#fae techno
lildevyl · 2 years
Whumptober Day 1: Cage/Unconventional Restraints
Summary:  Tommy’s parents are well renowned Hunters.  Capture and kill many Mythical/Magical Creatures and freeing countless Villages.  They’re latest hunt came up with something more dangerous than anything before.  The Winter Court’s Royal Son, the Blood God.
Based on A Blessing Bestowed by just_arandomfangirl and The Perils of Being Kind by Poker
TW: Caging, Hunting, Dehumanizing, Fae AU, Magic AU
I think I got them all!
It was an hour or two after sunrise when Tommy made his way downstairs for breakfast and realized that something was amidst.  It wasn’t the fact that every time Tommy saw his reflection in the hallway mirror that the morning sun made his hair look like spun gold.  Or his eyes tend to look like sapphire gemstones or that -
Alright Tommy, stop that!  You’re human!  Clearly that encounter with the last fae has you rattled!  You’re human not fae.  Tubbo’s fine!  He’s in the most guarded part of the Hunter’s Academy.  Right?  Right.
As Tommy made his way to the Kitchen the smell of waffles and pancakes filled the air.  As Tommy entered the Kitchen his suspicion that something was terribly wrong just been confirmed.  His Mom was on the stove making waffles, a plate full of stack of pancakes was on the table, fruit bowl full, eggs and bacon were on the table as well.  Yep something was definitely up!  Tommy’s Mom only did this when there was bad news.  It was her way of trying to “lighten the load” of the bad news so it didn't hit so hard when it came.
The only thing that Tommy could think of for why his Mom would be doing this was if they got Tubbo.  The Autumn King of the Fae Court took an interest in Tubbo and has been trying to get Tubbo to be his son.  If his Mom was making Waffles and Pancakes then that could only mean one thing.
“Please tell me the bastard didn’t get Tubbo?”  Tommy begged as he sat down at the table.
“No,” his Mom answered, turning around with a plate of Waffles and putting them on the table.  “Tubbo is fine as far as we know.”
“Then what’s with the Waffles and Pancakes?!”  Tommy demanded.  He knew that if it wasn’t because of bad news then it was something major and this was some kind of bribe.
Both his parents shared a look before his father continued.  “Well, son, since what has happened with Tubbo and from what we were able to capture in our last hunt.  We think you are more than ready for Field Training.”
Tommy whooped!  He’s been stuck at home for so long making charms and weapons that it was about time his parents thought that he was ready!  Tommy just turned sixteen, so he was pumped and ready to go hunting with his parents and help save lives!
“So, what am I going to do then?  And what is the news?”  Tommy wasn’t a child; he knew a tasty bribe when he saw one.  If Tubbo was truly safe and sound at the Hunter’s Academy then what would his parents need him to do?
His parents shared a look with another that Tommy didn’t know how to decipher on what it meant.  “I think it would be better to show you.”  His Mother sighed at the look and noise of protest his father gave.  “It’s the only way that he’ll understand fully!  We trust you Toms and this is going to be the biggest thing we put you in charge of.”
Tommy gapped at his parents.  The biggest thing that he would be in charge of?  Holy shit, holy shit!  He’s really going on a Hunting trip with his parents?!  Oh fuck yeah!
“Then hurry up and let’s go see it!”  Tommy said, shoving the last piece of waffles in his mouth before remembering to chew and then swallow.
“Before we go, do you have red clothing?”  Tommy rolled his eyes gesturing to his sleeves and the sides of his favorite shirt.  “And cold iron?  Salt?  Clover?  Golden flowers?”
“Yes, yes, and yes!”  Making a frown appear on his father’s face.  “And what feels like nearly every single protection charm there is in this house.”
Tommy started to trace the patterns in the wooden table readying himself for the umbteenth lecture that he knew he would be getting when he said this.  “We just want to make sure that you're safe!  A Hunter’s Child can and will be seen as a major trophy to the Fae!  This will be very tricky and quite dangerous but we trust you with this.”
