#fake ak-47 prop
tumb0429 · 6 months
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J2 JIB13 Panel
As a Måneskin fan I cannot begin to tell y'all the excitment I felt over Zitti E Buoni being their entrance song!
The panel starts with the boys playing around, and noticing the camera has them looking bright red for some reason. Also, they do kissy face at the camera which is adorable and funny.
What was their worst or most uncomfortable tied up situation on set?
For Jared it wasn't when they were actually tied up on set it was when they had to pretend, for many seasons, to be pinned in place like by a demon. He thinks at first they were just trying to act how it would feel to be supernaturally pressed against a wall and invariably you know you film an episode of tv in October and it airs in January, and you film another one in November or December and you're tied up and in January you watch what you did back in October and when the ghost pushed you against the wall, when it airs you look all smushed so you think you gotta change that; but when there were actual ropes around it felt alright, it was easy to get into character, and get into the timing of the scene and sequence.
Jensen adds that those types of scenes, it's also exhausting too cause when you're doing it yourself, you're pressing yourself against the wall and they yell action, you kinda hold your breath and tighten everything and doing that over and over again for like minutes at a time is not fun. You're hyperventilating and you're straining like you're gonna pop a blood vessel, that was not fun. He will say, aside from that which happened quite a few times on SPN, he was kind of tied down and locked down on The Boys a few times that were not fun. The one were the Russians have him in captivity and they have him tied down to a table and are trying to see what can hurt Soldier Boy- on SPN they were friends with the props department so Robin would tie them up very loosely toward they yelled cut they would just get out of their ties like if they had their ankles tied to a chair like demon!Dean they would yell cut and Jensen would just wiggle out but on the Boys he wasn't as friendly with them, they didn't really know each other that well so they really locked him into the table and they were trying different items and one of them was an AK-47 in his mouth, and even though he knew it was a fake gun that didn't feel good. And then to top that there was a skill saw that was running, they had removed the blade but he didn't like it and he couldn't move so he felt pretty vulnurable. But not as vulnerable as coming out of the cage completely naked in front of an entire new crew and new cast. x
When they were younger did they have part time jobs for extra money?
Jensen worked at his uncles small moving company during the summers in High School. He didn’t like it but it payed pretty good and gave him some pocket change, and that was about the only thing he did, he technically wasn’t an employee his uncle just payed him for helping out.
Jared worked as a ranch hand in central Texas between his junior and senior year of High School. He would fix barbed wire fences and cut down cedar forests and in Texas there's these bugs called chiggers they're like small mites and fly around, especially near cedar, and they get into your skin and they itch but if you scratch them that gives them oxygen and keeps them alive so his parents would drop him off on Sunday night, he'd work Monday to Friday, get picked up to go home Friday and he would have to stand in front of his mom in his undwear so she could put nail polish over all the chigger bites because that seals them in so your body gets rid of it. Jensen asked if he got payed extra for all the bites, he did not. He was paid like 5 dollars and 35cents an hour. x
What do they think would happen if blood junkie!Sam and demon!Dean met? Jared says his instinct is they'd go 'we’re both a little off kilter let’s go party.' That he feels like it’d be kind of the same thing as Dean befriending Benny in Purgatory, he feels like they’d get along strangely.
Jensen says they’d probably cause a lot of problems for other hunters. When demon!Dean was was left to his own devices he was causing issues so he thinks if he had a partner in crime like blood junkie!Sam he thinks it would just multiply that. x
What’s something they didn’t expect about getting older? Positive or negative.
When he was in his teens Jensen thought that by the time he reached his current age he’d have it all figured out. As a kid or somebody young he always thought people that age they have it all figure out cause they’re the adults but he still doesn’t feel like an adult. He still feels like that 20yr old is very much alive inside him just wearing an older suit.
