#ak-47 x ray
tumb0429 · 6 months
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cameras & cute band-aids fourth grade x virgin!blackreader
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summary: kehlanni-antoinette (AK-47 or AK) and fourth grade have been dating for a while. she had been the only one in the friend group who hasn’t had sex and she feels a bit pressured to do it so fourth grade teaches her how.
content warning!! MINORS DNI!!! under age drinking, smut, sexual themes, sh, child abuse, smoking.
“So have y’all done it yet,” fuckshit asked as he passed the blunt my way. “Do what?” I question trying to fake a puzzled face “nigga you know what the fuck I’m talking about” he continued “No I really don’t”. Of course, I know what he’s talking about, he wants to know if I and fourth grade have had sex I would like to but I’m scared of anyone seeing me naked and that’s a really special thing to do with someone. “I’m talking about if you and fourth grade fucked yet,” he said bluntly, I cringe at his words “Don’t refer to it as ‘fucking’ that’s so gross” I exclaimed as I made a nauseated expression. “I would be very fain if you called it something else” I proceeded “nigga what does fain mean you always use them weird as words,” he said as he hit the blunt again “It means I would be glad if you used another word your a total dumbass” I retorted “ Nah you just using unusual ass words now stop now stop dodging the question have you and fourth grade had sex?” he continued with the question “no we haven’t” I finally cracked and answered. “Why haven’t y’all done it yet y’all been dating for 8 months” he asked “Well because I don’t know if I’m ready,” I said. I know I might be ready but I’m worried that I will be bad at it. Ray, Ruben, and Fourth grade entered the room “What’s up y’all?” Ray said as he dapped up me and Fuckshit “Nothing much what’s up with you though?” I asked and I tried to steer the conversation away from what I and Fuckshit were talking about. Fourth grade came to sit beside me on the couch he leaned in and placed and kiss on my lips “Hey baby” I said as I smiled at my boyfriend “Hey I missed you” he said as he pulled me in for a hug “I missed you too” I respond as I take in his smell, god he smells so good I love him so much I thought as he pulled away. “Ayo Fourth grade” I hear Fuckshit way in my mind I was hoping and praying he didn’t bring up the topic of our sexual relationship or the lack thereof So I heard you and AK haven’t fucked yet,” he said. Why the actual fuck does he have to be like this I thought. Fourth grade looked at me with a confused expression and then look at Fuckshit again “Oh I didn’t think it was a problem… Kehlanni is it a problem?” he asked with the same confusion struck face. “No it isn’t a fucking problem you niggas are killing my fucking high bro” I said raising my voice a little. We sat there in silence for a few moments “I’m sorry to the bathroom” I finally said to break the unbearable awkward silence I get up from my spot on the count to make my way to the bathroom. As I entered the graffiti-filled bathroom I realized my wrist were sore i took a moment to look in the mirror at myself for a moment and thought to myself why am I like this? why can’t I just be normal and have sex with my boyfriend? I took the bracelets off my wrist and realized that the horizontal cuts were still bleeding, I looked in the bathroom cabinet and found a box of band-aids but when I bought them I didn’t realize that they had cute patterns all over them like cheetah print and blue flowers. I put the band-aids over my cuts then put my bracelets back on and left the bathroom. “Yo, I’m finna head at,” I said as I picked up my skateboard from the floor “Ight” Ray said as held leaned in to dap me up I nodded my head awkwardly and took my skateboard and left the shop. I skated all the way home. That night as I was sleeping in my bed I heard a noise that lured me out of my sleep. I woke up to see Fourth grade knocking at my window I got up from my bed and opened the window “Fourth grade what are you doing here do you what time it is?” I began to scream and shout “Sshhh,” he said putting a hand over my mouth “Listen I just wanted to talk to you about earlier,” he said as he lifted his hand away from my mouth. He sat me down on my bed and looked at me for a moment “Did I do or say something wrong earlier?” he asked with a clueless look on his face “You left so quickly I didn’t even know what was happening” he continued “no you didn’t and I’m glad that you like our relationship withou the sex part” I reassured.
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wtfcraigslistnyc · 1 year
Based on a true story with liberties taken.
The phone rang in its off-pitch timbre from the olive green rotary housing.
It had been a very hot, hard summer. It would be great to get back to Vermont and get away from Athens. It hadn’t been a good year. The frayed sense of patience between them had all but dried up. The dream of living, teaching, and raising the kids abroad had been a glowing success. But the rift had grown too large, too expansive to continually bridge.
The same phone had rung two months earlier. DR KAROTONIS called to ask them to his office immediately. He had by pure accident discovered and confirmed that Junior’s lifelong asthma and breathing issues were rooted in something rather terrible and ominous. He had spent years looking at Junior’s X-RAY’s backward. It was a ridiculous and gut-wrenching realization. Junior had an extremely rare genetic condition.
Junior had been born with his anatomy developed in pure inverse. The positive and negative polarity of his DNA had been touched by a rouge chromosome that flipped a switch and formed his entire anatomy backward.
The MOM had taken the news horribly. She was CRUSHED knowing that her son had syllia in his throat pointing inward. His heart was on the left side of his chest. He would be sterile and never sire SPAWN…. The long-term prospects weren’t much better. One in five million people who share this condition usually died before 50.
The DAD groaned a full-body roar and reached for the pack of KOOL MENTHOL cigarettes sitting next to the ringing phone.
It was his daughter's ballet teacher. She was stuck in Cyprus because of a ferry issue. She was calling to inform him that the GIRL’s final dance recital would be on Friday the 3rd.
Goddamit he thought to himself. The four tickets back to the States were already booked and now he’d have to shell out the 800 bucks to change the flights.
No problem, no problem, he grumbled and hung up.
He immediately called TWA and changed the flight from Friday to Saturday.
Leaving the flat and loading the shipping container had gone off without a hitch. The recital had been a bittersweet triumph. They all appeared as angels on the stage. Frozen in a
CRYSTALINE moment in time. Everyone was floored by the performance but heartbroken to say goodbye to her family of friends. Thus unfolds the childhood of EXPATs..
No one spoke in the car to the airport. The MOM and DAD had a row prior to throwing the keys through the mail slot and completely closing the door on that chapter of their lives.
They agreed to try harder and make a new go of things on the flight back. The whole terminal was pandemonium when they boarded but they were able to beat the phalanx of departing flights that morning. They would land 16 hours later at JFK to a terrifying realization.
DAN RATHER greeted the nation as he did every evening. Turning to the breaking news of a HIJACKED TWA flight from ATHENS to JFK.
A family of four from VERMONT was on board. Frantically the images rushed in of the hooded men with AK-47s on the tarmac. RONALD REAGAN expressed his concerns and prayers for the safe return of these American teachers and their two young children held in the bondage of International terrorism.
When the DAD approached the customs agent, he gasped and yelled for the supervisor. TROY came lumbering from the east side of the terminal to see what the HUB BUBB was about. To his shock and amazement, the family had changed flights and avoided the trauma of being victims of the HIJACKING.
The MOM set off the metal detector and dumped out her bag begrudgingly. TROY summoned the DOGS. They all had a laugh as one of them chewed the shit out of her diaphragm.
Years later the MOM would go on holiday in Ukraine. She took the train East to St. Petersburg the morning CHORNOBYL melted down. She missed the initial deadly radioactive blanket, raining death on thousands. She did however continue to carry a very hot reading on any X RAY or GIGER counter.
She would pass of cancer in 2008.
DAN RATHER addressed the nation once more that night to proclaim that the ballet recital had saved the family’s life. MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV chimed in with GREGORY HINES promoting their new film WHITE NIGHTS. They proudly proclaimed that the power of BALLET can bridge cultural and ideological gaps, saving lives from gun-wielding agents of chaos.
The family returned to their home at the base of the cup de sac. The greenhouse still smelled of basil and cilantro.
Many moons passed as the NPR played on the HI-FI. The family would only stay in the states for a year before moving to teach in the HAGUE.
JUNIOR’s best friend came to visit him in the Spring before graduation. He’d been quite ILL with MONO and continued to be a ragging maladjusted teenage degenerate. Out of ironic desperation, his parents shipped their pubescent psychonaut to the MECCA of legal debauchery. They hoped that seeing his long-lost best friend who’d come of age in the NETHERLANDS would oblige him to not quit in the final moments of high school.
KURT COBAIN had just passed. Junior played the GRISMOND and GARCIA album of DAWG-GRASS fusion in the BMW as the rain fell in buckets across the boundless seas of TULIPS.
They would immediately proceed to CREMERS on PRINESETRAAT.
Eating DRY cleaned LSD smuggled in a TOP MAN blazer seam from the UK. Smoking neon green nuggets of skunk from a cheesy plastic bong. Falling nuts over noggin, knocking out only to come to later. The pure magical mystery of tripping balls entering the VAN GOH museum. They would declare a blood oath to stay up and continue their adventures promptly after graduation.
It’s crucial to note the extreme turn down the left-hand path they would both take.
Junior returned to his childhood home only to TOIL for an eccentric alcoholic CHRISTMAS tree farmer. The friend worked the fields at an organic vegetable farm. Brilliant young minds relegated to back-breaking, soulless labor. Ensnared in a vicious cycle of excess and exertion.
Eventually, they would have a falling out and not see each other in the flesh for many moons. Too many bad trips in poor contexts.
The DAD continued roasting KOOLS while blasting to BACH and PAGANINI around the HAGUE. His son and daughter despised each other. Both were so brilliant and brutally opposed to the other's existence.
Teaching science was his passion and he was damn good at it. He would do so until his passing of lung cancer in 2019.
Junior and the girl would tally forward to degrees, jobs, and lives. The girl edited and produced comic books in ASTORIA. Eventually settling in MAINE to work and live out her days as a reformed HARDCORE CHICK.
Junior would live as he’d grown up as an EXPAT. He was the managing editor at a dual-language publication based in CHINA. His brilliance and rare sense of humor were legendary. The sands of time flowed slow and droll as the days and space between the friends elapsed effortlessly.
Fate would intervene in the most mercurial way.
The friend had been working on container ships. The life of a merchant sailor suited him well. Traveling the world seeing the sun rise and kiss the horizon every day. Steaming closer or further from the port.
It had been a standard passage and sailing from JAKARTA. The crew was given extra pay for the quick turnaround. At approximately 0330 a small sleek boat would quietly slip into sleeping GIBRALTAR's wake.
The men all passed the foil around once more as they began their approach. The engine screamed as they slid behind the stern of the mighty vessel. SING grabbed the hook and cast it to the heavens as he’d done a thousand times. SUN, CODY, and BAM exploded up the line toward the deck. Once all five men were on deck they immediately broke in all directions.
FONG sprinted to the bridge.
The first MATE was keeping the watch on the bridge in the dead of night alone. The MATE screamed a blood-curdling cry of terror as they crashed the bridge. There would be no conversation. The crew was rounded up and led to the mess. No one had been beaten or manhandled. Most of the crew had been fast asleep as they steamed through the strait.
FONG was furious. The captain was nowhere to be found. Captain SALAMONA had taken refuge below deck in engineering. He’s heard the commotion and was extremely furious about this unwarranted molestation of the voyage.. He’d picked up two cars and some other loose 40-high cubes loaded with amphetamine, porn, wine, and olive oil from Morocco. MISS PEPPERPOT had given him an amazing deal on the first press straight from the port.
These dick-face pirates were not going to just flip his whole program upside down. He’d managed to retrieve his MOSBERG and DESERT EAGLE from his quarters, then strapped on his fanny pack full of bullets and drugs. He scampered quickly and quietly to his favorite speed-smoking HIDY place.
FONG yelled into the hatch of the bulkhead leading to the roaring engine room.
The 220,000 horsepower COILS responded in turn. Cap’n wasn’t coming out. He clutched the cool grip of the shotty and peeked up. He could feel the clanking of feet but the engine was too deafeningly loud to ascertain where they were coming.
Suddenly they were upon him. FONG popped his pistol twice and CAP’n slipped left, under the compressor. The CAP’n returned fire and put a sizeable, messy hole in BAM, who flopped over like a side of beef hitting the floor off the hook. FONG turned and the CAP’n pulled the hammer again catching him square in the rucksack. He had three grenades and a block C4 that all exploded instantly when the buckshot hit. Due in large part to the general lack of quality in the fabrication of fragment ordinance.
The arc and sound were deafening rising over the purring of the turbines as huge pieces of gangway careened into the rotors. The motor began to choke. The machine would fail in minutes and violently explode. The Cap’n was creamed by the shrapnel and died almost instantly. As his life flashed before his eyes and thoughts turned to a young lady’s backside he once plundered. A full grin washed over his maw as the explosion consumed them all.
In that same moment, SING heard the sound. The friend stood up and they all looked at each other. No one said a word. Everyone pushed instantly through the hatch and nearly fell face first, charging up the steel stairs. On the deck, they could hear the horrible roar below.
SING and CODY grabbed the friend and charged to the rope. They said:
The friend descended the line very quickly and found himself on the deck of a tiny sliver of a ship one, one hundredth the size of the GIBRALTAR. The mighty ship was currently churning and banging like a BRONTOSAURUS that’s eaten a sack of land mines.
Their hearts all pounded as they skipped away from the horrible crackling and popping of containers exploding into each other. The engine block seized and a deafening clap cracked across the ocean's surface. The hull began to split, eventually jack-knifing into the water. The friend and the MEN spend away smoking cigarettes, trying to conceive the next step.
When they docked on a slip in MASAKAMBING everyone got off and proceeded directly to the brothel. The men all sat against the wall berating and yelling at all of the inquiring women. Between constant sips off the dragon's tail, howling like wild dogs.
Something extremely wrong had just happened. A full container ship has sunk and disappeared in the strait. Lloyds would send out a crack team in hours to start the dig. Running amok from island to island, tossing out money looking for leads. They all had to leave. NOW.
Over the course of several days, it was determined that they would all split up.
By pure coincidence, the friend had been talking on GCHAT with JUNIOR. They’d planned on meeting up in MACAU when his contract was done in the spring.
Junior picked up the phone and heard the friend's voice. It sounded RAGGED. Like a steak, drug behind a BIG WHEEL, up and down the driveway, then snuck back onto the grill. Serving the unwitting guests literal street beef.
It had been a lifetime since they’d soured in different times. It had been a dream they shared to meet as men and have a BEER. To catch up and break bread on the salacious tales of woe neither had told the other. The many colorful pieces that had paved the path back to them meeting face to face.
The friend said he was in Manila and would be flying to MACAU on Sunday. Junior asked the friend if he was still on the ship. The phone clicked off and he went back to sleep.
The cat looked out the window at a spider crawling up the glass window pane. The spider was bulbous and old. Lumbering. Junior awoke sometime later to a text and shooed off the bimbo he’d mistakenly brought home from the club. He’d taken to pregaming any evening out with a tall gigger of cool blue cough syrup the lady on the corner had been selling him for months.
Junior put on a tailored blazer and hard black GUCCI loafers. He fed his cat then poured up a proper gigger of sudo-antifreeze. Sipping it calmed him down.
His phone buzzed again and he hopped in a cab to the CASINO ESTORIL. The friend and his mates were playing craps., JUNIOR went to the counter and procured a thousand bucks in chips. He then made a b-line to the table underneath the sexy animatronic GODZILLA as he had been instructed. The friend put down his drink and embraced him. They both gasped and sat down.
The night wore into the morning. Many powders and beverages were passed and consumed joyously by all. SING had been on the fence about coming but decided it made more sense to follow this loud mouth IRISH sailor to meet his eccentric EXPAT brother in CHINA..
The boss had already proclaimed a full-bore head hunt to round up the BAFFOONS who had sunk a goddamn container ship and all the booty. The friend was in a far worse spot. The news had already pronounced him dead and buried with the ship. But alas he would not be sleeping with Captain SALAMONA in Dave’s Jones locker.
The sun was rising and old folks were starting to pour in holding hot stinky bowls of noodles.
SING knew it was time to make a move..
Unbeknownst to the friends something sinister lay in wait.
SING had heard the story from the friend about Junior. About how he had a peculiar propensity for avoiding calamity and a heart that pounded on the LEFT side of his chest.
SING announced that they were taking the crew to a penthouse across town.
The friend and junior climbed into the suburban. Everyone was still completely PISS DRUNK and looking like those who’d seen things they couldn’t unsee. SING flicked his SEVEN STAR into the gutter as they rounded the corner.
They pulled up to the curb and were greeted by four men in suits. Something instantly seemed wrong. SING stepped out and pointed at the yanks and muttered something in CANTONESE..
The men yolked them both up and walked slowly to the palatial entrance of the high-rise apartment building. Jutting up like a middle finger against the backdrop of the bay and decrepit temple.
The doors open and they entered with SING.
The friend yelled in rage at Sing asking what the fuck was happening. SING didn’t say a word and raised his finger to his lips so as to hush them all.
The door slid open to the white marble foyer with a huge LOUIS VITTON chest that sat alone greeting them. They heard the voice. It told them to come in and have a DRINK..
They passed the case and entered a well-lit wood-paneled salon overlooking the bay. A kind lady placed an old fashion in his hand. They were asked to wait for the HOST to join them. Everyone found a place on the ginormous leather sofa that snaked around the room. Cigarettes and coffee were served as well.
A voice crackled over the HI-FI in CANTONESE.. Everyone left. Junior and the friend sat listening to the footsteps clack in syncopation as the HOST approached.
Then the HOST entered from behind a cloth drape behind the bar. His thick grey hair and imperial-length fingernails cascaded as he thrust his hand to engage the parlay.
Welcome my friends. I’m quite certain you’re both wondering what’s brought you here to my audacious home.
I’m a man of unspeakable wealth. I’ve collected so many things. Beautiful things made by hands and hearts that know nothing but a passion to push objects into the wild. To live and become ART. But what is behind it all? What extends beyond the boundaries of the work that’s made by these mortal hands? I traveled a twisted and despicable path and have seen things no one could ever unsee.
This is what brings me to you JUNIOR.
I’m a man who is always hearing stories. Sometimes these stories can lead a curious person like myself to find something profound. I heard a story recently. About a pale face YANK who was magically made bacKwards.
Why do you think I would find this story interesting Junior? What reason could I have for wanting desperately to meet a man with an anomalous anatomy such as yourself?
Well, allow me to illuminate you with my most exalted and cherished possessions. The friends stood up. Hand in hand they passed through an ornate door. They found themselves in a long corridor with high vaulted ceilings. Dim lights lit the floor casting glimpses of the smooth shiny cases that lined the hall.
The HOST clapped his mighty paws and the lights popped on.
Looking back at them was a true rouges gallery of the human anomalous cast in the CRYSTALINE resin..
The creatures who were once living breathing humans were on display celebrating their grotesque and malformed bodies liberated of flesh and left fallow to bone and muscle.
Junior was very drunk from the whiskey, coffee, cough syrup, quaaludes, cocaine, and poppers that ragged through his frame.
The HOST approached Junior and took both of his hands into his.
You are the key Junior. You will become my most exhausted possession.
What is art, Junior? Is it a painting in a museum behind glass or a pillar crafted in the Parthenon?
So many times the fates were kind and ultimately delivered you to me. So many times you and that sublime body were spared from untold calamity. So many steps you took to finally stand before me now.
Junior’s eyes were glazed over with a CHESHIRE grin. His eyes appeared to be navigating a sand storm. He said nothing but kept smiling.
The HOST looked deep into his eyes and saw a ghost looking back at him.
Junior! I want you to understand what’s about to happen to you.
The HOST removed a flat piece of slate and placed it before Junior. He pulled out a golf ball size rock of cocaine and tossed it on the slab. He reached into a drawer and lifted up a stainless hammer. He waved it around the room wildly building up the searing tension.
This is my COKE HAMMER., BEHOLD!!!
The friends looked at each other.
The HOST had stealthily exposed himself as the friends stared in sheer awe of the COKE HAMMER in his vile clutches. The HOST now looked like a caged, rabbit animal clutching his throbbing JOHNSON in one hand and the most glorious hammer ever held by a man in the other.
He let out a low guttural tone and then bashed the shit out of the rock. It was rather messy but no one was complaining. The HOST calmed down significantly after burying his face in the BOLIVIAN mess that he had made on the slate. Pulling his powder-kissed face from the pile belted out something in LATIN.
He slumped himself comfortably into his patten leather throne that perfectly matched the leather straps he had installed as panels around the entirety of his domain.
