#failing color theory rn
squeeegs · 2 years
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looks like someone pissed him off
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notdysfunk · 10 months
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THIS IMAGE (sorry bad screenshot) In this "glamor"ing up the glamrocks minigame.... You pull a purpilish pink from a column that ONLY has roxy heads. Maybe, IN THEORY, if you were to pull colors from anywhere else you would fail? Meaning you could only pull colors FOR freddy, FROM freddy's column. IF I'M RIGHT......................... why is he there.
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bamfwizard · 1 year
penumbra headcanons, theories, and et cetera, because I cannot wait until the next part
-he loves a good escape plan, but already open windows still trigger smth deep down in peter's fight or flight response
-peter borrowed juno's coats a hell of a lot (juno offered to just buy him his own) (he declined)
-rita would have dragged juno to see the barbie movie
-the ruby 7 was actually red and just changed its color to green to piss people off
-rita and peter don't have their driver's license, peter probably forged his
-the closest rita could get juno to allowing a pet in the office was a fish, and it died after two seconds because rita kept lovingly feeding it
-juno's favorite color is orange (there is no logic to this, except maybe it reminds him of Hyperion City's sunrise or the sands of Mars)
-juno was a skateboarder (this is exclusively so I can make jokes about Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne)
-Peter Nureyev is transmasc (this is like 90% going to happen in canon I'm sure of it) (delulu)
-Puck Falco wears a cowboy hat. shut up. let them cook.
-mick mercury is going to become leader of Hyperion City, because it's fucking hilarious, that's why
-juno steel cannot ride a bicycle (he tried. he failed.)
-peter started dressing less glamorous and more neutral and practical, bc he's focused and also repressing everything rn
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mikesbasementbeets · 2 years
I disagree that bi mike wouldn’t make sense within the show’s canon. I strongly believe it would make MORE sense within the show’s canon for many different reasons, and that 99% of the evidence gay mike truthers try to twist to say explicitly confirms gay mike can coexist and be used to support bi mike without much adjusting. I think when you carefully analyze seasons 1 through 4 it’s pretty clear that mike had genuine romantic feelings for El at the beginning of the story. And there’s a lot of subtle things that support a bi mike reading. I think a significant portion of aggressive anti-bi mike theories are rooted in either biphobia, a misunderstanding of the nuances of what it means to be bi, or a desire to avoid having to accept mike’s early canon romantic feelings for El (enshrined into the scripts) cause that would mean accepting that it’s a love triangle. I think gay mike makes sense but it is in no way the only sound theory. And I’m not talking about headcanons, I’m talking about the text of the show
ok i know i said earlier i would respond to this in full but honestly there is WAY too much i could get into and this topic has been discussed to death at this point and i’m not interested in starting discourse again, so i’m really gonna try to be brief (spoiler alert, i failed). first of all, here’s my own gay mike analysis from months ago, back when i personally hadn’t seen any actual analysis about it yet and decided to just go through and analyze the show myself. many others have written much more thorough and articulate analyses, so i encourage anyone to seek those out if you’re really interested in developing an informed opinion about it. but if you’re already convinced one way or another, i’m probably not going to change any minds here, because this has all been said before.
the one thing i’m actually going to try to address here is the claim that mike was at some point genuinely romantically attracted to el, because as far as i can tell, that is the ONLY actual argument FOR bi mike. i haven’t seen anyone ever give evidence or try to argue that mike has shown attraction to any other specific woman or to women generally. if i’m wrong about that, please point me to that analysis (don’t tell me about bi flag colors around him though bc those three colors show up together everywhere in the show and are not specific to mike in any way, i don’t think that’s relevant “evidence”). also, i’m not looking at the scripts here, because i’m really only interested in ACTUAL CANON and the literal content of the show itself overrides any partial, text drafts of it, which is what scripts are. they are written for the specific purpose of filming the show and do not provide full and complete context (and what we are TOLD in this show does not always line up with what we are SHOWN).
just to be absolutely clear, i think that (disregarding the mountains of both textual and subtextual evidence of his LACK of attraction to women) mike having shown genuine romantic attraction to even one woman would be enough for him to be legitimately canonized as bisexual, but in all my understanding and analysis of the show, he has not.
from what i understand, bi mike truthers believe that mike had genuine romantic feelings for el in the earlier seasons that either faded over time or just never evolved past the initial childhood crush stage. i’ve addressed the latter idea before (in a post i can't find rn), but to sum up, crushes on people of a different gender, especially in youth, and during times when one is unsure of or figuring out one’s sexuality are COMMON among gay people. having a childhood crush is not the same thing as having genuine romantic feelings, and therefore is not valid evidence toward any particular sexuality. the insistence that it is concrete evidence of bisexuality is rooted in homophobia and a fundamental misunderstanding of the nuance of gay identity.
the first claim though, that he did have genuine romantic feelings in the beginning, but they faded over time, is what i’m going to focus on. i touched on this in my analysis linked above, but i’m going to try to explain again here. mike’s feelings for el have always been demonstrated with extreme consistency throughout the seasons. after their initial meeting and once mike learns to trust her, each time mike has been in a position to tell el how he feels about her, from season one all the way through to season four, he has behaved in the exact same way: he has struggled to put his feelings into words, refusing to outright claim romantic feeling or intent, and ultimately failed to communicate with el in a way she understands.
similarly, when faced with expressing romantic affection toward or about her, he has behaved with confusion, discomfort, and outright rejection of others’ assumptions of his romantic feelings. (read the analysis for more specifics on this)
each of these times is also rife with familial coding and parallels that subtextually explain WHY he is struggling to either voice or demonstrate romantic attraction. for just one specific example, in the first season, right before their first kiss, mike begins to excitedly describe the relationship that the two of them are about the have with each other (in not so many words) as one of a brother and sister. when el correctly infers this implication from his words, he grows confused, because he had been told previously by lucas, dustin, and even nancy, that his feelings for el were romantic. but he relents, and agrees that that is what his description meant. immediately after their first kiss, during which el is dressed in his sister's clothes, and which mike initiates when he can't find the words to express romantic attraction to her, his first word is.... "nancy." and later, when el is weak from killing the lab people who've been chasing them, mike repeats his earlier promise: that when all this is over, his family will become hers.
this is one thing that i genuinely can’t understand when it comes to the idea that mike ever truly liked el romantically. almost (if not) ALL of their interactions, especially in season one, have some sort of parallel to a familial relationship for one or both of them, on top of many of their interactions blatantly referencing the concept of the two of them being like family to one another. the absolute volume of these instances and the unyielding consistency of this pattern, again, beginning from the very first episode of season one and continuing all the way through season four, means that it is undoubtedly intentional. with that in mind, i cannot see any reading of their relationship that leaves room for genuine romantic feelings, when ALL of the subtext, FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, overwhelmingly presents them as family.
