#cage/unconventional restraints
lildevyl · 2 years
Whumptober Day 1: Cage/Unconventional Restraints
Summary:  Tommy’s parents are well renowned Hunters.  Capture and kill many Mythical/Magical Creatures and freeing countless Villages.  They’re latest hunt came up with something more dangerous than anything before.  The Winter Court’s Royal Son, the Blood God.
Based on A Blessing Bestowed by just_arandomfangirl and The Perils of Being Kind by Poker
TW: Caging, Hunting, Dehumanizing, Fae AU, Magic AU
I think I got them all!
It was an hour or two after sunrise when Tommy made his way downstairs for breakfast and realized that something was amidst.  It wasn’t the fact that every time Tommy saw his reflection in the hallway mirror that the morning sun made his hair look like spun gold.  Or his eyes tend to look like sapphire gemstones or that -
Alright Tommy, stop that!  You’re human!  Clearly that encounter with the last fae has you rattled!  You’re human not fae.  Tubbo’s fine!  He’s in the most guarded part of the Hunter’s Academy.  Right?  Right.
As Tommy made his way to the Kitchen the smell of waffles and pancakes filled the air.  As Tommy entered the Kitchen his suspicion that something was terribly wrong just been confirmed.  His Mom was on the stove making waffles, a plate full of stack of pancakes was on the table, fruit bowl full, eggs and bacon were on the table as well.  Yep something was definitely up!  Tommy’s Mom only did this when there was bad news.  It was her way of trying to “lighten the load” of the bad news so it didn't hit so hard when it came.
The only thing that Tommy could think of for why his Mom would be doing this was if they got Tubbo.  The Autumn King of the Fae Court took an interest in Tubbo and has been trying to get Tubbo to be his son.  If his Mom was making Waffles and Pancakes then that could only mean one thing.
“Please tell me the bastard didn’t get Tubbo?”  Tommy begged as he sat down at the table.
“No,” his Mom answered, turning around with a plate of Waffles and putting them on the table.  “Tubbo is fine as far as we know.”
“Then what’s with the Waffles and Pancakes?!”  Tommy demanded.  He knew that if it wasn’t because of bad news then it was something major and this was some kind of bribe.
Both his parents shared a look before his father continued.  “Well, son, since what has happened with Tubbo and from what we were able to capture in our last hunt.  We think you are more than ready for Field Training.”
Tommy whooped!  He’s been stuck at home for so long making charms and weapons that it was about time his parents thought that he was ready!  Tommy just turned sixteen, so he was pumped and ready to go hunting with his parents and help save lives!
“So, what am I going to do then?  And what is the news?”  Tommy wasn’t a child; he knew a tasty bribe when he saw one.  If Tubbo was truly safe and sound at the Hunter’s Academy then what would his parents need him to do?
His parents shared a look with another that Tommy didn’t know how to decipher on what it meant.  “I think it would be better to show you.”  His Mother sighed at the look and noise of protest his father gave.  “It’s the only way that he’ll understand fully!  We trust you Toms and this is going to be the biggest thing we put you in charge of.”
Tommy gapped at his parents.  The biggest thing that he would be in charge of?  Holy shit, holy shit!  He’s really going on a Hunting trip with his parents?!  Oh fuck yeah!
“Then hurry up and let’s go see it!”  Tommy said, shoving the last piece of waffles in his mouth before remembering to chew and then swallow.
“Before we go, do you have red clothing?”  Tommy rolled his eyes gesturing to his sleeves and the sides of his favorite shirt.  “And cold iron?  Salt?  Clover?  Golden flowers?”
“Yes, yes, and yes!”  Making a frown appear on his father’s face.  “And what feels like nearly every single protection charm there is in this house.”
Tommy started to trace the patterns in the wooden table readying himself for the umbteenth lecture that he knew he would be getting when he said this.  “We just want to make sure that you're safe!  A Hunter’s Child can and will be seen as a major trophy to the Fae!  This will be very tricky and quite dangerous but we trust you with this.”
Tommy nodded his head with a grimace.  That was one of the reasons why Tubbo was sought after.  The Autumn King saw Tubbo when Tubbo first got introduced into Field Training.  At first Tubbo thought it was just some traveler that he wanted to try and scam some goods off of but still give the guy some actually decent charms.  The Autumn King saw how clever Tubbo was and when he found out that he was the son of some of the most pronounced Hunters.  Well, the Autumn King instantly took an interest in Tubbo.
It was also why Tommy had to stay in the cabin when his parents and several witches went around the property line to draw, carve and activate every single protection charm and spell that they could think of!  And why Tommy was specifically restricted to stay within the property lines where the protection is the strongest.  The protection charms and spells were on the property lines but the house itself was enclosed in protection charms and magic as well.  It would literally take a Royal Fae to break through them.  But even then they would be severely weakened.
“I’m ready!  I’ll be safe, I promise.  Those Fae won’t know what hit them!”  Tommy exclaimed.
His Mother gave a small laugh.  “I’m sure they won’t!  Finish your breakfast then we’ll be heading to the Bunker!”
The Bunker?  The Bunker was where all the charms, protection spells, weapons, cages, chains and even specially made magically infused cuffs were made.  The cuffs were literally a magic suppressor.  Put them on the thing and their powers are severely weakened to useless.  Tommy never saw them be put to use, but he had heard a story from a fellow Hunter that went to save a Seaside Town from a bunch of Sirens and had used the cuffs to trap one.  What could his parents have caught that they needed to use the Bunker for?
Tommy quickly finished his breakfast, scarfing down the eggs and bacon and even finishing off a few pieces of fruit.  He pushed his chair back and followed his parents out the door.  Tommy shivered slightly when the cold mountain air hit him.
Another reason why Tubbo was taken to the Academy.  It was late Autumn and the first frost would be coming soon.  Autumn and Winter.  Two Courts that coincide with one another, allies with each other.  There have been rumors that the Winter Court’s Prince Siren is actually friends with the Autumn King himself.  But there hasn't been anything found to back that up.  Tommy just prayed that Tubbo will be okay and once they find the Autumn King then Tommy could rest easy knowing that the threat was taken care of.
Tommy followed his parents to the Bunker.  The Bunker was an underground sanctuary to get to it.  You have to walk a ways from the house towards the wood where there were wooden doors sticking out of the ground that would remind you of Cellar Doors.
“Why here?”  Tommy asked.
“This one required a lot more measures to be taken,” his Mother said, pulling a chain from her neck revealing a key made of cold iron.
His Mother took the key and put on the padlock on the Bunker and then removed the chains and the heavy iron bar latch.  When that was done, his parents led him down the steps.  The further down they went Tommy couldn’t help but shiver at the cold.  He knew Winter was weeks away but it felt like it had just come in the Bunker.  Tommy’s Father stopped in front of a very complicated looking door.  It was made out of iron and there were so many runes, intricate patterns and many, many, many, symbols and charms that Tommy recognized carved, raised, woven, and literally part of the actual door itself.
“This Tommy is where your training begins!”  His father smiled proudly at him.  “So, I want you to step up here.  Now, to enter the Bunker you need to press these runes and charms in a very specific order.  Like so.”  His father then showed Tommy the order that he had to put in.  
The Runes glowed and Tommy could feel the magic from the runes and charms.  One of them was a Reveal Charm.  It was used to Reveal the person's true identity but it can also reveal any charms, spells and enchantments that one might be under or have on them.  It was really a way to see if anyone was under any spell or mind control and know how to combat it.
There was a buzz that sounded like bees and a click then the door opened slightly.  Tommy’s Father grabbed the handle and pulled the door open all the way and went in first.
“Now, son before we go any further I must warn you that you must be at the top of your game and you must tread with the utmost caution.  Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Dad.”
“Good now follow.”
Tommy’s Father in front led the way, with Tommy right behind and his Mother bringing up the rear.  Tommy couldn’t help but shiver more down here.  He noticed that the temperature must have dropped ten or so degrees from what it was up above the bunker.  Tommy also notices a very light layer of frost covering the floor of runes.  They came to the center of the room where they have their cages and Tommy nearly toppled over.
In the center of the room was a salt circle that was about ten centimeters wide all around the outside of the runes that were carved into the floor.  On top of the runes that the Salt Circle was surrounding was the biggest  iron cage Tommy has ever seen.  The bars were about as big as his wrist, the shackles and chains were as big as Tommy’s fists.  But what caught Tommy’s attention the most was the pair of Power Suppressor Cuffs that Tommy had just made last month but never had the chance to test, it.
Tommy also noticed a layer of frost covered the chains and runes like it was trying to turn it to ice.  But what caught Tommy’s attention the most and why he nearly toppled over was what was actually in the cage.
Did his parents have a goddamn death wish?!  There sitting in the middle of the cage was none other than the second son of the Winter Court.  The most feared Fae Warrior of all.  The Blood God, Technoblade.
