#face recognition door access
securitysolutionindia · 2 months
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Biometric Attendance Machine Mumbai
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dc brushless speedlane turnstile barrier also called pedestrian wing barriers door, which belongs to the gain access to control system, is one of the crucial elements of contemporary entrance and exit control. The door wings are driven by the control system and open and close automatically. The operating mode can be picked through programming settings: As quickly as it is validated that the person going into is licensed, the door wings open instantly. It closes after a delay, and the delay time is adjustable. Typical dc brushless glass turnstile doors are divided into scissor doors (subway flap barriers gate) and swing doors. (1) Scissor doors are frequently used in rail transit, and common scissor doors are mainly utilized in subways and other locations. The door wings extend from the inside of the box, which can efficiently seal the passage and play the role of gain access to control. In addition, an infrared sensing device is set up inside the door body, which can recognize the purpose of "a single person, one card" for individuals to travel through. (2) The swing door appeared later than the scissor door and comes from the second generation servo motor speedlane gates barrier. Such servo motor speedlane The attribute of gates door is that the door wings run in the front and back direction. The operation procedure is within the human body's line of vision, which is more secure. In addition, because the door wings do not need to be pulled back into package, The styles of swing doors are more different. Due to the above attributes, swing doors are usually utilized in banks, corporate buildings, high-end office complex, and so on. Anti-trailing function: There is an overall infrared light band detection area in the channel. The switch state can be adjusted by software according to the consumer's precision requirements. The application of the light band to adjust to various requirements prevents the shortcomings of point-type infrared detectors that are quickly polluted and affects the dependability of judgment, and can effectively judge the future. Tag reader who reads the card. When the system figures out that tailgating has taken place, the system will respond based on the location of the legitimate cardholder returned by the infrared detector. After the door opening signal is sent, there are still some abnormal uses that will trigger an alarm.
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metanarrates · 8 months
I haven't seen a lot of coverage in the news about this, but my state has just advanced legislation on a bill that would criminalize trans bathroom use in publicly owned buildings. this could mean up to 6 months in jail and up to $1000 in fees for those convicted.
most alarming aspects of this bill:
-"publicly owned buildings" include airports, schools, libraries, government offices, some hospitals, and most terrifyingly AND explicitly within the bill, domestic violence shelters and rape crisis facilities. transgender people, who are estimated to be almost 4 times more likely to be victims of violent crimes than cisgender people, could become criminalized in the very spaces they seek out to shelter from abuse.
-on that note, the bill potentially threatens federal funding of already-underfunded domestic violence and sexual assault facilities. to recieve federal grants, facilities are required to follow nondiscrimination laws. this law could place the facilities in danger of losing the grants they rely on. this is severely going to impact victims' abilities to access critically needed services.
-the bill legally defines "sex" in a way that has a lot of potential impact across state legislature. according to the bill’s text, HB 257 would legally define a female as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is of the general type that functions in a way that could produce ova,” and a male as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is of the general type that functions to fertilize the ova of a female.” this could effectively end the state's legal recognition of trans people.
-the bill demands that trans people who DO use bathrooms in publicly owned buildings must have undergone both gender reassignment surgery and have had their birth certificate changed. this has several issues, obviously, but the biggest one I want to highlight is that this opens the door to potential genital inspection by law enforcement if someone is accused of being transgender in a bathroom. in addition to any other indignities suffered by being harassed by cops when trying to use the restroom, it is completely possible for law enforcement to now demand to see whether someone's genitals are in compliance with these laws. it's an unconscionable and humiliating invasion of privacy.
-the bill requires trans students to develop a "privacy plan" with their school in order to arrange access to unisex spaces. if unisex bathrooms are unavailable, the student can be granted access to a sex-designated space “through staggered scheduling or another policy provision that provides for temporary private access.”
-the bill allows the state’s attorney general to impose a fine of up to $10,000 per day on local governments that don’t enforce the bill. in essence, any government that isn't sufficiently committed to enforcing these draconian laws may face massive fines until they have reached the attorney general's standard of enforcement.
this is one of the most unbelievably severe anti-trans laws that have ever been proposed in the united states. it would effectively ban trans people from participating in public life, harm nearly every single victim of domestic violence and sexual assault who seeks services in the state, enforce criminality on random trans people in bathrooms, and open every single person who could be potentially accused of being trans up to a wave of harassment and discrimination from both private citizens and law enforcement. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that this law would literally force me and my transfemme fiancee to flee this state.
the law's been fast tracked to an insane degree through the legislature. similarly to the anti-dei bill currently making its way through, it's only been a week since it was introduced, and it's already passed the house, and is now up for vote in the senate. if it passes both sets of votes, the only thing left in its way is the governor's decision to veto.
please share this post. make as much noise as you can. if you live in utah, please call and email your district senator as soon as possible. it doesn't matter how late you see this. the bill is up for vote this week (1/23/24 at the time of writing) and we need to do whatever we physically can to protest its passing. we've already moved past the opportunity for public comment on the bill, but a few organizations have called for a rally at the capitol steps on thursday (1/25/24) at noon. if you are in the salt lake area or are able to make it there, please consider attending. wear a mask and bring a sign. we are stronger together.
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7seas-of-ryy · 2 months
I Need You | Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Author’s Note: I promise there will be fluff! The build up will be worth it :)
Summary: You're taken by strange men who claim you're their target. Will someone save you or will you save yourself?
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: Torture, blood, angst, let me know if I need to add any others :)
Fear. You had been through so much yet you were paralyzed with fear. They were all closing in on me, taking their time knowing there was no where for me to run. You glanced around one last time, hoping Azriel was just late and he would show up and save you. You needed him.
He wasn't there and he wasn't going to show up. Your mind was racing, this is it. This would be the end for me-
"Back away from her and I'll let you all live" a voice growled
As you turned your head you saw Cassian in a fighting stance. You couldn't move, couldn't fight, you felt cowardly. The fact that none of them looked worried, scared you further.
"Oh if it isn't the Prince of Bastards himself. You see, Cassian, we expected one of you to be here with her or try to save her. We assumed it would be the shadowsinger but you will have to do."
You felt lightheaded, looking at Cassian you realized he must feel that way as well from the slight swaying he was doing. He fell to his knees and that was when you realized they had released some type of gas to knock you both out. Before you could think more about it, darkness took over.
You woke in a dungeon. Your hands bound in chains above your head, you feet chained to the floor. Your head felt like someone poured cement in it.
"Sunshine..psst....hey wake up" Cassian was whispering at you.
Cassian. He had somehow shown up and tried to save me. Why had he been there? You'd think about that later. For now you needed to figure out where you were and how to get out.
"What's going on?" You asked Cass
"I think we're in the Autumn Court. None of them had any of the court symbols but it looked like their men. Do you have any idea what they want? They said you were their target?" He painfully spoke as if he was fighting to get the words out.
It was only then that you looked at him, truly looked and saw his bruised and bloody face.
He saw the recognition in your eyes and told you, "it's ok, you were still out so they wanted to play with me a little. Show me some hospitality, that's all." the sarcasm rolling off his tongue.
You heard the door creak and you both watched as three men walked in. Two you didn't recognize and the other was the leader.
"Ahhh how exciting! Our guest of honor has woken up" he said and sounded truly happy.
He walked straight over to you and back handed you so hard you saw stars. Cass screamed and tugged at his chains. The man watched Cass with a grin and continued his assault on me. He punched me anywhere he could, using me as if I was a training dummy. Then he nodded at his two cronies and they made their way over to me. They started to...no, please no. They were taking off your clothes.
"Oh calm down, we're not gonna touch you like that. We just need more access to your skin so I can view my handy work." He spoke
Cassian was screaming, "Cowards, hurt me instead. Leave her alone"
Once I was fully bare, they left. Cassian looked ashamed that he couldn't stop it. The blood from my face dripped to my body and the pain was too much, I welcomed the darkness, hoping I would just fade away.
I woke to someone taking my chains off of me and dragging me by my hair out of the room. Cassian was fighting against his chains as much as he could, yelling, growling at them.
"No, you son of a bitch, leave her alone! No!" you heard his continued pleas as you were thrown into another room.
The leader was here.
"I'm going to ask you a few questions. If you answer them, you might get to leave. If not, I'm going to torture you to get the answers and then kill you" He spoke as if this was the most normal thing in the world.
"Does Nyx have any special abilities?" he asked
You inhaled sharply. Why were the asking about Nyx?
"Hmm, lets try another, where are the keeping Nyx? Do they have any wards protecting him?" the man asked
You wouldn't tell him anything. You loved Nyx, Feyre, and Rhys with all your heart and would die protecting them. You were a coward when they kidnapped you, not even fighting back. But now you would hold you ground for the ones you loved.
"Don't feel like talking to me...? Don't worry, you will." He spoke lowly
He tortured you and beat you until you felt you were near death, then dragged you back to the dungeon and threw you in. His men chained you up again and left me.
"What did they do to you?" Cass spoke softly, not looking for an answer. He just couldn't believe his eyes. You were bruised and bleeding everywhere, wheezing like you had a couple broken ribs, and he could see the silent tears flowing from your eyes.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't strong enough, I'm so sorry, so sorry..." Cassian kept repeating as you let your head hang and faded away.
When you woke, you saw your friend had a few more bruises than before. No where near as bad as you but still bad.
"They asked me about Nyx" you squeaked out
"Hey, you keep holding on, we're going to get out of here. Do you hear me? I'm not letting you die here." Cass said as the man appeared again.
"Good Morning! We're going to try something new today. I'm going to hurt you - repeatedly - in front of him and we'll get him to break seeing as you don't like to talk to me. Oh, and I know where to stab to keep you alive so we can do this for a while" He said grabbing a long dagger and walking over to me.
You looked forward and saw the panic in your friend's eyes. No, this would only add more guilt to him.
"Cass look at me. I'm ok, it's gonna be ok. I promise I'm ok," You frantically spoke looking at the man chained in front of you, "Don't worry about me, I can take it, I'm ok-" you started screaming from the pain. He stabbed your back with his dagger.
You don't know how long this went on or how many times you were stabbed, you had blacked out for the fourth? fifth? time. When you woke, someone was taking your chains off again. As you waited to be dragged to the other room for more questioning, you heard Cass speak.
"No, I'm fine. Help her instead."
You felt strong arms wrap around you and lift you up. You slowly opened your eyes to see Lucien carrying you out of the dungeon.
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ameliathornromance · 3 months
Your Orc Boyfriend’s snores rang through your flat as you stepped through the front door.
Eyes widening, you realised: This was your chance.
A few weeks ago, you woke up to a very bright, uncomfortable flash in your face. Followed by a gasp and a stifled laugh.
“What s’funny?” You grumbled, rolling over in your bedsheets and opening your eyes.
“Sorry,” Your Orc, stood in his pjs and the corners of his lips upturned softly. “You’re just so cute.”
Narrowing your eyes at your Orc, you murmured. “What’d you mean?” You sat up.
Your Orc pursed his lips, clearly thinking through his next actions. At your expression, he realised that there was no way he was going to get out of this.
Sighing, he showed you his phone. A picture of you, open mouthed and drooling on the pillow. Your arms were wrapped tightly around your quilt, all snuggled up and warm.
“Delete it. Now.”
“Oh come on hun, you look so sweet!” Your Orc instantly defended.
“I look like a fish!” You went to snatch the phone, but he held it out of your reach. “Babe I’m being serious! What if someone sees it?!” When you realised the futility of trying to take back the phone, you fell back onto the bed.
“Do you really think I’d show this to anyone?” He asked. Sitting beside you, he leaned to you. “I just thought you looked really sweet.”
“Well I don’t.”
“I disagree, so I’m keeping it.”
One look at his face and you knew there was no hope in getting your Orc to delete that photo.
And the past few weeks, you had tried to get rid of it behind his back.
Getting into his phone while he was asleep was a no go - there was no passcode and only face recognition.
You tried to access it via the cloud - double verification questions.
And that was when your plan of deletion, turned into revenge. If there was no way of deleting it manually, then you would give him a taste of his own medicine.
Only problem being, you never realised how meticulous your boyfriend was. Every morning you woke up, he had already left and gone to work. He always made sure to leave you breakfast (curse his caring behaviour, it almost made you feel guilty) with a note explaining where he had gone and what time he would be back. All the dishes and cleaned would have been cleaned, and put away.
This morning when you went to work, you began to wonder if there was ever going to be a way for you to take a sleeping picture of him.
You had lost all hope… But then he had to get home early. He hadn’t told you that he was home, normally, he got home later than you did.
Oh, but when you realised your chance, you weren’t going to miss it.
After shutting the door as quietly as possible, you crept toward the front room. The carpet below muffled your footsteps, making your chance to exact your revenge all the more easier.
Sure enough, your Orc was laid back on the sofa, his snores strong and sonorous.
Heart pounding in your chest, you pulled out your phone.
Your hands shook with anticipation, as you opened the camera and made your way over to your boyfriend’s side.
His position was perfect: A hand rested on his stomach, his other hung off the side of the sofa. His jaw hung wide open, drool escaping his mouth and onto the plush pillows on the sofa.
You raised your phone, directing the camera straight at your boyfriends face. For good measure, you zoomed in slightly, really capturing the undignified nature of him.
And with that, you snapped the photo.
The flash went off and your Orc’s eyes shot open.
You lunged away, giggling madly as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Hm, what’re you doing?” He grumbled.
“Sorry,” you said, “you just looked so cute.”
Your Orc stopped mid eye rub, frozen in place. “Hun. Delete it.”
“Aw, but you looked so sweet!” You taunted. “See?”
Showing him the picture, your Orc looked at it like he was seeing his own face for the first time.
It was like a light bulb had gone off in his head. “Ah.” He said, flatly. “I see what you mean.” He narrowed his eyes at the unbecoming picture of himself.
“It looks really bad.”
“Indeed it does.” You smirked.
Taking his phone, he opened his gallery and showed you your sleeping face, delete button at the bottom of the screen. He tapped it and just like that, the photo was gone.
“I’m sorry hunny. I didn’t think it would make you so uncomfortable.” he sighed. “Would you delete that one of me too?”
“I don’t know,” You clicked your tongue. “I’m not sure if you’ve learned your lesson properly, you held onto that photo for a while… seems only fair I get to do the same thing.”
When your Orc opened his mouth to protest, he sighed and closed it. “Alright, alright.” He let on a weak smile, “but then you delete it after a few weeks.”
You chuckled and sat next to him. “I will, I promise.”
Mission: accomplished.
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jarofstyles · 3 months
Jealousy - Reaper extra
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Hello angels! This is a blurb for reaper while yall wait for the update. It’s before they left for their trip and before the stalker started acting up again. 
Check out our Patreon for early access and 180+ exclusive writings
Warnings- Jealous H, kinda toxic tbh but we love him, mention of murder and stalking (brief), smut, unprotected sex, restraining, possessive H, etc
Harry could feel her before he saw her. Arriving back to the clubhouse after work, his body sought her out even if it wasn’t voluntary, eyes pulled in her direction. 
Sitting pretty at the bar, she had a Shirley temple in hand and was chatting to Wiz, legs kicking off the stool as she talked about something. Anything, really. It was irritational to feel jealousy, but he did. It festered in his gut as his boots stomped over to her, watching her eyes light up as he approached but he was quick to shut her up. Gripping her jaw, he tilted her head up and gave her a scathing kiss, not at all appropriate for the situation but… this was the clubhouse. There’d been orgies on the couches. They could handle a kiss. 
He exhaled through his nose, nudging her knee to splay open so he could step between them. Like the good girl she was, or maybe it was the pure shock of it, she did as asked and he was quick to haul her up against him. Palms pressed against his black tee shirt, fingers curling in the fabric as a surprised hum left her mouth. He’d stolen her attention. 
In reality he knew that no one here would go for his girl. They knew that underneath it all, Harry would quite literally kill any single person who put a hand on her- but that didn’t mean he liked to share. The man wasn’t blind to his faults. Jealous, possessive beyond belief, he didn’t like sharing her in the slightest. That smile Wiz had gotten should be his. 
Especially after the day he had. 
“Down boy. We were talking about you.” He laughed, hands up as the kiss disconnected and he turned his head to look at him. The grip on her jaw was released and transferred to the back of her head, pulling her cheek to lay against his chest instead while he gave him a look. She was the only one who could get away with talking to him like that.
