#But also you can just use a wet brush with your eyeshadow to get pretty sharp lines and eyeshadow is a bit easier to work with sometimes
jelicoxoxo · 8 months
Summary: Your favorite had embarrassingly made a mistake in potionology class, which ultimately resulted in them turning into a cat! They hunt you down to care for them, escaping their usual routine for the day.
Warnings: N/A. Can be seen platonic or romantic, OC friendly. No proofread cause i’ll wanna delete it. Floyd’s might be rushed
A/N: i’m EXHAUSTED oh my god.
(Heartslabyul) (Savanaclaw) (Octavinelle) (Scarabia) (Pomefiore) (Ignihyde) (Diasomnia)
Azul Ashengrotto
- The first and last(not) time he’ll ever be your study partner.
- You had accidentally put in cats fur instead of moose fur, how you mistaken the two? we’ll never know.
-He turned into a persian cat by the way, long fluffy fur.
- But he definitely made it YOUR problem. Following you around with a loud meow whenever he didn’t get the attention he wanted, sneaking INTO your bag and leaving cat fur on literally everything, and went out of his way to flick his tail under your nose while you ate your lunch.
-You practically breathed Azul that day, and there was no escape, not since now he could track you down himself with that new nose of his.
-The only time he ever left was to go check on Mostro Lounge, he is a busy man after all! But the twins brought him right back to you, claiming they couldn’t understand his chattering and meowing (they didn’t care*)
- So you where stuck with cat Azul. Stuck with this literal menace that goes out of his way to irritate you for his amusement.
-HAATTEESSS air jail and getting sprayed with water(ironically). It’s pretty much the only things that’ll get him to stop, but he’ll fuss and fuss about it.
-don’t give him catnip he’ll probably lose his shit.
-He turned back right beside you, then got up and left without a single word, to embarrassed to even say anything to you.
-will ignore you if you try to bring it up
Jade Leech
- Mischievous but less destructive.
- Literally nobody knows how it happened, nobody. But what you do know is that he showed up at your door and KICKED the bottom of the door till you answered
-you know those videos of the cats kicking with their hind legs as a way to knock? yeah thats him
- it was so loud too, like it genuinely scared you so bad you didn’t even wanna open the door.
-just for this long, tall, and lanky siamese cat to walk right in like he paid bills, looking back at you and meowing as if to ask “are you coming?” before he continued further into your space.
-He enjoys sitting on your desk, watching you continue your routine and occasionally including him in it.
-If you wear makeup, he’ll maybe let you pretend to put it on him using an old makeup brush. Will paw at your hand to get you to do it again, purring and closing his eyes for the “eyeshadow”
-such a sweetheart (when he isn’t scratching the hell outta your furniture and hiding your shoes/socks)
-Suddenly your new cat friend left, and the knock at your door was Jade as his normal self pretending that nothing had happened.
-Still pretends to have no idea what you’re talking about when you speak of the cat that never returned.
Floyd Leech
- By far the hardest to care for and watch, dare I say worse than ace.
- Floyd wasn’t really at fault for the incident, but i wont say he was completely a victim either. He was so irritated until he saw you, suddenly not so hissy anymore.
-This boy immediate went with you wherever you went, and did not care about whatever Azul had planned that day. I mean, he needs time with his favorite shrimpy doesn’t he?
- He likes to slap you if he sees you asleep or focused on anything but him.
- Also likes to sit on your laptop while you’re using it, as well as anything you’re writing on.
- Sometimes he’ll knock a glass or two off the shelves, tables, and counters. Or maybe even scratch up your sofa in a spot you’ll only ever notice weeks later.
- don’t try bathing him, he’ll despise you the rest of the day. To him, having heavy wet fur is just not enjoyable, actually he hates it(ironically x2).
-and oh you thought his mood swings would stop as a cat??? Oh no baby it gets worse
-one minute he’s rubbing his face against your arm, the next he’s turning around and biting it.
- Him turning back wasn’t really anything special, but he wasn’t to fond of his little “day off” being taken out of his paycheck
It is 4am I’m going back to sleep
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teeth-farie · 2 years
Been having Muriel on my mind again lately, would you like to share in brainrot? Maybe you have any general headcanons for him you haven't shared? (Can be sfw or nsfw whatever you like)
I'll go first: I think he'd be super into bath shenanigans. Tender moments of him and MC washing each other, maybe washing his chest and lightly massaging and out of nowhere MC splashing him with water to be silly >:3
Or them just being close and one of them accidentally (or not so accidentally) brushes the other's inner thigh and gets them all flustered,,,, ❤️‍🔥
BATH SHENANIGANS….I like to think that bath time is Muriel’s favorite ritual (aside from feeding the chickens and collecting their eggs)
And it becomes even more fun when he gets to use the fancy bath products and soaps and when you wash and brush his hair. He also loves having water fights too!! Splashing water at each other and making bubble beards.
“Accidentally” touching his thigh in the bath…that breaks him!! He’d get flustered so fast, even more so if you pretend not to notice it (and he’s equally just as broken when you insist on helping him wash down there)
Now for my hcs!!
I think his teeth are a little crooked, and he gets a bit self conscious when smiling because of it, so you have to make sure to reassure him and tell him how pretty his smile is!!
I also think he’d like makeup! At first he doesn’t think he’d be allowed to wear it, cause he’s only ever seen noble women decorate their faces. But when you tell him that yes, he can wear all that pretty eyeshadow and lipstick, he’s excited to give it a try
Despite bath time being his favorite ritual, he likes it when the love making is messy. Excessive lube, creampies, squirting, accidental (or not so accidental) wetting, he wants it all! And especially with how hairy he is it’s gonna stick to him too (which feeds his marking kink too- please make him yours!!)
And one of my personal favorites: muriel and raunchy housewife novels. You know the kind with the super buff man and helpless woman on the cover. You got him one originally as a joke, but then he started to enjoy them and now he has an impressive collection. And with that comes his fantasies of acting those scenes out with you, and envisioning himself as the helpless little woman
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chickenisamazing · 3 years
how did you get so good at makeup?? i've been trying to learn especially creative colorful looks and i'm so terrible at it lmao
Wait this is so sweet thank you so much 💕 why did tumblr not give me a notification for this smh
I'm flattered that you think I'm good at makeup lol, I don't think I am but I also only post pictures here of what I feel are my best looks. Most of the time my looks are fails. But that's okay! It's just about playing around and practicing. Also, if you notice, I tend to keep my looks very simple and often (probably because I don't know color theory) stick to monochromatic looks. The color and sometimes shape are already bold, so I try not to use too many products at once.
Even though I don't usually take my own advice, using the right tools really helps; you don't need a million brushes or anything, but little things like using the right shape for what you're trying to do and using clean brushes (which I rarely ever do oops, rip to my bathroom counter which is littered in dirty brushes rn) and using smaller sizes for more precise shapes is really helpful. And doing things like using an eyeshadow base, having makeup remover and some cotton pads on hand to clean up any sharp edges you might have (or use concealer; I personally don't use concealer and foundation but if you do then cleaning up that stuff is probs a bit easier and nicer), and wetting your brush to intensify and control [shimmery/glittery/satin] eyeshadow better (try to be careful not to use too much water and not to get hardpan, but tbh you can always scrape it off) really helps with bold, colorful looks. And I know everyone says this but taking the time to properly blend and build your colors really is essential.
At the end of the day, it's really just about practice and having fun. Half the time I sit down to do makeup I just finger paint because I'm lazy and it's fun to me. And tbh, if you're wearing a bold lip, most of the time it distracts from any other disasters you might have going on, so that's usually my strategy :) I hope at least some of this was helpful and I hope u have fun drawing on your face 💖
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transmechanicus · 2 years
Uhm sorry if this is kinda a silly question but how did you learn to use makeup? I always struggle to find online sources to help with learning makeup and I always feel a little silly when I try to practice
Not a silly question at all but i am maybe not the best person to ask? This is probably going to be profoundly unhelpful but i have no idea how to use makeup except for my eyes and i’m low key just doing it based on my knowledge from mini-painting and asking my sisters random Qs bc i swear makeup companies make this so goddamn unintuitive. Here’s my process:
Make sure your skin is relatively clean with a wet washcloth, apply an eyeshadow primer (like literally put a little on your finger or a small brush and smear until it soaks in/fades away. This makes makeup stick better and distribute smoothly), get a different small brush or clean finger, gather some eyeshadow on it, go HAM on your eyes but not outside your eye socket, apply eyeliner in little strokes with your eyes open (you will probably flinch the first couple times. i low key dissociate to hold still), close your eye or hold it closed by your eyelashes and touch up eyeliner so it’s a thin straight line, step back, turn lights down bc iphone camera washed out bullshit, exist and maybe take some pics.
Ngl the first like 2 times i tried makeup i was like wow i look so silly this sucks, but after some practice and also adding a covid mask i can tell it looks pretty good actually. Helps when you can focus on the makeup itself and not how it looks relative to your whole face imo. Also another tip is to watch videos on ppl doing certain makeup looks, not to replicate them exactly, but to get familiar with the process and the toolkit you need. I hope this helps, if anyone else has tips or sources please DO add them!!
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x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 3 years
want to start in alternative style* for cheap?? :)
L.A. Colors can be found online for cheap, and found at basically any Dollar Tree or corner store. Nail polishes, eyeliners, eyeshadows, usually $1 each.
Wet N Wild can also be found at any corner store or Walmart, for basically the same price! Their eyeliner pencils can last you a year, for 99¢.
Those places are essentially where I get my eyeliner, eyeshadow, glitter singles, and nail polish. Also brushes! The Wet n Wild brushes at Dollar Tree are soooo good, I use them non-stop.
Profusion Cosmetics can be found online or at any Walmart/Target, I love their eyeshadow palettes (they're super pigmented and cheap.) I still use my brush from one of their palettes, to this day. They've also got this gothy palette on sale for $7 rn and I'm 👀👀👀
You can basically go pick up a box of hair dye for anywhere between $2–7 at any corner store. Yeah, whatever, box dyes aren't perfectly healthy 🙄 but we're not going for healthy, we're going for so-black-it's-blue.
Splat is a bit of a splurge (compared to some other box dyes) but if you're tight on cash and want a dye your parents can't just tell you to wash out, it's a good start. Splat bleach is powerful, and the colors stay for months. They also have no-bleach kits, temp dyes, and pigment conditioners. Honestly if you care for your hair, no one will notice any difference between Splat and something from Sally's Beauty.
You can pick up a bag or two of safety pins for about $2-5 at Walmart and basically use them for anything. I added a couple hundred to the back of my jacket ⬇️ They could also be used to make safety pin shirts/pants, chains, chokers. Just be careful!
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Spikes and studs. From a punk store.
Angry Young And Poor. Also a punk store. They had all types of political pins, band pins, etc for 50¢ and up! Plus accessories, music, clothes, Demonias, you name it.
This store sells band merch for pretty cheap. They're also partnered with some popular alternative shoe and hair dye brands.
This store sells old band merch. I got my MCR Jack The Ripper shirt from there ;)⬇️
Speaking of MCR, have you ever wanted to look like Gerard Way in the Desolation Row mv? Well if you go buy 1 black and 1 red shirt from Walmart for maybe $5 each, you totally could.
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And if you want a dupe of that iconic bat belt buckle of his for $10...
Or maybe you're like me and enjoy being as slutty and glittery as Adam Lambert? Well during October, Dollar Tree and Walmart usually sell cans of body/hair glitter spray for $1-2. Sadly I can't find a dupe that cheap online :(
During Oct, Walmart ALSO stocks oily white+black+red body paints made by Wet n Wild, for $1-2. Called "Fantasy Maker Paint Pots" they're not perfect, but they're cheap. You can find them online too.
Maybe you saw my eyes in those pics above and you're wondering where I got those PRESCRIPTION FDA approved contact lenses? Gothika sells yearly costume lenses. Honestly I love mine. Please check out this video before committing to contacts.
You should also totally check Ebay and Depop for any merch or unique items you might find. I love to scroll for hours saving shit.
You can also get leather, leather working tools and studs at Michaels or Jo-Anns. I got this little set that had a tool to make the perfect cuts for pyramid studs.. really sped things along.
Oh, you're interested in making Kandi? Babe why didn't you just say so! Beadtin sells all kinds of beads and supplies, PLUS they sell beads in 100 ($1) and 500 ($2.69) amounts, incase you don't need too many of 1 color. They also sell those little plastic shapes that people use to make belt chains.
And there's this website which has thousands of kandi patterns uploaded by users.
Maybe you're interested in finding like-minded alternative friends on the new Myspace? It's called Spacehey. Add me!
And the age old advice: THRIFT! Google search "thrift stores" and Google will show you a list of local thrifts in your area. Avoid Goodwill and Salvation Army if you can. They're terrible companies. Support local.
And always keep in mind, it takes a long time to build up an extensive wardrobe. And don't put pressure on yourself to look "perfect." Wear shit you like and be unapologetic.
*Don't reblog this with any "it's not about the style" bullshit A) I don't care and B) when you feel good about your appearance, you're happier. I'd like to encourage ppl to feel good about themselves and be confident and happy.
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mcwriting · 3 years
it's just part of the job
This is a once shot based on a request by @laurentrvn! I really loved the idea and tried to stick as closely to the prompt given, so I hope you enjoy!
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1248
Warnings: can't think of any, it's pure fluff
You were exhausted, to be frank.
It was just past 2 a.m. in yours and Tom's London home as he prepared for a late night TV interview based in Los Angeles.
The show was taping his part at 8 p.m. their time, which converted to 3 a.m. yours during the summer months.
Normally it wouldn't have been that big of a deal.
You were so proud of Tom for his upcoming film, but you were actually in the middle of shooting your own movie in the city, something you'd been busy doing all day long.
Crazy hours are just part of the job, though.
The interview wouldn't be long, so you'd agreed to stay up with your boyfriend and make sure he was well styled so he wouldn't have to call other people to the house in those early morning hours.
Thankfully, you were going to have a two-day work break anyways as your film's scripts went through some minor rewrites.
Because of the ridiculous hour, your stomach had decided that 2 a.m. was the perfect time for a snack, so while Tom dressed you had decided to scrounge around the kitchen until you found something good.
You brewed some tea in the meanwhile, both you and Tom deciding that this wasn't an ideal time for coffee, especially considering you hadn't slept in at least 20 hours.
You walked into the bedroom, a small tray in hand with the tea and snacks stacked carefully.
"Hey I got some fruit and some cookies but let me know if- woooow..." you said, brows raised once you saw Tom's outfit in the reflection of his full-length mirror.
He'd chosen to dress in a shirt you loved, a button up with thick vertical stripes tucked into some grey slacks, an outfit which was reminiscent of 70s fashion.