@weirdmixofweirdness, @10ths-writing-corner, @tracobuttons, @a-humble-narcissus, @whumptober
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justaticklishdeer · 4 months
Unconventional Methods
lots of inspo from @hype-blue-fixation
this took forever to write, give feedback! (I personally don't think this turned out too well.)
Tw/CW: Restraints, Fluff, Teasing (a ton,) tickles, gets intense in spots.
word count: 1.5k
Vox and Alastor. Rivals, enemies, whatever you call them. They were busy fighting, as usual. Alastor had antagonized the TV Overlord yet again, and now they were in the lobby of the hotel – thank God everyone else was out for the day. Besides, the gang would hate to see the mess they had made… 
‘Fucking–hold still!’ Vox snarls, jumping forward at Alastor who easily steps to the side. 
‘Hmm, I’d prefer not to. I’m not getting taken down by some picture show–’ Alastor yelps as Vox grabs him. He struggled and hissed as the TV demon ties his arms above his head. 
‘You forget I know your weaknesses, Alastor.’
‘You know nothing about me. You barely know me! You’ve been obsessed with me since day one!’ Alastor snorts, glaring at him defiantly from his restrained position. 
‘Where shall we start? Perhaps..here?’ Vox places a blue tipped claw on Alastor's palm, tracing small circles. He had completely ignored the defiant jab. Alastor’s body jerks back and he whimpers out a giggly protest. 
‘There you go, pretty boy. Trust us. Or perhaps, myself. You know you can. You want to.’ 
Alastor whines again, squeezing his eyes shut as Vox continues. Vox smirks. ‘What's wrong, ticklish little fawn? Can’t handle my claws all over your palm? Perhaps I could move them. Have them slide up this pretty forearm, up near your underarm…then, sliding down your ribs while you whine at me. Then we could tease those sides of yours, oh, yes. Sliding my claws up and down your sides while you whine and try to curl into a sickeningly sweet ball of fluffy ticklishness. Then slide down to your tummy and tease there. I could go on for hours, Alastor. Hours. How does that sound?’ 
A helpless whine was all he got. ‘Aww, is someone a ticklish little fawn? Yes you are! Come on and tell me all about it,’ Vox hums, claws tracing slowly down his forearm. Slow. Teasing. Torturous. ‘Vohox. Vohohox, plehease..’ he whines, trying to flinch back from the tickles. His restraints held fast. Vox held him still. Alastor whimpered again, a giggly mess. ‘Shh, you can take more than that. I’ve done more than this. Come on. You can do it,’ Vox croons, reaching his other hand up to gently and teasingly stroking up and down the feathery-soft edges of Alastor’s ears. The deer whines loudly, trying to shake his head. ‘Ah, ah, ah. No. Stay. Oh, good boy! Look at you, taking the tickles so well.’
Alastor whines, trying to arch away from the soft dragging of Vox’s claws. He felt Vox get close to his underarm, and he gasps and arches. ‘Nuh uh, don’t shy away! It’s alright, just stay…oh, look at you. Such a helpless fawn, ensnared in my trap.’ Vox continued to trace lighty around the area, whiney giggles and breathy sighs joining the mix. ‘Vohox, plehease..move alohohong…’
‘I don’t think I will,’ Vox hums. The deer whines and flinches, body trembling. ‘Good job, Al, you’re doing amazing for me.’ 
Alastor nods, desperate as he squirms in his restraints. Vox was sitting on his legs to make it so escape was essentially impossible. ‘I–oho! Mm-!’ Alastor cuts himself off as Vox reaches his upper rib cage. ‘Oh, so here’s a bad spot, hm? Should we…count them?’ he teases, pressing slightly harder. Alastor frantically shakes his head. Quite the deer in the headlights. ‘Plehease–plehehase–Vohohox plehease—’ 
‘Ah, ah, shh…I’m not even nearly getting started. Calm yourself, little fawn.’ The TV demon slowly traces claws down Alastor’s ribs, eliciting a small squeak and twitch every time he hits a bad spot–the bad spot essentially everywhere. Alastor’s voice was shaky and giggly, no real words really making their way out of his mouth. He bleated like a fawn helplessly. Vox’s claws dragged slower, down his sides, resting on his stomach.
He uses one hand to push Alastor’s shirt up to expose his fuzzy stomach. He could hear Alastor whimper with anticipation. ‘Oh, my dear, I haven’t even started yet! You’re already squirmy and all vocal for me!’ ‘Sh-shut up!’ Alastor whines through a fit of happy giggles and whimpers. 
Vox gently scribbled around his belly, tracing a claw around his navel. Alastor’s breath hitched as he arched his back, trying to escape the torturous feeling. The television grins. ‘You’re lucky I’m not too..hungry right now, sweetie,’ Vox murmurs, continuing with the slow dragging. ‘Stahap th-that!’ Alastor snorts, trying to tug his hands out of the restraints. Vox hums softly, ignoring the plea. ‘Plehease Vox plehease plehease–’ 
‘Nuh uh, pretty boy, ticklish little fawn, adorable buck. You’d be safewording like hell if you hated it that much,’ Vox points out, tracing shapes on Alastor’s belly. He gently traces circles and little swirls all over the fur. The deer demon lurches and writhes, whining with the giddiest look on his face. He seemed to be on a whole different cloud of fluffy happiness. 
Vox smiled, continuing the slow, teasy tickles on the deer’s sensitive tummy. ‘Does that feel good? All nice and tickly for my favorite fawn?’ Alastor giggles happily, ‘m-mhm!~’
Vox moves his claws up to Alastor’s deerlike ears. Soft strokes, nothing too much. Yet, it still had the radio demon nearly crying with silent giggles and whines. Such a strong reaction. ‘Who’s a good tickle fawn?’ Vox croons. He could feel Alastor trembling. Good. Alastor could feel phantom tickles on his stomach still, making the whole thing worse. He squirms and whimpers, little breathy giggles coming out. “Just like that, good boy.”
Alastor bleats helplessly, grinning as wide as he could while arching his back. “Hmm, now the deer noises?” “Shuhut up..”
Vox moves back down to his tummy, cooing teases at him. A claw circles his belly button, and Alastor’s hooves kick as he whines. “Pretty baby, pretty tickle baby, c'mon..you can handle it,” Vox hums, continuing the awfully slow teasing movement. Alastor whines desperately.
“Use your words. You’re poetic.”
“It-ihit–Vohox plehease..” 
“Please what? Words.”
Alastor flushes and his ears pin as he shakes his head. “Yohou know.” “I know. I want to hear you say it,” Vox hums, claws still teasing at the spot. 
“Vohox–! Mmm! N-noho–!”
Vox’s scritching got more intense, making the deer squirm, his ears flicking as he tried to comprehend the feeling. “Fuck–fuhuhuck–Vohox i-ihit–ihit–!”
“It what, darling?” Vox chuckles.
Vox begins to trace claws on his neck, making the radio demon whine softly and smile. ‘You know, Al, you’re quite good at handling these. Or am I not doing enough?’
‘Vohox, it-it ihis plenty.’
Vox starts applying a steady tickle to the deer’s ribs. ‘Nohoho! Vohox, plehease–’
He blinks, looking Alastor right in the eyes as he continues. ‘You’d be safewording. You enjoy it, don’t you? You love how I make you feel all tickly. And happy.’ Alastor’s ears flick and flatten, and he turns his face away. Vox took the restrained position as an opportunity to tickle Alastor’s underarms–which got a desperate whine and shriek, then loud laughter. ‘Good boy!’ Vox praises, continuing to tickle him, aiming for a full on wrecking. Alastor shrieks and phrases, trying to comprehend what was happening. 
‘Vohohohox! Plehehehease–Nohohot thehehere! Ohoho shihihiht–!’ Alastor bleats in distress, his deerlike instincts coming out profoundly. His body thrashed and Vox held him still with a firm look. Alastor whined and bleated again, melting under the eye contact. He was holding back every urge to hide his face. To hide the flusteredness. To hide how much he loved this. 
‘Hold still.’ ‘I-I cahahahan’t!’
‘Yes, you can.’ 
Vox continues, and he could see Alastor’s eyes starting to glisten with tears of pure mirth. ‘Stahahap! Nohohohot the ehehehHAHAHARS!’ 
‘Yes, the ears. You know I couldn’t resist. They’re just so…fluffy, pure. Surely the radio host can handle it? Or perhaps…I could show this to all of hell? Let them know how much of a ticklish little fawn you are?’ Vox suggests, tracing claws down the feathery soft edges of his ears. He moves to Alastor’s tummy, scribbling all eight claws over the sensitive fur and skin beneath it. Alastor screams before his laughter fades to soft radio static and silence. 
‘REHEHED! ReHEhehed! SHhihiHit!’ Alastor practically screams the safeword, and Vox instantly stops. He reaches up to untie Alastor, chuckling as the radio host throws himself onto Vox with exhausted pants. He giggles occasionally in between breaths, and Vox gently rubs his shoulders to get rid of any of the phantom tickles. He offers the deer a glass of water which the former gladly accepts. 