i’m not going to get way into the subject of compulsory heterosexuality because i could go on forever and i don’t want to, but the timeline of events in el and mike’s relationship arc makes it very clear that that's what’s happening. for el, her arc of independence is (not solely, but still) intrinsically tied to her relationship with mike. for mike, his struggle with his sexuality, specifically his lack of attraction to girls concurrent with his present attraction to boys (MOST presently Will), coincides directly with his relationship arc with el. i’m just going to link a couple of my screenshot posts where i've attempted to demonstrate this, bc i can't find it in me to explain all the nuances of comphet and the complex way these three characters' narratives have been intertwined (i'm bad at tagging so i can't find many, but here, here, here)
you might want to argue against my above points with scenes like the snowball dance, where he calls her beautiful and kisses her, or the make out scene in season three. but both the familial coding/parallels and the overarching themes of forced conformity (aka compulsory heterosexuality) associated with the snowball in my view completely changes the context behind the surface narrative of a “sweet romantic moment,” especially when you consider the coinciding narrative of mike’s relationship with will and the subtext of what that dance means for both of them. similarly, that make out scene, which can also be read as further evidence of mike’s discomfort with physical affection with el, as well as the overall arc of their entire season 3 relationship, is presented to be directly relevant to (specifically, in direct contrast with) mike’s evolving relationship with will, which IS genuinely romantic.
when i say that bi mike would be bad representation, this is what i mean. his “attraction” to el is consistently directly related to and contrasted with his relationship with will, coding his feelings for girls (most specifically the one girl for whom he has ever shown potential for romantic attraction) as lesser than his feelings for boys (specifically will, but ALSO OTHER MEN). bi rep that prioritizes and values attraction for one gender AT THE EXPENSE of attraction for another feels like an extremely problematic representation of bisexuality, if that's really what they are trying to portray. and this is not even getting into the countless subtextual clues that mike specifically DOES NOT LIKE GIRLS. (our son with a girl?, it’s not my fault you don’t like girls, el? sorry not interested, disgusted face next to “women in science,” blatant lack positive of response to “phoebe cates only hotter,” women’s room GET OUT, boys only, blatant and continued confusion over lucas and dustin’s attraction to max, "trying to solve the mystery of the female species" *LOUD BELCH* etc etc these are just off the dome and these are things that DO NOT WORK as queer coding if mike IS attracted to girls but VERY MUCH DO if he is gay. and there are SO MANY of them. more than that, if he is attracted to girls, then they are examples of the show consistently belittling that attraction, which again feels like a pretty shitty way to do bi representation)
god there’s so much more to this, but i can’t get into every little thing because it would take forever. literally there is SO MUCH evidence against it that i genuinely feel that the narrative would not make sense anymore if mike were revealed to be bi in season 5.
just to address a couple other things you said: i think the reason anti bi mike theory might sometimes come off as aggressive is because when one actually analyzes the entire content of the show, the evidence for specifically gay mike is OVERWHELMING and the claim that there is just as much evidence for bi mike remains unsupported, unsubstantiated, and at a certain point comes off as just willfully ignoring canon and even, at times, homophobic. i always see claims that some gay mike analysis is biphobic, and yet i have never seen any evidence of this. the claim that mike is not attracted to women, despite having been in a relationship with one, IS NOT biphobic. the claim that he is not bisexual, despite many people believing he is and wanting that representation, is NOT biphobic. the claim that his feelings for el have always been platonic and not romantic is NOT biphobic. it is an analytical conclusion based on the content of the show itself. i don’t doubt that some gay mike truthers have been biphobic, but i have not seen any actual gay mike ANALYSIS that is specifically biphobic (if you can provide concrete evidence, i will recant this, but i know that i and others have been careful not to resort to any sort of stereotyping or attempts at “analysis” that are rooted in biphobia). conversely, the claim that mike being in a romantic relationship with a woman and behaving romantically with her is PROOF that he is bisexual IS inherently rooted in homophobia and again, a misunderstanding of the nuance of what it means to be gay. i know (or assume, i guess) that most bi mike truthers aren’t outright thinking this way, and really believe mike’s romantic feelings to have been genuine, but as i and many others have tried to explain, when you do what the show is constantly telling you to do and look deeper than the surface level narrative, all of the canonical evidence from mike’s relationship with el actually explicitly and unambiguously points to the fact that his romantic interactions with her were NOT a result of genuine attraction, but rather a result of compulsory heterosexuality and a part of the natural process of figuring out his sexuality.
you also claim gay mike theorizing could come from "a desire to avoid having to accept mike’s early canon romantic feelings for El" but the fact is that it's not a desire for mike not to have had feelings for el (that assumption playing into the idea that gay mike truthers simply don't want him to be bi, hence the claims of biphobia) but what's actually happening is analysis that leads to the conclusion that he canonically did not have romantic feelings for el. the misconception is that gay mike truthers are simply projecting their own desires onto the text instead of what they're actually doing: critically analyzing it. i'd argue that bi mike truthers are the ones who want to avoid having to accept mike's lack of attraction to women, despite all of the evidence for it.
i've read a lot of analysis on here, from a lot of different perspectives, and i can truly say that every single comprehensive, good faith analysis of mike’s character i've ever seen has come to the same conclusion. he’s gay.
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meowza315 · 9 months
Hour art is beautiful. I saw your latest drawing and was wondering if you have any tipps on improving digital art skills?
have a great day 🌬️✨
thank you!!
I’m honestly not really sure, I’m not the greatest at giving tips but I’ll do my best I guess.
- References… reference images save my life 💀 months ago, maybe even a year ago, I was using references and practicing by tracing over my reference to get a feel of where specific parts of the face were and how they were shaped. That tends to help!!
- Studies. I also did a lot of screencap redraws and studies in early-mid 2023. I tried getting colors as close as I could without color picking them, but also checked to see how close I got them and making the adjustments I needed in order to get it closer. That helped my sense of color theory in a way? You think it might be one color but really it’s different, like a blue tone in the face may look blue but it’s just a dulled orange.
- Try out different brushes and tools, some may work or feel better to you than others! I used to (and still sometimes do) switch between brushes for my lineart, but I’ve stuck with the same rendering/coloring brush.
honestly idk what else. my brain is failing me rn ‼️‼️
I also don’t give the best tips in general so 🔥 that’s all I really have
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jiminrings · 3 years
hi hannah !! can i request a drabble where jungkook visits florist!y/n and he went “hi i’m here to get a flower for my girlfriend” and the girlfriend is y/n. i’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense 😭 love u <3
full blooms
love u too bestie <3
aka jungkook really should’ve thought this through!!
