#ezra x kanan
halofaxu · 1 year
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eznan · 9 months
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Kanan’s grip is strong on Ezra.. always.
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redmedic · 3 months
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Because I just can't stop multifandom posting on this account, time to include some of my Rebels art from 2021!
Here are the different screenshot redraws I did from the series, really proud of these.
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reislesbian · 4 months
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rancidsugar · 8 months
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over. The past six months. I have forced my father into watching rebels with me over call. His Opinions thus far:
Somewhat?? Aware of the homo-eroticism between zeb and kallus
thinks chopper deserves more screen time
hates Saw Gerrara (who he only ever knew from andor)
has fallen in love with Wedge Antilles
Dislikes the fact that Hera and kanan don’t share their thoughts and worries with each other even though they are obviously in love
thrawn apologist
Really misses the first inquisitor
Super happy that Ezra is out of his “needy emo era”
loves the “space wolves”
is a huge Kanara shipper (Jedi Night is the next episode we have to watch and I’m really scared for him)
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elcarimercanto · 2 years
Things that actually happened in Star Wars Pt. 2
A cowboy breaks into the Jedi temple and steals one of their magic cubes
Obi-wan threatens to eat a shark man in prison
Lando wears Han's clothes
Palpatine told his villan origin story to Anakin at a fish opera
Leia gets shot out into space and then superman flies her way back to safety
Force Speed was shown like one time in The Phantom Menace
Fives makes a dick joke to Anakin
Zeb makes a dick joke to Ezra
Hondo almost sold Ahsoka as a sex slave but then gets saved by a circus act of children
Rex has to distract obi wan while Anakin and Padme were sexting
Padme gets Jabba's gay uncle arrested at his strip club for kidnapping his great nephew
Zeb and Kallus end up living together
Anakin and Padme almost make out on a space train until Obi-wan cockblocks them
Anakin tries to feel someone's temperature with a gloved robotic hand.
A clone gets eaten by a space eel(Rip Cutup)
Literally everything in the Umbara arc
Ezra gets milk cartons thrown at him then falls off the flying ship
Count Dooku throws a sand attack at Anakin
The council sent the horniest Jedi to protect the hottest senator
Luke shows up to fight Palpatine with the Chanel boots on like the fashion icon he is.
Luke wears Han's pants to the medal ceremony
Shaak Ti's died at least 4 times
Basically D-Day but it's Geonosis instead
Obi-wan and Girlfriend go for a casual stroll then witness a terrorist attack and a suicide
Link to part 1
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prankprincess123 · 1 year
I find it really funny that in Star Wars, Han is canonically about the same age as Kanan & Hera (only a few years younger even in old canon), but because of how they grew up they veiw people 10y younger than them completely opposite ways.
Like Kanan & Hera grew up in active war zones with Generals as parents. They were forced to grow up FAST. They had to be functionally adults before they got a chance to be teenagers. And resultingly they look at anyone young enough to not remember the Clone Wars as babies. They see an angry Mandalorian teenager as the toddler she was in the Clone Wars, drawing on walls to express emotions she can't otherwise express. They see a force sensitive street rat as the tiny crecheling who wasn't even born till the final days, and wouldn’t have even entered the temple until a few years after the war, but who would have ended up his Padawan eventually anyway. And they adopt both in a heartbeat. They're in their 20s and see these teenagers, and are just like "Ah yes, our kids," and they are VERY much parental figures with an obvious generational gap.
But while Han does remember the Clone Wars vividly, he wasn't on or anywhere near the front lines. And he didn't have anyone actively raising him. He didn't have a chance to grow up and got stuck in a mental standstill during adolescence. So he looks at Luke & Leia, and he sees peers. It doesn't matter that he lived through an entire war before they were born, cause he sees very little difference between that one and the one they're currently in. He sees them as his own age group just a little younger and treats them accordingly. He treats them as friends and equals. Leia isn't a kid in his eyes, she's a spitfire woman who has seen more war than he has. And there's a little bit of big-brother-ing to Luke - but more based on Luke's naïvety than age. Theres nothing to suggest he views any real age gap between them, let alone a generational one.