Let me tell you about a man I know. He’s a stout man I call TEFLON. He works with his hands and heart and brain in a manner that is poetry to me. This man executed the wrapping of this very room of leather in which you now sit. However, this humble genius was once very unlucky. Fate dealt him pancreatic cancer. Everyone including himself sincerely believed he was going to die. But he did not die. The force was so unimaginably strong in him that it was able to conquer the pestilence wrought upon him.. Ninety-five percent of people on his path return to force. But not TEFLON. He fought the demon that grew inside his body into submission. This man conquered death and now continues his passionate odyssey in leather through this savage wilderness.
The HOST looked at them both intently.
Junior appeared to have entered a K HOLE-like state of joyful intoxication rendering him cognitively infantile.
The friend's eyes were wide open though. He had not started the journey sipping cough syrup.
The HOST looked the friend directly in his eyes
. Your friend is a very, very special piece of art you see. He is the GOD particle. What do any of our lives matter? Is the most ambitious thing that you’ve ever done less impressive than the most meager accomplishments of those you rever? How many people leave a legacy?
Why do we care about art?
Is it something we make or does it make us?
Why do we run in circles endlessly suffering, chasing the cheese in the maze? What are the choices that we make as artists? How many steps did you take to come to this place? Do you think that your genius friend will live to be an old man? How long do any of us have prior to the breath that flicks the wick? Not even the PHARAOHS could create art of the highest level that ultimately would not lose reverence.
I can say with absolute certainty that if I was the proud owner of the pyramids I would trade them in a heartbeat for JUNIOR.
You’re friend probably thought that he would once again dodge the bullet. If he’d change flights and miss terrorists. If he’d not been mad over anything so long ago that no one remembered what was sour. But alas, he too will pass into the void and live in our hearts and heads as we all do. They all float down here in the clear CRYSTLINE resin. They gaze back at me reminding me that there is still ART in this godforsaken rock on which we spin.
The HOST let out a full-body sigh and disappeared with Junior through a door at the end of the corridor.
The friend looked at SING. Hatred and vitriol filled his heart. But deep down he knew full well that nothing would be settled in the HOST’s home.
They all knocked back their drinks and proceeded to the lift. Back out on the street, it was morning and the hum of the hive was in full vibration. The friend looked up to the top of the tower.
Junior had been drinking cough syrup, chain-smoking, wasting away before the screen, and lying with foul hussies just pissing his already bleak prospects down the drain.
SING looked smug and put his arm around the friend. He told him how sorry he was and how he would make this square with him. He handed him a large LOUIS VITTON track sack and offered him a SEVEN STAR.
The day was hot and dry. The air felt dense with human essence and commerce. The friend clutched the sack and said goodbye to SING. He put up his left hand and pulled a scooter to drift him off quickly to the airport.
Perhaps the friend had not been a friend to Junior. He’d left his childhood friend who proclaimed himself a WANG scholar many times over to die at the hands of a madman wielding a COKE HAMMER.
The terrorists would go home and Dan Rather would forget all about the family from HARDWICK. The doctor who first looked at his X-RAY SPECS backward would regale friends and colleagues of JUNIOR’s peculiar anatomical malformity.
Junior was the most remarkable man. The HOST with brutal certainty encapsulated him forever in CRYSTALINE resin. His story would never ever be spoken as those who collect such things would go to no end attempting to acquire this monolith of genetics. Junior was cast to glow in the eyes of those who would never tell his tale again.
The HOST would die and leave his collection to inspire the BODY WORLD global phenomenon. The family had managed to dodge many syncretic moments that would have been perilous.
They didn’t die at the hands of early 80’s men wielding assist rifles thanks to the magic of ballet.
JOHN WEIJA JR. 1976-2017
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javaterri · 2 years
World of guns gun disassembly download
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After you go through the guns, take them apart and put them back together, any of those weapons that you get to shoot in an FPS will feel different. To create each model, our team spends months poring over actual guns, photos, blueprints and documents. The program is as true and accurate as possible to the actual workings of its real-life counterpart.World of. World of Guns has been used as a learning aid by armorers, law enforcement and military personnel. Rank History shows how popular World of Guns: Gun Disassembly is in.
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To wrap it up, get World of Guns: Gun Disassembly. World of Guns Gun Disassembly freeload Repacklab World of Guns puts 200 years of firearm history into a single, sleek and engaging video game. Check out the download rank history for World of Guns: Gun Disassembly in United States. You won't really appreciate the awesomeness of a gun until you see a cross-section of it loading and firing bullets. If it is like that then you just need to check your disk space before and afterwards downloading guns and look if something changed. World of Guns: Gun Disassembly offers an X-Ray vision mode that allows you to see all the working mechanical parts of a weapon when it is fired. Originally posted by thorger0002: In the thread someone said the game would be 50 to 100 gig in total. The best thing about World of Guns: Gun Disassembly is that you get to understand the complex warfare engineering that went into some modern weapons as well as have a glimpse of the simple yet effective design of WWII rifles. It’s quite satisfying to take apart an AK-47 down to the last and smallest screw then to put it back together against the clock. In fact, let’s stop calling it a game, it’s more of an educational tool that lets you interact with the subject of the lesson.
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Each category has several to a lot of weapons in it, and if you’re into guns, you’ll have a lot of materials to go through.Īpart from understanding how to perform a field disassembly and a complete one, the game offers plenty of other features. Free world of guns gun disassembly torrent download software at UpdateStar - World of Guns: Gun Disassembly is a cross-genre simulation / puzzle video game that allows the player to operate and disassemble various firearms, as well as other mechanisms like automobiles, AFVs and aircraft. World of Guns: Gun Disassembly enables you to disassemble and reassemble a wide range of pistols, SMGs, launchers, revolvers, assault rifles, machine guns, standard rifles, shotguns, compact guns, artillery and some historical pieces of weaponry. Take apart simple rifles to large artillery guns but everytime i select a gun or a firing range game download that gun or map first and its really annoying.
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For those who want to take that love to the next level, as well as the desire to know more about guns, World of Guns: Gun Disassembly was created. Or a particular gun from Doom Or for that matter do you know how a Ducatti works You can find out with World of Guns, the most realistic 3D simulator of. You fall in love with the weapons as well. Playing games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive you don’t just enjoy the gameplay, the teamwork and the glorious no-scope headshots, no.
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lilydalexf · 3 years
Hi! I remember reading a fic that I remember nothing about except for a passage where M and S discuss who'd be more affected if the other died, and S (I think?) tries to make some point about how one of them could die if a moving company dropped a piano on them... I realize this is both highly specific yet not much to go by but it's these exact details that've stuck with me and it's driving me crazy 😬
This sounds like a scene in the great X-Files novel Sokol by Khyber (part 1, part 2). An excerpt:
"What if a piano fell on me?" Scully rubbed his neck and tried to smile.
"I'd look really stupid walking into a moving company with an AK-47 and eighteen pounds of Semtex strapped to my chest." He leaned in against her, ducking to rest his chin on her shoulder. She nuzzled in a little closer, realizing that her smile had failed despite his joke. It wasn't a joke really, nor a surprise, she reminded herself. The violence in him was a narrow but terrifyingly deep streak, and so hard she was surprised it didn't show on an x-ray.
Sokol is a sequel to Reach. These 2 fics have a number of related shorter stories by Khyber: Day 17, Day 19, Day 51, Eldorado Bones, Dancing Skeleton Day, and Terminus Post Quem.
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hemellassie · 6 years
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Restless Days and Restless Nights *(*(*)*)*
Ch. 8 *(*(*)*)*
Photographs and Memories Pt 1
Rick shot up his bed, crying out, "Thomas!" He angrily swiped the tears from his eyes, followed immediately, by a shudder at the memories he'd just revisited in his nightmare.
God, what had triggered that particular memory? He despised that memory with a passion. Oh, now he remembered what triggered it. Well, shit on a shingle...time for a midnight visit to Magnum...why wouldn't Thomas ever just admit when he needed a helping hand? Rick knew he wasn't going back to sleep anyway, so he got up and dressed quickly. Grabbing his go bag, he went into the bathroom and washed his face then grabbed the 'special liniment' Shammy had given him to try, made sure the lid was on tight and added it to his go bag. Slinging the bag's strap over his shoulder, he headed out to his car in the parking lot to get going. He thought about giving TC a call, but decided this was his penance to pay, so why disturb the big guy? He had a tour at sunrise tomorrow.
That thought resolved, Rick slung the go bag into the backseat of his Porsche and began the drive to Thomas' place. Hopefully, he could get to the guest house without Higgy noticing...she didn't have to know every time he was there, did she? That's why he and TC each had their own codes. He drove towards Robin's Nest just over the speed limit until he escaped the city confines. Once out on the H3, he floored it. He'd pay the damn ticket if they caught him. He needed to get there and see just how much damage Thomas had actually done to himself this time. The needle on the speedometer crept up as he drove along the road. *(*(*)*)*
Earlier the same evening...at Robin's Nest
Magnum ambled out of the guest house, hands in the pockets of his swim shorts, whistling an off-key tune.
"Magnum, where are you going?" Higgins's voice, rather stridently, demanded.
Thomas paused in mid-step and turned towards the main house, reluctantly walking towards Higgins who was quick stepping towards him. They met in the middle. Kumu was behind her, making warning faces that seemed to indicate 'Don't rile her up; she is not in a good mood.'
"I'm heading out to go swimming, Higgy," Thomas replied in a calming voice.
"It's rather late for that, surely."
"Higgins, I've gone swimming in total darkness before and it's a good hour before sunset. I won't be gone long."
"Pardon me, if I am not certain, I believe that. I've known you to bloody well be out there three hours on your little swims. You are recovering from a concussion. I don't think you should go swimming without a swim buddy."
"Look, MOM, I'm a big boy...and a former Navy Seal. I have gone swimming with gunshot wounds, with concussions far worse and far fresher than the little knock on the head I got the other day, with broken limbs. I can handle myself out there." Magnum was getting a bit irate.
"Thomas, I'm merely concerned. Wait a moment. Why are you holding your shoulder so funny?"
"Huh? I'm not. I got hit in my head, not my..."
Juliet reached out and squeezed his shoulder and TM dropped to his knees, his face contorted in pain. She looked down at him. "You were saying?"
"Damn, Higgy...what the hell?"
She bent over and helped him up grabbing the other shoulder. "Come over here, right now!" She took him to a nearby lounge chair and pushed him down onto it. "Now, off with your shirt."
"We haven't even dated yet, Higgy." Kumu mimed slapping her own face and then his...mouthing, "Don't make her angry, you won't like her when she's angry." Thomas couldn't help the smirk that tugged at his lips.
Higgins slapped the back of his head lightly. Thankfully she missed the still tender part back there. "This isn't funny. Shirt! Off, now!"
"Okay, okay..." Thomas realized she wasn't going to take no for an answer and began unbuttoning his shirt. His shoulder really did hurt. He hadn't noticed it before this. What was going on? It was where his old injury from the camps was. Why was that acting up? He heard a horrified gasp from Higgins. "What, what's wrong, Higgins?" He started to turn his head to try and see what she was staring at so aghast, but she pushed his head back facing forward.
"What in the bloody hell did you do to yourself here?" The woman demanded.
"What are you talking about?" He again tried to turn his head, but Juliet grabbed both sides of his head and said. "Face forward, Magnum, damn it. Did you get this when you got hit on the back of the head?"
Thomas rolled his eyes and retorted testily. "As I haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about, I can't really answer that question, now can I? However, so far as I know, the shovel hit me right in the back of my head, there was no other impact, but really, you would have to ask the kid who hit me as I was unconscious at the time."
"Kumu, would you please get me an ice pack?"
"You've got it. Be right back."
Magnum heaved a very put upon sigh. "What's the ice pack for? As we are talking about my body, I would like to know what you are seeing, please."
Juliet sighed. "You are definitely NOT going swimming this evening, Thomas. You have a massive bruise back here and your shoulder is extremely swollen. I think you need x-rays."
"What? No way...I'll swim it off. I am not going to the ER, Jules...it isn't needed."
"Will you bloody well listen to me for once, Magnum? I think something may be broken in here."
"Higgins, I think I would know if I broke my shoulder. I probably just aggravated an old injury I have in that area."
"The bruise indicates an injury, probably blunt force. The coloration tells me it is about as old as your concussion. I think the man must have hit you more than just once. Did Katsumoto take you to the ER after that happened?"
"No. I didn't think I needed it."
"Did he even examine you?"
"Why would he examine me? He's a detective, not a doctor." Magnum replied. "Jules, I'll be fine. Let me go back to my original plan and take a swim."
"Like hell, I will allow that to happen. This has to be hurting, Thomas." As Kumu handed her the ice pack wrapped in a dish towel, Higgins slapped it onto his shoulder, causing the man to jump though her hand on his other shoulder kept him seated. "You are staying right there for the time being if I have to restrain you." She realized she had said the wrong thing when she saw how pale he became. She walked around in front of this difficult man and knelt before him. "Thomas, I'm sorry, but I am genuinely concerned here. I must insist..."
Magnum shook his head. "Jules, I appreciate your concern, but it can't be that bad. I rowed this morning and, yeah, it twinged a bit, but not that bad. So it can't be broken again...I'd know."
"Again?" Kumu asked.
Magnum shrugged with his other shoulder. "It wasn't my shoulder but the...aw, I can't remember the name of it...the bone that runs from your neck to your shoulder got snapped by an AK-47 butt when we were in captivity. The scapula was broken, too. I remember the pain from that time and this is nowhere near as bad as that was."
"Perhaps you have built up a higher pain tolerance because of your time in the camps." Juliet offered, hesitantly.
"I don't think so," Thomas sighed. "If anything, I'm more of a wuss than I was back then."
"I don't believe that for a moment, Magnum," Higgins said seriously.
"This, from the woman who told me to man up after I was hit by a car?"
"You had scared me, Thomas...I tend to snap things out when I am frightened. I don't like being frightened, it makes me ..."
"Grumpy? Good to know." Thomas smiled at her. "Is there any way I can see what is going on with my shoulder here?"
Kumu silently handed Higgins two hand mirrors of the type hairstylists use to show you your haircut when it's done. Juliet smiled at the older woman. "I'll show you once that ice bag has been on for 20 minutes and not a moment sooner. Alright?" Her tone had become very conciliatory.
Magnum nodded. "Okay, Higgins. I'll be good. Do you have any ice cream?"
Higgins chuckled. "Ice cream, not a lollipop?"
Kumu offered. "A bowl of vanilla ice cream coming up, Thomas. Juliet, you want any?"
"I'll have a small bowl, please, Kumu."
As the older woman turned to go get the treats, Magnum called out. "Thank you, Kumu."
Thomas slowly tried to stretch without moving the injured side too much. "This is why I wanted to swim...I'm getting stiff."
"I shouldn't wonder...you were coshed on the head and fell to the ground, you probably have more than a few bruises to go with the spectacular one here on your shoulder. Thomas, you really need to take better care of yourself. Why in the hell didn't you go to the hospital after you were knocked out?"
Magnum shrugged, both shoulders, but reaching up with his right hand to hold the ice pack in place on his shoulder. "I was on a case...and it was important to Katsumoto. I really didn't think it was that bad."
Juliet sighed... "And I rest my case. I swear you need a keeper, Magnum."
"I'll second that emotion. What's with the ice on your shoulder, Thomas?" Detective Katsumoto asked as he came up the path from the gate.
Silently, Higgins lifted up the ice pack and showed the man Magnum's shoulder. "What in the hell - Thomas, you didn't tell me he hit you in your shoulder, too?
"God, everybody is going to see MY shoulder before I do."
Juliet glanced at her watch. "Just a few more minutes, Magnum."
Katsumoto gave a grumpy huff. "That's it. You are going to the ER - that looks awful."
"My body, my choice...and I say..."
Juliet, Gordon, and Kumu all said together, "You're fine."
"Yeah, Magnum, you are always fine. Your leg could be hanging on one thin strip of muscle, completely torn off otherwise, and you would still say you were bloody well, fine!" Higgins was seriously fed up.
Katsumoto made the mistake of cracking up at that line. Higgins did not look happy at that. Kumu handed Higgins and Magnum their ice cream and immediately asked the Detective. "Would you like some vanilla ice cream or water or something?"
Katsumoto smiled at the older woman and said. "Thank you, Kumu, but no. I just had dinner a while ago. I came by because, Thomas, Mrs. Tak would like you to come to the house on Saturday. Would you be okay with that?"
"Me? Why would she want me to come?"
"After you and Higgins came to the internment, she started asking a lot more questions about who you were, how I knew you...she really appreciates you helping me out on this case and she wants to get to know you."
Thomas blushed. "I don't know, Detective. The credit and stuff should go to you, I didn't..."
The detective snorted. "Forget it, Magnum. You are coming unless you wind up in the hospital with that shoulder."
"Oh for cry-aye! It's ..."
"not that bad!" The other three chimed in together.
"You can't see it, Magnum. It is that bad." Katsumoto advised him seriously. "Look, I'll pay if that's your issue..."
"It's not that," Magnum sighed. "They'll want to do surgery if I get an X-ray. I don't want that. I have an old injury there that didn't heal right from when I was in the camps; when I was a prisoner of the Taliban, but it would be weeks before I could get back to life, and I'm not going for it. I can't...it would be like being back there. I can't do it. NO!" He stood up and walked away. Juliet sighed and followed him, taking the empty ice cream bowl out of his hand.
"Thomas..." She said, gently.
He just shook his head and turned and went into the guest house, slamming the door, and she heard the lock click into place. She sighed and walked back to where the detective stood frowning. As she drew near, he asked her. "Is he alright?"
"I think he's a bit triggered by this injury, Detective."
"Call me Gordon. Do we need to call the guys?"
"Probably, but I don't think he'd be very receptive right now. He was at the King Kamehameha Club earlier, and, if I know those two, they noticed enough that they will show up on their own at some point during the night."
"What? Are they psychic?" The detective asked.
"They are something. He'll be having night terrors and they show up before we even call them. Those three know each other in a way that is almost beyond comprehension...and they must have subtle tells that they each pick up on. It isn't one sided either - them taking care of him, you know? He knows when Rick is having a rough time."
"Oh, I've been in on that, just recently."
"Yeah, I'll tell you that story another time. If they or you manage to talk him around to going to the ER, give me a call, okay? That injury is my responsibility. It looks really gnarly...I don't like that he won't go."
"Neither do I, but he is an adult."
"Yeah, well he's acting juvenile." Katsumoto snapped. "Sorry, he's just kind of got me worried. What if the concussion is worse than he thinks, too?"
Higgins sighed. "That thought had occurred to me as well. Let's not go borrowing trouble, Gordon. Sufficient unto the day..."
"Are the troubles thereof." The detective finished. "My auntie used to say that all the time." He smiled... "is it, Shakespeare?"
"The Bible actually...I believe it is from the Sermon On The Mount...Matthew 6:34...if I remember correctly."
"I didn't think you were the religious type."
"Oh, I'm not, but in my day, in English school, we got religious education as a part of our schooling. You see the Queen, in those days was - technically still, is Defender of the Faith. So we never had the complete separation of church and state that you have here in the states. Religion was taught in schools back when I was young. Now, they say if Charles ever makes it to the throne, he will be sworn in as Defender of Faith, not Defender of THE Faith. As Britain is much more multi-faith and multi-cultural these days, I don't know what they teach in school now...comparative religion?"
"I haven't the foggiest idea, Higgins. Back to Thomas, I really am worried. I feel responsible."
"He wouldn't want you to, you know. He'd say it's his choice."
Gordon frowned. "Not on my watch...he got hurt helping me. He didn't have to be there."
Juliet laughed. "Of course he did. There was a mystery to be solved. The man can't resist a puzzle. He even finished a jigsaw puzzle I had planned on working on for the next few weeks while I was out with Kumu at a function last week, a thousand piece puzzle. Although to be fair he bought me a replacement the next day and apologized."
"Wait. He actually paid for something?"
"Yes, Gordon. He does manage to pay for things occasionally." They smiled at each other.
Katsumoto shook his head, musing aloud. "Thomas Magnum is really something else, isn't he?"
Higgins smiled and looked towards the guest house. "He truly is - special in his own unique way, our White Knight. I'm still only beginning to get to know him, but he does grow on you."
The detective wrinkled his nose. "He's an acquired taste, but he does grow on you, like a fungus."
