#ezrabine fanfiction
glouchyouchy · 4 months
The Mandalorian and the Jedi, Ch11
Hi there! I'm back - AND finally with a new chapter. :)
( I know it's too early, but I wrote this for the Sabezra event next week - but I'm going to be extremely busy at work ( writing this fic has, in many ways, been my sole refuge these past months ) by then, so I figured I'd post this now :) )
Hope this hits the spot, hope all is going well this February, dear reader. Thank you for reading ^_^
[ EDIT 1 : My goodness, I can't believe I forgot to thank @jedimandalorian for her ideas regarding Sabine and Ezra ( specifically why they'd fall for each other, and why they're so perfect for each other ^_^ Her fic, I'll Be Home for Life Day ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/51796369 ) is a must-read, in my humble opinion ^_^ ( for those younger boys and gals who may be reading this post : read her fic if you want to know how to treat someone right :) )
While I'm at it, and while I didn't forget to shout her out in the notes at the bottom of the fic, thanks @alphaofdarkness for inspiring the imagery for the last part of this chapter ^_^ ]
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grxceful-ly · 1 month
it was bound to happen
“Remember when you came to my room that one time? Looking for Ezra? I said I hadn’t seen him but I had, of course! He was in my room. We were ki—”
The next thing he knew he was halfway across the room, leaning on the very tips of his toes so that he could reach Sabine, hands thrown over her mouth to muffle whatever she’d been about to say next.
Or: When it came down to it, Ezra really thought he’d be the one who said the wrong thing.
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read more on AO3!
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kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
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summary: "Though all Mandalorians placed heavy emphasis on the value of their beskar armor, for some it was just armor, a thing only to be taken up in a time of war. Others believed that to remove your helmet or even so much as a glove around another living being was to make yourself an outcast. Most Mandalorians fell somewhere on the spectrum between them, and house Wren and its clan leaned towards the latter, not allowing themselves to remove their helmet. Their custom held one distinct caveat: once a Mandalorian had chosen a partner, a partner for life, their souls bound by a tie no man could sever— then, and only for them, could they remove their helmet, and share their face for the first time with another living soul." or, "the au in which ezra falls for sabine without even seeing her face" word count: 7927 words a/n: I hope you guys are having a great week! the good news is that I'll hopefully be writing more fic over the next couple weeks! the bad news is that that's because I'm on crutches at the moment and avoiding doing fanarts for related reasons… let's just say, I now know firsthand that getting stabbed in the foot REALLY hurts. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this fic, because I had a lot of fun writing it! It's my longest sabezra oneshot, so far, so that's exciting! shoutout to the talented and creative @kanerallels and the lovely and sillygirlcoded @laughingphoenixleader for betaing! taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @dootchster @lucasbridger @redroverrider @light-umbra @commander-tech @jedimandalorian @notanodinarygirl {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
This is (Kinda) The Way
 There were two kinds of people Mandalorians disagreed with— others and themselves. For every disagreement a Mandalorian had with an outsider, they had even more among their own ranks. Customs, traditions, and language were the biggest one, especially when it came to the one thing that united them all— their armor.
 Though all Mandalorians placed heavy emphasis on the value of their beskar armor, for some it was just armor, a thing only to be taken up in a time of war. Others believed that to remove your helmet or even so much as a glove around another living being was to make yourself an outcast.
 Most Mandalorians fell somewhere on the spectrum between them, and house Wren and its clan leaned towards the latter, not allowing themselves to remove their helmet. Their custom held one distinct caveat: once a Mandalorian had chosen a partner, a partner for life, their souls bound by a tie no man could sever— then, and only for them, could they remove their helmet, and share their face for the first time with another living soul.
 If this were a normal day, Ezra would be sitting on the familiar outskirts of his home city right now, feasting on whatever he could get his hands on. Instead, he was on a starship in the vacuum of space, with a group of rebels who thought it better to steal for others than for themselves— and somehow, it felt right, not just helping others, but the people he was helping others with.
 In the few days he'd been on the Ghost, he'd gotten to know everyone pretty well. Hera was kind and brave, Kanan was cranky but meant well and cared about people almost as much as Hera did, Zeb would flatten him if he got within two feet of himself or his food, and Chopper loved nothing more than making others miserable— overall, it wasn't an awful combination.
 The one member of the crew Ezra had a hard time connecting with was Sabine. Maybe it was because of how she'd shrug him off whenever he'd talk to her, or the fact that she didn't eat in the galley with the rest of the Spectres— but more than likely, it was because she was always wearing that helmet, and the armor that (mostly) matched it. He'd never seen her without it, and from what he'd gathered, no one else in the crew had either.
 That afternoon, he'd run into her in the galley, as she was grabbing a meal to take back to her room. No one else was around, so he figured now was as good a time as any to risk a social blunder.
 "Why do you always wear that armor?" Ezra asked.
 Sabine stopped partway through the cup of juice she was pouring herself, just for a moment, then continued.
 "I'm a Mandalorian," Sabine said.
 "Okay?" Ezra shrugged. Mandalorians had come to Lothal before, and they'd had no problems with taking off their helmets. "I've seen Mandalorians take off their helmets before."
 "Well, they must not've been from clan Wren," Sabine said. That was the closest she gave to an explanation before storming off, much faster than normal.
 Ezra told himself not to replicate that mistake again.
 "Can I talk to you?" Ezra asked, taking a seat in the cockpit diagonal from Hera— Sabine's seat, he could tell from the paint job, but she wasn't around anyways at the moment.
 "Sure," Hera said.
 "I just," Ezra sighed, "I know you're the best person to ask— that is if I don't wanna get laughed at for asking or end up getting my question answered with two more questions I don't know the answer to like Kanan always does."
 Hera smiled a little as Ezra said that, which he added to his mental folder of What Exactly Is Going On Between Kanan And Hera, Anyways?
 "Why doesn't Sabine take off her helmet?" Ezra asked, "I know lots of Mandalorians who do, well, one or two of them, and I don't really personally know them, but..."
 He could tell his question had been a serious one to Hera, because when he asked, she turned away from the ship's controls for the first time since before he came in. Instead, she turned to Ezra, her hands folded in her lap as she leaned toward him.
 "Not all Mandalorians are the same," Hera said, "just like not all Twil'eks, humans, or Jedi. Different clans have different customs they adhere to."
 Ezra nodded. That kind of made sense.
 "What happened to the rest of Sabine's clan?" Ezra asked. It was hard to tell exactly how old she was because of the helmet, but she didn't seem too much older than he was, and he'd never heard mention of her family.
 "Mandalorians are a brave people," Hera answered, slowly, "fierce warriors who don't like change in their customs and traditions. Naturally they're not the kind of people the Empire likes having around. I never asked questions when we found Sabine, at least, not after I learned she wouldn't answer them."
 Hera shook her head, and Ezra nodded. The Empire had probably done the same thing to Sabine's family that they'd done to his.
 "Armor is important to a Mandalorian," Hera said, "handed down from generation to generation. It might be one of the only things she still has."
 "I get it," Ezra said, and stood up to leave.
 "One more thing," Hera said, and Ezra turned back to her, "she may have a rough exterior, but that doesn't mean she doesn't need a few good friends."
 Ezra nodded. If there was anyone who seemed hard to make friends with, it was Sabine— so if there was anyone who needed friends, it must be her.
 Even in the midst of yet another heated disagreement with Chopper and Zeb, Ezra wasn't gonna abandon Operation Be Sabine's Friend, so when he saw her painting in her room with the door open, he only felt it right to stop and say hi.
 "What are you working on?" Ezra asked, leaning his arm against the doorframe.
 "A little piece I like to call 'none of your business.'"
 "Okay," Ezra shrugged, "well, if you ever get tired of painting 'none of your business' and need inspiration..."
 "I'll be sure to look elsewhere," Sabine said, then mumbled something under her breath in some language Ezra didn't understand.
 Ezra didn't have time to ask what that meant before Chopper zoomed by, running into Ezra and almost knocking into him, and leaving Ezra to forget about his quest to befriend Sabine.
 At least, until that night, when he counted it a victory that Sabine had painted himself and Zeb on the wall of their room, even if it was the most humiliating representation of him he'd ever seen.
 Ezra knocked on Sabine's door, and was surprised when she actually opened it this time.
 "What is it?" Sabine asked, arms crossed.
 "She must be in a better mood than normal today," Ezra thought.
 "I just," Ezra shrugged, "I know you like doing art and painting and stuff, and you do a really good job at it."
 "And?" Sabine asked.
 "I," Ezra pulled a stormtrooper helmet out from behind his back, "I wanted to know if you'd paint this for me?"
 "I wanted a helmet to wear on missions," Ezra said, "that way no one knows who I am."
 "What, using other criminal's names as an alias just isn't cutting it for you?"
 "I'm serious," Ezra said.
 "Then wouldn't it be better to leave it plain?" Sabine asked, though she took the helmet from him, which was a good sign, and she held it up and surveyed its surfaces.
 "Nope," Ezra said, "last time I went in there with a white bucket, Zeb said he couldn't tell the difference between me and the troopers and knocked me out cold. I don't want him to have that excuse anymore."
 "I'll see what I can do," Sabine said. She closed the door before Ezra could get another word in, and he didn't see her for the rest of the day.
 "Look alive, Jedi!"
 Ezra looked up just in time to see an unidentified flying object hurtling towards his face, and surprised himself by catching it— this Jedi stuff was really paying off. He looked at the large chunk of plastoid in his hands and quickly recognized it as the helmet he'd given Sabine the previous morning, though now it had a fresh paint job. Ezra didn't know much about art, but he could recognize Sabine's handiwork.
