#expose the liars
sunmoonandstarss · 1 year
god protect David Grusch 🙏💛
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awesomecooperlove · 2 years
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reality-detective · 5 months
⚠️In a 17 min interview with CNN, Biden told 15 confirmable lies—nearly a lie a minute. 🤔
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sher-ee · 4 months
He can’t stop lying. It’s air to him. He needs to lie to survive.
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lestatthevamp · 4 months
I love how this show is just a bunch of liars lying their asses off
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Jezebel 2.0 continues her wicked mission to (behead) silence and harass TRUTHERS by criminalizing our digital criticism. Pure evil.
Please subscribe to Proper Wiseguy's NEW Channels & also consider making a donation to help him rebuild. Our world is in desperate need for gifted comedians. Hopefully this silencing stunt will backfire and move him closer to FULL TIME comedic work. He has real TALENT, something that makes The Meghans bitter with envy.
Queen Jezebel was the most wicked biblical "royal." She violently silenced all who spoke the truth while her feckless, cowardice husband---King Ahab---knew better but supported her every murderous scheme.¹ (Spoiler alert: in the end, she's thrown to the dogs.)
Just prior to the launch of their recent Nigerian Scam, Jezebel and Ahab 2.0 used BIG Brother (Google) to cancel/silence truther channels like Lion's new "Proper Wiseguy" channel (formerly Motivation Specialist) and Ibble Dibble. ID is thankfully back to normal. Join me in supporting Proper Wiseguy's effort to rebuild his channel.
Please follow the links to help Proper Wiseguy rebuild his new channel. He's also created a backup channel.
The hackers sabotaged more than his YT channel. Big Brother (Google) is also withholding the ad revenue he generated for them earlier in the year prior to monetization of his Motivation Specialist channel.
Tech experts advised Lion to purchase new equipment. Donations accepted via paypal, Go Fund Me and on his merch website
Please follow & retweet on Twitter @ProperWiseguy
Surely the sewer squad, messy misan and boozy the fraud are salivating over what they perceive as a win. It will backfire.
Murderous efforts to silence the truth will always backfire. Like Obi-Wan: when you strike down a truth teller, they return 7x TIMES STRONGER.
There's nothing new under the sun & nothing new in Darling's tactics to silence her critics: TorontoPaper February 10th 2019
"Did you really think, exposing nobodies with only a few followers, some broke or jobless, would help your image? Have you actually sunk this low? You were proud, almost arrogant. What happened to you? I don't recognize you anymore."
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Lion is back and better than ever!
"I see myself in all of you too"- 🤡
"People see me as a role model." 🤡
Lion: Are people aspiring to be DList Actresses 😂
"So they loaded up Madea's jet & they moved to Beverly, Hills that is..." 😂
Sparry is lizard lip licking again...dressed like the king of fried chicken Colonel Sanders😂
From Lion's Comments Section
BTW-I don't think she has any of Diana's jewelry.
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Proper Wiseguy Channels
Backup Channel
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Go Fund Me
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¹Sparry to the Sussex Sewer: "Keep doing what you're doing."
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danandphil-lies · 1 month
truth seekers, please assist me in exposing phil lester as a LIAR by voting in the below poll
please rest assured this poll is 100% unbiased and there is no part of it that is trying to influence you to vote one way or another
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kyrsteniopsis · 10 months
TIL: James Somerton is the George Santos of YouTube
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette Decmeber 2022: 24-Joke (Meme)
Lila smiled as she sat on top of a red Chevrolet Corvette. It had been so easy to lie to Alya and tell her it was hers. It had been in the same place all week.
'This is going to show everyone I'm still relevant. Gabriel never should have let me go!'
Alya smiled as she quickly took pictures and then brought up her live feed to show how amazing her best frined was. There had been some haters on there criticizing her blog and saying mean things about her friend. She was about to prove them all wrong.
"Get off of my car, Lila!" a voice shouted.
Alya turned herself, with her phone, to see Marinette with her arms crossed and her hips cocked.
"Your car?" Alya shouted.
Lila laughed, "You would never be able to afford this car. You're just a baker's daughter."
Alya and Lila laughed. Marinette glared at the pair and pulled out her car keys. She waved the keys in the air, before pressing a button and showing who the true owner of the car was. Lila turned bright red, having her lie exposed by the same girl again.
"Get off my car, Liar, before I call the police on you." Marinette demanded.
Lila quickly got off the car.
"How can you afford something like this?" Alya asked.
"My husband got it for me for my birthday." Marinette smiled, "I doubt you'd be able to afford something like this."
"I'm a fashion model and designer for Gabriel!" Lila exclaimed, "I'm gonna be in the fashion show! He personally asked me to be his model in his collaboration with that new designer, Zara."