"And he's come through for both of us a time or two now, hasn't he?"
"Him and Rick and TC,…yes, they have."
"They are a matched set." Juliet agreed.
"You have my number?"
"It's in my phone."
"Call me whatever time it is, if someone convinces him to go to the hospital, okay?"
"You've got it, Detective Katsumoto."
"Thanks, Higgins. Good night, ladies." The detective turned and left. His car was parked outside the gate and Higgins opened the gate as he approached it.
"We never did show Thomas his shoulder…" Kumu pointed out.
"The stubborn fool lumbered off before I could."
To be continued…
A/N: At least one person has already seen and reviewed this. I wrote it today starting while I was up in El Dorado Hills, CA to see the movie, APOLLO 11. If you haven't seen it, I urge you to go and see it. It is much more than the old footage we have seen on History Channel and really excellent. I used to work on The USS Hornet, a retired Aircraft Carrier/museum down in the Bay area. I was one of many who actually helped save it from the scrapper's torch. The USS Hornet picked up Apollo 11 when they got back from going to the moon. My father also worked on the Apollo project in a distant, but vital way. He got to go to NASA before the rocket was assembled...he was a technical writer and wrote the technical manuals for the camera equipment that went to the moon. So between the connection to my Dad, long dead now...and my connection to the ship (when I was first aboard her after she was saved, my first job aboard I was trained to deliver the safety briefing.) Myself and my friend, Diana, were also trained to be the Apollo specialists to give folks tours of the Apollo exhibits on the ship and actually got to go inside the MQF on the ship with Buzz Aldrin, more than once. It was great to see that movie today. Well, night all...I am already writing the next section of this in my mind. Hope you all enjoy this first part.
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sayitaliano · 7 years
Tradurre una canzone || 100daysoflanguages 5
As someone asked, I’ll translate God Rap by Eminem  (did he write the Divina Commedia wth... jk) Just know that rap has deeper meaning and some slang words I might not get sometimes or that are though to translate so yep I leave you also this translation
Dio del Rap 
(ENG lyrics)
Guarda, stavo per andarci piano con te per non ferire i tuoi sentimenti Ma prenderò al volo questa unica possibilità Qualcosa non va, lo sento (sei minuti. Slim Shady, sei in diretta) Ho solo una sensazione, come che qualcosa stia per succedere, ma non so cosa Se ciò significa, quello che io penso significhi, siamo nei casini - grossi casini- E se lui è così fuori come dici, non correrò il rischio Tu eri proprio come il cacio sui maccheroni Inizio a sentirmi come il Dio del Rap, il Dio del Rap Tutta la mia gente dalla prima fila all'ultima annuisca, annuisca Ora chi pensa che le sue braccia siano lunghe abbastanza per tirare schiaffi? Dicono che rappo come un robot, e allora chiamami Rapbot Ma per me fare rap come se fossi un computer deve essere nel miei geni  Ho un portatile nella mia tasca posteriore La mia penna spara se la carico a metà Mi son fatto un grosso rotolo (di soldi) dal guadagno di questo rap Mi guadagno da vivere e da uccidere da questo Fin da quando Bill Clinton stava ancora nel suo ufficio Con Monica Lewinsky che sentiva le sue palle Sono ancora un MC tanto onesto Ma anche tanto maleducato e indecente quanto tutto l'inferno  Sillabe, omicida dipendente (uccidili tutti così) Questo hip hop viscido, beffardo e confuso Non vuoi davvero fare a gara a chi piscia più lontano con questo rap rapido, Che imballa un Mac nel bagagliaio di una Ac, fate i bagagli un backpack rap, sì, bla bla bla Nello stesso preciso momento in cui mi cimento in queste bravate di versi acrobatici, mentre sto cercando di capire Se sarò ancora in grado di rompere un cazzo di tavolo Sulla schiena di un paio di froci e romperlo a metà Ho appena realizzato quanto fosse ironico che io avessi firmato con la Aftermath dopo quel fatto Come sarebbe stato possibile per me non sfondare? Tutto quello che faccio è sganciare delle C (cazzo) di bombe, senti la mia determinazione d'attacco I rappers stanno passando dei momenti difficili, punto, ecco un maxi assorbente A dire il vero si sta mettendo disastrosamente male Per i deboli mentre io sto costruendo magistralmente questo capolavoro mentre Inizio a sentirmi come il Dio del Rap, il Dio del Rap Tutta la mia gente dalla prima fila all'ultima annuisca, annuisca Ora chi pensa che le sue braccia siano lunghe abbastanza per tirare schiaffi? Fatemi dimostrare come mantenere alto il livello di sta merda non sia così difficile Tutti quanti vogliono le chiavi e il segreto per l'immortalità del rap proprio come ce li ho io Beh, ad essere sincero il piano è semplicemente rabbia ed esuberanza giovanile Tutti amano tifare per un seccatore Colpire la terra come se fosse un asteroide, che non ha fatto altro che mirare alla luna da quando Gli MC vengono portati a scuola con questa musica Perchè la uso come un veicolo per irrompere con una rima  Ora dirigo una nuova scuola piena di studenti Io? Sono il prodotto di Rakim, Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac N.W.A, Cube, hey, Doc, Ren, Yella, Eazy, grazie a voi, loro hanno avuto Slim Abbastanza ispirato per farti crescere un giorno, sfondare e essere nella condizione Di incontrare i Run DMC e introdurli nella fottutissima Rock n' Roll Hall Of Fame Anche se entro in chiesa e mi faccio espoldere in una bolla di fiamme La sola Hall of Fame alla quale sono stato introdotto è l'alcool della gloria, Sul muro della vergogna  Voi froci pensate sia tutto un gioco fino a quando non cammino in un ammasso di fiamme Su una tavola, ditemi a che cazzo state pensando? Giovane ragazzo con lo sguardo felice  Così felice che riesco a malapena a dirlo con uno sguardo normale, ragazzo Tu sei testimone di un massacro Come se guardassi una congregazione in chiesa, ragazzo Oy hey, quel ragazzo è felice, questo è tutto ciò che dicono, ragazzo Tu ti prendi il pollice all'insù, una pacca sulla spalla E un modo per andartene dalla tua etichetta ogni giorno, ragazzo Hey, ragazzo, che dici ragazzo? Io ho ottenuto un 'hell yeah' da Dre ragazzo Lavorerò per tutto quello che ho Non ho mai chiesto un cazzo a nessuno, levati di mezzo ragazzo In pratica ragazzo tu non sarai mai capace Di mantenere lo stesso livello ragazzo Perché inizio a sentirmi come il Dio del Rap, il Dio del Rap Tutta la mia gente dalla prima fila all'ultima annuisca, annuisca Il modo in cui corre sulla pista, chiamatemi Nascar Sono il Dale Earnhardt del parcheggio roulotte, il Dio del White Trash Inginocchiatevi davanti al Generale Zod questo pianeta è Krypton, non Asgard Così tu sarai Thor e io sarò Odin, tu rodente io onnipotente Prima assolto poi mi ricarico immediatamente con queste bombe che sto portando E non dovrei essere svegliato, Sono un morto che cammina, ma sono solo un testa parlante, uno zombie che galleggia Ma ho tua mamma che mi fa un pompino  Sono fuori di testa, non abbiamo niente in comune barboncino Io sono un doberman, datti un pizzicotto al braccio e fammi gli ossequi, studente Sono io, la mia onestà è brutale Ma è comunque una onestà futile se non utilizzo ciò che faccio Per qualcosa di buono almeno una volta ogni tanto Quindi voglio assicurarmi che nella mia scrittura a zampa di gallina e confusa Ci siano abbastanza rime per forse cercare di aiutare qualcuno a superare dei brutti momenti Ma mi conservo alcune rime in caso voi senza contratto Rappers affamati mi guardaste come se fossi il pranzo So che c'è stato un tempo in cui Ero il re dell'underground, ma riesco ancora a fare rap come se facessi parte del reticolo di Pharoahe Monch Così sgranocchio le rime, ma a volte quando metti insieme L'attrazione e il colore della mia pelle Diventi troppo grande ed ecco che provano a censurarti Come quel verso che ho detto in 'I'm back' nel Marshall Mathers LP Quello dove ho provato a dire che prendo sette bambini della Columbine Li metto tutti in fila, aggiungo una AK-47, un revolver e un nove millimetri Vediamo se riesco a farla franca ora che non sono così grande come una volta, Ma mi sono trasformato in un immortale che viene da un portale Tu sei rimasto bloccato nella curvatura spazio tempo del 2004 E non so cosa cazzo rappi a fare Tu non hai senso come Raperonzolo con le fottute treccine Tu sei tipo normale, fanculo essere normale E io ho appena comprato la pistola a raggi X dal futuro Per tornare e spararti come quando Fabolous ha fatto incazzare Ray J Perchè Fab ha detto che sembrava un frocio nell'appartamento di Mayweather Cantando ad un uomo mentre suonavano il piano amico, oh amico, c'era uno speciale 24 ore su 24 7 giorni su 7, sul canale via cavo E allora Ray J è andato dritto alla stazione radio proprio il giorno dopo 'Hey Fab, ti uccido' Testi che ti arrivano ad una velocità supersonica (JJ Fad) Uh, sama lamaa duma lamaa tu pensi che io sia umano Cosa devo fare per farti entrare in testa che son un super uomo Innovativo e sono fatto di gomma Quindi tutto quello che mi dici rimbalza da me e si riattacca a te Non affermo mai, più di quanto non abbia dimostrato Come dare a un publico di figli di puttana la sensazione che stiano lievitando Mai sbiadire e lo so che quelli che mi odiano staranno sempre ad aspettare Il giorno in cui potranno dire che sono finito, faranno festa Perchè io conosco il modo per motivarli Facendo musica elevata, tu fai musica per ascensori  Oh, lui è troppo mainstream Beh, questo è quello che fanno quando diventano gelosi, si confondono Non è hip hop, è pop, perchè ho trovato un fottuto modo di fonderlo Con il rock, rap scioccante col Dottore Lanciare Lose Yourself e farli perdere Non so come fare canzoni così Non so che parole usare Fammi sapere quando ti succede Mentre sto stracciando uno qualsiasi di questi versi diversi come te Sipario chiuso, ti sto innavertitamente facendo male Quanti versi devo ammazzare per provare Che se sei bravo almeno la metà a fare canzoni puoi anche sacrificare vergini! Bocciato a scuola, pillole dipendente, Ma guarda i riconoscimenti che le mie abilità mi han portato, Pieno di me stesso, ma ancora affamato, Sono prepotente con me stesso perchè mi obbligo a farmi fare le cose che mi metto in testa di fare E sono mille leghe superiore a te, malato quando parlo in lingue Ma è ancora lingua nella guancia, fottiti Sono ubriaco così Satana prendi sto cazzo di volante, sto dormendo sul sedile davanti Pompando Heavy D and the Boys, ancora massiccio ma funky Ma nella mia testa c'è qualcosa che strattona e lotta Gli angeli combattono con i diavoli ed ecco quello che vogliono da me Vogliono che elimino un pò di odio sulle donne Ma se prendete in considerazione il pungente odio che avevo Allora potreste essere un po’ più pazienti e più comprensivi verso la situazione E capire la discriminazione Ma fanculo, se la vita ti passa i limoni, fai una limonata allora Ma se non riesco a sbattere le donne come cazzo posso fare a far loro una torta allora? Non confonderlo per Satana È un errore fatale se pensi che abbia bisogno di andare all'estero E fare una vacanza con una E farla cadere sulla sua faccia e non essere un ritardato Essere un re? Penso di no, perchè essere un re quando puoi essere un Dio?
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oceanotides · 8 years
« “Here we go, gametime.”, Yoongi whispered and you watched him adjust his AK 47 at the column he was hiding behind, giving you a thumbs up and a slight, barely noticeable smile.
“Kooks, you need some fresh air?”, you asked tensely, aiming at the doors your rival gang was supposed to come out of, testing what weapon you’d use, “’cause you’ll get a whole lot of it.”
“Y/N, cut it off. I swear to god, I’m going to kill you all if we get out of this alive.”, and again, quiet chuckling was audible through the comm – until the defeaning, irritating sound of the sirens boomed through the streets, shaking through your body as they drowned out everything else. » 
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre:gang!au, thepurge!au, angst, fluff
warnings: mentions of blood and death, a LOT of statements inspired by movies and books, content may be confusing
inspired by: @lets-go-north ‘s the purge vine, lover, fighter and meet me on the battlefield by svrcina, bts x the purge by saera kim, bts // the purge by polarisdreams & bts x monsta x by datjimilly
word count: 8,532
a/n: i really recommend watching all the videos and listening to the songs mentioned above - just so you get the vibe!
remember back in spring ‘16 where i had announced i’d write some thepurge!au? no? well, anyways, i’ve finally done it and here it is. be prepared because i didn’t take a second look at it, so there may be a few grammar mistakes. btw, i’m dead, i’ve written this on a single day and the way it ends is kind of awful, so let me know if you’d want me to write an alternative ending and, as always, what you think about the whole story. if anyone even reads that damn long oneshot, lol. anyways, here you go!
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A fresh breeze whistled around your ears. The petrichor; the world’s smell caused by the sky crying its eyes out, lingered in the air. The soft rain dampened your face and your eyelashes tickled your eyelid crease as you rolled your eyes and laughed out loud at the joke Jin had just made which actually wasn’t funny at all. Life was more tolerable for a moment.
The small backyard you were sitting in had always seemed calming to you. The high and grey brickstone wall entrenched you and gave you the small amount of privacy you needed whenever you felt like being alone, spending your noons organising your thoughts – in case you found time to do so in between all the things on your to-do list.
The rusty lawn chair Taehyung was sitting in made a nerve-wrecking noise as he got up, walking towards the brick house the backyard belonged to and you thought about following him but thinking about what day it was made you stay in your place, messily scribbling things you thought of as essential for tonight down onto a piece of paper.
Clanking noises which sounded suspiciously like the beverage bottles existing in abundance at the headquarter’s kitchen came from inside, reminding you of how thirsty you actually were and of how you’d need to stay hydrated for the event nearing.
“Tae? Bring me a desperados, will you?”, you called.
It didn’t take long for him to answer with the ‘When will you finally learn that you veritably have your own legs’ that was ridiculously characteristic of the currently brown-haired guy you happened to call a best friend of yours. Consequently you weren’t exactly surprised as he crossed the threshold, entering the yard again with some bottles in his hands.
“I wasn’t exactly planning on getting drunk.”, you said, looking at the seven bottles he was putting down on the small table you, Jin, Jungkook and Namjoon were sitting at. The lemonade he had been holding under his arm in order not to go twice followed suit and he fell back into the black chair he had claimed as his.
“Correct”, Namjoon agreed, putting the files he had been reading onto the brown ebony. Some drops of sweat covered his forehead, barely noticeable, yet somehow sticking out to you. It was a unusual hot day and the sun was illuminating the firmament with its last rays – spring was nearing its end and summer was to follow.
“Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin said they’ll be here soon,”, he opened his bottle, the label reading pepsi, took a huge sip and flipped his hair back, “at 6:30, to be exact.”
His eyes settled on you when you crossed your arms and leaned forward, furrowing your eyebrows in thought as you took a sip, too, then focusing on what you had written down till now.
Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok were a weird trio: one of them was most sarcastic person you had ever met; the other one probably the cutest; yet most dangerous person in this town while the latter managed to be the most positive human being in spite of his job as an assassin. Yoongi was a year older than you and you had become friends in your junior year when the both you were paired for a chemistry project.
Min Yoongi, the most intimidating guy out of all the people in your grade – scratch that, in the whole school. He didn’t even bother to give a shit, neither about other’s opinions nor about his grades that had caused him to repeat the junior year. The only reason for him not getting kicked out was Mrs Peterson, and, to be completely honest, you hadn’t been able to unterstand her back then. Maybe it was his ultra sarcastic attitude she relished – but had that been reasonable?
No, not at all. You hadn’t known him that well and at that point, you didn’t really want to, either. Your brother was his age and consequently shared a few classes with him. From what he had told you, Yoongi was no guy who liked to make friends. “He doesn’t even like to meet people.”, your brother said on a Friday evening when the two of you had been eating dinner together, watching one of your favorite series. You had helped him finish an assignment earlier that day since your parents weren’t home, as usual. But let’s not talk about that.
However, being absent thinking about what you had used to think about Yoongi, you hadn’t noticed him, Jimin and Hoseok entering the backyard.
Only when he draped a black hoodie around your shoulders you blinked, recognizing the three boys. Jimin looked at you with an excited smile on his face which partially disgusted and partially amused you.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Today was different from all the other times the eight of you hung out together. The mood seemed chill but you knew better than that, being close with the boys for more than a year now. What seemed to be joyful actually was gloomy; what seemed to be carelessness was worry about what was going to happen today, about what was going to happen tonight – tonight defined as the period of time starting in less than a hour. Aᴘʀɪʟ 21sᴛ, 7:00ᴘᴍ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ Aᴘʀɪʟ 22ɴᴅ, 7:00ᴀᴍ. America’s 7thPurge was going take place tonight.
You looked at the dark brown haired boy you had grown to respect and like so much sitting across the table, unfolding a map on it. The dimples he caused to show up when he was smiling were a perfect cover for what, who he actually was.
At the age of twenty-one, he was ruling one of the most dangerous gangs in Los Angeles, and whole LA to be honest. Rumors had it that he had cameras installed around the whole city and knew what was happening everywhere before anyone else was even capable of doing something. Of course the whole camera-thing was not true – well, not completely at least. And moreover he was not nearly as hostile as everyone thought, but incredibly smart and powerful instead.
Powerful was his voice as he spoke up to tell you about tonight’s plans, taking a look at his watch attached to his wrist.
“It’s 6:37pm.”, he said, giving the three boys who had just sat down a stern glance, before continuing. “However, we’re left with 23 minutes to discuss and prepare for tonight which is not a lot of time at all so I’ll just wrap it up.
I won’t have to tell you guys that us being a gang of more or less criminals makes us an outsticking target. Adding to that, Taehyungie here has taken it upon himself to defy Dom..inic at school which makes it highly likely for his gang to aim their guns at us tonight.”, he smirked, adding “what I would’ve done, too, by the way.” before making the boys turn toward you who had just pulled everything you’d need onto the table.
Aᴘʀɪʟ 21sᴛ 6:48:34ᴘᴍ, 11 ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇs ᴀɴᴅ 26 sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅs ʟᴇғᴛ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ 7ᴛʜ ᴀɴɴᴜᴀʟ ᴘᴜʀɢᴇ
The car ride to the place Hoseok located Dom’s gang to be was as silent as the streets outside, the only sounds audible Jin and Namjoon going through the plan over and over again and Jungkook and Jimin chewing bubblegums while guiding Hoseok through the city.
It was rare to see all the downtown places that were usually busy all day and night deserted like this. There was not a single soul walking on the pavement or hiding in a dark alley. Normally you’d have enjoyed the view – you didn’t like crowded places, but knowing the reason for the emptiness was much less satisfying. Different from most of the people you were out tonight because you had to; and, on top of that, you’d never let any of your friends go out on their own, not tonight.
So there you were, leaning against somebody’s side, nervously playing with the ripped threads of your denim jacket, not caring about how it was just causing the holes to get bigger and bigger; you were just trying not to make up any horrible scenarios that could happen to any of the seven guys you were sitting in the black van with.
You couldn’t afford losing any of them.
“You scared?”, Yoongi’s voice finally broke the heavy silence, sliding into your thoughts as smooth as a feather.
You scoffed in an attempt to seem more relaxed, but there was no point in that, obviously not.
“To say the least. Of course I am.”
He shifted under you, a skinny arm wrapping around your shoulder.
“I am, too.”
There was a short moment of silence (again) before he spoke up again.
“But don’t worry, we’ll be fine. I promise.”
And to be honest, in any other situation you would have believed him, but right now you weren’t sure whether he was saying that to convince you or to convince himself. Yet though something, maybe it was the way he gave you the feeling of being protected by wrapping his arm around you, made you relax a bit.
You were squatting, taking cover in a small alley behind a trash dumpster. Visible in front of you was an abandoned warehouse downtown. The place looked totally rundown, but there were gleaming silver chains latched to the huge doors and you were pretty sure this is the place. You eyed the doors warily as you mumble “Where are we?” while holding your hand to your ear, speaking over the comm system attached to it.
