#fae pact
talefoundryshow · 10 months
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We’ve talked about why villains love contracts, but how do magical contracts actually work? We’ll be talking about that soon!
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sordideuphemism · 4 months
The human had been here for months, now, and could not be convinced to leave. Even now, with brambles in her tangled hair and all manner of odd findings woven into her garb, she skips off into the wood. Moments later, the braying of a unicorn can be heard, and redcaps and brownies are seen scattering for the bushes. A screeching giggle of merriment drowns out their cries of terror.
Watching her leave sits Ragin - a tall, thin, elf-like creature - perched on a nearby stump. A look combining pain, concern, and exhaustion ripples across his face. His garments become dull and less ostentatious, but he does not seem to notice.
A boggart waddles up, slowly crushing his felt hat in his hands as he twists them anxiously.
"Uh. Pardon, but... Sire? Sire, are you okay? Did you get rid of the human?"
Ragin glances up, and then away. Something colors his cheeks. Is that... embarrassment?
"Mm. No. No, I did not."
"I understand, sire," the boggart soothes, nodding. "Sometimes we grow attach-"
"That... is not what happened."
Ragin takes a breath, and continues.
"I think, somehow, we managed a pact."
The boggart brightens, and nearly stands on tip toe. "Oh, what luck, sire! A fae pact to forge a warlock can be a gr-"
"Not a fae pact, Gribble." He still has not looked back towards his servant.
"I- I don't understand." Gribble looks at his hat and realizes it's been reduced to threads. He watches them fall, drifting towards the ground from his tanned, calloused hands, and then returns his attention back to his realm-lord.
"I think..." Ragin begins, but then the unicorn brays again, and the small child bursts from the wood astride its back, wielding a shining sword clumsily in one hand. She hoots in what might be joy, and then gallops away down a twisting path.
Ragin sighs heavily, a sound like the earth itself bearing down on him.
"I think... somehow..."
He takes another deep breath, and swallows, visibly shaken.
"I've been running the conversation back through my head again and again... and I'm fairly certain... she's my patron."
There is a long, deafening silence, punctuated only by the occasional screeching giggle of a human child somewhere over the hills. After twenty, maybe thirty minutes pass, Gribble finally manages to squeak out a single word.
"Yes," Ragin agrees. "Oh."
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daughtersofbelleteyn · 8 months
TAD really is if Hozier, Florence Welsh and Shakespeare had a baby together.
It's self explanatory really.
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2boldlyqueer · 1 month
The problem with baldur's gate is it gets you ridiculously invested in your own Tav, who no one else knows or cares about
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primal-con · 1 year
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More fairy tale AU! This time featuring Cygate and Jazzwave because I’m predictable
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earthghimel · 2 years
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erisacolyte · 8 months
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Despite coming down with the lurgy, Altober continues. Using Sketchyface's Goretober prompt of "Late Stage Hanahaki Disease", this tiefling's Fae Pact has gone *terribly* wrong.
Watch on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joephilliactheblack/video/7290215504172600608?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7181582400987645445 Like what I do and want to support me? Why not become a Patron: patreon.com/joephilliactheblack Or buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/A2581GB3
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jasleh · 8 months
Someone asks your character to tell them a joke. What do they respond with?
oh boy it is very early and my brain is not fully awake yet and is also like 95% BG3
I think.... Rrahna would go blank for a moment, then bring out some old dad joke that her dad told her a long time ago because it's all she could remember on the spot lol
depending on how tired/grumpy she was at the time tho, she might also have to fight the urge to respond "you," however that would not vibe well with the perfect hero image she always tries to project lol
Cota would probably bring out some joke that absolutely kills on the Steppe but is largely incomprehensible anywhere else and be surprised when it doesn't go over well and just confuses people
alternately, they would go "ok watch this" and prank someone nearby. this impulse probably gets worse after going to Il Mheg
oh, also if anyone ever introduces them to the "strange noise behind the door" joke, they will be using that one forever
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johnybones56 · 3 months
If you think about it the specific types of very divorced people where they're genuinely great and charismatic and have everything together but leave (for any number of reasons) after a few years are the closest real world equivalent of fae taking mortals into their realm.