“S’fine. Fuck off now, I’ve got it from here..” He wasn’t a man of many words. Considering how fast Harry used to run through women, it was amusing to the lot of them to see Harry be so jealous. From kicking girls out to dragging this girl around with him anywhere he could, it was a massive change. 
Wiz knew better than to poke the bear, wandering off like the smart man he was. 
“That was quite a greeting.” He could feel her smile against his shirt. Fighting his own, he looked down to see her chin tilted up at him and those soft, pretty eyes gazing up at him. It was hard to ignore how that made his chest feel tight. Her cheeks were fuller when she smiled and there was a glimmer in her gaze that he’d only ever seen when she looked at him. If only he could photograph it properly and keep it tucked in his wallet.
“Yeah.” A simple nod followed. “C’mon. Upstairs.” He patted her back, giving her a hand off of the stool. With her hand in his own he walked quickly towards their room, ignoring how his stomach twisted as she giggled behind him. “Let’s go.”
“What's the hurry?” She laughed, jogging slightly to keep up with him. If he could, she knew he’d take two stairs at a time but she didn’t know what the urgency was. It didn’t have to do with the stalking situation considering he didn’t look as murderous as usual, but he’d had a glint in his eye. 
No response was granted on the way up, making her slightly confused until they were in the room and- she was suddenly pinned to the door. 
“The hurry?” He asked lowly. “The hurry is because someone was a goddamn tease today, and I’ve been horny all fuckin’ day.” He ground out, wrists captured above her, her face lit up in recognition. She’d sent him a slew of texts this morning about how much of a shame it was that he’d left her alone when they could have had ‘fun’. 
“Oh…. That.” Bunny smirked. “Wasn’t trying to tease. I was just letting you know my thoughts.” Her delivery was less than innocent, making him scoff as he pressed his cock against her. 
“Yeah, sure. Whatever you want t’say, but now it’s your job to take care of what you started.” He released her arms, reprising his role of his hand holding her jaw as he kissed it brutally. “Get my belt off.” Spoken between kisses, he could feel her urgency growing again. 
He’d been worked up all day, slipping his phone back out to read the texts more than he’d admit. There had been a pouty selfie sent by her that he’d saved to his own photos, only furthering his regret for waking up and leaving. Then walking in and seeing her smiling at another man- he was feeling cagey. He knew that they weren’t an official couple but fuck, she was his. She knew that too. 
Her fingers worked quickly to take it off, the leather hitting the ground with a thud. “Good. Now take me out. I want to feel your throat.” He released her from the kissing, lowering her to her knees. It seemed she knew better this time than to test him. 
Bunny knew how he’d be and that’s why she sent the texts. Of course the jealousy had been a bit of a curveball but maybe the toxic bit of her was surfacing again, making her panties damp as she popped the button of his jeans. It was a weirdly powerful feeling despite being on the floor. She held the power and the pleasure for him, she’d make him moan. 
He was hard in her hand, hot to the touch as she gently tugged him from his pants. Never had she seen a cock quite this pretty, making her mouth water as she licked from his balls all the way up to his tip. “Anything you want.” She purred, laying her tongue flat before tapping it against it. Bunny knew he was the most expressive during sex and it sent a thrill up her spine as she watched his eyes hood, hand wrapping around the base to feed her his prick. 
“What I want is to feel this nasty mouth you like to run so much before I peel those leggings off of your body and fuck your cunt sore.” He said through gritted teeth. “Mmm… thatta’ girl. C’mon.” A handful of hair was in his fist, pulling her closer on him until he felt her nose brush his stomach and felt her throat choke on him a little bit. “Fuck- yeah, that’s what I want.” He only left himself there for a few seconds before pulling back and letting her cough a little before rubbing the tip over her lips. “Give me a smile, since you’re so fond of handing ‘em out to everyone here.” His eyes darkened. 
Bunny knew that was a bright red flag, but she had lots of her own considering she liked how he was getting with her. Curling her lips in a smile, she ignored the string of spit on her chin as he rubbed over her lips. It was filthy, really, a little fucked but isn’t that what they were? 
“Gorgeous. Y’look so pretty with my cock, Little Bunny. Think you should be on it all the time.” He commented, watching her purse her lips to give his tip a kiss. Fuck- why was that so fucking cute? 
“Could have done it sooner if you’d have given in.” She batted her lashes at him. As if he didn’t know and slightly regretted waiting. It had been hard for him to keep the boundary of his best friend's sister, but it was gloves off now. 
“Yeah, know you were gagging for it when you plopped yourself in my lap at that party… should’ve given it to you then. But we can make up for lost time, can’t we?” He cooed. “Open.” 
Bunny followed the order, letting him push back in and giving him suction as he thrust into her mouth. He really was worked up and she could feel it with his cock pulsing against her tongue. His eyes were glued on her, watching himself slip in and out of her willing mouth. “Broke lots of speed limits coming back here. Knew you’d be willing to take me.” He rubbed her cheek with his thumb as he pressed the tip up against it, feeling himself in her mouth. Fuck, it was nasty but it was hot. He watched her eyes close as he did it, groaning deep in his throat before he pushed her back down on him, letting her nose hit the thatch of hair at his groin for a few moments before pulling up. 
“I can’t wait. I need to fuck you.” He grunted, pulling her back up and kissing her again. “What are y’doing t’me, hm? Making me go crazy, drive insane jus’ go get back here to sink right back into the pussy that took me so good last night…” fingers grabbed her leggings and tugged at the waistband and panties combined. Usually he’d take more time peeling her out of things but he needed to be inside of her now. 
He took charge, bending her over the bed and letting out a whistle as he tugged the fabric down further. She had a light bruise on her ass and it sure as fuck was from him. “Fuck me… got my bruises on a gorgeous girl. You do so well for me, Bun.” He ran his hand over it in appreciation before kicking his pants off, letting them crumple on the floor. 
“Good.” She whispered, pressing her face into a pillow she’d tugged down. “Fuck me, Harry. I deserve it.” She wiggled her hips to try and entice him- as if he wasn’t hard as nails. 
“No, I don’t think you do for teasing me. You’re lucky m’not in the mood to properly punish you.” Maybe he’d deal with that later, but he was far too gone to worry about anything than feeling her wrapped around his prick. He could see she was a little sensitive, puffy from last night’s activities, but that only made it better. “Poor baby had a pounding last night, didn’t she?” He cooed, condescending as he clicked his tongue. “M’not going easy on you. Want you to yell my name.” 
So maybe he was still bothered about seeing her smiling at someone else. Maybe it reminded him that he wasn’t her only option and plenty of people would be better for her- but he was a selfish bastard and was going to use up every single morsel of her time that he could get. 
There was no warning as he began to fill her, making her mouth fall open. Harry wasn’t easy to take, but she was lucky that she loved the stretch. Toes curled and eyes fluttering shut, Bunny knew that no one else would ever fill her this good. No one else could possibly compare to this feeling. “Go on. Let them hear who’s fucking you.” 
Bunny had known he’d be a bit irritated when he got home, but she hadn’t anticipated the jealousy. Sure, he was a possessive person but getting worked up over her smiles? It was a new thing, something she was definitely going to explore when he wasn’t so cagey. His cock knocked the breath out of her as her throat expelled a keening noise, eyes rolling back as he did it again. 
“Perfect fuckin’ pussy, baby. M’not sharing this.” He growled into her ear, caging her in with his body as he fucked her. His hands planted on either side of her head, heat from his body radiating on her body as he filled her. “They can look all they want… But this cunt belongs t’me. Doesn’t it, Bunny girl?” His breath washed over her ear as his thrusts jostled her, the deep filling of her cunt making it hard to think straight. Harry may have his flaws, he may be known as Reaper, but he knew how to fuck. How to make a girl feel like nothing mattered but his dick filling her up. 
He wasn’t going fast, but it was hard. Deep punches inside of her as she whimpered into the pillow, nodding at his claim. No part of her was regretting taunting him now, not with the feeling of him claiming her in this way making her eyes water from the pleasure. It felt satisfying not only in the fact that she was full, but because of the claim he was laying.
For a second her mind blazed at the idea of it flipped. How she’d feel murderous if someone else had made Harry smile- though it was a much, much harder feat than getting one from her- and her amusement in it faded. “It’s yours b-but…” She gasped as he tilted her head to the side “Your cock is mine.” 
Harry’s thrust stopped for a moment, instead grinding into her cunt as he was fully seated inside of her. He couldn’t stop the groan that erupted from him, cock pulsing inside of her as the possessive growl from the girl underneath him got to him in an unexpected way. Of course it was hers. He hadn’t even been able to think of anything else since she’d begun teasing him at his place all those weeks ago, but fuck. He loved hearing her stake a claim on him.
Where it would have made him break out in hives and get the fuck out of there if it ws quite literally anyone else, it only made him need to pause to hold off blowing his load inside of her too early. 
“Yeah? S’that what my pretty slut wants? Want exclusive rights to my prick shoved up your sweet little holes?” He crooned, grinning as she scowled at him the best she could. “Don’t worry, baby…” Grinding into her, he knew he was against a good spot as she got him more wet by the second. “It can be yours if you’re a good girl for me and stop tryin’ to make me jealous.” It may make his head explode if she did shit like that regularly. 
“I wasn’t trying- Ah!” She yelped as he slammed into her again, sighing in pleasure as she pushed her ass back onto him. “I promise. I promise I won’t do it, jus’ don’t make me share. Please.” 
Harry had to wonder if she had even the slightest clue. If she knew how far gone his brain was for her, how long he’d considered her to be his in his fucked up brain, if she knew how many times he’d have to change the subject in his fantasy when he was beating off. For far longer than she’d realized, she’d been the one he was thinking about while cumming into his fist or the mouth of someone he ditched soon after. There’d been no one but her since this started. Bunny was his focus, his goal, and he had a feeling that would never change. Regardless if she left him in the dust after this was all over and he watched the life drain from her stalker’s eyes. Harry would always be watching, always be pining, always be caring for her. 
“Never, baby.” His voice softened as he kissed the exposed skin of her shoulder. “I don’t share, not you or myself. You feel too good to go and fuck around, yeah? You’re my girl.” Balancing on one hand, he slipped the other between them so he could get her clit, rubbing circles into the puffy, swollen button. The perfect girl under him lets out the sweetest moan of his name, burying her face into the pillow as she arched her back and fucked herself on his cock, as she begged for more. “There you go. M’gonna take care of you, even if you share those sunny smiles with someone else.” 
Her cunt had been his place of escape for a bit now but it never ceased to amaze him how perfect it was for him. Clenched up around his cock, drippy and wet, like it was made to milk each drop of cum from his dick as he slipped in and out of her and his own vision got fuzzy. “Only want to sm-smile at you.” She confirmed, stuttering while he felt her soaking him. Balls and thighs were sticky and wet with her, but there was no other feeling he craved more. 
“That’s my fuckin’ girl, baby. Jus’ lay here and let me fuck you nice and deep, keep saying my name.” He watched as her face turned back to the side, eyes glazed as they did their best to look at him. Her face was the prettiest he’d seen, the one he’d write poems about if he was good at any of that shit. All he wanted was to be the one who got her to smile for him, to get her giggles and her playful digs. It was all supposed to be his, even if he knew he wasn’t good enough for her. No one was. “Give me one of those pretty smiles while you cum on me cock, baby. Let me see it.”
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unboundprompts · 4 months
would you do more of the non-human character reuniting with loved ones?
Prompts for a No-Longer Human Character reuniting with Friends and Family pt2
-> part 1
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
"Don't be scared," he whispered, unable to bring his voice to be any louder. He felt like he was only a few moments away from bursting into tears. "It's just me."
Her youngest brother took her hand, running his little fingers over her palms and up her wrists. She held her breath at the touch, not used to human contact ever since her transformation. She had been alone and hated for so long, and now that she was home again, everything was foreign. "Can you do the magic?" he asked her, his voice small.
They felt like their world was crumbling with every step they took towards their childhood home. Will their family accept them now that they were different? Now that they were monstrous? They knocked on the door. When their father appeared in the doorway, they couldn't bring themself to speak. At the sight of their father's face lighting up with recognition, they felt a smile pull at their lips.
He pulled his friend close to him, wrapping his arms around them in an embrace. They felt so small in his arms, so fragile, now. But they hadn't changed. No, he had grown into something more than human and all sense of normalcy was lost.
She didn't know how to navigate this life. There were milestones that she never expected she'd have to pass. She was afraid, she was worried and filled with doubt. The one thing she knew for certain, though, was that her friends would be by her side as they figured it all out together.
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
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01zfan · 6 months
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don’t waste it pt. 2 | l. sh
idol!sohee x idol!reader | 8.6k words
continuation from part one here! hope u guys enjoy hehe.
contains: semi public, love confessions, oral (f. receiving), pda, making out
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“sohee…fuck…you gotta leave.”
you and sohee both knew it was time to go. if you had half a mind you would’ve looked above the door frame to see the time. every minute that ticked by was a minute closer to when sohee was supposed to be onstage. he had an award to present in fifteen minutes and you had to be in your seat in ten. you imagined your members looking around the seating area for you, too shy to ask staff if they’ve seen you around. they were good idols but they were unbelievably meek like most girls your age were. they didn’t have to be bold—that was your job as the leader. you had responsibilities but instead you were leaning against a table while your friend ate you out. 
using the word friend seemed to extremely undermine what sohee was to you. the lack of contact over the years of training and promoting made the title friend seem presumptuous. but the complexity and shared history was too much to describe him as a stranger. to call sohee anything with benefit attached was also a stretch, because it didn’t seem to benefit anyone to have you two ran around like classless z-listers while your managers searched high and low for you.
“you’re gonna be late.” you whispered.
sohee couldn’t be bothered, busy laving his tongue with you like he had all the time in the world. it’s not like he could’ve moved if he wanted to, your heels digging in his back kept him in place. he only hummed and lifted your ass, making you fully sit on the table to give him more access to blow cold air on your core. you shivered from the sensation, fighting everything in you not grab his hair. you had to respect the meticulously placed pins that kept his locks in place. if you messed it up he wouldn’t have enough time to fix it. you refused to have sohee looking like a fool on national television.
sohee’s hands on the top of your thighs had to apply force to separate them so he could raise his head. sohee looked up at you from your heat, the bottom of his face glossy. 
“let me go and i’ll go.” sohee said simply. 
sohee’s personality had changed from the last time you saw him. he was more confident in himself, nothing like the shy boy you had trained with. you don’t know what made him this way, maybe being in a successful boy group and constantly being praised for his vocal ability had that effect on him. 
you’re sure you had your own personality change, something that came with being the leader and unofficial face of the group. you were the first one announced, your long awaited debut and depart from a renowned company to a smaller one became the talk of the town. you had articles and blog posts dropping about you daily, ranging from praise for not giving up on your dreams to skeptics debating your skills. 
being virtually a nobody to a trending topic wasn’t the only turn your life had taken. you went from seeing everyone as competition to being responsible of six girls and occasionally writing songs for them. you were lucky it paid off well, a song you had written about wasting something precious did exceptionally well. it was an overnight success, becoming popular domestically and abroad. many people related it to someone in their life that they loved—but that was neither here nor there. when asked about it on variety shows you were able to relate the song to giving up fried foods.
it was that song that led you here in the first place. because of one single your group was a top contender for multiple awards that night. you remember feeling joy for your group, your girls were finally going to get the recognition they deserved. the joy and butterflies you felt died and rested like a stone in your stomach when you saw that sohee was the hosts for the show. the corpses of the butterflies turned to maggots the closer the award show got and you thought your anxiety would eat you alive. your recent confidence boost from being received well by the public abandoned you when you thought about seeing sohee again.
at the red carpet you saw sohee for the first time in years. you had to seem unbothered, having to stand next to him while he announced your group. you had to introduce yourself and bow to sohee like you didn’t know him and had to pretend like you had forgotten you were trainees together. he shook your hand and bowed to you on camera, congratulating you on making your debut and your success. it felt so odd hearing sohee talk to you as a senior, or him talking to you at all. you never considered you would ever be in the position of having to meet your old love affair again, much less on live television as it was broadcasted to anyone who would watch. 
after your group exited from the red carpet you had to blow off steam. you let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding as knots formed in your stomach. you used the excuse of having to go to the bathroom as you split from the group. before you could hear confirmation you started walking the opposite way from your group and manager.
you felt dizzy roaming the halls like a ghost, weaving through the maze of dressing rooms bowing to everyone you passed by. you had to put on a smile each time you passed by someone trying hard to pretend like you weren’t on the verge of passing out. when you finally found an empty room you ran into it, ignoring the sign that read it was for hosts only.
the sterile white of the room made you feel like you were in a hospital, making you freak out even more. you were lucky to have a moment alone, a second to breathe away from everyone. the last thing you needed was for your group to see their fearless leader fighting off a panic attack by taking heavy breaths. you looked towards the wall as you tried to bring yourself back to earth. you couldn’t be bothered to look at the rest of the room to see if it was truly open. you were just hoping whoever was supposed to be in the room was away doing their job. you could see how hectic it was earlier. trash from food containers and used makeup wipes littered the tables and some made even made it to the floor.
as you scanned the chaos in the room you saw sohee was relaxed, feet propped up on the end of the couch as he looked at his phone.
you stood there in silence until he noticed you, shooting up from his seat so fast his clips almost fell from his hair.