It didn’t take a single second for Jimin to answer as he murmured “I don’t know, but whatever this is, I have a bad feeling about it.”
“Yeah well I’m good. It’s nothing”, Jins voice was dripping with sarcasm so obviously, you could literally hear the drops falling.
You identified the next voice speaking as Taehyung saying, “Oh honestly. Come on guys, it’s not that scary.”
The speakers attached to each and every of LA’s inersections made a somewhat creaking noise.
“Yo Y/N, you’re freaking out over there, ain’t you?”, Namjoon chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “No.”
“Yeah you are.”, Yoongi and Taehyung agreed simultaneously and you didn’t need to look at their positions on the opposite side of the street and on top of the old cinema to see that they were grinning.
“I said no.”
“Listen, man, it takes-“
“Woman.”, you corrected him.
“I’m a woman.”
“Well whatever. However, it takes a grown man-“
“…to embrace their feelings. If you want to cry, just go ahead and cry.”
Quiet laughter and chuckles were shared through the comm, and, once again, you felt a bit lighter.
“No but listen Y/N, as your friend you know I’m concerned about your well-being –“
“Oh listen can’t you just chill out, man?”, you imitated his habit of adding man to every sentence when Hoseok spoke up.
“Listen guys, I’ve seen some crazy shit but among all the things we’ve done, this is definitely an outcast so let’s just try to keep it as lowkey as possible. And always remember – oh my, honestly Tae? You’re playing crossy road right now?!”
There was a moment of silence and, indeed, the typical crossy road noise of the chicken bumping into a truck - boof! – was audible, making you shake your head as you actually smiled because oh my god, this kid.
“So obviously Tae’s not as tense as me right now, but would somebody mind to walk me through what we’re supposed to be doing?”, Jungkook snapped.
“Oh come on Kooks, this was your plan, you gotta embrace it.”, you said, now finally relaxing and preparing for what was going to come.
“No, jumping off a rooftop onto Domincs – emphasis on Dominic – was not my plan. Taehyung –“
His sentence was cut off by the booming, penentrating bass sound of the speakers you had grown to hate so much and from that moment on, all of your senses slowly returned to you and your heartbeat increased incredibly fast.
Blue light was illuminating the streets as the projection screen at the crossing lit up, displaying the oh-so-familiar text of the purge’s announcement. You unintentionally whispered the words yourself as the cold voice of the woman sounded through the alleys and streets down to venice beach.
“This is not a test.
This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of  ᴛʜᴇ Aɴɴᴜᴀʟ Pᴜʀɢᴇ sanctioned by the U.S Government.
Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during ᴛʜᴇ Pᴜʀɢᴇ. All other weapons are restricted.
Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from ᴛʜᴇ Pᴜʀɢᴇ and shall not be harmed.
Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.
Police, fire and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning until 7am when ᴛʜᴇ Pᴜʀɢᴇ concludes.
Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.
May God be with you all.”
“Here we go, gametime.”, Yoongi whispered and you watched him adjusting his AK 47 at the column he was hiding behind, giving you a thumbs up and a slight, barely noticeable smile.
“Kooks, you need some fresh air?”, you asked tensely, aiming at the doors your rival gang was supposed to come out of, testing what weapon you’d use, “’cause you’ll get a whole lot of it.”
“Y/N, cut it off. I swear to god, I’m going to kill you all if we get out of this alive.”, and again, quiet chuckling was audible through the comm – until the defeaning, irritating sound of the sirens boomed through the streets, shaking through your body as they drowned out everything else.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see all of them getting into position – Jungkook and Jimin on the warehouse’s rooftop, Tae on the first door in the parkade next to it, Hoseok and Jin adjusting their snipers and Namjoon putting the black mask you all wore on to cover his face. It had kind of become your special trademark, the soft fabric giving you the artificial feeling of personal privacy and anonymity. You knew it wouldn’t last for too long, the siren had sounded for the 4th time now, 2 times to go. In just a few seconds the streets would be filled with gunshots, screams and, most of all, blood. Even the smallest mistake; a wrong movement or a moment of negligence could be the cause for you to be buried tomorrow. You were aware of the fact that you were slightly exaggerating and just making your heart beat faster and faster, but you couldn’t help it.
The rush of adrenaline pumping through you made you feel invincible and as the siren boomed for the 6th and last time, the doors of the warehouse burst open.
Just to make things more clear, you thought you had been prepared for any and everything possible – fist fights, gun fights, a wild chase – but you definitely didn’t expect Dominic and the rest of his gang to drive a..how to describe it?
The thing they were driving out the doors with resembled a team bus but it was longer and higher and it’s tires were the ones of a truck but twice the size, at least. It’s license plate read 1-800-FUCK-OFF instead of any valid number and, to be honest, you thought of it as a little bit funny, but right now you had much more important things to care about, for example a man covered in black sticking his head out of one of the black mirrored windows, positioning a MG3 machine gun.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck.”, you heard yourself saying as you ducked in order not to get shot, “Jungkook, where are you!?”, you screamed, firing your gun once, twice.
“What!? You want me to jump on a fucking killer truck!?”
You considered explaining the situation to him but, seeing how Jimin pushed Jungkook to the warehouse’s edge and then jumped down with him, it wasn’t necessary anymore. More importantly the truck with Jimin and Jungkook on it was threatening to speed away while Namjoon was giving orders. You need to do something, you told yourself before an idea popped up in your head and you cut Namjoon off.
“Namjoon, I’m sorry but we’re going to lose them if we continue hiding like this! I’m going in right now”, you shouted.
In the next second you were jumping over the dumpster, securely landing on the concrete of N Los Angeles St; your weapons safely tucked away in your backpack, the silenced sniper rifle’s material cold against your cheek as you tried your best to stand still and slow your breath.
“Fuck this.”, you sighed in defeat as you angrily threw a stone against the target you were supposed to hit with your bullets. 50 minutes had passed and the bost shot you’ve made had hit the target’s nonexistent hair. Great, even the stone didn’t miss it – but you, attempting to shoot it with a sniper rifle? Never. Never ever were you going to get this.
“Fuck what?”, Yoongi appeared next to you, crooked his head and cocked an eyebrow, waiting for you to answer.
You pointed at the 480 cheytac dangling off your shoulders, to the target and then to you, “all of this.”
“Well, as welcoming that invitation is, I’d rather not sleep with you in a…training center.”
You sneered, “very funny. It’s just that I can’t seem to get a good shot and I’ve been trying for about an hour and ugh.”
“Yeah, well, you have never used a sniper rifle before, either, not to mention a 480 cheytac which is fairly hard to handle.”
“Oh, wow. Yoongi, this is the literal first time you’ve been kind toward me.”, you said out loud. Realising what you had just confessed you quickly managed to continue speaking, “what about shooting that target over there –“, you pointed at one which was pretty far away, all the way on the other side of the gym,”and showing me how to do it?”
He chuckled, “sure.”, and took the rifle out of your hands, his right eye closed as he turned to the side. Despite his character, his looks were …wow, they were amazing. The sharp jawline of his, his pale skin in contrast to his pink lips – a silent swish stopped you from keeping to drool over him and you watched the silver bullet smoothly hitting the target’s brain as he turned to you, the satisfaction of his success prominent in his facial expression.
“Told you.”, he said mockingly; caused you to roll your eyes.
“See, all you have to do is hold it like this.”, he put the rifle down only to take your hands in his, wrapping them around the sniper, aiming at the fake body in front of you. His warm breath tickled the side of your neck as he explained, “control your breath and focus on nothing else but the target.”, he watched you do so. “A sniper is characterized by their few but precious and unerring shots. If you shoot, you have to strike whomever you want to kill or hurt, whatever. There’s no such thing as a second chance – it’s like this all or nothing shit. So stay concentrated.”
You nodded, correcting your aim while you kept your left eye shut. The target’s head was the only clear outline right now, everything else being blurry. The small target cross covered the target’s brain, “now shoot.”,
and with a last glance at whoever henchman of Dominics and Owens gang that was, you pulled the trigger.
It was as though someone had pressed the slow motion button on their IPhone when the tiny bullet hit the shooter’s left shoulder and he fell back into the truck-bus-something. Confidently you threw the 480 cheytac over your shoulder and inhaled. Hoseok’s voice saying “now that was a real shot.” popped up next to you and with a smile shared between the two of you, you started to run.
Turning left and right in order not to get attacked by someone else purging you felt the urge to vomit. Every corner and place your gaze wandered to was decorated with signs of cruelty. It took a while for you to realize that a slogan to your right reading ‘h e a r t b r e a k e r – l o v e f a k e r – n e v e r g o i n g t o w a k e h e r’ had been mistaken for spraypaint by you when it was actually written in the blood by the female body hanging next to it. You were sure the girl must have been beautiful before but now the long, blonde strands of hair covered her face, her once white dress now blood-stained.
Quickly looking to your left as your stomach turned, your gaze fell upon a couple being beaten up by four short men, their faces hidden behind suicide squad masks, their hands swinging baseball bats – wait, were those children?
It was weird; the downtown being this alive when it was basically dead just minutes ago – the silence had been replaced by gunshots and screams and crazy laughter, the streets wearing red.. it was disgusting.
You were about to continue letting your mind rant about everything the Purge did as you turned your head straight once again and, suddenly, the truck was gone. It was just gone. There was no sign of it having ever existed, even when you did a sharp u-turn – there was nothing but other people chasing each other and, out of all sudden, you felt tricked, standing in front of the dead end. You felt scared somehow.
You knew the truck had to be somewhere near you, but there was nothing, the doors of the buildings around you as locked as they had been before. And besides, the truck wouldn’t even fit through any of them.
“What the fuck..”, you murmured, not caring that you were interrupting the heated and breathless conversation that had been going on through the comm system.
You heard Yoongi trying to answer when another familiar voice filled the air with laughter. This time it wasn’t coming from the headset attached to your ear, it was louder and you figured it was coming from a speaker which soon proved itself to be true.
By the time you looked up you found yourself surrounded by Hoseok and Yoongi and it took you not even a mere second to recognize the person standing on top of the two-story parkade straight ahead.
You were damned for him to show up here, tonight, and recall everything you had buried under dozens of happy memories and work and assignments and plans and college courses. The last months you hadn’t even wasted a single second thinking about him, you were sure you were over it and, to be honest, you hated admitting that you got emotional right now when it was the literal worst time to get sentimental or caught up in thoughts, just because you saw certain brown eyes boring into yours.
They caused all the memories to come to your mind again. You remembered all the late night sessions where you stayed up late to help him with several assignments and presentations, and on your worst days you did miss him, indeed. It hit you at the most random moments; when you walked out of the house in the morning or when you saw a jeep, or when the midnight air crept through your window and nipsped at your cheeks. Whenever you listened to Cole’s songs you remembered everything he had told you, each and every detail and you wanted to rip off your head. He had never meant anything to you and you haven’t to him, either, you’d tell yourself – and it was the truth. Even though you were hurting when you thought about it, you missed it, but it always ended with you realizing how easy it was for the both of you to throw it all away because in the end, you didn’t care about the other at all, you just didn’t want to be alone.
That was what life was like in high school and you accepted it, yet still, seeing him reopened a door to your past and you hated getting flashbacks from things you didn’t want to remember.
“I see you’ve brought your personal guards. Didn’t know I was so difficult to take down.”, you said in an attempt not to show him he had the upper hand, your head nodding at the people standing on the pavement after they had realized they didn’t have to hide anymore.
You felt Jungkook’s and Jin’s presence behind you and your mind started to fill with relief on the one hand, worry on the other hand.
Chris, or Tej, his name in the business, looked at his henchmen and shook his head, faking a chuckle while anger started to fill your body, “nah, I could take you without wasting a single bullet. These”, he pointed at the assassins positioned on several rooftops, “are for your oh-so-beloved gang leader and the members that actually pose a threat.”
You snickered. “You’re just playing. Are you going to fight or do you want to spend the whole night talking shit?”
Yoongi took a step closer. “Y/N, I’m not saying we’re in danger but that’s exactly what I’m saying.”, he murmured.
“I know,”, you replied, “but I have to do this.”
Gun shots echoed from the walls as Tej shot into the night once, twice; looked at you threateningly. Immediately you felt the pearl handle of your gun in your palm, several clicks of other guns cocking audible behind you. Still hidden behind your back, your fingers curled around the trigger.
Once again, everything else was blocked out by your ears. You knew as soon as the five of you’d lift your weapons to shoot down as many fiends you possibly could, they’d open the fire, too, and more than a few lifes’d be ending soon.
You weren’t exaclty sure who drew his weapon first, but in a matter of seconds you found yourself among a crowd fighting like it was a matter of living and death – quite ironical since it indeed was. Yoongi was standing his ground in front of you. Jungkook hit one of their heads and you quickly looked away, firing your gun here and there as you did your best in helping Hoseok and Jin to keep the steadily raising number of enemies at bay. Luckily, Namjoon and Taehyung soon joined the 5 of you fighting, Jimin appearing out of nowhere taking out men from the top of an empty car. You shot another one into the leg but his companies charged so quickly that you soon found yourselves preferring the methods of a fist fight. A text example of a street fight, your brothe would have said if he were to take part in it.
Eight on you-didn’t-know-how-may was definitely not favorable, you decided as you slammed your fist into someone’s stomach, then looked around in trying to find Tej’s head in the midst of the brutal brawl, immediately regretting it as you earned a punch straight to your previously-injured shoulder and cried out in pain. Little did you know the wound had reopened as you gritted your teeth and blocked your attacker’s view with your hand, easily causing him to fall backwards, afterwards battering him with the handle of your gun.
Oh how much you hated fistfights.
They were way too personal, no doubt, you’d choose a gun over your fist anytime. You were tempted to run and just join Jimin on the car’s rooftop in taking them down smoothly from afar, just so no one important to you was exposed to danger anymore but you knew fully well that, for the next hours, you’d be living dangerously.
Just when you were about to help Namjoon fight off his two attackers a certain green fabric flashed in front of you and without a second glance you recognized the guy dressed in a green bomber as Chris, but that wasn’t exactly what stopped you from fighting.
It was rather the wired box he had left standing on the concrete and the small, almost invisible device in his hand, better known as detonator. Apparently you weren’t the only one who had noticed the approaching danger ‘cause just as you uttered a loud Oh, shit! thin fingers wrapped around your wrist. They were pulling you around the corner and down to the ground, a body promptly guarding you by embracing you close to its chest.
It was then that the detonator was being pressed, the detonation present in a dazzling flash, illuminating the dead end in red, white and yellow; a loud Bang!; the unmistakable, abominable stench of burned flesh and you felt your gastric acid raising in your throat. You wanted to vomit, to cry out loud, break something to cleanse your nostrils from the bloody smell, your hands from the blood covering them; but there was obviously no time for that in view of the hands that pulled you up. You finally recognized your savior as Yoongi when he shouted at you to run since you weren’t out of danger yet but his voice sounded distant, reverberating in your brain. It felt like you had been thrown into a well or something; yet still you followed his instructions, jumped to your feet and ran.
Your body was moving on its own, you yourself completely unable to do anything about it. Looking down to the ground, your red platforms connected and disconnected with the ground, not coming to a halt until Yoongi, who had been holding your hand the whole time, pushed you into a inconspicuous side  alley, sliding to the pavement right next to you.
For a minute or two neither of you spoke a word, the air filled with the sounds of two people catching their breath. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to speak, it was rather the fact that you were unable to, both due to shock and exhaustion. You wondered where you were, but there was no point in asking since you both had just ran and ran, without the slightest bit of a plan – which was fine with you, you had just needed to free your mind, yet you didn’t exactly feel lighter.
You let out a noise, a mixture of sighing, groaning and inhaling as you passed your hand over your forehead and turned to your right, opening your eyes to the sight of a battered Yoongi and you sat up straightaway, groaning with pain at the headache you were having.
“You look horrible.”, you managed to say, even though it was a rasping sound rather than a human sound. With shaky hands you reached up to cup his face, your hand tracing the outlines of several still bleeding scars and cuts on his cheeks.
“I could say the same.”, he whispered as he watched you reaching into your backpack for the first-aid-kit you had luckily taken with you, the backpack’s contents now displayed on the asphalt. He let you take care of his wounds and calmed down whenever your fingers touched his skin. The both of you were still panting and you did your best to ignore his hot breath against your collarbone as you reached behind him to adjust his jacket, afraid that he’d get sick given the fact that he was sweating and the air was not just a comfortable breeze.
Acting normal too, Yoongi let his gaze wander over the different items laying in front of him. A comparable huge amount of different ammo, spraypaint, a lighter, a knife, a map, a black hoodie, tissues…what caught his eye was a small, plain black journal, ‘YOUTH’ written on its cover with silver ink.
With you still patching him up he reached for it, palm brushing over the envelop previous to opening it, a small polaroid instantly falling out.
He turned it around, the caption reading oceans and without thinking about it, he confronted you. “Oceans?”, he asked.
You stopped in your action, letting go of his left wrist you had been wrapping up with band-aid. Your eyes fell upon the shiny, small image and you furiously shook your head, a little too fast.
“Rip it. Just – it’s nothing.”, you said, snatching the paper out of his hands and tore it apart.
The two of you were climbing over a fence, again. You had been strolling through alleys and streets and over railways for what seemed like ages, nothing relevant happening. Yes, there were a few not-so-pleasant encounters with people purging, however you were on the same page with not wanting to throw any more punches tonight, instead taking down each purger with one bullet, and one bullet only. You hadn’t talked much, pretty much due to the fact that neither of you felt like it. It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy his company, though. You were relieved you weren’t out on your own and you were quite sure that he was the person you’d most likely choose as a companion tonight, just because…you couldn’t explain it, yet still you didn’t doubt your thought. So you both just walked next to each other in silence and you were fine with that, and, on top of that, you were partially doing it for the safety’s sake. Somewhere between two trains, one of them burning, and voices followed by gunshots you took his hand and never let go of it, not until he started to speak.
“What’s on your mind?”, he said, pushing branches out of his way.
“Huh?”, you murmured, snapping out of your trance to look around and see if he was talking to someone else until your realised that you were pretty much the only person he could’ve talked to, silently cursing you for your stupidity.
“I..”, you kicked a stone, “..don’t really know. Pretty much everything.”
He looked at you, an expectant facial expression prominent on his face, urging you to continue which you never did.
Sighing, he shook his head.
“Listen, I know I’m probably not the person you wanted to be with tonight –“
Oh, if only you knew, Min Yoongi.
“  - Don’t.”
He abruptly stopped walking when you cut him off. “What?”
You smiled, seeing as he was the stupid one now, copying his movements as you shook his head.
“I said don’t.”, you stopped breathing for a second, “’cause you weren’t telling the truth. I’m just worried about the others – you know, leaving them behind was not the right decision.”
You could literally see him rolling his eyes although you were looking to the ground.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that we would have died if we hadn’t done just that.”
“Yeah,”, you exhaled, “I know. But that doesn’t stop me from worrying about them.”
“They’ll be fine.”, he said, clearly avoiding eye contact.
“You’re saying that to convince yourself.”
The dry branches made a crunching sound when you stepped over them, then you turned left to get to a street where you’d – hopefully – find some kind of a vehicle.
“I simply don’t like the fact that we left them behind with him.”
“So I was right? I knew you knew that fight-obsessed oh-i-am-so-powerful freak.”
You were biting back a smile at the names he called him, “Yes, congratulations. But you were right, indeed, I used to know him, we were..friends?” It was more of a question than a statement, you realised after finishing.
“Well, back then he wasn’t as much of an asshole as he’s now, I guess.”
“You guess? I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have befriended him if he was.”
“That’s a point.”, you nodded, then you fished the polaroid out of your pocket. You hadn’t thrown it away yet, you hadn’t had the heart to dispose it yet. Assembling the two shreds, you pulled out the old, rusty silver lighter Namjoon had gifted you at your accession to his gang.
“Funny how pictures never change but the people in them do.”, something in the back of your mind was telling you you had just quoted someone, but that didn’t matter right now, “But that’s just how it goes, you grow older and your best friend becomes your arch enemy.”
Yoongi let out an understanding sigh as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, checking the street before he led you through a hole in the fence that marked the end of the containment area you had been walking on in order not to come across some murderous purgers.  
“That was quite poetic.”, he chuckled, “still, it’s the truth. People erase you from their lives because they’re too damn lazy to try and work things out.”