 "It's perfect," he said, looking up overtop it to see Sabine, seating herself proudly on the table he was sitting at.
 "It's nothing," Sabine said, "the only thing better than painting is defacing Imperial property in the process."
 Ezra smiled as he tried the helmet on, suddenly remembering something else he'd taken— or, helped take, anyways— from the Empire.
 "This is great," Ezra said, then leaned closer to her, "I just might commission you to work your magic on some other stolen Imperial property, if you're up to it. Something much larger than a helmet."
 He could hear the excitement in her voice, despite how hard she tried to hide it.
 "What do you have in mind?"
 "A TIE Fighter?" Sabine asked, standing outside the cave on Lothal not long after, "are you crazy?"
 "Come on," Ezra said, wondering if this was a mistake, "you said you wanted to deface government property."
 "How did you even get a TIE Fighter here?" Sabine asked. 
 She walked around the fighter, clearly studying its surfaces as though envisioning what they'd look like when she was done with it.
 Ezra smiled. She'd already taken the bait.
 "Zeb and I may have 'borrowed' it when we went on a wild meiloorun hunt," he explained.
 "Yeah," her helmet peeked out around the wing she was standing behind, "and Kanan and Hera told you to destroy it."
 "I know," Ezra fake-sighed, "but our options were blow it up without the best explosives expert on our team— or leave it as a canvas for her next masterpiece. I guess the choice is up to you..."
 "Go grab my spraycans."
 Ezra had never watched Sabine work before, but she'd said he could stay as long as he kept lookout at the mouth of the cave and didn't say anything, and Ezra took that as a step up from the usual.
 He bit back his hundreth question in the last few hours, knowing that if he was going to get Sabine mad at him for talking, it would have to be something a lot better than "is orange your favorite color? Mine too."
 He held his hand out and sensed as much as he could, every Loth Rat and Loth Cat within a good sized radius of the cave— but not another sentient life for about as far.
 The very first orange hues started creeping into the horizon. They'd need to be getting back soon.
 He turned back to Sabine, and since he couldn't see her face, he'd learned to read her body language to make up for it, and she seemed to really be enjoying herself and her work.
 He'd never seen an artist at work before, and was impressed by how in command of the spraycan she was. Ezra had tried drawing once or twice, and found his Loth Cats looked like angry jogan fruits, and his people looked like a platter of noodles that'd just had a very bad day.
 Apparently, reflection on his own inability to draw wasn't the best thing to do on an empty stomach.
 But Sabine's art was almost less like a drawing and more like a piece of herself, like maybe if Ezra studied it enough, he'd see all the pieces of her she hid.
 And if that was the case, then she must be absolutely beautiful.
 "Wow," Ezra whispered, apparently not as quietly as he absentmindedly had thought.
 "That doesn't sound like not talking," Sabine was quick to reply.
 "Sorry," Ezra shook his head, not even having noticed until now how hard he was staring at her, "I just, how are you so good at that?"
 "Practice," Sabine said, "a little hard work and discipline will get you pretty far."
 "That's what Kanan's always saying," Ezra rolled his eyes.
 "Well maybe you should start listening," Sabine called back, "or, at the very least, stop talking."
 "Sorry," Ezra said, then looked back out at the horizon. As much as he enjoyed this secret painting session, he was getting hungry, and knew the rest of the crew would be suspicious if he missed a meal.
 "We should get heading back soon," Ezra said, "It's almost dark."
 "I'm almost done," Sabine said, adding one last white stripe, "there. Now I'm done."
 Ezra got up and walked over to the TIE Fighter, in awe.
 "Am I allowed to talk now?" Ezra asked.
 "I guess," Sabine said. He could hear the sarcasm in her voice as she packed up her art supplies.
 "It's amazing," Ezra said, "way to stick it to the Empire."
 "I am pretty good at what I do," Sabine shrugged.
 "Oh, more than that," Ezra said, "it's a shame no one else will ever see this."
 "It's not about others seeing it," Sabine said, grabbing her case of spraycans, "this one was for me. It's about the process."
 Ezra nodded. After seeing how lost in the process Sabine got, he understood why it all meant so much to her.
 "Sabine?" he said, as they left the cave.
 "Thanks for sharing it with me."
 Ezra had always thought Sabine was cool. He met her stealing from the Empire, and she'd jumped off a rooftop onto a moving speederbike— how much cooler could someone get? Combined with the custom armor and quick wit, she was strong contender for coolest person he'd ever met.
 And the more he got to know her, the cooler she got. She designed her own armor. She was a weapons expert. She was, apparently, fluent in two different languages, which was probably what made her so quick to come up with insults.
 Sabine always knew what to say, good or bad— usually scalding and rude— and Ezra didn't mind hearing it. Somehow she could make an insult feel as special as a compliment. It was almost like the sound of her voice was enough to give him unreasonable joy.
 "Ugh," Zeb growled one night as he trudged into their room, "why haven't you gotten rid of that thing Sabine painted on the wall?"
 "It's not a thing!" Ezra defended, sitting up on his bunk, "it's art."
 "It's a stupid drawing of us from years ago," Zeb said, "and frankly, I'm getting tired of looking at it."
 "Yeah," Ezra said, "well, I'm not."
 He turned his back to him as he laid back down, but not before noticing a smile on the Lasat's face, and he could hear him chuckle over his shoulder.
 "That's what I thought," Zeb said, smugly.
 "Oh, nothing," Zeb laughed, something surprisingly not unpleasant in his voice.
 Ezra recognized that tone. It was the same tone the guys on the base used whenever he'd tell them about the latest mission he'd gone on with Sabine, and it usually carried a "wow, Bridger, when are you gonna just ask the tin can out already?" with it. The other young guys in the rebellion were, well, just that, young guys. They could scarcely go more than five minutes without talking about girls and who was going with who and which girls they would be going with if this war ever gave them a night off, so it was only natural that they'd joke about the possibility that Ezra had a crush on Sabine.
 But Zeb? Zeb had never talked with Ezra about girls or feelings or anything like that before, never even hinted at it— until now. Something about a mostly-trusted, somewhat-wise, maybe-in-some-ways-experienced crewmate hinting at it made the possibility of Ezra liking Sabine made it feel all the more real.
 "There's no way I have a crush on Sabine," Ezra thought, "I've never even seen her face before. I mean, she is amazing, coolest person I know. And sure, I like spending time with her, and anytime I start talking to her I don't want to stop, but that's normal, right? And sure, my heart skipped a beat that time she grabbed my arm to pull me out of the way of Imperial fire, but what if that's just the adrenaline of the fight, right? Just because I can't stop thinking about her and want to keep hanging out with her for the rest of my life and feel all giggly whenever I think about her doesn't mean I have a crush on her, right?"
 He looked over at her handiwork graffitied on his wall and smiled rather stupidly.
 "Who am I kidding?" Ezra sighed, "I definitely have a crush on her."
 It wasn't too long before Ezra had realized that not only did he have feelings for Sabine, those feelings were growing. More and more frequently, he caught himself thinking about her when he was supposed to be doing other things like Jedi meditations and recon missions.
 A favored distraction of his male curiosity was Sabine and her constantly shrouded face. He respected her privacy, and never attempted to see her face— besides, maybe the mystery was part of the charm— and often when he'd fall asleep at night, he'd try to imagine what her face looked like. At first, the faces ended up looking similar to other people, girls he'd met on the base, a bounty hunter he'd had a run-in with, or even a merchant girl he'd seen in the village. But every time, she seemed Not Quite Right, and he'd try again. Eventually he started coming up with all kinds of versions of her— one night she'd be a redhead, the next he'd imagine her with green skin, then after that she'd have eyes that were just black blobs— it didn't really matter. He'd only ever see her with her helmet on anyway, so what did it matter?
 But even with the helmet, anytime she walked in the room, he could feel his heart race like she was the most beautiful girl alive.
 "Karabast," Ezra muttered, jumping back a bit by instinct from the blue milk that overflowed from the glass he was pouring it into and spilling all over his hand, and now onto the floor.
 "I should know better than to pour myself a drink when Sabine enters the galley," Ezra thought, setting his drink down on the counter behind him as he searched for a cloth to clean it up with, "a Jedi has to stay focused."
 "Need a hand?"
 He heard Sabine's voice behind him and turned around quickly— too quickly, as his forehead rammed into helmet.
 "Ow!" Ezra said, wondering what could possibly make an armor that hard.
 "Sorry," Sabine said, and her gloved hand touched the now-sore spot on his forehead, "are you alright?'
 "I'm fine," Ezra said, ignoring the pain in his forehead for the moment. He'd dropped the towel, and now he swirled it around the floor with his foot to clean up the spill, knowing that as bad as the injury was, it couldn't be nearly as bad as what would happen if Hera caught sight of the mess he'd made. "My forehead isn't dented, is it?"
 "I'm no medic," Sabine said, opening the conservator and scrounging around in it, "but it looks like it'll be the opposite. At least you'll be able to make up one of your elaborate stories about the bump it'll leave."
 "Oh yeah," Ezra said, "about how I accidentally went head-to-head with a Mandalorian and ended up almost literally crying over spilled milk."
 She laughed a little at his attempted joke, then pulled a frozen bag out of the conservator.
 "Put this on it," Sabine handed it to him, "that'll numb the pain and slow the bruising, or something like that."
 "Thanks," Ezra said, and as he pressed the bag of frozen rations to his forehead, Sabine bent down and finished taking care of his mess on the floor.
 "What happened, anyways?" she asked.
