#ezra x grand inquisitor
halofaxu · 1 year
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reislesbian · 4 months
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beating-a-dead-plot · 2 years
Character List + Rules
Hello! I’m Petunia, welcome to my blog! 
I am a massive Star Wars nerd, I spend most of my free time reading, writing, watching, or even talking about Star Wars. I will admit, I have not seen Solo or Rise of Skywalker, neither of them were available to me at the right time and I never went back for them, sadly. Despite this, if someone really thinks I should watch them, I am open to debate! 
Rule and Character List under the cut: 
NO SMUT, though, my blog is 18+ because I do share smut fics and that sort of thing. I don’t care if you’re only 17, wait that extra year before following or I will block you. 
I love romance, I am a sucker for love and fluff, so that is my main market, however I will write angst or hurt/comfort if requested!
No clone x clone except in platonic or familial situations, just not something I enjoy reading or writing.
No hate towards specific ships, even if I personally dislike them. 
No underage characters in relationships with adult characters in a romantic light, platonic or familial only please.
I WILL take requests of me to listen to a specific song while writing, I understand that music can greatly influence writing, and I’d love to bring your thoughts to life!
Characters I Will Write For: 
Din “Mando” Djarin
Boba Fett
The Armorer
Paz Vizsla
Omera and Winta (Only in a platonic scene) 
Cara Dune
Fennec Shand
Migs Mayfeld
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Han Solo
Chewbacca (Only in a platonic scene) 
Krrsantan (Also known as Santos and Black Krrsantan)
Garsa Fwip
Cassian Andor
Jyn Erso
K-2SO (Only in platonic scenes)
R2-D2 and C3-PO (Only in platonic scenes)
Obi-Wan Kenobi, throughout his life. (Though I reserve the right to turn down a request I don’t feel I can fulfill)
Owen Lars (Young or Kenobi-Era only please)
Darth Vader (I’m iffy on this one, I may be selective with requests for this character) 
Padme Amidala
Any handmaidens of Padme Amidala who are mentioned in the Queen’s Trilogy by E.K. Johnston. 
Jango Fett
Qui-Gon Jinn
Darth Maul
The Grand Inquisitor
Hera Syndulla
Kanan Jarrus
Ezra Bridger (Only in platonic scenes)
Sabine Wren (Only in platonic scenes) 
Zeb Orrelios
Ahsoka Tano (Only in a platonic scene)
Hondo Ohnaka 
Asajj Ventress 
Shaak Ti
Aayla Secura
Plo Koon
Quinlan Vos
Savage Opress 
Satine Kryze
Any clone you want, just please be understanding if they are too obscure for me to feel I can accurately portray them. If I like the idea, or even if I just think it might be fun to write, I will definitely stalk Google and Tumblr to find more information before deciding whether I will write for them. If you want a fic for a clone, no matter how random or small ASK ME, I will always answer and let you know if I can do it!
Ships I Will Write For:
Wolffe/Plo Koon (Only in a platonic scene)
Rexsoka (Only in a platonic scene)
Obi-Wan/Jango Fett 
Mace Windu/Commander Ponds
Other Assorted Platonic Ships, if you want it, ask me!
And, lastly, pretty much ANY clone trooper who appears in Clone Wars, and including Bad Batch! If they have a name, I don’t care how obscure, I will do my best to know them well enough to write what you desire. If I fail miserably, at least you’ll have a good laugh! 
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Star wars rebels but it's Lupinranger vs Patoranger.
The Lupins:
Hera - Lupin red
Ezra - Lupin blue
Sabine - Lupin yellow
The Patos:
Zeb - Patron 1
Kallus - Patron 2
Merei - Patron 3
Kanan - Patron X/Lupin X
Gangler leaders:
Arihnda Pryce
Grand Inquisitor
Depa Billaba, the world famous phantom thief, is killed by the gangler leader, Arihnda Pryce, and her collection of stolen gangler artifacts, the Lupin Collection, is stolen. Her son, Kanan, vows to avenge her.
A few years later, the gangler Lieutenant, Grand Inquisitor, is kidnapping people, leaving their bodies encased in ice. (Yes his role is based off the gangler Zamigo Delma. He's cool. No pun intended.) Hera Syndulla loses her brother, Jacen; Ezra loses his parents, Mira and Ephraim; Sabine loses her friend, Ketsu.
A mysterious person named Grey shows up and gives them the VS changers and trains them to be Lupinrangers. The three open up a cafe to maintain cover and fund their heists.
Kanan shows up and Hera is smitten. The feeling is mutual.
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means1974 · 3 years
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Happy Rebels Day by @ArtofDanny
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pretchatta · 2 years
A Thousand Lives
A thousand lives; a thousand loves; two souls. They always find each other, lifetime after lifetime, until they start to remember their past lives in dreams that fade as soon as they wake. They are soulmates in every sense.
It's here! My enemies-to-lovers-but-they-were-soulmates inquisitor!Kanan AU is HERE! A huge thank you to the @swbigbang mod team for organising the event, my artist @isaakandreyevs, my beta @tsaomengde and my fic midwife @iknowwhattosaynow for making this story what it is.
rating: mature || eventual kanan/hera || 32k words (9/16 chapters, updates coming every 3 days!)
Read on AO3 or see below for an excerpt from chapter one...
The red warning lights pulsed in time with the blare of the emergency siren. Between flashes, the distant sounds of shouting and marching boots could be heard from further down the dark hallway. Here, however, the air was still.
A single figure stalked down the centre of the corridor. Dressed entirely in sleek, black armour, he was barely more than a shadow. The set of his chin, the hard line of his shoulders and the straightness of his back might have been called arrogant by some, but it was merely confidence.
The ISD Expedient was under attack and someone was about to regret crossing Kanan Jarrus. 
He’d been asleep when the alarms had woken him. A fitful, restless sleep, full of strange dreams that were only marginally better than the nightmares that usually plagued him. The dreams themselves weren't exactly unpleasant, but they left him feeling like someone other than himself. It was unsettling; Kanan hated not having control. 
They had been coming to him more and more often recently, like an omen of something to come. What was more, they always featured someone else. He was sure it was the same person each time, but when he woke he could never remember their face nor the words they had spoken to him. 
He shook their last vestiges from his mind as he reached the end of the hall. Now wasn't the time to ponder dreams. Before him was the control room of the hangar where the alarms had started, before the chaos had spread through his ship like a virus. This was something he could control – something he could fix.
Kanan took in the situation before him. He couldn’t hear the hum of the hyperdrive, so they were between jumps. Being boarded shouldn't have been a possibility for a Star Destroyer but Kanan had little faith in the crew of this vessel. The viewport overlooking the hangar below was missing save for a few remaining shards, and the rest of the room looked like it had been the victim of an explosion. Most of the equipment was debris and the troopers on duty were crumpled heaps on the floor. His eyes traced over the destruction, calculating trajectories; a blaster shot from the hangar and a well-thrown grenade were likely culprits.
Transparisteel crunched under his boots as he crossed the room. He cast his eyes around, searching for any further clues, and a flash of yellow reflected back at him in a shattered terminal screen. Movement caught his attention: one of the troopers wasn’t quite dead. With a flick of his wrist, the man was lifted from the floor and pinned against the wall. 
He let out a grunt of pain. Through the Force Kanan could sense some of his internal injuries: broken ribs, a punctured lung. 
“Report,” Kanan ordered.
“Insurgents, sir,” the trooper coughed out. “They boarded while we were preparing for the next jump. They were using Imperial codes – it all checked out so the captain allowed them in.”
Boarding party, check. Incompetent crew, check. Only one question remained – what was their motive?
“Where are they now?” Kanan demanded.
“We don’t know," the trooper answered weakly. He seemed to be struggling to breathe, but fear drove him to continue regardless. "They were last seen heading to the communications centre, but then they jammed the internal comm.”
Kanan's lips curled into a grimace of determination. “They won’t escape.”
He said it more to himself than the trooper. With a tightening of his fist, the man’s airways constricted. He only managed the smallest of choked gasps before Kanan crushed his trachea completely. The body twitched a few times before going limp, and Kanan let it crumple to the floor with a disdainful look. He’d always hated stormtroopers.
He turned to look through the empty viewport at the hangar below. Next to the regimented rows of Lambda-class shuttles and TIE fighters was an unfamiliar ship. A light freighter, Corellian by the look of it, with a sleek, hexagonal design and a bubble-shaped cockpit. It had to be the insurgents' transport.
There were no stormtroopers to be seen in the hangar. They would be too focused on chasing the boarding party, having never considered the fact that they would need to return to their ship to escape. Utterly incompetent. Fortunately even the sub-standard crew he had been assigned would manage to resist the ship being completely commandeered.
A disturbance at the other end of the hangar drew his gaze; three figures running from the main corridor heading directly for the freighter, pursued by the sounds of marching boots. A hulking, hairy male of a species too unremarkable for him to put a name to led the way. His long legs made him the fastest of the group but his own weakness forced him to keep pace with his companions, a Twi'lek wearing a pilot's flight suit and a humanoid in full bounty hunting armour. The latter took up the rear, firing shots back at the stormtroopers pursuing them. The brightly painted shapes on their helmet almost seemed to move in the dancing light of the plasma bolts.