It was then that you both stopped walking and you turned around to face him, making eye contact. There was no real reason behind your actions, but something within you made you take your time to study his face, and, most of all, his eyes.
They were the first thing you had ever noticed about him. The ones he hid under his hair or behind his glasses; he called boring, brown. He always wanted any color, any other pair of eyes except her own. At first you had found it strange, it was a fair contrast to his i-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude; but you soon learned that he cared more about others and their opinions than he’d ever admit. However, you loved them. You loved how they lit up when his brain produced another brilliant idea. When he laughed his happiness wouldn’t be prominent in a smile or a grin, you’d notice it in the way his eyes started to sparkle and dance.
You had stared into them and he had stared right back into yours, like you should have kissed and made love and laughed and hurt together so many times that you didn’t even bother to count it anymore, but you had chosen to stay friends instead. Both yours and his eyes had been glistening back then, yours in tears and his in anger at himself.
And just the same, they’d dull and blur and lose their joyful aura when he was being bothered by something. They were the only thing left of his dark and ugly past, they were hiding something and you were eager to find out just what exactly it was that he was trying so hard to forget.
You were wondering what in hell he must have witnessed that made him the person he was now, you wanted to know what made him so desperate and hopeless that he became responsible for the ugly, knife-shaped scar extending from his artery to his collarbone he made sure to curtain with whatever top or hoodie he was wearing. You had only seen it once, but that was enough for the question persistently floating around in your head.
What happened to him?
It wasn’t the question that bothered and stressed you, it was you being aware of the fact that you’d never be to find the answer. He wasn’t going to open up to anyone, you knew it.
And now you were looking into these very eyes as you took a step forward, his fingers still intertwined with yours. His eyes were overflooding with emotions, mostly dark and sad ones, but so were yours as you both looked at each other with what if’s and could have’s and hearts and souls full of regret. For a moment your gaze travelled down to his red lips, sore as he had been biting them all the time, but then you got a grip on yourself and pulled away, your fingers no longer filling the gaps between his as you, once again, pulled out the lighter, flicked it and watched as the polaroid caught fire, whirling to the ground.
“Geez,”, you breathed, stomping onto the leftovers, “should’ve done that long ago.”
When you turned to Yoongi, his eyes were dull again, no emotion visible, his facial expression empty once again. He didn’t speak a word other than “let’s go” after you had thrown all the other polaroids displaying Chris to where the first one was still smoldering, a small fire developing.
You only shook your head, staring right into the flames illuminating the night, drowning out his words. Everything you remembered was Chris telling you that “beautiful, you’re playing with fire” and you took that quite literally. He was the fire and if you get too close to the fire you’ll get hurt, that’s just how it is.
The smoke was burning in your eyes and stinging in your nose and soon you attempted to turn away and go, but apparently Yoongi bet you to it.
You remembered hearing a “What the fuck are you waiting for?!” that sounded distant in your head and a gun being fired right after. Your head was snapping up and through the smoke you made out a quartet consisting of men, all of their heads covered with – you actually screamed at that – clown masks. Then, a small, silver object – a bullet – was just barely missing your left thigh with a hiss.
It took another gunshot, this time brushing your jacket, which was – thank god – oversized, for you to finally snap out of your stone-like state. You were firing your gun before you even realised that you were reaching for it but it was obvious that you couldn’t beat them since you’d have to reach into your backpack for ammo – in your foolishness you hadn’t grabbed the sniper that was still securely tucked away in your backpack and, with a glance to your right your suspicion about Yoongi, too, having grabbed his handgun instead of something more powerful was confirmed. In any other situation you would have rolled your eyes, but this was dead serious – literally.
So you quickly decided to do what you were best at; you grabbed his wrist and ran. The fact that they were looking like clowns scared the hell out of you and you completely forgot to look where you were going, leaving the route up to Yoongi who stumbled as a bullet brushed his upper arm. In your rush you didn’t waste a second thought on it, suddenly changing your mind as you took the lead again, turning left, right, running down a street before you took a sharp turn into a smaller, barely visible alleyway.
You were about to slump down when suddenly, you were pushed back, the cold brick wall of the building behind you touching your back. Your reflex was to slap whomever was touching you right there and make a run for it but, hell, this was Yoongi pinning you to the wall, one hand at your iliac bone, the other one at your shoulder, his eyes reflecting anger and frustration, but most of all something you could only decipher as worry.
“Do not”, he stopped due to his heavy panting, “do that ever”, now he was licking his lips and all you could think was oh hell, min yoongi, you’re going to be the death of me, “ever again.”, he finished.
You almost thought he was pulling away when he came back with full force. And then, he was slamming his lips into yours in a desperate attempt to convey all he never said because there were simply no words for it and, to be fully honest, he succeeded in that mission. Right now, in this small, hopeless alleyway, Min Yoongi was giving you all you had ever hoped for, you were letting out all the emotions you had bottled up and tried to keep hidden in this one, literally breathtaking, kiss.
And honestly, you could have kissed him all day. You could have swept back his mint, thin and loose strands of his hair from his eyes and spent the hours that were left just like that. Perhaps it was because there was so, so much sadness and pain in his heart, but he kissed like he needed to be kissed, like he was aching all over, and you knew he was. And you were willing to lend him some kind of comfort as you cupped his face with both hands, deepening the kiss as you traced the prominent cheekbones of his.
That you were, in fact, all lovey-dovey instead of hiding on the Purge’s night didn’t seem to get through to you and neither of you stopped until your palm brushed against his elbow and a thick, dark liquid started to cover it.
“Oh my god”, you breathed, panting from both running and the kiss, pulling away. His left sleeve was blood-stained and you didn’t even bother listening to him when he told you that “Y/N, it’s nothing”, instead pushing him down to the floor, all the way while rummaging through your bag, grabbing what you’d need to patch him up.
“The bullet..”, you murmured quietly, repeating it louder when he didn’t answer, “Yoongi, is the bullet still stuck?”
He shook his head with a “No, it was just a graze shot” and you let out a long, relieved sigh because oh, you would have killed him if you had had to take the bullet out. You had done that once and, to be real, it was kind of the most disgusting thing you had ever done. Raking around in the wound was a necessarity and goodness, there was no way in hell anyone’d ever like to do that.
“We’ll have to praise god for our damn luck tonight.”
A deep, silent chuckle rumbled through his chest you were leaning on in order to be in a better angle and you stole a glance at his dark orbs, enjoying the sight of the stars they were reflecting – or his eyes simply consisted of stars, you couldn’t tell.
“I’d love seeing you do that without even being religious.” You groaned, forcing back a grin. “Oh, watch me. You’ll see.”
You dampened a compress with antiseptic and scrunched your face at the acrid smell that started to fill the air with the action of removing the bottle’s cap.
“This is going to hurt.”, you said guiltily, but Yoongi just shook his head.
“Just get it done and over with. And, if the pain’s too much to bear, I’ve still got the gun. You know, just in case.”
He grinned as you hissed and dared him never to make jokes about such serious things ever again. You had almost had an heartattack when you recognised the damage the bullet had done; like he said, it had only been a graze, still, he was losing a lot of blood to the point where you started to wonder how in hell he was still able to crack jokes like that.
Perhaps it was because he had already been going through so much pain that a bullet was just an annoying pain in the ass – nothing more, nothing less. You didn’t know. Still, he grabbed your jacket and stuffed the hem of his shirt between his lips in order not to scream. After all, you didn’t want to be found.
When you pressed the compress to the wound, he silently hissed and you truly felt sorry when you saw the pain filled expression on his face. However, you continued since you knew it’d be best to finish to fix him up as fast as you possibly could, wrapping another bandage around his arm, careful not to put too much pressure onto it.
As you visibly exhaled and turned around to stuff the things you had taken out back into your backpack, he caught your wrist and stopped you.
“No. Just –“, he never finished his sentence, he just opened his arms and right then you couldn’t help but willingly give in, letting go of whatever you were holding and wrapping your arms around his torso. While you were still seated on the pavement he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, so tight that you couldn’t escape even if you wanted to. You felt like some cliché girl in a cliché book the moment you breathed in and instead of inhaling air, you inhaled his scent. He wasn’t wearing his blackberry fragrance tonight, but still, despite the iron smell of his blood and the sweat there was something else that didn’t go unnoticed by you and, after a few moments, you became aware of the fact that what you were smelling right now was no cologne or perfume or shampoo, it was just him.
And godness, he smelled good. Like something wild and untamed yet angelic, like the ocean does when the waves crash onto the beach, but not those soft, gentle waves but the bigger ones. He smelled like rain on a hot summer night, like milk and honey when you couldn’t sleep at night, like a thunderstorm you were watching on a balcony. It didn’t made sense at all, but you couldn’t describe it any other way, so you just settled down with not trying to describe but enjoy it instead.
It was weird how his embrace made you feel like home, even though you had rarely hugged before. Your head fit into the crook of his neck better than it did into Chris’, your figures hugged each other more passionately, you were two magnets attracting each other.
His lips pressed against your scalp and you were feeling him smile as he did it, you were filled with a sudden warmth and triumph, for you knew then that he was yours. It was damn cheesy and you were cringing at your own self, but right now, that didn’t matter. And you loved him, and it was something that you had known somewhere within you all the way until now.
Why did you love him?
You didn’t have a set answer for that, but you guessed it was just how you felt around him, how he was never leaving your mind, the vibes he gave you and the laughs you got from talking to him. You loved that you knew him so well that you knew what he’d answer before he even said something, you loved his attitude, his looks, his eyes, freshly-added; you loved his scent, you loved the way he’d never fail to comment something sarcastic and you loved that beyond the cold guy, there was a guy caring for all the people he loved, but most of all, for you. And, as you sat there, a déjà vu from just hours earlier crossed your mind, where you had been sure that you’d never be to find out what he was hiding, that he’d never open up to you, but little did you know he was.
Tʜᴇ Eɴᴅ
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
December 30, 2019 at 09:50PM
Kaitlyn Kong thought she had been punched hard in the abdomen as she stood among thousands of people in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, as the new year arrived a year ago. Her best friend, standing next to her, thought Kong had been stabbed as blood poured from a wound.
It wasn’t until Kong underwent an X-ray that she and hospital medical staff realized she had been shot after someone fired a gun into the air to celebrate the new year.
Although rare, people being shot by celebratory gunfire on New Year’s Eve and other holidays like the Fourth of July does happen, prompting law enforcement authorities to caution people that bullets fired into the air can endanger people’s lives.
Raleigh police Lt. Mario Campos said the city receives a small number of calls about gunfire during New Year’s Eve celebrations in the city but would not discuss what happened to Kong, saying it remains under investigation. Raleigh police said at the time that the shot could have been fired from several blocks away.
“Our message has always been not to do it because it’s dangerous and illegal in our city,” Campos said. “Bullets can travel a long distance. Any gunfire discharged into the air has to come down and land on something.”
A 9-year-old boy in Cleveland was wounded by a stray bullet last New Year’s Eve as he watched television inside his family’s home. The boy’s mother declined to be interviewed. Another 9-year-old boy in Atlanta was shot in the abdomen by celebratory gunfire early Jan. 1 while he and his family set off fireworks.
A 4-year-old boy was killed in 2010 in Decatur, Georgia, when an AK-47 round penetrated a church roof and struck him in the head as he sat next to his parents during a New Year’s Eve service.
Kong, then a senior at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, headed to downtown Raleigh with her friend for the city’s family-friendly First Night celebration. Kong, 23, said she was pointing her phone upward to capture video of fireworks as confetti floated down on the crowd when it suddenly felt as if she had been punched “super hard,” prompting her to clutch her friend’s shoulder, not able to speak.
Bystanders helped move her out of the crowd, and a police officer called for an ambulance while pressure was applied to the wound.
“I didn’t think it was that serious, but I was hurting a lot,” Kong said.
It turned out to be quite serious. The bullet entered her chest and penetrated a lung, her diaphragm and stomach before lodging near her hip. Kong underwent a four-hour surgery. She recovered enough to return to classes days later with some assistance. She graduated in May with a degree in environmental studies.
“If it had been any higher, it could have done some permanent damage, to say the least,” Kong said.
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APThis photo provided by Allyson Cole shows Kaitlyn Kong at the First Night Raleigh celebration in Raleigh, N.C., on Dec. 31, 2018.
A 2004 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said people struck by gunfire shot into the air are most likely to be hit in the head.
That’s what happened to Texas state Rep. Armando Martinez as he celebrated the new year at a friend’s home in Weslaco, Texas, on Jan. 1, 2017. He and his family had waited in the friend’s garage until gunfire had subsided to let off fireworks, he said.
Martinez told NBC News that his wife had just wished him a happy new year with a kiss when a .223-caliber round fell from the sky and penetrated his skull. It felt, he said, as if he had been “hit by a sledgehammer.”
“I was extremely lucky,” Martinez said. “My surgeons said if it went a couple more millimeters deeper, I may not have been able to have this conversation right now.”
Carl Leisinger III, a retired New Jersey State Police major and supervisor of the agency’s forensics laboratory, said a 9 mm round like the one that wounded Kong would typically leave the barrel at around 1,100 feet per second and then fall down at 200 to 300 feet per second. How far a bullet fired into the air travels sideways will depend on wind and other factors, he said.
“She’s very fortunate she didn’t die,” Leisinger said.
Kong said she plans to celebrate somewhere this New Year’s Eve, but not in downtown Raleigh.
“You can’t let it stop you from living your life,” she said. “Maybe I’m that kind of person.”
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sharonelypearson · 5 years
Two months ago I was in the midst of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with thirty others from the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. It has taken me that long to articulate in writing my reactions and feelings about the political climate regarding Israel and Palestine. I have already posted numerous reflections on the sites we visited, both spiritually and historically. But I have skirted around writing about the reality of the Palestinian people that I experienced; it was just below the surface in all my postings about Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Samaria, and Galilee.
In the Hebrew Scriptures, Israel is called to be a light to the nations. As a people chosen by God (technically, Abraham received this promise for all his descendants/offspring) to show the way back to right relationship to God, today’s Israel has fallen short of this covenant. Power and rule have a tendency to let leaders forget their responsibilities, which ultimately leads to division and corruption. As in Old Testament times, history continues to repeat itself. Recall the role of the prophets who kept calling God’s people back.
This past Sunday’s readings (10th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 15) spoke to me (with help from a great sermon which I will link here when it is posted) from Isaiah 5:1-7 and Luke 12:49-56. Israel continues to this day to grow (be) the wild (sour) grapes, while God gave all of us a beautiful vineyard to live in to grow sweet grapes – if we would only cease our divisions and love God as well as love our neighbor. God is angry. Jesus weeps. Yesterday and today.
The U.S. and Israel have a complicated relationship, which was exacerbated this past week with the on-again, off-again visits of two U.S. congress women desiring to visit family in the West Bank. You can read about it here (from NPR) as well as many other news sources. These two women know what it is like for the Palestinians (Muslim and Christian) to live in the occupied territories. I don’t believe most Americans really understand what is really happening in Israel, or how the U.S. government is upsetting the precarious balance. You have to see it to really understand.
For those who are not familiar with the history of Israel in modern times, here is a short video that gives a good overview with a summary of modern-day events that continue to impact the region today:
I knew the political situation was complicated with Israeli control in disputed territories. I had heard about Palestinians throwing rocks at Israeli forces, walls being built, and settlements springing up. The settlements look like Co-op City if you’ve ever been to New York City – very permanent. And they are huge “suburbs”, located at the top of hills surrounding Palestinian villages below with access to highways that the villages do not have. It’s not hard to imagine their purpose – despite U.N. resolutions – to surround (and in the future be connected to one another?) small Palestinian towns. Meeting local people and experiencing the conditions in the West Bank, as well as traveling in and out of the State of Israel through check-points, changed me more than any of the biblical sites we visited. In sharing my pilgrimage stories with others, I came to realize that our ECCT pilgrimage was different from many other church-sponsored trips; we went beyond the holy sites and met the people: Jews, Christians, and Muslims – Arabs of the three Abrahamic faiths who call (and claim) Israel their home.
  Security and Safety
It depends on who you might meet or talk to that makes you feel safe or secure in an occupied land. I should have realized things were not going to be “normal” on my Delta flight from JFK to Tel Aviv. We had to go through extra security at the gate before boarding the plane in New York: carry-on and backpacks through X-ray, water bottles (even just purchased) discarded, and personal scans (pat-downs for some in another room). As we approached Israeli airspace, we were told that all must remain seated for the duration of the flight (between 30-45 minutes). What other country demands this? Upon arrival, several fellow pilgrims were detained for three hours at Ben Gurion Airport. Welcome to Israel! (And they don’t make it easy for you to leave, either. That story’s even worse.) For many, being a “foreigner” in Israel means intimidation and humiliation. An August 17, 2019 op-ed from the Wall Street Journal describes this reality, which I also experienced when entering Israel from the United States as well as when we re-entered after visiting Petra (in Jordan) for a few days. And we didn’t have a deck of cards to idle away our hours of waiting.
Here’s what you don’t see or hear on the news. These occurrences aren’t in remote areas or terrorist neighborhoods. On one of our first mornings walking to the Old City we were held up on a sidewalk for a brief time, only to hear an explosion and learn that a “suspicious” package was blown up on the sidewalk ahead of us. Our Arab Palestinian Christian guide: “Not to worry. This happens all the time.”
Traveling by bus within Jerusalem and areas to and from the West Bank, Samaria, Galilee, and Jordan one can’t help but see the barbed wire, walls, fences, security check-points, and the proliferation of police/army (they looked the same) carrying automatic, assault rifles (the ones you see carried by those who commit mass-shootings in the U.S.). Our bus was boarded at check points several times by armed security with mirrors looking under the bus carriage while the luggage compartments were opened and examined. There is nothing as unsettling as watching a 20-something walk down the aisle of your bus to look at your passport while holding an AK-47. Armed Israelis escorting Jews (despite Israeli signage that Jews should not enter) around the Temple Mount (Al-Haram ash-Sharif) where the Dome of the Rock mosque is located. Israeli security is “in your face” at every turn.
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Bethlehem is surrounded by 25-feet walls of concrete with armed guards in towers (reminiscent of high security prisons in the U.S). Pilgrims go to visit the place of Jesus’ birth. Do they visit the surrounding neighborhood? Pictures tell it all.
Identity, Water, and Human Rights
On three evenings, different speakers came to share their perspectives with us and answer our questions. A Muslim professor from Hebrew University. Two Muslim young adults who are graduates of “Jerusalem Peacebuilders” (see more about this organization below). An Israeli professor (who was from the U.S. and had lived in a town next to mine it turns out). Our guides were Christians, living in Jerusalem with special status to travel freely. (License plates are color coded to determine who can leave any of the occupied territories. All of them spoke of their identity. “I am an Arab Palestinian Muslim.“ “I am an Arab Palestinian Christian.” I am an Israeli.” The similarities: most were Arabs who cared for their homeland; all were articulate; ethnicity and nationality came first when describing themselves. Differences: Israelis are free and have choices. Palestinians cannot have passports (with some exceptions); if they leave (for an education) outside Israel they give up the right to return if they are gone more than six years; they pay taxes but have no right to vote; they have no citizenship and are “without a country”; they must go through different check-points to travel and (for example) can only get mail at a post-office (which is not close to where they live and often beyond the check-points). The exceptions and hardships go on and on.
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But the one that stands out is water: you can tell where Palestinians live by the rooftops – they have water collectors to save what little rainwater there is; the Israeli government rations their water. Trash is everywhere – there is no waste collection, let alone recycling. Lands (and settlements) of Israelis are green in this desert land; Palestinian lands have difficulty growing crops. Remember that vineyard from the reading above in Isaiah? There is a reason why vineyards and grapes are important in the biblical stories. Wine was essential in this land in ancient times because the water was not safe to drink. In some ways, wine was life. Just as like today – water equals life. Without water, no matter where you are in the world, humans will not survive. 
When visiting an Arab Palestinian Christian brewery, one of the owners (an American-educated woman) shared that sometimes she doesn’t take a shower for two weeks in order to save water for the business. How does one make beer or wine without water? Read more about Taybeh Brewery for their remarkable story and resilience. 