Tommy nodded his head with a grimace.  That was one of the reasons why Tubbo was sought after.  The Autumn King saw Tubbo when Tubbo first got introduced into Field Training.  At first Tubbo thought it was just some traveler that he wanted to try and scam some goods off of but still give the guy some actually decent charms.  The Autumn King saw how clever Tubbo was and when he found out that he was the son of some of the most pronounced Hunters.  Well, the Autumn King instantly took an interest in Tubbo.
It was also why Tommy had to stay in the cabin when his parents and several witches went around the property line to draw, carve and activate every single protection charm and spell that they could think of!  And why Tommy was specifically restricted to stay within the property lines where the protection is the strongest.  The protection charms and spells were on the property lines but the house itself was enclosed in protection charms and magic as well.  It would literally take a Royal Fae to break through them.  But even then they would be severely weakened.
“I’m ready!  I’ll be safe, I promise.  Those Fae won’t know what hit them!”  Tommy exclaimed.
His Mother gave a small laugh.  “I’m sure they won’t!  Finish your breakfast then we’ll be heading to the Bunker!”
The Bunker?  The Bunker was where all the charms, protection spells, weapons, cages, chains and even specially made magically infused cuffs were made.  The cuffs were literally a magic suppressor.  Put them on the thing and their powers are severely weakened to useless.  Tommy never saw them be put to use, but he had heard a story from a fellow Hunter that went to save a Seaside Town from a bunch of Sirens and had used the cuffs to trap one.  What could his parents have caught that they needed to use the Bunker for?
Tommy quickly finished his breakfast, scarfing down the eggs and bacon and even finishing off a few pieces of fruit.  He pushed his chair back and followed his parents out the door.  Tommy shivered slightly when the cold mountain air hit him.
Another reason why Tubbo was taken to the Academy.  It was late Autumn and the first frost would be coming soon.  Autumn and Winter.  Two Courts that coincide with one another, allies with each other.  There have been rumors that the Winter Court’s Prince Siren is actually friends with the Autumn King himself.  But there hasn't been anything found to back that up.  Tommy just prayed that Tubbo will be okay and once they find the Autumn King then Tommy could rest easy knowing that the threat was taken care of.
Tommy followed his parents to the Bunker.  The Bunker was an underground sanctuary to get to it.  You have to walk a ways from the house towards the wood where there were wooden doors sticking out of the ground that would remind you of Cellar Doors.
“Why here?”  Tommy asked.
“This one required a lot more measures to be taken,” his Mother said, pulling a chain from her neck revealing a key made of cold iron.
His Mother took the key and put on the padlock on the Bunker and then removed the chains and the heavy iron bar latch.  When that was done, his parents led him down the steps.  The further down they went Tommy couldn’t help but shiver at the cold.  He knew Winter was weeks away but it felt like it had just come in the Bunker.  Tommy’s Father stopped in front of a very complicated looking door.  It was made out of iron and there were so many runes, intricate patterns and many, many, many, symbols and charms that Tommy recognized carved, raised, woven, and literally part of the actual door itself.
“This Tommy is where your training begins!”  His father smiled proudly at him.  “So, I want you to step up here.  Now, to enter the Bunker you need to press these runes and charms in a very specific order.  Like so.”  His father then showed Tommy the order that he had to put in.  
The Runes glowed and Tommy could feel the magic from the runes and charms.  One of them was a Reveal Charm.  It was used to Reveal the person's true identity but it can also reveal any charms, spells and enchantments that one might be under or have on them.  It was really a way to see if anyone was under any spell or mind control and know how to combat it.
There was a buzz that sounded like bees and a click then the door opened slightly.  Tommy’s Father grabbed the handle and pulled the door open all the way and went in first.
“Now, son before we go any further I must warn you that you must be at the top of your game and you must tread with the utmost caution.  Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Dad.”