Kanan assessed the scene in the blink of an eye and an instant later his lightsaber was in his hand. The black durasteel hilt was cool under his fingers and the half-circle guard caught in the flashes coming from the doorway behind him. He ignited the single blade, feeling the familiar hum as it came to life at his touch. Its light reflected and glittered off the shards of transparisteel around him.
Red. A macabre display.
He sprang forward with a grace and nimbleness to his movements that made him seem weightless. Landing lightly in the hangar below, he shot towards the rebels like a bolt from a blaster. Each leap took him further than any Human had a right to go, the Force submitting to his will and giving him unnatural speed and strength. 
When he was within range, he pushed off the deck into a spinning leap. His blade was outstretched like an extension of his arm and came around in a curving arc to take the head off the rearmost insurgent. The rebels had been so focused on the stormtroopers that they hadn't noticed Kanan's silent approach.
Just how he liked it.
The other two were almost at the ship's extended ramp. His feet hit the deck again a moment before the dismembered yet still-helmeted head of his first victim, and then he was running after the remaining two. They'd reach the ship first but he could still get to them before they fully boarded. The large one thundered up the ramp and straight inside but the other – the Twi'lek – paused at the threshold to shout something further in.
Kanan prepared himself to leap once more, a bound that would propel him into the ship and allow him to slash through her body with his saber on the way past.
She turned back, looking for her armoured friend–
And Kanan’s vision was filled with her bright, blazing green eyes.
Eyes that he knew.
He stumbled, coming to a sudden halt. His lightsaber was still lit, the blade low. For a fraction of a second he could only stare at her.
A fraction of a second was all she needed. Her face contorted with grief for her friend but she slammed a control panel with one hand and the ramp became a wall between them, sealing her in. The ship rose into the air, neatly turning to face the hangar doors before the engines flared and they were away.
Shielding himself from the heat of the afterburners required no thought. Commanding the Force was nothing – it was what had just happened that he was still reeling from.
The thunder of boots on durasteel reached him as the stormtroopers finally arrived.
“You got one, sir!” their squad leader congratulated him. 
He didn’t understand. Kanan had failed. They may be oblivious to it but Kanan knew what he'd done.
He’d hesitated.
Stopping the rebels had been well within his abilities, and yet he hadn't. Something had drawn him up short and he didn't fully understand what it was. She had felt…familiar. Was it the Force, playing games with his mind, trying to pull him in a direction he'd long since turned from? He hated it, hated himself for succumbing to it. The Force didn't control him; he controlled it.
He tried to convince himself that the woman hadn’t been worth his efforts. Neither she nor her companion were Force-sensitive and as an Inquisitor he didn’t need to concern himself with the likes of them. That would be what he would tell his superiors. The stormtroopers didn't concern him – they didn't know what he could do, didn't understand the extent of his power. Even if they did, their fear of him would hold them back from submitting a report.
Kanan would know, though. He alone would hold the shameful knowledge that his control had slipped at a crucial moment and cost him his attack on the rebel. 
He shook his head and allowed the stormtroopers to fawn over him, impressed with his meagre contribution to the job that they should have been doing. If he ever saw the Twi'lek again, he vowed to himself, he wouldn't make the same mistake as today. He would kill her, and prove to the galaxy that nothing controlled Kanan Jarrus.
Read the whole story so far on AO3 ->
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sips---tea · 3 years
Grand Inquisitor x reader
You cowered in the corner, staring up at the face of the man you had once loved. He stood over you now, he smirks on his face. Ezra and Kannan had fled, leaving you in the hands of the Grand Inquisitor. You had loved him once, being a Jedi yourself and falling in love with Rakesh and him falling for you. That was until order 66 and you haven't seen him since.
"If you will not come with me willingly then I must take you against your wishes" the grand inquisitor said, lunging at you.
"Please, no" you begged, struggling in the arms of Rakesh until you felt the sting of a stun rifle bolt against your skin.
You woke, trapped in a machine that held you by your wrists and ankles. It was uncomfortable and you tried your best to get out, however, nothing budge.
You heard the door open and your eyes met Rakesh's eyes, they were not the silver ones you had fallen in love with but now a bright piercing yellow.
"It has been a while my love" he said, stroking your cheek.
"We are nothing anymore" you spat.
"To you, maybe" he said, withdrawing his hand. Your binds opened and you stumbled out, staring at Rakesh, terrified and angry. "I give you three choices." he said, "One, you join the inquisitors, two you stay under my care and it can be like old times or three I will have to, regrettably, kill you"
"I would rather die than join you" you hissed.
"Oh dear" Rakesh murmured, "you will find I have not changed as much as you think, I am still yours my dear. I have never forgotten that"
"If you loved me you would have never joined the empire" you retorted.
"I needed to, so I could finally read the Jedi library and become what I was born to be" he said, snarling slightly.
You slumped against the walls of the cell, you wished to die. You loved him so much still, yet he was a sith.
"Your decision" Rakesh said.
"I would rather die" you murmured.
He frowned, he did not wish to kill you, as the grand inquisitor, he made sure that you would not be caught by any of his compatriots and so he could keep you safe.
"Just kill me" you muttered.
Rakesh's mind was churning and he faltered, although he had his lightsaber in his hand he did not reveal the red glow, his hand refusing to.
"What are you waiting for?" you asked. "You have butchered many Jedi, what is standing in the way now?"
He sighed and with a click of the button, he revealed the red sword. "May your death send a message to the rebellion" he said, trying to hide his emotions. He lifted his saber high and was prepared to strike his lover. He faltered again, the precious seconds meaning life and death as he was flung backwards. The ship had been hit by something and you had fallen into Rakesh's chest, knocked out and the saber being flung elsewhere. For a moment he held you, he had missed this, missed you, your body perfectly melting into his. Would you ever forgive him? One day he thought as he picked you up and left the interrogation room and immediately discovered the cause of the destruction. Ezra and Kannan.
"The boy and his master" he sneered.
"Drop them" Ezra threatened.
"Or what?" he asked. He loved you, therefore you should stay with him.
The two men raised their lightsabers and he thought for a second before placing you down and fleeing. Rakesh may be a sith, however, his emotions clouded his judgment, one of love for you, and the only way you could be safe is if he dropped you and fled toward his ship.
Ezra tried to go after him but Kannan stopped him, telling him to pick you up and get out before the ship exploded.
You woke in a bed you knew all too well and you looked around to see Ezra at your side.
"You are awake!" he said, grinning.
"What happened?" you asked, confused.
"We fought the inquisitor and saved you" he said.
"What Ezra means to say is that the inquisitor dropped you and ran" Kannan said, coming into the room. "I am glad you are awake"
You nodded, your heart sinking.
"I wonder why he dropped you" Ezra said.
"We may never know" you murmured, knowing all full well that he did it because of love. Maybe someday you could forgive him.
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katelynnwrites · 4 years
pairing: Ezra Bridger x f!Reader
warnings: angst
summary: For reasons unknown to you, Ezra has been distancing himself from you and it’s hurting you.
word count: 802
Febuwhump Prompt: ‘I can’t take this anymore’ (Day 2)
‘She likes you too you know?’ Hera smiled at the blue haired boy who had been staring at you. His eyes were fixated on every movement of yours, tracking you as you helped Sabine with her newest art piece. The same blue haired boy who was so clearly in love with you, the newest member of the Ghost crew.
‘Hera I don’t think-’ Ezra looked back down at the supplies he was supposed to be sorting through, blushing furiously.
Chuckling softly, she nodded her head towards you, ‘You would be good together.’
With that, she left the boy whom she considered her son to his thoughts.
After that, Ezra was much more careful around you. He distanced himself from you, going out of his way to avoid you. Every day that he pushed you away felt like you were getting closer to losing him. It was killing you, the distance between the both of you. And it was made even worse by you not knowing why he was doing this.
Hera being the space mom that she is, picked up on his tactics immediately. She didn’t comment on it at first, hoping that he would come to his senses.
One day after she watched him make himself too busy to talk to you, she asked, ‘Ezra? Why do you keep pushing Y/n away?’ He had not shown any sign of stopping and she decided that she needed to intervene before yours and Ezra’s friendship became truly ruined.
‘She’s my best friend. I don’t want to ruin what we already have.’ Ezra replied, distracting himself by tinkering with his lightsaber. Anything that would help him forget the image of your hurt expression.
Hera stood still for another moment, knowing that there was another bigger reason behind his actions.
Sure enough, she was right. Ezra stopped his tinkering and there was a short moment of silence.
‘I don’t want to lose her.’ Ezra’s voice was quiet but in it, Hera could hear how much it scared him. The very idea of losing you terrified him. He wanted to be your friend...well more than just your friend but he couldn’t bring himself to admit his feelings to you. He couldn’t help thinking that if you didn’t feel the same way, things would never be the same between the two of you.
‘You may lose her this way too.’ Hera’s tone had a note of finality in it that made his heart stop.
You approached Ezra with the datapad that Hera had just given you.
‘Hey. You and I have been assigned a supply run tomorrow.’
Ezra didn’t look up from the supplies he was sorting through and hummed noncommittally.
‘The details are on the datapad.’ You continued. Once again, he made a small indifferent noise and you felt something in you break.
‘That’s it? What’s wrong? Why won’t you talk to me?’ You felt tears stinging your eyes as Ezra finally looked up.
