prismatic-bell · 1 year
Hi there, I hope you're doing well. Are you a knitter? If so, there's an amazon listing for a book coming in September titled 'The Fellowship of the Knits: Lord of the Rings: The Unofficial Knitting Book', by Tanis Gray. I really don't have much more information than that, I just stumbled across it while browsing this morning. But I thought it'd be the sort of thing you might be interested in. :)
Nope, only crochet. I love that somebody's doing that, though.
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whetstonefires · 1 year
Hey! I wrote a tags essay then figured I might as well drop you a line too lol. The post you've got about how battle field tactics can be depicted onscreen is always one I enjoy seeing, it's fun to browse for others' stories on it. And you're right! This can be ridiculous to watch play out lol. If this is something that you're interested in, have you seen Dr. Bret Deveraux's blog A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry? You might enjoy it.
Ah I did see that! Shortly before human pet guy turned up on that post and I have to not reply to him because you can't feed the trolls but hrnnnnnnn.
Thanks for saying you always enjoy seeing it! Lmao one of the things about interacting with your own posts is you're like, how sick of this one are my followers on average by now.
I think I've followed links to that blog before! A rising star in the internet medieval historical fiction accuracy fandom clearly. He did breakdowns of the big battle scenes in the lotr movies, and I read a chunk of the Helm's Deep one. Also I think I read his breakdown of why the Dothraki in Game of Thrones (of which I have consumed nothing) are nonsensical--I particularly liked how he distinguished the things the show added on that made it worse from the underlying racist idiocy that Martin put them together out of in the first place.
Which was frankly way worse than I would have guessed, which is saying something. Martin really does have a pattern of treating culture-elements as arbitrary rather than motivated; I wonder if he like, actually opposes structural analytical frameworks or if it's just not the kind of history he finds fun.
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dreamsatdusk · 1 year
Hmm for the ask game how about 1, 2, and 20? And also I see Alexander the Great mentioned in your bio. Can I ask why? :)
Apologies, missed this one earlier! Thank you for the ask!
book you’ve reread the most times?
Probably either The Black Company, by Glen Cook or Ninefox Gambit, by Yoon Ha Lee. I've also ready Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle at least a few times. As a kid, I probably reread The Boxcar Children the most.
2. top 5 books of all time?
I couldn't decide even sort of, so this turned into a selection of favs that I think are rather different from each other.
The Phantom Tollbooth; Norton Juster: Disillusioned kid finds a toy tollbooth setup has appeared in his room, builds it, drives his toy car through...and winds up in The Lands Beyond! It is extremely weird in a very matter of fact sort of way that I adore in books to this day. I was particularly amused by the wordplay and such even as a kid.
Machineries of Empire; Yoon Ha Lee: Okay that's a trilogy and a short story book all together, so I suppose I will say Ninefox Gambit is my favourite of them all, but there's so many key points in the other books too, so! The consciousness of an undead general is installed into the head of a soldier chosen to defend against a rebellion opposed to the dystopian space empire she lives in. It is far far more complex than that little description makes it seem. One of the books where my mind latched on at high speed and very intensely to a particular character (Jedao).
Deathless; Cathrynne Valente: A retelling of The Death of Koschei the Deathless, but set during and after the Russian Revolution. It follows the life of Marya Morevna, Koschei's chosen bride. Another one that is complicated to try to explain, because there is an immense amount going on. I suspect it might be easier to follow if you know at least a bit about the relevant faerie tales and Soviet Union history, but I've heard that even people without that backgound enjoyed it.
The Etched City; K.J. Bishop: Beautiful and utterly bizarre. I'm not sure how to describe the plot. It starts out with two...hmm, friends? war buddies? who are ex-soldiers and on the search for a new home after being on the losing side of a civil war. They resettle in a city with very peculiar stuff going on. Steampunkish in a way. Wikipedia informs me it's considered part of the 'New Weird' genre, so I should look into that and see what else is on that list.
The Lord of the Rings; J.R.R. Tolkien: I really loved LotR when I read it as a child, but then I also got into the History of Middle Earth collection and it's fascinating how much work went into all of it, how much the story (and that of the Silmarilion) changed as they were shaped. And then there's also hilarious things like the proto-versions of the 4 hobbits having a debate about eating dinner on the second floor of a house and throwing the (wooden) plates out into the front yard and never cutting the grasss so you can't see them.... This is all so you needn't bother carrying the dirty dishes DOWN the stairs mind you.