 "I guess I got distracted," Ezra said, still distracted by her.
 "While pouring a glass of milk?" Sabine asked, looking up at him quizzically before turning back to her work of drying up the floor.
 "Yeah," Ezra scratched the back of his neck.
 "I've noticed you've seemed a little spacey recently," Sabine said, "almost distant. Something on your mind?"
 "More like someone," Ezra said, before he could stop himself, and she looked up again before he had a chance to get that stupid love struck smile off his face.
 She stopped what she was doing for half a second, then got up off the floor.
 "I gotta go," Sabine said.
 She tossed the towel onto the counter behind him and turned to leave, but Ezra didn't want to see her go, not now or ever. He searched his words for something to say that would make her stay.
 "I don't know how to ask you out!"
 Ezra could tell without even needing to see her face that, as unexpected as his words were, Sabine still couldn't've been more surprised to hear him say that than he was. Still, she stopped and turned halfway back to him, so whatever he'd just done, had accidentally worked.
 "Normally if I wanted to ask a girl out," Ezra said, knowing the oncoming ramble was going to sound desperate— which wasn't entirely inaccurate, "which, technically I never have— at least, not with it actually leading to a date— but if I did, I'd ask them if they wanna go get dinner, which you, specifically, don't really do with people. So then I'd ask about getting ice cream instead, but then: same problem. So then I've been trying to think of different activities you like that we could do together, but all I could think of is fighting the Empire and defacing government property— which we already do together, and could do more of, but those don't really sound like date night activities, unless we were holding hands, but...."
 Sabine had walked over to him while he was rambling, and now she stood in front of him, arms crossed.
 "Are you asking me on a date, Ezra?" Sabine asked.
 "I'm trying to," Ezra said, "is it working?"
 "Me?" Sabine asked, "you want to go on a date with me?"
 "That's the hope," he shrugged, "if you're up for it."
 "Why?" Sabine asked, "is this some cheap attempt to try and get my guard down? It's not some ploy to try to see me without my helmet, right? Because...."
 "I know," Ezra said, "you don't take your helmet off. It's a clan thing. I wouldn't ask that of you."
 Sabine took a heavy breath. "You'd really go out on a date with me, armor and all, just because you like to spend time with me? No ulterior motives?"
 "And you're okay with the fact that you'd never see my face?"
 "Absolutely," Ezra said.
 "How about a holofilm at seven tomorrow night?"
 "Eat dinner separately first?" Ezra asked.
 "Sounds like a date."
 He smiled as Sabine walked away, unsure how he'd managed to do that, but very glad that he had.
 About halfway through the holofilm, Sabine's hand found its way into Ezra's.
 "You're okay with the fact that I'm wearing gloves?" Sabine had whispered.
 "Of course," Ezra'd whispered back, his emotions a flutter at the mere fact that she was on a date was him, that her hand was in his at all, even with the layer of leather between them.
 Sabine Wren had said yes to a date with him, and now their fingers were interlocked as they watched a holofilm together at the base's rec room. Her helmet, hard and heavy though it was, laid against his shoulder. What more could he possibly ask for?
 As they walked back to The Ghost together afterwards, their fingers were still entwined.
 Ezra noticed the chill in the air— he'd been planning on it, and had worn a jacket over his nicer shirt tonight, because he knew either he'd be cold, or, better yet, she'd be cold, and he'd have the chance to do what the boyfriends in all the old holos did.
 Much to Ezra's delight, Sabine shivered as a gust of wind blew across the base.
 "Those old Mandalorian traditions don't say anything against wearing a jacket over your armor, do they?" Ezra asked.
 "Well, no," Sabine said, and before she could say anything more, he'd let go of her hand, taken his jacket off, and draped both the jacket and his arm over her shoulder.
 "How's that?" Ezra asked.
 Sabine huddled a little bit closer to him.
 "Perfect," she said.
 They walked together in silence for a moment, Ezra knowing full well that if he opened his mouth he'd ruin the moment and blow all chances of a second date.
 "Ezra?" Sabine asked, her voice a whisper as they neared the Ghost.
 She stopped in her tracks, and he did too.
 "Do you want to do this again sometime?" Sabine looked at him, her head barely tilted up, a glimmer of a reflection of the stars in her visor.
 "If it's all the same with you," Ezra said, his tone still hushed, "I'd like to do this again a lot more times."
 "Really?" Sabine asked, "you wouldn't have a problem going steady with someone you've never seen face to face?"
 "Of course not," Ezra said, and he turned toward her and took both of her cold gloved hands in his, "I could spend the rest of my life with you and still not have a problem with never seeing your face."
 Sabine didn't respond, and Ezra was bad enough at reading expressions, but especially when he couldn't even see the other person's expressions. Maybe that was too soon, too fast. On any other first date, that would've seemed too forward, but when you've been fighting side by side with someone for years, living on the same ship and sharing your struggles, a first date hardly felt like the first one. Still, maybe something as big as "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," was a little too much for a first date doorstop conversation, and he'd probably ruined his chances right there.
 He loosened his grip on her hands, but she tightened hers, not letting his hands slip away.
 "I don't always have to wear my helmet, Ezra," Sabine said.
 "What?" Ezra asked, "I mean, I know you take it off to eat, and probably to sleep too, and maybe when you use the sonic, not that I've thought about that, but you always have to wear it around others, right? That's what Hera said."
 "Hera doesn't know everything," Sabine said, "I can take off my helmet, but...."
 Her voice trailed off, but he desperately wanted to follow it. He nodded and squeezed her hands a little, silently pleading her to continue.
 "Our clans customs don't say we can't ever take off our helmets," Sabine said, "but that the only person who can see us without our helmets is our ruusaar riduur, our life partner. It's a huge commitment, one that some spouses don't even make with each other."
 Ezra smiled. "So you're saying I have a chance?"
 "I'm saying there's almost no chance," Sabine said, "like I said, it's a commitment, and I don't do so well with committing to anything, and, besides, we'll probably fall apart before we reach that point anyway."
 "Not on my watch," Ezra said, not about to let anything happen to push Sabine out of his life, "and thank you for telling me."
 "This still doesn't change anything." 
 "Of course not," Ezra said, "I still love you just the way you are."
 He was barely an inch or two taller than her, but that didn't stop him from standing on his tiptoes, leaning towards her, and planting a kiss on top of her helmet.
 "Same time next week?" Sabine asked.
 "It's a date," Ezra said.
 Several dates and missions and trials and soft-giggles-while-staring-at-each-other-from-a-distance-es later, Sabine found herself with the choice to go back to help her people. Though Ezra strongly encouraged her to go, it wasn't without tears on both of their parts, and if it wasn't for the whispered, "I'll wait for you"s in their goodbye hug before she left, he would've certainly assumed it was over for them.
 But instead he held out hope for them, trusted that the same force that brought them together and connected them across the galaxy would bring them back together, and his waiting paid off not long after, when he found her in his arms again, this time in a hug that meant hello instead of goodbye.
 "I've missed you," Ezra whispered, holding her tightly and not willing to let her go, ignoring for the moment that Kanan and her entire clan were watching them.
 "Me too," Sabine whispered.
 He then let her go, knowing he hadn't made a great impression on her family the first time he met them and wanting to rectify that— especially when they began the mission to save her father. Maybe he kriffed up in his first meeting with her mom and her brother, but he determined that her dad's first impression of him would be a good one.
 "Are you with my daughter?" Alrich asked, as Ezra jumped in to save him as part of their mission.
 "If that's okay with you, sir," Ezra said, then realized the question was about the status of her rescue mission, not the status of her relationship, "I mean, uh, yeah, we're, uh, we're here to rescue you."
 Though his answer wasn't more rambly than normal, he felt more like an idiot than normal. Sabine always found his stumbling through his words cute and endearing, but the other Mandalorians didn't appreciate his candid words much, preferring instead to see action. So, Ezra made sure to show plenty of it, fighting alongside them later with such reckless boldness that he took a blaster bolt to the left shoulder and still kept going until the battle was over.
 As the medical droid tended to his wound, Sabine sat next to him, holding his right hand lovingly as she sent forth a flurry of angry Mando'an words at him that amounted to a more colorful version of "don't you dare do something that dangerous and stupid again."
 "Aww, 'Bine," Ezra smiled under his helmet, (he always wore one of his repurposed helmets on Krownest, to respect her people's traditions,) "I didn't know you cared so much."
 "Maybe next time that happens I'll just let you bleed out," Sabine teased.
 "You wouldn't dare," Ezra said, "besides, what is it you always say? Something about finding my combat skills and selfless bravery attractive?"
 "Bravery?" Sabine asked, "more like borderline stupidity."
 "And this one was skillful, brave, and borderline stupid," Ezra said, wishing his helmet didn't hide the playful expression on his face, "admit it, you thought it was hot."
 "Maybe a little," Sabine said nudging his uninjured shoulder with hers, "just never do something that ho- stupid again, understand?"
 "You and I both know I can't avoid that," Ezra said.
 "I know," Sabine faked an overdramatic sigh as she rested her head on his shoulder.
 Apparently his heroics charmed the rest of the clan as well, especially Alrich. Sabine chose to return with Ezra and Kanan to the Rebellion, and as her family gathered to say their farewells, her father bestowed upon Ezra a special gift.
 "We want you to have this," he said, and handed Ezra a shoulder pauldron, one that was inlaid with the Wren family crest.
 "Thank you," Ezra said, studying the heavy hunk of metal he'd been gifted, then looking up at Sabine's parents with gratitude, "it's a huge honor."