You had to laugh at the fact that he was even wearing pants, though. Unfortunately he'd learned the hard way what it was like to forgo pants on a zoom meeting, so he swore to wear them for any video call from now own.
Who knew, he might even be asked about it in his interview tonight after his boxers had previously gone viral.
Tom turned and smiled at your pleased reaction, walking towards you. After you set the tray down, he snaked an arm around your waist and planted one kiss on your forehead and another to your lips.
"Think I look good, eh?"
"I'm loving the fit, but we need to put a little makeup on you," you said, shimmying from his grip and disappearing into the bathroom to find the foundation his stylist had explicitly told him to use tonight.
When you returned, he was indulging in a chocolate chip cookie, the crumbs all over his mouth.
"While you finish that, I'm going to start on your forehead," you explained as you began dabbing a beauty blender along his hairline. After a few minutes, he had an even layer painted over his face and neck.
"Am I done now? I'm supposed to log onto the call soon," he pouted.
"Almost, I just need to swipe on a little blush and neutral eyeshadow and you'll be all set," you answered, focused on picking out a blush color that would look natural on camera.
"I don't even get why I need makeup. They're going to be seeing me from my shitty computer camera and office lights. I mean look at you. You're not wearing makeup and you look great!"
You paused brushing a light rouge over one cheek to give him a half lidded look.
"Nice try, but we both know I look like I was run over with a truck," you joked.
It's not like you were even trying to sound self-deprecating, it's just that you had been awake far too long after having done a physically taxing shoot all day.
The second you'd gotten home, you'd showered and gotten rid of any trace of makeup, leaving you bare faced with damp hair that wet the collar of your old t-shirt.
"Well I think you look beautiful," Tom reiterated, kissing your forehead again as you went to grab eyeshadow.
You hummed in response and quickly brushed a light tan color over his eyelids to complete his look.
"Okay, all done. You did a good job on you hair," you commented, still instinctively reaching up to reposition a curl.
"Well that's perfect, because I need to get logged on. Why don't you relax and I'll come get you when I'm done, yeah?"
You nodded and let him go, watching him head across the hall as you sat at your vanity, sipping on the tea you'd made for yourself.
Though it took almost 30 minutes of sound checking and ensuring a good connection, Tom's interview had only lasted about 10 minutes.
When asked about the time in London, he'd only had one answer:
"It's just part of the job"
As expected, he'd had to show off his pants and make sure everyone knew he was wearing them despite the wee morning hour. Also unsurprisingly, he'd been asked where y/n was, explaining her taxing day and praising her for helping him get ready.
Once he closed up his laptop, he got up and turned out the office light. He then untucked and unbuttoned his shirt, ready to put on some comfy clothes and get in bed.
"Hey I'm don-" he paused and stopped in the doorway, grinning.
In the 40 or so minutes since he'd left you, you'd fallen asleep with your head down on the vanity, a half-eaten cookie in hand and your hair splayed all around the desk.
"Darling, are you awake?" he asked in a whisper, his hand gently placed over your shoulder, to make sure that you weren't just resting your head.
When he got no response, he knew you were actually asleep.
Tom quickly removed his unbuttoned shirt and exchanged his slacks for sweatpants. He also haphazardly took a makeup wipe to his face, knowing that leaving makeup on his face would cause it to break out.
Once he was cleaned up, he came back into the room to take care of you, starting by removing the cookie from your hand and placing it back on the tray.
He sat you up, your head rolling backwards until his hand could catch it. Thankfully you hadn't scooted the seat forward at all, so all he had to do was hook an arm below your knees and the other around your back.
He stood with a little huff, your dead weight no match for his strength.
Though you were asleep, your head instinctively turned into his chest as he transferred you a few feet and laid you gently on the bed where he had folded back the covers.
The missing warmth of his skin awoke you as he shuffled to the other side of the bed, so you stretched and yawned.
"Sorry that I woke you love, I was trying to be gentle," he whispered, sliding onto the mattress as you rolled to face him, still exhausted.
"It's okay. How did it go?"
"Amazing of course," he punctuated the statement with a forehead kiss. "He asked what you were up to."
"Hmm. What did you say?" you asked, cozying up to Tom.
"I told him you were out partying while I worked all day, as usual," he joked.
You snorted, not having the energy to fully laugh at his joke.
"It's just part of the job," you retorted. You were starting to slip away again.
"G'night, Tom. Love you," you slurred hazily.
"Good night, darling. I love you, too."
A/N: Ugh this was so cute are you kidding me??? Pretty much all the credit goes to @laurentrvn like I said before. I was given pretty much the backbone of this fic and just filled in the missing pieces, so I hope it's what you were imagining with this!
Thanks for reading!
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~ I Want To Write You A Song ~
Pairing: Victoria De Angelis x Hannah (fictional character)
Word count: 1976
Warnings: A little bit of swearing, smut at the end.
Summary: Vic writes a song for her girlfriend.
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Hours spent in the studio, plenty of used paper sheets and Victoria was finally done with her song. It was the first time she’s ever written any lyrics and the occasion was pretty special too. She asked Damiano to help her and she explained everything she wanted the song to be about and finally after six hours of constant writing and playing, the song was ready.
- Do you want to record it or you’ll sing it to her? - Dami asked while they were making some last touch ups in the lyrics.
- I’ll definitely sing it for her, it’s gonna sound more real, don’t you think? - Vic said and a feeling of warmth built up in her stomach.
She was the happiest. Hannah and her were dating for four years and Vic felt like they both became so close to each other that it’s a perfect time to make a next step. She wrote this song to show Hannah how much she loved her and how much she meant to her and she couldn’t wait for her to hear it.
- Baby, this is all for us? - Hannah said when her and Vic arrived at the cliff.
The sunset was beautiful and Victoria prepared everything for their special evening. There was a big blanket spread on the sand and a little table with some glasses and plates with food. All around there were puffy pillows, lit up candles and rose petals on the ground. It was mesmerizing and Hannah haven’t seen a more beautiful place.
The view was amazing from up there, you could see the whole coast and a reflection of a beautiful sunset on the water.
Victoria squeezed Hannah’s hand and looked at her admiringly. She looked so beautiful, dressed in a satin red dress and her cheeks flushed showing her cute little freckles. She was truly the most beautiful and the most attractive girl Vic has ever seen.
- Yes, piccola, I prepared it all for you - Victoria said and kissed Hannah’s cheek. - Let’s sit down.
They sat across each other on the pillows by the table. Vic grabbed Hannah’s hand and looked at her smiling.
- Thank you for all this, babe. It’s unreal. - Hanna looked around and her wandering eyes landed back at Vic sending her the most genuine and loving smile.
- I love you. And I want to show it to you on every step we take together. - Vic’s head was resting on her palm still admiring her beautiful girlfriend.
After a few minutes of talking they started eating their dinner. It was a delicious pasta with tomato sauce and chicken. It was Hannah’s favorite meal of all time and Vic asked Ethan if he could cook it for them as she knew that he makes the best pasta in their house. Victoria poured some sweet red wine into their glasses and lift it up to Hannah.
- To us, and our future together, amore. - Vic said and they both clinked their glasses.
- To us, babe, you’re my everything.
As the time went by Vic and Hannah finished their food and sat on the pillows next to each other. Hannah’s head was resting on Vic’s shoulder while they both admired the beautiful sunset. It was so romantic and Hannah couldn’t believe that she found someone so genuine and vulnerable as Victoria.
- Piccola, I actually have one more gift for you. - Vic said pulling away a bit and looking Hannah in her eyes.
- It’s too much gifts Vic, you’re too fucking good. - they both chuckled.
Victoria took her acoustic guitar from under the table and sat in front of Hannah to make sure they were looking at each other. She was nervous to play the song she wrote but after a few seconds her fingers found their way to the strings and a slow, sweet melody started playing.
I want to write you a song
One that's beautiful as you are sweet
With just a hint of pain
For the feeling that I get when you are gone
I want to write you a song
Victoria started singing, looking deep into Hannah’s eyes and all the stress vanished.
I want to lend you my coat
One that's as soft as your cheek
So when the world is cold
You'll have a hiding place you can go
I want to lend you my coat
Hannah’s eyes slowly started to fill up with tears and she couldn’t believe that Vic wrote a love song for her. She was mesmerized. The words were so beautiful and they touched Hannah’s heart making her stomach squeeze.
Everything I need I get from you
Givin' back is all I wanna do
Vic smiled slightly and her eyes were also watery as she continued her song.
I want to build you a boat
One that's strong as you are free
So any time you think that your heart is gonna sink
You know it won't
I want to build you a boat
Hannah broke and tears started falling down her cheeks uncontrollably. Vic was her everything and she couldn’t imagine her life without her.
Everything I need I get from you
Givin' back is all I wanna do
Everything I need I get from you
Givin' back is all I wanna do
They were both still looking into each other’s puffy eyes. Victoria also started crying and her mascara was slightly smudged but Hannah found it adorable.
I want to write you a song
One to make your heart remember me
So any time I'm gone
You can listen to my voice and sing along
I want to write you a song
I want to write you a song
Victoria sang the lost words and played the last chords while Hannah was completely speechless. She was a complete mess, her cheeks were dirty from the eyeshadow and her face was all red.
Vic didn’t have a chance to say anything when Hannah crashed her lips against hers pulling her closer. She cupped her cheek and grabbed her waist and their lips were moving in sync together. Vic slid her palm on Hannah’s neck and her tongue slowly entered Hannah’s mouth when the kiss became more intense. They pulled away and Victoria knew that this is the perfect moment.
She pulled out a small box from under the table and looked and Hannah lovingly. When she saw the box she couldn’t believe what’s happening. Her mouth were covered with her hand and her eyes big, looking at Vic with surprise.
- Hannah, mi amore, you’re my one and only. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because you’re my soulmate, my best friend and the most important person in my life. - Vic said brushing off a string of hair from Hannah’s face.
- Vic..
- Shh, babe. Let me finish. - she chuckled - Hannah, my baby, will you marry me? - she said opening the box and revealing a beautiful golden ring.
It was beautiful - thin gold ring with a shiny ocean blue crystal in the middle. Hannah gasped and looked back at Vic.
Vic’s expression was unsure, she didn’t quite know if Hannah will say yes but she was patiently waiting for her answer.
- Of course I want to marry you, you dumbass! - Hannah chuckled and pulled her into a tight hug.
Vic wrapped her arm around Hannah and they stayed like that for a few minutes whispering sweet words and I love you’s to each other’s ears. They pulled away tho and Vic pulled out a ring, grabbed Hannah’s hand and slid it on her finger looking deeply into her eyes.
- I still can’t believe that I have such a hot fiancé - Hannah said while laying on the bed and admiring half naked Vic wandering around their room.
They were used to seeing each other naked all the time. After all they were together for four years and they’ve never felt so comfortable around anyone else.
A quiet music was playing in the background and they were both chilling in Hannah’s apartment after their proposal dinner at the beach.
- Hot fiancé huh? I like that - Vic chuckled as she sat on Hannah’s lap wrapping her legs around her thighs.
They were both half naked, only wearing thongs and a slight tension could be felt between them. Hannah grabbed Vic’s neck and slowly pulled her closer. Vic put her both hands on both sides of Hannah’s head and she brushed her lips against hers. She felt Hannah’s palm stroking her cheek, going down on her neck and then cupping her breasts and squeezing it gently. She let out a moan and crushed her lips against Hannah’s and pressing their chests together. They were both desperate for each other’s touch and a warm feeling started building up in their stomachs.
- You’re so fucking beautiful. - Hannah sighed when Vic slid her one hand under her thongs and started pulling them down.
She lowered herself on Hannah’s body and started kissing her neck, going down to her breasts, sucking on her nipples and licking them. She planted wet kissed on her stomach and went further. Hannah’s legs opened automatically when she saw Vic going lower and lower.
- You’re desperate, huh? Already opening your legs for me. - Vic chuckled and a second later she wrapped her arms around Hannah’s thighs and placing a warm kiss on her folds.
Hannah moaned as she felt Vic’s soft lips kissing her from up and down and she grabbed the sheets for some kind of support. She closed her eyes and threw her head back when she felt Vic’s warm tongue licking her gently and sucking on her clit. She enjoyed it more than ever before. Victoria was stealing glances at Hannah when she slowly placed her finger in front of her entrance and after a while she pushed it slowly inside.
- Vic.. please.. - Hannah’s moans filled the room as Vic started thrusting her finger a bit faster.
- What do you want baby? - she answered pulling her lips away from licking her and looking at Hannah.
She opened her eyes and looked at Vic and the sight of her in between her legs, fingering her and licking her from up and down sent her to the edge.
- Please, Vic, I want more. - she said squeezing the sheets harder.
Victoria chuckled which gave Hannah goosebumps from a sudden contact with her warm breath. Vic slowly pulled out her finger and added second one thrusting it back inside. Hannah was close to reaching the high but she tried to control herself to enjoy this a little longer.
Victoria’s thrusts were faster and harder and her tongue was wandering from Hannah’s clit to her entrance making her tighten her walls around her fingers. Hannah felt that she’s gonna explode any minute and she couldn’t stop moaning Victoria’s name.
- Baby.. relax and cum for me. - Vic whispered and went back to kissing Hannah.
After a few seconds, few more thrusts and some encouraging words from Vic, Hannah came hard with her face all read, hair sticking to her neck, body all sweaty and legs shaking. She felt like in heaven and her lips opened to catch a breath.
- How do you feel, piccola? - Vic said laying down next to Hannah after she washed her hands.
- So good.. - Hannah hummed and pulled Vic closer to her.
She kissed her gently and grabbed her waist to be even closer.
- Let me pay you back, miss. - Hannah said and seconds later her lips were on Vic’s breasts kissing her nipples slowly and making her moan.
The song I used is “One Direction - I wanna write you a song” and I think it fits perfectly with the plot.
Requested by: @unitermoonshine. Hope you enjoy 😊
Requests open ❤️
Tag list: [ @teenyweenynightghost, @superchrystaldrug, @unitermoonshine ]
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footstepsofdawn · 4 years
A guide on getting that Robert Plant look:
HAIR! Caring for your hair really depends on your hair type. If you want to naturally lighten your hair, use chamomile tea rinse. If you do have curls and waves, leave-in conditioner is your best friend! I use Shea Moisture’s coconut and hibiscus curl and style milk. It’s excellent! Gradually get yourself to wash your hair less often, it’s healthier for it, I promise. Use heat tools very rarely. Use a hair oil or mask once a week, coconut oil is great for hair—wash it out well after leaving it in for an hour. Never towel or twist or rub your hair!! Just squeeze it out when it’s wet without twisting and let it air dry. Don’t touch it when air drying, especially if you are curly/wavy. This lets the curls form uninterrupted and non-frizzy. If you have straight hair, you could try braids or doing rag curls or using a curling iron—just make sure you use a good heat protectant!!!!