“Good now follow.”
Tommy’s Father in front led the way, with Tommy right behind and his Mother bringing up the rear.  Tommy couldn’t help but shiver more down here.  He noticed that the temperature must have dropped ten or so degrees from what it was up above the bunker.  Tommy also notices a very light layer of frost covering the floor of runes.  They came to the center of the room where they have their cages and Tommy nearly toppled over.
In the center of the room was a salt circle that was about ten centimeters wide all around the outside of the runes that were carved into the floor.  On top of the runes that the Salt Circle was surrounding was the biggest  iron cage Tommy has ever seen.  The bars were about as big as his wrist, the shackles and chains were as big as Tommy’s fists.  But what caught Tommy’s attention the most was the pair of Power Suppressor Cuffs that Tommy had just made last month but never had the chance to test, it.
Tommy also noticed a layer of frost covered the chains and runes like it was trying to turn it to ice.  But what caught Tommy’s attention the most and why he nearly toppled over was what was actually in the cage.
Did his parents have a goddamn death wish?!  There sitting in the middle of the cage was none other than the second son of the Winter Court.  The most feared Fae Warrior of all.  The Blood God, Technoblade.
@weirdmixofweirdness, @10ths-writing-corner, @tracobuttons, @a-humble-narcissus, @whumptober
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anarchy-and-piglins · 3 months
you should write dark SBI with kidnapped Techno and Fundy. as a treat to me
Not gonna lie, if I manage to come up with an idea for one this dynamic would kinda slap, I've been abandoning my son c!fundy so much LMAOO
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Mmm haven’t posted the chapter of Lord, what fools these mortals be! where Fae!Kristin shows up but I want to ramble about characterization so. Ahh. Anyway, fae!Philza is pretty upfront with his creepy fairy shtick. Incredibly possessive, clearly operating on an alien morality system (or lack there of), oscillating between kindness and a cruel apathy for Tommy’s feelings. Kristin though….she’s a LOT more subtle. There’s warning signs of course, such as the sudden extreme violence. Philza had that too, of course, but never directed at the kid he’s trying to manipulate. But Kristin gets away with it. She wants them to survive, of course. She’s just trying to make them better. And it clearly works. Kristin’s just so nice, and over protective, and clearly lonely. She’s frequently reassuring to Wilbur and Technoblade but it’s in a way that hides her true plan if not her intentions. No, she’s very clear about wanting their souls forever, but all her blatant tactics are decoys. She’s far more subtle than Philza. She gives Wil and Techno everything they want till they don’t even consider leaving even as they’re determined to never fall into the obvious, fun traps, the type they joke about at dinners so the men feel like they’re outwitting her while all the while she’s unraveling their character flaws until they’re fully ensnared. She designs the rules of the game to mold them into her perfect children. Little details piling up until it’s revealed she’s completely altered their bodies until they’re unrecognizable as human, so slowly neither even noticed. And she’s shaped their thoughts for decades to the point they don’t even care. Why should they? She’s just trying to make them better. And it’s Kristin that reveals why the Fae rulers even need children: they keep accidentally murdering their kids. It’s why she’s so over protective. It’s why she wanted Techno and Wil to be better, promised them power in a way that was honey poison to their ambitions and made them prisoners of the fae world no matter how free they thought they were.
That’s the real difference between Fae Phil and Kristin. All three Neapolitan trio felt scared, but Tommy was never given the illusion of protecting himself while in actuality only endangering himself further. His fear saved him.
And that’s why Tommy’s going to escape, while Techno and Wilbur willingly go back.
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writing-oof · 1 year
I Don’t Care What the Voices Say; I Do Not Trust You
This is my submission for Day 1 of the First Try Technoblade Challenge! Because Tumblr formatting sucks, it’s taken like 20 mins to actually post, but I finished this at 11:59 PM, starting at 11:30 lol
It’s RivalsDuo (Dream and Technoblade)
This story has some blood and mostly implied gore. Don’t worry, though, cause it ends nice :]
Technoblade breathes into his hands, the air seeping out of his hands chilled into a fog in the mid-Winter freeze.