‘You alright?’ Vox asks, amusement and fondness in his tone. Alastor nods, downing the water rather quickly. Vox notices and hums, ‘More?’ Another nod. He stands up and gently sits Alastor on the sofa. ‘Here. Stay, I’ll go grab more water.’ 
Alastor pants out, ‘Y-yohou’re evil…’
‘I’m an Overlord, darling. It’s my job. Now rest up. Can't have your hotel staff know about this, can we?’ Alastor’s cheeks redden and he shakes his head, mumbling, ‘They can’t know.’
‘Mhm. Now rest up, okay?’ Vox sighs softly, gazing down fondly at Alastor as he dozes off on him.
Perhaps…perhaps this wasn’t so bad after all.
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rookthorne · 2 years
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I am apologising in advance for the heartbreak I present you all with during this Bucky-centric month in the following universes/pairings; canon-divergent, modern, Stucky, Shrinkyclinks, Shrunkyclunks, B&B!Bucky (Brotherhood & Bullets), and WS!Bucky.
If it is of any comfort, I am offering free hugs and tissues.
I also just wanted to say a big thank you to all the mods and organisers over at @whumptober for all the work they put into this event - it's my first ever one and they've been so helpful with resources and support both on their blog and in the discord server. You guys are the best. ❤️
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1/31 | AMANDLA
Stucky + Unconventional Restraints
2/31 | BLUE
WS!Bucky + Cornered & Caged
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Gun To Temple & “Say goodbye.”
40's Stucky + DEAD ON YOUR FEET & Hidden Injury
6/31 | A PROMISE
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Screams from Across the Hall
7/31 | WARMTH
post!TWS Stucky + Shaking Hands & Silent Panic Attack
Modern!Bucky x F!Reader + THE VERY NOISY NIGHT
10/31 | ANIMAL
WS!Bucky + Taser
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + "911, WHAT'S YOUR EMERGENCY?" & ALT. Adrenaline Crash
12/31 | I'VE GOT YOU
Pre-war Stucky + ALT. Dazed and Confused
13/31 | NO MAN'S LAND
Shrinkyclinks + Dislocation
14/31 | NO WAY OUT
TFAWS!Bucky x F!Agent!Reader + Failed Escape
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Breathing through the Pain
16/31 | IT LAY IN VAIN
WS!Bucky / Implied Stucky + Mind Control
Shrinkyclinks / WS!Bucky + HANGING BY A THREAT & Stress Positions
40's Stucky + "Just get it over with."
Stucky + ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, Knees Buckling & Head Lolling
Shrinkyclinks + Fetal Position & ALT. Whimpering
Stucky + FAMOUS LAST WORDS & Coughing up Blood
22/31 | THE WAY HOME
post!TWS Stucky + Withdrawal
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + AT THE END OF THEIR ROPE, Forced to Kneel & "Hold them down."
24/31 | LUCIDITY
WS!Bucky + Blood Covered Hands
Shrinkyclinks + Lost Voice & ALT. Touch Starved
40's Stucky + NO ONE LEFT BEHIND & ALT. Carried to Safety
WS!Bucky + PUSHED TO THE LIMIT, Stumbling, ALT. Stabbed & ALT. Tears
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Anger Born of Worry & Headache
Winter Soldier x Undercover!F!Reader + Sleep Deprivation
Shrunkyclunks + NOTE TO SELF: DON'T GET KIDNAPPED, Hair Grabbing & "Please don't touch me."
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Comfort & Bedside Vigil
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All graphics and headers were made by yours truly using pinterest, Canva, and clips from the MCU - I claim no ownership over the photos/clips used.
Masterlist | Library | AO3 | Wattpad
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jinxquickfoot · 1 year
Marvel Fic Masterlist
Completed Projects:
Weaknesses (Whumptober 2022 Collection):
The One Where Natasha is Tony's Weakness (Day 1 Prompts: Unconventional Restraints/“This wasn’t supposed to happen”, Day 14 Prompts: Desperate Measures/Failed Escape/“I’ll be right behind you”, Day 20 Prompt: Fetal Position)
The One Where Clint is Wanda's Weakness (Day 2 Prompts: Cornered/Caged/Confrontation) 
The One Where Clint is Sam's Weakness (Day 4 Prompt: Waking Up Disorientated, Day 16 Prompt: “No one’s coming”, Day 24 Prompt: “I don’t want to do this anymore”, Day 31 Prompts: Comfort/Bedside Vigil/“You can rest now”)
The One Where Tony is Clint's Weakness (Day 5 Prompt: Running Out of Air, Day 11 Prompts: Sloppy Bandages/Self-Done First Aid/Makeshift Splint)
The One Where Scott is Sam's Weakness (Day 10 Prompt: Waterboarding) 
The One Where Yelena is Natasha's Weakness (Day 15 Prompts: Lies/New Scars/Breathing Through the Pain)
The One Where Sam is Bucky's Weakness (Day 21 Prompts: “You’re safe now”/“Take me instead”)
The One Where Peter is Kamala's Weakness (Day 22 Prompt: Allergic Reaction)
The One Where Peter is Peter's Weakness (co-written with @spagbol99​, Day 23 Prompts: Forced to Their Knees/Tied to a Table/”Hold them down”)
The One Where Sam is Clint's Weakness (Day 25 Prompts: Duct Tape/"You Better Start Talking")
The One Where Kate is Peter's Weakness (Day 26 Prompts: Separated/Rope Burns, Day 28 Prompts: Anger Born of Worry/Punching the Wall)
The One Where MJ is Peter's Weakness (for the @spideychellebigbang, art by @bignerdhours, Day 27 Prompts: Muffled Screams/Stumbling/Magical Exhaustion)
The One Where Marc is Steven’s Weakness (Day 29 Prompts: Defiance/"Better me than you")
The One Where Clint is Bucky’s Weakness (for the @winterhawkbigbang​, art by @rufferto9​, Day 30 Prompts: Manhandled/Hair Grabbing/“Please don’t touch me”)
The One Where Clint is Kate’s Weakness: (Day 3 Prompts: Say Goodbye/Gun to Temple, Day 7 Prompts: Shaking Hands/Silent Panic Attack, Day 17 Prompts: Breaking Point/Stress Positions/Reluctant Caretaker, Day 18 Prompts: “Just get it over with”/“Take my coat”, Day 19 Prompts: Knees Buckling/Repeatedly Passing Out/Head Lolling)
Mayday: A Civil War Fix-It that spans 2012-2017. No character bashing, no sides taken.
The One Where Rhodey is Steve's Weakness (Day 9 Prompts: Sleeping in Shifts/Tossing and Turning/Caught in a Storm) 
The One Where Steve is Sam’s Weakness (Day 6 Prompt: Ransom Video, Day 8 Prompts: Head Trauma/Back from the Dead, Day 13 Prompts: Fracture/Dislocation/“Are you here to break me out?")
The One Where Bucky is Tony’s Weakness (Day 12 Prompts: “Mayday, mayday!”)
Let’s Whump the Spider-Kid and Friends! (Whumptober 2021 Collection): A “Everybody Lives/No One Dies” AU set post-Endgame. One-shots featuring Peter Parker and the Avengers that lead into a larger story. TW: puns.
Down to the Wire (Peter & Tony, Day 1 Prompts: "You have to let go"/Barbed Wire/Bound)
You're One to Talk (Peter, Tony & Scott, Day 2 Prompt: Gagged)
Bully For You (Peter & Natasha, Day 3 Prompts: Taunting/Insults/"Who did this to you?")