Jared said he had a similar conversation with a buddy of his who’s 47 and they landed on life isn't one coming of age story, it’s a series of coming of age stories. When you're a teenager you think you're big but you're not, then you turn 16, in america that means you can drive and you think you can drive, you're independent, you can do your thing then you turn 18, 21 and so on - he feels like life is a series of coming of ages. Jensen says it's a journey, and Jared agrees that it's like Jensen was saying, you meet people who are older like 50 and you think they have it figured out but then you turn 50 and you realize you're still learning and the world is changing around you so you change again, same thing when you get married or have kids you think 'this is life' but it's not you keep on evolving. He says it's funny, he turned 40 last summer and he felt like forgiveness turning 40. That part of him inside always felt older psychologically that he was literally so finally at 40 he felt like it was okay to be a grown-up. He's still very much a kid but he felt like it's okay to slow down and ask for time for himself, when you're in your teens, 20's, or even 30's it's kind of assumed that you're up for anything and you're gonna take that on but when he reached 40 he was like well I'm 40, I'm married with kids I'm gonna slow down so it's been wonderful. He much prefers 40 over 30 or 20 even so he's grateful.
Jensen shares that he sat down the other day to tie his shoes and he looked at his knees and said "I'm so proud of you guys" 😂 He says he's not kidding, that he got a little emotional, that he stared at them and told them how proud of them he was and felt such pride, he told them they've hung in there and are still carrying him, and he doesn't have any knee pain. That he got some x-ray's done a while back cause he had some knee pain when they were training for a marathon so he went to Jared's brother who's an orthopedic surgeon and he told Jensen his knee was in really good shape he just had some inflammation, and his knee hasn't really bothered him since. x
Do they miss the pranks? Jared misses everything, and when the crowd goes awww he says he gets it, there’s certainly a bit of aww but in a funny way he and Jensen had some version of this conversation for years before SPN aired its finale episode. It's one of those you know absence makes the heart grow fonder and to leave something as it stood and you're so proud of and want more of there's a certain romance to it, it's like when you're a kid and you go to camp or something and it's five days but you make new friends and you're gonna be best friends forever and then you go your separate ways but you're so much better for having had it, and the idea that maybe it can happen again. He misses it all but it's not painful for him. In a strange way, because he's very nostalgic he has shit he should have thrown away years ago which Jensen can vouch for, he misses it but in a very wonderful light.
Jensen says he'll never be happy that it ended, that the show came to an end, he'll never feel 'oh, thank god that's over'. But he is very content in how it came to- that they did those 15yrs and then they ended and he's not talking about the story, he's thinking outside of the story. The way they all walked away with their heads held high and there was much love in that set, it's something he'll always be very proud of and something he'll always miss. He misses the pranks, he misses just walking around on set in the morning and saying hi to everybody, he misses getting breakfast at the green machine, and going to the hair and makeup trailer and saying hi to all the ladies, he misses it all; there's a long list of things that he misses doing that he did for many, many years. But it still makes him look back on it and it makes him that much more proud of what they did, and the time that they had together because it will always make him smile. x
Outside of their family and friends who made a big impression on them?
Jared feels like he really enjoys "accidental acquaintances" by which he means like when you come across somebody at the airport and you’re from going from terminal a to terminal c and it's 25mins and you're sitting next to somebody and strike up a conversation. That it's funny, in the world that they live in when a lot of stuff that's going on that's hey go be this guy, or that guy, or that girl or whatever meeting people who live more normal lives then they hear you're an actor- that the previous night G, who is there with him, they sat down at a little restaurant by the hotel and an american couple sat right next to them and the space was really tight so they were really close together and they started hearing them speak and struck up a conversation with them and the couple had no idea who they were and it was cool. He loves that kind of stuff, like happy accidents. So he is consistantly and constantly kind of amazed and grateful for people he meets along the journey.
Jensen says as far as work goes there's a long list like Kim Manners and Bob Singer who they worked with on SPN but before that too he got to work with a lot of great people on Days of Our Lives. That on that show there's a wide variety cast of characters of all ages and he remembers thinking 'okay well I didn't go to school for this and what I know is just instinctual' but what he doesn't know he has 20 people there who might be able to teach him, might be able to fill in those gaps and he was just a sponge for 3yrs on that show watching, seeing what worked, seeing what didn't work because you can be thought a lot by seeing things that other people don't react well to like 'okay don't do that, don't be an asshole'.
So, there's a lot of influence on how that shaped what he ended up being. There's a long list of people and he thinks this is a journey, this life of ours and it's a gift too and he thinks to close yourself off and think that you know all the answers and have it all figured out at any age is wrong, always learn, always continue learning and learn from those around you both positive and negative. And he thinks if you continue to do that, we're all constantly changing and evolving and becoming better because of what we're watching from the world around us. That the fans have thought him, he learns just from sitting there on the stage. x
The next fan is a professional mermaid, and they want to know would the boys ever consider swimming in a mermaid tail?