‘Did I do something wrong? Please Ezra, just tell me if I did. I can’t keep- I can’t take this anymore!’
Tears were spilling onto your cheeks as you turned to flee the room.
Right as you crossed the doorway, Ezra grabbed your arm to stop you moving further.
‘Ezra! I-’ The rest of your sentence was cut off as he pulled you towards him and pressed his lips to yours.
Unconsciously, your hands moved to rest on his shoulders as you kissed him back. The hand holding your arm suddenly let go, only to travel to your waist as he tugged you all the more closer to him.
Too soon, he pulled away.
‘I’m sorry. For hurting you. I didn’t mean to...’ He quietly said, stepping slowly away from you. Almost as if he was afraid of you.
Your eyes widened, suddenly realizing the reason for his distance. ​He was afraid you would reject him.
‘Look at me Ezra.’ You commanded softly, lifting your hand to gently trace the twin scars left by the Grand Inquisitor’s lightsaber.
Ezra’ blue blue eyes met yours as you brought your other hand up to cup his cheek.
He didn’t pull away from your touch and instead found himself leaning into it.
Tiptoeing, you pressed your lips lightly against his. Resting your forehead against his, you murmur ‘I love you.’
You didn’t need the Force to read his emotions. Ezra was still for another moment before he ever so carefully placed one of his hands on the back of your neck while the other returned to your waist. Leaning down to brush his lips against yours, you smiled against his lips.
This time, when he pulled away; his lips broke into a grin. ‘I love you too.’
Through the doorway, Hera smiled to herself before quietly making her way back to the cockpit.
Ezra Bridger Tag List:
Febuwhump Tag List:
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Luminara Unduli - One Gruesome destiny
Order 66 is one of most devastating thing at Star Wars universe. All of us have experienced the horror and desperation. The utter destruction of the Jedi and their confusion when it happens. The part of the survivors is even more horrible. Majority of those who survived were not able to hide, not at least for a long time, before being captured and put through of interrogation and active process of making them fall to the Dark side. To wreck their personality and break their self control. Like what happened to Cere Junda and Trilla Suduri (aka Second sister). One of those Jedi captured were Jedi Master Luminara Unduli.
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( Clone Wars 2 x 06 - Weapons factory) Luminara was known to be a great Jedi. Maybe a bit too great since she was unable to sense the turmoil her padawan Barriss was going through and falling to the Dark Side, but also being critizied later by Rafa and Trace by almost cold and emotionless attitude towards them when losing their parents at escape of Zero the Hutt related issue. Even she probably was not meaning it, her reasoning to persons outside of the Force were really harsh and not meeting the world of theirs at all.
That anyway tells how lost of everyday life the Order was.
But anyway. She was a good Jedi and she was captured at Kashyyk by the Empire. Which makes wonder why were Yoda not trying to save her?! I have few things to say about Yoda, and his actions at Kashyyk would deserve an own update. But she was betrayed by her own troops and apparently by her own Order too. Then she was tortured by Vader and Inuisitors. After year or two of imprisonment ( I’d like to think that she was not yielding and they knew she was not going to fell to the Dark Side) she was executed. And her remains were put into a box like some show case.
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(Rebels 1 x 05 Rise of The Old Masters) Show case and a holocron that the Inquisitors and Empire used to lure out the survived Jedi, rebels and other Force sensitives even almost two decades after her death. By how the Grand Inquisitor brought things up to Kanan and Ezra, it sounded like that had been a very successfull tactis. She would have hated it. She absolutely would have hated it. The only confort is that she, after all, find her way to the Force since she has been listed as one of the voices talking to Rey at Exegol. "The light, find the light, Rey." - Luminara Unduli Her destiny is a very heart breaking example of a Jedi surviving actual Order 66 but not the aftermath and the Empire. But it is also a story of a woman who stayed strong until the very end, even she probably knew she was going to die. She was not ready to give up what she was believing in and she died for it.
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gffa · 5 years
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JEDI PADAWANS IN CANON:  Surprisingly, we actually have very little about how the Jedi culture works in canon, though, we have the broad strokes of it, enough that I think you can get an idea of the general arc of things!  This post will be based on canon, of course, as Canon and Legends are basically separate continuities, so stuff like “the Jedi age out at 13 if no one picks them as a Master” has never been evidenced in canon. I also have TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT THE JEDI IN CANON, a meta work on AO3 that’s been about collecting together and organizing everything I can find on the Jedi of canon, but let’s talk specifically about the path to becoming a Jedi Padawan! THE PATH OF A YOUNGLING TO A JEDI: YOUNGLING/INITIATE: - The Jedi younglings are adopted generally in the age range of about three years old, give or take.  It’s evidenced by Wee Dunn (the little Rodian boy that Cad Bane kidnapped) that there’s an adjustment period with the biological family (if the family wishes it), given that his bio-mom says, “Master Ropal said the day would come for him to go to the Temple, but not for some time.” - The terms “Youngling” and “Initiate” seem relatively interchangeable? - In Dooku: Jedi Lost, Dooku says:  “Like most of the Order, I was brought to the Temple by a Seeker, a Jedi who was tasked to scour the galaxy for Force-sensitive infants.” -  “On arrival at the Temple, Initiates are sorted into clans, an arbitrary grouping in many ways, but one that is supposed to foster an atmosphere of trust and kinship.“  This seems to work pretty well, indicated by how even the very serious Dooku is like, “[....] by us and every other Initiate that likes to gossip by the light of a glow lantern late at night.” to show the lighter hearted aspects of the pile of younglings gossping at night. (Dooku: Jedi Lost) - Not a ton is known about their time in the creche (which is indeed called the creche, according to M&A -- “[Qui-Gon]’d spent his last night in the younglings’ crèche laughing with his friends, imagining all the adventures he would have, and practicing with his lightsaber in the sparring room until Master Yaddle ordered him to bed.“) or what that means to their Jedi Path, other than that, at some point, they go on The Gathering to get their kyber crystal from Ilum, if they can pass the test of looking inward, facing their fears, and hearing the song of the crystal meant specifically for them. This sacred ritual doesn’t seem to be tied to doing it with their Master, as The Clone Wars and the Age of the Republic comic show that they go in groups and are supervised by another Jedi (Ahsoka in the case of “The Gathering”, with Yoda there on Ilum, Huyang watching over the groups in both TCW and the comic), as well as the group of younglings (Katooni, Petro, Byph, Ganodi, and Gungi) are seen practicing with their lightsabers in Master Sinube’s class while Anakin and Barriss have their fight across the Temple roof. - We see Yoda instructing the younglings in Attack of the Clones, but it’s unclear if they’re using their own lightsabers or training sabers (which the Temple has, according to  Star Wars: Lightsabers - A Guide To Weapons of The Force.  (I’m presuming that they’re training sabers, they look too young to be ready for The Gathering, but canon hasn’t specified either way.) - We do get some broad strokes of the kind of schooling they have while they’re younglings:        - Jedi younglings (at least the diurnal ones) wake at dawn to meditate on the three pillars–the Force, Knowledge, and Self-Discipline.  Then they go to the refectory for lunch, where Dooku always likes to sit next to Sifo-Dyas.        - Qui-Gon says, “Qui-Gon whispered, 'The dark side?' He knew it was a thing all beings carried within them, a part of himself he would learn to guard against—the crèche masters had taught him all that.” (Master & Apprentice) showing that the creche masters also taught them while they were there.        - They have group classes together, where we see teachers giving lessons on how to meditate or other philosophy lessons or how to connect to the Force (this is backed up by a lot of Kanan’s early teachings to Ezra, what he starts with as the foundations/basics), which presumably Padawans can still be part of, given that Qui-Gon still goes to classes after becoming Dooku’s Padawan.  [x]        - They have regular classes and some of what we know are:  Levitation classes, Force-Sculpting classes, Galactic History classes, Jedi History classes, Animal Kinship/Beast Control, and Unarmed Combat.                (”The duties of a Padawan varied greatly. Certain kinds of instruction were universal—meditation, lightsaber training—and were studied both in groups at the Temple and privately with one’s Master. But those Masters ranged widely in talents and temperament, which meant that the assignments they gave were diverse, too.” --Master & Apprentice)       - They have class field trips of some sort--Obi-Wan has a class of younglings (that Caleb is part of) on a field trip to teach them about the Jedi Beacon.  While this seems to be within the Temple itself, we saw in Dooku: Jedi Lost that several younglings went with the Jedi to a Celebration Festival as part of a group who would do demonstrations for people, too.       - They’re given homework (Qui-Gon works on his while lounging in Dooku’s quarters) and have class projects (”Obi-Wan could scan nearly the entire lower level of the Jedi Archives. Jocasta Nu sat at her desk, patiently reviewing some file or other; a handful of younglings struggled through a dense historical holo, probably for a class project”) -- Master & Apprentice. - Whatever Katooni and the others are doing in the beginning of “The Gathering” with the dance-style moves is unclear, whether it’s a class that Master Sinube is teaching or if it’s a ceremony of some kind that relates to the upcoming Gathering, who knows!  