Brush and shape your eyebrows: You don’t have to go crazy with it, we want a natural look. Using a little spoolie brush to brush them out and guide where the hairs fall is best. If you want to fill them in a bit more, I like to use a wee bit of natural eyeshadow/bronzer as is appropriate for your coloring.
If you like makeup: keep it very natural, just highlight and shape what you already have! I’m really not very skilled in this area, and luckily it’s pretty unnecessary for a Robert look.
BE CONFIDENT! Walk tall, shoulders back, smile. You are like the SUN, GOLDEN and GLOWING! Go ahead and wear those tight bell bottoms if you want to! Unbutton that shirt a bit more if that’s your thing! I believe in you!! Give no fucks and wear what you want!!!!!!
Jewelry: Finding unique jewelry like bold metal braclets, delicate beaded shorter necklaces, and wide metal rings in thrift stores is great and cheap. He doesnt seem to layer necklaces, so stick to one, maybe two. Honestly, men should be ok with rocking jewelry more often, like Robert did, so if you’re a guy don’t be afraid of jewelry.
FLOWY SHIRTS! That’s a key part of the look. Floral patterns, solid with patterned borders, oriental patterns, bell sleeves, cropped blouses, paisley, tiny flowers, lace up neckline, peasant blouses, short puff sleeves, poet/bishop sleeved shirts, delicate collared button downs, kimonos, short silk robes, are great qualities to search for. Generally go for finer flowy fabrics like rayon, silk, delicate cotton. Tight fitting tshirts are good too! Embrace that rockstar feel and go for a leather jacket with a sold T-shirt underneath and a scarf tied about the neck, if you want to mix up the floral and flowy look. Layer a plain, tight fitting T-shirt with a delicate, floral blouse totally unbuttoned on top and a simple short necklace—you’re set!
Vests: patterned vests over a shirt were often worn also!
Belts: I definitely recommend finding cool belts! Larger square buckles with embossing or other metal shapes—just look at some pictures. Make sure it’s a wider belt. Show it off by just French tucking a shirt or wear something cropped or go with a totally open shirt to really display it all. A crocheted bralette or a lacy one could be worn under it so you aren’t flashing everyone, if you wear bras. Or go ahead and flash everyone, you’re an independent person!
Scarfs: thin, flowy, long or short. An elegant and fun accessory he seemed to play with in a few outfits!
Jeans: well, we know he liked them tight. ;) Go all out with bell bottoms and flares like he did, or wear a casual bootcut or straight leg if you want to tone down the look. He tended to wear low rise, but you could go with a mid rise for more coverage. Low/Hip/mid rise was more popular in the early 70s, high rise got more popular a little later on in the decade I believe. Go with a mid toned or darker blue wash for jeans.
THRIFT! Overall, I recommend hitting up as many different thrift stores as you can, that’s where the cooler and cheaper stuff can be found if you look enough. Way better for the environment too. If you can swing it, vintage stores are obviously amazing. Look on Etsy for vintage, you can set the price range so you don’t fall in love with something too expensive!!
Shoes: kind of hard to tell in a lot of photos of him? I think just look up what was popular in fashion at that time, like platforms or plain converse, or sandals. Leather boots can be worn underneath bell bottoms.
I think that covers it! Most importantly, be confident and love yourself unconditionally and Be. Your. Self!! It doesn’t matter what people think about what you wear! Embrace that rock god strut!!
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
he’s a beaut || b.b.
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 || every morning Bucky watches your whole makeup routine with complete fascination.
author’s note || I’ve had this idea for a while especially because Bucky was born in that era there’s no way he wouldn’t be discouraged from toxic masculinity. Also lmao this is the steps I do for makeup, oopsies! I really like this fic and I hope you all do too!
warnings || swearing, reference of toxic masculinity, pure fluff
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Tony was hosting one of his big fancy parties. This time had been for successfully taking down a Hydra facility you’d been tracking down for about five months. You groaned as he explained: “A success for us is an excuse to party!” You just rolled your eyes but you knew you needed to attend. You kinda liked going to his parties (you would never admit that to Tony though). 
You mostly didn’t want to go for Bucky’s sake. He hated those parties. So many people pushed up against each other, drunkenly laughing. He didn’t want people to talk to him. Especially the mean ones. Some were nice, chatting him up about the latest technologies and how he’s holding up from the 40s. Some, on the other hand, would snarl at how he shouldn’t be an Avenger and how he wasn’t a hero.
Those are the people that made him hate parties. And you wanted to crush their hearts in your hands but alas, they have to live. 
So, you and Bucky were getting ready to make an appearance. You told him that it didn’t have to be for long but you wanted to be with the team. He sullenly obliged, “Only because I love you.” You poked your tongue out playfully and started to get ready. After putting on a gold cocktail dress, you decided to go ahead and put your makeup on. You sat down in front of your vanity and started to blend some foundation on your face with a damp beauty sponge.
Since Bucky was already done, he pulled up a chair and sat next to you. He did this every time you did your make up. He’d pull up a chair and just watch you excellently paint your face with nudes and bright colors. 
After your foundation, contour, and blush, you proceeded to do your eyebrows followed by shaping them with concealer afterward. “Why do you do that?” Bucky suddenly asks. You paused, putting down the concealer brush. “So my eyebrows can look more symmetrical.” He nodded and then continued to watch you pick up a fluffy eyeshadow brush and packed it with a dark purple.
Bucky immediately leaned forward, watching you even more closely and intently. You raised an eyebrow but you kept going, blending the purple in the far corner of your crease. You then started to pack on a brighter purple which then made Bucky then make an “o” with his mouth. He looked so cute, all fascinated by your eyeshadow. Your lips curled into a bright smile as you started to blend the bright purple with the darker hues.
“You wanna try?” You motion towards the fluffy brush. He quickly shook his head.
“And why’s that? You always watch me.”
“Men can’t wear makeup.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Yes, they can.” A frown was sketched onto his face and he tilted his head in confusion.
“Babe, it’s not normal. I’ve never seen a man in makeup.”
You lightly laughed. “Oh honey, I’ve seen many men wear makeup and they look damn good.” You pushed the eyebrow palette towards him. “Go ahead, pick a color.” He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows but nonetheless leaned towards you, looking at the palette. His lips twitched into a small smile and pointed at the hot pink. 
You picked up the brush again, packed the product on, and started to blend the eyeshadow on his left eyelid. He fluttered his eyes closed and twitched at the foreign feeling. You smiled as you finished. “Do you want to see?” He nodded and you handed him one of your hand mirrors. He grinned graciously.
“Never be ashamed of wanting to do something ‘not assigned’ to your gender.” His eyes darted towards the ground. He looked as if he felt guilty which made your heart break into two. You lifted up his face by placing your fingers on his chin. You spoke as softly as you could. “Hey. it’s okay to like feminine things, okay? It’s okay to want to wear skirts. It’s okay to want long hair. It’s okay to like pinks and purples. And if you don’t like those things, that’s okay too. It’s okay to be you.” Tears pricked his eyes as he leaned towards you and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. 
You kissed his temple as he spoke. “Growing up in the 20s we were always told to dress a certain way and only like things like the color blue and cars and guns and football. But I always liked pink and dolls and ballet.” You nodded in understanding, still speaking softly. “Did you know that when I grew up I was a tomboy?” Bucky peppered feathery kisses all over your neck, “Tomboy?” You smiled at the sensation of his lips and caressed his cinnamon-fluffed hair with your fingers while you explained. “A tomboy is a girl that wants to look and have the characteristics of masculinity. I wanted those cars, guns, and footballs you were talking about earlier” You paused to leave a kiss on his cheek. “But I also found a love for feminine things as well. That’s why I quite dress differently all the time.” 
You finished Bucky’s other eye and then the rest of your makeup routine. Before going downstairs to the party, you turned to him. “Do you want lip gloss?” He smiled and nodded. You twisted open your Wet Cherry lip gloss with a ‘pop’ and proceeded to put it on his plump lips. You then made him press his lips together to smooth the gloss out. You smiled brightly at him, teeth and all. “You look so pretty. I feel like I’m falling for you all over again.” Bucky blushed a deep red and stuttered at your statement. You giggled and took his hand leading him out of your shared bedroom to the elevator.
You pushed the floor number. Bucky was nervous. He had never shown any type of femininity like this. He felt vulnerable. You could tell Bucky was practically bouncing off the walls with anxiety so you laced your fingers with his and squeezed his hand. “Even if, for some stupid reason, people hate you for showing them who you are then I will personally murder all of them.” He laughed at your statement, the sound bouncing off the elevator walls. “Noted.”
You both walked out of the elevator as it reached the floor and sauntered out to the party. You saw the team all crowded around the bar so you both walked over there, hands still intertwined. “Hey, guys- Woah, Bucky! You look great!” Tony stood there in shock at Bucky’s hot pink shadow and glossy lips. Steve then clasped a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “You look handsome, Buck.” Bucky thanked them and smiled dazzlingly at you. 
Sam gasped as he took one look at Bucky. “Damn, Y/N, Barnes may be stealing your spotlight.” You laughed and the team continued to praise Barnes for his makeup.
“See? They love it! No one has to be murdered.” Bucky started to hysterically laugh with one hand on his stomach, keeping him stable. 
Nat spoke up. “I’m sorry, murdered?”
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
YouTube Challenge!
Request: Ok so I’ve been watching a lot of youtube couples (not the cringey ones lol) and I reallyyy wanted a head canon for maybe bakugou, shoto, and kiri with a s/o who is a youtuber, and they shoot a couple video like those “my boyfriend rates my outfits” or “chapstick challenge” videos. Could the prompts (42)“(58)(18) Also boys to be pro heroes already...if that’s ok. 
A/N: I hope you enjoy this hun, @pletopliito​ and also as each one is written it gets shorter and shorter lol IM SO SORRY
Prompts: 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader
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Katsuki Bakugou!:
“Hey guys, QueenExplosion here! And I have a surprise! Drumroll… It’s King Explosion, as a guest!”
You excitedly pulled your boyfriend into the chair next to you, laughing as he grumbled about the name.
“Right, right! Sorry Mr. Pro Hero, I meant Ground Zero is joining me today!”
“Against my will, might I add.” 
You smacked his arm without looking for the snide comment,
But knowing your boyfriend,
This video was bound to be full of them
“Alright, so today I look a little bare don’t I? That’s because this hunk is going to be doing my makeup.”
“Get ready to look like shit.”
“ANYWAAAAYS, let’s just jump right in, yeah? So I have all my makeup set out on the desk here, I’m not telling him what does what-”
“Like I need to know, this shit isn’t rocket science.”
“And it’s his job to make my look as fine as I always do.”
You watched as Katsuki faced you, grabbing a random brush and your highlighter.
“This is like the base coat for your foundation crap, right.”
He huffed to himself as you stifled a laughter, side eyeing the camera
He brushed it all over your face before picking up your stick foundation,
“Now this just kinda goes.. Fucking everywhere.”
He narrowed his eyes in concentration and you thought he was adorable,
“What are you doing Katsu?”
“You put dots all over your face. So that, stupid.”
He grabbed the beauty blender and you were shocked to try to see him dab it all over your face
He lightly grabbed your neck to maneuver your position,
Making it easier to blend in the makeup
“Do you think I need this much makeup?”
“You need a fucking crap ton.”
You smacked his arm again at the rude comment,
But you knew he was kidding with the way he was smirking
“Now that your face is done or whatever the hell, guess it’s the eyes.”
He picked up one of your newer palets and your heart skipped a beat,
“Oh man I just got this… Don’t mess it up please.”
“Yea, yea shut up.”
“I’m serious Katsuki-”
“Shitty woman I won’t mess it up. Now quit talking so I can make your eyes fucking pretty.”
“Haha okayy~”
He grabbed a small brush and opened your eyeshadow pallet,
Staring intently at the colors
“What are you glaring so hard for? Just pick one, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“You use these two the most. Let’s mix them.”
“Wait, what-”
You watched with wide eyes as he dipped the brush into one color,
Roughly grabbing the powder onto the brush before-
“Have you lost your damn mind, KATSUKI!”
“EH!? WHAT!”
You watched as he selected another color,
Lighter than the first,
Blending them together on the pallet instead of on your eye
“So.. Like this?”
He brought the brush up to your cheek and smeared the makeup all over
“Whoops. Missed.”
Laughing and whining you tried to push him away but he kept sneaking makeup all over your face,
Grabbing your hands and holding them so you couldn’t stop his onslaught
It was all fun and games till you heard a crash,
Looking down you saw your pallet on the ground,
Face down
“... Bakugou Katsuki…”
At the tone of your voice he stopped,
Looking down to where he saw you gaze on your fallen makeup.
“Oh fuck.”
Let’s just say that video ended with a bunch of cut scenes until you said goodbye,
Smiling face full of misused makeup and Katsuki with a smug look on his face,
Even if he did have matching makeup stains where you wiped your cheek against his.
“Fellas, if you’re asked to try this, just don’t-”
“Ignore him!! Thanks for the stopping by and watching the explosion duo! See you guys soon! ”
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Eijiro Kirishima!:
“Hi beautiful people, and welcome back to my channel! It’s your host, RockkStarr here with my own, rock star- Red Riot! And today we are going to be doing the Chubby Bunny challenge!”
“Yosh!! I’m hyped up to eat some delicious sweets, oh, and the marshmallows too.”
Winking at the camera Eijiro pulled you in close,
You laughed and tried to squirm away as he left playful bites along your shoulder
“Oh stop! If you guys are unfamiliar with the challenge, it’s a winner-loser game-”
“That I’ll definitely win.”
“That you win by seeing how many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth while still being able to say, ‘chubby bunny’!”
“Oh then I’ll definitely lose, you see these cheeks? Made for this.” 
Eijiro laughed as you swatted his hand away while he pinched your cute cheek.
“Let’s get onto the marshmallows!”
The first few times didn’t go so well since he kept eating them,
“Ei babe you gotta keep it in your mouth!”
“That’s what she-”
After a few more failed attempts you were both up to five, and you both could still talk pretty clearly,
But Kirishima was not making this easy for you,
“What was that??”
“You heard me!!” 
You covered your mouth as you tried to hold back laughter,
Making it even harder to do so as you saw your boyfriend's cheeks puffed out so wide,
With a pursed smile to make him look funnier
“Say it again!”