But they're still the same age, and from what we see of their interactions are very much peers and friendly rivals themselves. Which makes me laugh at the confusion Han would react with to realizing that Hera's children are older (even if only by 2 days) than the twins and childhood friends with Leia...
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blxkstar · 3 months
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I made a playlist for using the Light Side of the Force.
Using inspiration of the feeling of tapping into the light side, and feeling the Force flow through you. Please check it out!!
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"The Force. What does it feel like?" "Have you ever been afraid of the dark? How does it feel when you turn on the light?” “I feel safe,” “Yes, it feels like that.”
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halofaxu · 9 months
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Christmas gift for my dear friend x
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eznan · 9 months
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I like this one <3
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Hera: children you have not found the love of your life if you didn’t find them in the trash!
*Sabine and Ezra both look at Kanan*
Kanan: why do you assume that I was in the trash?!
Leia: no she’s got a point
Ezra: does this mean I can space Kallus cuz Zeb didn’t find him in the trash!
Kallus: Bridger I swear
Zeb: kid….Kallus was the trash
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mayawakening · 7 months
Hera, Ahsoka, Zeb and Chopper sitting around the table, griping.
Ahsoka: The vibe in here has been such a downer lately, all the others feel so tense and moody. I can't get Rex to go anywhere for fun.
Zeb: Yeah, Kal's been all dark and grumbly the last few days and 'Bine wont come out of her room.
Chopper: Whomp Whumpp, Whop
Hera: Chop, why would zapping Ezra make him feel better? But you're right, Kanan's been napping a lot too.
All: *Grumble*
Ahsoka: ......Wait, doesn't sunlight boost serotonin levels in humans?
----------Moments Later-------
Kanan: *Being dragged out of the Ghost* Hera, please be reasonable.
Hera: Nope, you are banned from the ship for the rest of the day.
Kallus: *Being hauled out into the light by a very smug Zeb* *Angry raccoon noises*
Rex: *Suddenly force-shoved halfway across field* Do you REALLY need to keep doing that???
Ahsoka: *Smiling innocently* Yep.
Sabine: *Angrily stalks out of ship on her own with the faint sound of screaming behind her* Ezra, come on!! If I have to be out here, so do you!!
Ezra: *Shrieking* FINE, I'll GO, now stop doing that!!
Chopper: *Waves shock arm menacingly at Ezra while giggling maniacally*
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rancidsugar · 5 months
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HAPPY MAY THE 4th ! ! !
(im not late i swear)
don’t read this part unless u are joe
@johkku were do I start, *sigh* you evil man you. Anyway, here’s a drawing for you because a letter to you would take at least 6 years off my life.
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never-ending-fanfic · 1 month
The Dragon Prince x Rebels AU
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I'm excited to announce I officially finished drawing the designs for the Spectres in The Dragon Prince universe! I already talked about it in this post, but made a few changes. Their elf race is based mostly off of their personalities, not appearance so:
Hera- Skywing Elf (she loves flying and as a pilot, she needed to have wings, so she's in this small percentage of Skywing Elves who are born with them)
Kanan- Startouched Elf (both he and Erza fit with this, because Startouched Elves are the most myselterious and powerful race
Ezra- Startouched Elf (^)
Sabine- Sunfire Elf (I mostly went with the fact that I can give her a bow and she could shoot flaming arrows at her enemies- you know, like bombs. Also Mandaloria s kinda remind me of Sunfire Elves in general)
Zeb- Earthblood Elf (that should be obvious- he's big, he's strong and I don't know if that's because of all the headcanons about Lasats being very close to nature, he fits with Earthblood Elves the most)
Kallus- Moonshadow Elf (perfect for an assassin spy, who would join up with the Spectres later on- and also by the light of Lothal's Moons- COME ON, IT'S PERFECT)
Also I'm so so so excited for their marks to match with their Rebels designs- Hera's lekku markings, Kanan's Jaig eyes, Sabine's helmet designs, Zeb's stripes and Kallus' freckles- the only problem was Ezra, I had to get a little more creative
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skywalkerrtno · 7 months
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I love him 😭
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