But it’s clearly important and overlaid with the announcer saying, “The trials are hard. Tests must be passed. But none is as important as The Gathering. It is then that a Jedi’s path will truly begin….”  (Though, this could be in reference to the trials they’re about to face on Ilum which are hard, rather than that the dance class is a trial, it’s never stated either way.)  [x] PADAWANS: - There doesn’t seem to be anything on how Padawans are chosen as a usual path!  In Dooku: Jedi Lost, there’s a ceremonial lightsaber tournament, but the wording never quite directly says that it’s specifically for Master to choose their Apprentices, as well as in Kanan: The Last Padawan, Depa directly asks young Caleb herself.  In The Clone Wars movie, Anakin is assigned Ahsoka, which doesn’t seem to surprise either Obi-Wan (who may have planned this) or Anakin in the sense of “wait, they don’t just assign Padawans!”, only that she was being assigned to him. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s partnership seems to be a bit of both:  “Don’t you see, Obi-Wan? They knew you’d rebel against any Master you worked with. So they made sure you wound up with a Jedi who almost never followed the rules.”  (Master & Apprentice) This seems to indicate that it happened in a myriad of ways, whether a Master took notice of a youngling at the tournament or bonded with them in another way or the Council decided to assign a pairing. - When a youngling becomes a Padawan, there seems to be some conversations between the crechemasters and the new Master:  “Obi-Wan said, 'You know, I never had problems with that as a youngling. Being independent, I mean. I broke rules right and left. They even called me rebellious. Probably the Masters were surprised anyone was willing to take me on as an apprentice.’  In fact, Qui-Gon had been warned about this very thing. He’d long since assumed that the crèche masters’ concern was overcautious.” (Master and Apprentice) - There’s no set age when a Youngling becomes a Padawan.       - Dooku was 16 years old when Yoda chose him to be a Padawan, Sifo-Dyas was 16 when Lene Kostana chose him.  For a brief while, Dooku didn’t think he would be chosen this year and would have to wait awhile longer, as well as another 16 year old Initiate wasn’t ready and did wind up having to wait another year.  (Dooku: Jedi Lost)       - Obi-Wan was chosen at 13 and Qui-Gon at 12, but both were considered young for it.  (Master & Apprentice)       - Caleb Dume was chosen at 13, but was also considered to be surprisingly young for it.  (Kanan: The Last Padawan)       - Ahsoka was assigned at 14, but Anakin expressed surprise that she was even “old enough to be a Padawan!?” (The Clone Wars movie) - Teaching seems to be a communal thing with the Jedi.  While their Master is the final authority (in as much as anyone is an authority over someone else--Ahsoka argues and doesn’t really get that much pushback on how Master Skywalker isn’t the one who should decide when she risks her life, that’s her choice), we see Ahsoka is taught by Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Tera Sinube, and Jocasta Nu. In The Citadel arc in TCW, Ahsoka says that Master Plo assigned her to the team, which Anakin doesn’t object to as being impossible because she’s his Padawan.  Further, we also see communal teaching elements in Dooku: Jedi Lost when Lene is a frequent teacher to Dooku after he becomes Yoda’s Padawan. JEDI KNIGHTS: - While we never see any official Knighting ceremonies in the time of the Jedi Order, there are two examples post-Jedi Purge that use similar enough rituals that it’s a reasonably safe bet they were used by the Order as well:       - In Rebels “Shroud of Darkness”, when Kanan and Ezra and Ahsoka enter the Lothal Jedi Temple, he has to face a vision of the Grand Inquisitor revealing that he was once a Temple Guard.  In facing him, Kanan passes the test, which was Yoda directing the vision (via behind the scenes commentary by Henry Gilroy) to give Kanan a trial, which he then uses the vision to gently sweep the lightsaber over Kanan and has the vision say, “By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Kanan Jarrus, you may rise. [....]  It means you are what I once was. A Knight of the Jedi Order.” [x]       - In Jedi: Fallen Order, Cere Junda (once a Jedi Knight herself) tells Cal to kneel and makes the same gesture, sweeping the lightsaber over him, and says:  "By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Cal Kestis.  Rise, Jedi Knight." [x] THAT’S IT, THAT’S PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT THE JEDI PADAWAN PATH.  There’s really no one set way of doing things--“Every master trains their Padawan in their own way.“ (Jedi: Fallen Order)--but you can see the shape of how things are approached within the Jedi Culture!
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ysalamiri-queen · 5 years
2019 Fic in Review
Inspired by @myevilmouse I’m going to sum up all the writing I’ve been up to the past year. I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished, and thanks to you all for the encouragement to put my ideas out into the world! This has been a year of trying new things, and really growing as an author I feel… And wow according to AO3 I���ve written about 400k words in the past 12 months, damn. So let’s get to the list, going from the beginning of the year to the end, and as always please heed the tags on these before reading.
Note: As I go back, I’m realizing a lot of the links were messed up or are just straight missing. I am on the Mobile App so things can get messy. Please visit my works page on AO3 HERE to see all of these on my page under JessKo and my other pseuds.
1 Late Night at the Slab
Idea: Filling a prompt for the Thryce server in which some, uh, unique Chiss anatomy was assigned.
Result: A 3-way with Thrawn, Arihnda, and Eli and my first foray into the more Xeno side of things in a Modern AU setting. Yeehaw!
2 The Trouble With Free-Roaming Ysalamiri
Idea: Based on some adorable ysalamiri cuddles art by @strength-through-order I wanted to write some Thranto fluff.
Result: Ysalamiri-filled Thranto fluff X’D
3 Inquisitor’s Debt
Idea: What if the Grand Inquisitor changed sides at the end of Rebels season 1?
Result: Some fun throwbacks with Obi-Wan and Caleb Dume leading up to Quizzy defecting with Ezra.
4 Ancient Stems
Idea: Eli Week drabbles based on the Vanto Week prompts.
Result: A silly buzz droid narrative with Thrawn and some cute slice of life Eli backstory/Ascendancy days bits.
5 Charnsuka
Idea: Kinky stuff with Lord Garmadon when he’s an Anacondrai.
Result: Kinky stuff with Lord Garmadon when he’s an Anacondrai. Sorry Zane!
6 Caged Like Prized Birds
Idea: Again inspired by the awesome Chiss anatomy and Thrux drawings by @strength-through-order , I wanted to craft a narrative around Armitage, as a young man, stumbling upon a clone of Thrawn.
Result: Man, this might just be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, had so much fun plotting it out and the smut is mmm! Tentacles everywhere~ I’ve gone back to re-read this a lot, I’ll admit it. I hope you all enjoyed it too.
7 Quiet On Set
Idea: Must. Write. Talos.
Result: A cute little platonic x-reader with everyone’s favorite Skrull. This was my first MCU fic too.
8 Diagnostic
Idea: Wanted to apologize to Zane for the damages done in Charnsuka with some Glacier shipping fluff.
Result: A silly glacier thing leading to a bit of foolery. I’m happy with it!
9 Heron Soaring
Idea: A continuation of the plot line from Heron Rising with Kanan and Thrawn.
Result: Too many feels… but some great sex to soften the blow, Kanera too!
10 Patron
Idea: Responding to a tumblr prompt from @wukeskywalker regarding Thrawn commissioning LOADS of artworks of Eli.
Result: More Thranto fluff! I see a trend here…
11 Black Heron
Idea: Kanan x Pryce for @myevilmouse , I think this was our first ‘collaboration’ on something!
Result: Juahir hires a special someone to show Arihnda a good time!
12 Red Heron
Idea: @star-wars-rebels-4 is always an amazing wealth of ideas for Grand Inquisitor, and encouraged a work featuring him and Kanan.
Result: Delicious back alley smut when an undercover Jedi is caught!
13 Warm Homecoming
Idea: Give my and a friend's OCs some cute fluff.
Result: OC fluff and a vacation to Hoth!
14 sowing the seeds
Idea: Add something cute to the spank war project.
Result: Another contender for my ‘favorite thing I’ve ever written’ rank. Two chapters of pining, cooking lessons, and sweet slick smut.
15 Red Frost
Idea: After watching “The Evil of Frankenstein” with @sneakybunyip ‘s amazing movie night group, I wanted to do something fun with Victor and Hans.
Result: A fun little adventure fic with some huddling for warmth to boot. Victor and Hans are the hammer-horror-verse Thranto send tweet.
16 a setting sun to hide the ruins
Idea: What if I tortured Kanan to the point he turned evil and joined the Inquisitors (and went a little insane in the process)
Result: Instead of torture, let’s just use some serum that drives him mad. Perfect. Smut ahoy, pretty much a dead dove type fic.
17 Pinktown
Idea: When browsing abandoned towns in Florida, I came across Flamingo… what if Thrawn had been exiled here instead.
Result: An alternate history of Thrawn’s exile and eventual discovery by the Empire. Huge thanks for @badgerandk on this one for the perfect epilogue and beta.
18 the sun rises to only illuminate the stranger i have become
Idea: Setting sun… part 2! But it’s actually what happens before sun?
Result: How Kanan ended up where he is for ‘a setting sun’... lots of imp smut and again, it's sort of a dead dove style fic.
19 Frozen Over
Idea: Ar’alani x Eli Vanto
Result: Somehow me and my writing partner ended up at sensory deprivation focus on this one.
20 Shape of Honor
Idea: Well, this one started in 2018 but ‘finished’ in 2019. Still working on the epilogue. Lots of tweaks… If you are not familiar, this is my AU in which it explores how the Thrawn novel and Rebels show would be altered if Palpatine distrusted Thrawn from their first meeting and accused him of being a Chiss spy. Vaguely inspired by the film The Shape of Water.