After another 4 more you were getting to the limit,
Eijirou was tearing up in laughter about how cute you looked with puffed cheeks,
And every time you opened your mouth to talk they would almost fall out,
“Why don’t you just kiss me already?”
He teased with an almost clear voice,
You rolled your eyes at his smugness but did it anyways,
As soon as your lips touched you couldn’t hold back the giggles,
Spitting out wet marshmallows all over your boyfriend you began dying of laughter,
His shocked and disgusted face made you laugh even harder as his own came out of his mouth
You both ended the video,
Your chin slick with drool and Eijiro covered in soggy marshmallows,
But you were both smiling and laughing nonetheless
“Thanks for tuning in! See you beauties next time, RockkStarr-”
“And Red Riot!”
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Shoto Todoroki!:
“Hello friends, it’s me, IceeBaby! Don’t be alarmed, I know it may be hard to recognize me behind all this Gucci-”
“That’s a store brand tee-shirt, don’t lie.”
“Aaaaaand I’m here with my ice ice baby, Shoto! Thanksforruiningtheintro.”
“Anything for you, love.”
“Thanks babe..  today we are going to have a fashion show of sorts. I'll be trying on my closet for you all to see, and he is taking time out of his busy day to rate them for me!”
“She looks good in anything, so you’re going to get 10/10s everytime.”
“Oh my gosh. Are you flirting with me?”
“I most definitely am.”
“You do know I am dating a top pro hero right?”
“What is he going to do?” 
You giggle as Shoto pulls you onto his lap from, squeezing you tight while he did.
“He can try all he wants but he can't have you back.”
“You’re such a dork-Oh no!! You’ll wrinkle my clothes, let me go!”
“Wrinkled or not this outfit is still a 10 for me.”
You wiggled out of his hold, messing his hair up as you stood.
You tried on a few different outfits, explaining where you got them and why you liked them so much.
“Oh and this shirt-”
“Is my favorite actually.”
“Ohh?? Why is that?”
“This is the shirt you were wearing when we went on our first date.”
Your jaw dropped and Shoto swears there were hearts in your eyes,
“Shoto.. You remember that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? It was one of the best days of my life, you were wearing that shirt and that one pair of jeans that makes your ass look fat-”
“aahhhHHHHHHH! you know about my butt enhancing jeans!?”
“Well, then I didn’t but I know which ones they are now.”
“Kya, you’re so embarrassing~!”
“You were the one wearing them, trying to impress me.”
“Well of course! I was on a date with an up and coming hero, who has tons of pretty heroes who could snatch you from me.”
You pouted looking away from him,
He once again pulled you onto his lap,
“No one is more beautiful than you. I want no one else.”
You looked over to the camera with a smug smile,
“Hear that? Sorry thirsty guys and gals, this man is all mine!”
“Uh yeah, you know how many people thirst over you?”
“Do you know how many thirst over you?”
“Not as many as you, sweetie pie.”
“Whatever you say love, in that case,”
Shoto glared at the camera, shielding you with his body,
“You thirsty people cannot have her either.”
You look up at the camera the best you could, a big smile on your face,
“That’s it for today’s video! Go find other people to thirst over!! But I really hoped you enjoyed this! Comment down below if you’d like more content like this! Thanks a bunchies friends! Icy Hot 1 and 2 reporting for outro! Bye!”
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curedeity · 3 years
Summary: After a late night working, Hikaru and Tsubasa hang out, with Kyoya along for the ride. Quiet conversations are had in the dead of night. (These three deserved to hang out, fight me)
    Work was strewn across the table as Hikaru and Tsubasa shuffled through paper after paper. There were emails to be sent to publicity companies, bladers to invite, a stadium to reserve, hotels to contact for discounts for participants. Planning a tournament certainly was a monumental effort of organization.
    No matter how many tournaments Tsubasa had helped organize, he never really got used to the amount of work that came with them, and from the mounting frustration on Hikaru’s face, it was clearly the same for her.
    Hikaru sipped the cup of coffee in front of her, despite the fact that it was nearing midnight. The tournament would be in two weeks, and to stay on schedule she would need to start sending out notifications for the necessary tournament officials already. They’d need a nurse on scene, security, an announcer, etc. 
    Kyoya sat on the couch, every so often looking over at the duo and raising an eyebrow. Tsubasa had invited him to stay in his house while Kyoya prepared to participate in the tournament. When Kyoya had agreed though, he hadn't expected to watch this duo run themselves ragged every night. 
    Wasn’t his concern though, he continued to half-listen to whatever was playing on the television.
    “What do you think about using the Piffling Advertising Agency?” Tsubasa mumbled as he fumbled through some files on his computer.
    “I think they have a good enough track record,” Hikaru rubbed at her eyes as she tried to remember. So much about planning tournaments was just remembering past experiences, but her brain had begun to pull blanks. Who were the agencies that had done good work in the past? Which DJ was best for hometown crowds?
    Tsubasa hummed and started to type out an email to them. Thankfully, they already had a draft format for emails like this, and now he had to just fill in all the openings.
    Kyoya went over and grabbed a soda can from the fridge, popping it open and drinking as he watched the duo slowly try to focus on their computers. This was just a waste of time at this point. With a sigh, he resigned himself to having to get the duo to bed. “Yo,” he tried to get their attention, but they barely even flinched. “Yo!” He repeated again, slamming his hand down onto the table.
    In an instant Hikaru had her launcher pointed at him and Tsubasa had knocked a sheaf of papers off the table.
    “Take a break you two, you ain’t getting nothing done anymore,” Kyoya snarled at them.
    “The fuck was that for?” Hikaru hissed back at him, her chest heaving with uneven breaths. Tsubasa nodded in agreement as he turned to tiredly glare at Kyoya.
    “Listen, if you both want to stay up the next hour trying to write just a single email because you’re too tired to focus, that’s your choice, but you’d be using your time much better if you just slept.” Kyoya rolled his eyes at the two dumbasses. He would’ve thought that with the duo working for the WBBA they’d have learned how to manage a workload, but apparently not.
    Hikaru sighed as she realized the truth behind his statement and cast her eyes toward the clock. It was really time to just turn-in for the night, there was no way she could focus now.
    “You wanna stay here instead of having to get back to your apartment?” Tsubasa asked her. He gestured at the couch, indicating it was hers for the taking. This wouldn’t be the first time either had crashed at the other's house, they’d spent many nights up late working together, and getting home was a bit of a pain.
    Besides, Hikaru had been on the blading circuit for a while, she could fall asleep almost anywhere.
    Hikaru collapsed onto the couch while Tsubasa wandered into his room, Kyoya sat at the table to finish drinking his soda. The whole house fell into silence.
    But no one was able to fall asleep.
    Hikaru groaned as she sat up and turned back on the TV. If she couldn’t fall asleep, at least a break would still do her some good. She curled up and pulled a blanket over her limbs as she watched whatever was playing with bleary eyes.
    It seemed to be a romance movie. But there was also some magic going on, so maybe there would be some interesting action.
    “Can’t sleep either?” Tsubasa asked her as he joined her on the couch, having given up on getting his own rest.
    Hikaru flicked him. “I drank a shitton of coffee, what’s your excuse?”
    “Being an insomniac,” Tsubasa deadpanned. The bags underneath his eyes supported his claim.
    “Take some melatonin then,” Hikaru grumbled as she shared the blanket with him.
    Tsubasa hummed and ignored her. “What are we watching?”
    “Not whatever this is,” Kyoya interrupted, grabbing the remote and switching the channel. He was not going to put up with watching whatever crap that had been. Within a few seconds, he settled on a cheap spy movie.
    “Hey look Tsubasa, it’s you,” Hikaru commented as the spy got caught almost immediately.
    Tsubasa didn’t even have a response for that.
    Kyoya got up from the table and started moving around, shuffling through the junk that had begun collecting around the house. He wasn’t really tired either, but the movie couldn’t hold his attention span, and sitting around was grating on his nerves.
    “What even is that cell?” Tsubasa mumbled as the spy was thrown into what seemed to be the flimsiest jail cell ever. The bars were so far apart that it looked like a person could strut out of there, and the padlock at the door looked like a tap would open it.
    “Paper mache,” Hikaru guessed, her face perfectly flat.
    Kyoya rummaged through a collection of small bottles before lifting one up and wiggling it at Tsubasa. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with nail polish on,” he commented.
    Tsubasa broke away from the TV and looked at what Kyoya was holding, his tired brain taking an extra second to process what had been said. “Yeah, I guess I haven’t been putting it on recently. Been too busy with everything. Used to wear nail polish often though,” Tsubasa shrugged.
    Hikaru wiggled out of the blankets and padded over to look at Tsubasa’s collection. She let out a low whistle. “Damn Tsubasa, you got a lot here.”
    Kyoya picked up as many bottles as he could hold and walked over to the ground in front of the couch, where he sat everything down. “Come on nerds, let me show you how to properly paint nails.”
    Tsubasa rolled his eyes and slid out from under the blanket to join Kyoya on the ground. Hikaru joined them as well, looking at Kyoya with a hint of teasing in her gaze.
    “Which of you wants to go first?” Kyoya asked, gazing at the rainbow of colors he had brought over.
    Tsubasa shrugged. “Sure, show me what you can do.”
    Kyoya pulled out a bottle of purple nail polish and began painting a thin first layer over each of Tsubasa’s fingers. His hands were surprisingly steady as he moved, with barely a drop of nail polish staining the skin. True artistry being performed in the dead of night.
    Hikaru had decided that braiding Tsubasa’s hair would be a good use of her time while she awaited her turn, even then she only had half her attention on it, the other half on the movie.
    The spy was now making plans with the prisoner in the cell next to his, who he seemed to be slowly falling in love with. Somehow, he still hadn’t broken out. Hikaru was pretty sure he could slip through the bars without a bit of effort.
    She stood up and went to heat up some popcorn for the group. Well, mostly for her because Tsubasa couldn’t eat with wet paint on his nails, and Kyoya wouldn’t want to get his grip oily. She laughed at the look of betrayal Tsubasa sent her when he figured that out.
    “You’re gonna want to eat the quick, ‘cause you’ll be up soon,” Kyoya grumbled as he applied the second layer to Tsubasa. “Eagle boy, you gotta stop picking at your nails, these are so uneven.”
    “Fuck off,” Tsubasa responded.
    Hikaru went into the bathroom and got a nail file for them, resisting the urge to throw it for emphasis. It was sharp, her brain reminded her, you cannot throw sharp things, that’s how people get stabbed and in the hospital.
    Tsubasa already had enough hospital trips under his belt.
    “Tsubasa, do you wear any other makeup?” She asked as settled back down beside him.
    He couldn’t shrug with his hands needing to remain still, so he purposefully kept his body motionless as he responded, “Some eyeshadow sometimes.”
    Kyoya rolled his eyes. “I think I remember seeing you once in that, please tell me you were just tired that day and that’s not normally how you put on eyeshadow, otherwise I’m going to have to confiscate it all from you until you learn to do it properly.”
    “I look amazing fuck you,” Tsubasa deadpanned.
    “I’m sure you do,” Hikaru agreed dryly, flicking his hair. “So, you the makeup expert here then Kyoya?”
    “Seems so, do you even wear makeup?” Kyoya asked.
    “Not often,” Hikaru replied. “I know how to put on a full face of makeup, but I don’t want to put in that much effort or want to look like that every day. I wear lipstick every once in a while though.”
    “On the days you go out for lunch with Madoka,” Tsubasa added in, shooting her a sly smile.
    Kyoya retracted the brush just in time for Hikaru to punch Tsubasa in the shoulder.
    The spy and the other captive seemed to have escaped their imprisonment and were now kissing on screen.
    “Put your hands back into place dumbass I’m almost done,” Kyoya huffed.
    “She’s the one who hit me!” Tsubasa protested as he did as he was told.
    Hikaru stuck her tongue out at him.
    In a few deft strokes, Kyoya completed his work, and Tsubasa lifted his hands up and started fanning them.
    “Alright, you’re next,” Kyoya gestured at Hikaru, and she and Tsubasa swapped places. “What color do you want?” He droned as he already was trying to think of what colors would go with her.
    “Blue,” Hikaru answered immediately, which came as no surprise to either of the boys in the room. Her entire wardrobe was made up of blues. “It’s a good color!” She defended herself as Tsubasa snickered.
    Kyoya pulled out a royal blue and began to get to work.
    The spy was now running through a base, a gun in his hands as he shot at the group of enemies. 
    “Is he even trying to be discreet?” Tsubasa critiqued, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn for himself. 
    “I dunno Tsubasa, you’re the only one of us who’s actually worked as a spy,” Hikaru said slyly.
    “Is that what spying’s like,” Kyoya deadpanned, earning a cackle from Hikaru. “Don’t move dammit!”
    Tsubasa shook his head, a breath of air whooshing out from between his teeth, “If you want to continue talking about my undercover activities Kyoya, maybe we should also talk about the time you and Gingka’s gang tried to break into the Dark Nebula. That’s a lot closer to what’s actually going on onscreen.”
    Kyoya whipped his hair up to glare at Tsubasa while Hikaru turned around just as fast to look at him with excitement. “Don’t you dare,” Kyoya warned him.
    “I don’t think I’ve heard about this escapade,” Hikaru grinned. “So they tried to break into the Dark Nebula?”
    Kyoya grumbled as he resigned himself to this.
    “Yes, there was security footage of the event. Yu used to watch it for fun so he could shittalk about what a terrible infiltration it was. I believe it was when Kyoya truly defined his tactic of hitting walls until they collapse,” Tsubasa shared a smile with Hikaru.
    “And it worked damn well,” Kyoya huffed.
    “Sure it did sweetie,” Tsubasa responded without sparing him a glance.
    Kyoya growled as the other two returned their attention to the movie.
    “Alright then bastard, you’re done,” he declared, pushing Hikaru away. She giggled and repositioned herself against the couch, fanning her own hands.
    Kyoya got ready to return the bottles, but Tsubasa laid his hand atop of his, stopping him momentarily. “Come on Kyoya,” Tsubasa said, reaching over and grabbing a bottle of forest green polish. “You did it for us, let me do it for you.”
    Kyoya laid out his hands and watched Tsubasa slowly paint his nails. Tsubasa’s brushes weren’t quite as neat as his, but he was completely focused on the task, his braid falling down to brush against the floor as he leaned over Kyoya’s hand.
    The movie ended with the evil base being blown up. Hikaru was disappointed by how underwhelming the explosion was. She vocalized that very vociferously. 
    They put on some soft music as Kyoya let his nails dry. Hikaru had already fallen asleep against the couch, and Tsubasa draped a blanket over her. They didn’t talk much, only a few whispered comments here and there as Tsubasa cleaned off his Earth Eagle. 