Trust Fall (Peter & Tony, Day 4 Prompts: "Do you trust me?"/Taken Hostage)
Intruder Window (Peter & Sam, Day 5 Prompts: Misunderstanding/Broken Nose)
A Lot On Your Plate (Peter & Tony, Day 6 Prompt: Hunger)
Eye See What You Did There (Peter & Clint, Day 7 Prompts: Helplessness/Blindness)
That's Cold (Peter & Vision, Peter & Wanda, Wanda/Vision, Day 8 Prompts: "Definitely just a cold"/Exotic Illness)
Something Blue (Wanda/Vision, Day 9 Prompt: Tears, art by @jacketpotatoo​)
Shield (Peter & Bucky, Peter & Sam, Day 10 Prompt: Hospital)
Just When You Thought There Wasn’t a Pun for This One (Peter & Tony, Day 11 Prompts: Adrift/Dehydration)
Switch (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 12 Prompts: Torture/Made to Watch/Begging)
Not Cool (Peter & Rhodey, Day 13 Prompts: "This is gonna suck"/Burns/Cauterization)
Driven to Succeed (Peter & Happy, Day 14 Prompts: Crash Injuries/Beaten/Force)
Trip Hazard (Peter, Tony, Rhodey, Steve & Bucky, Day 15 Prompt: Delirium)
Scar. Scare? Scar. (Peter & Bruce, Day 16 Prompt: Scars)
You Game? (Peter, MJ, Ned, Flash, Betty, Shuri, Cassie, Lila, AJ & Harley, Day 17 Prompts: "Please don't move!"/Dread)
Frame-Up (Peter & Clint, Day 18 Prompts: "Now Smile for the Camera"/CPR)
Catastrophe (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 19 Prompts: Bitten/Bleeding)
You’re Suffocating Me (Peter & Shuri, Day 20 Prompts: Trunk/Trapped Underwater)
Stacked Odds (Peter, Tony, Sam & Bucky, Day 21 Prompt: Pressure)
I'm Your Biggest Fan! (Peter & Scott, Day 22 Prompt: Obsession)
Not Quite Sold (Peter & Bucky, Peter & Clint, Day 23 Prompt: Auction)
For the Record (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 24 Prompts: Self-induced Injuries to Escape/Revenge/Flashback)
In Hiding (Peter & Morgan, Peter & Cassie, Day 25 Prompt: Hiding)
It's Just A Stage I'm Going Through (Peter & Stephen, Peter & Ned, Day 26 Prompts: Trapdoor/Fallen)
Collapse (Peter/MJ, Peter & Pepper, Day 27 Prompts: Passing Out/Collapse)
In Your Dreams (Peter & Thor, Day 28 Prompts: "Good. You’re finally awake.”/Nightmare/Panic)
Mine (Peter & Steve, Day 29 Prompts: "You're Still Not Dead?"/Too Weak to Move/Overworked)
Didn’t Mean to Ghost You (Peter & Ben, Peter & Tony, Day 30 Prompts: Left for Dead/Ghosts)
Punstoppable (Peter & Tony, Peter/MJ, Peter & Avengers team, Day 31 Prompts: Hurt and Comfort/Disaster Zone/Prisoner/Trauma)
Bonus Chapter: Not Quite Sold Part 2 (Bucky & Natasha, Bucky & Steve, Febuwhump 2022 Day 20 Prompt: Caged)
Bonus Chapter: Not Quite Sold Part 3 (Peter & Tony, Febuwhump 2022 Day 27 Prompt: Shower Breakdown)
Whumptoberverse Fics (Whumptober 2020 Collection): A Civil War Fix-It that begins with Zemo kidnapping Tony and Peter in Siberia after the fight with Steve and Bucky. An attempt to consider all sides, perspectives, and mistakes made in Civil War with understanding rather than judgement. Currently being edited. 
'Til the Fight is Done (Peter & Tony, Day 1 Prompts: Waking Up Restrained/Shackled/Hanging)
What Makes A Captain (Steve & Bucky, Day 2 Prompts: "Pick Who Dies”/Collars/Kidnapped)
Not Your Sidekick (Rhodey & Sam, Day 3 Prompts: Held At Gunpoint/Manhandled)
Man in a Can (Tony & Rhodey, Day 4 Prompt: Buried Alive)
A Quiet Place (Natasha & Sam, Day 5 Prompts: On the Run/Failed Escape/Rescue)
Amendments (Tony & Bruce, Day 6 Prompts: “Get it Out”/No More/“Please…”)
Choices (Natasha & Bucky, Day 7 Prompts: Support/Enemy to Caretaker)
Dollhouse (Clint & Wanda, Day 8 Prompt: Isolation)
You're Always Spider-Man (Peter & Harley, Day 9 Prompts: "Run!"/"Take me instead")
There Will Be Blood (Peter & Bruce, Day 10 Prompts: Trail of Blood/Blood Loss)
Room 101 (Tony & Clint, Day 11 Prompts: Defiance/Struggling/Crying)
Safe Space (Rhodey & Steve, Day 12 Prompts: Broken Down/Broken Trust)
Hair is Everything (Tony & Natasha, Day 13 Prompts: Delayed Drowning/Chemical Pneumonia/Oxygen Mask)
We Didn't Start the Fire (Steve & Natasha, Day 14 Prompt: Fire)
Episode 15 AKA Mind Control (Clint & Bucky, Day 15 Prompts: Science Gone Wrong/Possession)
Budapest (Clint & Natasha, Day 16 Prompts: Forced to Beg/Hallucinations/Shoot the Hostage)
Project Cassandra (Bruce & Natasha, Day 17 Prompts: Dirty Secret/Wrongfully Accused)
We Forgot to Break Up (Tony & Steve, Day 18 Prompts: Paranoia/Panic Attacks)
Pile Up (Sam & Peter, Day 19 Prompts: Survivor's Guilt/Grief/Mourning Loved Ones)
Droney, I Have A Feeling We're Not in Queens Anymore (Peter & Wanda, Day 20 Prompts: Lost/Medieval)
Just A Little Stuck (Rhodey & Bucky, Day 21 Prompt: Chronic Pain)
Help (Sam & Tony, Day 22 Prompt: Drugged)
Mole (Peter & Natasha, Day 23 Prompts: Sleep Deprivation/Exhaustion)
On the Tip of My Tongue (Sam & Bucky, Day 24 Prompts: Blindfolds/Forced Mutism)
Original Weaknesses Series: A thirty-day writing challenge that helped me through COVID-19 and got way out of hand. Ranging from one-shots to multi-chapter fics to mini-series, these are stories where the Avengers and Guardians rescue each other from danger. OR: I just really liking writing hostage situations. 
The One Where Rhodey is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Bruce is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Wanda is Clint's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Thor is Loki's Weakness
The One Where Natasha is Clint's Weakness
The One Where Clint is Steve's Weakness (co-written with @16woodsequ)
The One Where Scott is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Thor's Weakness
The One Where Sam is Tony's Weakness
The One Where T'Challa is Shuri's Weakness (co-written with @fluencca���)
The One Where Clint is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Stephen's Weakness
The One Where Bruce is Thor's Weakness (co-written with @onwardmeteors​)
The One Where Scott is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Peter is Thor's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Vision's Weakness
The One Where Groot is Rocket's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Bruce's Weakness
The One Where Wanda is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Brunnhilde is Carol's Weakness
The One Where Peter is Tony's Weakness
Cutting the Wire: A canon divergent retelling of 2014-2015 Avengers, as HYDRA comes after Steve to make him the new Winter Soldier.
The One Where Steve is Bucky's Weakness
The One Where Sam is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Bucky is Steve's Weakness (co-written with @usaonetwothree​)
The One Where Steve is Tony's Weakness
Heart of Stone: Currently features one Tony & Rhodey at MIT fic dealing with a stalker, Tiberius Stone, and an sequel set years later that kicks off a canon divergence from Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
The One Where Tony is Rhodey's Weakness
The One Where Clint is Tony's Weakness
The Fence and the Ambulance: Misunderstandings abound when Bucky is framed for Peter’s kidnapping, and both Tony and Steve rush to the rescue. Civil War Fix-It, canon divergent.
The One Where Peter is Bucky's Weakness
Whumping the Hawk: A collection of six horror/thriller stories focusing on Clint Barton. OR: I beat Clint up a lot in horrible and creative ways.
The Worst Thing
The One Where Natasha is Tony’s Weakness
The One Where Clint is Sam’s Weakness
The One Where Sam is Clint’s Weakness
Upcoming projects:
Team Iron Man (Current WIP): Isn’t it great to be the good guy who has never made a single mistake? How horrible and nasty are Team Cap for making poor Tony so sad and hurt. Well, at least he has Peter and Rhodey. They’re not acting weird. Don’t worry about it. Everything is perfect. This fic has been in my outline folder forever, and even though the time for it has probably passed, I think about often enough that I still want to write it. This is a Civil War Fix-It that’s intended to be a loving parody of the Irondad fandom, and a not-so-loving parody of the more extreme anti-Team Cap fics. No sides taken, no character bashing, happy ending.
Whumptoberverse Completion:
Barton Luck (Clint & Peter, Day 25 Prompts: Disorientation/Blurred Vision/Ringing Ears)
Seeing Red (Tony & Wanda, Day 26 Prompts: Migraine)
The Fine Print (Steve & Sam, Day 27 Prompts: Earthquake/Extreme Weather/Power Outage)
Untitled Wanda & Vision fic (Day 28 Prompts: Hunting Season)
Untitled Steve & Peter fic (Day 29 Prompts: Intubation/Reluctant Bedrest)
Untitled Bucky & Peter fic (Day 30 Prompts: Wound Reveal/Ignoring An Injury/Internal Organ Injury)
Untitled Tony & Bucky fic (Day 31 Prompts: Experiment/Left For Dead)
Heart of Stone Completion:
The One Where Phil is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Peter is Tony’s Weakness
The One Where Bucky is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Kate is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Stephen is Tony’s Weakness
The Fence and the Ambulance Sequel to The One Where Peter is Bucky’s Weakness. When Steve and Tony fall into trouble, it’s Bucky and Peter’s turn to team up to rescue them.