...... oh no
there are so many people in the shop
not just any shop though :D
sometimes you collectively forget that this is yOUR shop and you’re the literal owner of it and you’re not just working it
and sometimes, you forget just how influential things could be
case in point: kim taehyung !!
kim taehyung as in the hottest musician in the scene rn, who happens to be vante on spotify, AND someone who you just happen to know as kim taehyung!!!
kim taehyung as in the friendly customer who comes into your shop more oftenly to look at your flowers than to buy them
and you just let him look at them without buying anything because there’s no harm in it!! the guy is just straight-up Vibing looking at the flowers
(and he also leaves a handsome tip in your jar even when he doesn’t buy anything!!)
you just knew him to be that pleasant customer,,, not exactly a world-renowned musician you couldn’t exactly piece together
but apparently, you’re now more aware than ever lmao
taehyung sneaked in the name of your flower shop somewhere into the lyrics of the mOST famous song from his newly-released album
flowers from spring day on my mind, corner of the street with the neon sign, heaven on my mind and i spent no dime
it just so happens that you letting THEE vante look at flowers as he pleases has become his favorite routine and it just makes him so happy in general
so happy to the point that your shop is specifically mentioned
— so, so happy to the point that your shop had become fully-packed and was making single-file lines that stretched all across four blocks overnight
so sO happy to the point that he had unknowingly become a catalyst for your shop to be almost fined because so many people were clogging sidewalks and a warning to get it together so that there would be better organization
anyways, taehyung slipped in from the staffroom you mentioned to him in passing two days after he dropped his album, and then could you properly freak out about him
he was giggly the whole time when you were spouting out your disbelief for him but tHEN he also apologized for all the (positive & money-making) trouble he’s gotten you into
and he managed to sales-talk you (u swear u are the boss here) into collaborating with him for a limited collection with all the favorite flowers he’s taken note of so he could share it with his fans
he even brought you a notebook with all the illustrations and ideas he’s conceptualized so yeah,,,, there’s that
not only do you serve more than a full house in your flower shop and spend much more hours and energy, you’ve also agreed to add something big into your plate that’s easily getting crowded
what a good thing you have jungkook :D
you could literally not ask for a better boyfriend than jungkook
he’s been so supportive the whole time and he kept sHRIEKING when you casually told him that the frequent sight-seeing customer turned out to be vante himself
“all this time?! all this time and you fORGOT to mention to me that he wears a leather watch and a pearl necklace??? baby, those are basically his trademarks!!”
he supports you in ways you can’t even fathom <3
he was supposed to help you in the shop to help tackle the horde of vante-loving and flowers-from-spring-day enthusiasts, but he got an even better idea
he spent the whole week designing and building an online website for spring day from scratch!! he wanted it to be perfect for you and everything you stand by
also even him, a computer sciences graduate, had to back up the website extra nifty because he already predicts that it would get so much traffic (!!)
he took it upon himself to hire from his friends to be your helpers for the shop because ur severely under-staffed
he has tHREE more-than-willing candidates!!!
jimin’s summer job in college was him being a cashier in goddamn music festivals :D OF COURSE he’s gonna be the greatest cashier you’ll ever have!!! he can whip up change even before the customer hands the bills; he’s that good
he also has a great stern voice of making people stand in organized lines and not cut it so that would come handy
hoseok has a great instinct for color theory!!! he just knows what works and what doesn’t and you need an extra mind to help conceptualize arrangements in the blink of an eye
namjoon is a master of small talk and an all-rounder!! you have a loT of customers who have no gist whatsoever on what they want, and you don’t want to risk giving them an arrangement they loathe!! he knows how to hit it
he was actually so excited when jungkook pitched him a job offer
he could literally go “y/n, the lady in yellow has a dalmatian. i could tell she would tulips in her arrangement along with hydrangeas.”
so that’s that, basically
you and jungkook have been hectic and apart for a whole week because you practically sleep in the shop trying to keep up with everything
he’s actually keeping the website and sneaky hires from you as secrets in the meantime because he wants to surprise you!!! like literally right now
he enters from the staffroom and make sure none of the people waiting by the entrance see him because that would be utter chaos
the shutters are all closed so no one from outside can see what’s inside, but you actually fAIL to realize that your shop would still be closed for another ten minutes
the moment you hear a voice, your mind automatically goes to “hi! welcome to spring day. what blooms would you like?” mode :|
jungkook frowns because you look so haggard under his trained eye even if you still look well-kempt!! you can’t have your shops and yourself appear ratty in the eager instagram stories that taehyung’s fans take
but that’s okay!!! he’ll coax you to come home with him tonight because he’s gonna tell you about his hires this morning
“hi! welcome to spring day. what blooms would you like?”
you briefly look up to send a smile, already fetching your paper on your left hand and twine and scissors on the other
“hi! i’m here to get flowers for my girlfriend.”
“that sounds lovely. what would you-“
hold on a second
that’s jungkook’s voice....??
that’s your bOYFRIEND’S VOICE???
you mutter and the boy beams in return, registering the blank look on your face to be surprise instead of what you’re thinking
the tears suddenly pool at the corner of your eyes even before you realize
“is this your way of breaking up with me?”
“what? nO!”
your shoulders visibly sag in relief but jungkook’s clearly perplexed on how you even came to that
“why would i ever be dumb enough to break up with you?” he immediately consoles you when you bury your face in your hands, hopping over the counter to put you in a massive hug
“i-i haven’t slept, dummy!! and i figured that you hate me because we haven’t seen each other for a week and-“
you say in between sobs and chuckles, giggling when your cheeks are smushed and jungkook keeps peppering you with wet kisses
“ten minutes before opening,” kook sweetly reminds you, kissing you on the lips after an entire week that the sheer euphoria he’s getting now is enough to last another
“mhmmm,” you hum when he presses his warm hand on the small of your back, “tell me about your week in ten minutes.”
“sounds good,” he affirms, scratching your scalp that makes you relax even more until he stops red-faced —
“but like, while multitasking, y’know? kiss me while i tell you about my week.”
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astral-enchantments · 2 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena Liveblog, part 2!
'Yup, that's me. I bet you're wondering how I ended up in this situation'
I'm uncertain whether Miki is a nice guy or a nice guy... I kinda hope he's actually cool cause all the guys so far are total douches.
Okay he seems actually nice... for now -_-
Oh boy Nanami's back on her bullshit
Nanami is just so... comically villainous, to the point where its almost funny now. Like this girl straight up put a snail, snake, AND squid in her bag with the intent of embarrassing Anthy and failed miserably every single time.
Also, man Miki really just said 'haha you keep a mongoose in your desk? you're so quirky and cute lol'
Ah, tragic backstory time.