 "You were shot protecting our clan," Ursa said, "and Clan Wren honors that. This shoulder guard will protect your arm while it heals. Not even your lightsaber is strong enough to cut it."
 "Is this real beskar?" Ezra asked.
 "Of course," Ursa said, "it belonged to Sabine's ancestors. Clan Wren has carried it for generations, and counting."
 Ezra didn't exactly have time to unpack all the meaning in that sentence, but he was pretty sure those last few words meant something along the lines of Ezra being on his way to becoming part of their clan now, a high honor.
 "Thank you," Ezra said.
 "Be good to her," was all Alrich said in reply, and as Sabine's hand slipped into Ezra's, he understood what he meant.
 "I will," Ezra nodded, "I don't intend to do anything that stupid."
 "He made a promise not to do anything stupid," Sabine said.
 "The jury's still out on how long Bridger can keep from doing something stupid," her brother interrupted, "but he's earned my respect."
 "I'll take care of her," Ezra said, "and if I don't, well, I have full confidence that she can 'take care' of me, and probably knows at least a dozen ways to hide the body."
 "Two dozen," Sabine said, and that's when Ezra knew he'd been on Krownest for too long, because there was something almost romantic in the way she'd just threatened him, and he'd been around Mandalorians long enough that he enjoyed it.
 As soon as they were back on the ship on the way back to the fleet, Ezra took off his helmet. He didn't like how it limited his visibility, its awkward bulk, how heavy it made his head feel. He then took off his gloves so he could fluff his hair up a little— another thing he couldn't stand about his helmet was how sweaty it made his hair, and somehow at the same time staticky, clinging closely to his head in a way that didn't feel natural.
 He heard a sigh behind him and saw Sabine sitting on the bench he stood next to, the chin of her helmet resting on her fists, her arms propped up on her knees, apparently watching him with great interest.
 "What?" Ezra asked, smiling as he sat down next to her.
 "I've missed your stupid face," Sabine sighed, her gloved hand running along his scars as though she thought she'd never see them again. Though they'd seen each other a lot these past few days, Ezra'd never taken his helmet off unless he was by himself— or with just Kanan, who obviously didn't mind that Ezra didn't follow Mandalorian customs around him, and if he had minded, wouldn't've noticed anyways.
 But Sabine hadn't seen Ezra's face since before they first went to Krownest together, months ago, and from the tenderness of her leather touch, he knew it'd been too long for her.
 "Well," Ezra said, trying to flirt back and failing to find the words, "I'd missed your stupid, uh, helmet?"
 She laughed a little. "It's good to be going home."
 Ezra slid his hand under and around hers, and whispered, "you have no idea."
 Not too long after, Sabine and Ezra sat in the only place they'd ever found they could share a quiet moment together on the Ghost, sitting next to each other on the bottom bunk in Sabine's room.
 Well, "sitting next to each other" was an understatement. His arm was wrapped around her, and her hand held his, and her helmet rested on his chest, and they were talking and laughing with each other in a way they were sure no one else in the galaxy had ever experienced or could possibly understand.
 "I still don't know how I managed this," Ezra said.
 "Managed what?" Sabine asked.
 "The coolest, smartest, most beautiful girl in the entire Rebellion is my girlfriend," Ezra shook his head, "not bad for a street rat."
 Apparently only one word in that sentence mattered to Sabine.
 "Beautiful?" Sabine asked, "Ezra, you've never seen my face."
 "I don't have to to know that you're beautiful," Ezra said.
 "How do you figure that?"
 "Well, I've seen your art," Ezra started, "you're always saying that art is a reflection of the artist, and if that's the case, you must be absolutely gorgeous, because you're the most talented artist I've ever seen."
 Sabine nestled closer to him and hid herself even further in his embrace, like she often did when she was embarrassed by how much Ezra was complimenting her. The joke was on her though, because he really enjoyed it when she did that, and it only made him want to shower her with even more praise.
 "And I've heard your voice," Ezra said, "and anyone who can make an insult sound as pretty as you can must be very pretty herself. You have a really pretty laugh, too...."
 "Okay, I get it," Sabine said, barely stifling a really pretty and slightly flustered giggle.
 "I'm not done," Ezra said, "I've also seen how you fight, how graceful and smooth in even the most deadly battles. That's beauty. The pride in each and every one of your explosions that goes as planned, that's beauty. That tone of voice that makes me know your face is shining under that helmet: beauty; the heart you have that can't help but help others, no matter how you try to hide it— it's all so beautiful. You're all so beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful to me."
 "But you still haven't seen my face," Sabine said.
 "And I've told you a hundred thousand times it doesn't matter," Ezra said, "that I'd spend the rest of my life with you, even if I could never see your face."
 "And do you mean that?"
 "Every time."
 "Not just the 'if you'd never see my face' part," Sabine clarified, "the other part. You said it when we were younger, that you'd spend the rest of your life with me if you could. Do you still mean that as much as you did back then?"
 Ezra sat up properly, this conversation seeming to have gotten a bit more serious and wanting to show that he recognized that.
 "Sabine, I mean it so much more than I did back then," Ezra said, taking both her hands in his, "every time I say it I mean it a little bit more. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
 "But do you mean that?"
 "With all my heart."
 Sabine took a deep breath.
 "It's not like I'll never take off my helmet," Sabine said, "showing my face would be a sign of commitment. It would show that I'm absolutely sure I want to spend the rest of my life with someone. I'd have to know that I love someone enough, with all my heart and soul, to want to them to be my forever."
 "'Ruusaar riduur' is what you called it before," Ezra said.
 "Yeah," Sabine said.
 She slipped her hands out of his, and before he had the chance to wonder if it was because he'd done something wrong, he realized it must be because he'd done something right. Her hands gripped the sides of her helmet, then pulled it off her head.
 Ezra found himself absolutely speechless as he looked the face that he'd loved for years but only met now. He'd pictured her looking hundreds of thousands of ways, but this face, with the big brown eyes, and the shy smile, and the dark hair that didn't even reach her shoulders and somehow looked flawless despite her having worn her helmet for the last few hours, and this face— her face— was the most beautiful face he'd ever seen.
 It took him a moment to understand what it all meant. If she'd taken her helmet off, that meant that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him— the most beautiful girl in the world (and now he could with all the more integrity say that about her appearance) wanted to share her beauty with him, and only him, for the rest of her life? He didn't think he was lucky enough for this moment to ever come, but now, here it was, and she was lovely, and he loved her, and he'd never wanted to kiss her more in his life, and she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, and he could spend the rest of all time with her, and now, now he had to find some way to say the words that were swirling around in his mind.
 "You don't have to do this," Sabine thought, as she let go of Ezra's hands, "he likes you, you like him. Why risk vulnerability and commitment?"
 But as she looked at Ezra, she found she wanted commitment more than she'd ever imagined. She wanted him to know her face as intimately as she knew his, to see with his own two eyes who she really was, and for herself to look at him without her visor altering her perception.
 So, slowly, giving herself enough time to stop herself if she regretted it, she pulled her helmet off her head, for the first time in front of another life form since she'd put it on as a child, what felt like a lifetime ago. It felt vulnerable, and terrifying, but also freeing. She looked up at Ezra and smiled a little, wondering if he loved her face as much as he loved the rest of her— as much as she loved him.
 "Maybe this was a mistake," she thought, "maybe I should've just let him keep whatever version of me existed in his mind." She'd seen him flirt with lots of girls, back before they started dating, and none of them ever looked quite like her. What if, even without her armor, she still wasn't enough for him?
 But the smile that spread across his face said it all, and if not, enough words tumbled out at a parsec a minute to make up for the verbiage his expression could've lacked.
 "Why did you take off your helmet?" Ezra asked, and though anyone else could've left it at that question, the man she loved would never, and he followed it up with seventeen more. "how are you so pretty? I didn't know it was possible for someone to be so beautiful. Does this mean you want to spend forever with me, because I want to spend forever with you too? You're so pretty. I mean, that's not why I want to spend forever with you. I'd spend forever with you if I didn't get to see your face, but I'm so glad I get to see your face. You're literally the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life; I want to kiss you so badly. I mean, not that I'm gonna kiss you, unless you want me to, I just, I've never seen someone so beautiful in my whole entire life. I just, I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you to be so beautiful, I mean, not that I wasn't expecting you to be so beautiful, but I couldn't've expected you to be so beautiful, but, holy kriff…"
 Sabine already had a hard enough time with Ezra complimenting her on things she was often praised for, like her abilities and talents, but now that he was complimenting her on her beauty— she didn't know what beauty was, and how was she supposed to know if she was beautiful? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and no one had beheld her before, especially not like this. As it was, she almost wished that she was still wearing her helmet, because she was blushing so hard it was almost embarrassing.
 This had to stop. At the rate Ezra was going, he could go on talking like this for another three hours without sign of slowing down.
 Though Ezra was the only boy she'd ever dated, she knew boys well enough to know they came with one handy special feature— there was a pretty easy way to shut them up, one she'd secretly been wanting to try since before they left Krownest. Somewhere in his rambled confessions, she'd heard the words, "I want to kiss you," and lucky for him, the feeling was mutual.
 Before his lips could get him into any more trouble, she took over for them, grabbing him by the shirt collar and sending his lips crashing into hers. It still took him a couple seconds to grasp what was happening and shut up— that's about when the whispered "holy kriff" at the end came in— but he quickly understood the assignment, and as his lips touched hers, his hand touched her face, something passionate and gentle and unfamiliar and overwhelming. No one had seen her face before, let alone touched it. And now, here was his hand, his fingers twirling on her cheek, his other hand on her neck, with his thumb stroking a soft spot behind her ear.