20. what are things you look for in a book?
I tend to be put off by overly simplistic use of language. Not always, but there have been cases where something was really bothering me about a book here or there and I figured out that's what was up.
Characters that interest me. This doesn't mean they have to be 'nice' or 'good' characters, but someone needs to interest me somehow. I've found it a struggle more than once to stay engaged with a book where I get to the point of just not caring what happens to anyone in it. Again, not a hard rule, but one that has recurred more than once.
Vivid descriptions that paint a strong picture in my mind are a delight, but yet again, not a dealbreaker. (One of my favourite authors actually sucks at this*L* I think we were 7 or more books into a series before the narrator of the first 3 books was ever actually described at all?)
Strong worldbuilding, moral complexities, a sense of epicness - all further interests. And I have to admit, I have a soft spot for eccentric military geniuses.
Alexander the Great
Bonus round! Alexander has been one of my historical interests for a long time and I have two shelves of books about him and related topics (e.g., the Successors to his empire, a book about his mother, one about his grandmother, etc.) I'd almost forgotten I put something in profile notes. I think I did so when I was trying to come up with some stuff to mention as interests, like fandoms and such.
In the spirit of the book ask theme, I will recommend A Very Short Introduction to Alexander the Great by Hugh Bowden as, indeed, a good short intro. It's solid and detailed in spite of its brevity, but it also included some information that some older books about Alexander have ignored in my experience, so I found it an enjoyable read even beyond my original objective (which was to find out if it was actually a good intro book to suggest to people who asked).
Thank you!
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lesbiansforboromir · 1 year
@fairy-anon-godmother 's tag walls my beloved <3
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📓 For the ask game! ^_^
Okay don’t laugh
MC of my original fic winds up in Westeros with her classmates, uses combat magic to overthrow Joffrey when he tells his subjects to eat their dead because it offends her, and then King’s Landing discovers that she’s a one-woman army and she discovers that if she thoroughly overthrows a king, she’s going to be the one nominated to take his place. She wants to go home before her family finds out any of this happened, because they are very protective, but A) she has a city to feed and B) apparently the guy who ought to take the throne religiously differs from the majority of his people so she has to do some negotiating before she can let him take the throne.
Also, there’s a war on, and she’s about to find out that the Riverlands’ food sources have been ravaged, the North regularly faces famine, and there’s about to be a years-long period where people can’t grow food. Even her earth magic is going to struggle to fix these problems.
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may12324 · 11 months
So, been awhile since your blog has popped up on my feed but have seen you’re making the dating sim! Is there anywhere to support the process?
Hi, yes! We are working on this! We don't have anywhere you can support it yet, we are still writing the first drafts. But I will continue to post updates and also let y'all know if we make a patreon or kickstarter. Here is a lil sketch of the queen in the meantime
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toritea · 14 days
can i be urs and os childs godmother 🙏🙏🙏
ill be like that fruity looking one in cinderella ong
give it a pumpikin and everything idfk
i mean- sure anon 😭😭 you can be our child’s godmother. (we don’t have a kid,,,, yet 🤭)
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angelshizuka · 7 months
Asha is a variant of cinderella fairy godmother
She's definitely a homage to the fairy godmother from Cinderella, but I'd say it's pretty obvious Asha is A fairy godmother, not THE fairy godmother from Cinderella.
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evansbby · 1 month
shrek is love shrek is life
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hekateinhell · 1 year
“Decide to just go all out and read the burning Venice chapter of B&G in bed” we stan a masochistic queen I could never!!! “Anne based both Marius and Lestat on Stan and just this ongoing theme of paternal grief, loss, betrayal, humiliation, and questioning” feeling physically ill again thanks ☺️ but you’re so right as usual and it’s a fascinating read on the characters and their ongoing parental/caretaker roles as a coping mechanism and their continued efforts to “fix” their mistakes, and redeem themselves and the ones they couldn’t save. “He doesn't have to go shopping; he just digs up the bins of his and Daniel's clothes from way back when, precisely, he’s never not ready to go all out. He more than anyone knows that fashion trends always come back. He’s probably all over those low rise, baggy jeans teenagers are wearing these days (he sometimes just steals them from Daniel and Louis and it does the trick because he’s so smol compared to them), and is embracing his Y2K era by having head to toe tracksuit days. And whenever he and Daniel go grab a snack to the club he’ll do some eye glitter/face jewelry which invariably gets him many compliments xoxo DA ♥️
I'm far too emotionally wrung out to add to further Marius Meta at the moment (and I want us to be able to sleep tonight), but trust I will be coming back to this theme soon. 🥲
Armand wearing his lovers' clothes is one of my fave things! Daniel's jeans; Louis's favorite, ratty, 'they don't make thread this color anymore' sweater; Lestat's hot pink g-string.