”what are you doing here?” sohee asked. 
he stood up from his seat on the couch to come to you. how lucky were you to be in this situation—nearing a panic attack while the reason for said panic attack looked right at you. when you were silent sohee gently grabbed you by the arm and pulled you fully into the dressing room, closing the door behind you. 
“is everything alright?” sohee asked. 
sohee knew you had to be half out of your mind to come and see him in a place where you could easily be found. but when you had that far off look in your eye and didn’t say a word his mood shifted. instead of demanding an answer he reached towards you timidly. you felt like a trapped animal while sohee reached to you, the instinct to leap away from him creeped up your back. but you stood there with wide eyes as you let his warm hands clasp around your cold fingers. his steadiness made the tremor go down, and the overall trembling in your chest began to slowly subside. 
sohee guided you down on the armrest of the couch while you did everything in your power to steady your heart rate and breathing. sohee tried but failed to be of any help. he rubbed your cold arms and hands. it was still timid, like sohee was waiting for you to tell him to get away. it only made everything worse, having him so close to you. you saw your reflection in his eyes wide eyes, and your shared history showed like a movie in his blown out pupils. when he squatted next to you and put a hesitant hand on your thigh you don’t know why you reached for it so quickly.
sohee’s hands were rougher than before, but they still held yours the same. he mirrored the grip of your hand without a second thought, rubbing your back with the other. you did your breathing exercises, trying not to look too hard at sohee as he told you everything was going to be okay.
when you finally calmed down it was like the veil was lifted. you suddenly realized where you were, who you were, and what you were doing. you stood up from the couch so quickly that your vision spotted, ripping yourself from sohee’s hands. you composed yourself quickly, going into the mirror to fix strands of hair that were out of place. sohee kept a careful eye on you, still squatting next to the couch as you fixed your appearance. in the mirrors reflection you looked at sohee.
“you shouldn’t sit like that. you’ll wrinkle your pants.” you said to the mirror.
sohee stood up from his position and walked over to you. the pensive look in his eyes had subsided, replaced with annoyance as he walked over to you. sohee didn’t stop until he stood directly behind you, putting arms on either side of you to cage you between him and the table’s edge. sohee kept eye contact with you in the mirror as he stood behind you.
“are you alright?” he asked.
sohee slowly brought his chin down to rest on your shoulder as he asked his question. you imagined the trouble you’d be in if someone came in. you imagined your manager doing a headcount and realizing you were unaccounted for. sohee turned his gaze from the mirror to look at you. you continued to look in the mirror, but you could feel sohee’s eyes scan the parts of your face he could see. your manager was going to be so mad at you.
“you should go find your manager.” you said.
“being the leader has made you bossy.” sohee said.
he said the words into your hair, before making eye contact with your reflection in the mirror. you turned around to face him. his eyes remained calm, a playful glint that almost made you idignant.
“and being one of the youngest has made you careless.” you retort. 
you don’t push back against sohee, staying in the place between him and the table. your eyes are wide from bewilderment nonetheless, amazed that sohee is trying to make a move on you in such a place. but he’s warm against your body, and his lips are so close to the places you’ve missed him the most. you try to think about all the consequences when sohee gets so close you can smell him.
“do you know what will happen if we get caught?” you ask.
sohee leans his body towards yours to push you against the table even more. his eyes fixate on your collarbone, then at all the spots your dress has left exposed. you let him eat you alive while you stand there trying to be reasonable.
“your dress is really pretty by the way.” sohee says. 
he places a gentle kiss on your collarbone before moving to your neck. you both know he’s still hesitant, but when you react by putting his hand on the small of his back and pulling him closer he places another kiss. this kiss is wet and confident and your hand grips the fabric of his white button up. you can feel sohee smile as he presses a kiss to your neck.
you weren’t the same meek trainee that barely passed monthly evaluations anymore. you were the leader of the group that occupied the top of several charts because of songs you wrote. you were confident and had an aura that lured in the general public and a personality that was praised by fans. the persona your team carefully crafted came to you like second nature, so much to the point that it had become a part of who you were. but when you stood in front of sohee, when you felt his teeth press into your skin, you felt like you were the same vulnerable girl you were all those years ago. it was almost as scary as it was comforting, being able to be yourself when all you seemed to do these days was put on a show. but when sohee’s mouth tried to reach for yours you put a single finger on his lips to hold him back.
“you’re insane if you think i’m letting you ruin my makeup.” you said. 
you had to hide your disappointment of not being able to kiss sohee by rolling your eyes. you don’t know how someone could be so careless, but at the same time you wanted nothing more than to make out with sohee like you were teenagers again. you should’ve pushed him off of you a long time ago to make your way to your seat. you should yell at him for putting you in such a position, you had more to lose now than ever. but the way sohee smiled against your finger made you lose all your nerve. his hand on the table moved to your hips and you tensed from feeling him. his fingers were gentle on your hips, but then he pressed so hard it began wrinkling your dress. you quickly smacked sohee’s hand away and he laughed at you.
“i just want to help you.” sohee fake pouts.
your hand goes to his bottom lip that juts out and you hold it in between your fingers. when you press harshly he doesn’t recoil, only continues to look at you as you add more pressure. your other hand goes to sohee’s and he holds it instantly. 
“who says i need help?” you ask, still holding his lip.
you find it ridiculous to try to hide your emotions from sohee. even if you two weren’t always involved romantically, you trained together in close quarters. you danced together and ate together, went on trips and practice together. you two spent innocent unsupervised time together in between the kisses and the sneaking around. sohee knew what made you anxious and what your order was at the local fast food chain by heart—of course he knew you needed help.
“i know you, even if i haven’t seen you in so long.” sohee says.
words to combat his assumption fall flat. you don’t see a point in pretending anymore. you let go of his bottom lip and let your hand go to his cheek. if you get caught doing whatever sohee has in mind for you, you tell yourself it won’t be that big of a deal. you two were in the fifth generation of many groups before you, there’s no way it would be the first time someone was caught fooling around in a dressing room. you and sohee had also never been caught all the times before, and sohee had a look in his eyes that made you give in. so you detached your hand from sohees’ and started bunching your dress up delicately to not wrinkle the fabric too bad. his eyes started widening as he looked down at your newly exposed thighs.
“you have to be quick.” you said.
you thought you made yourself clear when you told sohee he had to be quick. when you first became the leader of your group the ability to tell people what to do felt awkward. commands came out quiet and like a suggestion more than an order. but the girls in your group respect you for some reason so they would listen after you told them once. your members spoiled you in that aspect; you had completely forgotten that rebels like sohee existed. which is why you were here now, gripping his shoulder to push him more into your heat. you were sure your manager was about to put a missing person’s out on you and sohee’s manager was going to kick in the door soon.
sohee had you on top of the table now, your back pressed against the glass of the mirror and your legs rested over his shoulders. you pressed your body against the cold glass while you haphazardly tried to grab something to steady yourself. you could feel the makeup brushes and wrappers that were on the table press against your skin. your dress had fallen from your hands at some point and the bottom of it partially covered sohee’s face as he continued make out with your folds. although he had energy like a bunny, he couldn’t stop his jaw from getting exhausted due to the exertion. it had been awhile since he’s done this too, his mouth was out of practice. sohee was just lucky that the innate part of him that knew how to please you was still there. sohee pulled away from you to see the death grip you had on the edgetable while your chest heaved. sohee started using his pointer finger and thumb to lightly pinch your clit, the same way you pinched his lip. 
your eyes that were focusing on a ceiling light dropped down to see why sohee had stopped eating you out. you locked eyes with him, seeing how wide his eyes had gotten while he started to rub circles on your clit. he wasted no time putting two of his fingers inside of you too, going at a pace so fast it made everything on the table shake.
“just cum for me. so i don’t miss giving you your award.” sohee said.
his mouth went to your thigh, pressing his teeth against your supple skin while he sucked. you couldn’t stop your hand that went to his hair, grabbing the strands on top while you swiveled your hips against his fingers. he pulled out a finger to really feel you seize around his digit. you had to bite your lip to muffle the sound of your whines and sohee’s name falling from your lips. you knew your teeth would be stained and your lip combo was ruined, but that was better than having your cries be heard. sohee watched you with a slightly open mouth, mouthing the words caught in your throat. he continued to finger you through your orgasm, his finger coming out of you wet and glossy.
you still sat on the edge of the table as you caught your breath. your senses came back to you slowly. the feeling of your sweaty body in the tight dress made you uncomfortable, and you could feel your ruined underwear be moved back into place by sohee. he still was kneeled between your legs when he put your panties back on you, sucking on the same finger that was inside of you. you put on your best disgusted face while using two fingers to push on his forehead. sohee got the hint and moved from between your legs.
you got down from the table refusing his hand, doing your best to smooth out any wrinkles in your dress. sohee’s attempts at making himself look presentable failed. the hair on the crown of his head awkwardly sat up, some makeup on the bottom of his face was gone and his cheeks were flushed and rosy. you hoped that he would be able to get quick corrections from a stylist before making it onstage. you also suddenly hoped that you could talk to sohee about what had just happened, but you didn’t have time to worry about him. you had to be in a chair in two minutes. so while sohee was preoccupied fixing his hair clips and dusting off pants you were already out the door of the dressing room, picking up the end of your dress so you could jog to where you were supposed to be. 
you were lucky you had found your manager just in time. by the look on her face you could tell she wanted to grab you by the ear and tell you off, but she didn’t have the time. instead she hurried you to your seat beside your members. you were apologizing profusely for being late when the show began again, suddenly silenced by the uproar of applause. you didn’t have a moment to adjust before going into professional mode, crossing your legs and clapping just like the cue sheets said.
it was hard to focus on the award show when your mind kept going back to where you were not even twenty minutes earlier. you could still feel the wet imprint of sohee’s lips on your thigh and you had to adjust yourself in your seat when you remembered sohee’s tongue deep inside of you. you kept going back to the sight of sohee’s head underneath your pushed up dress and the way you clutched the fabric helplessly in your hands. the quick flash of your group on the big screen and the venue erupting in cheers couldn’t even pull you from your trance. you saw sohee come onstage with another idol you debuted close in time to. at some point you had to actually start taking the time to learn the names of your colleagues.
you could hear a group of fans behind you make a collective cooing sound. you looked to the screen to see sohee smiling innocently at the camera. you could see some of his hair sticking up at the crown of his head. the sight broke you from your reverie and a small smile came across your face. you had to hide the smile quickly, lowering your head and masking it with a cough. when you looked down you could still make out small wrinkles from your dress where you were holding it with a death grip. both of you could your wrinkled garments and sohee could fix his untucked shirt but he couldn’t fix his hair that you messed up in the heat of the moment. you were wondering if there was still the taste of you on his tongue when you saw your group stand up and more cheering filled the room.
you looked up from your lap to see one of your members shoot you a quick look of confusion. your hesitation caused your group to hesitate too. they almost sat back down seeing you still seated, blindly following your lead like acolytes.your eyes quickly scanned the area around you as you stood up to join them. you were so busy that you missed your group had been announced to win record of the year. you wanted to yell at yourself for being so out of it. with all eyes on you all it took was one mistake for the public opinion to completely shift on you. you prayed you were able to play it off well with a shocked face and stiff body before finally standing up.
as your group headed for the main stage you saw yourself getting closer and closer to sohee. you were leading the pack, if you didn’t stop now you would inevitably have to take the award from him and another interaction between you and him would be broadcasted for the world to see. not talking to him almost made you have a panic attack after the red carpet, but after what happened in the dressing room if you got too close to sohee you might pass out. so you suddenly stopped at the very end, letting your confused members fill in the gap between you and the presenters. the youngest of your group ended up having to awkwardly take the award from sohee, something you’re sure you would get an earful of later. but it didn’t matter because you were able to compose yourself enough to do the groups introduction and seamlessly go through your heavily scripted acceptance speech.
when your group was done with the speech you felt the knots forming in your stomach again. you clear your throat and move your hand forward to let your members pass in front of you. they all go first and you could trail behind them, trying to make it seem like it was a calculated plan for you to stop so suddenly. you were clumsy bowing to every group you passed by, adrenaline from being onstage almost making you tip over your heels. you were incredibly grateful to make it back to your seats, waiting for the next part of the show to start.
“is everything okay?” your youngest member asked you. 
her eyes were wide with worry as her gaze drifted to your clenched fists at your sides. you noticed then you were failing at your job as a nonchalant leader. two of your members were sharing a blanket to cover their over exposed legs and two others had resorted to using pillows. your body felt like it was on fire with embarrassment as you scanned the area around you for spare covering or a manager.
“let me get you guys some blankets.” you said standing up from your seat. 
you saw a stacked pile of blankets neatly folded at a table in front of you. in any other case you would’ve asked a manager, but no one was around to help you. you prepared your soft and gentle voice to kindly ask whatever boy group was sitting at the table if they could spare the blankets for your girls.
just as you were approaching the table, sohee was doing the same. he kept his eyes locked on you, wondering what you were doing walking down the steps towards his group. his members saw him first, clapping their hands and giving him a thumbs up for presenting well. when they saw that sohee was looking past them, they all turned around to see what he was staring at.
before you could tap the shoulder of one of the men, suddenly six pairs of eyes were staring at you. yours went wide as an effect, suddenly overwhelmed by the amount of attenton. you felt like you should’ve known sohee’s members from the back of their heads to prepare yourself for the situation. you had even trained with some of them, spent the same amount of time with them as you did with sohee. 
you believed you could’ve survived the moment before you saw the seventh pair of eyes looking at you. if you had come to your senses a minute earlier you could’ve asked for the blankets before sohee got back from presenting his award. but now where you were, standing next to the table while sohee stood on the other side, staring at him for a little bit too long. you imagined his members were staring at you too, wondering why you came to their table during a break in the show.
“sorry to bother you guys,” you politely pointed towards the folded blankets in the center of their table while still looking at sohee. “can i take these? for my group.” you said.
almost instantly they nodded, all of them reaching for the middle of their table. sohee was just a second faster than the rest of them like he already knew what you needed. with the stack of blankets in his hand he walked over to you casually. you did your best to ignore the way his members were looking at him approach you. their heads followed sohee’s every step, until he set the blankets in your outstretched hands.