 She pulled away from him, all of it seeming too good to be true. But when she read the love and excitement in his shining blue eyes, she believed it herself.
 "I love you," she whispered.
 "I love you too," he whispered back.
 And now, she was absolutely certain that he meant it.
 A few months later, they were back on Krownest— not for war, or for reunion, but for a wedding. 
 Sabine had told Ezra that he didn't need to adapt to her customs, that if they forged him his own armor, he'd be making the same commitment to it she had, but he insisted on becoming part of her world. She'd painted his armor herself, colors custom chosen by them both, and repainted her own armor to match it. He'd started wearing the helmet right away, partly because it was better than the repurposed trooper helmet he'd been wearing, and partly because he wanted to get used to the weight of it, and partly because he enjoyed looking like he belonged here.
 But except for that and the left shoulder guard that he'd scarcely taken off since he got it, Ezra hadn't worn the rest of his armor until today, when they stood side by side in a private wedding ceremony they held on the Ghost. It was a small gathering, Sabine's family and the Spectres as the only guests in attendance, but the happy couple hardly even noticed them. The ceremony passed quickly, even for a Mandalorian one, which was always quick anyways.
 If you'd asked her later, Sabine wouldn't be able to tell you much from that day, except for Ezra, and how she could almost feel the look on his face as he said his vows to her, and how deeply they both meant it when they declared themselves one with each other, and how there'd never been a more precious keldabe kiss (or "bonk of endearment" as Ezra would often call it in his silly little way with words) than the one that followed that ceremony.
 And the most perfect moment of her life would come that night, when Ezra held her in his arms without a scrap of beskar coming between them, a pure, intimate, human connection, one that spoke of love, a love of their own, beyond either of their wildest dreams.
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illuminatedquill · 4 months
Worship Me
A Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger story
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Story Summary: Tucked away inside their watchtower during a snowy night on Lothal, Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger ponder the future and their relationship.
The beverage dispenser whirred and deposited the last of its contents - sweet, sweet hot chocolate - into the mug; Ezra watched the steam waft up from the dark brown ambrosia, bringing with it the tantalizingly sweet aroma that made his mouth water.
Even with the heating unit at max, the watchtower's interior was still chilly. Outside the temperatures were approaching near freezing and bringing with it fresh concerns of an early, bitter winter with its sleet and snow. But, for now, the snow was harmless and provided an endless frosty wonderland for all the children - and not an insignificant number of adults - to enjoy. Ezra took the fresh mug of hot chocolate in one hand and grabbed another less recently filled one in his other and moved to the watchtower's balcony.
His partner, Sabine Wren, was standing there. Wrapped in a comfy gray shawl - a gift from her departed master, Ahsoka Tano - she leaned against the railing, watching the snow drift lazily down. Just beyond, lit brightly against the snowfall, was Lothal's Capital City with its gorgeous array of spires and skyscrapers. Ezra smiled wistfully, thinking of all the families living in those towers, their children's faces pressed against the glass to watch the snow come down.
He remembered with a pang of melancholy of doing just that with his own parents, Ephraim and Mira, many years ago. Waking up to see the snow, riding a sled down the hills of Lothal's fields, scampering after the loth cats to find their hidden burrows . . .
"Enjoying the view?" Sabine called to him, jolting him out of his reminiscing. He blinked, re-focusing on her.
Even after all these years, she still took his breath away with her beauty. Sabine's hair had grown a little longer, the dyed orange tips just brushing the top of her shoulders now. He knew she wouldn't grow it any longer, purely for practical reasons, but oh how he yearned to see Sabine with longer hair. Underneath the shawl, she wore casual clothes: a bright orange tunic, yellow combat pants, and maroon boots. Once upon a time, he had teased that her outfit was similar in style to the one he wore during the Rebellion and had received a sharp poke in the side for his observation (but he had noted slyly that Sabine was blushing as she did so).
Playing it cool (ha ha), he replied, "Yup."
Smooth, he thought dourly. Very cool, Ezra.
Sabine snorted and took one of the mugs to sip at. "Charming as always, Ezra."
He batted his eyes at her in, hopefully, a smoldering fashion. "Hey, it's a part of the package. Prince Charming, that's me."
She choked on the hot chocolate.
Using his sleeve to dab at her mouth, he said, "That wasn't meant to be a joke."
In between gasps of air, Sabine choked out, "You're going to kill me with any more of whatever this is you're trying to do."
Ezra sighed and took her gently by the arm. "Let's just head inside."
Once Sabine had settled down, they settled onto the couch and wrapped a large quilt - a gift from Zeb and Kallus (with an apology note from Kallus about the quilt's clumsy construction but Zeb tried really hard, and he hadn't the heart to tell him otherwise) - around themselves. Sabine was sipping at Ezra's mug of hot chocolate, since he was the reason why hers had been spilled. Normally he would have protested, especially since it was his favorite beverage, but Ezra had learned long ago that certain arguments were futile with Sabine, so he gladly acquiesced.
They sat there in silence, just listening to the watchtower's gentle mechanical hum and the occasional mewling from Murley, who had taken up the usual perch at his favorite window.
Ezra closed his eyes and took in the ambience, enjoying the simple feeling of being at home and beside the person he loved the most in this galaxy.
. . . And trying to ignore the fact his hands were shaking ever so slightly.
Sabine set down her mug on the table in front of them. He felt her turn towards him, leaning in close, her warm breath tickling his ear . . .
"Your hands are shaking, cyar'ika," she said quietly.
Ezra's eyes opened as he grimaced. "You caught that," he said glumly.
Sabine arched an eyebrow at him. "You can't hide anything from me, Ezra," she replied. "We're partners."
Ezra shrugged off his side of the quilt, glaring at his traitorous hands. "I don't know why they're doing that," he confessed. "It's been happening more and more lately."
She cocked her head at him, thinking. "Not during our missions," she said. "Only when we're home."
"Yeah," he said. "You think they'd be acting up while we're fighting off pirates or negotiating trade disputes or any number of stressful situations we've been in . . . but no. Just whenever we're home."
Sabine gently grasped his shaking hands. They stilled in her touch. "It's fear, I think," she surmised, studying his face. "And something more."
Ezra frowned at her. "What am I scared of when we're home, safe and sound, alone together?"
"Talk it out. Let your thoughts flow along with your feelings, cyar'ika."
Ezra sighed. "Okay," he replied. Closing his eyes, he reached out to the Force for calm and just . . . listened to himself, breathing in and out. He felt Sabine's presence beside him - a constant fierce light, radiating love and belief and support -
The quiet.
He opened his eyes, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck raise unsettlingly. "That's it," he murmured. "That's what it is."
Sabine looked at him, frowning. "What is it?"
"It's the quiet," Ezra said. "It's the peace. I'm not used to it."
He leaned back into the couch, processing this revelation. After a few moments he said, "Sabine, do you realize we've been fighting for most of our lives?"
Her grip on his hands tightened. Ezra looked and saw the discomfort appear on her face. "It's not something I like to dwell on," she said. "But, yeah. I know."
"I think it's come to the point where I feel more at home in a battlefield than I do at our actual home. The peace, the quiet . . . Sabine, it scares me. I'm scared it could be disrupted at a moment's notice, that it could be taken away."
Ezra stared at her, his vision going blurry. "I'm scared you could be taken away. Or me, taken from you. It all feels false, somehow. I can't truly enjoy it."
Sabine reached out and cradled his face to her chest. He heard the gentle, re-affirming beat of her heart. It calmed him a little.
"The galaxy's a scary place, Ezra. We've already lost each other once. I wish I could guarantee that it will never happen again . . . "
Ezra said bitterly, "You can't. No one can."
She turned his face upwards towards hers. "I love you, Ezra. That's all I can promise you. I'll love you until the stars go cold."
"Is it enough, Sabine? Love doesn't promise anything. It wasn't enough for Kanan and Hera. It didn't save Kanan. It killed him." The mention of his former master, Kanan Jarrus, brought a bitter taste to his mouth. He felt awful for saying it, but it held true. Kanan had loved Hera deeply - enough to give his life to ensure hers and everyone else's future on Lothal.
But he had still died. And he knew Hera still felt that loss keenly everyday.
Yes, the love had been there. But it hadn't changed anything.
Kanan still died. Hera had told him of the regrets she felt; things that should have been said but were put aside in the foolish hope that there would be another time to say them.
"You don't mean that, Ezra," said Sabine sharply. "I know you don't."
Ezra turned his face away, hiding his shame. He shrugged in response.
Sabine grabbed his face and wrenched it back towards her. Her brown eyes, normally bright and compassionate, burned with a fierce anger. "Listen to me," she said. "Do not let this fear turn you into something you're not, Ezra. You're better than this. I know you are."
Ezra let out a frustrated breath, bowing his head. "I know. I just . . . I don't know, Sabine. Will this be enough for us? With the lives we lead? I don't want there to be any regrets between us."
"You mean like Hera and Kanan?" asked Sabine. "I get what you mean."
He looked at her, feeling lost. "So what do we do?"
Sabine looked back at him. Then, with a soft touch, she placed a finger under his chin and titled his face up ever so slightly.
"If the love is not enough," she said softly, "then I will ask you for more."
Ezra stared at her, entranced. "What do you mean?"
Sabine leaned in close; the scent of her, a lilac fragrance, filling his nose, intoxicating his mind . . .
"Adore me, Ezra Bridger," she whispered. "Worship me."
His mind went blank. "I . . . how?" he heard himself ask.