The village of Taybeh (tie-bay), the only remaining Christian village in Israel, is 19 miles northeast of Jerusalem and 7.5 miles northeast of Ramallah. From its elevated site between biblical Samaria and Judea, it overlooks the desert wilderness, the Jordan Valley, Jericho and the Dead Sea. Living amidst Muslim villages, Israeli settlements, and military roadblocks, Taybeh’s inhabitants (numbering 1,300 in 2010) are intensely proud of their Christian heritage. While in the area we stopped for lunch where the Christian proprietor sold peace lamps. 
As one who has travelled to the Holy Land, I believe it’s my responsibility to share my view, as I don’t believe we hear the real story, especially with the current administration’s lopsided stand toward Israel. I commend to you this article from Sojourners that speaks to the truth so many Holy Land pilgrims never experience. I am thankful that Qumri Pilgrimages allowed us to visit (by our request) more than just the holy sites. 
With his permission, I share my husband John’s reflection that he wrote for the ECCT pilgrimage:
As we drive through the West Bank, viewing the litter and junked cars, I hear a constant buzz of conversation about things that could be done: a recycling program for all the single use plastic, sheet metal recovery, etc. Based on what I have seen, if I were a Palestinian I wouldn’t give any material effort to make things appear better. They are essentially prisoners in their own land. Israelis are taking over all the prime property in the occupied territories under the premise that God said that this was their place in the world. As I think about this I am reminded of lyrics from a song sung by Jackson Browne:
Walls and Doors Ever since the world existed There is one thing that is certain There are those that build walls And those who open doors. That’s how it’s always been And I know you know it There can be freedom only When nobody owns it. 
I feel that the risk of other countries being perceived as anti-Semitic is being used very cleverly by the State of Israel. If we speak out against the injustices being done to Palestinians by Israel’s government, we would be against the Jewish faith and people. Can it be that the Holocaust suffering is being indirectly used as a political tool? I hope not… 
Despite the despair felt in seeing the effects of the Israeli occupation, there were also glimpses of hope. The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem supports numerous programs, hospitals, and schools for Jews, Muslims, and Christians throughout Israel in the occupied territories. We visited the Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre in the West Bank and saw the ministry at work, serving children with disabilities in Palestine and training their parents to continue their education and training at home. A charitable, non-governmental, non-profit institution entrusted under the Anglican Episcopal church, their work is guided by the fundamental values expressed in the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. While there we also visited a small handicrafts workshop known as “The Sheltered Workshop” that serves people suffering from physical, mental, and cognitive disabilities from Jerusalem and its surroundings
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As mentioned above, one evening we met with two young adults who are alumni of Jerusalem Peacebuilders (JPB) Along with Executive Director and founder Nicholas Porter (an Episcopal priest from Vermont (formerly Connecticut), we heard about the work and mission of this organization. From their website description, “JPB is an interfaith, non-profit organization with a mission to create a better future for humanity across religions, cultures, and nationalities. Integral to that mission is the belief that the future of Jerusalem is the future of the world. To that end, JPB promotes transformational, person-to-person encounters among the peoples of Jerusalem, the United States, and the Holy Land.” In addition to programs offered in Jerusalem, there are active summer institutes in Connecticut, Vermont, and Texas.
Each of these organizations are living out the promise given to Abraham and his descendants and the mandate given by Jesus. They are in relationship with their neighbor – Jew, Muslim, Christian – and in relationship with God, each following their own faith tradition. It is possible to share one land and be a light to the world. It is possible to plant and harvest good grapes. But it takes a village to do so that welcomes all. No walls. No barbed wire. No check-points. Free flowing water and roads open to all. 
Hope and peace will prevail in the Holy Land if we bring all faiths together to learn that we are all humans who worship the same God. We do have differences that run deep and are polarizing, but we have so much more in common. The future of our world may depend on it. A third intifada is just around the corner if all sides don’t begin to come to the table with an open mind. Hopefully, graduates of Jerusalem Peacebuilders will be among those called to new leadership in the governments of Israel as well as the Palestinian Authority and families who are raising special needs children recognized that all are God’s children. 
The peace lamps from Taybeh.
Read more reflections from the Episcopal Church in Connecticut pilgrims in Part 1 and Part 2. Learn about the work of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and American Friends of of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
     Pilgrimage Reflections: Walls & Doors Two months ago I was in the midst of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with thirty others from the Episcopal Church in Connecticut.
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wtfcraigslistnyc · 1 year
Based on a true story with liberties taken.
The phone rang in its off-pitch timbre from the olive green rotary housing.
It had been a very hot, hard summer. It would be great to get back to Vermont and get away from Athens. It hadn’t been a good year. The frayed sense of patience between them had all but dried up. The dream of living, teaching, and raising the kids abroad had been a glowing success. But the rift had grown too large, too expansive to continually bridge.
The same phone had rung two months earlier. DR KAROTONIS called to ask them to his office immediately. He had by pure accident discovered and confirmed that Junior’s lifelong asthma and breathing issues were rooted in something rather terrible and ominous. He had spent years looking at Junior’s X-RAY’s backward. It was a ridiculous and gut-wrenching realization. Junior had an extremely rare genetic condition.
Junior had been born with his anatomy developed in pure inverse. The positive and negative polarity of his DNA had been touched by a rouge chromosome that flipped a switch and formed his entire anatomy backward.
The MOM had taken the news horribly. She was CRUSHED knowing that her son had syllia in his throat pointing inward. His heart was on the left side of his chest. He would be sterile and never sire SPAWN…. The long-term prospects weren’t much better. One in five million people who share this condition usually died before 50.
The DAD groaned a full-body roar and reached for the pack of KOOL MENTHOL cigarettes sitting next to the ringing phone.
It was his daughter's ballet teacher. She was stuck in Cyprus because of a ferry issue. She was calling to inform him that the GIRL’s final dance recital would be on Friday the 3rd.
Goddamit he thought to himself. The four tickets back to the States were already booked and now he’d have to shell out the 800 bucks to change the flights.
No problem, no problem, he grumbled and hung up.
He immediately called TWA and changed the flight from Friday to Saturday.
Leaving the flat and loading the shipping container had gone off without a hitch. The recital had been a bittersweet triumph. They all appeared as angels on the stage. Frozen in cr
RYSTALINE moment in time. Everyone was floored by the performance but heartbroken to say goodbye to her family of friends. Thus unfolds the childhood of EXPATs..
No one spoke in the car to the airport. The MOM and DAD had a row prior to throwing the keys through the mail slot and completely closing the door and chapter of their lives.
They agreed to try harder and make a new go of things on the flight back. The whole terminal was pandemonium when they boarded but they were able to beat the phalanx of departing flights that morning. They would land 16 hours later at JFK to a terrifying realization.
DAN RATHER greeted the nation as he did every evening. Turning to the breaking news of a HIJACKED TWA flight from ATHENS to JFK.
A family of four from VERMONT was on board. Frantically the images rushed in of the hooded men with AK-47s on the tarmac. RONALD REAGAN expressed his concerns and prayers for the safe return of these American teachers and their two young children held in the bondage of International terrorism.
When the DAD approached the customs agent, he gasped and yelled for the supervisor. TROY came lumbering from the east side of the terminal to see what the HUB BUBB was about. To his shock and amazement, the family had changed flights and avoided the bondage of being victims of the HIJACKING.
The MOM set off the metal detector and dumped out her bag begrudgingly. TROY summoned the DOGS. They all had a laugh as one of them chewed the shit out of her diaphragm.
Years later the MOM would go on holiday in Ukraine. She took the train East to St. Petersburg the morning CHORNOBYL melted down. She missed the initial deadly radioactive blanket, raining death on thousands. She did however continue to carry a very hot reading on any X RAY or GIGER counter.
She would pass of cancer in 2008.
DAN RATHER addressed the nation once more that night to proclaim that the ballet recital had saved the family’s life. MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV chimed in with GREGORY HINES promoting their new film WHITE NIGHTS. They proudly proclaimed that the power of BALLET can bridge cultural and ideological gaps, saving lives from gun-wielding agents of chaos.
The family returned to their home at the base of the cup de sac. The greenhouse still smelled of basil and cilantro.
Many moons passed as the NPR played on the HI-FI. The family would only stay in the states for a year before moving to teach in the HAGUE.
JUNIOR’s best friend came to visit him in the Spring before graduation. He’d been quite ILL with MONO and continued to be a ragging maladjusted teenage degenerate. Out of ironic desperation, his parents shipped their pubescent psychonaut to the MECCA of legal debauchery. They hoped that seeing his long-lost best friend who’d come of age in the NETHERLANDS would oblige him to not quit in the final moments of high school.
KURT COBAIN had just passed. Junior played the GRISMOND and GARCIA album of DAWG-GRASS fusion in the BMW as the rain fell in buckets across the boundless seas of TULIPS.
They would immediately proceed to CREMERS on PRINESETRAAT.
Eating DRY cleaned LSD smuggled in a TOP MAN blazer seam from the UK. Smoking neon green nuggets of skunk from a cheesy plastic bong. Falling nuts over noggin, knocking out only to come to later. The pure magical mystery of tripping balls entering the VAN GOH museum. They would declare a blood oath to stay up and continue their adventures promptly after graduation.
It’s crucial to note the extreme turn down the left-hand path they would both take.
Junior returned to his childhood home only to TOIL for an eccentric alcoholic CHRISTMAS tree farmer. The friend worked the fields at an organic vegetable farm. Brilliant young minds relegated to back-breaking, soulless labor. Ensnared in a vicious cycle of excess and exertion.
Eventually, they would have a falling out and not see each other in the flesh for many moons. Too many bad trips in poor contexts.
The DAD continued roasting KOOLS while blasting to BACH and PAGANINI around the HAGUE. His son and daughter despised each other. Both were so brilliant and brutally opposed to the other's existence.
Teaching science was his passion and he was damn good at it. He would do so until his passing of lung cancer in 2019.
Junior and the girl would tally forward to degrees, jobs, and lives. The girl edited and produced comic books in ASTORIA. Eventually settling in MAINE to work and live out her days as a reformed HARDCORE CHICK.
Junior would live as he’d grown up as an EXPAT. He was the managing editor at a dual-language publication based in CHINA. His brilliance and rare sense of humor were legendary. The sands of time flowed slow and droll as the days and space between the friends elapsed effortlessly.
Fate would intervene in the most mercurial way.
The friend had been working on container ships. The life of a merchant sailor suited him well. Traveling the world seeing the sun rise and kiss the horizon every day. Steaming closer or further from the port.
It had been a standard passage and sailing from JAKARTA. The crew was given extra pay for the quick turnaround. At approximately 0330 a small sleek boat would quietly slip into sleeping GIBRALTAR's wake.
The men all passed the foil around once more as they began their approach. The engine screamed as they slid behind the stern of the mighty vessel. SING grabbed the hook and cast it to the heavens as he’d done a thousand times. SUN, CODY, and BAM exploded up the line toward the deck. Once all five men were on deck they immediately broke in all directions.
FONG sprinted to the bridge.
The first MATE was keeping the watch on the bridge in the dead of night alone. The MATE screamed a blood-curdling cry of terror as they crashed the bridge. There would be no conversation. The crew was rounded up and led to the mess. No one had been beaten or manhandled. Most of the crew had been fast asleep as they steamed through the strait.
FONG was furious. The captain was nowhere to be found. Captain SALAMONA had taken refuge below deck in engineering. He’s heard the commotion and was extremely furious about this unwarranted molestation of the voyage.. He’d picked up two cars and some other loose 40-high cubes loaded with amphetamine, porn, wine, and olive oil from Morocco. MISS PEPPERPOT had given him an amazing deal on the first press straight from the port.
These dick-face pirates were not going to just flip his whole program upside down. He’d managed to retrieve his MOSBERG and DESERT EAGLE from his quarters,
then strapped on his fanny pack full of bullets and drugs. He scampered quickly and quietly to his favorite speed-smoking HIDY place.
FONG yelled into the hatch of the bulkhead leading to the roaring engine room.
The 220,000 horsepower COILS responded in turn. Cap’n wasn’t coming out. He clutched the cool grip of the shotty and peeked up. He could feel the clanking of feet but the engine was too deafeningly loud to ascertain where they were coming.
Suddenly they were upon him. FONG popped his pistol twice and CAP’n slipped left, under the compressor. The CAP’n returned fire and put a sizeable, messy hole in BAM, who flopped over like a side of beef hitting the floor off the hook. FONG turned and the CAP’n pulled the hammer again catching him square in the rucksack. He had three grenades and a block C4 that all exploded instantly when the buckshot hit. Due in large part to the general lack of quality in the fabrication of fragment ordinance.
The arc and sound were deafening rising over the purring of the turbines as huge pieces of gangway careened into the rotors. The motor began to choke. The machine would fail in minutes and violently explode. The Cap’n was creamed by the shrapnel and died almost instantly. As his life flashed before his eyes and thoughts turned to a young lady’s backside he once plundered. A full grin washed over his maw as the explosion consumed them all.
In that same moment, SING heard the sound. The friend stood up and they all looked at each other. No one said a word. Everyone pushed instantly through the hatch and nearly fell face first, charging up the steel stairs. On the deck, they could hear the horrible roar below.
SING and CODY grabbed the friend and charged to the rope. They said:
The friend descended the line very quickly and found himself on the deck of a tiny sliver of a ship one, one hundredth the size of the GIBRALTAR. The mighty ship was currently churning and banging like a BRONTOSAURUS that’s eaten a sack of land mines.
Their hearts all pounded as they skipped away from the horrible crackling and popping of containers exploding into each other. The engine block seized and a deafening clap cracked across the ocean's surface. The hull began to split, eventually jack-knifing into the water. The friend and the MEN spend away smoking cigarettes, trying to conceive the next step.
When they docked on a slip in MASAKAMBING everyone got off and proceeded directly to the brothel. The men all sat against the wall berating and yelling at all of the inquiring women. Between constant sips off the dragon's tail, howling like wild dogs.
Something extremely wrong had just happened. A full container ship has sunk and disappeared in the strait. Lloyds would send out a crack team in hours to start the dig. Running amok from island to island, tossing out money looking for leads. They all had to leave. NOW.
Over the course of several days, it was determined that they would all split up.
By pure coincidence, the friend had been talking on GCHAT with JUNIOR. They’d planned on meeting up in MACAU when his contract was done in the spring.
Junior picked up the phone and heard the friend's voice. It sounded RAGGED. Like a steak, drug behind a BIG WHEEL, up and down the driveway, then snuck back onto the grill. Serving the unwitting guests literal street beef.
It had been a lifetime since they’d soured in different times. It had been a dream they shared to meet as men and have a BEER. To catch up and break bread on the salacious tales of woe neither had told the other. The many colorful pieces that had paved the path back to them meeting face to face.
The friend said he was in Mamilla and would be flying to MACAU on Sunday. Junior asked the friend if he was still on the ship. The phone clicked off and he went back to sleep.
The cat looked out the window at a spider crawling up the glass window pane. The spider was bulbous and old. Lumbering. Junior awoke sometime later to a text and shooed off the bimbo he’d mistakenly brought home from the club. He’d taken to pregaming any evening out with a tall gigger of cool blue cough syrup the lady on the corner had been selling him for months.
Junior put on a tailored blazer and hard black GUCCI loafers. He fed his cat then poured up a proper gigger of sudo-antifreeze. Sipping it calmed him down.
His phone buzzed again and hopped a cab to the CASINO ESTORIL. The friend and his mates were playing craps., JUNIOR went to the counter and procured a thousand bucks in chips. He then made a b-line to the table underneath the sexy animatronic GODZILLA as he had been instructed. The friend put down his drink and embraced him. They both gasped and sat down.
The night wore into the morning. Many powders and beverages were passed and consumed joyously by all. SING had been on the fence about coming but decided it made more sense to follow this loud mouth IRISH sailor to meet his eccentric EXPAT brother in CHINA..
The boss had already proclaimed a full-bore head hunt to round up the BAFFOONS who had sunk a goddamn container ship and all the booty. The friend was in a far worse spot. The news had already pronounced him dead and buried with the ship. But alas he would not be sleeping with Captain SALAMONA in Dave’s Jones locker.
The sun was rising and old folks were starting to pour in holding hot stinky bowls of noodles.
SING knew it was time to make a move..
Unbeknownst to the friends something sinister lay in wait.
SING had heard the story from the friend about Junior. About how he had a peculiar propensity for avoiding calamity and a heart that pounded on the LEFT side of his chest.
SING announced that they were taking the crew to a penthouse across town.
The friend and junior climbed into the suburban. Everyone was still completely PISS DRUNK and looking like those who’d seen things they couldn’t unsee. SING flicked his SEVEN STAR into the gutter as they rounded the corner.
They pulled up to the curb and were greeted by four men in suits. Something instantly seemed wrong. SING stepped out and pointed at the yanks and muttered something in CANTONESE..
The men yolked them both up and walked slowly to the palatial entrance of the high-rise apartment building. Jutting up like a middle finger against the backdrop of the bay and decrepit temple.
The doors open and they entered with SING.
The friend yelled in rage at Sing asking what the fuck was happening. SING didn’t say a word and raised his finger to his lips so as to hush them all.
The door slid open to the white marble foyer with a huge LOUIS VITTON chest that sat alone greeting them. They heard the voice. It told them to come in and have a DRINK..
They passed the case and entered a well-lit wood-paneled salon overlooking the bay. A kind lady placed an old fashion in his hand. They were asked to wait for the HOST to join them. Everyone found a place on the ginormous leather sofa that snaked around the room. Cigarettes and coffee were served as well.
A voice crackled over the HI-FI in CANTONESE.. Everyone left. Junior and the friend sat listening to the footsteps clack in syncopation as the HOST approached.
Then the HOST entered from a cloth drape behind the bar. His thick grey hair and imperial-length fingernails cascaded as he thrust his hand to engage the parlay
Welcome my friends. I’m quite certain you’re both wondering what’s brought you here to my audacious home.
I’m a man with unspeakable wealth. I’ve collected so many things. Beautiful things made by hands and hearts that know nothing but a passion to push objects into the wild. To live and become ART. But what is behind it all? What extends beyond the boundaries of the work that’s made by these mortal hands? I traveled a twisted and despicable path and have seen things no one could ever unsee.
This is what brings me to you JUNIOR.
I’m a man who is always hearing stories. Sometimes these stories can lead a curious person like myself to find something profound. I heard a story recently. About a pale face YANK who was magically made bacKwards.
Why do you think I would find this story interesting Junior? What reason could I have for wanting desperately to meet a man with anomalous anatomy such as yourself?
Well, allow me to illuminate you with my most exalted and cherished possessions. The friends stood up. Hand in hand they passed through an ornate door. They found themselves in a long corridor with high vaulted ceilings. Dim lights lit the floor casting glimpses of the smooth shiny cases that lined the hall.
The HOST clapped his mighty paws and the lights popped on.
Looking back at them was a true rouges gallery of the human anomalous cast in the CRYSTALINE resin..
The creatures who were once living breathing humans were on display celebrating their grotesque and malformed bodies liberated of flesh and left fallow to bone and muscle.
Junior was very drunk from the whiskey, coffee, cough syrup, quaaludes, cocaine, and poppers that ragged through his frame.
The HOST approached Junior and took both of his hands into his.
You are the key Junior. You will become my most exhausted possession.
What is art, Junior? Is it a painting in a museum behind glass or a pillar crafted in the Parthenon? Is it that thing you have that no one else has?
So many times the fates were kind and ultimately delivered you to me. So many times you and that sublime body were spared from untold calamity. So many steps you took to finally stand before me now.
Junior’s eyes were glazed over with a CHESHIRE grin and eyes his eyes appeared to be navigating a sand storm. He said nothing but kept smiling.
The HOST looked deep into his eyes and saw a ghost looking back at him.
Junior! I want you to understand what’s about to happen to you.
The HOST removed a flat piece of slate and placed it before Junior. He pulled out a golf ball size rock of cocaine and tossed it on the slab. He reached into a drawer and lifted up a stainless hammer. He waved it around the room wildly building up the searing tension.
This is my COLE HAMMER., BEHOLD!!!
The friends looked at each other.
The HOST had stealthily exposed himself as the friends stared in sheer awe of the COKE HAMMER in his vile clutches. The HOST now looked like a caged, rabbit animal clutching his throbbing JOHNSON in one hand and the most glorious hammer ever held by a man in the other.
He let out a low guttural tone and then bashed the shit out of the rock. It was rather messy but no one was complaining. The HOST calmed down significantly after burying his face in the BOLIVIAN mess that he had made on the slate. Pulling his powder-kissed face from the pile belted out something in LATIN.