Result: Well it's nearly a novel now, isn’t it. This was a great adventure in learning how to create compelling story arcs. I’m extremely satisfied with how it is shaping (lol) up.
21 Datura Stamonium
Idea: Thrawnbine ovi smut.
Result: Oops it has plot now, a whole backstory with Eli and such and so fourth. Will need further stories told…
22 Desert Entropy
Idea: Luke/Wedge modern AU shenanigans.
Result: Also pulled Nath/Wyl and the Rogue Squad/Alphabet Squad peeps into this. Set in Vegas, Luke and Wedge meet and have a cute little romance, but some legal troubles set them back (Palpatine, as always, is That Bitch™) Very happy ending!
23 The Great Eli and Thrawn Prank War
Idea: See Chapter 1: Mullet Thrawn
Result: This thing really grew up, and thanks to all the contributors for allowing me to join in! My contributions were: 7-Bombs Away! In which a bit of drama brews and Thrawn makes a paint bomb that forces him and Eli back into being roomates. 11-Tooka Troube 2: Electric Boogaloo in which Eli finds his quarters slowly filling up with Tooka plush toys, and then something huge goes off in supply. 17-The Bitch is Back In which who knew Thrawn could sing?!
24 Clipped Wings to Keep Us from Flying
Idea: Continuing the story line from Caged Like Prized Birds
Result: Dragging Eli and the OG Thrawn into this, seeing that their stories were left untold in the first work. Also Armitage and the clone are up to all sorts of cool things. Still a WIP, on the list to keep working on this year!
25 I’ll do what I can.
Idea: Some Ronan/Krennic feels post Treason
Result: A Ronan character study that I really needed to get out of my system and finally a stable alliance between Krennic and Thrawn!
26 Purple Heron
Idea: @punk--kenobi and I concocted some fun Kanan/Zeb/Hera smut featuring Lasat heat cycles.
Result: Ah this came out so cool, full of emotion and wonderful imagery. Massive kudos to @punk--kenobi for beta-ing my portion and contributing some of the best smut one can find!
27 Ninjago Angst Week 2019
Idea: Do some 1-shots for Ninjago Angst Week
Result: ow right in the feels. Each character got a highlight in their own ‘dark retelling of a canon or canon adjacent event’ chapter.
28 Vertigo
Idea: Thing’s don’t go right planetside for Eli, Pik, and Waffle in Treason.
Result: Big oof. I hope Eli can one day forgive me… I even put strain on the end game Thranto! Bittersweet ending and lots of angst.
29 More Than Just a Treat
Idea: What is Obi Wan up to in the desert…
Result: Aunt Beau and baby Luke baked him cookies obviously!
30 Datura Metel
Idea: Continuing the Datura cycle…
Result: Just how Eli ended up where he did in the first installation.
31 Here & Now
Idea: Some Thranto Fluff! For @jewelliffer
Result: A camping trip for shore leave! And a marriage proposal for extra sugar.
32 Monster Under the Bed
Idea: Benevolent Boogeyman Chiss
Result: Modern AU Thranto spooky sillies. Bit of an intense climax but they talk it out!
33 Haunted by Sentiment
Idea: Nath is in denial of being the Squad Dad for @glassprowlers
Result: Nath’s very bad no good oh so terrible day! It's very silly and I really like how it ended up, the title is way more serious than the story itself XD
34 Pulse
Idea: Werewolf AU Lavashipping
Result: Oops Kai is a werewolf! Good thing Cole is here to help him figure out how to press on.
35 Stories from Area 51
Idea: remember the raid Area 51 meme? I do! Gotta clap them alien cheeks!
Result: Oh no it got PLOTTY! Pretty much all of my favorite characters and ships cherry-picked and plopped down into a Men In Black style facility in the middle of the desert. I really have a thing for the desert huh…
36 Good Day
Idea: The “truth” behind the “Good day, Lieutenant Vanto” from Thrawn in Treason.
Result: Oh stars the FEELS! Thrawn is in deep water and he KNOWS IT! GAH!
37 Fur Ball
Idea: Chiss are mogwai/gremlins…
Result: Silly Thranto fluff. Thrass shows up too! Feeding them after midnight is actually a good idea here… Grow your own ideal man!
38 Came Back Haunted
Idea: A mission fic centered around the @peters-pumpkin-day prompts.
Result: Ice planet survival with Tarkin, Krennic, Galen, and Ronan.
39 Sewn Together
Idea: This drawing actually is what lead to the fic-
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Result: A fairly unique reuniting of Thrawn and Eli after both return to the Ascendancy.
40 Spiked Heron
Idea: Oh no… Kanan gets himself in deep poodoo this time.
Result: Devaronians really like humans huh? The next chapter is half way written I swear it is coming soon!
41 A Colder Embrace
Idea: Thrawn/Purrgil/Ezra and Luke/Wampa for SW Rare Pairs.
Result: It's very cold on Hoth… and even colder in space.
42 Surround
Idea: Luke/Wedge for SW Rare Pairs
Result: Luke has to confront Wedge post ESB regarding what is, essentially, his deserting the Rebels.
43 What Happens Planetside…
Idea: Eli/Pik/Waffle for SW Rare Pairs
Result: heheh a scrumptious Eli sandwich! And surprise tentacles because, well, why not?
44 Hesperidium
Idea: Fluffy Kylux for the Kylux Secret Santa event
Result: Ah its so sweet you might get a cavity
45 Reanimator
Idea: Lovecraftian eldritch horror Thranto
Result: This is the sort of project that it takes 2 months to fine tune each chapter, so bear with me, but I can promise a wonderful, creepy ride is ahead!
46 Floral
Idea: Luke/Faro for SW Rare Pairs. Enjoy the Jedi lovin’, @myevilmouse
Result: Sex pollen and accidentally defecting from the Empire. Whoops!
47 The Harch
Idea: Bouncing off of THIS art by @mamidlo , we worked together to create this plot. Very much inspired by the Hammer Horror films, such as Dracula and Frankenstein.
Result: A fun and spooky romp of Kallus and Zeb getting trapped in a creepy castle featuring mind controlled drones and a species-obsessed Harch. This was my first time posting the entire story at once, too!
Wow, I can not believe how much has been written this year. Thank you all again for reading and kudos-ing and your amazing comments. I’d not be here without the support and love <3 Cheers to 2020 and much more fic ahead!
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Heroes(and their skins) and Hero Starfighters that should be added to Battlefront II
My other Battlefront II Wishlists
Imperial/First Order Skins
Clone Wars era Heroes
Padme Amidala
Geonosis(Default Skin)
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Queen Amidala
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Handmaiden Padme 
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Palace Battle Dress
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Ahsoka Tano
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Siege Of Mandalore
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Qui-Gon Jinn
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Mace Windu
Jedi Master
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Plo Koon
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Barriss Offee
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Luminara Unduli
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Kit Fisto
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Aayla Secura
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Shaak Ti
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Depa Billaba
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Quinlan Vos  
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Jango Fett
Bounty Hunter
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Cad Bane
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Aurora Sing
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Asajj Ventress
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Bounty Hunter
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Savage Opress
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Pre Vizla
Death Watch
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Bo-Katan Kryze
Death Watch
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Clone Commanders
Captain Rex
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Commander Cody
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Commander Bly
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Commander Gree
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Commander Neyo
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Commander Wolffe
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Commander Bacara
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Commander Gregor
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Commander Fox
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Galactic Civil War era Heroes
Kanan Jarrus
The Last Padawan
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Caleb Dume
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Ezra Bridger
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Hera Syndulla
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Sabine Wren
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Garazeb Orrelios
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Alexander Kallus
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The Grand Inquisitor
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Jedi Temple Guard
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The Seventh Sister
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The Fifth Brother
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Gar Saxon
Emperor’s Hand
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Shadow Collective
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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Grand Moff Tarkin
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Enfys Nest
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Crimson Dawn
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Dryden Vos
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Tobias Beckett
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Jyn Erso
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Imperial Disguise
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Cassian Andor
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Imperial Disguise
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Bodhi Rook
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Chirrut Îmwe
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Baze Malbus
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Director Orson Krennic
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Nien Nunb
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The Sequel Trilogy Heroes
Poe Dameron(yes, he has a X-Wing, but we need a hero for Poe. Poe can use his blaster rifle and side arm blaster and use BB-8 as an ability)
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Rose Tico(Rose can be improvised upon)
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Imperial Disguise
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General Armitage Hux
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Cap and Coat
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Supreme Leader Snoke
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Zorri Bliss
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Knights Of Ren
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Hero Starfighters
Anakin’s Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor
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Obi-Wan’s Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor
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Ahsoka Tano's Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor
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Padme’s  J-type Naboo star skiff
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Darth Vader's black Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor
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Grievous’ Soulless One
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Dooku's solar sailer
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Jango’s Slave 1
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Cad Bane’s Xandu Blood 
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The Ghost
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Sabine’s Tie Fighter
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rebelsofshield · 6 years
Ranking Rebels: The Top Ten
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It’s been several months now since Star Wars Rebels concluded and we learned the fates and futures of the surrogate family that lived in the halls of The Ghost. Rebellions were sparked. Sacrifices were made. There was a lot of critical theory about art. Fruit was stolen. Droids sang. Pufferpigs puffed. It made for a beautiful, if not always perfect, four year story that will become a cherished part of the Star Wars mythology.