Is... Isn't this basically the plot of Your Lie in April?
I'm trying to figure out what his play is here. Like, what was the point of Touga doing that?
Ahh, so Miki's gonna fight Utena cause he wants Anthy to be 'free'
So... was Touga trying to say 'I took your sister from you, and if you don't take the Rose Bride first, I'll take her too'? That's the best I can come up with rn...
Here we go again with the pre-duel montage.......
Anthy's such an interesting character. I really do hope we get to learn more about her and how she became the Rose Bride.
Y'know, I wasn't super into the opening at first, but its kinda growing on me
Oh? Nanami episode?
Miki's got some sass, I kinda love him lol
Hmmm... a prince you say? Didn't look like the prince though, if earlier visuals of him are to be believed.
"About. As meaningless... as parsley." Man the voice acting is so bad. I love it.
Love Utena straight up ignoring Saionji. Its what he deserves.
This show can be really goofy sometimes lol
W... Where the fuck did Nanami come from????
This episode really feels like a fever dream
What is with this show and fucked up relationships???
Ooh, do we finally get to find out a bit more about Juri?
So I was pretty much on the mark with my original theory about being engaged to the Rose Bride granting access to their power
Miki gives absolutely zero shits and I love him.
We got another sad lesbian on our hands, boys.
I'm kinda curious if the specific colors of the roses Anthy gives the duelists have any significance or if its just meant to match their color scheme. Might have to do some research into that...
Stopping here for now, but I'm excited to keep going and see what this is all leading up to!
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violyane · 3 years
Do you have some hc for Kaga and Megami
I don't know if you're asking for Kaga and Megami separately or kagami itself, but I'm gonna do both because they literally live rent-free in my head so lets gooooooo
As a kid, he often visited his parents at Saikou Corp., which made him more interested in the company (and that's probably where he met Megami for the first time 👀)
Nobody from Akademi knows that he wore glasses in the past (except Shiromi and Info-chan, but that info doesn't benefit them rn).
He's fond of the way his hair looks after the failed experiment.
His hair will never turn back to its original color (but his genes may have remained the same idk)
He's the type of person that tends to overwork himself. He can literally not sleep for three days straight while he's working on something.
Because of sleep deprivation, his veins are basically filled with coffee by now.
It's a known headcanon, but he hates cats due to another failed experiment that involved one.
Another known headcanon, but I believe he could be related to Shiromi (maybe not siblings, but they could be cousins)
He's the type of person that would complain about unrealistic plots in movies/games
Out of all students, he dislikes Kizana the most. There were times where they fought during the whole club leader meetings.
He's mostly afraid of Aoi, since she doesn't trust him around Megami and has threatened him multiple times to stay away from her.
he has an ectomorph body type
He already lives in an apartment alone, where he has his own small lab.
He carries a diary around, where he scribbles new invention ideas.
He's a terrible cook.
She doesn't like physical affection mainly because she never actually experienced it on her own when she was younger.
She gets slightly nervous when she doesn't understand modern trends that her generation follows.
She copied her mother's looks since she thinks her mother is an exemplary example of elegance.
She wants to meet with her aunt and ask about her past decisions.
She gets teased all the time by Shiromi. She shows her dank memes while Megami just unemotionally looks at it.
She rarely talks about her emotions and had opened up only to her best friend.
She doesn't like metal jewelry.
She never watched a romance movie ever.
She's fond of ancient art
Wearing gloves give her comfort. She feels uncomfortable without them.
Although she doesn't have much time, she tries to spend her free time around nature.
As a child, one of her wishes was to experience one day as a normal girl.
Every time she gets the chance, she tries to fix her relationship with her brother.
On any formal occasions, she ignores people who are trying to flirt with her.
I believe their relationship it's kinda a 'rivals to lovers' trope.
As times go by, Megami will become more comfortable with showing affection around Kaga.
Kaga will try to 'normalize' Megami's life as much as possible by taking her on casual dates.
While they are together they love to talk about new scientific discoveries and theories.
Kaga visits Megami in the student council room all the time, while she works there alone.
They dislike acting all lovey-dovey in public, but whenever they are alone Kaga becomes more clingy.
Kaga can get jealous pretty easily around Megami since he knows all the world is basically trying to take her hand in marriage.
When Kaga hurts himself while experimenting, Megami gets very overprotective.
When they started dating they began to experiment more with their appearance (trying new clothes, hairstyles, etc.)
Megami tried to persuade him to exercise with her regularly but gave up after Kaga almost died at the gym.
Megami finds it cute how Kaga talks to himself while working on something.
They both complain at each other for working too much but do it anyway.
Although Megami always complains about Kaga's messy hair, deep down she likes it.
There’s probably more but I need to save some hc for my fanfictions haha 
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maxbernini · 3 years
rank the skamfr newgen seasons
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WELL! read more bc it’s LONG bc i feel i need to defend myself sdnsdksd
this is hard bc there are plots & mains from some that are far superior than others, but if we're judging whole seasons...like i genuinely think the first 4 episodes of s8 are maybe their strongest in terms of consistent writing (theme, dialogue, set up), directing (the symbolism in lighting, space & color), and acting (khalil emmy when) but you know how s8 went lmao, i can’t put it first. so:
1: season six: yes it’s a mess but it’s #my mess. imo it’s the only one that works as both a standalone story and within the show? s9 requires you to watch s6/7; s7 requires you don’t watch s6 if you want a satisfying redemption arc (and imo fails re: a standalone story on pregnancy), and s8 is such a mess on so many levels. but s6 is like: here’s a character you’ve never met before, s1-5 will enhance your understanding of her family/life but you don’t need that bc s6 makes it clear enough, and whilst s7-9 does continue her story, if you stop at 6 you’ve still got a fairly complete arc about family, growth, healing. don’t get me wrong...if i ever see mister baguette on the street...but in retrospect, most of my issues are re: the pacing and tone i think? there was so much heavy stuff going on but i thought it all made sense in theory (like the links between EDs, poverty, alcoholism, addiction, assault etc), i just don’t know if skam, its genre and format, was the right show for all of it at once. there’s 583230 things i’d cut or switch around (alexia-as-eliott’s-role, forever in my heart) but it’s the season i’m most satisfied with and i do think lola is the most realized, developed, and consistently well-written person in the new gen
2: season nine: this could either go up or down in an hour lol. but as much as i wish they’d gone in many different directions, i still love so much about this season sorryyy. it’s like the only season where plots & characterizations from past seasons actually carry over and are used in ways that make sense lmao? like this is the first time post-s6 i’ve actually enjoyed la mif’s dynamic and think they’re all in character and most of their scenes make sense. the symbolism!! circles/cycles work so well with maya’s past and how that impacts her + the moon/rebirth works so well with her interests. getting to be in her pov is so fun to me. i loved the dramatic irony, i love how pre-ep9 you get why she does what she does, i love how she’s allowed to be really messy without being narratively punished, and has finally allowed herself to feel things beyond being the Kind Mom Friend. not speaking much on the negatives (and there are many!!!) bc i’m saving that for a post in a few days when it’s actually over and rn i just wanna soak up s9 whilst i still can. i think she’s the second most consistently well-written character in la mif.