Jensen actually has! His daughter bought one that they thought was kid size but when they got it home realized it was way too big and was actually an adult size so Jensen put it on and jumped in the pool. God, please, let their be a picture or a video of this!
He said it was interesting, and that he had just read somewhere that there's a whole multi-million dollar industry of live merpeople. The fan said that Netflix did a documentary about it, and Jensen replied that's what the article was about and that he'd be watching the documentary. Does he have a desire to do it again? Not so much, it did feel weird but he did get across the pool really quickly.
He says you don't have to put the glittery, scaly thing on, to which Jared asks if you can just put that on and Jensen says he (Jared) can.
Jared would love to, and he's so curious because he and G took the kids to Mexico and where they stayed had a gift shop and there was a mermaid fin which Odette really wanted so they got it for her but she hasn't used it yet, he starts to say that it induced panic in him cause if you lock her feet in but Jensen starts explaining to him how they work. Jared says he'll give it a try but he feels like he'd scared like he'd feel like he's drowning, and he'll watch the documentary. 🧜‍♀️
J2 JIB13
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Question: So, uh, Jensen, I think you once said that you don't like to be tied up - on set.
Jared: That's right, that's right.
Jensen: That's timing.
Question: Because you feel vulnerable and kind of at other people's mercy -
Jared: Smushy?
Question: Mercy!
Jared: Oh, mercy! I thought you said smushy.
Question: So my question is to both of you, what was the worst or most uncomfortable tied up situation - on set.
Jared: Thank you for clarifying. Because I have some stories.
Jensen: Favorite tied up situations -
Question: Too much information.
Jensen: On set. That's great.
Jared: Uhhh. Uhhh. To be honest, the - in my opinion, the most uncomfortable situation being tied up on set? Were not when we were actually tied up, but it was when we had to pretend for many seasons [Jensen nods] it was like the demon does this [holds out spread hand] and you have to pretend to [imitates being stuck back against wall]. And so I think at first we were just trying to kind of act like, 'How would it feel to be supernaturally pressed against a wall?' And invariably, you know, you film - so for an episode of television, you film it, say, in October and it airs in January. And so you film another one in November, December and you're tied up and then in January, you watch what you did in October and it's like, oh, the [holds up hand again] ghost pushed you against the wall and it airs and you look like this [does much more unflattering impression of being squished to a wall, with exaggeratedly distorted facial expression]. Like twelve chins? So, like, okay, I gotta change that, 'cause this is - I'm gonna vomit. But it was more when there were actual ropes around, it felt alright. it was easy to kinda like get into character and get the timing of the scene and the sequence, but it was more the [finger quotes] invisible -
Jensen: It's also exhausting, too.
Jared: Yeah. [nods]
Jensen: Because when you're doing it yourself and you're pressing yourself up against the wall, and they yell action? You kind of hold your breath and tighten everything, you're like [pained noise] and doing that over and over and over again for, like, minutes at a time? Is not fun. It's like this -
Jared: It's like hyperventilating. [breathes exaggeratedly]
Jensen: Yeah, you're hyperventilating and then you're straining and you're [pained noises] ugh, like I'm gonna pop a blood vessel. And that was not - that was not fun. I will say that, aside from that, which happened quite often on Supernatural? I was kind of tied down or locked down on The Boys a few times that was not fun. The one where the Russians have me in captivity and I'm tied down to like a table, and they're trying to see what can hurt Soldier Boy. And so I've got like - like on Supernatural, we were pretty good friends with the props department. So Robin would tie us up very loosely to where when they yelled cut, we would just, you know [both mime shaking off restraints easily], get out of our ties. And if we've got ties around our ankles or were tied to a chair, like when demon!Dean kind of thing? They yell cut and I would just wiggle and just, you know, [mimes getting out of restraints again] walk away. On The Boys? I wasn't as friendly with them, and - You know, we didn't know each other that well. So they were really, like, locked me in to this table. And there was - they were trying these different items to see how - so one of the items, they put like an AK-47 in my mouth. That - even though I knew it was a fake gun? That didn't feel good. And then to top that, which I don't know how you do, but you can [Jared laughs] - when you have a skill saw and it was running, but they just removed the blade? And it was like [makes saw noise and mimes moving saw towards Jared] and I was like, [Jared shakes his head] 'I don't like it! I don't like it! I don't like it!' And I couldn't move! And so, yeah, that's - you feel pretty vulnerable. [Jared, subvocally: Yeah.] Not nearly as vulnerable as coming out of the cage completely naked in front of an entire new crew and new cast. Welcome to The Boys!