With a new animated series on the horizon, what better time to take a look back at Rebels history. Not all episodes were created equal. For every, “World Between Worlds” there is a “Blood Sisters.” Just as I did for The Clone Wars, I plan to rank every episode of Star Wars Rebels from worst to best. As always, feedback and discussion is appreciated!
Previous Installments: 66-61, 60-51, 50-41, 40-31, 30-21, 20-11
10. Rebel Assault
The attack on the Empire’s factories on Lothal was an operation that had been building for seasons. With Hera finally receiving approval to lead a squadron of X-Wings to the grassy plains of Ezra’s homeworld, “Rebel Assault” opens up with a triumphant and brilliantly executed dogfight that Steward Lee directs to near perfection. Seeing classic Star Wars starfighters chase each other through blockades and high atmosphere is the stuff of dreams and Rebels delivers, before smartly transitioning into a tense and bleak second half. Hera’s attack fails and as a result she and Chopper are left to sneak through the locked down streets of Lothal’s capitol as Imperial forces close in around her. Lee dials back on the music and allows the episode to fall eerily quiet which does wonders in ratcheting up the unease and tension. It ends on a killer cliffhanger that opens up Rebels for an incredible final stretch of episodes and makes for a great midseason finale.
9. Fire Across the Galaxy
While it showed signs of confidence and maturity throughout its first season, it wasn’t until its first finale where Rebels finally felt like a show that had come into its own. Whether it’s the ensemble’s thrilling attempt at rescuing their friend and mentor from the clutches of The Empire, Kanan’s cathartic and wonderfully choreographed duel with The Grand Inquisitor, or the universe altering reveal of Ahsoka Tano at its conclusion, “Fire Across the Galaxy” is filled to the brim with excitement, adventure, and character. The fact that writer Simon Kinberg is able to fit as much content into a single twenty two minute episode is stunning and it is even more impressive that it comes across as wonderful as it does. By its conclusion, most of its central cast has grown and the series has taken its first step into a larger world and cemented itself as a Star Wars story that will be worth remembering.
8. The Siege of Lothal
Darth Vader was a specter that loomed over Rebels since its premiere. Kanan and Ezra could only go so long before attracting the attention of the galaxy’s most famous Sith Lord and with Ahsoka Tano now in play, the appearance of the Dark Lord seemed inevitable. Before Rogue One, Rebels brought Darth Vader back to the screen in menacing and iconic fashion. Whether its James Earl Jones’s effortless voice performance, Henry Gilroy’s script, or Bosco Ng and Brad Rau’s direction, Vader fills every frame he is a part of with a dark presence and in the process tests the Ghost Crew like never before. It makes for a stunning premiere that not only impacted the main cast but hinted at some of the iconic and emotional stories that were to come throughout Rebels’ second season.
7. The Honorable Ones
“The Honorable Ones” was a risk from the get-go. Even if it played off a familiar trope of two adversaries being forced to survive in dangerous conditions, Kevin Hopps’s script had the challenge of carrying a full episode that is essentially two conflicted men arguing and also providing a nuanced view of war without undermining Star Wars’ purposefully simplistic morality and condemnation of fascism. Hopps succeeds by making “The Honorable Ones” about Kallus the man rather than the organization he represents and in the process allows for two series best performances out of Steve Blum and David Oyelowo. In the process, both men are able to come to an understanding about each other as beings and about their own struggles even if they cannot reconcile the conflict they find themselves embroiled in. It makes for a powerful script and would set up one of the series’ best long term character arcs in Kallus’s eventual defection to the Rebellion.
6. Jedi Night
Until its conclusion, “Jedi Night” plays out like classic Rebels fun. The crew conducts a rescue of a team member and loved one the sorts of which have played out through the show dozens of times. Dave Filoni and Henry Gilroy pepper the script with moments of action and levity and while the stakes are high, there is a sense of playfulness that echoes throughout. In actuality, “Jedi Night” is a sort of pre-emptive eulogy for the man it is about to sacrifice. Kanan Jarrus slowly sheds and reforms his appearance, his identity, and eventually his life to rescue those he loves and director Saul Ruiz does this through smart visual cues that play off well with both the script and Freddie Prinze Jr.’s incredible performance. “Jedi Night” feels like a collective breath before its act of tragedy and sacrifice and the result is gut-punching but also unforgettable.
5. Twin Suns
“Twin Suns” is an artful and beautifully directed closure of not only Ezra’s character in the third season of Rebels but also of one of the most winding and tortured character arcs in the franchise. After decades of turmoil, Maul’s life comes to a close. From its opening frames, director Dave Filoni creates a clear visual language that emphasizes open space, isolation, and character action and in the process prepares us for what is to come. It makes for one of the most creatively inventive installments the show attempted and this, of course, culminates in its incredible final moments. Stephen Stanton’s masterful recreation of Alec Guinness’s Obi-Wan Kenobi is jaw dropping and it makes his moments of wisdom passed onto Ezra feel genuine and his pity and remorse towards Maul oddly heartbreaking. Filoni’s decision to stage this final battle between the decades long adversaries as a Kirosawa-like samurai film represents one of his best directorial decisions to date and the result is unexpected but entirely appropriate and even poignant.
4. A Family Reunion-and Farewell
Rebels’ final episode could have stretched on for hours and fans would likely have lapped it up. Trying to conclude this four year story of family, resistance against tyranny, and maturity in adolescence in forty four minutes seemed like a near impossible challenge. The result is an episode that makes every second of that runtime count with an explosive final charge for Lothal’s independence that brings aboard a sprawling ensemble of the Ghost Crew and some of their most iconic allies. It is super charged with action and heroism, but it is ultimately the conclusion of Ezra Bridger’s emotional arc that makes “A Family Reunion-and Farewell” sing. Taylor Gray’s performance here is mature and emotionally resonant as Ezra finally comes to term with the loss of his family but also how best to honor those who are caught under tyranny and oppression. It marks a moment where Ezra not only becomes an adult but also a hero to which the galaxy can aspire to. Even then, this isn’t even taking into account the incredible series epilogue that not only provides a much needed conclusion to the series’ beloved characters but hinted at new adventures to come. It makes for a powerful and near perfect finale to a show with a legacy that will stretch on for years to come.
3. Trials of the Darksaber
Like “The Honorable Ones,” “Trials of the Darksaber” is one of the rare episodes of Rebels that slows down the action to focus entirely on character. However, this Sabine-centric episode foregoes any sort of plot oriented B-Story at all and instead bunkers down for an emotionally raw tale of a master and student. Directed by Steward Lee and written by Dave Filoni, “Trials of the Darksaber” begins with a visually dynamic lore-dump about the blade that passed hands from Pre Vizsla to Darth Maul and now rest in the hands of Sabine Wren. With the importance of this strange weapon now understood, Sabine now faces a responsibility that could change the tide of the war to their favor. Forced to not only conquer her own insecurities but also face the trauma of her past, Sabine undergoes a rigorous training under Kanan that culminates in an emotional outburst that lays all bare. Freddie Prinze Jr. and Tiya Sircar provide phenomenal voice performances that feel vulnerable and genuine and it makes for an episode that is quite unlike anything else in the series and one of the highpoints of Rebels as a whole.
2. A World Between Worlds
For decades one of the few story concepts that Star Wars never touched was time travel. In a universe where lightspeed travel was as simple as taking a bus and a magical energy force could lead to all manner of strange abilities, the power to traverse time and space was always off limits. That is until “A World Between Worlds.” Selling Star Wars fans on this concept would’ve been risky from the start, but it helps that this installment of Rebels is close to perfection. We knew from early on that there was something special about Lothal and the Jedi Temple that lay hidden at its center. With the Emperor’s interest and the mystical behavior of the Lothwolves adding onto this mystery, it slowly became apparent just what kind of realm was lying hidden beneath the coned walls of this strange building. The design and execution of the World between Worlds itself is one of Lucasfilm Animation’s best creations. With twisting and churning pathways that seem to stretch through space in infinite directions and populated by ethereal voices that connect throughout the Star Wars saga, this pathway into the stars feels like something ancient, unknowable, and mythic. The result is suitably awe inspiring and entrancing. Even better, writer and co-director Dave Filoni, alongside Steward Lee, ground this world in a key emotional arc for its characters. In addition to allowing fans to see Ahsoka Tano one more time before the close of the series and show a tease of what the next chapter of her story was, Filoni and Lee position this realm as a key emotional turning point in Ezra’s grieving over the death of Kanan. Ezra is given a taste of ultimate power in the hopes of saving those he loves, but is forced to realize that the past shouldn’t be changed and not everyone can be saved. It’s an emotional beat that is key to the final steps of his series long arc and rings true as the episode comes to a close.