    Within half an hour, both boys were asleep against the couch as well.
    The next day, Tsubasa and Hikaru went into work, their laptops open in front of them with their fingers click-click-clicking away. Both of their nails shone as the light hit them, Tsubasa’s being painted a soft purple with gold glitter, and Hikaru’s a deep blue with pink sparkles. Kyoya went into training and carefully didn’t chip his dark green with silver glitter painted nails as he did launch after launch.
    And if they happened to do their nails more often when they hung out now? Well, none of their friends commented on it more than a few nice compliments. 
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How to Act Like Massie Block
   We'll start with attitude, by far the most important aspect of being like Massie Block. If you only take one thing from this, remember that you must always show, radiate, and have CONFIDENCE! This means not pointing out your flaws to others, (ex: "My hair is so frizzy today!" or "Is this top cute? 'Cause I'm not sure...") having good posture and always looking straight ahead, (never at the ground) and not ever letting people know when you feel unsure of yourself or your opinions. Never appear to be upset. Don't cry or make comments about how "your life sucks." You must always make it seem as if you have everything together, and that your life is perfect, or else people will never idolize you. Even if you're majorly embarrassed about something, you have to just laugh it off and forget it (don't make it a big deal). You can never show weakness!  
 Another crucial part of your Massie transformation is looking the part. Massie is gorgeous. She has straight, extremely shiny brunette hair, about shoulder length, sparkling amber eyes, and perfect skin. You don't have to look exactly like this, (always choose the look that works best on you) but you must always appear your best.  
 Without a fabulous wardrobe, Massie would be nothing. Be a true fashionista and wear expensive clothes from stores/designers like BCBG, Coach, Juicy Couture, Ralph Lauren, Seven For All Mankind, Guess, Lacoste, C&C California, Marc Jacobs, Joie, True Religion, etc. Always dress to impress! Never leave the house in sweats and a T-shirt (unless they're Juicy!). Even if you can't afford uber-expensive clothes, make sure to always look pulled together and stylish, with coordinated accessories and cute shoes. Don't tell anyone where you got your cheaper clothes unless you have a social death wish! A final note on inexpensive clothes: don't ever wear anything that looks cheap. This means don't go for the Wal-Mart or Target look when you can be buying low-priced (and way cuter) clothing from Forever 21 or Wet Seal. Oh, and no too tight/too big tacky clothing please. Wear stuff that fits you and looks good. Not sure? Get a second opinion. Make sure your underwear/bras are cute, too, from stores like Victoria's Secret or underglam.com. Trust me, people do notice in the locker room when you're changing. Never wear the same outfit more than once every two weeks or more: if you double up, people will think that you are thrifty and don't have very many clothes...and we wouldn't want them to think that, would we? No.  
 Massie is the queen bee. Popular. Worshipped. And how does she do this? By looking fabulous, having the right attitude, and establishing her dominance by using intimidation. Get together a clique of the prettiest and most fashionable girls in the school, 3-4 others. Make sure you are their leader. Your beta (second in command) should be the most loyal. The other girls should also be loyal and reliable; make sure you have at least one nice-ish girl to keep the peace in your clique. If you don't all get along, you will never rule. It's all about unity. This doesn't mean you can't boss them around though--it's what Massie would do! Test the waters by starting off really nice, then gradually getting a bit harsher. If they stick with you, you'll know you have 'em forever. Lighten up a bit if they start to stray. Make sure people are somewhat scared/intimidated by you, so that you know they'll do whatever you want. Be totally snobby to the losers at your school (a.k.a. basically everyone outside your group). Chances are, you'll be so fabulous by then, it will only make them idolize you more.  
 You must be thin to maintain your social status! This means very little or no fatty/sugary foods like chips, soda, candy, fried chicken, pizza, etc. It's a tough sacrifice to make, but well worth it in the long run! Work out regularly on a treadmill, doing crunches, squats, or playing the specified sports below. Chew sugarless gum. Never be too skinny or develop an eating disorder. Not only will many rumors be circulated about you, but you could even die from it!
   Get super shiny hair by using shine shampoo, (such as Citré Shine or Brilliant Brunette Shine-Release) shine serum or spray, (know your limit--don't use too much or your hair will look greasy) and rinsing out your conditioner with cool water (as cold as you can stand it!). Straighten your hair with a good-quality flat iron and consult hair magazines or a hair stylist to find the best cut for your face (but never shorter than shoulder length!).  
 If you desire brown eyes, (and you don't have 'em) experiment with color contacts.  
 Achieve your best skin by washing your face morning and night with a good cleanser (Clean & Clear works great) and exfoliating and moisturizing daily. If you have dry skin, wash your face once per day and use more moisturizer; if you have more oily skin, skip the moisturizer. When you're drying your face, remember to pat, not rub, (rubbing pulls the skin and causes wrinkles). If you have bad acne that cannot be fixed by this skincare regimen, see a dermatologist.  
 Now for make-up...it can do so much for your face, turning you from plain to perfect in a matter of minutes. But be careful not to wear too much--you want to be like Massie, not Nina! Wear an eyeshadow in a natural color like brown, gold, or beige, (or whatever subtle color compliments your eye color) thinly line your eyes with a black or brown eyeliner, add a coat or two of blackish-brown mascara, and conceal all of your blemishes with the right shade and amount of concealer. It's also very important to remember your lip gloss--Massie would never leave home without hers! Buy a variety of different good-smelling flavors and bring them everywhere you go.  
  Make sure your teeth are bright-white and perfect. If your teeth are crooked, use "Invisiline" rather than getting braces (a lot more attractive!). Whiten your teeth with laser procedures or Crest Whitestrips. Brush at least twice a day with whitening toothpaste, and remember to floss!
   Get a super cute dog (the smaller the better) such as a Chihuahua or a Pug, in black, light brown, or honey color (they're the cutest). You can also get a kitty; they're ah-dorable, too. Tell your pet everything, (yes, you can talk to her about your insecurities!) and love her as your child. Dress her in the cutest fashions, (this works best if you have a dog) and take her on walks in the evening with your Louis Vuitton leash.  
 Use words like "ah-mazing," "ah-dorable," and "ah-nnoying". Say "ehmagawd!" when you're shocked, surprised, or excited about something. When something is well-known and "ah-bvious" to you, say, "Given!". When you have the same opinion as someone, say, "Ah-greed". When something someone says strikes you as reasonable, say, "Point!" and draw an imaginary "1" with your finger if you desire.  
 Have the best and biggest room. Go with Massie and have everything be white, no exceptions! Make sure you have a queen-size bed, (you are one, right?) an Apple computer, a giant walk-in closet to store all your ah-mazing clothes, and a leather chaise by your bay window to have long phone conversations and brush your pet before going to bed. Vanilla scented candles are a nice touch, too. Have everyone refer to your room as the "iPad".  
 Sports are luh-ame unless they are something classy and don't involve getting dirty like Tennis, Horse-back Riding, or Volleyball. And shopping, of course!
    Purple is the official color of royalty. Therefore it's your favorite color. Wear it, love it, decorate everything from books and pens to your cell phone with it (purple rhinestones, of course!).  
 Speaking of cell phones, you need one! It's the perfect way to stay updated on gossip and keep in contact with your friends. Make sure you have a texting plan so that you your clique can silently dish about stuff in class, detention, wherever! Cover it in Swarovski crystals and bring it everywhere you go.  
 Get together a carpool with your clique. Taking the bus is so ew!  
 Wear a charm bracelet with charms such as a shoe, Eiffel Tower, dog or cat, (whichever you have) star, and most importantly, a crystal-encrusted crown! Make sure the charm bracelet is gold, and never have any of the charms be silver (tacky much?). Buy it from Tiffany if you have the money.
   Always have your fingernails and toenails perfectly manicured! I highly suggest a french tip for fingernails, because it coordinates so well with everything. Have them done at a fancy salon with your clique afterschool or on a weekend for a fun activity.  
 Throw a fabulous party to increase your popularity. Invite everyone.  
 You must always be prepared with a witty comeback for if, on some rare occasion, a wannabe insults you. One of my favorite Massie-style ones is, "Did I invite you to my barbecue?...Then why are you all up in my GRILL?" Consult the Clique books for some other great ones, or make some up yourself. Never let anyone get the best of you or think that they have won. Remember that YOU are in charge. YOU make the rules.  
 It helps to have an AIM account, or MSN, you'll need it to keep in touch with you friends one-on-one!  
 The magazines Teen Vogue, ElleGirl, and Lucky are your bible. Read them religiously(but not in a creepy way...)
   Be prepared to receive some backlash from the people that wish they were you. In other words, the jealous people. They may spread some pretty nasty stuff about you, but respond with something positively catty (your beta will help) to show them who's really the boss.
   There may be occasions where controversy arises in your clique. Like a power-trip, where a girl in your clique suddenly wants the throne. Start by putting her in her place by telling her off in the hallway (preferably with many people around). If she still doesn't get the hint, kick her out the group and recruit someone new. Chances are, she'll come crawling back, begging for forgiveness. Let her back in after a little while, and ditch the temporary.
   Many people will probably think you're a mean person. But they'll still love you, and wish they were just like you (they'll love to hate you). This is inevitable if you want to be on top like Massie. You'll get used to it.
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
A story by heroes and villains
Janus Anker: identity
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To be a teenager is to learn more about yourself. But does it have to be all at once?
Please leave a comment on this one? I usually don't ask but I would really like feedback on this one.
Summer before freshmen year, Janus was a wreck.
He always kind of hated the way he looked. But lately there were days where he didn’t even like to look at the normal half of his body. When nothing in his closet felt comfortable. The first day of summer, he went over to the neighbor’s house to hang out with Virgil. He was having a bad day and needed his friend. “Janus. Good to see you my boy,” Virgil’s dad greeted as he opened the door. Janus forced a smile. “Hi uncle Lo. Is Virgil up yet?” he asked. “He’s in his room. You know the way,” uncle Logan told him kindly. Janus nodded and rushed up the stairs. He opened the door to Virgil’s bedroom and froze. Virgil was standing in front of his mirror a pen in his hand and his hoodie and t-shirt on the bed. He looked up and smiled at him. Why was his hair purple? And since when did he do his eyeshadow so immaculate? Did he paint his nails purple too? Was that lipstick? And why was there an intricate pattern running up his arm, over his shoulder and fading out at his chest? “What do you think? Looks pretty sick right?” he asked as he showed off his work. Janus wasn’t sure which part of Virgil’s drastically changed appearance he meant. But it looked very… very… God he could not be having a gay panic right now. Not with Virgil. He’d never had a crush before! He never cared for any of the girls in class. Not in the way Virgil sometimes expressed interest in them. Like Anna from their class. Virgil had had a small crush on her at the start of last year. Out of curiosity Janus had asked what it was like. To see if maybe he was crushing on someone without realizing it. Sadly Virgil’s explanation hadn’t brought an epiphany. Which made this even more confusing. If he was simply gay and crushing on Virgil this whole time, then he should have realized it then right? He’d known him all his life! He didn’t feel like this last week though. He forced himself to drop that train of thought. He wasn’t here for any of this. “Yeah. Looks good. Though I doubt uncle Lo will let you actually get a tattoo. Ever,” he said, trying to play it cool. Virgil chuckled and nodded as he tossed the pen on his desk and put on his shirt and hoodie. The latter was new. Black with purple patches. It looked hand made. In a good way. Janus couldn’t focus on it though. He was still reeling from the unexpected rush of feelings that had just been dumped on him.