Something crunches, snapping sickly like sinew and bone, and Technoblade presses back against the wood of the barn.
Blood is thick in the air.
At least someone's happy, even if it's probably never going to be him.
The horses seem unbothered, barely sparing a glance to the massacre or to Technoblade's presence in their shared stall.
He's pretty sure horses are meant to have their own stalls, but he supposes that's only for normal horses and not whatever sorts of horses the fae keep.
They look like normal horses, but the four-legged fae now feasting together on Technoblade's Elders had looked normal at first too.
good idea
ew gross
Technoblade scans the bit of barn he can see again, but like the first few times it's clear that there's nowhere for him to run.
Bootsteps squelch on bloodied mud, the four-legged fae sniffing as they creep deeper into the barn, all moving in the same direction like a pack of wild wolves descending on a lone deer. The claws on their hands drag on the wall, a soft scraping sound that sends shivers down Techno's spine.
He tightens his grip, nails biting into his cheek as he holds his own mouth closed.
His heart hammers in his chest.
dont be a baby
fight fight fight
monster pog
youre so annoying
He doesn't have time to be distracted. He can hear them closing in, the creatures passing by the stall with the sheep as if they can smell him cowering among the horses.
The doors to the stable stall creak on their hinges as something hisses and rasps, a thousand tongues flicking the air.
popsicle gone in one lick :(
i hate you guys
Be Quiet. We're about to die.
Something clangs from the entryway, metal on metal shaking the air. The fae hiss and, in an instant, whatever was coming to bother them is gone, swarmed with facefulls of teeth.
Chat laughs in time with the screaming, a sick sort of harmony to it.
you never die
you wont die
you cant die
technoblade never dies
They're going to eat us, Techno hisses, his eyes burning, What blood will you get then?
Chat stutters to a halt.
Then, all at once, they return.
no non no no blood?
blood? no more blood?
not very pog
blood need blood
It's whisper after whisper of the same sentiment, all equally unhelpful. Until--
sneak out the back
Technoblade moves before he can second-guess himself.
He can't fight the fae, they're twice his size at least and more than ten times him in numbers. So, running it is.
The wood creaks quietly beneath him, but the swarm is distracted enough that they only twitch. Nothing sees him as he slinks out of the horse's stall and into the cows.
There, in the furthest corner of the stall, is a gap. It's nearly too small for him, and no one else in the village would have had a chance in hell at slipping through it.
Technoblade barely makes it through, pulling himself as small as he can.
He creeps away from the building and toward the treeline, step by careful step.
be careful
He is.
He's so careful that he barely realizes he's made it into the forest until trees are around him on all sides.
Techno lets out a breath. Still, the night isn't over.
And neither, it seems, is the hunt.
A fae howls, loud and dizzying, and Technoblade holds his breath.
Chat doesn't waste a second though, screaming in tandem.
Technoblade knows better than to wait and he doesn't hesitate. Before he can even get his bearings, he's off like a shot, following the directions of the choir of whispers deeper into the trees.
He can hear the trees bending behind him, branches twice his width snapping as the swarm gains on him.
Trees rush past him in a blur until he stops, boots skidding in the dirt as he stares at a figure directly in his path.
"Run!" Technoblade shouts, trying to urge them on, "There's fae coming!"
The figure, a boy about his size, blinks. He stammers for a second before shrugging helpless and turning to the creatures that have made their way back into Techno's sight. He narrows his eyes and demands, "Go away!"
Techno's heart drops, sure that this is how it ends, but miraculously--as if puppets pulled by strings--the fae turn around and thud back from whence they came.