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awhitehead17 · 2 years
Hey everyone, here’s the collection of links to the stories I did for Whumptober 2022. Thank you to everyone who has either liked or re-blogged any of the stories, it really means a lot! :D
1. Unconventional Restraints - Jason & Roy
2. Caged - Batboys
3. Impaled - TimKon
4. Hidden Injury - Dick & Bruce
5. Blood Loss - Core Four 
6. Screams from across the hall - Damian & Tim
7. Silent Panic Attack - Dick
8. Head Trauma - Jason & Selina  
9. Tossing and Turning - TimKon
10. Whipping - TimKon 
11. Makeshift Splint - Batboys
12. Tears - Stephanie & Damian 
13. Dislocation - TimKon & Cassie & Bart
14. Desperate Measures - Jason & Tim
15. New Scars - TimKon
16. Paralytic Drugs - Batboys
17. Stress Positions - Dick & Slade
18. “Just get it over with” - Tim & Damian
19. Knees Buckling - Bruce & Tim
20. Fetal Position - TimKon
21. Coughing Up Blood - Dick & Jason & Tim
22. Quicksand - Core Four
23. Forced To Kneel - TimKon
24. Blood Covered Hands - Dick & Jason
25. Duct Tape - TimKon
26. Rope Burn - Tim & Damian 
27. Stumbling - Bruce & Dick 
28. Headache - TimKon
29. Sleep Deprivation - Dick & Jason  
30. “Please don’t touch me” - TimKon 
31. “You can rest now” - Batfam
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Masterlist
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Number of individual gifs made: 417
Number of compilation gifs made: 89
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
Day 1: A LITTLE OUT OF THE ORDINARY: Unconventional Restraints
Day 2: NOWHERE TO RUN: Caged
Day 4: DEAD ON YOUR FEET: Waking Up Disoriented
Day 5: EVERY WHUMPEE’S NEEDS: Running Out Of Air
Day 6: PROOF OF LIFE: Ransom Video
Day 9: THE VERY NOISY NIGHT: Tossing and Turning
Day 11: WHAT’S YOUR EMERGENCY?: Sloppy Bandages | Self-Done First Aid | Makeshift Splint
Day 15: ALTERNATE: Emergency Blanket
Day 16: NO WAY OUT: Mind Control
Day 17: HANGING BY A THREAD: Stress Positions
Day 18: ALTERNATE : Protective
Day 19: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: Knees Buckling
Day 20: IT’S BEEN A LONG DAY: Fetal Position
Day 21: FAMOUS LAST WORDS: Coughing up Blood
Day 22: PICK YOUR POISON: Toxic | Withdrawal
Day 23: AT THE END OF THEIR ROPE: Forced to Kneel
Day 24: FIGHT, FLIGHT, OR FREEZE: Blood Covered Hands
Day 25: SILENCE IS GOLDEN: Duct Tape
Day 26: ALTERNATE: Tears
Day 27: PUSHED TO THE LIMIT: Magical Exhaustion
Day 29: ALTERNATE: Crutches
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talesofedo · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Completionist Post
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Day 1 - Unconventional Restraints
Day 2 - Caged
Day 3 - Impaled
Day 4 - Hidden Injury / Waking up Disoriented
Day 5 - Blood Loss
Day 6 - Ransom Note (Ransom Video)
Day 7 - Silent Panic Attacks
Day 8 - Head Trauma
Day 9 - Caught in a Storm
Day 10 - Whipping
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Day 11 - Sloppy Bandages
Day 12 - Carried to Safety (alt)
Day 13 - Fracture
Day 14 - Crutches (alt)
Day 15 - New Scars (and Old Scars)
Day 16 - Protective (alt)
Day 17 - Stress Positions
Day 18 - Take my Coat
Day 19 - Repeatedly Passing Out
Day 20 - Fetal Position
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Day 21 - Coughing up Blood
Day 22 - Stabbed (alt)
Day 23 - Hold them Down
Day 24 - Blood Covered Hands
Day 25 - Lost Voice
Day 26 - Why did you save me?
Day 27 - Stumbling
Day 28 - Headache
Day 29 - Defiance
Day 30 - Manhandled / Please don't touch me!
Day 31 - Comfort / You can rest now
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mostfacinorous · 2 years
Whumptober No. 1 A LITTLE OUT OF THE ORDINARY Loki and Steve Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"
He’d been back and forth to this realm for the last few years, but he still didn’t understand the bounds of human technology. His visit before his attempts to conquer had been so long ago, in their years, that they had gone from building with mud to living in the sky. 
Which was, he reasoned, why he had ended up in his current predicament. How was he to know they had come up with containment to hold him? How was he to suspect they had the ability to discover his weaknesses? 
Loki was sitting in the center of a round glass cage, much like the one he’d spent time in on the airship during his little invasion– only, they had modified it. It was clearly made specifically for him, now.
There was a circle on the floor that was roughly the width of a doorway across, and as long as he stayed in it, he was fine. 
Crossing it, however, caused the heat to rise, sharply and immediately, until he retreated to the circle, and it slowly cooled back down. 
And of course, due to his accursed heritage, even while in his seemingly Aesir skin, the heat would sap him of his strength, render him exhausted and weak and unable to think. 
And so now he sat, careful not to so much as nudge his foot out of the circle. He’d experimented with that– it had ended poorly. 
He had also curled up into a tiny knot of his own limbs, in an attempt to sleep. It had worked, in that he had nodded off, but at some point his body had attempted to stretch itself out, and the heat had been triggered, and he had woken, groggy and sweating and miserable. He’d stood in the circle in an attempt to dry himself, and it had taken, as near as he could tell, the better part of an hour for his cage to return to a temperature he considered comfortable. It took longer still for the sense of nausea and weakness to leave him.
He hadn’t tried sleeping again since. 
It was difficult to say how long he had been here, like this, but he knew he was exhausted. He felt his body swaying, and held himself as carefully still as he could. The last thing he needed was to pass out and end up triggering the heat while unconscious– he wasn’t entirely sure there was an upper limit on how warm it would get, and it seemed easy enough to imagine that his captors would cook him alive. 
He hadn’t seen any of them, but he assumed it was Fury, or some of his lackeys, who held him now. 
That assumption held until the door at the end of the long room opened, and lights outside of his cell turned on, allowing him to see the rest of the room for the first time. 
There were, as near as he could see, six such chambers. He was the lone occupant, though, which had been why his was the only one illuminated. 
And the people who entered were dragging along another person– a second captive to join him. The man was clearly fighting back, and took several jabs from the electrocution batons that the guards carried, for his trouble. 
He felt his stomach lurching, and stood. 
“What is it you want with me? I would bargain– for food, for rest.” 
He was soundly ignored, all of their attention on this new prisoner. Loki wondered if perhaps his cage had been sound proofed– that he was rendered mute, though he could hear them. 
They pushed the man, bound with metal bar shaped restraints on each of his limbs and a bag over his head, into the cell across from Loki’s. 
He had, in fact, a fairly clear view, which would have been of more interest if he had any reason to care. Whoever this was, whatever he had done, Loki was far more interested in their captors– and he noted, with some surprise, that they did not wear the regalia of SHIELD. They wore black plain human armor, and patches with red insignia of tentacles and skulls.
They retreated, only one of them so much as glancing in Loki’s direction before the door was closed behind them, and the greater chamber pitched back into darkness. He could see the other prisoner’s cage, though– and more importantly, could see the prisoner within. 
They had locked his limbs to the floor, spread him out as much as possible– no wonder he’d fought against it. The bag remained in place, but with the way he was thrashing back and forth, Loki doubted it would stay that way for long. 
And, of most interest to him, was the fact that Loki could hear the other prisoner. How he huffed and grunted as he strained against his bonds. 
“Can you hear me?” He asked, pitching his voice to carry as best as he could, so long deprived of water. 
The other man stropped struggling for a moment. 
“Who’s there?” He demanded, his voice rough in a way that spoke of time screaming, or strangling– fresh damage, rather than Loki’s own mere neglect.
“Another prisoner in this basement.” Loki said smoothly, unwilling to identify himself, lest he have accidentally murdered this persons family, or some such thing. He would deal with the fall out his name would cause, once they were better established as needing to aid one another. 
“Can you take this hood off of me?” The request was quieter, and Loki could hear in it the mental strain. He could sympathize; it must amplify the fear, not being able to see what was coming. 
“We are in two separate tanks. Glass. I cannot physically reach you.” 
Not a whole answer, but he had not done any overt magic yet– he’d kept his efforts to his own bodily comfort, thus far, unwilling to tempt them into cooking him again in punishment. Or worse, attempting to rob him of that power in some other way, before he could make a plan of escape. 
“And they’ve got strong magnets holding me to the floor.” The man shook his head, the bag again rustling over it. “How often do they come in?”
Loki sighed, well aware it was unwise to speak thus; they were no doubt monitoring them. 