He slumped himself comfortably into his patten leather throne that perfectly matched the leather straps he had installed as panels around the entirety of his domain.
Let me tell you about a man I know. He’s a stout man I call TEFLON. He works with his hands and heart and brain in a manner that is poetry to me. This man executed the wrapping of this very room of leather in which you now sit. However, this humble genius was once very unlucky. Fate dealt him pancreatic cancer. Everyone including himself sincerely believed he was going to die. But he did not die. The force was so unimaginably strong in him that it was able to conquer the pestilence wrought upon him.. Ninety-five percent of people on his path return to force. But not TEFLON. He fought the demon that grew inside his body into submission. This man conquered death and now continues his passionate odyssey in leather through this savage wilderness.
The HOST looked at them both intently.
Junior appeared to have entered a K HOLE-like state of joyful intoxication rendering him cognitively infantile.
The friend's eyes were wide open though. He had not started the journey sipping cough syrup.
The HOST looked the friend directly in his eyes
. Your friend is a very, very special piece of art you see. He is the GOD particle. What do any of our lives matter? Is the most ambitious thing that you’ve ever done less impressive than the most meager accomplishments of those you rever? How many people leave a legacy?
Why do we care about art?
Is it something we make or does it make us?
Why do we run in circles endlessly suffering, chasing the cheese in the maze? What are the choices that we make as artists? How many steps did you take to come to this place? Do you think that your genius friend will live to be an old man? How long do any of us have prior to the breath that flicks the wick? Not even the PHARAOHS could create art of the highest level that ultimately would not lose reverence.
I can say with absolute certainty that if I was the proud owner of the pyramids I would trade them in a heartbeat for JUNIOR.
You’re friend probably thought that he would once again dodge the bullet. If he’d change flights and miss terrorists. If he’d not been mad over anything so long ago that no one remembered what was sour. But alas, he too will pass into the void and live in our hearts and heads as we all do. They all float down here in the clear CRYSTLINE resin. They gaze back at me reminding me that there is still ART in this godforsaken rock on which we spin.
The HOST let out a full-body sigh and disappeared with Junior through a door at the end of the corridor.
The friend looked at SING. Hatred and vitriol filled his heart. But deep down he knew full well that nothing would be settled in the HOST’s home.
They all knocked back their drinks and proceeded to the lift. Back out on the street, it was morning and the hum of the hive was in full vibration. The friend looked up to the top of the tower.
Junior had been drinking cough syrup, chain-smoking, wasting away before the screen, and lying with foul hussies just pissing his already bleak prospects down the drain.
SING looked smug and put his arm around the friend. He told him how sorry he was and how he would make this square with him. He handed him a large LOUIS VITTON track sack and offered him a SEVEN STAR.
The day was hot and dry. The air felt dense with human essence and commerce. The friend clutched the sack and said goodbye to SING. He put up his left hand and pulled a scooter to drift him off quickly to the airport.
Perhaps the friend had not been a friend to Junior. He’d left his childhood friend who proclaimed himself a WANG scholar many times over to die at the hands of a madman wielding a COKE HAMMER.
The terrorists would go home and Dan Rather would forget all about the family from HARDWICK. The doctor who first looked at his X-RAY SPECS backward would regale friends and colleagues of JUNIOR’s peculiar anatomical malformity.
Junior was the most remarkable man. The HOST with brutal certainty encapsulated him forever in CRYSTALINE resin. His story would never ever be spoken as those who collect such things would go to no end attempting to acquire this monolith of genetics. Junior was cast to glow in the eyes of those who would never tell his tale again.
The HOST would die and leave his collection to inspire the BODY WORLD global phenomenon. The family had managed to dodge many syncretic moments that would have been perilous.
They didn’t die at the hands of early 80’s men wielding assist rifles thanks to the magic of ballet.
JOHN WEIJA JR. 1976-2017
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thefeedpost · 6 years
Secret witness box off, repeating hold-ups delay neglected Krejcir instance
On the sixth floor of the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg, in a gangland murder case most have forgotten about, there’s a slow-burning standoff unfolding and the delays are costing taxpayers millions of rands.
Beyond the bevy of armed guards and metal detectors, four men including Czech convict and former underworld boss Radovan Krejcir, are on trial for a 2013 hit on Lebanese drug dealer Sam Issa aka ‘Black Sam’ or ‘Cripple Sam’. Issa was gunned down outside Bedford Centre early on a Saturday morning while driving his black Audi Q7.
Read: ‘The cripple, the loose-mouthed Serb and the drug deal gone wrong’ – Extract from Krejcir, the book
The trial has been running before Judge Winston Msimeki for exactly two years and has been postponed dozens of times, with more than 50 days of testimony so far.
Each court day, the accused are rushed to the courthouse in a cavalcade of armoured vehicles, blue lights flashing down Pritchard Street. At least 40 heavily armed Correctional Services officials and SA Police Service officers are deployed to courtroom 6E while it is in session, and journalists and members of the public are required to pass through an x-ray machine to gain access.
There have been numerous postponements as a result of Krejcir’s poor health, some due to various applications the accused brought and because of conflicts in lawyers’ diaries.
Now, one of the State’s key witnesses is digging in his heels and it seems, is refusing to return to the stand. The situation is resulting in continued postponements that are stalling the trial, leaving the accused and their lawyers frustrated.
Lucky Mokoena, a self-confessed hitman and robber, has been testifying for the prosecution against Krejcir and his co-accused. These include Siboniso Miya aka ‘Zuluboy’, Nkanyiso Mafunda and Simphiwe Memela, also known as ‘Baba ka Jesu’.
A fifth accused, Bulgarian Lyubomir ‘Boris’ Grigorov, has also turned State witness. Grigorov spent more than 30 days in the witness stand under cross-examination.
Another key player, who has gone by the pseudonym ‘Jacob Nare’, is also waiting in the wings to testify. He was controversially taken into the witness protection programme by forensic consultant Paul O’Sullivan and then dropped from it.
Mokoena has finished his evidence in chief and is now due to be cross-examined. It’s understood that he has been offered a deal in terms of Section 204 of the Criminal Procedure Act, which will give him indemnity from prosecution in this case in exchange for his testimony if the court deems fit. However, those involved in the matter say Mokoena is unhappy that he has lost an appeal on a separate house robbery case and a warrant has been issued for him in that matter. It appears as though he is seeking blanket indemnity from the NPA, however, the prosecuting authority has not confirmed this.
Party held to ‘celebrate’ hit
The NPA’s spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane says that Mokoena remains a State witness and he is expected to return to the witness stand yet again on Wednesday.
In his evidence-in-chief, Mokoena testified about how he was introduced to Krejcir by convicted drug dealer and businessman Glenn Agliotti. He explained how Krejcir requested Mokoena to rob Issa’s house and then kill the Lebanese man after stealing his firearms and jewellery. Grigorov had also previously testified about how the robbery had taken place two weeks before Issa was gunned down. Four men wearing balaclavas had forced their way into Issa’s house, covered his head with a hood, cable-tied his arms and legs and beat him. His attackers made off with jewellery, an AK-47 and other firearms.
Mokoena has also testified about how he was present at Krejcir’s Money Point shop in Bedfordview when he allegedly instructed the accused to shoot Issa and how the men responsible told him that the job had been done. He has also further implicated Agliotti, claiming that he was present when Krejcir gave the instruction to kill Issa at a party that was held to “celebrate” the hit.
Agliotti has strongly denied that he was in any way involved or that he introduced Mokoena to Krejcir. In an interview last year, Agliotti said he was at Money Point the Friday afternoon before Issa was killed.
“It was like a Friday afternoon, they were drinking vodka, I had a double espresso. I said goodbye to them and I left. It was so friendly like f****ng, kissing and cuddling. Very friendly, no hostility, nothing whatsoever. It was 4pm in the afternoon; they used to drink right through the night. I left and the next morning I hear the s**t on the news so I f****ng phone Krejcir and say jeez what happened to Sam? He said, ‘Can you f****ng believe it?’ I said ‘What the f**k happened and he said he didn’t know; he was going to get his guys to find out.”
Agliotti says he was interviewed by the Hawks about the murder.
ALSO READ: Former Gauteng Hawks head Sibiya denies all Krejcir corruption claims
“I was interviewed by the Hawks in the Sandton police station. The Hawks called me in; I was coming back from Swaziland. I got this call from a colonel in the Hawks and I said, sure, no problem. He said he wanted to interview me about Issa, Krejcir and Mokoena. I went there and asked what they wanted.
“He said: ‘Lucky Mokoena’. I said that Lucky Mokoena was a two-bit gangster so he’s trying to implicate me. He’s a hustler. He’s got like 60 cases against him – drugs, theft – all sorts of shit. You’ll always see him driving in a Ferrari with the best labels, but he scams. If you look at his cases they are either robbery or armed robbery or whatever.”
Mokoena’s allegations are to secure freedom
Krejcir’s lawyer previously said they believe Mokoena is making these allegations to secure his own freedom. The accused deny the charges against them and are expected to call several witnesses in their defence.
However, that could mean that this trial will drag on for several years still. Prosecutors are also waiting to finalise this trial before they get going on another case involving a plot to assassinate Paul O’Sullivan and ex-policeman Nkosana ‘Killer’ Ximba in 2014.
Parallel to this is a separate process involving Krejcir’s potential extradition to the Czech Republic.
Last year, the Kempton Park Magistrate’s Court ruled that Krejcir could be extradited and now it is up to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services to decide his fate.
Krejcir is currently serving a 35-year prison sentence after being convicted of attempted murder and kidnapping in 2015.
Ironically, this prolonged matter in courtroom 6E pales in comparison to the trial running in the courtroom just next door where Tigon accused Gary Porritt is facing more than 3 000 charges of fraud, racketeering and contraventions of the Income Tax Act, the Companies Act and the Stock Exchange Control Act. That case has been on the court roll since 2002 and is still rolling.
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white widow
A past health minister has called on MPs to legalise the ownership, purchase and use of cannabis. For example, you will have to use Root Stimulator through the first few weeks to make sure that your plants develop a healthy and strong main system capable of absorbing tons of water and nutrients. https://sendit.cloud/97eujxdk0hl4 should take extreme caution and follow these rules to prevent event of losses or development of low quality crop. Given the high stakes and maze of condition and local legislation regarding drugs and medicine screening, employers should work meticulously with counsel to build drug-testing procedures that adhere to talk about and local regulations. Haven's board-certified medical professional has made it his quest to help patients have better usage of medical cannabis in a professional and safe manner and, in the fall of 2015, he applied for a license to become state-regulated dispensary. Fast Eddy Auto is a rapid growing cross between Cheese x Juanita la Lagrimosa x Ruderalis and produces a harvest in only 8-9 weeks after germination. Having at any hour access to normal water and nutrients along with more than enough air for the roots, makes for rapid development with maximum produces. As a weed seed retailer, we could second to none, and perfect for those weed seed collectors that want to buy cannabis seed products online. Growing hydroponic cannabis allows you to flush for much shorter durations without any negative effects. Another reason to start out with clones is the fact someone else has already done the cannabis cloning part for you. Action 228 SLH 2000 - Hawaii's primary Medical Usage of Cannabis law. 2 These quantities will continue to grow over another many years, as patients and doctors learn about the medical great things about cannabis. As a result of these legal obstacles, the constitutional validity of Canada's drug control regulations is currently legally dependent on the living of a working federal therapeutic cannabis program. As such, it's important for employers to carefully review the anti-discrimination regulations in the jurisdictions in which they execute business. In no way is this the end all and become most of growing cannabis as there are many other techniques which may have proven results. At this time your plant reached the maximum level and the buds are needs to grow, that will provide you eventually the weed. An indicative EC range for cannabis plant life is 0.8-1.3 for seedlings; 0.5-1.3 for clones; 1.3-1.7 under vegetative phase; 1.2-2 during flowering. As long as you are consistent in exposing your weed to 18 to a day of light per day, your vegetation will continue to grow larger. Flowering time is shorter and the leaves are small and wide. Cabinet and expand box operations are getting to be more and more common and the arrival of Computer grow boxes moves hand in hand with diminutive autoflowering strains. As for growing outdoors, it's always smart to increase your vegetation in places that allow your vegetation to have the utmost amount of sun rays. Auto-flowering pot strains include AK-47, Blueberry, Mazar, Haze and other popular pot varieties. Grow Restrictions: If a qualified patients resides 40 miles or more from an operating dispensary, the individual is permitted to cultivate up to eight (8) plant life. Growing your own pot isn't rocket science, it just requires practice and a little bit of help from your friends. Cannabinoids, terpenoids, and other ingredients are secreted by the glandular trichomes found most densely on the floral leaves and blossoms of female crops. Healthful soil can be an exceptionally stable growing medium, allowing for sufficient moisture retention that provides the grower ample time between watering sessions. 4 In Maryland, medical cannabis is legal on the state Level; and with public support at an all-time high, Maryland's medical cannabis program is probable here to stay. Cribb said the seed products were lower in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - the intoxication-inducing component of cannabis - but saturated in cannabidiol (CBD), the pain-relieving elements. As you would expect from such a strong genetic track record, Jack 47 Automobile has all the features auto growers look for, and has suitably acquired its place on this list as one of the better types of autoflowering seeds around.