With her other hand, Sabine reached behind his head, running her fingers through his hair. Silvery sensations erupted from his scalp; Ezra could hear his heart pulsing loudly within his ears. The fingers clenched, and she pulled him into a deep, searing kiss.
After what felt like an eternity, she let him up for air. Breathing heavily, she placed a hand on his chest.
"I will worship you too," she said huskily. "All of you."
She leaned forward and kissed his chest. "I worship your heart."
His forehead. "I worship your mind."
Sabine reached for his hands, still shaking but for different reasons now. She brushed her lips lightly against each of his fingers. "I worship your hands."
Ezra shivered at her touch. When she was finished, she gazed deeply into his eyes. "Your turn now," she said with an impish grin.
"Are you sure about this?" Ezra asked. "I haven't . . . I mean, this is my first time."
"Mine too," Sabine admitted.
Ezra's eyes widened. He smiled, feeling surprised - and a little gratified. "You waited for me?"
Blushing, Sabine punched him gently on the arm. "Obviously, goober."
He grinned at her. "So, who will take the lead then?"
"Me," she said bluntly. "Unless the Noti gave you directions."
Ezra laughed, feeling some of the tension slide out of him.
Sabine poked him in the chest. "Hey. Focus. Back to worshipping."
He reached out through the Force and dimmed the watchtower's lights. Sabine quirked an eyebrow at him. "Trying to set the mood?" she asked.
Ezra glanced at his hands - they were steady as a rock.
He slid his hands underneath the quilt, searching . . .
Sabine frowned at him. "What are you - oh."
Ezra gently pressed himself against her and returned her kiss with a fervent ardor that left them both breathless. Blinking at him, stunned, Sabine asked, "Where did you learn to do that?"
"Maybe the Noti did teach me some things," he teased. "Oh, I've got tricks that will blow your mind, Sabine Wren."
A sly smile grew slowly on her beautiful face. "Yeah?" she challenged. "Are you willing to show me some more of these tricks?"
"Certainly," said Ezra. "If you're not busy this evening."
She rolled her eyes. "I've got some free time, sure," she replied dryly.
"Excellent," said Ezra. And he promptly got to work, worshipping her, adoring her.
*Author's Note: One of the craziest lines I've ever heard in romantic fiction is a woman saying to her lover, "Worship me." I immediately knew it was something Sabine would say to Ezra and, well, here we are.
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supernova-skywalker · 7 months
Sabine: *hits Ezra* I loathe you!
Ezra: *hits Sabine* I loathe you!
Sabine: *pouts* I loathed you first!
Ezra: *grabs the back of Sabine's head and kisses her passionately*
Sabine: *smiles into the kiss and wraps her arms around Ezra's neck* Hmm *pulls away quickly* What is wrong with you, you can't just go around kissing people, particularly not engaged people!
Ezra: Do you wanna kiss again?
Sabine: Well I...no, stop trying to confuse me!
Ezra: What's confusing about a kiss?
Another inspired Sabezra scene from The Princess Diaries - honestly 99% sure I'm going to write this AU inspired fic sooner or later 😂💜🧡
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ana-cantskywalker · 14 days
Because this is my current favorite Sabezra song-- them and 11:11 by Ben Barnes?
Confession time; I wrote half of a fic for this and it was going down a VERY angsty and painful path, and then I remembered what I did to you with CLEAR and decided to be nice and write a fluffier and sweeter one. So, yeah.
Also ICONIC song choice Ben Barnes is 1000/10
The base on Atollon had changed some things in how the Ghost crew spent their time. Between their increasingly busy schedules and a designated area where all the other rebels ate, mealtimes spent with just the six of them were not as commonplace unless they were on a mission.
As such Ezra found himself with Wedge and Hobbie. In an attempt to branch out and make some new friends, and also get to know the people he was fighting with, he’d made a conscious effort to take some of his meals with some of the other guys his age. Their constant chatter filled his ears, they were easy to talk to. Debating over which starship models were superior was interesting enough, even if he didn’t really care quite as much about it as them. And yet, he couldn’t stop looking at her.
Who could blame him?
She was beautiful.
All the way across the mess hall Sabine sat, eating with a group of girls he didn’t know, likely trying to do the same thing he was in terms of branching out. Even from such a distance she managed to stop his heart. Her expression held that reserved smile she saved for people she wanted to like but didn’t trust. She was slightly uncomfortable, if the tension in her shoulders meant anything, and he knew it did. He wasn’t surprised, it was months before she was even comfortable around him. Not that he could blame her, he probably wouldn’t have liked the annoying flirt either. It was a miracle she liked him now.
He had left behind the overt flirting as he’d started to grow up, but his feelings remained, lingering under the surface, ready to jump out at any given moment if he didn’t keep himself in check. Sometimes he wished he could rid himself of them, as if it were really that simple, but he had resigned himself to the fact that they were here to stay.
But really, who wouldn’t have a crush on Sabine Wren? Not even considering the fact that she was perhaps the most beautiful girl in the galaxy, she was so much more. She was like a fire that raged across the plains, mesmerizing and dangerous. She was fierce both with her sharp wit in conversation, and her precision on the battlefield. Most who came in contact with her held a deep respect, or atleast a healthy fear of her, because sometimes she was downright terrifying. But he knew her better than most, he saw beneath the plates of armor she wore to protect her heart. She was determinedly loyal and unwaveringly kind to those she felt deserved it, he knew she would do anything to protect those she cared about. He felt blessed to be considered one of them.
He wouldn’t dream of being so bold as to presume she might ever feel the same way, but it didn’t matter, being her best friend was pretty great too.
He wasn’t quite sure when it had even happened, when he had gone from being an annoyance she tolerated to her best friend. Somewhere in between arguing over mission assignments and knowing each other so well that they could predict what the other was going to do before they did it, they had become each other's person. At the end of the day, that was enough for him.
While he would always hold a hope that the stars might align and she might reciprocate one day, it wasn’t the most important thing in the galaxy to him. If he could have one wish, it wouldn’t be for her to feel the same way, it would be for her to be happy. It would be that one day this rebellion would be over and she would be free to live her life in the way that she wanted to. He wanted only the best for her, whether or not that included him. But he would still always be there, in whatever capacity she needed him, for the rest of their lives.
Because that’s what you did for the people you loved.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: Ahsoka (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ezra Bridger/Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger & Sabine Wren Characters: Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Flashbacks, Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Tending Wounds, Sabezra Week 2023, Canon Injury Series: Part 1 of Sabezra Snippets Summary:
Sabine reflects back on when Ezra got his scars.
Written for Sabezra week 2023 day 2 'Memories'
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dreams-are-paper-thin · 8 months
Sabezra Week 2023. Day 3: What if/fix it
Summary: A slightly different reunion between Sabine and Ezra.
Word count: 1,052
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jedimandalorian · 2 months
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kelbies-fandom-locker · 7 months
Here’s a sneaky peak at Chapter 3 of Bridger what the hell
After dispatching the nearby Stormtroopers and ensuring they can’t come back as zombies Sabine and Ezra quickly boarded the ship that once belonged to one Baylon Skol , he won’t be needing it anyways .
Ezra boarded first quickly rushing over to the controls and flicking switches and pressing buttons and raising the ramp up . He removed the helmet he was wearing placing it down before turning around to face Sabine . But before he could whisper a word he suddenly felt a shooting pain in his face mainly around his nose . Sabine had punched him hard . He didt react he could sense the adrenaline of the past few hours had encouraged this behaviour .
“HOW DARE YOU” she cried at him as she lunged towards him .
Ezra had anticipated this and held her close to his chest
“Sabine” he said in barely a whisper
Lucky the ship was sound proof so no one was hearing this conversation
The tears fell from Sabines eyes and she was shaking from her sudden outburst . But before Sabine could continue Ezra looked down and cut her off …………
You lot are in for a treat with this chapter and it might be the longest I’ve wrote in a while too so bear with me as I tidy it up and everything but enjoy the sneak peak.
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grxceful-ly · 8 months
DAY ONE: “IN BETWEEN” @sabezraweek
She'd left the book on a table. It was sitting beside an old holo recorder, a ration bar wrapper wedged between the pages so she could pick up where she'd left off.
Ezra smiled a little to himself.
Or: Sabine does what she knows. Art.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
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summary: to boost morale, hera lets her crew pick out a treat when they make supply runs. as a former streetrat, ezra's used to going without food, and rather than pick up another box of crackers he won't eat, ezra decides on a much better plan for his treats. word count: 1.4k a/n: two of the best parts of christmas are giving gifts and eating cookies, so i decided to polish up this discord message i sent to @laughingphoenixleader and turn it into a fic to keep us in the holiday spirit this december! shoutout to the hilarious and encouraging @kanerallels for betaing! taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @dootchster @lucasbridger @redroverrider @light-umbra @commander-tech @jedimandalorian {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
The Molasses Mission
 Captain Syndulla recognizes that her crew isn't just soldiers or rebels or heroes. They're survivors. They're kids who had to grow up so fast, they never got the chance to be kids— and the youngest of them were kids even still.
 So she tries to find ways to let them have fun while still sticking it to the Empire, and one of them is to boost morale by letting them get treats. They don't get them very often, but sometimes, after a big mission, the ones that are hardest to complete but come with the most payoff, she lets them each pick one snack on the next supply run, a snack to be their own personal snack, one they don't have to share with anyone.
 Ezra Bridger grew up on the streets, and when you grow up on the streets, you don't refuse an offer for food— free food, all yours, something you wouldn't normally get yourself— so naturally Ezra's initially very excited when asked if he'd like a special treat on this week's supply run.