“here you go.” sohee said. 
sohee was lucky that his body blocked the view of his hand sliding between two blankets from his members. he was also lucky that your face showed shock only for a second before bowing and leaving.
you said a thank you before turning tail and heading back up the stairs to your members. you handed out the blankets with a smile on your face, hesitating between the second and third blanket to grab a neatly folded piece of paper in your hand. your members didn’t notice, too happy that their attentive leader got them what they needed.
you slid your note underneath your leg, keeping the folded piece of paper crushed between you and your seat. you were staring daggers to the back of sohee’s head the rest of the award show, trying to figure out why he would do something so risky. you wonder what the paper says. does he think you have the power to sneak away from your dorm and fuck him in a practice room like old times? you shake your head and try to enjoy the rest of the show. your group went on to win two more awards that night. one of your members cried and you wiped her tears while holding back ones of your own. you gave a heartfelt speech about how grateful you were for the people surrounding you. the crowd gave you a standing ovation and you shook your head, bowing deeply before leaving the stage.
when the awards are over your manager led your group to your dressing room. if she was frustrated with you for being absent it doesn’t show, she’s all smiles and giggles as she takes pictures of your group holding the trophies.
cameras are in your face when you get into the dressing room, filming behind the scenes content. some of your members cry and others take the time to sincerely thank fans for getting them this award. you stand in the corner of the room away from the prying cameras, opening the piece of paper that was held in your sweating hands.
i’ll be at our spot in the park.
you looked around quickly before tearing the piece of paper and throwing away the paper. you hid it underneath layers of garbage and smiled when the camera came to you. you had a little bit of a bigger smile when you thanked your fans and members for the awards, talking to the camera in your face with gratitude.
on the way back to the dorms your group was beaming with excitement from the award. you all ran your fingers over the engravings a thousand times, not believing it’s real. you and your girls talked about how much fun you were going to have in the future, and how this was only the beginning. 
when your team’s car parked in the empty lot your manager gave your team a talk. she made sure to stress how much attention was going to be on your group now. your manager told your team how important it was to not be reckless, how curfew at the dorms would be enforced even harder. you looked to your members for their reactions—they all nodded understanding the stakes. you nodded too, acting like you weren’t going to be sneaking off as soon as you were left alone.
your manager also emphasized how important it was to strike while the iron was hot. your team was excited to hear that preparation for your comeback was starting tomorrow, a mere week after your promotions wrapped up. your team was happy but you had a sinking feeling in your stomach at the thought of trying to make a song that was even remotely as popular as your previous one. you knew you were the only one thinking such negative things in the car. maybe that’s why you were the leader, because of your habit of looking to the future. you still felt the prickle of excitement in the back of your mind. you were lucky to be at a place in your life where comebacks were consistent and you were a part of an award winning group. you were also seeing the love of your life tonight. there was no reason to be sad. so you nodded to everything your manager said, taking the time to thank her and your security guard for being with you guys since the beginning. your team followed your lead, thank you’s filling the company car.
you trailed behind your team as they were getting out of the car. before you could leave and be one step closer to seeing sohee your manager put a hand on your arm to stop you. 
“stay behind for a moment,” your manager looked at your group. “she’ll meet you guys inside.” your manager said.
your second oldest member closed the door and they followed her lead to the door. 
you settled in the seat, nervous for what your manager might say to you. your manager looked to your security guard in the front seat before looking back to you. she puts a hand on your knee and your hand on top of it squeezing. 
“congratulations. they wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.” your manager says. 
you nod your head, trying to figure out where this conversation was going. 
“but,” she sighs. “you’re distracted.”
you visibly tense underneath your manager’s hand. she pulls away and reaches to the cup holder to grab her phone. it is awkward and too quiet as your manager unlocks her phone, showing you some webpage.
it takes a while for you to read the title and to recognize that it’s a blogpost. nonetheless it’s about you, looking dazed during the whole award show. low quality photos show you distracted as your members uncomfortably shift in their seats from lack of coverage, you getting up from your seat late after your win is announced, and a picture of you looking at sohee’s table. your face heats up and you put your head in your hands shamefully. you think about high definition fansite photos that could be circulated, showing you distracted in the highest quality possible.
“what are they saying?” you groan.
“run of the mill stuff. the fans are downvoting hate.” your manager said
you let out another groan and your manager’s hand returns to your knee. she shakes it to bring your head out of your hands. you look at her and she’s sympathetic. you hope she feels for your situation, being so young while having so much attention on you. 
“don’t think too much about it. i just want you to be aware.” your manager says.
you rub your eyes before putting your hands back down. you nod your head and your manager gives you a small smile. you smile back, trying to show her that you are very grateful for her. she has been with your group since the beginning, the one that advocated for you to become the leader of your group. she was your fan before you knew you were worthy of praise.
“try to relax tonight, alright? you deserve it.” your manager says.
she opens the automatic door for you and you climb out, waving them off as they leave your driveway. once the car is gone you make your way to the entrance of the dorm. 
when you round the corner of your building you see your group, hiding to not be seen by your manager. they surprise you, causing you to jump back a little and grab your chest. they apologize and ask you what your manager said. you lie to them of course, they don’t have phones to see the blogposts. you just tell your group that your manager wanted to thank you for leading the group, which wasn’t completely false. your group agreed with your manager’s words, thanking you endlessly for being their fearless leader.
you didn’t feel like their leader when the lights finally turned off and everyone finally went to bed. your group was awake long after they should’ve been, taking pictures with your trophy on a shitty digital camera and talking about the future. you had to force them to go to bed, telling everyone they would regret it in the morning. you put your members to bed like you were their mother, patting their heads and telling them how happy you were to be in a group with them. when they were asleep you abandoned all sense of responsibility, getting ready in the dark to make the trek to see your old flame.
you were extremely lucky it was cold outside. it gave you a reason to bundle up in layer after layer, covering all proof of who you were. a long black coat hid your body and baggy pants and an oversized sweater hid your frame. a scarf his your neck and a hat helped you hide your eyes. by the time you put on your face mask you looked completely undetectable, just another person walking around the park to see someone you probably shouldn’t be seeing. your body was hot from the layers and the shame as you tip toed through your dorm, sneaking past your sleeping members to walk to the door. you had a moment where you believed you might’ve been caught, seeing one of the more restless girls move around underneath the sheets. but she settled back in and started snoring, and you thanked the gods for keeping her asleep.
once you made it outside you started thinking of excuses. in the off chance you were caught, you would be able to lie and say you needed to go on a quick walk to clear your head. it’s the least you deserved, after the stressful promotion period you had as a leader. you were lucky that the park sohee was talking about was so close to your building, just ten minutes if you walked briskly. the cold kept you moving a little faster, you knew you’d be there in no time. you thought about when you first moved into your dorm and you would jog past the place you were nervously walking to now. you would pass by the stone stairs that led to the gazebo and look up, memories of being there rushing through your mind. if you ran by it fast enough, you could see you and sohee there, kissing while you two watched the sunset. 
you wondered sometimes if you’d ever have that life again. being a trainee was hell, but you were technically still free then. you could’ve walked out at anytime and lived a normal life. if someone saw you kissing a boy they would just keep walking by. but now, as you got closer and closer to the spot you thought about your life now. if you left the company and terminated your contract you wondered if you would still be a celebrity. would you still have to worry about the lack of privacy or the chance that someone could be lurking in the shadows, snapping pictures of you living life. you imagined blogposts of blurry photos taken at night of you and sohee. it would be a trending topic, and you could potentially put your members and your livelihood at risk. the fear made you slow down, almost paralyzed you. the soles of your shoes felt like they were glued to the paved path you walked on and it felt like the breeze was trying to push you back home. it wasn’t too late to turn around, sohee would be hurt but he would be okay. it was better being embroiled in a dating scandal.
you got ready to turn on your heels when you heard his voice. it was quiet and unsure, like there would be other people walking around the park this late at night.
“is that you?” sohee called.
you still debated on walking away. but when he called your name again, a little more desperate than the first time you looked up at him. 
sohee’s fashion mirrored yours, clad in black with a hat and mask to hide all of him. you wonder how he got here. his apartment was further away, atleast over the bridge. did he have a phone now to call a taxi? did he walk here like you did? did he ask a manager to drive him here? you tried thinking about everything except for the risky situation you were in as sohee got closer and closer to you. eveything was telling you to run, follow the streetlights until you got back to your dorm. sohee’s steps were slow, each one loud as his foot made contact with the gravel path. he approached you like a wild animal, scared you would jump and run away. 
when sohee was directly in front of you he lowered his mask. you gasped and looked around, reaching for the mask to bring it back up on his face. his hand went to your wrist, rubbing the little amount of skin you had exposed.
“no one is around. i checked already.” sohee said.
you let sohee’s hand move from your wrist further up, until his hand wraps around your bicep inside your jacket. his touch is warmer than the million layers you wear. you’re so caught up in how he massages your skin you let him bring you closer and closer, until your chests touch. sohee wraps his arm around you and you can’t stop yourself from relaxing against his chest. he rubs your back gently, and you feel like you are being taken care of since you became the leader of your group. the tenderness almost brings you to tears, somehow this is harder to do than fool around in an empty dressing room.
“congratulations. on your award.” sohee says.
you scoff and go further into sohee. his hand has reached further up into your jacket, resting on your bare shoulder. 
“i’m not an idol right now.” you say.
you try to sound mad but you’re so quiet your voice is almost drowned out by the buzzing street lamps and the chirping cicadas. sohee hears you perfectly, tucking your head underneath his chin and nodding.
“i understand.” sohee says.
you two stay like that for awhile, hugging underneath the lights on a gravel path. you are passed by a couple and a runner who couldn’t care less. it’s comforting to see people uninterested in what you have to do. it’s almost like you are a trainee with sohee again, doing what you two please. 
anytime a breeze comes by you go further into sohee’s chest, taking in a fresh whiff of him. he smells the same as he did when you were trainees, the fresh detergent mixing with something else. it was nothing you could ever pinpoint, and sohee withheld the fragrance he wore like his life depended on it. whatever it was—whether it was just him or a perfume—he was intoxicating nonetheless.
when another person passes by sohee pushes you away gently by your shoulders. he goes to your hand, gripping it so tight it’s almost painful. 
“do you remember when we first came here?” sohee asked.
you only nodded your head. you couldn’t stop remembering even if you wanted to. each step you took to the spot you were reminded of walking down the paths in the summertime with sohee by your side, taking both of your hands into his. you looked up from underneath the brim of your hat to look at him. sohee’s hands were rocking yours back and forth as he rocked on his heels. you could feel that sohee’s nervousness manifested in a different way than yours. 
you continue to look at eachother in silence, listening to the cicadas and the occasional sound of someone making their way down the gravel path. each time you hear the grinding sound of a shoe making contact with the rocks you snap your head in that direction. when you turn your head again, sohee lets go of your hands to rest on your face.
“it’s just me and you.” sohee says. 
it’s not a command, he says it light and in a comforting way. he does it to try and quell your nervousness, so you nod to make him feel better. you still feel the creeping feeling behind you, like someone is hiding in the tree line next to the gazebo. you try to focus on sohee’s warm hands and your hands that rest on his waist. you focus on his lips, and think about if they still taste like you.
“do you want to talk about what happened earlier today?” sohee asked.
you nod again.
“i know it was irresponsible. and i’m sorry.” sohee says.
you shake your head and grip sohee’s hands tighter.
“it was both of us.” you start moving sohee’s hands back and forth as the rest of your thought rests on the tip of your tongue. “we just have to be more careful in the future.” you say.
sohee tilts his head as he listens to what you say. 
“future?” sohee asks.
his words lift at the end in confusion when you nod your head.
“you’re my comfort and i don’t want to lose you.” you blink slowly, trying to will away the tears. “i’m willing to make it work if you want to, too.” you say.
sohee slowly lets go of your hand and puts his hands on your shoulders. you let him lightly apply force, pushing you back until you lean against the wall. you stay there completely still, scared that if you move you’ll have to say goodbye. you both find your own way to avoid the inevitable. sohee messes with the sleeve of your jacket while you try and grab his hand. you both take the time to look into eachothers eyes, trying to find the answer there. sohee looks comforting underneath the streetlight as he comes closer to your face. it reminded you of the times when you were free to act the way all people your age did. you remember being in this exact same position with sohee, waiting for him to kiss you after a long day of shameless flirting. in any other instance you would’ve been heartbroken at the thought of this being your last time together. but he looked like your future underneath the flickering lights and the way he held your hand made you believe he was here to stay.
it takes you by surprise when you start to reveal more of yourself to sohee. it starts you reveal more of yourself to sohee, taking off your hat and fully taking off your mask to stuff it into the pocket of your jacket. sohee smiles even bigger than he was before. you feel so comfortable that you would’ve shed all your layers even in the brisk cold. but you decided to show sohee how comforted you were by bringing him in for a kiss.
you thought that you were pent up but it was nothing compared to the way sohee kissed you back. instantly he responded to your kiss, pushing into your lips. his face went to your hands but then found their way to the hood of your jacket. sohee was in a hurry, his hands trying to find a way to your burning bare skin so he could touch it. while one hand brought you in closer by the hood of your jacket the other hand slipped into your jacket until his hand found the back of your neck. while sohee’s hands guided your lips against his your hands started digging into his hips. 
sohee didn’t know whether it was because he was extremely eager or if he got so dizzy from kissing you that he lost his footing. it wasn’t bad, just a step forward into your while you let his tongue graze your teeth. the step caused you to lose your balance but sohee quickly caught you, moving you against the wall to cage you in. you felt even more secured in this spot, your mind running rampant. you thought you didn’t care if someone was watching, as long as you were able to keep kissing sohee. so you let him pin you against the wall while he wedged his legs between yours. you had to practice self control to not put your body weight on his thigh and let him kiss you until you became a mess. you just let his leg stay there and you let your legs clench around his.
he tilted his head and you responded by tilting yours so sohee could take your bottom lip into his mouth. he sucked on the skin harshly, letting his teeth lightly press into your pout. you opened your eyes for a moment to see his closed in bliss. while he sucked on your lip you let yourself catch your breath. your sweaty chest heaved underneath the confines of your clothes, suddenly too hot even in the frigid temperature. your hands found a way underneath sohee’s layers of clothes as you gripped his waist. you were moaning pitifully now, and you let your weight rest on sohee’s thigh wedged between your knee. sohee lowered his head with your body, not breaking contact with your lips for a second.
when sohee detached from your lips he continued to kiss you with vigor. it was the same way he kissed your folds in the empty dressing room while your career was waiting for you in your seat. you wished that doing something wrong didn’t feel so good as sohee moaned into your mouth. you let out whimpers of your own and sharp intakes of air filled the space between you as you desperately tried to catch your breath. sohee’s hand on the back of your neck was only there for comfort as you got back into the groove of kissing him. you took control for a moment, letting a hand come up to grab a handful of his hair. you tugged at the roots only once, and sohee’s hands moved to your cheeks to show you how intense everything felt. his thumbs pressed into the apples of your cheeks as the cicadas and sounds of your lips making contact filled the night air. his hands couldn’t stop roaming, going from your face to finally pulling you in by the small of your back. you leaned back away from the wall from the support and sohee leaned over you to not break contact. each kiss lit something inside of you and felt brand new—you wish you could kiss sohee underneath the buzzing streetlamp forever. 
when sohee finally pulls away you can’t bring yourself to let go of him. both of you are dumbstruck, wide-eyed with your mouths agape. your lips are both swollen and glossy from spit as you catch your breaths. you can see sohee’s tongue in his mouth poke out to wet his lips and you only start breathing harder. puffs of white vaporized air fills the night as you huff out uneven breaths. you and sohee end up leaned against the wall side by side. you are looking up to the streetlamp and the moon when sohee reaches over to grab your hand. you look to sohee, vaporized breath dissipating in between the two of you.
“this means you’re my girlfriend again, right?” sohee says in between breaths of air.
you still have a dumbfounded look on your face as you nod looking at him. you didn’t have the words for it now, but you knew sohee would be yours forever. you two would make it through the time apart and hectic schedules as idols. even if it you both went through your own trials and tests of strength you remained steadfast, refusing to waste it any longer.
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lamemaster · 3 months
Elves when you break their heart (for a lack of better title)
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AN: Idk why I am writing this but here it is. This author likes the idea of doomed relationships both platonic and romantic :D (Also can we have a funny event so I can feel like writing again? Pretty plsss)
Summary: Angst
Characters: Rog, Celebrimbor, Finrod
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"Oh my," you wheeze folding into yourself as you catch your breath. The elf a few feet away from you looks paler than snow when you look up to smile at him.
A sheepish grin spreads across your face, trying not to show how a flight of stairs came so close to taking you out. But the poor elf turns green and you consciously wipe your lips noticing the blood on the back of your hand. That explains.
"Lord Rog in?" You point to the long corridor that your beloved promised, which definitely leads to his study and not another secret smithy.