Old Practitioner family where they're all like this because the fae think it's funny when the humans torment people with a weird slow version of their old tricks. They trace their lineage to someone who seduced a Roman emperor with the help of a deal with the fae. They always steal something important to the victim when they leave because they're good for rituals but the rituals don't destroy the items so they keep the pretty ones and all of their houses are full of, like, paintings and trinkets and pictures of other people's family ("I needed to balance out that corner and they were the right size"). They probably use a specific wording for wedding vows so they minimize the backlash of breaking the promise, but also maybe it's still a big enough deal that after they divorce there's a period of weakness where they're sheltered by their family in the big house where everyone who isn't currently married (or who decided to stixk with a target and bring them into the family with a long-term marriage, they contribute in other ways).
The house does the same thing but in a different way, taking people into the very weird house. Imagine living in a mansion with 30 of the perfect roommate with perfect charisma who do all the chores and cook and keep up nice conversations and would be happy to pursue a closer relationship, a cluster of very charming elderly people who everyone else avoids, interior decoration that makes heavy use of glamor, and one other normal dude named Steve who showed up two weeks before you.
This is something I think. Or the premise for some very strange pornography. Maybe both, serious books can have weird sex scenes. Make it *really* weird though, every willing Practitioner is into really weird shit, I know this instinctively. Get a bit abstract with the imagery, move bones around, that kind of thing.
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chronophobica · 29 days
ive got so much art i wanna finish/post YIPPEEE uhhhhh ok ill do that now before i forget
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doorrobloxstuff · 9 months
[LORE] Nuptials../partnerships
You know I had this cool intro planned but my brain fell into stew. But you know what? Maybe leaving it vague is better as otherwise it ruins the mystique and wouldn’t be as fun to write.
So have these bullets.
Nuptials/partnerships (Technically entity marriage..certificates..sort of )
Entities (and sometimes very, very stupid or very brave humans) will exchange, share or offer energy, money, food, territory, children, services in exchange for something that benefits them.
Can be highly emotional, and romantic (or platonic) ..done in ceremonies (such as weddings!) with thousands or a few or just the two or more iniating.
Can be Business dealings. Nothing particular emotional or special about them.
Can be physical, metaphorical, or spiritual.
Entities in relationships of any kind don’t have to have them to get married btw. Just like how a couple doesn’t have to get legally married to be married to each other.
Glitch and Hide probably won’t, Jack and Eyes won’t (nor will they get married lol..not their cup of tea), Ambush and Rush didn’t..initially..
Frighteningly difficult to terminate, sometimes even impossible.
Unique. On a case by case basis as are the people who initiates one.
Can STACK there can be multiple active nuptials initiated at once. (Yipee! Polyamory!..or horrible, horrible inescapable debt..)
The way they are initiated is on a case by case basis and completely unique. Some may even take a life of their own.
Uhhhhh can be flexible if you want them to.
Can have consequences that are as equally unique and as horrible if ever broken.
Is the entire reason Figure EXISTS.
Don’t shake Rush’s hand. (It forgot to wash + will start going “ARE YOU REEEEEAAAADDY?”)
You’ll just have to see these in action to really get them in story because again. Case by case basis.
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eddathegreat · 4 months
Hooty is a being uniquely equipped to disgust both goblins and fae
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tuna-moon-draws · 1 year
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the-algebra-thing · 1 year
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playing dnd for the first time ever with my friends!! new friend is running the wild beyond the witchlight for us and the most notable event thus far was when my best friends character instinctively hit the griddy so hard when we got ambushed that the dm gave us a surprise round
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heart-of-the-party · 1 year
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titania’s beloved
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 years
doing questlines that just don’t suit my chars just to get a crumb of content w/ the faves.....
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