Techno stops, eyes wide and lungs still heaving. "How the hell did you get them to go away?"
The boy just smiles and waves awkwardly. "Uh…hi?"
He glances down at Technoblade's feet.
Suddenly, all of the breath rushes out of Techno's lungs.
There, underneath his heel, a mushroom bends, one in a ring of dozens.
On the grass, just a few feet from the boy, is a smiling porcelain mask that shimmers even in the shade.
When he looks, rows of needle-point teeth glimmer behind the fae's lips.
fae friend?
Technoblade, not exactly sharing the sentiment, scrambles back with a scream.
(So the idea here was like evil cannibal fae? but not all of them just the ones techno runs into and then dream buddy now bound by souls cause baby man stepped on a shroom its all good though theyre buddies)
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bye-bye-firefly · 4 months
Fast Food Worker 👍
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i just made this blog and really want to find more blogs to follow, but have been struggling since there's so many gross bigots in the tags. please like/reblog if you post about any of the following:***
hellenic polytheism
greek mythology
norse mythology
sea witchcraft
techno witchcraft
sigil witchcraft
hedge witchcraft
kitchen witchcraft
hearth witchcraft
working with spirits
working with the fae
*** NO BIGOTS ***
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dotterelly · 2 months
So this is just an observation from someone who is pretty new to the fandoms involved and has just been consuming all the old vods from the Antarctic Empire days. But it seems to me that Technoblade's interaction with his chat is one where the chat demands chaos and he steadfastedly holds to a certain code of honor and decorum in spite of their demands. Whereas Philza's interaction with his chat, while there are demands for chaos from the chat, is much more of a give and take where Philza will sometimes act chaotically of his own accord because it's funny. Philza is basically a fae that will murder a man and laugh at his demise, where Techno spends more time resisting the demands for blood than actually going for kills.
All I'm saying is however much Technoblade would have no trouble crushing me in a fight, I'd much rather face him than Philza. Techno has rules and tries to follow them, Philza is far more of a wildcard despite his habitual caution.
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tobi-smp · 28 days
I feel like half the time people complained about dark sbi having the characters talk weird (nicknames, pet names, whatever) the characters were fae or vampires or some shit
"techno would Never call tommy little one, and it's really sus if you think about it :/" and the techno in question is a 1000 year old monster talking to a 16 year old
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elysianightsss · 8 months
Would you mind doing a dabble on Folklore!Piglin!Techno and his version of the Blood God and Voices? Like how he was picked, that’s if that’s part of his verse
Warnings: 18+, smut mentioned.
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In the Folklore verse, Techno was chosen to be The Blood God, when the old one died. And when I say chosen I mean like Harry Potter chosen one. He had no relation to the last blood god, he just suddenly heard the voices.
At first he felt like he was going crazy, the voices wouldn’t be quiet. They had their opinions which they couldn’t wait to share with him. Techno had to learn to live with it, he had to learn to be patient and relax.
Due to being the new Blood God, the faes, fairfolk, elves and dwarves respected him as their new king. He lived like one, in an ancient building graced with the finest food and drink that could be found.
In keeping with tradition, after two hundred years of being king The Blood God is hounded by the voices in his head to find his ‘one’ or mate. A more common nickname for mates is ghivashel which means ‘treasure of treasures’ but Techno loves call you fiðrildi, which means butterfly. He will explain why later.
Just as Piglin speak Dwavish, their mating customs are quite similar to Dwarves too, however their primal instincts and urges are a whole lot stronger than theirs. Piglin are half pig so their animal side takes over and heightens everything.
Techno knew you were his mate when the voices instantly went quiet, it gave him a type of peace he never thought possible. The voices fell in love with you, every single one of them. They talked about you non stop, every little thing you did, whether is was cute or sweet and there were even the more crude ones.
The only time they were quiet for Techno now was when he was fucking you. The mating ritual was so important and powerful, Techno needed all his focus and attention on you. The voice understood that, something that Techno greatly appreciated.