Mari laughed, "Oh yeah. You're definetly still a liar."
"I am not!" Lila cried.
Alya looked between the two and then down at her phone. She had forgotten she was live, but the comment section was flying! They were laughing.
"I told you that Lie-La girl was full of shit!"
"Have you looked up her other lies?"
"Did you hear her claim the car was hers?"
"Wasn't she fired from Gabriel?"
"Haven't seen her anywhere but on this blog."
"This isn't a live stream; It's a LIE stream!"
Alya glared at the comment section and quickly shut down the live stream.
"Marinette!" a familiar voice called.
"Adrien!" Marinette cried back, happily.
Adrien quickly hugged Marinette, "You think your husband would mind if you give me a ride to the fashion show?"
"Of course not." Mari smiled, "You're my model after all."
'Adrien's her model? What about Gabriel?'
Alya turned to Lila. She could see she was upset. Alya turned back to ask what was going on.
"Hands off my wife, Agreste!" another voice shouted.
Lila and Alya stared at the new man. He was tall, broad-chested, had olive skin, forest green eyes, and jet black hair. He was dressed in a black suit and tie.
'That's Marinette's husband?'
"Damian!" Marinette cried, quickly rushing over and kissing him, "Adrien needs a ride to the show. I can't leave my model behind."
Damain looked at Adrien, who was pleading. His eyes kept shifting to the other woman nearby.
"Fine." Damian stated.
"Yes!" Adrien shouted.
"Back seat!" the Wayne commanded.
Adrien smiled and saluted, "Yes, Sir!"
Marinette unlocked the car and Adrien was quick to jump into the back seat.
"Why don't you let me drive, Angel?" Damian asked, "I know your nerves."
Marinette handed the keys over. Both Waynes climbed into the front seat and drove off, without another word.
"Oh, no!" Lila quickly cried out, "I'm going to be late to the show! I have to be there early!" before running off.
Alya smiled, as she proudly showed off her media badge. She hated reporting fashion. She never had the passion for it, but Lila had helped her get the job. She couldn't wait to see her on the runway, but walk after walk, she saw didn't see her. She knew she had seen Natalie so that only confirmed that Gabriel and Adrien were backstage with Lila.
Alya smiled and quickly took pictures as Adrien walked out.
'There he is! Lila should be coming out next!'
Adrien stood at the end of the runway and picked up a mic.
"Let me introduce you to the one and only designer known as Zara!" he announced, "Marinette Wayne!"
Alya almost dropped her camera.
'No! No! That can't be! Lila wouldn't have lied to me! She told me she was working with Zara...but she also said that was her corvette. Lila....lied to me.'
"Thank you for all coming to the fashion event and we will see you all next year!" someone announced.
Alya quickly looked around. Marinette and Adrien had already left the runway. She looked around and saw that many people were getting out of their seats and heading next door to the after party. She had so many questions for them. Why had Lila not modeled? Why was Adrien working with Marinette and not his father? Lila had said that Adrien wasn't even speaking to Marinette; that he hated her, but that wasn't true from what she saw earlier.
Alya pulled out her phone and opened up her blog. Thousands of subscribers were gone. Her eyes teared up as she read the comment section.
"Thx @chuckleslamby for recommending me this blog!"
"OMG! Did you see that @FennicGod?"
"That was as funny as they said it would be! LOL!"
"If you need a good laugh, always the best place!"
"Comedy blog GOLD!"
"Fake ppl who act like they know everything. Almost as good as the ppl who get karma!"
Alya bit her lip to keep herself from sobbing. These weren't the loyal followers she had expected. These were people who loved to laugh and make fun of her and Lila. They knew everything had been a lie up to now and she had been so blind to it all. That was the moment she knew that was why she didn't have a real journalist job.
Alya watched from nearby as Adrien spoke to Marinette and her husband, like nothing had ever changed, since college. She didn't know Marinette had gotten married. Gabriel Agreste was even talking to her like she was a big deal.
"I'm so proud to see the wonderful designer you have blossomed into." Gabriel spoke.
"We loved having you both at the wedding." Marinette smiled, "Thank you for helping me, again, with my wedding dress. You both have done so much for me."
Adrien hugged Marinette again, "I'd do anything for you."
Damian quickly pulled Marinette into his arms, "What you can do for me, is stop grabbing my wife."
Marinette giggled, "Adrien's always been a bit touchy with me." earning her husband's famous glare thrown Adrien's way, "Don't worry, Habibi. Adrien knows I can hurt him if he touches somewhere he's not suppose to."
"And your husband would kill me if I did." Adrien winced.
"True." Damian smirked.
"Adrien only gets hugs and head pats." Mari declared, "Besides, I'm sure Adrien will have a new person to hug and cuddle since he'll be an uncle."