Maybe it was just because Virgil had looked so different? Some sort of shock? That must be it. Right? Anyway it was mostly over now and he was back to feeling wrong in his own skin. “I know, but I wanted to try it out anyway. I’ll wash it off later. After I take a picture.” Virgil then studied Janus’ face. “One of those days?” he guessed. Janus nodded. He’d never been able to express to Virgil how it felt exactly. But his friend managed to make him feel better anyway. He’d help him relax by messing around with his hair or helping him pick something nice to wear. Or some general self-care stuff. “I’ve got just the thing. Sit down I’ll be right back.” Janus proceeded to throw himself face first on Virgil’s bed, doing his best not to think back to the fake tattoo he had drawn. Or not the part where it made him feel things anyway. Virgil was good at art. Good enough to make others envious, or make people try and get something from him. Janus felt his stomach twist in knots at the mere thought of it. Virgil was too kind to deny anyone if they’d ask. It would be very hard to keep him safe in high school though, when they weren’t guaranteed to be together for every class. Janus had been thinking a lot about ways he could protect them from bullies and fake friends. The best he could come up with was seem scarier and stick together. The coward was going to scare off the bullies. Janus was very aware of how ridiculous that sounded. He was going to try though. And then there was still the matter of Roman Castile. That pompous brat never stopped trying to get Virgil to trust him and steal him away. Janus still couldn’t figure out why he went through so much effort. Was it because he didn’t get told ‘no’ often? Was Virgil a challenge? Roman couldn’t possibly really know or appreciate the kind of person Virgil was. So what was the plan? “Get up. I can’t work my magic if you hide away like that,” Virgil instructed as he entered the room once again dropping something on the bed. Janus sighed and sat up. “Give me your hand. We’re doing make overs,” Virgil instructed as he got on the bed with him. Janus was about to protest, but Virgil had that look. There was no arguing. “Fine,” he sighed. Virgil took his hand and started doing his nails with a golden polish. “I bought this one for detailing,” he explained. Janus looked at Virgil’s hand and saw there were little stars in the purple polish. He couldn’t help a smile. It looked pretty. Virgil had started using make up the last few months. Just some dark smudges under his eyes and black polish on his nails to look extra edgy. Maybe the new look held the same intention? A high school upgrade? With a little detail to hint at a softer nature for those who looked close. “You’re in the mood for makeovers today,” he observed. Virgil chuckled. “I suppose,” he nodded as he blew over Janus’ nails, finishing of his right hand. “Next,” he instructed. Janus gave him his left hand, holding his right up so nothing could mess up the still wet paint. “What’s with all the shades of purple anyway?” he asked. “Just felt right,” Virgil muttered casually as he finished off Janus’ other hand. “There,” he stated satisfied as he let go. Janus shook both hands for a bit trying to get them dry. “We’ll find the look that feels right for you too. Just you wait,” Virgil assured him as he dug through the bag Janus had heard him put down earlier. “What are you planning?” he asked. “Relax, I’m not going to make you go home with a face full of make-up. We’re just trying something different okay?” Virgil assured him. Janus let out a sigh and nodded. He trusted him. “I wouldn’t go for a dark lipstick for you. It looks cool but it’s… Not something even I would want for an everyday look. And the goal is making you feel good not shock you,” he joked. Janus’ eyes fell to Virgil’s lips as he mentioned lipstick. The dark color made every movement stand out even more. They looked very kissable. And that brought Janus mind to a screeching halt. The image of kissing his best friend made him feel all sorts of ways. But not quite the way Virgil once described. He felt nervous and excited, and flustered. But not… Not love. He didn’t think of sweet nothings and dates and holding hands. Or he did, because part of him wanted to run those down to figure out if this was a crush. But none of that fit how he felt about Virgil. The thought of it was just weird to him. Virgil was movie nights and stupid jokes and teasing. But also kissing. Apparently. Suddenly he was yanked out of his thoughts by Virgil carefully taking hold of his face. For a second he thought Virgil’s mind had gone to the same place his had. But when his eyes shot up to V’s they were just amused. “Relax. And stop biting your lip. I haven’t even done anything and you’re already trying to ruin my masterpiece.” “Sorry,” Janus muttered. Relieved that Virgil had no clue what just happened. What was wrong with him? “It’s fine,” Virgil assured him as he started applying whatever color he’d decided on to Janus’ lips. It did not help with his crisis. And it was just a stellar crisis to have when the object of your attraction was literally holding your face and had his lips a breath away from yours. “There. Now, I’m going to need you to trust me for a sec here,” Virgil warned ominously. Clearly having fun. Janus couldn’t help a chuckle. Now that Virgil wasn’t so close anymore the attraction subsided to a not all consuming level and he could kind of enjoy the fact that Virgil was trying to make him feel like a movie star or whatever he was going for here. “Do I have a choice in the matter?” he asked dryly. Virgil chuckled. Janus thought back to how Virgil had said that Anna’s laugh made his heart skip, back when he liked her. But while the sound made Janus feel comfortable and happy, his heart did nothing special. He was just happy and relaxed because the sound was familiar and safe. “You have a point,” Virgil agreed. “Close your eyes for me.” Janus did as he was told. Virgil’s hand was on his face once more and he could feel his breath drift over him. The fact that he couldn’t see a thing as a brush drifted over his eyelids only intensified the new feelings. “Did you know the principle of our high school is childhood friends with uncle Thomas?” ‘Uncle’ Thomas was an old school friend of Uncle Logan. Janus had met him a few times over the years. He was a nice guy. If a bit high energy. “Really?” he asked a little surprised. “Yeah. Joan Stokes. They use they/them pronouns. According to uncle Thomas.” Janus couldn’t help the confused frown. “What do you mean?” he asked. “They’re non binary. They don’t identify as a man or a woman. Like they were born in a male body, but their gender is not male or female.” “People can do that?” Janus asked. “Just decide they aren’t what they are?” “That’s not it. Uncle Thomas says that Mx. Stokes… Mx. Is the neutral version of Mr. or Mrs. by the way… Anyway he said that they are their authentic selves. They were always non binary. They just didn’t know it until they were in their teens or something. I looked it up. There are people who are born in a male body but discover they are female later in life. Like. It’s proven that their brains even work more like that of a female. And the other way around can happen too. So why wouldn’t there be people who are in between?” Janus tried to wrap his head around it. Being a man but not being a man… or a woman. “So is… are they…? Did I say that right?” It felt kind of weird. He’d never heard of this until now. “That was exactly right.” Janus could swear he heard some pride in Virgil’s voice. “Okay, so are they both or neither?” he asked. Virgil’s hand stilled. “You know… I didn’t ask. Hm… I suppose… Maybe it depends on your perspective?” he mused as he continued working. “Look up for a bit please,” Virgil muttered. Janus opened his eyes and felt Virgil start applying some eye liner. “I don’t have mascara, so I’m almost done,” he told him. Janus felt relieved. He was enjoying this, truly. And he was curious to find out how he looked. But he also needed some distance between himself and Virgil. And maybe some time to try to look up what all of these feelings were about. Because he wanted to know what this thing was that threatened his friendship with Virgil. Was this a crush? If it was, then why didn’t he feel any of the stuff he was supposed to feel. Except for a very dumb and dangerous wish to kiss his best friend. “And done! Turn around I’m going to fix your hair a bit.” Janus sighed and turned to face the window. He’d let his hair grow the past few years. It came past his shoulders now and he liked the way it looked. He usually wore it up to the side. But Virgil liked to play around with it sometimes. And Janus secretly liked it when he did. “Okay so I’m not going too wild here. I’m keeping it simple,” Virgil assured him as he started brushing Janus’ hair. Janus hummed in acknowledgement, already lost in the feeling of the brush. This was relaxing. And over much too soon. “Done!” Virgil announced as he hopped off the bed. Suddenly Janus was dragged in front of the mirror. “Well, you look hot, if I do say so myself.” Janus was so shocked that he barely registered the complement. He looked… The person in the mirror was… That was him… If he forgot about his clothes for a minute and just looked at his face. The feeling of wrongness was gone. In it’s place was a strange sort of euphoria. “Is this a good speechless or a bad speechless?” Virgil wondered. Janus was pulled away from marveling at how Virgil had managed to go for a natural look in spite of his birthmarks making it harder to pick a color that looked good on both sides. He wanted to hug him. Thank him for making him look beautiful. He'd never appreciated the shape of his eyes until Virgil made them stand out. His lips looked elegant and full. And now it was down, Jan's hair framed his face so nicely. Virgil was amazing. But when he looked at him, the euphoria subsided. Slowly replaced by dread. He looked like a girl. He realized. If he switched out his clothes a little, he could easily be mistaken for a girl… and he liked looking like this. This was too much. Did Virgil know that this would happen? Was that the point of bringing up pronouns? Was this a test? He couldn’t let him know. He wasn’t ready. He didn’t even know what there was to know. He needed time. “You are getting way to good at this. I almost didn't realize it was me,” he said while he was trying to find an excuse to get the make-up of and go home. Virgil smiled. “I'll take that as a complement. It looks good on you. Thanks for letting me try it out,” he offered as he went back to his bag. “I’ve got some sponges to clean up. Dad wouldn't care, but I get it if you don't feel like explaining that we're just messing around.” Janus relaxed a little at that. Virgil didn’t know. Good. He accepted the sponge and with a heavy heart went to the bathroom to clean up. He left his hair down though, finding a little comfort in that. He also left his nails as they were. When he got back Virgil was sitting cross legged on the bed sketching. He looked up and smiled. Janus smiled back and let himself drop in his usual spot. He probably should go. But if he hurried home now, it would be even more suspicious. And as long as they didn’t get too close again, he could ignore at least half of his crisis. “Hey, I’m probably not going to use the lipstick or most of the eyeshadow anymore. You think your mom can use it?” Virgil wondered absentmindedly after a few minutes of comfortable silence. Janus shrugged. “I'll ask her. You sure? Isn't make-up very expensive?” “It’s all either sale or stuff Uncle Thomas gave to me. One of his friends is a make-up artist who gets stuff like that all the time for free. and I wanted to experiment,” Virgil explained casually. “But like I said I’m not a lipstick kind of emo and other than black, purple and maybe blue I don't think I’ll use any of the eyeshadow.” Janus nodded. “Sure.” He didn’t mention that he might make his own selection first. To test out if it was just novelty that made him feel good, or if he was really… a she. Virgil put the sketchbook aside and got out of bed digging through the bag. He put a bunch of stuff on his desk before coming back and handing the bag over. “I’ll need the bag back though. Have her select what she likes and do with the rest whatever you want.” Janus nodded as he accepted the bag. They listened to music for a while, Virgil sketching absentmindedly. “Is being with a man who’s actually a woman gay?” Janus wondered out loud all of a sudden. Virgil looked up. “Does it matter?” he asked. “I mean… A little?” Janus didn’t know how to explain where the question came from. He knew. But he couldn’t say without giving himself away… herself? No. He was not ready to try out the pronoun. Not even in his mind. “Well… I don’t know… Do you mean someone who’s born male but identifies as female?” Janus nodded. “And we’re talking about us as guys right?” Janus nodded again. “Then. If they identify as female, it’s not gay I suppose. They’re a woman. At least that’s what I got from what I looked up. I didn’t do a whole indebt study.” Janus hummed absentmindedly. “I don’t know if I could make out with someone who’s like that,” he admitted. He didn’t mean to sound insensitive. He might be ‘someone like that’ himself. It just felt all so complicated and confusing right now. He didn’t know what to think. He wouldn’t know for sure until he was put in that position. He thought back to the past few years and his failed attempts at trying to feel interested in girls the way Virgil was. He thought he was just picky. That he needed to be really into someone to even consider putting his mouth on theirs. And the argument could be made that this was true for Virgil too. But he only liked him as a friend. Not as someone he wanted to start a family with. Though he could imagine them jokingly making a pact to settle with each other if they were still single when they turned 30 or something like that. Could people just want to kiss someone without being in love? They did that right? One night stands and all that stuff happened all the time. If they could not be a guy or a girl, or be the opposite of what they were born as. Or seemed to be born as at first glance. His head was spinning. He had too much to think about. “Well, I don’t think I’d care. If I like them, and they’re cute. Then I’d be down I think…” Once again Janus hummed vaguely. It was a bit of a relief. One less thing to worry about for him. They sat in silence after that, listening to music. Virgil sketching, Janus trying to compile a plan. When Virgil was called in for lunch Janus left for his house. He had made a decision. He had lunch with his dad, his mom was at work and his dad had to go present a project. Which meant that by some miracle, Janus would have the house to himself. A rare occurrence. Normally he’d invite Virgil over. But this time, he needed some time for himself. He took the make-up bag up and then dug through his mother’s closet. He took out a skirt and a shirt that sat loose so he wouldn’t ruin them. He wasn’t going to take risks with her shoes. He’d have to make due. Once in his room he searched the bag for the right colors. They’d been shades of yellow and brown, he recalled. He saw that Virgil had kept the eyeliner, which made sense. Virgil wore it almost daily. It was fine. This was just an experiment anyway. He wasn’t as good as Virgil. He figured out that he had used slightly different shades, or blended or something on either eye to make up for the different skin tones. He didn’t get it exactly right but close enough. He’d borrowed his mother’s mascara and prayed he was putting it on right. He put on a shade of lipstick that looked close enough to the one Virgil used, wishing he’d paid more attention to what he said rather than panic about how much he wanted to kiss him in that moment. In any case he was done with his make-up. It wasn’t until he was about to put on his mother’s shirt that he realized he probably should have started with the clothes and ended with the hair and make-up. Live and learn. Very carefully, he put on the shirt and then the skirt. He closed his eyes as he stepped in front of the full length mirror glued to his closet door. He took a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s just… try,” he whispered to himself. He opened his eyes… She looked great. Virgil had done a better job, but still. The outfit was… It helped. Janus felt a giddy laugh escape. She played with her hair and held out her hand as if she was greeting someone. “Hi,” she said, making her voice higher. “I’m… Janice. Nice to meet you.” Janice. Familiar but more fitting. Her heart was racing, her stomach in knots. Now this was closer to what Virgil described as falling in love. She was just so happy to meet herself. The pronoun felt much less scary in the privacy of her own room. She was going to have to do more research. Why was she only starting to feel this way now? What was that thing with Virgil earlier? Why did she only feel bad about her body on some days and others she was completely fine with being Janus. Was that normal? But for this moment she let herself be happy. Everything else could wait just a bit longer. The rest of summer, Janus did every chore they could. Their parents and uncle Lo had implemented a system that allowed Virgil and Janus to raise their allowance if they did chores. It was meant to teach them that a good work ethic got rewarded or something along those lines, Janus was sure. But all they cared about was that they’d be able to buy themself some make up and an outfit to wear when they needed it. They were still a mess. The good news was, they now knew why. They were gay. That much was clear. Or well they were exclusively into men. But after talking in some online chat groups, they’d figured out that they weren’t a trans woman, as they’d initially thought. They were, in fact, gender fluid. Some days, he was just Janus. Other days she was more comfortable as Janice. They were okay with they/them on any given day. That is, they’d figured that out in their head. But they weren’t out to anyone yet. They were terrified of telling any adult in their life. Even if they were fairly sure that Uncle Lo, at the very least, was fine with the whole gender thing. But still. They wanted to tell Virgil so badly. But… There was one more thing they’d figured out  that they weren’t ready to share. They were aromantic. Or at least on that spectrum. So… They did and didn’t have a crush on Virgil. There was definitely, attraction they felt for the boy now sitting next to them in the car, singing loudly with them to the songs of one of their favorite bands as they were headed off for a weekend in New York for a P!ATD concert. They were having fun. It was a Janus day, so they felt okay when Uncle Lo and Virgil used male pronouns and stuff like that. Virgil grinned at him. “You better be prepared, I’m going to make you fit in with the crowd tomorrow,” he promised. Janus rolled their eyes and laughed. Setting in the next song with him. About an hour later they got to their hotel. “We have two adjacent rooms. I trust you boys can be responsible enough to be left to your own devices after dinner?” Uncle Lo asked sternly. Virgil and Janus exchanged a glance. “You can trust that we won’t do anything that could make you decide to go back home tomorrow. Making us miss the concert.” Janus assured his honorary uncle, who chuckled. “Well, I