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오늘자 akb48 트위터
오늘자 akb48 트위터 (무카이치 미온 向井地 美音
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ナビゲーションに移動検索に移動 むかいち みおん 向井地 美音 150505 『여기가 로도스다 여기서뛰어라!』샤메회 후기 01.jpg 『ここがロドスだ、ここで跳べ!』劇場盤 発売記念大握手会&写真会にて (2015年5月5日、パシフィコ横浜) プロフィール 愛称 みーおん 生年月日 1998年1月29日 現年齢 20歳 出身地 日本の旗 日本・埼玉県 血液型 O型 公称サイズ(2018年[1]時点) 身長 / 体重 150 cm / ― kg 備考 靴のサイズ 23cm[2] 単位系換算[表示] 活動 デビュー 2002年(子役) 2013年(AKB48) 所属グループ AKB48 でんでんむChu! 活動期間 2002年 - 備考 AKB48 チームA (元チーム4→チームK) 事務所 Mama&Son 公式サイト AKB48公式プロフィール 主な出演作 テレビドラマ 『アンフェア』 『マジすか学園4』 映画 『アンフェア the movie』 『アンフェア the end』 主な楽曲 「翼はいらない」 アイドル: テンプレート - カテゴリ 向井地 美音(むかいち みおん、1998年1月29日 - )は、日本のアイドル、女優(元子役)。女性アイドルグループAKB48チームAのメンバーである[3]。愛称は、みーおん。埼玉県出身。Mama&Son所属[4]。 目次 1 略歴 2 人物 3 AKB48での参加楽曲 3.1 シングル選抜楽曲 3.2 アルバム選抜楽曲 3.3 劇場公演ユニット曲 4 作品 4.1 映像作品 5 コンサート 6 出演 6.1 映画 6.2 テレビドラマ 6.3 バラエティ 6.4 ドキュメンタリー 6.5 教育番組 6.6 ラジオ 6.7 舞台 6.8 CM 6.9 ネット配信 6.10 イベント 7 書籍 7.1 写真集 7.2 雑誌連載 8 脚注 8.1 注釈 8.2 出典 9 外部リンク 略歴 子どもの頃、セントラル子供タレントに所属し、子役として芸能活動を始めた[5]。子役時代はテレビドラマ『アンフェア』シリーズに篠原涼子が演じる雪平夏見の娘・佐藤美央役で出演した[6][7]。小学校5年の時、子役を一時休業して学業に専念し、受験を経て中学校へ進学した[8]。その後、イー・コンセプトに所属し[9]、仲のよい友人から紹介されたのがきっかけでAKB48のファンになった[8]。次第にAKB48のメンバーになりたいという気持ちが芽生え、両親と相談し、AKB48の15期生オーディションに応募した[8]。 2013年1月19日、AKB48第15期生オーディションの最終審査に合格し、AKB48に加入した[10][11]。 2014年2月24日に開催された『AKB48グループ大組閣祭り〜時代は変わる。だけど、僕らは前しか向かねえ!〜』(Zepp DiverCity)でチーム4への所属および昇格が発表され[12]、4月24日の『AKB48 チーム4 3rd Stage「アイドルの夜明け」』の初日公演で正規メンバーとして初のステージを踏んだ[13]。 2014年4月6日に行われた『AKB48リクエストアワーセットリストベスト200 2014』(さいたまスーパーアリーナ)では、大島優子から「ヘビーローテーション」のセンターポジション後継者に指名され、披露する際に代わってセンターポジションを務めた[6][7]。 2014年11月26日発売のAKB48の38thシングル「希望的リフレイン」で初めてシングル表題曲の選抜メンバーに入った[14]。 2015年3月25日に開催された『AKB48ヤングメンバー全国ツアー〜未来は今から作られる〜』(さいたまスーパーアリーナ)の初日公演では7人組の新ユニット「でんでんむChu!」への参加が発表され[15]、3月26日に開催された『AKB48春の単独コンサート〜ジキソー未だ修行中!』(さいたまスーパーアリーナ)ではチームKへの異動が発表された[16]。 2015年に実施された『AKB48 41stシングル 選抜総選挙』では44位となり、ネクストガールズに選ばれた[17]。 2015年9月5日には、子役時代に出演していた『アンフェア』シリーズの完結編であり[18]、AKB48加入後に出演した映画『アンフェア the end』が全国公開された[7][19][20]。 2016年3月21日には、AKB48の44thシングル「翼はいらない」で初めてシングル表題曲のセンターを務めることが発表された[7][21]。 2016年に実施された『AKB48 45thシングル 選抜総選挙』では13位となり、選抜総選挙での初の選抜入りとなった[22] 2017年1月19日にTOKYO DOME CITY HALLで自身初のソロコンサート『向井地美音ソロコンサート 〜大声でいま伝えたいことがある〜』を開催[23]。 2017年に実施された『AKB48 49thシングル 選抜総選挙』では17位となり、選抜入りを逃した[24]。 2017年9月5日にSHOWROOMにおいて、AKSからプロダクション尾木の関連会社である「Mama&Son」への所属事務所移籍が発表された[25]。 2017年12月8日に行われた『AKB48劇場12周年特別記念公演』で発表された組閣人事においてチームAに異動することになる(新チーム体制への移行は2018年4月から)[26]。 2018年3月10日に行われた『AKB48グループ センター試験』においてAKB48グループメンバーのなかで1位となり、上位16人によって楽曲をリリースする「特別選抜」のセンターとなることが決まった[27]。楽曲は、5月30日発売のAKB48の52ndシングル「Teacher Teacher」のカップリング曲「君は僕の風」になった。 2018年に実施された『AKB48 53rdシングル 世界選抜総選挙』で13位となり、AKB48選抜総選挙による選抜メンバーに復帰した[28]。開票イベントでのスピーチでは、将来「AKB48グループの総監督になりたい」と話した[28]。 2018年12月8日に開催された『AKB48劇場13周年特別記念公演』夜公演において、AKB48グループ総監督の横山由依から後継の次期(3代目)総監督に指名された(交代時期は未定)[29][30]。 人物 小学1年生から中学3年生まで硬式テニスをやっていたこともあり、元プロテニス選手の松岡修造がテレビ番組で語った「一球一球に心を込めて打つ」という言葉がきっかけで、自分も一つ一つのことに一生懸命になって生きていこうと「一所懸命」[注 1]を座右の銘にしている[8]。 物心がつく前から子役をしており、記憶に残っている最初のドラマは4歳の時に出演したNHKの大河ドラマ『利家とまつ』での浅井長政とお市の方の娘・初姫役であったと語っている。演技は、8歳の時に出演した連続ドラマ『アンフェア』の時から意識して自分で学んできたとも語っている[8]。 出演した映画『アンフェア the end』のプロデューサー臼井裕詞は、AKB48メンバーとなっていることを知らず、芸能活動を辞めていたとしても重要な役であるため、向井地に引き続き出演してもらいたいと製作開始当初、考えていた[20]。 趣味はドラマを見ることであり[31]、将来の夢は女優になることである[32]。 特技はフラフープをしながら、キャッチボールをすること[31]。 AKB48のファン時代に憧れていたのは小嶋陽菜であった[8][33]。2017年1月のソロコンサートの際に、同じ埼玉県出身の小嶋からキャッチフレーズ「埼玉県から来ました」を継承した[23]。 「坂道AKB」で共演した乃木坂46の山下美月とは、共演する前から仲がよく、「みお姉」と呼ばれる関係であった[34]。 AKB48での参加楽曲 シングル選抜楽曲 「ハート・エレキ」に収録 君の瞳はプラネタリウム - 「AKB48研究生」名義 「前しか向かねえ」に収録 秘密のダイアリー - 「Baby Elephants」名義 「ラブラドール・レトリバー」に収録 ハートの脱出ゲーム - 「Team 4」名義 希望的リフレイン 目を開けたままのファーストキス - 「Team 4」名義 「Green Flash」に収録 春の光 近づいた夏 ヤンキーロック 僕たちは戦わない カフカとでんでんむChu ! - 「でんでんむChu !」名義 「ハロウィン・ナイト」に収録 水の中の伝導率 - 「ネクストガールズ」名義 一歩目音頭 ヤンキーマシンガン 「唇にBe My Baby」に収録 君を君を君を… - 「次世代選抜」名義 マドンナの選択 - 「れなっち総選挙選抜」名義 お姉さんの独り言 - 「Team K」名義 背中言葉 君はメロディー LALALAメッセージ - 「AKB48次世代選抜」名義 翼はいらない 哀愁のトランペッター - 「Team K」名義 LOVE TRIP/しあわせを分けなさい BLACK FLOWER ハイテンション ハッピーエンド - 「レナッチーズ」名義 シュートサイン アクシデント中 - 「AKB48 U-19選抜」名義 誰のことを一番 愛してる? - 「坂道AKB」名義 願いごとの持ち腐れ 点滅フェロモン 「#好きなんだ」に収録 だらしない愛し方 - 「アンダーガールズ」名義 ギブアップはしない - 「ブラックベリー向井地」として参加 11月のアンクレット ジャーバージャ Position - 「AKB48若手選抜」名義 国境のない時代 - 「坂道AKB」名義 Teacher Teacher 君は僕の風 - 「AKB48グループ センター試験選抜」名義 ロマンティック準備中 - 「Team A」名義 センチメンタルトレイン 百合を咲かせるか? NO WAY MAN アルバム選抜楽曲 『次の足跡』に収録 散ればいいのに… 『ここがロドスだ、ここで跳べ!』に収録 涙は後回し - 「峯岸Team 4」名義 僕たちのイデオロギー 『0と1の間』に収録 愛の使者 - 「Team K」名義 あれから僕は勉強が手につかない - 「でんでんむChu !」名義 『サムネイル』に収録 あの日���自分 誰が私を泣かせた? 『僕たちは、あの日の夜明けを知っている』に収録 靴紐の結び方 涙の表面張力 劇場公演ユニット曲 AKB48 研究生公演「パジャマドライブ」 天使のしっぽ チーム4 2nd Stage「手をつなぎながら」 Glory days(相笠萌のアンダー) チョコの行方(前田美月のアンダー) チームKウェイティング公演II「最終ベルが鳴る」 19人姉妹の歌(近野莉菜のアンダー) 峯岸チーム4「アイドルの夜明け」公演 残念少女 春風亭小朝「イヴはアダムの肋骨」公演 禁じられた二人(チームK 2nd Stage「青春ガールズ」) 田中将大「僕がここにいる理由」公演 青春の木洩れ陽(ノースリーブス 5thシングル「君しか」) 峯岸チームK「最終ベルが鳴る」公演 初恋泥棒 「サムネイル」公演 バケット 岡部チームA「目撃者」公演 炎上路線 作品 AKB48としての作品については「AKB48の関連作品」を参照 映像作品 枚 リリース日 タイトル レーベル 販売形態 規格品番 備考 1 2017年8月4日 AKB48 向井地美音ソロコンサート 〜大声でいま伝えたいことがある〜 AKS DVD AKB-D2354 Blu-ray Disc AKB-D2355 コンサート AKB48メンバーとしてのコンサート・ライブイベント出演については「AKB48のコンサート一覧」を参照 向井地美音ソロコンサート 〜大声でいま伝えたいことがある〜(2017年1月19日、TOKYO DOME CITY HALL)[23] 出演 AKB48メンバーとしての出演(コンサート・ライブイベントを除く)については「AKB48の出演一覧」を参照 映画 踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE 2 レインボーブリッジを封鎖せよ!(2003年7月19日、東宝) - 里香子 役[5] アンフェア the movie(2007年3月17日、東宝) - 佐藤美央 役[5][7] アンフェア the end(2015年9月5日、東宝) - 雪平美央 役[7][35] ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 千年呪い歌(2008年7月12日、松竹) - 三つ木霊・長女ハルカ 役[36] トワイライトシンドローム デッドクルーズ(2008年8月2日、ジョリー・ロジャー)- 謎の女の子 役[37] テレビドラマ 利家とまつ〜加賀百万石物語〜(2002年、NHK) - 初姫 役[5] ウエディングプランナー SWEETデリバリー(2002年、フジテレビ) - 北村早紀 役[5] ホーム&アウェイ(2002年、フジテレビ) - 女の子 役[5] X'smap〜虎とライオンと五人の男〜(2004年、フジテレビ) - 女の子 役[5] アンフェア(2006年1月 - 3月、関西テレビ) - 佐藤美央 役[5][20] アンフェア the special『コード・ブレーキング〜暗号解読』(2006年10月3日、関西テレビ)[20][38] テレビスペシャル アンフェア the special『ダブル・ミーニング 〜二重定義』(2011年9月23日、関西テレビ)[20][38] 医龍-Team Medical Dragon- 第3話(2006年、フジテレビ) - 藤吉樹里 役[5] 医龍-Team Medical Dragon- 第1話(2010年10月14日、フジテレビ)[38] 金曜プレステージ パパの涙で子は育つ(2007年6月15日、フジテレビ) - 川村カヤ 役[5] フライトパニック(2007年10月20日、フジテレビ) - 柳本メグミ 役[5][38] 働きマン 最終話(2007年12月19日、日本テレビ) - 山口美咲 役[5] 金曜プレステージ 外科医 鳩村周五郎V 血塗られた挑戦状I(2009年3月27日、フジテレビ) - 佐々岡香澄 役[38][39] セーラーゾンビ 第2話(2014年4月26日、テレビ東京) - 巨大オシャレゾンビ 役[38][40] マジすか学園4(2015年1月19日 - 3月30日、日本テレビ) - ジセダイ 役[41] マジすか学園5(2015年8月25日、日本テレビ) - ジセダイ 役[42] 劇場霊からの招待状 第8話「回帰」(2015年11月19日、TBS) - 主演・和泉繭 役[43] AKBホラーナイト アドレナリンの夜 第21話「おねえち��ん」(2015年12月17日、テレビ朝日) - 主演・育子 役[44] AKBラブナイト 恋工場 第37話「危険な二人乗り」(2016年9月8日、テレビ朝日) - 主演・未来 役[45] キャバすか学園(2016年10月30日 - 2017年1月15日、日本テレビ) - フグ / ジセダイ 役[46][47] 豆腐プロレス(2017年1月22日 - 7月2日、テレビ朝日) - 向井地美音 / ストロベリー向井地 / ブラックベリー向井地 役[48] 正義のセ 第9話(2018年6月6日、日本テレビ) - 坂下あゆみ 役[49][50] マジムリ学園(2018年7月26日 - 9月26日、日本テレビ)- バラ / 桑原郁美 役[51] 警視庁捜査資料管理室 (仮)(2018年10月1日 - 、BSフジ)- 柴田里香子巡査部長 役[52][53] バラエティ SMAP×SMAP(2005年、フジテレビ) - 「粘土の王国」のコーナーにレギュラー出演[5] ドキュメンタリー NNNドキュメント'16「18歳・・・生徒手帳と私の一票」(2016年8月21日、日本テレビ/制作:南海放送) - ナレーション[54] 教育番組 NHK高校講座 日本史(2014年4月18日 - 2015年3月6日、NHK Eテレ)[55][注 2] ラジオ リッスン? 2-3(2015年7月・2017年6月・2018年2月、文化放送)[59] AEON LakeTown presents 向井地美音 (AKB48) のみーおんたいむ♪(2015年10月1日 - 2018年3月29日、FM NACK5) - 「Nutty Radio Show THE魂」木曜内コーナー[注 3][61] AKB48 今夜は帰らない…(2015年10月5日 - 2017年3月27日、CBCラジオ)[注 4][62] 舞台 舞台版「マジムリ学園」(2018年10月19日 - 28日、日本青年館ホール) - バラ 役[63][64] CM 大王製紙 「Friendスーパーすっきりパンツ」[5] 江崎グリコ 「プリッツ」[5] ナナムジカ[5] ハウジングタイホウ[5] 三菱電機 洗濯機「部屋干しカラット」[5] 東洋水産 「マルちゃん赤いきつねと緑のたぬき」[5] 日本マクドナルド[5] 花王 「健康エコナ」[5] コムスン 「施設介護あみもの篇」[5] 講談社 「おともだち」「たのしい幼稚園」[5] タカラ 「たいこでポピラ」[5] アメリカン・ライフ・インシュアランス・カンパニー日本支社 「家計にやさしい入院保険」[5] 松下電器産業 ナショナル洗濯乾燥機「Lab」[5] ライオン 「クリニカ」[5] ハインツ日本 「クッキングソース」[5] バンダイ 「たまごっちカップ」[5] 日本ケンタッキーフライドチキン 骨なしケンタッキー「かぶりつき」篇B(2014年11月1日 - 11月26日)[65][66] ネット配信 マジすか学園4 外伝(2015年3月31日 - 5月5日、Hulu) - ジセダイ 役[41] マジすか学園5(2015年8月25日 - 10月27日、Hulu) - ジセダイ 役[42] CROW'S BLOOD(2016年7月23日 - 8月27日、Hulu) - 片山奈美 役[67] イベント 豆腐プロレス The REAL 2017 WIP CLIMAX in 後楽園ホール(2017年8月29日、後楽園ホール) - ブラックベリー向井地 役 豆腐プロレス The REAL 2018 WIP QUEENDOM in 愛知県体育館(2018年2月23日、愛知県体育館) - ストロベリー向井地 役[68] 書籍 日本一やさしい政治の教科書できました。(2017年7月7日、朝日新聞出版、共著:木村草太・加藤玲奈・茂木忍)ISBN 978-4022514677 写真集 AKB48れなっち総選挙選抜写真集 16colors(2017年1月31日、徳間書店、撮影:LUCKMAN・佐藤佑一)ISBN 978-4198642891[69] 雑誌連載 UTB+(2014年12月9日 - 、ワニブックス) - 「魁!!48歌詞塾」[70]。 LOVE berry(2016年1月 - 2017年1月、徳間書店) - モデル[7][71]。 脚注 [ヘルプ] 注釈 ^ 出典にあるように、武士が生活のために1か所の領地を命を懸けて守ったという「一生懸命」の本来の言葉。 ^ 2014年4月2日、初回を先行放送[56]。土保瑞希・込山榛香も生徒役で出演[57]。2018年度も放送として継続使用されている[58]。 ^ AKB48メンバーの佐々木優佳里と出演[60]。 ^ 8代目レギュラー。2014年12月1日・8日、2015年4月27日・5月4日に7代目レギュラーの代理として出演。ただし、初回(2015年10月5日)の放送はスケジュールの都合で欠席した。 出典 ^ 講談社『AKB48総選挙公式ガイドブック2018』113頁 ^ 「MY LITTLE LOVERS」『FLASHスペシャル 2014年盛夏号』2014年9月10日号、光文社、2014年8月8日。ASIN B00LWX5A36。 ^ “メンバー”. AKB48公式サイト. AKS (2018年). 2018年4月2日閲覧。 ^ “AKB48向井地美音&加藤玲奈、事務所移籍 高橋みなみ&小嶋陽菜が発表”. モデルプレス. (2017年9月5日) 2017年9月5日閲覧。 ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac “セントラルグループ - セントラル子供タレント株式会社 - 向井地 美音”. 2009年4月21日時点のオリジナル[リンク切れ]よりアーカイブ。2013年5月20日閲覧。 ^ a b “大島優子、「ヘビロテ」後継者指名 15期生・向井地美音”. ORICON STYLE (oricon ME). (2014年4月6日) 2014年4月9日閲覧。 ^ a b c d e f g “11年目のAKB48、新センター抜擢の向井地美音とは?「アンフェア」子役に大島優子が“後継者”指名…“逸材”がグループの顔に”. モデルプレス (ネットネイティブ). (2016年5月9日) 2016年6月1日閲覧。 ^ a b c d e f 向井地美音 (2014年8月15日). 向井地美音 まずは殻を破らなきゃ. インタビュアー:大西元博. 朝日新聞デジタル.. オリジナルの2014年8月19日時点によるアーカイブ。 2015年4月30日閲覧。朝日新聞夕刊2014年8月15日金曜日掲載分(毎週金曜日夕刊に交代制でインタビューが掲載されていた) ^ “JAPAN MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT”. 2012年5月2日時点のオリジナル[リンク切れ]よりアーカイブ。2013年5月20日閲覧。 ^ 「現役メンバー個人10年史 向井地美音」『日経エンタテイメント 2015年12月増刊 AKB48 10周年スペシャル』日経エンタテイメント第19巻第14号(通号第294号)、日経BP社、2015年11月26日、pp. 73-75。 ^ “大島優子からセンター指名のAKB新星・向井地美音、巨大オシャレゾンビに”. 映画.com (エイガ・ドット・コム). (2014年4月9日) 2014年5月12日閲覧。 ^ “峯岸みなみキャプテン2年目/大組閣祭り”. nikkansports.com (日刊スポーツ新聞社). (2014年2月24日) 2014年2月26日閲覧。 ^ “新チーム4は「人見知り禁止」、木﨑には「いらっしゃい!」の歓声が”. エンタメNEXT (徳間書店). (2014年4月25日) 2014年5月12日閲覧。 ^ “渡辺美優紀“無欲”の勝利「最高のプレゼント」”. ナタリー (ナターシャ). (2014年9月18日) 2014年9月18日閲覧。 ^ “AKB新ユニット「でんでんむChu!」結成 大和田&向井地ら7人組”. ORICON SYTLE (oricon ME). (2015年3月25日) 2015年5月13日閲覧。 ^ “AKB春の衝撃人事一覧――川栄卒業、北原NGT移籍、生駒留学解除”. ORICON SYTLE (oricon ME). (2015年3月26日) 2015年4月6日閲覧。 ^ “【第7回AKB総選挙】開票結果 全順位一覧”. ORICON SYTLE (oricon ME). (2015年6月6日) 2015年6月6日閲覧。 ^ “永山絢斗、兄・瑛太に続き『アンフェア』相棒役に抜てき”. シネマトゥデイ. (2015年2月20日) 2018年11月18日閲覧。 ^ “【特別映像】篠原涼子、涙ながらに訴える…新旧キャスト集結『アンフェア the end』”. シネマカフェ. (2015年5月2日) 2018年11月18日閲覧。 ^ a b c d e “子役からAKBに! 『アンフェア』娘役の現在”. シネマトゥデイ. (2018年11月17日) 2018年11月18日閲覧。 ^ “AKB48向井地美音が初センター、6月には新潟で「選抜総選挙」”. 音楽ナタリー (ナターシャ). (2016年3月21日) 2016年3月28日閲覧。 ^ “【第8回AKB総選挙】AKB向井地美音13位 「世代交代」掲げ初の選抜入り”. ORICON STYLE (oricon ME). (2016年6月18日) 2016年6月20日閲覧。 ^ a b c “AKB向井地美音、脱優等生宣言「先頭を走る人になる」「20周年まで居続ける」”. ORICON NEWS (oricon ME). (2017年1月19日) 2017年1月19日閲覧。 ^ “『第9回AKB48選抜総選挙』完全レポート『全80位メンバーコメント&会場フォト』”. ORICON NEWS. oricon ME (2017年6月17日). 2017年8月7日閲覧。 ^ “AKB加藤玲奈と向井地美音が小嶋陽菜らの後輩に”. nikkansports.com (日刊スポーツ新聞社). (2017年9月5日) 2017年9月5日閲覧。 ^ “13年目の試練なのかチャンスなのか、AKB48組閣で兼任解除や新キャプテン”. 音楽ナタリー (ナターシャ). (2017年12月8日) 2018年12月20日閲覧。 ^ “AKB48向井地美音1位、柏木由紀2位「AKB48グループ センター試験」で見せた“愛の証明” 成績上位16人選抜メンバーも発表”. モデルプレス (ネットネイティブ). (2018年3月16日) 2018年3月16日閲覧。 ^ a b “【第10回AKB総選挙】AKB48向井地美音、13位で2年ぶり選抜返り咲き 総監督へ立候補宣言”. ORICON NEWS (oricon ME). (2018年6月16日) 2018年6月16日閲覧。 ^ “AKB横山由依が総監督退任、向井地美音を後継指名”. nikkansports.com (日刊スポーツ新聞社). (2018年12月8日) 2018年12月8日閲覧。 ^ “AKB48グループ次期総監督に向井地美音を指名 「いつか認めてもらえるよう」と涙”. ORICON NEWS (oricon ME). (2018年12月8日) 2018年12月8日閲覧。 “AKB48横山由依、次期総監督に向井地美音を指名 自身の卒業時期にも言及”. モデルプレス (ネットネイティブ). (2018年12月8日) 2018年12月9日閲覧。 ^ a b 「AKB48 向井地美音 春になると少女は。」、『EX大衆』2016年4月号、双葉社、2016年3月15日、 ASIN B01BCF8X0A。 ^ AKB48 向井地美音さんインタビュー【後編】. (インタビュー). (2016). AKB48グループ ニュースワイヤー 時事ドットコム, 時事通信社. 2016年5月18日閲覧。 ^ “AKB向井地美音、こじはるへの片想い明かす「ずっと一方通行」”. ORICON NEWS (ORICON STYLE) (oricon ME). 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심장을 뛰게할 문서 도쿤 - 오늘자 akb48 트위터 (무카이치 미온 向井地 美音
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dreamtanker-blog · 6 years
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We sell top medical marijuana,seeds,oil,strain and edibles if you are interested let me know so that I can send you menu of what I got Hello am Emmy a legitimate grower and supplier of various strains of Cannabis,seeds and extracts with high THC and CBD. The delivery is fast, safe, secure and 100% guarantee. Interested? Got some good top shelf weed need some?? we are Seller and Supply's of various strains of high grade medical marijuana,at very affordable prices.We offer discreet and reliable packaging and delivery to those further away from our store.Fast and discreet shipment within 2-3 days, using courier service. Here are the details needed to register your order                                 Your names..... strains needed...... Quantity needed... address...... Email address....... Phone number...... City........... State...... Zip code...... Method of payment.......western union , Walmart to Walmart Amount to be paid.... The package will be moved as soon as possible We do discreet  express overnight shipping for USA,We carry on Express 1 days 2 delivery to house address. We do express 3 to 4  days Shipment to  Most parts of Europe. All orders are shipped from our main Branch in US using either DHL,Fedex, UPS, USPS and EMS depending on buyers location and desire we shipped successfully several times to the Uk  and  have never had any problems with the customs and neither has any of my clients has had problems with receiving  so you got nothing to be worried bro? Buddy most customers are skeptical like you and from the first transaction 100% .. they become our regular customers Have no worries bro I do a safe overnight and discrete shipping BELOW ARE SOME FEW OF WHAT WE GOT!!!!!!!! 30g White Widow: $255 30g Blueberry :$255 30g OG Kush :$240 30g granddaddy :$240 30g sour Diesel : $230 30g AK 47 :$230 50g White Widow: $360 50g Blueberry :$360 50g OG Kush :$340 50g granddaddy: $340 50g sour Diesel $350 50g AK 4 oz White widow.......$920 4 oz Blueberry............ $920 4 oz OG Kush......... $900 4 OZ granddaddy............$900 4 oz Sour Diesel........... $880 4 oz AK 47 ............$85047 :$330 Stuff is professionally wrapped into an oily plastic, no smell,no x-ray penetration and can not be dictated even with the ION scanner. then packaged into a PlayStation or X-box carton so buyer receives stuff as though receiving a newly ordered game. We do also send customized packages ( diplomatic sealed ) which evade all custom checks.
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