1.  Twilight of the Apprentice
How could it be anything else? The season two finale of Star Wars Rebels is not only the best of the series, it is arguably the best product that Lucasfilm Animation has released, and some of the most powerful material in the entirety of the franchise. “Twilight of the Apprentice” is an atmospheric, emotional, and suspenseful hour of television that is filled with betrayals, sacrifice, revelations, and character altering decisions. It leaves a trail of changed lives in its wake and the series would never be the same after. Written by Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, and Steven Melching and directed by Dave Filoni, “Twilight of the Apprentice” would see the convergence of several generations of current and former students of the Force on the planet of Malachor. There Ezra’s frustrations with Kanan’s teachings combined with his own empathy for those in need would lead to his near seduction to the Dark Side by a reemerging Darth Maul. Kanan’s inability to trust fully in his student would be a partial catalyst in his blinding by the same former Sith Lord. And Ahsoka, poor Ahsoka, would come face to face with the man that used be her master. It makes for a dark and painful installment of television, but the incredible voicework by the full cast sells the experience and thrilling lightsaber duels abound. It is hard not to find yourself wrapped up in the saga that unfolds even before the final fifteen minutes elevate this installment into the realms of a classic. Ahsoka’s confrontation with Darth Vader was clearly a fascination of Filoni’s and the resulting product is as apocalyptic, tragic, and mythic as one could hope or dread for. Ashley Eckstein, James Earl Jones, and Matt Lanter sell the moment with heartbreak, anger, and disbelief, Kevin Kiner provides a beautiful musical score, and Filoni crafts a risk taking and iconic sequence. Like all great Star Wars, “Twilight of the Apprentice” ends with a wordless montage set to music. It’s a cinematic moment that feels earned and appropriate and may just be the best Star Wars that we have seen in years.
------------ So, there you have it. Rebels has been ranked. As always, feel free to reach out to tell me where you agree, disagree, or if you just want to chat about the show. I loved getting to critique this series and offer my thoughts as it crew into a truly great piece of television. I feel that I grew as a writer and a person with this show and getting to share my excitement, speculation, frustration, and adulation for it has been a highlight of my life for years now.
Thank you all for your readership and friendship.
May the Force Be With You
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sassylavellen · 6 years
WB - Evelyn Lavellan World Building
I was tagged by the ever wonderful @seboostianillustrations! Once again tumblr didn’t tell me you tagged me, I just saw the post on my dash... Hopefully they fix this soon.
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Evelyn Lavellan | 27 y.o when the Conclave exploded - 27 y.o as Inquisitor - 29 y.o under Trespasser | Dalish Elf - Disowned daughter of Clan Lavellan’s Keeper/ Former personal combat trainer for Holli Trevelyan - Two handed warrior.
full name: Evelyn “Evie” Lavellan
gender: Female
sexuality: Heterosexual.
pronouns: She/her
family: Father Revan’nain (deceased), Mother Neira (deceased), brother Ezra (deceased), sister Moira 
birthplace: Starkhaven
job: After she ran away from her clan, she worked for a few years as a mercenary. After she got caught cheating in an Ostwick Grand Tourney, she was hired by Holli Trevelyan to train her as a warrior. Evelyn was on the run from her previous employer’s wrath, and agreed to it even though she had no faith in Holli’s prospects. They became close friends regardless and Holli even became a decent fighter.
phobias: Spiders, losing loved ones, loneliness
guilty pleasures: She may work out and train to keep herself in the best shape she can ever be, but she does eat cheat on her diet and eat trashy foods. She had to forage for food on her own for years, and nearly starved to death several times, and appreciates food of all kinds, and never turns down the opportunity to try new dishes.
hobbies: Once she was named Inquisitor, she devoted most of her free time to train. She spars with Cassandra and Blackwall, she was trained in agility by Sera, she was trained in arcane theory by Dorian, she had strength training with Iron Bull and Cullen, she learned about the fade and ancient elven artifacts with Solas, she was taught about the nobilities of Ferelden and Orlais by Josephine and Vivienne... She was always training for something.
morality alignment? Lawful Good
sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Evelyn x Cullen
Acceptable ships- Honestly I only see her with Cullen.
ot3: Again, I only see her with Cullen. She’s monogamous 
brotp: Evelyn x Sera, Evelyn x Cassandra, Evelyn x Stephen x Moira, Evelyn x Harding, Evelyn x Holli
notp: ....not sure what that means...?
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cupcakeshakesnake · 8 years
Watching SWR for the frist time: Through Imperial Eyes
Yep, been looking forward to this episode. Again, not sure if I’ll do any more SWR reactions, but yeah, I’m gonna do this one for sure.
(spoilers ahead)
-Through Imperial Eyes.  If you take the first letter of every word, you get TIE.  What else has the word TIE in it?  Yes, the TIE fighter.  Let’s take a look at the TIE fighter, shall we?
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According to Wookieepedia, it was “the standard Imperial starfighter seen in massive numbers throghout most of the Galactic Civil War and onward.”
-But wait!
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Did you see that?
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-*cough cough* Okay, let’s get back to the actual episode.
-Did he just wake up? What time is this, 2a.m.?
-He sleeps in his uniform?
-”Battle stations, sir!”  “Yeah i’m just gonna ignore that and go back into my room to waste water.”
-If the top button closes doors and the bottom one opens doors, what happens if you press one of them repeatedly?
-If I was on a Stardestroyer I would get to the nearest one of those doors and just keep pressing the two buttons alternately until the troopers throw me out of the airlock. I love buttons. I’m so gonna break all their doors.
-He sleeps in his armor?
-I finally understand all the Kallus Simulator jokes on my dash.. but seriously, Imperial Agent Simulator 2017 v3.16, created with Unity Engine and supported on Space Windows Vista, 8, 10 and Space Mac OS 7 and up...
-At first I was like “Holy hell, his room is dark,” but then I realized I had turned down my monitor brightness a lot over the past few days.
-*turns brightness all the way back up to 100* That’s better.
-His sink doesn’t have a drain?
-Yep, he’s definitely been sleeping.
-How do time zones even work in space? You could determine it based on the part of the planet you’re orbiting on, but then you could go to the other side in a very short time. Maybe time just loses its meaning when you’re in space. Only relative. Two hours of sleep, sixteen hours awake, ten hours sleeping because you're going to a faraway planet, it’s not “Lunch on 2o’clock”, it’s “Lunch 5 hours after your last meal”.
-Eyyyyyyyy it’s Yogurt List again
-If you’re not under attack then why the fuck did you ring all those sirens
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the fuck did you wake me up for bitch
-That shuttle looks like a plastic lunchbox.
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^+kallus= the sideburn squad.
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for a moment I thought either the stormies were super short or Kallus was on stilts.
-DUN DUN DUN it’s Ezra
-Nice voice changer mask Ezra, did you get it on eBay?
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Sabine Paintjob™
-You were expecting Ezra
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-(I’m so sorry.)
-AP-5, sassy as always, and Chopper, with that Imperial paintjob tactic again.
-I just realized the letters C1-10P are supposed to look like ‘CHOP’.
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I see an A, a B, an X, a Y, aaannnnd some illegible symbols.
-Wait, sure the Empire is big, but if Ezra is a rebel Jedi on the loose, wouldn’t there be posters of him all over the place?
-Kallus: *stands and does nothing*  Ezra: “Stop! I’ll tell you anything!”  Lyste: wow he’s good
-I’m sure AP-5 would have winked there if he had eyelids.
-Poor Lyste. On the other hand, I don’t think being summoned by high-ranking officers in the Empire is all that good. They might be out for your throat for all you know.
-How the hell did Thrawn get that drawing on his ship?  Seriously, that’s an Imperial Class Star destroyer according to the Internet, it’s supposed to be 1.6 km long, did he just get a bunch of droids to turn the ship upside down to get that gigantic paint job?
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yep, no visible barrier, nothing is being sucked out into space because Star Wars.
-Jesus Christ the Empire needs better anti-theft mechanisms
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Heyyyy it’s that officer again, what was her name? Oh yeah right, Captain Brunson. I spent ten minutes looking for that name on the internet.
-But Lyste has a cylinder right there...
-I feel like I am constantly reminded of how those are not pens these days. Okay, okay, I get it. Also I know in some other places I said those were insignia, and it’s not a precise term but it’s not wrong either because 1) the code contain information about the officer wearing it including their rank, and 2) the numbers and colors of the cylinders differ based on said officer’s rank/position.
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is that a fucking hat
-Override code: *german word*
-(I know it’s not German but it just sounds like it... I am learning German and their ‘ch’ is so hard to pronounce correctly...)
-How tf did he close the door though
-I have a feeling he let them hear the override code on purpose.
-Oh it’s that guy now. Disney certainly didn’t feel like modeling any new Imperial officers.
-Ahahahaha lizards  Let me guess, ysalamiri?
-YOU’RE CANON NOW- hold on, A New Hope.  YOU’RE 3D ANIMATED NOW- oh wait, Clone Wars. YOU’RE IN REBELS NOW
-When Yularen has had more canon appearances than Thrawn.
-Every single Imperial acquaintance seems to come from ‘the Academy’.  “Hey, remember me? We ate lunch in the Academy together.”  “Remember me from the Academy bathroom?”  “I’m from your Academy, remember?”
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His eyes are saying “yes you Kallus, you little shit, i know you’re fulcrum you lil bitch yes you right there”
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He still has the Phoenix Squadron graffiti... and the lothcat doodle
-”--must be unmasked quickly”  Idk why but at first I thought he said “must be on Mars”
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Free the Rose Quartzes-- oh, wait, wrong show.