The guard, wide-eyed and terrified, can only manage a jerky nod. You heave yourself upright, gathering your robes with trembling hands and a silent prayer to the Valar that the floor stays horizontal for at least another minute.
Taking a deep, shuddering breath – mostly to mask the metallic tang of blood – you dab at your face with the hem of your sleeve before you thrust your beloved into another fit of mothering you.
Pushing open the door (knocking? What's knocking?), you swing yourself into the study with a flourish that would make a bard proud.
"Hellooo my love," you purr, a wide smile plastered on your face despite the throbbing ache in your side. Rog, engrossed in a book held upside down with a furrowed brow, doesn't even notice you at first. It doesn't take elven sight to spot the worry lines etched deep on his face – a sight that makes your smile falter slightly. Hiding an internal sigh, you flop down next to him with a dramatic thud.
"I am not dead yet, dear," you announce, watching him stiffen at the word 'dead.' "Perhaps spare such interesting books for when you are not able to access my excellent presence." You take the tome from his hands and with a playful flick of your wrist, send it soaring across the room to land with a soft thud on a plush armchair.
A frown of complaint settles on Rog's forehead. You can already see the familiar lecture brewing – the one about slowing down and taking care of yourself. An argument you smother with a quick peck on his lips, effectively silencing him before he can utter a single word of protest.
You are, after all, a master in leaving things unfinished. And witnessing his grief and worries was a business you plan to leave unfinished for your given time.
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🩶Celebrimbor🩶: (platonic)
"You are the reason for my kin's doom!" You point an accusing finger at him. "You and your larger-than-life creations." Your voice is hoarse from hours of sobbing.
Tyelpe stood frozen, his heart a drum against his ribs. His once glimmering form felt like a dying star. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring the image of the furious spirit before him.
You lurched forward, grasping his shoulders. Your touch, faint as a sigh, startled him from his paralysis. "Why?!" The raw whisper seemed to crack the very foundation of the Halls.
"Why!! Why did you have to make those rings? Why give it to my kin? Even in death, I cannot see the face of my father. My father who killed his own kingdom." The Halls of Mandos shake with the tremors of your little voice.
You, who had never met him in your lifetime, bore hatred greater than any other.
Nothing mattered. Sauron's evil, your father's own greed, none enraged you more than the elf who you made you into a resentful mess.
Tyelpe didn't flinch. His gaze met yours, a well of ancient sorrow mirroring your own. He didn't resist when the Maiar of Mandos materialized, summoned by the sheer force of your grief. He let's himself be pulled away from your grasp.
Then, a tremor ran through him, a ripple of recognition. He looked at you, truly saw you for the first time. Not just a furious spirit, but a child – a child robbed of a life you never got to live. And him being the cause of it.
He sank to his knees, his head bowed so low it nearly touched the ground. "Forgive me," he rasped, the words echoing through the halls. But this time, the plea wasn't just for himself. It was for you.
Even eternities were not enough to lift the burden of some crimes.
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"Love?" you scoffed, a harsh sound that echoed through the cavernous hall. You met Finrod's gaze, your eyes devoid of the warmth that used to reside there. "This isn't love, Your Majesty. It's vengeance."
You leaned closer, the frosty air swirling around you like a cloak. Each word was a shard of ice, piercing the illusions you'd so meticulously constructed. "I never loved you, Finrod. Not truly."
His face drained of color, the realization dawning like a cruel sunrise. A tremor ran through his hand, the one that used to reach for yours so instinctively.
"Months," you continued, a cruel smile twisting your lips. "Months of a meticulously crafted lie, a performance more elaborate than any staged in these halls."
A flicker of pain crossed his features, a flicker that ignited a cold satisfaction within you. You had achieved your goal. Finrod Felagund, the mighty Elf-lord, brought low by the love of an Edain – the very race he deemed inferior.
"Look at yourself, Finrod," you whispered, the words dripping with venom. "Consumed by a mere illusion. A phantom who offered you a love that never existed."
Finrod opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, your fingers tightening around his chin. "You are in love with a mirage," you declared, your voice a low hiss. "A person who never truly lived. This," you gestured to yourself, the playful warmth you once wore now replaced by a chilling emptiness, "is who I am."
You lean tantalizingly close to his lips. And Finrod as if forced by habit leaned in expectantly. For a moment, Finrod's eyes searched yours, desperate to find a flicker of the woman he thought he knew – the woman who shared laughter and dreams with him.
But there was nothing. Only a cold, calculating stranger.
"Consider this Andreth's debt, finally repaid," you said, pulling away with finality. You turned and walked away, leaving Finrod alone in the vastness of his halls, his heart shattered
And remained shattered accompanied by his body that lay broken in the unlit cells of Tol-in-Gaurhoth.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Diavolo with a yan!MC that ends up getting caught by him?
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DIAVOLO x Yandere!Reader 1.1k words | NSFW | gn!Reader | Yandere Elements | Suggestive Content warnings: Yandere behaviour including obsessive thoughts, manipulation, stalking, suggestive content. ➤➤ Obey Me! Masterlist
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Lucifer doesn’t suspect a thing when you eagerly volunteer to help with RAD student council tasks. He thinks you’re trying to make a good impression on him and the other demons monitoring the success of the student exchange program.
He’s not going to refuse your help, especially when his brothers are less than reliable at the best of times. You’re enthusiastic and oh so curious about the history of the school, and the Devildom, and of course, Diavolo. Lucifer could talk for hours about Diavolo’s hard work and his dreams for the future - to your delight, sometimes he does.
Lucifer also isn’t the type to turn down the offer of pleasant company when he has to run errands at the Demon Lord’s castle. Sometimes you bring gifts for Diavolo, human world desserts you’ve made from scratch. You must’ve gotten access to Leviathan’s Akuzon account because those ingredients are difficult to come by. 
Lucifer thinks it’s almost refreshing to see the look of shy excitement on your face when you hand Diavolo a homemade treat. Something about the Devildom seems to be bringing out the best in you because he finds you charming - and he's not the only demon to think so.
(Neither of you realize that Diavolo notices a change in you, too. He enjoys your small gifts, your tokens of appreciation. He eats your food selfishly and thinks about you while he licks his lips clean.)
No, Lucifer doesn’t mind at all that you’ve taken such a keen interest in learning more about the Devildom or its prince. It’s the reason why Lucifer agreed to bring you as his guest to a party at Diavolo’s castle.
Lucifer mentioned the party to you in passing, and he felt a little guilty when the excitement in your eyes faded to disappointment when he said your presence wasn't necessary. He surprised you the next day with confirmation you could accompany him. He asked Barbatos for permission to bring you, even though you weren't formally invited.
"They may consider it my lord's gift to them, in recognition of their effort and hard work lately," Barbatos told him with a mysterious smile.
The next evening, the party is in full swing and you're wearing something extravagant and expensive that Asmodeus picked for you and that Lucifer paid for. You linger by Lucifer’s side - he’s not usually far from Diavolo, which means you’re not far from Diavolo.
The demon prince is exceedingly handsome in his RAD uniform, but nothing compares to the majesty of Diavolo's demonic horns and wings on proud display. Arousal hums beneath your skin and you have to remind yourself not to stare.
Most of the demons are getting drunk off Demonus, and even Lucifer seems a bit loose-lipped this evening. Some of the guests have brought Diavolo gifts; you’re pretending to listen to Lucifer when you overhear Diavolo ask Barbatos to take the gifts to his room.
It’s easy to slip away from Lucifer who’s distracted by booze and conversation. Your gaze narrows on Barbatos who moves quietly through the crowd. He exits through a doorway on the far side of the room, and when you're certain no one notices your absence, you follow him.
You’ve visited the castle before, but you haven't figured out where Diavolo’s personal chambers are located. You’re as quiet as possible when you follow Barbatos down unfamiliar hallways and up new flights of stairs you haven’t explored yet. His shoes click loudly when he walks across the stone floor. You linger behind and let the echoes of his footsteps guide you towards your destination.
You reach an elaborately decorated hallway that's dimly lit except for a few fiery torch sconces mounted on the walls. You can't see Barbatos, but you hear a door creak open then slam shut. His footsteps echo louder when he starts walking back towards your location. You slip into a random doorway - some sort of small library - and wait for him to pass.
Once you can no longer hear him, you venture back into the hallway until you find what must be the entrance to Diavolo’s room. You look around before you pull the heavy door open and walk inside.
Light from the hallway spills across the floor and casts most of the room in heavy shadow. You leave the door open so you can claim you got lost if one of the servants happens to find you.
You take a few steps forward and breathe the scent of him into your lungs. Diavolo smells spicy and slightly sweet, like the boozy, smoky scent of drinking in front of a crackling fire. You’ve caught whiffs of him when you leaned in close to hand him something, or when you accidentally brushed by him in the RAD hallways. His scent is much richer here, much more potent, and you can almost taste him on your tongue.
You don’t realize how distracted you are until you hear a quiet chuckle behind you. When you gasp and turn around, all you can see is him. Diavolo is leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. He's just inside the open doorway while flickering light from the hallway dances across his skin. He tilts his head and considers you, the brave little human who thought their lingering glances and erratic heartbeat in his presence went unnoticed.
You stare at each other. You're so nervous and overwhelmed that you can barely breathe. His eyes are dark and his gaze scorches your skin when he gives you a very thorough once-over while he decides what to do with you. His lips curl into a smile that looks hungry.
“You’re braver than I thought,” he admits when he finally speaks to you. His voice is low and gravelly - you’ve never heard him sound like this before.
But then he does something you don’t expect: he reaches for the door and pushes it closed. The room is eerily dark now, but you can just barely see him in front of you. He pushes away from the wall and takes agonizingly slow, deliberate steps towards you.
You're frozen in place while your body trembles with fear and desire. The urge to fall to your knees before him in reverence is overwhelming.
“Humans are so intriguing," he murmurs to himself. His voice is deafening in the black silence that surrounds you. He reaches forward to caress your face, and you lean into the touch with a sigh. Before he pulls you to him, you see a glimpse of his fangs when he grins at you.
"You’ve earned the prince’s attention, my dear - there’s no turning back now.”
When he tilts your chin up, your lips and tongue meet him in a hungry, all-consuming kiss. You're lightheaded when the kiss ends. His hands wander across your body. and his chest is rumbling against yours.
Diavolo inhales sharply when you slip from his arms and fall to your knees. When you reach for his waist, you're desperate to show him how intriguing this human can really be.
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effy-writes · 3 months
Addict (Blitz x Reader)
6: Spring Broken: Craxk
"I love this song!" Blitz chimed, turning up the volume. "You were a spicy little- uh- Demon with the- uh- bleach blonde haaaair!"
Loona looked annoyed, Moxxie was covering up his "ears", you and Millie was looking out the window smiling.
The van came to a sudden stop, giving everyone in there whiplash. A pink car with the words "Sucks 4 Life" was in their original parking spot.
"Oh, you "suck for life", do ya? Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddamn seconds to get your tits out of my parking spot!"
The passenger of the car stepped out and Blitz's jaw dropped. "Oh, shit! Verosika!"
"Blitzo" She smirked.
"I should have known you'd be here. I could smell fish for miles, which is odd. Because, I believe the nearest ocean is..." He stepped out from the car and fell flat on his face. "three rings down!"
You turned your head to Millie, "How do they know each other?"
"Beats me." She shrugged.
You were familiar with Verosika, you saw her at that rehab place that you were at for two months, but you only saw her once or twice before Verosika left.
"And I should have known you'd be here when I heard the Amber Alerts."
"Oh, yeah? I'm surprised they let your fat ass outta rehab. I can see you're still a drunken whore, clutching onto that Beelzejuice bottle like it's the last cock in Hell!"
Verosika pulled out a flask, "They let me out because I'm still famous. And rehab is for sad, loser wash-ups. So, your sister says "Hi","
Oh shit, I completely forgot about Barbie. Can't believe I forgot about her. Does Blitz know about it?
The two bickered about the parking spot while you were deep in your thoughts.
Loona got out of the van, "You know Verosika Mayday?"
"Huh...? Oh, yeah. Her, yeah. We dated."
You jumped out of the van, "You guys dated?"
"Oh shit, Y/n. When did you get out of rehab?" Verosika laughed.
Loona, Millie, and Moxxie looked at you, "You were in REHAB?" Moxxie shouted.
"Long story." Fucking hell.
"Okay let's get back to the main point, our fucking parking spot! Let's go handle this shit."
Loona, Vortex and Blitz was engaging in a conversation about the office that's right across from I.M.P.
"Oh, no you don't, bitch." Blitz muttered.
"Sir... how about you let me go in and try to reason with her? I don't really listen to what's classified as "pop genre" music, so her status to me is name recognition alone..." Moxxie suggested.
Blitz glared at Moxxie, "In my opinion, her music is a bit derivative of-"
"Shut the fuck up!" He interrupted.
Moxxie sighed and walked through the door to talk to her gang.
You turned towards Blitz. "When did you date her?"
"Like 2 years ago probably. Did you see her and my sister?"
"Yeah.." You mumbled. "I was in there for about two months or so, I only saw Verosika once or twice, she ended up leaving way before I did."
"And my sister?"
"She was still there when I left. We didn't talk that much, I think we were both in shock."
Blitz changed the conversation. "Moxxie, don't let her access any of your holes!"
Moxxie quickly ran out of the room, lipstick marks all over him. "I... I gotta go lie down... now."
"Oh, this won't STAND!" Blitz rushed into the same room, you following behind.
"Alright that's it, If you're gonna be shitty to my employees, then I challenge you to a fuckin'... challenge! Fuck, I said that twice."
"Mm this imp boy starting a duel?" One of the succumbs said.
"I think he is!" Verosika laughed. "And brought his crack head wittle fwiend with him!" She baby talked.
"Oh shut the fuck up."
"Just speaking the truth, so, what's the game Blitzo."
"Every year, you STD spreaders go up topside for easy pickin's while spring break is a prime time for crime of all kinds! So I bet... you succu-bitches can't fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day."
Everyone laughed, Verosika got down on his level, "Game on, bitch."
"Alright, shut your assholes! Here's how we're gonna do this shit! First, we find a fuck ton of clients."
Blitz proceeded to draw out the steps with poorly bad drawings.
"...Do you have... any questions?"
"Uh, yeah. What was that nonsense?" Moxxie stood up.
Blitz argued with Moxxie, you on the other hand stood up to go to the bathroom to snort adderal that you found behind a dumpster, Hope this isn't laced.
"Uh where are you going?" Blitz questioned.
"No. Any more non dumbass questions?"
Loona spoke, "Hey, is there a way where I can come?"
You got an idea, tons of college students has drugs. "Yeah me too!"
"Absolutely not, I forbid it. Not gonna happen. Sorry, sweetie. Spring break is no place for young, vulnerable goth girls. And Y/n you said it yourself, you're a janitor."
You shrugged, "I can help lure people in."
"Well, I can blend in with humans easy enough. Just let me tag along." Loona added.
"Wait...you can blend in?" Millie asked.
"Yeah? Don't you guys have human disguises?" Nobody said anything, "You three have been screwing around on Earth this whole fucking time... without human disguises? Y/n what about you?"
"I only been up there once against my will. So don't drag me into this." You put your hands up in defense.
"Alright new plan! Loonie can help lure the humans to us, and we'll take care of the rest. Okay, how about that?"
"What about me?" You questioned.
"Bring your fucking broom and start WACKIN!"
"I think you're missing the biggest issue, sir. Isn't it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren't just going up to massacre!" Moxxie intervened.
"I got that covered, Mox."
"Now, remember, we can't be seen, alright? And loose shots will likely cause a panic, so Loona can help with leading targets to a better spot to off 'em. You got the list, Loonie?" Blitz got his gun ready.
"Got it."
Loona transformed into a human looking version of herself, as your eyes widened, "You look beautiful!"
"You look...downright awful!" Blitz dawned. "I am so proud, now fetch!"
Loona and the rest got targets, while you were staring at the crowd, trying to see if you can find anybody snorting or even buying drugs. In order to not get caught of you obviously being an imp, you put a beanie on to cover up the horns and wrapped your tail around your waist. However you being red doesn't do you justice.
"Alright, spring breakers! Y'all ready to get fucked up and make some BITCHIN' BAD CHOICES!" Verosika shouted from the stage, inducing the crowd to roar her name.