suppose that is very sound reasoning. I’ll let you two unpack. We’ll have dinner in the hotel restaurant in an hour,” he reminded them. “Okay, dad,” Virgil grinned as he opened the door to their room and they brought in their luggage. Virgil dropped his as soon as he closed the door. He took a running start and flopped on the bed. Or beds. It was a two bed room, but the beds were pushed together. “This bed is awesome! You have to try this Jan!” Virgil’s tendency to shorten Janus’ name was actually a blessing on their feminine days. Janus smirked and dropped his bags too and dove onto the bed next to Virgil. Oh, they were soft and comfortable. “It’s going to be a pain pushing them apart,” they muttered. “Eh, worries for later,” Virgil said dismissively as he folded his arms behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. “I’m glad we get to do this. It feels like forever since we’ve just hung out you know?” Janus felt a little bad. They’d been very tense lately, which had put a damper on every time they’d visited Virgil or invited him over. They hoped things would get better soon. Once they got over their attraction, they could tell him everything. And then they could get back to normal. They just… Most of the time they were fine. But there were moments when Janus had a gay panic around Virgil and his instinctive reaction was to push away. Which obviously confused Virgil. And rightfully so. Rationally they knew that if they explained themselves, Virgil would understand he didn’t do anything wrong here and everything would be fine again. But they were afraid he’d be weirded out by it. He might be okay with their pronouns bouncing around the way they did. He might be okay with him being attracted to guys. And maybe even with him being aromatic… But him being attracted to him might be too much. “Yeah… Sorry. I’m just…” Janus tried to figure out how to explain some of what he’s going through. Virgil was his best friend. He should tell him. “Hey, I get it. High School has me pretty stressed out too. But even if we don’t have all classes together, there’s lunch, and we’ll see each other outside of school hours to. I mean, we live next to each other. There’s no getting rid of me.” He turned his head and smirked at Janus at the last part. Janus smiled a little. Feeling a little better knowing that Virgil had no intentions of leaving him behind. He never had turned away from him just because some other kids told him he could hang out with them. People had even stopped trying to separate them. With one annoying exception. But he wasn’t going to give that guy the satisfaction of taking up space in their summer. They stared at the ceiling for a while, just talking no sign of any awkwardness. They made it through a fun dinner and when they got back to the room they played a game of truth or dare. It was harmless stuff. Just acting silly and nothing too challenging. Until… “Janus, truth or dare?” Virgil chuckled as he sat down after dancing to ‘barbie girl’. “Dare,” Janus replied carelessly. “Okay… I dare you to…” Virgil bit his lip and played with his sleeve as he thought about a good challenge. Janus knew that these were nervous habits of his but they couldn’t dwell on it very much as suddenly Virgil smirked and leaned in. “I dare you to kiss me.” It was a joke. Very clearly he only meant to take Janus by surprise and tease them about their reaction. But Janus was tempted. He could do it. Kiss him like he’d wanted to and Virgil couldn’t be mad because he’d literally told him to do it. It was the only rule they had for this game. Don’t dare anyone to do something if you are not prepared for them to actually follow through. Because they could be competitive enough to do very dumb stuff just to prove a point. So… If he kissed him now, he could maybe finally get the thought out of their head. And try to gage Virgil’s reaction to see if he was ready for them to come out. They’d hesitated too long though. Virgil was falling back and chuckling. “Relax I was just joking. Besides I never specified where you had to kiss me or anything. No need to stress out about it. Though…” Virgil looked up at him with a thoughtful expression. “You’re pretty cute. I wouldn’t hate kissing you I suppose,” he smirked, making heat flood Janus’ body. He wouldn’t? “You know, if I had to,” he added as he stuck out his tongue. Janus felt his embarrassment turn into annoyance. Virgil had gotten into the habit of complementing him like that. Wrapped up in casual teasing. He couldn’t know that it got Janus’ hopes up and Janus knew that getting upset at him would only hurt them both. But he often found himself powerless to stop it. He tossed Virgil a pillow. “You’re impossible,” he huffed. Hoping Virgil wouldn’t spot the frustration in his tone. Which of course he did. “J?” he asked gently as he got up. Laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. Janus just curled in on himself, too embarrassed to face him. “Hey, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t mean anything with it okay?” Virgil assured him. “It’s just… I know you are kind of hung up on your skin sometimes… And you know I am terrible at expressing myself… All I wanted to do was like… Let you know I think you look cool and stuff. I know that it probably means nothing coming from me…” God, they were a terrible person. Virgil was trying his best to help them, to lighten the mood that plagued them even though they never let him in on what they were thinking. “You’re wrong,” they muttered into their knees. “It means a lot. It really does… I’m just being an ass hat,” they admitted. Virgil chuckled, their reply enough to let him relax it seemed. “Yeah, but I love ya anyway,” he assured them. There was a pause. “It’s getting late we should split the beds and get some sleep. Big day tomorrow,” Virgil noted. Janus uncurled themselves and nodded. They got up and each pulled one of the beds to the side. They dug through their suitcases for their PJs and Janus worried about whether it would be weird to go to the bathroom to get changed. In the past they just got dressed in front of one another when they stayed over. But that was all before… Before Janus could even finish their thoughts Virgil was heading to the bathroom. They relaxed, not even stopping to wonder why Virgil was suddenly shy about getting dressed in the same room as them. They just got dressed and in bed. They looked up when Virgil got back in the room. “Night J,” he bid as he turned off the lights. “Night V,” Janus replied. It took them a while to get to sleep. Try as they might they couldn’t keep themselves from imagining what it could’ve been like if they hadn’t hesitated. Those thoughts quickly turned to despair though. Virgil had never once expressed attraction to one of their male classmates. Not to mention that despite his whole broody aesthetic, their friend definitely wanted a romantic relationship. Their dreams were plagued with the fear of being found out and rejected. When they woke up Virgil was grinning down at them. Dressed and ready for the day. “Get up sleepy head. Time to get dressed. Breakfast is in one hour,” he informed them as he tossed them color shampoo. Right. They were going to be turned into a real emo kid for the concert today. Janus groaned and got up. Since when was Virgil a morning person? He was usually the last to fully wake up. He must be really looking forward to today. When they got into the bathroom they finally woke up enough to realize that not sleeping well wasn’t the only thing that had them feeling like crap. It was a Janice day. They let out a sigh and were grateful that they packed something they were comfortable in no matter how they felt for the concert. After their shower, they wrapped their hair up in a towel and pulled on the skinny jeans and the baggy band shirt Virgil gave them when he told them they were going to the concert. Apparently it being a few sizes to large added to the look. To Janice, it kind of felt as close as they dared to get to wearing a dress in public. “J? You done yet? Come on! I want to make you pretty!” Virgil’s teasing voice came through the door. Janice wished they could let their friend know how much they appreciated his make overs. “Yeah, I’m ready,” they replied, trying to sound slightly reluctant. Virgil got in with a grin, dragging a chair from the room along with him. He sat Janice down and dashed out of the room to get his make-up bag. When he returned his grin had not faded even a little. He immediately got to work. “You want to wear your hair down or up today?” he asked as he took out a hairdryer and started drying their hair for them. “Down,” Janice replied. Always down on Janice days. Virgil nodded. “Okay. I’m going to pull it out of the way for a bit though,” he informed them as he turned off the hairdryer and tied their hair together on the top of their head. “Close your eyes. It’s going to be a surprise,” he told them. Janice took a deep breath and relaxed as they closed their eyes. They felt Virgil apply something to their face with a sponge. Then a soft brush applied something powdery. Then he made quick work of their eyes and lips. “Okay. It should be warmed up now,” they heard Virgil murmur as he let down their hair again. Before they could ask they felt Virgil start to brush their hair. Pulling up locks and holding something warm against their scalp, moving upwards slowly. Wait was he… Straightening their hair? “Okay…” Virgil mused as he readjusted their shirt. “You can look.” Janice could hear the pride in Virgil’s voice. Clearly he was satisfied with the result. They opened their eyes and felt their mouth drop in awe. “Tragically beautiful I’d say,” Virgil smirked. Their birthmarks… They were gone. Or hidden at least. “What do you think?” Virgil pressed, sounding a little nervous. “It looks great,” they agreed. The waves were out of their hair and the black color actually looked pretty good. Their eyes and lips were accented with dark make-up. They looked good. A little sad but… Also cute? Virgil had rearranged their shirt. Janice had tried to center it, but Virgil had made it so that one of their shoulders was bare. They had never felt this good about how they looked on a Janice day while there were others around. “Awesome. Give me a minute to fix myself and then we’ll head to breakfast,” Virgil told them, clearly relieved that they liked their look. Uncle Lo was okay with Janice’s make over as soon as Virgil assured him that the color wouldn’t stick. And even that was probably only because he didn’t want Janice’s parents to get upset about it. They spent the day sightseeing. Janice got addressed as ‘miss’ at a few stores and while he and Virgil chuckled about it, in secret Janice was very happy with those instances. The concert itself was amazing. For a little bit they could pretend that they didn’t have massive secrets and that things would be okay.
everything to lose
@moonlightshow00​ @naturallyunstablegamer​ @alias290​ @meowthefluffy​ @frida0043​ @angelic-cali​ @selenechris​ @theblackveilinreverse​ @cirishere​ @hestianerd1​
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nightashes · 4 years
Virgil’s Self-Care Day
A/N: Inspired by @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes post. This fic is just utter silliness and fluff. No plot in sight.
Summary: "A fluffy fic where Virgil actually loves himself" Otherwise known as "Virgil has regular self-care days and the others join in."
Warnings: Food
Ao3 version - writing masterlist
The day begins with Virgil’s eyes snapping open. A smile spread across his face as he thinks of what day it is, the third Sunday of the month (otherwise known as Virgil’s self-care day.) He flings his covers off, springing from bed with a wide stretching grin. His alarm sounds a minute later and a song from Evanescence, his favorite band, begins blasting through his room. Virgil smirks at his phone.
“Sorry, bud, but your gonna have to be a little faster to beat me. I’m just too good for you.”
Was it weird to talk to his phone? Maybe. Did he care? Absolutely not. 
Virgil takes a quick shower. His skin buzzing with excitement. Jumping out he speeds around his room throwing on his favorite ripped pants, combat boots, and for a change of pace he pulls out his Christmas sweater. The one that was made for him by Patton and Roman. Gosh, did he love those dorks. 
Yes. Today was a great day. The thought came again and again. He just couldn’t get it out of his head. Nor did he want to. For today was his self-care day. A day just for him to spend doing what he loves best and hanging out with the people he cares for more than anything in this world. He studies his face in the mirror. A day like this deserves some extra special eye shadow. Maybe something even a little more.
Shifting through the makeup on the top of his dresser, the varying types of eyeshadow, mascara, highlighters, and lipsticks. For a day like this, a special day, would require some extra special care and attention. A foundation pale enough to make any vampire swoon. A purple lipstick dark enough for even his Gothic soul. And a smokey eye that was well... smoking. Yeah. Virgil was rocking it today.
Stepping back, he surveys his completed work. Brushing his hair to lay just in such a way as to cast shadows over his face, increasing his spooky vibes by ten. No one could deny (not even Roman) that being scary was just plain fun. 
 Speaking of the others, it was time for breakfast. Virgil bounds down the stairs, recipes he had searched for the night before buzzing in his head. This was going to be good. Logan was already in the kitchen making his morning cup of coffee. He looked up in shock at Virgil not only being awake this early, but also being so chipper about it. The thought disappeared as the pieces clicked together in his mind. And of course they would. Logan was just that smart. 
“Self-care day, Virgil?”
“Self-care day.” Virgil smiles in response. “So pancakes? Or eggs and sausages? Maybe cinnamon rolls? Oh, I found a recipe for a quiche! What do you think?”
“As this day is for you and not I, I think it would be best to hold my opinions to myself and support your choice. Even if some of those choices are sorely lacking in nutritional value.”
“Quiche it is.” Virgil can’t help but appreciate Logan’s comment. The others always go the extra mile to make sure that he puts himself first on his self-care day. They truly do care about him.
Virgil begins pulling out all the ingredients from the fridge and cabinets, summoning whatever they don’t have. He mixes the wet ingredients (quiches sure do have a lot of eggs), folds in the veggies and extra goodies, and pours it all into the ready-made crust. Just in time for the oven to beep, letting him know that it was ready to go. Sliding the tray in with ease, Virgil leans back against the counter to appreciate this moment. Breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth in a semi-meditative state.
Patton speaks up from behind him, “Oh, is it your self-care day already?”
Virgil turns to see Patton already beginning to clean up the mess he had made baking. 
“Leave that for me, Pat. I can handle it.”
“Virgil, if you’re baking for us. It’s only fair that I clean up after you.”
“Thanks, Popstar. You’re pretty cool.”
“Am I ice cold?” Patton throws back.
“Colder than Antarctica.” 
“Awww, that’s pretty cold there, Mister. So what’s cooking, or should I say baking?”
Virgil chuckles out. “A quiche.”
“Sounds wonderful. And what are your plans for today?”
 “Oh, I have some ideas. But I think I’ll just let the wind carry me, you know.”
“Something smells great. Whatever is in the oven is fit for a king.” Roman calls as he shuffles down the stairs, still in his crown pajamas. “Oh, Virgil!” He calls seeing the two shuffling around the kitchen. “I am looving that lipstick, I was hoping your self-care day was soon. I have a wonderful idea for what you can do to tick off your ‘spending time outside’ box. That is if you are willing?”
“Depends on whatever the idea actually is, Princey.” 
“Well, picture this. The imagination. Flower fields. I know not spooky enough. But instead of the usual, I take you to see the new Deadly and Poisonous Plants and Flowers Exhibit. Made by yours truly just for you, Mr. Dark and Cheery.”
“Dark and cheery? Geez.” Virgil smirks at the nickname. “Yeah. Sure. I guess it sounds kinda cool.”
“Excellent! Just knock on my door when you’re ready. Now please tell me whatever you are baking is almost done! I swear that smell is making my mouth water.”
“In just a moment.”
And so after a family breakfast, where everyone made sure to compliment the quiche. Virgil had to say, it really was a good recipe. The group separated. Roman and Patton went to get ready. Logan insisted on cleaning up the table, since Pat and Virgil had done everything else. And Virgil sprawled himself across the couch, earbuds in and music on. 
Virgil often called this time his “be like a cat hour.” Where he would lazily stretch out, taking as much space as he needed, and just spend an hour listening to his favorite songs and scrolling through his favorite Tumblr tags. It was a moment of pure bliss. Just an hour, where he could just be with himself and enjoy the moment. But like all things, the hour had to come to an end. And so with a heavy heart, he stretched out one last time, refusing to abandon the calm atmosphere of the moment, and rolled himself off the couch. He landed on the floor with an umpf. Blinking up at the ceiling, his mind slowly coming back online and thought through all of the options for what he could do next. Roman’s offer naturally came to mind. And so not a moment later, Virgil shuffled off to knock on the prince’s star-studded door, star-studded in that it was literally covered in sparkling stars. Virgil even recognized a few from that weirdly echoey mind palace that Roman had created during the Growing Up video.
He knocked once, twice, and before his fist could land a third time. The door swung open to reveal, a panting Roman with windswept hair. His pajamas finally replaced with his prince attire. “Ready, for the best self-care day you will ever experience.”
“I mean a self-care day isn’t really supposed to be a competition-”
“Just, come in. I have so much to show you.” Roman swings the door open, sweeping his arms through the air. “The imagination awaits.”
And so together, Dark and Stormy with Bright and Rosy made their way into the imagination. Walking across rolling hills, past a bustling town and castle, and to a wide expanse of meadows stretching across the west territory. 
“Gardening has become a bit of a hobby of mine. And I get to grow so many nice flowers to gift to you and the others. Did you notice Patton’s flower crown the other day? Forget-me-knots, lily-of-the-valleys, and some daisies. All grown right here. Of course, I knew that wouldn’t interest you. So I was determined to cultivate a field of the strange and mysterious. Right over here.” Roman’s voice is loud and booming. His chest puffed out with obvious pride as he leads the anxious side deeper and deeper into the gardens. Across the twisting and turning paths until they stop at the edge of something right out of an Addams family movie. A knotted and scarred tree takes center stage with ivy growing up the twisted bark. The ground around the specimen is filled with black roses, deadly nightshade, oleander, hemlock, and varying types of thorny bushes.The path through the garden is scorched ground, as if Roman had created it by directing lightning strikes.