I know usually when we do ✨Armand in This✨ it's stockings and/or lingerie, but allow me to present... ✨Armand in This✨:
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Plump and juicy young man, indeed. Make him do the Slav squat too, let him embrace his modern heritage. 😌
@fangsinclay I have another idea if you wanted to make it a series!
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wroteclassicaly · 9 months
It’s me…your friendly neighbourhood (well, your friendly YOUR) Fairy Godmother…being all needy and compliment seeking…
You are the sweetest, most genuine, most loving person! And one of the most talented authors, and I love you 😘 🥹
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cordelia-street · 9 months
What movie do you love that I might not know? Why should I watch it?
i have forgotten every single movie in existance but i recently watched ever after and i really liked it!
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dreamsatdusk · 2 years
📚 For the ask game :)
A twofer, since I couldn't decide between:
Star Wars: The prequel trilogy diverged massively from what I'd envisioned from the little details dropped here and there in the original trilogy. So years and years ago I'd gotten the vague idea of an alternate prequel story, but never wrote any of it out. Some details that I remember were Anakin Skywalker was a grown man when Obi-Wan Kenobi first encountered him, and that Luke and Leia's mother was alive several years on Aldereaan and it's memories of that time that Leia reminisces about in RotJ. There was a fair bit more than that, but I don't remember more right now. It was mainly a brain chew toy during times of feeling frustrated.
Grishaverse: The Apparat told Alina that children at the Grisha school used to receive copies of the Istorii Sankt'ya and I've had a fic idea that focuses on when that stopped and why. Namely, after the accidental creation of the Fold and the religiously toned condemnation of the entire business. At some point, the Darkling had Had It with that and matters started to veer into the more secular approach we see 'current day'. Possibly involved are explorations of Baghra's swerve into religion (which I have written about in meta previously). This one I have a bit written of actually.
Thank you!
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jenni3penny · 1 year
I love that you're the patron saint of dropping beautiful pictures of Eve into our inboxes ❤️
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! It has been a pure pleasure to do so. I shall continue. ❤
You'll never know when to expect them. They'll just arrive, Hippie-Fairy-Godmother-style, and hopefully at the best possible moment. 🧚‍♀️
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starkwlkr · 1 year
What about Lando and her becoming parents and her supporting Lando at races? xxx
royal baby | lando norris
here is the final part of the royal lando series! i adore royal!reader fics they’re my comfort fics 🫶🏼 thank you anon for the request!!
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time skip brought to you by the missing submarine ‼️
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Liked by y/nscorner, danielricciardo 3,647 others
royalnorris Princess Y/n and her mother attending the British Grand Prix.
f1lucy is baby norris with them too?
royalnorris yes, baby aurora is with them. i think she’s with lando and his family at the moment.
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Liked by landonorris, f1 and 3,747,379 others
daniel3.jpg A daughter was born and they called her Aurora
landonorris Aurora said thank you for getting my good side!
daniel3.jpg anything for sweet Aurora❤️
norris4 is Daniel the fairy godmother?
landonorris he’s the fairy godmother in spirit
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Liked by landonorris, f1 and 747,200 others
mclaren what a royally great home race for landonorris! 🇬🇧
royalnorris 😭❤️
lewisxroscoe did anyone see the interview lando did after the race? he took any opportunity to speak about aurora and y/n 😭
verstappen1fans not really a lando fan but he deserves this win! love how happy he looks when he talks about his family
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may12324 · 1 year
So...are you doing this? Are you making the sapphic game based in that gorgeous art you have? Please make a goofy shimbo happy... 🤩
yep! I am indeed!
I am working on it with a few other people right now! And It's pretty exciting what we have so far 👀
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