Jared: Welcome to The Boys. Thank you for your question.
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Erroneous Gratitude
A Homeless Veteran Speaks
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
He sleeps in a tent with an American flag draped over it, like the coffin of a dead soldier. His tent is situated in front of a Veterans’ hospital, somewhere in West Los Angeles, California. At his age, this an advantageous location in the off chance he should suffer a stroke or heart attack. He is in his late 70’s; he served in Vietnam. His sweat-soaked face is smeared with dust and there are bacciferous patches on his cheeks. He looks like a soldier in the midst of battle. And he is: A battle for survival.
The only unsoiled part of his body are his lucid blues eyes. They are like beams of light. He tells his interviewer: “I am roughing it in my own civilized country. The only time they care about me is when they have me put on my dress uniform and stand next to a Republican who’s running for office, so he can show off his patriotic cred. Back in the old days, these rich clowns got their golden child out of the draft with some high-priced lawyer. Me? I couldn’t even afford a pair of shoes, so I volunteered for the Vietnam war so I could have a place to sleep and food to eat. All these clowns use me for a patriotic prop. Fuck them to hell!”
He is an old man, but he doesn’t walk around with baubles of medals on his chest, suffering from false valor. He is hurting from American neglect. The greatest country in the world has turned its back on him.
Suddenly, a car passes by, its horn honking. A female shouts from the of passenger side window, “Thank you for your service!”
The homeless vet yells back, “Fuck you! I should have had joined the Viet Cong!!” He looks at the interviewer with an angry expression on his face. “All these right wing shit heads with their fake patriotism! I would love to shoot them with a Chinese AK-47! When I was in Nam, I fought with a comrade who almost got killed. After he left the Army, he joined ‘Vietnam Veterans Against The War.’ After that, he joined the Communist Workers Party. In 1976, he went to Hanoi to apologize to the Vietnamese people. I got his Decoration of Forgiveness from the government of Vietnam.” He took it out of his pocket. It was inscribed in Vietnamese. He continued, “In ‘79, he went to protest against racism and a carload of Klansmen shot him dead. I miss him so much!”
When I finished watching the interview, I questioned his words. Was this man suffering from mental illness? Was he just confabulating? That would be the job of a medical professional to determine. I sat on my couch and started to think about Ron Kovic, the famous war hero who came to my high school in 1970 and gave a moving speech about his experience in Vietnam. After that, I never thought of war in glorious terms again. I’ve since watched all sorts of YouTube videos on the subject, but this interview with the Vietnam vet really got to me.
Now, these Right wing yahoos want a civil war. Okay, you testosterone fueled rednecks! You think that war is the panacea for stopping tyranny? That illusion will stop when the enemy shoots off your balls and you walk around sounding like a seven-year-old girl. The biggest enemy of the USA is not Communism or Islamic terrorism. It is fake “patriots” living in an 18th Century fantasy while wearing Tricomb hats and shooting Muskets.
Stop it! This is reality!
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theviolentabyss · 4 years
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Hot-headed Bugsy makes his mind up. Don't mess with Bugsy or you'll wind up. Wishing you'd left well enough alone.
:: Debut Solo ::
Part One
It maybe a new city, a new country and even a new set of targets, but the job, the goal and the aim was still the same. Regardless of where we were, the objective was to make sure that we were known and we took no crap from anyone. We believed we were above the law. Everyone has a price. Even the police, judges and jurors. They all had a price and they could all be bought to make sure that everything went our way.
Fat Sam’s grandfather had built his empire up in Chicago in the nineteen-forties, just after the second world war. Fat Sam’s father moved the empire to New York in the nineteen-eighties and now, Fat Sam himself has bought the empire to the United Kingdom. A new start. Of sorts.
After the show down with Dandy Dan six years ago, where a truce was called between both Fat Sam’s gang and Dandy Dan’s gang. Things went sour real big in New York after I left. Blousy and I headed off to Hollywood. She was destined for the great stage. Blonde, talented and beautiful. A modern day Marilyn Monroe. Hollywood wasn’t for me though, the straight and narrow life was not for me.