“Roman, this is actually pretty cool. How’d did you do this?”
“C’mon Virge, you can create anything with a little creativity.”
Virgil snorts at the cheesy answer. “Right sure. Just show me around.”
“Well, right done here, you will see a dried out fountain. And over there is a small cemetery. Nothing is actually buried there, but I thought you’d appreciate the aesthetic. There’s even a murder of crows that hang out there now.”
“Ah yes, my people, we do love to hang out in cemeteries and caw at the moon.”
“Oh, so you caw at the moon?”
“Do you doubt me?”
“No. no. How could I doubt someone who has shown they love to hiss as a way of communication? In fact, there’s a mini moon that floats above this garden just for you. Why don’t you go and caw at it now.”
“You think you can embarrass me into not cawing at the moon. Oh, Princey, Princey, Princey... You have no idea what you just started. Brethren crows!” Virgil calls to the birds settled amongst the tombstones. “The moon awaits us, let us caw!” And then the dark and stormy side runs off into the cemetery, flapping his arms and literally cawing at the moon. 
Roman looks on, his mouth dropped, as his feeble mind tries to process the true magnificence that is Virgil cawing while the crows are flying around his head joining in his song. Some even land on his outstretched arms as if he were the Crow King and they were his humble subjects.
Virgil finishes his call with a wave of his arms, as the entire murder takes flight. Their bodies covering the mini moon as they fly off into the “night” sky darkening the already overcast garden. And the anxious side turns to his companion, a devilish smirk on his features as he delights in Roman’s flabbergasted expression. 
“What’s wrong, Princey? Is my pure Halloween spirit too much for you?”
The creative side’s face immediately switches to a look of pure mischievousness. “Oh, you asked for it now. I’m going to tell all the sides all about your Halloween spirit.” He announces as he runs back through the garden heading towards the door to the imagination.
Virgil smirk only grows into a full-fledged Cheshire grin. “The hunt is on.” And then he is gone, sprinting after the creative side, his lanky form racing through the gardens, jumping over any obstacles. Barreling after the man who dares to try and best him.
Needless to say, Logan and Patton were both entirely shocked when Roman came rushing into the commons. Breathless and with windswept hair, gasping for words, only to be tackled by a cackling Virgil with murder in his eyes. The two dissolving into giggles as Roman fights to speak. “Logan… Patton… Virgil and… and the crows… and…” 
Virgil manages to pin Roman to the ground, fighting to keep his laughter at a manageable level. He growls at his friend. “You’ve been caught by the Crow King. Prepare to perish!” A black permanent marker appearing in his hand. 
Roman pales at the sight. “Virgil, wait. no. I’m sorry.”
Patton gasps at the sight. “Please, Virgil. He’s too young. He’s just a boy.”
“That doesn’t excuse him of his crimes. I am only doing what is just.”
“My beautiful face!” Roman bemoans as the marker meets skin.
Virgil is cackling.
Patton is clutching his heart.
And Logan… Well, Logan is just rolling his eyes.
“There.” The anxious side stands, releasing Roman from his grasp. “The deed is done.”
“What did he do?” Roman asks, desperately feeling around his face. “What did he write? Quick, a mirror! Someone get me a mirror.”
Patton manifests a mirror, passing it over to the panicking prince. “It’s okay. I’m here for you.”
Roman grips tightly onto the fatherly side’s hand. “Thank you, Patton.” He slowly raises the mirror with his other. Bringing it ever closer to his face to read the words written in bold across his forehead and cheeks ‘The Crow King Was Here.’
“My face. My poor beautiful face.” Roman waxes to the unforgiving world. 
Meanwhile Virgil merely chuckles evilly. “You can’t embarrass me, Roman. I always win. That’s why I’m the king and you’re the prince.”
“Are we done now?” Logan asks with a look as if he and he alone carries the weight of the world.
“I’ll get you for this, emo.”
“Come at me, bro.” Virgil fires back.
Roman launches himself at Virgil, tackling him onto the couch. Virgil hissing in protest as he fights against his oppressors grip. 
“Patton, help me.” Virgil reaches out to the moral side.
Roman flops down on top of Virgil, entrapping him beneath him. “Virgilcallshimselfthecrowkingbecausehecawsatthemoon.” Roman speaks quickly, his words running together.
“Huh?” Patton cocks his head.
“Virgil apparently caws at the moon?” Logan translates with utter confusion.
“I do!” Virgil shouts, his voice muffled as his face his pressed into the couch cushions. He struggles against Roman, lifting his head in defiance. “And I’m proud of it. I am the Crow King! Fear Me!”
“Mission Accomplished.” Roman collapses against the anxious side. “I’ll think I’ll just take a nap now.”
“Noooooo.” Virgil protests from beneath him.
“Oh, you silly kiddos. Do you guys wants some lunch?”
“Yes, please.” They speak in unison.
“Right. Virgil after lunch I was hoping to ask you to join me and Patton in our knitting club again. It was quite…pleasant the last time. And I thought it would check off your ‘do something creative’ box.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” The dark and stormy side speaks from beneath Roman, resigned to his fate as a couch cushion.
Virgil’s self-care days didn’t always contain such chaos. But if Virgil was being truthful it was days like this, where they could all let loose without care or concern, that made him look forward to them with such excitement. And as he laid there, smushed underneath Roman and planning out his knitting project revenge, while Roman chatted on and on about how he should be the one to make dinner and then they could have a movie marathon after, Virgil decided that tickling his way out from under Roman just required too much energy. Instead, he allowed Roman’s flowery language to wash over him, surprisingly at peace with his predicament, as he patiently awaited for Logan and Patton to return with lunch.
awesome people to tag: @stop-it-anxiety @rainboots-are-for-snobs @hexatrash @ollyollyoxinfree
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ringneckedpheasant · 3 years
Get out with your super beautiful amazing eyebrows wtf?!?? How can they be so pretty?! Wow ohmy god wow!! I wanna have and learn to make similar looking ones too! Damn
ahsigkkdkfjf thank you!
my eyebrow routine is Terrible and i’m sure anyone who actually knows how to do makeup would k*ll me over it but. i just use a wet eyeliner brush to fill my brows in with black eyeshadow and go over them with a $5 brow mascara to make sure they’re set. also i’ve looked at a Lot of pictures of siouxsie sioux and that’s why i’m like this
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My Top 5 Favorite Makeup Brands
Hello makeup lovers! My name is Ana and this blog is for me to talk about one of my favorite things, makeup. I will start this with talking about my favorite makeup brands, why I love them, products I love from them, and products I want to try from them. 
Disclaimer: I know some brands might have controversies associated with them but I will not be talking about those here, I will only be talking about the products. There are brands I don’t support for certain reasons, so if you don’t support any brand I mention, please don’t shame me for liking the products. You support who you want to support. I am not forcing you to like what I like, this is just for fun and entertainment. You are free to comment what brands you personally love. Also, I am not affiliated with any of these brands, just an average makeup loving customer over here. 
1.  Fenty Beauty by Rihanna 
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Available at Sephora in stores/online and Fenty Beauty’s website
I know what you’re thinking.... “Ana, stop jumping on the bandwagon... I know you only like Fenty because it’s Rihanna.” Actually, no. I enjoy the products that I have tried from them (with exception of 2) and I genuinely use the brand everyday when I do my makeup. Their products have such sleek packaging and the quality is amazing. 
My Favorite Fenty Products: 
Gloss Bomb 
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Seriously, these glosses are the best I have ever tried. They look so beautiful and glossy on the lips. They are very comfortable and not sticky. They smell so good, like Watermelon Lip Smacker (do you remember those?). I wear them every single day and I love them so much. When I buy another gloss, it’s never the same and I go back to these. Also, the shades literally look good on anyone no matter your skin tone (which is a common theme with Fenty).  They are holy grail status!
Pro Filter Instant Retouch Setting Powder 
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I use the shade Butter of this powder and let me tell you I love the fact that it comes in different shades for all skin tones to use. This powder is so smooth and skin like. It smooths out the foundation underneath and makes my makeup look smooth and seamless. It lasts a long time too I love it so much, I use it every single day. 
Products I want to try: 
Full Frontal Volume, Lift, & Curl Mascara
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One of my favorite makeup items to try is mascara and I have been dying for Fenty to come out with a mascara. I have seen people like Tati and KathleenLights saying that they really enjoy this mascara and it looks perfect for me since I look for volume in my mascara. 
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I really wish I can have some colorful eyeliners and I have heard that these are the best from many beauty gurus. I am really drawn to the colors they have so I am dying to get at least 2 of them. 
2. Jeffree Star Cosmetics 
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I really enjoy Jeffree Star’s makeup products almost more than Jeffree himself. The products are so wonderfully done that they feel like a collector’s item, kind of like a novelty item. Also, the products that I have tried are all so great and are awesome quality. There isn’t a product I have tried that I disliked. 
Favorite Products: 
Magic Star Concealer
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I really enjoy this concealer, I wear it everyday. I use the shade C7 and I adore it.  It is my ideal finish and coverage for concealer. It is also perfect to do cut creases with. 
Conspiracy Palette 
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This palette in collaboration with Shane Dawson is my favorite Jeffree Star palette (even though I love all of their eyeshadow palettes). The color scheme is very unique compared to other palettes out there and I love the packaging. This palette is something that I feel very fortunate to own. 
Products I want to try: 
The Gloss in Shane Glossin 
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I really love the Shane Dawson collaboration and this gloss is super awesome. I have really wanted a clear gloss for a while now too. Also, I have always wanted to try the JSC Gloss formula. 
Supreme Frost
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I have seen these highlighters all over social media and it is so beautiful/blinding on everyone. I want to try one so bad because of how unique and stunning it swatches. 
3. Alamar Cosmetics 
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I really love Alamar Cosmetics. It represents the Cuban culture (my culture) with colors and packaging that are fun and cute. The names are also very fitting to the theme of the products. They are also beautiful in formula and pigmentation. The quality is amazing with reasonable prices. 
My Favorite Products: 
Colerete Blush Trio (Shade: Medium/Tan) 
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These blushes are holy grail status! They are so lovely and flattering in terms of color. They also last the longest of all the blushes I have tried. They are also super pigmented and blendable. I recommend to everyone these blushes and they come in 3 shades that are flattering for such a variety of skin tones. 
Ojitos Brush Trio (Both Vol 1 and 2) 
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I have all of the Alamar brushes and they are so amazing. They blend eyeshadow like a dream and they are so soft on the skin. The shapes that are available are perfect enough to create eyeshadow looks and even cutting the crease if you are into that. 
Products I want to try: 
DesNUDEAs Lip Liner- Dulce 
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I have heard so many amazing things about this lip liner ad the color Dulce is so my color. Kathleen Lights in particular makes me want to buy it because it looks so amazing on her. 
Brighten & Bronze Complexion Trio (Shade: Medium/Tan) 
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I love the blush formula so much that I am dying to try the bronzer. I have heard from a couple of people who have tried it that it’s as smooth and pigmented as the blushes. It also looks so amazing on pictures, I really am dying to get this. 
4. Colourpop Cosmetics 
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I am in love with this brand and they are so affordable and cute. I blame Kathleen Lights for making me obsessed back in 2015. I have been using their products ever since. The only down side is that they release too many products in such a short period of time, but they haven’t sacrificed their quality for most of their products (some not so much). 
My Favorite Products: 
KathleenLights Zodiac Loose Pigments 
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These pigments are so beautiful and shimmery. In the natural light, the sparkle is so prominent and I love how it looks so much. Every time I wear them, I either get compliments or I cannot stop staring at my eyeshadow or both haha! 
Pretty Fresh Hylauronic Tinted Moisturizer 
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This is a new favorite of mine. I have been wearing this as a foundation everyday and it makes my skin look so good. It is so natural and probably the best foundation I have tried when it comes to lasting power. 
Products I want to try:
KathleenLights x Colourpop So Jaded Palette 
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This eyeshadow palette is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen and every time I see Kathleen use the palette on her channel, it makes me want to buy it so bad (I did and now I am waiting for it to come to my house). It’s such a gorgeous and unique palette I am dying for it to get to my house. I can’t wait to try this out! 
Pretty Fresh Hyaluronic Concealer 
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I didn’t mention this before, but I really liked the No Filter Concealer so I am curious to try this concealer. I have the Pretty Fresh tinted moisturizer and setting spray and I really enjoyed them so I am very curious to try the concealer. 
5. e.l.f Cosmetics 
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I really love e.l.f especially because it was one of the first brands I tried when I began in makeup and it is so affordable with genuinely great products. Some of their products are hit or miss, but it’s amazing that they are so affordable and they managed to stay that way even as a cruelty free and vegan brand. 
My Favorite Products: 
e.l.f. Tinted Lip Oils 
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I really like these lip oils, they are so lovely and moisturizing. They are the best for summer, especially when wearing minimal makeup. I really enjoy these, they are probably one of my favorite products from the brand. 
e.l.f. Makeup Brushes 
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Elf has multiple kinds of brushes but these ones (the all black ones and the ones with the clear handles) are my favorites. They are such amazing drugstore brushes, so soft and great quality for the price (which is around $6-15 depending on the brush- the black ones are cheapest). 
Products I want to try: 
e.l.f Clear Lip Gloss
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I have heard so many people on Instagram & Tik Tok rave about this gloss, I really am dying to try this clear gloss even though it looks like it is something super simple. It’s also very affordable which is amazing. 
e.l.f Hydrating Camo Concealer 
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I’ve heard great things about the camo concealer and that it is like the concealer I really like from Makeup Revolution (Conceal & Define). I also really want the hydrating one because I have heard it is better than the original & that the original is like Tarte Shape Tape which for me is too dry.
Honorable Mentions Go To: 
Milani Cosmetics
Wet n Wild Beauty 
Tati Beauty
*Disclaimer: This post was in my drafts for months before the COVID-19 lockdown/the BLM protests that are going on & is a light hearted blog to serve as a fun distraction for people who love makeup like I do. I wholeheartedly support the BLM movement & would love to buy from other black owned brands other than Fenty, especially more independent ones to support wonderful black entrepreneurs out there. I usually wouldn’t be talking about everything that is going on, but it is heavy on my heart and mind these past couple of days so I wanted to mention it. I was thinking about making a list even though I don’t have much experience with most of the brands to showcase the brands’ stories* 
Having said that, I hope you guys enjoyed and let me know of your favorite brands/products I should try. Let me know what other makeup posts you would like to see next. 
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