Damian and Adrien looked at her confused.
"Congradulations." replied Gabriel.
"Thank you, Gabriel." Marinette answered.
Damian kissed her head, "You are 100% correct?"
Mari nodded and leaned intot her husband more.
"I don't get it." Adrien frowned.
The fashion designer chuckled, "I'm pregnant."
Adrien pulled her back into his arms and shouted, "I'm an uncle!"
Gabriel smirked as Damian rolled his eyes, before pulling Marinette back to his side.
"I'll help!" Adrien exclaimed, "I'll move to Gotham and-"
"You can help spoil, but I think that's it, as far as 'Uncle Duties' go." Marinette giggled, "Damian will be doing everything else."
"Right." Adrien blushed.
Nothing was like Lila had told her. Marinette was happy with her life. She had a loving husband and a child on the way. Adrien still seemed to be a big part of her life as a brother figure. Alya walked out of the party and saw Lila sitting on the steps, looking miserable.
"I should be happy you look like shit." Alya commented.
Lila turned and glared at her, as she sat on the steps in her glittery black corset dress.
'She's never looked at me like that before. Why? Is it because I know she lied to me?'
"It's what I should say for you lying to me so much." she stated.
Lila rolled her eyes, "What do you want then? A prize? A trophy? The 'You Fucked Up' award?".
'This isn't the Lila I know. This girl is bitter. Did she lie because she knew Marinette was happy? Is Lila unhappy? Did I ever know the real Lila?'
Lila sighed, "Like I told that bitch in college, I only tell people what they want to hear. It was easy to fool you all to doing what I wanted you to do. I didn't expect it to come to an end, tonight."
'A fool. That's all I am to her? Not even her best friend?'
"Including yourself?" Alya growled out, rushing back inside.
Lila stood up and began to walk home. Lila ignored the tears pouring down her cheeks.
'Yeah. I lie to myself the most.'
Lila had tried her hardest to get backstage and into the event, but had been caught by Gabriel Agreste. She had begged him to let her be in his fashion line. She never expected him to tell her he had signed over Gabriel to Marinette and merged the company, years ago. The Gabriel brand no longer existed; it was a apart of Zara, now. He couldn't pull any strings for her as Marinette and Adrien had restraining orders on her, he reminded her. Marinette ran the business, completely. She was the brains and artist behin the brand. He would submit deisgns every now and then, but other then that, he had been vacationing the last couple years.
Lila slumped against the door as she made her way into her apartment and sighed.
'So much for my grand re-entrance.'
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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dreamings-free · 11 months
is everyone.. tabloids, antis, louis himself forgetting that we’re supposed to believe he cooked that fabled meal for his gf ?? like that’s the story he’s been telling for years and years? so he lied about it and now he’s mad about.. what exactly? like.. make it make sense..
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trexalicious · 1 year
What Meghan & Harry DON’T Want You To Know: Secret LAPD Files Reveal They PLANTED STORIES In Media ‘In Bid To Slam Queen Elizabeth’...
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awesomecooperlove · 2 years
Official Telegram Verified Channels - Confirmed by President Trump & Q
We are in a war. There are many false prophets among us. Every Q Warrior will share this list of channels - It’s extremely important for all of you to share and follow EVERY channel from this list for a reason that you will soon understand. This is very important.
@QAwakening ⚡️🇺🇸
@QAnonymous 💎💎
@KayleighKennedy 🥇🥇
@ArabellaKennedy 🆘🆘
@ThePunisherQ ⚡️🇺🇸
@QAnonClassified 🍿🍿
@JohnDurham 🧠🧠
@PatrickBouvierKennedy 🏆🏆
@WikiLeaksFiles 🔥🔥
@MrPool 💥💥
@PrivateQEvidence 🚨🚨
@PresidentQ 🆘🆘
@TheSecretJudgeQ 🧠🧠
@TheQWitness 🔥🔥
@QAnonTheGreatAwakening 🏆🏆
Spread this list with everyone you know if you are with us - Don’t even think of sharing it if you are against us. You will understand why.
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reality-detective · 11 days
Meet Kamala Harris 🤔
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luaminesce · 5 months
Funny how the alt-right YTbers that relished in the Chuggaaconroy allegations back in January have now switched to calling Lady Emily, et.al, "liars" and peddling misogyny and transphobia.
Almost seems like they don't care about victims at all... and like to chase clout for monetary gain... regardless how many people get hurt...
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goldkirk · 6 months
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I'll never get over Meghan Markle telling those Australian mothers that she was four (4) months Megnant, and Harry's mockumentary lies that they had to announce it because she was "showing."
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2018 Palace tea from R.D.
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"They will all love me when I have a child."-Delusional Duchess
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