 The problem he runs into is when you grow up on the streets, and suddenly you find yourself with a crew that may as well be family, and as such cares about your health and general wellbeing, they're insistent on things like "eating at least two meals a day, if not three" and that's two more meals, if not three, than you were ever guaranteed on the streets. As such, Ezra's not really all that hungry these days. 
 So, the first few times this happens, he's ecstatic over his own personal snack, but pretty soon he realizes he's without the time to eat them, or he'll save them for a "special occasion" that just never comes, or he's just not even hungry, and he starts to feel bad that he's not eating them.
 That's when he gets an idea.
 Chopper doesn't like doing supply runs as is, but he especially doesn't like when Hera sends him with Ezra. The kid's constantly asking him what's on the list, he stops to chit-chat with all the merchants, and his haggling skills are not as great as he thinks. This would be so much faster if Hera would send him by himself— but, of course, the way this galaxy is run, an astromech can't make a supply run themselves, and once again he's forced to rely on these stupid organics.
 He protests when Ezra grabs a second box of Molasses Cookies. Today's supply run includes treats, but Sabine is the only member of the crew who eats them.
"One of the boxes is for me," Ezra explains, but Chopper protests. His memory banks aren't that erratic, and he distinctly remembers Ezra's vocal dislike of the cookies that "ought to be sweet instead of tasting like dirt" and "are too dry" and "should come with a warning label before being jam-packed with that many nuts."
 But, Ezra insists that that's his treat for the week, and frankly, Chopper couldn't care less. It was one less thing to have to track down here, and maybe Ezra's tastes have just changed.
 Organics could be weird like that.
Sabine had always been very protective of personal property. She didn't want anyone touching her weapons, her paints, or her food.
 Especially her food.
 Especially her molasses cookies. Everyone on The Ghost knew to stay more than a parsec away from her molasses cookies.
 Even still, she counted them every time she grabbed one out of the pack. If someone had taken one, it'd be a nice chance to let out the pent-up anger she had at the mere thought of someone eating her cookies.
 Which is why it was weird that, over the last week, every time she'd counted, she'd had exactly seven cookies left, despite eating one each time. At first, she thought she just miscounted, but soon she realized that, no, her cookies were somehow never running empty.
 She didn't ask questions— don't look a gift strill in the mouth, right?— even after she opened the box one day and found eight cookies. What could she possibly ask, anyways? "Who's been giving me more cookies?" Like some kind of crazy person? There was a war going on, she had more important things to worry about than how something good was happening to her for a change.
 It may as well just be a regular part of his Jedi practice now. Always staying on the alert for when Sabine was eating one of her cookies. Training himself to wake up in the middle of the night. Sneaking out of his room and into the galley with a cookie from his secret stash. Placing the cookie and getting back to his room. And the most important step, watching Sabine's reaction the next time she went for a cookie and found the same amount left.
 But what did not feel like a regular part of his training was what happened this time: finishing the job, turning around, and seeing Sabine sitting at the table, watching him.
 "SABINE!?" Ezra exclaimed, backing up against the counter behind him by instinct, then remembering the stealth part of these missions and lowering his tone, "it's not what it looks like! I mean maybe it is what it looks like, if it looks like what it is, but, uh... what are you doing, anyway? Do you normally wait up in the galley to scare unsuspecting spectres? Huh, that was fun to say."
 "Let's just say my curiosity got the better of me." Sabine stood up and walked over to him, "After all, what is it they say back on Lothal? 'Curiosity catches the Loth Cat?' And it looks like," she pointed an accusatory finger at Ezra, poking him in the chest as she stepped forward, "that's exactly what I just caught."
 "Uh," Ezra said, and even though he thought Sabine might be a little upset, he also noticed how lovely she looked in the low lighting of the galley, which actually made him all the more nervous, "technically, I think the phrase is curiosity killed the Loth Cat. You're not, uh, planning to...."
 "Of course not," Sabine said, and there was a bit of a laugh in her tone, "I just wanted to know."
 "Well," Ezra shrugged, "now you know."
 "No," Sabine said, "I know who, not why. What's your angle?"
 "Angle?" Ezra asked.
 "Was this an attempt to bribe me or something?" Sabine asked.
 "If I wanted to bribe you," Ezra asked, "don't you think I would've let you know it was me?"
 Sabine nodded. "Not even you are that stupid."
 "Right," Ezra said, "I just. I'm still trying to finish my second box of Loth-Crackers, so on the last supply run, I grabbed a box of cookies instead, and gave myself this secret mission to sneak them in here— Jedi practice, that's all."
 "That's all?"
 "Yeah," Ezra's feet shuffled, "That, and I noticed how happy you always are over something as small as cookies, and I, I don't know. It's the only time you smile unless something's blowing up, and I, I don't know…."
 As he'd been talking, Sabine had turned and stood next to him, leaning against the same countertop. He turned to look at her, and noticed a bittersweet expression, and thought it might be wise to stop talking and start listening. After a moment, his listening finally paid off, and Sabine spoke up.
 "Uj'alayi," she crossed her arms, though not gruffly, "one of my favorite cakes. When I was little, my dad would make it for us for special occasions. I haven't had it since before...."
 Sabine shook her head, and Ezra nodded for her to continue.
 "It's a secret Mandalorian recipe," she explained, "those molasses cookies don't hold a candle to it, but it's the closest you can get when you're... when you don't know the recipe. Taking a bite of one is like...." she smiled a little and shook her head again.
 Sabine had never said this much to him in one conversation, but Ezra didn't want her to stop. He wanted to keep hearing more about her, getting to know her more, but realized she'd closed herself off again, and respected that.
 "That's," Ezra shrugged, "thank you for sharing."
 "Thank you," Sabine said.
 Much to Ezra's surprise, she wrapped an arm around him in a hug, so quick it was done and over before Ezra even realized it's happened, though he could still feel its lingering warmth, even as she said goodnight and left the galley.
 Ezra watched the smile on her face as long as he could as she left, then smiled to himself in return as he tucked her box of cookies back where they belonged in the pantry and whispered, "best mission ever."
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illuminatedquill · 5 months
A Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger Story
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Story Summary: Takes place during Ahsoka Season 2. Making a hasty exit from Peridea, Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger are finally heading home together - only without Ahsoka, who elected to stay behind to finish the mission she started. Feeling lost without the presence of her Master and the grim ordeal of facing Thrawn's resurgent Empire ahead, Sabine is facing her lowest point yet. However, her trial is just beginning as Ezra finally confronts his closest friend with the knowledge about her deal with Thrawn. And the conversation that follows will change everything between them.
*Fan-art by the amazing @rancidsugar! Used here with their permission, since it directly inspired this fanfic.
Author’s Note: With the fantastic news that Ahsoka S2 is now in development, I finally decided to take a crack at writing the next reunion for our favorite duo. It’s a long time coming, and we all know Sabine needs to come clean with Ezra about certain things she’s been hiding from him. Let’s see how he responds.
The star whale's mouth gaped open, as Huyang maneuvered the T-6 shuttle into its mouth. Sabine held her breath as the vessel slipped inside, warily keeping an eye on the enormous teeth that hovered directly over them.
"Easy does it," muttered Ezra. He stood between her and Huyang in the shuttle's cockpit, eyes closed and hand outstretched; through the Force, Sabine could feel her friend communicating with the purrgil. Reassuring waves of calm and peace flowed through the bond he had with the majestic beast, making sure that they were not crunched between its massive jaws.
Sabine gazed in admiration at Ezra's competence, in the easy confidence he had in his abilities. He had grown so much in his time away from home and truly become the Jedi that Kanan wished him to be.
He would be so proud of you, she thought with a pang of melancholy. Not for the first time, she wished Kanan was here to witness all of this.
Her thoughts turned to her own master, Ahsoka Tano, who had elected to stay behind to finish her task on Peridea. Sabine felt guilt trickle into her emotions, remembering their last conversation before she left.
"We're supposed to stick together, remember? I'm not leaving you."
"Thrawn is your mission. What's happening here on Peridea is mine. I must see this through. And Ezra will need your help in defeating Thrawn."
"I can't do this without you, master. There's so much more I need to learn."
"You already know everything you need. I have nothing more to offer you than this: just be yourself, Sabine. That's more than enough."
She closed her eyes, feeling the pang of melancholy sharpen into grief. Once again, another loved one had gone and there was nothing she could do about it.
As if reading her thoughts, Huyang said, "Do not grieve for Lady Tano, Sabine. She was only able to make her choice because of you."
"You mean it was my fault," said Sabine bitterly.
"Not at all. It is because you are going home that she was able to stay on Peridea to deal with the threat there. She trusted you, Sabine Wren, to deal with Thrawn."
You know I can always count on you, right?
Sabine felt a small smile escape through the gloom of her feelings, remembering the young boy who had uttered those words a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .
Ahsoka had told her the same in their last conversation. Her master was counting on her to see this through. And she would. She promised herself, and to Ahsoka, that she would do whatever it takes to ensure that it was done.
And then she would bring Ahsoka home, so they could all finally live in peace.
The shuttle shuddered and a bright spectrum of lights filled the cabin; Sabine squinted her eyes at the dazzling array, almost blinded by the light show in front of them.
"Here we go," said Ezra. She looked at him, seeing the satisfied smile on his face. Sabine, not able to help herself, reached forward and squeezed his hand.
Ezra turned to look at her. "Thanks for coming back," she said.
He squeezed her hand back affectionately. "Did it in record time, too," he teased. "What's your excuse?"
Sabine rolled her eyes. "There was a war still going on, remember?"
