the room. “Let me look at you” he said, as you tried being shy – mainly because by now your panties were soaked all the way through and sodden.  His hardness strained against the zipper of his pants, and it threatened to inch down of its own accord.  He said in French – the language of lovers – as he openly and lasciviously admired your soft curves “Vouse’ tes une vision de la beaute’, mon dieu, vous e’tes parfait!”  - You are a vision of beauty, My God you are perfect!
You were still clad in your black lace bra and panties, and had sat up, and stood up before him. You reached up, and slowly undid his tie, and let it hit the floor.  Your hands trembled as you unbuttoned his shirt, like it was the first time for you.  He kissed you passionately and whispered “Sweet Girl” against your lips – his shirt hit the floor.  You ran your hands across his broad chest, your face nuzzled in his chest hair, and you licked and sucked and teased his nipples and bit on them! He sharply inhaled. You kissed his injured shoulder, and followed the path of the kinesio tape in kisses.  You looked into his eyes and – he deftly unhooked your bra with one hand, and threw that across the room too.  His large warm hands cupped your heavy DD breasts, and his mouth returned the favor of what you did to his nipples. He took your nipple in his mouth – tongue teasing the bud until it puckered – and while sucking and nibbling, he pinched and rolled the other in his free hand.  
You kissed and licked all the way down his chest – you came back up and again teased his nipples and his hands tangled in your hair, and he bit your neck, marking you as his! You kissed down his “happy trail,” down to his navel, you swirled your tongue around, and he moaned low in his throat. You licked the hard lines of his “V” muscle – his obliques… you unbuttoned his pants, and pulled the zipper down the rest of the way with your teeth.  The zipper had started coming down on its own, after you unbuttoned his pants.  You never broke eye contact with him.   His bulge was sticking up past the waistband of his black briefs – the head, angry and purple was visible and shiny with pre-cum. You were on your knees before him, and slid his briefs off using your teeth!
Once free of its restriction, his dick, all long and hard and thick – and smooth bobbed and stuck straight out.  His balls were large and heavy and hung low – just begging to be sucked! You gasped at the size of him and said “You’re perfect. You would put Michelangelo’s David to shame!” He smiled and said “You would shame DiMilo’s Venus with your beauty, Mi amor.” And you again knelt before him, and licked the length of that beautiful monster cock, one hand cupping those heavy balls of his.  He let out a loud moan when you put one of his balls into my mouth.  You swished it around inside your mouth, then you switched to the other one; you were also stroking his thighs with your hands. He started breathing harder when you managed to put both his balls into your mouth at once.  You tenderly licked his balls while warming them up with your hot mouth. You used your tongue to move them all around; your lips were completely enveloping his entire sack, up to the root of his dick. Your hands began to stroke his dick.  Your hands kneaded his thighs; your fingers were inches from his balls. He let out a gasp when your red nails brushed up against his balls. “Oh God!” he said. Then came furious bobbing. Slow sucking. Gentle licking, swirling the head, probing the hole on top. You worked your way up to the sensitive underside of his cock, right under the head. you gave that area some licks, and then teased him a bit with some long slow licks up and down the shaft. When you knew he really needed some more direct stimulation, you finally put your lips around the whole head of his cock and started to gently suck him off. Fondling his balls with your hand, you slowly lowered your mouth over his entire organ, getting it deep inside your mouth.
You stopped sucking and teasing, and his dick popped free and bobbed, still sticking straight out.  He was breathing heavy, and moaned.. God he was close… you rose to your feet and walked around him, staring.  His ass was perfect and you couldn’t resist spanking it – HARD as you walked around him. His ring gear did not begin to do it justice.  He was truly a work of art – chiseled, hard, perfect.. yours.  His dick bobbed when you slapped his ass.
Without warning, and in one swift move, he tore your soaked panties off in his fist like he did his tear away suit in the ring. You gasped in surprise, and he scooped you up again, like you weighed nothing, and he placed you as gently as he could even in his state – rabid with arousal on the bed.  He nudged your thighs apart with his knee, and he hovered above you, teasing your clit with his hardness, teasing your opening, just putting in the tip. You arched your back to meet him, and he lost himself.. he slammed it home, and you moaned and screamed, and dragged your nails across his back, and you bit down on his shoulder. The biting and scratching made him thrust harder in a frenzy, he was speaking in French, pounding you, and you were both moaning.. your walls clenched around him, you wrapped your legs around him, holding him in you.  You came an entire ocean, and soaked him, he moaned, and you felt him shoot his hot seed deep in you.
You both lay there still connected for a moment, then he slid out.  You were too wet.  He reached down, and got you a dry towel to clean off, and he climbed behind you and nuzzled your neck, kissing your shoulders holding you tightly, arms wrapped around you, kissing you everywhere he could reach.  You both drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, sun streamed through the window, Cesaro lay there looking at you, the light playing in your hair.  He had an angel. You stirred, and smiled sleepily. He handed you a cup of coffee, and you hugged each other tightly, and made love slowly.  Afterwards, you both got dressed – you sans panties of course. You both giggled as you walked out to the balcony and threw them in the sea!
He took you to Victoria’s Secret and bought you some more.  He also bought you a new sundress he couldn’t wait to see you in.  It was a stunning green that set off your hair nicely.  He also got you matching shoes and a purse! You went and had breakfast together in a quiet little French Bistro, lingering over coffee and bacon.  He asked “Can I see you again, my angel?”  “Of course," you said, and smiled.  God, he loved your smile.  And your numbers are in each other’s phones now, and he dropped you off at your hotel, but not before he gave you a deep kiss. “Come to the show tonight.  I will have tickets at will-call for you.” He said, and he drove off. He got back to the hotel he shared with Sheamus.
Sheamus glowered at him and said “Yer late fella. You were supposed to meet me at the gym today!”  Cesaro had a silly smile on his face, and said “Yeah… about that.  I met a Lady…” Sheamus sniffed the air loudly and said snidely “I couldn’t tell.” Cesaro punched his arm and said “Back off man! She’s coming to the show tonight and sitting in the Cesaro Section.  You be nice tonight.”
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Taglist beauties: @wwesmutdonedirtcheap @helluvawriter @deidrelovessheamus @laochbaineann
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