3: season seven: i mean, she’s my least fave main of the 4, i don’t like this season, i don’t think even the best written season about redemption, bullying, privilege etc should’ve come before max & sekou. but it’s still ahead of 8 bc: a) after the trailer i went into 7 “prepared” vs i went into 8 excited for bilal’s season, and b) in terms of theme...well it was advertised as a season on teen pregnancy and it sure was lmao. i was team #SheWon’tKeepTheBaby and i still mostly stand by that tbh; i think there’s a way they could’ve connected it to a redemption arc but that’s another post. whilst i like how her motherhood is used in 9, i don’t think s7 did it justice just by virtue of it being tiff? i don’t care about how teen pregnancy impacts a wealthy, white, cishet girl. and the answer being not much financially, socially, or academically lol. ofc i don’t want a season where a main suffers 24/7, there should be a good blend of hope and realism, but this just felt like the writers wanted to explore the topic and picked tiff bc there was no one else + it was thus an “easy” (lazy) way to redeem her with that instead of via an actual redemption arc, and yet nobody came out of s7 looking good lol. i think there’s a direct link between the issues with s7′s main to my issues with s8 and lamifex 2.0 in general, but that’s also another post :)) i will say that s7 trailer night will go down in the history books though. the discovery that lola technically punched a pregnant girl is like...oh you HAD to be there.
4: season eight: A MESS. as i said, the first 4 eps are good and def outrank 7 as a whole. but 8 as a whole...it’s up there with eskam4 as maybe my most disappointing viewing experiences. i don’t think either are the worst skamverse seasons tbh but in terms of investment levels versus end product? ugh. there’s so many s8 clips i skipped at the time and still haven’t watched bc i just don’t care and that’s the worst part!! there was SO much there!! SO much set up!! but bilal’s arc was rushed to focus on jo’s story, which wasn’t even done well either! if nobody came out of s7 looking good, then s8 made them look actively worse and maybe regressed them? (and i think this was where it rly hit me like OH they sure do pick a topic to explore rather than let the characters guide them to topics huh). i mourn what s8 could’ve been had they cut the HIV plot + actually explored ALL facets of bilal & the cherif family’s lives and identities and focused on them + made redouane the co-main not jo + had jolal’s plot be about first time relationships & impressions & letting people in, and not...whatever this was. there’s so much wrong with s8 but i think the overall vibe can be epitomized by the following: a) sekou being in the s8 credits bc he appeared in a s7 insta video, and b) them spending 10 weeks hyping up a kitschy, trashy, decadence themed prom, only for it to be yet another dance rave that could’ve gotten bilal arrested (the season starting & ending with that except it matters and then...suddenly doesn’t), and everyone turns up in JEANS and T-SHIRTS, except for lola who was in an ASTRONAUT COSTUME for unexplained reasons. genuinely the most insanely disappointing, inconsistent, rushed, weird, terrible, confusing new gen season for me.
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rawbones · 3 years
Get To Know Me Tag
Rules: answer the questions & tag people you want to get to know better. Tagged by @seaweary
1. Favorite Color: teal or copper red
2. Currently Reading: in theory 'the body  keeps the score' but i'm just picking at it since it’s supremely heavy reading and i haven’t been up to it
3. Last Song: envy by diaura
4. Last series: mdzs, not in a watching mood rn
5. Sweet, Spicy or Savory: spicy & sweet
6. Cravings: DONUTS currently but i tend to follow my whims on this, in an hour it'll be something else and i'm always trying to resist various impulses (and failing i just bought 10 pairs of socks someone help)
7. Tea or coffee: both, which i drink almost daily. i am a hydration god
8. Currently working on: a canvas postcard for a friend and a fanfic only in theory
tagging @saanguis @hetaira @kirby @teavies @yahargul and whoever else wants to do it!
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attrociteas · 3 years
muse profile. 
real name : james f. jones single or taken :   he’s still single who’s going to give him a kiss!  abilities or powers :  he is like a wickedly good pilot, knows every sci-fi movie & book reference that you could possibly come up with, and he is a good dancer  eye color : gray-blue hair color :   dirty blonde-ish family members : he’s Arthur’s son when it’s convenient, again, by mutual arrangement. maybe would consider Canada a sibling? I don’t know this yet. rainer is his second dad or his mom or something pets :  cute puppy rn named spock something they don’t like :  his failed engineering/robotics dreams, sputnik, not understanding twitter memes, the cats musical freaks him the hell out, “reading for fun,” when his fav sports teams lose, stock market crashes hobbies  /  activities : he is trying to set up a home lab to study fungi, don’t ask me how he does it (answer: he has a lot of money), being on social media,  watching scifi movies, listening to cringe music and sometimes playing cringe music (he taught himself electric guitar and he’s not half bad at it), making friends with everyone or trying to, listening to audiobooks and podcasts, collecting stamps and model cars, cursed interior designing (*cough* jurtains) ever hurt anyone before :  well he tries not to ever k.illed anyone before : yeah animals that represent them : a dog, like a golden retriever worst habits : staying up past dawn, reading alien conspiracy theories online (boy YOU’RE the alien ...), idealizing his own worldview/values/etc, biting his nails when he’s stressed, gets petty when confronted about things role models :  :( .... after late 19th century? arthur kind of lmao. i think he thought amelia earhart was incredible sexual orientation :   bi king bi king thoughts on marriage / kids : nah  someone they love :  good question approach to friendship :  it’s quite easy he wants to be friends with everyone 🥰 so beeee favourite drink :  an iced caramel macchiato  favourite place to spend time at :  he likes being in busy places, so big cities are his fav swim in the lake or the ocean :  lake their type :   he literally likes anyone who likes him camping or indoors :  camping! 
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butter-egg-toast · 4 years
YouTuber Girlfriend ▶️
I got a bunch of requests for this one. . 👍
Requested by @dragonwolfs
Long post be prepared.
I'm so sorry I couldn't think of Albert, Kadea, and Aii
Enjoy 🤗
Haru: 🎨
🌙You're a mix media ArtYouTuber.
🌙You do various art forms like painting sculpture, Ink art, ceramics, etc.
🌙You're usually not on Camara, most of your videos are focused on your art work.