You walked in between of people, trying to find just anything to get your hands on. With Verosika singing her mating song, everybody stopped what they were doing and started to get all sensual.
"This is my chance." You muttered. You found a couple smoking something out of a pipe. As you got closer it looked like was a crack pipe. "Bingo."
You walked over to them, and since they were too caught up making out you were able to grab the pipe and the lighter from their hands and lit it up, inhaling the stimulate. Within seconds your eyes dilated, heart raced, and you've been waiting for this feeling for a long time.
You saw Blitz and Loona in the distance arguing and turned the other way so you wont get caught with Blitz.
While walking away from the crowd you wanted to run and dance, but was afraid of Blitz catching you. With each second the drug took over and you started doing tricks and flips with the broom that you have. I probably look crazy as hell right now, you laughed.
You ended up tripping on the broom and fell in front of Millie and a very drunk Moxxie.
"Hey Y/n! How you been?" Millie smiled.
You stood still and gave her a thumbs up with a crack out smile.
Moxxie laughed, "Fish."
Confused, the two of you turned around and saw a huge monster-looking fish grab Moxxie.
"Moxxie!" Millie shouted before running towards the fish.
You had so much energy you needed to run and fight along. The two of you wrestled with the fish and with your cracked out strength you opened its mouth.
"Let's go Y/n!" Millie cheered, helping Moxxie out of the fish, and by helping she threw him.
In the distance Blitz was holding Moxxie, watching this fight.
"I love that woman," Moxxie smiled.
"Oh, she totally pegs you, doesn't she?" Blitz dropped his face once he caught a glimpse of you. "Holy shit, since when did she start to fight?"
You and Millie swam to shore, Millie out of breath, and you were still pumped up with energy.
"Oh my god that was amazing!" You shouted, jumping up and down. Blitz dropped Moxxie and walked over to you.
Your smile dropped and turned to walk away but he forcefully grabbed your arm, "Oh fuck you." He spat.
"Wait, Blitz I can explain!" He let go of your arm.
"You were clean for so long!"
He still doesn't know about the adderal, but you decided to keep it a secret. "I'm sorry-"
"Don't." He jabbed his finger into your chest before walking away.
"Blitzo." Verosika walked up to him, "Leaving Y/n like how you left me?"
"She left me first." He gritted through his teeth.
Millie interrupted this dispute about you and Blitz. "I don't think this belonged to any of us." Millie showed Verosika her flask. "Would be a shame if anyone found out you guys were behind a giant monster fish in the human world."
"Oh, Satan! You're gonna be so... FUUUUCKED!" Moxxie drunkly laughed.
"Y'know, we could keep this little B-movie scene on the down low if you agree to let us use that parking space." Blitz smirked.
"Fine." She agreed, crossing her arms.
"But we won! In your face bitch!" He flipped her off. "Come on, Loonie Tooney! Let's go back and park our fat fuckin' car in our fat fuckin' space!"
Everyone jumped into the portal, you following behind of Loona.
"Going to my room don't bother me!" Loona shouted before slamming her door.
You laid down on the couch, back facing Blitz. He sat down on the other end, neither of you saying a word to each other.
"Why did you do it?" He broke the silence. You just shrugged.
"Planning on being a coke and meth head? Planning on leaving me?" He raised his voice.
"I don't know why I did it." You mumbled. Blitz exhaled and rubbed his face.
"Don't ever pull that shit again, okay?"
You wanted to ask him if he even cares about you and if this is why he's mad other than his fear of you leaving him again, but you don't want to know the answer, you don't want to get hurt.
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
Steve Harrington - Enchanted
enchanted (steve's version)
warnings: insinuations of a fem!reader (mentions of lipstick, r wearing a dress, etc) and yearning. i am yearning. that's all.
wc: 2.5k+ (don't say a WORD)
a/n: congratulations! you ruined me! my ultimate steve fantasy, because if you know me, you know i will do anything to bring up the scenario of meeting steve at some stupid fancy party. i don't even care that i'm breaking my word count rule it was well-deserved.
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Steve always hated these parties. They were brimming with insincerity and fake laughter, forced smiles and polite small talk between business owners that would all double cross one another for the right price without feeling a morsel of remorse. Stupid games, stupid prizes. None of it appealed to him. None of it. 
But he still had to attend to appease his parents. He’d once tried to argue his way out of them, but it had led to a bigger fight than it was worth. No, Steve had to pick his battles carefully these days – for the greater good of the war that raged on inside his home behind closed doors, he knew it was best to just stomach all of the snobs and the frauds for a few hours at most. At least he could finally drink. It all became much more bearable when he had access to the open bar. 
And it’s when he’s sitting at that very bar, eyes dully watching a drop of condensation drip down the side of his whiskey on the rocks, that he first sees you. 
He’d never seen you around here before. He was used to the rotation of passing faces, some old and some new, but he wasn’t used to someone his age being here. Most of the attendees were his elders, a fact they liked to remind him of, or were young children running laps as their parents tried to network. It wasn’t the right scene for any twenty something year old. Not unless they were in Steve’s boat and being forced to attend. And even then, most people Steve’s age were too old to be bossed away in that way by their parents. His father only had the upper hand by pressing on about how Steve was to inherit the company, how he needed to attend these events for that. 
Yet even with the facts at hand, there you were. Standing amongst a circle of older gentlemen who you were flashing overly exaggerated expressions at to seem enticed. But each time their attention wavered, Steve would catch a glimpse of the truth; your boredom as your face would relax, your annoyance as you would roll your eyes, your distaste at the topic of discussion as you’d purse your lips and cover it with a sip of your drink. Steve watched it all in real time, suddenly sitting up a little bit straight in his stool, and couldn’t stop the intrigue from taking hold of him.  
And then you looked at him. 
It was after another eyeroll, paired beautifully with a lift of your drink and flick of your wrist to half-assedly contribute to the private toast happening amongst the men. Over the rim of that martini glass, your eyes had scanned the room, and you had caught his stare. 
Slowly, the ruby lips pressed to the rim of the glass curled upwards. Your eyebrows raised every so slightly, a small gesture only meant for him from across the room. He’d caught your attention just as you had his. A silent recognition – like calls to like. 
He tries to fight the blush that creeps out from beneath the collar of his well-pressed dress shirt, a dangerous white that only contrasts the pink flush more obviously. Subtly, he raises his glass, reveling in your stare. 
You don’t return his measly toast. His cheeks burn as he looks down, taking to gulping down the rest of his whiskey in embarrassment. A terrible move, on his part, because it burns.
It continues to burn more ferociously when he chokes at the sound of your voice.
“Isn’t whiskey meant to be sipped?” you question, confidently moving to take the empty seat beside him at the counter, “Or at least, that’s what they tell me,” your chin juts in the direction of the group you’d just escaped from carefully, a small enough movement they wouldn’t have seen it. 
Steve fights back a round of coughs, rushing to sit down the glass as he clears his throat repeatedly before he can say a word to you, “How do you know it’s whiskey?” 
He’d meant for it to come out charming. Instead, it comes out strangled, squeaky, as your grin widens. 
“I don’t,” you shrug, gleaming at him awfully entertained, “But between me and you, that’s the only dark liquor I know.” 
“Scotch, bourbon, rum, brandy, cognac-” Steve rattles off the list he’d memorized thanks to his father, almost as if on autopilot, before he processes how rude he sounds and cuts off, “Sorry, I sound like a jackass right now.” 
Once more, only after the sentence has fallen from his lips does he recognize that it’s not entirely appropriate. 
He grimaces and prepares to apologize, but looks over to see you practically buzzing in your seat, pearly white teeth now peeking out from behind your smiling lips that just keep stretching further. 
“Don’t be sorry. It makes you fit right in,” you wave a tepid hand between the limited space between your bodies, motioning around at the surrounding room and its occupants. 
His shoulders relax a little. You were right, of course. The room was filled with jackasses. Steve knew this, had come to accept this, even if he’d never say it to their faces for the sake of his family’s reputation. 
Just as Steve was fitting in with the echo of his father’s voice replacing his, you also fit into the room. You were dressed to the nines, same as the other wives who draped themselves off their husbands’ arms as they faked interest in words exchanged. His eyes travel down over the deep purple silk of your dress. It was floor length with a slit that revealed your right leg as you casually cross your legs to get more comfortable. The royal shade glimmers beneath the lowlights of the bar and seem to enchant Steve as he lets his eye linger over every curve of your body that the material clings to. Your minimal jewelry that you adorned glitters right along with it, the faux diamonds not quite gaudy but gathering attentive eyes all the same. With each wink and shimmer, it seems as if they whisper to everyone around you, Steve included, look at me. Look at how I shine.
When you move to sit your drink down beside his, your pinkies brush. The smallest of touches, and it sends a tirade of goosebumps up and down his forearms. The neck at the nape of his neck prickles when you let your hand rest just a tad bit closer to his than necessary. Like a dare, an offer of a game of cat and mouse to break up this boring evening. 
Both of you fit in with this room, but beneath the surface, Steve knows neither of you belong. 
One drink, two drinks, three drinks. Steve loses count as he talks away the evening with you. Your quick wit, the way you carry yourself with allusive confidence, your kindness that hides below each lingering glance and shy smile — he’s starstruck in your presence. He’s enchanted. He knows from this night forward, he will seek you out at every single one of these parties he will have to grovel through, if only to beg of you to breathe him to life just as you had tonight.
“Abba? You’re telling me that Abba is your favorite band?” you laugh, music to his ears. 
He knows you’re not laughing at him, but with him as he chuckles at his own answer. “Say what you want, they might just be the greatest pop stars of our generation. Have you heard Voulez-vous?” 
“Everyone’s heard Voulez-vous.” 
“So you get it! They’re a classic!” 
You make the room feel bigger, brighter. All the heaviness that usually weighs Steve down on these nights has lifted, and in its airy absence, your mindless touches of his forearm and beautiful laughter has occupied him instead. 
“I never said that!” you lean forward a bit with drunken giggles, hand grabbing onto him to steady yourself. His dress jacket is still draped over your shoulders from when he’d caught your shiver earlier in the night, “Hey, I- No. I never said that! D-Don’t out words… words in my…” 
You can’t even finish your sentence, too interrupted by the bursts of your giddiness escaping you. Steve’s just as bad as you are — he’s probably making a fool of himself and his family name by now, but he can’t find it in himself to care.
Let them stare, he thinks as he watches the crinkle of your nose and lets it leave him breathless, I don’t care. 
“Words in your what?” he teases, “C’mon honey, are you getting all choked up over Abba-“ 
All the bubbling happiness bursts right before his eyes as a rough hand comes down on his shoulder. He glances up to be met with his father’s disapproving glare. 
“Dad, I-“ his face turns pale, sitting up straight as a rod, all that joy you'd lit aflame in him suddenly dim. 
“We’re leaving now,” it’s not a question, not a proposition, not an exchange of casual information. It’s a demand. 
Steve glances back over his shoulder at you. You, the enchanting stranger who is tugging his jacket a little bit tighter around yourself, the one person who made him feel as though there was somewhere in this world he may belong. 
“Okay,” he doesn’t look back at his father; he can’t hide his disappointment. And he’d rather see your understanding warmth than his father’s sneer in this moment.
“We’re leaving now,” his father stressed again, emphasizing with urgency and irritation. 
“Okay,” Steve repeats, his gut twisting the longer he stares at you. He wishes the night wouldn’t end. He wishes time would have mercy on him and you, “I’ll meet you and mom out front.” 
His father’s hum is in distaste, but no more arguing occurs at the risk of causing a scene.
The moment you two are alone once more, as alone as you could get in a crowded room, you smile sadly at him.
“Stephen, huh?” you ask quietly, and he catches the fiddling of your thumbs, “I’ve just been calling you Prince Charming in my head the entire night.” 
His chest aches. The two of you hadn’t even exchanged names — there had been no need for introductions, not when his soul and yours had felt so familiar with one another right from the start. 
“Funny,” he chuckles, reaching up and running his fingers through his hair, “I’ve just been referring to you as princess.” 
His mother and father are waiting for him. There’ll be Hell to pay for every second longer he leaves them out front with the car. 
He doesn’t care when you lean forward on your elbows, a bit of that charismatic charm that had first captured him in your trap finally returning as you fold your hands beneath your chin and smirk, “Just princess? Can’t even give me a specific one?” 
“None of them compare to you,” the words slip out before he can think them over, and he damns the whiskey. He damns this entire room and he damns his parents who are expecting him to just leave now that he has you. 
As quickly as it returns, the charm stutters and vanishes to reveal the caring and enticing soul he had latched onto over conversation. 
You bring your hands down to your lap and stare down at them for a moment, the most bashful he’d seen you the entire night, “I’m not a princess, Stephe-“
“Steve,” he breathes out, “Please call me Steve.”
“I’m not a princess, Steve,” you try once more, correcting yourself as you look up at him, “Flattery gets you nowhere around here, didn’t you know that?” 
Your eyes do a slow take of the room that had melted away for the last few hours, a scan of those god awful people and all their mandated hellos and loaded how are yous. 
They still don’t exist to him. He still only sees you, “I’m not like them. You’re not like them.” 
He needs more time. He doesn’t know you well enough, he needs to know all there is to know about you. He should’ve asked you questions with the time gifted tonight; he should have asked for your name, should have discovered your favorite color, should have learned what brought you here and where he might find you again. 
Should have, should have, should have. He’s too late.
“You’re supposed to be leaving,” you softly remind him.
“Can I at least have your name?”
He knows your answer before you say it, watching the way your lips tug up as if taunting him.
He should have asked you to join him out on one of the quieter balconies. He should have let his hand bump yours one too many times. He should have kissed you and gotten your lipstick all over his face.
“Your father is waiting for you,” you say in lieu of answering his question, suddenly standing and moving to shrug off his jacket.
He stops you immediately, hands wrapping around your wrists gently enough to cease the motion as he stands as well, “Don’t. Keep it… until next time.” 
A quiet plea that he will see you again. A silent prayer that this is not where the story ends.
You comply, not even putting up so much as a fight as you drop your hands. They slip from his grasp, and he wonders if the skin where he’d touched you burns the way in which his fingertips do now.
“It was nice meeting you, prince charming,” you whisper, looking at him with starry eyes that almost convince him that if he were to ask you for another hour, another night, you would give it to him. 
It feels as though they’re whispering to him that your soul needed this as much as his.
“I’ll see you around, princess,” he echoes back, ignoring the tightness in his throat that screams this is wrong, that the night shouldn’t end yet and he should order you two another round of drinks.
When he makes no move to leave, only staring into your eyes and trying to commit you to memory, you suddenly step forward. Two small steps, and you’re leaning up, his breath catching as your lips press firmly to his cheek. You pull away, and he can feel the residue of your lipstick left behind, surely staining him as red as it had your glass.
He reaches up to press a burning fingertip to the mark, but you’re quick to grab his wrist, just as he had done to you.
“Don’t,” you repeat his words, that same enchanting smile overtaking your face as when you’d first spotted him from across the room, “Keep it until next time.” 
An answer to his pleas and prayers. He will see you again. He has to see you again. 
His rosey cheeks never fade, blushing the entire car ride home, and then some.
"this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the story line ends."
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whitherwanderer · 17 days
4 // reticent
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Accessing Everkeep Data Terminal Network . . . Please remain still for regulator scan or insert identification tag. Verifying user registration . . . User PYR-0562 registration verified. Access granted. Welcome back, Pyrite. Memory storage shard detected in port A. Displaying memories. IMG_1051 IMG_1052 IMG_1053 IMG_1054 IMG_1055 IMG_1056 > IMG_1055 Loading IMG_1055 . . . Loading failed. Memory corruption detected.
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Blue light from the terminal screen cast a sickly glow across the room, making a sleepless Pyrite look all the more weary as her eyes strained against the blocky remnants of a corrupt image. Despite the distortion of the image turning the figures pictured into little more of a hint at a person, she could recognize herself in one of them; the suggestion of a smile on her face, her arm slung around a brunet man that could be none other than Galena, though she had no recollection of this moment preserved in light.
He had long since awoke and found her there, alert but not wholly present, as she delved into their personal records. She could still feel the press of his lips on her cheek before he left their darkened apartment to begin the long trek out to the driftdowns. She only opened the image back up when she was sure he was long gone.