I wanted nothing but the best for Blousy. We just weren’t compatible. We were too different. So after two years, we went from fighting for each other, to fighting with each other. One day soon after I got the call from Fat Sam about moving to England and I didn’t hesitate to take him up on it. I begged Blousy to come but she had made it big in Hollywood, everyone knew her name now. That was the end.
That was four years ago. Four years. I thought of Blousy often. We never called, we never wrote and we never had any communication. I kept up with her ins and outs through social media but other than that, there was nothing between us. There was far too much here for me to concentrate on anyway and I spent more time in trouble than I did anything else these days.
So now, as I sat at the bar in Fat Sam’s Speakeasy club, I was rolling a ten pence piece over and under my fingers skilfully with one hand, while I swirled the brownish-orange liquid in the glass in the other. I needed to see Fat Sam before I headed to the Boxing Gym I owned in Kentish Town. A shipment of AK-47’s were coming into the Dover Docks tomorrow and I have had a tip off that the cops are all over it. So I wanted to re-route the shipment to Southampton, meaning we needed to get our men down there in time to receive the shipment before the cops got wind of it.
It was Sod’s law really that Fat Sam wasn’t here yet and the longer I waited, the more pissed I was getting. I stopped rolling the coin when I heard the door of the club open and I looked up to see Leroy Smith coming through the door. He joined Fat Sam’s gang the year of the truce and has stood by us ever since. Flicking the coin up in to the air and catching it, I shoved it into my leather jacket pocket and raised a finger to the bartender to signal a drink for Leroy as he sat down beside me.
“Hey Boss”
I glanced to him briefly, watching as he leaned up on the bar with a cheery disposition about him.
“What has you in a good mood?”
A knowingly cheeky grin spread across his lips, like he had some big secret to tell but wasn’t going to tell me unless I worked for it.
“Bugs; my man, why do I need a reason?”
I shifted uneasy on the stool. Once Leroy had his drink. I pushed my line of questioning once more, without very much tact.
“Cut the shit, Leroy”
He raised the glass to his lips and took large gulp. His deep throaty chuckle echoed around the nearly empty club. Only members, and visitors of members were allowed in here and it wasn’t even lunch time yet. So the usual suspects wouldn’t be rolling in until darkness fell.
“You’re no fun anymore, Bugsy”
He adjusted his cap on his head, before removing it and running his fingers through his messy hair. Dropping the hat to the counter top, I watched his every movement like a silent assassin ready to strike if need be.
“We got a sponsor for the fight between Trigger and Fingers Saturday night, he wants to meet with you tomorrow”
His grin widened as he spoke to me. Once a month. Every gang called a truce, and beat the shit out of each in the boxing ring. This week one of our own Trigger was fighting Frankie Randall’s guy, Fingers. He was dumb as fuck, but he knew how to fight, so it was going to be an interesting fight. I had been training Trigger myself and he was a force to be reckoned with. He was built like a brick shit house. Was also a few planks short of a decking but he was muscle and I had no doubts he would wipe the floor with Fingers this weekend. Picking up my whiskey glass and taking a sip. I cocked my head in Leroy’s direction.
“Who’s the sponsor?”
I eyed him inquisitively. It wasn’t unusual for a rival or local gang to sponsor the events. It gives them the access to be the only ones who could run bets at the match and monopolise the fight. Though I was strict as fuck and if I believed for one moment anyone was throwing the match I would shut that shit down and the person in charge would be blacklisted, if not dead.
We were all crooks, thieves and gangsters of the worse kind. We were deadly, we carried guns and we didn’t give much of a damn about anything that wasn’t business. But in my boxing club, on my property, you played by the rules and left your dodgy shit at the door because I had no issues putting a bullet in someone’s ass for trying to do over what was mine.
“Rusty Evans”
Leroy finally confessed after mulling everything over on how to tell me and my blood instantly boiled. My hand gripping around the whiskey glass. Rusty had been trying to muscle in on Fat Sam’s territory since we got here. Due to our New York connections, we were known before we even arrived. Reputation was everything and Rusty had made us his main target. The whites of my knuckles were straining around the glass, the tendons twitching with frustration. My lips curled up in a snarl and I kept my gaze forward. Focusing on the rows upon rows of bottled spirits on the back of the bar.