🌙On some occasions Haru would draws something for you
🎨" Look (y/n), it's a Mackerel sculpture"-Haru
🌙 Haru gives art tips on the channel for beginners.
🎨"Art and swimming are similar...just go with the flow"-Haru
🌙He goes shopping with you for art supplies.
🎨" We literally only bought 4 items and it came to 40 dollars?!-Haru
🌙You and Haru did a couple of drawing challenges like:
Draw with left hand challenge,
Draw each other challenge
Draw with your eyes closed challenge
🌙At the end of the day Haru secretly enjoy making art with you.
🌙You have a simple following of 50k
Channel name: HoneycombArts.
Matoko: 🐱
🌙You're an animal YouTuber
🌙You work at a pet adoption center. So you encounter different types animals like:
Cats, dog, rabbits, birds, and many more
🌙You invited Matoko to help you with the feral kittens and cats; immediately after hissing at you and the other employees they warm up to Matoko.
🐱"Wow.. they really love me!"-Matoko
😸" Woah Her fur is so fuffy and pretty"-Matoko
🌙You give tips about properly taking care of animals.
🌙Matoko usually not on Camara that much (he's kinda shy)
🌙But when he is on Camara, The videos with the most views are usually with Matoko washing kittens.
🐱"You want to make sure the kitty is calm and not scared of you. Make sure you talk to them to calm them."-Makoto
🐱"Its okay little guy, you're gonna be a nice and clean kitty"-Makoto
🌙 You have a simple following 80k
Channel name: PreciousPets
Nagisa: 🎬
🌙You're a movie/TV show commentator. Comedy skits, you comment on badly movie reviews or simple commentary.
🌙You and Nagisa something reenact scenes from movies and TV shows.
🎬" Oi!!! Look at me when I'm talking to you *bad acting*" -Nagisa
🌙Nagisa cant get his lines right and he always laugh. That's what makes it charming.
🎬" Dont go...I..ummm... *laugh* I forgot (y/n) chan.. what's the line again?"-Nagisa.
🌙Sometimes there are cheesy skits you do together for fun.
🌙 there are some occasions were both of you and Nagisa forgot your lines and you both had to improv.
🎬" Noooooo... how.. could you betray me? Nagisa fell to his knees. "Well...you shouldn't have took my... taco.." trying your best to hold in your laughter. Nagisa confused at your choice of words. "Eh?..."-Nagisa
🌙He Loves being on Camara most of the time
You have a simple following 50k to 80k
Channel name: Tomatometer
Rei: 📘
🌙You're a History YouTuber. Educational videos, learning , science, and technology
🌙 You go over the latest new technology and you have sponsors that send you laptops and phones
🌙You have a mini segment were Rei goes over interesting fun science facts
📘"The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue"-Rei
📘" People who speak two languages may unconsciously shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another.
🌙 You and Rei do a myth busting, where you answer questions from viewers.
🌙There was even a time were you both performed a chemistry experiment that failed.
📘" *cough * see this is why its important to have safety precautions"-Rei
You have a simple following of 50k to 60k
Channel name: Learn Something Today
Rin: 🛠
🌙You're a DIY YouTuber, building and create easy life hacks
🌙You build random projects you find on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or viewers suggestion
🛠" (y/n)? That a cool sculpture"-Rin
🌙Rin is never in your videos. The only time he showed his face is when you both did a challenge together.
🛠" Woah!! This looks complicated. But nothing's too complicated for me. What do we need ,(y/n)?"-Rin
🌙Rin sometimes goes shopping with you to find your supplies.
🛠 "Huh?! This is a lot of wood (y/n), what are you making today?"-Rin
🛠" what type of wood you need?"-Rin
🌙You sometimes give away or sell your projects depending on the occasion.
🌙Rin helps with your projects on his day off, because he's curious how the project will turn out.
You have a simple following of 80k
Channel name: Fix it Make it
Souskue: 🥙
🌙You're a cooking Youtuber
🌙Sousuke something does voice overs talking about cooking traditional Japanese food and giving cooking tips.
🥙" Okonomiyaki is a simple pancake that is cook with cabbage."-Souskue
🌙People always send you emails asking to show your boyfriends face because they love his voice so much.
🥙" They really like me? I dont think my sounds like honey"-Souskue
🌙You sometimes do food challenge and completions with your friends and Souskue. (Souskue always win)
🌙You make a variety foods all over the world
🥙"Can you cook pork cutlets?"-Souskue
🌙The meals you and Souskue cook, you both give to homeless shelters and orphanages.
🌙Every special occasion you bake a themed caked.
🥙"Is that a shark?! How did you make this?!"-Sousuke
You have a simple following of 70k
Channel name: Cookie dough gummies
Momo: 🎮
🌙You're a Gaming YouTuber
🌙You play a wide variety of games like horror, dating Sims, action,Platformers, 3D, and many more
🌙Multiplayer with all your friends (Among us)
🌙Momo definitely loves playing adventures and scifi games with you
🌙Momo likes to bring Puyysuke with him to the gaming sessions.
🎮"Puyysuke is good luck!!"-Momo
🎮"Puyysuke is just as excited as I am with this game. "-Momo
🌙You and momo sometimes compete with each other in fighting and racing games.
🎮"Awwww no fair (y/n) that's cheating !!"-Momo
🎮" Ahhh how you keep winning"-Momo
You have a simple following of 60k
Channel name: Beetle juice
Seijour: 💪
🌙You're a health and fitness Youtuber
🌙Health and fitness tips from professionals and Seijour.
💪"Having a perfect form is the most important and effective way of succeeding"-Seijour
🌙Breaking down the human body to benefit different bodies types.
💪" This exercise plan I used on the samzuka swim team. I guaranteed you will bulk up👍"-Seijour
💪No pain no gain. Keep pushing YOUR ALMOST THERE!!! You can do it!!"-Seijour
🌙 You and Seijour do couples yoga on sundays.
💪"Dont worry (y/n) I got you. Just relax your muscles"-Seijour
You have a simple following 80k
Channel name: You're lifestyle
Kisumi: 💄
🌙You're a beauty YouTuber.
🌙Hes pretty much on your channel 24/7. Everyone loves the both of you.
🌙You do make up challenges, skin care tips, and themed make up looks.
💄"Niacinamide and hyaluronic acid are the best together on your skin"-Kisumi
🌙 You and kisumi have challenges where you do each other's makeup.
💄" Eh? I used the wrong color?! Haha sorry "-Kisumi
💄"I hope I'm not too rough with your face. Let me know."-Kisumi
🌙Kisumi did a voice over on one of your tutorials twice.
💄" Now shes applying blush on...oohhwow that's a cute shade on her..its really cute (y/n)"-Kisumi
💄" wow that makes (y/n) eyes pop!"-Kisumi
🌙Kisumi loves to do seasonal makeup tutorials with you.