Between them in this disembodied memory, observed secondhand through a broken lens, was a third figure.
Younger. Much younger. Not more than ten years old. Held in their arms with a certain pride she could almost remember feeling once. Blonde, like her, but otherwise featureless. The conclusion was as obvious as it was maddening. But when? How?
The longer she stared, the more it ate at her how much was missing. A name she wanted to call out in a long-learned habit, though her tongue could never quite form the syllables. A face she could almost see in the white, flickering moment as her eyes closed, but something always pulled her away from recognition of a face. Everyone was aware of the cloud. Everyone had these holes in their memory. So why did this eat at her so?
The blinking prompt beneath the image tempted her sorely. She had already found the futility in taking up its offer, however…
Repair IMG_1055? [Y/N] >  Y Repairing IMG_1055 . . .
What is it they say about the definition of insanity?
She watched the loading bar fill, tick by painful tick, until there came a chime at the door that, for all its intended pleasantness, nearly sent her to the floor with a jolt. “Who’s there?” she calls.
“Pyrite? It’s me,” a young woman called over the comms unit just outside, “Sphene.” Pyrite froze in her seat, her blood set to ice. She clapped the terminal closed and kept her hand atop it as if it might shout her secrets if she didn’t, then looked down to examine herself.
“I apologize for calling upon you at this hour. I haven’t woken you, have I?”
“No,” Pyrite calls back urgently. “No, I was already awake. Just- just give me a moment to get myself decent, your Majesty.”
“Oh! By all means.”
Fully clothed, but caught obviously unprepared for any guest, let alone the bloody Queen of Reason herself. Not that Sphene was known to judge, but the impropriety of greeting her barefoot did cross Pyrite’s mind. So too did the thought of keeping her waiting at the door.
Pyrite hurried to the entrance, pressing her hand to the pad beside it that saw the shades open and the lights of Solution Nine to fill the room before another press lifted the door, revealing the young queen’s expectant, spring green stare and warm smile. Coiffed, crowned, and poised, wide eyes and the wringing of the young queen’s hands indicated something was troubling her, but she brightened the moment Pyrite smiled back at her, however wearily.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting, your Majesty,” she Pyrite offers, harried though it is, and the queen’s eyes close with a gentle shake of her head.
“Don’t be, my dear Pyrite. It’s still quite early,” the regent assured. She paused, looking back over Pyrite’s shoulder for a moment before smiling to politely inquire. “May I come in?”
Pyrite was keenly aware she’d been sorting through the records and attempting repairs for hours now. The Everkeep administrative systems would have caught it, wouldn’t they? The visit from the queen couldn’t be a coincidence.
Her smile widened from ear to ear. Why did this feel like a guilty conscience on display? “‘Course. Please, come in.”
As Pyrite stood aside to let the young queen enter with polite thanks, her hands were kept folded neatly at her middle. Her scintillant dress cast prisms of light about the floor, turning as she did once she reached the middle of the room. Pyrite touched the pad against the wall once more and the door slid closed, quieting the distant sound of Sphene’s name called down the hallway.
The resulting beat of silence frayed Pyrite’s already buzzing nerves.
“Restless morning?” she asked the queen. An attempt at smalltalk to soothe the nerves. It was not so long ago that they gossiped like schoolgirls after all.
“Restless is… one way of putting it,” the queen tone nearly touches upon sardonic humor. This does little to put Pyrite’s nerves at ease.
“...How have you been, Pyrite?” Sphene asks tentatively, turning to look upon Pyrite with a smile that spoke of genuine concern. Like a check-in after an illness. Why did the queen’s once-comforting visits now feel like interrogation? “You look well, and that is heartening enough. I hope the same goes for dear Galena?”
“I am, and so is he,” Pyrite said cooly, motioning towards the sofa. She didn’t take a seat until the queen accepted the offer, happily perching on the edge of the cushion and smoothing her dress over her lap.
“But somehow I get the feelin’ you didn’t come by just to tell me I looked well,” Pyrite remarks lightly, and Sphene’s eyes glint with delight.
“Ah… subtlety has never been my strong suit, has it?” the queen admits, casting her gaze to her knees. Her smile remains warm. “In truth, I was rather worried about you and Galena.”
Play dumb, instict told her. “Worried? Why for?” Pyrite asks, sitting back. Was this too casual? Did it read as too confident?
“I heard a spot of troubling news from the hunters afield in the Thunderyards. That one of our valiant huntresses had suddenly handed in her notice of resignation…” Her Majesty hints, jeweled gaze lifting to the fool’s gold of her host’s.
Pyrite clicks her tongue. “Loudmouths, the lot of ‘em,” she jokes, and Sphene lifts her fingers to her lips to giggle. The apparent ex-huntress sighs, her head tilting to one side. “They speak true, I’m ‘fraid. I’m lookin’ fer new work. Somethin’ to keep my edge honed. And the change is… welcome, I suppose.”
Not a complete lie. Not the whole truth, either.
“Ah, so that’s the way of it. New employment,” the queen surmises with approval in her tone. “Blessed are we to have ambitious people like you seeking new challenges and finding more ways they might serve our fellow Alexandrians. I do not doubt your skills can be put to good use elsewhere, within the keep or without.”
She pauses, her hands folding on her lap again to wring gently. Here it comes, Pyrite tells herself with an inhale. Surely this wasn’t honest trouble, was it? It was only their personal records, their rightful property, And she can’t have been the first to go digging through the past. She certainly wouldn’t be the last. Could it really be so dangerous to go fishing for memories lost in the cloud?
“...I gather Galena also seeks such new challenges?” comes a tentative worry, and the young queen’s smile is one of honest apprehension. “I spied him at Mosaic this morning and I couldn’t help but notice that he had forgone the use of a regulator.”
Pyrite’s lip is pinched between her teeth, but she manages to finally exhale. So that’s what drew the queen’s attention to them. Washed over with the relief that her prying into the past would have consequences for herself and her husband, she could speak to the Queen of Reason with some degree of candor. Sphene, for her part, did seem honest in her concern. Her delicate hand pressed to her chest as she made plain her case.
“Just this month we’ve seen a one hundred and sixty-eight percent increase in soul use among the reforgers. Of course we cannot accurately capture full scope of the risk with so many who don’t wear regulators, but we’re still seeing a rate of nearly ten accidental deaths per year on average, seven of which are caused by aggressive wildlife and the other three—”
She stopped herself short, and Pyrite realized how deeply furrowed her brow must have been as Sphene began to cite statistics they were both fully, painfully aware of. Galena wasn’t just taking a risk in choosing not to wear the regulator and continuing to operate in the field; it was downright recklessness. But it was still his choice, and Sphene knew this.
Both took a beat to release their tension, the queen adjusting herself to face her host fully, her smile apologetic. Pyrite obliged her with a tired smile of her own.
“I’m sorry,” Sphene laughs, pained but earnest.
Pyrite forgives her with a shake of her head. “You care for him. Couldn’t possibly be cross with Her Majesty for worrying over her subjects’ well being.”
“I do care for him, just as I care for you, Pyrite,” the queen agrees quietly. “Queen or not, you are dear friends to me, and I would do anything within my power to make your lives as happy and fulfilling as I can, even if that means merely providing a listening ear. So please, know that if there is anything you would like to talk about—anything at all—you may confide in me as you would any other.”
Her plea is honest, heartfelt. Pyrite knows well that the queen’s word is her bond, even as she smiles cooly. “I appreciate it, Queen Sphene. Truly, I do,” Pyrite tells her. A part of her doesn’t lie. “Might be I’ll take you up on that someday.” Both know, of course, that the offer would remain on the table. Untouched.
Sphene’s smile wanes, gladdened, but plainly disappointed. She seemed to recognize the appropriate time to leave her host to her thoughts, and rises to her feet. Pyrite follows suit.
“I shan’t press. Ever have you kept your counsel, and to ask it of you now may well be brazen indulgence, I fear. I ask no more of you except that you forgive me if I’ve overstepped.” Sphene’s expression wanes pleasantly apologetic before she takes a determined step towards the door with Pyrite close behind.
With the press of the door panel and the hiss of hidden hydraulics, the sound of conversation down the hallway fills the silence once again. Pyrite soaks in the relief of nearly having her privacy once again, until Sphene’s hand catches the door.
She turns, her voice lowering. “If I may be brazen once more, might I prevail upon you to ask Galena if he would reconsider the use of a regulator? I wouldn’t presume to disrespect his choice but…” It’s she that bites her lip this time. “It would break my heart to learn that tragedy had struck and I was powerless to keep his memory safe.”
Pyrite blinks, unmoving. It takes a moment for her to remember to offer some sort of condolence in the form of a nod and a smile. “I’ll talk to him, Queen Sphene,” she promised. She did not promise the content of that conversation, but Sphene smiled gratefully nonetheless.
“That is all I ask. Thank you, Pyrite. Be well.”
Pyrite watches her depart, motes of refracted light following her across the floor as she is excitedly flagged down by the small group conversing down the hallway, eager to catch up with the young queen. She pushes off the door and closes it, breathing in the silence.
But a few steps to her terminal to check on the progress of the repairs, and she is unsurprised to see it report failure to repair yet again. The error code is frustratingly familiar. 
Unable to repair. Error code: ORIG-0053
But perhaps it wasn’t a dead end. She taps at the display, punching the code into the database for a workaround or some other solution—bootleg or otherwise. She couldn’t have been the first to attempt this.
Instead of solutions, however, she is greeted by a message.
Please, do not despair. Your precious memories are held in the Cloud for safekeeping until such time as you are ready to reunite with them. Until then, I ask only for your patience. All will be well.
The terminal is slapped closed again, and Pyrite silently seethes for reasons she doesn’t quite understand. There must be others who went looking and shook with silent rage for all the answers that seemed to slip through their fingers. There must be.
She just had to find them.
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jae-bummer · 2 years
More Than Fine
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Request: Hi hi and welcome back!!! For prompt list, number 4 and Seventeen woozi please? Happy writing and have a great day hehehe
4) “You look good in my clothes."
Prompt list can be found HERE.
Pairing: Seventeen Woozi x Reader
Genre: Fluff (with spicy undertones)
"Mingyu! Mingyu, come ooon!" you groaned, pounding on the sliding glass door.
Cupping your hands to your eyebrows, you bonked your head into the window, trying to see inside. Empty.
"Kim Mingyu, you awful, awful himbo," you whispered, your eyes now beginning to dart around in panic. Surely he didn't...he wouldn't have...
You wiggled the door handle again, but your worst fears were only proven. He locked you out.
"Damnit!" you gasped, slowly sliding down the length of the window and plopping on your butt. You had only stepped out on the balcony for a matter of minutes to hydrate the wayward plants that were begging for water. Seungkwan had taken up gardening, and contrary to his belief, plants needed more than pep talks to stay alive.
As you had stepped out, you were certain you left the door cracked open behind you. Mingyu had seemingly been waiting patiently on the couch. The two of you had plans to study his English workbook so he could prepare himself for Seventeen's upcoming world tour.
Apparently he had other plans.
You bonked your head against the glass again just as thunder rumbled across the sky. It was only a matter of seconds before rain started to pelt you, drenching through your clothes only a few minutes after.
"I'm going to kill him," you whispered, looking longingly toward the phone you could see sitting on the coffee table in the living area. "It's going to be a slow death."
Closing your eyes, your body began to mutiny against you. Shivers began rocking through your shoulders and down your spine, the wind picking up as the rain did.
"You know," a muffled voice said softly. "Jeonghan just cleaned that window."
Popping your face up immediately, you could have wept with gratitude. Woozi was standing on the opposite side of the window.
"Jihoon," you said with a weak smile. "Can you please unlock the door?"
Furrowing his brows, he looked down at you incredulously. "It's unlocked."
"I'm sorry, repeat that? I think I have water in my ears," you squeaked. You could feel the beginnings of embarrassment pumping under your skin. "It won't open."
"Aaaah," Woozi nodded knowingly. "When the weather gets bad, the door sticks."
"The door sticks," you repeated, a numb feeling sweeping through your body.
With a few pulls, and a surprisingly attractive view of Woozi's arm veins, he had pretty much seamlessly slid the door open.
"What were you doing out here anyway?" he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he accessed your situation.
"Watering the plants." You still hadn't made any move to get up, choosing to wallow in your own misery.
"But it's raining," Woozi said with all of the sense in the world.
"It was not ten minutes ago," you whispered.
"Don't you use the weather app?"
"Jihoon," you started, slowly getting up from your seated position. "Where's Mingyu?"
"He went to go get food with Wonwoo. Why?" He asked, tilting his head.
You stepped through the door, Woozi immediately sidestepping to avoid the dripping rain falling from your clothes. "Did he tell you I was here?"
"He said you were doing something and you would meet him at the restaurant," he said, shaking his head in misunderstanding. "And he texted you about it."
You motioned helplessly to the phone sitting on the small table to the side of where the two of you were standing. Recognition clicked and all of Woozi's cylinders were beginning to fire with understanding.
"Well, shit," he mumbled.
A few moments passed in silence.
"You look miserable, let's get you warm," he hummed.
You felt your shoulders relax at his words. "Can I shower?"
"Yeah, but I think all that's in there right now is Vernon's 3-in-1 shampoo. I'll dig out my stuff from my shower caddy," he said, leading you toward the shared bathroom.
"You would have a shower caddy," you grumbled. Since you had met the boys of Seventeen, Woozi had always been a bit of an enigma to you. You weren't terribly close, as he was most often locked away in the studio, but what you had seen of him was very carefully pieced together. He was guarded, and seemingly a bit self conscious. You couldn't figure out why. He was gorgeous and hardworking. In your opinion, he should be the picture of smooth confidence. You noticed how he thought before he spoke and treated his members with consideration and kindness. You wanted to get to know him, but had never managed to get around to it. Plus he had always made you feel slightly thrown off somehow. You felt yourself wanting to impress him, wanting to make him laugh. His smile was like currency, and you needed more transactions.
Waddling to the bathroom, you attempting to keep the drips minimal as you followed behind your savior for the day.
"I'll grab the body wash and towels, feel free to get the water started," he directed. Taking a few steps forward, he immediately walked backward and looked you up and down. "Clothes, I'll get some of those too."
"Dry ones preferably," you grinned, but this only caused him to nod before he disappeared again. Why did you insist on talking? He probably thought you were a total goob.
Puffing out a sigh, you glanced to yourself in the mirror, mildly horrified by your reflection. You looked like someone had attempted to drown you and came dangerously close to succeeding. Just the look you wanted to achieve, especially when conversing with an overwhelmingly attractive man.
You winced away from the sink and moved toward the shower, cranking the handle almost as far as it could go in the direction of hot water. Steam shortly began wafting around you, but you continued to shiver, your wet clothes weighing you down.
"Maybe I can slip in before he gets back," you muttered to yourself, eying the slightly ajar door. Surely if he didn't see you, he would just leave the stuff and shut the door...right?
Just as you had begun to peel off your top, you heard a sharp intake of breath.
"Yaaah," Woozi hissed. You spun around to find his eyes wide, taking you all in. A blush appeared across his cheeks before he realized he was openly gawking. Throwing one hand over his eyes, he pushed the other out before him, flinging forward the items he had been carrying.
"I'm sorry!" you gasped, immediately throwing your hands down, but your shirt just wasn't coming with them. The slick fabric remained stuck around your shoulders, the heat of mortification flooding your body.
"Just...just..." Woozi stuttered, setting the items down on the floor before you and peeking occasionally through his fingers to see what he was doing. "Take it."
"Got it! Yup, thank you," you groaned as you heard the door click shut.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, and counted to ten. After your shower, you would explain to him that you weren't trying to be a creep, you simply thought you could get in the shower before he came back.
Stupid, stupid Y/N.
Taking hold of your shirt and finally yanking it from your body, you began to work on getting off your other garments. You didn't feel true relief until the hot water was smoothing out your muscles and your earlier nerves. A shower almost always could fix a situation.
Too bad it couldn't fix your memory. You found your thoughts continually slamming back to the look of panic on Woozi's face as he saw you nearly half naked. Panic and something else that you quite couldn't explain.