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lildevyl · 2 years
Whumptober Day 2: Confrontation
Summary:  Tommy’s Parents finally decide that Tommy is ready for Field Training on becoming a Hunter.  They give him a very important task, keep an eye on the Prisoner.  When Tommy and his Parents make it to where the Fae Prisoner is, Tommy can’t help but wonder what it is that he got himself into?
Continuation of Whumptober Day 1: Cage/Unconventional Restraints
TW: Cage, Restraints, Dehumanization
As Tommy stood there in the middle of the Bunker, his eyes as big as saucers, his jaw hitting the floor.  Trying his absolute best to come to the realization that there was a Fae in the cage.  Not just any Fae but a Royal Fae!  As in the type that Tommy should be nowhere near it no matter the cost.  And that actually meant No. Matter. The. Cost.
Techno gave what Tommy could only assume to be an annoyed huff.  He glanced at his parents before settling his eyes on Tommy.  Something gleamed in those red eyes that Tommy didn’t recognize and probably would be fine in never knowing.  The Blood God huffed again.
“So, you really aren’t so different as that Tyrant King then?  Couldn’t wait to show me off at the first chance you got?”
Excuse me, what now?  What Tyrant King?  Did this Fae just call King Dream a Tyrant?!  Then compare his parents to him?  What the hell?
“Oh didn’t they tell you Runt?”  The Blood God smirked.  “The Tyrant known as Dream has put a special price on the Royal Fae.  What was it again?  Five hundred in gold if you bring back proof, dead?  Five thousand if you managed to capture them alive?”
Wait, wait, wait.  What now?  Tommy looked to his parents hoping that the Fae had to be lying right?  His parents wouldn’t do that!  Right?  Tommy ignored the little voice in the back of his head that sounded suspiciously like Tubbo.  Telling him that Fae can’t lie.  But they do know how to dance around the truth, tricking people like picking berries.
“Don’t listen to him, son.  He’s trying to confuse you so it can enchant you.  King Dream made an offer to capture the Fae so that they can research the Fae.  Find out how to properly negotiate with them,” Tommy’s Father explained.  “However, King Dream offered us a very fine reward.  He’s going to use the Blood God as a way to force the Winter Court into an unbreakable treaty, so that we can finally be free.”
Oh, well that didn't sound too bad.  Research.  So, observe and put so many protection charms and magic then no one would fall victim to their tricks.  But something told Tommy that, that’s not what the King has in mind.
“Tommy,” his Father called, bringing him back to reality.  “You Mother and I are going to be gone for a few days.  We need to gather supplies and inform the King of the latest hunt.”
“What you're going to be doing is keeping an eye on the Blood God.  The Pantry is fully stocked and all you have to do is come down here every now and then to make sure the Blood God doesn’t get away.”
Tommy gestured to his Mother’s hand still on his mouth so he could talk.  Once his Mom removed her hand, Tommy began.
“Are you sure about this?”  Tommy whispered so the Blood God couldn’t hear (he did).  “Not that I’m not cut out for this or anything but just checking.”
“I know you’re brave enough for this,” his Mother said loudly, full of confidence.  “We wouldn’t be asking you if we weren’t sure.”
Tommy’s Mom then handed him the key.  “We trust you and we know this is a huge responsibility but we wouldn’t put you in charge of watching the Blood God if we didn’t have full confidence in you.”
“We’ll be back in a few days,” his Father said.  “I know you’ll make us proud son.”
Tommy’s Parents led him up the stairs telling all that he needed to do and what to expect.  None of them paid any attention to the Royal Fae that was sitting in the cage.  Tommy to focus on what his parents were saying and his parents too overly confident in the protection charms and iron.
If any of them had paid any attention, they would have noticed the Blood God staring at Tommy and a slow smirk forming.