“It has been days since I saw them. They do not bring food or drink. In fact, since I was captured, the only time they have opened that door is to bring you in.” 
He heard the shocked intake of breath, and was surprised that it was so audible. But then, the relative silence of the rest of the room had been overwhelming, before. 
“They’re starving you?” The man sounded indignant. 
“It seems likely they will be starving us, given you aren’t in a position to be able to eat.” Loki pointed out, unkindness tearing out of him in rapid response to the man’s pity. 
“Not if I have anything to say about it.” The man shot back, and returned to his wriggling, trying to get the hood off. It was, it seemed, wedged too far down under him, though– pinched beneath his shoulderblades, which were held flat to the floor. 
Loki sighed, regretting having snapped. He watched in silence for a while until the man gave up on his efforts and lay still.  
“I can describe to you our cells, if you like, though there is not much to describe. Both are rounded tanks, tall and glass, with lights above and tile floors below. Mine has a small circle in the middle, which I cannot leave without being punished. Yours lacks even the visual appearance of that aspect, which is lucky for you. The room beyond is dark, but there are four more cells such as ours, only unlit. There is one door. The floor outside is concrete, the floor in the hallway beyond the door is white and glossy. The men who brought you in wear black, and their identifying marks are a red skull and tentacles–”
“HYDRA.” The man answered, resignation telling Loki that he had already known as much. 
“You know them?”
“I’ve fought them before. Every time I think I’ve taken the last of them down…”
“More rise up. A hydra in practice, hence the name. Charming. And how have they captured you now?” Loki was exhausted, and it showed in his voice. How was he to fight back, to escape, against an unbeatable enemy?
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was trying to help a couple of kids– I’m  Captain America.” The man said next, after another long stretch, and he spoke as if embarrassed.
Understandable; he’d just admitted to being duped, bested, despite being one of Earth’s defenders. It was good after all that Loki hadn’t identified himself, then. The last thing he needed was the Captain to know that he was just one more enemy he’d failed to defeat. 
“Bad luck, Captain. It seems your SHIELD won’t be saving you this time.” 
 The Captain went quiet again, this time with a sullen, dogged sort of refusal to speak any further. 
Loki had offended him, and, at length, he realized the Captain may well have fallen asleep. 
Lucky him. 
Loki sat, and stared, and stood, and stretched, and sat again, waiting for something– anything– to change. 
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deiliamedlini · 2 years
Whumptober Day 1: Curse of the Hero
Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | “This wasn’t supposed to happen”
HAPPY WHUMPTOBER! I’m doing individual prompts this year, and honestly only have this one done early so this might go poorly lol!
Summary: Link makes good on his promise to spend his life protecting the Princess. 
Setting: Tears of the Kingdom
(note: this one is meant to be a little trippy)
Ao3/ Master List
“What do you think it is?” Zelda asked, circling the corpse for the third time, examining the ethereal green hand that held the mummified remains down like a cage.
She didn’t expect an answer, especially not when she had to step around Link to keep circling. Link was resting on his calves, staring into the empty eye sockets of the eerily preserved creature.
“Something about this is so familiar,” Zelda said, extending her hand out to the green glow before pulling back, thinking better of such a decision.
Link’s eyes were on her, and he was tense on his toes, ready to pull her hand back if she got any closer to touch it.
But like the pull and draw of a memory once forgotten on the verge of poking through to consciousness, not five minutes later, she touched it, waiting until she was opposite of Link so he’d have no time to stop her.
In fact, he didn’t even know that she had done anything, because, much to Zelda’s scholarly dismay but personal relief, nothing happened.
Link was the first to notice the tendrils of red smoke seeping up through the catacomb. Red, especially, had Link on edge. This was a cavern dedicated to Faron; the dragon’s head and claws at the door had been enough to confirm it, even without all the prayers written on the walls.
“Zelda,” he muttered, standing up to grab her hand and pull her back.
She finally noticed it too.
“Let’s start back. Bludo will be wondering where we’ve gone off to for so long anyway.”
Her concern for their buffalo was as forced as the calmness in her voice. Link nodded beside her and they began to make for the doorway.
A tremor, as if perfectly on cue, shook the cavern, and Link held tight to Zelda while they rocked off their feet.
One large chunk of the ceiling fell down and blocked their way, and Link threw the torch he’d held down onto the ground to reach for his sword with the hand not in Zelda’s.
More of the red smoke filled the room. Though it didn’t choke their lungs, it darkened the already difficult to see room.
A creak, barely a whisper, echoed in the otherwise silent room. They stared at the corpse, watching, waiting, thinking, unsure of anything.
And its head lolled to the side, its mouth opening, its eyes flaming red, like the tendrils of smoke.
Link recognized the floating specks of red, like the malice before a blood moon, or the wisps of it that had overtaken Hyrule Castle. He unsheathed the Master Sword, but he didn’t need it.
The ground beneath them began to shake, and Link reached back for Zelda just a moment too late, watching her plummet to the darkness.
Heedless of his own safety, he jumped headfirst to follow, wrapping his fingers around her wrist as he struggled to keep his grip on the shaking rock.
“Link!” Zelda cried as she slipped lower.
He had no intention of letting Zelda go. His other hand, however, didn’t have the same devotion to the rock, and his palm slipped down, sending them both plummeting into the darkness.
But something else caught him.
The glowing hand.
He was surprised at its warmth. It wasn’t cold or light, but firm and strong, holding him with the same death vice Zelda had him in. It was connected to the ceiling by a pillar of light, the green flakes rising like flames. It pulled them both.
Until Zelda’s grip failed, and she plummeted into the darkness.
Link didn’t realize he was screaming until he sprang forward, heaving breaths threatening his heart rate. Panic had his heart racing. Pain had him clutching his arm, putting pressure on it to stop the throbbing ache it felt.
It wasn’t until he calmed himself that he was able to push the memory aside, the memory of Zelda’s loss. Instead, he stared at his atrophied hand, dark and frail now, used up of its energy, running out of time.
He had lost all sense of time, and he pushed his loose, long hair back. He was frozen in age, a never-ending stasis of sorts.
Never ending.
That was his promise to Zelda, wasn’t it? To sacrifice himself for all eternity in an endless state of awareness to keep her safe.
Sometimes, he liked to think of what life could have been if Zelda hadn’t sensed the return of Ganon—that was Link’s own curse: knowledge of his inevitable failure to be the hero. But no, he’d think of Hateno, of the mornings they’d woken up tangled together, and the nights that had caused such a state. He’d pretend he was making her breakfast once again; sometimes treating Zelda in bed, and other times, laying out an entire feast before she could even wake. He’d remember her dinners; the foul, gooey, dubious food that she’d proudly feed him, each day proclaiming, “I think I did better today!” and Link dutifully nodding, enduring for the sake of the smile his effort brought to her face.
But that hadn’t lasted for long. The only way that dream stayed alive was in his memories. And the dream of when he’d see this day again.
He sighed. 10,000 years is a long time to wait to see your beloved’s face for less than twenty minutes.
He glanced down at the corpse he held still. Ganon. Mummified and only kept from the dust of time by the magic of Link’s hand driven through his chest.  
Tired blue eyes watched the entrance to the cave below Hyrule, the passage that would seal his fate. Soon, he’d see three shadows: a buffalo, Zelda, and his own. They’d investigate the corpse of Ganon, and he’d watch her green eyes shimmer as she took notes in her journal and chatted while he listened. He hadn’t looked at her enough that day, instead choosing to be on guard, in knight-mode. His hand had ever been on the hilt of the Master Sword rather than in hers.
Goddess, he watched all his regrets play out before him.
In just a few minutes, Zelda’s abundance of knowledge would be their downfall. They’d speak a curse, and the room would begin to collapse, and Link would have to choose between holding Ganon down, or letting go to save himself and Zelda. A choice he’d made in the past. In the present. And will again in the future. The choice that would seal him as the entity that remains vigilant until the day he has to watch his love fall down a cliff and 10,000 years into the past. A day that he would fuse with himself, dooming the Link he once was to a curse of eternal vigilance in an endless timeloop of torment just to save Zelda.
A choice he never once regretted.
He could still feel her arms wrapped around his waist, head in his shoulder as she pleaded with him not to make the sacrifice for her. But he held Ganon down with the force of a desperate man, preventing the demon king from rising.
“Zelda, I’m sorry, just go!”
“No!” Zelda cried, her grip tightening. “No, not again, Link! I won’t let you sacrifice yourself for me again. I promise, I’m going to get you out of here!”
“Get yourself out! Before it’s too late! Your window is closing.”
“Link, please. This wasn’t supposed to happen! We were supposed to live peacefully. We sacrificed so much. Please come with me! Come back to Hateno!”
Link glanced over her shoulder at the diminishing portal. “Zelda,” he whispered, using his free hand to tilt her head up to meet his. Her eyes widened in panic, and she stepped back to look at his feet. He’d begun to hover, and she scoffed at fate, determined to hold him down to the ground with a vice grip.