You really hoped he didn't think it was your weird way of coming on to him or a horrifying joke that you were playing. Woozi was nice, wholesome even. Sure, he was incredibly attractive and talented, but all of your friends were in their own ways. You shouldn't be yearning for him to make you feel special. To forgive and admit that he may not have been truly horrified by what he saw.
Turning off the water, you slipped out of the shower and began to towel off. Lifting the clothes Woozi had dropped on the floor, you realized they were a pair of his notorious short shorts and a faded tee. You pulled them close to your body, your mind whirring in every direction. You hadn't considered that the simple pieces of fabric would be his. Of course that would be the obvious choice if he was going to fetch you clothes, but for some reason it hadn't clicked. After the brief moment you too had awkwardly shared, this somehow felt oddly intimate.
After spending as much time as you thought was acceptable hiding in the bathroom, you finally gathered your resolve and opened the door. You could hear soft music floating from farther down the hall. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you shuffled your feet in the direction of the noise and found yourself appearing in Woozi's doorway.
Leaning on his bed, he looked up from his phone and toward you. His cheeks were immediately flushed again as he took you in.
You opened your mouth and closed it again, opting to watch him watch you.
After a moment, he cleared his throat before giving his head a small shake. "You look good in my clothes."
Yup, you had definitely slipped in the shower and hit your head. "What?"
"My clothes," he repeated quietly. His eyes darted to yours and then quickly away again. "You look good in them."
"Oh," you breathed. "Uh...thanks."
Woozi nodded, setting his phone down. Judging from his expression, he looked like he was having an internal struggle with himself. Motioning as if he was going to stand at least three times, he finally chose to do so and crossed the room to stand before you.
"Look, Jihoon, I-" you began, but cut yourself off at the sight of his hand reaching toward your t-shirt, gripping the fabric near your hip.
"You?" he asked quietly, gazing through his lashes.
Suddenly your brain evacuated all thought. The only thing ringing like an alarm was the fact that he was touching you. After that humiliating moment, he was choosing to be this close.
Right, the humiliating moment.
"I'm sorry about the bathroom," you said, your voice coming out surprisingly breathy. "I-I thought I could hop in the shower before you came back. I was just...so c-cold from my clothes and-"
"Are you still cold?"
You were on fire, but you didn't want to tell him that. Rationally, you knew it could mean he'd stop touching you, but if he did that, you were pretty sure you were going to die.
You gave a weak nod, tracking his movements closely as he reached forward and grasped the fabric at your opposite hip.
"I hadn't really expected to...feel all of the things I did," he said, his blush now spreading toward his ears. You could tell he was using every ounce of confidence to make it through what he was doing. "If you were okay with me seeing you that way...please let me know. I should have knocked, or let you know I was coming. I really am sorry..I admit I feel a bit shameful for looking so long."
"Oh," you said softly. This wasn't quite what you had expected.
"It's just...i don' know, Y/N," he whispered. "Something clicked that I hadn't expected to and...if you want me to back up, I will. If you don't feel the same and I'm making this awkward just say the word."
"This is fine," you found yourself saying, reaching up to set your arms on his shoulders. "More than fine."
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fruitcakebro · 3 months
The Sight (Short story)
(MCD, set during the time Aphmau was trying to make the Irene statue to fix the corruption Zane made, after Laurance had just got back from the nether. It was a really fun writing excersise to have to write interpretive body language without any visual description!)
(Oh, also implied Garrance. But this is me, so I'm not sure who would be surprised.)
Laurance looked up out of instinct when the door creaked open, the wounds on his neck smarting as he did. He knew it was useless but old habits die hard, he supposed. The footsteps were far too heavy to be Aphmau or Zoey, but too careful and even to be Dale or his son. “Hello. Garroth, I heard your name was?” The man stopped suddenly as Laurance’s greeting rasp, as though he were surprised by Laurance’s recognition, even without sight.
He was getting used to the lack. Slowly, but a little every day.
“How-“ Garroth began, before seemingly thinking better of it. “I came to change your bandages. Zoey and Aphmau are otherwise occupied.” Laurance nodded in thanks, and managed a small smile. Words were still painful through his singed throat, and he’d exhausted his supply for the moment with his greeting. Garroth stepped closer, then hesitated. Laurance recognised his hesitation, and reached down to undo his own shirt. They were hardly on terms to undress one another, even if only for the care of injury.
Garroth was swift but startlingly gentle in his work, even to a man he would gladly call his enemy. Laurance can’t help but smile, even just on instinct. The time passed in near silence -surprisingly comfortable for the pair of them. The only words said happened when Garroth had to ask the shadowknight to move in some way, for access to his injuries. By far the most awkward were those on his legs and lower back, and Laurance couldn’t help but snicker when the other man stammered adorably in his requests. But he obeyed without giving trouble.
“I heard from Caddie that you took off your helmet for the wedding. Seems unfair that I’m the only one who doesn’t get to find out what you look like, ey?” His throat burned in protest, but some part of him longed to antagonise the man. It seemed only fair, after how he’d acted upon the shadowknight’s arrival. The larger man grunted in annoyance. “Good thing you weren’t my intended audience then.” Laurance attempted to roll his eyes. Eye? He only seemed to be able to control one. Oh well, neither of them were functional anyway. “And who was?” He finally rasped, his voice cracking halfway through. “Lady Aphmau?” He felt Garroth still, and heard him let out a breath of annoyance.
“No.” The head guard answered gruffly. “My intention was only to respect Donna with the presence of her friend, since I was told only to attend if I wore formal dress. It was the least I could do for her, after all she’s done for the village.” Laurance nodded, sparing his throat a response. There was a silence between them, left and allowed to stretch. Garroth seemed unwilling to make smalltalk, and Laurance was close to incapable to keep it up for more than a handful of sentences.
“How do you look?” He said eventually, speaking quietly. Laurance practically heard Garroth roll his eyes. “How I look is of no consequence to you, and I fail to see how it is any of your concern, since you cannot see for yourself.” Laurance let out a snort of annoyance at the words. “Maybe I just like to be able to put a face to a voice, buddy. Geez.” At the same moment, He winced painfully as Garroth tugged a bandage slightly too tight. Garroth mumbled an apology, then cleared his throat. “How did you know it was me earlier?” Laurance blinked in surprise at being asked. “You have heavier footsteps than Aphmau or Zoey, and I can hear your armour clanking. But it was too slow to be… What was his name? The kid. And too even to be the one who always sounds drunk.”
Garroth nodded, seeming to understand the logic. “The ‘kid’ is named Brian. And Dale sounds drunk because he is. Though I’m somewhat puzzled they visited you.” Laurance shrugged. “Guess I’m just that cool.”, he replied. Then after a moment’s pause, he asked the question that had been drifting through his mind unanswered. “So what’s Aph been up to?” Garroth seemed to hesitate before answering.
“She is attempting to ascertain a solution to the calamity inflicted on our community by-“ 
“In common, please.”
Garroth scoffed at the interruption. “She is trying to find a solution to the curse put on our village by my brother, the high priest. Is that dumbed down enough for you?” Laurance grinned sarcastically. “Sorry I didn’t spend my life in school with the rich kids. Yeah, I know what you said now.” Garroth sighed. “I apologise for my embellished language. I suppose I’m a bit worried about her.” Laurance nodded. “S’ good. She was taking it pretty hard.”
Garroth nodded. “I hope for her sake, that she is successful. As well as the sake of the town.” Garroth tied off the last bandage, then stepped back. “There. That should do it for today. I trust you can re-dress yourself without my assistance?” Laurance nodded. “Yeah, I can manage just…”
Laurance trailed off, frozen in confusion as a light seemed to illuminate his vision, and an image swam into focus. His remaining eye widened in shock, and locked onto the man standing in front of him. His hair was illuminated by the window behind him, making it seem to glow as a saint’s halo did in the murals and mosaics Laurance had only been lucky enough to see at the guard’s academy. His features were sharp, and nearly so pale as snow. Laurance had never in his life seen anyone so lightly coloured outside the halls of that same school, and Garroth seemed to be the living image of the statues and stone murals which were carved and painted with such love.
Laurance nearly wanted to call him beautiful, but it somehow seemed to be the wrong word. He associated the word with tiny and delicate things, like butterflies, or flowers. There was nothing dainty or delicate about the man before him, but grace was applicable. He truly looked as if Esmund the protector himself had stepped out of the pages of legend. Garroth’s form blurred, and for a second Laurance feared his sight was once again failing before he realised he was crying. Garroth seemed to lurch forward, extending a hand toward him with unexpected concern. “Er, are you alright? Did something pull tight, or-“
“I see you.”
Both of them stood in shocked silence at the shadow knight’s words before Garroth finally broke the silence. “…your eye isn’t clouded anymore. Did Lady Aphmau-?” He cut off, the door slamming open behind them both. Zoey appeared, panting and grinning like a child on solstice. “Garroth, you’ve got to come and see! Lady Aphmau banished the corruption, and now the market is- Oh my Irene, you’ll have to see it to believe it!” Laurance pulled on his shirt much more quickly than he should have, the fabric catching on bandages and pulling them painfully. But he was determined to see this. To see it. Garroth looked back at him, and extended a hand to help him to his feet. Laurance took it, and the pair of them followed Zoey up to the surface, though with some difficulty. Laurance rubbed his face on his sleeve, clearing his teary eyes. And as the pair of them were beholden to the market square, now shining in the sun like diamond. The ‘calamity’ and ‘corruption’ he’d heard spoken of were nowhere to be seen, and in the middle of it all was Lady Aphamau, standing at the feet of a statue he’d never heard of before.
The statue was a depiction of the goddess Irene, of a finer make than he’d seen since the academy. And in the goddess’s cupped hands, was a strange stone which pulsed and shone like something enchanted. He was distracted from the statue however, by Aphmau bounding up to them with a grin on her face. “Garroth! I did it, I fixed the rot! And-“ She stopped, her gaze locking with Laurance’s. “Oh my Irene, Laurance! It’s good to see you feeling better.” Laurance grinned, trying very hard not to acknowledge his shaking legs. “Better than you know, my lady. Whatever magic you’ve worked healed my sight!” Aphmau gasped, surprise and delight washing over her face. It was amazing to be able to see it again. Even with the left half his vision still gone thanks to the missing eye, it was more than enough.
And in the warm sun, and the gaze of his lady, and the shine of the stones under his feet… For just a moment, everything felt right in the world again.
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itsohh · 1 year
1 A.M
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A/N: More vampire au but this time more with Price. It's not super vampiric but it's part of the au regardless.
Summary: When the boys decide they want to go out for the night, Price discovers you fast asleep in your office. The pair of you might not be explicitly the closest in the group but he still takes care of you.
Word count: 1350
Warnings: None
AO3 Masterlist Vampire AU Masterlist
With a deep breath, you clenched your fist. It was never easy standing your ground against your superiors. It was even more challenging when they weren't even human. Price always had that intimidating aura about him. One that scared you shitless and stowed away in your core far longer than Ghost's stares ever could.
"I understand your concern but it was the best course of action."
"You put yourself at risk. Again. How many times is that? Your luck is going to run out."
"It's my job."
"Your job is making sure we have proper access to blood powder. Not bleeding yourself dry, not fighting in our wars with us and certainly not dying for us." Price sighed as he leaned over the desk.
"I will… take that feedback into consideration, Captain Price." You looked away from him. "I have paperwork that I need to fill out." You excused yourself from his presence and didn't see the way he looked at you as you left his office.
"Hey Price. Lads and I are gonna hit the bar. Did you want to come?” Soap pushed his head into Price's office, “Also, have you seen the Agent? Gotta ask her too." Price looked up from his work. It has been at least a day since he had spoken to you and your conversation stayed on his mind on repeat.
"I imagine she's in her room for the moment if she hasn't gone home."
"Nah she only goes to her flat on the weekends. I already checked there. Was gonna see her office next." Price stood up from his desk and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair.
"I'll come with you."
Soap grinned at Price and soon the pair of them had made their way to your office door. The door wasn't completely shut and had a small crack which Soap slowly pulled open and knocked on the door. "Hey, are you-" Soap paused when he saw your sleeping form on a pile of paperwork.
"Sometimes I forget she's not one of us and actually needs to sleep."
"You go off with Ghost and Gaz. I'll look after her."
"You sure?"
"I've got her."
Soap left with a shrug and soon Price came into your office. His eyes glanced at the paperwork you had been working on. It took him a moment to realize what it was -a contract. Price's eyes roamed and saw the letterhead and furrowed his eyes when he saw it. It was MI6. They had offered you a job and he couldn't help but feel the tang in his chest at the thought. His mind wandered back to the argument the pair of you had a few days prior. Would you take it to get away from him?
His eyes found the last piece of the contract where you would sign your name. Instead of where he expected your signature he found it was crossed out. Instead, a small note was written in the footnote.
I appreciate the recognition and your offer is very generous, but I must refuse your offer. My current place of work is a good fit for me and would like to continue my employment indefinitely.
The note had that tension in him die down. Despite how cold he often spoke to you, he couldn't deny he enjoyed your presence. The thought of you leaving made him realise that. At first, he hated the idea of you, only going along for Laswell's sake. But now that you are here? He didn't want you to go.
Price's eyes went to the awkward way you slumped over your desk. It couldn't have been comfortable. He could imagine the neck and back pain it would cause you in the morning but you wouldn't let that get in your way. Nothing ever got in your way.
Slowly, he bent over and picked you up. Your arms went over his shoulder while your face rested against his neck. Price had an arm under your knees and his other hand on your back. A small mumbled protest came from your mouth but aside from that you didn't stir from your rest. In fact, you pressed your face against his neck while your fingers curled into his chest.
"You’re alright. Let's get you to bed." There wasn't any response to his quiet assurance. On the way towards the shared dorm room, he didn't come across anyone else and a quick glance at the clock told him it was almost one. "Of course, those Muppets would want to go out at this time." Price rolled his eyes at the thought of Soap but frowned at the thought of you. You could get into a lot of trouble for not sleeping properly.
"You better be getting your eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, Agent." He mumbled out knowing you couldn't hear him. Price stopped in front of your door only to discover it was locked. You, of course, would have the pass but he didn't really want to wake you up or start patting you down to find it.
Price let out a breath and looked down to the end of the hallway where his own bedroom lay waiting. That was a room he could unlock. So he quietly made his way to his bedroom. His bed lay pristine and Price found it easy to slip you into the covers.
Immediately you made yourself home and curled up on your side. Your arm snatched a pillow and mumbled something ineligible into it when you pushed your face into it. Right away Price knew that you would end up smelling like him for a decent while. The thought had his lips go dry and he let out a huff at his own reaction. He opened the side table next to you and found a small notepad before he scribbled on it and left it there.
John paused for a moment and watched your peaceful sleeping face. That earlier frustration came back to him. Always so reckless and quick to put others before you. It would get you killed one day. He didn't want that on his conscience. He didn't want that at all. Yet, there wasn't much else he could do. You had heard his concern and that was that. He could only hope that you listened to him. His hand gently graced your cheek for a moment and then he was gone.
When the morning came you woke to feel more rested and relaxed than you had in a long time. What you didn't expect was to find yourself in a mystery room. Panic overcame that relaxation as you tried to remember what happened the night before. You couldn't even remember leaving your office let alone joining someone's bed.
Your eyes analysed the room to search for anything that could tell you whose room it was. It certainly wasn't Gaz's. In the corner of your eye, a small notepad caught your eye.
Try not to fall asleep at your desk again. Eight hours, get it Agent.
- P
This was Price's room? It seemed a lot simpler than you had expected but at the same time so incredibly him. It wasn’t super neat but it was clean regardless. You let out a breath and wondered why you hadn’t figured it out before. The entire place smelt like him. It was almost comforting. Despite how hard he could be on you, you liked Price. He cared and was passionate about his work. The thought brought a smile to your face, even after all the time he had spent alive he still had that drive to him. It made you wonder if you would always have it. The sound of an email alert from your phone brought you crashing back to reality with a sigh. It was strangely nice in his bed. Yet, you had a job to do and life wouldn’t wait. Still in your clothes from the previous day, you rolled your shoulders before you slipped out of the bed, praying to whoever would listen that Soap wouldn't see you leaving Price's room.
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