🌙He even let you do some makeup on him.
💄" Woah I look like a kpop male idol! How did you did that??!"-Kisumi
You have a simple following of 90k
Channel name: Velvet lips
Asahi: 🔎
🌙You're a Horror theme YouTuber
🌙Discuss Mysteries and Paranormal activity all over the world, Unsolved crimes. Mysteries death and conspiracies theories
🔎"That's interesting.. has the crime been solved?"-Asahi.
🌙Asahi is not into the paranormal because he doesn't believe in it. However, because you like, he's curious about the stuff you talk about.
🔎"wow that monster is 8 foot tall!! And it was seen in Japan??!!"-Asahi
🔎" mmmhh.. that picture is kinda convincing"-Asahi
🌙There was a time where you, Asahi, Hiyori And kisumi went to explore an abandoned house on the countryside that is known for huntings
🔎"oh... (y/n) do you want me to hold your hand if your scared?"-Asahi
🔎"huh? That noise? It may have been a rat"-Asahi
You have a simple following of 70k
Channel name: Mystery XE
🌙You're a Anmaition Youtuber, sometime you animate your story times and do little funny Anmaition, and music video Anmaition.
*The time I accidentally pranked my teacher story time*
*Middle school experience * story time
*Worst family vacation ever* story time
*Creey encounter at work ft Ikuya* story time
*How I met my boyfriend ft Ikuya* story time
🌙Ikuya something gives you ideas for a Anmaition.
💻"How about do a little mermaid Anmaition?"-Ikuya
💻"This is cute a Anmaition, you think you can teach me how to do it?-Ikuya
🌙 You created a Anmaition for Ikuyas birthday with one of his favorite songs.
💻" I love ever bit of this. You really know what I like"-Ikuya
You have a simple following 60k
Channel name: Ms.Honbuns
Natsuya: 🗺
🌙You're a travel YouTuber/Vlogger
🌙 natsuya is on your channel 24/7
🌙You and natsuya traveled to various locations while site seeing, eating food, meeting local people, learning the language, learning the history, and having fun.
🌙You do 360 VR videos of each country, or city you visit.
🌙Sometimes you both camp and go on hikes.
🗺" ah Its so calming out here in the wild"-Natsuya
🌙Natsuya has his own little segment were you taste different types of beers and wines all over the world
🗺".. woah (y/n) you have to try this. The favor is out of this wolrd!!"-Natsuya
🗺"Where do you want to go for the spring? I was thinking 🇬🇧The UK or 🇲🇽 Italy."-Natsuya
You have a simple following 90k to 1M
Channel name: Lake side view
Nao: 🍀
🌙You're a Garden YouTuber
🌙you give gardening tips
🌙on the weekends nao helps with your garden and maintaining it.
☘"Wow!! (Y/n) your vegetables looks great "-Nao
🌙You harvest and Nao cooks the Vegetables.
🍀"Wow the vegetables this harvest is delicious"-Nao
☘"Next harvest, can we plant watermelons?"-Nao
🌙Time lapse videos of Fruits and vegetables growing and decomposing.
You have a simple following of 50k
Channel name: Growful love
Hiyori: 🛍
🌙You're a Fashion YouTuber
🌙 Discuss the newest trends and unboxing new clothes, shoes and accessories .
🌙Haul videos with Hiyori (sometimes)
🛍" These sweater feels amazing"-Hiyori
🌙You and Hiyori sometimes try on matching clothes.
🛍" Wow! We're definitely a cute couple!-Hiyori
🛍"This is something I'll definitely wear every day "-Hiyori
🌙 Most of your clothes are your choice of style. And Hiyori's is more like dark academia.
🌙 Sewing clothes for you and Hiyori.
🛍"woah!! You made this for me?! Thank you so much"-Hiyori
🌙 And some occasions you guys will go thrift shopping.
You have a simple following of 60k
Channel name: Exclusive Z
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chickenisamazing · 4 years
how did you get so good at makeup?? i've been trying to learn especially creative colorful looks and i'm so terrible at it lmao
Wait this is so sweet thank you so much 💕 why did tumblr not give me a notification for this smh
I'm flattered that you think I'm good at makeup lol, I don't think I am but I also only post pictures here of what I feel are my best looks. Most of the time my looks are fails. But that's okay! It's just about playing around and practicing. Also, if you notice, I tend to keep my looks very simple and often (probably because I don't know color theory) stick to monochromatic looks. The color and sometimes shape are already bold, so I try not to use too many products at once.
Even though I don't usually take my own advice, using the right tools really helps; you don't need a million brushes or anything, but little things like using the right shape for what you're trying to do and using clean brushes (which I rarely ever do oops, rip to my bathroom counter which is littered in dirty brushes rn) and using smaller sizes for more precise shapes is really helpful. And doing things like using an eyeshadow base, having makeup remover and some cotton pads on hand to clean up any sharp edges you might have (or use concealer; I personally don't use concealer and foundation but if you do then cleaning up that stuff is probs a bit easier and nicer), and wetting your brush to intensify and control [shimmery/glittery/satin] eyeshadow better (try to be careful not to use too much water and not to get hardpan, but tbh you can always scrape it off) really helps with bold, colorful looks. And I know everyone says this but taking the time to properly blend and build your colors really is essential.
At the end of the day, it's really just about practice and having fun. Half the time I sit down to do makeup I just finger paint because I'm lazy and it's fun to me. And tbh, if you're wearing a bold lip, most of the time it distracts from any other disasters you might have going on, so that's usually my strategy :) I hope at least some of this was helpful and I hope u have fun drawing on your face 💖
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imaginariumreverie · 4 years
— answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
Tagged: @storiesbehold Tagging: @allnostalgic @a-bitter-resentment @amusemintmuses @goat-guardian and anyone else who wants to do this!
nicknames: Ali, Ali Ababwa, Alisae (after a ffxiv character), Ali Bally (my mom seriously needs to stop calling me that), Kitty, Bitch (by my sister), and “That Clumsy Moron” (by my dad)
zodiac: Leo
height: 5′3
time: 1:30 A.M. fite me
favorite band / artist: Steam Powered Giraffe, Starset, Within Temptation, 
song stuck in my head:  Dear Theodosia from Hamilton
last movie i saw: Some random horror movie my gramps was watching. Idk what it was called.