"Uh-huh," replied Ezra, sounding unconvinced. "I guess I'll let it slide."
"This will take a while," Huyang said, interrupting their banter. "Ezra, if you would please tend to Lady Wren's injuries? I will stay here and keep an eye on things while you two rest."
Sabine blinked and then a wave of exhaustion and pain swept over her; she had forgotten how desperate their escape had been until now when Huyang had said something.
Ezra blinked and muttered a curse. "Right. Sorry, Sabine." He reached forward and lifted her from the co-pilot seat. She started to protest but another wave of exhaustion slipped past her defenses and only a weak mumble escaped her lips as Ezra carried her to the med-bay.
"You're awfully quiet," observed Sabine while he finished patching up her wounds some time later.
Ezra carefully applied a final bandage to a cut on her right upper forearm before replying, "Huyang's right. You shouldn't beat yourself up about Ahsoka. She needed to stay. And you needed to go home."
He sat back and double-checked his handiwork. "Can you walk?"
Sabine attempted to sit up from the medical bed but was immediately faced with a dozen sharp pinpricks of pain from all over her body. "You mean today?" she asked through gritted teeth.
Ezra smiled briefly at her attempt at humor before saying, "Bedrest it is, then."
Sabine grimaced but laid back in the bed. "This is doing wonders for my confidence," she muttered.
Ezra reached out and held her hand. "Surviving Peridea is an achievement only a few can claim. It's an exclusive club, Sabine. You're now a part of it."
She snorted. "Well," she mused, "if Thrawn can do it, then I sure as hell can."
At the mention of Thrawn, she saw Ezra's face become troubled. A flash of insight from the Force revealed something dark roiling beneath Ezra's confidence . . .
"What is it?" she asked quietly. "I felt that."
Ezra let go of her hand and sat back in his chair. She could practically see the gears whirring away inside his head as he thought through some particularly difficult decision.
Finally, he seemed to make up his mind. "I found the purrgils," he said slowly.
"I can see that," replied Sabine. "Seeing as though we're in one."
Ezra reached up to rub the back of his head. He's nervous about something, she noted. Her stomach began to sink, feeling the direction of his thoughts; small seeds of doubt were sprouting in his mind.
About her.
He looked up at her. "So did Thrawn," he said.
She inhaled sharply. "He was there?"
Ezra nodded. "He guessed what my next move was. I managed to get ahead of him, thanks to Hera's intervention but . . ."
"But what, Ezra?" Sabine felt like she didn't want to know the answer.
He reached down to his belt and took out his comm-link. "He sent me a message," he said quietly.
Ezra clicked on the comm-link and a conversation began to play.
Thrawn: "I must congratulate you on your success today, Ezra Bridger. You've shown great loyalty to your friends, Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano."
Ezra: "Not that you would understand anything about that. I'll be seeing you later, Grand Admiral."
Thrawn: "Indeed you will. Perhaps to a changed galaxy. All thanks to your friend, Sabine. How different things would be if she did not care so much about you."
Ezra: ". . . What's that supposed to mean?"
Thrawn: "Oh, she didn't tell you? Unfortunate. Be sure to give her my thanks when you reunite."
The recording stopped. Ezra gazed at Sabine, eyes unreadable, waiting for her answer.
Sabine couldn't bring herself to look at him. She just stared at the comm-link in his hand, wanting to be anywhere else than here, wanting a black hole to emerge and suck her into its void. Any hell would be preferable instead of having to face an Ezra who knew about what she had done.
"Sabine." His voice was soft, not accusatory. Almost pleading.
At last, she finally found her voice, weak as it was. "What do you want me to say, Ezra?" she asked. "Do you want me to apologize?"
"I want you to say whatever it is you want to say. I'm just going to listen," he said.
She folded her arms over her stomach; it felt like everything important inside her was threatening to spill out. "I'm not going to apologize," she whispered.
"Okay," was all he said.
"You weren't there. I had to make a choice. No one else was there. It was just me. Ahsoka - I thought Baylan had killed her. She was gone. And you were still gone, and I had the map." She hated how desperate her voice sounded.
Ezra, true to his word, didn't say anything. He just watched her.
"I couldn't lose you like I lost my family. Like how I thought I had lost Ahsoka. I wasn't - I wasn't strong enough to lose you a second time. My best friend." Tears threatened to blur her vision; a sob, rising in her throat steadily, almost robbed her voice of what little strength it had. She fought through it.
"So, I handed the map over. I made the deal with Thrawn to find you. I betrayed everything you and Kanan and everyone else sacrificed and died for. All just so I could see you again."
At last, she turned to look at him. The tears fell freely now down her face. "I doomed the galaxy for you, Ezra Bridger. And the worst part of it is, I'd do it again. Even knowing how it would all end."
Ezra gazed at her for a long moment and then turned away. Sabine struggled to sit-up and pleaded, "Ezra, please say something. Say anything."
He stood up abruptly. She blinked at him in surprise. "Say that you hate me and just get this over with," she said, resigned. Her heart was breaking into a thousand pieces but this was the price she knew would be paid the moment the map left her hand.
He stood over her. She waited for him to say the words that would end their friendship.
Instead, he clasped his hands over the sides of her face and leaned forward, gently touching his forehead with hers. Her eyes widened with surprise - and then with overwhelming gratitude as she felt the love and reassurance from him flow through their bond in the Force.
Sabine couldn't hold it back anymore. She started to openly weep. "After all this?" she cried. "Even with all that I've done?"
"Always," he reassured her. "I forgive you. Always. It'll be okay, Sabine. We'll figure it out, together."
"I'm weak," she said. "I did something so bad."
"You are not weak," replied Ezra firmly. "You are enough. You are extraordinary, Sabine. And it's not like I haven't done things I regret, you know? The Sith Holocron, you remember?"
Sabine shook her head. "This isn't the same! This is the whole galaxy that's at stake."
Ezra chuckled. "It's not a competition, first of all. And when hasn't the galaxy been at stake? We've dealt with Thrawn before, we'll do it again."
The guilt surged up within her, refusing to be assuaged by his words. "But - "
"But nothing," Ezra said sternly. "Sabine. Listen to me. Did you build the gigantic hyperdrive ring that Thrawn used to get back?"
She stared at him, thrown off by the sudden question. "Uh, no."
"Did you put Morgan Elsbeth onto his path as a partner? Did you hire Baylan and Shin?"
Sabine saw where his line of questions was heading. Grimacing, she said, "No, but - "
Ezra interrupted her. "Yes, you had a role in his return. But not all of it belongs to you, do you understand? He couldn't have returned without a lot of help, not just you."
"Okay, okay." She held up her hands in a placating gesture. "I get it. I think."
"Good," he said. "No more feeling guilty. We need to be focused for what lies ahead."
Sabine looked at him. "We?" she asked.
He nodded. "You're stuck with me, Sabine Wren. Whether you like it or not."
She smiled, considering his words. "I guess that's not so bad." She looked him over and shook her head in amazement.
"What is it?" Ezra asked.
"When did you grow up so quickly, goober?" she asked.
He grinned at her. "Haven't heard that nickname in a while. Since we were kids," he said.
"Yeah," she said. "Guess I can't really call you that anymore, huh."
Ezra winked at her. "You can call me whatever you like, Sabine."
She looked at him thoughtfully. "I'll think about it," she said. Suddenly, her stomach rumbled, interrupting the conversation. Sabine flushed with embarrassment.
Ezra laughed. "I'll heat up some food. Be right back."
Watching him leave, the moment he was out of earshot, Sabine said softly, "I'll be here, cyar'ika."
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vaehbae · 8 months
Ezra spun around to block another hit, but his opponent anticipated the move and stabbed his lightsaber into Ezra’s stomach.
“No!” Sabine cried out, watching as her friend stumbled backwards, his own lightsaber falling from his grip into the sand below.
She took off running, not really caring if the incoming blaster fire hit her so long as she made it to Ezra before it happened.
A bomb went off near where he lay and Sabine quickened her pace, throwing herself at him and covering his body with her own to protect him from further harm.
More bombs went off and Sabine screamed. Her eyes burned and her hearing went in and out.
Then as quickly as the battle had started, the dust cleared and the enemies retreated, leaving her and Ezra alone among the rubble.
Sabine stood up and surveyed her surroundings, chuckling to herself at how easily the empire had given up. The moment was short lived, however, when she realized Ezra was not celebrating with her.
She fell to her knees beside him and examined his wound; he had suffered no blood loss and the saber hadn’t gone all the way through so why had he not woken up?
“Hey Ezra, you gotta get up.”
She instinctively put her hands on his cheeks, hoping that the touch might wake him, but he lay still.
Panic rose in her chest and tears welled in her eyes, “Ezra, please.”
She shook him gently, and then more forcefully to no avail.
“No, no, no, don’t do this to me,” she wept, “I just got you back. I can’t lose you again.”
She rested her head on his chest and sobbed into his shirt.
“Please come back to me. I need you. I-I love you.”
Why. In the world. Would you have me read that? What beautiful descriptions and storytelling but dear god! 😭 why in the world would you write this after the final just happened?!?
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supernova-skywalker · 7 months
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How incredible are these inspired drawings of Sabine and Ezra at the end of the first chapter of my fic, Starcrossed. @thornywords thank you so much, you have literally bought my story to life with your talent! I love them so much!
The talent in this community is second to none and you're all incredible! 💜🧡
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ana-cantskywalker · 4 months
For Sabezra Day!
Prompt: Dancing
3 times Ezra asks Sabine to dance and 1 time she asks him
Mostly fluff with a bit of angst sprinkled in for flavor here and there
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