Tagging: @weirdmixofweirdness, @isa-ghost, @nightfuryobsessed, @ashedflower, @tracobuttons, @lunasnownature, @loverofsupernatural
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 months
For dark SBI ideas, a trope I've been brainrotting lately is humanization.
Literal humanization.
Instead of dark SBI being some sort of supernatural creatures and Techno being a human, I'd love to read/write a dark SBI fic where all four of them start out as non-humans of some kind (gods, superheroes/supervillains, fae, vampire, WHATEVER). But for Techno, specifically, this comes with the burden of dehumanization. And SBI can't bear to see him suffer like that anymore.
Thus, they take this power away from him somehow, and find a way to turn him into a human.
(Whether he wants to or not. They know he'll be happier. They're doing this because they love him and think it'll be better for him.)
And while Techno might become a lot weaker and more vulnerable in the process, it's okay. Because his family will protect him, they'll keep him safe. It's their turn to take care of him now.
Literal humanization!
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gummygoatgalaxy · 4 months
They Got Lost
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Bubbletrolls Brigade having travel troubles, though Fizz and Spade are the only 2 concerned lol
Also, @thatbennybee 's oc Scoops has been added to this little group of trolls!! And i love the fact that Scoops completes the group by being half Classical! So we have Pop, Rock, Classic/Pop, Funk/Pop, Country/Pop and Techno/Pop!!! All the main types of trolls!!
@phoofoz @battlecry51 @skrrtskrrtkiddo @faux-fae
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mathanlin · 1 year
Fae/Foster AU where Fae aren’t trusted to speak for fear of making deals — and so each foster family is given the Fae’s name to immediately mute them. Like Tommy, the unwanted Changeling.
And yet the Watsons let him communicate.
By… writing on a cheap plastic whiteboard.
It’s an incredible gift. 
He’s practically giddy with joy, scrawling out words that someone *finally* listens to. And not just anyone — the kindest, sweetest people the world has to offer. 
And selfishly, Tommy wants more. 
“Thank you.”
He holds the whiteboard out to Phil after supper. He’s eaten their food & thanked them, gave them so much power. As if his name wasn’t enough. 
Phil… smiles. At *Tommy,* the inhuman, unwanted creature.
And that makes the silence worth it. 
Because it hurts. 
To not be able to laugh during meals. To not banter with Wilbur or ramble with Techno. (Even when they say, “You’re a great listener, Tommy.” 
Because that’s all he is.)
And to know that if he ever said, “I love you,” it would be accompanied by the acrid stench of the marker.
And silence. Always silence.
That’s what makes him desperate enough to try.
“Hey, mate.”
Phil turns around, halfway through a sink of dishes. His smile falters to a look of concern as he sees Tommy’s hunched, shaking frame.
And that concern evaporates as he sees the message scrawled on Tommy’s whiteboard.
“Can I have my voice back?”
Tommy’s stupid enough to hope.
That maybe a year with the Watsons was enough. That maybe he’d gained their trust through his quiet help & shaky smiles. By being *easy.*
But Phil’s face tightens, grip tightening on the silverware in his hand. 
They’re thinking the same thing, Tommy knows.
Fae are dangerous. It’s a good thing there’s iron everywhere — if worse came to worse, they could ward off Tommy with it.
(What Phil doesn’t know is that Tommy would let them. 
That he’d take the pain and rejection silently.)
“We need to talk.”
It’s not said to Tommy. It doesn’t involve him at all. Just Phil and his sons who he’s called to the living room, voice quiet as Tommy eavesdrops.
That doesn’t make the words any less gutwrenching. 
“You can’t let Tommy speak.”
The twins tense, but they… they don’t even argue.
Phil’s jaw tightens. “He tried to ask me. You two have his name, too, he’ll go after you next. We can’t risk anything.”
What isn’t said is, *He’s too dangerous to trust.*
But they all know it. 
Tommy somehow gets quieter.