last thing i googled:  “cowboy wedding outfit” IT WAS FOR A ROLEPLAY OKAY
other blogs: @spidercato and @moon-mcther are my only other two actives rn
do i get asks:  Yes sometimes
why did i choose this username:  I wanted something that sounded kind of dreamy. And I wanted to do something “imagination” themed. So after many failed attempts to find something that wasn’t already taken, I decided on Imaginationreverie; as this is a safe haven where you greatest imaginings can come true~
following:  67 peeps. I’m very selective lol
average amount of sleep: Bold of you to assume I sleep
what i’m wearing (right now): Navy shorts, violet tank and a comfy robe
dream job: Librarian, Voice Actor and video editor
dream trip: Ireland or really anywhere in the UK
favorite food(s): BACON
play any instruments:  Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Ocarina and Kalimba. I also know a bit of the violin and I could play the mandolin in theory
eye color: Brown
hair color: Just dyed it pink and blue XD
languages you speak: English and a very tiny bit of Yiddish and Hebrew
random fact: I have OCD and this week has actually been OCD awareness week~
describe yourself as aesthetic things:  Cottagecore, dark, cats, witchy, sci fi, pastel goth, punk, glitter, occult, graveyards, burning wood, an old piano, loud music, the full moon, autumn weather, hammocks, guinea pigs, 
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cinnaminsvga · 5 years
i have..... so many theories flooding my senses.... i just finished fox rain. and. ma'am. why would you hurt me like this. i am begging. mercy. please. i love everyone. i can't fathom a future in wich more heartbreak gets done. but. i. know the tale. i mean. i know some versions. and if you're going for the one i think you are....... and if the fox is Who I Think It Is...... please. please. ma'am. spare my feelings. i am. not strong enough.
[cont.] LIKE.... like. there's one where the fox gets heartbroken????? but then there's another in wich the fox marries and the cloud is heartbroken. and then there's another in wich the fox TRICKS THE [redacted] INTO MARRIAGE AND. ZEE. MISS. ALL THESE ARE TERRIBLE LITERALLY NOTHING HERE IS WHOLESOME I AM SO SCARED OF YOUR HAND RIGHT NOW.
[cont.] but yeah i love fox rain and i love you and your writing and your tiny little gremlin brain. you're so creative and i wish you have a wonderful day and hope you know how it blows my mind how well estructured and thought everything is. every chapter never fails to deliver a too wide selection of emotions and they're so well evoked the pace feels extremely natural. of course thanks to rha as well her writing is outstanding and so so pretty and just. im really thankful im so enchanted with this fic
[cont.] sorry for flooding your asks i am having a meltdown
DAAAAAMN MY DUDE WENT OFF... LMAOOOOO this made me chuckle (evilly) and i’m thoroughly enjoying your anxious anticipation >:)
but you’re so right,,, tbh i think fox rain might be even sadder than tlhc in a sense, but also,,, not?? the thing is, when me and rha were plotting and planning for fox rain, we made sure both of our “interests” were met, if you catch my drift LMAO so that means fox rain will likely end a lot happier than you might think!! ofc, there will be some characters who will inevitably be less than enthused about the ending, but that’s just how we roll babey!! is it truly a zee fic if i DON’T make someone sad... you know me too well :^)
and also, you can’t BELIEVE how happy i am when you said you think sera is a complex and interesting character bc i think so too!! like, there’s just so much to work with when it comes to her character!! i never wrote any fic as quickly as i did for her intermission drabble, and it’s all bc she’s just... such a versatile character that has so much room for growth if we so desire... UGH YOUR MIND!!
thank you so much for your meltdown over fox rain btw, it really means a lot to both me and rha!! this fic is our large, bumbling love child and we’re so so grateful anytime someone sends us long asks like this about it!! we hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the updates (when that’ll happen... now that’s a different other ballgame LMAO) but rest assured that we’ll try our best to give everyone an ending they deserve :--)
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principalcellist · 5 years
You guys all remember
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I always wondered how Pink!Steven was able to do that (the crater thing.) I assumed it was just the power radiating from his gem combined with his emotions - and Pink Pearl confirms that this was actually a thing Pink did:
“White told [Pink] she wasn't fit to run [a colony] and, well - that set her off... You remember how she was with her destructive powers? Throwing tantrums left and right? She had a scream that could crack the walls."
And poor Steven was so sure he was a healer and that he only helped people, but it turns out he can do this, too
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“I just want to FIX IT!”
I mean, we already been done knew Pink was NOT a good person. She was very selfish and single-minded (though after becoming Rose Quartz, she seemed to care about others very deeply and was shown that she wanted to change - she was trying to be different.) But I’m wondering if Steven has a little bit of this selfish trait as well. There’s a thing that makes him think his ideals are better than anyone else’s. We’ve seen it many times, where Steven just moves ahead with what he thinks is right (because he’s so sure it is, bless him) and he only realizes he’s wrong after things go south. Each time, he apologizes and fixes it and we all think “He’s learned his lesson,” only to see him do it again. And again. (I know he’s not doing it maliciously, I’m just making a point.)
For example, in a previous episode, he tries to put gems in places he thinks they’d be better off at, not where the said gems wanted to be or what they wanted to do - even after Amethyst tries to talk to him about it. It took the gems failing and causing mayhem for him to even realize that “Oh, maybe my idea wasn’t as good as I thought.”
Pink was shown to be immature and emotionally unstable, and I’m wondering if Steven is now showing these signs because it’s a gem thing, or if it’s a genetic thing. Pink’s emotions rule her actions and powers
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And I have to wonder if this is some kind of “flaw” with her. Was that why the other Diamonds treated Pink so differently? Why they always watched her carefully and never gave her more responsibility? Is that why Pink was so much smaller than the other Diamonds? Why she seemed to be stunted  developmentally?
Or is Pink something else? White said to Steven: “As for me, I’m certain I don’t need [Pink]. After all, I’m every color of the light. But, you’re a part of me... A part I always have to repress.” So does this mean Pink is just a fragment White somehow removed from herself? A piece of her that was too loving and too head-strong and White thought she’d be better off without those strong emotions? “It’s a pity, the way you bring out the worst in others. See how you encourage their deficiencies? It’s written all over their gems... You enable their terrible behavior so you can be the best of the worst.”
(White is another whole entity I would love to learn more about, but I’m getting off topic here.)
Is all of this - Pink’s destructive tendencies and her selfish desires - why she tried so hard to change? To become something new? Why Pink said it was a GOOD thing Greg didn’t know anything about her?
I have so many questions and I’m very excited to see that the final season is delving more into Pink and her background and what it means for Steven, because I’ve been dying to know these things about her. And I ache for our poor sunshine boy Steven, but I also want him to learn that you can’t just run from the past and pretend it didn’t happen - because that’s what he keeps trying to do, like if he says he’s moved on enough, it’ll become true.
Anyway, I just wanted to write out the thoughts I’m having rn. Sorry if if this is all disjointed and reads like word-vomit. Feel free to add what you think! I love hearing theories!
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