But Link simply caressed her cheek, and lightly pressed his lips to hers, savoring every salty drop of the tears down their cheeks that mingled on their path down. The soft sensation, her parting gasp, her stifled sob, her fist clutching his hair, her desperation. His.
“I love you,” he muttered against her lips, closing his eyes so the final sight of her wouldn’t be her terror. And with the same strength he used to hold Ganon down, sealing him, protecting her, he pushed Zelda away with all his might, sending her straight through the portal. Her screams of panic and desperation were cut off by the silence of the portal to the present sealing shut, trapping Link. Trapping Ganon. Trapping Zelda alone in her own time.
And dooming Link to live the same cycle, the same events, for all eternity.
He’d sworn to spend his life protecting Zelda. And he kept his word.
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linecrosser · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022 (Art-Edition) Masterpost
No. 1 A LITTLE OUT OF THE ORDINARY Unconventional Restraints No. 2 NOWHERE TO RUN Caged No. 3 A HAIR’S BREADTH FROM DEATH Gun to Temple -> Knife to Throat No. 4 DEAD ON YOUR FEET Hidden Injury No. 5 EVERY WHUMPEE’S NEEDS Blood Loss No. 6 PROOF OF LIFE Screams from Across the Hall No. 7 THE WAY YOU SHAKE AND SHIVER Silent Panic Attack No. 8 EVERYTHING HURTS AND I’M DYING Head Trauma No. 9 THE VERY NOISY NIGHT Caught in a Storm No. 10 POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS Whipping No. 11 “911, WHAT’S YOUR EMERGENCY?” Self-Done First Aid No. 12 WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Rusty Nail No. 13 CAN’T MAKE AN OMELETTE WITHOUT BREAKING A FEW LEGS Fracture No. 14 ALTPROMPT Touch Starved No. 15 EMOTIONAL DAMAGE New Scars No. 16 NO WAY OUT Paralytic Drugs No. 17 HANGING BY A THREAT Stress Positions No. 18 LET’S BREAK THE ICE Treading Water No. 19 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Knees Buckling No. 20 IT’S BEEN A LONG DAY Fetal Position No. 21 FAMOUS LAST WORDS Coughing up Blood No. 22 PICK YOUR POISON Withdrawal No. 23 AT THE END OF THEIR ROPE Forced to Kneel No. 24 FIGHT, FLIGHT OR FREEZE Blood Covered Hands No. 25 SILENCE IS GOLDEN Lost Voice No. 26 NO ONE LEFT BEHIND Rope Burns No. 27 PUSHED TO THE LIMIT Magical Exhaustion No. 28 IT’S JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG Headache No. 29 WHAT DOESN’T KILL ME… Sleep Deprivation No. 30 NOTE TO SELF: DON’T GET KIDNAPPED Hair Grabbing No. 31 A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL Comfort
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Masterlist
Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"
Cornered | Caged | Confrontation
Gun to Temple | “Say goodbye.” | Impaled
Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
Blood Loss | Running Out of Air | Hyperthermia
Ransom Video | “I’ve got a pulse” | Screams from Across the Hall
Shaking Hands | Seizures | Silent Panic Attack
Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead
Sleeping in Shifts | Tossing and Turning | Caught in a Storm
Taser | Whipping | Waterboarding
ALT: Tears, whimpering
Sloppy Bandages | Self-Done First Aid | Makeshift Splint
“Mayday, mayday!” | Cave In | Rusty Nail
ALT: protective, forced to watch
Fracture | Dislocation | “Are you here to break me out?”
Desperate Measures | Failed escape | “I’ll be right behind you.”
Lies | New Scars | Breathing through the Pain
Mind Control | Paralytic Drugs | “No one’s coming.”
ALT: Emergency Blanket
Breaking Point | Stress Positions | Reluctant Caretaker
"Just get it over with." |  Treading Water | "Take my Coat"
Knees Buckling | Repeatedly Passing Out | Head Lolling
Going into Shock | Fetal Position | Prisoner Trade
ALT: Stabbed
Coughing up Blood | “You’re safe now.” | “Take me instead.”
Toxic | Withdrawal | Allergic Reaction
ALT: Ambushed
Forced to Kneel | Tied to a Table | “Hold them down.”
Blood Covered Hands | Catatonic | “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Lost Voice | Duct Tape | “You better start talking.”
Separated | Rope Burns | “Why did you save me?”
Muffled Screams | Stumbling | Magical Exhaustion
Anger Born of Worry | Punching the Wall | Headache
Sleep Deprivation | Defiance | “Better me than you.”
Manhandled | Hair Grabbing | “Please don’t touch me.”
Comfort | Bedside Vigil | “You can rest now.”
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jinxquickfoot · 9 months
Whumptober 2022 Masterlist
I finally got to the end of all the Whumptober 2022 prompts!
1.The One Where Natasha is Tony's Weakness
Day 1: Unconventional Restraints/“This wasn’t supposed to happen” Day 14: Desperate Measures/Failed Escape/“I’ll be right behind you” Day 20: Fetal Position
2. The One Where Clint is Wanda's Weakness
Day 2: Cornered/Caged/Confrontation
3. The One Where Clint is Sam's Weakness
Day 4: Waking Up Disorientated Day 16: "No one's coming" Day 24: "I don't want to do this anymore" Day 31: Comfort/Bedside Vigil/“You can rest now”
4. The One Where Tony is Clint's Weakness
Day 5: Running Out of Air Day 11: Sloppy Bandages/Self-Done First Aid/Makeshift Splint
5. The One Where Scott is Sam's Weakness
Day 10: Waterboarding
6. The One Where Yelena is Natasha's Weakness
Day 15: Lies/New Scars/Breathing Through the Pain
7. The One Where Sam is Bucky's Weakness
Day 21: “You’re safe now”/“Take me instead”
8. The One Where Peter is Kamala's Weakness
Day 22: Allergic Reaction
9. The One Where Peter is Peter's Weakness (with @spagbol99)
Day 23: Forced to Their Knees/Tied to a Table/”Hold them down”
10. The One Where Sam is Clint's Weakness
Day 25: Duct Tape/"You Better Start Talking"
11. The One Where Kate is Peter's Weakness
Day 26: Separated/Rope Burns Day 28: Anger Born of Worry/Punching the Wall
12. The One Where MJ is Peter's Weakness
Day 27: Muffled Screams/Stumbling/Magical Exhaustion
13. The One Where Marc is Steven's Weakness
Day 29: Defiance/"Better me than you"
14. The One Where Clint is Bucky's Weakness
Day 30: Manhandled/Hair Grabbing/“Please don’t touch me”
15. The One Where Rhodey is Steve's Weakness (Mayday Part 1)
Day 9: Sleeping in Shifts/Tossing and Turning/Caught in a Storm
16. The One Where Steve is Sam's Weakness (Mayday Part 2)
Day 6: Ransom Video Day 8: Head Trauma/Back from the Dead Day 13: Fracture/Dislocation/“Are you here to break me out?"
17. The One Where Bucky is Tony's Weakness (Mayday Part 3)
Day 12 Prompt: "Mayday, mayday!"
18. The One Where Clint is Kate's Weakness
Day 3: Say Goodbye/Gun to Temple Day 7: Shaking Hands Day 17: Stress Positions Day 18: “Just get it over with”/“Take my coat” Day 19: Knees Buckling/Repeatedly Passing Out/Head Lolling
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emachinescat · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: Master List
The plan is to post every single day! I'll update this list with each new fic.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
No.1 (Unconventional Restraints) - Family Ties that Bind (Whumpee: Zuko)
No.2 (Caged | Confrontation) - Agni Die (Whumpees: Zuko & Katara)
No.4 (Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can't Pass Out) - Dead Man Talking (Whumpee: Zuko)
No.6 ("I've got a pulse!") - Phoenix Heart (Whumpee: Zuko)
No.7 (Shaking Hands | Silent Panic Attack) - Unwelcome Home (Whumpee: Zuko)
No.8 (Head Trauma) - Forget Me Not (Whumpee: Zuko)
No.9 (Tossing and Turning) - Once a Dream Did Weave a Shade (Whumpee: Zuko)
No.3 (Gun to Temple | "Say Goodbye") - Fake Psychic Seeking Urgent Rescue: Pretty Blondes Preferred, No Dying (Whumpee: Shawn Spencer)
Percy Jackson / Heroes of Olympus
No.5 (Running Out of Air) - Mother Earth Sucks ... Literally (Whumpee: Percy Jackson)
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kim-poce · 2 years
Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | “This wasn’t supposed to happen”
Olive = Whumpee
Eden = Caretaker
Previous | Next
CW: vampire whumpee, failed escape attempt, burns.
Olive had to run away, this new vampire was too dangerous, and the way they were too casual about everything showed that they had nothing to worry about, they are in the middle of a human district and yet they act as if they are home.