“Three quarters of a mill or he can take his rat ass business else where”
Barking my demand, as I raised the glass and knocked back the final contents of the glass. Slamming it back down on the bar. I saw Leroy jump in the corner of my eye in shock. He remained silent for a long time. Mulling over my terms. My club, my property, my price. People took it or left it. If we didn’t get a sponsor then I became the main bookie, so it wasn’t any loss for me. The stake was third quarters up front, or he could shove his sponsorship up his weak ass. It took all my will power to not stick a bullet in his chest and rip out his heart with my bare hands.
“Sure thing boss. Take it easy.”
He gave me a nod and slipped from his stool, my head cocked in his direction as I watched him replace his cap, tipping the front before leaving the Speakeasy club. Fuck this shit. I wasn’t in a good mood when I came in here, now my mood had gone to complete shit. Rusty was the lowest of the low. He got his men to play dirty and then ran like a coward. I wouldn’t put it past him to have tipped the Feds off on the incoming shipment. Looking across the bar to Louis.
“Another Louis. Thanks”
He gave me a nod and bought the bottle over. Nudging the tumbler closer so he could pour out another shot. Giving him a thankful nod. I picked up the glass and knocked it all back in one. I didn’t have to wait too much longer for Fat Sam to arrive. The door of the club came slamming open, smashing into the wall with such force. As usual he was ranting and raving about something but not making much sense. He was followed by his lackey Knuckles and his on and off girlfriend, and main lounge singer here at the Speakeasy, Tallulah.
“Ah, Bugsy; you here to see me? Course you are, sure, give me five, five and I’m all yours. Yo Louis, make sure my man has got a drink. Five minutes... five”
He was always all over the place. You could never get a word in edge ways and I wasn’t about to attempt to talk to him either until I was sure was going to listen. He disappeared into his office and I turned my head back around. My hand wrapping around the newly filled glass. I could smell the strong scent of Tallulah’s perfume before I saw her or heard her. I think she swam in it on a daily basis and it got right into the sinus’ and left a nasty taste in your mouth. As she now propped herself up against the bar. Her body turned directly at me. I didn’t bother to look at her.
Tallulah was a girl that you didn’t want to get involved with. Face piled with heavy make up, tight cocktail dresses that clung to every curve of her slender figure and purposely enlarged her ample breasts and cleavage to make sure that she got every man in eye line a chance to stare with their tongues hanging out. I was a conquest of Tallulah’s. But I’ve been there. Long before her and Fat Sam started dating and long before she was this high maintenance lush who would sleep with any man with money. That’s why her and Sam were on and off. She was too high maintenance for anyone to keep up with and I refused to be another notch of rich men on her bed post.
I could get my own women, whenever I wanted. I didn’t need to scrap the bottle of the barrel with girls like Tallulah who only saw pound and danger signs, to keep her interested. Her hand finally rose, to trail a red polished finger nail down over my arm slowly, causing me to finally turn my head in her direction.
“Not gonna buy a girl a drink there, handsome, it’s impolite to leave a lady hanging”
I snorted a laugh knocking back the entirety of my glass.
“I see no lady here though Tallulah, just you”
That fake smile she had plastered on her face faded quickly and she scowled at me. I kept my gaze on hers. Unwavering from her intense glare as I locked in her into this show down.
“Hey, Louis, give this girl her usual and put it on Fat Sam’s tab, will you?”
“Sure Bugsy”
Reaching into my pocket and pulling out my wallet, I grabbed out a few notes and dropped them down onto the bar to pay my tab. Leaving a hefty tip as usual. Replacing my wallet into my leather jacket. I slipped from the bar stool, closing the small gap between Tallulah and I. Looking down at her, I raised a hand, to hook my finger under her chin, and tilting her head to look at me.
“Never, Tallulah, never, and you can bet your Gucci heels on that shit too”
Giving her a wink and dropping my hand from her chin, I looked over towards Louis.
“Thanks man, see you later”
He gave me a salute and said no more as he made Tallulah’s drink and I headed towards Fat Sam’s office. It took a long time for Tallulah to shout back. Still stunned she had been shot down before she could even get started.
“You’ll be sorry Bugsy Malone, you will come crawling back to me one day, mark my words”
I chuckled under my breath but didn’t respond. I could hear her heels stomping against the wooden flooring before her screeching scream rang out through the empty club.
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