-And now we run into Irina SpalkoPryce... It’s like they scraped all the Imperial characters together and put them on one ship.  Except those who are dead.  R.I.P. Aresko and Grint,Grand Inquisitor, Minister Tua, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, Eight Brother, and countless stormtroopers.
-Kallus: whoops another person i hate, let me just get rid of this person i hate so he can go with her
-Kallus: actually lemme just make them hate each other
-Kallus: i am such a genius
-Kallus you manipulative mutton chop
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Aw come on, you can’t get tired of his shit already! How are you going to survive among the Rebels?
-Was Ezra hanging by his chin or something
-Lyste is so serious about this omfg  He wants to prove himself  Poor dude
-How the hell did they find the right size
-Are there smol officers on board
-”We’re not here to steal art!”
-Yep, because Thrawn’s definitely gonna look at that map later and go “Welp I guess this one planet here suddenly moved twenty light years to the side, nothing weird about that”
-Lyste’s in big trouble now. I feel sorry for that guy.
-Thrawn smells the traitorous scent.
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Is... that supposed to be Imperial insignia as well?
-How the hell did Kallus change the override code
-Wooo, Thrawn action!
-Ouch.  He alright tho
-What did he say? “Nix”?
-”Shuttle TY992, you are clear to land.″  NO IT’S NOT  IT’S A TRAITOR SHIP WITH TRAITORS IN IT
-”There must be some kind of mistake sir--”  Pryce: HOW DARE YOU ASSUME MY GENDER
-But really, gotta love how she didn’t even let him finish the first sentence, didn’t take any of the Jedi bullshit and just said “shoot him”
-She chill af
-I feel really sorry for Lyste but I can’t help cracking up for some reason
-Yularen why did you come alone
-You could have just brought a bunch of stormtroopers and tased the lot from a distance, or would Ezra’s huge plot shield deflect that too
-Annnnd Pryce faints. Again.
-Dammit Lyste.
-Poor Lyste, and poor Kallus.
-Thrawn knooooowwwssss... He aaaaalwaaaaayyyyssss knooooowwwwwssssssssssss...
-But seriously damn I’m gettin’ chills here.
-”I believe Agent Fulcrum will prove far more useful to the Empire than Kallus ever was.”  DAAAAmn
-Kallus is so screwed
-This is such a good episode; I don’t usually rewatch episodes, no matter what franchise, but this one I want to watch again.
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gffa · 6 years
      He didn't know why he did; he just felt that he should. Normally, he couldn't leap more than a meter off the ground without a pair of jump boots. And a hover crate's repulsors were weak, with a ceiling of only a few meters. Yet his jump took him higher than that. Much higher.       It wasn't natural. But it felt natural.       His legs relaxed. His body soared. It was as if a little voice inside him had been released to sing. It connected him to the world around him, which was ablaze with life and energy. The green grass on which he had snoozed so many times had sprung him upward like a trampoline. Tiny insects buzzed around him, the flutter of their wings giving him lift. The outstretched hand of the ponytailed man seemed to pull him to the ship like a magnet.       It all happened so suddenly, so unexpectedly, Ezra could scarcely believe it.       In that hesitation, the surge of force that propelled him vanished.       Ezra fell.
→ Ezra Bridger (The Rebellion Begins, x)
      He put the arm back in his backpack and entered a room as spare as a monk's quarters. The bunk itself was a lean mattress without a blanket, as if no one slept there.       Someone did. Ezra could feel his presence drifting about the room. The ponytailed man. Kanan Jarrus. This was his cabin. And he had hidden something there.       Relying on his instincts, Ezra raised his hand and waved it through the air. His fingertips tingled and his palm felt like a rudder in a stream. The stream's current drew him under the bunk.       He bent down to touch the wall. It was smooth and cold but didn't give him shivers. Rather, he felt refreshed.
→ Grand Inquisitor (Ezra’s Duel with Danger, x)
      He stood in the cockpit of the shuttle and watched the descent toward an abandoned clone trooper base. The two presences inside couldn’t hide themselves from him. One burned bright, like a torch; the other less so, but growing in intensity, like a candle that had just been lit.
→ Rey, (Forces of Destiny, x)
      She closed her eyes, drew in a big breath, and let it go.  She imagined her mind focusing down to a narrow pinhole of light.  She thought of nothing but the worm.
→ Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi novelization, x)
      Anger swirled around his nephew like a cyclone.  It was an anger spurred by distrust and disappointment, expectation and entitlement.
→ Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi novelization, x)
      Luke had registered nothing beyond his nephew’s presence when he’d found him with Rey, back on Ahch-To. Now he blazed in Luke’s sense of the Force, almost radiant with power. It was the kind of power Luke had foreseen for him—first as near-infinite promise, then later as an equivalent peril.       That power was fed by emotions so strong, they seemed almost to pollute the Force around Kylo. Rage poured out of him, and a near-malignant cruelty—a lust to deform and destroy everything around him, to blot it out and erase it.
→ Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi junior novelization, x)
      He placed his hands on the meditation stone on which Rey had sat a few hours before.  He could still feel her there, specks and motes of her presence drifting in the currents of the past.
→ Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi novelization, x)
      The sounds grew to a crescendo, a thunderclap that was followed by a bewildering, blinding rush of images.       Seek your center. Find balance.       Luke’s body felt like it was on fire. He knew it wasn’t. He accepted the feeling, denying it power over him, and then let it ebb. In its place came a familiar sense of warmth, of belonging, of finding himself part of an endless lattice of connections that held him and everything else, each fixed in its proper place.       A Force.
→ Rey (The Last Jedi novelization, x)
      "Breathe," he said. "Just breathe. Now reach out with your feelings. What do you see?"       The image came to her almost immediately, and was reassuringly familiar: the island, seen as if she were one of the seabirds overhead, just as it had looked in her dreams back on Jakku.       But almost immediately, there was more. The images were vivid, almost hallucinatory, but later she couldn’t be sure if she’d seen them in her mind’s eye or somehow actually experienced them as her awareness expanded out from her body to encompass the island and the sea around it.       Her first impression was life—life all around her. She could sense herself, and the Caretakers pottering about near the huts, but there was so much more than that. She felt the presence of flowers and grasses and shrubs. Birds and insects and fish, and creatures too tiny for the eye to see. Her awareness of all of it seemed to crowd her senses, plunging her into something so deep and intense that for a moment she thought she might drown in it, only to realize that was impossible, because she was a part of that life.       But there was death, too—and decay. Dead flesh and vegetable matter, sinking into soil that hid bones and dry sticks from bygone seasons of the island. She shrank from this new awareness, but sensed almost immediately that there was nothing to fear. From the death and decay sprang new life, nourished by what had come before.       She could feel the warmth of the suns—not just on her face but on the rocks and the surface of the ceaseless tumble of the water. And cold, too, which surrounded the dark places where the roots of the island and the seafloor were revealed as one and the same. There was peace—mother porgs with their eggs, sheltered and safe in warm hollows—but also violence that left behind broken nests and shattered shells.       And all that her senses showed her had been but a moment. That moment was but one of trillions, part of a never-ending cycle that had begun eons before she was born and would go on for eons after she was dead. And it was itself part of something vastly larger, so enormous that her mind couldn’t grasp it, an immensity even the stars were but the tiniest portion of.       Rey, her eyes still closed, tried to tell Luke what she had experienced, frustrated that her words were so small and inadequate.
→ Anakin Skywalker (Thrawn: Alliances, x)
      Double vision: blaster bolts coming at torso, at side, at head, at side—the Force speeding his perception, slowing down time—moving his hands in a blur—no longer deflecting bolts away, but sending them back to their points of origin—       Anakin had given the first attack what Obi-Wan liked to call a second-thoughts chance, deflecting the bolts into the woods instead of bouncing them directly back into the shooters. Now, with nine-to-one odds, he didn’t have that luxury.       Double vision: bolts coming at chest, at chest, at head—controlling with precision, sending back to arm, to leg, to shoulder—       But not to kill. Only to wound, to disable and dissuade. If Padmé wasn’t here, they might know where she was.       If Padmé was here, and if they’d hurt her, her attackers would need to suffer a little before they died.       Double vision: bolts coming at head, at torso—attack faltering as wounded enemies cease fire—
→ Asajj Ventress (Dark Disciple, x, via @glompcat)
      "What kind of life will that be, Quinlan?" Her voice broke. "The kind where we're slaves to our hatred? Our rage? That's what the dark side made me. That's what it does. Nothing is ever enough. You get more, and more, but you're never happy. It's a trap baited with all the things you want most. That life-it's not worth living." She squeezed his hand, imploring. "I already left that behind. You can, too. You have a choice."       All at once, warmth flooded through her. It was as if she were being bathed with soft light. It washed away the pain, and the fear, and the anger, leaving only perfect clarity in its wake. Ventress realized that it was the Force, but it had never felt like this. And it was giving her a gift.       Time slowed to a crawl as a sudden, calm sense of knowing permeated her. She saw, all at once, every possible outcome of the turn of this fraction of a second. Every convolution, every manifestation, every repercussion that would echo far into the future. Death, and life, and new chances lay down one path. The restoration of balance. Fear and disaster, an existence that could never be called living but merely crawling about in a shell of flesh that had no spark of joy-that, too, could be the future; burning vengeance that only increased the hunger for more. 
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