Vampires can’t die easily but they can feel pain, that was what Olive thought looking outside as the sun was starting to rise, and it’ll be so easy for this vampire to turn their life into hell again.
They were trapped in there, there were no ropes or chains, not even clear threats, the door was just there, but so was the sun, hence the house was just a big unfamiliar cage.
“If the owner of the house comes here you want to eat them or traumatize them for life?” the other vampire asked, “I mean, you want to feed on them or tie them somewhere until the night comes again? I don’t want to go under the sun, you know.”
That’s right. Olive thought, yeah, the sun hurts! It was the first time this thought brought hope. They were tied under the sun so very often, and that vampire would never show his face until the sun was completely out of sight, of course, tying Olive was supposed to only hurt Olive.
“Can’t decide? I guess we’ll see if the human comes, I’m not really hungry right now, are you? So maybe just hit their head… no, that kills them, right? Tying up is safer.”
Olive wasn’t listening, they were just staring outside, the light was entering from the window, it would reach them soon.
“You better come closer, you don’t want to be burnt, do you? Also, speaking of tying up, there was one time I tried to tie a human and their arm just broke. Seriously, how can they really use these? Anyway, I was young then, I’m not this careless anymore.”
Olive breathed, it was useless, but they had to get a deep breath before going under the torturous light, the other vampire was too distracted telling another story, and Olive wasn’t so weak of a vampire to the point of not being able to break a wooden door open and run.
So they did.
The other vampire said something but they didn’t hear, they just ran, —it hurt so much— they ran the longer they could before the pain from the burns could force them still. —I can’t anymore, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t— they stopped.
They hid in a shady alley, hoping they could heal enough to run again before the night comes, they have until then, right? The vampire wouldn’t go under the sun just to catch them, right? It hurts so much, they aren’t worth it.
Yeah, they just need to stay there and run bit by bit and–
“I see that the one who turned you really didn’t teach you a thing,” the vampire’s voice came from upwards along with the sound of really big wings flapping. “Like the fact that the sun only makes a vampire like me dizzy instead of hurt, and that this attempt of an escape would never work.”
Olive didn’t look up, they didn’t need to to check to know that they utterly screwed up.
Taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain, @nicolepascaline, @wolfeyedwitch, @nii-chans-rabiddogs, @whump-me-all-night-long, @latenightcupsofcoffee, @rose-pinkie, @dyingisbadforyourhealth, @extemporary-username, @neverthelass
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painsandconfusion · 2 years
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Thank you so very much for joining me for another installment of 'Sand Has Bad Time-Management Skills’. This season, we have a wonderful new rendition of 'I shouldn't fucking be doing this' as my series are finally hitting some plot points, and I am actually employed full time. It's also harvest season on the farm, so I will hardly have time to sleep or eat. However. I'm a sucker for this event, so here we fuckin GO.
Shoutout to @whumptober for hosing this event. It was a joy last year, and I hope to have just as good a time this year.
Below is my Whumptober Masterpost. I will be going for 3/3 prompt completionism again this year because that's who I am as a person. As I'll be updating this post daily and it might be reblogged with an older date, go ahead and click >here< for the most recent update of this post.
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Alright, shut up Sand - let's get to the whump already.
Below is my Whumptober Masterpost. I will be going for 3/3 prompt completionism again this year because that's who I am as a person. As I'll be updating this post daily and it might be reblogged with an older date, go ahead and click >here&lt; for the most recent update of this post. Without further ado, let's get to the whump!
Day 1: A Little Out of The Ordinary [Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”] (tw: kidnapping, concussion, blunt force trauma, broken glass, restraints, yandere, creepy whumper, noncon kiss, scratching off skin)
Day 2: Nowhere to Run [Cornered | Caged | Confrontation] (tw: failed escape, noncon touch, implied threat)
Day 3: A Hair's Breadth From Death [Gun to Temple | “Say Goodbye” | Impaled] (tw: major character death, murder, blood, mild gore, gun, torture, gag, creepy/intimate whumper, multiple whumpers)
Day 4: Dead on Your Feet [Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out] (tw: hidden injury, stitches, blood loss)
Day 21: Famous Last Words [coughing up blood | "You're safe now." | "Take Me Instead."] (tw: character death, murder, gun, kidnapping, torture, creepy/intimate whumper)
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @happy-little-sadist @villainsvictim @thecitythatdoesntsleep @heathenwhump @cryptidhongo @rainbows-and-whumperflies @cursedscribbles @whumpy-catfish @whumpworld @bandages-andobsessions @deltaxxk @whumpasaurus101 @whumpsday @wingedwhump @ha-ha-one @morning-star-whump @pickywhumpreader @shywhumpauthor @rose-pinkie @wild-selenite-caffine @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpberry-cookie @astralrunic )
Lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
(theres been a few updates to the list since the one i pulled this from, so i probably missed someone - sorry! just lmk!!)
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susiequaz12 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Masterlist
Another year of Whumptober done! This year’s prompts contain pieces from several of Marlowe, my immortal whumpee’s stories, and Jeremy/Prisoner 326 from my Flower Boy series. Masterlists here. A few of the chapters do containt noncon elements, but those will all be tagged accordingly.  
1- A Little Out of the Ordinary- Unconventional Restraints Marlowe the Immortal 
2- Nowhere to Run- Cornered/Caged Marlowe the Immortal- (Doctor series)
3- A Hair’s Breadth from Death- Impaled Marlowe the Immortal- (Intimate whumper series)
4- Dead on Your Feet- Can’t Pass Out Marlowe the Immortal (Doctor series)
5- Every Whumpee’s Needs- Blood Loss Marlowe the Immortal (Intimate whumper series)
6- Proof of Life- “I’ve Got a Pulse” Marlowe the Immortal (Intimate whumper series)
7- The Way You Shake and Shiver- Shaking Hands/Silent Panic Attack Flower Boy Series
8- Everything Hurts and I’m Dying- Back from the Dead Marlowe the Immortal- (early days)
9- The Very Noisy Night- Tossing and Turning Marlowe the Immortal- (Intimate whumper series)
10- Poor Unfortunate Souls- Whipping Flower Boy
11- “911, What’s Your Emergency?”- Self-Done First Aid/Makeshift Splint Marlowe the Immortal- (early days)
12- What Could Go Wrong?- “Mayday! Mayday!” Marlowe the Immortal- (soldier AU)
13- Can’t Make an Omeletter Without Breaking a Few Legs- Fracture/Dislocation Marlowe the Immortal- (Doctor series)
14- Die a Hero Or Live Long Enough to Become a Villain- Failed escape Marlowe the Immortal- (Doctor series)
15- Emotional Damage- Breathing Through the Pain Marlowe the Immortal- (Doctor series)
16- No Way Out- Paralytic Drugs/”No One’s Coming” Marlowe the Immortal- (Vampire AU)
17- Hanging by a Threat- Stress Positions Marlowe the Immortal- (Intimate Whumper series)
18- Let’s Break the Ice- “Just Get it Over With” Marlowe the Immortal- (Vampire AU)
19- Enough is Enough- Head Lolling/Repeatedly Passing Out Marlowe the Immortal- (Intimate Whumper series)
20- It’s Been a Long Day- Fetal Position/Going Into Shock Flower Boy Series
21- Famous Last Words- Coughing Up Blood/”You’re Safe Now” Marlowe the Immortal- (Intimate Whumper Series)
22- Pick Your Poison- Withdrawal Marlowe the Immortal- (Vampire AU)
23- At the End of Their Rope- Forced to Kneel/Tied to a Table/”Hold Them Down” Marlowe the Immortal- (Doctor series)
24- Fight, Flight, or Freeze- Blood Covered Hands/”I Don’t Want to do This Anymore” Marlowe the Immortal- (Doctor series)
25- Silence is Golden- Lost Voice/”You Better Start Talking” Flower Boy Series
26- No One Left Behind- “Why Did You Save Me?” Marlowe the Immortal- (Doctor series)
27- Pushed to the Limit- Muffled Screams Marlowe the Immortal- (Vampire AU)
28- It’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg- Headache Flower Boy Series
29- What Doesn’t Kill Me...- Sleep Deprivation/Defiance Flower Boy Series
30- Note to Self: Don’t Get Kidnapped- Manhandled/Hair Grabbing/”Please Don’t Touch Me” Flower Boy Series
31- A Light at the End of the Tunnel-  Comfort/”You Can Rest Now” Marlowe the Immortal- (Doctor series)
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Taglist: @imagination1reality0 @whumpsday @thecyrulik @no-terms-and-conditions-apply @spectral-whumpy-writer @morning-star-whump @deltaxxk @sparrowsage @whumpcereal @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @thehopelessopus, @burtlederp, @whump-me-all-night-long @laves-here @yesthisiswhump @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @brutal-nemesis @lunaabsentee @beatenbruisedandbloody 
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