Because horribly, it makes sense. The Watsons can’t risk their family falling into a dangerous Fae deal.
And even if they did give his voice back, he’d be different. Too loud, too bubbly, too desperate for their love.
So he cuts his losses.
“Just for one day.”
It’s Wilbur he approaches, months after Phil’s warning. The boy looks up at Tommy, his incredible, undeserved fondness masked by confusion.  
“One day for what?”
*To have my voice back,* is the true answer. 
But there’s more. So much more. *To say I love you. To call Phil Dad, just once. To call you and Techno my brothers. Just one day to speak, and all I’ll say is how much I love you.*
*I’ll be quiet after that.*
“To have my voice back.”
In the end, that’s all he writes. There’s not enough space to write out all those vulnerable truths, the stench of the marker making him dizzy.
And Wilbur’s face falls.
He sounds… doubtful. Tommy’s heart dares to rise, hands shaking as Wilbur stands, face drawn tight with grief, pain, and… guilt?
It only takes a second for that last emotion to make sense.
Because Wilbur snatches the whiteboard from his hands.
“You can’t be trusted with it.”
That’s Wilbur’s explanation as he stalks down the hallway, Tommy clinging to his side, mouth desperately forming muted apologies. 
And when Wilbur hands the whiteboard to Phil, those damning words still scrawled across it, Phil says the same.
That’s not the end of it.
The notebooks around the house are taken. So are any scraps of paper, loose pens, pencils, or markers.
And Phil, voice thick with grief, orders, “Tommy, don’t try to talk to us again.”
It didn’t have to be an order. Tommy would’ve listened.
But the end result is the same. Tommy stays silent, buried in his room, unable to even cry out. To ask for *anything,* let alone the chance to say, “I love you.”
And like this, he’s lost the chance to ever hear it, too. 
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
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2/3 chapters up. Technoblade and Wilbur vow to rescue Tommy from the hands of the fae, and end up delivering themselves into the hands of Lady Death. She’s mysterious and wily, but they pass her impossible trials less with flying colors and more so extremely reckless and endangering creativity. But that’s only the beginning of their obstacles to Tommy as the pair find they have to survive the deadliest challenge of all: domestic life with a helicopter mom Fairy Queen.
(And given the murmurs of both the Court Wilbur frequents and the souls that linger around Techno’s head, surviving is going to take everything they’ve got.)
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I'm looking for blogs to follow. I know I already made a post like this, but it's been a while, my dash is fairly dead, and theres so many gross bigots its hard to find good blogs. Please like/reblog post about any of the following:***
Norse polytheism/norse paganism
Especially Freyr, Odin, Njord, Ran, Loki, and/or Skadi
Norse mythology
Sea witchcraft
Techno witchcraft
Sigil witchcraft
Hedge witchcraft
Kitchen witchcraft
Hearth witchcraft
Working with the fae
Hellenic polytheism
Greek mythology
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lennjamin-o7 · 8 months
Noon a Purple Glow
Read Here
Tech?” The doorknob jiggled, the lock keeping the door closed. Technoblade’s heart jumped into his throat as he watched the bronze knob fail to twist. “Tech, are you okay?”
“I’m-” Technoblade started to say and yes, he could hear it now. Under the scratchiness, his voice sounded so young. Like a little kid. His voice wavered. “I-”
The doorknob stopped moving and everything was quiet. Technoblade held his breath, heartbeat loud in his ears as he stood stock still in the middle of the bathroom. Seconds ticked by, before Kristin spoke again.
“You looked in the mirror,” It wasn’t a question. Technoblade whimpered, quickly covering his mouth to stifle the sound. He could hear a deep sigh on the other side of the door. “Oh, Technoblade. Unlock the door, sweetheart.”
Or; Technoblade is so endearing to the fae that when they decide to punish the human Kingdom, they decide to keep him as a little treat. A new son, all for their own. Dark SBI. Techno-centric.
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